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synced 2024-12-22 23:00:56 +01:00
modified some string to be not app specfic anymore
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ account list admin da Konto liste
account permissions admin da Konto rettigheder
account preferences admin da Konto præferencer
acl manager admin da ACL Håndtering
acl rights admin da ACL rettigheder
acl rights common da ACL rettigheder
action admin da Handling
add a category admin da tilføj en kategori
add a group admin da tilføj en gruppe
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin da efterlad gruppen
list config settings admin da Vis konfigurations indstillinger
list current sessions admin da Vis nuværende sessions
list of current users admin da Vis alle nuværende brugere
login history admin da Login historie
login history common da Login historie
login message admin da Login besked
login screen admin da Login skærm
login shell admin da Login shell
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ account list admin de Benutzerkonten anzeigen
account permissions admin de Zugriffsrechte
account preferences admin de Einstellungen der Benutzerkonten
acl manager admin de ACL-Manager
acl rights admin de ACL-Rechte
acl rights common de ACL-Rechte
action admin de Aktion
activate wysiwyg-editor admin de WYSIWYG Editor (formatierter Text) aktivieren
add a category admin de Eine Kategorie hinzufügen
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin de Gruppe unver
list config settings admin de Konfigurationseinstellungen auflisten
list current sessions admin de aktive Sitzungen anzeigen
list of current users admin de Liste der gegenwärtigen Benutzer
login history admin de Login-Kontrolle
login history common de Login-Kontrolle
login message admin de Meldung der Login-Seite
login screen admin de Login-Seite
login shell admin de Login-Komandointerpreter (Login-Shell)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ account list admin el
account permissions admin el Äéêáéþìáôá ëïãáñéáóìïý
account preferences admin el Éäéüôçôåò ëïãáñéáóìïý
acl manager admin el ÄéåõèõíôÞò ACL
acl rights admin el Äéêáéþìáôá ACL
acl rights common el Äéêáéþìáôá ACL
action admin el ÅíÝñãéá
add a category admin el ðñüóèåóå ìßá êáôçãïñßá
add a group admin el ðñüóèåóå Ýíá Group
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin el
list config settings admin el Ëßóôá äéáìüñöùóçò ñõèìßóåùí
list current sessions admin el Ëßóôá ôñÝ÷ùíôùí ðåñéüäùí
list of current users admin el ëßóôá áðï ôñÝ÷ùí ÷ñÞóôåò
login history admin el Éóôïñéêü Åéóüäïõ
login history common el Éóôïñéêü Åéóüäïõ
login message admin el ÌÞíõìá åéóüäïõ
login screen admin el Ïèüíç åéóüäïõ
login shell admin el ÊÝëõöïò åéóüäïõ
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ account list admin en Account list
account permissions admin en Account permissions
account preferences admin en Account Preferences
acl manager admin en ACL Manager
acl rights admin en ACL Rights
acl rights common en ACL Rights
action admin en Action
activate wysiwyg-editor admin en activate WYSIWYG-editor
add a category admin en add a category
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin en Leave the group u
list config settings admin en List config settings
list current sessions admin en List current sessions
list of current users admin en list of current users
login history admin en Login History
login history common en Login History
login message admin en Login message
login screen admin en Login screen
login shell admin en Login shell
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ account list admin es-ca Llista de comptes
account permissions admin es-ca Permissos del compte
account preferences admin es-ca Preferències del compte
acl manager admin es-ca Gestió de LCA
acl rights admin es-ca Permissos de LCA
acl rights common es-ca Permissos de LCA
action admin es-ca Acció
active admin es-ca Activo
add a category admin es-ca Afegir una categoría
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin es-ca Deixar el grup
list config settings admin es-ca Llista de les opcions de configuració
list current sessions admin es-ca Llista de les sessions actuals
list of current users admin es-ca Llista d' usuaris presents
login history admin es-ca Historial d' accessos
login history common es-ca Historial d' accessos
login message admin es-ca Missatge d'inici de sessió
login screen admin es-ca Pantalla d'inici de sessió
login shell admin es-ca Interpret d'ordres d'inici de sessió
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ account list admin es-es Lista de cuentas
account permissions admin es-es Permisos de la cuenta
account preferences admin es-es Preferencias de la cuenta
acl manager admin es-es Manejo de LCA
acl rights admin es-es Permisos de LCA
acl rights common es-es Permisos de LCA
action admin es-es Acción
activate wsiwyg-editor admin es-es activar editor WSIWYG
active admin es-es Activo
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin es-es Dejar el grupo
list config settings admin es-es Lista de las opciones de configuración
list current sessions admin es-es Lista de las sesiones actuales
list of current users admin es-es Lista de usuarios actuales
login history admin es-es Historial de accesos
login history common es-es Historial de accesos
login message admin es-es Mensaje de inicio de sesión
login screen admin es-es Pantalla de inicio de sesión
login shell admin es-es Shell de inicio de sesión
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ account has been updated common fi Tunnus p
account permissions admin fi Tunnuksen oikeudet
account preferences admin fi Tunnuksen asetukset
acl manager admin fi ACL -hallinta
acl rights admin fi ACL Oikeudet
acl rights common fi ACL Oikeudet
action admin fi Toimenpide
add a new account. admin fi Uusi tunnus.
add auto-created users to this group ('Default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin fi Lisää automaattisesti luodut käyttäjät ryhmään (käytetään ryhmää 'Default' jollei tässä toisi määritellä.)
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ ldap host admin fi LDAP palvelin
ldap rootdn admin fi LDAP rootdn
ldap root password admin fi LDAP root salasana
list of current users admin fi nykyiset käyttäjät
login history admin fi Kirjautumisten historia
login history common fi Kirjautumisten historia
login screen admin fi Kirjautumisnäyttö
login shell admin fi Kirjautumis-shell
login time admin fi Kirjautumisaika
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ account has been updated common fr Le compte a
account permissions admin fr Permissions de compte
account preferences admin fr Préférences de compte
acl manager admin fr Gestionnaire des droits d'accès
acl rights admin fr Droits d'accès
acl rights common fr Droits d'accès
action admin fr Action
add a category admin fr Ajouter une catégorie
add a group admin fr Ajouter un groupe
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ ldap rootdn admin fr Rootdn LDAP
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin fr Laisser la catégorie telle quelle et retourner à la liste
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin fr Laisser le groupe tel quel et retouner à la liste
list of current users admin fr Liste des utilisateurs actuels
login history admin fr Historique de connexion
login history common fr Historique de connexion
login screen admin fr Ecran de connexion
login shell admin fr Shell de connexion
login time admin fr Heure de connexion
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ account list admin it Lista Account
account permissions admin it Permessi account
account preferences admin it Preferenze account
acl manager admin it Gestione ACL
acl rights admin it Diritti ACL
acl rights common it Diritti ACL
action admin it Azione
add a category admin it aggiungi una categoria
add a group admin it aggiungi un gruppo
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin it Lascia i gruppi i
list config settings admin it Lista impostazioni di configurazione
list current sessions admin it Lista sessioni currenti
list of current users admin it lista utenti attivi
login history admin it Cronologia Collegamenti
login history common it Cronologia Collegamenti
login message admin it Messaggio di Login
login screen admin it Schermata di login
login shell admin it Shell di login
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ account active admin ja
account list admin ja ユーザアカウント項目全体
account permissions admin ja 利用可能アプリケーション
acl manager admin ja 利用許可設定
acl rights admin ja 利用許可設定
acl rights common ja 利用許可設定
action admin ja アクション
add account admin ja アカウントの追加
add application admin ja アプリケーション追加
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ last %1 logins admin ja
list config settings admin ja 環境設定項目の表示
list current sessions admin ja セッション参照項目全体
list of current users admin ja ログイン中ユーザ一覧
login history admin ja ログイン履歴
login history common ja ログイン履歴
login message admin ja ログイン画面メッセージ
login screen admin ja ログイン画面
login shell admin ja ログインシェル
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ account list admin nl Accountlijst
account permissions admin nl Toegangsrechten account
account preferences admin nl Voorkeuren account
acl manager admin nl ACL-beheerder
acl rights admin nl ACL-rechten
acl rights common nl ACL-rechten
action admin nl Actie
active admin nl actief
add a category admin nl Een categorie toevoegen
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin nl laat de groep ong
list config settings admin nl Configuratie-instellingen weergeven
list current sessions admin nl Huidige sessies weergeven
list of current users admin nl Lijst van huidige gebruikers
login history admin nl Loginhistorie
login history common nl Loginhistorie
login message admin nl Loginbericht
login screen admin nl Loginpagina
login shell admin nl Loginshell
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ account list admin pl Lista kont
account permissions admin pl Prawa do konta
account preferences admin pl Ustawienia konta
acl manager admin pl Meneder ACL
acl rights admin pl Prawa ACL
acl rights common pl Prawa ACL
action admin pl Czynno¶æ
activate wsiwyg-editor admin pl aktywuj edytor WYSIWYG
add a category admin pl dodaj kategorie
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ list config settings admin pl Wy
list current sessions admin pl Wy¶wietl listê aktualnych sesji
list of current users admin pl Lista bie¿±cych u¿ytkowników
listings displayed admin pl Dugo wy¶wietlanych wiadomo¶ci
login history admin pl Historia logowania
login history common pl Historia logowania
login message admin pl Wiadomo¶æ przy logowaniu do systemu
login screen admin pl Ekran logowania
login shell admin pl Pow³oka logowania
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ account list admin pt-br Lista de Contas
account permissions admin pt-br Permissões da Conta
account preferences admin pt-br Preferências da Conta
acl manager admin pt-br Administração de Regras de Acesso (ACL)
acl rights admin pt-br Permissőes de Acesso
acl rights common pt-br Permissões de Acesso
action admin pt-br Ação
add a category admin pt-br adicionar uma categoria
add a group admin pt-br adicionar um grupo
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ list current sessions admin pt-br Listar sess
list of current users admin pt-br lista de usuários conectados
lock and unlock pages common pt-br Travar ou destravar páginas
lock/unlock pages common pt-br Travar/Destravar Págs.
login history admin pt-br Histórico de conexőes
login history common pt-br Histórico de conexões
login message admin pt-br Mensagem de entrada
login screen admin pt-br Tela de Conexão
login shell admin pt-br Shell de Conexão
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ account has been updated common pt Conta foi atualizada
account permissions admin pt Permissões da conta
account preferences admin pt Preferências da conta
acl manager admin pt Administração de regras de acesso
acl rights admin pt Permissőes de acesso
acl rights common pt Permissões de acesso
action admin pt Ação
add a new account. admin pt Adicionar nova conta.
add auto-created users to this group ('Default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin pt Adicionar usuários criados automaticamente para este grupo ('Default' será tentado se este campo estiver vazio.)
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ ldap host admin pt servidor LDAP
ldap rootdn admin pt super usuário LDAP
ldap root password admin pt senha do super usuário LDAP
list of current users admin pt lista de usuários conectados
login history admin pt Histórico de conexőes
login history common pt Histórico de conexões
loginid admin pt Código do usuário
login screen admin pt Tela de login
login shell admin pt Shell de login
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ account list admin sl Seznam računov
account permissions admin sl Dovoljenja računa
account preferences admin sl Nastavitve računa
acl manager admin sl Upravljalec SND (ACL)
acl rights admin sl Pravice SNDja (ACL)
acl rights common sl Pravice SNDja (ACL)
action admin sl Akcija
add a category admin sl dodaj kategorijo
add a group admin sl dodaj skupino
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin sl Pusti skupino ned
list config settings admin sl Seznam konfiguracijskih nastavitev
list current sessions admin sl Seznam trenutnih sej
list of current users admin sl Seznam trenutnih uporabnikov
login history admin sl Zgodovina prijav
login history common sl Zgodovina prijav
login message admin sl Prijavno sporočilo
login screen admin sl Prijavni zaslon
login shell admin sl Prijavna lupina
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ account list admin uk Перелік рахунків
account permissions admin uk Права рахунку
account preferences admin uk Параметри рахунку
acl manager admin uk Керування ACL
acl rights admin uk Права ACL
acl rights common uk Права ACL
action admin uk Дія
add a category admin uk Додати категорію
add a group admin uk Додати групу
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin uk Залишити
list config settings admin uk Перелік конфігураційних установок
list current sessions admin uk Перелік поточних сесій
list of current users admin uk Перелік поточних користувачів
login history admin uk Історія входів
login history common uk Історія входів
login message admin uk Повідомлення при вході
login screen admin uk Екран входу
login shell admin uk Шелл після входу
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ account list admin zh 列举帐户
account permissions admin zh 帐户权限
account preferences admin zh 帐户个性化配置
acl manager admin zh ACL权限管理
acl rights admin zh ACL权限管理
acl rights common zh ACL权限管理
action admin zh 操作
activate wsiwyg-editor admin zt 啟用所見即所得編輯器
add a category admin zh 添加类别
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin zh 不更改组,
list config settings admin zh 查看配置
list current sessions admin zh 列举当前会话
list of current users admin zh 列举当前用户
login history admin zh 登录历史记录
login history common zh 登录历史记录
login message admin zh 更改登录页面信息
login screen admin zh 登录页面
login shell admin zh 登录shell
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ account list admin zt 帳號清單
account permissions admin zt 帳號權限
account preferences admin zt 帳號喜好設定
acl manager admin zt ACL管理者
acl rights admin zt ACL權限
acl rights common zt ACL權限
action admin zt 動作
activate wsiwyg-editor admin zt 啟用所見即所得編輯器
add a category admin zt 新增類別
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin zt 保留群組員
list config settings admin zt 列出組態設定
list current sessions admin zt 列出目前連線
list of current users admin zt 線上使用者列表
login history admin zt 登入歷史記錄
login history common zt 登入歷史記錄
login message admin zt 登入訊息
login screen admin zt 登入畫面
login shell admin zt 登入命令處理器
Reference in New Issue
Block a user