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synced 2025-03-12 05:58:51 +01:00
basque and other language updates
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin eu %1 - %2 %3tik erabiltzaile kontuak
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin eu %1 - %2 %3tik erabiltzaile taldeak
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin eu %1 ez da aurkitu edo ez da exekutagarria
(stored password will not be shown here) admin eu (Gordetako gakoak ez dira hemen erakutsiko)
accesslog and bruteforce defense admin eu Erregistro sarrerako defentsa eta indarra
account active admin eu Kontu aktibatua
account has been created common eu Kontua sortua izan da
account has been deleted common eu Kontua ezabatua izan da
account has been updated common eu Kontua eguneratua izan da
account list admin eu Kontu zerrenda
account permissions admin eu Kontuaren baimenak
account preferences admin eu Kontuaren hobespenak
action admin eu Ekin
activate wysiwyg-editor admin eu WYSIWYG editorea aktibatu
add a category admin eu kategoria bat gehitu
add a group admin eu talde bat gehitu
add a new account. admin eu Kontu berri bat gehitu
add a subcategory admin eu Azpikategoria bat gehitu
add a user admin eu Erabiltzaile bat gehitu
add account admin eu Kontu bat geitu
add application admin eu Aplikazio bat gehitu
add global category admin eu Kategoria orokor bat gehitu
add global category for %1 admin eu Kategoria orokor bat gehitu %1(e)ntzako
add group admin eu Talde bat gehitu
add new account admin eu Kontu berri bat gehitu
add new application admin eu Aplikazio berri bat gehitu
add peer server admin eu Peer zerbitzaria gehitu
add sub-category admin eu Azpikategoria gehitu
admin email admin eu Administratzailearen posta elektronikoa
admin name admin eu Administratzailearen izena
administration admin eu Administrazioa
admins admin eu Administratzaileak
all users admin eu Erabiltzaile guztiak
allow anonymous access to this app admin eu Sarrera anonimoa baimendu aplikazio honi
anonymous user admin eu Erabiltzaile anonimoa
appearance admin eu Itxura
application admin eu Aplikazioa
application name admin eu Aplikazioaren izena
application title admin eu Aplikazioaren izenburua
applications admin eu Aplikazioak
applications list admin eu Aplikazioen zerrenda
apply admin eu aplikatu
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin eu Ziur zaude %1 aplikazioa ezbatu nahi duzula?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin eu Ziur zaude kontu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin eu Ziur zaude aplikazio hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common eu Ziur zaude kategoria hau ezbatu nahi duzula?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin eu Ziur zaude kategoria global hau ezbatu nahi duzula?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin eu Ziur zaude talde hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin eu Ziur zaude zerbitzari hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin eu Ziru zaude saio honekin amaitu nahi duzula?
async services last executed admin eu Azken zerbitzu asinkronoak exekutatuak
asynchronous timed services admin eu Zerbitzu asinkronoak programatuak
authentication / accounts admin eu Identitatea/Kontuak
back to the list admin eu zerrendara itzuli
bottom admin eu azpialdea
calculate next run admin eu Hurrengo exekuzioa kalkulatu
can change password admin eu Pasahitza aldatu dezakezu
cancel testjob! admin eu Froga lana ezabatu
categories list admin eu Kategorien zerrenda
category %1 has been saved ! admin eu %1 kategoria gorde da
category list admin eu Kategorien zerrenda
change acl rights admin eu ACLko baimenak aldatu
change config settings admin eu Konfigurazio aukerak aldatu
change main screen message admin eu Pantaila nagusiko mezua aldatu
check ip address of all sessions admin eu Saio guztietako IPa begiratu
click to select a color admin eu Egin klik kolore bat aukeratzeko
color admin eu Kolorea
country selection admin eu Herrialde bat aukeratu
create group admin eu Taldea sortu
data admin eu Datuak
day admin eu Eguna
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin eu Asteko eguna <br>(0-6=Iga)
default admin eu Lehenetsia
default file system space per user admin eu Lehenetsitako gunea fitxategien sisteman erabiltzailearengatik
default file system space per user/group ? admin eu Lehenetsitako gunea fitxategien sisteman erabiltzaile edo taldearengatik?
deinstall crontab admin eu Crontab desinstalatu
delete account admin eu Kontua ezabatu
delete all records admin eu Erregistro guztiak ezabatu
delete application admin eu Aplikazioa ezabatu
delete category admin eu Kategoria ezabatu
delete group admin eu Taldea ezabatu
delete peer server admin eu peer zerbitzaria ezabatu
delete the category admin eu Kategoria ezabatu
delete the group admin eu Taldea ezabatu
delete this category admin eu Kategoria hau ezabatu
delete this group admin eu Talde hau ezabatu
delete this user admin eu Erabiltzaile hau ezabatu
deny access to access log admin eu Baimena ukatu sarreren erregistrora
deny access to application registery admin eu Baimena ukatu aplikazioen erregistrora
deny access to applications admin eu Baimena ukatu aplikazioetara
deny access to current sessions admin eu Baimena ukatu momentuko saioetara
deny access to error log admin eu Baimena ukatu erroreen erregistroetara
deny access to global categories admin eu Baimena ukatu kategoria orokorretara
deny access to groups admin eu Baimena ukatu taldeetara
deny access to mainscreen message admin eu Baimena ukatu pantaila nagusiko mezura
deny access to peer servers admin eu Baimena ukatu peer zerbitzarira
deny access to phpinfo admin eu Baimena ukatu phpinfora
deny access to site configuration admin eu Baimena ukatu lekuaren konfigurazioara
deny access to user accounts admin eu Baimena ukatu erabiltzaile kontuetara
disable wysiwyg-editor admin eu WYSIWYG editorea desaktibatu
disabled (not recomended) admin eu desaktibatua (ez da gomendatzen)
display admin eu Erakutsi
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin eu EZ ezabatu kategoria eta itzuli zerrendera
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin eu Azpikategoria orokor guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzu?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin eu Kategoria orokor guztiak ere ezabatu nahi dituzu?
edit account admin eu Kontua editatu
edit application admin eu Aplikazioa editatu
edit global category admin eu Kategoria orokorra editatu
edit global category for %1 admin eu Kategoria orokorra editatu %1entzako
edit group admin eu Taldea editatu
edit group acl's admin eu Taldearen ACLa editatu
edit login screen message admin eu Saioa hasteko pantailaren mezua editatu
edit main screen message admin eu Pantaila nagusiko mezua editatu
edit peer server admin eu Peer zerbitzaria editatu
edit table format admin eu Taularen formatua editatu
edit this category admin eu Kategoria hau editatu
edit this group admin eu Talde hau editatu
edit this user admin eu Erabiltzaile hau editatu
edit user admin eu Erabiltzailea editatu
edit user account admin eu Erabiltzaile kontua editatu
enable debug-messages admin eu Arazketa mezuak aktibatu
enabled - hidden from navbar admin eu Gaitua- nabigazio barra izkutatu
enter a description for the category admin eu sar ezazu deskribapen bat kategoria honentzat
enter the background color for the login page admin eu Sar ezazu atzekoplanoko kolera bat hasierako pantailarako
enter the background color for the site title admin eu Sar ezaz atzekoplanoko kolore bat leku honen izenbururako
enter the site password for peer servers admin eu Sar ezazu lekuaren pasahitza peer zerbitzarirako
enter the site username for peer servers admin eu Sar ezazu lekuaren erabiltzailea peer zerbitzarirako
enter the title for your site admin eu Sar ezazu izenburu bat zure lekurako
enter the title of your logo admin eu Sar ezazu zure logoaren izenburua
enter your default ftp server admin eu Sar ezazu zure FTP zerbitzari lehenetsia
enter your http proxy server admin eu Sar ezazu zure HTTP proxi zerbitzaria
enter your http proxy server port admin eu Sar ezazu zure HTTP proxi zerbitzariaren ataka
enter your smtp server port admin eu Sar ezazu SMTP zerbitzariaren ataka
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin eu Errorea: ez da %1 aurkitu edo beste errore bat
fallback (after each pageview) admin eu Atzerapena (orri bakoitza ikusi ondoren)
file space admin eu Fitxategiaren espazioa
file space must be an integer admin eu Fitxategiaren espazioa oso bat izan behar da
for the times above admin eu goran aipatutako orduetan
force selectbox admin eu Aukeraketa koadroa indartu
global categories common eu Kategoria orokorrak
group ? admin eu taldea?
group has been added common eu Taldea gehitua izan da
group has been deleted common eu Taldea ezabatua izan da
group has been updated common eu Taldea eguneratua izan da
group list admin eu Taldeen zerrenda
group manager admin eu Taldeen administratzailea
group name admin eu Taldearen izena
hide php information admin eu PHP informazioa ezkutatu
home directory admin eu Direktorio pertsonala
host information admin eu Ostalariaren informazioa
hour<br>(0-23) admin eu Ordua<br>(0-23)
icon admin eu Ikonoa
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ leave empty for no quota admin sk ak nechcete kv
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin sk necha» kategóriu bezo zmien a vráti» sa spä» na zoznam
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin sk Necha» skupinu bezo zmien a vráti» sa na zoznam
leaves without saveing admin sk odís» bez ulo¾enia
length<br>rows admin sk Då¾ka<br>Riadky
length<br>rows admin sk Då¾ka/<br>Riadkov
list config settings admin sk Zobrazi» voµby nastavení
list current sessions admin sk Zobrazi» aktuálne sedenia
list of current users admin sk zoznam aktuálnych pou¾ívateµov
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ weekview without weekend calendar en weekview without weekend
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar en Which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar.
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar en Which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ?
whole day calendar en whole day
wk calendar en Wk
wk calendar en Tý?
work day ends on calendar en work day ends on
work day starts on calendar en work day starts on
yearly calendar en Yearly
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ calendar - add calendar eu Egutegia-Erantsi
calendar - edit calendar eu Egutegia-Editatu
calendar event calendar eu Egutegiko gertakaria
calendar holiday management admin eu Jai egunen kudeaketa
calendar preferences calendar eu Lehentasunak-egutegia
calendar preferences calendar eu Egutegiko hobespenak
calendar settings admin eu Lehentasunak egutegian
calendar-fieldname calendar eu Egutegia-Eremuaren izena
canceled calendar eu Ezeztatu
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ click %1here%2 to return to the calendar. calendar eu Klik %1 hemen %2 egutegiar
configuration calendar eu Konfigurazioa
countries calendar eu Herrialdeak
country calendar eu Herrialdea
created by calendar eu Sortu
created by calendar eu Sortzailea
csv-fieldname calendar eu CSV-Fitxategiaren izena
csv-filename calendar eu CSV-Fitxategiaren izena
custom fields calendar eu Eremu pertsonalizatua
@ -1,477 +1,183 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar sk %1 %2 v %3
%1 matches found calendar sk Na¹lo sa %1 záznamov
%1 records imported calendar sk Naimportovaných %1 záznamov
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook sk pøeèteno %1 záznamù (neiportováno, mù¾ete se vrátit %2zpìt%3 a odznaèit Test importu)
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar sk naèítalo sa %1 záznamov (zatiaµ neboli naimportované, vra»te sa a ODznaète Test importu)
(e.g. 1969) addressbook sk (napø. 1969)
(for weekly) calendar sk (pre tý¾denné)
(i/v)cal calendar sk (i/v)Cal
1 match found calendar sk Na¹iel sa 1 záznam
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook sk pou¾ít @-eval() mohou jen správci !!!
accept calendar sk Potvrï
<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5. calendar sk Test
accepted calendar sk Potvrdené
access not permitted addressbook sk pøístup nepovolen
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar sk Zmena, ktorá vyvolala upozornenie: Nové, Zru¹ené, Prijaté, Odmítnuté, ...
add a single entry by passing the fields. calendar sk Prida» záznam preskoèením polo¾iek.
add alarm calendar sk Pridaj pripomienku
add contact calendar sk Pridaj kontakt
add custom field addressbook sk Pøidej u¾ivatelskou polo¾ku
add or update a single entry by passing the fields. calendar sk Pridajte alebo upravte jednotlivý záznam vyplnením príslu¹ných polo¾iek.
added calendar sk Pridané
address book calendar sk Adresár
address book - vcard in addressbook sk Adresáø - VCard v
address book - view addressbook sk Adresáø - pohled
address line 2 addressbook sk Adresa øádek 2
address line 3 addressbook sk Adresa øádek 3
address type addressbook sk Typ adresy
addressbook common sk Telefonní seznam
addressbook preferences addressbook sk Nastavení adresáøe
addvcard addressbook sk Pøidej vizitku VCard
alarm calendar sk Pripomienka
alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar sk Pripomienka %1 %2 v %2
alarm management calendar sk Pripomienkovaè
alarm-management calendar sk Pripomienkovaè
alarms calendar sk Pripomienky
all addressbook sk V¹e
all day calendar sk Celý deò
alt. csv import addressbook sk Alternativní import z CSV
april addressbook sk duben
are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar sk Naozaj zmaza» túto krajinu ?
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook sk Opravdu mám smazat tuto polo¾ku?
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar sk Naozaj zmaza» tento sviatok ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete these alarms? calendar sk Naozaj \nchcete\n zmaza» tieto pripomienky?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar sk Naozaj \nchcete\n zmaza» tento záznam ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar sk Naozaj \nchcete\n zmaza» túto udalos»? \n\nBude zmazaná\n pre v¹etkých pou¾ívateµov.
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this single occurence ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar sk Naozaj \nchcete\n zmaza» tento záznam? \n\nBude zmazaná\n pre v¹etkých pou¾ívateµov.
august addressbook sk srpen
bbs phone addressbook sk Èíslo na BBS
before the event calendar sk pred udalos»ou
birthday common sk Narozeniny
birthdays common sk Narozeniny
blank addressbook sk Prázdná
brief description calendar sk Krátky opis
business calendar sk Obchod
business address type addressbook sk Typ obchodní adresy
business city addressbook sk Mìsto obchodu
business country addressbook sk Zemì obchodu
business email addressbook sk E-mail obchodu
business email type addressbook sk Typ e-mailu obchodu
business fax addressbook sk Fax obchodu
business phone addressbook sk Telefon obchodu
business state addressbook sk Stát obchodu
business street addressbook sk Ulice obchodu
business zip code addressbook sk PSÈ obchodu
calendar common sk Kalendár
calendar - [iv]cal importer calendar sk Kalendár - Import [iv]Cal
calendar - add calendar sk Kalendár - Pridaj
calendar - edit calendar sk Kalendár - Uprav
birthday calendar sk Narozeniny
calendar event calendar sk Udalos» v kalendári
calendar holiday management admin sk Správa sviatkov v kalendári
calendar preferences calendar sk Predvoµby Kalendára
calendar settings admin sk Nastavenia Kalendára
calendar-fieldname calendar sk Kalendár - názov polo¾ky
canceled calendar sk Zru¹ené
car phone addressbook sk Telefon do auta
category addressbook sk Kategorie
cell phone addressbook sk Mobil
change all events for $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner']. calendar sk Zmeni» v¹etky udalosti pre $params['old_owner'] na $params['new_owner'].
change status calendar sk Zmeni» stav
charset of file calendar sk Znaková sada súboru
city common sk Mìsto
click %1here%2 to return to the calendar. calendar sk %1Spä» na kalendáø%2
company common sk Spoleènost
company name common sk Firma
configuration calendar sk Nastavenia
contact common sk Kontakt
contact application admin sk Kontakty
contact settings admin sk Nastavení kontaktù
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook sk Zkopíroval %1 od záznamu è.%2
countries calendar sk Krajiny
country calendar sk Krajina
created by calendar sk Vytvoril
csv-fieldname calendar sk Pole v CVS
csv-filename calendar sk CVS súbor
custom addressbook sk Vlastní
custom fields calendar sk Pou¾ívateµské polo¾ky
custom fields and sorting common sk Pou¾ívateµské polo¾ky a zotrieïovanie
custom fields common sk Pou¾ívateµské polo¾ky
daily calendar sk Denne
daily matrix view calendar sk Denný pohµad na tabuµku
days calendar sk dni
days repeated calendar sk dní sa opakuje
dayview calendar sk Náhµad dòa
debug output in browser addressbook sk Ladící výstup v prohlí¾eèi
december addressbook sk prosinec
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar sk predvolená då¾ka udalostí (v minútach)
default calendar filter calendar sk Predvolený filter kalendára
default calendar view calendar sk Predvolený pohµad na kalendár
default filter addressbook sk Standartní filtr
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar sk Predvolená då¾ka novovytvorených udalostí, v minútach.
defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar sk Definuje, koµkým minútam zodpovedá jeden riadok v dennom pohµade.
delete addressbook sk Sma¾
delete a single entry by passing the id. calendar sk Zma¾ záznam zadaním id.
delete an entire users calendar. calendar sk Zmaza» celý pou¾ívateµov kalendár.
delete selected contacts calendar sk Zmaza» vybrané kontakty
delete series calendar sk Zmaza» sériu
delete single calendar sk Zmaza» tento
deleted calendar sk Zmazané
department common sk Oddìlení
description calendar sk Opis
disable calendar sk Zakáza»
disabled calendar sk zakázané
display interval in day view calendar sk Zobrazi» interval v dennom pohµade
display mini calendars when printing calendar sk Pri tlaèi zobrazi» mini kalendáre
display status of events calendar sk Zobrazi» stav udalostí
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar sk Zobrazi» predvolený kalendár na úvodnej stránke (tej, ktorá sa zobrazuje hneï po prihlásení do eGroupWare)?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar sk Chcete dostáva» správy upovedomujúce o nových èi zmenených udalostiach? Budete informovaní aj o zmenách ktoré sami urobíte.<br>Upovedomenia mô¾ete obmedzi» aj na urèité typy zmien. Ka¾dý prvok obsahuje zároveò v¹etky predo¹lé upovedomenia. V¹etky zmeny zahàòajú zmeny titulku, opisu, úèastníkov, ale nie odpovede úèastníkov. Ak vlastník udalosti ¾iada akékoµvek správy o zmenách, dostane v¾dy aj odozvy úèastníkov, napríklad prijatia a odmietnutia.
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar sk Chcete dostáva» emailom pravidelný súhrn va¹ich schôdzok?<br>Souhrn sa bude posiela» na va¹u be¾nú adresu ka¾dé ráno, prípadne v pondelok pre tý¾denný súhrn.<br>Posiela sa len vtedy, ak nejaké schôdzky na daný deò alebo tý¾deò plánované.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin sk Mám automaticky nahráva» súbory sviatkov?
domestic addressbook sk Domácí
download calendar sk Stiahnu»
duration calendar sk Trvanie
e-mail addressbook sk E-Mail
edit addressbook sk Oprav
edit custom field addressbook sk Oprav vlastní polo¾ku
edit custom fields admin sk Oprav vlastní polo¾ky
edit series calendar sk Upravi» sériu
edit single calendar sk Uprav jednu
email notification calendar sk Upozornenia emailom
email notification for %1 calendar sk Elektronickou po¹tou bude upozornený %1
empty for all calendar sk prázdne znamená v¹etko
enable calendar sk Povoli»
enabled calendar sk zapnuté
end date/time calendar sk Koncový dátum a èas
enddate calendar sk Koncový dátum
ends calendar sk konèí
enter output filename: ( .vcs appended ) calendar sk Zadajte názov výstupného súboru (pripojí sa .vcs)
event details follow calendar sk Podrobnosti o udalosti
exceptions calendar sk Výnimky
export calendar sk Export
export a list of entries in ical format. calendar sk Exportovat zoznam udalostí vo formáte iCal.
export contacts addressbook sk Export kontaktù
export file name addressbook sk Název souboru exportu
export from addressbook addressbook sk Export z adresáøe
extended calendar sk Roz¹írený
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar sk Roz¹írený formát v¾dy obsahuje v¹etky podrobnosti o udalosti. Formát iCal sa dá importova» do niektorých ïal¹ích kalendáønych aplikácií.
external participants calendar sk Externí úèastníci
extra addressbook sk Extra
failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!! calendar sk Nepodarilo sa odosla» správu pre '%1' #%2 predmet='%3', odosielateµ='%4' !!!
fax addressbook sk Fax
fax number common sk Faxové èíslo
february addressbook sk únor
field %1 has been added ! addressbook sk Polo¾ka %1 byla pøidána
field %1 has been updated ! addressbook sk Polo¾ka %1 byla aktualizována
field name addressbook sk Jméno polo¾ky
fields addressbook sk Polo¾ky
fields to show in address list addressbook sk Viditelné polo¾ky v seznamu
fieldseparator calendar sk Oddelovaè polo¾iek
first name addressbook sk Jméno
firstname of person to notify calendar sk Krstné meno upozoròovanej osoby
format of event updates calendar sk Formát správy o zmenách
fr calendar sk Pi
free/busy calendar sk Voµné/Obsadené
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar sk Informácie o zaneprázdnení nie je povolené neprihláseným pou¾ívateµom: po¾ívateµ '%1' je neznámý alebo zadal chybné heslo !!!
frequency calendar sk Frekvencia opakovanie
fri calendar sk Pi
full description calendar sk Opis
full name addressbook sk Celé jméno
fullname of person to notify calendar sk Celé meno upozoròovanej osoby
generate printer-friendly version calendar sk Generuj verziu pre tlaè
geo addressbook sk GEO
global categories calendar sk Globálne kategórie
global public and group public calendar sk Verejná - globálne i pre skupinu
global public only calendar sk Iba globálne verejná
go! calendar sk Choï!
grant addressbook access common sk Deleguj práva pro pøístup k adresáøi
grant calendar access common sk Prideli» prístup do Kalendára
group planner calendar sk Skupinový plánovaè
group public only calendar sk Prístupné iba pre skupinu
here is your requested alarm. calendar sk Vami vy¾iadaná pripomienka.
high priority calendar sk vysoká priorita
holiday calendar sk Sviatky
holiday management calendar sk Správa sviatkov
holiday-management calendar sk Spáva sviatkov
holidays calendar sk Sviatky
home address type addressbook sk Typ adresy domù
home city addressbook sk Mìsto - domù
home country addressbook sk Zemì - domù
home email addressbook sk E-mail - domù
home email type addressbook sk Typ e-mailu domù
home phone addressbook sk Telefon - domù
home state addressbook sk Stát - domù
home street addressbook sk Ulice -domù
home zip code addressbook sk PSÈ - domù
hours calendar sk hodín
i participate calendar sk Zúèastòujem sa
ical / rfc2445 calendar sk iCal - rfc2445
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar sk Ak za¹krtnete toto pole a sviatok pripadne na víkend, automaticky se presunie na nasledujúcí pondelok.
if you dont set a password here, the information is availible to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar sk Ak nenastavíte heslo, budú údaje dostupné komukoµvek kto pozná príslu¹né URL!!!
ignore conflict calendar sk Ignoruj konflikt
import calendar sk Import
import contacts addressbook sk Importuj kontakty
import csv-file common sk Importova» CSV súbor
import file addressbook sk Importuj soubor
import from ldif, csv, or vcard addressbook sk Import z LDIF, CSV nebo VCard
import from outlook addressbook sk Importuj z Outlooku
international addressbook sk Mezinárodní
import csv-file calendar sk Importova» CSV súbor
interval calendar sk Interval
intervals in day view calendar sk Èasové rozlí¹enie v dennom pohµade
intervals per day in planner view calendar sk Rozlí¹enie dní v plánovaèi
invalid entry id. calendar sk Neplatné id
isdn phone addressbook sk ISDN èíslo
january addressbook sk leden
july addressbook sk èervenec
june addressbook sk èerven
label addressbook sk Nálepka
last calendar sk posledné
last name addressbook sk Pøíjmení
lastname of person to notify calendar sk Priezvisko upozoròovanej osoby
ldap context for contacts admin sk LDAP kontext pro kontakty
ldap host for contacts admin sk LDAP hostitel pro kontakty
ldap root dn for contacts admin sk LDAP koøenové dn pro kontakty
ldap root pw for contacts admin sk LDAP koøenové pw pro kontakty
ldif addressbook sk LDIF
length shown<br>(emtpy for full length) calendar sk Då¾ka zobrazenia<br>(prázdne pre plnú då¾ku)
length<br>(<= 255) calendar sk Då¾ka<br>(<=255)
line 2 addressbook sk Øádek 2
link calendar sk Odkaz
link to view the event calendar sk Odkaz na zobrazenie udalosti
list all categories. calendar sk Zobraz v¹etky kategórie
load [iv]cal calendar sk Nahra» [iv]Cal
location calendar sk Umiestnenie
location to autoload from admin sk Umiestnenie zdroja pre automatické nahrávanie
make freebusy information availible to not loged in persons? calendar sk Sprístupni» informácie o voµnom èase a zaneprázdnenosti aj pre neprihlásené osoby?
march addressbook sk bøezen
mark records as private addressbook sk Oznaèit záznam jako soukromý
matrixview calendar sk Denná tabuµka
may addressbook sk kvìten
message phone addressbook sk Telefon pro zprávy
middle name addressbook sk Prostøední jméno
minutes calendar sk minút
mo calendar sk Po
mobile addressbook sk Mobil
mobile phone addressbook sk Mobil
modem phone addressbook sk Èíslo na modem
modified calendar sk Zmenené
modify list of external participants calendar sk Zmeni» zoznam externých úèastníkov
mon calendar sk Po
month calendar sk Mesiac
monthly calendar sk Mesaène
monthly (by date) calendar sk Mesaène (podµa dátumu)
monthly (by day) calendar sk Mesaène (podµa dòa)
monthview calendar sk Mesaèný pohµad
name addressbook sk Jméno
new entry calendar sk Nový záznam
new name must not exist and not be empty!!! calendar sk Nové meno nesmie by» prázdne a nesmie by» u¾ pou¾ívané !!!
no addressbook sk Ne
no matches found calendar sk Nena¹li sa ¾iadne záznamy
no response calendar sk ®iadna odozva
no vcard addressbook sk ®ádná vizitka
none addressbook sk ¾ádné
notes addressbook sk Poznámky
notification messages for added events calendar sk Tvar správy pre nové udalosti
notification messages for canceled events calendar sk Tvar správy pri zru¹ení udalosti
notification messages for modified events calendar sk Tvar správy pri zmene udalosti
notification messages for your alarms calendar sk Tvar správy pripomienky udalosti
notification messages for your responses calendar sk Tvar správy pre Va¹e odpovede
november addressbook sk listopad
number of intervals per day in planner view calendar sk Poèet intervalov za deò v plánovacom pohµade
number of months calendar sk Poèet mesiacov
number of records to read (%1) calendar sk Poèet záznamov k naèítaniu (%1)
observance rule calendar sk Pravidlo zachovania
occurence calendar sk Výskyt
october addressbook sk øíjen
ok addressbook sk OK
old startdate calendar sk Starý poèiatoèný dátum
olddate calendar sk StarýDátum
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar sk %1 %2 %3 vaèa po¾iadavka na schôdzku pre %4
on all changes calendar sk pri v¹etkých zmenách
on all modification, but responses calendar sk pri v¹etkých zmenách okrem odpovedí
on any time change too calendar sk aj pri akejkoµvek zmene èasu
on invitation / cancelation only calendar sk len pri pozvaní/zru¹ení
on participant responses too calendar sk aj pri odpovediach
on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar sk aj pri zmene èasu o viac ne¾ 4 hodiny
open todo's: calendar sk Otvori» Úlohy
order calendar sk Poradie
other number addressbook sk Telefon - ostatní
other phone addressbook sk Jiný telefon
overlap holiday calendar sk prekry» sviatky
pager common sk Pager
parcel addressbook sk Parcela
participant calendar sk Úèastník
participants calendar sk Úèastníci
participates calendar sk Zúèastòuje sa
password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar sk Prístupové heslo k informáciám o zaneprázdnení pre neprihlásené osoby
people holiday calendar sk osobná dovolenka
permission denied calendar sk Prístup odopretý
phone number common sk Telefonní èíslo
phone numbers common sk Telefonní èísla
planner calendar sk Plánovaè
planner by category calendar sk Plánovaè - podµa kategórie
planner by user calendar sk Plánovaè - podµa pou¾ívateµa
please confirm,accept,reject or examine changes in the corresponding entry in your calendar calendar sk Prosím potvrïte, prijmite, odvolajte alebo skontrolujte zmeny v príslu¹nom zázname kalendára
please enter a filename !!! calendar sk Prosím vlo¾te názov súboru !!!
please enter a name for that field ! addressbook sk Prosím zadejte jméno pro tuto polo¾ku !
please select addressbook sk Vyberte prosím
please set your preferences for this app addressbook sk Upravte si prosím volby pro tuto aplikaci
please set your preferences for this application addressbook sk Upravte si prosím volby pro tuto aplikaci
postal common sk Po¹tovní
pref addressbook sk Titul
prefix addressbook sk Titul
preselected group for entering the planner calendar sk Predvybraná skupina pre vstup do plánovaèa
print calendars in black & white calendar sk Tlaè kalendáre èiernobielo
print the mini calendars calendar sk Tlaèi» minikalendáre
printer friendly calendar sk Pre tlaè
privat calendar sk Súkromé
private addressbook sk Soukromé
private and global public calendar sk Súkromé i verejnì prístupné
private and group public calendar sk Prístupné súkromne i pre skupinu
private only calendar sk Iba súkromne
public addressbook sk veøejné
public key addressbook sk Veøejný klíè
re-edit event calendar sk Znovu uprav
read a list of entries. calendar sk Naèítaj zoznam záznamov.
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. calendar sk Naèítaj záznam zadaním ID a zoznamu záznamov.
read this list of methods. calendar sk naèítaj tento zoznam metód.
receive email updates calendar sk Dostáva» informácie elektronickou po¹tou?
receive extra information in event mails calendar sk Dostáva» elektronickou po¹tou roz¹írené informácie o udalostiach
receive summary of appointments calendar sk Dostáva» súhrn udalostí
record access addressbook sk Pøístup k záznamu
record owner addressbook sk Vlastník záznamu
recurring event calendar sk Opakujúca se udalos»
refresh calendar sk Obnovi»
reinstate calendar sk Obnovi» výskyty
rejected calendar sk Odmietnuté
repeat day calendar sk Deò pre opakovanie
repeat end date calendar sk Dátum konca opakovania
repeat type calendar sk Druh opakovania
repeating event information calendar sk Informácie o opakovaní udalosti
repetition calendar sk Opakovanie
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar sk Detaily o opakovaní (alebo niè)
reset calendar sk Vynulova»
retrieve contacts admin sk naèti kontakty
rule calendar sk Pravidlo
sa calendar sk So
sat calendar sk So
scheduling conflict calendar sk Konflikt plánovania
search results calendar sk Výsledky vyhµadávania
select all addressbook sk Vybrat v¹e
select where you want to store admin sk Vyberte místo pro ulo¾ení
selected contacts (%1) calendar sk Vybrané kontakty (%1)
send updates via email common sk Posla» zmeny e-mailom
send/receive updates via email calendar sk Posiela» / prijíma» zmeny e-mailem
september addressbook sk záøí
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar sk Rok nastavte iba pre jednorázové a nepravidelné udalosti.
set new events to private calendar sk Nastav nové udalosti ako súkromné
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar sk Majú se odmietnuté pozvánky stále zobrazova» v kalendári?<br>Mô¾ete ich prija» neskôr (napríklad keï sa vyrie¹i konflikt plánovania), ale len ak sú stále zobrazené vo va¹om kalendári!
should new events created as private by default ? calendar sk Majú sa nové udalosti be¾ne vytvára» ako súkromné?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar sk Mô¾u neprihlásené osoby vidie» informácie o Va¹am zaneprázdnení èi voµnom èase? Mô¾ete si nastavi» aj dodatoèné heslo, odli¹né od Va¹eho be¾ného hesla, k ochrane týchto údajov. Tieto údaje sú vo formáte iCal a obsahujú iba èasy va¹ej zaneprázdnenosti, bez zbytoèných podrobností ako napr. názvov udalostí, opisov alebo miest. Odkaz na tieto informácie je %1.
should the mini calendars by printed / displayed in the printer friendly views ? calendar sk Mají se minikalendáøe zobrazovat a tisknout i v náhledech tisku?
should the printer friendly view be in black & white or in color (as in normal view)? calendar sk Má být náhled tisku èernobílý nebo barevný?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar sk Má se za jménem u¾ivatele zobrazovat jeho vztah k události (pøijmul, odmítnul, ...)?
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook sk Pøipomínat narozeniny na hlavní stranì
show day view on main screen calendar sk Zobraz denní pohled na hlavní stránce
show default view on main screen calendar sk Zobraz standartní pohled na hlavní stránce
show high priority events on main screen calendar sk Zobraz události s vysokou prioritou na hlavní stránce
show invitations you rejected calendar sk Zobraz odmítnuté pozvánky
show list of upcoming events calendar sk Zobraz seznam budoucích událostí
single event calendar sk samostatná událost
sorry, the owner has just deleted this event calendar sk Omlouvám se, vlastník právì smazal tuto událost
sorry, this event does not exist calendar sk Omlouvám se, tato událost neexistuje
sorry, this event does not have exceptions defined calendar sk Omlouvám se, tato událost nemá definovány výjimky
sort by calendar sk Setøídìno podle
specifies the the number of intervals shown in the planner view. calendar sk Urèuje poèet zobrazených intervalù v plánovaèi
start date/time calendar sk Poèáteèní datum a èas
start- and enddates calendar sk Poèáteèní a koncové datum
startdate calendar sk Poèátek
startrecord calendar sk První záznam
state common sk Stát
street common sk Ulice
su calendar sk Ne
submit addressbook sk Ode¹li
submit to repository calendar sk Ulo¾it do databáze
successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. addressbook sk Ùspì¹nì importováno %1 záznamù do adresáøe.
suffix addressbook sk Pøípona
sun calendar sk Ne
tentative calendar sk Pøedbì¾nì
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar sk Otestovat import (importované záznamy se zobrazí <u>jen</u> v prohlí¾eèi)
text calendar sk Text
th calendar sk Èt
that field name has been used already ! addressbook sk Takový název polo¾ky u¾ existuje !
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>%1</ul> calendar sk Následují kolize se zadaným èasem:<ul>%1</ul>
the user %1 is not participating in this event! calendar sk U¾ivatel %1 se neúèastní této události
there was an error trying to connect to your news server.<br>please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password. calendar sk Vyskytl se problém se spojením na news-server. <BR>Prosím kontaktujte administrátora.
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar sk Tento den je zobrazen jako první v náhledu týdne èi mìsíce
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar sk Touto hodinou konèí denní pohled. Události po této hodinì se zobrazí za denním pohledem.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar sk Touto hodinou zaèíná denní pohled. Události pøed ní se zobrazí nad denním pohledem.<br>Zároveò se tato hodina pou¾ije jako výchozí pro nové události.
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar sk Tato skupina bude automaticky vybrána pøi vstupu do plánovaèe. V plánovaèi ji mù¾ete mìnit podle libosti.
this is mostly caused by a not or wrongly configured smtp server. notify your administrator. calendar sk Pravdìpodobnì je ¹patnì nastaven SMTP server. Upozornìte správce systému.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar sk Tato zpráva se ode¹le pøi zru¹ení èi smazání události
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar sk Tato zpráva je posílána pøi zmìnì èi pøesunutí události
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar sk Tato zpráva se ode¹le v¹em úèastníkùm Va¹í schùzky, kteøí po¾ádali o zprávy o nových událostech<br>Mù¾ete pou¾ít rùzné promìnné, které budou nahrazeny skuteènými údaji o události.<br>První øádka je pøedmìt zprávy
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar sk Tato zpráva se ode¹le pokud pøijmete, pøedbì¾nì pøijmete èi odmítnete událost (schùzku).
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar sk Tato zpráva se ode¹le pokud je nastaveno pøipomenutí nìjaké události. Uveïte v¹echny údaje které mù¾ete potøebovat.
this month calendar sk Tento mìsíc
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook sk Toto jméno nebylo nalezeno v adresáøi.
this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook sk Toto pøíjmení nebylo nalezeno v adresáøi.
this week calendar sk Tento týden
this year calendar sk Letos
thu calendar sk Èt
title calendar sk Název
title of the event calendar sk Název události
title-row calendar sk Nadpis
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar sk pøíli¹ mnoho mù¾e pøekroèit èas vymezený pro vykonání
today calendar sk Dnes
today is %1's birthday! common sk Dnes má narozeniny %1!
tomorrow is %1's birthday. common sk Zítra má narozeniny %1.
translation calendar sk Pøeklad
tu calendar sk Út
tue calendar sk Út
update a single entry by passing the fields. calendar sk Zmìnit záznam pøedáním polo¾ek.
updated calendar sk Aktualizováno
use end date calendar sk Datum konce pou¾ití
vcard common sk Vizitka VCard
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook sk Vizitky potøebují zadané køestní jméno.
vcards require a last name entry. addressbook sk Vizitky potøebují zadané pøíjmení.
video phone addressbook sk Video telefon
view this entry calendar sk Uka¾ tento záznam
voice phone addressbook sk Voice telefon
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin sk VAROVÁNÍ!! LDAP nejde pou¾ít, pokud pou¾íváte kontakty pro uchování u¾ivatelských úètù
we calendar sk St
wed calendar sk St
week calendar sk Týden
weekday starts on calendar sk Týden zaèíná dnem
weekly calendar sk Týdnì
weekview calendar sk Náhled týdne
when creating new events default set to private calendar sk Novì vytvoøené události standartnì nastavit na soukromé
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar sk Jaké události chcete vidìt pøi spu¹tìní kalendáøe?
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar sk Jaký náhled chcete vidìt pøi spu¹tìní kalendáøe?
work day ends on calendar sk Pracovní den zaèíná
work day starts on calendar sk Pracovní den konèí
work phone addressbook sk Telefon - práce
workdayends calendar sk konecpráce
yearly calendar sk Roènì
yearview calendar sk Náhled roku
yes addressbook sk Ano
you appear to be running addressbook sk Pou¾íváte
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar sk Mù¾ete zadat buï rok nebo výskyt, ale ne obojí !!!
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar sk Mù¾ete zadat buï rok nebo výskyt, ale ne obojí !!!
you do not have permission to add alarms to this event !!! calendar sk Nemáte právo pøidat pøipomenutí k této události !!!
you do not have permission to delete this alarm !!! calendar sk Nemáte právo smazat toto pøipomenutí !!!
you do not have permission to enable/disable this alarm !!! calendar sk Nemáte právo zapnout nebo vypnout toto pøipomenutí !!!
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar sk Nemáte právo èíst tento záznam
you have %1 high priority events on your calendar today. common sk Máte dnes %1 událostí s vysokou priritou.
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common sk Máte dnes 1 událost s vysokou prioritou.
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar sk Máte naplánovanou schùzku na %1
you have not entered a title calendar sk Nebyl zadán název
you have not entered a valid date calendar sk Nebylo zadáno správné datum
you have not entered a valid time of day calendar sk Nebyl zadán správný èas
you have not entered participants calendar sk Nebyli zadání spoluzodpovìdní
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar sk Musíte zadat alespoò jedno klíèové slovo
you must select a [iv]cal. (*.[iv]cs) calendar sk Musíte vybrat [iv]Cal. (*.[iv]cs)
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook sk Musíte vybrat VCard (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook sk Musíte vybrat alespoò 1 sloupec k zobrazení.
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar sk Musíte nastavit buï den nebo výskyt !!!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar sk Schùzka plánovavaná na %1 byla zru¹ena
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar sk Schùzka plánovaná na %1 byla pøelo¾ena na %2
your suggested time of <b> %1 - %2 </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar sk Vá¹ navrhovaný èas <B> %1 - %2 </B> se kryje s následujícími záznamy v kalendáøi:
zip code common sk PSÈ
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
mainscreen_message home sk textová správa hlavnej stránky
mainscreen_message home sk -domovská stránka-
there is a new version of egroupware available home sk Existuje u¾ nov¹ia verzia eGroupWare
@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
%1 email addresses inserted common eu %1 helbide elektronikoak txertatuak
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common eu %1eGroupWare%2 web-ean oinarritutako talde lanerako tresna erabiltzaile anitza da
00 (disable) admin eu 00 (desaktibatu)
13 (ntp) admin eu 13 (ntp)
80 (http) admin eu 80 (http)
_delete row htmlarea-ContextMenu eu _Ezabatu errenkada
_image properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu _Irudiaren propietatea...
_modify link... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu _Lotura aldatu...
_remove link... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu _Lotura kendu...
_table properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu _Taularen propietateak...
about common eu Honi buruz
about %1 common eu %1ri buruz
about the calendar jscalendar eu Egutegiari buruz
@ -23,14 +29,17 @@ administration common eu Administrazioa
afghanistan common eu AFGANISTAN
albania common eu ALBANIA
algeria common eu ALJERIA
align htmlarea-TableOperations eu Lerrokatu
all common eu Guztiak
all fields common eu eremu guztiak
alphabet common eu a,b,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
alternate style-sheet: common eu Txadakatu estilo-orria
american samoa common eu AMERICAN SAMOA
andorra common eu ANDORRA
angola common eu ANGOLA
anguilla common eu ANGUILLA
antarctica common eu ANTARTIKA
antigua and barbuda common eu ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
antigua and barbuda common eu ANTIGUA ETA BARBUDA
apply common eu Aplikatu
april common eu Apirila
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common eu Ziur al zaude sarrera hauek ezbatu nahi dituzula?
@ -63,8 +72,11 @@ bhutan common eu BHUTAN
blocked, too many attempts common eu Blokeatuta saiakera gehiegi
bold htmlarea eu Lodia
bolivia common eu BOLIBIA
border htmlarea-TableOperations eu Ertza
borders htmlarea-TableOperations eu Ertzak
bosnia and herzegovina common eu BOSNIA ETA HERZEGOVINA
botswana common eu BOSTWANA
bottom htmlarea-TableOperations eu Behean
bouvet island common eu BOUVET ISLAND
brazil common eu BRASIL
british indian ocean territory common eu BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
@ -79,16 +91,21 @@ cameroon common eu CAMEROON
canada common eu CANADA
cancel common eu Ezeztatu
cape verde common eu CAPE VERDE
caption htmlarea-TableOperations eu Epigrafea
categories common eu Kategoriak
categories for common eu Kategoriak
category common eu Kategoria
category %1 has been added ! common eu Kategoria %1 erantsia izan da
category %1 has been updated ! common eu Kategoria %1 eguneratua izan da
cayman islands common eu CAIMAN IRLAK
cell properties htmlarea-TableOperations eu Gelaxkaren propietateak
center htmlarea-TableOperations eu Erdian
central african republic common eu ERTA AFRIKAKO ERREPUBLIKA
chad common eu CHAD
change common eu Aldatu
char htmlarea-TableOperations eu Karaktere
check installation common eu Instalazioa egiaztu
check now common eu Egiaztatu orain
chile common eu CHILE
china common eu TXINA
choose the category common eu Kategoria aukeratu
@ -129,27 +146,41 @@ date common eu Data
date due common eu Muga eguna
date selection: jscalendar eu Aukeratu data:
december common eu Abendua
decimal numbers htmlarea-ListType eu Zenbaki hamartarrak
decrease indent htmlarea eu Txikitu koska
default category common eu Lehenetsitako kategoria
delete common eu Ezabatu
delete cell htmlarea-TableOperations eu Gelaxka ezabatu
delete column htmlarea-TableOperations eu Zutabea ezabatu
delete row htmlarea-TableOperations eu Errenkada ezabatu
delete the current column htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Zutabe hau ezabatu
delete the current row htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Errenkada hau ezabatu
denmark common eu Danimarka
description common eu Deskribapena
detail common eu Zehaztasuna
details common eu Zehaztasunak
dictionary htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Hiztegia
disable slider effects common eu Efektu graduatzaileak desaktibatu
disabled common eu Desgaitu
disabled common eu Desaktibatu
djibouti common eu DJIBOUTI
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common eu Azpikategoria guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzu?
document properties common eu Dokumentuaren propietateak:
document title: common eu Dokumentuaren izenburua:
domain common eu Domeinu
dominica common eu DOMINICA
dominican republic common eu ERREPUBLICA DOMINIKARRA
done common eu Egina
drag to move jscalendar eu Arrastatu mugitzeko
e-mail common eu Posta elektronikoa
east timor common eu EAST TIMOR
ecuador common eu ECUADOR
edit common eu Editatu
edit %1 category for common eu Editatu %1 kategoria
edit categories common eu Editatu kategoriak
edit category common eu Editatu kategoria
egypt common eu EGIPTO
el salvador common eu EL SALVADOR
element... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Elementu...
email common eu Posta elektronikoa
enabled common eu Lehenengo orria
end date common eu Amaiera data
@ -157,12 +188,15 @@ end time common eu Amaiera ordua
enlarge editor htmlarea eu Editorea handitu
entry has been deleted sucessfully common eu Sarrera zuzen ezabatu da
entry updated sucessfully common eu Sarrera zuzen eguneratu da
equatorial guinea common eu GUINEA ECUATORIAL
eritrea common eu ERITREA
error common eu Errorea
error creating %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa sortzerakoan
error deleting %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa ezabatzerakoan
error renaming %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa berizendatzerakoan
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exact common eu Zehatz
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fixme! common eu Zuzendu nazazu!
float htmlarea-TableOperations eu Mugikorra
font color htmlarea eu Hizki kolorea
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help using editor htmlarea eu Laguntza editorea erabiltzerakoan
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horizontal rule htmlarea eu Erregela horizontala
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make lin_k... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Lotura egin...
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mozambique common eu MOZAMBIQUE
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name common eu Izena
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never common eu Inoiz
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next month (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Hurrengo hilabetea
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niger common eu NIGER
nigeria common eu NIGERIA
niue common eu NIUE
no common eu Ez
no entries found, try again ... common eu Ez da sarrerarik aurkitu, saiatu berriro...
no history for this record common eu Ez dago historiarik erregistro honetarako
no rules htmlarea-TableOperations eu Erregelarik gabe
no sides htmlarea-TableOperations eu Eremurik gabe
no subject common eu Gaiarik gabe
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notes common eu Oharrak
notify window common eu Abisu leihoa
november common eu Azaroa
october common eu Urria
ok common eu Onartu
old value common eu Aurreko balioa
oman common eu OMAN
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parent category common eu Goi kategoria
password common eu Pasahitza
password could not be changed common eu Pasahitza ezin izan da aldatu
password has been updated common eu Pasahitza eguneratua izan da
paste htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Itsatsi
paste from clipboard htmlarea eu Arbelatik itsatsi
path htmlarea eu Ruta
percent htmlarea-TableOperations eu ehunekotan
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pixels htmlarea-TableOperations eu pixelak
please click into some cell htmlarea-TableOperations eu Mesedez egin klik gelaxka batean
please confirm that you want to open this link htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Mesedez berretsi lotura hau zabaldu nahi duzula
please confirm that you want to remove this element: htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Mesedez berretsi elementu hauek kendu nahi dituzula:
please confirm that you want to unlink this element. htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Mesedez berretsi elementu hauek desestekatu nahi dituzula:
please enter a name common eu Mesedez izen bat sartu
please select common eu Mesedez aukeratu
please wait... common eu Mesedez itxaron
poland common eu POLONIA
portugal common eu PORTUGAL
postal common eu Postala
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common eu Hornitzailea <a href="http://www.egropware.org">eGroupWare</a> %1 bertsioa
preferences common eu Hobespenak
prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Aurreko hilabetea (menuan mantendu)
prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Aurreko urtea (menuan mantendu)
previous page common eu Aurreko orria
primary style-sheet: common eu Lehenengo estilo orria
print common eu Inprimatu
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project common eu Proiektua
public common eu Publikoa
puerto rico common eu PUERTO RICO
qatar common eu QATAR
re-check htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Egiaztatu
read common eu Irakurri
read this list of methods. common eu Metodo zerrenda hau irakurri
redoes your last action htmlarea eu Azken ekintza ukatu
reject common eu Ukatu
remove selected accounts common eu Aukeratutako kontuak kendu
remove the htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Kendu
rename common eu Berizendatu
replace htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Ordezkatu
replace all htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Ordezkatu guztiak
replace with htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Ordezkatu -kin
reunion common eu REUNION
revert htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Itzuli
right htmlarea-TableOperations eu Eskuinean
ro_w properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Errenkadaren propietateak
romania common eu RUMANIA
row properties htmlarea-TableOperations eu Errenkadaren propietateak
rules htmlarea-TableOperations eu Erregelak
saint helena common eu SANTA HELENA
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saudi arabia common eu SAUDI ARABIA
save common eu Gorde
search common eu Bilatu
search %1 '%2' common eu Bilatu %1 '%2'
search or select accounts common eu Bilatu aukeratutako kontuetan
section common eu Sekzioa
select common eu Aukeratu
select all %1 %2 for %3 common eu Guztiak aukeratu %1 %2 %3tik
select category common eu Aukeratu kategoria
select date common eu Aukeratu eguna
select group common eu Aukeratu taldea
select home email address common eu Aukeratu hasierako helbide elektronikoa
select one common eu Aukeratu bat
select user common eu Aukeratu erabiltzailea
select work email address common eu Aukeratu laneko helbide elektronikoa
selection common eu Aukeraketa
send common eu Bidali
senegal common eu SENEGAL
september common eu Iraila
server %1 has been added common eu %1 zerbitzaria gehitua izan da
server name common eu Zerbitzariaren izena
session has been killed common eu Saio ezabatua izan da
setup common eu Instalazioa
setup main menu common eu Instalaziorako menu nagusia
seychelles common eu SEYCHELLES
show all common eu Erakutsi guztia
show all categorys common eu erakutsi kategoria guztiak
show menu common eu erakutsi menua
show page generation time common eu Orriaren sorkuntza denbora erakutsi
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common eu Orriaren sorkuntza denbora orriaren azpian erakutsi?
show the image properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Irudien propietateen elkarrizketa koadroa erakutsi
show the table properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Taulen propietateen elkarrizketa koadroa erakutsi
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showing %1 - %2 of %3 common eu %1 %2 %3tik erakutsiz
sierra leone common eu SIERRA LEONA
singapore common eu SINGAPORE
slovakia common eu SLOVAKIA
slovenia common eu SLOVENIA
solomon islands common eu SOLOMON ISLANDS
somalia common eu SOMALIA
sorry, your login has expired login eu Barkatu zure saioa iraungi egin da
south africa common eu HEGO AFRIKA
spacing htmlarea-TableOperations eu Tartea
spacing and padding htmlarea-TableOperations eu Tartea eta betegarria
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strikethrough htmlarea eu Marratua
subject common eu Gaia
submit common eu Bidali
subscript htmlarea eu Azpiindizea
substitutions and their meanings: common eu Ordezkapenak eta hauen esanahiak:
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suggestions htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Proposamenak
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superscript htmlarea eu Goiindizea
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text align htmlarea-TableOperations eu Lerrokatu testuarekin
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thailand common eu THAILAND
the api is current common eu APIa eguneratua dago
the api requires an upgrade common eu APIak eguneratze bat behar du
the bottom side only htmlarea-TableOperations eu Beheko eremua soilik
this application is current common eu Aplikazio hau eguneratua dago
this application requires an upgrade common eu Aplikazio honek egunertzea behar du
this name has been used already common eu Izen hau erabilia dago!
thursday common eu Osteguna
time common eu Ordua
time selection: jscalendar eu Ordua aukeratu:
time zone common eu Ordu-zona
time zone offset common eu Ordu-zonako diferentzia
title common eu Izenburua
today common eu Gaur
toggle first day of week jscalendar eu Asteko lehen eguna aldatu
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top htmlarea-TableOperations eu Goian
total common eu Guztia
trinidad and tobago common eu TRINIDAD ETA TOBAGO
tuesday common eu Asteartea
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turkey common eu TURKIA
turkmenistan common eu TURKMENISTAN
tuvalu common eu TUVALU
uganda common eu UGANDA
ukraine common eu UKRANIA
underline htmlarea eu Azpimarratu
undoes your last action htmlarea eu Aurreko ekintza desegin
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united states common eu ESTATU BATUAK
unknown common eu Ezezaguna
unlink the current element htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Momentuko elementuak desestekatu
update common eu Eguneratu
upload image htmlarea-UploadImage eu Irudia kargatu
url common eu URL
uruguay common eu URUGUAY
use button to search for common eu erabili botoia bilaketarako
use button to search for address common eu erabili botoia helbideen bilaketarako
use button to search for calendarevent common eu erabili botoia egutegiko gertaeren bilaketarako
use button to search for project common eu erabili botoia proiektuen bilaketarako
user common eu Erabiltzailea
user accounts common eu erabiltzaile kontua
user groups common eu erabiltzaile taldeak
username common eu erabiltzaile izena
users common eu erabiltzaileak
users choice common eu Erabiltzaileak erabakitzeko
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vanuatu common eu VANUATU
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vertical align htmlarea-TableOperations eu Lerrokatze bertikala
viet nam common eu VIET NAM
view common eu Ikusi
wallis and futuna common eu WALLIS ETA FUTUNA
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welcome common eu Ongo etorri
western sahara common eu MENDEBALDEKO SAHARA
which groups common eu Zein taldeak
width htmlarea-TableOperations eu Zabalera
wk jscalendar eu wk
work email common eu laneko posta elektronikoa
written by: common eu Nork idatzi:
year common eu Urtea
yemen common eu YEMEN
yes common eu Bai
you have been successfully logged out login eu Zuzen irten zara
you have not entered a title common eu Ez duzu izenbururik sartu
you have not entered a valid date common eu Ez duzu baliozko data bat sartu
you have not entered a valid time of day common eu Ez duzu eguneko ordu bat sartu
you have not entered participants common eu Ez duzu partehartzailerik sartu
you have selected an invalid date common eu Aukeratutako datak ez du balio!
you have selected an invalid main category common eu Aukeratutako kategoria nagusiak ez du balio!
you have successfully logged out common eu Saioa zuzen bukatu duzu
your message has been sent common eu Zure mezua bidalia izan da
your search returned %1 matchs common eu Zure bilaketak %1eko emaitza izan du
your search returned 1 match common eu Zure bilaketak emaitza bai izan du
your session could not be verified. login eu Zure saioa ezin izan da egiaztatu
your settings have been updated common eu Zure hobespenak eguneratuak izan dira
yugoslavia common eu YUGOSLAVIA
zambia common eu ZAMBIA
zimbabwe common eu ZIMBABWE
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ alphabet common sk a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
alternative image tinymce sk Alternatívny obrázok
andorra common sk ANDORA
angola common sk ANGOLA
apply common sk Pou¾i
apply common sk Pou¾i»
april common sk Apríl
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common sk Ste si istí, chcete zmaza» tieto záznamy?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common sk Ste si istí, chcete zmaza» tento záznam?
Reference in New Issue
Block a user