mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 05:58:51 +01:00
moved froming of the get_list() query from ui to so
lot of formating
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,11 +22,12 @@
'write' => True,
'delete' => True,
'check_access' => True,
'aclFilter' => True,
'readProj' => True,
'readAddr' => True,
'anzSubs' => True,
'readIdArray' => True,
'accountInfo' => True, // in class boinfolog (this class)
'addr2name' => True
'addr2name' => True,
var $enums;
var $so;
@ -166,4 +167,16 @@
function anzSubs( $info_id ) {
return $this->so->anzSubs( $info_id );
function readIdArray($order,$sort,$filter,$cat_id,$query,$action,$addr_id,
return $this->so->readIdArray($order,$sort,$filter,$cat_id,$query,
@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ class html
return $html;
function form_1button($name,$lang,$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars='',$method='POST')
function form_1button($name,$lang,$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars='',
return $this->form($this->submit_button($name,$lang),
@ -116,7 +117,8 @@ class html
$html = str_replace('<select','<select onChange="this.form.submit()" ',
if ($no_script) {
if ($no_script)
$html .= '<noscript>'.$this->submit_button('send','>').'</noscript>';
return $html;
@ -127,16 +129,25 @@ class html
global $phpgw;
$html = '<img src="'.$phpgw->common->image($app,$name).'"';
if ($alt) $html .= ' alt="'.$alt.'"';
if ($opts) $html .= " $opts";
if ($alt)
$html .= ' alt="'.$alt.'"';
if ($opts)
$html .= " $opts";
return $html . '>';
function a_href( $content,$url,$vars='') {
function a_href( $content,$url,$vars='')
return '<a href="'.$this->link($url,$vars).'">'.$content.'</a>';
function bold($content) {
function bold($content)
return '<b>'.$content.'</b>';
@ -19,27 +19,30 @@
var $grants;
var $data = array( );
function soinfolog( $info_id = 0) {
function soinfolog( $info_id = 0)
global $phpgw;
$this->db = $phpgw->db;
$this->grants = $phpgw->acl->get_grants('infolog');
$this->read( $info_id);
$this->read( $info_id );
function readProj($proj_id) {
function readProj($proj_id)
if ($proj_id) {
if (!is_object($this->projects)) {
$this->projects = createobject('projects.projects');
if (list( $proj ) = $this->projects->read_single_project( $proj_id ))
if (list( $proj ) = $this->projects->read_single_project( $proj_id))
return $proj;
return False;
function readAddr($addr_id) {
function readAddr($addr_id)
if ($addr_id) {
if (!is_object($this->contacts)) {
$this->contacts = createobject('phpgwapi.contacts');
@ -51,57 +54,86 @@
function check_access( $info_id,$required_rights ) {
function check_access( $info_id,$required_rights )
global $phpgw_info;
if ($info_id != $this->data['info_id']) { // already loaded?
$private_info = $this; // dont change our own internal data, dont use new as it changes $phpgw->db
if ($info_id != $this->data['info_id']) // already loaded?
// dont change our own internal data,
// dont use new as it changes $phpgw->db
$private_info = $this;
$info = $private_info->read($info_id);
} else {
$info = $this->data;
if (!$info || !$info_id)
return False;
$owner = $info['info_owner'];
$user = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'];
$access_ok = $owner == $user || // user has all rights
!!($this->grants[$owner] & $required_rights) && // ACL only on public entrys || $owner granted _PRIVATE
($info['info_access'] == 'public' || !!($this->grants[$owner] & PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE));
// ACL only on public entrys || $owner granted _PRIVATE
!!($this->grants[$owner] & $required_rights) &&
($info['info_access'] == 'public' ||
!!($this->grants[$owner] & PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE));
// echo "check_access(info_id=$info_id (owner=$owner, user=$user),required_rights=$required_rights): access".($access_ok?"Ok":"Denied");
return $access_ok;
function aclFilter($filter = 'none') { // sql to be AND into a query to ensure ACL is respected (incl. _PRIVATE)
global $phpgw_info; // filter: none - list all entrys user have rights to see
// private - list only his personal entrys (incl. those he is responsible for !!!)
// sql to be AND into a query to ensure ACL is respected (incl. _PRIVATE)
// filter: none - list all entrys user have rights to see
// private - list only his personal entrys
// (incl. those he is responsible for !!!)
function aclFilter($filter = 'none')
global $phpgw_info;
if (isset($this->acl_filter[$filter]))
return $this->acl_filter[$filter]; // used cached filter if found
if (is_array($this->grants)) {
while (list($user,$grant) = each($this->grants)) {
// echo "<p>grants: user=$user, grant=$grant</p>";
return $this->acl_filter[$filter]; // used cached filter if found
if (is_array($this->grants))
while (list($user,$grant) = each($this->grants))
// echo "<p>grants: user=$user, grant=$grant</p>";
$public_user_list[] = $user;
if ($grant & PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE)
$private_user_list[] = $user;
if (count($private_user_list)) {
$has_private_access = 'info_owner IN ('.implode(',',$private_user_list).')';
if (count($private_user_list))
$has_private_access = 'info_owner IN ('.
$user = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'];
$filtermethod = " (info_owner=$user"; // user has all rights
$filtermethod = " (info_owner=$user"; // user has all rights
if ($filter == 'private') { // private means own entrys plus the one user is responsible for (and has rights to see)
// private: own entries plus the one user is responsible for
if ($filter == 'private')
$filtermethod .= " OR info_responsible=$user AND (info_access='public'".($has_private_access?" OR $has_private_access":'').')';
} else { // none --> all entrys user has rights to see
if ($has_private_access) {
else // none --> all entrys user has rights to see
if ($has_private_access)
$filtermethod .= " OR $has_private_access";
if (count($public_user_list)) {
if (count($public_user_list))
$filtermethod .= " OR (info_access='public' AND info_owner IN(" . implode(',',$public_user_list) . '))';
@ -109,46 +141,57 @@
// echo "<p>aclFilter('$filter')(user='$user') = '$filtermethod'</p>";
return $this->acl_filter[$filter] = $filtermethod; // cache the filter
return $this->acl_filter[$filter] = $filtermethod; // cache the filter
function init() {
function init()
global $phpgw_info;
$this->data = array( 'info_owner' => $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'],
'info_pri' => 'normal' );
function read($info_id) { // did _not_ ensure ACL, has to be done by the calling code
function read($info_id) // did _not_ ensure ACL
if ($info_id <= 0 || $info_id != $this->data['info_id'] &&
(!$this->db->query("select * FROM phpgw_infolog where info_id='$info_id'") || !$this->db->next_record()))
$this->init( );
return False;
if ($info_id != $this->data['info_id']) { // data yet read in
if ($info_id != $this->data['info_id']) // data yet read in
$this->data = $this->db->Record;
return $this->data;
function delete($info_id) { // did _not_ ensure ACL, has to be done by the calling code
function delete($info_id) // did _not_ ensure ACL
global $phpgw_info;
$this->db->query("delete FROM phpgw_infolog where info_id='$info_id' or info_id_parent='"
. "$info_id' AND ((info_access='public' and info_owner != '"
. $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'] . "') or (info_owner='"
. $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'] . "'))" ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
if ($this->data['info_id'] == $info_id)
$this->init( );
function write($values) { // did _not_ ensure ACL, has to be done by the calling code
while (list($key,$val) = each($values)) {
function write($values) // did _not_ ensure ACL
while (list($key,$val) = each($values))
$this->data['info_'.$key] = $val; // update internal data
switch ($key) {
switch ($key)
case 'info_id':
break; // later in where clause
case 'des': case 'subject': case 'from': case 'addr':
$val = addslashes($val);
@ -156,17 +199,88 @@
$query .= "info_$key='$val'";
if ($values['info_id']) {
$query = 'update phpgw_infolog set '.$query.' where info_id=\'' . $values['info_id'] .'\'';
} else {
if ($values['info_id'])
$query = 'update phpgw_infolog set '.$query.' where info_id=\'' .
$values['info_id'] .'\'';
$query = 'insert INTO phpgw_infolog set '.$query;
* need to set $this->data['info_id'] with assigned autoincrement id
* now data will be rereaded
//echo '<br>edit(): query: '.$query;
function anzSubs( $info_id )
$this->db->query('select count(*) FROM phpgw_infolog where '.
return $this->db->f(0);
function readIdArray($order,$sort,$filter,$cat_id,$query,$action,$addr_id,
if ($order)
$ordermethod = 'order by ' . $order . ' ' . $sort;
$ordermethod = 'order by info_datecreated desc'; // newest first
if (!$filter)
$filter = 'none';
$filtermethod = $this->aclFilter($filter);
if ($cat_id)
$filtermethod .= " AND info_cat='$cat_id' ";
switch ($action)
case 'addr': $filtermethod .= " AND info_addr_id=$addr_id ";
case 'proj': $filtermethod .= " AND info_proj_id=$proj_id ";
if ($query) // we search in _from, _subject and _des for $query
$sql_query = "AND (info_from like '%$query%' OR info_subject ".
"like '%$query%' OR info_des like '%$query%') ";
$pid = 'AND info_id_parent='.($action == 'sp' ? $info_id : 0);
if (!$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['infolog']['listNoSubs'] &&
$action != 'sp')
$pid = '';
$this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phpgw_infolog WHERE $filtermethod $pid $sql_query",__LINE__,__FILE__);
$total = $this->db->f(0);
if (!$start || $start > $total)
$start = 0;
$this->db->limit_query("SELECT info_id,info_id_parent FROM phpgw_infolog WHERE $filtermethod $pid $sql_query $ordermethod",$start,__LINE__,__FILE__);
$ids = array( );
while ($this->db->next_record())
$ids[$this->db->f('info_id')] = $this->db->f('info_parent_id');
return $ids;
@ -28,8 +28,10 @@
var $data;
var $enums;
function uiinfolog( ) {
function uiinfolog( )
global $phpgw;
$this->bo = CreateObject('infolog.boinfolog');
$this->data = &$this->bo->data;
$this->enums = &$this->bo->enums;
@ -64,51 +66,68 @@
$this->nextmatchs = CreateObject('phpgwapi.nextmatchs');
function menuaction($action = 'get_list') {
function menuaction($action = 'get_list')
return array( 'menuaction' => "infolog.uiinfolog.$action" );
function icon($cat,$id,$status='') {
// echo "<br>icon('$cat','$id','$status')";
function icon($cat,$id,$status='')
global $phpgw,$DOCUMENT_ROOT;
$icons = &$this->icons[$cat];
if (!$status || !($icon = $icons[$id.'_'.$status]))
if (!$status || !($icon = $icons[$id.'_'.$status])) {
$icon = $icons[$id];
if ($icon) {
if ($icon)
$fname = $phpgw->common->get_image_dir() . '/' . $icon;
if (!is_readable($fname)) {
if (!is_readable($fname))
$icon = False; // echo "<br>Can't read '$fname' !!!";
} else {
$icon = $phpgw->common->get_image_path() . '/' . $icon;
if (!$status || !($alt = $icons[$id.'_'.$status.'_alt']))
if (!($alt = $icons[$id.'_alt']))
$alt = $id;
return ($icon ? "<img src='$icon' alt='" : '') . lang($alt) .
($icon ? '\' border=0>' : '');
function setStyleSheet( ) {
function setStyleSheet( )
global $phpgw;
return array (
'info_css' => '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.
str_replace( '/images','',$phpgw->common->get_image_path()).'/info.css">' );
str_replace( '/images','',
* $info: info_id or array with one row form info-db
* no Proj.Info if proj_id == p_id / no Addr.Info if addr_id == a_id
function formatInfo($info=0,$p_id=0,$a_id=0) {
function formatInfo($info=0,$p_id=0,$a_id=0)
global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;
if (!is_array($info) && (!$info ||
$info = $this->data;
$done = $info['info_status'] == 'done' ||
$info['info_status'] == 'billed';
@ -133,15 +152,18 @@
array( 'filter' => $filter,'action' => 'addr',
'addr_id' => $addr_id )));
if (($from = $info['info_from']) && (!$addr || !strstr($addr,$from))) {
if (($from = $info['info_from']) && (!$addr || !strstr($addr,$from)))
if ($addr) $subject .= '<br>';
$subject .= '<b>'.$from.'</b>';
if ($info['info_addr']) {
if ($info['info_addr'])
if ($addr || $from) $subject .= ': ';
$subject .= $info['info_addr'];
if ($proj || $addr || $from || $info['info_addr']) {
if ($proj || $addr || $from || $info['info_addr'])
$subject .= '<br>';
$subject .= '<b>';
@ -149,72 +171,85 @@
substr($info['info_des'],0,60).' ...';
$subject .= '</b></span>';
if (!$info['info_enddate']) {
if (!$info['info_enddate'])
$enddate = ' ';
} else {
$enddate = $phpgw->common->show_date($info['info_enddate'],$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']);
$enddate = $phpgw->common->show_date($info['info_enddate'],
if (!$done && $info['info_enddate'] < time()+(60*60)*$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset'])
$enddate = "<span class=overdue>$enddate</span>";
if (!($responsible = $info['info_responsible']) &&
$info['info_status'] == 'offer')
$responsible = $this->icon('status','offer');
} else {
$responsible = $this->bo->accountInfo($responsible);
$owner = $this->bo->accountInfo($info['info_owner']);
if ($info['info_access'] == 'private')
$owner = "<span class=private>$owner</span>";
return array(
'type' => $this->icon('type',$info['info_type']),
'status' => $this->icon('status',$info['info_status']),
'pri' => lang($info['info_pri']),
'subject' => $subject,
'des' => $info['info_des'],
'startdate' => $phpgw->common->show_date($info['info_startdate'],$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']),
'startdate' => $phpgw->common->show_date($info['info_startdate'],
'enddate' => $enddate,
'owner' => $owner,
'datecreated' => $phpgw->common->show_date($info['info_datecreated'],$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']),
'responsible' => $responsible );
'datecreated' => $phpgw->common->show_date($info['info_datecreated'] ,$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']),
'responsible' => $responsible
function infoHeaders( $do_sort_header=0,$sort=0,$order=0) {
function infoHeaders( $do_sort_header=0,$sort=0,$order=0)
global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;
$headers['th_bg'] = $phpgw_info['theme']['th_bg'];
$fields = array( 'type','status','urgency','subject','startdate',
'enddate','owner','datecreated','responsible' );
for ( ;$f = $h = current($fields); $f = next($fields)) {
for ( ;$f = $h = current($fields); $f = next($fields))
$lang = lang(ucfirst( $f ));
$headers['lang_'.$f] = $do_sort_header ? $this->nextmatchs->show_sort_order($sort,'info_'.$f,$order,'/index.php',$lang,'&menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list') : $lang;
return $headers;
function get_referer( ) {
function get_referer( )
global $phpgw_info,$HTTP_REFERER,$referer;
if (!$referer)
$referer = $HTTP_REFERER;
//echo "<p>get_referer: referer=$referer, webserver_url=".$phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'];
$url = parse_url(str_replace($phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'],'',
$referer = $url['path'];
if ($url['query'])
$referer .= '?'.$url['query'];
//echo " --> $referer</p>";
return $referer;
function get_list($for_include=0) {
function get_list($for_include=0)
global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;
global $cat_filter,$cat_id,$sort,$order,$query,$start,$filter;
global $action,$addr_id,$proj_id,$info_id;
@ -223,8 +258,6 @@
echo parse_navbar();
$db = $phpgw->db;
$db2 = $phpgw->db;
$t = &$this->template; $html = &$this->html;
$t->set_file(array( 'info_list_t' => 'list.tpl' ));
@ -241,18 +274,22 @@
$referer = $PHP_SELF.($QUERY_STRING ? '?'.$QUERY_STRING : '');
$action_vars = array( 'action' => 'new' );
switch ($action) {
switch ($action)
case 'sp': // Sub-List
$action_vars = array('action'=>'sp','info_id'=>$info_id);
$t->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log - Subprojects from'));
$t->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log - Subprojects from'));
case 'proj':
$action_vars += array('id_project' => $proj_id,'proj_id' => $proj_id);
$action_vars += array( 'id_project' => $proj_id,
'proj_id' => $proj_id);
$proj = $this->bo->readProj($proj_id);
$t->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log').' - '. $proj['title']);
$t->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log').' - '.
case 'addr':
$action_vars += array( 'id_addr' => $addr_id, 'addr_id' => $addr_id );
$action_vars += array( 'id_addr' => $addr_id,
'addr_id' => $addr_id );
$addr = $this->bo->readAddr($addr_id);
$t->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log').' - '.
@ -264,23 +301,29 @@
$t->set_var($this->setStyleSheet( ));
if (!$for_include)
$t->set_var('cat_form',$html->link('/index.php',ereg_replace('&*cat_id=[0-9]*','',$QUERY_STRING))); //RB:$this->menuaction()));
$icons = array( 'task' => lang('add Task'),
'phone' => lang('add Phonecall'),
'note' => lang('add Note') );
$add_icons = lang('Add').':';
while (list($type,$lang) = each($icons)) {
$icons = array( 'task' => True,
'phone' => True,
'note' => True
while (list($type,$nul) = each($icons))
$add_icons .= $html->a_href($this->icon('type',$type),'/index.php',
@ -292,46 +335,19 @@
// -------------- end header declaration -----------------
if (! $start) {
$start = 0;
if ($order) {
$ordermethod = 'order by ' . $order . ' ' . $sort;
} else {
$ordermethod = 'order by info_datecreated desc'; // newest first
if (!$filter) {
$filter = 'none';
$filtermethod = $this->bo->aclFilter($filter);
if ($cat_id) {
$filtermethod .= " AND info_cat='$cat_id' ";
if ($action == 'addr') $filtermethod .= " AND info_addr_id=$addr_id ";
if ($action == 'proj') $filtermethod .= " AND info_proj_id=$proj_id ";
// we search in _from, _subject and _des for $query
if ($query)
$sql_query = "AND (info_from like '%$query%' OR info_subject like '%$query%' OR info_des like '%$query%') ";
$pid = 'AND info_id_parent='.($action == 'sp' ? $info_id : 0);
if (!$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['infolog']['listNoSubs'] &&
$action != 'sp')
$pid = '';
$db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phpgw_infolog WHERE $filtermethod $pid $sql_query",__LINE__,__FILE__);
$total = $db->f(0);
if ($total <= $start) $start = 0;
$ids = $this->bo->readIdArray($order,$sort,$filter,$cat_id,$query,
$maxmatchs = $phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'];
if ($total > $maxmatchs) {
if ($total > $maxmatchs)
$to = $start + $maxmatchs;
if ($to > $total) $to = $total;
$total_matchs = lang('showing x - x of x',($start + 1),$to,$total);
} else {
$total_matchs = lang('showing x',$total);
@ -340,10 +356,10 @@
// project description if subprojectlist
// ==========================================
switch ($action) {
switch ($action)
case 'sp': // details of parent
$t->set_var( $this->infoHeaders( ));
$t->set_var( $this->formatInfo( $info_id ));
@ -363,86 +379,91 @@
if (!$for_include || $total > $maxmatchs ||
$query || $filter != 'none' || $cat_id)
//echo "<p>for_include=$for_include, total=$total, maxmatchs=$maxmatchs, query=$query, filter=$filter, cat_id=$cat_id</p>";
// ===========================================
// nextmatch variable template-declarations
// ===========================================
if (!($q_string = strstr($QUERY_STRING,'menuaction')))
$q_string = "menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list";
if (!strstr($q_string,'cat_id'))
$q_string .= "&cat_id=$cat_id";
$next_matchs = $this->nextmatchs->show_tpl('/index.php',$start,$total,
$next_matchs = $this->nextmatchs->show_tpl('/index.php',$start,
if ($total > $maxmatchs)
// ---------- end nextmatch template --------------------
$sql="SELECT * FROM phpgw_infolog WHERE $filtermethod $pid $sql_query $ordermethod";
while ($db->next_record()) {
// ========================================
// check if actual project has subprojects
// ========================================
$db2->query("select count(*) as cnt FROM phpgw_infolog where info_id_parent=" .$db->f('info_id'),__LINE__,__FILE__);
if ($db2->f('cnt') > 0) {
$subproact = 1;
} else {
$subproact = 0;
// -----------------------------------------
while (list($id,$parent) = each($ids))
$subproact = $this->bo->anzSubs($id);
$t->set_var( $this->formatInfo( $db->Record,$proj_id,$addr_id ));
$t->set_var( $this->formatInfo( $id,$proj_id,$addr_id ));
if ($this->bo->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_EDIT)) {
if ($this->bo->check_access($id,PHPGW_ACL_EDIT))
$hidden_vars+array('info_id' => $db->f('info_id'))+
$hidden_vars+array('info_id' => $id)+
} else {
if ($this->bo->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_DELETE)) {
if ($this->bo->check_access($id,PHPGW_ACL_DELETE))
$hidden_vars+array('info_id' => $db->f('info_id'))+
} else {
$hidden_vars+array('info_id' => $id)+
$t->set_var('subadd', ''); // defaults no icons
$t->set_var('viewsub', '');
$t->set_var('viewparent', '');
if ($subproact > 0) { // if subprojects exist, display VIEW SUB icon
if ($subproact > 0) // if subprojects exist, display VIEW SUB icon
$t->set_var('viewsub', $html->a_href(
$this->menuaction()+array( 'info_id' => $db->f('info_id'),
$this->menuaction()+array( 'info_id' => $id,
'filter' => $filter, 'action' => 'sp')));
} else { // else display ADD SUB-Icon
if ($this->bo->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_ADD)) {
else // else display ADD SUB-Icon
if ($this->bo->check_access($id,PHPGW_ACL_ADD))
array('info_id' => $db->f('info_id'),'filter' => $filter,
array('info_id' => $id,'filter' => $filter,
'action' => 'sp')));
} // if parent --> display VIEW SUBS of Parent
if ($db->f('info_id_parent') && $action != 'sp') {
} // if parent --> display VIEW SUBS of Parent
if ($parent && $action != 'sp')
array('info_id' => $db->f('info_id_parent'),
array('info_id' => $parent,
'filter' => $filter,'action' => 'sp')));
@ -454,16 +475,18 @@
// back2project list href declaration for subproject list
// =========================================================
if ($action && !$for_include) {
if ($action && !$for_include)
$html->form_1button('back','Back to Projectlist','',
$html->form_1button('back','Back to Projectlist','',
function edit( ) {
function edit( )
global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;
global $cat_id,$sort,$order,$query,$start,$filter;
global $action,$info_id,$save,$add,$query_addr,$query_project;
@ -481,69 +504,86 @@
$referer = $this->get_referer();
if ((!isset($info_id) || !$info_id) && !$action) {
if ((!isset($info_id) || !$info_id) && !$action)
Header('Location: ' .
// check wether to write dates or not
if ($selfortoday) {
if ($selfortoday)
$startdate = time(); // startdate is today (checkbox is clicked)
} else {
if ($sday) {
if ($sday)
if ($sday && !$smonth) $smonth = date('m',time());
if ($sday && !$syear) $syear = date('Y',time());
if (! checkdate($smonth,$sday,$syear)) {
if (! checkdate($smonth,$sday,$syear))
$error[] = lang('You have entered an invalid starting date');
} else {
$startdate = mktime(12,0,0,$smonth, $sday, $syear);
} else {
if (isset($sday))
$startdate = 0;
if (isset($sday)) $startdate = 0;
// Check ending date
if ($dur_days > 0) {
$enddate = mktime(12,0,0,date('m',$startdate), date('d',$startdate)+$dur_days, date('Y',$startdate));
} else
if ($eday) {
if ($dur_days > 0)
$enddate = mktime(12,0,0,date('m',$startdate),
date('d',$startdate)+$dur_days, date('Y',$startdate));
if ($eday)
if ($eday && !$emonth) $emonth = date('m',time());
if ($eday && !$eyear) $eyear = date('Y',time());
if (!checkdate($emonth,$eday,$eyear)) {
if (!checkdate($emonth,$eday,$eyear))
$error[] = lang('You have entered an invalid ending date');
} else {
$enddate = mktime(12,0,0,$emonth,$eday,$eyear);
} else {
if (isset($eday))
$enddate = 0;
if ($save || $add) {
if (strlen($des) >= 8000) {
if (isset($eday)) $enddate = 0;
if ($save || $add) // form submited
if (strlen($des) >= 8000)
$error[] = lang('Description can not exceed 8000 characters in length');
if (!$subject && !$des) {
if (!$subject && !$des)
$error[] = lang('You must enter a subject or a description');
if ($enddate < $startdate && $enddate && $startdate) {
if ($enddate < $startdate && $enddate && $startdate)
$error[] = lang('Ending date can not be before start date');
if ($access) {
$access = 'private';
} else {
$access = 'public';
$access = $access ? 'private' : 'public';
if ($status == 'done') {
$enddate = time();
if (! is_array($error)) {
if (! is_array($error))
'type' => $type,
'from' => $from,
@ -564,14 +604,18 @@
'responsible' => $responsible
if (!$query_addr && !$query_project) {
if (!$query_addr && !$query_project)
Header('Location: ' . $html->link($referer, array('cd'=>15)));
$this->bo->read( $info_id );
if ($info_id && $action == 'sp') { // new SubProject
if (!$this->bo->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_ADD)) {
if ($info_id && $action == 'sp') // new SubProject
if (!$this->bo->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_ADD))
Header('Location: ' . $html->link($referer));
@ -579,21 +623,26 @@
$this->data['info_id'] = $info_id = 0;
$this->data['info_owner'] = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'];
$this->data['info_id_parent'] = $parent['info_id'];
if ($parent['info_type'] == 'task' && $parent['info_status'] == 'offer') {
$this->data['info_type'] = 'confirm';
$this->data['info_responsible'] = $parent['info_owner']; // confirmation to parent
if ($parent['info_type']=='task' && $parent['info_status']=='offer')
$this->data['info_type'] = 'confirm'; // confirmation to parent
$this->data['info_responsible'] = $parent['info_owner'];
$this->data['info_status'] = 'ongoing';
$this->data['info_confirm'] = 'not';
$this->data['info_subject'] = lang('Re:').' '.$parent['info_subject'];
$this->data['info_subject']=lang('Re:').' '.$parent['info_subject'];
$this->data['info_des'] = '';
} else {
if ($info_id && !$this->bo->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_EDIT)) {
if ($info_id && !$this->bo->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_EDIT))
Header('Location: ' . $html->link($referer));
$id_parent = $this->data['info_id_parent'];
$common_hidden_vars = $html->input_hidden( $hidden_vars + array(
'info_id' => $info_id,
'action' => $action,
@ -614,12 +663,16 @@
$t->set_block('info_edit', 'edit', 'edithandle');
$t->set_block('info_edit', 'subpro', 'subprohandle');
if (is_array($error)) {
if (is_array($error))
switch ($action) {
switch ($action)
case 'sp':
$info_action = 'Info Log - New Subproject'; break;
$info_action = 'Info Log - New Subproject';
case 'new': case 'addr': case 'proj':
$info_action = 'Info Log - New';
if ($info_type && isset($this->enums['type'][$info_type]))
@ -628,12 +681,14 @@
$info_action = 'Info Log - Edit'; break;
$t->set_var('lang_info_action',lang($info_action) . ($query_addr ? ' - '.lang('Search for:')." '$query_addr'" : ''));
$t->set_var('lang_info_action',lang($info_action) .
($query_addr ? ' - '.lang('Search for:')." '$query_addr'" : ''));
$t->set_var($this->setStyleSheet( ));
if (!isset($info_cat)) $info_cat = $this->data['info_cat'];
@ -647,14 +702,15 @@
if (!isset($type)) $type = $this->data['info_type'];
$t->set_var('lang_prfrom', lang('From'));
if (!isset($from)) $from = $phpgw->strip_html($this->data['info_from']);
if (!isset($from)) $from =$phpgw->strip_html($this->data['info_from']);
$t->set_var('fromval', $from);
$t->set_var('lang_praddr', lang('Phone/Email'));
if (!isset($addr)) $addr = $phpgw->strip_html($this->data['info_addr']);
if (!isset($addr)) $addr =$phpgw->strip_html($this->data['info_addr']);
$t->set_var('addrval', $addr);
if (!isset($id_project)) $id_project = $this->data['info_proj_id'];
@ -664,7 +720,9 @@
$t->set_var('lang_prsubject', lang('Subject'));
if (!isset($subject)) $subject = $phpgw->strip_html($this->data['info_subject']);
if (!isset($subject)) {
$subject = $phpgw->strip_html($this->data['info_subject']);
$t->set_var('subjectval', $subject);
$t->set_var('lang_prdesc', lang('Description'));
@ -673,11 +731,13 @@
$t->set_var('lang_start_date',lang('Start Date'));
if (!isset($startdate)) $startdate = $this->data['info_startdate'];
$t->set_var('lang_end_date',lang('End Date'));
if (!isset($enddate)) $enddate = $this->data['info_enddate'];
@ -686,19 +746,23 @@
if (!isset($status)) $status = $this->data['info_status'];
if (!isset($pri)) $pri = $this->data['info_pri'];
if (!isset($confirm)) $confirm = $this->data['info_confirm'];
if (!isset($responsible)) $responsible = $this->data['info_responsible'];
if (!isset($responsible)) $responsible=$this->data['info_responsible'];
if (!isset($access)) $access = $this->data['info_access'] == 'private';
@ -706,7 +770,8 @@
if (!$action && $this->bo->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_DELETE)) {
if (!$action && $this->bo->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_DELETE))
@ -718,7 +783,8 @@
function delete( ) {
function delete( )
global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;
global $cat_filter,$cat_id,$sort,$order,$query,$start,$filter;
global $info_id,$confirm;
@ -736,11 +802,14 @@
Header('Location: ' . $html->link($referer));
if ($confirm) {
if ($confirm)
Header('Location: ' . $html->link($referer,array( 'cd' => 16 )));
} else {
echo parse_navbar();
@ -750,7 +819,8 @@
$t->set_var( $this->formatInfo( $info_id ));
$t->set_var('lang_info_action',lang('Info Log - Delete'));
$t->set_var('deleteheader',lang('Are you sure you want to delete this entry'));
lang('Are you sure you want to delete this entry'));
'No - Cancel','',$referer));
@ -761,26 +831,29 @@
function preferences( ) {
function preferences( )
global $phpgw,$phpgw_info;
global $save;
$prefs = array(
'homeShowEvents' => 'Show open Events: Tasks/Calls/Notes on main screen',
'listNoSubs' => 'List no Subs/Childs',
'longNames' => 'Show full usernames'
'homeShowEvents' => 'Show open Events: Tasks/Calls/Notes on main screen',
'listNoSubs' => 'List no Subs/Childs',
'longNames' => 'Show full usernames'
if ($save) {
while (list($pref,$lang) = each($prefs)) {
if ($save)
while (list($pref,$lang) = each($prefs))
Header('Location: '.$phpgw->link('/preferences/index.php'));
} else {
echo parse_navbar();
@ -799,13 +872,15 @@
$t->set_block('info_prefs', 'pref_line', 'pref_linehandle');
while (list($pref,$lang) = each($prefs)) {
while (list($pref,$lang) = each($prefs))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user