This commit is contained in:
skeeter 2002-08-23 03:12:11 +00:00
parent bf8bbf9157
commit 3aa1be45e4

phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_pl.lang Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
access common pl Dostêp
access not permitted common pl Brak prawa dostêpu
acl common pl ACL
active common pl Aktywne
add common pl Dodaj
add category common pl Dodaj kategoriê
add sub common pl Dodaj podrz.
add x category for common pl Dodaj kategoriê %1 dla
admin common pl Admininistracja
administration common pl Administracja
afghanistan common pl AFGANISTAN
albania common pl ALBANIA
algeria common pl ALGIERIA
all common pl Wszystko
american samoa common pl AMERICAN SAMOA
andorra common pl ANDORA
angola common pl ANGOLA
anguilla common pl ANGUILLA
antarctica common pl ANTARKTYKA
antigua and barbuda common pl ANTIGUA I BARBUDA
april common pl Kwiecieñ
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common pl Na pewno usun±æ ten wpis?
argentina common pl ARGENTYNA
armenia common pl ARMENIA
aruba common pl ARUBA
august common pl Sierpieñ
australia common pl AUSTRALIA
austria common pl AUSTRIA
author common pl Autor
autosave default category common pl Automatyczny zapis domy¶lnej kategorii
azerbaijan common pl AZERBEJD¯AN
back common pl Powrót
bad login or password login pl Z³y login lub has³o
bahamas common pl BAHAMA
bahrain common pl BAHRAIN
bangladesh common pl BANGLADESZ
barbados common pl BARBADOS
belarus common pl BIA£ORU¦
belgium common pl BELGIA
belize common pl BELIZE
benin common pl BENIN
bermuda common pl BERMUDY
bhutan common pl BHUTAN
bolivia common pl BOLIWIA
bosnia and herzegovina common pl BO¦NIA I HERCEGOWINA
botswana common pl BOTSWANA
bouvet island common pl BOUVET ISLAND
brazil common pl BRAZYLIA
british indian ocean territory common pl BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
brunei darussalam common pl BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
bulgaria common pl BU£GARIA
burkina faso common pl BURKINA FASO
burundi common pl BURUNDI
cambodia common pl KAMBOD¯A
cameroon common pl KAMERUN
canada common pl KANADA
cancel common pl Anuluj
cape verde common pl CAPE VERDE
categories common pl Kategorie
categories for common pl kategorie dla
category common pl Kategoria
category x has been added ! common pl Dodano kategoriê %1
category x has been updated ! common pl Zaktualizowano kategoriê %1
cayman islands common pl CAYMAN ISLANDS
central african republic common pl CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
chad common pl CZAD
change common pl Zmiana
charset common pl iso-8859-2
chile common pl CHILE
china common pl CHINY
choose the category common pl Wybierz kategoriê
choose the parent category common pl Wybierz kategoriê g³ówn±
christmas island common pl CHRISTMAS ISLAND
clear common pl Wyczy¶æ
clear form common pl Wyczy¶æ formularz
cocos (keeling) islands common pl COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
colombia common pl KOLUMBIA
comoros common pl COMOROS
congo common pl KONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common pl KONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF\n THE
cook islands common pl WYSPY COOKA
copy common pl Kopiuj
costa rica common pl KOSTARYKA
cote d ivoire common pl COTE D IVOIRE
create common pl Utwórz
created by common pl Utworzone przez
croatia common pl CHORWACJA
cuba common pl KUBA
currency common pl Waluta
current common pl Aktualny
current users common pl Aktywnych u¿ytkowników
cyprus common pl CYPR
czech republic common pl CZECHY
date common pl Data
date due common pl Termin wykonania
december common pl Grudzieñ
default category common pl Kategoria domy¶lna
delete common pl Usuñ
denmark common pl DANIA
description common pl Opis
detail common pl
details common pl
disabled common pl Nieaktywna
djibouti common pl D¯IBUTTI
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common pl Chcesz równie¿ usun±æ wszystkie podkategorie?
dominica common pl DOMINIKA
dominican republic common pl REPUBLIKA DOMINIKANY
done common pl Gotowe
e-mail common pl E-mail
east timor common pl TIMOR WSCHODNI
ecuador common pl EKWADOR
edit common pl Edycja
edit categories common pl Edycja kategorii
edit category common pl Edycja kategorii
edit x category for common pl Edycja kategorii %1 dla
egypt common pl EGIPT
el salvador common pl SALWADOR
email common pl E-mail
enabled common pl Aktywna
end date common pl Zakoñczenie
end time common pl Zakoñczenie
entry has been deleted sucessfully common pl Wpis zosta³ pomy¶lnie usuniety
entry updated sucessfully common pl Wpis zaktualizowano pomy¶lnie
equatorial guinea common pl EQUATORIAL GUINEA
eritrea common pl ERYTREA
error common pl B³±d
error creating x x directory common pl B³±t podczas tworzenia katalogu %1%2
error deleting x x directory common pl B³±d podczas usuwania katalogu %1%2
error renaming x x directory common pl B³±d podczas zmiany nazwy katalogu %1%2
estonia common pl ESTONIA
ethiopia common pl ETIOPIA
falkland islands (malvinas) common pl FALKLANDY (MALWINY)
faroe islands common pl FAROE ISLANDS
february common pl Luty
fields common pl Pola
fiji common pl FID¯I
files common pl Pliki
filter common pl Filtr
finland common pl FINLANDIA
first name common pl Imiê
firstname common pl Imiê
force selectbox common pl Wymu¶ wybór z listy
france common pl FRANCJA
french guiana common pl GUJANA FRANCUSKA
french polynesia common pl POLINEZJA FRANCUSKA
french southern territories common pl FRANCUSKIE PO£UDNIOWE TERYTOTIUM
friday common pl Pi±tek
ftp common pl FTP
gabon common pl GABON
gambia common pl GAMBIA
georgia common pl Georgia
germany common pl NIEMCY
ghana common pl GHANA
gibraltar common pl GIBRALTAR
global common pl Globalne
global public common pl Globalnie Publiczne
grant access common pl
greece common pl GRECJA
greenland common pl GRENLANDIA
grenada common pl GRENADA
group common pl Grupa
group access common pl Dostêp grupy
group public common pl Grupowo publiczne
groups common pl Grupy
guadeloupe common pl GUADELUPA
guam common pl GUAM
guatemala common pl GWATEMALA
guinea common pl GWINEA
guinea-bissau common pl GUINEA-BISSAU
guyana common pl GUJANA
haiti common pl HAITI
heard island and mcdonald islands common pl WYSPY HEARD I MCDONALD
help common pl Pomoc
high common pl Wysoki
highest common pl Najwy¿szy
holy see (vatican city state) common pl HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
home common pl Strona g³ówna
honduras common pl HONDURAS
hong kong common pl HONG KONG
hungary common pl WÊGRY
iceland common pl ISLANDIA
india common pl INDIE
indonesia common pl INDONEZJA
iran, islamic republic of common pl IRAN
iraq common pl IRAK
ireland common pl IRLANDIA
israel common pl IZRAEL
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common pl Minê³o %1 dni od chwili zmiany twojego has³a
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common pl Zaleca siê uruchomienie instalatora do uaktualnienia tabel do bie¿±cej wersji
italy common pl W£OCHY
jamaica common pl JAMAJKA
january common pl Styczeñ
japan common pl JAPONIA
jordan common pl JORDANIA
july common pl Lipiec
june common pl Czerwiec
kazakstan common pl KAZACHSTAN
kenya common pl KENIA
kiribati common pl KIRIBATI
korea, democratic peoples republic of common pl KOREAÑSKA REPUBLIA LUDOWO-DEMOKRATYCZNA
korea, republic of common pl KOREA
kuwait common pl KUWEJT
kyrgyzstan common pl KIRGISTAN
language common pl Jêzyk
lao peoples democratic republic common pl LAOS
last name common pl Nazwisko
lastname common pl Nazwisko
latvia common pl £OTWA
lebanon common pl LIBAN
lesotho common pl LESOTO
liberia common pl LIBERIA
libyan arab jamahiriya common pl LIBIA
liechtenstein common pl LIECHTENSTEIN
list common pl Lista
lithuania common pl LITWA
login common pl Zaloguj siê
logout common pl Wylogowanie
low common pl Niski
lowest common pl Najni¿szy
luxembourg common pl LUKSEMBURG
macau common pl MAKAO
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common pl MACEDONIA
madagascar common pl MADAGASKAR
main category common pl Kategoria g³ówna
main screen common pl Strona g³ówna
malawi common pl
malaysia common pl
maldives common pl
mali common pl MALI
malta common pl MALTA
manual common pl Podrêcznik
march common pl Marzec
marshall islands common pl
martinique common pl MARTYNIKA
mauritania common pl MAURETANIA
mauritius common pl MAURITIUS
may common pl Maj
mayotte common pl
medium common pl Normalna
message common pl Wiadomo¶æ
mexico common pl MEKSYK
micronesia, federated states of common pl
moldova, republic of common pl
monaco common pl MONACO
monday common pl Poniedzia³ek
mongolia common pl MONGOLIA
montserrat common pl
morocco common pl MAROKO
mozambique common pl MOZAMBIK
myanmar common pl
name common pl Nazwa
namibia common pl NAMIBIA
nauru common pl
nepal common pl NEPAL
netherlands common pl HOLANDIA
netherlands antilles common pl ANTYLE HOLENDERSKIE
new caledonia common pl NOWA KALEDONIA
new entry added sucessfully common pl Dodano pomy¶lnie nowy wpis
new main category common pl Nowa kategoria g³ówna
new value common pl Nowa warto¶æ
new zealand common pl NOWA ZELANDIA
next common pl Nastêpny
nicaragua common pl NIKARAGUA
niger common pl NIGER
nigeria common pl NIGERIA
niue common pl
no common pl Nie
no history for this record common pl
no subject common pl Bez tematu
none common pl Brak
norfolk island common pl
normal common pl ¦redni
northern mariana islands common pl
norway common pl NORWEGIA
note common pl Uwaga
notes common pl Notatnik
notify window common pl Okno powiadamiania
november common pl Listopad
october common pl Pa¼dziernik
ok common pl OK
old value common pl Poprzednia warto¶æ
oman common pl OMAN
only yours common pl Tylko twoje
open notify window common pl Otwórz okno komunikatów
original common pl Orygina³
other common pl Inne
overview common pl Opis
owner common pl W³a¶ciciel
pakistan common pl PAKISTAN
palau common pl
palestinian territory, occupied common pl PALESTYNA
panama common pl PANAMA
papua new guinea common pl PAPUA NOWA GWINEA
paraguay common pl PARAGWAJ
parent category common pl Kategoria nadrzêdna
password common pl Has³o
password has been updated common pl Has³o zosta³o zaktualizowane
personal common pl Dane osobowe
peru common pl PERU
philippines common pl FILIPINY
pitcairn common pl
please enter a name common pl Proszê podaæ nazwê
please run setup to become current common pl
please set your preferences for this application common pl Proszê ustawiæ swoje preferencje dla tej aplikacji
poland common pl POLSKA
portugal common pl PORTUGALIA
powered by phpgroupware version x common pl Powered by <a href=>phpGroupWare</a> wersja %1
preferences common pl Ustawienia
print common pl Drukuj
priority common pl Priorytet
private common pl Prywatne
public common pl Publiczny
puerto rico common pl PUERTO RICO
qatar common pl KATAR
read common pl Czytaj
rename common pl Zmieñ nazwê
reunion common pl
romania common pl RUMUNIA
russian federation common pl ROSJA
rwanda common pl RWANDA
saint helena common pl ¦WIÊTA HELENA
saint kitts and nevis common pl
saint lucia common pl
saint pierre and miquelon common pl
saint vincent and the grenadines common pl
samoa common pl SAMOA
san marino common pl SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common pl
saturday common pl Sobota
saudi arabia common pl ARABIA SAUDYJSKA
save common pl Zapisz
search common pl Szukaj
section common pl
select category common pl Wybierz kategoriê
senegal common pl SENEGAL
september common pl Wrzesieñ
session has been killed common pl Sesja zosta³a zabita
seychelles common pl SESZELE
show all common pl Poka¿ wszystko
showing x common pl Wy¶wietlono %1
showing x - x of x common pl Wy¶wietlanie %1 - %2 z %3
sierra leone common pl SIERRA LEONE
singapore common pl SINGAPURE
slovakia common pl S£OWACJA
slovenia common pl S£OWENIA
solomon islands common pl WYSPY SALOMONA
somalia common pl SOMALIA
sorry, your login has expired login pl Twoje konto wygas³o
south africa common pl AFRYKA PO£UDNIOWA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common pl
spain common pl HISZPANIA
sri lanka common pl SRI LANKA
start date common pl Pocz±tek
start time common pl Pocz±tek
status common pl Status
subject common pl Temat
submit common pl OK
sudan common pl SUDAN
sunday common pl Niedziela
suriname common pl SURINAM
svalbard and jan mayen common pl
swaziland common pl
sweden common pl SZWECJA
switzerland common pl SZWAJCARIA
syrian arab republic common pl SYRIA
taiwan, province of china common pl TAJWAN
tajikistan common pl TAD¯YKISTAN
tanzania, united republic of common pl TANZANIA
thailand common pl TAJLANDIA
the api is current common pl API jest aktualne
the api requires an upgrade common pl API wymaga aktualizacji
the following applications require upgrades common pl Aplikacje wymagaj±ce aktualizacji
the mail server returned common pl Serwer pocztowy zwróci³
this application is current common pl Wersja aplikacji jest aktualna
this application requires an upgrade common pl Aplikacja wymaga aktualizacji
this name has been used already common pl Nazwa jest ju¿ u¿ywana
thursday common pl Czwartek
time common pl Czas
time zone common pl Strefa czasowa
time zone offset common pl Przesuniêcie strefy czasowej
title common pl Tytu³
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= x >here</a> common pl Aby wróciæ do listy wiadomo¶ci, kliknij <a href="%1">tutaj</a>
togo common pl TOGO
tokelau common pl
tonga common pl
total common pl Suma
trinidad and tobago common pl TRINIDAD I TOBAGO
tuesday common pl Wtorek
tunisia common pl TUNEZJA
turkey common pl TURCJA
turkmenistan common pl TURKMENISTAN
turks and caicos islands common pl
tuvalu common pl
uganda common pl UGANDA
ukraine common pl UKRAINA
united arab emirates common pl ZJEDNOCZONE EMIRATY ARABSKIE
united kingdom common pl WIELKA BRYTANIA
united states common pl STANY ZJEDNOCZONE
united states minor outlying islands common pl
unknown common pl Nieznane
update common pl Aktualizuj
url common pl Adres URL
uruguay common pl URUGWAJ
user common pl U¿ytkownik
username common pl Nazwa u¿ytkownika
users common pl U¿ytkownicy
users choice common pl Wybieraj± u¿ytkownicy
uzbekistan common pl UZBEKISTAN
vanuatu common pl
venezuela common pl WENEZUELA
viet nam common pl WIETNAM
view common pl Widok
virgin islands, british common pl WYSPY DZIEWICZE, BRYTYJSKIE
virgin islands, u.s. common pl WYSPY DZIEWICZE, USA
wallis and futuna common pl
wednesday common pl ¦roda
welcome common pl Strona g³ówna
western sahara common pl ZACHODNIA SAHARA
which groups common pl Która grupa
written by: common pl Napisany przez
yemen common pl JEMEN
yes common pl Tak
you are running a newer version of phpgroupware than your database is setup for common pl Uruchomi³e¶ nowsz± wersjê phpGroupWare ni¿ zainstalowana baza danych
you have been successfully logged out login pl Zosta³e¶ pomy¶lnie wylogowany
you have selected an invalid date common pl Wybra³e¶ niepoprawn± datê
you have selected an invalid main category common pl Wybra³e¶ niew³a¶ciw± kategoriê g³ówn±
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common pl Twoja wiadomo¶æ <b>nie</b> zosta³a wys³ana<br>
your search returned 1 match common pl Poszukiwanie zwróci³o 1 zgodny
your search returned x matchs common pl Poszukiwanie zwróci³o %1 zgodnych
your session could not be verified. login pl Twoja sesja nie zosta³a zweryfikowana
your settings have been updated common pl Twoja konfiguracja zosta³a zaktualizowana
yugoslavia common pl JUGOS£AWIA
zambia common pl ZAMBIA
zimbabwe common pl ZIMBABWE