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synced 2025-03-06 03:01:40 +01:00
fixed spelling error mentioned by David Ranking
This commit is contained in:
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
'name' => 'account_selection',
'values' => $account_sels,
'help' => lang('The selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). The popup can search users by name or group.').' '.
lang('The two last options limit the visibility of other users. There for they should be forced and apply NOT to administrators.'),
lang('The two last options limit the visibility of other users. Therefore they should be forced and apply NOT to administrators.'),
'run_lang' => false,
'xmlrpc' => True,
'admin' => False
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ text only preferences cs Jen text
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences cs Výchozí aplikace bude spu¹tìna kdy¾ se pøihlásíte do eGroupWare nebo kliknete na ikonu hlavní strany.<br>Také mù¾ete na hlavní stranì zobrazit více aplikací, pokud zde ¾ádnou konkrétní nevyberete (lze nakonfigurovat v pøedvolbách ka¾dé aplikace).
the old password is not correct preferences cs Staré heslo je chybné
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences cs Rozbalovací nabídka zobrazuje v¹echny dostupné u¾ivatele (mù¾e trvat velmi dlouho na velkých instalacích s mnoha u¾ivateli). Pøekrývací okno mù¾e prohledávat u¾ivatele podle jména nebo skupiny.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common cs Poslední dvì volby omezují viditelnost ostatních u¾ivatelù. Proto by mìly být vynucené a NIKDY by nemìly být pou¾ity pro správce.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common cs Poslední dvì volby omezují viditelnost ostatních u¾ivatelù. Proto by mìly být vynucené a NIKDY by nemìly být pou¾ity pro správce.
the two passwords are not the same preferences cs Zadaná hesla se neshodují
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences cs Výbìr tématu (barev/fontù)
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences cs Server se nachází v èasové zónì %1
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ text only preferences da Kun tekst
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences da Standard applikationen vil blive vist når du logger på eGroupWare eller når du klikker på hjem ikonet.<br>Du kan få vist end én applikation vist samtidigt, hvis du ikke vælger en applikation her (skal konfigures i præferencerne i hvert program).
the old password is not correct preferences da Den gamle adgangskode er ikke korrekt
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences da Udvælgelses vinduet viser alle tilgængelige brugere (kan være meget langsom i systemer med mange brugere). Popup vinduet med søg giver mulighed for at søge efter brugere eller grupper.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common da De to sidste valgmuligheder begrænser synligheden af andre brugere. De bør derfor tvinges igennem, og de gælder IKKE for administratorer.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common da De to sidste valgmuligheder begrænser synligheden af andre brugere. De bør derfor tvinges igennem, og de gælder IKKE for administratorer.
the two passwords are not the same preferences da De to adgangskoder stemmer ikke overens
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences da Tema (farver/fonte) Valg
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences da Denne server er placeret i tidszone %1
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ text only preferences de nur Text
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences de Diese Anwendung wird gestartet, wenn sie eGroupWare neu starten oder auf das Symbol der Startseite klicken. Sie können auch mehrere Anwendungen auf Ihrer Startseite anzeigen, dazu wählen sie keine Anwendung aus. Welche Anwendungen dann angezeigt werden, wird in den Einstellungen der jeweiligen Anwendungen konfiguriert.
the old password is not correct preferences de Das alte Passwort ist nicht korrekt
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences de Das Auswahlfeld zeigt alle verfügbaren Benutzer (kann sehr langsam sein bei großen Installationen mit vielen Benutzern). Das Popup ist ein extra Fenster, in dem nach Namen oder Gruppen gesucht werden kann.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common de Die beiden letzten Optionen beschränken die Sichtbarkeit von anderen Benutzern. Daher sollten sie erzwungen werden und treffen NICHT auf Administratoren zu.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common de Die beiden letzten Optionen beschränken die Sichtbarkeit von anderen Benutzern. Daher sollten sie erzwungen werden und treffen NICHT auf Administratoren zu.
the two passwords are not the same preferences de Die beiden Passworte sind nicht identisch
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences de Auswahl des Themas (Farben/Schriften)
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences de Der Server befindet sich in der Zeitzone %1
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ text only preferences en Text only
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences en The default application will be started when you enter eGroupWare or click on the homepage icon.<br>You can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application).
the old password is not correct preferences en The old password is not correct
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences en The selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). The popup can search users by name or group.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common en The two last options limit the visibility of other users. There for they should be forced and apply NOT to administrators.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common en The two last options limit the visibility of other users. Therefore they should be forced and apply NOT to administrators.
the two passwords are not the same preferences en The two passwords are not the same
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences en Theme (colors/fonts) Selection
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences en This server is located in the %1 timezone
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ text only preferences es-es S
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences es-es La aplicación predeterminada se mostará al iniciar la sesión en eGroupWare o pulsar en el icono de la página de inicio.<br>También puede tener más de una aplicación en la página de inicio, si no elige una aplicación específica aquí, configurándolo en las preferencias de cada aplicación.
the old password is not correct preferences es-es La contraseña anterior no es correcta
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences es-es La caja de selección muestra todos los usuarios disponibles (puede ser muy lento en grandes instalaciones con muchos usuarios). La ventana emergente puede buscar usuarios por nombre o grupo.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common es-es Las últimas dos opciones limitan la visibilidad de otros usuarios. Están para forzarse, pero No se aplican a los administradores.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common es-es Las últimas dos opciones limitan la visibilidad de otros usuarios. Están para forzarse, pero No se aplican a los administradores.
the two passwords are not the same preferences es-es Las dos contraseñas son distintas
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences es-es Selección de temas (colores/tipos de letra)
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences es-es Este servidor se encuentra en la zona horaria %1
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ text only preferences fi Vain teksti
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences fi Oletus sovellus käynnistyy kun kirjaudut eGroupWareen tai painat etusivu ikonia.<br>Sinulla voi olla enemmän kuin yksi sovellus etusivullasi, jollet määrittele tiettyä sovellusta tähän (pitää säätä asetukset sovelluskohtaisesti).
the old password is not correct preferences fi Vanha salasana ei ole oikein
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences fi Valintaruutu näyttää kaikki käytettävissä olevat käyttäjät (saattaa hidastaa järjestelmää, jos käyttäjiä on paljon). Käyttäjiä ja ryhmiä voidaan etsiä ponnahdusikkunassa.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common fi Kaksi viimeistä vaihtoehtoa rajoittava näkyvyyttä käyttäjille. Niitä EI tule asettaa ylläpitäjille.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common fi Kaksi viimeistä vaihtoehtoa rajoittava näkyvyyttä käyttäjille. Niitä EI tule asettaa ylläpitäjille.
the two passwords are not the same preferences fi Salasanat eivät ole samoja
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences fi Teeman (värit / fontit) valinta
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences fi Palvelin on aikavyöhykkeellä %1
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ text only preferences fr Texte seulement
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences fr L'application par défaut sera exécutée quand vous entrez dans eGroupWare ou cliquez sur l'icône de la page d'accueil.<br>Vous pouvez aussi avoir plus d'une application s'affichant sur la page d'accueil, si vous ne choisissez pas d'application spécifique ici (ceci doit être configuré dans les préférences de chaque application).
the old password is not correct preferences fr L'ancien mon de passe est erroné
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences fr La boîte de sélection montre tous les utilisateurs disponibles (ceci peut être très lent lors d'installations importantes avec beaucoup d'utilisateurs). La fenêtre Popup peut rechercher les utilisateurs par nom ou groupe.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common fr Les deux dernières options limitent la visibilité pour les autres utilisateurs. Pour cette raison, elles doivent être forcées et elles ne s'appliquent pas pour les administrateurs.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common fr Les deux dernières options limitent la visibilité pour les autres utilisateurs. Pour cette raison, elles doivent être forcées et elles ne s'appliquent pas pour les administrateurs.
the two passwords are not the same preferences fr Les deux mots de passe ne sont pas identiques
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences fr Sélection de thème (couleurs/polices)
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences fr Ce serveur est situé dans le fuseau horaire %1
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ text only preferences nl Alleen tekst
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences nl De standaard toepassing wordt direct geopend na het inloggen in eGroupWare en wanneer u klikt op start.<br />U kunt ook informatie van meerdere applicaties weergeven op de startpagina door hier geen specifieke pagina te selecteren. Niet alle toepassingen kunnen informatie tonen op de startpagina. Een voorbeeld toepassing die het wel kan is 'Kalender'. Zie de voorkeuren van 'Kalender' voor meer informatie.
the old password is not correct preferences nl Het oude wachtwoord is onjuist
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences nl De selectbox geeft alle beschikbare gebruikers weer (dit kan erg traag zijn bij installaties met veel gebruikers). In het popupvenster kunt u zoeken op naam of groep.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common nl De twee laatste opties beperken de zichtbaarheid van andere gebruikers. Daarom zouden zij gedwongen moeten worden en zijn zij niet van toepassing op beheerders
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common nl De twee laatste opties beperken de zichtbaarheid van andere gebruikers. Daarom zouden zij gedwongen moeten worden en zijn zij niet van toepassing op beheerders
the two passwords are not the same preferences nl De twee wachtwoorden komen niet overeen
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences nl Themaselectie (kleuren/lettertypen)
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences nl Tijdzone
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ text only preferences pt-br Somente texto
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences pt-br O aplicativo padrão será iniciado quando você entrar no eGroupWare ou clicar no ícone página inicial.<br>Você pode ter mais de um aplicativo padrão mostrado na página inicial, caso não seja especificado aqui (precisa ser configurado nas preferências de cada aplicativo)
the old password is not correct preferences pt-br A antiga senha não está correta
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences pt-br A caixa de seleção mostra todos os usuários disponíveis (poderá causar lentidão em instalações com muitos usuários). Pela janela instantânea, é possível pesquisar usuários por nome ou grupo.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common pt-br As duas últimas opções limitam a visibilidade dos outros usuários. Lá para eles deverá ser forçado e NÃO se aplica aos administradores.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common pt-br As duas últimas opções limitam a visibilidade dos outros usuários. Lá para eles deverá ser forçado e NÃO se aplica aos administradores.
the two passwords are not the same preferences pt-br As duas senhas não são iguais
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences pt-br Seleção de tema (cores/fontes)
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences pt-br Este servidor está localizado no fuso horário %1
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ text only preferences sk Iba text
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences sk Predvolená aplikácia sa spustí po prihlásení do eGroupWare alebo kliknutí na ikonku Domovskej stránky.<br>Naraz mô¾ete ma» na hlavnej stránke zobrazených aj viacero aplikácií, ak si tu nevyberiete ¾iadnu. Musíte si to v¹ak ponastavova» v nastaveniach jednotlivých aplikácií.
the old password is not correct preferences sk Staré heslo bolo zadané chybne
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences sk Výberové menu zobrazí v¹etkých dostupných pou¾ívateµov (mô¾e to veµmi spomaµova», ak ich máte v systéme väè¹ie mno¾stvo). Vyhµadávanie umo¾òuje nájs» pou¾ívateµa podµa mena alebo skupiny.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common sk Posledné 2 voµby obmedzujú viditeµnos» iných pou¾ívateµov. Preto by mali by» vynucované a NIKDY nie aplikované na správcov.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common sk Posledné 2 voµby obmedzujú viditeµnos» iných pou¾ívateµov. Preto by mali by» vynucované a NIKDY nie aplikované na správcov.
the two passwords are not the same preferences sk Heslá sa nezhodujú
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences sk Výber témy (farby / písma)
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences sk Tento server je v èasovej zóne %1
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ text only preferences sl Samo besedilo
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences sl Privzeta aplikacija se bo zagnala ob vstopu v EGW ali ob kliku na domačo ikono.<br>Na domači strani je lahko hkrati prikazanih več aplikacij. Prikaz aplikacij določate v nastavitvah aplikacij.
the old password is not correct preferences sl Staro geslo ni pravilno
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences sl Izbirni seznam prikazuje uporabnike, ki so na voljo (lahko je precej dolg). Z iskalnim oknom lahko iščete uporabnike po imenu ali skupini.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common sl Zadnji dve možnosti omejujeta vidnost uporabnikov. Zato ne bi smeli biti vsiljeni in uveljavljeni za administratorje.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common sl Zadnji dve možnosti omejujeta vidnost uporabnikov. Zato ne bi smeli biti vsiljeni in uveljavljeni za administratorje.
the two passwords are not the same preferences sl Gesli nista enaki.
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences sl Izbira teme (barve/pisave)
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences sl Ta strežnik se nahaja v časovnem pasu %1
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ text only preferences sv Endast text
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences sv Standard applikationen kommer att visas vid inloggning och när du klickar på eGroupWare-ikonen överst på sidan.<br>Du kan också visa fler än en applikation på startsidan, om du inte väljer en här.<br>Detta konfigureras under alternativ på respektive applikation.
the old password is not correct preferences sv Gamla lösenordet är inte rätt
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences sv Valrutan visar tillgängliga användare (kan vara långsam med många samtidiga användare). I popup fönstret kan man söka användare efter namn eller grupp.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common sv De sista två valen begränsar synligheten av andra användare. Därför bör de vara tvingande men INTE ges administratörer.
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common sv De sista två valen begränsar synligheten av andra användare. Därför bör de vara tvingande men INTE ges administratörer.
the two passwords are not the same preferences sv Lösenorden är inte lika
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences sv Tema (färg/font) val
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences sv Denna server är placerad i tidzon %1
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ text only preferences zh-tw 只顯示文字
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences zh-tw 預設的應用程式會在您進入eGroupWare時或是點選首頁圖示顯示<br>如果您並未指定特別的應用程式,您可以選擇一個以上的應用程式(必須在各個應用程式的偏好中設定)。
the old password is not correct preferences zh-tw 舊密碼錯誤
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences zh-tw 下拉式選單列出所有使用者(如果有很多筆資料會影響速度),跳出式視窗可以透過名稱或群組蒐尋使用者。
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common zh-tw 最後兩個選項限制了其他使用者能否存取,他們在那兒必須被強制套用對於管理者為否。
the two last options limit the visibility of other users. therefore they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common zh-tw 最後兩個選項限制了其他使用者能否存取,他們在那兒必須被強制套用對於管理者為否。
the two passwords are not the same preferences zh-tw 兩次輸入的密碼不一致
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences zh-tw 選擇畫面配置(顏色及字型)
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences zh-tw 這台伺服器主機放置於 %1 時區
Reference in New Issue
Block a user