diff --git a/setup/index.php b/setup/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38b411d4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+ array(
+ 'noheader' => True,
+ 'nonavbar' => True,
+ 'currentapp' => 'home',
+ 'noapi' => True,
+ 'nocachecontrol' => True
+ ));
+ include('./inc/functions.inc.php');
+ @set_time_limit(0);
+ $tpl_root = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->html->setup_tpl_dir('setup');
+ $setup_tpl = CreateObject('setup.Template',$tpl_root);
+ $setup_tpl->set_file(array
+ (
+ 'T_head' => 'head.tpl',
+ 'T_footer' => 'footer.tpl',
+ 'T_alert_msg' => 'msg_alert_msg.tpl',
+ 'T_login_main' => 'login_main.tpl',
+ 'T_login_stage_header' => 'login_stage_header.tpl',
+ 'T_setup_main' => 'setup_main.tpl',
+ 'T_setup_db_blocks' => 'setup_db_blocks.tpl'
+ ));
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_login_stage_header','B_multi_domain','V_multi_domain');
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_login_stage_header','B_single_domain','V_single_domain');
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_setup_db_blocks','B_db_stage_1','V_db_stage_1');
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_setup_db_blocks','B_db_stage_1a','V_db_stage_1a');
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_setup_db_blocks','B_db_stage_2','V_db_stage_2');
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_setup_db_blocks','B_db_stage_3','V_db_stage_3');
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_setup_db_blocks','B_db_stage_4','V_db_stage_4');
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_setup_db_blocks','B_db_stage_5','V_db_stage_5');
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_setup_db_blocks','B_db_stage_6_pre','V_db_stage_6_pre');
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_setup_db_blocks','B_db_stage_6_post','V_db_stage_6_post');
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_setup_db_blocks','B_db_stage_10','V_db_stage_10');
+ $setup_tpl->set_block('T_setup_db_blocks','B_db_stage_default','V_db_stage_default');
+ // Check header and authentication
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['header'] = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->detection->check_header();
+ if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['header'] != '10')
+ {
+ if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['header'] == 4) // header needs update, go there direct
+ {
+ Header('Location: manageheader.php');
+ }
+ else // run check-install first
+ {
+ Header('Location: check_install.php?intro=1');
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
+ elseif(!$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->auth('Config'))
+ {
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->html->show_header(lang('Please login'),True);
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->html->login_form();
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->html->show_footer();
+ exit;
+ }
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->loaddb();
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->html->show_header(
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['header_msg'],
+ False,
+ 'config',
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->ConfigDomain . '(' . $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->ConfigDomain]['db_type'] . ')'
+ );
+ /* Add cleaning of app_sessions per skeeter, but with a check for the table being there, just in case */
+ /* $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->clear_session_cache(); */
+ // Database actions
+ $setup_info = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->detection->get_versions();
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'] = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->detection->check_db($setup_info);
+ if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'] != 1)
+ {
+ $setup_info = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->detection->get_versions();
+ $setup_info = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->detection->get_db_versions($setup_info);
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'] = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->detection->check_db($setup_info);
+ {
+ _debug_array($setup_info);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($GLOBALS['DEBUG']) { echo 'Stage: ' . $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['db']; }
+ // begin DEBUG code
+ //$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'] = 0;
+ //$action = 'Upgrade';
+ // end DEBUG code
+ switch(@get_var('action',Array('POST')))
+ {
+ case 'Uninstall all applications':
+ $subtitle = lang('Deleting Tables');
+ $submsg = lang('Are you sure you want to delete your existing tables and data?') . '.';
+ $subaction = lang('uninstall');
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['currentver']['phpgwapi'] = 'predrop';
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'] = 5;
+ break;
+ case 'Create Database':
+ $subtitle = lang('Create Database');
+ $submsg = lang('At your request, this script is going to attempt to create the database and assign the db user rights to it');
+ $subaction = lang('created');
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['currentver']['phpgwapi'] = 'dbcreate';
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'] = 6;
+ break;
+ case 'REALLY Uninstall all applications':
+ $subtitle = lang('Deleting Tables');
+ $submsg = lang('At your request, this script is going to take the evil action of uninstalling all your apps, which deletes your existing tables and data') . '.';
+ $subaction = lang('uninstalled');
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['currentver']['phpgwapi'] = 'drop';
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'] = 6;
+ break;
+ case 'Upgrade':
+ $subtitle = lang('Upgrading Tables');
+ $submsg = lang('At your request, this script is going to attempt to upgrade your old applications to the current versions').'.';
+ if ($_POST['backup'])
+ {
+ $submsg .= ' '.lang('After backing up your tables first.');
+ }
+ $subaction = lang('upgraded');
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['currentver']['phpgwapi'] = 'oldversion';
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'] = 6;
+ break;
+ case 'Install':
+ $subtitle = lang('Creating Tables');
+ if ($_POST['upload'])
+ {
+ $submsg = lang('At your request, this script is going to attempt to install a previous backup').'.';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $submsg = lang('At your request, this script is going to attempt to install the core tables and the admin and preferences applications for you').'.';
+ }
+ $subaction = lang('installed');
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['currentver']['phpgwapi'] = 'new';
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'] = 6;
+ break;
+ }
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('subtitle',@$subtitle);
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('submsg',@$submsg);
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('subaction',@$subaction);
+ // Old PHP
+ if (!function_exists('version_compare'))//version_compare() is only available in PHP4.1+
+ {
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->html->show_header($GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['header_msg'],True);
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->html->show_alert_msg('Error',
+ lang('You appear to be running an old version of PHP
It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version.
Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all.
Please upgrade to at least version %1','4.1'));
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->html->show_footer();
+ exit;
+ }
+ // BEGIN setup page
+ //$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->app_status();
+ $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['app_images'] = 'templates/default/images';
+ $incomplete = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['app_images'] . '/incomplete.png';
+ $completed = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['app_images'] . '/completed.png';
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('img_incomplete',$incomplete);
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('img_completed',$completed);
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('db_step_text',lang('Step %1 - Simple Application Management',1));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('lang_system_charset',lang('charset to use (use utf-8 if you plan to use languages with different charsets):'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('system_charset',str_replace('&','&',$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->translation->get_charsets('system_charset',
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->system_charset)));
+ switch($GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'])
+ {
+ case 1:
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('dbnotexist',''.lang('Your Database is not working!').': '.$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->Error);
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('makesure',lang('Make sure that your database is created and the account permissions are set'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('notcomplete',lang('not complete'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('oncesetup',lang('Once the database is setup correctly'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('createdb',''.lang('Or we can attempt to create the database for you:').'');
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('create_database',lang('Create database'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('instr','');
+ $info = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->ConfigDomain];
+ switch ($info['db_type'])
+ {
+ case 'mysql':
+ case 'mysqli':
+ case 'mysqlt':
+ $set_charset = (float) $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->ServerInfo['version'] >= 4.1 ? ' DEFAULT CHARSET SET utf8' : '';
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('instr',
+ ''.lang("Instructions for creating the database in %1:",'MySql').''
+ . '
'.lang('Login to mysql -')
+ . '
[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p
+ . lang('Create the empty database and grant user permissions -')
+ . "
mysql> CREATE DATABASE $info[db_name]$set_charset;"
+ . "
mysql> GRANT ALL ON " . $info['db_name']
+ . ".* TO " . $info['db_user'] . "@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '" . $info['db_pass'] . "';");
+ $setup_tpl->parse('V_db_stage_1','B_db_stage_1');
+ break;
+ case 'pgsql':
+ $ip = $info['db_host'] == 'localhost' ? '' : '<ip-address webserver>';
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('instr',
+ ''.lang('Instructions for creating the database in %1:','PostgreSQL').''
+ . '
'.lang('Login as user postgres, eg. by using su as root')
+ . "
[root@server /root]# su - postgres
+ . lang('Create the empty database and grant user permissions -')
+ . "
[postgres@server /var/lib/pgsql]\$ createuser --no-adduser --no-createdb -P " . $info['db_user'] . ""
+ . "
Enter password for new user: " . $info['db_pass'] . ""
+ . "
[postgres@server /var/lib/pgsql]\$ createdb --owner " . $info['db_user'] . ' ' . $info['db_name'] . ""
+ . '
'.lang('to allow password authentification add the following line to your pg_hba.conf (above all others) AND restart postgres:')
+ . '
+ .($info['db_host'] ? "
host $info[db_name] $info[db_user] $ip/32 password" :
+ "
local $info[db_name] $info[db_user] password"));
+ //$setup_tpl->parse('V_db_stage_1','B_db_stage_1');
+ //break;
+ default:
+ $setup_tpl->parse('V_db_stage_1','B_db_stage_1a');
+ }
+ $db_filled_block = $setup_tpl->get_var('V_db_stage_1');
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('V_db_filled_block',$db_filled_block);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('prebeta',lang('You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.
These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.
You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades)
and then upgrade from there with the current version.'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('notcomplete',lang('not complete'));
+ $setup_tpl->parse('V_db_stage_2','B_db_stage_2');
+ $db_filled_block = $setup_tpl->get_var('V_db_stage_2');
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('V_db_filled_block',$db_filled_block);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('dbexists',''.lang('Your database is working, but you dont have any applications installed').'');
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('install',lang('Install'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('proceed',lang('We can proceed'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('coreapps',lang('all applications'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('lang_debug',lang('enable for extra debug-messages'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('lang_restore',lang('Or you can install a previous backup.'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('upload',' '.
+ '');
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('convert_checkbox','');
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('lang_convert_charset','');
+ $setup_tpl->parse('V_db_stage_3','B_db_stage_3');
+ $db_filled_block = $setup_tpl->get_var('V_db_stage_3');
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('V_db_filled_block',$db_filled_block);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('oldver',lang('You appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare',$setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver']));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('automatic',lang('We will automatically update your tables/records to %1',$setup_info['phpgwapi']['version']));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('backupwarn',lang('but we highly recommend backing up your tables in case the script causes damage to your data.
These automated scripts can easily destroy your data.'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('lang_backup',lang('create a backup before upgrading the DB'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('lang_debug',lang('enable for extra debug-messages'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('upgrade',lang('Upgrade'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('goto',lang('Go to'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('configuration',lang('configuration'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('admin_account',lang('Create admin account'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('applications',lang('Manage Applications'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('db_backup',lang('DB backup and restore'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('language_management',lang('Manage Languages'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('uninstall_all_applications',lang('Uninstall all applications'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('dont_touch_my_data',lang('Dont touch my data'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('dropwarn',lang('Your tables will be dropped and you will lose data'));
+ $setup_tpl->parse('V_db_stage_4','B_db_stage_4');
+ $db_filled_block = $setup_tpl->get_var('V_db_stage_4');
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('V_db_filled_block',$db_filled_block);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('are_you_sure',lang('ARE YOU SURE?'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('really_uninstall_all_applications',lang('REALLY Uninstall all applications'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('dropwarn',lang('Your tables will be dropped and you will lose data'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('cancel',lang('cancel'));
+ $setup_tpl->parse('V_db_stage_5','B_db_stage_5');
+ $db_filled_block = $setup_tpl->get_var('V_db_stage_5');
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('V_db_filled_block',$db_filled_block);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('status',lang('Status'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('notcomplete',lang('not complete'));
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('tblchange',lang('Table Change Messages'));
+ $setup_tpl->parse('V_db_stage_6_pre','B_db_stage_6_pre');
+ $db_filled_block = $setup_tpl->get_var('V_db_stage_6_pre');
+ $setup_tpl->set_var('tableshave',lang('If you did not receive any errors, your applications have been'));
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->Halt_On_Error = 'report';
+ switch ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['currentver']['phpgwapi'])
+ {
+ case 'dbcreate':
+ $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->create_database($_POST['db_root'], $_POST['db_pass'], $_POST['system_charset']);
+ break;
+ case 'drop':
+ $setup_info = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->detection->get_versions($setup_info);
+ $setup_info = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->process->droptables($setup_info);
+ break;
+ case 'new':
+ // use uploaded backup, instead installing from scratch
+ if ($_POST['upload'])
+ {
+ $db_backup = CreateObject('phpgwapi.db_backup');
+ if (is_array($_FILES['uploaded']) && !$_FILES['uploaded']['error'] &&
+ is_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name']))
+ {
+ if (preg_match('/\.(bz2|gz)$/i',$_FILES['uploaded']['name'],$matches))
+ {
+ $ext = '.'.$matches[1];
+ move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'],$_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'].$ext);
+ $_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'] .= $ext;
+ }
+ if (is_resource($f = $db_backup->fopen_backup($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'],true)))
+ {
+ echo '
'.lang('restore started, this might take a view minutes ...')."
\n".str_repeat(' ',4096); + $db_backup->restore($f,$_POST['convert_charset']); + fclose($f); + echo ''.lang('restore finished')."
\n"; + unlink($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name']); + } + else // backup failed ==> dont start the upgrade + { + $setup_tpl->set_var('submsg',lang('Restore failed')); + $setup_tpl->set_var('tableshave',''.$f.''); + $setup_tpl->set_var('subaction',''); + } + } + } + else + { + $setup_info = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->detection->upgrade_exclude($setup_info); + // Set the DB's client charset if a system-charset is set + if ($_REQUEST['system_charset']) + { + $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->system_charset = $_REQUEST['system_charset']; + $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->Link_ID->SetCharSet($_REQUEST['system_charset']); + } + $setup_info = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->process->pass($setup_info,'new',$_REQUEST['debug'],True); + $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['currentver']['phpgwapi'] = 'oldversion'; + } + break; + case 'oldversion': + // create a backup, before upgrading the tables + if ($_POST['backup']) + { + $db_backup =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.db_backup'); + if (is_resource($f = $db_backup->fopen_backup())) + { + echo ''.lang('backup started, this might take a view minutes ...')."
\n".str_repeat(' ',4096); + $db_backup->backup($f); + fclose($f); + echo ''.lang('backup finished')."
\n"; + } + else // backup failed ==> dont start the upgrade + { + $setup_tpl->set_var('submsg',lang('Backup failed')); + $setup_tpl->set_var('tableshave',''.$f.''); + $setup_tpl->set_var('subaction',''); + } + } + if (!@$_POST['backup'] || !is_string($f)) + { + $setup_info = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->process->pass($setup_info,'upgrade',$_REQUEST['debug']); + $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['currentver']['phpgwapi'] = 'oldversion'; + } + break; + } + + $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->Halt_On_Error = 'no'; + + $setup_tpl->set_var('re-check_my_installation',lang('Re-Check My Installation')); + $setup_tpl->set_var('system_charset',$GLOBALS['egw']->system_charset); + $setup_tpl->parse('V_db_stage_6_post','B_db_stage_6_post'); + $db_filled_block = $db_filled_block . $setup_tpl->get_var('V_db_stage_6_post'); + $setup_tpl->set_var('V_db_filled_block',$db_filled_block); + break; + case 10: + $setup_tpl->set_var('tablescurrent',lang('Your eGroupWare API is current')); + $setup_tpl->set_var('uninstall_all_applications',lang('Uninstall all applications')); + $setup_tpl->set_var('dropwarn',lang('Your tables will be dropped and you will lose data')); + $setup_tpl->set_var('deletetables',lang('Uninstall all applications')); + $setup_tpl->parse('V_db_stage_10','B_db_stage_10'); + $db_filled_block = $setup_tpl->get_var('V_db_stage_10'); + $setup_tpl->set_var('V_db_filled_block',$db_filled_block); + break; + default: + $setup_tpl->set_var('dbnotexist',lang('Your database does not exist')); + $setup_tpl->parse('V_db_stage_default','B_db_stage_default'); + $db_filled_block = $setup_tpl->get_var('V_db_stage_default'); + $setup_tpl->set_var('V_db_filled_block',$db_filled_block); + break; + } + + // Config Section + $setup_tpl->set_var('config_step_text',lang('Step %1 - Configuration',2)); + $GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['config'] = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->detection->check_config(); + + // begin DEBUG code + //$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['config'] = 10; + // end DEBUG code + + $setup_tpl->set_var('config_status_img',$incomplete); + $setup_tpl->set_var('config_status_alt',lang('not completed')); + switch($GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['stage']['config']) + { + case 1: + $btn_config_now = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->html->make_frm_btn_simple( + lang('Please configure eGroupWare for your environment'), + 'post','config.php', + 'submit',lang('Configure Now'), + ''); + $setup_tpl->set_var('config_table_data',$btn_config_now); + $setup_tpl->set_var('ldap_table_data',' '); + break; + case 10: + $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->select($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->config_table,'config_name,config_value',array('config_app' => 'phpgwapi'),__LINE__,__FILE__); + while($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->next_record()) + { + $config[$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->f(0)] = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->f(1); + } + $config_msg = ''; + if (!check_dir($config['temp_dir'],$error_msg)) + { + $config_msg = lang("Your temporary directory '%1' %2",$config['temp_dir'],$error_msg); + } + if ((!isset($config['file_repository']) || $config['file_repository'] == 'sql') && + (!isset($config['file_store_contents']) || $config['file_store_contents'] == 'filesystem') && + !check_dir($config['files_dir'],$error_msg,true)) + { + $config_msg .= ($config_msg?"