mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 17:51:54 +01:00
pending translations from our translation server
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ and common bg И
andorra common bg Андора
angola common bg Ангола
anguilla common bg Ангуила
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common bg Ако отговорите с "не", този браузър повече няма да бъде изискван.
antarctica common bg Антарктика
antigua and barbuda common bg Антигуа и Барбуда
application common bg Приложение
@ -293,7 +294,9 @@ field must not be empty !!! common bg Полето не може да бъде
fields common bg Полета
fiji common bg Острови Фиджи
file common bg Файл
file a file common bg Съхраняване на файл
files common bg Файлове
fileupload common bg Качване на файлове
filter common bg Филтър
finland common bg Финландия
first name common bg Първо име
@ -304,6 +307,9 @@ fixme! common bg ПОПРАВИ МЕ!
folder already exists. common bg Директорията вече съществува.
force selectbox common bg Принудително SelectBox
forever common bg Завинаги
formatted business address common bg Форматиран бизнес адрес
formatted private address common bg Форматиран частен адрес
formatted text (html) common bg Форматиран текст (HTML)
france common bg Франция
french guiana common bg Френска Гвиана
french polynesia common bg Френска Полинезия
@ -311,6 +317,7 @@ french southern territories common bg Френски Южни Територии
friday common bg Петък
ftp common bg FTP
fullname common bg Пълно име
fullscreen common bg Пълен екран
fullscreen mode common bg Режим на цял екран
gabon common bg Габон
gambia common bg Гамбия
@ -386,6 +393,7 @@ insert placeholder common bg Вмъкване на заместител
insert row after common bg Вмъкни ред след
insert row before common bg Вмъкни ред преди
insert timestamp into description field common bg Вмъкване на времеви печат в полето за описание
install egroupware as mail-handler? common bg Инсталиране на EGroupware като mail-handler?
international common bg Международен
invalid 2-factor authentication code common bg Невалиден код за двуфакторно удостоверяване
invalid filename common bg Грешно име на файл
@ -494,6 +502,7 @@ montenegro common bg Черна гора
montserrat common bg Монтсерат
more common bg повече
morocco common bg Мароко
move common bg Преместете
mozambique common bg Мозамбик
multiple common bg множество
myanmar common bg Мианмар
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
'%1' copied to clipboard common cs '%1' zkopírováno do schránky
'%1' has an invalid format common cs '%1' má nesprávný formát !
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common cs '%1' má nesprávný formát !!!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common cs '%1' není json souborem v server root EGw!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common cs '%1' není platné datum !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common cs '%1' není platné číslo s pohyblivou desetinnou čárkou !!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common cs '%1' není platné celé číslo
'%1' is not a valid json file! common cs '%1' není json souborem v server root EGw!
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common cs '%1' není platní časová zóna!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common cs '%1' NENÍ povoleno ('%2')!
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common cs '%1' NENÍ povoleno ('%2')!
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ and common cs A
andorra common cs ANDORA
angola common cs ANGOLA
anguilla common cs ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common cs Pokud odpovíte ne, nebudete již na tento prohlížeč dotazováni.
antarctica common cs ANTARKTIDA
antigua and barbuda common cs ANTIGUA A BARBUDA
api common cs EGroupware API
@ -544,6 +545,7 @@ file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> failed to remove file! admi
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed! admin cs Soubor %1 nemá žádný obsah ve fyzickém souborovém systému %2 --> soubor byl smazán!
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin cs Soubor %1 nemá žádný obsah ve fyzickém souborovém systému %2
file '%1' not found! common cs Soubor '%1' nebyl nalezen!
file a file common cs Uložení souboru
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common cs Soubor obsahuje více jak jednu eŠablonu, zobrazena je poslední !!!
file information common cs Informace o souboru
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common cs Soubor nemá správný typ (%1 není %2)!
@ -567,6 +569,8 @@ force common cs vynutit
force selectbox common cs Vynutit rozbalovací nabídku
foreign key common cs Cizí klíč
forever common cs Napořád
formatted business address common cs Formátovaná obchodní adresa
formatted private address common cs Formátovaná soukromá adresa
formatted text (html) common cs Formátovaný text (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin cs Nalezen rozpojený %1 %2!
fr common cs Pá
@ -577,6 +581,7 @@ french southern territories common cs FRANCOUZSKÁ JIŽNÍ ÚZEMÍ
friday common cs Pátek
ftp common cs FTP
fullname common cs Celé jméno
fullscreen common cs Celá obrazovka
fullscreen mode common cs Zobrazení na celou obrazovku
gabon common cs GABUN
gambia common cs GAMBIE
@ -699,6 +704,7 @@ insert placeholder common cs Vložit zástupný symbol
insert row after common cs Vložit řádek za
insert row before common cs Vložit řádek před
insert timestamp into description field common cs Vložení časového razítka do pole popisu
install egroupware as mail-handler? common cs Nainstalovat EGroupware jako mail-handler?
integer common cs Celé číslo
international common cs Mezinárodní
introduction common cs Úvod
@ -851,6 +857,7 @@ more common cs Více
more than 1 match for '%1' common cs Více než jeden záznam pro '%1'
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin cs Byl nalezen více než jeden aktivní soubor %1, starší revize %2 jsou deaktivovány!
morocco common cs MAROKO
move common cs Přesunout
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin cs Potomek %1 byl přesunut ze složky fs_id=%2 do %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin cs Nepřipojený %1 %2 byl přesunut do %3
mozambique common cs MOSAMBIK
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ and common da Og
andorra common da Andorra
angola common da Angola
anguilla common da Anguilla
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common da Hvis du svarer nej, vil du ikke længere blive bedt om at vælge denne browser.
antarctica common da Antarktis
antigua and barbuda common da Antigua og Barbuda
application common da Applikation
@ -272,7 +273,9 @@ february common da Februar
fields common da Felter
fiji common da Fiji
file common da Fil
file a file common da Gem en fil
files common da Filer
fileupload common da Upload af fil
filter common da Filter
finland common da Finland
first name common da Fornavn
@ -281,6 +284,9 @@ first page common da Første side
firstname common da Fornavn
fixme! common da RETMIG!
force selectbox common da Påtving Valgbox
formatted business address common da Formateret forretningsadresse
formatted private address common da Formateret privat adresse
formatted text (html) common da Formateret tekst (HTML)
france common da Frankrig
french guiana common da Fransk Guinea
french polynesia common da Fransk Polynesien
@ -288,10 +294,14 @@ french southern territories common da Franske Sydlige Territorier
friday common da Fredag
ftp common da FTP
fullname common da Fuldenavn
fullscreen common da Fuld skærm
fullscreen mode common da Fuld skærm-tilstand
gabon common da Gabon
gambia common da Gambia
general fields: preferences da Generelle felter:
general menu common da Hoved menu
georgia common da Georgien
german common da Tysk
germany common da Tyskland
ghana common da Ghana
gibraltar common da Gibraltar
@ -356,6 +366,7 @@ insert placeholder common da Indsæt pladsholder
insert row after common da Indsæt række efter
insert row before common da Indsæt række foran
insert timestamp into description field common da Insert timestamp into description field
install egroupware as mail-handler? common da Installere EGroupware som mail-handler?
international common da International
invalid 2-factor authentication code common da Ugyldig kode for 2-faktor-autentifikation
invalid filename common da Ugyldigt filnavn
@ -453,6 +464,7 @@ month common da Måned
montserrat common da Montserrat
more common da Flere
morocco common da Morokko
move common da Flyt
mozambique common da Mozambique
myanmar common da Myanmar
name common da Navn
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
'%1' copied to clipboard common de '%1' in die Zwischenablage kopiert
'%1' has an invalid format common de '%1' hat ein ungültiges Format !!!
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common de '%1' hat ein ungültiges Format !!!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common de '%1' ist keine json Datei in dem EGW Server Wurzelverzeichnis!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common de '%1' ist ein ungültiges Datum !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common de '%1' ist keine gültige Gleitkommazahl !!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common de '%1' ist keine gültige Ganzzahl !!!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common de '%1' ist keine json Datei in dem EGW Server Wurzelverzeichnis!
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common de '%1' ist keine gültige Zeitzone!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common de '%1' ist NICHT erlaubt ('%2')!
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common de '%1' ist NICHT erlaubt '%2'!
@ -372,6 +372,7 @@ data type common de Datentyp
database error common de Datenbank Fehler
database error! common de Datenbank Fehler!
date common de Datum
date + time common de Datum + Zeit
date due common de fällig am
date+time common de Datum+Uhrzeit
datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host: admin de Datum-Zeit Port.<br>Wenn Sie Port 13 benutzen, passen Sie bitte die Regeln der Firewall an bevor Sie die Seite speichern.<br>(Port: 13 / Host:
@ -487,7 +488,7 @@ egroupware administrators group, do not delete common de EGroupware Gruppe für
egroupware all users group, do not delete common de EGroupware Gruppe für alle Benutzer, NICHT löschen
egroupware anonymous users group, do not delete common de EGroupware Gruppe für anonymen Benutzer, nicht löschen
egroupware api version common de EGroupware API Version
egroupware maintenance update %1 available common de EGroupware Fehlerbehebungsupdate %1 ist verfügbar
egroupware maintenance update %1 available common de EGroupware Wartungsupdate %1 ist verfügbar
egroupware security update %1 needs to be installed! common de EGroupware Sicherheitsupdate %1 muss installiert werden!
egroupware version common de EGroupware Version
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common de EGroupware: Anmelden gesperrt für Benutzer '%1', IP %2
@ -543,8 +544,9 @@ etemplate tutorial common de eTemplate Einführung
ethiopia common de ÄTHIOPIEN
everything common de Alles
exact common de exakt
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences de Beispiel: "{{IF n_prefix~Herr~Sehr geehrter~Sehr geehrte}}" - suche in dem Feld "n_prefix" nach "Herr", wenn gefunden, schreibe "Sehr geehrter", wenn nicht gefunden schreibe "Sehr geehrte". Es ist auch möglich anstatt fixer Werte, den Wert eines andren Feldes zu übernehmen. Beispiel (Land wird nur dann angezeigt, denn es nicht DEUTSCHLAND ist: }
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences de Beispiel: "{{IF n_prefix~Herr~Sehr geehrter~Sehr geehrte}}" - suche in dem Feld "n_prefix" nach "Herr", wenn gefunden, schreibe "Sehr geehrter", wenn nicht gefunden schreibe "Sehr geehrte". Es ist auch möglich anstatt fixer Werte, den Wert eines andren Feldes zu übernehmen. Beispiel (Land wird nur dann angezeigt, wenn es nicht DEUTSCHLAND ist: }
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences de Beispiel: {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Ergibt eine Anrede ohne doppelte Leerzeichen, wenn z.B. der Titel leer ist
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common de Beispiel {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Gibt ein Buchstabenpräfix ohne doppelte Leerzeichen an, wenn der Titel z.B. leer ist
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role preferences de Beispiel {{NELF role}} - Erzeugt einen Zeilenumbruch, wenn das Feld role nicht leer ist. Der Wert des Feldes role (Funktion) wird nach dem Zeilenumbruch ausgegeben.
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field preferences de Beispiel {{nenvlf role}} - Erzeugt einen Zeilenumbruch, wenn das Feld role (Funktion) einen Wert besitzt. Der Wert role (Funktion) wird auch bei Vorhandensein des Feldes role nicht ausgegeben.
exchange this row with the one above common de diese Zeile mit der darüber austauschen
@ -602,6 +604,8 @@ forecolor common de Textfarbe
foreign key common de Foreign Key
forever common de Für immer
formatselect common de Format
formatted business address common de Formatierte Geschäftsadresse
formatted private address common de Formatierte Privatadresse
formatted text (html) common de Formatierter Text (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin de Nicht verbundenen Einträge gefunden %1 %2
fr common de Fr
@ -687,6 +691,7 @@ how many rows to print common de Zeilen zum Drucken
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common de Wie soll das allgemeine EGroupware Menü angezeigt werden?
html common de HTML
html link to the current record common de HTML-Link zum aktuellen Eintrag.
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common de HTML-Links zu allen mit dem aktuellen Datensatz verknüpften Einträgen, ausgenommen angehängte Dateien
hungary common de UNGARN
iceland common de ISLAND
id common de ID
@ -812,6 +817,7 @@ link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download currently attached vers
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download or modify up to date version of files (epl only) common de Link wird an die Mail angefügt und erlaubt Adressaten den aktuellen Inhalt der angehangenen Dateien zu bearbeiten (nur EPL)
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download up to date version of files common de Link wird an die Mail angefügt und erlaubt Adressaten den aktuellen Inhalt der angehangenen Dateien herunter zu laden
link target %1 not found! common de Keine Verknüpfung zu %1 gefunden!
link title of current record common de Link-Titel des aktuellen Datensatzes
linkapps common de VerknüpfungAnwendungen
linked common de Verknüpft
linkentry common de VerknüpfungEintrag
@ -951,6 +957,7 @@ no filters common de Keine Filter
no history for this record common de Keine Historie für diesen Datensatz
no key for recipient: common de Keinen Schlüssel für Empfänger:
no matches found common de Keine Treffer gefunden
no response from server: your data is probably not saved common de Keine Antwort vom Server: Ihre Daten sind wahrscheinlich NICHT gespeichert
no results match common de Kein Fund für
no rights to export more than %1 entries! common de Sie haben keine Rechte mehr als %1 Einträge zu exportieren!
no row to swap with !!! common de Keine Zeile um damit zu tauschen !!!
@ -1472,6 +1479,8 @@ upload new photo common de Neues Foto hochladen
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common de Der Upload verlangt, dass der Webserver Schreibrechte auf diesem Verzeichnis hat!
uppercase letters common de Grossbuchstaben
url common de Webseite
url of current record common de URL des aktuellen Datensatzes
urls of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common de URLs aller mit dem aktuellen Datensatz verknüpften Einträge, ausgenommen angehängte Dateien
uruguay common de URUGUAY
use button to search for common de benutze Knopf zum suchen nach
use button to search for address common de benutze Knopf zum Suchen nach Adressen
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ and common el και
andorra common el ΑΝΔΟΡΡΑ
angola common el ΑΝΓΚΟΛΑ
anguilla common el ΑΝΓΚΟΥΙΛΛΑ
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common el Εάν απαντήσετε όχι, δεν θα σας ζητηθεί πλέον αυτό το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης.
antarctica common el ΑΝΤΑΡΚΤΙΚΗ
antigua and barbuda common el ΑΝΤΙΓΚΟΥΑ & ΜΠΑΡΜΠΟΥΝΤΑ
api common el EGroupware API
@ -287,7 +288,9 @@ field must not be empty !!! common el Το πεδίο δεν πρέπει να
fields common el Πεδία
fiji common el ΦΙΤΖΙ
file common el Αρχείο
file a file common el Αποθήκευση αρχείου
files common el Αρχεία
fileupload common el Ανέβασμα αρχείου
filter common el Φίλτρο
finland common el ΦΙΛΑΝΔΙΑ
first name common el Ονομα
@ -297,6 +300,9 @@ firstname common el Ονομα
fixme! common el Διόρθωσέ με!
folder already exists. common el Ο φάκελος υπάρχει ήδη
force selectbox common el Εξανάγκασε Επιλογή κουτιού
formatted business address common el Διαμορφωμένη επαγγελματική διεύθυνση
formatted private address common el Διαμορφωμένη ιδιωτική διεύθυνση
formatted text (html) common el Μορφοποιημένο κείμενο (HTML)
france common el ΓΑΛΙΑ
french guiana common el ΓΑΛΛΙΚΗ ΓΟΥΪΑΝΑ
french polynesia common el ΓΑΛΛΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΥΝΗΣΙΑ
@ -304,6 +310,7 @@ french southern territories common el ΝΟΤΙΕΣ ΓΑΛΛΙΚΕΣ ΚΤΗΣΕΙ
friday common el Παρασκευή
ftp common el FTP
fullname common el Ονοματεπώνυμο
fullscreen common el Πλήρης οθόνη
fullscreen mode common el Πλήρης οθόνη
gabon common el ΓΚΑΜΠΟΝ
gambia common el ΓΚΑΜΠΙΑ
@ -379,6 +386,7 @@ insert placeholder common el Εισαγωγή σημείου τοποθέτησ
insert row after common el Εισαγωγή σειράς μετά
insert row before common el Εισαγωγή σειράς πριν
insert timestamp into description field common el Εισαγωγή χρονοσφραγίδας στο πεδίο περιγραφής
install egroupware as mail-handler? common el Εγκατάσταση του EGroupware ως χειριστή αλληλογραφίας;
international common el Διεθνείς
invalid 2-factor authentication code common el Μη έγκυρος κωδικός ελέγχου ταυτότητας 2 παραγόντων
invalid filename common el Άκυρο όνομα αρχείου
@ -487,6 +495,7 @@ montenegro common el ΜΑΥΡΟΒΟΥΝΙΟ
month common el Μήνας
montserrat common el ΜΟΝΣΕΡΑ
morocco common el ΜΑΡΟΚΟ
move common el Μετακινήστε το
mozambique common el ΜΟΝΖΑΒΙΚΗ
multiple common el πολλαπλό
myanmar common el ΜΥΑΝΜΑΡ
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
'%1' copied to clipboard common en '%1' copied to clipboard
'%1' has an invalid format common en '%1' has an invalid format
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common en '%1' has an invalid format!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common en '%1' is not a valid json file
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common en '%1' is not a valid date!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common en '%1' is not a valid floating point number!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common en '%1' is not a valid integer!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common en '%1' is not a valid json file
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common en '%1' is not a valid timezone!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common en '%1' is NOT allowed ('%2')!
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common en '%1' is NOT allowed%2)!
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ actions common en Actions
actions... common en Actions...
active common en Active
active directory requires ssl or tls to change passwords! common en Active directory requires SSL or TLS to change passwords!
add common en add
add %1 common en add %1
add common en Add
add %1 common en Add %1
add %1 category for common en Add %1 category for
add a new column (after the existing ones) common en Add a new column
add a new contact common en Add a new contact
@ -372,6 +372,7 @@ data type common en Data type
database error common en Database error
database error! common en Database error!
date common en Date
date + time common en Date + time
date due common en Due date
date+time common en Date+Time
datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host: admin en Date time port.<br>If using port 13, set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(Port: 13 / Host:
@ -545,6 +546,7 @@ everything common en Everything
exact common en Exact
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences en Example {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "Mr", if found, write Hello Mr., else write Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences en Example {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common en Example {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role preferences en Example {{NELF role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field preferences en Example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a LF without any value of the field
exchange this row with the one above common en Exchange this row with the one above
@ -602,6 +604,8 @@ forecolor common en Forecolor
foreign key common en Foreign key
forever common en Forever
formatselect common en Formatselect
formatted business address common en Formatted business address
formatted private address common en Formatted private address
formatted text (html) common en Formatted text (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin en Found unconnected %1 %2!
fr common en Fr
@ -687,6 +691,7 @@ how many rows to print common en How many rows to print
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common en How to show the general EGroupware menu
html common en HTML
html link to the current record common en HTML link to the current record
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common en HTML links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files
hungary common en HUNGARY
iceland common en ICELAND
id common en ID
@ -812,6 +817,7 @@ link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download currently attached vers
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download or modify up to date version of files (epl only) common en Link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download or modify up to date version of files (EPL only)
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download up to date version of files common en Link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download up to date version of files
link target %1 not found! common en Link target %1 not found!
link title of current record common en Link title of current record
linkapps common en Link apps
linked common en Linked
linkentry common en Link entry
@ -895,7 +901,7 @@ more common en More
more than 1 match for '%1' common en More than 1 match for '%1'
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin en More then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions!
morocco common en MOROCCO
move common en move
move common en Move
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin en Moved %1 children from folder fs_id=%2 to %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin en Moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3.
mozambique common en MOZAMBIQUE
@ -1473,6 +1479,8 @@ upload new photo common en Upload new photo
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common en Upload requires the folder to be writable by the web server!
uppercase letters common en uppercase letters
url common en URL
url of current record common en URL of current record
urls of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common en URLs of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files
uruguay common en URUGUAY
use button to search for common en Use button to search for
use button to search for address common en Use button to search for address
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
'%1' copied to clipboard common es-es %1' copiado en el portapapeles
'%1' has an invalid format common es-es '%1' no tiene un formato válido
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common es-es ¡'%1' no tiene un formato válido!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common es-es ¡'%1' no es un archivo json en el directorio raíz de EGroupware!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common es-es ¡'%1' no es una fecha válida!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common es-es ¡'%1' no es un número válido de coma flotante!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common es-es ¡'%1' no es un entero válido!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common es-es ¡'%1' no es un archivo json en el directorio raíz de EGroupware!
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common es-es ¡'%1' no es una zona horaria válida!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common es-es ¡'%1' NO está permitido ('%2')!
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common es-es ¡'% 1' NO está permitido (%2)!
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ and common es-es y
andorra common es-es ANDORRA
angola common es-es ANGOLA
anguilla common es-es ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common es-es Si contestas que no, ya no se te preguntará por este navegador.
antarctica common es-es ANTARCTICA
antigua and barbuda common es-es ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
api common es-es API de EGroupware
@ -600,6 +601,8 @@ forecolor common es-es Color frontal
foreign key common es-es Clave ajena
forever common es-es Para siempre
formatselect common es-es Seleccionar formato
formatted business address common es-es Dirección profesional con formato
formatted private address common es-es Dirección privada con formato
formatted text (html) common es-es Texto con formato (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin es-es ¡Se encontró desconexión %1 %2!
fr common es-es Fr
@ -736,6 +739,7 @@ insert row after common es-es Insertar una fila despues
insert row before common es-es Insertar una fila antes
insert timestamp into description field common es-es Insertar marca de tiempo en el campo de descripción
install common es-es Instalar
install egroupware as mail-handler? common es-es ¿Instalar EGroupware como gestor de correo?
integer common es-es Entero
international common es-es Internacional
introduction common es-es Introducción
@ -891,7 +895,7 @@ more common es-es Más
more than 1 match for '%1' common es-es Más de 1 coincidencia para '%1'
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin es-es Se encontró más de un archivo activo %1, ¡desactivando %2 revisiones anteriores!
morocco common es-es MARRUECOS
move common es-es mover
move common es-es Mover
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin es-es Se movieron %1 hijos del directorio fs_id =%2 a %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin es-es Se movió desconectado %1 %2 a %3.
mozambique common es-es MOZAMBIQUE
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ and common et Ja
andorra common et ANDORRA
angola common et ANGOLA
anguilla common et ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common et Kui te vastate ei, ei küsita teilt enam seda brauserit.
antarctica common et ANTARKTIKA
antigua and barbuda common et ANTIGUA JA BARBUDA
application common et Rakendus
@ -269,6 +270,7 @@ field common et Väli
field must not be empty !!! common et Väli ei tohi jääda tühjaks !!!
fields common et Väljad
file common et Pail
file a file common et Faili salvestamine
file writen common et Fail kirjutatud
files common et Failid
fileupload common et Faili Üleslaadimine
@ -282,13 +284,18 @@ firstname common et Eesnimi
fixme! common et PARANDA MIND!
folder already exists. common et Kaust juba eksisteerib.
forever common et Igavesti
formatted business address common et Vormindatud äriaadress
formatted private address common et Vormindatud eraisiku aadress
formatted text (html) common et Vormindatud tekst (HTML)
france common et PRANSUSMAA
friday common et Reede
ftp common et FTP
fullname common et Täisnimi
fullscreen common et Täisekraan
fullscreen mode common et Täisekraan vaade
gabon common et GABON
gambia common et GAMBIA
general fields: preferences et Üldised väljad:
georgia common et GEORGIA
german common et SAKSAMAA
germany common et SAKSAMAA
@ -343,6 +350,7 @@ insert placeholder common et Sisesta paigutuskoht
insert row after common et Sisesta rida enne
insert row before common et Sisesta rida peale
insert timestamp into description field common et Lisage ajatempel kirjeldusväljale
install egroupware as mail-handler? common et Installige EGroupware posti käsitlejana?
international common et rahvusvaheline
invalid 2-factor authentication code common et 2-faktoorse autentimise kood on kehtetu
invalid filename common et Vigane failinimi
@ -396,6 +404,7 @@ monday common et Esmaspäev
mongolia common et MONGOOLIA
month common et Kuu
more common et Rohkem
move common et Liigutage
multiple common et mitmik
name common et Nimi
never common et Mittekunagi
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
%s readonly common fi %s vain lukuoikeus
'%1' copied to clipboard common fi '%1' kopioitu leikepöydälle
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common fi %1 on väärässä muodossa!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common fi '%1' ei ole json tiedosto EGroupwaren server rootissa!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common fi %1 on epäkelpo päiväys!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common fi %1 ei ole desimaaliluku!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common fi %1 ei ole kokonaisluku!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common fi '%1' ei ole json tiedosto EGroupwaren server rootissa!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common fi '%1' ei ole sallittu ('%2')!
(session restored in %1 seconds) common fi Istunto palautettu %1 sekunnissa.
00 (disable) admin fi 00 (ei käytössä)
@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ and common fi JA
andorra common fi ANDORRA
angola common fi ANGOLA
anguilla common fi ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common fi Jos vastaat kieltävästi, sinulta ei enää kysytä tätä selainta.
antarctica common fi ETELÄNAPAMANNER
antigua and barbuda common fi ANTIGUA JA BARBUDA
api common fi EGroupware API
@ -479,6 +480,7 @@ fields common fi Kentät
fiji common fi FIDJI
file common fi Tiedosto
file '%1' not found! common fi Tiedostoa '%1' ei löytynyt!
file a file common fi Tallenna tiedosto
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common fi Tiedosto sisältää enemmän kuin yhden eMallipohjan, viimeisin näytetään !!!
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common fi Tiedosto on vääräntyyppinen (%1 !=%2)!
file writen common fi Tiedostoa kirjoitetaan
@ -498,6 +500,8 @@ for more than one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat! preferences fi K
force selectbox common fi Pakoita valintalaatikko
foreign key common fi Viiteavain
forever common fi Ikuisesti
formatted business address common fi Muotoiltu liikeosoite
formatted private address common fi Muotoiltu yksityinen osoite
formatted text (html) common fi Muotoiltu teksti (HTML)
france common fi RANSKA
french guiana common fi RANSKAN GUANA
@ -506,6 +510,7 @@ french southern territories common fi RANSKAN ETELÄISET SIIRTOMAAT
friday common fi Perjantai
ftp common fi FTP
fullname common fi Koko nimi
fullscreen common fi Koko näytön kokoinen
fullscreen mode common fi Kokonäytön asetus
gabon common fi GABON
gambia common fi GAMBIA
@ -621,6 +626,7 @@ insert placeholder common fi Aseta paikanvaraaja
insert row after common fi Lisää rivi jälkeen
insert row before common fi Lisää rivi eteen
insert timestamp into description field common fi Lisää aikaleima kuvauskenttään
install egroupware as mail-handler? common fi Asennetaanko EGroupware sähköpostin käsittelijäksi?
integer common fi Kokonaisluku
international common fi Kansainvälinen
invalid 2-factor authentication code common fi Virheellinen 2-tekijätodennuskoodi
@ -756,6 +762,7 @@ montserrat common fi MONTSERRAT
more common fi Enemmän
more than 1 match for '%1' common fi Useampi kuin yksi osuma kohteelle '%1'
morocco common fi MAROKKO
move common fi Siirrä
mozambique common fi MOSAMBIK
multicolumn indices common fi Usean sarakkeen indeksi
multiple common fi Usea
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
'%1' copied to clipboard common fr '%1' copié dans le presse-papiers
'%1' has an invalid format common fr '%1' a un format invalide
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common fr '%1' a un format invalide !!!
'%1' is no php file in the egw server root (%2)! common fr '%1' n'est pas un fichier php dans l'arborescence racine d'egw (%2) !
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common fr '%1' n'est pas une date valide !
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common fr '%1' n'est pas un nombre à virgule flottante valide !
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common fr '%1' n'est pas un entier valide !
@ -137,6 +136,7 @@ and common fr ET
andorra common fr ANDORRE
angola common fr ANGOLA
anguilla common fr ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common fr Si vous répondez non, ce navigateur ne vous sera plus demandé.
antarctica common fr ANTARCTIQUE
antigua and barbuda common fr ANTIGUE ET BARBADE
api common fr API EGroupware
@ -737,6 +737,7 @@ insert row after common fr Insérer une ligne après
insert row before common fr Insérer une ligne avant
insert timestamp into description field common fr Insérer un timestamp dans le champs description
install common fr Installer
install egroupware as mail-handler? common fr Installer EGroupware comme gestionnaire de courrier ?
integer common fr Nombre entier
international common fr International
introduction common fr Introduction
@ -891,7 +892,7 @@ more common fr Plus
more than 1 match for '%1' common fr Plusieurs résultats pour '%1'
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin fr Plus d'un fichier actif %1, désactivation %2 anciennes révisions !
morocco common fr MAROC
move common fr déplacer
move common fr Déplacer
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin fr Déplacement %1 enfants du répertoire fs_id=%2 vers %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin fr Déplacement de %1 non connectés %2 vers %3.
mozambique common fr MOZAMBIQUE
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ and common hu És
andorra common hu Andorra
angola common hu Angola
anguilla common hu Anguilla
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common hu Ha nemmel válaszol, a továbbiakban nem kérdezzük meg a böngészőt.
antarctica common hu Antarktisz
antigua and barbuda common hu Antigua és Barbuda
api common hu EGroupware API
@ -322,7 +323,9 @@ field must not be empty !!! common hu A mezőt ki kell tölteni!!!
fields common hu Mezők
fiji common hu Fidzsi
file common hu Állomány
file a file common hu Fájl tárolása
files common hu Fájlok
fileupload common hu Fájl feltöltés
filter common hu Szűrő
finland common hu Finnország
first common hu Első
@ -334,6 +337,9 @@ fixme! common hu JAVÍTS KI!
folder already exists. common hu A mappa már létezik.
force selectbox common hu Kényszerített selectbox
forever common hu Örökre
formatted business address common hu Formázott üzleti cím
formatted private address common hu Formázott magáncím
formatted text (html) common hu Formázott szöveg (HTML)
france common hu Francaország
french guiana common hu Francia Guinea
french polynesia common hu Francia Polinézia
@ -341,6 +347,7 @@ french southern territories common hu Francia Déli Területek
friday common hu Péntek
ftp common hu FTP
fullname common hu Teljes név
fullscreen common hu Teljes képernyő
fullscreen mode common hu Teljes képernyős mód
gabon common hu Gabon
gambia common hu Gambia
@ -420,6 +427,7 @@ insert placeholder common hu Helyőrző beillesztése
insert row after common hu Sor beszúrása utána
insert row before common hu Sor beszúrása elé
insert timestamp into description field common hu Időbélyegző beillesztése a leírás mezőbe
install egroupware as mail-handler? common hu Telepítse az EGroupware-t levélkezelőként?
international common hu Nemzetközi
invalid 2-factor authentication code common hu Érvénytelen 2-faktoros hitelesítési kód
invalid filename common hu Érvénytelen állománynév
@ -536,6 +544,7 @@ month common hu Hónap
montserrat common hu Montserrat
more common hu Több
morocco common hu Marokkó
move common hu A áthelyezése
mozambique common hu Mozambik
multiple common hu többszörös
myanmar common hu Mianmar (Burma)
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ and common id Dan
andorra common id ANDORA
angola common id ANGOLA
anguilla common id ANGUILA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common id Jika Anda menjawab tidak, Anda tidak akan lagi diminta untuk menggunakan browser ini.
antarctica common id ANTARTIKA
antigua and barbuda common id ANTIGUA DAN BARBUDA
api common id EGroupware API
@ -344,6 +345,7 @@ fields common id Field
fiji common id FIJI
file common id Berkas
file '%1' not found! common id Berkas '%1' tidak ditemukan!
file a file common id Menyimpan file
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common id Salah tipe berkas (%1 != %2 )!
file writen common id Berkas dituliskan
files common id Berkas
@ -361,6 +363,9 @@ folder already exists. common id Folder sudah ada.
force selectbox common id Force SelectBox
foreign key common id Foreign Key
forever common id Selamanya
formatted business address common id Alamat bisnis yang diformat
formatted private address common id Alamat pribadi yang diformat
formatted text (html) common id Teks yang diformat (HTML)
france common id PERANCIS
french guiana common id GUYANA PERANCIS
french polynesia common id POLYNESIA PERANCIS
@ -368,6 +373,7 @@ french southern territories common id TERITORI SELATAN PERANCIS
friday common id Jumat
ftp common id FTP
fullname common id Namalengkap
fullscreen common id Layar penuh
fullscreen mode common id Mode Layarpenuh
gabon common id GABON
gambia common id GAMBIA
@ -447,6 +453,7 @@ insert in document common id Sisipkan dalam dokumen
insert row after common id Sisipkan baris setelah
insert row before common id Sisipkan baris sebelum
insert timestamp into description field common id Masukkan cap waktu ke dalam bidang deskripsi
install egroupware as mail-handler? common id Menginstal EGroupware sebagai penangan surat?
integer common id Integer
international common id Internasional
invalid filename common id Nama berkas salah
@ -563,6 +570,7 @@ montserrat common id MONTSERRAT
more common id Lagi
more than 1 match for '%1' common id Lebih dari 1 kecocokan untuk '%1'
morocco common id MAROKO
move common id Pindah
mozambique common id MOZAMBIQUE
multicolumn indices common id Multicolumn Indices
multiple common id jamak
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
'%1' copied to clipboard common it '%1' copiato negli appunti
'%1' has an invalid format common it '%1' ha un formato non valido
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common it '%1' ha un formato non valido
'%1' is no php file in the egw server root (%2)! common it '%1' non è un file php nella root del server EGroupware (%2)
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common it '%1' non è una data valida
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common it '%1' non è un numero in virgola mobile valido
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common it '%1' non è un intero valido
@ -131,6 +130,7 @@ and common it e
andorra common it ANDORRA
angola common it ANGOLA
anguilla common it ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common it In caso di risposta negativa, non verrà più richiesto il browser.
antarctica common it ANTARTIDE
antigua and barbuda common it ANTIGUA E BARBUDA
api common it API EGroupware
@ -586,6 +586,8 @@ force common it forza
force selectbox common it Forza Casella di Selezione
foreign key common it Tasto straniero
forever common it Per sempre
formatted business address common it Indirizzo aziendale formattato
formatted private address common it Indirizzo privato formattato
formatted text (html) common it Testo Formattato (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin it Trovati disconnessi %1 %2!
fr common it Fr
@ -720,6 +722,7 @@ insert placeholder common it Inserire un segnaposto
insert row after common it Inserisci una riga dopo
insert row before common it Inserisci una riga prima
insert timestamp into description field common it Inserire il timestamp nel campo descrizione
install egroupware as mail-handler? common it Installare EGroupware come gestore di posta?
integer common it Intero
international common it Internazionale
introduction common it Introduzione
@ -873,7 +876,7 @@ more common it Altro
more than 1 match for '%1' common it Più di una corrispondenza per '%1'
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin it Trovati %1 più di un file attivi, disattivazione delle revisioni più datate %2!
morocco common it MAROCCO
move common it muoversi
move common it Spostare
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin it Spostato %1 figli dalla directory fs_id=%2 a %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin it Spostato disconnessi %1 %2 a %3
mozambique common it MOZAMBICO
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
'%1' copied to clipboard common ja '%1' がクリップボードにコピーされました。
'%1' has an invalid format common ja '%1' のフォーマットが不正です。
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common ja '%1' のフォーマットが不正です!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common ja '%1' is no json file in the eGW server root!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common ja '%1' の日付が不正です!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common ja '%1' は不正な浮動小数です!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common ja '%1' は無効な整数です!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common ja '%1' is no json file in the eGW server root!
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common ja '%1' は無効なタイムゾーンです!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common ja '%1' は禁止されています ('%2')!
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common ja '%1' 禁止されています %2)!
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ and common ja AND
andorra common ja アンドラ
angola common ja アンゴラ
anguilla common ja アンギラ
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common ja いいえ」と答えると、このブラウザの入力は要求されなくなります。
antarctica common ja 南極
antigua and barbuda common ja アンティグア・バーブーダ
api common ja EGroupware API
@ -526,7 +527,7 @@ failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2! admin ja ディレクト
failed to change password. common ja パスワード変更に失敗しました。
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common ja Failed to contact server or invalid response from server. Try to re-login. Contact administrator in case of failure.
failed to create required directory "%1"! admin ja ディレクトリ "%1" の作成に失敗しました!
failed to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3! admin ja Faild to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3!
failed to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3! admin ja 接続されていない %1 %2 を %3 に移動できませんでした!
falkland islands (malvinas) common ja フォークランド諸島
faroe islands common ja フェロー諸島
favorite queries common ja お気に入りクエリ
@ -541,8 +542,9 @@ fiji common ja フィジー
file common ja ファイル
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> failed to remove file! admin ja File %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> failed to remove file!
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed! admin ja File %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed!
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin ja File %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2!
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin ja ファイル %1 は物理ファイル・システム %2 にコンテンツがありません!
file '%1' not found! common ja ファイル '%1' が見つかりません!
file a file common ja ファイルを保存する
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common ja File contains more than one eTemplate, last one is shown!
file information common ja ファイル情報
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common ja ファイルのタイプが異なっています (%1 != %2)!
@ -566,8 +568,10 @@ force common ja 強制
force selectbox common ja セレクトボックス
foreign key common ja 外部キー
forever common ja Forever
formatted business address common ja 書式付きビジネスアドレス
formatted private address common ja 書式付きプライベートアドレス
formatted text (html) common ja 整形済みテキスト (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin ja Found unconnected %1 %2!
found unconnected %1 %2! admin ja 接続されていない %1 %2 が見つかりました!
fr common ja 金
france common ja フランス
french guiana common ja 仏領ギアナ
@ -611,8 +615,8 @@ group public common ja パブリック
groupbox common ja グループ・ボックス
groupdav common ja CalDAV / CardCAV 同期
groups common ja グループ
groups with permission for %1 common ja Groups with permission for %1
groups without permission for %1 common ja Groups without permission for %1
groups with permission for %1 common ja 1 に対する権限があるグループ
groups without permission for %1 common ja 1 に対する権限がないグループ
guadeloupe common ja グアドループ
guam common ja グアム
guatemala common ja グアテマラ
@ -633,7 +637,7 @@ high common ja 高
highest common ja 最高
history common ja 歴史
history log common ja 変更履歴
hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it common ja Hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it
hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it common ja 1] キーを押しながらテキストを選択します。
holy see (vatican city state) common ja バチカン市国
home common ja ホーム
home email common ja 個人電子メール
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ all common ko 모두
all fields common ko 모든 필드
all users common ko 모든 사용자
and common ko 그리고(AND 연산)
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common ko 아니요라고 대답하면 더 이상 이 브라우저를 입력하라는 메시지가 표시되지 않습니다.
application common ko 응용프로그램
applications common ko 응용프로그램들
apply common ko 적용
@ -127,7 +128,9 @@ fax number common ko 팩스번호
february common ko 2월
fields common ko 필드들
file common ko FILE
file a file common ko 파일 저장
files common ko 파일들
fileupload common ko 파일 업로드
filter common ko 필터
first name common ko 이름
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common ko 사용자의 이름, 예. "%1"
@ -135,9 +138,15 @@ first page common ko 첫 페이지
firstname common ko 이름
folder already exists. common ko 폴더가 이미 있습니다
force selectbox common ko 강제 선택박스
formatted business address common ko 형식화된 회사 주소
formatted private address common ko 형식화된 개인 주소
formatted text (html) common ko 서식 있는 텍스트(HTML)
friday common ko 금요일
ftp common ko FTP
fullscreen common ko 전체 화면
fullscreen mode common ko 전체화면 모드
general fields: preferences ko 일반 필드:
germany common ko 독일어
global public common ko 모두에게 공개
grant access common ko 접근 승인
group common ko 그룹
@ -163,6 +172,7 @@ insert column after common ko 뒤에 행 넣기
insert column before common ko 앞에 행 넣기
insert row after common ko 뒤에 열 넣기
insert row before common ko 앞에 열 넣기
install egroupware as mail-handler? common ko 메일 핸들러로 E그룹웨어를 설치하시겠습니까?
international common ko 국제
invalid filename common ko 잘못된 파일명
invalid ip address common ko 잘못된 IP주소
@ -215,6 +225,7 @@ minutes common ko 분
monday common ko 월요일
month common ko 월
more common ko 검색조건 추가
move common ko 이동
name common ko 이름
name of the user, eg. "%1" common ko 사용자의 이름, 예. "%1"
never common ko 절대(never)
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ all categories common lt Visos kategorijos
all in one groupdav lt Viskas viename
andorra common lt ANDORA
angola common lt ANGOLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common lt Jei atsakysite "ne", šios naršyklės jūsų nebebus prašoma.
api common lt EGroupware API
april common lt Balandis
argentina common lt ARGENTINA
@ -115,15 +116,24 @@ estonia common lt ESTIJA
ethiopia common lt ETIOPIJA
fax number common lt fakso numeris
february common lt Vasaris
file a file common lt Failo išsaugojimas
files common lt Failai
fileupload common lt Failų įkėlimas
filter common lt Filtras
finland common lt SUOMIJA
first name common lt Vardas
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common lt Naudotojo vardas, pvz., "%1"
formatted business address common lt Suformatuotas verslo adresas
formatted private address common lt Suformatuotas privatus adresas
formatted text (html) common lt Suformatuotas tekstas (HTML)
france common lt PRANCŪZIJA
friday common lt Penktadienis
ftp common lt FTP
fullscreen common lt Viso ekrano
fullscreen mode common lt Viso ekrano režimas
gambia common lt GAMBIJA
general fields: preferences lt Bendrieji laukai:
german common lt Vokiečių kalba
germany common lt VOKIETIJA
ghana common lt GANA
gibraltar common lt GIBRALTARAS
@ -145,6 +155,7 @@ indonesia common lt INDONEZIJA
infolog types to sync common lt Sinchronizuojami informacijos žurnalo tipai
insert placeholder common lt Įterpti pakaitinę antraštę
insert timestamp into description field common lt Laiko žymos įterpimas į aprašymo lauką
install egroupware as mail-handler? common lt Įdiegti "EGroupware" kaip pašto tvarkyklę?
invalid 2-factor authentication code common lt Neteisingas 2 veiksnių autentiškumo patvirtinimo kodas
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common lt Netinkamas arba pasibaigęs "Prisimink mane" žetono galiojimo laikas
iran, islamic republic of common lt IRANAS
@ -189,6 +200,7 @@ monaco common lt MONAKAS
monday common lt Pirmadienis
mongolia common lt MONGOLIJA
morocco common lt MAROKAS
move common lt Perkelti
namibia common lt NAMIBIJA
nepal common lt NEPALAS
netherlands common lt OLANDIJA
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ and common lv Un
andorra common lv ANDORA
angola common lv ANGOLA
anguilla common lv ANGILJA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common lv Ja atbildēsiet noliedzoši, šis pārlūks vairs netiks pieprasīts.
antarctica common lv ANTARKTĪDA
antigua and barbuda common lv ANTIGVA UN BARBUDA
application common lv Programmatūra
@ -329,6 +330,7 @@ field must not be empty !!! common lv Lauks nedīkst būt tukšs
fields common lv Lauki
fiji common lv FIDŽI
file common lv Datne
file a file common lv Saglabāt failu
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common lv Datnē ir vairāk kā viena eVeidne, tiek parādīta pēdējā!!!
file writen common lv Datne uzrakstīta
files common lv Faili
@ -343,6 +345,8 @@ firstname common lv Vārds
fixme! common lv SALABOMANI!
floating point common lv Peldošais punkts
foreign key common lv Ārējā atslēga
formatted business address common lv Formatēta uzņēmuma adrese
formatted private address common lv Formatēta privātā adrese
formatted text (html) common lv Noformatēts teksts(HTML)
france common lv FRANCIJA
french guiana common lv FRANČU GVIĀNA
@ -351,10 +355,14 @@ french southern territories common lv FRANČU DIENVIDU ANTARKTISKĀS TERITORIJAS
friday common lv Piektdiena
ftp common lv FTP
fullname common lv Pilns vārds
fullscreen common lv Pilna ekrāna
fullscreen mode common lv Pilna ekrāna režīms
gabon common lv GABONA
gambia common lv GAMBIJA
general fields: preferences lv Vispārīgie lauki:
general menu common lv Galvenā Izvēlne
georgia common lv GRUZIJA
german common lv Vācu valodā
germany common lv Vācija
ghana common lv GANA
gibraltar common lv GIBRALTĀRS
@ -435,6 +443,7 @@ insert new row after this one common lv pēc šīs rindiņas ievieto jaunu rindi
insert new row in front of first line common lv pierms pirmās līnijas ievieto jaunu rindiņu
insert placeholder common lv Ievietot vietvārdu
insert timestamp into description field common lv Ievietot laika zīmogu apraksta laukā
install egroupware as mail-handler? common lv Instalēt EGroupware kā pasta apstrādātāju?
integer common lv Vesels skaitlis
international common lv Internacionāls
invalid 2-factor authentication code common lv Nederīgs 2 faktoru autentifikācijas kods
@ -546,6 +555,7 @@ month common lv Mēnesis
montserrat common lv MONTSERRATA
more common lv Vēl
morocco common lv MAROKA
move common lv Pārvietot
mozambique common lv MOZAMBIKA
multicolumn indices common lv Daudzkolonnu indeksi
myanmar common lv MJANMA
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
%s readonly common nl %s alleen lezen
'%1' copied to clipboard common nl '%1' gekopieerd naar klembord
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common nl '%1' heeft een ongeldig formaat !!!
'%1' is no php file in the egw server root (%2)! common nl '%1' is geen php bestand in de eGW server rootdirectory (%2)
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common nl '%1' is geen geldige datum !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common nl '%1' is geen geldig drijvende komma getal !!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common nl '%1' is geen geldig geheel getal !!!
@ -118,6 +117,7 @@ and common nl En
andorra common nl ANDORRA
angola common nl ANGOLA
anguilla common nl ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common nl Als je nee antwoordt, wordt er niet meer naar deze browser gevraagd.
antarctica common nl ANTARTICA
antigua and barbuda common nl ANTIGUA EN BARBUDA
api common nl EGroupware API
@ -501,6 +501,7 @@ file common nl Bestand
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> failed to remove file! admin nl Bestand %1 heeft geen inhoud in het fysieke bestand systeem %2 --> Verwijderen bestand mislukt !
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed! admin nl Bestand %1 heeft geen inhoud in het fysieke bestand systeem %2 --> bestand verwijdert!
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin nl Bestand %1 heeft geen inhoud in het fysieke bestand systeem %2 !
file a file common nl Bestand opslaan
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common nl Bestand bevat meer dan één eTemplate, alleen de laatste wordt getoond !!!
file writen common nl Bestand weggeschreven
files common nl Bestanden
@ -519,6 +520,8 @@ folder already exists. common nl Map bestaat reeds.
force selectbox common nl Forceer Selectbox
foreign key common nl Foreign Key
forever common nl Voor altijd
formatted business address common nl Opgemaakt zakelijk adres
formatted private address common nl Opgemaakt privé-adres
formatted text (html) common nl Opgemaakte tekst (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin nl Niet verbonden %1 %2 ! gevonden
france common nl FRANKRIJK
@ -528,6 +531,7 @@ french southern territories common nl FRANSE ZUIDELIJKE GEBIEDEN
friday common nl Vrijdag
ftp common nl FTP
fullname common nl Volledige naam
fullscreen common nl Volledig scherm
fullscreen mode common nl Volledig scherm modus
gabon common nl GABON
gambia common nl GAMBIA
@ -646,6 +650,7 @@ insert placeholder common nl Plaatshouder invoegen
insert row after common nl Rij invoegen onder
insert row before common nl Rij invoegen boven
insert timestamp into description field common nl Tijdstempel invoegen in beschrijvingsveld
install egroupware as mail-handler? common nl EGroupware installeren als mail-handler?
integer common nl Geheel getal
international common nl Internationaal
invalid 2-factor authentication code common nl Ongeldige 2-Factor Authenticatie code
@ -782,6 +787,7 @@ more common nl Meer
more than 1 match for '%1' common nl Meer dan 1 overeenkomst voor '%1'
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin nl Meer dan 1 actief bestand %1 gevonden. deactiveer %2 oudere revisies
morocco common nl MAROKKO
move common nl Verplaats
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin nl Verplaatst %1 onderliggende mappen van map fs_id=%2 naar %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin nl Niet verbonden %1 %2 tot %3 verplaatst
mozambique common nl MOZAMBIQUE
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ and common no Og
andorra common no ANDORRA
angola common no ANGOLA
anguilla common no ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common no Hvis du svarer nei, vil du ikke lenger bli spurt om denne nettleseren.
antarctica common no ANTARKTIS
antigua and barbuda common no ANTIGUA OG BARBUDA
application common no Program
@ -317,6 +318,7 @@ field must not be empty !!! common no Feltet kan ikke være tomt!
fields common no Felter
fiji common no FIJI
file common no Fil
file a file common no Lagre en fil
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common no Filen inneholder mer enn en eMal. Den siste vises !
file writen common no Fil skrevet
files common no Filer
@ -333,6 +335,8 @@ floating point common no Flytpunkt
force selectbox common no Tvungen utvalgsboks
foreign key common no Fremmed nøkkel
forever common no For alltid
formatted business address common no Formatert forretningsadresse
formatted private address common no Formatert privatadresse
formatted text (html) common no Formatert tekst (HTML)
france common no FRANKRIKE
french guiana common no FRANSKE GUYANA
@ -341,10 +345,14 @@ french southern territories common no FRANSKE SYDTERRITORIUM
friday common no Fredag
ftp common no FTP
fullname common no Fullt navn
fullscreen common no Fullskjerm
fullscreen mode common no Fullskjermmodus
gabon common no GABUN
gambia common no GAMBIA
general fields: preferences no Generelle felt:
general menu common no Hovedmeny
georgia common no GEORGIA
german common no Tysk
germany common no TYSKLAND
ghana common no GHANA
gibraltar common no GIBRALTAR
@ -426,6 +434,7 @@ insert new row after this one common no Sett inn en linje etter denne
insert new row in front of first line common no Sett inn en linje foran første linje
insert row after common no Opprett rad etter
insert row before common no Opprett rad før
install egroupware as mail-handler? common no Installere EGroupware som e-postbehandler?
integer common no Heltall
international common no Internasjonal
invalid filename common no Ugyldig filnavn
@ -534,6 +543,7 @@ month common no Måned
montserrat common no MONTSERRAT
more common no Mer
morocco common no MAROKKO
move common no Flytt
mozambique common no MOSAMBIK
myanmar common no MYANMAR
name common no Navn
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
%s readonly common pl %s tylko do odczytu
'%1' copied to clipboard common pl '%1' skopiowane do schowka
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common pl '%1' jest w nieprawidłowym formacie!
'%1' is no php file in the egw server root (%2)! common pl '%1' to nie plik php w katalogu głównym serwera (%2)
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common pl '%1' nie jest datą w poprawnym formacie!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common pl '%1' nie jest poprawną liczbą zmiennoprzecinkową!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common pl '%1' nie jest poprawną liczbą całkowitą!
@ -109,6 +108,7 @@ and common pl oraz
andorra common pl ANDORA
angola common pl ANGOLA
anguilla common pl ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common pl Jeśli odpowiesz "nie", nie będziesz już pytany o tę przeglądarkę.
antarctica common pl ANTARKTYKA
antigua and barbuda common pl ANTIGUA I BARBUDA
api common pl EGroupware API
@ -459,6 +459,7 @@ fields common pl Pola
fiji common pl FIDŻI
file common pl Plik
file '%1' not found! common pl Plik '%1' nie odnaleziony!
file a file common pl Przechowuj plik
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common pl Plik zawiera więcej niż jeden e-Szablon - pokazany jest ostatni z nich!
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common pl Zły typ pliku (%1 != %2)!
file writen common pl Plik został zapisany
@ -477,6 +478,8 @@ folder already exists. common pl Folder o takiej nazwie już istnieje
force selectbox common pl Wymuś wybór z listy
foreign key common pl Klucz obcy
forever common pl Na zawsze
formatted business address common pl Sformatowany adres firmowy
formatted private address common pl Sformatowany adres prywatny
formatted text (html) common pl Tekst sformatowany (HTML)
france common pl FRANCJA
french guiana common pl GUJANA FRANCUSKA
@ -485,6 +488,7 @@ french southern territories common pl FRANCUSKIE TERYTORIA POŁUDNIOWE
friday common pl Piątek
ftp common pl FTP
fullname common pl Imię i nazwisko
fullscreen common pl Pełny ekran
fullscreen mode common pl Tryb pełnoekranowy
gabon common pl GABON
gambia common pl GAMBIA
@ -599,6 +603,7 @@ insert placeholder common pl Wstaw miejsce
insert row after common pl Wstaw wiersz po
insert row before common pl Wstaw wiersz przed
insert timestamp into description field common pl Wstaw znacznik czasu do pola opisu
install egroupware as mail-handler? common pl Zainstalować EGroupware jako mail-handler?
integer common pl Liczba całkowita
international common pl Międzynarodowy
invalid 2-factor authentication code common pl Nieprawidłowy kod uwierzytelniania dwuczynnikowego
@ -728,6 +733,7 @@ montserrat common pl MONTSERRAT
more common pl Więcej
more than 1 match for '%1' common pl Więcej niż 1 pasujący dla '%1'
morocco common pl MAROKO
move common pl Przenieść
mozambique common pl MOZAMBIK
multicolumn indices common pl Indeksy wielokolumnowe
multiple common pl wielokrotny
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
%s readonly common pt-br %s apenas leitura
'%1' copied to clipboard common pt-br %1' copiado para prancheta
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common pt-br '%1' está em um formato inválido !!!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common pt-br '%1' não é um arquivo json na pasta raiz do servidor eGW!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common pt-br '%1' não é uma data válida !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common pt-br %1' não é um número válido para o ponto flutuante!!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common pt-br %1' não é um inteiro válido!!!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common pt-br '%1' não é um arquivo json na pasta raiz do servidor eGW!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common pt-br '%1' não é permitido ('%2')!
(session restored in %1 seconds) common pt-br (sessão restaurada em %1 segundos)
00 (disable) admin pt-br 00 (desabilitado)
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ and common pt-br E
andorra common pt-br ANDORRA
angola common pt-br ANGOLA
anguilla common pt-br ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common pt-br Se você responder não, não será mais solicitado a fornecer esse navegador.
antarctica common pt-br ANTARTICA
antigua and barbuda common pt-br ANTIGUA E BARBUDA
api common pt-br API EGroupware
@ -495,6 +496,8 @@ folder already exists. common pt-br Pasta já existe.
force selectbox common pt-br Forçar caixa de seleção
foreign key common pt-br Chave externa
forever common pt-br Para sempre
formatted business address common pt-br Endereço comercial formatado
formatted private address common pt-br Endereço particular formatado
formatted text (html) common pt-br Texto Formatado (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin pt-br Encontrado% desconectados 1% 2!
france common pt-br FRANÇA
@ -504,6 +507,7 @@ french southern territories common pt-br FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
friday common pt-br Sexta
ftp common pt-br FTP
fullname common pt-br Nome completo
fullscreen common pt-br Tela cheia
fullscreen mode common pt-br Modo tela cheia
gabon common pt-br GABÃO
gambia common pt-br GAMBIA
@ -621,6 +625,7 @@ insert placeholder common pt-br Inserir espaço reservado
insert row after common pt-br Inserir linha depois
insert row before common pt-br Inserir linha antes
insert timestamp into description field common pt-br Insira o carimbo da hora no campo de descrição
install egroupware as mail-handler? common pt-br Armazenar um arquivo
integer common pt-br Inteiro
international common pt-br Internacional
invalid 2-factor authentication code common pt-br Código de autenticação de 2 fatores inválidos
@ -754,6 +759,7 @@ montserrat common pt-br MONTSERRAT
more common pt-br Mais
more than 1 match for '%1' common pt-br mais de 1 combinação para '%1'
morocco common pt-br MARROCOS
move common pt-br Mover
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin pt-br Movido% 1 filhos do diretório fs_id =% de 2 a 3%
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin pt-br Movido% alheio 1% 2% para 3.
mozambique common pt-br MOÇAMBIQUE
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
'%1' copied to clipboard common pt %1' copiado para prancheta
'%1' has an invalid format common pt '% 1' tem um formato inválido
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common pt '%1' tem um formato inválido !!!
'%1' is no php file in the egw server root (%2)! common pt '% 1' não é arquivo php na raiz do servidor eGW (% 2)!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common pt '%1' não é uma data válida !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common pt %1' não é um número de ponto de flutuação válido !!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common pt '%1' não é um inteiro válido !!!
@ -104,6 +103,7 @@ and common pt E
andorra common pt Andorra
angola common pt Angola
anguilla common pt Anguila
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common pt Se responder "não", este navegador deixará de ser solicitado.
antarctica common pt Antárctida
antigua and barbuda common pt Antígua e Barduda
api common pt API EGroupware
@ -438,6 +438,7 @@ fields common pt Campos
fiji common pt Fiji
file common pt Ficheiro
file '%1' not found! common pt Arquivo '% 1' não encontrado!
file a file common pt Armazenar um ficheiro
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common pt O ficheiro contém mais do que um modelo Web. Será exibido o último !!!
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common pt Arquivo é o tipo errado (% 1! =% 2)!
file writen common pt Ficheiro editado
@ -457,6 +458,8 @@ force common pt força
force selectbox common pt Forçar caixa de selecção
foreign key common pt Chave estrangeira
forever common pt Para sempre
formatted business address common pt Endereço comercial formatado
formatted private address common pt Endereço privado formatado
formatted text (html) common pt Texto formatado (HTML)
fr common pt Fr
france common pt França
@ -466,6 +469,7 @@ french southern territories common pt Territórios Austrais e Antárticos France
friday common pt Sexta
ftp common pt FTP
fullname common pt Nome completo
fullscreen common pt Ecrã completo
fullscreen mode common pt Modo ecrã inteiro
gabon common pt Gabão
gambia common pt Gâmbia
@ -578,6 +582,7 @@ insert placeholder common pt Inserir o espaço reservado
insert row after common pt Inserir linha depois
insert row before common pt Inserir linha antes
insert timestamp into description field common pt Inserir carimbo da hora no campo de descrição
install egroupware as mail-handler? common pt Instalar o EGroupware como gestor de correio eletrónico?
integer common pt Inteiro
international common pt Internacional
invalid 2-factor authentication code common pt Código de autenticação de 2 factores inválidos
@ -709,6 +714,7 @@ montserrat common pt Montserrate
more common pt Mais
more than 1 match for '%1' common pt Mais do que um jogo para '% 1'
morocco common pt Marrocos
move common pt Mover
mozambique common pt Moçambique
multicolumn indices common pt Índices de várias colunas
multiple common pt vários/as
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ advanced search common ro Căutare avansată
all addressbooks groupdav ro Toate agendele de adrese
all categories common ro Toate categoriile
all in one groupdav ro Toate într-una singură
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common ro Dacă răspundeți "nu", nu vi se va mai solicita acest browser.
attention: action will be applied to all rows, not only visible ones! api ro Atenție: acțiunea se va aplica tuturor rândurilor, nu numai celor vizibile!
authenticate common ro Autentificare
cancel common ro Renunţă
@ -41,6 +42,15 @@ created common ro Creat
created by common ro Creat de
created by %1 common ro Creat de %1
dark mode common ro Mod întunecat
file a file common ro Stocați un fișier
fileupload common ro Încărcarea fișierelor
formatted business address common ro Adresa de afaceri formatată
formatted private address common ro Adresa privată formatată
formatted text (html) common ro Text formatat (HTML)
fullscreen common ro Fullscreen
fullscreen mode common ro Mod ecran complet
general fields: preferences ro Câmpuri generale:
german common ro Germană
history common ro Istorie
history log common ro Istoricul versiunii
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav ro Câte zile să se sincronizeze în viitor (implicit %1)
@ -52,6 +62,7 @@ include access to any linked files (links tab) common ro Includeți accesul la o
infolog types to sync common ro Tipuri de InfoLog de sincronizat
insert placeholder common ro Inserir espaço reservado
insert timestamp into description field common ro Introduceți data și ora în câmpul de descriere
install egroupware as mail-handler? common ro Instalați EGroupware ca manager de e-mail?
invalid 2-factor authentication code common ro Código de autenticação de 2 fatores inválidos
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common ro Ficha "lembre-se de mim" inválida ou vencida
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common ro É recomendável armazenar sua chave pública no Addressbook, para que outros usuários possam escrever seus e-mails criptografados.
@ -62,6 +73,7 @@ lost login id common ro ID de conectare pierdut
lost password common ro Parolă pierdută
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common ro Parolă pierdută
mailvelope addon installation succeded. now you may configure the options. common ro Instalarea addon-ului Mailvelope a reușit. Acum puteți configura opțiunile.
move common ro Mutați
new password common ro Parolă nouă
no filters common ro Fără filtre
ok common ro Acceptă
@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
'%1' copied to clipboard common ru '%1' скопировано в буфер обмена
'%1' has an invalid format common ru Неверный формат '%1'
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common ru '%1' имеет неверный формат!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common ru '%1' нет файла json в корневом каталоге eGW!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common ru '%1' неверная дата!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common ru '%1' неверное число с плавающей запятой!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common ru '%1' неверное целое !
'%1' is not a valid json file! common ru '%1' нет файла json в корневом каталоге eGW!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common ru '%1' недопустимо ('%2')!
(session restored in %1 seconds) common ru (сессия восстановлена за %1 секунд)
00 (disable) admin ru 00 (выкл)
@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ and common ru И
andorra common ru Андорра
angola common ru Ангола
anguilla common ru Ангилья
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common ru Если вы ответите "нет", то этот браузер больше запрашиваться не будет.
antarctica common ru Антарктида
antigua and barbuda common ru Антигуа и Барбуда
api common ru EGroupware API
@ -499,6 +500,7 @@ file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> failed to remove file! admi
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed! admin ru Файл перемещён. Файл %1 не имеет контента в физической файловой системе %2
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin ru Файл %1 не имеет контента в физической файловой системе %2
file '%1' not found! common ru Файл '%!' не найден!
file a file common ru Сохранить файл
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common ru Файл содержит больше одного е-Шаблона, показан только последний !!!
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common ru Файл неправильного типа (%1 !=%2)!
file writen common ru Файл записан
@ -519,6 +521,8 @@ for more than one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat! preferences ru
force selectbox common ru Принудительно Список выбора
foreign key common ru Внешний ключ
forever common ru Навсегда
formatted business address common ru Форматированный юридический адрес
formatted private address common ru Форматированный частный адрес
formatted text (html) common ru Форматированный текст (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin ru Найдены не подсоединённые %1 %2
france common ru Франция
@ -528,6 +532,7 @@ french southern territories common ru Французские южные терр
friday common ru Пятница
ftp common ru FTP
fullname common ru Полное имя
fullscreen common ru Полноэкранный режим
fullscreen mode common ru Полноэкранный режим
gabon common ru Габон
gambia common ru Гамбия
@ -647,6 +652,7 @@ insert placeholder common ru Вставить заполнитель
insert row after common ru Вставить строку после
insert row before common ru Вставить строку перед
insert timestamp into description field common ru Вставка метки времени в поле описания
install egroupware as mail-handler? common ru Установить EGroupware в качестве почтового обработчика?
integer common ru Целое
international common ru Международный
invalid 2-factor authentication code common ru Неверный код двухфакторной аутентификации
@ -787,6 +793,7 @@ more common ru Еще
more than 1 match for '%1' common ru Более чем 1 совпадает с '%1'
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin ru Найдено более одного активного файла %1. Деактивация %2 старых версий.
morocco common ru Марокко
move common ru Переместить
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin ru Из каталога fs_id=%2 в %3 перемещено %1 дочерних
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin ru Перемещено %1 %2 в %3
mozambique common ru Мозамбик
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
'%1' copied to clipboard common sk '%1' skopírované do schránky
'%1' has an invalid format common sk '%1' má nesprávny formát!
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common sk '%1' má nesprávny formát!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common sk '%1' nie je json súborom v root adresári eGW servera!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common sk '%1' nie je platný dátum!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common sk '%1' nie je platné číslo s plávajúcou desatinnou čiarkou!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common sk '%1' nie je platné celé číslo !
'%1' is not a valid json file! common sk '%1' nie je json súborom v root adresári eGW servera!
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common sk '%1' nie je platné časové pásmo!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common sk '%1' NIE je dovolené ('%2')!
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common sk '%1' NIE je dovolené %2)!
@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ and common sk A
andorra common sk ANDORA
angola common sk ANGOLA
anguilla common sk ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common sk Ak odpoviete nie, tento prehliadač sa vás už nebude pýtať.
antarctica common sk ANTARKTÍDA
antigua and barbuda common sk ANTIQUA BARBUDA
api common sk EGroupware API
@ -564,6 +565,7 @@ file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> failed to remove file! admi
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed! admin sk Súbor %1 nemá obsah na fyzickom súborovom systéme %2 --> súbor odstránený!
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin sk Súbor %1 nemá obsah na fyzickom súborovom systéme %2 !
file '%1' not found! common sk Súbor '%1' sa nenašiel!
file a file common sk Uloženie súboru
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common sk Súbor obsahuje viac než jednu eŠablónu, zobrazuje sa iba posledná!!!
file information common sk Informácie o súbore
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common sk Súbor je nesprávneho typu (%1 != %2)!
@ -591,6 +593,8 @@ forecolor common sk Popredie
foreign key common sk Cudzí kľúč
forever common sk Navždy
formatselect common sk Formát
formatted business address common sk Formátovaná obchodná adresa
formatted private address common sk Formátovaná súkromná adresa
formatted text (html) common sk Formátovaný text (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin sk Našli sa nepripojené %1 %2 !
fr common sk Pi
@ -726,6 +730,7 @@ insert row after common sk Vložiť Riadok Za
insert row before common sk Vložiť Riadok Pred
insert timestamp into description field common sk Vložiť časovú pečiatku do poľa popisu
install common sk Inštalovať
install egroupware as mail-handler? common sk Nainštalovať EGroupware ako mail-handler?
integer common sk Celé číslo
international common sk Mezinárodný
introduction common sk Úvod
@ -881,6 +886,7 @@ more common sk Viac
more than 1 match for '%1' common sk Viac než 1 výskyt pre '%1'
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin sk Našiel sa viac než jeden aktívny súbor %1, deaktivujem staršie verzie %2!
morocco common sk MAROKO
move common sk Presunúť
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin sk Presunutých %1 potomkov zpriečinka fs_id=%2 do %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin sk Presunuté nepripojené %1 %2 do %3
mozambique common sk MOZAMBIK
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
'%1' copied to clipboard common sl '%1' se kopira v odložišče
'%1' has an invalid format common sl '%1' ima nepravilen format
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common sl '%1' ima nepravilen format
'%1' is not a valid json file! common sl '%1' ni datoteka json v koraku eGW strežnika!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common sl '%1' ni veljaven datum !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common sl '%1' ni pravilno decimalno število
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common sl '%1' ni pravilno celo število
'%1' is not a valid json file! common sl '%1' ni datoteka json v koraku eGW strežnika!
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common sl '%1' ni datoteka php v koraku eGW strežnika (% 2)!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common sl '%1' NI dovoljeno ('%2')!
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common sl '%1' NI dovoljeno %2)!
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ and common sl in
andorra common sl ANDORA
angola common sl ANGOLA
anguilla common sl ANGVILA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common sl Če odgovorite z ne, vas ta brskalnik ne bo več vprašal.
antarctica common sl ANTARKTIKA
antigua and barbuda common sl ANTIGVA IN BARBUDA
api common sl EGroupware API
@ -546,6 +547,7 @@ file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> failed to remove file! admi
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed! admin sl Datoteka %1 nima vsebine v fizičnem datotečnem sistemu %2 -> datoteka je odstranjena!
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin sl Datoteka %1 nima vsebine v fizičnem datotečnem sistemu %2!
file '%1' not found! common sl Datoteke »%1« ni mogoče najti!
file a file common sl Shranjevanje datoteke
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common sl Datoteka vsebuje več kot eno ePredlogo, prikazana je zadnja.
file information common sl Podatki o datoteki
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common sl Datoteka je napačna (%1 !=%2)!
@ -569,6 +571,8 @@ force common sl vsili
force selectbox common sl Vsili izbirna polja
foreign key common sl Tuji ključ
forever common sl Za vedno
formatted business address common sl Formatiran poslovni naslov
formatted private address common sl Oblikovan zasebni naslov
formatted text (html) common sl Oblikovano besedilo (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin sl Najdeno je nepovezano %1 %2!
fr common sl Fr
@ -579,6 +583,7 @@ french southern territories common sl FRANCOSKI JUŽNI TERITORIJ
friday common sl Petek
ftp common sl FTP
fullname common sl Polno ime
fullscreen common sl Celozaslonska stran
fullscreen mode common sl Celozaslonski način
gabon common sl GABON
gambia common sl GAMBIJA
@ -702,6 +707,7 @@ insert placeholder common sl Vstavljanje nadomestnega nosilca
insert row after common sl Vstavi vrstico za izbranim
insert row before common sl Vstavi vrstico pred izbrano
insert timestamp into description field common sl Vstavljanje časovnega žiga v polje z opisom
install egroupware as mail-handler? common sl Namestite EGroupware kot poštni strežnik?
integer common sl Celo število
international common sl Mednarodni
introduction common sl Uvod
@ -854,6 +860,7 @@ more common sl Več
more than 1 match for '%1' common sl Več kot 1 se ujema z '%1'
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin sl Najdeno je več aktivnih datotek %1, inaktiviranje %2 starejših revizij!
morocco common sl MAROKO
move common sl Premaknite
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin sl Odstranili so otroke %1 iz imenika fs_id=%2 do %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin sl Premaknjeno nepovezano %1 %2 do %3.
mozambique common sl MOZAMBIK
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ and common sv Och
andorra common sv ANDORRA
angola common sv ANGOLA
anguilla common sv ANGUILLA
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common sv Om du svarar nej, kommer du inte längre att bli tillfrågad om denna webbläsare.
antarctica common sv ANTARKTIS
antigua and barbuda common sv ANTIGUA OCH BARBUDA
api common sv EGroupware API
@ -416,6 +417,7 @@ field must not be empty !!! common sv Fältet kan inte vara tomt
fields common sv Fält
fiji common sv FIJI
file common sv Fil
file a file common sv Lagra en fil
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common sv Filen innehåller mer än ett eTemplate, visar sista
file writen common sv Filen skriven
files common sv Filer
@ -432,6 +434,8 @@ floating point common sv Flyttal
folder already exists. common sv Katalogen finns redan
force selectbox common sv Tvinga Valruta
foreign key common sv Foreign Key
formatted business address common sv Formaterad företagsadress
formatted private address common sv Formaterad privat adress
formatted text (html) common sv Formaterad Text (HTML)
france common sv FRANKRIKE
french guiana common sv FRANSKA GUYANA
@ -440,9 +444,11 @@ french southern territories common sv FRANSKA SÖDRA TERRITORIERNA
friday common sv Fredag
ftp common sv FTP
fullname common sv Fullständigt namn
fullscreen common sv Helskärm
fullscreen mode common sv Helskärm
gabon common sv GABON
gambia common sv GAMBIA
general fields: preferences sv Allmänna fält:
general menu common sv Allmän meny
georgia common sv GEORGIEN
german common sv Tysk
@ -549,6 +555,7 @@ insert placeholder common sv Infoga en platshållare
insert row after common sv Infoga rad efter
insert row before common sv Infoga rad före
insert timestamp into description field common sv Infoga tidsstämpel i beskrivningsfältet
install egroupware as mail-handler? common sv Installera EGroupware som e-posthanterare?
integer common sv Heltal
international common sv Internationell
invalid 2-factor authentication code common sv Ogiltig kod för 2-faktorsautentisering
@ -670,6 +677,7 @@ month common sv Månad
montserrat common sv MONTSERRAT
more common sv Fler
morocco common sv MAROCKO
move common sv Flytta
mozambique common sv MOZAMBIQUE
multicolumn indices common sv Multikolumn Index
multiple common sv Flera
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ all addressbooks groupdav tr Tüm adres defterleri
all categories common tr Tüm kategoriler
all in one groupdav tr Hepsi bir arada
and common tr Ve
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common tr Hayır yanıtını verirseniz, artık bu tarayıcı istenmeyecektir.
application common tr Uygulama
apply common tr uygula
attention: action will be applied to all rows, not only visible ones! api tr Dikkat: eylem yalnızca görünen satırlara değil, tüm satırlara uygulanacaktır!
@ -70,7 +71,16 @@ edit common tr Düzenle
enabled common tr etkin
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin tr eGroupware URL'sini giriniz.<br>Örnek: http://www.domain.com/egroupware yada /egroupware<br><b>Sonda bölü iþareti kullanmayýnýz.</b>
fax number common tr Fax No
file a file common tr Bir dosya saklayın
fileupload common tr Dosya yükleme
force selectbox common tr Seçimn kurusunu mecburi tut
formatted business address common tr Biçimlendirilmiş iş adresi
formatted private address common tr Biçimlendirilmiş özel adres
formatted text (html) common tr Biçimlendirilmiş metin (HTML)
fullscreen common tr Tam Ekran
fullscreen mode common tr Tam ekran modu
general fields: preferences tr Genel alanlar:
german common tr Almanca
group has been added common tr Grup eklendi
group has been deleted common tr Grup silindi
group has been updated common tr Grup güncellendi
@ -88,6 +98,7 @@ include access to any linked files (links tab) common tr Bağlantılı dosyalara
infolog types to sync common tr Senkronize edilecek InfoLog türleri
insert placeholder common tr Yer tutucu ekle
insert timestamp into description field common tr Açıklama alanına zaman damgası ekle
install egroupware as mail-handler? common tr EGroupware'i posta işleyicisi olarak yükleyin?
international common tr Uluslararas?
invalid 2-factor authentication code common tr Geçersiz 2 Faktörlü Kimlik Doğrulama kodu
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common tr Geçersiz veya süresi dolmuş 'beni hatırla' belirteci
@ -104,6 +115,7 @@ mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common tr Mailvelope ekl
mailvelope addon installation succeded. now you may configure the options. common tr Mailvelope eklentisi kurulumu başarılı oldu. Şimdi seçenekleri yapılandırabilirsiniz.
message common tr Mesaj
minute common tr Dakika
move common tr Hareket
name common tr Ýsim
new password common tr Yeni şifre
no filters common tr Filtre yok
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ all in one groupdav uk Все в одному
all users common uk Всі користувачі
andorra common uk АНДОРРА
angola common uk АНГОЛА
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common uk Якщо ви відповісте "ні", вам більше не буде запропоновано цей браузер.
application common uk Приложення
applications common uk Приложення
apply common uk Застосувати
@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ ethiopia common uk ЕФІОПІЯ
fax number common uk номер факсу
february common uk Лютий
fields common uk Поля
file a file common uk Зберегти файл
files common uk Файли
fileupload common uk Завантаження файлу
filter common uk Фільтр
finland common uk ФІНЛЯНДІЯ
first name common uk Ім'я
@ -203,14 +206,21 @@ first page common uk Перша сторінка
firstname common uk Ім'я
fixme! common uk FIXME!
force selectbox common uk Форсувати SelectBox
formatted business address common uk Відформатована бізнес-адреса
formatted private address common uk Відформатована приватна адреса
formatted text (html) common uk Відформатований текст (HTML)
france common uk ФРАНЦІЯ
friday common uk П'ятниця
ftp common uk FTP
fullname common uk Повне ім'я
fullscreen common uk Повноекранний режим
fullscreen mode common uk Повноекранний режим
gabon common uk ГАБОН
gambia common uk ГАМБІЯ
general fields: preferences uk Загальні поля:
general menu common uk Загальне меню
georgia common uk ГРУЗІЯ
german common uk Німецька
germany common uk ГЕРМАНІЯ
ghana common uk ГАНА
grant access common uk Надати доступ
@ -255,6 +265,7 @@ infolog types to sync common uk Типи інфологів для синхро
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common uk Вставити всі %1 адресів %2 контактів в %3
insert placeholder common uk Вставте заповнювач
insert timestamp into description field common uk Вставте мітку часу в поле опису
install egroupware as mail-handler? common uk Встановити EGroupware як поштовик?
international common uk Міжнародний
invalid 2-factor authentication code common uk Невірний код 2-факторної автентифікації
invalid filename common uk невірне ім'я файлу
@ -327,6 +338,7 @@ monday common uk Понеділок
mongolia common uk МОНГОЛІЯ
month common uk Місяць
morocco common uk МАРОККО
move common uk Перемістити
mozambique common uk МОЗАМБІК
name common uk Ім'я
name of the user, eg. "%1" common uk Ім'я користувача, тобто "%1"
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ and common zh 及
andorra common zh 安道尔共和国
angola common zh 安哥拉
anguilla common zh 安圭拉岛
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common zh 如果回答 "否",将不再要求您使用该浏览器。
antarctica common zh 南极洲
antigua and barbuda common zh 安提瓜和巴布达·
api common zh [eGW-API]系统核心
@ -433,6 +434,7 @@ field must not be empty !!! common zh 字段不得为空!
fields common zh 字段
fiji common zh 斐济
file common zh 文件
file a file common zh 存储文件
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common zh 文件包含多个模板,只显示最后一条!
file writen common zh 书面文件
files common zh 文件
@ -450,6 +452,8 @@ folder already exists. common zh 文件夹已存在。
force selectbox common zh 必选框
foreign key common zh 外键 (Foreign Key)
forever common zh 始终
formatted business address common zh 格式化商业地址
formatted private address common zh 格式化私人地址
formatted text (html) common zh 格式化文本 (HTML)
france common zh 法国
french guiana common zh 法属圭亚那地区
@ -458,6 +462,7 @@ french southern territories common zh 法国南部地区
friday common zh 星期五
ftp common zh FTP
fullname common zh 全称
fullscreen common zh 全屏
fullscreen mode common zh 全屏模式
gabon common zh 加蓬
gambia common zh 冈比亚
@ -570,6 +575,7 @@ insert placeholder common zh 插入占位符
insert row after common zh 在之后插入行
insert row before common zh 在之前插入行
insert timestamp into description field common zh 在描述栏中插入时间戳
install egroupware as mail-handler? common zh 安装 EGroupware 作为邮件处理程序?
integer common zh 整数
international common zh 国际
invalid 2-factor authentication code common zh 无效的2-Factor Authentication代码
@ -691,6 +697,7 @@ month common zh 月
montserrat common zh 蒙特塞拉特岛
more common zh 更多
morocco common zh 摩洛哥
move common zh 移动
mozambique common zh 莫桑比克·
multicolumn indices common zh 多列索引
multiple common zh 多重
@ -362,11 +362,14 @@ monthly calendar bg Месечен
monthly (by date) calendar bg Месечно (по дати)
monthly (by day) calendar bg Месечно (по дни)
monthview calendar bg Месечен изглед
move to calendar bg Преместете се в
multiple participants calendar bg Множество участници
multiple week view calendar bg Няколкоседмичен изглед
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar bg Име на текущия потребител, останалите полета на контакта също са валидни
name of the day of the week (ex: monday) calendar bg Име на ден от седмицата (напр. Понеделник)
name of the week (ex: monday), available for the first entry inside each day of week or daily table inside the selected range. calendar bg Наименование на седмицата, например:Понеделник, достъпен за първи запис във всеки ден от седмицата или дневна таблица в избрания диапазон.
needs action calendar bg Нужда от действие
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar bg Никога да не уведомявам външни лица (които не са потребители) за събития, които създавам
new calendar bg Нов(а)
new event category calendar bg Нова категория на събитията
new event participants calendar bg Нови участници в събитието
@ -330,6 +330,8 @@ meeting request calendar cs Žádost o schůzku
meetingrequest to all participants calendar cs Žádost o schůzku pro všechny účastníky
merge document... calendar cs Sloučit dokument
midnight calendar cs Půlnoc
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar cs Minimální počet uživatelů pro zobrazení denního zobrazení jako konsolidovaného.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar cs Minimální počet uživatelů pro zobrazení týdenního zobrazení jako konsolidovaného.
minutes calendar cs minut
modified calendar cs Změněno
modifier calendar cs Změnil
@ -339,10 +341,13 @@ monthly calendar cs Měsíčně
monthly (by date) calendar cs Měsíčně (podle datumu)
monthly (by day) calendar cs Měsíšně (podle dne)
monthview calendar cs Měsíční pohled
move to calendar cs Přesunout na
multiple participants calendar cs Více účastníků
multiple week view calendar cs Vícetýdenní pohled
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar cs Jméno aktuálního uživatele, všechny ostatní položky kontaktu jsou také platné
name of the week (ex: monday), available for the first entry inside each day of week or daily table inside the selected range. calendar cs Den v týdnu, např. pondělí, použitelné jako první záznam uvnitř každého dne v týdnu, nebo ve vybraném rozsahu denní tabulky.
needs action calendar cs Vyžaduje akci
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar cs Nikdy neupozorňovat externisty (neuživatele) na události, které vytvořím
new calendar cs Nová
new search with the above parameters calendar cs nové hledání dle výše uvedených parametrů
no automatic purging admin cs Automatické odstranění není aktivní
@ -173,6 +173,9 @@ location calendar da Sted
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar da Lokation, start- og sluttider,...
mail all participants calendar da E-mail alle deltagere
make freebusy information available to not logged in persons? calendar da Gør fri/optaget information tilgængelig for ikke-indloggede personer?
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar da Maksimal tilgængelig mængde af %1 overskredet!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar da Minimum antal brugere for at vise dagsvisning som konsolideret.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar da Minimum antal brugere for at vise ugevisning som konsolideret.
minutes calendar da Minutter
modified calendar da Modificeret
mon calendar da Man
@ -181,6 +184,9 @@ monthly calendar da Månedligt
monthly (by date) calendar da Månedlig (pr. dato)
monthly (by day) calendar da Månedlig (pr. dag)
monthview calendar da Måneds visning
move to calendar da Flyt til
multiple participants calendar da Flere deltagere
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar da Underret aldrig eksterne (ikke-brugere) om begivenheder, jeg opretter
new calendar da Ny
new search with the above parameters calendar da Ny søgning med ovenstående parametre
no events found calendar da Ingen aftaler fundet
@ -375,6 +375,7 @@ monthly calendar de Monatlich
monthly (by date) calendar de Monatlich (nach Datum)
monthly (by day) calendar de Monatlich (nach Wochentag)
monthview calendar de Monatsansicht
move to calendar de Verschieben nach
multiple participants calendar de Mehrere Teilnehmer
multiple week view calendar de Mehrwochenansicht
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar de Name des aktuellen Benutzers, alle anderen Kontakt Felder sind weiterhin gültig
@ -397,7 +398,7 @@ no recurrence calendar de Keine Wiederholung
no response calendar de Keine Antwort
no rights to export more than %1 entries! calendar de Sie haben keine Rechte mehr als %1 Einträge zu exportieren!
no, users will need to contact users with direct booking permission calendar de Nein, Benutzer müssen sich mit Benutzern mit direkter Buchungsberechtigung in Verbindung setzen.
non blocking calendar de nicht blockierend
non blocking calendar de Nicht blockierend
not calendar de nicht
not rejected calendar de Nicht abgelehnt
nothing to update, version is already %1. calendar de Nichts aktualisiert, Version ist bereits %1
@ -421,11 +422,11 @@ old fixed definition calendar de Ältere Definition, deren Werte nicht angepasst
old startdate calendar de Altes Startdatum
olddate calendar de Ursprüngliches Datum
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar de Am %1 hat %2 Ihre Einladung für den %4 %3
on all modification, but responses calendar de bei allen Änderungen, außer Antworten
on any time change too calendar de auch jede zeitliche Veränderung
on invitation / cancellation only calendar de nur bei Einladungen/Absagen
on participant responses too calendar de auch bei Antworten der Teilnehmer
on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar de bei zeitlichen Änderungen größer als 4 Stunden
on all modification, but responses calendar de Bei allen Änderungen, außer Antworten
on any time change too calendar de Auch jede zeitliche Veränderung
on invitation / cancellation only calendar de Nur bei Einladungen/Absagen
on participant responses too calendar de Auch bei Antworten der Teilnehmer
on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar de Bei zeitlichen Änderungen größer als 4 Stunden
one month calendar de ein Monat
one week calendar de eine Woche
one year calendar de ein Jahr
@ -238,11 +238,14 @@ location calendar el Τοποθεσία
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar el Τοποθεσία, Έναρξη- και Τέλος, ...
mail all participants calendar el Αποστολή μηνύματος σε όλους τους συμμετέχοντες
make freebusy information available to not logged in persons? calendar el Να γίνουν οι πληροφορίες ελεύθερου χρόνου διαθέσιμες στα άτομα που δεν έχουν εισέλθει;
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar el Υπέρβαση της μέγιστης διαθέσιμης ποσότητας του %1!
meeting canceled calendar el Η συνάντηση ακυρώθηκε
meeting request calendar el Αίτημα συνάντησης
meetingrequest to all participants calendar el Αίτημα συνάντησης σε όλους τους συμμετέχοντες
merge document... calendar el Συγχώνευση εγγράφου...
midnight calendar el Μεσάνυχτα
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar el Ελάχιστος αριθμός χρηστών για την εμφάνιση της ημερήσιας προβολής ως ενοποιημένη.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar el Ελάχιστος αριθμός χρηστών για την εμφάνιση της προβολής εβδομάδας ως ενοποιημένη.
minutes calendar el Λεπτά
modified calendar el Τροποποιήθηκε
modifier calendar el Χρήστης τροποποίησης
@ -252,8 +255,11 @@ monthly calendar el Μηνιαίος
monthly (by date) calendar el Μηνιαίος (ανα ημερομηνία)
monthly (by day) calendar el Μηνιαίος (ανα ημέρα)
monthview calendar el Μηνιαία εμφάνιση
move to calendar el Μετακίνηση σε
multiple participants calendar el Πολλαπλοί συμμετέχοντες
multiple week view calendar el Εμφάνιση πολλαπλών εβδομάδων
needs action calendar el Απαιτείται ενέργεια
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar el Δεν ειδοποιώ ποτέ εξωτερικούς (μη χρήστες) για τα συμβάντα που δημιουργώ
new calendar el Νέο
new event category calendar el Κατηγορία για νέα γεγονότα
new event participants calendar el Συμμετέχοντες για νέα γεγονότα
@ -375,6 +375,7 @@ monthly calendar en Monthly
monthly (by date) calendar en Monthly -by date
monthly (by day) calendar en Monthly -by day
monthview calendar en Month view
move to calendar en Move to
multiple participants calendar en Multiple participants
multiple week view calendar en Multiple week view
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar en Name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too
@ -423,7 +424,7 @@ olddate calendar en Original date
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar en On %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4
on all modification, but responses calendar en On all modification, but responses
on any time change too calendar en On any time change too
on invitation / cancellation only calendar en on invitation / cancellation only
on invitation / cancellation only calendar en On invitation / cancellation only
on participant responses too calendar en On participant responses too
on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar en On time change of more than 4 hours too
one month calendar en One month
@ -369,11 +369,14 @@ monthly calendar es-es Mensualmente
monthly (by date) calendar es-es Mensual (por fecha)
monthly (by day) calendar es-es Mensual (por día)
monthview calendar es-es Vista mensual
move to calendar es-es Mover a
multiple participants calendar es-es Múltiples participantes
multiple week view calendar es-es Vista de múltiples semanas
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar es-es Nombre del usuario actual. Todos los demás campos del contacto también son válidos.
name of the day of the week (ex: monday) calendar es-es Nombre del día de la semana (e.g. lunes)
name of the week (ex: monday), available for the first entry inside each day of week or daily table inside the selected range. calendar es-es Nombre de la semana, por ejemplo: lunes, disponible para la primera entrada dentro de cada día de la semana o tabla diaria dentro del rango seleccionado.
needs action calendar es-es Necesita acción
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar es-es No notificar nunca a los externos (no usuarios) los eventos que creo
new calendar es-es Nueva
new event category calendar es-es Nueva categoría de evento
new event participants calendar es-es Nuevos participantes del evento
@ -131,12 +131,18 @@ links, attachments calendar et Lingid, Manused
listview calendar et Nimekirjavaade
location calendar et Asukoht
mail all participants calendar et saada mail kõigile osalejatele
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar et Maksimaalne saadaolev kogus %1 on ületatud!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar et Minimaalne kasutajate arv, et kuvada päevane vaade konsolideeritud kujul.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar et Minimaalne kasutajate arv nädala vaate konsolideeritud näitamiseks.
minutes calendar et minutit
modified calendar et Muudetud
mon calendar et Esm
month calendar et Kuu
monthly calendar et Kuuti
monthview calendar et Kuuvaade
move to calendar et Liiguta
multiple participants calendar et Mitu osalejat
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar et Mitte kunagi ei teavita väliseid (mittekasutajad) minu loodud sündmustest.
new calendar et Uus
no events found calendar et Sündmust ei leitud
no filter calendar et Filtrita
@ -290,7 +290,10 @@ mail all participants calendar fi Lähetä huomautus kaikille osallistujille
make freebusy information available to not logged in persons? calendar fi Salli kirjautumattoman henkilön saada Vapaa/Varattu tieto?
manage mapping calendar fi Hallitse mappingiä
max. number of entries to show (leave empty for no restriction) calendar fi Näkyvien tapahtumien maksimimäärä (tyhjä=ei rajoitusta)
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar fi %1:n käytettävissä oleva enimmäismäärä ylitetty!
merge document... calendar fi Syötä asiakirjaan
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar fi Käyttäjien vähimmäismäärä päiväkohtaisen näkymän näyttämiseksi konsolidoituna.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar fi Käyttäjien vähimmäismäärä, jotta viikkonäkymä voidaan näyttää konsolidoituna.
minutes calendar fi minuuttia
modified calendar fi Muokattu
modifier calendar fi Muokkaaja
@ -300,9 +303,12 @@ monthly calendar fi Kuukausittain
monthly (by date) calendar fi Kuukausittain (pvm:n mukaan)
monthly (by day) calendar fi Kuukausittain (päivän mukaan)
monthview calendar fi Kuukausinäkymä
move to calendar fi Siirry osoitteeseen
multiple participants calendar fi Useita osallistujia
multiple week view calendar fi Usean viikon näkymä
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar fi Käyttäjän nimi, muut kentät ovat myös voimassa
needs action calendar fi Vaatii toimenpiteen
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar fi En koskaan ilmoita ulkopuolisille (muille kuin käyttäjille) luomistani tapahtumista.
new calendar fi Uusi
new search with the above parameters calendar fi Uusi haku yllä olevilla parametreillä
no automatic purging admin fi Ei automaattista poistoa
@ -366,11 +366,14 @@ monthly calendar fr Mensuel
monthly (by date) calendar fr Mensuel (par date)
monthly (by day) calendar fr Mensuel (par jour)
monthview calendar fr Vue mensuelle
move to calendar fr Déplacer vers
multiple participants calendar fr Participants multiples
multiple week view calendar fr Vue multi-semaines
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar fr Nom de l'utilisateur courant, tous les autres champs de contacts sont valides aussi
name of the day of the week (ex: monday) calendar fr Jour de la semaine (ex : Lundi)
name of the week (ex: monday), available for the first entry inside each day of week or daily table inside the selected range. calendar fr Jour de la semaine (ex: lundi), disponible comme première entrée sur chaque vue semaine ou journalière à l'intérieur d'une sélection.
needs action calendar fr Action nécessaire
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar fr Ne jamais informer les personnes externes (non-utilisateurs) des événements que je crée
new calendar fr Nouveau
new event category calendar fr Catégorie du nouvel événement
new event participants calendar fr Nouveaux participants
@ -203,6 +203,9 @@ location calendar hu Helyszín
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar hu Helyszín, kezdési- és befejezési időpont, ...
mail all participants calendar hu résztvevők email értesítése
make freebusy information available to not logged in persons? calendar hu Foglalt-Szabad információ elérhető-e a be nem jelentkezett személyeknek?
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar hu A %1 maximálisan elérhető mennyiség túllépve!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar hu A felhasználók minimális száma a napi nézet konszolidáltként való megjelenítéséhez.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar hu A felhasználók minimális száma a heti nézet összevontként való megjelenítéséhez.
minutes calendar hu perc
modified calendar hu Módosított
mon calendar hu Hé
@ -211,7 +214,10 @@ monthly calendar hu Havonta
monthly (by date) calendar hu Havonta (dátum szerint)
monthly (by day) calendar hu Havonta (naponta)
monthview calendar hu Havi Nézet
move to calendar hu Mozgás a következő helyre
multiple participants calendar hu Több résztvevő
multiple week view calendar hu Többheti nézet
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar hu Soha ne értesítsek külső személyeket (nem felhasználókat) az általam létrehozott eseményekről.
new calendar hu Új
new search with the above parameters calendar hu új keresés a fenti paraméterekkel
no events found calendar hu Esemény nem található
@ -178,6 +178,9 @@ location calendar id Lokasi
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar id Lokasi, Waktu memulai dan berakhir, ...
mail all participants calendar id Surati semua peserta
manage mapping calendar id Mengelola pemetaan
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar id Jumlah maksimum yang tersedia sebesar %1 terlampaui!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar id Jumlah minimum pengguna untuk menampilkan tampilan hari sebagai konsolidasi.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar id Jumlah minimum pengguna untuk menampilkan tampilan minggu sebagai konsolidasi.
minutes calendar id Menit
modified calendar id Diubah
mon calendar id Sen
@ -186,7 +189,10 @@ monthly calendar id Bulanan
monthly (by date) calendar id Bulanan (urut tanggal)
monthly (by day) calendar id Bulanan (urut hari)
monthview calendar id Tampilan Bulanan
move to calendar id Pindah ke
multiple participants calendar id Beberapa peserta
needs action calendar id Perlu tindakan
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar id Jangan pernah memberi tahu pihak luar (bukan pengguna) tentang acara yang saya buat
new calendar id Baru
no events found calendar id Tidak ditemukan kegiatan
no filter calendar id Tiada saringan
@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ monthly calendar it Mensile
monthly (by date) calendar it Mensile (per data)
monthly (by day) calendar it Mensile (per giorno)
monthview calendar it Vista Mensile
move to calendar it Spostarsi a
multiple participants calendar it Partecipanti multipli
multiple week view calendar it Vista Settimanale
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar it Nome dell'utente corrente, tutti gli altri campi di contatto sono validi pure.
@ -352,10 +352,13 @@ monthly calendar ja 月単位
monthly (by date) calendar ja 月単位(日)
monthly (by day) calendar ja 月単位(曜日)
monthview calendar ja 月表示
move to calendar ja 移動先
multiple participants calendar ja 複数の参加者
multiple week view calendar ja 複数週表示
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar ja ユーザ名(他のコンタクト項目も全て有効)
name of the week (ex: monday), available for the first entry inside each day of week or daily table inside the selected range. calendar ja 曜日(例:月曜日)
needs action calendar ja アクションが必要
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar ja 自分が作成したイベントを外部(ユーザ以外)に通知しない
new calendar ja 新規
new event participants calendar ja 新規イベント作成時の参加者選択方法
new search with the above parameters calendar ja 上記パラメータで再検索
@ -25,14 +25,11 @@ all participants calendar ko 모든 참석자
allows to edit the event again calendar ko 이벤트 재수정 허용
always calendar ko 언제나
apply the changes calendar ko 변경사항 적용
are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar ko 이 국가를 삭제 하시겠습니까?
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar ko 이 공휴일을 삭제 하시겠습니까?
before current date calendar ko 오늘 이전에
before the event calendar ko 이벤트 전에
birthday calendar ko 생일
birthdays admin ko 생일
calendar event calendar ko 일정 이벤트
calendar holiday management admin ko 일정 공휴일 관리
calendar menu calendar ko 일정 메뉴
calendar preferences calendar ko 일정 환경설정
calendar settings admin ko 일정 설정
@ -41,7 +38,6 @@ canceled calendar ko 취소됨
charset of file calendar ko 파일의 문자셋
close the window calendar ko 창닫기
compose a mail to all participants after the event is saved calendar ko 이벤트 저장후 모든 참석자에게 메일작성
copy of: calendar ko 사본:
copy this event calendar ko 이 이벤트 복사
countries calendar ko 국가들
country calendar ko 국가
@ -68,12 +64,10 @@ delete this event calendar ko 이 이벤트 삭제
delete this exception calendar ko 이 예외 삭제
delete this series of recurring events calendar ko 이 연속 이벤트 삭제
deleted calendar ko 삭제됨
uninvited calendar ko 제외
display status of events calendar ko 이벤트의 상태를 표시
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar ko 주간보기에 주말을 포함하시겠습니까? 포함하지 않겠습니까?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you are not notified about changes you made yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all notifications listed above. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get participant responses like acceptions or rejections too. calendar ko 약속이 변경되거나 새로 만들어지면 알림메세지를 받으시겠습니까? 만약 그렇다면 자신이 작성한 약속에도 알림메세지를 받게 됩니다.<br> 알림메세지를 특정페이지에서만 동작하도록 제한할수 있습니다. 각 항목은 모든 알림메세지를 가지고 있게 됩니다. 제목, 설명, 참여자를 포함한 어떠한 수정사항이 발생하는 것도 포함합니다. 단 참여자의 응답은 제외합니다. 만약 이벤트의 주최자가 모든 알림메세지를 요구했을 경우 그는 언제든 참여자의 승낙과 거부등의 대답을 받을수 있습니다.
do you want to receive a regularly summary of your appointments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar ko 약속을 요약한 이메일을 정기적 수신하시겠습니까?<br>요약문은 기본 이메일 주소로 매일 아침이나 매주 월요일 주별 요약을 발송합니다.<br> 그 날이나 그 주에 약속이 있을경우에만 발송됩니다.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin ko 공휴일 일정 자동로드를 동적으로 수행할까요?
download calendar ko 내려받기
download this event as ical calendar ko 이 이벤트 iCal로 다운로드
duration calendar ko 기간
@ -93,7 +87,6 @@ error: no participants selected !!! calendar ko 오류: 참석자가 선택되
error: saving the event !!! calendar ko 오류: 이벤트 저장
error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!! calendar ko 오류: 시작시간이 종료시간보다 이릅니다.
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! calendar ko 오류: 이 엔트리는 당신이 수정하는 중간에 업데이트 되었습니다.
event copied - the copy can now be edited calendar ko 이벤트 복사됨 - 이 복사는 이제 수정이 가능합니다
event deleted calendar ko 이벤트 삭제됨
event details follow calendar ko ** 다음은 이벤트-설명
event saved calendar ko 이벤트 저장됨
@ -123,12 +116,10 @@ here is your requested alarm. calendar ko 요청하신 알람입니다.
high priority calendar ko 높은 우선순위
history calendar ko 내역
holiday calendar ko 공휴일
holiday management calendar ko 공휴일관리
holidays calendar ko 공휴일
hours calendar ko 시간
ical / rfc2445 calendar ko iCal / rfc2445
ical successful imported calendar ko iCal 불러오기 성공
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar ko 만약 주말에 공휴일이 있다면, 월요일로 공휴일 설정.
ignore conflict calendar ko 겹치는 일정 무시하기
import calendar ko 가져오기
import csv-file common ko 컴마구분-파일 가져오기
@ -141,8 +132,10 @@ links calendar ko 링크
links, attachments calendar ko 링크, 첨부
listview calendar ko 목록보기
location calendar ko 장소
location to autoload from admin ko 자동로드로 읽어온 위치정보
mail all participants calendar ko 참석자에게 메일전송
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar ko 사용 가능한 최대 수량 %1을(를) 초과했습니다!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar ko 일별 보기를 통합된 상태로 표시하기 위한 최소 사용자 수입니다.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar ko 주 보기를 통합된 상태로 표시하기 위한 최소 사용자 수입니다.
minutes calendar ko 분
modified calendar ko 변경됨
mon calendar ko 월요일
@ -151,6 +144,9 @@ monthly calendar ko 월별
monthly (by date) calendar ko 매월 (by date)
monthly (by day) calendar ko 매월 (by day)
monthview calendar ko 월 보기
move to calendar ko 다음으로 이동
multiple participants calendar ko 여러 참가자
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar ko 내가 만든 이벤트에 대해 외부인(비사용자)에게 알리지 않기
new calendar ko 새로만들기
new search with the above parameters calendar ko 아래의 값으로 다시 검색
no events found calendar ko 이벤트를 찾을 수 없습니다
@ -214,7 +210,6 @@ scheduling conflict calendar ko 일정 겹침
select a %1 calendar ko %1 선택
select a time calendar ko 시간선택
select resources calendar ko 리소스 선택
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar ko 1회만 있거나 정기적이지 않은 휴일을 포함한 년도 설정
set new events to private calendar ko 새 개인 이벤트 설정
should new events created as private by default ? calendar ko 새로 생성되는 이벤트는 개인 - 기본 으로 하시겠습니까?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar ko 이벤트-참가자의 상황이 각 참가자이름 이후에 괄호로 표시하시겠습니까? ( 승락, 거부, 등)
@ -238,8 +233,8 @@ this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar ko 이 그룹은 플레너로 들어갈때 이미 선택되었습니다. 물론 플레너에서 언제든 바꾸고 싶으실때 바꾸실수 있습니다.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar ko 이 메세지는 취소되었거나 삭제된 이벤트에게 보내집니다.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar ko 이 메세지는 변경되거나 이동된 이벤트에게 보내집니다.
this message is sent to uninvited participants. calendar ko 이 메세지는 제외된 참석자에게 전송됩니다.
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar ko 이 메세지는 귀하가 주최한 이벤트에 보내지며 받아보실 분들은 새 이벤트 발생시 알림을 요구한 모든 분들에게 보내집니다.<br>특정 이벤트의 자료와 바꾸실 특정한 변수를 이용하실수 있으며, 첫번째 라인은 이 메일의 제목이 됩니다.
this message is sent to uninvited participants. calendar ko 이 메세지는 제외된 참석자에게 전송됩니다.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar ko 이 메세지는 귀하가 승락, 시험적인 승락,거부를 하셨을때 보내집니다.
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar ko 이 메세지는 특정이벤트에 알람을 설정하셨을때 보내지며 요청하신 모든 정보를 포함합니다.
three month calendar ko 분기
@ -249,6 +244,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar ko 너무 많을 경우
translation calendar ko 번역
tue calendar ko 화요일
two weeks calendar ko 보름
uninvited calendar ko 제외
updated calendar ko 갱신됨
use end date calendar ko 마지막 날짜 사용
view this event calendar ko 이 이벤트 보기
@ -6,3 +6,9 @@ how many description lines should be directly visible. further lines are availab
how many lines of all day events should be directly visible. further lines are available via a mouseover. calendar lt Kiek visų dienų įvykių eilučių turėtų būti tiesiogiai matoma. Daugiau eilučių pasiekiama per pelės žymeklį.
how many separate calendars to show before merging them together calendar lt Mažiausias naudotojų skaičius, kad būtų rodomas konsoliduotas kalendoriaus vaizdas, jei pasirinkta mažiau naudotojų, kalendorius rodomas atskirai savaitės arba dienos vaizdui.
ical cannot change the owner of an existing event. this applies to new events only. calendar lt iCal negali pakeisti esamo įvykio savininko. Tai taikoma tik naujiems įvykiams.
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar lt Didžiausias galimas %1 kiekis viršytas!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar lt Mažiausias naudotojų skaičius, kad dienos rodinys būtų rodomas kaip konsoliduotas.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar lt Mažiausias naudotojų skaičius, kad savaitės vaizdas būtų rodomas kaip konsoliduotas.
move to calendar lt Perkelti į
multiple participants calendar lt Keli dalyviai
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar lt Niekada nepranešti išoriniams asmenims (ne naudotojams) apie mano sukurtus įvykius
@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ lastname of person to notify calendar lv Personas, kurai jāpaziņō, uzvārds
link to view the event calendar lv Saistīt, lai parādītu notikumu
links calendar lv Saites
location calendar lv Novietojums
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar lv Pārsniegts %1 maksimālais pieejamais daudzums!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar lv Minimālais lietotāju skaits dienas skata rādīšanai kā konsolidēts.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar lv Minimālais lietotāju skaits, lai nedēļas skats tiktu parādīts kā konsolidēts.
minutes calendar lv minūtes
modified calendar lv Pārveidots
mon calendar lv Pirmdiena
@ -99,6 +102,9 @@ monthly calendar lv Ikmēneša
monthly (by date) calendar lv Ikmēneša(pēc datumiem)
monthly (by day) calendar lv Ikmēneša (pēc dienas)
monthview calendar lv Mēneša skats
move to calendar lv Pārvietot uz
multiple participants calendar lv Vairāki dalībnieki
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar lv Nekad nepaziņot ārējiem lietotājiem (kas nav lietotāji) par manis izveidotiem notikumiem
new calendar lv Jauna
no filter calendar lv Bez filtra
no matches found calendar lv Nav atrasti atbilstoši ieraksti
@ -229,6 +229,9 @@ location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar nl Plaats, begin- en eindtijden
mail all participants calendar nl Stuur een email naar alle deelnemers
make freebusy information available to not logged in persons? calendar nl Maak vrij/bezet informatie beschikbaar voor niet ingelogde personen?
manage mapping calendar nl Beheer de mappings
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar nl Maximum beschikbare hoeveelheid van %1 overschreden!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar nl Minimum aantal gebruikers voor het tonen van dagweergave als geconsolideerd.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar nl Minimum aantal gebruikers voor weekweergave als geconsolideerd.
minutes calendar nl minuten
modified calendar nl Gewijzigd
mon calendar nl Maa
@ -237,8 +240,11 @@ monthly calendar nl Maandelijks
monthly (by date) calendar nl Maandelijks (op datum)
monthly (by day) calendar nl Maandelijks (op dag)
monthview calendar nl Maandweergave
move to calendar nl Verplaats naar
multiple participants calendar nl Meerdere deelnemers
multiple week view calendar nl Meerweekse weergave
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar nl Naam van de huidige gebruiker, alle andere contactvelden zijn ook geldig
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar nl Stel externen (niet-gebruikers) nooit op de hoogte van gebeurtenissen die ik aanmaak
new calendar nl Nieuw
new search with the above parameters calendar nl opnieuw zoeken met de bovenstaande instellingen
no events found calendar nl Geen gebeurtenissen gevonden
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
%1 hours calendar no %1 timer
%1 records imported calendar no %1 oppføringer importert
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar no %1 oppføringer lest (ikke importert enda, du kan gå tilbake og hake av Test Import)
<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5. calendar no <b>Vennligst bemerk</b>: Kalenderen bruker helligdager for ditt land som er satt til %1. Du kan endre dette i ditt %2.<b/>Helligdager er %3 automatisk lagt til for %4. Du kan endre dette til %5.
a non blocking event will not conflict with other events calendar no En hendelse som ikke blokkerer vil ikke være i konflikt med andre hendelser
accept calendar no aksepter
accept or reject an invitation calendar no Aksepter eller avslå invitasjonen
@ -27,8 +26,6 @@ all participants calendar no Alle deltagere
allows to edit the event again calendar no Tillate endring av alarmen
always calendar no Alltid
apply the changes calendar no Oppdater endringene
are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar no Er du sikker på at du vil slette dette landet?
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar no Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne ferien?
back half a month calendar no Tilbake en halv mnd.
back one month calendar no Tilbake en mnd.
before current date calendar no For inneværende dato
@ -38,7 +35,6 @@ birthdays admin no Fødselsdager
busy calendar no Opptatt
by calendar no av
calendar event calendar no Kalender Hendelse
calendar holiday management admin no Kalender Feriestyring
calendar menu calendar no Kalendermeny
calendar preferences calendar no Kalender Preferanser
calendar settings admin no Kalender Innstillinger
@ -50,7 +46,6 @@ check all calendar no Kontroller alle
choose a category calendar no Velg en kategori
close the window calendar no Lukk vinduet
compose a mail to all participants after the event is saved calendar no Komponer en mail til alle deltagere etter at hendelsen er lagret
copy of: calendar no Kopi av:
copy this event calendar no Kopier denne hendelsen
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them. calendar no Kopier endringene dine til utklippstavlen, %1oppfrisk forekomsten%2 og sammenstill de
countries calendar no Land
@ -79,13 +74,11 @@ delete this event calendar no Slett denne hendelsen
delete this exception calendar no Slett dette unntaket
delete this series of recurring events calendar no Slett serie med repeterende hendelser
deleted calendar no slettet
uninvited calendar no Ikke lenger invitert
display status of events calendar no Vis Status av Hending
displayed view calendar no Gjeldende visning
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar no Ønsker du ukevisning uten helg ?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you are not notified about changes you made yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all notifications listed above. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get participant responses like acceptions or rejections too. calendar no Vil du bli varslet om alle forandrede avtaler? Du blir varslet om alle endringer du selv utfører.<br>Du kan begrense varslingen til bare å gjelde spesifikke endringer. Hvert objekt inkluderer alle varslingene over det. Alle endringer inkluderer endringer av tittel, beskrivelse, men ikke deltakeres responser. Hvis eieren av en oppføring ber om varsling, vil han alltid få deltakeres responser som godkjenninger eller avslag også.
do you want to receive a regularly summary of your appointments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar no Ønsker du å motta regelmessige sammendrag av dine avtaler via e-post?<br>Oppsummeringen vil bli sendt til din standard e-post adresse på morgenen samme dag, eller på mandager for ukentlige sammendrag.<br>Den vil bare bli sendt når du har en avtale den dagen eller uken.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin no Ønsker du å automatisk laste kalenderferiefiler?
download calendar no Last ned
download this event as ical calendar no Last ned denne hendelsen som iCal
duration calendar no Varighet
@ -107,7 +100,6 @@ error: no participants selected !!! calendar no Feil: Ingen deltagere valgt!
error: saving the event !!! calendar no Feil ved forsøk på lagring av hendelse!
error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!! calendar no Feil: Starttid må være før sluttid!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! calendar no Feil: Denne forekomsten er endret siden du åpnet den for redigering!
event copied - the copy can now be edited calendar no Hendelse kopiert - kopien kan nå endres
event deleted calendar no Hendelse slettet
event details follow calendar no Hendelses Detaljer Følger
event saved calendar no Hendelse lagret
@ -144,7 +136,6 @@ here is your requested alarm. calendar no Her er varslingen du ba om.
high priority calendar no høy prioritet
history calendar no Historikk
holiday calendar no Ferie
holiday management calendar no Feriestyring
holidays calendar no Ferier
hours calendar no timer
how far to search (from startdate) calendar no Hvor langt skal det søkes (fra startdato)
@ -154,7 +145,6 @@ ical export calendar no iCal eksport
ical file calendar no iCal fil
ical import calendar no iCal import
ical successful imported calendar no iCal ble importert
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar no Hvis merket ferie faller på en helg, blir den tatt mandagen etter.
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar no Dersom du ikke setter et passord her vil informasjonen være tilgjengelig for alle som kjenner nettadressen !
ignore conflict calendar no Ignorer konflikt
import calendar no Importer
@ -169,10 +159,12 @@ links calendar no Lenker
links, attachments calendar no Lenker, tillegg
listview calendar no Listevisning
location calendar no Lokasjon
location to autoload from admin no Lokasjon å automatisk laste fra
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar no Lokasjon, start- og sluttid,...
mail all participants calendar no Send e-mail til deltagerne
make freebusy information available to not logged in persons? calendar no Skal informasjon om ledig/opptatt være tilgjengelig for personer som ikke er pålogget ?
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar no Maksimalt tilgjengelig antall %1 overskredet!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar no Minimum antall brukere for å vise dagvisning som konsolidert.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar no Minimum antall brukere for å vise ukevisning som konsolidert.
minutes calendar no minutter
modified calendar no Endret
mon calendar no Man
@ -181,6 +173,9 @@ monthly calendar no Månedlig
monthly (by date) calendar no Månedlig (etter dato)
monthly (by day) calendar no Månedlig (etter dag)
monthview calendar no Månedlig visning
move to calendar no Flytt til
multiple participants calendar no Flere deltakere
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar no Aldri varsle eksterne (ikke-brukere) om hendelser jeg oppretter
new calendar no Opprett
new search with the above parameters calendar no Nytt søk med ovenstårende parametre
no events found calendar no Ingen hendelser funnet
@ -191,8 +186,8 @@ non blocking calendar no Ikke blokkerende
not calendar no ikke
notification messages for added events calendar no Varslingsmeldinger for tillagte hendelser
notification messages for canceled events calendar no Varslingsmeldinger for avbrutte hendelser
notification messages for uninvited participants calendar no Varslingsmeldinger for avmeldte deltagere
notification messages for modified events calendar no Varslingsmeldinger for endrede hendelser
notification messages for uninvited participants calendar no Varslingsmeldinger for avmeldte deltagere
notification messages for your alarms calendar no Varslingsmeldinger for dine alarmer
notification messages for your responses calendar no Varslingsmeldinger for dine responser
number of records to read (%1) calendar no Antall rekker som leses (%1)
@ -251,7 +246,6 @@ select a %1 calendar no Velg en %1
select a time calendar no velg en tid
select resources calendar no Velg ressurser
select who should get the alarm calendar no Velg hvem som skal motta alarmen
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar no Sett kun ett år for engangs / ikke faste ferier.
set new events to private calendar no Sett nye oppføringer som private
should new events created as private by default ? calendar no Skal nye oppføringer som blir laget, være private som standard?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar no Skal status på oppførings-deltakere(godta, avslå,...) bli vist som bokser etter hver deltakers navn ?
@ -277,8 +271,8 @@ this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar no Denne gruppen er forhåndsvalgt når du starter planleggeren. Du kan endre den i planleggeren din når du måtte ønske.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar no Denne meldingen blir sent for kansellerte eller slettede oppføringer.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar no Denne meldingen er sendt for endrede eller flyttede oppføringer
this message is sent to uninvited participants. calendar no Denne meldingen er til avmeldte deltagere.
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar no Denne meldingen blir sendt til alle deltakere på denne oppføringen som du er eier av, som har bedt om en varsling om nye oppføringer.<br>Du kan bruke forskjellige alternativer som blir byttet med innholdet i denne oppføringen. Den første linjen er overskriften av e-posten.
this message is sent to uninvited participants. calendar no Denne meldingen er til avmeldte deltagere.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar no Denne meldingen blir sendt når du godtar, forsøksvis godtar, eller avslår en oppføring.
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar no Denne meldingen blir sendt når du har satt en Alarm for en spesiell oppføring. Inkluder all den informasjonen du trenger.
this module displays the current month calendar no Denne modulen viser inneværende måned
@ -292,6 +286,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar no for mange vil muligen
translation calendar no Oversetting
tue calendar no Tir
two weeks calendar no To uker
uninvited calendar no Ikke lenger invitert
updated calendar no Oppdatert
use end date calendar no Bruk sluttdato
use the selected time and close the popup calendar no bruk valgt tid og lukk popup-vinduet
@ -241,6 +241,9 @@ mail all participants calendar pl wyślij do wszystkich uczestników
make freebusy information available to not logged in persons? calendar pl Czy udostępnić informację wolny-zajęty dla gości (osób nie zalogowanych)?
manage mapping calendar pl Zarządzaj mapowaniem
max. number of entries to show (leave empty for no restriction) calendar pl Ile maksymalnie wpisów pokazać (puste - bez ograniczenia)
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar pl Maksymalna dostępna ilość %1 przekroczona!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar pl Minimalna liczba użytkowników do wyświetlenia widoku dziennego jako skonsolidowanego.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar pl Minimalna liczba użytkowników do wyświetlenia skonsolidowanego widoku tygodnia.
minutes calendar pl minut
modified calendar pl Zmodyfikowany
mon calendar pl Pon
@ -249,9 +252,12 @@ monthly calendar pl Miesięczny
monthly (by date) calendar pl Co miesiąc (wg dat)
monthly (by day) calendar pl Co miesiąc (wg dni)
monthview calendar pl Widok Miesięczny
move to calendar pl Przejdź do
multiple participants calendar pl Wielu uczestników
multiple week view calendar pl Widok wielu tygodni
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar pl Nazwa aktualnego użytkownika, wszystkie pozostałe pola kontaktu są prawidłowe
needs action calendar pl Wymaga akcji
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar pl Nigdy nie powiadamiaj osób z zewnątrz (niebędących użytkownikami) o wydarzeniach, które tworzę
new calendar pl Nowa
new search with the above parameters calendar pl nowe wyszukiwanie z powyższymi parametrami
no events found calendar pl Nie znaleziono pasujących terminów
@ -274,6 +274,8 @@ maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar pt-br A quantidade máxima d
meeting request calendar pt-br Pedido de reunião
meetingrequest to all participants calendar pt-br Meetingrequest a todos os participantes
merge document... calendar pt-br Mesclar documento ...
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar pt-br Número mínimo de usuários para mostrar a visualização do dia como consolidada.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar pt-br Número mínimo de usuários para mostrar a visualização semanal como consolidada.
minutes calendar pt-br minutos
modified calendar pt-br Modificado
modifier calendar pt-br Modifier
@ -283,9 +285,12 @@ monthly calendar pt-br Mensalmente
monthly (by date) calendar pt-br mensalmente (por data)
monthly (by day) calendar pt-br mensalmente (por dia)
monthview calendar pt-br Visão mensal
move to calendar pt-br Mover para
multiple participants calendar pt-br Vários participantes
multiple week view calendar pt-br Exibição semanal múltipla
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar pt-br Nome do usuário atual, todos outros campos são válidos também
needs action calendar pt-br Necessidades ação
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar pt-br Nunca notificar pessoas externas (não usuários) sobre eventos que eu criei
new calendar pt-br Novo
new search with the above parameters calendar pt-br nova pesquisa com os parâmetros acima
no automatic purging admin pt-br Sem purga automática
@ -194,6 +194,9 @@ location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar pt Local, data de início e de fim,
mail all participants calendar pt Enviar mensagens a todos os participantes
make freebusy information available to not logged in persons? calendar pt Deseja tornar acessível a informação sobre a disponibilidade a pessoas não ligadas?
manage mapping calendar pt Gerenciar mapeamento
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar pt Quantidade máxima disponível de %1 excedida!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar pt Número mínimo de utilizadores para mostrar a vista do dia como consolidada.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar pt Número mínimo de utilizadores para mostrar a vista semanal como consolidada.
minutes calendar pt Minutos
modified calendar pt Modificado
modifier calendar pt Modifier
@ -203,6 +206,9 @@ monthly calendar pt Mensalmente
monthly (by date) calendar pt Mensalmente (por data)
monthly (by day) calendar pt Mensalmente (por dia)
monthview calendar pt Visualização mensal
move to calendar pt Mover para
multiple participants calendar pt Vários participantes
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar pt Nunca notificar pessoas externas (não utilizadores) sobre eventos que eu criei
new calendar pt Novo
new search with the above parameters calendar pt Nova pesquisa com os parâmetros indicados em cima
no events found calendar pt Nenhum evento encontrado
@ -6,3 +6,9 @@ how many description lines should be directly visible. further lines are availab
how many lines of all day events should be directly visible. further lines are available via a mouseover. calendar ro Câte rânduri ale evenimentelor din toate zilele trebuie să fie direct vizibile. Linii suplimentare sunt disponibile prin intermediul unui mouseover.
how many separate calendars to show before merging them together calendar ro Numărul minim de utilizatori pentru a afișa o vizualizare consolidată a calendarului; dacă sunt selectați mai puțini utilizatori, calendarul este afișat separat pentru vizualizarea săptămânală sau zilnică.
ical cannot change the owner of an existing event. this applies to new events only. calendar ro iCal nu poate schimba proprietarul unui eveniment existent. Acest lucru se aplică numai evenimentelor noi.
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar ro Cantitatea maximă disponibilă de %1 a fost depășită!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar ro Numărul minim de utilizatori pentru afișarea vizualizării zilei ca fiind consolidată.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar ro Numărul minim de utilizatori pentru a afișa vizualizarea săptămânală ca fiind consolidată.
move to calendar ro Treceți la
multiple participants calendar ro Participanți multipli
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar ro Nu notificați niciodată persoanele externe (non-utilizatori) despre evenimentele pe care le creez
@ -366,11 +366,14 @@ monthly calendar ru На месяц
monthly (by date) calendar ru На месяц (по дате)
monthly (by day) calendar ru На месяц (по дню)
monthview calendar ru Вид на месяц
move to calendar ru Переход к
multiple participants calendar ru Множественные участники
multiple week view calendar ru Вид на несколько недель
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar ru Имя текущего пользователя, все прочие поля контакта также верны
name of the day of the week (ex: monday) calendar ru Название дня недели (напр. Понедельник)
name of the week (ex: monday), available for the first entry inside each day of week or daily table inside the selected range. calendar ru Название дня недели, (напр. Понедельник), доступно для первой записи каждого дня недели или ежедневной таблицы в выбранном диапазоне.
needs action calendar ru Требуется действие
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar ru Никогда не уведомлять внешних пользователей о событиях, которые я создаю
new calendar ru Новое
new event category calendar ru Новая категория события
new event participants calendar ru Новые участники события
@ -375,6 +375,7 @@ monthly calendar sk Mesačne
monthly (by date) calendar sk Mesačne (podľa dátumu)
monthly (by day) calendar sk Mesačne (podľa dňa)
monthview calendar sk Mesačný pohľad
move to calendar sk Presunúť na
multiple participants calendar sk Viacero pčastníkov
multiple week view calendar sk Pohľad viacerých týždňov
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar sk Meno súčasného používateľa, platné sú aj všetky ostatné polia kontaktu
@ -337,10 +337,13 @@ monthly calendar sl Mesečno
monthly (by date) calendar sl Mesečno (po datumu)
monthly (by day) calendar sl Mesečno (po dnevu)
monthview calendar sl Mesečni pogled
move to calendar sl Premaknite se na
multiple participants calendar sl Več udeležencev
multiple week view calendar sl Pogled več tednov
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar sl Ime trenutnega uporabnika, veljavna so tudi vsa druga polja stika
name of the week (ex: monday), available for the first entry inside each day of week or daily table inside the selected range. calendar sl Ime tedna, npr .: ponedeljek, ki je na voljo za prvi vnos znotraj vsakega dneva v tednu ali dnevne tabele v izbranem obsegu.
needs action calendar sl Potrebno je ukrepanje
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar sl Nikoli ne obveščajte zunanjih oseb (ki niso uporabniki) o dogodkih, ki jih ustvarim
new calendar sl Nov
new event participants calendar sl Novi udeleženci dogodka
new search with the above parameters calendar sl Novo iskanje z zgornjimi parametri
@ -211,6 +211,9 @@ location calendar sv Plats
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar sv Plats, start- och slut tid
mail all participants calendar sv Skicka e-post till alla deltagare
make freebusy information available to not logged in persons? calendar sv Gör freebusy åtkomlig för oinloggade personer också?
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar sv Maximal tillgänglig kvantitet av %1 överskriden!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar sv Minsta antal användare för att visa dagsvyn som konsoliderad.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar sv Minsta antal användare för att visa veckovyn som konsoliderad.
minutes calendar sv Minuter
modified calendar sv Ändrad
mon calendar sv Mån
@ -219,8 +222,11 @@ monthly calendar sv Månadsvis
monthly (by date) calendar sv Månadsvis (enl. datum)
monthly (by day) calendar sv Månadsvis (enl. dag)
monthview calendar sv Månad
move to calendar sv Flytta till
multiple participants calendar sv Flera deltagare
multiple week view calendar sv Flerveckovy
needs action calendar sv Kräver åtgärd
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar sv Meddela aldrig externa personer (icke-användare) om händelser som jag skapar
new calendar sv Nytt
new search with the above parameters calendar sv Ny sökning med ovanstående parametrar
no events found calendar sv Inga händelser
@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ last calendar tr son
lastname of person to notify calendar tr Uyarılacak kişinin soyadı
link to view the event calendar tr Etkinliği görüntülemek için link
location calendar tr Konum
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar tr 1% maksimum kullanılabilir miktarı aşıldı!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar tr Gün görünümünü konsolide olarak göstermek için minimum kullanıcı sayısı.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar tr Hafta görünümünü konsolide olarak göstermek için minimum kullanıcı sayısı.
minutes calendar tr dakika
modified calendar tr Değiştirilmiş
mon calendar tr Ay
@ -93,6 +96,9 @@ monthly calendar tr Aylık
monthly (by date) calendar tr Aylık (tarihe göre)
monthly (by day) calendar tr Aylık (güne göre)
monthview calendar tr Ay Görünümü
move to calendar tr Geçmek
multiple participants calendar tr Çoklu katılımcılar
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar tr Oluşturduğum olaylar hakkında harici kişileri (kullanıcı olmayanlar) asla bilgilendirmeyin
new calendar tr Yeni
no matches found calendar tr Eşleşme bulunamadı
no response calendar tr Yanıt Yok
@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ last changed calendar uk Востаннє змінено
lastname of person to notify calendar uk Прізвище людини для повідомлення
links calendar uk Посилання
location calendar uk Місце
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar uk Максимально доступну кількість %1 перевищено!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar uk Мінімальна кількість користувачів для відображення зведеного перегляду за день.
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar uk Мінімальна кількість користувачів для відображення тижневого перегляду як консолідованого.
minutes calendar uk хвилини
modified calendar uk Змінено
mon calendar uk Пн
@ -97,6 +100,9 @@ monthly calendar uk Помісячно
monthly (by date) calendar uk Помісячно (по числу)
monthly (by day) calendar uk Помісячно (поденно)
monthview calendar uk Вигляд місяця
move to calendar uk Перейдіть до
multiple participants calendar uk Кілька учасників
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar uk Ніколи не повідомляти сторонніх (не користувачів) про події, які я створюю
no filter calendar uk Немає Фільтру
no matches found calendar uk Відповідностей не знайдено
no response calendar uk Немає відповіді
@ -190,6 +190,9 @@ location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar zh 位置、开始- 和结束时间
mail all participants calendar zh 发邮件给所有参与者
make freebusy information available to not logged in persons? calendar zh 将可用的空闲/繁忙信息开放给未注册的人?
manage mapping calendar zh 管理匹配
maximum available quantity of %1 exceeded! calendar zh 超过 %1 的最大可用数量!
minimum number of users for showing day view as consolidated. calendar zh 合并显示日视图的最少用户数。
minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar zh 合并显示周视图的最少用户数。
minutes calendar zh 分钟
modified calendar zh 更改
modifier calendar zh 修改人
@ -199,8 +202,11 @@ monthly calendar zh 每月
monthly (by date) calendar zh 每月 (以日期计)
monthly (by day) calendar zh 每月 (以天数计)
monthview calendar zh 月视图
move to calendar zh 移至
multiple participants calendar zh 多个参与者
multiple week view calendar zh 多重周视图
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too calendar zh 目前用户的名称,所有其他联系人字段也是正确的
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar zh 从不向外部人员(非用户)通知我创建的事件
new calendar zh 新建
new search with the above parameters calendar zh 就以上的参与者重新搜索
no events found calendar zh 无事件
@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ before reply, visible during compose mail bg Да бъде видим докат
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail bg Имейли от "черния списък" да се маркират като спам
but check shared folders mail bg но проверете споделените папки
by date mail bg по дата
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail bg По подразбиране "http://" се заменя само с "https://". Чувствайте се свободни да конфигурирате 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' да зарежда и изображения, достъпни само чрез http.
caching of flags mail bg Кеширане на флагове
can not open imap connection mail bg Не може да се отвори IMAP връзка
can not resolve the winmail.dat attachment! mail bg Не може да разреши прикачения winmail.dat файл !
canceled deletion due to user interaction mail bg анулирано изтриване поради взаимодействие с потребителя
@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ confirm attach message mail bg Потвърди прикаченото съоб
confirm move to folder mail bg Потвърди преместването в папката
connect to profile %1 mail bg Свържете се с профил %1
connection status mail bg Статус на връзката
contact label mail bg Етикет за контакт
contains mail bg съдържа
contains(*) mail bg Съдържа(*)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail bg конвертирайте Поща/Mail в елемент и прикачете своите прикачени файлове към този елемент (стандартно)
@ -298,11 +301,13 @@ import message mail bg съобщение за импортиране
import of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 mail bg Импортирането на съобщение %1 не бе успешно. Не можа да се запише съобщение в папка %2 поради: %3
import of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist. mail bg Импортирането на съобщение% 1 не бе успешно. Дестинация папка% 2 не съществува.
inbox mail bg Входящи
information to show on email tag mail bg Информация, която да се показва в етикета на имейла
junk mail bg Нежелани
junk folder mail bg Папка с нежелани файлове
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail bg запазване на копие от съобщението във Входящи
kilobytes mail bg килобайта
less than mail bg по-малко от
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail bg Списък на действията, които трябва да се включат/активират по подразбиране (напр. действие Mail compose save as InfoLog)
mail common bg Поща
mail acl mail bg Права за достъп
mail filter mail bg Пощенски филтър
@ -323,6 +328,7 @@ modify subject of this message mail bg Az üzenet tárgyának módosítása
move selected to mail bg премести избраните в
move to mail bg премести избраните в
move to trash mail bg Премести в Кошчето
name and email mail bg Име и имейл
never display html emails mail bg Не показва HTML съобщения
new subject mail bg Új tárgy
no access mail bg Няма достъп
@ -333,17 +339,29 @@ no signature mail bg няма подпис
no sneak preview in list mail bg Няма предварителен преглед на съобщението
no subject given! mail bg Не е посочена Тема!
on mail bg на
only email mail bg Само имейл
only name mail bg Само име
only one window mail bg само в един прозорец
organisation admin bg организация
open in html mode mail bg Отваряне в режим HTML
open in text mode mail bg Отваряне в текстов режим
open with collabora office mail bg Отваряне с Collabora Online
organisation admin bg Организация
organization mail bg организация
original message mail bg оригинално съобщение
organization | real name email mail bg Организация | Истинско име [Email]
original message mail bg Оригинално съобщение
outbox mail bg Изходяща поща
permission denied mail bg Не е позволено
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail bg Моля, конфигурирайте сертификата си S/MIME в раздела Encryption (Шифроване), намиращ се в диалоговия прозорец за редактиране на акаунта.
please select a address mail bg Моля, изберете адрес
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail bg Моля, изберете брой дни за изчакване между отговорите
please supply the message to send with auto-responses mail bg Моля, въведете съобщение за изпращане като Автоматичен отговор
predefined addresses for compose mail bg Предварително зададени адреси за compose
preview pane mail bg Оформление на прозореца
printing mail bg Отпечатване
printview mail bg изглед за печат
push notifications mail bg Известия Push
quicksearch mail bg Бързо търсене
quicksearch (with cc) mail bg Бързо търсене (+Копиране)
refresh time in minutes mail bg Време на опресняване в минути
reject with mail bg откажи с
remove all mail bg Премахване на всички
@ -367,6 +385,10 @@ serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail bg Филтърните п
serverside vacationnotice (via sieve) are not activated mail bg Съобщенията за отсъствие от страна на сървъра (чрез Sieve) не са активирани
set flags mail bg Маркирайте имейл като
set predefined values for compose... mail bg Задаване на предварително определени стойности за compose ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail bg Показване на известие за нови пристигащи писма
show vertical mail bg Покажи вертикално
show vertical with all columns mail bg Показвайте вертикално с всички колони
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail bg Показване/скриване на панела за предварителен преглед в изгледа на списъка с имейли
sieve script name mail bg име на sieve скрипт
sieve_edit_instructions mail bg (*) могат да се използват "заместващи символи" (* ,?) Ако се опитвате да съчетаете помежду си * или ?, трябва да ги избегнете с наклонена черта (\). Ако поставите отметка „Използване на регулярни изрази“, трябва да използвате валидни регулярни изрази. За да избегнете удивителен знак (!) в началото, който не се използва като "НЕ", използвайте регекс и обратна черта (\) (например \!)
signature mail bg Подпис
@ -398,3 +420,4 @@ view header lines mail bg Заглавна част (Header)
when deleting messages mail bg При изтриване на съобщения
which folders - in general - should not be automatically created, if not existing mail bg кои папки НЕ следва са се създават автоматично, ако не съществуват.
wrote mail bg написа
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail bg Можете да изберете каква информация да се показва на имейл тага.
@ -55,10 +55,13 @@ available personal email-accounts/profiles mail cs Dostupné osobní e-mailové
before reply, visible during compose mail cs Před odpovědí, viditelně během vytváření zprávy
but check shared folders mail cs ale zkontrolovat sdílené složky
by date mail cs datumem
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail cs Ve výchozím nastavení je "http://" nahrazeno pouze "https://". Nebojte se nastavit 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' tak, aby načítal také obrázky dostupné pouze přes http.
caching of flags mail cs Ukládání příznaků do mezipaměti
can not open imap connection mail cs Není možné otevřít spojení se serverem IMAP.
canceled deletion due to user interaction mail cs Mazání bylo přerušeno uživatelem
change editor type mail cs Přepnout editor do HTML režimu
changed profile mail cs Změněný profil
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail cs Změna předmětu se nezdařila složka %1 neexistuje
check message against next rule also mail cs zkontrolovat zprávu také proti následujícímu pravidlu
check to receive a notification when the message is read (note: not all clients support this and/or the receiver may not authorize the notification) mail cs Zaškrtněte pro obdržení zprávy, že e-mail byl přečten (Poznámka: ne všichni e-mailoví klienti podporují tuto funkci a/nebo příjemce nemusí toto ověření povolit).
check to save as calendar event on send mail cs Zaškrtněte pro uložení jako události po odeslání
@ -77,6 +80,7 @@ confirm attach message mail cs Potvrzení přílohy e-mailu
confirm move to folder mail cs Potvrzení při přesunu složky
connect to profile %1 mail cs Připojit k profilu %1
connection status mail cs Stav připojení
contact label mail cs Štítek kontaktu
contains mail cs obsahuje
contains(*) mail cs Obsahuje (*)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail cs Změnit e-mail na záznam a přílohy v e-mailu přiložit k tomuto záznamu (standardně)
@ -268,6 +272,7 @@ importance mail cs Důležitost
important mail cs důležitý
in mailbox: %1, with id: %2, and partid: %3 mail cs Ve schránce: %1, s identifikací: %2 a %3
inbox mail cs Doručená pošta
information to show on email tag mail cs Informace, které se mají zobrazit na e-mailové značce
initialization of mail failed. please use the wizard to cope with the problem. mail cs Inicializace E-mailu nebyla úspěšná. Použijte prosím průvodce pro odstranění problému.
inline mail cs Přeposlat jako E-mail
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures) mail cs Vložit podpis na začátek nové zprávy (nebo odpovědi) při otevření okna pro psaní zprávy (nebude možné zvolit jiný podpis)
@ -278,6 +283,7 @@ keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail cs zachovat kopii zprávy ve vaš
kilobytes mail cs kilobytů
later mail cs Později
less than mail cs menší než
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail cs Seznam akcí, které mají být ve výchozím nastavení zapnuty/aktivovány (např. akce Mail kompose save as InfoLog).
mail common cs E-mail
mail acl mail cs ACL práva e-mailu
mail filter mail cs Filtrovací pravidla
@ -315,6 +321,7 @@ move to archive mail cs Přesunout do archivu
move to trash mail cs Přesunout do koše
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail cs %1 zpráv bylo přesunuto z %2 do %3
moving folders from one mailaccount to another is not supported mail cs Přesouvání složek z jednoho e-mailového účtu do jiného není podporováno
name and email mail cs Jméno a e-mail
name of account mail cs Název účtu
never display html emails mail cs Nikdy nezobrazovat HTML e-maily
new mail notification mail cs Oznámení o novém e-mailu
@ -344,19 +351,24 @@ notify about new mail in this folders mail cs Oznámit nový e-mail v těchto sl
notify when new mails arrive in these folders mail cs Oznámí, pokud do těchto složkek bude doručen nový e-mail
on mail cs na
one address is not valid mail cs Jedna adresa není platná
only email mail cs Pouze e-mail
only makes sense, if you transport password through a different channel / outside of this mail to recipients! mail cs Připadá v úvahu, pouze pokud heslo odesíláte jiným způsobem / mino tento e-mail!
only name mail cs Pouze jméno
only needed for some servers, that do not return all folders on root level queries to retrieve all folders for that level mail cs Je vyžadováno pouze pro některé servery, které nevracejí všechny složky na hlavní úrovni
only one window mail cs Jen jedno okno
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail cs Pouze odešle zprávu a kopie zprávy nebude uložena do složky pro odeslanou poštu
open in html mode mail cs Otevřít v režimu HTML
open in text mode mail cs Otevřit v textovém režimu
open with collabora office mail cs Otevřít pomocí Collabora Online
organisation admin cs Organizace
organization mail cs organizace
original message mail cs původní zpráva
organization | real name email mail cs Organizace | Skutečné jméno [E-mail]
original message mail cs Původní zpráva
outbox mail cs Odeslaná pošta
password protect mail cs Chráněno heslem
permission denied mail cs Přístup zamítnut
please configure access to an existing individual imap account. mail cs Nakonfigurujte prosím přístup ke stávajícímu osobnímu IMAP účtu.
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail cs Nakonfigurujte prosím svůj certifikát S/MIME na kartě Šifrování v dialogovém okně Upravit účet.
please contact your administrator to validate if your server supports serverside filterrules, and how to enable them in egroupware for your active account (%1) with id:%2. mail cs Kontaktujte správce svého e-mailového serveru pro ověření, zda váš server podporuje pravidla a jak je v eGroupWaru pro váš účet %1 s identifikací %2 povolit.
please contact your administrator to validate if your server supports serverside vacationmessages, and how to enable them in egroupware for your active account (%1) with id:%2. mail cs Kontaktujte správce svého e-mailového serveru pro ověření, zda váš server podporuje automatické odpovědi a jak je v eGroupWaru pro váš účet %1 s identifikací %2 povolit.
please select a address mail cs Prosím vyberte adresu
@ -368,11 +380,13 @@ prevent managing filters mail cs Zabránit změně filtrovacích pravidel
prevent managing folders mail cs Zabránit změně nastavení složek
prevent managing notifications mail cs Zabránit změně nastavení oznámení
prevent managing vacation notice mail cs Zabránit změně nastavení automatické odpovědi
preview pane mail cs Přehled - E-mail
preview pane mail cs Rozložení okna
primary profile mail cs Výchozí profil
printing mail cs Tisk
printview mail cs Náhled pro tisk
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail cs Zpracování souboru %1 nebylo úspěšné. Nebyla splněna základní omezení.
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously) admin cs Zadejte výchozí text automatické odpovědi
push notifications mail cs Oznámení Push
quicksearch mail cs Rychlé hledání
quicksearch (with cc) mail cs Rychlé hledání (včetně příjemce v kopii)
quota not provided by server mail cs Kvóty nejsou serverem podporovány
@ -470,8 +484,11 @@ show all attachments mail cs Zobrazit všechny přílohy
show all folders mail cs Vyberte všechny složky
show all folders, (subscribed and unsubscribed) in main screen folder pane mail cs Zobrazit všechny složky (přihlášené i nepřihlášené k odběru) na Hlavní stránce?
show new messages on home page mail cs Zobrazit nové zprávy na Hlavní stránce
show notification for new arriving mails mail cs Zobrazit oznámení o nově příchozích e-mailech
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed? mail cs Zobrazit sekci s testem připojení a s řízením úrovně zobrazovaných informací?
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed?? mail cs Zobrazit sekci s testem připojení a s řízením úrovně zobrazovaných informací?
show vertical mail cs Zobrazit vertikální
show vertical with all columns mail cs Zobrazit vertikálně se všemi sloupci
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail cs Zobrazit / skrýt náhled v seznamu zpráv
sieve mail cs Sieve
sieve connection status mail cs Stav podmínek Sieve
@ -583,6 +600,7 @@ yes, only trigger connection reset mail cs Ano, pouze resetovat připojení
yes, show all debug information available for the user mail cs Ano, zobrazit všechny ladicí informace dostupné pro uživatele
yes, show basic info only mail cs Ano, zobrazit pouze základní informace
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail cs Můžete zvolit buď uložení jako úkol, nebo sledovací systém, ne však obojí.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail cs Můžete vybrat, jaké informace se mají zobrazit na e-mailové značce.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail cs Jako počáteční datum můžete použít $$start$$, jako koncové pak $$end$$.
you need to install mailvelope plugin available for chrome and firefox from %1. mail cs Je nutné nainstalovat zásuvný modul Mailvelope pro Chrome a Firefox z %1.
you need to save the message as draft first before to be able to save it into vfs mail cs Před tím, než bude možné zprávu uložit do VFS je nutné uložit ji jako koncept.
@ -9,9 +9,13 @@ always show html emails mail da Vis altid HTML e-mails
always show notifiction mail da Vis altid meddelelse
answered mail da Besvaret
attachments mail da vedhæftet filer
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail da Som standard erstattes 'http://' bare med 'https://'. Du er velkommen til at konfigurere 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' til også at indlæse billeder, der kun er tilgængelige via http.
caching of flags mail da Caching af flag
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail da Ændring af emne mislykkedes mappe %1 findes ikke
compose mail da Ny meddelse
compress folder mail da Komprimere mappe
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail da Konfigurerede værdier vil automatisk blive indstillet i dialogboksen for det respekterede felt, når du skriver en ny e-mail.
contact label mail da Kontakt-label
contains mail da indeholder
copy to mail da Kopier til
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail da Det er ikke tilladt at foretage en fremadrettet vedhæftning på tværs af konti!
@ -57,6 +61,8 @@ if mail da HVIS
imap mail da IMAP
imap server mail da IMAP Server
inbox mail da Indbakke
information to show on email tag mail da Oplysninger, der skal vises på e-mail-tagget
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail da Liste over handlinger, der skal slås til/aktiveres som standard (f.eks. Mail compose save as InfoLog action)
mail common da Mail
mail acl mail da Adgangsrettigheder
mail filter mail da Mailfilter
@ -77,14 +83,28 @@ modify subject of this message mail da Ændre emnet for denne meddelelse
move selected to mail da flyt valgte til
move to mail da flyt valgte til
move to trash mail da Flyt til skraldespanden
name and email mail da Navn og e-mail
never display html emails mail da Vis aldrig HTML emails
new subject mail da Nyt emne
no sneak preview in list mail da Ingen visning af meddelelser
only email mail da Kun e-mail
only name mail da Kun navn
open in html mode mail da Åbn i HTML-tilstand
open in text mode mail da Åbn i teksttilstand
open with collabora office mail da Åbn med Collabora Online
organisation admin da Organisation
organization mail da organisation
organization mail da Organisation
organization | real name email mail da Organisation | Rigtigt navn [E-mail]
original message mail da Original besked
outbox mail da Udbakke
permission denied mail da Adgang nægtet
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail da Konfigurer dit S/MIME-certifikat under fanen Encryption i dialogboksen Rediger konto.
predefined addresses for compose mail da Foruddefinerede adresser til sammensætning
quicksearch mail da Hurtig søg.
preview pane mail da Vindueslayout
printing mail da Udskrivning
push notifications mail da Push-meddelelser
quicksearch mail da Hurtigsøgning
quicksearch (with cc) mail da Hurtigsøgning (+Kopi)
refresh time in minutes mail da Opdaterings interval i minutter
remove immediately mail da Fjern nu
rename folder mail da Omdøb mappe
@ -100,6 +120,10 @@ select or insert email address mail da Vælg eller indsæt e-mail-adresse
sent folder mail da Sendt Mappe
set flags mail da Markér e-mail som
set predefined values for compose... mail da Indstil foruddefinerede værdier for sammensætning ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail da Vis notifikation for nye ankomne mails
show vertical mail da Vis lodret
show vertical with all columns mail da Vis lodret med alle kolonner
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail da Vis/skjul forhåndsvisningsrude i postlistevisning
signature mail da Signatur
signature at top mail da signatur øverst
signature position and visibility mail da Signaturens placering og synlighed
@ -121,3 +145,4 @@ unread mail da ulæst
when deleting messages mail da Når meddelser slettes
write mail da Skriv
wrote mail da skrev
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail da Du kan vælge, hvilke oplysninger der skal vises på e-mail-tagget.
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ open with collabora office mail de Mit Collabora Online öffnen
organisation admin de Organisation
organization mail de Organisation
organization | real name email mail de Organisation | Ihr Name [E-Mail]
original message mail de ursprüngliche Nachricht
original message mail de Ursprüngliche Nachricht
outbox mail de Postausgang
password protect mail de Passwort geschützt
permission denied mail de Zugriff verweigert
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ prevent managing filters mail de Zugriff auf Filterregeln deaktivieren
prevent managing folders mail de Zugriff auf die Ordnerverwaltung deaktivieren
prevent managing notifications mail de Zugriff auf Benachrichtigungen deaktivieren
prevent managing vacation notice mail de Zugriff auf die Abwesenheitsnotiz deaktivieren
preview pane mail de Mailvorschau
preview pane mail de Fensterlayout
primary profile mail de Primäres Profil
printing mail de Drucke
printview mail de Druckansicht
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ yes, only trigger connection reset mail de Ja, aber führe nur das zurücksetzen
yes, show all debug information available for the user mail de Ja, zeige alle dem Benutzer zugänglichen Informationen an.
yes, show basic info only mail de Ja, nur Basis Informationen anzeigen
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail de Sie können eine E-Mail entweder als InfoLog-, ODER als Ticket-Eintrag speichern, nicht beides gleichzeitig.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail de Sie können auswählen, welche Informationen auf dem E-Mail-Tag angezeigt werden sollen
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail de Sie können auswählen, welche Informationen auf dem E-Mail-Tag angezeigt werden sollen. Die zusätzliche Anzeige der E-Mail-Adresse ermöglicht die Absenderadresse zu überprüfen.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail de Sie können $$start$$ für das obige Start- und $$end$$ für das Enddatum verwenden.
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail de Sie können dieses Zertifikat in Ihren Kontakt speichern, wenn Sie dieser Signatur trauen.
you need to enter your s/mime passphrase to send this message. mail de Sie müssen Ihr S/MIME-Passwort eingeben um diese Nachricht zu senden.
@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ before reply, visible during compose mail el Πριν από την απάντη
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail el Μηνύματα που βρίσκονται στη μαύρη λίστα μαρκάρονται ως ανεπίκλητα μηνύματα (spam)
but check shared folders mail el να ελέγχονται όμως οι κοινοί φάκελοι
by date mail el Βάσει ημερομηνίας
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail el Από προεπιλογή, το 'http://' αντικαθίσταται απλώς με το 'https://'. Μπορείτε να ρυθμίσετε το 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' ώστε να φορτώνει επίσης εικόνες που είναι διαθέσιμες μόνο μέσω http.
caching of flags mail el Προσωρινή αποθήκευση σημαιών
can not open imap connection mail el Δεν είναι δυνατή η σύνδεση με τον εξυπηρετητή IMAP
can not resolve the winmail.dat attachment! mail el Αδυναμία λήψης του συνημμένου τύπου winmail.dat!
canceled deletion due to user interaction mail el Ακυρώθηκε η διαγραφή λόγω παρέμβασης του χρήστη
@ -102,6 +104,7 @@ confirm attach message mail el Επιβεβαίωση επισύναψης μη
confirm move to folder mail el Επιβεβαίωση μετακίνησης σε φάκελο
connect to profile %1 mail el Σύνδεση στο προφίλ %1
connection status mail el Κατάσταση σύνδεσης
contact label mail el Ετικέτα επικοινωνίας
contains mail el περιέχει
contains(*) mail el Περιέχει(*)
copied %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail el έγινε αντιγραφή %1 μηνυμάτων από %2 στο %3
@ -274,12 +277,14 @@ import message mail el εισαγωγή μηνύματος
importance mail el σημαντικότητα
important mail el σημαντικό
inbox mail el Εισερχόμενα
information to show on email tag mail el Πληροφορίες που θα εμφανίζονται στην ετικέτα email
inline mail el Εντός κειμένου
job mail el εργασία
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail el κρατήστε ένα αντίγραφο του μηνύματος στα εισερχόμενα
kilobytes mail el kilobytes
later mail el αργότερα
less than mail el μικρότερο από
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail el Λίστα ενεργειών που πρέπει να ενεργοποιούνται/ενεργοποιούνται από προεπιλογή (π.χ. Mail σύνταξη αποθήκευση ως ενέργεια InfoLog)
mail common el Mail
mail acl mail el Δικαιώματα πρόσβασης
mail filter mail el Φίλτρα μηνυμάτων
@ -312,6 +317,7 @@ move to archive mail el Μετακίνηση στον φάκλεο αρχειο
move to trash mail el μετακίνηση στον κάδο αχρήστων
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail el μετακινήθηκαν %1 μηνύματα από %2 στο 3%
moving folders from one mailaccount to another is not supported mail el Η μετακίνηση φακέλων από έναν λογαριασμού σε άλλο λογαριασμό δεν υποστηρίζεται
name and email mail el Όνομα και email
name of account mail el Όνομα λογαριασμού
never display html emails mail el Να μην προβάλονται τα HTML emails
never show mail el να μην εμφανίζονται ποτέ
@ -335,14 +341,20 @@ notify about new mail in this folders mail el Να ενημερώνομαι γι
on mail el πάνω
on behalf of mail el Για λογαριασμό του/της
one address is not valid mail el Κάποια διεύθυνση είναι άκυρη
only email mail el Μόνο email
only name mail el Μόνο όνομα
only one window mail el μόνο ένα παράθυρο
open in html mode mail el Άνοιγμα σε λειτουργία HTLM
open in text mode mail el Άνοιγμα σε λειτουργία κειμένου
open with collabora office mail el Άνοιγμα με το Collabora Online
organisation admin el οργανισμός
organization mail el οργανισμός
original message mail el αρχικό μήνυμα
organization | real name email mail el Οργανισμός | Πραγματικό όνομα [Email]
original message mail el Αρχικό μήνυμα
outbox mail el Εξερχόμενα
password protect mail el προστασία με συνθηματικό
permission denied mail el Άδεια απορρίπτεται
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail el Παρακαλούμε ρυθμίστε το πιστοποιητικό S/MIME στην καρτέλα Κρυπτογράφηση που βρίσκεται στο παράθυρο διαλόγου Επεξεργασία λογαριασμού.
please enter password mail el Παρακαλώ εισάγετε συνθηματικό
please select a address mail el Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε μία διεύθυνση
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail el παρακαλώ επιλέξτε τον αριθμό των ημερών για αναμονή μεταξύ των απαντήσεων
@ -357,6 +369,7 @@ preview pane mail el Περιοχή προεπισκόπισης
primary profile mail el Πρωτεύων προφίλ
printing mail el εκτυπώνει
printview mail el εμφάνιση εκτύπωσης
push notifications mail el Ειδοποιήσεις Push
quicksearch mail el Γρήγορη αναζήτηση
quicksearch (with cc) mail el Γρήγορη αναζήτηση (περιλαμβ. πεδίο κοινοποίησης)
read mail el αναγνώστηκε
@ -441,8 +454,10 @@ show all folders, (subscribed and unsubscribed) in main screen folder pane mail
show horizontal mail el εμφάνιση οριζοντίως
show horizontal, hide if none selected mail el εμφάνιση οριζοντίως, απόκρυψη εάν δεν έχει επιλεγεί κάποιο μήνυμα
show new messages on home page mail el εμφάνιση νέων μηνυμάτων στην αρχική σελίδα
show notification for new arriving mails mail el Εμφάνιση ειδοποίησης για νέα εισερχόμενα μηνύματα
show them this time only mail el Εφάνισε τα μόνο αυτή τη φορά
show vertical mail el εμφάνιση κάθετα
show vertical with all columns mail el Εμφάνιση κάθετης με όλες τις στήλες
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail el Εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη περιοχής πορεπικόπισης στην λίστα των μηνυμάτων
sieve mail el Sieve
sieve connection status mail el Κατάσταση επικοινωνίας Sieve
@ -521,4 +536,5 @@ yes, offer copy option mail el ναι, να προτείνεται δυνατό
yes, only trigger connection reset mail el ναι, να γίνεται πρόκληση επαναφοράς της σύνδεσης
yes, show all debug information available for the user mail el ναι, να εμφανίζονται όλες οι πληροφορίες αποσφαλμάτωσης που είναι διαθέσιμες για τον χρήστη
yes, show basic info only mail el ναι, εμφάνιση μόνο βασικών πληροφοριών
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail el Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε ποιες πληροφορίες θα εμφανίζονται στην ετικέτα email.
you've got new mail mail el Έχετε νέο μήνυμα
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ learning as ham (not spam) failed because of %1 mail en Learning as ham (not spa
learning as spam failed because of %1 mail en Learning as spam failed because of %1
less than mail en less than
limit mailing list results when searching for addresses mail en Limit mailing list results when searching for addresses
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail en List of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. Mail compose save as infolog action)
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail en List of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. Mail compose save as InfoLog action)
mail common en Mail
mail acl mail en Mail ACL
mail filter mail en Mail filter
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ move to archive mail en Move to archive folder
move to trash mail en Move to trash
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail en Moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3
moving folders from one mailaccount to another is not supported mail en Moving Folders from one mail account to another is not supported
name and email mail en name and email
name and email mail en Name and email
name of account mail en Name of account
name of imap servers (space separated host or host:port) mail en Name of IMAP servers (space separated host or host:port)
never display html emails mail en Never display HTML emails
@ -409,21 +409,21 @@ on mail en on
on behalf of mail en On behalf of
on vacation mail en On vacation
one address is not valid mail en One address is not valid
only email mail en only email
only email mail en Only email
only if currently in an other app mail en Only if currently in an other app
only makes sense, if you transport password through a different channel / outside of this mail to recipients! mail en Only makes sense, if you transport password through a different channel / outside of this mail to recipients!
only name mail en only name
only name mail en Only name
only needed for some servers, that do not return all folders on root level queries to retrieve all folders for that level mail en only needed for some servers, that do not return all folders on root level queries to retrieve all folders for that level
only one window mail en only one window
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail en only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder
only store message in inbox, do not send vacation notice mail en Only store message in INBOX, do NOT send vacation notice
open in html mode mail en Open in HTML mode
open in text mode mail en Open in Text mode
open with collabora office mail en Open with Collabora Office
organisation admin en organisation
open with collabora office mail en Open with Collabora Online
organisation admin en Organisation
organization mail en organization
organization | real name email mail en Organization | Real name [Email]
original message mail en original message
original message mail en Original message
outbox mail en Outbox
password protect mail en password protect
permission denied mail en Permission denied
@ -442,15 +442,15 @@ prevent managing filters mail en Prevent managing filters
prevent managing folders mail en Prevent managing folders
prevent managing notifications mail en Prevent managing notifications
prevent managing vacation notice mail en Prevent managing vacation notice
preview pane mail en Preview pane
preview pane mail en Window layout
primary profile mail en Primary Profile
printing mail en printing
printview mail en printview
printing mail en Printing
printview mail en Printview
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail en Processing of file %1 failed. Failed to meet basic restrictions.
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously) admin en provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously)
push notifications mail en Push notifications
quicksearch mail en quicksearch
quicksearch (with cc) mail en quicksearch (incl.CC)
quicksearch mail en Quicksearch
quicksearch (with cc) mail en Quicksearch (+Copy)
quota limit warning in megabyte (recommended value is 30 mb). mail en Quota limit warning in MegaByte (recommended value is 30 MB).
quota not provided by server mail en Quota not provided by server
quota: %1 mail en Quota: %1
@ -576,14 +576,14 @@ show notification for new arriving mails mail en Show notification for new arriv
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed? mail en Show Test Connection section and control the level of info displayed?
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed?? mail en Show Test Connection section and control the level of info displayed??
show them this time only mail en Show them this time only
show vertical mail en show vertical
show vertical with all columns mail en show vertical with all columns
show vertical mail en Show vertical
show vertical with all columns mail en Show vertical with all columns
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail en Show/Hide preview pane in mail list view
shows a temporary visible notification including from address, subject and a snippet of the mail mail en Shows a temporary visible notification including from address, subject and a snippet of the mail
sieve mail en Sieve
sieve connection status mail en Sieve Connection Status
sieve not activated mail en Sieve not activated
sieve script name mail en sieve script name
sieve script name mail en Sieve script name
sieve server mail en Sieve server
sieve_edit_instructions mail en (*) wildcards (*,?) may be used. If you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). If you check "Use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions. In order to escape of exclamation mark (!) at the begining not being used as "NOT", use regex and backslash (\) (e.g. \!)
sign your message with smime certificate mail en Sign your message with S/MIME certificate
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ yes, only trigger connection reset mail en yes, only trigger connection reset
yes, show all debug information available for the user mail en yes, show all debug information available for the user
yes, show basic info only mail en yes, show basic info only
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail en You can either choose to save as infolog OR tracker, not both.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail en You can select what info to be displayed on email tag
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail en You can select what info to be displayed on email tag.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail en You can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date.
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail en You may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature.
you need to enter your s/mime passphrase to send this message. mail en You need to enter your S/MIME passphrase to send this message.
@ -79,12 +79,15 @@ before reply, visible during compose mail es-es Antes de la respuesta, visible d
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail es-es Los mensajes en la lista negra están marcados como spam
but check shared folders mail es-es pero compruebe las carpetas compartidas
by date mail es-es por fecha
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail es-es Por defecto, 'http://' se sustituye por 'https://'. Si lo desea, puede configurar 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' para que también cargue imágenes sólo disponibles a través de http.
caching of flags mail es-es Almacenamiento en caché de banderas
can not open imap connection mail es-es No se puede abrir la conexión IMAP
can not resolve the winmail.dat attachment! mail es-es ¡No se puede resolver el archivo adjunto winmail.dat!
canceled deletion due to user interaction mail es-es supresión cancelada debido a la interacción del usuario
certificate info for email %1 mail es-es Información del certificado para el correo-e %1
change editor type mail es-es cambiar el editor al modo HTML
changed profile mail es-es perfil cambiado
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail es-es Error al cambiar el asunto La carpeta %1 no existe
check message against next rule also mail es-es comprobar el mensaje también con la regla siguiente
check to receive a notification when the message is read (note: not all clients support this and/or the receiver may not authorize the notification) mail es-es marque para recibir una notificación cuando se lee el mensaje (nota: no todos los clientes apoyan esto y/o el receptor no puede autorizar la notificación)
check to save as calendar event on send mail es-es marque para guardar como evento al enviar
@ -103,6 +106,7 @@ confirm attach message mail es-es Confirmar adjuntar mensaje
confirm move to folder mail es-es Confirmar mover a carpeta
connect to profile %1 mail es-es Conectar al perfil %1
connection status mail es-es Estado de la conexión
contact label mail es-es Etiqueta de contacto
contains mail es-es contiene
contains(*) mail es-es Contiene(*)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail es-es convertir el correo a elemento y adjuntar sus adjuntos a este elemento (estándar)
@ -297,6 +301,7 @@ importance mail es-es importancia
important mail es-es importante
in order to protect your privacy all external sources within this email are blocked. mail es-es Para proteger su privacidad, todas las fuentes externas dentro de este correo-e están bloqueadas.
inbox mail es-es Bandeja de entrada
information to show on email tag mail es-es Información a mostrar en la etiqueta de correo electrónico
initialization of mail failed. please use the wizard to cope with the problem. mail es-es Error en la inicialización del correo. Por favor, use el asistente para hacer frente al problema.
inline mail es-es En línea
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures) mail es-es inserte la firma en la parte superior del mensaje al abrir el diálogo de redactar (quizás no pueda cambiar la firma)
@ -309,6 +314,7 @@ later mail es-es Más tarde
learning as ham (not spam) failed because of %1 mail es-es El aprendizaje como ham (no spam) falló debido a %1
learning as spam failed because of %1 mail es-es El aprendizaje como spam falló debido a %1
less than mail es-es menor que
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail es-es Lista de acciones que deben activarse por defecto (por ejemplo, la acción Guardar como InfoLog de Mail composose)
mail common es-es Correo
mail acl mail es-es Lista de control de acceso del correo
mail filter mail es-es Filtro de correo
@ -343,6 +349,7 @@ move to mail es-es Mover a
move to trash mail es-es mover a la papelera
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail es-es movido %1 mensaje(s) de %2 a %3
moving folders from one mailaccount to another is not supported mail es-es Mover carpetas de una cuenta de correo a otra no está soportada
name and email mail es-es Nombre y correo electrónico
name of account mail es-es Nombre de la cuenta
never display html emails mail es-es nunca mostrar los correos en HTML
never show mail es-es nunca mostrar
@ -371,16 +378,22 @@ notify about new mail in this folders mail es-es Notificar sobre el correo nuevo
notify when new mails arrive in these folders mail es-es notificar cuando llegan nuevos correos a estas carpetas
on mail es-es en
one address is not valid mail es-es Una dirección no es válida
only email mail es-es Sólo email
only name mail es-es Sólo nombre
only one window mail es-es sólo una ventana
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail es-es sólo enviar mensaje, no copia una versión del mensaje a la carpeta de envío configurada
open in html mode mail es-es Abrir en modo HTML
open in text mode mail es-es Abrir en modo texto
organisation admin es-es organización
open with collabora office mail es-es Abrir con Collabora Online
organisation admin es-es Organización
organization mail es-es organización
original message mail es-es mensaje original
organization | real name email mail es-es Organización | Nombre real [Email]
original message mail es-es Mensaje original
outbox mail es-es Bandeja de salida
password protect mail es-es protegido por contraseña
permission denied mail es-es Permiso denegado
please configure access to an existing individual imap account. mail es-es por favor, configure el acceso a una cuenta individual IMAP.
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail es-es Por favor, configure su certificado S/MIME en la pestaña Cifrado del cuadro de diálogo Editar cuenta.
please select a address mail es-es Por favor, seleccione una dirección
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail es-es Por favor, seleccione el número de días a esperar entre las respuestas
please supply the message to send with auto-responses mail es-es Por favor, indique el mensaje a enviar para respuestas automáticas
@ -389,16 +402,18 @@ prevent managing filters mail es-es Impedir la gestión de filtros
prevent managing folders mail es-es Impedir la gestión de carpetas
prevent managing notifications mail es-es Impedir la gestión de notificaciones
prevent managing vacation notice mail es-es Impedir la gestión de aviso de vacaciones
preview pane mail es-es Panel de vista previa
preview pane mail es-es Diseño de la ventana
primary profile mail es-es Perfil principal
printing mail es-es imprimiendo
printing mail es-es Impresión
printview mail es-es vista de impresión
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail es-es Error al procesar el archivo %1. No se cumplieron las restricciones básicas.
push notifications mail es-es Notificaciones push
quicksearch mail es-es Búsqueda rápida
quicksearch (with cc) mail es-es Búsqueda rápida (incluyendo copia a)
quota not provided by server mail es-es Cuota no proporcionada por el servidor
quota: %1 mail es-es Cuota: %1
read mail es-es leer
read / unread mail es-es Leído / No leído
readable mail es-es ilegible
real name mail es-es Nombre real
real name email mail es-es Nombre real [Correo-e]
@ -487,7 +502,10 @@ show all folders mail es-es mostrar todas las carpetas
show horizontal mail es-es mostrar horizontal
show horizontal, hide if none selected mail es-es mostrar horizontal, ocultar si no hay seleccionados
show new messages on home page mail es-es mostrar nuevos mensajes en la página principal
show notification for new arriving mails mail es-es Mostrar notificación de nuevos correos recibidos
show vertical mail es-es mostrar vertical
show vertical with all columns mail es-es Mostrar vertical con todas las columnas
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail es-es Mostrar/ocultar el panel de vista previa en la vista de lista de correo
sieve mail es-es Sieve
sieve connection status mail es-es Estado de la conexión Sieve
sieve not activated mail es-es Sieve no está activado
@ -578,6 +596,7 @@ yes, offer copy option mail es-es sí, ofrecer la opción de copiar
yes, show all debug information available for the user mail es-es si, mostrar toda la información de depuración disponible para el usuario
yes, show basic info only mail es-es si, sólo mostrar información básica
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail es-es Puede elegir guardar como infolog o seguimiento, no ambos.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail es-es Puede seleccionar la información que se mostrará en la etiqueta de correo electrónico.
you need to save the message as draft first before to be able to save it into vfs mail es-es Debe guardar primero el mensaje como borrador para poder guardarlo en VFS
you will loose current message body, unless you save it to your clipboard! mail es-es Usted perderá el cuerpo del mensaje actual, a menos que lo guarde en su portapapeles!
you've got new mail mail es-es Tiene correo nuevo
@ -9,7 +9,11 @@ always show notifiction mail et Näita alati teavitust
answered mail et Vastatud
any status mail et kõik staatused
by date mail et Kuupäeva järgi
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail et Vaikimisi asendatakse "http://" lihtsalt "https://". Saate vabalt konfigureerida 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/', et laadida ka pilte, mis on saadaval ainult http kaudu.
caching of flags mail et Lipude vahemälu
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail et Teema muutmine ebaõnnestus kaust %1 ei ole olemas.
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail et Konfigureeritud väärtused määratakse automaatselt koostamise dialoogis kinnipeetavale väljale, kui koostate uue e-kirja.
contact label mail et Kontakt silt
contains mail et sisaldab
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail et Det er ikke tilladt at foretage en fremadrettet vedhæftning på tværs af konti!
date(newest first) mail et Kuupäev (uuemad enne)
@ -44,8 +48,10 @@ html mail et Html
if mail et KUI
imap mail et IMAP
imap server mail et IMAP Server
information to show on email tag mail et E-posti sildil kuvatav teave
later mail et Hiljem
less than mail et vähem kui
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail et Loetelu tegevustest, mis tuleb vaikimisi sisse lülitada/aktiveerida (nt Mail compose save as InfoLog action).
mail common et E-postid
mail acl mail et Juurdepääsuõigused
mail filter mail et Maili filter
@ -62,17 +68,29 @@ mark as deleted mail et Märgi kui kustutatud
modify subject mail et Muuda teemat
modify subject of this message mail et Muuda selle sõnumi teemat
move to trash mail et Liiguta trash-i
name and email mail et Nimi ja e-posti aadress
never display html emails mail et Ära näita kunagi HTML emaile
new subject mail et Uus teema
no signature mail et pole signatuuri
no sneak preview in list mail et Sõnumi eelvaade puudub
on mail et :
only email mail et Ainult e-post
only name mail et Ainult nimi
only one window mail et ainult üks aken
open with collabora office mail et Avamine Collabora Online'iga
organisation admin et Organisatsioon
organization | real name email mail et Organisatsioon | Tegelik nimi [E-post]
original message mail et Algne sõnum
outbox mail et Väljaminev postkast
permission denied mail et Õigused puuduvad
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail et Palun konfigureerige oma S/MIME-sertifikaat vahekaardil Encryption, mis asub dialoogis Muuda kontot.
please select a address mail et Palun vali aadress
predefined addresses for compose mail et Koostamise jaoks etteantud aadressid
preview pane mail et Akna paigutus
printing mail et Trükkimine
push notifications mail et Push-teated
quicksearch mail et Kiirotsing
quicksearch (with cc) mail et Kiirotsing (+Kopeerimine)
refresh time in minutes mail et Värkendamise aeg minutites
remove all mail et Eemalda Kõik
remove immediately mail et Eemalda koheselt!
@ -83,6 +101,10 @@ select all mail et Märgi kõik
select or insert email address mail et Valige või sisestage e-posti aadress
set flags mail et Märgista e-kiri kui
set predefined values for compose... mail et Määrake komplekteerimise jaoks etteantud väärtused ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail et Näita teateid uute saabunud kirjade kohta
show vertical mail et Näita vertikaalset
show vertical with all columns mail et Näita vertikaalselt kõiki veergusid
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail et Näita/peida eelvaatepaneel postide loendi vaates
signature mail et Allkiri
signature at top mail et allkiri üleval
signature position and visibility mail et Allkirja asukoht ja nähtavus
@ -97,3 +119,4 @@ text mail et Tekst
trash folder mail et Trash Kaust
unread mail et lugematta
write mail et Kirjuta
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail et Saate valida, millist teavet kuvatakse e-posti sildil.
@ -17,12 +17,16 @@ any of mail fi Mikä tahansa
any status mail fi Mikä tahansa tila
attachments mail fi Liitteet
by date mail fi Päivämäärän mukaan
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail fi Oletusarvoisesti "http://" korvataan vain "https://". Voit vapaasti määrittää 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' lataamaan myös kuvia, jotka ovat saatavilla vain http:n kautta.
caching of flags mail fi Lippujen välimuistiin tallentaminen
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail fi Aiheen vaihtaminen epäonnistui kansiota %1 ei ole olemassa.
check message against next rule also mail fi Tarkista viesti myös seuraavaa sääntöä vastaan
compose mail fi Kirjoita viesti
compose as new mail fi Kirjoita uusi viesti
compress folder mail fi Tiivistä kansio
condition mail fi Ehdot
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail fi Määritetyt arvot asetetaan automaattisesti laatimisvalintaikkunassa arvostetulle kentälle, kun laadit uutta sähköpostia.
contact label mail fi Yhteystieto etiketti
contains mail fi Sisältää
copy to mail fi Kopio
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail fi Tilin rajat ylittävä eteenpäin kiinnittäminen ei ole sallittua!
@ -104,12 +108,14 @@ import of message %1 failed. destination folder not set. mail fi Viestin %1 tuon
import of message %1 failed. no contacts to merge and send to specified. mail fi Viestin %1 tuonti epäonnistui. Kontaktia ei ole asetettu.
importance mail fi Tärkeys
inbox mail fi Saapuneet
information to show on email tag mail fi Sähköpostitunnisteessa näytettävät tiedot
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures) mail fi Aseta allekirjoitus oman viestisi alapuolelle vastatessasi sähköpostiin.
junk mail fi Roskaposti
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail fi Pidä kopio viestistä Inboxissa
kilobytes mail fi Kilotavu(a)
later mail fi Jälkeen
less than mail fi Vähemmän kuin
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail fi Luettelo toiminnoista, jotka kytketään/aktivoidaan oletusarvoisesti päälle (esim. Mail kompositio tallenna InfoLog-toimintona).
mail common fi Sähköpostit
mail acl mail fi Käyttöoikeudet
mail filter mail fi Postisuodatin
@ -130,6 +136,7 @@ modify subject of this message mail fi Muokkaa tämän viestin aihetta
move selected to mail fi Siirrä valitut
move to mail fi Siirrä valitut:
move to trash mail fi Siirrä roskakoriin
name and email mail fi Nimi ja sähköpostiosoite
never display html emails mail fi Älä näytä HTML -sähköposteja
new subject mail fi Uusi aihe
no access mail fi Ei pääsyä
@ -143,19 +150,31 @@ no subject given! mail fi Aihe puuttuu!
none, create all mail fi Ei mitään, luo kaikki
nothing to change. mail fi Ei muutettavaa.
one address is not valid mail fi Yksi osoite ei kelpaa
only email mail fi Vain sähköpostiosoite
only name mail fi Vain nimi
only one window mail fi Vain yksi ikkuna
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail fi Ainoastaan lähetä viesti, älä kopoi sitä Lähetetyt-kansioon
open in html mode mail fi Avaa HTML-tilassa
open in text mode mail fi Avaa tekstitilassa
open with collabora office mail fi Avaa Collabora Online -ohjelmalla
organisation admin fi Organisaatio
organization mail fi Organisaatio
organization | real name email mail fi Organisaatio | Oikea nimi [Sähköposti]
original message mail fi Alkuperäinen viesti
outbox mail fi Lähtevä postilaatikko
permission denied mail fi Pääsy estetty
please configure access to an existing individual imap account. mail fi Konfiguroi jo olemassaolevan IMAP sähköpostitilisi asetukset.
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail fi Määritä S/MIME-varmenne Encryption-välilehdellä, joka sijaitsee Muokkaa tiliä -valintaikkunassa.
please select a address mail fi Valitse osoite
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail fi Valitse päivien lukumäärä, joka vastausten välillä odotetaan
please supply the message to send with auto-responses mail fi Anna viesti joka lähetetään automaattisella vastauksella
predefined addresses for compose mail fi Ennalta määritetyt osoitteet laatimista varten
preview pane mail fi Ikkunan asettelu
printing mail fi Tulostus
printview mail fi Tulostuksen esikatselu
push notifications mail fi Push-ilmoitukset
quicksearch mail fi Pikahaku
quicksearch (with cc) mail fi Pikahaku (+kopiointi)
refresh time in minutes mail fi Päivitysaika minuutteina
reject with mail fi Hylkää
remove all mail fi Poista kaikki
@ -183,6 +202,10 @@ sent mail fi Lähetetyt
sent folder mail fi Lähetetyt kansio
set flags mail fi Merkitse sähköposti
set predefined values for compose... mail fi Aseta valmiiksi määritetyt arvot lähettämistä varten ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail fi Näytä ilmoitus uusista saapuneista sähköpostiviesteistä
show vertical mail fi Näytä pystysuora
show vertical with all columns mail fi Näytä pystysuora näkymä kaikkine sarakkeineen
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail fi Näytä/piilota esikatseluruutu sähköpostiluettelonäkymässä
sieve mail fi Sieve
sieve script name mail fi Sieve skriptin nimi
signature mail fi Allekirjoitus
@ -223,4 +246,5 @@ write mail fi Kirjoita
wrote mail fi Kirjoitettu
yes, offer copy option mail fi Kyllä, tarjoa kopiointimahdollisuutta
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail fi Voit tallentaa joko InfoLogina tai reklamaationa, et molempina!
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail fi Voit valita, mitä tietoja sähköpostitunnisteessa näytetään.
you've got new mail mail fi Sinulle on uusi sähköposti
@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ before reply, visible during compose mail fr Avant la réponse, visible pendant
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail fr Les mails en liste noire sont marqués comme spam
but check shared folders mail fr sauf les dossiers partagés sélectionnés
by date mail fr Par date
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail fr Par défaut, 'http://' est simplement remplacé par 'https://'. N'hésitez pas à configurer 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' pour qu'il charge également les images disponibles uniquement via http.
caching of flags mail fr Mise en cache des drapeaux
can not open imap connection mail fr Ne peut pas ouvrir de connexion IMAP
can not resolve the winmail.dat attachment! mail fr Impossible de lire le fichier winmail.dat !
canceled deletion due to user interaction mail fr Suppression annulée par une interaction utilisateur
@ -83,6 +85,7 @@ certificate info for email %1 mail fr Info de certificat pour l'email %1
change editor type mail fr changer l'éditeur vers le mode HTML
changed profile mail fr Profil changé
changing subject failed because of %1 mail fr Changement de l'objet échoué parce que %1
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail fr Échec de la modification du sujet : le dossier %1 n'existe pas
check message against next rule also mail fr Vérifiez le message avec la prochaine règle également
check to receive a notification when the message is read (note: not all clients support this and/or the receiver may not authorize the notification) mail fr cocher pour recevoir une notification lorsque le message est lu (note : tous les clients de messagerie ne supportent pas cette fonction et tous les destinataires n'autorisent pas la notification)
check to save as calendar event on send mail fr cocher pour sauvegarder comme Evénement après l'envoi
@ -101,6 +104,7 @@ confirm attach message mail fr Confirmer l'attachement au message
confirm move to folder mail fr Confirmer le déplacement vers un dossier
connect to profile %1 mail fr Connexion au profil %1
connection status mail fr Statut de la connexion
contact label mail fr Etiquette de contact
contains mail fr contient
contains(*) mail fr Contient(*)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail fr Convertir le message en item et y attacher ses pièces jointes
@ -282,6 +286,7 @@ import message mail fr Importer le message
importance mail fr Importance
important mail fr important
inbox mail fr Boîte de réception
information to show on email tag mail fr Informations à faire figurer sur l'étiquette du courrier électronique
initialization of mail failed. please use the wizard to cope with the problem. mail fr L'initialisation du courrier en échec. Veuillez utiliser l'assistant pour traiter le problème.
inline mail fr Transférer
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures) mail fr insérer la signature en haut du message (ou réponse) à l'ouverture de la fenêtre de rédaction (vous pourriez alors ne as pouvoir changer de signature)
@ -292,6 +297,7 @@ keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail fr Garder une copie du message dan
kilobytes mail fr kilo-octets
later mail fr Plus tard
less than mail fr Moins que
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail fr Liste des actions à activer par défaut (par exemple, l'action "Mail compose save as InfoLog")
mail common fr Mail
mail acl mail fr ACL Mail
mail filter mail fr Filtre de mail
@ -325,6 +331,7 @@ move to archive mail fr Déplacer vers le dossier archives
move to trash mail fr Déplacer vers la Corbeille
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail fr Déplacer %1 message(s) de %2 vers %3
moving folders from one mailaccount to another is not supported mail fr Déplacer des dossiers d'un compte à un autre n'est pas supporté
name and email mail fr Nom et email
name of account mail fr Nom du compte
never display html emails mail fr Ne jamais afficher les messages HTML
never show mail fr Ne jamais afficher
@ -358,17 +365,22 @@ notify when new mails arrive in these folders mail fr M'avertir lorsque de nouve
on mail fr le
on behalf of mail fr De la part de
one address is not valid mail fr Une adresse n'est pas valide
only email mail fr Seulement le email
only name mail fr Seulement le nom
only one window mail fr Seulement une fenêtre
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail fr Envoyer le message uniquement, ne pas copier vers le dossier des messages envoyés
open in html mode mail fr Ouvrir en mode HTML
open in text mode mail fr Ouvrir en mode texte
organisation admin fr organisation
open with collabora office mail fr Ouvrir avec Collabora Online
organisation admin fr Organisation
organization mail fr Entreprise
original message mail fr message d'origine
organization | real name email mail fr Organisation | Nom réel [Email]
original message mail fr Message d'origine
outbox mail fr Boîte d'envoi
password protect mail fr protection par mot de passe
permission denied mail fr Permission refusée
please configure access to an existing individual imap account. mail fr Veuillez configurer l'accès à un compte IMAP individuel existant.
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail fr Veuillez configurer votre certificat S/MIME dans l'onglet Encryption situé dans la boîte de dialogue Edit Account.
please enter password mail fr Veuillez entrer un mot de passe
please select a address mail fr Sélectionner une adresse
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail fr Sélectionner le nombre de jours pour attendre entre les réponses
@ -379,11 +391,12 @@ prevent managing filters mail fr Empêcher la gestion des filtres
prevent managing folders mail fr Empêcher la gestion des dossiers
prevent managing notifications mail fr Empêcher la gestion des notifications
prevent managing vacation notice mail fr Empêcher la gestion des messages d'absence
preview pane mail fr Panneau de prévisualisation
preview pane mail fr Disposition des fenêtres
primary profile mail fr Profil primaire
printing mail fr impression
printview mail fr aperçu avant impression
printing mail fr Impression
printview mail fr Vue d'impression
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously) admin fr fournir un message d'absence par défaut (pour les nouveaux messages d'absence lorsque aucun message n'existait auparavant)
push notifications mail fr Notifications push
quicksearch mail fr Recherche Rapide
quicksearch (with cc) mail fr Recherche rapide (avec les CC)
quota not provided by server mail fr Quota non indiqué par le serveur
@ -491,7 +504,9 @@ show all folders mail fr Afficher tous les dossiers
show horizontal mail fr Afficher à l'horizontale
show horizontal, hide if none selected mail fr Afficher à l'horizontale, cacher si aucun sélectionner
show new messages on home page mail fr Afficher les nouveaux messages sur la page d'accueil
show notification for new arriving mails mail fr Afficher une notification pour les nouveaux mails reçus
show vertical mail fr Afficher à la verticale
show vertical with all columns mail fr Afficher l'écran vertical avec toutes les colonnes
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail fr Afficher/Maquer le panneau de prévisualisation dans la vue liste
sieve mail fr Sieve
sieve connection status mail fr Statut de connexion à Sieve
@ -588,6 +603,7 @@ yes, but mask all usernames and passwords mail fr Oui, mais masquer les noms d'u
yes, offer copy option mail fr oui, proposer une option de copie
yes, show basic info only mail fr Oui, afficher seulement les informations de base
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail fr Vous pouvez choisir de sauvegarder soit dans infolog soit dans tracker, pas les 2
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail fr Vous pouvez sélectionner les informations à afficher sur l'étiquette de l'e-mail.
you need to install mailvelope plugin available for chrome and firefox from %1. mail fr Vous devez installer le plugin Mailvelope, disponbible pour Chrome et Firefox depuis %1.
you need to save the message as draft first before to be able to save it into vfs mail fr Vous devez enregistrer votre message comme brouillon avant de pouvoir l'enregistrer dans le VFS
you will loose current message body, unless you save it to your clipboard! mail fr Vous allez perdre le contenu de votre message, sauf si vous l'avez dans votre presse-papier !
@ -17,12 +17,16 @@ any of mail hu bármennyi
any status mail hu bármilyen állapot
attachments mail hu Mellékletek
by date mail hu dátum szerint
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail hu Alapértelmezés szerint a "http://" helyébe a "https://" lép. Nyugodtan konfigurálhatja a 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/'-t úgy, hogy csak http-n keresztül elérhető képeket is betöltsön.
caching of flags mail hu A zászlók gyorsítótárazása
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail hu A téma módosítása sikertelen %1 mappa nem létezik.
check message against next rule also mail hu üzenet ellenőrzése a következő szabály szerint is
compose mail hu Szerkeszt
compose as new mail hu szerkesztés újként
compress folder mail hu Mappa tömörítése
condition mail hu feltétel
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail hu A beállított értékek automatikusan beállítódnak a kompozíció párbeszédpanelen az adott mezőhöz, amikor új e-mailt állít össze.
contact label mail hu Kapcsolat címke
contains mail hu tartalmaz
copy to mail hu Másold ide:
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail hu Kereszt számla előre csatolása nem megengedett!
@ -99,11 +103,13 @@ imap mail hu IMAP
imap server mail hu IMAP szerver
importance mail hu Fontosság
inbox mail hu Bejövő
information to show on email tag mail hu Az e-mail címkén megjelenítendő információk
junk mail hu Spam
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail hu másolat megőrzése a Bejövő postafiókban
kilobytes mail hu kilobájt
later mail hu Később
less than mail hu kisebb mint
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail hu Az alapértelmezés szerint bekapcsolandó/aktiválandó műveletek listája (pl. Mail compose mentés InfoLog műveletként)
mail common hu E-mail
mail acl mail hu Hozzáférési jogok
mail filter mail hu Levélszűrő
@ -124,6 +130,7 @@ modify subject of this message mail hu Az üzenet tárgyának módosítása
move selected to mail hu kijelöltek mozgatása
move to mail hu kijelöltek mozgatása
move to trash mail hu Szemetesbe mozgatás
name and email mail hu Név és e-mail cím
never display html emails mail hu Soha ne jelenítse meg a HTML formátumú emaileket
new subject mail hu Új tárgy
no access mail hu Nincs hozzáférés
@ -137,17 +144,30 @@ no subject given! mail hu Az üzenethez nincs tárgy megadva.
none, create all mail hu egyik sem, összes létrehozása
on mail hu be
one address is not valid mail hu Egy cím érvénytelen
only email mail hu Csak e-mail
only name mail hu Csak név
only one window mail hu csak egy ablak
organisation admin hu szervezet
organization mail hu szervezet
original message mail hu eredeti üzenet
open in html mode mail hu Megnyitás HTML módban
open in text mode mail hu Megnyitás szöveges módban
open with collabora office mail hu Megnyitás a Collabora Online segítségével
organisation admin hu Szervezet
organization mail hu Szervezet
organization | real name email mail hu Szervezet | Valódi név [Email]
original message mail hu Eredeti üzenet
outbox mail hu Kimenő postaláda
permission denied mail hu Hozzáférés megtagadva
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail hu Kérjük, konfigurálja az S/MIME tanúsítványt a Fiók szerkesztése párbeszédpanelen található Titkosítás fülön.
please select a address mail hu Kérlek válassz címet
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail hu Kérlek add hány napot várjon a válaszok között
please supply the message to send with auto-responses mail hu Kérlek add meg az automatikus válaszüzenetet
predefined addresses for compose mail hu Előre definiált címek az összeállításhoz
preview pane mail hu Ablak elrendezés
printing mail hu Nyomtatás
printview mail hu nyomtatási kép
push notifications mail hu Push értesítések
quicksearch mail hu Gyorskeresés
quicksearch (with cc) mail hu Gyorskeresés (+másolás)
read / unread mail hu Olvasott / Olvasatlan
refresh time in minutes mail hu Frissítési időintervallum percben
reject with mail hu elutasítás
remove immediately mail hu Azonnali eltávolítás
@ -170,6 +190,10 @@ sent mail hu Elköldött üzenetek
sent folder mail hu 'Elküldött' mappa
set flags mail hu Jelölje meg az e-mailt
set predefined values for compose... mail hu Előre meghatározott értékek beállítása az összeállításhoz ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail hu Értesítés megjelenítése az újonnan érkező levelekről
show vertical mail hu Függőleges megjelenítés
show vertical with all columns mail hu Függőleges megjelenítés minden oszloppal
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail hu Előnézeti ablak megjelenítése/elrejtése a levelek listájának nézetében
sieve mail hu Sieve
sieve script name mail hu Sieve szűrő szkript neve
signature mail hu Aláírás
@ -206,3 +230,5 @@ which folders (additional to the sent folder) should be displayed using the sent
which folders - in general - should not be automatically created, if not existing mail hu Melyik mappa ne legyen automatikusan létrehozva?
write mail hu Írás
wrote mail hu írta
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail hu Kiválaszthatja, hogy milyen információk jelenjenek meg az e-mail címke.
you've got new mail mail hu Új levelek érkeztek
@ -14,11 +14,15 @@ any of mail id sembarang
any status mail id status apapun
attachments mail id Lampiran
by date mail id menurut tanggal
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail id Secara default, 'http://' hanya diganti dengan 'https://'. Jangan ragu untuk mengonfigurasi 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' untuk juga memuat gambar yang hanya tersedia melalui http.
caching of flags mail id Menyimpan bendera dalam cache
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail id Mengubah subjek gagal folder %1 tidak ada
compose mail id Tulis
compose as new mail id tulis sbg pesan baru
compress folder mail id Mampatkan folder
condition mail id kondisi
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail id Nilai yang dikonfigurasi akan diatur secara otomatis pada dialog penulisan untuk bidang yang dihormati saat membuat email baru.
contact label mail id Label kontak
contains mail id mengandung
copy to mail id Salin ke
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail id Lampiran penerusan lintas akun tidak diperbolehkan!
@ -68,10 +72,12 @@ imap mail id IMAP
imap server mail id IMAP Server
importance mail id Importance
inbox mail id INBOX
information to show on email tag mail id Informasi untuk ditampilkan pada tag email
junk mail id Junk
kilobytes mail id kilobyte
later mail id Later
less than mail id kurang dari
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail id Daftar tindakan yang akan diaktifkan/dialihkan secara default (misalnya, tindakan menulis surat simpan sebagai InfoLog)
mail common id Surat
mail acl mail id Hak akses
mail filter mail id Filter surat
@ -90,6 +96,7 @@ matches regexp mail id cocok regexp
modify subject mail id Ubah subjek
modify subject of this message mail id Ubah subjek pesan ini
move to mail id Pindahkan ke
name and email mail id Nama dan email
new subject mail id Subjek baru
no access mail id No access
no folders mail id tiada folder
@ -97,13 +104,25 @@ no signature mail id tiada tandatangan
no sneak preview in list mail id Tidak ada pratinjau pesan
no subject given! mail id tiada subyek diisikan!
on mail id pada
only email mail id Hanya email
only name mail id Hanya nama
open in html mode mail id Buka dalam mode HTML
open in text mode mail id Buka dalam mode Teks
open with collabora office mail id Buka dengan Collabora Online
organisation admin id Organisasi
organization mail id organisasi
original message mail id pesan asal
organization | real name email mail id Organisasi | Nama asli [Email]
original message mail id Pesan asli
outbox mail id Kotak keluar
permission denied mail id Ijin ditolak
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail id Konfigurasikan sertifikat S/MIME Anda di tab Enkripsi yang terletak di dialog Edit Akun.
predefined addresses for compose mail id Alamat yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya untuk penulisan
preview pane mail id Tata letak jendela
printing mail id Pencetakan
printview mail id lihat cetakan
quicksearch mail id Cari cepat
push notifications mail id Pemberitahuan push
quicksearch mail id Pencarian cepat
quicksearch (with cc) mail id Pencarian Cepat (+Salin)
reject with mail id tolak dengan
remove all mail id Buang Semuanya
remove immediately mail id Buang segera
@ -124,6 +143,10 @@ sender mail id Pengirim
sent mail id Sent
sent folder mail id Sent Folder
set predefined values for compose... mail id Tetapkan nilai yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya untuk penulisan ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail id Tampilkan pemberitahuan untuk email baru yang masuk
show vertical mail id Tampilkan vertikal
show vertical with all columns mail id Tampilkan vertikal dengan semua kolom
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail id Menampilkan/menyembunyikan panel pratinjau dalam tampilan daftar surat
signature mail id Tandatangan
signature at top mail id Tanda tangan di bagian atas
signature position and visibility mail id Posisi dan visibilitas tanda tangan
@ -149,4 +172,5 @@ unread mail id Tak dibaca
vacation notice mail id vacation notice
write mail id Tulis
wrote mail id menulis
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail id Anda dapat memilih informasi yang akan ditampilkan pada tag email.
you've got new mail mail id Anda mendapat email baru
@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ before reply, visible during compose mail it Prima della risposta, visibile dura
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail it Segnare posta proveniente da indirizzi in blacklist come Spam
but check shared folders mail it ma controlla le cartelle condivise
by date mail it Per data
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail it Per impostazione predefinita, 'http://' è semplicemente sostituito da 'https://'. È possibile configurare 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' per caricare anche le immagini disponibili solo via http.
caching of flags mail it Caching dei flag
can not open imap connection mail it Impossibile stabilire una connessione IMAP
can not resolve the winmail.dat attachment! mail it Non è stato possibile risolvere l'allegato winmail.dat!
canceled deletion due to user interaction mail it Eliminazione interrotta a causa di azione da parte dell'utente
@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ confirm attach message mail it Conferma allegato al messaggio
confirm move to folder mail it Conferma lo spostamento alla cartella
connect to profile %1 mail it Connetti al profilo %1
connection status mail it Stato della connessione
contact label mail it Etichetta di contatto
contains mail it contiene
contains(*) mail it Contiene(*)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail it converti il messaggio email in elemento e allega i suoi allegati a questo elemento (standard)
@ -296,6 +299,7 @@ important mail it Importante
in mailbox: %1, with id: %2, and partid: %3 mail it Nella casella: %1, con ID: %2 e PartID: %3
in order to protect your privacy all external sources within this email are blocked. mail it Per proteggere la tua privacy, tutte le immagini remote (di sorgenti esterne) sono state bloccate.
inbox mail it Posta in arrivo
information to show on email tag mail it Informazioni da mostrare sull'etichetta dell'e-mail
initialization of mail failed. please use the wizard to cope with the problem. mail it L'inizializzazione della posta elettronica non è andata a buon fine. Si prega di usare il Wizard per tentare di risolvere il problema.
inline mail it In linea
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures) mail it Inserisci la firma all'inizio del nuovo messaggio quando ne componi uno
@ -308,6 +312,7 @@ later mail it Più tardi
learning as ham (not spam) failed because of %1 mail it Apprendimento come Ham (non Spam) fallito a causa di %1
learning as spam failed because of %1 mail it Apprendimento come Spam fallito a causa di %1
less than mail it meno di
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail it Elenco di azioni da attivare/attivare per impostazione predefinita (ad esempio, l'azione di composizione della posta salva come InfoLog).
mail common it mail
mail acl mail it Permessi ACL della posta
mail filter mail it Filtro email
@ -346,6 +351,7 @@ move to archive mail it Sposta in archivio
move to trash mail it Sposta nel cestino
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail it spostato %1 messaggi(o) da %2 a %3
moving folders from one mailaccount to another is not supported mail it Lo spostamento di cartelle fra account non è consentito.
name and email mail it Nome e email
name of account mail it Nome account
never display html emails mail it Non visualizzare mai le e-mail scritte in HTML
never show mail it non mostrare mai
@ -377,14 +383,18 @@ notify about new mail in this folders mail it Notifica quando arrivano nuovi mes
notify when new mails arrive in these folders mail it Notifica quando arrivano nuovi messaggi in queste cartelle
on mail it Su
one address is not valid mail it Un indirizzo non è valido
only email mail it Solo l'e-mail
only makes sense, if you transport password through a different channel / outside of this mail to recipients! mail it Ha senso soltanto se il trasporto password avviene attraverso canale diverso al di fuori di questa email ai destinatari!
only name mail it Solo nome
only needed for some servers, that do not return all folders on root level queries to retrieve all folders for that level mail it necessario solo per alcuni server che non restituiscono le tutte le cartelle del livello radice (root)
only one window mail it solo una finestra
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail it Invia semplicemente i messaggio, non copiarli nella cartella della posta inviata
open in html mode mail it Apri in modalità HTML
open in text mode mail it Apri in modalità testo
open with collabora office mail it Aprire con Collabora Online
organisation admin it organizzazione
organization mail it organizzazione
organization | real name email mail it Organizzazione | Nome reale [Email]
original message mail it Messaggio originale
outbox mail it Posta in uscita
password protect mail it proteggi con password
@ -409,6 +419,7 @@ printing mail it in stampa
printview mail it Vista stampa
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail it Elaborazione del file %1 non riuscita. Non sono state soddisfate le regole di base delle restrizioni di caricamento.
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously) admin it inserire il testo predefinito per l'autorisponditore delle ferie, (usato nei messaggi di vacanza quando non viene prima impostato un messaggio)
push notifications mail it Notifiche push
quicksearch mail it ricerca Veloce
quicksearch (with cc) mail it ricerca veloce (incluso CC)
quota not provided by server mail it Il server non fornisce informazioni sulla quota email
@ -518,10 +529,12 @@ show all folders, (subscribed and unsubscribed) in main screen folder pane mail
show horizontal mail it mostra in orizzonale
show horizontal, hide if none selected mail it mostra orizzontale, nascondi se nessuno selezionato
show new messages on home page mail it mostra nuovi messaggi in home page
show notification for new arriving mails mail it Mostra notifica per le nuove mail in arrivo
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed? mail it Mostrare la sezione di Test della connessione e controllare il livello delle informazioni mostrate
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed?? mail it Mostrare la sezione di Prova Connessione e controllare il livello delle informazioni mostrate?
show them this time only mail it Mostrali solo per questa volta
show vertical mail it mostra in verticale
show vertical with all columns mail it Mostra verticale con tutte le colonne
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail it Mostra/Nascondi pannello di anteprima nella vista elenco mail
sieve mail it Sieve
sieve connection status mail it Stato della connessione Sieve
@ -639,10 +652,12 @@ yes, only trigger connection reset mail it Sì, innesca solo la reimpostazione d
yes, show all debug information available for the user mail it sì mostra le informazioni di debug complete disponibili all'utente
yes, show basic info only mail it sì, mostra solo le informazioni di base
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail it Puoi scegliere di salvare come Attività oppure Tracker, non entrambi
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail it È possibile selezionare le informazioni da visualizzare sul tag e-mail.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail it Puoi usare $$start$$ per la data di inizio e $$end$$ per la data fine
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail it Puoi aggiungere questo certificato nel tuo contatto se ti fidi della firma
you need to enter your s/mime passphrase to send this message. mail it È necessario inserire la frase di accesso S/MIME per inviare questo messaggio.
you need to install mailvelope plugin available for chrome and firefox from %1. mail it E' necessario installare il plugin Mailvelope disponibile per Chrome e Firefox da %1.
you need to save the message as draft first before to be able to save it into vfs mail it Devi prima salvare il messaggio come bozza per poterlo salvare nel VFS
you will loose current message body, unless you save it to your clipboard! mail it Il corpo del messaggio attuale verrà perso, a meno che non venga salvato negli appunti!
you've got new mail mail it C'è nuova posta
your remaining quota %1 is too low, you may not be able to send/receive further emails.\n although cleaning up emails in trash or junk folder might help you to get some free space back.\n if that didn't help, please ask your administrator for more quota. mail it La quota rimanente% 1 è troppo bassa, potresti non essere in grado di inviare / ricevere ulteriori email.\n Ripulire i messaggi di posta elettronica nel cestino o nella cartella della posta indesiderata potrebbe aiutarti a recuperare spazio.\n Se ciò non è stato di aiuto , chiedi al tuo amministratore di aumentare la quota disponibile.
@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ before reply, visible during compose mail ja 返信前(メール作成中は
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail ja ブラックリスト・メールをスパムとして処理
but check shared folders mail ja ただし共有フォルダを検査する
by date mail ja 日時
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail ja デフォルトでは'http://'は'https://'に置き換えられます。http経由でのみ利用可能な画像も読み込むように、'https://proxy.egroupware.org/'を自由に設定してください。
caching of flags mail ja フラグのキャッシュ
can not open imap connection mail ja IMAP接続をオープンできませんでした
can not resolve the winmail.dat attachment! mail ja 添付の winmail.dat を解決できません!
canceled deletion due to user interaction mail ja ユーザ割り込みのため削除を中止
@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ confirm attach message mail ja 添付メッセージの確認
confirm move to folder mail ja フォルダ移動の確認
connect to profile %1 mail ja プロフィール %1 に接続
connection status mail ja 接続状態
contact label mail ja 連絡先ラベル
contains mail ja 含む
contains(*) mail ja 含む(*)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail ja メール本文と添付ファイルを保存(標準)
@ -295,6 +298,7 @@ important mail ja 重要
in mailbox: %1, with id: %2, and partid: %3 mail ja メールボックス: %1, ID: %2, パートID: %3
in order to protect your privacy all external sources within this email are blocked. mail ja プライバシー保護のため、このメール中の外部ソースは全てブロックされました。
inbox mail ja INBOX
information to show on email tag mail ja メールタグに表示する情報
initialization of mail failed. please use the wizard to cope with the problem. mail ja メールの初期化に失敗しました。ウィザードを使ってメールを構成してください。
inline mail ja 転送
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures) mail ja 新規作成ダイアログを開く時、署名を新規(または返信)メッセージの上に挿入
@ -307,6 +311,7 @@ later mail ja 後で
learning as ham (not spam) failed because of %1 mail ja ハム(スパムでない)学習に失敗しました(%1)
learning as spam failed because of %1 mail ja スパム学習に失敗しました(%1)
less than mail ja 指定値よりサイズが小さい
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail ja デフォルトでオン/オフにするアクションのリスト (例: メール作成時にInfoLogとして保存するアクション)
mail common ja メール
mail acl mail ja メール ACL
mail filter mail ja メール・フィルター
@ -345,6 +350,7 @@ move to archive mail ja アーカイブに移動
move to trash mail ja ゴミ箱に移動
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail ja %1 個のメッセージを %2 から %3 に移動しました
moving folders from one mailaccount to another is not supported mail ja 別のメール・アカウントのフォルダへの移動はできません
name and email mail ja 名前とメール
name of account mail ja アカウント名
never display html emails mail ja HTMLメールを表示しない
never show mail ja 表示しない
@ -376,15 +382,19 @@ notify about new mail in this folders mail ja これらのフォルダの新着
notify when new mails arrive in these folders mail ja これらのフォルダに新着がある場合に通知
on mail ja on
one address is not valid mail ja メール・アドレスが不正です
only email mail ja メールのみ
only makes sense, if you transport password through a different channel / outside of this mail to recipients! mail ja Only makes sense, if you transport password through a different channel / outside of this mail to recipients!
only name mail ja 名前のみ
only needed for some servers, that do not return all folders on root level queries to retrieve all folders for that level mail ja only needed for some servers, that do not return all folders on root level queries to retrieve all folders for that level
only one window mail ja 単一ウィンドウのみ
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail ja メッセージ送信のみ(送信済みフォルダにコピーしない)
open in html mode mail ja HTML モードで開く
open in text mode mail ja テキスト・モードで開く
open with collabora office mail ja Collabora Onlineで開く
organisation admin ja 組織・団体
organization mail ja 組織・団体
original message mail ja 元のメッセージ
organization | real name email mail ja 団体名|本名 [メールアドレス]
original message mail ja オリジナルメッセージ
outbox mail ja 送信ボックス
password protect mail ja パスワード保護
permission denied mail ja 権限が拒否されました
@ -408,6 +418,7 @@ printing mail ja 印刷中
printview mail ja 印刷用表示
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail ja ファイル %1 の処理に失敗しました。基本的な制限値に抵触。
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously) admin ja 不在通知の内容の既定値を定義します。
push notifications mail ja プッシュ通知
quicksearch mail ja クイック検索
quicksearch (with cc) mail ja クイック検索 (CCを含む)
quota not provided by server mail ja サーバーにクォータ機能がありません
@ -517,10 +528,12 @@ show all folders, (subscribed and unsubscribed) in main screen folder pane mail
show horizontal mail ja 横並びに表示
show horizontal, hide if none selected mail ja 縦並びに表示
show new messages on home page mail ja ホームページで新着メッセージを表示
show notification for new arriving mails mail ja 新着メールの通知を表示する
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed? mail ja 接続試験領域を表示し表示情報のレベルを制御しますか?
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed?? mail ja 接続試験領域を表示し表示情報のレベルを制御しますか?
show them this time only mail ja 今回のみ表示
show vertical mail ja 縦並びに表示
show vertical with all columns mail ja すべてのカラムを縦に表示
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail ja メール・リスト表示でプリビュー画面を表示/非表示
sieve mail ja Sieve
sieve connection status mail ja Sieve 接続状態
@ -638,6 +651,7 @@ yes, only trigger connection reset mail ja はい(接続リセット付き)
yes, show all debug information available for the user mail ja はい(ユーザのデバッグ情報を表示)
yes, show basic info only mail ja はい(基本情報のみ表示)
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail ja インフォログまたはトラッカーに保存することができます。
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail ja メールタグに表示する情報を選択できます。
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail ja 開始日を $$start$$、終了日を $$end$$ で記述できます。
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail ja 署名を信頼できる場合は、この証明書をアドレス帳に追加することができます。
you need to enter your s/mime passphrase to send this message. mail ja S/MIME パスフレーズを入力してメッセージを送信します。
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail ko 기본적으로 'http://'는 'https://'로 대체됩니다. 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/'를 설정하여 http를 통해서만 사용할 수 있는 이미지도 로드하도록 자유롭게 설정할 수 있습니다.
caching of flags mail ko 플래그 캐싱
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail ko 제목 변경 실패 폴더 %1이(가) 존재하지 않습니다.
contact label mail ko 연락처 레이블
deleted mail ko 삭제됨
edit account mail ko 계정 편집
event details follow mail ko ** 다음은 이벤트-설명
@ -5,9 +9,33 @@ everyone mail ko 모두
extended mail ko 확장
from mail ko 부터
general admin ko 일반
information to show on email tag mail ko 이메일 태그에 표시할 정보
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail ko 기본적으로 전환/활성화할 작업 목록(예: 메일 작성 InfoLog 작업으로 저장)
mail settings mail ko 메일 설정
name and email mail ko 이름 및 이메일
only email mail ko 이메일만
only name mail ko 이름만
open in html mode mail ko HTML 모드에서 열기
open in text mode mail ko 텍스트 모드로 열기
open with collabora office mail ko 콜러보라 온라인에서 열기
organisation admin ko 조직
organization | real name email mail ko 조직 | 실명 [이메일]
original message mail ko 원본 메시지
outbox mail ko 받은 편지함
permission denied mail ko 접근권한이 없습니다
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail ko 계정 수정 대화 상자의 암호화 탭에서 S/MIME 인증서를 구성하세요.
preview pane mail ko 창 레이아웃
printing mail ko 인쇄
push notifications mail ko 푸시 알림
quicksearch mail ko 빠른 검색
quicksearch (with cc) mail ko 빠른 검색(+복사)
remove all mail ko 모두 삭제
select all mail ko 모두 선택
show notification for new arriving mails mail ko 새 메일 도착 알림 표시
show vertical mail ko 세로로 표시
show vertical with all columns mail ko 모든 열을 세로로 표시
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail ko 메일 목록 보기에서 미리보기 창 표시/숨기기
small view mail ko 미니뷰
write mail ko 쓰기
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail ko 이메일 태그에 표시할 정보를 선택할 수 있습니다.
you've got new mail mail ko 새 메일이 도착했습니다.
@ -5,7 +5,11 @@ after reply, visible during compose mail lt Po atsakymo, matomas sudarymo metu
aliases+forwards mail lt Slapyvardžiai + persiuntimas
always show notifiction mail lt Visada rodyti pranešimą
answered mail lt Atsakyta
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail lt Pagal numatytuosius nustatymus "http://" tiesiog pakeičiama "https://". Galite laisvai konfigūruoti 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/', kad taip pat būtų įkeliami vaizdai, prieinami tik per http.
caching of flags mail lt Vėliavų spartinimas
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail lt Pakeisti temą nepavyko aplankas %1 neegzistuoja
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail lt Nustatytos reikšmės bus automatiškai nustatytos komponavimo dialogo lange gerbiamam laukui, kai kuriamas naujas el. laiškas.
contact label mail lt Kontaktų etiketė
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail lt Kryžminės paskyros pirmyn priedas neleidžiamas!
current subject mail lt Dabartinė tema
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail lt HTML redaktoriaus įrankių juostoje įjungtos funkcijos kuriant el. laišką
@ -13,6 +17,8 @@ default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail lt Numatytoji S/
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail lt Nustato, ką rodyti kaip pridėto kontakto etiketę į To/Copy/Blind copy (Į / Kopijuoti / Akloji kopija) kuriant el. laišką. Numatytoji reikšmė yra vardas pavardė pavardė, o tuščia reiškia, kad įtraukiama viskas, kas įmanoma.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common lt Nustato, ką rodyti kaip tapatybės etiketę pašto aplanko antraštėje
disable caching of flags mail lt Išjungti vėliavų spartinimą
information to show on email tag mail lt Informacija, kuri turi būti rodoma el. pašto žymoje
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail lt Veiksmų, kurie turi būti įjungti ir (arba) įjungti pagal numatytuosius nustatymus, sąrašas (pvz., veiksmas "Mail kompose išsaugoti kaip "InfoLog")
mail common lt Paštas
mail acl mail lt Prieigos teisės
mail filter mail lt Pašto filtras
@ -28,12 +34,32 @@ mark all messages in folder as read mail lt Pažymėti visus aplanke esančius p
mark as deleted mail lt Pažymėti kaip ištrintus
modify subject mail lt Pakeisti temą
modify subject of this message mail lt Pakeiskite šio pranešimo temą
name and email mail lt Vardas ir el. pašto adresas
new subject mail lt Nauja tema
no sneak preview in list mail lt Nėra pranešimo peržiūros
only email mail lt Tik el. paštas
only name mail lt Tik vardas ir pavardė
open in html mode mail lt Atidaryti HTML režimu
open in text mode mail lt Atidaryti teksto režimu
open with collabora office mail lt Atidaryti naudojant Collabora Online
organisation admin lt Organizacija
organization | real name email mail lt Organizacija | Tikrasis vardas [El. paštas]
original message mail lt Originali žinutė
outbox mail lt Gautų laiškų dėžutė
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail lt Sukonfigūruokite S/MIME sertifikatą paskyros redagavimo dialogo lange esančiame skirtuke Šifravimas.
predefined addresses for compose mail lt Iš anksto nustatyti adresai sudarymui
preview pane mail lt Langų išdėstymas
printing mail lt Spausdinimas
push notifications mail lt "Push" pranešimai
quicksearch mail lt Greita paieška
quicksearch (with cc) mail lt Greita paieška (+ kopijavimas)
save all attachments to filemanager mail lt Įrašyti visus priedus į failų tvarkyklę
select or insert email address mail lt Pasirinkite arba įterpkite el. pašto adresą
set predefined values for compose... mail lt Nustatykite iš anksto nustatytas reikšmes compose ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail lt Rodyti pranešimus apie naujai gautus laiškus
show vertical mail lt Rodyti vertikaliai
show vertical with all columns mail lt Rodyti vertikaliai su visais stulpeliais
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail lt Pašto sąrašo rodinyje rodyti / slėpti peržiūros langą
signature mail lt Parašas
signature at top mail lt parašas viršuje
signature position and visibility mail lt Parašo padėtis ir matomumas
@ -41,3 +67,5 @@ smime encrypted message mail lt S/MIME užšifruotas pranešimas
smime signed message mail lt S/MIME pasirašytas pranešimas
smtp mail lt SMTP
sneak preview in list mail lt Pranešimo peržiūra
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail lt Galite pasirinkti, kokia informacija bus rodoma el. pašto žymoje.
you've got new mail mail lt Gavote naują laišką
@ -9,9 +9,13 @@ always show html emails mail lv Vienmēr rādīt HTML e-pasta vēstules
always show notifiction mail lv Vienmēr rādīt paziņojumu
answered mail lv Atbildēts
attachments mail lv Pielikumi
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail lv Pēc noklusējuma "http://" tiek aizstāts ar "https://". Varat konfigurēt 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/', lai ielādētu arī attēlus, kas pieejami tikai caur http.
caching of flags mail lv Karodziņu kešēšana
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail lv Mainīt tēmu neizdevās mape %1 neeksistē
compose mail lv Rakstīt jaunu
compress folder mail lv Kompresēt mapi
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail lv Konfigurētās vērtības tiks automātiski iestatītas sastādīšanas dialoglodziņā respektējamajam laukam, sastādot jaunu e-pastu.
contact label mail lv Kontakta etiķete
contains mail lv satur
copy to mail lv Kopēt Uz:
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail lv Nav atļauts pievienot starpkonta priekšējo pielikumu!
@ -55,9 +59,11 @@ if mail lv Ja
imap mail lv IMAP
imap server mail lv IMAP serveris
inbox mail lv Iesūtne
information to show on email tag mail lv E-pasta birkā norādāmā informācija
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail lv saglabāt vēstules kopiju IESŪTNĒ
kilobytes mail lv kb
less than mail lv mazāk nekā
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail lv Pēc noklusējuma ieslēdzamo/aktivizējamo darbību saraksts (piemēram, darbība Mail kompose saglabāt kā InfoLog)
mail common lv Pasts
mail acl mail lv Piekļuves tiesības
mail filter mail lv Pasta filtrs
@ -76,15 +82,30 @@ modify subject of this message mail lv Mainīt šī ziņojuma tematu
move selected to mail lv pārvietot atlasītās uz
move to mail lv pārvietot atlasītās uz
move to trash mail lv Pārvietot uz atkritumiem
name and email mail lv Vārds un e-pasts
never display html emails mail lv Nekas nerādīt HTML vēstules
new subject mail lv Jauns temats
no sneak preview in list mail lv Nav ziņojuma priekšskatījuma
on mail lv ieslēgts
only email mail lv Tikai e-pasts
only name mail lv Tikai vārds
open in html mode mail lv Atvērt HTML režīmā
open in text mode mail lv Atvērt teksta režīmā
open with collabora office mail lv Atvērt ar Collabora Online
organisation admin lv Organizācija
organization mail lv organizācija
organization | real name email mail lv Organizācija | Īstais vārds [E-pasts]
original message mail lv Sākotnējā ziņa
outbox mail lv Iesūtne
permission denied mail lv Atļauja liegta
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail lv Lūdzu, konfigurējiet savu S/MIME sertifikātu Encryption cilnē, kas atrodas konta rediģēšanas dialoglodziņā.
please select a address mail lv Lūdzu, izvēlieties adresi
predefined addresses for compose mail lv Iepriekš noteiktas adreses sastādīšanai
preview pane mail lv Loga izkārtojums
printing mail lv Drukāšana
push notifications mail lv Push paziņojumi
quicksearch mail lv Ātrā meklēšana
quicksearch (with cc) mail lv Ātrā meklēšana (+kopēšana)
refresh time in minutes mail lv Atjaunošanas laiks ( minūtēs )
remove all mail lv Pārvietot visu
remove immediately mail lv Pārvietot nekavējoties
@ -100,6 +121,10 @@ select all mail lv Iezīmēt visus
select or insert email address mail lv Izvēlieties vai ievietojiet e-pasta adresi
sent folder mail lv Mape nosūtīts
set predefined values for compose... mail lv Iestatiet iepriekš definētas vērtības sastādīšanai ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail lv Parādīt paziņojumu par jaunām ienākošām vēstulēm
show vertical mail lv Rādīt vertikāli
show vertical with all columns mail lv Rādīt vertikāli ar visām kolonnām
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail lv Rādīt/noslēpt priekšskatījuma paneli pasta saraksta skatā
signature mail lv Paraksts
signature at top mail lv Paraksts augšpusē
signature position and visibility mail lv Paraksta pozīcija un redzamība
@ -121,3 +146,5 @@ vacation notice mail lv norāde par atrašanos atvaļinājumā
when deleting messages mail lv Kad dzēš vēstules
write mail lv Rakstīt
wrote mail lv rakstīja
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail lv Varat izvēlēties, kāda informācija tiks rādīta e-pasta birkā.
you've got new mail mail lv Jūs esat saņēmis jaunu pastu
@ -44,8 +44,11 @@ authentication mail nl Authenticatie
available personal email-accounts/profiles mail nl Beschikbare persoonlijke mail-postbussen/Profielen
but check shared folders mail nl maar check gedeelde mappen
by date mail nl op datum
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail nl Standaard wordt 'http://' gewoon vervangen door 'https://'. Voel je vrij om 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' te configureren om ook afbeeldingen te laden die alleen beschikbaar zijn via http.
caching of flags mail nl Cachen van vlaggen
can not open imap connection mail nl Kan IMAP verbinding niet openen
changed profile mail nl Veranderd Profiel
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail nl Onderwerp wijzigen mislukt map %1 bestaat niet
check message against next rule also mail nl Controleer het bercicht ook met de volgende regel
check to receive a notification when the message is read (note: not all clients support this and/or the receiver may not authorize the notification) mail nl Selecteer dit vakje, als u een melding wilt ontvangen als het bericht is gelezen (Let op : niet alle mail programma's ondersteunen of je een bevestiging kunt krijgen van de ontvanger dat hij of zij het bericht heeft gelezen)
check to save as infolog on send mail nl selecteer om ook als infolog te bewaren
@ -62,6 +65,7 @@ confirm attach message mail nl Bevestig toevoegen bericht
confirm move to folder mail nl Bevestig verplaats naar map
connect to profile %1 mail nl Verbind naar profiel %1
connection status mail nl Status van de verbinding
contact label mail nl Label contact
contains mail nl bevat
contains(*) mail nl Bevat (*)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail nl Converteer Bericht naar bestand en voeg de bijlagen aan dit bestand toe (Standaard)
@ -229,6 +233,7 @@ importance mail nl Mate van belang
important mail nl belangrijk
in mailbox: %1, with id: %2, and partid: %3 mail nl In Berichtenmap: %1 met ID:%@ en PartID: %3
inbox mail nl POSTVAK IN
information to show on email tag mail nl Informatie die op het e-maillabel moet worden weergegeven
inline mail nl Inline
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures) mail nl Voeg de handtekening in bovenaan in een nieuw bericht (of antwoord) als u een het samenstellen van een bericht opent (het kan mogelijk zijn dat u niet van handtekening kunt wisselen)
job mail nl Taak
@ -238,6 +243,7 @@ keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail nl Bewaar een kopie van het berich
kilobytes mail nl kilobytes
later mail nl later
less than mail nl minder dan
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail nl Lijst met acties die standaard ingeschakeld/geactiveerd moeten worden (bijv. Mail compose opslaan als InfoLog actie)
mail common nl Mail
mail acl mail nl Toegangsrechten
mail filter mail nl Berichten filter
@ -266,6 +272,7 @@ move selected to mail nl verplaats geselecteeerde
move to mail nl Verplaats naar
move to trash mail nl Verplaatsen naar prullenmand
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail nl %1 bericht verplaatst van %2 naar %3
name and email mail nl Naam en e-mail
name of account mail nl Naam van
never display html emails mail nl Nooit HTML-emails weergeven
new mail notification mail nl Melding nieuw bericht
@ -295,16 +302,21 @@ notify about new mail in this folders mail nl Waarschuw bij nieuwe berichten in
notify when new mails arrive in these folders mail nl Waarschuw bij nieuwe berichten in deze mappen
on mail nl op
one address is not valid mail nl Een adres is ongeldig
only email mail nl Alleen e-mail
only name mail nl Alleen naam
only one window mail nl uitsluitend één venster
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail nl Verstuur alleen het bericht, sla geen kopie van dit bericht op in de toegewezen map verzonden
open in html mode mail nl Open in HTML mode
open in text mode mail nl Open in tekst mode
open with collabora office mail nl Openen met Collabora Online
organisation admin nl organisatie
organization mail nl Organisatie
original message mail nl originele bericht
outbox mail nl Te verzenden
organization | real name email mail nl Organisatie | Echte naam [Email]
original message mail nl Origineel bericht
outbox mail nl Postvak UIT
permission denied mail nl Toestemming geweigerd
please configure access to an existing individual imap account. mail nl Configureer alstublieft toegang tot een bestaand IMAP account
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail nl Configureer uw S/MIME-certificaat op het tabblad Encryptie in het dialoogvenster Account bewerken.
please contact your administrator to validate if your server supports serverside filterrules, and how to enable them in egroupware for your active account (%1) with id:%2. mail nl Neem contact op met uw administrateur om na te gaan of uw server filter op regels wordt ondersteund, en hoe u deze in EGroupware moet activeren voor uw actieve account (%1) met ID:(%2)
please select a address mail nl Kies s.v.p. een adres
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail nl Kies s.v.p. het aantal dagen dat gewacht moet worden tussen de antwoorden
@ -315,11 +327,15 @@ prevent managing filters mail nl Voorkom bewerken van filters
prevent managing folders mail nl Voorkom bewerken mappen
prevent managing notifications mail nl Voorkom bewerken meldingen
prevent managing vacation notice mail nl Voorkom bewerken vakantie medlingen
preview pane mail nl Vensterindeling
primary profile mail nl Primair Profiel
printing mail nl Afdrukken
printview mail nl afdrukweergave
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail nl Uitvoeren van bestand %1 mislukt. Mislukt om aan de basis beperkingen te voldoen.
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously) admin nl Geef een standaard tekst op, (gebruikt bij nieuw bericht voor vakanties, wanneer er nog niet eerder een bericht was bewaard)
push notifications mail nl Pushmeldingen
quicksearch mail nl Snelzoeken
quicksearch (with cc) mail nl Snelzoeken (+Kopiëren)
quota not provided by server mail nl Quota niet toegewezen door server
quota: %1 mail nl Quota: %1
read mail nl Lezen
@ -390,8 +406,12 @@ should new messages show up on the home page mail nl Moeten nieuwe bercihten get
show all folders mail nl Toon alle mappen
show all folders, (subscribed and unsubscribed) in main screen folder pane mail nl Tool alle mappen, (geabonneerd EN niet) in hoofd scherm mappen paneel
show new messages on home page mail nl Toon nieuw bericht op begin pagina
show notification for new arriving mails mail nl Notificatie tonen voor nieuw binnengekomen mails
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed? mail nl Toon test connectie en controleer het niveau van informatie wat wordt getoond ?
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed?? mail nl Toon test connectie en controleer het niveau van informatie wat wordt getoond ??
show vertical mail nl Verticaal tonen
show vertical with all columns mail nl Verticaal tonen met alle kolommen
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail nl Voorbeeldvenster in e-maillijstweergave tonen/verbergen
sieve mail nl Sieve
sieve connection status mail nl Status Sieve connectie
sieve not activated mail nl Sieve niet geactiveerd
@ -491,4 +511,5 @@ yes, only trigger connection reset mail nl Ja, geef alleen herinitialering verbi
yes, show all debug information available for the user mail nl Ja, toon alle debug infromatie welke is beschikbaar voor de gebruiker
yes, show basic info only mail nl Ja, toon alleen basis infromatie
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail nl U kunt kiezen om het bericht te bewaren als infolog of tracker maar niet allebei
you've got new mail mail nl Er is een nieuw bericht
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail nl U kunt selecteren welke informatie op de e-mailtag moet worden weergegeven.
you've got new mail mail nl Je hebt nieuwe mail
@ -5,9 +5,13 @@ allways a new window mail no altid et nytt vindu
always show html emails mail no Vis alltid HTML meldinger
any of mail no noen av
attachments mail no Vedlegg
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail no Som standard erstattes 'http://' bare med 'https://'. Konfigurer gjerne 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' til også å laste inn bilder som bare er tilgjengelige via http.
caching of flags mail no Bufring av flagg
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail no Endring av emne mislyktes mappe %1 eksisterer ikke
check message against next rule also mail no Kontroller melding mot neste regel også
compose mail no Ny melding
compress folder mail no Komprimer mappe
contact label mail no Kontaktetikett
contains mail no inneholder
copy to mail no Kopier til
date(newest first) mail no Dato (nyeste først)
@ -50,9 +54,11 @@ if message size mail no dersom meldingsstørrelse
imap mail no IMAP
imap server mail no IMAP Tjener
inbox mail no Innboks
information to show on email tag mail no Informasjon som skal vises på e-posttaggen
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail no behold en kopi av meldingen i din innboks
kilobytes mail no kilobytes
less than mail no mindre enn
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail no Liste over handlinger som skal slås på/aktiveres som standard (f.eks. handlingen Mail composer lagre som InfoLog).
mail settings mail no Epost innstillinger
mark as deleted mail no Merk som slettet
matches mail no treff
@ -60,17 +66,31 @@ matches regexp mail no treffer regexp
move selected to mail no flytt valgt til
move to mail no flytt valgt til
move to trash mail no Flytt til søppelkurv
name and email mail no Navn og e-post
never display html emails mail no Vis aldri HTML e-post
on mail no på
one address is not valid mail no En av adressene er ikke gyldig
only email mail no Bare e-post
only name mail no Bare navn
only one window mail no Bare et vindu
open in html mode mail no Åpne i HTML-modus
open in text mode mail no Åpne i tekstmodus
open with collabora office mail no Åpne med Collabora Online
organisation admin no Organisasjon
organization mail no organisasjon
organization | real name email mail no Organisasjon | Ekte navn [E-post]
original message mail no Opprinnelig melding
outbox mail no Utboks
permission denied mail no Ingen tilgang
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail no Konfigurer S/MIME-sertifikatet i kategorien Kryptering i dialogboksen Rediger konto.
please select a address mail no Vennligst velg en adresse
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail no Vennligst velg antall dager for vent melding tilbakemeldinger
please supply the message to send with auto-responses mail no Vennligst registrer meldingen som skal sendes som automatisk tilbakemelding
preview pane mail no Vindusoppsett
printing mail no Utskrift
push notifications mail no Push-varsler
quicksearch mail no Hurtigsøk
quicksearch (with cc) mail no Hurtigsøk (+Kopi)
refresh time in minutes mail no Oppdateringstid i minutter
remove all mail no Fjern alle
remove immediately mail no Fjern umiddelbart
@ -83,6 +103,10 @@ replyto mail no SvarTil
save all mail no Lagre alle
select all mail no Velg alle
sent folder mail no Sendt Mappe
show notification for new arriving mails mail no Vis varsel for nye innkommende e-poster
show vertical mail no Vis vertikalt
show vertical with all columns mail no Vis vertikalt med alle kolonner
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail no Vis/skjul forhåndsvisningsrute i postlistevisningen
signature mail no Signatur
size(...->0) mail no Størrelse (...->0)
size(0->...) mail no Størrelse (0->...)
@ -99,3 +123,5 @@ vacation notice mail no Ferie melding
when deleting messages mail no Når du sletter meldinger
write mail no Lagre
wrote mail no skrev
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail no Du kan velge hvilken informasjon som skal vises på e-posttaggen.
you've got new mail mail no Du har fått ny e-post
@ -17,12 +17,16 @@ any of mail pl dowolny z
any status mail pl dowolny status
attachments mail pl Załączniki
by date mail pl Według daty
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail pl Domyślnie "http://" jest po prostu zastępowane przez "https://". Możesz skonfigurować 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/', aby ładować również obrazy dostępne tylko przez http.
caching of flags mail pl Buforowanie flag
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail pl Zmiana tematu nie powiodła się folder %1 nie istnieje
check message against next rule also mail pl sprawdź również kolejnę regułę
compose mail pl Utwórz
compose as new mail pl Utwórz nowe
compress folder mail pl Kompaktuj folder
condition mail pl warunek
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail pl Skonfigurowane wartości zostaną ustawione automatycznie w oknie dialogowym kompilacji dla wybranego pola podczas tworzenia nowej wiadomości e-mail.
contact label mail pl Etykieta kontaktu
contains mail pl zawiera
copy to mail pl Kopiuj do
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail pl Dołączanie do konta forward jest zabronione!
@ -102,12 +106,14 @@ import message mail pl importuj wiadomość
importance mail pl ważność
important mail pl ważny
inbox mail pl ODEBRANE
information to show on email tag mail pl Informacje wyświetlane na tagu e-mail
job mail pl służbowy
junk mail pl Śmieci
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail pl zachowaj kopię wiadomości w folderze ODEBRANE
kilobytes mail pl kilobajtów
later mail pl Później
less than mail pl mniej niż
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail pl Lista akcji, które mają być domyślnie włączone/aktywowane (np. akcja Mail composose zapisz jako InfoLog)
mail common pl Poczta
mail acl mail pl Prawa dostępu
mail filter mail pl Filtr poczty
@ -129,6 +135,7 @@ modify subject of this message mail pl Zmień temat tej wiadomości
move selected to mail pl przenieś wiadomości do
move to mail pl przenieś wiadomości do
move to trash mail pl przenieś do kosza
name and email mail pl Imię i adres e-mail
never display html emails mail pl Nigdy nie wyświetlaj emaili HTML
no access mail pl Brak dostępu
no address to/cc/bcc supplied, and no folder to save message to provided. mail pl Nie podano adresu (TO/CC/BCC) ani folderu do zapisania wiadomości.
@ -142,18 +149,29 @@ none, create all mail pl żaden, utwórz wszystko
nothing to change. mail pl Brak elementów do wprowadzenia zmian.
on mail pl na
one address is not valid mail pl Jeden adres nie jest poprawny
only email mail pl Tylko email
only name mail pl Tylko nazwa
only one window mail pl tylko jedno okno
organisation admin pl organizacja
open in html mode mail pl Otwórz w trybie HTML
open in text mode mail pl Otwórz w trybie tekstowym
open with collabora office mail pl Otwórz za pomocą Collabora Online
organisation admin pl Organizacja
organization mail pl instytucja
original message mail pl wiadomość oryginalna
organization | real name email mail pl Organizacja | Prawdziwa nazwa [Email]
original message mail pl Oryginalna wiadomość
outbox mail pl Skrzynka nadawcza
permission denied mail pl Dostęp zabroniony
please configure access to an existing individual imap account. mail pl proszę skonfigurować dostęp do istniejącego konta IMAP.
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail pl Skonfiguruj certyfikat S/MIME w zakładce Szyfrowanie znajdującej się w oknie dialogowym Edytuj konto.
please select a address mail pl Proszę wybrać adres
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail pl Wybierz, ile dni czekać między odpowiedziami
please supply the message to send with auto-responses mail pl Proszę wprowadzić wiadomość przesyłaną w automatycznych odpowiedziach
predefined addresses for compose mail pl Predefiniowane adresy dla kompozycji
preview pane mail pl Układ okna
printing mail pl Drukowanie
printview mail pl wydrukuj widok
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail pl Przetwarzanie pliku %1 nie powiodło się. Nie dotrzymano podstawowych restrykcji.
push notifications mail pl Powiadomienia push
quicksearch mail pl Szybkie wyszukiwanie
quicksearch (with cc) mail pl szybkie wyszukiwanie (+Kopia)
refresh time in minutes mail pl Czas odświeżania w minutach
@ -180,6 +198,10 @@ sent mail pl Wysłano
sent folder mail pl Folder Wysłane
set flags mail pl Oznacz e-mail jako
set predefined values for compose... mail pl Ustaw predefiniowane wartości dla komponowania ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail pl Wyświetlaj powiadomienia o nowych wiadomościach
show vertical mail pl Pokaż w pionie
show vertical with all columns mail pl Pokaż w pionie ze wszystkimi kolumnami
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail pl Pokaż/ukryj panel podglądu w widoku listy wiadomości
sieve mail pl Sieve
sieve script name mail pl Nazwa skryptu Sieve
signature mail pl Sygnaturka
@ -220,4 +242,5 @@ whole message mail pl cała wiadomość
write mail pl Zapisz
wrote mail pl zapisano
yes, offer copy option mail pl tak, oferuj opcję kopii
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail pl Możesz wybrać, jakie informacje mają być wyświetlane w tagu e-mail.
you've got new mail mail pl Masz nową pocztę
@ -38,8 +38,11 @@ authentication mail pt-br autenticação
available personal email-accounts/profiles mail pt-br EMail-Accounts/Profiles pessoais disponíveis
but check shared folders mail pt-br mas verifique as pastas compartilhadas
by date mail pt-br por data
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail pt-br Por padrão, "http://" é simplesmente substituído por "https://". Sinta-se à vontade para configurar "https://proxy.egroupware.org/" para também carregar imagens disponíveis somente via http.
caching of flags mail pt-br Armazenamento em cache de sinalizadores
can not open imap connection mail pt-br Não é possível abrir conexão IMAP
changed profile mail pt-br perfil alterado
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail pt-br Falha ao alterar o assunto: a pasta %1 não existe
check message against next rule also mail pt-br Verifique mensagem contra seguinte regra também
check to save as infolog on send mail pt-br verificar para salvar como infolog em enviar
check to save as tracker entry on send mail pt-br verificar para salvar como trackerentry em enviar
@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ confirm attach message mail pt-br Confirme anexar mensagem
confirm move to folder mail pt-br Confirme Mover para pasta
connect to profile %1 mail pt-br Conecte-se ao Perfil 1%
connection status mail pt-br status da conexão
contact label mail pt-br Etiqueta de contato
contains mail pt-br contém
contains(*) mail pt-br Contém (*)
copied %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail pt-br copiados %1 mensagem (s) de% 2 a 3%
@ -157,11 +161,13 @@ imap mail pt-br IMAP
imap server mail pt-br Servidor IMAP
importance mail pt-br importância
inbox mail pt-br Caixa de Entrada
information to show on email tag mail pt-br Informações a serem exibidas na tag de e-mail
junk mail pt-br Spam
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail pt-br Manter uma cópia da mensagem em sua caixa de entrada
kilobytes mail pt-br Kbytes
later mail pt-br Depois
less than mail pt-br menor que
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail pt-br Lista de ações a serem ativadas por padrão (por exemplo, ação de composição de e-mail salvar como InfoLog)
mail common pt-br Correio
mail acl mail pt-br Direitos de acesso
mail filter mail pt-br Filtro de correio
@ -182,6 +188,7 @@ modify subject of this message mail pt-br Modificar o assunto desta mensagem
move selected to mail pt-br mover selecionados para
move to mail pt-br mover selecionados para
move to trash mail pt-br Mover para a lixeira
name and email mail pt-br Nome e e-mail
never display html emails mail pt-br Nunca mostar mensagens em HTML
new subject mail pt-br Novo tema
no access mail pt-br Sem acesso
@ -195,17 +202,29 @@ no valid %1 folder configured! mail pt-br Nenhuma pasta válido% 1 configurado!
nothing to change. mail pt-br Nada a alterar.
on mail pt-br em
one address is not valid mail pt-br Um endereço não é válido
only email mail pt-br Somente e-mail
only name mail pt-br Somente nome
only one window mail pt-br Somente uma janela
open in html mode mail pt-br Abrir no modo HTML
open in text mode mail pt-br Abrir no modo Texto
open with collabora office mail pt-br Abrir com o Collabora Online
organisation admin pt-br Organização
organization mail pt-br organização
original message mail pt-br mensagem original
organization | real name email mail pt-br Organização | Nome real [E-mail]
original message mail pt-br Mensagem original
outbox mail pt-br Caixa de saída
permission denied mail pt-br Permissão negada
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail pt-br Configure seu certificado S/MIME na guia Encryption (Criptografia) localizada na caixa de diálogo Edit Account (Editar conta).
please select a address mail pt-br Por favor, selecione um endereço
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail pt-br Por favor, selecione o número de dias para aguardar entre respostas.
please supply the message to send with auto-responses mail pt-br Por favor, informe a mensagem para enviar como auto-resposta.
predefined addresses for compose mail pt-br Endereços pré-definidos para composição
preview pane mail pt-br Layout da janela
printing mail pt-br Impressão
printview mail pt-br visualização da impressão
push notifications mail pt-br Notificações push
quicksearch mail pt-br Pesquia rápida
quicksearch (with cc) mail pt-br Pesquisa rápida (+Cópia)
refresh time in minutes mail pt-br Tempo de atualização em minutos
reject with mail pt-br rejeitar com
remove all mail pt-br Remover todos
@ -230,6 +249,10 @@ set / remove flags mail pt-br Colocar / Remover Bandeiras
set / remove labels mail pt-br Ajustar / Remover Etiquetas
set flags mail pt-br Bandeiras de bandeira
set predefined values for compose... mail pt-br Definir valores pré-definidos para compor ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail pt-br Mostrar notificação para novos e-mails recebidos
show vertical mail pt-br Mostrar vertical
show vertical with all columns mail pt-br Mostrar vertical com todas as colunas
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail pt-br Mostrar/ocultar painel de visualização na exibição da lista de correio
sieve script name mail pt-br nome do script sieve
signature mail pt-br Assinatura
signature at top mail pt-br assinatura no topo
@ -263,4 +286,5 @@ view header lines mail pt-br Exibir linhas de cabeçalho
when deleting messages mail pt-br Ao remover mensagens
write mail pt-br Gravar
wrote mail pt-br escreveu
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail pt-br Você pode selecionar as informações a serem exibidas na tag de e-mail.
you've got new mail mail pt-br Você tem um novo e-mail
@ -38,8 +38,11 @@ authentication mail pt Autenticação
available personal email-accounts/profiles mail pt EMail-Accounts/Profiles pessoais disponíveis
but check shared folders mail pt mas verifique as pastas compartilhadas
by date mail pt Por data
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail pt Por defeito, 'http://' é simplesmente substituído por 'https://'. Pode configurar 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' para carregar também imagens disponíveis apenas via http.
caching of flags mail pt Armazenamento em cache de bandeiras
can not open imap connection mail pt Não é possível abrir conexão IMAP
changed profile mail pt perfil alterado
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail pt Falha na alteração do assunto A pasta %1 não existe
check message against next rule also mail pt Verifique mensagem contra seguinte regra também
check to save as infolog on send mail pt verificar para salvar como infolog em enviar
check to save as tracker entry on send mail pt verificar para salvar como trackerentry em enviar
@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ confirm attach message mail pt Confirme anexar mensagem
confirm move to folder mail pt Confirme Mover para pasta
connect to profile %1 mail pt Conecte-se ao Perfil 1%
connection status mail pt Status da conexão
contact label mail pt Etiqueta de contacto
contains mail pt Contém
contains(*) mail pt Contém (*)
copied %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail pt % copiados 1 mensagem (s) de% 2 a 3%
@ -196,6 +200,7 @@ importance mail pt importância
important mail pt importância
in mailbox: %1, with id: %2, and partid: %3 mail pt Na caixa de correio:% 1, com ID:% 2, e PartID:% 3
inbox mail pt CAIXA DE ENTRADA
information to show on email tag mail pt Informações a mostrar na etiqueta de correio eletrónico
inline mail pt Em linha
job mail pt trabalho
junk mail pt Junco
@ -204,6 +209,7 @@ keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail pt Mantenha uma cópia da mensagem
kilobytes mail pt kilobytes
later mail pt mais tarde
less than mail pt menos de
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail pt Lista de acções a ativar/ativar por predefinição (por exemplo, ação de composição de correio eletrónico guardar como InfoLog)
mail common pt Correio
mail acl mail pt Direitos de acesso
mail filter mail pt Filtro de correio
@ -231,6 +237,7 @@ move selected to mail pt Mover mensagens seleccionadas para
move to mail pt Mover-se para
move to trash mail pt Mover para o lixo
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail pt movida% 1 mensagem (s) de% 2 a 3%
name and email mail pt Nome e correio eletrónico
name of account mail pt Nome da conta
never display html emails mail pt Nunca apresentar mensagens HTML
new mail notification mail pt Notificação de correio Nova
@ -256,14 +263,19 @@ notify about new mail in this folders mail pt Notificar sobre novas mensagens ne
notify when new mails arrive in these folders mail pt notifique quando novos e-mails chegam nestas pastas
on mail pt em
one address is not valid mail pt Um endereço não é válido
only email mail pt Apenas o correio eletrónico
only name mail pt Apenas o nome
only one window mail pt Apenas numa janela
open in html mode mail pt Abrir em modo HTML
open in text mode mail pt Abrir em modo de texto
organisation admin pt empresa
open with collabora office mail pt Abrir com Collabora Online
organisation admin pt Organização
organization mail pt empresa
original message mail pt mensagem original
organization | real name email mail pt Organização | Nome real [Email]
original message mail pt Mensagem original
outbox mail pt Caixa de saída
permission denied mail pt Permissão negada
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail pt Configure o seu certificado S/MIME no separador Encriptação localizado na caixa de diálogo Editar conta.
please select a address mail pt Por favor, seleccione um endereço
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail pt Por favor, seleccione o número de dias a esperar entre respostas
please supply the message to send with auto-responses mail pt Por favor, insira uma mensagem a enviar como auto-resposta
@ -273,9 +285,13 @@ prevent managing filters mail pt Impedir filtros gestão
prevent managing folders mail pt Impedir pastas gestão
prevent managing notifications mail pt Impedir notificações gestão
prevent managing vacation notice mail pt Impedir gestão aviso de férias
preview pane mail pt Apresentação da janela
primary profile mail pt Perfil primário
printing mail pt Impressão
printview mail pt printview
quicksearch mail pt Pesquisa simples
push notifications mail pt Notificações push
quicksearch mail pt Pesquisa rápida
quicksearch (with cc) mail pt Pesquisa rápida (+Cópia)
quota not provided by server mail pt Cota não fornecido pelo servidor
quota: %1 mail pt Quota: 1%
read mail pt ler
@ -340,6 +356,10 @@ set predefined values for compose... mail pt Definir valores pré-definidos para
should new messages show up on the home page mail pt Caso as novas mensagens aparecem na página inicial
show all folders mail pt mostrar todas as pastas
show new messages on home page mail pt mostrar novas mensagens em home page
show notification for new arriving mails mail pt Mostrar notificação de novas mensagens recebidas
show vertical mail pt Mostrar vertical
show vertical with all columns mail pt Mostrar vertical com todas as colunas
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail pt Mostrar/ocultar painel de pré-visualização na vista de lista de correio
sieve mail pt Peneira
sieve connection status mail pt Peneira Status da conexão
sieve not activated mail pt Peneirar a não activação
@ -423,4 +443,5 @@ yes, but mask all usernames and passwords mail pt Sim, mas mascarar todos os nom
yes, offer copy option mail pt sim, oferecer opção de cópia
yes, only trigger connection reset mail pt sim, apenas desencadear redefinição de conexão
yes, show basic info only mail pt sim, mostrar apenas informações básicas
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail pt Pode selecionar as informações a apresentar na etiqueta de correio eletrónico.
you've got new mail mail pt Você tem novas mensagens
@ -5,7 +5,11 @@ after reply, visible during compose mail ro După răspuns, vizibil în timpul c
aliases+forwards mail ro Aliasuri+Întoarcere
always show notifiction mail ro Afișează întotdeauna notificarea
answered mail ro Răspunsuri
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail ro În mod implicit, "http://" este înlocuit cu "https://". Nu ezitați să
caching of flags mail ro Memorarea în cache a steagurilor
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail ro Schimbarea subiectului a eșuat folderul %1 nu există
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail ro Valorile configurate vor fi setate automat în dialogul de compunere pentru câmpul respectat atunci când se compune un nou e-mail.
contact label mail ro Etichetă de contact
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail ro Atașarea contului încrucișat nu este permisă!
current subject mail ro Subiect curent
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail ro Funcții activate în bara de instrumente a editorului HTML atunci când se compune un e-mail
@ -13,6 +17,8 @@ default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail ro Valoarea impl
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail ro Definește ce să se afișeze ca etichetă de contact pentru contactul adăugat în Către/Copie/Copie oarbă atunci când compuneți un e-mail. Valoarea implicită este Firstname Lastname (nume, prenume, nume), iar empty (gol) înseamnă că include tot ce este disponibil.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common ro Definește ce să se afișeze ca etichetă de identitate în antetul dosarului de e-mail
disable caching of flags mail ro Dezactivarea memorării în cache a stegulețelor
information to show on email tag mail ro Informații de afișat pe eticheta de e-mail
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail ro Listă de acțiuni care urmează să fie activate/activate în mod implicit (de exemplu, acțiunea de salvare a compoziției de e-mail ca InfoLog)
mail common ro Mail
mail acl mail ro Drepturi de acces
mail filter mail ro Filtru de poștă
@ -28,12 +34,32 @@ mark all messages in folder as read mail ro Marcați toate mesajele din dosar ca
mark as deleted mail ro Marcați ca fiind șterse
modify subject mail ro Modificați subiectul
modify subject of this message mail ro Modificați subiectul acestui mesaj
name and email mail ro Nume și e-mail
new subject mail ro Subiect nou
no sneak preview in list mail ro Nu există previzualizare a mesajelor
only email mail ro Doar e-mail
only name mail ro Doar numele
open in html mode mail ro Deschidere în mod HTML
open in text mode mail ro Deschidere în mod text
open with collabora office mail ro Deschidere cu Collabora Online
organisation admin ro Organizație
organization | real name email mail ro Organizație | Nume real [Email]
original message mail ro Mesaj original
outbox mail ro Coșul de ieșire
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail ro Vă rugăm să vă configurați certificatul S/MIME în fila Criptare din fereastra de dialog Editare cont.
predefined addresses for compose mail ro Adrese predefinite pentru compunere
preview pane mail ro Dispunerea ferestrei
printing mail ro Imprimarea
push notifications mail ro Notificări push
quicksearch mail ro Căutare rapidă
quicksearch (with cc) mail ro Căutare rapidă (+Copiere)
save all attachments to filemanager mail ro Salvați toate atașamentele în filemanager
select or insert email address mail ro Selectați sau introduceți adresa de e-mail
set predefined values for compose... mail ro Setați valori predefinite pentru compunere ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail ro Afișare notificare pentru mesajele noi sosite
show vertical mail ro Afișați pe verticală
show vertical with all columns mail ro Afișare verticală cu toate coloanele
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail ro Afișați/ Ascundeți panoul de previzualizare în vizualizarea listei de mailuri
signature mail ro Semnătură
signature at top mail ro semnătură în partea de sus
signature position and visibility mail ro Poziția și vizibilitatea semnăturii
@ -41,3 +67,5 @@ smime encrypted message mail ro Mesaj criptat S/MIME
smime signed message mail ro Mesaj semnat S/MIME
smtp mail ro SMTP
sneak preview in list mail ro Previzualizare mesaj
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail ro Puteți selecta ce informații să fie afișate pe eticheta de e-mail.
you've got new mail mail ro Ați primit un mesaj nou
@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ attachments mail ru Вложения
available personal email-accounts/profiles mail ru доступные личные адреса эл.почты/Профили
but check shared folders mail ru Не проверены папки, к которым дан доступ
by date mail ru По дате
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail ru По умолчанию 'http://' просто заменяется на 'https://'. Вы можете настроить 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' так, чтобы он также загружал изображения, доступные только по http.
caching of flags mail ru Etichetă de contact
can not open imap connection mail ru Невозможно установить подключение IMAP
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail ru Изменение темы не удалось, папка %1 не существует
check message against next rule also mail ru Проверить сообщение также на соответствие следующему правилу
common acl mail ru Права общего доступа
compose mail ru Новое письмо
@ -42,6 +45,7 @@ configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected fiel
confirm attach message mail ru Подтвердить вложение сообщения
confirm move to folder mail ru Подтвердить перемещение в каталог
connection status mail ru Статус соединения
contact label mail ru Метка контакта
contains mail ru Содержит
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail ru Конвертировать сообщение как отдельное сообщение и прикрепить к этой части (стандартное)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail ru конвертировать сообщение как отдельное сообщение,прикрепить и добавить raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) как вложение
@ -149,6 +153,7 @@ import of message %1 failed. no contacts to merge and send to specified. mail ru
importance mail ru Значение
important mail ru Важное
inbox mail ru Входящие (INBOX)
information to show on email tag mail ru Информация для отображения в теге электронной почты
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures) mail ru Вставить подпись в начало нового сообщения при открытии диалогового окна "создать"(или "ответить")
job mail ru Работа
junk mail ru Спам
@ -156,6 +161,7 @@ keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail ru Хранить копию со
kilobytes mail ru Килобайт
later mail ru Отложить
less than mail ru Меньше чем
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail ru Список действий, которые должны включаться/активироваться по умолчанию (например, действие Mail compose сохранить как InfoLog)
mail common ru Почта
mail acl mail ru Права доступа
mail filter mail ru Почтовый фильтр
@ -179,6 +185,7 @@ modify subject of this message mail ru Изменить тему этого со
move selected to mail ru Переместить выбранное в
move to mail ru Переместить в
move to trash mail ru Переместить в корзину
name and email mail ru Имя и email
never display html emails mail ru Никогда не показывать эл. письма в формате HTML
new mail notification mail ru Новое оповещение о поступлении сообщений
new message type mail ru новый тип сообщения
@ -202,16 +209,21 @@ nothing to change. mail ru Нечего менять.
notify when new mails arrive in these folders mail ru Оповещать, когда в эти ящики приходят новые письма
on mail ru На
one address is not valid mail ru Один из адресов неверен
only email mail ru Только электронная почта
only name mail ru Только имя
only one window mail ru Только одно окно
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail ru Только отправить сообщение, не копировать в папку отправленные.
open in html mode mail ru Открыть как HTML
open in text mode mail ru Открыть как текст
open with collabora office mail ru Открывать с помощью Collabora Online
organisation admin ru Организация
organization mail ru Организация
original message mail ru Исходное сообщение
organization | real name email mail ru Организация | Реальное имя [Email]
original message mail ru Оригинальное сообщение
outbox mail ru Исходящие
permission denied mail ru Доступ запрещён
please configure access to an existing individual imap account. mail ru Настроить доступ к существующей учетной записи IMAP
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail ru Пожалуйста, настройте сертификат S/MIME на вкладке Шифрование в диалоге Редактирование учетной записи.
please select a address mail ru Пожалуйста выберите адрес
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail ru Пожалуйста выберите количество дней ожидания между ответами
please supply the message to send with auto-responses mail ru Пожалуйста введите сообщение для отправки автоответа
@ -220,9 +232,12 @@ prevent managing filters mail ru Ограничить управление фа
prevent managing folders mail ru Ограничить управление каталогами
prevent managing notifications mail ru Ограничить управление уведомлениями
prevent managing vacation notice mail ru Ограничить управление сообщениями об отпусках
preview pane mail ru Оформление окна
printing mail ru Печать
printview mail ru Предварительный просмотр
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail ru Обработка файла %1 прервана. Не удалось удовлетворить основные ограничения.
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously) admin ru Введите текст по умолчанию на случай отсутствия (используется для новых сообщений об отсутствии, когда нет предварительно установленных сообщений)
push notifications mail ru Push-уведомления
quicksearch mail ru Быстрый поиск
quicksearch (with cc) mail ru Быстрый поиск (включая 'Копия')
read / unread mail ru Прочитано / Непрочитано
@ -270,7 +285,11 @@ should new messages show up on the home page mail ru отображать нов
show all folders mail ru Отображать все каталоги
show all folders, (subscribed and unsubscribed) in main screen folder pane mail ru Отображать в панели команд главной страницы все каталоги, как подписные, так и те, на которые пользователь не подписан
show new messages on home page mail ru отображать новые сообщения на домашней странице
show notification for new arriving mails mail ru Показывать уведомления о новых пришедших письмах
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed? mail ru показать пункт меню "Проверка подключения"?
show vertical mail ru Показывать вертикально
show vertical with all columns mail ru Показывать вертикально со всеми колонками
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail ru Показать/скрыть панель предварительного просмотра в списке писем
sieve mail ru Sieve
sieve connection status mail ru Статус соединения Sieve
sieve script name mail ru название скрипта Sieve
@ -343,4 +362,5 @@ yes, only trigger connection reset mail ru Да, сброс только зап
yes, show all debug information available for the user mail ru Да, показать всю отладочную информацию, доступную для пользователя
yes, show basic info only mail ru Да, показать только основную информацию
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail ru Вы можете выбрать как сохранять: как инфолог, или как трекер.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail ru Вы можете выбрать, какая информация будет отображаться в теге email.
you've got new mail mail ru Вы получили новое письмо
@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ before reply, visible during compose mail sk Pred odpoveď, viditeľné počas p
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail sk E-maily na čiernej listine sa označia ako Spam
but check shared folders mail sk ale skontrolovať zdieľané priečinky
by date mail sk podľa dátumu
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail sk V predvolenom nastavení sa "http://" nahradí len "https://". Nebojte sa nakonfigurovať 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' aj na načítanie obrázkov dostupných len cez http.
caching of flags mail sk Ukladanie príznakov do medzipamäte
can not open imap connection mail sk Nedá sa otvoriť spojenie IMAP
can not resolve the winmail.dat attachment! mail sk Neviem spracovať prílohu winmail.dat!
canceled deletion due to user interaction mail sk odstraňovanie zrušené kvôli aktivite používateľa
@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ confirm attach message mail sk Potvrdiť priloženú správu
confirm move to folder mail sk Potvrdiť presun do priečinka
connect to profile %1 mail sk Pripojiť k profilu %1
connection status mail sk Stav pripojenia
contact label mail sk Štítok kontaktu
contains mail sk obsahuje
contains(*) mail sk Obsahuje(*)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail sk Konvertovať e-mail na položku, vrátane jeho príloh (štandard)
@ -303,6 +306,7 @@ important mail sk Dôležité
in mailbox: %1, with id: %2, and partid: %3 mail sk V poštovom priečinku: %1, ID: %2, PertID: %3
in order to protect your privacy all external sources within this email are blocked. mail sk V záujme ochrany Vášho súkromia, všetky externé zdroje v tejto správe boli zablokované.
inbox mail sk Doručená pošta
information to show on email tag mail sk Informácie, ktoré sa majú zobraziť na e-mailovej značke
initialization of mail failed. please use the wizard to cope with the problem. mail sk Inicializácia mailu zlyhala. Prosím použite Sprievodcu na vyriešenie tohto problému.
inline mail sk Odoslať ďalej
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures) mail sk vložiť podpis na vrch (začiatok) novej správy (alebo odpovede) pri otvorení okna pre úpravu (nemusí sa vám podariť meniť podpisy)
@ -315,6 +319,7 @@ later mail sk Neskôr
learning as ham (not spam) failed because of %1 mail sk Zapamätanie ako NIE nevyžiadanej správy zlyhalo z dôvodu: %1
learning as spam failed because of %1 mail sk Zapamätanie ako nevyžiadanej správy zlyhalo z dôvodu: %1
less than mail sk menej než
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail sk Zoznam akcií, ktoré majú byť predvolene zapnuté/aktivované (napr. akcia Mail kompose uložiť ako InfoLog)
mail common sk E-mail
mail acl mail sk ACL pre Mail
mail filter mail sk Filter správ
@ -353,6 +358,7 @@ move to archive mail sk Presunúť do priečinku Archív
move to trash mail sk Presunúť do Odpadkového koša
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail sk %1 správ bolo presunutých z %2 do %3
moving folders from one mailaccount to another is not supported mail sk Presúvanie priečinkov z jedného poštového účtu do druhého nie je podporované.
name and email mail sk Meno a e-mail
name of account mail sk Názov účtu
never display html emails mail sk Nezobrazovať HTML správy
never show mail sk Nikdy nezobrazovať
@ -385,14 +391,18 @@ notify when new mails arrive in these folders mail sk Upozorniť keď sa nové s
on mail sk ohľadom
on behalf of mail sk V mene
one address is not valid mail sk Jedna adresa je neplatná
only email mail sk Iba e-mail
only makes sense, if you transport password through a different channel / outside of this mail to recipients! mail sk Má to zmysel iba v prípade, keď heslo doručíte adresátom iným spôsobom, mimo tejto správy!
only name mail sk Iba meno
only needed for some servers, that do not return all folders on root level queries to retrieve all folders for that level mail sk Niektoré servre nevracajú všetky priečinky pri požiadavkách na koreňovej úrovni. Tieto servre to potrebujú aby načítali všetky priečinky na danej úrovni.
only one window mail sk Iba jedno okno
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail sk Správu iba odoslať, nekopírovať do priečinka Odoslanej pošty
open in html mode mail sk Otvoriť v režime HTML
open in text mode mail sk Otvoriť v textovom režime
open with collabora office mail sk Otvoriť pomocou Collabora Online
organisation admin sk Organizácia
organization mail sk organizácia
organization | real name email mail sk Organizácia | Skutočné meno [E-mail]
original message mail sk Pôvodná správa
outbox mail sk Odoslané správy
password protect mail sk chrániť heslom
@ -412,10 +422,13 @@ prevent managing filters mail sk Zabrániť spravovaniu filtrov
prevent managing folders mail sk Zabrániť spravovaniu priečinkov
prevent managing notifications mail sk Zabrániť spravovaniu upozornení
prevent managing vacation notice mail sk Zabrániť spravovaniu automatických odpovedí počas neprítomnosti
preview pane mail sk Rozloženie okna
primary profile mail sk Základný profil
printing mail sk Tlač
printview mail sk Náhľad pre tlač
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail sk Spracovanie súboru %1 zlyhalo. Nesplnil základné obmedzenia.
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously) admin sk Zadajte predvolený text pre neprítomnosť (používa sa pre nové odpovede počas neprítomnosti keď predtým nebola nastavená žiadna správa)
push notifications mail sk Oznámenia Push
quicksearch mail sk Rýchle hľadanie
quicksearch (with cc) mail sk Rýchle hľadanie (vrátane kópie)
quota not provided by server mail sk Server neposkytuje kvóty
@ -528,10 +541,12 @@ show all folders, (subscribed and unsubscribed) in main screen folder pane mail
show horizontal mail sk Zobraziť vodorovne
show horizontal, hide if none selected mail sk Zobraziť vodorovne, skryť ak nie je nič vybrané
show new messages on home page mail sk zobraziť noé správy na domovskej stránke
show notification for new arriving mails mail sk Zobrazenie upozornenia na nové prichádzajúce e-maily
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed? mail sk Zobraziť sekciu Test pripojenia a ovládanie úrovne zobrazovaných informácií?
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed?? mail sk Zobraziť sekciu Test pripojenia a ovládanie úrovne zobrazovaných informácií??
show them this time only mail sk Zobraziť ich len v tomto prípade
show vertical mail sk Zobraziť zvisle
show vertical with all columns mail sk Zobraziť vertikálne so všetkými stĺpcami
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail sk Zobraziť/Skryť náhľad pri zobrazení zoznamu správ
sieve mail sk Sieve
sieve connection status mail sk Stav spojenia Sieve
@ -650,6 +665,7 @@ yes, only trigger connection reset mail sk áno, spustiť iba reset pripojenia
yes, show all debug information available for the user mail sk áno, zobraziť všetky ladiace informácie dostupné používateľovi
yes, show basic info only mail sk áno, zobraziť len základné informácie
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail sk Môžete si vybrať buď ukladanie do Záznamníka alebo Sledovača, ale nie oboje naraz.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail sk Môžete vybrať, ktoré informácie sa majú zobrazovať na e-mailovej značke.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail sk Pre dátum začiatku môžete použiť $$start$$ a pre dátum ukončenia $$end$$.
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail sk Môžete pridať tento certifikát do vášho kontaktu, ak dôverujete tomuto podpisu.
you need to enter your s/mime passphrase to send this message. mail sk Ak chcete odoslať túto správu, zadajte vaše S/MIME heslo.
@ -74,12 +74,15 @@ before reply, visible during compose mail sl Pred odgovorom, ki je viden med ses
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail sl Črna pošta je označena kot vsiljena pošta
but check shared folders mail sl vendar preverite mape v skupni rabi
by date mail sl Po datumu
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail sl Privzeto se "http://" nadomesti z "https://". Lahko konfigurirate 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' tudi za nalaganje slik, ki so na voljo samo prek protokola http.
caching of flags mail sl Predpomnjenje zastavic
can not open imap connection mail sl Povezave IMAP ni mogoče odpreti
can not resolve the winmail.dat attachment! mail sl V priponki winmail.dat ni mogoče rešiti!
canceled deletion due to user interaction mail sl preklican izbris zaradi interakcije uporabnika
certificate info for email %1 mail sl Podatki o certifikatu za e-poštni naslov %1
change editor type mail sl preklopite urejevalnik v način HTML
changed profile mail sl spremenjen profil
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail sl Spreminjanje teme ni uspelo mapa %1 ne obstaja
check message against next rule also mail sl Preverite sporočilo tudi z naslednjim pravilom
check to receive a notification when the message is read (note: not all clients support this and/or the receiver may not authorize the notification) mail sl preverite, ali ste prejeli obvestilo, ko se prebere sporočilo (opomba: ne podpirajo vsi odjemalci in / ali prejemnik ne more odobriti obvestila)
check to save as calendar event on send mail sl preverite, ali želite shraniti kot dogodek ob pošiljanju
@ -98,6 +101,7 @@ confirm attach message mail sl Potrdite sporočilo o prijavi
confirm move to folder mail sl Potrdite premik v mapo
connect to profile %1 mail sl Povežite se z profilom% 1
connection status mail sl Stanje povezave
contact label mail sl Oznaka za stike
contains mail sl Vsebuje
contains(*) mail sl Vsebuje (*)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail sl pretvorite pošto v element in priložite njene priloge temu elementu (standardni)
@ -296,6 +300,7 @@ important mail sl pomembno
in mailbox: %1, with id: %2, and partid: %3 mail sl V nabiralniku: %1, z ID: %2 in PartID: %3
in order to protect your privacy all external sources within this email are blocked. mail sl Da bi zaščitili vašo zasebnost, so vsi zunanji viri v tem e-poštnem sporočilu blokirani.
inbox mail sl Prejeto
information to show on email tag mail sl Informacije, ki se prikažejo na oznaki e-pošte
initialization of mail failed. please use the wizard to cope with the problem. mail sl Inicializacija pošte ni uspela. Prosimo, uporabite čarovnika za obvladovanje težave.
inline mail sl V vrsti
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures) mail sl vstavite podpis na vrh novega sporočila (ali odgovora), ko odprete pogovorno okno za sestavljanje (morda ne boste mogli zamenjati podpisov)
@ -308,6 +313,7 @@ later mail sl Pozneje
learning as ham (not spam) failed because of %1 mail sl Učenje kot ham (ni vsiljena pošta) ni uspelo zaradi %1
learning as spam failed because of %1 mail sl Učenje kot spam ni uspelo zaradi %1
less than mail sl Manj kot
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail sl Seznam akcij, ki bodo privzeto vklopljene/aktivirane (npr. akcija Mail composose shrani kot InfoLog)
mail common sl Pošta
mail acl mail sl Pošta ACL
mail filter mail sl Mail filter
@ -346,6 +352,7 @@ move to archive mail sl Premakni v mapo za arhiviranje
move to trash mail sl Premakni v smeti
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail sl premaknil %1 sporočil od %2 do %3
moving folders from one mailaccount to another is not supported mail sl Premikanje map iz enega poštnega računa v drugega ni podprto
name and email mail sl Ime in e-pošta
name of account mail sl Ime računa
never display html emails mail sl Nikoli ne prikaži sporočil HTML
never show mail sl nikoli ne pokaži
@ -377,14 +384,18 @@ notify about new mail in this folders mail sl V teh mapah obvestite o novi pošt
notify when new mails arrive in these folders mail sl obvestite, kdaj v te mape pride nova pošta
on mail sl Vključeno
one address is not valid mail sl En naslov ni veljaven
only email mail sl Samo e-pošta
only makes sense, if you transport password through a different channel / outside of this mail to recipients! mail sl Smiselno je samo, če geslo prenesete na drug kanal / izven te pošte prejemnikom!, če geslo prenesete na drug kanal / izven te pošte prejemnikom!
only name mail sl Samo ime
only needed for some servers, that do not return all folders on root level queries to retrieve all folders for that level mail sl potrebni samo za nekatere strežnike, ki ne vrnejo vseh map v poizvedbah korenskega nivoja, da bi naložili vse mape za to raven
only one window mail sl Le eno okno
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail sl pošljite samo sporočilo, ne kopirajte različice sporočila v nastavljeno mapo
open in html mode mail sl Odpri v načinu HTML
open in text mode mail sl Odpri v besedilnem načinu
open with collabora office mail sl Odpiranje s programom Collabora Online
organisation admin sl Organizacija
organization mail sl Organizacija
organization | real name email mail sl Organizacija | Resnično ime [E-pošta]
original message mail sl Izvirno sporočilo
outbox mail sl V pošiljanju
password protect mail sl zaščita z geslom
@ -403,13 +414,15 @@ prevent managing filters mail sl Preprečite upravljanje filtrov
prevent managing folders mail sl Preprečite upravljanje map
prevent managing notifications mail sl Preprečite upravljanje obvestil
prevent managing vacation notice mail sl Preprečite upravno obvestilo o dopustu
preview pane mail sl Okno za predogled
preview pane mail sl Postavitev okna
primary profile mail sl Osnovni profil
printing mail sl Tiskanje
printview mail sl Predogled tiskanja
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail sl Obdelava datoteke %1 ni uspela. Ni bilo mogoče zadostiti osnovnim omejitvam.
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously) admin sl podajte privzeto besedilo za počitnice (uporablja se za nova sporočila za počitnice, če predhodno ni bilo sporočila)
push notifications mail sl Potisna obvestila
quicksearch mail sl Hitro iskanje
quicksearch (with cc) mail sl hitri iskalnik (vklj.CC)
quicksearch (with cc) mail sl Hitro iskanje (+ kopiranje)
quota not provided by server mail sl Kvota, ki jo ne zagotavlja strežnik
quota: %1 mail sl Kvota: %1
read mail sl Prebrano
@ -516,10 +529,12 @@ show all folders, (subscribed and unsubscribed) in main screen folder pane mail
show horizontal mail sl prikazati vodoravno
show horizontal, hide if none selected mail sl prikazati vodoravno, skriti, če ni izbran
show new messages on home page mail sl prikaži nova sporočila na domači strani
show notification for new arriving mails mail sl Prikaži obvestilo za novo prispela sporočila
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed? mail sl Prikaži povezavo Test Connection in nadzirajte prikazano raven informacij?
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed?? mail sl Prikaži povezavo Test Connection in nadzor nivoja prikazane informacije?
show them this time only mail sl Pokaži jih samo tokrat
show vertical mail sl prikazati navpično
show vertical with all columns mail sl Prikaži navpično z vsemi stolpci
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail sl Pokaži / Skrij podokno za predogled v pogledu e-poštnega seznama
sieve mail sl Sieve
sieve connection status mail sl Stanje povezave
@ -637,6 +652,7 @@ yes, only trigger connection reset mail sl Ja, samo sproži ponastavitev povezav
yes, show all debug information available for the user mail sl da, prikažite vse informacije o odpravi napak, ki so na voljo uporabniku
yes, show basic info only mail sl da, prikaži samo osnovne informacije
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail sl Lahko se odločite, da shranite kot infolog OR tracker, ne oboje.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail sl Izberete lahko, katere informacije bodo prikazane na e-poštni oznaki.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail sl Za začetni datum in $ $ end $ $ lahko uporabite $$ start $$ za končni datum.
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail sl To potrdilo lahko dodate v stik, če zaupate temu podpisu.
you need to enter your s/mime passphrase to send this message. mail sl Za pošiljanje tega sporočila morate vnesti geslo za S / MIME.
@ -14,11 +14,15 @@ any of mail sv Någon av
any status mail sv Alla status
attachments mail sv Bilagor
by date mail sv Enligt datum
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail sv Som standard ersätts 'http://' bara med 'https://'. Konfigurera gärna 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' så att även bilder som endast är tillgängliga via http laddas.
caching of flags mail sv Cachelagring av flaggor
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail sv Byte av ämne misslyckades mappen %1 finns inte
check message against next rule also mail sv Verifiera meddelande även mot nästa regel
compose mail sv Skriv
compress folder mail sv Komprimera katalog
condition mail sv vilkor
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail sv De konfigurerade värdena kommer att ställas in automatiskt i dialogrutan för det respekterade fältet när du skriver ett nytt e-postmeddelande.
contact label mail sv Etikett för kontakt
contains mail sv Innehåller
copy to mail sv Kopiera
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail sv Det är inte tillåtet att bifoga ett konto för korsändamål!
@ -79,10 +83,12 @@ if message size mail sv om meddelande storlek
imap mail sv IMAP
imap server mail sv IMAP Server
inbox mail sv Inkorg
information to show on email tag mail sv Information som ska visas på e-postetiketten
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail sv Spara en kopia av brev i din Inkorg
kilobytes mail sv Kb
later mail sv Senare
less than mail sv Mindre än
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail sv Lista över åtgärder som ska aktiveras/aktiveras som standard (t.ex. åtgärden Mail compos spara som InfoLog)
mail common sv E-post
mail acl mail sv Tillträdesrättigheter
mail filter mail sv E-postfilter
@ -103,21 +109,35 @@ modify subject of this message mail sv Ändra ämnet för detta meddelande
move selected to mail sv Flytta valda till
move to mail sv Flytta valda till
move to trash mail sv Flytta till Borttaget
name and email mail sv Namn och e-post
never display html emails mail sv Visa inte HTML meddelanden
new subject mail sv Nytt ämne
no plain text part found mail sv Hittade inget textfält
no sneak preview in list mail sv Ingen förhandsgranskning av meddelanden
on mail sv På
one address is not valid mail sv En adress är ogiltig
only email mail sv Endast e-post
only name mail sv Endast namn
only one window mail sv Endast ett fönster
open in html mode mail sv Öppna i HTML-läge
open in text mode mail sv Öppna i textläge
open with collabora office mail sv Öppna med Collabora Online
organisation admin sv Organisation
organization mail sv Organisation
organization | real name email mail sv Organisation | Verkligt namn [E-post]
original message mail sv Ursprungligt meddelande
outbox mail sv Utkorg
permission denied mail sv Åtkomst nekad
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail sv Konfigurera ditt S/MIME-certifikat på fliken Kryptering i dialogrutan Redigera konto.
please select a address mail sv Välj adress
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail sv Antal dagar mellan svar
please supply the message to send with auto-responses mail sv Meddelande att skicka med autosvar
predefined addresses for compose mail sv Fördefinierade adresser för sammansättning
preview pane mail sv Fönsterlayout
printing mail sv Utskrift
push notifications mail sv Push-meddelanden
quicksearch mail sv Snabbsök
quicksearch (with cc) mail sv Snabbsök (+Kopia)
refresh time in minutes mail sv Uppdaterings intervall i minuter
reject with mail sv Avvisa med
remove all mail sv Radera samtliga
@ -139,6 +159,10 @@ select or insert email address mail sv Välj eller infoga e-postadress
sent folder mail sv Skickat katalog
set flags mail sv Markera e-post som
set predefined values for compose... mail sv Ställ in fördefinierade värden för sammansättning ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail sv Visa avisering för nya inkommande e-postmeddelanden
show vertical mail sv Visa vertikalt
show vertical with all columns mail sv Visa vertikalt med alla kolumner
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail sv Visa/dölj förhandsgranskningsfönstret i e-postlistan
sieve mail sv Sieve
sieve script name mail sv Sieve skript namn
signature mail sv Signatur
@ -164,3 +188,5 @@ view header lines mail sv Visa brevhuvudet
when deleting messages mail sv Vid meddelande radering
write mail sv Skriv
wrote mail sv Skrev
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail sv Du kan välja vilken information som ska visas på e-posttaggen.
you've got new mail mail sv Du har fått ny e-post
@ -5,7 +5,11 @@ after reply, visible during compose mail tr Yanıttan sonra, oluşturma sırası
aliases+forwards mail tr Takma Adlar+İleri Yönler
always show notifiction mail tr Her zaman bildirim göster
answered mail tr Cevaplandı
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail tr Varsayılan olarak 'http://' sadece 'https://' ile değiştirilir. 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' adresini yalnızca http üzerinden kullanılabilen resimleri de yükleyecek şekilde yapılandırmaktan çekinmeyin.
caching of flags mail tr Bayrakların önbelleğe alınması
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail tr Konu değiştirme başarısız %1 klasörü mevcut değil
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail tr Yapılandırılan değerler, yeni bir e-posta oluşturulurken saygı duyulan alan için oluşturma iletişim kutusunda otomatik olarak ayarlanacaktır.
contact label mail tr İletişim etiketi
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail tr Çapraz hesap ileri ekine izin verilmez!
current subject mail tr Güncel konu
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail tr E-posta oluştururken HTML düzenleyici araç çubuğunda etkinleştirilen işlevler
@ -20,6 +24,7 @@ enable mail tr Etkinleştir
event details follow mail tr Etkinlik Detayları Ektedir
extended mail tr Genişletilmiş
from mail tr Nereden
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail tr Varsayılan olarak açılacak/etkinleştirilecek eylemlerin listesi (örn. Mail compose olarak kaydet InfoLog eylemi)
mail common tr Posta
mail acl mail tr Erişim hakları
mail filter mail tr Posta filtresi
@ -37,12 +42,30 @@ modify subject mail tr Konuyu değiştir
modify subject of this message mail tr Bu mesajın konusunu değiştirin
new subject mail tr Yeni konu
no sneak preview in list mail tr Mesaj önizlemesi yok
open in html mode mail tr HTML modunda açın
open in text mode mail tr Metin modunda aç
open with collabora office mail tr Collabora Online ile Açın
organisation admin tr Organizasyon
organization | real name email mail tr Organizasyon | Gerçek ad [E-posta]
original message mail tr Orijinal mesaj
outbox mail tr Giden Kutusu
permission denied mail tr İzin verilmedi
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail tr Lütfen S/MIME sertifikanızı Hesabı Düzenle iletişim kutusunda bulunan Şifreleme sekmesinde yapılandırın.
predefined addresses for compose mail tr Compose için önceden tanımlanmış adresler
preview pane mail tr Pencere düzeni
printing mail tr Baskı
push notifications mail tr Anlık bildirimler
quicksearch mail tr Hızlı Arama
quicksearch (with cc) mail tr Hızlı Arama (+Kopya)
read / unread mail tr Okundu / Okunmadı
save all attachments to filemanager mail tr Tüm ekleri filemanager'a kaydet
select all mail tr Tamam?n? seç
select or insert email address mail tr E-posta adresini seçin veya ekleyin
set predefined values for compose... mail tr Oluşturma için önceden tanımlanmış değerleri ayarlayın ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail tr Yeni gelen postalar için bildirim göster
show vertical mail tr Dikey göster
show vertical with all columns mail tr Tüm sütunlarla birlikte dikey göster
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail tr Posta listesi görünümünde önizleme bölmesini gösterme/gizleme
signature mail tr İmza
signature at top mail tr üstteki imza
signature position and visibility mail tr İmza konumu ve görünürlüğü
@ -52,3 +75,4 @@ smtp mail tr SMTP
sneak preview in list mail tr Mesaj önizlemesi
text mail tr Metin
write mail tr Yaz
you've got new mail mail tr Yeni postanız var
@ -5,7 +5,11 @@ after reply, visible during compose mail uk Після відповіді, ви
aliases+forwards mail uk Псевдоніми + переадресація
always show notifiction mail uk Завжди показувати сповіщення
answered mail uk Відповіли
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail uk За замовчуванням 'http://' просто замінено на 'https://'. Ви можете налаштувати 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/', щоб також завантажувати зображення, доступні лише через http.
caching of flags mail uk Кешування прапорів
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail uk Змінити тему не вдалося, папка %1 не існує
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail uk Налаштовані значення будуть автоматично встановлені в діалоговому вікні створення листа для відповідного поля при створенні нового листа.
contact label mail uk Мітка контакту
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail uk Перехресне прикріплення форвардного рахунку не допускається!
current subject mail uk Поточна тема
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail uk Функції, які вмикаються на панелі інструментів HTML-редактора під час створення листа
@ -20,6 +24,8 @@ enable mail uk Включити
event details follow mail uk Подробиці події
extended mail uk Розширений
from mail uk Від
information to show on email tag mail uk Інформація, яка буде відображатися в тезі листа
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail uk Перелік дій, які вмикаються/вимикаються за замовчуванням (наприклад, дія "Скласти лист і зберегти як інфолог")
mail common uk Пошта
mail acl mail uk Права доступу
mail filter mail uk Поштовий фільтр
@ -35,13 +41,34 @@ mark all messages in folder as read mail uk Позначити всі повід
mark as deleted mail uk Позначити як видалені
modify subject mail uk Змінити тему
modify subject of this message mail uk Змінити тему цього повідомлення
name and email mail uk Ім'я та email
new subject mail uk Нова тема
no sneak preview in list mail uk Немає попереднього перегляду повідомлень
only email mail uk Тільки email
only name mail uk Тільки ім'я
open in html mode mail uk Відкрити в режимі HTML
open in text mode mail uk Відкрити в текстовому режимі
open with collabora office mail uk Відкрити за допомогою Collabora Online
organisation admin uk Організація
organization | real name email mail uk Організація | Прізвище, ім'я та по батькові [Email]
original message mail uk Оригінальне повідомлення
outbox mail uk Вихідні
permission denied mail uk Заборонено
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail uk Будь ласка, налаштуйте ваш S/MIME сертифікат на вкладці Шифрування в діалоговому вікні Редагування облікового запису.
predefined addresses for compose mail uk Заздалегідь визначені адреси для компонування
preview pane mail uk Макет вікна
printing mail uk Друк
push notifications mail uk Push-повідомлення
quicksearch mail uk Швидкий пошук
quicksearch (with cc) mail uk Швидкий пошук (+Копіювати)
read / unread mail uk Прочитано / Не прочитано
save all attachments to filemanager mail uk Зберегти всі вкладення у файл-менеджер
select or insert email address mail uk Виберіть або вставте адресу електронної пошти
set predefined values for compose... mail uk ВстаВстановити заздалегідь визначені значення для створення ...новити заздалегідь визначені значення для створення ...
show notification for new arriving mails mail uk Показувати сповіщення про нові листи
show vertical mail uk Показати вертикаль
show vertical with all columns mail uk Показувати вертикаль з усіма стовпчиками
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail uk Показати/приховати панель попереднього перегляду в списку листів
signature mail uk Підпис
signature at top mail uk підпис зверху
signature position and visibility mail uk Положення та видимість підпису
@ -52,3 +79,5 @@ smtp mail uk SMTP
sneak preview in list mail uk Попередній перегляд повідомлень
text mail uk Текст
write mail uk Записати
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail uk Ви можете вибрати, яка інформація буде відображатися в тезі листа.
you've got new mail mail uk Ви отримали новий лист
@ -16,11 +16,15 @@ any of mail zh 任何
any status mail zh 任何状态
attachments mail zh 附件
by date mail zh 以日期
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http. mail zh 默认情况下,"http://"只是用 "https://"代替。您可以随意配置 "https://proxy.egroupware.org/",使其也能加载仅通过 http 提供的图片。
caching of flags mail zh 标记缓存
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist mail zh 更改主题失败 文件夹 %1 不存在
check message against next rule also mail zh 也用下一个规则检查邮件
compose mail zh 撰写
compress folder mail zh 压缩文件夹
condition mail zh 条件
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail zh 在撰写新邮件时,配置的值将在撰写对话框中自动设置,用于尊重的领域。
contact label mail zh 联系标签
contains mail zh 包含
copy to mail zh 复制到
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail zh 不允许跨账户转发附件!
@ -76,10 +80,12 @@ if message size mail zh 如果邮件大小
imap mail zh IMAP
imap server mail zh IMAP 服务器
inbox mail zh 收件箱
information to show on email tag mail zh 电子邮件标签上显示的信息
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail zh 在收件箱保留一个邮件副本
kilobytes mail zh kb
later mail zh 晚一点
less than mail zh 少于
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action) mail zh 默认开启/激活的操作列表(例如,邮件撰写保存为 InfoLog 操作)
mail common zh 邮件
mail acl mail zh 访问权限
mail filter mail zh 邮件过滤器
@ -100,6 +106,7 @@ modify subject of this message mail zh 修改此信息的主题
move selected to mail zh 将选定邮件移至
move to mail zh 将选定邮件移至
move to trash mail zh 移动至回收站
name and email mail zh 姓名和电子邮件
never display html emails mail zh 从不显示 HTML 邮件
new subject mail zh 新的主题
no access mail zh 无访问
@ -110,15 +117,26 @@ no sneak preview in list mail zh 没有信息预览
no subject given! mail zh 没有指定的主题!
on mail zh 在
one address is not valid mail zh 其中一个地址无效
only email mail zh 仅电子邮件
only name mail zh 仅名称
only one window mail zh 只一个窗口
open with collabora office mail zh 使用 Collabora Online 打开
organisation admin zh 组织
organization mail zh 组织
organization | real name email mail zh 组织机构 | 真实姓名 [电子邮件]
original message mail zh 原始信息
outbox mail zh 发件箱
permission denied mail zh 没有权限
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail zh 请在 "编辑帐户 "对话框的 "加密 "选项卡中配置您的 S/MIME 证书。
please select a address mail zh 请选择地址
please select the number of days to wait between responses mail zh 请选择回复之间要等待的天数
please supply the message to send with auto-responses mail zh 请提供要自动回复的内容
predefined addresses for compose mail zh 撰写的预定义地址
preview pane mail zh 窗口布局
printing mail zh 打印
push notifications mail zh 推送通知
quicksearch mail zh 快速搜索
quicksearch (with cc) mail zh 快速搜索(+复制)
refresh time in minutes mail zh 刷新时间分钟数
reject with mail zh 拒绝
remove all mail zh 全部删除
@ -139,6 +157,10 @@ select all mail zh 全选
select or insert email address mail zh 选择或插入电子邮件地址
sent folder mail zh 发件夹
set predefined values for compose... mail zh 设置用于撰写的预定义值...
show notification for new arriving mails mail zh 显示新到邮件通知
show vertical mail zh 垂直显示
show vertical with all columns mail zh 垂直显示所有列
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail zh 在邮件列表视图中显示/隐藏预览窗格
sieve script name mail zh Sieve 脚本名
signature mail zh 签名
signature at top mail zh 签名在顶部
@ -166,3 +188,4 @@ view header lines mail zh 查看邮件头
when deleting messages mail zh 当删除邮件时
write mail zh 写入
wrote mail zh 写信
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail zh 您可以选择要在电子邮件标签上显示的信息。
@ -7019,7 +7019,7 @@
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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ book resources de Buchen
book resource resources de Ressource buchen
book selected resources resources de Ausgewählte Ressourcen buchen
book this resource resources de Ressource buchen
bookable resources de buchbar
bookable resources de Buchbar
booked resources de gebucht
booking requests resources de Buchungsanfragen
buy this article resources de Diesen Artikel kaufen
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ read calendar permissions resources de Kalender-Leseberechtigung
read permissions resources de Leseberechtigung
registration confirmed %1 resources de Eintragung bestätigt %1
related links resources de Siehe auch
remove accessories before changing accessory of resources de Entfernen Sie das Zubehör, bevor Sie das Zubehör ändern von:
remove accessories before changing accessory of resources de Entfernen Sie das Zubehör, bevor Sie "Zubehör von" ändern.
require confirmation resources de Benötigt Bestätigung
reserve resources de Reserviert
resource resources de Ressource
Reference in New Issue
Block a user