diff --git a/emailadmin/inc/class.ui.inc.php b/emailadmin/inc/class.ui.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df4845c918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emailadmin/inc/class.ui.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+ True,
+ 'css' => True,
+ 'deleteProfile' => True,
+ 'editProfile' => True,
+ 'listProfiles' => True,
+ 'saveProfile' => True
+ );
+ var $cats;
+ var $nextmatchs;
+ var $t;
+ var $boqmailldap;
+ function ui()
+ {
+ $this->cats = CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories');
+ $this->nextmatchs = CreateObject('phpgwapi.nextmatchs');
+ $this->t = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',PHPGW_APP_TPL);
+ #$this->grants = $phpgw->acl->get_grants('notes');
+ #$this->grants[$this->account] = PHPGW_ACL_READ + PHPGW_ACL_ADD + PHPGW_ACL_EDIT + PHPGW_ACL_DELETE;
+ $this->boemailadmin = CreateObject('emailadmin.bo');
+ }
+ function addProfile()
+ {
+ $this->display_app_header();
+ $this->t->set_file(array("body" => "editprofile.tpl"));
+ $this->t->set_block('body','main');
+ $this->translate();
+ #$this->t->set_var('profile_name',$profileList[0]['description']);
+ $this->t->set_var('smtpActiveTab','1');
+ $this->t->set_var('imapActiveTab','1');
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.ui.saveProfile'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('action_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.ui.listProfiles'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('back_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ foreach($this->boemailadmin->getSMTPServerTypes() as $key => $value)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_smtp_option_$key",$value);
+ };
+ foreach($this->boemailadmin->getIMAPServerTypes() as $key => $value)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_imap_option_$key",$value['description']);
+ };
+ $this->t->parse("out","main");
+ print $this->t->get('out','main');
+ }
+ function css()
+ {
+ $appCSS =
+ 'th.activetab
+ {
+ color:#000000;
+ background-color:#D3DCE3;
+ border-top-width : 1px;
+ border-top-style : solid;
+ border-top-color : Black;
+ border-left-width : 1px;
+ border-left-style : solid;
+ border-left-color : Black;
+ border-right-width : 1px;
+ border-right-style : solid;
+ border-right-color : Black;
+ }
+ th.inactivetab
+ {
+ color:#000000;
+ background-color:#E8F0F0;
+ border-bottom-width : 1px;
+ border-bottom-style : solid;
+ border-bottom-color : Black;
+ }
+ .td_left { border-left : 1px solid Gray; border-top : 1px solid Gray; }
+ .td_right { border-right : 1px solid Gray; border-top : 1px solid Gray; }
+ div.activetab{ display:inline; }
+ div.inactivetab{ display:none; }';
+ return $appCSS;
+ }
+ function deleteProfile()
+ {
+ $this->boemailadmin->deleteProfile($_GET['profileid']);
+ $this->listProfiles();
+ }
+ function display_app_header()
+ {
+ if(!@is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->js))
+ {
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js = CreateObject('phpgwapi.javascript');
+ }
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file('tabs','tabs');
+ switch($_GET['menuaction'])
+ {
+ case 'emailadmin.ui.addProfile':
+ case 'emailadmin.ui.editProfile':
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file('jscode','editProfile','emailadmin');
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->set_onload('javascript:initAll();');
+ #$GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->set_onload('smtp.init();');
+ break;
+ }
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header();
+ echo parse_navbar();
+ }
+ function editProfile($_profileID='')
+ {
+ if($_profileID != '')
+ {
+ $profileID = $_profileID;
+ }
+ elseif(is_int(intval($_GET['profileid'])) && !empty($_GET['profileid']))
+ {
+ $profileID = intval($_GET['profileid']);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $profileList = $this->boemailadmin->getProfileList($profileID);
+ $profileData = $this->boemailadmin->getProfile($profileID);
+ $this->display_app_header();
+ $this->t->set_file(array("body" => "editprofile.tpl"));
+ $this->t->set_block('body','main');
+ $this->translate();
+ foreach($profileData as $key => $value)
+ {
+ #print "$key $value
+ switch($key)
+ {
+ case 'imapEnableCyrusAdmin':
+ case 'imapEnableSieve':
+ case 'imapTLSAuthentication':
+ case 'imapTLSEncryption':
+ case 'smtpAuth':
+ case 'smtpLDAPUseDefault':
+ case 'userDefinedAccounts':
+ case 'imapoldcclient':
+ if($value == 'yes')
+ $this->t->set_var('selected_'.$key,'checked="1"');
+ break;
+ case 'imapType':
+ case 'smtpType':
+ case 'imapLoginType':
+ $this->t->set_var('selected_'.$key.'_'.$value,'selected="1"');
+ break;
+ default:
+ $this->t->set_var('value_'.$key,$value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.ui.saveProfile',
+ 'profileID' => $profileID
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('action_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.ui.listProfiles'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('back_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ foreach($this->boemailadmin->getSMTPServerTypes() as $key => $value)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_smtp_option_$key",$value);
+ };
+ foreach($this->boemailadmin->getIMAPServerTypes() as $key => $value)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_imap_option_$key",$value['description']);
+ };
+ $this->t->parse("out","main");
+ print $this->t->get('out','main');
+ }
+ function listProfiles()
+ {
+ $this->display_app_header();
+ $this->t->set_file(array("body" => "listprofiles.tpl"));
+ $this->t->set_block('body','main');
+ $this->translate();
+ $profileList = $this->boemailadmin->getProfileList();
+ // create the data array
+ if ($profileList)
+ {
+ for ($i=0; $i < count($profileList); $i++)
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.ui.editProfile',
+ 'nocache' => '1',
+ 'tabpage' => '3',
+ 'profileid' => $profileList[$i]['profileID']
+ );
+ $imapServerLink = ''.$profileList[$i]['imapServer'].'';
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.ui.editProfile',
+ 'nocache' => '1',
+ 'tabpage' => '1',
+ 'profileid' => $profileList[$i]['profileID']
+ );
+ $descriptionLink = ''.$profileList[$i]['description'].'';
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.ui.editProfile',
+ 'nocache' => '1',
+ 'tabpage' => '2',
+ 'profileid' => $profileList[$i]['profileID']
+ );
+ $smtpServerLink = ''.$profileList[$i]['smtpServer'].'';
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.ui.deleteProfile',
+ 'profileid' => $profileList[$i]['profileID']
+ );
+ $deleteLink = ''.
+ lang('delete').'';
+ $data[] = array(
+ $descriptionLink,
+ $smtpServerLink,
+ $imapServerLink,
+ $deleteLink
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // create the array containing the table header
+ $rows = array(
+ lang('description'),
+ lang('smtp server name'),
+ lang('imap/pop3 server name'),
+ lang('delete')
+ );
+ // create the table html code
+ $this->t->set_var('server_next_match',$this->nextMatchTable(
+ $rows,
+ $data,
+ lang('profile list'),
+ $_start,
+ $_total,
+ $_menuAction)
+ );
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.ui.addProfile'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('add_link',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->parse("out","main");
+ print $this->t->get('out','main');
+ }
+ function nextMatchTable($_rows, $_data, $_description, $_start, $_total, $_menuAction)
+ {
+ $template = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',PHPGW_APP_TPL);
+ $template->set_file(array("body" => "nextMatch.tpl"));
+ $template->set_block('body','row_list','rowList');
+ $template->set_block('body','header_row','headerRow');
+ $var = Array(
+ 'th_bg' => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['th_bg'],
+ 'left_next_matchs' => $this->nextmatchs->left('/index.php',$start,$total,'menuaction=emailadmin.ui.listServers'),
+ 'right_next_matchs' => $this->nextmatchs->right('/admin/groups.php',$start,$total,'menuaction=emailadmin.ui.listServers'),
+ 'lang_groups' => lang('user groups'),
+ 'sort_name' => $this->nextmatchs->show_sort_order($sort,'account_lid',$order,'/index.php',lang('name'),'menuaction=emailadmin.ui.listServers'),
+ 'description' => $_description,
+ 'header_edit' => lang('Edit'),
+ 'header_delete' => lang('Delete')
+ );
+ $template->set_var($var);
+ $data = '';
+ if(is_array($_rows))
+ {
+ foreach($_rows as $value)
+ {
+ $data .= "