mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 10:08:16 +01:00
Add lang files, split from main lang files
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* make sure that you remove users from this group before you delete it. admin br * tenha certeza de apagar os usuarios deste grupo antes de voce apaga-lo.
account active admin br Conta Inativa
active admin br Ativo
all records and account information will be lost! admin br Todos registros e informacoes de contas serao perdidas!
anonymous user admin br Usuario Anonimo
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin br Tem certeza que deseja apagar esta conta ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin br Voce tem certeza que deseja apagar este grupo ?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin br Tem certeza que deseja apagar este site news ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin br Voce tem certeza que deseja matar esta secao ?
base url admin br URL de base
create group admin br Criar Grupo
disabled admin br Desabilitato
display admin br Visualiza
group name admin br Nome do Grupo
headline sites admin br Headlines
idle admin br inativo
ip admin br IP
kill admin br Matar
last time read admin br Ultima Leitura
last x logins admin br Ultimo %1 login
list of current users admin br Lista de usuarios correntes
listings displayed admin br listagens mostradas
login time admin br Hora do Login
loginid admin br Identificativo Login
manager admin br Gerente
minutes between reloads admin br Minutos entre reloads
new group name admin br Novo nome do Grupo
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin br Nova Senha [ Deixe em branco para nao alterar ]
news file admin br Arquivo de news
news type admin br Tipo de news
percent of users that logged out admin br Percentual de usuarios que terminaram a secao corretamente
re-enter password admin br Re-digite sua senha
site admin br Site
that loginid has already been taken admin br Este nome ja esta em uso
that site has already been entered admin br Este site ja foi cadastrado
the login and password can not be the same admin br O login nao pode ser o mesmo da senha
the two passwords are not the same admin br As duas senhas nao sao a mesma
total records admin br Total de registros
user accounts admin br Contas de Usuarios
user groups admin br Grupos de Usuarios
view access log admin br Visualiza Log de acesso
view sessions admin br Visualiza Sessao
you must enter a base url admin br Insira a URL base
you must enter a display admin br Voce deve digitar o display
you must enter a news url admin br Voce deve digitar uma URL de news
you must enter a password admin br Voce deve digitar uma senha
you must enter the number of listings display admin br Digite o numero de listagens exibidas
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin br Entre com o numero de minutos entre os reloads
you must select a file type admin br Voce deve selecionar um tipo de arquivo
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
account active admin cs Aktivní úèet
active admin cs Aktivní
all records and account information will be lost! admin cs V¹echny záznamy a informace o úètu budou ztraceny!
anonymous user admin cs Anonymní u¾ivatel
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin cs Jste si jist, ¾e chcte vymazat tento úèet ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin cs Jste si jist, ¾e chcete vymazat tuto skupinu ?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin cs Jste si jist, ¾e chcete vymazat tuto sí» novinek (news site) ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin cs Jste si jist, ¾e chcete zru¹it tuto relaci ?
base url admin cs Základní adresa URL
create group admin cs Vytvoøit skupinu
disabled admin cs Zakázaný
display admin cs Zobraz
group name admin cs Jméno skupiny
headline sites admin cs Sítì s novými èlánky
idle admin cs Èekající
ip admin cs IP - adresa
kill admin cs Zru¹it
last time read admin cs Poslednì pøeèteno
last x logins admin cs Posledních %1 pøihlá¹ení
list of current users admin cs Seznam souèasných u¾ivatelù
listings displayed admin cs Zobrazené seznamy
login time admin cs Èas pøihlá¹ení
loginid admin cs U¾ivatelské jméno
manager admin cs Správce
minutes between reloads admin cs Minut mezi opkakováním naètení
network news admin cs Sí»ové novinky
new group name admin cs Nové jméno skupiny
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin cs Nové heslo [ Pokud je nechcete mìnit, ponechte prázdné ]
news file admin cs Soubor zpráv (news)
news type admin cs Druh zpráv
percent of users that logged out admin cs Procento u¾ivatelù, kteøí se odhlásili
permissions admin cs Povolení
re-enter password admin cs Opakuj heslo
select users for inclusion admin cs Vyberte u¾ivatele, kteøí budou pøidáni
site admin cs Sí»
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin cs Je mi líto, tito u¾ivatelé jsou stále èleny skupiny
that loginid has already been taken admin cs Toto u¾ivatelské jméno ji¾ bylo pou¾ito
that site has already been entered admin cs Tato sí» ji¾ byla zadána
the login and password can not be the same admin cs Heslo a u¾ivatelské jméno nemù¾e být stejné
the two passwords are not the same admin cs Zadaná hesla nejsou stejná
they must be removed before you can continue admin cs Musí být odebráni ne¾ budete moci pokraèovat
total records admin cs Celkem záznamù
user accounts admin cs U¾ivatelské úèty
user groups admin cs U¾ivatelské skupiny
view access log admin cs Uka¾ záznam pøístupù
view sessions admin cs Uka¾ relace
you must enter a base url admin cs Musíte zadat základní URL adresu
you must enter a display admin cs Musíte zadat obrazovku
you must enter a news url admin cs Musíte zadat URL adresu news
you must enter a password admin cs Musíte zadat heslo
you must enter the number of listings display admin cs Musíte zadat poèet zobrazených záznamù
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin cs Musíte zadat poèet minut mezi opakováním naètení
you must select a file type admin cs Musíte vybrat druh souboru
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
account active admin da Kontoen aktiv
active admin da aktiv
add new account admin da Tilføj ny konto
add new application admin da Tilføj ny applikation
all records and account information will be lost! admin da Alle records og brugerinformationer vil blive tabt!
anonymous user admin da Annonym bruger
application name admin da Applikations navn
application title admin da Applikations titel
applications admin da Applikationer
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin da Vil Du virkelig slette denne bruger?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin da Vil Du virkelig slette denne applikation?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin da Vil Du virkelig slette denne gruppe?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin da Vil Du virkelig slette denne nyhedsside?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin da Vil Du virkelig slette denne session?
base url admin da Base-url
create group admin da Opret gruppe
disabled admin da Inaktiveret
display admin da Visning
edit application admin da Redigér applikation
edit group admin da Redigér gruppe
enabled admin da Aktiveret
enabled - hidden from navbar admin da Aktiveret - skjult fra navigationsbjælken
group name admin da Gruppenavn
headline sites admin da Overskrift sites
idle admin da Inaktiv
installed applications admin da Installerede applikationer
ip admin da IP
kill admin da Fjern
last time read admin da Sidst læst
last x logins admin da Sidste %1 log ind
list of current users admin da Liste over nuværende brugere
listings displayed admin da Viste lister
login time admin da Log ind tid
loginid admin da Login ID
manager admin da Manager
minutes between reloads admin da Minutter mellem opdateringer
network news admin da Netværk nyheder
new group name admin da Nyt gruppe navn
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin da Nyt password [efterlad tom for ikke at ændre]
news file admin da Nyheds fil
news type admin da Nyheds type
percent of users that logged out admin da Procent af brugere som er logget ud
permissions admin da Rettigheder
permissions this group has admin da Denne gruppes rettigheder
Projects admin da Projekter
re-enter password admin da Indtast password igen
remove all users from this group admin da Fjern alle brugere fra denne gruppe
select permissions this group will have admin da Vælg de rettigheder, denne gruppe får
select users for inclusion admin da Vælg brugere som tilføjes
site admin da Site
sorry, that group name has already been taking. admin da Dette gruppenavn bliver desværre allerede brugt.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin da Kan ikke, følgende brugere er stadig medlemmer af gruppe %1
status admin da Status
submit changes admin da Postér ændringer
that loginid has already been taken admin da Dette log ind ID er allerede brugt
that site has already been entered admin da Den site er allerede valgt
the login and password can not be the same admin da Log ind navn og password må ikke være ens
the two passwords are not the same admin da De to passwords stemmer ikke overens
they must be removed before you can continue admin da De skal fjernes før Du kan fortsætte
title admin da Titel
total records admin da Antal posteringer
user accounts admin da Bruger konti
user groups admin da Brugergrupper
user profiles admin da Bruger profiler
view access log admin da Se adgangs log
view sessions admin da Se sessioner
you must add at least 1 permission to this account admin da Du skal angive mindst 1 rettighed til denne bruger
you must enter a base url admin da Du skal angive en basis-url
you must enter a display admin da Du skal angive en visning
you must enter a news url admin da Du skal angive en nyheds-url
you must enter a password admin da Du skal angive et password
you must enter an application name and title. admin da Du skal angive en applikations navn og titel
you must enter the number of listings display admin da Du må angive antallet af linier der skal vises
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin da Du må angive antallet af minutter mellem opdateringer
you must select a file type admin da Du skal vælge en filtype
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
account active admin de Konto aktiv
account permissions admin de Zugriffsrechte
action admin de Aktion
add new account admin de Neues Konto hinzufügen
add new application admin de Neue Anwendung hinzufügen
all records and account information will be lost! admin de Alle Datensätze und Kontoinformationen sind dann verloren!
allow anonymous access to this app admin de Anonymen Zugriff auf diese Anwendung zulassen
anonymous user admin de Anonymer Benutzer
application name admin de Name der Anwendung
application title admin de Titel der Anwendung
applications admin de Anwendungen
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin de Sind Sie sicher, daß Sie dieses Konto löschen wollen ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin de Sind Sie sicher, daß Sie diese Anwendung löschen wollen ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin de Sind Sie sicher, daß Sie diese Gruppe löschen wollen ?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin de Sind Sie sicher, diese News Site löschen zu wollen ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin de Sind Sie sicher, daß Sie diese Session killen wollen ?
base url admin de Basis URL
change main screen message admin de Nachricht der Startseite ändern
create group admin de Erstelle Gruppe
disabled admin de Deaktiviert
display admin de Bezeichnung
edit application admin de Anwendung editieren
edit group admin de Gruppe editieren
edit user account admin de Benutzerkonto editieren
enabled admin de Verfügbar
enabled - hidden from navbar admin de Verfügbar, aber nicht in der Navigationsleiste
group name admin de Gruppenname
headline site management admin de Schlagzeilen Management
headline sites admin de Sites für Schlagzeilen
hide php information admin de PHP Informationen ausblenden
idle admin de idle
installed applications admin de Installierte Anwendungen
ip admin de IP
kill admin de Kill
last login admin de Letzter Login
last login from admin de Letzer Login von
last time read admin de Zuletzt gelesen
last x logins admin de Letze %1 Logins
list of current users admin de Liste der gegenwärtigen Benutzer
listings displayed admin de Zeilen maximal
login screen admin de Login Seite
login time admin de Login Zeit
loginid admin de LoginID
main screen message admin de Nachricht der Startseite
manager admin de Manager
minutes between reloads admin de Minuten zwischen Reloads
network news admin de Network News
never admin de Nie
new group name admin de Neuer Gruppenname
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin de Neues Passwort [ Feld leerlassen, wenn das Passwort nicht geändert werden soll ]
news file admin de News File
news type admin de Nachrichtentyp
percent of users that logged out admin de Prozent der User, die sich korrekt abgemeldet haben
permissions admin de Zugriffsrechte
permissions this group has admin de Zugriffsrechte für diese Gruppe
php information admin de PHP Informationen
re-enter password admin de Passwort wiederholen
remove all users from this group admin de Entferne alle Benutzer aus dieser Gruppe
section admin de Abschnitt
select permissions this group will have admin de Wählen Sie die Zugriffsrechte für diese Gruppe.
select users for inclusion admin de Benutzer für diese Gruppe auswählen
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin de An welcher Position soll die Anwendung in der Navigationsleiste erscheinen, von ganz unten (links) bis ganz oben (rechts)
site admin de Site
sorry, that group name has already been taking. admin de Dieser Gruppenname ist bereits vergeben.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin de Sorry, die folgenden Benutzer sind noch Mitglied der Gruppe %1
submit changes admin de Änderungen Speichern
that loginid has already been taken admin de Diese LoginID ist bereits vergeben
that site has already been entered admin de Diese Site wurde bereits eingegeben
the login and password can not be the same admin de Login und Passwort dürfen nicht identisch sein
they must be removed before you can continue admin de Sie müssen zuvor aus dieser entfernt werden
total records admin de Anzahl Datensätze insgesamt
user accounts admin de Benutzerkonten
user groups admin de Benutzergruppen
view access log admin de Access Log anzeigen
view sessions admin de Sitzungen anzeigen
you must add at least 1 permission to this account admin de Sie müssen diesem Konto mindestens eine Berechtigung zuteilen
you must enter a base url admin de Sie müssen eine Basis URL angeben
you must enter a display admin de Sie müssen einen Namen für die Site eingeben
you must enter a news url admin de Sie müssen eine News URL angeben
you must enter an application name and title. admin de Sie müssen der Anwendung einen Namen und einen Titel geben.
you must enter the number of listings display admin de Sie müssen die Anzahl der anzuzeigenden Zeilen angeben
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin de Sie müssen eine Anzahl von Minuten zwischen Reloads angeben
you must select a file type admin de Sie müssen einen Filetyp auswählen
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
account active admin en Account active
account permissions admin en Account permissions
action admin en Action
add global category admin en Add global category
add new account admin en Add new account
add new application admin en Add new application
allow anonymous access to this app admin en Allow anonymous access to this app
all records and account information will be lost! admin en All records and account information will be lost!
anonymous user admin en Anonymous user
application name admin en Application name
applications admin en Applications
application title admin en Application title
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete this account ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete this application ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete this group ?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete this news site ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin en Are you sure you want to kill this session ?
base url admin en Base URL
category description admin en Category description
category name admin en Category name
change main screen message admin en Change main screen message
city admin en City
create group admin en Create Group
disabled admin en Disabled
display admin en Display
edit application admin en Edit application
edit group admin en Edit Group
edit user account admin en Edit user account
enabled admin en Enabled
enabled - hidden from navbar admin en Enabled - Hidden from navbar
forecast admin en Forecast
forecast zone admin en Forecast Zone
fzone admin en FZone
global categories admin en Global Categories
group name admin en Group Name
headline sites admin en Headline Sites
hide php information admin en hide php information
home directory admin en Home directory
id admin en ID
idle admin en idle
installed applications admin en Installed applications
ip admin en IP
kill admin en Kill
last login admin en last login
last login from admin en last login from
last time read admin en Last Time Read
last x logins admin en Last %1 logins
listings displayed admin en Listings Displayed
list of current users admin en list of current users
loginid admin en LoginID
login screen admin en Login screen
login shell admin en Login shell
login time admin en Login Time
main screen message admin en Main screen message
manager admin en Manager
metar admin en Metar
minutes between reloads admin en Minutes between Reloads
network news admin en Network News
new group name admin en New group name
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin en New password [ Leave blank for no change ]
news file admin en News File
news type admin en News Type
no matchs found admin en No matchs found
percent of users that logged out admin en Percent of users that logged out
permissions admin en Permissions
permissions this group has admin en Permissions this group has
php information admin en PHP Information
please enter a name for that category ! admin en Please enter a name for that category !
re-enter password admin en Re-enter password
region admin en Region
regions admin en Regions
remove all users from this group admin en Remove all users from this group
select permissions this group will have admin en Select permissions this group will have
select users for inclusion admin en Select users for inclusion
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin en Select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right)
site admin en Site
sorry, that group name has already been taking. admin en Sorry, that group name has already been taking.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin en Sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1
station admin en Station
stations admin en Stations
submit changes admin en Submit Changes
table admin en Table
that category name has been used already ! admin en That category name has been used already !
that loginid has already been taken admin en That loginid has already been taken
that site has already been entered admin en That site has already been entered
the login and password can not be the same admin en The login and password can not be the same
they must be removed before you can continue admin en They must be removed before you can continue
total records admin en Total records
user accounts admin en User accounts
user groups admin en User groups
view access log admin en View Access Log
view sessions admin en View sessions
weather center admin en Weather Center
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin en You must add at least 1 permission or group to this account
you must enter a base url admin en You must enter a base url
you must enter a display admin en You must enter a display
you must enter an application name and title. admin en You must enter an application name and title.
you must enter a news url admin en You must enter a news url
you must enter the number of listings display admin en You must enter the number of listings display
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin en You must enter the number of minutes between reload
you must select a file type admin en You must select a file type
zone admin en Zone
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
account active admin es Cuenta activa
active admin es Activo
add new account admin es Agregar una nueva cuenta
add new application admin es Agregar nueva aplicación
all records and account information will be lost! admin es Se perderan todos los registros e informacion de cuentas!
anonymous user admin es Usuario anonimo
application name admin es Nombre de la aplicación
application title admin es Titulo de la aplicación
applications admin es Aplicaciones
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin es Esta seguro de querer borrar esta cuenta ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin es Seguro de querer borrar esta aplicación ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin es Esta seguro de querer borrar este grupo ?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin es Esta seguro de querer borrar este sitio de noticias ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin es Esta seguro de querer matar esta sesion ?
base url admin es URL Base
create group admin es Crear Grupo
disabled admin es Deshabilitado
display admin es Mostrar
edit application admin es Editar aplicatión
edit group admin es Editar Grupo
enabled admin es Habilitado
enabled - hidden from navbar admin es Habilitado - Esconder es la Barra
group name admin es Nombre Grupo
headline sites admin es Sitios encabezados de noticias
idle admin es idle
installed applications admin es Aplicaciones Instaladas
ip admin es IP
kill admin es Matar
last time read admin es Ultima lectura
last x logins admin es Ultimos %1 logins
list of current users admin es Lista de usuarios presentes
listings displayed admin es Listings Mostrados
login time admin es Hora de LogOn
loginid admin es LoginID
manager admin es Manager
minutes between reloads admin es Minutos entre recargas
network news admin es Red de noticias
new group name admin es Nuevo nombre de grupo
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin es Nueva contraseña [ Deje es blanco para NO cambiar ]
news file admin es Archivo Noticias
news type admin es Tipo de Noticias
percent of users that logged out admin es Porcentaje de usuarios que se desloguearon
permissions admin es Permisos
permissions this group has admin es Permisos que tiene este grupo
re-enter password admin es Re-Ingresar contraseña
remove all users from this group admin es Borrar todos los usuarios de este grupo
select permissions this group will have admin es Selecciones los permisos que tendra este grupo
select users for inclusion admin es Seleccionar usuarios para inclución
site admin es Sitios
sorry, that group name has already been taking. admin es Este nombre de grupo ya esta siendo utilizado.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin es Los siguientes usuarios aun son miembros del grupo %1
status admin es Estatus
submit changes admin es Enviar Cambios
that loginid has already been taken admin es Ese login ID ya esta siendo utilizado
that site has already been entered admin es Este sitio ya fue entrado
the login and password can not be the same admin es El login y la contraseña NO pueden ser iguales
the two passwords are not the same admin es Las dos contraseñas no son iguales
they must be removed before you can continue admin es Estos deben ser removidos para poder continuar
title admin es Titulo
total records admin es Total de registros
user accounts admin es Cuentas de usuario
user groups admin es Grupos de usuarios
view access log admin es Ver log de acceso
view sessions admin es Ver sesiones
you must add at least 1 permission to this account admin es Debe agregar por lo menos 1 permiso para esta cuenta.
you must enter a base url admin es Debe entrar una dirección url base
you must enter a display admin es Debe entrar un display
you must enter a news url admin es Debe entrar una dirección url de noticias
you must enter a password admin es Debe entrar una contraseña
you must enter an application name and title. admin es Debe entrar un nombre y titulo para la aplicación.
you must enter the number of listings display admin es Debe entrar el numero de elementos listados a mostrar
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin es Debe entrar el numero de minutos entre recargas
you must select a file type admin es Debe seleccionar un tipo de archivo
change main screen message admin es Cambiar mensaje de la pantalla principal
edit headline sites admin es Editar los sitios de encabezados
edit headlines shown by default admin es Editar los encabezados mostrados por defecto
notes admin es Notas
weather admin es Tiempo Metereológico
manual admin es Manual
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin fr Nouveau mot de passe [ Laissez vide pour ne rien changer ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
account active admin hu Hozzáférés aktív
active admin hu Aktív
add new account admin hu Hozzáférést hozzáad
add new application admin hu Alkalmazás hozzáadása
all records and account information will be lost! admin hu Minden bejegyzés és információ törlésre kerül a hozzáférési joggal kapcsolatban!
anonymous user admin hu Név nélküli felhasználó
application name admin hu Alkalmazás neve
application title admin hu Alkalmazás címe
applications admin hu Alkalmazások
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin hu Biztosan törölni akarja ezt a hozzáférési jogot?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin hu Biztosan törölni akarja ezt az alkalmazást?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin hu Biztosan törölni akarja ezt a csoportot?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin hu Biztosan törölni akarja ezt a híroldalt?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin hu Biztosan ki akarja tiltani ezt a hozzáférést?
base url admin hu Fõ URL
create group admin hu Csoport létrehozása
disabled admin hu Tiltott
display admin hu Megjelenítés
edit application admin hu Alkalmazás módosítása
edit group admin hu Csoport módosítása
enabled admin hu Engedélyezett
enabled - hidden from navbar admin hu Engedélyezve - Navbar-ban rejtve
group name admin hu Csoport neve
headline sites admin hu Fõcím oldalak
idle admin hu inaktív
installed applications admin hu Telepített alkalmazások
ip admin hu IP
kill admin hu Kitiltás
last time read admin hu Utolsó olvasás idõpontja
last x logins admin hu Utolsó %1 bejelentkezés
list of current users admin hu aktuális felhasználók listája
listings displayed admin hu Listázások megjelnítve
login time admin hu Belépés ideje
loginid admin hu LoginID
manager admin hu Manager
minutes between reloads admin hu Percek újratöltés elõtt
network news admin hu Hálózati hírek
new group name admin hu Új csoport neve
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin hu Új jelszó [ üresen hagyva nem lesz változás ]
news file admin hu Hírek fájl
news type admin hu Hírek típusa
percent of users that logged out admin hu Rendesen kijelentkezett felhasználók %-ban
permissions admin hu Jogok
permissions this group has admin hu A csoport jogosultságai
re-enter password admin hu Jelszó újra
remove all users from this group admin hu Csoport összes felhasználójának törlése
select permissions this group will have admin hu Válassza ki milyen jogosultságokkal rendelkezzen a csoport
select users for inclusion admin hu Felhasználók kiválasztása
site admin hu Oldal
sorry, that group name has already been taking. admin hu Sajnos ez a csoportnév már foglalt.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin hu A következõ felhasználók már a(z) %1 csoport tagjai
status admin hu Status
submit changes admin hu Változások elküldése
that loginid has already been taken admin hu Ez a felhasználónév már foglalt
that site has already been entered admin hu Már megtörtént a belépés erre a híroldalra
the login and password can not be the same admin hu A felhasználónév és a jelszó nem egyezhet meg
the two passwords are not the same admin hu A két jelszó nem egyezik
they must be removed before you can continue admin hu El kell távolítani õket a folytatáshoz
title admin hu Cím
total records admin hu Összes rekord
user accounts admin hu Felhasználói hozzáférések
user groups admin hu Felhasználói csoportok
view access log admin hu Elérési napló megtekintése
view sessions admin hu Kapcsolatok megtekintése
you must add at least 1 permission to this account admin hu Legalább egy jogosultságot meg kell adni a belépési joghoz
you must enter a base url admin hu Meg kell adni az alap url-t
you must enter a display admin hu Meg kell adni egy megjelenítõt
you must enter a news url admin hu Meg kell adni egy news url-t
you must enter a password admin hu Kötelezõ jelszót megadni
you must enter an application name and title. admin hu Kötelezõ megadni az alkalmazás nevét és címét!
you must enter the number of listings display admin hu You must enter the number of listings display
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin hu Meg kell adni a frissítések közti idõt
you must select a file type admin hu Kötelezõ fájltípust választani
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
account active admin it Account attivo
account permissions admin it Permessi dell'account
action admin it Azione
active admin it Attivo
add global category admin it Aggiungi categoria globale
add new account admin it Aggiungi un nuovo account
add new application admin it Aggiungi una nuova applicazione
allow anonymous access to this app admin it Consenti accesso anonimo a questa applicazione
all records and account information will be lost! admin it Tutte le registrazioni e le informazioni dell'account andranno perse!
anonymous user admin it Utente anonimo
application name admin it Nome applicazione
applications admin it Applicazioni
application title admin it Titolo applicazione
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo account ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questa applicazione ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo gruppo ?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo sito di news ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin it Sei sicuro di voler terminare questa sessione ?
base url admin it URL Base
category description admin it Descrizione categoria
category name admin it Nome categoria
category x has been added ! admin it La categoria %1 è stata aggiunta !
change main screen message admin it Modifica messaggio della schermata principale
city admin it Città
create group admin it Crea gruppo
description admin it Descrizione
disabled admin it Disabilitato
display admin it Visualizza
edit application admin it Modifica Applicazione
edit group admin it Modifica Gruppo
edit user account admin it Modifica account dell'utente
enabled admin it Attivo
enabled - hidden from navbar admin it Attivo - nascosto dalla barra di navigazione
forecast admin it Previsione
forecast zone admin it Zona di previsione
fzone admin it ZonaF
global categories admin it Categorie Globali
group name admin it Nome Gruppo
headline sites admin it Siti NEWS
hide php information admin it nascondi informazioni php
home directory admin it Cartella Personale
id admin it ID
idle admin it inattivo
installed applications admin it Applicazioni Installate
ip admin it IP
kill admin it Termina
last login admin it ultimo login
last login from admin it ultimo login da
last time read admin it Ultima volta letto
last x logins admin it Ultimi %1 login
listings displayed admin it Elementi Visualizzati
list of current users admin it lista utenti attuali
loginid admin it LoginID
login screen admin it Schermo di login
login shell admin it Shell di login
login time admin it Ora Login
main screen message admin it Messaggio nella schermata principale
manager admin it Manager
metar admin it Metar
minutes between reloads admin it Minuti fra gli aggiornamenti
network news admin it Network News
new group name admin it Nome nuovo gruppo
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin it Nuova password [ Lascia in bianco per non cambiarla ]
news file admin it File delle NEWS
news type admin it Tipo di NEWS
no matchs found admin it Nessuna corrispondenza trovata.
percent of users that logged out admin it Percentuale di utenti che sono usciti dal sistema in maniera corretta
permissions admin it Permessi
permissions this group has admin it Permessi che questo gruppo ha
php information admin it Informazioni su PHP
please enter a name for that category ! admin it Please enter a name for that category !
re-enter password admin it Reinserisci la password
region admin it Regione
regions admin it Regioni
remove all users from this group admin it Rimuovi tutti gli utenti da questo gruppo
select parent category admin it Seleziona categoria superiore
select permissions this group will have admin it Seleziona i permessi che questo gruppo avrà
select users for inclusion admin it Seleziona utenti per l'inclusione
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin it Seleziona in quale punto della Barra di Navigazione, dal più basso (sinistra) al più alto (destra)
site admin it Sito
sorry, that group name has already been taking. admin it Peccato, quel nome di gruppo è già stato preso.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin it Peccato, i seguenti utenti sono ancora membri del gruppo %1
station admin it Stazione
stations admin it Stazioni
submit changes admin it Invia Cambiamenti
table admin it Tabella
that category name has been used already ! admin it Quel nome di categoria è gia' stato usato !
that loginid has already been taken admin it Quel nome utente è già stato scelto
that site has already been entered admin it Quel sito è già stato inserito
the login and password can not be the same admin it La login e la pasword non possono essere uguali
they must be removed before you can continue admin it Devono essere rimossi prima di proseguire
total records admin it Inserimenti totali
user accounts admin it Account utenti
user groups admin it Gruppi utenti
view access log admin it Visualizza elenco collegamenti
view sessions admin it Visualizza sessioni
weather center admin it Centro Meteo
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin it Devi aggiungere almeno 1 permesso o gruppo a questo account
you must enter a base url admin it Devi inserire un url di base
you must enter a display admin it Dedi inserire un display
you must enter an application name and title. admin it Devi inserire un nome e un titolo per l'applicazione.
you must enter a news url admin it Devi inserire un url per le nesw
you must enter the number of listings display admin it Devi inserire il numero di righe da visualizzare
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin it Devi inserire il numero di minuti fra i caricamenti
you must select a file type admin it Devi selezionare un tipo-file
zone admin it Zone
squirrelmail admin it Squirrelmail
images admin it Immagini
themes admin it Temi
cron admin it cron
inc admin it inc
todo admin it Da-fare
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin it A chi vuoi trasferire TUTTE le registrazioni di questo utente?
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
account active admin ja アカウントアクティブ
account permissions admin ja 利用可能アプリケーション
action admin ja アクション
add global category admin ja グローバルカテゴリ追加
add new account admin ja アカウント追加
add new application admin ja アプリケーション追加
all records and account information will be lost! admin ja すべてのレコードとアカウント情報が失われます。
allow anonymous access to this app admin ja 匿名ユーザへの許可
anonymous user admin ja 匿名ユーザ
application name admin ja アプリケーション名
application title admin ja アプリケーションタイトル
applications admin ja アプリケーション
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin ja このアカウントを削除してもよろしいですか。
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin ja このアプリケーションを削除してもよろしいですか。
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin ja このグループを削除してもよろしいですか。
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin ja このニュースサイトを削除してもよろしいですか。
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin ja このセッションを切断してもよろしいですか。
base url admin ja Base URL
category description admin ja カテゴリ詳細
category name admin ja カテゴリ名
change main screen message admin ja メイン画面メッセージ変更
city admin ja 市区町村
create group admin ja グループ作成
default category admin ja 既定のカテゴリ
delete all records admin ja 削除する
disabled admin ja 不可
display admin ja 表示
edit application admin ja アプリケーション訂正
edit global category admin ja グローバルカテゴリ訂正
edit group admin ja グループ訂正
edit login screen message admin ja ログイン画面メッセージ訂正
edit main screen message admin ja メイン画面メッセージ訂正
edit user account admin ja アカウント訂正
enabled admin ja 可能
enabled - hidden from navbar admin ja 可能 - ナビゲーション非表示
forecast admin ja 天気予報
forecast zone admin ja 天気予報
fzone admin ja fzone
global categories admin ja グローバルカテゴリ
group name admin ja グループ名
headline sites admin ja ヘッドラインサイト
hide php information admin ja PHPインフォメーションを閉じる
home directory admin ja home directory
id admin ja ID
idle admin ja アイドル
installed applications admin ja アプリケーション一覧
ip admin ja IP
kill admin ja 切断
language admin ja 言語
last login admin ja 最終ログイン
last login from admin ja 最終ログインIP
last time read admin ja Last Time Read
last x logins admin ja 過去 %1 のログイン
list of current users admin ja ログイン中ユーザ一覧
listings displayed admin ja 一覧表示
login screen admin ja ログイン画面
login shell admin ja ログインシェル
login time admin ja ログイン時間
loginid admin ja ログインID
main screen message admin ja メイン画面メッセージ
manager admin ja 管理者
message has been updated admin ja メッセージを変更しました。
metar admin ja M
minutes between reloads admin ja 更新時間
network news admin ja 購読設定
never admin ja 未
new group name admin ja 新グループ名
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin ja 新パスワード [ Leave blank for no change ]
news file admin ja ニュースファイル
news type admin ja ニュースタイプ
no matchs found admin ja 見つかりません。
percent of users that logged out admin ja ユーザのログアウト率
permissions admin ja パーミッション
permissions this group has admin ja 利用可能アプリケーション
php information admin ja PHPインフォメーション
please enter a name for that category ! admin ja カテゴリ名を入力して下さい。
re-enter password admin ja パスワード再入力
region admin ja 地域
regions admin ja 地域
remove all users from this group admin ja このグループの全てのユーザを削除します。
section admin ja 表示場所
select permissions this group will have admin ja 利用可能アプリケーション
select users for inclusion admin ja 所属するユーザ
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin ja ナビゲーションバーの位置(数が小さいと左に配置)
site admin ja Site
sorry, that group name has already been taking. admin ja グループ名は既に存在します。
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin ja %1 がグループのメンバーになっています。
station admin ja 位置
stations admin ja 位置
status admin ja 状態
submit changes admin ja 変更
table admin ja テーブル
that loginid has already been taken admin ja ログインIDは既に登録済みです。
that site has already been entered admin ja サイトは既に存在しています。
the login and password can not be the same admin ja ログインIDとパスワードが同じです。
they must be removed before you can continue admin ja 削除できません。
total records admin ja 合計
update admin ja 更新
user accounts admin ja ユーザアカウント
user groups admin ja ユーザグループ
view access log admin ja アクセスログ参照
view sessions admin ja セッション参照
view user account admin ja ユーザアカウント表示
weather center admin ja お天気センター
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin ja 削除ユーザの記録を転送するユーザを選択してください。
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin ja 少なくとも1つの権限かグループを指定してください。
you must add at least 1 permission to this account admin ja 利用可能アプリケーションを指定してください。
you must enter a base url admin ja base URL を入力して下さい。
you must enter a display admin ja 表示項目を入力して下さい。
you must enter a group name. admin ja グループ名を入力して下さい。
you must enter a news url admin ja 新しい URL を入力して下さい。
You must enter an application name. admin ja アプリケーション名を入力して下さい。
you must enter an application name and title. admin ja アプリケーション名とタイトルを入力して下さい。
You must enter an application title. admin ja アプリケーションタイトルを入力して下さい。
you must enter the number of listings display admin ja 表示数を入力して下さい。
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin ja 更新間隔を入力して下さい。
you must select a file type admin ja ファイルタイプを選択してください。
zone admin ja 地域
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* make sure that you remove users from this group before you delete it. admin ko * 이 그룹에서 사용자를 정말 삭제하시겠습니까?
account active admin ko 계정 활정화
active admin ko 활성화
all records and account information will be lost! admin ko 이 계정의 자료와 정보가 삭제됩니다.
anonymous user admin ko 무명 사용자
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin ko 이 계정을 정말 삭제하시겠습니까 ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin ko 이 그룹을 정말 삭제하시겠습니까 ?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin ko 이 뉴스사이트를 정말 삭제하시겠습니까?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin ko 이 세션을 정말 종료시키시겠습니까 ?
base url admin ko 기본 URL
create group admin ko 새 그룹 만들기
disabled admin ko 비활성화
display admin ko Display
group name admin ko 그룹이름
headline sites admin ko 헤드라인 사이트
idle admin ko idle
ip admin ko IP
kill admin ko 종료
last time read admin ko 마지막 읽은 시각
last x logins admin ko Last %1 logins
list of current users admin ko 현재 사용자 목록
listings displayed admin ko Listings Displayed
login time admin ko 접속 시간
loginid admin ko 접속ID
manager admin ko 관리자
minutes between reloads admin ko 재로드 시간(분단위)
network news admin ko 네트워크 뉴스
new group name admin ko 새 그룹 이름
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin ko 새 패스워드[ 바꾸지 않으려면 빈칸으로 남겨두세요 ]
news file admin ko 새로운 파일
news type admin ko 뉴스 타입
percent of users that logged out admin ko 퍼센트의 사용자가 로그아웃 하였습니다.
re-enter password admin ko 비밀번호 재입력
select users for inclusion admin ko 포함할 사용자를 선택하세요.
site admin ko Site
that loginid has already been taken admin ko 이 사용자 계정은 이미 사용중입니다.
that site has already been entered admin ko 이 사이트는 이미 입력되어 있습니다.
the login and password can not be the same admin ko 계정과 패스워드는 같지 않아야 합니다.
the two passwords are not the same admin ko 비밀번호가 같지 않습니다.
total records admin ko Total records
user accounts admin ko 사용자 계정
user groups admin ko 사용자 그룹
view access log admin ko 접속 로그 보기
view sessions admin ko 세션 보기
you must enter a base url admin ko 기본 URL을 입력해야 합니다.
you must enter a display admin ko 출력을 입력해야 합니다.
you must enter a news url admin ko 뉴스 URL을 입력해야 합니다.
you must enter a password admin ko 패스워드를 입력해야 합니다.
you must enter the number of listings display admin ko 한번에 출혁할 개수를 입력해야 합니다.
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin ko 재로드될 시간 간격을 입력해야 합니다.
you must select a file type admin ko 파일 타입을 선택해야 합니다.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
account active admin nl Gebruiker actief
active admin nl actief
add new account admin nl Nieuwe gebruiker toevoegen
add new application admin nl Nieuwe toepassing toevoegen
all records and account information will be lost! admin nl Alle records en gebruikersinformatie zal verloren gaan!
anonymous user admin nl Anonieme gebruiker
application name admin nl Toepassingsnaam
application title admin nl Toepassingstitel
applications admin nl Toepassingen
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin nl Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin nl Weet u zeker dat u deze toepassing wilt verwijderen?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin nl Weet u zeker dat u deze groep wilt verwijderen?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin nl Weet u zeker dat u deze nieuwssite wilt verwijderen?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin nl Weet u zeker dat u deze sessie wilt verwijderen?
base url admin nl Basis-url
create group admin nl Groep maken
disabled admin nl Uitgeschakeld
display admin nl Weergave
edit application admin nl Toepassing bewerken
edit group admin nl Groep bewerken
enabled admin nl Ingeschakeld
enabled - hidden from navbar admin nl Ingeschakeld - niet zichtbaar op de navigatiebalk
group name admin nl Groepsnaam
headline sites admin nl Krantekoppen Sites
idle admin nl inactief
installed applications admin nl Geinstalleerde toepassingen
ip admin nl IP
kill admin nl Beeindigen
last time read admin nl Laatste keer gelezen
last x logins admin nl Laatste %1 logins
list of current users admin nl Lijst van huidige gebruikers
listings displayed admin nl Weergegeven lijsten
login time admin nl Logintijd
loginid admin nl LoginID
manager admin nl Manager
minutes between reloads admin nl Minuten tussen heropenen
network news admin nl Netwerknieuws
new group name admin nl Nieuwe groepsnaam
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin nl Nieuw wachtwoord [Leeg laten om niet te wijzigen]
news file admin nl Nieuwsbestand
news type admin nl Nieuwstype
percent of users that logged out admin nl Percentage gebruikers dat uitlogt
permissions admin nl Rechten
permissions this group has admin nl Rechten van deze groep
Projects admin nl Projecten
re-enter password admin nl Wachtwoord opnieuw invoeren
remove all users from this group admin nl Verwijder alle gebruikers uit deze groep
select permissions this group will have admin nl Selecteer de rechten die deze groep krijgt
select users for inclusion admin nl Selecteer gebruikers om toe te voegen
site admin nl Site
sorry, that group name has already been taking. admin nl Sorry, die groepsnaam is al in gebruik
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin nl Sorry, de volgende gebruikers zijn nog lid van groep %1
status admin nl status
submit changes admin nl Wijzigingen toepassen
that loginid has already been taken admin nl Die loginid is al in gebruik
that site has already been entered admin nl Die site is al toegevoegd
the login and password can not be the same admin nl De login en het wachtwoord mogen niet gelijk zijn
the two passwords are not the same admin nl De twee wachtwoorden komen niet overeen
they must be removed before you can continue admin nl Ze moeten worden verwijderd voor u verder kunt
title admin nl Titel
total records admin nl Aantal records
user accounts admin nl Gebruikersaccounts
user groups admin nl Gebruikersgroepen
user profiles admin nl Gebruikersprofielen
view access log admin nl Toegangslog bekijken
view sessions admin nl Sessies bekijken
you must add at least 1 permission to this account admin nl U moet tenminste 1 recht toekennen aan deze gebruiker
you must enter a base url admin nl U moet een basis-url invoeren
you must enter a display admin nl U moet een weergave invoeren
you must enter a news url admin nl U moet een nieuws-url invoeren
you must enter a password admin nl U moet een wachtwoord invoeren
you must enter an application name and title. admin nl U moet een toepassingsnaam en -titel invoeren
you must enter the number of listings display admin nl U moet het aantal weer te geven lijsten invoeren
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin nl U moet het aantal minuten tussen heropenen invoeren
you must select a file type admin nl U moet een bestandstype invoeren
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
account active admin no Account aktiv
active admin no Aktiv
all records and account information will be lost! admin no All historie og brukerinformasjon vil gå tapt!
anonymous user admin no Anonym bruker
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin no Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne account?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin no Er du sikker på du vil slette denne gruppen?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin no Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne nyhets siten?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin no Er du sikker på at du vil avslutte denne session?
base url admin no Basis URL
create group admin no Lag Gruppe
disabled admin no Deaktivert
display admin no Vis
group name admin no Gruppe Navn
headline sites admin no Headline Siter
idle admin no idle
ip admin no IP
kill admin no Avslutt
last time read admin no Lest siste gang
last x logins admin no Siste %1 logins
list of current users admin no liste over brukere
listings displayed admin no Lister vist
login time admin no Login Tid
loginid admin no LoginID
manager admin no Manager
minutes between reloads admin no Minutter mellom Reloads
new group name admin no Nytt gruppe navn
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin no Nytt passord [ Ingenting hvis ingen forandring ]
news file admin no Nyhets Fil
news type admin no Nyhets Type
percent of users that logged out admin no Prosent av brukere som logget ut
re-enter password admin no Skriv inn passord igjen
site admin no Site
that loginid has already been taken admin no Den loginID er opptatt
that site has already been entered admin no Den siten har allerede blitt brukt
the login and password can not be the same admin no Loging og passord kan ikke være det samme
the two passwords are not the same admin no Passordene er ikke de sammme
total records admin no Total historie
user accounts admin no Bruker accounts
user groups admin no Bruker Grupper
view access log admin no Vis Access Log
view sessions admin no Vis sessions
you must enter a base url admin no Du må skrive inn en base url
you must enter a display admin no Du må skrive inn et display
you must enter a news url admin no Du må skrive inn en nyhets url
you must enter a password admin no Du må skrive inn et passord
you must enter the number of listings display admin no Du må skrive inn antallet visninger
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin no Du må skrive inn antallet minutter mellom reload
you must select a file type admin no Du må velge en filtype
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
account active admin sv Account aktiv
account_permissions admin sv Applikations rättigheter
active admin sv Aktiv
add new account admin sv Lägg till nytt konto
add new application admin sv Lägg till ny application
all records and account information will be lost! admin sv Alla förteckningar och användarinformation kommer att försvinna!
anonymous user admin sv Anonym användare
application name admin sv Applications namn
application title admin sv Applications titel
applications admin sv Applikationer
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin sv Är du säker på att du vill ta bort detta account?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin sv Är det säkert du vill ta bort denna applikation ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin sv Är det säkert du vill ta bort denna gruppen?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin sv Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna nyhets siten?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin sv Är du säker på att du vill avsluta denna sessionen?
base url admin sv Bas URL
change main screen message admin sv Ändra huvudskärms meddelande
create group admin sv Skapa Grupp
disabled admin sv Deaktivera
display admin sv Visa
edit application admin sv Editera applikation
edit group admin sv Editera Grupp
enabled admin sv Aktiv
enabled - hidden from navbar admin sv Aktiv - Gömd på navbar
group name admin sv Grupp Namn
headline sites admin sv Headline Sites
idle admin sv idle
installed applications admin sv Installerade applicationer
ip admin sv IP
kill admin sv Avsluta
last time read admin sv Läst sista gång
last x logins admin sv Sista %1 logins
list of current users admin sv lista över nuvarande användare
listings displayed admin sv Visade lister
login time admin sv Login Tid
loginid admin sv LoginID
manager admin sv Manager
minutes between reloads admin sv Minuter mellan uppdatering
network news admin sv Network News
new group name admin sv Nytt grupp namn
new password [ leave blank for no change admin sv Nytt lösenord [ Låt fältet vara tomt för att inte ändra ]
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin sv Nytt lösenord [ Låt fältet vara tomt för att inte ändra ]
news file admin sv Nyhets Fil
news type admin sv Nyhets Typ
percent of users that logged out admin sv Procent av användare som loggat ut
permissions admin sv Rättigheter
permissions this group has admin sv Tillåtna applicationer för denna gruppen
re-enter password admin sv Skriv in lösenord igen
remove all users from this group admin sv Ta bort alla användare från denna grupp
select permissions this group will have admin sv Välj rättigheter för denna grupp
select users for inclusion admin sv Välj gruppmedlemmar
site admin sv Site
sorry, that group name has already been taking. admin sv Ursäkta, men gruppnamnet är upptaget
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin sv Ursäkta men följande användare är medlem av grupp %1
status admin sv Status
submit changes admin sv Verkställ ändring
that loginid has already been taken admin sv Den loginID är upptagen
that site has already been entered admin sv Den siten har redan blivit inlaggd
the login and password can not be the same admin sv Login och lösenord kan inte vara lika
the two passwords are not the same admin sv Lösenorden är inte identiska
they must be removed before you can continue admin sv De måste tas bort innan du kan fortsätta
title admin sv Titel
total records admin sv Fullständig förteckning
user accounts admin sv Användar konton
user groups admin sv Användar Grupper
view access log admin sv Visa Access Log
view sessions admin sv Visa sessions
you must add at least 1 permission to this account admin sv Du måste ge minst 1 rättighet till detta konto
you must enter a base url admin sv Du måste skriva in en bas url
you must enter a display admin sv Du måste skriva in en display
you must enter a news url admin sv Du måste skriva in en nyhets url
you must enter a password admin sv Du måste skriva in ett lösenord
you must enter an application name and title. admin sv Du måste skriva in namn och titel för applikation
you must enter the number of listings display admin sv Du måste skriva in antalet rader att visa
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin sv Du måste skriva in antalet minuter mellan uppdatering
you must select a file type admin sv Du måste välja en filtype
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
(for weekly) calendar br (por semana)
1 match found calendar br Encontrada 1 ocorrencia
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar br Tem certeza\nque quer apagar\nesta entrada ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar br Tem certeza\nvoce quer\napagar esta entrada ?\n\nIsto apagara a entrada\npara todos usuarios.
brief description calendar br Curta Descricao
calendar - add calendar br Calendario - Adicionar
calendar - edit calendar br Calendario - Editar
daily calendar br Diaria
days repeated calendar br Dias Repetidos
description calendar br Descricao
duration calendar br Duracao
frequency calendar br Frequencia
fri calendar br Sex
full description calendar br Descricao Completa
generate printer-friendly version calendar br Gera versoes imprimiveis?!?
go! calendar br Vai!
minutes calendar br minutos
mon calendar br Seg
month calendar br Mes
monthly (by date) calendar br mensal (pela data)
monthly (by day) calendar br mensal (por dia)
new entry calendar br Nova Entrada
no matches found. calendar br Nenhuma ocorrencia encontrada.
participants calendar br Participante
printer friendly calendar br imprimivel
repeat day calendar br Repeticao Diaria
repeat end date calendar br Data final da repeticao
repeat type calendar br Tipo de repeticao
repetition calendar br Repeticao
sat calendar br Sab
search results calendar br Resultados da pesquisa
sun calendar br Dom
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar br os seguintes conflitos com o horario sugerido:<ul>%1</ul>
this month calendar br Este mes
this week calendar br Esta Semana
thu calendar br Qui
today calendar br Hoje
tue calendar br Ter
use end date calendar br Usar data final
view this entry calendar br Visualiza esta entrada
wed calendar br Qua
week calendar br Semana
weekly calendar br semanal
x matches found calendar br %1 ocorrencias encontradas
year calendar br Ano
yearly calendar br Anual
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar br Voce nao digitou uma \nBreve Descricao
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar br Voce nao digitou \num horario valido.
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar br voce deve digitar uma ou mais palavras chave
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar br Horiario Sugerido: <B> %1 - %2 </B> esta em conflito com as seguintes entradas no calendario:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
(for weekly) calendar cs (pro týdenní)
1 match found calendar cs Nalezen 1 záznam
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar cs Jste si jist,\n¾e chcete\nvymazat tento záznam ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar cs Urèitì\nchcete\ndsmazat tento záznam ?\n\nBude vymazán\npro v¹echny u¾ivatele.
brief description calendar cs Krátký popis
calendar - add calendar cs Kalendáø - Pøidej
calendar - edit calendar cs Kalendáø - Uprav
daily calendar cs Dennì
days repeated calendar cs dnù se opakuje
description calendar cs Popis
duration calendar cs Trvání
f calendar cs Pá
frequency calendar cs Frekvence opakování
fri calendar cs Pá
full description calendar cs Celkový popis
generate printer-friendly version calendar cs Generuj verzi pro tisk
go! calendar cs Jdi!
m calendar cs P
minutes calendar cs Minut
mon calendar cs Po
month calendar cs Mìsíc
monthly (by date) calendar cs Mìsíènì (podle data)
monthly (by day) calendar cs Mìsíènì (podle dne)
new entry calendar cs Nový záznam
no matches found. calendar cs ®ádný záznam nenalezen.
participants calendar cs Spoluzodpovìdní
printer friendly calendar cs Pro tisk
repeat day calendar cs Den pro opakování
repeat end date calendar cs Datum konce opakování
repeat type calendar cs Druh opakování
repetition calendar cs Opakování
sa calendar cs So
sat calendar cs So
search results calendar cs Výsledky hledání
sun calendar cs Ne
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar cs Následují kolize se zadaným èasem:<ul></ul>
this month calendar cs Tento mìsíc
this week calendar cs Tento týden
thu calendar cs Èt
today calendar cs Dnes
tue calendar cs Út
use end date calendar cs Datum konce pou¾ití
view this entry calendar cs Uka¾ tento záznam
w calendar cs S
wed calendar cs St
week calendar cs Týden
weekly calendar cs Týdnì
x matches found calendar cs záznamù nalezeno
year calendar cs Rok
yearly calendar cs Roènì
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar cs Nebyl zadán \nkrátký popis
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar cs Nebyl zadán \nplatný èas.
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar cs Musíte zadat aspoò jedno klíèové slovo
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar cs Vá¹ navrhovaný èas <B> %1 - %2 </B> se pøekrývá s následujícími záznamy v kalendáøi:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
(for weekly) calendar da (for ugentlig)
1 match found calendar da 1 resultat er fundet
a calendar da a
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar da Vil Du virkelig\n slette dette\nfelt
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar da Vil Du virkelig\n slette dette\nfelt ?\n\nDette vil slette\nfeltet for alle brugere.
brief description calendar da Kort beskrivelse
calendar - add calendar da Kalender - tilføj
calendar - edit calendar da Kalender - redigér
daily calendar da Daglig
days repeated calendar da Gentagne dage
description calendar da Beskrivelse
duration calendar da Varighed
fr calendar da Fr
free/busy calendar da Fri/optaget
frequency calendar da Frekvens
fri calendar da Fre
full description calendar da Fuld beskrivelse
generate printer-friendly version calendar da Lav en printer venlig version
go! calendar da Udfør!
i participate calendar da Jeg deltager
ignore conflict calendar da Ignorér konflikt
minutes calendar da Minutter
mo calendar da Ma
mon calendar da Man
month calendar da Måned
monthly (by date) calendar da Månedlig (pr. dato)
monthly (by day) calendar da Månedlig (pr. dag)
new entry calendar da Nyt punkt
no matches found. calendar da Ingen resultater fundet
participants calendar da Deltagere
printer friendly calendar da Udskriftsvenlig
re-edit event calendar da Redigér igen
repeat day calendar da Gentag dag
repeat end date calendar da Gentagelse slut dato
repeat type calendar da Gentagelsestype
repetition calendar da Gentagelse
sa calendar da Lø
sat calendar da Lør
search results calendar da Søgeresultater
show high priority events on main screen calendar da Vis begivenheder med høj prioritet på forsiden
su calendar da Sø
sun calendar da Søn
th calendar da To
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar da Det følgende er i konflikt med den ønskede tid:<ul>%1</ul>
this month calendar da Denne måned
this week calendar da Denne uge
thu calendar da Tor
today calendar da I dag
tu calendar da Ti
tue calendar da Tir
use end date calendar da Brug slutdato
view this entry calendar da Se denne aftale
we calendar da On
wed calendar da Ons
week calendar da Uge
weekday starts on calendar da Ugedage starter med
weekly calendar da Ugentlig kalender
work day ends on calendar da Arbejdsdage slutter om
work day starts on calendar da Arbejdsdage begynder om
x matches found calendar da %1 resultater fundet
year calendar da År
yearly calendar da Årlig
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar da Du har ikke skrevet\nen kort beskrivelse
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar da Du har ikke skrevet\n et gyldigt klokkeslæt
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar da Du skal indtaste et eller flere søgeord
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar da Den foreslåede tid (<b>%1 - %2</b>) er i konflikt med følgende kalender punkter:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
(for weekly) calendar de (für wöchentlich)
1 match found calendar de 1 Treffer gefunden
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar de Sind Sie sicher,\ndaß Sie diesen\nEintrag löschen wollen ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar de sind Sie sicher,\ndaß Sie diesen\nEintrag löschen wollen ?\n\nDieser Eintrag wird damit\nfür alle Benutzer gelöscht.
brief description calendar de Kurzbeschreibung
calendar - add calendar de Kalendereintrag hinzufügen
calendar - edit calendar de Kalendereintrag bearbeiten
daily calendar de Täglich
daily matrix view calendar de Matrix-Ansicht des Tages
days repeated calendar de wiederholte Tage
default calendar filter calendar de Standard-Filter des Kalenders
default calendar view calendar de Standard-Ansicht des Kalenders
duration calendar de Dauer
end date/time calendar de Enddatum/-zeit
fr calendar de Fr
free/busy calendar de frei/belegt
frequency calendar de Häufigkeit
fri calendar de Fr
full description calendar de vollständige Beschreibung
generate printer-friendly version calendar de Drucker-freundliche Version erzeugen
go! calendar de Go!
i participate calendar de Ich nehme teil
ignore conflict calendar de Konflikt ignorieren
minutes calendar de Minuten
mo calendar de Mo
mon calendar de Mo
month calendar de Monat
monthly calendar de Monatlich
monthly (by date) calendar de Monatlich (nach Datum)
monthly (by day) calendar de Monatlich (nach Wochentag)
new entry calendar de Neuer Eintrag
no matches found. calendar de Keine Treffer gefunden.
participants calendar de Teilnehmer
printer friendly calendar de Drucker-freundlich
re-edit event calendar de Event erneut bearbeiten
repeat day calendar de Wiederholungstag
repeat end date calendar de Enddatum
repeat type calendar de Wiederholungstyp
repeating event information calendar de Informationen zu sich wiederholenden Ereignissen
repetition calendar de Repetition
sa calendar de Sa
sat calendar de Sa
search results calendar de Suchergebnisse
show day view on main screen calendar de Tagesübersicht auf der Startseite anzeigen
start date/time calendar de Startdatum/-zeit
su calendar de So
sun calendar de So
th calendar de Do
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar de Im gewählten Zeitraum gibt es einen Konflikt:<ul>%1</ul>
this month calendar de Dieser Monat
this week calendar de Diese Woche
thu calendar de Do
today calendar de Heute
tu calendar de Di
tue calendar de Di
use end date calendar de Enddatum benutzen
view this entry calendar de Diesen Eintrag anzeigen
we calendar de Mi
wed calendar de Mi
week calendar de Woche
weekly calendar de Wöchentlich
x matches found calendar de %1 Treffer gefunden
year calendar de Jahr
yearly calendar de Jährlich
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar de Sie haben keine a\nKurzbeschreibung eingegeben
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day calendar de Sie haben keine a\ngültige Tageszeit eingegeben.
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar de Sie müssen einen oder mehrere Suchbegriffe angeben
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar de Der von Ihnen gewählte Zeitraum <B> %1 - %2 </B> führt zu Konflikten mit folgenden bereits existierenden Kalendereinträgen:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
1 match found calendar en 1 match found
a calendar en a
accept calendar en Accept
accepted calendar en Accepted
all day calendar en All Day
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar en Are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar en Are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nThis will delete\nthis entry for all users.
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar en Are you sure you want to delete this holiday ?
brief description calendar en Brief Description
calendar - add calendar en Calendar - Add
calendar - edit calendar en Calendar - Edit
daily calendar en Daily
daily matrix view calendar en Daily Matrix View
days repeated calendar en days repeated
default calendar filter calendar en Default calendar filter
default calendar view calendar en Default calendar view
display mini calendars when printing calendar en Display mini calendars when printing
display status of events calendar en Display Status of Events
duration calendar en Duration
end date/time calendar en End Date/Time
ends calendar en ends
(for weekly) calendar en (for Weekly)
fr calendar en F
free/busy calendar en Free/Busy
frequency calendar en Frequency
fri calendar en Fri
full description calendar en Full Description
generate printer-friendly version calendar en Generate printer-friendly version
global public and group public calendar en Global Public and group public
global public only calendar en Global Public Only
go! calendar en Go!
group public only calendar en Group Public Only
ignore conflict calendar en Ignore Conflict
i participate calendar en I Participate
minutes calendar en minutes
mo calendar en M
mon calendar en Mon
month calendar en Month
monthly (by date) calendar en Monthly (by date)
monthly (by day) calendar en Monthly (by day)
monthly calendar en Monthly
new entry calendar en New Entry
no matches found. calendar en No matches found.
no repsonse calendar en No Response
no response calendar en No Response
participant calendar en Participant
participants calendar en Participants
participates calendar en Participates
printer friendly calendar en Printer Friendly
private and global public calendar en Private and Global Public
private and group public calendar en Private and Group Public
private only calendar en Private Only
re-edit event calendar en Re-Edit Event
refresh calendar en Refresh
reject calendar en Reject
rejected calendar en Rejected
repeat day calendar en Repeat day
repeat end date calendar en Repeat End date
repeating event information calendar en Repeating Event Information
repeat type calendar en Repeat type
repetition calendar en Repetition
sa calendar en Sa
sat calendar en Sat
scheduling conflict calendar en Scheduling Conflict
search results calendar en Search Results
send/Receive updates via email calendar en Send/Receive updates via EMail
show day view on main screen calendar en Show day view on main screen
show high priority events on main screen calendar en Show high priority events on main screen
sorry, the owner has just deleted this event calendar en Sorry, the owner has just deleted this event
start date/time calendar en Start Date/Time
su calendar en Su
sun calendar en Sun
tentative calendar en Tentative
th calendar en T
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar en The following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>%1</ul>
there was an error trying to connect to your news server.<br>please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password. calendar en There was an error trying to connect to your news server.<br>Please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password.
this month calendar en This month
this week calendar en This week
this year calendar en This year
thu calendar en Thu
today calendar en Today
tu calendar en T
tue calendar en Tue
use end date calendar en Use End date
view this entry calendar en View this entry
we calendar en W
wed calendar en Wed
week calendar en Week
weekday starts on calendar en Weekday starts on
weekly calendar en Weekly
when creating new events default set to private calendar en When creating new events default set to private
work day ends on calendar en Work day ends on
work day starts on calendar en Work day starts on
x matches found calendar en %1 matches found
year calendar en Year
yearly calendar en Yearly
you have not entered a valid date calendar en You have not entered a valid date
you have not entered a title calendar en You have not entered a title
you have not entered a valid time of day calendar en You have not entered a valid time of day
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar en You must enter one or more search keywords
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar en Your suggested time of <B> %1 - %2 </B> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
(for weekly) calendar es (por semanal)
1 match found calendar es 1 coincidencia encontrada
a calendar es a
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar es Esta seguro\nde querer\nborrar esta entrada ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar es Esta seguro\nde querer\nborrar esta entrarda ?\n\nEsto borrara\nla entrada para todos los usuarios.
brief description calendar es Descripción breve
calendar - add calendar es Calendario - Agregar
calendar - edit calendar es Calendario - Editar
daily calendar es Diario
days repeated calendar es días repetidos
description calendar es Descripción
duration calendar es Duración
fr calendar es V
frequency calendar es Frequencia
fri calendar es Vie
full description calendar es Descripción completa
generate printer-friendly version calendar es Generar versión para impresion
go! calendar es Ir!
ignore conflict calendar es Ignorar Conflicto
minutes calendar es minutos
mo calendar es L
mon calendar es Lun
month calendar es Mes
monthly (by date) calendar es Mensual (por fecha)
monthly (by day) calendar es Mensual (por día)
new entry calendar es Nueva Entrada
no matches found. calendar es No se encontraron coincidencias.
participants calendar es Participantes
printer friendly calendar es Versión impresión
re-edit event calendar es Re-Editar Evento
repeat day calendar es Repetir día
repeat end date calendar es Repetir fecha final
repeat type calendar es Tipo repetición
repetition calendar es Repetición
sa calendar es Sa
sat calendar es Sab
search results calendar es Resultados de la busqueda
su calendar es Do
sun calendar es Dom
th calendar es J
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar es Los siguientes conflictos con las horas sugeridas:<ul>%1</ul>
this month calendar es Este mes
this week calendar es Esta semana
thu calendar es Jue
today calendar es Hoy
tu calendar es M
tue calendar es Mar
use end date calendar es Usar fecha final
view this entry calendar es Ver esta entrada
we calendar es Mi
wed calendar es Mie
week calendar es Semana
weekly calendar es Semanal
x matches found calendar es %1 coincidencias encontradas
year calendar es Año
yearly calendar es Anual
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar es Ud. no ha ingresado una\nBrief descripción
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar es Ud. no ha ingresado una\nvalid hora valida.
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar es Ud. debe entrar una o mas claves de busqueda
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar es Sus horas sugeridas de <B> %1 - %2 </B> estan es conflicto con las siguientes entradas es el calendario:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
(for weekly) calendar hu (hetente történõ eseménynél)
1 match found calendar hu 1 találat
a calendar hu
all calendar hu Összes
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar hu Biztosan törölni\nakarja ezt\na bejegyzést?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar hu Biztosan törölni\nakarja ezt\na bejegyzést?\n\nMinden felhasználó számára\ntörölni fogja a bejegyzés.
brief description calendar hu Rövid leírás
calendar - add calendar hu Naptár - Hozzáadás
calendar - edit calendar hu Naptár - Módosítás
daily calendar hu Naponta
daily matrix view calendar hu Napi mátrix megtekintése
days repeated calendar hu napon ismétlõdik
description calendar hu Leírás
duration calendar hu Idõtartam
end date/time calendar hu Befejezés dátuma/ideje
fr calendar hu P
free/busy calendar hu Szabad/Elfoglalt
frequency calendar hu Gyakoriság
fri calendar hu P
full description calendar hu Teljes leírás
generate printer-friendly version calendar hu Nyomtató-barát verzió generálása
global public and group public calendar hu Globális publiskus és csoport publikus
global public only calendar hu Csak globális publikus
go! calendar hu Hajrá!
group public only calendar hu Csak csoport publikus
i participate calendar hu Résztveszek
ignore conflict calendar hu Átfedés figyelmen kivül hagyása
minutes calendar hu perc
mo calendar hu H
mon calendar hu H
month calendar hu Hónap
monthly calendar hu Havonta
monthly (by date) calendar hu Havonta (dátum szerint)
monthly (by day) calendar hu Havonta (naponta)
new entry calendar hu Új bejegyzés
no matches found. calendar hu Nincs találat.
participants calendar hu Résztvevõk
printer friendly calendar hu Nyomtató-barát
private and global public calendar hu Személyes és globális publikus
private and group public calendar hu Személyes és csoport publikus
private only calendar hu Csak személyes
re-edit event calendar hu Esemény módosítása
repeat day calendar hu Ismétlõdés napja
repeat end date calendar hu Ismétlõdés végsõ dátuma
repeat type calendar hu Ismétlõdés típusa
repeating event information calendar hu Ismétlõdõ esemény információ
repetition calendar hu Ismétlõdés
sa calendar hu Sz
sat calendar hu Sz
search results calendar hu Keresés eredménye
show high priority events on main screen calendar hu Magas prioritásu események megjelenítése a fõképernyõn
start date/time calendar hu Kezdet dátuma/ideje
su calendar hu V
sun calendar hu V
th calendar hu Cs
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar hu A következõ bejegyzés ütközik a javasolt idõponttal:<ul>%1</ul>
this month calendar hu Aktuális hónapban
this week calendar hu Aktuális héten
thu calendar hu Cs
today calendar hu Ma
tu calendar hu K
tue calendar hu K
use end date calendar hu Végsõ dátumot használja
view this entry calendar hu Bejegyzés megtekintése
we calendar hu Sz
wed calendar hu Sz
week calendar hu Hét
weekday starts on calendar hu Hétköznap kezdete
weekly calendar hu Hetente
work day ends on calendar hu Munkanapok vége
work day starts on calendar hu Munkanapok kezdete
x matches found calendar hu %1 találat
year calendar hu Év
yearly calendar hu Évente
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar hu Nem írt be\nleírást
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar hu Nem írt be érvényes\nidõpontot.
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar hu Egy vagy több kulcsszót meg kell adni a kereséshez
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar hu A megadott idõpont <B> %1 - %2 </B> összeütközik a következõ bejegyzésekkel:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
1 match found calendar it Trovata 1 occorrenza
a calendar it A
all day calendar it Tutto il giorno
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar it Sei sicuro\ndi voler\ncancellare questa nota ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar it Sei sicuro di\nvoler cancellare\nquesta nota ?\n\nQuesto cancellerà\nquesta nota per tutti gli utenti.
brief description calendar it Descrizione breve
calendar - add calendar it Calendario - Aggiungi
calendar - edit calendar it Calendario - Modifica
daily calendar it Giornaliero
daily matrix view calendar it Visualizza Matrice Giornaliera
days repeated calendar it giorni ripetuti
default calendar filter calendar it Filtro del calendario preferito
default calendar view calendar it Visualizzazione preferita del calendario
description calendar it Descrizione
display status of events calendar it Visualizza lo stato per gli Eventi
duration calendar it Durata
end date/time calendar it Data/Ora finale
(for weekly) calendar it (per settimana)
fr calendar it V
free/busy calendar it Libero/Occupato
frequency calendar it Frequenza
fri calendar it Ven
full description calendar it Descrizione completa
generate printer-friendly version calendar it Genera versione stampabile
global public and group public calendar it Pubblico Globale e Pubblico per il Gruppo
global public only calendar it Solo Pubblico Globale
go! calendar it Vai!
group public only calendar it Solo Pubblico per il Gruppo
ignore conflict calendar it Ignora Conflitto
i participate calendar it Io Partecipo
minutes calendar it minuti
mo calendar it L
mon calendar it Lun
month calendar it Mese
monthly (by date) calendar it Mensile (per data)
monthly (by day) calendar it Mensile (per giorno)
monthly calendar it Mensile
new entry calendar it Nuovo Appuntamento
no matches found. calendar it Nessuna corrispondenza trovata.
none calendar it Nessuna
participants calendar it Partecipanti
printer friendly calendar it Versione Stampabile
private and global public calendar it Privato e Pubblico Globale
private and group public calendar it Private e Pubblico per il Gruppo
private only calendar it Solo privato
re-edit event calendar it Ri-modifica l'evento
repeat day calendar it Giorno ripetizione
repeat end date calendar it Data ultima ripetizione
repeating event information calendar it Informazioni sugli eventi ricorrenti
repeat type calendar it Tipo di ripetizione
repetition calendar it Ripetizione
sa calendar it Sa
sat calendar it Sab
search results calendar it Risultati Ricerca
show day view on main screen calendar it Mostra la vista giornaliera nella schermata principale
show high priority events on main screen calendar it Mostra eventi ad alta priorità nella schermata principale
start date/time calendar it Data/Ora Inizio
su calendar it Do
sun calendar it Dom
th calendar it G
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar it Il seguente è in conflitto con l'orario suggerito:<ul>%1</ul>
this month calendar it Questo mese
this week calendar it Questa settimana
thu calendar it Gio
today calendar it Oggi
tu calendar it M
tue calendar it Mar
use end date calendar it Usa data di termine
view this entry calendar it Visualizza questo inserimento
we calendar it M
wed calendar it Mer
week calendar it Settimana
weekday starts on calendar it La settimana inizia di
weekly calendar it Settimanale
when creating new events default set to private calendar it Quando vengono creati nuovi eventi settali automaticamente privati
work day ends on calendar it La giornata lavorativa termina alle
work day starts on calendar it La giornata lavorativa inizia alle
x matches found calendar it Trovate %1 occorrenze
year calendar it Anno
yearly calendar it Annuale
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar it Non hai inserito una\nBreve Descrizione
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar it Non hai inserito un\norario valido.
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar it Devi inserire una o più keyword per la ricerca
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar it L'orario suggerito <B> %1 - %2 </B> è in conflittop con i seguenti appunamenti presenti in calendario:
user calendar it utente
start date calendar it Data Inizio
end date calendar it Data Fine
this year calendar it Quest'anno
participates calendar it partecipa
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
(for weekly) calendar ja (毎週時)
1 match found calendar ja 1件見つかりました。
a calendar ja
accept calendar ja 承諾
all day calendar ja 全ての日
am calendar ja 午前
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar ja この項目を\n削除してもよろしいですか。
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar ja 削除してもよろしいですか。\n(全てのユーザに影響します。)
brief description calendar ja 件名
calendar - add calendar ja カレンダー - 追加
calendar - edit calendar ja カレンダー - 編集
calendar holiday management calendar ja 休日設定
countries calendar ja 国一覧
daily calendar ja 日単位
daily matrix view calendar ja 日程表示
days repeated calendar ja 曜日
default calendar filter calendar ja カレンダーの初期選択
default calendar view calendar ja カレンダーの初期表示
display status of events calendar ja イベント状況表示
duration calendar ja 継続時間
end date/time calendar ja 終了日時
ends calendar ja 終了日
fr calendar ja 金
free/busy calendar ja 時間表
frequency calendar ja 間隔
fri calendar ja 金
full description calendar ja 詳細
generate printer-friendly version calendar ja 印刷用
global public and group public calendar ja パブリックと所属グループ
global public only calendar ja パブリック
go! calendar ja Go!
group public only calendar ja 所属グループ
holiday calendar ja 休日
holidays calendar ja 休日一覧
i participate calendar ja 自分も参加者
ignore conflict calendar ja 無視
minutes calendar ja 分
mo calendar ja 月
mon calendar ja 月
month calendar ja 月
monthly calendar ja 月単位
monthly (by date) calendar ja 月単位(日)
monthly (by day) calendar ja 月単位(曜日)
monthlybydate calendar ja 月単位(日)
monthlybyday calendar ja 月単位(曜日)
new entry calendar ja 項目追加
no matches found. calendar ja 見つかりません。
no response calendar ja 返答なし
observance rule calendar ja 休日のルールを適用
occurence calendar ja 曜日指定
participant calendar ja 参加者
participates calendar ja も参加
participants calendar ja 参加者
pm calendar ja 午後
printer friendly calendar ja 印刷用へ
private and global public calendar ja プライベートと共有
private and group public calendar ja プライベートと所属グループ
private only calendar ja プライベートのみ
re-edit event calendar ja 再編集
refresh calendar ja 再表示
reject calendar ja 拒否
rejected calendar ja 拒否済み
repeat day calendar ja 曜日の繰返し
repeat end date calendar ja 繰返しの終了日
repeat type calendar ja タイプ
repeating event information calendar ja 繰返しイベント
repetition calendar ja 繰返し
repitition calendar ja 繰返し
reset calendar ja 再入力
sa calendar ja 土
sat calendar ja 土
scheduling conflict calendar ja 予定を確認
search results calendar ja 検索結果
select country for including holidays calendar ja 休日データ選択
show day view on main screen calendar ja 今日の予定をメイン画面に表示
show high priority events on main screen calendar ja 優先度が高いイベントをメイン画面に表示
start date/time calendar ja 開始日時
su calendar ja 日
sun calendar ja 日
tentative calendar ja 仮承諾
th calendar ja 木
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar ja The following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>%1</ul>
this month calendar ja 今月
this week calendar ja 今週
this year calendar ja 今年
thu calendar ja 木
today calendar ja 今日
tu calendar ja 火
tue calendar ja 火
use end date calendar ja 終了日指定
user calendar ja ユーザ
view this entry calendar ja 項目表示
we calendar ja 水
wed calendar ja 水
week calendar ja 週
weekday starts on calendar ja 週の初め
weekly calendar ja 週単位
when creating new events default set to private calendar ja プライベート用とする(新規作成時)
work day ends on calendar ja 就業時間(終了)
work day starts on calendar ja 就業時間(開始)
x matches found calendar ja %1 件見つかりました。
year calendar ja 年
yearly calendar ja 年単位
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar ja 概要を入力してください。
you have not entered a brief description calendar ja 概要を入力してください。
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar ja 時刻が誤っています。
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar ja 検索キーワードを入力して下さい。
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar ja <B> %1 - %2 </B> には、別の予定があります。
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
1 match found calendar ko 1개항목 찾음
a calendar ko
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar ko 이 항목을 정말로 삭제 하시겠습니까 ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar ko 이 항목을 정말로 삭제하시겠습니까?
brief description calendar ko 간단한 설명
calendar - add calendar ko 달력 - 추가
calendar - edit calendar ko 달력 - 편집
daily calendar ko 매일
days repeated calendar ko 동안 반복되었음
description calendar ko 설명
duration calendar ko 기간
frequency calendar ko 빈도
fri calendar ko 금요일
full description calendar ko 자세한 설명
generate printer-friendly version calendar ko 프린트하기
go! calendar ko 실행!
minutes calendar ko 분
mon calendar ko 월요일
month calendar ko 월
monthly (by date) calendar ko 매월 (by date)
monthly (by day) calendar ko 매월 (by day)
new entry calendar ko 새로운 항목
no matches found. calendar ko 검색조건에 맞는 항목이 없습니다.
participants calendar ko 참여자
printer friendly calendar ko 프린트하기
r calendar ko <09>
repeat day calendar ko 반복 요일
repeat end date calendar ko 반복 종료날짜
repeat type calendar ko 반복방법
repetition calendar ko 반복
sat calendar ko 토요일
search results calendar ko 검색결과
sun calendar ko 일요일
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar ko 다음 항목이 제안된 시간과 충돌합니다. :<ul>%1</ul>
this month calendar ko 이번달
this week calendar ko 이번주
thu calendar ko 목요일
today calendar ko 오늘
tue calendar ko 화요일
use end date calendar ko 마지막 날짜 사용
view this entry calendar ko 항목 보기
wed calendar ko 수요일
week calendar ko 주
weekly calendar ko 매주
x matches found calendar ko %1개 항목 찾음
year calendar ko 년
yearly calendar ko 매년
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar ko 간단한 설명을 입력하세요.
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar ko 시간을 정확하게 입력하세요.
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar ko 하나 이상의 검색키워드를 입력하셔야 합니다.
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar ko <B> %1 - %2 </B>이 항목이 달력에 있는 내용과 같습니다.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
(for weekly) calendar nl (voor wekelijks)
1 match found calendar nl 1 resultaat gevonden
a calendar nl a
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar nl Weet u zeker\n dat u deze\nafspraak wilt verwijderen
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar nl Weet u zeker\n dat u deze\nafspraak wilt verwijderen\nDit zal de afspraak bij\nalle gebruikers verwijderen.
brief description calendar nl Korte omschrijving
calendar - add calendar nl Kalender - toevoegen
calendar - edit calendar nl Kalender - Bewerken
daily calendar nl Dagelijks
days repeated calendar nl dagen herhaald
delete this entry ? calendar nl Weet u zeker
description calendar nl Omschrijving
duration calendar nl Duur
fr calendar nl Vr
free/busy calendar nl Vrij/Bezet
frequency calendar nl Frequentie
fri calendar nl Vr
full description calendar nl Volledige omschrijving
generate printer-friendly version calendar nl Genereer printervriendelijke versie
go! calendar nl Uitvoeren!
i participate calendar nl Ik doe mee
ignore conflict calendar nl Conflict negeren
minutes calendar nl minuten
mo calendar nl Ma
mon calendar nl Ma
month calendar nl Maand
monthly (by date) calendar nl Maandelijks (op datum)
monthly (by day) calendar nl Maandelijks (op dag)
new entry calendar nl Nieuwe afspraak
no matches found. calendar nl Geen resultaten gevonden
participants calendar nl Deelnemers
printer friendly calendar nl Printervriendelijk
re-edit event calendar nl Afspraak herbewerken
repeat day calendar nl Dag herhalen
repeat end date calendar nl Einddatum herhalingspatroon
repeat type calendar nl Herhalingstype
repetition calendar nl Herhalingspatroon
sa calendar nl Za
sat calendar nl Za
search results calendar nl Zoekresultaten
show high priority events on main screen calendar nl Evenementen met hoge prioriteit weergeven op hoofdscherm
su calendar nl Zo
sun calendar nl Zo
th calendar nl Do
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar nl Het volgende levert een confilct op met de voorgestelde tijd:<ul>%1</ul>
this month calendar nl Deze maand
this week calendar nl Deze week
thu calendar nl Do
today calendar nl Vandaag
tu calendar nl Di
tue calendar nl Di
use end date calendar nl Gebruik einddatum
view this entry calendar nl Deze afspraak bekijken
we calendar nl Wo
wed calendar nl Wo
week calendar nl Week
weekday starts on calendar nl Weekdag begint om
weekly calendar nl wekelijks
work day ends on calendar nl Werkdag eindigt om
work day starts on calendar nl Werkdag begint om
x matches found calendar nl %1 resultaten gevonden
year calendar nl Jaar
yearly calendar nl Jaarlijks
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar nl U hebt geen korte\nomschrijving ingevoerd
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar nl U hebt geen geldige\n tijd ingevoerd
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar nl U moet een of meer zoektermen invoeren
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar nl Uw opgegeven tijd (%1 - %2) levert een conflict op met de volgende afspraken:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
(for weekly) calendar no (for Ukentlig)
1 match found calendar no 1 match funnet
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar no Er du sikker på at\ndu vil\nslette denne?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar no Er du sikker på at\ndu vil\nslette denne entry ?\n\nDette vil slette\ndenne entry for alle brukere.
brief description calendar no Kort beskrivelse
calendar - add calendar no Kalender - Tilføy
calendar - edit calendar no Kalender - Edit
daily calendar no Daglig
days repeated calendar no dager gjentatt
description calendar no Beskrivelse
duration calendar no Varighet
frequency calendar no Hvor ofte
fri calendar no Fre
full description calendar no Full beskrivelse
generate printer-friendly version calendar no Generer printer-vennlig versjon
go! calendar no Go!
minutes calendar no minutter
mon calendar no Man
month calendar no Måned
monthly (by date) calendar no Månedlig (etter dato)
monthly (by day) calendar no Månedlig (etter dag)
new entry calendar no Ny Entry
no matches found. calendar no Ingen match funnet.
participants calendar no Deltakere
printer friendly calendar no Printer Vennlig
repeat day calendar no Gjenta dag
repeat end date calendar no Gjennta sluttdato
repeat type calendar no Gjenta type
repetition calendar no Gjenntakelse
sat calendar no Lør
search results calendar no Søk resultater
sun calendar no Søn
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar no De følgende konflikter ved den foreslåtte tidene:<ul>%1</ul>
this month calendar no Denne måneden
this week calendar no Denne uken
thu calendar no Tor
today calendar no I dag
tue calendar no Tir
use end date calendar no Bruk sluttdato
view this entry calendar no Vis denne entry
wed calendar no Ons
week calendar no Uke
weekly calendar no Ukentlig
x matches found calendar no %1 match funnet
year calendar no År
yearly calendar no Årlig
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar no Du har ikke skrevet inn en\nkort beskrivelse
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar no Du har ikke skrevet inn en\ngyldig tid.
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar no Du må skrive inn ett eller flere søkeord
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar no Din foreslåtte tid av <B> %1 - %2 </B> er i konflikt med de følgende kalender entries:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
(for weekly) calendar sv (för veckovis)
1 match found calendar sv 1 träff hittad
a calendar sv a
all calendar sv Alla
are you sure\\\\nyou want to\\\\ndelete this entry ? calendar sv Är du säker på attndu villnta bort denna?
are you sure\\\\nyou want to\\\\ndelete this entry ?\\\\n\\\\nthis will delete\\\\nthis entry for all users. calendar sv Är du säker på attndu villnta bort denna entry ?nnDetta vill ta bortndenna entry för alla användare.
are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this entry ? calendar sv Är du säker\\natt du vill\\ntabort denna post?
are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this entry ?\\n\\nthis will delete\\nthis entry for all users. calendar sv Är du säker\\natt du vill\\ntabort denna post?\\n\\nDetta tar bort den\\nför alla användare.
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar sv Är du säker\natt du vill\\nradera denna post?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar sv Är du säker\\natt du vill\\nradera denna post?\\n\\nDetta tar bort\\ndenna post för alla\\nanvändare.
brief description calendar sv Kort beskrivning
calendar - add calendar sv Kalender - Lägg till
calendar - edit calendar sv Kalender - Edit
daily calendar sv Daglig
daily matrix view calendar sv Daglig matris vy
days repeated calendar sv dagar repeterade
description calendar sv Beskrivning
duration calendar sv Varaktighet
end date/time calendar sv Slut Datum/tid
fr calendar sv Fr
free/busy calendar sv Ledig/Upptagen
frequency calendar sv Hur ofta
fri calendar sv Fre
full description calendar sv Full beskrivning
generate printer-friendly version calendar sv Gör en printer-vänlig verision
global public and group public calendar sv Globalt publikt och Grupp publikt
global public only calendar sv Endast Globalt publikt
go! calendar sv Go!
group public only calendar sv Endast grupp publikt
i participate calendar sv Jag deltar
ignore conflict calendar sv Ignorera konflikt
minutes calendar sv minuter
mo calendar sv Må
mon calendar sv Mån
month calendar sv Månad
monthly calendar sv Månadsvis
monthly (by date) calendar sv Månatligt (efter datum)
monthly (by day) calendar sv Månatligt (efter dag)
new entry calendar sv Ny Post
no matches found. calendar sv Ingen träff hittad.
participants calendar sv Deltagare
printer friendly calendar sv Printer Vänlig
private and global public calendar sv Privat och globalt publikt
private and group public calendar sv Privat och Grupp publikt
private only calendar sv Endast privat
re-edit event calendar sv Ändra händelse
repeat day calendar sv Repetera dag
repeat end date calendar sv Repetera slutdatum
repeat type calendar sv Repetera type
repeating event information calendar sv Repetera händelse information
repetition calendar sv Repetition
sa calendar sv Lö
sat calendar sv Lör
search results calendar sv Sök resultat
show high priority events on main screen calendar sv Visa högprioritets händelser på huvudskärmen
start date/time calendar sv Start Datum/Tid
su calendar sv Sö
sun calendar sv Sön
th calendar sv To
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar sv Följande kommer i konflikt med den föreslagna tiden:<ul>%1</ul>
this month calendar sv Denna månaden
this week calendar sv Denna veckan
thu calendar sv Tor
today calendar sv I dag
tu calendar sv Ti
tue calendar sv Tis
use end date calendar sv Använd slutdatum
view this entry calendar sv Visa denna post
we calendar sv On
wed calendar sv Ons
week calendar sv Vecka
weekday starts on calendar sv Första veckodag är
weekly calendar sv Veckovis
work day ends on calendar sv Arbetsdagen slutar
work day starts on calendar sv Arbetsdagen börjar
x matches found calendar sv %1 träffar hittade
year calendar sv År
yearly calendar sv Årligen
you have not entered a\\\\nbrief description calendar sv Du har inte skrivit in ennkort beskrivning
you have not entered a\\\\nvalid time of day. calendar sv Du har inte skrivit in enngiltig tid.
you have not entered a\\nbrief description calendar sv Du har inte gett\\nnågon beskrivning
you have not entered a\\nvalid time of day. calendar sv Du har inte angett\\nnågon giltig tid på dagen.
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar sv Du har inte skrivit\\nen beskrivning.
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar sv Du har inte angivit\\nen giltig tid.
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar sv Du måste skriva in ett eller flera sökord
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar sv Din föreslagna tid av <B> %1 - %2 </B> är i konflikt med de följande kalender entries:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user