diff --git a/setup/ldap.php b/setup/ldap.php
index 2dde6e7739..980c6d7286 100644
--- a/setup/ldap.php
+++ b/setup/ldap.php
@@ -80,44 +80,72 @@
$error .= "
You must select at least 1 application";
- if (! $error) {
- while ($account = each($account_info)) {
- // do some checks before we try to import the data
- if (!empty($account[1]["account_id"]) && !empty($account[1]["account_lid"]))
- @reset($s_apps);
- while ($app = each($s_apps)) {
- $sql = "DELETE FROM phpgw_acl WHERE acl_appname='".$app[1]."' AND acl_location='run' AND acl_account="
- . $account[1]["account_id"];
- $phpgw_setup->db->query($sql ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
- $sql = "insert into phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights)"
- . " values('".$app[1]."','run',".$account[1]["account_id"].",1)";
- $phpgw_setup->db->query($sql ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
- }
- $sql = "DELETE FROM phpgw_acl WHERE acl_appname='admin' AND acl_location='run' AND acl_account="
- . $account[1]["account_id"];
- $phpgw_setup->db->query($sql ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
- for ($a=0;$adb->query($sql ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
- }
- }
+ if (! $error) {
+ // This section is being modified to use the accounts and acl classes soon
+ // Create a default group
+ $defaultgroupid = mt_rand (100, 600000);
+ $sql = "insert into phpgw_accounts";
+ $sql .= "(account_id, account_lid, account_type, account_pwd, account_firstname, account_lastname, account_lastpwd_change, account_status)";
+ $sql .= "values (".$defaultgroupid.", 'Default', 'g', '".md5($passwd)."', 'Default', 'Group', ".time().", 'A')";
+ $phpgw_setup->db->query($sql);
+ // Give the group access to apps
+ while ($app = each($s_apps)) {
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM phpgw_acl WHERE acl_appname='".$app[1]."' AND acl_location='run' AND acl_account="
+ . $defaultgroupid;
+ $phpgw_setup->db->query($sql ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights)"
+ . " VALUES('".$app[1]."','run',".$defaultgroupid.",1)";
+ $phpgw_setup->db->query($sql ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ }
+ while ($account = each($account_info)) {
+ // do some checks before we try to import the data
+ if (!empty($account[1]["account_id"]) && !empty($account[1]["account_lid"]))
+/* // This is where each new user was given app rights, instead of per the group
+ @reset($s_apps);
+ while ($app = each($s_apps)) {
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM phpgw_acl WHERE acl_appname='".$app[1]."' AND acl_location='run' AND acl_account="
+ . $account[1]["account_id"];
+ $phpgw_setup->db->query($sql ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights)"
+ . " VALUES('".$app[1]."','run',".$account[1]["account_id"].",1)";
+ $phpgw_setup->db->query($sql ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ } */
+ // Cleanup admin permissions
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM phpgw_acl WHERE acl_appname='admin' AND acl_location='run' AND acl_account="
+ . $account[1]["account_id"];
+ $phpgw_setup->db->query($sql ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ // Give the user admin only if we asked for them to have it
+ for ($a=0;$adb->query($sql ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ }
+ }
+ // Actually create the account
+ $phpgw_setup->db->query("SELECT account_id FROM phpgw_accounts WHERE account_id=" . $account[1]["account_id"]
+ . " AND account_lid='" . $account[1]["account_lid"] . "'");
+ if(!$phpgw_setup->db->num_rows() && $account[1]["account_lid"]) {
+ $phpgw_setup->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_accounts (account_id,account_lid,account_pwd,account_type,"
+ . "account_status,account_lastpwd_change) VALUES (" . $account[1]["account_id"] . ",'"
+ . $account[1]["account_lid"] . "','x','u','A',".time().")",__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ }
+ // Now make them a member of the default group
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights)"
+ . " VALUES('phpgw_group',".$defaultgroupid.",".$account[1]["account_id"].",'1')";
+ $phpgw_setup->db->query($sql);
+ }
+ $setup_complete = True;
+ }
+ }
- $phpgw_setup->db->query("SELECT account_id FROM phpgw_accounts WHERE account_id=" . $account[1]["account_id"]
- . " AND account_lid='" . $account[1]["account_lid"] . "'");
- if(!$phpgw_setup->db->num_rows() && $account[1]["account_lid"]) {
- $phpgw_setup->db->query("insert into phpgw_accounts (account_id,account_lid,account_pwd,account_type,"
- . "account_status,account_lastpwd_change) values (" . $account[1]["account_id"] . ",'"
- . $account[1]["account_lid"] . "','x','u','A',".time().")",__LINE__,__FILE__);
- }
- }
- $setup_complete = True;
- }
- }
// Add a check to see if there is no users in LDAP, if not create a default user.