update Korea translation futurizer

This commit is contained in:
reinerj 2004-08-04 10:28:55 +00:00
parent 0d91f7017e
commit 446d92f9b0
2 changed files with 529 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,25 +1,85 @@
%1 - preferences preferences ko %1 - 설정
%1 hours preferences ko %1 시간
12 hour preferences ko 12 시간
24 hour preferences ko 24 시간
a template defines the layout of phpgroupware and it contains icons for each application. preferences ko 템플릿의 정의는 eGroupWare 레이아웃 과 각 응용프로그램의 아이콘을 포함합니다.
a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. preferences ko 테마는 템플릿에서 사용할 색과 글꼴을 정의합니다.
acl grants have been updated preferences ko ACL 허용이 업데이트 되었습니다.
any listing in phpgw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.<br>to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. preferences ko eGroupWare에서 사용되는 어떠한 리스트의 개수나 페이지당 라인은 설정한 수만큼 보입니다.<br>너무 큰 수는 페이지 표시가 느려지고 , 너무 작은 수는 전체적인 보기에 많은 시간을 소비하게 됩니다.
are you sure you want to delete this category ? preferences ko 정말 이 카테고리를 삭제할까요?
change your password preferences ko 암호 변경
change your profile preferences ko 프로필 변경
change your settings preferences ko 설정 바꾸기
click to select a color preferences ko 클릭해서 색깔을 선택
color preferences ko 색
country preferences ko 국가
date format preferences ko 날짜 형식
default preferences ko 기본
default application preferences ko 기본 응용프로그램
default preferences preferences ko 기본 설정
delete categories preferences ko 카테고리 삭제
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences ko 설명은 255 글자를 넘길수 없습니다!
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences ko 24시간 시간 형식이 좋으신가요? 아니면 12시간 시간형식에 am/pm 이 덧붙혀 표기되는 형식이 좋으신가요?
edit custom fields preferences ko 특정 필드(custom fields)를 편집
email signature preferences ko E-Mail 서명
enter your new password preferences ko 새로운 암호
enter your new password preferences ko 새로운 암호
error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 preferences ko 오류: 설정 파일 %2에서 %1을 찾는데 문제가 있습니다
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences ko 암호를 바꾸는데 실패했습니다. 관리자에게 문의하세요
forced preferences preferences ko 강제 설정
help off preferences ko 도움말 끄기
hours preferences ko 시간
how do you like to display accounts preferences ko 어떻게 계정을 표시하겠습니까?
how do you like to select accounts preferences ko 어떻게 계정을 선택하시겠습니까?
how many hours are you in front or after the timezone of the server.<br>if you are in the same time zone as the server select 0 hours, else select your locale date and time. preferences ko 서버의 시간대(timezone)보다 몇시간 앞서길 원하나요.<br>만약 서버와 같은 시간대에 있다면 0시간을 선택하거나 , 귀하의 현지 날짜와 시간을 선택하세요.
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. preferences ko 최상위 페이지의 네비게이션 바에서 몇개의 아이콘이 보이길 원하나요. 여분의 아이콘은 가장 네비게이션바의 가장 오른쪽 아이콘의 풀다운 메뉴안으로 들어갑니다.
how should phpgroupware display dates for you. preferences ko eGroupWare가 날짜를 어떻게 보여드릴까요?
icon preferences ko 아이콘
icons and text preferences ko 아이콘과 설명
icons only preferences ko 오직 아이콘만
in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. preferences ko 지금 계신 국가는? 이 설정은 기본설정이 됩니다.
interface/template selection preferences ko 인터페이스/템플릿 선택
language preferences ko 언어
max matches per page preferences ko 페이지당 최대 일치 개수
max matchs per page preferences ko 페이지당 최대 검색 결과 항목 수
max number of icons in navbar preferences ko 네비게이션바 에서 최대 아이콘 개수
no default preferences ko 기본설정 없음
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences ko 참고: e-mail의 암호는 변경되지 않습니다. 수동으로 변경하십시오.
please, select a new theme preferences ko 새로운 테마를 선택하세요.
popup with search preferences ko 팝업으로 검색
re-enter your password preferences ko 새로운 암호 확인
select different theme preferences ko 테마 바꾸기
select one preferences ko 하나를 선택
select the language of texts and messages within phpgroupware.<br>some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. preferences ko eGroupWare의 문장과 메세지의 언어를 선택하세요.<br>특정 언어는 모든 메세지를 포함하고 있지 않아서 영어로 보입니다.
selectbox preferences ko 선택상자
selectbox with primary group and search preferences ko 첫번째 그룹과 검색창이 있는 선택상자
set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show your loginname in public. preferences ko 마음에 들면 설정하세요. 보안상이유로는 사용자이름을 모두에게 보이고 싶지 않을수도 있습니다
should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences ko 항상 현재 사용중인 세션의 수를 표기합니다
should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences ko 설정을 변경할때나 원할때, 도움말이 항상 표시됩니다.
show birthday reminders on main screen preferences ko 생일인 사람 알려주기.
show current users on navigation bar preferences ko 현재 사용자를 navigation bar에 표시합니다.
show helpmessages by default preferences ko 기본적으로 도움말 보이기
show high priority events on main screen preferences ko 중요도가 높은 작업 보여주기
show navigation bar as preferences ko ** 네비게이션 바를 볼때
show new messages on main screen preferences ko 새로운 메시지를 메인화면에 보여줍니다.
show number of current users preferences ko 현재 사용자 수
show text on navigation icons preferences ko 툴팁보기
show_more_apps common ko 더 많은 응용프로그램 보기
text only preferences ko 글자만
the default application will be started when you enter phpgroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences ko ** eGroupWare를 시작하면 기본 응용프로그램이 시작되고 홈페이지 아이콘을 클릭해도 마찬가지입니다.<br>여기서 응용프로그램을 직접 선택하지 않고 각 응용프로그램의 설정에서 설정하지 않을 경우 하나 이상의 응용프로그램을 홈페이지에 보이게 설정할수 있습니다
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences ko 선택상자가 모든 사용자에 보입니다 (만약 사용자가 많다면 느려질수 있습니다) 팝업창은 사용자의 이름이나 그룹으로 검색할 수 있습니다.
the two passwords are not the same preferences ko 암호가 잘못 입력되었습니다.
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences ko 의 시간대를 사용하고 있습니다.
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences ko 테마 (컬러/폰트) 선택
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences ko 이 서버는 %1 시간대에 있습니다
time format preferences ko 시간 형식
time zone offset preferences ko 시간대 변경
use default preferences ko 기본 사용
users choice preferences ko 사용자 선택
weekday starts on preferences ko 한주일의 시작
which currency symbol or name should be used in phpgroupware. preferences ko eGroupWare에서 사용할 현금 단위나 이름.
work day ends on preferences ko 근무 종료 시각
work day starts on preferences ko 근무 시작 시각
you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences ko 응용프로그램의 아이콘만 보이게 하거나 이름과 아이콘 동시에 보이게 할수 있습니다
you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences ko 현재 ACL을 설정할 권한이 없습니다
you must enter a password preferences ko 암호를 입력해야만 합니다.
your current theme is: %1 preferences ko </b> 입니다.
your current theme is: %1 preferences ko 현재 테마는 %1 입니다.
your preferences preferences ko 귀하의 설정

setup/lang/phpgw_ko.lang Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
%1 does not exist !!! setup ko %1 은 존재하지 않습니다.
%1 is %2%3 !!! setup ko %1은 %2 %3 !!!
*** do not update your database via setup, as the update might be interrupted by the max_execution_time, which leaves your db in an unrecoverable state (your data is lost) !!! setup ko *** 설정을 통해 데이터베이스를 갱신하지 마세요, 최대실행시간(max_execution_time) 설정때문에 중지된 업데이트는 데이터베이스에 남겨져 복구할수 없는 상태가 됩니다.(즉 데이터를 잃게됩니다) !!!
*** you have to do the changes manualy in your php.ini (usualy in /etc on linux) in order to get egw fully working !!! setup ko *** eGW이 완전히 동작 하기 위해서는 php.ini를 직접 수정해주어야 합니다 !!!
00 (disable) setup ko 00 ( 미사용 / 추천 )
13 (ntp) setup ko 13 (ntp)
80 (http) common ko 80 (http)
<b>this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts</b><br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup ko <b>이것은 1개의 관리자 계정돠 3개의 데모 계정을 생성합니다</b><br>사용자이름/암호는 demo/guest, demo2/guest, demo3/guest 입니다
accounts existing setup ko 계정 존재함
actions setup ko 액션
add a domain setup ko 도메인 추가
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) setup ko 자동-생성된 사용자를 이 그룹에 추가 ('기본설정' 여기가 공백이면 시도합니다)
additional settings setup ko 추가 설정
admin first name setup ko 관리자 이름
admin last name setup ko 관리자 성
admin password setup ko 관리자 암호
admin password to header manager setup ko 상위 관리자의 관리암호
admin user for header manager setup ko 상위 관리자의 관리사용자
admin username setup ko 관리사용자 이름
admins setup ko 관리자
after retrieving the file, put it into place as the header.inc.php. then, click "continue". setup ko 파일을 가져온후, header.inc.php의 위치에 넣고, "계속"을 클릭
all applications setup ko 모든 응용프로그램
all core tables and the admin and preferences applications setup ko 모든 코어-테이블과 관리자 그리고 설정용 응용프로그램
all users setup ko 모든 사용자
analysis setup ko 분석
and reload your webserver, so the above changes take effect !!! setup ko 그리고 웹서버를 리로드하면, 위의 변경사항이 효과가 있습니다 !!!
app details setup ko 응용프로그램 자세한 설명
app install/remove/upgrade setup ko 응용프로그램 설치/삭제/업그레이드
app process setup ko 응용프로그램 프로세스
application data setup ko 응용프로그램 데이터
application list setup ko 응용프로그램 목록
application management setup ko 응용프로그램 관리
application name and status setup ko 응용프로그램 이름과 상태
application name and status information setup ko 응용프로그램 이름과 상태 정보
application title setup ko 응용프로그램 제목
application: %1, file: %2, line: "%3" setup ko 응용프로그램: %1 , 파일: %2 , 라인: "%3"
are you sure you want to delete your existing tables and data? setup ko 기존에 테이블과 데이터를 삭제하는게 맞습니까?
are you sure? setup ko 확실합니까?
at your request, this script is going to attempt to create the database and assign the db user rights to it setup ko 귀하의 요구에 따라 이 스크리브는 데이터베이스를 생성하고 데이터베이스의 유저에게 권한을 줍니다
at your request, this script is going to attempt to install the core tables and the admin and preferences applications for you setup ko 귀하의 요구에따라, 이 스크립트는 코어-테이블과 관리자 그리고 설정용 응용프로그램을 설치합니다
at your request, this script is going to attempt to upgrade your old applications to the current versions setup ko 귀하의 요구에따라, 이 스크립트는 구-응용프로그램을 현재-버전으로 업그레이드 시도합니다
at your request, this script is going to attempt to upgrade your old tables to the new format setup ko 귀하의 요구에따라, 이 스크립트는 구-테이블을 새 형식으로 업그레이드 시도합니다
at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of deleting your existing tables and re-creating them in the new format setup ko 귀하의 요구에따라, 이 스크립트는 기존 테이블을 삭제하고 새로운 형식으로 다시 생성을 강행합니다
at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of uninstalling all your apps, which deletes your existing tables and data setup ko 귀하의 요구에따라, 이 스크립트는 존재하는 모든 테이블과 데이터 그리고 모든 응용프로그램 삭제를 강행합니다
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' setup ko FTP를 위해 현재 mimetype을 기본설정인 'application/octet-stream'대신 사용합니다
authentication / accounts setup ko 인증 / 계정
auto create account records for authenticated users setup ko 인증된 사용자들을 위한 자동 생성 계정 레코드
auto-created user accounts expire setup ko 자동생성 사용자 계정 만료
available version setup ko 가능한 버전
back to the previous screen setup ko 이전 화면으로 돌아가기
back to user login setup ko 사용자 로그인으로 돌아가기
backupwarn setup ko 하지만 저희는 스크립트가 실행도중 데이터를 손상할 수 있기때문에 귀하의 테이블을 <u>백업하길 적극 권장</u>합니다<br><strong>이 자동화된 스크립트는 데이터손실이 일어날수 있으며</strong><br><em>더 진행하기 전에 백업하시길 권장합니다!</em>
because an application it depends upon was upgraded setup ko 응용프로그램이 업그레이드 되었는지 여부에 달려있음
because it depends upon setup ko 의존성때문에
because it is not a user application, or access is controlled via acl setup ko 사용자 응용프로그램이 아니기때문에, 접근 제어는 ACL을 통해서
because it requires manual table installation, <br>or the table definition was incorrect setup ko because it requires manual table installation, <br>or the table definition was incorrect
because it was manually disabled setup ko 직접 사용안함으로 설정했기 때문에
because of a failed upgrade or install setup ko 업그레이드나 설치에 실패했기 때문에
because of a failed upgrade, or the database is newer than the installed version of this app setup ko because of a failed upgrade, or the database is newer than the installed version of this app
because the enable flag for this app is set to 0, or is undefined setup ko because the enable flag for this app is set to 0, or is undefined
bottom setup ko 하단
cancel setup ko 취소
cannot create the header.inc.php due to file permission restrictions.<br> instead you can %1 the file. setup ko Cannot create the header.inc.php due to file permission restrictions.<br> Instead you can %1 the file.
change system-charset setup ko 시스템 문자셋 바꾸기
charset setup ko 문자셋
charset to convert to setup ko 전환할 문자셋
check installation setup ko 설치 확인
check ip address of all sessions setup ko 모든 세션에 ip 주소 확인
checking extension %1 is loaded or loadable setup ko %1 확장이 이미 로드되었거나 로드가 가능한지 확인
checking file-permissions of %1 for %2: %3 setup ko ** %1 파일-퍼미션을 확인 , %2 : %3
checking for gd support... setup ko GD 지원여부 확인..
checking php.ini setup ko php.ini 확인
checking the egroupware installation setup ko eGroupWare 설치 확인
click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to setup. setup ko Click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to setup.
click here setup ko 클릭하세요
click here to re-run the installation tests setup ko 설치 테스트를 다시 수행하기위해서 여기를 클릭하세요
completed setup ko 완료
config password setup ko 암호 설정
config username setup ko 사용자 이름 설정
configuration setup ko 설정
configuration completed setup ko 설정 완료
configuration password setup ko 암호 설정
configuration user setup ko 유저 설정
configure now setup ko 지금 설정
contain setup ko 포함
continue setup ko 계속
continue to the header admin setup ko 상위 관리자 계정으로 계속
convert setup ko 전환
could not open header.inc.php for writing! setup ko header.inc.php 파일에 쓸수없습니다.
country selection setup ko 국가 선택
create setup ko 생성
create admin account setup ko 관리 계정 생성
create database setup ko 데이터베이스 생성
create demo accounts setup ko 데모 계정 생성
create one now setup ko 즉시 생성
create the empty database - setup ko 빈 데이터베이스 생성 -
create the empty database and grant user permissions - setup ko Create the empty database and grant user permissions -
create your header.inc.php setup ko 당신의 header.inc.php 생성
created setup ko 생성됨
created header.inc.php! setup ko 생성된 header.inc.php!
creating tables setup ko 테이블 생성
current system-charset setup ko 현재 시스템 문자셋
current system-charset is %1, click %2here%3 to change it. setup ko Current system-charset is %1, click %2here%3 to change it.
current version setup ko 현재 버전
currently installed languages: %1 <br> setup ko 현재 설치된 언어: %1 <br>
database successfully converted from '%1' to '%2' setup ko 데이터베이스가 '%1'에서 '%2'으로 전환에 성공했습니다.
datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host: setup ko Datetime port.<br>If using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(Port: 13 / Host:
db host setup ko DB 호스트
db name setup ko DB 이름
db password setup ko DB 암호
db port setup ko DB 포트
db root password setup ko DB 루트 암호
db root username setup ko DB 루트 사용자이름
db type setup ko DB 형태
db user setup ko DB 사용자
default file system space per user/group ? setup ko 유저/그룹 당 기본 파일시스템 용량은?
delete setup ko 삭제
delete all existing sql accounts, groups, acls and preferences (normally not necessary)? setup ko Delete all existing SQL accounts, groups, ACLs and preferences (normally not necessary)?
delete all my tables and data setup ko 내 모든 테이블과 데이터를 삭제
delete all old languages and install new ones setup ko 이전 언어를 모두 삭제하고 새 언어를 설치
deleting tables setup ko 테이블 삭제중
demo server setup setup ko 데모 서버 설정
deny access setup ko 접근 금지
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? setup ko Deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ?
dependency failure setup ko 의존성 확인 실패
deregistered setup ko 등록해지됨
details for admin account setup ko 관리자 계정에 자세한 정보
developers' table schema toy setup ko 개발자용 테이블 스키마 도구
did not find any valid db support! setup ko 유요한 DB 지원을 찾을수 없습니다!
do you want persistent connections (higher performance, but consumes more resources) setup ko Do you want persistent connections (higher performance, but consumes more resources)
do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup ko Do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes?
domain setup ko 도메인
domain select box on login setup ko 로그인시 도메인 선택 상자 보이기
dont touch my data setup ko 내 데이터는 손대지 말것
download setup ko 내려받기
edit current configuration setup ko 현재 설정을 편집
edit your existing header.inc.php setup ko 기존 header.inc.php를 편집
edit your header.inc.php setup ko 당신의 header.inc.php를 편집
egroupware administration manual setup ko eGroupWare 관리자 메뉴얼
enable for extra debug-messages setup ko 자세한 디버그-메세지 출력
enable ldap version 3 setup ko LDAP Version 3 활성화
enable mcrypt setup ko MCrypt 활성화
enter some random text for app session encryption setup ko 응용프로그램 세션 암호화에 사용할 무작위 문자열 입력
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) setup ko Enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt)
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp setup ko Enter the full path for temporary files.<br>Examples: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files setup ko Enter the full path for users and group files.<br>Examples: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running setup ko Enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware &nbsp; or &nbsp; /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> setup ko Enter the location of eGroupWare's URL.<br>Example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware &nbsp; or &nbsp; /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b>
enter the site password for peer servers setup ko 피어서버의 사이트 암호 입력
enter the site username for peer servers setup ko 피어서버의 사이트 사용자이름 입력
enter the title for your site setup ko 귀하의 사이트 제목을 입력
enter your default ftp server setup ko 기본 FTP 서버주소 입력
enter your http proxy server setup ko HTTP 프록시 서버주소 입력
enter your http proxy server password setup ko HTTP 프록시 서버 암호 입력
enter your http proxy server port setup ko HTTP 프록시 서버 포트 입력
enter your http proxy server username setup ko HTTP 프록시 서버 사용자이름 입력
error in admin-creation !!! setup ko 관리자 생성 에러!!!
error in group-creation !!! setup ko 그룹 생성 에러!!!
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup ko eGroupWare의 계정들을 SQL에서 LDAP로 "내보내기"
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup ko Export has been completed! You will need to set the user passwords manually.
export sql users to ldap setup ko SQL사용자들을 LDAP로 내보내기
false setup ko 거짓
file setup ko 파일
file type, size, version, etc. setup ko 파일 형,크기,버전,기타.
for a new install, select import. to convert existing sql accounts to ldap, select export setup ko For a new install, select import. To convert existing SQL accounts to LDAP, select export
force selectbox setup ko 강제 선택박스
found existing configuration file. loading settings from the file... setup ko Found existing configuration file. Loading settings from the file...
go back setup ko 뒤로 가기
go to setup ko ..로 가기
grant access setup ko 접속 승인
has a version mismatch setup ko 은(는) 버전이 맞지 않습니다.
header admin login setup ko 상위 관리자 로그인
header password setup ko 상위 관리자 암호
header username setup ko 상위관리자 사용자이름
historylog removed setup ko Historylog 삭제됨
hooks deregistered setup ko 가로채기(Hooks) 등록해지됨
hooks registered setup ko 가로채기(Hooks) 등록됨
host information setup ko 호스트 정보
hostname/ip of database server setup ko 데이터베이스 서버의 호스트이름/IP
however, the application is otherwise installed setup ko 그러나, 응용프로그램이 설치됨
however, the application may still work setup ko 그러나, 응용프로그램이 계속 동작중
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of setup ko If no ACL records for user or any group the user is a member of
if safe_mode is turned on, egw is not able to change certain settings on runtime, nor can we load any not yet loaded module. setup ko If safe_mode is turned on, eGW is not able to change certain settings on runtime, nor can we load any not yet loaded module.
if the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the problem setup ko If the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the problem
if using ldap setup ko 만약 LDAP를 사용한다면
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup ko If using LDAP, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes?
if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup ko If you did not receive any errors, your applications have been
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup ko If you did not receive any errors, your tables have been
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup ko If you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!!
if you use only languages of the same charset (eg. western european ones) you dont need to set a system-charset! setup ko If you use only languages of the same charset (eg. western european ones) you dont need to set a system-charset!
image type selection order setup ko 이미지 타입 선택 순서
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup ko Import accounts from LDAP to the eGroupWare accounts table (for a new install using SQL accounts)
import has been completed! setup ko 가져오기를 마쳤습니다.
import ldap users/groups setup ko LDAP 사용자/그룹을 가져오기
importing old settings into the new format.... setup ko 예전 설정들을 새 형태로 가져오기
include root (this should be the same as server root unless you know what you are doing) setup ko Include Root (this should be the same as Server Root unless you know what you are doing)
include_path need to contain "." - the current directory setup ko include_path need to contain "." - the current directory
insanity setup ko Insanity
install setup ko 설치
install all setup ko 모두 설치
install applications setup ko 응용프로그램 설치
install language setup ko 언어 설치
installed setup ko 설치됨
instructions for creating the database in %1: setup ko %1 데이터베이스를 생성하는 방법:
invalid ip address setup ko 부적절한 IP 주소
invalid password setup ko 부적절한 암호
is broken setup ko 는 깨졌습니다.
is disabled setup ko 는 사용할수없습니다.(disabled)
ldap account import/export setup ko LDAP 계정 가져오기/내보내기
ldap accounts configuration setup ko LDAP 계정 설정
ldap accounts context setup ko LDAP 계정 컨텍스트
ldap config setup ko LDAP 설정
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) setup ko LDAP Default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) setup ko LDAP 기본 쉘 (예 /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type setup ko LDAP 암호화 타입
ldap export setup ko LDAP 내보내기
ldap export users setup ko LDAP 내보낼 사용자
ldap groups context setup ko LDAP 그룹 컨텍스트
ldap host setup ko LDAP 호스트
ldap import setup ko LDAP 가져오기
ldap import users setup ko LDAP 가져올 사용자
ldap modify setup ko LDAP 변경
ldap root password setup ko LDAP 최고관리자 암호
ldap rootdn setup ko LDAP rootdn
limit access to setup to the following addresses, networks or hostnames (e.g.,10.1.1,myhost.dnydns.org) setup ko Limit access to setup to the following addresses, networks or hostnames (e.g.,10.1.1,myhost.dnydns.org)
login to mysql - setup ko mysql로 로그인 -
logout setup ko 로그아웃
makesure setup ko Make sure that your database is created and the account permissions are set
manage applications setup ko 응용프로그램 관리
manage languages setup ko 언어 관리
max_execution_time is set to less than 30 (seconds): egroupware sometimes needs a higher execution_time, expect occasional failures setup ko max_execution_time is set to less than 30 (seconds): eGroupWare sometimes needs a higher execution_time, expect occasional failures
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) setup ko 최대 계정ID (예 65535 나 1000000)
may be broken setup ko 는 깨진것 같습니다.
mcrypt algorithm (default tripledes) setup ko Mcrypt 알고리즘 (기본 TRIPLEDES)
mcrypt initialization vector setup ko MCrypt 초기화 백터
mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup ko Mcrypt 방식 (기본 CBC)
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup ko Mcrypt 설정 (mcrypt PHP 익스텐션에 필요함)
mcrypt version setup ko MCrypt 버전
memory_limit is set to less than 16m: some applications of egroupware need more than the recommend 8m, expect occasional failures setup ko memory_limit is set to less than 16M: some applications of eGroupWare need more than the recommend 8M, expect occasional failures
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup ko 최소 계정ID (예 500 나 100, 기타.)
modifications have been completed! setup ko 변경이 완료되었습니다!
modify setup ko 변경
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup ko Modify an existing LDAP account store for use with eGroupWare (for a new install using LDAP accounts)
multi-language support setup setup ko 다중-언어 지원 설정
name of database setup ko 데이터베이스 이름
name of db user egroupware uses to connect setup ko eGroupWare가 사용할 DB 사용자 이름
never setup ko ** 절대
new setup ko ** 새로운
no setup ko 아니오
no accounts existing setup ko 계정이 없음
no algorithms available setup ko 어떠한 알고리즘도 가능하지 않습니다.
no microsoft sql server support found. disabling setup ko Microsoft SQL 서버를 지원할 수 없습니다. 지원해제합니다.
no modes available setup ko 가능한 방식이 없음
no mysql support found. disabling setup ko MySQL을 지원할 수 없습니다. 지원해제합니다.
no oracle-db support found. disabling setup ko Oracle-DB를 지원할 수 없습니다. 지원해제합니다.
no postgresql support found. disabling setup ko PostgreSQL을 지원할 수 없습니다. 지원해제합니다.
no xml support found. disabling setup ko XML을 지원할 수 없습니다. 지원해제합니다.
not setup ko ** 아니
not all mcrypt algorithms and modes work with egroupware. if you experience problems try switching it off. setup ko Not all mcrypt algorithms and modes work with eGroupWare. If you experience problems try switching it off.
not complete setup ko 완료 안됨
not completed setup ko 완료되지 않았습니다
not ready for this stage yet setup ko 아직 현재 스테이지에 준비가 갖춰지지 않았습니다
not set setup ko ** 설정 안됨
note: you will be able to customize this later setup ko 확인: 이 설정은 나중에 다시 할수 있습니다
now guessing better values for defaults... setup ko 기본으로 사용할 적절한 값을 찾는중입니다...
ok setup ko 오케이
once the database is setup correctly setup ko 데이터베이스의 설정이 제대로 수행되었을때
one month setup ko 한 달
one week setup ko 일주일
only add languages that are not in the database already setup ko Only add languages that are not in the database already
only add new phrases setup ko ** 새 구문 추가만
or setup ko ** 이거나
or %1continue to the header admin%2 setup ko 이거나 %1상위 관리자로 계속%2
or http://webdav.domain.com (webdav) setup ko 이나 http://webdav.domain.com (WebDAV)
or we can attempt to create the database for you: setup ko 아니면 제가 데이터베이스 생성을 시도할 수 있습니다:
password needed for configuration setup ko 설정하기 위해서 암호가 필요합니다
password of db user setup ko 데이터베이스 사용자 암호
passwords did not match, please re-enter setup ko 암호가 맞지 않습니다, 다시 입력하세요
path information setup ko 경로 정보
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup ko Path to user and group files HAS TO BE OUTSIDE of the webservers document-root!!!
persistent connections setup ko 영구적 연결
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup ko Please check for sql scripts within the application's directory
please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option. setup ko Please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option.
please configure egroupware for your environment setup ko 귀하에게 맞는 eGroupWare 설정을 해주세요
please consult the %1. setup ko ** %1 을(를) 고려해주세요.
please fix the above errors (%1) and warnings(%2) setup ko 위와 같은 에러 (%1) 와 경고(%2)를 수정해주세요
please install setup ko 설치해 주세요
please login setup ko 로그인 해주세요
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup ko Please login to eGroupWare and run the admin application for additional site configuration
please make the following change in your php.ini setup ko 귀하의 php.ini에 다음과 같은 것을 변경해주세요
please wait... setup ko 잠시만 기다리세요...
possible reasons setup ko 가능한 이유들
possible solutions setup ko 가능한 해결책들
post-install dependency failure setup ko 후-설치(Post-Install) 의존성 실패
potential problem setup ko 잠재적인 문제
preferences setup ko 설정
problem resolution setup ko 문제 해결
process setup ko 프로세스
re-check my database setup ko 저의 데이터베이스를 다시 체크
re-check my installation setup ko 저의 설치를 다시 체크
re-enter password setup ko 암호 재입력
read translations from setup ko 의 번역을 읽음
readable by the webserver setup ko 웹 서버가 읽을수 있음
really uninstall all applications setup ko 모든 응용프로그램을 삭제하길 원함
recommended: filesystem setup ko 추천: 파일시스템
register_globals is turned on, egroupware does not require it and it's generaly more secure to have it turned off setup ko register_globals is turned On, eGroupWare does NOT require it and it's generaly more secure to have it turned Off
registered setup ko 등록됨
rejected lines setup ko 거부된 라인
remove setup ko 삭제
remove all setup ko 모두 삭제
requires reinstall or manual repair setup ko 재설치하거나 직접 수리가 필요함
requires upgrade setup ko 업그레이드가 필요함
resolve setup ko ** 해결(Resolve)
return to setup setup ko 설정으로 돌아감
run installation tests setup ko 설치 테스트를 수행
safe_mode is turned on, which is generaly a good thing as it makes your install more secure. setup ko safe_mode is turned on, which is generaly a good thing as it makes your install more secure.
sample configuration not found. using built in defaults setup ko Sample configuration not found. using built in defaults
save setup ko 저장
save this text as contents of your header.inc.php setup ko 이 텍스트를 귀하의 header.inc.php로 저장
select an app, enter a target version, then submit to process to that version.<br>if you do not enter a version, only the baseline tables will be installed for the app.<br><blink>this will drop all of the apps' tables first!</blink> setup ko Select an app, enter a target version, then submit to process to that version.<br>If you do not enter a version, only the baseline tables will be installed for the app.<br><blink>THIS WILL DROP ALL OF THE APPS' TABLES FIRST!</blink>
select one... setup ko 하나를 선택하세요...
select the default applications to which your users will have access setup ko Select the default applications to which your users will have access
select the desired action(s) from the available choices setup ko Select the desired action(s) from the available choices
select to download file setup ko 다운로드할 파일을 선택
select where you want to store/retrieve file contents setup ko Select where you want to store/retrieve file contents
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information setup ko Select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts setup ko Select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts
select which group(s) will be exported (group membership will be maintained) setup ko Select which group(s) will be exported (group membership will be maintained)
select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained) setup ko Select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained)
select which group(s) will be modified (group membership will be maintained) setup ko Select which group(s) will be modified (group membership will be maintained)
select which languages you would like to use setup ko 사용하고 싶은 언어를 선택
select which method of upgrade you would like to do setup ko Select which method of upgrade you would like to do
select which type of authentication you are using setup ko 어떤 인증을 사용할지 선택
select which user(s) will also have admin privileges setup ko Select which user(s) will also have admin privileges
select which user(s) will be exported setup ko 어떤 유저를 내보낼지 선택
select which user(s) will be imported setup ko 어떤 유저를 가져올지 선택
select which user(s) will be modified setup ko 어떤 유저를 변경할지 선택
select which user(s) will have admin privileges setup ko 어떤 유저가 관리자-권한을 가질지 선택
select your old version setup ko 귀하의 구-버전을 선택
selectbox setup ko 선택상자
server root setup ko 서버 루트
sessions type setup ko 세션 타입
set setup ko ** 셋(set)
set this to "old" for versions &lt; 2.4, otherwise the exact mcrypt version you use. setup ko Set this to "old" for versions &lt; 2.4, otherwise the exact mcrypt version you use.
setting the system-charset to utf-8 (unicode) allows the coexistens of data from languages of different charsets. setup ko Setting the system-charset to UTF-8 (unicode) allows the coexistens of data from languages of different charsets.
settings setup ko 설정
setup setup ko 설정
setup demo accounts in ldap setup ko LDAP 데모 계정을 설정
setup main menu setup ko 주 메뉴를 설정
setup the database setup ko 데이터베이스 설정
setup/config admin login setup ko 관리자 로그인을 설정/구성
show 'powered by' logo on setup ko 'powered by' 로고를 보여줌
some or all of its tables are missing setup ko 일부 또는 전체의 테이블이 없습니다.
sql encryption type setup ko 암호에 사용할 SQL 암호화 타입 (기본 md5)
start the postmaster setup ko 포스트마스터(Postmaster)를 시작
status setup ko 상황
step %1 - admin account setup ko %1 단계 - 관리자 생성
step %1 - advanced application management setup ko %1 단계 - 고급사용자용 응용프로그램 관리
step %1 - configuration setup ko %1 단계 - 설정
step %1 - language management setup ko %1 단계 - 언어 관리
step %1 - simple application management setup ko %1 단계 - 간단한 응용프로그램 관리
table change messages setup ko ** 테이블이 메세지를 바꿈
tables dropped setup ko 테이블이 삭제됨
tables installed, unless there are errors printed above setup ko tables installed, unless there are errors printed above
tables upgraded setup ko 테이블이 업그레이드됨
target version setup ko 타겟 버전
tcp port number of database server setup ko 데이터베이스의 TCP 포트 번호
text entry setup ko 텍스트 엔트리(Text entry)
the %1 extension is needed, if you plan to use a %2 database. setup ko The %1 extension is needed, if you plan to use a %2 database.
the db_type in defaults (%1) is not supported on this server. using first supported type. setup ko The db_type in defaults (%1) is not supported on this server. using first supported type.
the file setup ko ** 파일(the file)
the first step in installing egroupware is to ensure your environment has the necessary settings to correctly run the application. setup ko The first step in installing eGroupWare is to ensure your environment has the necessary settings to correctly run the application.
the following applications need to be upgraded: setup ko 다음의 응용프로그램은 업그레이드가 필요합니다.
the imap extension is needed by the two email apps (even if you use email with pop3 as protocoll). setup ko The imap extension is needed by the two email apps (even if you use email with pop3 as protocoll).
the mbstring extension is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets. setup ko The mbstring extension is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets.
the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup ko The table definition was correct, and the tables were installed
the tables setup ko ** 테이블(the tables)
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br> setup ko There was a problem trying to connect to your LDAP server. <br>
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your ldap server configuration setup ko There was a problem trying to connect to your LDAP server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup ko This has to be outside the webservers document-root!!!
this might take a while, please wait ... setup ko 약간 시간이 걸립니다, 잠시만 기다리세요...
this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup ko This program will convert your database to a new system-charset.
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup ko This program will help you upgrade or install different languages for eGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup ko This section will help you export users and groups from eGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup ko This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into eGroupWare's account tables
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with egroupware setup ko This section will help you setup your LDAP accounts for use with eGroupWare
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br>note: the default has been randomly generated. setup ko This should be around 30 bytes in length.<br>Note: The default has been randomly generated.
this stage is completed<br> setup ko 스테이지가 완료됨<br>
to a version it does not know about setup ko ** 버전은 잘 알수 없습니다.
to setup 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts. setup ko 1개의 관리자 계정과 3개의 데모 계정을 설정
top setup ko 최상위
translations added setup ko 번역 추가됨
translations removed setup ko 번역 삭제됨
translations upgraded setup ko 번역 업그레이드됨
true setup ko ** 참(True)
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup ko Try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned DBMS, or install eGroupWare by hand.
two weeks setup ko 2주일
uninstall setup ko 설치제거
uninstall all applications setup ko 모든 응용프로그램을 설치제거
uninstalled setup ko 설치제거됨
upgrade setup ko 업그레이드
upgrade all setup ko 모두 업그레이드
upgraded setup ko 어그레이드됨
upgrading tables setup ko 테이블을 업그레이드중
use cookies to pass sessionid setup ko sessionid 를 전달하기 위해 쿠키 사용
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) setup ko Use pure HTML compliant code (not fully working yet)
user account prefix setup ko 사용자 계정 전위(prefix)
usernames are casesensitive setup ko 사용자 이름은 대소문자구분됨
users choice setup ko 사용자 선택
utf-8 (unicode) setup ko utf-8 (유니코드)
version setup ko 버전
version mismatch setup ko 버전이 일치하지 않음
view setup ko 뷰
warning! setup ko 경고!
we can proceed setup ko 진행 가능
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup ko We will automatically update your tables/records to %1
we will now run a series of tests, which may take a few minutes. click the link below to proceed. setup ko We will now run a series of tests, which may take a few minutes. Click the link below to proceed.
welcome to the egroupware installation setup ko eGroupWare 설치입니다. 환영합니다
what type of sessions management do you want to use (php4 session management may perform better)? setup ko What type of sessions management do you want to use (PHP4 session management may perform better)?
which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup ko Which database type do you want to use with eGroupWare?
world readable setup ko 누구나 읽을수 있음
world writable setup ko 누구나 쓸수 있음
would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup ko Would you like eGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup ko Would you like eGroupWare to check for a new version<br>when admins login ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup ko Would you like to show each application's upgrade status ?
writable by the webserver setup ko 웹서버가 쓸수 있음
write config setup ko 설정 쓰기
yes setup ko 예
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup ko You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup ko You appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version %1
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup ko eGroupWare 버전 %1을(를) 사용하고 있습니다
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup ko You appear to be using PHP earlier than 4.1.0. eGroupWare now requires 4.1.0 or later
you appear to be using php3. disabling php4 sessions support setup ko You appear to be using PHP3. Disabling PHP4 sessions support
you appear to be using php4. enabling php4 sessions support setup ko You appear to be using PHP4. Enabling PHP4 sessions support
you appear to have microsoft sql server support enabled setup ko You appear to have Microsoft SQL Server support enabled
you appear to have mysql support enabled setup ko MySQL을 지원합니다.
you appear to have oracle support enabled setup ko Oracle을 지원합니다.
you appear to have oracle v8 (oci) support enabled setup ko Oracle V8 (OCI) 을 지원합니다.
you appear to have postgresql support enabled setup ko PostgreSQL을 지원합니다.
you appear to have xml support enabled setup ko XML을 지원합니다.
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br> setup ko You are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br>
you didn't enter a config password for domain %1 setup ko %1도메인에 사용할 암호를 설정하지 않았습니다
you didn't enter a config username for domain %1 setup ko %1도메인에 사용할 사용자이름을 설정하지 않았습니다
you didn't enter a header admin password setup ko 상위 관리자 암호를 입력하지 않았습니다
you didn't enter a header admin username setup ko 상위 관리자 사용자이름을 입력하지 않았습니다.
you do not have any languages installed. please install one now <br> setup ko You do not have any languages installed. Please install one now <br>
you have not created your header.inc.php yet!<br> you can create it now. setup ko You have not created your header.inc.php yet!<br> You can create it now.
you have successfully logged out setup ko 성공적으로 로그아웃 되었습니다
you must enter a username for the admin setup ko 관리할 사용자 이름을 입력하셔야 합니다
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup ko You need to add some domains to your header.inc.php.
you need to select your current charset! setup ko 문자셋을 반드시 선택해야합니다!
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup ko You should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs
you will need to load the proper schema into your ldap server - see phpgwapi/doc/ldap/readme setup ko You will need to load the proper schema into your ldap server - see <a href="../phpgwapi/doc/ldap/README" target="_blank">phpgwapi/doc/ldap/README</a>
you're using an old configuration file format... setup ko 예전(old) 설정 파일의 형식을 사용하고 있습니다...
you're using an old header.inc.php version... setup ko 예전(old) header.inc.php 버전을 사용하고 있습니다...
your applications are current setup ko ** 응용프로그램이 정상(current)
your database does not exist setup ko 데이터베이스가 존재하지 않습니다.
your database is not working! setup ko 데이터베이스가 동작하지 않습니다.
your database is working, but you dont have any applications installed setup ko Your database is working, but you dont have any applications installed
your header admin password is not set. please set it now! setup ko Your header admin password is NOT set. Please set it now!
your header.inc.php needs upgrading. setup ko header.inc.php 의 업그레이드가 필요합니다.
your header.inc.php needs upgrading.<br><blink><b class="msg">warning!</b></blink><br><b>make backups!</b> setup ko Your header.inc.php needs upgrading.<br><blink><b class="msg">WARNING!</b></blink><br><b>MAKE BACKUPS!</b>
your php installation does not have appropriate gd support. you need gd library version 1.8 or newer to see gantt charts in projects. setup ko Your PHP installation does not have appropriate GD support. You need gd library version 1.8 or newer to see Gantt charts in projects.
your tables are current setup ko ** 테이블이 정상(current)
your tables may be altered and you may lose data setup ko 테이블이 변경되면서 데이터를 잃을수도 있습니다.
your tables will be dropped and you will lose data setup ko Your tables will be dropped and you will lose data !!