W.I.P. implementing TinyMCE editor and deprecating CKEditor:

- Replace fckEditor with tinymce for old etemplate apps
This commit is contained in:
Hadi Nategh 2018-10-25 12:32:18 +02:00
parent b0891483cc
commit 39944322b5

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
namespace EGroupware\Api;
use EGroupware\Api\Header\ContentSecurityPolicy;
* Generates html with methods representing html-tags or higher widgets
@ -448,62 +448,82 @@ class Html
//include the ckeditor js file
// run content through htmlpurifier
if ($_purify && !empty($_content))
$_content = self::purify($_content);
// By default the editor start expanded
$expanded = isset($_options['toolbar_expanded']) ?
$_options['toolbar_expanded'] == 'true' : true;
//Get the height in pixels from the pixels parameter
$pxheight = (strpos('px', $_height) === false) ?
(empty($_height) ? 400 : $_height) : str_replace('px', '', $_height);
// User preferences
$font = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_font'];
$font_size = Html\CkEditorConfig::font_size_from_prefs();
$font_span = '<span '.($font||$font_size?'style=\"':'').($font?'font-family:'.$font.'; ':'').($font_size?'font-size:'.$font_size.'; ':'').'\">';
if (empty($font) && empty($font_size)) $font_span = '';
$font_size = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_font_size'];
$font_size_unit = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_font_unit'];
$rte_menubar = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['rte_menubar'];
$focusToBody = $_focusToBody ? "tinymce" : false;
ContentSecurityPolicy::add('script-src', 'unsafe-inline');
// we need to enable double encoding here, as ckEditor has to undo one level of encoding
// otherwise < and > chars eg. from html markup entered in regular (not source) input, will turn into html!
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' '.Header\UserAgent::type().','.Header\UserAgent::version());
return self::textarea($_name,$_content,'id="'.htmlspecialchars($_name).'"',true). // true = double encoding
<script type="text/javascript">
egw_LAB.wait(function() {
CKEDITOR.replace("'.$_name.'", '.Html\CkEditorConfig::get_ckeditor_config($_mode,
$pxheight, $expanded, $_start_path).');
CKEDITOR.addCss("body { margin: 5px; }");
function (ev)
var d = ev.editor.document;
var r = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(d);
//this stuff is needed, as the above places the caret just before the span tag
var sN = r.startContainer.getNextSourceNode();
//FF is selecting the span with getNextSourceNode, other browsers need to fetch it with getNext
r.selectNodeContents(((typeof sN.getName==="function") && sN.getName()=="span"?r.startContainer.getNextSourceNode():r.startContainer.getNextSourceNode().getNext()));
ev.editor.resize("100%", '.str_replace('px', '', $pxheight).');
(trim($_content) == '' && $font_span ? 'CKEDITOR.instances["'.$_name.'"].setData("'.$font_span.'&#8203;</span>");' : '').
var imageUpload = egw.ajaxUrl("EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Vfs::ajax_htmlarea_upload")+"&type=htmlarea";
imageUpload = imageUpload.substr(egw.webserverUrl.length+1);
var font_size_formats = {
pt: "8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt 48pt 72pt",
px:"8px 10px 12px 14px 18px 24px 36px 48px 72px"
selector: "#'.$_name.'",
menubar: parseInt('. $rte_menubar.')? true : false,
branding: false,
resize: false,
height: parseInt("'.$_height.'"),
width: parseInt("'.$_width.'"),
min_height: 100,
auto_focus: "'.$focusToBody.'",
language:"'. $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'].'",
browser_spellcheck: true,
contextmenu: false,
file_picker_callback: function(_callback, _value, _meta){
init_instance_callback : function(_editor){
_editor.execCommand("fontName", true,"'.$font.'");
_editor.execCommand("fontSize", true,"'.$font_size.$font_size_unit.'");
plugins: [
"print fullpage searchreplace autolink directionality "+
"visualblocks visualchars image link media template "+
"codesample table charmap hr pagebreak nonbreaking anchor toc "+
"insertdatetime advlist lists textcolor wordcount imagetools "+
"colorpicker textpattern help paste code searchreplace"
toolbar: "undo redo | formatselect | fontselect fontsizeselect | bold italic strikethrough forecolor backcolor | "+
"link | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | numlist "+
"bullist outdent indent | removeformat code| image | searchreplace",
block_formats: "Paragraph=p;Heading 1=h1;Heading 2=h2;Heading 3=h3;"+
"Heading 4=h4;Heading 5=h5;Heading 6=h6;Preformatted=pre",
font_formats: "Andale Mono=andale mono,times;Arial=arial,helvetica,"+
"sans-serif;Arial Black=arial black,avant garde;Book Antiqua=book "+
"antiqua,palatino;Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,sans-serif;"+
"Courier New=courier new,courier;Georgia=georgia,palatino;"+
"monaco;Times New Roman=times new roman,times;Trebuchet "+
"MS=trebuchet ms,geneva;Verdana=verdana,geneva;Webdings=webdings;"+
"Wingdings=wingdings,zapf dingbats",
fontsize_formats:font_size_formats["'. $font_size_unit.'"],