mirror of https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware.git synced 2025-03-13 15:08:33 +01:00

workflow and other lang updates

This commit is contained in:
Oscar Manuel Gómez Senovilla 2005-12-10 14:15:12 +00:00
parent 3610548d7e
commit 55be079d34
4 changed files with 113 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ contact common it Contatto
contact application admin it Applicativo Contatti
contact saved addressbook it Contatto salvato
contact settings admin it Impostazioni Contatto
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook it Copiato %1, dal record #%2.
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook it Copiato %1, dal record n.%2.
country common it Nazione
create new links addressbook it Crea nuovi collegamenti
csv-fieldname addressbook it CSV-Nome del Campo
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ custom fields addressbook it Campi Personalizzati
debug output in browser addressbook it Visualizza nel browser
default filter addressbook it Filtro predefinito
delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook it Cancella un singola voce passando l'ID.
department common it Divisione
department common it Dipartimento
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook it Vuoi davvero eliminare questo contatto
doesn't matter addressbook it non importa
domestic addressbook it Interno
domestic addressbook it Nazionale
download addressbook it Download
download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser) addressbook it Download del file export (Deseleziona per visualizzarlo nel browser)
download this contact as vcard file addressbook it scarica questo contatto come file vCard
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ edit custom fields admin it Modifica campi personalizzati
edit phonenumbers - addressbook it Modifica Numeri telefonici -
email & internet addressbook it Email e Internet
empty for all addressbook it per tutti vuoto
enter the path to the exported file here addressbook it Inserisci qui il path del file esportato
enter the path to the exported file here addressbook it Inserisci qui il percorso per il file esportato
existing links addressbook it Collegamenti esistenti
export addressbook it esporta
export contacts addressbook it Esporta Contatti
@ -154,6 +154,10 @@ select the type of conversion: addressbook it Seleziona il tipo di conversione:
select where you want to store admin it Seleziona dove vuoi memorizzare
show addressbook it Mostra
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook it Visualizza i promemoria dei compleanni nella schermata principale
something went wrong by deleting %1 addressbook it Qualcosa non ha funzionato cancellando %1
something went wrong by deleting this contact addressbook it Qualcosa non ha funzionato cancellando questo contatto
something went wrong by reading this contact addressbook it Qualcosa non ha funzionato leggendo questo contatto
something went wrong by saving this contact. errorcode %1 addressbook it Qualcosa non ha funzionato salvando questo contatto. Codice errore %1
startrecord addressbook it Record Iniziale
state common it Provincia
street common it Via
@ -163,8 +167,8 @@ tel home addressbook it tel abitazione
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook it Test importazione (mostra <u>solo</u> record importabili nel browser)
that field name has been used already ! addressbook it Il nome di campo è già stato utilizzato
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook it Il nome di questa persona non era nella rubrica.
this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook it Il cognome di questa persona non è nella rubrica
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit addressbook it troppi potrebbero superare il limite del tempo di esecuzione
this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook it Il cognome di questa persona non era nella rubrica.
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit addressbook it troppi potrebbero far superare il tempo-limite-esecuzione
today is %1's birthday! common it Oggi è il compleanno di %1!
tomorrow is %1's birthday. common it Domani è il compleanno di %1.
translation addressbook it Traduzione
@ -173,11 +177,16 @@ use country list addressbook it Usa la lista delle nazioni
vcard common it VCard
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook it Le VCard richiedono un valore per il nome.
vcards require a last name entry. addressbook it Le Vcards richiedono un valore per il cognome
video phone addressbook it Videotelefono
video phone addressbook it Telefono Video
voice phone addressbook it Telefono Vocale
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin it ATTENZIONE!! LDAP è utilizzabile solo se NON stai usando i contatti per la memorizzazione dei dati sugli account!
warning: all contacts found will be deleted! addressbook it ATTENZIONE: Tutti i contatti trovati saranno cancellati!
work phone addressbook it Telefono Ufficio
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook it Bisogna selezionare una vcard (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook it Bisogna selezionare almeno una colonna da visualizzare
you are not permitted to delete contact %1 addressbook it Non hai il permesso di cancellare il contatto %1
you are not permittet to delete this contact addressbook it Non hai il permesso di cancellare questo contatto
you are not permittet to edit this contact addressbook it Non hai il permesso di modificare questo contatto
you are not permittet to view this contact addressbook it Non hai il permesso di visualizzare questo contatto
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook it Devi selezionare una vcard (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook it Devi selezionare almeno una colonna da visualizzare
zip code common it CAP
zip_note addressbook it <p><b>Note:</b> Il file deve essere uno zip contentente file .csv, .vcf, o .ldif. Tuttavia, non mischiare i tipi di file da importare

View File

@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ name must not be empty !!! infolog it Il nome deve essere vuoto !!!
name of new type to create infolog it nome del tipo da creare
never hide search and filters infolog it Non nascondere mai ricerca e filtri
new name infolog it nuovo nome
new search infolog it Nuona ricerca
new search infolog it Nuova ricerca
no - cancel infolog it No - Annulla
no describtion, links or attachments infolog it nessuna descrizione, collegamenti o allegati
no entries found, try again ... infolog it nessun risulato, prova ancora...
@ -211,15 +211,18 @@ select an app to search in infolog it Seleziona un'applicazione un cui cercare
select an entry to link with infolog it Seleziona una voce da linkare con
select to filter by owner infolog it seleziona per filtrare per proprietario
select to filter by responsible infolog it seleziona per filtrare per responsabile
sets the status of this entry to done infolog it Imposta stato di questa voce a completato
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog it Imposta lo stato di questa voce e delle sue sotto- a fatto
should infolog display your open entries - not finished tasks, phonecalls or notes - on the main screen. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog it InfoLog deve visualizzare le voci aperte - i ToDo non finiti, chiamate o note - nella schermata principale. Funziona solo se non hai selezionato una applicazione per la schermata principale (nelle preferenze).
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog it InfoLog deve visualizzare i sub ToDo, -chiamate o note nella vista normale o no. Potrai sempre visualizzare i Subs attraverso i loro padri.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog it Deve Infolog mostrare i link ad altre apllicazioni e/o gli allegati nella lista Infolog (vista normale quando entri in Infolog).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog it InfoLog deve usare i nomi completi (nome e cognome) o solo il nome utente.
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog it questa voce deve essere visibile solo alle persone a cui garatisci accesso privato attraverso la ACL
show a column for used and planned times in the list. infolog it Mostra una colonna per i tempi utilizzati e pianificati nella lista.
show full usernames infolog it Mostra nomi utente completi
show in the infolog list infolog it Visualizza nella lista di InfoLog
show list of upcoming entries infolog it visualizza la lista delle voci imminenti
show open entries: tasks/calls/notes on main screen infolog it Mostra voci aperte: Compiti/Chiamate/Note sulla videata principale
show times infolog it Mostra tempi
small view infolog it vista ridotta
start a new search, cancel this link infolog it inizia una nuova ricerca, annulla questo link
startdate infolog it Data Inizio
@ -228,12 +231,15 @@ startrecord infolog it Record Iniziale
status infolog it Stato
status ... infolog it Stato ...
sub infolog it Sub
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog it Le sotto-voci diventano sotto- di voci superiori o voci principali, se non c'è più superiore
subject infolog it Oggetto
task infolog it ToDo
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog it Test importazione (mostra <u>solo</u> record importabili nel browser)
the text displayed to the user infolog it il testo visualizzato all'utente
the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog it il nome usato internamente (<= 10 caratteri), cambiandolo rende i dati esistenti indisponibili
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog it il nome usato internamente (<= 20 caratteri), cambiandolo rende i dati esistenti indisponibili
the text displayed to the user infolog it il testo mostrato all'utente
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog it Questo è il filtro che InfoLog quando entri nell'applicazione. I filtri limitano le voci visualizzate nella voce corrente. Ci sono filtri per visualizzare sono quelli finiti, ancora aperti o futuri sia tuoi che degli altri utenti.
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog it esegue quando il ToDo o la Chiamata Telefonica è finita
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog it esegue fino a quando il ToDo o la Chiamata Telefonica è finita
times infolog it Tempi
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog it troppi potrebbero superare il limite del tempo di esecuzione
today infolog it Oggi
@ -244,8 +250,8 @@ typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog it Il tipo '%1' esiste gi
type infolog it Tipo
type ... infolog it Tipo ...
type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog it Tipo di log per la voce: Note, Chiamate o ToDo
unlink infolog it Unlink
upcoming infolog it imminenti
unlink infolog it annulla link
upcoming infolog it imminente
urgency infolog it Urgenza
urgent infolog it urgente
used time infolog it tempo impiegato

View File

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
%1 email addresses inserted common es-es Se han insertado %1 direcciones de correo
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common es-es %1 no tiene permiso de ejecución para el servidor web
%1 manual common es-es Manual de %1
%1 start common es-es Inicio de %1
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common es-es %1Elija otro directorio%2<br />o de permiso de escritura al servidor web para %3
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common es-es %1eGroupWare%2 es una herramienta de trabajo en grupo, multiusuario y basada en web escrita en %3PHP%4
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar es-es Pulse mayúsculas o arrastre para cambiar el valor
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar es-es - Pulse en cualquiera de las partes de la hora para incrementarla
@ -25,7 +22,6 @@ _table properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Propiedades de la _tabla...
a editor instance must be focused before using this command. tinymce es-es Una instanacia del editor debe ser enfocada antes de usar este comando.
about common es-es Acerca de
about %1 common es-es Acerca de %1
about egroupware common es-es Acerca de eGroupware
about the calendar jscalendar es-es Acerca del calendario
about this editor htmlarea es-es Acerca de este editor
access common es-es Acceso
@ -40,7 +36,6 @@ active common es-es Activo
add common es-es Añadir
add %1 category for common es-es Añadir %1 categoría para
add category common es-es Añadir categoría
add shortcut common es-es Añadir acceso directo
add sub common es-es Añadir sub
addressbook common es-es Libreta de direcciones
admin common es-es Administración
@ -67,7 +62,6 @@ angola common es-es ANGOLA
anguilla common es-es ANGUILLA
antarctica common es-es ANTARCTICA
antigua and barbuda common es-es ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
application common es-es Aplicación
apply common es-es Aplicar
april common es-es Abril
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common es-es ¿Seguro que desea borrar estas entradas?
@ -79,9 +73,7 @@ august common es-es Agosto
australia common es-es AUSTRALIA
austria common es-es AUSTRIA
author common es-es Autor
autohide sidebox menu's common es-es Ocultar automáticamente los menús laterales
autohide sidebox menus common es-es Ocultar automáticamente los menús laterales
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common es-es ¿Ocultar automáticamente los menús laterales?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common es-es ¿Ocultar automáticamente los menús laterales?
autosave default category common es-es Autograbar Categoria Predeterminada
azerbaijan common es-es AZERBAIJAN
@ -90,7 +82,6 @@ back to user login common es-es Volver al inicio de sesi
background htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Fondo
background color htmlarea es-es Color de fondo
background color: common es-es Color de fondo:
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common es-es El directorio de copias de seguridad '%1' no tiene permiso de escritura para el servidor web
bad login or password common es-es Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrectas
bahamas common es-es BAHAMAS
bahrain common es-es BAHRAIN
@ -125,25 +116,22 @@ burundi common es-es BURUNDI
c_ell properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Propiedades de la c_elda
calendar common es-es Calendario
cambodia common es-es CAMBODIA
cameroon common es-es CAMEROON
cameroon common es-es CAMERUN
canada common es-es CANADA
cancel common es-es Cancelar
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common es-es No se puede sustituir %1 porque es un directorio
cant open '%1' for %2 common es-es No se puede abrir '%1' para %2
cape verde common es-es CAPE VERDE
caption common es-es Título
categories common es-es Categorías
categories for common es-es categorias para
category common es-es Categoria
category %1 has been added ! common es-es La Categoria %1 ha sido agregada !
category %1 has been updated ! common es-es La Categoria %1 ha sido actualizada !
categories for common es-es categorías para
category common es-es Categoría
category %1 has been added ! common es-es ¡Se ha añadido la categoría %1!
category %1 has been updated ! common es-es ¡Se ha actualizado la categoría %1!
cayman islands common es-es CAYMAN ISLANDS
cc common es-es CC
cell properties htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Propiedades de la celda
cellpadding tinymce es-es Desplazamiento entre celdas
cellspacing tinymce es-es Espacio entre celdas
center tinymce es-es Centro
centered common es-es centrado
central african republic common es-es CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
chad common es-es CHAD
change common es-es Cambiar
@ -154,11 +142,6 @@ check installation common es-es Comprobar instalaci
check now common es-es Comprobar ahora
chile common es-es CHILE
china common es-es CHINA
choose a background color common es-es Elegir un color de fondo
choose a background color for the icons common es-es Elegir un color de fondo para los iconos
choose a background image. common es-es Elegir una imagen de fondo.
choose a background style. common es-es Elegir un estilo de fondo.
choose a text color for the icons common es-es Elegir un color de texto para los iconos
choose directory to move selected folders and files to. tinymce es-es Elegir un directorio al cual mover los ficheros y directorios seleccionados:
choose list style type (for ordered lists) htmlarea-ListType es-es Elegir el tipo de estilo de la lista (para las listas ordenadas)
choose the category common es-es Elija la categoría
@ -172,7 +155,6 @@ click common es-es Al pulsar
click or mouse over to show menus common es-es Mostrar los menús al pulsar sobre ellos o al mover el ratón por encima
click or mouse over to show menus? common es-es ¿Mostrar los menús al pulsar sobre ellos o al mover el ratón por encima?
close common es-es Cerrar
close sidebox common es-es Cerrar panel lateral
cocos (keeling) islands common es-es COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
collapsed borders htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Bordes colapsados
colombia common es-es COLOMBIA
@ -185,19 +167,17 @@ company common es-es Compa
configuration problem tinymce es-es Problema de configuración
congo common es-es CONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common es-es CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE
contacting server... common es-es Conectando con el servidor...
cook islands common es-es COOK ISLANDS
copy common es-es Copiar
copy selection htmlarea es-es Copiar selección
copy table row tinymce es-es Copiar fila de la tabla
copy/cut/paste is not available in mozilla and firefox.\ndo you want more information about this issue? tinymce es-es Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?
costa rica common es-es COSTA RICA
cote d ivoire common es-es COTE D IVOIRE
could not contact server. operation timed out! common es-es No se pudo conectar con el servidor. La operación agotó el tiempo de espera.
cote d ivoire common es-es COSTA DE MARFIL
create common es-es Crear
create a link htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Crear un enlace
created by common es-es Creado por
croatia common es-es CROATIA
croatia common es-es CROACIA
cuba common es-es CUBA
currency common es-es Cambio
current common es-es Actual
@ -220,28 +200,24 @@ decimal numbers htmlarea-ListType es-es N
decrease indent htmlarea es-es Reducir sangría
default tinymce es-es Por defecto
default category common es-es Categoría predeterminada
default height for the windows common es-es Altura predeterminada para las ventanas
default width for the windows common es-es Anchura predeterminada para las ventanas
delete common es-es Eliminar
delete cell htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Borrar celda
delete column htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Borrar columna
delete row common es-es Eliminar una fila
delete the current column htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Borrar la columna actual
delete the current row htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Borrar la fila actual
denmark common es-es DENMARK
denmark common es-es DINAMARCA
description common es-es Descripción
detail common es-es Detalle
details common es-es Detalles
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common es-es ¿Desactivar la ejecución del script que corrige el bug de IE 5.5 y superiores para mostrar transparencias en imágenes PNG?
dictionary htmlarea-SpellChecker es-es Diccionario
direction tinymce es-es Dirección
direction left to right common es-es Dirección de izquierda a derecha
direction right to left tinymce es-es Dirección de derecha a izquierda
directory tinymce es-es Directorio
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common es-es Desactivar el parche de IE para ver imágenes PNG
disable slider effects common es-es Desactivar efectos deslizantes
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common es-es ¿Desactivar los efectos deslizantes animados al mostrar u ocultar menús en la página? Los usuarios de Opera y Konqueror probablemente querrán esto.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common es-es ¿Desactivar la ejecución de un script para arreglar fallos de Internet Explorer 5.5 y superiores para mostrar la transparencia en imágenes PNG?
disabled common es-es Deshabilitado
display %s first jscalendar es-es Mostrar %s primero
djibouti common es-es DJIBOUTI
@ -254,7 +230,7 @@ domain common es-es Dominio
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common es-es Nombre del dominio para la dirección de correo, ej. "%1"
domestic common es-es Doméstico
dominica common es-es DOMINICA
dominican republic common es-es DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
dominican republic common es-es REPUBLICA DOMINICANA
done common es-es Hecho
down tinymce es-es Abajo
drag to move jscalendar es-es Arrastre para mover
@ -267,7 +243,7 @@ edit categories common es-es Editar categor
edit category common es-es Editar categoría
egroupware api version %1 common es-es eGroupWare API versión %1
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common es-es eGroupWare: inicio de sesión bloqueado para el usuario '%1', IP %2
egypt common es-es EGYPT
egypt common es-es EGIPTO
el salvador common es-es EL SALVADOR
element... htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Elemento...
email common es-es Correo electrónico
@ -280,18 +256,17 @@ enlarge editor htmlarea es-es Agrandar editor
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware &nbsp; or &nbsp; /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin es-es Introduzca la URL de eGroupWare. <br>Ejemplo: http://www.dominio.com/egroupware o /egroupware<br><b>Sin barra al final</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common es-es La entrada ha sido eliminada correctamente
entry updated sucessfully common es-es La entrada ha sido actualizada correctamente
equatorial guinea common es-es EQUATORIAL GUINEA
equatorial guinea common es-es GUINEA ECUATORIAL
eritrea common es-es ERITREA
error common es-es Error
error creating %1 %2 directory common es-es Error creando el directorio %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common es-es Error eliminando el directorio %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common es-es Error renombrando el directorio %1 %2
estonia common es-es ESTONIA
ethiopia common es-es ETHIOPIA
ethiopia common es-es ETIOPIA
exact common es-es exacto
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common es-es No se pudo conectar con el servidor, o se obtuvo una respuesta que no es válida. Intente volver a iniciar la sesión, o póngase en contacto con el administrador en caso de fallo.
falkland islands (malvinas) common es-es MALVINAS
faroe islands common es-es FAROE ISLANDS
faroe islands common es-es ISLAS FEROE
fax number common es-es Fax
february common es-es Febrero
fg color htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Color de primer plano
@ -325,7 +300,6 @@ flash properties tinymce es-es Propiedades de flash
flash-file (.swf) tinymce es-es Fichero flash (.swf)
float htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Flotar
folder tinymce es-es Carpeta
folder already exists. common es-es La carpeta ya existe.
folder name missing. tinymce es-es Falta el nombre de la carpeta.
folder not found. tinymce es-es No se encontró la carpeta.
folder with specified new name already exists. folder was not renamed/moved. tinymce es-es Ya existe la carpeta con el nuevo nombre especificado. No se renombró la carpeta.
@ -336,13 +310,12 @@ for mouse over tinymce es-es para al pasar el rat
force selectbox common es-es Forzar cuadro de selección
frames htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Marcos
france common es-es FRANCIA
french guiana common es-es FRENCH GUIANA
french guiana common es-es GUAYANA FRANCESA
french polynesia common es-es FRENCH POLYNESIA
french southern territories common es-es FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
friday common es-es Viernes
ftp common es-es FTP
fullname common es-es Nombre completo
fullscreen mode common es-es Modo de pantalla completa
gabon common es-es GABON
gambia common es-es GAMBIA
general menu common es-es Menú General
@ -355,9 +328,9 @@ global common es-es Global
global public common es-es Publico Global
go today jscalendar es-es Ir hoy
grant access common es-es Conceder acceso
greece common es-es GREECE
greece common es-es GRECIA
greenland common es-es GREENLAND
grenada common es-es GRENADA
grenada common es-es GRANADA
group common es-es Grupo
group access common es-es Acceso del grupo
group has been added common es-es El grupo se ha añadido
@ -368,7 +341,7 @@ group public common es-es Grupo p
groups common es-es Grupos
groups with permission for %1 common es-es Grupos con permiso para %1
groups without permission for %1 common es-es Grupos sin permiso para %1
guadeloupe common es-es GUADELOUPE
guadeloupe common es-es GUADALOUPE
guam common es-es GUAM
guatemala common es-es GUATEMALA
guinea common es-es GUINEA
@ -399,9 +372,6 @@ hungary common es-es HUNGR
i will open it in a new page. htmlarea-SpellChecker es-es La abriré en una página nueva
i_nsert row before htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es I_nsertar fila antes
iceland common es-es ISLANDIA
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common es-es No se detectó ieSpell. Pulse Aceptar para ir a la página de descarga.
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common es-es Si el reloj está activado, ¿desea que se actualice cada segundo o cada minuto?
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common es-es Si hay algunas imágenes en la carpeta 'background', puede elegir la que desee ver.
ignore htmlarea-SpellChecker es-es Ignorar
ignore all htmlarea-SpellChecker es-es Ignorar todo
image description tinymce es-es Descripcion de la imagen
@ -413,7 +383,6 @@ indent tinymce es-es Aumentar sangria
india common es-es INDIA
indonesia common es-es INDONESIA
insert tinymce es-es Insertar
insert 'return false' common es-es insertar 'return false'
insert / edit flash movie tinymce es-es Insertar / editar película Flash
insert / edit horizontale rule tinymce es-es Insertar / editar línea horzontal
insert _column before htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Insertar _columna antes
@ -442,12 +411,11 @@ insert/edit link tinymce es-es Insertar/editar enlace
insert/modify table tinymce es-es Insertar/Modificar tabla
inserts a new table tinymce es-es Insertar una tabla nueva
international common es-es Internacional
invalid filename common es-es El nombre del fichero no es válido
invalid ip address common es-es La dirección IP no es válida
invalid password common es-es La contraseña no es válida
iran, islamic republic of common es-es IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
iraq common es-es IRAQ
ireland common es-es IRELAND
iraq common es-es IRAK
ireland common es-es IRLANDA
israel common es-es ISRAEL
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common es-es Hace más de %1 días que cambió su contraseña
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common es-es Se recomienda que ejecute la instalación para actualizar las tablas a la versión actual
@ -455,8 +423,8 @@ italic common es-es Cursiva
italy common es-es ITALIA
jamaica common es-es JAMAICA
january common es-es Enero
japan common es-es JAPAN
jordan common es-es JORDAN
japan common es-es JAPON
jordan common es-es JORDANIA
js-popup tinymce es-es Ventana javascript
july common es-es Julio
jun common es-es Jun
@ -468,7 +436,7 @@ justify left common es-es Alinear a la izquierda
justify right common es-es Alinear a la derecha
kazakstan common es-es KAZAKSTAN
keep linebreaks tinymce es-es Mantener retornos de línea
kenya common es-es KENYA
kenya common es-es KENIA
keywords common es-es Palabras clave
kiribati common es-es KIRIBATI
korea, democratic peoples republic of common es-es KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF
@ -484,19 +452,18 @@ lastname common es-es Apellido
latvia common es-es LATVIA
layout htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Formato
ldap-mgr common es-es Administrador LDAP
lebanon common es-es LEBANON
lebanon common es-es LIBANO
left common es-es Izquierda
lesotho common es-es LESOTHO
liberia common es-es LIBERIA
libyan arab jamahiriya common es-es LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
license common es-es Licencia
liechtenstein common es-es LIECHTENSTEIN
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common es-es Línea %1: '%2'<br><b>Los datos csv no coinciden con la columna de total de la tabla %3 ==> se ignora</b>
link points to: htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es El enlace apunta a:
link url tinymce es-es Dirección del enlace
list common es-es Lista
list members common es-es Lista de miembros
lithuania common es-es LITHUANIA
lithuania common es-es LITUANIA
loading files tinymce es-es Cargando ficheros
local common es-es Local
login common es-es Entrar
@ -518,17 +485,17 @@ maintainer common es-es Mantenido por
make lin_k... htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Crear enlace...
make window resizable tinymce es-es Hacer la ventana redimensionable
malawi common es-es MALAWI
malaysia common es-es MALAYSIA
maldives common es-es MALDIVES
malaysia common es-es MALASIA
maldives common es-es MALDIVAS
mali common es-es MALI
malta common es-es MALTA
march common es-es Marzo
margin htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Margen
marshall islands common es-es MARSHALL ISLANDS
martinique common es-es MARTINIQUE
martinique common es-es MARTINICA
match case tinymce es-es Coinciden las mayúsculas
mauritania common es-es MAURITANIA
mauritius common es-es MAURITIUS
mauritius common es-es MAURICIO
max number of icons in navbar common es-es Número máximo de iconos en la barra de navegación
may common es-es Mayo
mayotte common es-es MAYOTTE
@ -540,7 +507,6 @@ message common es-es Mensaje
mexico common es-es MEXICO
micronesia, federated states of common es-es MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
middle htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Medio
minute common es-es minuto
mkdir failed. tinymce es-es No se pudo crear el directorio.
modify url htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Modificar URL
moldova, republic of common es-es MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
@ -548,20 +514,19 @@ monaco common es-es MONACO
monday common es-es Lunes
mongolia common es-es MONGOLIA
montserrat common es-es MONTSERRAT
morocco common es-es MOROCCO
morocco common es-es MARRUECOS
move tinymce es-es Mover
mozambique common es-es MOZAMBIQUE
multiple common es-es múltiple
myanmar common es-es MYANMAR
name common es-es Nombre
name of the user, eg. "%1" common es-es Nombre del usuario, p.ej. "%1"
namibia common es-es NAMIBIA
nauru common es-es NAURU
nepal common es-es NEPAL
netherlands common es-es NETHERLANDS
netherlands antilles common es-es NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
netherlands common es-es HOLANDA
netherlands antilles common es-es ANTILLAS HOLANDESAS
never common es-es Nunca
new caledonia common es-es NEW CALEDONIA
new caledonia common es-es NUEVA CALEDONIA
new entry added sucessfully common es-es La nueva entrada se ha añadido correctamente
new file name missing! tinymce es-es ¡Falta el nombre del nuevo fichero!
new file name: tinymce es-es Nuevo nombre de fichero:
@ -570,7 +535,7 @@ new folder name missing! tinymce es-es
new folder name: tinymce es-es Nombre de la nueva carpeta:
new main category common es-es Nueva categoría principal
new value common es-es Nuevo valor
new zealand common es-es NEW ZEALAND
new zealand common es-es NUEVA ZELANDA
next common es-es Siguiente
next month (hold for menu) jscalendar es-es Mes siguiente (mantener para menú)
next page common es-es Página siguiente
@ -590,7 +555,6 @@ no permission to move files and folders. tinymce es-es No tiene permiso para mov
no permission to rename files and folders. tinymce es-es No tiene permiso para renombrar ficheros y carpetas.
no permission to upload. tinymce es-es No tiene permiso para subir ficheros.
no rules htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Sin reglas
no savant2 template directories were found in: common es-es No se encontraron directorios de plantillas Savant2 en:
no shadow tinymce es-es Sin sombra
no sides htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Sin lados
no subject common es-es Sin asunto
@ -603,7 +567,6 @@ not assigned common es-es sin asignar
note common es-es Nota
notes common es-es Notas
notify window common es-es Ventana de notificación
notify your administrator to correct this situation common es-es Póngase en contacto con su administrador para corregir esta situación
november common es-es Noviembre
october common es-es Octubre
ok common es-es Aceptar
@ -624,7 +587,6 @@ open link in a new window tinymce es-es Abrir enlace en una ventana nueva
open link in the same window tinymce es-es Abrir enlace en la misma ventana
open notify window common es-es Abrir ventana de notificación
open popup window common es-es Abrir ventana emergente
open sidebox common es-es Abrir panel lateral
opens this link in a new window htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Abre este enlace en una ventana nueva
ordered list common es-es Lista ordenada
original common es-es Original
@ -656,9 +618,6 @@ paste table row before tinymce es-es Pegar la fila de la tabla antes
path htmlarea es-es Ruta
path not found. tinymce es-es No se encontró la ruta
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common es-es ¡¡La ruta a los ficheros de usuario y grupos DEBE ESTAR FUERA de la raíz de los documentos del servidor web!!
pattern for search in addressbook common es-es Patrón de búsqueda en la libreta de direcciones
pattern for search in calendar common es-es Patrón de búsqueda en el calendario
pattern for search in projects common es-es Patrón de búsqueda en proyectos
percent htmlarea-TableOperations es-es porcentaje
permissions to the files/users directory common es-es permisos a los directorios de archivos/usuarios
personal common es-es Personal
@ -700,7 +659,6 @@ primary style-sheet: common es-es Hoja de estilo principal:
print common es-es Imprimir
priority common es-es Prioridad
private common es-es Privado
programs common es-es Programas
project common es-es Proyecto
public common es-es público
puerto rico common es-es PUERTO RICO
@ -708,14 +666,12 @@ qatar common es-es QATAR
re-check htmlarea-SpellChecker es-es Volver a comprobar
read common es-es Leer
read this list of methods. common es-es Leer esta lista de métodos
reading common es-es leyendo
redo tinymce es-es Rehacer
redoes your last action htmlarea es-es Rehace la última acción
refresh tinymce es-es Refrescar
reject common es-es Rechazar
remove col tinymce es-es Eliminar una columna
remove selected accounts common es-es borrar las cuentas seleccionadas
remove shortcut common es-es Eliminar acceso directo
remove the htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Elimnar el
remove this node from the document htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Eliminar este nodo del documento
rename common es-es Renombrar
@ -740,9 +696,9 @@ rules will appear between all rows and columns htmlarea-TableOperations es-es La
rules will appear between columns only htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Las líneas aparecen sólo entre columnas
rules will appear between rows only htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Las líneas aparecen sólo entre filas
run spell checking tinymce es-es Comprobar ortografía
russian federation common es-es RUSSIAN FEDERATION
rwanda common es-es RWANDA
saint helena common es-es SAINT HELENA
russian federation common es-es FEDERACION RUSA
rwanda common es-es RUANDA
saint helena common es-es SANTA ELENA
saint kitts and nevis common es-es SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
saint lucia common es-es SAINT LUCIA
saint pierre and miquelon common es-es SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
@ -751,14 +707,12 @@ samoa common es-es SAMOA
san marino common es-es SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common es-es SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
saturday common es-es Sábado
saudi arabia common es-es SAUDI ARABIA
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common es-es La versión de Savant2 es distinta de la del wrapper Savant2.<br/>Esta versión: %1 <br/>Versión de Savant: %2
saudi arabia common es-es ARABIA SAUDI
save common es-es Grabar
search common es-es Buscar
search %1 '%2' common es-es Buscar %1 '%2'
search or select accounts common es-es Buscar o seleccionar cuentas
search or select multiple accounts common es-es buscar o seleccionar múltiples cuentas
second common es-es segundo
section common es-es Sección
select common es-es Seleccionar
select all tinymce es-es Seleccionar todo
@ -769,8 +723,6 @@ select group common es-es Seleccionar grupo
select home email address common es-es Seleccionar dirección de correo inicial
select multiple accounts common es-es seleccionar múltiples cuentas
select one common es-es Seleccionar uno
select the default height for the application windows common es-es Seleccione la altura predeterminada para las ventanas de la aplicación
select the default width for the application windows common es-es Seleccione el ancho predeterminado para las ventanas de la aplicación
select user common es-es Seleccionar usuario
select work email address common es-es Seleccionar dirección de correo del trabajo
selection common es-es Selección
@ -778,8 +730,6 @@ send common es-es Enviar
senegal common es-es SENEGAL
september common es-es Septiembre
server %1 has been added common es-es El servidor %1 ha sido añadido
server answered. processing response... common es-es El servidor ha respondido. Procesando la respuesta...
server contacted. waiting for response... common es-es Se ha conectado con el servidor. Esperando respuesta...
server name common es-es Nombre del servidor
session has been killed common es-es La sesión ha sido eliminada
setup common es-es Instalación
@ -787,19 +737,14 @@ setup main menu common es-es Men
seychelles common es-es SEYCHELLES
show all common es-es mostrar todo
show all categorys common es-es Mostrar todas las categorías
show clock? common es-es ¿Mostrar reloj?
show home and logout button in main application bar? common es-es ¿Mostrar los botones de inicio y salir en la barra principal de aplicaciones?
show locationbar tinymce es-es Mostrar bara de ubicación
show logo's on the desktop. common es-es Mostrar logos en el escritorio
show menu common es-es mostrar menú
show menubar tinymce es-es Mostrar barra del menú
show page generation time common es-es Mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common es-es ¿Mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página en la parte inferior de la página?
show page generation time? common es-es ¿Mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página?
show scrollbars tinymce es-es Mostrar barras de desplazamiento
show statusbar tinymce es-es Mostrar barra de estado
show the image properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Mostrar el diálogo de propiedades de la imagen
show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common es-es Mostrar los logos de eGroupware y x-desktop en el escritorio.
show the table cell properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Mostrar el diálogo de propiedades de celda de la tabla
show the table properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Mostrar el diálogo de propiedades de la tabla
show the table row properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Mostrar el diálogo de propiedades de la fila de la tabla
@ -810,12 +755,12 @@ showing %1 - %2 of %3 common es-es mostrando %1 - %2 de %3
sierra leone common es-es SIERRA LEONA
singapore common es-es SINGAPUR
size tinymce es-es Tamaño
slovakia common es-es SLOVAKIA
slovenia common es-es SLOVENIA
slovakia common es-es ESLOVAQUIA
slovenia common es-es ESLOVENIA
solomon islands common es-es SOLOMON ISLANDS
somalia common es-es SOMALIA
sorry, your login has expired login es-es Lo siento, su sesión ha expirado
south africa common es-es SOUTH AFRICA
south africa common es-es SUDAFRICA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common es-es SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
spacing htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Espaciado
spacing and padding htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Espaciado y padding
@ -830,9 +775,7 @@ sri lanka common es-es SRI LANKA
start date common es-es Fecha de inicio
start time common es-es Hora de inicio
start with common es-es empieza por
starting up... common es-es Iniciando...
status common es-es Estado
stretched common es-es ajustado
strikethrough htmlarea es-es Tachado
striketrough tinymce es-es Tachado
style [css] htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Estilo [CSS]
@ -879,7 +822,6 @@ this is just a template popup tinymce es-es Esto es s
this name has been used already common es-es ¡Este nombre ya ha sido usado!
this will drop changes and quit spell checker. please confirm. htmlarea-SpellChecker es-es Esto descartará los cambios y abandonará el corrector ortográfico. Por favor, confirme.
thursday common es-es Jueves
tiled common es-es en mosaico
time common es-es Hora
time selection: jscalendar es-es Seleccionar hora:
time zone common es-es Zona horaria
@ -899,23 +841,21 @@ tonga common es-es TONGA
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common es-es Demasiados intentos fallidos de inicio de sesión: %1 para el usuario '%2', %3 para la IP %4
top common es-es Top
total common es-es Total
transparant bg for the icons? common es-es ¿Fondo transparente para los iconos?
trinidad and tobago common es-es TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
tuesday common es-es Martes
tunisia common es-es TUNISIA
turkey common es-es TURKEY
tunisia common es-es TUNEZ
turkey common es-es TURQUIA
turkmenistan common es-es TURKMENISTAN
turks and caicos islands common es-es TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
tuvalu common es-es TUVALU
type common es-es Tipo
uganda common es-es UGANDA
ukraine common es-es UKRAINE
ukraine common es-es UCRANIA
underline common es-es Subrayado
undo tinymce es-es Deshacer
undoes your last action htmlarea es-es Deshace la última acción
united arab emirates common es-es UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
united kingdom common es-es UNITED KINGDOM
united states common es-es UNITED STATES
united arab emirates common es-es EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS
united kingdom common es-es REINO UNIDO
united states common es-es ESTADOS UNIDOS
united states minor outlying islands common es-es UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
unknown common es-es Desconocido
unlink tinymce es-es Quitar enlace
@ -925,9 +865,7 @@ unordered list tinymce es-es Lista sin ordenar
unset color htmlarea-TableOperations es-es Quitar color
up tinymce es-es Arriba
update common es-es Insertar
update the clock per minute or per second common es-es Actualizar el reloj por minuto o por segundo
upload common es-es Subir a un servidor
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common es-es El directorio para subir al servidor no existe, o el servidor web no tiene permiso de escritura.
upload image htmlarea-UploadImage es-es Subir imagen
uploading... tinymce es-es Subiendo...
upper latin letters htmlarea-ListType es-es Letras latinas mayúsculas
@ -960,17 +898,12 @@ wallis and futuna common es-es WALLIS AND FUTUNA
warning!\n renaming or moving folders and files will break existing links in your documents. continue? tinymce es-es Aviso:\n renombrar o mover ficheros y carpetas romperá los enlaces existentes en sus documentos. ¿Desea continuar?
wednesday common es-es Miércoles
welcome common es-es Página principal
western sahara common es-es WESTERN SAHARA
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common es-es ¿Qué color debe tener todo el espacio en blanco en el escritorio
what style would you like the image to have? common es-es ¿Qué estilo desea que tenga la imagen?
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common es-es Si contesta que sí, los botones de inicio y salir se presentan como aplicaciones en la barra principal de aplicaciones.
western sahara common es-es SAHARA OCCIDENTAL
which groups common es-es Qué grupos
width common es-es Anchura
window name tinymce es-es Nombre de la ventana
wk jscalendar es-es wk
work email common es-es correo del trabajo
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common es-es ¿Desea mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página en la parte inferior de cada ventana?
writing common es-es escribiendo
written by: common es-es Escrito por:
year common es-es Año
yemen common es-es YEMEN
@ -995,5 +928,4 @@ your session could not be verified. login es-es Su sesi
your settings have been updated common es-es Sus preferencias fueron actualizadas
yugoslavia common es-es YUGOSLAVIA
zambia common es-es ZAMBIA
zimbabwe common es-es ZIMBABWE
zoom common es-es Escala
zimbabwe common es-es ZIMBAWE

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%1 email addresses inserted common it %1 indirizzi e-mail inseriti
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common it %1 non è eseguibile dal webserver !!!
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common it %1eGroupWare%2 è una suite multiutente, web-based scritta in %3PHP%4.
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common it %1eGroupWare%2 è una suite di collaborazione multiutente, web-based scritta in %3PHP%4.
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar it (Shift-)Click o trascina per cambiare valore
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar it - Clicca su qualunque parte della data per aumentarla
- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar it - Tieni premuto il tasto del mouse su uno dei pulsanti soprastanti per una selezione veloce.
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@
3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar it 3 numeri di caratteri per la scorciatoia Giorno
3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar it 3 numeri di caratteri per la scorciatoia Mese
80 (http) admin it 80 (http)
\n tidying up the html source, please wait... htmlarea-HtmlTidy it \n Ordinamento sorgente HTML in corso, prego attendere...
_delete row htmlarea-ContextMenu it _Cancella Riga
_image properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu it _Proprietà Immagine
_modify link... htmlarea-ContextMenu it _Modifica Link
_remove link... htmlarea-ContextMenu it _Rimuovi Link
_table properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu it _Proprietà Tabella
a editor instance must be focused before using this command. tinymce it Un'istanza dell'editor deve essere focalizzata prima di utilizzare questo comando.
about common it Info
about %1 common it Info su %1
about the calendar jscalendar it Informazioni sull'Agenda
@ -45,7 +52,10 @@ alignment tinymce it Allineamento
all common it Tutto
all fields common it tutti i campi
all four sides htmlarea-TableOperations it Tutti e quattro i lati
all occurrences of the search string was replaced. tinymce it Tutte le occorrenze della stringa di ricerca sono state sostituite.
alphabet common it a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
alternate style-sheet: common it Foglio di stile alternativo:
alternative image tinymce it Immagine alternativa
american samoa common it SAMOA AMERICANA
andorra common it ANDORRA
angola common it ANGOLA
@ -54,8 +64,8 @@ antarctica common it ANTARTIDE
antigua and barbuda common it ANTIGUA E BARBUDA
apply common it Applica
april common it Aprile
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare queste voci ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questa voce?
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common it Vuoi davvero cancellare queste voci ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common it Vuoi davvero cancellare questa voce?
argentina common it ARGENTINA
armenia common it ARMENIA
aruba common it ARUBA
@ -103,6 +113,7 @@ bulgaria common it BULGARIA
bulleted list htmlarea it Elenco Puntato
burkina faso common it BURKINA FASO
burundi common it BURUNDI
c_ell properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu it _Proprietà Cella...
calendar common it Agenda
cambodia common it CAMBOGIA
cameroon common it CAMEROON
@ -126,10 +137,13 @@ chad common it CHAD
change common it Cambia
char htmlarea-TableOperations it Carattere
charset common it iso-8859-1
chec_k link... htmlarea-ContextMenu it _Controlla Link...
check installation common it Controlla installazione
check now common it Controlla Adesso
chile common it CILE
china common it CINA
choose directory to move selected folders and files to. tinymce it Scegli la directory in cui spostare le cartelle e i file selezionati.
choose list style type (for ordered lists) htmlarea-ListType it Scegli il tipo di stile elenco (per elenchi ordinati)
choose the category common it Scegli la categoria
choose the parent category common it Scegli la categoria superiore
christmas island common it ISOLA DI NATALE
@ -157,7 +171,7 @@ cook islands common it ISOLE COOK
copy common it Copia
copy selection htmlarea it Copia la selezione
copy table row tinymce it Copy table row
copy/cut/paste is not available in mozilla and firefox.\ndo you want more information about this issue? tinymce it Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?
copy/cut/paste is not available in mozilla and firefox.\ndo you want more information about this issue? tinymce it Copia/Taglia/Incolla non sono disponibili in Mozilla e Firefox.\nVuoi ulteriori informazioni al riguardo?
costa rica common it COSTA RICA
cote d ivoire common it COSTA D'AVORIO
create common it Crea
@ -169,7 +183,7 @@ currency common it Valuta
current common it Attuale
current style htmlarea it Stile corrente
current url is htmlarea-ContextMenu it URL attuale è
current users common it Utenti attivi
current users common it Utenti attuali
cut htmlarea-ContextMenu it Taglia
cut selection htmlarea it Taglia la selezione
cut table row tinymce it Cut table row
@ -180,6 +194,7 @@ date due common it Data richiesta
date modified tinymce it Data modifica
date selection: jscalendar it Selezione data:
datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host: admin it Porta data e ora.<br>Se utilizzi la porta 13, imposta correttamente il firewall prima di confermare questa pagina.<br>(Port: 13 / Host:
de_lete column htmlarea-ContextMenu it _Cancella Colonna
december common it Dicembre
decimal numbers htmlarea-ListType it Numeri decimali
decrease indent htmlarea it Riduci Rientro
@ -208,6 +223,7 @@ display %s first jscalendar it Mostra prima %1
djibouti common it DJIBOUTI
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common it Vuoi anche cancellare tutte le sotto-categorie?
do you want to use the wysiwyg mode for this textarea? tinymce it Vuoi usare la modalit\u00E0 WYSIWYG per questa textarea?
doctype: common it TIPO DOCUMENTO:
document properties common it Proprietà documento
document title: common it Titolo documento:
domain common it Dominio
@ -256,6 +272,13 @@ february common it Febbraio
fg color htmlarea-TableOperations it Colore Principale
fields common it Campi
fiji common it FIJI
file already exists. file was not uploaded. tinymce it Il file esiste già. Il file non è stato caricato.
file exceeds the size limit tinymce it Il file eccede le dimensioni limite.
file manager tinymce it Gestione File
file not found. tinymce it File non trovato.
file was not uploaded. tinymce it Il file non è stato caricato.
file with specified new name already exists. file was not renamed/moved. tinymce it Un file con il nuovo nome specificato esiste già. Il file non è stato rinominato/spostato.
file(s) tinymce it file
file: tinymce it File:
files common it File
files with this extension are not allowed. tinymce it File con questa estensione non sono permessi.
@ -281,6 +304,8 @@ folder name missing. tinymce it Nome cartella mancante.
folder not found. tinymce it Cartella non trovata.
folder(s) tinymce it cartella/e
font color htmlarea it Colore Carattere
for mouse out tinymce it per mouse out
for mouse over tinymce it per mouse over
force selectbox common it Forza Casella di Selezione
frames htmlarea-TableOperations it Frames
france common it FRANCIA
@ -338,22 +363,26 @@ how did you get here? (please report!) htmlarea-ContextMenu it Come sei arrivato
how many columns would you like to merge? htmlarea-TableOperations it Quante colonne vuoi unire?
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common it Quante icone visualizzare nella barra di navigazione (in cima alla pagina). Le icone addizionali vanno in un menù pulldown, richiamabile dall'icona all'estrema destra della barra di navigazione.
how many rows would you like to merge? htmlarea-TableOperations it Quante righe vuoi unire?
html tidy htmlarea-HtmlTidy it HTML Ordinato
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last cell in row. htmlarea-TableOperations it HTMLArea si rifiuta codardamente di cancellare l'ultima cella nella riga.
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last column in table. htmlarea-TableOperations it HTMLArea si rifiuta codardamente di cancellare l'ultima colonna nella tabella.
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last row in table. htmlarea-TableOperations it HTMLArea si rifiuta codardamente di cancellare l'ultima riga nella tabella.
hungary common it UNGHERIA
i will open it in a new page. htmlarea-SpellChecker it Lo aprirò in una nuova pagina.
i_nsert row before htmlarea-ContextMenu it _Inserisci Riga Prima
iceland common it ISLANDA
ignore htmlarea-SpellChecker it Ignora
ignore all htmlarea-SpellChecker it Ignora sempre
image description tinymce it Descrizione immagine
image title tinymce it Titolo immagine
image url common it URL immagine
in_sert row after htmlarea-ContextMenu it _Inserisci Riga Dopo
increase indent htmlarea it Aumenta Rientro
indent tinymce it Indenta
india common it INDIA
indonesia common it INDONESIA
insert tinymce it Inserisci
insert / edit flash movie tinymce it Inserisci / modifica Filmato Flash
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common it Inseriti tutti i %1 indirizzi dei %2 contatti in %3
insert cell after htmlarea-TableOperations it Inserisci cella dopo
insert cell before htmlarea-TableOperations it Inserisci cella prima
@ -569,6 +598,7 @@ personal common it Personale
peru common it PERU
philippines common it FILIPPINE
phone number common it numero telefonico
phpgwapi common it API eGroupWare
pitcairn common it PITCAIRN
pixels htmlarea-TableOperations it pixels
please %1 by hand common it Per favore %1 a mano