mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 05:58:51 +01:00
pending translations from our translation server
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
(e.g. 1969) addressbook de (z.B. 1969)
(empty = use global limit, no = no export at all) admin de (leer = globale Begrenzung verwenden, nein = gar kein Export)
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook de <b>Kein Übersetzungstyp <none> konnte gefunden werden.</b> Bitte wählen Sie einen Übersetzungstyp aus der Liste aus.
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook de @-eval() ist nur für Administratoren verfügbar !!!
account id addressbook de Benutzerkonten ID
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook de @-eval() ist nur für Administratoren verfügbar!
account id addressbook de Benutzerkonten-ID
account repository admin de Speicherort für Benutzerkonten
accounts addressbook de Benutzerkonten
actions addressbook de Befehle
@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ all addressbooks addressbook de Alle Adressbücher
all contacts addressbook de Alle Kontakte
all in one field addressbook de Alle Kategorien in einem Feld ausgeben
all types addressbook de Alle Typen
allow addressbook de erlauben
allow addressbook de Erlauben
allow for contacts only addressbook de Nur für Kontakte erlauben
allow members of following groups to edit contact-data of accounts addressbook de Erlaube Mitgliedern der folgenden Gruppen die Kontaktdaten von Benutzern zu bearbeiten
allow users to maintain their own account-data admin de Erlaube Benutzern ihre eigenen Benutzerdaten zu verwalten
alt. csv import addressbook de Alt. CSV Import
always addressbook de immer
apply changes to all members, whose fields have the same previous content addressbook de Wendet die Änderungen auf alle Mitglieder an, deren Felder gleichen vorherigen Inhalt haben
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown contacts!!! addressbook de Wendet den Befehl auf die gesamte Abfrage an, NICHT nur auf die angezeigten Kontakte !!!
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown contacts!!! addressbook de Wendet den Befehl auf die gesamte Abfrage an, NICHT nur auf die angezeigten Kontakte!
are you shure you want to delete this contact? addressbook de Diesen Kontakt löschen?
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook de Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Feld löschen möchten?
assistent addressbook de Assistent
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ calendar fields: addressbook de Kalender Felder:
calendar integration addressbook de Kalender Integration
calendar uri addressbook de Kalender URI
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin de Kann über Setup >> Konfiguration geändert werden
can't create dn %1 addressbook de dn %1 kann nicht erstellt werden
can't create dn %1 addressbook de DN %1 kann nicht erstellt werden
car phone addressbook de Autotelefon
categorie addressbook de Kategorie
categorie added addressbook de Kategorie(n) hinzugefügt
@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ choose an icon for this contact type admin de Wählen Sie ein Symbol für diesen
choose charset addressbook de Zeichensatz auswählen
choose owner of imported data addressbook de Wählen Sie den Besitzer der importierten Daten
choose pre-defined map source or use custom url (use %r = street, %t = city, %c = country, %z = zipcode) admin de Wählen Sie einen vordefinierten Kartenanbieter aus oder geben Sie eine URL an mit folgenden Platzhaltern: %r = Strasse, %t = Stadt, %c = Land, %z = Postleitzahl
chosse an etemplate for this contact type admin de Wählen Sie ein eTemplate für diesen Kontakt Typ
chosse an etemplate for this contact type admin de Wählen Sie ein eTemplate für diesen Kontakt-Typ
city common de Stadt
city (private) addressbook de Stadt (Privat)
cleanup addressbook fields (apply if synchronization creates duplicates) addressbook de Bereinige Adressbuch Felder (anwenden, wenn die Synchronisation Duplikate erzeugt)
cleanup addressbook fields (apply if synchronization creates duplicates) addressbook de Bereinige Adressbuch-Felder (anwenden, wenn die Synchronisation Duplikate erzeugt)
company common de Firma
company name addressbook de Firmenname
configuration common de Konfiguration
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ contacts and account contact-data to ldap admin de Kontakte und Kontaktdaten der
contacts and account contact-data to sql admin de Kontakte und Kontaktdaten der Benutzer nach SQL
contacts to ldap admin de Kontakte nach LDAP
contacts to ldap, account contact-data to sql admin de Kontakte nach LDAP, Kontaktdaten der Benutzer nach SQL
contains addressbook de beinhaltet
contains addressbook de Beinhaltet
copied addressbook de kopiert
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook de Kopiert von %1, vom Datensatz Nr. %2.
copy a contact and edit the copy addressbook de Kopiert einen Kontakt und bearbeitet dann die Kopie
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ country code (private) addressbook de Länderkennung (Privat)
create new links addressbook de Neue Verknüpfung erstellen
created addressbook de Angelegt
credit addressbook de Darlehen
crm view list addressbook de CRM Ansicht
crm view list addressbook de CRM-Ansicht
crm-view addressbook de CRM-Ansicht
csv-fieldname addressbook de CSV-Feldname
csv-filename addressbook de CSV-Dateiname
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ default file as format addressbook de Vorgabe für eigene Sortierung
default filter addressbook de Standardfilter
default format for fileas, eg. for new entries. addressbook de Vorgegebenes Format für eigene Sortierung, z.B. für neue Einträge
default geolocation source address addressbook de Startadresse für Routenplaner
default is to open email addresses in egroupware email application, if user has access to it. addressbook de Vorgabe ist E-Mail Adressen in EGroupware-E-Mail-Anwendung zu öffnen, wenn der Benutzer darauf Zugriff hat.
default is to open email addresses in egroupware email application, if user has access to it. addressbook de Vorgabe ist E-Mail-Adressen in der EGroupware-E-Mail-Anwendung zu öffnen, wenn der Benutzer darauf Zugriff hat.
defines which email address (business or home) to use as the preferred one for distribution lists in mail. addressbook de Legt fest, welche E-Mail-Adresse (geschäftlich oder privat) für Verteilerlisten in E-Mail bevorzugt benutzt werden soll.
delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook de Löscht einen einzelnen Eintrag durch Übergabe seiner ID.
delete selected distribution list! addressbook de Löscht die ausgewählte Verteilerliste!
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ department common de Abteilung
departments addressbook de Abteilungen
directory with documents to insert contacts addressbook de Ordner mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen von Kontakten
disable addressbook de Deaktivieren
disable last/next event column addressbook de Spalte Letzer/nächster Termin deaktivieren
disable last/next event column addressbook de Spalte letzer/nächster Termin deaktivieren
display contact addressbook de Kontakte Anzeigen
displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook de Zeigt auf der Startseite eine Geburtstags Erinnerung an. Die Startseite ist die Seite die Sie sehen, wenn Sie sich in der EGroupware anmelden oder auf das Startseiten-Symbol (Haus) klicken.
distribution list deleted addressbook de Verteiler gelöscht
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ distribution lists, ... addressbook de Verteilerlisten, ...
do you really want to delete this contact? addressbook de Diesen Kontakt löschen?
do you want a private addressbook, which can not be viewed by users, you grant access to your personal addressbook? addressbook de Es kann ein zusätzliches privates Adressbuch eingeschaltet werden. Dieses kann nicht an andere Benutzer/Gruppen freigegeben werden.
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook de Wollen Sie diesen Kontakt wirklich löschen?
doesn't matter addressbook de egal
doesn't matter addressbook de Egal
domestic addressbook de Wohnung
don't hide empty columns addressbook de Leere Spalten nicht ausblenden
download addressbook de Herunterladen
@ -223,45 +223,45 @@ either the configured email addesses are wrong or the mail configuration. addres
email & internet addressbook de E-Mail & Internet
email (private) addressbook de E-Mail privat
email addresses (comma separated) to send the contact data addressbook de E-Mail Adressen (Komma getrennt) zum Senden der Kontaktdaten
empty admin de leere
empty admin de Leer
empty addressbook before importing addressbook de Adressbuch Einträge löschen, die nicht in der CSV-Liste sind
empty for all addressbook de Leer für alle
enable an extra private addressbook addressbook de Privates Adressbuch
enclosure addressbook de Einschluss
end addressbook de Ende
enter the path to the exported file here addressbook de Bitte geben Sie den Pfad für die exportierte Datei an
error deleting the contact !!! addressbook de Fehler beim Löschen des Kontakts !!!
error saving the contact !!! addressbook de Fehler beim Speichern des Kontakts !!!
error deleting the contact !!! addressbook de Fehler beim Löschen des Kontakts!
error saving the contact !!! addressbook de Fehler beim Speichern des Kontakts!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! addressbook de Fehler: der Eintrag wurde geändert, seit Sie ihn zum Bearbeiten geöffnet haben!
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. addressbook de Beispiel: "{{IF n_prefix~Herr~Sehr geehrter~Sehr geehrte}}" - suche in dem Feld "n_prefix" nach "Herr", wenn gefunden, schreibe "Sehr geehrter", wenn nicht gefunden schreibe "Sehr geehrte". Es ist auch möglich anstatt fixer Werte, den Wert eines andren Feldes zu übernehmen. Beispiel (Land wird nur dann angezeigt, denn es nicht DEUTSCHLAND ist: }
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller preferences de Beispiel für {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family}} - Beispiel: Herr Dr. James Miller
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role addressbook de Beispiel {{NELF role}} - Erzeugt einen Zeilenumbruch, wenn das Feld role nicht leer ist. Der Wert des Feldes role (Funktion) wird nach dem Zeilenumbruch ausgegeben.
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field addressbook de Beispiel {{nenvlf role}} -Erzeugt einen Zeilenumbruch, wenn das Feld role (Funktion) einen Wert besitzt. Der Wert role (Funktion) wird auch bei Vorhandensein des Feldes role nicht ausgegeben.
existing links addressbook de Bestehende Verknüpfungen
exists addressbook de besteht bereits
exists addressbook de Besteht bereits
export as csv addressbook de Exportieren als CSV
export as vcard addressbook de Exportieren als vCard
export contacts addressbook de Kontakte exportieren
export definition to use for nextmatch export addressbook de Export Profil der Listenansicht (Disketten Symbol)
export definitition to use for nextmatch export addressbook de Export Profil der Listenansicht (Disketten Symbol)
export definition to use for nextmatch export addressbook de Export-Profil der Listenansicht
export definitition to use for nextmatch export addressbook de Export-Profil der Listenansicht
export file name addressbook de Dateiname zum Exportieren
export from addressbook addressbook de Export vom Adressbuch
export selection addressbook de Auswahl exportieren
exported addressbook de exportiert
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. addressbook de Exportiert Kontakte vom Adressbuch in eine CSV Datei. CSV bedeutet 'Komma getrennte Werte'.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook de Exportiert Kontakte vom Adressbuch in eine CSV Datei. CSV bedeutet 'Komma getrennte Werte'. Im Optionen Reiter können Sie aber auch ein anderes Trennzeichen wählen.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. addressbook de Exportiert Kontakte vom Adressbuch in eine CSV Datei.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook de Exportiert Kontakte vom Adressbuch in eine CSV-Datei. Im Optionen-Reiter können Sie ein Trennzeichen wählen.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a vcard file. addressbook de Exportiert Kontakte aus dem Adressbuch in eine vCard-Datei.
extra addressbook de Extra
extra encodings addressbook de Extra Encoding
extra encodings addressbook de Extra encoding
extra private addressbook de Extra Privat
failed to change %1 organisation member(s) (insufficent rights) !!! addressbook de %1 Mitglied(er) der Organisation nicht geändert (fehlende Rechte) !!!
failed to change %1 organisation member(s) (insufficent rights) !!! addressbook de %1 Mitglied(er) der Organisation nicht geändert (fehlende Rechte)!
favorite phone addressbook de Bevorzugtes Telefon
favorites addressbook de Favoriten
fax addressbook de Telefax
fax (private) addressbook de Telefax privat
fax number common de Telefaxnummer
field %1 has been added ! addressbook de Feld %1 wurde hinzugefügt !
field %1 has been updated ! addressbook de Feld %1 wurde aktualisiert !
fax addressbook de Fax
fax (private) addressbook de Fax privat
fax number common de Faxnummer
field %1 has been added ! addressbook de Feld %1 wurde hinzugefügt!
field %1 has been updated ! addressbook de Feld %1 wurde aktualisiert!
field name addressbook de Feldname
fields for the csv export addressbook de Felder für den CSV Export
fields the user is allowed to edit himself admin de Felder, die der Benutzer selbst bearbeiten darf
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ fields to consider when looking for duplicate contacts. addressbook de Welche Fe
fields to copy when copying an address? admin de Welche Felder sollen beim Kopieren berücksichtigt werden?
fields to show in address list addressbook de Felder, die in der Adressliste angezeigt werden sollen
fieldseparator addressbook de Feldtrenner
for read only ldap admin de für nur lesendes LDAP
for read only ldap admin de Für nur lesendes LDAP
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. addressbook de Wenn Sie Serienbriefe erzeugen möchten, dann benutzen Sie dieses 'Markierungszeichen'. Setzen Sie den Inhalt, der wiederholt werden soll (Anschriftstags und Briefinhalt) zwischen zwei 'Seiten-Wiederholungs-Zeichen'.
freebusy uri addressbook de Freebusy URI
full name addressbook de Vollständiger Name
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook de In %1 Tagen (%2) ist der Geburt
income addressbook de Einkommen
infolog addressbook de InfoLog Kontakt
infolog-organisation addressbook de InfoLog Organisation
insert addressbook de einfügen
insert addressbook de Einfügen
insufficent rights to delete this list! addressbook de Keine Rechte vorhanden um diese Liste zu löschen!
insufficent rights to edit this list! addressbook de Keine Rechte vorhanden um diese Liste zu ändern!
international addressbook de International
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ manage mapping addressbook de Feldzuordnungen verwalten
mark records as private addressbook de Eintrag als Privat kennzeichnen
merge contacts addressbook de Kontakte vereinigen
merge duplicates addressbook de Duplikate vereinigen
merge into first or account, deletes all other! addressbook de Vereinige im ersten oder Benutzerkonto, löscht alle anderen !
merge into first or account, deletes all other! addressbook de Vereinige im ersten oder Benutzerkonto, löscht alle anderen!
merged addressbook de Vereinigt
message after submitting the form addressbook de Nachricht nach dem Versenden des Formulars
message phone addressbook de Anrufbeantworter
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ name, email, phone addressbook de Name, E-Mail, Telefon
new contact submitted by %1 at %2 addressbook de Neuer Kontakt eingetragen von %1 am %2
new window opened to edit infolog for your selection addressbook de Es wird ein neues Fenster zum Erstellen des InfoLog-Eintrags geöffnet
next date addressbook de Nächster Termin
no categories selected addressbook de keine Kategorien ausgewählt
no categories selected addressbook de Keine Kategorien ausgewählt
no country selected addressbook de Kein Land ausgewählt
no distribution list addressbook de Keine Verteilerliste
no fallback addressbook de Keine Ausweichlösung
@ -388,9 +388,9 @@ not shared addressbook de nicht geteilt
number addressbook de Nummer
number of records to read (%1) addressbook de Anzahl der einzulesenden Datensätze (%1)
open %1 crm view addressbook de Öffnet %1 in der CRM-Ansicht
open email addresses in external mail program addressbook de Öffne E-Mail Adressen in externem Mail-Programm
open email addresses in external mail program addressbook de Öffne E-Mail Adressen in externem E-Mail-Programm
open for editing? addressbook de Zum Bearbeiten öffnen?
open infolog crm view preferences de Öffnet Infolog CRM-Ansicht des Kontaktes
open infolog crm view preferences de Öffnet InfoLog CRM-Ansicht des Kontaktes
open tracking system crm view preferences de Öffnet Verfolgungssystem in der CRM-Ansicht
options for type admin de Optionen für Typ
organisation addressbook de Organisation
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ own sorting addressbook de Eigene Sortierung
pager common de Pager
parcel addressbook de Lieferadresse
participants addressbook de Teilnehmer
permission denied !!! addressbook de Zugriff verweigert !!!
permission denied !!! addressbook de Zugriff verweigert!
permissiong denied! ask your administrator to allow regular uses to update their public keys. addressbook de Zugriff verweigert! Bitten Sie Ihren Administrator normalen Benutzern zu erlauben Ihren öffentlichen Schlüssel zu aktualisieren.
pgp key addressbook de PGP-Schlüssel
phone number common de Telefonnummer
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ role addressbook de Beruf
room addressbook de Raum
schedule a video conference addressbook de Videokonferenz planen
search letter addressbook de Suche nach Buchstaben
select a portrait format jpeg photo. it will be resized to 60 pixel width. addressbook de Wählen Sie ein hochformatiges jpeg Foto. Es wird 60 Pixel breit skaliert.
select a portrait format jpeg photo. it will be resized to 60 pixel width. addressbook de Wählen Sie ein hochformatiges jpeg-Foto. Es wird 60 Pixel breit skaliert.
select a source address to be used in geolocation routing system addressbook de Legen Sie fest, wie der Startpunkt für die Routenplanung gesetzt wird.
select a view addressbook de Eine Ansicht auswählen
select addressbook type addressbook de Typ des Adressbuchs auswählen
@ -457,10 +457,10 @@ select phone number as prefered way of contact addressbook de Telefonnummer als
select the type of conversion addressbook de Typ der Umwandlung auswählen
select the type of conversion: addressbook de Typ der Umwandlung auswählen:
select where you want to store / retrieve contacts admin de Auswählen wo Sie Adressen speichern möchten
selected contacts addressbook de ausgewählte Kontakte
selected contacts addressbook de Ausgewählte Kontakte
send emailcopy to receiver addressbook de Versendet eine Kopie der E-Mail zu dem Empfänger
send fax via email by replacing fax number with an email address addressbook de Fax per E-Mail senden durch ersetzen der Faxnummer mit einer E-Mail-Adresse
send succeeded to %1 common de erfolgreich versandt an
send succeeded to %1 common de Erfolgreich versandt an
seperator addressbook de Feldtrenner
set full name and file as field in contacts of all users (either all or only empty values) admin de Setzt vollen Namen und eigene Sortierung in Kontakten aller Benutzer (entweder alle oder nur leere Werte)
set only full name addressbook de Nur vollen Namen setzen
@ -496,12 +496,12 @@ telephony integration admin de Telefonie Integration
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook de Test-Import (zeigt importierbare Datensätze <u>nur</u> im Browser an)
thank you for contacting us. addressbook de Danke dass Sie uns kontaktierten.
that field name has been used already ! addressbook de Dieser Feldname wird bereits benutzt!
the anonymous user has probably no add rights for this addressbook. addressbook de Der anonyme Benutzer hat vermutlich keine Hinzufügen Rechte für dieses Adressbuch.
the anonymous user needs add rights for it! addressbook de Der Anonymous Benutzer benötigt Hinzufügen Rechte dafür!
the anonymous user needs read it! addressbook de Der Anonymous Benutzer muss dies lesen können
the anonymous user has probably no add rights for this addressbook. addressbook de Der anonyme Benutzer hat vermutlich keine Hinzufügen-Rechte für dieses Adressbuch.
the anonymous user needs add rights for it! addressbook de Der Anonymous-Benutzer benötigt Hinzufügen Rechte dafür!
the anonymous user needs read it! addressbook de Der Anonymous-Benutzer muss dies lesen können
the following document-types are supported: addressbook de Folgende Dateitypen werden unterstützt:
the zip extension is needed, to insert contact data in openoffice or msoffice documents. addressbook de Die zip Erweiterung (Extension) wird benötigt, um Daten in eine LibreOffice oder MS Office Dokument einzufügen.
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook de Beim Speichern Ihrer Daten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten :-(
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook de Beim Speichern Ihrer Daten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!
this module displays a contactform, that stores direct into the addressbook. addressbook de Dieses Modul ist ein Kontaktformular, welches direkt in das Adressbuch speichert.
this module displays block from a adddressbook group. addressbook de Dieses Modul zeigt einen Block vom Adressbuch an.
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook de Der Vorname dieser Person ist nicht im Adressbuch vorhanden.
@ -516,12 +516,12 @@ translation addressbook de Übersetzung
two of: %1 addressbook de Zwei von: %1
type addressbook de Typ
un-delete addressbook de Gelöschte Adressen wieder herstellen
unable to convert "%1" to account id. using plugin setting (%2) for owner. addressbook de Umwandelung von "%1" zu Benutzer ID nicht möglich. Einstellung des Plug-ins (%2) wird für diesen Benutzer verwendet.
unable to convert "%1" to account id. using plugin setting (%2) for owner. addressbook de Umwandelung von "%1" zu Benutzer-ID nicht möglich. Einstellung des Plug-ins (%2) wird für diesen Benutzer verwendet.
unable to delete addressbook de Löschen nicht möglich
unable to import into %1, using %2 addressbook de Import nach %1 ist nicht möglich, %2 wird dafür verwendet
unique id (uid) addressbook de Eindeutige ID (UID)
unique id<br />(to update existing records) addressbook de Eindeutige ID<br />(um existierende Datensätze zu aktualisieren)
unknown type %1, imported as %2 addressbook de Unbekannter Typ %!, als %2 importiert
unique id<br />(to update existing records) addressbook de Eindeutige ID<br>(um existierende Datensätze zu aktualisieren)
unknown type %1, imported as %2 addressbook de Unbekannter Typ %1, als %2 importiert
unshare addressbook de Nicht mehr teilen
unshared addressbook de nicht mehr geteilt
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook de Aktualisiert einen einzelnen Eintrag durch Übergabe seiner Felder.
@ -535,9 +535,9 @@ use a category tree? addressbook de Verwende einen Baum für Kategorien
use addressbooks "own sorting" attribute addressbook de Verwende die Einstellung "eigene Sortierung"
use an extra tab for private custom fields? admin de Separaten Reiter für private benutzerdefinierte Felder verwenden?
use country list addressbook de Länderliste benutzen
use setup for a full account-migration admin de für eine komplette Benutzer Migration setup verwenden
use setup for a full account-migration admin de Für eine komplette Benutzer Migration setup verwenden
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. addressbook de Benutzen Sie diesen Markierungszeichen für Adressetiketten. Platzieren Sie den Inhalt, der wiederholt werden soll, zwischen zwei Markierungszeichen.
used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook de wird für Verknüpfungen und die eigene Sortierung der Liste benutzt
used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook de Wird für Verknüpfungen und die eigene Sortierung der Liste benutzt
user groups are automatically shown as distribution lists. addressbook de Benutzergruppen werden automatisch als Verteilerlisten angezeigt.
user preference addressbook de Benutzerdefinierte Einstellungen
vcard common de vCard
@ -547,23 +547,23 @@ verification addressbook de Verifikation
video call addressbook de Video-Anruf
view linked infolog entries addressbook de Verknüpfte InfoLog-Einträge anzeigen
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin de WARNUNG!! LDAP darf nur verwendet werden, wenn sie die Benutzerkonten nicht im Adressbuch speichern!
warning: all contacts found will be deleted! addressbook de WARNUNG: Alle gefundenen Kontakte werden gelöscht !
warning: all contacts found will be deleted! addressbook de WARNUNG: Alle gefundenen Kontakte werden gelöscht!
weekday addressbook de Wochentag
what should links to the addressbook display in other applications. empty values will be left out. you need to log in anew, if you change this setting! addressbook de Was sollen Verknüpfungen zum Adressbuch in anderen Anwendungen anzeigen. Leere Werte werden ausgelassen. Sie müssen sich neu anmelden, wenn Sie hier eine Änderung vornehmen!
when viewing a contact, show linked entries from the selected application addressbook de Bei der Ansicht eine Kontaktes werden nur Links zu folgenden Anwendungen gezeigt.
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (/home/unverricht) addressbook de Wenn Sie Einträge zu Dokumenten zusammenführen, werden sie hier gespeichert. Wenn kein Verzeichnis angegeben wird, werden sie in Ihrem Heimatverzeichnis (/home/...) gespeichert.
where to add the email address addressbook de wo soll die E-Mail-Adresse hinzugefügt werden
where to add the email address addressbook de Wo soll die E-Mail-Adresse hinzugefügt werden
which address format should the addressbook use for countries it does not know the address format. if the address format of a country is known, it uses it independent of this setting. addressbook de Welches Format soll das Adressbuch für Adressen verwenden, deren landesübliches Adressformat unbekannt ist. Wenn das Adressformat eines Landes dem Adressbuch bekannt ist, wird das unabhängig von dieser Einstellung benutzt.
which addressbook should be selected when adding a contact and you have no add rights to the current addressbook. addressbook de Welches Adressbuch soll beim Hinzufügen von Kontakten ausgewählt sein, wenn Sie keine Hinzufügen Rechte zum aktuellen Adressbuch haben.
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook de Welcher Zeichensatz soll für den CSV Export verwendet werden. Die systemweite Vorgabe ist der Zeichensatz der EGroupware Installation.
which charset should be used for the vcard export. addressbook de Welcher Zeichensatz soll für den vCard Export verwendet werden?
which charset should be used for the vcard import and export. addressbook de Welcher Zeichensatz soll für den vCard Import und Export verwendet werden?
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook de Welcher Zeichensatz soll für den CSV-Export verwendet werden. Die systemweite Vorgabe ist der Zeichensatz der EGroupware Installation.
which charset should be used for the vcard export. addressbook de Welcher Zeichensatz soll für den vCard-Export verwendet werden?
which charset should be used for the vcard import and export. addressbook de Welcher Zeichensatz soll für den vCard-Import und Export verwendet werden?
which fields should be exported. all means every field stored in the addressbook incl. the custom fields. the business or home address only contains name, company and the selected address. addressbook de Welche Felder sollen exportiert werden. 'Alle' bedeutet jedes Feld, welches im Adressbuch gespeichert ist, einschl. der benutzerdefinierten Felder. Die Geschäfts- oder Privatadresse enthält nur Name, Firma und die ausgewählte Adresse.
whole query addressbook de Gesamte Abfrage
work email if given, else home email addressbook de Geschäftliche E-Mail wenn vorhanden, ansonsten private E-Mail
work phone addressbook de Tel dienstl.
write (update or add) a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook de Schreibt (aktualisieren oder hinzufügen) eines einzelnen Eintrags durch Übergabe der Felder
wrong - try again ... addressbook de Falsch - nochmal versuchen ...
wrong - try again ... addressbook de Falsch - noch einmal versuchen ...
yes, for the next three days addressbook de Ja, für die nächsten drei Tage
yes, for the next two weeks addressbook de Ja, für die nächsten zwei Wochen
yes, for the next week addressbook de Ja, für die nächste Woche
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%1 added addressbook en %1 added
%1 contact(s) %2 addressbook en %1 contact(s) %2
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of %4 !!! addressbook en %1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of %4 !!!
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of %4 !!! addressbook en %1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of %4!
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! addressbook en %1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights!
%1 contacts updated (%2 errors). addressbook en %1 contacts updated (%2 errors).
%1 fields in %2 other organisation member(s) changed addressbook en %1 fields in %2 other organization member(s) changed.
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook en Add a single entry by p
add appointment addressbook en Add appointment
add business email of whole distribution list? addressbook en Add business email of whole distribution list?
add custom field addressbook en Add custom field
add customfield to links of addressbook, which displays in other applications. the default value is none customfield. addressbook en Add customfield to links of addressbook, which displays in other applications. The default value is none customfield.
add customfield to links of addressbook, which displays in other applications. the default value is none customfield. addressbook en Add customfield to links of address book, which displays in other applications. The default value is none customfield.
add emails of whole distribution list? addressbook en Add emails of whole distribution list?
add or delete categories addressbook en Add or delete categories
add to bcc addressbook en Add to BCc
@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ addressbook of addressbook en Address book of
addressbook preferences addressbook en Address Book preferences
addressbook the contact should be saved to addressbook en Address book the contact should be saved to
addressbook the contact should be shown addressbook en Address book the contact should be shown
addressbook vcard export addressbook en Addressbook vCard export
addressbook vcard import addressbook en Addressbook vCard import
addressbook vcard export addressbook en Address book vCard export
addressbook vcard import addressbook en Address book vCard import
addressbook-fieldname addressbook en Address book field name
addvcard addressbook en Add vCard
advanced search addressbook en Advanced search
all addressbooks addressbook en All addressbooks
all addressbooks addressbook en All address books
all contacts addressbook en All contacts
all in one field addressbook en All in one field
all types addressbook en All types
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ calendar fields: addressbook en Calendar fields:
calendar integration addressbook en Calendar integration
calendar uri addressbook en Calendar URI
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin en Can be changed via Setup >> Configuration
can't create dn %1 addressbook en Can't create dn %1
can't create dn %1 addressbook en Can't create DN %1
car phone addressbook en Car phone
categorie addressbook en Category
categorie added addressbook en Category added.
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ categories, notes, ... addressbook en Categories, Notes, ...
category path addressbook en Category path
category tree admin en Category tree
cell phone addressbook en Mobile phone
change addressbook when updating addressbook en Change addressbook when updating
change addressbook when updating addressbook en Change address book when updating
change all organisation members addressbook en Change all organisation members
charset for the csv export addressbook en Charset for the CSV export
charset for the vcard export addressbook en Charset for the vCard export
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ choose pre-defined map source or use custom url (use %r = street, %t = city, %c
chosse an etemplate for this contact type admin en Chose an eTemplate for this contact type
city common en City
city (private) addressbook en City (private)
cleanup addressbook fields (apply if synchronization creates duplicates) addressbook en Cleanup address book fields, apply if synchronization creates duplicates.
cleanup addressbook fields (apply if synchronization creates duplicates) addressbook en Cleanup address book fields, apply if synchronization creates duplicates
company common en Company
company name addressbook en Company name
configuration common en Configuration
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ create new links addressbook en Create new links
created addressbook en Created
credit addressbook en Credit
crm view list addressbook en CRM view list
crm-view addressbook en CRM-View
crm-view addressbook en CRM View
csv-fieldname addressbook en CSV field name
csv-filename addressbook en CSV file name
custom addressbook en Custom
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ default file as format addressbook en Default file as format
default filter addressbook en Default filter
default format for fileas, eg. for new entries. addressbook en Default format for fileas, eg. for new entries.
default geolocation source address addressbook en Default GeoLocation source address
default is to open email addresses in egroupware email application, if user has access to it. addressbook en Default is to open EMail addresses in EGroupware EMail application, if user has access to it.
default is to open email addresses in egroupware email application, if user has access to it. addressbook en Default is to open email addresses in EGroupware EMail application, if user has access to it.
defines which email address (business or home) to use as the preferred one for distribution lists in mail. addressbook en Which email address is used as preferred one for distribution lists.
delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook en Delete a single entry by passing the ID.
delete selected distribution list! addressbook en Delete selected distribution list!
@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ department common en Department
departments addressbook en Departments
directory with documents to insert contacts addressbook en Directory with documents to insert contacts
disable addressbook en Disable
disable last/next event column addressbook en Disable Last/Next Event column
disable last/next event column addressbook en Disable last/next event column
display contact addressbook en Display contact
displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook en Display birthdays on the Home page.
displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook en Display birthdays on Home.
distribution list deleted addressbook en Distribution list deleted
distribution list renamed addressbook en Distribution list renamed
distribution lists addressbook en Distribution lists
@ -221,10 +221,10 @@ edit phonenumbers addressbook en Edit Phonenumbers
edit phonenumbers - addressbook en Edit phone numbers -
either the configured email addesses are wrong or the mail configuration. addressbook en Either the configured email addresses are wrong or the mail configuration.
email & internet addressbook en Email & Internet
email (private) addressbook en email (private)
email (private) addressbook en Email (private)
email addresses (comma separated) to send the contact data addressbook en Email addresses, comma separated, to send the contact data.
empty admin en Empty
empty addressbook before importing addressbook en Delete Addressbook entries Not in the CSV list
empty addressbook before importing addressbook en Delete address book entries NOT in the CSV list
empty for all addressbook en Empty for all
enable an extra private addressbook addressbook en Extra private address book
enclosure addressbook en Enclosure
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ export from addressbook addressbook en Export from address book
export selection addressbook en Export selection
exported addressbook en exported
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. addressbook en Exports contacts from address book into a CSV file.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook en Exports contacts from address book into a CSV file. CSV means 'Comma Separated Values'. In the options tab you can also choose other separators.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a vcard file. addressbook en Exports contacts from your Addressbook into a vCard File.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook en Exports contacts from address book into a CSV file. In the options tab you can choose separators.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a vcard file. addressbook en Exports contacts from your address book into a vCard file.
extra addressbook en Extra
extra encodings addressbook en Extra encodings
extra private addressbook en Extra private
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ if accounts are already in ldap admin en If accounts are already in LDAP
ignore first line addressbook en Ignore first line
import addressbook en Import
import contacts addressbook en Import contacts
import csv-file into addressbook addressbook en Import CSV file into Address book
import csv-file into addressbook addressbook en Import CSV file into address book
import file addressbook en Import file
import from addressbook en Import from
import from ldif, csv, or vcard addressbook en Import from LDIF, CSV, or vCard
@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ import multiple vcard addressbook en Import multiple vCards
import next set addressbook en Import next set
import_instructions addressbook en In Netscape, open the Address book and select <b>Export</b> from the <b>File</b> menu. The file exported will be in LDIF format.<p>Or, in Outlook, select your Contacts folder, select <b>Import and Export...</b> from the <b>File</b> menu and export your contacts into a comma separated text (CSV) file. <p>Or, in Palm Desktop 4.0 or greater, visit your address book and select <b>Export</b> from the <b>File</b> menu. The file exported will be in vCard format.
importer's personal addressbook en Importer's personal
imports contacts into your addressbook from a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook en Imports contacts into address book from a CSV File. CSV means 'Comma Separated Values'. In the options tab you can also choose other separators.
imports contacts into your addressbook from a vcard file. addressbook en Imports contacts into your Addressbook from a vCard File.
imports contacts into your addressbook from a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook en Imports contacts into address book from a CSV File. In the options tab you can choose separators.
imports contacts into your addressbook from a vcard file. addressbook en Imports contacts into your address book from a vCard file.
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook en In %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday.
income addressbook en Income
infolog addressbook en InfoLog contact
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ migration finished addressbook en Migration finished
migration to ldap admin en Migration to LDAP
mobile addressbook en Mobile
mobile phone addressbook en Mobile phone
mobile phone (private) addressbook en mobile phone (private)
mobile phone (private) addressbook en Mobile phone (private)
modem phone addressbook en Modem phone
more ... addressbook en More ...
move to addressbook addressbook en Move to address book
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ not shared addressbook en not shared
number addressbook en Number
number of records to read (%1) addressbook en Number of records to read (%1)
open %1 crm view addressbook en Open %1 CRM view
open email addresses in external mail program addressbook en Open EMail addresses in external mail program
open email addresses in external mail program addressbook en Open email addresses in external mail program
open for editing? addressbook en Open for editing?
open infolog crm view preferences en Open InfoLog CRM view of the contact
open tracking system crm view preferences en Open Tracking System CRM view
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ organisations addressbook en Organisations
organisations by departments addressbook en Organisations by departments
organisations by location addressbook en Organisations by location
other number addressbook en Other number
other phone addressbook en Other Phone
other phone addressbook en Other phone
own sorting addressbook en Own sorting
pager common en Pager
parcel addressbook en Parcel
@ -456,13 +456,13 @@ select multiple contacts for a further action addressbook en Select multiple con
select phone number as prefered way of contact addressbook en Select phone number as preferred way of contact
select the type of conversion addressbook en Select the type of conversion
select the type of conversion: addressbook en Select the type of conversion:
select where you want to store / retrieve contacts admin en Select where contacts should be stored / retrieved.
select where you want to store / retrieve contacts admin en Select where contacts should be stored / retrieved
selected contacts addressbook en Selected contacts
send emailcopy to receiver addressbook en Send email copy to receiver
send fax via email by replacing fax number with an email address addressbook en Send fax via email by replacing fax number with an email address
send succeeded to %1 common en Send succeeded to %1
seperator addressbook en Separator
set full name and file as field in contacts of all users (either all or only empty values) admin en Set full name and 'fileas' field in contacts of all users. Either all or only empty values.
set full name and file as field in contacts of all users (either all or only empty values) admin en Set full name and 'fileas' field in contacts of all users. Either all or only empty values
set only full name addressbook en Set only full name
share into addressbook addressbook en Share into addressbook
share writable addressbook en Share writable
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ show all accounts addressbook en Show all accounts
show infolog entries for this organisation addressbook en Show InfoLog entries for this organisation
show the contacts of this organisation addressbook en Show contacts of this organisation
similar contacts found: addressbook en Similar contacts found:
size of popup (wxh, eg.400x300, if a popup should be used) admin en Size of popup. Width x Height e.g. 400x300
size of popup (wxh, eg.400x300, if a popup should be used) admin en Size of popup. Width x height e.g. 400x300
smime key addressbook en S/MIME key
special addressbook en Special
stadt addressbook en City
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ that field name has been used already ! addressbook en The field name has been u
the anonymous user has probably no add rights for this addressbook. addressbook en The anonymous user has no add rights for this address book.
the anonymous user needs add rights for it! addressbook en The anonymous user needs add rights!
the anonymous user needs read it! addressbook en The anonymous user needs read rights!
the following document-types are supported: addressbook en The following document-types are supported:
the following document-types are supported: addressbook en The following document types are supported:
the zip extension is needed, to insert contact data in openoffice or msoffice documents. addressbook en The zip extension is needed, to insert contact data in LibreOffice or MS Office documents.
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook en ERROR saving data!
this module displays a contactform, that stores direct into the addressbook. addressbook en This module displays a contact form, that stores directly into the address book.
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ unable to convert "%1" to account id. using plugin setting (%2) for owner. addr
unable to delete addressbook en unable to delete
unable to import into %1, using %2 addressbook en Unable to import into %1, using %2
unique id (uid) addressbook en Unique ID (UID)
unique id<br />(to update existing records) addressbook en Unique ID<br />to update existing records
unique id<br />(to update existing records) addressbook en Unique ID<br>to update existing records
unknown type %1, imported as %2 addressbook en Unknown type %1, imported as %2
unshare addressbook en Unshare
unshared addressbook en unshared
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ updated addressbook en Updated
upload or delete the photo addressbook en Upload or delete the photo
url (business) addressbook en URL (business)
url (private) addressbook en URL (private)
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 = number to call, %u = account name, %t = account phone) admin en URL to link telephone numbers to. Use %1 = number to call, %u = account name, %t = account phone.
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 = number to call, %u = account name, %t = account phone) admin en URL to link phone numbers to. Use %1 = number to call, %u = account name, %t = account phone.
use a category tree? addressbook en Use a tree for selecting categories
use addressbooks "own sorting" attribute addressbook en Use addressbooks "own sorting" attribute
use an extra tab for private custom fields? admin en Use an extra tab for private custom fields
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
%1 user %2 admin bg % 1 потребител % 2
(de)activate mail accounts admin bg (де)активиране на имейл акаунти
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin bg По подразбиране = Не, остави го изключен, ако не се ползва
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin bg (imapclass трябва да поддържа тази функция чрез запитване за съответната стойност на конфигурацията и да я предаде като квота по подразбиране на IMAP сървъра)
(no subject) admin bg (без тема)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin bg Съхранената парола няма да бъде показана тук!
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin bg За инсталиране на нови приложения използвайте <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Manage Applications]!
@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ advanced options admin bg Разширени опции
aliases admin bg Псевдоними
all categories admin bg Всички категории
apply the changes admin bg Прилагане на промените
checking push (green for success or red for failure) admin bg Проверка на PUSH (зелено = ОК, червено = не е ОК)
country admin bg Държава
created admin bg Създаден
custom 1 admin bg Потребителски 1
@ -138,3 +140,6 @@ start admin bg Старт
translation admin bg Превод
two weeks admin bg две седмици
updated admin bg Актуализиран
user-agent admin bg User-Agent
using fallback via regular json requests admin bg Използване на резервен вариант чрез обикновени JSON заявки
using native swoole push admin bg Използване на native Swoole Push
@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin cs %1 %2 práva pro %3 na %4 až %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin cs %1 - %2 z %3 uživatelských účtů
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin cs %1 - %2 z %3 uživatelských skupin
%1 access to other data admin cs %1 přístup k dalším datům
%1 accounts being activated admin cs %1 aktivované účty
%1 acl entries deleted. admin cs %1 odstraněny záznamy ACL.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin cs %1 ACL záznamů pro již neexistující účty bylo smazáno.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin cs %1 odstraněny kategorie (již) neexistujících účtů.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin cs %1 kategorie '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin cs %1 kategorie(y) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin cs %1 kategorie(y) %2, %3 selhaly z důvodu nedostatečných práv!
%1 class not instanciated admin cs Nebyl vytvořen objekt třídy %1
%1 entries deleted admin cs %1 záznamy odstraněny
%1 entries deleted. admin cs %1 záznamy odstraněny.
@ -9,16 +16,20 @@
%1 is no command! admin cs %1 není příkaz!
%1 log entries deleted. admin cs %1 záznamů logu smazáno.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin cs %1 mailové pověření smazáno
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin cs %1 nebyl nalezen nebo není spustitelný !!!
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin cs %1 nebyl nalezen nebo není spustitelný!
%1 phrases saved. admin cs %1 fráze uloženy.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin cs %1 práva pro %2 a aplikace %3
%1 run rights for applications admin cs %1 spuštění práv pro aplikace
%1 sessions killed admin cs %1 relace zlikvidovány.
%1 successful admin cs %1 úspěšně
%1 token %2. admin cs %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin cs %1 uživatel %2
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin cs (obvykle Ne, ponechte prázdné, pokud nepoužíváte)
(de)activate mail accounts admin cs (de)Aktivace poštovních účtů
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin cs Výchozí hodnota = Ne, pokud ji nepoužíváte, nechte ji vypnutou
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin cs (imapclass musí tuto funkci podporovat dotazem na příslušnou hodnotu konfigurace a předat ji jako výchozí kvótu serveru IMAP).
(no subject) admin cs (žádný předmět)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin cs (Uložená hesla zde nebudou zobrazena)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin cs (Pro instalaci nových aplikací použijte<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Spravovat aplikace] !!!)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin cs (Pro instalaci nových aplikací použijte<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Spravovat aplikace]!)
- type admin cs - typ
1 year admin cs 1 rok
2 month admin cs 2 měsíce
@ -31,7 +42,7 @@ accesslog and bruteforce defense admin cs Přístupový protokol a obrana proti
account admin cs Účet
account %1 %2 admin cs Účet %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin cs Účet '%1' byl smazán.
account '%1' not found !!! admin cs Účet '%1' nebyl nalezen !!!
account '%1' not found !!! admin cs Účet '%1' nebyl nalezen!
account active admin cs Účet aktivní
account has been created common cs Účet byl vytvořen
account has been deleted common cs Účet byl smazán
@ -47,14 +58,14 @@ acl rights common cs ACL práva
action admin cs Akce
actions admin cs Akce
activate admin cs Aktivovat
activate wysiwyg-editor admin cs aktivovat WYSIWYG editor
activate wysiwyg-editor admin cs Aktivovat WYSIWYG editor
active templates admin cs Aktivní šablony
add a category admin cs přidat kategorii
add a group admin cs přidat skupinu
add a category admin cs Přidat kategorii
add a group admin cs Přidat skupinu
add a new account. admin cs Přidat nový účet
add a new remote instance admin cs Přidat novou vzdálenou instanci
add a subcategory admin cs přidat podkategorii
add a user admin cs přidat uživatele
add a subcategory admin cs Přidat podkategorii
add a user admin cs Přidat uživatele
add account admin cs Přidat účet
add application admin cs Přidat aplikaci
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin cs Přidat automaticky vytvořené uživatele do této skupiny (ponecháte-li prázdné, použije se 'Výchozí')
@ -67,7 +78,7 @@ add new email address: admin cs Přidat novou e-mailovou adresu:
add peer server admin cs Přidat peer server
add profile admin cs Přidat profil
add sub-category admin cs Přidat podkategorii
admin dn admin cs Dn (distiguished name) administrátora
admin dn admin cs DN (distiguished name) administrátora
admin email admin cs E-mail administrátora
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin cs E-mailové adresy správce (oddělené čárkou) pro zasílání upozornění o blokování (ponechte prázdné pokud nechcete upozornění odesílat)
admin name admin cs Jméno administrátora
@ -79,7 +90,7 @@ admins admin cs Administrátoři
advanced options admin cs Rozšířené volby
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin cs Po kolika neúspěšných pokusech o přihlášení má být IP zablokována (výchozí 3)?
aliases admin cs Aliasy
all applications admin cs všechny aplikace
all applications admin cs Všechny aplikace
all categories admin cs Všechny kategorie
all records and account information will be lost! admin cs Všechny záznamy a informace o účtu budou ztraceny!
all users admin cs Všichni uživatelé
@ -101,9 +112,9 @@ application title admin cs Název aplikace
applications admin cs Aplikace
applications list admin cs Seznam aplikací
applications run rights updated. admin cs Oprávnění pro běh aplikace byla zaktualizována.
applies the changes admin cs použije změny
applies the changes admin cs Použije změny
apply the changes admin cs Použít změny
archive: zip or tar admin cs Archiv: zip nebo tar
archive: zip or tar admin cs Archiv: ZIP nebo tar
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat aplikaci %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat tento účet?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat tuto aplikaci?
@ -114,7 +125,7 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat ten
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin cs Určitě chcete ukončit tuto relaci?
async services last executed admin cs Asynchronní služby naposledy spuštěny
asynchronous timed services admin cs Asynchornně časované služby
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin cs asynchronní služby nebyly dosud nainstalovány nebo jiná chyba (%1) !!!
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin cs Asynchronní služby nebyly dosud nainstalovány nebo jiná chyba (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin cs Pokuste se použít správný MIME typ pro FTP místo výchozího 'application/octet-stream'
attribute accountstatus explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> z QMAIL schématu.
attribute mail explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i>-mail-</i></b> z QMAIL schématu a nikdy by nemělo být prázdné. Je také interním e-mailovým polem EGroupware.
@ -124,7 +135,7 @@ authentication / accounts admin cs Autentikace / Účty
auto create account records for authenticated users admin cs Automaticky vytvořit záznamy pro autentikované uživatele
back to admin/grouplist admin cs Zpět na Administrátor/Skupiny uživatelů
back to admin/userlist admin cs Zpět na Administrátor/Uživatelské účty
back to the list admin cs zpět na seznam
back to the list admin cs Zpět na seznam
bad login name or password. admin cs Chybné přihlašovací jméno nebo heslo.
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin cs Chybný nebo špatně fomulovaný požadavek. Server odpověděl: %s
bad request: %s admin cs Chybný požadavek: %s
@ -144,13 +155,14 @@ category deleted. admin cs Kategorie byla smazána.
category list admin cs Seznam kategorie
category saved. admin cs Kategorie byla uložena.
change account_id admin cs Změnit ID účtu
change acl rights admin cs změnit ACL práva
change acl rights admin cs Změnit ACL práva
change config settings admin cs Změnít konfigurační nastavení
change login screen message admin cs Změnit zprávu na hlavní obrazovce
change password for %1 admin cs změnit heslo pro %1
change password for %1 admin cs Změnit heslo pro %1
check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin cs Zkontrolovat ACL zda neobsahují záznamy již zrušených účtů
check ip address of all sessions admin cs Kontrolovat IP adresy všech relací
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin cs Zkontrolovat položky k <b>%1</b> do %2 pro %3
checking push (green for success or red for failure) admin cs Zkontrolujte PUSH (zelená = OK, červená - není OK)
click to select a color admin cs Klikněte pro výběr barvy
color admin cs Barva
command scheduled to run at %1 admin cs Spuštění příkazu naplánováno na %1
@ -168,9 +180,9 @@ country selection admin cs Výběr země
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin cs CRAM-MD5 nebo DIGEST-MD5 vyžadují nainstalovaný balíček Auth_SASL.
create group admin cs Vytvořit skupinu
created admin cs Vytvořeno
created with id #%1 admin cs vytvořeno s ID #%1
creates a new field admin cs vytvoří novou položku
crontab only (recomended) admin cs jen crontab (doporučeno)
created with id #%1 admin cs Vytvořeno s ID #%1
creates a new field admin cs Vytvoří novou položku
crontab only (recomended) admin cs Jen crontab (doporučeno)
custom 1 admin cs Vlastní 1
custom 2 admin cs Vlastní 2
custom 3 admin cs Vlastní 3
@ -181,7 +193,7 @@ data admin cs Data
day admin cs Den
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin cs Den týdne <br>(0-6, 0=Ne)
db backup and restore admin cs Záloha a obnova databáze
default admin cs výchozí
default admin cs Výchozí
default file system space per user admin cs Výchozí kapacita na souborovém systému na uživatele
default file system space per user/group ? admin cs Výchozí kapacita na souborovém systému na uživatele/skupinu?
deinstall crontab admin cs Odinstalace crontabu
@ -193,15 +205,15 @@ delete category admin cs Smazat kategorii
delete group admin cs Smazat skupinu
delete peer server admin cs Smazat peer server
delete selected entries admin cs Smazat vybrané záznamy
delete the category admin cs smazat kategorii
delete the group admin cs smszat skupinu
delete this category admin cs smazat tuto kategorii
delete this group admin cs smazat tuto skupinu
delete the category admin cs Smazat kategorii
delete the group admin cs Smszat skupinu
delete this category admin cs Smazat tuto kategorii
delete this group admin cs Smazat tuto skupinu
delete this log entry admin cs Smazat tento záznam v logu
delete this user admin cs smazat tohoto uživatele
deleted admin cs smazáno
deletes this field admin cs smaže tuto položku
deliver extern admin cs doručit externě
delete this user admin cs Smazat tohoto uživatele
deleted admin cs Smazáno
deletes this field admin cs Smaže tuto položku
deliver extern admin cs Doručit externě
deny access admin cs Zakázat přístup
deny access to access log admin cs Zablokovat přístup k přístupovému protokolu
deny access to application registery admin cs Zablokovat přístup do registru aplikací
@ -219,13 +231,13 @@ deny access to site configuration admin cs Zablokovat přístup k nastavení web
deny access to user accounts admin cs Zablokovat přístup k uživatelským účtům
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin cs Zablokovat všem uživatelům právo přidělit přístup k vlastním záznamům jiným uživatelům ?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin cs Popis nesmí překročit délku 255 znaků !
determines the order the fields are displayed admin cs určuje pořadí zobrazování položek
determines the order the fields are displayed admin cs Určuje pořadí zobrazování položek
disable admin cs Zakázat
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin cs Zakázat funkci "automatického dokončení" na přihlašovacím formuláři
disable wysiwyg-editor admin cs zakázat WYSIWYG editor
disabled (not recomended) admin cs zakázáno (nedoporučuje se)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin cs Zakázat WYSIWYG editor
disabled (not recomended) admin cs Zakázáno (nedoporučuje se)
display admin cs Zobrazit
displaying html messages is disabled admin cs zobrazování HTML zpráv je zakázáno
displaying html messages is disabled admin cs Zobrazování HTML zpráv je zakázáno
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin cs NEmazat kategorii a vrátit se zpět na seznam
do not validate certificate admin cs Neověřovat certifikát
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs Chcete také smazat všechny globální kategorie ?
@ -235,20 +247,20 @@ do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs Chcete smazat všechny
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin cs Chcete přesunout všechny globální podkategorie o jednu úroveň níže ?
document root (default) admin cs Kořenový adresář dokumentů (výchozí)
domainname admin cs Doménové jméno
down admin cs dolů
down admin cs Dolů
edit account admin cs Editovat účet
edit application admin cs Editovat aplikaci
edit email settings admin cs Editovat nastavení e-mailu
edit global category admin cs Editovat globální kategorii
edit global category for %1 admin cs Editovat globální kategorii pro %1
edit group admin cs Editovat skupinu
edit group acl's admin cs editovat skupinová ACL
edit group acl's admin cs Editovat skupinová ACL
edit peer server admin cs Editovat peer server
edit table format admin cs Editovat formát tabulky
edit this category admin cs editovat tuto kategorii
edit this group admin cs editovat tuto skupinu
edit this user admin cs editovat tohoto uživatele
edit user admin cs editovat uživatele
edit this category admin cs Editovat tuto kategorii
edit this group admin cs Editovat tuto skupinu
edit this user admin cs Editovat tohoto uživatele
edit user admin cs Editovat uživatele
edit user account admin cs Editovat uživatelský účet
educational: universities, schools, ... admin cs Vzdělávací: školy, univerzity, ...
egroupware directory admin cs Adresář EGroupware
@ -260,25 +272,25 @@ email settings common cs Nastavení e-mailu
emailadmin admin cs Administrátor pošty
emailadmin: group assigned profile common cs Administrátor pošty: profil přidělený skupině
emailadmin: user assigned profile common cs Administrátor pošty: profil přidělený uživateli
enable admin cs povolit
enable admin cs Povolit
enable cyrus imap server administration admin cs Povolit administraci Cyrus IMAP serveru
enable debug-messages admin cs Povolit debugovací zprávy
enable sieve admin cs Povolit Sieve
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin cs Povolit kontrolu pravopisu v richtext editoru?
enable the soap service admin cs Povolit službu soap
enable the xmlrpc service admin cs Povolit službu xmlrpc
enable the soap service admin cs Povolit službu SOAP
enable the xmlrpc service admin cs Povolit službu XML-RPC
enabled - hidden from navbar admin cs Povoleno - Skryto z navigační lišty
enabled - popup window admin cs Povoleno - Překryvné okno
encrypted connection admin cs Šifrované připojení
encryption settings admin cs Nastavení šifrování
enter a description for the category admin cs zadejte popis pro kategorii
enter a description for the category admin cs Zadejte popis pro kategorii
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin cs Zadejte náhodný text pro šifrování<br>aplikační relace (vyžaduje mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin cs Zadejte barvu pozadí pro přihlašovací stránku
enter the background color for the site title admin cs Zadejte barvu pozadí pro titulek webu
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin cs Zadejte celou cestu k dočasným souborům.<br>Například: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin cs Zadejte celou cestu k souborům uživatelů a skupin.<br>Například: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin cs Zadejte DNS jméno stroje, na kterém server běží
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin cs Zadejte umístění URL EGroupware.<br>Příklad: http://www.domain.com/egroupware nebo /egroupware<br><b>Bez koncového lomítka</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin cs Zadejte umístění URL EGroupware.<br>Příklad: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware nebo /egroupware<br><b>Bez koncového lomítka</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin cs Zadejte vyhledávací řetězec. Pro zobrazení všech záznamů ponechte pole prázdné a znovu stiskněte tlačítko Odeslat
enter the site password for peer servers admin cs Zadejte heslo webu pro peer servery
enter the site username for peer servers admin cs Zadejte uživatelské jméno webu pro peer servery
@ -294,8 +306,8 @@ enter your http proxy server port admin cs Zadejte port Vašeho HTTP proxy serve
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin cs Zadejte doménové jméno nebo IP adresu Vašeho SMTP serveru
enter your smtp server port admin cs Zadejte port Vašeho SMTP serveru
entry saved admin cs Záznam uložen
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin cs Chyba při ukočení časovače, patrně není žádný nastaven !!!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin cs Chyba při změně hesla pro 1% !!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin cs Chyba při ukočení časovače, patrně není žádný nastaven!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin cs Chyba při změně hesla pro 1% !
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin cs Chyba spojení na IMAP server. %s : %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin cs Chyba spojení na IMAP server: [%s] %s.
error deleting log entry! admin cs Chyba při mazání záznamu v logu!
@ -304,26 +316,26 @@ error saving account! admin cs Chyba při ukládání účtu!
error saving the command! admin cs Chyba při ukládání příkazu!
error saving the entry!!! admin cs Chyba při ukládání záznamu!!!
error saving to db: admin cs Chyba při ukládání do databáze:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin cs Chyba při nastavení časovače, špatná syntaxe nebo už jeden časovač běží !!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin cs Chyba při nastavení časovače, špatná syntaxe nebo už jeden časovač běží!
error! no appname found admin cs Chyba! Název aplikace nenalezen
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin cs Chyba: %1 nenalezen nebo jiná chyba !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin cs Chyba: %1 nenalezen nebo jiná chyba!
event details follow admin cs Následují detaily události
expires admin cs Vyprší
explanation of ldapman admin cs Tento modul byl zatím testován pro Postfix,LDAP,Courier-IMAP a potřebuje schémata CORE a QMAIL (OID7914). Více informací k používání a konfiguraci tohoto systému naleznete v souboru README.ldapman ve podsložce doc složky admin.
failed to change password. admin cs Nepodařilo se změnit heslo.
fallback (after each pageview) admin cs náhradní režim (po každém zobrazení stránky)
false admin cs ne
field '%1' already exists !!! admin cs Položka '%1' již existuje !!!
fallback (after each pageview) admin cs Náhradní režim (po každém zobrazení stránky)
false admin cs Ne
field '%1' already exists !!! admin cs Položka '%1' již existuje!
file space admin cs Prostor pro soubory
file space must be an integer admin cs Prostor pro soubory musí být celé číslo
filtered by account admin cs filtrováno podle účtu
filtered by group admin cs filtrováno podle skupiny
for the times above admin cs pro výše uvedené časy
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin cs pro níže uvedené časy (prázdné hodnoty se berou jako '*', vše prázdné = každou minutu)
filtered by account admin cs Filtrováno podle účtu
filtered by group admin cs Filtrováno podle skupiny
for the times above admin cs Pro výše uvedené časy
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin cs Pro níže uvedené časy (prázdné hodnoty se berou jako '*', vše prázdné = každou minutu)
force selectbox admin cs Vynuit rozbalovací nabídku
forward also to admin cs Přeposlat také na
forward email's to admin cs Přeposílat e-maily na
forward emails to admin cs přeposlat e-maily na
forward emails to admin cs Přeposlat e-maily na
forward only admin cs Jen přeposlat
full name admin cs Celé jméno
general admin cs Obecné
@ -332,7 +344,7 @@ global options admin cs Globální volby
go directly to admin menu, returning here the next time you click on administration. admin cs Jít přímo do administračního menu; sem se vrátíte jakmile příště kliknete na administraci.
governmental: incl. state or municipal authorities or services admin cs Vládní: včetně státních nebo obecních úřadů a služeb
grant admin cs Povolit
group ? admin cs skupina?
group ? admin cs Skupina?
group has been added common cs Skupina byla přidána
group has been deleted common cs Skupina byla smazána
group has been updated common cs Skupina byla aktualizována
@ -351,7 +363,7 @@ how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin cs Kolik minut mají být účet nebo IP blokovány (výchozí 30) ?
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin cs Jak mají být sestaveny e-mailové adresy pro nové uživatele?
icon admin cs Ikona
idle admin cs nečinný
idle admin cs Nečinný
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin cs Pokud pro uživatele nebo žádnou ze skupin které je členem neexistují ACL záznamy
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin cs Pokud používáte LDAP, chcete spravovat atributy pro domovský adresář a login shell?
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin cs Pokud chcete používat SSL nebo TLS, musíte mít nahráno openssl rozšíření PHP.
@ -367,8 +379,8 @@ imap server name admin cs Název IMAP serveru
imap server port admin cs Port IMAP serveru
imap/pop3 server name admin cs Název IMAP/POP3 serveru
importance admin cs Důležitost
in mbyte admin cs v MBytech
inactive admin cs neaktivní
in mbyte admin cs v MByte
inactive admin cs Neaktivní
inbound admin cs příchozí
initial admin cs Počáteční
install crontab admin cs Instalovat crontab
@ -380,7 +392,7 @@ installed crontab admin cs Nainstalovaný crontab
instance admin cs Instance
interface admin cs Rozhranní
international use admin cs Mezinárodní využití
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin cs Neplatný argument '%1' !!!
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin cs Neplatný argument '%1' !
invalid formated date "%1"! admin cs Neplatný formát datumu "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin cs Neplatné vzdálené ID nebo název "%1"!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin cs Neplatná hodnota "%1", použijte ano nebo ne!
@ -412,15 +424,15 @@ ldap server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa LDAP serve
ldap settings admin cs LDAP nastavení
leave empty for no quota admin cs Ponechte prázdné, nechcete-li kvótu
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin cs Nechte prázdné, pokud chcete použít OAuth, pokud je podporován.
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin cs ponechat kategorii bez změny a vrátit se zpět na seznam
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin cs ponechat skupinu bez změny a vrátit se zpět na seznam
leave without saveing the entry admin cs ukončit bez uložení záznamu
leaves without saveing admin cs ukončí bez ukládání
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin cs Ponechat kategorii bez změny a vrátit se zpět na seznam
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin cs Ponechat skupinu bez změny a vrátit se zpět na seznam
leave without saveing the entry admin cs Ukončit bez uložení záznamu
leaves without saveing admin cs Ukončí bez ukládání
length<br>rows admin cs Délka<br>Řádky
list config settings admin cs Zobrazit konfigurační nastavení
list current sessions admin cs Zobrazit aktuální relace
list of current users admin cs seznam aktuálních uživatelů
logged out admin cs odhlášen(a)
list of current users admin cs Seznam aktuálních uživatelů
logged out admin cs Odhlášen(a)
login history admin cs Historie přihlášení
login message admin cs Přihlašovací zpráva
login screen admin cs Přihlašovací obrazovka
@ -439,58 +451,58 @@ manual entry admin cs Ruční zadávání
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin cs Maximální id účtu (např. 65535 nebo 1000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin cs Maximální počet záznamů v historii kliknutí
members admin cs Členové
message has been updated admin cs zpráva byla aktualizována
message has been updated admin cs Zpráva byla aktualizována
method admin cs Metoda
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin cs Minimální id účtu (např. 500 nebo 100, atp.)
minute admin cs Minuta
mode admin cs Režim
modified admin cs Změměno
month admin cs Měsíc
more secure admin cs bezpečnější
name must not be empty !!! admin cs Název nemůže být prázdný !!!
more secure admin cs Bezpečnější
name must not be empty !!! admin cs Název nemůže být prázdný!
name of organisation admin cs Název organizace
name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin cs Název instace EGroupware, např. default
new group name admin cs Název nové skupiny
new name admin cs nový název
new name admin cs Nový název
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin cs Nové heslo [ Ponechte prázdné, nechcete-li měnit ]
next run admin cs Další spuštění
no algorithms available admin cs žádný algoritmus není k dispozici
no alternate email address admin cs bez alternativní e-mailové adresy
no encryption admin cs bez šifrování
no forwarding email address admin cs bez e-mailové adresy pro přeposílání
no algorithms available admin cs Nejsou k dispozici žádné algoritmy!
no alternate email address admin cs Bez alternativní e-mailové adresy
no encryption admin cs Bez šifrování
no forwarding email address admin cs Bez e-mailové adresy pro přeposílání
no jobs in the database !!! admin cs Žádné úlohy v databázi!!!
no login history exists for this user admin cs Pro tohoto uživatele neexistuje historie přihlášení
no matches found admin cs Nenalezeny žádné záznamy
no message returned. admin cs Žádná zpráva se nevrátila.
no modes available admin cs žádné režimy nejsou k dispozici
no permission to add groups admin cs nemáte oprávnění přidávat skupiny
no permission to add users admin cs nemáte oprávnění přidávat uživatele
no permission to create groups admin cs nemáte oprávnění vytvářet skupiny
no plain text part found admin cs nebyla nalezena část ve formě prostého textu
no permission to add groups admin cs Nemáte oprávnění přidávat skupiny
no permission to add users admin cs Nemáte oprávnění přidávat uživatele
no permission to create groups admin cs Nemáte oprávnění vytvářet skupiny
no plain text part found admin cs Nebyla nalezena část ve formě prostého textu
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin cs Nebyla nalezena žádná podporovaná metoda IMAP autentikace.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin cs Neziskové: kluby, asociace, ...
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin cs Upozornění: SSL je k dispozici jen v případě, že je PHP zkompilováno s podporou curl
number of active users admin cs počet aktivních uživatelů
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin cs počet řádků ve víceřádkovém vstupním poli nebo ve výběrovém okně
number of sessions / egroupware logins in the last 30 days admin cs Počet relací / Přihlášení do EGroupware během posledních 3O dní
number of active users admin cs Počet aktivních uživatelů
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin cs Počet řádků ve víceřádkovém vstupním poli nebo ve výběrovém okně
number of sessions / egroupware logins in the last 30 days admin cs Počet relací / Přihlášení do EGroupware během posledních 30 dní
number of users admin cs Počet uživatelů
oauth authentiction admin cs Ověřování OAuth
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin cs Nabídka instalace EGroupware jako mail-handleru
official egroupware usage statistic admin cs Oficiální statistiky využití EGroupware
one day admin cs jeden den
one hour admin cs jednu hodinu
one month admin cs jeden měsíc
one week admin cs jeden týden
one day admin cs Jeden den
one hour admin cs Jednu hodinu
one month admin cs Jeden měsíc
one week admin cs Jeden týden
only below displayed information is directly submitted to %s. admin cs Na server %s jsou odeslány jen informace zobrazené níže.
operating system admin cs Operační systém
order admin cs Pořadí
organisation admin cs Organizace
other security configuration admin cs Další konfigurace zabezpečení
outbound admin cs odchozí
outbound admin cs Odchozí
own categories admin cs Vlastní kategorie
own install id admin cs Vlastní instalační ID:
own install id admin cs Vlastní instalační ID
own install id: admin cs Vlastní instalační ID:
passthrough admin cs průchozí
passthrough admin cs Průchozí
password for smtp-authentication admin cs Heslo pro SMTP autentikaci
password updated admin cs Heslo bylo zaktualizováno
path information admin cs Informace o cestě
@ -499,36 +511,36 @@ peer servers admin cs Peer servery
percent of users that logged out admin cs Procento odhlášených uživatelů
percent this user has logged out admin cs Procento odhlášení tohoto uživatele
permission denied admin cs Přístup zamítnut
permission denied !!! admin cs Přístup zamítnut !!!
permission denied!!! admin cs Přístup zamítnut!!!
permission denied !!! admin cs Přístup zamítnut!
permission denied!!! admin cs Přístup zamítnut!
permissions admin cs Oprávnění
permissions this group has admin cs Oprávnění této skupiny
personal: eg. within a family admin cs Osobní: např. v rámci rodiny
php version admin cs Verze PHP
phpinfo admin cs Informace o PHP
please enter a name admin cs Prosím zadejte jméno
please enter a name for that server ! admin cs Zadejte prosím název serveru !
please enter a name for that server ! admin cs Zadejte prosím název serveru!
please run setup to become current admin cs Spusťte prosím setup pro aktualizaci
please select admin cs Prosím zvolte
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin cs Plesk nemůže přejmenovávat uživatele --> požadavek ignorován
plesk imap server (courier) admin cs Plesk IMAP server (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin cs Plesk poštovní skript '%1' nebyl nalezen !!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin cs Plesk vyžaduje, aby měla hesla nejméně 5 znaků a neobsahovala název účtu --> heslo nebylo nastaveno!!!
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin cs Plesk poštovní skript '%1' nebyl nalezen!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin cs Plesk vyžaduje, aby měla hesla nejméně 5 znaků a neobsahovala název účtu --> heslo nebylo nastaveno!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin cs Plesk SMTP server (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa POP3 serveru
pop3 server port admin cs Port POP3 serveru
port admin cs port
port admin cs Port
postfix with ldap admin cs Postfix s LDAP
postpone for admin cs Odložit o
preferences admin cs Předvolby
primary group admin cs primární skupina
profile access rights admin cs přístupová práva profilu
primary group admin cs Primární skupina
profile access rights admin cs Přístupová práva profilu
profile is active admin cs Profil je aktivní
profile list admin cs Seznam profilů
profile name admin cs Název profilu
qmaildotmode admin cs Tečkový režim Qmail
quota settings admin cs Nastavení kvóty
quota size in mbyte admin cs velikost kvóty v MBytech
quota size in mbyte admin cs Velikost kvóty v MBytech
re-enter password admin cs Zadejte heslo znovu
read this list of methods. admin cs Načíst seznam metod.
register application hooks admin cs Registrovat aplikace
@ -537,17 +549,18 @@ remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > si
remote instance saved admin cs Vzdálená instance uložena
remove admin cs Odstranit
remove all users from this group admin cs Odstranit všechny uživatele z této skupiny
remove all users from this group ? admin cs Odstranit všechny uživatele z této skupiny ?
remove all users from this group ? admin cs Odstranit všechny uživatele z této skupiny?
requested admin cs Požadovaný
reset filter admin cs vyresetovat filtr
requires 'openid / oauth2 server' app. admin cs Vyžaduje aplikaci "OpenID / OAuth2 Server".
reset filter admin cs Vyresetovat filtr
rights admin cs Práva
route all mails to admin cs Směrovat všechny zprávy na
rows admin cs Ŕádky
rpm or debian package admin cs RPM nebo balíček Debianu
rpm or debian package admin cs Balíček RPM nebo deb
run asynchronous services admin cs Spustit asynchronní služby
save the category admin cs uložit katergorii
save the category and return back to the list admin cs uložit kategorii a vrátit se zpět na seznam
saves the changes made and leaves admin cs uloží provedené změny a ukončí
save the category admin cs Uložit katergorii
save the category and return back to the list admin cs Uložit kategorii a vrátit se zpět na seznam
saves the changes made and leaves admin cs Uloží provedené změny a ukončí
saves this entry admin cs Uloží tento záznam
scheduled admin cs Naplánováno
search accounts admin cs Prohledat účty
@ -579,7 +592,7 @@ sessions last 30 days admin cs Relací za posledních 30 dní
set preference values. admin cs Nastavit preferované hodnoty.
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin cs Mají výjimky obsahovat i trasování (včetně argumentů funkcí)
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin cs Má přihlašovací stránka zobrazovat rozbalovací nabídku s výběrem jazyka (užitečné pro demo stránky)?
show 'powered by' logo on admin cs Zobrazovat logo 'založeno na' na
show 'powered by' logo on admin cs Zobrazovat logo 'Powered by' na
show access log admin cs Zobrazit přístupový protokol
show current action admin cs Zobrazit aktuální akci
show error log admin cs Zobrazit chybový protokol
@ -623,7 +636,7 @@ submit to egroupware.org admin cs Odeslat na egroupware.org
subtype admin cs Podtyp
subversion checkout admin cs Kontrola subversion
success admin cs Podařilo se
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin cs vypněte, pokud jsou uživatelé náhodně vyhazováni
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin cs Vypněte, pokud jsou uživatelé náhodně vyhazováni
template selection admin cs Výběr šablony
templates admin cs Šablony
text entry admin cs Textový záznam
@ -641,17 +654,17 @@ the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admi
the login and password can not be the same admin cs Přihlašovací jméno a heslo se nesmí shodovat
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin cs Přihlašovací id nesmí být delší než osm znaků
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin cs Mimeparser nemůže zpracovat tuto zprávu.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin cs název používaný interně (<= 20 znaků), je změna způsobí nedostupnost stávajících dat
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin cs Název používaný interně (<= 20 znaků), je změna způsobí nedostupnost stávajících dat
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin cs Testovací úloha Vám pošle e-mail při každém spuštění.
the text displayed to the user admin cs text zobrazený uživateli
the text displayed to the user admin cs Text zobrazený uživateli
the two passwords are not the same admin cs Zadaná hesla se neshodují
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin cs níže uvedení uživatelé jsou stále členy skupiny %1
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin cs Níže uvedení uživatelé jsou stále členy skupiny %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin cs Skupina s tímto jménem již existuje. Uživatelé a skupiny nemohou mít stejná id.
they must be removed before you can continue admin cs Musí být odstraněni, aby jste mohl(a) pokračovat
this application is current admin cs Tato aplikace je aktuální
this application requires an upgrade admin cs Tato aplikace vyžaduje aktualizaci
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin cs Tuto kategorii v současné době používají aplikace jako rodičovskou.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin cs Toto PHP nemá zkompilovanou podporu IMAPu.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin cs Toto PHP nemá zkompilovanou podporu IMAP.
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin cs Časový limit vypršení dat aplikační relace v sekundách (výchozí hodnota je 86400 = 1 den)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin cs Časový limit vypršení relace v sekundách (výchozí hodnota je 14400 = 4 hodiny)
times admin cs Časy
@ -672,24 +685,24 @@ trust relationship admin cs Vztah důvěry
two days admin cs Dva dny
two hours admin cs Dvě hodiny
two months admin cs Dva měsíce
two weeks admin cs dva týdny
type '%1' already exists !!! admin cs typ '%1' již existuje !!!
two weeks admin cs Dva týdny
type '%1' already exists !!! admin cs Typ '%1' již existuje!
type of customfield admin cs Typ uživatelsky definované položky
type of field admin cs Typ pole
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin cs Pod Windows musíte nainstalovat asynchronní službu %1ručně%2 nebo použít náhradní režim. Náhradní režim funguje tak, že úlohy jsou zkontrolovány jen po každém zobrazení stránky !!!
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin cs Pod Windows musíte nainstalovat asynchronní službu %1ručně%2 nebo použít náhradní režim. Náhradní režim funguje tak, že úlohy jsou zkontrolovány jen po každém zobrazení stránky!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na příkaz AUTHENTICATE.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na Digest-MD5 odpověď.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na příkaz LOGIN.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin cs Neznámý účet: %1 !!!
unknown command %1! admin cs Neznámý příkaz %1!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin cs Neznámý účet: %1 !
unknown command %1! admin cs Neznámý příkaz %1 !
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin cs Neznámá IMAP odpověď server. Odpověděl: %s
unknown option %1 admin cs Neznámá volba %1
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin cs Nepodporovaná akce '%1' !!!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin cs Nepodporovaná akce '%1' !
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin cs Nelze uložit kategorii s aktuálním nastavením. Zkontrolujte nekonzistenci:
up admin cs nahoru
up admin cs Nahoru
update current email address: admin cs Aktualizovat současnou e-mailovou adresu:
updated admin cs aktualizováno
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin cs URL instalace EGroupware, např. http://domain.com/egroupware
updated admin cs Aktualizováno
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin cs URL instalace EGroupware, např. https://egw.domain.com/egroupware
usage admin cs Využití
use cookies to pass sessionid admin cs Požívat cookies pro předání id relace
use default admin cs Použít výchozí
@ -705,8 +718,9 @@ user can edit forwarding address admin cs Uživatel smí editovat adresu pro př
user data common cs Uživatelská data
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin cs Uživatel pro SMTP autentikaci (ponechte prázdné, není-li autentikace vyžadována)
user groups admin cs Skupiny uživatelů
userdata admin cs uživatelská data
username (standard) admin cs uživatelské jméno (standardní)
user-agent admin cs User-Agent
userdata admin cs Uživatelská data
username (standard) admin cs Uživatelské jméno (standardní)
username/password defined by admin admin cs Uživatelské jméno/Heslo definované administrátorem
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin cs uživatelskéjméno@doména (Virtuální správce pošty)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat vlastní poštovní účty
@ -714,6 +728,8 @@ users can define their own identities admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat své v
users can define their own signatures admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat své vlastní podpisy
users can utilize these stationery templates admin cs Uživatelé mohou využívat tyto šablony dopisů
users choice admin cs Uživatelská volba
using fallback via regular json requests admin cs Používání zpětné vazby prostřednictvím běžných požadavků JSON
using native swoole push admin cs Použití nativního Swoole Push
value for column %1 is not unique! admin cs Hodnota pro sloupec %1 není unikátní!
view access log admin cs Zobrazit přístupový protokol
view account admin cs Zobrazit účet
@ -726,18 +742,18 @@ virtual mail manager admin cs Virtuální správce pošty
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin cs Tyto údaje poptáváme jen pro statistické účely, abychom získali obecný přehled o používání EGroupware ve světě.
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin cs Neuchováváme žádné údaje o Vaší identitě.
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin cs Komu chcete přesunout VŠECHNY záznamy vlastněné smazaným uživatelem?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin cs Chcete aby EGroupware použil vyrovnávací paměť pro pole egw info?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin cs Chcete aby EGroupware kontroloval dostupnost nové verze<br>při přihlášení administrátora ?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin cs Chcete aby eGrooupWare kontroloval dostupnost nových verzí aplikace při přihlášení administrátora?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin cs Chcete (během přihlášení) automaticky nahrávat nové jazykové soubory ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin cs Chcete ukazovat stav aktualizace každé z aplikací ?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin cs Špatný typ účtu: %1 NENÍ %2 !!!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin cs Špatný účet administrátora nebo heslo !!!
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin cs Ukládání informačního pole EGroupware do mezipaměti.
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin cs Kontrola aktualizací verzí při přihlášení administrátorů.
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin cs Kontrola aktualizací aplikací při přihlášení administrátorů.
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin cs Chcete (během přihlášení) automaticky nahrávat nové jazykové soubory?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin cs Chcete ukazovat stav aktualizace každé z aplikací
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin cs Špatný typ účtu: %1 NENÍ %2 !
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin cs Špatný účet administrátora nebo heslo!
xml-rpc admin cs XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin cs Zadal(a) jste neplatné datum expirace
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin cs Nenastavil(a) jste uživateli žádnou emailovou adresu !!!
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin cs Nenastavil(a) jste uživateli žádnou emailovou adresu!
you have received a new message on the admin cs Přišla Vám nová zpráva na
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin cs Musíte zadat název pro vytvoření nové položky!!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin cs Musíte zadat název pro vytvoření nové položky!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin cs Musíte zadat název pro vytvoření nového typu!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin cs Musíte zadat nejméně jedno oprávnění nebo skupinu k tomuto účtu
you must enter a group name. admin cs Musíte zadat jméno skupiny.
@ -749,7 +765,7 @@ you must enter an application title. admin cs Musíte zadat titulek aplikace.
you must select a file type admin cs Musíte vybrat typ souboru
you must select at least one group member. admin cs Musíte vybrat alespoň jednoho člena skupiny
you need to enter install id and password! admin cs Musíte zadat instalační ID a heslo!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin cs Než smažete tuto kategorii, musíte smazat všechny podkategorie !
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin cs Než smažete tuto kategorii, musíte smazat všechny podkategorie!
your last submission was less then %1 days ago! admin cs Naposledy jste odeslal(a) údaje před méně jak %1 dnem/dny.
your name admin cs Vaše jméno
your session could not be verified. admin cs Vaše relace nemohla být ověřena.
@ -1,13 +1,24 @@
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin da %1 - %2 af %3 bruger kontier
%1 entries deleted admin da %1 条目已删除
%1 mail credentials deleted admin da 删除了 %1 个邮件凭证
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin da %1 er ikke fundet eller er ikke eksekverbar!!!
%1 sessions killed admin da %1 会话已删除。
%1 successful admin da %1 成功
%1 token %2. admin da %1 标记 %2.
%1 access to other data admin da %1 adgang til andre data
%1 accounts being activated admin da %1 konti bliver aktiveret
%1 acl entries deleted. admin da %1 ACL-poster slettet.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin da %1 kategorier af ikke (længere) eksisterende konti slettet.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin da %1 kategori '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin da %1 kategori(er) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin da %1 kategori(er) %2, %3 mislykkedes på grund af utilstrækkelige rettigheder!
%1 entries deleted admin da %1 poster slettet
%1 mail credentials deleted admin da %1 mail-legitimationsoplysninger slettet
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin da %1 er ikke fundet eller er ikke eksekverbar!
%1 phrases saved. admin da %1 sætninger gemt.
%1 run rights for applications admin da %1 kør rettigheder for applikationer
%1 sessions killed admin da %1 sessioner dræbt.
%1 successful admin da %1 vellykket
%1 token %2. admin da %1 token %2.
(de)activate mail accounts admin da (de)Aktiver mailkonti
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin da (imapclass skal understøtte denne funktion ved at forespørge den tilsvarende konfigurationsværdi og videregive den som defaultquota til IMAP-serveren)
(no subject) admin da (ingen emne)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin da (Gemte adgangskoder vil ikke blive vist her)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin da (For at installere nye applikationer brug <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Administrere Applikationer] !!!)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin da (For at installere nye applikationer brug <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Administrere Applikationer]!)
1 year admin da 1 år
2 month admin da 2 måneder
2 weeks admin da 2 uger
@ -30,11 +41,11 @@ acl rights common da ACL rettigheder
action admin da Handling
actions admin da Handling
activate admin da Aktivere
add a category admin da tilføj en kategori
add a group admin da tilføj en gruppe
add a new account. admin da tilføj en ny konto
add a subcategory admin da tilføj en underkategori
add a user admin da tilføj en bruger
add a category admin da Tilføj en kategori
add a group admin da Tilføj en gruppe
add a new account. admin da Tilføj en ny konto
add a subcategory admin da Tilføj en underkategori
add a user admin da Tilføj en bruger
add account admin da Tilføj konto
add application admin da Tilføj applikation
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin da Tilføj automatisk-oprettede bruger til denne gruppe ('Default' vil blive brugt hvis tom)
@ -46,21 +57,21 @@ add new application admin da Tilføj ny applikation
add peer server admin da Tilføj Peer Server
add profile admin da Tilføj Profil
add sub-category admin da Tilføj underkategori
admin dn admin da admin dn
admin dn admin da Admin DN
admin email admin da Administrator e-mail
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin da Administrator e-mail adresser (komma separeret) som skal have besked omkring blokeringen (tom for ingen)
admin name admin da Administrator navn
admin password admin da admin adgangskode
admin username admin da admin brugernavn
admin password admin da Admin adgangskode
admin username admin da Admin brugernavn
administration admin da Administration
admins admin da Administratore
advanced options admin da avanceret indstillinger
advanced options admin da Avanceret indstillinger
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin da Efter hvor mange usuccesfulde forsøg på login, skal en IP låses (Standard 3)?
all categories admin da Alle kategorier
all records and account information will be lost! admin da Alle posteringer og konto infomationer vil gå tabt!
all users admin da Alle brugere
allow anonymous access to this app admin da Tillad anonym adgang til denne applikation
alternate email address admin da alternativ e-mail adresse
alternate email address admin da Alternativ e-mail adresse
anonymous user admin da Anonym bruger
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin da Anonym bruger (ikke vist i session loggen)
anonymous user does not exist! admin da Anonym bruger eksisterer ikke!
@ -71,7 +82,7 @@ application name admin da Applikation navn
application title admin da Applikation titel
applications admin da Applikationer
applications list admin da Applikation liste
applies the changes admin da udfør ændringerne
applies the changes admin da Udfør ændringerne
apply the changes admin da Acceptér ændringerne
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin da Er du sikker på du vil slette applikationen %1?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin da Er du sikker på du vil slette denne konto?
@ -83,16 +94,16 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin da Er du sikker på du vil sl
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin da Er du sikker på du vil afbryde denne session?
async services last executed admin da Async services sidst eksekveret
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin da Prøv at bruge korrekt mimetype for FTP i stedet for standard 'application/octet-stream'
back to the list admin da tilbage til listen
back to the list admin da Tilbage til listen
bi-directional admin da bi-directional
bottom admin da bunden
bottom admin da Bunden
calculate next run admin da Beregn næste kørsel
can change password admin da kan ændre adgangskode
can change password admin da Kan ændre adgangskode
cancel testjob! admin da Annullere TestJob!
categories list admin da Vis kategorier
category %1 has been saved ! admin da Kategorien %1 er gemt!
category list admin da Vis kategori
change acl rights admin da ændre ACL rettigheder
change acl rights admin da Ændre ACL-rettigheder
change config settings admin da Ændre konfigurations indstillingerne
change login screen message admin da Ændre startside besked
check ip address of all sessions admin da Kontrollere IP adresse for alle sessioner
@ -102,8 +113,8 @@ country admin da Land
country selection admin da Vælg land
create group admin da Opret gruppe
created admin da Oprettet
creates a new field admin da opretter et nyt felt
crontab only (recomended) admin da kun crontab (anbefalet)
creates a new field admin da Opretter et nyt felt
crontab only (recomended) admin da Kun crontab (anbefalet)
custom 1 admin da Brugerdefineret 1
custom 2 admin da Brugerdefineret 2
custom 3 admin da Brugerdefineret 3
@ -113,7 +124,7 @@ cyrus imap server administration admin da Cyrus IMAP server administration
data admin da Data
day admin da Dag
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin da Ugedag<br>(0-6, 0=Søn)
default admin da standart
default admin da Standart
default file system space per user admin da Standard system plads pr bruger
default file system space per user/group ? admin da Standard system plads pr bruger/gruppe?
deinstall crontab admin da Afinstallere crontab
@ -129,8 +140,8 @@ delete this category admin da Slet denne kategori
delete this group admin da Slet denne gruppe
delete this user admin da Slet denne bruger
deleted admin da slettet
deletes this field admin da sletter dette felt
deliver extern admin da lever ekstern
deletes this field admin da Sletter dette felt
deliver extern admin da Lever ekstern
deny access to access log admin da Nægt adgang til adgangslog
deny access to application registery admin da Nægt adgang til applikation registering
deny access to applications admin da Nægt adgang til applikationer
@ -145,41 +156,41 @@ deny access to site configuration admin da Nægt adgang til site konfiguration
deny access to user accounts admin da Nægt adgang til bruger kontoer
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin da Nægt alle brugere at give adgang til andre brugere til deres data
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin da Beskrivelse må ikke overstige 255 tegn!
determines the order the fields are displayed admin da bestemmer rækkefølgen felterne bliver vist
determines the order the fields are displayed admin da Bestemmer rækkefølgen felterne bliver vist
disable admin da Deaktivere
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin da Deaktivere "auto færdigørelse" på loginsiden
disabled (not recomended) admin da deaktiveret (ikke anbefalet)
disabled (not recomended) admin da Deaktiveret (ikke anbefalet)
display admin da Vis
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin da slet IKKE denne kategori og vend tilbage til listen
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin da Slet IKKE denne kategori og vend tilbage til listen
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin da Vil du også slette alle globale underkategorier?
do you really want to delete this profile admin da Vil du virkelig slette denne profil
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin da Vil du slette alle globale underkategorier?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin da Vil du flytte alle globale underkategorier et tak ned?
domainname admin da domæne navn
down admin da ned
domainname admin da Domæne navn
down admin da Ned
edit account admin da Redigér konto
edit application admin da Redigér applikation
edit email settings admin da redigere e-mail indstillingerne
edit email settings admin da Redigere e-mail indstillingerne
edit global category admin da Redigér global kategori
edit global category for %1 admin da Redigér global kategori til %1
edit group admin da Redigér gruppe
edit group acl's admin da redigér gruppe ACL
edit group acl's admin da Redigér gruppe ACL
edit peer server admin da Redigér Peer server
edit table format admin da Redigér tabel format
edit this category admin da redigér denne kategori
edit this group admin da redigér denne gruppe
edit this user admin da redigér denne bruger
edit user admin da redigér bruger
edit this category admin da Redigér denne kategori
edit this group admin da Redigér denne gruppe
edit this user admin da Redigér denne bruger
edit user admin da Redigér bruger
edit user account admin da Redigér bruger konto
email account active admin da e-mail konto aktiv
email address admin da e-mail adresse
enable admin da aktivere
enable cyrus imap server administration admin da aktivere Cyrus IMAP server administration
email account active admin da E-mail konto aktiv
email address admin da E-mail adresse
enable admin da Aktivere
enable cyrus imap server administration admin da Aktivere Cyrus IMAP server administration
enable debug-messages admin da Aktivere debug-beskeder
enable sieve admin da aktiver Sieve
enable sieve admin da Aktiver Sieve
enabled - hidden from navbar admin da Aktiveret - Gemt fra navigationsbjælken
enabled - popup window admin da Aktiveret - Popup vindue
enter a description for the category admin da indtast en beskrivelse for kategorien
enter a description for the category admin da Indtast en beskrivelse for kategorien
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin da Indtast noget forskelligt tekst til app_session<br>kryptering (kræver mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin da Indtast baggrundsfarven for login siden
enter the background color for the site title admin da Indtast baggrundsfarven for side titlen
@ -202,31 +213,31 @@ enter your http proxy server admin da Indtast din HTTP proxy server
enter your http proxy server port admin da Indtast din HTTP proxy server port
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin da Indtast SMTP-server navn
enter your smtp server port admin da Indtast SMTP-server port
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin da Fejl ved annullering af timer, måske er den ikke sat!!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin da Fejl ved indstillingen af timeren, forkert syntaks eller måske kører den allerede!!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin da Fejl: %1 ikke fundet eller en anden fejl!!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin da Fejl ved annullering af timer, måske er den ikke sat!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin da Fejl ved indstillingen af timeren, forkert syntaks eller måske kører den allerede!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin da Fejl: %1 ikke fundet eller en anden fejl!
event details follow admin da Hændelses detajler følger
expires admin da Udløber
failed to change password. admin da Det lykkedes ikke at ændre adgangskoden.
file space admin da Fil plads
file space must be an integer admin da Fil plads skal være et helt tal
for the times above admin da for tider over
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin da for tider under (tom værdi virker som '*', alle tomme = hvert minut)
for the times above admin da For tider over
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin da For tider under (tom værdi virker som '*', alle tomme = hvert minut)
force selectbox admin da Tving Selectboks
forward also to admin da videresend også til
forward email's to admin da videresend e-mails til
forward only admin da videresend kun
forward also to admin da Videresend også til
forward email's to admin da Videresend e-mails til
forward only admin da Videresend kun
full name admin da Fulde Navn
general admin da Generelt
global categories common da Globale Kategorier
group ? admin da gruppe?
group ? admin da Gruppe?
group has been added common da Gruppen er tilføjet
group has been deleted common da Gruppen er slettet
group has been updated common da Gruppen er opdateret
group list admin da Gruppe liste
group manager admin da Gruppe Manager
group name admin da Gruppenavn
hide php information admin da gem php information
hide php information admin da Gem PHP information
home directory admin da Hjemme mappe
home screen message admin da Startside besked
host information admin da Host information
@ -268,7 +279,7 @@ ldap encryption type admin da LDAP krypterings type
ldap groups context admin da LDAP gruppe contekst
ldap host admin da LDAP host
ldap root password admin da LDAP root adgangskode
ldap rootdn admin da LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin da LDAP root DN
ldap server admin da LDAP server
ldap server accounts dn admin da LDAP server konto DN
ldap server admin dn admin da LDAP server admin DN
@ -277,10 +288,10 @@ ldap server hostname or ip address admin da LDAP server domænenavn eller IP adr
ldap settings admin da LDAP indstillinger
leave empty for no quota admin da Efterlad tom hvis ingen citat
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin da Efterlad tom for at bruge OAuth, hvis det understøttes
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin da efterlad kategorien urørt og vend tilbage til listen
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin da efterlad gruppen urørt og vend tilbage til listen
leave without saveing the entry admin da forlad uden at gemme indtastningen
leaves without saveing admin da forlad uden at gemme
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin da Efterlad kategorien urørt og vend tilbage til listen
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin da Efterlad gruppen urørt og vend tilbage til listen
leave without saveing the entry admin da Forlad uden at gemme indtastningen
leaves without saveing admin da Forlad uden at gemme
length<br>rows admin da Længde<br>række
list config settings admin da Vis konfigurations indstillinger
list current sessions admin da Vis nuværende sessions
@ -295,40 +306,40 @@ mail settings admin da Post indstillinger
manager admin da Håndtering
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin da Maksimum konto id (f.eks. 65535 eller 10000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin da Maksimum antal i klik sti historie
message has been updated admin da beskeden er opdateret
message has been updated admin da Beskeden er opdateret
method admin da Metode
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin da Minimum konto id (f.eks 500 eller 100, osv.)
minute admin da Minut
mode admin da Mode
modified admin da Modificeret
month admin da Måned
name must not be empty !!! admin da Navn må ikke være tomt!!!
name must not be empty !!! admin da Navn må ikke være tomt!
name of organisation admin da Navn på organisation
new group name admin da Nyt gruppe navn
new name admin da nyt navn
new name admin da Nyt navn
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin da Ny adgangskode [Efterlad tom for ingen ændring]
next run admin da Næste kørsel
no algorithms available admin da Ingen algoritmer tilgængelig
no alternate email address admin da ingen alternativ e-mail adresse
no forwarding email address admin da ingen viderestillet e-mail adresse
no jobs in the database !!! admin da Ingen jobs i databasen!!!
no alternate email address admin da Ingen alternativ e-mail adresse
no forwarding email address admin da Ingen viderestillet e-mail adresse
no jobs in the database !!! admin da Ingen jobs i databasen!
no login history exists for this user admin da Nogen login historie findes for denne bruger
no matches found admin da Ingen resultater fundet
no permission to add groups admin da ingen rettigheder til at tilføje grupper
no permission to add users admin da ingen rettigheder til at tilføje brugere
no permission to create groups admin da ingen rettigheder til at oprette grupper
no permission to add groups admin da Ingen rettigheder til at tilføje grupper
no permission to add users admin da Ingen rettigheder til at tilføje brugere
no permission to create groups admin da Ingen rettigheder til at oprette grupper
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin da Note: SSL er kun tilgængelig hvis PHP er kompileret med curl understøttelse)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin da Antal af rækker for et multi-linie felt eller linier i en multi-select box
oauth authentiction admin da OAuth-godkendelse
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin da Tilbud om installation af EGroupware som mail-handler
one day admin da En dag
one hour admin da En time
one month admin da en måned
one week admin da en uge
one month admin da En måned
one week admin da En uge
order admin da Rækkefølge
organisation admin da Organisation
other security configuration admin da Anden sikkerhedskonfiguration
outbound admin da udgående
outbound admin da Udgående
own categories admin da Egne kategorier
own install id admin da Eget installations-ID
own install id: admin da Eget installations-ID:
@ -348,20 +359,20 @@ pop3 server hostname or ip address admin da POP3 server domænenavn eller IP adr
pop3 server port admin da POP server port
postfix with ldap admin da Postfix med LDAP
preferences admin da Præferencer
primary group admin da primær gruppe
primary group admin da Primær gruppe
profile list admin da Profil liste
profile name admin da Profil navn
qmaildotmode admin da qmaildotmode
quota settings admin da quota indstillinger
quota settings admin da Quota indstillinger
re-enter password admin da Genindtast adgangskode
read this list of methods. admin da Læs denne liste over metoder
remove admin da fjern
remove admin da Fjern
remove all users from this group admin da Fjern alle brugere fra denne gruppe
remove all users from this group ? admin da Fjern alle brugere fra denne gruppe?
rows admin da Rækker
save the category admin da gem kategorien
save the category and return back to the list admin da gem kategorien og vend tilbage til listen
saves the changes made and leaves admin da gem ændringerne og afslut
save the category admin da Gem kategorien
save the category and return back to the list admin da Gem kategorien og vend tilbage til listen
saves the changes made and leaves admin da Gem ændringerne og afslut
saves this entry admin da Gem denne postering
search accounts admin da Søg kontoer
search categories admin da Søg kategorier
@ -404,8 +415,8 @@ soap admin da SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin da Beklager, det gruppenavn er allerede brugt.
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin da Beklager, overstående brugere er stadig medlem af gruppen %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin da Beklager, følgende brugere er stadig medlem af gruppen %1
sort the entries admin da sorter resultaterne
ssl admin da ssl
sort the entries admin da Sorter resultaterne
ssl admin da SSL
standard admin da Standart
standard imap server admin da Standart IMAP server
standard pop3 server admin da Standart POP3 server
@ -427,9 +438,9 @@ the groups must include the primary group admin da Grupperne skal indeholde en p
the login and password can not be the same admin da Brugernavn og adgangskode kan ikke være ens
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin da LoginID kan ikke være længere end 8 tegn
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin da Navn brugt internt (<= 20 tegn), ændring gør eksisterende data utilgængelige
the text displayed to the user admin da teksten som vises til brugeren
the text displayed to the user admin da Teksten som vises til brugeren
the two passwords are not the same admin da De to adgangskoder er ikke ens
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin da brugerene nedenfor er stadig medlem af gruppen %1
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin da Brugerene nedenfor er stadig medlem af gruppen %1
they must be removed before you can continue admin da De skal fjernes før du kan forsætte
this application is current admin da Applikationen er den nyeste version
this application requires an upgrade admin da Denne applikation brhøver en opgradering
@ -438,17 +449,17 @@ this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin da Der er ikke understøttelse
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin da Timeout for applikation session data i sekunder (standard 86400 = 1 dag)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin da Timeout for sessioner i sekunder (standard 14400 = 4 timer)
times admin da Gange
top admin da top
top admin da Top
total records admin da Total posteringer
translation admin da Oversættelse
trust level admin da Tillids niveau
trust relationship admin da Tillids forhold
two weeks admin da to uger
up admin da op
two weeks admin da To uger
up admin da Op
updated admin da Opdateret
use cookies to pass sessionid admin da Brug cookies som sessionid
use default admin da Brug standard
use ldap defaults admin da brug LDAP standarter
use ldap defaults admin da Brug LDAP standarter
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin da Brug ren HTML godkendt kode (virker ikke 100% endnu)
use smtp auth admin da Brug SMTP autorisation
use theme admin da Brug tema
@ -457,7 +468,8 @@ use tls encryption admin da Brug TLS kryptering
user accounts admin da Bruger kontoer
user data common da Bruger data
user groups admin da Bruger grupper
userdata admin da brugerdata
user-agent admin da User-Agent
userdata admin da Brugerdata
users can define their own emailaccounts admin da Brugere kan selv definere deres egne e-mail kontoer
users choice admin da Brugerens valg
view access log admin da Vis adgangslog
@ -479,7 +491,7 @@ you have entered an invalid expiration date admin da Du har indtastet en ugyldig
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin da Du skal mindst tilføje en rettighed eller gruppe til denne konto
you must enter a group name. admin da Du skal indtaste et gruppenavn.
you must enter a lastname admin da Du skal indtaste et efternavn
you must enter a loginid admin da Du skal indtaste et loginid
you must enter a loginid admin da Du skal indtaste et loginID
you must enter an application name and title. admin da Du skal indtaste et applikations navn og titel
you must enter an application name. admin da Du skal indtaste et applikations navn
you must enter an application title. admin da Du skal indtaste en applikations titel
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
%1 accounts being activated admin de %1 Konten wurden aktiviert
%1 acl entries deleted. admin de %1 ACL Einträge gelöscht.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin de %1 ACL Einträge von nicht (mehr) existierenden Accounts gelöscht.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin de %1 Kategorien von nicht (mehr) existierenden Accounts gelöscht.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin de %1 Kategorien von nicht (mehr) existierenden Konten gelöscht.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin de %1 Kategorie '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin de %1 Kategorie(n) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin de %1 Kategorie(n) %2, %3 fehlgeschlagen wegen fehlender Rechte!
@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
%1 entries deleted admin de %1 Einträge gelöscht
%1 entries deleted. admin de %1 Einträge gelöscht
%1 group %2 admin de %1 Benutzergruppe %2
%1 is no command! admin de %1 ist kein Befehl !
%1 is no command! admin de %1 ist kein Befehl!
%1 log entries deleted. admin de %1 Protokolleinträge gelöscht.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin de %1 Mail Zugangsdaten gelöscht
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin de %1 nicht gefunden oder nicht ausführbar !!!
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin de %1 nicht gefunden oder nicht ausführbar!
%1 phrases saved. admin de %1 Phrasen gespeichert.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin de %1 Rechte für %2 und Anwendung(en) %3
%1 run rights for applications admin de Ausführungsrechte für Anwendungen von %1
@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
%1 token %2. admin de %1 Token %2.
%1 user %2 admin de %1 Benutzer %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin de E-Mail-Konten (de)aktivieren
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin de (Vorgabe Nein, ausgeschaltet lassen, wenn nicht benutzt)
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin de (Vorgabe = Nein. Ausgeschaltet lassen, wenn nicht benutzt)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin de (Die IMAP Klasse muss dieses Verfahren unterstützen indem es den entsprechenden Konfigurationswert der Instanz ausliest und als Default Quota an den IMAP Server meldet.)
(no subject) admin de (Kein Betreff)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin de (Gespeichertes Passwort wird hier nicht angezeigt)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin de (Zur Installation neuer Anwendungen verwenden Sie bitte<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Anwendungen Verwalten] !!!)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin de (Zur Installation neuer Anwendungen verwenden Sie bitte<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Anwendungen Verwalten]!)
- type admin de -Typ
1 year admin de 1 Jahr
2 month admin de 2 Monate
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ access token revoked. admin de Zugangstoken widerrufen.
accesslog and bruteforce defense admin de Zugangsprotokoll und Abwehr von Brute-Force-Angriffen
account admin de Konto
account "%1" has no email address --> not notified! admin de Benutzer "%1" hat keine E-Mail-Adresse --> nicht benachrichtigt!
account "%1" has no plaintext password! admin de Benutzer "%1" hat kein Klartext Passwort!
account "%1" has no plaintext password! admin de Benutzer "%1" hat kein Klartext-Passwort!
account %1 %2 admin de Benutzerkonto %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin de Konto '%1' gelöscht.
account '%1' not found !!! admin de Mail-Konto '%1' nicht gefunden !
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ account list admin de Benutzerkonten anzeigen
account not found! common de Mail-Konto nicht gefunden!
account permissions admin de Zugriffsrechte
account preferences admin de Einstellungen der Benutzerkonten
account saved. admin de E-Mail-Konto gespeichert.
account saved. admin de Mail-Konto gespeichert.
account-id's have to be integers! admin de Konten-ID`s müssen vom Typ Integer (Zahl) sein!
acl added. admin de ACL hinzugefügt.
acl csv export admin de ACL CSV Export
@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ action admin de Befehl
actions admin de Befehle
activate admin de Aktivieren
activate wysiwyg-editor admin de WYSIWYG Editor (formatierter Text) aktivieren
activated admin de aktiviert
activated again admin de wieder aktiviert
activated admin de Aktiviert
activated again admin de Wieder aktiviert
active mail accounts admin de E-Mail Konten aktivieren
active templates admin de Aktive Vorlagen
active this token again admin de Diese Token wieder aktivieren
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ add profile admin de Profil hinzufügen
add sub-category admin de Unterkategorie hinzufügen
add user admin de Neuen Benutzer erstellen
add user or group admin de Benutzer oder Gruppen eingeben
added admin de hinzugefügt
added admin de Hinzugefügt
admin dn admin de Admin DN
admin email admin de E-Mail-Administration
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin de E-Mail-Adressen der Administratoren (mit Komma getrennt), die über eine Sperre benachrichtigt werden sollen ('leer' für keine Benachrichtigung)
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ all groups admin de Alle Gruppen
all records and account information will be lost! admin de Alle Datensätze und Kontoinformationen sind dann verloren!
all users admin de Alle Benutzer
allow anonymous access to this app admin de Anonymen Zugriff auf diese Anwendung zulassen
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin de Erlaube die Remote-Verwaltung durch folgende (Komma separierte) Installations IDs
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin de Erlaube die Remote-Verwaltung durch folgende (Komma separierte) Installation-IDs
allow user to set 'remember me' token admin de Erlaube Benutzer ein "An mich erinnern" Token zu setzen
allow users to change forwards admin de Anwender dürfen Weiterleitung bearbeiten
allow users to create identities for aliases admin de Anwender dürfen Identitäten für Aliase anlegen
@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ applications available on mobile devices admin de Anwendungen, die auf Mobilger
applications list admin de Liste der Anwendungen
applications run rights updated. admin de Anwendungsrechte aktualisiert.
applications this group can use admin de Anwendungen die diese Gruppe benutzen darf
applies the changes admin de übernimmt Änderungen
applies the changes admin de Übernimmt Änderungen
apply changes admin de Änderungen übernehmen
apply the changes admin de Änderungen übernehmen
archive: zip or tar admin de Archive: ZIP oder TAR
archive: zip or tar admin de Archive: ZIP oder tar
are you sure you want to %1 mail for selected accounts? admin de Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Mail %1 für die ausgewählten Konten?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin de Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Anwendung %1 löschen möchten?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin de Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Konto löschen möchten?
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin de Sind sie sicher, dass sie
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin de Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Session beenden möchten?
async services last executed admin de Asynchroner Dienst zuletzt ausgeführt
asynchronous timed services admin de Asynchroner zeitgesteuerter Dienst
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin de Asynchroner Dienst ist noch nicht installiert oder ein anderer Fehler ist aufgetreten (%1) !!!
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin de Asynchroner Dienst ist noch nicht installiert oder ein anderer Fehler ist aufgetreten (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin de Es wird versucht, den richtigen MIME-typ für FTP zu verwenden, statt dem Vorgabewert "application/octet-stream".
attribute accountstatus explained admin de Dies betrifft das Attribut <b>-accountStatus-</b> aus dem QMAIL Schema
attribute mail explained admin de Dies betrifft das Attribut <b><i>-mail-</i></b> aus dem CORE Schema. Dieses Attribut darf nicht leer sein und wird gleichzeitig als E-Mail-Adresse innerhalb EGw verwendet.
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ automatically transfer entries owned by the user: admin de Übertrage Einträge
available placeholders admin de Verfügbare Platzhalter
back to admin/grouplist admin de Zurück zu: Admin / Gruppenverwaltung
back to admin/userlist admin de Zurück zu: Admin / Benutzerverwaltung
back to the list admin de zurück zur Liste
back to the list admin de Zurück zur Liste
backup directory %1 mounted as %2 admin de Datensicherungsverzeichnis %1 unter %2 gemountet
bad login name or password. admin de Falscher Benutzername oder Passwort.
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin de Falsche oder ungültige Anfrage. Server antwortet: %s
@ -185,16 +185,16 @@ bad request: %s admin de Falsche Anfrage: %s
bi-dir passthrough admin de Weiterleitung in beide Richtungen
bi-directional admin de beide Richtungen
blocking after wrong password admin de Blockierung nach falschem Passwort
bottom admin de unten
bottom admin de Unten
bulk password reset admin de Rücksetzen mehrerer Passwörter
by admin de Von
by selecting a user or group you effectively delete the mail account for all other users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin de Durch die Auswahl eines Benutzer oder Gruppe löschen Sie das Mailkonto für alle anderen Benutzer!\n\nSind Sie wirklich sicher, dass Sie das wollen?
calculate next run admin de nächste Ausführung berechnen
by selecting a user or group you effectively delete the mail account for all other users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin de Durch die Auswahl eines Benutzer oder Gruppe löschen Sie das Mailkonto für alle anderen Benutzer!<br>Sind Sie wirklich sicher, dass Sie das wollen?
calculate next run admin de Nächste Ausführung berechnen
calendar recurrence horizont in days (default 1000) admin de Kalender Wiederholungs-Bereich in Tagen (Vorgabe sind 1000)
can be used by application admin de Kann von folgender Anwendung verwendet werden
can be used by group admin de Kann von folgender Gruppe verwendet werden
can be used by user admin de Kann von folgendem Benutzer verwendet werden
can change password admin de darf Passwort ändern
can change password admin de Darf Passwort ändern
can not change users into groups, same sign required! admin de Das Ändern von Benutzern in Gruppen ist nicht möglich. Gleiches Kennzeichen wird benötigt.
cancel changes admin de Änderungen abbrechen
cancel testjob! admin de Test-Job abbrechen!
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ category saved. admin de Kategorie gespeichert
certificate admin de Zertifikat
certificate details admin de Details des Zertifikat
certificate validation in days admin de Gültigkeit des Zertifikats in Tagen
change account_id admin de Änderung der account_id
change account_id admin de Änderung der Konto-ID
change acl rights admin de ACL-Rechte ändern
change config settings admin de Konfiguration der Anwendung ändern
change domain of email address and aliases admin de ändert Domain von E-Mail-Adressen oder Aliase
@ -219,11 +219,12 @@ change password for %1 admin de Ändern des Passworts für %1
change password hash to admin de Passwort Verschlüsselung ändern in
changed password hash for %1 to %2. admin de Passwort Verschlüsselung für %1 ändern in %2.
changelog admin de Änderungslog
changelog and versions admin de Änderungslog und Versionen
changelog and versions admin de Änderungs-Log und Versionen
check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin de Prüfe ACL Einträge auf Bezüge zu nicht (mehr) existierenden Benutzerkonten
check categories for not (longer) existing accounts admin de Prüfe Kategorien auf Bezüge zu nicht (mehr) existierenden Benutzerkonten
check ip address of all sessions admin de IP-Adresse für alle Sessions überprüfen
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin de Durch Abhaken %3 in %2 <b>%1</b>
checking push (green for success or red for failure) admin de Überprüfung von PUSH (grün = i.O., rot für n.i.O.)
children admin de Kinder
clear cache and register hooks admin de Cache löschen und Hooks registrieren
clear credentials admin de Anmeldeinformationen löschen
@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ clear mail credentials admin de E-Mail-Anmeldeinformationen löschen
clear security tokens admin de Sicherheits-Tokens löschen
click to select a color admin de Anklicken um eine Farbe auszuwählen
color admin de Farbe
comma-separated ip addresses white-listed from above blocking (:optional number of attempts) admin de Komma getrennte Liste von IP Adressen die nicht blockiert werden (:optional Anzahl Fehlversuche)
comma-separated ip addresses white-listed from above blocking (:optional number of attempts) admin de Komma getrennte Liste von IP-Adressen die nicht blockiert werden (:optional Anzahl Fehlversuche)
command scheduled to run at %1 admin de Ausführung des Befehls eingeplant am/um %1
command was run %1 on %2 admin de Kommando wurde um %1 auf %2 ausgeführt
commercial: all sorts of companies admin de Kommerziell: alle Arten von Firmen
@ -239,27 +240,27 @@ config password or md5 hash from the header.inc.php admin de Konfigurationspassw
configuration admin de Konfiguration
configuration saved. admin de Die Konfiguration wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.
connection dropped by imap server. admin de Verbindung von IMAP-Server beendet.
connection is not secure! everyone can read eg. your credentials. admin de Die Verbindung ist NICHT sicher! Jeder kann zB. Ihr Passwort lesen.
connection is not secure! everyone can read eg. your credentials. admin de Die Verbindung ist NICHT sicher! Jeder kann z. B. Ihr Passwort lesen.
continue admin de Weiter
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin de Cookie Domain<br>(Vorgabe 'leer' bedeutet den kompletten Domainnamen, für SiteMgr erlaubt z.B. ".domain.com" das gleiche Cookie für egw.domain.com und www.domain.com zu verwenden)
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin de Cookie Pfad (erlaubt mehrere EGw-Sitzungen mit unterschiedlichen Verzeichnissen, hat Probleme mit SiteMgr!)
could not append message: admin de Diese Mail lässt sich nicht anzeigen
could not append message: admin de Diese E-Mail lässt sich nicht anzeigen
could not complete request. reason given: %s admin de Konnte Anfrage nicht beenden. Grund: %s
could not extract private key from given p12 file. either the p12 file is broken or password is wrong! admin de Konnte den privaten Schlüssel nicht aus der angegeben p12 Datei extrahieren. Entweder ist die p12 Datei kaputt oder das Passwort ist falsch!
could not extract private key from given p12 file. either the p12 file is broken or password is wrong! admin de Konnte den privaten Schlüssel nicht aus der angegeben p12-Datei extrahieren. Entweder ist die p12-Datei kaputt oder das Passwort ist falsch!
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. admin de Konnte keine sichere Verbindung zum IMAP Server aufbauen. %s: %s.
could not remote execute the command admin de Kann den Befehl nicht Remote ausführen.
could not remote execute the command admin de Kann den Befehl nicht remote ausführen.
country admin de Land
country selection admin de Länderauswahl
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin de CRAM-MD5 oder DIGEST-MD5 erfordert, das das Auth_SASL Packet installiert ist.
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin de CRAM-MD5 oder DIGEST-MD5 erfordert, das das Auth_SASL-Packet installiert ist.
create group admin de Erstelle Gruppe
create new account admin de Neues E-Mail-Konto erstellen
create new identity admin de Neue Identität erstellen
created admin de Erstellt
created with id #%1 admin de erstellt mit der ID #%1
creates / updates user accounts from csv file admin de Erstellt / aktualisiert Benutzerkonten durch Import von Daten aus einer CSV Datei
creates / updates user groups from csv file admin de Erstellt / aktualisiert Benutzergruppen durch Import von Daten aus einer CSV Datei
creates a new field admin de erstellt ein neues Feld
crontab only (recomended) admin de nur Crontab (empfohlen)
created with id #%1 admin de Erstellt mit der ID #%1
creates / updates user accounts from csv file admin de Erstellt / aktualisiert Benutzerkonten durch Import von Daten aus einer CSV-Datei
creates / updates user groups from csv file admin de Erstellt / aktualisiert Benutzergruppen durch Import von Daten aus einer CSV-Datei
creates a new field admin de Erstellt ein neues Feld
crontab only (recomended) admin de Nur Crontab (empfohlen)
current certificate admin de Aktuelles Zertifikat
current default admin de Aktuelle Vorgabe
current hash admin de Aktueller Schlüssel:
@ -312,7 +313,7 @@ delete this log entry admin de Diesen Protokolleintrag löschen
delete this user admin de Benutzer löschen
deleted admin de gelöscht
deletes this field admin de Löscht dieses Feld
deliver extern admin de extern ausliefern
deliver extern admin de Extern ausliefern
deny access admin de Zugriff verweigern
deny access to access log admin de Zugriff auf Zugangsprotokoll verbieten
deny access to application registery admin de Zugriff auf Anwendungsdatenbank verbieten
@ -335,10 +336,10 @@ description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin de Die Beschreibung
destination account #%1 does exist and is not renamed itself! can not merge accounts, it will violate unique contains. delete with transfer of data instead. admin de Zielkonto #%1 besteht und wurde nicht umbenannt. Konten wurden nicht zusammengeführt, da die eindeutige Kennzeichnung gestört würde. Alternativ sollten Sie löschen mit übertragen des Inhalts anwählen.
determines the order the fields are displayed admin de Bestimmt die Reihenfolge der angezeigten Felder
direct login without password or second factor admin de Direkter Login ohne Passwort oder als zweiter Faktor
disable admin de abschalten
disable admin de Abschalten
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin de Automatisches Vervollständigen der Logindaten abschalten
disable all admin de Alle Video-Anleitungen deaktivieren
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin de Komprimierung von Javascript und CSS Dateien deaktivieren
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin de Komprimierung von JavaScript- und CSS-Dateien deaktivieren
disable pgp encryption (mailvelope) admin de PGP-Verschlüsselung deaktivieren (Mailvelope)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin de WYSIWYG Editor (formatierter Text) abschalten
disabled admin de Deaktiviert
@ -346,8 +347,8 @@ disabled (not recomended) admin de Abgeschaltet (nicht empfohlen)
disabled, do not show on login page admin de Deaktiviert, wird auf der Anmelde-Seite nicht angezeigt
display admin de Anzeigen
displayed length of input field (set rows=1 to limit length) admin de angezeigte Länge des Eingabefelds (setze Zeilen=1 um die Eingabe zu beschränken)
displaying html messages is disabled admin de Das Anzeigen von HTML Nachrichten ist deaktiviert
displaying plain messages is disabled admin de Das Anzeigen von Text Nachrichten ist deaktiviert
displaying html messages is disabled admin de Das Anzeigen von HTML-Nachrichten ist deaktiviert
displaying plain messages is disabled admin de Das Anzeigen von Text-Nachrichten ist deaktiviert
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin de Kategorie NICHT löschen und zurück zur Liste gehen
do not generate email addresses admin de Keine E-Mail-Adressen erzeugen
do not offer introduction video admin de Einführungsvideo nicht anbieten
@ -361,10 +362,10 @@ do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin de Möchten Sie alle glob
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin de Wollen Sie alle globalen Unterkategorien eine Ebene nach unten verschieben?
document root (default) admin de Wurzelverzeichnis des Webservers (Vorgabe)
domainname admin de Domänenname
down admin de unten
down admin de Nach unten
download csv admin de CSV herunterladen
each value is a line like id[=label], or use @path to read options from a file in egroupware directory admin de jeder Wert ist eine Zeile im Format Wert[=Anzeige], oder benutzen Sie @Pfad um die Optionen aus einer Datei aus dem EGroupware Verzeichnis zu lesen
each value is a line like label=[javascript] admin de jeder Wert ist eine Zeile im Format Anzeige[=Javascript]
each value is a line like id[=label], or use @path to read options from a file in egroupware directory admin de jeder Wert ist eine Zeile im Format Wert[=Anzeige], oder benutzen Sie @Pfad um die Optionen aus einer Datei aus dem EGroupware-Verzeichnis zu lesen
each value is a line like label=[javascript] admin de jeder Wert ist eine Zeile im Format Anzeige[javascript]
edit account admin de Benutzerkonto bearbeiten
edit application admin de Anwendung bearbeiten
edit email settings admin de E-Mail-Einstellungen
@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ educational: universities, schools, ... admin de Ausbildung: Universitäten, Sch
egroupware directory admin de EGroupware Verzeichnis
egroupware tutorial admin de EGroupware Video-Anleitungen
egroupware version admin de EGroupware Version
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin de Sie benötigen entweder die Installations ID UND das Konfigurationspasswort ODER den Remote Hash!
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin de Sie benötigen entweder die Installations-ID UND das Konfigurationspasswort ODER den Remote Hash!
email account active admin de E-Mail-Konto aktiv
email address admin de E-Mail-Adresse
email settings common de E-Mail-Konto
@ -392,30 +393,30 @@ emailadmin admin de E-Mail-Admin
emailadmin: group assigned profile common de E-Mail-Admin: Vordefiniertes Gruppenprofil
emailadmin: user assigned profile common de E-Mail-Admin: Vordefiniertes Benutzerprofil
empty to not change admin de leer lassen um NICHT zu ändern
enable admin de einschalten
enable admin de Einschalten
enable cyrus imap server administration admin de Cyrus IMAP-Server Administration aktivieren
enable debug-messages admin de Debug-Meldungen einschalten
enable sieve admin de Sieve aktivieren
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin de Aktiviere die Rechtschreibprüfung im RichText Editor
enable the soap service admin de soap Service einschalten
enable the xmlrpc service admin de xmlrpc Service einschalten
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin de Aktiviere die Rechtschreibprüfung im RichText-Editor
enable the soap service admin de SOAP Service einschalten
enable the xmlrpc service admin de XML-RPC Service einschalten
enabled admin de Einschalten
enabled - hidden from navbar admin de Verfügbar, aber nicht in der Navigationsleiste
enabled - popup window admin de Verfügbar, Popup-Fenster
encrypted connection admin de verschlüsselte Verbindung
encrypted connection admin de Verschlüsselte Verbindung
encryption admin de Verschlüsselung
encryption settings admin de Verschlüsselungseinstellungen
enter a description for the category admin de Geben Sie eine Beschreibung für diese Kategorie ein
enter a passphrase if you would like to protect your private key by password. admin de Bitte geben Sie ein Passphrase ein, wenn Sie Ihren privaten Schlüssel mit einem Passwort sichern wollen.
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin de Zufälligen Text für app_session<br>Verschlüsselung (braucht mcrypt)
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin de Zufälligen Text für app_session<br>Verschlüsselung (benötigt mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin de Hintergrundfarbe für die Anmeldeseite
enter the background color for the site title admin de Hintergrundfarbe für den Titel der Installation
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin de Vollständiger Pfad für temporäre Dateien.<br>Beispiel: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin de Vollständiger Pfad für temporäre Dateien.<br>Beispiel: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin de Vollständiger Pfad für Benutzer- und Gruppendateien.<br>Beispiel: /files, E:\Files
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin de Vollständiger Pfad für Benutzer- und Gruppendateien.<br>Beispiel: /files, E:\Files
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin de Vollständiger Pfad für Benutzer- und Gruppen-Dateien.<br>Beispiel: /files, E:\Files
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin de Vollständiger Pfad für Benutzer- und Gruppen-Dateien.<br>Beispiel: /files, E:\Files
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin de Hostname des Computers auf dem der Server läuft
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin de URL zur EGroupware-Installation.<br>Beispiel: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>keinen nachfolgenden Slash /</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin de URL zur EGroupware-Installation.<br>Beispiel: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>keinen nachfolgenden Slash /</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin de Geben Sie Ihren Suchbegriff ein. Um alle Einträge anzuzeigen geben Sie keinen Begriff ein und drücken Sie den Suchen-Knopf noch einmal.
enter the site password for peer servers admin de Site-Passwort für Peer-Server
enter the site username for peer servers admin de Site-Benutzername für Peer-Server
@ -433,17 +434,17 @@ enter your smtp server port admin de SMTP-Server Port
entries admin de Einträge
entries owned by the user: admin de Einträge des Benutzers:
entry saved admin de Eintrag gespeichert
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin de Fehler beim Abbrechen des Test-Jobs, eventuell läuft gar kein Job !!!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin de Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts für %1 !
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin de Fehler beim Abbrechen des Test-Jobs, eventuell läuft gar kein Job!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin de Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts für %1!
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin de Fehler beim Verbinden mit dem IMAP Server. %s : %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin de Fehler beim Verbinden mit dem IMAP Server. [%s] %s.
error deleting entry! admin de Fehler beim Löschen des Eintrags
error deleting entry! admin de Fehler beim Löschen des Eintrags!
error deleting log entry! admin de Fehler beim Löschen des Protokolleintrags!
error revoking token! admin de Fehler beim Widerrufen des Token!
error saving admin de Fehler beim Speichern
error saving account! admin de Fehler beim Speichern des Mail-Kontos!
error saving the command! admin de Fehler beim Speichern des Befehls!
error saving the entry!!! admin de Fehler beim Speichern !
error saving the entry!!! admin de Fehler beim Speichern!
error saving to db: admin de Fehler beim Speichern in der Datenbank:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin de Fehler beim Starten des Test-Jobs, falsche Syntax oder es läuft schon einer!
error storing token! admin de Fehler beim Speichern des Token!
@ -451,8 +452,8 @@ error! no appname found admin de Fehler: Kein Anwendungsname gefunden
error, no username! admin de Fehler, kein Benutzername!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin de Fehler: %1 nicht gefunden oder anderer Fehler!
event details follow admin de Hier die Details des Termins
exists admin de existiert
expired admin de abgelaufen
exists admin de Existiert
expired admin de Abgelaufen
expires admin de Läuft ab
explanation of ldapman admin de Dieses Modul ist derzeit nur für folgende Konfiguration getestet: Postfix, LDAP, Courier-Imap, Procmail und erfordert die Schemas: core und qmail(OID 7914). Weitere Konfigurationshinweise sind im README.ldapman im DOC Verzeichnis des Moduls ADMIN zu finden.
export certificate as p12 admin de Exportiere Zertifikat als p12 Datei
@ -468,24 +469,24 @@ failed to save user! admin de Speichern dieses Benutzers ist nicht möglich.
failed to upload %1 admin de Hochladen von '%1' fehlgeschlagen
fallback (after each pageview) admin de Ausweichmöglichkeit (nach jedem Seitenaufbau)
false admin de Falsch
field '%1' already exists !!! admin de Feld '%1' existiert bereits !!!
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin de Datei wurde abgewiesen, kein %2. ist:%1
field '%1' already exists !!! admin de Feld '%1' existiert bereits!
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin de Datei wurde abgewiesen, kein %2. Ist: %1
file space admin de Speicherplatz
file space must be an integer admin de Speicherplatz muss eine Zahl sein
filesystem quota admin de Dateisystem Quota
filtered by account admin de Suche nach Benutzerprofilen
filtered by group admin de Suche nach Gruppenprofilen
filtered by account admin de Suche nach Benutzern
filtered by group admin de Suche nach Gruppen
folder acl admin de Zugriffsrechte
for the times above admin de für die oben angegebenen Zeiten
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin de für die darunter angegebenen Zeiten (leere Felder zählen als "*", alles leer = jede Minute)
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin de Für die darunter angegebenen Zeiten (leere Felder zählen als "*", alles leer = jede Minute)
forbid users to create identities admin de Anwender dürfen keine Identitäten anlegen
force selectbox admin de Auswahl erzwingen
force users to change their password regularily?(empty for no,number for after that number of days admin de Erzwinge das Ändern von Passwörtern durch den Benutzer nach X Tagen. (leer für nein, eine positive Zahl für alle X Tage)
forward also to admin de zusätzlich weiterleiten
forward also to admin de Zusätzlich weiterleiten
forward email's to admin de E-Mails weiterleiten an
forward emails to admin de E-Mails weiterleiten an
forward only admin de nur weiterleiten
forward only disables imap mailbox / storing of mails and just forwards them to given address. admin de Nur weiterleiten schaltet die IMAP Mailbox / das Speichern der Mails aus und leitet diese an die angegebene Adresse weiter.
forward only admin de Nur weiterleiten
forward only disables imap mailbox / storing of mails and just forwards them to given address. admin de Nur weiterleiten schaltet das Postfach / das Speichern der E-Mails aus und leitet diese an die angegebene Adresse weiter.
full name admin de Vollständiger Name
general admin de Allgemein
generate certificate admin de Zertifikat erzeugen
@ -502,9 +503,9 @@ grant admin de Berechtigungen
group #%1 must have negative sign! admin de Benutzergruppe #%1 muss ein negatives Vorzeichen besitzen
group %1 %2 admin de Gruppe %1 %2
group '%1' deleted. admin de Gruppe '%1' wurde gelöscht.
group ? admin de Gruppe ?
group csv export admin de CSV Export von Gruppen
group csv import admin de CSV Import von Gruppen
group ? admin de Gruppe?
group csv export admin de CSV-Export von Gruppen
group csv import admin de CSV-Import von Gruppen
group excepted from above export limit (admins are always excepted) admin de Gruppen, die vom oben angegeben Exportlimit ausgenommen sind (Administratoren sind immer ausgenommen)
group has been added common de Gruppe wurde hinzugefügt
group has been deleted common de Gruppe wurde gelöscht
@ -526,27 +527,27 @@ how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin de Wie viele Minuten soll ein Benutzerkonto oder eine IP gesperrt werden (Vorgabe 1)?
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin de In welchem Format sollen E-Mail-Adressen von neuen Benutzern erzeugt werden?
how username get constructed admin de Wie wird der Benutzername gebildet
html/plaintext admin de HTML/Plaintext
html/plaintext admin de HTML/Text
icon admin de Symbol
identity admin de Identität
identity deleted admin de Identität gelöscht.
identity saved. admin de Identität gespeichert.
idle admin de im Leerlauf
idle admin de Im Leerlauf
if different from email address admin de falls unterschiedlich zu E-Mail-Adresse
if disabled existing tokens immediatly stop working. admin de Wenn deaktiviert funktionieren bereits existierende Token sofort nicht mehr.
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin de Wenn es keinen ACL-Eintrag für einen Benutzer oder eine Gruppe, der er angehört, gibt
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin de Wenn Sie LDAP verwenden, möchten Sie Benutzerverzeichnisse und Kommandointerpreter verwalten?
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin de Wenn Sie SSL oder TLS benutzen, müssen Sie die openssl PHP Erweiterung geladen haben.
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin de Wenn Sie SSL oder TLS benutzen, müssen Sie die openssl PHP-Erweiterung geladen haben.
if you delete the user without selecting an account to move the data to, all entries get deleted! admin de Wenn Sie den Benutzer löschen, ohne jemanden auszuwählen, zu dem die Daten verschoben werden sollen, werden alle Einträge gelöscht!
if you ignore that error as admin, you should check "%1"! admin de Falls Sie den Fehler als Administrator ignorieren, sollten Sie "%1" abhacken!
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin de Wenn Sie als Sieve Server Port 5190 eintragen, wird für die Kommunikation mit dem Sieve-Server eine SSL-Verbindung verwendet (der Server muss das natürlich unterstützen)
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin de Wenn Sie als Sieve-Server-Port 5190 eintragen, wird für die Kommunikation mit dem Sieve-Server eine SSL-Verbindung verwendet (der Server muss das natürlich unterstützen)
if you wish to have randomly selected images you may upload multiple images. admin de Wenn Sie zufällig ausgewählte Bilder haben möchten, können Sie mehrere Bilder hochladen.
imap admin password admin de IMAP Administrator Passwort
imap admin user admin de IMAP Administrator Benutzer
imap c-client version < 2001 admin de IMAP C-Client Version < 2001
imap server admin de IMAP Server
imap server closed the connection. admin de IMAP Server hat die Verbindung beendet.
imap server closed the connection. server responded: %s admin de IMAP Server hat die Verbindung beendet. Server Antwort: %s
imap server admin de IMAP-Server
imap server closed the connection. admin de IMAP-Server hat die Verbindung beendet.
imap server closed the connection. server responded: %s admin de IMAP-Server hat die Verbindung beendet. Server Antwort: %s
imap server hostname or ip address admin de IMAP-Server Hostname oder IP-Adresse
imap server logintyp admin de IMAP-Server Loginverfahren
imap server name admin de IMAP-Server Name
@ -554,11 +555,11 @@ imap server port admin de IMAP-Server Port
imap/pop3 server name admin de IMAP/POP3-Server Name
importance admin de wichtig
in mbyte admin de in MByte
inactive admin de inaktiv
inactive admin de Inaktiv
inbound admin de eingehend
initial admin de Anfangsbuchstabe
install crontab admin de Crontab installieren
install id admin de Installations ID
install id admin de Installations-ID
installation type admin de Installationstyp
installed applications common de Installierte Anwendungen
installed applications, percentage of allowed users and total number of entries. admin de Installierte Anwendungen, Prozentsatz erlaubte Benutzer und Gesamtzahl der Einträge.
@ -569,9 +570,9 @@ international use admin de Internationale Benutzung
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin de Ungültiges Argument "%1"!
invalid email admin de Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse
invalid formated date "%1"! admin de Ungültig formatiertes Datum "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin de Ungültige RemoteID oder Name "%1"!
invalid type "%1"! admin de Ungültiger Type "%1"!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin de Ungültiger Wert "%1". Verwenden Sie Ja oder Nein (yes/no)
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin de Ungültige Remote-ID oder Name "%1"!
invalid type "%1"! admin de Ungültiger Typ "%1"!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin de Ungültiger Wert "%1". Verwenden Sie Ja oder Nein
invalid value "%1", use only: admin de Ungültiger Wert "%1". Verwenden Sie nur:
ip admin de IP
jobs admin de Jobs
@ -591,15 +592,15 @@ last submission: admin de Letzte Absendung:
last time read admin de Zuletzt gelesen
last updated admin de Zuletzt aktualisiert
ldap accounts context admin de LDAP-Kontext für Benutzerkonten
ldap basedn admin de LDAP BaseDN
ldap basedn admin de LDAP Base DN
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin de LDAP-Vorgabewert für Benutzerverzeichnisse (z.B. /home für /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin de LDAP-Vorgabewert für Kommandointerpreter (Shell) (z.B. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin de LDAP-Verschlüsselungstyp
ldap groups context admin de LDAP-Kontext für Gruppen
ldap host admin de LDAP-Host
ldap root password admin de LDAP-Root-Passwort
ldap rootdn admin de LDAP rootdn
ldap server admin de LDAP Server
ldap rootdn admin de LDAP root DN
ldap server admin de LDAP-Server
ldap server accounts dn admin de LDAP-Server Benutzerkonten DN
ldap server admin dn admin de LDAP-Server Administrator DN
ldap server admin password admin de LDAP-Server Administrator-Passwort
@ -609,19 +610,19 @@ leave empty for no quota admin de Leer lassen um Quota zu deaktivieren
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin de Leer lassen um OAuth zu benutzen, wenn unterstützt
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin de Kategorie unverändert lassen und zur Liste zurückkehren
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin de Gruppe unverändert lassen und zur Liste zurückkehren
leave unchanged admin de unverändert lassen
leave without saveing the entry admin de beendet ohne den Eintrag zu speichern
leaves without saveing admin de beendet ohne zu speichern
leave unchanged admin de Unverändert lassen
leave without saveing the entry admin de Beendet ohne den Eintrag zu speichern
leaves without saveing admin de Beendet ohne zu speichern
length admin de Länge
length<br>rows admin de Länge<br>Zeilen
lifetime of 'remember me' token admin de Gültigkeit des "An mich erinnern" Token
limit global category to members of a certain group admin de Beschränkt die global Kategorie auf der Mitglieder einer bestimmten Gruppe
limit to members of admin de beschränken auf Mitglieder von
limit to members of admin de Beschränken auf Mitglieder von
list config settings admin de Konfigurationseinstellungen auflisten
list current sessions admin de aktive Sitzungen anzeigen
list current sessions admin de Aktive Sitzungen anzeigen
list of current users admin de Liste der gegenwärtigen Benutzer
log user-agent and action of changes in history-log of entries admin de Protokolliere Browser-Typ und -Aktion von Änderungen in der Historie der Einträge
logged out admin de abgemeldet
logged out admin de Abgemeldet
login history admin de Login-Kontrolle
login id admin de Benutzername
login message admin de Meldung der Anmelde-Seite
@ -653,23 +654,23 @@ minute admin de Minute
mode admin de Modus
modified admin de Geändert
month admin de Monat
more secure admin de sicherer
more secure admin de Sicherer
mount backup directory to %1 admin de Datensicherungsverzeichnis unter %1 mounten
must change password upon next login admin de Muss das Passwort beim nächsten Login ändern
name must not be empty !!! admin de Name darf nicht leer sein!
name of account admin de Name des Kontos
name of organisation admin de Name der Organisation
name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin de Name der EGroupware Instanz, z.B. default
name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin de Name der EGroupware-Instanz, z.B. default
new group name admin de Neuer Gruppenname
new name admin de neuer Name
new name admin de Neuer Name
new password admin de Neues Passwort
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin de Neues Passwort [ Feld leer lassen, wenn das Passwort nicht geändert werden soll ]
next run admin de nächste Ausführung
next run admin de Nächste Ausführung
no algorithms available admin de Kein Algorithmus verfügbar
no alternate email address admin de keine zusätzlichen E-Mail-Adressen
no alternate email address admin de Keine zusätzlichen E-Mail-Adressen
no default account found! admin de Kein Standard Mail-Konto gefunden!
no encryption admin de keine Verschlüsselung
no forwarding email address admin de keine Weiterleitungsadresse definiert
no encryption admin de Keine Verschlüsselung
no forwarding email address admin de Keine Weiterleitungsadresse definiert
no jobs in the database !!! admin de Keine Jobs in der Datenbank!
no login history exists for this user admin de Benutzer hat sich noch nie angemeldet
no matches found admin de Keine Übereinstimmungen gefunden
@ -685,7 +686,7 @@ no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switche
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin de Keine unterstützte IMAP-Authentifizierungsmethode gefunden.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin de Gemeinnützig: Vereine, Verbände, ...
not enabled admin de Nicht einschalten
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin de Notiz: SSL ist nur verfügbar, wenn PHP mit CURL-Unterstützung gebaut wurde
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin de Notiz: SSL ist nur verfügbar, wenn PHP mit Curl-Unterstützung gebaut wurde
notification mail admin de Benachrichtigungs-E-Mail
notify user by email admin de Benutzer per E-Mail benachrichtigen
notifying account "%1" %2 failed! admin de Benachrichtigen von Benutzer "%1" %2 fehlgeschlagen!
@ -695,27 +696,27 @@ number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin de
number of sessions / egroupware logins in the last 30 days admin de Anzahl Sitzungen / EGroupware Logins in den letzten 30 Tagen
number of users admin de Anzahl Benutzer
number the applications serially. if they are not numbered serially, sorting the applications could work wrong. this will not change the application's order. admin de Numeriere Anwendungen aufeinander folgend. Wenn sie nicht aufeinander folgend numeriert sind, funktioniert das Sortieren der Anwendungen nicht. Ändert nicht die Reihenfolge der Anwendungen
nummeric account id admin de numerische Benutzer ID
nummeric account id admin de Numerische Benutzer ID
oauth authentiction admin de OAuth Authentifizierung
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin de Anbieten EGroupware als Mail-Handler zu installieren
official egroupware usage statistic admin de Offizielle EGroupware Nutzungsstatistik
one day admin de ein Tag
one hour admin de eine Stunde
one month admin de ein Monat
one week admin de eine Woche
one day admin de Ein Tag
one hour admin de Eine Stunde
one month admin de Ein Monat
one week admin de Eine Woche
only below displayed information is directly submitted to %s. admin de Nur die unterhalb angezeigte Information wird direkt zu %s übertragen.
operating system admin de Betriebssystem
order admin de Reihenfolge
organisation admin de Organisation
other security configuration admin de Andere sicherheitsrelevante Konfigurationen
outbound admin de ausgehend
own categories admin de eigene Kategorien
outbound admin de Ausgehend
own categories admin de Eigene Kategorien
own install id admin de Eigene Install-ID
own install id: admin de Eigene Install-ID:
owner "%1" removed, please select group-owner admin de Besitzer "%1" entfernt, bitte einen Gruppenbesitzer auswählen.
passphrase admin de Passphrase
passthrough admin de durchgehend
password for smtp-authentication admin de Passwort für SMTP Authentifizierung
passthrough admin de Durchreichen
password for smtp-authentication admin de Passwort für SMTP-Authentifizierung
password to unlock encrypted p12 admin de Passwort zum Entsperren von verschlüsseltem Zertifikat
password updated admin de Passwort aktualisiert
passwords admin de Passwörter
@ -729,11 +730,11 @@ percent of users that logged out admin de Prozent der Benutzer, die sich korrekt
percent this user has logged out admin de Prozentsatz, wie oft sich dieser Benutzer abgemeldet hat
periodic admin de Periodisch
permission denied admin de Zugriff verweigert
permission denied !!! admin de Zugriff verweigert !
permission denied!!! admin de Zugriff verweigert !!!
permission denied !!! admin de Zugriff verweigert!
permission denied!!! admin de Zugriff verweigert!
permissions admin de Zugriffsrechte
permissions this group has admin de Zugriffsrechte für diese Gruppe
personal: eg. within a family admin de Persönlich: z.B. innerhalb einer Familie
personal: eg. within a family admin de Persönlich: z. B. innerhalb einer Familie
php version admin de PHP Version
phpinfo admin de PHP-Informationen
phrase admin de Phrase
@ -747,8 +748,8 @@ please select admin de Bitte auswählen
please submit (or postpone) statistic first admin de Bitte Statistik erst abschicken (oder aufschieben)
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin de Plesk kann keine Benutzer umbenennen --> Anforderung ignoriert
plesk imap server (courier) admin de Plesk IMAP Server (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin de Plesk Mail Skript '%1' nicht gefunden !!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin de Plesk verlangt, dass Passwörter mindestens 5 Zeichen lang sind und nicht den Benutzernamen enthalten --> Passwort nicht gesetzt!!!
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin de Plesk Mail Skript '%1' nicht gefunden!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin de Plesk verlangt, dass Passwörter mindestens 5 Zeichen lang sind und nicht den Benutzernamen enthalten --> Passwort nicht gesetzt!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin de Plesk SMTP-Server (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin de POP3-Server Hostname oder IP-Adresse
pop3 server port admin de POP3-Server Port
@ -756,7 +757,7 @@ port admin de Port
postfix with ldap admin de Postfix mit LDAP
postpone for admin de Aufschieben um
preferences admin de Einstellungen
primary group admin de primäre Gruppe
primary group admin de Primäre Gruppe
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. admin de Die Verarbeitung der Datei %1 fehlgeschlagen. Die Basis Voraussetzungen wurden nicht erfülltt
profile access rights admin de Profilzugriffsrechte
profile is active admin de Profil ist aktiv
@ -769,7 +770,7 @@ re-enter password admin de Passwort wiederholen
read this list of methods. admin de Diese Liste der Methoden lesen
register application hooks admin de Registrieren der "Hooks" der Anwendungen
reject passwords containing part of username or full name (3 or more characters long) admin de Passwörter zurückweisen die einen Teil des Benutzernamen oder vollständigen Namens beinhalten (3 oder mehr Zeichen lang)
relay access checked admin de nicht angemeldetes Senden überprüft
relay access checked admin de Nicht angemeldetes Senden überprüft
remark admin de Bemerkung
remote administration instances admin de Remote Administrations Instanzen
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin de Die Remote Administration muss von der Remote-Instanz (unter Admin -> Konfiguration der Anwendung) freigegeben werden.
@ -780,7 +781,7 @@ remove all users from this group admin de Entferne alle Benutzer aus dieser Grup
remove all users from this group ? admin de Entferne alle Benutzer aus dieser Gruppe?
removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. are you sure? users in these groups may no longer have access: admin de Sind Sie sicher? Den Zugriff für Gruppen zu nehmen kann zu Problemen mit den Daten dieser Kategorie führen. Benutzer dieser Gruppen haben möglicherweise keinen Zugriff mehr:
renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! admin de Das Umbenennen des Benutzers 'anonymous' verhindert die Dateifreigabe und Collabora Online Office!
requested admin de angefordert
requested admin de Angefordert
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. admin de Die benötigte PEAR-Klasse Mail/mimeDecode.php wurde nicht gefunden.
required to embed egroupware via iframe eg. for lti admin de Notwendig um EGroupware per iFrame einzubetten z.B. für LTI
requires 'openid / oauth2 server' app. admin de Benötigt die 'Open ID / OAuth2 Server' Anwendung.
@ -791,20 +792,20 @@ revoked admin de Widerrufen
rights admin de Rechte
route all mails to admin de Alle E-Mails senden an
rows admin de Zeilen
rpm or debian package admin de RPM oder Debian Pakete
rpm or debian package admin de RPM oder deb Pakete
run admin de Ausführen
run asynchronous services admin de Asynchrone Dienste ausführen
run rights for applications admin de Ausführungsrechte für Anwendungen
samesite cookie attribute (send cookie if browser addressbar show a different domain) admin de SameSite Cooke Attribute (Cookie übertragen, wenn die Adressleiste des Browsers eine andere Domain anzeigt)
samesite cookie attribute (send cookie if browser addressbar show a different domain) admin de SameSite Cookie Attribute (Cookie übertragen, wenn die Adressleiste des Browsers eine andere Domain anzeigt)
save as default admin de Als Vorgabe speichern
save changes admin de Änderungen speichern
save of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 admin de Das Speichern der Nachricht %1 ist fehlgeschlagen. Die Nachricht konnte nicht in das Verzeichniss %2 bzw.: %3
save the category admin de Kategorie speichern
save the category and return back to the list admin de Kategorie speichern und zur Liste zurückkehren
saves the changes made and leaves admin de beendet und speichert die Änderungen
saves this entry admin de speichert diesen Eintrag
saves the changes made and leaves admin de Beendet und speichert die Änderungen
saves this entry admin de Speichert diesen Eintrag
saving of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist. admin de Das Speichern der Nachricht %1 ist fehlgeschlagen. Der Ordner %2 ist nicht vorhanden.
scheduled admin de geplant
scheduled admin de Geplant
search accounts admin de Benutzerkonten durchsuchen
search categories admin de Kategorien durchsuchen
search groups admin de Gruppen durchsuchen
@ -817,7 +818,7 @@ select group managers admin de Gruppenmanager auswählen
select language to define language based message. language 'english' is default page for all languages therefore for setting a general message across all languages you only need to set the 'english' page. admin de Wählen Sie die Sprache, um eine sprachabhängige Nachricht zu definieren. Sprache 'Englisch' ist die Standardseite für alle Sprachen, daher müssen Sie für die Einstellung einer allgemeinen Nachricht für allen Sprachen nur die Seite 'Englisch' erstellen.
select multiple admin de Mehrere auswählen
select owner admin de Besitzer auswählen
select permissions this group will have admin de wählen Sie die Zugriffsrechte für diese Gruppe.
select permissions this group will have admin de Wählen Sie die Zugriffsrechte für diese Gruppe.
select the applications you want the token to be limited to, or leave the default of all applications. admin de Wählen Sie die Anwendungen auf die das Token beschränkt sein soll, oder lassen Sie die Vorgabe alle Anwendungen.
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin de Eine übergeordnete Kategorie auswählen. Wenn dies eine Hauptkategorie ist, KEINE KATEGORIE auswählen.
select type of imap server admin de IMAP-Server Typ auswählen
@ -825,11 +826,11 @@ select type of imap/pop3 server admin de IMAP/POP3-Server Typ auswählen
select type of smtp server admin de SMTP-Server Typ auswählen
select users admin de Benutzer auswählen
select users for inclusion admin de Benutzer für diese Gruppe auswählen
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin de Wo möchten Sie Datei Informationen ablegen / lesen
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin de Wo möchten Sie Dateisystem-Informationen ablegen/lesen
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin de Wo möchten Sie die Benutzerkonten speichern
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin de An welcher Position soll die Anwendung in der Navigationsleiste erscheinen, von ganz unten (links) bis ganz oben (rechts)
selectbox admin de Auswahlfeld
send using this email-address admin de zum Versenden wird diese E-Mail-Adresse benutzt
send using this email-address admin de Zum Versenden wird diese E-Mail-Adresse benutzt
server %1 has been updated admin de Server %1 wurde aktualisiert
server list admin de Server-Liste
server password admin de Server-Passwort
@ -844,11 +845,11 @@ set preference values. admin de Einstellungswert wurde geändert
settings admin de Einstellungen
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin de Sollen Ausnahmefehler eine Rückverfolgung enthalten (einschl. Funktionsargumente)
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin de Soll die Anmeldeseite eine Sprachauswahl beinhalten?
show 'powered by' logo on admin de Zeige "powered by" Logo
show 'powered by' logo on admin de Zeige "Powered by"
show access log admin de Zugangsprotokoll anzeigen
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin de Als optional anzeigen, aber erforderlich wenn der Benutzer sie eingerichtet hat
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin de Als benötigt anzeigen, aber nur benötigt, wenn Benutzer sie eingerichtet hat
show current action admin de aktuelle Aktion anzeigen
show current action admin de Aktuelle Aktion anzeigen
show error log admin de Fehlerprotokoll anzeigen
show members admin de Mitglieder dieser Gruppe anzeigen
show phpinfo() admin de phpinfo() anzeigen
@ -858,29 +859,29 @@ sieve server port admin de Sieve-Server Port
sieve settings admin de Sieve Einstellungen
site admin de Site
skip imap admin de IMAP auslassen
skipping imap configuration! admin de IMAP Konfiguration ausgelassen!
smtp authentication admin de SMTP Anmeldung
smtp options admin de SMTP Optionen
smtp server admin de SMTP Server
smtp server name admin de SMTP Server Name
smtp settings admin de SMTP Einstellungen
smtp-server hostname or ip address admin de SMTP Server Hostname oder IP-Adresse
smtp-server port admin de SMTP Server Port
skipping imap configuration! admin de IMAP-Konfiguration ausgelassen!
smtp authentication admin de SMTP-Anmeldung
smtp options admin de SMTP-Optionen
smtp server admin de SMTP-Server
smtp server name admin de SMTP-Server Name
smtp settings admin de SMTP-Einstellungen
smtp-server hostname or ip address admin de SMTP-Server Hostname oder IP-Adresse
smtp-server port admin de SMTP-Server Port
soap admin de SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin de Dieser Gruppenname wird bereits verwendet.
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin de Diese Benutzer sind noch Mitglied der Gruppe %1.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin de Die folgenden Benutzer sind noch Mitglied der Gruppe %1.
sort the entries admin de Einträge sortieren
source account #%1 does not exist! admin de Quellaccount #%1 besteht nicht!
ssl admin de verschlüsselt (SSL)
ssl admin de Verschlüsselt (SSL)
standard admin de Vorgabe
standard identity admin de Standard Identität
standard imap server admin de Standard IMAP-Server
standard pop3 server admin de Standard POP3-Server
standard smtp-server admin de Standard SMTP-Server
start admin de Start
start testjob! admin de Testjob starten!
starts with admin de startet mit
start testjob! admin de Test-Job starten!
starts with admin de Startet mit
stationery admin de Briefpapier
strictly required, user can not login without admin de Unbedingt benötigt, Benutzer können sich ohne nicht mehr anmelden
submit changes admin de Änderungen speichern
@ -890,33 +891,33 @@ submit the search string admin de Geben Sie Ihren Suchbegriff ein
submit to egroupware.org admin de Übertragen an egroupware.org
subtype admin de Untertyp
subversion checkout admin de Subversion checkout (svn)
success admin de erfolgreich
success admin de Erfolgreich
successful connected to %1 server%2. admin de Erfolgreich zu %1 Server verbunden%2.
successfull, but no refresh-token received! admin de Erfolgreiche, aber keine Refresh-Token erhalten!
successfull, but no refresh-token received! admin de Erfolgreich, aber keine Refresh-Token erhalten!
switch back to standard identity to save account. admin de Kehren Sie zur Standard-Identität zurück um das Konto zu speichern.
switch back to standard identity to save other account data. admin de Kehren Sie zur Standard-Identität zurück um andere Kontendaten zu speichern.
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin de Schalten Sie es aus, wenn Benutzer immer wieder zufällig rausgeworfen werden
template selection admin de Auswahl der Benutzeroberfläche
templates admin de Templates
templates admin de Vorlagen
text entry admin de Texteingabe
that application name already exists. admin de Diesen Anwendungsname gibt es bereits.
that application order must be a number. admin de Die Anwendungsreihenfolge muss eine Zahl sein.
that loginid has already been taken admin de Diese Login-ID ist bereits vergeben
that name has been used already admin de Dieser Name wird bereits verwendet
that server name has been used already ! admin de Dieser Server-Name wird bereits verwendet!
the api is current admin de Die API ist aktuell
the api requires an upgrade admin de Die API benötigt ein Upgrade
the api is current admin de Das API ist aktuell
the api requires an upgrade admin de Das API benötigt ein Upgrade
the cumulated and anonymised data will be publically available: admin de Die kumulierten und anonymisierten Daten werden öffentlich verfügbar sein:
the groups must include the primary group admin de Die Gruppen müssen die primäre Gruppe beinhalten
the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. please contact your system administrator. admin de Der IMAP Server scheint die eingestellte Authentifizierungsmethode nicht zu unterstützen. Bitte fragen Sie Ihren Systemadministrator.
the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. please contact your system administrator. admin de Der IMAP-Server scheint die eingestellte Authentifizierungsmethode nicht zu unterstützen. Bitte fragen Sie Ihren Systemadministrator.
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin de Die Installation-ID dieser Instanz wird unter Administration >> Konfiguration der Anwendung angezeigt
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin de Installations ID für diese Instanz wird unter Admin >> Konfiguration der Anwendung angezeigt
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin de Die Installations-ID für diese Instanz wird unter Admin >> Konfiguration der Anwendung angezeigt
the login and password can not be the same admin de Benutzername und Passwort dürfen nicht identisch sein
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin de Der Benutzername darf nicht länger als 8 Zeichen sein
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin de Der Mimeparser versteht diese Nachricht nicht
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin de Der MIME-Parser versteht diese Nachricht nicht
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin de intern benutzter Name (<= 20 Buchstaben), Veränderungen machen existierende Daten unerreichbar!
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin de intern benutzter Name (<= 20 Buchstaben), Veränderungen machen existierende Daten unerreichbar!
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin de Der Testjob sendet Ihnen jedes mal eine E-Mail wenn er aufgerufen wird.
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin de Der Test-Job sendet Ihnen jedes mal eine E-Mail wenn er aufgerufen wird.
the text displayed to the user admin de Für den Benutzer angezeigter Text
the two passwords are not the same admin de Die beiden Passwörter stimmen nicht überein
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin de Die unten angezeigten Benutzer sind Mitglied der Gruppe %1
@ -926,46 +927,46 @@ this application is current admin de Diese Anwendung ist aktuell
this application requires an upgrade admin de Diese Anwendung benötigt ein Upgrade
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin de Diese Kategorie wird gegenwärtig als übergeordnete Kategorie benutzt.
this controls exports and merging. admin de Steuert den Export und den Merge Print von Dokumenten
this is a mail account for all users! admin de Das ist ein Mailkonto für ALLE Benutzer!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin de Das ist KEIN persönliches Mail-Konto!\n\nDas Konto wird für ALLE Benutzer gelöscht!\n\nSind Sie wirklich sicher, dass Sie das wollen?
this is a mail account for all users! admin de Das ist ein Mail-Konto für ALLE Benutzer!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin de Das ist KEIN persönliches Mail-Konto!<br>Das Konto wird für ALLE Benutzer gelöscht!<br>Sind Sie wirklich sicher, dass Sie das wollen?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin de Dieser Schlüssel steht im HTML Code den Ihre Website ausliefert.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin de Dieses PHP hat keine IMAP Unterstützung!!!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin de Dieses PHP hat keine IMAP Unterstützung!
this secret key used for communication between your site and google. be sure to keep it a secret. admin de Diese geheime Schlüssel wird in der Kommunikation zwischen Ihrem Server und Google verwendet. Sorgen Sie dafür, dass er geheim bleibt.
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin de Zeit nach der Anwendungsdaten der Sitzung gelöscht werden in Sekunden (Vorgabe 86400 = 1 Tag)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin de Zeit nach der Sitzungen verfallen (Vorgabe 14400 = 4 Stunden)
times admin de Zeiten
to allow us to track the growth of your individual installation use this submit id, otherwise delete it: admin de Benutzen Sie diese Übertragungs ID damit wir das Wachstum Ihrer individuellen Installation erfassen können, ansonsten löschen sie diese:
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. admin de Um eine TLS Verbindung zu verwenden, benötigen Sie PHP 5.1.0 oder aktueller.
to allow us to track the growth of your individual installation use this submit id, otherwise delete it: admin de Benutzen Sie diese Übertragungs-ID damit wir das Wachstum Ihrer individuellen Installation erfassen können, ansonsten löschen sie diese:
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. admin de Um eine TLS-Verbindung zu verwenden, benötigen Sie PHP 5.1.0 oder aktueller.
token created. admin de Token erzeugt.
token not found! admin de Token nicht gefunden!
token revoked. admin de Token widerrufen.
token saved. admin de Token gespeichert.
top admin de oben
total of %1 accounts deleted. admin de Insgesammt %1 Benutzerkonten gelöscht.
top admin de Oben
total of %1 accounts deleted. admin de Insgesamt %1 Benutzerkonten gelöscht.
total of %1 id's changed. admin de Die Gesamtanzahl von %1 IDs wurde geändert.
total records admin de Anzahl Datensätze insgesamt
translation admin de Übersetzung
true admin de Wahr
trust level admin de Grad des Vertrauens
trust relationship admin de Vertrauensverhältnis
two days admin de zwei Tage
two hours admin de zwei Stunden
two months admin de zwei Monate
two weeks admin de zwei Wochen
type '%1' already exists !!! admin de Typ '%1' existiert bereits !!!
type of customfield admin de Typ des Benutzerdefinierten Feldes
two days admin de Zwei Tage
two hours admin de Zwei Stunden
two months admin de Zwei Monate
two weeks admin de Zwei Wochen
type '%1' already exists !!! admin de Typ '%1' existiert bereits!
type of customfield admin de Typ des benutzerdefinierten Feldes
type of field admin de Feldtyp
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin de Unter Windows muß der asynchrone Service %1von Hand%2 installiert werden oder es wird nur die Ausweichmöglichkeit benutzt. Bei der Ausweichmöglichkeit werden die Jobs nur nach jedem Seitenaufbau überprüft!!!
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin de Unter Windows muß der asynchrone Service %1von Hand%2 installiert werden oder es wird nur die Ausweichmöglichkeit benutzt. Bei der Ausweichmöglichkeit werden die Jobs nur nach jedem Seitenaufbau überprüft!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin de Unerwartete Antwort des Servers auf das AUTHENTICATE Kommando.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin de Unerwartete Antwort des Servers auf die Digest-MD5 Antwort.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin de Unerwartete Antwort des Servers auf das LOGIN Kommando.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin de Unbekanntes Benutzerkonto: %1 !!!
unknown command %1! admin de Unbekannter Befehl %1 !
unknown account: %1 !!! admin de Unbekanntes Benutzerkonto: %1!
unknown command %1! admin de Unbekannter Befehl %1!
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin de Unbekannte IMAP Antwort vom Server. Server antwortet: %s
unknown option %1 admin de Unbekannte Option %1
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin de Nicht unterstützte Aktion '%1' !!!
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin de Kategorie kann mit den aktuellen Einstellungen nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte überprüfen sie die Einstellungen auf Ungereimtheiten
up admin de hoch
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin de Nicht unterstützte Aktion '%1'!
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin de Kategorie kann mit den aktuellen Einstellungen nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte überprüfen sie die Einstellungen auf Ungereimtheiten.
up admin de Hoch
update current email address: admin de Aktualisiere aktuelle E-Mail-Adresse
updated admin de Aktualisiert
upload your background image or enter the url admin de Laden Sie ein Hintergrundbild hoch oder geben Sie eine entsprechende URL ein
@ -974,28 +975,28 @@ upload your favicon or enter the url admin de Laden Sie ein Favicon hoch oder ge
upload your header logo or enter the url (leave it empty if it is the same as login logo) admin de Laden Sie Ihr Header-Logo hoch oder geben Sie die URL ein (lassen Sie sie leer, wenn sie mit dem Login-Logo identisch ist)
upload your logo or enter the url admin de Laden Sie Ihr Logo hoch oder geben Sie eine URL dafür ein
uppercase, lowercase, number, special char admin de Großbuchstaben, Kleinbuchstaben, Zahlen, Sonderzeichen
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin de URL der EGroupware Installation, z.B. http://domain.com/egroupware
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin de URL der EGroupware Installation, z.B. https://egw.domain.com/egroupware
usage admin de Einsatz
use admin credentials to connect without a session-password, e.g. for sso admin de Benutze Admin Zugangsdaten zur Verbindung ohne Sitzungspasswort, z.B. für SingleSignOn
use admin credentials to connect without a session-password, e.g. for sso admin de Benutze Admin-Zugangsdaten zur Verbindung ohne Sitzungspasswort, z.B. für SingleSignOn
use cookies to pass sessionid admin de Sitzungs-ID in einem Cookie speichern
use default admin de Vorgabe verwenden
use ldap defaults admin de LDAP Standardeinstellungen benutzen
use predefined username and password defined below admin de Verwende den unten vordefinierten Benutzernamen und Passwort
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin de Vollständig HTML kompatiblen Code verwenden (nicht vollständig implementiert)
use save or apply to store the received oauth token! admin de Benutze Speicher oder Übernehmen um das erhaltene OAuth Token zu speichern!
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin de Benutze sichere Cookies (werden nur per https übertragen)
use save or apply to store the received oauth token! admin de Benutze Speicher oder Übernehmen um das erhaltene OAuth-Token zu speichern!
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin de Benutze sichere Cookies (werden nur per HTTPS übertragen)
use smtp auth admin de SMTP Authentifizierung benutzen
use theme admin de Benutztes Farbschema
use tls authentication admin de TLS Authentifizierung benutzen
use tls encryption admin de TLS Verschlüsselung benutzen
use tls authentication admin de TLS-Authentifizierung benutzen
use tls encryption admin de TLS-Verschlüsselung benutzen
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin de Benutzt E-Mail Adresse des Benutzers (Die unter seinem Mail-Konto angezeigt wird)
user accounts admin de Benutzerkonten
user can edit forwarding address admin de Anwender können ihre Weiterleitungsadresse bearbeiten
user choice admin de Benutzerauswahl
user csv export admin de CSV Export von Benutzern
user csv import admin de CSV Import von Benutzern
user csv export admin de CSV-Export von Benutzern
user csv import admin de CSV-Import von Benutzern
user data common de Benutzerdaten
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin de Benutzer für SMTP Authentifizierung (leer lassen falls keine Authentifizierung nötig)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin de Benutzer für SMTP-Authentifizierung (leer lassen falls keine Authentifizierung nötig)
user groups admin de Benutzergruppen
user-agent admin de Browser
userdata admin de Benutzerkonto
@ -1010,7 +1011,9 @@ users can define their own signatures admin de Anwender können ihre eigenen Sig
users can utilize these stationery templates admin de Benutzer können diese Briefpapiervorlagen verwenden
users choice admin de Benutzerauswahl
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin de Benutze Mozilla ISPDB für Provider %1
using fallback via regular json requests admin de Verwendung von Fallback über reguläre JSON-Anfragen
using imap:%1, smtp:%2, oauth:%3: admin de Benutze IMAP: %1, SMTP: %2, OAuth: %3:
using native swoole push admin de Verwendung von nativem Swoole Push
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin de Abwesenheitsnotizen mit Start- und Enddatum benötigen einen gesetzten Administrator Benutzer!
vacation notice admin de Abwesenheitsnotiz
valid for admin de Gültig für
@ -1030,12 +1033,12 @@ we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin de Wem sollen alle Datensätze, die dem zu löschenden Benutzer gehören, übertragen werden?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin de An wen wollen Sie die Einträge dieses Benutzers übertragen?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin de Soll EGroupware das egw_info Array cachen ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin de Soll EGroupware prüfen ob eine neue Version vorhanden ist,<br> wenn sich ein Administrator anmeldet ?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin de Soll EGroupware auf neue Versionen der Anwendungen prüfen, wenn sich ein Administrator anmeldet ?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin de Sollen neue Sprachdateien automatisch geladen werden (beim Login) ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin de Soll der Upgrade-Status aller Anwendungen angezeigt werden ?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin de Falscher Konten Typ: %1 ist kein(e) %2 !!!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin de Falscher Admin-Account oder Passwort !!!
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin de Soll EGroupware prüfen ob eine neue Version vorhanden ist,<br> wenn sich ein Administrator anmeldet?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin de Soll EGroupware auf neue Versionen der Anwendungen prüfen, wenn sich ein Administrator anmeldet?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin de Sollen neue Sprachdateien automatisch geladen werden (beim Login)?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin de Soll der Upgrade-Status aller Anwendungen angezeigt werden?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin de Falscher Konten Typ: %1 ist kein(e) %2!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin de Falscher Admin-Account oder Passwort!
wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! admin de Falsche Zugangsdaten um auf die header.inc.php Datei zuzugreifen!
xml-rpc admin de XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin de Ja, aber keine automatische Rechtschreibüberprüfung
@ -1049,7 +1052,7 @@ you can use wizard to fix account settings or delete account. admin de Sie könn
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin de Sie haben ein ungültiges Ablaufdatum angegeben
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin de Sie haben noch keine E-Mail für den Benutzer vergeben.
you have received a new message on the admin de Sie haben eine neue Nachricht erhalten.
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin de Sie müssen einen Namen angeben um ein neues Feld anzulegen!!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin de Sie müssen einen Namen angeben um ein neues Feld anzulegen!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin de Sie müssen einen Namen angeben um einen neuen Typ anzulegen!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin de Sie müssen mindestens ein Zugriffsrecht oder eine Gruppe für diesen Benutzer angeben
you must enter a group name. admin de Sie müssen einen Gruppennamen angeben.
@ -1060,10 +1063,10 @@ you must enter an application name. admin de Sie müssen der Anwendung einen Nam
you must enter an application title. admin de Sie müssen der Anwendung einen Titel geben.
you must select a file type admin de Sie müssen einen Dateityp auswählen
you must select at least one group member. admin de Sie müssen mindestens ein Gruppenmitglied auswählen.
you need to enter install id and password! admin de Sie müssen die Install-ID UND das Passwort eingeben!
you need to enter install id and password! admin de Sie müssen die Installations-ID UND das Passwort eingeben!
you need to select as least one action! admin de Sie müssen mindestens einen Befehl auswählen!
you need to select some users first! admin de Sie müssen zuerst einige Benutzer auswählen!
you need to specify a forwarding address, when checking "%1"! admin de Sie müssen eine Weiterleitungsadresse angeben, wenn "%1" abgehackt ist!
you need to specify a forwarding address, when checking "%1"! admin de Sie müssen eine Weiterleitungs-Adresse angeben, wenn "%1" angehakt ist!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin de Sie müssen erst die Unterkategorien löschen bevor Sie diese Kategorie löschen können!
your last submission was less then %1 days ago! admin de Ihre letzte Übertragung liegt weniger als %1 Tage zurück!
your message to %1 was displayed. admin de Ihre Nachricht %1 wurde angezeigt
@ -1,17 +1,35 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin el %1 %2 δικαιώματα για %3 από %4 έως %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin el %1 - %2 of %3 user accounts
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin el %1 - %2 των λογαριασμών χρηστών %3
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin el %1 - %2 των ομάδων χρηστών %3
%1 access to other data admin el %1 πρόσβαση σε άλλα δεδομένα
%1 accounts being activated admin el %1 ενεργοποίηση λογαριασμών
%1 acl entries deleted. admin el %1 καταχωρήσεις ACL διαγράφονται.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin el %1 ACL εγγραφές από μη υπάρχοντες λογαριασμούς διαγράφηκαν.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin el %1 κατηγορίες μη (πλέον) υπαρχόντων λογαριασμών διαγράφονται.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin el %1 κατηγορία '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin el %1 κατηγορία(ες) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin el %1 κατηγορία(ες) %2, %3 απέτυχε λόγω ανεπαρκών δικαιωμάτων!
%1 class not instanciated admin el %1 κλάση δεν έχει δημιουργηθεί
%1 entries deleted admin el %1 εγγραφές διαγράφηκαν
%1 entries deleted. admin el %1 εγγραφές διαγράφηκαν.
%1 group %2 admin el %1 ομάδα %2
%1 is no command! admin el %1 δεν είναι εντολή!
%1 log entries deleted. admin el %1 εγγραφές καταγραφής διαγράφηκαν.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin el %1 διαπιστευτήρια αλληλογραφίας διαγράφηκαν
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin el %1 not found or not executable !!!
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin el Το %1 δεν βρέθηκε ή δεν είναι εκτελέσιμο!
%1 phrases saved. admin el %1 φράσεις αποθηκεύτηκαν.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin el %1 δικαιώματα για %2 και εφαρμογή(ες) %3 .
%1 run rights for applications admin el %1 δικαιώματα εκτέλεσης για εφαρμογές
%1 sessions killed admin el %1 συνεδρίες που τερματίστηκαν.
%1 successful admin el %1 επιτυχής
%1 token %2. admin el %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin el %1 χρήστης %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin el (απο)ενεργοποίηση λογαριασμών αλληλογραφίας
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin el (προεπιλεγμένο Νο, να μείνει απενεργοποιημένο αν δεν χρησιμοποιείται)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin el (η imapclass πρέπει να υποστηρίζει αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό, ζητώντας την αντίστοιχη τιμή παραμέτρων και μεταβιβάζοντάς την ως defaultquota στον διακομιστή IMAP)
(no subject) admin el (κανένα θέμα)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin el (Τα αποθηκευμένα password δεν θα εμφανίζονται εδω)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin el (To install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Manage Applications] !!!)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin el (To install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Manage Applications] !)
- type admin el - τύπος
1 year admin el 1 έτος
2 month admin el 2 μήνες
@ -59,14 +77,14 @@ advanced options admin el επιλογές για προχωρημένους
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin el Μετά από πόσες αποτυχημένες προσπάθειες για εισαγωγή, ένα IP θα έπρεπε να μπλοκαριστεί (προκαθορισμένο 3) ?
aliases admin el Ψευδώνυμα
all categories admin el Όλες οι κατηγορίες
all records and account information will be lost! admin el Ολες οι εγγραφές και οι πληροφορίες λογαριασμών θα χαθούν!
all records and account information will be lost! admin el Ολες οι εγγραφές και οι πληροφορίες λογαριασμών θα χαθούν !
all users admin el Ολοι οι χρήστες
allow anonymous access to this app admin el Επιτρέπεται ανώνυμη πρόσβαση σε αυτή την εφαρμογή
alternate email address admin el εναλλακτική διεύθυνση email
anonymous user admin el Ανώνυμος χρήστης
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin el Ανώνυμος χρήστης
anonymous user does not exist! admin el Ο ανώνυμος χρήστης ΔΕΝ υπάρχει!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin el Ο ανώνυμος χρήστης ΔΕΝ έχει δικαιώματα για αυτήν την εφαρμογή!
anonymous user does not exist! admin el Ο ανώνυμος χρήστης ΔΕΝ υπάρχει !
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin el Ο ανώνυμος χρήστης ΔΕΝ έχει δικαιώματα για αυτήν την εφαρμογή !
appearance admin el Εμφάνιση
application admin el Εφαρμογή
application name admin el Ονομα εφαρμογής
@ -80,12 +98,12 @@ are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin el Είσαι σίγουρ
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin el Είσαι σίγουρος πως θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτή την εφαρμογή
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common el Είσαι σίγουρος πως θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτή την κατηγορία
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin el Είσαι σίγουρος πως θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτή τη γενική κατηγορία
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin el Είσαι σίγουρος πως θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτό το group?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin el Είσαι σίγουρος πως θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτό το server?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin el Είσαι σίγουρος πως θέλεις να διακόψεις αυτή την περίοδο?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin el Είσαι σίγουρος πως θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτό το group ?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin el Είσαι σίγουρος πως θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτό το server ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin el Είσαι σίγουρος πως θέλεις να διακόψεις αυτή την περίοδο ?
async services last executed admin el Ασύγχρονες υπηρεσίες θα εκτελεστούν τελευταίες
asynchronous timed services admin el Ασύγχρονες υπηρεσίες
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin el ασύγχρονες υπηρεσίες δεν έχουν εγκατεστηθεί ακόμα ή άλλο λάθος (%1) !!!
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin el ασύγχρονες υπηρεσίες δεν έχουν εγκατεστηθεί ακόμα ή άλλο λάθος (%1) !
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin el Επιχειρήθηκε να χρησημοοιηθεί σωστή ομοιοτυπία αντι του προκαθορισμένου 'εφαρμογή/octet-stream'
attribute accountstatus explained admin el Αυτό διαχειρίζεται το γνώρισμα <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> από το σχήμα QMAIL.
attribute mail explained admin el Αυτό διαχειρίζεται το γνώρισμα <b><i>-mail-</i></b> από το σχήμα QMAIL και δεν πρέπει ποτέ να είναι άδειο.Είναι επίσης το eGW εσωτερικό email πεδίο.
@ -95,7 +113,7 @@ authentication / accounts admin el Ποιστοποίηση / λογαριασμ
auto create account records for authenticated users admin el Αυτόματη δημιουργία εγραφών λογαριασμού για ποιστοποιημένους χρήστες
back to the list admin el πίσω στη λίστα
bad login name or password. admin el Λάθος όνομα ή κωδικός πρόσβασης
bad request: %s admin el Άκυρη απαίτηση: %
bad request: %s admin el Άκυρη απαίτηση: %s
bi-dir passthrough admin el ημη-κατευθυντικό πέρασμα
bi-directional admin el ημη-κατευθυντικός
bottom admin el βάση
@ -162,7 +180,7 @@ deny access to peer servers admin el Αρνηση πρόσβασης σε ισό
deny access to phpinfo admin el Αρνηση πρόσβασης στο phpinfo
deny access to site configuration admin el Αρνηση πρόσβασης στην διαμόρφωση της ιστιοσελίδας
deny access to user accounts admin el Αρνηση πρόσβασης στους λογαριασμούς του χρήστη
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin el Άρνηση πρόσβασης όλων των χρηστών στην μεταβίβαση της πρόσβασης άλλων χρηστών στις εισόδους τους?
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin el Άρνηση πρόσβασης όλων των χρηστών στην μεταβίβαση της πρόσβασης άλλων χρηστών στις εισόδους τους ?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin el Η περιγραφή δεν πρέπει να υπερβαίνει τους 255 χαρακτήρες σε μήκος
determines the order the fields are displayed admin el καθορίζει τη σειρά εμφάνισης των πεδίων
disable admin el Απενεργοποίηση
@ -197,7 +215,7 @@ email account active admin el ενεργός κατάλογος email
email address admin el διεύθυνση email
enable admin el ενεργοποίηση
enable debug-messages admin el Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων-αποσφαλμάτωσης
enable the xmlrpc service admin el Ενεργοποίηση της υπηρεσίας xmlrpc
enable the xmlrpc service admin el Ενεργοποίηση της υπηρεσίας XML-RPC
enabled - hidden from navbar admin el Εμφάνιση - Απόκρυψη απο μπάρα πλοήγησης
enabled - popup window admin el Ενεργοποίηση - Εμφνιζόμενο Παράθυρο
encrypted connection admin el αποκρυπτογραφημένη σύνδεση
@ -208,7 +226,7 @@ enter the background color for the site title admin el Εισάγετε χρώμ
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin el Πληκτρολογήστε ολόκληρο το μονοπάτι για τα προσωρινά αρχεία. <br>Παραδείγματα: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin el Πληκτρολογίστε ολόκληρο το μονοπάτι για τα αρχεία χρηστών ομάδων. <br>Παραδείγματα: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin el Εισάγετε το όνομα κομβου του μηχανήματος στο οποίο τρέχει ο server
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin el Εισάγετε την τοποθεσία του EGroupware's URL.<br>Παράδειγμα: http://www.domain.com/egroupware ή /egroupware<br><b>Χωρίς να ακολουθείται απο κάθετο</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin el Εισάγετε την τοποθεσία του EGroupware's URL.<br>Παράδειγμα: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware ή /egroupware<br><b>Χωρίς να ακολουθείται απο κάθετο</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin el Εισάγετε το αλφαριθμητικό εύρεσης. Για εμφάνηση όλων των εισόδων, άδεισε αυτό το πεδίο και πάτα το κουμπί ΥΠΟΒΟΛΗ πάλι
enter the site password for peer servers admin el Εισήγαγε το συνθηματικό της ιστιοσελίδας για ισότιμους server
enter the site username for peer servers admin el Εισήγαγε το όνομα χρήστη της ιστιοσελίδας για ισότιμους server
@ -226,12 +244,12 @@ error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin el Σφάλμα κατά τη σ
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin el Σφάλμα κατά τη σύνδεση με τον IMAP server. [%s] : %s.
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin el Λάθος ακυρώνοντας χρονομέτρη, λάθος σύνταξη ή ίσως ήδη τρέχει ένας!!!
error! no appname found admin el Σφάλμα!Δεν βρέθηκε το όνομα εφαρμ
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin el Λάθος: %1 δεν βρέθηκε ή άλλο λάθος !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin el Λάθος: %1 δεν βρέθηκε ή άλλο λάθος !
event details follow admin el Ακολουθούν λεπτομέρειες γεγονότων
expires admin el Λήγει
explanation of ldapman admin el Αυτή η ενότητα έχει ελεγχθεί έως τώρα για τα POSTFIX,LDAP,Courier-IMAP και χρειάζεται τα σχήματα CORE και QMAIL (OID7914). Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με τη χρήση και τη διαμόρφωση αυτού του συστήματος μπορείτε να βρείτε στο README.ldapman στον φάκελο εγγ του ADMIN.
fallback (after each pageview) admin el υποχώρηση (μετα από κάθε εμφάνηση οθόνης)
field '%1' already exists !!! admin el Το πεδίο '%1' υπάρχει ήδη !!!
field '%1' already exists !!! admin el Το πεδίο '%1' υπάρχει ήδη !
file space admin el Κενό αρχείου
file space must be an integer admin el Το κενό αρχείου πρέπει να είναι ακείραιος
for the times above admin el για τις παραπάνω φορές
@ -250,7 +268,7 @@ group has been updated common el Ομάδα έχει ενημερωθεί
group list admin el Λίστα ομάδας
group manager admin el Διαχειριστής ομάδας
group name admin el Ονομα ομάδας
hide php information admin el απόκρυψε php πληροφορία
hide php information admin el απόκρυψε PHP πληροφορία
home directory admin el Αρχικος κατάλογος
home screen message admin el Μήνυμα κύριας οθόνης
host information admin el Πληροφορία
@ -290,7 +308,7 @@ ldap encryption type admin el LDAP τύπος απόκρυψης
ldap groups context admin el LDAP περιβάλον ομάδων
ldap host admin el LDAP host
ldap root password admin el LDAP root συνθηματικό
ldap rootdn admin el LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin el LDAP root DN
leave empty for no quota admin el να μείνει κενό για μη ποσοστόσεις
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin el Αφήστε το κενό για χρήση OAuth, εάν υποστηρίζεται
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin el Αφείστε την κατηγορία ανέπαφη και επιστρέψτε στην λίστα
@ -320,10 +338,10 @@ mode admin el Μέθοδος
modified admin el Τροποποιήθηκε
month admin el Μήνας
more secure admin el πιο ασφαλές
name must not be empty !!! admin el Το όνομα δεν πρέπει να είναι κενό !!!
name must not be empty !!! admin el Το όνομα δεν πρέπει να είναι κενό !
new group name admin el Νέο όνομα ομάδας
new name admin el νέο όνομα
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin el Νέο συνθηματικό [Αφείστε κενό για μή αλλαγή]
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin el Νέο συνθηματικό (Αφείστε κενό για μή αλλαγή)
next run admin el Επόμενη ενέργεια
no algorithms available admin el δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμοι αλγόριθμοι
no alternate email address admin el δεν υπάρχει εναλλακτική διεύθυνση email
@ -338,7 +356,7 @@ no permission to add users admin el δεν υπάρχουν δικαώματα
no permission to create groups admin el δεν υπάρχουν δικαώματα για να δημιουργήσετε ομάδες
no plain text part found admin el δεν βρέθηκε μέρος αποκρυπτογραφημένου κειμένου
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin el Δεν βρέθηκε καμία υποστηριζόμενη IMAP επικυρωμένη μέθοδος.
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin el Σημείωση: SSL διαθέσιμα μόνο αν PHP έχει μεταγλωτιστεί με curl sypport
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin el Σημείωση: SSL διαθέσιμα μόνο αν PHP έχει μεταγλωτιστεί με Curl sypport
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin el αριθμός σειρών για ένα πολυγραμμικό πεδίο εισαγωγής ή γραμμών για ένα πολυ-επιλογών-κουτί
oauth authentiction admin el Αυθεντικοποίηση OAuth
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin el Προσφορά για την εγκατάσταση του EGroupware ως χειριστή αλληλογραφίας
@ -361,7 +379,7 @@ peer servers admin el Ισότιμοι server
percent of users that logged out admin el Ποσοστό χρηστών που κάνανε logged out
percent this user has logged out admin el Ποσοστό αυτού του χρήστη ποσο έχει κάνει logged out
permission denied admin el Άδεια απορρίπτεται
permission denied !!! admin el Άδεια απορρίπτεται !!!
permission denied !!! admin el Άδεια απορρίπτεται !
permissions admin el Δικαιώματα
permissions this group has admin el Δικαιώματα που έχει αυτή η ομάδα
phpinfo admin el Πληροφορία PHP
@ -422,11 +440,11 @@ sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin el Συγνώμη, αυτό
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin el Συγνώμη, οι παραπάνω χρήστες είναι ακόμα μέλοι της ομάδας %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin el Συγνώμη, οι ακόλουθοι χρήστες είναι ακόμα μέλοι της ομάδας %1
sort the entries admin el ταξινόμηση των εισόδων
ssl admin el ssl
ssl admin el SSL
standard admin el συνήθης
standard imap server admin el συνήθης IMAP server
standard pop3 server admin el συνήθης POP3 server
standard smtp-server admin el συνήθης SMTP-server
standard smtp-server admin el συνήθης SMTP server
start admin el Έναρξη
start testjob! admin el Εναρξη Δοκιμαστικής Εργασίας !
submit changes admin el Υποβολή Αλλαγών
@ -467,7 +485,7 @@ translation admin el Μετάφραση
trust level admin el Επίπεδο εμπιστοσύνης
trust relationship admin el Σχέση εμπιστοσύνης
two weeks admin el δύο εβδομάδες
type '%1' already exists !!! admin el ο τύπος '%1" υπάρχει ήδη !!!
type '%1' already exists !!! admin el ο τύπος '%1" υπάρχει ήδη !
type of customfield admin el Τύπος συνήθους πεδίου
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin el Στο λειτουργικό σύστημα των windows πρέπει να εγκαταστήσετε %1χειροκίνητα%2 το asyncservice ή να χρησιμοποιήσετε το fallback mode. Fallback σημαίνει ότι οι εργασίες ελέγχονται μόνο μετά από κάθε προβολή σελίδας.
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin el Απρόσμενη απάντηση από τον server στην ΕΞΑΚΡΙΒΩΣΗ ΓΝΗΣΙΟΤΗΤΑΣ εντολής.
@ -476,7 +494,7 @@ unexpected response from server to login command. admin el Απρόσμενη α
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin el Άγνωστη IMAP απάντηση από τον server.Απάντηση Server:%s
up admin el πάνω
updated admin el Ενημερώθηκε
use cookies to pass sessionid admin el Χρησημοποίηση cookies για να περάσεις την sessionid
use cookies to pass sessionid admin el Χρησημοποίηση cookies για να περάσεις την session ID
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin el Χρήση κανονικού συμβατού HTML κώδικα (δέν παίζει σωστά ακόμα)
use smtp auth admin el Χρήση SMTP αυθ
use theme admin el Χρησιμοποίηση θέματος
@ -484,6 +502,7 @@ user accounts admin el Λογαριασμοί χρήστη
user data common el Δεδομένα χρήστη
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin el Χρήστης για την SMTP-πιστοποίηση (να μείνει κενό αν δεν χρειάζεται πιστοποίηση)
user groups admin el Ομάδες χρήστη
user-agent admin el User-Agent
userdata admin el δεδομένα χρήστη
users can define their own emailaccounts admin el Οι χρήστες μπορούν να ορίσουν τους δικούς τους email λογαριασμούς
users choice admin el Επιλογή Χρήστη
@ -495,19 +514,19 @@ view sessions admin el Εμφάνιση περιόδων
view this user admin el εμφάνιση αυτού του χρήστη
view user account admin el Εμφάνιση λογαριασμού χρήστη
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin el Ποιός θα θέλατε να μεταφέρει ΟΛΕΣ της εγγραφές που ανήκουν στον χρήστη που διαγραφηκε?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin el Θέλετε η EGroupware να κρύβει τον πίνακα πληροφοριών της egw ?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin el Θέλετε η EGroupware να κρύβει τον πίνακα πληροφοριών της EGw ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin el Θέλετε η EGroupware να ελέγχει για μια νέα έκδωση όταν ο διαχειρηστής κάνει εισαγωγή ?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin el Θέλετε η EGroupware να ελέγχει για νέες εκδώσεις της εφαρμογής όταν ο διαχειρηστής κάνει εισαγωγή ?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin el Θέλετε αυτόματα να φορτώνονται νέα langfiles (κατα τη διάρκεια εισαγογής) ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin el Θέλετε να εμφανίζεται καθε κατάσταση αναβάθμησης τηε εφαρμογής ?
xml-rpc admin el XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin el Εχετε εισάγει μια λάθοςημερομηνία λήξης
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin el Πρέπει να πληκτρολογήσετε ένα όνομα, για τη δημιουργία νέου πεδίου!!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin el Πρέπει να πληκτρολογήσετε ένα όνομα, για τη δημιουργία νέου τύπου!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin el Πρέπει να πληκτρολογήσετε ένα όνομα, για τη δημιουργία νέου πεδίου !
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin el Πρέπει να πληκτρολογήσετε ένα όνομα, για τη δημιουργία νέου τύπου !
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin el Πρέπει να προσθέσεις το λιγότερο 1 δικαίωμα ή ομάδα σ'αυτό τον λογαριασμό
you must enter a group name. admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε ένα όνομα ομάδας
you must enter a lastname admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε ένα επίθετο
you must enter a loginid admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε ένα id εισόδου
you must enter a loginid admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε ένα ID εισόδου
you must enter an application name and title. admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε ένα όνομα και έναν τίτλο εφαρμογής
you must enter an application name. admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε ένα όνομα εφαρμογής
you must enter an application title. admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε έναν τίτλο εφαρμογής
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin en %1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin en %1 category '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin en %1 category(s) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin en %1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!!
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin en %1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights!
%1 class not instanciated admin en %1 class not instanciated
%1 entries deleted admin en %1 entries deleted
%1 entries deleted. admin en %1 entries deleted.
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
%1 successful admin en %1 successful
%1 token %2. admin en %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin en %1 user %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin en (de)activate mail accounts
(de)activate mail accounts admin en (de)Activate mail accounts
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin en Default = No, leave it off if you dont use it
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin en (imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin en (imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the IMAP server)
(no subject) admin en (no subject)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin en Stored password will not be shown here!
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin en To install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Manage Applications]!
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ add sub-category admin en Add sub category
add user admin en Add user
add user or group admin en Add user or group
added admin en added
admin dn admin en Admin dn
admin dn admin en Admin DN
admin email admin en Admin email
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin en Admin email addresses, comma-separated, to be notified about the blocked user accounts and IP. Empty = no notification.
admin name admin en Admin name
@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin en Are you sure you want to d
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin en Are you sure you want to kill this session?
async services last executed admin en Async services last executed
asynchronous timed services admin en Asynchronous timed services
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin en Async services not yet installed or other error (%1) !
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin en Attempt to use correct mime type for FTP instead of default 'application/octet-stream'.
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin en Async services not yet installed or other error (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin en Attempt to use correct MIME type for FTP instead of default 'application/octet-stream'.
attribute accountstatus explained admin en This handles the attribute <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> from the QMAIL schema.
attribute mail explained admin en This handles the attribute <b><i>-mail-</i></b> from the QMAIL schema and should never be empty. It is also the EGw internal email field.
attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin en This handles the attribute <b><i>-mailAlternateAddress-</i></b> from the QMAIL schema and can be handled as virtual maps or aliases.
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ can be used by user admin en Can be used by user
can change password admin en Can change password
can not change users into groups, same sign required! admin en Can NOT change users into groups, same sign required!
cancel changes admin en Cancel changes
cancel testjob! admin en Cancel TestJob!
cancel testjob! admin en Cancel test job!
cancel this scheduled command admin en Cancel this scheduled command
categories list admin en Categories list
category %1 has been saved ! admin en Category %1 has been saved!
@ -224,13 +224,14 @@ check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin en Check ACL for e
check categories for not (longer) existing accounts admin en Check categories for not (longer) existing accounts
check ip address of all sessions admin en Check IP address of all sessions
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin en Check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3
checking push (green for success or red for failure) admin en Checking PUSH (green for success or red for failure)
children admin en Children
clear cache and register hooks admin en Clear cache and register hooks
clear credentials admin en Clear credentials
clear mail credentials admin en Clear mail credentials
clear security tokens admin en Clear security tokens
click to select a color admin en Click to select a color
color admin en Color
click to select a color admin en Click to select a colour
color admin en Colour
comma-separated ip addresses white-listed from above blocking (:optional number of attempts) admin en Comma-separated IP addresses white-listed from above blocking (:optional number of attempts)
command scheduled to run at %1 admin en Command scheduled to run at %1
command was run %1 on %2 admin en Command was run %1 on %2
@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ create group admin en Create group
create new account admin en Create new account
create new identity admin en Create new identity
created admin en Created
created with id #%1 admin en Created with id #%1
created with id #%1 admin en Created with ID #%1
creates / updates user accounts from csv file admin en Creates / updates user accounts from CSV file
creates / updates user groups from csv file admin en Creates / updates user groups from CSV file
creates a new field admin en Creates a new field
@ -338,7 +339,7 @@ direct login without password or second factor admin en direct login without pas
disable admin en Disable
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin en Disable "auto completion" of the login form
disable all admin en Disable all
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin en Disable minifying of javascript and CSS files
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin en Disable minifying of JavaScript and CSS files
disable pgp encryption (mailvelope) admin en Disable PGP encryption (Mailvelope)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin en Disable WYSIWYG-editor
disabled admin en Disabled
@ -346,10 +347,10 @@ disabled (not recomended) admin en Disabled (not recommended)
disabled, do not show on login page admin en disabled, do not show on login page
display admin en Display
displayed length of input field (set rows=1 to limit length) admin en displayed length of input field (set rows=1 to limit length)
displaying html messages is disabled admin en displaying html messages is disabled
displaying plain messages is disabled admin en displaying plain messages is disabled
displaying html messages is disabled admin en displaying HTML messages is disabled
displaying plain messages is disabled admin en displaying text messages is disabled
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin en Do NOT delete the category and return back to the list
do not generate email addresses admin en Do not generate EMail addresses
do not generate email addresses admin en Do not generate email addresses
do not offer introduction video admin en Do not offer introduction video
do not send cookie admin en do not send cookie
do not set attribute admin en Do not set attribute
@ -388,17 +389,17 @@ either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin en Either
email account active admin en Email account active
email address admin en Email address
email settings common en Email settings
emailadmin admin en eMailAdmin
emailadmin: group assigned profile common en eMailAdmin: Group assigned profile
emailadmin: user assigned profile common en eMailAdmin: User assigned profile
emailadmin admin en EmailAdmin
emailadmin: group assigned profile common en EmailAdmin: Group assigned profile
emailadmin: user assigned profile common en EmailAdmin: User assigned profile
empty to not change admin en empty to NOT change
enable admin en Enable
enable cyrus imap server administration admin en Enable Cyrus IMAP server administration
enable debug-messages admin en Enable debug messages.
enable sieve admin en Enable Sieve
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin en Enable spellcheck in rich text editor
enable the soap service admin en Enable the soap service.
enable the xmlrpc service admin en Enable the xmlrpc service.
enable the soap service admin en Enable the SOAP service.
enable the xmlrpc service admin en Enable the XML-RPC service.
enabled admin en Enabled
enabled - hidden from navbar admin en Enabled - Hidden from navbar
enabled - popup window admin en Enabled - Popup window
@ -408,14 +409,14 @@ encryption settings admin en Encryption settings
enter a description for the category admin en Enter a description for the category
enter a passphrase if you would like to protect your private key by password. admin en Enter a passphrase if you would like to protect your private key by password.
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin en Enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption, requires mcrypt
enter the background color for the login page admin en Enter the background color for the login page
enter the background color for the site title admin en Enter the background color for the site title
enter the background color for the login page admin en Enter the background colour for the login page
enter the background color for the site title admin en Enter the background colour for the site title
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin en Enter the full path for temporary files.<br>Examples: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin en Enter the full path for temporary files.<br>Examples: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin en Enter the full path for users and group files.<br>Examples: /files, E:\FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin en Enter the full path for users and group files.<br>Examples: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin en Enter the host name of the machine on which this server is running
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin en Enter the location of EGroupware's URL.<br>Example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin en Enter the location of EGroupware's URL.<br>Example: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin en Enter the search string. To show all entries, empty this field and press the SUBMIT button again
enter the site password for peer servers admin en Enter the site password for peer servers
enter the site username for peer servers admin en Enter the site username for peer servers
@ -434,7 +435,7 @@ entries admin en Entries
entries owned by the user: admin en Entries owned by the user:
entry saved admin en Entry saved
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin en Error canceling timer, maybe there's none set!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin en Error changing the password for %1 !
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin en Error changing the password for %1!
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin en Error connecting to IMAP server. %s : %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin en Error connecting to IMAP server: [%s] %s.
error deleting entry! admin en Error deleting entry!
@ -444,7 +445,7 @@ error saving admin en Error saving!
error saving account! admin en Error saving account!
error saving the command! admin en Error saving the command!
error saving the entry!!! admin en Error saving the entry!
error saving to db: admin en Error saving to db:
error saving to db: admin en Error saving to DB:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin en Error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running!
error storing token! admin en Error storing token!
error! no appname found admin en Error: No app name found!
@ -455,7 +456,7 @@ exists admin en Exists
expired admin en Expired
expires admin en Expires
explanation of ldapman admin en This module has been tested so far for POSTFIX, LDAP, Courier-IMAP and need the schemas CORE and QMAIL (OID7914). More details about using and configuring this system can be found in README.ldapman in the doc folder of ADMIN.
export certificate as p12 admin en export certificate as p12
export certificate as p12 admin en Export certificate as p12
exports groups into a csv file. admin en Exports groups into a CSV file.
exports permission settings into a csv file. admin en Exports permission settings into a CSV File.
exports users into a csv file. admin en Exports users into a CSV file.
@ -476,7 +477,7 @@ filesystem quota admin en Filesystem quota
filtered by account admin en Filtered by account
filtered by group admin en Filtered by group
folder acl admin en Folder ACL
for the times above admin en For the times above
for the times above admin en for the times above
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin en For the times below: empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute.
forbid users to create identities admin en Forbid users to create identities
force selectbox admin en Force select box
@ -520,19 +521,19 @@ home screen message admin en Home screen message
host information admin en Host information
hostname or ip admin en Hostname or IP
hour<br>(0-23) admin en Hour<br>(0-23)
how big should thumbnails for linked images be (maximum in pixels) ? admin en Maximum pixel size of thumbnails for linked images.
how big should thumbnails for linked images be (maximum in pixels) ? admin en Maximum pixel size of thumbnails for linked images
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin en How many days should entries remain in the access log before they get deleted. Default = 90
how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no export) admin en How many entries should non-admins be able to export. Empty = no limit, no = no export
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin en How many minutes should an account or IP be blocked. Default = 30
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin en Select default email address format for new user accounts
how username get constructed admin en How username get constructed
html/plaintext admin en html/plaintext
html/plaintext admin en HTML/text
icon admin en Icon
identity admin en Identity
identity deleted admin en Identity deleted
identity saved. admin en Identity saved.
idle admin en idle
if different from email address admin en if different from EMail address
idle admin en Idle
if different from email address admin en if different from email address
if disabled existing tokens immediatly stop working. admin en If disabled existing tokens immediatly stop working.
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin en If no ACL records for user or any group the user is a member of
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin en If using LDAP, do you want to manage home directory and loginshell attributes?
@ -566,7 +567,7 @@ installed crontab admin en Installed crontab
instance admin en Instance
interface admin en Interface
international use admin en International use
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin en Invalid argument '%1' !!!
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin en Invalid argument '%1'!
invalid email admin en Invalid email
invalid formated date "%1"! admin en Invalid formated date "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin en Invalid remote ID or name "%1"!
@ -591,14 +592,14 @@ last submission: admin en Last submission:
last time read admin en Last time read
last updated admin en Last updated
ldap accounts context admin en LDAP accounts context
ldap basedn admin en LDAP basedn
ldap basedn admin en LDAP base DN
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin en LDAP default home directory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin en LDAP default shell (e.g. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin en LDAP encryption type
ldap groups context admin en LDAP groups context
ldap host admin en LDAP host
ldap root password admin en LDAP root password
ldap rootdn admin en LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin en LDAP root DN
ldap server admin en LDAP server
ldap server accounts dn admin en LDAP server accounts DN
ldap server admin dn admin en LDAP server admin DN
@ -628,12 +629,12 @@ login message admin en Login message
login screen admin en Login screen
login shell admin en Login shell
login time admin en Login time
login-id admin en Login-ID
login-id admin en Login ID
login-status admin en Login status
loginid admin en Login ID
logintime admin en Login time
logoutime admin en Logout time
lowercase email addresses admin en Lowercase EMail addresses
lowercase email addresses admin en Lowercase email addresses
mail account admin en Mail account
mail settings admin en Mail settings
main email-address admin en Main email address
@ -642,13 +643,13 @@ manage mapping admin en Manage mapping
manage stationery templates admin en Manage stationery templates
manager admin en Manager
manual entry admin en Manual entry
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin en Maximum account id, e.g. 65535 or 1000000
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin en Maximum account ID, e.g. 65535 or 1000000
maximum entries in click path history admin en Maximum entries in click path history
mb used admin en MB used
members admin en Members
message has been updated admin en Message has been updated
method admin en Method
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin en Minimum account id, e.g. 500 or 100
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin en Minimum account ID, e.g. 500 or 100
minute admin en Minute
mode admin en Mode
modified admin en Modified
@ -663,7 +664,7 @@ name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin en Name of the EGroupware ins
new group name admin en New group name
new name admin en New name
new password admin en New password
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin en New password [ Leave blank for no change ]
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin en New password (Leave blank for no change)
next run admin en Next run
no algorithms available admin en No algorithms available!
no alternate email address admin en No alternate email address
@ -685,7 +686,7 @@ no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switche
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin en No supported IMAP authentication method could be found.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin en Non profit: Clubs, Associations, ...
not enabled admin en Not enabled
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin en Note: SSL available only if PHP is compiled with curl support.
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin en Note: SSL available only if PHP is compiled with Curl support.
notification mail admin en Notification mail
notify user by email admin en Notify user by email
notifying account "%1" %2 failed! admin en Notifying account "%1" %2 failed!
@ -713,7 +714,7 @@ own categories admin en Own categories
own install id admin en Own install ID
own install id: admin en Own install ID:
owner "%1" removed, please select group-owner admin en Owner "%1" removed, please select group owner
passphrase admin en passphrase
passphrase admin en Passphrase
passthrough admin en Passthrough
password for smtp-authentication admin en Password for SMTP authentication
password to unlock encrypted p12 admin en Password to unlock encrypted p12
@ -730,7 +731,7 @@ percent this user has logged out admin en Percent this user has logged out
periodic admin en Periodic
permission denied admin en Permission denied
permission denied !!! admin en Permission denied!
permission denied!!! admin en Permission denied!!!
permission denied!!! admin en Permission denied!
permissions admin en Permissions
permissions this group has admin en Permissions this group has
personal: eg. within a family admin en Personal: eg. within a family
@ -787,16 +788,16 @@ requires 'openid / oauth2 server' app. admin en Requires 'OpenID / OAuth2 Server
reset filter admin en Reset filter
revoke admin en Revoke
revoke this token admin en Revoke this token
revoked admin en revoked
revoked admin en Revoked
rights admin en Rights
route all mails to admin en Route all Mails to
rows admin en Rows
rpm or debian package admin en RPM or Debian package
rpm or debian package admin en RPM or deb package
run admin en run
run asynchronous services admin en Run Asynchronous services
run rights for applications admin en run rights for applications
run asynchronous services admin en Run asynchronous services
run rights for applications admin en Run rights for applications
samesite cookie attribute (send cookie if browser addressbar show a different domain) admin en SameSite cookie attribute (send cookie if browser addressbar show a different domain)
save as default admin en save as default
save as default admin en Save as default
save changes admin en Save changes
save of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 admin en Save of message %1 failed. Could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3
save the category admin en Save the category.
@ -844,10 +845,10 @@ set preference values. admin en Set preference values.
settings admin en Settings
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin en Should exceptions contain a trace, including function arguments.
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin en Show language select box on login page?
show 'powered by' logo on admin en Show 'powered by' logo on
show 'powered by' logo on admin en Show 'Powered by' logo on
show access log admin en Show access log
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin en show as optional, but required once user has it setup
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin en show as required, but only once user has it setup
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin en Show as optional, but required once user has it setup
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin en Show as required, but only once user has it setup
show current action admin en Show current action
show error log admin en Show error log
show members admin en Show members
@ -879,10 +880,10 @@ standard imap server admin en Standard IMAP server
standard pop3 server admin en Standard POP3 server
standard smtp-server admin en Standard SMTP server
start admin en Start
start testjob! admin en Start TestJob!
start testjob! admin en Start test job!
starts with admin en Starts with
stationery admin en Stationery
strictly required, user can not login without admin en strictly required, user can not login without
strictly required, user can not login without admin en Strictly required, user can not login without
submit changes admin en Submit changes
submit displayed information? admin en Submit displayed information
submit statistic information admin en Submit statistic information
@ -913,10 +914,10 @@ the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration a
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin en The install ID of an instance can be found under Admin > Site configuration
the login and password can not be the same admin en The login and password can not be the same.
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin en The login ID can not be more than 8 characters.
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin en The mimeparser can not parse this message.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin en the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin en The MIME parser can not parse this message.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin en The name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin en The name used internally, <= 20 chars, changing it makes existing data unavailable.
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin en The TestJob sends you a mail every time it is called.
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin en The test job sends you a mail every time it is called.
the text displayed to the user admin en The text displayed to the user
the two passwords are not the same admin en Passwords are not the same
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin en The users below are still members of group %1
@ -929,7 +930,7 @@ this controls exports and merging. admin en This controls exports and merge prin
this is a mail account for all users! admin en This is a mail account for ALL users!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin en This is NOT a personal mail account!<br>Account will be deleted for ALL users!<br>Are you really sure you want to do that?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin en This key used in the HTML code your site serves to users.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin en This PHP has no IMAP support compiled in!!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin en This PHP has no IMAP support compiled in!
this secret key used for communication between your site and google. be sure to keep it a secret. admin en This secret key used for communication between your site and Google. Be sure to keep it a secret.
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin en Timeout for application session data in seconds. Default 86400 = 1 day
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin en Timeout for sessions in seconds. Default 14400 = 4 hours
@ -942,7 +943,7 @@ token revoked. admin en Token revoked.
token saved. admin en Token saved.
top admin en Top
total of %1 accounts deleted. admin en Total of %1 accounts deleted.
total of %1 id's changed. admin en Total of %1 id's changed.
total of %1 id's changed. admin en Total of %1 ID's changed.
total records admin en Total records
translation admin en Translation
true admin en True
@ -959,11 +960,11 @@ under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallb
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin en Unexpected response from server to AUTHENTICATE command.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin en Unexpected response from server to Digest-MD5 response.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin en Unexpected response from server to LOGIN command.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin en Unknown account: %1 !
unknown account: %1 !!! admin en Unknown account: %1!
unknown command %1! admin en Unknown command %1!
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin en Unknown IMAP response from the server. %s
unknown option %1 admin en Unknown option %1 !
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin en Unsupported action '%1' !
unknown option %1 admin en Unknown option %1!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin en Unsupported action '%1'!
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin en Unable to save category with current settings. Check for inconsistency:
up admin en Up
update current email address: admin en Update current email address:
@ -974,7 +975,7 @@ upload your favicon or enter the url admin en Upload your favicon or enter the U
upload your header logo or enter the url (leave it empty if it is the same as login logo) admin en Upload your header logo or enter the URL (leave it empty if it is the same as login logo)
upload your logo or enter the url admin en Upload your logo or enter the URL
uppercase, lowercase, number, special char admin en Uppercase, lowercase, number, special char
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin en URL of the EGroupware installation, e.g. http://domain.com/egroupware
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin en URL of the EGroupware installation, e.g. https://egw.domain.com/egroupware
usage admin en Usage
use admin credentials to connect without a session-password, e.g. for sso admin en Use admin credentials to connect without a session-password, e.g. for SSO
use cookies to pass sessionid admin en Use cookies to pass session ID
@ -983,7 +984,7 @@ use ldap defaults admin en Use LDAP defaults
use predefined username and password defined below admin en Use predefined username and password defined below
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin en Use pure HTML compliant code
use save or apply to store the received oauth token! admin en Use save or apply to store the received OAuth token!
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin en Use secure cookies (transmitted only via https)
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin en Use secure cookies (transmitted only via HTTPS)
use smtp auth admin en Use SMTP authentication
use theme admin en Use theme
use tls authentication admin en Use TLS authentication
@ -1010,7 +1011,9 @@ users can define their own signatures admin en Users can define their own signat
users can utilize these stationery templates admin en Users can utilize these stationery templates
users choice admin en Users choice
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin en Using data from Mozilla ISPDB for provider %1
using fallback via regular json requests admin en Using fallback via regular JSON requests
using imap:%1, smtp:%2, oauth:%3: admin en Using IMAP:%1, SMTP:%2, OAUTH:%3:
using native swoole push admin en Using native Swoole Push
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin en Vacation messages with start and end date require an admin account to be set!
vacation notice admin en Vacation notice
valid for admin en Valid for
@ -1034,7 +1037,7 @@ would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admi
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin en Check for application updates when admins login.
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin en Load automatically new language files at login.
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin en Show each application's upgrade status.
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin en Wrong account type: %1 is NO %2 !
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin en Wrong account type: %1 is NO %2!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin en Wrong admin account or password!
wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! admin en Wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file!
xml-rpc admin en XML-RPC
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin es-es %1 %2 derechos para %3 en %4 a %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin es-es %1 - %2 de %3 cuentas de usuarios
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin es-es %1 - %2 de %3 grupos de usuarios
%1 access to other data admin es-es acceso de %1 a otros datos
%1 access to other data admin es-es Acceso de %1 a otros datos
%1 accounts being activated admin es-es %1 cuentas activadas
%1 acl entries deleted. admin es-es %1 entradas de ACL borradas.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin es-es Se han borrado %1 registros de cuentas inexistentes.
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin es-es No se encontró %1 o no es un ejecutable
%1 phrases saved. admin es-es Se han guardado %1 frases.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin es-es Derechos de %1 para %2 y aplicaciones %3
%1 run rights for applications admin es-es derecho de ejecución %1 para aplicaciones
%1 run rights for applications admin es-es Derecho de ejecución %1 para aplicaciones
%1 sessions killed admin es-es Se han matado %1 sesiones
%1 successful admin es-es %1 con éxito
%1 token %2. admin es-es %1 token %2.
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ acl csv export admin es-es Exportación en CSV de ACL
acl deleted. admin es-es Se ha borrado la ACL.
acl entry deleted. admin es-es Se ha borrado la entrada ACL.
acl entry not found! admin es-es ¡No se ha encontrado la entrada de la ACL!
acl manager admin es-es Manejo de LCA
acl rights common es-es Permisos de LCA
acl manager admin es-es Manejo de ACL
acl rights common es-es Permisos de ACL
acl updated admin es-es Se ha actualizado la ACL
acl updated. admin es-es Se ha actualizado la ACL.
action admin es-es Acción
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ add sub-category admin es-es Añadir subcategoría
add user admin es-es Añadir usuario
add user or group admin es-es Añadir usuario o grupo
added admin es-es añadido
admin dn admin es-es dn del administrador
admin dn admin es-es DN del administrador
admin email admin es-es Correo electrónico del administrador
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin es-es Direcciones de correo de Administración (separadas por comas) para notificar los bloqueos (en blanco para no notificar)
admin name admin es-es Nombre del administrador
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ admin queue and history admin es-es Cola de administración e historial
admin username admin es-es Usuario del administrador
administration admin es-es Administración
admins admin es-es Administradores
advanced options admin es-es opciones avanzadas
advanced options admin es-es Opciones avanzadas
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin es-es Después de cuántos intentos fallidos de iniciar sesión en una cuenta se debe bloquear. Predeterminado = 3
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin es-es ¿Después de cuántos intentos fallidos de conexión debe bloquearse una IP? (por defecto, 3)
aliases admin es-es Alias
@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ applications available on mobile devices admin es-es Aplicaciones disponibles en
applications list admin es-es Lista de aplicaciones
applications run rights updated. admin es-es Se han actualizado los derechos de ejecución.
applications this group can use admin es-es Aplicaciones que este grupo puede utilizar
applies the changes admin es-es aplica los cambios
applies the changes admin es-es Aplica los cambios
apply changes admin es-es Aplicar cambios
apply the changes admin es-es Aplicar los cambios
archive: zip or tar admin es-es Archivar: zip o tar
archive: zip or tar admin es-es Archivar: ZIP o tar
are you sure you want to %1 mail for selected accounts? admin es-es ¿Está seguro de que desea %1 correo para las cuentas seleccionadas?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin es-es ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar la aplicación %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin es-es ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar esta cuenta?
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ automatically transfer entries owned by the user: admin es-es Transfiere automá
available placeholders admin es-es Marcadores disponibles
back to admin/grouplist admin es-es Volver a Administración/Lista de grupos
back to admin/userlist admin es-es Volver a Administración/Lista de usuarios
back to the list admin es-es volver a la lista
back to the list admin es-es Volver a la lista
backup directory %1 mounted as %2 admin es-es El directorio de copias de seguridad %1 está montado como %2
bad login name or password. admin es-es Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrectos
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin es-es Petición errónea o mal formado. El servidor respondió: %s
@ -185,15 +185,15 @@ bad request: %s admin es-es Petición errónea: %s
bi-dir passthrough admin es-es bidireccional passthrough
bi-directional admin es-es bidireccional
blocking after wrong password admin es-es Bloqueo después de una contraseña incorrecta
bottom admin es-es parte inferior
bottom admin es-es Parte inferior
bulk password reset admin es-es Restablecimiento de contraseña en bruto
by admin es-es En
by selecting a user or group you effectively delete the mail account for all other users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin es-es Seleccionando un usuario o grupo se elimina la cuenta de correo de todos los demás usuarios<br>¿Está seguro de querer hacer eso?
calculate next run admin es-es Calcular la siguiente ejecución
calendar recurrence horizont in days (default 1000) admin es-es Horizonte de recurrencia del calendario en días (predeterminado: 1000)
can be used by application admin es-es puede usarse por la aplicación
can be used by group admin es-es puede usarse por el grupo
can be used by user admin es-es puede usarse por el usuario
can be used by application admin es-es Puede usarse por la aplicación
can be used by group admin es-es Puede usarse por el grupo
can be used by user admin es-es Puede usarse por el usuario
can change password admin es-es Puede cambiar la contraseña
can not change users into groups, same sign required! admin es-es ¡NO se pueden cambiar los usuarios en grupos, se requiere el mismo signo!
cancel changes admin es-es Cancelar cambios
@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ category saved. admin es-es Se ha guardado la categoria
certificate admin es-es Certificado
certificate details admin es-es Certificate details
certificate validation in days admin es-es Validación del certificado en días.
change account_id admin es-es Cambiar el campo account_id
change acl rights admin es-es cambiar permisos de ACL
change account_id admin es-es Cambiar el campo account ID
change acl rights admin es-es Cambiar permisos de ACL
change config settings admin es-es Cambiar opciones de configuración
change domain of email address and aliases admin es-es cambiar el dominio de la dirección de correo y alias
change login screen message admin es-es Cambiar mensaje de la pantalla principal
@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin es-es Comprobar la
check categories for not (longer) existing accounts admin es-es Comprobar las categorías para las cuentas que ya no existen
check ip address of all sessions admin es-es Comprobar la IP de todas las sesiones
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin es-es Seleccionar los elementos para <b>%1</b> a %2 para %3
checking push (green for success or red for failure) admin es-es Comprobar PUSH (verde = OK, rojo para no OK)
children admin es-es Hijos
clear cache and register hooks admin es-es Limpiar la caché y registrar los hooks
clear credentials admin es-es Credenciales claras
@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ created admin es-es Creado
created with id #%1 admin es-es Creado con id nº %1
creates / updates user accounts from csv file admin es-es Crea o actualiza las cuentas de usuario desde un archivo CSV
creates / updates user groups from csv file admin es-es Crea o actualiza los grupos de usuarios desde un archivo CSV
creates a new field admin es-es crea un campo nuevo
creates a new field admin es-es Crea un campo nuevo
crontab only (recomended) admin es-es Sólo mediante crontab (recomendado)
current certificate admin es-es Current certificate
current default admin es-es predeterminado actual
@ -284,7 +285,7 @@ db backup and restore admin es-es Copia de seguridad y restauración de la base
deactivate admin es-es Desactivar
deactivated admin es-es desactivado
debug admin es-es Depurar
default admin es-es predeterminada
default admin es-es Predeterminada
default file system space per user admin es-es Espacio predetermiado en el sistema de archivos por usuario
default file system space per user/group ? admin es-es Espacio predetermiado en el sistema de archivos por usuario/grupo
default of currently admin es-es incumplimiento de actualmente
@ -312,7 +313,7 @@ delete this log entry admin es-es Suprimir esta entrada del log
delete this user admin es-es Suprimir este usuario
deleted admin es-es Suprimidas
deletes this field admin es-es Suprime este campo
deliver extern admin es-es entrega externa
deliver extern admin es-es Entrega externa
deny access admin es-es Denegar acceso
deny access to access log admin es-es Denegar acceso al registro de accesos
deny access to application registery admin es-es Denegar acceso al registro de aplicaciones
@ -333,12 +334,12 @@ deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin es-es
deny all users access to preferences ? admin es-es ¿Denegar a todos los usuarios el acceso a las preferencias?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin es-es ¡La descripción no puede exceder de 255 caracteres de longitud!
destination account #%1 does exist and is not renamed itself! can not merge accounts, it will violate unique contains. delete with transfer of data instead. admin es-es ¡La cuenta de destino nº %1 no existe y NO se renombra a sí misma! No se pueden mezclar cuentas, ya que violaría los contenidos únicos. Borre con transferencia de datos en lugar de esto.
determines the order the fields are displayed admin es-es determina el orden en que se muestran los campos
determines the order the fields are displayed admin es-es Determina el orden en que se muestran los campos
direct login without password or second factor admin es-es inicio de sesión directo sin contraseña o segundo factor
disable admin es-es Deshabilitar
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin es-es Deshabilitar completado automático en el formulario de inicio de sesión
disable all admin es-es Deshabilitar todo
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin es-es Deshabilitar la reducción de archivos javascript y CSS
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin es-es Deshabilitar la reducción de archivos JavaScript y CSS
disable pgp encryption (mailvelope) admin es-es Deshabilitar el cifrado PGP (Mailvelope)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin es-es Deshabilitar editor WYSIWYG
disabled admin es-es Deshabilitado
@ -347,7 +348,7 @@ disabled, do not show on login page admin es-es deshabilitado, no se muestra en
display admin es-es Mostrar
displayed length of input field (set rows=1 to limit length) admin es-es longitud visualizada del campo de entrada (establecer filas=1 para limitar la longitud)
displaying html messages is disabled admin es-es Mostrar los mensajes en HTML está desactivado
displaying plain messages is disabled admin es-es mostrar mensajes simples está deshabilitado
displaying plain messages is disabled admin es-es Mostrar mensajes simples está deshabilitado
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin es-es NO borrar la categoría y regresar a la lista
do not generate email addresses admin es-es No generar direcciones de correo-e
do not offer introduction video admin es-es No ofrecer video introductorio
@ -385,15 +386,15 @@ egroupware directory admin es-es Directorio de EGroupware
egroupware tutorial admin es-es Tutorial de EGroupware
egroupware version admin es-es Versión de EGroupware
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin es-es ¡Tanto el ID de la instalación como la contraseña de configuración necesitan el hash remoto!
email account active admin es-es cuenta de correo electrónico activa
email address admin es-es dirección de correo electrónico
email account active admin es-es Cuenta de correo electrónico activa
email address admin es-es Dirección de correo electrónico
email settings common es-es Configuración del correo electrónico
emailadmin admin es-es Administración del correo electrónico
emailadmin: group assigned profile common es-es eMailAdmin: perfil asignado al grupo
emailadmin: user assigned profile common es-es eMailAdmin: perfil asignado al usuario
emailadmin: group assigned profile common es-es EmailAdmin: perfil asignado al grupo
emailadmin: user assigned profile common es-es EmailAdmin: perfil asignado al usuario
empty to not change admin es-es en blanco para NO cambiar
enable admin es-es Activar
enable cyrus imap server administration admin es-es activar administración del servidor Cyrus IMAP
enable cyrus imap server administration admin es-es Activar administración del servidor Cyrus IMAP
enable debug-messages admin es-es Activar mensajes de depuración
enable sieve admin es-es Activar Sieve
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin es-es Activar el corrector ortográfico en el editor de texto enriquecido
@ -405,7 +406,7 @@ enabled - popup window admin es-es Activado - Ventana emergente
encrypted connection admin es-es Conexión cifrada
encryption admin es-es Cifrado
encryption settings admin es-es Configuración del cifrado
enter a description for the category admin es-es introduzca una descripción para esta categoría
enter a description for the category admin es-es Introduzca una descripción para esta categoría
enter a passphrase if you would like to protect your private key by password. admin es-es Ingrese una frase de contraseña si desea proteger su clave privada con contraseña.
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin es-es Introduzca un texto aleatorio para el cifrado <br> de la sesión (requiere mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin es-es Introduzca el color de fondo para la página de inicio de sesión
@ -415,17 +416,17 @@ enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin es-es I
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin es-es Introduzca la ruta completa para los archivos de usuarios<br>y de grupo. Ejemplos: /files, E:\FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin es-es Introduzca la ruta completa para los archivos de usuarios<br>y de grupo. Ejemplos: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin es-es Introduzca el nombre de la máquina sobre la cual se está ejecutando este servidor
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin es-es Introduzca la URL de EGroupware.<br>Ejemplo: http://www.dominio.com/egroupware o /egroupware.<br><b>Sin barra al final</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin es-es Introduzca la URL de EGroupware.<br>Ejemplo: https://egw.dominio.com/egroupware o /egroupware.<br><b>Sin barra al final</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin es-es Introduzca la cadena de búsqueda. Para mostrar todas las entradas, vacíe este campo y pulse de nuevo el botón ENVIAR.
enter the site password for peer servers admin es-es Introduzca la contraseña del sitio para servidores 'peer'
enter the site username for peer servers admin es-es Introduzca el usuario del sitio para servidores 'peer'
enter the title for your site admin es-es Introduzca el título para su sitio
enter the title of your logo admin es-es Introduzca el título de su logo
enter the url where your logo should link to admin es-es Introduzca la url a donde apunte el logo
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin es-es Introduzca la ruta VGS donde están las imágenes, iconos o logos adicionales (encontrados por las aplicaciones EGroupware). La ruta DEBE comenzar con / y tener permiso de lectura para todos los usuarios.
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin es-es Introduzca la ruta VFS donde están las imágenes, iconos o logos adicionales (encontrados por las aplicaciones EGroupware).<br>La ruta DEBE comenzar con / y tener permiso de lectura para todos los usuarios.
enter your default ftp server admin es-es Introduzca su servidor FTP predeterminado
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin es-es Introduzca su dominio de correo predeterminado ( De: usuario@dominio )
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin es-es introduzca el dominio predeterminado (de usuario@dominio)
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin es-es Introduzca el dominio predeterminado (de usuario@dominio)
enter your http proxy server admin es-es Introduzca su servidor proxy HTTP
enter your http proxy server port admin es-es Introduzca el puerto de su servidor proxy HTTP
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin es-es Introduzca su servidor SMTP (nombre o IP)
@ -443,7 +444,7 @@ error revoking token! admin es-es Error al revocar el token
error saving admin es-es Error al guardar
error saving account! admin es-es ¡Error al guardar la cuenta!
error saving the command! admin es-es ¡Error al guardar el comando!
error saving the entry!!! admin es-es Error guardando el elemento!!!
error saving the entry!!! admin es-es Error guardando el elemento!
error saving to db: admin es-es Error al guardar a la base de datos:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin es-es Error al configurar el temporizador. La sintaxis es incorrecta o puede que haya uno que ya se esté ejecutándo.
error storing token! admin es-es Error al almacenar el token
@ -466,18 +467,18 @@ failed to delete account! admin es-es ¡Falló al eliminar la cuenta!
failed to mount backup directory! admin es-es Fallo el montar el directorio de backup
failed to save user! admin es-es Fallo al guardar el usuario
failed to upload %1 admin es-es Falló al cargar %1
fallback (after each pageview) admin es-es retardo (después de ver cada página)
false admin es-es falso
fallback (after each pageview) admin es-es Retardo (después de ver cada página)
false admin es-es Falso
field '%1' already exists !!! admin es-es ¡El campo '%1' ya existe!
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin es-es Archivo rechazado, no %2. Es: %1
file space admin es-es Espacio del fichero
file space must be an integer admin es-es El espacio del fichero debe ser un entero
filesystem quota admin es-es Cuota del sistema de archivos
filtered by account admin es-es filtrado por cuenta
filtered by group admin es-es filtrado por grupo
filtered by account admin es-es Filtrado por cuenta
filtered by group admin es-es Filtrado por grupo
folder acl admin es-es Carpeta ACL
for the times above admin es-es durante las horas indicadas arriba
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin es-es para las horas indicadas debajo (los valores vacíos cuentan como '*', todos vacío = cada minuto)
for the times above admin es-es Durante las horas indicadas arriba
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin es-es Para las horas indicadas debajo (los valores vacíos cuentan como '*', todos vacío = cada minuto)
forbid users to create identities admin es-es Prohibir a los usuarios crear identidades
force selectbox admin es-es Forzar cuadro de selección
force users to change their password regularily?(empty for no,number for after that number of days admin es-es ¿Forzar a que los usuarios cambien su contraseña regularmente (en blanco es no, o un número para ese número de días)?
@ -492,7 +493,7 @@ generate certificate admin es-es Generar certificado
generate new token and display it once after saving admin es-es Generar nuevo token y mostrarlo una vez después de guardarlo
git clone admin es-es Clon de git
global categories common es-es Categorías globales
global options admin es-es opciones globales
global options admin es-es Opciones globales
go directly to admin menu, returning here the next time you click on administration. admin es-es Ir directamente al menú de administración, volviendo aquí la próxima vez que pulse en administración.
google recaptcha admin es-es Google recaptcha
google recaptcha secret key admin es-es Clave secreta de Google recaptcha
@ -526,12 +527,12 @@ how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin es-es ¿Cuántos minutos debe permanecer bloqueada una cuenta o una IP? (por defecto, 30)
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin es-es ¿Cómo deben construirse las direcciones para los usuarios nuevos?
how username get constructed admin es-es Cómo se construye el nombre de usuario
html/plaintext admin es-es html/plaintext
html/plaintext admin es-es HTML/Texto
icon admin es-es Icono
identity admin es-es Identidad
identity deleted admin es-es Identidad suprimida
identity saved. admin es-es Identidad grabada.
idle admin es-es inactivo
idle admin es-es Inactivo
if different from email address admin es-es si es diferente de la dirección de correo-e
if disabled existing tokens immediatly stop working. admin es-es Si se deshabilita, los tokens existentes dejan de funcionar inmediatamente
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin es-es Si no se encuentran registros ACL del usuario y grupo, entonces el usuario es miembro de
@ -541,8 +542,8 @@ if you delete the user without selecting an account to move the data to, all ent
if you ignore that error as admin, you should check "%1"! admin es-es Si ignora ese error como administrador, ¡debería marcar "%1"!
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin es-es si especifica el puerto 5190 como puerto del servidor de Sieve, aplicará SSL para el Sieve (el servidor debe admitirlo)
if you wish to have randomly selected images you may upload multiple images. admin es-es Si desea tener imágenes seleccionadas al azar, puede cargar varias imágenes.
imap admin password admin es-es contraseña del administrador IMAP
imap admin user admin es-es usuario administrador IMAP
imap admin password admin es-es Contraseña del administrador IMAP
imap admin user admin es-es Usuario administrador IMAP
imap c-client version < 2001 admin es-es Versión C-Cliente IMAP < 2001
imap server admin es-es Servidor IMAP
imap server closed the connection. admin es-es El servidor IMAP cerró la conexión.
@ -554,7 +555,7 @@ imap server port admin es-es Puerto del servidor IMAP
imap/pop3 server name admin es-es Nombre del servidor POP/IMAP
importance admin es-es Importancia
in mbyte admin es-es en MBytes
inactive admin es-es inactivo
inactive admin es-es Inactivo
inbound admin es-es entrantes
initial admin es-es Inicial
install crontab admin es-es Instalar crontab
@ -569,7 +570,7 @@ international use admin es-es Uso internacional
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin es-es ¡El argumento '%1' no es válido!
invalid email admin es-es Correo-e no es válido
invalid formated date "%1"! admin es-es ¡La fecha %1 no tiene un formato válido!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin es-es ¡El nombre o id remoto %1 no es válido!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin es-es ¡El nombre o ID remoto %1 no es válido!
invalid type "%1"! admin es-es ¡Tipo no válido "%1"!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin es-es El valor "%1" no es válido. Use "sí" o "no"
invalid value "%1", use only: admin es-es Valor no válido "%1", use solo:
@ -580,29 +581,29 @@ kill session admin es-es Matar sesión
kill these sessions admin es-es Matar estas sesiones
kill this session admin es-es Matar esta sesión
languages admin es-es Idiomas
last %1 logins admin es-es Ultimos %1 inicios de sesión
last %1 logins for %2 admin es-es Ultimos %1 inicios de sesión de %2
last %1 logins admin es-es Últimos %1 inicios de sesión
last %1 logins for %2 admin es-es Últimos %1 inicios de sesión de %2
last action admin es-es Última acción
last ip admin es-es Último IP
last login admin es-es Último inicio de sesión
last login from admin es-es Último inicio de sesión desde
last password change admin es-es Último cambio de contraseña
last submission: admin es-es Último envío:
last time read admin es-es Ultima lectura
last time read admin es-es Última lectura
last updated admin es-es Última actualización
ldap accounts context admin es-es Contexto de las cuentas LDAP
ldap basedn admin es-es basedn para LDAP
ldap basedn admin es-es Base DN para LDAP
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin es-es Prefijo del directorio de inicio LDAP predeterminado (p. ej. /directorio para /directorio/usuario)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin es-es Shell LDAP por defecto (ej. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin es-es Tipo de cifrado LDAP
ldap groups context admin es-es Contexto de grupos LDAP
ldap host admin es-es Servidor LDAP
ldap root password admin es-es Clave de superusuario LDAP
ldap rootdn admin es-es rootdn LDAP
ldap server admin es-es servidor LDAP
ldap rootdn admin es-es root DN LDAP
ldap server admin es-es Servidor LDAP
ldap server accounts dn admin es-es DN para cuentas del servidor LDAP
ldap server admin dn admin es-es DN del administrador del servidor LDAP
ldap server admin password admin es-es contraseña del administrador del servidor LDAP
ldap server admin password admin es-es Contraseña del administrador del servidor LDAP
ldap server hostname or ip address admin es-es Nombre del servidor LDAP o dirección IP
ldap settings admin es-es Configuración LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin es-es Dejar en blanco para no poner cuota
@ -610,8 +611,8 @@ leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin es-es Deje vacío para usar OAuth,
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin es-es dejar la categoría intacta y volver a la lista
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin es-es Dejar el grupo intacto y volver a la lista
leave unchanged admin es-es Dejar sin cambios
leave without saveing the entry admin es-es salir sin guardar la entrada
leaves without saveing admin es-es sale sin guardar
leave without saveing the entry admin es-es Salir sin guardar la entrada
leaves without saveing admin es-es Sale sin guardar
length admin es-es Longitud
length<br>rows admin es-es Longitud<br>Filas
lifetime of 'remember me' token admin es-es Vida útil del token 'Recuérdame'
@ -642,18 +643,18 @@ manage mapping admin es-es Gestión de mapeos
manage stationery templates admin es-es Gestionar plantillas preimpresas
manager admin es-es Administrador
manual entry admin es-es Entrada manual
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin es-es Id máximo de cuenta (ej. 65535 o 1000000)
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin es-es ID máximo de cuenta (ej. 65535 o 1000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin es-es Número máximo de entradas en la ruta del historial de pulsar con el ratón
mb used admin es-es MB usados
members admin es-es Miembros
message has been updated admin es-es el mensaje ha sido actualizado
message has been updated admin es-es El mensaje ha sido actualizado
method admin es-es Método
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin es-es Id mínimo de cuenta (ej. 500 o 100, etc.)
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin es-es ID mínimo de cuenta (ej. 500 o 100, etc.)
minute admin es-es Minuto
mode admin es-es Modo
modified admin es-es Modificado
month admin es-es Mes
more secure admin es-es más seguro
more secure admin es-es Más seguro
mount backup directory to %1 admin es-es Montar el directorio de la copia de seguridad en %1
must change password upon next login admin es-es Debe cambiar la contraseña la próxima vez que inicie la sesión
name must not be empty !!! admin es-es El nombre no debe estar vacío
@ -663,7 +664,7 @@ name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin es-es Nombre de la instancia
new group name admin es-es Nuevo nombre de grupo
new name admin es-es Nuevo nombre
new password admin es-es Contraseña nueva
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin es-es Nueva contraseña [ Dejar en blanco para no cambiar ]
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin es-es Nueva contraseña (Dejar en blanco para no cambiar)
next run admin es-es Siguiente ejecución
no algorithms available admin es-es No hay algoritmos disponibles
no alternate email address admin es-es Sin dirección de correo alternativa
@ -685,13 +686,13 @@ no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switche
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin es-es No se pudo encontrar ningún método soportado de identificación IMAP.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin es-es Sin ánimo de lucro: clubs, asociaciones...
not enabled admin es-es No disponible
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin es-es Nota: SSL está disponible sólo si PHP está compilado con soporte curl
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin es-es Nota: SSL está disponible sólo si PHP está compilado con soporte Curl
notification mail admin es-es Correo de notificación
notify user by email admin es-es Notificar al usuario por correo
notifying account "%1" %2 failed! admin es-es ¡Falló la notificación a la cuenta "%1" %2!
number applications serially admin es-es Numerar las aplicaciones en serie
number of active users admin es-es Número de usuarios activos
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin es-es número de filas para un campo multilínea or línea de una lista multiselección
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin es-es Número de filas para un campo multilínea or línea de una lista multiselección
number of sessions / egroupware logins in the last 30 days admin es-es Número de sesiones / sesiones de EGroupware en los últimos 30 días
number of users admin es-es Número de usuarios
number the applications serially. if they are not numbered serially, sorting the applications could work wrong. this will not change the application's order. admin es-es Numerar las aplicaciones en serie. Si no se numeran en serie, podría no funcionar al ordenarlas. Esto no cambiará el orden de las aplicaciones.
@ -705,16 +706,16 @@ one month admin es-es Un mes
one week admin es-es Una semana
only below displayed information is directly submitted to %s. admin es-es Sólo la información mostrada debajo se envía directamente a %s.
operating system admin es-es Sistema operativo
order admin es-es orden
organisation admin es-es organización
order admin es-es Orden
organisation admin es-es Organización
other security configuration admin es-es Otra configuración de seguridad
outbound admin es-es De salida
own categories admin es-es Categorías propias
own install id admin es-es ID de instalación propio
own install id: admin es-es ID de instalación propio:
owner "%1" removed, please select group-owner admin es-es Se ha eliminado el propietario "%1", por favor, seleccione el propietario del grupo
passphrase admin es-es frase de contraseña
passthrough admin es-es pasage
passphrase admin es-es Frase de contraseña
passthrough admin es-es Pasage
password for smtp-authentication admin es-es Contraseña para identificación SMTP
password to unlock encrypted p12 admin es-es Contraseña para desbloquear p12 encriptado
password updated admin es-es Se ha actualizado la contraseña
@ -752,19 +753,19 @@ plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the accou
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin es-es Servidor SMTP de Plesk (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin es-es Nombre del servidor POP3 o dirección IP
pop3 server port admin es-es Puerto del servidor POP3
port admin es-es puerto
port admin es-es Puerto
postfix with ldap admin es-es Postfix con LDAP
postpone for admin es-es Posponer durante
preferences admin es-es Preferencias
primary group admin es-es Grupo principal
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. admin es-es El procesamiento del archivo %1 falló. No se pudieron cumplir las restricciones básicas.
profile access rights admin es-es Derechos de acceso del perfil
profile is active admin es-es el perfil está activo
profile is active admin es-es El perfil está activo
profile list admin es-es Lista de perfiles
profile name admin es-es Nombre del perfil
qmaildotmode admin es-es Modo de punto de qmail
quota settings admin es-es Configuración de las cuotas
quota size in mbyte admin es-es tamaño de la cuota en MBytes
quota size in mbyte admin es-es Tamaño de la cuota en MBytes
re-enter password admin es-es Confirmar contraseña
read this list of methods. admin es-es Leer esta lista de métodos
register application hooks admin es-es Registrar "hooks" de la aplicación
@ -775,11 +776,11 @@ remote administration instances admin es-es Instancias de administración remota
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin es-es ¡La administración remota debe habilitarse en la instancia remota en Admin> Configuración del sitio!
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin es-es ¡La administración remota necesita estar activada en la instancia remota en Administración > Configuración del sitio!
remote instance saved admin es-es Se ha guardado la instancia remota
remove admin es-es borrar
remove admin es-es Borrar
remove all users from this group admin es-es Borrar todos los usuarios de este grupo
remove all users from this group ? admin es-es ¿Borrar todos los usuarios de este grupo?
removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. are you sure? users in these groups may no longer have access: admin es-es Eliminar el acceso a grupos puede causar problemas para los datos en esta categoría. ¿Está seguro? Los usuarios de estos grupos puede que ya no tengan acceso:
renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! admin es-es ¡Cambiar el nombre del usuario 'anónimo' interrumpirá el intercambio de archivos y la oficina en línea de Collabora!
renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! admin es-es ¡Cambiar el nombre del usuario 'anónimo' interrumpirá el intercambio de archivos y la oficina en línea de Collabora Online Office!
requested admin es-es Requerido
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. admin es-es No se ha encontrado la clase PEAR Mail/mimeDecode.php.
required to embed egroupware via iframe eg. for lti admin es-es necesario para incrustar EGroupware a través de iframe, por ejemplo, para LTI
@ -787,21 +788,21 @@ requires 'openid / oauth2 server' app. admin es-es Requiere la aplicación 'Open
reset filter admin es-es Restablecer filtro
revoke admin es-es Revocar
revoke this token admin es-es Revocar este token
revoked admin es-es revocado
revoked admin es-es Revocado
rights admin es-es Derechos
route all mails to admin es-es dirigir todos los correos a
route all mails to admin es-es Dirigir todos los correos a
rows admin es-es Filas
rpm or debian package admin es-es Paquete RPM o Debian
rpm or debian package admin es-es Paquete RPM o Deb
run admin es-es ejecutar
run asynchronous services admin es-es Ejecutar servicios asíncronos
run rights for applications admin es-es derechos de ejecución para aplicaciones
run rights for applications admin es-es Derechos de ejecución para aplicaciones
samesite cookie attribute (send cookie if browser addressbar show a different domain) admin es-es Atributo de cookie SameSite (enviar cookie si la barra de direcciones del navegador muestra un dominio diferente)
save as default admin es-es guardar por defecto
save changes admin es-es Grabar cambios
save of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 admin es-es Error al guardar el mensaje %1. No se pudo guardar el mensaje en la carpeta 2 debido a: %3
save the category admin es-es guardar la categoría
save the category and return back to the list admin es-es guardar la categoría y volver a la lista
saves the changes made and leaves admin es-es guarda los cambios y sale
save the category admin es-es Guardar la categoría
save the category and return back to the list admin es-es Guardar la categoría y volver a la lista
saves the changes made and leaves admin es-es Guarda los cambios y sale
saves this entry admin es-es Guarda esta entrada
saving of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist. admin es-es Error al guardar el mensaje %1. La carpeta de destino %2 no existe.
scheduled admin es-es Programada
@ -829,11 +830,11 @@ select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin es-es Selec
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin es-es Seleccione dónde desea almacenar la información de las cuentas de usuario
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin es-es Seleccione el lugar que desea que la aplicación ocupe en la barra, de abajo (izquierda) a arriba (derecha)
selectbox admin es-es Cuadro de selección
send using this email-address admin es-es enviar usando esta dirección de correo electrónico
send using this email-address admin es-es Enviar usando esta dirección de correo electrónico
server %1 has been updated admin es-es El servidor %1 ha sido actualizado
server list admin es-es Listado de servidores
server password admin es-es Contraseña del servidor
server settings admin es-es configuración del servidor
server settings admin es-es Configuración del servidor
server type(mode) admin es-es Tipo (modo) del servidor
server url admin es-es URL del servidor
server username admin es-es Usuario del servidor
@ -844,10 +845,10 @@ set preference values. admin es-es Establecer valores para las preferencias
settings admin es-es Configuraciones
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin es-es Las excepciones deben contener una traza (incluyendo argumentos de funciones)
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin es-es ¿Debe incluir la página de inicio de sesión un cuadro de selección de idioma (útil para sitios de demostración)?
show 'powered by' logo on admin es-es Mostrar logo de 'Diseñado con' en
show 'powered by' logo on admin es-es Mostrar logo de 'Powered by' en
show access log admin es-es Mostrar registro de acceso
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin es-es se muestra como opcional, pero se requiere una vez que el usuario lo tiene configurado
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin es-es mostrar según sea necesario, pero solo una vez que el usuario lo tiene configurado
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin es-es Mostrar según sea necesario, pero solo una vez que el usuario lo tiene configurado
show current action admin es-es Mostrar acción actual
show error log admin es-es Mostrar registro de errores
show members admin es-es Mostrar miembros
@ -859,11 +860,11 @@ sieve settings admin es-es Configuración de Sieve
site admin es-es Sitio
skip imap admin es-es Omitir IMAP
skipping imap configuration! admin es-es ¡Omitiendo la configuración de IMAP!
smtp authentication admin es-es identificación SMTP
smtp options admin es-es opciones SMTP
smtp server admin es-es servidor SMTP
smtp server name admin es-es nombre del servidor SMTP
smtp settings admin es-es configuración SMTP
smtp authentication admin es-es Identificación SMTP
smtp options admin es-es Opciones SMTP
smtp server admin es-es Servidor SMTP
smtp server name admin es-es Nombre del servidor SMTP
smtp settings admin es-es Configuración SMTP
smtp-server hostname or ip address admin es-es Nombre del servidor SMTP o dirección IP
smtp-server port admin es-es Puerto del servidor SMTP
soap admin es-es SOAP
@ -881,8 +882,8 @@ standard smtp-server admin es-es Servidor SMTP estándar
start admin es-es Inicio
start testjob! admin es-es Iniciar el trabajo de prueba
starts with admin es-es Comienza con
stationery admin es-es material preimpreso
strictly required, user can not login without admin es-es estrictamente requerido, el usuario no puede iniciar sesión sin esto
stationery admin es-es Material preimpreso
strictly required, user can not login without admin es-es Estrictamente requerido, el usuario no puede iniciar sesión sin esto
submit changes admin es-es Enviar cambios
submit displayed information? admin es-es ¿Enviar la información mostrada?
submit statistic information admin es-es Enviar información estadística
@ -917,10 +918,10 @@ the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin es-es El intérprete mime no pu
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin es-es El nombre utilizado internamente (<= 20 caracteres), cambiarlo hace que los datos existentes no estén disponibles.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin es-es el nombre usado internamente (<= 20 caracteres). Si se cambia, los datos ya no están disponibles.
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin es-es El trabajo de prueba le envía un correo cada vez que se ejecuta
the text displayed to the user admin es-es el texto mostrado al usuario
the text displayed to the user admin es-es El texto mostrado al usuario
the two passwords are not the same admin es-es Las dos contraseñas no son iguales
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin es-es Los usuarios siguientes todavía son miembros del grupo %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin es-es Ya hay un grupo con este nombre. El id de usuario no puede tener el mismo nombre que el id de un grupo.
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin es-es Ya hay un grupo con este nombre. El ID de usuario no puede tener el mismo nombre que el id de un grupo.
they must be removed before you can continue admin es-es Deben ser eliminados para poder continuar
this application is current admin es-es Esta aplicación está al día
this application requires an upgrade admin es-es Esta aplicación necesita ser actualizada
@ -929,7 +930,7 @@ this controls exports and merging. admin es-es Esto controla las impresiones de
this is a mail account for all users! admin es-es Esta es una cuenta de correo para TODOS los usuarios.
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin es-es Esta NO es una cuenta de correo personal!<br>La cuenta será eliminada para TODOS los usuarios!<br>¿Estás realmente seguro de que quieres hacer eso?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin es-es Esta clave se utiliza en el código HTML que su sitio sirve a los usuarios.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin es-es ¡¡Esta instalación de PHP no tiene soporte IMAP!!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin es-es ¡Esta instalación de PHP no tiene soporte IMAP!
this secret key used for communication between your site and google. be sure to keep it a secret. admin es-es Esta clave secreta utilizada para la comunicación entre su sitio y Google. Asegúrese de mantenerla en secreto.
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin es-es Tiempo límite para los datos de la sesión de la aplicación en segundos (por defecto 86400 = 1 día)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin es-es Tiempo límite para las sesiones en segundos (por defecto 14400 = 4 horas)
@ -942,7 +943,7 @@ token revoked. admin es-es Ficha revocada.
token saved. admin es-es Ficha guardada.
top admin es-es Superior
total of %1 accounts deleted. admin es-es Total de %1 cuentas suprimidas.
total of %1 id's changed. admin es-es Se han cambiado en total %1 ids
total of %1 id's changed. admin es-es Se han cambiado en total %1 IDs
total records admin es-es Total de registros
translation admin es-es Traducción
true admin es-es Verdadero
@ -959,7 +960,7 @@ under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallb
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin es-es Respuesta inesperada del servidor al comando AUTHENTICATE.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin es-es Respuesta inesperada del servidor a la respuesta Digest-MD5.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin es-es Respuesta inesperada del servidor al comando LOGIN.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin es-es ¡¡La cuenta es desconocida: %1!!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin es-es ¡La cuenta es desconocida: %1!
unknown command %1! admin es-es Comando desconocido: %1
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin es-es Respuesta IMAP desconocida del servidor. El servidor respondió: %s
unknown option %1 admin es-es Opción desconocida: %1
@ -974,16 +975,16 @@ upload your favicon or enter the url admin es-es Subir el favicon o ingresar la
upload your header logo or enter the url (leave it empty if it is the same as login logo) admin es-es Cargue el logotipo de su encabezado o ingrese el URL (déjelo en blanco si es el mismo que el logotipo de inicio de sesión)
upload your logo or enter the url admin es-es Subir el logo o ingresar el URL
uppercase, lowercase, number, special char admin es-es Mayúsculas, minúsculas, números, caracteres especiales
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin es-es La URL de la instalación de EGroupware, p. ej. http://dominio.com/egroupware
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin es-es La URL de la instalación de EGroupware, p. ej. https://egw.dominio.com/egroupware
usage admin es-es Uso
use admin credentials to connect without a session-password, e.g. for sso admin es-es Utilice las credenciales de administrador para conectarse sin una contraseña de sesión, por ejemplo, para SSO.
use cookies to pass sessionid admin es-es Usar cookies para almacenar sesiones
use default admin es-es Usar predeterminado
use ldap defaults admin es-es usar las opciones predeterminadas para LDAP
use ldap defaults admin es-es Usar las opciones predeterminadas para LDAP
use predefined username and password defined below admin es-es Usar el usuario predefinido y las contraseñas definidas debajo
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin es-es Usar codigo HTML puro (todavía no funciona completamente)
use save or apply to store the received oauth token! admin es-es Utilice guardar o aplicar para almacenar el token OAuth recibido.
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin es-es Usar cookies seguras (se transmiten sólo via https)
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin es-es Usar cookies seguras (se transmiten sólo via HTTPS)
use smtp auth admin es-es Usar identificación SMTP
use theme admin es-es Usar tema
use tls authentication admin es-es Usar identificación TLS
@ -1010,7 +1011,9 @@ users can define their own signatures admin es-es Los usuarios pueden definir su
users can utilize these stationery templates admin es-es Los usuarios pueden utilizar estas plantillas preimpresas
users choice admin es-es A elegir por el usuario
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin es-es Usando datos de Mozilla ISPDB para el proveedor %1
using fallback via regular json requests admin es-es Usando fallback vía peticiones JSON regulares
using imap:%1, smtp:%2, oauth:%3: admin es-es Usando IMAP:%1, SMTP:%2, OAUTH:%3:
using native swoole push admin es-es Usando Swoole Push nativo
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin es-es Los mensajes de vacaciones con fecha de inicio y fin requieren una cuenta de administrador.
vacation notice admin es-es Aviso de vacaciones
valid for admin es-es Válido para
@ -1021,7 +1024,7 @@ view account admin es-es Ver cuenta
view category admin es-es Ver categoría
view error log admin es-es Ver registro de errores
view sessions admin es-es Ver sesiones
view this user admin es-es ver este usuario
view this user admin es-es Ver este usuario
view user account admin es-es Ver cuenta de usuario
virtual mail manager admin es-es Gestor de correo virtual
warn users about the need to change their password? the number set here should be lower than the value used to enforce the change of passwords every x days. only effective when enforcing of password change is enabled. (empty for no,number for number of days before they must change) admin es-es Establecer el número de días para informar a los usuarios por adelantado sobre el próximo cambio forzado de contraseña. Vacío = sin información
@ -1029,7 +1032,7 @@ we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better unde
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin es-es Esperamos que comprenda la importancia de esta estadística voluntaria y no denegarla a la ligera.
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin es-es ¿A quién desea transferirle todos los registros del usuario eliminado?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin es-es ¿A quién desea transferir los registros del usuario eliminado?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin es-es ¿Desea que EGroupware almacene en memoria el array egw info?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin es-es ¿Desea que EGroupware almacene en memoria el array EGroupware info?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin es-es ¿Desea que EGroupware revise si hay versiones nuevas<br>cuando inicie la sesión un administrador?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin es-es ¿Desea que EGroupware compruebe nuevas versiones de las aplicaciones cuando un administrador inicie la sesión?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin es-es ¿Desea cargar automáticamente nuevos ficheros de idioma (al iniciar la sesión)?
@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
%1 entries deleted. admin et %1 kirjed kustutatud
%1 access to other data admin et %1 juurdepääs muudele andmetele
%1 accounts being activated admin et %1 aktiveeritavad kontod
%1 acl entries deleted. admin et %1 ACL-kirjed kustutatud.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin et %1 mitte(enam) olemasolevate kontode kategooriad kustutatud.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin et %1 kategooria '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin et %1 kategooria(d) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin et %1 kategooria(d) %2, %3 ebaõnnestus ebapiisavate õiguste tõttu!
%1 entries deleted admin et %1 kirjed kustutatud
%1 entries deleted. admin et %1 kirjed kustutatud.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin et %1 maili mandaat kustutatud
%1 phrases saved. admin et %1 fraasid salvestatud.
%1 run rights for applications admin et %1 rakenduste käivitamise õigused
%1 sessions killed admin et %1 sessioonid tapetud.
%1 successful admin et %1 edukas
%1 token %2. admin et %1 sümbol %2.
(de)activate mail accounts admin et (de)Aktiveerige postikontod
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin et (vaikimisi Ei, jäta see välja kui sa seda ei kasuta)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin et (imapclass peab seda funktsiooni toetama, küsides vastavat config-väärtust ja edastades selle vaikekvoodina IMAP-serverile)
1 year admin et 1 aasta
2 month admin et 2 kuud
2 weeks admin et 2 nädalat
@ -12,7 +24,7 @@
6 month admin et 6 kuud
access token revoked. admin et Juurdepääsutunnistus tühistatud.
account admin et Konto
account '%1' not found !!! admin et Kontot '%1' ei leitud !!!
account '%1' not found !!! admin et Kontot '%1' ei leitud!
account active admin et Konto aktiivne
account has been created common et Konto on tehtud
account has been deleted common et Konto on kustutatud
@ -25,11 +37,13 @@ acl manager admin et ACL Manageerija
acl rights common et ACL Õigused
actions admin et Tegevused
activate admin et Aktiveeri
add a category admin et lisa kategooria
add a group admin et lisa grupp
activated again admin et uuesti aktiveeritud
active this token again admin et Aktiveerige see sümbol uuesti
add a category admin et Lisa kategooria
add a group admin et Lisa grupp
add a new account. admin et Lisa uus konto
add a subcategory admin et lisa alam kategooria
add a user admin et lisa kasutaja
add a subcategory admin et Lisa alam kategooria
add a user admin et Lisa kasutaja
add account admin et Lisa konto
add application admin et Lisa rakendus
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin et Lisa automaatselt tehtud kasutajad sellesse gruppi (selleks on 'Default' kui väli on tühi.)
@ -42,9 +56,9 @@ add profile admin et Lisa Profiil
add sub-category admin et Lisa alam kategooria
admin email admin et Admin Email
admin name admin et Admin Nimi
admin password admin et admin parool
admin username admin et admin kasutajanimi
all applications admin et kõik rakendused
admin password admin et Admin parool
admin username admin et Admin kasutajanimi
all applications admin et Kõik rakendused
all categories admin et Kõik kategooriad
all users admin et Kõik kasutajad
allow anonymous access to this app admin et Luba anonüümne ligipääs sellele rakendusele
@ -57,21 +71,21 @@ application name admin et Rakenduse nimi
application title admin et Rakenduse pealkiri
applications admin et Rakendused
applications list admin et Rakenduste nimekiri
apply the changes admin et rakenda uuendused
apply the changes admin et Rakenda uuendused
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin et Oled kindel, et soovid kustutada seda rakendust %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin et Oled kindel, et tahad kustutada seda kontot ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin et Oled kindel, et soovid kustutada seda rakendust ?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common et Oled kindel, et tahad kustutada kategooriat ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin et Oled kindel, et tahad kustutada seda kontot?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin et Oled kindel, et soovid kustutada seda rakendust?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common et Oled kindel, et tahad kustutada kategooriat?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin et Oled kindel, et tahad kustutada globaalset kategooriat ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin et Oled kindel, et tahad kustutada seda gruppi ?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin et Oled kindel, et tahad kustutada seda serverit ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin et Oled kindel, et tahad tappa seda sessiooni ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin et Oled kindel, et tahad kustutada seda gruppi?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin et Oled kindel, et tahad kustutada seda serverit?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin et Oled kindel, et tahad tappa seda sessiooni?
authentication / accounts admin et Autentimine / Kontod
bad login name or password. admin et Vale kasutajanimi või parool
can change password admin et Võib muuta parooli
categories list admin et Kategooriate nimekiri
category list admin et Kategooria nimekiri
change acl rights admin et muuda ACL Õigusi
change acl rights admin et Muuda ACL Õigusi
change login screen message admin et Muuda pealehe sõnumit
click to select a color admin et Kliki valimaks värvi
color admin et Värv
@ -80,7 +94,7 @@ country admin et Riik
country selection admin et Riigi Valik
create group admin et Tee Grupp
created admin et Tehtud
creates a new field admin et teeb uue välja
creates a new field admin et Teeb uue välja
custom 1 admin et Kohandatud 1
custom 2 admin et Kohandatud 2
custom 3 admin et Kohandatud 3
@ -88,16 +102,16 @@ cyrus imap server admin et Cyrus IMAP Server
cyrus imap server administration admin et Cyrus IMAP server administreerimine
day admin et Päev
db backup and restore admin et DB tagavara ja taastamine
default admin et vaikimisi
default admin et Vaikimisi
delete account admin et Kustuta konto
delete application admin et Kustuta rakendus
delete category admin et Kustuta kategooria
delete group admin et Kustuta grupp
delete this category admin et kustuta see kategooria
delete this group admin et kustuta see grupp
delete this user admin et kustuta see kasutaja
deleted admin et kustutatud
deletes this field admin et kustutab selle välja
delete this category admin et Kustuta see kategooria
delete this group admin et Kustuta see grupp
delete this user admin et Kustuta see kasutaja
deleted admin et Kustutatud
deletes this field admin et Kustutab selle välja
deny access admin et Keela Ligipääs
deny access to access log admin et Keela ligipääs külastus logile
deny access to application registery admin et Keela ligipääs rakenduse registrile
@ -111,35 +125,35 @@ deny access to home screen message admin et Keela ligipääs pealehe sõnumile
deny access to phpinfo admin et Keela ligipääs phpinfo-le
deny access to user accounts admin et Keela ligipääs kasutaja kontodele
disable admin et Keela
disabled (not recomended) admin et väljalülitatud (pole soovitav)
displaying html messages is disabled admin et html kirjade näitamine on välja lülitatud
do not validate certificate admin et ära valideeri sertifikaati
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin et Kas tahad kustutada samuti kõik globaalsed alamkategooriad ?
disabled (not recomended) admin et Väljalülitatud (pole soovitav)
displaying html messages is disabled admin et HTML kirjade näitamine on välja lülitatud
do not validate certificate admin et Ära valideeri sertifikaati
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin et Kas tahad kustutada samuti kõik globaalsed alamkategooriad?
do you really want to delete this profile admin et Tahad tõesti kustutada seda Profiili
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin et Kas tahad kustutada kõik globaalsed alamkategooriad ?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin et Kas tahad liigutada kõik globaalsed alamkategooriad üks level alla ?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin et Kas tahad kustutada kõik globaalsed alamkategooriad?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin et Kas tahad liigutada kõik globaalsed alamkategooriad üks level alla?
document root (default) admin et Dokument root (vaikimisi)
domainname admin et Doomeninimi
down admin et alla
down admin et Alla
edit account admin et Muuda kontot
edit application admin et Muuda rakendust
edit email settings admin et muuda emaili setinguid
edit email settings admin et Muuda emaili setinguid
edit global category admin et Muuda globaalset kategooriat
edit group admin et Muuda Gruppi
edit group acl's admin et muuda grupi ACL'e
edit group acl's admin et Muuda grupi ACL'e
edit table format admin et Muuda Tabeli formaati
edit this category admin et muuda seda kategooriat
edit this group admin et muuda seda gruppi
edit this user admin et muuda seda kasutajat
edit user admin et muuda kasutajat
edit this category admin et Muuda seda kategooriat
edit this group admin et Muuda seda gruppi
edit this user admin et Muuda seda kasutajat
edit user admin et Muuda kasutajat
edit user account admin et Muuda kasutaja kontot
egroupware directory admin et EGroupware kaust
email account active admin et email konto aktiivne
email address admin et email aadress
email account active admin et Email konto aktiivne
email address admin et Email aadress
email settings common et Email setingud
enable admin et luba
enable admin et Luba
enabled - popup window admin et Lubatud - Hüpikaknad
encrypted connection admin et krüpteeritud ühendus
encrypted connection admin et Krüpteeritud ühendus
encryption settings admin et Krüpteerimise setingud
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin et Sisesta hostinimi kus see server töötab
enter your default ftp server admin et Sisesta oma vaikimisi FTP server
@ -149,20 +163,20 @@ enter your http proxy server port admin et Sisesta oma HTTP proksi serveri port
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin et Sisesta oma SMTP serveri nimi või IP aadress
enter your smtp server port admin et Sisesta oma SMTP serveri port
entry saved admin et Kirje salvestatud
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin et Viga taimleri tühistamisel, võibolla pole seda seatud !!!
error saving the entry!!! admin et Viga kirje salvestamisel !!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin et Viga taimleri seadmisel, vale süntaks või võibolla üks juba töötab !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin et Viga: %1 ei leitud või muu viga !!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin et Viga taimleri tühistamisel, võibolla pole seda seatud!
error saving the entry!!! admin et Viga kirje salvestamisel!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin et Viga taimleri seadmisel, vale süntaks või võibolla üks juba töötab!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin et Viga: %1 ei leitud või muu viga!
expires admin et Aegub
field '%1' already exists !!! admin et Väli '%1' eksisteerib juba !!!
field '%1' already exists !!! admin et Väli '%1' eksisteerib juba!
full name admin et Täis nimi
general admin et Üldine
global categories common et Globaalsed Kategooriad
global options admin et Globaalsed omadused
group ? admin et grupp ?
group ? admin et Grupp?
group list admin et Gruppi nimekiri
group name admin et Grupi Nimi
hide php information admin et peida php informatsioon
hide php information admin et Peida php informatsioon
home directory admin et Kodu kataloog
host information admin et Hosti informatsioon
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin et Mitu minutit konto või IP blokeeritakse (vaikimisi 30) ?
@ -174,7 +188,7 @@ imap c-client version < 2001 admin et IMAP C-Client Versioon < 2001
imap server admin et IMAP Server
imap server closed the connection. admin et IMAP server sulges ühenduse.
imap server closed the connection. server responded: %s admin et IMAP Server sulges ühenduse. Server Vastas: %s
imap server name admin et imap serveri nimi
imap server name admin et IMAP serveri nimi
imap server port admin et IMAP serveri port
imap/pop3 server name admin et IMAP/POP3 server nimi
installed applications common et Installeeritud rakendused
@ -183,45 +197,45 @@ kill admin et Tapa
kill session admin et Tapa sessioon
last %1 logins admin et Viimased %1 logimised
last %1 logins for %2 admin et Viimased %1 sisselogimised %2 jaoks
last login admin et viimane login
last login admin et Viimane login
last time read admin et Viimane lugemisaeg
last updated admin et Viimati uuendatud
ldap encryption type admin et LDAP krüpteeringu tüüp
ldap root password admin et LDAP root parool
ldap rootdn admin et LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin et LDAP root DN
ldap settings admin et LDAP setingud
leave empty for no quota admin et Jäta tühjaks, kui kvooti ei ole
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin et Jäta tühjaks, et kasutada OAuthi, kui see on toetatud.
leaves without saveing admin et lahkub ilma salvestamatta
leaves without saveing admin et Lahkub ilma salvestamata
list current sessions admin et Nimekiri hetke sessioonidest
list of current users admin et nimekiri hetke kasutajatest
list of current users admin et Nimekiri hetke kasutajatest
login history admin et Sisselogimise ajalugu
login message admin et Sisselogimise teade
login screen admin et Sisselogimise aken
login shell admin et Sisselogimise shell
login time admin et Sisselogimise Aeg
loginid admin et SisselogimiseID
loginid admin et Sisselogimise ID
mail settings admin et Mail setingud
minute admin et Mi
modified admin et Muudetud
month admin et Kuu
name must not be empty !!! admin et Nimi ei tohi olla tühi !!!
name must not be empty !!! admin et Nimi ei tohi olla tühi!
new group name admin et Uus grupi nimi
new name admin et uus nimi
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin et Uus parool [ Jäta tühjaks kui ei soovi muuta ]
no alternate email address admin et pole alternatiivset email aadressi
no encryption admin et ilna krüpteeringutta
new name admin et Uus nimi
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin et Uus parool (Jäta tühjaks kui ei soovi muuta)
no alternate email address admin et Pole alternatiivset email aadressi
no encryption admin et Ilna krüpteeringutta
no login history exists for this user admin et Pole sisselogimise ajalugu sellel kasutajal
no matches found admin et sobivaid ei leitud
no permission to add groups admin et pole õigusi gruppide lisamiseks
no permission to add users admin et pole õigusi kasutajate lisamiseks
no permission to create groups admin et pole õigusi gruppide tegemiseks
no matches found admin et Sobivaid ei leitud
no permission to add groups admin et Pole õigusi gruppide lisamiseks
no permission to add users admin et Pole õigusi kasutajate lisamiseks
no permission to create groups admin et Pole õigusi gruppide tegemiseks
oauth authentiction admin et OAuth autentimine
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin et Pakkumine EGroupware'i paigaldamiseks posti käitlejana
one day admin et Üks päev
one hour admin et Üks tund
one month admin et üks kuu
one week admin et üks kuu
one month admin et Üks kuu
one week admin et Üks kuu
organisation admin et Organisatsioon
other security configuration admin et Muud turvakonfiguratsioonid
own install id admin et Oma paigaldus ID
@ -229,23 +243,23 @@ own install id: admin et Oma paigaldus ID:
password for smtp-authentication admin et Parool SMTP-audentimiseks
path information admin et Teekonna informatsioon
permission denied admin et Õigused puuduvad
permission denied !!! admin et Õigused puuduvad !!!
permission denied!!! admin et Ligipääs keelatud !!!
permission denied !!! admin et Õigused puuduvad!
permission denied!!! admin et Ligipääs keelatud!
permissions admin et Õigused
phpinfo admin et PHP informatsioon
please enter a name admin et Palun sisesta nimi
please select admin et Palun Vali
pop3 server port admin et POP3 serveri port
port admin et port
primary group admin et primaarne Grupp
port admin et Port
primary group admin et Primaarne Grupp
re-enter password admin et Sisesta parool uuesti
remove admin et eemalda
remove admin et Eemalda
search accounts admin et Otsi kontosid
search categories admin et Otsi kategooriaid
search groups admin et Otsi gruppe
security admin et Turvalisus
select type of imap server admin et vali IMAP serveri tüüp
select type of imap/pop3 server admin et vali IMAP/POP3 serveri tüüp
select type of imap server admin et Vali IMAP serveri tüüp
select type of imap/pop3 server admin et Vali IMAP/POP3 serveri tüüp
select type of smtp server admin et Vali SMTP serveri tüüp
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin et Vali kuhu sa tahad salvestada failisüsteemi informatsiooni
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin et Vali kuhu sa tahad salvestada kasutaja kontosid
@ -264,14 +278,14 @@ smtp server name admin et SMTP serveri nimi
smtp settings admin et SMTP setingud
smtp-server port admin et SMTP serveri port
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin et Vabandust, see grupinimi on juba võetud
ssl admin et ssl
ssl admin et SSL
start admin et Start
submit changes admin et Salvesta Muudatused
text entry admin et Järgmine Kirje
that application name already exists. admin et See rakenduse nimi juba eksisteerib
that loginid has already been taken admin et See logimis-ID on juba võetud
that name has been used already admin et See nimi on juba kasutusel
that server name has been used already ! admin et See serveri nimi on juba kasutusel !
that server name has been used already ! admin et See serveri nimi on juba kasutusel!
the api is current admin et API on kaasaegne
the api requires an upgrade admin et API vajab uuendamist
the login and password can not be the same admin et Kasutajanimi ja parool ei tohi olla samad
@ -280,26 +294,27 @@ the two passwords are not the same admin et Kaks parooli pole identsed
this application is current admin et See rakendus on kaasaegne
this application requires an upgrade admin et See rakendus vajab uuendust
translation admin et Tõlkimine
two weeks admin et kaks nädalat
unknown account: %1 !!! admin et Tundmatu konto:: %1 !!!
up admin et üles
updated admin et uuendatud
two weeks admin et Kaks nädalat
unknown account: %1 !!! admin et Tundmatu konto:: %1 !
up admin et Üles
updated admin et Uuendatud
use default admin et Kasuta vaikimisi
use theme admin et Kasuta nahka
user accounts admin et Kasutaja kontod
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin et Kasutajanimi SMTP-autentimiseks (jäta see tühjaks kui pole nõutav)
user groups admin et Kasutajate grupid
user-agent admin et User-Agent
users choice admin et Kasutajate Valik
view access log admin et Vaata sisselogimise logi
view account admin et Vaata kontot
view category admin et Vaata kategooriat
view error log admin et Vaata vigade logi
view sessions admin et Vaata aktiivseid sessioone
view this user admin et vaata seda kasutajat
view this user admin et Vaata seda kasutajat
view user account admin et Vaata kasutaja kontot
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin et Kas soovid, et EGroupware kontrollib uusi versioone<br>kui adminnid sisselogivad ?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin et Kas soovid automaatselt sisselugeda uued keelefailid (sisselogimisel) ?
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin et Pead sisestama mime uuele väljale !!!
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin et Kas soovid, et EGroupware kontrollib uusi versioone<br>kui adminnid sisselogivad?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin et Kas soovid automaatselt sisselugeda uued keelefailid (sisselogimisel)?
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin et Pead sisestama mime uuele väljale!
you must enter a group name. admin et Pead sisestama grupi nime.
you must enter a lastname admin et Pead sisestama perekonnanime
you must enter a loginid admin et Pead sisestama sisselogimise nime
@ -308,4 +323,4 @@ you must enter an application name. admin et Pead sisestama rakenduse nime.
you must enter an application title. admin et Pead sisesestama rakenduse pealkirja.
you must select a file type admin et Pead valima failitüübi
you must select at least one group member. admin et Pead valima vähemalt ühe grupiliikme.
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin et Pead eemaldama kõigepealt alamkategoorjad kustutamaks seda kategooriat !
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin et Pead eemaldama kõigepealt alamkategoorjad kustutamaks seda kategooriat!
@ -1,26 +1,35 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin fi %1 %2 oikeudet %3:lle %4:stä %5:een %1 %2:n osalta
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin fi %1 - %2 / %3 käyttäjätunnusta
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin fi %1 - %2 / %3 käyttäjäryhmää
%1 access to other data admin fi %1 pääsy muihin tietoihin
%1 accounts being activated admin fi %1 aktivoitavat tilit
%1 acl entries deleted. admin fi %1 ACL-merkinnät poistetaan.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin fi %1 ACL tietuetta ei (enää) löydy, käyttäjätili(t) poistettu.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin fi %1 kategoriaa poistettu
%1 category '%2' %3 admin fi %1 luokka '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin fi %1 kategoriaa %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin fi %1 kategoriaa %2, %3 epäonnistui käyttäjäoikeuksien takia.
%1 class not instanciated admin fi %1 luokkaa ei ole luotu
%1 entries deleted admin fi %1 merkinnät poistettu
%1 entries deleted. admin fi %1 tapahtumaa poistettu
%1 group %2 admin fi %1 ryhmä %2
%1 is no command! admin fi %1 ei ole käsky!
%1 log entries deleted. admin fi %1 lokitietuetta poistettu!
%1 mail credentials deleted admin fi %1 sähköpostitunnukset poistettu
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin fi %1 ei löydy tai ei voida suorittaa !!!
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin fi %1 ei löydy tai ei voida suorittaa!
%1 phrases saved. admin fi %1 lausekkeet tallennettu.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin fi %1 oikeudet %1 ja sovelluksille %3
%1 run rights for applications admin fi %1 sovellusten suoritusoikeudet
%1 sessions killed admin fi %1 istuntoa lopetettu.
%1 successful admin fi %1 onnistui
%1 token %2. admin fi %1 merkki %2.
%1 user %2 admin fi %1 käyttäjä %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin fi (de)aktivoi sähköpostitilit
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin fi (Oletuksena ei, jätä tyhjäksi jollet halua käyttää sitä)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin fi (imapclassin on tuettava tätä ominaisuutta kysymällä vastaavaa konfiguraatioarvoa ja välitettävä se oletuskiintiönä IMAP-palvelimelle).
(no subject) admin fi Ei aihetta
(stored password will not be shown here) admin fi (Tallennettua salasanaa ei näytetä)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin fi (Käytä <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Manage Applications] asentaaksesi uusia sovelluksia !!!)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin fi (Käytä <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Manage Applications] asentaaksesi uusia sovelluksia!)
- type admin fi - muoto
1 year admin fi 1 vuosi
2 month admin fi 2 kuukautta
@ -106,19 +115,19 @@ applications list admin fi Sovellukset -luettelo
applications run rights updated. admin fi Sovellusten suoritusoikeudet päivitety!
applies the changes admin fi Hyväksy muutokset
apply the changes admin fi Lisää muutokset
archive: zip or tar admin fi Arkisto: zip tai tar
archive: zip or tar admin fi Arkisto: ZIP tai tar
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin fi Haluatko varmasti poistaa sovelluksen %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin fi Haluatko varmast poistaa tunnuksen ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin fi Haluatko varmast poistaa sovelluksen ?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common fi Haluatko varmast poistaa kategorian ?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin fi Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän yleisen kategorian ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin fi Haluatko varmast poistaa ryhmän ?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin fi Haluatko varmast poistaa palvelimen ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin fi Haluatko varmast keskeyttää tämän istunnon ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin fi Haluatko varmast poistaa tunnuksen?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin fi Haluatko varmast poistaa sovelluksen?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common fi Haluatko varmast poistaa kategorian?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin fi Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän yleisen kategorian?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin fi Haluatko varmast poistaa ryhmän?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin fi Haluatko varmast poistaa palvelimen?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin fi Haluatko varmast keskeyttää tämän istunnon?
async services last executed admin fi Ajastetut palvelut suoritettu viimeksi
asynchronous timed services admin fi Ajastetut palvelut
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin fi asyncservices ei ole asennettu tai muu virhe (%1) !!!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin fi Yritä käytä oikeaa mime-tyyppiä FTP siirrossa oletuksen 'application/octet-stream' sijasta
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin fi asyncservices ei ole asennettu tai muu virhe (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin fi Yritä käytä oikeaa MIME-tyyppiä FTP siirrossa oletuksen 'application/octet-stream' sijasta
authentication / accounts admin fi Käyttäjäntunnistus / Käyttäjätilit
auto create account records for authenticated users admin fi Luo käyttäjätietueet automaattisesti tunnistetuille käyttäjille
available placeholders admin fi Käytettävät sijaismerkinnät
@ -141,11 +150,11 @@ can change password admin fi Voi vaihtaa salasanaa
cancel testjob! admin fi Peruuta TestiTyö!
cancel this scheduled command admin fi Peruuta tämä ajastettu toiminto
categories list admin fi Kategorialuettelo
category %1 has been saved ! admin fi Kategoria %1 on tallennettu !
category %1 has been saved ! admin fi Kategoria %1 on tallennettu!
category deleted. admin fi Kategoria poistettu!
category list admin fi Kategorialuettelo
category saved. admin fi Kategoria tallennettu.
change account_id admin fi Vaihda account_id
change account_id admin fi Vaihda account_ID
change acl rights admin fi Muuta ACL -oikeuksia
change config settings admin fi Muuta asetuksia
change login screen message admin fi Vaihda päänäytön viesti
@ -189,7 +198,7 @@ day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin fi Viikonpäivä
db backup and restore admin fi Tietokannan varmuuskopiointi ja palautus
default admin fi Oletus
default file system space per user admin fi Tallennustila per käyttäjä
default file system space per user/group ? admin fi Tallennustila per käyttäjä/ryhmä ?
default file system space per user/group ? admin fi Tallennustila per käyttäjä/ryhmä?
deinstall crontab admin fi Poista crontab
delete account admin fi Poista käyttäjätili
delete account %s admin fi Poista käyttäjätili %s
@ -275,7 +284,7 @@ enable debug-messages admin fi Näytä virheenjäljitysviestit
enable sieve admin fi Ota Sieve käyttöön
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin fi Salli oikolukuohjelma Rich text editorissa.
enable the soap service admin fi Salli SOAP palvelut
enable the xmlrpc service admin fi Salli XMLRPC palvelut
enable the xmlrpc service admin fi Salli XML-RPC palvelut
enabled - hidden from navbar admin fi Käytössä - Ei näy työkalupalkissa
enabled - popup window admin fi Käytössä - Ponnahdusikkuna
encrypted connection admin fi Yhteyden suojaus
@ -289,7 +298,7 @@ enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin fi Anna
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin fi Anna absoluuttinen polku käyttäjien ja ryhmien tiedostoille.<br>Esimerkkejä: /files, E:\FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin fi Anna absoluuttinen polku käyttäjien ja ryhmien tiedostoille.<br>Esimerkkejä: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin fi Anna palvelimen isäntänimi (hostname)
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin fi Anna EGroupware:n URL.<br>Esimerkiksi: http://www.domain.com/egroupware tai /egroupware<br><b>Ei kauttaviivaa loppuun</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin fi Anna EGroupware:n URL.<br>Esimerkiksi: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware tai /egroupware<br><b>Ei kauttaviivaa loppuun</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin fi Anna haettava merkkijono. Nähdäksesi kaikki kohteet, tyhjennä kenttä ja napsauta hakupainiketta uudelleen
enter the site password for peer servers admin fi Anna salasana rinnakkaispalvelimille
enter the site username for peer servers admin fi Anna käyttäjätunnus rinnakkaispalvelimille
@ -305,20 +314,20 @@ enter your http proxy server port admin fi Anna HTTP-välityspalvelimen portti
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin fi Anna SMTP -palvelimen nimi tai IP-osoite
enter your smtp server port admin fi Anna SMTP -palvelimen portti
entry saved admin fi Tallennettu
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin fi Virhe poistettaessa ajastusta, ehkä sitä ei edes ole asetettu !!!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin fi Virhe salasanaa vaihdettaessa %1 !!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin fi Virhe poistettaessa ajastusta, ehkä sitä ei edes ole asetettu!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin fi Virhe salasanaa vaihdettaessa %1 !
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin fi Virhe yhdistettäessä IMAP palvelimeen. %s : %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin fi Virhe yhdistettäessä IMAP palvelimeen. [%s] %s.
error deleting entry! admin fi Virhe poistettaessa!
error deleting log entry! admin fi Virhe poistettaessa lokitietuetta %1 !!
error deleting log entry! admin fi Virhe poistettaessa lokitietuetta %1 !
error saving admin fi Virhe tallennettaessa!
error saving account! admin fi Virhe tallennettaessa käyttäjätiliä!
error saving the command! admin fi Virhe tallennettaessa käskyä!
error saving the entry!!! admin fi Virhe tallennettaessa!
error saving to db: admin fi Virhe tallennettaessa tietokantaan:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin fi Virhe tehtäessä ajastusta, komento väärin muotoiltu tai ajastus on jo olemassa !!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin fi Virhe tehtäessä ajastusta, komento väärin muotoiltu tai ajastus on jo olemassa!
error! no appname found admin fi Virhe! Sovellusta ei lödy!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin fi Virhe: %1 ei löydy tai muu virhe !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin fi Virhe: %1 ei löydy tai muu virhe!
event details follow admin fi Tapahtuman yksityiskohdat alla
exists admin fi Olemassaoleva
expires admin fi Vanhentuu
@ -327,9 +336,9 @@ exports groups into a csv file. admin fi Vie ryhmiä CSV tiedostoon
exports users into a csv file. admin fi Vie käyttäjätilejä CSV tiedostoon
failed to change password for account "%1"! admin fi Käyttäjätilin %1 salasanan vaihto epäonnistui!
failed to change password. admin fi Salasanan vaihto ei onnistunut.
fallback (after each pageview) admin fi fallback (tarkista sivuhaun yhteydessä)
false admin fi false
field '%1' already exists !!! admin fi Kenttä'%1' on jo olemassa !!!
fallback (after each pageview) admin fi Fallback (tarkista sivuhaun yhteydessä)
false admin fi Väärä
field '%1' already exists !!! admin fi Kenttä'%1' on jo olemassa!
file space admin fi Tallennustila
file space must be an integer admin fi Tallennustila on oltava kokonaisluku
filtered by account admin fi Käyttäjätilien mukaan
@ -348,7 +357,7 @@ global categories common fi Yleiset kategoriat
global options admin fi Yleiset asetukset
governmental: incl. state or municipal authorities or services admin fi Hallituksellinen: Sisältää osavaltioiden ja paikallishallinnot ja palvelut
grant admin fi Myönnä
group ? admin fi Ryhmä ?
group ? admin fi Ryhmä?
group csv export admin fi Ryhmän CSV vienti
group csv import admin fi Ryhmän CSV tuonti
group has been added common fi Ryhmä lisätty
@ -357,7 +366,7 @@ group has been updated common fi Ryhmä päivitetty
group list admin fi Ryhmäluettelo
group manager admin fi Ryhmien hallinta
group name admin fi Ryhmän nimi
hide php information admin fi Piilota php-tiedot
hide php information admin fi Piilota PHP-tiedot
home directory admin fi Kotihakemisto
home screen message admin fi Päänäytön viesti
host information admin fi Palvelimen tiedot
@ -396,9 +405,9 @@ installed applications, percentage of allowed users and total number of entries.
installed crontab admin fi Asennettu crontab
interface admin fi Käyttöliittymä
international use admin fi Kansainvälinen käyttö
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin fi Virheellinen argumentti '%1'!!
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin fi Virheellinen argumentti '%1'!
invalid formated date "%1"! admin fi Virheellinen päivämäärä "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin fi Virheellinen Remote ID tai nimi "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin fi Virheellinen remote ID tai nimi "%1"!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin fi Virheellinen arvo "%1", aseta Kyllä tai Ei!
ip admin fi IP
jobs admin fi Työt
@ -421,7 +430,7 @@ ldap encryption type admin fi LDAP salaustapa
ldap groups context admin fi LDAP -ryhmien konteksti
ldap host admin fi LDAP palvelin
ldap root password admin fi LDAP root salasana
ldap rootdn admin fi LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin fi LDAP root DN
ldap server admin fi LDAP -palvelin
ldap server accounts dn admin fi LDAP -tunnusten DN
ldap server admin dn admin fi LDAP -ylläpidon DN
@ -469,19 +478,19 @@ modified admin fi Muokattu
month admin fi Kuukausi
more secure admin fi Lisää turvallisuutta
must change password upon next login admin fi Salasana vaihdettava seuraavan kirjautumisen yhteydessä
name must not be empty !!! admin fi Nimi ei saa olla tyhjä !!!
name must not be empty !!! admin fi Nimi ei saa olla tyhjä!
name of organisation admin fi Organisaation nimi
name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin fi Palvelun nimi esim. yrityksesi nimi
new group name admin fi Uuden ryhmän nimi
new name admin fi Uusi nimi
new password admin fi Uusi salasana
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin fi Uusi salasana [ Tyhjä = ei muutosta ]
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin fi Uusi salasana (Tyhjä = ei muutosta)
next run admin fi Suoritetaan seuraavan kerran
no algorithms available admin fi Ei käytettävissä
no alternate email address admin fi Ei vaihtoehtoista osoitetta
no encryption admin fi Ei suojausta
no forwarding email address admin fi Välityksen sähköpostiosoitetta ei löytynyt
no jobs in the database !!! admin fi Tietokannassa ei ole töitä !!!
no jobs in the database !!! admin fi Tietokannassa ei ole töitä!
no login history exists for this user admin fi Käyttäjällä ei ole kirjautumishistoriaa
no matches found admin fi Yhtään kohdetta ei löytynyt
no message returned. admin fi Viestiä ei palautettu
@ -492,7 +501,7 @@ no permission to create groups admin fi Ei oikeutta luoda ryhmiä
no plain text part found admin fi Pelkkää tekstiä ei löytynyt
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin fi Tuettua IMAP tunnistustapaa ei löydetty.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin fi Yleishyödylliset: Klubit, Yhteisöt,...
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin fi Huomaa: SSL on käytettävissä vain jos PHP on käännetty curl-tuella
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin fi Huomaa: SSL on käytettävissä vain jos PHP on käännetty Curl-tuella
notification mail admin fi Huomautusviesti
notify user by email admin fi Huomauta käyttäjiä sähköpostilla
notifying account "%1" %2 failed! admin fi Käyttäjätilin %1 huomauttaminen epäonnistui %2
@ -520,7 +529,7 @@ own install id: admin fi Asennus ID:
owner "%1" removed, please select group-owner admin fi Omistaja "%1" poistettu. Valitse omistajaksi ryhmä.
passthrough admin fi Läpikulku
password for smtp-authentication admin fi Salasana SMTP-tunnistukselle
password updated admin fi salasana päivitetty
password updated admin fi Salasana päivitetty
passwords and/or attributes of %1 accounts changed admin fi Salasanat ja attribuutit %1 käyttäjätili(in) vaihdettu
path information admin fi Polut
peer server list admin fi Rinnakkaispalvelinluettelo
@ -543,8 +552,8 @@ please run setup to become current admin fi Aja setup-sovellus päivittääksesi
please select admin fi Valitse
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin fi Plesk ei voi nimetä käyttäjiä --> pyyntö hylätty
plesk imap server (courier) admin fi Plesk IMAP palvelin (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin fi Plesk sähköpostiskriptiä '%1' ei löydy !!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin fi Plesk:n salasanassa pitää olla vähintään 5 merkkiä, eikä se saa olla käyttäjätilin nimi --> salasanaa EI ole asetettu !!!
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin fi Plesk sähköpostiskriptiä '%1' ei löydy!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin fi Plesk:n salasanassa pitää olla vähintään 5 merkkiä, eikä se saa olla käyttäjätilin nimi --> salasanaa EI ole asetettu!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin fi Plesk SMTP-palvelin (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin fi POP3 -palvelimen nimi tai IP-osoite
pop3 server port admin fi POP3 -palvelimen portti
@ -571,7 +580,7 @@ reset filter admin fi Poista suodatin
rights admin fi ACL -oikeudet
route all mails to admin fi Reititä kaikki viestit
rows admin fi Rivit
rpm or debian package admin fi RPM tai Debian paketti
rpm or debian package admin fi RPM tai deb paketti
run asynchronous services admin fi Suorita ajastetut palvelut
save of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 admin fi Viestin %1 tallennus epäonnistui. Viestiä ei voitu tallentaa kansioon %2. Syy: %3
save the category admin fi Tallenna kategoria
@ -608,7 +617,7 @@ server username admin fi Palvelimen käyttäjätunnus
sessions last 30 days admin fi Istunnot viimeisen kuukauden ajalta
set a random password admin fi Aseta satunnainen salasana
set preference values. admin fi Tee asetukset.
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin fi Näytetäänkö kirjautumisnäytöllä kielien valintalista (käytännöllinen esittelyjä varten) ?
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin fi Näytetäänkö kirjautumisnäytöllä kielien valintalista (käytännöllinen esittelyjä varten)?
show 'powered by' logo on admin fi 'Tämä on' -logon paikka
show access log admin fi Näytä käyttöloki
show current action admin fi Näytä viimeisin toimi
@ -630,7 +639,7 @@ sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin fi Valitan, ryhmän nimi on
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin fi Valitan, nämä käyttäjät kuuluvat vielä ryhmään %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin fi Valitan, nämä käyttäjät kuuluvat vielä ryhmään %1
sort the entries admin fi Lajittele kohteet
ssl admin fi ssl
ssl admin fi SSL
standard admin fi Vakio
standard imap server admin fi Vakio IMAP -palvelin
standard pop3 server admin fi Vakio POP3 -palvelin
@ -690,22 +699,22 @@ two days admin fi Kaksi päivää
two hours admin fi Kaksi tuntia
two months admin fi Kaksi kuukautta
two weeks admin fi Kaksi viikkoa
type '%1' already exists !!! admin fi Tyyppi '%1' on jo olemassa !!!
type '%1' already exists !!! admin fi Tyyppi '%1' on jo olemassa!
type of customfield admin fi Lisäkentän tyyppi
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin fi Windows -ympäristössä ylläpitäjän on asennettava asyncservice %1käsin%2 tai käytettävä fallback -tilaa. Tällöin töiden suoritustarve tarkistetaan vain kun EGroupwarea käytetään.
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin fi Odottamaton vastaus palvelimen AUTHENTICATE komennolta.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin fi Odottamaton vastaus palvelimen Digest-MD5 vastauksesta.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin fi Odottamaton vastaus palvelimen LOGIN komennolta.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin fi Tuntematon käyttäjätili: %1!!!
unknown command %1! admin fi Tuntematon komento: %1!!!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin fi Tuntematon käyttäjätili: %1!
unknown command %1! admin fi Tuntematon komento: %1!
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin fi Tuntematon IMAP vastaus palvelimelta. Palvelin vastasi: %s
unknown option %1 admin fi Tuntematon optio: %1!!!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin fi Toiminto, jota ei tueta '%1' !!!
unknown option %1 admin fi Tuntematon optio: %1!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin fi Toiminto, jota ei tueta '%1' !
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin fi Kategoriaa ei voitu tallentaa valituilla asetuksilla. Tarkista toiminnot.
up admin fi Ylös
update current email address: admin fi Päivitä nykyinen sähköpostiosoite:
updated admin fi Päivitetty
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin fi EGroupwaren URL, esim. http://domain.com/egroupware
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin fi EGroupwaren URL, esim. https://egw.domain.com/egroupware
usage admin fi Käyttö
use cookies to pass sessionid admin fi Käytä evästeitä (cookie) istuntotunnuksen välitykseen.
use default admin fi Käytä oletusta
@ -724,6 +733,7 @@ user csv import admin fi Käyttäjätilien CsV tuonti
user data common fi Käyttäjän tiedot
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin fi SMTP -käyttäjätunnus (tyhjä, jos ei käytetä)
user groups admin fi Käyttäjäryhmät
user-agent admin fi User-Agent
userdata admin fi Käyttäjän tiedot
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin fi käyttäjätunnus@verkkotunnus
username (standard) admin fi Käyttäjätunnus (standardi)
@ -754,14 +764,14 @@ would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins logi
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin fi Ladataanko uudet kielitiedostot automaattisesti (kirjauduttaessa) ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin fi Näytetäänkö kunkin sovelluksen päivitystilanne?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin fi Virheellinen tilityyppi: %1 ei ole %2!!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin fi Virheellinen Admin-tunnus tai salasana!!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin fi Virheellinen Admin-tunnus tai salasana!
xml-rpc admin fi XML-RPC
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin fi Kyllä, Käytä annettua salasanaa vain hälytyksiin ja huomautusviesteihin, muulloin käyttäjän tunnuksia
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin fi Kyllä, käyttäjän tunnukset, tai mahdolliset allaolevat tunnukset
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin fi Virheellinen vanhenemispäivä!
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin fi Sähköpostiosoitetta ei ole määritelty käyttäjälle!
you have received a new message on the admin fi Sinulle on uusi viesti
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin fi Sinun pitää antaa nimi luodaksesi kenttä!!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin fi Sinun pitää antaa nimi luodaksesi kenttä!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin fi Sinun pitää antaa nimi luodaksesi tyyppi!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin fi Lisää käyttäjätiliin ainakin yksi ACL-oikeus tai ryhmä.
you must enter a group name. admin fi Anna ryhmän nimi.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin fr %1 catégories supprimées, qui étaient associées à des comptes n'existant plus.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin fr %1 catégorie '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin fr %1 catégorie(s) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin fr %1 catégorie(s) %2, %3 en échec pour droits insuffisants !!!
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin fr %1 catégorie(s) %2, %3 en échec pour droits insuffisants !
%1 class not instanciated admin fr Classe %1 non instanciée
%1 entries deleted admin fr %1 entrées supprimées
%1 entries deleted. admin fr %1 éléments supprimés.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
%1 is no command! admin fr %1 n'est pas une commande !
%1 log entries deleted. admin fr %1 entrées dans le log effacées.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin fr %1 mail credentials deleted
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin fr %1 introuvable ou pas exécutable !!!
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin fr %1 introuvable ou pas exécutable !
%1 phrases saved. admin fr %1 phrases enregistrées.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin fr Droits en %1 pour %2 et l'application %3.
%1 run rights for applications admin fr %1 droits d'exécution des applications
@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
%1 token %2. admin fr %1 jeton %2.
%1 user %2 admin fr %1 utilisateur %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin fr (dés)activer les comptes email
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin fr (Non par défaut, ne pas modifier si vous ne l'utilisez pas)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin fr (imapclass doit supporter cette fonctionnalité en interrogeant la valeur de configuration correspondante et la passer comme defaultquota au serveur imap)
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin fr Défaut = Non, laissez-le désactivé si vous ne l'utilisez pas.
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin fr (imapclass doit supporter cette fonctionnalité en interrogeant la valeur de configuration correspondante et la passer comme defaultquota au serveur IMAP)
(no subject) admin fr Pas de sujet
(stored password will not be shown here) admin fr (Le mot de passe enregistré ne sera pas montré ici)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin fr (Pour installer de nouvelles applications utilisez<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Gérer Les Applications] !!!)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin fr (Pour installer de nouvelles applications utilisez<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Gérer Les Applications] !)
- type admin fr - type
1 year admin fr 1 an
2 month admin fr 2 mois
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ account "%1" has no email address --> not notified! admin fr Le compte "%1" n'a
account "%1" has no plaintext password! admin fr Le compte "%1" n'a PAS de mot de passe au format texte !
account %1 %2 admin fr Compte %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin fr Compte '%' supprimé.
account '%1' not found !!! admin fr Le compte %1 n'a pas été trouvé!!!
account '%1' not found !!! admin fr Le compte %1 n'a pas été trouvé!
account active admin fr Compte actif
account deleted. admin fr Compte supprimé.
account has been created common fr Le compte a été créé.
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ applications this group can use admin fr Applications que ce groupe peut utilise
applies the changes admin fr Appliquer les changements
apply changes admin fr Appliquer les changements
apply the changes admin fr Appliquer les changements
archive: zip or tar admin fr Archiver: zip ou tar
archive: zip or tar admin fr Archiver: ZIP ou tar
are you sure you want to %1 mail for selected accounts? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir %1 email pour les comptes sélectionnés ?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'application %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce compte ?
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir tuer cette session ?
async services last executed admin fr Dernière exécution des services asynchrones
asynchronous timed services admin fr Services asynchrones
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin fr services asynchrones pas encore installés ou autre erreur (%1) !!!
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin fr services asynchrones pas encore installés ou autre erreur (%1) !
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin fr Tentative d'utiliser le type MIME correct pour ftp à la place de celui par défaut 'application/octet-stream'
attribute accountstatus explained admin fr Ceci modifie l'attribut <b><i>accountStatus</i></b> (Status du compte) pour le schéma de QMAIL.
attribute mail explained admin fr Ceci modifie l'attribut <b><i>-mail-</b></i> du schéma QMAIL. Cet attribut doit toujours être renseigné, c'est aussi le champ de l'adresse de courriel interne de eGW.
@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin fr Vérifier les A
check categories for not (longer) existing accounts admin fr Vérifier les catégories des comptes n'existant pas ou plus
check ip address of all sessions admin fr Vérifier l'adresse IP de toutes les sessions
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin fr Vérifier les objets vers <b>%1</b> à %2 pour %3
checking push (green for success or red for failure) admin fr Vérifier PUSH (vert = OK, rouge pour pas OK)
children admin fr Enfants
clear cache and register hooks admin fr Vider le cache et enregistrer les hooks
clear credentials admin fr Oublier les accès
@ -255,11 +256,11 @@ create group admin fr Créer un groupe
create new account admin fr Créer un nouveau compte
create new identity admin fr Créer une nouvelle identité
created admin fr Créé
created with id #%1 admin fr Créé avec l'id #%1
created with id #%1 admin fr Créé avec l'ID #%1
creates / updates user accounts from csv file admin fr Crée / met à jour les comptes d'utilisateurs depuis un fichier CSV
creates / updates user groups from csv file admin fr Crée / met à jour les groupes d' utilisateurs depuis un fichier CSV
creates a new field admin fr Créer un nouveau champ
crontab only (recomended) admin fr crontab seulement (recommandé)
crontab only (recomended) admin fr Crontab seulement (recommandé)
current certificate admin fr Certificat actuel
current default admin fr actuelle valeur par défaut
current hash admin fr Clé cryptée actuelle
@ -280,11 +281,11 @@ data admin fr Données
data from admin fr Données de
day admin fr Jour
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin fr Jour de la semaine<br>(0-6, 0=Dim)
db backup and restore admin fr Sauvegarde et restauration de la BDD
db backup and restore admin fr Sauvegarde et restauration de la DB
deactivate admin fr Désactiver
deactivated admin fr désactivé
debug admin fr Debug
default admin fr défaut
default admin fr Défaut
default file system space per user admin fr Espace disque par utilisateur (par défaut)
default file system space per user/group ? admin fr Espace disque par utilisateur/groupe (par défaut) ?
default of currently admin fr actuel défaut
@ -319,7 +320,7 @@ deny access to application registery admin fr Refuser l'accès à l'enregistreme
deny access to applications admin fr Refuser l'accès aux applications
deny access to asynchronous timed services admin fr Refuser l'accès aux services asynchrones
deny access to current sessions admin fr Refuser l'accès aux sessions actives
deny access to db backup and restore admin fr Refuser l'accès à Sauvegarde et restauration de la BDD
deny access to db backup and restore admin fr Refuser l'accès à Sauvegarde et restauration de la DB
deny access to error log admin fr Refuser l'accès à la log d'erreurs
deny access to global categories admin fr Refuser l'accès aux catégories globales
deny access to groups admin fr Refuser l'accès aux groupes
@ -338,22 +339,22 @@ direct login without password or second factor admin fr connexion directe sans m
disable admin fr Désactiver
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin fr Désactiver l'auto-complétion dans le formulaire de login
disable all admin fr Tout désactiver
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin fr Désactiver la minification du code javascript et css
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin fr Désactiver la minification du code JavaScript et CSS
disable pgp encryption (mailvelope) admin fr Désactiver le chiffrement PGP (Mailvelope)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin fr désactiver l'éditeur WYSIWYG
disable wysiwyg-editor admin fr Désactiver l'éditeur WYSIWYG
disabled admin fr Désactivé
disabled (not recomended) admin fr désactivé (pas recommandé)
disabled, do not show on login page admin fr désactivé, ne pas montrer sur la page de connexion
disabled (not recomended) admin fr Désactivé (pas recommandé)
disabled, do not show on login page admin fr Désactivé, ne pas montrer sur la page de connexion
display admin fr Afficher
displayed length of input field (set rows=1 to limit length) admin fr longueur affichée pour le champ input (mettre rows=1 pour limiter la longueur)
displaying html messages is disabled admin fr L'affichage des messages html est désactivé.
displaying html messages is disabled admin fr L'affichage des messages HTML est désactivé.
displaying plain messages is disabled admin fr L'affichage des texte brut est désactivé.
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin fr Ne PAS supprimer la catégorie et retourner à la liste
do not generate email addresses admin fr Ne pas générer les adresses email
do not offer introduction video admin fr Ne pas proposer la vidéo d'introduction
do not send cookie admin fr ne pas envoyer de cookie
do not set attribute admin fr Ne pas définir d'attribut
do not validate certificate admin fr ne pas valider le certificat
do not validate certificate admin fr Ne pas valider le certificat
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin fr Voulez-vous aussi supprimer toutes les sous-catégories globales ?
do you really want to delete this profile admin fr Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce profil ?
do you really want to reset the filter for the profile listing admin fr Voulez-vous vraiment réinitialiser le filtre pour le listage des profils ?
@ -402,7 +403,7 @@ enable the xmlrpc service admin fr Activer le service xmlrp
enabled admin fr Activé
enabled - hidden from navbar admin fr Activé - caché de la barre de navigation
enabled - popup window admin fr Activé - Fenêtre popup
encrypted connection admin fr connexion chiffrée
encrypted connection admin fr Connexion chiffrée
encryption admin fr Chiffrement
encryption settings admin fr Paramètres de chiffrement
enter a description for the category admin fr Entrez une description pour la catégorie
@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin fr Entr
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin fr Entrez le chemin complet pour les fichiers de utilisateurs et groupes.<br>Exemples: /files, e:\files
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin fr Entrez le chemin complet pour les fichiers de utilisateurs et groupes.<br>Exemples: /files, e:\files
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin fr Entrez le nom de la machine sur laquelle ce serveur s'exécute
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin fr Entrez l'emplacement de l'URL EGroupware.<br>Exemple: http://www.domaine.com/egroupware ou /egroupware<br><b>Pas de division (/) à la fin</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin fr Entrez l'emplacement de l'URL EGroupware.<br>Exemple: https://egw.domaine.com/egroupware ou /egroupware<br><b>Pas de division (/) à la fin</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin fr Entrez la chaîne de recherche. Pour montrer toutes les entrées, videz ce champ et recliquez sur le bouton SOUMETTRE
enter the site password for peer servers admin fr Entrez le mot de passe du site pour les serveurs pairs
enter the site username for peer servers admin fr Entrez le nom d'utilisateur du site pour les serveurs pairs
@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ enter your smtp server port admin fr Entrez le port de votre serveur SMTP
entries admin fr Entrées
entries owned by the user: admin fr Entrées dont l'utilisateur est propriétaire
entry saved admin fr Entrée enregistrée
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin fr Erreur en annulant le timer, peut-être qu'il n'y en a aucun de défini !!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin fr Erreur en annulant le timer, peut-être qu'il n'y en a aucun de défini !
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin fr Erreur en changeant le mot de passe pour %1 !
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin fr Erreur de connexion avec le serveur IMAP. %s: %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin fr Erreur de connexion avec le serveur IMAP. [%s] %s.
@ -444,8 +445,8 @@ error saving admin fr Erreur lors de l'enregistrement !
error saving account! admin fr Erreur lors de l'enregistrement du compte !
error saving the command! admin fr Erreur lors de l'enregistrement de la commande !
error saving the entry!!! admin fr Erreur à l'enregistrement de l'entrée !
error saving to db: admin fr Erreur lors de l'enregistrement dans la bd :
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin fr Erreur en créant le timer, erreur de syntaxe ou peut-être il y en a déjà un qui tourne !!!
error saving to db: admin fr Erreur lors de l'enregistrement dans la DB :
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin fr Erreur en créant le timer, erreur de syntaxe ou peut-être il y en a déjà un qui tourne !
error storing token! admin fr Erreur lors du stockage du token !
error! no appname found admin fr Erreur : aucun nom d'application trouvé !
error, no username! admin fr Erreur, pas de code utilisateur !
@ -466,7 +467,7 @@ failed to delete account! admin fr Erreur à la suppression du compte !
failed to mount backup directory! admin fr Echec du montage du répertoire Backup !
failed to save user! admin fr Echec à l'enregistrement de l'utilisateur !
failed to upload %1 admin fr Echec à l'upload %1
fallback (after each pageview) admin fr retour au défaut (après chaque prévisualisation)
fallback (after each pageview) admin fr Retour au défaut (après chaque prévisualisation)
false admin fr Faux
field '%1' already exists !!! admin fr Le champ '%1' existe déjà !
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin fr Fichier rejeté, pas de %2. Fichiers permis : %1
@ -476,7 +477,7 @@ filesystem quota admin fr Quota du système de fichiers
filtered by account admin fr Filtrage par compte
filtered by group admin fr Filtrage par groupe
folder acl admin fr ACL sur le dossier
for the times above admin fr pour le timing ci-dessus
for the times above admin fr Pour le timing ci-dessus
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin fr Pour le timing ci-dessous (les valeurs vides comptent comme '*', tout vide = chaque minute)
forbid users to create identities admin fr Interdire aux utilisateurs de créer des identités
force selectbox admin fr Forcer la boîte de sélection
@ -513,7 +514,7 @@ group list admin fr Liste des groupes
group manager admin fr Gestionnaire de groupe
group name admin fr Nom du groupe
hash admin fr Clé de cryptage
hide php information admin fr Cacher les informations sur php
hide php information admin fr Cacher les informations sur PHP
hide sidebox video tutorials admin fr Cacher les sidebox de tutoriels video
home directory admin fr Répertoire maison
home screen message admin fr Message de l'écran principal
@ -526,7 +527,7 @@ how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin fr Pendant combien de minutes un compte ou une adresse IP doit-il(elle) être bloqué(e) (30 par défaut) ?
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin fr Comment former les adresses de messagerie des nouveaux utilisateurs ?
how username get constructed admin fr Comment les codes utiliateurs sont construits
html/plaintext admin fr html/plaintext
html/plaintext admin fr HTML/text
icon admin fr Icône
identity admin fr Identité
identity deleted admin fr Identité supprimée
@ -566,7 +567,7 @@ installed crontab admin fr Crontab installée
instance admin fr Instance
interface admin fr Interface
international use admin fr Usage internationnal
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin fr Argument invalide '%1' !!!
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin fr Argument invalide '%1' !
invalid email admin fr Email invalide
invalid formated date "%1"! admin fr Date formatée invalide "%1" !
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin fr ID distante ou nom "%1" invalide !
@ -591,14 +592,14 @@ last submission: admin fr Dernière soumission :
last time read admin fr Dernière lecture
last updated admin fr Ultimo aggiornamento
ldap accounts context admin fr Contexte comptes LDAP
ldap basedn admin fr LDAP basedn
ldap basedn admin fr LDAP base DN
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin fr Préfixe par défaut des répertoires d'accueil LDAP (p.ex. /home pour /home/utilisateur)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin fr Shell par défaut LDAP (p.ex. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin fr Type de chiffrement LDAP
ldap groups context admin fr Contexte des groupes LDAP
ldap host admin fr Hôte LDAP
ldap root password admin fr Mot de passe root LDAP
ldap rootdn admin fr Rootdn LDAP
ldap rootdn admin fr Root DN LDAP
ldap server admin fr LDAP Serveur
ldap server accounts dn admin fr LDAP DN contenant les comptes utilisateurs
ldap server admin dn admin fr LDAP DN administrateur
@ -663,7 +664,7 @@ name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin fr Nom de l'instance d'EGroup
new group name admin fr Nouveau nom de groupe
new name admin fr Nouveau nom
new password admin fr Nouveau mot de passe
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin fr Nouveau mot de passe [ Laisser vide pour aucun changement ]
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin fr Nouveau mot de passe (Laisser vide pour aucun changement)
next run admin fr Prochain démarrage
no algorithms available admin fr Pas d'algorithme disponible !
no alternate email address admin fr Pas d'adresse email alternative
@ -685,7 +686,7 @@ no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switche
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin fr Il n'a été trouvé aucune méthode d'authentification IMAP supportée
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin fr Sans but lucratif : clubs, associations, ...
not enabled admin fr Désactivé
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin fr Note: SSL disponible si PHP est compilé avec le support de CURL
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin fr Note: SSL disponible si PHP est compilé avec le support de Curl
notification mail admin fr Email de notification
notify user by email admin fr Notifier l'utilisateur par email
notifying account "%1" %2 failed! admin fr Echec de la notification du compte "%1" %2 !
@ -708,12 +709,12 @@ operating system admin fr Système d'exploitation
order admin fr Ordre
organisation admin fr Organisation
other security configuration admin fr Autres paramètres de sécurité
outbound admin fr sortant
outbound admin fr Sortant
own categories admin fr Catégories personnelles
own install id admin fr ID d'installation propre
own install id: admin fr ID d'installation propre :
owner "%1" removed, please select group-owner admin fr Propriétaire "%1" enlevé, veuillez sélectionner un propriétaire de groupe
passphrase admin fr mot de passe
passphrase admin fr Mot de passe
passthrough admin fr Passage
password for smtp-authentication admin fr Mot de passe pour l'authentification SMTP
password to unlock encrypted p12 admin fr Mot de passe pour débloquer le chiffrement p12
@ -730,7 +731,7 @@ percent this user has logged out admin fr Pourcentage de déconnexion de cet uti
periodic admin fr Périodique
permission denied admin fr Permission refusée
permission denied !!! admin fr Permission refusée !
permission denied!!! admin fr Permission refusée !!!
permission denied!!! admin fr Permission refusée !
permissions admin fr Permissions
permissions this group has admin fr Permissions attribuées à ce groupe
personal: eg. within a family admin fr Personnel : ex. dans une famille
@ -743,16 +744,16 @@ please enter a name admin fr Entrez un nom
please enter a name for that server ! admin fr Entrez un nom pour ce serveur !
please manually deal with entries owned by the user: admin fr Veuillez traiter manuellement les entrées appartenant à l'utilisateur :
please run setup to become current admin fr Exécutez le setup pour mettre à jour
please select admin fr SVP choisissez
please select admin fr Veuillez sélectionner
please submit (or postpone) statistic first admin fr Veuillez d'abord soumettre (ou reporter) vos statistiques
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin fr Plesk ne peut pas renommer les utilisateurs --> requête ignorée
plesk imap server (courier) admin fr Serveur IMAP Plesk (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin fr Le script email Plesk '%1' introuvable!!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin fr Plesk requiert des mots de passe d'au moins 5 caractères qui ne comprennent pas le nom du compte --> le mot de passe n'est PAS fixé!!!
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin fr Le script email Plesk '%1' introuvable!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin fr Plesk requiert des mots de passe d'au moins 5 caractères qui ne comprennent pas le nom du compte --> le mot de passe n'est PAS fixé!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin fr Serveur SMTP Plesk (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin fr Nom d'hôte ou adresse IP du serveur POP3
pop3 server port admin fr Port du serveur POP3
port admin fr port
port admin fr Port
postfix with ldap admin fr Postfix avec support LDAP
postpone for admin fr Reporter à
preferences admin fr Préférences
@ -783,18 +784,18 @@ renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! a
requested admin fr Requis
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. admin fr Classe PEAR class Mail/mimeDecode.php non trouvée.
required to embed egroupware via iframe eg. for lti admin fr nécessaire pour intégrer EGroupware via un iframe, par exemple pour le LTI
requires 'openid / oauth2 server' app. admin fr Nécessite une application "OpenID / OAuth2.
requires 'openid / oauth2 server' app. admin fr Nécessite l'application 'OpenID / OAuth2 Server'.
reset filter admin fr Réinitialiser le filtre
revoke admin fr Révoquer
revoke this token admin fr Révoquer ce token
revoked admin fr révoqué
revoked admin fr Révoqué
rights admin fr Droits
route all mails to admin fr Livrer tous les emails à
rows admin fr Lignes
rpm or debian package admin fr Paquet RPM ou Debian
rpm or debian package admin fr Paquet RPM ou deb
run admin fr exécuter
run asynchronous services admin fr Exécuter les Services asynchrones
run rights for applications admin fr exécuter les permissions pour ls applications
run rights for applications admin fr Exécuter les permissions pour ls applications
samesite cookie attribute (send cookie if browser addressbar show a different domain) admin fr Attribut de cookie SameSite (envoie un cookie si la barre d'adresse du navigateur montre un domaine différent)
save as default admin fr Sauvegarder comme défaut
save changes admin fr Sauvegarder les modifications
@ -844,10 +845,10 @@ set preference values. admin fr Régler les valeurs des préférences.
settings admin fr Réglages
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin fr Les exceptions doivent-elles contenir une trace, y compris les arguments des fonctions.
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin fr Est-ce que la page de login doit inclure une zone de sélection linguistique (utile aussi pour les sites de démonstration)
show 'powered by' logo on admin fr Montrer le logo 'motorisé par' sur
show 'powered by' logo on admin fr Montrer le logo 'Powered by' sur
show access log admin fr Montrer les journaux d'accès
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin fr montrer comme facultatif, mais requis une fois que l'utilisateur l'a configuré
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin fr afficher selon les besoins, mais seulement une fois que l'utilisateur l'a configuré
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin fr Afficher selon les besoins, mais seulement une fois que l'utilisateur l'a configuré
show current action admin fr Afficher les actions en cours
show error log admin fr Afficher le journal des erreurs
show members admin fr Afficher les membres
@ -872,7 +873,7 @@ sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin fr Désolé, les
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin fr Désolé, les utilisateurs suivants sont encore membres de ce groupe %1
sort the entries admin fr Trier les entrées
source account #%1 does not exist! admin fr Le compte source #%1 n'existe pas !
ssl admin fr ssl
ssl admin fr SSL
standard admin fr Standard
standard identity admin fr Identité standard
standard imap server admin fr Serveur IMAP standard
@ -880,9 +881,9 @@ standard pop3 server admin fr Serveur POP3 standard
standard smtp-server admin fr Serveur SMTP standard
start admin fr Début
start testjob! admin fr Démarrer le Travail de test!
starts with admin fr commence par
starts with admin fr Commence par
stationery admin fr Entrepôt
strictly required, user can not login without admin fr absolument nécessaire, l'utilisateur ne pas se connecter sans
strictly required, user can not login without admin fr Absolument nécessaire, l'utilisateur ne pas se connecter sans
submit changes admin fr Soumettre les changements
submit displayed information? admin fr Envoyer les informations affichées
submit statistic information admin fr Envoyer les informations statistiques
@ -912,12 +913,12 @@ the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. p
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin fr L'ID d'installation d'une instance se trouve dans Admin > Configuration du site.
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin fr L'ID d'installation de l'instance peut être trouvée sur Admin > Configuration du site
the login and password can not be the same admin fr Le login et le mot de passe ne peuvent être identiques
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin fr Le loginid ne peut pas être composé de plus de 8 caractères
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin fr Le loginID ne peut pas être composé de plus de 8 caractères
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin fr L'analyseur mime ne peut pas décoder ce message.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin fr le nom utilisé en interne (<= 20 caractères), le changer rend les données existantes indisponibles
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin fr Nom utilisé en interne (<= 20 caractères), le changer rendra certaines données inaccessibles.
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin fr Le travail de test vous envoie un mail chaque fois qu'il est appelé.
the text displayed to the user admin fr le texte montré à l'utilisateur
the text displayed to the user admin fr Le texte montré à l'utilisateur
the two passwords are not the same admin fr Les deux mots de passe ne sont pas identiques
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin fr Les utilisateurs ci-dessous sont encore membres du groupe %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin fr Il y a déjà un groupe portant ce nom. Les noms de comptes ne peuvent pas avoir le même nom qu'un nom de groupe
@ -929,7 +930,7 @@ this controls exports and merging. admin fr Ceci contrôle les exports et les fu
this is a mail account for all users! admin fr Ceci est un compte mail pour TOUS les utilisateurs!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin fr Ce n'est PAS un compte de messagerie personnel!<br>Le compte sera supprimé pour TOUS les utilisateurs!<br>Vous êtes vraiment sûr de vouloir faire ça ?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin fr Cette clé est utilisée dans le code HTML que votre site sert aux utilisateurs.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin fr Ce PHP n'est pas compilé avec le support de l'IMAP !!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin fr Ce PHP n'est pas compilé avec le support de l'IMAP !
this secret key used for communication between your site and google. be sure to keep it a secret. admin fr Cette clé secrète est utilisée pour la communication entre votre site et Google. Veillez à ce qu'elle reste secrète.
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin fr Expiration pour les données session de l'application en secondes (par défaut 86400 = 1 jour)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin fr Expiration pour les sessions en secondes (par défaut 14400 = 4 heures)
@ -937,12 +938,12 @@ times admin fr Heures
to allow us to track the growth of your individual installation use this submit id, otherwise delete it: admin fr Pour nous permettre de tracer la croissance de votre installation individuelle, utiliser cette ID soumise, sinon effacer la:
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. admin fr Pour utiliser une connexion TLS, vous devez utiliser une version PHP 5.1.0 ou supérieure.
token created. admin fr Token créé.
token not found! admin fr Token non trouvé!
token not found! admin fr Token non trouvé !
token revoked. admin fr Token révoqué.
token saved. admin fr Token sauvegardé.
top admin fr Haut
total of %1 accounts deleted. admin fr Total de %1 compte(s) supprimé(s)
total of %1 id's changed. admin fr Total de %1 id changés
total of %1 id's changed. admin fr Total de %1 ID changés
total records admin fr Enregistrements totaux
translation admin fr Traduction
true admin fr Vrai
@ -955,7 +956,7 @@ two weeks admin fr Deux semaines
type '%1' already exists !!! admin fr Le type '%1' existe déjà !
type of customfield admin fr Type de champ personnalisé
type of field admin fr Type de champ
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin fr Sous windows vous devez installer les services asynchrones %1manuellement%2 ou utiliser le mode "fallback". "Fallback" veut dire que les travaux ne sont vérifiés qu'après chaque affichage de page !!!
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin fr Sous windows vous devez installer les services asynchrones %1manuellement%2 ou utiliser le mode "fallback". "Fallback" veut dire que les travaux ne sont vérifiés qu'après chaque affichage de page!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin fr Réponse inattendue du serveur à la commande AUTHENTICATE.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin fr Réponse inattendue du serveur à la réponse Digest-MD5.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin fr Réponse inattendue du serveur à la commande LOGIN.
@ -974,7 +975,7 @@ upload your favicon or enter the url admin fr Uploader votre icone ou entrer l'U
upload your header logo or enter the url (leave it empty if it is the same as login logo) admin fr Téléchargez votre logo d'en-tête ou entrez l'URL (laissez-le vide s'il est identique au logo de connexion).
upload your logo or enter the url admin fr Uploader votre logo ou entrer l'URL
uppercase, lowercase, number, special char admin fr Majuscule, minuscule, nombre, caractère spécial
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin fr URL de l'installation d'EGroupware, ex. http://domaine.com/egroupware
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin fr URL de l'installation d'EGroupware, ex. https://egw.domaine.com/egroupware
usage admin fr Usage
use admin credentials to connect without a session-password, e.g. for sso admin fr Utiliser les authentifiants admin pour vous connecter à une session sans mot de passe, par exemple pour SSO
use cookies to pass sessionid admin fr Utiliser les cookies pour passer l'ID de session
@ -983,7 +984,7 @@ use ldap defaults admin fr Utiliser les paramètres LDAP par défaut
use predefined username and password defined below admin fr Utiliser les login/mots de passe pré-définis ci-dessous
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin fr Utiliser du code HTML standard (ne fonctionne pas encore complètement)
use save or apply to store the received oauth token! admin fr Utilisez sauvegarder ou appliquer pour stocker le token OAuth reçu!
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin fr Utiliser des cookies sécurisés (transmis seulement par https)
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin fr Utiliser des cookies sécurisés (transmis seulement par HTTPS)
use smtp auth admin fr Utiliser l'authentification SMTP
use theme admin fr Utiliser le thème
use tls authentication admin fr Utiliser l'authentification TLS
@ -1010,7 +1011,9 @@ users can define their own signatures admin fr les utilisateurs peuvent définir
users can utilize these stationery templates admin fr Les utilisateurs peuvent utiliser ces modèles de papiers
users choice admin fr Choix de l'utilisateur
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin fr Utilisation des données de Mozilla ISPDB pour le fournisseur %1
using fallback via regular json requests admin fr Utilisation d'une solution de repli via des requêtes JSON normales
using imap:%1, smtp:%2, oauth:%3: admin fr Utilisation de IMAP:%1, SMTP:%2, OAUTH:%3:
using native swoole push admin fr Utilisation du Push natif de Swoole
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin fr Les messages d'absence avec date de début et de fin doivent être définis par un administrateur !
vacation notice admin fr Message d'absence
valid for admin fr Valide pour
@ -1049,12 +1052,12 @@ you can use wizard to fix account settings or delete account. admin fr Vous pouv
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin fr Vous avez entré une date d'expiration invalide
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin fr Vous n'avez pas défini d'adresse email pour votre utilisateur !
you have received a new message on the admin fr Vous avez reçu un nouveau message sur le
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin fr Vous avez saisi un nom pour créer un nouveau champ !!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin fr Vous avez saisi un nom pour créer un nouveau champ !
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin fr Vous avez saisi un nom pour créer un nouveau type !
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin fr Vous devez ajouter au moins 1 permission ou groupe à ce compte
you must enter a group name. admin fr Vous devez entrer un nom de groupe
you must enter a lastname admin fr Vous devez entrer un nom
you must enter a loginid admin fr Vous devez entrer un loginid
you must enter a loginid admin fr Vous devez entrer un loginID
you must enter an application name and title. admin fr Vous devez entrer un nom d'application et un titre.
you must enter an application name. admin fr Vous devez entrer un nom d'application.
you must enter an application title. admin fr Vous devez entrer un titre d'application.
@ -1,8 +1,32 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin hu %1 %2 jogok %3-ra %4-től %5-ig %1 %2-ig
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin hu %1 - %2 felhasználói hozzáférés a %3 hozzáférésből
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin hu %1 - %2 felhasználói csoport a %3 csoportból
%1 access to other data admin hu %1 hozzáférés más adatokhoz
%1 accounts being activated admin hu %1 fiókok aktiválása
%1 acl entries deleted. admin hu %1 ACL bejegyzések törlése.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin hu %1 ACL bejegyzés törölve a már nem létező felhasználói hozzáférésekből.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin hu %1 nem (már) létező fiókok kategóriái törlésre kerülnek.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin hu %1 kategória '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin hu %1 kategória(k) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin hu %1 kategória(k) %2, %3 sikertelen volt a nem megfelelő jogok miatt!
%1 class not instanciated admin hu %1 class not instanciated
%1 entries deleted admin hu %1 bejegyzés törölve
%1 entries deleted. admin hu %1 bejegyzés törölve.
%1 group %2 admin hu %1 csoport %2
%1 is no command! admin hu %1 nem parancs!
%1 log entries deleted. admin hu %1 naplóbejegyzések törölve.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin hu %1 mail hitelesítő adatok törölve
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin hu %1 nem található, vagy nem futtatható!
%1 phrases saved. admin hu %1 mondat mentve.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin hu %1 jogok %2 és %3 alkalmazás(ok) számára.
%1 run rights for applications admin hu %1 futtatási jogok az alkalmazásokhoz
%1 sessions killed admin hu %1 munkamenet meghalt.
%1 successful admin hu %1 sikeres
%1 token %2. admin hu %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin hu %1 felhasználó %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin hu Mailfiókok (de)aktiválása
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin hu (alapértelmezésként Nem, hagyja ki ha nem használja)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin hu (az imapclass-nak támogatnia kell ezt a funkciót a megfelelő konfigurációs érték lekérdezésével, és alapértelmezett kvótaként át kell adnia az IMAP-kiszolgálónak).
(no subject) admin hu (nincs tárgy)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin hu (a tárolt jelszó nem fog itt megjelenni)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin hu (Új alkalmazás telepítéséhez használja a <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> felületet [Alkalmazások Kezelése].)
@ -27,9 +51,9 @@ account list admin hu Azonosítók listája
account permissions admin hu Azonosító jogosultságai
account preferences admin hu Azonosító beállításai
account-id's have to be integers! admin hu Felhasználói azonosító egész szám kell legyen!
acl added. admin hu hozzáférés engedélyezve
acl added. admin hu Hozzáférés engedélyezve
acl csv export admin hu ACL CSV exportálása
acl deleted. admin hu hozzáférés törölve
acl deleted. admin hu Hozzáférés törölve
acl manager admin hu ACL kezelő
acl rights common hu ACL jogok
action admin hu Művelet
@ -37,11 +61,11 @@ actions admin hu Műveletek
activate admin hu Aktivál
activate wysiwyg-editor admin hu WYSIWYG-szerkesztő engedélyezése
active templates admin hu Aktív vázlatok
add a category admin hu kategória hozzáadása
add a group admin hu csoport hozzáadása
add a category admin hu Kategória hozzáadása
add a group admin hu Csoport hozzáadása
add a new account. admin hu Új azonosító hozzáadása
add a subcategory admin hu alkategória hozzáadása
add a user admin hu felhasználó hozzáadása
add a subcategory admin hu Alkategória hozzáadása
add a user admin hu Felhasználó hozzáadása
add account admin hu Azonosító hozzáadása
add application admin hu Alkalmazás hozzáadása
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin hu Az automatikusan létrehozott felhasználók alapértelmezett csoportja (ha üresen hagyja, akkor a 'Default' csoportba kerülnek!)
@ -54,29 +78,29 @@ add new email address: admin hu Új email cím hozzáadása:
add peer server admin hu Add Peer Server
add profile admin hu Profil hozzáadása
add sub-category admin hu Alkategória hozzáadása
admin dn admin hu Admin dn
admin dn admin hu Admin DN
admin email admin hu Admin email
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin hu Ezek az adminisztrátori emailcímek (vesszével elválasztva) lesznek értesítve a blokkolt IP-címekről és azonosítókról (üresen hagyva nem lesz értesítés)
admin name admin hu Adminisztrátor neve
admin password admin hu adminisztrátor jelszava
admin username admin hu adminisztrátor neve
admin password admin hu Adminisztrátor jelszava
admin username admin hu Adminisztrátor neve
administration admin hu Adminisztráció
admins admin hu Adminisztrátorok
advanced options admin hu haladó beállítások
advanced options admin hu Haladó beállítások
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin hu Mennyi sikertelen belépési kísérlet után legyen az IP-cím blokkolt (alapértelmezésben 3)?
aliases admin hu Álnevek
all categories admin hu Összes kategória
all records and account information will be lost! admin hu Minden bejegyzés és információ törlésre kerül a hozzáférési joggal kapcsolatban!
all users admin hu Összes felhasználó
allow anonymous access to this app admin hu Engedélyezi az anonim hozzáféréseket ehhez az alkalmazáshoz
alternate email address admin hu alternatív emailcím
alternate email address admin hu Alternatív emailcím
anonymous user admin hu Név nélküli felhasználó
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin hu Anonim felhasználó (nem jelenik meg a listázáskor)
anonymous user does not exist! admin hu Anonymous felhasználó nem létezik!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin hu Az Anonymous felhasználónak nincs futtatási joga az alkalmazáshoz!
any application admin hu Bármelyik modul
any group admin hu Bármelyik csoport
any user admin hu bármely felhasználó
any user admin hu Bármely felhasználó
appearance admin hu Megjelenés
application admin hu Alkalmazás
application '%1' not found (maybe not installed or misspelled)! admin hu A(z) '%1' modul nem található (talán nincs telepítve vagy elírás történt)!
@ -85,7 +109,7 @@ application title admin hu Alkalmazás címe
applications admin hu Alkalmazások
applications list admin hu Alkalmazások listája
applications run rights updated. admin hu Modul futási jogok modosítva.
applies the changes admin hu változások végrehajtása
applies the changes admin hu Változások végrehajtása
apply the changes admin hu Változások elfogadása
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin hu Valóban törlésre kerüljön ez az alkalmazás: %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin hu Biztosan törölésre kerüljön ez az azonosító?
@ -97,27 +121,27 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin hu Biztosan törlésre kerül
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin hu Biztosan ki akarja tiltani ezt a hozzáférést?
async services last executed admin hu Feladat ütemező utolsó futása
asynchronous timed services admin hu Feladat ütemező szolgáltatás
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin hu Feladat ütemező szolgáltatás nincs még telepítve vagy egyéb hiba fordult elő (%1) !!!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin hu FTP esetén próbálja használni a megfelelő mime típust az alapértelmezett 'application/octet-stream' helyett.
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin hu Feladat ütemező szolgáltatás nincs még telepítve vagy egyéb hiba fordult elő (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin hu FTP esetén próbálja használni a megfelelő MIME típust az alapértelmezett 'application/octet-stream' helyett.
attribute accountstatus explained admin hu A QMAIL séma <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> tulajdonságát kezeli le.
attribute mail explained admin hu A QMAIL séma <b><i>-mail-</i></b> tulajdonságát kezeli le, soha nem lehet üresen hagyni. Ez egyben ez eGW belső email mezője is.
attribute mail explained admin hu A QMAIL séma <b><i>-mail-</i></b> tulajdonságát kezeli le, soha nem lehet üresen hagyni. Ez egyben ez EGw belső email mezője is.
attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin hu A QMAIL séma <b><i>-mailAlternateAddress-</i></b> tulajdonságát kezeli le és kezelheti úgy, mint virtuális leképezés, illetve aliast.
attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin hu A QMAIL séma <b><i>-mailForwardingAddress-</i></b> tulajdonságát kezeli le, és nem lehet üresen hagyni, ha egyszer már hozzá lett rendelve (a 'ha' utáni rész sántít, de határozottan van ott valami).
authentication / accounts admin hu Azonosítás / Azonosítók
auto create account records for authenticated users admin hu Hitelesített felhasználóknak automatikus hozzáférés generálása.
back to admin/grouplist admin hu Vissza az csoportok adminisztráláshoz
back to admin/userlist admin hu Vissza a felhasználók adminisztráláshoz
back to the list admin hu vissza a listához
back to the list admin hu Vissza a listához
bad login name or password. admin hu Hibás belépési név vagy jelszó.
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin hu Hibás kérés. Szerver válasza: %s
bad request: %s admin hu Hibás kérés: %s
bi-dir passthrough admin hu kétirányú átjáró
bi-directional admin hu kétirányú
bottom admin hu legalsó
bottom admin hu Legalsó
calculate next run admin hu Legközelebbi futás kiszámítása
can be used by application admin hu Ez a modul használhatja
can be used by group admin hu Ez a csoport használhatja
can be used by user admin hu a felhasználó alkalmazhatja
can be used by user admin hu A felhasználó alkalmazhatja
can change password admin hu Megváltoztathatja a jelszavát
cancel testjob! admin hu Tesztfeladat leállítása/törlése!
categories list admin hu Kategóriák listája
@ -135,7 +159,7 @@ color admin hu Szín
connection dropped by imap server. admin hu A kapcsolatot az IMAP szerver eldobta.
continue admin hu Folytat
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin hu Süti tartomány (az alapértelmezett üres jelentése a teljes domain, például a SiteManager esetében a ".domain.com" lehetővé teszi ugyanazon süti használatát az egw.domain.com és a www.domain.com számára is)
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin hu Süti útvonal (többszörös eGW munkamenetet külön könyvtárakba menti, problémákat okozhat a Sitemanager esetében)
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin hu Süti útvonal (többszörös EGw munkamenetet külön könyvtárakba menti, problémákat okozhat a Sitemanager esetében)
could not complete request. reason given: %s admin hu Kérést nem lehet teljesíteni. Az ok: %s
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. admin hu Nem létesíthető titkos csatorna az IMAP szerverhez. %s : %s
country admin hu Ország
@ -143,9 +167,9 @@ country selection admin hu Ország kiválasztása
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin hu CRAM-MD5 vagy DIGEST-MD5 használatához az Auth_SASL csomagot telepíteni kell.
create group admin hu Csoport létrehozása
created admin hu Létrehozva
created with id #%1 admin hu létrehozva a #%1 azonosítóval
created with id #%1 admin hu Létrehozva a #%1 azonosítóval
creates a new field admin hu Új mező létrehozása
crontab only (recomended) admin hu csak crontab (ajánlott)
crontab only (recomended) admin hu Csak crontab (ajánlott)
custom 1 admin hu Egyéni 1
custom 2 admin hu Egyéni 2
custom 3 admin hu Egyéni 3
@ -158,7 +182,7 @@ day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin hu A hét napja<br />(0-6, 0=Vasárnap)
db backup and restore admin hu Adatbázis mentés és helyreállítás
default admin hu Alapértelmezett
default file system space per user admin hu Az alapértelmezett fájlrendszerméret felhasználónként
default file system space per user/group ? admin hu Az alapértelmezett fájlrendszerméret felhasználónként ?
default file system space per user/group ? admin hu Az alapértelmezett fájlrendszerméret felhasználónként?
deinstall crontab admin hu Crontab törlése
delete account admin hu Azonosító törlése
delete all records admin hu Összes bejegyzés törlése
@ -166,14 +190,14 @@ delete application admin hu Alkalmazás törlése
delete category admin hu Kategória törlése
delete group admin hu Csoport törlése
delete peer server admin hu Peer szerver törlése
delete the category admin hu kategória törlése
delete the group admin hu csoport törlése
delete this category admin hu kategória törlése
delete this group admin hu csoport törlése
delete this user admin hu felhasználó törlése
delete the category admin hu Kategória törlése
delete the group admin hu Csoport törlése
delete this category admin hu Kategória törlése
delete this group admin hu Csoport törlése
delete this user admin hu Felhasználó törlése
deleted admin hu törölve
deletes this field admin hu Aktuális mező törlése
deliver extern admin hu külső kézbesítés
deliver extern admin hu Külső kézbesítés
deny access to access log admin hu A hozzáférési naplóhoz történő hozzáférés tiltása
deny access to application registery admin hu Alkalmazás nyilvántartáshoz történő hozzáfárás tiltása
deny access to applications admin hu Az alkalmazásokhoz történő hozzáférés tiltása
@ -190,45 +214,45 @@ deny access to site configuration admin hu A webhely beállításaihoz történ
deny access to user accounts admin hu A felhasználói azonosítókhoz történő hozzáférés tiltása
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin hu Minden felhasználó esetén tiltsa a más felhasználóknak kiadható jogosultság beállítást? Ez esetben pl. nem oszthatja meg a saját naptárát más felhasználóval (ez csak az egyedi engedélyezést befolyásolja, a csoport jogosultságra nincs hatással!)
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin hu A leírás nem haladhatja meg a 255 karaktert!
determines the order the fields are displayed admin hu megjelenített mezők rendezésének meghatározása
determines the order the fields are displayed admin hu Megjelenített mezők rendezésének meghatározása
disable admin hu Letilt
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin hu Az automatikus kiegészítés tiltása a bejelentkezőképernyőn
disable wysiwyg-editor admin hu WYSIWYG-szerkesztő kikapcsolása
disabled (not recomended) admin hu tiltott (nem ajánlott)
disabled (not recomended) admin hu Tiltott (nem ajánlott)
display admin hu Megjelenítés
displaying html messages is disabled admin hu HTML levelek megjelenítése tiltva
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin hu A kategória törlése NÉLKÜL vissza a listázáshoz
do not validate certificate admin hu ne ellenőrizze a tanúsítványt
do not validate certificate admin hu Ne ellenőrizze a tanúsítványt
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin hu Biztosan törlésre kerüljön az összes általános alkategória?
do you really want to delete this profile admin hu Valóban törölni kívánja ezt a profilt
do you really want to reset the filter for the profile listing admin hu Valóban törölni szeretnéd a profillista szűrőt?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin hu Biztosan törlésre kerüljön az összes alkategória?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin hu Biztosan szeretné egy szinttel lejjebb vinni az összes globális alkategóriát?
document root (default) admin hu Dokumentum főkönyvtár (alapértelmezett)
domainname admin hu tartománynév
domainname admin hu Tartománynév
down admin hu Le
edit account admin hu Azonosító szerkesztése
edit application admin hu Alkalmazás módosítása
edit email settings admin hu email beállítások szerkesztése
edit email settings admin hu Email beállítások szerkesztése
edit global category admin hu Általános kategória szerkesztése
edit global category for %1 admin hu %1 általános kategória szerkesztése
edit group admin hu Csoport módosítása
edit group acl's admin hu csoport ACL szerkesztése
edit group acl's admin hu Csoport ACL szerkesztése
edit peer server admin hu Peer szerver szerkesztése
edit table format admin hu Táblázatos formátum szerkesztése
edit this category admin hu kategória szerkesztése
edit this group admin hu csoport szerkesztése
edit this user admin hu felhasználó szerkesztése
edit user admin hu felhasználó szerkesztése
edit this category admin hu Kategória szerkesztése
edit this group admin hu Csoport szerkesztése
edit this user admin hu Felhasználó szerkesztése
edit user admin hu Felhasználó szerkesztése
edit user account admin hu Felhasználói azonosító szerkesztése
egroupware directory admin hu EGroupware könyvtár
email account active admin hu email azonosító aktív
email address admin hu email cím
email account active admin hu Email azonosító aktív
email address admin hu Email cím
email settings common hu Email beállítások
emailadmin admin hu EmailAdmin
emailadmin: group assigned profile common hu eMailAdmin: csoport a profilhoz hozzárendelve
emailadmin: user assigned profile common hu eMailAdmin: felhasználó a profilhoz hozzárendelve
enable admin hu engedélyez
enable admin hu Engedélyez
enable cyrus imap server administration admin hu Cyrus IMAP-kiszolgáló adminisztrációjának engedélyezése
enable debug-messages admin hu Hibajelentő üzenetek engedélyezése
enable sieve admin hu Sieve engedélyezése
@ -236,9 +260,9 @@ enable the soap service admin hu SOAP-szolgáltatás engedélyezése
enable the xmlrpc service admin hu XML-RPC-szolgáltatás engedélyezése
enabled - hidden from navbar admin hu Engedélyezve - Navbarban nem szerepel
enabled - popup window admin hu Engedélyezve - Felugró Ablak
encrypted connection admin hu titkosított kapcsolat
encrypted connection admin hu Titkosított kapcsolat
encryption settings admin hu Titkosítás beállításai
enter a description for the category admin hu a kategória leírásának megadása
enter a description for the category admin hu A kategória leírásának megadása
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin hu Adjon meg néhány véletlenszerűen kiválasztott karaktert<br>az app_session titkosításhoz (mcrypt szükséges)
enter the background color for the login page admin hu A bejelentkezési oldal háttérszíne
enter the background color for the site title admin hu A webhely címének háttérszíne
@ -246,8 +270,8 @@ enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin hu Adj
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin hu Adja meg az ideiglenes fájlok teljes elérési útvonalát.<br>Például: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin hu Adja meg a felhasználók és csoportok fájljainak teljes elérési útvonalát.<br>Például /files, E:\FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin hu Adja meg a felhasználók és csoportok fájljainak teljes elérési útvonalát.<br>Például /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin hu Adja meg a gazdagép nevét, ahol az egw szerver fut.
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin hu Adja meg az EGroupware elérhetőségének az URL-jét.<br>Például: http://www.domain.com/egroupware vagy /egroupware<br><b>Lezáró 'per' jel nélkül!!!</b>
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin hu Adja meg a gazdagép nevét, ahol az EGw szerver fut.
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin hu Adja meg az EGroupware elérhetőségének az URL-jét.<br>Például: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware vagy /egroupware<br><b>Lezáró 'per' jel nélkül!!!</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin hu Keresési szöveg megadása. Az összes bejegyzés megjelenítéséhez hagyja üreset és ismét nyomja meg az ELKÜLD gombot.
enter the site password for peer servers admin hu Adja meg a site jelszót a peer szerverhez
enter the site username for peer servers admin hu Adja meg a site felhasználót a peer szerverhez
@ -262,36 +286,36 @@ enter your http proxy server port admin hu A HTTP-proxy kiszolgáló portszáma
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin hu Az SMTP-kiszolgáló hosztneve vagy IP-címe
enter your smtp server port admin hu Az SMTP-kiszolgáló portszáma
entry saved admin hu Bejegyzés elmentve
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin hu Timer leállítási hiba, talán nincs még beállítva!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin hu Timer leállítási hiba, talán nincs még beállítva!
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin hu Hiba történt az IMAP szerverhez csatlakozás közben. %s : %s
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin hu Hiba történt az IMAP szerverhez csatlakozás közben. [%s ]: %s
error saving account! admin hu Felhasználói hozzáférés mentése sikertelen!
error saving the entry!!! admin hu Bejegyzés mentése közben hiba történt!!!
error saving the entry!!! admin hu Bejegyzés mentése közben hiba történt!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin hu Timer beállítási hiba, rossz szintaxis vagy egy példány már fut!!
error! no appname found admin hu Hiba!! Alkalmazásnév nem található.
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin hu Hiba: %1 nem található vagy egyéb hiba !!!
error! no appname found admin hu Hiba! Alkalmazásnév nem található.
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin hu Hiba: %1 nem található vagy egyéb hiba!
event details follow admin hu Esemény jellemzőinek követése
expires admin hu Lejár
explanation of ldapman admin hu Ez a modul eddig a következőkkel lett tesztelve: Postfix, Ldap, Courier-IMAP és a szükséges sémák: CORE és QMAIL (OID7914). További részleteket találhat a használatról és beállításról a README.ldapman fájlban az ADMIN dokumentum mappájában.
failed to change password. admin hu Sikertelen jelszó változtatás.
fallback (after each pageview) admin hu visszatérés (minden oldalnézet után)
fallback (after each pageview) admin hu Visszatérés (minden oldalnézet után)
field '%1' already exists !!! admin hu '%1' mező már létezik!
file space admin hu Fájl space
file space must be an integer admin hu Fájl space egész értékű kell legyen
filtered by account admin hu Fiók szerint szűrve
filtered by group admin hu Csoport szerint szűrve
for the times above admin hu fent látható időpontokban
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin hu lent látható időpontokban (az üres bejegyzés '*'-ként szerepel, ha minden üres, akkor az egyenértékű a 'minden percben'-el)
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin hu Lent látható időpontokban (az üres bejegyzés '*'-ként szerepel, ha minden üres, akkor az egyenértékű a 'minden percben'-el)
force selectbox admin hu Kényszerített selectbox
forward also to admin hu továbbítsd ide is
forward email's to admin hu email továbbítása ide
forward emails to admin hu email továbbítása ide
forward only admin hu továbbítás csak ide
forward also to admin hu Továbbítsd ide is
forward email's to admin hu Email továbbítása ide
forward emails to admin hu Email továbbítása ide
forward only admin hu Továbbítás csak ide
full name admin hu Teljes Neve
general admin hu Általános
global categories common hu Globális kategóriák
global options admin hu Globális opciók
group ? admin hu csoport?
group ? admin hu Csoport?
group has been added common hu A csoport hozzáadása megtörtént
group has been deleted common hu A csoport törlése megtörtént
group has been updated common hu A csoport frissítése megtörtént
@ -302,12 +326,14 @@ hide php information admin hu PHP információ elrejtése
home directory admin hu Home könyvtár
home screen message admin hu Főképernyőn megjelenő szöveg
host information admin hu Host információ
hostname or ip admin hu Hostnév vagy IP
hour<br>(0-23) admin hu Óra<br />(0-23)
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin hu A hozzáférési listában hány napig legyenek megőrizve az adatok, mielőtt törlődnének (alapértelmezett 90 nap)?
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin hu Hány percig legyenek blokkolva a hozzáférések vagy IP címek (alapértelmezett 30 perc)?
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin hu Új felhasználók email címét hogyan készítsük el?
html/plaintext admin hu HTML/szöveg
icon admin hu Ikon
idle admin hu inaktív
idle admin hu Inaktív
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin hu Ha a felhasználónak vagy összes csoportjának nincs ACL meghatározva
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin hu Ha LDAP-ot használ, kívánja kezelni a Saját könyvtárat és a bejelentkezési héj tulajdonságait?
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin hu SSL vagy TLS használatához a PHP openssl kiterjesztését telepíteni kell.
@ -324,7 +350,7 @@ imap server port admin hu IMAP szerver portja
imap/pop3 server name admin hu IMAP/POP3 szerver neve
importance admin hu Fontosság
in mbyte admin hu MBájtban
inactive admin hu inaktív
inactive admin hu Inaktív
inbound admin hu beérkező
initial admin hu Kezdeti
install crontab admin hu Crontab telepítése
@ -337,19 +363,19 @@ kill admin hu Kitiltás
kill session admin hu Munkamenet kilövése
last %1 logins admin hu Utolsó %1 bejelentkezés
last %1 logins for %2 admin hu %2 utolsó %1 bejelentkezése
last login admin hu utolsó bejelentkezés
last login from admin hu utolsó bejelentkezés címe
last login admin hu Utolsó bejelentkezés
last login from admin hu Utolsó bejelentkezés címe
last time read admin hu Utolsó olvasás időpontja
last updated admin hu Utolsó frissítés
ldap accounts context admin hu LDAP fiók környezet
ldap basedn admin hu LDAP basedn
ldap basedn admin hu LDAP base DN
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin hu LDAP Alapértelmezett Saját könyvtár előtagja (pl. /home a /home/felhasználó formához)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin hu LDAP Alapértelmezett héj (pl. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin hu LDAP titkosítás típusa
ldap groups context admin hu LDAP csoport környezet
ldap host admin hu LDAP hoszt
ldap root password admin hu LDAP root jelszava
ldap rootdn admin hu LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin hu LDAP root DN
ldap server admin hu LDAP szerver
ldap server accounts dn admin hu LDAP szerver accounts DN
ldap server admin dn admin hu LDAP szerver admin DN
@ -358,14 +384,14 @@ ldap server hostname or ip address admin hu LDAP szerver hosztneve vagy IP címe
ldap settings admin hu LDAP beállítások
leave empty for no quota admin hu Hagyja üresen a kvóta figyelmen kívül hagyásához
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin hu Üresen hagyva OAuth használata, ha támogatott
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin hu hagyja érintetlenül a kategóriát és térjen vissza a listához
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin hu Hagyja érintetlenül a kategóriát és térjen vissza a listához
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin hu Hagyja érintetlenül a csoportot és térjen vissza a listához
leave without saveing the entry admin hu kilépés mentés nélkül
leaves without saveing admin hu kilépés mentés nélkül
leave without saveing the entry admin hu Kilépés mentés nélkül
leaves without saveing admin hu Kilépés mentés nélkül
length<br>rows admin hu Sorok<br>Hossza
list config settings admin hu Konfigurációs beállítások listája
list current sessions admin hu Jelenlegi session-ök listája
list of current users admin hu jelenlegi felhasználók listája
list of current users admin hu Jelenlegi felhasználók listája
login history admin hu Bejelentkezések története
login message admin hu Bejelentkezési üzenet
login screen admin hu Bejelentkezési képernyő
@ -379,50 +405,50 @@ manager admin hu Manager
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin hu Legnagyobb felhasználói azonosító (pl. 65535 vagy 1000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin hu Útvonal látogatottság bejegyzések maximális száma
members admin hu Résztvevők
message has been updated admin hu az üzenet frissítve
message has been updated admin hu Az üzenet frissítve
method admin hu Metódus
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin hu Legkisebb felhasználói azonosító (pl. 500 vagy 100)
minute admin hu Perc
mode admin hu Mód
modified admin hu Módosított
month admin hu Hónap
more secure admin hu biztonságosabb
name must not be empty !!! admin hu Név nem lehet üres!!!
more secure admin hu Biztonságosabb
name must not be empty !!! admin hu Név nem lehet üres!
name of organisation admin hu Szervezet neve
new group name admin hu Új csoport neve
new name admin hu új név
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin hu Új jelszó [ üresen hagyva nem lesz változás ]
new name admin hu Új név
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin hu Új jelszó (üresen hagyva nem lesz változás)
next run admin hu Következő futtatás
no algorithms available admin hu nincsenek elérhető algoritmusok
no alternate email address admin hu nincs alternatív email cím
no encryption admin hu titkosítás nélkül
no forwarding email address admin hu nincs továbbküldési email cím
no jobs in the database !!! admin hu Nem található feladat az adatbázisban!!!
no algorithms available admin hu Nincsenek elérhető algoritmusok
no alternate email address admin hu Nincs alternatív email cím
no encryption admin hu Titkosítás nélkül
no forwarding email address admin hu Nincs továbbküldési email cím
no jobs in the database !!! admin hu Nem található feladat az adatbázisban!
no login history exists for this user admin hu Ehhez a felhasználóhoz nem található belépési történet
no matches found admin hu Nincs egyezés
no message returned. admin hu Nincs visszaadott üzenet.
no modes available admin hu nincs elérhetó mód
no permission to add groups admin hu nincs jogosultság csoportok hozzáadására
no permission to add users admin hu nincs jogosultság felhasználók hozzáadására
no permission to create groups admin hu nincs jogosultság csoportok létrehozására
no plain text part found admin hu nem található egyszerű szöveges tartalom
no modes available admin hu Nincs elérhetó mód
no permission to add groups admin hu Nincs jogosultság csoportok hozzáadására
no permission to add users admin hu Nincs jogosultság felhasználók hozzáadására
no permission to create groups admin hu Nincs jogosultság csoportok létrehozására
no plain text part found admin hu Nem található egyszerű szöveges tartalom
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin hu Nem található támogatott IMAP hitelesítés.
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin hu Megjegyzés: SSL csak akkor érhető el, ha a PHP curl támogatással lett lefordítva
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin hu sorok száma a többsoros beviteli mező, vagy egy kiválasztó lista esetén (ilyen 'magas' lesz a doboz/szerkesztő mező)
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin hu Megjegyzés: SSL csak akkor érhető el, ha a PHP Curl támogatással lett lefordítva
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin hu Sorok száma a többsoros beviteli mező, vagy egy kiválasztó lista esetén (ilyen 'magas' lesz a doboz/szerkesztő mező)
oauth authentiction admin hu OAuth hitelesítés
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin hu Ajánlat az EGroupware telepítésére levélkezelőként
one day admin hu Egy nap
one hour admin hu Egy óra
one month admin hu egy hónap
one week admin hu egy hét
one month admin hu Egy hónap
one week admin hu Egy hét
order admin hu Rendezés
organisation admin hu Szervezet
other security configuration admin hu Egyéb biztonsági konfiguráció
outbound admin hu kimenő
outbound admin hu Kimenő
own categories admin hu Saját kategóriák
own install id admin hu Saját telepítési azonosító
own install id: admin hu Saját telepítési azonosító:
passthrough admin hu átmenő
passthrough admin hu Átmenő
password for smtp-authentication admin hu Jelszó az SMTP-azonosításhoz
path information admin hu Útvonal-információ
peer server list admin hu Peer szerver lista
@ -430,8 +456,8 @@ peer servers admin hu Peer szerverek
percent of users that logged out admin hu Rendesen kijelentkezett felhasználók %-ban
percent this user has logged out admin hu Jelenlegi felhasználó rendes kijelentkezése %-ban
permission denied admin hu Hozzáférés megtagadva
permission denied !!! admin hu Hozzáférés megtagadva!!!
permission denied!!! admin hu Hozzáférés megtagadva!!!
permission denied !!! admin hu Hozzáférés megtagadva!
permission denied!!! admin hu Hozzáférés megtagadva!
permissions admin hu Jogok
permissions this group has admin hu A csoport jogosultságai
phpinfo admin hu PHP információk
@ -441,29 +467,29 @@ please run setup to become current admin hu Kérem futtassa a setup-ot hogy a v
please select admin hu Kérem válasszon
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin hu A Plesk nem tudja átnevezni a felhasználókat -> kérés figyelmen kívül hagyva
plesk imap server (courier) admin hu Plesk IMAP Szerver (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin hu Plesk levél szkript '%1' nem található!!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin hu Plesk megköveteli, hogy a jelszó legalább 5 karakter legyen és ne tartalmazza a felhasználói nevet --> jelszó beállítása NEM történt meg!!!
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin hu Plesk levél szkript '%1' nem található!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin hu Plesk megköveteli, hogy a jelszó legalább 5 karakter legyen és ne tartalmazza a felhasználói nevet --> jelszó beállítása NEM történt meg!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin hu Plesk SMTP-Szerver (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin hu POP3 szerver hosztneve vagy IP címe
pop3 server port admin hu POP3 szerver portja
port admin hu portcím
port admin hu Portcím
postfix with ldap admin hu Postfix LDAP-vel
preferences admin hu Tulajdonságok
primary group admin hu elsődleges csoport
profile access rights admin hu profil elérési jogosultságok
profile is active admin hu a profil inaktív
primary group admin hu Elsődleges csoport
profile access rights admin hu Profil elérési jogosultságok
profile is active admin hu A profil inaktív
profile list admin hu Profil lista
profile name admin hu Profilnév
qmaildotmode admin hu qmaildotmode
quota settings admin hu kvóta beállításai
quota size in mbyte admin hu kvóta Mbájtokban
quota settings admin hu Kvóta beállításai
quota size in mbyte admin hu Kvóta Mbájtokban
re-enter password admin hu Jelszó újra
read this list of methods. admin hu Eljárás lista olvasása.
register application hooks admin hu Regisztrálja az alkalmazás visszacsatolást
remove admin hu eltávolítás
remove admin hu Eltávolítás
remove all users from this group admin hu Csoport összes felhasználójának törlése
remove all users from this group ? admin hu Összes felhasználó eltávolítása ebből a csoportból?
reset filter admin hu szűrö törlése
reset filter admin hu Szűrö törlése
rights admin hu Hozzáférés
route all mails to admin hu Összes email irányítása ide:
rows admin hu Sorok
@ -518,7 +544,7 @@ soap admin hu SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin hu Már létezik csoport ezen a néven
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin hu A fenti felhasználók már tagjai az alábbi csoportnak: %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin hu A következő felhasználók már a(z) %1 csoport tagjai
sort the entries admin hu elemek rendezése
sort the entries admin hu Elemek rendezése
ssl admin hu SSL
standard admin hu Szabványos
standard imap server admin hu Szabványos IMAP-kiszolgáló
@ -530,7 +556,7 @@ stationery admin hu Irodaszer
submit changes admin hu Változások elküldése
submit the search string admin hu Keresési szöveg elküldése
subtype admin hu Altípus
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin hu kapcsolja ki, a felhasználókat véletlenszerűen kidobja a rendszer
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin hu Kapcsolja ki, a felhasználókat véletlenszerűen kidobja a rendszer
template selection admin hu Sablon választás
templates admin hu Sablonok
text entry admin hu Szöveges bejegyzés
@ -546,11 +572,11 @@ the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. p
the login and password can not be the same admin hu A felhasználónév és a jelszó nem egyezhet meg
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin hu A bejelentkezési név nem lehet több, mint 8 karakter
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin hu A MIME feldolgozó nem tudta feldolgozni ezt az üzenetet.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin hu a nevet a rendszer használja (<=20 karakter), megváltozása esetén a létező adatok elérhetetlenekké válnak
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin hu A nevet a rendszer használja (<=20 karakter), megváltozása esetén a létező adatok elérhetetlenekké válnak
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin hu A TesztFeladat levelet küld önnek, minden egyes lefutása alkalmával.
the text displayed to the user admin hu a szöveg megjelenítve a felhasználónak
the text displayed to the user admin hu A szöveg megjelenítve a felhasználónak
the two passwords are not the same admin hu A két jelszó nem egyezik
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin hu az alábbi felhasználók még mindig tagjai a(z) %1 csoportnak
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin hu Az alábbi felhasználók még mindig tagjai a(z) %1 csoportnak
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin hu Ezen a néven már egy csoport létezik. Felhasználói azonosító nem lehet ugyanolyan nevű, mint a csoport azonosító
they must be removed before you can continue admin hu El kell távolítani őket a folytatáshoz
this application is current admin hu Az alkalmazás nem igényel frissítést
@ -567,19 +593,19 @@ total records admin hu Összes rekord
translation admin hu Fordítás
trust level admin hu Bizalmi szint
trust relationship admin hu Bizalmi viszony
two weeks admin hu két hét
type '%1' already exists !!! admin hu '%1' típus már létezik!!!
two weeks admin hu Két hét
type '%1' already exists !!! admin hu '%1' típus már létezik!
type of customfield admin hu Egyedi mező típusa
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin hu Windows alatt a feladatütemezőt %1kézzel%2 kell telepíteni, vagy használni a Fallback módot. A Fallback azt jelenti, hogy minden egyes oldal letöltésnél/megjelenítésnél történik a feladatok végrehajtása, ha szükséges!!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin hu Váratlan válasz a szervertől az AUTHENTICATE parancsra.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin hu Váratlan válasz a szervertől a Digest-MD5 parancsra.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin hu Váratlan válasz a szervertől a LOGIN parancsra.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin hu Ismeretlen felhasználói hozzáférés: %1!!!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin hu Ismeretlen felhasználói hozzáférés: %1 !
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin hu Váratlan válasz a szervertől: %s
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin hu Nem támogatott művelet '%1' !!!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin hu Nem támogatott művelet '%1'!
up admin hu Fel
update current email address: admin hu Jelenlegi email cím frissítése:
updated admin hu frissítve
updated admin hu Frissítve
use cookies to pass sessionid admin hu Használjon sütiket a session azonosító átadásához
use default admin hu Használja az alapértelmezettet
use ldap defaults admin hu használja az LDAP alapbeállításokat
@ -594,8 +620,9 @@ user can edit forwarding address admin hu Felhasználó szerkesztheti a tovább
user data common hu Felhasználó adatai
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin hu Felhasználó az SMTP hitelesítéshez (hagyja üresen, ha nem szükséges hitelesíteni)
user groups admin hu Felhasználói csoportok
userdata admin hu felhasználó adatai
username (standard) admin hu felhasználó név (standard)
user-agent admin hu User-Agent
userdata admin hu Felhasználó adatai
username (standard) admin hu Felhasználó név (standard)
username/password defined by admin admin hu Az adminisztrátok által meghatározott felhasználó és jelszó
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin hu felhasználónév@tartománynév (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin hu A felhasználók saját maguk állíthatják be az email postafiókjaikat
@ -608,20 +635,20 @@ view account admin hu Azonosító megtekintése
view category admin hu Kategória megtekintése
view error log admin hu Hibanapló megtekintése
view sessions admin hu Kapcsolatok megtekintése
view this user admin hu felhasználó megtekintése
view this user admin hu Felhasználó megtekintése
view user account admin hu Felhasználói hozzáférés megjelenítése
virtual mail manager admin hu Virtuális MAIL ManaGeR
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin hu Melyik felhasználónak másoljam át az Összes bejegyzést, ami a törölt felhasználóhoz tartozott?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin hu Akarja, hogy az eGW gyorsítótárat használjon a belső info adataihoz?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin hu Akarja, hogy az eGW ellenőrizze az új verzió elérhetőségét,<br>amikor az adminisztrátor belép?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin hu Akarja, hogy az eGW ellenőrizze az alkalmazások új verzióinak elérhetőségét, amikor az adminisztrátor bejelentkezik?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin hu Akarja, hogy az EGw gyorsítótárat használjon a belső info adataihoz?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin hu Akarja, hogy az EGw ellenőrizze az új verzió elérhetőségét,<br>amikor az adminisztrátor belép?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin hu Akarja, hogy az EGw ellenőrizze az alkalmazások új verzióinak elérhetőségét, amikor az adminisztrátor bejelentkezik?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin hu Akarja, hogy a nyelvi állományok automatikusan betöltődjenek (bejelentkezési képernynőn a bejelentkezéssel egy időben)?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin hu Akarja, hogy megjelenítésre kerüljön minden alkalmazás upgrade állapota?
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin hu Érvénytelen adminisztrátor felhasználó vagy jelszó!!!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin hu Érvénytelen adminisztrátor felhasználó vagy jelszó!
xml-rpc admin hu XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin hu Érvénytelen lejárati időt adott meg
you have received a new message on the admin hu Új üzenet érkezett a
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin hu Meg kell adnia egy nevet, hogy az új mezőt létre lehessen hozni!!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin hu Meg kell adnia egy nevet, hogy az új mezőt létre lehessen hozni!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin hu Meg kell adnia egy nevet, hogy az új típust létre lehessen hozni!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin hu Legalább egy engedélyt vagy csoportot hozzá kell adni a felhasználói hozzáféréshez
you must enter a group name. admin hu Meg kell adnia egy csoportnevet.
@ -1,15 +1,35 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin id %1 %2 hak untuk %3 pada %4 hingga %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin id %1 - %2 dari %3 akoun pengguna
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin id %1 - %2 dari %3 kelompok pengguna
%1 access to other data admin id %1 akses ke data lain
%1 accounts being activated admin id %1 akun yang sedang diaktifkan
%1 acl entries deleted. admin id %1 entri ACL dihapus.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin id %1 Catatan ACL dari akun yang sudah tidak ada dihapus.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin id %1 kategori akun yang tidak (lagi) ada dihapus.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin id %1 kategori '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin id %1 kategori %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin id %1 kategori %2, %3 gagal karena hak yang tidak mencukupi!
%1 class not instanciated admin id %1 kelas tidak di-instansiasi
%1 entries deleted admin id %1 entri dihapus
%1 entries deleted. admin id %1 entri dihapus.
%1 group %2 admin id %1 kelompok %2
%1 is no command! admin id %1 tidak ada perintah!
%1 log entries deleted. admin id %1 entri log dihapus.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin id %1 kredensial email dihapus
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin id %1 tidak ditemukan atau tidak dapat dieksekusi!
%1 phrases saved. admin id %1 frasa disimpan.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin id %1 hak untuk %2 dan aplikasi %3 .
%1 run rights for applications admin id %1 menjalankan hak untuk aplikasi
%1 sessions killed admin id %1 sesi dimatikan.
%1 successful admin id %1 berhasil
%1 token %2. admin id %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin id %1 pengguna %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin id (de) Mengaktifkan akun email
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin id Default = Tidak, biarkan saja jika Anda tidak menggunakannya
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin id (imapclass harus mendukung fitur ini dengan meminta nilai konfigurasi yang sesuai dan meneruskannya sebagai defaultquota ke server IMAP)
(no subject) admin id (tanpa subyek)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin id Kata sandi yang tersimpan tidak akan ditampilkan di sini!
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin id Untuk menginstal aplikasi baru, gunakan<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Kelola Aplikasi]!
- type admin id - tipe
1 year admin id 1 tahun
2 month admin id 2 bulan
@ -37,12 +57,12 @@ acl rights common id Hak-hak ACL
action admin id Tindakan
actions admin id Tindakan
activate admin id Aktifkan
activate wysiwyg-editor admin id mengaktifkan WYSIWYG-editor
activate wysiwyg-editor admin id Mengaktifkan WYSIWYG-editor
active templates admin id Templat yang aktif
add a category admin id tambah kategori
add a group admin id tambah kelompok
add a subcategory admin id tambah subkategori
add a user admin id tambah pengguna
add a category admin id Tambah kategori
add a group admin id Tambah kelompok
add a subcategory admin id Tambah subkategori
add a user admin id Tambah pengguna
add account admin id Tambah akoun
add application admin id Tambah aplikasi
add global category admin id Tambah kategori global
@ -54,7 +74,7 @@ add new email address: admin id Tambah alamat email baru:
add peer server admin id Tambah Peer Server
add profile admin id Tambah Profil
add sub-category admin id Tambah sub-kategori
admin dn admin id Admin dn
admin dn admin id Admin DN
admin email admin id Email Admin
admin name admin id Nama Admin
admin password admin id Password Admin
@ -63,14 +83,14 @@ administration admin id Administrasi
admins admin id Admins
advanced options admin id Opsi Canggih
aliases admin id Alias
all applications admin id all applications
all applications admin id All applications
all categories admin id Semua kategori
all users admin id Semua pengguna
alternate email address admin id Alamat email pengganti
anonymous user admin id Anonymous user
any application admin id Semua aplikasi
any group admin id Semua kelompok
any user admin id semua pengguna
any user admin id Semua pengguna
appearance admin id Penampakan
application admin id Aplikasi
application '%1' not found (maybe not installed or misspelled)! admin id Aplikasi '%1' tidak ditemukan (mungkin belum diinstal atau salah ketik)!
@ -78,18 +98,18 @@ application name admin id Nama Aplikasi
application title admin id Judul Aplikasi
applications admin id Aplikasi
applications list admin id Daftar Aplikasi
applies the changes admin id terapkan perubahan
applies the changes admin id Terapkan perubahan
apply the changes admin id Terapkan perubahan
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common id Anda yakin ingin menghapus kategori ini?
asynchronous timed services admin id Asynchronous timed services
authentication / accounts admin id Otentikasi / Akoun
back to admin/grouplist admin id Kembali ke Admin/Daftar Kelompok
back to admin/userlist admin id Kembali ke Admin/Daftar pengguna
back to the list admin id kembali ke daftar
back to the list admin id Kembali ke daftar
bad login name or password. admin id Nama atau password tidak benar.
bi-dir passthrough admin id bi-dir passthrough
bi-directional admin id bi-directional
bottom admin id bawah
bottom admin id Bawah
calculate next run admin id Calculate next run
can change password admin id Dapat mengubah kata sandi
cancel testjob! admin id Batalkan TestJob!
@ -98,7 +118,7 @@ category %1 has been saved ! admin id Kategori %1 telah disimpan!
category deleted. admin id Kategori dihapus.
category list admin id Daftar Kategori
category saved. admin id Kategori disimpan.
change account_id admin id Ubah account_id
change account_id admin id Ubah account_ID
change acl rights admin id Ubah Hak-hak ACL
change config settings admin id Ubah seting konfigurasi
change login screen message admin id Ubah pesan pada layar utama
@ -112,13 +132,13 @@ country selection admin id Pemilihan Negara
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin id CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD5 requires the Auth_SASL package to be installed.
create group admin id Bikin Kelompok
created admin id Dibuat
created with id #%1 admin id dibuat dengan ID #%1
creates a new field admin id bikin field baru
crontab only (recomended) admin id hanya crontab (rekomendasi)
created with id #%1 admin id Dibuat dengan ID #%1
creates a new field admin id Bikin field baru
crontab only (recomended) admin id Hanya crontab (rekomendasi)
custom 1 admin id Kustom 1
custom 2 admin id Kustom 2
custom 3 admin id Kustom 3
custom fields admin id Custom fields
custom fields admin id Bidang khusus
cyrus imap server admin id Server Cyrus IMAP
cyrus imap server administration admin id Administrasi server Cyrus IMAP
data admin id Data
@ -134,40 +154,40 @@ delete category admin id Hapus kategori
delete group admin id Hapus kelompok
delete peer server admin id Hapus peer server
delete selected entries admin id Hapus entri terpilih
delete the category admin id hapus kategori
delete the group admin id hapus kelompok
delete this category admin id hapus kategori ini
delete this group admin id hapus kelompok ini
delete the category admin id Hapus kategori
delete the group admin id Hapus kelompok
delete this category admin id Hapus kategori ini
delete this group admin id Hapus kelompok ini
delete this log entry admin id Hapus entri log ini
delete this user admin id hapus pengguna ini
delete this user admin id Hapus pengguna ini
deleted admin id terhapus
deletes this field admin id hapus field ini
deliver extern admin id pengiriman eksternal
deletes this field admin id Hapus field ini
deliver extern admin id Pengiriman eksternal
deny access admin id Deny Access
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin id Panjang uraian tidak boleh melebihi 255 karakter!
determines the order the fields are displayed admin id menentukan urutan field ditampilkan
disable admin id Disable
disable wysiwyg-editor admin id disable WYSIWYG-editor
disabled (not recomended) admin id disabled (not recomended)
determines the order the fields are displayed admin id Menentukan urutan field ditampilkan
disable admin id Nonaktifkan
disable wysiwyg-editor admin id Nonaktifkan editor WYSIWYG
disabled (not recomended) admin id Dinonaktifkan (tidak disarankan)
display admin id Tampilan
document root (default) admin id Document root (default)
domainname admin id Nama Domain
down admin id turun
down admin id Turun
edit account admin id Edit akoun
edit application admin id Edit aplikasi
edit email settings admin id Edit pengaturan email
edit global category admin id Edit kategori global
edit global category for %1 admin id Edit kategori global untuk %1
edit group admin id Edit Kelompok
edit group acl's admin id edit ACL kelompok
edit group acl's admin id Edit ACL kelompok
edit peer server admin id Edit Peer Server
edit table format admin id Edit format Tabel
edit this category admin id edit kategori ini
edit this group admin id edit kelompok ini
edit this user admin id edit pengguna ini
edit user admin id edit pengguna
edit this category admin id Edit kategori ini
edit this group admin id Edit kelompok ini
edit this user admin id Edit pengguna ini
edit user admin id Edit pengguna
edit user account admin id Edit akoun pengguna
egroupware directory admin id direktori EGroupware
egroupware directory admin id Direktori EGroupware
egroupware version admin id Versi EGroupware
email account active admin id Akoun Email aktif
email address admin id Alamat Email
@ -175,21 +195,21 @@ email settings common id Pengaturan Email
emailadmin admin id AdminEMail
emailadmin: group assigned profile common id AdminEMail: Profil menurut kelompok
emailadmin: user assigned profile common id AdminEMail: Profil menurut pengguna
enable admin id enable
enable debug-messages admin id Enable debug-messages
enable admin id Aktifkan
enable debug-messages admin id Mengaktifkan pesan debug.
enable sieve admin id Bolehkan Sieve
encrypted connection admin id koneksi ter-enkripsi
encrypted connection admin id Koneksi ter-enkripsi
encryption settings admin id Pengaturan Enkripsi
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin id Berikan nama domain email anda (dari: pengguna@domain)
entry saved admin id Entri disimpan
error saving admin id Error menyimpan
error saving account! admin id Error menyimpan akoun!
error saving the entry!!! admin id Error saving the entry!!!
error saving the entry!!! admin id Kesalahan menyimpan entri!
event details follow admin id Berikut adalah detil Kegiatan
expires admin id Kadaluarsa
failed to change password. admin id Gagal mengubah password.
false admin id false
file space admin id File space
false admin id Salah
file space admin id Ruang file
filtered by account admin id Saringan menurut Akoun
filtered by group admin id Saringan menurut Kelompok
forward only admin id Hanya Forward
@ -197,7 +217,7 @@ full name admin id Nama Lengkap
general admin id Umum
global categories common id Kategori Global
global options admin id Opsi Global
group ? admin id kelompok?
group ? admin id Kelompok?
group has been added common id Kelompok telah dibuat
group has been deleted common id Kelompok telah dihapus
group has been updated common id Kelompok telah dikinikan
@ -205,58 +225,58 @@ group list admin id Daftar Kelompok
group manager admin id Manajer Kelompok
group name admin id Nama Kelompok
hash admin id Hash
hide php information admin id hide php information
home directory admin id Home directory
hide php information admin id Menyembunyikan informasi PHP
home directory admin id Direktori rumah
home screen message admin id Pesan layar utama
host information admin id Host information
host information admin id Informasi host
hour<br>(0-23) admin id Jam<br>(0-23)
icon admin id Ikon
idle admin id idle
idle admin id Menganggur
imap admin password admin id Password admin IMAP
imap admin user admin id Admin IMAP
imap c-client version < 2001 admin id IMAP C-Client Version < 2001
imap server admin id IMAP Server
importance admin id Importance
in mbyte admin id dalam MByte
inactive admin id tidak aktif
inactive admin id Tidak aktif
inbound admin id inbound
initial admin id Initial
install crontab admin id Pasang crontab
install id admin id Install ID
install id admin id Instal ID
installation type admin id Tipe Instalasi
installed applications common id Aplikasi terpasang
installed crontab admin id Installed crontab
instance admin id Instance
interface admin id Interface
installed crontab admin id Crontab yang sudah diinstal
instance admin id Contoh
interface admin id Antarmuka
ip admin id IP
jobs admin id Jobs
kill admin id Kill
kill session admin id Kill session
last %1 logins admin id Last %1 logins
last %1 logins for %2 admin id Last %1 logins for %2
last login admin id last login
last login from admin id last login from
last submission: admin id Last submission:
last time read admin id Last Time Read
last login admin id Login terakhir
last login from admin id Login terakhir dari
last submission: admin id Pengiriman terakhir:
last time read admin id Terakhir kali membaca
last updated admin id Terakhir diperbarui
ldap accounts context admin id LDAP accounts context
ldap basedn admin id LDAP basedn
ldap accounts context admin id Konteks akun LDAP
ldap basedn admin id LDAP base DN
ldap encryption type admin id LDAP encryption type
ldap groups context admin id LDAP groups context
ldap host admin id LDAP host
ldap root password admin id LDAP root password
ldap rootdn admin id LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin id LDAP root DN
ldap server admin id LDAP server
ldap settings admin id Pengaturan LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin id Kosongkan bila tanpa kuota
leave without saveing the entry admin id tinggalkan tanpa menyimpan entri
leaves without saveing admin id tinggalkan tanpa menyimpan
leave without saveing the entry admin id Tinggalkan tanpa menyimpan entri
leaves without saveing admin id Tinggalkan tanpa menyimpan
length<br>rows admin id Length<br>Rows
limit to members of admin id Terbatas untuk anggota dari
list config settings admin id Daftar pengaturan konfigurasi
list current sessions admin id Daftar sesi sekarang
list of current users admin id daftar pengguna sekarang
logged out admin id logged out
list of current users admin id Daftar pengguna sekarang
logged out admin id Logged out
login history admin id Riwayat Login
login message admin id Login message
login screen admin id Login screen
@ -276,17 +296,17 @@ minute admin id Menit
mode admin id Mode
modified admin id Diubah
month admin id Bulan
more secure admin id lebih aman
more secure admin id Lebih aman
name of organisation admin id Nama Organisasi
new group name admin id Nama kelompok baru
new name admin id nama baru
new name admin id Nama baru
next run admin id Next run
no algorithms available admin id no algorithms available
no alternate email address admin id tanpa alamat email pengganti
no encryption admin id tanpa enkripsi
no algorithms available admin id No algorithms available
no alternate email address admin id Tanpa alamat email pengganti
no encryption admin id Tanpa enkripsi
no matches found admin id No matches found
no modes available admin id no modes available
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin id number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box
no modes available admin id No modes available
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin id Jumlah baris untuk bidang input multi-baris atau baris dari kotak multi-pilihan
oauth authentiction admin id Otentikasi OAuth
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin id Menawarkan untuk menginstal EGroupware sebagai penangan email
one day admin id Satu hari
@ -297,26 +317,26 @@ operating system admin id Sistem Operasi
order admin id Urutan
organisation admin id Organisasi
other security configuration admin id Konfigurasi keamanan lainnya
outbound admin id outbound
outbound admin id Outbound
own categories admin id Kategori sendiri
own install id admin id ID penginstalan sendiri
own install id: admin id Own install ID:
passthrough admin id passthrough
passthrough admin id Passthrough
password for smtp-authentication admin id Password for SMTP-authentication
password updated admin id Password updated
path information admin id Path information
peer server list admin id Peer server list
peer servers admin id Peer servers
permission denied admin id Ijin ditolak
permission denied !!! admin id Ijin ditolak !!!
permission denied!!! admin id Ijin ditolak!!!
permission denied !!! admin id Ijin ditolak!
permission denied!!! admin id Ijin ditolak!
permissions admin id Perijinan
personal: eg. within a family admin id Personal: eg. within a family
php version admin id PHP Version
phpinfo admin id PHP information
please enter a name admin id Mohon masukan nama
please select admin id Mohon Pilih
port admin id port
port admin id Port
postfix with ldap admin id Postfix with LDAP
postpone for admin id Postpone for
preferences admin id Kesukaan
@ -325,15 +345,15 @@ profile list admin id Daftar Profil
profile name admin id Nama Profil
qmaildotmode admin id qmaildotmode
quota settings admin id Pengaturan Kuota
quota size in mbyte admin id ukuran kuota dalam MByte
quota size in mbyte admin id Ukuran kuota dalam MByte
re-enter password admin id Masukan-ulang password
remove admin id Buang
requested admin id Diminta
reset filter admin id ulangi penyaringan
reset filter admin id Ulangi penyaringan
rights admin id Hak
rows admin id Rows
save the category admin id Simpan kategori ini
saves the changes made and leaves admin id simpan perubahan dan tinggalkan
saves the changes made and leaves admin id Simpan perubahan dan tinggalkan
saves this entry admin id Simpan entri ini
search accounts admin id Cari akoun
search categories admin id Cari kategori
@ -357,7 +377,7 @@ show access log admin id Tampilkan log akses
show current action admin id Tampilkan tindakan saat ini
show error log admin id Tampilkan log error
show phpinfo() admin id Tampilkan phpinfo()
sieve server hostname or ip address admin id Sieve server hostname or ip address
sieve server hostname or ip address admin id Sieve server hostname or IP address
sieve server port admin id Sieve server port
sieve settings admin id Pengaturan Sieve
site admin id Situs
@ -376,7 +396,7 @@ standard pop3 server admin id Server POP3 Standar
standard smtp-server admin id Server SMTP Standar
start admin id Mulai
start testjob! admin id Start TestJob!
starts with admin id diawali dengan
starts with admin id Diawali dengan
stationery admin id Stationery
submit changes admin id Submit Changes
submit displayed information? admin id Submit displayed information?
@ -384,18 +404,18 @@ submit statistic information admin id Submit statistic information
submit to egroupware.org admin id Submit to egroupware.org
subtype admin id Subtype
subversion checkout admin id Subversion checkout
success admin id sukses
success admin id Sukses
template selection admin id Pemilihan Templat
templates admin id Templat
text entry admin id Text Entry
the api is current admin id The API is current
the two passwords are not the same admin id Kedua password tidak sama
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin id pengguna berikut ini masih menjadi anggota kelompok %1
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin id Pengguna berikut ini masih menjadi anggota kelompok %1
times admin id Times
top admin id atas
top admin id Atas
total records admin id Total rekaman
translation admin id Terjemahan
true admin id true
true admin id True
trust level admin id Trust Level
trust relationship admin id Trust Relationship
two days admin id Dua hari
@ -404,19 +424,20 @@ two months admin id Dua bulan
two weeks admin id Dua minggu
type of customfield admin id Type of customfield
unexpected response from server to login command. admin id Unexpected response from server to LOGIN command.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin id Akoun takdikenal: %1 !!!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin id Akoun takdikenal: %1 !
unknown command %1! admin id Perintah %1 tak dikenal!
unknown option %1 admin id Opsi %1 tak dikenal
up admin id naik
up admin id Naik
update current email address: admin id Memperbarui alamat email saat ini:
updated admin id dikinikan
updated admin id Dikinikan
use default admin id Gunakan bawaan
use theme admin id Gunakan tema
user accounts admin id Akoun pengguna
user data common id Data Pengguna
user groups admin id Kelompok Pengguna
userdata admin id data pengguna
username (standard) admin id namapengguna (standar)
user-agent admin id User-Agent
userdata admin id Data pengguna
username (standard) admin id Namapengguna (standar)
username/password defined by admin admin id Namapengguna/Password dibuat oleh admin
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin id username@domainname (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
users choice admin id Pilihan Pengguna
@ -429,5 +450,5 @@ view this user admin id lihat pengguna ini
view user account admin id Lihat akoun pengguna
virtual mail manager admin id Virtual MAIL ManaGeR
xml-rpc admin id XML-RPC
your name admin id Your name
your name admin id Nama Anda
your session could not be verified. admin id Sesi anda tidak dapat diperiksa.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
%1 is no command! admin it %1 non è un comando!
%1 log entries deleted. admin it %1 voci di registro eliminate.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin it %1 credenziali di posta eliminate
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin it %1 non trovato o non eseguibile !!!
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin it %1 non trovato o non eseguibile!
%1 phrases saved. admin it %1 frasi salvate
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin it %1 diritti per %2 e applicazioni %3 .
%1 run rights for applications admin it %1 diritti di esecuzione per applicazioni
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
%1 user %2 admin it %1 utente %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin it (dis)attivare account email
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin it Predefinito = No, lascialo così se non lo usi
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin it (imapclass deve supportare questa funzionalità interrogando il valore corrispondente in configurazione e passandolo come defaultquota al server imap)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin it (imapclass deve supportare questa funzionalità interrogando il valore corrispondente in configurazione e passandolo come defaultquota al server IMAP)
(no subject) admin it (nessun oggetto)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin it La password memorizzata non verrà mostrata qui
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin it (Per installare nuove applicazioni utilizzare<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Gestione Applicazioni] !!!)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin it (Per installare nuove applicazioni utilizzare<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Gestione Applicazioni]!)
- type admin it - tipo
1 year admin it 1 anno
2 month admin it 2 mesi
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ account "%1" has no email address --> not notified! admin it L'account "%1" non
account "%1" has no plaintext password! admin it L'account "%1" NON ha una password in testo semplice!
account %1 %2 admin it Account %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin it Account '%1' eliminato.
account '%1' not found !!! admin it Account '%1' non trovato !!!
account '%1' not found !!! admin it Account '%1' non trovato!
account active admin it Account attivo
account deleted. admin it Account cancellato
account has been created common it L'account è stato creato
@ -72,18 +72,18 @@ acl updated. admin it ACL aggiornata
action admin it Azione
actions admin it Azioni
activate admin it Attiva
activate wysiwyg-editor admin it attiva editor WYSIWYG
activate wysiwyg-editor admin it Attiva editor WYSIWYG
activated admin it attivato
activated again admin it attivato di nuovo
active mail accounts admin it Account email attivo
active templates admin it Modelli attivi
active this token again admin it Attiva di nuovo questo token
add a category admin it aggiungi una categoria
add a group admin it aggiungi un gruppo
add a category admin it Aggiungi una categoria
add a group admin it Aggiungi un gruppo
add a new account. admin it Aggiungi un nuovo account.
add a new remote instance admin it Aggiungi una istanza remota
add a subcategory admin it aggiunti una sotto-categoria
add a user admin it aggiungi un utente
add a subcategory admin it Aggiunti una sotto-categoria
add a user admin it Aggiungi un utente
add account admin it Aggiunti un account
add application admin it Aggiungi applicazione
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin it Aggiungi a questo gruppo gli utenti creati automaticamente (verrà usato 'Default' se questo campo risulta vuoto.)
@ -99,18 +99,18 @@ add sub-category admin it Aggiungi sotto-categoria
add user admin it Aggiungi utente
add user or group admin it Aggiungi utente o gruppo
added admin it aggiunto
admin dn admin it dn amministratore
admin email admin it Email Amministratore
admin dn admin it DN amministratore
admin email admin it Email amministratore
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin it Indirizzo e-mail dell'amministratore (separato da virgole) che sarà avvisato del blocco (vuoto per nessun avviso)
admin name admin it Nome Amministratore
admin password admin it password amministratore
admin name admin it Nome amministratore
admin password admin it Password amministratore
admin queue and history admin it Coda e storico di amminstrazione
admin username admin it username amministratore
admin username admin it Username amministratore
administration admin it Amministrazione
admins admin it Amministratori
advanced options admin it opzioni avanzate
advanced options admin it Opzioni avanzate
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin it Dopo quanti tentativi falliti di accesso dovrebbe essere bloccato un account. Predefinito = 3
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin it Dopo quanti tentativi falliti di login, un IP deve essere bloccato (predefinito 3) ?
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin it Dopo quanti tentativi falliti di login, un IP deve essere bloccato (predefinito 3)?
aliases admin it Alias
all accounts admin it Tutti gli account
all acls admin it Tutte le ACL
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ allow users to change forwards admin it Permetti agli utenti di modificare gli i
allow users to create identities for aliases admin it Permettere agli utenti di creare identità per gli alias
allowed for get requests, default in modern browsers, if attribute is not set admin it consentito per le richieste di ricezione, impostazione predefinita nei browser moderni, se l'attributo non è impostato
allowed just as second factor admin it consentito solo come secondo fattore
alternate email address admin it indirizzo email alternativo
alternate email address admin it Indirizzo email alternativo
and logged in admin it e collegato
anonymous user admin it Utente anonimo
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin it Utente Anonimo (non visualizzato nella lista delle sessioni)
@ -148,25 +148,25 @@ applications available on mobile devices admin it Applicazioni disponibili sui d
applications list admin it Elenco applicazioni
applications run rights updated. admin it Permessi di esecuzione applicazioni aggiornati.
applications this group can use admin it Applicazioni che questo gruppo può utilizzare
applies the changes admin it applica le modifiche
applies the changes admin it Applica le modifiche
apply changes admin it Applica modifiche
apply the changes admin it Applica le modifiche
archive: zip or tar admin it Archivia: zip o tar
archive: zip or tar admin it Archivia: ZIP o tar
are you sure you want to %1 mail for selected accounts? admin it Sei sicuro di voler %1 mail per gli account selezionati?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare l'applicazione %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin it Vuoi davvero eliminare questo account ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin it Vuoi davvero eliminare questa applicazione ?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common it Vuoi davvero eliminare questa categoria ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin it Vuoi davvero eliminare questo account?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin it Vuoi davvero eliminare questa applicazione?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common it Vuoi davvero eliminare questa categoria?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questa categoria globale ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin it Vuoi davvero eliminare questo gruppo ?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin it Vuoi davvero eliminare questo server ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin it Vuoi davvero terminare questa sessione ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin it Vuoi davvero eliminare questo gruppo?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin it Vuoi davvero eliminare questo server?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin it Vuoi davvero terminare questa sessione?
async services last executed admin it Ultima esecuzione dello Schedulatore
asynchronous timed services admin it Schedulatore
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin it Schedulatore non ancora installato o altro errore (%1) !!!
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin it Schedulatore non ancora installato o altro errore (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin it Cerca di usare il mimetype corretto per l'FTP invece di quello di predefinito 'application/octet-stream'
attribute accountstatus explained admin it Questo gestisce l'attributo <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> dallo schema QMAIL.
attribute mail explained admin it Questo gestisce l'attributo <b><i>-mail-</i></b> dallo schema QMAIL e non deve mai essere vuoto. Esso è anche il campo interno di email di eGW.
attribute mail explained admin it Questo gestisce l'attributo <b><i>-mail-</i></b> dallo schema QMAIL e non deve mai essere vuoto. Esso è anche il campo interno di email di EGw.
attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin it Questo gestisce l'attributo <b><i>-mailAlternateAddress-</i></b> dallo schema QMAIL e può essere gestito come mappe virtuali o alias.
attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin it Questo gestisce l'attributo <b><i>-mailForwardingAddress-</i></b> dallo schema QMAIL e non deve essere vuoto se assegnato.
attributes admin it Attributi
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ automatically transfer entries owned by the user: admin it Trasferisci automatic
available placeholders admin it Variabili disponibili
back to admin/grouplist admin it Indietro alla lista Admin / Group
back to admin/userlist admin it Indietro alla lista Admin / User
back to the list admin it torna alla lista
back to the list admin it Torna alla lista
backup directory %1 mounted as %2 admin it Cartella di backup %1 montata come %2
bad login name or password. admin it Nome utente o password errati.
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin it Richiesta errata o mal composta. Il Server ha risposto: %s
@ -185,15 +185,15 @@ bad request: %s admin it Richiesta errata: %s
bi-dir passthrough admin it passthrough bidirezionale
bi-directional admin it bidirezionale
blocking after wrong password admin it Blocca dopo password errata
bottom admin it in fondo
bottom admin it In fondo
bulk password reset admin it Reimpostazione massiva password
by admin it Da
by selecting a user or group you effectively delete the mail account for all other users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin it Selezionando un utente o un gruppo si elimina di fatto l'account di posta di tutti gli altri utenti! <br>Si è davvero sicuri di volerlo fare?
calculate next run admin it Calcola prossima esecuzione
calendar recurrence horizont in days (default 1000) admin it L'orizzonte di ricorrenza dell'agenda espresso in giorni. Valore predefinito = 1000
can be used by application admin it può essere usato da applicazione
can be used by group admin it può essere usato da gruppo
can be used by user admin it può essere usato dall'utente
can be used by application admin it Può essere usato da applicazione
can be used by group admin it Può essere usato da gruppo
can be used by user admin it Può essere usato dall'utente
can change password admin it Può cambiare la password
can not change users into groups, same sign required! admin it Non è possibile cambiare gli utenti in gruppi, è richiesto lo stesso segno!
cancel changes admin it Annulla modifiche
@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin it Controlla ACL p
check categories for not (longer) existing accounts admin it Controlla categorie per account non più esistenti
check ip address of all sessions admin it Controlla l'indirizzo IP di tutte le sessioni
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin it Controlla voci a <b>%1</b> a %2 per %3
checking push (green for success or red for failure) admin it Controllare PUSH (verde = OK, rosso per non OK)
children admin it Figli
clear cache and register hooks admin it Pulisci la memoria temporanea e registra gli agganci
clear credentials admin it Elimina credenziali
@ -284,7 +285,7 @@ db backup and restore admin it Backup e ripristino DB
deactivate admin it Disattiva
deactivated admin it Disattivato
debug admin it Correggi errori
default admin it predefinito
default admin it Predefinito
default file system space per user admin it Spazio sul filesystem predefinito per l'utente
default file system space per user/group ? admin it Spazio sul filesystem predefinito per utente/gruppo ?
default of currently admin it predefinito attuale
@ -301,8 +302,8 @@ delete identity admin it Cancella identità
delete including sub-entries admin it Elimina insieme alle sottovoci
delete peer server admin it Cancella server peer
delete selected entries admin it Rimuovi le voci selezionate
delete the category admin it cancella la categoria
delete the group admin it cancella il gruppo
delete the category admin it Cancella la categoria
delete the group admin it Cancella il gruppo
delete the selected entries admin it Rimuovi le voci selezionate
delete this access control admin it Elimina Controllo di accesso
delete this account admin it Cancella questo account
@ -329,7 +330,7 @@ deny access to phpinfo admin it Nega l'accesso al phpinfo
deny access to site configuration admin it Nega l'accesso alla configurazione del sito
deny access to user accounts admin it Nega l'accesso alla gestione degli account utente
deny all users access to create and manage private categories ? admin it Nega l'accesso a tutti gli utenti alla creazione e la gestione delle categorie private.
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin it Nega a tutti gli utenti l'accesso ai dati inseriti dagli altri utenti ?
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin it Nega a tutti gli utenti l'accesso ai dati inseriti dagli altri utenti?
deny all users access to preferences ? admin it Nega l'accesso alle preferenze a tutti gli utenti
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin it La descrizione non può essere più lunga di 255 caratteri!
destination account #%1 does exist and is not renamed itself! can not merge accounts, it will violate unique contains. delete with transfer of data instead. admin it L'account di destinazione #%1 non esiste e non viene rinominato autonomamente! Non è possibile fondere gli account, violerebbe le regole di univocità. Eliminare trasferendo prima i dati.
@ -338,15 +339,15 @@ direct login without password or second factor admin it login diretto senza pass
disable admin it Disabilita
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin it Disabilita l' "auto completamento" del form di login
disable all admin it Disabilitare tutto
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin it Disabilita la compressione di file javascript e css
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin it Disabilita la compressione di file JavaScript e CSS
disable pgp encryption (mailvelope) admin it Disabilita codifica PGP (Mailvelope)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin it disabilita editor WYSIWYG
disabled admin it disattivato
disabled (not recomended) admin it disabilitato (non consigliato)
disabled, do not show on login page admin it disabilitato, non mostrare nella pagina di accesso
disable wysiwyg-editor admin it Disabilita editor WYSIWYG
disabled admin it Disattivato
disabled (not recomended) admin it Disabilitato (non consigliato)
disabled, do not show on login page admin it Disabilitato, non mostrare nella pagina di accesso
display admin it Visualizza
displayed length of input field (set rows=1 to limit length) admin it lunghezza del campo di inserimento (impostare righe=1 per limitare la lunghezza)
displaying html messages is disabled admin it la visualizzazione html dei messaggi è disabilitata
displaying html messages is disabled admin it la visualizzazione HTML dei messaggi è disabilitata
displaying plain messages is disabled admin it la visualizzazione semplice dei messaggi è disabilitata
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin it NON eliminare la categoria e torna alla lista
do not generate email addresses admin it Non generare indirizzi email
@ -357,27 +358,27 @@ do not validate certificate admin it Non convalidare il certificato
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin it Vuoi eliminare anche tutte le sotto-categorie globali ?
do you really want to delete this profile admin it Vuoi davvero cancellare questo profilo?
do you really want to reset the filter for the profile listing admin it Vuoi davvero reimpostare il filtro per l'elenco dei profili?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin it Vuoi cancellare tutte le sotto-categorie globali ?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin it Vuoi spostare tutte le sotto-categorie globali sotto di un livello ?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin it Vuoi cancellare tutte le sotto-categorie globali?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin it Vuoi spostare tutte le sotto-categorie globali sotto di un livello?
document root (default) admin it Directory di default del webserver
domainname admin it nome dominio
domainname admin it Nome dominio
down admin it Giù
download csv admin it Scarica CSV
each value is a line like id[=label], or use @path to read options from a file in egroupware directory admin it ogni valore è una riga come id[=label], oppure usare @percorso per le opzioni di lettura da un file nella directory EPL
each value is a line like id[=label], or use @path to read options from a file in egroupware directory admin it ogni valore è una riga come id[=label], oppure usare @path per leggere le opzioni da un file nel VFS
each value is a line like label=[javascript] admin it ogni valore è una riga come label=[javascript]
edit account admin it Modifica account
edit application admin it Modifica Applicazione
edit email settings admin it modifica impostazioni email
edit email settings admin it Modifica impostazioni email
edit global category admin it Modifica la categoria globale
edit global category for %1 admin it Modifica la categoria globale per %1
edit group admin it Modifica Gruppo
edit group acl's admin it modifica le ACL del gruppo
edit group admin it Modifica gruppo
edit group acl's admin it Modifica le ACL del gruppo
edit peer server admin it Modifica Peer Server
edit table format admin it Modifica il formato della tabella
edit this category admin it modifica questa categoria
edit this group admin it modifica questo gruppo
edit this user admin it modifica questo utente
edit user admin it modifica utente
edit this category admin it Modifica questa categoria
edit this group admin it Modifica questo gruppo
edit this user admin it Modifica questo utente
edit user admin it Modifica utente
edit user account admin it Modifica account dell'utente
edited admin it modificato
educational: universities, schools, ... admin it Enti formativi: Università, Scuole, ...
@ -385,27 +386,27 @@ egroupware directory admin it Directory di EGroupware
egroupware tutorial admin it Tutorial EGroupware
egroupware version admin it Versione EGroupware
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin it Sia ID e password di configurazione sono necessari, oppure l'hash remoto!
email account active admin it account email attivo
email address admin it indirizzo email
email account active admin it Account email attivo
email address admin it Indirizzo email
email settings common it Impostazioni email
emailadmin admin it Gestione Email
emailadmin admin it Gestione email
emailadmin: group assigned profile common it eMailAdmin: Profilo assegnato al gruppo
emailadmin: user assigned profile common it eMailAdmin: Profilo assegnato all'utente
empty to not change admin it vuota da NON modificare
enable admin it Abilita
enable cyrus imap server administration admin it abilita amministrazione Server IMAP Cyrus
enable cyrus imap server administration admin it Abilita amministrazione Server IMAP Cyrus
enable debug-messages admin it Attiva i messaggi di debug
enable sieve admin it abilita Sieve
enable sieve admin it Abilita Sieve
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin it Abilita il controllo ortografico nell'editor di testo
enable the soap service admin it Attiva servizio soap
enable the xmlrpc service admin it Attiva servizio xmlrpc
enabled admin it abilitato
enabled admin it Abilitato
enabled - hidden from navbar admin it Attivo - nascosto dalla barra di navigazione
enabled - popup window admin it Attivo - Finestra Popup
encrypted connection admin it Connessione criptata
encryption admin it codifica
encryption settings admin it impostazioni cifratura
enter a description for the category admin it inserisci una descrizione per la categoria
encryption admin it Codifica
encryption settings admin it Impostazioni cifratura
enter a description for the category admin it Inserisci una descrizione per la categoria
enter a passphrase if you would like to protect your private key by password. admin it Inserisci una parola d'ordine se vuoi proteggere la tua chiave privata con password.
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin it Inserisci del testo casuale per la cifratura di app_session (richiede mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin it Inserisci il colore di background per la pagina di login
@ -415,14 +416,14 @@ enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin it Inse
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin it Inserisci il percorso completo per i file di utenti e gruppi.<br>Esempio: /files, E:\FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin it Inserisci il percorso completo per i file di utenti e gruppi.<br>Esempio: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin it Inserisci l'hostname della macchina su cui sta girando questo server
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin it Inserisci la locazione dell'URL di EGroupware.<br>Esempio: http://www.domain.com/egroupware o /egroupware<br><b>senza slash finale</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin it Inserisci la locazione dell'URL di EGroupware.<br>Esempio: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware o /egroupware<br><b>senza slash finale</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin it Inserisci la stringa di ricerca. Per vedere tutta la lista, svuota il campo e premi ancora il pulsante INVIA
enter the site password for peer servers admin it Inserisci la password per i peer server
enter the site username for peer servers admin it Inserisci il nome utente per i peer server
enter the title for your site admin it Inserisci il titolo per il tuo sito
enter the title of your logo admin it Inserisci il titolo del tuo logo
enter the url where your logo should link to admin it Inserisci l'url a cui punterà il tuo logo
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin it Inserisci il percorso VFS dove immagini, icone e logo aggiuntivi potranno essere memorizzati e localizzati dalle applicazioni di EGroupware. <br> Il percorso DEVE iniziare con / ed essere leggibile da parte di tutti gli utenti
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin it Inserisci il percorso VFS dove immagini, icone e logo aggiuntivi potranno essere memorizzati e localizzati dalle applicazioni di EGroupware.<br>Il percorso DEVE iniziare con / ed essere leggibile da parte di tutti gli utenti
enter your default ftp server admin it Inserire il server FTP predefinito
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin it Inserisci il dominio predefinito per l'email ( Da: utente@dominio )
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin it Inserisci il tuo dominio di posta predefinito (da: utente@dominio)
@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ enter your smtp server port admin it Inserisci la porta del server SMTP
entries admin it Inserimenti
entries owned by the user: admin it Inserimenti dell utente:
entry saved admin it Inserimento salvato
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin it Errore cancellando il timer, forse non è impostato !!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin it Errore cancellando il timer, forse non è impostato!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin it Errore durante il cambio password per %1 !
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin it Errore in connessione al server IMAP. %s : %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin it Errore in connessione al server IMAP: [%s] %s.
@ -445,11 +446,11 @@ error saving account! admin it Errore nel salvataggio dell'account
error saving the command! admin it Errore durante il salvataggio del comando!
error saving the entry!!! admin it Errore durante il salvataggio dell'inserimento
error saving to db: admin it Errore durante il salvataggio nel database!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin it Errore impostando il timer, sintassi sbagliata o forse uno è già in esecuzione !!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin it Errore impostando il timer, sintassi sbagliata o forse uno è già in esecuzione!
error storing token! admin it Errore nella memorizzazione del token!
error! no appname found admin it Errore! Nome applicazione non trovato
error, no username! admin it Errore, nessun nome utente!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin it Errore: %1 non trovato o altro errore !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin it Errore: %1 non trovato o altro errore!
event details follow admin it Errore, manca il nome utente
exists admin it Esiste
expired admin it Scaduto
@ -466,9 +467,9 @@ failed to delete account! admin it Errore nella cancellazione dell'account
failed to mount backup directory! admin it Non è stato possibile montare la cartella di backup!
failed to save user! admin it Non è stato possibile salvare i dati dell'utente
failed to upload %1 admin it Impossibile caricare %1
fallback (after each pageview) admin it fallback (dopo ogni cambio pagina)
fallback (after each pageview) admin it Fallback (dopo ogni cambio pagina)
false admin it Falso
field '%1' already exists !!! admin it Il campo '%1' esiste già !!!
field '%1' already exists !!! admin it Il campo '%1' esiste già!
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin it File rifiutato, non %2. è: %1
file space admin it Spazio per i file
file space must be an integer admin it Lo spazio per i file deve essere un intero
@ -477,7 +478,7 @@ filtered by account admin it Filtrati per account
filtered by group admin it Filtrati per gruppo
folder acl admin it Permessi ACL della cartella
for the times above admin it Per il tempo sovrastante
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin it per i tempi sottostanti (un valore vuoto equivale a '*', tutti vuoti = ogni minuto)
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin it Per i tempi sottostanti (un valore vuoto equivale a '*', tutti vuoti = ogni minuto)
forbid users to create identities admin it Impedire agli utenti la creazione di identità
force selectbox admin it Forza elenco a discesa
force users to change their password regularily?(empty for no,number for after that number of days admin it Imposta l'obbligo di modifica periodica della password. Immetti il numero di giorni. Vuoto = Nessun obbligo di cambio periodico della password
@ -502,7 +503,7 @@ grant admin it Consenti
group #%1 must have negative sign! admin it Il gruppo #%1 deve avere segno negativo!
group %1 %2 admin it Gruppo %1 %2
group '%1' deleted. admin it Gruppo '%1' eliminato
group ? admin it Gruppo ?
group ? admin it Gruppo?
group csv export admin it Esportazione gruppi CSV
group csv import admin it Esportazione gruppi CSV
group excepted from above export limit (admins are always excepted) admin it Gruppo eccettuato dal limite di esportazione di cui sopra (gli amministratori sono sempre accettati)
@ -513,7 +514,7 @@ group list admin it Lista Gruppi
group manager admin it Gestore del Gruppo
group name admin it Nome Gruppo
hash admin it Hash
hide php information admin it Nascondi informazioni php
hide php information admin it Nascondi informazioni PHP
hide sidebox video tutorials admin it Nascondi il box laterale con i tutorial video
home directory admin it Cartella Personale
home screen message admin it Messaggio nella schermata principale
@ -526,7 +527,7 @@ how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin it Quanti minuti un account o un IP rimarrà bloccato (predefinito 30) ?
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin it Come deve essere strutturata la mail per i nuovi utenti ?
how username get constructed admin it Come viene costruito il nome utente
html/plaintext admin it html/testo
html/plaintext admin it HTML/testo
icon admin it Icona
identity admin it Identità
identity deleted admin it Identità cancellata
@ -584,34 +585,34 @@ last %1 logins admin it Ultimi %1 login
last %1 logins for %2 admin it Ultimi %1 login per %2
last action admin it Ultima azione
last ip admin it Ultimo IP
last login admin it ultimo login
last login from admin it ultimo login da
last login admin it Ultimo login
last login from admin it Ultimo login da
last password change admin it Ultima modifica password
last submission: admin it Ultimo invio dati:
last time read admin it Ultima volta letto
last updated admin it Ultimo aggiornamento
ldap accounts context admin it contesto account LDAP
ldap accounts context admin it Contesto account LDAP
ldap basedn admin it LDAP basedn
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin it prefisso predefinito per le homedirectory LDAP (es. /home per /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin it shell predefinita LDAP (es: /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin it tipo di cifratura LDAP
ldap groups context admin it contesto gruppi LDAP
ldap host admin it host LDAP
ldap root password admin it password di root LDAP
ldap rootdn admin it LDAP rootdn
ldap server admin it server LDAP
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin it Prefisso predefinito per le homedirectory LDAP (es. /home per /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin it Shell predefinita LDAP (es: /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin it Tipo di cifratura LDAP
ldap groups context admin it Contesto gruppi LDAP
ldap host admin it Host LDAP
ldap root password admin it Password di root LDAP
ldap rootdn admin it LDAP root DN
ldap server admin it Server LDAP
ldap server accounts dn admin it DN account server LDAP
ldap server admin dn admin it DN amministratore server LDAP
ldap server admin password admin it password amministratore server LDAP
ldap server admin password admin it Password amministratore server LDAP
ldap server hostname or ip address admin it Nome host o IP server LDAP
ldap settings admin it impostazioni LDAP
ldap settings admin it Impostazioni LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin it Lascia vuoto per nessuna quota
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin it Lasciare vuoto per usare OAuth, se supportato
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin it lascia le categorie inalterate e ritorna alla lista
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin it Lascia le categorie inalterate e ritorna alla lista
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin it Lascia i gruppi inalterati e ritorna alla lista
leave unchanged admin it Lascia inalterato
leave without saveing the entry admin it Esci senza salvare la voce
leaves without saveing admin it esce senza salvare
leaves without saveing admin it Esce senza salvare
length admin it Lunghezza
length<br>rows admin it Lunghezza<br>Righe
lifetime of 'remember me' token admin it Tempo di validità per "Ricordami"
@ -619,7 +620,7 @@ limit global category to members of a certain group admin it Limita la categoria
limit to members of admin it Limita ai membri di
list config settings admin it Lista impostazioni di configurazione
list current sessions admin it Lista sessioni currenti
list of current users admin it lista utenti attivi
list of current users admin it Lista utenti attivi
log user-agent and action of changes in history-log of entries admin it Registra lo user-agent e operazioni di modifica nelle voci dello storico
logged out admin it Uscito
login history admin it Cronologia Collegamenti
@ -646,7 +647,7 @@ maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin it ID massimo per l'account (es
maximum entries in click path history admin it Voci massime cliccando nella history dei path
mb used admin it MB utilizzati
members admin it Membri
message has been updated admin it il messaggio è stato aggiornato
message has been updated admin it Il messaggio è stato aggiornato
method admin it Metodo
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin it ID minimo per l'account (es. 500 or 100, etc.)
minute admin it Minuti
@ -656,17 +657,17 @@ month admin it Mese
more secure admin it Molto sicuro
mount backup directory to %1 admin it Monta la cartella di backup su %1
must change password upon next login admin it Deve cambiare password al prossimo accesso
name must not be empty !!! admin it Il nome non può essere vuoto !!!
name must not be empty !!! admin it Il nome non può essere vuoto!
name of account admin it Nome Utente
name of organisation admin it Nome dell'organizzazione
name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin it Nome della istanza EGroupware
new group name admin it Nome nuovo gruppo
new name admin it nuovo nome
new name admin it Nuovo nome
new password admin it Nuova password
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin it Nuova password [ Lascia in bianco per non cambiarla ]
next run admin it Prossima esecuzione
no algorithms available admin it nessun algoritmo disponibile
no alternate email address admin it nessun indirizzo email alternativo
no algorithms available admin it Nessun algoritmo disponibile
no alternate email address admin it Nessun indirizzo email alternativo
no default account found! admin it Nessun account predefinito trovato!
no encryption admin it Nessuna cifratura
no forwarding email address admin it Nessun indirizzo email di inoltro
@ -730,7 +731,7 @@ percent this user has logged out admin it Percentuale di logout di quest'utente
periodic admin it Periodico
permission denied admin it Permesso negato
permission denied !!! admin it Permesso negato!
permission denied!!! admin it Permesso negato!!!
permission denied!!! admin it Permesso negato!
permissions admin it Permessi
permissions this group has admin it Permessi che questo gruppo ha
personal: eg. within a family admin it Personale: per esempio in una famiglia
@ -751,7 +752,7 @@ plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin it Script Plesk '%1' non trovato
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin it Plesk richiede password con almeno 5 caratteri e che non deve contenere il nome account --> password NON impostata
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin it Server SMTP Plesk (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin it Nome host o IP server POP3
pop3 server port admin it porta server POP3
pop3 server port admin it Porta server POP3
port admin it Porta
postfix with ldap admin it Postfix con LDAP
postpone for admin it Rimanda per
@ -777,7 +778,7 @@ remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > si
remote instance saved admin it Istanza remota salvata
remove admin it Rimuovi
remove all users from this group admin it Rimuovi tutti gli utenti da questo gruppo
remove all users from this group ? admin it Rimuovi tutti gli utenti da questo gruppo ?
remove all users from this group ? admin it Rimuovi tutti gli utenti da questo gruppo?
removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. are you sure? users in these groups may no longer have access: admin it La rimozione dell'accesso ai gruppi può provocare problemi per i dati di questa categoria. Sei sicuro di volerlo fare? Gli utenti di questi gruppi potrebbero non avere più l'accesso:
renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! admin it Rinominare l'utente "anonimo" (anonymous) renderà inutilizzabile la condivisione di file e Collabora Online Office!
requested admin it Richiesto
@ -787,11 +788,11 @@ requires 'openid / oauth2 server' app. admin it Richiede l'app 'OpenID / OAuth2
reset filter admin it Reimposta filtro
revoke admin it Revocare
revoke this token admin it Revoca questo token
revoked admin it revocato
revoked admin it Revocato
rights admin it Diritti
route all mails to admin it Indirizza tutte le mail a
rows admin it Righe
rpm or debian package admin it Pacchetto RPM o Debian
rpm or debian package admin it Pacchetto RPM o deb
run admin it esegui
run asynchronous services admin it Esegui lo Schedulatore
run rights for applications admin it diritti di esecuzione per le applicazioni
@ -825,17 +826,17 @@ select type of imap/pop3 server admin it Seleziona il tipo si server IMAP/POP3
select type of smtp server admin it Seleziona il tipo di server SMTP
select users admin it Seleziona utenti
select users for inclusion admin it Seleziona utenti per l'inclusione
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin it seleziona il modo per memorizzare/recuperare le informazioni sul filesystem
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin it seleziona il modo per memorizzare/recuperare gli account utente
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin it Seleziona il modo per memorizzare/recuperare le informazioni sul filesystem
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin it Seleziona il modo per memorizzare/recuperare gli account utente
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin it Seleziona in quale punto della Barra di Navigazione, dal più basso (sinistra) al più alto (destra), deve apparire questa applicazione
selectbox admin it Elenco a discesa
send using this email-address admin it Invia utilizzando questo indirizzo email
server %1 has been updated admin it Il Server %1 è stato aggiornato
server list admin it Elenco Server
server password admin it Password del Server
server settings admin it impostazioni server
server type(mode) admin it Tipo di Server(modo)
server url admin it URL del Server
server list admin it Elenco server
server password admin it Password del server
server settings admin it Impostazioni server
server type(mode) admin it Tipo di server (modo)
server url admin it URL del server
server username admin it Username per il server
sessions admin it Sessioni
sessions last 30 days admin it Sessioni negli ultimi 30 giorni
@ -844,7 +845,7 @@ set preference values. admin it Imposta i valori delle preferenze
settings admin it Impostazioni
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin it Le eccezioni dovrebbero contenere tracce, inclusi gli argomenti delle funzioni
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin it Includere nella pagina di login un elenco a discesa per selezionare la lingua (utile per i siti-demo) ?
show 'powered by' logo on admin it Visualizza il logo 'creato con'
show 'powered by' logo on admin it Visualizza il logo 'Powered by'
show access log admin it Visualizza i log di accesso
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin it Mostra come facoltativa, ma è necessaria una volta che l'utente l'ha configurata.
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin it Mostra come obbligatorio, ma solo una volta che l'utente l'ha configurato
@ -854,25 +855,25 @@ show members admin it Visualizza membri
show phpinfo() admin it Visualizza phpinfo()
show session ip address admin it Visualizza l'indirizzo IP della sessione
sieve server hostname or ip address admin it Nome host o IP server Sieve
sieve server port admin it porta server Sieve
sieve settings admin it impostazioni Sieve
sieve server port admin it Porta server Sieve
sieve settings admin it Impostazioni Sieve
site admin it Sito
skip imap admin it Salta IMAP
skipping imap configuration! admin it Salta la configurazione IMAP
smtp authentication admin it autenticazione smtp
smtp options admin it opzioni smtp
smtp server admin it Server SMT (posta in uscita)
smtp server name admin it nome server SMTP
smtp settings admin it impostazioni smtp
smtp authentication admin it Autenticazione SMTP
smtp options admin it Opzioni SMTP
smtp server admin it Server SMTP (posta in uscita)
smtp server name admin it Nome server SMTP
smtp settings admin it Impostazioni SMTP
smtp-server hostname or ip address admin it Nome host o IP server SMTP
smtp-server port admin it porta server SMTP
smtp-server port admin it Porta server SMTP
soap admin it SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin it Spiacente, questo nome di gruppo è già stato utilizzato
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin it Spiacente, l'utente è ancora membro del gruppo %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin it Spiacente, i seguenti utenti sono ancora membri del gruppo %1
sort the entries admin it ordina le voci
sort the entries admin it Ordina le voci
source account #%1 does not exist! admin it L'account di origine #%1 non esiste!
ssl admin it ssl
ssl admin it SSL
standard admin it Standard
standard identity admin it Identità di base
standard imap server admin it Server IMAP standard
@ -912,12 +913,12 @@ the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. p
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin it L'ID di installazione di un'istanza può essere trovato in Amministrazione > Configurazione del sito
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin it L'ID di installazione può essere trovato sotto Admin > Configurazione per tutto il sito
the login and password can not be the same admin it La login e la pasword non possono essere uguali
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin it La loginid non può essere più lunga di 8 caratteri
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin it La login ID non può essere più lunga di 8 caratteri
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin it Il parser MIME non riesce ad elaborare questo messaggio
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin it il nome utilizzato internamente (<= 20 caratteri), la sua modifica rende non disponibili i dati esistenti
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin it il nome usato internamente (<= 20 caratteri), cambiarlo rende i dati esistenti indisponibili
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin it Il TestJob invia una e-mail ogni volta che viene richiamato.
the text displayed to the user admin it il testo mostrato all'utente
the text displayed to the user admin it Il testo mostrato all'utente
the two passwords are not the same admin it Le due password non coincidono
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin it L'utente sottostante fa ancora parte del gruppo %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin it C'è già un gruppo con questo nome. L'ID utente non può avere lo stesso nome di un gruppo.
@ -940,7 +941,7 @@ token created. admin it Token creato.
token not found! admin it Token non trovato!
token revoked. admin it Token revocato.
token saved. admin it Token salvato.
top admin it in alto
top admin it In alto
total of %1 accounts deleted. admin it Un totale di %1 account cancellati.
total of %1 id's changed. admin it Totale di %1 id modificati
total records admin it Inserimenti totali
@ -952,18 +953,18 @@ two days admin it Due giorni
two hours admin it Due ore
two months admin it Due mesi
two weeks admin it Due settimane
type '%1' already exists !!! admin it il tipo '%1' esiste già !!!
type '%1' already exists !!! admin it Il tipo '%1' esiste già !
type of customfield admin it Tipo di campo personalizzato
type of field admin it Tipo di campo
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin it Sotto windows devi installare lo schedulatore %1manualmente%2 o usare la modalità fallback. Fallback significa che i lavori vengono controllati solo dopo ogni vista pagina !!!
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin it Sotto windows devi installare lo schedulatore %1manualmente%2 o usare la modalità fallback. Fallback significa che i lavori vengono controllati solo dopo ogni vista pagina!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin it Risposta inaspettata dal server al comando AUTHENTICATE
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin it Risposta inaspettata dal server alla risposta Digest-MD5
unexpected response from server to login command. admin it Risposta inaspettata dal server al comando LOGIN
unknown account: %1 !!! admin it Account ignoto: %1 !
unknown command %1! admin it Comando %1 ignoto !
unknown command %1! admin it Comando %1 ignoto!
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin it Riposta non riconosciuta dal server IMAP %s
unknown option %1 admin it Opzione %1 ignota !
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin it Azione non supportata '%1' !!!
unknown option %1 admin it Opzione %1 ignota!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin it Azione non supportata '%1'!
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin it Impossibile salvare la categoria con le impostazioni attuali. Controlla la consistenza:
up admin it Su
update current email address: admin it Aggiorna l'indirizzo email attuale:
@ -974,16 +975,16 @@ upload your favicon or enter the url admin it Carica la tua favicon o inserisci
upload your header logo or enter the url (leave it empty if it is the same as login logo) admin it Carica il logo di testata oppure inseriscine l'URL (lasciare vuoto se fosse lo stesso logo della schermata di login)
upload your logo or enter the url admin it Caricare il tuo logo oppure inseriscine l'URL (lasciare vuoto se fosse lo stesso logo della schermata di login)
uppercase, lowercase, number, special char admin it Maiuscole, minuscole, numeri, caratteri speciali
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin it URL della installazione EGroupware, p.es. http://dominio.com/egroupware
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin it URL della installazione EGroupware, p.es. https://egw.dominio.com/egroupware
usage admin it Utilizzo
use admin credentials to connect without a session-password, e.g. for sso admin it Utilizzare le credenziali di amministrazione per connettersi senza una password di sessione, ad esempio per SSO.
use cookies to pass sessionid admin it utilizza i cookie per passare l'id di sessione
use cookies to pass sessionid admin it Utilizza i cookie per passare l'id di sessione
use default admin it Usa il predefinito
use ldap defaults admin it usa predefiniti LDAP
use ldap defaults admin it Usa predefiniti LDAP
use predefined username and password defined below admin it Utilizza il nome utente e la password definiti qui sotto
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin it Usa codice HTML compliant (non ancora completamente implementato)
use save or apply to store the received oauth token! admin it Utilizzare save o apply per memorizzare il token OAuth ricevuto!
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin it Usa cookie sicuri (trasmessi solo via https)
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin it Usa cookie sicuri (trasmessi solo via HTTPS)
use smtp auth admin it Usa autenticazione SMTP
use theme admin it Utilizza il tema
use tls authentication admin it Usa autenticazione TLS
@ -997,7 +998,7 @@ user csv import admin it Importazione CSV utente
user data common it Dati utente
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin it User per autenticazione SMTP (lascia vuoto se non è richiesta autenticazione)
user groups admin it Gruppi utenti
user-agent admin it Agente utente
user-agent admin it User-Agent
userdata admin it Dati utente
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin it UserId@dominio p.es. u1234@dominio
username (standard) admin it Nome utente (standard)
@ -1010,7 +1011,9 @@ users can define their own signatures admin it Gli utenti possono definire le lo
users can utilize these stationery templates admin it Gli utenti possono utilizzare questi modelli
users choice admin it Scelta dell'utente
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin it Utilizzo dei dati da Mozilla ISPDB per il provider %1
using fallback via regular json requests admin it Utilizzo del fallback tramite normali richieste JSON
using imap:%1, smtp:%2, oauth:%3: admin it Utilizzando IMAP:%1, SMTP:%2, OAUTH:%3:
using native swoole push admin it Utilizzo di Swoole Push nativo
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin it Il messaggio di assenza (ferie) con data inizio e data fine richiede che sia impostato un account di amministratore
vacation notice admin it Notifica vacanze
valid for admin it Valido per
@ -1025,11 +1028,11 @@ view this user admin it visualizza questo utente
view user account admin it Visualizza account utente
virtual mail manager admin it ManaGeR MAIL Virtuale
warn users about the need to change their password? the number set here should be lower than the value used to enforce the change of passwords every x days. only effective when enforcing of password change is enabled. (empty for no,number for number of days before they must change) admin it Imposta il numero di giorni per informare gli utenti in anticipo circa la modifica forzata della password. Vuoto = nessun avviso inviato
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin it Le informazioni inviate servono soltanto per avere una panoramica dell'utilizzo si Egroupware nel mondo
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin it Le informazioni inviate servono soltanto per avere una panoramica dell'utilizzo si EGroupware nel mondo
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin it Non registriamo dati identificativi.
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin it A chi vuoi trasferire TUTTI i dati di questo utente?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin it A chi si desidera trasferire i record dell'utente cancellato?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin it Vuoi che EGroupware utilizzi la cache per l'array egw info?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin it Vuoi che EGroupware utilizzi la cache per l'array EGroupware info?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin it Vuoi che EGroupware controlli se c'è una nuova versione<br>quando un amministratore effettua il login ?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin it Vuoi che EGroupware controlli se ci sono nuove versioni delle applicazioni<br>quando un amministratore effettua il login ?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin it Vuoi caricare automaticamente i nuovi file di traduzione (al momento del login) ?
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
%1 access to other data admin ja 「%1」が他者のデータにアクセス可能
%1 accounts being activated admin ja %1 アカウントがアクティブになりました。
%1 acl entries deleted. admin ja %1 個の ACL 項目を削除しました。
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin ja %1 ACL records of not longer existing accounts deleted.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin ja %1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin ja 存在しなくなったアカウントの %1 ACL レコードが削除されました。
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin ja 既存のアカウント以外の %1 カテゴリが削除されました。
%1 category '%2' %3 admin ja %1 カテゴリ '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin ja %1 個のカテゴリを%2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin ja %1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!!
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin ja 権限が不十分なため、%1 カテゴリ %2、%3 に失敗しました!
%1 class not instanciated admin ja %1 クラスがインスタンス化されていません。
%1 entries deleted admin ja %1 つのエントリが削除されました。
%1 entries deleted. admin ja %1 個の項目を削除しました。
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin ja 既定 = いいえ(使用しない場合はいいえ)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin ja (imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver)
(no subject) admin ja (件名無し)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin ja Stored password will not be shown here!
(stored password will not be shown here) admin ja 保存されたパスワードはここには表示されません!
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin ja To install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Manage Applications]!
- type admin ja - タイプ
1 year admin ja 1年
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ all records and account information will be lost! admin ja すべてのレコー
all users admin ja 全てのユーザ
allow anonymous access to this app admin ja このアプリケーションに対する匿名ユーザのアクセスを許可
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin ja リモート管理を許可するインストール ID(コンマ区切りで複数指定可)
allow users to change forwards admin ja Allow users to change forwards
allow users to create identities for aliases admin ja Allow users to create identities for aliases
allow users to change forwards admin ja ユーザによるフォワードの変更を許可する
allow users to create identities for aliases admin ja ユーザがエイリアスの ID を作成できるようにする
alternate email address admin ja 代替メール・アドレス
and logged in admin ja ログインしました
anonymous user admin ja 匿名ユーザ
@ -122,13 +122,14 @@ anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin ja 匿名ユーザにする(
anonymous user does not exist! admin ja 匿名ユーザが存在しません!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin ja Anonymous user has NO run-rights for the application!
anonymous user. not shown in list sessions. admin ja 匿名ユーザにする(セッション一覧で非表示)
any application admin ja Any application
any group admin ja Any group
any user admin ja Any user
any application admin ja 任意のアプリケーション
any group admin ja 任意のグループ
any user admin ja 任意のユーザ
appearance admin ja 外観
application admin ja アプリケーション
application '%1' not found (maybe not installed or misspelled)! admin ja Application '%1' not found. Maybe it is not installed or is misspelled!
application '%1' not found (maybe not installed or misspelled)! admin ja アプリケーション '%1' が見つかりません。インストールされていないか、スペルが間違っている可能性があります!
application name admin ja アプリケーション名
application passwords admin ja アプリケーション・パスワード
application title admin ja アプリケーション・タイトル
applications admin ja アプリケーション
applications available on mobile devices admin ja モバイル・デバイスで利用するアプリケーション
@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ applications list admin ja アプリケーション一覧
applications run rights updated. admin ja アプリケーション実行権限を更新しました。
applies the changes admin ja 変更を適用しました。
apply the changes admin ja 変更を適用
archive: zip or tar admin ja アーカイブ: zip または tar
archive: zip or tar admin ja アーカイブ: ZIP または tar
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin ja アプリケーション %1 を削除してよろしいですか?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin ja このアカウントを削除してよろしいですか?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin ja このアプリケーションを削除してよろしいですか?
@ -160,9 +161,9 @@ available placeholders admin ja 利用可能なプレース・ホルダー
back to admin/grouplist admin ja 管理者/グループ 一覧に戻る
back to admin/userlist admin ja 管理者/グループ 一覧に戻る
back to the list admin ja 一覧に戻る
backup directory %1 mounted as %2 admin ja Backup directory %1 mounted as %2
backup directory %1 mounted as %2 admin ja バックアップ・ディレクトリ %1 が %2 としてマウントされました。
bad login name or password. admin ja ログイン名またはパスワードが不正です。
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin ja Bad or malformed request. %s
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin ja 不正な、または不正な形式の要求です。%s
bad request: %s admin ja 不正なリクエスト: %s
bi-dir passthrough admin ja 双方向パススルー
bi-directional admin ja 双方向
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ can be used by user admin ja Can be used by user
can change password admin ja パスワード変更可能
can not change users into groups, same sign required! admin ja Can NOT change users into groups, same sign required!
cancel testjob! admin ja テスト・ジョブをキャンセル!
cancel this scheduled command admin ja Cancel this scheduled command
cancel this scheduled command admin ja このスケジュールされたコマンドをキャンセルする
categories list admin ja カテゴリ一覧
category %1 has been saved ! admin ja カテゴリ %1 を保存しました!
category deleted. admin ja カテゴリを削除しました。
@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ children admin ja 子孫
clear cache and register hooks admin ja キャッシュをクリアしてフックを再登録
click to select a color admin ja クリックして色を選択
color admin ja 色
command scheduled to run at %1 admin ja Command scheduled to run at %1
command scheduled to run at %1 admin ja コマンドは %1 で実行するようにスケジュールされています。
commercial: all sorts of companies admin ja 商用: 会社
config password or md5 hash from the header.inc.php admin ja Config password or md5 hash from the header.inc.php.
configuration saved. admin ja 設定を保存しました。
@ -212,9 +213,9 @@ continue admin ja 次へ
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin ja クッキー・ドメイン。空欄(既定)を指定するとフル・ドメイン名を使用。
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin ja クッキー・パス
could not append message: admin ja メッセージを追加できませんでした:
could not complete request. reason given: %s admin ja Could not complete request. %s
could not complete request. reason given: %s admin ja 要求を完了できませんでした。%s
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. admin ja Could not open secure connection to the IMAP server. %s : %s.
could not remote execute the command admin ja Could not remote execute the command
could not remote execute the command admin ja コマンドをリモート実行できませんでした。
country admin ja 国
country selection admin ja 国の選択
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin ja CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD5 requires the Auth_SASL package to be installed.
@ -243,8 +244,8 @@ db backup and restore admin ja DB バックアップ/復元
deactivate admin ja 無効化
debug admin ja デバッグ
default admin ja 既定
default file system space per user admin ja Default file system space per user
default file system space per user/group ? admin ja Default file system space per user/group?
default file system space per user admin ja ユーザごとの既定のファイル・システム領域
default file system space per user/group ? admin ja ユーザ/グループごとの既定のファイル・システム領域?
deinstall crontab admin ja crontab をアンインストール
delete account admin ja アカウントを削除
delete account %s admin ja アカウント %s を削除
@ -291,7 +292,7 @@ determines the order the fields are displayed admin ja 項目の表示順
disable admin ja 無効化
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin ja Disable "auto completion" of the login form
disable all admin ja 全て無効化
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin ja JavascriptとCSSファイルののミニファイを抑止
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin ja JavaScriptとCSSファイルののミニファイを抑止
disable wysiwyg-editor admin ja WYSIWYGエディタを無効化
disabled (not recomended) admin ja 無効(非推奨)
display admin ja 表示
@ -345,7 +346,7 @@ enable debug-messages admin ja デバッグ・メッセージを有効化
enable sieve admin ja Sieve を有効化
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin ja リッチ・テキスト・エディタでスペルチェックを有効化
enable the soap service admin ja SOAP サービスを有効化
enable the xmlrpc service admin ja xmlrpc サービスを有効化
enable the xmlrpc service admin ja XML-RPC サービスを有効化
enabled - hidden from navbar admin ja 可能 - ナビゲーション非表示
enabled - popup window admin ja 有効 - ポップアップ・ウィンドウ
encrypted connection admin ja 暗号化接続
@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin ja Ente
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin ja Enter the full path for users and group files.<br>Examples: /files, E:\FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin ja Enter the full path for users and group files.<br>Examples: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin ja EGroupware が動作するホスト名
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin ja EGroupware の URL を入力してください。<br>例: http://www.domain.com/egroupware<br><b>最後にスラッシュ文字(/)を付けないこと</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin ja EGroupware の URL を入力してください。<br>例: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware<br><b>最後にスラッシュ文字(/)を付けないこと</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin ja Enter the search string. To show all entries, empty this field and press the SUBMIT button again
enter the site password for peer servers admin ja ピア・サーバのパスワードを入力してください
enter the site username for peer servers admin ja ピア・サーバのユーザ名を入力してください
@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin ja ユー
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin ja LDAP 利用時のホームディレクトリとログインシェルの情報
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin ja If using SSL or TLS, you must have the PHP openssl extension loaded.
if you ignore that error as admin, you should check "%1"! admin ja If you ignore that error as admin, you should check "%1"!
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin ja if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that)
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin ja Sieveサーバのポートとしてポート5190を指定すると、SieveのSSLが強制されます(サーバがサポートしている必要があります)。
imap admin password admin ja IMAP admin password
imap admin user admin ja IMAP admin user
imap c-client version < 2001 admin ja IMAP C-Client Version < 2001
@ -493,7 +494,7 @@ installed crontab admin ja インストール済み crontab
instance admin ja インスタンス
interface admin ja インタフェース
international use admin ja 複数国で利用
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin ja Invalid argument '%1' !!!
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin ja 無効な引数 '%1' です!
invalid formated date "%1"! admin ja Invalid formated date "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin ja Invalid remote ID or name "%1"!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin ja Invalid value "%1" use yes or no!
@ -521,7 +522,7 @@ ldap encryption type admin ja LDAP 暗号化タイプ
ldap groups context admin ja LDAP グループ・コンテキスト
ldap host admin ja LDAP ホスト名
ldap root password admin ja LDAP ルート・パスワード
ldap rootdn admin ja LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin ja LDAP root DN
ldap server admin ja LDAP サーバー
ldap server accounts dn admin ja LDAP サーバー アカウント DN
ldap server admin dn admin ja LDAP サーバー admin DN
@ -537,6 +538,7 @@ leave without saveing the entry admin ja 保存せずに終了
leaves without saveing admin ja 保存せずに終了
length admin ja 長さ
length<br>rows admin ja 長さ<br>行
lifetime of 'remember me' token admin ja Remember me' トークンの有効期間
limit global category to members of a certain group admin ja Limit global category to members of a certain group.
limit to members of admin ja Limit to members of
list config settings admin ja 環境設定一覧を表示
@ -572,10 +574,11 @@ minute admin ja 分
mode admin ja モード
modified admin ja 更新日時
month admin ja 月
more secure admin ja More secure
more secure admin ja より安全
mount backup directory to %1 admin ja バックアップ・ディレクトリとして %1 をマウント
must change password upon next login admin ja 次回ログイン時にパスワードを変更させる
name must not be empty !!! admin ja 名称を空欄にすることはできません!
name of account admin ja アカウント名
name of organisation admin ja 組織・団体名
name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin ja EGroupware インスタンス名
new group name admin ja 新規グループ名
@ -601,7 +604,7 @@ no profile defined for user %1 admin ja No profile defined for user %1
no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off. admin ja Sieve サーバーを検知できませんでした。構成を修正するか、Sieve を無効にしてください。
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin ja No supported IMAP authentication method could be found.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin ja 非営利: クラブ, 協会, ...
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin ja 備考: PHPがcurlをサポートするようコンパイルされている場合に限りSSLを利用可能
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin ja 備考: PHPがCurlをサポートするようコンパイルされている場合に限りSSLを利用可能
notification mail admin ja 通知メール
notify user by email admin ja メールでユーザに通知する
notifying account "%1" %2 failed! admin ja Notifying account "%1" %2 failed!
@ -628,7 +631,8 @@ outbound admin ja アウトバウンド
own categories admin ja 所有カテゴリ
own install id admin ja 所有インストール ID
own install id: admin ja 所有インストール ID:
owner "%1" removed, please select group-owner admin ja Owner "%1" removed, please select group owner
owner "%1" removed, please select group-owner admin ja 所有者 "%1" が削除されました。グループ所有者を選択してください。
passphrase admin ja パスフレーズ
passthrough admin ja パススルー
password for smtp-authentication admin ja SMTP 認証用パスワード
password to unlock encrypted p12 admin ja p12 ファイルを復号するパスワード
@ -735,6 +739,7 @@ server username admin ja サーバー・ユーザ名
sessions last 30 days admin ja 過去30日以内のセッション一覧
set a random password admin ja ランダム・パスワードを設定する
set preference values. admin ja 設定
settings admin ja 設定
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin ja 例外にトレースを含めるか否か(関数の引数を含む)
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin ja ログイン・ページに言語のセレクトボックスを表示
show 'powered by' logo on admin ja 「Powered by」ロゴ表示位置
@ -773,6 +778,7 @@ start admin ja Start
start testjob! admin ja テスト・ジョブを開始します!
starts with admin ja Starts with
stationery admin ja Stationery
strictly required, user can not login without admin ja がないとユーザはログインできません。
submit changes admin ja 変更を送信
submit displayed information? admin ja 表示中の情報を送信しますか
submit statistic information admin ja 統計情報送信
@ -801,7 +807,7 @@ the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. p
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin ja The install ID of an instance can be found under Admin > Site configuration
the login and password can not be the same admin ja ログインIDとパスワードが同じです。
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin ja The login ID can not be more than 8 characters.
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin ja The mimeparser can not parse this message.
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin ja MIME パーサはこのメッセージを解析できません。
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin ja 内部名(20文字以下)。これを変更すると既存のデータが利用できなくなります
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin ja テスト・ジョブは実行される度にあなた宛てのメールを送信します。
the text displayed to the user admin ja ユーザに表示されるテキスト
@ -813,6 +819,7 @@ this application is current admin ja This application is current.
this application requires an upgrade admin ja This application requires an upgrade.
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin ja This category is currently being used by applications as a parent category.
this controls exports and merging. admin ja この設定は、エクスポートとマージ印刷に影響します。
this is a mail account for all users! admin ja これは全ユーザのメール・アカウントです!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin ja This is NOT a personal mail account!\n\nAccount will be deleted for ALL users!\n\nAre you really sure you want to do that?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin ja HTMLコードに埋め込むサイト・キー。
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin ja This PHP has no IMAP support compiled in!!
@ -823,10 +830,10 @@ times admin ja 時間条件
to allow us to track the growth of your individual installation use this submit id, otherwise delete it: admin ja あなたのサイトの統計情報を追跡することを私たちに許可する場合は下記の送信IDを使用してください。それ以外の場合は消去してください:
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. admin ja To use a TLS connection, you must be running a version of PHP 5.1.0 or higher.
top admin ja 上部
total of %1 id's changed. admin ja Total of %1 id's changed.
total of %1 id's changed. admin ja 合計 %1 ID が変更されました。
total records admin ja 合計
translation admin ja 翻訳
true admin ja True
true admin ja 真
trust level admin ja 信頼レベル
trust relationship admin ja 信頼関係
two days admin ja 2日間
@ -845,7 +852,7 @@ unknown command %1! admin ja %1 は不明なコマンドです!
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin ja 不明な IMAP 応答です。 %s
unknown option %1 admin ja オプション %1 は未定義です!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin ja アクション '%1' はサポートされません!
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin ja Unable to save category with current settings. Check for inconsistency:
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin ja 現在の設定でカテゴリを保存できません。矛盾がないか調べてください:
up admin ja 上
update current email address: admin ja メール・アドレスを更新:
updated admin ja 更新日時
@ -855,7 +862,7 @@ upload your favicon or enter the url admin ja お気に入りをアップロー
upload your header logo or enter the url (leave it empty if it is the same as login logo) admin ja ヘッダ・ロゴをアップロードするかURLを入力(ログイン・ロゴと同じにする場合は空欄)
upload your logo or enter the url admin ja ロゴをアップロードするかURLを入力
uppercase, lowercase, number, special char admin ja 大文字, 小文字, 数字, 特殊文字
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin ja EGroupware の URL, 例: http://domain.com/egroupware
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin ja EGroupware の URL, 例: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware
usage admin ja 使用量
use cookies to pass sessionid admin ja クッキーのセッションIDを使用
use default admin ja 既定値を使用
@ -870,11 +877,13 @@ use tls encryption admin ja TLS 暗号化を使用
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin ja アカウント定義のメール・アドレスを使用
user accounts admin ja ユーザ・アカウント
user can edit forwarding address admin ja User can edit forwarding address
user choice admin ja ユーザ選択
user csv export admin ja ユーザ CSV エクスポート
user csv import admin ja ユーザ CSV インポート
user data common ja ユーザ・データ
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin ja SMTP 認証を使用します。認証が不要の場合は空欄のままにしてください。
user groups admin ja ユーザ・グループ
user-agent admin ja User-Agent
userdata admin ja ユーザ・データ
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin ja UserId@domain 例: u1234@domain
username (standard) admin ja ユーザ名(標準)
@ -903,7 +912,7 @@ warn users about the need to change their password? the number set here should b
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin ja 送信される情報は、全世界でのEGroupwareの利用概観を得るためにのみ使用されます。
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin ja 個人・団体を特定し得るデータについては一切保存しません。
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin ja 削除ユーザの全レコードを転送するユーザを選択してください。
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin ja egw info 配列をキャッシュしますか?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin ja EGw info 配列をキャッシュしますか?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin ja 管理者でログイン時、EGroupwareのバージョン・チェックを行う
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin ja Check for application updates when admins login.
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin ja Load automatically new language files at login.
@ -1,6 +1,33 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin ko %4에서 %5까지 %3에 대한 %1 %2 권한
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin ko %1 - %3 의 %2 사용자 계정
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin ko %1 - %3 의 %2 유저 그룹
%1 access to other data admin ko 다른 데이터에 대한 %1 액세스 권한
%1 accounts being activated admin ko 활성화 중인 %1 계정
%1 acl entries deleted. admin ko %1 ACL 항목이 삭제되었습니다.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin ko 더 이상 존재하지 않는 계정의 %1 ACL 레코드가 삭제되었습니다.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin ko (더 이상) 기존 계정이 아닌 %1 범주가 삭제되었습니다.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin ko %1 범주 '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin ko %1 범주 %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin ko 권한이 부족하여 %1 범주(들) %2, %3에 실패했습니다!
%1 class not instanciated admin ko %1 클래스가 인스턴스화되지 않았습니다.
%1 entries deleted admin ko %1 항목 삭제됨
%1 entries deleted. admin ko %1 항목 삭제됨.
%1 group %2 admin ko %1 그룹 %2
%1 is no command! admin ko %1은(는) 명령이 아닙니다!
%1 log entries deleted. admin ko %1 로그 항목이 삭제되었습니다.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin ko %1 메일 자격 증명이 삭제되었습니다.
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin ko %1 , 찾거나 실행할수 없습니다!!
%1 phrases saved. admin ko %1 문구를 저장했습니다.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin ko %2 및 응용 프로그램 %3에 대한 %1 권한.
%1 run rights for applications admin ko 응용 프로그램에 대한 %1 실행 권한
%1 sessions killed admin ko %1 세션이 종료되었습니다.
%1 successful admin ko %1 성공
%1 token %2. admin ko %1 토큰 %2.
%1 user %2 admin ko %1 사용자 %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin ko 메일 계정 (비)활성화
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin ko 기본값 = 아니요, 사용하지 않을 경우 그대로 둡니다.
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin ko (imap클래스가 해당 구성 값을 쿼리하여 이 기능을 지원해야 하며 이를 IMAP 서버에 기본 할당량으로 전달해야 합니다.)
(no subject) admin ko (제목 없음)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin ko (저장된 패스워드는 여기에 보이지 않습니다)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin ko 새 응용프로그램을 설치하기 위해서 <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">설정</a>[응용프로그램 관리]!!!)
access token revoked. admin ko 액세스 토큰이 해지되었습니다.
@ -28,7 +55,7 @@ add account admin ko 계정 추가
add application admin ko 응용프로그램 추가
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin ko 이 그룹에 자동-생성 사용자를 추가 (이 란이 비어있으면 '기본'이 시도됨)
add global category admin ko 전역 카테고리 추가
add global category for %1 admin ko %1의 전역 카테고리 추가 (Add global category for %1)
add global category for %1 admin ko %1에 대한 전역 범주 추가
add group admin ko 그룹 추가
add new account admin ko 새 계정 추가
add new application admin ko 새 응용프로그램 추가
@ -71,7 +98,7 @@ attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-st
authentication / accounts admin ko 인증 / 계정
auto create account records for authenticated users admin ko 인증된 사용자용 자동 생성 계정 레코드
back to the list admin ko 목록으로 돌아감
bi-dir passthrough admin ko ** 양방향 통과 (bi-dir passthrough)
bi-dir passthrough admin ko 양방향 통과 (bi-dir passthrough)
bi-directional admin ko 양방향( bi-directional )
bottom admin ko 하단
calculate next run admin ko 다음 실행을 계산
@ -80,6 +107,7 @@ cancel testjob! admin ko 테스트작업(TestJob) 취소
categories list admin ko 카테고리 목록
category %1 has been saved ! admin ko %1 카테고리가 저장되었습니다!
category list admin ko 카테고리 목록
change account_id admin ko 계정 ID 변경
change acl rights admin ko ACL 권한 변경
change config settings admin ko 구성 설정 변경
change login screen message admin ko 주 화면 메세지 변경
@ -165,7 +193,7 @@ enter the background color for the site title admin ko 사이트 제목의 배
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin ko 임시 파일의 완전경로 입력<br>예:/tmp,C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin ko 사용자와 그룹 파일의 완전경로 입력<br>예:/files ,E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin ko 이 서버의 호스트이름 입력
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin ko EGroupware의 URL의 위치를 입력.<br>예: http://www.domain.com/egroupware 이나 /egroupware<br><b>마지막에는 /(슬래쉬)</b>를 붙히지 말것
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin ko EGroupware의 URL의 위치를 입력.<br>예: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware 이나 /egroupware<br><b>마지막에는 /(슬래쉬)</b>를 붙히지 말것
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin ko 검색할 문자열을 입력. 모든 항목을 보기위해선, 이 필드를 비우고 보내기(Submit) 버튼을 다시 누르세요
enter the site password for peer servers admin ko 피어서버의 사이트 암호 입력
enter the site username for peer servers admin ko 피어서버의 사이트 사용자이름 입력
@ -178,9 +206,9 @@ enter your http proxy server admin ko HTTP 프록시 서버주소 입력
enter your http proxy server port admin ko HTTP 프록시 서버 포트 입력
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin ko SMTP서버 호스트 이름이나 IP주소 입력
enter your smtp server port admin ko SMTP 서버 포트 입력
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin ko 타이머를 취소하는데 오류발생, 설정안되어 있을수도 있습니다!!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin ko 타이머를 설정오류 발생, 문법이 틀렸거나 이미 작동중일 수 있습니다!!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin ko 오류 : %1을 찾을수 없거나 다른 오류입니다!!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin ko 타이머를 취소하는데 오류발생, 설정안되어 있을수도 있습니다!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin ko 타이머를 설정오류 발생, 문법이 틀렸거나 이미 작동중일 수 있습니다!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin ko 오류 : %1을 찾을수 없거나 다른 오류입니다!
event details follow admin ko 다음은 이벤트-설명
expires admin ko 만료
failed to change password. admin ko 암호를 바꾸는데 실패했습니다. 관리자에게 문의하세요
@ -267,7 +295,7 @@ new name admin ko 새 이름
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin ko 새 패스워드[ 바꾸지 않으려면 빈칸으로 남겨두세요 ]
next run admin ko 다음 실행
no algorithms available admin ko 어떠한 알고리즘도 가능하지 않습니다.
no jobs in the database !!! admin ko 데이터베이스에 어떠한 작업도 없습니다 !!!
no jobs in the database !!! admin ko 데이터베이스에 어떠한 작업도 없습니다 !
no login history exists for this user admin ko 이 사용자의 접속 기록은 없습니다
no matches found admin ko 일치하는 것을 찾을수 없습니다
no modes available admin ko 가능한 모드(mode)가 없습니다
@ -328,7 +356,7 @@ server url admin ko 서버 URL
server username admin ko 서버 사용자이름
set preference values. admin ko 환경설정 값을 결정
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin ko 접속 페이지에서 언어 선택박스를 포함할까요 (데모사이트에서 유용) ?
show 'powered by' logo on admin ko 'powered by' 로고를 보임
show 'powered by' logo on admin ko 'Powered by' 로고를 보임
show access log admin ko 접근 기록을 보임
show current action admin ko 현재 액션을 보임
show error log admin ko 에러 기록을 보임
@ -378,7 +406,7 @@ trust relationship admin ko 신용관계
two weeks admin ko 보름
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin ko 윈도우에서는 비동기 서비스를 설치하기위해 %1수동으로%2 하셔야 하거나 fallback 모드여야 합니다. fallback은 작업이 각 페이지-뷰를 마친후 체크되는 의미입니다!!!
updated admin ko 갱신됨
use cookies to pass sessionid admin ko sessionid 를 전달하기 위해 쿠키 사용
use cookies to pass sessionid admin ko session ID 를 전달하기 위해 쿠키 사용
use default admin ko 기본 사용
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin ko 순수 HTML 호환 코드 사용 (아직 완전하지 않습니다)
use theme admin ko 테마 사용
@ -386,6 +414,7 @@ user accounts admin ko 사용자 계정
user data common ko 사용자 데이터
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin ko 사용자 SMTP-인증 (인증이 필요없을경우 비워둡니다)
user groups admin ko 사용자 그룹
user-agent admin ko User-Agent
userdata admin ko 사용자데이터
users choice admin ko 사용자 선택
view access log admin ko 접속 기록 보기
@ -1,3 +1,32 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin lt %1 %2 %3 teisės %4 iki %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin lt %1 - %2 iš %3 naudotojų paskyrų
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin lt %1 - %2 iš %3 naudotojų grupių
%1 access to other data admin lt %1 prieiga prie kitų duomenų
%1 accounts being activated admin lt %1 aktyvuojamos paskyros
%1 acl entries deleted. admin lt %1 ACL įrašai ištrinti.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin lt %1 ištrinti nebeegzistuojančių paskyrų ACL įrašai.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin lt %1 ištrintos (nebeegzistuojančių) paskyrų kategorijos.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin lt %1 kategorija "%2" %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin lt %1 kategorija (-os) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin lt %1 kategorijos (-ų) %2, %3 nepavyko dėl nepakankamų teisių!
%1 class not instanciated admin lt %1 klasė neįsteigta
%1 entries deleted admin lt %1 įrašai ištrinti
%1 entries deleted. admin lt %1 įrašai ištrinti.
%1 group %2 admin lt %1 grupė %2
%1 is no command! admin lt %1 nėra komanda!
%1 log entries deleted. admin lt %1 žurnalo įrašai ištrinti.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin lt %1 ištrinti pašto įgaliojimai
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin lt %1 nerastas arba nevykdomas!
%1 phrases saved. admin lt Išsaugotos %1 frazės.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin lt %1 teisės %2 ir taikomosios (-ųjų) programos (-ų) %3 .
%1 run rights for applications admin lt %1 paleisti programų teises
%1 sessions killed admin lt %1 sesijos sunaikintos.
%1 successful admin lt %1 sėkmingai
%1 token %2. admin lt %1 simbolis %2.
%1 user %2 admin lt %1 naudotojas %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin lt (de)aktyvuoti pašto paskyras
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin lt (imapclass turi palaikyti šią funkciją, užklausdama atitinkamą konfigūracijos reikšmę ir perduodama ją kaip numatytąją kvotą IMAP serveriui)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin lt Išsaugotas slaptažodis čia nebus rodomas!
1 year admin lt 1 metai
2 month admin lt 2 mėnesiai
2 weeks admin lt 2 savaitės
@ -27,3 +56,4 @@ own categories admin lt Savos kategorijos
own install id admin lt Nuosavas diegimo ID
own install id: admin lt Nuosavas diegimo ID:
total records admin lt Iš viso įrašų
user-agent admin lt User-Agent
@ -1,9 +1,35 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin lv %1 %2 %3 tiesības uz %3 no %4 līdz %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin lv %1 -%2 no%3 lietotāju konti
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin lv %1-%2 no %3 lietotāju grupas
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin lv %1 nav atrasts vai nav izpildāms!!!
%1 access to other data admin lv %1 piekļuve citiem datiem
%1 accounts being activated admin lv %1 aktivizētie konti
%1 acl entries deleted. admin lv %1 ACL ieraksti dzēsti.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin lv %1 dzēsti vairs neesošu kontu ACL ieraksti.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin lv %1 (vairs) neesošu kontu kategorijas dzēstas.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin lv %1 kategorija "%2" %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin lv %1 kategorija(-as) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin lv %1 kategorija(-as) %2, %3 neizdevās nepietiekamu tiesību dēļ!
%1 class not instanciated admin lv %1 klase nav instancēta
%1 entries deleted admin lv %1 ieraksti dzēsti
%1 entries deleted. admin lv %1 ieraksti dzēsti.
%1 group %2 admin lv %1 grupa %2
%1 is no command! admin lv %1 nav komanda!
%1 log entries deleted. admin lv %1 žurnāla ieraksti dzēsti.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin lv %1 dzēsti pasta akreditācijas dati
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin lv %1 nav atrasts vai nav izpildāms!
%1 phrases saved. admin lv %1 frāzes saglabātas.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin lv %1 tiesības %2 un lietojumprogrammai(-ām) %3 .
%1 run rights for applications admin lv %1 palaišanas tiesības lietojumprogrammām
%1 sessions killed admin lv %1 sesijas iznīcinātas.
%1 successful admin lv %1 veiksmīgi
%1 token %2. admin lv %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin lv %1 lietotājs %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin lv (de)aktivizēt pasta kontus
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin lv Noklusējuma iestatījums = Nē, atstājiet to izslēgtu, ja to neizmantojat.
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin lv (imapclass ir jāatbalsta šī funkcija, pieprasot attiecīgo config vērtību un nododot to kā noklusējuma kvotu IMAP serverim).
(no subject) admin lv (nav temata)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin lv (Ierakstītā parole netiks šeit parādīta)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin lv (lai instalētu jaunu programmatūru lieto <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Pārvaldi aplikācijas] !!!)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin lv Saglabātā parole šeit netiks rādīta!
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin lv (lai instalētu jaunu programmatūru lieto <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Pārvaldi aplikācijas]!)
1 year admin lv 1 gads
2 month admin lv 2 mēneši
2 weeks admin lv 2 nedēļas
@ -26,12 +52,12 @@ acl rights common lv ACL tiesības
action admin lv Darbība
actions admin lv Darbības
activate admin lv Aktivizēt
activate wysiwyg-editor admin lv aktivizēt WYSIWYG redaktoru
add a category admin lv pievienot kategoriju
add a group admin lv pievienot grupu
activate wysiwyg-editor admin lv Aktivizēt WYSIWYG redaktoru
add a category admin lv Pievienot kategoriju
add a group admin lv Pievienot grupu
add a new account. admin lv Pievienot jaunu kontu
add a subcategory admin lv pievienot apakšgrupu
add a user admin lv pievienot lietotāju
add a subcategory admin lv Pievienot apakšgrupu
add a user admin lv Pievienot lietotāju
add account admin lv Pievienot kontu
add application admin lv Pievienot aplikāciju
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin lv PIevieno automātiski izveidotos lietotājus šai grupai (tiks pielietots'Noklusējums" ja tā ir tukša)
@ -43,24 +69,24 @@ add new application admin lv Pievienot jaunu aplikāciju
add peer server admin lv Pievienot vienādranga serveri
add profile admin lv Pievienot profilu
add sub-category admin lv Pievienot apakšgrupu
admin dn admin lv administratora dn
admin dn admin lv Administratora DN
admin email admin lv Administratora e-pasts
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin lv administratora e-pasta adreses(atdalītas ar komatu), lai tiktu informēts par bloķēšanu(atstāt tukšu, lai nesaņemtu paziņojumu)
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin lv Administratora e-pasta adreses(atdalītas ar komatu), lai tiktu informēts par bloķēšanu(atstāt tukšu, lai nesaņemtu paziņojumu)
admin name admin lv Administratora vārds
admin password admin lv administratora parole
admin username admin lv administratora lietotājvārds
admin password admin lv Administratora parole
admin username admin lv Administratora lietotājvārds
administration admin lv Vadība
admins admin lv Administratori
advanced options admin lv uzlabotās iespējas
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin lv Pēc cik neveiksmīgiem mēģinājumiem pieslēgties vajadzētu nobloķēt IP(noklusējums 3)?
all applications admin lv visas aplikācijas
all categories admin lv visas kategorijas
all records and account information will be lost! admin lv Visi ieraksti un konta informācija tiks pazaudēta!!!!
advanced options admin lv Uzlabotās iespējas
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin lv Pēc cik neveiksmīgiem mēģinājumiem pieslēgties vajadzētu nobloķēt IP (noklusējums 3)?
all applications admin lv Visas aplikācijas
all categories admin lv Visas kategorijas
all records and account information will be lost! admin lv Visi ieraksti un konta informācija tiks pazaudēta!
all users admin lv Visi lietotāji
allow anonymous access to this app admin lv Atļaut nezināmajam lietotājam piekļūt šai aplikācijai
alternate email address admin lv Alternatīvas e-pasta adreses
anonymous user admin lv Nezināmais lietotājs
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin lv Nezināmais lietotājs (netiek parādīts sesiju sarakstā)
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin lv Nezināmais lietotājs (Netiek parādīts sesiju sarakstā)
appearance admin lv Izskats
application admin lv Aplikācija
application name admin lv Programmatūras nosaukums
@ -69,7 +95,7 @@ applications admin lv Aplikācijas
applications list admin lv Aplikāciju saraksts
applies the changes admin lv Apstiprināt izmaiņas
apply the changes admin lv Lietot izmaiņas
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin lv Vai esi pārliecināts, ka vēlies dzēst aplikāciju %1?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin lv Vai esi pārliecināts, ka vēlies dzēst aplikāciju %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin lv Esi pārliecināts, ka vēlies dzēst šo kontu?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin lv Esi pārliecināts, ka vēlies dzēst šo aplikāciju?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common lv Esi pārliecināts, ka vēlies dzēst šo kategoriju?
@ -79,20 +105,20 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin lv Esi pārliecināts, ka vē
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin lv Esi pārliecināts, ka vēlies izbeigt šo sesiju?
async services last executed admin lv Asinhronā režīma pēdējie lietotie pakalpojumi
asynchronous timed services admin lv Asinhronā režīma regulēšanas pakalpojumi
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin lv asinhronie pakalpojumi vēl nav uzstādīti vai cita kļuda (%1)!!!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin lv Mēģināt lietot pareizu FTP mimetype noklusējuma 'application/octet-stream' vietā
authentication / accounts admin lv Autentifikācija/konti
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin lv Asinhronie pakalpojumi vēl nav uzstādīti vai cita kļuda (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin lv Mēģināt lietot pareizu FTP MIMEtype noklusējuma 'application/octet-stream' vietā
authentication / accounts admin lv Autentifikācija/Konti
auto create account records for authenticated users admin lv Automātiski veidot konta ierakstus apstiprinātiem lietotājiem
back to the list admin lv atpakaļ uz sarakstu
back to the list admin lv Atpakaļ uz sarakstu
bi-directional admin lv divpusējs
bottom admin lv augšā
bottom admin lv Augšā
calculate next run admin lv Izskaitļot nākošo darbību(next run)
can change password admin lv Var nomainīt paroli
cancel testjob! admin lv Atcelt Testa Darbību!
categories list admin lv Kategoriju saraksts
category %1 has been saved ! admin lv Kategorija %1 tika saglabāta!
category list admin lv Kategoriju saraksts
change acl rights admin lv mainīt ACL tiesības
change acl rights admin lv Mainīt ACL tiesības
change config settings admin lv Mainīt konfigurācijas iestatījumus
change login screen message admin lv Mainīt galvenā loga ziņojumu
check ip address of all sessions admin lv Pārbaudīt IP adresi visām sesijām
@ -104,8 +130,8 @@ country admin lv Valsts
country selection admin lv Valsts Izvēle
create group admin lv Izveidot grupu
created admin lv Izveidots
creates a new field admin lv veido jaunu lauku
crontab only (recomended) admin lv tikai crontab (ieteicams)
creates a new field admin lv Veido jaunu lauku
crontab only (recomended) admin lv Tikai crontab (ieteicams)
custom 1 admin lv Pielāgotais 1
custom 2 admin lv Pielāgotais 2
custom 3 admin lv Pielāgotais 3
@ -152,53 +178,53 @@ description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin lv Apraksts nedrīks
determines the order the fields are displayed admin lv Nosaka kārtību, kādā tiek attēloti lauki
disable admin lv Deaktivizēt
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin lv Neatļaut automātikso aizpildīšanos autorizācijas formā
disable wysiwyg-editor admin lv neatļaut WYSIWYG redaktoru
disabled (not recomended) admin lv neatļauts (nav ieteicams)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin lv Neatļaut WYSIWYG redaktoru
disabled (not recomended) admin lv Neatļauts (nav ieteicams)
display admin lv Attēlo(display)
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin lv Neizdzēst kategoriju in atgriezties uz sarakstu
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin lv Vai vēlies dzēst arī vispārējas apakšgrupas?
do you really want to delete this profile admin lv Vai tu tiešām vēlies dzēst šo profilu?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin lv Vai vēlies dzēst visas vispārējas apakšgrupas?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin lv Vai vēlies pārvietot visas vispārējas apakšgrupas vienu līmeni zemāk?
domainname admin lv domēna vārds
down admin lv lejā
domainname admin lv Domēna vārds
down admin lv Lejā
edit account admin lv Rediģēt kontu
edit application admin lv Rediģēt aplikāciju
edit email settings admin lv rediģēt e-pasta uzstādījumus
edit email settings admin lv Rediģēt e-pasta uzstādījumus
edit global category admin lv Rediģēt vispārējo kategoriju
edit global category for %1 admin lv Rediģēt vispārējo kategoriju %1
edit group admin lv Rediģēt grupu
edit group acl's admin lv rediģēt ACL grupu
edit group acl's admin lv Rediģēt ACL grupu
edit peer server admin lv Rediģēt vienādranga serveri
edit table format admin lv Rediģēt tabulas formātu
edit this category admin lv rediģēt šo kategoriju
edit this group admin lv rediģēt šo grupu
edit this user admin lv rediģēt šo lietotāju
edit user admin lv rediģēt lietotāju
edit this category admin lv Rediģēt šo kategoriju
edit this group admin lv Rediģēt šo grupu
edit this user admin lv Rediģēt šo lietotāju
edit user admin lv Rediģēt lietotāju
edit user account admin lv Rediģēt lietotāja kontu
email account active admin lv e-pasta konts aktīvs
email address admin lv e-pasta adrese
email account active admin lv E-pasta konts aktīvs
email address admin lv E-pasta adrese
enable admin lv Aktivizēt
enable cyrus imap server administration admin lv atļaut Cyrus IMAP servera administrēšanu
enable cyrus imap server administration admin lv Atļaut Cyrus IMAP servera administrēšanu
enable debug-messages admin lv Atļaut atkļudošanas ziņojumus
enable sieve admin lv atļaut Sieve
enable sieve admin lv Atļaut Sieve
enabled - hidden from navbar admin lv Atļauts - paslēpts no navigācijas paneļa
enabled - popup window admin lv Atļauts - uznirstošs logs
enter a description for the category admin lv ievadi kategorijas aprakstu
enter a description for the category admin lv Ievadi kategorijas aprakstu
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin lv Ievadi nelielu nejauši izvēlētu tekstu aplikāciju sesijai <b>šifrēšana(pieprasa mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin lv Ievadi fona krāsu pieteikuma lapai
enter the background color for the site title admin lv Ievadi fona krāsu lapas nosaukumam
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin lv Norādi pilno ceļu uz īslaicīgajām datnēm.<br>Piemēri:/tmp,C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin lv Ievadi pilno ceļu lietotāju un grupu datnēm.<br>Piemēri: /files,E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin lv Ievadi hostdatora vārdu uz kura ir palaists šis serveris
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin lv Ievadi EGroupware URL atrašanos<b>Piemērs: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin lv Ievadi EGroupware URL atrašanos<b>Piemērs: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin lv Ievadi meklēšanas stringu. Lai parādītu visus ierakstus, atbrīvo šo lauku un nospied SUBMIT pogu vēlreiz
enter the site password for peer servers admin lv Ievadi vietnes paroli vienādranga serveriem
enter the site username for peer servers admin lv Ievadi vietnes lietotājvārdu vienādranga serveriem
enter the title for your site admin lv Ievadi savas vietnes nosaukumu
enter the title of your logo admin lv Ievadi sava logotipa nosaukumu
enter the url where your logo should link to admin lv Ievadi URL ar kuru vajadzētu būt saistītam tavam logotipam
enter your default ftp server admin lv Ievadi noklusēto FTP serveri
enter your default ftp server admin lv Ievadiet savu noklusējuma FTP serveri
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin lv ievadi noklusēto pasta domēnu(no: lietotājs@domēns)
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin lv Ievadi noklusēto pasta domēnu (no: lietotājs@domēns)
enter your http proxy server admin lv Ievadi savu HTTP proxy serveri
@ -206,31 +232,31 @@ enter your http proxy server port admin lv Ievadi savu HTTP proxy servera portu
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin lv Ievadi savu SMTP servera hostdatora vārdu vai IP adresi
enter your smtp server port admin lv Ievadi savu SMTP servera portu
entry saved admin lv Ieraksts saglabāts
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin lv Kļūdas atceļot taimeri, iespējams neviens nav uzlikts!!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin lv Kļūda uzstādot taimeri, kļūdaina sintakse vai, iespējams, kāds jau ir palaists!!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin lv Kļūda: %1 nav atrasts vai cita kļūda!!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin lv Kļūdas atceļot taimeri, iespējams neviens nav uzlikts!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin lv Kļūda uzstādot taimeri, kļūdaina sintakse vai, iespējams, kāds jau ir palaists!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin lv Kļūda: %1 nav atrasts vai cita kļūda!
expires admin lv Beigas
failed to change password. admin lv Neizdevād nomainīt paroli.
fallback (after each pageview) admin lv atkāpšanās (pēc katras lapas apskates)
fallback (after each pageview) admin lv Atkāpšanās (pēc katras lapas apskates)
false admin lv Nepatiess
file space admin lv Failu kartotēkas lielums
file space must be an integer admin lv Kartotēkas lielumam jābūt veselam skaitlim
for the times above admin lv turpmākajām reizēm
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin lv iepriekšējām reizēm (tukšās vērtības skaita kā '*', visi tukši=katru minūti)
forward also to admin lv pārsūtīt arī
forward email's to admin lv pārsūtīt e-pasta vēstules
forward only admin lv tikai pārsūtīt
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin lv Iepriekšējām reizēm (tukšās vērtības skaita kā '*', visi tukši=katru minūti)
forward also to admin lv Pārsūtīt arī
forward email's to admin lv Pārsūtīt e-pasta vēstules
forward only admin lv Tikai pārsūtīt
full name admin lv Pilns vārds
general admin lv Vispārējs
global categories common lv Vispārējas (global) kategorijas
group ? admin lv grupa?
group ? admin lv Grupa?
group has been added common lv Grupa tika pievienota
group has been deleted common lv Grupa tika izdzēsta
group has been updated common lv Grupa tika atjaunināta
group list admin lv Grupu saraksts
group manager admin lv Grupu pārvaldnieks
group name admin lv Grupas nosaukums
hide php information admin lv noslēpt PHP informāciju
hide php information admin lv Noslēpt PHP informāciju
home directory admin lv Mājas direktorija
home screen message admin lv Galvenā loga ziņojums
host information admin lv Host informācija
@ -238,8 +264,8 @@ hour<br>(0-23) admin lv Stundas <br>(0-23)
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin lv Cik dienu vajadzētu saglabāt iesniegtos datus piekļuves loga, pirms tie tiek izdzēsti (noklusējums 90)?
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin lv Cik minūtes vajadzētu bloķēt kontu vai IP (noklusējums 30)?
icon admin lv Ikona
idle admin lv dīkstāve (idle)
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin lv Ja nav ACL ierakstu lietotājiem vai kādai grupai, lietotājs ir ...????
idle admin lv Dīkstāve (idle)
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin lv Ja nav ACL ierakstu lietotājiem vai kādai grupai, lietotājs ir ...?
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin lv Vai vēlies pārvaldīt mājasdirektoriju un pieteikšanāsformas atribūtus, ja lieto LDAP
imap admin password admin lv IMAP administratora parole
imap admin user admin lv IMAP administrators
@ -260,19 +286,19 @@ kill admin lv Pārtraukt
kill session admin lv Pārtraukt sesiju
last %1 logins admin lv Pēdējās %1 autorizācijas
last %1 logins for %2 admin lv Pēdējās %1 autorizācijas %2
last login admin lv pēdējā autorizācija
last login from admin lv pēdējā autorizācija no
last login admin lv Pēdējā autorizācija
last login from admin lv Pēdējā autorizācija no
last time read admin lv Pēdējo reizi lasīts
last updated admin lv Pēdējo reizi atjaunināts
ldap accounts context admin lv LDAP kontu konteksts
ldap basedn admin lv LDAP bāzes dn
ldap basedn admin lv LDAP bāzes DN
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin lv LDAP noklusētais mājasdirektorijas prefikss (piem./home for /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin lv LDAP noklusēta forma(shell) (piem./bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin lv LDAP šifrēšanas tips
ldap groups context admin lv LDAP grupu konteksts
ldap host admin lv LDAP hosts
ldap root password admin lv LDAP sistēmas administratora parole
ldap rootdn admin lv LDAP saknesdn
ldap rootdn admin lv LDAP saknes DN
ldap server admin lv LDAP serveris
ldap server accounts dn admin lv LDAP servera konti DN
ldap server admin dn admin lv LDAP servera administratora DN
@ -299,7 +325,7 @@ mail settings admin lv Pasta uzstādījumi
manager admin lv Pārvaldnieks
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin lv Maksimālais kontu ID (piem.65535 vai 1000000)
members admin lv Locekļi
message has been updated admin lv ziņojums tika atjaunināts
message has been updated admin lv Ziņojums tika atjaunināts
method admin lv Metode
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin lv Minimālais kontu id (piem.500vai 100)
minute admin lv Minūte
@ -309,29 +335,29 @@ month admin lv Mēnesis
name must not be empty !!! admin lv Nosaukums nedrīkst būt tukšs
name of organisation admin lv Organizācijas nosaukums
new group name admin lv Jaunais grupas nosaukums
new name admin lv jaunais nosaukums
new name admin lv Jaunais nosaukums
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin lv Jauna parole (atstāt tukšu, ja nemainās)
next run admin lv Nākošais solis
no algorithms available admin lv Nav pieejami algoritmi
no alternate email address admin lv Nav alternatīvas e-pasta adreses
no forwarding email address admin lv Nav pārsūtāmās e-pasta adreses
no jobs in the database !!! admin lv Datubāzē uzdevumu nav!!!
no jobs in the database !!! admin lv Datubāzē uzdevumu nav!
no login history exists for this user admin lv Šim lietotājam nav autorizāciju vētures
no matches found admin lv Nav atbilstošu ierakstu
no modes available admin lv Nav pieejamu režīmu
no permission to add groups admin lv Nav atļaujas, lai pievienotu grupas
no permission to add users admin lv Nav atļaujas, lai pievienotu lietotājus
no permission to create groups admin lv Nav atļaujas, lai izveidotu grupas
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin lv Piezīme: SSL pieejams tikai tad, ja PHP ir ar CURL atbalstu
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin lv Piezīme: SSL pieejams tikai tad, ja PHP ir ar Curl atbalstu
oauth authentiction admin lv OAuth autentifikācija
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin lv Piedāvājums instalēt EGroupware kā pasta apstrādātāju
one day admin lv Viena diena
one hour admin lv Viena stunda
one month admin lv viens mēnesis
one week admin lv viena nedēļa
one month admin lv Viens mēnesis
one week admin lv Viena nedēļa
order admin lv Kārtība
other security configuration admin lv Cita drošības konfigurācija
outbound admin lv izejas (outbound)
outbound admin lv Izejas (outbound)
own categories admin lv Pašu kategorijas
own install id admin lv Pašu instalācijas ID
own install id: admin lv Pašu instalācijas ID:
@ -341,7 +367,7 @@ peer server list admin lv Vienādranga servera saraksts
peer servers admin lv Vienādranga serveri
percent of users that logged out admin lv Izlogojušos lietotāju procenti
permission denied admin lv Atļauja liegta
permission denied !!! admin lv Atļauja liegta!!!
permission denied !!! admin lv Atļauja liegta!
permissions admin lv Atļaujas
permissions this group has admin lv Šīs grupas atļaujas
phpinfo admin lv PHP informācija
@ -354,16 +380,16 @@ preferences admin lv Lestatījumi
primary group admin lv Galvenā grupa
profile list admin lv Profila saraksts
profile name admin lv Profila vārds
re-enter password admin lv atkārtoti ievadi paroli
re-enter password admin lv Atkārtoti ievadi paroli
read this list of methods. admin lv Izlasi šo metožu sarakstu
remove admin lv pārvietot
remove admin lv Pārvietot
remove all users from this group admin lv Izmest visus lietotājus no šīs grupas
remove all users from this group ? admin lv Vai izmest visus lietotājus no šīs grupas?
rows admin lv Rindas
run asynchronous services admin lv Palaist asinhronos pakalpojumus
save the category admin lv Saglabāt kategoriju
save the category and return back to the list admin lv Saglabāt kategoriju un atgriezties uz sarakstu
saves the changes made and leaves admin lv saglabā izdarītās izmaiņas un aiziet
saves the changes made and leaves admin lv Saglabā izdarītās izmaiņas un aiziet
saves this entry admin lv Saglabā šo ierakstu
search accounts admin lv Meklēt kontus
search categories admin lv Meklēt kategorijas
@ -388,13 +414,13 @@ server url admin lv Servera URL
server username admin lv Servera Lietotājvārds
set preference values. admin lv Uzstādi izvēlētās vētības
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin lv Vai autorizācijas lapā ir iekļauta valodu izvēlne (noderīgi demo-lapām)?
show 'powered by' logo on admin lv Rādīt " powered by" logu
show 'powered by' logo on admin lv Rādīt "Powered by" logu
show access log admin lv Rādīt pieejas logu
show current action admin lv Rādīt pašreizējo darbību
show error log admin lv Rādīt kļudas logu
show phpinfo() admin lv Rādīt phpinfo()
show session ip address admin lv Rādīt sesijas IP adresi
sieve server hostname or ip address admin lv <b>?Sieve?</b> servera hosta vārds vai IP adrese
sieve server hostname or ip address admin lv Sijāšanas servera hostname vai IP adrese
sieve server port admin lv Sieve servera ports
sieve settings admin lv Sieve uzstadījumi
site admin lv Lapa(site)
@ -406,32 +432,32 @@ soap admin lv SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin lv Atvainojiet, šis grupas nosaukums jau ir aizņemts
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin lv Atvainojiet, iepriekšminētie lietotāji joprojām pieder grupai %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin lv Atvainojiet, sekojošie lietotāji joprojām pieder grupai %1
sort the entries admin lv grupēt ierakstus
sort the entries admin lv Grupēt ierakstus
ssl admin lv SSL
standard admin lv Standarta
standard imap server admin lv Standarta IMAP serveris
standard pop3 server admin lv Standarta POP3 serveris
standard smtp-server admin lv Standarta SMTP serveris
start testjob! admin lv Sākt TestēšanasDarbu
start testjob! admin lv Sākt testa darbu!
submit changes admin lv Apstiprināt Izmaiņas
submit the search string admin lv Apstiprināt meklēšamas stringu
template selection admin lv Veidnes izvēle
text entry admin lv Teksta Ievadīšana
that application name already exists. admin lv Šāds aplikācijas nosaukums jau eksistē
that application order must be a number. admin lv Aplikāciju secība jānorāda ar skaitli
that loginid has already been taken admin lv Šāds autorizācijas id jau ir aizņemts
that loginid has already been taken admin lv Šāds autorizācijas ID jau ir aizņemts
that name has been used already admin lv Šāds nosaukums jau tiek lietots
that server name has been used already ! admin lv Šāds servera vārds jau tiek lietots!
the api is current admin lv Patreizējais API
the api requires an upgrade admin lv API pieprasa jauninājumus
the groups must include the primary group admin lv Grupām jāiekļauj pamatgrupa
the login and password can not be the same admin lv lietotājvārds un parole nedrīkst būt vienādi
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin lv autorizācijas id nedrīkst būt garāks par 8 simboliem
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin lv TestēšanasDarbs nosūta e-pastu ikreiz, kad tiek izsaukts
the text displayed to the user admin lv lietotājam parādīts teksts
the login and password can not be the same admin lv Lietotājvārds un parole nedrīkst būt vienādi
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin lv Autorizācijas id nedrīkst būt garāks par 8 simboliem
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin lv Testa uzdevums nosūta jums vēstuli katru reizi, kad tas tiek izsaukts.
the text displayed to the user admin lv Lietotājam parādīts teksts
the two passwords are not the same admin lv Divas paroles nav vienādas
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin lv zemāk minētie lietotāji joprojām pieder grupai %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin lv Šāds grupas vārds jau eksistē. Lietotājaid vārds nedrīkst būt tāds pats kā grupasid
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin lv Zemāk minētie lietotāji joprojām pieder grupai %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin lv Šāds grupas vārds jau eksistē. Lietotājaid vārds nedrīkst būt tāds pats kā grupas ID
they must be removed before you can continue admin lv Tie jāizdzēš lai varētu turpināt
this application is current admin lv Šī ir pašreizējā aplikācija
this application requires an upgrade admin lv Šī aplikācija pieprasa jauninājumus
@ -439,18 +465,18 @@ this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin lv Šim PHP nav IMAP nokompilēts atbalsts
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin lv Sesiju taimauts sekundēs (noklusējums 14400=4stundas)
times admin lv Reizes
top admin lv augšā
top admin lv Augšā
total records admin lv Kopā ieraksti
translation admin lv Tulkojums
true admin lv Patiess
trust level admin lv Uzticības līmenis
two weeks admin lv divas nedēļas
up admin lv augšup
two weeks admin lv Divas nedēļas
up admin lv Augšup
updated admin lv Atjaunināts
use cookies to pass sessionid admin lv Lieto sīkdatnes lai pārietu sesijasid
use cookies to pass sessionid admin lv Lieto sīkdatnes lai pārietu sesijas ID
use default admin lv Lietot noklusējumu
use ldap defaults admin lv lieto LDAP noklusējumus
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin lv Lieto HTML pieļāvīgu kodu(kurš vēl pilnībā nestrādā)
use ldap defaults admin lv Lieto LDAP noklusējumus
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin lv Lieto HTML pieļāvīgu kodu (kurš vēl pilnībā nestrādā)
use smtp auth admin lv Lieto SMTP autentifikāciju
use theme admin lv Lieto tēmu
use tls authentication admin lv Lieto TLS autentifikāciju
@ -458,8 +484,9 @@ use tls encryption admin lv Lieto TLS šifrēšanu
user accounts admin lv Lietotāja konti
user data common lv Lietotāja Dati
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin lv Lietotājs SMTP- autentifikācijai (atstāt tukšu, ja nepieprasa autentifikāciju)
user groups admin lv lietotāju grupas
userdata admin lv lietotāja dati
user groups admin lv Lietotāju grupas
user-agent admin lv User-Agent
userdata admin lv Lietotāja dati
users can define their own emailaccounts admin lv LIetotāji paši var definēt savus e-pasta kontus
users choice admin lv LIetotāju izvēle
view access log admin lv Parādīt pieejas logu
@ -467,7 +494,7 @@ view account admin lv Parādīt kontu
view category admin lv Parādīt kategoriju
view error log admin lv Parādīt kļūdas logu
view sessions admin lv Parādīt sesijas
view this user admin lv parādīt šo lietotāju
view this user admin lv Parādīt šo lietotāju
view user account admin lv Parādīt lietotāja kontu
virtual mail manager admin lv VIrtuālais MAIL ManaGeR
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin lv Kam tu vēlies pārsūtīt izdzēstā lietotāja AAL ierakstus?
@ -1,20 +1,32 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin nl %1 %2 rechten voor %3 op %4 tot %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin nl %1 - %2 van %3 gebruikersaccounts
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin nl %1 - %2 van %3 gebruikersgroepen
%1 access to other data admin nl %1 toegang tot andere gegevens
%1 accounts being activated admin nl %1 accounts worden geactiveerd
%1 acl entries deleted. admin nl %1 ACL entries verwijderd.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin nl %1 ACL records van niet (meer) bestaande accounts zijn verwijderd.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin nl %1 categorieën van niet (meer) bestaande accounts verwijderd.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin nl %1 categorie '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin nl %1 categorie(ën) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin nl %1 categorie(ën) %2, %3 mislukt vanwege onvoldoende rechten!
%1 class not instanciated admin nl %1 klasse niet geinstantieerd
%1 entries deleted admin nl %1 vermeldingen verwijderd
%1 entries deleted. admin nl %1 vermeldingen verwijderd.
%1 group %2 admin nl %1 groep %2
%1 is no command! admin nl %1 is geen commando!
%1 log entries deleted. admin nl %1 logboekvermeldingen verwijderd.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin nl %1 mailgegevens verwijderd
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin nl %1 niet gevonden of niet uitvoerbaar!
%1 phrases saved. admin nl %1 zinnen opgeslagen.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin nl %1 rechten voor %2 en toepassingen %3
%1 run rights for applications admin nl %1 run rechten voor applicaties
%1 sessions killed admin nl %1 sessies beëindigd.
%1 successful admin nl %1 succesvol
%1 token %2. admin nl %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin nl %1 gebruiker %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin nl (De)Activeer mailaccounts
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin nl (standaard Nee, laat dit uit als je het niet gebruikt)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin nl (imapclass moet deze functie ondersteunen door de corresponderende config-waarde op te vragen en door te geven als standaardquota aan de IMAP-server)
(no subject) admin nl (geen onderwerp)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin nl (Opgeslagen wachtwoord word hier niet weergegeven)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin nl (Gebruik <a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a>[Beheer toepassingen] om nieuwe toepassingen te installeren.)
@ -30,7 +42,7 @@ accesslog and bruteforce defense admin nl Toegangslogboek en bescherming procesv
account admin nl Account
account %1 %2 admin nl Account %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin nl Account '%1' verwijderd.
account '%1' not found !!! admin nl Account '%1' niet gevonden !!!
account '%1' not found !!! admin nl Account '%1' niet gevonden!
account active admin nl Account actief
account has been created common nl Account is aangemaakt.
account has been deleted common nl Account is verwijderd.
@ -39,7 +51,7 @@ account id admin nl Account ID
account list admin nl Accountlijst
account permissions admin nl Toegangsrechten account
account preferences admin nl Voorkeuren account
account-id's have to be integers! admin nl Account-ids moeten integers zijn!
account-id's have to be integers! admin nl Account-IDs moeten integers zijn!
acl added. admin nl ACL toegevoegd.
acl csv export admin nl ACL CSV export
acl deleted. admin nl ACL verwijderd.
@ -67,7 +79,7 @@ add new email address: admin nl Voeg nieuw emailadres toe:
add peer server admin nl Peer-server toevoegen
add profile admin nl Profiel toevoegen
add sub-category admin nl Subcategorieën toevoegen
admin dn admin nl admin dn
admin dn admin nl Admin DN
admin email admin nl Emailadres beheerder
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin nl Emailadressen beheerder (gescheiden door komma's) om gewaarschuwd te worden blokkeringen (laat leeg om geen notificaties te sturen)
admin name admin nl Naam beheerder
@ -79,7 +91,7 @@ admins admin nl Beheerders
advanced options admin nl Geavanceerde opties
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin nl Na hoeveel onsuccesvolle inlogpogingen moet een IP-adres geblokkeerd worden (standaard 3)?
aliases admin nl Aliassen
all applications admin nl alle toepassingen
all applications admin nl Alle toepassingen
all categories admin nl Alle categorieën
all records and account information will be lost! admin nl Alle records en gebruikersinformatie zal verloren gaan!
all users admin nl Alle gebruikers
@ -90,9 +102,9 @@ anonymous user admin nl Anonieme gebruiker
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin nl Anonieme gebruiker (wordt niet weergegeven in sessieoverzichten)
anonymous user does not exist! admin nl Anonieme gebruiker bestaat NIET!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin nl Anonieme gebruiker heeft geen uitvoer rechten voor deze toepassing.
any application admin nl Iedere toepassing
any group admin nl Iedere groep
any user admin nl iedere gebruiker
any application admin nl Ledere toepassing
any group admin nl Ledere groep
any user admin nl Iedere gebruiker
appearance admin nl Weergave
application admin nl Toepassing
application '%1' not found (maybe not installed or misspelled)! admin nl Toepassing '%1' niet gevonden (misschien niet geinstalleerd of verkeerd gespeld)!
@ -101,8 +113,8 @@ application title admin nl Toepassingstitel
applications admin nl Toepassingen
applications list admin nl Toepassingenlijst
applications run rights updated. admin nl Toepassings executie rechten bijgewerkt.
applies the changes admin nl past de wijzigingen toe
apply the changes admin nl wijzigingen doorvoeren
applies the changes admin nl Past de wijzigingen toe
apply the changes admin nl Wijzigingen doorvoeren
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin nl Weet u zeker dat de toepassing %1 wilt verwijderen?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin nl Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin nl Weet u zeker dat u deze toepassing wilt verwijderen?
@ -123,17 +135,17 @@ authentication / accounts admin nl Authenticatie / Accounts
auto create account records for authenticated users admin nl Automatisch accounts aanmaken for geauthenticeerde gebruikers
back to admin/grouplist admin nl Terug naar Beheer/Groepslijst
back to admin/userlist admin nl Terug naar Beheer/Gebruikerslijst
back to the list admin nl terug naar de lijst
back to the list admin nl Terug naar de lijst
bad login name or password. admin nl Ongeldige login of paswoord
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin nl Ongeldig of slecht geformuleerde aanvraag. Server reageerde: %s
bad request: %s admin nl Slechte vraag: %s
bi-dir passthrough admin nl bi-directionele doorgave
bi-directional admin nl bi-directioneel
bottom admin nl onderaan
bottom admin nl Onderaan
calculate next run admin nl Volgende uitvoer berekenen
can be used by application admin nl Kan gebruikt worden door toepassing
can be used by group admin nl Kan gebruikt worden door groep
can be used by user admin nl kan door gebruiker gebruikt worden
can be used by user admin nl Kan door gebruiker gebruikt worden
can change password admin nl Kan wachtwoord wijzigen
cancel testjob! admin nl Annuleer testtaak!
categories list admin nl Categorieënlijst
@ -141,11 +153,11 @@ category %1 has been saved ! admin nl Categorie %1 is opgeslagen!
category deleted. admin nl Categorie verwijderd.
category list admin nl Categorieënlijst
category saved. admin nl Categorie opgeslagen.
change account_id admin nl Wijzig account_id
change account_id admin nl Wijzig Account-ID
change acl rights admin nl Bewerk ACL-rechten
change config settings admin nl Bewerk configuratieinstellingen
change login screen message admin nl Bericht op start- of loginpagina wijzigen
change password for %1 admin nl wijzig wachtwoord voor %1
change password for %1 admin nl Wijzig wachtwoord voor %1
check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin nl Controle ACL voor records van niet (meer) bestaande accounts
check ip address of all sessions admin nl Controleer IP-adressen van alle sessies
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin nl Controleer items van <b>%1</b> tot %2 van %3
@ -155,7 +167,7 @@ command scheduled to run at %1 admin nl Command is gepland om om %1 uitgevoerd t
connection dropped by imap server. admin nl Verbinding viel uit door IMAP server
continue admin nl Doorgaan
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin nl Cook domein (standaard leeg wat betekent dat de volledige domeinnaam gebruikt wordt. Voorbeeld: ".domein.nl" maakt het mogelijk om hetzelfde cookie te gebruiken voor verschillende subdomeinen als egw.domein.nl en www.domein.nl.
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin nl Cookie pad (maakt het mogelijk om meerdere eGW sessies in verschillende directories te gebruiken. Dit geeft problemen met SiteMgr!
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin nl Cookie pad (maakt het mogelijk om meerdere EGroupware sessies in verschillende directories te gebruiken. Dit geeft problemen met SiteMgr!
could not append message: admin nl Kon niet aan bericht toevoegen:
could not complete request. reason given: %s admin nl Kan verzoek niet afmaken. Opgegeven reden: %s
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. admin nl Kon geen veilige verbinding openen met de IMAP server. %s : %s
@ -166,8 +178,8 @@ cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin nl
create group admin nl Groep aanmaken
create new account admin nl Maak een nieuwe gebruiker aan
created admin nl Aangemaakt
created with id #%1 admin nl aangemaakt met id #%1
creates a new field admin nl creëert een nieuw veld
created with id #%1 admin nl Aangemaakt met ID #%1
creates a new field admin nl Creëert een nieuw veld
crontab only (recomended) admin nl Alleen crontab (aanbevolen)
custom 1 admin nl Aangepast 1
custom 2 admin nl Aangepast 2
@ -179,7 +191,7 @@ data admin nl Data
day admin nl Dag
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin nl Dag van de week <br />(0-6, 0=Zondag)
db backup and restore admin nl DB backup en restore
default admin nl standaard
default admin nl Standaard
default file system space per user admin nl Standaard bestandssysteemruimte per gebruiker
default file system space per user/group ? admin nl Standaard bestandssysteemruimte per gebruiker/groep
deinstall crontab admin nl Deïnstalleer crontab
@ -190,14 +202,14 @@ delete application admin nl Toepassing verwijderen
delete category admin nl Categorie verwijderen
delete group admin nl Groep verwijderen
delete peer server admin nl Peer-server verwijderen
delete the category admin nl de categorie verwijderen
delete the group admin nl de groep verwijderen
delete this category admin nl deze categorie verwijderen
delete this group admin nl deze groep verwijderen
delete this user admin nl deze gebruiker verwijderen
delete the category admin nl De categorie verwijderen
delete the group admin nl De groep verwijderen
delete this category admin nl Deze categorie verwijderen
delete this group admin nl Deze groep verwijderen
delete this user admin nl Deze gebruiker verwijderen
deleted admin nl verwijderd
deletes this field admin nl verwijdert dit veld
deliver extern admin nl bezorg extern
deletes this field admin nl Verwijdert dit veld
deliver extern admin nl Bezorg extern
deny access admin nl Toegang weigeren
deny access to access log admin nl Toegang tot toegangslogboek weigeren
deny access to application registery admin nl Toegang tot toepassingsregister weigeren
@ -215,16 +227,16 @@ deny access to site configuration admin nl Toegang tot site configuratie weigere
deny access to user accounts admin nl Toegang tot gebruikersaccounts weigeren
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin nl Ontneem alle gebruikers de mogelijkheid elkaar toegang te geven tot hun gegevens
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin nl Beschrijving mag niet de 255 tekens overschreiden in lengte!
determines the order the fields are displayed admin nl bepaalt de volgorde waarin de velden worden getoond
determines the order the fields are displayed admin nl Bepaalt de volgorde waarin de velden worden getoond
disable admin nl Deactiveren
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin nl "Automatisch afmaken" uischakelen in het loginformulier
disable wysiwyg-editor admin nl WYSIWYG-editor uitschakelen
disabled (not recomended) admin nl uitgeschakeld (niet aanbevolen)
disabled (not recomended) admin nl Uitgeschakeld (niet aanbevolen)
display admin nl Weergave
displaying html messages is disabled admin nl weergeven van html berichten is uitgeschakeld
displaying html messages is disabled admin nl Weergeven van HTML berichten is uitgeschakeld
displaying plain messages is disabled admin nl Weergeven standaard vericht is uitgeschakeld
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin nl de categorie NIET verwijderen en terugkeren naar de lijst
do not validate certificate admin nl het certificaat niet valideren
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin nl De categorie NIET verwijderen en terugkeren naar de lijst
do not validate certificate admin nl Het certificaat niet valideren
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin nl Wilt u tevens alle globale subcategorieën verwijderen?
do you really want to delete this profile admin nl Weet u zeker dat u dit profiel wilt verwijderen
do you really want to reset the filter for the profile listing admin nl Wilt u werkelijk het filter voor de profielenlijst opnieuw instellen
@ -232,20 +244,20 @@ do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin nl Wilt u alle globale s
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin nl Wilt u alle globale subcategorieën een niveau naar beneden verplaatsen?
document root (default) admin nl Document root (standaard)
domainname admin nl Domeinnaam
down admin nl omlaag
down admin nl Omlaag
edit account admin nl Account bewerken
edit application admin nl Toepassing bewerken
edit email settings admin nl Wijzig emailinstellingen
edit global category admin nl Algemene catergorie bewerken
edit global category for %1 admin nl Algemene catergorie bewerken voor %1
edit group admin nl Groep bewerken
edit group acl's admin nl groepsrechten bewerken
edit group acl's admin nl Groepsrechten bewerken
edit peer server admin nl Peer-server bewerken
edit table format admin nl Tabelformaat bewerken
edit this category admin nl deze categorie bewerken
edit this group admin nl deze groep bewerken
edit this user admin nl deze gebruiker bewerken
edit user admin nl gebruiker bewerken
edit this category admin nl Deze categorie bewerken
edit this group admin nl Deze groep bewerken
edit this user admin nl Deze gebruiker bewerken
edit user admin nl Gebruiker bewerken
edit user account admin nl Gebruikersaccount bewerken
egroupware directory admin nl EGroupware directory
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin nl Of installatie ID met configuratie wachtwoord is nodig of het remote hash!
@ -255,18 +267,18 @@ email settings common nl Emailinstellingen
emailadmin admin nl EmailAdmin
emailadmin: group assigned profile common nl eMailAdmin: Groep heeft profiel toegewezen gekregen
emailadmin: user assigned profile common nl eMailAdmin: Gebruiker heeft profiel toegewezen gekregen
enable admin nl inschakelen
enable cyrus imap server administration admin nl activier Cyrus IMAP serverbeheer
enable admin nl Inschakelen
enable cyrus imap server administration admin nl Activier Cyrus IMAP serverbeheer
enable debug-messages admin nl Debugberichten activeren
enable sieve admin nl activeer Sieve
enable sieve admin nl Activeer Sieve
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin nl Schakel de spellingcontrole in de Rich Text Editor in?
enable the soap service admin nl De SOAP service inschakelen
enable the xmlrpc service admin nl De XML-RPC service inschakelen
enabled - hidden from navbar admin nl Ingeschakeld - niet zichtbaar op de navigatiebalk
enabled - popup window admin nl Ingeschakeld - Popup Window
encrypted connection admin nl versleutelde verbinding
encryption settings admin nl encryptie instellingen
enter a description for the category admin nl voer een beschrijving in voor de categorie
encrypted connection admin nl Versleutelde verbinding
encryption settings admin nl Encryptie instellingen
enter a description for the category admin nl Voer een beschrijving in voor de categorie
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin nl Voer wat willekeurige tekst in voor 'app_session' <br />encryptie (dit vereist mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin nl Voer de achtergrondkleur in voor de loginpagina
enter the background color for the site title admin nl Voer de achtergrondkleur in voor de websitetitel
@ -275,7 +287,7 @@ enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin nl Voer
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin nl Voer het volledige pad in voor gebruikers- en groepsbestanden.<br />Bijv.: /files of D:\FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin nl Voer het volledige pad in voor gebruikers- en groepsbestanden.<br />Bijv.: /files of D:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin nl Voer de hostnaam van de machine in waar deze server op draait
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin nl Voer de locatie in van EGroupware's URL.<br />Bijv.: http://www.domein.com/egroupware of /egroupware<br /><b>Gebruik geen afsluitend slash</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin nl Voer de locatie in van EGroupware's URL.<br />Bijv.: https://egw.domein.com/egroupware of /egroupware<br /><b>Gebruik geen afsluitend slash</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin nl Voer de zoekstring in. Laat dit veld leeg om alles weer te geven en druk opnieuw op de VERZENDKNOP
enter the site password for peer servers admin nl Voer het websitewachtwoord in voor peer-servers
enter the site username for peer servers admin nl Voer het websitegebruikersnaam in voor peer-servers
@ -291,13 +303,13 @@ enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin nl Uw SMTP server host of IP
enter your smtp server port admin nl Uw SMTP port
entry saved admin nl Record opgeslagen
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin nl Fout bij het annuleren van de timer, misschien is er geen timer ingesteld!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin nl Fout bij wijzigen van wachtwoord voor %1 !!!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin nl Fout bij wijzigen van wachtwoord voor %1 !
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin nl Fout verbinden met de IMAP server. %s : %s
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin nl Fout verbinden met de IMAP server: [%s] %s
error saving admin nl Fout bij opslaan
error saving account! admin nl Fout bij opslaan van account!
error saving the command! admin nl Fout bij opslaan van commando!
error saving the entry!!! admin nl Fout bij het bewaren van de invoer!!!
error saving the entry!!! admin nl Fout bij het bewaren van de invoer!
error saving to db: admin nl Fout bij opslaan in database:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin nl Fout bij het zetten van de timer. verkeerde syntax of misschien draait er al een timer!
error! no appname found admin nl Fout! geen appname gevonden
@ -307,27 +319,27 @@ exists admin nl Bestaat
expires admin nl Verloopt
explanation of ldapman admin nl Deze module is getest voor POSTFIX, LDAP, Courier-IMAP en vereist de schema's CORE en QMAIL (OID7914). Meer details over het gebruik en configureren van dit systeem is te vinden in README.ldapman in de doc map van ADMIN.
failed to change password. admin nl Wachtwoord kan niet worden gewijzigd.
fallback (after each pageview) admin nl terugval (na iedere paginaweergave)
false admin nl onwaar
field '%1' already exists !!! admin nl Veld '%1' bestaat al !!!
fallback (after each pageview) admin nl Terugval (na iedere paginaweergave)
false admin nl Onwaar
field '%1' already exists !!! admin nl Veld '%1' bestaat al !
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin nl Bestand geweigerd, geen %2.is:%1
file space admin nl Bestandsruimte
file space must be an integer admin nl Bestandsruimte moet een integer zijn
filtered by account admin nl gefilterd op Account
filtered by group admin nl gefilterd op Groep
filtered by account admin nl Gefilterd op Account
filtered by group admin nl Gefilterd op Groep
for the times above admin nl voor de tijden hierboven
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin nl voor de tijden hieronder (lege waarden gelden als '*', alles leeg = elke minuut)
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin nl Voor de tijden hieronder (lege waarden gelden als '*', alles leeg = elke minuut)
force selectbox admin nl Forceer Selectbox
forward also to admin nl Ook doorsturen naar
forward email's to admin nl Emails doorsturen naar
forward emails to admin nl stuurt emails door naar
forward emails to admin nl Stuurt emails door naar
forward only admin nl Alleen doorsturen
full name admin nl Volledige naam
general admin nl Algemeen
global categories common nl Algemene Categorieën
global options admin nl Algemene opties
grant admin nl Sta toe
group ? admin nl groep?
group ? admin nl Groep?
group has been added common nl Groep is toegevoegd.
group has been deleted common nl Groep is verwijderd.
group has been updated common nl Groep is bijgewerkt.
@ -346,7 +358,7 @@ how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin nl Hoeveel minuten moet een account of IP-adres worden geblokkeerd (standaard 30 minuten)?
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin nl Hoe moet het Emailadres voor nieuwe gebruikers samengesteld worden?
icon admin nl Pictogram
idle admin nl inactief
idle admin nl Inactief
if different from email address admin nl Indien afwijkend van EMAIL adres
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin nl Als er geen ACL-records if groepen zijn voor de gebruiker is de gebruiker lid van
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin nl Als u LDAP gebruikt, wilt u dan homedirectory en loginshell attributen beheren?
@ -360,18 +372,18 @@ imap server closed the connection. server responded: %s admin nl IMAP Server slo
imap server hostname or ip address admin nl IMAP-server hostnaam of IP-adres
imap server logintyp admin nl IMAP-server logintype
imap server name admin nl imap server naam
imap server port admin nl IMAP-serverpoort
imap server port admin nl IMAP server poort
imap/pop3 server name admin nl IMAP/POP3-servernaam
importance admin nl Belangrijk
in mbyte admin nl in MBytes
inactive admin nl inactief
inactive admin nl Inactief
inbound admin nl inkomend
initial admin nl Initiaal
install crontab admin nl Installeer crontab
installed applications common nl Geïnstalleerde toepassingen
installed crontab admin nl Geïnstalleerde crontab
interface admin nl Interface
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin nl Ongeldig argument '%1' !!!
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin nl Ongeldig argument '%1' !
invalid formated date "%1"! admin nl Ongeldig datumformaat "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin nl Ongeldig id of naam "%1" op afstand!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin nl Ongeldige waarde "%1" gebruik ja of nee!
@ -386,14 +398,14 @@ last login from admin nl Laatste login vanaf
last time read admin nl Laatste keer gelezen
last updated admin nl Laatst bijgewerkt
ldap accounts context admin nl LDAP accountscontext
ldap basedn admin nl LDAP basedn
ldap basedn admin nl LDAP base DN
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin nl LDAP standaard homedirectory voorvoegsel (bij.: /home/ voor /home/gebruikersnaam)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin nl LDAP standaard shell (bijv. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin nl LDAP encryption type
ldap groups context admin nl LDAP groepen context
ldap host admin nl LDAP host
ldap root password admin nl LDAP root wachtwoord
ldap rootdn admin nl LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin nl LDAP root DN
ldap server admin nl LDAP-server
ldap server accounts dn admin nl LDAP server accounts DN
ldap server admin dn admin nl LDAP server admin DN
@ -402,10 +414,10 @@ ldap server hostname or ip address admin nl LDAP-serverhostnaam of IP-adres
ldap settings admin nl LDAP-instellingen
leave empty for no quota admin nl Laat leeg voor geen quota
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin nl Leeg laten om OAuth te gebruiken, indien ondersteund
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin nl laat de categorie ongewijzigd en ga terug naar de lijst
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin nl laat de groep ongewijzigd en ga terug naar de lijst
leave without saveing the entry admin nl weggaan zonder op te slaan
leaves without saveing admin nl verlaat zonder opslaan
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin nl Laat de categorie ongewijzigd en ga terug naar de lijst
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin nl Laat de groep ongewijzigd en ga terug naar de lijst
leave without saveing the entry admin nl Weggaan zonder op te slaan
leaves without saveing admin nl Verlaat zonder opslaan
length<br>rows admin nl Lengte<br />Rijen
list config settings admin nl Configuratie-instellingen weergeven
list current sessions admin nl Huidige sessies weergeven
@ -423,36 +435,36 @@ manager admin nl Manager
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin nl Max. account id (bijv. 65535 of 100000)
maximum entries in click path history admin nl Max. aantal records in klikpad-historie
members admin nl Deelnemers
message has been updated admin nl bericht is bijgewerkt
message has been updated admin nl Bericht is bijgewerkt
method admin nl Methode
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin nl Min. account id (bijv. 500 of 1000, etc.)
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin nl Min. account ID (bijv. 500 of 1000, etc.)
minute admin nl Minuut
mode admin nl Modus
modified admin nl Gewijzigd
month admin nl Maand
more secure admin nl veiliger
more secure admin nl Veiliger
name must not be empty !!! admin nl Naam mag niet leeg zijn !!!
name of organisation admin nl Naam van de Organisatie
new group name admin nl Nieuwe groepsnaam
new name admin nl nieuwe naam
new name admin nl Nieuwe naam
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin nl Nieuw wachtwoord [Leeg laten om dit niet te wijzigen]
next run admin nl Volgende uitvoer
no algorithms available admin nl geen algoritmen verkrijgbaar
no alternate email address admin nl geen alternatief emailadres
no encryption admin nl geen versleuteling
no forwarding email address admin nl geen emailadres om naar door te sturen
no jobs in the database !!! admin nl Geen taken in
no algorithms available admin nl Geen algoritmen verkrijgbaar
no alternate email address admin nl Geen alternatief emailadres
no encryption admin nl Geen versleuteling
no forwarding email address admin nl Geen emailadres om naar door te sturen
no jobs in the database !!! admin nl Geen taken in DB
no login history exists for this user admin nl Er is geen loginhistorie aanwezig voor deze gebruiker
no matches found admin nl Geen overeenkomsten gevonden
no message returned. admin nl Geen bericht teruggekomen.
no modes available admin nl geen modi beschikbaar
no permission to add groups admin nl geen toelating om groepen toe te voegen
no permission to add users admin nl geen toelating om gebruikers toe te voegen
no permission to create groups admin nl geen toelating om gebruikers toe te voegen
no plain text part found admin nl geen platte tekst onderdeel gevonden
no modes available admin nl Geen modi beschikbaar
no permission to add groups admin nl Geen toelating om groepen toe te voegen
no permission to add users admin nl Geen toelating om gebruikers toe te voegen
no permission to create groups admin nl Geen toelating om gebruikers toe te voegen
no plain text part found admin nl Geen platte tekst onderdeel gevonden
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin nl Geen ondersteunde IMAP authenticatiemethode kon gevonden worden.
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin nl Let op: SSL is alleen beschikbaar als PHP is gecompileerd met curl ondersteuning.
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin nl aantal rijen voor een meer-regelig invoerveld of regel in een meervoudige selectie veld
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin nl Let op: SSL is alleen beschikbaar als PHP is gecompileerd met Curl ondersteuning.
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin nl Aantal rijen voor een meer-regelig invoerveld of regel in een meervoudige selectie veld
oauth authentiction admin nl OAuth authenticatie
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin nl Aanbod voor installatie van EGroupware als mail-handler
one day admin nl 1 dag
@ -462,11 +474,11 @@ one week admin nl 1 week
order admin nl Volgorde
organisation admin nl Organisatie
other security configuration admin nl Andere beveiligingsconfiguratie
outbound admin nl uitgaand
outbound admin nl Uitgaand
own categories admin nl Eigen categorieën
own install id admin nl Eigen installatie-ID
own install id: admin nl Eigen installatie ID:
passthrough admin nl doorgeven
passthrough admin nl Doorgeven
password for smtp-authentication admin nl Wachtwoord voor SMTP-authenticatie
password updated admin nl Wachtwoord bijgewerkt
path information admin nl Path informatie
@ -475,8 +487,8 @@ peer servers admin nl Peer-servers
percent of users that logged out admin nl Percentage gebruikers dat uitlogt
percent this user has logged out admin nl Percentage dat deze gebruiker uitgelogd heeft
permission denied admin nl Toestemming geweigerd
permission denied !!! admin nl Toestemming geweigerd !!!
permission denied!!! admin nl Toegang geweigerd!!!
permission denied !!! admin nl Toestemming geweigerd!
permission denied!!! admin nl Toegang geweigerd!
permissions admin nl Toestemmingen
permissions this group has admin nl Toestemmingen van deze groep
phpinfo admin nl PHP informatie
@ -486,23 +498,23 @@ please run setup to become current admin nl Voer a.u.b. de setup uit om een actu
please select admin nl Selecteer a.u.b.
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin nl Plesk kan gebruikers niet hernoemen --> verzoek genegeerd
plesk imap server (courier) admin nl Plesk IMAP Server (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin nl Plesk mail script '%1' niet gevonden !!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin nl Plesk vereist dat wachtwoorden minstens 5 karakters bevatten en niet de accountnaam mogen bevatten --> wachtwoord niet gewijzigd !!!
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin nl Plesk mail script '%1' niet gevonden!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin nl Plesk vereist dat wachtwoorden minstens 5 karakters bevatten en niet de accountnaam mogen bevatten --> wachtwoord niet gewijzigd!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin nl Plesk SMTP-Server (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin nl POP3-server hostnaam of IP-adres
pop3 server port admin nl POP3-serverpoort
port admin nl poort
port admin nl Poort
postfix with ldap admin nl Postfix met LDAP
preferences admin nl Voorkeuren
primary group admin nl Primaire groep
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. admin nl Uitvoeren van bestand %1 mislukt. Mislukt om aan de basis beperkingen te voldoen.
profile access rights admin nl profiel toegangsrechten
profile is active admin nl profiel is actief
profile access rights admin nl Profiel toegangsrechten
profile is active admin nl Profiel is actief
profile list admin nl Profiellijst
profile name admin nl Profielnaam
qmaildotmode admin nl qmaildotmode
quota settings admin nl Quota-installingen
quota size in mbyte admin nl quota grootte in MByte
quota size in mbyte admin nl Quota grootte in MByte
re-enter password admin nl Wachtwoord opnieuw invoeren
read this list of methods. admin nl Lees deze lijst met methodes.
register application hooks admin nl Registreer alle toepassingsproblemen
@ -513,7 +525,7 @@ remove admin nl Verwijderen
remove all users from this group admin nl Alle gebruikers uit deze groep verwijderen
remove all users from this group ? admin nl Alle gebruikers uit deze groep verwijderen?
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. admin nl PEAR benodigd, class MAIL/mimeDecode.php niet gevonden
reset filter admin nl filter opnieuw instellen
reset filter admin nl Filter opnieuw instellen
rights admin nl Rechten
route all mails to admin nl Routeer alle emails naar
rows admin nl Rijen
@ -521,8 +533,8 @@ run asynchronous services admin nl Asynchrone services uitvoeren
save of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 admin nl Bewaren van bericht %1 is mislukt. Kon het bericht niet opslaan naar map %2 om de volgende reden %3
save the category admin nl De categorie opslaan
save the category and return back to the list admin nl De categorie opslaan en teruggaan naar de lijst
saves the changes made and leaves admin nl bewaart de gemaakte wijzigingen en verlaat
saves this entry admin nl Slaat deze infolog op
saves the changes made and leaves admin nl Bewaart de gemaakte wijzigingen en verlaat
saves this entry admin nl Slaat deze InfoLog op
saving of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist. admin nl Bewaren van bericht %1 mislukt. De doelmap %2 bestaat niet.
search accounts admin nl Doorzoek de accounts
search categories admin nl Doorzoek de categorieën
@ -532,7 +544,7 @@ security admin nl Beveiliging
select group managers admin nl Selecteer Groepsmanagers
select permissions this group will have admin nl Selecteer de rechten die deze groep krijgt
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin nl Selecteer de bovenliggende categorieën. Als dit een hoofdcategorie is selecteer dan GEEN CATEGORIE
select type of imap server admin nl selecteer IMAP servertype
select type of imap server admin nl Selecteer IMAP servertype
select type of imap/pop3 server admin nl Selecteer IMAP/POP3-servertype
select type of smtp server admin nl Selecteer SMTP-servertype
select users for inclusion admin nl Selecteer gebruikers om toe te voegen
@ -543,7 +555,7 @@ selectbox admin nl Selectbox
server %1 has been updated admin nl Server %1 is bijgewerkt.
server list admin nl Serverlijst
server password admin nl Serverwachtwoord
server settings admin nl server instellingen
server settings admin nl Server instellingen
server type(mode) admin nl Servertype(modus)
server url admin nl Server-URL
server username admin nl Servergebruikersnaam
@ -571,18 +583,18 @@ sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin nl Sorry, die groepsnaam be
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin nl Excuses, de bovenstaande gebruikers zijn nog steeds lid van de groep %1.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin nl Sorry, de volgende gebruikers zijn nog lid van groep %1
sort the entries admin nl Sorteer de records
ssl admin nl ssl
ssl admin nl SSL
standard admin nl Standaard
standard imap server admin nl Standaard IMAP-server
standard pop3 server admin nl Standaard POP3-server
standard smtp-server admin nl Standaard SMTP-server
start admin nl Start
start testjob! admin nl Testtaak starten
stationery admin nl stationery
stationery admin nl Stationery
submit changes admin nl Wijzigingen toepassen
submit the search string admin nl Verzend de zoekopdracht
subtype admin nl Subtype
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin nl schakel het uit, wanneer gebruiker willekeurig eruit gegooid worden
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin nl Schakel het uit, wanneer gebruiker willekeurig eruit gegooid worden
template selection admin nl Templateselectie
templates admin nl Sjablonen
text entry admin nl Tekstinvoer
@ -598,49 +610,49 @@ the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. p
the login and password can not be the same admin nl De loginnaam en het wachtwoord mogen niet gelijk zijn
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin nl De loginnaam mag de 8 tekens in lengte niet overschreiden.
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin nl De mimeparsers kan dit bericht niet lezen.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin nl de intern gebruikte naam (<= 20 tekens), wijziging maakt bestaande gegevens onbereikbaar
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin nl De intern gebruikte naam (<= 20 tekens), wijziging maakt bestaande gegevens onbereikbaar
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin nl De testtaak verzend elke als het wordt uitgevoerd een email.
the text displayed to the user admin nl de tekst die aan de gebruiker getoond wordt
the text displayed to the user admin nl De tekst die aan de gebruiker getoond wordt
the two passwords are not the same admin nl De twee wachtwoorden komen niet overeen.
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin nl de gebruikers hieronder zijn nog steeds lid van groep %1.
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin nl De gebruikers hieronder zijn nog steeds lid van groep %1.
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin nl Er bestaat reeds een groep met deze naam. GebruikersID's mogen niet dezelfde naam als een groepID hebben.
they must be removed before you can continue admin nl Ze moeten worden verwijderd voor u verder kunt gaan.
this application is current admin nl Deze toepassing is actueel.
this application requires an upgrade admin nl Deze toepassing vereist een upgrade.
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin nl Deze categorie wordt momenteel gebruikt door toepassingen als bovenliggende categorie.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin nl Deze PHP heeft geen IMAP ondersteuning verzamelt in!!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin nl Deze PHP heeft geen IMAP ondersteuning verzamelt in!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin nl Uitvoertijd is overschreden voor toepassingssessiegegevens in seconden.(standaard 86400 = 1 dag)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin nl Uitvoertijd is overschreden voor sessies in seconden. (standaard 14400 =4 uren)
times admin nl Tijden
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. admin nl Om een TLS verbinding te gebruiken, moet u een versie van PHP 5.1.0 of hoger gebruiken.
top admin nl boven
top admin nl Boven
total of %1 id's changed. admin nl Totaal van %1 IDs gewijzigd.
total records admin nl Totaal aantal records
translation admin nl Vertaling
true admin nl waar
true admin nl Waar
trust level admin nl Vertrouwensniveau
trust relationship admin nl Vertrouwensrelatie
two days admin nl 2 dagen
two hours admin nl 2 uren
two months admin nl 2 maanden
two weeks admin nl 2 weken
type '%1' already exists !!! admin nl type '%1' bestaat al !!!
type '%1' already exists !!! admin nl Type '%1' bestaat al!
type of customfield admin nl Type van een aangepast veld
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin nl Onder Windows moet u de asynservice %1handmatig%2 installeren of gebruiken van de fallback methode. De fallback methode houdt in dat de taak alleen wordt uitgevoerd na iedere pagina raadpleging !!!
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin nl Onder Windows moet u de asynservice %1handmatig%2 installeren of gebruiken van de fallback methode. De fallback methode houdt in dat de taak alleen wordt uitgevoerd na iedere pagina raadpleging!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin nl Onverwachte reactie van de server om de opdracht te AUTHENTICEREN.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin nl Onverwachte reactie van de server op Digest-MD5 reactie.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin nl Onverwachte reactie van de server op LOGIN opdracht.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin nl Onbekend account: %1 !!!
unknown command %1! admin nl Onbekend commando %1!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin nl Onbekend account: %1 !
unknown command %1! admin nl Onbekend commando %1 !
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin nl Onverwachte IMAP reactie van de server. Server reageerde: %s
unknown option %1 admin nl Onbekende optie %1
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin nl Niet-ondersteunde actie '%1'
up admin nl boven
up admin nl Boven
update current email address: admin nl Huidige emailadres bijwerken:
updated admin nl bijgewerkt
updated admin nl Bijgewerkt
use cookies to pass sessionid admin nl Gebruik cookies om sessie-ID door te geven
use default admin nl Gebruik standaard
use ldap defaults admin nl gebruik LDAP standaard instellingen
use ldap defaults admin nl Gebruik LDAP standaard instellingen
use predefined username and password defined below admin nl Gebruik voorgekozen gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord zoals hieronder is ingesteld
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin nl Gebruik pure HTML compatible code (werk momenteel niet volledig)
use smtp auth admin nl Gebruik SMTP authenticatie
@ -652,13 +664,14 @@ user can edit forwarding address admin nl Gebruiker kan het doorstuuradres aanpa
user data common nl Gebruikersgegevens
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin nl Gebruikersnaam voor SMTP-authenticatie (leeglaten indien geen auth vereist is)
user groups admin nl Gebruikersgroepen
userdata admin nl gebruikersgegevens
username (standard) admin nl gebruikersnaam (standaard)
user-agent admin nl User-Agent
userdata admin nl Gebruikersgegevens
username (standard) admin nl Gebruikersnaam (standaard)
username/password defined by admin admin nl Gebruikersnaam/Wachtwoord ingesteld door beheerder
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin nl gebruikersnaam@domeinnaam (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin nl Gebruikers kunnen hun eigen emailaccounts definiëren
users can define their own identities admin nl gebruikers kunnen hun eigen identiteit instellen
users can define their own signatures admin nl gebruikers kunnen hun eigen ondertekening instellen
users can define their own identities admin nl Gebruikers kunnen hun eigen identiteit instellen
users can define their own signatures admin nl Gebruikers kunnen hun eigen ondertekening instellen
users choice admin nl Gebruikerskeuze
value for column %1 is not unique! admin nl Waarde in kolom %1 is niet uniek!
view access log admin nl Toegangslog bekijken
@ -675,12 +688,12 @@ would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admi
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin nl Wilt u EGroupware laten controleren op nieuwe toepassingensversies wanneer beheerders inloggen?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin nl Wilt u automatisch (bij inloggen) nieuwe taalbestanden laden?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin nl Wilt u bij de elke toepassing de upgradestatus weergeven?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin nl Verkeerde account type: %1 is GEEN %2 !!!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin nl Verkeerde beheerders account of -wachtwoord !!!
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin nl Verkeerde account type: %1 is GEEN %2 !
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin nl Verkeerde beheerders account of -wachtwoord!
xml-rpc admin nl XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin nl U heeft u een ongeldige verloopdatum ingevoerd.
you have received a new message on the admin nl U heeft een nieuw bericht ontvangen op de
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin nl U moet een naam invullen om een nieuwe veld te creëeren!!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin nl U moet een naam invullen om een nieuwe veld te creëeren!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin nl U moet een naam invullen om een nieuwe type te creëeren!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin nl U moet op z'n minst 1 permissie of groep toewijzen aan dit account.
you must enter a group name. admin nl U moet een groepsnaam invoeren.
@ -1,7 +1,32 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin no %1 %2 rettigheter for %3 på %4 til %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin no %1 - %2 av %3 brukerkontoer
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin no %1 - %2 av %3 brukergrupper
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin no Fant ikke %1, eller den er ikke kjørbar !!!
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin no (standard Nei, la den være av dersom du ikke bruker den)
%1 access to other data admin no %1 tilgang til andre data
%1 accounts being activated admin no %1 kontoer som aktiveres
%1 acl entries deleted. admin no %1 ACL-oppføringer slettet.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin no %1 ACL-oppføringer for ikke lenger eksisterende kontoer slettet.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin no %1 kategorier av ikke (lenger) eksisterende kontoer slettet.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin no %1 kategori '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin no %1 kategori(er) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin no %1 kategori(er) %2, %3 mislyktes på grunn av utilstrekkelige rettigheter!
%1 class not instanciated admin no %1 klasse ikke installert
%1 entries deleted admin no %1 oppføringer slettet
%1 entries deleted. admin no %1 oppføringer slettet.
%1 group %2 admin no %1 gruppe %2
%1 is no command! admin no %1 er ingen kommando!
%1 log entries deleted. admin no %1 loggoppføringer slettet.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin no %1 e-post-legitimasjon slettet
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin no Fant ikke %1, eller den er ikke kjørbar!
%1 phrases saved. admin no %1 setninger lagret.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin no %1 rettigheter for %2 og applikasjon(er) %3 .
%1 run rights for applications admin no %1 kjørerettigheter for applikasjoner
%1 sessions killed admin no %1 økter avsluttet.
%1 successful admin no %1 vellykket
%1 token %2. admin no %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin no %1 bruker %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin no (de)aktivere e-postkontoer
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin no Standard nei, la den være av dersom du ikke bruker den
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin no (imapclass må støtte denne funksjonen ved å spørre etter den tilsvarende konfigurasjonsverdien og sende den som standardkvote til IMAP-serveren)
(no subject) admin no (uten emne)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin no (Lagret passord blir ikke vist her)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin no For å installere nye applikasjoner, bruk <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Oppsett</a> [Behandle applikasjoner]
@ -21,12 +46,12 @@ acl rights common no ACL rettigheter
action admin no Handling
actions admin no Funksjoner
activate admin no Aktiviser
activate wysiwyg-editor admin no aktiver WYSIWYD-editor
add a category admin no legg til kategori
add a group admin no legg til gruppe
activate wysiwyg-editor admin no Aktiver WYSIWYD-editor
add a category admin no Legg til kategori
add a group admin no Legg til gruppe
add a new account. admin no Legg til ny konto
add a subcategory admin no legg til underkategori
add a user admin no legg til bruker
add a subcategory admin no Legg til underkategori
add a user admin no Legg til bruker
add account admin no Legg til konto
add application admin no Legg til applikasjon
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin no Legg til auto-opprettede brukere til denne gruppen ('Default' er standard hvis tom.)
@ -38,7 +63,7 @@ add new application admin no Legg til ny applikasjon
add peer server admin no Legg til Peer Tjener
add profile admin no Legg til profil
add sub-category admin no Legg til underkategori
admin dn admin no Admin dn
admin dn admin no Admin DN
admin email admin no Admin E-post
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin no Admin e-post adresser (komma-separert) som blir varslet om blokkering (ingen varsler hvis tom)
admin name admin no Admin Navn
@ -74,21 +99,21 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin no Er du sikker på at du vil
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin no Er du sikker på at du vil avslutte denne sesjonen?
async services last executed admin no Asynkron tjeneste sist utført
asynchronous timed services admin no Asynkrone tidsinnstilte tjenester
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin no asynkrone tjenester er ikke installert, eller annen feil er oppstått (%1) !!!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin no Forsøk å bruke korrekt mimetype for FTP istedenfor standard 'application/octet-stream'
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin no Asynkrone tjenester er ikke installert, eller annen feil er oppstått (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin no Forsøk å bruke korrekt MIMEtype for FTP istedenfor standard 'application/octet-stream'
authentication / accounts admin no Autorisasjon / Kontoer
auto create account records for authenticated users admin no Opprett kontoer for autoriserte brukere automatisk
back to the list admin no tilbake til listen
back to the list admin no Tilbake til listen
bi-dir passthrough admin no bi-mappe gjennomgang
bi-directional admin no bi-direksjon
bottom admin no bunn
bottom admin no Bunn
calculate next run admin no Kalkuler neste gjennomgang
can change password admin no Kan endre passord
cancel testjob! admin no Avbryt TestJob!
categories list admin no Kategoriliste
category %1 has been saved ! admin no Kategori %1 er lagret
category list admin no Kategoriliste
change acl rights admin no endre ACL rettigheter
change acl rights admin no Endre ACL rettigheter
change config settings admin no Endre innstillinger for konfigurasjon
change login screen message admin no Endre melding på hovedside
check ip address of all sessions admin no Sjekk alle sesjoners IP-adresse
@ -100,8 +125,8 @@ country admin no Land
country selection admin no Velg land
create group admin no Lag Gruppe
created admin no Opprettet
creates a new field admin no lager nytt felt
crontab only (recomended) admin no kun crontab (anbefalt)
creates a new field admin no Lager nytt felt
crontab only (recomended) admin no Kun crontab (anbefalt)
custom 1 admin no Egendefinert 1
custom 2 admin no Egendefinert 2
custom 3 admin no Egendefinert 3
@ -112,7 +137,7 @@ data admin no Data
day admin no Dag
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin no Ukedag<br>(0-6, 0=Søn)
db backup and restore admin no DB backup og restore
default admin no standard
default admin no Standard
default file system space per user admin no Standard størrelse på filsystem per bruker
default file system space per user/group ? admin no Standrad størrelse på filsystem per bruker/gruppe?
deinstall crontab admin no Avinstaller crontab
@ -122,14 +147,14 @@ delete application admin no Slett applikasjon
delete category admin no Slett kategori
delete group admin no Slett gruppe
delete peer server admin no Slett peer tjener
delete the category admin no slett denne kategorien
delete the group admin no slett denne gruppen
delete this category admin no slett denne kategorien
delete this group admin no slett denne gruppen
delete this user admin no slett denne brukere
delete the category admin no Slett denne kategorien
delete the group admin no Slett denne gruppen
delete this category admin no Slett denne kategorien
delete this group admin no Slett denne gruppen
delete this user admin no Slett denne brukere
deleted admin no slettet
deletes this field admin no sletter dette feltet
deliver extern admin no lever eksternt
deletes this field admin no Sletter dette feltet
deliver extern admin no Lever eksternt
deny access admin no Nekte adgang
deny access to access log admin no Nekt tilgang til tilgangslogg
deny access to application registery admin no Nekt tilgang til applikasjonsregister
@ -147,11 +172,11 @@ deny access to site configuration admin no Nekt tilgang til site konfigurasjon
deny access to user accounts admin no Nekt tilgang til brukerkontoer
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin no Nekt alle brukere tilgang til å tillate andre brukere tilgang til deres innlegg
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin no Beskrivelse kan ikke overgå 255 karakterer!
determines the order the fields are displayed admin no avgjør rekkefølge feltene vises i
determines the order the fields are displayed admin no Avgjør rekkefølge feltene vises i
disable admin no Deaktiver
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin no Deaktiver "autofullfør" i login vindu
disable wysiwyg-editor admin no deaktiver WYSIWYG-editor
disabled (not recomended) admin no deaktivert (ikke anbefalt)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin no Deaktiver WYSIWYG-editor
disabled (not recomended) admin no Deaktivert (ikke anbefalt)
display admin no Vis
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin no IKKE slett denne kategorien og returner til listen
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin no Vil du også slette alle globale kategorier?
@ -159,39 +184,39 @@ do you really want to delete this profile admin no Ønsker du virkelig å slette
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin no Vil du slette alle globale underkategorier?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin no Vil du flytte alle globale underkategorier ett steg ned?
domainname admin no Domenenavn
down admin no ned
down admin no Ned
edit account admin no Rediger konto
edit application admin no Rediger applikasjon
edit email settings admin no Rediger e-mail oppsett
edit global category admin no Rediger global kategori
edit global category for %1 admin no Rediger global kategori for %1
edit group admin no Rediger gruppe
edit group acl's admin no rediger gruppe ACL'er
edit group acl's admin no Rediger gruppe ACL'er
edit peer server admin no Rediger peer tjener
edit table format admin no Rediger tabell format
edit this category admin no rediger denne kategorien
edit this group admin no rediger denne gruppen
edit this user admin no rediger denne brukeren
edit user admin no rediger bruker
edit this category admin no Rediger denne kategorien
edit this group admin no Rediger denne gruppen
edit this user admin no Rediger denne brukeren
edit user admin no Rediger bruker
edit user account admin no Rediger brukerkonto
email account active admin no E-mailkonto aktiv
email address admin no E-mailadresse
enable admin no muliggjør
enable admin no Muliggjør
enable cyrus imap server administration admin no Tillat Cyrus IMAP-tjener administrasjon
enable debug-messages admin no Aktiver debug-meldinger
enable sieve admin no Tillat Sieve
enable the soap service admin no Aktiver SOAP-service
enable the xmlrpc service admin no Aktiver xmlrpc-service
enable the xmlrpc service admin no Aktiver XML-RPC-service
enabled - hidden from navbar admin no Aktivisert - Gjemt fra navigasjonslinje
enabled - popup window admin no Aktivisert - popup vindu
enter a description for the category admin no angi en beskrivelse for kategorien
enter a description for the category admin no Angi en beskrivelse for kategorien
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin no Angi noe tilfeldig tekst for app_session <br>kryptering (krever mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin no Angi bakrunnsfarge for loginside
enter the background color for the site title admin no Angi bakgrunnsfarge for sidetittel
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin no Angi full sti for midlertidige filer. <br>Eksempler: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin no Angi full sti for bruker- og gruppefiler. <br>Eksempler: /filer, E:\FILER
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin no Angi maskinnavnet til maskinen denne serveren kjører på
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin no Angi URL'en for EGroupware. <br>Eksempel: http://www.domene.com/egroupware eller /egroupware<br><b>Ingen avsluttende skråstrek</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin no Angi URL'en for EGroupware. <br>Eksempel: https://egw.domene.com/egroupware eller /egroupware<br><b>Ingen avsluttende skråstrek</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin no Skriv inn søkestrengen. For å vise alle innlegg, tøm dette feltet og trykk på SEND knappen igjen
enter the site password for peer servers admin no Skriv inn site passord for peer tjenere
enter the site username for peer servers admin no Skriv inn sitens brukernavn for peer tjenere
@ -206,35 +231,35 @@ enter your http proxy server port admin no Skriv inn HTTP proxy tjener port
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin no Skriv inn din SMTP tjeners navn eller IP adresse
enter your smtp server port admin no Skriv inn din SMTP tjeners portnummer
entry saved admin no Registrering lagret
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin no En feil oppstod ved kansellering av tidsur, kanskje ingen er angitt !!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin no En feil oppstod ved kansellering av tidsur, kanskje ingen er angitt!
error saving the entry!!! admin no Feil ved lagring av forekomst!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin no En feil oppstod ved tidsinnstilling, feil syntaks eller kanskje en allerede kjører !!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin no En feil oppstod ved tidsinnstilling, feil syntaks eller kanskje en allerede kjører!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin no Feil: Fant ikke %1, eller annen feil
event details follow admin no Hendelses Detaljer Følger
expires admin no Går ut
explanation of ldapman admin no Denne modulen er så langt testet med POSTFIX, LDAP, Courier.IMAP og trenger skjemaene CORE og QMAIL (OID7914). Flere detaljer om bruk og konfigurasjon av system finner du i README.ldapman som er plassert i dok.mappen på Admin.
failed to change password. admin no Passordet kunne ikke endres.
fallback (after each pageview) admin no tilbakefall (etter hver sidevisning)
fallback (after each pageview) admin no Tilbakefall (etter hver sidevisning)
false admin no Falsk
file space admin no Filstørrelse
file space must be an integer admin no Filstørrelse på være en integer
for the times above admin no for tiden over
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin no for tiden under (tomme verdier teller som '*', alle tomme = hvert minutt)
force selectbox admin no Tving frem Selectbox
forward also to admin no videresend også til
forward email's to admin no videresend e-mailer til
forward only admin no bare videresending
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin no For tiden under (tomme verdier teller som '*', alle tomme = hvert minutt)
force selectbox admin no Tving frem selectbox
forward also to admin no Videresend også til
forward email's to admin no Videresend e-mailer til
forward only admin no Bare videresending
full name admin no Fullt Navn
general admin no Generell
global categories common no Globale kategorier
group ? admin no gruppe?
group ? admin no Gruppe?
group has been added common no Gruppen er lagt til
group has been deleted common no Gruppen er slettet
group has been updated common no Gruppen er oppdatert
group list admin no Gruppeliste
group manager admin no Gruppeleder
group name admin no Gruppe Navn
hide php information admin no gjem php informasjon
hide php information admin no Gjem php informasjon
home directory admin no Startmappe
home screen message admin no Melding på hovedside
host information admin no Vertsinformasjon
@ -242,7 +267,7 @@ hour<br>(0-23) admin no Time <br>(0-23)
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin no Hvor mange dager skal innhold være i tilgangsloggen før de blir slettet (standard 90)?
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin no Hvor mange minutter skal en konto eller IP være sperret(standard 30)?
icon admin no Ikon
idle admin no idle
idle admin no Idle
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin no Dersom ingen ACL post for bruker eller noen gruppe bruker medlem av
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin no Om LDAP används, vill du hantera attribut för hemktalog och programskal?
imap admin password admin no IMAP Administrasjonspassord
@ -269,14 +294,14 @@ last login from admin no Siste login fra
last time read admin no Lest siste gang
last updated admin no Sist oppdatert
ldap accounts context admin no LDAP konto kontekst
ldap basedn admin no LDAP basedn
ldap basedn admin no LDAP base DN
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin no LDAP Prefiks for standard hjemmekatalog (f.eks /home for /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin no LDAP Standard skall (f.eks. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin no LDAP krypteringstype
ldap groups context admin no LDAP gruppe kontekst
ldap host admin no LDAP vert
ldap root password admin no LDAP rot-passord
ldap rootdn admin no LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin no LDAP root DN
ldap server admin no LDAP Tjener
ldap server accounts dn admin no LDAP Tjenerkonti DN
ldap server admin dn admin no LDAP Tjeneradmin. DN
@ -285,14 +310,14 @@ ldap server hostname or ip address admin no Tjenernavn eller IP-adresse for LDAP
ldap settings admin no LDAP Instillinger
leave empty for no quota admin no La stå tomt for ingen begrensning.
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin no La det stå tomt for å bruke OAuth, hvis dette støttes
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin no forlat kategorien uberørt og returner tilbake til listen
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin no Forlat kategorien uberørt og returner tilbake til listen
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin no Forlat gruppen uberørt og returner tilbake til listen
leave without saveing the entry admin no avslutt uten å lagre innslaget
leaves without saveing admin no avslutt uten å lagre
leave without saveing the entry admin no Avslutt uten å lagre innslaget
leaves without saveing admin no Avslutt uten å lagre
length<br>rows admin no Lengde<br>Kolonner
list config settings admin no Vis konfigurasjonsinnstillinger
list current sessions admin no Vis nåverende sesjoner
list of current users admin no liste over brukere
list of current users admin no Liste over brukere
login history admin no Login historie
login message admin no Login melding
login screen admin no Login side
@ -304,36 +329,36 @@ main email-address admin no E-mailadresse på forsiden
manager admin no Manager
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin no Maksimal kontoID (f.eks. 65535 eller 100000)
members admin no Medlemmer
message has been updated admin no meldingen er oppdatert
message has been updated admin no Meldingen er oppdatert
method admin no Metode
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin no Minimum kontoident (f.eks. 100, 500 osv.)
minute admin no Minutt
mode admin no Modus
modified admin no Endret
month admin no Måned
name must not be empty !!! admin no Navn kan ikke være tomt !!!
name must not be empty !!! admin no Navn kan ikke være tomt!
name of organisation admin no Navn på organisasjon
new group name admin no Nytt gruppe navn
new name admin no nytt navn
new name admin no Nytt navn
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin no Nytt passord [ Ingenting hvis ingen forandring ]
next run admin no Neste kjøring
no algorithms available admin no ingen algoritmer tilgjengelig
no alternate email address admin no ingen alternativ e-mailadresse
no forwarding email address admin no ingen e-mailadresse for videresending
no algorithms available admin no Ingen algoritmer tilgjengelig
no alternate email address admin no Ingen alternativ e-mailadresse
no forwarding email address admin no Ingen e-mailadresse for videresending
no jobs in the database !!! admin no Ingen jobber i databasen
no login history exists for this user admin no Ingen login historikk for denne brukeren
no matches found admin no Ingen treff funnet
no modes available admin no Ingen modus tilgjengelig
no permission to add groups admin no ikke tilgang til å legge til grupper
no permission to add users admin no ikke tilgang til å legge til brukere
no permission to create groups admin no ikke tilgang til å opprette grupper
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin no Note: SSL tilgjengelig bare dersom PHP er kompilert med curl-support.
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin no antall rekker i multi-linje felter eller linjer i multi-valg bokser
no permission to add groups admin no Ikke tilgang til å legge til grupper
no permission to add users admin no Ikke tilgang til å legge til brukere
no permission to create groups admin no Ikke tilgang til å opprette grupper
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin no Note: SSL tilgjengelig bare dersom PHP er kompilert med Curl-support.
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin no Antall rekker i multi-linje felter eller linjer i multi-valg bokser
one month admin no En måned
one week admin no En uke
order admin no Ordre
organisation admin no Organisasjon
passthrough admin no passer gjennom
passthrough admin no Passer gjennom
password for smtp-authentication admin no Passord for SMTP-autentisering
path information admin no Sti informasjon
peer server list admin no Peer tjenerliste
@ -341,7 +366,7 @@ peer servers admin no Peer tjenere
percent of users that logged out admin no Prosent av brukere som logget ut
percent this user has logged out admin no Prosent denne brukeren har logget ut
permission denied admin no Ingen tilgang
permission denied !!! admin no Adgang nektet !
permission denied !!! admin no Adgang nektet!
permission denied!!! admin no Adgang nektes!
permissions admin no Tillatelser
permissions this group has admin no Tillatelser denne gruppen har
@ -354,7 +379,7 @@ pop3 server hostname or ip address admin no Tjenernavn eller IP-adresse for POP3
pop3 server port admin no POP3 Tjenerport
postfix with ldap admin no Postfix med LDAP
preferences admin no Preferanser
primary group admin no primærgruppe
primary group admin no Primærgruppe
profile list admin no Profilliste
profile name admin no Profilnavn
qmaildotmode admin no qmaildotmodus
@ -363,15 +388,15 @@ quota size in mbyte admin no Grense Str. i Mbyte
re-enter password admin no Skriv inn passord igjen
read this list of methods. admin no Les denne listen av metoder.
register application hooks admin no Registrer program hooks
remove admin no fjern
remove admin no Fjern
remove all users from this group admin no Fjern alle brukere fra denne gruppen
remove all users from this group ? admin no Fjerne alle brukere fra denne gruppen?
route all mails to admin no Send alle mail til
rows admin no Rader
run asynchronous services admin no Kjør asonkrone serviser
save the category admin no lagre kategorien
save the category and return back to the list admin no lagre kategorien og returner til listen
saves the changes made and leaves admin no lagrer endringene og lukker
save the category admin no Lagre kategorien
save the category and return back to the list admin no Lagre kategorien og returner til listen
saves the changes made and leaves admin no Lagrer endringene og lukker
saves this entry admin no Lagrer innslaget
search accounts admin no Søk kontoer
search categories admin no Søk kategorier
@ -391,12 +416,12 @@ selectbox admin no Valgboks
server %1 has been updated admin no Server %1 ble oppdatert
server list admin no Server liste
server password admin no Server passord
server type(mode) admin no Server type(mode)
server type(mode) admin no Server type (mode)
server url admin no Tjener URL
server username admin no Tjener brukernavn
set preference values. admin no Sett referanseverdier
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin no Skal login siden inneholde valg av språk (fint for demo-site)?
show 'powered by' logo on admin no Vis 'powered by' logo på
show 'powered by' logo on admin no Vis 'Powered by' logo på
show access log admin no Vis aksesslogg
show current action admin no Vis gjeldende aksjon
show error log admin no Vis feillogg
@ -416,7 +441,7 @@ sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin no Beklager, ove
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin no Beklager, følgende brukere er fortsatt medlemmer av gruppe %1
sort the entries admin no Sorter forekomstene
ssl admin no SSL
standard admin no standard
standard admin no Standard
standard imap server admin no Standard IMAP tjener
standard pop3 server admin no Standard POP3 tjener
standard smtp-server admin no Standard SMTP tjener
@ -438,7 +463,7 @@ the login and password can not be the same admin no Loging og passord kan ikke v
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin no Brukernavn kan ikke være mer enn 8 karakterer
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin no navnet benyttet intertnt(<= 20 kar.), endring gjør eksisterende data utilgjengelige.
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin no Testjobben sender deg en mail hver gang den kalles.
the text displayed to the user admin no teksten som vises til bruker
the text displayed to the user admin no Teksten som vises til bruker
the two passwords are not the same admin no Passordene er ikke de sammme
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin no Brukerne nedenfor er fortsatt medlemmer av gruppe %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin no Det er allerede en gruppe med dette navnet. Brukerident kan ikke ha samme navn som en gruppeident.
@ -457,9 +482,9 @@ true admin no Sant
trust level admin no Trust nivå
trust relationship admin no Trust relasjoner
two weeks admin no To uker
up admin no opp
up admin no Opp
updated admin no Oppdatert
use cookies to pass sessionid admin no Anvend cookies for å lagre sessionid
use cookies to pass sessionid admin no Anvend cookies for å lagre sessionID
use default admin no Bruk standard
use ldap defaults admin no Bruk LDAP standaroppsett
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin no Bruke ren HTML standard kode (ennå ikke helt funksjonelt)
@ -471,10 +496,11 @@ user accounts admin no Brukerkontoer
user data common no Brukerdata
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin no Brukes for SMTP autentisering (la det stå tomt dersom aut. ikke er nødvendig)
user groups admin no Brukergrupper
user-agent admin no User-Agent
userdata admin no Brukerdata
users can define their own emailaccounts admin no Brukere kan definere egne e-post kontoer
users choice admin no Brukers valg
view access log admin no Vis Access Log
view access log admin no Vis access log
view account admin no Vis konto
view category admin no Vis kategori
view error log admin no Vis feillogg
@ -483,7 +509,7 @@ view this user admin no Vis denne bruker
view user account admin no Vis brukerkonto
virtual mail manager admin no Virtuell Mail Manager
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin no Til hvem ønsker du å overføre alle poster tilhørende den slettede bruker?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin no Ønsker du at EGroupware skal mellomlagre egw infostreng ?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin no Ønsker du at EGroupware skal mellomlagre EGw infostreng ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin no Ønsker du at EGroupware skal kontrollere for en ny versjon<br>når admin logges på?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin no Ønsker du at EGroupware skal kontrollere for nye program når admin logger inn?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin no Ønsker du automatisk å laste inn nye språkfiler (ved pålogging)?
@ -1,17 +1,35 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin pl %1 %2 uprawnienia dla %3 na %4 do %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin pl %1 - %2 z %3 kont użtkowników
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin pl %1 / %2 z %3 grup użytkowników
%1 access to other data admin pl %1 dostęp do innych danych
%1 accounts being activated admin pl %1 aktywowane konta
%1 acl entries deleted. admin pl %1 usunięte wpisy ACL.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin pl Prawa dostępu %1 nie istniejącego (już) użytkownika zostały usunięte.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin pl %1 usunięte kategorie nieistniejących (już) kont.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin pl %1 kategoria "%2" %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin pl %1 kategorie %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin pl %1 kategoria(i) %2, %3 nie powiodło się z powodu niewystarczających uprawnień!
%1 class not instanciated admin pl %1 klasa nie ma instancji
%1 entries deleted admin pl %1 wpisy usunięte
%1 entries deleted. admin pl %1 wpisy usunięte.
%1 group %2 admin pl %1 grupa %2
%1 is no command! admin pl %1 to nie polecenie!
%1 log entries deleted. admin pl Skasowano %1 wpisów dziennika.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin pl %1 poświadczenia poczty usunięte
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin pl Nie znaleziono %1 lub %1 nie jest wykonywalny
%1 phrases saved. admin pl %1 frazy zapisane.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin pl %1 prawa dla %2 i aplikacji %3
%1 run rights for applications admin pl %1 uruchom uprawnienia dla aplikacji
%1 sessions killed admin pl %1 sesje zabite.
%1 successful admin pl %1 powiodło się
%1 token %2. admin pl %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin pl %1 użytkownik %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin pl (de)Aktywacja kont pocztowych
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin pl (standardowo nie, pozostaw wyłączone, jeśli nie używasz)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin pl (imapclass musi obsługiwać tę funkcję poprzez zapytanie o odpowiednią wartość konfiguracyjną i przekazanie jej jako defaultquota do serwera IMAP)
(no subject) admin pl (bez tematu)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin pl (Przechowywane hasło nie bdzie tutaj wyświetlane)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin pl (Aby zainstalować nowe aplikacje, użyj<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Zarządzaj aplikacjami] !!!)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin pl (Aby zainstalować nowe aplikacje, użyj<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Zarządzaj aplikacjami]!)
- type admin pl - typ
1 year admin pl 1 rok
2 month admin pl 2 miesiące
@ -42,14 +60,14 @@ acl rights common pl Prawa ACL
action admin pl Czynność
actions admin pl Polecenia
activate admin pl Aktywuj
activate wysiwyg-editor admin pl włącz edytor WYSIWYG
activate wysiwyg-editor admin pl Włącz edytor WYSIWYG
active templates admin pl Aktywne szablony
add a category admin pl dodaj kategorie
add a group admin pl dodaj grupę użytkowników
add a category admin pl Dodaj kategorie
add a group admin pl Dodaj grupę użytkowników
add a new account. admin pl Dodaj nowe konto.
add a new remote instance admin pl Dodaj nową zdalną instancję
add a subcategory admin pl dodaj podkategorie
add a user admin pl dodaj użytkownika
add a subcategory admin pl Dodaj podkategorie
add a user admin pl Dodaj użytkownika
add account admin pl Dodaj konto
add application admin pl Dodaj aplikację
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin pl Dodaj automatyczne tworzonych użytkowników do tej grupy (jeżeli puste, będzie użyta <i>Domyślna</i>.)
@ -74,7 +92,7 @@ admins admin pl Administratorzy
advanced options admin pl Ustawienia zaawansowane
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin pl Po jakiej liczbie nieudanych prób zalogowania się do systemu blokować dostęp z tego adresu IP (domyślnie 3)?
aliases admin pl Aliasy
all applications admin pl wszystkie aplikacje
all applications admin pl Wszystkie aplikacje
all categories admin pl Wszystkie kategorie
all records and account information will be lost! admin pl Wszystkie rekordy i informacje konta zostaną usunięte!
all users admin pl Wszyscy użytkownicy
@ -96,9 +114,9 @@ application title admin pl Tytuł aplikacji
applications admin pl Aplikacje
applications list admin pl Lista aplikacji
applications run rights updated. admin pl Prawa do aplikacji zaktualizowane.
applies the changes admin pl zapisuje zmiany
apply the changes admin pl zastosuj zmiany
archive: zip or tar admin pl Archiwum: zip lub tar
applies the changes admin pl Zapisuje zmiany
apply the changes admin pl Zastosuj zmiany
archive: zip or tar admin pl Archiwum: ZIP lub tar
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin pl Na pewno usunąć tę aplikację ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin pl Na pewno chcesz usunąć to konto?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin pl Na pewno chcesz usunąć tę aplikację?
@ -109,23 +127,23 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin pl Na pewno chcesz usunąć s
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin pl Na pewno zabić tę sesję?
async services last executed admin pl Ostatnie wykonanie usług asynchronicznych
asynchronous timed services admin pl Usługi wykonywane asynchronicznie
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin pl asyncservices nie są zainstalowane lub wystąpił inny błąd (%1) !!!
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin pl Asyncservices nie są zainstalowane lub wystąpił inny błąd (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin pl Spróbuj wykryć typ pliku dla FTP zamiast standardowego 'application/octet-stream'
attribute accountstatus explained admin pl To korzysta z atrybutu <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> ze schematu QMAIL.
attribute mail explained admin pl To korzysta z atrybutu <b><i>-mail-</i></b> ze schamatu QMAIL i niepowinno nigdy być puste. Jest to też wewnętrzna wartość pola email dla eGW.
attribute mail explained admin pl To korzysta z atrybutu <b><i>-mail-</i></b> ze schamatu QMAIL i niepowinno nigdy być puste. Jest to też wewnętrzna wartość pola email dla EGw.
attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin pl To korzysta z atrybutu <b><i>-mailAlternateAddress-</i></b> ze schematu QMAIL i może być wykorzystane jako mapa wirtualnych adresów mailowych.
attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin pl To korzysta z atrybutu <b><i>-mailForwardingAddress-</i></b> ze schematu QMAIL i nie powinno być puste jeśli ma być wykorzystane.
authentication / accounts admin pl Uwierzytelnianie / Konta
auto create account records for authenticated users admin pl Automatycznie stwórz zapisy kont dla uwierzytelnionych użytkowników
back to admin/grouplist admin pl Powrót do konta administratora/ listy grup
back to admin/userlist admin pl Powrót do konta administratora/ listy użytkowników
back to the list admin pl powrót do listy
back to the list admin pl Powrót do listy
bad login name or password. admin pl Zła nazwa użytkownika lub hasło
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin pl Nieprawidłowe lub źle skonstruowane żądane. Serwer odpowiedział: %s
bad request: %s admin pl Nieprawidłowe żądanie: %s
bi-dir passthrough admin pl Przepływ dwukierunkowy
bi-directional admin pl Dwukierunkowy
bottom admin pl na dole
bottom admin pl Na dole
calculate next run admin pl Oblicz następny start
can be used by application admin pl Może być używane przez aplikację
can be used by group admin pl Może byc używane przez grupę
@ -138,14 +156,14 @@ category %1 has been saved ! admin pl Kategoria %1 została zapisana
category deleted. admin pl Kategoria usunięta.
category list admin pl Lista kategorii
category saved. admin pl Kategoria zapisana.
change account_id admin pl Zmień account_id
change account_id admin pl Zmień account_ID
change acl rights admin pl zmiana prawa dostępu (ACL)
change config settings admin pl Zmiana ustawień
change login screen message admin pl Zmiana komunikatu na stronie głównej
change password for %1 admin pl Zmień hasło dla %1
check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin pl Sprawdź ACL dla wpisów nie istniejących (już) kont
check ip address of all sessions admin pl sprawdzanie adresu IP dla każdej sesji
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin pl sprawdź pozycje do <b>%1</b> do %2 dla %3
check ip address of all sessions admin pl Sprawdzanie adresu IP dla każdej sesji
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin pl Sprawdź pozycje do <b>%1</b> do %2 dla %3
click to select a color admin pl Kliknij aby wybrać kolor
color admin pl Kolor
command scheduled to run at %1 admin pl Uruchomienie polecenia zaplanowane na %1
@ -154,7 +172,7 @@ config password or md5 hash from the header.inc.php admin pl Hasło konfiguracji
connection dropped by imap server. admin pl Połączenie zerwane przez serwer IMAP
continue admin pl Kontunuj
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin pl Domena dla ciasteczek (pusta wartość oznacza pełną nazwę domeny, dla aplikacji SiteMgr przykładowo '.domena.pl' pozwoli używać tego samego ciasteczka dla domen egw.domena.pl oraz www.domena.pl)
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin pl Ścieżka ciasteczka (pozwala na wiele równoległych sesji eGW do różnych podkatalogów, generuje problemy z aplikacją SiteMgr!)
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin pl Ścieżka ciasteczka (pozwala na wiele równoległych sesji EGw do różnych podkatalogów, generuje problemy z aplikacją SiteMgr!)
could not complete request. reason given: %s admin pl Nie udało się zrealizować żądania. Powód: %s
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. admin pl Nie udało się stworzyć bezpiecznego połączenia do serwera IMAP. %s : %s.
could not remote execute the command admin pl Nie można zdalnie wywołać polecenia
@ -163,9 +181,9 @@ country selection admin pl Wybór kraju
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin pl CRAM-MD5 lub DIGEST-MD5 wymagają, aby pakiet Auth_SASL (Perl) był zainstalowany
create group admin pl Stwórz grupę
created admin pl Utworzony
created with id #%1 admin pl utworzono z id #%1
creates a new field admin pl utwórz nowe pole
crontab only (recomended) admin pl wyłącznie crontab (zalecane!)
created with id #%1 admin pl Utworzono z ID #%1
creates a new field admin pl Utwórz nowe pole
crontab only (recomended) admin pl Wyłącznie crontab (zalecane!)
custom 1 admin pl Niestandardowe 1
custom 2 admin pl Niestandardowe 2
custom 3 admin pl Niestandardowe 3
@ -176,7 +194,7 @@ data admin pl Dane
day admin pl Dzień
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin pl Dzień tygodnia<br>(0-6,0=nied)
db backup and restore admin pl Kopie zapasowe bazy danych
default admin pl domyślny
default admin pl Domyślny
default file system space per user admin pl Domyślny rozmiar plików na użytkownika
default file system space per user/group ? admin pl Domyślny rozmiar plików na użytkownika/grupę?
deinstall crontab admin pl Odinstaluj crontab
@ -188,15 +206,15 @@ delete category admin pl Usuń kategorię
delete group admin pl Usuń grupę
delete peer server admin pl Skasuj server równorzędny
delete selected entries admin pl Skasuj wybrane wpisy
delete the category admin pl usuń kategorię
delete the group admin pl usuń grupę
delete this category admin pl usuń tę kategorię
delete this group admin pl usuń tę grupę
delete the category admin pl Usuń kategorię
delete the group admin pl Usuń grupę
delete this category admin pl Usuń tę kategorię
delete this group admin pl Usuń tę grupę
delete this log entry admin pl Usuń ten wpis dziennika
delete this user admin pl usuń tego użytkownika
delete this user admin pl Usuń tego użytkownika
deleted admin pl skasowany
deletes this field admin pl usuwa to pole
deliver extern admin pl dostarczanie na zewnątrz
deletes this field admin pl Usuwa to pole
deliver extern admin pl Dostarczanie na zewnątrz
deny access admin pl Odmów dostępu
deny access to access log admin pl Odmów dostępu do dziennika dostępu
deny access to application registery admin pl Odmów dostępu do rejestru aplikacji
@ -209,20 +227,20 @@ deny access to global categories admin pl Odmów dostpu do globalnych kategorii
deny access to groups admin pl Odmów dostępu do grup
deny access to home screen message admin pl Odmów dostepu do wiadomości menu głównego
deny access to peer servers admin pl Odmów dostępu do serwerów równorzędnych
deny access to phpinfo admin pl Odmów dostępu do PHPInfo
deny access to phpinfo admin pl Odmów dostępu do phpInfo
deny access to site configuration admin pl Odmów dostępu do konfiguracji portalu
deny access to user accounts admin pl Odmów dostępu do kont użytkowników
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin pl Odmówić dostępu do przydzielania praw innym użytkownikom do ich wpisów?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin pl Opis nie może przekraczać 255 znaków !
determines the order the fields are displayed admin pl decyduje o kolejności, w jakiej pola zostaną pokazane
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin pl Opis nie może przekraczać 255 znaków!
determines the order the fields are displayed admin pl Decyduje o kolejności, w jakiej pola zostaną pokazane
disable admin pl Wyłącz
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin pl Wyłacz funkcję automatycznego wypełniania formularzy w przeglądarce (auto completion)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin pl wyłącz edytor WYSIWYG
disabled (not recomended) admin pl wyłączone (nie zalecane)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin pl Wyłącz edytor WYSIWYG
disabled (not recomended) admin pl Wyłączone (nie zalecane)
display admin pl Wyświetl
displaying html messages is disabled admin pl Wyświetlanie wiadomości w HTML jest wyłączone
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin pl NIE usuwaj tej kategorii i wróć do listy
do not validate certificate admin pl nie sprawdzaj poprawności certyfikatu
do not validate certificate admin pl Nie sprawdzaj poprawności certyfikatu
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin pl Czy chcesz usunąć także wszystkie globalne podkategorie?
do you really want to delete this profile admin pl Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten profil?
do you really want to reset the filter for the profile listing admin pl Czy na pewno chcesz zresetować filtr w liście profilu?
@ -230,20 +248,20 @@ do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin pl Czy chcesz usunąć ws
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin pl Czy przenieść wszystkie podkategorie o jeden poziom w dół?
document root (default) admin pl Katalog główny serwera WWW (domyślnie)
domainname admin pl Nazwa domeny
down admin pl w dół
down admin pl W dół
edit account admin pl Edytuj konto użytkownika
edit application admin pl Edycja aplikacji
edit email settings admin pl Edytuj ustawienia poczty elektronicznej
edit global category admin pl Edycja kategorii globalnej
edit global category for %1 admin pl Edycja kategorii globalnej dla %1
edit group admin pl Edycja grupy
edit group acl's admin pl edytuj prawa dostępu grupy
edit group acl's admin pl Edytuj prawa dostępu grupy
edit peer server admin pl Edycja serwera równorzędnego
edit table format admin pl Edycja formatu tabeli
edit this category admin pl edytuj tę kategorię
edit this group admin pl edytuj tę grupę
edit this user admin pl edytuj tego użytkownika
edit user admin pl edytuj użytkownika
edit this category admin pl Edytuj tę kategorię
edit this group admin pl Edytuj tę grupę
edit this user admin pl Edytuj tego użytkownika
edit user admin pl Edytuj użytkownika
edit user account admin pl Edycja konta użytkownika
educational: universities, schools, ... admin pl Edykacyjne: Uniwersytety, szkoły, ...
egroupware directory admin pl Katalog EGroupware
@ -255,25 +273,25 @@ email settings common pl Ustawienia poczty elektronicznej
emailadmin admin pl Poczta Elektroniczna - Administracja
emailadmin: group assigned profile common pl Administrator Poczty: Grupa przypisana do profilu
emailadmin: user assigned profile common pl Administrator Poczty: użytkownik przypisany do profilu
enable admin pl włącz
enable cyrus imap server administration admin pl aktywuj administrację serwerem IMAP Cyrus
enable admin pl Włącz
enable cyrus imap server administration admin pl Aktywuj administrację serwerem IMAP Cyrus
enable debug-messages admin pl Wyświetlaj komunikaty trybu debug
enable sieve admin pl aktywuj sito (Sieve)
enable sieve admin pl Aktywuj sito (Sieve)
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin pl Włączyć sprawdzanie pisowni w edytorze tekstowym ?
enable the soap service admin pl Włącz serwis SOAP
enable the xmlrpc service admin pl Włącz serwis XMLRPC
enable the xmlrpc service admin pl Włącz serwis XML-RPC
enabled - hidden from navbar admin pl Aktywna - ukryta w menu
enabled - popup window admin pl Aktywna - Okno Popup
encrypted connection admin pl połączenie szyfrowane
encryption settings admin pl ustawienia szyfrowania
enter a description for the category admin pl wpisz opis tej kategorii
encrypted connection admin pl Połączenie szyfrowane
encryption settings admin pl Ustawienia szyfrowania
enter a description for the category admin pl Wpisz opis tej kategorii
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin pl Wpisz trochę losowego tekstu dla zakodowania<br>app_session (wymaga mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin pl Podaj kolor tła strony logowania
enter the background color for the site title admin pl Wpisz kolor tła tytułu portalu
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin pl Podaj pełną ścieżkę do plików tymczasowych.<br />Przykłady: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin pl Podaj pełną ścieżkę do plików użytkowników i grup.<br />Przykłady: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin pl Podaj nazwę komputera, na którym jest uruchomiony serwer
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin pl Podaj URL do twojego portalu EGroupware.<br>Na przykad: http://www.twojadomena.com.pl/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>Bez kończącego slash-a (,,/'')</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin pl Podaj URL do twojego portalu EGroupware.<br>Na przykad: https://egw.twojadomena.com.pl/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>Bez kończącego slash-a (,,/'')</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin pl Wpisz szukany ciąg znaków. Aby pokazać wszystkie wpisy, wyczyść to pole i kliknij ponownie przycisk SZUKAJ.
enter the site password for peer servers admin pl Wprowadź hasło serwisu dla serwerów równorzędnych (peer servers)
enter the site username for peer servers admin pl Wprowadź nazwę użytkownika serwisu dla serwerów równorzdnych (peer servers)
@ -289,34 +307,34 @@ enter your http proxy server port admin pl Domyślny port serwera HTTP proxy
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin pl Podaj nazwę hosta serwera SMTP lub adres IP
enter your smtp server port admin pl Podaj port serwera SMTP
entry saved admin pl Wpis zachowany
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin pl Błąd podczas wylączania timera, może żaden nie jest ustawiony !!!!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin pl Błąd podczas zmiany hasła dla %1 !!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin pl Błąd podczas wylączania timera, może żaden nie jest ustawiony!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin pl Błąd podczas zmiany hasła dla %1 !
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin pl Błąd połączenia do serwera IMAP. %s : %s
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin pl Błąd połączenia do serwera IMAP. [%s] %s
error deleting log entry! admin pl Błąd podczas usuwania wpisu dziennika!
error saving admin pl Błąd przy zapisie
error saving account! admin pl Błąd przy zapisie konta!
error saving the command! admin pl Błąd przy zapisie polecenia!
error saving the entry!!! admin pl Błąd przy zachowywaniu wpisu !!!
error saving the entry!!! admin pl Błąd przy zachowywaniu wpisu!
error saving to db: admin pl Błąd zapisu do bazy danych:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin pl Błąd ustawiania timera - błędna składnia lub może jakiś już jest uruchomiony!!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin pl Błąd ustawiania timera - błędna składnia lub może jakiś już jest uruchomiony!
error! no appname found admin pl Błąd! Brak nazwy aplikacji
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin pl Błąd: %1 nie znaleziony lub inny błąd !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin pl Błąd: %1 nie znaleziony lub inny błąd!
event details follow admin pl Detale Wydarzenia Następują
exists admin pl istnieje
exists admin pl Istnieje
expires admin pl Ważne do
explanation of ldapman admin pl Ten moduł został przetestowany na Postfix+LDAP+Cyrus-IMAP i potrzebuje schematów CORE i QMAIL (OID7914). Więcej na temat konfiguracji takiego systemu można znaleźć w README.ldapman w katalogu doc ADMIN'a.
failed to change password. admin pl Zmiana hasła nieudana.
fallback (after each pageview) admin pl powrót (po każdym pokazaniu strony)
false admin pl fałsz
field '%1' already exists !!! admin pl Pole '%1' już istnieje !!!
fallback (after each pageview) admin pl Powrót (po każdym pokazaniu strony)
false admin pl Fałsz
field '%1' already exists !!! admin pl Pole '%1' już istnieje!
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin pl Plik odrzucony. Jest %1 nie %2.
file space admin pl Objętość pliku
file space must be an integer admin pl Objętość pliku musi być liczbą całkowitą
filtered by account admin pl Filtrowane przez konto
filtered by group admin pl Filtrowane przez grupe
for the times above admin pl dla terminów podanych
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin pl dla czasów podanych poniżej (pusta wartość liczona jako '*', wszystkie puste = co minutę)
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin pl Dla czasów podanych poniżej (pusta wartość liczona jako '*', wszystkie puste = co minutę)
force selectbox admin pl Używaj zawsze pola wyboru
forward also to admin pl Prześlij również do
forward email's to admin pl Prześlij wiadomości do
@ -329,7 +347,7 @@ global options admin pl Ustawienia globalne
go directly to admin menu, returning here the next time you click on administration. admin pl Przy powrocie do storny administracji przejdź bezpośrednio do menu administracyjnego.
governmental: incl. state or municipal authorities or services admin pl Rządowe: instytucje państwowe, lokalne, etc.
grant admin pl Zezwól
group ? admin pl grupa?
group ? admin pl Grupa?
group has been added common pl Dodano grupę
group has been deleted common pl Usunięto grupę
group has been updated common pl Zaktualizowano grupę
@ -365,7 +383,7 @@ imap server port admin pl Port serwera IMAP
imap/pop3 server name admin pl Nazwa serwera IMAP/POP3
importance admin pl ważność
in mbyte admin pl w megabajtach
inactive admin pl nieaktywny
inactive admin pl Nieaktywny
inbound admin pl do wewnątrz
initial admin pl Początkowe
install crontab admin pl Instaluj crontab
@ -377,7 +395,7 @@ installed crontab admin pl Zainstalowny crontab
instance admin pl Instancja
interface admin pl Interfejs
international use admin pl Międzynarodowe użycie
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin pl Błędny argument '%1' !!!
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin pl Błędny argument '%1'!
invalid formated date "%1"! admin pl Niepoprawnie sformatowana data "%"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin pl Nieprawidłowy zdalny id lub nazwa "%"!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin pl Nieprawidłowa wartość "%" użyj "yes" lub "no"!
@ -400,24 +418,24 @@ ldap encryption type admin pl Typ szyfrowania użyty w LDAP
ldap groups context admin pl Kontekst grup LDAP
ldap host admin pl Serwer LDAP
ldap root password admin pl Hasło root LDAP
ldap rootdn admin pl rootdn w LDAP
ldap rootdn admin pl root DN w LDAP
ldap server admin pl Serwer LDAP
ldap server accounts dn admin pl DN dla kont w LDAP
ldap server admin dn admin pl DN administratora w LDAP
ldap server admin password admin pl Hasło administratora serwera LDAP
ldap server hostname or ip address admin pl Nazwa hosta lub IP serwera LDAP
ldap settings admin pl Ustawienia LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin pl zostaw puste aby wyłączyć quota
leave empty for no quota admin pl Zostaw puste aby wyłączyć quota
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin pl Pozostaw puste, aby użyć OAuth, jeśli jest obsługiwany
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin pl pozostaw kategorie nietknięte i wróć do listy
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin pl Pozostaw kategorie nietknięte i wróć do listy
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin pl Pozostaw grupę nietkniętą i wróć do listy
leave without saveing the entry admin pl cofnij bez zapisywania wpisu
leave without saveing the entry admin pl Cofnij bez zapisywania wpisu
leaves without saveing admin pl Pozostaw bez zmian
length<br>rows admin pl Długość<br>linie
list config settings admin pl Wyświetl ustawienia
list current sessions admin pl Wyświetl listę aktualnych sesji
list of current users admin pl Lista bieżących użytkowników
logged out admin pl wylogowany
logged out admin pl Wylogowany
login history admin pl Historia logowania
login message admin pl Wiadomość przy logowaniu do systemu
login screen admin pl Ekran logowania
@ -442,51 +460,51 @@ minute admin pl Minuta
mode admin pl Tryb
modified admin pl Zmodyfikowany
month admin pl Miesiąc
more secure admin pl bardziej bezpieczne
name must not be empty !!! admin pl Nie może być puste !!!
more secure admin pl Bardziej bezpieczne
name must not be empty !!! admin pl Nie może być puste!
name of organisation admin pl Nazwa lub organizacja
name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin pl Nazwa instancji EGroupware, np. default
new group name admin pl Nowa nazwa grupy
new name admin pl nowa nazwa
new name admin pl Nowa nazwa
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin pl Nowe hasło (zostaw puste jeżeli bez zmian)
next run admin pl Termin następnego wykonania
no algorithms available admin pl nie jest dostępny żaden algorytm
no alternate email address admin pl brak zapasowego adresu e-mail
no encryption admin pl brak szyfrowania
no forwarding email address admin pl brak adresu poczty przesyłanej
no algorithms available admin pl Nie jest dostępny żaden algorytm
no alternate email address admin pl Brak zapasowego adresu e-mail
no encryption admin pl Brak szyfrowania
no forwarding email address admin pl Brak adresu poczty przesyłanej
no jobs in the database !!! admin pl Nie ma jobs w bazie
no login history exists for this user admin pl Nie ma historii logowania dla tego użytkownika
no matches found admin pl Nie znaleziono zgodnych
no message returned. admin pl Nie otrzymano wiadomości.
no modes available admin pl brak trybów
no permission to add groups admin pl brak uprawnień do dodania grupy
no permission to add users admin pl brak uprawnień do dodania użytkownika
no permission to create groups admin pl brak uprawnień do tworzenia grup
no plain text part found admin pl brak części 'czystym' tekstem
no modes available admin pl Brak trybów
no permission to add groups admin pl Brak uprawnień do dodania grupy
no permission to add users admin pl Brak uprawnień do dodania użytkownika
no permission to create groups admin pl Brak uprawnień do tworzenia grup
no plain text part found admin pl Brak części 'czystym' tekstem
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin pl Nie znaleziono obsługiwanej metody autentykacji dla IMAP
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin pl Non profit: kluby, stowarzyszenia, ...
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin pl Uwaga: tryb SSL dostępny wyłącznie jeżeli instalacja PHP zawiera moduł 'curl'.
number of active users admin pl liczba aktywnych użytkowników
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin pl ilość linii dla danych obszaru tekstu albo ilość linii dla listy wielokrotnego wyboru
number of sessions / egroupware logins in the last 30 days admin pl Liczba sesji egroupware w ostatnich 30 dniach
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin pl Uwaga: tryb SSL dostępny wyłącznie jeżeli instalacja PHP zawiera moduł 'Curl'.
number of active users admin pl Liczba aktywnych użytkowników
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin pl Ilość linii dla danych obszaru tekstu albo ilość linii dla listy wielokrotnego wyboru
number of sessions / egroupware logins in the last 30 days admin pl Liczba sesji EGroupware w ostatnich 30 dniach
number of users admin pl Liczba użytkowników
oauth authentiction admin pl Uwierzytelnianie OAuth
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin pl Oferta na instalację EGroupware jako mail-handler
official egroupware usage statistic admin pl Oficjalna statystyka użytkowania EGroupware
one day admin pl jeden dzień
one hour admin pl jedna godzina
one month admin pl jeden miesiąc
one week admin pl jeden tydzień
one day admin pl Jeden dzień
one hour admin pl Jedna godzina
one month admin pl Jeden miesiąc
one week admin pl Jeden tydzień
only below displayed information is directly submitted to %s. admin pl Tylko informacja wyświetlona poniżej jest przesyłana do %s.
operating system admin pl System operacyjny
order admin pl Porządek
organisation admin pl Organizacja
other security configuration admin pl Inna konfiguracja bezpieczeństwa
outbound admin pl na zewnątrz
outbound admin pl Na zewnątrz
own categories admin pl Własne kategorie
own install id admin pl Własny ID instalacji
own install id: admin pl Własny ID instalacji:
passthrough admin pl przepływ
passthrough admin pl Przepływ
password for smtp-authentication admin pl Hasło do autentyfikacji SMTP
password updated admin pl Hasło zatkalizowane
path information admin pl Informacja o ścieżce
@ -495,37 +513,37 @@ peer servers admin pl Serwery równorzędne (peer servers)
percent of users that logged out admin pl Procent wylogowanych użytkowników
percent this user has logged out admin pl Procent wylogowań tego użytkownika
permission denied admin pl Dostęp zabroniony
permission denied !!! admin pl Dostęp wzbroniony !!!
permission denied!!! admin pl Dostęp zabroniony !!!
permission denied !!! admin pl Dostęp wzbroniony!
permission denied!!! admin pl Dostęp zabroniony!
permissions admin pl Uprawnienia
permissions this group has admin pl Uprawnienia grupy
personal: eg. within a family admin pl Osobiste: np. w rodzinie
php version admin pl Wersja PHP
phpinfo admin pl Informacja o PHP
please enter a name admin pl Proszę podać nazwę
please enter a name for that server ! admin pl Proszę podać nazwę dla tego serwera !
please enter a name for that server ! admin pl Proszę podać nazwę dla tego serwera!
please run setup to become current admin pl Uruchom instalację (setup) aby uaktualnić konfigurację
please select admin pl Proszę wybrać
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin pl Plesk nie może zmienić nazwy użytkowników --> prośba odrzucona
plesk imap server (courier) admin pl Plesk IMAP Serwea (Kurier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin pl Skrypt %1 mail Plesk nie został znaleziony!!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin pl Plesk wymaga hasła składającego się z przynajmniej pięciu znaków i nie zawierającego nazwy konta --> hasło nie ustalone!!!
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin pl Skrypt %1 mail Plesk nie został znaleziony!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin pl Plesk wymaga hasła składającego się z przynajmniej pięciu znaków i nie zawierającego nazwy konta --> hasło nie ustalone!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin pl Plesk Serwera SMTP (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin pl Nazwa hosta lub IP serwera POP3
pop3 server port admin pl Port serwera POP3
port admin pl port
port admin pl Port
postfix with ldap admin pl Postfix z LDAP
postpone for admin pl Odrocz na
preferences admin pl Preferencje
primary group admin pl Grupa domyślna
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. admin pl Przetwarzanie pliku %1 nie powiodło się. Nie dotrzymano podstawowych restrykcji.
profile access rights admin pl prawa dostępu do profilu
profile access rights admin pl Prawa dostępu do profilu
profile is active admin pl Profil jest aktywny
profile list admin pl Lista profili
profile name admin pl Nazwa Profilu
qmaildotmode admin pl qmaildotmode
quota settings admin pl ustawnienia quoty
quota size in mbyte admin pl ograniczenie w megabajtach
quota settings admin pl Ustawnienia quoty
quota size in mbyte admin pl Ograniczenie w megabajtach
re-enter password admin pl Powtórzenie hasła
read this list of methods. admin pl Wczytaj listę metod
register application hooks admin pl Zarejestruj wszelkie haczyki aplikacji
@ -534,17 +552,17 @@ remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > si
remote instance saved admin pl Zdalna instancja zapisana
remove admin pl Usuń
remove all users from this group admin pl Usuwanie wszystkich użytkowników z grupy
remove all users from this group ? admin pl Usuń wszystkich użytkownikw z grupy ?
remove all users from this group ? admin pl Usuń wszystkich użytkownikw z grupy?
requested admin pl Żądany
reset filter admin pl Resetuj filtr
rights admin pl Prawa
route all mails to admin pl Przesyłaj maile do
rows admin pl Wiersze
rpm or debian package admin pl Paczka RPM albo Debian
rpm or debian package admin pl Paczka RPM albo deb
run asynchronous services admin pl Uruchom usługi asynchroniczne
save the category admin pl zapisz kategorię
save the category and return back to the list admin pl zapisz kategorię i wróć do listy
saves the changes made and leaves admin pl zapisz zmiany i zamknij
save the category admin pl Zapisz kategorię
save the category and return back to the list admin pl Zapisz kategorię i wróć do listy
saves the changes made and leaves admin pl Zapisz zmiany i zamknij
saves this entry admin pl Zapisuję ten wpis
scheduled admin pl Zaplanowany
search accounts admin pl Wyszukiwanie kont
@ -612,8 +630,8 @@ submit the search string admin pl Wyślij tekst zapytania
submit to egroupware.org admin pl Prześlij do egroupware.org
subtype admin pl Pod-typ
subversion checkout admin pl Checkout Subversion
success admin pl sukces
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin pl wyłącz to, jeżeli użytkownicy są wyrzucani losowo
success admin pl Sukces
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin pl Wyłącz to, jeżeli użytkownicy są wyrzucani losowo
template selection admin pl Wybór szablonu
templates admin pl Szablony
text entry admin pl Wpisywanie tekstu
@ -631,11 +649,11 @@ the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admi
the login and password can not be the same admin pl Nazwa logowania i hasło nie mogą być identyczne
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin pl Identyfikator logowania (loginid) nie może by dłuższy niż 8 znaków
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin pl Nie udało się przetworzyć zawartości MIME tej wiadomości
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin pl ta nazwa jest wykorzystywana wewnętrznie (<=20 liter), zmienienie jej spowoduje blokowanie dostępu do danych
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin pl Ta nazwa jest wykorzystywana wewnętrznie (<=20 liter), zmienienie jej spowoduje blokowanie dostępu do danych
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin pl Testjob wyśle Ci maila za każdym razem, kiedy jest wykonywany.
the text displayed to the user admin pl Tekst wyświetlany dla użytkownika
the two passwords are not the same admin pl Oba hasła nie są identyczne
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin pl następujący użytkownicy są wciąż członkami grupy %1
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin pl Następujący użytkownicy są wciąż członkami grupy %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin pl Istniej już grupa o tej nazwie. ID użytkownika nie może mieć tej samej nazwy co ID grupy.
they must be removed before you can continue admin pl Muszą być usunięte, zanim będzie można kontynuować
this application is current admin pl Wersja aplikacji jest aktualna
@ -644,35 +662,35 @@ this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin pl Interpreter PHP nie posiada obsługi IMAP!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin pl Czas wygasnięcia sesji dla aplikacji w sekundach (domyślnie 86400 = 1 dzień)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin pl Czas wygasnięcia sesji w sekundach (domyślnie 14400 = 4 godziny)
times admin pl razy
times admin pl Razy
to allow us to track the growth of your individual installation use this submit id, otherwise delete it: admin pl Aby zezwolić na śledzenie rozwoju Twojej instalacji użyj tego ID, w przeciwnym wypadku usuń je:
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. admin pl Aby skorzystać z połączenia TLS, musisz posiadać wersję PHP 5.1.0 lub wyższą.
top admin pl na górze
top admin pl Na górze
total of %1 id's changed. admin pl Zmieniono %1 id.
total records admin pl Wszystkich rekordów
translation admin pl Tłumaczenie
true admin pl prawda
true admin pl Prawda
trust level admin pl Poziom zaufania
trust relationship admin pl Relacja zaufania (bezpieńczestwa)
two days admin pl Dwa dni
two hours admin pl Dwie godziny
two months admin pl Dwa miesiące
two weeks admin pl Dwa tygodnie
type '%1' already exists !!! admin pl typ '%1' już istnieje !!!
type '%1' already exists !!! admin pl Typ '%1' już istnieje!
type of customfield admin pl Typ pola użytkownika
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin pl Pod Windows musisz zainstalować asyncservice %1ręcznie%2 albo używać trybu 'powrotu'. 'Powrót' oznacza sprawdzanie i - jeśli konieczne startowanie - czynności po każdym pokazaniu strony.
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin pl Niespodziewana odpowiedź serwera na polecenie AUTHENTICATE.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin pl Niespodziewana odpowiedź serwera na zapytanie Digest-MD5
unexpected response from server to login command. admin pl Niespodziewana odpowiedź serwera na polecenie LOGIN.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin pl Nieznane konto: %1 !!!
unknown command %1! admin pl Nieznane polecenie %1 !!!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin pl Nieznane konto: %1 !
unknown command %1! admin pl Nieznane polecenie %1 !
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin pl Nieznana odpowiedź z serwera IMAP. Serwer przesłał: %s
unknown option %1 admin pl Nieznana opcja %1
unknown option %1 admin pl Nieznana opcja %1 !
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin pl Operacja nieobsługiwana '%1'!
up admin pl w górę
up admin pl W górę
update current email address: admin pl Uaktualnij bieżący adres pocztowy
updated admin pl Uaktualniony
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin pl URL instalacji EGroupware, np. http://domena.pl/egroupware
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin pl URL instalacji EGroupware, np. https://egw.domena.pl/egroupware
usage admin pl Użytkowanie
use cookies to pass sessionid admin pl Używaj ciasteczek do przekazywania identyfikatora sesji
use default admin pl Domyślne
@ -683,14 +701,15 @@ use smtp auth admin pl Skorzystaj z autentykacji SMTP
use theme admin pl Używaj tematu
use tls authentication admin pl Skorzystaj z autentykacji TLS
use tls encryption admin pl Skorzystaj z szyfrowania TLS
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin pl użyj adresu użytkownika (taki jak widoczny w opcjach konta)
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin pl Użyj adresu użytkownika (taki jak widoczny w opcjach konta)
user accounts admin pl Konta użytkowników
user can edit forwarding address admin pl Użytkownik może zmieniać adres przekazywania
user data common pl Dane użytkownika
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin pl Użytkownik dla logowania SMTP (pozostaw puste jeśli nie jest wymagane)
user groups admin pl Grupy użytkownikw
user-agent admin pl User-Agent
userdata admin pl Dane użytkownika
username (standard) admin pl login (standardowo)
username (standard) admin pl Login (standardowo)
username/password defined by admin admin pl Nazwa uzytkownika/Hasło określone przez administratora
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin pl login@domena (wirtualny zarządca kont)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin pl Użytkownicy mogą definiować swoje własne konta poczty elektronicznej
@ -704,7 +723,7 @@ view account admin pl Wyświetl konto
view category admin pl Wyświetl kategorie
view error log admin pl Pokaż dziennik błędów
view sessions admin pl Pokaż sesje
view this user admin pl wyświetl użytkownika
view this user admin pl Wyświetl użytkownika
view user account admin pl Wyświetl konto użytkownika
virtual mail manager admin pl Wirtualny Serwer Pocztowy - zarządca
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin pl Prosimy o te dane, aby poprawić nasz profil w prasie oraz lepiej zrozumieć bazę użytkowników egroupware i jej potrzeby.
@ -716,12 +735,12 @@ would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins logi
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin pl Czy przy logowaniu automatycznie ładować nowe wersje plików językowych do bazy ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin pl Chcesz wyświetlać status aktualizacji dla każdej aplikacji?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin pl Zły typ konta: %1 to nie %2 !
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin pl Niepoprawne konto administratora lub hasło !!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin pl Niepoprawne konto administratora lub hasło!
xml-rpc admin pl XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin pl Podałeś niewłaściwą datę wygaśnięcia
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin pl Nie masz ustawionego adresu email dla swojego użytkownika !!!
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin pl Nie masz ustawionego adresu email dla swojego użytkownika!
you have received a new message on the admin pl Otrzymałeś nową wiadomość o
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin pl Powinienieś podać nazwę aby utworzyć pole!!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin pl Powinienieś podać nazwę aby utworzyć pole!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin pl Powinienieś podać nazwę aby utworzyć pole!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin pl Musisz dodać do tego konta co najmniej jedno uprawnienie lub grupę
you must enter a group name. admin pl Musisz podać nazwę grupy
@ -733,7 +752,7 @@ you must enter an application title. admin pl Musisz podać tytuł aplikacji
you must select a file type admin pl Musisz wybrać typ pliku
you must select at least one group member. admin pl Musisz wybrać przynajmniej jednego członka grupy.
you need to enter install id and password! admin pl Musisz podać ID instalacji i hasło!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pl Należy usunąć kategorie podrzędne przed skasowaniem tej kategorii !
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pl Należy usunąć kategorie podrzędne przed skasowaniem tej kategorii!
your last submission was less then %1 days ago! admin pl Swój ostatni wpis przesłałeś mniej niż %1 dni temu!
your name admin pl Twoje Imę
your session could not be verified. admin pl Nie można zweryfikować sesji.
@ -1,14 +1,32 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin pt-br %1 %2 direitos para %3 em %4 a %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin pt-br %1 - %2 de %3 contas de usuários
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin pt-br %1 - %2 de %3 grupos de usuários
%1 access to other data admin pt-br %1 acesso a outros dados
%1 accounts being activated admin pt-br %1 contas sendo ativadas
%1 acl entries deleted. admin pt-br %1 entradas de ACL excluídas.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin pt-br %1 registro(s) ACL de contas inexistentes removido(s).
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin pt-br %1 categorias de contas não (mais) existentes excluídas.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin pt-br %1 categoria "%2" %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin pt-br %1 categoria(s) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin pt-br %1 categoria(s) %2, %3 falhou devido a direitos insuficientes!
%1 class not instanciated admin pt-br Classe %1 não instanciada
%1 entries deleted admin pt-br %1 entradas excluídas
%1 entries deleted. admin pt-br % 1 cadastros excluídos.
%1 group %2 admin pt-br %1 grupo %2
%1 is no command! admin pt-br %1 não é um comando!
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin pt-br %1 não encontrado ou não-executável !!!
%1 log entries deleted. admin pt-br %1 entradas de registro excluídas.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin pt-br %1 credenciais de e-mail excluídas
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin pt-br %1 não encontrado ou não-executável!
%1 phrases saved. admin pt-br %1 frases salvas.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin pt-br %1 direitos para %2 e aplicativos %3
%1 run rights for applications admin pt-br %1 direitos de execução para aplicativos
%1 sessions killed admin pt-br %1 sessões eliminadas.
%1 successful admin pt-br %1 bem-sucedida
%1 token %2. admin pt-br %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin pt-br %1 usuário %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin pt-br (Des)Ativar contas de e-mail
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin pt-br (padrão Não, deixe-o assim se você não o usa)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin pt-br (a classe imap deve oferecer suporte a esse recurso consultando o valor de configuração correspondente e passando-o como cota padrão para o servidor IMAP)
(no subject) admin pt-br (sem assunto)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin pt-br (Senha salva não será exibida aqui)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin pt-br (Para instalar um novo aplicativo use <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a>[Gerenciar aplicativos] !!!)
@ -24,7 +42,7 @@ accesslog and bruteforce defense admin pt-br Registro de acesso e defesa de For
account admin pt-br Conta
account %1 %2 admin pt-br Conta %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin pt-br Conta '%1' removida.
account '%1' not found !!! admin pt-br Conta '%1' não encontrada !!!
account '%1' not found !!! admin pt-br Conta '%1' não encontrada!
account active admin pt-br Conta ativa
account deleted. admin pt-br % 1 cadastros excluídos.
account has been created common pt-br A conta foi criada
@ -35,7 +53,7 @@ account not found! common pt-br Conta não encontrado!
account permissions admin pt-br Permissões da conta
account preferences admin pt-br Preferências da conta
account saved. admin pt-br Conta salvo.
account-id's have to be integers! admin pt-br Id da conta deve ser número inteiro!
account-id's have to be integers! admin pt-br ID da conta deve ser número inteiro!
acl added. admin pt-br ACL adicionada
acl csv export admin pt-br Exportação de ACL CSV
acl deleted. admin pt-br ACL removida.
@ -44,13 +62,13 @@ acl rights common pt-br Permissões de Acesso
action admin pt-br Ação
actions admin pt-br Ações
activate admin pt-br Ativar
activate wysiwyg-editor admin pt-br ativar editor WYSIWYG
activate wysiwyg-editor admin pt-br Ativar editor WYSIWYG
active templates admin pt-br Modelos de Ativos
add a category admin pt-br adicionar uma categoria
add a group admin pt-br adicionar um grupo
add a category admin pt-br Adicionar uma categoria
add a group admin pt-br Adicionar um grupo
add a new account. admin pt-br Adicionar uma nova conta.
add a subcategory admin pt-br adicionar uma subcategoria
add a user admin pt-br adicionar um usuário
add a subcategory admin pt-br Adicionar uma subcategoria
add a user admin pt-br Adicionar um usuário
add account admin pt-br Adicionar uma conta
add application admin pt-br Adicionar um aplicativo
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin pt-br Adicionar usuários criados automaticamente para este grupo (o grupo 'Default' será tentado se este campo estiver vazio.)
@ -63,16 +81,16 @@ add new email address: admin pt-br Adicionar novo e-mail:
add peer server admin pt-br Adicionar servidor remoto
add profile admin pt-br Adicionar Perfil
add sub-category admin pt-br Adicionar subcategoria
admin dn admin pt-br dn do administrador
admin dn admin pt-br DN do administrador
admin email admin pt-br Email do Administrador
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin pt-br Endereços eletrônicos dos administradores (seprados por vírgula) a serem notificados em caso de bloqueio (em branco para não notificar)
admin name admin pt-br Nome do Administrador
admin password admin pt-br senha do administrador
admin password admin pt-br Senha do administrador
admin queue and history admin pt-br Lista de administradores e histórico
admin username admin pt-br nome de usuário do administrador
admin username admin pt-br Nome de usuário do administrador
administration admin pt-br Administração
admins admin pt-br Administradores
advanced options admin pt-br opções avançadas
advanced options admin pt-br Opções avançadas
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin pt-br Após quantos erros de conexão, um endereço IP deverá ser bloqueado (padrão 3)?
aliases admin pt-br Apelidos
all applications admin pt-br Todos aplicativos
@ -80,16 +98,16 @@ all categories admin pt-br Todas as categorias
all records and account information will be lost! admin pt-br Todos registros e informações de contas serão perdidos!
all users admin pt-br Todos usuários
allow anonymous access to this app admin pt-br Permitir acesso anônimo a esta aplicação
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin pt-br Permitir administração remota dos seguintes IDS (separados por vírgulas)
alternate email address admin pt-br endereço de e-mail alternativo
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin pt-br Permitir administração remota dos seguintes IDs (separados por vírgulas)
alternate email address admin pt-br Endereço de e-mail alternativo
and logged in admin pt-br e registrada no
anonymous user admin pt-br Usuário Anônimo
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin pt-br Usuário Anônimo (não é exibido na lista de sessões)
anonymous user does not exist! admin pt-br Usuário Anônimo não existe!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin pt-br Usuário Anônimo não tem acesso de execução para este aplicativo!
any application admin pt-br qualquer aplicação
any group admin pt-br qualquer grupo
any user admin pt-br qualquer usuário
any application admin pt-br Qualquer aplicação
any group admin pt-br Qualquer grupo
any user admin pt-br Qualquer usuário
appearance admin pt-br Aparência
application admin pt-br Aplicativo
application '%1' not found (maybe not installed or misspelled)! admin pt-br Aplicativo '%1' não encontrado (talvez não esteja instalado ou nome mal informado)!
@ -98,8 +116,8 @@ application title admin pt-br Título do Aplicativo
applications admin pt-br Aplicativos
applications list admin pt-br Lista de Aplicativos
applications run rights updated. admin pt-br Direitos de execução dos aplicativos atualizados.
applies the changes admin pt-br aplicar as alterações
apply the changes admin pt-br aplicar as alterações
applies the changes admin pt-br Aplicar as alterações
apply the changes admin pt-br Aplicar as alterações
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin pt-br Você tem certeza que deseja remover o aplicativo %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin pt-br Você tem certeza que deseja remover esta conta?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin pt-br Você tem certeza que deseja remover este aplicativo?
@ -110,27 +128,27 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin pt-br Você tem certeza que d
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin pt-br Você tem certeza que deseja terminar esta seção?
async services last executed admin pt-br Última execução dos Serviços Assíncronos
asynchronous timed services admin pt-br Serviços Assíncronos agendados
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin pt-br Serviços Assíncronos ainda não estão instalados, ou outro erro não definido.
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin pt-br Serviços assíncronos ainda não instalados ou outro erro (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin pt-br Tentar usar mimetype correto para FTP ao invés do padrão 'application/octet-stream'
attribute accountstatus explained admin pt-br Isto trata o atributo <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> do esquema do QMAIL.
attribute mail explained admin pt-br Isto trata o atributo <b><i>-mail-</i></b> do esquema do QMAIL e nunca pode estar vazio. É também o campo de e-mail interno do eGW.
attribute mail explained admin pt-br Isto trata o atributo <b><i>-mail-</i></b> do esquema do QMAIL e nunca pode estar vazio. É também o campo de e-mail interno do EGw.
attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin pt-br Isto trata o atributo <b><i>-mailAlternateAddress-</i></b> do esquema do QMAIL e pode ser tratado como maps virtual ou apelidos.
attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin pt-br Isto trata o atributo <b><i>-mailForwardingAddress-</i></b> do esquema do QMAIL e não deve estar vazio se designado.
authentication / accounts admin pt-br Autenticação / Contas
auto create account records for authenticated users admin pt-br Automaticamente criar registros de conta para usuários autenticados
back to admin/grouplist admin pt-br Voltar para Administração/Lista de Grupos
back to admin/userlist admin pt-br Voltar para Administração/Lista de Usuários
back to the list admin pt-br voltar à lista
back to the list admin pt-br Voltar à lista
bad login name or password. admin pt-br Nome de usuário ou senha inválido(s).
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin pt-br Solicitação inválida. Resposta do servidor: %s
bad request: %s admin pt-br Solicitação inválida: %s
bi-dir passthrough admin pt-br Pular bi-direcional
bi-directional admin pt-br bi-direcional
bottom admin pt-br inferior
bottom admin pt-br Inferior
calculate next run admin pt-br Calcular próxima execução
can be used by application admin pt-br pode ser usado pela aplicação
can be used by group admin pt-br pode ser usado pelo grupo
can be used by user admin pt-br pode ser usado pelo usuário
can be used by application admin pt-br Pode ser usado pela aplicação
can be used by group admin pt-br Pode ser usado pelo grupo
can be used by user admin pt-br Pode ser usado pelo usuário
can change password admin pt-br Permite alterar a senha
cancel testjob! admin pt-br Cancelar trabalhos de teste!
categories list admin pt-br Lista de Categorias
@ -138,11 +156,11 @@ category %1 has been saved ! admin pt-br Categoria %1 foi salva!
category deleted. admin pt-br Categoria removida.
category list admin pt-br Lista de Categorias
category saved. admin pt-br Categoria salva.
change account_id admin pt-br Alterar id da conta
change account_id admin pt-br Alterar ID da conta
change acl rights admin pt-br Mudar direitos da ACL
change config settings admin pt-br Mudar parâmetros de configuração
change login screen message admin pt-br Alterar mensagem da tela principal
change password for %1 admin pt-br alterar senha para %1
change password for %1 admin pt-br Alterar senha para %1
check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin pt-br Verificar registros ACL para contas não mais existentes.
check ip address of all sessions admin pt-br Verificar endereço IP de todas sessões
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin pt-br Marcar itens de <b> %1</b> a %2 para %3
@ -152,7 +170,7 @@ command scheduled to run at %1 admin pt-br Comando agendado para rodar às %1
connection dropped by imap server. admin pt-br Conexão interrompida pelo servidor IMAP.
continue admin pt-br Continuar
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin pt-br Cookie domínio (o padrão vazio significa usar o nome completo do domínio, por exemplo: para SiteMgr ".dominio.com.br" permite usar o mesmo domínio para egw.dominio.com.br e www.dominio.com.br)
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin pt-br Cookie caminho (permite múltiplas sessões eGW com diferentes diretórios, mas tem problemas com SiteMgr!)
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin pt-br Cookie caminho (permite múltiplas sessões EGw com diferentes diretórios, mas tem problemas com SiteMgr!)
could not append message: admin pt-br Não foi possível anexar Mensagem:
could not complete request. reason given: %s admin pt-br Não foi possível completar a solicitação. Resposta do servidor: %s
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. admin pt-br Não foi possível abrir conexão segura com o servidor IMAP. %s : %s.
@ -164,9 +182,9 @@ create group admin pt-br Criar Grupo
create new account admin pt-br Criar uma nova conta
create new identity admin pt-br Criar uma nova identidade
created admin pt-br Criado
created with id #%1 admin pt-br criado com id #%1
creates a new field admin pt-br criar um novo campo
crontab only (recomended) admin pt-br somente crontab (recomendado)
created with id #%1 admin pt-br Criado com ID #%1
creates a new field admin pt-br Criar um novo campo
crontab only (recomended) admin pt-br Somente crontab (recomendado)
custom 1 admin pt-br Personalizada 1
custom 2 admin pt-br Personalizada 2
custom 3 admin pt-br Personalizada 3
@ -177,7 +195,7 @@ data admin pt-br Dados
day admin pt-br Dia
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin pt-br Dia da Semana <br> (0-6, 0=Dom)
db backup and restore admin pt-br Backup e Restauração do BD
default admin pt-br padrão
default admin pt-br Padrão
default file system space per user admin pt-br Espaço em disco padrão por usuário?
default file system space per user/group ? admin pt-br Espaço em disco padrão por usuário/grupo?
deinstall crontab admin pt-br Desinstalar crontab
@ -194,10 +212,10 @@ delete the group admin pt-br Remover o grupo
delete this account admin pt-br Apagar esta conta
delete this category admin pt-br Remover esta categoria
delete this group admin pt-br Remover este grupo
delete this user admin pt-br remover este usuário
deleted admin pt-br removido
delete this user admin pt-br Remover este usuário
deleted admin pt-br Removido
deletes this field admin pt-br Remover este campo
deliver extern admin pt-br entrega externa
deliver extern admin pt-br Entrega externa
deny access admin pt-br Negar acesso
deny access to access log admin pt-br Negar acesso ao registro de acessos
deny access to application registery admin pt-br Negar acesso ao registro de aplicativos
@ -215,58 +233,58 @@ deny access to site configuration admin pt-br Negar acesso à configuração do
deny access to user accounts admin pt-br Negar acesso às contas de usuários
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin pt-br Não permitir que usuários concedam acesso aos seus registros para outros usuários ?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin pt-br A descrição não deverá exceder 255 caracteres!
determines the order the fields are displayed admin pt-br determinar a ordem de exibição dos campos
determines the order the fields are displayed admin pt-br Determinar a ordem de exibição dos campos
disable admin pt-br Desabilitada
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin pt-br Desbilitar "auto completar" no formulário de entrada
disable wysiwyg-editor admin pt-br desabilitar editor WYSIWYG
disabled (not recomended) admin pt-br desabilitar (não recomendado)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin pt-br Desabilitar editor WYSIWYG
disabled (not recomended) admin pt-br Desabilitar (não recomendado)
display admin pt-br Exibir
displaying html messages is disabled admin pt-br exibir mensagens em HTML é desativada
displaying plain messages is disabled admin pt-br exibição de mensagens simples é desativado
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin pt-br NÃO remova essa categoria e retorne à lista
do not validate certificate admin pt-br não validar certificado
do not validate certificate admin pt-br Não validar certificado
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin pt-br Deseja também remover todas subcategorias globais ?
do you really want to delete this profile admin pt-br Tem certeza que deseja remover esse perfil?
do you really want to reset the filter for the profile listing admin pt-br Tem certeza que deseja reiniciar o filtro para a listagem do perfil
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin pt-br Deseja remover todas subcategorias globais ?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin pt-br Deseja mover todas as subcategorias globais para um nível abaixo?
document root (default) admin pt-br Pasta raiz (padrão)
domainname admin pt-br nome do domínio
down admin pt-br baixo
domainname admin pt-br Nome do domínio
down admin pt-br Baixo
edit account admin pt-br Editar conta
edit application admin pt-br Editar Aplicativo
edit email settings admin pt-br editar configurações de e-mail
edit email settings admin pt-br Editar configurações de e-mail
edit global category admin pt-br Editar categoria global
edit global category for %1 admin pt-br Editar categoria global para %1
edit group admin pt-br Editar Grupo
edit group acl's admin pt-br Editar grupo ACL
edit peer server admin pt-br Editar servidor parceiro
edit table format admin pt-br Editar formato de tabela
edit this category admin pt-br editar esta categoria
edit this group admin pt-br editar este grupo
edit this user admin pt-br editar este usuário
edit user admin pt-br editar usuário
edit this category admin pt-br Editar esta categoria
edit this group admin pt-br Editar este grupo
edit this user admin pt-br Editar este usuário
edit user admin pt-br Editar usuário
edit user account admin pt-br Editar conta de usuário
egroupware directory admin pt-br Diretório EGroupware
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin pt-br Necessário ID de instalação E senha de configuração OU o hash remoto!
email account active admin pt-br conta de e-mail ativa
email address admin pt-br endrereço de e-mail
email account active admin pt-br Conta de e-mail ativa
email address admin pt-br Endrereço de e-mail
email settings common pt-br Configurações do E-mail
emailadmin admin pt-br Administração do E-Mail
emailadmin: group assigned profile common pt-br Administração de eMail: Perfil de Grupo
emailadmin: user assigned profile common pt-br Administração de eMail: Perfil de Usuário
enable admin pt-br habilitado
enable cyrus imap server administration admin pt-br habilitar administração do Servidor Cyrus IMAP
enable admin pt-br Habilitado
enable cyrus imap server administration admin pt-br Habilitar administração do Servidor Cyrus IMAP
enable debug-messages admin pt-br Habilitar menssagens de depuração
enable sieve admin pt-br habilitar Sieve
enable sieve admin pt-br Habilitar Sieve
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin pt-br Habilitar o verificador ortográfico no editor de texto ?
enable the soap service admin pt-br Habilitar o serviço soap
enable the xmlrpc service admin pt-br Habilitar o serviço xmlrpc
enable the soap service admin pt-br Habilitar o serviço SOAP
enable the xmlrpc service admin pt-br Habilitar o serviço XML-RPC
enabled - hidden from navbar admin pt-br Habilitado - Escondido da barra de navegação
enabled - popup window admin pt-br Habilitar Janelas instantâneas
encrypted connection admin pt-br conexão criptografada
encryption settings admin pt-br configurações de criptografia
enter a description for the category admin pt-br digite uma descrição para a categoria
encrypted connection admin pt-br Conexão criptografada
encryption settings admin pt-br Configurações de criptografia
enter a description for the category admin pt-br Digite uma descrição para a categoria
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin pt-br Digite um texto aleatório para a encriptação de sessão (requer mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin pt-br Digite a cor de fundo para a página de login
enter the background color for the site title admin pt-br Digite a cor de fundo para o título do site
@ -275,7 +293,7 @@ enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin pt-br D
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin pt-br Digite o caminho completo para arquivos de usuários e grupos.<br>Exemplos: /files, E:FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin pt-br Digite o caminho completo para arquivos de usuários e grupos.<br>Exemplos: /files, E:FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin pt-br Digite o nome da máquina em que este servidor está sendo executado
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin pt-br Digite a URL do EGroupware.<br>Exemplo: http://www.domain.com/egroupware ou /egroupware<br><b>Sem a barra final</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin pt-br Digite a URL do EGroupware.<br>Exemplo: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware ou /egroupware<br><b>Sem a barra final</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin pt-br Entre com a expressão de busca. Para mostrar todas as entradas, deixe este campo em branco e pressione ENVIAR novamente
enter the site password for peer servers admin pt-br Digite a senha do servidor para comunicação com servidores parceiros
enter the site username for peer servers admin pt-br Digite o usuário do servidor para comunicação com servidores parceiros
@ -290,47 +308,47 @@ enter your http proxy server port admin pt-br Digite a porta do servidor proxy H
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin pt-br Digite o endereço de seu servidor SMTP
enter your smtp server port admin pt-br Digite a porta de seu servidor SMTP
entry saved admin pt-br Registro salvo
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin pt-br Erro cancelando timer, possivelmente nenhum está configurado !!!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin pt-br Erro alterando a senha para %1 !!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin pt-br Erro cancelando timer, possivelmente nenhum está configurado!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin pt-br Erro alterando a senha para %1 !
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin pt-br Erro conectando ao servidor IMAP. %s : %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin pt-br Erro conectando ao servidor IMAP: [%s] %s.
error deleting entry! admin pt-br Erro ao excluir a entrada!
error saving admin pt-br Erro salvando
error saving account! admin pt-br Erro ao salvar conta!
error saving the command! admin pt-br Erro salvando o comando!
error saving the entry!!! admin pt-br Erro salvando o registro!!
error saving the entry!!! admin pt-br Erro salvando o registro!
error saving to db: admin pt-br Erro salvando no banco de dados:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin pt-br Erro configurando timer, sintaxe errada ou talvez já exista um sendo executado !!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin pt-br Erro configurando timer, sintaxe errada ou talvez já exista um sendo executado!
error! no appname found admin pt-br Erro: Nome de aplicativo não encontrado
error, no username! admin pt-br Erro, nenhum nome de usuário!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin pt-br Erro: %1 não encrontrado ou outro erro não definido !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin pt-br Erro: %1 não encrontrado ou outro erro não definido!
event details follow admin pt-br Detalhes do Evento seguir
exists admin pt-br Existe
expires admin pt-br Expira
explanation of ldapman admin pt-br Até o momento, este módulo foi testado para POSTFIX, LDAP, Courier-IMAP e precisa dos esquemas CORE e QMAIL (OID7914). Mais detalhes, sobre como usar e configurar este sistema, pode ser encontrato no arquivo README.ldapman na pasta doc de ADMIN.
failed to change password. admin pt-br Erro ao moudar a senha.
failed to delete account! admin pt-br Falha ao excluir conta!
fallback (after each pageview) admin pt-br recuperar (após cada página visualizada)
false admin pt-br falso
field '%1' already exists !!! admin pt-br Campo '%1' já existe !!!
fallback (after each pageview) admin pt-br Recuperar (após cada página visualizada)
false admin pt-br Falso
field '%1' already exists !!! admin pt-br Campo '%1' já existe !
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin pt-br Arquivo rejeitado, sem% 2. É: 1%
file space admin pt-br Espaço para arquivos
file space must be an integer admin pt-br Espaço para arquivos deve ser um número inteiro
filtered by account admin pt-br filtrado por Conta
filtered by group admin pt-br filtrado por Grupo
filtered by account admin pt-br Filtrado por Conta
filtered by group admin pt-br Filtrado por Grupo
for the times above admin pt-br para os horários acima
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin pt-br para os horários abaixo (campos vazios contam como '*', todos vazios = a cada minuto)
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin pt-br Para os horários abaixo (campos vazios contam como '*', todos vazios = a cada minuto)
force selectbox admin pt-br Forçar Caixa de seleção
forward also to admin pt-br encaminhar também para
forward email's to admin pt-br encaminhar mensagens para
forward emails to admin pt-br encaminhar e-mails para
forward only admin pt-br encaminhar somente
forward also to admin pt-br Encaminhar também para
forward email's to admin pt-br Encaminhar mensagens para
forward emails to admin pt-br Encaminhar e-mails para
forward only admin pt-br Encaminhar somente
full name admin pt-br Nome Completo
general admin pt-br Geral
global categories common pt-br Categorias globais
global options admin pt-br opções globais
global options admin pt-br Opções globais
grant admin pt-br Conceder
group ? admin pt-br grupo?
group ? admin pt-br Grupo?
group has been added common pt-br Grupo adicionado
group has been deleted common pt-br Grupo removido
group has been updated common pt-br Grupo atualizado
@ -351,10 +369,10 @@ how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin pt-br Como dever
icon admin pt-br Ícone
identity deleted admin pt-br Identidade eliminado
identity saved. admin pt-br Identidade salvo.
idle admin pt-br ocioso
idle admin pt-br Ocioso
if different from email address admin pt-br se for diferente do endereço de email
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin pt-br Se não houver registro de permissoes ou grupo para o usuário ele é membro do
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin pt-br se estiver usando LDAP, você deseja definir atributos de diretório home e shell de login?
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin pt-br Se estiver usando LDAP, você deseja definir atributos de diretório home e shell de login?
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin pt-br Se estiver usando SSL ou TLS, você deverá ter a extensão PHP 'openssl' carretada.
imap admin password admin pt-br Senha do administrador IMAP
imap admin user admin pt-br Usuário administrador do IMAP
@ -364,19 +382,19 @@ imap server closed the connection. admin pt-br O servidor IMAP fechou a conexão
imap server closed the connection. server responded: %s admin pt-br O servidor IMAP fechou a conexão. Resposta do servidor: %s
imap server hostname or ip address admin pt-br Nome ou IP do servidor IMAP
imap server logintyp admin pt-br Tipo de login do servidor IMAP
imap server name admin pt-br nome do servidor imap
imap server name admin pt-br Nome do servidor imap
imap server port admin pt-br Porta do servidor IMAP
imap/pop3 server name admin pt-br Nome do servidor IMAP/POP3
importance admin pt-br importância
in mbyte admin pt-br em Mbytes
inactive admin pt-br inativo
inactive admin pt-br Inativo
inbound admin pt-br Entrada
initial admin pt-br Inicial
install crontab admin pt-br Instalar crontab
installed applications common pt-br Aplicativos Instalados
installed crontab admin pt-br Crontab instalado
interface admin pt-br Interface
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin pt-br Argumento inválido: '%1' !!!
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin pt-br Argumento inválido: '%1' !
invalid formated date "%1"! admin pt-br Data formatada inválida "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin pt-br ID remoto ou nome inválido "%1"!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin pt-br Valor inválido "%1"! Use sim ou não!
@ -386,19 +404,19 @@ kill admin pt-br Terminar
kill session admin pt-br Terminar sessão
last %1 logins admin pt-br Últimas %1 conexões
last %1 logins for %2 admin pt-br Últimas %1 conexões para %2
last login admin pt-br última conexão
last login from admin pt-br última conexão de
last login admin pt-br Última conexão
last login from admin pt-br Última conexão de
last time read admin pt-br Última vez lido
last updated admin pt-br Última atualização
ldap accounts context admin pt-br contexto de contas LDAP
ldap accounts context admin pt-br Contexto de contas LDAP
ldap basedn admin pt-br DN Base do LDAP
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin pt-br prefixo de diretório home padrão LDAP (Exemplo: /home para /home/username)
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin pt-br Prefixo de diretório home padrão LDAP (Exemplo: /home para /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin pt-br shell padrão LDAP (Exemplo: /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin pt-br tipo de encriptação LDAP
ldap groups context admin pt-br contexto de grupos LDAP
ldap host admin pt-br servidor LDAP
ldap root password admin pt-br senha do super usuário LDAP
ldap rootdn admin pt-br super usuário LDAP
ldap encryption type admin pt-br Tipo de encriptação LDAP
ldap groups context admin pt-br Contexto de grupos LDAP
ldap host admin pt-br Servidor LDAP
ldap root password admin pt-br Senha do super usuário LDAP
ldap rootdn admin pt-br Super usuário LDAP
ldap server admin pt-br Servidor LDAP
ldap server accounts dn admin pt-br Contas DN de servidores LDAP
ldap server admin dn admin pt-br Administrador DN de servidor LDAP
@ -407,14 +425,14 @@ ldap server hostname or ip address admin pt-br Nome ou endereço IP do servidor
ldap settings admin pt-br Configurações do LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin pt-br Deixe em branco para nenhuma quota
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin pt-br Deixar vazio para usar o OAuth, se suportado
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin pt-br deixar a categoria intocada e retornar à lista
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin pt-br deixar o grupo intocado e retornar à lista
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin pt-br Deixar a categoria intocada e retornar à lista
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin pt-br Deixar o grupo intocado e retornar à lista
leave without saveing the entry admin pt-br Sair sem salvar o registro
leaves without saveing admin pt-br sair sem salvar
leaves without saveing admin pt-br Sair sem salvar
length<br>rows admin pt-br Tamanho<br>Linhas
list config settings admin pt-br Listar parâmetros de configuração
list current sessions admin pt-br Listar sessões correntes
list of current users admin pt-br lista de usuários conectados
list of current users admin pt-br Lista de usuários conectados
login history admin pt-br Histórico de conexões
login message admin pt-br Mensagem de entrada
login screen admin pt-br Tela de Conexão
@ -427,48 +445,48 @@ manage mapping admin pt-br Gerenciar mapeamento
manage stationery templates admin pt-br Gerenciar modelos de papelaria
manager admin pt-br Gerenciador
manual entry admin pt-br Entrada manual
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin pt-br id máximo para contas (Exemplo: 65535 ou 1000000)
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin pt-br ID máximo para contas (Exemplo: 65535 ou 1000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin pt-br Máximo de entradas no histórico de caminho de cliques
mb used admin pt-br MB usado
members admin pt-br Membros
message has been updated admin pt-br Mensagem foi atualizada
method admin pt-br Método
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin pt-br id mínimo para contas (Exemplo: 500 ou 100, etc.)
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin pt-br ID mínimo para contas (Exemplo: 500 ou 100, etc.)
minute admin pt-br Minuto
mode admin pt-br Modo
modified admin pt-br Modificado
month admin pt-br Mês
more secure admin pt-br mais seguro
name must not be empty !!! admin pt-br Nome não pode estar vazio !!!
more secure admin pt-br Mais seguro
name must not be empty !!! admin pt-br Nome não pode estar vazio !
name of organisation admin pt-br Nome da organização
new group name admin pt-br Nome do novo Grupo
new name admin pt-br novo nome
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin pt-br Nova senha [ Deixe em branco para não alterar ]
new name admin pt-br Novo nome
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin pt-br Nova senha (Deixe em branco para não alterar)
next run admin pt-br Próxima execução
no algorithms available admin pt-br nenhum algoritmo disponível
no alternate email address admin pt-br sem conta de e-mail alternativa
no encryption admin pt-br sem criptografia
no forwarding email address admin pt-br sem conta de e-mail para encaminhar
no jobs in the database !!! admin pt-br Nenhum trabalho na base de dados !!!
no algorithms available admin pt-br Nenhum algoritmo disponível
no alternate email address admin pt-br Sem conta de e-mail alternativa
no encryption admin pt-br Sem criptografia
no forwarding email address admin pt-br Sem conta de e-mail para encaminhar
no jobs in the database !!! admin pt-br Nenhum trabalho na base de dados !
no login history exists for this user admin pt-br Não existe histórico de conexões para este usuário
no matches found admin pt-br Nenhuma ocorrência encontrada
no message returned. admin pt-br Nenhuma mensagem retornada.
no modes available admin pt-br nenhum modo disponível
no permission to add groups admin pt-br sem permissão para adicionar grupos
no permission to add users admin pt-br sem permissão para adicionar grupos
no permission to create groups admin pt-br sem permissão para criar grupos
no plain text part found admin pt-br nenhuma parte de texto simples encontrado
no modes available admin pt-br Nenhum modo disponível
no permission to add groups admin pt-br Sem permissão para adicionar grupos
no permission to add users admin pt-br Sem permissão para adicionar grupos
no permission to create groups admin pt-br Sem permissão para criar grupos
no plain text part found admin pt-br Nenhuma parte de texto simples encontrado
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin pt-br Nenhum método de autenticação IMAP suportado pôde ser encontrado.
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin pt-br Nota: O SSL estará disponível somente se o PHP houver sido compilado com suporte a curl
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin pt-br número de linhas para um campo de entrada ou linhas para uma caixa de seleção
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin pt-br Nota: O SSL estará disponível somente se o PHP houver sido compilado com suporte a Curl
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin pt-br Número de linhas para um campo de entrada ou linhas para uma caixa de seleção
oauth authentiction admin pt-br OAuth Authentiction
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin pt-br Oferta para instalação de EGroupware como correio
one day admin pt-br Um dia
one hour admin pt-br Uma hora
one month admin pt-br um mês
one week admin pt-br uma semana
order admin pt-br ordem
organisation admin pt-br organização
one month admin pt-br Um mês
one week admin pt-br Uma semana
order admin pt-br Ordem
organisation admin pt-br Organização
other security configuration admin pt-br Outra configuração de segurança
outbound admin pt-br Saída
own categories admin pt-br Categorias próprias
@ -483,8 +501,8 @@ peer servers admin pt-br Servidores parceiros
percent of users that logged out admin pt-br Percentual de usuários que desconectaram
percent this user has logged out admin pt-br Percentagem de vezes que este usuário desconectou
permission denied admin pt-br Permissão negada
permission denied !!! admin pt-br Permissão negada !!!
permission denied!!! admin pt-br Permissão negada !!
permission denied !!! admin pt-br Permissão negada !
permission denied!!! admin pt-br Permissão negada !
permissions admin pt-br Permissões
permissions this group has admin pt-br Permissões do grupo
phpinfo admin pt-br Informações do PHP
@ -494,22 +512,22 @@ please run setup to become current admin pt-br Por favor execute a Configuraçã
please select admin pt-br Por favor selecione
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin pt-br Plesk não pode renomear usuários --> solicitação ignorada
plesk imap server (courier) admin pt-br Servidor IMAP Plesk (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin pt-br Script de e-mail Plesk '%1' não encontrado !!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin pt-br Plesk exige que senhas tenha no mínimo 5 caracteres e não contenham o nome da conta --> senha NÃO configurada!!!
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin pt-br Script de e-mail Plesk '%1' não encontrado !
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin pt-br Plesk exige que senhas tenha no mínimo 5 caracteres e não contenham o nome da conta --> senha NÃO configurada!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin pt-br Servidor SMTP Plesk (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin pt-br Nome ou endereço IP do servidor POP3
pop3 server port admin pt-br Porta do servidor POP3
port admin pt-br porta
port admin pt-br Porta
postfix with ldap admin pt-br Postfix com LDAP
preferences admin pt-br Preferências
primary group admin pt-br Grupo primário
profile access rights admin pt-br direito de acesso aos perfis
profile is active admin pt-br perfil está ativo
profile access rights admin pt-br Direito de acesso aos perfis
profile is active admin pt-br Perfil está ativo
profile list admin pt-br Lista de perfis
profile name admin pt-br Nome do perfil
qmaildotmode admin pt-br modo dos arquivos qmail (.qmail)
quota settings admin pt-br configurações de quota
quota size in mbyte admin pt-br tamanho da cota em MByte
quota settings admin pt-br Configurações de quota
quota size in mbyte admin pt-br Tamanho da cota em MByte
re-enter password admin pt-br Redigite a senha
read this list of methods. admin pt-br Ler esta lista de métodos
register application hooks admin pt-br Registrar configurações das aplicações
@ -517,18 +535,18 @@ relay access checked admin pt-br Acesso Relé verificado
remote administration instances admin pt-br Instâncias de administração remotas
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin pt-br Administração remota deve ser habilitada na instância remoda em Administrador > Configuração do Servidor!
remote instance saved admin pt-br Instância remota salva
remove admin pt-br remover
remove admin pt-br Remover
remove all users from this group admin pt-br Remover todos os usuários deste grupo
remove all users from this group ? admin pt-br Remover todos os usuários desse grupo?
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. admin pt-br Classe PEAR requeridos Correio / mimeDecode.php não encontrado.
reset filter admin pt-br reiniciar filtro
reset filter admin pt-br Reiniciar filtro
rights admin pt-br Direitos
route all mails to admin pt-br Remeter todos e-mails para
rows admin pt-br Fileiras
run asynchronous services admin pt-br Executar Serviços Assícronos
save the category admin pt-br salvar a categoria
save the category and return back to the list admin pt-br salvar a categoria e retornar à lista
saves the changes made and leaves admin pt-br salvar as alterações feitas e sair
save the category admin pt-br Salvar a categoria
save the category and return back to the list admin pt-br Salvar a categoria e retornar à lista
saves the changes made and leaves admin pt-br Salvar as alterações feitas e sair
saves this entry admin pt-br Salvar este registro
search accounts admin pt-br Pesquisar contas
search categories admin pt-br Pesquisar categorias
@ -539,7 +557,7 @@ security admin pt-br Segurança
select group managers admin pt-br Selecione Manutenção de Grupos
select permissions this group will have admin pt-br Selecione as permissões que este grupo terá
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin pt-br Selecione a categoria pai. Caso seja um categoria pai selecione SEM CATEGORIA
select type of imap server admin pt-br selecione o tipo de servidor IMAP
select type of imap server admin pt-br Selecione o tipo de servidor IMAP
select type of imap/pop3 server admin pt-br Selecione o tipo de servidor IMAP/POP3
select type of smtp server admin pt-br Selecione o tipo de servidor SMTP
select users for inclusion admin pt-br Selecione usuários para inclusão
@ -557,7 +575,7 @@ server url admin pt-br URL do servidor
server username admin pt-br Usuário do servidor
set preference values. admin pt-br Definir preferências.
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin pt-br A tela de conexão deve incluír uma caixa de seleção de idioma? (útil para sites de demonstração)
show 'powered by' logo on admin pt-br Área para exibição de 'powered by EGroupware'
show 'powered by' logo on admin pt-br Área para exibição de 'Powered by EGroupware'
show access log admin pt-br Exibir registros de acessos
show current action admin pt-br Exibir ação corrente
show error log admin pt-br Exibir registro de erros
@ -569,19 +587,19 @@ sieve settings admin pt-br Configurações Sieve
site admin pt-br Site
skip imap admin pt-br Ir IMAP
skipping imap configuration! admin pt-br Ignorando configuração IMAP!
smtp authentication admin pt-br autenticação smtp
smtp options admin pt-br opções smtp
smtp authentication admin pt-br Autenticação smtp
smtp options admin pt-br Opções smtp
smtp server admin pt-br Servidor SMTP
smtp server name admin pt-br Nome do Servidor SMTP
smtp settings admin pt-br configurações SMTP
smtp settings admin pt-br Configurações SMTP
smtp-server hostname or ip address admin pt-br Nome ou endereço IP do servidor SMTP
smtp-server port admin pt-br Porta do servidor SMTP
soap admin pt-br SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin pt-br Este nome de grupo já está em uso.
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin pt-br Desculpe, os usuários acima ainda são membros do grupo %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin pt-br Desculpe, os seguintes usuários ainda são membros do grupo %1
sort the entries admin pt-br ordenar as entradas
ssl admin pt-br ssl
sort the entries admin pt-br Ordenar as entradas
ssl admin pt-br SSL
standard admin pt-br Padrão
standard identity admin pt-br Identidade padrão
standard imap server admin pt-br Servidor IMAP padrão
@ -596,7 +614,7 @@ submit the search string admin pt-br Enviar expressão de busca
subtype admin pt-br Sub tipo
successful connected to %1 server%2. admin pt-br Successful ligado ao servidor% 1% 2.
switch back to standard identity to save account. admin pt-br Volte para a identidade padrão para salvar conta.
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin pt-br desabilite, se usuários estiverem, aleatoriamente, sendo desconectados
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin pt-br Desabilite, se usuários estiverem, aleatoriamente, sendo desconectados
template selection admin pt-br Seleção de modelos
templates admin pt-br Templates
text entry admin pt-br Entrada de texto
@ -611,12 +629,12 @@ the groups must include the primary group admin pt-br Os grupos devem incluír o
the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. please contact your system administrator. admin pt-br O servidor IMAP não parece suportar o método de autenticação selecionado. Por favor contacte o administrador do seu sistema.
the login and password can not be the same admin pt-br O login e a senha não podem ser iguais
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin pt-br O código de usuário não pode ter mais de 8 caracteres
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin pt-br O mimeparser não pode analisar essa mensagem.
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin pt-br O MIMEparser não pode analisar essa mensagem.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin pt-br o nome usado internamente (<= 20 caracteres), alterando-o fará dados existentes ficarem inacessíveis
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin pt-br O TestJob lhe envia um email sempre que é executado.
the text displayed to the user admin pt-br o texto exibido para o usuário
the text displayed to the user admin pt-br O texto exibido para o usuário
the two passwords are not the same admin pt-br As senhas não conferem
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin pt-br os usuários abaixo ainda são membros do grupo %1
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin pt-br Os usuários abaixo ainda são membros do grupo %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin pt-br Já existe um grupo com este nome. O nome do usuário não pode ser o mesmo de um grupo.
they must be removed before you can continue admin pt-br Eles devem ser removidos antes de continuar
this application is current admin pt-br Este aplicativo está atualizado
@ -627,52 +645,53 @@ timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin pt
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin pt-br Tempo para expiração da sessões em segundos (padrão 14400 = 4 horas)
times admin pt-br Horários
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. admin pt-br Para usar uma conexão TLS, você deve estar rodando PHP versão 5.1.0 ou maior.
top admin pt-br topo
top admin pt-br Topo
total of %1 id's changed. admin pt-br Total de %1 IDs alterada(s)
total records admin pt-br Total de registros
translation admin pt-br Tradução
true admin pt-br verdadeiro
true admin pt-br Verdadeiro
trust level admin pt-br Nível de confiança
trust relationship admin pt-br Relação de confiança
two weeks admin pt-br duas semanas
type '%1' already exists !!! admin pt-br tipo '%1' já existe !!
two weeks admin pt-br Duas semanas
type '%1' already exists !!! admin pt-br Tipo '%1' já existe !
type of customfield admin pt-br Tipo do campo personalizado
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin pt-br No Windows você precisa instalar o asyncservide %1manualmente%2 ou usar o modo fallback. Fallback significa que os trabalhos serão verificados somente após cada visualização de página!!!
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin pt-br No Windows você precisa instalar o asyncservide %1manualmente%2 ou usar o modo fallback. Fallback significa que os trabalhos serão verificados somente após cada visualização de página!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin pt-br Resposta inesperada do servidor para o comando AUTHENTICATE.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin pt-br Resposta inesperada do servidor para a resposta Digest-MD5.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin pt-br Resposta inesperada do servidor para o comando LOGIN.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin pt-br Conta desconhecida: %1 !!!
unknown command %1! admin pt-br Comando desconhecido %1!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin pt-br Conta desconhecida: %1 !
unknown command %1! admin pt-br Comando desconhecido %1 !
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin pt-br Resposta desconhecida do servidor IMAP. Resposta do servidor: %s
unknown option %1 admin pt-br Opção desconhecida %1
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin pt-br Ação não suportada: '%1' !!!
up admin pt-br para cima
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin pt-br Ação não suportada: '%1' !
up admin pt-br Para cima
update current email address: admin pt-br Atualizar e-mail atual:
updated admin pt-br atualizado
usage admin pt-br uso
use cookies to pass sessionid admin pt-br Usar cookies para transmitir id de sessão
updated admin pt-br Atualizado
usage admin pt-br Uso
use cookies to pass sessionid admin pt-br Usar cookies para transmitir ID de sessão
use default admin pt-br Usar o padrão
use ldap defaults admin pt-br usar padrões LDAP
use ldap defaults admin pt-br Usar padrões LDAP
use predefined username and password defined below admin pt-br Usar usuário e senha pré-definidos abaixo
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin pt-br Usar código HTML puro (não funciona totalmente ainda)
use smtp auth admin pt-br usar SMTP Autenticado
use smtp auth admin pt-br Usar SMTP Autenticado
use theme admin pt-br Usar tema
use tls authentication admin pt-br Usar autenticação TLS
use tls encryption admin pt-br Usar encriptação TLS
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin pt-br Use usuários endereço de e-mail, conforme definido na conta do usuário
user accounts admin pt-br Contas de usuários
user can edit forwarding address admin pt-br usuário pode editar endereço de encaminhamento
user can edit forwarding address admin pt-br Usuário pode editar endereço de encaminhamento
user data common pt-br Dados de usuários
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin pt-br Usuário para autenticação SMTP (deixe em branco se não requer autenticação)
user groups admin pt-br Grupos de usuários
user-agent admin pt-br User-Agent
userdata admin pt-br Dados de usuário
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin pt-br Domínio @ UserID por exemplo. u1234 @ domínio
username (standard) admin pt-br nome do usuário (padrão)
username (standard) admin pt-br Nome do usuário (padrão)
username/password defined by admin admin pt-br Nome de usuário/Senha definidos pelo administrador
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin pt-br nomedousuario@nomedodominio (Gerenciador Virtual Mail)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin pt-br Os usuários podem definir sua próprias contas de correio
users can define their own identities admin pt-br usuários podem definir suas próprias identidades
users can define their own signatures admin pt-br usuários podem definir suas próprias assinaturas
users can define their own identities admin pt-br Usuários podem definir suas próprias identidades
users can define their own signatures admin pt-br Usuários podem definir suas próprias assinaturas
users can utilize these stationery templates admin pt-br Os usuários podem utilizar esses modelos de papel de carta
users choice admin pt-br Escolha do usuário
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin pt-br Usando dados da Mozilla ISPDB do fornecedor% 1
@ -682,21 +701,21 @@ view account admin pt-br Exibir conta
view category admin pt-br Exibir categoria
view error log admin pt-br Exibir registro de erros
view sessions admin pt-br Exibir sessões
view this user admin pt-br exibir este usuário
view user account admin pt-br exibir conta de usuário
view this user admin pt-br Exibir este usuário
view user account admin pt-br Exibir conta de usuário
virtual mail manager admin pt-br Gerenciador Virtual Mail
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin pt-br Para quem você deseja transferir todas as entradas do usuário removido?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin pt-br Deseja que o EGroupware faça cache do vetor de informações egw ?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin pt-br Deseja que o EGroupware faça cache do vetor de informações EGw ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin pt-br Deseja que o EGroupware verifique se há nova versão<br>quando administradores estejam acessando o sistema ?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin pt-br Deseja que o EGroupware verifique automaticamente novas versões de aplicativos quando administradores estiverem conectados?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin pt-br Deseja que novos arquivos de localização sejam carragados automaticamente (ao entrar)
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin pt-br Deseja exibir se cada aplicação está atualizada ?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin pt-br Tipo de conta errado: %1 NÃO é %2 !!!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin pt-br Conta de administração ou -senha errada !!!
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin pt-br Tipo de conta errado: %1 NÃO é %2 !
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin pt-br Conta de administração ou -senha errada !
xml-rpc admin pt-br XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin pt-br A data de expiração digitada é inválida
you have received a new message on the admin pt-br Você recebeu uma nova mensagem na
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin pt-br Você precisa informar um nome para criar um novo campo!!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin pt-br Você precisa informar um nome para criar um novo campo!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin pt-br Você precisa informar um novo para criar um novo tipo!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin pt-br Você deve adicionar no mínimo uma permissão ou grupo para esta conta
you must enter a group name. admin pt-br Você deve digitar um nome de grupo.
@ -1,11 +1,35 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin pt %1 %2 direitos para %3 em %4 a %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin pt %1 - %2 de %3 contas de utilizadores
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin pt %1 - %2 de %3 grupos de utilizadores
%1 access to other data admin pt %1 acesso a outros dados
%1 accounts being activated admin pt %1 contas a serem activadas
%1 acl entries deleted. admin pt %1 entradas ACL eliminadas.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin pt Os %1 registos ACL de contas (já) não existentes foram eliminados.
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin pt %1 não foi encontrado ou não é executável !!!
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin pt (por omissão: Não, mantenha-o assim se não o utilizar)
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin pt %1 categorias de contas não (mais) existentes eliminadas.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin pt %1 categoria "%2" %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin pt %1 categoria(s) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin pt %1 categoria(s) %2, %3 falhou devido a direitos insuficientes!
%1 class not instanciated admin pt %1 classe não instanciada
%1 entries deleted admin pt %1 entradas eliminadas
%1 entries deleted. admin pt %1 entradas eliminadas.
%1 group %2 admin pt %1 grupo %2
%1 is no command! admin pt %1 não é um comando!
%1 log entries deleted. admin pt %1 entradas de registo eliminadas.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin pt %1 credenciais de correio eliminadas
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin pt %1 não foi encontrado ou não é executável!
%1 phrases saved. admin pt %1 frases guardadas.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin pt %1 direitos para %2 e aplicação(ões) %3 .
%1 run rights for applications admin pt %1 direitos de execução para aplicações
%1 sessions killed admin pt %1 sessões eliminadas.
%1 successful admin pt %1 com êxito
%1 token %2. admin pt %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin pt %1 utilizador %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin pt (des)Ativar contas de correio
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin pt Por omissão: Não, mantenha-o assim se não o utilizar
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin pt (a classe imap tem de suportar esta funcionalidade consultando o valor de configuração correspondente e passando-o como quota predefinida para o servidor IMAP)
(no subject) admin pt (sem assunto)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin pt (Senha guardada não será exibida aqui)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin pt (Para instalar novas aplicações clique em <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Configurações</a> [Aplicações de Gestão] !!!)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin pt Para instalar novas aplicações clique em <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Configurações</a> [Aplicações de Gestão]!
- type admin pt - tipo
1 year admin pt 1 ano
2 month admin pt 2 meses
@ -87,15 +111,15 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin pt Tem certeza de que deseja
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin pt Você tem certeza de que deseja terminar esta sessão ?
async services last executed admin pt Últimos serviços assíncronos executados
asynchronous timed services admin pt Serviços assíncronos agendados
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin pt serviços assíncronos por instalar ou outro erro (%1) !!!
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin pt serviços assíncronos por instalar ou outro erro (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin pt Tentativa de utilizar o mimetype correcto para FTP em vez da 'aplicação/octet-stream' por omissão
attribute accountstatus explained admin pt Isto gere o atributo <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> a partir do QMAIL schema.
attribute mail explained admin pt Isto gere o atributo <b><i>-mail-</i></b> a partir do QMAIL schema e nunca deve estar vazio. É também o campo do correio electrónico interno do EGroupware
attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin pt Isto gere o atrabitu <b><i>-mailAlternateAddress-</i></b> a partir do QMAIL schema e pode ser gerido como um mapa virtual ou aliases.
attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin pt Isto gere o atributo <b><i>-mailForwardingAddress-</i></b> a partir do QMAIL schema e não pode estar vazio se subscrito.
authentication / accounts admin pt Autenticação / Contas
authentication / accounts admin pt Autenticação/Contas
auto create account records for authenticated users admin pt Criar automaticamente registos da conta para utilizadores autenticados
back to the list admin pt voltar à lista
back to the list admin pt Voltar à lista
bi-dir passthrough admin pt bi-dir passthrough
bi-directional admin pt bi-direcional
bottom admin pt Fundo
@ -105,7 +129,7 @@ can be used by group admin pt Pode ser utilizado pelo grupo
can change password admin pt Não é possível alterar a senha
cancel testjob! admin pt Cancelar trabalho de teste
categories list admin pt Lista de categorias
category %1 has been saved ! admin pt A categoria %1 foi guardada !
category %1 has been saved ! admin pt A categoria %1 foi guardada!
category list admin pt Lista de categorias
change acl rights admin pt Alterar direitos de ACL
change config settings admin pt Alterar configurações
@ -119,9 +143,9 @@ could not append message: admin pt Não foi possível anexar Mensagem:
country admin pt País
country selection admin pt Selecção de País
create group admin pt Criar Grupo
create new account admin pt criar nova conta
create new account admin pt Criar nova conta
created admin pt Criado
creates a new field admin pt cria um novo campo
creates a new field admin pt Cria um novo campo
crontab only (recomended) admin pt Apenas crontab (recomendado)
custom 1 admin pt Personalizado 1
custom 2 admin pt Personalizado 2
@ -135,7 +159,7 @@ day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin pt Dia da semana<br>(0-6, 0=Dom)
db backup and restore admin pt Cópia de segurança e reposição da base de dados
default admin pt Por omissão
default file system space per user admin pt Espaço em disco por utilizador (por omissão)
default file system space per user/group ? admin pt Espaço em disco por utilizador/grupo por omissão ?
default file system space per user/group ? admin pt Espaço em disco por utilizador/grupo por omissão?
deinstall crontab admin pt Desinstalar crontab
delete account admin pt Eliminar conta
delete all records admin pt Eliminar todos os registos
@ -143,13 +167,13 @@ delete application admin pt Eliminar aplicações
delete category admin pt Eliminar categorias
delete group admin pt Eliminar grupos
delete peer server admin pt Eliminar servidor remoto
delete the category admin pt eliminar a categoria
delete the group admin pt eliminar o grupo
delete this category admin pt eliminar esta categoria
delete this group admin pt elimnar este grupo
delete this user admin pt eliminar este utilizador
deleted admin pt eliminado/a
deletes this field admin pt eliminar este campo
delete the category admin pt Eliminar a categoria
delete the group admin pt Eliminar o grupo
delete this category admin pt Eliminar esta categoria
delete this group admin pt Elimnar este grupo
delete this user admin pt Eliminar este utilizador
deleted admin pt Eliminado/a
deletes this field admin pt Eliminar este campo
deliver extern admin pt Entrega externa
deny access admin pt Negar acesso
deny access to access log admin pt Negar acesso ao registo de acessos
@ -166,9 +190,9 @@ deny access to peer servers admin pt Negar acesso aos servidores remotos
deny access to phpinfo admin pt Negar acesso à informação php
deny access to site configuration admin pt Negar acesso à configuração do sítio
deny access to user accounts admin pt Negar acesso às contas de utilizadores
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin pt Negar a todos os utilizadores a possibilidade de conceder o acesso de outros utilizadores aos seus registos ?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin pt A descrição não pode exceder os 255 caracteres !
determines the order the fields are displayed admin pt determina a ordem de apresentação dos campos
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin pt Negar a todos os utilizadores a possibilidade de conceder o acesso de outros utilizadores aos seus registos?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin pt A descrição não pode exceder os 255 caracteres!
determines the order the fields are displayed admin pt Determina a ordem de apresentação dos campos
disable admin pt Desactivar
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin pt Desactivar a funcionalidade de "informação de formulários guardada" no formulário de acesso
disable wysiwyg-editor admin pt Desactivar o editor do WYSIWYG
@ -179,8 +203,8 @@ displaying plain messages is disabled admin pt exibição de mensagens simples
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin pt NÃO eliminar a categoria e voltar para a lista
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin pt Deseja eliminar também todas subcategorias gerais ?
do you really want to delete this profile admin pt Deseja relamente eliminar este perfil
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin pt Deseja eliminar todas as subcategorias gerais ?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin pt Deseja mover todas as subcategorias gerais para um nível mais abaixo ?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin pt Deseja eliminar todas as subcategorias gerais?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin pt Deseja mover todas as subcategorias gerais para um nível mais abaixo?
domainname admin pt Nome de domínio
down admin pt baixo
edit account admin pt Editar conta
@ -192,10 +216,10 @@ edit group admin pt Editar grupos
edit group acl's admin pt Editar ACLs do grupo
edit peer server admin pt Editar servidor remoto
edit table format admin pt Editar formato de tabela
edit this category admin pt editar esta categoria
edit this group admin pt editar este grupo
edit this user admin pt editar este utilizador
edit user admin pt editar utilizador
edit this category admin pt Editar esta categoria
edit this group admin pt Editar este grupo
edit this user admin pt Editar este utilizador
edit user admin pt Editar utilizador
edit user account admin pt Editar conta de utilizador
email account active admin pt Conta de correio electrónico activa
email address admin pt Endereço de correio electrónico
@ -203,19 +227,19 @@ enable admin pt Activar
enable cyrus imap server administration admin pt Activar administração do servidor IMAP Cyrus
enable debug-messages admin pt Activar mensagens de debug
enable sieve admin pt Activar Sieve
enable the soap service admin pt Activar o serviço soap
enable the xmlrpc service admin pt Activar o serviço xmlrpc
enable the soap service admin pt Activar o serviço SOAP
enable the xmlrpc service admin pt Activar o serviço XML-RPC
enabled - hidden from navbar admin pt Activo - Escondido da barra de navegação
enabled - popup window admin pt Activo - Janela Popup
encryption settings admin pt Definições de cifragem
enter a description for the category admin pt insira uma descrição para a categoria
enter a description for the category admin pt Insira uma descrição para a categoria
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin pt Insira algum texto aleatório para a encriptação <br>da sessão da aplicação (requer mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin pt Escolha uma cor de fundo para a página de acesso
enter the background color for the site title admin pt Escolha uma cor de fundo para o título do sítio
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin pt Insira o caminho completo para ficheiros temporários.<br>Exemplos: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin pt Insira o caminho completo para ficheiros de utilizadores e grupos.<br>Exemplos: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin pt Insira o nome da máquina em que este servidor está a ser executado
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin pt Insira a URL do EGroupware.<br>Exemplo: http://www.domain.com/egroupware ou /egroupware<br><b>Sem a barra final</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin pt Insira a URL do EGroupware.<br>Exemplo: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware ou /egroupware<br><b>Sem a barra final</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin pt Inserir o termo de pesquisa. Para exibir todos os registos, limpe este campo e clique novamente no botão Enviar.
enter the site password for peer servers admin pt Insira a senha do sítio para servidores remotos
enter the site username for peer servers admin pt Insira o nome de utilizador do sítio para servidores remotos
@ -226,15 +250,15 @@ enter your default ftp server admin pt Insira o seu servidor FTP por omissão
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin pt Insira o seu domínio de correio electrónico por omissão ( De: utilizador@domínio )
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin pt Insira o seu domínio de correio electrónico por omissão (de: utilizador@domínio)
enter your http proxy server admin pt Insira o endereço do seu servidor proxy HTTP
enter your http proxy server port admin pt Insira a porta do seu servidor proxy
enter your http proxy server port admin pt Insira a porta do seu servidor proxy HTTP
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin pt Insira o endereço do seu servidor SMTP ou endereço IP
enter your smtp server port admin pt Insira a porta do seu servidor SMTP
entry saved admin pt Registo guardado
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin pt Erro ao cancelar cronómetro. Talvez nenhum esteja activo !!!
error saving the entry!!! admin pt Erro ao guardar o registo!!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin pt Erro ao activar cronómetro: sintaxe incorrecta ou já existe um em execução !!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin pt Erro ao cancelar cronómetro. Talvez nenhum esteja activo!
error saving the entry!!! admin pt Erro ao guardar o registo!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin pt Erro ao activar cronómetro: sintaxe incorrecta ou já existe um em execução!
error! no appname found admin pt Erro! Nenhum nome de aplicação encontrado
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin pt Erro: %1 não encontrado ou outro erro !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin pt Erro: %1 não encontrado ou outro erro!
event details follow admin pt Seguem detalhes do evento
exists admin pt Existe
expires admin pt Expira
@ -242,22 +266,22 @@ explanation of ldapman admin pt Até ao momento, este módulo foi testado para P
failed to change password. admin pt Não foi possível alterar a senha.
fallback (after each pageview) admin pt Fallback (depois de cada visualização de página)
false admin pt Falso
field '%1' already exists !!! admin pt O campo '%1' já existe !!!
field '%1' already exists !!! admin pt O campo '%1' já existe!
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin pt Arquivo rejeitado, sem% 2. É: 1%
file space admin pt Espaço do ficheiro
file space must be an integer admin pt O espaço do ficheiro tem de ser íntegro
for the times above admin pt para as ocasiões anteriores
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin pt para as ocasiões seguintes (valores vazios contam como '*', tudo vazio = todos os minutos)
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin pt Para as ocasiões seguintes (valores vazios contam como '*', tudo vazio = todos os minutos)
force selectbox admin pt Forçar caixa de selecção
forward also to admin pt Reencaminhar também para
forward email's to admin pt Reencaminhar mensagens para
forward emails to admin pt reencaminhar mensagens para
forward emails to admin pt Reencaminhar mensagens para
forward only admin pt Reencaminhar apenas
full name admin pt Nome completo
general admin pt Geral
global categories common pt Categorias gerais
global options admin pt Opções gerais
group ? admin pt grupo ?
group ? admin pt Grupo?
group has been added common pt O grupo foi adicionado
group has been deleted common pt O grupo foi eliminado
group has been updated common pt O grupo foi actualizado
@ -298,19 +322,19 @@ kill admin pt Terminar
kill session admin pt Terminar sessão
last %1 logins admin pt Últimos %1 acessos
last %1 logins for %2 admin pt Últimos %1 acessos a %2
last login admin pt último acesso
last login from admin pt último acesso de
last login admin pt Último início de sessão
last login from admin pt Último início de sessão de
last time read admin pt Última vez lido
last updated admin pt Última atualização
ldap accounts context admin pt contexto de contas LDAP
ldap accounts context admin pt Contexto de contas LDAP
ldap basedn admin pt Base DN LDAP
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin pt prefixo de diretório home padrão LDAP (Exemplo: /home para /home/username)
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin pt Prefixo de diretório home padrão LDAP (Exemplo: /home para /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin pt shell por omissão LDAP (Exemplo: /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin pt tipo de encriptação LDAP
ldap groups context admin pt contexto de grupos LDAP
ldap host admin pt servidor LDAP
ldap root password admin pt senha do super utilizador LDAP
ldap rootdn admin pt super utilizador LDAP
ldap encryption type admin pt Tipo de encriptação LDAP
ldap groups context admin pt Contexto de grupos LDAP
ldap host admin pt Servidor LDAP
ldap root password admin pt Senha do super utilizador LDAP
ldap rootdn admin pt Super utilizador LDAP
ldap server admin pt Servidor LDAP
ldap server accounts dn admin pt DN das contas de servidor LDAP
ldap server admin dn admin pt DN do administrador de servidor LDAP
@ -342,36 +366,36 @@ maximum entries in click path history admin pt Número máximo de registos ao cl
members admin pt Membros
message has been updated admin pt Mensagem foi atualizada
method admin pt Método
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin pt id mínimo para contas (Exemplo: 500 ou 100, etc.)
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin pt ID mínimo para contas (Exemplo: 500 ou 100, etc.)
minute admin pt Minuto
mode admin pt Modo
modified admin pt Modificado
month admin pt Mês
name must not be empty !!! admin pt O campo do nome não pode ficar vazio !!!
name must not be empty !!! admin pt O campo do nome não pode ficar vazio!
name of organisation admin pt Nome da empresa
new group name admin pt Nome do novo Grupo
new name admin pt novo nome
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin pt Nova senha [ Deixe em branco para não alterar ]
new name admin pt Novo nome
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin pt Nova senha (Deixe em branco para não alterar)
next run admin pt Execução seguinte
no algorithms available admin pt nenhum algoritmo disponível
no algorithms available admin pt Nenhum algoritmo disponível
no alternate email address admin pt Sem endereço de correio electrónico alternativo
no forwarding email address admin pt Sem endereço de correio electrónico para reencaminhamento
no jobs in the database !!! admin pt Nenhum trabalho na base de dados !!!
no jobs in the database !!! admin pt Nenhum trabalho na base de dados!
no login history exists for this user admin pt Não existe histórico de acessos para este utilizador
no matches found admin pt Nenhuma ocorrência encontrada
no modes available admin pt nenhum modo disponível
no permission to add groups admin pt sem permissão para adicionar grupos
no permission to add users admin pt sem permissão para adicionar utilizadores
no permission to create groups admin pt sem permissão para criar grupos
no plain text part found admin pt nenhuma parte de texto simples encontrado
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin pt Nota: SSL disponível apenas se o PHP estiver compilado com suporte curl.
no modes available admin pt Nenhum modo disponível
no permission to add groups admin pt Sem permissão para adicionar grupos
no permission to add users admin pt Sem permissão para adicionar utilizadores
no permission to create groups admin pt Sem permissão para criar grupos
no plain text part found admin pt Nenhuma parte de texto simples encontrado
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin pt Nota: SSL disponível apenas se o PHP estiver compilado com suporte Curl.
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin pt Número de linhas para um campo multi-linha ou linhas de uma caixa de selecção múltipla.
oauth authentiction admin pt Autenticação OAuth
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin pt Oferta de instalação de EGroupware como correio
one day admin pt Um dia
one hour admin pt Uma hora
one month admin pt um mês
one week admin pt uma semana
one month admin pt Um mês
one week admin pt Uma semana
order admin pt Ordem
organisation admin pt Empresa
other security configuration admin pt Outra configuração de segurança
@ -387,13 +411,13 @@ peer servers admin pt Servidores remotos
percent of users that logged out admin pt Percentagem de utilizadores que saíram
percent this user has logged out admin pt Percentagem das saídas deste utilizador
permission denied admin pt Permissão negada
permission denied !!! admin pt Permissão negada !!!
permission denied!!! admin pt Permissão negada!!!
permission denied !!! admin pt Permissão negada!
permission denied!!! admin pt Permissão negada!
permissions admin pt Permissões
permissions this group has admin pt Permissões do grupo
phpinfo admin pt Informações do PHP
please enter a name admin pt Por favor, insira um nome
please enter a name for that server ! admin pt Por favor, insira um nome para esse servidor !
please enter a name for that server ! admin pt Por favor, insira um nome para esse servidor!
please run setup to become current admin pt Por favor, execute a configuração para actualizar o sistema
please select admin pt Por favor, seleccione
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin pt Nome do servidor ou endereço IP do servidor POP3
@ -406,20 +430,20 @@ profile list admin pt Lista de perfis
profile name admin pt Nome do perfil
qmaildotmode admin pt Quota do correio electrónico no modo Idot
quota settings admin pt Configurações da quota
quota size in mbyte admin pt tamanho da quota em MBytes
quota size in mbyte admin pt Tamanho da quota em MBytes
re-enter password admin pt Re-insira a senha
read this list of methods. admin pt Ler esta lista de métodos
register application hooks admin pt Registar pontos de entrada de aplicações
remove admin pt Remover
remove all users from this group admin pt Remover todos os utilizadores deste grupo
remove all users from this group ? admin pt Deseja remover todos os utilizadores deste grupo ?
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. admin pt Classe PEAR requeridos Correio / mimeDecode.php não encontrado.
remove all users from this group ? admin pt Deseja remover todos os utilizadores deste grupo?
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. admin pt Classe PEAR requeridos Correio/mimeDecode.php não encontrado.
route all mails to admin pt Encaminhar todas as mensagens para
rows admin pt Linhas
run asynchronous services admin pt Executar serviços assíncronos
save the category admin pt guardar a categoria
save the category and return back to the list admin pt guardar a categoria e voltar à lista
saves the changes made and leaves admin pt guarda as alterações e deixa
save the category admin pt Guardar a categoria
save the category and return back to the list admin pt Guardar a categoria e voltar à lista
saves the changes made and leaves admin pt Guarda as alterações e deixa
saves this entry admin pt Guarda este registo
search accounts admin pt Pesquisar contas
search categories admin pt Pesquisar categorias
@ -444,7 +468,7 @@ server type(mode) admin pt Tipo de servidor (modo)
server url admin pt URL do servidor
server username admin pt Utilizador do servidor
set preference values. admin pt Definir preferências.
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin pt A página de acesso deve incluir uma caixa de selecção de idioma (útil para sítios de demonstração) ?
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin pt A página de acesso deve incluir uma caixa de selecção de idioma (útil para sítios de demonstração)?
show 'powered by' logo on admin pt Área para exibição da logomarca do EGroupware
show access log admin pt Exibir registo de acesso
show current action admin pt Exibir acção actual
@ -483,16 +507,16 @@ that application name already exists. admin pt Este nome de aplicação já exis
that application order must be a number. admin pt O campo ordem da aplicação tem d ser um número.
that loginid has already been taken admin pt Esse nome de utilizador já existe
that name has been used already admin pt Esse nome já existe
that server name has been used already ! admin pt Esse nome de servidor já existe !
that server name has been used already ! admin pt Esse nome de servidor já existe!
the api is current admin pt A base (API) do EGroupware está actualizada
the api requires an upgrade admin pt A base (API) do EGroupware precisa ser actualizada
the groups must include the primary group admin pt Os grupos têm de incluir o grupo primário
the login and password can not be the same admin pt O nome de utilizador e a senha não podem ser iguais
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin pt O nome de utilizador não pode ter mais de 8 caracteres
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin pt O mimeparser não pode analisar estas mensagem.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin pt o nome utilizado internamente (<= 20 caracteres), alterá-lo torna os dados existentes indisponíveis
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin pt O nome utilizado internamente (<= 20 caracteres), alterá-lo torna os dados existentes indisponíveis
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin pt O "trabalho de teste" envia-lhe uma mensagem sempre que for chamado.
the text displayed to the user admin pt o texto apresentado ao utilizador
the text displayed to the user admin pt O texto apresentado ao utilizador
the two passwords are not the same admin pt As senhas não coincidem
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin pt Os seguintes utilizadores ainda são membros do grupo %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin pt Já existe um grupo com este nome. O ID do utilizador não pode ter o mesmo nome que o ID de um grupo
@ -511,12 +535,12 @@ true admin pt Verdadeiro
trust level admin pt Nível de confiança
trust relationship admin pt Relação de confiança
two weeks admin pt Duas semanas
type '%1' already exists !!! admin pt O tipo '%1' já existe !!!
type '%1' already exists !!! admin pt O tipo '%1' já existe!
type of customfield admin pt Tipo de campo personalizado
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin pt No windowz é necessário instalar o asyncservice %1manualmente%2 ou utilizar o modo Fallback. Este modo significa que as tarefas só serão verificadas depois de cada visualização de página.
up admin pt para cima
up admin pt Para cima
updated admin pt Actualizado
use cookies to pass sessionid admin pt Utilizar cookies para transmitir id de sessão
use cookies to pass sessionid admin pt Utilizar cookies para transmitir ID de sessão
use default admin pt Utilizar definições por omissão
use ldap defaults admin pt Utilizar definições por omissão do LDAP
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin pt Usar puro código HTML (não funciona totalmente ainda)
@ -529,6 +553,7 @@ user can edit forwarding address admin pt O utilizador pode editar endereços re
user data common pt Dados de utilizadores
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin pt Utilizador para autenticação SMTP (deixar vazio se a autenticação não for necessária)
user groups admin pt Grupos de utilizadores
user-agent admin pt User-Agent
userdata admin pt Dados de utilizadores
username (standard) admin pt Nome de utilizador (por omissão)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin pt utilizador@dominio (Gestor virtual de correio electrónico)
@ -539,7 +564,7 @@ view account admin pt Ver conta
view category admin pt Ver categorias
view error log admin pt Ver registo de erros
view sessions admin pt Ver sessões
view this user admin pt ver este utilizador
view this user admin pt Ver este utilizador
view user account admin pt Ver conta do utilizador
virtual mail manager admin pt Gestor virtual de correio electrónico
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin pt Para quem deseja transferir TODOS os registos do utilizador eliminado ?
@ -550,7 +575,7 @@ would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin pt Des
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin pt Deseja exibir o estado da actualização de cada aplicação ?
xml-rpc admin pt XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin pt Inseriu uma data de expiração inválida
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin pt É necessário inserir um nome para criar um novo campo!!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin pt É necessário inserir um nome para criar um novo campo!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin pt É necessário inserir um nome para criar um novo tipo!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin pt É necessário adicionar pelo menos uma permissão ou grupo a esta conta
you must enter a group name. admin pt É necessário atribuir um nome ao grupo
@ -1,3 +1,32 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin ro %1 %2 drepturi pentru %3 pe %4 până la %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin ro %1 - %2 din %3 conturi de utilizator
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin ro %1 - %2 din grupurile de utilizatori %3
%1 access to other data admin ro %1 acces la alte date
%1 accounts being activated admin ro %1 conturi în curs de activare
%1 acl entries deleted. admin ro %1 intrări ACL șterse.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin ro %1 înregistrări ACL ale conturilor care nu mai există șterse.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin ro %1 categorii de conturi care nu (mai) există șterse.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin ro %1 categoria "%2" %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin ro %1 categorie(e) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin ro %1 category(s) %2, %3 a eșuat din cauza drepturilor insuficiente!
%1 class not instanciated admin ro %1 class not instanciated
%1 entries deleted admin ro %1 intrări șterse
%1 entries deleted. admin ro %1 intrări șterse
%1 group %2 admin ro %1 grup %2
%1 is no command! admin ro %1 nu este o comandă!
%1 log entries deleted. admin ro %1 intrări de jurnal șterse.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin ro %1 credențiale de corespondență șterse
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin ro %1 nu a fost găsit sau nu este executabil!
%1 phrases saved. admin ro %1 fraze salvate.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin ro %1 drepturi pentru %2 și aplicația (aplicațiile) %3 .
%1 run rights for applications admin ro %1 drepturi de execuție pentru aplicații
%1 sessions killed admin ro %1 sesiuni ucise.
%1 successful admin ro %1 reușită
%1 token %2. admin ro %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin ro %1 utilizator %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin ro (de)Activarea conturilor de poștă electronică
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin ro Implicit = Nu, lăsați-o dezactivată dacă nu o utilizați
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin ro (imapclass trebuie să susțină această funcție prin interogarea valorii de configurare corespunzătoare și să o transmită ca și cota implicită către serverul IMAP)
1 year admin ro 1 an
2 month admin ro 2 luni
2 weeks admin ro 2 săptămâni
@ -29,4 +58,5 @@ own install id: admin ro Propria instalare ID:
soap admin ro SOAP
ssl admin ro SSL
total records admin ro Total înregistrări
user-agent admin ro User-Agent
xml-rpc admin ro XML-RPC
@ -1,19 +1,30 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin ru %1 %2 права для %3 на %4 - %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin ru %1 - %2 из %3 учётных записей пользователей
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin ru %1 - %2 из %3 пользовательских групп
%1 access to other data admin ru %1 доступ к другим данным
%1 accounts being activated admin ru %1 активируемые учетные записи
%1 acl entries deleted. admin ru %1 удалены записи ACL.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin ru %1 записей ACL (более) не существующей учётной записи удалено
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin ru %1 категорий (более) не существующей учётной записи удалено
%1 category '%2' %3 admin ru %1 категория '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin ru %1 категория(й) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin ru %1 категория(й) %2, %3 отказ по причине отсутствия прав!
%1 class not instanciated admin ru %1 класс не представлен
%1 entries deleted admin ru %1 запись удалена
%1 entries deleted. admin ru %1 записи удалены.
%1 group %2 admin ru %1 группа %2
%1 is no command! admin ru %1 - не команда!
%1 is no command! admin ru %1 - это не команда!
%1 log entries deleted. admin ru %1 записей журнала удалено
%1 mail credentials deleted admin ru %1 почтовые учетные данные удалены
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin ru %1 не найден или не исполняемый!
%1 phrases saved. admin ru %1 фраз сохранено
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin ru %1 права на %2 и приложения %3
%1 run rights for applications admin ru %1 права на запуск приложений
%1 sessions killed admin ru %1 сессий завершено
%1 successful admin ru %1 успешно
%1 token %2. admin ru %1 токен %2.
%1 user %2 admin ru %1 пользователь %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin ru (де)Активация почтовых учетных записей
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin ru По умолчанию — «Нет», оставьте если не используете
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin ru (класс IMAP должен поддерживать возможность запроса соответствующего параметра конфигурации и передачи серверу IMAP как квоту по умолчанию)
(no subject) admin ru (без темы)
@ -33,7 +44,7 @@ account "%1" has no email address --> not notified! admin ru Учётная за
account "%1" has no plaintext password! admin ru Учётная запись «%1» не имеет plaintext пароля
account %1 %2 admin ru Учётная запись %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin ru Учётная запись «%1» удалена
account '%1' not found !!! admin ru Учетная запись '%1' не найдена !!!
account '%1' not found !!! admin ru Учетная запись '%1' не найдена!
account active admin ru Учётная запись активна
account has been created common ru Учётная запись создана
account has been deleted common ru Учётная запись удалена
@ -107,8 +118,8 @@ applications list admin ru Список приложений
applications run rights updated. admin ru Права на запуск приложений изменены!
applies the changes admin ru Применять изменения
apply the changes admin ru Применить изменения
archive: zip or tar admin ru Архив: zip или tar
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin ru Вы уверены, что хотите удалить приложение %1?
archive: zip or tar admin ru Архив: ZIP или tar
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin ru Вы уверены, что хотите удалить приложение %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin ru Уверены, что хотите удалить эту учётную запись?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin ru Уверены, что хотите удалить это приложение?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common ru Уверены, что хотите удалить эту категорию?
@ -293,8 +304,8 @@ enable cyrus imap server administration admin ru включить админис
enable debug-messages admin ru Разрешить отладочные сообщения
enable sieve admin ru Включить Sieve
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin ru Включить проверку орфографии в редакторе?
enable the soap service admin ru Разрешить сервис soap
enable the xmlrpc service admin ru Разрешить сервис xmlrpc
enable the soap service admin ru Разрешить сервис SOAP
enable the xmlrpc service admin ru Разрешить сервис XML-RPC
enabled - hidden from navbar admin ru Разрешено - скрыть с панели навигации
enabled - popup window admin ru Разрешено - всплывающее окно
encrypted connection admin ru зашифрованное соединение
@ -308,7 +319,7 @@ enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin ru Вв
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin ru Введите полный путь для файлов пользователей и групп.<br>Пример: /files, E:\FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin ru Введите полный путь для файлов пользователей и групп.<br>Пример: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin ru Введите имя host-компьютера, на котором работает этот сервер
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin ru Введите местонахождение EGroupware.<br>Например http://www.domain.com/egroupware или /egroupware<br><b>Без наклонной черты в конце</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin ru Введите местонахождение EGroupware.<br>Например https://egw.domain.com/egroupware или /egroupware<br><b>Без наклонной черты в конце</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin ru Введите строку поиска. Чтобы показать все записи, очистите поле и нажмите кнопку <b>Вперёд</b>
enter the site password for peer servers admin ru Введите пароль для равноправных серверов
enter the site username for peer servers admin ru Введите имя пользователя сайта для равноправных серверов
@ -421,7 +432,7 @@ installed crontab admin ru Crontab установлен
instance admin ru Экземпляр
interface admin ru Интерфейс
international use admin ru Международное использование
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin ru Неверный аргумент '%1' !
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin ru Неверный аргумент '%1'!
invalid formated date "%1"! admin ru Неверный формат даты "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin ru Неверный удаленный идентификатор или название "%1"!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin ru Неверное значение "%1", используйте «Да» или «Нет»
@ -446,12 +457,12 @@ ldap encryption type admin ru Тип шифрования LDAP
ldap groups context admin ru Контекст групп LDAP
ldap host admin ru Хост LDAP
ldap root password admin ru Пароль root LDAP
ldap rootdn admin ru LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin ru LDAP root DN
ldap server admin ru Сервер LDAP
ldap server accounts dn admin ru DN учетных записей сервера LDAP
ldap server admin dn admin ru DN администратора сервера LDAP
ldap server admin password admin ru Пароль администратора сервера LDAP
ldap server hostname or ip address admin ru Имя сервера LDAP или его ip-адрес
ldap server hostname or ip address admin ru Имя сервера LDAP или его IP-адрес
ldap settings admin ru Настройки LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin ru Оставьте пустым для отключения квот
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin ru Оставить пустым для использования OAuth, если поддерживается
@ -519,7 +530,7 @@ no permission to create groups admin ru Нет прав создавать гр
no plain text part found admin ru Не найдена текстовая часть
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin ru Поддерживаемый метод авторизации IMAP не найден
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin ru Некоммерческие: клубы, ассоциации, ...
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin ru Примечание: SSL доступен, только если php собран с поддержкой curl
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin ru Примечание: SSL доступен, только если PHP собран с поддержкой Curl
notification mail admin ru E-mail для уведомлений
notify user by email admin ru Уведомлять пользователя по e-mail
notifying account "%1" %2 failed! admin ru Сбой %2 уведомления учётной записи "%1"
@ -558,7 +569,7 @@ percent of users that logged out admin ru Процент неподключён
percent this user has logged out admin ru Процент этого пользователя, когда он не подключён
permission denied admin ru Доступ запрещён
permission denied !!! admin ru Доступ запрещён!
permission denied!!! admin ru Доступ запрещен!!!
permission denied!!! admin ru Доступ запрещен!
permissions admin ru Разрешения
permissions this group has admin ru Разрешения, которые есть у этой группы
personal: eg. within a family admin ru Личное. Например: для семьи
@ -572,8 +583,8 @@ please run setup to become current admin ru Пожалуйста, запусти
please select admin ru Пожалуйста, выберите
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin ru Plesk не может переименовать пользователей --> запрос проигнорирован
plesk imap server (courier) admin ru Сервер IMAP Plesk (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin ru Не найден скрипт '%1' почты Plesk!!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin ru Plesk требует длины пароля не менее 5 символов, не содержащий имени аккаунта --> пароль НЕ установлен!!!
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin ru Не найден скрипт '%1' почты Plesk!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin ru Plesk требует длины пароля не менее 5 символов, не содержащий имени аккаунта --> пароль НЕ установлен!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin ru Plesk SMTP сервер (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin ru Имя компьютера или ip-адрес сервера POP3
pop3 server port admin ru Порт сервера POP3
@ -713,7 +724,7 @@ this application is current admin ru Обновление этого прило
this application requires an upgrade admin ru Это приложение требует обновления
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin ru В настоящий момент эта категория используется приложениями как родительская
this controls exports and merging. admin ru Этот инструмент экспортирует и сличает отпечатки
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin ru Эта версия PHP собрана без поддержки IMAP!!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin ru Эта версия PHP собрана без поддержки IMAP!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin ru Таймаут для сеансных данных приложения в секундах (по умолчанию 86400 = 1 день)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin ru Таймаут для сеанса в секундах (по умолчанию 14400 = 4 часа)
times admin ru Раз
@ -739,13 +750,13 @@ unexpected response from server to login command. admin ru Непредусмо
unknown account: %1 !!! admin ru Неизвестная учётная запись: %1!
unknown command %1! admin ru Неизвестная команда %1!
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin ru Неизвестный IMAP-ответ от сервера. Сервер сообщил: %s
unknown option %1 admin ru Неизвестный параметр %1!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin ru Неподдерживаемое действие '%1' !!!
unknown option %1 admin ru Неизвестный параметр %1 !
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin ru Неподдерживаемое действие '%1'!
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin ru Невозможно сохранить категорию с такими настройками. Проверьте несоответствия:
up admin ru Вверх
update current email address: admin ru Обновить текущий адрес эл.почты:
updated admin ru Изменено
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin ru URL установки EGroupware, например: http://domain.com/egroupware
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin ru URL установки EGroupware, например: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware
usage admin ru Использование
use cookies to pass sessionid admin ru Использовать cookies для передачи идентификатора сеанса
use default admin ru Используйте значение по умолчанию
@ -764,6 +775,7 @@ user csv import admin ru Импорт пользователей из CSV
user data common ru Данные пользователя
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin ru Пользователь для SMTP-идентификации (оставьте пустым, если идентификация не нужна)
user groups admin ru Группы пользователя
user-agent admin ru User-Agent
userdata admin ru Данные пользователя
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin ru UserId@domain например u1234@domain
username (standard) admin ru Имя пользователя (стандартное)
@ -10,15 +10,19 @@
%1 category(s) %2 admin sk %1 kategórií %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin sk %1 kategórií %2, %3 zlyhalo kvôli nedostatočným oprávneniam!!!
%1 class not instanciated admin sk %1 trieda nie je inštancionalizovaná
%1 entries deleted admin sk %1 záznamy odstránené
%1 entries deleted. admin sk %1 položiek bolo odstránených.
%1 group %2 admin sk %1 skupina %2
%1 is no command! admin sk %1 nie je príkaz!
%1 log entries deleted. admin sk %1 položiek záznamu bolo zmazaných.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin sk %1 mailové poverenia odstránené
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin sk %1 sa nenašiel alebo nie je spustiteľný !!!
%1 phrases saved. admin sk %1 fráz uložených.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin sk %1 práva pre %2 a aplikácie %3
%1 run rights for applications admin sk %1 práva spustenia aplikácií
%1 sessions killed admin sk %1 relácií ukončených.
%1 successful admin sk %1 úspešne
%1 token %2. admin sk %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin sk %1 používateľ %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin sk (de)aktivovať poštové účty
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin sk (zvyčajne Nie; ak to nepoužívate, ponechajte prázdne)
@ -43,7 +47,7 @@ account "%1" has no email address --> not notified! admin sk Účet "%1" nemá e
account "%1" has no plaintext password! admin sk Účet "%1" nemá heslo v čistom texte!
account %1 %2 admin sk Účet %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin sk Účet '%1' bol zmazaný.
account '%1' not found !!! admin sk Účet '%1' sa nenašiel !!!
account '%1' not found !!! admin sk Účet '%1' sa nenašiel!
account active admin sk Platnosť účtu
account deleted. admin sk Účet bol odstránený.
account has been created common sk Účet bol vytvorený
@ -68,16 +72,18 @@ acl updated. admin sk ACL boli aktualizované.
action admin sk Akcia
actions admin sk Akcie
activate admin sk Aktivovať
activate wysiwyg-editor admin sk zapni WYSIWYG-editor
activate wysiwyg-editor admin sk Zapni WYSIWYG-editor
activated admin sk aktivované
activated again admin sk znovu aktivovaný
active mail accounts admin sk Aktívne poštové účty
active templates admin sk Aktívne šablóny
add a category admin sk pridať kategóriu
add a group admin sk pridať skupinu
active this token again admin sk Opätovne aktivovať tento token
add a category admin sk Pridať kategóriu
add a group admin sk Pridať skupinu
add a new account. admin sk Pridať nový účet.
add a new remote instance admin sk Pridať novú vzdialenú inštanciu
add a subcategory admin sk pridať podkategóriu
add a user admin sk pridať používateľa
add a subcategory admin sk Pridať podkategóriu
add a user admin sk Pridať používateľa
add account admin sk Pridať účet
add application admin sk Pridať aplikáciu
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin sk Pridať automaticky vytvorených používateľov do tejto skupiny (Ak je prázdne, použije sa predvolená.)
@ -93,7 +99,7 @@ add sub-category admin sk Pridať podkategóriu
add user admin sk Pridať používateľa
add user or group admin sk Pridať používateľa alebo skupinu
added admin sk pridané
admin dn admin sk Správcov dn
admin dn admin sk Správcov DN
admin email admin sk Správcova E-mailová adresa
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin sk E-mailové adresy správcov (oddelené čiarkou), kde sa má zasielať upozornenie o blokovaní (ponechajte prázdne, ak nechcete zasielať upozornenia)
admin name admin sk Meno správcu
@ -133,15 +139,17 @@ appearance admin sk Vzhľad
application admin sk Aplikácia
application '%1' not found (maybe not installed or misspelled)! admin sk Aplikácia '%1' sa nenašla (možno nie je nainštalovaná, alebo je chybne uvedený názov)!
application name admin sk Názov aplikácie
application passwords admin sk Heslá aplikácie
application title admin sk Titulok aplikácie
applications admin sk Aplikácie
applications available on mobile devices admin sk Aplikácie dostupné pre mobilné zariadenia
applications list admin sk Zoznam aplikácií
applications run rights updated. admin sk Aplikácie bežia s aktualizovanými právami.
applies the changes admin sk vykoná zmeny
applications this group can use admin sk Aplikácie dostupné pre túto skupinu
applies the changes admin sk Vykoná zmeny
apply changes admin sk Vykonať zmeny
apply the changes admin sk Vykonať zmeny
archive: zip or tar admin sk Archív: zip alebo tar
archive: zip or tar admin sk Archív: ZIP alebo tar
are you sure you want to %1 mail for selected accounts? admin sk Naozaj chcete %1 email pre vybrané účty?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin sk Ste si istí, že chcete odstrániť aplikáciu %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin sk Naozaj chcete odstrániť tento účet?
@ -153,10 +161,10 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin sk Naozaj chcete odstrániť
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin sk Naozaj chcete ukončiť túto reláciu?
async services last executed admin sk Asynchrónne služby naposledy spustené
asynchronous timed services admin sk Asynchrónne časované služby
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin sk Asyncslužby zatiaľ nie sú nainštalované, alebo iná chyba (%1) !!!
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin sk Asyncslužby zatiaľ nie sú nainštalované, alebo iná chyba (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin sk Pokúsiť sa použiť korektný MIME typ pre FTP namiesto predvoleného 'application/octet-stream'
attribute accountstatus explained admin sk Toto zabezpečuje príznak <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> zo schémy QMAIL.
attribute mail explained admin sk Toto zabezpečuje príznak <b><i>-mail-</i></b> zo schémy QMAIL, pole nesmie byť prázdne. Je to taktiež pole interného E-mailu eGW.
attribute mail explained admin sk Toto zabezpečuje príznak <b><i>-mail-</i></b> zo schémy QMAIL, pole nesmie byť prázdne. Je to taktiež pole interného E-mailu EGw.
attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin sk Toto zabezpečuje príznak <b><i>-mailAlternateAddress-</i></b> zo schémy QMAIL a môže byť použitý ako virtuálne mapy alebo aliasy.
attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin sk Toto zabezpečuje príznak <b><i>-mailForwardingAddress-</i></b> zo schémy QMAIL, pole nesmie byť prázdne ak je priradené.
attributes admin sk Atribúty
@ -167,7 +175,7 @@ automatically transfer entries owned by the user: admin sk Automaticky presunú
available placeholders admin sk Dostupné premenné
back to admin/grouplist admin sk Späť na Správu/Skupiny
back to admin/userlist admin sk Späť na Správu/Používateľov
back to the list admin sk naspäť na zoznam
back to the list admin sk Naspäť na zoznam
backup directory %1 mounted as %2 admin sk Zálohovací priečinok %1 primontovaný ako %2
bad login name or password. admin sk Chybné prihlasovacie meno alebo heslo.
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin sk Chybná požiadavka. Odpoveď servera: %s
@ -175,7 +183,7 @@ bad request: %s admin sk Chybná požiadavka: %s
bi-dir passthrough admin sk obojsmerné prepojenie
bi-directional admin sk obojsmerné
blocking after wrong password admin sk Blokované kvôli chybnému heslu
bottom admin sk naspodku
bottom admin sk Naspodku
bulk password reset admin sk Reset hesla
calculate next run admin sk Vypočítať ďalší prechod
calendar recurrence horizont in days (default 1000) admin sk Horizont opakovania v kalendári (predvolené: 1000)
@ -188,7 +196,7 @@ cancel changes admin sk Zrušiť zmeny
cancel testjob! admin sk Zrušiť testovaciu úlohu!
cancel this scheduled command admin sk Zrušiť tento naplánovaný príkaz
categories list admin sk Zoznam kategórií
category %1 has been saved ! admin sk Kategória %1 bola uložená !
category %1 has been saved ! admin sk Kategória %1 bola uložená!
category '%1' deleted admin sk Kategória '%1' odstránená
category deleted. admin sk Kategória odstránená.
category list admin sk Zoznam kategórií
@ -203,7 +211,7 @@ change domain of email address and aliases admin sk zmeniť doménu e-mailových
change login screen message admin sk Zmeniť text na hlavnej stránke
change owner admin sk Zmeniť vlastníka
change owner of found files to the new user, and move the home folder to /home/new-user/old-home-username. admin sk Súbory v /home budú mať zmenené vlastníctvo na nového používateľa. Domovský priečinok bude premiestnený do /home/novy_pouzivatel/stary_home_pouzivatel.
change password for %1 admin sk zmeniť heslo pre %1
change password for %1 admin sk Zmeniť heslo pre %1
change password hash to admin sk Zmeniť hešované heslo na
changed password hash for %1 to %2. admin sk Hešované heslo pre %1 zmenené na %2.
changelog admin sk Záznam zmien
@ -212,7 +220,10 @@ check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin sk Skontrolovať A
check categories for not (longer) existing accounts admin sk Skontrolovať kategórie pre účty ktoré už neexistujú
check ip address of all sessions admin sk Skontrolovať IP adresu všetkých relácií
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin sk Skontrolovať položky po <b>%1</b> po %2 pre %3
checking push (green for success or red for failure) admin sk Kontrolujem PUSH (zelená=úspech, červená=chyba)
children admin sk Deti
clear credentials admin sk Odstrániť prihlasovacie údaje
clear mail credentials admin sk Odstrániť prihlasovacie údaje pre mail
clear security tokens admin sk Vyčistič bezpečnostné tokeny
click to select a color admin sk Ak chcete vybrať farbu, kliknite sem
color admin sk Farba
@ -239,7 +250,7 @@ create group admin sk Vytvoriť skupinu
create new account admin sk Vytvoriť nový účet
create new identity admin sk Vytvoriť novú identitu
created admin sk Vytvorený
created with id #%1 admin sk Vytvorené s IS #%1
created with id #%1 admin sk Vytvorené s ID #%1
creates / updates user accounts from csv file admin sk Vytvorí / aktualizuje používateľské účty z CSV súboru
creates / updates user groups from csv file admin sk Vytvorí / aktualizuje používateľské skupiny z CSV súboru
creates a new field admin sk Vytvorí nové pole
@ -284,17 +295,17 @@ delete identity admin sk Odstrániť identitu
delete including sub-entries admin sk Odstrániť vrátane pod-položiek
delete peer server admin sk Odstrániť peer server
delete selected entries admin sk Odstrániť označené položky
delete the category admin sk odstráň kategóriu
delete the group admin sk odstráň skupinu
delete the category admin sk Odstráň kategóriu
delete the group admin sk Odstráň skupinu
delete the selected entries admin sk Odstrániť vybrané položky
delete this access control admin sk Odstrániť toto prístupové oprávnenie
delete this account admin sk Odstrániť tento účet
delete this category admin sk odstráň túto kategóriu
delete this group admin sk odstráň túto skupinu
delete this category admin sk Odstráň túto kategóriu
delete this group admin sk Odstráň túto skupinu
delete this log entry admin sk Odstrániť túto položku záznamu
delete this user admin sk odstráň tohto používateľa
delete this user admin sk Odstráň tohto používateľa
deleted admin sk Odstránené
deletes this field admin sk odstráni túto položku
deletes this field admin sk Odstráni túto položku
deliver extern admin sk Doručiť extern
deny access admin sk Zakáž prístup
deny access to access log admin sk Zakáž prístup do prístupových záznamov
@ -316,15 +327,15 @@ deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin sk Za
deny all users access to preferences ? admin sk Zakázať všetkým používateľom prístup k predvoľbám?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin sk Dĺžka popisu nemôže presiahnuť 255 znakov!
destination account #%1 does exist and is not renamed itself! can not merge accounts, it will violate unique contains. delete with transfer of data instead. admin sk Cieľový účet #%1 neexistuje a NIE je premenovaný! Nemôžem zlúčiť účty, porušilo by to jedinečný obsah. Namiesto toho zmazať s prenosom dát.
determines the order the fields are displayed admin sk určuje poradie, v akom sa položky zobrazujú
determines the order the fields are displayed admin sk Určuje poradie, v akom sa položky zobrazujú
direct login without password or second factor admin sk priame prihlásenie bez hesla alebo druhého faktora
disable admin sk Vypnúť
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin sk Vypnúť automatické dopĺňanie v prihlasovacej stránke
disable all admin sk Vypnúť všetko
disable pgp encryption (mailvelope) admin sk Vypnúť PGP šifrovanie (Mailvelope)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin sk vypnúť WYSIWYG-editor
disable wysiwyg-editor admin sk Vypnúť WYSIWYG-editor
disabled admin sk Vypnuté
disabled (not recomended) admin sk vypnuté (neodporúča sa)
disabled (not recomended) admin sk Vypnuté (neodporúča sa)
disabled, do not show on login page admin sk vypnuté, nezobrazovať na prihlasovacej stránke
display admin sk Zobraziť
displayed length of input field (set rows=1 to limit length) admin sk Zobrazovaná dĺžka vstupného poľa (ak chcete obmedziť dĺžku, nastavte rows=1)
@ -353,13 +364,13 @@ edit email settings admin sk Upraviť nastavenia E-mailu
edit global category admin sk Upraviť globálnu kategóriu
edit global category for %1 admin sk Upraviť globálnu kategóriu pre %1
edit group admin sk Upraviť skupinu
edit group acl's admin sk upraviť prístupové práva (ACL) skupiny
edit group acl's admin sk Upraviť prístupové práva (ACL) skupiny
edit peer server admin sk Upraviť peer server
edit table format admin sk Upraviť formát tabuľky
edit this category admin sk uprav túto kategóriu
edit this group admin sk uprav túto skupinu
edit this user admin sk uprav tohoto používateľa
edit user admin sk uprav používateľa
edit this category admin sk Uprav túto kategóriu
edit this group admin sk Uprav túto skupinu
edit this user admin sk Uprav tohoto používateľa
edit user admin sk Uprav používateľa
edit user account admin sk Upraviť používateľský účet
edited admin sk upravené
educational: universities, schools, ... admin sk Vzdelávacie: univerzity, školy,...
@ -380,14 +391,14 @@ enable debug-messages admin sk Zapnúť ladiace správy
enable sieve admin sk Zapnúť Sieve
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin sk Zapnúť kontrolu pravopisu v textovom editore?
enable the soap service admin sk Zapnúť službu SOAP
enable the xmlrpc service admin sk Zapnúť službu XMLRPC
enable the xmlrpc service admin sk Zapnúť službu XML-RPC
enabled admin sk Zapnuté
enabled - hidden from navbar admin sk Zapnuté - Skryté v navigačnom paneli
enabled - popup window admin sk Zapnuté - Vyskakovacie okno
encrypted connection admin sk Šifrované spojenie
encryption admin sk Šifrovanie
encryption settings admin sk Nastavenia šifrovania
enter a description for the category admin sk zadajte opis tejto kategórie
enter a description for the category admin sk Zadajte opis tejto kategórie
enter a passphrase if you would like to protect your private key by password. admin sk Ak chcete chrániť svoj súkromný kľúč heslom, zadajte ho sem.
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin sk Zadajte náhodný text pre app_session <br>kryptovanie (vyžaduje mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin sk Zadajte farbu pozadia prihlasovacej stránky
@ -397,7 +408,7 @@ enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin sk Zada
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin sk Zadajte úplnú cestu pre súbory používateľov a skupiny.<br>Príklady: /files, E:\FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin sk Zadajte úplnú cestu pre súbory používateľov a skupiny.<br>Príklady: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin sk Zadajte názov stroja (hostname) na ktorom beží tento server
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin sk Zadajte URL adresu pre EGroupware.<br>Príklad: http://www.domain.com/egroupware alebo /egroupware<br><b>Bez ukončovacieho lomítka</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin sk Zadajte URL adresu pre EGroupware.<br>Príklad: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware alebo /egroupware<br><b>Bez ukončovacieho lomítka</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin sk Zadajte reťazec pre vyhľadávanie. Pre zobrazenie všetkých záznamov, vyčistite toto pole a stlačte znovu tlačítko ODOSLAŤ
enter the site password for peer servers admin sk Zadajte heslo stránky pre peer servre
enter the site username for peer servers admin sk Zadajte používateľské meno stránky pre peer servre
@ -415,47 +426,51 @@ enter your smtp server port admin sk Zadajte port Vášho SMTP servera
entries admin sk Položky
entries owned by the user: admin sk Položky vo vlastníctve tohto používateľa:
entry saved admin sk Položka bola uložená
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin sk Chyba pri rušení časovača, možnože nie je žiadny nastavený !!!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin sk Chyba pri zmene hesla pre %1 !!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin sk Chyba pri rušení časovača, možnože nie je žiadny nastavený!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin sk Chyba pri zmene hesla pre %1 !
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin sk Chyba počas pripájania k IMAP serveru. %s : %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin sk Chyba počas pripájania k IMAP serveru: [%s] %s.
error deleting entry! admin sk Chyba pri odstraňovaní položky!
error deleting log entry! admin sk Chyba pri mazaní položky záznamu!
error revoking token! admin sk Chyba pri odvolaní tokenu!
error saving admin sk Chyba pri ukladaní
error saving account! admin sk Chyba pri ukladaní účtu!
error saving the command! admin sk Chyba pri ukladaní príkazu!
error saving the entry!!! admin sk Chyba pri ukladaní položky!!!
error saving the entry!!! admin sk Chyba pri ukladaní položky!
error saving to db: admin sk Chyba pri ukladaní do db:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin sk Chyba pri nastavovaní časovača, chybná syntax alebo možno už nejaký beží !!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin sk Chyba pri nastavovaní časovača, chybná syntax alebo možno už nejaký beží!
error storing token! admin sk Chyba pri ukladaní tokenu!
error! no appname found admin sk CHYBA! Nenašiel sa názov aplikácie
error, no username! admin sk Chýba používateľské meno!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin sk Chyba: %1 sa nenašiel, alebo iná chyba !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin sk Chyba: %1 sa nenašiel, alebo iná chyba!
event details follow admin sk Podrobnosti o udalosti:
exists admin sk Existuje
expired admin sk Expirované
expires admin sk Vyprší
explanation of ldapman admin sk Tento modul bol testovaný doposiaľ pre POSTFIX, LDAP, Courier-IMAP a vyžaduje schémy CORE a QMAIL (OID7914). Podrobnosti o používaní a nastavení tohto systému nájdete v README.ldapman v doc adresári ADMIN-a.
export certificate as p12 admin sk exportovať certifikát ako p12
export certificate as p12 admin sk Exportovať certifikát ako p12
exports groups into a csv file. admin sk Exportuje skupiny do CSV súboru.
exports permission settings into a csv file. admin sk Exportuje nastavenia prístupových oprávnení do súboru CSV.
exports users into a csv file. admin sk Exportuje používateľov do CSV súboru
failed admin sk zlyhalo
failed to change password for account "%1"! admin sk Nepodarilo sa zmeniť heslo pre účet "%1"!
failed to change password. admin sk Nepodarilo sa zmeniť heslo.
failed to delete account! admin sk Nepodarilo sa odstrániť účet!
failed to mount backup directory! admin sk Nepodarilo sa primontovať zálohovací priečinok!
failed to save user! admin sk Uloženie používateľa zlyhalo!
failed to upload %1 admin sk Nepodarilo sa nahrať %1
fallback (after each pageview) admin sk návrat (po každom zobrazení stránky)
fallback (after each pageview) admin sk Návrat (po každom zobrazení stránky)
false admin sk Nepravda
field '%1' already exists !!! admin sk Pole '%1' už existuje
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin sk Súbor odmietnutý, žiadny %2. Je:%1
file space admin sk Priestor pre súbory
file space must be an integer admin sk Priestor pre súbory musí byť celé číslo
filesystem quota admin sk Kvóta súborového systému
filtered by account admin sk Filtrované podľa Účtu
filtered by group admin sk Filtrované podľa Skupiny
folder acl admin sk ACL priečinka
for the times above admin sk pre vyššieuvedené časy
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin sk pre nižšieuvedené časy (prázdne hodnoty sa berú ako '*', všetky prázdne = každú minútu)
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin sk Pre nižšieuvedené časy (prázdne hodnoty sa berú ako '*', všetky prázdne = každú minútu)
forbid users to create identities admin sk Zakázať používateľom vytváranie identít
force selectbox admin sk Vynútiť ponuku pre výber
force users to change their password regularily?(empty for no,number for after that number of days admin sk Vynútiť pravidelnú obmenu hesla? (prázdne=nie, číslo určuje po koľkých dňoch)
@ -467,6 +482,7 @@ forward only disables imap mailbox / storing of mails and just forwards them to
full name admin sk Plné meno
general admin sk Všeobecné
generate certificate admin sk Vygenerovať certifikát
generate new token and display it once after saving admin sk Vytvoriť nový token a jednorázovo ho zobraziť po uložení
global categories common sk Globálne kategórie
global options admin sk Globálne možnosti
go directly to admin menu, returning here the next time you click on administration. admin sk Choďte priamo do správcovskej ponuky, vrátite sa sem ďalším kliknutím na Správu.
@ -486,7 +502,7 @@ group list admin sk Zoznam skupín
group manager admin sk Správca skupín
group name admin sk Názov skupiny
hash admin sk Hash
hide php information admin sk skryť php informácie
hide php information admin sk Skryť php informácie
hide sidebox video tutorials admin sk Skryť video tutoriály v bočnom paneli
home directory admin sk Domovský adresár
home screen message admin sk Text správy hlavnej stránky
@ -499,6 +515,7 @@ how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin sk Koľko minút má trvať zablokovanie účtu alebo IP? (predvolené: 30)
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin sk Ako sa majú vytvárať E-mailové adresy pre nových používateľov?
how username get constructed admin sk Z čoho sa skladá používateľské meno
html/plaintext admin sk HTML/text
icon admin sk Ikona
identity admin sk Identita
identity deleted admin sk Identita bola odstránená
@ -523,7 +540,7 @@ imap server hostname or ip address admin sk Názov (hostname) alebo IP adresa IM
imap server logintyp admin sk Typ prihlásenia IMAP servera
imap server name admin sk Názov IMAP servera
imap server port admin sk Port IMAP servera
imap/pop3 server name admin sk názov IMAP/POP3 servera
imap/pop3 server name admin sk Názov IMAP/POP3 servera
importance admin sk Dôležitosť
in mbyte admin sk v Megabajtoch
inactive admin sk Neaktívne
@ -538,7 +555,7 @@ installed crontab admin sk Nainštalovaný crontab
instance admin sk Inštancia
interface admin sk Rozhranie
international use admin sk Medzinárodné použitie
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin sk Neplatý argument '%1' !!!
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin sk Neplatý argument '%1' !
invalid email admin sk Neplatný e-mail
invalid formated date "%1"! admin sk Chybný formát dátumu "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin sk Chybné vzdialené ID alebo meno "%1"!
@ -570,7 +587,7 @@ ldap encryption type admin sk Typ LDAP šifrovania
ldap groups context admin sk LDAP kontext skupín
ldap host admin sk LDAP hostiteľ
ldap root password admin sk Heslo LDAP root-a
ldap rootdn admin sk LDAP koreňový dn
ldap rootdn admin sk LDAP koreňový DN
ldap server admin sk LDAP server
ldap server accounts dn admin sk DN účtov LDAP servera
ldap server admin dn admin sk DN správcu LDAP servera
@ -579,11 +596,11 @@ ldap server hostname or ip address admin sk Názov (hostname) alebo IP adresa LD
ldap settings admin sk Nastavenia LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin sk Ak nechcete kvóty, ponechajte prázdne
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin sk Ak je podporovaný OAuth, použije sa, ak ponecháte prázdne
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin sk nechať kategóriu bezo zmien a vrátiť sa späť na zoznam
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin sk Nechať kategóriu bezo zmien a vrátiť sa späť na zoznam
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin sk Nechať skupinu bezo zmien a vrátiť sa na zoznam
leave unchanged admin sk Ponechať bez zmeny
leave without saveing the entry admin sk odísť bez uloženia tejto položky
leaves without saveing admin sk odísť bez uloženia
leave without saveing the entry admin sk Odísť bez uloženia tejto položky
leaves without saveing admin sk Odísť bez uloženia
length admin sk Dĺžka
length<br>rows admin sk Dĺžka/<br>Riadkov
lifetime of 'remember me' token admin sk Životnosť tokenu 'Zapamätaj si ma'
@ -591,9 +608,9 @@ limit global category to members of a certain group admin sk Obmedziť globálnu
limit to members of admin sk Obmedziť na členov skupiny
list config settings admin sk Zobraziť voľby nastavení
list current sessions admin sk Zobraziť aktuálne relácie
list of current users admin sk zoznam aktuálnych používateľov
list of current users admin sk Zoznam aktuálnych používateľov
log user-agent and action of changes in history-log of entries admin sk Zaznamenať prehliadač a akciu v zázname o zmenách
logged out admin sk odhlásené
logged out admin sk Odhlásené
login history admin sk História prihlásení
login id admin sk Prihlasovacie ID
login message admin sk Text správy prihlásenia
@ -616,14 +633,14 @@ maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin sk Maximálne ID účtu (napr.
maximum entries in click path history admin sk Maximálny počet záznamov v histórii kliknutí
mb used admin sk Použitých MB
members admin sk Členovia
message has been updated admin sk správa bola upravená
message has been updated admin sk Správa bola upravená
method admin sk Metóda
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin sk Najmenšie ID účtu (napr. 500 alebo 100, atď.)
minute admin sk Minúta
mode admin sk Režim
modified admin sk Zmenený
month admin sk Mesiac
more secure admin sk bezpečnejšie
more secure admin sk Bezpečnejšie
mount backup directory to %1 admin sk Primontovať zálohový priečinok na %1
must change password upon next login admin sk Musí zmeniť heslo pri ďalšom prihlásení
name must not be empty !!! admin sk Názov nemôže byť prázdny!
@ -631,36 +648,37 @@ name of account admin sk Názov účtu
name of organisation admin sk Názov organizácie
name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin sk Názov inštancie EGroupware, napríklad predvolený
new group name admin sk Názov novej skupiny
new name admin sk nový názov
new name admin sk Nový názov
new password admin sk Nové heslo
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin sk Nové heslo [ Ak nechcete zmenu, nechajte prázdne ]
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin sk Nové heslo (Ak nechcete zmenu, nechajte prázdne)
next run admin sk Ďalší prechod
no algorithms available admin sk nie sú dostupné žiadne algoritmy
no algorithms available admin sk Nie sú dostupné žiadne algoritmy
no alternate email address admin sk Bez alternatívnej E-mailovej adresy
no default account found! admin sk Predvolený účet sa nenašiel
no encryption admin sk Bez šifrovania
no forwarding email address admin sk Bez emailovej adresy pre preposielanie
no jobs in the database !!! admin sk V databáze nie sú žiadne úlohy !!!
no jobs in the database !!! admin sk V databáze nie sú žiadne úlohy!
no login history exists for this user admin sk Pre používateľa neexistuje žiadna história prihlásení
no matches found admin sk Nenašlo sa
no message returned. admin sk Žiadne správy sa nevrátili.
no modes available admin sk žiadne režimy nie sú dostupné
no permission to add groups admin sk nemáte oprávnenie pridávať skupiny
no permission to add users admin sk nemáte oprávnenie pridávať používateľov
no permission to create groups admin sk nemáte oprávnenie vytvárať skupiny
no oauth client secret for provider '%1'! admin sk Žiadne tajomstvo klienta OAuth pre poskytovateľa '%1'!
no permission to add groups admin sk Nemáte oprávnenie pridávať skupiny
no permission to add users admin sk Nemáte oprávnenie pridávať používateľov
no permission to create groups admin sk Nemáte oprávnenie vytvárať skupiny
no plain text part found admin sk Nebola nájdená žiadna čisto textová časť
no profile defined for user %1 admin sk Pre používateľa %1 nebol zadefinovaný profil
no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off. admin sk Nezistila sa podpora Sieve, prosím opravte nastavenia ručne alebo ponechajte voľbu vypnutú.
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin sk Nenašiel som žiadnu podporovanú overovaciu metódu IMAP.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin sk Neziskové: Kluby, asociácie,...
not enabled admin sk Nie je zapnuté
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin sk Upozornenie: SSL je dostupné iba v prípade, že PHP bolo skompilované s podporou curl
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin sk Upozornenie: SSL je dostupné iba v prípade, že PHP bolo skompilované s podporou Curl
notification mail admin sk Upozorňovacia správa
notify user by email admin sk Upozorniť používateľa emailom
notifying account "%1" %2 failed! admin sk Upozornenie účtu "%1" %2 zlyhalo!
number applications serially admin sk Očíslovať aplikácie zaradom
number of active users admin sk počet aktívnych používateľov
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin sk počet riadkov vo viacriadkovom vstupnom poli alebo v ponuke pre výber
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin sk Počet riadkov vo viacriadkovom vstupnom poli alebo v ponuke pre výber
number of sessions / egroupware logins in the last 30 days admin sk Počet relácií / prihlásení do EGroupware za ostatných 30 dní
number of users admin sk Počet používateľov
number the applications serially. if they are not numbered serially, sorting the applications could work wrong. this will not change the application's order. admin sk Očíslovať aplikácie zaradom. Ak nie sú očíslované zaradom, zoradenie aplikácií môže fungovať chybne. Táto akcia nezmení poradie aplikácií.
@ -668,22 +686,22 @@ nummeric account id admin sk Číselné ID účtu
oauth authentiction admin sk Overovanie OAuth
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin sk Ponuka inštalácie EGroupware ako mail-handler
official egroupware usage statistic admin sk Oficiálna štatistika používania EGroupware
one day admin sk jeden deň
one hour admin sk jedna hodina
one month admin sk jeden mesiac
one week admin sk jeden týždeň
one day admin sk Jeden deň
one hour admin sk Jedna hodina
one month admin sk Jeden mesiac
one week admin sk Jeden týždeň
only below displayed information is directly submitted to %s. admin sk Len zobrazené informácie sa odošlú priamo do %s.
operating system admin sk Operačný systém
order admin sk Poradie
organisation admin sk Organizácia
other security configuration admin sk Iná konfigurácia zabezpečenia
outbound admin sk odchodzie
outbound admin sk Odchodzie
own categories admin sk Vlastné kategórie
own install id admin sk Vlastné ID inštalácie
own install id: admin sk Vlastné ID inštalácie:
owner "%1" removed, please select group-owner admin sk Používateľ "%1" bol odstránený, prosím vyberte skupinového vlastníka
passphrase admin sk heslo
passthrough admin sk prechádzajúce
passphrase admin sk Heslo
passthrough admin sk Prechádzajúce
password for smtp-authentication admin sk Heslo pre SMTP overovanie
password to unlock encrypted p12 admin sk Heslo pre odomknutie šifrované p12
password updated admin sk Heslo bolo zmenené
@ -698,8 +716,8 @@ percent of users that logged out admin sk Koľko percent používateľov sa odhl
percent this user has logged out admin sk Na koľko percent sa odhlasoval tento používateľ
periodic admin sk Opakovane
permission denied admin sk Prístup bol odmietnutý
permission denied !!! admin sk Prístup bol odmietnutý!!!
permission denied!!! admin sk Prístup bol odmietnutý !!!
permission denied !!! admin sk Prístup bol odmietnutý!
permission denied!!! admin sk Prístup bol odmietnutý!
permissions admin sk Oprávnenia
permissions this group has admin sk Oprávnenia prináležiace tejto skupine
personal: eg. within a family admin sk Osobné: napr. v rámci rodiny
@ -709,15 +727,15 @@ phrase admin sk Fráza
phrase deleted admin sk Fráza odstránená
please check email. it gets automatically deleted if email integration is used. admin sk Prosím skontrolujte e-mail. Ak sa používa e-mailová integrácia, bude automaticky odstránený.
please enter a name admin sk Prosím zadajte meno
please enter a name for that server ! admin sk Prosím zadajte názov toho servera !
please enter a name for that server ! admin sk Prosím zadajte názov toho servera!
please manually deal with entries owned by the user: admin sk Prosím, vyriešte ručne položky vo vlastníctve tohto používateľa:
please run setup to become current admin sk Prosím spusťte setup pre aktualizáciu
please select admin sk Prosím vyberte
please submit (or postpone) statistic first admin sk Prosím najprv odošlite (alebo odložte) štatistiku používania
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin sk Plesk používatelia sa nedajú premenovať --> požiadavka ignorovaná
plesk imap server (courier) admin sk Plesk IMAP Server (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin sk Plesk mail script '%1' sa nenašlo !!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin sk Plesk vyžaduje, aby heslá mali aspoň 5 znakov a neobsahovali názov účtu --> heslo NEBOLO nastavené!!!
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin sk Plesk mail script '%1' sa nenašlo!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin sk Plesk vyžaduje, aby heslá mali aspoň 5 znakov a neobsahovali názov účtu --> heslo NEBOLO nastavené!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin sk Plesk SMTP-Server (qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin sk Názov (hostname) alebo IP adresa POP3 servera
pop3 server port admin sk Port POP3 servera
@ -739,13 +757,14 @@ read this list of methods. admin sk Načítaj tento zoznam metód.
register application hooks admin sk Zaregistruj všetky aplikácie
reject passwords containing part of username or full name (3 or more characters long) admin sk Odmietnuť heslá ktoré obsahujú časti plného alebo používateľského mena (v dĺžke 3 a viac znakov)
relay access checked admin sk Relačný prístup bol skontrolovaný
remark admin sk Poznámka
remote administration instances admin sk Vzdialené správcovské inštancie
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin sk Vzdialená správa sa dá používať len ak je zapnutá vo vzdialenej relácii pod stránkou Správca > Nastavenia stránky!
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin sk Vzdialená správa musí byť najprv zapnutá pre vzdialenú inštanciu pod Správca > Nastavenia stránky!
remote instance saved admin sk Vzdialená inštancia bola uložená
remove admin sk Odstrániť
remove all users from this group admin sk Odstrániť všetkých používateľov z tejto skupiny
remove all users from this group ? admin sk Odstrániť všetkých používateľov z tejto skupiny ?
remove all users from this group ? admin sk Odstrániť všetkých používateľov z tejto skupiny?
removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. are you sure? users in these groups may no longer have access: admin sk Odstránenie prístupu pre skupiny môže spôsobiť problémy pre údaje v tejto kategórii. Ste si istí? Používatelia v týchto skupinách môžu stratiť prístup:
renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! admin sk Premenovanie používateľa 'anonymous' naruší zdieľanie súborov a Collabora Online Office!
requested admin sk Vyžiadané
@ -753,13 +772,17 @@ required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. admin sk Nenašla sa požadov
required to embed egroupware via iframe eg. for lti admin sk vyžaduje sa pre vnorenie EGroupware pomocou iframe, napr. pre LTI
requires 'openid / oauth2 server' app. admin sk Vyžaduje aplikáciu 'OpenID / OAuth2 Server'.
reset filter admin sk Vynulovať filter
revoke admin sk Odvolať
revoke this token admin sk Odvolať tento token
revoked admin sk Odvolaný
rights admin sk Oprávnenia
route all mails to admin sk Všetky správy smerovať cez
rows admin sk Riadky
rpm or debian package admin sk RPM alebo balíček Debian
rpm or debian package admin sk RPM alebo balíček deb
run admin sk Spustiť
run asynchronous services admin sk Spustiť asynchrónne služby
save as default admin sk uložiť ako predvolené
run rights for applications admin sk Práva spustenia aplikácií
save as default admin sk Uložiť ako predvolené
save changes admin sk Uložiť zmeny
save of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 admin sk Uloženie správy %1 zlyhalo. Nepodarilo sa uložiť správu do priečinka %2 z dôvodu: %3
save the category admin sk Uložiť kategóriu.
@ -780,6 +803,7 @@ select language to define language based message. language 'english' is default
select multiple admin sk Vybrať viacero
select owner admin sk Vyberte vlastníka
select permissions this group will have admin sk Vyberte, aké oprávnenia má mať táto skupina
select the applications you want the token to be limited to, or leave the default of all applications. admin sk Vyberte, pre ktoré aplikácie má byť tento token vyhradený, alebo ponechajte prázdne pre všetky aplikácie.
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin sk Vyberte rodičovskú kategóriu. Ak toto je hlavná kategória, vyberte ŽIADNA KATEGÓRIA
select type of imap server admin sk Vyberte typ IMAP servera
select type of imap/pop3 server admin sk Vyberte typ IMAP/POP3 servera
@ -807,8 +831,8 @@ should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin sk Chcete
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin sk Chcete, aby sa na prihlasovacej stránke zobrazoval výber jazyka (vhodné pre demo-stránky)?
show 'powered by' logo on admin sk Kde zobrazovať logo "powered by"
show access log admin sk Zobraziť prístupové záznamy
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin sk zobraziť ako voliteľné, ale vyžadovať akonáhle si to používateľ nastaví
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin sk zobraziť ako voliteľné, ale vyžadovať akonáhle si to používateľ nastaví
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin sk Zobraziť ako voliteľné, ale vyžadovať akonáhle si to používateľ nastaví
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin sk Zobraziť ako voliteľné, ale vyžadovať akonáhle si to používateľ nastaví
show current action admin sk Zobraziť aktuálnu akciu
show error log admin sk Zobraziť záznamy o chybách
show members admin sk Zobraziť členov
@ -831,9 +855,9 @@ soap admin sk SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin sk Ľutujem, také meno skupiny tu už bolo.
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin sk Ľutujem, uvedení používatelia sú stále členmi skupiny %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin sk Ľutujem, nasledujúci používatelia sú stále členmi skupiny %1
sort the entries admin sk triediť záznamy
sort the entries admin sk Triediť záznamy
source account #%1 does not exist! admin sk Zdrojový účet #%1 NEexistuje!
ssl admin sk ssl
ssl admin sk SSL
standard admin sk Štandard
standard identity admin sk Štandardná identita
standard imap server admin sk Štandardný IMAP server
@ -842,7 +866,8 @@ standard smtp-server admin sk Štandardný SMTP server
start admin sk Štart
start testjob! admin sk Spustiť testovaciu úlohu
starts with admin sk Začať s
strictly required, user can not login without admin sk striktne vyžadovať, používateľ sa bez toho neprihlási
stationery admin sk Kancelárske potreby
strictly required, user can not login without admin sk Striktne vyžadovať, používateľ sa bez toho neprihlási
submit changes admin sk Vykonať Zmeny
submit displayed information? admin sk Odoslať zobrazené informácie?
submit statistic information admin sk Odoslať štatistické informácie
@ -850,12 +875,12 @@ submit the search string admin sk Hľadaj podľa zadaného reťazca
submit to egroupware.org admin sk Odoslať do egroupware.org
subtype admin sk Podtyp
subversion checkout admin sk Kontrola podverzie
success admin sk úspešné
success admin sk Úspešne
successful connected to %1 server%2. admin sk Pripojenie na %1 server %2 bolo úspešne nadviazané.
successfull, but no refresh-token received! admin sk Úspech, ale NEdostali sme obnovovací token!
switch back to standard identity to save account. admin sk Prepnúť naspäť na štandardnú identitu pre uloženie účtu.
switch back to standard identity to save other account data. admin sk Prepnúť naspäť na štandardnú identitu pre uloženie údajov účtu.
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin sk vypnite to, ak sú používatelia náhodne odpájaní
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin sk Vypnite to, ak sú používatelia náhodne odpájaní
template selection admin sk Výber šablóny
templates admin sk Šablóny
text entry admin sk Textová položka
@ -863,7 +888,7 @@ that application name already exists. admin sk Takýto názov aplikácie už exi
that application order must be a number. admin sk Poradie aplikácie musí byť číslom.
that loginid has already been taken admin sk Takéto ID prihlásenia sa už používa
that name has been used already admin sk Toto meno sa už používa
that server name has been used already ! admin sk Toto meno servera sa už používa !
that server name has been used already ! admin sk Toto meno servera sa už používa!
the api is current admin sk API je aktuálne
the api requires an upgrade admin sk API potrebuje aktualizáciu
the cumulated and anonymised data will be publically available: admin sk Zhromaždené anonymizované údaje budú verejne dostupné:
@ -877,7 +902,7 @@ the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin sk Analyzátor MIME nedokázal
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin sk Vnútorne používané meno (nanajvýš 20 znakov), jeho zmena zneprístupní existujúce údaje
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin sk Vnútorne používané meno (nanajvýš 20 znakov), jeho zmena zneprístupní existujúce údaje
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin sk Testovacia úloha vám pošle správu, kedykoľvek sa spustí.
the text displayed to the user admin sk text zobrazený používateľovi
the text displayed to the user admin sk Text zobrazený používateľovi
the two passwords are not the same admin sk Heslá sa nezhodujú
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin sk Nasledujúci používatelia sú stále členmi skupiny %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin sk Skupina tohto mena už existuje. ID používateľa a ID skupiny nesmú byť totožné
@ -886,16 +911,21 @@ this application is current admin sk Táto aplikácia je aktuálna
this application requires an upgrade admin sk Táto aplikácia vyžaduje aktualizáciu
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin sk Táto kategória je práve používaná aplikáciami ako rodičovská.
this controls exports and merging. admin sk Týmto sa riadia exporty a hromadné tlače.
this is a mail account for all users! admin sk Toto je poštové konto pre VŠETKÝCH používateľov!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin sk Toto NIE je osobný poštový účet!\n\nÚčet bude ostránený pre VŠETKÝCH používateľov!\n\nSte si istí že to chcete urobiť?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin sk Tento kľúč sa používa v HTML kóde, ktorý vaša stránka poskytuje používateľom.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin sk Toto PHP nemá zakompilovanú podporu pre IMAP !!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin sk Toto PHP nemá zakompilovanú podporu pre IMAP!
this secret key used for communication between your site and google. be sure to keep it a secret. admin sk Tento tajný kľúč sa používa na komunikáciu medzi vašou stránkou a Google. Dajte si naň pozor a uchovajte ho v tajnosti.
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin sk Čas vypršania údajov o relácii aplikácie, v sekundách (predvolené: 86400 = 1 deň)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin sk Čas vypršania údajov o relácii, v sekundách (predvolené: 14400 = 4 hodiny)
times admin sk Časy
to allow us to track the growth of your individual installation use this submit id, otherwise delete it: admin sk Ak nám chcete umožniť sledovať rast vašej inštalácie, použite toto odosielacie ID, v opačnom prípade ho odstráňte:
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. admin sk Ak chcete používať pripojenie TLS, musíte fungovať na verzii PHP 5.1.0 alebo vyššej.
top admin sk navrchu
token created. admin sk Vytvorený token.
token not found! admin sk Token nebol nájdený!
token revoked. admin sk Token bol zrušený.
token saved. admin sk Token uložený.
top admin sk Navrchu
total of %1 accounts deleted. admin sk Celkovo bolo odstránených %1 účtov.
total of %1 id's changed. admin sk Celkovo bolo zmenených %1 ID.
total records admin sk Záznamov spolu
@ -903,41 +933,42 @@ translation admin sk Preklad
true admin sk Pravda
trust level admin sk Úroveň dôvery
trust relationship admin sk Vzťah dôvery
two days admin sk dva dni
two hours admin sk dve hodiny
two months admin sk dva mesiace
two weeks admin sk dva týždne
type '%1' already exists !!! admin sk typ '%1' už existuje !!!
two days admin sk Dva dni
two hours admin sk Dve hodiny
two months admin sk Dva mesiace
two weeks admin sk Dva týždne
type '%1' already exists !!! admin sk Typ '%1' už existuje!
type of customfield admin sk Typ vlastného poľa
type of field admin sk Typ poľa
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin sk Pod windows musíte asyncslužby nainštalovať %1manuálne%2 alebo použiť fallback režim. Fallback znamená, že úlohy sú skontrolované iba po jednotlivých zobrazeniach stránky !!!
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin sk Pod windows musíte asyncslužby nainštalovať %1manuálne%2 alebo použiť fallback režim. Fallback znamená, že úlohy sú skontrolované iba po jednotlivých zobrazeniach stránky!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin sk Neočakávaná odpoveď od servera na príkaz AUTENTICATE.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin sk Neočakávaná odpoveď od servera na Digest-MD5 odpoveď.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin sk Neočakávaná odpoveď od servera na príkaz LOGIN.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin sk Neznámy účet: %1 !!!
unknown command %1! admin sk Neznámy príkaz %1!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin sk Neznámy účet: %1 !
unknown command %1! admin sk Neznámy príkaz %1 !
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin sk Neznáma IMAP odpoveď od servera. Server odpovedal: %s
unknown option %1 admin sk Neznáma možnosť %1
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin sk Nepodporovaná akcia '%1' !!!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin sk Nepodporovaná akcia '%1' !
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin sk Nepodarilo sa uložiť kategóriu so súčasnými nastaveniami. Skontrolujte nekonzistentnosť:
up admin sk Hore
update current email address: admin sk Aktualizovať súčasnú E-mailovú adresu:
updated admin sk aktualizované
updated admin sk Aktualizované
upload your background image or enter the url admin sk Nahrať svoj obrázok pozadia alebo zadať URL
upload your certificate .p12/.pfx file admin sk Nahrať svoj súbor certifikátu .p12/.pfx
upload your favicon or enter the url admin sk Nahrať svoju ikonu stránky (favicon) alebo zadať URL
upload your header logo or enter the url (leave it empty if it is the same as login logo) admin sk Nahrajte svoje hlavičkové logo alebo zadajte URL (ak je rovnaké ako prihlasovacie logo, tak ho ponechajte prázdne)
upload your logo or enter the url admin sk Nahrať svoje logo alebo zadať URL
uppercase, lowercase, number, special char admin sk Veľké a malé písmená, čísla, špeciálne znaky
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin sk URL inštalácie EGroupware, napríklad http://domain.com/egroupware
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin sk URL inštalácie EGroupware, napríklad https://egw.domain.com/egroupware
usage admin sk Využitie
use admin credentials to connect without a session-password, e.g. for sso admin sk Na pripojenie bez hesla relácie, napr. pre SSO, použite poverenia správcu
use cookies to pass sessionid admin sk Použiť cookies na odovzdanie ID relácie
use default admin sk Použiť predvolené
use ldap defaults admin sk Použiť predvolené hodnoty LDAP
use predefined username and password defined below admin sk Použiť preddefinované používateľské meno a heslo, uvedené nižšie
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin sk Použiť čistý HTML kód (zatiaľ nie je plne funkčné)
use save or apply to store the received oauth token! admin sk Použite funkciu Uložiť, alebo Použiť, aby sa obdržaný OAuth token zachoval!
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin sk Použiť bezpečné cookie (prenášané len cez https)
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin sk Použiť bezpečné cookie (prenášané len cez HTTPS)
use smtp auth admin sk Použiť SMTP overovanie
use theme admin sk Použiť tému
use tls authentication admin sk Použiť TLS overovanie
@ -951,7 +982,8 @@ user csv import admin sk CSV import používateľov
user data common sk Používateľské údaje
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin sk Používateľ pre SMTP overovanie (ak netreba, ponechajte prázdne)
user groups admin sk Používateľské skupiny
userdata admin sk používateľské údaje
user-agent admin sk User-Agent
userdata admin sk Používateľské údaje
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin sk PoužívateľskéID@doména napr. u1234@domain
username (standard) admin sk Používateľské meno (štandardné)
username specified below for all admin sk Nižšieuvedené používateľské meno pre všetkých
@ -963,9 +995,12 @@ users can define their own signatures admin sk Používatelia môžu definovať
users can utilize these stationery templates admin sk Používatelia môžu využívať tieto statické šablóny
users choice admin sk Používateľská voľba
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin sk Používajú sa údaje z Mozilla ISPDB pre poskytovateľa %1
using fallback via regular json requests admin sk Použitie záložného riešenia prostredníctvom bežných požiadaviek JSON
using imap:%1, smtp:%2, oauth:%3: admin sk Používa sa IMAP:%1, SMTP:%2, OAUTH:%3:
using native swoole push admin sk Použitie natívneho Swoole Push
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin sk Oznámenia o neprítomnosti so zadaným dátumom začiatku a konca vyžadujú,aby bol nastavený účet správcu!
vacation notice admin sk Dovolenkové upozornenie
valid for admin sk Platí pre
value for column %1 is not unique! admin sk Hodnota pre stĺpec %1 nie je jedinečná!
vfs directory "%1" not found! admin sk Adresár VFS "%1" sa NEnašiel!
view access log admin sk Zobraziť prístupové záznamy
@ -973,7 +1008,7 @@ view account admin sk Zobraziť účet
view category admin sk Zobraziť kategóriu
view error log admin sk Zobraziť záznam o chybách
view sessions admin sk Zobraziť relácie
view this user admin sk zobraziť tohto používateľa
view this user admin sk Zobraziť tohto používateľa
view user account admin sk Zobraziť používateľský účet
virtual mail manager admin sk Virtuálny MAIL ManaGeR
warn users about the need to change their password? the number set here should be lower than the value used to enforce the change of passwords every x days. only effective when enforcing of password change is enabled. (empty for no,number for number of days before they must change) admin sk Nastavte počet dní, koľko vopred sa majú používatelia upozorňovať na vynútenú obmenu hesla. Prázdne = bez informácie
@ -986,8 +1021,9 @@ would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admi
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin sk Chcete, abyEEGroupware kontroloval aktuálnosť verzie aplikácií po prihlásení správcu?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin sk Chcete, aby sa nové jazykové súbory uplatnili počas prihlasovania?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin sk Chcete, aby sa zobrazoval stav aktualizácie každej aplikácie?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin sk Nesprávny typ účtu: %1 NIE je %2!!!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin sk Nesprávny účet alebo heslo správcu!!!
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin sk Nesprávny typ účtu: %1 NIE je %2 !
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin sk Nesprávny účet alebo heslo správcu!
wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! admin sk Nesprávne poverenia na prístup k súboru header.inc.php!
xml-rpc admin sk XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin sk Áno, ale bez kontroly pravopisu pri písaní (online)
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin sk Áno, používať kontrolu pravopisu v prehliadači
@ -998,9 +1034,9 @@ you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin sk NEmôžete použ
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin sk Ak nastavíte náhodné heslo alebo používateplaintextové heslá , môžete zmeniť len heš!
you can use wizard to fix account settings or delete account. admin sk Ohľadom opravy nastavení účtu alebo odstránenia účtu môžete použiť Sprievodcu.
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin sk Zadali ste nesprávny čas vypršania
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin sk Nemáte nastavenú žiadnu e-mailovú adresu pre vášho používateľa !!!
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin sk Nemáte nastavenú žiadnu e-mailovú adresu pre vášho používateľa!
you have received a new message on the admin sk Obdržali ste novú správu ohľadom
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin sk Ak chcete vytvoriť nové pole, musíte zadať názov!!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin sk Ak chcete vytvoriť nové pole, musíte zadať názov!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin sk Ak chcete vytvoriť nový typ, musíte zadať názov!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin sk Tomuto účtu musíte pridať aspoň 1 oprávnenie alebo skupinu
you must enter a group name. admin sk Musíte zadať názov skupiny
@ -875,6 +875,7 @@ user csv import admin sl Uvoz uporabnika CSV
user data common sl Podatki o uporabniku
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin sl Uporabniško ime za avtentikacijo SMTP (pustite prazno, če ni zahtevana)
user groups admin sl Uporabniške skupine
user-agent admin sl User-Agent
userdata admin sl Podatki o uporabniku
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin sl UserId@domain eg. u1234@domain
username (standard) admin sl Uporabnik (standardno)
@ -1,18 +1,35 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin sv %1 %2 rättigheter för %3 på %4 till %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin sv %1 - %2 av %3 användarkonton
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin sv %1 - %2 av %3 användargrupper
%1 access to other data admin sv %1 tillgång till andra uppgifter
%1 accounts being activated admin sv %1 konton som aktiveras
%1 acl entries deleted. admin sv %1 ACL-poster raderade.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin sv %1 ACL poster med inte längre existernade konton raderade.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin sv %1 kategorier av ej (längre) existerande konton raderade.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin sv %1 kategori '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin sv %1 kategori(er) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin sv %1 kategori(er) %2, %3 misslyckades på grund av otillräckliga rättigheter!
%1 class not instanciated admin sv %1 klass inte instansierad
%1 entries deleted admin sv %1 poster raderade
%1 entries deleted. admin sv %1 poster raderade.
%1 group %2 admin sv %1 grupp %2
%1 is no command! admin sv %1 är inget kommando!
%1 log entries deleted. admin sv %1 loggposter raderade.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin sv %1 autentiseringsuppgifter för e-post borttagna
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin sv Kunde inte hitta %1 eller så är den inte körbar!!!
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin sv Kunde inte hitta %1 eller så är den inte körbar!
%1 phrases saved. admin sv %1 fraser sparade.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin sv %1 rättigheter för %2 och applikation(er) %3 .
%1 run rights for applications admin sv %1 kör rättigheter för applikationer
%1 sessions killed admin sv %1 sessioner dödade.
%1 successful admin sv %1 framgångsrik
%1 token %2. admin sv %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin sv %1 användare %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin sv (de)Aktivera e-postkonton
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin sv (standard Nej, lämna tom om du inte använder det)
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin sv (imapclass måste stödja denna funktion genom att fråga efter motsvarande konfigurationsvärde och skicka det som defaultquota till IMAP-servern)
(no subject) admin sv (ingen rubrik)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin sv (lagrade lösenord visas ej här)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin sv (För att installera nya applikationer används<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Installationen</a> [Hantera Applikationer] !!!
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin sv (För att installera nya applikationer används<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Installationen</a> [Hantera Applikationer]!
- type admin sv - typ
1 year admin sv 1 år
2 month admin sv 2 månader
@ -53,7 +70,7 @@ add new application admin sv Lägg till ny application
add peer server admin sv Lägg till Peer Server
add profile admin sv Skapa profil
add sub-category admin sv Lägg till underkategori
admin dn admin sv Admin dn
admin dn admin sv Admin DN
admin email admin sv Admin e-postadress
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin sv Administrativa e-postadresser (komma-separerad) som skall notifieras om blockeringen. (lämna tom om ingen notifiering skall ske)
admin name admin sv Admin namn
@ -92,10 +109,10 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin sv Vill du verkligen radera s
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin sv Vill du verkligen avsluta sessionen?
async services last executed admin sv Asynkrona tjänster senast körda
asynchronous timed services admin sv Asynkrona tidsbundna tjänster
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin sv Asynkrona tjänster är inte installerade ännu eller annat fel (%1)!!!
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin sv Asynkrona tjänster är inte installerade ännu eller annat fel (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin sv Försök att använda korrekt mime-typ istället för standard 'application/octet-stream'
attribute accountstatus explained admin sv Detta hanterar attributet <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> från QMAIL schemat
attribute mail explained admin sv Detta hanterar attributet <b><i>-mail-</i></b> från QMAIL schemat och bör aldrig vara tomt. Det är också eGW's intern e-postfält
attribute mail explained admin sv Detta hanterar attributet <b><i>-mail-</i></b> från QMAIL schemat och bör aldrig vara tomt. Det är också EGw intern e-postfält
attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin sv Detta hanterar attributet<b><i>-mailAlternateAddress-</i></b> från QMAIL schemat och kan hanteras som virtuella kopplingar eller alias.
attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin sv Detta hanterar attributet <b><i>-mailForwardingAddress-</i></b> från QMAIL schemat och får inte vara tomt om vidarebefodran används.
authentication / accounts admin sv Autentisering / Konton
@ -217,7 +234,7 @@ enabled - hidden from navbar admin sv Aktiv - Gömd på navigationslisten
enabled - popup window admin sv Aktiv - Popup fönster
encrypted connection admin sv Krypterad anslutning
enter a description for the category admin sv Skriv en kategoribeskrivning
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin sv Skriv slumpmässig text för <br> kryptering av app_session (kräver mcrypt)
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin sv Skriv slumpmässig text för<br>kryptering av app_session (kräver mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin sv Ange bakgrundsfärg för loginformuläret
enter the background color for the site title admin sv Ange bakgrundsfärg för sajtens rubtik
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin sv Ange fullständig sökväg för temporära filer <br> t ex: /tmp, C:\TEMP
@ -246,7 +263,7 @@ error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin sv Kunde inte ansluta till IMAP
error saving the entry!!! admin sv Fel uppstod vid sparandet av posten!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin sv Fel vid inställning av timer, fel syntax eller det kanske redan körs en?
error! no appname found admin sv FEL: Inget appnamn kunde hittas
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin sv FEL: %1 kunde inte hittas, eller annat fel!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin sv FEL: %1 kunde inte hittas, eller annat fel!
event details follow admin sv Händelse detaljer följer
expires admin sv Förfaller
explanation of ldapman admin sv Denna modul har hittils testats för POSTFIX, LDAP, Courier-IMAP och behöver schema för Core och QMAIL (OID7914). Ytterligare detaljer gällande användning och konfiguration av detta system kan du finna i README.ldapman i dokumentkatalogen under ADMIN.
@ -266,7 +283,7 @@ forward only admin sv Vidarebefodra endast
full name admin sv Fullständigt namn
general admin sv Allmänt
global categories common sv Globala kategorier
group ? admin sv grupp?
group ? admin sv Grupp?
group has been added common sv Grupp har lagts till
group has been deleted common sv Grupp har raderats
group has been updated common sv Grupp har uppdaterats
@ -314,14 +331,14 @@ last login from admin sv Senaste inloggning från
last time read admin sv Senast läst
last updated admin sv Senast uppdaterad
ldap accounts context admin sv Kontext för LDAP konton
ldap basedn admin sv LDAP basedn
ldap basedn admin sv LDAP base DN
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin sv Hemkatalogsprefix för LDAP (t ex: /home för /home/användarnamn
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin sv LDAP standardskal (t ex: /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin sv LDAP krypteringstyp
ldap groups context admin sv Gruppkontext för LDAP
ldap host admin sv LDAP värd
ldap root password admin sv LDAP root lösenord
ldap rootdn admin sv LDAP root dn
ldap rootdn admin sv LDAP root DN
ldap server admin sv LDAP server
ldap server accounts dn admin sv LDAP server konton DN
ldap server admin dn admin sv LDAP server admin DN
@ -337,7 +354,7 @@ leaves without saveing admin sv lämnas utan att sparas
length<br>rows admin sv Längd<br>Rader
list config settings admin sv Lista konfigurations inställningar
list current sessions admin sv Lista aktiva sessioner
list of current users admin sv lista över aktiva användare
list of current users admin sv Lista över aktiva användare
login history admin sv Inloggningshistorik
login message admin sv Inloggningsmeddelande
login screen admin sv Inloggningssida
@ -361,23 +378,23 @@ name must not be empty !!! admin sv Namnet får inte vara tomt!
name of organisation admin sv Organisations namn
new group name admin sv Nytt gruppnamn
new name admin sv Nytt namn
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin sv Nytt lösenord [ Låt fältet vara tomt för att inte ändra ]
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin sv Nytt lösenord (Låt fältet vara tomt för att inte ändra)
next run admin sv Nästa körning
no algorithms available admin sv inga algoritmer tillgängliga
no algorithms available admin sv Inga algoritmer tillgängliga
no alternate email address admin sv Ingen alternerande e-post adress
no encryption admin sv Ingen kryptering
no forwarding email address admin sv Ingen e-post vidarebefodrings adress
no jobs in the database !!! admin sv Inga jobb i databasen!!!
no jobs in the database !!! admin sv Inga jobb i databasen!
no login history exists for this user admin sv Inloggningshistorik saknas för användaren
no matches found admin sv Inga träffar
no message returned. admin sv Inget svar meddelandes
no modes available admin sv inga lägen tillgängliga
no modes available admin sv Inga lägen tillgängliga
no permission to add groups admin sv Behörighet saknas för att lägga till grupper
no permission to add users admin sv Behörighet saknas för att lägga till användare
no permission to create groups admin sv Behörighet saknas för att skapa grupper
no plain text part found admin sv Hittade inget textfält
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin sv Kunde inte hitta supporterad IMAP autentiserings metod
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin sv Not: SSL är bara tillgängligt om PHP kompilerats med stöd för curl
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin sv Not: SSL är bara tillgängligt om PHP kompilerats med stöd för Curl
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin sv Antal rader för flerraders indatafält eller flervalsruta
oauth authentiction admin sv OAuth-autentisering
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin sv Erbjudande om att installera EGroupware som e-posthanterare
@ -457,7 +474,7 @@ server url admin sv URL för servern
server username admin sv Användarnamn för servern
set preference values. admin sv Gör inställningar
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin sv Skall inloginsidan ha en valruta för språk (praktisk vid demosajter)?
show 'powered by' logo on admin sv Visa "Powered By" logga
show 'powered by' logo on admin sv Visa "Powered by" logga
show access log admin sv Visa Accesslogg
show current action admin sv Visa nuvarande aktivitet
show error log admin sv Visa fellogg
@ -502,7 +519,7 @@ the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin sv Inloggnings ID kan inte v
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin sv MIME-tolken kunde inte tolka meddelandet
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin sv det interna namnet (<= 20 tecken), att ändra det gör existerande data otillgängligt
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin sv Testjobbet skickar ett e-post varje gång det anropas
the text displayed to the user admin sv texten som visas för användaren
the text displayed to the user admin sv Texten som visas för användaren
the two passwords are not the same admin sv Lösenorden är inte identiska
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin sv Användarna nedan är fortfarande medlem av gruppen %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin sv Det finns redan en grupp med det namnet. Ett användarnamn kan inte heta likadant som ett grupp
@ -543,6 +560,7 @@ user accounts admin sv Användarkonton
user data common sv Användardata
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin sv Användare för SMTP autentisering (lämna tomt om autentisering ej krävs)
user groups admin sv Användargrupper
user-agent admin sv User-Agent
userdata admin sv Användaradata
users can define their own emailaccounts admin sv Användare kan definiera egna epost konton?
users choice admin sv Användares val
@ -1,6 +1,32 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin tr %4 ila %5 arasında %3 için %1 %2 hakları
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin tr %3 kullanıcı hesabı arasından %1 - %2
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin tr %3 kullanıcı grubu arasından %1 - %2
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin tr %1 bulunamadı veya çalıştırılamıyor !!!
%1 access to other data admin tr Diğer verilere %1 erişim
%1 accounts being activated admin tr %1 hesap etkinleştiriliyor
%1 acl entries deleted. admin tr %1 ACL girişleri silindi.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin tr Artık mevcut olmayan hesapların %1 ACL kaydı silindi.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin tr (Artık) mevcut olmayan hesapların %1 kategorileri silindi.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin tr %1 kategori '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin tr %1 kategori(ler) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin tr %1 kategori(ler) %2, %3 yetersiz haklar nedeniyle başarısız oldu!
%1 class not instanciated admin tr %1 sınıfı kurulmadı
%1 entries deleted admin tr %1 giriş silindi
%1 entries deleted. admin tr %1 giriş silindi.
%1 group %2 admin tr %1 grup %2
%1 is no command! admin tr %1 komut değil!
%1 log entries deleted. admin tr %1 günlük girdisi silindi.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin tr %1 posta kimlik bilgileri silindi
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin tr %1 bulunamadı veya çalıştırılamıyor!
%1 phrases saved. admin tr %1 cümle kaydedildi.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin tr %2 için %1 hak ve %3 uygulama(lar).
%1 run rights for applications admin tr Uygulamalar için %1 çalıştırma hakkı
%1 sessions killed admin tr %1 oturum öldürüldü.
%1 successful admin tr %1 başarılı
%1 token %2. admin tr %1 belirteci %2.
%1 user %2 admin tr %1 kullanıcı %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin tr Posta hesaplarını (de)Etkinleştir
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin tr Varsayılan = Hayır, kullanmıyorsanız kapalı bırakın
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin tr (imapclass, ilgili yapılandırma değerini sorgulayarak bu özelliği desteklemeli ve IMAP sunucusuna defaultquota olarak aktarmalıdır)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin tr (Kayıtlı şifreler burada görüntülenmeyecektir.)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin tr (Yeni uygulama yüklemek için <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Kurulum</a>u kullanınız. !!!)
1 year admin tr 1 yıl
@ -25,11 +51,11 @@ acl rights common tr ACL Hakları
action admin tr Eylem
actions admin tr Eylemler
activate wysiwyg-editor admin tr WYSIWYG editörünü etkinleştir
add a category admin tr kategori ekle
add a group admin tr grup ekle
add a category admin tr Kategori ekle
add a group admin tr Grup ekle
add a new account. admin tr Yeni hesap oluştur
add a subcategory admin tr Alt-kategori oluştur
add a user admin tr kullanıcı ekle
add a user admin tr Kullanıcı ekle
add account admin tr Hesap oluştur
add application admin tr Uygulama ekle
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin tr Otomatik oluşturulmuş kullanıcıları bu gruba ekle (Burası boş olursa 'Varsayılan' seçeneği kullanılacaktır.)
@ -67,19 +93,19 @@ are you sure you want to delete this server? admin tr Bu sunucuyu silmek istedi
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin tr Bu oturumu silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?
async services last executed admin tr Son çalıştırılan asenkron servisler
asynchronous timed services admin tr Asenkron zamanlı servisler
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin tr asenkron servisler kurulu değil ya da başka hata (%1) !!!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin tr FTP için 'application/octet-stream' yerine doğru mimetype kullanınız.
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin tr Asenkron servisler kurulu değil ya da başka hata (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin tr FTP için 'application/octet-stream' yerine doğru MIMEtype kullanınız.
authentication / accounts admin tr Doğrulama / Hesaplar
auto create account records for authenticated users admin tr Giriş yapan kullanıcılar için kayıt tut.
back to the list admin tr listeye geri dön
back to the list admin tr Listeye geri dön
bi-dir passthrough admin tr çift-yön içiçe
bi-directional admin tr çift yönlü
bottom admin tr taban
bottom admin tr Taban
calculate next run admin tr SIradaki çalıştırmayı hesapla
can change password admin tr Şifre değiştirebilir
cancel testjob! admin tr Test görevini iptal et!
categories list admin tr Kategori listesi
category %1 has been saved ! admin tr Kategori %1 kaydedildi !
category %1 has been saved ! admin tr Kategori %1 kaydedildi!
category list admin tr Kategori listesi
change acl rights admin tr ACL haklarını değiştir
change config settings admin tr Sistem ayarlarını değiştir
@ -109,11 +135,11 @@ delete application admin tr Uygulamayı sil
delete category admin tr Kategori sil
delete group admin tr Grup sil
delete peer server admin tr Peer sunucu sil
delete the category admin tr kategoriyi sil
delete the group admin tr grubu sil
delete this category admin tr bu kategoriyi sil
delete this group admin tr bu grubu sil
delete this user admin tr bu kullanıcıyı kaldır
delete the category admin tr Kategoriyi sil
delete the group admin tr Grubu sil
delete this category admin tr Bu kategoriyi sil
delete this group admin tr Bu grubu sil
delete this user admin tr Bu kullanıcıyı kaldır
deleted admin tr Silindi
deny access to access log admin tr Erişim kayıtlarına erişmi engelle
deny access to application registery admin tr Uygulama Kütüğüne erişimi engelle
@ -128,14 +154,14 @@ deny access to peer servers admin tr Peer sunucularına erişimi engelle
deny access to phpinfo admin tr phpinfo'ya erişimi engelle
deny access to site configuration admin tr Site ayarlarına erişimi engelle
deny access to user accounts admin tr Kullanıcı hesaplarına erişimi engelle
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin tr Bütün kullanıcıların diğer kullanıcıların girdilerine erişimini engelle ?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin tr Açıklama en fazla 255 karakter olabilir !
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin tr Bütün kullanıcıların diğer kullanıcıların girdilerine erişimini engelle?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin tr Açıklama en fazla 255 karakter olabilir!
disable admin tr Engelle
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin tr Sistem girişi "Otomatik tamamla" özelliğini kullanma
disable wysiwyg-editor admin tr WYSIWYG editör kullanma
disabled (not recomended) admin tr Kullanılmıyor (Önerilmiyor)
display admin tr Görüntüle
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin tr kategoriyi <b>silme</b> ve listeye geri dön
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin tr Kategoriyi <b>silme</b> ve listeye geri dön
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin tr Bütün genel alt-kategorileri de silmek ister misiniz?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin tr Bütün genel alt-kategorileri silmek ister misiniz?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin tr Bir seviye alt bütün genel alt-kategorileri silmek ister misiniz?
@ -147,23 +173,23 @@ edit group admin tr Grup düzenle
edit group acl's admin tr Grup ACL ayarlarını düzenle
edit peer server admin tr Peer Sunucu düzenle
edit table format admin tr Tablo düzenini düzenle
edit this category admin tr bu kategoriyi düzenle
edit this group admin tr bu grubu düzenle
edit this user admin tr bu kullanıcıyı düzenle
edit user admin tr kullanıcı düzenle
edit this category admin tr Bu kategoriyi düzenle
edit this group admin tr Bu grubu düzenle
edit this user admin tr Bu kullanıcıyı düzenle
edit user admin tr Kullanıcı düzenle
edit user account admin tr Kullanıcı hesabı düzenle
enable admin tr Etkinleştir
enable debug-messages admin tr Hata ayıklama mesajlarını etkinleştir
enabled - hidden from navbar admin tr Etkin - Gezgin çubuğunda görünmez
enabled - popup window admin tr Etkin - Pop pencere
enter a description for the category admin tr kategori için açıklama giriniz
enter a description for the category admin tr Kategori için açıklama giriniz
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin tr app_session için gerekli rastgele bir metin giriniz. (mcrypt için gerekli)
enter the background color for the login page admin tr Sistem giriş ekranı arkaplan rengi giriniz
enter the background color for the site title admin tr Site başlığı için arkaplan rengi giriniz
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin tr Geçici dosyalar için tam yol giriniz. <br>Örnekler: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin tr Kullanıcı ve grup dosyaları için tam yol giriniz.<br>Örnekler: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin tr Bu sunucunun çalıştığı makinanın hostadı'nı giriniz.
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin tr EGroupware URL'sini giriniz.<br>Örnek: http://www.domain.com/egroupware yada /egroupware<br><b>Sonda bölü işareti kullanmayınız.</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin tr EGroupware URL'sini giriniz.<br>Örnek: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware yada /egroupware<br><b>Sonda bölü işareti kullanmayınız.</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin tr Aranacak ifadeyi giriniz. Bütün girdileri göstermek için, bu alanı boş bırakınız ve GÖNDER (Submit) butonuna basınız.
enter the site password for peer servers admin tr Peer sunucular için site şifresi giriniz.
enter the site username for peer servers admin tr Peer sunucular için site kullanıcı adı giriniz.
@ -176,34 +202,35 @@ enter your http proxy server admin tr HTTP Proxy sunucunuzu giriniz.
enter your http proxy server port admin tr HTTP Proxy sunucu portunuzu giriniz.
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin tr SMTP sunucu hostname ve IP'nizi giriniz.
enter your smtp server port admin tr SMTP sunucu portunuzu giriniz.
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin tr Zamanlayıcıyı iptal ederken hata oluştu, hiç ayarlı olmayabilir !!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin tr Zamanlayıcı ayarlarken hata oluştu, yanlış sözdizimi ya da halihazırda çalışan bir tane olabilir !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin tr Hata: %1 bulunamıyor ya da başka bir hata !!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin tr Zamanlayıcıyı iptal ederken hata oluştu, hiç ayarlı olmayabilir!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin tr Zamanlayıcı ayarlarken hata oluştu, yanlış sözdizimi ya da halihazırda çalışan bir tane olabilir!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin tr Hata: %1 bulunamıyor ya da başka bir hata!
event details follow admin tr Etkinlik Detayları Ektedir
expires admin tr Sona Eriyor
fallback (after each pageview) admin tr fallback (her sayfa görüntülemeden sonra)
fallback (after each pageview) admin tr Fallback (her sayfa görüntülemeden sonra)
file space admin tr Dosya Kotası
file space must be an integer admin tr Dosya Kotası tam sayı olmalıdır
for the times above admin tr yukarıdaki zamanlar için
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin tr aşağıdaki zamanlar için (boş değerler '*' yerine geçer, tümü boş=her dakika)
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin tr Aşağıdaki zamanlar için (boş değerler '*' yerine geçer, tümü boş=her dakika)
force selectbox admin tr Seçimn kurusunu mecburi tut
full name admin tr Tam ?sim
full name admin tr Tam isim
global categories common tr Genel kategoriler
group ? admin tr grup ?
group ? admin tr Grup?
group has been added common tr Grup eklendi
group has been deleted common tr Grup silindi
group has been updated common tr Grup güncellendi
group list admin tr Grup listesi
group manager admin tr Grup Yöneticisi
group name admin tr Grup İsmi
hide php information admin tr php bilgisini sakla
hide php information admin tr PHP bilgisini sakla
home directory admin tr Ev dizini
home screen message admin tr Ana ekran mesajı
host information admin tr Host bilgisi
hostname or ip admin tr Ana Bilgisayar Adı veya IP
hour<br>(0-23) admin tr Saat<br>(0-23)
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin tr Erişim kütüklerindeki kayıtlar en fazla kaç günlük oalcaktır (varsayılan 90) ?
icon admin tr Simge
idle admin tr boşta
idle admin tr Boşta
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin tr ACL kaydı olmayan herhangi bir kullanıcı/grup bu grup üyesi sayılacaktır
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin tr LDAP kullanıyorsanız, ev dizini ve erişim ayarlarını yönetmek ister misiniz?
inbound admin tr gelen
@ -217,8 +244,8 @@ kill admin tr Yoket
kill session admin tr Oturum yoket
last %1 logins admin tr Son %1 giriş
last %1 logins for %2 admin tr Son %1 giriş [Toplam: %2]
last login admin tr son giriş
last login from admin tr son giriş yeri
last login admin tr Son giriş
last login from admin tr Son giriş yeri
last time read admin tr Son okunan zaman
last updated admin tr Son güncelleme
ldap accounts context admin tr LDAP hesap içeriği
@ -228,10 +255,10 @@ ldap encryption type admin tr LDAP şifreleme tipi
ldap groups context admin tr LDAP grup içeriği
ldap host admin tr LDAP hostları
ldap root password admin tr LDAP yönetici şifresi
ldap rootdn admin tr LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin tr LDAP root DN
leave empty for no quota admin tr Kota olmaması için boş bırakın
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin tr Destekleniyorsa OAuth kullanmak için boş bırakın
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin tr kategoriye dokunmadan listeye geri dön
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin tr Kategoriye dokunmadan listeye geri dön
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin tr Gruba dokunmadan listeye geri dön
list config settings admin tr Ayarları listele
list current sessions admin tr Şu anki oturumları listele
@ -244,27 +271,27 @@ login time admin tr Giriş zamanı
loginid admin tr Kullanıcı Adı
mail settings admin tr Mail ayarları
manager admin tr Yönetici
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin tr Meksimum hesap id'si (ör: 65535 ya da 1000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin tr Yol kayıtlarındaki maksimum kayıt #
message has been updated admin tr mesaj güncellendi
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin tr Meksimum hesap ID'si (ör: 65535 ya da 1000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin tr Tıklama yolu geçmişinde maksimum girişler
message has been updated admin tr Mesaj güncellendi
method admin tr Metod
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin tr Minimum hesap id'si (ör 500 ya da 100)
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin tr Minimum hesap ID'si (ör 500 ya da 100)
minute admin tr Dakika
mode admin tr Tip
modified admin tr Değiştirilmiş
month admin tr Ay
new group name admin tr Yeni grup adı
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin tr Yeni şifre [ Değişiklik yapmak istemiyorsanız boş bırakınız ]
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin tr Yeni şifre (Değişiklik yapmak istemiyorsanız boş bırakınız)
next run admin tr Sıradaki çalıştırma
no algorithms available admin tr mevcut hiç algoritma yok
no algorithms available admin tr Mevcut hiç algoritma yok
no jobs in the database !!! admin tr Veritabanında görev yok
no login history exists for this user admin tr Bu kullanıcı için giriş geçmişi bulunmamakta
no matches found admin tr Hiç eşleşme yok
no modes available admin tr mevcut hiç mod yok
no permission to add groups admin tr grup eklemek için izin yok
no permission to add users admin tr kullanıcı eklemek için izin yok
no permission to create groups admin tr grup eklemek için izin yok
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin tr Not: SSL desteğinin olması için PHP'nin curl desteği ile derlenmiş olması gerekir.
no modes available admin tr Mevcut hiç mod yok
no permission to add groups admin tr Grup eklemek için izin yok
no permission to add users admin tr Kullanıcı eklemek için izin yok
no permission to create groups admin tr Grup eklemek için izin yok
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin tr Not: SSL desteğinin olması için PHP'nin Curl desteği ile derlenmiş olması gerekir.
oauth authentiction admin tr OAuth Kimlik Doğrulaması
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin tr EGroupware'i posta işleyicisi olarak yükleme teklifi
one day admin tr Bir gün
@ -273,11 +300,11 @@ one month admin tr Bir ay
one week admin tr Bir hafta
order admin tr Sıralama
other security configuration admin tr Diğer güvenlik yapılandırması
outbound admin tr giden
outbound admin tr Giden
own categories admin tr Kendi kategorileriniz
own install id admin tr Kendi kurulum kimliği
own install id: admin tr Kendi kurulum kimliği:
passthrough admin tr içiçe
passthrough admin tr Içiçe
password for smtp-authentication admin tr SMTP doğrulaması için şifre
path information admin tr Yol bilgisi
peer server list admin tr Peer sunucu listesi
@ -293,16 +320,16 @@ please enter a name for that server ! admin tr Lütfen sunucu için bir isim gir
please run setup to become current admin tr Güncel olmak için kurulumu çalıştırınız
please select admin tr Lütfen seçiniz
preferences admin tr Ayarlar
primary group admin tr ana grup
primary group admin tr Ana grup
re-enter password admin tr Şifreyi yeniden giriniz
read this list of methods. admin tr Method listesini oku
register application hooks admin tr Uygulama bağlantılarını kaydet
remove admin tr Kaldır
remove all users from this group admin tr Bu gruptaki tüm kullanıcıları kaldır
remove all users from this group ? admin tr Bu gruptaki tüm kullanıcıları kaldır ?
remove all users from this group ? admin tr Bu gruptaki tüm kullanıcıları kaldır?
run asynchronous services admin tr Asenkron servisleri çalıştır
save the category admin tr kategoriyi kaydet
save the category and return back to the list admin tr kategoriyi kaydet ve listeye geri dön
save the category admin tr Kategoriyi kaydet
save the category and return back to the list admin tr Kategoriyi kaydet ve listeye geri dön
search accounts admin tr Hesapları ara
search categories admin tr Kategorileri ara
search groups admin tr Grupları ara
@ -337,7 +364,7 @@ sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin tr Üzgünüm, y
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin tr Üzgünüm, şu kullanıcılar hala %1 grubunun üyeleridir.
sort the entries admin tr Girdileri sırala
ssl admin tr SSL
standard admin tr standart
standard admin tr Standart
start testjob! admin tr Test görevini başlat!
submit changes admin tr Değişiklikleri gönder!
submit the search string admin tr Arama kriterini gönder
@ -355,8 +382,8 @@ the login and password can not be the same admin tr Kullanıcı adı ve şifre a
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin tr Kullanıcı adı 8 karakterden az olamaz
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin tr Test görevi her çağrıldığında size bir e-mail gönderir.
the two passwords are not the same admin tr İki şifre birbirinden farklı
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin tr aşağıdaki kullanıcılar hala %1 grubunun üyeleridir.
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin tr Bu grup isminde bir grup bulunmaktadır. Kullanıcı id'leri (userid) grup id'si (groupid) olarak aynı isme sahip olamaz.
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin tr Aşağıdaki kullanıcılar hala %1 grubunun üyeleridir.
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin tr Bu grup isminde bir grup bulunmaktadır. Kullanıcı ID'leri (userID) grup id'si (groupID) olarak aynı isme sahip olamaz.
they must be removed before you can continue admin tr Devam etmeniz için onların kaldırılması gerekmektedir.
this application is current admin tr Uygulamanız güncel
this application requires an upgrade admin tr Uygulamanız güncelleme gerektirmektedir. (Yeni sürüm var)
@ -378,14 +405,15 @@ user accounts admin tr Kullanıcı hesapları
user data common tr Kullanıcı verileri
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin tr SMTP doğrulaması için kullanılacak kullanıcı (Doğrulama gerekmiyorsa boş bırakınız)
user groups admin tr Kullanıcı grupları
userdata admin tr kullanıcı verileri
user-agent admin tr User-Agent
userdata admin tr Kullanıcı verileri
users choice admin tr Kullanıcı Seçimleri
view access log admin tr Erişim kütüğünü görüntüle
view account admin tr Hesap görüntüle
view category admin tr Kategori görüntüle
view error log admin tr Hata kütüğünü görüntüle
view sessions admin tr Oturumları görüntüle
view this user admin tr bu kullanıcıyı görüntüle
view this user admin tr Bu kullanıcıyı görüntüle
view user account admin tr Kullanıcı hesabını görüntüle
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin tr Silinen kullanıcıya ait kayıtları kime taşımak istesiniz?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin tr EGroupware bilgi dizisini önbelleğe alır.
@ -1,7 +1,34 @@
%1 %2 rights for %3 on %4 to %5 admin uk %1 %2 права для %3 на %4 - %5
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin uk %1 - %2 з %3 користувачів
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin uk %1 не знайдено або не може бути виконано !!!
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin uk %1 - %2 з %3 груп користувачів
%1 access to other data admin uk %1 доступ до інших даних
%1 accounts being activated admin uk активовано %1 облікових записів
%1 acl entries deleted. admin uk Видалено %1 записів ACL.
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin uk Видалено %1 запис ACL неіснуючих облікових записів.
%1 categories of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin uk Видалено %1 категорій неіснуючих облікових записів.
%1 category '%2' %3 admin uk %1 категорія '%2' %3
%1 category(s) %2 admin uk %1 категорія(и) %2
%1 category(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! admin uk %1 категорія(и) %2, %3 не вдалося через недостатні права!
%1 class not instanciated admin uk %1 клас не створено
%1 entries deleted admin uk Видалено %1 запис
%1 entries deleted. admin uk Видалено %1 запис.
%1 group %2 admin uk %1 група %2
%1 is no command! admin uk %1 не є командою!
%1 log entries deleted. admin uk Видалено %1 записів журналу.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin uk Видалено %1 поштовий обліковий запис
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin uk %1 не знайдено або не може бути виконано!
%1 phrases saved. admin uk %1 фразу збережено.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin uk має права %1 для %2 та програми (програм) %3 .
%1 run rights for applications admin uk %1 права на запуск програм
%1 sessions killed admin uk Завершено %1 сеанс.
%1 successful admin uk %1 успішно
%1 token %2. admin uk %1 токен %2.
%1 user %2 admin uk Користувач %1 користувач %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin uk (де)Активувати поштові облікові записи
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin uk За замовчуванням = Ні, вимкніть, якщо не використовуєте
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin uk (imapclass має підтримувати цю можливість, запитуючи відповідне значення конфігурації і передаючи його як defaultquota на сервер IMAP)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin uk (збережений пароль не буде тут показуватись)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin uk (Для встановлення нових приложень використайте<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Керування приложеннями] !!!)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin uk (Для встановлення нових приложень використайте<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Керування приложеннями]!)
1 year admin uk 1 рік
2 month admin uk 2 місяці
2 weeks admin uk 2 тижні
@ -44,7 +71,7 @@ admin name admin uk Ім'я адміністратора
administration admin uk Адміністрація
admins admin uk Адміністратори
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin uk Після якої кількості неуспішних спроб входу IP має бути заблоковано (по замовченню 3) ?
all records and account information will be lost! admin uk Всі записи та інформація рахунку будуть втрачені !
all records and account information will be lost! admin uk Всі записи та інформація рахунку будуть втрачені!
all users admin uk Всі користувачі
allow anonymous access to this app admin uk Дозволити анонімний доступ до цього приложення
anonymous user admin uk Анонімний користувач
@ -58,16 +85,16 @@ applications list admin uk Перелік приложень
applies the changes admin uk Застосувати зміни
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin uk Ви дійсно хочете видалити приложення %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin uk Ви дійсно хочете видалити цей рахунок?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin uk Ви дійсно хочете видалити це приложення ?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common uk Ви дійсно хочете видалити цю категорію ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin uk Ви дійсно хочете видалити це приложення?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common uk Ви дійсно хочете видалити цю категорію?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin uk Ви дійсно хочете видалити цю глобальну категорію ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin uk Ви дійсно хочете видалити цю групу ?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin uk Ви дійсно хочете видалити цей сервер ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin uk Ви дійсно хочете закрити цю сесію ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin uk Ви дійсно хочете видалити цю групу?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin uk Ви дійсно хочете видалити цей сервер?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin uk Ви дійсно хочете закрити цю сесію?
async services last executed admin uk Останні виконані асинхронні сервіси
asynchronous timed services admin uk Асинхронні сервіси
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin uk Асинхроні сервіси ще не встановлено або інша помилка (%1) !!!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin uk Спроба використати вірний mime-тип для FTP замість типового 'application/octet-stream'
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin uk Асинхроні сервіси ще не встановлено або інша помилка (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin uk Спроба використати вірний MIME-тип для FTP замість типового 'application/octet-stream'
authentication / accounts admin uk Аутентифікація / Рахунки
auto create account records for authenticated users admin uk Створювати автоматично записи рахунків для аутентифікованих користувачів
back to the list admin uk Назад до переліку
@ -76,7 +103,7 @@ calculate next run admin uk Розрахувати наступний запус
can change password admin uk Може міняти пароль
cancel testjob! admin uk Перервати Тестове завдання!
categories list admin uk Перелік категорій
category %1 has been saved ! admin uk Категорія % збережено !
category %1 has been saved ! admin uk Категорія % збережено!
category list admin uk Перелік категорій
change acl rights admin uk Змінити ACL права
change config settings admin uk Змінити конфігураційні установки
@ -124,17 +151,17 @@ deny access to peer servers admin uk Заборонити доступ до peer
deny access to phpinfo admin uk Заборонити доступ до phpinfo
deny access to site configuration admin uk Заборонити доступ до конфігурації сайту
deny access to user accounts admin uk Заборонити доступ до рахунків користувачів
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin uk Заборонити всім користувачам давати доступ іншим користувачам до їх записів ?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin uk Довжина опису не може перевищувати 255 символів !
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin uk Заборонити всім користувачам давати доступ іншим користувачам до їх записів?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin uk Довжина опису не може перевищувати 255 символів!
determines the order the fields are displayed admin uk визначає послідовність показу полів
disable admin uk Відключити
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin uk Відключити "авто заповнення" у формі входу
disabled (not recomended) admin uk відключено (не рекомендується)
display admin uk Показувати
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin uk НЕ видаляти категорію та повернутись до переліку
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin uk Чи хочете ви також видалити всі глобальні підкатегорії ?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin uk Чи хочете ви видалити всі глобальні підкатегорії ?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin uk Чи хочете ви перенести всі глобальні підкатегорії рівнем нижче ?
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin uk Чи хочете ви також видалити всі глобальні підкатегорії?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin uk Чи хочете ви видалити всі глобальні підкатегорії?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin uk Чи хочете ви перенести всі глобальні підкатегорії рівнем нижче?
edit account admin uk Редагувати рахунок
edit application admin uk Редагувати приложення
edit global category admin uk Редагувати глобальну категорію
@ -167,9 +194,9 @@ enter the url where your logo should link to admin uk Введіть url, на
enter your default ftp server admin uk Введіть Ваш типовий FTP сервер
enter your http proxy server admin uk Введіть Ваш HTTP проксі сервер
enter your http proxy server port admin uk Введіть порт Вашого HTTP проксі серверу
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin uk Помилка зупинення таймеру, можливо, що жоден не встановлено !!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin uk Помилка встановлення таймеру, невірний синтаксис або вже один працює !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin uk Помилка: %1 не знайдено або інша помилка!!!
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin uk Помилка зупинення таймеру, можливо, що жоден не встановлено!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin uk Помилка встановлення таймеру, невірний синтаксис або вже один працює!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin uk Помилка: %1 не знайдено або інша помилка!
event details follow admin uk Подробиці події
expires admin uk Обмежено
file space admin uk Розмір файлу
@ -177,7 +204,7 @@ file space must be an integer admin uk Розмір файлу має бути
force selectbox admin uk Форсувати Selectbox
full name admin uk Повне ім'я
global categories common uk Глобальні категорії
group ? admin uk Група ?
group ? admin uk Група?
group has been added common uk Група створена
group has been deleted common uk Група видалена
group has been updated common uk Група змінена
@ -189,8 +216,8 @@ home directory admin uk Домашній каталог
home screen message admin uk Повідомлення основного екрану
host information admin uk Інформація хосту
hour<br>(0-23) admin uk Година<br>(0-23)
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin uk Скільки днів записи мають зберігатися в протоколі доступу (по замовченню 90) ?
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin uk На скільки хвилин блокується рахунок або IP (по замовченню 30) ?
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin uk Скільки днів записи мають зберігатися в протоколі доступу (по замовченню 90)?
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin uk На скільки хвилин блокується рахунок або IP (по замовченню 30)?
idle admin uk простій
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin uk Якщо немає записів ACL для користувача або будь якої групи, членом якої є користувач
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin uk При використанні LDAP, чи хочете Ви керувати домашніми каталогами та атрибутами входу до системи?
@ -216,7 +243,7 @@ ldap encryption type admin uk Тип шифрування LDAP
ldap groups context admin uk Контекст LDAP груп
ldap host admin uk Хост LDAP
ldap root password admin uk root пароль LDAP
ldap rootdn admin uk LDAP rootdn
ldap rootdn admin uk LDAP root DN
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin uk залишити категорію незмінною та повернутися до переліку
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin uk Залишити групу незмінною та повернутися до переліку
leave without saveing the entry admin uk вийти без збереження запису
@ -254,7 +281,7 @@ no modes available admin uk Немає режимів
no permission to add groups admin uk Дозвіл на створення груп не надано
no permission to add users admin uk Дозвіл на створення користувачів не надано
no permission to create groups admin uk Дозвіл на створення груп не надано
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin uk Примітка: SSL доступний тільки якщо PHP скомпільовано з підтримкою curl
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin uk Примітка: SSL доступний тільки якщо PHP скомпільовано з підтримкою Curl
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin uk кількість рядків для багаторядкового поля вводу або рядків віконця вибору множини
oauth authentiction admin uk Автентифікація OAuth
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin uk Пропозиція встановити EGroupware як поштовика
@ -278,7 +305,7 @@ permissions admin uk Дозволи
permissions this group has admin uk Ця група має дозволи
phpinfo admin uk Інформація PHP
please enter a name admin uk Будь ласка, введіть ім'я
please enter a name for that server ! admin uk Будь ласка, введіть назву серверу !
please enter a name for that server ! admin uk Будь ласка, введіть назву серверу!
please run setup to become current admin uk Будь ласка, запустіть setup для оновлення
please select admin uk Виберіть будь ласка
preferences admin uk Параметри
@ -287,7 +314,7 @@ re-enter password admin uk Перевведіть пароль
read this list of methods. admin uk Прочитати цей перелік методів
remove admin uk Видалити
remove all users from this group admin uk Видалити всіх користувачів з цієї групи
remove all users from this group ? admin uk Видалити всіх користувачів з цієї групи ?
remove all users from this group ? admin uk Видалити всіх користувачів з цієї групи?
run asynchronous services admin uk Виконувати асинхронні сервіси
save the category admin uk зберегти категорію
save the category and return back to the list admin uk зберегти категорію та повернутись до переліку
@ -313,7 +340,7 @@ server type(mode) admin uk Тип серверу (режим)
server url admin uk URL серверу
server username admin uk ім'я користувача на сервері
set preference values. admin uk Встановити значення параметрів.
show 'powered by' logo on admin uk Показувати логотип 'powered by'
show 'powered by' logo on admin uk Показувати логотип 'Powered by'
show access log admin uk Показати протокол доступу
show current action admin uk Показати поточні дії
show error log admin uk Показати протокол помилок
@ -364,6 +391,7 @@ use theme admin uk Використовувати тему
user accounts admin uk Рахунки користувачів
user data common uk Дані користувача
user groups admin uk Групи користувачів
user-agent admin uk User-Agent
userdata admin uk Дані користувача
users choice admin uk Вибір користувача
view access log admin uk Перегляд протоколу доступів
@ -375,10 +403,10 @@ view this user admin uk переглянути цього користувача
view user account admin uk Перегляд рахунку користувача
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin uk Кому передати ВСІ записи користувача, що видаляється ?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin uk Чи хотіли б Ви, щоб EGroupware утримувало в кеші інформаційний масив egw?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin uk Чи перевіряти на нові версіі при вході адміністратора ?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin uk Чи перевіряти на нові версіі приложень при вході адміністратора ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin uk Чи перевіряти на нові версіі при вході адміністратора?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin uk Чи перевіряти на нові версіі приложень при вході адміністратора?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin uk Чи потрібно автоматично загружати нові мовні файли під час входу?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin uk Чи показувати стан поновлення кожного приложення ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin uk Чи показувати стан поновлення кожного приложення?
xml-rpc admin uk XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin uk Ви ввели невірну дату припинення
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin uk Необхідно надати рахунку хоча б один дозвіл чи групу.
@ -389,5 +417,5 @@ you must enter an application name and title. admin uk Необхідно вве
you must enter an application name. admin uk Необхідно ввести назву приложення
you must enter an application title. admin uk Необхідно ввести найменування приложення
you must select a file type admin uk Необхідно визначити тип файлу
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin uk Необхідно видалити підкатегорії перед тим, як Ви зможете видалити цю категорію !
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin uk Необхідно видалити підкатегорії перед тим, як Ви зможете видалити цю категорію!
your session could not be verified. admin uk Неможливо перевірити Ваш вхід
@ -576,19 +576,26 @@ oman common bg Оман
on *nix systems please type: %1 common bg На *nix системи напишете: %1
on mouse over common bg При посочване с мишката
only private common bg само "лични"
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav bg Поддържа се само от няколко напълно съвместими клиенти (например от Apple). Ако трябва да въведете URL адрес, той най-вероятно няма да се поддържа!
only yours common bg само Вашите
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common bg Съжалаваме, в момента се извършва профилактика на системата.
open common bg отвори
open existing contact common bg Отваряне на съществуващ контакт
open notify window common bg Отваряне на прозореца за известяване
open popup window common bg Отваряне на "изскачащ" прозорец
open sidebox common bg Отваряне на страничната кутия
open the online help. common bg Отваряне на онлайн помощ
operator common bg Оператор
optional note about the link common bg Незадължителна бележка за връзката
options common bg Опции
or common bg или
order to navigating by tab key through the form common bg Ред за навигиране чрез клавиша tab през формуляра
ordered list common bg Подреден списък
original common bg Оригинал
other common bg Други
overview common bg Преглед
owner common bg Собственик
ownership common bg Собственост
page common bg Страница
page was generated in %1 seconds common bg Страницата беше създадена за %1 секунди
pakistan common bg Пакистан
@ -640,6 +647,8 @@ postal common bg Пощенски
powered by common bg Работи с
preference common bg Предпочитания
preferences common bg Настройки
preferences for the %1 template set preferences bg Предпочитания за набор от шаблони %1
preview with entry common bg Предварителен преглед с въвеждане
previous page common bg Предишна страница
primary style-sheet: common bg Основен набор стилове (style-sheet):
print common bg Печат
@ -647,9 +656,13 @@ priority common bg Приоритет
private common bg Личен
programs common bg Програми
project common bg Проект
properties common bg Свойства
protocol is required common bg Протоколът е задължителен
public common bg общ
puerto rico common bg Пуерто Рико
qatar common bg Катар
quick add common bg Бързо добавяне
radiobutton common bg Радио бутон
read common bg Четене
read a list of entries. common bg Четене на списък със записи.
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common bg Четене на единичен запис чрез подаване на id и списък с полета
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
%1 email addresses inserted common da %1 e-mail adresser insat
%1 email(s) added into %2 common da %1 e-mail(e) tilføjet til %2
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common da %1 kan ikke udføres af Web server
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common da %1 kan ikke udføres af web server
%1 more %2 selected ... common da %1 flere %2 valgt...
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common da %1Vælg en anden folder%2<br/>eller gør %3 skrivbar for Web server
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common da %1Vælg en anden folder%2<br>eller gør %3 skrivbar for web server
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common da %1EGroupware%2 er et multi-bruger, web-baseret sammenarbejds værktøj skrevet i %3PHP%4.
'%1' copied to clipboard common da '%1' kopieret til udklipsholderen
'%1' is not a valid json file! common da '%1' er ikke en gyldig JSON-fil
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ algeria common da Algeriet
all common da Alle
all addressbooks groupdav da Alle adressebøger
all categories common da Alle kategorier
all fields common da alle felter
all fields common da Alle felter
all in one groupdav da Alle i én
all users common da Alle brugere
allow editing the %1 common da Tillad redigering af %1
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common da Kan ikke erstatte %1, ford
cant open '%1' for %2 common da Kan ikke åbne '%1' for %2
cape verde common da Cape Verde
categories common da Kategorier
categories for common da kategorier for
categories for common da Kategorier for
category common da Kategori
category %1 has been added ! common da Kategorien %1 er blevet tilføjet!
category %1 has been updated ! common da Kategorien %1 er blevet opdateret!
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ central african republic common da Centralafrikanske Republik
chad common da Chad
change common da Ændre
changed common da Ændret
charset common da utf-8
charset common da Tegnsæt
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common da Tjek for tomme værdier i IF-sætninger. Eksempel {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - Hvis url ikke er tom, skrives "Website:"
check installation common da Kontroller installation
check now common da Check nu
@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ christmas island common da Juleøen
clear common da Slet
clear form common da Slet formular
click common da Klik
click here to create the link common da klik her for at oprette linket
click here to start the search common da klik her for at starte søgningen
click here to create the link common da Clik her for at oprette linket
click here to start the search common da Klik her for at starte søgningen
click or mouse over to show menus common da Klik eller før musen over til sidemenuen
click or mouse over to show menus? common da Klik eller før musen over til sidemenuen?
close common da Luk
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ details common da Detaljer
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common da Deaktivere udførelsen af bugfixscripts for Internet Explorer 5.5 og nyere, for visning af gennemsigtige PNG-billeder?
direction left to right common da Retning venstre til højre
directory common da Bibliotek
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common da Deaktiver Internet Explorer PNG-image-bugfix?
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common da Deaktiver Internet Explorer png image bugfix?
disable slider effects common da Deaktiver glide-effekter?
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common da Deaktiver den animerede effekt når sidenmenuen gemmes og vises på siden? Opera og Konqueror brugere vil sandsynligvis vælge ja her.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common da Deaktiver kørsel af fejlfindingsscript for Internet Explorer 5.5 eller nyere for at vise det transparente i PNG billeder?
@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ doctype: common da Dokument type:
document properties common da Dokument egenskaber
document title: common da Dokument titel:
documentation common da Dokumentation
doesn't matter common da det gør ikke noget
doesn't matter common da Det gør ikke noget
domain common da Domæne
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common da domænenavn til e-mail adresser, f.eks "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common da Domænenavn til e-mail adresser, f.eks "%1"
domestic common da Indenrigs
dominica common da Dominica
dominican republic common da Dominikanske Republik
@ -258,15 +258,15 @@ edit common da Redigér
edit %1 category for common da Redigér kategorien %1 for
edit categories common da Redigér Kategorier
edit category common da Redigér kategori
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common da EGroupware: login blokeret for bruger '%1', IP %2
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common da Login blokeret for bruger '%1', IP %2
egypt common da Egypten
el salvador common da El Salvador
email common da E-mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common da email-adresse for brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common da E-mail-adresse for brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
enabled common da Slået til
end date common da Slutdato
end time common da Sluttid
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin da Indtast stien for EGroupware's URL.<br>Eksempel: http://www.domæne.dk/egroupware eller nbsp; /egroupware<br><b>Ingen efterfølgende skråstreg</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin da Indtast stien for EGroupware's URL.<br>Eksempel: https://egw.domæne.dk/egroupware eller nbsp; /egroupware<br><b>Ingen efterfølgende skråstreg</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common da Emnet er succesrigt slettet
entry updated sucessfully common da Emnet er succesrigt opdateret
equatorial guinea common da Equatorial Guinea
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ error deleting %1 %2 directory common da Fejl ved sletningen af biblioteket %1 %
error renaming %1 %2 directory common da Fejl ved omdøbningen af biblioteket %1 %2
estonia common da Estland
ethiopia common da Etiopien
exact common da nøjagtig
exact common da Nøjagtig
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common da Eksempel {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Giver et bogstavpræfiks uden dobbeltmellemrum, hvis titlen er tom, f.eks.
failed to change password. common da Det lykkedes ikke at ændre adgangskoden.
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common da Kan ikke kontakte server eller ugyldigt svar fra server. Prøv at logge ind igen. Kontakt administrator i tilfælde af fejl.
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ group access common da Gruppeadgang
group has been added common da Gruppe er tilføjet
group has been deleted common da Gruppe er slettet
group has been updated common da Gruppe er opdateret
group name common da gruppe navn
group name common da Gruppe navn
group public common da Adgang til gruppe
groups common da Grupper
groups with permission for %1 common da Grupper med rettigheder til %1
@ -353,11 +353,11 @@ history common da Historie
history log common da Versionshistorik
holy see (vatican city state) common da Vatikanet
home common da Startside
home email common da privat e-mail
home email common da Privat e-mail
home screen common da Hovedside
honduras common da Honduras
hong kong common da Hong Kong
hours common da timer
hours common da Timer
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav da Hvor mange dage skal synkroniseres i fremtiden (standard %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav da Hvor mange dage til synkronisering i fortiden (standard %1)
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common da Hvor mange ikoner skal der vises i navigations bjælken (øverst på siden). Evt. overskydende ikoner vil være tilgængelig i en slags pulldown menu, ved at trykke på ikonet helt til højre i navigations bjælken.
@ -417,10 +417,10 @@ kyrgyzstan common da Kyrgystan
label common da Mærkat
language common da Sprog
lao peoples democratic republic common da Lao, Folkets Demokratiske Republik
last common da sidste
last common da Sidste
last modified common da Sidst opdateret
last name common da Efternavn
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common da efternavn på brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common da Efternavn på brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
last page common da Sidste side
lastname common da Efternavn
latvia common da Letland
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ load common da Indlæs
local common da Lokal
login common da Login
login rejected by epl firewall, please contact your administrator common da Login afvist af EGroupware firewall, kontakt venligst din administrator.
loginid common da LoginID
loginid common da Login-ID
logout common da Log ud
lost login id common da Mistet login-ID
lost password common da Mistet adgangskode
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ luxembourg common da Luxembourg
macau common da Macau
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common da Makedonien, Tidl. Jugoslaviske Republik
madagascar common da Madagaskar
mail domain, eg. "%1" common da post domæne, f.eks. "%1"
mail domain, eg. "%1" common da Post domæne, f.eks. "%1"
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common da Mailvelope addon installation mislykkedes! Prøv venligst igen.
mailvelope addon installation succeded. now you may configure the options. common da Mailvelope addon installation lykkedes. Nu kan du konfigurere indstillingerne.
main category common da Hovedkategori
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ move common da Flyt
mozambique common da Mozambique
myanmar common da Myanmar
name common da Navn
name of the user, eg. "%1" common da fornavnet på brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
name of the user, eg. "%1" common da Fornavnet på brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
namibia common da Namibia
nauru common da Nauru
nepal common da Nepal
@ -509,8 +509,8 @@ nigeria common da Nigeria
niue common da Niue
no common da Nej
no - cancel common da No - Annullere
no entries found, try again ... common da ingen resultater fundet, prøv igen....
no file common da ingen fil
no entries found, try again ... common da Ingen resultater fundet, prøv igen....
no file common da Ingen fil
no filters common da Ingen filtre
no history for this record common da Ingen historie fundet for denne post
no matches found common da Ingen resultater fundet
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ northern mariana islands common da Nordligt Mariana Øerne
norway common da Norge
not common da ikke
not a user yet? register now common da Ikke en bruger endnu? Registrere nu
not assigned common da ikke tildelt
not assigned common da Ikke tildelt
note common da Note
notes common da Noter
notifications common da Alarmer
@ -534,18 +534,25 @@ old value common da Gammel Værdi
oman common da Oman
on *nix systems please type: %1 common da På *nix systemer skriver Du: %1
on mouse over common da Ved mus over
only private common da kun private
only private common da Kun private
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav da Understøttes kun af nogle få fuldt kompatible klienter (f.eks. fra Apple). Hvis du skal indtaste en URL, vil den højst sandsynligt ikke blive understøttet!
only yours common da Kun Din
open common da åben
open common da Åben
open existing contact common da Åbn eksisterende kontakt
open notify window common da Åben Notificer Vindue
open popup window common da åben popup vindue
options common da indstillinger
open popup window common da Åben popup vindue
open the online help. common da Åbn online-hjælp
operator common da Operatør
optional note about the link common da Valgfri note til link
options common da Indstillinger
or common da eller
order to navigating by tab key through the form common da Ordre til at navigere med tabulatortasten gennem formularen
ordered list common da Nummerliste
original common da Original
other common da Anden
overview common da Oversigt
owner common da Ejer
ownership common da Ejerskab
page common da Side
page was generated in %1 seconds common da Siden var genereret på %1 sekunder
pakistan common da Pakistan
@ -559,7 +566,7 @@ parent category common da Ovenstående Kategori
password common da Adgangskode
password could not be changed common da Adgangskoden kunne ikke ændres
password has been updated common da Password er opdateret
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common da Sti til bruger og gruppe filer SKAL VÆRE UDEN FOR webserverens dokument-rod!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common da Sti til bruger og gruppe filer SKAL VÆRE UDEN FOR webserverens dokument-rod!
permission denied! common da Tilladelse nægtet!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common da Tilladelse nægtet! Dette er kun en administrationsfunktion.
permissions to the files/users directory common da Rettigheder for fil/bruger mappen
@ -577,7 +584,8 @@ placeholders common da Pladsholdere
play/pause common da Afspilning/Pause
please %1 by hand common da Udfør venligst %1 manuelt
please enter a name common da Indtast venligst et navn!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common da Genindlæs venligst EGroupware-skrivebordet (F5 / Cmd+r).
please enter table-name first !!! common da Indtast bordets navn først!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common da Genindlæs venligst EGroupware-skrivebordet (F5 / Cmd+R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common da Husk at bruge '%1' som brugernavn til lokale login fra nu af!
please run setup to become current common da Kør venligst setup for at blive opdateret
please select common da Vælg venligst
@ -586,27 +594,31 @@ please set your preferences for this application common da Indtast venligst dine
please type %1 more characters common da Skriv venligst %1 tegn mere
please type 1 more character common da Skriv venligst 1 tegn mere
please wait... common da Vent venligst...
please, check back with us shortly. common da Vent venligst ... Venligst kontakt os igen om lidt.
poland common da Polen
popup with search common da Popup vindue med søg
portugal common da Portugal
postal common da Post
powered by common da Powered by
preference common da Præferencer
preferences common da Præferencer
preferences for the %1 template set preferences da Præferencer for %1-skabelonsættet
preview with entry common da Forhåndsvisning med indtastning
previous page common da Forrige side
primary group common da primær gruppe
primary group common da Primær gruppe
print common da Udskriv
priority common da Prioritet
private common da Privat
project common da Projekt
public common da offentlig
public common da Offentlig
puerto rico common da Puerto Rico
qatar common da Qatar
read common da Læs
read a list of entries. common da Læs en liste af indtastninger
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common da Læs et enkelt element ved at give id og fil-liste
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common da Læs et enkelt element ved at give ID og fil-liste
read this list of methods. common da Læs denne liste over metoder
reading common da læser
readonly common da læs-kun
reading common da Læser
readonly common da Læs-kun
refresh common da Opdater
reject common da Afvis
remove this link (not the entry itself) common da Fjern dette link (ikke opgaven selv)
@ -660,12 +672,12 @@ server %1 has been added common da Server %1 er tilføjet
server name common da Servernavn
session has been killed common da Sessionen er afsluttet
setup common da Setup
setup main menu common da Setup Hoved menu
setup main menu common da Setup hovedmenu
seychelles common da Seychellerne
show common da Vis
show all common da Vis alt
show all categorys common da Vis alle kategorier
show menu common da vis menu
show menu common da Vis menu
show page generation time common da Vis side generations tid
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common da Vis side generations tiden i bunden af siden?
show password common da Vis adgangskode
@ -686,7 +698,7 @@ south africa common da Syd Afrika
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common da Syd Georgien og De Sydlige Sandwich Øer
spain common da Spanien
sri lanka common da Sri Lanka
start a new search, cancel this link common da start en ny søgning, annullere dette link
start a new search, cancel this link common da Start en ny søgning, annullere dette link
start date common da Startdato
start time common da Starttid
status common da Status
@ -719,7 +731,7 @@ to common da Til
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common da For at rette denne fejl for fremtiden skal Du korrekt opsætte
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common da For at gå tilbage til beskedlisten, klik <a href="%1">her</a>
today common da I dag
todays date, eg. "%1" common da i dags dato, f.eks. "%1"
todays date, eg. "%1" common da I dags dato, f.eks. "%1"
togo common da Togo
tokelau common da Tokelau
tonga common da Tonga
@ -733,7 +745,7 @@ turkey common da Tyrkiet
turkmenistan common da Turkmenistan
turks and caicos islands common da Tyrkiske og Caicos Øerne
tuvalu common da Tuvalu
type common da type
type common da Type
uganda common da Uganda
ukraine common da Ukraine
underline common da Understreg
@ -744,17 +756,17 @@ united states minor outlying islands common da USA Mindre omkringliggende øer
unknown common da Ukendt
unlink common da Fjern link
update common da Opdater
update a single entry by passing the fields. common da opdater et enkelt element ve at sende felter.
update a single entry by passing the fields. common da Opdater et enkelt element ve at sende felter.
upload common da Upload
url common da URL
uruguay common da Uruguay
use button to search for common da brug knappen for at søge efter
use button to search for address common da brug knappen for at søge efter adresser
use button to search for calendarevent common da brug knappen for at søge efter kalender hændelser
use button to search for project common da brug knappen for at søge efter projekter
use button to search for common da Brug knappen for at søge efter
use button to search for address common da Brug knappen for at søge efter adresser
use button to search for calendarevent common da Brug knappen for at søge efter kalender hændelser
use button to search for project common da Brug knappen for at søge efter projekter
user common da Bruger
user accounts common da bruger kontoer
user groups common da bruger grupper
user accounts common da Bruger kontoer
user groups common da Bruger grupper
username common da Brugernavn
users common da Brugere
users choice common da Brugerens Valg
@ -764,7 +776,7 @@ venezuela common da Venezuela
version common da Version
viet nam common da Viet Nam
view common da Se
view this linked entry in its application common da se det linkede emne i dets program
view this linked entry in its application common da Se det linkede emne i dets program
virgin islands, british common da Jomfru Øer, De Britiske
virgin islands, u.s. common da Jomfru Øer, De Amerikanske
wallis and futuna common da Wallis og Futuna
@ -775,8 +787,8 @@ when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in th
which groups common da Hvilke grupper
width common da Bredde
wk common da Uge
work email common da arbejds e-mail
writing common da skriver
work email common da Arbejds e-mail
writing common da Skriver
written by: common da Skrevet af:
year common da År
yemen common da Yemen
@ -795,7 +807,7 @@ you have successfully logged out common da Du har logget ud
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common da Din konto er blevet opdateret med nye data fra din identitetsudbyder.
your browser is not up-to-date (javascript es6 compatible), you may experience some of the features not working. common da Din browser er ikke opdateret (JavaScript ES6-kompatibel), du kan opleve, at nogle af funktionerne ikke virker.
your key has been restored successfully. common da Din nøgle er blevet gendannet med succes.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common da Din besked kunne <b>ikke</b> sendes!
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common da Din besked kunne <b>ikke</b> sendes!<br>
your message has been sent common da Din besked er afsendt
your password does not have required strength of %1 character classes and minimum length of %2 characters. common da Din adgangskode har ikke den krævede styrke på %1 tegnklasser og en minimumslængde på %2 tegn.
your password does not have required strength: common da Din adgangskode har ikke den krævede styrke:
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
%1 email addresses inserted common el %1 διευθύνσεις email εισήχθησαν
%1 email(s) added into %2 common el %1 email(s) που προστέθηκαν στο %2
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common el %1 δεν είναι εκτελέσιμο από τον webserver !!!
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common el %1 δεν είναι εκτελέσιμο από τον webserver!
%1 more %2 selected ... common el %1 περισσότερα %2 επιλεγμένα...
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common el %1Επιλέξτε έναν άλλο κατάλογο%2<br />ή κάντε %3 εγγράψιμο από τον webserver
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common el %1Επιλέξτε έναν άλλο κατάλογο%2<br>ή κάντε %3 εγγράψιμο από τον webserver
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common el %1EGroupware%2 είναι ένα multi-user, web-based groupware suite γραμμένο σε %3PHP%4.
'%1' copied to clipboard common el '%1' αντιγράφεται στο πρόχειρο
'%1' is not a valid json file! common el Το '%1' δεν είναι έγκυρο αρχείο JSON
@ -152,12 +152,12 @@ central african republic common el ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗΣ ΑΦ
chad common el ΤΣΑΝΤ
change common el Αλλαγή
changed common el Έγινε αλλαγή
charset common el utf-8
charset common el Σετ χαρακτήρων
check all common el Έλεγχος όλων
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common el Έλεγχος για κενές τιμές σε δηλώσεις IF. Παράδειγμα {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - Εάν το url δεν είναι κενό, γράφει "Ιστοσελίδα:"
check installation common el Ελεγχος εγκατάστασης
check now common el Έλεγχος τώρα
checkbox common el Checkbox
checkbox common el Κουτάκι ελέγχου
chile common el ΧΙΛΗ
china common el ΚΙΝΑ
choose a background color common el Επιλέξτε ένα χρώμα φόντου
@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ choose the category common el Επιλέξτε κατηγορία
choose the default filename for merged documents. preferences el Επιλέξτε το προεπιλεγμένο όνομα αρχείου για τα συγχωνευμένα έγγραφα.
choose the parent category common el Επιλέξτε γονική κατηγορία
christmas island common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ
class common el Class
class, valign common el Vlass, Valign
clear common el Εκκαθάριση
clear form common el Εκκαθάριση Φόρμας
click common el Κάντε κλικ
@ -179,6 +181,7 @@ click or mouse over to show menus? common el Κλικ ή mouse over για εμ
close common el Κλείσιμο
close sidebox common el Κλείσιμο μενού
cocos (keeling) islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΚΟΚΟΣ (ΚΙΛΙΓΚ)
code common el Code
colombia common el ΚΟΛΟΜΒΙΑ
colour common el Χρώμα
comment common el Σχόλιο
@ -189,9 +192,11 @@ confirm common el Επιβεβαίωση
congo common el ΚΟΝΓΚΟ
congo, the democratic republic of the common el ΚΟΝΓΚΟ, ΟΜΟΣΠΟΝΔΙΑΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ
contact common el Επαφή
contact fields common el Πεδία επικοινωνίας
contacting server... common el Επικοινωνία με τον Server
contains common el περιέχει
contains common el Περιέχει
cook islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΚΟΥΚ
cookies are required to login to this site login el Για τη σύνδεση σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο απαιτούνται cookies
copy common el Αντιγραφή
copy "%1" common el Αντιγραφή "%1"
copy of: common el Αντίγραφο του:
@ -201,12 +206,15 @@ costa rica common el ΚΟΣΤΑ ΡΙΚΑ
cote d ivoire common el ΑΚΤΗ ΕΛΕΦΑΝΤΟΣΤΟΥ
could not contact server. operation timed out! common el Δεν κατέστει δυνατή η επικοινωνία με τον Server.
create common el Δημιουργία
create a new table for the application common el Δημιουργία νέου πίνακα για την εφαρμογή
create directory common el Δημιουργία φακέλου
create link common el Δημιουργία συνδέσμου
created common el Δημιουργήθηκε το
created by common el Δημιουργία από
created by %1 common el Δημιουργήθηκε από %1
croatia common el ΚΡΟΑΤΙΑ
css-class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = nextmatch header, 'nmr' = alternating nm row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' nm rows common el CSS class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = NextMatch header, 'nmr' = alternating NM row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' NM rows
css-class name for this row, preset: 'th' = header, 'row' = alternating row, 'row_off'+'row_on' rows common el CSS class name for this row, preset: 'th' = header, 'row' = alternating row, 'row_off'+'row_on' rows
cuba common el ΚΟΥΒΑ
currency common el Νόμισμα
current common el Τρέχων
@ -216,6 +224,8 @@ custom fields common el Προσαρμοσμένα πεδία
cyprus common el ΚΥΠΡΟΣ
czech republic common el ΤΣΕΧΙΑ
dark mode common el Σκοτεινή λειτουργία
database error common el Σφάλμα βάσης δεδομένων
database error! common el Σφάλμα βάσης δεδομένων!
date common el Ημερομηνία
date + time common el Ημερομηνία + Ώρα
date due common el Ημερομηνία ολοκλήρωσης
@ -230,7 +240,7 @@ default document to insert entries preferences el Προεπιλεγμένο έ
default height for the windows common el Προεπιλεγμένο ύψος για τα παράθυρα
default width for the windows common el Προεπιλεγμένο πλάτος για τα παράθυρα
delete common el Διαγραφή
delete a single entry by passing the id. common el Διαγραφή μιας καταχώρησης με εισαγωγή του id.
delete a single entry by passing the id. common el Διαγραφή μιας καταχώρησης με εισαγωγή του ID.
delete category common el Διαγραφή κατηγορίας
delete row common el Διαγραφή σειράς
delete this entry common el δαγραφή αυτής της καταχώρησης
@ -271,15 +281,15 @@ edit avatar common el Επεξεργασία avatar
edit categories common el Επεξεργασία Κατηγοριών
edit category common el Επεξεργασία Κατηγορίας
egroupware version common el Έκδοση EGroupware
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common el EGroupware: Είσοδος μπλοκαρισμένη για το χρήστη '%1', με ip %2
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common el EGroupware: Είσοδος μπλοκαρισμένη για το χρήστη '%1', με IP %2
egypt common el ΑΙΓΥΠΤΟΣ
el salvador common el ΕΛ ΣΑΛΒΑΔΟΡ
email common el Ε-Μail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common el e-mail του χρήστη π.χ. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common el E-mail του χρήστη π.χ. "%1"
enabled common el Ενεργοποιημένο
end date common el Ημερομηνία παράδοσης
end time common el Ώρα παράδοσης
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin el Εισάγετε τη θέση του EGroupware URL.<br>Παράδειγμα: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>Χωρίς δεξιά παύλα στο τέλος</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin el Εισάγετε τη θέση του EGroupware URL.<br>Παράδειγμα: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>Χωρίς δεξιά παύλα στο τέλος</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common el Η καταχώρηση διαγράφηκε επιτυχώς
entry updated sucessfully common el Η καταχώρηση ενημερώθηκε επιτυχώς
equatorial guinea common el ΙΣΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ ΓΟΥΪΝΕΑ
@ -299,12 +309,14 @@ faroe islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΦΕΡΟΕ
fax number common el Αριθμός Fax
features of the editor? common el Χαρακτηριστικά του συντάκτη
february common el Φεβρουάριος
field must not be empty !!! common el Το πεδίο δεν πρέπει να μείνει κενό !!!
field must not be empty !!! common el Το πεδίο δεν πρέπει να μείνει κενό!
fields common el Πεδία
fiji common el ΦΙΤΖΙ
file common el Αρχείο
file a file common el Αποθήκευση αρχείου
file too large. maximum %1 common el Πολύ μεγάλο αρχείο. Μέγιστο %1
files common el Αρχεία
files without content in physical filesystem will be removed. admin el Αρχεία χωρίς περιεχόμενο στο φυσικό σύστημα αρχείων θα αφαιρεθούν.
fileupload common el Ανέβασμα αρχείου
filter common el Φίλτρο
finland common el ΦΙΛΑΝΔΙΑ
@ -314,6 +326,7 @@ first page common el Αρχική σελίδα
firstname common el Ονομα
fixme! common el Διόρθωσέ με!
folder already exists. common el Ο φάκελος υπάρχει ήδη
for more than one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat! preferences el Χρησιμοποιήστε την ετικέτα επανάληψη σελίδας για περισσότερες από μία επαφές σε ένα έγγραφο!
force selectbox common el Εξανάγκασε Επιλογή κουτιού
formatted business address common el Διαμορφωμένη επαγγελματική διεύθυνση
formatted private address common el Διαμορφωμένη ιδιωτική διεύθυνση
@ -349,6 +362,7 @@ group has been deleted common el Η ομάδα διαγράφηκε
group has been updated common el Η ομάδα ανανεώθηκε
group name common el όνομα ομάδας
group public common el Δημόσια Ομάδα
groupdav common el Συγχρονισμός CalDAV / CardDAV
groups common el Ομάδες
groups with permission for %1 common el Ομάδες με άδεια για %1
groups without permission for %1 common el Ομάδες χωρίς άδεια για %1
@ -359,6 +373,7 @@ guinea common el ΓΟΥΪΝΕΑ
guinea-bissau common el ΓΟΥΪΝΕΑ-ΜΠΙΣΩ
guyana common el ΓΟΥΪΑΝΑ
haiti common el ΑΪΤΗ
hbox common el HBox
heard island and mcdonald islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΧΕΡΝΤ & ΜΑΚΝΤΟΝΑΛΝΤ
height common el Ύψος
help common el Βοήθεια
@ -375,10 +390,12 @@ hong kong common el ΧΟΝΓΚ ΚΟΝΓΚ
hours common el Ωρες
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav el Πόσες ημέρες θα συγχρονιστούν στο μέλλον (προεπιλογή %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav el Πόσες ημέρες για συγχρονισμό στο παρελθόν (προεπιλογή %1)
how many entries should the list show common el Πόσες εγγραφές πρέπει να εμφανίζει ο κατάλογος
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common el Πόσες εικόνες θα εμφανίζονται στη μπάρα πλοήγησης (κορυφή της σελίδας). Οι επιπλέον εικόνες μπαίνουν σ' ένα είδος pulldown menu, και ανακτώνται από το εικονίδιο στην τέρμα δεξιά πλευρά του μενού πλοήγησης.
how many rows to print common el Πόσες γραμμές θα εκτυπωθούν
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common el Πώς να εμφανίζεται το γενικό μενού EGroupware
html common el HTML
html link to the current record common el Σύνδεσμος HTML με την τρέχουσα εγγραφή
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common el Σύνδεσμοι HTML για όλες τις καταχωρήσεις που συνδέονται με την τρέχουσα εγγραφή, εκτός από τα συνημμένα αρχεία
hungary common el ΟΥΓΓΑΡΙΑ
iceland common el ΙΣΛΑΝΔΙΑ
@ -390,6 +407,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common el Εά
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common el Κατάλογος εικόνας σχετικός με τη ρίζα εγγράφου (χρήση /!), π.χ.:
image url common el Εικόνα URL
import common el Εισαγωγή
import xml common el Εισαγωγή XML
include access to any linked files (links tab) common el Συμπεριλάβετε την πρόσβαση σε όλα τα συνδεδεμένα αρχεία (καρτέλα Σύνδεσμοι)
india common el ΙΝΔΙΑ
indonesia common el ΙΝΔΟΝΗΣΙΑ
@ -440,6 +458,7 @@ korea, republic of common el ΚΟΡΕΑ, ΝΟΤΙΑ
kuwait common el ΚΟΥΒΕΪΤ
kyrgyzstan common el ΚΥΡΓΥΣΤΑΝ
label common el Ετικέττα
label:[bold][italic] text:[len][,max] numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] t.area:[rows][,cols] radiob.:value h.rule:[width] templ.:[indexincontent] select:[multiselect] date:[values: eg. 'y-m-d'] common el Label:[bold][italic] Text:[len][,max] Numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] T.area:[rows][,cols] Radiob.:value H.Rule:[width] Templ.:[IndexInContent] Select:[multiselect] Date:[values: eg. 'Y-m-d']
language common el Γλώσσα
language_direction_rtl common el γλώσσα_κατεύθυνση_rtl
lao peoples democratic republic common el ΛΑΟΣ
@ -453,6 +472,7 @@ latvia common el ΛΕΤΟΝΙΑ
ldap-mgr common el LDAP-Διαχειριστής
lebanon common el ΛΙΒΑΝΟΣ
left common el Αριστερά
length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 common el Length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8
lesotho common el ΛΕΣΟΤΟ
liberia common el ΛΙΒΕΡΙΑ
libyan arab jamahiriya common el ΛΙΒΥΚΑ ΑΡΑΒΙΚΑ ΕΜΙΡΑΤΑ
@ -461,6 +481,9 @@ liechtenstein common el ΛΙΧΤΕΝΣΤΑΪΝ
light mode common el Φωτεινή λειτουργία
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common el Γραμμή 1: '%2'<br>csv δεδομένα δεν αντιστοιχούν με τη στήλη-αρίθμηση τραπεζιού %3 ==>αγνοήθηκε</b>
link common el Σύνδεσμος
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download currently attached version of files common el Ο σύνδεσμος επισυνάπτεται στην αλληλογραφία επιτρέποντας στους παραλήπτες να κατεβάσουν την τρέχουσα επισυναπτόμενη έκδοση των αρχείων
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download or modify up to date version of files (epl only) common el Ο σύνδεσμος επισυνάπτεται στην αλληλογραφία που επιτρέπει στους παραλήπτες να κατεβάζουν ή να τροποποιούν την ενημερωμένη έκδοση των αρχείων (μόνο EPL)
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download up to date version of files common el Ο σύνδεσμος επισυνάπτεται στην αλληλογραφία που επιτρέπει στους παραλήπτες να κατεβάζουν την ενημερωμένη έκδοση των αρχείων
list common el Λίστα
list members common el Μέλη λίστας
lithuania common el ΛΙΘΟΥΑΝΙΑ
@ -567,17 +590,24 @@ oman common el ΟΜΑΝ
on *nix systems please type: %1 common el Σε *nix συστήματα πληκτρολογίστε: %1
on mouse over common el Με mouse over
only private common el μόνο ιδιωτικά
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav el Υποστηρίζεται μόνο από λίγους πλήρως συμμορφούμενους πελάτες (π.χ. από την Apple). Εάν πρέπει να εισαγάγετε μια διεύθυνση URL, το πιθανότερο είναι ότι δεν θα υποστηρίζεται!
only yours common el μόνο δικά σας
open common el ανοικτά
open common el Άνοιγμα
open existing contact common el Άνοιγμα υπάρχουσας επαφής
open notify window common el Ανοιξε το παράθυρο ειδοποίησης
open popup window common el Ανοιξε το εκτινασσόμενο παράθυρο
open sidebox common el Άνοιγμα μενού
open the online help. common el Άνοιγμα της ηλεκτρονικής βοήθειας
operator common el Χειριστής
optional note about the link common el Προαιρετική σημείωση για σύνδεσμο
options common el Επιλογές
or common el ή
order to navigating by tab key through the form common el Τάξη για πλοήγηση με το πλήκτρο καρτέλας μέσα στη φόρμα
original common el Αρχικός
other common el Αλλο
overview common el Επισκόπηση
owner common el Ιδιοκτήτης
ownership common el Ιδιοκτησία
page common el Σελίδα
page was generated in %1 seconds common el Η σελίδα δημιουργήθηκε σε %1 δευτερόλεπτα
pakistan common el ΠΑΚΙΣΤΑΝ
@ -594,7 +624,7 @@ password has been updated common el Ο κωδικός ενημερώθηκε
password must contain at least %1 numbers common el Ο κωδικός πρέπει να περιέχει τουλάχιστον %1 αριθμούς
password must contain at least %1 special characters common el Ο κωδικός πρέπει να περιέχει τουλάχιστον %1 ειδικούς χαρακτήρες
password must have at least %1 characters common el Ο κωδικός πρέπει να περιέχει τουλάχιστον %1 χαρακτήρες
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common el Η διαδρομή του χρήστη και των αρχείων ομάδας ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΚΤΟΣ του webserver document-root!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common el Η διαδρομή του χρήστη και των αρχείων ομάδας ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΚΤΟΣ του webserver document-root!
permission denied! common el Άδεια απορρίπτεται!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common el Άδεια απορρίπτεται! Αυτή είναι μια λειτουργία μόνο για διαχειριστές.
permissions to the files/users directory common el δικαιώματα για τον κατάλογο αρχείων/χρηστών
@ -612,7 +642,8 @@ placeholders common el Καταχωρητής
play/pause common el Възпроизвеждане/пауза
please %1 by hand common el Παρακαλώ %1 με το χέρι
please enter a name common el Παρακαλώ εισάγετε όνομα
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common el Επαναφορτώστε την επιφάνεια εργασίας του EGroupware (F5 / Cmd+r).
please enter table-name first !!! common el Εισάγετε πρώτα το όνομα του τραπεζιού!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common el Επαναφορτώστε την επιφάνεια εργασίας του EGroupware (F5 / Cmd+R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common el Παρακαλούμε θυμηθείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε το '%1' ως όνομα χρήστη για τοπικές συνδέσεις από εδώ και στο εξής!
please run setup to become current common el Παρακαλώ τρέξτε το setup για να γίνετε έγκυρος
please select common el Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε
@ -621,11 +652,14 @@ please set your preferences for this application common el Παρακαλώ ορ
please type %1 more characters common el Παρακαλώ πληκτρολογήστε %1 επιπλέον χαρακτήρα(-ους)
please type 1 more character common el Παρακαλώ πληκτρολογήστε 1 επιπλέον χαρακτήρα
please wait... common el Παρακαλώ περιμένετε
please, check back with us shortly. common el Παρακαλώ, επισκεφθείτε μας ξανά σύντομα.
poland common el ΠΟΛΩΝΙΑ
portugal common el ΠΟΡΤΟΓΑΛΙΑ
postal common el Ταχυδρομικός
preference common el Предпочитания
preferences common el Επιλογές
preferences for the %1 template set preferences el Προτιμήσεις για το σύνολο προτύπων %1
preview with entry common el Προεπισκόπηση με καταχώρηση
previous page common el Προηγούμενη σελίδα
primary group common el Κυρίως ομάδα
primary style-sheet: common el Αρχικός τύπος φύλλου
@ -634,17 +668,23 @@ priority common el Προτεραιότητα
private common el Προσωπικό
programs common el Προγράμματα
project common el Προβολή
properties common el Ιδιότητες
protocol is required common el Απαιτείται πρωτόκολλο
public common el κοινόχρηστο
puerto rico common el ΠΟΥΕΡΤΟ ΡΙΚΟ
qatar common el ΚΑΤΑΡ
quick add common el Γρήγορη προσθήκη
radiobutton common el Ραδιόφωνο
read common el Ανάγνωση
read a list of entries. common el Ανάγνωση λίστας καταχωρήσεων
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common el Ανάγνωση μεμονωμένης καταχώρησης με εισαγωγή id και λίστας πεδίων
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common el Ανάγνωση μεμονωμένης καταχώρησης με εισαγωγή ID και λίστας πεδίων
read this list of methods. common el Ανάγνωση λίστας μεθόδων
reading common el ανάγνωση
readonly common el μόνο ανάγνωση
regular common el Κανονικό
reject common el Απόρριψη
remember me common el Να με θυμάστε
remember me for %1 common el Να με θυμάστε για το %1
remove selected accounts common el Αφαίρεση επιλεγμένων λογαριασμών
remove shortcut common el Αφαίρεση Συντόμευσης
remove this link (not the entry itself) common el Αφαιρέστε το σύνδεσμο (όχι την ίδια την καταχώρηση)
@ -652,6 +692,9 @@ rename common el Μετονομασία
repeat password common el Επανάληψη κωδικού πρόσβασης
replace common el Αντικατάσταση
replace with common el Αντικατάσταση με
request could not be processed, please reload your window (press f5 or cmd r)! common el Το αίτημα δεν μπόρεσε να επεξεργαστεί, παρακαλούμε επαναφορτώστε το παράθυρό σας (πατήστε F5 ή Cmd+R)!
requested resource '%1' does not exist or has expired common el Ο ζητούμενος πόρος '%1' δεν υπάρχει ή έχει λήξει
required directory "%1" not found! admin el Δεν βρέθηκε ο απαιτούμενος φάκελος "%1"!
reset common el Επανακαθορισμός
resources common el Πόροι
returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common el Επιστρέφει πλήρη λίστα λογαριασμών στο σύστημα. Προειδοποίηση: η λίστα μπορεί να είναι αρκετά μεγάλη
@ -672,9 +715,11 @@ san marino common el ΣΑΝ ΜΑΡΙΝΟ
sao tome and principe common el ΣΑΟ ΤΟΜΕ & ΠΡΙΝΣΙΠΕ
saturday common el Σάββατο
saudi arabia common el ΣΑΟΥΔΙΚΗ ΑΡΑΒΙΑ
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common el Savant2 έκδοση διαφέρει από Savant2 περιτύλιγμα. <br/>Αυτή η έκδοση:%1 <br/>Έκδοση Savant:%2
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common el Savant2 έκδοση διαφέρει από Savant2 περιτύλιγμα. <br>Αυτή η έκδοση:%1 <br>Έκδοση Savant:%2
save common el Αποθήκευση
save all common el Αποθήκευση όλων
save as common el Αποθήκευση ως
save as zip common el Αποθήκευση ως ZIP
saved column sizes to preferences. common el Αποθηκευμένα μεγέθη στηλών στις προτιμήσεις.
search common el Αναζήτηση
search %1 '%2' common el Αναζήτηση %1 '%2'
@ -714,6 +759,7 @@ seychelles common el ΣΕΫΧΕΛΛΕΣ
share common el Μοιραστείτε το
share as readonly, but allow uploads. uploads are hidden, and only accessable by those with an account common el Κοινή χρήση ως μόνο για ανάγνωση, αλλά επιτρέψτε τις μεταφορτώσεις. Οι μεταφορτώσεις είναι κρυφές και προσβάσιμες μόνο από όσους έχουν λογαριασμό
share filemanager directory common el Φάκελος διαχείρισης αρχείων
share files common el Κοινή χρήση αρχείων
share just the associated filemanager directory, not the %1 common el Κοινή χρήση μόνο του σχετικού φακέλου filemanager, όχι του %1
share this %1 via url common el Κοινή χρήση αυτού του %1 μέσω URL
show common el Εμφάνιση
@ -753,17 +799,20 @@ start time common el Ωρα έναρξης
start with common el έναρξη με
starting up... common el Εκκίνηση...
status common el Κατάσταση
store your public key in addressbook? common el Αποθηκεύετε το δημόσιο κλειδί σας στο βιβλίο διευθύνσεων;
stretched common el εκτεταμένο
subject common el Θέμα
submit common el Υποβολή
substitutions and their meanings: common el Αντικαταστάσεις και οι έννοιές τους:
sudan common el ΣΟΥΔΑΝ
suggest password common el Πρόταση κωδικού πρόσβασης
sunday common el Κυριακή
suriname common el ΣΟΥΡΙΝΑΜ
svalbard and jan mayen common el ΣΒΑΛΜΠΑΡΝΤ & ΓΙΑΝ ΜΕΪΓΕΝ
swaziland common el ΖΟΥΑΖΙΛΑΝΔΗ
sweden common el ΣΟΥΗΔΙΑ
switzerland common el ΕΛΒΕΤΙΑ
sync all selected into one groupdav el Συγχρονισμός όλων των επιλεγμένων σε ένα
syrian arab republic common el ΣΥΡΙΑ
table properties common el Ιδιότητες πίνακα
taiwan common el ΤΑΪΒΑΝ/ΤΑΪΠΕΪ
@ -774,6 +823,7 @@ text color: common el Χρώμα κειμένου:
thailand common el ΤΑΪΛΑΝΔΗ
the following applications require upgrades common el Οι παρακάτω εφαρμογές χρειάζονται αναβάθμιση
the mail server returned common el Ο διακομιστής email επέστρεψε
this feature is only available in epl version. common el Αυτή η λειτουργία είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο στην έκδοση EPL.
this name has been used already common el Το όνομα ήδη χρησιμοποιείται
thursday common el Πέμπτη
time common el Ωρα
@ -782,16 +832,26 @@ time zone offset common el Μετακίνηση χρονικής ζώνης
title common el Τίτλος
to common el Προς:
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common el Για να διορθωθεί αυτό το λάθος πρέπει να ορίσετε το
to disable: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disables if content of data is empty common el To disable: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disables if content of data is empty
to examine or reinstate inactived files, you might need to turn versioning on. admin el Για να εξετάσετε ή να επαναφέρετε ανενεργά αρχεία, ίσως χρειαστεί να ενεργοποιήσετε την έκδοση.
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common el Για να επιστρέψετε στη λίστα μηνυμάτων, κάντε κλικ <a href="%1">εδώ</a>
to start the db-tools common el Για να ξεκινήσετε τα εργαλεία DB
to start the etemplate editor common el Εκκίνηση του επεξεργαστή eTemplate
to start the search common el Για να ξεκινήσετε την αναζήτηση
today common el Σήμερα
todays date, eg. "%1" common el σημερινή ημερομηνία, π.χ. "%1"
togo common el ΤΟΓΚΟ
tokelau common el ΤΟΚΕΛΑΟΥ
tonga common el ΤΟΝΓΚΑ
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common el Επιλέχθηκαν πάρα πολλές γραμμές.<br>Επιλέξτε όλες ή λιγότερες από %1 γραμμές
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common el Πολλές αποτυχημένες προσπάθειες για είσοδο: %1 από το χρήστη '%2', %3 με ΙΡ %4
top common el Κορυφή
total common el Σύνολο
total: %1 successful: %2 failed: %3 skipped: %4 common el Σύνολο: %1 Επιτυχής: %2 Αποτυχημένη: %3 Παραλείπεται: %4
transparant bg for the icons? common el Διαφανές bg για τα εικονίδια
tree common el Δέντρο
trinidad and tobago common el ΤΡΙΝΙΤΑΝΤ & ΤΟΜΠΑΚΟ
tu common el Tu
tuesday common el Τρίτη
tunisia common el ΤΥΝΗΣΙΑ
turkey common el ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ
@ -810,6 +870,7 @@ unknown common el Αγνωστο
unlink common el Αποσύνδεση
update common el Ανανέωση
update a single entry by passing the fields. common el Ενημέρωση συγκεκριμένης καταχώρησης εισάγωντας τα πεδία
update from version '%s' to common el Ενημέρωση από την έκδοση '%s' σε
update the clock per minute or per second common el Ενημέρωση του ρολογιού ανά λεπτό ή ανά δευτερόλεπτο
upload common el Φόρτωμα
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common el Ο κατάλογος φόρτωσης δεν υπάρχει, ή δεν είναι εγγράψιμος από τον webserver
@ -846,7 +907,7 @@ which groups common el Ποιές ομάδες
whole query common el ολόκληρη απορία
width common el Πλάτος
wk common el Εβδ
work email common el email εργασίας
work email common el Email εργασίας
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common el Θα θέλατε βα εμφανίζεται η σελίδα δημιουργίας της ώρας στο κάτω μέρος κάθε παραθύρου;
writing common el εγγραφή
written by: common el Γραμμένο από:
@ -5,27 +5,27 @@
%1 email addresses inserted common en %1 email addresses inserted.
%1 email(s) added into %2 common en %1 email(s) added into %2
%1 entries found, select one ... common en %1 entries found, select one ...
%1 etemplates deleted common en %1 eTemplates deleted.
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' common en %1 eTemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3'
%1 etemplates found common en %1 eTemplates found.
%1 etemplates deleted common en %1 eTemplate(s) deleted.
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' common en %1 eTemplate(s) for application '%2' dumped to '%3'
%1 etemplates found common en %1 eTemplate(s) found.
%1 file common en %1 file
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common en %1 is not executable by the web server!
%1 matches on search criteria common en %1 matches on search criteria
%1 more %2 selected ... common en %1 more %2 selected...
%1 more... common en %1 more...
%1 more %2 selected ... common en %1 more %2 selected ...
%1 more... common en %1 more ...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common en %1 new eTemplates imported for application '%2'
%1 not implemented for %2! common en %1 not implemented for %2!
%1 proxy of %2 common en %1 proxy of %2
%1 setting "%2" = %3 disallows access via http! admin en %1 setting "%2" = %3 disallows access via http!
%1 to sync groupdav en %1 to sync
%1, duplicate id common en %1, duplicate ID
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common en %1Choose an other folder%2<br />or make %3 writable by web server.
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common en %1Choose an other folder%2<br>or make %3 writable by web server.
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common en %1EGroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3PHP%4.
%s disabled common en %s disabled
%s needed common en %s needed
%s notranslation common en %s NoTranslation
%s onchange common en %s onChange
%s readonly common en %s readonly
%s onchange common en %s onchange
%s readonly common en %s read-only
'%1' copied to clipboard common en '%1' copied to clipboard
'%1' has an invalid format common en '%1' has an invalid format
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common en '%1' has an invalid format!
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
'%1' is not a valid json file! common en '%1' is not a valid JSON file
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common en '%1' is not a valid timezone!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common en '%1' is NOT allowed ('%2')!
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common en '%1' is NOT allowed%2)!
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common en '%1' is NOT allowed (%2)!
(session restored in %1 seconds) common en Session restored in %1 seconds.
00 (disable) admin en 00 (disable)
1 day common en 1 day
@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ account is expired common en Account is expired.
accounts common en Accounts
acl common en ACL
action common en Action
action when category is an email address groupdav en Action when category is an EMail address
action when category is an email address groupdav en Action when category is an email address
actions common en Actions
actions... common en Actions...
actions... common en Actions ...
active common en Active
active directory requires ssl or tls to change passwords! common en Active directory requires SSL or TLS to change passwords!
active directory requires ssl or tls to change passwords! common en Active Directory requires SSL or TLS to change passwords!
add common en Add
add %1 common en Add %1
add %1 category for common en Add %1 category for
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ all operations save the template! common en All operations save the template!
all users common en All users
allow editing the %1 common en Allow editing the %1
allowed file type: %1 common en Allowed file type: %1
allows to modify responsible users from devices not supporting them, by setting email address of a user as category. groupdav en Allows to modify responsible users from devices not supporting them, by setting EMail address of a user as category.
allows to modify responsible users from devices not supporting them, by setting email address of a user as category. groupdav en Allows to modify responsible users from devices not supporting them, by setting email address of a user as category.
alt common en Alt
alternate style-sheet: common en Alternate style sheet:
am common en am
@ -174,16 +174,14 @@ author common en Author
autohide sidebox menu's common en Autohide side menu
autohide sidebox menus common en Autohide side menu
automatic update check failed, you need to check manually! common en Automatic update check failed, you need to check manually!
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common en Automatically hide the side menu?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common en Automatically hide the side menu?
automatically refresh list common en Automatically refresh list
autosave default category common en Auto-save default category.
avatar common en Avatar
azerbaijan common en AZERBAIJAN
back common en Back
back to user login common en Back to user login
backcolor common en Backcolor
background color: common en Background color:
backcolor common en Backcolour
background color: common en Background colour:
backup key common en Backup Key
backup/restore common en Backup/Restore
backup/restore ... common en Backup/Restore ...
@ -195,7 +193,7 @@ bangladesh common en BANGLADESH
barbados common en BARBADOS
baseline common en Baseline
bcc common en Bcc
before proceeding further, we do highly recommend you to watch this short video, to see how mailvelope plugin works with egroupware. common en Before proceeding further, we do highly recommend you to watch this short video, to see how mailvelope plugin works with EGroupware.
before proceeding further, we do highly recommend you to watch this short video, to see how mailvelope plugin works with egroupware. common en Before proceeding further, we do highly recommend you to watch this short video, to see how Mailvelope plugin works with EGroupware.
belarus common en BELARUS
belgium common en BELGIUM
belize common en BELIZE
@ -214,7 +212,7 @@ botswana common en BOTSWANA
bottom common en Bottom
bouvet island common en BOUVET ISLAND
box common en Box
box... common en Box...
box... common en Box ...
brazil common en BRAZIL
british indian ocean territory common en BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
broken link common en Broken link
@ -239,8 +237,8 @@ cannot set this cat as its own parent! common en Can not set this category as it
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common en Can't delete a single widget from a grid!
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common en Can't delete the only column of a grid!
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! common en Can't delete the only row in a grid!
cant open %1, needs ziparchive common en Cant open %1, needs ZIP archive
cant open '%1' for %2 common en Cant open '%1' for %2
cant open %1, needs ziparchive common en Can't open %1, needs PHP ZipArchive
cant open '%1' for %2 common en Can't open '%1' for %2
cape verde common en CAPE VERDE
caption common en Caption
categories common en Categories
@ -262,7 +260,7 @@ chad common en CHAD
change common en Change
change owner common en Change Owner
changed common en Changed
charset common en utf-8
charset common en Charset
check all common en Check all
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common en Check for empty values in IF statements. Example {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - If url is not empty, writes "Website:"
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common en Should content be displayed only, but not altered.
@ -272,20 +270,20 @@ check now common en Check now
checkbox common en Checkbox
chile common en CHILE
china common en CHINA
choose a background color common en Choose a background color
choose a background color for the icons common en Choose a background color for the icons
choose a background color common en Choose a background colour
choose a background color for the icons common en Choose a background colour for the icons
choose a background image. common en Choose a background image
choose a background style. common en Choose a background style
choose a text color for the icons common en Choose a text color for the icons
choose file... common en Choose file...
choose a text color for the icons common en Choose a text colou for the icons
choose file... common en Choose file ...
choose the category common en Choose the category
choose the default filename for merged documents. preferences en Choose the default filename for merged documents.
choose the parent category common en Choose the parent category
choose time common en Choose Time
choose time common en Choose time
chosen parent category no longer exists common en Chosen parent category no longer exists
christmas island common en CHRISTMAS ISLAND
class common en Class
class, valign common en Vlass, Valign
class, valign common en Class, Valign
clear common en Clear
clear form common en Clear form
clear window common en Clear window
@ -298,7 +296,7 @@ click here to upload the file common en Upload the file
click or mouse over to show menus common en Click or mouse over to show menus.
click or mouse over to show menus? common en Click or mouse over to show menus.
click this image on the navbar: %1 common en Click this image on the navbar: %1
click to open colorpicker common en Click to open colorpicker
click to open colorpicker common en Click to open colourpicker
click to order after that criteria common en Order after criteria
clickable path common en Clickable path
clients not explicitly stating a limit get limited to these many days. a too high limit may cause problems with some clients. groupdav en Clients not explicitly stating a limit get limited to these many days. A too high limit may cause problems with some clients.
@ -311,7 +309,7 @@ collection empty. common en Collection empty.
collection listing common en Collection listing
colombia common en COLOMBIA
colour common en Colour
column... common en Column...
column... common en Column ...
columnname common en Column name
columns to print common en Columns to print
command ⌘ common en Command ⌘
@ -328,7 +326,7 @@ congo, the democratic republic of the common en CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC O
contact common en Contact
contact field to show common en Contact field to show
contact fields common en Contact fields
contacting server... common en Contacting server...
contacting server... common en Contacting server ...
contains common en Contains
content type common en Content type
cook islands common en COOK ISLANDS
@ -363,7 +361,7 @@ current common en Current
current users common en Current users
custom common en Custom
custom fields common en Custom fields
custom javascript for onchange common en Custom JavaScript for onChange
custom javascript for onchange common en Custom JavaScript for onchange
cut common en Cut
cyprus common en CYPRUS
czech republic common en CZECH REPUBLIC
@ -422,19 +420,14 @@ denmark common en DENMARK
description common en Description
detail common en Detail
details common en Details
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common en Disable the execution a bugfix script for Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in .png images?
direction left to right common en Direction left to right
directory common en Folder
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common en Directory does not exist, is not readable by the web server or is not relative to the document root!
directory for storing merged documents preferences en Folder for storing merged documents
directory with documents to insert entries preferences en Folder with documents to insert entries
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common en Disable Internet Explorer png image bugfix
disable slider effects common en Disable slider effects
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common en Disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common en Disable the execution a bugfix script for Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in PNG-images.
disabled common en Disabled
discard changes common en Discard changes
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common en Displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label of the Submit button or image file name.
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common en Displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label of the submit button or image file name.
displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus common en Displayed in status line of browser if input field gets focus.
displayed in the top line of the groupbox (legend) common en Displayed in the top line of the group box (legend).
distribution lists as groups groupdav en Distribution lists as groups
@ -462,7 +455,6 @@ done common en Done
dos international common en DOS International
download common en Download
download link common en Download link
drag markers to pick a color common en Drag markers to pick a color
drop a table - this can not be undone common en Drop a table - this can NOT be undone
drop table common en Drop table
dump4setup common en Dump4Setup
@ -478,7 +470,7 @@ edit categories common en Edit categories
edit category common en Edit category
edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file common en Edit embedded CSS styles or of the applications app.css file
edit the etemplate spez. above common en Edit eTemplate
edit... common en Edit...
edit... common en Edit ...
editable templates - db-tools common en Editable Templates - DB-Tools
editable templates - delete template common en Editable Templates - Delete template
editable templates - editor common en Editable Templates - Editor
@ -500,7 +492,7 @@ email common en Email
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common en Email address of the user, eg. "%1"
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common en Embedded CSS styles, e.g. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
empty file common en Empty file
enable javascript onchange submit common en Enable JavaScript onChange submit
enable javascript onchange submit common en Enable JavaScript onchange submit
enable logging groupdav en Enable logging
enabled common en Enabled
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav en Enables logging of CalDAV/CardDAV traffic to diagnose problems with devices.
@ -508,8 +500,8 @@ end date common en End date
end time common en End time
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common en Enter '' for an empty default, nothing means no default
enter a search pattern common en Enter a search pattern
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common en Enter file name to upload and attach, use [Browse...] to search for it
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin en Enter the location of EGroupware's URL.<br>Example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b>
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common en Enter file name to upload and attach, use [Browse ...] to search for it
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin en Enter the location of EGroupware's URL.<br>Example: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common en Enter new version number, > old_version, empty for no update file
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common en Enter new version number, has to be > old_version
enter your file name common en Enter your file name
@ -531,7 +523,7 @@ error enabling push common en Error enabling push
error renaming %1 %2 directory common en Error renaming %1 %2 folder!
error uploading file! filemanager en Error uploading file!
error: template not found !!! common en Error: Template not found!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common en Error: web server is not allowed to write into '%1' !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common en Error: web server is not allowed to write into '%1'!
error: while saving !!! common en Error while saving!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common en Error writing file, no write permission for the web server!
estonia common en ESTONIA
@ -554,7 +546,7 @@ example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value
exchange this row with the one above common en Exchange this row with the one above
exchange this two columns common en Exchange these two columns
expiration common en Expiration
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common en Export the loaded eTemplate into a xml-file
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common en Export the loaded eTemplate into a XML-file
export xml common en Export XML
extensions loaded: common en Extensions loaded:
failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2! admin en Failed to change mode of required folder "%1" to %2!
@ -600,9 +592,9 @@ folder already exists. common en Folder already exists!
fontselect common en Fontselect
fontsizeselect common en Fontsizeselect
for more than one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat! preferences en Use the tag page repeat for more than one contact in a document!
force common en force
force common en Force
force selectbox common en Force select box
forecolor common en Forecolor
forecolor common en Forecolour
foreign key common en Foreign key
forever common en Forever
formatselect common en Formatselect
@ -635,6 +627,7 @@ go to the first entry common en Go to the first entry
go to the last entry common en Go to the last entry
go to the next page of entries common en Go to the next page of entries
go to the previous page of entries common en Go to the previous page of entries
go to your home directory common en Go to your home directory
grant access common en Grant access
greece common en GREECE
greek common en Greek
@ -669,7 +662,7 @@ height common en Height
height of row (in % or pixel) common en Height of row (in % or pixel)
height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty common en Height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty
height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div common en Height of the table in % or pixels for the table tag and (optional) div
height, disabled common en Height, Disabled
height, disabled common en Height, disabled
help common en Help
high common en High
highest common en Highest
@ -697,22 +690,20 @@ html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files
hungary common en HUNGARY
iceland common en ICELAND
id common en ID
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common en ieSpell not detected. Click OK to go to download page.
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common en If field is disabled an empty table cell is displayed
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common en If the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute.
if the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver. common en If the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver.
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common en If there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences en If you specify a folder, full vfs path, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences en If you specify a document, full vfs path, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. That icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences en If you specify a folder, full VFS path, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences en If you specify a document, full VFS path, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. That icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common en If you use "2-Factor-Authentication", please enter the code here.
image common en Image
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common en Image folder relative to document root (use / !), example:
image url common en Image URL
import common en Import
import an etemplate from a xml-file common en Import an eTemplate from a xml-file
import an etemplate from a xml-file common en Import an eTemplate from a XML-file
import table-definitions from existing db-table common en Import table definitions from existing DB table
import xml common en Import XML
in order to copy to clipboard, you need to allow flash player by clicking on gray box.\nyou can permanently allow flash player for egroupware in your browser settings. common en In order to copy to clipboard, you need to allow Flash player by clicking on gray box.\nYou can permanently allow Flash player for EGroupware in your browser settings.
include access to any linked files (links tab) common en Include access to any linked files (Links tab)
increment version to not overwrite the existing template common en Increment version to not overwrite the existing template.
indent common en Indent
@ -880,7 +871,7 @@ message common en Message
message ... common en Message ...
message prepared for sending. common en Message prepared for sending.
message(s) send failed! common en Message(s) send failed!
message(s) send ok. common en Message(s) send ok.
message(s) send ok. common en Message(s) send OK.
mexico common en MEXICO
micronesia, federated states of common en MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
middle common en Middle
@ -897,7 +888,7 @@ mongolia common en MONGOLIA
montenegro common en MONTENEGRO
month common en Month
montserrat common en MONTSERRAT
moono color theme common en moono color theme
moono color theme common en moono colour theme
moono theme (default) common en moono theme (default)
more common en More
more than 1 match for '%1' common en More than 1 match for '%1'
@ -997,26 +988,27 @@ numbers common en numbers
numlist common en Numlist
october common en October
of common en of
off common en off
off common en Off
ok common en OK
old value common en Old Value
oman common en OMAN
on *nix systems please type: %1 common en On *nix systems please type: %1
on mouse over common en On mouse over
onchange common en onChange
onclick common en onClick
onchange common en onchange
onclick common en onclick
only an other version found !!! common en Other version found!
only private common en Only private
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav en Only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from Apple). If you have to enter a URL, it will most likely not be supported!
only yours common en Only yours
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common en Oops! You caught us in the middle of system maintenance.
open common en Open
open existing contact common en Open existing contact
open notify window common en Open notify window
open popup window common en Open popup window
open sidebox common en Open side box
open the online help. common en Open the online help
operator common en Operator
optional note about the link common en Optional note for Link
optional note about the link common en Optional note for link
options common en Options
or common en OR
order to navigating by tab key through the form common en Order to navigating by tab key through the form
@ -1039,7 +1031,7 @@ papua new guinea common en PAPUA NEW GUINEA
paraguay common en PARAGUAY
parcel common en Parcel
parent category common en Parent category
parent is a '%1' !!! common en Parent is a '%1' !
parent is a '%1' !!! common en Parent is a '%1'!
password common en Password
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 common en password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) common en password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long)
@ -1071,7 +1063,7 @@ play/pause common en Play/Pause
please %1 by hand common en Please %1 by hand
please enter a name common en Enter a name!
please enter table-name first !!! common en Enter table name first!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common en Please reload the EGroupware desktop (F5 / Cmd+r).
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common en Please reload the EGroupware desktop (F5 / Cmd+R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common en Please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on!
please run setup to become current common en Run setup to become current
please select common en Please select
@ -1079,7 +1071,7 @@ please set your global preferences common en Set your global preferences!
please set your preferences for this application common en Set your preferences for this application!
please type %1 more characters common en Please type %1 more character(s)
please type 1 more character common en Please type 1 more character
please wait... common en please wait...
please wait... common en Please wait ...
please, check back with us shortly. common en Please, check back with us shortly.
pm common en pm
poland common en POLAND
@ -1120,9 +1112,9 @@ read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common en Read a single ent
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common en Read eTemplate from database (for the keys above)
read this list of methods. common en Read this list of methods
reading common en Reading
readonly common en Read only
readonly filemanager directory common en Readonly filemanager folder
readonly share common en Readonly share
readonly common en Read-only
readonly filemanager directory common en Read-only filemanager folder
readonly share common en Read-only share
redo common en Redo
refresh common en Refresh
register common en Register
@ -1141,7 +1133,7 @@ rename common en Rename
repeat password common en Repeat password
replace common en Replace
replace with common en Replace with
request could not be processed, please reload your window (press f5 or cmd r)! common en Request could not be processed, please reload your window (press F5 or Cmd R)!
request could not be processed, please reload your window (press f5 or cmd r)! common en Request could not be processed, please reload your window (press F5 or Cmd+R)!
requested resource '%1' does not exist or has expired common en Requested resource '%1' does not exist or has expired
requests and full responses to files directory common en Requests and full responses to files directory
requests and truncated responses to apache error-log groupdav en Requests and truncated responses to Apache error-log
@ -1170,7 +1162,7 @@ right common en Right
romania common en ROMANIA
rotate left common en Rotate left
rotate right common en Rotate right
row... common en Row...
row... common en Row ...
rtl common en Rtl
russian common en Russian
russian federation common en RUSSIAN FEDERATION
@ -1186,7 +1178,7 @@ san marino common en SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common en SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
saturday common en Saturday
saudi arabia common en SAUDI ARABIA
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common en Savant2 version differs from Savant2 wrapper. <br/>This version: %1 <br/>Savants version: %2
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common en Savant2 version differs from Savant2 wrapper. <br>This version: %1 <br>Savants version: %2
save common en Save
save all common en Save all
save as common en Save as
@ -1207,7 +1199,7 @@ search accounts common en Search accounts
search for '%1' common en Search for '%1'
search letter common en Search letter
search or select accounts common en Search or select accounts
search... common en Search...
search... common en Search ...
searchreplace common en Searchreplace
second common en second
section common en Section
@ -1234,15 +1226,15 @@ select an table of the application common en Select application table
select application common en Select application
select application to search common en Select application to search
select category common en Select category
select color common en Select color
select color common en Select colour
select columns common en Select columns
select country common en Select country
select date common en Select date
select day common en Select day
select day of week common en Select week day
select entry common en Select entry
select file(s) from vfs common en Select file(s) from VFS
select files from filemanager ... common en Select files from Filemanager ...
select file(s) from vfs common en Select file(s) from EGroupware File Manager
select files from filemanager ... common en Select files from File Manager ...
select group common en Select group
select home email address common en Select home email address
select hour common en Select hour
@ -1255,7 +1247,7 @@ select one common en Select one
select one ... common en Select ...
select percentage common en Select percentage
select priority common en Select priority
select some options common en Select Some Options
select some options common en Select some options
select state common en Select state
select the columns to display in the list common en Select columns to display in the list
select the default height for the application windows common en Select the default height for the application windows.
@ -1276,26 +1268,26 @@ senegal common en SENEGAL
september common en September
serbia common en Serbia
server %1 has been added common en Server %1 has been added.
server answered. processing response... common en Server answered. Processing response...
server contacted. waiting for response... common en Server contacted. Waiting for response...
server answered. processing response... common en Server answered. Processing response ...
server contacted. waiting for response... common en Server contacted. Waiting for response ...
server error common en Server error
server is unwilling to perform. common en Server is unwilling to perform.
server name common en Server name
session has been killed common en Session has been killed.
set as default common en Set as default
set these columns as the default common en Set these columns as the default
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav en set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav en set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav en Set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav en Set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles
sets today as date common en Set today as date
settings saved. common en Settings saved.
setup common en Setup
setup main menu common en Setup main menu
seychelles common en SEYCHELLES
share common en Share
share as readonly, but allow uploads. uploads are hidden, and only accessable by those with an account common en Share as readonly, but allow uploads. Uploads are hidden, and only accessable by those with an account
share filemanager directory common en Filemanager folder
share as readonly, but allow uploads. uploads are hidden, and only accessable by those with an account common en Share as read-only, but allow uploads. Uploads are hidden, and only accessible by those with an account
share filemanager directory common en File Manager folder
share files common en Share files
share just the associated filemanager directory, not the %1 common en Share just the associated filemanager folder, not the %1
share just the associated filemanager directory, not the %1 common en Share just the associated File Manager folder, not the %1
share link common en Share link
share this %1 via url common en Share this %1 via URL
shift common en Shift
@ -1321,8 +1313,8 @@ show page generation time? common en Show page generation time
show password common en Show password
show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common en Show the logo of EGroupware and x-desktop on the desktop.
show values common en Show values
show/hide common en show/hide sidebar
show_more_apps common en show_more_apps
show/hide common en Show/hide sidebar
show_more_apps common en Show_more_apps
showing common en Showing
showing %1 common en showing %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common en showing %1 - %2 of %3
@ -1356,7 +1348,7 @@ start directory for image browser of rich text editor in egroupware vfs (fileman
start new search for the above pattern common en Start new search for the above pattern
start time common en Start time
start with common en Start with
starting up... common en Starting up...
starting up... common en Starting up ...
status common en Status
store your public key in addressbook? common en Store your public key in Addressbook?
stretched common en Stretched
@ -1399,12 +1391,12 @@ template common en Template
template deleted common en Template deleted.
template saved common en Template saved.
text common en Text
text color: common en Text color:
text color: common en Text colour:
textarea common en Text area
th common en Th
thailand common en THAILAND
the backup key has been deleted. common en The backup key has been deleted.
the browser popup blocker is on. please click on ok button to see the pop-up.\n\nif you would like to not see this message for the next time, allow your browser pop-up blocker to open popups from %1 common en The browser popup blocker is on. Please click on ok button to see the pop-up.\n\nIf you would like to not see this message for the next time, allow your browser pop-up blocker to open popups from %1
the browser popup blocker is on. please click on ok button to see the pop-up.\n\nif you would like to not see this message for the next time, allow your browser pop-up blocker to open popups from %1 common en The browser popup blocker is on. Please click on ok button to see the pop-up.<br>If you would like to not see this message for the next time, allow your browser pop-up blocker to open popups from %1
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). preferences en The document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data. %1Full list of placeholder names%2.
the following applications require upgrades common en The following applications require upgrades
the following document-types are supported: preferences en The following document types are supported:
@ -1412,7 +1404,7 @@ the mail server returned common en The mail server returned
there already is a system-user with this name. user's should not have the same name as a systemuser common en There already is a system user with this name. Please, select another name.
they will be sub-folders in users home (%1 attribute). common en They will be sub-folders in users home (%1 attribute).
this feature is only available in epl version. common en This feature is only available in EPL version.
this is your own share. to test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br/>%1 common en This is your own share. To test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br/>%1
this is your own share. to test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br/>%1 common en This is your own share. To test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br>%1
this name has been used already common en This name has been used already!
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) common en Text gets displayed if the input field is empty and has no focus (blur)
this will reset toolbar preferences for all users and set them to configured default prefs. common en This will reset toolbar preferences for all users and set them to configured default prefs.
@ -1436,7 +1428,7 @@ todays date, eg. "%1" common en Todays date, eg. "%1"
togo common en TOGO
tokelau common en TOKELAU
tonga common en TONGA
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common en Too many rows selected.<br />Select all, or less than %1 rows
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common en Too many rows selected.<br>Select all, or less than %1 rows
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common en Too many unsuccessful attempts to log in: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the IP %4
top common en Top
total common en Total
@ -1477,7 +1469,7 @@ update the clock per minute or per second common en Update the clock per minute
updating your account with new data from your identity provider failed! common en Updating your account with new data from your identity provider failed!
upload common en Upload
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common en Upload folder does not exist, or is not writable by web server.
upload file(s) from filemanager... common en Upload file(s) from Filemanager...
upload file(s) from filemanager... common en Upload file(s) from File Manager ...
upload new photo common en Upload new photo
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common en Upload requires the folder to be writable by the web server!
uppercase letters common en uppercase letters
@ -1499,8 +1491,8 @@ users choice common en Users choice
uzbekistan common en UZBEKISTAN
valign common en vAlign
value common en Value
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common en Value has to be at least '%1' !
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common en Value has to be maximum '%1' !
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common en Value has to be at least '%1'!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common en Value has to be maximum '%1'!
vanuatu common en VANUATU
vbox common en VBox
venezuela common en VENEZUELA
@ -1525,9 +1517,8 @@ weekend common en Weekend
welcome common en Welcome
western european common en Western european
western sahara common en WESTERN SAHARA
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common en What color should all the blank space on the desktop have?
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common en What colour should all the blank space on the desktop have?
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common en What happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides)
what style would you like the image to have? common en Image style
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences en When you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. If no folder is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1)
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common en If you say yes, the Home and Log out buttons are presented as applications in the main top application bar.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common en Where and how will the EGroupware links like Preferences, About and Log out be displayed.
@ -1546,7 +1537,7 @@ working days common en Working days
works reliable for total size up to 1-2 mb, might work for 5-10 mb, most likely to fail for >10mb common en Works reliable for total size up to 1-2 MB, might work for 5-10 MB, most likely to fail for >10MB
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common en Display the page generation time at the bottom of every window
writable common en Writable
writable filemanager directory common en Writable filemanager folder
writable filemanager directory common en Writable File Manager folder
writable share common en Writable share
write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php common en Write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php
write langfile common en Write language file
@ -1554,7 +1545,7 @@ write tables common en Write tables
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app common en Writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in Name) in the setup-dir of the app
writing common en Writing
written by: common en Written by:
xml-file to import common en Xml file to import
xml-file to import common en XML file to import
xslt template common en XSLT Template
year common en Year
yemen common en YEMEN
@ -1585,7 +1576,7 @@ you need to select some entries first! common en You need to select some entries
you need to set enable logging to "%1" to create/update a log. groupdav en You need to set enable logging to "%1" to create/update a log.
you tried to automatically size a flex column, which always takes the rest of the space common en You tried to automatically size a flex column, which always takes the rest of the space.
you will not be able to send or receive encrypted mails before completing that step! common en You will NOT be able to send or receive encrypted mails before completing that step!
you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common en You have no permission to access application %1 !
you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common en You have no permission to access application %1!
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common en Your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider.
your browser is not up-to-date (javascript es6 compatible), you may experience some of the features not working. common en Your browser is not up-to-date (JavaScript ES6 compatible), you may experience some of the features not working.
your code is incorrect !!! common en Code is incorrect!
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ backcolor common es-es Color de fondo
background color: common es-es Color de fondo:
backup key common es-es Clave de respaldo
backup/restore common es-es Respaldar/Restaurar
backup/restore ... common es-es Respaldar/Restaurar ...
backup/restore ... common es-es Respaldar/Restaurar...
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common es-es El directorio de respaldo '%1' no tiene permiso de escritura para el servidor web
bad login or password common es-es Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrectas
bahamas common es-es BAHAMAS
@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ caption common es-es Título
categories common es-es Categorías
categories for common es-es categorías para
category common es-es Categoría
category %1 has been added ! common es-es ¡Se ha añadido la categoría %1!
category %1 has been updated ! common es-es ¡Se ha actualizado la categoría %1!
category %1 has been added ! common es-es ¡Se ha añadido la categoría %1 !
category %1 has been updated ! common es-es ¡Se ha actualizado la categoría %1 !
category owner common es-es Propietario de la categoría
category tree common es-es Arbol de categorías
cayman islands common es-es Islas Caimán
@ -256,17 +256,17 @@ cellpadding for the table-tag common es-es Distancia de la etiqueta de la tabla
cells common es-es Celdas
cellspacing for the table-tag common es-es Espaciado en la celda para la etiqueta de la tabla
center common es-es Centrar
centered common es-es centrado
centered common es-es Centrado
central african republic common es-es CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
chad common es-es CHAD
change common es-es Cambiar
change owner common es-es Cambiar el propietario
changed common es-es Modificado
charset common es-es utf-8
charset common es-es Conjunto de caracteres
check all common es-es Marcar todo
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common es-es Compruebe si hay valores vacíos en las sentencias IF. Ejemplo {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - Si url no está vacío, escribe "Website:"
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common es-es Marcar si desea mostrar el contenido sin modificar (el contenido no es devuelto)
check if field has to be filled by user common es-es marcar si el campo tiene que rellenarlo el usuario
check if field has to be filled by user common es-es Marcar si el campo tiene que rellenarlo el usuario
check installation common es-es Comprobar la instalación
check now common es-es Comprobar ahora
checkbox common es-es Casilla
@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ choose the parent category common es-es Elija la categoría superior
choose time common es-es Elegir hora
chosen parent category no longer exists common es-es La categoría superior elegida ya no existe
christmas island common es-es CHRISTMAS ISLAND
class common es-es Clase
class, valign common es-es clase, posición vertical
class common es-es Class
class, valign common es-es Class, Valign
clear common es-es Limpiar
clear form common es-es Limpiar formulario
clear window common es-es Limpiar ventana
@ -299,12 +299,12 @@ click or mouse over to show menus common es-es Mostrar los menús al pulsar sobr
click or mouse over to show menus? common es-es ¿Mostrar los menús al pulsar sobre ellos o al mover el ratón por encima?
click this image on the navbar: %1 common es-es Pulse esta imagen en la barra de navegación: %1
click to open colorpicker common es-es Haga clic para abrir el selector de color
click to order after that criteria common es-es pulse para ordenar después de ese criterio
clickable path common es-es ruta pulsable
click to order after that criteria common es-es Pulse para ordenar después de ese criterio
clickable path common es-es Ruta pulsable
clients not explicitly stating a limit get limited to these many days. a too high limit may cause problems with some clients. groupdav es-es Los clientes que no indiquen explícitamente un quedan limitados a esta cantidad de días. Un límite demasiado alto puede causar problemas con algunos clientes.
close common es-es Cerrar
close sidebox common es-es Cerrar caja lateral
closes the window without saving the changes common es-es cierra la ventana sin guardar los cambios
closes the window without saving the changes common es-es Cierra la ventana sin guardar los cambios
cocos (keeling) islands common es-es COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
code common es-es Código
collection empty. common es-es La colección está vacía
@ -320,8 +320,8 @@ common preferences common es-es Preferencias comunes
comoros common es-es COMOROS
company common es-es Compañía
confirm common es-es confirmar
confirmation message or custom javascript (returning true or false) common es-es mensaje de confirmación o JavaScript personalizado (devolviendo 'true' o 'false')
confirmation necesary or custom java-script common es-es confirmación necesaria o JavaScript personalizado
confirmation message or custom javascript (returning true or false) common es-es Mensaje de confirmación o JavaScript personalizado (devolviendo 'true' o 'false')
confirmation necesary or custom java-script common es-es Confirmación necesaria o JavaScript personalizado
confirmation required common es-es Se necesita confirmación
congo common es-es CONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common es-es CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ created by %1 common es-es Creado por %1
creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) common es-es Crea un archivo de idioma en inglés ('en') a partir de la etiqueta y textos de ayuda (para la aplicación indicada en Nombre)
creator preferences es-es Creador
croatia common es-es CROACIA
css class for the table-tag common es-es clase CSS para la etiqueta de la tabla
css class for the table-tag common es-es Clase CSS para la etiqueta de la tabla
css properties common es-es Propiedades CSS
css-class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = nextmatch header, 'nmr' = alternating nm row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' nm rows common es-es Nombre de la clase CSS para esta fila. Predefinidos: 'nmh' (NextMatch header), 'nmr' (Alternating NM row), 'nmr0'+'nmr1' filas NM
css-class name for this row, preset: 'th' = header, 'row' = alternating row, 'row_off'+'row_on' rows common es-es El nombre de la clase CSS para esta fila, preestablecido: 'th' = cabecera, 'row' = fila alternando filas 'row_off' y 'row_on'.
@ -361,14 +361,14 @@ cuba common es-es CUBA
currency common es-es Cambio
current common es-es Actual
current users common es-es Usuarios actuales
custom common es-es personalizado
custom fields common es-es campos personalizados
custom common es-es Personalizado
custom fields common es-es Campos personalizados
custom javascript for onchange common es-es JavaScript personalizado para onChange
cut common es-es Cortar
cyprus common es-es CHIPRE
czech republic common es-es REPUBLICA CHECA
dark mode common es-es Modo oscuro
dark moono theme common es-es tema moono oscuro
dark moono theme common es-es Tema moono oscuro
data type common es-es Tipo de dato
database error common es-es Error en la base de datos
database error! common es-es ¡Error en la base de datos!
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ default visible actions common es-es Acciones visibles por defecto
default width for the windows common es-es Ancho predeterminado para las ventanas
del common es-es Supr
delete common es-es Eliminar
delete a single entry by passing the id. common es-es Borrar una entrada simple pasando el id.
delete a single entry by passing the id. common es-es Borrar una entrada simple pasando el ID.
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry common es-es Borrar TODAS las plantillas seleccionadas, SIN preguntar
delete and cut save the template! common es-es ¡borrar y cortar guardan la plantilla!
delete backup common es-es Suprimir respaldo
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ delete this file common es-es Suprimir archivo
delete this photo? common es-es ¿Suprimir esta foto?
delete this row common es-es Suprimir fila
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common es-es Suprimir columna completa
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone common es-es Suprimir plantilla-e de la base de datos
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone common es-es Suprimir eTemplate de la base de datos
deletes the etemplate spez. above common es-es Suprimir plantilla-e.
deletes this column common es-es Suprimir columna.
deletes this index common es-es Suprimir índice.
@ -428,15 +428,15 @@ directory common es-es Directorio
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common es-es ¡El directorio no existe, el servidor web no lo puede leer o no es relativo a la raíz de los documentos!
directory for storing merged documents preferences es-es Carpeta para almacenar documentos combinados
directory with documents to insert entries preferences es-es Carpeta con documentos para insertar entradas
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common es-es Desactivar el parche de IE para ver imágenes PNG
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common es-es Desactivar el parche de IE para ver imágenes png
disable slider effects common es-es Desactivar efectos deslizantes
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common es-es ¿Desactivar los efectos deslizantes animados al mostrar u ocultar menús en la página? Los usuarios de Opera y Konqueror probablemente querrán esto.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common es-es ¿Desactivar la ejecución del parche para Internet Explorer 5.5 y superiores para mostrar transparencia en imágenes PNG?
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common es-es ¿Desactivar la ejecución del parche para Internet Explorer 5.5 y superiores para mostrar transparencia en imágenes png?
disabled common es-es Deshabilitado
discard changes common es-es Descartar cambios
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common es-es Aparece delante de la entrada o se inserta una entrada para '%s' en la etiqueta del botón Enviar o el nombre del archivo de imagen.
displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus common es-es Se muestra en la línea de estado del navegador cuando el cuadro de texto tiene el foco
displayed in the top line of the groupbox (legend) common es-es mostrada en la línea superior del recuadro de grupo (leyenda)
displayed in the top line of the groupbox (legend) common es-es Mostrada en la línea superior del recuadro de grupo (leyenda)
distribution lists as groups groupdav es-es Listas de distribución como grupos
djibouti common es-es DJIBOUTI
do not notify common es-es No notificar
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences es-es El do
document properties common es-es Propiedades del documento
document title: common es-es Título del documento
documentation common es-es Documentación
doesn't matter common es-es no importa
doesn't matter common es-es No importa
domain common es-es Dominio
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common es-es Nombre del dominio para la dirección de correo, ej. "%1"
domestic common es-es Doméstico
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ edit avatar common es-es Editar avatar
edit categories common es-es Editar categorías
edit category common es-es Editar categoría
edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file common es-es Editar los estilos CSS incrustados o del archivo de aplicaciones app.css
edit the etemplate spez. above common es-es editar las especificaciones de la plantilla indicada arriba
edit the etemplate spez. above common es-es Editar las especificaciones de la plantilla indicada arriba
edit... common es-es Editar...
editable templates - db-tools common es-es Plantillas editables - Herramientas de la base de datos
editable templates - delete template common es-es Plantillas editables - Borrar plantilla
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ end time common es-es Hora de finalización
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common es-es Introduzca '' para un valor predeterminado vacío. Si se deja en blanco, no hay valor predeterminado
enter a search pattern common es-es Introduzca un patrón de búsqueda
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common es-es Ingrese el nombre del archivo para cargar y adjuntar, use [Examinar...] para buscarlo
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin es-es Introduzca la URL de EGroupware. <br>Ejemplo: http://www.dominio.com/egroupware o /egroupware<br><b>Sin barra al final</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin es-es Introduzca la URL de EGroupware. <br>Ejemplo: https://egw.dominio.com/egroupware o /egroupware<br><b>Sin barra al final</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common es-es Ingrese el número de versión nuevo, > old_version, vacío para ningún archivo de actualización
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common es-es Introduzca el nuevo número de versión aquí (tiene que ser mayor que la versión anterior)
enter your file name common es-es Ingrese su nombre de archivo
@ -523,15 +523,16 @@ equatorial guinea common es-es GUINEA ECUATORIAL
eritrea common es-es ERITREA
error common es-es Error
error copying uploaded file to vfs! common es-es ¡¡Error al copiar el archivo cargado a VFS!
error create parent directory %1! common es-es ¡Error al crear el directorio superior %1!
error creating %1 %2 directory common es-es ¡Error creando el directorio %1 %2!
error deleting %1 %2 directory common es-es ¡Error suprimiendo el directorio %1 %2!
error create parent directory %1! common es-es ¡Error al crear el directorio superior %1 !
error creating %1 %2 directory common es-es ¡Error creando el directorio %1 %2 !
error deleting %1 %2 directory common es-es ¡Error suprimiendo el directorio %1 %2 !
error deleting %1! common es-es ¡Error al suprimir %1!
error enabling push common es-es Error al activar push
error renaming %1 %2 directory common es-es ¡Error renombrando el directorio %1 %2!
error uploading file! filemanager es-es ¡Error al subir el archivo!
error: template not found !!! common es-es Error: ¡no se encontró la plantilla!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common es-es Error: ¡El servidor no puede escribir en '%1'!
error: while saving !!! common es-es ¡¡Error al guardar!!
error: while saving !!! common es-es ¡Error al guardar!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common es-es Error: el servidor web no tiene permiso de escritura
estonia common es-es ESTONIA
et2 rendering took %1s common es-es El renderizado de eT2 tomó %1s
@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ etemplate reference common es-es Referencia de plantillas electrónicas
etemplate tutorial common es-es Tutorial de plantillas electrónicas
ethiopia common es-es ETIOPIA
everything common es-es Todo
exact common es-es exacto
exact common es-es Exacto
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences es-es Ejemplo {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - buscar el campo "n_prefix", para "Mr", si se encuentra, escribir Hello Mr., si no, escribir Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences es-es Ejemplo {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Da un prefijo de letra sin espacios dobles, si el título está vacío, por ejemplo
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common es-es Ejemplo {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Da un prefijo de letra sin espacios dobles, si el título está vacío por ejemplo
@ -553,14 +554,14 @@ example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value
exchange this row with the one above common es-es Intercambiar esta fila con la de encima
exchange this two columns common es-es Intercambiar estas dos columnas
expiration common es-es Expiración
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common es-es Exportar la plantilla-e cargada en un archivo xml
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common es-es Exportar la plantilla-e cargada en un archivo XML
export xml common es-es Exportar XML
extensions loaded: common es-es Extensiones cargadas:
failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2! admin es-es ¡Fallo al cambiar el modo del directorio requerido "%1" a "%2"!
failed to change password. common es-es Fallo al cambiar la contraseña.
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common es-es No se pudo conectar con el servidor, o se obtuvo una respuesta no válida. Intente volver a iniciar la sesión. Póngase en contacto con el administrador en caso de fallo.
failed to create required directory "%1"! admin es-es ¡Fallo al crear el directorio requerido "%1"!
failed to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3! admin es-es ¡Fallo al mover los desconectados %1 %2 a %3!
failed to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3! admin es-es ¡Fallo al mover los desconectados %1 %2 a %3 !
falkland islands (malvinas) common es-es MALVINAS
faroe islands common es-es ISLAS FEROE
favorite queries common es-es Consultas favoritas
@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed! admin es-es E
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin es-es ¡El archivo %1 no tiene contenido en el sistema de archivos físico %2!
file '%1' not found! common es-es ¡No se encontró el archivo '%1'!
file a file common es-es Archivo a archivo
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common es-es El archivo contiene más de una plantilla-e, ¡la última se muestra!
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common es-es El archivo contiene más de una eTemplate, ¡la última se muestra!
file information common es-es Informacion del archivo
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common es-es El archivo es de tipo incorrecto (%1 ! = %2)!
file too large. maximum %1 common es-es Archivo demasiado grande. Máximo %1
@ -599,7 +600,7 @@ folder already exists. common es-es La carpeta ya existe
fontselect common es-es Seleccionar tipografía
fontsizeselect common es-es Seleccionar tamaño de letra
for more than one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat! preferences es-es ¡Use la etiqueta repetición de página para más de un contacto en un documento!
force common es-es forzar
force common es-es Forzar
force selectbox common es-es Forzar cuadro de selección
forecolor common es-es Color frontal
foreign key common es-es Clave ajena
@ -634,6 +635,7 @@ go to the first entry common es-es Ir a la primera entrada
go to the last entry common es-es Ir a la última entrada
go to the next page of entries common es-es Ir a la página siguiente de entradas
go to the previous page of entries common es-es Ir a la página anterior de entradas
go to your home directory common es-es Vaya a su directorio personal
grant access common es-es Conceder acceso
greece common es-es GRECIA
greek common es-es Griego
@ -650,7 +652,7 @@ group has been updated common es-es El grupo ha sido actualizado
group name common es-es nombre del grupo
group public common es-es Grupo público
groupbox common es-es Recuadro de grupo
groupdav common es-es Servidor para CalDAV, CarDAV y GroupDAV
groupdav common es-es Sincronización CalDAV / CardDAV
groups common es-es Grupos
groups with permission for %1 common es-es Grupos con permiso para %1
groups without permission for %1 common es-es Grupos sin permiso para %1
@ -665,7 +667,7 @@ haiti common es-es HAITI
hbox common es-es Cuadro horizontal
heard island and mcdonald islands common es-es HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
height common es-es Altura
height of row (in % or pixel) common es-es altura de la fila (en % o pixels)
height of row (in % or pixel) common es-es Altura de la fila (en % o pixels)
height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty common es-es Altura de la fila (en % o píxeles), desactivar fila: [!= no]<valor>[=<check>]. Ejemplo: '!@data' desactiva la fila si el contenido de los datos está vacío.
height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div common es-es Altura de la tabla en % o píxeles para la etiqueta de la tabla y, opcionalmente, div.
height, disabled common es-es Altura, desactivada
@ -677,7 +679,7 @@ history log common es-es Registro histórico
hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it common es-es Mantenga presionada la tecla [%1] para seleccionar texto, e.g. para copiarlo
holy see (vatican city state) common es-es SANTA SEDE (ESTADO DE LA CIUDAD DEL VATICANO)
home common es-es Inicio
home email common es-es correo electrónico particular
home email common es-es Correo electrónico particular
home screen common es-es Pantalla principal
honduras common es-es HONDURAS
hong kong common es-es HONG KONG
@ -690,7 +692,7 @@ how many entries should the list show common es-es ¿Cuántas entradas se muestr
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common es-es Cuántos iconos se muestran en la barra de navegación (en la parte superior de la página). Los iconos adicionales van en una especie de menú desplegable, que se activa pulsando en el icono que hay en el extremo derecho de la barra.
how many rows to print common es-es Cuantas filas a imprimir
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common es-es ¿Cómo mostrar el menú general de EGroupware?
html common es-es Html
html common es-es HTML
html link to the current record common es-es Enlace HTML al registro actual
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common es-es Enlaces HTML a cualquier entrada vinculada al registro actual, excluyendo los archivos adjuntos
hungary common es-es HUNGRÍA
@ -701,17 +703,16 @@ if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common es-es Si el reloj está activado, ¿desea actualizarlo cada segundo o cada minuto?
if the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver. common es-es Si el error persiste, contacte su administrador para obtener ayuda y solicite que verifique el registro de errores del servidor web.
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common es-es Si hay algunas imágenes en la carpeta de fondo, puede elegir la que desea ver.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences es-es Si especifica un directorio, ruta completa vfs, %1 muestra una acción para cada documento. Esa acción permite descargar el documento especificado con los datos insertados.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences es-es Si especifica un directorio aquí (la ruta vgs completa), %1 muestra un icono extra de documento para cada entrada. Ese icono permite descargar el documento especificado con los datos insertados.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences es-es Si especifica un directorio, ruta completa VFS, %1 muestra una acción para cada documento. Esa acción permite descargar el documento especificado con los datos insertados.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences es-es Si especifica un directorio aquí (la ruta VFS completa), %1 muestra un icono extra de documento para cada entrada. Ese icono permite descargar el documento especificado con los datos insertados.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common es-es Si usa "Autenticación de 2 factores", ingrese el código aquí.
image common es-es Imagen
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common es-es Directorio de imágenes relativo a la raíz de los documentos (use / !). Ejemplo:
image url common es-es URL de la imagen
import common es-es Importar
import an etemplate from a xml-file common es-es Importar una plantilla-e desde un archivo xml
import an etemplate from a xml-file common es-es Importar una eTemplate desde un archivo XML
import table-definitions from existing db-table common es-es Importar definiciones de tabla de una tabla de una base de datos existente
import xml common es-es Importar XML
in order to copy to clipboard, you need to allow flash player by clicking on gray box.\nyou can permanently allow flash player for egroupware in your browser settings. common es-es Para copiar al portapapeles, debe permitir Flash Player haciendo clic en el cuadro gris.\nPuede permitir permanentemente Flash Player para EGroupware en la configuración de su navegador.
include access to any linked files (links tab) common es-es Incluir acceso a cualquier archivo vinculado (pestaña Enlaces)
increment version to not overwrite the existing template common es-es Incrementar la versión para no sobreescribir la plantilla existente
indent common es-es Sangrar
@ -723,12 +724,12 @@ indonesia common es-es INDONESIA
infolog types to sync common es-es Tipos de InfoLog para sincronizar
initial common es-es Inicial
input required common es-es Entrada requerida
insert a column before common es-es insertar una columna delante
insert a column behind common es-es insertar una columna detrás
insert a row above common es-es insertar una fila encima
insert a row below common es-es insertar una fila debajo
insert a widget before common es-es insertar un control delante
insert a widget behind common es-es insertar un control detrás
insert a column before common es-es Insertar una columna delante
insert a column behind common es-es Insertar una columna detrás
insert a row above common es-es Insertar una fila encima
insert a row below common es-es Insertar una fila debajo
insert a widget before common es-es Insertar un control delante
insert a widget behind common es-es Insertar un control detrás
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common es-es Inserte todas las direcciones %1 de los contactos de %2 en %3
insert column after common es-es Insertar columna after
insert column before common es-es Insertar una columna before
@ -775,7 +776,7 @@ justify center common es-es Centrar
justify full common es-es Justificado
justify left common es-es Alinear a la izquierda
justify right common es-es Alinear a la derecha
kama theme common es-es tema kama
kama theme common es-es Tema kama
kazakstan common es-es KAZAKSTAN
kenya common es-es KENIA
key common es-es Clave
@ -804,7 +805,7 @@ latvia common es-es LATVIA
ldap-mgr common es-es Administrador LDAP
lebanon common es-es LIBANO
left common es-es Izquierda
length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 common es-es longitud para char+varchar. Precisiones int: 2, 4, y float: 4, 8
length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 common es-es Longitud para char+varchar. Precisiones int: 2, 4, y float: 4, 8
lesotho common es-es LESOTHO
liberia common es-es LIBERIA
libyan arab jamahiriya common es-es LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
@ -817,13 +818,14 @@ link common es-es Enlace
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download currently attached version of files common es-es El enlace se adjunta al correo-e, lo que permite a los destinatarios descargar la versión adjunta de los archivos
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download or modify up to date version of files (epl only) common es-es El enlace se adjunta al correo-e, lo que permite a los destinatarios descargar o modificar la versión actualizada de los archivos (solo EPL)
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download up to date version of files common es-es El enlace se adjunta al correo-e, lo que permite a los destinatarios descargar una versión actualizada de los archivos
link target %1 not found! common es-es ¡No se ha encontrado el enlace de destino %1!
link target %1 not found! common es-es ¡No se ha encontrado el enlace de destino %1 !
link title of current record common es-es Vincular título del registro actual
linkapps common es-es Enlace a aplicaciones
linked common es-es Enlazado
linkentry common es-es Entrada de enlace
linklist common es-es Lista de enlaces
links and attached files preferences es-es Enlaces y archivos adjuntos
links to specified application. example: {{links/addressbook}} common es-es Enlaces a aplicación específica. Ejemplo: {{enlaces/libreta_de_direcciones}}
links to specified application. example: {{links/addressbook}} common es-es Enlaces a aplicación específica. Ejemplo: {{links/addressbook}}
linkstring common es-es Cadena de enlace
linkto common es-es Enlace a
list common es-es Lista
@ -831,17 +833,17 @@ list members common es-es Lista de miembros
list of files linked to the current record preferences es-es Lista de archivos vinculados al registro actual
lithuania common es-es LITUANIA
load common es-es Cargar
load this template into the editor common es-es cargar esta plantilla en el editor
loading common es-es cargando
load this template into the editor common es-es Cargar esta plantilla en el editor
loading common es-es Cargando
local common es-es Local
location calendars groupdav es-es Calendarios de localización
locations common es-es ubicaciones
locations common es-es Ubicaciones
logging / debuging groupdav es-es Registro / depuración
login common es-es Entrar
login rejected by epl firewall, please contact your administrator common es-es Login rechazado por el firewall de EGroupware, por favor contacte con su administrador.
loginid common es-es ID de usuario
logout common es-es Salir
lost login id common es-es Se ha perdido el id de sesion
lost login id common es-es Se ha perdido el ID de sesion
lost password common es-es Se ha perdido la contraseña
low common es-es Baja
lowercase letters common es-es letras minusculas
@ -850,7 +852,7 @@ luxembourg common es-es LUXEMBURGO
macau common es-es MACAU
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common es-es Macedonia
madagascar common es-es MADAGASCAR
mail domain, eg. "%1" common es-es dominio de correo, p.ej. "%1"
mail domain, eg. "%1" common es-es Dominio de correo, p.ej. "%1"
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common es-es Falló la instalación del complemento Mailvelope! Inténtalo de nuevo.
mailvelope addon installation succeded. now you may configure the options. common es-es La instalación del complemento Mailvelope se realizó correctamente. Ahora puedes configurar las opciones.
main category common es-es Categoria principal
@ -894,8 +896,8 @@ mongolia common es-es MONGOLIA
montenegro common es-es Montenegro
month common es-es Mes
montserrat common es-es MONTSERRAT
moono color theme common es-es tema color moono
moono theme (default) common es-es tema moono (predeterminado)
moono color theme common es-es Tema color moono
moono theme (default) common es-es Tema moono (predeterminado)
more common es-es Más
more than 1 match for '%1' common es-es Más de 1 coincidencia para '%1'
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin es-es Se encontró más de un archivo activo %1, ¡desactivando %2 revisiones anteriores!
@ -905,11 +907,11 @@ moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin es-es Se movieron %1 hijos
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin es-es Se movió desconectado %1 %2 a %3.
mozambique common es-es MOZAMBIQUE
multicolumn indices common es-es Indices multicolumna
multiple common es-es múltiple
multiple common es-es Múltiple
myanmar common es-es MYANMAR
name common es-es Nombre
name of other table where column is a key from common es-es Nombre de la otra tabla donde la columna es una clave
name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') common es-es nombre del conjunto de plantillas (p. ej. verdiak): " = predeterminada (leerá la plantila de preferencias. Use 'default' para leer la plantilla predeterminada ")
name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') common es-es Nombre del conjunto de plantillas (p. ej. verdiak): " = predeterminada (leerá la plantila de preferencias. Use 'default' para leer la plantilla predeterminada ")
name of table to add common es-es Nombre de la tabla a añadir
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] common es-es Nombre de la plantilla. Debe estar en el formato aplicación.función[.subplantilla]
name of the user, eg. "%1" common es-es Nombre del usuario, p.ej. "%1"
@ -949,13 +951,14 @@ no common es-es No
no - cancel common es-es No - Cancelar
no column to swap with !!! common es-es ¡No hay columna con la que intercambiar!
no default set common es-es Sin predeterminado
no entries found, try again ... common es-es No se encontraron entradas, inténtelo de nuevo
no entries found, try again ... common es-es No se encontraron entradas, inténtelo de nuevo...
no file common es-es Ningún archivo
no filename given or selected via browse... common es-es Sin nombre de archivo
no filters common es-es Sin filtros
no history for this record common es-es No hay historial para este registro
no key for recipient: common es-es No hay clave para el destinatario:
no matches found common es-es No se han encontrado resultados
no response from server: your data is probably not saved common es-es No hay respuesta del servidor: sus datos probablemente NO están guardados
no results match common es-es No hay resultados que coinciden
no rights to export more than %1 entries! common es-es ¡Sin derechos para exportar más de %1 entradas!
no row to swap with !!! common es-es ¡No hay fila con la que intercambiar!
@ -971,29 +974,29 @@ northern mariana islands common es-es NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
norway common es-es NORUEGA
not common es-es no
not a user yet? register now common es-es ¿Todavía no es usuario? Regístrese ahora
not assigned common es-es sin asignar
not assigned common es-es Sin asignar
not null common es-es NOT NULL
not readable %1 entry of user %2 common es-es No se puede leer la entrada %1 del usuario %2
not supported by current application! common es-es ¡No es compatible con la aplicación actual!
note common es-es Nota
notes common es-es Notas
nothing common es-es nada
nothing common es-es Nada
nothing found - try again !!! common es-es No se encontró nada. Inténtelo de nuevo.
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common es-es ¡¡No hay nada en el portapapeles para pegar!!
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common es-es ¡No hay nada en el portapapeles para pegar!
nothing matched search criteria !!! common es-es No se encontró nada con ese criterio.
nothing to save. common es-es Nada que guardar.
notifications common es-es notificaciones
notifications common es-es Notificaciones
notify window common es-es Ventana de notificación
notify your administrator to correct this situation common es-es Notifíquelo a su administrador para corregir esta situación
november common es-es Noviembre
now common es-es Ahora
number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, css-class name (for the td tag) common es-es número de columnas por las que el campo o celda debe distribuirse, o 'todas' para el resto de columnas, nombre de la clase CSS (para la etiqueta TD)
number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing common es-es número de filas o columnas en un recuadro vertical u horizontal, distancia del texto a la celda y espaciado entre celdas
number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, css-class name (for the td tag) common es-es Número de columnas por las que el campo o celda debe distribuirse, o 'todas' para el resto de columnas, nombre de la clase CSS (para la etiqueta TD)
number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing common es-es Número de filas o columnas en un recuadro vertical u horizontal, distancia del texto a la celda y espaciado entre celdas
numbers common es-es números
numlist common es-es Lista de números
october common es-es Octubre
of common es-es de
off common es-es apagado
off common es-es Apagado
ok common es-es Aceptar
old value common es-es Valor anterior
oman common es-es OMAN
@ -1001,20 +1004,21 @@ on *nix systems please type: %1 common es-es En sistemas *nix, por favor, escrib
on mouse over common es-es Al mover el ratón por encima
onchange common es-es onChange
onclick common es-es onClick
only an other version found !!! common es-es sólo se encontró otra versión
only private common es-es sólo los privados
only an other version found !!! common es-es Sólo se encontró otra versión
only private common es-es Sólo los privados
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav es-es Solo es compatible con unos pocos clientes totalmente conformes (e.g. de Apple). Si tiene que ingresar una URL, lo más probable es que no sea compatible.
only yours common es-es sólo los suyos
only yours common es-es Sólo los suyos
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common es-es ¡Ups! Nos ha pillado en mitad del mantenimiento del sistema
open common es-es Abrir
open existing contact common es-es Abrir contacto existente
open notify window common es-es Abrir ventana de notificación
open popup window common es-es Abrir ventana emergente
open sidebox common es-es Abrir caja lateral
open the online help. common es-es Abrir la ayuda en línea
operator common es-es Operador
optional note about the link common es-es nota opcional sobre el enlace
optional note about the link common es-es Nota opcional sobre el enlace
options common es-es Opciones
or common es-es o
or common es-es O
order to navigating by tab key through the form common es-es Orden al ir navegando pulsando el tabulador en el formulario
ordered list common es-es Lista ordenada
original common es-es Original
@ -1034,10 +1038,10 @@ papua new guinea common es-es PAPUA NEW GUINEA
paraguay common es-es PARAGUAY
parcel common es-es Paquete
parent category common es-es Categoría superior
parent is a '%1' !!! common es-es superior es un '%1'
parent is a '%1' !!! common es-es Superior es un '%1'
password common es-es Contraseña
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 common es-es la contraseña solo contiene %1 de las %2 clases de caracteres requeridas: no %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) common es-es la contraseña contiene con "%1" una parte de su nombre de usuario o nombre completo (de 3 o más caracteres)
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 common es-es La contraseña solo contiene %1 de las %2 clases de caracteres requeridas: no %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) common es-es La contraseña contiene con "%1" una parte de su nombre de usuario o nombre completo (de 3 o más caracteres)
password could not be changed common es-es No se pudo cambiar la contraseña
password has been updated common es-es Su contraseña ha sido actualizada
password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common es-es La contraseña debe contener al menos %1 letras minúsculas
@ -1047,10 +1051,10 @@ password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common es-es La contraseña
password must have at least %1 characters common es-es La contraseña debe tener al menos %1 caracteres
paste common es-es Pegar
path common es-es Ruta
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common es-es ¡La ruta a los archivos de usuarios y grupos TIENE QUE ESTAR FUERA DE la raíz de documentos de los servidores web.
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common es-es ¡La ruta a los archivos de usuarios y grupos TIENE QUE ESTAR FUERA DE la raíz de documentos de los servidores web!
permission denied! common es-es ¡Permiso denegado!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common es-es ¡Permiso denegado! Esta es una característica de administración solamente.
permissions to the files/users directory common es-es permisos a los directorios de archivos/usuarios
permissions to the files/users directory common es-es Permisos a los directorios de archivos/usuarios
permisson denied! common es-es Permiso denegado
personal common es-es Personal
peru common es-es PERU
@ -1066,7 +1070,7 @@ play/pause common es-es Reproducir/Pausar
please %1 by hand common es-es Por favor %1 manualmente
please enter a name common es-es Por favor, introduzca un nombre
please enter table-name first !!! common es-es Por favor, introduzca el nombre de la tabla primero
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common es-es Vuelva a cargar el escritorio EGroupware (F5 / Cmd+r).
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common es-es Vuelva a cargar el escritorio EGroupware (F5 / Cmd+R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common es-es Recuerde utilizar '%1' como nombre de usuario para el inicio de sesión local a partir de ahora.
please run setup to become current common es-es Por favor ejecute la instalación para actualizar
please select common es-es Por favor, seleccione
@ -1084,11 +1088,13 @@ portrait common es-es Retrato
portugal common es-es PORTUGAL
postal common es-es Postal
powered by common es-es Proporcionado por
pre common es-es Pre
precision common es-es Precisión
preference common es-es Preferencia
preferences common es-es Preferencias
preferences for the %1 template set preferences es-es Se han establecido las preferencias para la plantilla %1
prev common es-es Previo
preview with entry common es-es Vista previa con entrada
previous common es-es Previo
previous page common es-es Página anterior
primary group common es-es Grupo principal
@ -1102,18 +1108,18 @@ programs common es-es Programas
project common es-es Proyecto
properties common es-es Propiedades
protocol is required common es-es Se requiere protocolo
public common es-es público
public common es-es Público
puerto rico common es-es PUERTO RICO
qatar common es-es QATAR
quick add common es-es Añadir rápido
radiobutton common es-es Botón tipo radio
read common es-es Leer
read a list of entries. common es-es Leer una lista de entradas
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common es-es Leer una sola entrada pasando el id y la lista de campos
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common es-es leer plantilla de la base de datos (para las claves de arriba)
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common es-es Leer una sola entrada pasando el ID y la lista de campos
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common es-es Leer plantilla de la base de datos (para las claves de arriba)
read this list of methods. common es-es Leer esta lista de métodos
reading common es-es leyendo
readonly common es-es sólo lectura
reading common es-es Leyendo
readonly common es-es Sólo lectura
readonly filemanager directory common es-es Directorio del administrador de archivos de solo lectura
readonly share common es-es Compartir solo lectura
redo common es-es Rehacer
@ -1125,7 +1131,7 @@ remember me common es-es Recordarme
remember me for %1 common es-es Recuérdame para %1
remove api es-es Quitar
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common es-es Eliminar fila (¡NO se puede deshacer!)
remove selected accounts common es-es borrar las cuentas seleccionadas
remove selected accounts common es-es Borrar las cuentas seleccionadas
remove shortcut common es-es Eliminar acceso directo
remove this link (not the entry itself) common es-es Borrar este enlace (no la entrada en sí)
removed (now) empty directory fs_id=%1 admin es-es Se eliminó (ahora) el directorio vacío fs_id = %1
@ -1134,6 +1140,8 @@ rename common es-es Renombrar
repeat password common es-es Repetir contraseña
replace common es-es Sustituir
replace with common es-es Sustituir por
request could not be processed, please reload your window (press f5 or cmd r)! common es-es No se ha podido procesar la solicitud, vuelva a cargar la ventana (presione F5 o Cmd-R).
requested resource '%1' does not exist or has expired common es-es El recurso solicitado '%1' no existe o ha caducado.
requests and full responses to files directory common es-es Solicitudes y respuestas completas al directorio de archivos
requests and truncated responses to apache error-log groupdav es-es Solicitudes y respuestas truncadas al registro de errores de Apache
required common es-es Requerido
@ -1179,7 +1187,7 @@ savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants
save common es-es Grabar
save all common es-es Guardar todo
save as common es-es Guardar como
save as zip common es-es Guardar como Zip
save as zip common es-es Guardar como ZIP
save selected columns as default preference for all users. common es-es Guardar las columnas seleccionadas como preferencia predeterminada para todos los usuarios.
save the changes made and close the window common es-es Guardar los cambios realizados y cerrar la ventana
save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas common es-es Guardar la plantilla bajo las claves de arriba (nombre, etc). Cámbielas para Guardar como.
@ -1187,7 +1195,7 @@ saved column sizes to preferences. common es-es Guardar el tamaño de las column
saves changes to tables_current.inc.php common es-es Guarda los cambios en tables_current.inc.php
saves the template with given version number and closes the window common es-es Guarda la plantilla con el número de versión indicado y cierra la ventana
scale common es-es Escala
scale for float common es-es escala para flotante
scale for float common es-es Escala para flotante
scheduling inbox common es-es Bandeja de entrada de programación
scheduling outbox common es-es Bandeja de salida de programación
search common es-es Buscar
@ -1195,15 +1203,17 @@ search %1 '%2' common es-es Buscar %1 '%2'
search accounts common es-es Buscar cuentas
search for '%1' common es-es Buscar '%1'
search letter common es-es Buscar carta
search or select accounts common es-es buscar o seleccionar cuentas
search or select accounts common es-es Buscar o seleccionar cuentas
search... common es-es Buscar...
searchreplace common es-es Buscar y reemplazar
second common es-es segundo
section common es-es Sección
securest common es-es más seguro
security & password common es-es Seguridad y contraseña
select common es-es Seleccionar
select "%1", if your client does not support multiple addressbooks. groupdav es-es Seleccione "%1", si su cliente no admite múltiples libretas de direcciones.
select "%1", if your client support groups, eg. os x or ios addressbook. groupdav es-es Seleccione "%1", si su cliente soporta grupos, e.g. Libreta de direcciones OS X o iOS.
select a category common es-es seleccionar una categoría
select a category common es-es Seleccionar una categoría
select a primary contact, to show in the list common es-es Seleccionar un contacto primario, para mostrar en la lista
select access common es-es Seleccione acceso
select account common es-es Seleccione cuenta
@ -1229,7 +1239,7 @@ select day common es-es Seleccione día
select day of week common es-es Seleccione día de la semana
select entry common es-es Seleccione entrada
select file(s) from vfs common es-es Seleccione archivo(s) desde VFS
select files from filemanager ... common es-es Seleccione archivos desde el Administrador de archivos
select files from filemanager ... common es-es Seleccionar archivos desde Filemanager...
select group common es-es Seleccione grupo
select home email address common es-es Seleccione dirección de correo inicial
select hour common es-es Seleccione hora del día
@ -1271,22 +1281,26 @@ server name common es-es Nombre del servidor
session has been killed common es-es La sesión ha sido eliminada
set as default common es-es Establecer como predeterminado
set these columns as the default common es-es Establecer estas columnas como predeterminadas
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav es-es establecer al usuario como el único responsable, pero manteniendo grupos
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav es-es establecer al usuario como el único responsable, eliminando todos los responsables existentes
sets today as date common es-es pone hoy como fecha
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav es-es Establecer al usuario como el único responsable, pero manteniendo grupos
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav es-es Establecer al usuario como el único responsable, eliminando todos los responsables existentes
sets today as date common es-es Pone hoy como fecha
settings saved. common es-es Se guardó la configuración.
setup common es-es Instalación
setup main menu common es-es Menú principal de instalación
seychelles common es-es SEYCHELLES
share common es-es Compartir
share as readonly, but allow uploads. uploads are hidden, and only accessable by those with an account common es-es Compartir como sólo lectura, pero permitir subidas. Las cargas están ocultas y sólo pueden acceder a ellas quienes tengan una cuenta.
share filemanager directory common es-es Carpeta Filemanager
share files common es-es Compartir archivos
share just the associated filemanager directory, not the %1 common es-es Compartir sólo la carpeta Filemanager asociada, no el %1
share link common es-es Compartir enlace
share this %1 via url common es-es Compartir este %1 vía URL
shift common es-es May
shift ⇧ common es-es May ⇧
should the form be submitted or any custom javascript be executed common es-es Se debe enviar el formulario o ejecutar cualquier JavaScript personalizado
show common es-es Mostrar
show (no save) common es-es Mostrar (sin guardar)
show all common es-es mostrar todo
show all common es-es Mostrar todo
show all / cancel filter common es-es Mostrar todo / cancelar filtro
show all categorys common es-es Mostrar todas las categorías
show as topmenu common es-es Mostrar como menú superior
@ -1295,7 +1309,7 @@ show home and logout button in main application bar? common es-es ¿Mostrar los
show in sidebox common es-es Mostrar en el menú lateral
show log of following device groupdav es-es Mostrar bitácora del dispositivo siguiente
show logo's on the desktop. common es-es Mostrar logo en el escritorio
show menu common es-es mostrar menú
show menu common es-es Mostrar menú
show next login common es-es Mostrar registro del siguiente dispositivo
show now common es-es Mostrar ahora
show page generation time common es-es Mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página
@ -1304,12 +1318,12 @@ show page generation time? common es-es ¿Mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generar
show password common es-es Mostrar contraseña
show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common es-es Mostrar el logo de EGroupware y x-desktop en el escritorio.
show values common es-es Mostar valores
show/hide common es-es mostrar/ocultar barra lateral
show_more_apps common es-es mostrar más aplicaciones
showing common es-es mostrando
showing %1 common es-es mostrando %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common es-es mostrando %1 - %2 de %3
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing common es-es muestra / permite introducir valores en la plantilla para probar
show/hide common es-es Mostrar/ocultar barra lateral
show_more_apps common es-es Mostrar más aplicaciones
showing common es-es Mostrando
showing %1 common es-es Mostrando %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common es-es Mostrando %1 - %2 de %3
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing common es-es Muestra / permite introducir valores en la plantilla para probar
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before common es-es Muestra la plantilla para pruebas. NO la guarda antes
sierra leone common es-es SIERRA LEONA
sign up common es-es Registrarse
@ -1330,33 +1344,36 @@ spacing common es-es Espaciado
spain common es-es ESPAÑA
span common es-es Span
span, class common es-es span, clase
special characters common es-es caracteres especiales
special characters common es-es Caracteres especiales
sri lanka common es-es SRI LANKA
stack common es-es Pila
start a new search, cancel this link common es-es comienzar una nueva búsqueda, cancelar este enlace
start a new search, cancel this link common es-es Comienzar una nueva búsqueda, cancelar este enlace
start date common es-es Fecha de inicio
start directory for image browser of rich text editor in egroupware vfs (filemanager). common es-es Directorio de inicio para el navegador de imágenes del editor de texto enriquecido en Adminsitrador de archviso del EGroupware
start new search for the above pattern common es-es comenzar una nueva búsqueda para el patrón de arriba
start new search for the above pattern common es-es Comenzar una nueva búsqueda para el patrón de arriba
start time common es-es Hora de inicio
start with common es-es empieza por
start with common es-es Empieza por
starting up... common es-es Iniciando...
status common es-es Estado
store your public key in addressbook? common es-es ¿Almacena su clave pública en la libreta de direcciones?
stretched common es-es ajustado
stretched common es-es Ajustado
strikethrough common es-es Tachado
subject common es-es Asunto
submit common es-es Enviar
submit form common es-es Enviar formulario
submitbutton common es-es Botón de enviar
substitutions and their meanings: common es-es Sustituciones y sus significados:
successful created new directory %1 for unconnected nods. admin es-es Se ha creado con éxito la nueva carpeta %1 para nodos no conectados.
sudan common es-es SUDÁN
suggest password common es-es Sugerir contraseña
sunday common es-es Domingo
sure common es-es Claro
suriname common es-es SURINAM
svalbard and jan mayen common es-es SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
swap common es-es intercambiar
swap widget with next one common es-es intercambiar control con el siguiente
swap with next column common es-es intercambiar con la siguiente columna
swap with next row common es-es intercambiar con la fila siguiente
swap common es-es Intercambiar
swap widget with next one common es-es Intercambiar control con el siguiente
swap with next column common es-es Intercambiar con la siguiente columna
swap with next row common es-es Intercambiar con la fila siguiente
swaziland common es-es SWAZILAND
sweden common es-es SUECIA
switch to a parent widget common es-es Cambiar a un control superior
@ -1389,11 +1406,13 @@ the following document-types are supported: preferences es-es Los siguientes tip
the mail server returned common es-es El servidor de correo devolvió
there already is a system-user with this name. user's should not have the same name as a systemuser common es-es Ya hay un usuario de sistema con este nombre. Los usuarios no deben tener el mismo nombre que un usuario de sistema.
they will be sub-folders in users home (%1 attribute). common es-es Serán subcarpetas en la página de inicio de los usuarios (atributo %1).
this feature is only available in epl version. common es-es Esta función sólo está disponible en la versión EPL.
this is your own share. to test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br/>%1 common es-es This is your own share. To test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br/>%1
this name has been used already common es-es ¡Este nombre ya ha sido usado!
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) common es-es este texto se muestra si el campo de entrada está vacío y no tiene foco (borroso)
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) common es-es Este texto se muestra si el campo de entrada está vacío y no tiene foco (borroso)
this will reset toolbar preferences for all users and set them to configured default prefs. common es-es Esto restablecerá las preferencias de la barra de herramientas para todos los usuarios y los establecerá en las preferencias predeterminadas configuradas.
thursday common es-es Jueves
tiled common es-es mosaico
tiled common es-es Mosaico
time common es-es Hora (completa)
time zone common es-es Zona horaria
time zone offset common es-es Diferencia de zona horaria
@ -1412,6 +1431,7 @@ todays date, eg. "%1" common es-es Fecha de hoy, p.ej. "%1"
togo common es-es TOGO
tokelau common es-es TOKELAU
tonga common es-es TONGA
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common es-es Demasiadas filas seleccionadas.<br />Seleccione todo, o menos de %1 filas.
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common es-es Demasiados intentos fallidos de inicio de sesión: %1 para el usuario '%2', %3 para la IP %4
top common es-es Superior
total common es-es Total
@ -1428,11 +1448,12 @@ turks and caicos islands common es-es TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
tuvalu common es-es TUVALU
type common es-es Tipo
type of the column common es-es Tipo de la columna
type of the field (select label if field should be empty) common es-es tipo del campo (seleccionar la etiqueta si el campo tiene que estar vacío)
type of the field (select label if field should be empty) common es-es Tipo del campo (seleccionar la etiqueta si el campo tiene que estar vacío)
uganda common es-es UGANDA
ukraine common es-es UCRANIA
un-delete common es-es Recuperar
uncheck all common es-es Desmarcar todo
unconnected nodes will be moved to %1. admin es-es Los nodos no conectados se moverán a %1.
undefined common es-es indefinido
underline common es-es Subrayado
undo common es-es Deshacer
@ -1448,6 +1469,7 @@ update common es-es Insertar
update a single entry by passing the fields. common es-es Actualizar una única entrada pasando los campos
update from version '%s' to common es-es Actualizar de la versión '%s' a
update the clock per minute or per second common es-es Actualizar el reloj por minuto o por segundo
updating your account with new data from your identity provider failed! common es-es Ha fallado la actualización de su cuenta con los nuevos datos de su proveedor de identidad.
upload common es-es Subir a un servidor
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common es-es El directorio para subir archivos no existe o no tiene permisos de escritura para el servidor web
upload file(s) from filemanager... common es-es Subir archivo(s) desde el Administrador de archivos...
@ -1455,11 +1477,13 @@ upload new photo common es-es Subir foto nueva
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common es-es La carga requiere que el directorio sea escribible por el servidor web.
uppercase letters common es-es letras mayúsculas
url common es-es URL
url of current record common es-es URL del registro actual
urls of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common es-es URL de todas las entradas vinculadas al registro actual, excluidos los archivos adjuntos
uruguay common es-es URUGUAY
use button to search for common es-es use el botón para buscar
use button to search for address common es-es use el botón para buscar por dirección
use button to search for calendarevent common es-es use el botón para buscar por evento de calendario
use button to search for project common es-es use el botón para buscar por proyecto
use button to search for common es-es Use el botón para buscar
use button to search for address common es-es Use el botón para buscar por dirección
use button to search for calendarevent common es-es Use el botón para buscar por evento de calendario
use button to search for project common es-es Use el botón para buscar por proyecto
user common es-es Usuario
user accounts common es-es Cuentas de usuario
user groups common es-es Grupos de usuarios
@ -1470,48 +1494,49 @@ users choice common es-es A elegir por el usuario
uzbekistan common es-es UZBEKISTAN
valign common es-es Alineación vertical
value common es-es Valor
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common es-es ¡¡¡El valor tiene que ser al menos '%1'!!!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common es-es ¡¡¡El valor tiene que ser como máximo '%1'!!!
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common es-es ¡El valor tiene que ser al menos '%1'!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common es-es ¡El valor tiene que ser como máximo '%1'!
vanuatu common es-es VANUATU
vbox common es-es VBox
venezuela common es-es VENEZUELA
version common es-es Versión
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) common es-es número de la versión, en formato mayor.menor.revisión.número (por ej., con todos los números rellenos con ceros)
vertical alignment of row common es-es alineación vertical de la fila
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) common es-es Número de la versión, en formato mayor.menor.revisión.número (por ej., con todos los números rellenos con ceros)
vertical alignment of row common es-es Alineación vertical de la fila
vfs upload directory common es-es Directorio de subida de archivos VFS
video tutorials common es-es Tutoriales en video
viet nam common es-es VIETNAM
view common es-es Ver
view linked %1 entries common es-es Ver entradas vinculadas de %1
view this etemplate common es-es ver esta plantilla
view this linked entry in its application common es-es ver esta entrada enlazada en su aplicación
view this etemplate common es-es Ver esta plantilla
view this linked entry in its application common es-es Ver esta entrada enlazada en su aplicación
virgin islands, british common es-es VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH
virgin islands, u.s. common es-es VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
wallis and futuna common es-es WALLIS AND FUTUNA
was not able to delete the backup key because %1 common es-es No se pudo suprimir la clave de respaldo porque %1
we would like to introduce you to egroupware by showing a short introduction video. common es-es Nos gustaría presentarte EGroupware mostrando un breve video de introducción.
wednesday common es-es Miércoles
weekend common es-es fin de semana
weekend common es-es Fin de semana
welcome common es-es Página principal
western european common es-es Europeo occidental
western sahara common es-es SAHARA OCCIDENTAL
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common es-es ¿Qué color debe tener todo el espacio en blanco en el escritorio?
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common es-es Qué hacer con el contenido que se desborda: visible (predeterminado), oculto, desplazar, automático (decide el navegador)
what style would you like the image to have? common es-es ¿Qué estilo desea que tenga la imagen?
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences es-es Cuando fusione entradas en documentos, se almacenarán aquí. Si no se proporciona ninguna carpeta, se almacenarán en su directorio personal (%1)
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common es-es Si dice que sí, los botones de Inicio y Salir se presentan como aplicaciones en la barra principal de aplicaciones.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common es-es Dónde y cómo mostrar los enlaces de egroupware com las preferencias, acerca de y salir.
which groups common es-es Qué grupos
which infolog types should be synced with the device, default only tasks. common es-es Cuales tipos de InfoLog deben sincronizarse con el dispositivo, solo tareas predeterminadas.
whole query common es-es la consulta completa
widget copied into clipboard common es-es control copiado en el portapapeles
whole query common es-es La consulta completa
widget copied into clipboard common es-es Control copiado en el portapapeles
width common es-es Ancho
width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty common es-es ancho de la columna (en % o píxeles), desactivar columna: [!= no]<valor>[=<comprobar>] ej: '!@data' desactiva la columna si el contenido de los datos está vacío
width of column (in % or pixel) common es-es ancho de la columna (en % o pixel)
width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty common es-es Ancho de la columna (en % o píxeles), desactivar columna: [!= no]<valor>[=<comprobar>] ej: '!@data' desactiva la columna si el contenido de los datos está vacío
width of column (in % or pixel) common es-es Ancho de la columna (en % o pixel)
width of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div common es-es Ancho de la tabla en % o píxeles para la etiqueta y, opcionalmente, elemento div
width, disabled common es-es Ancho, desactivado
wk common es-es Semana
work email common es-es correo del trabajo
working days common es-es días laborales
work email common es-es Correo del trabajo
working days common es-es Días laborales
works reliable for total size up to 1-2 mb, might work for 5-10 mb, most likely to fail for >10mb common es-es Funciona de forma confiable para un tamaño total de hasta 1-2 MB, puede funcionar para 5-10 MB, lo más probable es que falle para >10 MB
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common es-es ¿Desea mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página en la parte inferior de cada ventana?
writable common es-es Writable
@ -1521,7 +1546,7 @@ write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php common es-es Escribir <app>/setup/table
write langfile common es-es Escribir archivo de idioma
write tables common es-es Escribir tablas
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app common es-es Escribe un archivo 'etemplates.inc.php' (para aplicación en Nombre) en el directorio de instalación de la aplicación
writing common es-es escribiendo
writing common es-es Escribiendo
written by: common es-es Escrito por:
xml-file to import common es-es Archivo xml a importar
xslt template common es-es Plantilla XSLT
@ -1544,6 +1569,7 @@ you have not entered participants common es-es No ha introducido participantes
you have selected an invalid date common es-es La fecha seleccionada no es válida
you have selected an invalid main category common es-es La categoría principal seleccionada no es válida
you have successfully logged out common es-es Ha terminado la sesión correctamente
you may drag files out to your desktop common es-es Puede arrastrar archivos a su escritorio
you need to %1set your timezone preference%2. common es-es Necesita %1 establecer su preferencia de zona horaria%2.
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common es-es Necesita añadir el usuario del servidor web '%1' al grupo '%2'.
you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common es-es ¡Necesita ser administrador de EGroupware para acceder a esta funcionalidad!
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
%1 email addresses inserted common et %1 email aadress sisestatud
%1 email(s) added into %2 common et %1 email(id) lisatud %2-sse
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common et %1 pole veebiserverijaoks käivitatav !!!
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common et %1 pole veebiserverijaoks käivitatav!
%1 more %2 selected ... common et %1 rohkem %2 valitud...
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common et %1Vali teine kaust%2<br />või tee %3 veebiserverijaoks kirjutatavaks
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common et %1Vali teine kaust%2<br>või tee %3 veebiserverijaoks kirjutatavaks
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common et %1EGroupware%2 on multi-kasutaja, veebipõhine grupitöö vahend mis on kirjutatud %3PHP%4.
'%1' copied to clipboard common et '%1' kopeeritud lõikelauale
'%1' is not a valid json file! common et '%1' ei ole kehtiv JSON-fail.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ algeria common et ALŽEERIA
all common et Kõik
all addressbooks groupdav et Kõik aadressiraamatud
all categories common et Kõik kategooriad
all fields common et kõik väljad
all fields common et Kõik väljad
all in one groupdav et Kõik ühes
all users common et Kõik kasutajad
allow editing the %1 common et Lubage muuta %1
@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ application common et Rakendus
applications common et Rakendused
apply common et Uuenda
april common et Aprill
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common et Oled kindel, et soovid neid kirjeid kustutada ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common et Oled kindel, et soovid seda kirjet kustutada ?
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common et Oled kindel, et soovid neid kirjeid kustutada?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common et Oled kindel, et soovid seda kirjet kustutada?
argentina common et ARGENTIINA
armenia common et ARMEENIA
aruba common et ARUBA
@ -136,15 +136,15 @@ caption common et Pealdis
categories common et Kategooriad
categories for common et kategooriad
category common et Kategooria
category %1 has been added ! common et Kategooria %1 on lisatud !
category %1 has been updated ! common et Category %1 on uuendatud !
category %1 has been added ! common et Kategooria %1 on lisatud!
category %1 has been updated ! common et Category %1 on uuendatud!
cayman islands common et KAIMANI SAARED
cc common et Cc
centered common et keskjoondatud
centered common et Keskjoondatud
central african republic common et KESK-AAFRIKA VABARIIK
chad common et TŠAAD
change common et Muuda
charset common et utf-8
charset common et Kirjatüüp
check all common et Kontrolli kõik
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common et Kontrollige tühje väärtusi IF-avaldustes. Näide {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}}} - Kui url ei ole tühi, kirjutab "Website:"
check installation common et Kontrolli installeeritust
@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ christmas island common et Jõulusaar
clear common et Puhasta
clear form common et Puhasta vorm
click common et Vajuta
click here to create the link common et vajuta siia tegemaks Link
click here to start the search common et vajuta siia alustamaks otsingut
click here to create the link common et Vajuta siia tegemaks Link
click here to start the search common et Vajuta siia alustamaks otsingut
close common et Sule
colombia common et KOLUMBIA
colour common et Värv
@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ comment common et Kommentaar
common preferences common et Üldised eelistused
comoros common et KOMOORID
company common et Firma
confirm common et kinnita
confirm common et Kinnita
congo common et Kongo
congo, the democratic republic of the common et KONGO DEMOKRAATLIK VABARIIK
contact common et Kontakt
contacting server... common et Ühendan Serveriga...
contains common et sisaldab
contains common et Sisaldab
cook islands common et COOKI SAARED
copy common et Kopeeri
copy "%1" common et Kopeeri "%1"
@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ default width for the windows common et Vaikimisi akna laius
delete common et Kustuta
delete category common et Kustuta kategooria
delete row common et Kustuta rida
delete this column common et kustuta see tulp
delete this entry common et kustuta see kirje
delete this column common et Kustuta see tulp
delete this entry common et Kustuta see kirje
delete this file common et Kustuta see fail
delete this row common et Kustuta see rida
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common et kustuta terve tulp (EI SAA tagasi võtta!!!)
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common et kustuta terve tulp
deletes this column common et Kustutab selle tulba
denmark common et TAANI
description common et Kirjeldus
@ -228,19 +228,19 @@ detail common et Detail
details common et Detailselt
direction left to right common et Suund vasakult paremale
disabled common et Väljalülitatud
discard changes common et unusta muudatused
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common et Tahad kustutada samuti kõik alamkataloogid ?
discard changes common et Unusta muudatused
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common et Tahad kustutada samuti kõik alamkataloogid?
do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? common et Kas soovid salvestada muudatused mida tegid tabelis %s?
document properties common et Dokumendi omadused
document title: common et Dokumendi pealkiri:
documentation common et Dokumentatsioon
doesn't matter common et pole tähtis
doesn't matter common et Pole tähtis
domain common et Doomeninimi
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common et doomeninimi mail-aadressijaoks, nagu "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common et Doomeninimi mail-aadressijaoks, nagu "%1"
domestic common et Kodumaine
dominica common et DOMINICA
dominican republic common et DOMINIKAANI VABARIIK
don't ask again! common et Don't ask again!
don't ask again! common et Ärge küsige uuesti!
done common et Valmis
download common et Lae alla
duration common et Kestvus
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common et EGroupware: logimine bl
egypt common et EGIPTUS
el salvador common et EL SALVADOR
email common et E-Mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common et kasutaja email-aadress, nagu "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common et Kasutaja email-aadress, nagu "%1"
enabled common et Lubatud
end date common et Lõpu kuupäev
end time common et Lõpu aeg
@ -274,18 +274,18 @@ error renaming %1 %2 directory common et Viga kausta %1 %2 ümber nimetamisel
estonia common et EESTI
ethiopia common et ETIOOPIA
everything common et Kõik
exact common et täpne
exact common et Täpne
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences et Näide {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Annab kirja eesliite ilma topelt tühikuta, kui pealkiri on tühi näiteks
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common et Näide {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Annab kirja eesliite ilma topelt tühikuta, kui pealkiri on tühi näiteks
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role preferences et Näide {{NELF roll}} - kui väli roll ei ole tühi, siis saate uue rea koos väljal role oleva väärtusega
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field preferences et Näide {{nenvlf roll}} - kui väli roll ei ole tühi, seatakse LF ilma väljal oleva väärtuseta
export xml common et Expordi XML
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common et Ühendus serveriga ebaõnnestus või vigane serveri vastus. Proovi uuesti sisse logida. Kui ebaõnnestub kontakteeru Administraatoriga.
fax number common et faksi number
features of the editor? common et fax number
fax number common et Faksi number
features of the editor? common et Redaktori funktsioonid
february common et Veebruar
field common et Väli
field must not be empty !!! common et Väli ei tohi jääda tühjaks !!!
field must not be empty !!! common et Väli ei tohi jääda tühjaks!
fields common et Väljad
file common et Pail
file a file common et Faili salvestamine
@ -296,11 +296,11 @@ filter common et Filter
finland common et Soome
first common et Esimene
first name common et Eesnimi
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common et kasutaja eesnimi, nagu "%1"
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common et Kasutaja eesnimi, nagu "%1"
first page common et Esimene leht
firstname common et Eesnimi
fixme! common et PARANDA MIND!
folder already exists. common et Kaust juba eksisteerib.
folder already exists. common et Kaust on juba olemas!
forever common et Igavesti
formatted business address common et Vormindatud äriaadress
formatted private address common et Vormindatud eraisiku aadress
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ group access common et Grupi Ligipääs
group has been added common et Grupp on lisatud
group has been deleted common et Grupp on kustutatud
group has been updated common et Grupp on uuendatud
group name common et grupi nimi
group name common et Grupi nimi
groups common et Grupid
haiti common et HAITI
height common et Kõrgus
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ highest common et Kõrgeim
history common et Ajalugu
history log common et Versiooni ajalugu
home common et Kodu
home email common et kodu email
home email common et Kodu email
honduras common et HONDURAS
hong kong common et HONG KONG
hour common et Tund
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ insert row before common et Sisesta rida peale
insert timestamp into description field common et Lisage ajatempel kirjeldusväljale
install common et Paigaldage
install egroupware as mail-handler? common et Installige EGroupware posti käsitlejana?
international common et rahvusvaheline
international common et Rahvusvaheline
invalid 2-factor authentication code common et 2-faktoorse autentimise kood on kehtetu
invalid email common et Invaliidne e-kiri
invalid filename common et Vigane failinimi
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ keywords common et Märksõnad
language common et Keel
last common et Viimane
last modified common et Viimati muudetud
last name common et perekonnanimi
last name common et Perekonnanimi
last page common et Viimane leht
latvia common et LÄTI
left common et Vasak
@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ lithuania common et LEEDU
load common et Lae
local common et Lokaalne
login rejected by epl firewall, please contact your administrator common et EGroupware tulemüür lükkab sisselogimise tagasi, palun võtke ühendust oma administraatoriga.
loginid common et SisselogimiseID
loginid common et Sisselogimise ID
logout common et Logi välja
lost login id common et Kaotasid logimise id
lost login id common et Kaotasid logimise ID
lost password common et Kaotasid parooli
low common et Madal
lowest common et Madalaim
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ mongolia common et MONGOOLIA
month common et Kuu
more common et Rohkem
move common et Liigutage
multiple common et mitmik
multiple common et Mitmik
name common et Nimi
never common et Mittekunagi
new common et Uus
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ new password common et Uus parool
new search common et Uus otsing
new value common et Uus Väärtus
new zealand common et UUS MEREMAA
newer version '%1' exists !!! common et uuem versioon '%1' eksisteerib !!!
newer version '%1' exists !!! common et Uuem versioon '%1' eksisteerib!
next common et Järgmine
next page common et Järgmine leht
nicaragua common et NICARAGUA
@ -443,18 +443,18 @@ nigeria common et NIGEERIA
niue common et NIUE
no common et Ei
no - cancel common et Ei -Tühista
no entries found, try again ... common et kirjeid ei leitud, proovi uuesti
no file common et pole faili
no entries found, try again ... common et Kirjeid ei leitud, proovi uuesti
no file common et Pole faili
no filters common et Filtrid puuduvad
no matches found common et sobivaid ei leitud
no matches found common et Sobivaid ei leitud
none common et Pole
normal common et Normaalne
norway common et NORRA
not common et ei
not a user yet? register now common et Pole vee kasutaja? Registreeru nüüd
not a user yet? register now common et Pole vee kasutaja? Registreeru nüüd.
note common et Teavitus
notes common et Teavitused
nothing found - try again !!! common et Midagi ei leitud - proovi uuesti !!!
nothing found - try again !!! common et Midagi ei leitud - proovi uuesti!
notify window common et Teavituse aken
november common et November
now common et Nüüd
@ -462,15 +462,22 @@ october common et Oktoober
ok common et OK
old value common et Vana Väärtus
oman common et OMAAN
only private common et ainult privaatne
only yours common et ainult sinu
open common et avatud
only private common et Ainult privaatne
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav et Toetavad ainult vähesed täielikult nõuetele vastavad kliendid (nt Apple). Kui peate sisestama URL-i, siis seda tõenäoliselt ei toetata!
only yours common et Ainult sinu
open common et Avatud
open existing contact common et Avage olemasolev kontakt
open popup window common et Ava hüpikaken
open the online help. common et Avage veebipõhine abi
operator common et Operaator
optional note about the link common et Valikuline märkus lingi jaoks
options common et Omadused
or common et või
order to navigating by tab key through the form common et Tellige navigeerimine tabulaatoriga läbi vormi
original common et Originaal
overview common et Ülevaade
owner common et Omanik
ownership common et Omanikuks olemine
page common et Leht
page was generated in %1 seconds common et Leht genereeriti %1 sekundit
password common et Parool
@ -479,41 +486,47 @@ path common et Teekond
permission denied! common et Luba keelatud!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common et Luba keelatud! See on ainult administratsiooni funktsioon.
permisson denied! common et Luba keelatud!
personal common et Isiklik
personal common et Lsiklik
pg down common et Lehekülg alla
pg up common et Lehekülg üles
pgp encryption common et PGP krüpteerimine
pgp encryption installation common et PGP krüpteerimise paigaldamine
phone number common et telefoni number
phone number common et Telefoni number
placeholders common et Paigaldajad
play/pause common et Esitus/peatus
please enter a name common et Palun sisesta nimi !
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common et Palun laadige EGroupware'i töölaud uuesti (F5 / Cmd+r).
play/pause common et Esitus/Peatus
please enter a name common et Palun sisesta nimi!
please enter table-name first !!! common et Sisestage kõigepealt tabeli nimi!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common et Palun laadige EGroupware'i töölaud uuesti (F5 / Cmd+R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common et Palun ärge unustage edaspidi kasutada kohalikul sisselogimisel kasutajanime '%1'!
please select common et Palun Vali
please set your global preferences common et Palun sisesta oma globaalsed eelistused !
please set your global preferences common et Palun sisesta oma globaalsed eelistused!
please type %1 more characters common et Palun sisestage veel %1 tähemärk(id)
please type 1 more character common et Palun sisestage veel 1 tähemärk
please wait... common et Palun Oota...
please wait... common et Palun oodake ...
please, check back with us shortly. common et Palun vaadake meid varsti uuesti.
poland common et POOLA
portugal common et PORTUGAL
preference common et Eelistused
preferences common et Eelistused
preferences for the %1 template set preferences et Eelistused malli %1 jaoks, mis on määratud
preview with entry common et Eelvaade koos sissekandega
previous page common et Eelmine leht
primary group common et primaarne Grupp
primary group common et Primaarne Grupp
primary style-sheet: common et Primaarne siilileht:
print common et Prindi
priority common et Prioriteet
private common et Privaatne
programs common et Programmid
project common et Projekt
properties common et Omadused
protocol is required common et Protokoll on nõutav
read common et Loe
reading common et loen
readonly common et loeainult
register common et registreeru
reading common et Loen
readonly common et Loeainult
register common et Registreeru
regular common et Regulaarne
reject common et Lükka tagasi
remove selected accounts common et eemalda märgitud kontod
remove selected accounts common et Eemalda märgitud kontod
rename common et Nimeta ümber
repeat password common et Parooli kordamine
replace common et Asenda
@ -545,7 +558,7 @@ select columns common et Vali tulbad
select country common et Vali Riik
select date common et Vali kuupäev
select day common et Vali päev
select day of week common et vali päev nädalast
select day of week common et Vali päev nädalast
select group common et Vali grupp
select home email address common et Vali kodune email aadress
select hour common et Vali tund
@ -559,7 +572,7 @@ select priority common et Vali Prioriteet
select the default height for the application windows common et Vali vaikimisi rakenduse akna kõrgus
select the default width for the application windows common et Vali vaikimisi rakenduse akna laius
select user common et Vali kasutaja
select which values to show common et vali mis väärtusi näidata
select which values to show common et Vali mis väärtusi näidata
select work email address common et Vali töö email aadress
select year common et Vali Aasta
selection common et Valik
@ -572,23 +585,23 @@ server name common et Serveri Nimi
session has been killed common et Sessioon tapeti
show common et Näita
show (no save) common et Näita (ära salvesta)
show all common et näita kõik
show all common et Näita kõik
show all categorys common et Näita kõik kategooriad
show clock? common et Näita kella?
show menu common et näita menüüd
show menu common et Näita menüüd
show page generation time common et Näita lehe genereerimise aega
show page generation time? common et Näita lehe genereerimise aega?
show password common et Näita parooli
show values common et Näita Väärtusi
show/hide common et näita/peida külgriba
show/hide common et Näita/peida külgriba
show_more_apps common et Näita rohkem programme
showing common et näitan
showing %1 common et näitan %1
showing common et Näitan
showing %1 common et Näitan %1
sign up common et Registreerimine
simple common et Lihtne
singapore common et SINGAPUR
site configuration common et Konfiguratsioon
size common et suurus
size common et Suurus
slovakia common et SLOVAKIA
slovenia common et SLOVEENIA
somalia common et SOMAALIA
@ -608,9 +621,9 @@ text color: common et Teksti värv:
textarea common et Tekstiväli
thailand common et TAI
the following applications require upgrades common et Järgmised rakendused vajavad uuendusi
this name has been used already common et See nimi on juba kasutusel !
this name has been used already common et See nimi on juba kasutusel!
thursday common et Neljapäev
tiled common et paanidena
tiled common et Paanidena
time common et Aeg
time zone common et Ajavöönd
time zone offset common et Ajavööndi nihe
@ -637,10 +650,10 @@ update common et Uuenda
upload common et Lae üles
uruguay common et URUGUAI
user common et Kasutaja
user accounts common et kasutaja kontod
user groups common et kasutaja grupid
user accounts common et Kasutaja kontod
user groups common et Kasutaja grupid
username common et Kasutajanimi
users common et kasutajad
users common et Kasutajad
users choice common et Kasutajate Valik
uzbekistan common et USBEKISTAN
vanuatu common et VANUATU
@ -654,10 +667,10 @@ western sahara common et LÄÄNE SAHARA
which groups common et Millised grupid
width common et Laius
wk common et Nd
work email common et töö email
work email common et Töö email
write langfile common et Kirjuta Keel
write tables common et Kirjuta Tabelid
writing common et kirjutan
writing common et Kirjutan
written by: common et Kirjutatud:
year common et Aasta
yemen common et JEEMEN
@ -666,14 +679,14 @@ yes - delete common et Jah - Kustuta
yes - delete including sub-entries common et Jah - Kustuta koos alam-kirjetega
you are required to change your password during your first login common et Sa pead muutma oma parooli esmasel sisselogimisel
you can respond by visiting: common et Sa saad vastata külastates:
you have been successfully logged out login et Oled täielikult välja loginud
you have not entered a title common et Sa ei sisestanud pealkirja
you have not entered a valid date common et Sa ei sisestanud kehtivat kuupäeva
you have not entered a valid time of day common et Sa ei
you have not entered participants common et Sa ei sisestanud osalejaid
you have selected an invalid date common et Sisestasid vigase kuupäeva !
you have selected an invalid main category common et Sisestasid vigase pea kategooria !
you have successfully logged out common et Oled õnnelikult välja loginud
you have been successfully logged out login et Oled täielikult välja loginud.
you have not entered a title common et Sa ei sisestanud pealkirja.
you have not entered a valid date common et Sa ei sisestanud kehtivat kuupäeva.
you have not entered a valid time of day common et Sa ei ole sisestanud kehtivat kellaaega.
you have not entered participants common et Sa ei sisestanud osalejaid.
you have selected an invalid date common et Sisestasid vigase kuupäeva!
you have selected an invalid main category common et Sisestasid vigase pea kategooria!
you have successfully logged out common et Oled õnnelikult välja loginud.
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common et Teie kontot on uuendatud teie identiteedipakkuja uute andmetega.
your browser is not up-to-date (javascript es6 compatible), you may experience some of the features not working. common et Teie brauser ei ole ajakohane (JavaScript ES6-ga ühilduv), mõned funktsioonid ei pruugi toimida.
your key has been restored successfully. common et Teie võti on edukalt taastatud.
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' common fi %1(%2 uudet) viestit kirjoitetaan sovelluksella %3 ja kielillä %4
%1 active file(s) with same name as directory inactivated! admin fi %1 aktiivinen(t) tiedosto(t), jolla on sama nimi kuin kansiolla, poistettu käytöstä!
%1 copied - the copy can now be edited common fi %1 kopioitu - kopiota voidaan nyt muokata.
%1 directories %2 found! admin fi %1 hakemistoja %2 löytyi!
%1 email addresses inserted common fi %1 sähköpostiosoitetta lisätty.
%1 email(s) added into %2 common fi %1 sähköposti(t) lisätty %2:een
%1 entries found, select one ... common fi %1 tapahtuma(a) löydetty, valitse yksi...
@ -8,25 +11,29 @@
%1 file common fi %1 tiedosto(a)
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common fi %1 ei ole web-palvelimen suoritettavissa!
%1 matches on search criteria common fi Hakuehdolla löytyi %1 kpl
%1 more %2 selected ... common fi %1 lisää %2 valittu...
%1 more... common fi %1 lisää...
%1 more %2 selected ... common fi %1 lisää %2 valittu ...
%1 more... common fi %1 lisää ...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common fi %1 sovelluksen %2 uutta eMallipohjaa tuotu
%1 not implemented for %2! common fi %1 ei ole implementoitu '%2':een
%1 to sync groupdav fi Synkronoitava %1
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common fi %1Valitse muu hakemisto%2<bt />tai salli veb palvelimelle kirjoitusoikeudet: %3
%1, duplicate id common fi %1, kaksoistunnus
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common fi %1Valitse muu hakemisto%2<br>tai salli veb palvelimelle kirjoitusoikeudet: %3
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common fi %1EGroupware%2 on %3PHP%4 kielellä kirjoitettu monen käyttäjän työryhmäohjelmisto.
%s disabled common fi %s ei käytössä
%s needed common fi %s tarvitaan
%s notranslation common fi %s Ei käännöstä
%s onchange common fi %s onChange
%s onchange common fi %s onchange
%s readonly common fi %s vain lukuoikeus
'%1' copied to clipboard common fi '%1' kopioitu leikepöydälle
'%1' has an invalid format common fi '%1' on virheellisessä muodossa
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common fi %1 on väärässä muodossa!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common fi %1 on epäkelpo päiväys!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common fi %1 ei ole desimaaliluku!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common fi %1 ei ole kokonaisluku!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common fi '%1' ei ole kelvollinen JSON-tiedosto
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common fi '%1' ei ole kelvollinen aikavyöhyke!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common fi '%1' ei ole sallittu ('%2')!
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common fi '%1' ei ole sallittu (%2)!
(session restored in %1 seconds) common fi Istunto palautettu %1 sekunnissa.
00 (disable) admin fi 00 (ei käytössä)
1 day common fi 1 Päivä
@ -46,10 +53,12 @@
5 seconds common fi 5 sekuntia
80 (http) admin fi 80 (http)
a pattern to be searched for common fi Hakuehdot
a request to the egroupware server returned with an error common fi EGroupware-palvelimelle lähetetty pyyntö palautti virheen.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz common fi ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
abort common fi Keskeytä
about common fi Tietoja
about %1 common fi Tietoja sovelluksesta %1
about egroupware common fi Tietoja EGroupwaresta
about egroupware common fi Tietoja EGroupware
access common fi Käyttöoikeus
access not permitted common fi Ei pääsyä
accesskey common fi Käyttöavain
@ -126,7 +135,7 @@ antarctica common fi ETELÄNAPAMANNER
antigua and barbuda common fi ANTIGUA JA BARBUDA
api common fi EGroupware API
application common fi Sovellus
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common fi Sovelluksen nimi pitää kirjoittaa kielitiedostoon tai vedostaa eMallipohjat !!!
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common fi Sovelluksen nimi pitää kirjoittaa kielitiedostoon tai vedostaa eTemplates!
applications common fi Sovellukset
applies the changes made common fi Hyväksytään tehdyt muutokset
applies the changes to the given version of the template common fi Hyväksy muutokset annetun version pohjaan.
@ -214,6 +223,7 @@ categories for common fi Kategoriat kohteelle
category common fi Kategoria
category %1 has been added ! common fi Kategoria %1 on lisätty!
category %1 has been updated ! common fi Kategoria %1 on päivitetty!
category owner common fi Luokan omistaja
category tree common fi Kategorian runko
cayman islands common fi CAYMANSAARET
cc common fi Cc
@ -227,7 +237,7 @@ chad common fi TSAD
change common fi Muuta
change owner common fi Vaihda omistaja
changed common fi Muokattu
charset common fi utf-8
charset common fi Merkistö
check all common fi Tarkista kaikki
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common fi Tarkista tyhjät arvot IF-lausekkeissa. Esimerkki {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}}} - Jos url ei ole tyhjä, kirjoittaa "Verkkosivusto:".
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common fi Onko sisältö vain nähtävillä mutta ei vaihdettavissa
@ -242,9 +252,11 @@ choose a background color for the icons common fi Valitse taustaväri ikoneille
choose a background image. common fi Valitse taustakuva
choose a background style. common fi Valitse taustan tyyli
choose a text color for the icons common fi Valitse ikoneiden tekstien väri
choose file... common fi Valitse tiedosto ...
choose the category common fi Valitse kategoria
choose the default filename for merged documents. preferences fi Valitse yhdistettyjen asiakirjojen oletustiedostonimi.
choose the parent category common fi Valitse yläkategoria
choose time common fi Valitse aika
chosen parent category no longer exists common fi Valistemaasi pääkategoriaa ei ole olemassa
christmas island common fi JOULUSAARI
class common fi Luokka
@ -261,6 +273,7 @@ click here to upload the file common fi Lataa tiedosto
click or mouse over to show menus common fi Näytetäänkö valikot napsauttamalla vai osoittamalla hiirellä?
click or mouse over to show menus? common fi Näytetäänkö valikot napsauttamalla vai osoittamalla hiirellä?
click this image on the navbar: %1 common fi Napsauta navigointipalkin kuvaa: %1
click to open colorpicker common fi Avaa värivalinta napsauttamalla sitä
click to order after that criteria common fi Järjestä kriteerin jälkeen
clickable path common fi Klikattava polku
close common fi Sulje
@ -271,13 +284,15 @@ colombia common fi KOLUMBIA
colour common fi Väri
column... common fi Sarake...
columnname common fi Sarakkeen nimi
columns to print common fi Tulostettavat sarakkeet
comment common fi Kommentti
common preferences common fi Yleiset asetukset
comoros common fi KOMORIT
company common fi Yritys
confirm common fi Vahvista
confirmation message or custom javascript (returning true or false) common fi Vahvistusviesti tai oma JavaScript, palauttaa true=totta tai false=väärin
confirmation necesary or custom java-script common fi Vahvistus vaaditaan tai oma javaskripti
confirmation necesary or custom java-script common fi Vahvistus vaaditaan tai oma JavaScript
confirmation required common fi Vahvistus vaaditaan
congo common fi KONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common fi KONGON DEMOKRAATTINEN KANSANTASAVALTA
contact common fi Yhteystiedot
@ -287,6 +302,7 @@ contacting server... common fi Otetaan yhteyttä palvelimeen...
contains common fi Sisältää
content type common fi Sisällön tyyppi
cook islands common fi COOKSAARET
cookies are required to login to this site login fi Sivustolle kirjautuminen edellyttää evästeitä
copy common fi Kopioi
copy "%1" common fi Kopioi "%1"
copy of: common fi Kopioi:
@ -322,6 +338,7 @@ cut common fi Leikkaa
cyprus common fi KYPROS
czech republic common fi TSEKKI
dark mode common fi Tumma tila
data type common fi Tietotyyppi
database error common fi Virhe tietokannassa
database error! common fi Virhe tietokannassa!
date common fi Päiväys
@ -337,16 +354,20 @@ db-tools common fi Tietokanta -työkalut
december common fi Joulukuu
default common fi Oletus
default category common fi Oletuskategoria
default document to insert entries preferences fi Oletusasiakirja, johon merkinnät lisätään
default height for the windows common fi Ikkunan oletuskorkeus
default visible actions common fi Näkyvät oletustoiminnot
default width for the windows common fi Ikkunan oletusleveys
del common fi Del
delete common fi Poista
delete a single entry by passing the id. common fi Poista yksittainen tietue ohittaen id.
delete a single entry by passing the id. common fi Poista yksittainen tietue ohittaen ID.
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry common fi Poistaa kaikki valitut eMallipohjat välittömästi.
delete backup common fi Poista varmuuskopio
delete category common fi Poista kategoria
delete column common fi Poista sarake
delete file common fi Poista tiedosto
delete index common fi Poista indeksi
delete link common fi Poista linkki
delete row common fi Poista rivi
delete selected entries? common fi Poista merkinnät
delete the spezified etemplate common fi Poista määritelty eMallipohja
@ -355,10 +376,11 @@ delete this column common fi Poista tämä sarake
delete this entry common fi Poista merkintä
delete this etemplate common fi Poista tämä eMallipohja
delete this file common fi Poista tämä tiedosto
delete this photo? common fi Poista tämä kuva?
delete this row common fi Poista tämä rivi
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common fi Poista koko sarake (lopullisesti, ei voida palauttaa!!!)
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone common fi Poistaa valitut eMallipohjat tietokannasta
deletes the etemplate spez. above common fi Poistaa eMallipohjan
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common fi Poista koko sarake
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone common fi Poistaa valitut eTemplate tietokannasta
deletes the etemplate spez. above common fi Poistaa eTemplate
deletes this column common fi Poistaa sarakkeen
deletes this index common fi Poistaa indeksin
denmark common fi TANSKA
@ -394,9 +416,11 @@ domestic common fi Kotimainen
dominica common fi DOMINICA
dominican republic common fi DOMINIKAANINEN TASAVALTA
don't ask again! common fi Älä kysy uudelleen!
don't show this again common fi Älä näytä tätä uudelleen
done common fi Valmis
dos international common fi Dos International
download common fi Lataa
drag markers to pick a color common fi Valitse väri vetämällä markkereita
drop a table - this can not be undone common fi Poista tietokannan taulu - tätä EI voi peruuttaa
drop table common fi Poista tietokannan taulu
dump4setup common fi Dump4Setup
@ -407,6 +431,7 @@ eastern european common fi Eastern european
ecuador common fi ECUADOR
edit common fi Muokkaa
edit %1 category for common fi Muokkaa %1 kategoriaa
edit avatar common fi Muokkaa avataria
edit categories common fi Muokkaa kategorioita
edit category common fi Muokkaa kategoriaa
edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file common fi Muokkaa upotettua CSS tyyliä tai sovelluksen app.css tiedostoa
@ -418,6 +443,7 @@ editable templates - editor common fi Muokattavat mallipohjat - Muokkaus
editable templates - search common fi Muokattavat mallipohjat - Haku
editable templates - show template common fi Muokattavat mallipohjat - Näytä sivupohja
egroupware common fi EGroupware
egroupware administrators group, do not delete common fi EGroupwaren ylläpitäjien ryhmä, ÄLÄ poista.
egroupware api version common fi EGroupware API versio
egroupware version common fi EGroupware versio
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common fi Käyttäjän '%1' pääsy estetty, IP %2
@ -427,7 +453,7 @@ email common fi Sähköposti
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common fi Käyttäjän sähköpostiosoite, esim. "%1"
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common fi Upotetut CSS tyylit, esim. .red { background: red; }' (huomaa '.' ennen luokan nimeä) tai '@import url(...)' (luokan nimi on globaali koko sivulla!)
empty file common fi Tyhjä tiedosto
enable javascript onchange submit common fi Salli JavaScript onChange lähetys
enable javascript onchange submit common fi Salli JavaScript onchange lähetys
enable logging groupdav fi Salli loki
enabled common fi Käytössä
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav fi Sallii CalDAV/CardDAV lokimerkinnät
@ -436,13 +462,14 @@ end time common fi Loppumisaika
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common fi Syötä '' määritelläksesi tyhjä arvo, tyhjä=ei oletusarvoa.
enter a search pattern common fi Syötä haun kaava
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common fi Anna ladattavan ja liitettävän tiedoston nimi, käytä [Selaa...] löytääksesi tiedosto
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin fi Anna EGroupwaren URL.<br>Esimerkki: http://www.yritys.com/egroupware tai /egroupware<br>(<b>Ei kauttaviivaa loppuun</b>)
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin fi Anna EGroupwaren URL.<br>Esimerkki: https://egw.yritys.com/egroupware tai /egroupware<br>(<b>Ei kauttaviivaa loppuun</b>)
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common fi Anna uusi versio numero (>vanha_versio), tyhjä jos ei ole päivitettävää tiedostoa
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common fi Anna uusi versio numero (täytyy olla > vanha_versio)
entry has been deleted sucessfully common fi Kohde poistettu
entry not found! common fi Kohdetta ei löytynyt!
entry saved common fi Merkintä tallennettu
entry updated sucessfully common fi Kohde päivitetty
epl only common fi Vain EPL
equatorial guinea common fi PÄIVÄNTASAAJAN GUINEA
eritrea common fi ERITREA
error common fi Virhe
@ -451,20 +478,21 @@ error create parent directory %1! common fi Virhe luotaessa päähakemistoa %1!
error creating %1 %2 directory common fi Virhe luotaessa hakemistoa %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common fi Virhe poistettaessa hakemistoa %1 %2
error deleting %1! common fi Virhe poistaessa: %1!
error enabling push common fi Virhe pushin käyttöönotossa
error renaming %1 %2 directory common fi Virhe nimettäessä hakemistoa uudelleen %1 %2
error uploading file! filemanager fi Virhe ladattaessa tiedostoa!
error: template not found !!! common fi Virhe: Mallipohjaa ei löytynyt !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common fi Virhe: Webpalvelin ei sallinut kirjoittaa %1 !!!
error: while saving !!! common fi Virhe tallentaessa !!!
error: template not found !!! common fi Virhe: Mallipohjaa ei löytynyt!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common fi Virhe: Webpalvelin ei sallinut kirjoittaa %1!
error: while saving !!! common fi Virhe tallentaessa!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common fi Virhe: kirjoitettaessa tiedostoa, ei kirjoittamisoikeutta webpalvelimelle!
estonia common fi VIRO
etag common fi ETag
etemplate common fi eMallipohja
etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database common fi eMallipohja '%1' tuotu, tallenna se tietokantaan.
etemplate '%1' written to '%2' common fi eMallipohja %1 kirjoitetaan %2
etemplate editor common fi eMallipohjan muokkain
etemplate reference common fi eMallipohjan referenssit
etemplate tutorial common fi eMallipohjan opetusohjelma
etemplate common fi eTemplate
etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database common fi eTemplate '%1' tuotu, tallenna se tietokantaan.
etemplate '%1' written to '%2' common fi eTemplate %1 kirjoitetaan %2
etemplate editor common fi eTemplate muokkain
etemplate reference common fi eTemplate referenssit
etemplate tutorial common fi eTemplate opetusohjelma
ethiopia common fi ETIOPIA
everything common fi Kaikki
exact common fi Täsmällinen
@ -477,10 +505,13 @@ exchange this two columns common fi Vaihda nämä kaksi saraketta keskenään
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common fi Vie ladattu eMallipohja XML-tiedostoksi
export xml common fi Vie XML-tiedostoon
extensions loaded: common fi Ladatut laajennukset:
failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2! admin fi Vaaditun kansion "%1" tilan muuttaminen %2:ksi epäonnistui!
failed to change password. common fi Salasanan vaihto ei onnistunut.
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common fi Yhteys palvelimeen epäonnistui, yritä uudestaan. Ota yhteyttä ylläpitäjään mikäli ongelma toistuu.
failed to create required directory "%1"! admin fi Vaaditun kansion "%1" luominen epäonnistui!
falkland islands (malvinas) common fi FALKLANDSAARET
faroe islands common fi FÄRSAARET
favorite queries common fi Suosikkikyselyt
favorites common fi Suosikit
fax number common fi Faksi
features of the editor? common fi Editorin ominaisuudet
@ -492,7 +523,7 @@ fiji common fi FIDJI
file common fi Tiedosto
file '%1' not found! common fi Tiedostoa '%1' ei löytynyt!
file a file common fi Tallenna tiedosto
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common fi Tiedosto sisältää enemmän kuin yhden eMallipohjan, viimeisin näytetään !!!
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common fi Tiedosto sisältää enemmän kuin yhden eMallipohjan, viimeisin näytetään!
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common fi Tiedosto on vääräntyyppinen (%1 !=%2)!
file writen common fi Tiedostoa kirjoitetaan
files common fi Tiedostot
@ -553,7 +584,7 @@ group has been deleted common fi Ryhmä on poistettu
group has been updated common fi Ryhmä on päivitetty
group name common fi Ryhmän nimi
group public common fi Ryhmän julkinen
groupdav common fi CalDAV, CardCAV ja GroupDAV
groupdav common fi CalDAV / CardDAV-synkronointi
groups common fi Ryhmät
groups with permission for %1 common fi Ryhmät, joilla on oikeus %1
groups without permission for %1 common fi Ryhmät, joilla ei ole oikeutta %1
@ -577,6 +608,7 @@ high common fi Korkea
highest common fi Korkein
history common fi Historia
history log common fi Versiohistoria
hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it common fi Pidä [%1]-näppäintä painettuna tekstin valitsemiseksi, esim. kopioimiseksi.
holy see (vatican city state) common fi VATIKAANI
home common fi Etusivu
home email common fi Kotisähköposti
@ -593,6 +625,7 @@ how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons
how many rows to print common fi Kuinka monta riviä tulostetaan
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common fi Kuinka päävalikko näytetään?
html common fi HTML
html link to the current record common fi HTML-linkki nykyiseen tietueeseen
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common fi HTML-linkit kaikkiin nykyiseen tietueeseen linkitettyihin merkintöihin, lukuun ottamatta liitetiedostoja.
hungary common fi UNKARI
iceland common fi ISLANTI
@ -600,6 +633,7 @@ id common fi Tunniste
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common fi ieSpell:ä ei havaittu, paina Ok siirtyäksesi lataussivulle.
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common fi Jo kenttä ei ole sallittu, tyhjä solu näytetään
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common fi Jos kello on käytössä, päivitetäänkö se sekunnin vai minuutin välein?
if the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver. common fi Jos virhe ei poistu, ota yhteyttä järjestelmänvalvojaan ja pyydä tarkistamaan verkkopalvelimen virheloki.
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common fi Jos taustakuvahakemistossa on kuvia, voit valita mitä kuvaa haluat käyttää.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences fi Määrittele kansio (koko vfs polku), ja %1 näyttää kaikki kansiossa olevat tiedostot. Valittu tiedosto voidaan ladata, sisältäen tiedostoon automaattisesti syötetyt tiedot.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences fi Määrittele tiedosto (koko vfs polku), ja %1 näyttää kaikki ylimääräisen kuvakkeen jokaiselle merkinnälle. Määritelty tiedosto voidaan ladata kuvaketta klikkaamalla, sisältäen tiedostoon automaattisesti syötetyt tiedot..
@ -608,7 +642,7 @@ image common fi Kuva
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common fi Kuvahakemiston suhteellinen dokumentin juurihakemisto (käytä / !), esimerkiksi:
image url common fi Kuvan URL
import common fi Tuonti
import an etemplate from a xml-file common fi Tuo eMallipohja XML-tiedostosta
import an etemplate from a xml-file common fi Tuo eTemplate XML-tiedostosta
import table-definitions from existing db-table common fi Tuo taulumääritykset valmiista tietokannasta
import xml common fi Tuo XML
include access to any linked files (links tab) common fi Sisällytä pääsy linkitettyihin tiedostoihin (Linkit-välilehti).
@ -616,7 +650,7 @@ indexed common fi Indeksoitu
indexoptions common fi Indeksointiasetukset
india common fi INTIA
indonesia common fi INDONEESIA
infolog types to sync common fi Tehtävähallinnan synkronoitavat tyypit
infolog types to sync common fi Synkronoitavat InfoLog-tyypit
initial common fi Alkukirjain
insert a column before common fi Lisää sarake ennen
insert a column behind common fi Lisää sarake jälkeen
@ -642,6 +676,7 @@ install common fi Asenna
install egroupware as mail-handler? common fi Asennetaanko EGroupware sähköpostin käsittelijäksi?
integer common fi Kokonaisluku
international common fi Kansainvälinen
introduction common fi Johdanto
invalid 2-factor authentication code common fi Virheellinen 2-tekijätodennuskoodi
invalid email common fi Virheellinen sähköpostiosoite
invalid filename common fi Virheellinen tiedostonnimi.
@ -703,8 +738,13 @@ light mode common fi Vaalea tila
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common fi Rivi %1: '%2'<br><b>csv tiedot sisältävät ##last-check-run## taulukon %3 ==> ohita</b>
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common fi Rivi %1: '%2'<br><b>csv tiedot eivät täsmää taulukon laskettuihin sarakkeisiin %3 ==> ohita</b>
link common fi Linkki
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download currently attached version of files common fi Linkki liitetään sähköpostiviestiin, jolloin vastaanottajat voivat ladata liitteenä olevan version tiedostoista.
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download or modify up to date version of files (epl only) common fi Linkki liitetään sähköpostiviestiin, jonka avulla vastaanottajat voivat ladata tai muokata tiedostojen ajantasaista versiota (vain EPL).
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download up to date version of files common fi Linkki liitetään sähköpostiviestiin, jotta vastaanottajat voivat ladata tiedostojen ajantasaisen version.
link target %1 not found! common fi Linkkikohdetta %1 ei löytynyt!
link title of current record common fi Nykyisen tietueen linkin otsikko
linkapps common fi Linkki sovellukseen
linked common fi Linkitetty
linkentry common fi Linkki tietueeseen
linklist common fi Linkkiluettelo
links and attached files preferences fi Linkit ja liitetyt tiedostot
@ -795,6 +835,7 @@ netherlands antilles common fi ALANKOMAIDEN ANTILLIT
never common fi Ei koskaan
new common fi Uusi
new caledonia common fi UUSI KALEDONIA
new egroupware release %1 available common fi Uusi EGroupware-julkaisu %1 saatavilla
new entry added sucessfully common fi Uusi tietue lisätty
new favorite common fi Uusi suosikki
new main category common fi Uusi pääkategoria
@ -812,17 +853,19 @@ nigeria common fi NIGERIA
niue common fi NIUE
no common fi Ei
no - cancel common fi Ei - Peruuta
no column to swap with !!! common fi Ei saraketta johon voisi vaihtaa !!!
no column to swap with !!! common fi Ei saraketta johon voisi vaihtaa!
no entries found, try again ... common fi Ei merkintöjä, yritä uudelleen ...
no file common fi Ei tiedostoa
no filename given or selected via browse... common fi Tiedostonimeä ei annettu tai valittu Selaa... -valinnan kautta
no filename given or selected via browse... common fi Ei tiedostonimeä
no filters common fi Ei suodattimia
no history for this record common fi Tällä merkinnällä ei ole historiatietoja
no key for recipient: common fi Ei näppäintä vastaanottajalle:
no matches found common fi Ei osumia löydetty!
no rights to export more than %1 entries! common fi Sallittu vientimäärä: %1 merkintää!
no row to swap with !!! common fi Ei riviä johon voisi vaihtaa !!!
no row to swap with !!! common fi Ei riviä johon voisi vaihtaa!
no savant2 template directories were found in: common fi Savant2 mallipohjan hakemistoa ei löydy:
no subject common fi Ei aihetta
no suggestions common fi Ei ehdotuksia
none common fi Ei mitään
none of %1 common fi 0 / %1
norfolk island common fi NORFOLKSAARET
@ -834,12 +877,13 @@ not a user yet? register now common fi Ei käyttäjätiliä? Kirjaudu.
not assigned common fi Ei osoitettu
not null common fi EI NULL
not readable %1 entry of user %2 common fi Henkilön %2 tietue %1 ei luettavissa
not supported by current application! common fi Nykyinen sovellus ei tue!
note common fi Muistiinpano
notes common fi Muistiinpanot
nothing common fi Ei mitään
nothing found - try again !!! common fi Mitään ei löydetty - yritä uudelleen !!!
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common fi Leikepöydällä ei ole mitään liitettävää !!!
nothing matched search criteria !!! common fi Mikään ei ole yhteensopiva haun kriteerien kanssa !!!
nothing found - try again !!! common fi Mitään ei löydetty - yritä uudelleen!
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common fi Leikepöydällä ei ole mitään liitettävää!
nothing matched search criteria !!! common fi Mikään ei ole yhteensopiva haun kriteerien kanssa!
nothing to save. common fi Ei tallennettavaa
notifications common fi Huomautusviestit
notify window common fi Huomautusikkuna
@ -853,14 +897,15 @@ old value common fi Vanha arvo
oman common fi OMAN
on *nix systems please type: %1 common fi *nix-järjestelmissä voit kirjoittaa: %1
on mouse over common fi Hiirellä osoittamalla
onchange common fi onChange
onclick common fi onClick
only an other version found !!! common fi Vain toinen versio löydetty !!!
onchange common fi onchange
onclick common fi onclick
only an other version found !!! common fi Vain toinen versio löydetty!
only private common fi Vain yksityiset
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav fi Toiminto tuettu vain muutamissa laitteissa. Jos URL täytyy syöttää, toiminto todennäköisesti ei ole tuettu.
only yours common fi Vain omat
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common fi Hups... Huoltokatko meneillään!
open common fi Avaa
open existing contact common fi Avaa olemassa oleva yhteyshenkilö
open notify window common fi Avaa huomautusikkuna
open popup window common fi Avaa ponnahdusikkuna
open sidebox common fi Avaa sivuvalikko
@ -876,6 +921,7 @@ other common fi Muu
overflow common fi Ylivuoto
overview common fi Yleiskuva
owner common fi Omistaja
ownership common fi Omistus
padding common fi Padding
page common fi Sivu
page was generated in %1 seconds common fi Sivun luominen kesti %1 sekuntia
@ -887,7 +933,7 @@ papua new guinea common fi PAPUA UUSI GUINEA
paraguay common fi PARAGUAY
parcel common fi Parcel
parent category common fi Yläkategoria
parent is a '%1' !!! common fi '%1' on isäntä !!!
parent is a '%1' !!! common fi '%1' on isäntä!
password common fi Salasana
password could not be changed common fi Salasanaa ei voitu muuttaa
password has been updated common fi Salasana on päivitetty
@ -898,7 +944,7 @@ password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common fi Salasanassa pitä
password must have at least %1 characters common fi Salasanassa pitää olla vähintään %1 merkkiä.
paste common fi Liitä
path common fi Polku
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common fi Käyttäjä- ja ryhmätiedostojen TÄYTYY OLLA web palvelimen juurihakemiston ulkopuolella!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common fi Käyttäjä- ja ryhmätiedostojen TÄYTYY OLLA web palvelimen juurihakemiston ulkopuolella!
permission denied! common fi Käyttöoikeus estetty!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common fi Lupa evätty! Tämä on vain järjestelmänvalvojille tarkoitettu ominaisuus.
permissions to the files/users directory common fi Tiedostojen/käyttäjien hakemiston käyttöoikeudet
@ -916,8 +962,8 @@ placeholders common fi Paikannimet
play/pause common fi Toista/tauko
please %1 by hand common fi Suorita manuaalisesti: %1
please enter a name common fi Anna nimi!
please enter table-name first !!! common fi Kirjoita ensin taulukon nimi !!!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common fi Lataa EGroupware-työpöytä uudelleen (F5 / Cmd+r).
please enter table-name first !!! common fi Kirjoita ensin taulukon nimi!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common fi Lataa EGroupware-työpöytä uudelleen (F5 / Cmd+R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common fi Muista käyttää '%1' käyttäjätunnusta paikallisissa kirjautumisissa tästä lähtien!
please run setup to become current common fi Päivitä asennus
please select common fi Valitse
@ -925,7 +971,7 @@ please set your global preferences common fi Määrittele yleiset asetukset!
please set your preferences for this application common fi Määrittele tämän sovelluksen asetukset!
please type %1 more characters common fi Kirjoita %1 lisää merkkiä (merkkejä)
please type 1 more character common fi Kirjoita 1 lisämerkki
please wait... common fi Odota hetki...
please wait... common fi Odota hetki ...
please, check back with us shortly. common fi Yritä hetken kuluttua uudestaan!
pm common fi pm
poland common fi PUOLA
@ -938,6 +984,7 @@ precision common fi Esitystarkkuus
preference common fi Asetukset
preferences common fi Asetukset
preferences for the %1 template set preferences fi Asetukset mallipohjalle: %1
preview with entry common fi Esikatselu merkinnällä
previous page common fi Edellinen sivu
primary group common fi Ensisijainen ryhmä
primary key common fi Pää avain (ensisijainen)
@ -949,14 +996,16 @@ private common fi Yksityinen
programs common fi Ohjelmat
project common fi Projekti
properties common fi Ominaisuudet
protocol is required common fi Pöytäkirja vaaditaan
public common fi Julkinen
puerto rico common fi PUERTO RICO
qatar common fi QATAR
quick add common fi Nopea lisäys
radiobutton common fi Valintaruutu
read common fi Luku
read a list of entries. common fi Lue tietueiden listaa
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common fi Lue yksittäinen tietue ohittaen id ja kentän lista.
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common fi Lue eMallipohja tietokannasta (avaimet yläpuolella)
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common fi Lue eTemplate tietokannasta (avaimet yläpuolella)
read this list of methods. common fi Lue tämä lista
reading common fi Luetaan
readonly common fi Vain lukuoikeus
@ -965,7 +1014,7 @@ register common fi Rekisteröidy
regular common fi Tavallinen
reject common fi Hylkää
remember me common fi Muista minut
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common fi Siirrä rivi (lopullinen, ei voida palauttaa !!!)
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common fi Siirrä rivi
remove selected accounts common fi Poista valitut käyttäjättilit
remove shortcut common fi Poista pikakuvake
remove this link (not the entry itself) common fi Poista tämä linkki (ei poista itse merkintää)
@ -1031,21 +1080,25 @@ select account common fi Valitse käyttäjätili
select action common fi Valitse toiminto
select all common fi Valitse kaikki
select all %1 %2 for %3 common fi Valitse kaikki %1 %2 for %3
select an app first !!! common fi Valitse sovellus ensin !!!
select all entries common fi Valitse kaikki merkinnät
select an app first !!! common fi Valitse sovellus ensin!
select an app to search in common fi Valitse sovellus etsimiseen
select an application common fi Valitse sovellus
select an application, (*) = uninstalled common fi Valitse sovellus, (*) = ei asennettu
select an entry to link with common fi Valitse tietue linkkiin
select an opened dialog common fi Avatun valintaikkunan valitseminen
select an table of the application common fi Valitse sovelluksen taulukko
select application common fi Valitse sovellus
select application to search common fi Valitse etsittävä sovellus
select category common fi Valitse kategoria
select color common fi Valitse väri
select columns common fi Valitse sarakkeet
select country common fi Valitse maa
select date common fi Valitse päivämäärä
select day common fi Valitse päivä
select day of week common fi Valitse viikonpäivä
select entry common fi Valitse tietue
select file(s) from vfs common fi Valitse tiedosto(t) EGroupware File Managerista.
select group common fi Valitse ryhmä
select home email address common fi Valitse kotisähköpostiosoite
select hour common fi Valitse tunti
@ -1055,15 +1108,16 @@ select month common fi Valitse kuukausi
select multiple accounts common fi Valitse useita käyttäjättilejä
select number common fi Valitse numero
select one common fi Valitse
select one ... common fi Valitse yksi...
select one ... common fi Valitse yksi ...
select percentage common fi Valitse prosenttiosuus
select priority common fi Valitse ensisijaisuus
select some options common fi Valitse joitakin vaihtoehtoja
select state common fi Valitse osavaltio
select the columns to display in the list common fi Valitse sarakkeet, jotka näytetään listalla.
select the default height for the application windows common fi Valitse sovellusikkunan oletuskorkeus.
select the default width for the application windows common fi Valitse sovellusikkunan oletusleveys.
select the indexed columns in their desired order common fi Valitse indeksoidut sarakkeet halutussa järjestyksessä.
select this etemplate to delete it common fi Valitse poistettava eMallipohja
select this etemplate to delete it common fi Valitse poistettava eTemplate
select user common fi Valitse käyttäjä
select which accounts to show common fi Valitse mitkä käyttäjätilit näytetään
select which values to show common fi Valitse mitkä arvot näytetään
@ -1072,18 +1126,23 @@ select year common fi Valitse vuosi
selectbox common fi Valintalaatikko
selection common fi Valinta
send common fi Lähetä
send succeeded to %1 common fi Lähetä onnistui osoitteeseen %1
senegal common fi SENEGAL
september common fi Syyskuu
serbia common fi Serbia
server %1 has been added common fi Palvelin %1 on lisätty
server answered. processing response... common fi Palvelin vastaa, prosessoidaan vastausta...
server contacted. waiting for response... common fi Yhdistetään palvelimeen, odotetaan vastausta...
server contacted. waiting for response... common fi Yhdistetään palvelimeen, odotetaan vastausta ...
server error common fi Palvelimen virhe
server is unwilling to perform. common fi Palvelin ei ole halukas suorittamaan.
server name common fi Palvelimen nimi
session has been killed common fi Istunto on keskeytetty
set as default common fi Aseta oletukseksi
set these columns as the default common fi Aseta nämä sarakkeet oletusarvoiksi
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav fi Valitse käyttäjä vastuulliseksi, mutta säilytä ryhmät
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav fi Valitse käyttäjä ainoaksi vastuulliseksi, poistaa kaikki muut vastuulliset
sets today as date common fi aseta tämä päivä päivämääräksi
sets today as date common fi Aseta tämä päivä päivämääräksi
settings saved. common fi Asetukset tallennetaan.
setup common fi Asennus
setup main menu common fi Asennuksen päävalikko
seychelles common fi SEYCHELLIT
@ -1111,8 +1170,8 @@ show_more_apps common fi show_more_apps
showing common fi Näkyvissä
showing %1 common fi Näytetään %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common fi Näytetään %1 - %2 / %3
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing common fi Näyttää / sallii arvojen syötön eMallipohjaan testitarkoituksessa.
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before common fi Näyttää eMallipohjan testitarkoituksessa, EI tallenna mallipohjaa.
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing common fi Näyttää / sallii arvojen syötön eTemplate testitarkoituksessa.
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before common fi Näyttää eTemplate testitarkoituksessa, EI tallenna mallipohjaa.
sierra leone common fi SIERRA LEONE
sign up common fi Rekisteröidy
simple common fi Yksinkertainen
@ -1141,6 +1200,7 @@ start time common fi Aloitusaika
start with common fi Alkaa
starting up... common fi Aloitetaan
status common fi Tila
store your public key in addressbook? common fi Tallenna julkinen avain osoitekirjaan?
stretched common fi Venytetty
subject common fi Aihe
submit common fi Lähetä
@ -1148,6 +1208,7 @@ submit form common fi Lähetä lomake
submitbutton common fi Lähetä-painike
substitutions and their meanings: common fi Korvaukset ja niiden merkitykset:
sudan common fi SUDAN
suggest password common fi Ehdota salasanaa
sunday common fi Sunnuntai
suriname common fi SURINAMI
svalbard and jan mayen common fi SVALBARD JA JAN MAYEN
@ -1158,13 +1219,14 @@ swap with next row common fi Vaihda seuraavaa riviin
swaziland common fi SWAZIMAA
sweden common fi RUOTSI
switch to a parent widget common fi Vaihda isäntä widgetiin
switch to an other widgets of that container common fi Siirtyminen kyseisen säiliön muihin widgetteihin
switzerland common fi SVEITSI
sync all selected into one groupdav fi Synkronoi kaikki yhteen
syrian arab republic common fi SYYRIAN ARABITASAVALTA
tab common fi Tab
table %1 is excluded from backup and restore. data will not be restored. common fi Taulu %1 ei sisälly varmuuskopioon eikä palautukseen. Tietoja ei palauteta.
table properties common fi Taulukon ominaisuudet
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! common fi Taulukkoa ei ole muutettu, joten kirjoittaminen ei ole tarpeellinen !!!
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! common fi Taulukkoa ei ole muutettu, joten kirjoittaminen ei ole tarpeellinen!
tablename common fi Taulukon nimi
tabs common fi Sarkaimet
taiwan common fi TAIWAN / TAIPEI
@ -1177,6 +1239,7 @@ text common fi Teksti
text color: common fi Tekstin väri:
textarea common fi Tekstialue
thailand common fi THAIMAA
the backup key has been deleted. common fi Varmistusavain on poistettu.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). preferences fi Tiedosto voi sisältää merkintöjä kuten {{%3}}, mihin syötetään haluttu tieto. %1Lista mahdollisista merkinnöistä%2
the following applications require upgrades common fi Seuraavat sovellukset tarvitsevat päivityksen
the following document-types are supported: preferences fi Seuraavat tiedostotyypit ovat tuettuja:
@ -1196,14 +1259,14 @@ to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common fi
to examine or reinstate inactived files, you might need to turn versioning on. admin fi Jos haluat tutkia tai palauttaa käytöstä poistettuja tiedostoja, sinun on ehkä otettava versionhallinta käyttöön.
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common fi Siirtyäksesi takaisin viestiluetteloon napsauta <a href="%1">tästä</a>
to start the db-tools common fi Käynnistääksesi Tietokantatyökalut
to start the etemplate editor common fi Käynnistääksesi eMallipohjan muokkauksen
to start the etemplate editor common fi Käynnistääksesi eTemplate muokkauksen
to start the search common fi Aloitetaan etsiminen
today common fi Tänään
todays date, eg. "%1" common fi Tämä päivämäärä, esim. "%1"
togo common fi TOGO
tokelau common fi TOKELAU
tonga common fi TONGA
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common fi Liian monta riviä valittu.<br />Valitse kaikki tai vähemmän kuin %1 riviä.
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common fi Liian monta riviä valittu.<br>Valitse kaikki tai vähemmän kuin %1 riviä.
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common fi Liian monta epäonnistunutta sisäänkirjautumista: %1 käyttäjällä '%2', %3 IP-osoitteesta %4
top common fi Ylälaita
total common fi Yhteensä
@ -1254,8 +1317,8 @@ users choice common fi Käyttäjän valinta
uzbekistan common fi UZBEKISTAN
valign common fi vAlign
value common fi Arvo
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common fi Arvo pitää olla ainakin %1 !!!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common fi Arvo pitää olla maksimissaan %1 !!!
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common fi Arvo pitää olla ainakin %1!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common fi Arvo pitää olla maksimissaan %1!
vanuatu common fi VANUATU
vbox common fi VBox
venezuela common fi VENEZUELA
@ -1297,16 +1360,17 @@ write langfile common fi Kirjoita kielitiedosto
write tables common fi Kirjoita taulukko
writing common fi Kirjoitetaan
written by: common fi Kirjoittanut:
xml-file to import common fi tuotava xml-tiedosto
xml-file to import common fi Tuotava xml-tiedosto
xslt template common fi XSLT -mallipohja
year common fi Vuosi
yemen common fi JEMEN
yes common fi Kyllä
yes - delete common fi Kyllä - Poista
yes - delete including sub-entries common fi Kyllä - Poista myös alamerkinnät
you are not allowed to export more than %1 entries! common fi Sinulla ei ole riittäviä oikeuksia viedä enemmän kuin %1 tietuetta!!!
you are not allowed to export more than %1 entries! common fi Sinulla ei ole riittäviä oikeuksia viedä enemmän kuin %1 tietuetta!
you are required to change your password during your first login common fi Salasanasi on vaihdettava ensimmäisen sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä.
you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common fi Määritele montako kuvaketta ja työkaluriviä editori näyttää
you can not choose more then %1 item(s)! common fi Et voi valita enempää kuin %1 kohdetta (kohteita)!
you can respond by visiting: common fi Voit vastata vierailemalla:
you have been successfully logged out login fi Olet kirjautunut ulos
you have not entered a title common fi Et määritellyt otsikkoa
@ -1316,6 +1380,7 @@ you have not entered participants common fi Et ole määritellyt osallistujia
you have selected an invalid date common fi Olet valinnut virheellisen päivämäärän!
you have selected an invalid main category common fi Olet valinnut virheellisen pääkategorian!
you have successfully logged out common fi Olet kirjautunut ulos
you may drag files out to your desktop common fi Voit raahata tiedostoja työpöydälle
you need to %1set your timezone preference%2. common fi Määrittele %1aikavyöhykkeesi asetuksissa%2.
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common fi Lisää web palvelimen käyttäjä '%1' ryhmään '%2'.
you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common fi Vain ylläpitäjillä on käyttöoikeus tähän!
@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
%1 directories %2 found! admin fr %1 répertoire %2 trouvé !
%1 email addresses inserted common fr %1 adresse(s) email insérée(s)
%1 email(s) added into %2 common fr %1 adresse(s) email insérée(s) dans %2
%1 entries found, select one ... common fr %1 élément(s) trouvé(s), sélectionnez en un...
%1 entries found, select one ... common fr %1 élément(s) trouvé(s), sélectionnez en un ...
%1 etemplates deleted common fr %1 eTemplate(s) supprimé(s).
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' common fr %1 eTemplates pour l'Application '%2' écrits dans '%3'
%1 etemplates found common fr %1 eTemplate(s) trouvé(s).
%1 file common fr %1 fichier
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common fr %1 n'est pas exécutable par le serveur web !
%1 matches on search criteria common fr %1 occurences sur les critères de recherche
%1 more %2 selected ... common fr %1 plus %2 sélectionné(s)...
%1 more... common fr %1 plus...
%1 more %2 selected ... common fr %1 plus %2 sélectionné(s) ...
%1 more... common fr %1 plus ...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common fr %1 eTemplate(s) importé(s) pour l'Application '%2'
%1 not implemented for %2! common fr %1 pas implémenté pour %2 !
%1 proxy of %2 common fr %1 proxy sur %2
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
%s readonly common fr %s LectureSeule
'%1' copied to clipboard common fr '%1' copié dans le presse-papiers
'%1' has an invalid format common fr '%1' a un format invalide
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common fr '%1' a un format invalide !!!
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common fr '%1' a un format invalide !
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common fr '%1' n'est pas une date valide !
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common fr '%1' n'est pas un nombre à virgule flottante valide !
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common fr '%1' n'est pas un entier valide !
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
00 (disable) admin fr 00 (non actif)
1 day common fr 1 Jour
1 hour common fr 1 Heure
1 minute common fr 1 minute
1 minute common fr 1 Minute
1 month common fr 1 Mois
1 week common fr 1 Semaine
13 (ntp) admin fr 13 (ntp)
@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
2-factor-authentication required common fr Authentication à double facteur requise
3 minutes common fr 3 minutes
30 minutes common fr 30 Minutes
30 seconds common fr 30 secondes
5 minutes common fr 5 minutes
5 seconds common fr 5 secondes
30 seconds common fr 30 Secondes
5 minutes common fr 5 Minutes
5 seconds common fr 5 Secondes
80 (http) admin fr 80 (http)
a pattern to be searched for common fr Chaine de caractères à rechercher
a request to the egroupware server returned with an error common fr Une requête au serveur EGroupware a retourné une erreur
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ add shortcut common fr Ajouter raccourci
add sub common fr Ajouter enfant
add table common fr Ajouter une table
add to clipboard common fr Ajouter au presse-papier
add user to responsibles groupdav fr rattacher un utilisateur à des responsables
add user to responsibles, removing evtl. previous category user groupdav fr rattacher un utilisateur à des responsables, éventuellement supprimer les anciennes catégories de l'utilisateur
add user to responsibles groupdav fr Rattacher un utilisateur à des responsables
add user to responsibles, removing evtl. previous category user groupdav fr Rattacher un utilisateur à des responsables, éventuellement supprimer les anciennes catégories de l'utilisateur
add your domain as "%1" in options to list of email providers and enable api. common fr Ajouter votre domaine comme "%1" dans les option pour lister les fournisseurs et activer les API.
addressbook common fr Carnet d'adresses
addressbooks to sync in addition to personal addressbook groupdav fr Carnets d'adresses à synchroniser en plus du carnet personnel
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ applies the changes made common fr Applique les modifications
applies the changes to the given version of the template common fr Applique les modifications à la version mentionnée du modèle
apply common fr Appliquer
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries common fr Appliquer l'action sur la requête entière, pas seulement sur les entrées affichées
apps & license common fr Applications & Licences
apps & license common fr Applications et licence
april common fr Avril
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ces entrées ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette entrée ?
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ are you sure, you would like to delete the backup key? common fr Etes-vous sûr
argentina common fr ARGENTINE
armenia common fr ARMENIE
aruba common fr ARUBA
as default common fr comme par défaut
as default common fr Comme par défaut
attach common fr Joindre
attach file common fr Joindre un fichier
attachment common fr Pièce jointe
@ -174,8 +174,6 @@ author common fr Auteur
autohide sidebox menu's common fr Cacher automatiquement la barre de menu latérale
autohide sidebox menus common fr Cacher automatiquement la barre de menu latérale
automatic update check failed, you need to check manually! common fr Vérification automatique de la mise à jour en échec, vous devriez vérifier manuellement !
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common fr Cacher automatiquement la barre de menu latérale ?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common fr Cacher automatiquement la barre de menu latérale ?
automatically refresh list common fr Rafraîchir la liste automatiquement
autosave default category common fr Enregistrement automatique dans catégorie par défaut
avatar common fr Avatar
@ -203,7 +201,7 @@ benin common fr BENIN
bermuda common fr BERMUDES
bhutan common fr BOUTAN
blocked, too many attempts common fr Accès refusé car trop de tentatives infructueuses
blue moono theme common fr thème blue moono
blue moono theme common fr Thème blue moono
blurtext common fr texteFlou
bold common fr Gras
bolivia common fr BOLIVIE
@ -236,15 +234,15 @@ cancel common fr Annuler
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common fr Impossible de remplacer %1 car est un répertoire.
cannot set a category as parent, which is part of this categorys subtree! common fr Impossible de choisir une catégorie comme parente dans cette sous-arborescence !
cannot set this cat as its own parent! common fr Impossible de définir cette catégorie comme sa propre catégorie mère
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common fr ne peut pas supprimer un widget d'une grille !
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common fr ne peut pas supprimer la seule colonne d'une grille !
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! common fr ne peut pas supprimer la seule ligne d'une grille !
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common fr Ne peut pas supprimer un widget d'une grille !
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common fr Ne peut pas supprimer la seule colonne d'une grille !
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! common fr Ne peut pas supprimer la seule ligne d'une grille !
cant open %1, needs ziparchive common fr Impossible d'ouvrir %1, ZipArchive est nécessaire
cant open '%1' for %2 common fr Impossible d'ouvrir '%1' pour %2
cape verde common fr CAP VERT
caption common fr Légende
categories common fr Catégories
categories for common fr catégories pour
categories for common fr Catégories pour
category common fr Catégorie
category %1 has been added ! common fr La catégorie %1 a été ajoutée !
category %1 has been updated ! common fr La catégorie %1 a été mise à jour !
@ -256,13 +254,13 @@ cellpadding for the table-tag common fr Remplissage de cellule pour le tag de la
cells common fr Cellules
cellspacing for the table-tag common fr Espacement des cellules pour le tag de la table
center common fr Centre
centered common fr centré
centered common fr Centré
central african republic common fr REPUBLIQUE DE CENTRAFRIQUE
chad common fr TCHAD
change common fr Changer
change owner common fr Changer le propriétaire
changed common fr Modifié
charset common fr utf-8
charset common fr Jeu de caractères
check all common fr Tout cocher
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common fr Vérifier les valeurs vides dans les structures conditionnelles IF. Par exemple {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - Si url n'est pas vide, écrit "Website:"
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common fr Le contenu doit être seulement affiché mais non modifié.
@ -284,8 +282,8 @@ choose the parent category common fr Choisir la catégorie parent
choose time common fr Choisir une heure
chosen parent category no longer exists common fr La catégorie mère sélectionnée n'existe plus
christmas island common fr ILE NOEL
class common fr Classe
class, valign common fr Vlass, Valign
class common fr Class
class, valign common fr Class, Valign
clear common fr Effacer
clear form common fr Effacer le formulaire
clear window common fr Fermer la fenêtre
@ -345,16 +343,16 @@ create common fr Créer
create a new table for the application common fr Créer une nouvelle table pour l'application
create directory common fr Créer le répertoire
create link common fr Créer le lien
created common fr créé
created common fr Créé
created by common fr Créé par
created by %1 common fr Créé par %1
creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) common fr Crée un fichier lang anglais ('en') à partir du label et des textes d'aide (pour l'application dans Nom)
creator preferences fr Créateur
croatia common fr CROATIE
css class for the table-tag common fr Classe CSS pour le tag de la table
css properties common fr propriétés CSS
css properties common fr Propriétés CSS
css-class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = nextmatch header, 'nmr' = alternating nm row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' nm rows common fr Nom de la classe CSS pour cette ligne, préréglé: 'nmh' = entête prochaine correspondance, 'nmr' = alterne la ligne prochaine correspondance, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' lignes prochaines correspondances
css-class name for this row, preset: 'th' = header, 'row' = alternating row, 'row_off'+'row_on' rows common fr nom de la classe CSS pour cette ligne, préréglé: 'th' = en-tête, 'row' = ligne alternante, 'row_off'+'row_on' lignes
css-class name for this row, preset: 'th' = header, 'row' = alternating row, 'row_off'+'row_on' rows common fr Nom de la classe CSS pour cette ligne, préréglé: 'th' = en-tête, 'row' = ligne alternante, 'row_off'+'row_on' lignes
css-styles common fr Styles CSS
ctrl common fr Ctrl
cuba common fr CUBA
@ -380,7 +378,7 @@ datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately befo
day common fr Jour
days common fr Jours
db ensures that every row has a unique value in that column common fr La base de données s'assure que chaque ligne a une valeur unique dans cette colonne
db-specific index options (comma-sep.), eg. mysql(fulltext) or mysql(100) for the indexed length of a col common fr les options d'index spécifiques à la base de données (séparés par des virgules), p.ex. mysql(FULLTEXT) ou mysql(100) pour la longeur indexée d'une colonne
db-specific index options (comma-sep.), eg. mysql(fulltext) or mysql(100) for the indexed length of a col common fr Les options d'index spécifiques à la base de données (séparés par des virgules), p.ex. mysql(FULLTEXT) ou mysql(100) pour la longeur indexée d'une colonne
db-tools common fr Outils base de données
december common fr Décembre
deck common fr Bureau (interne)
@ -422,21 +420,16 @@ denmark common fr DANEMARK
description common fr Description
detail common fr Détail
details common fr Détails
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common fr Désactiver l'exécution d'un script correcteur pour Internet Explorer 5.5 et plus récent pour montrer la transparence des images PNG?
direction left to right common fr Direction de gauche à droite
directory common fr Répertoire
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common fr Ce répertoire n'existe pas, n'est pas lisible par le serveur web ou n'est pas relatif au "document root" !
directory for storing merged documents preferences fr Dossier des documents fusionnés
directory with documents to insert entries preferences fr Dossier des documents où ajouter les éléments
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common fr Désactiver png-image-bugfix d'Internet Explorer
disable slider effects common fr Désactiver les effets de glisse
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common fr Désactiver les effets de glisse animés lors de l´affichage ou le masquage des menus de la page? Les utilisateurs d'Opera et Konqueror devraient sûrement en avoir besoin.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common fr Désactiver l'exécution d'un script de déboguage visant à afficher la transparence dans les images PNG sous Internet Explorer 5.5 ou plus?
disabled common fr Désactivé
discard changes common fr Annuler les changements
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common fr affiché en face de l'entrée où l'entrée est insérée pour un '%s' dans le label (le label du bouton Submit ou Image-filename)
displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus common fr affiché dans la ligne de statut du navigateur si le champ d'entrée a le focus
displayed in the top line of the groupbox (legend) common fr affiché en ligne de tête de la groupbox (légende)
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common fr Affiché en face de l'entrée où l'entrée est insérée pour un '%s' dans le label (le label du bouton Submit ou Image-filename)
displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus common fr Affiché dans la ligne de statut du navigateur si le champ d'entrée a le focus
displayed in the top line of the groupbox (legend) common fr Affiché en ligne de tête de la groupbox (légende)
distribution lists as groups groupdav fr Les listes de distribution comme des groupes
djibouti common fr DJIBOUTI
do not notify common fr Ne pas modifier
@ -450,7 +443,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences fr Le docum
document properties common fr Propriétés du document
document title: common fr Titre du document:
documentation common fr Documentation
doesn't matter common fr pas d'importance
doesn't matter common fr Pas d'importance
domain common fr Domaine
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common fr Nom du domaine pour les adresses email, p.ex. "%1"
domestic common fr Intérieur
@ -462,7 +455,6 @@ done common fr Fait
dos international common fr DOS International
download common fr Télécharger
download link common fr Lien de téléchargement
drag markers to pick a color common fr Tirer sur les marqueur pour choisir une couleur
drop a table - this can not be undone common fr Supprimer une table - ceci ne peut PAS être annulé
drop table common fr Supprimer la table (drop)
dump4setup common fr Dump4Setup
@ -476,7 +468,7 @@ edit %1 category for common fr Modifier la catégorie %1 pour
edit avatar common fr Modifier l'avatar
edit categories common fr Modifier les catégories
edit category common fr Modifier la catégorie
edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file common fr modifier les feuilles de style CSS imbriquées ou celle de app.css
edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file common fr Modifier les feuilles de style CSS imbriquées ou celle de app.css
edit the etemplate spez. above common fr Modifier l'eTemplate spécifié ci-dessus
edit... common fr Modifier...
editable templates - db-tools common fr Templates modifiables - outils de bases de données
@ -509,7 +501,7 @@ end time common fr Heure de fin
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common fr Entrez '' pour une valeur par défaut vide, rien signifie pas de valeur par défaut
enter a search pattern common fr Entrez une chaîne de recherche
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common fr Entrez un nom de fichier à uploader et attacher, utilisez [naviguer...] pour le rechercher
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin fr Entrer l´URL d´EGroupware.<br>Exemple: http://www.domain.com/egroupware ou /egroupware<br><b>Pas de slash final</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin fr Entrer l´URL d´EGroupware.<br>Exemple: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware ou /egroupware<br><b>Pas de slash final</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common fr Entrez le nouveau numéro de version ici (> ancienne_version), vide pour aucun fichier de mise à jour
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common fr Entrez le nouveau numéro de version ici (doit être > à la vieille_version)
enter your file name common fr Entrer le nom du fichier
@ -531,7 +523,7 @@ error enabling push common fr Erreur à l'activation de push
error renaming %1 %2 directory common fr Erreur au renommage du répertoire %1 %2
error uploading file! filemanager fr Erreur à l'upload du fichier !
error: template not found !!! common fr Erreur : Template non trouvé !
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common fr Erreur: le serveur web n'est pas autorisé à écrire dans '%1' !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common fr Erreur: le serveur web n'est pas autorisé à écrire dans '%1' !
error: while saving !!! common fr Erreur lors de l'enregistrement !
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common fr Erreur sur l'écriture du fichier (pas d'autorisation pour le serveur Web) !
estonia common fr ESTONIE
@ -545,7 +537,7 @@ etemplate reference common fr Référence eTemplate
etemplate tutorial common fr Tutoriel eTemplate
ethiopia common fr ETHIOPIE
everything common fr Tout
exact common fr exact
exact common fr Exact
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences fr Exemple {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - recherche le champ "n_prefix", sur "Mr", si trouvé, écrit Hello Mr., sinon écrit Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences fr Exemple {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Ajoute un préfixe à une lettre sans double espaces, si le titre est vide par exemple.
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common fr Exemple {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Donne une lettre préfixe sans double espace, si le titre est vide par exemple
@ -579,14 +571,14 @@ file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed! admin fr Le f
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin fr Le fichier %1 n'a pas de contenu dans le système de fichiers physique %2
file '%1' not found! common fr Fichier '%1' non trouvé !
file a file common fr Déposer un fichier
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common fr Le fichier contient plus d'un eTemplate, le dernier est affiché !!!
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common fr Le fichier contient plus d'un eTemplate, le dernier est affiché !
file information common fr Informations du fichier
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common fr Le fichier est d'un mauvais type (%1 != %2) !
file too large. maximum %1 common fr Le fichier est trop volumineux. Maximum %1
file writen common fr Fichier écrit
files common fr Fichiers
files without content in physical filesystem will be removed. admin fr Les fichiers sans contenu dans le système de fichier physique seront supprimés.
fileupload common fr UploadFichier
fileupload common fr Upload fichier
filter common fr Filtrer
finland common fr FINLANDE
first common fr Premier
@ -600,7 +592,7 @@ folder already exists. common fr Le dossier existe déjà.
fontselect common fr Police
fontsizeselect common fr Taille de la police
for more than one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat! preferences fr Utiliser l'étiquette de répétition de page pour plus d'un contact dans un document!
force common fr forcer
force common fr Forcer
force selectbox common fr Forcer la boîte de sélection
forecolor common fr Couleur
foreign key common fr Clé étrangère
@ -635,6 +627,7 @@ go to the first entry common fr Aller à la première entrée
go to the last entry common fr Aller à la dernière entrée
go to the next page of entries common fr Aller à la page suivante d'entrées
go to the previous page of entries common fr Aller à la page précédente d'entrées
go to your home directory common fr Allez dans votre répertoire personnel
grant access common fr Autoriser l'accès
greece common fr GRECE
greek common fr Grec
@ -651,7 +644,7 @@ group has been updated common fr Le groupe a été mis à jour
group name common fr Nom du groupe
group public common fr Public par groupe
groupbox common fr GroupBox
groupdav common fr Serveurs CalDAV, CardCAV et GroupDAV
groupdav common fr Synchronisation CalDAV / CardDAV
groups common fr Groupes
groups with permission for %1 common fr Groupes avec la permission pour %1
groups without permission for %1 common fr Groupes sans la permission pour %1
@ -666,7 +659,7 @@ haiti common fr HAITI
hbox common fr BoiteH
heard island and mcdonald islands common fr ILE HEARD ET ILES MCDONALD
height common fr Hauteur
height of row (in % or pixel) common fr hauteur d'une ligne (en % ou pixel)
height of row (in % or pixel) common fr Hauteur d'une ligne (en % ou pixel)
height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty common fr Hauteur de la ligne (en % ou pixels), désactiver la ligne: [! = pas]<valeur>[=<vérifier>] p.ex.: '!@donnees' désactive la ligne si le contenu de donnees est vide
height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div common fr Hauteur de la table en % ou pixels pour le tag de la table et div (optionnel)
height, disabled common fr Hauteur, désactivé
@ -691,37 +684,35 @@ how many entries should the list show common fr combien d'entrées la liste doit
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common fr Combien d'icônes devraient être affichées sur la barre de navigation (haut de page). Les icônes suplémentaires seront placées dans une liste que l'on appellera via une icône à droite de la barre de navigation.
how many rows to print common fr Combien de lignes sont à imprimer
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common fr Comment afficher le menu général d'EGroupware ?
html common fr Html
html common fr HTML
html link to the current record common fr Lien HTML vers l'enregistrement courant
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common fr Liens HTML vers toutes les entrées liées à l'enregistrement actuel, à l'exclusion des fichiers joints
hungary common fr HONGRIE
iceland common fr ISLANDE
id common fr ID
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common fr ieSpell non détecté. Cliquez sur Ok pour aller à la page de téléchargement.
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common fr Si le champ est désactivé, une cellule de table vide est affiché pour suppression (temporaire) d'un champ/cellule
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common fr Si l'horloge est activée voulez-vous la mettre à jour toutes les secondes ou toutes les minutes?
if the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver. common fr Si le problème persiste, contacter votre administrateur et demander de vérifier les journaux d'erreurs sur le serveur.
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common fr S'il y a des images dans le dossier d'arrière-plan vous pouvez choisir celle que vous voulez voir.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences fr Si vous spécifiez un répertoire (chemin vfs complet), %1 affiche une action pour chaque document. Cette action autorise le téléchargement du document spécifié avec les données insérées.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences fr Si vous spécifiez un répertoire (chemin vfs complet), %1 affiche une icône de document supplémentaire pour chaque entrée. Cette icône autorise le téléchargement du document spécifié avec les données insérée
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences fr Si vous spécifiez un répertoire (chemin VFS complet), %1 affiche une action pour chaque document. Cette action autorise le téléchargement du document spécifié avec les données insérées.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences fr Si vous spécifiez un répertoire (chemin VFS complet), %1 affiche une icône de document supplémentaire pour chaque entrée. Cette icône autorise le téléchargement du document spécifié avec les données insérée
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common fr Si vous utilisez l'authentification à 2 facteurs, merci d'entre le code ici
image common fr Image
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common fr Répertoire image relative à la racine des documents (utiliser / !), par exemple :
image url common fr URL de l'Image
import common fr Importer
import an etemplate from a xml-file common fr import an eTemplate from a xml-file
import an etemplate from a xml-file common fr Import an eTemplate from a XML-file
import table-definitions from existing db-table common fr Importer les définitions de table depuis la table de base de données existante
import xml common fr Importer XML
in order to copy to clipboard, you need to allow flash player by clicking on gray box.\nyou can permanently allow flash player for egroupware in your browser settings. common fr Pour copy dans le presse-papier, vous devez autoriser le lecteur Flash en cliquant sur la boîte grise.\nVous pouvez autoriser le lecteur Flash de manière permanente pour EGroupware dans les paramètres de votre navigateur
include access to any linked files (links tab) common fr Ajout de l'accès à tous liens de fichiers (onglet Liens)
increment version to not overwrite the existing template common fr incrémente la version pour ne pas écraser le modèle existant
increment version to not overwrite the existing template common fr Incrémente la version pour ne pas écraser le modèle existant
indent common fr Indenter
index/name of returned content (name of the template, link / method for image) common fr index/nom du contenu renvoyé (nom du Template, Lien / Méthode pour Image)
indexed common fr Indexé.
indexoptions common fr Options d'Index
india common fr INDE
indonesia common fr INDONESIE
infolog types to sync common fr Types d'infolog à synchroniser
infolog types to sync common fr Types d'InfoLog à synchroniser
initial common fr Initial
input required common fr Input nécessaire
insert a column before common fr Insérer une colonne avant
@ -753,7 +744,7 @@ invalid 2-factor authentication code common fr Code d'authentification à double
invalid email common fr Email invalide
invalid filename common fr Nom de fichier invalide
invalid ip address common fr Adresse IP invalide
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common fr jeton "remember me" invalide ou expiré.
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common fr Jeton "remember me" invalide ou expiré.
invalid password common fr Mot de passe invalide
iran, islamic republic of common fr IRAN, REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D'
iraq common fr IRAK
@ -834,7 +825,7 @@ list of files linked to the current record preferences fr Listes des fichiers li
lithuania common fr LITHUANIE
load common fr Charger
load this template into the editor common fr Charger ce template dans l'éditeur
loading common fr chargement
loading common fr Chargement
local common fr Local
location calendars groupdav fr Localisations des calendriers
locations common fr Localisations
@ -907,7 +898,7 @@ moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin fr Déplacement %1 enfants
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin fr Déplacement de %1 non connectés %2 vers %3.
mozambique common fr MOZAMBIQUE
multicolumn indices common fr Indices Multi-colonnes
multiple common fr multiple
multiple common fr Multiple
myanmar common fr MYANMAR
name common fr Nom
name of other table where column is a key from common fr Nom de l'autre table où la colonne est une clé de
@ -949,9 +940,9 @@ nigeria common fr NIGERIA
niue common fr NIUE
no common fr Non
no - cancel common fr Non, annuler
no column to swap with !!! common fr aucune colonne à intervertir !
no column to swap with !!! common fr Aucune colonne à intervertir !
no default set common fr Aucun défaut défini
no entries found, try again ... common fr Aucune occurence trouvée, essayez encore ...
no entries found, try again ... common fr Aucune occurence trouvée, essayez encore...
no file common fr Pas de fichier
no filename given or selected via browse... common fr Pas de nom de fichier donné ou sélectionnée avec le navigateur...
no filters common fr Pas de filtre
@ -974,16 +965,16 @@ northern mariana islands common fr ILES MARIANA DU NORD
norway common fr NORVEGE
not common fr pas
not a user yet? register now common fr Pas encore identifié? Enregisrez-vous maintenant
not assigned common fr non assigné
not assigned common fr Non assigné
not null common fr NOT NULL
not readable %1 entry of user %2 common fr L'entrée %1 de l'utilisateur %2 est illisible
not supported by current application! common fr Non supporté par l'application active
note common fr Note
notes common fr Notes
nothing common fr rien
nothing common fr Rien
nothing found - try again !!! common fr Rien trouvé - essayez encore !
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common fr Rien à coller !
nothing matched search criteria !!! common fr Aucune occurrence correspondant aux critères de recherche !!!
nothing matched search criteria !!! common fr Aucune occurrence correspondant aux critères de recherche !
nothing to save. common fr Rien à enregistrer.
notifications common fr Notifications
notify window common fr Fenêtre de notification
@ -996,7 +987,7 @@ numbers common fr nombres
numlist common fr Liste numérotée
october common fr Octobre
of common fr de
off common fr désactivé
off common fr Désactivé
ok common fr OK
old value common fr Ancienne valeur
oman common fr OMAN
@ -1005,11 +996,12 @@ on mouse over common fr Sur le relâchement du clic de la souris
onchange common fr onChange
onclick common fr onClick
only an other version found !!! common fr Une seule autre version trouvée !
only private common fr seulement privés
only private common fr Seulement privés
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav fr Seulement supporté par les clients pleinement respectueux de la norme (ie. d'Apple). Si vous devez entrer une URL, cela ne sera probablement pas supporté.
only yours common fr Seulement les vôtres
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common fr Oups ! Vous êtes arrivé en pleine maintenance système.
open common fr Ouvrir
open existing contact common fr Ouvrir un contact existant
open notify window common fr Ouvrir une fenêtre de notification
open popup window common fr Ouvrir une fenêtre de popup
open sidebox common fr Ouvrir la barre de menu latérale
@ -1038,10 +1030,10 @@ papua new guinea common fr PAPOUASIE NOUVELLE GUINEE
paraguay common fr PARAGUAY
parcel common fr Colis
parent category common fr Catégorie parente
parent is a '%1' !!! common fr le parent est un '%1' !
parent is a '%1' !!! common fr Le parent est un '%1' !
password common fr Mot de passe
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 common fr le mot de passe contient seulement %1 sur %2 classes de caractères nécessaires : pas de %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) common fr le mot de passe contient "%1" ce qui est une partie de votre nom d'utilisateur ou non complet (3 caractères ou plus)
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 common fr Le mot de passe contient seulement %1 sur %2 classes de caractères nécessaires : pas de %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) common fr Le mot de passe contient "%1" ce qui est une partie de votre nom d'utilisateur ou non complet (3 caractères ou plus)
password could not be changed common fr Le mot de passe n'a pas pu être modifié !
password has been updated common fr Le mot de passe a été mis à jour avec succès
password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common fr Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins %1 caractères minuscules
@ -1097,7 +1089,7 @@ prev common fr Préc.
preview with entry common fr Entrée précédente
previous common fr Précédent
previous page common fr Page précédente
primary group common fr groupe initial
primary group common fr Groupe primaire
primary key common fr Clé primaire
primary key for the table, gets automaticaly indexed common fr Clé primaire pour la table, est automatiquement indexée
primary style-sheet: common fr Feuille de style primaire:
@ -1108,7 +1100,7 @@ programs common fr Programmes
project common fr Projet
properties common fr Propriétés
protocol is required common fr Le protocole est requis
public common fr public
public common fr Public
puerto rico common fr PUERTO RICO
qatar common fr QATAR
quick add common fr Ajout rapide
@ -1131,7 +1123,7 @@ remember me common fr Se souvenir de moi
remember me for %1 common fr Se souvenir de moi pour %1
remove api fr Supprimer
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common fr Enlever la ligne (ne peut PAS être annulé !)
remove selected accounts common fr supprimer les comptes sélectionnés
remove selected accounts common fr Supprimer les comptes sélectionnés
remove shortcut common fr Supprimer le raccourci
remove this link (not the entry itself) common fr Enlever ce lien (pas l'entrée elle-même)
removed (now) empty directory fs_id=%1 admin fr Répertoire vide fs_id=%1 a été supprimé (maintenant)
@ -1140,7 +1132,7 @@ rename common fr Renommer
repeat password common fr Répéter le mot de passe
replace common fr Remplacer
replace with common fr Remplacer par
request could not be processed, please reload your window (press f5 or cmd r)! common fr La requête n'a pas pu être traitée, veuillez recharger la page (appui sur F5 our [CTRL]+R) !
request could not be processed, please reload your window (press f5 or cmd r)! common fr La requête n'a pas pu être traitée, veuillez recharger la page (appui sur F5 our CTRL+R) !
requested resource '%1' does not exist or has expired common fr La ressource nécessaire '%1' n'existe pas ou est expirée
requests and full responses to files directory common fr Requêtes et réponses complète sur les répertoires de fichiers
requests and truncated responses to apache error-log groupdav fr Requêtes et réponses tronquées vers les logs d'erreur Apache
@ -1188,15 +1180,15 @@ savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants
save common fr Enregistrer
save all common fr Tout enregistrer
save as common fr Enregistrer comme
save as zip common fr Sauvegarder en zip
save as zip common fr Sauvegarder en ZIP
save selected columns as default preference for all users. common fr Enregistrer les colonnes sélectionnées comme préférence par défaut pour tous les utilisateurs.
save the changes made and close the window common fr Enregistrer les modifications et fermer la fenêtre
save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas common fr Enregistrer l'eTemplate sous les clés ci-dessus (nom, ...), changez-les pour un Sauvegarder-sous
saved column sizes to preferences. common fr Enregistrez la taille des colonnes dans les préférences.
saves changes to tables_current.inc.php common fr Enregistrer les changements dans tables_current.inc.php
saves the template with given version number and closes the window common fr enregistre le modèle avec la version donnée et ferme la fenêtre
saves the template with given version number and closes the window common fr Enregistre le modèle avec la version donnée et ferme la fenêtre
scale common fr Echelle
scale for float common fr échelle pour les flottants
scale for float common fr Échelle pour les flottants
scheduling inbox common fr Plannification inbox
scheduling outbox common fr Plannification outbox
search common fr Rechercher
@ -1214,13 +1206,13 @@ security & password common fr Sécurité & mot de passe
select common fr Sélectionner
select "%1", if your client does not support multiple addressbooks. groupdav fr Sélectionner "%1" si votre client ne supporte pas plusieurs carnets d'adresses.
select "%1", if your client support groups, eg. os x or ios addressbook. groupdav fr Sélectionner "%1" si votre client supporte les groupes (ex : OS X ou carnet d'adresses iOS)
select a category common fr choisissez une catégorie
select a category common fr Choisissez une catégorie
select a primary contact, to show in the list common fr Choisissez un contact primaire, à montrer dans la liste
select access common fr Choisissez l'accès
select account common fr Choisissez le compte
select action common fr Sélectionner une action
select all common fr Tout sélectionner
select all %1 %2 for %3 common fr Sélectionner tous les %11 %2 pour %3
select all %1 %2 for %3 common fr Sélectionner tous les %1 %2 pour %3
select all entries common fr Sélectionner tous les éléments
select an app first !!! common fr Choisissez d'abord une application !
select an app to search in common fr Choisissez une application dans laquelle rechercher
@ -1237,20 +1229,20 @@ select columns common fr Sélectionnez les colonnes
select country common fr Choisissez un pays
select date common fr Sélectionner la date
select day common fr Choisissez un jour
select day of week common fr sélectionnez le jour de la semaine
select day of week common fr Sélectionnez le jour de la semaine
select entry common fr Sélectionnez l'entrée
select file(s) from vfs common fr Sélectionner des fichiers du VFS
select files from filemanager ... common fr Sélectionner dans le gestionnaire de fichiers...
select group common fr Sélectionner le groupe
select home email address common fr Sélectionner l'email privé
select hour common fr Sélectionnez l'heure
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) common fr choisissez si le contenu du champ ne devrait pas être traduit (le label est toujours traduit)
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) common fr Choisissez si le contenu du champ ne devrait pas être traduit (le label est toujours traduit)
select language common fr Sélectionnez la langue
select month common fr Choisissez un mois
select multiple accounts common fr Sélectionner des comptes multiples
select number common fr Choisissez un numéro
select one common fr Sélectionner un(e)
select one ... common fr CHoisissez un ...
select one ... common fr CHoisissez un...
select percentage common fr Choisissez un pourcentage
select priority common fr Choisissez une priorité
select some options common fr Sélectionner plusieurs options
@ -1259,11 +1251,11 @@ select the columns to display in the list common fr Sélectionnez les colonnes
select the default height for the application windows common fr Choisissez la hauteur par défaut de la fenêtre d'application
select the default width for the application windows common fr Choisissez la largeur par défaut de la fenêtre d'application
select the indexed columns in their desired order common fr Sélectionnez la colonne indexée dans leur ordre désiré
select this etemplate to delete it common fr choisissez cet eTemplate pour l'effacer
select this etemplate to delete it common fr Choisissez cet eTemplate pour l'effacer
select user common fr Sélectionner l'utilisateur
select user or group common fr Sélectioner un utilisateur ou groupe
select which accounts to show common fr sélectionnez quels comptes à afficher
select which values to show common fr sélectionnez les valeurs à afficher
select which accounts to show common fr Sélectionnez quels comptes à afficher
select which values to show common fr Sélectionnez les valeurs à afficher
select work email address common fr Sélectionner l'email professionnel
select year common fr Choisissez l'année
selectbox common fr Boîte de sélection
@ -1282,8 +1274,8 @@ server name common fr Nom du serveur
session has been killed common fr La session a été interrompue
set as default common fr Définir par défaut
set these columns as the default common fr Définir ces colonnes par défaut
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav fr définir l'utilisateur comme l'unique responsable, mais garder les groupes
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav fr définir l'utilisateur comme l'unique responsable, et supprimer les autres responsables existant
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav fr Définir l'utilisateur comme l'unique responsable, mais garder les groupes
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav fr Définir l'utilisateur comme l'unique responsable, et supprimer les autres responsables existant
sets today as date common fr Fixe la date à aujourd'hui
settings saved. common fr Paramètres enregistrés.
setup common fr Setup
@ -1314,18 +1306,18 @@ show menu common fr Afficher le menu
show next login common fr Afficher à la prochaine connexion
show now common fr Afficher maintenant
show page generation time common fr Afficher le temps de génération de la page
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common fr Afficher le temps de génération de page au fond de la page?
show page generation time? common fr Afficher le temps de génération de la page?
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common fr Afficher le temps de génération de page au fond de la page ?
show page generation time? common fr Afficher le temps de génération de la page ?
show password common fr Afficher le mot de passe
show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common fr Afficher les logos d'EGroupware et x-desktop sur le bureau?
show values common fr Montrer les valeurs
show/hide common fr afficher/masquer la barre latérale
show/hide common fr Afficher/masquer la barre latérale
show_more_apps common fr Voir plus d'applications
showing common fr montre
showing common fr Montre
showing %1 common fr Montre %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common fr Montre %1 - %2 de %3
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing common fr montre / autorise à entrer des valeurs dans l'eTemplate pour tester
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before common fr montre/affiche l'eTemplate pour tester, ne l'enregistre pas avant
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing common fr Montre / autorise à entrer des valeurs dans l'eTemplate pour tester
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before common fr Montre/affiche l'eTemplate pour tester, ne l'enregistre pas avant
sierra leone common fr SIERRA LEONE
sign up common fr S'inscrire
simple common fr Simple
@ -1372,14 +1364,14 @@ sunday common fr Dimanche
sure common fr Sûr
suriname common fr SURINAM
svalbard and jan mayen common fr SVALBARD ETJAN MAYEN
swap common fr rocade
swap common fr Rocade
swap widget with next one common fr faire une rocade du widget avec le suivant
swap with next column common fr faire une rocade avec la colonne suivante
swap with next row common fr faire une rocade avec la ligne suivante
swap with next column common fr Faire une rocade avec la colonne suivante
swap with next row common fr Faire une rocade avec la ligne suivante
swaziland common fr SWAZILAND
sweden common fr SUEDE
switch to a parent widget common fr change pour un widget parent
switch to an other widgets of that container common fr change pour un autre widget de ce container
switch to a parent widget common fr Change pour un widget parent
switch to an other widgets of that container common fr Change pour un autre widget de ce container
switzerland common fr SUISSE
sync all selected into one groupdav fr Synchroniser toute la sélection vers un seul
syrian arab republic common fr SYRIE
@ -1415,7 +1407,7 @@ this name has been used already common fr Ce nom est déjà utilisé !
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) common fr ce texte s'affiche si le champ de saisie est vide et n'a pas le focus (flou)
this will reset toolbar preferences for all users and set them to configured default prefs. common fr Ceci va mettre à zéro les préférences de barre d'outil de tous les utilisateurs vers les préférences par défaut.
thursday common fr Jeudi
tiled common fr mosaïque
tiled common fr Mosaïque
time common fr Heure
time zone common fr Fuseau horaire
time zone offset common fr Décalage du fuseau horaire
@ -1434,7 +1426,7 @@ todays date, eg. "%1" common fr Date d'aujourd'hui, p.ex. "%1"
togo common fr TOGO
tokelau common fr TOKELAU
tonga common fr TONGA
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common fr Too many rows selected.<br />Select all, or less than %1 rows
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common fr Trop de lignes sélectionnées <br />Sélectionner tout ou moins de %1 lignes
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common fr Trop de tentatives de connexion infructueuses: %1 pour l'utilisateur '%2', %3 pour l'IP %4
top common fr Sommet
total common fr Total
@ -1523,16 +1515,15 @@ weekend common fr Weekend
welcome common fr Bienvenue
western european common fr Europe occidentale
western sahara common fr SAHARA OCCIDENTAL
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common fr Quelle couleur l'espace vide du bureau doit-il avoir?
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common fr ce qui se passe avec un contenu débordant: visible (défaut), caché, scroll, auto (le navigateur décide)
what style would you like the image to have? common fr Quel style souhaitez-vous pour l'image?
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common fr Quelle couleur l'espace vide du bureau doit-il avoir ?
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common fr Ce qui se passe avec un contenu débordant: visible (défaut), caché, scroll, auto (le navigateur décide)
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences fr Quand vous fusionnez les entités dans des documents, ils seront stockés ici. Si aucun dossier n'est indiqué, il seront stockés dans votre dossier personnel (%1)
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common fr Si vous dites oui, les bouttons Accueil et Déconnexion sont affichés comme des applications dans la barre d'application principale.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common fr Ou et comment seront affichés les liens comme Préférences, A propos de et Déconnexion.
which groups common fr Quels groupes
which infolog types should be synced with the device, default only tasks. common fr Quels types d'infolog doivent-ils être synchronisés avec l'appareil ? (par défaut, les tâches uniquement)
whole query common fr Requête entière
widget copied into clipboard common fr widget copié dans le presse-papiers
widget copied into clipboard common fr Widget copié dans le presse-papiers
width common fr Largeur
width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty common fr Largeur de la colonne (en % ou pixels), désactiver col: [! = pas]<valeur>[=<verifier>] p.e.: '!@donnees' désactive la colonne si le contenu de donnees est vide
width of column (in % or pixel) common fr Largeur de la colonne (en % ou pixel)
@ -1542,7 +1533,7 @@ wk common fr S.
work email common fr Email professionnel
working days common fr Jours ouvrables
works reliable for total size up to 1-2 mb, might work for 5-10 mb, most likely to fail for >10mb common fr Fiable pour les fichiers de 1-2Mo, doit fonctionner pour les fichiers 5-10Mo, avec un échec probable pour les fichiers > 10Mo
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common fr Voulez-vous voir apparaître le temps de génération en bas de chaque fenêtre?
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common fr Voulez-vous voir apparaître le temps de génération en bas de chaque fenêtre ?
writable common fr Inscriptible
writable filemanager directory common fr Dossier filemanager inscriptible
writable share common fr Dossier inscriptible
@ -1550,7 +1541,7 @@ write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php common fr Ecrire <app>/setup/tables_cur
write langfile common fr Ecrire le fichier de langage
write tables common fr Ecrire les tables
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app common fr Ecrit un fichier 'etemplates.inc.php' (pour l'application dans le nom) dans le répertoire setup de l'application
writing common fr écriture
writing common fr Écriture
written by: common fr Ecrit par:
xml-file to import common fr Fichier XML à importer
xslt template common fr Template XSLT
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%1 email(s) added into %2 common hu %1 e-mail(ek) hozzáadva %2-hez
%1 file common hu % file
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common hu %1 nem futtatható a webszerver által!
%1 more %2 selected ... common hu %1 több %2 kiválasztott...
%1 more %2 selected ... common hu %1 több %2 kiválasztott ...
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common hu %1Válasszon egy másik könyvtárat%2<br />vagy tegye írhatóvá a %3 könyvtárat a webszerver számára.
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common hu Az %1EGroupware%2 egy php nyelven írt webalapú, többfelhasználós csoportmunkát támogató alkalmazáscsomag.
'%1' copied to clipboard common hu '%1' másolva a vágólapra
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ accounts common hu Hozzáférés
acl common hu ACL
action common hu Művelet
actions common hu Műveletek
actions... common hu Műveletek...
actions... common hu Műveletek ...
active common hu Aktív
add common hu Hozzáad
add %1 category for common hu %1 kategória hozzáadása
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ all addressbooks groupdav hu Minden címjegyzék
all categories common hu Minden kategória
all fields common hu Összes mező
all in one groupdav hu Mindent egyben
all languages common hu minden nyelv
all languages common hu Minden nyelv
all users common hu Összes felhasználó
allow editing the %1 common hu Engedélyezze a %1 szerkesztését
alternate style-sheet: common hu Stíluslap változtatása
@ -107,15 +107,13 @@ authenticate common hu Hitelesítés
author common hu Szerző
autohide sidebox menu's common hu Oldalmenük automatikus elrejtése
autohide sidebox menus common hu Oldalmenük automatikus elrejtése
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common hu Az oldalmenüket automatikusan elrejtse?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common hu Az oldalmenüket automatikusan elrejtse?
autosave default category common hu Alapértelmezett kategória automatikus mentése
avatar common hu Avatar
azerbaijan common hu Azerbajdzsán
back common hu Vissza
back to user login common hu Vissza a felhasználói bejelentkezéshez
background color: common hu Háttérszín:
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common hu backup mappa nem írható a webszerver által
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common hu Backup mappa nem írható a webszerver által
bad login or password common hu Rossz felhasználó vagy jelszó
bahamas common hu Bahamák
bahrain common hu Bahrain
@ -168,7 +166,7 @@ central african republic common hu Közép-Afrikai Köztársaság
chad common hu Csád
change common hu Változtat
changed common hu Változott
charset common hu utf-8
charset common hu Betűkészlet
check all common hu Összes kijelölese
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common hu Ellenőrizze az üres értékeket az IF utasításokban. Példa {{IF url~EMPTY~~Weboldal:}}} - Ha az url nem üres, akkor kiírja, hogy "Webhely:".
check installation common hu Telepítés ellenőrzése
@ -189,9 +187,9 @@ class common hu Osztály
clear common hu Töröl
clear form common hu Lap törlése
click common hu Kattintás
click here to create the link common hu hivatkozás létrehozásához kattintson ide
click here to create the link common hu Hivatkozás létrehozásához kattintson ide
click here to resume your egroupware session. common hu Kattints ide az EGroupware munkamenet visszaállításához
click here to start the search common hu keresés elindításához kattintson ide
click here to start the search common hu Keresés elindításához kattintson ide
click or mouse over to show menus common hu Menük megjelenítése kattintással vagy egérkurzor fölé helyezéssel
click or mouse over to show menus? common hu Menü megjelenítés kattintással vagy egérkurzor fölé helyezéssel?
click this image on the navbar: %1 common hu Kattints %1 képre a navbar-ban.
@ -208,8 +206,8 @@ confirm common hu megerősít
congo common hu Kongó
congo, the democratic republic of the common hu Kongó (Kongói Köztársaság)
contact common hu Kapcsolat
contacting server... common hu Csatlakozás szerverhez...
contains common hu tartalmaz
contacting server... common hu Csatlakozás szerverhez ...
contains common hu Tartalmaz
cook islands common hu Cook-szigetek
copy common hu Másol
copy "%1" common hu "%1" másolása
@ -231,8 +229,8 @@ cuba common hu Kuba
currency common hu Pénznem
current common hu Aktuális
current users common hu Aktuális felhasználók
custom common hu egyedi
custom fields common hu egyedi mezők
custom common hu Egyedi
custom fields common hu Egyedi mezők
cut common hu Kivág
cyprus common hu Ciprus
czech republic common hu Cseh Köztársaság
@ -262,14 +260,9 @@ denmark common hu Dánia
description common hu Leírás
detail common hu Részlet
details common hu Részletek
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common hu Letiltja az Internet Explorer 5.5+ böngészők esetén a PNG típusú képek átlátszóságának kezelését javító szkript futtatását? (Javaslat: Firefox böngésző használata)
direction left to right common hu Balról jobbra irány
directory common hu Mappa
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common hu A könyvtár nem létezik, vagy nem olvasható a webszerverrel vagy a dokumentum gyökérkönyvtárához képest nem helyes a relatív útvonal.
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common hu Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix tiltása
disable slider effects common hu Csúsztatás tiltása
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common hu Letiltja az oldalon található menük animált be- és kiúsztatását? Opera és Konqueror felhasználók valószínűleg hasznát veszik ennek.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common hu Hibajavító szkript futtatásának letiltása, hogy az Internet Explorer >=5.5 esetén az átlátszó PNG képek helyesen jelenjenek meg?
disabled common hu Letiltva
djibouti common hu Dzsibuti
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common hu Az alkategóriákat is törölni szeretné?
@ -278,7 +271,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences hu A(z) '%1
document properties common hu Dokumentum jellemzők
document title: common hu Dokumentum címe:
documentation common hu Dokumentáció
doesn't matter common hu nem számít
doesn't matter common hu Nem számít
domain common hu Tartomány
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common hu Tartománynév az email címhez, pl. "%1"
domestic common hu Belföldi
@ -296,18 +289,18 @@ edit common hu Szerkeszt
edit %1 category for common hu %1 kategória módosítása
edit categories common hu Kategóriák módosítása
edit category common hu Kategória módosítása
edit... common hu Szerkeszt...
edit... common hu Szerkeszt ...
egroupware common hu EGroupware
egroupware api version common hu EGroupware API verzió
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common hu EGroupware: %1 felhasználó bejelentkezése blokkolva az %2 IP címről
egypt common hu Egyiptom
el salvador common hu Salvador
email common hu E-Mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common hu felhasználó email címe, pl. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common hu Felhasználó email címe, pl. "%1"
enabled common hu Engedélyezve
end date common hu Befejezés dátuma
end time common hu Befejezés ideje
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin hu Kérem adja meg az EGroupware URL helyét.<br>Például: http://www.domain.com/eroupware vagy /egroupware<br><b>Lezáró / jel nélkül!<b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin hu Kérem adja meg az EGroupware URL helyét.<br>Például: https://egw.domain.com/eroupware vagy /egroupware<br><b>Lezáró / jel nélkül!<b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common hu Bejegyzés törölve
entry not found! common hu Bejegyzés nem létezik!
entry saved common hu Bejegyzés elmentve
@ -323,7 +316,7 @@ estonia common hu Észtország
etemplate common hu eTemplate
ethiopia common hu Etiópia
everything common hu Minden
exact common hu pontos
exact common hu Pontos
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences hu Példa {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - keresse az "n_prefix" mezőben a "Mr" szót, ha talál, írja Hello Mr., különben írja Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences hu Példa {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Egy betűelőtagot ad meg dupla szóközök nélkül, ha a cím üres, például
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common hu Példa {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Egy betűelőtagot ad meg dupla szóközök nélkül, ha a cím üres, például
@ -334,11 +327,11 @@ failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contac
falkland islands (malvinas) common hu Falkland-szigetek
faroe islands common hu Faroe-szigetek
favorites common hu Kedvencek
fax number common hu faxszám
fax number common hu Faxszám
features of the editor? common hu A szerkesztő tulajdonságai?
february common hu Február
field common hu Mező
field must not be empty !!! common hu A mezőt ki kell tölteni!!!
field must not be empty !!! common hu A mezőt ki kell tölteni!
fields common hu Mezők
fiji common hu Fidzsi
file common hu Állomány
@ -389,7 +382,7 @@ group access common hu Csoportos hozzáférés
group has been added common hu Csoport hozzáadva
group has been deleted common hu Csoport törölve
group has been updated common hu Csoport módosítva
group name common hu csoport neve
group name common hu Csoport neve
group public common hu Csoporton belül publikus
groups common hu Csoportok
groups with permission for %1 common hu Csoportok engedéllyel ehhez %1
@ -411,7 +404,7 @@ history common hu Történelem
history log common hu Verziótörténet
holy see (vatican city state) common hu Vatikán
home common hu Kezdőlap
home email common hu otthoni email
home email common hu Otthoni email
home screen common hu Főképernyő
honduras common hu Honduras
hong kong common hu Hong Kong
@ -423,11 +416,11 @@ how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons
how many rows to print common hu Hány sort kell kinyomtatni
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common hu Hogyan legyen az EGroupware menü megjelenítve?
html common hu HTML
html link to the current record common hu HTML link az aktuális rekordhoz
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common hu HTML linkek az aktuális rekordhoz kapcsolódó bármely bejegyzéshez, kivéve a csatolt fájlokat
hungary common hu Magyarország
iceland common hu Izland
id common hu Azonosító
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common hu iSpell nem található. Kattintson az OK-ra a letöltéshez.
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common hu Ha az óra engedélyezve van, akkor minden másodpercben vagy minden percben frissítse az időt?
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common hu Ha több kép található a Hátterek mappában, akkor kiválaszthatja, hogy melyiket szeretné beállítani.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common hu Ha "2-faktoros hitelesítést" használ, kérjük, adja meg a kódot itt.
@ -493,7 +486,7 @@ language common hu Nyelv
language_direction_rtl common hu language_direction_rtl
lao peoples democratic republic common hu Lao Peoples Democratic Rebuplic
last common hu Utolsó
last modified common hu utoljára módosítva
last modified common hu Utoljára módosítva
last name common hu Keresztnév
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common hu A felhasználó keresztneve, pl. "%1"
last page common hu Utolsó oldal
@ -508,7 +501,7 @@ libyan arab jamahiriya common hu Líbia
license common hu Licensz
liechtenstein common hu Liechtenstein
light mode common hu Világos mód
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common hu A sor %1: '%2'<br><b>csv adat nem tartalmazza ##last-check-run## a tábla %3 ==> figyelmen kívül hagyva/b>
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common hu A sor %1: '%2'<br><b>csv adat nem tartalmazza ##last-check-run## a tábla %3 ==> figyelmen kívül hagyva</b>
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common hu %1 sor: '%2'<br><b>a csv adatok nem egyeznek a(z) %3 táblázat oszlopszámaival ==> kihagyva</b>
link common hu Hivatkozás
link target %1 not found! common hu Link célpontja nem található (%1)!
@ -516,9 +509,9 @@ list common hu Lista
list members common hu Listatagok
lithuania common hu Litvánia
load common hu Betöltés
loading common hu betöltés
loading common hu Betöltés
local common hu Helyi
locations common hu helyek
locations common hu Helyek
login common hu Belépés
login rejected by epl firewall, please contact your administrator common hu Az EGroupware tűzfal elutasította a bejelentkezést, kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával.
loginid common hu Belépési azonosító
@ -531,7 +524,7 @@ luxembourg common hu Luxemburg
macau common hu Makao
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common hu Macedónia
madagascar common hu Madagaszkár
mail domain, eg. "%1" common hu email tartomány, pl. "%1"
mail domain, eg. "%1" common hu Email tartomány, pl. "%1"
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common hu A Mailvelope addon telepítése sikertelen! Kérjük, próbálja meg újra.
mailvelope addon installation succeded. now you may configure the options. common hu Mailvelope addon telepítése sikeres. Most beállíthatja az opciókat.
main category common hu Fő kategória
@ -568,7 +561,7 @@ more common hu Több
morocco common hu Marokkó
move common hu A áthelyezése
mozambique common hu Mozambik
multiple common hu többszörös
multiple common hu Többszörös
myanmar common hu Mianmar (Burma)
name common hu Név
name of the user, eg. "%1" common hu Felhasználó neve, pl. "%1"
@ -587,15 +580,15 @@ new search common hu Új keresés
new value common hu Új érték
new zealand common hu Újzéland
next common hu Következő
next page common hu következő oldal
next page common hu Következő oldal
nicaragua common hu Nikaragua
niger common hu Niger
nigeria common hu Nigéria
niue common hu Niue
no common hu Nem
no - cancel common hu Nem - Mégsem
no entries found, try again ... common hu nem található bejegyzés, próbálja újra
no file common hu nincs file
no entries found, try again ... common hu Nem található bejegyzés, próbálja újra
no file common hu Nincs file
no filters common hu Nincsenek szűrők
no history for this record common hu Ehhez a rekordhoz nem tartoznak előzmények
no matches found common hu Nincs egyezés
@ -613,8 +606,8 @@ not null common hu NOT NULL
not readable %1 entry of user %2 common hu Nem olvasható bejegyzés %1 %2 felhasználóhoz
note common hu Megjegyzés
notes common hu Megjegyzések
nothing common hu semmi
notifications common hu figyelmeztetések
nothing common hu Semmi
notifications common hu Figyelmeztetések
notify window common hu Értesítő ablak
notify your administrator to correct this situation common hu Értesítse az adminisztrátort a helyzet megoldásához
november common hu November
@ -625,10 +618,11 @@ old value common hu Régi érték
oman common hu Omán
on *nix systems please type: %1 common hu *nix rendszereken üsse be: %1
on mouse over common hu Egérkurzor felette
only private common hu csak privát
only yours common hu csak sajátot
only private common hu Csak privát
only yours common hu Csak sajátot
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common hu Hoppá! A rendszer éppen karbantartás alatt.
open common hu Megnyit
open existing contact common hu Meglévő kapcsolat megnyitása
open notify window common hu Értesítő ablak megnyitása
open popup window common hu Felugró ablak megnyitása
open sidebox common hu Oldalmenü megnyitása
@ -639,6 +633,7 @@ original common hu Eredeti
other common hu Más
overview common hu Áttekintés
owner common hu Tulajdonos
ownership common hu Tulajdonjog
padding common hu Helykitöltés
page common hu Oldal
page was generated in %1 seconds common hu Az oldal %1 másodperc alatt generálódott.
@ -663,7 +658,7 @@ path common hu Útvonal
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common hu A felhasználói és csoport állományokat tartalmazó könyvtár útvonala KÍVÜL KELL ESSEN a webszerver által használt könyvtáron!!! Pl. a /var/docroot lehet a /var/www/localhost/httpdocs/docroot helyett.
permission denied! common hu Engedély megtagadva!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common hu Engedély megtagadva! Ez egy csak adminisztrációs funkció.
permissions to the files/users directory common hu a files/users könyvtár jogai
permissions to the files/users directory common hu A files/users könyvtár jogai
permisson denied! common hu Engedély megtagadva!
personal common hu Személyes
peru common hu Peru
@ -678,7 +673,7 @@ placeholders common hu Helytartók
play/pause common hu Lejátszás/szünet
please %1 by hand common hu Kérem %1 kézzel
please enter a name common hu Kérem adjon meg egy nevet!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common hu Kérjük, töltse újra az EGroupware asztalt (F5 / Cmd+r).
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common hu Kérjük, töltse újra az EGroupware asztalt (F5 / Cmd + R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common hu Kérjük, ne feledje, hogy mostantól a helyi bejelentkezéseknél a '%1' felhasználónevet használja!
please run setup to become current common hu Kérem futtassa a setup-ot hogy a változás érvényre jusson.
please select common hu Kérem válasszon
@ -686,7 +681,7 @@ please set your global preferences common hu Kérem állítsa be a globális tul
please set your preferences for this application common hu Kérem állítsa be személyes beállításait ehhez az alkalmazáshoz!
please type %1 more characters common hu Kérjük, írjon be %1 további karaktert (karaktereket)
please type 1 more character common hu Kérjük, írjon be még 1 karaktert
please wait... common hu Kérem várjon és figyelje a homokórát a szemközti falon...
please wait... common hu Kérem várjon és figyelje a homokórát a szemközti falon ...
please, check back with us shortly. common hu Kérlek nézz vissza kicsit később.
pm common hu du
poland common hu Lengyelország
@ -697,28 +692,28 @@ powered by common hu Powered by
preference common hu Preferencia
preferences common hu Beállítások
previous page common hu Előző oldal
primary group common hu elsődleges csoport
primary group common hu Elsődleges csoport
primary style-sheet: common hu Elsődleges stíluslap
print common hu Nyomtat
priority common hu Prioritás
private common hu Privát
programs common hu Programok
project common hu Projekt
public common hu nyilvános
public common hu Nyilvános
puerto rico common hu Puerto Rico
qatar common hu Katar
read common hu Olvas
read a list of entries. common hu Bejegyzés lista olvasása.
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common hu Egyedi bejegyzés olvasása az azonositó és mezőlista alapján.
read this list of methods. common hu Eljárás lista olvasása.
reading common hu olvasás
readonly common hu csak olvasható
reading common hu Olvasás
readonly common hu Csak olvasható
refresh common hu Frissít
register common hu Regiszter
regular common hu Szabályos
reject common hu Visszautasít
remember me common hu Emlékezz rám
remove selected accounts common hu kiválasztott hozzáférések törlése
remove selected accounts common hu Kiválasztott hozzáférések törlése
remove shortcut common hu Gyorsbillentyű eltávolítása
remove this link (not the entry itself) common hu Hivatkozás eltávolítása (nem a bejegyzést magát)
rename common hu Átnevez
@ -747,7 +742,7 @@ san marino common hu San Marino
sao tome and principe common hu Sao Tomé és Príncipe
saturday common hu Szombat
saudi arabia common hu Szaúd Arábia
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common hu A Savant2 verziója és wrappere különbözik. <br/>Ez a verzió: %1 <br/>Savant verzió: %2
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common hu A Savant2 verziója és wrappere különbözik. <br>Ez a verzió: %1 <br>Savant verzió: %2
save common hu Elment
save all common hu Összes mentése
saved column sizes to preferences. common hu Elmentett oszlopméretek a preferenciákhoz.
@ -765,10 +760,10 @@ select all %1 %2 for %3 common hu Mindet kiválaszt %1 %2 innen %3
select an app to search in common hu Alkalmazásban keresés
select an entry to link with common hu Bejegyzés választása hivatkozás készítéshez
select category common hu Kategória választás
select date common hu dátum választás
select date common hu Dátum választás
select group common hu Csoport választás
select home email address common hu Otthoni email cím kiválasztása
select multiple accounts common hu több felhasználói fiók kiválasztása
select multiple accounts common hu Több felhasználói fiók kiválasztása
select one common hu Egyet választ
select the default height for the application windows common hu Adja meg az alkalmazás ablakának az alapértelmezett magasságát
select the default width for the application windows common hu Adja meg az alkalmazás ablakának az alapértelmezett szélességét
@ -781,8 +776,8 @@ senegal common hu Szenegál
september common hu Szeptember
serbia common hu Szerbia
server %1 has been added common hu %1 szerver hozzáadva
server answered. processing response... common hu A szerver válaszának feldolgozása folyamatban...
server contacted. waiting for response... common hu A szerver csatlakozott, válaszra várakozás...
server answered. processing response... common hu A szerver válaszának feldolgozása folyamatban ...
server contacted. waiting for response... common hu A szerver csatlakozott, válaszra várakozás ...
server name common hu Szerver név
session has been killed common hu Aktív bejelentkezés kitiltva
set as default common hu Beállítás alapértelmezettként
@ -790,20 +785,20 @@ setup common hu Beállítás
setup main menu common hu Beállítás főmenü
seychelles common hu Seychelle-szigetek
show common hu Mutat
show all common hu mindet megmutat
show all common hu Mindet megmutat
show all categorys common hu Összes kategória mutatása
show as topmenu common hu Megjelenítés felső menüként
show clock? common hu Óra megjelenítése?
show home and logout button in main application bar? common hu Kezdőképernyő és Kilépés gombok megjelenítése az alkalmazás tálcán?
show in sidebox common hu Megjelenítés az oldaldobozban
show logo's on the desktop. common hu Logó megjelenítése az asztalon.
show menu common hu menü mutatása
show menu common hu Menü mutatása
show page generation time common hu Oldal megjelentítési idő mutatása
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common hu Mutassa az oldal generálására fordított időt az oldal alján?
show page generation time? common hu Oldal generálási idő megjelenítése?
show password common hu Jelszó megjelenítése
show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common hu EGroupware és x-desktop logójának megjelenítése az asztalon.
show/hide common hu oldalsáv megjelenítése/elrejtése
show/hide common hu Oldalsáv megjelenítése/elrejtése
show_more_apps common hu Több alkalmazás mutatása
showing %1 common hu %1 listázva
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common hu listázva %1 - %2, össz: %3
@ -823,13 +818,13 @@ south georgia and the south sandwich islands common hu Déli-Georgia és Déli-S
spacing common hu Betűköz
spain common hu Spanyolország
sri lanka common hu Sri Lanka
start a new search, cancel this link common hu új keresés indítása, hivatkozás elhagyása
start a new search, cancel this link common hu Új keresés indítása, a link törlése
start date common hu Kezdés dátuma
start time common hu Kezdés időpontja
start with common hu Kezdés
starting up... common hu Indítás....
starting up... common hu Indítás ...
status common hu Állapot
stretched common hu nyújtott
stretched common hu Nyújtott
subject common hu Tárgy
submit common hu Elküld
substitutions and their meanings: common hu Behelyettesítések és jelentésük
@ -854,7 +849,7 @@ the following applications require upgrades common hu A következő alkalmazáso
the mail server returned common hu A levelezőszerver visszatért (Jedi attached ;)
this name has been used already common hu Ez a név már használatban van!
thursday common hu Csütörtök
tiled common hu mozaik
tiled common hu Mozaik
time common hu Idő
time zone common hu Időzóna
time zone offset common hu Időzóna offszet
@ -863,13 +858,13 @@ to common hu Címzett
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common hu A hiba kijavításához helyesen kell beállítani a
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common hu Az üzenet listához való visszatéréshez kattintson <a href="%1">ide</a>
today common hu Mai nap
todays date, eg. "%1" common hu mai dátum, pl. "%1"
todays date, eg. "%1" common hu Mai dátum, pl. "%1"
togo common hu Togo
tokelau common hu Tokelau
tonga common hu Tonga
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common hu Túl sok sikertelen belépési kísérlet: %1 felhasználó '%2', '%3' a következő IP címről: %4
top common hu Felül
total common hu összesen
total common hu Összesen
transparant bg for the icons? common hu Átlátszó ikonhátterek?
trinidad and tobago common hu Trinidad és Tobago
tuesday common hu Kedd
@ -896,15 +891,15 @@ upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common hu A fe
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common hu A feltöltés működéséhez a webszervernek írási jogosultságot kell adni a könyvtárhoz.
url common hu URL
uruguay common hu Uruguay
use button to search for common hu használja a gombot a kereséshez
use button to search for address common hu használja a gombot címkereséshez
use button to search for calendarevent common hu használja a gombot naptárbejegyzés kereséshez
use button to search for project common hu használja a gombot projekt kereséshez
use button to search for common hu Használja a gombot a kereséshez
use button to search for address common hu Használja a gombot címkereséshez
use button to search for calendarevent common hu Használja a gombot naptárbejegyzés kereséshez
use button to search for project common hu Használja a gombot projekt kereséshez
user common hu Felhasználó
user accounts common hu felhasználói hozzáférések
user groups common hu felhasználói csoportok
user accounts common hu Felhasználói hozzáférések
user groups common hu Felhasználói csoportok
username common hu Felhasználó
users common hu felhasználók
users common hu Felhasználók
users choice common hu Felhasználói választás
uzbekistan common hu Üzbegisztán
vanuatu common hu Vanuatu
@ -912,25 +907,24 @@ venezuela common hu Venezuella
version common hu Verzió
viet nam common hu Vietnám
view common hu Megtekint
view this linked entry in its application common hu hivatkozott bejegyzés megtekintése a hozzá tartozó alkalmazással
view this linked entry in its application common hu Hivatkozott bejegyzés megtekintése a hozzá tartozó alkalmazással
virgin islands, british common hu Angol Szűz-szigetek
virgin islands, u.s. common hu Amerikai Szűz-szigetek
wallis and futuna common hu Wallis és Futuna
wednesday common hu Szerda
weekend common hu hétvége
welcome common hu Üdvözlet (welcome)
weekend common hu Hétvége
welcome common hu Üdvözlet
western european common hu Nyugat-európai
western sahara common hu Nyugat-Szahara
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common hu Milyen színnel rendelkezzen az összes üres terület az asztalon
what style would you like the image to have? common hu Milyen stílusú legyen a kép?
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common hu Igen választása esetén a Kezdőlap és Kilépés gombok megjelennek a felső alkalmazás tálcán.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common hu Hol és hogyan legyenek az egroupware link szerű tulajdonságok, leírások és kijelentkezés megjelenítve.
which groups common hu Melyik csoport
whole query common hu teljes lekérdezés
whole query common hu Teljes lekérdezés
width common hu Szélesség
wk common hu hét
work email common hu munkahelyi email
working days common hu munkanapok
wk common hu Hét
work email common hu Munkahelyi email
working days common hu Munkanapok
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common hu Kívánja megjeleníteni az oldal előállítására felhasznált időt minden oldal alján?
writing common hu írás
written by: common hu Írta:
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' common id %1 (%2 baru) Pesan dituliskan untuk Aplikasi '%3' dan Bahasa '%4'
%1 active file(s) with same name as directory inactivated! admin id %1 file aktif dengan nama yang sama dengan folder yang dinonaktifkan!
%1 copied - the copy can now be edited common id %1 disalin - salinan sekarang dapat diedit
%1 directories %2 found! admin id Direktori %1 %2 ditemukan!
%1 email addresses inserted common id %1 alamat email disisipkan
%1 email(s) added into %2 common id %1 email ditambahkan ke dalam %2
%1 entries found, select one ... common id %1 entri ditemukan, pilih satu ...
@ -6,21 +9,25 @@
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' common id %1 eTemplat untuk Aplikasi '%2' dituang ke '%3'
%1 etemplates found common id %1 eTemplat ditemukan
%1 file common id berkas %1
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common id %1 tidak dapat dijalankan oleh server web!
%1 matches on search criteria common id cocok %1 sesuai kriteria pencarian
%1 more %2 selected ... common id %1 lebih banyak %2 yang dipilih...
%1 more... common id %1 more...
%1 more %2 selected ... common id %1 lebih banyak %2 yang dipilih ...
%1 more... common id %1 more ...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common id %1 eTemplat baru diimpor untuk Aplikasi '%2'
%1 not implemented for %2! common id %1 tidak di-implementasikan untuk %2!
%1 proxy of %2 common id %1 proxy dari %2
%1 to sync groupdav id %1 untuk menyinkronkan
%1, duplicate id common id %1, ID duplikat
%s disabled common id %s disabled
%s needed common id %s needed
%s notranslation common id %s NoTranslation
%s onchange common id %s onChange
%s onchange common id %s onchange
%s readonly common id %s readonly
'%1' copied to clipboard common id '%1' disalin ke clipboard
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common id '%1' has an invalid format !!!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common id '%1' is not a valid date !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common id '%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common id '%1' is not a valid integer !!!
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common id '%1' has an invalid format!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common id '%1' is not a valid date!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common id '%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common id '%1' is not a valid integer!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common id '%1' bukan file JSON yang valid
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common id '%1' TIDAK dibolehkan ('%2')!
00 (disable) admin id 00 (disable)
@ -41,6 +48,8 @@
5 seconds common id 5 detik
80 (http) admin id 80 (http)
a pattern to be searched for common id pola untuk pencarian
a request to the egroupware server returned with an error common id Permintaan ke server EGroupware dikembalikan dengan kesalahan
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz common id ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
abort common id Batalkan
about common id Tentang
about %1 common id Tentang %1
@ -57,20 +66,22 @@ account is expired common id Akoun kadaluarsa
accounts common id Akoun
acl common id ACL
action common id Tindakan
action when category is an email address groupdav id Tindakan ketika kategori adalah alamat email
actions common id Tindakan
actions... common id Tindakan...
active common id Aktif
add common id Tambah
add %1 common id Tambah %1
add %1 category for common id Tambah %1 kategori untuk
add a new contact common id Tambah kontak baru
add category common id Tambah kategori
add column common id Add Column
add column common id Tambah kolom
add current common id Tampilan saat ini sebagai favorit
add index common id Add Index
add index common id Tambah indeks
add new common id Tambah baru
add shortcut common id Tambah Shortcut
add sub common id Tambah sub
add table common id Add Index
add table common id Tambah tabel
add to clipboard common id Tambahkan ke papan klip
add user to responsibles groupdav id Menambahkan pengguna ke penanggung jawab
add user to responsibles, removing evtl. previous category user groupdav id Menambahkan pengguna ke penanggung jawab, mungkin menghapus pengguna kategori sebelumnya
@ -89,10 +100,10 @@ align common id Align
all common id Semua
all addressbooks groupdav id Semua buku alamat
all categories common id Semua kategori
all days common id seharian
all fields common id semua field
all days common id Seharian
all fields common id Semua field
all in one groupdav id Semua dalam satu
all languages common id semua bahasa
all languages common id Semua bahasa
all users common id Semua pengguna
allow editing the %1 common id Mengizinkan pengeditan %1
allowed file type: %1 common id Tipe yang dibolehkan: %1
@ -109,17 +120,17 @@ antarctica common id ANTARTIKA
antigua and barbuda common id ANTIGUA DAN BARBUDA
api common id EGroupware API
application common id Aplikasi
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common id Perlu nama Aplikasi untuk menuliskan berkas bahasa atau menuangkan eTemplat !!!
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common id Perlu nama Aplikasi untuk menuliskan berkas bahasa atau menuangkan eTemplate!
applications common id Aplikasi
applies the changes made common id terapkan perubahan
applies the changes made common id Terapkan perubahan
apply common id Terapkan
april common id April
argentina common id ARGENTINA
armenia common id ARMENIA
aruba common id ARUBA
as default common id sebagai bawaan
as default common id Sebagai bawaan
attach common id Lampiran
attach file common id lampirkan berkas
attach file common id Lampirkan berkas
attention: action will be applied to all rows, not only visible ones! api id Perhatian: tindakan akan diterapkan ke semua baris, tidak hanya yang terlihat!
august common id Agustus
australia common id AUSTRALIA
@ -143,6 +154,7 @@ belize common id BELIZE
benin common id BENIN
bermuda common id BERMUDA
bhutan common id BHUTAN
blocked, too many attempts common id Diblokir, terlalu banyak upaya.
blurtext common id blurText
bold common id Bold
bolivia common id BOLIVIA
@ -152,7 +164,7 @@ botswana common id BOTSWANA
bottom common id Bottom
bouvet island common id KEPULAUAN BOUVET
box common id Box
box... common id Kotak...
box... common id Kotak ...
brazil common id BRASIL
british indian ocean territory common id TERITORI SAMUDERA INDIA INGGRIS
browser %1 %2 is not recommended. you may experience issues and not working features. please use the latest version of chrome, firefox or edge. thank you! common id Browser %1 %2 tidak disarankan. Anda mungkin mengalami masalah dan fitur yang tidak berfungsi. Silakan gunakan versi terbaru Chrome, Firefox atau Edge. Terima kasih!
@ -169,7 +181,7 @@ cancel common id Batal
cape verde common id CAPE VERDE
caption common id Caption
categories common id Kategori
categories for common id kategori untuk
categories for common id Kategori untuk
category common id Kategori
category %1 has been added ! common id Kategori %1 telah ditambahkan!
category %1 has been updated ! common id Kategori %1 telah dikinikan!
@ -178,12 +190,12 @@ cayman islands common id KEPULAUAN CAYMAN
cc common id CC
cells common id Cells
center common id Tengah
centered common id tengah
centered common id Tengah
central african republic common id REPUBLIK AFRIKA TENGAH
chad common id CHAD
change common id Perubahan
changed common id Diubah
charset common id utf-8
charset common id Aksara
check all common id Contreng semua
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common id Periksa nilai kosong dalam pernyataan IF. Contoh {{IF url~KOSONG~~Situs Web:}} - Jika url tidak kosong, tulis "Website:"
check installation common id Cek instalasi
@ -195,18 +207,18 @@ choose the category common id Pilih kategori
choose the default filename for merged documents. preferences id Memilih nama file default untuk dokumen yang digabungkan.
christmas island common id KEPULAUAN NATAL
class common id Class
class, valign common id class, Valign
class, valign common id Class, Valign
clear common id Bersihkan
clear form common id Kosongkan Form
click common id Klik
click here to attach the file common id klik disini untuk melampirkan berkas
click here to create the link common id klik disini untuk membuat tautan
click here to attach the file common id Klik disini untuk melampirkan berkas
click here to create the link common id Klik disini untuk membuat tautan
click here to start the search common id Klik disini untuk memulai pencarian
click here to upload the file common id Klik disini untuk mengunggah berkas
clickable path common id clickable path
clickable path common id Clickable path
close common id Tutup
close sidebox common id Tutup sidebox
closes the window without saving the changes common id tutup jendela tanpa menyimpan perubahan
closes the window without saving the changes common id Tutup jendela tanpa menyimpan perubahan
cocos (keeling) islands common id KEPULAUAN COCOS (KEELING)
collection empty. common id Koleksi kosong.
collection listing common id Daftar Koleksi
@ -225,9 +237,10 @@ contact common id Kontak
contact field to show common id Field Kontak untuk ditampilkan
contact fields common id Field Kontak
contacting server... common id Menghubungi Server...
contains common id mengandung
contains common id Mengandung
content type common id Content type
cook islands common id KEPULAUAN COOK
cookies are required to login to this site login id Cookie diperlukan untuk masuk ke situs ini
copy common id Salin
copy "%1" common id Salin "%1"
copy of: common id Salinan dari:
@ -243,14 +256,14 @@ created by common id Dibuat oleh
created by %1 common id Dibuat oleh %1
creator preferences id Creator
croatia common id KROASIA
css properties common id properti CSS
css properties common id Properti CSS
css-styles common id Gaya-CSS
cuba common id KUBA
currency common id Matauang
current common id Current
current users common id Pengguna saat ini
custom common id custom
custom fields common id custom fields
custom common id Kustom
custom fields common id Bidang khusus
cut common id Cut
cyprus common id SIPRUS
czech republic common id REPUBLIK CESNYA
@ -274,12 +287,12 @@ delete column common id Hapus Kolom
delete index common id Hapus Indeks
delete row common id Hapus baris
delete the spezified etemplate common id Hapus eTemplat tersebut
delete this column common id hapus kolom ini
delete this column common id Hapus kolom ini
delete this entry common id Hapus entri ini
delete this etemplate common id hapus eTemplat ini
delete this etemplate common id Hapus eTemplat ini
delete this file common id Hapus berkas ini
delete this row common id hapus baris ini
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common id hapus seluruh kolom (tidak bisa dibatalkan!!!)
delete this row common id Hapus baris ini
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common id Hapus seluruh kolom
deletes this column common id Hapus kolom ini
deletes this index common id Hapus indeks ini
denmark common id DENMARK
@ -289,7 +302,7 @@ details common id Detil
directory common id Direktori
disable slider effects common id Disable slider effects
disabled common id Disabled
discard changes common id buang pengubahan
discard changes common id Buang pengubahan
djibouti common id DJIBOUTI
do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? common id Anda ingin menyimpan perubahan ke tabel %s?
doctype: common id DOCTYPE:
@ -297,7 +310,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences id Dokumen
document properties common id Properti Dokumen
document title: common id Judul Dokumen:
documentation common id Dokumentasi
doesn't matter common id tidak penting
doesn't matter common id Tidak penting
domain common id Domain
domestic common id Domestik
dominica common id DOMINIKA
@ -316,7 +329,7 @@ edit common id Edit
edit %1 category for common id Edit kategori %1 untuk
edit categories common id Edit Kategori
edit category common id Edit kategori
edit... common id Edit...
edit... common id Edit ...
egroupware common id EGroupware
egroupware api version common id Versi API EGroupware
egroupware version common id Versi EGroupware
@ -335,15 +348,15 @@ eritrea common id ERITREA
error common id Error
estonia common id ESTONIA
etag common id ETag
etemplate common id eTemplat
etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database common id eTemplat '%1' diimpor, gunakan [Simpan] untuk menyimpan ke database
etemplate '%1' written to '%2' common id eTemplat '%1' dituliskan ke '%2'
etemplate editor common id Editor eTemplat
etemplate reference common id Referensi eTemplat
etemplate tutorial common id Tutorial eTemplat
etemplate common id eTemplate
etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database common id eTemplate '%1' diimpor, gunakan [Simpan] untuk menyimpan ke database
etemplate '%1' written to '%2' common id eTemplate '%1' dituliskan ke '%2'
etemplate editor common id Editor eTemplate
etemplate reference common id Referensi eTemplate
etemplate tutorial common id Tutorial eTemplate
ethiopia common id ETHIOPIA
everything common id Segalanya
exact common id eksak
exact common id Eksak
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences id Contoh {{IF n_awalan ~ Bapak ~ Halo Pak ~ Halo Bu}} - cari di kolom "n_prefix", untuk "Mr", jika ditemukan, tulis Hello Mr, jika tidak, tulis Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences id Contoh {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Memberikan awalan huruf tanpa spasi ganda, jika judulnya kosong misalnya
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common id Contoh {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Memberikan awalan huruf tanpa spasi ganda, jika judulnya kosong misalnya
@ -355,10 +368,10 @@ failed to change password. common id Gagal mengubah password.
falkland islands (malvinas) common id KEPULAUAN FALKLAND (MALVINAS)
faroe islands common id KEPULAUAN FAROE
favorites common id Favorit
fax number common id nomor fax
fax number common id Nomor fax
february common id Pebruari
field common id Field
field must not be empty !!! common id Field tidak boleh kosong !!!
field must not be empty !!! common id Field tidak boleh kosong!
fields common id Field
fiji common id FIJI
file common id Berkas
@ -372,7 +385,7 @@ filter common id Saringan
finland common id FINLANDIA
first common id Awal
first name common id Nama depan
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common id nama depan pengguna, mis. "%1"
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common id Nama depan pengguna, mis. "%1"
first page common id Halaman awal
firstname common id Namadepan
fixme! common id FIXME!
@ -438,7 +451,7 @@ history common id Sejarah
history log common id Log Riwayat
holy see (vatican city state) common id HOLY SEE (NEGARA KOTA VATICAN)
home common id Beranda
home email common id email rumah
home email common id E-Mail rumah
home screen common id Layar Utama
honduras common id HONDURAS
hong kong common id HONG KONG
@ -509,13 +522,14 @@ korean common id Korea
kuwait common id KUWAIT
kyrgyzstan common id KYRGYZSTAN
label common id Label
label:[bold][italic] text:[len][,max] numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] t.area:[rows][,cols] radiob.:value h.rule:[width] templ.:[indexincontent] select:[multiselect] date:[values: eg. 'y-m-d'] common id Label:[bold][italic] Text:[len][,max] Numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] T.area:[rows][,cols] Radiob.:value H.Rule:[width] Templ.:[IndexInContent] Select:[multiselect] Date:[values: eg. 'Y-m-d']
lang common id Bahasa
language common id Bahasa
lao peoples democratic republic common id LAOS
last common id Akhir
last modified common id Pengubahan terakhir
last name common id Nama belakang
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common id nama belakang pengguna, mis. "%1"
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common id Nama belakang pengguna, mis. "%1"
last page common id Halaman akhir
lastname common id Namabelakang
latvia common id LATVIA
@ -529,19 +543,19 @@ license common id Lisensi
liechtenstein common id LIECHTENSTEIN
light mode common id Mode terang
link common id Tautan
linkapps common id LinkApps
linkentry common id LinkEntry
linklist common id LinkList
linkapps common id Tautkan aplikasi
linkentry common id Entri tautan
linklist common id Daftar tautan
linkstring common id LinkString
linkto common id LinkTo
list common id Daftar
list members common id Daftar anggota
lithuania common id LITHUANIA
load common id Muatkan
load this template into the editor common id muatkan templat ini ke editor
loading common id memuatkan
load this template into the editor common id Muatkan templat ini ke editor
loading common id Memuatkan
local common id Lokal
locations common id lokasi
locations common id Lokasi
login common id Masuk
login rejected by epl firewall, please contact your administrator common id Login ditolak oleh firewall EGroupware, silakan hubungi administrator Anda.
loginid common id LoginID
@ -594,10 +608,10 @@ morocco common id MAROKO
move common id Pindah
mozambique common id MOZAMBIQUE
multicolumn indices common id Multicolumn Indices
multiple common id jamak
multiple common id Jamak
myanmar common id MYANMAR
name common id Nama
name of the user, eg. "%1" common id nama pengguna, mis. "%1"
name of the user, eg. "%1" common id Nama pengguna, mis. "%1"
namibia common id NAMIBIA
nauru common id NAURU
nepal common id NEPAL
@ -606,13 +620,16 @@ netherlands antilles common id ANTILLES BELANDA
never common id Never*
new common id Baru
new caledonia common id KALEDONIA BARU
new egroupware release %1 available common id Rilis EGroupware baru %1 tersedia
new entry added sucessfully common id Entri baru berhasil ditambahkan.
new favorite common id Favorit baru
new main category common id Kategori Utama baru
new password common id Kata sandi baru
new search common id Pencarian baru
new table created common id Tabel baru dibuat
new value common id Nilai Baru
new zealand common id SELANDIA BARU
newer version '%1' exists !!! common id tersedia versi '%1' terbaru !!!
newer version '%1' exists !!! common id tersedia versi '%1' terbaru!
next common id Lanjut
next page common id Halaman selanjutnya
nextmatch common id Nextmatch
@ -627,8 +644,8 @@ nigeria common id NIGERIA
niue common id NIUE
no common id Tidak
no - cancel common id Tidak - Batal
no entries found, try again ... common id tiada entri ditemukan, coba lagi ...
no file common id tiada berkas
no entries found, try again ... common id Tiada entri ditemukan, coba lagi ...
no file common id Tiada berkas
no filters common id Tidak ada filter
no matches found common id Tiada yang cocok
no subject common id Tanpa Subyek
@ -638,13 +655,13 @@ normal common id Normal
northern mariana islands common id KEPULAUAN MARIANA UTARA
norway common id NORWEGIA
not common id not
not assigned common id not assigned
not assigned common id Tidak ditugaskan
not null common id NOT NULL
note common id Catatan
notes common id Catatan
nothing common id tiada
nothing found - try again !!! common id Tiada ditemukan - coba lagi !!!
notifications common id notifikasi
nothing common id Tiada
nothing found - try again !!! common id Tiada ditemukan - coba lagi!
notifications common id Notifikasi
notify window common id Jendela Pemberitahuan
november common id November
now common id Sekarang
@ -654,25 +671,32 @@ ok common id OK
old value common id Nilai Lama
oman common id OMAN
on mouse over common id On Mouse Over
onchange common id onChange
onclick common id onClick
onchange common id onchange
onclick common id onclick
only private common id hanya privat
only yours common id hanya milik anda
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav id Hanya didukung oleh beberapa klien yang sepenuhnya sesuai (misalnya dari Apple). Jika Anda harus memasukkan URL, kemungkinan besar URL tersebut tidak didukung!
only yours common id Hanya milik anda
open common id Open
open existing contact common id Buka kontak yang ada
open notify window common id Buka jendela pemberitahuan
open popup window common id Buka jendela popup
open sidebox common id Buka sidebox
open the online help. common id Buka bantuan online
operator common id Operator
optional note about the link common id Catatan opsional untuk tautan
options common id Options
or common id or
order to navigating by tab key through the form common id Urutan untuk menavigasi dengan tombol tab melalui formulir
ordered list common id Daftar Teratur
original common id Asal-Muasal
other common id Lainnya
overflow common id Overflow
overview common id Sekilas
owner common id Pemilik
ownership common id Kepemilikan
padding common id Padding
page common id Halaman
page was generated in %1 seconds common id Halaman dibuat dalam %1 detik
pakistan common id PAKISTAN
palau common id PALAU
palestinian territory, occupied common id PALESTINA
@ -693,12 +717,12 @@ pg up common id Halaman atas
pgp encryption common id Enkripsi PGP
pgp encryption installation common id Instalasi Enkripsi PGP
philippines common id FILIPINA
phone number common id nomor telepon
phone number common id Nomor telepon
pitcairn common id PITCAIRN
placeholders common id Penampung
play/pause common id Putar/Jeda
please enter a name common id Mohon masukan nama
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common id Muat ulang desktop EGroupware (F5 / Cmd+r).
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common id Muat ulang desktop EGroupware (F5 / Cmd+R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common id Harap ingat untuk menggunakan '%1' sebagai nama pengguna untuk login lokal mulai sekarang!
please select common id Pilihlah
please type %1 more characters common id Silakan ketik %1 karakter lagi
@ -724,19 +748,19 @@ private common id Privat
programs common id Program
project common id Proyek
properties common id Properti
public common id publik
public common id Publik
puerto rico common id PUERTO RICO
qatar common id QATAR
radiobutton common id Radiobutton
read common id Baca
reading common id membaca
readonly common id hanyabaca
reading common id Membaca
readonly common id Hanyabaca
refresh common id Refresh
register common id Daftar
regular common id Reguler
reject common id Tolak
remember me common id Ingat saya
remove selected accounts common id buang akoun terpilih
remove selected accounts common id Buang akoun terpilih
remove shortcut common id Buang Shortcut
rename common id Ubah
repeat password common id Ulangi kata sandi
@ -771,11 +795,11 @@ search common id Cari
search %1 '%2' common id Mencari %1 '%2'
search accounts common id Cari akoun
search for '%1' common id Mencari '%1'
search or select accounts common id cari atau pilih akoun
search or select accounts common id Cari atau pilih akoun
second common id detik
section common id Seksi
select common id Pilih
select a category common id pilih Kategori
select a category common id Pilih Kategori
select access common id Pilih Akses
select account common id Pilih Akoun
select action common id Pilih tindakan
@ -796,7 +820,7 @@ select month common id Pilih Bulan
select multiple accounts common id Pilih beberapa akoun
select number common id Pilih Angka
select one common id Pilih satu
select one ... common id Pilih Satu...
select one ... common id Pilih Satu ...
select percentage common id Pilih Persentasi
select priority common id Pilih Prioritas
select state common id Pilih Provinsi
@ -806,6 +830,7 @@ select year common id Pilih Tahun
selectbox common id Selectbox
selection common id Pemilihan
send common id Kirim
send succeeded to %1 common id Pengiriman berhasil ke %1
senegal common id SENEGAL
september common id September
serbia common id SERBIA
@ -822,7 +847,7 @@ show all categorys common id Tampilkan semua kategori
show as topmenu common id Tampilkan sebagai Topmenu
show clock? common id Tampilkan Jam?
show in sidebox common id Tampilkan pada sidebox
show menu common id tampilkan menu
show menu common id Tampilkan menu
show password common id Tampilkan kata sandi
show values common id Tampilkan Nilai
show_more_apps common id Tunjukan Lebih banyak Aplikasi
@ -838,7 +863,7 @@ slovakia common id SLOVAKIA
slovenia common id SLOVENIA
solomon islands common id KEPULAUAN SOLOMON
somalia common id SOMALIA
sorry, your login has expired login id Sorry, your login has expired
sorry, your login has expired login id Maaf, login Anda telah kedaluwarsa.
south africa common id AFRIKA SELATAN
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common id GEORGIA SELATAN DAN KEPULAUAN SANDWICH SELATAN
spacing common id Spacing
@ -847,7 +872,7 @@ span common id Span
span, class common id Span, Class
sri lanka common id SRI LANKA
stack common id Stack
start a new search, cancel this link common id memulai pencarian baru, batalkan tautan ini
start a new search, cancel this link common id Memulai pencarian baru, batalkan tautan ini
start date common id Tanggal memulai
start time common id Jam memulai
start with common id Memulai dengan
@ -855,13 +880,13 @@ starting up... common id Memulai...
status common id Status
subject common id Subyek
submit common id Kirimkan
submit form common id kirim formulir
submit form common id Kirim formulir
submitbutton common id Submitbutton
sudan common id SUDAN
sunday common id Minggu
suriname common id SURINAME
svalbard and jan mayen common id SVALBARD DAN JAN MAYEN
swap common id swap
swap common id Swap
swaziland common id SWAZILAND
sweden common id SWEDIA
switzerland common id SWISS
@ -881,14 +906,14 @@ text color: common id Warna Teks:
textarea common id Textarea
thailand common id THAILAND
thursday common id Kamis
tiled common id tiled
tiled common id Tiled
time common id Time
time zone common id Zonawaktu
time zone offset common id Offset zonawaktu
title common id Judul
to common id Kepada
today common id Hari ini
todays date, eg. "%1" common id tanggal sekarang, mis. "%1"
todays date, eg. "%1" common id Tanggal sekarang, mis. "%1"
togo common id TOGO
tokelau common id TOKELAU
tonga common id TONGA
@ -917,10 +942,10 @@ upload common id Unggah
url common id URL
uruguay common id URUGUAY
user common id Pengguna
user accounts common id Akoun*
user groups common id Kelompok*
user accounts common id Akun pengguna
user groups common id Kelompok pengguna
username common id Pengguna
users common id pengguna
users common id Pengguna
users choice common id Pilihan pengguna
uzbekistan common id UZBEKISTAN
valign common id vAlign
@ -929,30 +954,31 @@ vanuatu common id VANUATU
vbox common id VBox
venezuela common id VENEZUELA
version common id Versi
video tutorials common id Tutorial Video
viet nam common id VIETNAM
view common id View
view this etemplate common id lihat eTemplat ini
view this etemplate common id Lihat eTemplat ini
virgin islands, british common id KEPULAUAN VIRGIN, INGGRIS
virgin islands, u.s. common id KEPULAUAN VIRGIN, AS.
wallis and futuna common id WALLIS AND FUTUNA
wednesday common id Rabu
weekend common id akhir minggu
weekend common id Akhir minggu
welcome common id Selamat Datang
western european common id Eropa Barat
western sahara common id SAHARA BARAT
whole query common id seluruh query
whole query common id Seluruh query
width common id Width
width, disabled common id Width, Disabled
wk common id Mg
work email common id email kerja
working days common id hari kerja
work email common id E-Mail kerja
working days common id Hari kerja
write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php common id Tulis <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php
write langfile common id Tulis berkas bahasa
write tables common id Tulis tabel
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app common id tulis berkas 'etemplates.inc.php' (sesuai Nama aplikasi) pada direktori setup dari aplikasi
writing common id Menulis
written by: common id Ditulis oleh:
xml-file to import common id berkas xml untuk impor
xml-file to import common id Berkas xml untuk impor
xslt template common id Templat XSLT
year common id Tahun
yemen common id YAMAN
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' common it %1 eTemplate per l'applicazione '%2' scaricati in '%3'
%1 etemplates found common it %1 eTemplate trovati
%1 file common it %1 file
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common it %1 non è eseguibile dal webserver !!!
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common it %1 non è eseguibile dal webserver!
%1 matches on search criteria common it %1 occorrenze trovate
%1 more %2 selected ... common it %1 più %2 selezionati...
%1 more... common it %1 ancora...
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ afghanistan common it AFGHANISTAN
albania common it ALBANIA
algeria common it ALGERIA
align common it Allinea
alignment of label and input-field in table-cell common it allineamento di etichetta e campo-input in cella-tabella
alignment of label and input-field in table-cell common it Allineamento di etichetta e campo-input in cella-tabella
alignment of the v/hbox containing table-cell common it Allineamento del V/HBox contenente cella-tabella
all common it Tutto
all addressbooks groupdav it Tutte le rubriche
@ -142,15 +142,15 @@ api-accounts common it Account utenti
application common it Applicazione
application has no etemplates (no file %1) to restore! common it L'applicazione non ha eTemplate (nessun file %1) da ripristinare!
application name needed to restore etemplates! common it Nome dell'applicazione obbligatorio per ripristinare gli eTemplate!
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common it Il nome applicazione è necessario per scrivere un file linguaggio o dump degli eTemplate !!!
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common it Il nome applicazione è necessario per scrivere un file linguaggio o dump degli eTemplate!
applications common it Applicazioni
applies the changes made common it applica le modifiche fatte
applies the changes to the given version of the template common it applica le modifiche alla data versione del template
applies the changes made common it Applica le modifiche fatte
applies the changes to the given version of the template common it Applica le modifiche alla data versione del template
apply common it Applica
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries common it Applica l'azione all'intera query, NON solo le voci visualizzate
apps & license common it Applicazioni e licenza
april common it Aprile
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common it Vuoi davvero cancellare queste voci ?
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common it Vuoi davvero cancellare queste voci?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common it Vuoi davvero cancellare questa voce?
are you sure you want to logout? common it Sei sicuro di voler uscire?
are you sure, you would like to delete the backup key? common it Sicuro di voler eliminare la chiave di backup?
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ autohide sidebox menu's common it Nascondi automaticamente i menù laterali
autohide sidebox menus common it Nascondi automaticamente i menù laterali
automatic update check failed, you need to check manually! common it Il controllo degli aggiornamenti automatico non ha funzionato... Dovrai controllare manualmente!
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common it Nascondere automaticamente i menù laterali?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common it Nascondo automaticamente i menù laterali ?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common it Nascondo automaticamente i menù laterali?
automatically refresh list common it Aggiorna l'elenco automaticamente
autosave default category common it Categoria predefinita per il salvataggio automatico
avatar common it Avatar
@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ backcolor common it Colore di fondo
background color: common it Colore di sfondo:
backup key common it Chiave di backup
backup/restore common it Backup/Ripristino
backup/restore ... common it Backup/Ripristino ...
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common it directory di backup '%1' non è scrivibile dal webserver
backup/restore ... common it Backup/Ripristino...
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common it Directory di backup '%1' non è scrivibile dal webserver
bad login or password common it Nome utente o password errati
bahamas common it BAHAMAS
bahrain common it BAHRAIN
@ -224,16 +224,16 @@ calendar common it Agenda
calendars to sync in addition to personal calendar groupdav it Agende da sincronizzare oltre a quella personale
cambodia common it CAMBOGIA
cameroon common it CAMEROON
can not have special sql-value null common it non può avere NULL come valore-SQL speciale
can not have special sql-value null common it Non può avere NULL come valore-SQL speciale
can't create directory %1 to connect found unconnected nodes to it! admin it Non è stato possibile creare la cartella %1 da connettere. Sono stati trovati nodi disconnessi.
canada common it CANADA
cancel common it Annulla
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common it Non è possibile sostituire %1 perché è una directory
cannot set a category as parent, which is part of this categorys subtree! common it Impossibile impostare una categoria come padre, quando fa parte del sotto-albero di questa categoria!
cannot set this cat as its own parent! common it Impossibile impostare questa categoria come padre di se stessa!
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common it non si può cancellare un singolo widget da una griglia !!!
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common it non si può cancellare l'unica colonna di una griglia !!!
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! common it non si può cancellare l'unica riga di una griglia !!!
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common it Non si può cancellare un singolo widget da una griglia!
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common it Non si può cancellare l'unica colonna di una griglia!
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! common it Non si può cancellare l'unica riga di una griglia!
cant open %1, needs ziparchive common it Non posso aprire %1, per farlo è necessario ZipArchive
cant open '%1' for %2 common it Non è possibile aprire '%1' per %2
cape verde common it CAPO VERDE
@ -251,17 +251,17 @@ cellpadding for the table-tag common it Cellpadding per table-tag
cells common it Celle
cellspacing for the table-tag common it Spaziatura celle per table-tag
center common it Centrato
centered common it centrato
centered common it Centrato
central african republic common it REPUBBLICA CENTRO AFRICANA
chad common it CHAD
change common it Cambia
change owner common it Cambia proprietario
changed common it Modificato
charset common it utf-8
charset common it Set di caratteri
check all common it Seleziona tutto
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common it Controlla i valori vuoti nelle istruzioni IF. Esempio {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - Se url non è vuoto, scrive "Website:".
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common it spunta se il contenuto deve essere solo visualizzato ma non alterato (il contenuto non viene rispedito allora!)
check if field has to be filled by user common it spunta se il campo deve essere riempito dall'utente
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common it Spunta se il contenuto deve essere solo visualizzato ma non alterato (il contenuto non viene rispedito allora!)
check if field has to be filled by user common it Spunta se il campo deve essere riempito dall'utente
check installation common it Controlla installazione
check now common it Controlla Adesso
checkbox common it Checkbox
@ -279,27 +279,27 @@ choose the parent category common it Scegli la categoria superiore
choose time common it Seleziona orario
chosen parent category no longer exists common it La categoria scelta non esiste più
christmas island common it ISOLA DI NATALE
class common it Classe
class, valign common it classe, Valign
class common it Class
class, valign common it Class, Valign
clear common it Pulisci
clear form common it Svuota il modulo
clear window common it Pulisci finestra
click common it Clicca
click here to attach the file common it premi qui per allegare il file
click here to create the link common it premi qui per creare il Link
click here to attach the file common it Premi qui per allegare il file
click here to create the link common it Premi qui per creare il Link
click here to resume your egroupware session. common it Clicca qui per ripristinare la tua sessione EGroupware
click here to start the search common it Premi qui per iniziare la ricerca
click here to upload the file common it Premi qui per caricare il file
click or mouse over to show menus common it Clicca o passa sopra con il puntatore per mostrare i menù
click or mouse over to show menus? common it Clicca o passa sopra con il puntatore per mostrare i menù ?
click or mouse over to show menus? common it Clicca o passa sopra con il puntatore per mostrare i menù?
click this image on the navbar: %1 common it Clicca su questa immagine sulla barra di navigazione: %1
click to open colorpicker common it Clicca per aprire il selettore dei colori
click to order after that criteria common it premi qui per ordinare con questo criterio
clickable path common it percorso cliccabile
click to order after that criteria common it Premi qui per ordinare con questo criterio
clickable path common it Percorso cliccabile
clients not explicitly stating a limit get limited to these many days. a too high limit may cause problems with some clients. groupdav it I client che non esplicitano un limite, saranno limitati a questo numero di giorni. Un limite alto può causare problemi con alcuni client
close common it Chiudi
close sidebox common it Chiudi riquadro laterale
closes the window without saving the changes common it chiude la finestra senza salvare le modifiche
closes the window without saving the changes common it Chiude la finestra senza salvare le modifiche
cocos (keeling) islands common it ISOLE COCOS (KEELING)
collection empty. common it Collezione vuota
collection listing common it Elenco collezione
@ -313,17 +313,17 @@ comment common it Commento
common preferences common it Preferenze generiche
comoros common it COMORE
company common it Azienda
confirm common it conferma
confirmation message or custom javascript (returning true or false) common it messaggio di conferma o JavaScript personalizzato (che restituisce vero o falso)
confirmation necesary or custom java-script common it conferma necessaria o JavaScript personalizzato
confirm common it Conferma
confirmation message or custom javascript (returning true or false) common it Messaggio di conferma o JavaScript personalizzato (che restituisce vero o falso)
confirmation necesary or custom java-script common it Conferma necessaria o JavaScript personalizzato
confirmation required common it Conferma richiesta
congo common it CONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common it CONGO, REPUBBLICA DEMOCRATICA DEL
contact common it Contatto
contact field to show common it Campo contatto da mostrare
contact fields common it campi Contatti
contact fields common it Campi Contatti
contacting server... common it Sto contattando il Server...
contains common it contiene
contains common it Contiene
content type common it Tipo contenuto
cook islands common it ISOLE COOK
cookies are required to login to this site login it Sono necessari i cookie per effettuare il login
@ -342,21 +342,21 @@ create link common it Crea collegamento
created common it Creati
created by common it Creato da
created by %1 common it Creato da %1
creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) common it creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in Name)
creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) common it Creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in Name)
creator preferences it Creatore
croatia common it CROAZIA
css class for the table-tag common it classe CSS per table-tag
css properties common it proprietà CSS
css class for the table-tag common it Classe CSS per table-tag
css properties common it Proprietà CSS
css-class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = nextmatch header, 'nmr' = alternating nm row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' nm rows common it CSS-class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = NextMatch header, 'nmr' = alternating NM row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' NM rows
css-class name for this row, preset: 'th' = header, 'row' = alternating row, 'row_off'+'row_on' rows common it Nome classe CSS per questa riga, preset: 'th' = header, 'row' = riga alternativa, 'row_off'+'row_on' righe
css-styles common it stili-CSS
css-styles common it Stili CSS
ctrl common it Ctrl
cuba common it CUBA
currency common it Valuta
current common it Attuale
current users common it Sessioni attive
custom common it personalizzato
custom fields common it campi personalizzati
custom common it Personalizzato
custom fields common it Campi personalizzati
custom javascript for onchange common it JavaScript personalizzato per onChange
cut common it Taglia
cyprus common it CIPRO
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately befo
day common it Giorno
days common it giorni
db ensures that every row has a unique value in that column common it DB assicura che ogni riga abbia un unico valore in quella colonna
db-specific index options (comma-sep.), eg. mysql(fulltext) or mysql(100) for the indexed length of a col common it db-specific index options (comma-sep.), eg. mysql(FULLTEXT) or mysql(100) for the indexed length of a col
db-specific index options (comma-sep.), eg. mysql(fulltext) or mysql(100) for the indexed length of a col common it Opzioni di indice specifiche del DB, separate da virgole, ad esempio mysql(FULLTEXT) o mysql(100) per la lunghezza indicizzata di una colonna.
db-tools common it DB-Tools
december common it Dicembre
deck common it Deck (interno)
@ -386,9 +386,9 @@ default visible actions common it Azioni visibili predefinite
default width for the windows common it Larghezza predefinita per le finestre
del common it Canc
delete common it Elimina
delete a single entry by passing the id. common it Delete a single entry by passing the id.
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry common it cancella TUTTI gli eTemplate selezionati, SENZA ulteriori domande
delete and cut save the template! common it cancella e taglia-salva il template!
delete a single entry by passing the id. common it Delete a single entry by passing the ID.
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry common it Cancella TUTTI gli eTemplate selezionati, SENZA ulteriori domande
delete and cut save the template! common it Cancella e taglia-salva il template!
delete backup common it Elimina backup
delete backup key common it Elimina la chiave di backup
delete category common it Elimina categoria
@ -401,15 +401,15 @@ delete row common it Cancella riga
delete selected entries? common it Eliminare le voci selezionate?
delete the spezified etemplate common it Cancella eTemplate specificato
delete these entries common it Elimina queste voci
delete this column common it cancella questa colonna
delete this column common it Cancella questa colonna
delete this entry common it Elimina questa voce
delete this etemplate common it cancella questo eTemplate
delete this etemplate common it Cancella questo eTemplate
delete this file common it Cancella questo file
delete this photo? common it Eliminare questa foto?
delete this row common it cancella questa riga
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common it cancella intera colonna (NON si può annullare!!!)
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone common it cancella il suddetto eTemplate dal database, NON può essere annullato
deletes the etemplate spez. above common it cancella il suddetto eTemplate
delete this row common it Cancella questa riga
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common it Cancella intera colonna (NON si può annullare!)
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone common it Cancella il suddetto eTemplate dal database, NON può essere annullato
deletes the etemplate spez. above common it Cancella il suddetto eTemplate
deletes this column common it Cancella questa colonna
deletes this index common it Cancella questo index
denmark common it DANIMARCA
@ -427,10 +427,10 @@ disable slider effects common it Disabilita l'effetto effects slider
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common it Disabilita gli effetti animati mentre vengono mostrati o nascosti i menù sulla pagina? Gli utenti di Opera e Konqueror probabilmente vorranno così.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common it Disabilitare l'esecuzione di bugfixscript per Internet Explorer 5.5 e superiori per mostrare la trasparenza nelle immagini PNG?
disabled common it Disabilitato
discard changes common it annulla i cambiamenti
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common it displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the Submitbutton or Image-filename)
displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus common it displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus
displayed in the top line of the groupbox (legend) common it visualizzato nella riga più alta del groupbox (legenda)
discard changes common it Annulla i cambiamenti
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common it Displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the Submitbutton or Image-filename)
displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus common it Displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus
displayed in the top line of the groupbox (legend) common it Visualizzato nella riga più alta del groupbox (legenda)
distribution lists as groups groupdav it Liste di distribuzione come gruppi
djibouti common it DJIBOUTI
do not notify common it Non avvisare
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences it Il docum
document properties common it Proprietà documento
document title: common it Titolo documento:
documentation common it Documentazione
doesn't matter common it non importa
doesn't matter common it Non importa
domain common it Dominio
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common it Nome dominio per l'indirizzo e-mail, es. "%1"
domestic common it Domestico
@ -470,8 +470,8 @@ edit %1 category for common it Modifica categoria %1 per
edit avatar common it Modifica l'avatar
edit categories common it Modifica Categorie
edit category common it Modifica Categoria
edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file common it modifica gli stili CSS incorporati o del file applicazioni app.css
edit the etemplate spez. above common it edit the eTemplate spez. above
edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file common it Modifica gli stili CSS incorporati o del file applicazioni app.css
edit the etemplate spez. above common it Modifica del eTemplate
edit... common it Modifica...
editable templates - db-tools common it Editable Templates - DB-Tools
editable templates - delete template common it Editable Templates - Delete Template
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ egroupware all users group, do not delete common it Gruppo per tutti gli utenti:
egroupware anonymous users group, do not delete common it Gruppo utenti anonimi: NON eliminare
egroupware api version common it Versione API EGroupware
egroupware maintenance update %1 available common it Aggiornamento di manutenzione %1 EPL disponibile
egroupware security update %1 needs to be installed! common it E' necessario installare l'aggiornamento di sicurezza %1!
egroupware security update %1 needs to be installed! common it E' necessario installare l'aggiornamento di sicurezza %1 !
egroupware version common it Versione EGroupware
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common it EGroupware: login bloccato per l'utente '%1', IP %2
egypt common it EGITTO
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ el salvador common it EL SALVADOR
element role title common it Titolo ruolo elemento
email common it E-Mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common it Indirizzo e-mail per l'utente, es. "%1"
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common it embeded CSS styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common it Embeded CSS styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
empty file common it File vuoto
enable javascript onchange submit common it Abilita JavaScript onChange submit
enable logging groupdav it Abilita registro
@ -500,12 +500,12 @@ enabled common it Abilitato
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav it Abilita registro del traffico dati CalDAV/CardDAV per diagnosticare problemi con i dispositivi
end date common it Data Fine
end time common it Ora Fine
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common it inserisci '' per un predefinito vuoto, niente significa nessun predefinito
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common it Inserisci '' per un predefinito vuoto, niente significa nessun predefinito
enter a search pattern common it Inserisci una stringa di ricerca
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common it Enter filename to upload and attach, use [Browse...] to search for it
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin it Inserisci l'URL di EGroupware.<br>Esempio: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>Senza la barra finale</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common it enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common it inserisci il numero della nuova versione qui (deve essere > old_version)
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin it Inserisci l'URL di EGroupware.<br>Esempio: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>Senza la barra finale</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common it Inserire il numero della nuova versione, > old_version, vuoto per nessun file di aggiornamento
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common it Inserisci il numero della nuova versione qui (deve essere > old_version)
enter your file name common it Inserisci il nome del file
enter your password common it Inserisci la password
entry has been deleted sucessfully common it La voce è stata cancellata correttamente
@ -521,11 +521,12 @@ error create parent directory %1! common it Errore di creazione della cartella f
error creating %1 %2 directory common it Errore durante la creazione della directory %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common it Errore durante l'eliminazione della directory %1 %2
error deleting %1! common it Errore di eliminazione di %1
error enabling push common it Errore nell'abilitazione del push
error renaming %1 %2 directory common it Errore durante la rinomina della directory %1 %2
error uploading file! filemanager it Errore di caricamento file!
error: template not found !!! common it Errore: Template non trovato !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common it Errore: il webserver non può scrivere in '%1' !!!
error: while saving !!! common it Errore: durante salvataggio !!!
error: template not found !!! common it Errore: Template non trovato!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common it Errore: il webserver non può scrivere in '%1'!
error: while saving !!! common it Errore: durante salvataggio!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common it Error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!!
estonia common it ESTONIA
et2 rendering took %1s common it Il rendering di eT2 ha richiesto %1s
@ -538,16 +539,16 @@ etemplate reference common it Riferimenti eTemplate
etemplate tutorial common it Tutorial eTemplate
ethiopia common it ETIOPIA
everything common it Tutto
exact common it esatta
exact common it Esatta
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences it Esempio {{IF n_prefix~Sig~Hello Mr.~Salve Sig.ra.}} - ricerca nel campo "n_prefix", per "Sig", se trovato scrivere "Salve Sig" altrimenti scrivere "Salve Sig.ra"
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences it Esempio {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Fornisce un prefisso senza doppi spazi, se per esempio il titolo fosse vuoto.
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common it Esempio {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Fornisce un prefisso di lettere senza doppi spazi, se il titolo è vuoto, ad esempio
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role preferences it Esempio {{NELF role}} - se il campo "Ruolo" non è vuoto, si otterrà una riga con il valore del campo "Ruolo"
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field preferences it Esempio {{nenvlf role}} - se il campo non è vuoto, impostare un LF senza alcun valore del campo
exchange this row with the one above common it scambia questa riga con quella superiore
exchange this two columns common it scambia queste due colonne
exchange this row with the one above common it Scambia questa riga con quella superiore
exchange this two columns common it Scambia queste due colonne
expiration common it Scadenza
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common it esporta l'eTemplate caricato in un file xml
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common it Esporta l'eTemplate caricato in un file XML
export xml common it Esporta XML
extensions loaded: common it Estensioni caricate:
failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2! admin it Non è stato possibile modificare i permessi della cartella da "%1" a %2!
@ -559,11 +560,11 @@ falkland islands (malvinas) common it ISOLE FALKLAND (MALVINAS)
faroe islands common it ISOLE FAROE
favorite queries common it Query preferite
favorites common it Preferiti
fax number common it numero di fax
fax number common it Numero di fax
features of the editor? common it Funzioni dell'editor
february common it Febbraio
field common it Campo
field must not be empty !!! common it Il campo non può essere vuoto !!!
field must not be empty !!! common it Il campo non può essere vuoto!
fields common it Campi
fiji common it FIJI
file common it File
@ -572,7 +573,7 @@ file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed! admin it Il f
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin it Il file %1 non ha contenuto nel filesystem fisico %2
file '%1' not found! common it File '%1' non trovato
file a file common it Caricare il file
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common it Il file contiene più di un eTemplate, l'ultimo è visualizzato !!!
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common it Il file contiene più di un eTemplate, l'ultimo è visualizzato!
file information common it Informazioni del file
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common it Il file è di tipo non corretto (%1 != %2)
file too large. maximum %1 common it File troppo grande. Massimo %1
@ -587,18 +588,18 @@ first name common it Nome
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common it Nome dell'utente, es. "%1"
first page common it Prima pagina
firstname common it Nome
fixme! common it CORREGGIMI !
floating point common it Virgola Mobile
fixme! common it CORREGGIMI!
floating point common it Virgola mobile
folder already exists. common it La cartella esiste già.
for more than one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat! preferences it Usare il tag di ripetizione pagina per riportare più di un contatto in un documento!
force common it forza
force common it Forza
force selectbox common it Forza Casella di Selezione
foreign key common it Tasto straniero
forever common it Per sempre
formatted business address common it Indirizzo aziendale formattato
formatted private address common it Indirizzo privato formattato
formatted text (html) common it Testo Formattato (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin it Trovati disconnessi %1 %2!
found unconnected %1 %2! admin it Trovati disconnessi %1 %2 !
fr common it Fr
france common it FRANCIA
french guiana common it GUIANA FRANCESE
@ -620,10 +621,11 @@ ghana common it GHANA
gibraltar common it GIBILTERRA
global common it Globale
global public common it Pubblico Globale
go to the first entry common it vai alla prima voce
go to the last entry common it vai all'ultima voce
go to the next page of entries common it vai alla pagina seguente delle voci
go to the previous page of entries common it go to the previous page of entries
go to the first entry common it Vai alla prima voce
go to the last entry common it Vai all'ultima voce
go to the next page of entries common it Vai alla pagina seguente delle voci
go to the previous page of entries common it Vai alla pagina precedente delle voci
go to your home directory common it Andare alla propria directory principale
grant access common it Autorizza Accesso
greece common it GRECIA
greek common it Greco
@ -637,10 +639,10 @@ group access common it Accesso Gruppo
group has been added common it Gruppo aggiunto
group has been deleted common it Gruppo cancellato
group has been updated common it Gruppo aggiornato
group name common it nome gruppo
group public common it Gruppo Pubblico
group name common it Nome gruppo
group public common it Gruppo pubblico
groupbox common it GroupBox
groupdav common it Server CalDAV, CardCAV e GroupDAV
groupdav common it Sincronizzazione CalDAV / CardDAV
groups common it Gruppi
groups with permission for %1 common it Gruppi con permessi per %1
groups without permission for %1 common it Gruppi senza permessi per %1
@ -655,8 +657,8 @@ haiti common it HAITI
hbox common it HBox
heard island and mcdonald islands common it ISOLE HEARD E ISOLE MCDONALD
height common it Altezza
height of row (in % or pixel) common it altezza della riga (in % o pixel)
height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty common it height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty
height of row (in % or pixel) common it Altezza della riga (in % o pixel)
height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty common it Height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty
height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div common it Height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div
height, disabled common it Altezza, Disabilitata
help common it Aiuto
@ -680,30 +682,29 @@ how many entries should the list show common it Quante voci deve mostrare l'elen
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common it Quante icone visualizzare nella barra di navigazione (in cima alla pagina). Le icone addizionali vanno in un menù pulldown, richiamabile dall'icona all'estrema destra della barra di navigazione.
how many rows to print common it Quante righe stampare
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common it Come mostrare il menù generale di EGroupware
html common it Html
html common it HTML
html link to the current record common it Collegamento HTML al record attuale
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common it Collegamenti HTML a tutte le voci collegate al record corrente, esclusi i file allegati.
hungary common it UNGHERIA
iceland common it ISLANDA
id common it ID
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common it ieSpell non trovato. Clicca OK per andare alla pagina di download.
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common it if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common it If field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common it Se l'orologio è abilitato, vuoi che si aggiorni ogni secondo oppure ogni minuto?
if the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver. common it Se l'errore persiste, contattare il proprio amministratore e chiedere di controllare il registro degli errori del server web.
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common it Se ci sono diverse immagini nella cartella sfondi, puoi scegliere quale vuoi vedere.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences it Se verrà specificata una directory (percorso vfs completo) %1 mostra una azione per ogni documento. Quella azione permette di scaricare il documento specificato con la data inserita.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences it Se verrà specificata una directory (percorso vfs completo) %1 mostra un'icona di documento aggiuntiva per ogni inserimento. Quella icona permette di scaricare il documento specificato con la data inserita.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences it Se verrà specificata una directory (percorso VFS completo) %1 mostra una azione per ogni documento. Quella azione permette di scaricare il documento specificato con la data inserita.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences it Se verrà specificata una directory (percorso VFS completo) %1 mostra un'icona di documento aggiuntiva per ogni inserimento. Quella icona permette di scaricare il documento specificato con la data inserita.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common it Se si utilizza l'autenticazione a due fattori, inserire il codice qui.
image common it Immagine
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common it La cartella delle immagini relativa alla base dei documenti (docroot) (usare / !), esempio:
image url common it URL immagine
import common it Importa
import an etemplate from a xml-file common it import an eTemplate from a xml-file
import table-definitions from existing db-table common it Import table-definitions from existing db-table
import an etemplate from a xml-file common it Import an eTemplate from a XML-file
import table-definitions from existing db-table common it Import table-definitions from existing DB-table
import xml common it Importa XML
in order to copy to clipboard, you need to allow flash player by clicking on gray box.\nyou can permanently allow flash player for egroupware in your browser settings. common it Per copiare negli appunti c'è bisogno del Flash player.\n Puoi abilitarlo con la barra in alto per adesso, oppure permanentemente usando le impostazioni del browser.
include access to any linked files (links tab) common it Includere l'accesso a qualsiasi file collegato (scheda Collegamenti)
increment version to not overwrite the existing template common it incrementa la versione per non sovrascrivere il template esistente
increment version to not overwrite the existing template common it Incrementa la versione per non sovrascrivere il template esistente
index/name of returned content (name of the template, link / method for image) common it index/name of returned content (name of the Template, Link / Method for Image)
indexed common it Indicizzato
indexoptions common it Indexoptions
@ -712,22 +713,22 @@ indonesia common it INDONESIA
infolog types to sync common it Tipi di Attività da sincronizzare
initial common it Iniziale
input required common it Input richiesto
insert a column before common it inserisci una colonna prima
insert a column behind common it inserisci una colonna dopo
insert a row above common it inserisci una riga sopra
insert a row below common it inserisci una riga sotto
insert a widget before common it inserisci un widget prima
insert a widget behind common it inserisci un widget dopo
insert a column before common it Inserisci una colonna prima
insert a column behind common it Inserisci una colonna dopo
insert a row above common it Inserisci una riga sopra
insert a row below common it Inserisci una riga sotto
insert a widget before common it Inserisci un widget prima
insert a widget behind common it Inserisci un widget dopo
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common it Inseriti tutti i %1 indirizzi dei %2 contatti in %3
insert column after common it Inserisci colonna dopo
insert column before common it Inserisci colonna prima
insert in %1 common it Inserisci in %1
insert in document common it Inserisci in documento
insert in dokument common it Inserisci nel documento
insert new column behind this one common it insert new column behind this one
insert new column in front of all common it insert new column in front of all
insert new row after this one common it insert new row after this one
insert new row in front of first line common it insert new row in front of first Line
insert new column behind this one common it Inserire una nuova colonna dopo
insert new column in front of all common it Inserire una nuova colonna prima di tutte
insert new row after this one common it Inserire una nuova riga dopo
insert new row in front of first line common it Inserire una nuova riga prima della prima riga
insert placeholder common it Inserire un segnaposto
insert row after common it Inserisci una riga dopo
insert row before common it Inserisci una riga prima
@ -779,7 +780,7 @@ label common it Etichetta
label:[bold][italic] text:[len][,max] numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] t.area:[rows][,cols] radiob.:value h.rule:[width] templ.:[indexincontent] select:[multiselect] date:[values: eg. 'y-m-d'] common it Label:[bold][italic] Text:[len][,max] Numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] T.area:[rows][,cols] Radiob.:value H.Rule:[width] Templ.:[IndexInContent] Select:[multiselect] Date:[values: eg. 'Y-m-d']
lang common it Lingua
language common it Lingua
language-short (eg. 'en' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads your pref. languages or the default, us 'default' to read the default template '') common it language-short (eg. 'en' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads your pref. languages or the default, us 'default' to read the default template '')
language-short (eg. 'en' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads your pref. languages or the default, us 'default' to read the default template '') common it Lingua breve (es. 'en' per l'inglese) per il template dipendente dalla lingua ('' legge le lingue preferite o quella predefinita, usiamo 'default' per leggere il template predefinito '')
language_direction_rtl common it language_direction_rtl
lao peoples democratic republic common it REPUBBLICA DEMOCRATICA POPOLARE DEL LAOS
last common it Ultimo
@ -792,7 +793,7 @@ latvia common it LATVIA
ldap-mgr common it LDAP-Manager
lebanon common it LIBANO
left common it Sinistra
length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 common it length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8
length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 common it Lunghezza per char+varchar, precisioni int: 2, 4, 8 e float: 4, 8
lesotho common it LESOTHO
liberia common it LIBERIA
libyan arab jamahiriya common it LIBIAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
@ -814,17 +815,17 @@ linklist common it Elenco Link
links and attached files preferences it Collegamenti e file allegati
links to specified application. example: {{links/addressbook}} common it Link verso specifica applicazione. P.es.: {{links/addressbook}}
linkstring common it Stringa Link
linkto common it Link A
linkto common it Link a
list common it Lista
list members common it Elenco membri
list of files linked to the current record preferences it Elenco dei file collegati al record attuale
lithuania common it LITUANIA
load common it Carica
load this template into the editor common it carica questo template nell'editor
load this template into the editor common it Carica questo template nell'editor
loading common it Sto caricando...
local common it Locale
location calendars groupdav it Calendari locali
locations common it località
locations common it Località
logging / debuging groupdav it Resgistro/Debug
login common it Login
login rejected by epl firewall, please contact your administrator common it Instalasi addon Mailvelope berhasil. Sekarang Anda dapat mengkonfigurasi opsi.
@ -839,7 +840,7 @@ luxembourg common it LUSSEMBURGO
macau common it MACAO
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common it MACEDONIA, EX REPUBBLICA YUGOSLAVA DI
madagascar common it MADAGASCAR
mail domain, eg. "%1" common it dominio e-mail, es. "%1"
mail domain, eg. "%1" common it Dominio e-mail, es. "%1"
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common it Installazione componente aggiuntivo Mailvelope fallita! Per favore riprovare.
mailvelope addon installation succeded. now you may configure the options. common it L'installazione di Mailvelope è stata portata a termine con successo. Ora potrai configurarne le opzioni.
main category common it Categoria principale
@ -894,18 +895,18 @@ moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin it Spostato %1 figli dalla
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin it Spostato disconnessi %1 %2 a %3
mozambique common it MOZAMBICO
multicolumn indices common it Multicolumn Indices
multiple common it multiplo
multiple common it Multiplo
myanmar common it MYANMAR
name common it Nome
name of other table where column is a key from common it name of other table where column is a key from
name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') common it name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '')
name of other table where column is a key from common it Nome dell'altra tabella in cui la colonna è una chiave da
name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') common it Name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '')
name of table to add common it Nome della tabella da aggiungere
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] common it name of the eTemplate, should be in form application.function[.subTemplate]
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] common it Name of the eTemplate, should be in form application.function[.subTemplate]
name of the user, eg. "%1" common it Nome dell'utente, es. "%1"
namespace common it Spazio dei nomi
namibia common it NAMIBIA
nauru common it NAURU
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' common it need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from SQL, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_'
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' common it Need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from SQL, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_'
nepal common it NEPAL
netherlands common it OLANDA
netherlands antilles common it ANTILLE OLANDESI
@ -921,7 +922,7 @@ new search common it Nuova ricerca
new table created common it Nuova tabella creata
new value common it Nuovo Valore
new zealand common it NUOVA ZELANDA
newer version '%1' exists !!! common it newer version '%1' exists !!!
newer version '%1' exists !!! common it Newer version '%1' exists!
next common it Successivo
next page common it Pagina successiva
nextmatch common it Nextmatch
@ -936,11 +937,11 @@ nigeria common it NIGERIA
niue common it NIUE
no common it No
no - cancel common it No - Annulla
no column to swap with !!! common it nessuna colonna con cui scambiare !!!
no column to swap with !!! common it Nessuna colonna con cui scambiare!
no default set common it Nessun set predefinito
no entries found, try again ... common it nessuna voce trovata, prova ancora ...
no file common it nessun file
no filename given or selected via browse... common it no filename given or selected via Browse...
no entries found, try again ... common it Nessuna voce trovata, prova ancora...
no file common it Nessun file
no filename given or selected via browse... common it No filename given or selected via Browse...
no filters common it Nessun filtro
no history for this record common it Nessuna history per questo record
no key for recipient: common it Nessuna chiave per il destinatario:
@ -948,7 +949,7 @@ no matches found common it Nessuna corrispondenza trovata.
no response from server: your data is probably not saved common it Nessuna risposta dal server: probabilmente i dati NON sono stati salvati
no results match common it Non ci sono risultati che corrispondono
no rights to export more than %1 entries! common it Diritti insufficienti per esportare più di %1 voci!
no row to swap with !!! common it nessuna riga con cui scambiare !!!
no row to swap with !!! common it Nessuna riga con cui scambiare!
no savant2 template directories were found in: common it Nessuna directory template Savant2 trovata in:
no subject common it Nessun Oggetto
no suggestions common it Nessun suggerimento
@ -961,24 +962,24 @@ northern mariana islands common it ISOLE NORTHERN MARIANA
norway common it NORVEGIA
not common it non
not a user yet? register now common it Non hai un account? registrati adesso!
not assigned common it non assegnato
not assigned common it Non assegnato
not null common it NON VUOTO
not readable %1 entry of user %2 common it Non leggibile: voce %1 dell'utente %2
not supported by current application! common it Non supportato dall'applicazione corrente!
note common it Nota
notes common it Note
nothing common it niente
nothing found - try again !!! common it Non è stato trovato niente - prova ancora !!!
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common it niente negli appunti da incollare !!!
nothing matched search criteria !!! common it Nothing matched search criteria !!!
nothing common it Niente
nothing found - try again !!! common it Non è stato trovato niente - prova ancora!
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common it niente negli appunti da incollare!
nothing matched search criteria !!! common it Nothing matched search criteria!
nothing to save. common it Nulla da salvare
notifications common it Notifiche
notify window common it Finestra di Notifica
notify your administrator to correct this situation common it Chiedi all'Amministratore di correggere questa Situazione
november common it Novembre
now common it Adesso
number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, css-class name (for the td tag) common it number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, CSS-class name (for the TD tag)
number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing common it number of rows/cols in a V/HBox, Cellpadding, Cellspacing
number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, css-class name (for the td tag) common it Numero di colonne che il campo/la cella deve coprire o 'all' per le colonne rimanenti, nome della classe CSS (per il tag TD)
number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing common it Numero di righe/colonne in una V/HBox, Cellpadding, Cellspacing
numbers common it numeri
october common it Ottobre
of common it di
@ -990,20 +991,21 @@ on *nix systems please type: %1 common it Sui sistemi *nix prego digita: %1
on mouse over common it Al passaggio del mouse
onchange common it onChange
onclick common it onClick
only an other version found !!! common it only an other Version found !!!
only private common it solo privati
only an other version found !!! common it Trovata un'altra versione!
only private common it Solo privati
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav it Supportato solo da alcuni client conformi (p.es. Apple). Se devi inserire un URL, con ogni probabilità non sarà supportato!
only yours common it solo personali
only yours common it Solo personali
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common it Ops! Ci avete presi mentre stiamo facendo lavori di manutenzione!
open common it Apri
open existing contact common it Aprire il contatto esistente
open notify window common it Apri finestra di Notifica
open popup window common it Apri finestra popup
open sidebox common it Apri riquadro laterale
open the online help. common it Apre help online.
operator common it Operatore
optional note about the link common it optional note about the Link
optional note about the link common it Optional note about the Link
options common it Opzioni
or common it o
or common it O
order to navigating by tab key through the form common it Ordine per spostarsi con tasto TAB attraverso modulo
ordered list common it Lista ordinata
original common it Originale
@ -1023,10 +1025,10 @@ papua new guinea common it PAPUA NUOVA GUINEA
paraguay common it PARAGUAY
parcel common it Parcella
parent category common it Categoria superiore
parent is a '%1' !!! common it superiore è un '%1' !!!
parent is a '%1' !!! common it superiore è un '%1'!
password common it Password
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 common it la password contiene solo %1 di %2 classi di caratteri richieste: no %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) common it la password contiene "%1" una parte o tutto il tuo nome (3 o più caratteri di lunghezza)
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 common it La password contiene solo %1 di %2 classi di caratteri richieste: no %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) common it La password contiene "%1" una parte o tutto il tuo nome (3 o più caratteri di lunghezza)
password could not be changed common it La password non può essere cambiata
password has been updated common it La password è stata aggiornata
password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common it La Password deve contenere almeno %1 lettere minuscole
@ -1036,7 +1038,7 @@ password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common it La Password deve c
password must have at least %1 characters common it La Password deve avere almeno %1 caratteri
paste common it Incolla
path common it Percorso
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common it Il percorso per i files degli utenti e dei gruppi DEVE ESSERE ESTERNO alla document-root del webserver!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common it Il percorso per i files degli utenti e dei gruppi DEVE ESSERE ESTERNO alla document-root del webserver!
permission denied! common it Permesso negato
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common it Autorizzazione negata! Questa è una funzione riservata all'amministrazione.
permissions to the files/users directory common it Permessi per la directory dei files/utenti
@ -1050,20 +1052,20 @@ pgp encryption installation common it Installazione cifratura PGP
philippines common it FILIPPINE
phone number common it Numero telefonico
pitcairn common it PITCAIRN
placeholders common it Segnaposto (variabili metasintattiche)
placeholders common it Segnaposto
play/pause common it Riproduzione/Pausa
please %1 by hand common it Per favore %1 a mano
please enter a name common it Per favore inserisci un nome!
please enter table-name first !!! common it Please enter table-name first !!!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common it Per favore ricaricare il desktop di EGroupware (F5 / Ctrl+r).
please enter table-name first !!! common it Please enter table-name first!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common it Per favore ricaricare il desktop di EGroupware (F5 / Ctrl+R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common it Ricordatevi di usare '%1' come nome utente per i login locali d'ora in poi!
please run setup to become current common it Per favore esegui setup per aggiornare
please select common it Per favore Seleziona
please set your global preferences common it Per favore imposta le preferenze globali !
please set your preferences for this application common it Per favore imposta le tue preferenze per questa applicazione !
please set your global preferences common it Per favore imposta le preferenze globali!
please set your preferences for this application common it Per favore imposta le tue preferenze per questa applicazione!
please type %1 more characters common it Per favore digitare %1 caratteri ancora
please type 1 more character common it Per favore digitare 1 carattere ancora
please wait... common it Attendere per Favore...
please wait... common it Attendere prego ...
please, check back with us shortly. common it Per favore torna a trovarci più tardi
pm common it pm
poland common it POLONIA
@ -1092,18 +1094,18 @@ programs common it Programmi
project common it Progetto
properties common it Proprietà
protocol is required common it Protocollo richiesto
public common it pubblico
public common it Pubblico
puerto rico common it PUERTO RICO
qatar common it QATAR
quick add common it Aggiunta rapida
radiobutton common it Radiobutton
read common it Leggi
read a list of entries. common it Leggi un elenco di voci
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common it Read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist.
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common it read eTemplate from database (for the keys above)
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common it Leggere una singola voce passando l'ID e l'elenco dei campi.
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common it Leggere eTemplate dal database (per le chiavi di cui sopra)
read this list of methods. common it Leggi questo elenco di metodi.
reading common it leggendo
readonly common it sola lettura
reading common it Leggendo
readonly common it Sola lettura
readonly filemanager directory common it Cartella del filemanager di sola lettura
readonly share common it Condivisione in sola lettura
redo common it Ripeti
@ -1115,9 +1117,9 @@ remember me common it Memorizza
remember me for %1 common it Ricordami per %1
remove api it Rimuovi
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common it Rimuovi riga
remove selected accounts common it rimuovi gli account selezionati
remove selected accounts common it Rimuovi gli account selezionati
remove shortcut common it Rimuovi scorciatoie
remove this link (not the entry itself) common it Remove this link (not the entry itself)
remove this link (not the entry itself) common it Rimuovi link
removed (now) empty directory fs_id=%1 admin it Rimossa (adesso) cartella vuota fs_id=%1
rename common it Rinomina
repeat password common it Ripeti la password
@ -1145,7 +1147,7 @@ restore password common it Password di ripristino
retry common it Riprovare
returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common it Restituisce la lista degli account di sistema. Attenzione: La lista può essere molto grande
returns an array of todo items common it Restituisce un elenco delle cose da fare
returns savely, without deleting common it returns savely, WITHOUT deleting
returns savely, without deleting common it Restituisce SENZA eliminare
returns struct of users application access common it Restituisce la struttura degli accessi alle applicazioni
reunion common it REUNION
right common it Destra
@ -1171,15 +1173,15 @@ savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants
save common it Salva
save all common it Salva tutti
save as common it Salva con nome
save as zip common it Salva come file compresso (zip)
save as zip common it Salva come file compresso (ZIP)
save selected columns as default preference for all users. common it Salva le colonne come preferenza predefinita per tutti gli utenti
save the changes made and close the window common it Salva le modifiche fatte e chiude la finestra
save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas common it save the eTemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a SaveAs
save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas common it Save the eTemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a SaveAs
saved column sizes to preferences. common it Larghezza colonne salvata nelle preferenze.
saves changes to tables_current.inc.php common it saves changes to tables_current.inc.php
saves the template with given version number and closes the window common it salva il template con il numero di versione dato e chiude la finestra
saves changes to tables_current.inc.php common it Salva le modifiche a tables_current.inc.php
saves the template with given version number and closes the window common it Salva il template con il numero di versione dato e chiude la finestra
scale common it Scala
scale for float common it scale for float
scale for float common it Scale for float
scheduling inbox common it Programmazione inbox
scheduling outbox common it Programmazione outbox
search common it Cerca
@ -1197,7 +1199,7 @@ security & password common it Sicurezza e Password
select common it Seleziona
select "%1", if your client does not support multiple addressbooks. groupdav it Seleziona "%1", se il tuo client non supporta rubriche multiple
select "%1", if your client support groups, eg. os x or ios addressbook. groupdav it Seleziona "%1", se il tuo client supporta gruppi, p.es. rubrica OS X oppure iOS
select a category common it seleziona una Categoria
select a category common it Seleziona una Categoria
select a primary contact, to show in the list common it Seleziona un contatto primario, da mostrare in elenco
select access common it Seleziona Accesso
select account common it Seleziona Account
@ -1205,7 +1207,7 @@ select action common it Scegli azione
select all common it Seleziona tutto
select all %1 %2 for %3 common it Seleziona tutti %1 %2 per %3
select all entries common it Seleziona tutte le voci
select an app first !!! common it Seleziona prima un'applicazione !!!
select an app first !!! common it Seleziona prima un'applicazione!
select an app to search in common it Seleziona un'applicazione in cui cercare
select an application common it Seleziona una applicazione
select an application, (*) = uninstalled common it Seleziona una applicazione, (*) = disinstallata
@ -1220,20 +1222,20 @@ select columns common it Seleziona colonne
select country common it Seleziona Nazione
select date common it Selezione data
select day common it Seleziona Giorno
select day of week common it scegli giorno della settimana
select day of week common it Scegli giorno della settimana
select entry common it Scegli voce
select file(s) from vfs common it Seleziona file dal sistema virtuale di file (vfs)
select file(s) from vfs common it Seleziona file dal sistema virtuale di file (VFS)
select files from filemanager ... common it Seleziona file dal filemanager
select group common it Selezione gruppo
select home email address common it Selezione indirizzo e-mail abitazione
select hour common it Scegli ora
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) common it scegli se il contenuto del campo non deve essere tradotto (l'etichetta viene sempre tradotta)
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) common it Scegli se il contenuto del campo non deve essere tradotto (l'etichetta viene sempre tradotta)
select language common it Seleziona lingua
select month common it Seleziona Mese
select multiple accounts common it seleziona molteplici account
select multiple accounts common it Seleziona molteplici account
select number common it Seleziona Numero
select one common it Seleziona uno
select one ... common it Seleziona Uno ...
select one ... common it Seleziona Uno...
select percentage common it Seleziona Percentuale
select priority common it Seleziona Priorità
select some options common it Seleziona alcune opzioni
@ -1242,7 +1244,7 @@ select the columns to display in the list common it Seleziona le colonne da most
select the default height for the application windows common it Seleziona l'altezza predefinita per le finestre dell'applicazione
select the default width for the application windows common it Seleziona la larghezza predefinita per le finestre dell'applicazione
select the indexed columns in their desired order common it Seleziona le colonne indicizzate nel loro ordine desiderato
select this etemplate to delete it common it seleziona questo eTemplate per cancellarlo
select this etemplate to delete it common it Seleziona questo eTemplate per cancellarlo
select user common it Selezione utente
select user or group common it Seleziona Utente o Gruppo
select which accounts to show common it seleziona quali account mostrare
@ -1265,12 +1267,12 @@ server name common it Nome Server
session has been killed common it La sessione è stata terminata
set as default common it Imposta come predefinito
set these columns as the default common it Imposta queste colonne come predefinite
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav it imposta utente come unico responsabile, mantenendo i gruppi
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav it imposta utente come unico responsabile, rimuovendo tutti gli esistenti
sets today as date common it imposta oggi come data
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav it Imposta utente come unico responsabile, mantenendo i gruppi
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav it Imposta utente come unico responsabile, rimuovendo tutti gli esistenti
sets today as date common it Imposta oggi come data
settings saved. common it Impostazioni salvate.
setup common it Setup
setup main menu common it Menù Principale Setup
setup main menu common it Menu principale di impostazione
seychelles common it SEYCHELLES
share common it Condividi
share as readonly, but allow uploads. uploads are hidden, and only accessable by those with an account common it Condividere in sola lettura, ma consentire il caricamento. I caricamenti sono nascosti e accessibili solo da chi ha un account.
@ -1284,7 +1286,7 @@ shift ⇧ common it Maiusc ⇧
should the form be submitted or any custom javascript be executed common it Il form andrebbe inviato oppure del JavaScript andrebbe eseguito?
show common it Mostra
show (no save) common it Mostra (non salva)
show all common it visualizza tutto
show all common it Visualizza tutto
show all / cancel filter common it Mostra tutto / annulla il filtro
show all categorys common it Visualizza tutte le categorie
show as topmenu common it Mostra come menù in cima
@ -1293,7 +1295,7 @@ show home and logout button in main application bar? common it Mostrare i pulsan
show in sidebox common it Mostra nel menù laterale
show log of following device groupdav it Mostra il registro del seguente dispositivo
show logo's on the desktop. common it Mostra logo sul desktop
show menu common it visualizza menu
show menu common it Visualizza menu
show next login common it Mostra al prossimo login
show now common it Mostra adesso
show page generation time common it Visualizza il tempo di generazione della pagina
@ -1304,11 +1306,11 @@ show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common it Mostra il
show values common it Mostra Valori
show/hide common it Mostra/nascondi barra laterale
show_more_apps common it show_more_apps
showing common it showing
showing %1 common it visualizzati %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common it visualizzati da %1 a %2 di %3
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing common it shows / allows you to enter values into the eTemplate for testing
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before common it shows/displays eTemplate for testing, does NOT save it before
showing common it Showing
showing %1 common it Visualizzati %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common it Visualizzati da %1 a %2 di %3
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing common it Mostra / permette di inserire valori nell'eTemplate per il test
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before common it Mostra/visualizza l'eTemplate per il test, NON lo salva.
sierra leone common it SIERRA LEONE
sign up common it Accedi
simple common it Semplice
@ -1331,20 +1333,20 @@ span, class common it Classe, Span
special characters common it caratteri speciali
sri lanka common it SRI LANKA
stack common it Stack
start a new search, cancel this link common it inizia una nuova ricerca, annulla questo link
start a new search, cancel this link common it Inizia una nuova ricerca, annulla questo link
start date common it Data Inizio
start directory for image browser of rich text editor in egroupware vfs (filemanager). common it Directory iniziale per il browser dell'editor di testo in EGroupware File Manager
start new search for the above pattern common it inizia nuova ricerca della stringa
start new search for the above pattern common it Inizia nuova ricerca della stringa
start time common it Ora Inizio
start with common it Inizia con
starting up... common it Inizializzazione...
status common it Status
store your public key in addressbook? common it Salvare la chiave nella rubrica?
stretched common it adattato
stretched common it Adattato
su common it Su
subject common it Oggetto
submit common it Invia
submit form common it invia modulo
submit form common it Invia modulo
submitbutton common it Submitbutton
substitutions and their meanings: common it Sostituzioni e loro significati:
successful created new directory %1 for unconnected nods. admin it Creato nuova directory %1 per i nodi disconnessi con successo
@ -1354,14 +1356,14 @@ sunday common it Domenica
sure common it Sicuro
suriname common it SURINAME
svalbard and jan mayen common it SVALBARD E JAN MAYEN
swap common it scambia
swap widget with next one common it scambia widget con il seguente
swap with next column common it scambia con colonna seguente
swap with next row common it scambia con riga seguente
swap common it Scambia
swap widget with next one common it Scambia widget con il seguente
swap with next column common it Scambia con colonna seguente
swap with next row common it Scambia con riga seguente
swaziland common it SWAZILAND
sweden common it SVEZIA
switch to a parent widget common it commuta a un widget superiore
switch to an other widgets of that container common it commuta a un altro widget di quel contenitore
switch to a parent widget common it Commuta a un widget superiore
switch to an other widgets of that container common it Commuta a un altro widget di quel contenitore
switzerland common it SVIZZERA
sync all selected into one groupdav it Sincronizza tutti i selezionati in uno
syrian arab republic common it REPUBBLICA ARABA SIRIANA
@ -1369,7 +1371,7 @@ tab common it Tab
tabindex common it Tabindex
table %1 is excluded from backup and restore. data will not be restored. common it La tabella %1 è esclusa dal backup e ripristino. I dati non verranno ripristinati.
table properties common it Table properties
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! common it Tabella non modificata, scrittura non necessaria!!!
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! common it Tabella non modificata, scrittura non necessaria!
tablename common it TableName
tabs common it Tabs
taiwan common it TAIWAN/TAIPEI
@ -1394,10 +1396,10 @@ they will be sub-folders in users home (%1 attribute). common it Saranno sottoca
this feature is only available in epl version. common it Questa funzionalità è disponibile solo con la versione EPL.
this is your own share. to test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br/>%1 common it This is your own share. To test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br/>%1
this name has been used already common it Questo nome è già stato usato!
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) common it this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur)
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) common it This text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur)
this will reset toolbar preferences for all users and set them to configured default prefs. common it In questo modo si ripristinano le preferenze della barra degli strumenti per tutti gli utenti e si impostano quelle predefinite.
thursday common it Giovedì
tiled common it tiled
tiled common it Piastrelle
time common it Tempo
time zone common it Fuso orario
time zone offset common it Differenza di fuso orario
@ -1433,7 +1435,7 @@ turks and caicos islands common it ISOLE TURKS E CAICOS
tuvalu common it TUVALU
type common it Tipo
type of the column common it Tipo di colonna
type of the field (select label if field should be empty) common it type of the field (select Label if field should be empty)
type of the field (select label if field should be empty) common it Type of the field (select Label if field should be empty)
uganda common it UGANDA
ukraine common it UCRAINA
un-delete common it Ripristina
@ -1479,14 +1481,14 @@ users choice common it Scelta Utente
uzbekistan common it UZBEKISTAN
valign common it vAlign
value common it Valore
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common it Value has to be at least '%1' !!!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common it Value has to be at maximum '%1' !!!
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common it Il valore deve essere almeno '%1' !
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common it Il valore deve essere massimo '%1' !
vanuatu common it VANUATU
vbox common it VBox
venezuela common it VENEZUELA
version common it Version
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) common it version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros)
vertical alignment of row common it allineamento verticale della riga
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) common it Numero di versione, dovrebbe essere nella forma: major.minor.revision.number ad esempio tutti i numeri riempiti di zeri
vertical alignment of row common it Allineamento verticale della riga
vfs upload directory common it Directory di upload VFS
video tutorials common it Tutorial video
viet nam common it VIET NAM
@ -1506,7 +1508,7 @@ welcome common it Benvenuto
western european common it Europeo occidentale
western sahara common it SAHARA OCCIDENTALE
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common it Di che colore dovrebbe essere lo spazio vuoto sul desktop?
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common it what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides)
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common it Cosa succede con i contenuti in eccesso: visibile (default), nascosto, scroll, auto (decide il browser)
what style would you like the image to have? common it Che stile vuoi che abbia l'immagine?
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences it Quando si uniscono le voci in un documento, queste vengono memorizzate qui. Se non viene fornita alcuna cartella, verranno memorizzate nella propria home directory (%1).
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common it Se dirai sì, i pulsanti Home e Logout saranno presenti come applicazioni sulla barra principale delle applicazioni
@ -1514,15 +1516,15 @@ where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be di
which groups common it Quali gruppi
which infolog types should be synced with the device, default only tasks. common it Quali tipi di Attività dovrebbero essere sincronizzati con il dispositivo? Predefinito = solo task
whole query common it Tutta la query
widget copied into clipboard common it widget copiato negli appunti
widget copied into clipboard common it Widget copiato negli appunti
width common it Larghezza
width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty common it width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty
width of column (in % or pixel) common it larghezza della colonna (in % o pixel)
width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty common it Width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty
width of column (in % or pixel) common it Larghezza della colonna (in % o pixel)
width of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div common it Larghezza della tabella in % o pixel per table-tag e (opzionale)div
width, disabled common it Larghezza, Disabilitata
width, disabled common it Larghezza, disabilitata
wk common it Sett
work email common it e-mail ufficio
working days common it giorni lavorativi
work email common it E-mail ufficio
working days common it Giorni lavorativi
works reliable for total size up to 1-2 mb, might work for 5-10 mb, most likely to fail for >10mb common it Funziona bene con 1-2 MB, potrà funzionare per 5-10 MB, fallirà molto probabilmente con dimensioni > 10 MB
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common it Mostra il tempo per la generazione della pagina in fondo ad ogni finestra
writable common it Scrivibile
@ -1531,10 +1533,10 @@ writable share common it Condivisione scrivibile
write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php common it Scrivi <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php
write langfile common it Scrivi File Linguaggio
write tables common it Scrivi Tabelle
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app common it scrive un file 'etemplates.inc.php' (per applicazione in Nome) nella directory setup dell'applicazione
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app common it Scrive un file 'etemplates.inc.php' (per applicazione in Nome) nella directory setup dell'applicazione
writing common it Scrittura
written by: common it Scritto da:
xml-file to import common it file XML da importare
xml-file to import common it File XML da importare
xslt template common it Template XSLT
year common it Anno
yemen common it YEMEN
@ -1561,11 +1563,11 @@ you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common it Devi aggiun
you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common it Devi essere un amministratore per accedere a questa funzione!
you need to install mailvelope plugin available for chrome and firefox from www.mailvelope.com or by clicking on install button. common it Bisogna installare Mailvelope disponibile per Chrome e Firefox da www.mailvelope.com oppure cliccando sul pulsante di installazione.
you need to select a file first! common it Selezionare prima un file!
you need to select some entries first! common it Devi prima selezionare alcune voci"
you need to select some entries first! common it Devi prima selezionare alcune voci!
you need to set enable logging to "%1" to create/update a log. groupdav it Devi impostare la registrazione a "%1" per creare e aggiornare i registri
you tried to automatically size a flex column, which always takes the rest of the space common it Hai tentato di ridimensionare automaticamente una colonna flessibile, che prende sempre il resto dello spazio
you will not be able to send or receive encrypted mails before completing that step! common it Non potrai inviare e ricevere email cifrate senza completare questo step!
you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common it Non hai il permesso di accesso all'applicazione %1!
you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common it Non hai il permesso di accesso all'applicazione %1 !
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common it Il vostro account è stato aggiornato con i nuovi dati del vostro fornitore di identità.
your browser is not up-to-date (javascript es6 compatible), you may experience some of the features not working. common it Se il vostro browser non è aggiornato (compatibile con JavaScript ES6), è possibile che alcune funzioni non funzionino.
your code is incorrect !!! common it Codice errato!
@ -169,8 +169,6 @@ author common ja 著者
autohide sidebox menu's common ja サイドメニューを自動的に隠す
autohide sidebox menus common ja サイドメニューを自動的に隠す
automatic update check failed, you need to check manually! common ja Automatic update check failed, you need to check manually!
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common ja サイドメニューを自動的に隠しますか?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common ja サイドメニューを自動的に隠しますか?
automatically refresh list common ja リストの自動リフレッシュ
autosave default category common ja 既定のカテゴリを自動保存
avatar common ja アバター
@ -406,14 +404,9 @@ denmark common ja デンマーク
description common ja 説明
detail common ja 詳細
details common ja 詳細
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common ja Disable the execution a bugfix script for Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in .png images?
direction left to right common ja 左から右方法
directory common ja ディレクトリ
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common ja Directory does not exist, is not readable by the web server or is not relative to the document root!
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common ja Disable Internet Explorer png image bugfix
disable slider effects common ja スライダー効果を無効化
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common ja Disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common ja Disable the execution a bugfix script for Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in PNG-images.
disabled common ja 不可
discard changes common ja 変更を破棄
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common ja Displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label of the Submit button or image file name.
@ -624,7 +617,7 @@ group has been updated common ja グループを訂正しました。
group name common ja グループ名
group public common ja パブリック
groupbox common ja グループ・ボックス
groupdav common ja CalDAV / CardCAV 同期
groupdav common ja CalDAV / CardDAV 同期
groups common ja グループ
groups with permission for %1 common ja 1 に対する権限があるグループ
groups without permission for %1 common ja 1 に対する権限がないグループ
@ -670,7 +663,6 @@ html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files
hungary common ja ハンガリー
iceland common ja アイスランド
id common ja ID
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common ja ieSpell not detected. Click OK to go to download page.
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common ja If field is disabled an empty table cell is displayed
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common ja If the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute.
if the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver. common ja もしエラーの発生が続くようであれば、管理者にエラー・ログのチェック等を依頼してください。
@ -685,7 +677,6 @@ import common ja インポート
import an etemplate from a xml-file common ja eTemplate を XML ファイルからインポート
import table-definitions from existing db-table common ja Import table definitions from existing DB table
import xml common ja XMLをインポート
in order to copy to clipboard, you need to allow flash player by clicking on gray box.\nyou can permanently allow flash player for egroupware in your browser settings. common ja In order to copy to clipboard, you need to allow Flash player by clicking on gray box.\nYou can permanently allow Flash player for EGroupware in your browser settings.
include access to any linked files (links tab) common ja リンク先のファイルへのアクセスを含める(リンクタブ)
increment version to not overwrite the existing template common ja Increment version to not overwrite the existing template.
index/name of returned content (name of the template, link / method for image) common ja Index/name of returned content, name of the Template, link / method for image.
@ -970,6 +961,7 @@ only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have t
only yours common ja 自分自身のみ
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common ja Oops! You caught us in the middle of system maintenance.
open common ja 開く
open existing contact common ja 既存のコンタクトを開く
open notify window common ja 通知ウィンドウを開く
open popup window common ja ポップアップ・ウィンドウを開く
open sidebox common ja サイド・ボックスを開く
@ -1447,7 +1439,6 @@ western european common ja 西ヨーロッパ
western sahara common ja 西サハラ
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common ja What color should all the blank space on the desktop have?
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common ja What happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides)
what style would you like the image to have? common ja 画像スタイル
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common ja If you say yes, the Home and Log out buttons are presented as applications in the main top application bar.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common ja Where and how will the EGroupware links like Preferences, About and Log out be displayed.
which groups common ja Which groups
@ -292,15 +292,23 @@ old value common ko 이전 값
on *nix systems please type: %1 common ko 유닉스 기반 시스템의 경우 다음과 같이 입력하세요: %1
on mouse over common ko 마우스를 올렸을때
only private common ko 개인적인것만
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav ko 완전히 호환되는 일부 클라이언트(예: Apple)에서만 지원됩니다. URL을 입력해야 하는 경우에는 지원되지 않을 가능성이 높습니다!
only yours common ko 자신의 것만
open common ko 개설
open existing contact common ko 기존 연락처 열기
open notify window common ko 알림창 열기
open popup window common ko 팝업창 열기
open sidebox common ko 사이드박스 열기
open the online help. common ko 온라인 도움말 열기
operator common ko 운영자
optional note about the link common ko 링크에 대한 선택적 참고 사항
options common ko 옵션
or common ko 이거나(OR연산)
order to navigating by tab key through the form common ko 양식을 탭 키로 탐색하려면 주문하기
ordered list common ko 번호 매기기
original common ko 원본
owner common ko 소유자
ownership common ko 소유권
page common ko 페이지
page was generated in %1 seconds common ko 페이지 생성에 소요된 시간 : %1 초
parcel common ko 소포
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' common lt %1 (%2 nauji) pranešimai, parašyti programai "%3" ir kalboms "%4
%1 active file(s) with same name as directory inactivated! admin lt %1 aktyvus (-i) failas (-ai), kurio (-ių) pavadinimas toks pat kaip aplanko, neaktyvuotas (-i)!
%1 copied - the copy can now be edited common lt %1 nukopijuota - dabar kopiją galima redaguoti
%1 directories %2 found! admin lt Rastas %1 katalogas %2!
%1 email addresses inserted common lt Jkelta el. pašto adresų: %1
%1 email(s) added into %2 common lt %1 el. laiškas (-ai) įtrauktas (-i) į %2
'%1' copied to clipboard common lt '%1' nukopijuota į iškarpinę
@ -78,7 +82,7 @@ canada common lt KANADA
category common lt Kategorija
cc common lt Cc
chad common lt ČADAS
charset common lt utf-8
charset common lt Žodžių rinkinys
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common lt Patikrinkite, ar IF teiginiuose nėra tuščių reikšmių. Pavyzdys {{IF url~EMPTY~~~Website:}} - Jei url nėra tuščias, rašoma "Svetainė:".
chile common lt ČILĖ
china common lt KINIJA
@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ edit category common lt Redaguoti kategoriją
egypt common lt EGIPTAS
el salvador common lt SALVADORAS
email common lt El. paštas
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common lt naudotojo el. pašto adresas, pvz., "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common lt Naudotojo el. pašto adresas, pvz., "%1"
error common lt Klaida
estonia common lt ESTIJA
ethiopia common lt ETIOPIJA
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the t
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common lt Pavyzdys {{{LETTERPREFIX}} - Suteikia raidės priešdėlį be dvigubų tarpų, jei pavadinimas tuščias, pvz.
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role preferences lt Pavyzdys {{NELF role}} - jei laukas role nėra tuščias, gausite naują eilutę su lauko role reikšme
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field preferences lt Pavyzdys {{nenvlf role}} - jei lauko vaidmuo nėra tuščias, nustatomas LF be jokios lauko reikšmės
fax number common lt fakso numeris
fax number common lt Fakso numeris
february common lt Vasaris
file a file common lt Failo išsaugojimas
files common lt Failai
@ -207,7 +211,7 @@ lost login id common lt Pamestas prisijungimo ID
lost password common lt Pamestas slaptažodis
luxembourg common lt LIUKSEMBURGAS
madagascar common lt MADAGASKARAS
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common lt Nepavyko įdiegti "Mailvelope" priedo! Bandykite dar kartą.
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common lt Nepavyko įdiegti Mailvelope priedo! Bandykite dar kartą.
mailvelope addon installation succeded. now you may configure the options. common lt Mailvelope addon diegimas pavyko. Dabar galite konfigūruoti parinktis.
main category common lt Pagrindinė kategorija
malaysia common lt MALAIZIJA
@ -238,7 +242,10 @@ november common lt Lapkritis
october common lt Spalis
oman common lt OMANAS
on *nix systems please type: %1 common lt *nix sistemose prašome rašyti: %1
only private common lt tik privačius
only private common lt Tik privačius
open common lt Atviras
open existing contact common lt Atidaryti esamą kontaktą
ownership common lt Nuosavybė
pakistan common lt PAKISTANAS
panama common lt PANAMA
paraguay common lt PARAGVAJUS
@ -268,7 +275,7 @@ qatar common lt KATARAS
repeat password common lt Pakartoti slaptažodį
saved column sizes to preferences. common lt Išsaugoti stulpelių dydžius nustatymuose.
show password common lt Rodyti slaptažodį
show/hide common lt rodyti/paslėpti šoninę juostą
show/hide common lt Rodyti/paslėpti šoninę juostą
sign up common lt Užsiregistruoti
site configuration common lt Programos konfigūracija
yemen common lt JEMENAS
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' common lv %1(%2 jauns) Ziņojumi uzrakstīti aplikācijai %3 un valodām %4'
%1 email addresses inserted common lv %1 e-pasta adreses pievienotas
%1 email(s) added into %2 common lv %1 e-pasts(-i) pievienots(-i) uz %2
%1 etemplates deleted common lv %1 eVeidnes izdzēstas
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' common lv %1 eVeidnes %2' aplikācijai izmestas %3'
%1 etemplates found common lv atrasti %1 eVeidnes
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common lv %1 : Šo webserveris nevar palaist !!!
%1 matches on search criteria common lv meklēšanas kritērijiem atbilst %1 ieraksti
%1 etemplates deleted common lv %1 eTemplates izdzēstas
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' common lv %1 eTemplates %2' aplikācijai izmestas %3'
%1 etemplates found common lv Atrasti %1 eTemplates
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common lv %1 : Šo webserveris nevar palaist!
%1 matches on search criteria common lv Meklēšanas kritērijiem atbilst %1 ieraksti
%1 more %2 selected ... common lv %1 atlasīts vēl %2...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common lv %2 Aplikācijai inmportētas %1 jauni eVeidnes
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common lv %1EGroupware%2 ir daudzlietotāju, caur tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammu lietojama GrupuWare ,kas programmēta %3PHP%4.
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common lv %2 Aplikācijai inmportētas %1 jauni eTemplates
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common lv %1EGroupware%2 ir daudzlietotāju, caur tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammu lietojama Groupware ,kas programmēta %3PHP%4.
%s disabled common lv %s nav atļauts
%s needed common lv %s vajadzīgs
%s notranslation common lv %s Nav tulkojuma
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
%s readonly common lv %s tikai lasāms
'%1' copied to clipboard common lv '%1' nokopēts uz starpliktuvi
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common lv %1' nav derīgs formāts!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common lv %1' nav derīgs peldošā komata skaitlis!!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common lv %1' nav derīgs peldošā komata skaitlis!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common lv %1' nav derīgs vesels skaitlis
'%1' is not a valid json file! common lv '%1' nav derīgs JSON fails
00 (disable) admin lv 00 (disable)
@ -37,9 +37,12 @@
5 seconds common lv 5 sekundes
80 (http) admin lv 80 (http)
a pattern to be searched for common lv meklējamais paraugs
a request to the egroupware server returned with an error common lv Pieprasījums EGroupware serverim atgriezās ar kļūdu
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz common lv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
abort common lv Abort
about common lv Par
about %1 common lv Par %1
about egroupware common lv Par EGroupware
access common lv Piekļuve
access not permitted common lv Piekļuve aizliegta
account has been created common lv Konts tika izveidots
@ -77,19 +80,19 @@ afghanistan common lv AFGANISTĀNA
albania common lv ALBĀNIJA
algeria common lv ALŽĪRIJA
align common lv Centrēt
alignment of label and input-field in table-cell common lv iezīmes un ievades lauka novietojums tabulas kolonnā
alignment of label and input-field in table-cell common lv Iezīmes un ievades lauka novietojums tabulas kolonnā
alignment of the v/hbox containing table-cell common lv V/Hbox satura novietojums tabulas kolonnā
all common lv Visi
all addressbooks groupdav lv Visas adrešu grāmatas
all categories common lv Visas kategorijas
all fields common lv visi lauki
all fields common lv Visi lauki
all in one groupdav lv Viss vienā
all users common lv Visi lietotāji
allow editing the %1 common lv Atļaut rediģēt %1
alternate style-sheet: common lv Alternatīvs stila-izklājums:
am common lv noo rīta
american samoa common lv AMERIKĀŅU SAMOA
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) common lv indeksēta kolonna paātrina pieprasījumu (izrēķina vietu diskā!!!)
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) common lv indeksēta kolonna paātrina pieprasījumu (izrēķina vietu diskā!)
and common lv Un
andorra common lv ANDORA
angola common lv ANGOLA
@ -98,17 +101,17 @@ answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common lv Ja atbildēsiet
antarctica common lv ANTARKTĪDA
antigua and barbuda common lv ANTIGVA UN BARBUDA
application common lv Programmatūra
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common lv Programmatūras nosaukumam vajag uzrakstīt <i>langfile</i> vai izmest eVeidnes!!!
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common lv Programmatūras nosaukumam vajag uzrakstīt <i>langfile</i> vai izmest eTemplates!
applications common lv Aplikācijas
apply common lv Aktualizēt
april common lv Aprīlis
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common lv Vai esi drošs, ka vēlies dzēst šos ierakstus ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common lv Vai esi drošs, ka vēlies dzēst šo ierakstu ?
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common lv Vai esi drošs, ka vēlies dzēst šos ierakstus?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common lv Vai esi drošs, ka vēlies dzēst šo ierakstu?
argentina common lv ARGENTĪNA
armenia common lv ARMĒNIJA
aruba common lv ARUBA
attach common lv Pievienot
attach file common lv pievienot datni
attach file common lv Pievienot datni
attention: action will be applied to all rows, not only visible ones! api lv Uzmanību: darbība tiks piemērota visām rindām, ne tikai redzamajām!
august common lv Augusts
australia common lv AUSTRĀLIJA
@ -139,10 +142,10 @@ blocked, too many attempts common lv Bloķēts, pārāk daudz neveiksmīgu mēģ
blurtext common lv neskaidrs teksts
bolivia common lv BOLĪVIJA
border common lv Robeža
border-line-thickness for the table-tag common lv tabulas taga robežlīnijas biezums
border-line-thickness for the table-tag common lv Tabulas taga robežlīnijas biezums
bosnia and herzegovina common lv BOSNIJA UN HERCOGOVINA
botswana common lv BOTSVĀNA
bottom common lv augšā
bottom common lv Augšā
bouvet island common lv BUVĒ SALA
brazil common lv BRAZĪLIJA
british indian ocean territory common lv BRITU INDIJAS OKEĀNA TERITORIJA
@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ burundi common lv BURUNDI
calendar common lv Kalendārs
cambodia common lv KAMBODŽA
cameroon common lv KAMERŪNA
can not have special sql-value null common lv nevar būt speciāls SQL- vērtība NULL
can not have special sql-value null common lv Nevar būt speciāls SQL- vērtība NULL
canada common lv KANĀDA
cancel common lv Arcelt
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common lv Nevar aizvietot %1 jo tā ir mape
@ -162,8 +165,8 @@ cape verde common lv KABOVERDE
categories common lv Kategorijas
categories for common lv Kategorijas priekš
category common lv Kategorija
category %1 has been added ! common lv Kategorija %1 tika pievienota !
category %1 has been updated ! common lv Kategorija %1 tika mainīta !
category %1 has been added ! common lv Kategorija %1 tika pievienota!
category %1 has been updated ! common lv Kategorija %1 tika mainīta!
cayman islands common lv KAIMANU SALAS
cc common lv Cc
cellpadding for the table-tag common lv Kolonnas paplašināšana tabulas tagam
@ -174,14 +177,14 @@ central african republic common lv CENTRĀLĀFRIKAS REPUBLIKA
chad common lv ČADA
change common lv Mainīt
changed common lv Mainīts
charset common lv utf-8
charset common lv Saraksts
check all common lv Parbaudīt visu
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common lv Pārbaudiet, vai IF paziņojumos nav tukšu vērtību. Piemērs {{{IF url~EMPTY~~~Website:}}} - Ja url nav tukšs, raksta "Vietne:".
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common lv atzīmē, ja ierakstu vajag tikai parādīt nevis mainīt (saturs atpakaļ netiek sūtīts!)
check if field has to be filled by user common lv atzīmē, ja lauks jāaizpilda lietotājam
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common lv Atzīmē, ja ierakstu vajag tikai parādīt nevis mainīt (saturs atpakaļ netiek sūtīts!)
check if field has to be filled by user common lv Atzīmē, ja lauks jāaizpilda lietotājam
check installation common lv Pārbaudīt installāciju
check now common lv Pārbaudīt tūlīt
checkbox common lv izvēles rūtiņa <i>Checkbox</i>
checkbox common lv Checkbox
chile common lv ČĪLE
china common lv ĶĪNA
choose the category common lv Izvēlies kategoriju
@ -192,13 +195,13 @@ class common lv Klase
clear common lv Nodzēst
clear form common lv Nodzēst formu
click common lv Klikšķini
click here to attach the file common lv uzklišķini šeit, ja vēlies pievienot datni
click here to create the link common lv uzklikšķini šeit, lai izveidotu saiti
click here to attach the file common lv Uzklišķini šeit, ja vēlies pievienot datni
click here to create the link common lv Uzklikšķini šeit, lai izveidotu saiti
click here to start the search common lv Uzklikšķini šeit, lai sāktu meklēšanu
click here to upload the file common lv Uzklikšķini šeit, lai atjauninātu datni
click or mouse over to show menus common lv Klikšķināt vai uzbraukt ar peli virsū, lai redzētu izvēles
click or mouse over to show menus? common lv Klikšķināt vai uzbraukt ar peli virsū, lai redzētu izvēles?
click to order after that criteria common lv uzklikšķini, lai sakārtotu pēc tā kritērija
click to order after that criteria common lv Uzklikšķini, lai sakārtotu pēc tā kritērija
close common lv Aizvērt
cocos (keeling) islands common lv KOKOSU (KĪLINGA) SALAS
colombia common lv KOLUMBIJA
@ -211,7 +214,7 @@ confirm common lv Apstiprināt
congo common lv KONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common lv KONGO DEMOKRĀTISKĀ REPUBLIKA
contact common lv Kontakts
contains common lv satur
contains common lv Satur
cook islands common lv KUKA SALAS
copy common lv Kopēt
copy "%1" common lv Kopēt "%1"
@ -227,7 +230,7 @@ create link common lv Izveidot saiti
created common lv Izveidota
created by common lv Pateicoties
created by %1 common lv Izveidoja %1
creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) common lv izveido angļu ('en')<i>langfile</i> no iezīmes un palīgtekstiem
creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) common lv Izveido angļu ('en')<i>langfile</i> no iezīmes un palīgtekstiem
croatia common lv HORVĀTIJA
css class for the table-tag common lv CSS klase tabulas tagam
css-styles common lv CSS veidi
@ -253,14 +256,14 @@ december common lv Decembris
default common lv Noklusējums
default category common lv Noklusētā Kategorija
delete common lv Dzēst
delete a single entry by passing the id. common lv Dzēst atsevišķu ierakstu apejot id
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry common lv izdzēst visas atzīmētās eVeidnes bez atkārtotas jautāšanas
delete a single entry by passing the id. common lv Dzēst atsevišķu ierakstu apejot ID
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry common lv Izdzēst visas atzīmētās eTemplates bez atkārtotas jautāšanas
delete category common lv Izdzēst kategoriju
delete column common lv Izdzēst kolonnu
delete index common lv Izdzēst indeksu
delete this entry common lv dzēst šo ierakstu
delete this etemplate common lv izdzēst šo eVeidni
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common lv izdzēst visu kolonnu (nevar būt neizdarīts!!!)
delete this entry common lv Dzēst šo ierakstu
delete this etemplate common lv Izdzēst šo eVeidni
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common lv Dzēst visu kolonnu
deletes this column common lv Idzēš šo kolonnu
deletes this index common lv Izdzēs šo indeksu
denmark common lv DĀNIJA
@ -270,9 +273,9 @@ details common lv Detaļas
directory common lv Direktorija
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common lv Izslēgt Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix
disabled common lv Izslēgts
discard changes common lv atcelt izmaiņas
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common lv parādīts pirms ievades vai arī ievade ievietota iezīmē priekš "%s" (parakstīšanās pogas iezīme vai Attēla datnes vārds)
displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus common lv attēlots pārlūka statusjoslā, ja ievades lauks tiek nofokusēts
discard changes common lv Atcelt izmaiņas
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common lv Parādīts pirms ievades vai arī ievade ievietota iezīmē priekš "%s" (parakstīšanās pogas iezīme vai Attēla datnes vārds)
displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus common lv Attēlots pārlūka statusjoslā, ja ievades lauks tiek nofokusēts
djibouti common lv DŽIBUTIJA
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common lv Vai vēlies dzēst arī visas apakškategorijas?
do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? common lv Vai vēlies saglabāt izmaiņas, ko veici %s tabulā?
@ -280,7 +283,7 @@ document properties common lv Dokumenta rekvizīti
document title: common lv Dokumenta virsraksts:
documentation common lv Dokumentācija
domain common lv Domeins
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common lv domeina vārs e-pasta adresēm, piem. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common lv Domeina vārs e-pasta adresēm, piem. "%1"
domestic common lv Kopmītne
dominica common lv DOMINIKA
dominican republic common lv DOMINIKĀNA
@ -289,7 +292,7 @@ done common lv Gatavs
download common lv Lejupielādēt
drop a table - this can not be undone common lv Pabeigt tabulu- tas nevar būt neizdarīts
drop table common lv Pabeigt tabulu
dump4setup common lv izmest iestatīšanai
dump4setup common lv Izmest iestatīšanai
duration common lv Izpildes laiks
e-mail common lv E-pasts
east timor common lv AUSTRUMTIMORA
@ -302,23 +305,23 @@ editable templates - db-tools common lv Rediģējamas veidnes -DB rīki
editable templates - delete template common lv Rediģējamas veidnes- Izdzdēst veidni
editable templates - editor common lv Rediģējamas veidnes- Redaktors
editable templates - search common lv Rediģējamas veidnes- Meklēt
editable templates - show template common lv rediģējamas veidnes- Rādīt veidni
editable templates - show template common lv Rediģējamas veidnes- Rādīt veidni
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common lv EGroupware: bloķēts lietotājvārds '%1', IP %2
egypt common lv ĒĢIPTE
el salvador common lv SALVADORA
email common lv E-Pasts
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common lv lietotāja e-pasta adrese, piemēram, "%1"
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common lv iegultie CSS stili, piem.'.red { background: red; }' (atzīmē '.' pirms klases nosaukuma) or '@import url(...)' (klases nosaukums ir vispārējs visai lapai!)
enable javascript onchange submit common lv aktivizē JavaScript uz Izmaiņu apstiprināšanas
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common lv Lietotāja e-pasta adrese, piemēram, "%1"
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common lv Iegultie CSS stili, piem.'.red { background: red; }' (atzīmē '.' pirms klases nosaukuma) or '@import url(...)' (klases nosaukums ir vispārējs visai lapai!)
enable javascript onchange submit common lv Aktivizē JavaScript uz Izmaiņu apstiprināšanas
enabled common lv Aktivizēts
end date common lv Beigu datums
end time common lv Beigu laiks
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common lv ievadi " tukšam noklusējumam, tukšums nozīmē, ka nav noklusējuma
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common lv Ievadi " tukšam noklusējumam, tukšums nozīmē, ka nav noklusējuma
enter a search pattern common lv Ievadi meklēšanas paraugu
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common lv Ievadi datnes nosaukumu, ko ielādēt un pievienot, lieto [Browse...] lai to sameklētu
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin lv Ievadi EGroupware URL atrašanos<b>Piemērs: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common lv ievadi jaunās versijas numuru šeit (>vecā versija), atstāj tukšu, lai neielādētu datni
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common lv ievadi jaunās versijas numuru šeit(jābūt>vecā_versija)
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin lv Ievadi EGroupware URL atrašanos<b>Piemērs: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common lv Ievadi jaunās versijas numuru šeit (>vecā versija), atstāj tukšu, lai neielādētu datni
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common lv Ievadi jaunās versijas numuru šeit (jābūt>vecā_versija)
entry has been deleted sucessfully common lv Ieraksts tika veiksmīgi izdzēsts
entry saved common lv Ieraksts saglabāts
entry updated sucessfully common lv Ieraksts veiksmīgi tika atjaunināts
@ -328,38 +331,38 @@ error common lv Kļūda
error creating %1 %2 directory common lv Kļūda veidojot %1 %2 direktoriju
error deleting %1 %2 directory common lv Kļūda dzēšot %1 %2 direktoriju
error renaming %1 %2 directory common lv Kļūda pārsaucot %1 %2 direktoriju
error: template not found !!! common lv Kļūda: Veidne nav atrasta!!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common lv Kļūda: vebserverim nav atļaut ierakstīt "%1"!!!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common lv Kļuda rakstot failu (vebserverim nav rakstīšanas atļaujas)!!!
error: template not found !!! common lv Kļūda: Veidne nav atrasta!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common lv Kļūda: vebserverim nav atļaut ierakstīt "%1"!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common lv Kļuda rakstot failu (vebserverim nav rakstīšanas atļaujas)!
estonia common lv IGAUNIJA
etemplate common lv eVeidne
etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database common lv eVeidne "%1" importēta, lieto "Saglabāt", lai saglabātu to datubāzē
etemplate '%1' written to '%2' common lv eVeidne"%1" paarrakstīta "%2"
etemplate editor common lv eVeidnes redaktors
etemplate tutorial common lv eVeidnes pamācība
etemplate common lv eTemplate
etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database common lv eTemplate "%1" importēta, lieto "Saglabāt", lai saglabātu to datubāzē
etemplate '%1' written to '%2' common lv eTemplate"%1" paarrakstīta "%2"
etemplate editor common lv eTemplate redaktors
etemplate tutorial common lv eTemplates pamācība
ethiopia common lv ETIOPIJA
exact common lv tieši
exact common lv Tieši
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences lv Piemērs {{{IF n_prefikss~Mr~Sveiks kungs~Sveiks kundze}} - meklējiet laukā "n_prefix", meklējiet "Mr", ja atrasts, rakstiet Hello Mr., citādi rakstiet Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences lv Piemērs {{{LETTERPREFIX}} - Sniedz burta prefiksu bez dubultām atstarpēm, ja virsraksts ir tukšs, piemēram
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common lv Piemērs {{{LETTERPREFIX}} - Sniedz burta prefiksu bez dubultām atstarpēm, ja virsraksts ir tukšs, piemēram
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role preferences lv Piemērs {{{NELF role}} - ja lauks role nav tukšs, parādās jauna rinda ar lauka role vērtību
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field preferences lv Piemērs {{{nenvlf role}} - ja lauka loma nav tukša, nosaka LF bez lauka vērtības
exchange this row with the one above common lv samainīt šo rindu ar iepriekšējo
exchange this two columns common lv apmainīt šīs divas kolonnas
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common lv pārsūtīt ielādēto eVeidni xml datnē
exchange this row with the one above common lv Samainīt šo rindu ar iepriekšējo
exchange this two columns common lv Apmainīt šīs divas kolonnas
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common lv Pārsūtīt ielādēto eTemplate XML datnē
export xml common lv Pārsūtīt XML
extensions loaded: common lv Ielādētie paplašinājumi:
failed to change password. common lv Neizdevād nomainīt paroli.
falkland islands (malvinas) common lv FOLKLENDA (MELVINU)SALAS
faroe islands common lv FARĒRU(FĒRU) SALAS
fax number common lv faksa nummurs
fax number common lv Faksa nummurs
february common lv Februāris
field must not be empty !!! common lv Lauks nedīkst būt tukšs
fields common lv Lauki
fiji common lv FIDŽI
file common lv Datne
file a file common lv Saglabāt failu
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common lv Datnē ir vairāk kā viena eVeidne, tiek parādīta pēdējā!!!
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common lv Datnē ir vairāk kā viena eVeidne, tiek parādīta pēdējā!
file writen common lv Datne uzrakstīta
files common lv Faili
fileupload common lv Datne augšupiel'
@ -375,7 +378,7 @@ floating point common lv Peldošais punkts
foreign key common lv Ārējā atslēga
formatted business address common lv Formatēta uzņēmuma adrese
formatted private address common lv Formatēta privātā adrese
formatted text (html) common lv Noformatēts teksts(HTML)
formatted text (html) common lv Noformatēts teksts (HTML)
france common lv FRANCIJA
french guiana common lv FRANČU GVIĀNA
french polynesia common lv FRANČU POLINĒZIJA
@ -395,10 +398,10 @@ germany common lv Vācija
ghana common lv GANA
gibraltar common lv GIBRALTĀRS
global common lv Globāls
go to the first entry common lv iet uz pirmo ierakstu
go to the first entry common lv Iet uz pirmo ierakstu
go to the last entry common lv Iet uz pēdējo ierakstu
go to the next page of entries common lv iet uz ierakstu nākamo lapu
go to the previous page of entries common lv iet uz ierakstu iepriekšējo lapu
go to the next page of entries common lv Iet uz ierakstu nākamo lapu
go to the previous page of entries common lv Iet uz ierakstu iepriekšējo lapu
grant access common lv Atļaut Piekļuvi
greece common lv GRIEĶIJA
greenland common lv GRENLANDE
@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ group access common lv Grupas piekļuves tiesības
group has been added common lv Grupa tika pievienota
group has been deleted common lv Gruba tika izdzēsta
group has been updated common lv Grupa tika atjaunināta
group name common lv grupas nosaukums
group name common lv Grupas nosaukums
groups common lv Grupas
groups with permission for %1 common lv Grupas ar atļauju priekš %1
groups without permission for %1 common lv Grupas bez atļauju priekš %1
@ -423,7 +426,8 @@ haiti common lv HAITI
hbox common lv HBox
heard island and mcdonald islands common lv HĒRDA UN MAKDONALDA SALAS
height common lv Augstums
height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty common lv rindas augstums(% vai pikseļos), neatļaut rindiņu:[!=not]<value>[=<check>]piem., '!@data'neatļauj rindiņu, ja ieraksts ir tukšs
height of row (in % or pixel) common lv Rindu augstums (% vai pikseļos)
height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty common lv Rindas augstums(% vai pikseļos), neatļaut rindiņu:[!=not]<value>[=<check>]piem., '!@data'neatļauj rindiņu, ja ieraksts ir tukšs
height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div common lv Tabulas augstums % vai pikseļos tabulas tagam un (pēc izvēles) sadalījumam
height, disabled common lv Augstums,nav atļauts
help common lv Palīgs
@ -431,6 +435,7 @@ high common lv Augsta
highest common lv Augstākā
history common lv Vēsture
history log common lv Versiju vēsture
hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it common lv Turiet nospiestu taustiņu [%1], lai atlasītu tekstu, piemēram, lai to kopētu
holy see (vatican city state) common lv VATIKĀNS
home common lv Mājas
home email common lv e-pasts mājās
@ -442,40 +447,43 @@ hour common lv Stundas
hours common lv stundas
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav lv Cik dienas sinhronizēt nākotnē (noklusējuma %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav lv Cik dienas sinhronizēt pagātnē (noklusējuma %1)
how many entries should the list show common lv Cik ierakstiem jābūt redzamiem sarakstā
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common lv Cik daudz ikonas tiek rādītas rīku joslā (lapas augšpusē). Citas ikonas atrodas izvēlnē, kuru var atvērt uzspiežot uz ikonas, kas atrodas rīku joslas labajā malā.
how many rows to print common lv Cik rindu drukāt
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common lv Kā parādīt vispārējo EGroupware izvēlni
html common lv HTML
html link to the current record common lv HTML saite uz pašreizējo ierakstu
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common lv HTML saites uz visiem ierakstiem, kas saistīti ar pašreizējo ierakstu, izņemot pievienotos failus
hungary common lv UNGĀRIJA
iceland common lv ISLANDE
id common lv ID
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common lv ja lauks nav atļauts,īslaicīgai lauka/kolonnas pārcelšanai tiek parādītas tabulas tukšās kolonnas.
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common lv Ja lauks nav atļauts,īslaicīgai lauka/kolonnas pārcelšanai tiek parādītas tabulas tukšās kolonnas.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common lv Ja izmantojat "2 faktoru autentifikāciju", lūdzu, ievadiet kodu šeit.
image common lv Attēls
image url common lv Attēla URL
import common lv Importēt
import an etemplate from a xml-file common lv importēt eveidni no xml datnes
import an etemplate from a xml-file common lv importēt eveidni no XML datnes
import table-definitions from existing db-table common lv Importēt tabulas nosacījumus no eksistējošas DB tabulas
import xml common lv Importēt XML
include access to any linked files (links tab) common lv Iekļaut piekļuvi visiem saistītiem failiem (cilne Saites)
index/name of returned content (name of the template, link / method for image) common lv atgrieztā satura(veidnes nosaukums,saite/attēla veids) indekss/nosaukums
index/name of returned content (name of the template, link / method for image) common lv Atgrieztā satura(veidnes nosaukums,saite/attēla veids) indekss/nosaukums
indexed common lv Indeksēts
indexoptions common lv Indeksa opcijas
india common lv INDIJA
indonesia common lv INDONĒZIJA
infolog types to sync common lv Sinhronizējamo InfoLog žurnālu veidi
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common lv Ievietot visas %1adreses no %2 kontaktiem %3
insert new column behind this one common lv ievieto jaunu kolonnu aiz šīs
insert new column in front of all common lv pirms visām kolonnām ievieto jaunu kolonnu
insert new row after this one common lv pēc šīs rindiņas ievieto jaunu rindiņu
insert new row in front of first line common lv pierms pirmās līnijas ievieto jaunu rindiņu
insert new column behind this one common lv Ievieto jaunu kolonnu aiz šīs
insert new column in front of all common lv Pirms visām kolonnām ievieto jaunu kolonnu
insert new row after this one common lv Pēc šīs rindiņas ievieto jaunu rindiņu
insert new row in front of first line common lv Pierms pirmās līnijas ievieto jaunu rindiņu
insert placeholder common lv Ievietot vietvārdu
insert timestamp into description field common lv Ievietot laika zīmogu apraksta laukā
install common lv Uzstādīt
install egroupware as mail-handler? common lv Instalēt EGroupware kā pasta apstrādātāju?
integer common lv Vesels skaitlis
international common lv Internacionāls
introduction common lv Ievads
invalid 2-factor authentication code common lv Nederīgs 2 faktoru autentifikācijas kods
invalid email common lv Nederīgs e-pasts
invalid filename common lv Nederīgs lauka nosaukums
@ -511,7 +519,7 @@ korea, democratic peoples republic of common lv KOREJAS TAUTAS DEMOKRĀTISKĀ RE
korea, republic of common lv KOREJEAS REPUBLIKA
kuwait common lv KUVEITA
kyrgyzstan common lv KIRGĪZIJA
label common lv Iezīme
label common lv Lezīme
label:[bold][italic] text:[len][,max] numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] t.area:[rows][,cols] radiob.:value h.rule:[width] templ.:[indexincontent] select:[multiselect] date:[values: eg. 'y-m-d'] common lv Iezīme:[bold][italic] Teksts:[len][,max] Skaitļi:[min][,[max][,len]] Teksta lauks:[rows][,cols] Radiopogas.:value <i>H.Rule</i>:[width] Veidnes:[IndexInContent] Atzīmē:[multiselect] Datums:[values: eg. 'Y-m-d']
lang common lv Valoda
language common lv Valoda
@ -523,8 +531,10 @@ last name of the user, eg. "%1" common lv lietotāja uzvārds, piemēram, "%1"
last page common lv Pēdeja lapa
lastname common lv Uzvārds
latvia common lv LATVIJA
ldap-mgr common lv LDAP pārvaldnieks
lebanon common lv LIBĀNA
left common lv Kreisais
length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 common lv Garums char+varchar, precizitātes int: 2, 4, 8 un float: 4, 8
lesotho common lv LESOTO
liberia common lv LIBĒRIJA
@ -532,20 +542,24 @@ license common lv Licence
liechtenstein common lv LIHTENŠTEINA
light mode common lv Gaismas režīms
link common lv Saite
link target %1 not found! common lv Saites mērķis %1 nav atrasts!
link title of current record common lv Pašreizējā ieraksta saites nosaukums
linklist common lv Saistīt sarakstu
links and attached files preferences lv Saites un pievienotie faili
links to specified application. example: {{links/addressbook}} common lv Saites uz norādīto lietojumprogrammu. Piemērs: {{links/addressbook}}
linkstring common lv Saistīt virkni
linkto common lv Saistīt ar
list common lv Saraksts
list members common lv Saraksta dalībnieki
lithuania common lv LIETUVA
load common lv Ielādēt
load this template into the editor common lv ielādēt šo veidni redaktorā
load common lv Lelādēt
load this template into the editor common lv Ielādēt šo veidni redaktorā
local common lv Vietējais
login common lv Pieteikties
login rejected by epl firewall, please contact your administrator common lv EGroupware ugunsmūris noraidīja pieteikšanos, lūdzu, sazinieties ar savu administratoru.
loginid common lv Pieteikuma ID
logout common lv Beigt darbu
lost login id common lv Pazudis pieteikšanās id
lost login id common lv Pazudis pieteikšanās ID
lost password common lv Pazaudēta parole
low common lv Zema
lowest common lv Viszemākais
@ -553,7 +567,7 @@ luxembourg common lv LUKSEMBURGA
macau common lv MAKAO
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common lv MAĶEDONIJA
madagascar common lv MADAGASKARA
mail domain, eg. "%1" common lv pasta domēns, piemēram, "%1
mail domain, eg. "%1" common lv Pasta domēns, piemēram, "%1
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common lv Mailvelope addon instalēšana neizdevās! Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz.
mailvelope addon installation succeded. now you may configure the options. common lv Mailvelope addon instalācija ir veiksmīga. Tagad varat konfigurēt opcijas.
main category common lv Galvenā kategorija
@ -591,10 +605,10 @@ mozambique common lv MOZAMBIKA
multicolumn indices common lv Daudzkolonnu indeksi
myanmar common lv MJANMA
name common lv Vārds
name of other table where column is a key from common lv citas kolonnas, no kurienes ir atslēga, nosaukums
name of other table where column is a key from common lv Citas kolonnas, no kurienes ir atslēga, nosaukums
name of table to add common lv Tabulas , kur pievienot, nosaukums
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] common lv eVeidnes nosaukumam jābūt application.function formā [.apakšveidne]
name of the user, eg. "%1" common lv lietotāja vārds, piemēram, "%1
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] common lv eTemplate nosaukumam jābūt application.function formā [.apakšveidne]
name of the user, eg. "%1" common lv Lietotāja vārds, piemēram, "%1
namibia common lv NAMĪBIJA
nauru common lv NAURU
nepal common lv NEPĀLA
@ -610,7 +624,7 @@ new search common lv Jauna meklēšana
new table created common lv Izveidota jauna tabula
new value common lv Jauna Vērtība
new zealand common lv JAUNZĒLANDE
newer version '%1' exists !!! common lv eksistē "%1"jaunāka versija!!!
newer version '%1' exists !!! common lv Eksistē "%1"jaunāka versija!
next common lv Nākošais
next page common lv Nākošā lapa
nicaragua common lv NIKARAGVA
@ -619,11 +633,11 @@ nigeria common lv NIGĒRIJA
niue common lv NIUE
no common lv Nē
no - cancel common lv Nē- Atcelt
no entries found, try again ... common lv neviens ieraksts netika atrasts, mēģiniet vēlreiz ...
no file common lv nav datnes
no filename given or selected via browse... common lv Meklēt...nav dots vai atzīmēts datnes nosaukums
no entries found, try again ... common lv Neviens ieraksts netika atrasts, mēģiniet vēlreiz ...
no file common lv Nav datnes
no filename given or selected via browse... common lv Nav faila nosaukuma
no filters common lv Nav filtru
no history for this record common lv nav pieejama šī ieraksta vēsture
no history for this record common lv Nav pieejama šī ieraksta vēsture
no matches found common lv Nav atbilstošu ierakstu
no subject common lv Nav Tēmas
none common lv Neviens
@ -637,33 +651,40 @@ not assigned common lv nav piešķirts
not null common lv NOT NULL
note common lv Piezīme
notes common lv Piezimes
nothing found - try again !!! common lv Nekas netika atrasts- mēģini vēlreiz!!!
nothing matched search criteria !!! common lv Nav atzīmēti meklēšanas kritēriji!!!
nothing found - try again !!! common lv Nekas netika atrasts- mēģini vēlreiz!
nothing matched search criteria !!! common lv Nav atzīmēti meklēšanas kritēriji!
notify window common lv Informācijas Logs
notify your administrator to correct this situation common lv Paziņo to savam administratoram, lai labotu šo situāciju
november common lv Novembris
number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing common lv rindu/kolonnu skaits V/HBox, šūnu paplašināšana, atstarpes starp šūnām
number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing common lv Rindu/kolonnu skaits V/HBox, šūnu paplašināšana, atstarpes starp šūnām
october common lv Oktobris
of common lv no
ok common lv OK
old value common lv Iepriekšejā Vērtība
old value common lv Iepriekšējā vērtība
oman common lv OMĀNA
on *nix systems please type: %1 common lv *nix sistēmās lūdzu rakstīt: %1
on mouse over common lv Kad uzbrauc ar peli
only an other version found !!! common lv atrasta tikai cita versija !!!
only private common lv tikai privātos
only yours common lv tikai Jūsu
open common lv atvērt
only an other version found !!! common lv Atrasta tikai cita versija!
only private common lv Tikai privātos
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav lv Atbalsta tikai daži pilnībā atbilstoši klienti (piemēram, Apple). Ja jums ir jāievada URL, tas, visticamāk, netiks atbalstīts!
only yours common lv Tikai Jūsu
open common lv Atvērt
open existing contact common lv Atvērt esošo kontaktu
open notify window common lv Atvērt informācijas logu
open popup window common lv Atvērt papildus logu
optional note about the link common lv atzīme par saiti pēc izvēles
open sidebox common lv Atvērt sānu lodziņu
open the online help. common lv Atveriet tiešsaistes palīdzību
operator common lv Operators
optional note about the link common lv Atzīme par saiti pēc izvēles
options common lv Opcijas
or common lv vai
order to navigating by tab key through the form common lv Kārtība, lai ar cilnes taustiņu pārvietotos pa veidlapu
original common lv Orģināls
other common lv Citi
overflow common lv Pārpilde
overview common lv Pārskats
owner common lv Īpašnieks
ownership common lv Īpašumtiesības
padding common lv Papildināšana
page common lv Lapa
page was generated in %1 seconds common lv Lapa tika ģenerēta %1 sekundes
@ -675,13 +696,14 @@ papua new guinea common lv PAPUA-JAUNGVINEJA
paraguay common lv PARAGVAJA
parcel common lv Sūtījums
parent category common lv Vecāku kategorija
parent is a '%1' !!! common lv Vecāks ir '%1'!
password common lv Parole
password could not be changed common lv Parole netika nomainīta
password has been updated common lv Parole tika atjaunināta
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common lv Ceļam uz lietotāju un grupu failiem JĀBŪT ĀRPUS tīkla servera saknes dokumenta!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common lv Ceļam uz lietotāju un grupu failiem JĀBŪT ĀRPUS tīkla servera saknes dokumenta!
permission denied! common lv Atļauja liegta!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common lv Atļauja liegta! Šī ir tikai administrācijas funkcija.
permissions to the files/users directory common lv atļaujas datņu/lietotāju direktorijai
permissions to the files/users directory common lv Atļaujas datņu/lietotāju direktorijai
permisson denied! common lv Atļauja liegta!
personal common lv Personīgs
peru common lv PERU
@ -696,12 +718,12 @@ placeholders common lv Vietrāži
play/pause common lv Atskaņot/pauzēt
please %1 by hand common lv Lūdzu, %1 ar roku
please enter a name common lv Lūdzu, ieraksti savu vārdu !
please enter table-name first !!! common lv VIspirms norādiet tabulas nosaukumu, lūdzu !!!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common lv Lūdzu, pārlādējiet EGroupware darbvirsmu (F5 / Cmd+r).
please enter table-name first !!! common lv VIspirms norādiet tabulas nosaukumu, lūdzu!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common lv Lūdzu, pārlādējiet EGroupware darbvirsmu (F5 / Cmd + R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common lv Lūdzu, neaizmirstiet turpmāk vietējiem pieteikumiem kā lietotājvārdu izmantot '%1'!
please run setup to become current common lv Palaist iestatīšanu, lai kļūtu aktuāls
please select common lv Lūdzu izvēlies
please set your global preferences common lv Lūdzu ierakstiet galvenos datus par sevi !
please set your global preferences common lv Lūdzu ierakstiet galvenos datus par sevi!
please set your preferences for this application common lv Lūdzu uzstādi savas izvēles šai programmatūrai
please type %1 more characters common lv Lūdzu, ievadiet vēl %1 rakstzīmi(-es)
please type 1 more character common lv Lūdzu, ievadiet vēl 1 rakstzīmi
@ -712,9 +734,9 @@ popup with search common lv Uzsākt ar meklēšanu
portugal common lv PORTUGĀLE
postal common lv Pasta
preference common lv Priekšrocības
preferences common lv Iestādījumi
preferences common lv Iestatījumi
previous page common lv Iepriekšējā lapa
primary group common lv galvenā grupa
primary group common lv Galvenā grupa
primary key common lv Primārā atslēga
primary key for the table, gets automaticaly indexed common lv Tabulas primārā atslēga tiek indeksēta automātiski
primary style-sheet: common lv Primārā stilu lapa:
@ -722,31 +744,31 @@ print common lv Drukāt
priority common lv Prioritāte
private common lv Privātos
project common lv Projekts
public common lv publisks
public common lv Publisks
puerto rico common lv PUERTORIKO
qatar common lv KATARA
radiobutton common lv Radiopogas
read common lv Lasīt
read a list of entries. common lv Las
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common lv Lasīt atsevišķu ierakstu apejot id un lauku sarakstu
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common lv lasīt eVeidni no datubāzes (ar iepriekšminētajām atslēgām)
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common lv Lasīt atsevišķu ierakstu apejot ID un lauku sarakstu
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common lv lasīt eTemplate no datubāzes (ar iepriekšminētajām atslēgām)
read this list of methods. common lv Izlasiet šo metožu sarakstu.
reading common lv lasīšana
readonly common lv tikai lasāms
reading common lv Lasīšana
readonly common lv Tikai lasāms
refresh common lv Atsvaidzināt
reject common lv Noraidīt
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common lv izdzēst rindiņu (nevar but nepabeigts!!!)
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common lv Dzēst rindu
remove selected accounts common lv Likvidēt izvēlētos kontus
remove this link (not the entry itself) common lv Izdzēst šo saiti (ne pašu ierakstu)
remove this link (not the entry itself) common lv Dzēst saiti
rename common lv Pārsaukt
repeat password common lv Atkārtot paroli
required common lv Pieprasīts
reset common lv Atiestate
resources common lv resursi
resources common lv Resursi
restore failed common lv Atjaunošana neizdevās
returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common lv Atgriež pilnu sistēmas lietotāju kontu sarakstu. Uzmanību: saraksts var būt samērā liels
returns an array of todo items common lv Atgriež darāmo lietu sarakstu
returns savely, without deleting common lv atgriežas saglabājot , BEZ dzēšanas
returns savely, without deleting common lv Atgriežas saglabājot , BEZ dzēšanas
returns struct of users application access common lv Atgriež lietotāju darbināto aplikāciju struktūru
reunion common lv REINJONA
right common lv Pa labi
@ -765,26 +787,29 @@ saturday common lv Sestdiena
saudi arabia common lv SAŪDA ARĀBIJA
save common lv Saglabāt
save all common lv Saglabāt visus
save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas common lv saglabā eVeidni ar minētajām atslēgām (vārds,...)Save As lai nomainītu
save as common lv Saglabāt kā
save as zip common lv Saglabāt kā ZIP
save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas common lv Saglabā eVeidni ar minētajām atslēgām (vārds,...)Save As lai nomainītu
saved column sizes to preferences. common lv Saglabāt kolonnu izmērus preferencēs.
saves changes to tables_current.inc.php common lv saglabā izmaiņas tables_current.inc.php
saves changes to tables_current.inc.php common lv Saglabā izmaiņas tables_current.inc.php
scale common lv Skala
scale for float common lv slīdēšanas skala
scale for float common lv Slīdēšanas skala
search common lv Meklēt
search %1 '%2' common lv Meklēt %1 '%2'
search accounts common lv Meklēt kontus
search or select accounts common lv Meklēt vai izvēlēties kontus
section common lv Nodaļa
select common lv Iezīmēt
select common lv Izvēlieties
select a category common lv Atzīmē kategoriju
select a primary contact, to show in the list common lv Atzīmē primāro kontaktu, ko rādīt sarakstā
select access common lv Atzīmē pieeju
select account common lv Atzīmē kontu
select all common lv Iezīmēt visus
select all %1 %2 for %3 common lv Iezīmēt visus %1 %2 priekš %3
select an app first !!! common lv Vispirms atzīmē aplikāciju!!!
select action common lv Izvēlieties darbību
select all common lv Atlasiet visus
select all %1 %2 for %3 common lv Atlasiet visus %1 %2 %3
select an app first !!! common lv Vispirms atzīmē aplikāciju!
select an app to search in common lv Atzīmē, kurā aplikācijā meklēt
select an application common lv atzīmē aolikāciju
select an application common lv Atzīmē aolikāciju
select an application, (*) = uninstalled common lv Atzīmē programmatūru, (*)=atinstalēts
select an entry to link with common lv Atzīmē ierakstu, ar kuru saistīt
select an table of the application common lv Atzīmē aplikāciju tabulu
@ -795,48 +820,52 @@ select date common lv Izvēlēties datumu
select day common lv Atzīmē dienu
select group common lv Izvēlēties grupu
select home email address common lv Izvēlēties mājas e-pasta adresi
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) common lv atzīmē, ja lauka saturs nav jātuko (iezīmes vienmēr tiek tulkotas)
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) common lv Atzīmē, ja lauka saturs nav jātuko (iezīmes vienmēr tiek tulkotas)
select month common lv Atzīmē mēnesi
select number common lv Atzīmē skaiti
select one common lv Izvēlies vienu no
select one ... common lv Atzīmē vienu...
select one ... common lv Atzīmē vienu ...
select percentage common lv Atzīmē procentus
select priority common lv Atzīmē prioritāti
select some options common lv Izvēlieties dažas opcijas
select state common lv Atzīmē štatu
select the indexed columns in their desired order common lv Atzīmē indeksētas kolonnas izvēlētajā secībā
select this etemplate to delete it common lv atzīmē šo eVeidni, lai to izdzēstu
select this etemplate to delete it common lv atzīmē šo eTemplate, lai to izdzēstu
select user common lv Izvēlies personu
select which values to show common lv atzīmē, kuras vērtības rādīt
select user or group common lv Izvēlieties lietotāju vai grupu
select which accounts to show common lv Atlasiet kontus, kurus vēlaties parādīt
select which values to show common lv Atzīmē, kuras vērtības rādīt
select work email address common lv Izvēlies e-pasta adresi darbā
select year common lv Atzīmē gadu
selectbox common lv <i>Selectbox</i>
selectbox common lv Selectbox
selection common lv Izvēle
send common lv Sūtīt
senegal common lv SENEGĀLA
september common lv Septembris
server %1 has been added common lv Serveris %1 tika pievienots
server name common lv Servera vārds
session has been killed common lv Sesija tika nogalināta ;-)
sets today as date common lv šodienu uzstāda kā datumu
session has been killed common lv Sesija ir iznīcināta.
sets today as date common lv Iestatiet šodienu kā datumu
setup common lv Iestatīšana
setup main menu common lv Iestatīšanas galvenā izvēlne
seychelles common lv SEIŠELU SALAS
share this %1 via url common lv Kopīgojiet šo %1, izmantojot URL
show common lv Rādīt
show (no save) common lv Rādīt (bez saglabāšanas)
show all common lv rādīt visus
show all common lv Rādīt visus
show all categorys common lv Rādīt visas kategorijas
show menu common lv rādīt izvēlni
show menu common lv Rādīt izvēlni
show page generation time common lv Parādīt lapas ģenerēšanas laiku
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common lv Parādīt lapas ģenerēšanas laiku lapas apakšpusē?
show password common lv Rādīt paroli
show values common lv Rādīt vērtības
show/hide common lv parādīt/noslēpt sānu joslu
show_more_apps common lv rādīt_vairāk_aplikācijas
showing common lv rādīšana
showing common lv Rādīšana
showing %1 common lv rādu %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common lv rādu %1 - %2 no %3
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing common lv parāda/ ļauj ievadīt vērtības eVeidnē testēšanai
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before common lv parāda/ attēlo eVeidni testēšanai, pirms tam nesaglabājot
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing common lv Parāda/ ļauj ievadīt vērtības eVeidnē testēšanai
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before common lv Parāda/ attēlo eVeidni testēšanai, pirms tam nesaglabājot
sierra leone common lv SJERRALEONE
sign up common lv Reģistrēties
singapore common lv SINGAPŪRA
@ -853,11 +882,12 @@ spacing common lv Atstarpe
spain common lv SPĀNIJA
sri lanka common lv ŠRILANKA
stack common lv Steks
start a new search, cancel this link common lv sākt jaunu meklēšanu, atcelt šo saiti
start a new search, cancel this link common lv Sākt jaunu meklēšanu, atcelt šo saiti
start date common lv Sākuma datums
start new search for the above pattern common lv sākt jaunu meklēšanu norādītajiem kritērijiem
start directory for image browser of rich text editor in egroupware vfs (filemanager). common lv Satura teksta redaktora attēlu pārlūka sākuma mape EGroupware failu pārvaldniekā
start new search for the above pattern common lv Sākt jaunu meklēšanu norādītajiem kritērijiem
start time common lv Sākuma laiks
start with common lv sākt ar
start with common lv Sākt ar
status common lv Stāvoklis
subject common lv Temats
submit common lv Saglabāt
@ -871,7 +901,7 @@ swaziland common lv SVAZILENDA
sweden common lv ZVIEDRIJA
switzerland common lv ŠVEICE
syrian arab republic common lv SĪRIJAS ARĀBU REPUBLIKA
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! common lv Neizmainīta tabula nav nepieciešams rakstīt!!!
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! common lv Neizmainīta tabula nav nepieciešams rakstīt!
tablename common lv Tabulas nosaukums
taiwan common lv TAIVANA/TAIPEJA
tajikistan common lv TADŽIKISTĀNA
@ -885,7 +915,7 @@ textarea common lv Teksta lauks
thailand common lv TAIZEME
the following applications require upgrades common lv Sekojoša programmatūra pieprasa jauninajumus
the mail server returned common lv Pasta serveris atgrieza
this name has been used already common lv Šis vārds jau ir aizņemts !
this name has been used already common lv Šis vārds jau ir aizņemts!
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) common lv šis teksts tiek attēlots, ja ievades lauks nav fokusēt(izplūdis)
thursday common lv Ceturtdiena
time common lv Laiks
@ -894,18 +924,20 @@ time zone offset common lv Laika zonas nobīde
title common lv Nosaukums
to common lv Kam
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common lv Lai izlabotu šo kļudu, Jums ir nepieciešms pareizi uzstādit
to examine or reinstate inactived files, you might need to turn versioning on. admin lv Lai pārbaudītu vai atjaunotu neaktīvos failus, var būt nepieciešams ieslēgt versiju iestatīšanu.
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common lv Lai atgrieztos pie msg saraksta, klikšķini <a href="%1">šeit</a>
to start the db-tools common lv sākt DB rīkus
to start the etemplate editor common lv sākt eVeidnes redaktoru
to start the search common lv sākt meklēšanu
today common lv šodien
todays date, eg. "%1" common lv šodienas datums, piemēram, "%1"
to start the db-tools common lv Sākt DB rīkus
to start the etemplate editor common lv Sākt eTemplates redaktoru
to start the search common lv Sākt meklēšanu
today common lv Šodien
todays date, eg. "%1" common lv Šodienas datums, piemēram, "%1"
togo common lv TOGO
tokelau common lv TOKELAU
tonga common lv TONGA
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common lv Pārāk dzudz nevieksmīgi pieslēgšanās mēģinājumi: %1 lietotājam '%2', %3 ar IP %4
top common lv augšā
top common lv Augšā
total common lv Kopā
tree common lv Koks
trinidad and tobago common lv TRINIDĀDA UN TOBAGO
tuesday common lv Otrdiena
tunisia common lv TUNISIJA
@ -914,10 +946,11 @@ turkmenistan common lv TURKMENISTĀNA
turks and caicos islands common lv TĒRKSAS UN KAIKOSAS SALAS
tuvalu common lv TUVALU
type common lv Tips
type of the column common lv kolonnas tips
type of the field (select label if field should be empty) common lv lauka tips(atzīmē iezīmi, ja laukam jābūt tukšam)
type of the column common lv Kolonnas tips
type of the field (select label if field should be empty) common lv Lauka tips(atzīmē iezīmi, ja laukam jābūt tukšam)
uganda common lv UGANDA
ukraine common lv UKRAINA
unconnected nodes will be moved to %1. admin lv Nesaistītie mezgli tiks pārvietoti uz %1.
unique common lv Unikāls
united arab emirates common lv APVIENOTIE ARĀBU EMIRĀTI
united kingdom common lv APVIENOTĀ KARALISTE
@ -928,30 +961,32 @@ unlink common lv Noņemt saiti
update common lv Atjaunināt
update a single entry by passing the fields. common lv Atjaunini vienu ierakstu apejot laukus
update from version '%s' to common lv Atjaunināt no versijas "%s"uz
update the clock per minute or per second common lv Atjaunināt pulksteni minūtē vai sekundē
updating your account with new data from your identity provider failed! common lv Konta atjaunināšana ar jauniem datiem no jūsu identitātes nodrošinātāja neizdevās!
upload common lv Ielādēt
url common lv URL
uruguay common lv URUGVAJA
use button to search for common lv izmantot Pogu lai meklētu
use button to search for address common lv izmantot Pogu lai meklētu Adresi
use button to search for calendarevent common lv izmantot Pogu lai meklētu Kalendāra ierakstu
use button to search for project common lv izmantot Pogu lai meklētu Projektu
use button to search for common lv Izmantot Pogu lai meklētu
use button to search for address common lv Izmantot Pogu lai meklētu Adresi
use button to search for calendarevent common lv Izmantot Pogu lai meklētu Kalendāra ierakstu
use button to search for project common lv Izmantot Pogu lai meklētu Projektu
user common lv Lietotājs
user accounts common lv lietotāju konti
user groups common lv lietotāju grupas
user accounts common lv Lietotāju konti
user groups common lv Lietotāju grupas
username common lv Lietotājvārds
users common lv lietotāji
users common lv Lietotāji
users choice common lv Lietotāja Izvēle
uzbekistan common lv UZBEKIJA
value common lv Vērtība
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common lv Vērtībai jābūt vismaz "%1"!!!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common lv Vērtībai jābūt ne lielākai par "%1"!!!
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common lv Vērtībai jābūt vismaz "%1"!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common lv Vērtībai jābūt ne lielākai par "%1"!
vanuatu common lv VANUATU
vbox common lv VBox
venezuela common lv VENECUĒLA
version common lv Versija
viet nam common lv VJETNAMA
view common lv Rādīt
view this linked entry in its application common lv rādīt šo saistīto ierakstu tā aplikācijā
view this linked entry in its application common lv Rādīt šo saistīto ierakstu tā aplikācijā
virgin islands, british common lv VIRDŽĪNU SALAS, BRITU
virgin islands, u.s. common lv VIRDŽĪNU SALAS
wallis and futuna common lv VOLISA SALAS UN FUTUNA
@ -960,17 +995,17 @@ welcome common lv Laipni Lūdzam
western sahara common lv RIETUMSAHĀRA
which groups common lv Kuras grubas
width common lv Platums
width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty common lv kolonnas platums(% vai pikseļos), neatļauj kolonnu:! = not]<value>[=<check>]piem.,'!@data' neatļauj kolonnu, ja ieraksts ir tukšs
width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty common lv Kolonnas platums(% vai pikseļos), neatļauj kolonnu:! = not]<value>[=<check>]piem.,'!@data' neatļauj kolonnu, ja ieraksts ir tukšs
width of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div common lv Tabulas platums % vai pikseļos tabulas tagam un (pēc izvēles) sadalījums
width, disabled common lv Platums,neatļauts
work email common lv darba e-pasts
work email common lv Darba e-pasts
write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php common lv Raksti <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php
write langfile common lv Ieraksti <i>Langfile</i>
write tables common lv Ieraksti tabulas
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app common lv programmatūras iestatīšanas direktorijā raksta 'etemplates.inc.php'
writing common lv raksta
write langfile common lv Valodas faila ierakstīšana
write tables common lv Tabulu rakstīšana
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app common lv Programmatūras iestatīšanas direktorijā raksta 'etemplates.inc.php'
writing common lv Raksta
written by: common lv Autors:
xml-file to import common lv xml datne importēšanai
xml-file to import common lv XML datne importēšanai
xslt template common lv XSLT veidne
year common lv Gads
yemen common lv JEMENA
@ -982,23 +1017,24 @@ you have not entered a title common lv Jūs aizmirsāt uzrakstīt virsrakstu
you have not entered a valid date common lv Jūs ievadijāt kļudainu datumu
you have not entered a valid time of day common lv Jūs ievadījāt kļūdainu pulksteņa laiku
you have not entered participants common lv Jūs aizmirsāt pievienot dalībniekus
you have selected an invalid date common lv Jūs izvēlējāties nepareizu datumu !
you have selected an invalid main category common lv Jūs izvēlējāties nepareizu galveno katekoriju !
you have selected an invalid date common lv Jūs izvēlējāties nepareizu datumu!
you have selected an invalid main category common lv Jūs izvēlējāties nepareizu galveno katekoriju!
you have successfully logged out common lv Jūs veiksmīgi beidzāt darbu
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common lv Jums ir jāpievieno web servera lietotājs '%1' grupai '%2'.
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common lv Jūsu konts ir atjaunināts ar jauniem datiem no jūsu identitātes nodrošinātāja.
your browser is not up-to-date (javascript es6 compatible), you may experience some of the features not working. common lv Jūsu pārlūkprogramma nav atjaunināta (saderīga ar JavaScript ES6), tāpēc dažas funkcijas var nedarboties.
your code is incorrect !!! common lv Kods ir nepareizs!
your key has been restored successfully. common lv Jūsu atslēga ir veiksmīgi atjaunota.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common lv Jūsu ziņa <b>netika<b> nosūtita!<br>
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common lv Jūsu ziņa <b>netika</b>nosūtita!<br>
your message has been sent common lv Jūsu ziņa tika nosūtīta
your password does not have required strength of %1 character classes and minimum length of %2 characters. common lv Jūsu parolei nav nepieciešamās %1 rakstzīmju klases stipruma un minimālā garuma %2 rakstzīmju.
your password does not have required strength: common lv Jūsu parolei nav nepieciešamās stiprības:
your password failed the following criteria: common lv Jūsu parole neatbilst šādiem kritērijiem:
your password is about to expire in %1 days, you may change your password now common lv Jūsu paroles derīguma termiņš beigsies pēc %1 dienas, varat mainīt paroli tagad.
your password might not match the password policy. common lv Jūsu parole var neatbilst paroles politikai.
your search returned %1 matchs common lv atradu %1 ierakstus
your search returned 1 match common lv atradu 1 ierakstu
your search returned %1 matchs common lv Atradu %1 ierakstus
your search returned 1 match common lv Atradu 1 ierakstu
your session timed out, please log in again login lv Jūsu sesija beidzās, lūdzu, piesakieties vēlreiz.
your settings have been updated common lv Iestādījumi tika saglabāti
your settings have been updated common lv Jūsu iestatījumi ir atjaunināti.
zambia common lv ZAMBIJA
zimbabwe common lv ZIMBABVE
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
%1 etemplates deleted common no %1 eMaler slettet
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' common no %1 eMaler for program '%2' overført til '%3'
%1 etemplates found common no %1 eMaler funnet
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common no %1 er ikke eksekverbar på webtjener !!!
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common no %1 er ikke eksekverbar på webtjener!
%1 matches on search criteria common no %1 treff for søkekriteria
%1 more %2 selected ... common no %1 flere %2 valgt...
%1 more %2 selected ... common no %1 flere %2 valgt ...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common no %1 nye eMaler importert for program '%2'
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common no %1EGroupware%2 er en flerbruker, web-basert gruppevare skrevet i %3PHP%4.
%s disabled common no %s ikke aktivt
@ -14,11 +14,14 @@
%s notranslation common no %s Ikke oversett
%s onchange common no %s ved endring
%s readonly common no %s kun lesbar
'%1' copied to clipboard common no '%1' kopiert til utklippstavlen
'%1' has an invalid format common no '%1' har et ugyldig format
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common no '%1' har feil format!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common no '%1' er ikke en gyldig dato
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common no '%1' er ikke et gyldig flyttalls nummer
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common no '%1' er ikke et gyldig heltall!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common no '%1' er ikke en gyldig JSON-fil.
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common no '%1' er ikke en gyldig tidssone!
00 (disable) admin no 00 (frakoblet)
1 day common no 1 dag
1 hour common no 1 time
@ -36,7 +39,7 @@
5 minutes common no 5 minutter
5 seconds common no 5 sekunder
80 (http) admin no 80 (http)
a pattern to be searched for common no en streng å søke med
a pattern to be searched for common no En streng å søke med
about common no Om
about %1 common no Om %1
access common no Tilgang
@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ allow editing the %1 common no Tillat redigering av %1
alternate style-sheet: common no Alternativt Style Sheet
am common no er
american samoa common no SAMOA
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) common no en indeksert kolonne øker hastigheten på spørringer som benytter kolonnen(tar plass på disk!)
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) common no En indeksert kolonne øker hastigheten på spørringer som benytter kolonnen(tar plass på disk!)
and common no Og
andorra common no ANDORRA
angola common no ANGOLA
@ -93,8 +96,8 @@ api common no EGroupware API
application common no Program
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common no Programnavnet må skrives til en språkfil eller fjern eMalene!
applications common no Applikasjoner
applies the changes made common no lagre utførte endringer
applies the changes to the given version of the template common no lagre utførte endringer til en gitt versjon av malen
applies the changes made common no Lagre utførte endringer
applies the changes to the given version of the template common no Lagre utførte endringer til en gitt versjon av malen
apply common no Utfør
april common no April
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common no Er du sikkert på at du vil slette disse innslagene?
@ -168,11 +171,11 @@ central african republic common no SENTRALAFRIKANSKE REPUBLIKK
chad common no CHAD
change common no Endre
changed common no Endret
charset common no utf-8
charset common no Tegnsett
check all common no Kontroller alle
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common no Se etter tomme verdier i IF-setninger. Eksempel {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - Hvis url ikke er tom, skrives "Website:"
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common no Kryss av dersom innholdet kun skal vises og ikke endres(innholdet sendes da ikke tilbake!)
check if field has to be filled by user common no kryss av om feltet skal fylles ut av bruker
check if field has to be filled by user common no Kryss av om feltet skal fylles ut av bruker
check installation common no Sjekk installasjon
check now common no Sjekk nå
checkbox common no Sjekkboks
@ -181,8 +184,8 @@ china common no KINA
choose the category common no Velg kategori
choose the parent category common no Velg overordnet kategori
christmas island common no CHRISTMAS ISLAND
class common no Klasse
class, valign common no Klasse, Venstrejuster
class common no Class
class, valign common no Class, Valign
clear common no Tøm
clear form common no Tøm skjema
click common no Klikk
@ -192,13 +195,13 @@ click here to start the search common no Klikk her for å starte søket
click here to upload the file common no Klikk her for å laste opp filen
click or mouse over to show menus common no Klikk eller hold peker over for å vise menyene
click or mouse over to show menus? common no Klikk eller hold peker over for å vise menyene?
click to order after that criteria common no klikk for å sortere etter disse kriteria
clickable path common no klikkbar sti
click to order after that criteria common no Klikk for å sortere etter disse kriteria
clickable path common no Klikkbar sti
close common no Lukk
closes the window without saving the changes common no lukker vinduet uten å lagre endringene
closes the window without saving the changes common no Lukker vinduet uten å lagre endringene
cocos (keeling) islands common no COCOS (KEELING) ØYENE
colombia common no COLOMBIA
column... common no Kolonne..
column... common no Kolonne ...
columnname common no Kolonnenavn
comment common no Kommentar
comoros common no COMOROS
@ -207,7 +210,7 @@ confirm common no Bekreft
congo common no KONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common no KONGO, Den demokratiske republikk
contact common no Kontakt
contains common no inneholder
contains common no Inneholder
cook islands common no COOK ØYENE
copy common no Kopier
costa rica common no COSTA RICA
@ -241,18 +244,18 @@ default category common no Standard kategori
delete common no Slett
delete a single entry by passing the id. common no Slette en enkel oppføring ved å skrive inn id.
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry common no Slett alle valgte eMaler UTEN videre advarsler
delete and cut save the template! common no slett og lagre malen til utklippstavlen
delete and cut save the template! common no Slett og lagre malen til utklippstavlen
delete category common no Slett kategori
delete column common no Slett kolonne
delete index common no Slett indeks
delete row common no Fjern rad
delete the spezified etemplate common no Slette den angitte eMalen
delete this column common no slett denne kolonnen
delete this entry common no slett dette forekomsten
delete this etemplate common no slett denne eMalen
delete this row common no slett denne raden
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common no slett hele kolonnen (dette kan IKKE angres!)
deletes the etemplate spez. above common no sletter eMalene spesifisert ovenfor
delete this column common no Slett denne kolonnen
delete this entry common no Slett dette forekomsten
delete this etemplate common no Slett denne eMalen
delete this row common no Slett denne raden
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common no Slett hele kolonnen (dette kan IKKE angres!)
deletes the etemplate spez. above common no Sletter eMalene spesifisert ovenfor
deletes this column common no Slett denne kolonnen
deletes this index common no Slett denne indeksen
denmark common no DANMARK
@ -265,7 +268,7 @@ disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common no Koble ut Internet Explorer
disable slider effects common no Slå av skyve-effektene
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common no Slå av de animerte skyver-effektene under visning eller skjuling av menyene på siden? Opera og Konqueror brukere bør sannsynligvis velge dette.
disabled common no Utkoblet
discard changes common no opphev endringer
discard changes common no Opphev endringer
djibouti common no DJIBOUTI
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common no Vil du slette alle underkategoriene?
doctype: common no Dok.type:
@ -274,14 +277,14 @@ document title: common no Dokumenttittel
documentation common no Dokumentasjon
doesn't matter common no Spiller ingen rolle
domain common no Domene
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common no domene navn for mail adresser, f.eks:"%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common no Domene navn for mail adresser, f.eks:"%1"
domestic common no Innenlands
dominica common no DOMINICA
dominican republic common no DOMINIKANSKE REPUBLIKK
don't ask again! common no Ikke spør igjen!
done common no Ferdig
download common no Last ned
drop a table - this can not be undone common no Slette en tabell - dette kan ikke gjøres om !
drop a table - this can not be undone common no Slette en tabell - dette kan ikke gjøres om!
drop table common no Slett tabell
duration common no Varighet
e-mail common no E-Post
@ -292,23 +295,23 @@ edit %1 category for common no Endre %1 kategori for
edit categories common no Endre kategorier
edit category common no Endre kategori
edit the etemplate spez. above common no Rediger eMal-spesifikasjonene ovenfor
edit... common no Rediger...
edit... common no Rediger ...
editable templates - db-tools common no Editerbare Maler - DB-Verktøy
editable templates - delete template common no Editerbare Maler - Slett mal
editable templates - editor common no Editerbare Maler - Tekstbehandler
editable templates - search common no Editerbare Maler - Søk
editable templates - show template common no Editerbare Maler - Vis mal
egroupware common no egroupware
egroupware common no EGroupware
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common no EGroupware: pålogging blokkert for bruker '%1', IP %2
egypt common no EGYPT
el salvador common no EL SALVADOR
email common no Epost
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common no brukerens epost-adresse, f.eks: "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common no Brukerens epost-adresse, f.eks: "%1"
enabled common no Påslått
end date common no Sluttdato
end time common no Slutt tidspunkt
enter a search pattern common no Registrer en søkestreng
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin no Skriv inn EGroupwares Internett adresse (URL).<br> F.eks: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>Ingen avsluttende skråstrek</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin no Skriv inn EGroupwares Internett adresse (URL).<br> F.eks: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>Ingen avsluttende skråstrek</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common no Innslaget ble slettet
entry saved common no Registrering lagret
entry updated sucessfully common no Innslaget ble oppdatert
@ -318,11 +321,11 @@ error common no Feil
error creating %1 %2 directory common no Feil under opprettelse av %1 %2 mappe
error deleting %1 %2 directory common no Feil under sletting av %1 %2 mappe
error renaming %1 %2 directory common no Feil under omdøping av %1 %2 mappe
error: template not found !!! common no Feil: Malen ble ikke funnet !
error: template not found !!! common no Feil: Malen ble ikke funnet!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common no Feil: Nettstedstjeneren kan ikke skrive til '%1'!
error: while saving !!! common no Feil: Under lagring !
error: while saving !!! common no Feil: Under lagring!
estonia common no ESTLAND
etemplate common no eMal
etemplate common no eTemplate
etemplate '%1' written to '%2' common no eMal '%1' ble skrevet til '%2'
etemplate editor common no eMal tekstbehandler
etemplate reference common no eMal referanse
@ -336,7 +339,7 @@ example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field preferences no Eksempel {{nenvlf rolle}} - hvis feltet rolle ikke er tomt, settes en LF uten noen verdi for feltet
exchange this row with the one above common no Bytt om linjen med den ovenfor
exchange this two columns common no Bytt om disse to kolonnene
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common no eksporter gjeldende emal til en xml-fil
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common no Eksporter gjeldende emal til en XML-fil
export xml common no Eksporter XML
extensions loaded: common no Tillegg som er lastet:
failed to change password. common no Passordet kunne ikke endres.
@ -357,7 +360,7 @@ filter common no Filter
finland common no FINLAND
first common no Første
first name common no Fornavn
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common no brukerens fornavn, f.eks: "%1"
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common no Brukerens fornavn, f.eks: "%1"
first page common no Første side
firstname common no Fornavn
fixme! common no FIXMEG!
@ -392,6 +395,7 @@ go to the first entry common no Gå til første post
go to the last entry common no Gå til siste post
go to the next page of entries common no Gå til neste side med poster
go to the previous page of entries common no Gå til foregående side med poster
go to your home directory common no Gå til hjemmekatalogen din
grant access common no Gi tilgang
greece common no HELLAS
greenland common no GRØNLAND
@ -407,6 +411,7 @@ group has been updated common no Gruppe har blitt oppdatert
group name common no gruppenavn
group public common no Gruppe Offentlig
groupbox common no Gruppeboks
groupdav common no CalDAV/CardDAV-synkronisering
groups common no Grupper
groups with permission for %1 common no Grupper med tilgang til %1
groups without permission for %1 common no Grupper uten tilgang til %1
@ -418,17 +423,17 @@ guinea-bissau common no GUINEA BISSAU
guyana common no GUYANA
h common no t
haiti common no HAITI
hbox common no HBoks
hbox common no HBox
heard island and mcdonald islands common no HEARD OG MCDONALD ØYENE
height common no Høyde
height of row (in % or pixel) common no høyde på linje (i % eller piksler)
height of row (in % or pixel) common no Høyde på linje (i % eller piksler)
height, disabled common no Høyde, ikke aktivisert
help common no Hjelp
high common no Høy
highest common no Høyest
holy see (vatican city state) common no VATIKANET
home common no Hjem
home email common no hjemme epost
home email common no Hjemme epost
home screen common no Forside
honduras common no HONDURAS
hong kong common no HONG KONG
@ -444,7 +449,7 @@ id common no Id
image common no Bilde
image url common no Bildets URL
import common no Importer
import an etemplate from a xml-file common no Importer en eMal fra en xml-fil
import an etemplate from a xml-file common no Importer en eMal fra en XML-fil
import table-definitions from existing db-table common no Importer en tabelldefinisjon fra en eksisterende tabell
import xml common no Importer XML
increment version to not overwrite the existing template common no Øk versjonsnummeret for ikke å overskrive en eksisterende mal
@ -509,7 +514,7 @@ last common no Siste
last modified common no Sist endret
last name common no Etternavn
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common no Brukerens etternavn, f.eks: "%1"
last page common no siste side
last page common no Siste side
lastname common no Etternavn
latvia common no LATVIA
ldap-mgr common no LDAP Betjening
@ -528,7 +533,7 @@ list common no Liste
list members common no Liste medlemmer
lithuania common no LITAUEN
load common no Last inn
load this template into the editor common no laste denne malen inn i tekstbehandleren
load this template into the editor common no Laste denne malen inn i tekstbehandleren
local common no Lokal
login common no Login
login rejected by epl firewall, please contact your administrator common no Innlogging avvist av EGroupware brannmur, vennligst kontakt administratoren din.
@ -596,7 +601,7 @@ new search common no Nytt søk
new table created common no Ny tabell opprettet
new value common no Ny verdi
new zealand common no NEW ZEALAND
newer version '%1' exists !!! common no nyere versjon '%1' eksisterer!
newer version '%1' exists !!! common no Nyere versjon '%1' eksisterer!
next common no Neste
next page common no Neste side
nextmatch common no Neste treff
@ -606,9 +611,9 @@ nigeria common no NIGERIA
niue common no NIUE
no common no Nei
no - cancel common no Nei - Avbryt
no entries found, try again ... common no ingen treff prøv igjen ...
no file common no ingen fil
no filename given or selected via browse... common no intet filnavn angitt eller valgt ved gjennomsyn
no entries found, try again ... common no Ingen treff prøv igjen ...
no file common no Ingen fil
no filename given or selected via browse... common no Intet filnavn angitt eller valgt ved gjennomsyn
no history for this record common no Ingen historie for denne posten
no matches found common no Ingen treff funnet
no subject common no Ingen Overskrift
@ -619,14 +624,14 @@ northern mariana islands common no NORDRE MARIANA ØYENE
norway common no NORGE
not common no ikke
not a user yet? register now common no Ikke registrert bruker ennå? Registrer nå
not assigned common no ikke tildelt
not assigned common no Ikke tildelt
not null common no Ikke NULL
note common no Notat
notes common no Notater
nothing common no ingenting
nothing found - try again !!! common no Ingenting funnet - prøv igjen !
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common no Ingenting i utklippstavlen som kan limes inn !
nothing matched search criteria !!! common no Ingenting som passet med søkekriteriet !
nothing common no Ingenting
nothing found - try again !!! common no Ingenting funnet - prøv igjen!
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common no Ingenting i utklippstavlen som kan limes inn!
nothing matched search criteria !!! common no Ingenting som passet med søkekriteriet!
notifications common no Bekjentgjørelser
notify window common no Meldingsvindu
notify your administrator to correct this situation common no Gjør din EDB-ansvarlige beskjed om å korrigere denne situasjonen
@ -638,21 +643,24 @@ old value common no Gammel verdi
oman common no OMAN
on *nix systems please type: %1 common no På *nix systemer tast: %1
on mouse over common no On Mouse Over
onclick common no vedKlikk
only an other version found !!! common no det ble bare funnet en annen versjon!
onchange common no onchange
onclick common no onclick
only an other version found !!! common no Det ble bare funnet en annen versjon!
only private common no kun private
only yours common no kun dine
open common no åpen
only yours common no Kun dine
open common no Åpne
open existing contact common no Åpne eksisterende kontakt
open notify window common no Åpne varslingsvindu
open popup window common no Åpne pop-up vindu
optional note about the link common no Valgri kommentar om denne lenken
options common no Alternativer
or common no eller
or common no ELLER
ordered list common no Nummerliste
original common no Orginal
other common no Annet
overview common no Oversikt
owner common no Eier
ownership common no Eierskap
padding common no Luft
page common no Side
page was generated in %1 seconds common no Siden ble generert på %1 sekunder
@ -664,16 +672,16 @@ papua new guinea common no PAPUA NEW GUINEA
paraguay common no PARAGUAY
parcel common no Pakke
parent category common no Overordnet kategori
parent is a '%1' !!! common no overordnet er en '%1'!
parent is a '%1' !!! common no Overordnet er en '%1'!
password common no Passord
password could not be changed common no Passord kunne ikke endres
password has been updated common no Passord har blitt oppdatert
paste common no Lim inn
path common no Sti
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common no Sti til bruker- og gruppe-filer. MÅ VÆRE UTENFOR webserverens dokument-rot!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common no Sti til bruker- og gruppe-filer. MÅ VÆRE UTENFOR webserverens dokument-root!
permission denied! common no Tillatelse avslått!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common no Tillatelse avslått! Dette er en funksjon som kun er tilgjengelig for administratorer.
permissions to the files/users directory common no tilgang til filmapper / brukermapper
permissions to the files/users directory common no Tilgang til filmapper / brukermapper
permisson denied! common no Tillatelse avslått!
personal common no Personlig
peru common no PERU
@ -686,9 +694,9 @@ phone number common no Telefonnummer
pitcairn common no PITCAIRN
play/pause common no Spill av/Pause
please %1 by hand common no Vennligst %1 for hånd
please enter a name common no Vennligst tast inn et navn !
please enter table-name first !!! common no Vennligst registrer et tabellnavn først !
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common no Last inn EGroupware-skrivebordet på nytt (F5 / Cmd+r).
please enter a name common no Vennligst tast inn et navn!
please enter table-name first !!! common no Vennligst registrer et tabellnavn først!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common no Last inn EGroupware-skrivebordet på nytt (F5 / Cmd + R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common no Husk å bruke '%1' som brukernavn for lokal innlogging fra nå av!
please run setup to become current common no Vennligst kjør setup for å oppdatere til siste versjon
please select common no Velg
@ -696,7 +704,7 @@ please set your global preferences common no Sett dine globale preferanser
please set your preferences for this application common no Sett dine preferanser for denne applikasjonen
please type %1 more characters common no Vennligst skriv inn %1 tegn til
please type 1 more character common no Vennligst skriv inn 1 tegn til
please wait... common no Vennligst vent...
please wait... common no Vennligst vent ...
pm common no PM
poland common no POLEN
popup common no Popup
@ -706,7 +714,7 @@ postal common no Post
precision common no Presisjon
preferences common no Preferanser
previous page common no Forrige side
primary group common no primærgruppe
primary group common no Primærgruppe
primary key common no Hovednøkkel
primary key for the table, gets automaticaly indexed common no Hovednøkkel for tabellen, blir automatisk indeksert
primary style-sheet: common no Primær style-sheet:
@ -714,7 +722,7 @@ print common no Skriv ut
priority common no Prioritet
private common no Privat
project common no Prosjekt
public common no offentlig
public common no Offentlig
puerto rico common no PUERTO RICO
qatar common no QATAR
radiobutton common no Radioknapp
@ -722,13 +730,13 @@ read common no Lese
read a list of entries. common no Les en liste av oppføringer.
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common no Les ett enkelt innslag ved å gi id og feltliste.
read this list of methods. common no Les metode-listen.
reading common no lesing
reading common no Lesing
readonly common no Bare lese
refresh common no Oppfrisk
reject common no Avvis
remember me common no Husk meg
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common no Fjern linje (Kan ikke gjøres om!)
remove selected accounts common no fjern valgte konti
remove selected accounts common no Fjern valgte konti
remove this link (not the entry itself) common no Fjern denne lenken (ikke forekomsten i seg selv)
rename common no Endre navn
replace common no Erstatt
@ -743,7 +751,7 @@ returns struct of users application access common no Viser en struktur over bruk
reunion common no REUNION
right common no Høyre
romania common no ROMANIA
row... common no Rad...
row... common no Rad ...
russian federation common no RUSSISKE FØDERASJON
rwanda common no RUANDA
saint helena common no SAINT HELENA
@ -759,7 +767,7 @@ saudi arabia common no SAUDI-ARABIA
save common no Lagre
save all common no Lagre alle
save the changes made and close the window common no Lagre utførte endringer og så lukke vinduet
saves changes to tables_current.inc.php common no lagre endringer til tables_current.inc.php
saves changes to tables_current.inc.php common no Lagre endringer til tables_current.inc.php
saves the template with given version number and closes the window common no Lagre malen med gitt versjonsnummer og så lukke vinduet
scale common no Skaler
search common no Søk
@ -789,10 +797,10 @@ select day of week common no Velg ukedag
select group common no Velg gruppe
select home email address common no Velg hjemme-epost adresse
select month common no Velg måned
select multiple accounts common no velg flere konti
select multiple accounts common no Velg flere konti
select number common no Velg nummer
select one common no Velg en
select one ... common no Velg en...
select one ... common no Velg en ...
select percentage common no Velg prosentsats
select priority common no Velg prioritet
select state common no Velg status
@ -809,24 +817,24 @@ september common no September
server %1 has been added common no Tjener %1 ble lagt til
server name common no Tjenernavn
session has been killed common no Sesjonen ble avsluttet
sets today as date common no sett dagen i dag som dato
sets today as date common no Sett dagen i dag som dato
setup common no Oppsett
setup main menu common no Hovedoppsett meny
seychelles common no SEYCHELLENE
show common no Vis
show (no save) common no Vis (uten lagring)
show all common no vis alle
show all common no Vis alle
show all categorys common no Vis alle kategorier
show menu common no vis meny
show menu common no Vis meny
show page generation time common no Vis sidegenereringstid
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common no Vise sidegenereringstid på bunn av siden?
show password common no Vis passord
show values common no Vis verdier
show/hide common no Vis/skjul sidefelt
show_more_apps common no vis_flere_applikasjoner
showing common no viser
showing %1 common no viser %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common no viser %1 - %2 of %3
show_more_apps common no Vis_flere_applikasjoner
showing common no Viser
showing %1 common no Viser %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common no Viser %1 - %2 of %3
sierra leone common no SIERRA LEONE
sign up common no Registrer deg
singapore common no SINGAPORE
@ -841,7 +849,7 @@ south africa common no SØR_AFRIKA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common no SØR GEORGIA OG SØR SANDWICH ØYENE
spain common no SPANIA
sri lanka common no SRI LANKA
start a new search, cancel this link common no start nytt søk, annuller denne lenken
start a new search, cancel this link common no Start nytt søk, annuller denne lenken
start date common no Startdato
start time common no Start tid
start with common no Start med
@ -873,7 +881,7 @@ textarea common no Tekstområde
thailand common no THAILAND
the following applications require upgrades common no De følgende applikasjonene trenger oppgradering
the mail server returned common no Epost tjener returnerte
this name has been used already common no Dette navnet er allerede i bruk !
this name has been used already common no Dette navnet er allerede i bruk!
thursday common no Torsdag
time common no Tid
time zone common no Tidssone
@ -881,9 +889,9 @@ time zone offset common no Tidsforskjell
title common no Tittel
to common no Til
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common no For å unngå denne feilen i framtiden må du sette
to start the db-tools common no starte DB-verktøyene
to start the etemplate editor common no starte eMal-tekstbehandleren
to start the search common no starte søket
to start the db-tools common no Starte DB-verktøyene
to start the etemplate editor common no Starte eMal-tekstbehandleren
to start the search common no Starte søket
today common no Idag
todays date, eg. "%1" common no Dagens dato, f.eks: "%1"
togo common no TOGO
@ -916,29 +924,29 @@ update from version '%s' to common no Oppdater fra versjon '%s' til
upload common no Last opp
url common no URL
uruguay common no URUGUAY
use button to search for common no trykk for å søke etter
use button to search for address common no trykk for å søke etter adresser
use button to search for calendarevent common no trykk for å søke etter avtaler
use button to search for project common no trykk for å søke etter prosjekter
use button to search for common no Trykk for å søke etter
use button to search for address common no Trykk for å søke etter adresser
use button to search for calendarevent common no Trykk for å søke etter avtaler
use button to search for project common no Trykk for å søke etter prosjekter
user common no Bruker
user accounts common no brukerkonto
user groups common no brukergrupper
user accounts common no Brukerkonto
user groups common no Brukergrupper
username common no Brukernavn
users common no brukere
users common no Brukere
users choice common no Brukervalg
uzbekistan common no USBEKISTAN
valign common no vJuster
valign common no vAlign
value common no Verdi
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common no Verdien må minst være '%1' !
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common no Verdien kan maks være '%1' !
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common no Verdien må minst være '%1'!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common no Verdien kan maks være '%1'!
vanuatu common no VANUATU
vbox common no vBoks
vbox common no vBox
venezuela common no VENEZUELA
version common no Versjon
viet nam common no VIETNAM
view common no Vis
view this etemplate common no vis denne eMalen
view this linked entry in its application common no vis lenken i den egens applikasjon
view this etemplate common no Vis denne eMalen
view this linked entry in its application common no Vis lenken i den egens applikasjon
virgin islands, british common no JOMFRUØYENE (BR.)
virgin islands, u.s. common no JOMFRUØYENE (USA)
wallis and futuna common no WALLIS OG FUTUNA ØYENE
@ -949,16 +957,16 @@ western sahara common no VEST-SAHARA
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common no Når du svarer ja vil hjem- og avloggingsknappene prsenteres som valg i topp av hovedbildet.
which groups common no Hvilke grupper
width common no Bredde
width of column (in % or pixel) common no bredde på kolonne (i % eller piksler)
width of column (in % or pixel) common no Bredde på kolonne (i % eller piksler)
width, disabled common no Bredde, avslått
wk common no Uke
work email common no arbeids-epost
working days common no arbeidsdager
work email common no Arbeids-epost
working days common no Arbeidsdager
write langfile common no Lagre språkfil
write tables common no Lagre tabeller
writing common no skrivning
writing common no Skrivning
written by: common no Skrevet av:
xml-file to import common no xml-fil som skal importeres
xml-file to import common no XML-fil som skal importeres
xslt template common no XSLT Mal
year common no År
yemen common no JEMEN
@ -972,7 +980,7 @@ you have not entered a valid date common no Du har ikke tastet inn en gyldig dat
you have not entered a valid time of day common no Du har ikke tastet inn et gyldig tidspunkt
you have not entered participants common no Du har ikke tastet inn deltagere
you have selected an invalid date common no Du har valgt en ugyldig dato !
you have selected an invalid main category common no Du har valgt en ugyldig hovedkategori !
you have selected an invalid main category common no Du har valgt en ugyldig hovedkategori!
you have successfully logged out common no Du har logget ut
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common no Du må melde brukeren '%1' inn i '%2' gruppen på webtjener.
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common no Kontoen din er oppdatert med nye data fra identitetsleverandøren din.
@ -980,8 +988,8 @@ your browser is not up-to-date (javascript es6 compatible), you may experience s
your key has been restored successfully. common no Nøkkelen din har blitt gjenopprettet.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common no Meldingen kunne <b>ikke</b> sendes!<br>
your message has been sent common no Din melding har blitt sent
your search returned %1 matchs common no ditt søk gav %1 treff
your search returned 1 match common no ditt søk gav 1 treff
your search returned %1 matchs common no Ditt søk gav %1 treff
your search returned 1 match common no Ditt søk gav 1 treff
your settings have been updated common no Dine innstillinger har blitt oppdatert
zambia common no ZAMBIA
zimbabwe common no ZIMBABWE
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -5,13 +5,14 @@
%1 etemplates deleted common pt %1 modelos Web eliminados
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' common pt %1 modelos Web para a aplicação %2' deixados em '%3'
%1 etemplates found common pt %1 modelos Web encontrados
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common pt %1 não é executável pelo servidor Web !!!
%1 file common pt Ficheiro %1
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common pt %1 não é executável pelo servidor Web!
%1 matches on search criteria common pt %1 ocorrências da pesquisa
%1 more %2 selected ... common pt %1 mais %2 seleccionados...
%1 more %2 selected ... common pt %1 mais %2 seleccionados ...
%1 more... common pt % Mais 1 ...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common pt %1 modelos Web novos importados para a aplicação '%2'
%1 not implemented for %2! common pt % 1 não implementado para% 2!
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common pt %1Escolha outra directoria%2<br />ou torne %3 editável pelo servidor Web
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common pt %1Escolha outra directoria%2<br>ou torne %3 editável pelo servidor Web
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common pt O %1EGroupware%2 é uma ferramenta Web groupware criada em %3PHP%4, para ser utilizada por vários utilizadores em simultâneo.
%s disabled common pt %s desactivados
%s needed common pt %s necessários
@ -20,12 +21,15 @@
%s readonly common pt %s apenas para leitura
'%1' copied to clipboard common pt %1' copiado para prancheta
'%1' has an invalid format common pt '% 1' tem um formato inválido
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common pt '%1' tem um formato inválido !!!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common pt '%1' não é uma data válida !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common pt %1' não é um número de ponto de flutuação válido !!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common pt '%1' não é um inteiro válido !!!
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common pt '%1' tem um formato inválido!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common pt '%1' não é uma data válida!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common pt %1' não é um número de ponto de flutuação válido!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common pt '%1' não é um inteiro válido!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common pt '%1' não é um ficheiro JSON válido
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common pt '%1' não é um fuso horário válido!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common pt '% 1' não é permitido ('% 2')!
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common pt '%1' NÃO é permitido (%2)!
(session restored in %1 seconds) common pt Session restored in %1 seconds.
00 (disable) admin pt 00 (desactivado)
1 day common pt 1 Dia
1 hour common pt 1 Hora
@ -44,6 +48,8 @@
5 seconds common pt 5 segundos
80 (http) admin pt 80 (http)
a pattern to be searched for common pt Um padrão a pesquisar
a request to the egroupware server returned with an error common pt Um pedido efectuado ao servidor EGroupware deu origem a um erro
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz common pt ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
abort common pt Abortar
about common pt Sobre
about %1 common pt Sobre a aplicação %1
@ -102,11 +108,11 @@ all languages common pt Todos os idiomas
all operations save the template! common pt Todas as operações foram guardadas no modelo!
all users common pt Todos os usuários
allow editing the %1 common pt Permitir a edição de %1
allowed file type: %1 common pt Admitidos tipo de arquivo:% 1
allowed file type: %1 common pt Admitidos tipo de arquivo: %1
alternate style-sheet: common pt Folha de estilo alternativa
am common pt Manhã
american samoa common pt Samoa Americana
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) common pt As querys utilizam uma coluna com maior eficiência se esta estiver indexada (ocupa espaço em disco !!!)
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) common pt As querys utilizam uma coluna com maior eficiência se esta estiver indexada (ocupa espaço em disco!)
and common pt E
andorra common pt Andorra
angola common pt Angola
@ -115,16 +121,17 @@ answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common pt Se responder "n
antarctica common pt Antárctida
antigua and barbuda common pt Antígua e Barduda
api common pt API EGroupware
api-accounts common pt Contas de utilizador
application common pt Aplicação
application name needed to restore etemplates! common pt Nome do aplicativo necessário para restaurar eTemplates!
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common pt É necessário o nome da aplicação para editar um ficheiro de idioma ou deixar os modelos Web !!!
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common pt É necessário o nome da aplicação para editar um ficheiro de idioma ou deixar os modelos Web!
applications common pt Aplicações
applies the changes made common pt Aplica as alterações efectuadas
applies the changes to the given version of the template common pt Aplica as alterações em determinada versão do modelo
apply common pt Aplicar
april common pt Abril
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common pt Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar estes registos ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common pt Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar este registo ?
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common pt Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar estes registos?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common pt Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar este registo?
argentina common pt Argentina
armenia common pt Arménia
aruba common pt Aruba
@ -140,8 +147,6 @@ authenticate common pt Autenticar
author common pt Autor
autohide sidebox menu's common pt Esconder automaticamente menus da caixa lateral
autohide sidebox menus common pt Esconder automaticamente menus da caixa lateral
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common pt Esconder automaticamente os menus da caixa lateral?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common pt Esconder automaticamente os menus da caixa lateral?
autosave default category common pt Guardar automaticamente categoria por omissão
avatar common pt Avatar
azerbaijan common pt Azerbaijão
@ -156,6 +161,7 @@ bangladesh common pt Bangladesh
barbados common pt Barbados
baseline common pt Linha de base
bcc common pt Bcc
before proceeding further, we do highly recommend you to watch this short video, to see how mailvelope plugin works with egroupware. common pt Antes de prosseguir, recomendamos vivamente que veja este pequeno vídeo, para ver como o plugin Mailvelope funciona com o EGroupware.
belarus common pt Bielorrússia
belgium common pt Bélgica
belize common pt Belize
@ -173,7 +179,7 @@ botswana common pt Botsuana
bottom common pt Fundo
bouvet island common pt Ilha Bouvet
box common pt Caixa
box... common pt Caixa...
box... common pt Caixa ...
brazil common pt Brasil
british indian ocean territory common pt Território Britânico do Oceano Índico
broken link common pt Link quebrado
@ -189,17 +195,18 @@ can not have special sql-value null common pt Não pode ter um valor nulo de SQL
canada common pt Canadá
cancel common pt Cancelar
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common pt Não é possível substituir %1 porque é uma directoria
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common pt Não é possível eliminar um único widget da grelha !!!
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common pt Não é possível eliminar a única coluna da grelha !!!
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! common pt Não é possível eliminar a única linha da grelha !!!
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common pt Não é possível eliminar um único widget da grelha!
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common pt Não é possível eliminar a única coluna da grelha!
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! common pt Não é possível eliminar a única linha da grelha!
cant open '%1' for %2 common pt Não é possível abrir '%1' para %2
cape verde common pt Cabo Verde
caption common pt Subtítulo
categories common pt Categorias
categories for common pt categorias para
categories for common pt Categorias para
category common pt Categoria
category %1 has been added ! common pt Categoria %1 foi adicionada !
category %1 has been updated ! common pt Categoria %1 foi actualizada !
category %1 has been added ! common pt Categoria %1 foi adicionada!
category %1 has been updated ! common pt Categoria %1 foi actualizada!
category owner common pt Proprietário da categoria
category tree common pt Categoria árvore
cayman islands common pt Ilhas Caimão
cc common pt Cc
@ -207,12 +214,13 @@ cellpadding for the table-tag common pt Preenchimento de célula da tabela
cells common pt Células
cellspacing for the table-tag common pt Espaçamento da célula da tabela
center common pt Centro
centered common pt centrado
centered common pt Centrado
central african republic common pt República Centro-Africana
chad common pt Chade
change common pt Alterar
change owner common pt Alterar proprietário
changed common pt Alterado/a
charset common pt utf-8
charset common pt Conjunto de carateres
check all common pt Marcar todas
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common pt Verifique se há valores vazios em instruções IF. Exemplo {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - Se o url não estiver vazio, escreve "Website:"
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common pt Marcar se o conteúdo deve ser exibido, mas não alterado (o conteúdo não será devolvido!)
@ -232,7 +240,7 @@ choose the default filename for merged documents. preferences pt Escolha o nome
choose the parent category common pt Escolha a categoria principal
christmas island common pt Ilha Natal
class common pt Classe
class, valign common pt Classe, Alinhamento vertical
class, valign common pt Class, Valign
clear common pt Cancelar
clear form common pt Limpar Formulário
click common pt Clicar
@ -241,7 +249,7 @@ click here to create the link common pt Clique aqui para criar a ligação
click here to start the search common pt Clique aqui para iniciar a pesquisa
click here to upload the file common pt Clique aqui para enviar o ficheiro
click or mouse over to show menus common pt Clicar ou passar com o rato por cima para exibir menus
click or mouse over to show menus? common pt Clicar ou passar com o rato por cima para exibir menus?
click or mouse over to show menus? common pt Clicar ou passar com o rato por cima para exibir menus.
click to order after that criteria common pt Clique para ordenar sob esse critério
clickable path common pt Caminho clicável
close common pt Fechar
@ -250,7 +258,7 @@ closes the window without saving the changes common pt Fecha a janela sem guarda
cocos (keeling) islands common pt Ilhas Cocos (Keeling)
colombia common pt Colômbia
colour common pt Cor
column... common pt Coluna...
column... common pt Coluna ...
columnname common pt Nome da coluna
comment common pt Comentário
common preferences common pt Preferências gerais
@ -265,7 +273,7 @@ congo, the democratic republic of the common pt Congo, República Democrática d
contact common pt Contacto
contact field to show common pt Contacte-campo para mostrar
contact fields common pt Campos de contato
contacting server... common pt A ligar ao servidor...
contacting server... common pt A ligar ao servidor ...
contains common pt Contém
cook islands common pt Ilhas Cook
copy common pt Copiar
@ -297,7 +305,7 @@ current common pt Actual
current users common pt Utilizadores actuais
custom common pt Personalizar
custom fields common pt Campos personalizados
custom javascript for onchange common pt JavaScript personalizado para onChange
custom javascript for onchange common pt JavaScript personalizado para onchange
cut common pt Cortar
cyprus common pt Chipre
czech republic common pt República Checa
@ -329,26 +337,21 @@ delete row common pt Eliminar linha
delete selected entries? common pt Apagar entradas selecionadas?
delete the spezified etemplate common pt Eliminar modelo Web específico
delete this column common pt Eliminar esta coluna
delete this entry common pt eliminar este registo
delete this entry common pt Eliminar este registo
delete this etemplate common pt Eliminar este modelo Web
delete this file common pt Eliminar este ficheiro
delete this row common pt Eliminar esta linha
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common pt Eliminar a coluna inteira (NÃO poderá voltar atrás!!!)
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common pt Eliminar a coluna inteira (NÃO poderá voltar atrás!)
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone common pt Elimina o modelo Web da base de dados especificado em cima. Esta acção NÃO pode ser anulada.
deletes the etemplate spez. above common pt Elimina o modelo Web especificado em cima
deletes the etemplate spez. above common pt Elimina o eTemplate.
deletes this column common pt Elimina esta coluna
deletes this index common pt Elimina este índice
denmark common pt Dinamarca
description common pt Descrição
detail common pt Detalhe
details common pt Detalhes
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common pt Desactivar a execução de um script de correcção de falhas do Internet Explorer 5.5 ou superior para exibir as transparências nas imagens .png?
direction left to right common pt Da esquerda para a direita
directory common pt Directoria
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common pt Desactivar o corrector de falhas de imagens .png do Internet Explorer
disable slider effects common pt Desactivar efeitos de deslizamento
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common pt Desactivar os efeitos de deslizamento animado ao exibir ou esconder os menus na página? Os utilizadores de Opera e Konqueror deverão achar esta opção útil.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common pt Desactivar a execução de um script de correcção de falhas do Internet Explorer 5.5 ou superior para exibir as transparências nas imagens .png?
disabled common pt Desactivado
discard changes common pt Ignorar alterações
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common pt Surge em frente do campo ou o campo é inserido para um(a) %s' na etiqueta (etiqueta do botão de submissão ou nome do ficheiro da imagem)
@ -356,7 +359,7 @@ displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus common pt Surge na
displayed in the top line of the groupbox (legend) common pt Surge na linha de topo da caixa de grupo (legenda)
djibouti common pt Jibuti
do not notify of these changes common pt Não notificar dessas mudanças
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common pt Deseja eliminar também todas subcategorias ?
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common pt Deseja eliminar também todas subcategorias?
do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? common pt Deseja guardar as alterações efectuadas na tabela %s?
doctype: common pt Tipo de documento:
document properties common pt Propriedades do documento
@ -364,7 +367,7 @@ document title: common pt Título do documento
documentation common pt Documentação
doesn't matter common pt Não interessa
domain common pt Domínio
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common pt nome de domínio para endereço de correio electrónico. Ex: "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common pt Nome de domínio para endereço de correio electrónico. Ex: "%1"
domestic common pt Doméstico
dominica common pt Dominica
dominican republic common pt República Dominicana
@ -384,7 +387,7 @@ edit categories common pt Editar categorias
edit category common pt Editar categorias
edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file common pt Editar estilos de CSS embebidos ou de ficheiros app.css de aplicações.
edit the etemplate spez. above common pt Editar o modelo Web especificado em cima
edit... common pt Editar...
edit... common pt Editar ...
editable templates - db-tools common pt Modelos editáveis - Ferramentas da base de dados
editable templates - delete template common pt Modelos editáveis - Eliminar modelo
editable templates - editor common pt Modelos editáveis - Editor
@ -395,16 +398,16 @@ egypt common pt Egipto
el salvador common pt Salvador
element role title common pt Título papel de elemento
email common pt Correio Electrónico
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common pt endereço de correio electrónico para o utilizador. Ex: "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common pt Endereço de correio electrónico para o utilizador. Ex: "%1"
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common pt Estilos de CSS embebidos. Ex: '.red { background: red; }' (repare no'.' antes do nome de classe) ou '@import url(...)' (nomes de classe são gerais para toda a página!)
enable javascript onchange submit common pt Activar a submissão de JavaScript onChange
enable javascript onchange submit common pt Activar a submissão de JavaScript onchange
enabled common pt Activado
end date common pt Data de fim
end time common pt Hora de fim
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common pt Insira " para uma definição por omissão vazia. Nada significa sem definição por omissão.
enter a search pattern common pt Insira um padrão de pesquisa
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common pt Insira um nome de ficheiro a enviar e anexar, utilize [Navegar...] para o pesquisar
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin pt Insira a localização da URL do EGroupware.<br>Exemplo: http://www.domain.com/egroupware ou /egroupware<br><b>Sem a barra final</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin pt Insira a localização da URL do EGroupware.<br>Exemplo: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware ou /egroupware<br><b>Sem a barra final</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common pt Insira o número da nova versão aqui (> versão antiga). Deixe vazio para não actualizar ficheiro.
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common pt Insira o número da nova versão aqui (tem de ser maior do que a versão antiga)
entry has been deleted sucessfully common pt O registo foi eliminado com sucesso
@ -414,16 +417,17 @@ equatorial guinea common pt Guiné Equatorial
eritrea common pt Eritreia
error common pt Erro
error copying uploaded file to vfs! common pt Erro ao copiar arquivo carregado para VFS!
error create parent directory %1! common pt Erro ao criar diretório pai% 1!
error create parent directory %1! common pt Erro ao criar diretório pai %1!
error creating %1 %2 directory common pt Erro ao criar a directoria %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common pt Erro ao eliminar a directoria %1 %2
error deleting %1! common pt Erro ao excluir% 1!
error deleting %1! common pt Erro ao excluir %1!
error enabling push common pt Erro ao ativar o envio
error renaming %1 %2 directory common pt Erro ao renomear a directoria %1 %2
error uploading file! filemanager pt O upload de arquivos de erro!
error: template not found !!! common pt Erro: modelo não encontrado !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common pt Erro: O servidor Web não ter permissões de escrita no '%1' !!!
error: while saving !!! common pt Erro ao guardar !!!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common pt Erro ao editar ficheiro (servidor Web sem permissões de escrita) !!!
error: template not found !!! common pt Erro: modelo não encontrado!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common pt Erro: O servidor Web não ter permissões de escrita no '%1'!
error: while saving !!! common pt Erro ao guardar!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common pt Erro ao editar ficheiro (servidor Web sem permissões de escrita)!
estonia common pt Estónia
etemplate common pt Modelos Web
etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database common pt Modelo Web '%1' importado. Guarde-o para o inserir na base de dados
@ -448,16 +452,16 @@ failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contac
falkland islands (malvinas) common pt Ilhas Malvinas (Falkland)
faroe islands common pt Ilhas Faroe
favorites common pt Favoritos
fax number common pt número de fax
fax number common pt Número de fax
february common pt Fevereiro
field common pt Campo
field must not be empty !!! common pt O campo não pode estar vazio !!!
field must not be empty !!! common pt O campo não pode estar vazio!
fields common pt Campos
fiji common pt Fiji
file common pt Ficheiro
file '%1' not found! common pt Arquivo '% 1' não encontrado!
file a file common pt Armazenar um ficheiro
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common pt O ficheiro contém mais do que um modelo Web. Será exibido o último !!!
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common pt O ficheiro contém mais do que um modelo Web. Será exibido o último!
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common pt Arquivo é o tipo errado (% 1! =% 2)!
file writen common pt Ficheiro editado
files common pt Ficheiros
@ -466,13 +470,13 @@ filter common pt Filtro
finland common pt Finlândia
first common pt Primeiro
first name common pt Nome
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt primeiro nome do utilizador. Ex:"%1"
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt Primeiro nome do utilizador. Ex:"%1"
first page common pt Primeira página
firstname common pt Primeiro nome
fixme! common pt Corrija-me!
floating point common pt Ponto de flutuação
folder already exists. common pt Pasta já existente.
force common pt força
force common pt Força
force selectbox common pt Forçar caixa de selecção
foreign key common pt Chave estrangeira
forever common pt Para sempre
@ -542,9 +546,10 @@ high common pt Alta
highest common pt Mais alta
history common pt História
history log common pt Diário de história
hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it common pt Manter premida a tecla [%1] para selecionar texto, por exemplo, para o copiar
holy see (vatican city state) common pt Santa Sé (Cidade do Estado do Vaticano)
home common pt Página inicial
home email common pt endereço de correio electrónico principal
home email common pt E-mail de origem
home screen common pt Ecrã principal
honduras common pt Honduras
hong kong common pt Hong Kong
@ -563,7 +568,6 @@ html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files
hungary common pt Hungria
iceland common pt Islândia
id common pt ID
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common pt O ieSpell não foi detectado. Clique em OK para ir para a página de transferências.
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common pt Se o campo estiver desactivado, será apresentada uma célula vazia da tabela, para remoção (temporária) do campo/célula
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common pt Se o relógio estiver activo, deseja actualizá-lo ao segundo ou ao minuto?
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common pt Se existirem imagens na pasta de fundo, pode escolher a que gosta mais.
@ -648,9 +652,9 @@ language-short (eg. 'en' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads
language_direction_rtl common pt Direcção do idioma da direita para a esquerda
lao peoples democratic republic common pt Laos, República Popular Democrática de
last common pt Último/a
last modified common pt última modificação
last modified common pt Última modificação
last name common pt Apelido
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt apelido do utilizador. Ex: "%1"
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt Apelido do utilizador. Ex: "%1"
last page common pt Última página
lastname common pt Apelido
latvia common pt Letónia
@ -692,7 +696,7 @@ luxembourg common pt Luxemburgo
macau common pt Macau
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common pt Macedónia, Antiga República Jugoslava da
madagascar common pt Madagáscar
mail domain, eg. "%1" common pt domínio de correio electrónico. Ex: "%1"
mail domain, eg. "%1" common pt Domínio de correio electrónico. Ex: "%1"
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common pt A instalação do addon Mailvelope falhou! Por favor, tente novamente.
mailvelope addon installation succeded. now you may configure the options. common pt A instalação do addon Mailvelope foi bem sucedida. Agora pode configurar as opções.
main category common pt Cetegoria principal
@ -738,14 +742,14 @@ morocco common pt Marrocos
move common pt Mover
mozambique common pt Moçambique
multicolumn indices common pt Índices de várias colunas
multiple common pt vários/as
multiple common pt Vários/as
myanmar common pt Mianmar
name common pt Nome
name of other table where column is a key from common pt Nome de outra tabela onde uma coluna é a chave.
name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') common pt Nome do conjunto phpgw-template (ex: verdilak): '' = por omissão (irá ler as preferências do modelo; o EGroupware lê 'por omissão' o modelo por omissão '')
name of table to add common pt Nome da tabela a adicionar
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] common pt Nome do modelo Web, deve surgir no formulário application.function[.subTemplate].
name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt nome do utilizador, ex."%1"
name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt Nome do utilizador, ex."%1"
namibia common pt Namíbia
nauru common pt Nauru
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' common pt É necessário ser único na tabela e sem palavra reservada do SQL. É melhor definir todos os prefixos com dois digitos para a aplicação. Ex: 'et_'.
@ -762,14 +766,14 @@ new search common pt Nova pesquisa
new table created common pt Nova tabela criada
new value common pt Novo valor
new zealand common pt Nova Zelândia
newer version '%1' exists !!! common pt Existe uma versão mais recente de '%1' !!!
newer version '%1' exists !!! common pt Existe uma versão mais recente de '%1'!
next common pt Seguinte
next page common pt Página seguinte
nextmatch common pt Ocorrência seguinte
nextmatch accountfilter common pt Ocorrência seguinte do filtro de contas
nextmatch custom filterheader common pt Cabeçalho personalizado filtro NextMatch
nextmatch filterheader common pt Ocorrência seguinte do filtro de cabeçalhos
nextmatch header common pt Cabeçalho NextMatch
nextmatch header common pt Cabeçalho nextmatch
nextmatch sortheader common pt Ocorrência seguinte da lista de cabeçalhos
nicaragua common pt Nicarágua
niger common pt Níger
@ -777,15 +781,15 @@ nigeria common pt Nigéria
niue common pt Niue
no common pt Não
no - cancel common pt Não - Cancelar
no column to swap with !!! common pt Nenhuma coluna com que trocar !!!
no entries found, try again ... common pt nenhum resgisto encontrado, tente novamente...
no column to swap with !!! common pt Nenhuma coluna com que trocar!
no entries found, try again ... common pt Nenhum resgisto encontrado, tente novamente ...
no file common pt Nenhum ficheiro
no filename given or selected via browse... common pt Nenhum nome de ficheiro inserido ou seleccionado a partir do Navegar...
no filename given or selected via browse... common pt Nenhum nome de ficheiro inserido ou seleccionado a partir do Navegar ...
no filters common pt Filtros não
no history for this record common pt Nenhum histórico para este registro
no matches found common pt Nenhuma ocorrência encontrada
no rights to export more than %1 entries! common pt Nenhum direito a exportar mais de 1% entradas!
no row to swap with !!! common pt Nenhuma linha com que trocar !!!
no row to swap with !!! common pt Nenhuma linha com que trocar!
no savant2 template directories were found in: common pt Nenhuma directoria do modelo Savant2 foi encontrada em:
no subject common pt Sem assunto
none common pt Nenhum(a)
@ -795,14 +799,14 @@ northern mariana islands common pt Ilhas Marianas do Norte
norway common pt Noruega
not common pt não
not a user yet? register now common pt Ainda não é um utilizador? Registe-se agora
not assigned common pt não assinado/a
not assigned common pt Não assinado/a
not null common pt Não nulo
note common pt Nota
notes common pt Notas
nothing common pt Nada
nothing found - try again !!! common pt Nada encontrado - tente de novo !!!
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common pt Nada na área de transferência para colar !!!
nothing matched search criteria !!! common pt Não houve resultados para a pesquisa !!!
nothing found - try again !!! common pt Nada encontrado - tente de novo!
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common pt Nada na área de transferência para colar!
nothing matched search criteria !!! common pt Não houve resultados para a pesquisa!
notifications common pt Avisos
notify window common pt Janela de Aviso
notify your administrator to correct this situation common pt Avisar o seu administrador para corrigir esta situação
@ -818,12 +822,13 @@ old value common pt Valor Antigo
oman common pt Omã
on *nix systems please type: %1 common pt Em sistemas *nix, por favor escreva: %1
on mouse over common pt Ao passar com o rato por cima
onchange common pt OnChange
onclick common pt OnClick
only an other version found !!! common pt Apenas outra versão foi encontrada !!!
onchange common pt onchange
onclick common pt onclick
only an other version found !!! common pt Apenas outra versão foi encontrada!
only private common pt Apenas privado
only yours common pt Apenas as suas
open common pt Abrir
open existing contact common pt Abrir contacto existente
open notify window common pt Abrir janela de aviso
open popup window common pt Abrir janela popup
open sidebox common pt Abrir caixa lateral
@ -839,6 +844,7 @@ other common pt Outro
overflow common pt Excedente
overview common pt Visão geral
owner common pt Dono
ownership common pt Propriedade
padding common pt Preenchimento
page common pt Página
page was generated in %1 seconds common pt A página foi gerada em %1 segundos
@ -850,7 +856,7 @@ papua new guinea common pt Papua Nova Guiné
paraguay common pt Paraguai
parcel common pt Parcela
parent category common pt Categoria principal
parent is a '%1' !!! common pt Principal é um(a) '%1' !!!
parent is a '%1' !!! common pt Principal é um(a) '%1'!
password common pt Senha
password could not be changed common pt Não foi possível alterar a senha
password has been updated common pt A senha foi alterada
@ -877,14 +883,14 @@ pitcairn common pt Ilha Pitcairn
placeholders common pt Marcadores de lugar
play/pause common pt Reproduzir/Pausa
please %1 by hand common pt Por favor, %1 manualmente
please enter a name common pt Por favor, insira um nome !
please enter table-name first !!! common pt Por favor, insira o nome da tabela primeiro !!!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common pt Por favor, recarregue o ambiente de trabalho do EGroupware (F5 / Cmd+r).
please enter a name common pt Por favor, insira um nome!
please enter table-name first !!! common pt Por favor, insira o nome da tabela primeiro!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common pt Por favor, recarregue o ambiente de trabalho do EGroupware (F5 / Cmd + R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common pt Lembre-se de utilizar '%1' como nome de utilizador para iniciar sessão local a partir de agora!
please run setup to become current common pt Por favor, execute a configuração para actualizar o sistema
please select common pt Por favor, seleccione
please set your global preferences common pt Por favor, defina as suas preferências gerais
please set your preferences for this application common pt Configure suas preferências para esta aplicação !
please set your preferences for this application common pt Configure suas preferências para esta aplicação!
please type %1 more characters common pt Por favor, introduza mais %1 carácter(es)
please type 1 more character common pt Por favor, introduza mais 1 carácter
please wait... common pt Por favor, aguarde...
@ -916,13 +922,13 @@ read a list of entries. common pt Ler uma lista de registos.
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. common pt Ler um registo único passando a ID e a lista de campos.
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common pt Ler modelo Web da base de dados (para as chaves em cima)
read this list of methods. common pt Lê esta lista de métodos.
reading common pt a ler
reading common pt A ler
readonly common pt Apenas para leitura
refresh common pt Atualizar
register common pt Registar
reject common pt Rejeitar
remember me common pt Lembrar-se de mim
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common pt Remover linha (não será possível anular esta acção!!!)
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common pt Remover linha (não será possível anular esta acção!)
remove selected accounts common pt Eliminar contas seleccionadas
remove shortcut common pt Eliminar Atalho
remove this link (not the entry itself) common pt Remover esta ligação (não o registo em si)
@ -943,7 +949,7 @@ returns struct of users application access common pt Fornece a estrutura de aces
reunion common pt Reunião
right common pt Direita
romania common pt Roménia
row... common pt Linha...
row... common pt Linha ...
russian federation common pt Federação Russa
rwanda common pt Ruanda
sa common pt Sa
@ -957,7 +963,7 @@ san marino common pt San Marino
sao tome and principe common pt São Tomé e Príncipe
saturday common pt Sábado
saudi arabia common pt Arábia Saudita
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common pt A versão Savant2 é diferente da Savant2 wrapper.<br/>Esta versão: %1 <br/>Versão Savant2:%2
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common pt A versão Savant2 é diferente da Savant2 wrapper.<br>Esta versão: %1 <br>Versão Savant2:%2
save common pt Guardar
save all common pt Salve todo
save as common pt Salvar como
@ -982,7 +988,7 @@ select access common pt Seleccionar acesso
select account common pt Seleccionar conta
select all common pt Seleccionar tudo
select all %1 %2 for %3 common pt Seleccionar todos %1 %2 para %3
select an app first !!! common pt Seleccione uma aplicação primeiro !!!
select an app first !!! common pt Seleccione uma aplicação primeiro!
select an app to search in common pt Seleccione a aplicação a pesquisar
select an application common pt Seleccione uma aplicação
select an application, (*) = uninstalled common pt Seleccione uma aplicação, (*) = desinstalada
@ -1005,7 +1011,7 @@ select hour common pt Selecione hora
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) common pt Seleccionar se o conteúdo de um campo não deve ser traduzido (a etiqueta será sempre traduzida)
select language common pt Selecione o idioma
select month common pt Seleccionar mês
select multiple accounts common pt seleccionar várias contas
select multiple accounts common pt Seleccionar várias contas
select number common pt Seleccionar número
select one common pt Seleccione um
select one ... common pt Seleccione um(a) ...
@ -1029,8 +1035,8 @@ send common pt Enviar
senegal common pt Senegal
september common pt Setembro
server %1 has been added common pt O servidor %1 foi adicionado
server answered. processing response... common pt O servidor respondeu. A processar resposta...
server contacted. waiting for response... common pt O servidor foi contactado. A aguardar resposta...
server answered. processing response... common pt O servidor respondeu. A processar resposta ...
server contacted. waiting for response... common pt O servidor foi contactado. A aguardar resposta ...
server name common pt Nome do Servidor
session has been killed common pt Sessão foi terminada
set these columns as the default common pt Defina essas colunas como padrão
@ -1047,20 +1053,20 @@ show all categorys common pt Exibir todas as categorias
show clock? common pt Exibir relógio?
show home and logout button in main application bar? common pt Deseja exibir os botões "página inicial" e "sair" na barra da aplicação principal?
show logo's on the desktop. common pt Exibir logótipo no ambiente de trabalho.
show menu common pt exibir menu
show menu common pt Exibir menu
show page generation time common pt Exibir tempo de geração da página
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common pt Exibir tempo de geração da página no final da página?
show page generation time? common pt Exibir tempo de geração da página?
show password common pt Mostrar palavra-passe
show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common pt Exibir o logótipo da EGroupware e da x-desktop no ambiente de trabalho.
show values common pt Exibir valores
show/hide common pt mostrar/ocultar barra lateral
show/hide common pt Mostrar/ocultar barra lateral
show_more_apps common pt Exibir mais aplicações
showing common pt A exibir
showing %1 common pt A exibir %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common pt A exibir %1 - %2 de %3
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing common pt exibe / permite-lhe a submissão de valores no modelo Web para testes
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before common pt exibr/apresenta o modelo Web para testes. NÃO o guarda antes
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before common pt Exibr/apresenta o modelo Web para testes. NÃO o guarda antes
sierra leone common pt Serra Leoa
sign up common pt Inscrever-se
singapore common pt Singapura
@ -1084,7 +1090,7 @@ start date common pt Data de início
start new search for the above pattern common pt Iniciar uma nova pesquisa com o padrão acima
start time common pt Hora de início
start with common pt Iniciar com
starting up... common pt A iniciar...
starting up... common pt A iniciar ...
status common pt Estado
stretched common pt Esticado
su common pt Su
@ -1109,7 +1115,7 @@ switzerland common pt Suíça
syrian arab republic common pt Síria, República Árabe
tabindex common pt Indíce de tabelas
table properties common pt Propriedades da tabela
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! common pt Tabela inalterada, não é necessário editar !!!
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! common pt Tabela inalterada, não é necessário editar!
tablename common pt Nome da tabela
tabs common pt Tabelas
taiwan common pt Taiwan (Formosa)/Taipé
@ -1126,7 +1132,7 @@ thailand common pt Tailândia
the following applications require upgrades common pt As seguintes aplicações requerem actualização
the following document-types are supported: preferences pt Os seguintes tipos de documentos são suportados:
the mail server returned common pt O servidor de correio electrónico retornou
this name has been used already common pt Este nome já está a ser utilizado !
this name has been used already common pt Este nome já está a ser utilizado!
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) common pt Este texto surge se o campo de entrada estiver vazio e se não tiver focus (blur)
thursday common pt Quinta
tiled common pt Mosaico
@ -1142,7 +1148,7 @@ to start the db-tools common pt Para iniciar as ferramentas da base de dados
to start the etemplate editor common pt Para iniciar o editor de modelos Web
to start the search common pt Para iniciar a pesquisa
today common pt Hoje
todays date, eg. "%1" common pt data de hoje, ex: "%1"
todays date, eg. "%1" common pt Data de hoje, ex: "%1"
togo common pt Togo
tokelau common pt Toquelau
tonga common pt Tonga
@ -1182,10 +1188,10 @@ upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common pt A di
upload file(s) from filemanager... common pt Carregar arquivo (s) a partir de Filemanager ...
url common pt URL
uruguay common pt Uruguai
use button to search for common pt utilizar Botão para pesquisar por
use button to search for address common pt utilizar Botão para pesquisar por Endereço
use button to search for calendarevent common pt utilizar Botão para pesquisar por Evento do Calendário
use button to search for project common pt utilizar Botão para pesquisar por Projecto
use button to search for common pt Utilizar Botão para pesquisar por
use button to search for address common pt Utilizar Botão para pesquisar por Endereço
use button to search for calendarevent common pt Utilizar Botão para pesquisar por Evento do Calendário
use button to search for project common pt Utilizar Botão para pesquisar por Projecto
user common pt Usuário
user accounts common pt Contas do utilizador
user groups common pt Grupos do utilizador
@ -1196,13 +1202,13 @@ users choice common pt À escolha dos usuários
uzbekistan common pt Usbequistão
valign common pt Alinhamento vertical
value common pt Valor
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common pt O valor tem de ser pelo menos '%1' !!!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common pt O valor tem de ser no máximo '%1' !!!
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common pt O valor tem de ser pelo menos '%1'!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common pt O valor tem de ser no máximo '%1'!
vanuatu common pt Vanuatu
vbox common pt Caixa vertical
venezuela common pt Venezuela
version common pt Versão
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) common pt número da versão, deve estar no formulário: major.minor.revision.number (ex: todos os números preenchidos com zeros)
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) common pt Número da versão, deve estar no formulário: major.minor.revision.number (ex: todos os números preenchidos com zeros)
vertical alignment of row common pt Alinhamento vertical da linha
viet nam common pt Vietname
view common pt Ver
@ -1218,7 +1224,6 @@ welcome common pt Bem-vindo
western sahara common pt Saara Ocidental
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common pt Que cor deve preencher todos os espaços em branco do ambiente de trabalho?
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common pt O que acontece ao conteúdo excedente: visível (por omissão), oculto, consultável utilizando a barra de deslocamento, automático (decisão do navegador)
what style would you like the image to have? common pt Que estilo deseja que a imagem tenha?
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common pt Se disser que sim, os botões "página inicial" e "sair" serão apresentados como aplicações na barra de aplicações.
which groups common pt Que grupo(s)
whole query common pt Consulta Whole
@ -1229,14 +1234,14 @@ width of column (in % or pixel) common pt Largura da coluna (em % ou píxeis)
width of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div common pt Largura da tabela em % ou pixeis para a tag e div (opcional) da tabela.
width, disabled common pt Largura, Desactivada
wk common pt Wk
work email common pt endereço de correio electrónico do trabalho
work email common pt Email de trabalho
working days common pt Dias de trabalho
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common pt Deseja apresentar o tempo de geração da página no final de cada janela?
write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php common pt Editar <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php
write langfile common pt Editar ficheiro de idioma
write tables common pt Editar tabelas
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app common pt Edita um ficheiro 'etemplates.inc.php' (para aplicação no Nome) na directoria de configuração da aplicação.
writing common pt a escrever
writing common pt A escrever
written by: common pt Escrito por:
xml-file to import common pt Ficheiro XML para importar
xslt template common pt Modelo XSLT
@ -1252,8 +1257,8 @@ you have not entered a title common pt Não inseriu um título
you have not entered a valid date common pt Não inseriu uma data válida
you have not entered a valid time of day common pt Não inseriu uma hora do dia válida
you have not entered participants common pt Não inseriu participantes
you have selected an invalid date common pt Seleccionou uma data inválida !
you have selected an invalid main category common pt Seleccionou uma categoria principal inválida !
you have selected an invalid date common pt Seleccionou uma data inválida!
you have selected an invalid main category common pt Seleccionou uma categoria principal inválida!
you have successfully logged out common pt Saiu com sucesso
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common pt É necessário adicionar o utilizador '%1' do servidor Web ao grupo '%2'
you need to select a file first! common pt Selecione um arquivo primeiro!
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
%1 email(s) added into %2 common ro %1 e-mail(uri) adăugat(e) în %2
%1 more %2 selected ... common ro %1 mai multe %2 selectate...
%1 more %2 selected ... common ro %1 mai multe %2 selectate ...
'%1' copied to clipboard common ro '%1' copiat în clipboard
'%1' is not a valid json file! common ro "%1" nu este un fișier JSON valid
1 day common ro 1 zi
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ authenticate common ro Autentificare
avatar common ro Avatar
browser %1 %2 is not recommended. you may experience issues and not working features. please use the latest version of chrome, firefox or edge. thank you! common ro Browserul %1 %2 nu este recomandat. Este posibil să întâmpinați probleme și să nu funcționeze funcțiile. Vă rugăm să utilizați cea mai recentă versiune de Chrome, Firefox sau Edge. Vă mulțumim!
cancel common ro Renunţă
charset common ro utf-8
charset common ro Set de caractere
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common ro Verificați dacă există valori goale în declarațiile IF. Exemplu {{IF url~EMPTY~~~Website:}}} - Dacă url nu este gol, scrie "Website:"
choose the default filename for merged documents. preferences ro Alegeți numele de fișier implicit pentru documentele fuzionate.
colour common ro Culoare
@ -92,15 +92,18 @@ invalid or expired 'remember me' token common ro Ficha "lembre-se de mim" invál
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common ro É recomendável armazenar sua chave pública no Addressbook, para que outros usuários possam escrever seus e-mails criptografados.
light mode common ro Mod deschis
login rejected by epl firewall, please contact your administrator common ro Autentificare respinsă de firewall-ul EGroupware, vă rugăm să contactați administratorul.
logout common ro Ieșire
logout common ro Leșire
lost login id common ro ID de conectare pierdut
lost password common ro Parolă pierdută
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common ro Parolă pierdută
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common ro Instalarea addon-ului Mailvelope a eșuat! Vă rugăm să încercați din nou.
mailvelope addon installation succeded. now you may configure the options. common ro Instalarea addon-ului Mailvelope a reușit. Acum puteți configura opțiunile.
move common ro Mutați
new password common ro Parolă nouă
no filters common ro Fără filtre
ok common ro Acceptă
open common ro Deschideți
open existing contact common ro Deschidere contact existent
ownership common ro Proprietate
permission denied! common ro Permisiune refuzată!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common ro Permisiune refuzată! Aceasta este o funcție rezervată administratorilor.
permisson denied! common ro Permisiune refuzată!
@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ pgp encryption installation common ro Instalare PGP Encryption
placeholders common ro Placeholders
play/pause common ro Redare/Pauză
please %1 by hand common ro Vă rugăm să vă rugăm să vă folosiți manual de %1
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common ro Vă rugăm să reîncărcați biroul EGroupware (F5 / Cmd+r).
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common ro Vă rugăm să reîncărcați biroul EGroupware (F5 / Cmd + R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common ro Nu uitați să folosiți de acum înainte numele de utilizator "%1" pentru autentificarea locală!
please type %1 more characters common ro Vă rugăm să introduceți încă %1 caractere
please type 1 more character common ro Vă rugăm să introduceți încă 1 caracter
@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ preferences common ro Preferințe
repeat password common ro Repetarea parolei
saved column sizes to preferences. common ro Salvat dimensiunile coloanelor în preferințe.
show password common ro Afișare parolă
show/hide common ro afișați / ascundeți bara laterală
show/hide common ro Afișați / ascundeți bara laterală
sign up common ro Înregistrare
site configuration common ro Configurația aplicației
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common ro Contul dvs. a fost actualizat cu date noi de la furnizorul dvs. de identitate.
@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' common ru %1 (%2 новых) сообщений записано для приложения '%3' и языков '%4'
%1 active file(s) with same name as directory inactivated! admin ru %1 активных файлов с именем, аналогичным имени каталога, удалены
%1 copied - the copy can now be edited common ru %1 скопировано - теперь копию можно редактировать
%1 directories %2 found! admin ru %1 каталогов %2 найдено
%1 email addresses inserted common ru Вставлен адрес e-mail: %1
%1 email(s) added into %2 common ru %1 письмо(я) добавлено в %2
%1 entries found, select one ... common ru Найдено %1 вхождений, выберите одно...
%1 entries found, select one ... common ru Найдено %1 вхождений, выберите одно ...
%1 etemplates deleted common ru %1 e-Шаблонов удалено
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' common ru %1 е-Шаблонов приложения '%2' сброшено в '%3'
%1 etemplates found common ru %1 e-Шаблонов найдено
%1 file common ru %1 файл
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common ru %1 не может быть исполнен Веб-сервером!
%1 matches on search criteria common ru %1 совпадений с условием поиска
%1 more %2 selected ... common ru выбрано еще %1 %2...
%1 more %2 selected ... common ru выбрано еще %1 %2 ...
%1 more... common ru еще %1 ...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common ru %1 новых е-Шаблонов импортировано для приложения '%2'
%1 not implemented for %2! common ru %1 неприменимо для %2!
%1 proxy of %2 common ru %1 прокси из %2
%1 to sync groupdav ru %1 синхронизировать
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common ru %1Выберите другой каталог%2<br />или дайте веб-серверу права на запись в %3
%1, duplicate id common ru %1, дублирующий идентификатор
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common ru %1Выберите другой каталог%2<br>или дайте веб-серверу права на запись в %3
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common ru %1EGroupware%2 - многопользовательская, web-ориентированная среда коллективной работы, написанная на %3PHP%4.
%s disabled common ru %s отключен
%s needed common ru нужен %s
@ -50,6 +52,7 @@
5 seconds common ru 5 секунд
80 (http) admin ru 80 (http)
a pattern to be searched for common ru Шаблон для поиска
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz common ru ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
abort common ru Прервать
about common ru О программе
about %1 common ru О %1
@ -139,8 +142,8 @@ applies the changes to the given version of the template common ru Примен
apply common ru Применить
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries common ru Применить действие на весь запрос, а не только на отображаемые записи
april common ru Апрель
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common ru Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эти записи ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common ru Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту запись ?
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common ru Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эти записи?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common ru Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту запись?
argentina common ru Аргентина
armenia common ru Армения
aruba common ru Аруба
@ -153,10 +156,8 @@ australia common ru Австралия
austria common ru Австрия
authenticate common ru Аутентифицировать
author common ru Автор
autohide sidebox menu's common ru Автоматически скрывать боковые подменю(menu's)
autohide sidebox menu's common ru Автоматически скрывать боковые подменю
autohide sidebox menus common ru Автоматически скрывать боковые меню
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common ru Автоматически скрывать боковые подменю(menu's)?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common ru Автоматически скрывать боковые меню ?
autosave default category common ru Автоматически сохранять категорию по умолчанию
avatar common ru Аватар
azerbaijan common ru Азербайджан
@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ botswana common ru Ботсвана
bottom common ru Низ
bouvet island common ru О-в Бувет
box common ru Рамка
box... common ru Рамка...
box... common ru Рамка ...
brazil common ru Бразилия
british indian ocean territory common ru Британские территории бассейна Индийского океана
broken link common ru Битая ссылка
@ -207,8 +208,8 @@ can't create directory %1 to connect found unconnected nodes to it! admin ru Н
canada common ru Канада
cancel common ru Прервать
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common ru Не могу заменить %1, потому что это папка
cannot set a category as parent, which is part of this categorys subtree! common ru Не могу установить категорию как родительскую,которая является частью поддерева этой категории!(?)
cannot set this cat as its own parent! common ru Не могу установить эту категорию как собственного родителя!(?)
cannot set a category as parent, which is part of this categorys subtree! common ru Не могу установить категорию как родительскую,которая является частью поддерева этой категории!
cannot set this cat as its own parent! common ru Не могу установить эту категорию как собственного родителя!
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common ru Нелзя удалить отдельный виджет с сетки!
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common ru Нельзя удалять одну лишь колонку сетки!
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! common ru Нельзя удалять одну лишь строку в сетке!
@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ chad common ru Чад
change common ru Изменить
change owner common ru Сменить владельца
changed common ru Изменилось
charset common ru utf-8
charset common ru Charset
check all common ru Проверить все
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common ru Проверка пустых значений в операторах IF. Пример {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - Если url не пуст, то пишется "Веб-сайт:".
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common ru убедитесь, что содержимое должно только отображаться, но не меняться (содержание не будет отослано назад!)
@ -279,7 +280,7 @@ collection empty. common ru коллекция пуста.
collection listing common ru список коллекций
colombia common ru Колумбия
colour common ru Цвет
column... common ru Столбец...
column... common ru Столбец ...
columnname common ru ИмяСтолбца
comment common ru Комментарий
common preferences common ru Общие настройки
@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ congo, the democratic republic of the common ru Демократическая
contact common ru Контакт
contact field to show common ru Поле Контакт для показа
contact fields common ru Поля Контакта
contacting server... common ru Соединение с Сервером...
contacting server... common ru Соединение с Сервером ...
contains common ru содержит
content type common ru Тип содержимого
cook islands common ru О-ва Кука
@ -327,7 +328,7 @@ current common ru Текущий
current users common ru Текущие пользователи
custom common ru пользовательский
custom fields common ru пользовательские поля
custom javascript for onchange common ru пользовательский JavaScript по onChange
custom javascript for onchange common ru пользовательский JavaScript по onchange
cut common ru Вырезать
cyprus common ru Кипр
czech republic common ru Чехия
@ -377,14 +378,9 @@ denmark common ru Дания
description common ru Описание
detail common ru Подробность
details common ru Подробности
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common ru Отключить обработку ошибок для Internet Explorer версии 5.5 и выше для показа прозрачности в PNG-картинках?
direction left to right common ru Направление слева направо
directory common ru Каталог
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common ru Каталог не существует, не читаем веб-сервером или указан не относительно корня документов!
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common ru Отключить обработку ошибок изображений png для Internet Explorer
disable slider effects common ru Отключить эффекты скольжения
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common ru Отключить эффекты анимации выпадающих меню на странице? Пользователи Opera и Konqueror возможно захотят это сделать.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common ru Отключить обработку ошибок для Internet Explorer версии 5.5 и выше для показа прозрачности в PNG-картинках?
disabled common ru Отключено
discard changes common ru Отменить изменения
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common ru показывается впереди вводимого или когда вводимое вставлено для '%s' в метке (метка кнопки Применить или Изображение-имяфайла)
@ -443,7 +439,7 @@ email common ru Эл.почта
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common ru Почтовый адрес для пользователя, напр. "%1"
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common ru встроенные стили css, yапр. '.red { background: red; }' (отметьте знак '.' gеред именем класса) или '@import url(...)' (имя класса глобально для всей страницы!)
empty file common ru Пустой файл
enable javascript onchange submit common ru разрешить подчинение JavaScript onChange
enable javascript onchange submit common ru разрешить подчинение JavaScript onchange
enable logging groupdav ru Включить ведение журнала
enabled common ru Включено
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav ru Включить ведение журнала траффика CalDAV/CardDAV для диагностики проблем с устройствами.
@ -452,7 +448,7 @@ end time common ru Время окончания
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common ru ввести '' для пустого значения по-умолчанию, ничего обозначает без значения по-умолчанию
enter a search pattern common ru Введите шаблон поиска
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common ru Введите имя файла для загрузки и прикрепления, используйте [Обзор] чтобы его найти
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin ru Введите адрес Вашего сервера EGroupware.<br>Например: http://www.domain.com/egroupware или /egroupware<br><b>Без слэша на конце</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin ru Введите адрес Вашего сервера EGroupware.<br>Например: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware или /egroupware<br><b>Без слэша на конце</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common ru введите здесь новый номер версии (больше прежнего номера), не заполнять если не изменять файл
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common ru введите здесь новый номер версии (должен быть больше прежнего номера)
entry has been deleted sucessfully common ru Запись успешно удалена
@ -469,9 +465,9 @@ error deleting %1 %2 directory common ru Ошибка удаления папк
error deleting %1! common ru Ошибка удаления %1!
error renaming %1 %2 directory common ru Ошибка переименования папки %1 %2
error uploading file! filemanager ru Ошибка загрузки файла!
error: template not found !!! common ru Ошибка: Шаблон не найден !!!
error: template not found !!! common ru Ошибка: Шаблон не найден!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common ru Ошибка: веб-сервер не может записывать в '%1'!
error: while saving !!! common ru Ошибка: во время сохранения!!!
error: while saving !!! common ru Ошибка: во время сохранения!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common ru Ошибка: запись файла (нет разрешения на запись для веб-сервера)!
estonia common ru Эстония
etag common ru ETag
@ -491,7 +487,7 @@ example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field preferences ru Пример {{NELF role}} - если поле Роль не пусто, устанавливает LF без всякого значения поля
exchange this row with the one above common ru поменять местами это строку со строкой выше
exchange this two columns common ru пеменять местами эти две колонки
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common ru экспорт загруженного е-Шаблона в файл xml
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common ru экспорт загруженного е-Шаблона в файл XML
export xml common ru Экспорт XML
extensions loaded: common ru Загруженные расширения:
failed to change password. common ru Ошибка при смене пароля
@ -503,7 +499,7 @@ fax number common ru номер факса
features of the editor? common ru Особенности редактора
february common ru Февраль
field common ru Поле
field must not be empty !!! common ru Поле должно быть заполнено !!!
field must not be empty !!! common ru Поле должно быть заполнено!
fields common ru Поля
fiji common ru Фиджи
file common ru Файл
@ -512,7 +508,7 @@ file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed! admin ru Фа
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin ru Файл %1 не имеет контента в физической файловой системе %2
file '%1' not found! common ru Файл '%!' не найден!
file a file common ru Сохранить файл
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common ru Файл содержит больше одного е-Шаблона, показан только последний !!!
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common ru Файл содержит больше одного е-Шаблона, показан только последний!
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common ru Файл неправильного типа (%1 !=%2)!
file writen common ru Файл записан
files common ru Файлы
@ -576,7 +572,7 @@ group has been updated common ru Группа обновлена
group name common ru имя группы
group public common ru Общая Группа
groupbox common ru Рамка группы
groupdav common ru CalDAV, CardCAV и GroupDAV сервер
groupdav common ru CalDAV, CardDAV и GroupDAV сервер
groups common ru Группы
groups with permission for %1 common ru Группы с разрешением для %1
groups without permission for %1 common ru Группы без разрешения для %1
@ -615,13 +611,12 @@ how many entries should the list show common ru Сколко записей на
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common ru Сколько иконок будет показываться на верхней панели. Дополнительные иконки будут объединены в выпадающее меню, вызываемое пиктограммой в правом углу панели навигации.
how many rows to print common ru Сколько строк печатать
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common ru Как показывать главное меню EGroupware?
html common ru Html
html common ru HTML
html link to the current record common ru HTML-ссылка на запись
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common ru HTML-ссылки на все записи, связанные с текущей записью, за исключением вложенных файлов
hungary common ru Венгрия
iceland common ru Исландия
id common ru Идентификатор
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common ru Словарь ieSpell не найден. Нажмите ОК для перехода на страницу загрузки.
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common ru если поле запрещено - показывается пустая клетка таблицы, для (временного) удаления поля/ячейки
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common ru Если выбраны часы, обновлять их показания ежесекундно или ежеминутно?
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common ru Если в папке имеются изображения, Вы можете выбрать нужное для просмотра.
@ -838,7 +833,7 @@ new search common ru Новый поиск
new table created common ru Новая таблица создана
new value common ru Новое значение
new zealand common ru Новая Зеландия
newer version '%1' exists !!! common ru существует более новая версия '%1' !!!
newer version '%1' exists !!! common ru существует более новая версия '%1'!
next common ru Следующий
next page common ru Следующая страница
nextmatch common ru Следующее совпадение
@ -853,7 +848,7 @@ nigeria common ru Нигерия
niue common ru Ниуэ
no common ru Нет
no - cancel common ru Нет - Отменить
no column to swap with !!! common ru нет колонки для обмена !!!
no column to swap with !!! common ru нет колонки для обмена!
no entries found, try again ... common ru записей не найдено, попробуйте еще ...
no file common ru нет файла
no filename given or selected via browse... common ru файл через "Открыть" не получен либо не выбран ...
@ -861,7 +856,7 @@ no filters common ru Без фильтров
no history for this record common ru Нет истории для этой записи
no matches found common ru Не найдено совпадений
no rights to export more than %1 entries! common ru Недостаточно прав для экспорта более, чем %1 записей!
no row to swap with !!! common ru нет строки для обмена !!!
no row to swap with !!! common ru нет строки для обмена!
no savant2 template directories were found in: common ru Каталог с шаблонами Savant2 не найден в:
no subject common ru Нет темы
none common ru Ничего
@ -878,7 +873,7 @@ not readable %1 entry of user %2 common ru Запись %1 не может бы
note common ru Заметка
notes common ru Заметки
nothing common ru ничего
nothing found - try again !!! common ru Ничего не найдено - попробуйте еще раз !!!
nothing found - try again !!! common ru Ничего не найдено - попробуйте еще раз!
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common ru в буфере нет ничего для вставки
nothing matched search criteria !!! common ru Нет совпадений с критерием поиска
nothing to save. common ru Нет ничего для сохранения.
@ -899,12 +894,13 @@ on *nix systems please type: %1 common ru В *NIX-системах пожалу
on mouse over common ru При наведенном курсоре
onchange common ru приИзменении
onclick common ru приЩелчке
only an other version found !!! common ru найдена только другая Версия !!!
only an other version found !!! common ru найдена только другая Версия!
only private common ru только личные
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav ru полностью поддерживается только несколько совместимых клиентов(например от Apple).если вы введёте адрес,то скорей всего не поддерживается!
only yours common ru только Ваши
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common ru Опс! Вы застукали нас прямо во время обслуживания системы.
open common ru Открыть
open existing contact common ru Открыть существующий контакт
open notify window common ru Открыть окно извещения
open popup window common ru Открыть всплывающее окно
open sidebox common ru Открыть боковое меню
@ -920,6 +916,7 @@ other common ru Другие
overflow common ru Переполнение
overview common ru Просмотр
owner common ru Владелец
ownership common ru Владение
padding common ru Набивка
page common ru Страница
page was generated in %1 seconds common ru Страница создана за %1 сек.
@ -931,7 +928,7 @@ papua new guinea common ru Папуа и Новая Гвинея
paraguay common ru Парагвай
parcel common ru Партия (пакет?)
parent category common ru Родительская категория
parent is a '%1' !!! common ru родитель - '%1' !!!
parent is a '%1' !!! common ru родитель - '%1'!
password common ru Пароль
password could not be changed common ru Пароль нельзя изменить
password has been updated common ru Пароль обновлен
@ -942,7 +939,7 @@ password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common ru Пароль до
password must have at least %1 characters common ru Пароль должен содержать не менее %1 символов
paste common ru Вставить
path common ru Путь
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common ru Путь к файлам пользователя и группы ДОЛЖЕН НАХОДИТЬСЯ ВНЕ главного каталога Веб-сервера (document-root)!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common ru Путь к файлам пользователя и группы ДОЛЖЕН НАХОДИТЬСЯ ВНЕ главного каталога Веб-сервера (document-root)!
permission denied! common ru Доступ запрещен!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common ru В разрешении отказано! Эта функция доступна только для администраторов.
permissions to the files/users directory common ru разрешения для папки файлов/пользователей
@ -960,16 +957,16 @@ placeholders common ru Место для размещения
play/pause common ru Воспроизведение/Пауза
please %1 by hand common ru Пожалуйста %1 вручную
please enter a name common ru введите имя !
please enter table-name first !!! common ru Пожалйста, сначала введите имя таблицы !!!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common ru Пожалуйста, перезагрузите рабочий стол EGroupware (F5 / Cmd+r).
please enter table-name first !!! common ru Пожалйста, сначала введите имя таблицы!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common ru Пожалуйста, перезагрузите рабочий стол EGroupware (F5 / Cmd + R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common ru Пожалуйста, не забывайте впредь использовать '%1' в качестве имени пользователя для локального входа в систему!
please run setup to become current common ru Пожалуйста, запустите обновление.
please select common ru Пожалуйста Выберите
please set your global preferences common ru Пожалуйста, установите Ваши общие настройки!
please set your preferences for this application common ru Пожалуйста установите Ваши настройки для этого приложения !
please set your preferences for this application common ru Пожалуйста установите Ваши настройки для этого приложения!
please type %1 more characters common ru Пожалуйста, введите еще %1 символ(ов)
please type 1 more character common ru Пожалуйста, введите еще 1 символ
please wait... common ru Пожалуйста подождите...
please wait... common ru Пожалуйста подождите ...
please, check back with us shortly. common ru Пожалуйста, заходите еще поскорее.
pm common ru вечер
poland common ru Польша
@ -1009,7 +1006,7 @@ register common ru Зарегистрировать
regular common ru Периодический
reject common ru Отклонить
remember me common ru Запомнить меня
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common ru убрать Строку (НЕ может быть отменено!!!)
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common ru убрать Строку (НЕ может быть отменено!)
remove selected accounts common ru Удалить выбранные учетные записи
remove shortcut common ru Удалить ярлычок
remove this link (not the entry itself) common ru Убрать эту ссылку (не запись по ней)
@ -1019,7 +1016,7 @@ repeat password common ru Повторить пароль
replace common ru Замена
replace with common ru Заменить на
requests and full responses to files directory common ru Запросы и полные ответы на файловые каталоги
requests and truncated responses to apache error-log groupdav ru Запросы и короткие ответы к логу ошибок apache
requests and truncated responses to apache error-log groupdav ru Запросы и короткие ответы к логу ошибок Apache
required common ru Необходимо
reset common ru Сброс
resource calendars groupdav ru Календари ресурса
@ -1035,7 +1032,7 @@ returns struct of users application access common ru показать струк
reunion common ru О-в Реюньон
right common ru Вправо
romania common ru Румыния
row... common ru Строка...
row... common ru Строка ...
russian common ru русский
russian federation common ru Российская Федерация
rwanda common ru Руанда
@ -1068,7 +1065,7 @@ search %1 '%2' common ru Поиск %1 '%2'
search accounts common ru Поиск учетных записей
search for '%1' common ru Искать '%1'
search or select accounts common ru поиск или выбор учетных записей
search... common ru Поиск...
search... common ru Поиск ...
second common ru второй
section common ru Секция
securest common ru Более безопасно
@ -1082,8 +1079,8 @@ select account common ru Выбор учетной записи
select action common ru Выберите действие
select all common ru Выбрать все
select all %1 %2 for %3 common ru Выберите все %1 %2 для %3
select an app first !!! common ru Сначала выберите приложение!!!
select an app to search in common ru Выбор Прил. для поиска в (?)
select an app first !!! common ru Сначала выберите приложение!
select an app to search in common ru Выбор Прил. для поиска в
select an application common ru Выбор приложения
select an application, (*) = uninstalled common ru Выбор приложения, (*) = уделены
select an entry to link with common ru Выбор записи для формирования связи с ней
@ -1106,7 +1103,7 @@ select month common ru Выбор Месяца
select multiple accounts common ru выберите множество учетных записей
select number common ru Выбор Номара
select one common ru Выберите один
select one ... common ru Выберите один (?)...
select one ... common ru Выберите один ...
select percentage common ru Выбрать процент
select priority common ru Выбрать Приоритет
select state common ru Выбрать Состояние
@ -1127,8 +1124,8 @@ senegal common ru Сенегал
september common ru Сентябрь
serbia common ru Сербия
server %1 has been added common ru Добавлен сервер %1
server answered. processing response... common ru Получен ответ сервера. Обработка ответа...
server contacted. waiting for response... common ru Контакт с сервером. Ожидание ответа...
server answered. processing response... common ru Получен ответ сервера. Обработка ответа ...
server contacted. waiting for response... common ru Контакт с сервером. Ожидание ответа ...
server name common ru Имя сервера
session has been killed common ru Сессия прекращена
set as default common ru Установить по умолчанию
@ -1191,7 +1188,7 @@ start directory for image browser of rich text editor in egroupware vfs (fileman
start new search for the above pattern common ru Запуск нового поиска указанного выше примера
start time common ru Время начала
start with common ru запуск с помощью
starting up... common ru Запуск...
starting up... common ru Запуск ...
status common ru Статус
stretched common ru растянутый
subject common ru Тема
@ -1213,13 +1210,13 @@ sweden common ru Швеция
switch to a parent widget common ru переключиться на родительский виджет
switch to an other widgets of that container common ru переключиться на другой виджет в контейнере
switzerland common ru Швейцария
sync all selected into one groupdav ru Синхронизация всего выбранного .
sync all selected into one groupdav ru Синхронизация всего выбранного
syrian arab republic common ru Сирия
tab common ru Табуляция (Tab)
tabindex common ru Индекс табуляции
table %1 is excluded from backup and restore. data will not be restored. common ru Таблица %1 исключена из резервного копирования. Данные восстановлены не будут
table properties common ru Свойства таблицы
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! common ru Таблица не изменена, нет необходимости в записи !!!
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! common ru Таблица не изменена, нет необходимости в записи!
tablename common ru ИмяТаблицы
tabs common ru Закладки
taiwan common ru Тайвань
@ -1232,13 +1229,13 @@ text common ru Текст
text color: common ru Цвет текста:
textarea common ru область текста
thailand common ru Таиланд
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). preferences ru Документ может содержать местоположение типа {{%3}} для замены данными. %1 полный список местоположений%2.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). preferences ru Документ может содержать местоположение типа {{%3}} для замены данными. %1полный список местоположений%2.
the following applications require upgrades common ru Следующие приложения требуют обновления
the following document-types are supported: preferences ru Поддерживаются следующие типы документов:
the mail server returned common ru Почтовый сервер вернул
there already is a system-user with this name. user's should not have the same name as a systemuser common ru Пользователь с таким именем уже существует. Пожалуйста выберите другое имя.
they will be sub-folders in users home (%1 attribute). common ru Они будут подпапкамив домашнем каталоге пользователя (%1 атрибут).
this name has been used already common ru Это имя уже используется !
this name has been used already common ru Это имя уже используется!
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) common ru этот текст появляется, если поле ввода пусто и не в фокусе (смазано)
thursday common ru Четверг
tiled common ru мозаика
@ -1286,7 +1283,7 @@ united kingdom common ru Англия
united states common ru США
united states minor outlying islands common ru Удаленные острова под юрисдикцией США
unknown common ru Неизвестный
unlink common ru Разорвать связь (убрать ссылку?)
unlink common ru Разъединить
update common ru Обновить
update a single entry by passing the fields. common ru Изменение отдельной записи передачей полей.
update from version '%s' to common ru Изменение с Версии '%s' на
@ -1309,8 +1306,8 @@ users choice common ru Выбор Пользователя
uzbekistan common ru Узбекистан
valign common ru вВыравнивание
value common ru Значение
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common ru Значение должно быть минимум '%1' !!!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common ru Значение должно быть максимум '%1' !!!
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common ru Значение должно быть минимум '%1'!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common ru Значение должно быть максимум '%1'!
vanuatu common ru Вануату
vbox common ru ВРамка
venezuela common ru Венесуэлла
@ -1332,7 +1329,6 @@ western european common ru западноевропейский
western sahara common ru Западная Сахара
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common ru Какого цвета должно быть свободное место рабочего стола
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common ru что происходит при переполнении содержимого: видимо (по-умолчанию), скрыто, прокрутка, авто (решается браузером)
what style would you like the image to have? common ru Выберите стиль отображения
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common ru Если Вы ответите "да", кнопки "Домой" и "Выход" будут представлены в виде иконок на верхней панели.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common ru Где и как EGroupware будет показывать такие ссылки как Настройки, О Нас и Выход.
which groups common ru Какие группы
@ -1353,7 +1349,7 @@ write tables common ru Запись Таблиц
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app common ru pfписывает файл 'etemplates.inc.php' (для приложения по Имени) в каталог setup приложения
writing common ru запись
written by: common ru Записано:
xml-file to import common ru файл xml для импорта
xml-file to import common ru файл XML для импорта
xslt template common ru Шаблон XLST
year common ru Год
yemen common ru Йемен
@ -1369,10 +1365,10 @@ you have not entered a title common ru Вы не ввели заголовок
you have not entered a valid date common ru Вы не ввели правильную дату
you have not entered a valid time of day common ru Вы не ввели правильное время
you have not entered participants common ru Вы не ввели участников
you have selected an invalid date common ru Вы выбрали неправильную дату !
you have selected an invalid main category common ru Вы выбрали неправильную основную категорию !
you have selected an invalid date common ru Вы выбрали неправильную дату!
you have selected an invalid main category common ru Вы выбрали неправильную основную категорию!
you have successfully logged out common ru Вы успешно вышли
you need to %1set your timezone preference%2. common ru вы должны %1 выбрать настройки часового пояса%2.
you need to %1set your timezone preference%2. common ru вы должны %1выбрать настройки часового пояса%2.
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common ru Вам необходимо добавить пользователя Веб-сервера '%1' в группу '%2'.
you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common ru Для доступа к этим функциям вы должны быть администратором EGroupware!
you need to select a file first! common ru Сначала выберите файл!
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' common sk %1 (%2 nových) správ bolo napísaných pre aplikáciu '%3' a jazyky '%4'
%1 active file(s) with same name as directory inactivated! admin sk Bolo inaktivovaných %1 aktívnych súborov s rovnakým menom ako bol názov priečinku!
%1 copied - the copy can now be edited common sk %1 skopírovaný - kópia sa odteraz dá upravovať
%1 directories %2 found! admin sk našlo sa %1 priečinkov %2
%1 directories %2 found! admin sk Našlo sa %1 priečinkov %2
%1 email addresses inserted common sk %1 e-mailových adries bolo vložených
%1 email(s) added into %2 common sk %1 e-mailov bolo pridaných do %2
%1 entries found, select one ... common sk Našlo sa %1 položiek, vyberte si jednu ...
@ -9,29 +9,29 @@
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' common sk %1 eTemplate pre aplikáciu '%2' urobilo výpis do '%3'
%1 etemplates found common sk Našlo sa %1 eTemplate.
%1 file common sk %1 súbor
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common sk %1 sa na webserveri nedá spustiť!!!
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common sk %1 sa na webserveri nedá spustiť!
%1 matches on search criteria common sk Nájdených bolo %1 zhôd s vyhľadávacím kritériom
%1 more %2 selected ... common sk Vybraných bolo o %1 viac %2 ...
%1 more... common sk O %1 viac...
%1 more... common sk O %1 viac ...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common sk Naimportovaných %1 nových eTemplate pre aplikáciu '%2'
%1 not implemented for %2! common sk %1 nie je implementované pre %2!
%1 proxy of %2 common sk %1 proxy k %2
%1 setting "%2" = %3 disallows access via http! admin sk %1nastavenie "%2" = %3 neumožňuje prístup cez http!
%1 to sync groupdav sk %1 na synchronizáciu
%1, duplicate id common sk %1, duplicitné ID
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common sk %1Vyberte iný adresár%2<br />alebo nastavte pre webserver právo zápisu do %3
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common sk %1Vyberte iný adresár%2<br>alebo nastavte pre webserver právo zápisu do %3
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common sk %1EGroupware%2 je viacpoužívateľský, webovo orientovaný grupvérový balík napísaný v %3PHP%4.
%s disabled common sk %s je vypnuté
%s needed common sk %s je potrebné
%s notranslation common sk %s BezPrekladu
%s onchange common sk %s priZmene
%s onchange common sk %s onchange
%s readonly common sk %s lenNaČítanie
'%1' copied to clipboard common sk '%1' skopírované do schránky
'%1' has an invalid format common sk '%1' má nesprávny formát!
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common sk '%1' má nesprávny formát!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common sk '%1' nie je platný dátum!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common sk '%1' nie je platné číslo s plávajúcou desatinnou čiarkou!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common sk '%1' nie je platné celé číslo !
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common sk '%1' nie je platné celé číslo!
'%1' is not a valid json file! common sk '%1' nie je platný súbor JSON
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common sk '%1' nie je platné časové pásmo!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common sk '%1' NIE je dovolené ('%2')!
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ acl common sk ACL práva
action common sk Akcia
action when category is an email address groupdav sk Akcia keď kategória je e-mailovou adresou
actions common sk Akcie
actions... common sk Akcie...
actions... common sk Akcie ...
active common sk Aktívne
active directory requires ssl or tls to change passwords! common sk AD vyžaduje pre zmenu hesla podporu SSL alebo TLS!
add common sk Pridať
@ -127,12 +127,13 @@ allow editing the %1 common sk Povoliť úpravu %1
allowed file type: %1 common sk Povolený typ súboru: %1
allows to modify responsible users from devices not supporting them, by setting email address of a user as category. groupdav sk Umožňuje zmenu zodpovedných používateľov pre zariadenia bez ich podpory tak, že e-mailovú adresu používateľa nastaví ako kategóriu
alt common sk Alt
alternate style-sheet: common sk Alternatívny list štýlu:
am common sk dp
american samoa common sk AMERICKÁ SAMOA
an admin required that you must change your password upon login. common sk Správca žiada, aby ste si pri prihlásení zmenili heslo.
an error happened common sk Nastala nejaká chyba
an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common sk Adresár, ktorý existuje a je čitateľný webserverom, umožňuje prehliadanie a odovzdávanie obrázkov.
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) common sk indexovaný stĺpec zrýchľuje hľadanie v danom stĺpci (avšak na úkor miesta na disku !!!)
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) common sk indexovaný stĺpec zrýchľuje hľadanie v danom stĺpci (avšak na úkor miesta na disku!)
and common sk A
andorra common sk ANDORA
angola common sk ANGOLA
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ api-accounts common sk Používateľské účty
application common sk Aplikácia
application has no etemplates (no file %1) to restore! common sk Aplikácia nemá eTemplates (žiadny súbor %1) ktoré by sa dali obnoviť!
application name needed to restore etemplates! common sk Pre obnovu eTemplates je potrebný názov aplikácie!
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common sk Názov aplikácie potrebuje zapísať jazykový súbor alebo urobiť výpis z eTemplates !!!
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common sk Názov aplikácie potrebuje zapísať jazykový súbor alebo urobiť výpis z eTemplates!
applications common sk Aplikácie
applies the changes made common sk Uplatnia sa vykonané zmeny
applies the changes to the given version of the template common sk vykoná zmeny urobené na danej verzii šablóny
@ -173,8 +174,6 @@ author common sk Autor
autohide sidebox menu's common sk Automaticky skrývať ponuku bočného panelu
autohide sidebox menus common sk Automaticky skrývať ponuku bočného panelu
automatic update check failed, you need to check manually! common sk Automatická kontrola aktualizácie zlyhala, prosím skontrolujte ručne!
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common sk Automaticky skrývať ponuku bočného panelu?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common sk Automaticky skrývať ponuku bočného panelu?
automatically refresh list common sk Automaticky obnovovať zoznam
autosave default category common sk Automaticky ukladať štandardnú kategóriu
avatar common sk Avatar
@ -234,9 +233,9 @@ cancel common sk Zrušiť
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common sk Nemôžem prepísať %1 pretože je to adresár
cannot set a category as parent, which is part of this categorys subtree! common sk Nemôžem nastaviť ako rodičovskú takú kategóriu, ktorá je súčasťou svojej vlastnej štruktúry!
cannot set this cat as its own parent! common sk Nemôžem nastaviť túto kategóriu ako svojho vlastného rodiča!
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common sk Nedá sa odstrániť jednotlivý widget z matice!!!
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common sk Nedá sa odstrániť jediný stĺpec matice!!!
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! common sk Nedá sa odstrániť jediný riadok matice!!!
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common sk Nedá sa odstrániť jednotlivý widget z matice!
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common sk Nedá sa odstrániť jediný stĺpec matice!
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! common sk Nedá sa odstrániť jediný riadok matice!
cant open %1, needs ziparchive common sk Nemôžem otvoriť %1, je potrebný ZipArchív
cant open '%1' for %2 common sk Nemôžem otvoriť '%1' pre %2
cape verde common sk KAPVERDY
@ -260,7 +259,7 @@ chad common sk ČAD
change common sk Zmeniť
change owner common sk Zmeniť vlastníka
changed common sk Zmenené
charset common sk utf-8
charset common sk Charset
check all common sk Označiť všetko
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common sk Začiarknite pre prázdne hodnoty v deklarácii IF. Napríklad {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - Ak URL nie je prázdna, napíše "Website:"
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common sk Začiarknite, ak sa obsah má iba zobrazovať ale nie meniť (obsah sa potom neposiela naspäť!)
@ -351,6 +350,8 @@ creator preferences sk Tvorca
croatia common sk CHORVÁTSKO
css class for the table-tag common sk CSS trieda pre tag tabuľky
css properties common sk CSS nastavenia
css-class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = nextmatch header, 'nmr' = alternating nm row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' nm rows common sk CSS class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = NextMatch header, 'nmr' = alternating NM row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' NM rows
css-class name for this row, preset: 'th' = header, 'row' = alternating row, 'row_off'+'row_on' rows common sk CSS class name for this row, preset: 'th' = header, 'row' = alternating row, 'row_off'+'row_on' rows
css-styles common sk CSS štýly
ctrl common sk Ctrl
cuba common sk KUBA
@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ current common sk Aktuálne
current users common sk Prihlásených používateľov
custom common sk Vlastné
custom fields common sk Vlastné polia
custom javascript for onchange common sk Vlastný JavaScript pre onChange
custom javascript for onchange common sk Vlastný JavaScript pre onchange
cut common sk Vystrihnúť
cyprus common sk CYPRUS
czech republic common sk ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA
@ -390,6 +391,7 @@ del common sk Del
delete common sk Odstrániť
delete a single entry by passing the id. common sk Odstrániť položku podľa zadaného ID.
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry common sk Odstrániť VŠETKY označené eTemplates, BEZ ďalšieho varovania
delete and cut save the template! common sk Odstráňte a vystrihnutím uložte šablónu!
delete backup common sk Odstrániť zálohu
delete backup key common sk Odstrániť záložný kľúč
delete category common sk Odstrániť kategóriu
@ -408,7 +410,7 @@ delete this etemplate common sk Odstrániť túto eTemplate
delete this file common sk Odstrániť tento súbor
delete this photo? common sk Odstrániť túto fotografiu?
delete this row common sk Odstrániť tento riadok
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common sk Odstrániť celý stĺpec (NEDÁ sa vrátiť späť !!!)
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common sk Odstrániť celý stĺpec (NEDÁ sa vrátiť späť!)
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone common sk Odstráni vyššieuvedenú eTemplate, NEDÁ sa vrátiť späť
deletes the etemplate spez. above common sk Odstráni vyššieuvedenú eTemplate
deletes this column common sk Odstráni tento stĺpec
@ -417,16 +419,11 @@ denmark common sk DÁNSKO
description common sk Popis
detail common sk Podrobnosti
details common sk Podrobnosti
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sk Vypnúť spúšťanie opravného skriptu pre IE5.5 a vyšší, ktorý napráva zobrazovanie priesvitnosti v obrázkoch PNG?
direction left to right common sk Tok zľava doprava
directory common sk Priečinok
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common sk Adresár neexistuje, nie je čitateľný webserverom, alebo nesúvisí s koreňovým adresárom dokumentov!
directory for storing merged documents preferences sk Priečinok pre ukladanie zlúčených dokumentov
directory with documents to insert entries preferences sk Priečinok pre dokumenty na vkladanie položiek
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common sk Vypnúť opravu chyby pre obrázky PNG v Internet Explorer-i
disable slider effects common sk Vypnúť efekty posuvníka
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common sk Vypnúť animované efekty posuvníka, keď sa zobrazujú alebo skrývajú ponuky na stránke? Používatelia Opery a Konquerer-a to pravdepodobne musia zvoliť.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sk Vypnúť opravný skript pre Internet Explorer 5.5 a novšie pre zobrazenie priesvitnosti v obrázkoch PNG?
disabled common sk Neaktívny
discard changes common sk Zahodiť zmeny
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common sk Zobrazené na začiatku vstupu, alebo vstup je vložený pre '%s' v menovke tlačítka pre Odoslanie alebo názvu súboru obrázku
@ -447,18 +444,19 @@ document title: common sk Nadpis dokumentu
documentation common sk Dokumentácia
doesn't matter common sk Nezáleží
domain common sk Doména
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sk názov domény pre mailovú adresu, napr. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sk Názov domény pre mailovú adresu, napr. "%1"
domestic common sk Domáce
dominica common sk DOMINIKA
dominican republic common sk DOMINIKÁNSKA REPUBLIKA
don't ask again! common sk Už sa nepýtaj!
don't show this again common sk Toto už nezobrazuj
done common sk Hotovo
dos international common sk DOS International
download common sk Stiahnuť
download link common sk Odkaz na stiahnutie
drag markers to pick a color common sk Posunom značky sa vyberá farba
drop a table - this can not be undone common sk Zahodiť tabuľku -NEDÁ sa vrátiť späť
drop table common sk Zahodiť tabuľku
dump4setup common sk Dump4Setup
duration common sk Trvanie
e-mail common sk E-Mail
east timor common sk VÝCHODNÝ TIMOR
@ -469,7 +467,7 @@ edit %1 category for common sk Uprav %1 kategóriu pre
edit avatar common sk Upraviť obrázok používateľa
edit categories common sk Upraviť kategórie
edit category common sk Upraviť kategóriu
edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file common sk upraviť vložené CSS štýly alebo súbor app.css aplikácie
edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file common sk Upraviť vložené CSS štýly alebo súbor app.css aplikácie
edit the etemplate spez. above common sk Upraviť túto eTemplate
edit... common sk Upraviť...
editable templates - db-tools common sk Upraviteľné šablóny - DB-Nástroje
@ -491,8 +489,9 @@ el salvador common sk SALVADOR
element role title common sk Názov úlohy v prvku
email common sk E-Mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sk E-mailová adresa používateľa, napr. "%1"
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common sk Embedded CSS styles, e.g. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
empty file common sk Prázdny súbor
enable javascript onchange submit common sk Zapnúť odosielanie JavaScript onChange
enable javascript onchange submit common sk Zapnúť odosielanie JavaScript onchange
enable logging groupdav sk Povoliť záznam protokolu
enabled common sk Aktívny
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav sk Povolí záznam protokolu prevádzky CalDAV/CardDAV za účelom diagnostiky problémov so zariadeniami.
@ -501,7 +500,7 @@ end time common sk Čas ukončenia
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common sk Vložte '' pre prázdnu predvolenú hodnotu; prázdne znamená: bez predvolenej hodnoty
enter a search pattern common sk Zadajte hľadaný výraz
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common sk Zadajte názov súboru, ktorý chcete priložiť, prípadne použite tlačítko "Prehľadávať"
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin sk Zadajte umiestnenie URL pre EGroupware.<br>Príklad: http://www.domain.com/egroupware alebo /egroupware<br><b>Bez ukončovacieho lomítka</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin sk Zadajte umiestnenie URL pre EGroupware.<br>Príklad: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware alebo /egroupware<br><b>Bez ukončovacieho lomítka</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common sk Zadajte sem nové číslo verzie (> stará verzia), prázdne znamená: bez aktualizácie súboru
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common sk Zadajte sem nové číslo verzie (musí byť > stará verzia)
enter your file name common sk Zadajte názov súboru
@ -519,10 +518,11 @@ error create parent directory %1! common sk Chyba pri vytváraní rodičovského
error creating %1 %2 directory common sk Chyba počas vytvárania adresára %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common sk Chyba počas odstraňovania adresára %1 %2
error deleting %1! common sk Chyba pri odstraňovaní %1!
error enabling push common sk Chyba pri povolení tlačenia
error renaming %1 %2 directory common sk Chyba počas premenúvania adresára %1 %2
error uploading file! filemanager sk Chyba počas odovzdávania súboru!
error: template not found !!! common sk Chyba: Šablóna sa nenašla !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common sk Chyba: webserver nemá povolený zápis do '%1' !!!
error: template not found !!! common sk Chyba: Šablóna sa nenašla!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common sk Chyba: webserver nemá povolený zápis do '%1'!
error: while saving !!! common sk Chyba počas ukladania!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common sk Chyba počas ukladania súboru: webserver nemá povolený zápis!
estonia common sk ESTÓNSKO
@ -561,16 +561,16 @@ fax number common sk Ččíslo faxu
features of the editor? common sk Možnosti editora?
february common sk Február
field common sk Pole
field must not be empty !!! common sk Pole nesmie byť prázdne!!!
field must not be empty !!! common sk Pole nesmie byť prázdne!
fields common sk Polia
fiji common sk FIDŽI
file common sk Súbor
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> failed to remove file! admin sk Súbor %1 nemá obsah na fyzickom súborovom systéme %2 --> odstránenie súboru zlyhalo!
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2 --> file removed! admin sk Súbor %1 nemá obsah na fyzickom súborovom systéme %2 --> súbor odstránený!
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin sk Súbor %1 nemá obsah na fyzickom súborovom systéme %2 !
file %1 has no content in physical filesystem %2! admin sk Súbor %1 nemá obsah na fyzickom súborovom systéme %2!
file '%1' not found! common sk Súbor '%1' sa nenašiel!
file a file common sk Uloženie súboru
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common sk Súbor obsahuje viac než jednu eTemplate, zobrazuje sa iba posledná!!!
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! common sk Súbor obsahuje viac než jednu eTemplate, zobrazuje sa iba posledná!
file information common sk Informácie o súbore
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common sk Súbor je nesprávneho typu (%1 != %2)!
file too large. maximum %1 common sk Súbor je príliš veľký. Maximum je %1
@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ formatselect common sk Formát
formatted business address common sk Formátovaná obchodná adresa
formatted private address common sk Formátovaná súkromná adresa
formatted text (html) common sk Formátovaný text (HTML)
found unconnected %1 %2! admin sk Našli sa nepripojené %1 %2 !
found unconnected %1 %2! admin sk Našli sa nepripojené %1 %2!
fr common sk Pi
france common sk FRANCÚZSKO
french guiana common sk FRANCÚZSKA GUAYANA
@ -626,6 +626,7 @@ go to the first entry common sk Choď na prvý záznam
go to the last entry common sk Choď na posledný záznam
go to the next page of entries common sk Choď na nasledujúcu stránku so záznamami
go to the previous page of entries common sk Choď na predchádzajúcu stránku so záznamami
go to your home directory common sk Choď do domovského priečinku
grant access common sk Povoliť prístup
greece common sk GRÉCKO
greek common sk Grécky
@ -642,7 +643,7 @@ group has been updated common sk Skupina bola aktualizovaná
group name common sk Názov skupiny
group public common sk Verejný pre skupiny
groupbox common sk Skupina ovládacích prvkov
groupdav common sk Server pre CalDAV, CardCAV a GroupDAV
groupdav common sk Synchronizácia CalDAV / CardDAV
groups common sk Skupiny
groups with permission for %1 common sk Skupiny, kde máte prístup ku %1
groups without permission for %1 common sk Skupiny, kde nemáte prístup ku %1
@ -654,6 +655,7 @@ guinea-bissau common sk GUINEA-BISSAU
guyana common sk GUAYANA
h common sk h
haiti common sk HAITI
hbox common sk HBox
heard island and mcdonald islands common sk HEARDOVE MCDONALDOVE OSTROVY
height common sk Výška
height of row (in % or pixel) common sk Výška riadku (v % alebo pixeloch)
@ -687,7 +689,6 @@ html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files
hungary common sk MAĎARSKO
iceland common sk ISLAND
id common sk ID
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common sk ieSpell sa nenašiel. Kliknutím na OK sa presuniete na stránku, odkiaľ ho môžete stiahnuť.
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common sk Ak je položka vypnutá, zobrazuje sa prázdna bunka tabuľky
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common sk Ak sú hodiny zapnuté, chcete aby sa aktualizovali každú sekundu, alebo stačí každú minútu?
if the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver. common sk Ak prblém pretrváva, obráťte sa na svojho správcu - nech skontroluje error-log na webserveri.
@ -702,7 +703,6 @@ import common sk Import
import an etemplate from a xml-file common sk Importovať eTemplate zo súboru XML
import table-definitions from existing db-table common sk Importovať definície tabuľky z existujúcej db-tabuľky
import xml common sk Importovať XML
in order to copy to clipboard, you need to allow flash player by clicking on gray box.\nyou can permanently allow flash player for egroupware in your browser settings. common sk Ak chcete používať funkciu scránky, musíte povoliť prehrávač Flashkliknutím v šedom okienku.\nAk chcete prehrávač Flash povoliť natrvalo, urobte tak v nastaveniach vášho prehliadača.
include access to any linked files (links tab) common sk Vrátane prístupu k akýmkoľvek pripojeným súborom (karta Odkazy)
increment version to not overwrite the existing template common sk Zvýšte verziu, aby sa neprepísala existujúca šablóna
indent common sk Odsadenie
@ -778,10 +778,11 @@ korean common sk Kórejsky
kuwait common sk KUVAJT
kyrgyzstan common sk KIRGIZSKO
label common sk Menovka
label:[bold][italic] text:[len][,max] numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] t.area:[rows][,cols] radiob.:value h.rule:[width] templ.:[indexincontent] select:[multiselect] date:[values: eg. 'y-m-d'] common sk Label:[bold][italic] Text:[len][,max] Numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] T.area:[rows][,cols] Radiob.:value H.Rule:[width] Templ.:[IndexInContent] Select:[multiselect] Date:[values: eg. 'Y-m-d']
landscape common sk Na šírku
lang common sk Jazyk
language common sk Jazyk
language-short (eg. 'en' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads your pref. languages or the default, us 'default' to read the default template '') common sk Skratka jazyka (napr. 'en' pre English) pre jazykovo závislú šablónu ('' znamená vaše uprednostňované jazyky alebo predvolený, použite 'default' pre načítanie predvolenej šablóny '')
language-short (eg. 'en' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads your pref. languages or the default, us 'default' to read the default template '') common sk Skratka jazyka (napr. 'en' pre English) pre jazykovo závislú šablónu (''znamená vaše uprednostňované jazyky alebo predvolený, použite 'default' pre načítanie predvolenej šablóny'')
language_direction_rtl common sk orientácia_jazyka_sprava_doľava
lao peoples democratic republic common sk LAOS
last common sk Posledné
@ -794,7 +795,7 @@ latvia common sk LOTYŠSKO
ldap-mgr common sk Správca LDAP
lebanon common sk LIBANON
left common sk Vľavo
length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 common sk dĺžka pre char+varchar, presnosť celočís: 2, 4, 8 a pláv.čiar: 4, 8
length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 common sk Dĺžka pre char+varchar, presnosť celočís: 2, 4, 8 a pláv.čiar: 4, 8
lesotho common sk LESOTHO
liberia common sk LIBÉRIA
libyan arab jamahiriya common sk LÍBIA
@ -802,12 +803,13 @@ license common sk Licencia
liechtenstein common sk LICHTENŠTAJNSKO
light mode common sk Svetlý režim
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common sk Riadok %1: '%2'<br><b>csv dáta obsahujú ##last-check-run## tabuľky %3 ==> ignorované</b>
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common sk Riadok %1: '%2'<br><B>csv dáta nesúhlasia s počtom stĺpcov tabuľky %3 ==> ignorované</b>
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common sk Riadok %1: '%2'<br><b>csv dáta nesúhlasia s počtom stĺpcov tabuľky %3 ==> ignorované</b>
link common sk Odkaz
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download currently attached version of files common sk K správe je pripojený odkaz, ktorý umožňuje adresátom stiahnuť si aktuálne priloženú verziu súborov
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download or modify up to date version of files (epl only) common sk K správe je pripojený odkaz, ktorý umožňuje adresátom stiahnuť alebo zmeniť aktuálne verzie súborov (len EPL)
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download up to date version of files common sk K správe je pripojený odkaz, ktorý umožňuje adresátom stiahnuť si aktuálnu verziu súborov
link target %1 not found! common sk Cieľ odkazu %1 sa nenašiel!
link title of current record common sk Názov odkazu aktuálneho záznamu
linkapps common sk Aplikácia odkazu
linked common sk Odkazuje
linkentry common sk Záznam o odkaze
@ -895,10 +897,12 @@ move common sk Presunúť
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin sk Presunutých %1 potomkov zpriečinka fs_id=%2 do %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin sk Presunuté nepripojené %1 %2 do %3
mozambique common sk MOZAMBIK
multicolumn indices common sk Indexy viacerých stĺpcov
multiple common sk Viacero
myanmar common sk MYANMAR
name common sk Meno
name of other table where column is a key from common sk názov inej tabuľky, kde stĺpec je kľúčom z
name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') common sk Názov sady šablón phpgw (napr. verdilak): ''= predvolená (načíta predvolenú šablónu, pre načítanie predvolenej šablóny použite 'default''')
name of table to add common sk Názov tabuľky, ktorá sa má pridať
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] common sk Názov eTemplate, mal by byť vo forme aplikácia.funkcia[.podŠablóna]
name of the user, eg. "%1" common sk Meno používateľa, napr. "%1"
@ -925,13 +929,18 @@ newer version '%1' exists !!! common sk Novšia verzia '%1' existuje!!!
next common sk Ďalší
next page common sk Ďalšia stránka
nextmatch common sk Ďalšia zhoda
nextmatch accountfilter common sk Filter účtu nextmatch
nextmatch custom filterheader common sk Hlavička vlastného filtra nextmatch
nextmatch filterheader common sk Záhlavie filtra nextmatch
nextmatch header common sk Záhlavie nextmatch
nextmatch sortheader common sk Záhlavie triedenia nextmatch
nicaragua common sk NIKARAGUA
niger common sk NIGER
nigeria common sk NIGÉRIA
niue common sk NIUE
no common sk Nie
no - cancel common sk Nie - Zrušiť
no column to swap with !!! common sk Nemám žiadny stĺpec pre zámenu !!!
no column to swap with !!! common sk Nemám žiadny stĺpec pre zámenu!
no default set common sk Predvolená hodnota zatiaľ nebola nastavená
no entries found, try again ... common sk Nič som nenašiel, skúste znovu...
no file common sk Žiadny súbor
@ -940,6 +949,7 @@ no filters common sk Bez filtrov
no history for this record common sk Žiadna história pre tento záznam
no key for recipient: common sk Žiadny kľúč pre adresáta:
no matches found common sk Nastaveniu filtrov nezodpovedajú žiadne položky.
no response from server: your data is probably not saved common sk Žiadna odpoveď zo servera: vaše údaje pravdepodobne NIE sú uložené
no results match common sk Žiadna zhoda
no rights to export more than %1 entries! common sk Nemáte právo exportovať viac než %1 položiek!
no row to swap with !!! common sk Nemám žiadny riadok pre zámenu!
@ -971,6 +981,8 @@ notify window common sk Upozorňujúce okno
notify your administrator to correct this situation common sk Upozornite svojho správcu, aby napravil vzniknutú situáciu
november common sk November
now common sk Teraz
number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, css-class name (for the td tag) common sk Počet stĺpcov, ktoré má pole/bunka obsiahnuť, alebo "všetky" pre zvyšné stĺpce, názov triedy CSS (pre značku TD)
number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing common sk Počet riadkov/stôp v poli V/HBox, Cellpadding, Cellspacing
numbers common sk čísla
october common sk Október
of common sk z
@ -980,14 +992,15 @@ old value common sk Stará hodnota
oman common sk OMÁN
on *nix systems please type: %1 common sk Na *NIX systémoch prosím napíšte: %1
on mouse over common sk Pri namierení myši
onchange common sk priZmene
onclick common sk priKliknutí
onchange common sk onchange
onclick common sk onclick
only an other version found !!! common sk Našla sa iná verzia!
only private common sk Iba súkromné
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav sk Podporované iba niektorými plne kompatibilnými klientmi (napr. od Apple). Ak musíte zadať URL, pravdepodobne to nebude podporované!
only yours common sk Iba vaše
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common sk Ajajaj! Zastihli ste nás práve počas údržby systému.
open common sk Otvoriť
open existing contact common sk Otvoriť existujúci kontakt
open notify window common sk Otvor pripomínacie okno
open popup window common sk Otvor vyskakovacie okno
open sidebox common sk Otvor bočnú ponuku
@ -1015,7 +1028,7 @@ papua new guinea common sk PAPUA NOVÁ GUINEA
paraguay common sk PARAGUAY
parcel common sk Parcela
parent category common sk Rodičovská kategória
parent is a '%1' !!! common sk Rodič je '%1' !!!
parent is a '%1' !!! common sk Rodič je '%1'!
password common sk Heslo
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 common sk Heslo obsahuje iba %1 z požadovaných %2 tried znakov: nie %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) common sk Heslo obsahuje s "%1" časti používateľského alebo plného mena (dlhé 3 a viac znakov)
@ -1031,7 +1044,7 @@ path common sk Cesta
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common sk Cesta k súborom používateľa a skupiny MUSÍ BYŤ MIMO document-root webservera!
permission denied! common sk Prístup bol odopretý!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common sk Prístup odopretý! Táto funkcia je len pre správcov.
permissions to the files/users directory common sk Oprávnenia k adresáru pre súbory / používateľov
permissions to the files/users directory common sk Oprávnenia k adresáru pre súbory/používateľov
permisson denied! common sk Prístup bol odopretý!
personal common sk Osobný
peru common sk PERU
@ -1046,8 +1059,8 @@ placeholders common sk Zástupcovia
play/pause common sk Prehrať/pozastaviť
please %1 by hand common sk Prosím %1 ručne
please enter a name common sk Prosím zadajte meno!
please enter table-name first !!! common sk Prosím, zadajte najprv názov tabuľky !!!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common sk Prosím znovu načítajte plochu EGroupware (F5 alebo Cmd+r)
please enter table-name first !!! common sk Prosím, zadajte najprv názov tabuľky!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common sk Prosím znovu načítajte plochu EGroupware (F5 alebo Cmd+R)
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common sk Prosím nezabudnite odteraz používať '%1' ako používateľské meno pre miestne prihlásenie!
please run setup to become current common sk Prosím spusťte setup pre aktualizáciu
please select common sk Prosím vyberte
@ -1075,6 +1088,7 @@ previous page common sk Predchádzajúca stránka
primary group common sk Základná skupina
primary key common sk Primárny kľúč
primary key for the table, gets automaticaly indexed common sk Primárny kľúč pre tabuľku, indexuje sa automaticky
primary style-sheet: common sk List primárneho štýlu:
print common sk Tlač
priority common sk Priorita
private common sk Súkromné
@ -1085,6 +1099,7 @@ protocol is required common sk Vyžaduje sa protokol
public common sk Verejné
puerto rico common sk PORTORIKO
qatar common sk KATAR
quick add common sk Rýchle pridanie
radiobutton common sk Tlačítko vypnutia
read common sk Čítať
read a list of entries. common sk Čítať zoznam záznamov
@ -1113,7 +1128,8 @@ rename common sk Premenovať
repeat password common sk Zopakovať heslo
replace common sk Nahradiť
replace with common sk Zameniť za
request could not be processed, please reload your window (press f5 or cmd r)! common sk Požiadavka sa nedala spracovať, prosím znovu načítajte okno pomocu F5 alebo Cmd R!
request could not be processed, please reload your window (press f5 or cmd r)! common sk Požiadavka sa nedala spracovať, prosím znovu načítajte okno pomocu F5 alebo Cmd+R!
requested resource '%1' does not exist or has expired common sk Požadovaný prostriedok "%1" neexistuje alebo jeho platnosť vypršala
requests and full responses to files directory common sk Požiadavky a plné odpovede do priečinka súborov
requests and truncated responses to apache error-log groupdav sk Požiadavky a skrátené odpovede do chybového protokolu Apache
required common sk Vyžadované
@ -1156,7 +1172,7 @@ san marino common sk SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common sk SVÄTÝ TOMÁŠ A PRINCOV OSTROV
saturday common sk Sobota
saudi arabia common sk SAUDSKÁ ARÁBIA
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common sk Verzia Savant2 sa líši od wrappera Savant2. <br/>Táto verzia: %1 <br/>Verzia Savant: %2
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common sk Verzia Savant2 sa líši od wrappera Savant2. <br>Táto verzia: %1 <br>Verzia Savant: %2
save common sk Uložiť
save all common sk Uložiť všetko
save as common sk Uložiť ako
@ -1169,6 +1185,8 @@ saves changes to tables_current.inc.php common sk Uloží zmeny do tables_curren
saves the template with given version number and closes the window common sk Uloží šablónu s uvedeným číslom verzie a zavrie okno.
scale common sk Prispôsobiť
scale for float common sk Prispôsobiť pre pohyblivú desatinnú čiarku
scheduling inbox common sk Plánovanie doručenej pošty
scheduling outbox common sk Plánovanie odoslanej pošty
search common sk Hľadať
search %1 '%2' common sk Hľadaj %1 '%2'
search accounts common sk Hľadať v účtoch
@ -1176,6 +1194,7 @@ search for '%1' common sk Hľadať '%1'
search letter common sk Hľadať znak
search or select accounts common sk Hľadať alebo vyberať medzi účtami
search... common sk Hľadať...
searchreplace common sk Nájsť a nahradiť
second common sk Sekunda
section common sk Sekcia
securest common sk Najbezpečnejšie
@ -1191,7 +1210,7 @@ select action common sk Vyberte akciu
select all common sk Označiť všetko
select all %1 %2 for %3 common sk Vyberte všetky %1 %2 pre %3
select all entries common sk Označiť všetky položky
select an app first !!! common sk Najprv vyberte aplikáciu !!!
select an app first !!! common sk Najprv vyberte aplikáciu!
select an app to search in common sk Vyberte, v ktorej aplikácii chcete hľadať
select an application common sk Vyberte aplikáciu
select an application, (*) = uninstalled common sk Vyberte aplikáciu, (*) = odinštalované
@ -1243,8 +1262,8 @@ senegal common sk SENEGAL
september common sk September
serbia common sk Srbsko
server %1 has been added common sk Server %1 bol pridaný
server answered. processing response... common sk Server odpovedal. Spracúvam odpoveď...
server contacted. waiting for response... common sk Pripájam sa na server. Čakám na odpoveď...
server answered. processing response... common sk Server odpovedal. Spracúvam odpoveď ...
server contacted. waiting for response... common sk Pripájam sa na server. Čakám na odpoveď ...
server error common sk Chyba na strane servera
server is unwilling to perform. common sk Server neráči posúchať.
server name common sk Meno servera
@ -1289,7 +1308,7 @@ show password common sk Ukázať heslo
show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common sk Zobrazovať na desktope logá EGroupware a x-desktopu.
show values common sk Zobraziť hodnoty
show/hide common sk Zobraziť/skryť bočný panel
show_more_apps common sk ukázať viacero aplikácií
show_more_apps common sk Show_more_apps
showing common sk Zobrazujem
showing %1 common sk zobrazujem %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common sk zobrazujem %1 - %2 z %3
@ -1312,6 +1331,8 @@ south georgia and the south sandwich islands common sk JUŽNÁ GEORGIA A JUŽNÉ
space common sk Medzerník
spacing common sk Rozostupy
spain common sk ŠPANIELSKO
span common sk Span
span, class common sk Span, Class
special characters common sk špeciálne znaky
sri lanka common sk SRÍ LANKA
stack common sk Zásobník
@ -1338,6 +1359,7 @@ suggest password common sk Poradiť heslo
sunday common sk Nedeľa
sure common sk Určite
suriname common sk SURINAM
svalbard and jan mayen common sk SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
swap common sk Vymeniť
swap widget with next one common sk Vymeniť widget s nasledujúcim
swap with next column common sk Vymeniť s nasledujúcim stĺpcom
@ -1350,6 +1372,7 @@ switzerland common sk ŠVAJČIARSKO
sync all selected into one groupdav sk Synchronizovať celý výber do jedného
syrian arab republic common sk SÝRIA
tab common sk Tab
tabindex common sk Index tab
table %1 is excluded from backup and restore. data will not be restored. common sk Tabuľka %1 je vyňatá zo zálohovania a obnovy. Údaje nebudú obnovené.
table properties common sk Nastavenia tabuľky
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! common sk Tabuľka sa nezmenila, zápis nie je nevyhnutný!
@ -1367,15 +1390,15 @@ textarea common sk Oblasť textu
th common sk Št
thailand common sk THAJSKO
the backup key has been deleted. common sk Zálohový kľúč bol odstránený
the browser popup blocker is on. please click on ok button to see the pop-up.\n\nif you would like to not see this message for the next time, allow your browser pop-up blocker to open popups from %1 common sk Je aktívne blokovanie vyskakovacích okien na strane prehliadača. Ak chcete vidieť okno, prosím kliknite na tlačítko OK.\n\n Ak si nabudúce neželáte vidieť túto správu, povoľte vášmu prehliadaču výnimku v blokovaní vyskakovacích okien pre %1
the browser popup blocker is on. please click on ok button to see the pop-up.\n\nif you would like to not see this message for the next time, allow your browser pop-up blocker to open popups from %1 common sk Je aktívne blokovanie vyskakovacích okien na strane prehliadača. Ak chcete vidieť okno, prosím kliknite na tlačítko OK.<br>Ak si nabudúce neželáte vidieť túto správu, povoľte vášmu prehliadaču výnimku v blokovaní vyskakovacích okien pre %1
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). preferences sk Dokument môže obsahovať premennú, napr. {{%3}} ktorá sa nahradí údajmi (%1úplný zoznam názvov premenných%2).
the following applications require upgrades common sk Nasledujúce aplikácie vyžadujú aktualizáciu
the following document-types are supported: preferences sk Podporované sú nasledovné typy dokumentov:
the mail server returned common sk Poštový server vrátil
there already is a system-user with this name. user's should not have the same name as a systemuser common sk Systémový používateľ s takýmto menom už existuje. Používatelia nemôžu mať rovnaké meno ako systémoví používatelia.
they will be sub-folders in users home (%1 attribute). common sk Budú pod-priečinkami v používateľovom domovskom priečinku (%1 atribút).
this feature is only available in epl version. common sk Táto funkcia je dostupná len vo verzii EPL-
this is your own share. to test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br/>%1 common sk Toto je Vaše vlastné zdieľanie. Môžete ho odskúšať v anonymnom resp. inkognito okne prehliadača.<br/>%1
this feature is only available in epl version. common sk Táto funkcia je k dispozícii len vo verzii EPL.
this is your own share. to test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br/>%1 common sk Toto je Vaše vlastné zdieľanie. Môžete ho odskúšať v anonymnom resp. inkognito okne prehliadača.<br>%1
this name has been used already common sk Toto meno sa už používa!
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) common sk Text sa zobrazí keď je vstupné pole prázdne a nemá fokus (rozmazanie)
this will reset toolbar preferences for all users and set them to configured default prefs. common sk Týmto sa vymažú nastavenia panelu nástrojov pre všetkých používateľov a obnovia sa predvolené nastavenia.
@ -1399,7 +1422,7 @@ todays date, eg. "%1" common sk Dnešný dátum, napr. "%1"
togo common sk TOGO
tokelau common sk TOKELAU
tonga common sk TONGA
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common sk Vybraných príliš veľa riadkov.<br />Vyberte všetky alebo menej ako %1 riadkov
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common sk Vybraných príliš veľa riadkov.<br>Vyberte všetky alebo menej ako %1 riadkov
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common sk Príliš veľa neúspešných pokusov o prihlásenie: %1 na používateľa '%2', %3 na IP %4
top common sk Vrch
total common sk Celkovo
@ -1445,6 +1468,8 @@ upload new photo common sk Odovzdať novú fotku
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common sk Odoslanie vyžaduje, aby bol adresár zapisovateľný webserverom!
uppercase letters common sk veľké písmená
url common sk URL adresa
url of current record common sk Adresa URL aktuálneho záznamu
urls of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common sk URL všetkých záznamov prepojených s aktuálnym záznamom, okrem pripojených súborov
uruguay common sk URUGUAY
use button to search for common sk Stlačte tlačidlo pre vyhľadanie
use button to search for address common sk Stlačte tlačidlo pre vyhľadanie adresy
@ -1453,14 +1478,15 @@ use button to search for project common sk Stlačte tlačidlo pre vyhľadanie pr
user common sk Používateľ
user accounts common sk Používateľské účty
user groups common sk Používateľské skupiny
user-agent & action common sk Agent používateľa a akcia
username common sk Používateľské meno
users common sk Používatelia
users choice common sk Používateľská Voľba
uzbekistan common sk UZBEKISTAN
valign common sk vZarovnanie
value common sk Hodnota
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common sk Hodnota musí byť najmenej '%1' !!!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common sk Hodnota musí byť nanajvýš '%1' !!!
value has to be at least '%1' !!! common sk Hodnota musí byť najmenej '%1'!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! common sk Hodnota musí byť nanajvýš '%1'!
vanuatu common sk VANUATU
vbox common sk VBox
venezuela common sk VENEZUELA
@ -1487,7 +1513,6 @@ western european common sk Západoeurópske
western sahara common sk ZÁPADNÁ SAHARA
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common sk Akú farbu má mať všetok prázdny priestor na desktope
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common sk Čo sa stane s presahujúcim obsahom: viditeľný (predvolené), skrytý, skrolovať, automaticky (prehliadač rozhodne)
what style would you like the image to have? common sk Aký štýl má mať obrázok?
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences sk Keď zlúčite položky do dokumentov, budú uložené na tomto mieste. Ak neposkytnete priečinok, uložia sa do Vášho domovského priečinku (%1)
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common sk Keď odpoviete áno, tlačítka Domov a Odhlásenie sa zobrazia ako aplikácie v hlavnom paneli aplikácií.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common sk Kde a ako sa budú zobrazovať odkazy EGroupware, ako sú Nastavenia, O aplikácii a Odhlásiť.
@ -1496,6 +1521,7 @@ which infolog types should be synced with the device, default only tasks. common
whole query common sk Celý výber
widget copied into clipboard common sk Widget skopírovaný do schránky
width common sk Šírka
width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty common sk Šírka stĺpca v % alebo pixeloch, vypnutie stĺpca: [! = nie]<hodnota>[=<kontrola>] napr.: '!@data' zakázať stĺpec, ak je obsah údajov prázdny
width of column (in % or pixel) common sk Šírka stĺpca (v % alebo pixeloch)
width of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div common sk Šírka tabuľky v % alebo pixeloch pre table-tag a (voliteľne) div
width, disabled common sk Šírka, Vypnuté
@ -1534,6 +1560,7 @@ you have not entered participants common sk Nezadali ste spolupracovníkov.
you have selected an invalid date common sk Vybrali ste chybný dátum!
you have selected an invalid main category common sk Vybrali ste chybnú hlavnú kategóriu!
you have successfully logged out common sk Boli ste úspešne odhlásení.
you may drag files out to your desktop common sk Súbory môžete pretiahnuť na pracovnú plochu
you need to %1set your timezone preference%2. common sk Je potrebné, aby ste %1nastavili svoju časovú zónu%2.
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common sk Je potrebné, aby ste priradili webserverového používateľa '%1' do skupiny '%2'.
you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common sk Iba správca EGroupware má prístup k tejto funkcionalite!
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%1 file common sl %1 datoteka
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common sl Spletni strežnik ne more zagnati %1!
%1 matches on search criteria common sl %1 zadetkov za iskani kriterij
%1 more %2 selected ... common sl %1 več %2 izbranih...
%1 more %2 selected ... common sl %1 več %2 izbranih ...
%1 more... common sl %1 več ...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common sl %1 novih eTemplate uvoženih za program '%2'
%1 not implemented for %2! common sl %1 ni implementirano za %2!
@ -19,17 +19,17 @@
%1 setting "%2" = %3 disallows access via http! admin sl % 1 nastavitev "%2" =%3 onemogoča dostop prek http!
%1 to sync groupdav sl %1 sinhronizirati
%1, duplicate id common sl %1, podvojena ID
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common sl %1Izberite drugo mapo%2<br /> ali nastavite, da bo %3 zapisljiva za spletni strežnik
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common sl %1Izberite drugo mapo%2<br> ali nastavite, da bo %3 zapisljiva za spletni strežnik
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common sl %1EGroupware%2 je večuporabniški, spletno osnovani paket za skupinsko delo, napisan v %3PHP%4-ju.
%s disabled common sl %s onemogočenih
%s needed common sl %s potrebnih
%s notranslation common sl %s brez prevoda
%s onchange common sl %s ob spremembi
%s onchange common sl %s onChange
%s readonly common sl %s samo za branje
'%1' copied to clipboard common sl '%1' se kopira v odložišče
'%1' has an invalid format common sl '%1' ima nepravilen format
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common sl '%1' ima nepravilen format
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common sl '%1' ni veljaven datum !!!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common sl '%1' ni veljaven datum!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common sl '%1' ni pravilno decimalno število
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common sl '%1' ni pravilno celo število
'%1' is not a valid json file! common sl '%1' ni veljavna datoteka JSON
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ add shortcut common sl Dodaj bližnjico
add sub common sl Dodaj pod
add table common sl Dodaj tabelo
add to clipboard common sl Vse v odložišče
add user to responsibles groupdav sl dodajte uporabnika odgovornim osebam
add user to responsibles, removing evtl. previous category user groupdav sl dodajte uporabnika odgovornim, odstranite evtl. uporabnik prejšnje kategorije
add user to responsibles groupdav sl Dodajte uporabnika odgovornim osebam
add user to responsibles, removing evtl. previous category user groupdav sl Dodajte uporabnika odgovornim, odstranite evtl. uporabnik prejšnje kategorije
add your domain as "%1" in options to list of email providers and enable api. common sl Dodajte svojo domeno kot "%1" v možnosti na seznam ponudnikov e-pošte in omogočite API.
addressbook common sl Adresar
addressbooks to sync in addition to personal addressbook groupdav sl Imenik za sinhronizacijo poleg osebnega adresarja
@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ all common sl Vse
all addressbooks groupdav sl Vsi adresarji
all categories common sl Vse kategorije
all days common sl Vsi dnevi
all fields common sl vsa polja
all fields common sl Vsa polja
all in one groupdav sl Vse v enem
all languages common sl vsi jeziki
all languages common sl Vsi jeziki
all operations save the template! common sl Vse operacije shranijo predlogo!
all users common sl Vsi uporabniki
allow editing the %1 common sl Omogoči urejanje %1
@ -148,9 +148,11 @@ applies the changes made common sl Potrdi spremembe
applies the changes to the given version of the template common sl potrdi spremembe podane verzije predloge
apply common sl Uporabi
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries common sl Uporabite dejanje za celotno poizvedbo, NE samo prikazani vnosi
apps & license common sl Aplikacije in licence
april common sl April
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common sl Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati te vnose?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common sl Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta vnos?
are you sure you want to logout? common sl Ali ste prepričani, da se želite odjaviti?
are you sure, you would like to delete the backup key? common sl Ali ste prepričani, želite izbrisati varnostni ključ?
argentina common sl ARGENTINA
armenia common sl ARMENIJA
@ -168,8 +170,6 @@ author common sl Avtor
autohide sidebox menu's common sl Samodejno skrij stranske menije
autohide sidebox menus common sl Samodejno skrivanje stranskih menijev
automatic update check failed, you need to check manually! common sl Samodejna preveritev posodobitve ni uspela, morate ročno preveriti!
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common sl Samodejno skrijem stranske menije?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common sl Samodejno skrijem stranske menije?
automatically refresh list common sl Samodejno osveži seznam
autosave default category common sl Samodejno shrani privzeto kategorijo
avatar common sl Avatar
@ -178,7 +178,8 @@ back common sl Nazaj
back to user login common sl Nazaj na prijavno okno
background color: common sl Barva ozadja:
backup key common sl Varnostni ključ
backup/restore common sl Varnostno kopiranje / obnovitev
backup/restore common sl Varnostno kopiranje/obnovitev
backup/restore ... common sl Varnostno kopiranje/obnovitev ...
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common sl Spletni strežnik ne more pisati v arhivsko mapo '%1'
bad login or password common sl Napačno uporabniško ime in/ali geslo
bahamas common sl BAHAMI
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ chad common sl ČAD
change common sl Spremeni
change owner common sl Spremeni lastnika
changed common sl Spremenjeno
charset common sl UTF-8
charset common sl Charset
check all common sl Preveri vse
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common sl Preverite prazne vrednosti v stavkih IF. Primer {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - Če url ni prazen, napiše "Spletna stran:".
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common sl Preveri, če naj bo vsebina samo prikazana in ne spremenjena (na ta način ni poslana nazaj!)
@ -289,6 +290,7 @@ click here to upload the file common sl Kliknite sem, da boste prenesli datoteko
click or mouse over to show menus common sl Klik ali prehod z mišjo za prikaz menijev
click or mouse over to show menus? common sl Klik ali prehod z mišjo za prikaz menijev?
click this image on the navbar: %1 common sl Kliknite sliko v navbar: %1
click to open colorpicker common sl Kliknite za odprtje izbirnika barv
click to order after that criteria common sl Kliknite za soritanje po tem kriteriju
clickable path common sl Pot s povezavo
clients not explicitly stating a limit get limited to these many days. a too high limit may cause problems with some clients. groupdav sl Stranke, ki ne izrecno navedejo omejitve, se omejujejo na te toliko dni. Prevelika omejitev lahko povzroči težave z nekaterimi strankami.
@ -296,6 +298,7 @@ close common sl Zapri
close sidebox common sl Zapri stranski meni
closes the window without saving the changes common sl Zapre okno brez shranjevanja sprememb
cocos (keeling) islands common sl KOKOSOVI (KEELINGOVI) OTOKI
code common sl Code
collection empty. common sl Zbiranje prazno.
collection listing common sl Zbirni seznam
colombia common sl KOLUMBIJA
@ -337,7 +340,7 @@ create link common sl Ustvari povezavo
created common sl Ustvarjena
created by common sl Ustvaril
created by %1 common sl Ustvarjeno z %1
creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) common sl naredi angleško ('en') jezikovno datoteko iz napisov in besedila za pomoč (za program v polju Ime)
creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) common sl Naredi angleško ('en') jezikovno datoteko iz napisov in besedila za pomoč (za program v polju Ime)
creator preferences sl Stvarnik
croatia common sl HRVAŠKA
css class for the table-tag common sl Razred CSS za značko table
@ -352,7 +355,7 @@ current common sl Trenutno
current users common sl Trenutni uporabniki
custom common sl Po meri
custom fields common sl Polja po meri
custom javascript for onchange common sl JavaScript za onChange po meri
custom javascript for onchange common sl JavaScript za onchange po meri
cut common sl Izreži
cyprus common sl CIPER
czech republic common sl ČEŠKA REPUBLIKA
@ -375,11 +378,13 @@ december common sl December
deck common sl Kup (interno)
default common sl Privzeto
default category common sl Privzeta kategorija
default document to insert entries preferences sl Privzet dokument za vstavljanje vnosov
default height for the windows common sl Privzeta višina oken
default visible actions common sl Privzeta vidna dejanja
default width for the windows common sl Privzeta širina oken
del common sl Del
delete common sl Izbriši
delete a single entry by passing the id. common sl Izbriši en vnos z vnosom id-ja.
delete a single entry by passing the id. common sl Izbriši en vnos z vnosom ID-ja.
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry common sl Izbriši VSE izbrane eTemplate BREZ potrditve
delete and cut save the template! common sl Izbriši in izreži shranjene predloge!
delete backup common sl Izbriši varnostno kopijo
@ -389,15 +394,16 @@ delete column common sl Izbriši stolpec
delete file common sl Izbriši datoteko
delete index common sl Izbriši kazalo
delete link common sl Izbriši povezavo
delete link? common sl Izbrišem povezavo ?
delete link? common sl Izbrišem povezavo?
delete row common sl Izbriši vrstico
delete selected entries? common sl Izbrišem izbran vnos ?
delete selected entries? common sl Izbrišem izbran vnos?
delete the spezified etemplate common sl Izbriši določeno predlogo
delete these entries common sl Izbrišem ta vnos
delete this column common sl Izbriši ta stolpec
delete this entry common sl Izbriši ta vnos
delete this etemplate common sl Izbriši to eTemplate
delete this file common sl Izbriši to datoteko
delete this photo? common sl Brisanje te fotografije?
delete this row common sl Izbriši to vrstico
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common sl Izbriši celoten stolpec (tega NI mogoče razveljaviti)
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone common sl Izbriše zgornjo eTemplate iz podatkovne baze, brez razveljavitve
@ -408,14 +414,11 @@ denmark common sl DANSKA
description common sl Opis
detail common sl Podrobnost
details common sl Podrobnosti
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sl Onemogoči izvajanje skripte, ki popravi hrošča pri prikazu transparentnih PNG slik v Microsoft Internet Explorerju 5.5 in višjih?
direction left to right common sl Smer levo proti desni
directory common sl Mapa
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common sl Mapa ne obstaja, ni berljiva s strani spletnega strežnika ali ni podana relativno na koren dokumentov (document root)!
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common sl Onemogoči popravek PNG hrošča v IE?
disable slider effects common sl Onemogoči učinek drsnika
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common sl Onemogoči animirane učinke drsnika ob prikazu menija ob strani? Uporabniki Opere in Konquererja bodo verjetno hoteli to možnost.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sl Onemogočim izvajanje bugfixscript za Internet Explorer različica 5.5 in višja za prikaz prosojnosti v slikah PNG?
directory for storing merged documents preferences sl Mapa za shranjevanje združenih dokumentov
directory with documents to insert entries preferences sl Mapa z dokumenti za vstavljanje vnosov
disabled common sl Onemogočeno
discard changes common sl Razveljavi spremembe
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common sl Prikazan pred vnosom ali vstavljen pred izpisom za '%s' oznako (oznaka potrditvenega gumba ali ime datoteke slike)
@ -425,6 +428,7 @@ distribution lists as groups groupdav sl Distribucijski seznami kot skupine
djibouti common sl DŽIBUTI
do not notify common sl Ne obvesti
do not notify of these changes common sl Ob ustvarjanju ali spreminjanju ne pošiljajte obvestil
do not use on public computers! common sl NE uporabljajte na javnih računalnikih!
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common sl Ali želite izbrisati tudi podkategorije?
do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? common sl Ali želite shraniti spremembe v tabeli %s?
do you want to send the message to all selected entries, without further editing? common sl Želite poslati sporočilo vsem izbranim vnosom, BREZ nadaljnje urejanje?
@ -471,7 +475,7 @@ egroupware administrators group, do not delete common sl Skupine skrbnikov EGrou
egroupware all users group, do not delete common sl Vse skupine uporabnikov EGroupware , NE izbrišite
egroupware anonymous users group, do not delete common sl Skupina anonimnih uporabnikov v skupini EGroupware NE izbrišite
egroupware api version common sl Različica API EGroupware
egroupware maintenance update %1 available common sl Na voljo je posodobitev vzdrževanja za EGroupware% 1
egroupware maintenance update %1 available common sl Na voljo je posodobitev vzdrževanja za EGroupware %1
egroupware security update %1 needs to be installed! common sl Posodobitev varnostne posodobitve v gručah% 1 je treba namestiti!
egroupware version common sl Različica programa EGroupware
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common sl EGroupware: prijava uporabnika '%1' na IPju '%2' onemogočena.
@ -485,15 +489,17 @@ empty file common sl Prazna datoteka
enable javascript onchange submit common sl Omogoči Javascript onChange
enable logging groupdav sl Omogoči prijavo
enabled common sl Omogočeno
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav sl Enables logging of CalDAV/CardDAV traffic to diagnose problems with devices.
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav sl Omogoča beleženje prometa CalDAV/CardDAV za diagnosticiranje težav z napravami.
end date common sl Končni datum
end time common sl Končni čas
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common sl Vnesite '' za prazno privzeto vrednost, brez vnosa pomeni, da privzete vrednosti ni
enter a search pattern common sl Vnesite iskalni niz
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common sl Vnesite ime datoteke za prenos v strežnik in priponko, uporabite [Poišči...], da jo izberete
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin sl Vnesite URL EGroupware. Primer: http://www.domain.com/egroupware ali /egroupware<br><b>Brez zaključne poševnice!</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin sl Vnesite URL EGroupware. Primer: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware ali /egroupware<br><b>Brez zaključne poševnice!</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common sl Sem vnesite novo številko različice (> stara_različica), prazno za ne-obnovo datoteke
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common sl Sem vnesite novo številko različice (mora biti > stara_različica)
enter your file name common sl Vnesite ime datoteke
enter your password common sl Vnesite svoje geslo
entry has been deleted sucessfully common sl Vnos je bil uspešno izbrisan
entry not found! common sl Ne najdem vnosa!
entry saved common sl Vnos shranjen
@ -507,10 +513,11 @@ error create parent directory %1! common sl Napaka pri ustvarjanju nadrejenega i
error creating %1 %2 directory common sl Napaka pri ustvarjanju %1 %2 mape
error deleting %1 %2 directory common sl Napaka pri brisanju %1 %2 mape
error deleting %1! common sl Napaka pri brisanju %1!
error enabling push common sl Napaka pri omogočanju potiska
error renaming %1 %2 directory common sl Napaka ob preimenovanju %1 %2 mape
error uploading file! filemanager sl Napaka pri prenosu datoteke!
error: template not found !!! common sl Napaka: ne najdem predloge!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common sl Napaka: spletni strežnik nima pravic za pisanje v '%1' !
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common sl Napaka: spletni strežnik nima pravic za pisanje v '%1'!
error: while saving !!! common sl Napaka: med shranjevanjem!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! common sl Napaka pri zapisovanju datoteke (ni pravic za pisanje v spletnem strežniku)
estonia common sl ESTONIJA
@ -536,10 +543,10 @@ expiration common sl Potek veljavnosti
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common sl Izvozi naloženo eTemplate v datoteko XML
export xml common sl Izvozi XML
extensions loaded: common sl Razširitve naložene:
failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2! admin sl Način zahtevanega imenika »%1« ni uspel spremeniti v %2!
failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2! admin sl Način zahtevanega imenika "%1" ni uspel spremeniti v %2!
failed to change password. common sl Napaka pri spreminjanju gesla.
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common sl Povezava s strežnikom ni uspela oz. strežnik je javil napačen odgovor. Poskusite se ponovno prijaviti. Če vam ne uspe, kontaktirajte skrbnika.
failed to create required directory "%1"! admin sl Zahtevanega imenika »%1« ni bilo mogoče ustvariti!
failed to create required directory "%1"! admin sl Zahtevanega imenika "%1" ni bilo mogoče ustvariti!
failed to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3! admin sl Neuspeli premakniti nepovezane %1% 2 do %3!
falkland islands (malvinas) common sl FALKLANDSKO OTOČJE
faroe islands common sl FERSKO OTOČJE
@ -577,7 +584,7 @@ fixme! common sl POPRAVI ME!
floating point common sl Decimalna vejica
folder already exists. common sl Mapa že obstaja.
for more than one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat! preferences sl Uporabite stran z oznako za več kot en stik v dokumentu!
force common sl vsili
force common sl Vsili
force selectbox common sl Vsili izbirna polja
foreign key common sl Tuji ključ
forever common sl Za vedno
@ -610,6 +617,7 @@ go to the first entry common sl Pojdi na prvi vnos
go to the last entry common sl Pojdi na zadnji vnos
go to the next page of entries common sl Pojdi na naslednjo stran vnosov
go to the previous page of entries common sl Pojdi na prejšnjo stran vnosov
go to your home directory common sl Pojdite v svoj domači imenik
grant access common sl Dovoli dostop
greece common sl GRČIJA
greek common sl Grčija
@ -626,7 +634,7 @@ group has been updated common sl Skupina je bila posodobljena
group name common sl Ime skupine
group public common sl Skupina 'javnost'
groupbox common sl Združeni okvir
groupdav common sl CalDAV / CardCAV sync
groupdav common sl CalDAV / CardDAV sync
groups common sl Skupine
groups with permission for %1 common sl Skupine z dovoljenjem za
groups without permission for %1 common sl Skupine brez dovoljenja za
@ -672,13 +680,12 @@ html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files
hungary common sl MADŽARSKA
iceland common sl ISLANDIJA
id common sl ID
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common sl ieSpell ni bil zaznan. Kliknite V redu za obisk spletne strani za prenos.
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common sl Če je polje izključeno, je prikazana prazna celica v tabeli, za začasno odstranitev polja/celice
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common sl Če je ura omogočena, bi jo radi posodobili vsako sekundo ali vsako minutu?
if the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver. common sl Če se napaka ne odpravi, se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika in povprašajte, da preverite dnevnik napak spletnega strežnika.
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common sl Če so v mapi kakšne slike, lahko izberete tisto, ki jo želite videti.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences sl Če določite imenik, celotno pot vfs, %1 prikaže ukrep za vsak dokument. To dejanje omogoča prenos določenega dokumenta z vstavljenimi podatki.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences sl Če določite dokument, celotno pot vfs, %1 prikaže ikono dodatne dokumentacije za vsak vnos. Ta ikona omogoča prenos določenega dokumenta z vstavljenimi podatki.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences sl Če določite imenik, celotno pot VFS, %1 prikaže ukrep za vsak dokument. To dejanje omogoča prenos določenega dokumenta z vstavljenimi podatki.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences sl Če določite dokument, celotno pot VFS, %1 prikaže ikono dodatne dokumentacije za vsak vnos. Ta ikona omogoča prenos določenega dokumenta z vstavljenimi podatki.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common sl Če uporabljate 2-faktorsko preverjanje pristnosti, tukaj vnesite kodo.
image common sl Slika
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common sl Mapa slik, relativno na koren dokumentov (document root, uporabite /!). Primer:
@ -687,7 +694,6 @@ import common sl Uvoz
import an etemplate from a xml-file common sl Uvozi eTemplate iz datoteke XML
import table-definitions from existing db-table common sl Uvozi definicije tabele iz obstoječe tabele podatkovne baze
import xml common sl Uvozi XML
in order to copy to clipboard, you need to allow flash player by clicking on gray box.\nyou can permanently allow flash player for egroupware in your browser settings. common sl Če želite kopirati v odložišče, morate omogočiti Flash predvajalnik tako, da kliknete sivo polje.\NTukaj lahko trajno dovolite Flash Player za EGroupware v nastavitvah brskalnika.
include access to any linked files (links tab) common sl Vključite dostop do vseh povezanih datotek (zavihek Povezave)
increment version to not overwrite the existing template common sl Povišaj različico, da ne prepišeš obstoječe podloge
index/name of returned content (name of the template, link / method for image) common sl Indeks/ime vrnjene vsebine (ime predloge, povezava/metoda za sliko)
@ -785,19 +791,20 @@ libyan arab jamahiriya common sl LIBIJA
license common sl Licenca
liechtenstein common sl LICHTENSTEIN
light mode common sl Svetli način
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common sl Vrstica %1: '%2'<br><b>Podatki csv vsebujejo ## zadnje preverjanje delovanja ## tabele %3 ==> prezrto</ b>
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common sl Vrstica %1: '%2'<br><b>Podatki csv vsebujejo ## zadnje preverjanje delovanja ## tabele %3 ==> prezrto</b>
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common sl Vrstica %1: '%2'<br><b>CSV podatki se ne ujemajo s številom stolpcev v tabeli %3==>zavrnjen</b>
link common sl Povezava
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download currently attached version of files common sl Povezava je dodana pošti, ki prejemnikom omogoča prenos trenutne različice datotek
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download or modify up to date version of files (epl only) common sl Povezava je dodana pošti, ki prejemnikom omogoča, da prenesejo ali spremenijo najnovejšo različico datotek (samo EPL)
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download up to date version of files common sl Povezava je dodana pošti, ki prejemnikom omogoča, da prenesejo najnovejšo različico datotek
link target %1 not found! common sl Cilj povezave %1 ni bil najden
link title of current record common sl Naslov povezave trenutnega zapisa
linkapps common sl Povezava - aplikacija
linked common sl Povezano
linkentry common sl Povezava - vnos
linklist common sl Povezava - seznam
links and attached files preferences sl Povezave in priložene datoteke
links to specified application. example: {{links/addressbook}} common sl Povezave do določene aplikacije. Primer: {{povezave / addressbook}}
links to specified application. example: {{links/addressbook}} common sl Povezave do določene aplikacije. Primer: {{links/addressbook}}
linkstring common sl Povezava - besedilo
linkto common sl Povezava na
list common sl Seznam
@ -846,6 +853,7 @@ maybe common sl Mogoče
mayotte common sl MAYOTTE
medium common sl Srednje
menu common sl Meni
merged document filename preferences sl Ime datoteke združenega dokumenta
message common sl Sporočilo
message ... common sl Sporočilo ...
message prepared for sending. common sl Sporočilo je pripravljeno za pošiljanje.
@ -858,7 +866,7 @@ minute common sl Minuta
minutes common sl Minute
missing: %1 common sl Manjka: %1
mo common sl Na
mode of required directory "%1" changed to %2. admin sl Način zahtevanega imenika »%1« je spremenjen v %2.
mode of required directory "%1" changed to %2. admin sl Način zahtevanega imenika "%1" je spremenjen v %2.
modifier preferences sl Modifikator
moldova, republic of common sl MOLDAVIJA
monaco common sl MONAKO
@ -929,6 +937,7 @@ no filters common sl Ni filtrov
no history for this record common sl Ni zgodovine za ta zapis.
no key for recipient: common sl Brez ključa za prejemnika:
no matches found common sl Ni najdenih zadetkov
no response from server: your data is probably not saved common sl Brez odziva strežnika: vaši podatki verjetno NISO shranjeni
no results match common sl Ni rezultatov
no rights to export more than %1 entries! common sl Ni več pravic za izvoz več kot %1 vnosov!
no row to swap with !!! common sl Nobene vrstice za zamenjavo!
@ -965,20 +974,21 @@ number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing common sl Število vrs
numbers common sl številke
october common sl Oktober
of common sl od
off common sl off
off common sl Off
ok common sl V redu
old value common sl Stara vrednost
oman common sl OMAN
on *nix systems please type: %1 common sl Na *nix sistemih vnesite: %1
on mouse over common sl Ob prehodu z miško
onchange common sl onChange
onclick common sl onClick
onchange common sl onchange
onclick common sl onclick
only an other version found !!! common sl Najdena je samo druga različica!
only private common sl Samo zasebno
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav sl Podpira le nekaj popolnoma skladnih strank (npr. Iz Applea). Če morate vnesti URL, najverjetneje ne bo podprt!
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav sl Podpira le nekaj popolnoma skladnih strank (npr. Iz Apple). Če morate vnesti URL, najverjetneje ne bo podprt!
only yours common sl Samo vaše
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common sl Smo sredi vzdrževanja sistema.
open common sl Odpri
open existing contact common sl Odprite obstoječi stik
open notify window common sl Odpri okno z opozorilom
open popup window common sl Odpri pojavno okno
open sidebox common sl Odpri stranski meni
@ -1006,7 +1016,7 @@ papua new guinea common sl PAPUA NOVA GVINEJA
paraguay common sl PARAGVAJ
parcel common sl Paket
parent category common sl Nadrejena kategorija
parent is a '%1' !!! common sl Nadrejeni je '%1' !!!
parent is a '%1' !!! common sl Nadrejeni je '%1'!
password common sl Geslo
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 common sl geslo vsebuje samo %1 potrebnih %2 znakovnih razredov: ne %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) common sl geslo vsebuje "%1" del vašega uporabniškega ali celotnega imena (3 ali več znakov)
@ -1038,7 +1048,7 @@ play/pause common sl Predvajaj/počasi
please %1 by hand common sl Prosim, ročno %1
please enter a name common sl Vnesite ime!
please enter table-name first !!! common sl Najprej vpišite ime tabele
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common sl Ponovno naložite namizje programa EGroupware (F5 / Cmd + r).
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common sl Ponovno naložite namizje programa EGroupware (F5 / Cmd+R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common sl Prosimo, ne pozabite od zdaj naprej za lokalno prijavo uporabljati uporabniško ime '%1'!
please run setup to become current common sl Poženite namestitev za posodobitev!
please select common sl Izberite
@ -1046,7 +1056,7 @@ please set your global preferences common sl Vnesite splošne nastavitve.
please set your preferences for this application common sl Vnesite nastavitve za to aplikacijo!
please type %1 more characters common sl Vnesite %1 več znakov
please type 1 more character common sl Vnesite še 1 znak
please wait... common sl Prosimo, počakajte...
please wait... common sl Prosimo, počakajte ...
please, check back with us shortly. common sl Vrnite se pozneje.
pm common sl pop
poland common sl POLJSKA
@ -1061,6 +1071,7 @@ preference common sl Nastavitev
preferences common sl Nastavitve
preferences for the %1 template set preferences sl Nastavitve za nastavljeno predlogo %1
prev common sl Prej
preview with entry common sl Predogled z vnosom
previous page common sl Prejšnja stran
primary group common sl Osnovna skupina
primary key common sl Primarni ključ
@ -1076,6 +1087,7 @@ protocol is required common sl Potreben je protokol
public common sl Javno
puerto rico common sl PORTORIKO
qatar common sl KATAR
quick add common sl Hitro dodajanje
radiobutton common sl Radijski gumb
read common sl Beri
read a list of entries. common sl Beri seznam vnosov.
@ -1084,12 +1096,14 @@ read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common sl Beri eTemplate iz zb
read this list of methods. common sl Preberi ta seznam postopkov
reading common sl Branje
readonly common sl Samo za branje
readonly filemanager directory common sl Mapa upravitelja datotek samo za branje
readonly share common sl Branje v skupni rabi
refresh common sl Osveži
register common sl Registriraj
regular common sl Občasno
reject common sl Zavrni
remember me common sl Zapomni se me
remember me for %1 common sl Zapomni si me za %1
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common sl Odstrani vrstico (ni mogoče razveljaviti)
remove selected accounts common sl Odstrani izbrane račune
remove shortcut common sl Odstrani bližnjico
@ -1099,13 +1113,16 @@ rename common sl Preimenuj
repeat password common sl Ponovitev gesla
replace common sl Zamenjaj
replace with common sl Zamenjaj z
request could not be processed, please reload your window (press f5 or cmd r)! common sl Zahteve ni bilo mogoče obdelati, ponovno naložite okno (pritisnite F5 ali Cmd+R)!
requested resource '%1' does not exist or has expired common sl Zahtevani vir '%1' ne obstaja ali je potekel
requests and full responses to files directory common sl Zahteve in popoln odgovor na imenik datotek
requests and truncated responses to apache error-log groupdav sl Zahteve in okrnjene odzive na dnevnik napak Apache
required common sl Zahtevano
required directory "%1" created. admin sl Zahtevan imenik »%1« je ustvarjen.
required directory "%1" has wrong mode %2 instead of %3! admin sl Zahtevan imenik "%1" ima napačen način %2 namesto %3!
required directory "%1" not found! admin sl Zahtevan imenik »%1« ni našel!
required directory "%1" not found! admin sl Zahtevan imenik "%1" ni našel!
reset common sl Ponastavi
reset all to default common sl Ponastavi vse na privzeto
reset all user's column preferences common sl Ponastavite vse uporabniške nastavitve stolpca
resource calendars groupdav sl Koledarji virov
resource type common sl Vrste virov
@ -1140,11 +1157,11 @@ san marino common sl SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common sl SAO TOME IN PRINCIPE
saturday common sl Sobota
saudi arabia common sl SAVDSKA ARABIJA
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common sl Različica Savant2 se razlikuje od ovojnice Savant2. <br/>Ta različica: %1 <br/>Različica Savant: %2
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common sl Različica Savant2 se razlikuje od ovojnice Savant2. <br>Ta različica: %1 <br>Različica Savant: %2
save common sl Shrani
save all common sl Shrani vse
save as common sl Shrani kot
save as zip common sl Shrani kot Zip
save as zip common sl Shrani kot ZIP
save selected columns as default preference for all users. common sl Shrani izbrane stolpce kot privzeto nastavitev za vse uporabnike.
save the changes made and close the window common sl Shrani spremembe in zapri okno
save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas common sl Shrani eTemplate pod gornjimi ključi (ime,...), spremeni jih za Shrani kot
@ -1161,10 +1178,11 @@ search accounts common sl Išči po računih
search for '%1' common sl Išči '%1'
search letter common sl Iskanje črke
search or select accounts common sl Išči ali izberi uporabniške račune
search... common sl Iskanje...
search... common sl Iskanje ...
second common sl Sekunda
section common sl Odsek
securest common sl varen
security & password common sl Varnost in geslo
select common sl Izberi
select "%1", if your client does not support multiple addressbooks. groupdav sl Izberite »%1«, če vaš odjemalec ne podpira več adresarjev.
select "%1", if your client support groups, eg. os x or ios addressbook. groupdav sl Izberite "%1", če skupine podpore strankam, npr. OS X ali iOS imenik.
@ -1181,6 +1199,7 @@ select an app to search in common sl Izberite program, v katerem naj iščem
select an application common sl Izberite program
select an application, (*) = uninstalled common sl Izberite program, (*) = odstranjen
select an entry to link with common sl Izberite vnos za povezavo
select an opened dialog common sl Izberite odprto pogovorno okno
select an table of the application common sl Izberite tabelo programa
select application common sl Izberite program
select application to search common sl Izberite aplikacijo za iskanje
@ -1214,6 +1233,7 @@ select the default width for the application windows common sl Izberite privzeto
select the indexed columns in their desired order common sl Izberite indeksne stolpce v želenem vrstnem redu
select this etemplate to delete it common sl Označite to eTemplate za brisanje
select user common sl Izberi uporabnika
select user or group common sl Izberite uporabnika ali skupino
select which accounts to show common sl Izberite, kateri računi naj bodo prikazani
select which values to show common sl Označite vrednosti za prikaz
select work email address common sl Izberi službeni E-naslov
@ -1234,12 +1254,20 @@ server name common sl Ime strežnika
session has been killed common sl Seja je bila prekinjena.
set as default common sl Nastavi kot privzeto
set these columns as the default common sl Te stolpce nastavite kot privzete
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav sl nastavi uporabnika kot edino odgovornega uporabnika, vendar ohranja skupine
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav sl nastavite uporabnika kot edino odgovorno, tako da odstranite vse obstoječe odgovore
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav sl Nastavi uporabnika kot edino odgovornega uporabnika, vendar ohranja skupine
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav sl Nastavite uporabnika kot edino odgovorno, tako da odstranite vse obstoječe odgovore
sets today as date common sl Določi današnji datum za trenutni datum
settings saved. common sl Shranjene nastavitve.
setup common sl Namestitev
setup main menu common sl Glavni meni namestitve
seychelles common sl SEJEŠELI
share common sl Delež
share as readonly, but allow uploads. uploads are hidden, and only accessable by those with an account common sl Delite kot samo za branje, vendar dovolite nalaganje. Nalaganje je skrito in dostopno le tistim, ki imajo račun.
share filemanager directory common sl Mapa Upravitelj datotek
share files common sl Datoteke v skupni rabi
share just the associated filemanager directory, not the %1 common sl V skupno rabo dajte samo povezano mapo Upravitelja datotek in ne %1
share link common sl Skupna raba povezave
share this %1 via url common sl To %1 delite prek URL-ja
shift common sl Shift
shift ⇧ common sl Shift ⇧
should the form be submitted or any custom javascript be executed common sl Naj bo obrazec oddan ali naj bo izveden katerikoli JavaScript po meri
@ -1310,6 +1338,7 @@ submitbutton common sl Potrditveni gumb
substitutions and their meanings: common sl Nadomestila in njihov pomen
successful created new directory %1 for unconnected nods. admin sl Uspešno je ustvaril nov imenik %1 za nepovezane klice.
sudan common sl SUDAN
suggest password common sl Predlagajte geslo
sunday common sl Nedelja
sure common sl Sure
suriname common sl SURINAM
@ -1344,15 +1373,18 @@ textarea common sl Besedilno polje
th common sl Ta
thailand common sl TAJSKA
the backup key has been deleted. common sl Ključ varnostne kopije je bil izbrisan.
the browser popup blocker is on. please click on ok button to see the pop-up.\n\nif you would like to not see this message for the next time, allow your browser pop-up blocker to open popups from %1 common sl Vključen je blokator pojavnih oken brskalnika. Prosimo, kliknite gumb »OK«, da se prikaže pojavno okno.\N\nČe ne želite, da se to sporočilo prikaže naslednjič, omogočite pojavu pojavnih oken v brskalniku, da odpre pojavne oken od %1
the browser popup blocker is on. please click on ok button to see the pop-up.\n\nif you would like to not see this message for the next time, allow your browser pop-up blocker to open popups from %1 common sl Vključen je blokator pojavnih oken brskalnika. Prosimo, kliknite gumb »OK«, da se prikaže pojavno okno.<br>Če ne želite, da se to sporočilo prikaže naslednjič, omogočite pojavu pojavnih oken v brskalniku, da odpre pojavne oken od %1
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). preferences sl Dokument lahko vsebuje vsebnika kot {{%3}}, ki jo je treba zamenjati s podatki. %1 Celoten seznam imen imenika %2.
the following applications require upgrades common sl Naslednje aplikacije je potrebno nadgraditi
the following document-types are supported: preferences sl Podprte so naslednje vrste dokumentov:
the mail server returned common sl Poštni strežnik je vrnil
there already is a system-user with this name. user's should not have the same name as a systemuser common sl Obstaja že sistemski uporabnik s tem imenom. Izberite drugo ime.
they will be sub-folders in users home (%1 attribute). common sl V domovih uporabnikov bodo podmape (atribut %1).
this feature is only available in epl version. common sl Ta funkcija je na voljo samo v različici EPL.
this is your own share. to test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br/>%1 common sl This is your own share. To test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br>%1
this name has been used already common sl To ime je že uporabljeno!
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) common sl To besedilo je prikazano, če je vnosno polje prazno in neoznačeno (zamegljeno)
this will reset toolbar preferences for all users and set them to configured default prefs. common sl To ponastavi nastavitve orodne vrstice za vse uporabnike in jih nastavi na konfigurirane privzete nastavitve.
thursday common sl Četrtek
tiled common sl Razpostavljeno
time common sl Čas
@ -1373,7 +1405,7 @@ todays date, eg. "%1" common sl Današnji datum, npr. "%1"
togo common sl TOGO
tokelau common sl TOKELAU
tonga common sl TONGA
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common sl Izbranih je preveč vrstic.<br />Izberite vse ali manj kot %1 vrstic
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common sl Izbranih je preveč vrstic.<br>Izberite vse ali manj kot %1 vrstic
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common sl Preveč neuspešnih poskusov prijave: %1 za uporabnika %2, %3 za IP %4.
top common sl Na vrh
total common sl Skupaj
@ -1398,6 +1430,7 @@ uncheck all common sl Počistite vse
unconnected nodes will be moved to %1. admin sl Nepovezana vozlišča bodo premaknjena v %1.
undefined common sl nedoločeno
underline common sl Podčrtano
undo common sl Razveljavi
unicode common sl Unicode
unique common sl Enoličen
united arab emirates common sl ZDRUŽENI ARABSKI EMIRATI
@ -1410,6 +1443,7 @@ update common sl Obnovi
update a single entry by passing the fields. common sl Posodobi posamezen vnos s pošiljanjem polj
update from version '%s' to common sl Posodobi z različice '%s' na
update the clock per minute or per second common sl Posodobi uro vsako minuto ali vsako sekundo
updating your account with new data from your identity provider failed! common sl Posodabljanje računa z novimi podatki od ponudnika identitete ni uspelo!
upload common sl Prenesi
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common sl Mapa za prenos ne obstaja ali pa ni zapisljiva s strani spletnega strežnika
upload file(s) from filemanager... common sl Naloži datoteke iz Filemanagerja ...
@ -1417,6 +1451,8 @@ upload new photo common sl Naloži novo fotografijo
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common sl Prenos zahteva, da je mapa zapisljiva s streni spletnega strežnika!
uppercase letters common sl velike črke
url common sl URL
url of current record common sl URL trenutnega zapisa
urls of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common sl URL-ji vseh vnosov, povezanih s trenutnim zapisom, razen priloženih datotek
uruguay common sl URUGVAJ
use button to search for common sl Uporabi gumb za iskanje
use button to search for address common sl Uporabi gumb za iskanje naslova
@ -1441,6 +1477,7 @@ version common sl Različica
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) common sl Številka različice, mora biti oblike: večja.manjša.revizija.številka (npr. , vsa števila zapolnjena z ničlami)
vertical alignment of row common sl Navpična porvnava vrstice
vfs upload directory common sl Imenik nalaganja VFS
video tutorials common sl Video vadnice
viet nam common sl VIETNAM
view common sl Pregled
view linked %1 entries common sl Oglejte si povezane vnose %1
@ -1459,7 +1496,7 @@ western european common sl Zahodna evropa
western sahara common sl ZAHODNA SAHARA
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common sl Kakšne barve naj bo prazen prostor na namizju?
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common sl Kaj se zgodi s prenasičeno vsebino: vidna (privzeto), skrij, vklopi pomikanje, samodejno (se odloči brskalnik)
what style would you like the image to have? common sl Kakšen slog želite za sliko?
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences sl Ko vnose združite v dokumente, bodo ti shranjeni tukaj. Če mape ne navedete, bodo shranjeni v vašem domačem imeniku (%1)
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common sl Če odgovorite z Da, bosta gumba Domov in Odjavi v orodni vrstici aplikacij.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common sl Kje in kako naj egroupware prikaže povezave za nastavitve in odjavo.
which groups common sl Katere skupine
@ -1476,6 +1513,8 @@ work email common sl Službeni E-naslov
working days common sl Delovniki
works reliable for total size up to 1-2 mb, might work for 5-10 mb, most likely to fail for >10mb common sl Deluje zanesljivo za skupno velikost do 1-2 MB, morda dela za 5-10 MB, najverjetneje ne bo več>10 MB
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common sl Želite na dnu vsakega okna prikazati čas ustvarjanja strani?
writable common sl Možnost zapisovanja
writable filemanager directory common sl Mapa upravitelja datotek z možnostjo pisanja
writable share common sl Pisanje v skupni rabi
write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php common sl Zapiši <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php
write langfile common sl Zapiši jezikovno datoteko
@ -1504,6 +1543,7 @@ you have not entered participants common sl Niste vnesli udeležencev
you have selected an invalid date common sl Izbrali ste napačen datum
you have selected an invalid main category common sl Izbrali ste napačno glavno kategorijo
you have successfully logged out common sl Bili ste uspešno odjavljeni
you may drag files out to your desktop common sl Datoteke lahko povlečete na namizje
you need to %1set your timezone preference%2. common sl Morate nastaviti %1 nastavitev svojega časovnega pasu %2.
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common sl Uporabnika '%1' je potrebno dodati skupini '%2'.
you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common sl Za dostop do te funkcionalnosti morate biti administrator!
@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
%1 etemplates found common sv Hittade %1 eTemplate
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common sv %1 är inte exekverbar av webbservern!
%1 matches on search criteria common sv %1 resultat hittade på sökning
%1 more %2 selected ... common sv %1 fler %2 valda...
%1 more %2 selected ... common sv %1 fler %2 valda ...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common sv %1 nya eTemplate importerade för applikation '%2'
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common sv %1Välj en annan katalog%2<br/> eller gör %3 skrivbar för webbservern
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common sv %1Välj en annan katalog%2<br> eller gör %3 skrivbar för webbservern
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common sv %1EGroupware%2 är en webbaserad grupp-programvara skriven i %3PHP%4.
%s disabled common sv %s Inaktiverad
%s needed common sv %s Krävs
%s notranslation common sv %s Inte översatt
%s onchange common sv %s onChange
%s onchange common sv %s onchange
%s readonly common sv %s Skrivskyddad
'%1' copied to clipboard common sv "%1" kopieras till urklipp
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common sv '%1' har ett ogiltigt format
@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
5 seconds common sv 5 sekunder
80 (http) admin sv 80 (http)
a pattern to be searched for common sv Sökord att söka efter
a request to the egroupware server returned with an error common sv En förfrågan till EGroupware-servern returnerades med ett felmeddelande
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz common sv ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
abort common sv Avbryt
about common sv Om
about %1 common sv Om %1
@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ access common sv Åtkomst
access not permitted common sv Åtkomst nekad
accesskey common sv Åtkomstnyckel
accesskeys can also be specified with an & in the label (eg. &name) common sv Åtkomstnyckel kan specifieras med ett & i en etikett (ex. &Namn)
account contactdata common sv Konto kontaktuppgifter
account has been created common sv Kontot skapat
account has been deleted common sv Kontot raderat
account has been updated common sv Kontot uppdaterat
@ -54,10 +57,13 @@ account is expired common sv Kontot har förfallit
accounts common sv Konton
acl common sv ACL
action common sv Åtgärd
action when category is an email address groupdav sv Åtgärd när kategorin är en e-postadress
actions common sv Åtgärder
actions... common sv Åtgärder
active common sv Aktiv
active directory requires ssl or tls to change passwords! common sv Active Directory kräver SSL eller TLS för att ändra lösenord!
add common sv Lägg till
add %1 common sv Lägg till %1
add %1 category for common sv Lägg till %1 kategori för
add a new column (after the existing ones) common sv Infoga kolumn (efter existerande)
add a new contact common sv Lägg till ny kontakt
@ -131,8 +137,6 @@ authenticate common sv Autentisera
author common sv Författare
autohide sidebox menu's common sv Autogöm Länkboxen
autohide sidebox menus common sv Autogöm Länkboxen
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common sv Göm automatiskt Länkboxens menyer?
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common sv Göm automatiskt Länkboxens menyer?
autosave default category common sv Autospara standard kategori
avatar common sv Avatar
azerbaijan common sv AZERBAIJAN
@ -167,6 +171,7 @@ box common sv Ruta
box... common sv Ruta ...
brazil common sv BRASILIEN
british indian ocean territory common sv BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
broken link common sv Bruten länk
browser %1 %2 is not recommended. you may experience issues and not working features. please use the latest version of chrome, firefox or edge. thank you! common sv Webbläsaren %1 %2 rekommenderas inte. Du kan uppleva problem och funktioner som inte fungerar. Använd den senaste versionen av Chrome, Firefox eller Edge. Tack för hjälpen!
brunei darussalam common sv BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
bulgaria common sv BULGARIEN
@ -179,8 +184,8 @@ can not have special sql-value null common sv Kan inte ha SQL reserverat värde
canada common sv KANADA
cancel common sv Avbryt
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common sv Kan inte ersätta %1 eftersom det är en katalog
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common sv Kan inte ta bort en enstaka widget från en grid!!
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common sv Kan inte ta bort den enda kolumnen från en grid!!
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common sv Kan inte ta bort en enstaka widget från en grid!
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! common sv Kan inte ta bort den enda kolumnen från en grid!
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! common sv Kan inte ta bort den enda raden i en grid
cant open '%1' for %2 common sv Kan inte öppna '%1' åt %2
cape verde common sv KAP VERDE
@ -188,8 +193,8 @@ caption common sv Överskrift
categories common sv Kategorier
categories for common sv Kategorier för
category common sv Kategori
category %1 has been added ! common sv Kategori %1 tillagd
category %1 has been updated ! common sv Kategori %1 uppdaterad
category %1 has been added ! common sv Kategori %1 tillagd!
category %1 has been updated ! common sv Kategori %1 uppdaterad!
cayman islands common sv CAYMANÖARNA
cc common sv Cc
cellpadding for the table-tag common sv Cellfyllnad för tabell kod
@ -201,7 +206,7 @@ central african republic common sv CENTRAL AFRIKANSKA REPUBLIKEN
chad common sv TCHAD
change common sv Ändra
changed common sv Ändrad
charset common sv utf-8
charset common sv Charset
check all common sv Markera alla
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common sv Kontrollera om det finns tomma värden i IF-satser. Exempel {{IF url~EMPTY~~Webbplats:}} - Om url inte är tom, skriv "Webbplats:"
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common sv Kontrollera om innehållet bara ska visas men inte förändras (innehållet skickas då inte tillbaks)
@ -251,6 +256,7 @@ confirmation necesary or custom java-script common sv Bekräftelse nödvändig e
congo common sv KONGO, REPUBLIKEN
congo, the democratic republic of the common sv KONGO, DEMOKRATISKA REPUBLIKEN
contact common sv Kontakt
contact field to show common sv Kontaktfält att visa
contact fields common sv Kontakt fält
contacting server... common sv Kontaktar server ...
contains common sv Innehåller
@ -262,7 +268,7 @@ copy to common sv Kopiera till
copy to clipboard common sv Kopiera till klippbordet
costa rica common sv COSTA RICA
cote d ivoire common sv ELFENBENSKUSTEN
could not contact server. operation timed out! common sv Kunde inte kontakta server.
could not contact server. operation timed out! common sv Kunde inte kontakta server!
create common sv Skapa
create a new table for the application common sv Skapa ny tabell för applikationen
create directory common sv Skapa en mapp
@ -284,7 +290,7 @@ current common sv Aktuell
current users common sv Aktuella användare
custom common sv Anpassa
custom fields common sv Anpassade fält
custom javascript for onchange common sv Anpassat JavaScript för onChange
custom javascript for onchange common sv Anpassat JavaScript för onchange
cut common sv Klipp ut
cyprus common sv CYPERN
czech republic common sv TJEKISKA REPUBLIKEN
@ -328,13 +334,8 @@ denmark common sv DANMARK
description common sv Beskrivning
detail common sv Detalj
details common sv Detaljer
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sv Inaktivera exekveringen av bugfix skript för IExplorer 5.5 och högre för att visa transparanta png-bilder?
direction left to right common sv Riktning från vänster till höger
directory common sv Katalog
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common sv Inaktivera Internet Explorer png-bild-bugfix
disable slider effects common sv Inaktivera animerade effekter
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common sv Inaktivera animerade effekter vid visning eller vid täckta menyer på sidan? Opera och Konqueror användare väljer troligen detta.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sv Inaktivera exekveringen av bugfix skript för IExplorer 5.5 och högre för att visa transparanta png-bilder?
disabled common sv Inaktiverad
discard changes common sv Ångra ändringar
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) common sv Visas framför indata eller indata skrivs för en '%s' i etiketten (etikett på Sparaknapp eller bild fil)
@ -376,20 +377,20 @@ editable templates - editor common sv Ändringsbar mall - Editor
editable templates - search common sv Ändringsbar mall - Sök
editable templates - show template common sv Ändringsbar mall - Visa mall
egroupware common sv EGroupware
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common sv EGroupware: inloggning spärrad för '%1', IP %2
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common sv Inloggning spärrad för '%1', IP %2
egypt common sv EGYPTEN
el salvador common sv EL SALVADOR
email common sv E-post
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sv Användarens e-postadress, ex. "%1"
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common sv Inbäddade CSS stilar, ex. '.red { background: red; }' (notera '.' före class namnet) eller '@import url(...)' (class namn är globala för hela sidan!)
enable javascript onchange submit common sv Aktivera JavaScript OnChange submit
enable javascript onchange submit common sv Aktivera JavaScript onchange submit
enabled common sv Aktiverad
end date common sv Slutdatum
end time common sv Sluttid
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default common sv Ange '' för tom standard, tomt betyder ingen standard
enter a search pattern common sv Ange sökord
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it common sv Använd [Bläddra...] för att söka efter fil
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin sv Ange sökväg till EGroupware's URL.<br>Example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware eller /egroupware<br><b>Utan efterföljande snedstreck</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin sv Ange sökväg till EGroupware's URL.<br>Example: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware eller /egroupware<br><b>Utan efterföljande snedstreck</b>
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file common sv Ange nytt högre versionsnummer, tomt för ingen uppdateringsfil
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) common sv Ange nytt högre versionsnummer
entry has been deleted sucessfully common sv Post raderad
@ -447,7 +448,7 @@ first name common sv Förnamn
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common sv Användarens förnamn, ex. "%1"
first page common sv Första sidan
firstname common sv Förnamn
fixme! common sv FIXAMIG!!!!
fixme! common sv FIXAMIG!
floating point common sv Flyttal
folder already exists. common sv Katalogen finns redan
force selectbox common sv Tvinga Valruta
@ -479,6 +480,7 @@ go to the first entry common sv Gå till första posten
go to the last entry common sv Gå till sista posten
go to the next page of entries common sv Gå till nästa sida
go to the previous page of entries common sv Gå till föregående sida
go to your home directory common sv Gå till din hemkatalog
grant access common sv Reglera åtkomst
greece common sv GREKLAND
greenland common sv GRÖNLAND
@ -494,6 +496,7 @@ group has been updated common sv Grupp uppdaterad
group name common sv Gruppnamn
group public common sv Grupp publik
groupbox common sv Gruppruta
groupdav common sv CalDAV/CardDAV-synkronisering
groups common sv Grupper
groups with permission for %1 common sv Grupper med åtkomst till %1
groups without permission for %1 common sv Grupper utan åtkomst till %1
@ -517,6 +520,7 @@ high common sv Hög
highest common sv Högsta
history common sv Historia
history log common sv Historik
hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it common sv Håll ned [%1]-tangenten för att markera text, t.ex. för att kopiera den
holy see (vatican city state) common sv VATIKANEN
home common sv Hem
home email common sv Hem e-post
@ -533,10 +537,11 @@ how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons
how many rows to print common sv Hur många rader som ska skrivas ut
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common sv Hur den allmänna EGroupware-menyn ska visas
html common sv HTML
html link to the current record common sv HTML-länk till den aktuella posten
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common sv HTML-länkar till alla poster som är länkade till den aktuella posten, exklusive bifogade filer
hungary common sv UNGERN
iceland common sv ISLAND
id common sv ID
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common sv ieSpell hittades inte. Klicka OK för att gå till nerladdnings sidan.
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell common sv Om fält är inaktiverat visas en tom tabell cell, för (temporär) borttagning av ett fält/cell
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common sv Vill du att klockan uppdateras varje sekund eller minut om den aktiveras?
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common sv Om det finns bilder i bakgrundskatalogen, kan du välja den du vill se.
@ -556,6 +561,7 @@ india common sv INDIEN
indonesia common sv INDONESIEN
infolog types to sync common sv InfoLog-typer som ska synkroniseras
initial common sv Inledande
input required common sv Inmatning krävs
insert a column before common sv Infoga kolumn före
insert a column behind common sv Infoga kolumn efter
insert a row above common sv Infoga rad övanför
@ -565,6 +571,9 @@ insert a widget behind common sv Infoga widget efter
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common sv Infoga alla %1 adresser för %2 kontakterna i %3
insert column after common sv Infoga kolumn efter
insert column before common sv Infoga kolumn före
insert in %1 common sv Infoga i %1
insert in document common sv Infoga i dokument
insert in dokument common sv Infoga i dokument
insert new column behind this one common sv Skapa kolumn efter denna
insert new column in front of all common sv Skapa kolumn före alla
insert new row after this one common sv Skapa rad efter denna
@ -645,12 +654,15 @@ linkstring common sv LinkString
linkto common sv LinkTo
list common sv Lista
list members common sv Lista medlemmar
list of files linked to the current record preferences sv Lista över filer som är länkade till den aktuella posten
lithuania common sv LITAUEN
load common sv Ladda
load this template into the editor common sv Ladda mallen i editorn
loading common sv Laddar
local common sv Lokal
location calendars groupdav sv Plats kalendrar
locations common sv Placering
logging / debuging groupdav sv Loggning/felsökning
login common sv Inloggning
login rejected by epl firewall, please contact your administrator common sv Inloggningen avvisas av EGroupwares brandvägg, kontakta din administratör.
loginid common sv Inloggnings ID
@ -679,11 +691,14 @@ martinique common sv MARTINIQUE
mauritania common sv MAURITANIA
mauritius common sv MAURITIUS
max number of icons in navbar common sv Max antal ikoner i navigeringslisten
maximum size for uploads filemanager sv Maximal uppladdningsstorlek
may common sv Maj
mayotte common sv MAYOTTE
medium common sv Medium
menu common sv Meny
merged document filename preferences sv Filnamn för sammanslaget dokument
message common sv Meddelande
message prepared for sending. common sv Meddelande förberett för sändning.
mexico common sv MEXICO
micronesia, federated states of common sv MIKRONESIEN
middle common sv Mitten
@ -704,20 +719,22 @@ multiple common sv Flera
myanmar common sv MYANMAR
name common sv Namn
name of other table where column is a key from common sv Namnet på den andra tabellen kolumnen är en nyckel till
name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') common sv namnet på phpgw mall-set (ex. verdilak): '' = standard (läser pref. template, använd 'standard' för att läsa standard template '')
name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') common sv Namnet på phpgw mall-set (ex. verdilak): '' = standard (läser pref. template, använd 'standard' för att läsa standard template '')
name of table to add common sv Namnet på tabell
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] common sv Namn på eTemplate, ska vara i formatet applikation.funktion[.subTemplate]
name of the user, eg. "%1" common sv Användarens förnamn, ex. "%1"
namibia common sv NAMIBIA
nauru common sv NAURU
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' common sv måste vara unikt för tabellen och inte ett reserverat SQL ord. Rekomenderas att använda 2 tecken prefix för aplikations namnet, ex. 'et_'
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' common sv Måste vara unikt för tabellen och inte ett reserverat SQL ord. Rekomenderas att använda 2 tecken prefix för aplikations namnet, ex. 'et_'
nepal common sv NEPAL
netherlands common sv NEDERLÄNDERNA
netherlands antilles common sv NEDERLÄNDSKA ANTILLERNA
never common sv Aldrig
new common sv Nytt
new caledonia common sv NYA KALEDONIEN
new egroupware release %1 available common sv Ny EGroupware release %1 tillgänglig
new entry added sucessfully common sv Ny post tillagd
new favorite common sv Ny favorit
new main category common sv Ny huvudkategori
new password common sv Nytt lösenord
new search common sv Ny sökning
@ -737,15 +754,18 @@ niue common sv NIUE
no common sv Nej
no - cancel common sv Nej - Avbryt
no column to swap with !!! common sv Ingen kolumn att byta med!
no default set common sv Ingen standardinställning
no entries found, try again ... common sv Inga poster hittades, försök igen ...
no file common sv Ingen fil
no filename given or selected via browse... common sv Ingen fil angiven eller vald
no filters common sv Inga filter
no history for this record common sv Ingen historik för posten
no key for recipient: common sv Ingen nyckel för mottagaren:
no matches found common sv Inga träffar
no row to swap with !!! common sv Ingen rad att byta med!
no savant2 template directories were found in: common sv Ingen Savant2 mall katalog hittades i:
no subject common sv Inget ämne
no suggestions common sv Inga förslag
none common sv Ingen
norfolk island common sv NORFOLKÖN
normal common sv Normal
@ -761,6 +781,7 @@ nothing common sv Ingenting
nothing found - try again !!! common sv Inga träffar - försök igen
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! common sv Ingenting i urklipp att infoga
nothing matched search criteria !!! common sv Inga träffar på sökord
nothing to save. common sv Inget att spara.
notifications common sv Meddelanden
notify window common sv Meddelande fönster
notify your administrator to correct this situation common sv Meddela administratör om problemet.
@ -775,12 +796,15 @@ old value common sv Gammalt värde
oman common sv OMAN
on *nix systems please type: %1 common sv På *nix system skriv: %1
on mouse over common sv När pekaren förs över
onchange common sv onChange
onclick common sv onClick
onchange common sv onchange
onclick common sv onclick
only an other version found !!! common sv Kunde bara hitta annan version
only private common sv Endast privata
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav sv Stöds endast av ett fåtal klienter som är helt kompatibla (t.ex. från Apple). Om du måste ange en URL kommer den troligen inte att stödjas!
only yours common sv Endast dina
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common sv Hoppsan! Vi är mitt uppe i ett systemunderhåll.
open common sv Öppen
open existing contact common sv Öppna befintlig kontakt
open notify window common sv Öppna meddelande fönster
open popup window common sv Öppna popup fönster
open sidebox common sv Öppna Länkboxen
@ -796,6 +820,7 @@ other common sv Övriga
overflow common sv Overflow
overview common sv Översikt
owner common sv Ägare
ownership common sv Ägande
padding common sv Fyllnad
page common sv Sida
page was generated in %1 seconds common sv Sidan genererades på %1 sekunder
@ -807,7 +832,7 @@ papua new guinea common sv PAPUA NYA GUINEA
paraguay common sv PARAGUAY
parcel common sv Paket
parent category common sv Huvudkategori
parent is a '%1' !!! common sv Överst är en '%1' !
parent is a '%1' !!! common sv Överst är en '%1'!
password common sv Lösenord
password could not be changed common sv Lösenordet kunde inte ändras
password has been updated common sv Lösenordet uppdaterat
@ -837,7 +862,7 @@ play/pause common sv Spela/pausa
please %1 by hand common sv Var god och %1 för hand
please enter a name common sv Ange ett namn
please enter table-name first !!! common sv Var god och ange tabell namnet först
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common sv Ladda om EGroupware-skrivbordet (F5 / Cmd+r).
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common sv Ladda om EGroupware-skrivbordet (F5 / Cmd + R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common sv Kom ihåg att använda '%1' som användarnamn för lokala inloggningar från och med nu!
please run setup to become current common sv Kör installationen för att uppdatera
please select common sv Välj
@ -846,6 +871,7 @@ please set your preferences for this application common sv Gör dina inställnin
please type %1 more characters common sv Vänligen skriv %1 mer tecken
please type 1 more character common sv Vänligen skriv 1 tecken till
please wait... common sv Var god vänta ...
please, check back with us shortly. common sv Vänligen återkom till oss inom kort.
pm common sv em
poland common sv POLEN
popup common sv Popup
@ -876,16 +902,20 @@ read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common sv Läs eTemplate från
read this list of methods. common sv Läs lista på metoder
reading common sv Läser
readonly common sv Skrivskyddad
readonly filemanager directory common sv Read-only filemanager folder
register common sv Registrera
reject common sv Avvisa
remember me for %1 common sv Kom ihåg mig för %1
remove row (can not be undone!!!) common sv Radera rad (kan INTE återskapas)
remove selected accounts common sv Radera valda konton
remove shortcut common sv Radera genväg
remove this link (not the entry itself) common sv Radera länk (inte posten i sig)
removed (now) empty directory fs_id=%1 admin sv Borttagen (nu) tom mapp fs_id=%1
rename common sv Byt namn
repeat password common sv Upprepa lösenordet
replace common sv Ersätt
replace with common sv Ersätt med
requested resource '%1' does not exist or has expired common sv Begärd resurs '%1' existerar inte eller har löpt ut
required common sv Krävs
reset common sv Återställ
resources common sv Resurser
@ -910,7 +940,7 @@ san marino common sv SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common sv SAO TOME OCH PRINCIPE
saturday common sv Lördag
saudi arabia common sv SAUDI ARABIEN
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common sv Savant2 version skiljer sig mot Savant2 wrapper. <br/>Denna version: %1 <br/>Savants version: %2
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common sv Savant2 version skiljer sig mot Savant2 wrapper. <br>Denna version: %1 <br>Savants version: %2
save common sv Spara
save all common sv Spara alla
save the changes made and close the window common sv Spara ändringar och stäng fönster
@ -934,23 +964,29 @@ select access common sv Välj åtkomst
select account common sv Välj konto
select all common sv Välj samtliga
select all %1 %2 for %3 common sv Välj alla %1 %2 för %3
select all entries common sv Markera alla poster
select an app first !!! common sv Välj en applikaiton
select an app to search in common sv Välj en applikaiton att söka i
select an application common sv Välj en applikation
select an application, (*) = uninstalled common sv Välj en applikation, (*) = avinstallerad
select an entry to link with common sv Välj en post att länka till
select an opened dialog common sv Välj en öppnad dialog
select an table of the application common sv Välj en tabell för applikationen
select application common sv Välj applikation
select application to search common sv Välj applikation att söka i
select category common sv Välj kategori
select country common sv Välj land
select date common sv Välj datum
select day common sv Välj dag
select day of week common sv Välj veckodag
select entry common sv Välj post
select file(s) from vfs common sv Välj fil(er) från EGroupwares filhanterare
select files from filemanager ... common sv Välj filer från filhanteraren ...
select group common sv Välj grupp
select home email address common sv Välj hem e-postadress
select hour common sv Välj timme
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) common sv Välj om innehållet i fälten ska översättas (etikett översätts alltid)
select language common sv Välj språk
select month common sv Välj månad
select multiple accounts common sv Välj flera konton
select number common sv Välj nummer
@ -958,12 +994,15 @@ select one common sv Välj en
select one ... common sv Välj en ...
select percentage common sv Välj procent
select priority common sv Välj prioritet
select some options common sv Välj några alternativ
select state common sv Välj läge
select the columns to display in the list common sv Välj kolumner som ska visas i listan
select the default height for the application windows common sv Välj standard höjd för applikationsfönstret
select the default width for the application windows common sv Välj standard bredd för applikationsfönstret
select the indexed columns in their desired order common sv Välj indexerade kolumner i önskad ordning
select this etemplate to delete it common sv Välj detta eTemplate för att radera det
select user common sv Välj användare
select user or group common sv Välj användare eller grupp
select which accounts to show common sv Välj vilka konton som ska visas
select which values to show common sv Välj vilka värden att visa
select work email address common sv Välj Företagets e-postadres
@ -971,6 +1010,7 @@ select year common sv Välj år
selectbox common sv Valruta
selection common sv Val
send common sv Skicka
send succeeded to %1 common sv Skicka lyckats till %1
senegal common sv SENEGAL
september common sv September
server %1 has been added common sv Server %1 tillagd
@ -978,10 +1018,14 @@ server answered. processing response... common sv Servern svarade. Behandlar sva
server contacted. waiting for response... common sv Servern kontaktad. Väntar på svar ...
server name common sv Server namn
session has been killed common sv Sessionen avslutad
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles groupdav sv Ange användaren som enda ansvariga, ta bort alla befintliga ansvariga
sets today as date common sv Sätt dagens datum
settings saved. common sv Inställningar sparade.
setup common sv Installation
setup main menu common sv Installations Meny
seychelles common sv SEYCHELLERNA
share filemanager directory common sv Mapp i filhanteraren
share this %1 via url common sv Dela detta %1 via URL
should the form be submitted or any custom javascript be executed common sv Ska formuläret skickas eller något anpassat JavaScript exekveras
show common sv Visa
show (no save) common sv Visa (spara inte)
@ -991,6 +1035,7 @@ show clock? common sv Visa klockan?
show home and logout button in main application bar? common sv Visa Hem- och utloggnings knappen i navigeringslisten?
show logo's on the desktop. common sv Visa logotyp på skrivbordet
show menu common sv Visa meny
show next login common sv Visa nästa inloggning
show page generation time common sv Visa sidans genereringstid
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common sv Visa sidans genererings tid längst ner på sidan?
show page generation time? common sv Visa sidans genereringstid?
@ -1029,6 +1074,7 @@ start time common sv Starttid
start with common sv Börja med
starting up... common sv Startar ...
status common sv Status
store your public key in addressbook? common sv Lagra din publika nyckel i Adressboken?
stretched common sv Utsträckt
subject common sv Ämne
submit common sv Utför
@ -1048,6 +1094,7 @@ sweden common sv SVERIGE
switch to a parent widget common sv Byt till översta widget
switch to an other widgets of that container common sv Byt till annan widget i kontainern
switzerland common sv SCHWEIZ
sync all selected into one groupdav sv Synkronisera alla valda till en
syrian arab republic common sv SYRIEN
tabindex common sv Tabindex
table properties common sv Tabell egenskaper
@ -1116,6 +1163,8 @@ update from version '%s' to common sv Uppdatera från version '%s' till
update the clock per minute or per second common sv Uppdatera klockan per minut eller sekund
upload common sv Ladda upp
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common sv Uppladdningskatalogen finns inte eller är inte skrivbar av webbservern
upload file(s) from filemanager... common sv Ladda upp fil(er) från filhanteraren ...
upload new photo common sv Ladda upp nytt foto
url common sv URL
uruguay common sv URUGUAI
use button to search for common sv Använd knappen för att söka
@ -1139,6 +1188,7 @@ venezuela common sv VENEZUELA
version common sv Version
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) common sv Versions nummer, ska vara i formatet: major.minor.revision.nummer (ex. alla nummer fylls ut med 0)
vertical alignment of row common sv Vertikal justering av rad
video tutorials common sv Handledning för video
viet nam common sv VIETNAM
view common sv Visa
view this etemplate common sv Visa eTemplate
@ -1152,7 +1202,6 @@ welcome common sv Välkommen
western sahara common sv VÄSTRA SAHARA
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common sv Vilken färg ska alla blanka utrymmen på skrivbordet ha
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common sv Vad händer med innehålls "overflow": synligt (default), göms, skroll, auto (browser bestämmer)
what style would you like the image to have? common sv Vilken stil vill du att bilden ska ha?
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common sv Om du svara ja kommer Hem- och utloggningsknappen att visas i navigeringslisten.
which groups common sv Vilka grupper
whole query common sv Hela frågan
@ -1179,7 +1228,9 @@ yemen common sv YEMEN
yes common sv Ja
yes - delete common sv Ja - Radera
yes - delete including sub-entries common sv Ja - Radera inklusive under
you are not allowed to export more than %1 entries! common sv Du får inte exportera mer än %1 poster!
you are required to change your password during your first login common sv Du måste byta lösenord vid första inloggningen
you can not choose more then %1 item(s)! common sv Du kan inte välja mer än %1 artikel(er)!
you can respond by visiting: common sv Du kan svara genom att besöka:
you have been successfully logged out login sv Du är utloggad
you have not entered a title common sv Rubriken saknas
@ -1189,7 +1240,11 @@ you have not entered participants common sv Deltagare saknas
you have selected an invalid date common sv Ogiltigt datum
you have selected an invalid main category common sv Ogiltig huvudkategori
you have successfully logged out common sv Du är utloggad
you may drag files out to your desktop common sv Du kan dra ut filer till skrivbordet
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common sv Du behöver lägga till webbserver användare '%1' till gruppen '%2'.
you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common sv Du måste vara EGroupware-administratör för att få tillgång till denna funktion!
you need to install mailvelope plugin available for chrome and firefox from www.mailvelope.com or by clicking on install button. common sv Du måste installera Mailvelope-plugin tillgängligt för Chrome och Firefox från www.mailvelope.com eller genom att klicka på installationsknappen.
you need to select some entries first! common sv Du måste först välja några poster!
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common sv Ditt konto har uppdaterats med nya uppgifter från din identitetsleverantör.
your browser is not up-to-date (javascript es6 compatible), you may experience some of the features not working. common sv Din webbläsare är inte uppdaterad (JavaScript ES6-kompatibel), du kan uppleva att vissa av funktionerna inte fungerar.
your key has been restored successfully. common sv Din nyckel har återställts framgångsrikt.
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ accounts common tr Hesaplar
action common tr Eylem
actions common tr Eylemler
add common tr ekle
add a new contact common tr Yeni bir ba?lant? ekle
add a new contact common tr Yeni bir kişi ekleyin
add current common tr Favori olarak mevcut görünüm
add to clipboard common tr Panoya ekle
add user to responsibles groupdav tr Kullanıcıyı sorumlulara ekle
@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ allow editing the %1 common tr %1'in düzenlenmesine izin ver
and common tr Ve
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common tr Hayır yanıtını verirseniz, artık bu tarayıcı istenmeyecektir.
application common tr Uygulama
apply common tr uygula
apply common tr Uygula
attention: action will be applied to all rows, not only visible ones! api tr Dikkat: eylem yalnızca görünen satırlara değil, tüm satırlara uygulanacaktır!
authenticate common tr Kimlik Doğrulama
avatar common tr Avatar
back common tr Geri
bottom common tr taban
bottom common tr Taban
browser %1 %2 is not recommended. you may experience issues and not working features. please use the latest version of chrome, firefox or edge. thank you! common tr Tarayıcı %1 %2 önerilmez. Sorunlarla ve çalışmayan özelliklerle karşılaşabilirsiniz. Lütfen Chrome, Firefox veya Edge'in en son sürümünü kullanın. Teşekkürler!
calendar common tr Takvim
cancel common tr Ýptal
change common tr Deðiþtir
charset common tr utf-8
charset common tr Karakter kümesi
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common tr IF deyimlerinde boş değerleri kontrol edin. Örnek {{IF url~EMPTY~~Web Sitesi:}} - Eğer url boş değilse, "Web sitesi:" yazar
choose the default filename for merged documents. preferences tr Birleştirilen belgeler için varsayılan dosya adını seçin.
colour common tr Renk
company common tr ?irket
company common tr Şirket
copy common tr Anlaşıldı
copy "%1" common tr Kopyala "%1"
copy of: common tr Kopyası:
@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ date + time common tr Tarih + Saat
date+time common tr Tarih+Saat
delete category common tr Kategori sil
description common tr Açýklama
disabled common tr engellendi
disabled common tr Engellendi
domestic common tr Ev
don't ask again! common tr Tekrar sorma!
done common tr tamam
download common tr ?ndir
done common tr Tamam
download common tr İndir
edit common tr Düzenle
enabled common tr etkin
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin tr eGroupware URL'sini giriniz.<br>Örnek: http://www.domain.com/egroupware yada /egroupware<br><b>Sonda bölü iþareti kullanmayýnýz.</b>
enabled common tr Etkin
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin tr eGroupware URL'sini giriniz.<br>Örnek: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware yada /egroupware<br><b>Sonda bölü iþareti kullanmayýnýz.</b>
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences tr Örnek {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - "n_prefix" alanında "Mr" için arama yapın, bulunursa Merhaba Mr. yazın, aksi takdirde Merhaba Ms. yazın.
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences tr Örnek {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Örneğin başlık boşsa, çift boşluk olmadan bir harf öneki verir
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common tr Örnek {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Örneğin başlık boşsa, çift boşluk olmadan bir harf öneki verir
@ -143,8 +143,11 @@ name common tr Ýsim
new password common tr Yeni şifre
no filters common tr Filtre yok
ok common tr Tamam
open common tr Açık
open existing contact common tr Mevcut kontağı aç
or common tr ya da
original common tr Orjinal
ownership common tr Sahiplik
parcel common tr Parsel
permission denied! common tr İzin reddedildi!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common tr İzin reddedildi! Bu sadece yönetimin kullanabileceği bir özelliktir.
@ -159,7 +162,7 @@ placeholders common tr Yer Tutucular
play/pause common tr Oynat/Duraklat
please %1 by hand common tr Lütfen el ile %1
please enter a name common tr Litfen bir isim giriniz
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common tr Lütfen EGroupware masaüstünü yeniden yükleyin (F5 / Cmd+r).
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common tr Lütfen EGroupware masaüstünü yeniden yükleyin (F5 / Cmd + R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common tr Lütfen bundan sonra yerel girişler için kullanıcı adı olarak '%1' kullanmayı unutmayın!
please run setup to become current common tr Güncel olmak için kurulumu çalýþtýrýnýz
please select common tr Lütfen seçiniz
@ -168,13 +171,13 @@ please type 1 more character common tr Lütfen 1 karakter daha yazın
postal common tr Posta
preference common tr Tercih
preferences common tr Tercihler
primary group common tr ana grup
primary group common tr Ana grup
project common tr Proje
read this list of methods. common tr Method listesini oku
repeat password common tr Şifreyi tekrarla
saved column sizes to preferences. common tr Sütun boyutlarını tercihlere kaydedin.
search accounts common tr Hesaplarý ara
select all common tr Tamam?n? seç
select all common tr Tümünü seçin
show password common tr Şifreyi göster
sign up common tr Kaydolun
site configuration common tr Konfigürasyon
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%1 email addresses inserted common uk Додано %1 імейл адрес
%1 email(s) added into %2 common uk %1 імейл(и) додано до %2
%1 more %2 selected ... common uk Вибрано ще %1 %2...
%1 more %2 selected ... common uk Вибрано ще %1 %2 ...
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common uk %1EGroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3PHP%4.
'%1' copied to clipboard common uk '%1' скопійовано в буфер обміну
'%1' is not a valid json file! common uk '%1' не є коректним JSON-файлом
@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ cancel common uk Скасувати
categories common uk Категорії
categories for common uk Категорії для
category common uk Категорія
category %1 has been added ! common uk Категорія (%1) добавлена !
category %1 has been updated ! common uk Категорія (%1) змінена !
category %1 has been added ! common uk Категорія (%1) добавлена!
category %1 has been updated ! common uk Категорія (%1) змінена!
cc common uk Cc
chad common uk ЧАД
change common uk Змінити
charset common uk utf-8
charset common uk Кодування
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common uk Перевірте порожні значення в операторах IF. Приклад {{IF url~EMPTY~~Website:}} - Якщо url не порожній, пише "Веб-сайт:"
check installation common uk Перевірити інсталяцію
chile common uk Чілі
@ -165,16 +165,13 @@ december common uk Грудень
default common uk По замовченню
default category common uk Категорія по замовчуванню
delete common uk Видалити
delete a single entry by passing the id. common uk Видалити один запис по id.
delete a single entry by passing the id. common uk Видалити один запис по ID.
delete category common uk Видалити категорію
delete this entry common uk видалити цей запис
denmark common uk ДАНІЯ
description common uk Опис
detail common uk Деталі
details common uk Деталі
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common uk Відмінити виконання скрипту виправлення помилки для Internet Explorer >= 5.5 для показу прозоросты в PNG-картинках?
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common uk Відмінити виправлення помилки PNG в Internet Explorer
disable slider effects common uk Відмінити анімаційні ефекти
disabled common uk Вимкнено
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common uk Чи хочете ви також видалити вся підкатегорії?
domain common uk Domain
@ -198,7 +195,7 @@ email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common uk email адреса користу
enabled common uk Ввімкнено
end date common uk Кінцева дата
end time common uk Кінцевий час
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin uk Введіть URL EGroupware.<br>наприклад: http://www.domain.com/egroupware або /egroupware<br><b>Без / в кінці</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin uk Введіть URL EGroupware.<br>наприклад: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware або /egroupware<br><b>Без / в кінці</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common uk Запис видалено успішно
entry updated sucessfully common uk Запис змінено успішно
error common uk Помилка
@ -381,7 +378,7 @@ niger common uk НІГЕР
nigeria common uk НІГЕРІЯ
no common uk Ні
no - cancel common uk Ні - Відмовитись
no entries found, try again ... common uk Записів не знайдено, спробуйте ще...
no entries found, try again ... common uk Записів не знайдено, спробуйте ще ...
no file common uk файлу немає
no filters common uk Немає фільтрів
no history for this record common uk Немає історії для цього запису
@ -404,12 +401,14 @@ on mouse over common uk При наведенні мишки
only private common uk тільки особисте
only yours common uk тільки Ваше
open common uk відкрито
open existing contact common uk Відкрити існуючий контакт
open notify window common uk Відкрити вікно повідомлень
open popup window common uk Відкрити вспливаюче вікно
original common uk Оригінальне
other common uk Інше
overview common uk Перегляд
owner common uk Власник
ownership common uk Право власності
page was generated in %1 seconds common uk Сторінка згенерована за %1 секунд
pakistan common uk ПАКИСТАН
panama common uk ПАНАМА
@ -419,7 +418,7 @@ parent category common uk Вищестояча Категорія
password common uk Пароль
password could not be changed common uk Пароль не може бути змінено
password has been updated common uk Пароль змінено
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common uk Шлях до файлів користувачів та груп МАЄ БУТИ ЗОВНІШНІМ відносно корню документів веб-сервера!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common uk Шлях до файлів користувачів та груп МАЄ БУТИ ЗОВНІШНІМ відносно корню документів веб-сервера!
permission denied! common uk У дозволі відмовлено!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common uk У доступі відмовлено! Ця функція доступна лише для адміністрації.
permissions to the files/users directory common uk дозволи до файлів/каталогів користувачів
@ -436,15 +435,15 @@ placeholders common uk Заповнювачі
play/pause common uk Відтворення/Пауза
please %1 by hand common uk Будь ласка, введіть %1 від руки
please enter a name common uk Будь ласка введіть ім'я
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common uk Будь ласка, перезавантажте робочий стіл EGroupware (F5 / Cmd+r).
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common uk Будь ласка, перезавантажте робочий стіл EGroupware (F5 / Cmd + R).
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common uk Будь ласка, не забувайте використовувати '%1' як ім'я користувача для локального входу!
please run setup to become current common uk Будь ласка запустіть setup для оновлення версії
please select common uk Будь ласка виберіть
please set your global preferences common uk Будь ласка встановіть глобальні параметри !
please set your preferences for this application common uk Будь ласка встановіть параметри приложення !
please set your global preferences common uk Будь ласка встановіть глобальні параметри!
please set your preferences for this application common uk Будь ласка встановіть параметри приложення!
please type %1 more characters common uk Будь ласка, введіть %1 більше символів
please type 1 more character common uk Будь ласка, введіть ще 1 символ
please wait... common uk Будь ласка, зачекайте...
please wait... common uk Будь ласка, зачекайте ...
poland common uk ПОЛЬЩА
popup with search common uk Вспливаюче вікно з пошуком
portugal common uk ПОРТУГАЛІЯ
@ -541,7 +540,7 @@ text common uk Текст
thailand common uk ТАЇЛАНД
the following applications require upgrades common uk Наступні приложення потребують поновлення
the mail server returned common uk Поштовий сервер повернув
this name has been used already common uk Таке ім'я вже використовується !
this name has been used already common uk Таке ім'я вже використовується!
thursday common uk Четвер
time common uk Час
time zone common uk Часовий пояс
@ -602,8 +601,8 @@ you have not entered a title common uk Ви не ввели назву
you have not entered a valid date common uk Ви не ввели вірну дату
you have not entered a valid time of day common uk Ви не ввели вірний час дня
you have not entered participants common uk Ви не ввели учасників
you have selected an invalid date common uk Ви вибрали невірну дату !
you have selected an invalid main category common uk Ви вибрали невірну основну категорію !
you have selected an invalid date common uk Ви вибрали невірну дату!
you have selected an invalid main category common uk Ви вибрали невірну основну категорію!
you have successfully logged out common uk Ви успішно вийшли
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common uk Ваш обліковий запис було оновлено новими даними від вашого постачальника ідентифікаційних даних.
your browser is not up-to-date (javascript es6 compatible), you may experience some of the features not working. common uk Ваш браузер застарілий (не сумісний з JavaScript ES6), деякі функції можуть не працювати.
@ -802,6 +802,7 @@ only private common zh 仅私有
only yours common zh 只有您
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common zh Oops! 您在系统维护中间捉住了我们。
open common zh 待决事项
open existing contact common zh 打开现有联系人
open notify window common zh 打开提示窗口
open popup window common zh 打开弹出式窗口·
open sidebox common zh 打开侧边栏
@ -817,6 +818,7 @@ other common zh 其它
overflow common zh 超过
overview common zh 概览
owner common zh 所有者
ownership common zh 所有权
padding common zh 文框距离
page common zh 页
page was generated in %1 seconds common zh 本页面生成耗时:%1秒
@ -876,6 +878,8 @@ powered by common zh Powered by
precision common zh 精度
preference common zh 首选项
preferences common zh 参数选择
preferences for the %1 template set preferences zh %1 模板集的首选项
preview with entry common zh 带条目预览
previous page common zh 前一页
primary group common zh 主要群组
primary key common zh 主键
@ -886,9 +890,12 @@ priority common zh 优先级
private common zh 私有条目
programs common zh 程序
project common zh 项目
properties common zh 属性
protocol is required common zh 需要协议
public common zh 所有已授权者皆可访问
puerto rico common zh 波多黎各
qatar common zh 卡塔尔
quick add common zh 快速添加
radiobutton common zh 单选按钮
read common zh 读取
read a list of entries. common zh 读取条目列表。
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
%s the event calendar de %s dem Termin
(%1 events in %2 seconds) calendar de (%1 Termine in %2 Sekunden
(empty = use global limit, no = no export at all) admin de (leer = globale Begrenzung verwenden, nein = gar kein Export)
(without a custom url we use nation of user preference to load holidays from %s) calendar de (Ohne eine eigene URL laden wir die Feiertage entsprechen des Landes in den Benutzereinstellung aus den %s )
(without a custom url we use nation of user preference to load holidays from %s) calendar de (Ohne eine eigene URL laden wir die Feiertage entsprechen des Landes in den Benutzereinstellung aus den %s)
, exceptions preserved calendar de und Ausnahmen erhalten
, stati of participants reset calendar de , Status der Teilnehmer zurückgesetzt
a list of email addresses of all participants who have not declined calendar de Eine Liste der E-Mail-Adressen aller Teilnehmer, die nicht abgelehnt haben.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ a party crasher in someone who is not invited to the meeting but somehow got the
accept calendar de Zusagen
accept or reject an invitation calendar de Einladung zusagen oder ablehnen
accepted calendar de Zugesagt
access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar de Zugriff zum Kalender von %1 verweigert !!!
access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar de Zugriff zum Kalender von %1 verweigert!
access to calendar of %1 denied! calendar de Zugriff auf den Kalender von %1 verweigert!
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar de Aktion, welche die Benachrichtigung verursacht hat: hinzugefügt, storniert, zugesagt, abgelehnt
actions calendar de Befehle
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ at start of the event calendar de am Beginn des Termins
attention calendar de Achtung
automatically purge old events after admin de Bereinigt bzw. löscht alte Termine automatisch nach
available for the first entry inside each day of week or daily table inside the selected range: calendar de Verfügbar für den ersten Eintrag innerhalb eines jeden Tages oder für die Liste innerhalb des ausgewählten Bereichs:
back half a month calendar de einen halben Monat zurück
back one month calendar de einen Monat zurück
back one year calendar de ein Jahr zurück
back half a month calendar de Einen halben Monat zurück
back one month calendar de Einen Monat zurück
back one year calendar de Ein Jahr zurück
before calendar de vor
before %1 calendar de Vor dem %1
before current date calendar de Vor dem aktuellen Datum
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ birthday calendar de Geburtstag
birthdays admin de Geburtstage
birthdays only calendar de Nur Geburtstage
both, holidays and birthdays calendar de Beide, Feier- und Geburtstage
busy calendar de belegt
busy calendar de Belegt
by calendar de von
by default (nothing is set here) egroupware allows only the organizer/owner to add them. calendar de Standardmäßig (hier ist nichts eingestellt) erlaubt EGroupware nur dem Organisator/Besitzer, sie hinzuzufügen.
calendar - list calendar de Kalender - Listenansicht
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ calendar preferences calendar de Kalender Einstellungen
calendar settings admin de Kalender Einstellungen
calendar-fieldname calendar de Kalender Feldname
can not send any notifications because notifications app is not installed! calendar de Konnte keine Benachrichtigungen versenden da die Benachrichtigungen Anwendung nicht installiert ist!
can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar de Kann keine Alarme in der Vergangenheit setzen !!!
can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar de Kann keine Alarme in der Vergangenheit setzen!
can't aquire lock! calendar de Kann Termin nicht sperren!
canceled calendar de Abgesagt
category %1 removed because of missing rights calendar de Kategorie %1 entfernt wegen fehlender Rechte
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ display holidays or birthdays as events in dayview calendar de Zeige Feier- oder
display in header calendar de Im Titel anzeigen
display status of events calendar de Status von Terminen anzeigen
displayed view calendar de Ansicht
displays this calendar view on the home page (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the home page icon)? calendar de Zeigt diese Ansicht auf der Startseite (Seite die Sie bekommen wenn Sie EGroupware starten oder das Home Icon anklicken)?
displays this calendar view on the home page (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the home page icon)? calendar de Zeigt diese Ansicht auf der Startseite (Seite die Sie bekommen wenn Sie EGroupware starten oder das Home-Symbol anklicken)?
distribution list calendar de Verteilerliste
do not import conflicting events calendar de Ereignisse mit Termin-Konflikt nicht importieren
do not include events of group members calendar de Zeige nicht die Termine der Gruppenmitglieder
@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar de Möchten Sie eine Wo
do you want non-egroupware participants of events you created to be automatically notified about new or changed appointments? calendar de Sollen Teilnehmer, die keine EGroupware Benutzer sind, automatisch über Änderungen an von Ihnen angelegten Terminen benachrichtigt werden?
do you want responses from events you created, but are not participating in? calendar de Wollen Sie Antworten zu Terminen, die Sie erstellt haben, an denen Sie aber nicht teilnehmen?
do you want to be notified about changes of appointments you modified? calendar de Wollen Sie auch über eigene Änderungen benachrichtigt werden?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you are not notified about changes you made yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all notifications listed above. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get participant responses like acceptions or rejections too. calendar de Möchten Sie über neue oder geänderte Termine informiert werden? Sie werden NICHT über Änderungen informiert, die Sie selbst anwenden.<br />Sie können die Benachrichtigungen auf bestimmte Änderungen beschränken. Jede Auswahl beinhaltet die oben aufgeführten Benachrichtigungen. Alle Änderungen beinhalten Änderungen des Titels, der Beschreibung, der Teilnehmer, aber keine Antworten der Teilnehmer. Falls der Besitzer eines Termins eine Benachrichtigung angefordert hat, werden auch die Teilnehmer-Antworten (Annahmen oder Ablehnungen) zur Verfügung gestellt.
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar de Möchten Sie über neue oder geänderte Termine informiert werden? Sie werden NICHT über Änderungen informiert, die Sie selbst anwenden.<br />Sie können die Benachrichtigungen auf bestimmte Änderungen beschränken. Jede Auswahl beinhaltet die oben aufgeführten Benachrichtigungen. Alle Änderungen beinhalten Änderungen des Titels, der Beschreibung, der Teilnehmer, aber keine Antworten der Teilnehmer. Falls der Besitzer eines Termins eine Benachrichtigung angefordert hat, werden auch die Teilnehmer-Antworten (Annahmen oder Ablehnungen) zur Verfügung gestellt.
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you are not notified about changes you made yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all notifications listed above. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get participant responses like acceptions or rejections too. calendar de Möchten Sie über neue oder geänderte Termine informiert werden? Sie werden NICHT über Änderungen informiert, die Sie selbst anwenden.<br>Sie können die Benachrichtigungen auf bestimmte Änderungen beschränken. Jede Auswahl beinhaltet die oben aufgeführten Benachrichtigungen. Alle Änderungen beinhalten Änderungen des Titels, der Beschreibung, der Teilnehmer, aber keine Antworten der Teilnehmer. Falls der Besitzer eines Termins eine Benachrichtigung angefordert hat, werden auch die Teilnehmer-Antworten (Annahmen oder Ablehnungen) zur Verfügung gestellt.
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar de Möchten Sie über neue oder geänderte Termine informiert werden? Sie werden NICHT über Änderungen informiert, die Sie selbst anwenden.<br>Sie können die Benachrichtigungen auf bestimmte Änderungen beschränken. Jede Auswahl beinhaltet die oben aufgeführten Benachrichtigungen. Alle Änderungen beinhalten Änderungen des Titels, der Beschreibung, der Teilnehmer, aber keine Antworten der Teilnehmer. Falls der Besitzer eines Termins eine Benachrichtigung angefordert hat, werden auch die Teilnehmer-Antworten (Annahmen oder Ablehnungen) zur Verfügung gestellt.
do you want to be notified about participant responses from events you created, but are not participating in? calendar de Möchten Sie über die Antworten der Teilnehmer von Terminen, die Sie erstellt haben, an denen Sie aber nicht teilnehmen, informiert werden?
do you want to edit this event as an exception or the whole series? calendar de Wollen Sie diesen Termin als Ausnahme bearbeiten oder die ganze Serie?
do you want to keep the series exceptions in your calendar? calendar de Wollen Sie die Ausnahmen dieses Serientermins in Ihrem Kalender behalten?
@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ error saving the event! calendar de Fehler beim Speichern des Termins!
error: can't delete original series! calendar de Fehler beim Löschen der bestehenden Serie
error: duration of event longer then recurrence interval! calendar de Fehler: Termindauer ist länger als das Intervall der Wiederholung!
error: importing the ical calendar de Fehler beim Importieren des iCal
error: no participants selected !!! calendar de Fehler: Keine Teilnehmer ausgewählt !!!
error: resources reservation in private events is not allowed!!! calendar de Fehler: Die Reservierung von Ressourcen für private Termine ist nicht erlaubt !!!
error: saving the event !!! calendar de Fehler beim Speichern des Termins !!!
error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!! calendar de Fehler: Startzeit muss vor Endzeit liegen !!!
error: no participants selected !!! calendar de Fehler: Keine Teilnehmer ausgewählt!
error: resources reservation in private events is not allowed!!! calendar de Fehler: Die Reservierung von Ressourcen für private Termine ist nicht erlaubt!
error: saving the event !!! calendar de Fehler beim Speichern des Termins!
error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!! calendar de Fehler: Startzeit muss vor Endzeit liegen!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! calendar de Fehler: Der Eintrag wurde geändert seit Sie ihn zum Bearbeiten geöffnet haben!
error: you can't shift a series from the past! calendar de Eine abgelaufene Serie kann nicht mehr verschoben werden!
event common de Termin
@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ execute a further action for this entry calendar de Führt einen weiteren Befehl
existing links calendar de Bestehende Verknüpfungen
exists calendar de existiert
export definition to use for nextmatch export calendar de Export Profil der Listenansicht (Disketten Symbol)
exports events from your calendar in ical format. calendar de Exportiert Termine im iCal Format
exports events from your calendar into a csv file. calendar de Exportiert Termine im CSV Format
exports events from your calendar in ical format. calendar de Exportiert Termine im iCal-Format
exports events from your calendar into a csv file. calendar de Exportiert Termine im CSV-Format
extended calendar de Erweitert
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar de Erweiterte Benachrichtigungen enthalten immer die kompletten Termindetails. iCal's können von vielen anderen Kalenderprogrammen importiert werden.
favorites calendar de Favoriten
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ holiday calendar de Feiertag
holidays calendar de Feiertage
holidays only calendar de Nur Feiertage
hours calendar de Stunden
how far to search (from startdate) calendar de wie weit suchen (vom Startdatum)
how far to search (from startdate) calendar de Wie weit suchen (vom Startdatum)
how many appointments should non-admins be able to export admin de Wie viele Termine sollen Nicht-Administratoren exportieren können?
how many days to be removed in the future (default 365) calendar de Wie viele Tage in die Zukunft sollen gelöscht werden (Standard 365)
how many days to be removed in the past (default 100) calendar de Wie viele Tage in die Vergangenheit sollen gelöscht werden (Standard 100)
@ -321,18 +321,18 @@ ical file calendar de iCal Datei
ical import calendar de iCal Import
ical successful imported calendar de iCal erfolgreich importiert
if start day differs calendar de Wenn die Starttage abweichen
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar de Wenn Sie hier kein Passwort angeben, ist die Information für jeden verfügbar, der die Adresse (URL) kennt!!!
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar de Wenn Sie hier kein Passwort angeben, ist die Information für jeden verfügbar, der die Adresse (URL) kennt!
if you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available calendar de Falls Sie einen Bereich (Monat, Woche, Tag) anstatt einer Liste von Einträge ausgewählt haben, können Sie folgende Platzhalter für Ihre Felder definieren.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. calendar de Wenn Sie hier ein Ordner (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 einen Befehl für jedes Dokument darin. Diese Befehle erlauben das angegebene Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. calendar de Wenn Sie hier ein Dokument (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt %1 ein zusätzliches Dokumenten Icon. Dieses Icon erlaubt das Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export calendar de Wählen Sie eine Export Definition für den Export.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. calendar de Wenn Sie hier ein Ordner (kompletter VFS-Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 einen Befehl für jedes Dokument darin. Diese Befehle erlauben das angegebene Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. calendar de Wenn Sie hier ein Dokument (kompletter VFS-Pfad) angeben, zeigt %1 ein zusätzliches Dokumenten Icon. Dieses Icon erlaubt das Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export calendar de Wählen Sie eine Export-Definition für den Export.
ignore conflict calendar de Konflikt ignorieren
import calendar de Importieren
import csv-file common de CSV-Datei importieren
imports events into your calendar from a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. calendar de Importieren von Terminen von einer CSV Datei. CSV bedeutet: mit Komma getrennte Werte. Sie können in den Optionen des Import ebenso einen anderen Separator (Tab) wählen.
imports events into your calendar from an ical file. calendar de Importiert Termin in Ihrem Kalender von einer iCal Datei.
imports events into your calendar from an ical file. calendar de Importiert Termin in Ihrem Kalender von einer iCal-Datei.
initially year aligned calendar de Anfangsjahr ausgerichtet
insert calendar de einfügen
insert calendar de Einfügen
insert in document calendar de In ein Dokument einfügen
interval calendar de Intervall
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar de Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse "%1" für Benutzer %2
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ private and group public calendar de Privat und Gruppen öffentlich
private event calendar de Privater Termin
private only calendar de nur private
quantity calendar de Anzahl
quick add calendar de schnelles Hinzufügen
quick add calendar de Schnelles Hinzufügen
range fields calendar de Feldbereich
re-edit event calendar de Termin erneut bearbeiten
receive email updates calendar de Empfange E-Mail-Updates
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ recurrence calendar de Wiederholung
recurrence enddate calendar de Enddatum der Wiederholung
recurrences and conflict check calendar de Wiederholungen und Konfliktprüfung
recurring event calendar de Wiederholender Termin
regular edit calendar de reguläres Bearbeiten
regular edit calendar de Reguläres Bearbeiten
reject calendar de Ablehnen
rejected calendar de Abgelehnt
removes the event from my calendar calendar de Entfernt diesen Termin aus meinem Kalender
@ -539,12 +539,12 @@ set new events to private calendar de Neue Termine als private Termine eintragen
setting lock time calender admin de Zeitintervall für Datensatzlock (Voreinstellung beträgt eine Sekunde)
shall the date parameter be accepted (e.g. from calendar module)? calendar de Soll der Parameter Datum akzeptiert werden (z.B. vom Kalender Modul)?
should new events created as private by default ? calendar de Sollen neue Termine generell als Privat angelegt werden?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is calendar de Sollen nicht angemeldete Personen Ihre nicht verfügbaren Zeiten einsehen können? Sie können ein Passwort vergeben, um diese Informationen zu schützen. Das Passwort sollte sich von Ihrem normalen Passwort unterscheiden. Die Belegt-Zeiten sind im iCal Format. Sie enthalten ausschließlich die Zeiten, an denen Sie nicht verfügbar sind. Sie enthalten NICHT den Namen, die Beschreibung oder den Ort des Termins. Die Adresse (URL) Ihrer Belegt-Zeiten ist:
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is calendar de Sollen nicht angemeldete Personen Ihre nicht verfügbaren Zeiten einsehen können? Sie können ein Passwort vergeben, um diese Informationen zu schützen. Das Passwort sollte sich von Ihrem normalen Passwort unterscheiden. Die Belegt-Zeiten sind im iCal-Format. Sie enthalten ausschließlich die Zeiten, an denen Sie nicht verfügbar sind. Sie enthalten NICHT den Namen, die Beschreibung oder den Ort des Termins. Die Adresse (URL) Ihrer Belegt-Zeiten ist:
should the grid be shown in the calendar calendar de Soll das Gitternetz im Kalender angezeigt werden?
should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar calendar de Soll die Wochenanzahl im Kalender oben angezeigt werden?
should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar calendar de Soll die Wochenanzahl im Kalender oben angezeigt werden?
should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar (only if offset = 0) calendar de Soll die Kalenderwoche im oberen Teil des Kalenders angezeigt werden (Nur wenn Abstand=0)
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar de Soll der Planer eine leere Zeile für Benutzer oder Kategorien ohne einen Termin anzeigen
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar de Soll der Status (zugesagt, abgelehnt ...) der Termin- Teilnehmer in Klammern hinter jeden Teilnehmer angezeigt werden?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar de Soll der Status (zugesagt, abgelehnt ...) der Termin-Teilnehmer in Klammern hinter jeden Teilnehmer angezeigt werden?
show %1 from %2 calendar de Zeige %1 von %2
show a calendar title calendar de Soll der Kalender Titel angezeigt werden?
show all events, as if they were private calendar de Zeige alle Termine, so als wären sie privat
@ -585,11 +585,11 @@ status already applied calendar de Der Status wurde bereits übernommen
status changed calendar de Status geändert
status for all future scheduled days changed calendar de Status alle zukünftig geplanten Termine geändert
status for this particular day changed calendar de Status für diesen Tag geändert
status of participants set to unknown because of missing category rights calendar de Status der Teilnehmer auf unbekannt gesetzt wegen fehlender Kategorie Rechte
status of participants set to unknown because of missing category rights calendar de Status der Teilnehmer auf unbekannt gesetzt wegen fehlender Kategorie-Rechte
submit to repository calendar de Übertragen zu www.egroupware.org
summary of participant status: 3 participants: 1 accepted, 2 unknown calendar de Zusammenfassung des Teilnehmerstatus: 3 Teilnehmer: 1 Angenommen, 2 Unbekannt
sun calendar de So
tag to mark positions for address labels calendar de Kennzeichnet die Position für Adressaufkleber
tag to mark positions for address labels calendar de Kennzeichnet die Position für Adress-Aufkleber
tentative calendar de Vorläufige Zusage
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar de Test Import (zeigt importierte Datensätze <u>nur</u> im Webbrowser an)
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar de Die Apple iCal Anwendung benutzt diese Farbe zur Anzeige von Terminen dieses Kalenders
@ -615,12 +615,12 @@ this mail contains a meeting request calendar de Diese Nachricht enthält eine T
this mail contains a reply to a meeting request calendar de Diese Nachricht enthält eine Antwort auf eine Terminanfrage
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar de Diese Benachrichtigung wird für stornierte oder gelöschte Termine versendet
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar de Diese Benachrichtigung wird für geänderte Termine versendet
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar de Diese Nachricht wird an alle Teilnehmer der Termine versendet, die Sie anlegen. (Teilnehmer müssen die Benachrichtigung per E-Mail aktiviert haben!) <br>Sie können verschiedene Variablen verwenden, die die notwendigen Informationen der Termin-Mitteilung beinhalten. Die erste Zeile ist der Betreff der E-Mail
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar de Diese Nachricht wird an alle Teilnehmer der Termine versendet, die Sie anlegen. (Teilnehmer müssen die Benachrichtigung per E-Mail aktiviert haben!)<br>Sie können verschiedene Variablen verwenden, die die notwendigen Informationen der Termin-Mitteilung beinhalten. Die erste Zeile ist der Betreff der E-Mail
this message is sent to uninvited participants. calendar de Diese Nachricht wird ausgeladenen Teilnehmern gesendet
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar de Diese Nachricht wird gesendet wenn Sie einen Termin zusagen, vorläufig zusagen oder ablehnen
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar de Diese Alarm-Meldung wird Ihnen gesendet, wenn Sie einen Alarm für einen Termin aktivieren. Nehmen Sie alle Informationen darin auf, die Sie zum gewünschten Alarm-Zeitpunkt benötigen
this module displays a planner calendar. calendar de Dieses Modul zeigt einen Planerkalender
this module displays a user's calendar as multiple weeks. don't give calendar application access to the anon user! calendar de Dieses Modul zeigt den Benutzer Kalender als Mehrwochenansicht. Geben Sie dem anonymen Benutzer keinen Zugriff auf das Kalender Modul
this module displays a user's calendar as multiple weeks. don't give calendar application access to the anon user! calendar de Dieses Modul zeigt den Benutzer-Kalender als Mehrwochenansicht. Geben Sie dem anonymen Benutzer keinen Zugriff auf das Kalender-Modul
this module displays calendar events as a list. calendar de Dieses Modul zeigt den Kalender als Listenansicht
this module displays the current month calendar de Dieses Modul zeigt den aktuellen Monat an
three month calendar de drei Monate
@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ timezones aliases updated to version %1 (%2 records updated). calendar de Zeitzo
timezones updated to version %1 (%2 records updated). calendar de Zeitzonen aktualisiert zu Version %1 (%2 Datensätze aktualisiert)
title of the event calendar de Titel des Termin
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files calendar de Titel der Verknüpften zu dem aktuellem Eintrag ohne Dateien.
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar de zu viele können Ihre Laufzeitbeschränkung überschreiten
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar de Zu viele können Ihre Laufzeitbeschränkung überschreiten
to-firstname calendar de An Vorname
to-fullname calendar de An Vor- und Nachname
to-lastname calendar de An Nachname
@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ use this timezone to export calendar data. calendar de Diese Zeitzone zum export
use this timezone to import/export calendar data. calendar de Verwendet diese Zeitzone für den Import/Export von Kalenderdaten.
use weekday start calendar de Benutzer Start der Arbeitswoche
user or group calendar de Benutzer oder Gruppe
user selectable css file for the calendar setup calendar de Benutzer können ausgewählte CSS Dateien aus dem Kalender Setup benutzen
user selectable css file for the calendar setup calendar de Benutzer können ausgewählte CSS-Dateien aus dem Kalender Setup benutzen
users + groups: inviting both always requires an invite grant admin de Benutzer + Gruppen: Einladungen beider brauchen eine Freigabe
using already existing event on server. calendar de Verwende bereits existierenden Termin auf dem Server
utilities calendar de Zubehör
@ -716,8 +716,8 @@ you have been uninvited from the meeting at %1 calendar de Sie wurden vom Termin
you need to select an account, contact or resource first! calendar de Sie müssen zuerst einen Benutzer, einen Kontakt oder eine Ressource auswählen!
you need to select an ical file first calendar de Sie müssen zuerst eine iCal Datei auswählen
you need to select some events first calendar de Die müssen zuerst Einträge auswählen!
you need to set either a day or a occurrence !!! calendar de Sie müssen entweder einen Tag oder eine Wiederholung angeben !!!
you need to set either a day or a occurrence !!! calendar de Sie müssen entweder einen Tag oder eine Wiederholung angeben!
you requested more than available for the selected resource: calendar de Sie versuchen mehr zu buchen, als zur Verfügung steht.
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar de Ihr Termin am %1 wurde abgesagt.
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar de Ihr Termin am %1 wurde auf %2 verschoben.
your php extension pdo_sqlite is broken! calendar de Es gibt ein Problem mit Ihrer PHP Extention pdo_sqlite!
your php extension pdo_sqlite is broken! calendar de Es gibt ein Problem mit Ihrer PHP-Extention pdo_sqlite!
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ permission denied calendar en Permission denied.
planner by category calendar en Planner by category
planner by user calendar en Planner by user
please first select participants on the left and then use plus button to add them calendar en Please first select participants on the left and then use plus button to add them
please note: conflict check is never done in the past and always limited by above recurrence horizont. calendar en Please note: conflict check is never done in the past and always limited by above recurrence horizont.
please note: conflict check is never done in the past and always limited by above recurrence horizont. calendar en Please note: conflict check is never done in the past and always limited by above recurrence horizon.
please note: you can configure the field assignments after you uploaded the file. calendar en Note: You can configure the field assignments AFTER you uploaded the file.
preselected group for entering the planner calendar en Pre-selected group for entering the planner
prevent deleting of entries admin en Prevent deleting of entries
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
%1 files copied. filemanager de %1 Dateien kopiert
%1 files deleted. filemanager de %1 Dateien gelöscht
%1 files moved. filemanager de %1 Dateien verschoben
%1 files or directories deleted in %2 seconds. filemanager de %1 Dateinen oder Ordner in %2 Sekunden gelöscht
%1 files or directories deleted in %2 seconds. filemanager de %1 Dateien oder Ordner in %2 Sekunden gelöscht.
%1 files unlocked. filemanager de %1 Dateien entsperrt
%1 shares deleted. filemanager de %1 Freigaben gelöscht
%1 shares deleted. filemanager de %1 Freigabe(n) gelöscht
%1 starts with '%2' filemanager de %1 beginnt mit '%2'
%1 successful unmounted. filemanager de %1 erfolgreich unmounted
%1 successful uploaded. filemanager de %1 erfolgreich hochgeladen
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ create a link filemanager de Verknüpfung anlegen
create directory filemanager de Ordner anlegen
create file filemanager de Datei erstellen
create folder filemanager de Ordner erstellen
created filemanager de erstellt
created %1,%2 filemanager de erstellt %1, %2
created filemanager de Erstellt
created %1,%2 filemanager de Erstellt %1, %2
created directory %1 filemanager de Ordner %1 erstellt
current directory filemanager de Aktueller Ordner
custom fields filemanager de Benutzerdefinierte Felder
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ default action on double-click filemanager de Aktion beim Doppelklick einer Date
default behavior is no. the link will not be shown, but you are still able to navigate to this location, or configure this paricular location as startfolder or folderlink. filemanager de Vorgabe ist NEIN. Der Verweis wird nicht angezeigt, Sie können aber immer zu diesem Ordner navigieren, Sie können aber den Ordner als Startordner oder als Ordnerverweis konfigurieren.
default document to insert entries filemanager de Standarddokument zum Einfügen von Daten
defines how to handle double click action on a document file. images are always opened in the expose-view and emails with email application. all other mime-types are handled by the browser itself. filemanager de Legt fest, wie Dokumente behandelt werden beim Doppelklick auf die Datei. Bilder werden immer in der Exposé-Ansicht geöffnet und E-Mails mit der E-Mail-Anwendung. Alle anderen MIME-Typen werden vom Browser selbst behandelt.
defines how to open a merge print document filemanager de Was soll mit Dokumenten nach dem Füllen passieren?<br>Mit verfügbarem Collabora Online können diese Dokumente direkt im Browser mit Collabora Online geöffnet (und weiter verarbeitet) werden.<br><br> <b>Ohne Collabora Online</b> wird ein gefülltes Dokument zum Herunterladen angeboten. Siehe auch:<br> <a href="https://www.egroupware.org/online-office" target="_blank">Collabora Online Office in EGroupware</a>
defines how to open a merge print document filemanager de Was soll mit Dokumenten nach dem Füllen passieren?<br><br><b>Mit verfügbarem Collabora Online</b> können diese Dokumente direkt im Browser mit Collabora Online geöffnet (und weiter verarbeitet) werden.<br><br> <b>Ohne Collabora Online</b> wird ein gefülltes Dokument zum Herunterladen angeboten.<br><br>Mehr Informationen zu Collabora Online:<br> <a href="https://www.egroupware.org/online-office" target="_blank">Collabora Online Office in EGroupware</a>
delete all older versions and deleted files older then %s days filemanager de Lösche alle alten Versionen und gelöschte Dateien älter als %s Tage
delete these files or directories? filemanager de Diese Dateien oder Ordner löschen?
delete these shares? filemanager de Diese Freigaben löschen?
@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ enter the complete vfs path to specify a fast access link to a folder filemanage
enter the complete vfs path to specify your desired start folder. filemanager de Geben Sie den kompletten VFS-Pfad zu Ihrem gewünschten Anfangsordner ein
enter your file name filemanager de Dateiname
error adding the acl! filemanager de Fehler beim Hinzufügen des Zugriffsrechts!
error creating symlink to target %1! filemanager de Fehler beim Anlegen einer Verknüpfung zu %1!
error creating symlink to target %1! filemanager de Fehler beim Anlegen einer Verknüpfung zu %1 !
error deleting the acl entry! filemanager de Fehler beim Löschen des Zugriffsrechts!
error mounting %1 on %2! filemanager de Fehler beim mounten von %1 nach %2!
error unmounting %1! filemanager de Fehler beim unmounten von %1!
error mounting %1 on %2! filemanager de Fehler beim mounten von %1 nach %2 !
error unmounting %1! filemanager de Fehler beim unmounten von %1 !
error uploading file! filemanager de Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei!
error while creating directory. filemanager de Fehler beim Anlegen des Ordners
everyone filemanager de Jeder
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ excludes selected mime types filemanager de Schließt ausgewählte MIME-Typen au
excludes selected mime types from being opened by editor filemanager de Schließt ausgewählte MIME-Typen vom Öffnen durch Collabora Online aus.<br>Diese Dokument-Typen werden entweder im Browser geöffnet oder heruntergeladen.
executable filemanager de Ausführbar
expires filemanager de Läuft ab
export definition to use for nextmatch export filemanager de Exportdefinition für den nextmatch Export
export definition to use for nextmatch export filemanager de Exportdefinition für den nextmatch-Export
extended access control list filemanager de Erweiterte Zugriffsrechte
extended acl filemanager de Erweiterte Zugriffsrechte
failed to change permissions of %1! filemanager de Konnte Zugriffsrechte von %1 nicht ändern!
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ file common de Datei
file %1 already exists filemanager de Es gibt schon eine Datei %1
file %1 could not be created. filemanager de Die Datei %1 konnte nicht erzeugt werden
file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filemanager de Die Datei %1 ist eventuell zu groß. Kontaktieren Sie Ihren Systemadministrator für weitere Informationen.
file a file is only available with an epl subscription. filemanager de Datei ablegen ist nur mit einem EPL-Vertrag verfügbar.
file deleted. filemanager de Datei gelöscht
file a file is only available with an epl subscription. filemanager de Datei ablegen ist nur mit einer EPL-Subscription verfügbar.
file deleted. filemanager de Datei gelöscht.
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager de Dateinamen dürfen "%1" nicht enthalten
file or directory not found! filemanager de Datei oder Ordner nicht gefunden!
file successful uploaded. filemanager de Datei erfolgreich hochgeladen
@ -164,12 +164,12 @@ filesystem filemanager de Dateisystem
filesystem check reported no problems. filemanager de Die Überprüfung des des Dateisystems ergab keine Probleme.
filesystem: mount directory (inside /var/lib/egroupware!) from host filesystem filemanager de Dateisystem: Mounted Verzeichnisse (innerhalb von /var/lib/egroupware) vom Dateisystem des Hosts
finally delete filemanager de Endgültig löschen
finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given directory.\n\nthis can not be undone! filemanager de Ältere Versionen und gelöschte Dateien unter dem angegebenen Ordner endgültig löschen.\n\nDas kann NICHT rückgängig gemacht werden!
finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given directory.\n\nthis can not be undone! filemanager de Ältere Versionen und gelöschte Dateien unter dem angegebenen Ordner endgültig löschen.<br>Das kann NICHT rückgängig gemacht werden!
finally delete this version filemanager de Diese Version endgültig löschen
fix reported problems filemanager de Gefundene Probleme beheben
folder up filemanager de Übergeordneter Ordner
for files linked to an application entry (inside /apps/appname/id/) the placeholders for that application are also available. see the specific application for a list of available placeholders. filemanager de Die Platzhalter für Verknüpfte Eintrage bzw. Dateien (unter /apps/appname/id) der entsprechenden Anwendung stehen Ihnen hier auch zur Verfügung. Sie können die Platzhalter auch unter der Liste der Platzhalter der entsprechenden Anwendung einsehen
for files linked to an application entry (inside /apps/appname/id/) the placeholders for that application are also available. see the specific application for a list of placeholders filemanager de Die Platzhalter für Verknüpfte Eintrage bzw. Dateien (unter /apps/appname/id) der entsprechenden Anwendung stehen Ihnen hier auch zur Verfügung. Sie können die Platzhalter auch unter der Liste der Platzhalter der entsprechenden Anwendung einsehen
for files linked to an application entry (inside /apps/appname/id/) the placeholders for that application are also available. see the specific application for a list of available placeholders. filemanager de Die Platzhalter für verknüpfte Eintrage bzw. Dateien (unter /apps/appname/id) der entsprechenden Anwendung stehen Ihnen hier auch zur Verfügung. Sie können die Platzhalter auch unter der Liste der Platzhalter der entsprechenden Anwendung einsehen
for files linked to an application entry (inside /apps/appname/id/) the placeholders for that application are also available. see the specific application for a list of placeholders filemanager de Die Platzhalter für verknüpfte Eintrage bzw. Dateien (unter /apps/appname/id) der entsprechenden Anwendung stehen Ihnen hier auch zur Verfügung. Sie können die Platzhalter auch unter der Liste der Platzhalter der entsprechenden Anwendung einsehen
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. filemanager de Nutzen Sie dieses Symbol für Serienbriefe. Stellen Sie den Inhalt, den Sie wiederholen möchten, zwischen zwei Symbole
general filemanager de Allgemein
general fields: filemanager de Allgemeine Platzhalter
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export* filemanage
inherited filemanager de Geerbt
last accessed filemanager de Letzter Zugriff
link filemanager de verknüpfen
link %1: %2 filemanager de %1. Verknüpfung: %2
link %1: %2 filemanager de %1 Verknüpfung: %2
link into folder filemanager de Verknüpfung in ein Ordner
link target filemanager de Ziel der Verknüpfung
link target %1 not found! filemanager de Verknüpfungsziel %1 nicht gefunden!
@ -198,21 +198,21 @@ location filemanager de Ort
lock filemanager de Gesperrt
log out as superuser filemanager de Superuser abmelden
mail files filemanager de Dateien per E-Mail versenden
mail paste filemanager de per E-Mail versenden
max folderlinks admin de maximale Anzahl von Links zu Ordner
mail paste filemanager de Per E-Mail versenden
max folderlinks admin de Maximale Anzahl von Links zu Ordner
merge print open handler filemanager de Handler für das Einfügen in Dokument
mime type filemanager de MIME-Typ
modified filemanager de Verändert
modified between filemanager de Verändert zwischen
modify all subdirectories and their content filemanager de Änderungen auf alle Unterordner und ihre Inhalte anwenden
mount filemanager de Mount
mount /etemplates to allow customizing of etemplates filemanager de /etemplates mounten um eTemplate anpassen zu können
mount /etemplates to allow customizing of etemplates filemanager de /etemplates mounten um eTemplates anpassen zu können
mountpoints filemanager de Mountpunkte
move filemanager de Verschieben
move into folder filemanager de Verschieben in Ordner
move to filemanager de Verschieben nach
moved %1 to %2 filemanager de %1 nach %2 verschoben
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too filemanager de Name des aktuellen Benutzers, alle anderen Kontakt Felder können Sie hier auch verwenden.
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too filemanager de Name des aktuellen Benutzers, alle anderen Kontakt-Felder können Sie hier auch verwenden.
new directory common de Neuer Ordner
no access filemanager de Kein Zugriff
no files in this directory. filemanager de Keine Dateien in diesem Ordner
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ older versions or deleted files filemanager de Ältere Versionen oder gelöschte
only owner can rename or delete the content filemanager de Nur der Besitzer kann den Inhalt umbenennen oder löschen
open filemanager de Öffnen
open documents with collabora, if permissions are given filemanager de Dokument mit Collabora Online öffnen, falls Rechte vorhanden sind
open odt documents with collabeditor filemanager de odt Dokumente mit CollabEditor öffnen
open odt documents with collabeditor filemanager de odt-Dokumente mit Collabora Online öffnen
operation filemanager de Vorgang
password for webdav and smb, use $pass for password of logged in user filemanager de Passwort für WebDAV und SMB, benutzer $pass für das Passwort des angemeldeten Benutzers
paste link filemanager de Als Verknüpfung einfügen
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ renamed %1 to %2. filemanager de %1 nach %2 umbenannt
replaced %1 filemanager de %1 ersetzt
replacements for inserting entries into documents filemanager de Platzhalter zum Einfügen in ein Dokument
rights filemanager de Rechte
root filemanager de root
root filemanager de Superuser
root access granted. filemanager de Superuser Zugriff gewährt
root access stopped. filemanager de Superuser Zugriff gestoppt
save %1 filemanager de %1 speichern
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ save changes filemanager de Änderungen speichern
saved %1 filemanager de %1 gespeichert
saving properties failed! filemanager de Speichern der Eigenschaften fehlgeschlagen!
saving setting for document merge failed! filemanager de Speichern der Einstellungen für Seriendokumente fehlgeschlagen
search for '%1' filemanager de nach %1 suchen
search for '%1' filemanager de Nach %1 suchen
searchstring filemanager de Suchbegriff
select action... filemanager de Befehl auswählen...
select file to upload in current directory filemanager de Datei(en) zum Hochladen in den aktuellen Ordner auswählen
@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ show link "your home directory" in side box menu? filemanager de Möchten Sie de
show link "your home directory*" in side box menu?* filemanager de Möchten Sie den Verknüpfung "Persönlicher Ordner" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs angezeigt bekommen?
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager de Zeige die Verknüpfung zum Basisordner (/) des Dateimanagers im Seitenmenü?
size filemanager de Größe
smb, webdavs and vfs require a username! filemanager de SMB, WebDAVs und VFS benötigen einen Benutzernamen!
smb, webdavs and vfs require a username! filemanager de SMB, WebDAV und VFS benötigen einen Benutzernamen!
smb: mount samba or windows fileserver shares filemanager de SMB: Mounten von Freigaben eines Samba- oder Windows-Dateiserver
some functionalities require superuser permissions, please login here as filemanager superuser - allowed users are defined in setup. filemanager de Einige Funktionalitäten benötigen Superuser-Rechte. Bitte loggen sie sich hier als Dateimanager Superuser ein (Zulässige Benutzer werden im Setup festgelegt).
sqlfs statistics filemanager de VFS Statistik
sqlfs statistics filemanager de VFS-Statistik
start search filemanager de Suche starten
startfolder filemanager de Anfangsordner
successful mounted %1 on %2. filemanager de %1 erfolgreich nach %2 gemounted.
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ to overwrite the existing file store again. filemanager de Zum Überschreiben de
total files filemanager de Gesamtanzahl Dateien
ui mode filemanager de Benutzeroberfläche
under directory filemanager de unter dem Ordner
unlock filemanager de entsperren
unlock filemanager de Entsperren
unmount filemanager de Unmount
unused space filemanager de Nicht benutzter Platz
up filemanager de Nach oben
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ versioning requires egroupware epl filemanager de Versionierung benötigt EGroup
vfs mounts and versioning common de VFS einhängen und versionieren
view link filemanager de Zeige Link
webdav link copied into clipboard filemanager de WebDAV-Link in die Zwischenablage kopiert
webdavs: mount egroupware or *cloud shares filemanager de WebDAVs: Mounten von EGroupware oder anderen *Cloud-Freigaben
webdavs: mount egroupware or *cloud shares filemanager de WebDAV: Mounten von EGroupware oder anderen *Cloud-Freigaben
who should be allowed to finally delete deleted files or old versions of a file: filemanager de Wer soll gelöschte Dateien oder ältere Versionen endgültig löschen dürfen:
writable share link filemanager de Beschreibbare Freigabe-Link
wrong username or password! filemanager de Falscher Benutzername oder Passwort!
@ -338,12 +338,12 @@ you are not allowed to finally delete older versions and deleted files! filemana
you are not allowed to upload a script! filemanager de Sie dürfen KEINE Skripte hochladen!
you can either delete some files or get in touch with your administrator to get more space filemanager de Sie können entweder einige Dateien löschen oder sich mit Ihrem Administrator in Verbindung setzen, um mehr Speicherplatz zu erhalten
you can only grant additional rights, you can not take rights away! filemanager de Sie können nur zusätzliche Rechte gewähren, Rechte können NICHT weg genommen werden!
you can use regular upload [+] button to upload files. filemanager de Sie können Dateien über den regulären [+] Button hochladen.
you can use regular upload [+] button to upload files. filemanager de Sie können Dateien über den regulären [+]-Button hochladen.
you do not have access to %1 filemanager de Sie besitzen keine Zugriffsrechte für %1
you need to become root, to enable or disable versioning on a directory! filemanager de Sie müssen Superuser sein, um die Versionierung für ein Ordner ein- oder auszuschalten!
you need to select an owner! filemanager de Sie müssen einen Eigentümer auswählen!
you need to select some files first! filemanager de Sie müssen zuerst die Dateien auswählen!
you will be redirected to your home directory. filemanager de Sie werden zu Ihrem persönlichen Ordner geleitet
you will be redirected to your start folder. filemanager de Sie werden zu Ihrem Anfangs- / Startordner geleitet
you will be redirected to your start folder. filemanager de Sie werden zu Ihrem Anfangs- / Start-Ordner geleitet
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager de Ihr persönlicher Ordner hat nicht existiert. EGroupware hat ein neues für Sie angelegt.
your home directory filemanager de Ihr persönlicher Ordner
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ create directory filemanager en Create folder
create file filemanager en Create file
create folder filemanager en Create folder
created filemanager en Created
created %1,%2 filemanager en Created %1,%2
created %1,%2 filemanager en Created %1, %2
created directory %1 filemanager en Created folder %1
current directory filemanager en Current folder
custom fields filemanager en Custom fields
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ default action on double-click filemanager en Default action on double-click
default behavior is no. the link will not be shown, but you are still able to navigate to this location, or configure this paricular location as startfolder or folderlink. filemanager en Default = No. The link will not be shown, but you are still able to navigate to this location, or configure this particular location as start folder or folder link.
default document to insert entries filemanager en Default document to insert entries
defines how to handle double click action on a document file. images are always opened in the expose-view and emails with email application. all other mime-types are handled by the browser itself. filemanager en Defines how to handle double click action on a document file. Images are always opened in the expose-view and emails with mail application. All other MIME-types are handled by the browser itself.
defines how to open a merge print document filemanager en Defines how to open a merge print document
defines how to open a merge print document filemanager en What should happen to documents after they have been filled?<br><br><b>If Collabora Online is available</b>, these documents can be opened (and further processed) directly in the browser with Collabora Online.<br><br> <b>Without Collabora Online</b>, filled document is offered for download.<br><br>More information about Collabora Online:<br> <a href="https://www.egroupware.org/online-office" target="_blank">Collabora Online Office in EGroupware</a>
delete all older versions and deleted files older then %s days filemanager en Delete all older versions and deleted files older than %s days
delete these files or directories? filemanager en Delete these files or directories?
delete these shares? filemanager en Delete these shares?
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ file common en File
file %1 already exists filemanager en File %1 already exists
file %1 could not be created. filemanager en File %1 could not be created.
file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filemanager en File %1 might be too big.
file a file is only available with an epl subscription. filemanager en File a file is only available with an EPL subscription.
file a file is only available with an epl subscription. filemanager en File a file is available with an EPL subscription.
file deleted. filemanager en File deleted.
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager en File names cannot contain "%1"
file or directory not found! filemanager en File or folder not found!
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ filesystem filemanager en Filesystem
filesystem check reported no problems. filemanager en Filesystem check reported no problems.
filesystem: mount directory (inside /var/lib/egroupware!) from host filesystem filemanager en Filesystem: mount directory (inside /var/lib/egroupware !) from host filesystem
finally delete filemanager en Finally delete
finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given directory.\n\nthis can not be undone! filemanager en Finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given folder.\n\nThis can NOT be undone!
finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given directory.\n\nthis can not be undone! filemanager en Finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given folder.<br>This can NOT be undone!
finally delete this version filemanager en Finally delete this version
fix reported problems filemanager en Fix reported problems
folder up filemanager en Folder up
@ -227,9 +227,9 @@ open documents with collabora, if permissions are given filemanager en Open docu
open odt documents with collabeditor filemanager en Open odt documents with Collabora Online
operation filemanager en Operation
password for webdav and smb, use $pass for password of logged in user filemanager en Password for WebDAV and SMB, use $pass for password of logged in user
paste link filemanager en Paste Link
paste link filemanager en Paste link
path %1 not found or not a directory! filemanager en Path %1 not found or not a folder!
path and query-parameters, smb: share and optional path (with /) filemanager en Path and query-parameters, SMB: share and optional path (with /)
path and query-parameters, smb: share and optional path (with /) filemanager en Path and query parameters, SMB: share and optional path (with /)
percentage filemanager en Percentage
permission denied! filemanager en Permission denied!
permissions filemanager en Permissions
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ quota filemanager en Quota
quota exceeded filemanager en Quota exceeded
read & write access filemanager en Read & write access
read access only filemanager en Read access only
readonly share link filemanager en Readonly Share link
readonly share link filemanager en Readonly share link
recalculate filemanager en Recalculate
recalculate directory sizes filemanager en Recalculate directory sizes
recalculated %1 directories in %2 iterations and %3 seconds filemanager en Recalculated %1 directories in %2 iterations and %3 seconds
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ select file(s) from vfs common en Select file(s) from VFS
setting for document merge saved. filemanager en Setting for document merge saved.
share files filemanager en Share files
share link copied into clipboard filemanager en Share link copied into clipboard
share mounted at %1.<br/>please close this tab. filemanager en Share mounted at %1.<br/>Please close this tab.
share mounted at %1.<br/>please close this tab. filemanager en Share mounted at %1.<br>Please close this tab.
shared files filemanager en Shared files
shared with filemanager en Shared with
show filemanager en Show
@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ show link "your home directory" in side box menu? filemanager en Show link "Your
show link "your home directory*" in side box menu?* filemanager en Show link "Your home folder*" in side box menu?*
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager en Show link to File Manager's base folder (/) in side menu?
size filemanager en Size
smb, webdavs and vfs require a username! filemanager en SMB, WebDAVs and VFS require a username!
smb, webdavs and vfs require a username! filemanager en SMB, WebDAV and VFS require a username!
smb: mount samba or windows fileserver shares filemanager en SMB: mount Samba or Windows fileserver shares
some functionalities require superuser permissions, please login here as filemanager superuser - allowed users are defined in setup. filemanager en Some functionalities require superuser permissions, please login here as filemanager superuser - allowed users are defined in setup.
sqlfs statistics filemanager en VFS Statistics
sqlfs statistics filemanager en VFS statistics
start search filemanager en Start search
startfolder filemanager en Start folder
successful mounted %1 on %2. filemanager en Successful mounted %1 on %2.
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ the uploaded file is only visible to the person sharing these files with you, no
there's already a directory with that name! filemanager en There's already a folder with that name!
there's already a file with that name! filemanager en There's already a file with that name!
tile view filemanager en Tile view
to overwrite the existing file store again. filemanager en To overwrite the existing filestore again
to overwrite the existing file store again. filemanager en To overwrite the existing file store again
total files filemanager en Total files
ui mode filemanager en Standard Toolbar
under directory filemanager en under folder
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ up filemanager en Up
updated comment for %1 filemanager en Updated comment for %1
upload fields filemanager en Upload fields
upload files filemanager en Upload files
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. filemanager en Use this tag for addresslabels. Put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags.
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. filemanager en Use this tag for address labels. Put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags.
used space filemanager en Used space
user color indicator filemanager en User color indicator
user home quota filemanager en User home quota
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ versioning requires egroupware epl filemanager en Versioning requires EGroupware
vfs mounts and versioning common en VFS mounts and versioning
view link filemanager en View link
webdav link copied into clipboard filemanager en WebDAV link copied into clipboard
webdavs: mount egroupware or *cloud shares filemanager en WebDAVs: mount EGroupware or *Cloud shares
webdavs: mount egroupware or *cloud shares filemanager en WebDAV: mount EGroupware or *Cloud shares
who should be allowed to finally delete deleted files or old versions of a file: filemanager en Who should be allowed to finally delete deleted files or old versions of a file:
writable share link filemanager en Writable Share link
wrong username or password! filemanager en Wrong username or password!
@ -345,5 +345,5 @@ you need to select an owner! filemanager en You need to select an owner!
you need to select some files first! filemanager en You need to select some files first!
you will be redirected to your home directory. filemanager en You will be redirected to your home folder.
you will be redirected to your start folder. filemanager en You will be redirected to your start folder.
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager en Your Home Dir did not exist, EGroupware created a new one.
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager en Your home directory did not exist, EGroupware created a new one.
your home directory filemanager en Home folder
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ acl added. filemanager it Regola ACL aggiunta.
acl deleted. filemanager it Regola ACL eliminata.
actions filemanager it Azioni
add to clipboard filemanager it Aggiungi agli appunti.
administrators filemanager it amministratori
administrators filemanager it Amministratori
all files filemanager it Tutti i file
all subdirectories filemanager it Tutte le sottocartelle
all types filemanager it Tutti i tipi
@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ do you want more information about epl subscription? common it Si vorrebbero ric
do you want to overwrite existing file %1 in directory %2? filemanager it Vuoi sovrascrivere il file esistente %1 nella cartella %2?
do you want to overwrite the existing file %1? filemanager it Vuoi sovrascrivere il file esistente?
download filemanager it Download
download documents filemanager it scarica documenti
download documents filemanager it Scarica documenti
edit comments filemanager it Modifica commenti
edit settings filemanager it Modifica le impostazioni
edit share filemanager it modifica condivisione
edit share filemanager it Modifica condivisione
enable filemanager it Abilita
enable versioning for given mountpoint filemanager it Abilitare il controllo delle versioni per il mountpoint selezionato
enter a file size, e.g. 100k, 200m or 2g filemanager it Inserire una dimensione del file, ad esempio 100K, 200M o 2G.
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ enter setup user and password filemanager it Inserisci il nome utente e la passw
enter setup user and password to get root rights filemanager it Inserisci il nome utente e la password dell'utente di setup per ottenere diritti amministrativi (root)
enter the complete vfs path to specify a fast access link to a folder filemanager it Inserisci il percorso VFS completo per specificare un link veloce verso una cartella
enter the complete vfs path to specify your desired start folder. filemanager it Inserisci il percorso VFS completo per specificare la tua cartella di avvio
enter your file name filemanager it inserisci il nome del file
enter your file name filemanager it Inserisci il nome del file
error adding the acl! filemanager it Errore nell'aggiunta della regola ACL!
error creating symlink to target %1! filemanager it Errore di creazione del link simbolico verso %1!
error deleting the acl entry! filemanager it Errore di eliminazione della regola ACL!
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ select file(s) from vfs common it Seleziona file dal sistema virtuale di file (V
setting for document merge saved. filemanager it Impostazione stampa unione salvata.
share files filemanager it Condividi file
share link copied into clipboard filemanager it Condividi il collegamento copiato negli appunti
share mounted at %1.<br/>please close this tab. filemanager it Condivisione attivata su %1.<br/>Si può chiudere il pannello ora
share mounted at %1.<br/>please close this tab. filemanager it Condivisione attivata su %1.<br>Si può chiudere il pannello ora
shared files filemanager it File condivisi
shared with filemanager it Condivisi con
show filemanager it Mostra
@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ show link "your home directory" in side box menu? filemanager it Mostra collegam
show link "your home directory*" in side box menu?* filemanager it Mostra collegamento "La tua direcroy principale*" nel menù laterale*
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager it Mostrare il collegamento alla cartella principale (/) nel menù laterale?
size filemanager it Dimensione
smb, webdavs and vfs require a username! filemanager it SMB, WebDAVs e filesystem virtulale (VFS) richiede un nome utente
smb, webdavs and vfs require a username! filemanager it SMB, WebDAV e filesystem virtulale (VFS) richiede un nome utente
smb: mount samba or windows fileserver shares filemanager it SMB: monta un server Samba o una condivisione Windows
some functionalities require superuser permissions, please login here as filemanager superuser - allowed users are defined in setup. filemanager it Alcune funzionalità richiedono l'accesso come super utente. Per favore effettuare il login qui come super utente. Gli utenti consentiti sono definiti nel setup.
sqlfs statistics filemanager it Statistiche filesystem sql
sqlfs statistics filemanager it Statistiche filesystem (VFS)
start search filemanager it Avvia ricerca
startfolder filemanager it Cartella di avvio
successful mounted %1 on %2. filemanager it Montato con successo %1 su %2
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ unmount filemanager it Smonta
unused space filemanager it Spazio inutilizzato
up filemanager it Su
updated comment for %1 filemanager it Ho aggiornato i commenti per %1
upload fields filemanager it campi caricamento
upload fields filemanager it Campi caricamento
upload files filemanager it Carica File
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. filemanager it Usa questo tag per le etichette di indirizzo. Posiziona il contenuto da ripetere, tra due tag.
used space filemanager it Spazio utilizzato
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ versioning filemanager it Registrazione Versioni di file
versioning requires egroupware epl filemanager it Registrazione Versioni di file necessita di EGroupware EPL
vfs mounts and versioning common it Montaggi VFS e registrazione versioni
view link filemanager it Mostra Indirizzo
webdav link copied into clipboard filemanager it Link webDAV copiato negli appunti
webdav link copied into clipboard filemanager it Link WebDAV copiato negli appunti
webdavs: mount egroupware or *cloud shares filemanager it WebDAV: montare le condivisioni EGroupware o *Cloud
who should be allowed to finally delete deleted files or old versions of a file: filemanager it Chi dovrebbe poter eliminare definitivamente file o vecchie versioni di file:
writable share link filemanager it Collegamento condiviso in scrittura
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ forced home cs Povinný
home home cs Hlavní strana
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. home cs Za %1 dní (%2) má %3 narozeniny.
list of entries home cs Seznam záznamů
remove home cs odstranit
remove home cs Odstranit
remove default %1 home cs Odstranit výchozí %1
removed default home cs Výchozí byl odstraněn
set as default home cs Nastavit jako výchozí
@ -16,13 +16,12 @@ removed default home de Vorgabe gelöcht
set as default home de Als Vorgabe speichern
set default home de Als Vorgabe speichern
show a list of entries home de Liste der Einträge anzeigen
show all the entries using a favorite home de Zeit alle Einträge unter Benutzung eines Favoriten
show all the entries using a favorite home de Zeit alle Einträge unter Verwendung eines Favoriten
show one entry home de Einen Eintrag anzeigen
single entry home de Einzeleintrag
there is a new version of egroupware available home de Es steht eine neuere Version von EGroupware zur Verfügung
today is %1's birthday! home de Heute ist der Geburtstag von %1.
tomorrow is %1's birthday. home de Morgen ist der Geburtstag von %1.
weather home de Wetter
yes, for the next three days home de Ja, für die nächsten drei Tage
yes, for the next two weeks home de Ja, für die nächsten zwei Wochen
yes, for the next week home de Ja, für die nächste Wochen
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
a quick note home en A quick note
birthday reminders home en Birthday reminders
color home en Color
color home en Colour
configure home en Configure
displays home home en Displays home
egroupware home en EGroupware
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ favorite home en Favorite
forced home en Forced
home home en Home
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. home en In %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday.
list of entries home en List of Entries
list of entries home en List of entries
remove home en Remove
remove default %1 home en Remove default %1
removed default home en Removed default
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ set default home en Set default
show a list of entries home en Show a list of entries
show all the entries using a favorite home en Show all the entries using a favorite
show one entry home en Show one entry
single entry home en Single Entry
single entry home en Single entry
there is a new version of egroupware available home en There is a new version of EGroupware available
today is %1's birthday! home en Today is %1's birthday!
tomorrow is %1's birthday. home en Tomorrow is %1's birthday.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%1 definition(s) %2 importexport de %1 Profildefinition(en) %2
%1 definition(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! importexport de %1 Import/Exportdefinition(en) %2, %3 konnte wegen fehlender Rechte nicht ausgeführt wegen !!!
%1 definitions %2 importexport de %1 Import/Exportdefinition(en) %2
%1 is not a known user or group importexport de %1 ist kein Benutzer oder eine Benutzergruppe
%1 definition(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! importexport de %1 Definition(en) %2, %3 fehlgeschlagen wegen unzureichender Rechte!
%1 definitions %2 importexport de %1 Import-/Export-Definition(en) %2
%1 is not a known user or group importexport de %1 ist kein Benutzer oder Gruppe
%1 is not readable importexport de %1 ist nicht lesbar
%1 is not writable importexport de %1 ist nicht möglich zu schreiben
%1 records processed importexport de %1 Einträge ausgeführt
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(* for all) importexport de (* Für alle)
(0-23) importexport de (0-23)
(0-6, 0=sun) importexport de (0-6, 0=Sonntag)
*contact id cannot be changed by import importexport de *Contact ID kann nicht durch den Import verändert werden
*contact id cannot be changed by import importexport de *Kontakt ID kann nicht durch den Import verändert werden
add a new definition importexport de Hinzufügen einer neuen Definition
add an additional condition importexport de Eine zusätzliche Bedingung hinzufügen
addressbook csv import importexport de Adressen per CSV Importieren
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ all custom fields importexport de Alle benutzerdefinierten Felder
all encodings importexport de Alle Enkodierungen
all users importexport de Alle Benutzer
allowed users importexport de Erlaubte Benutzer
automatically created by importexport importexport de Wurde automatisch vom Import/Export Modul erstellt
automatically created by importexport importexport de Wurde automatisch vom Import/Export-Modul erstellt
basic csv import importexport de Basis CSV Import
change allowed users importexport de Erlaubte Benutzer ändern
change owner when updating importexport de Besitzer ändern bei der Aktualisierung
@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ choose a plugin importexport de Wählen Sie ein Plug-in.
choose an application importexport de Wählen Sie eine Anwendung.
choose fields to export importexport de Wählen Sie die Felder für den Export aus.
choose seperator and charset importexport de Wählen Sie das Trennzeichen und den Zeichensatz aus
column mismatch. expected %1 columns, your file has %2. importexport de Zuordnungsfehler bei der Spaltendefinition. %1 Spalten in der Definition, in der Importdatei %2.
column mismatch. expected %1 columns, your file has %2. importexport de Zuordnungsfehler bei der Spaltendefinition. %1 Spalten in der Definition, in der Importdatei %2.
column mismatch: %1 should be %2, not %3 importexport de Zuordnungsfehler in der Spaltendefinition. %1 sollte %2, nicht %3 sein
condition importexport de Bedingungen
copied importexport de Kopiert
create a <a href="%1">new definition</a> for this file importexport de Erstellen Sie hier <a href="%1">Neue Definition</a> für Ihre Importdatei
create a matching export definition based on this import definition importexport de Erstellt eine passende Exportdefinition, die auf dieser Importdefinition basiert
create export importexport de Exportdefinition erstellen
created importexport de erstellt
created importexport de Erstellt
csv field importexport de CSV Feld (Importdatei)
database values importexport de Werte der Datenbank
day of week importexport de Wochentag
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ expert options importexport de Export Optionen
export importexport de Exportieren
export all selected definitions importexport de Alle ausgewählten Definitionen exportieren
export data as importexport de Daten exportieren als
export definition to use for nextmatch export preferences de Export-Definition für den Export über die Benutzeroberfläche (nextmatch)
export definition to use for nextmatch export preferences de Export-Definition für den Export über die Benutzeroberfläche
export spreadsheet importexport de Export Tabellenkalkulation
exported importexport de Exportiert.
extra %1 importexport de Extra %1
@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ import data is importexport de Importformat
import definition importexport de Import Definition
import definitions common de Import von Definitionsdateien
import definitions (attension: existing definitions with equal names will be overwritten!!!) importexport de Definitionen importieren (Achtung: Alle gleichnamigen existierenden Definitionen werden überschrieben!)
imported importexport de importiert
imported importexport de Importiert
importexport common de Import/Export
importexport wizard finished successfully! importexport de Der ImportExport Assistent wurde erfolgreich beendet
imports information from a csv file. this is only a base class, and doesn't do anything on its own. importexport de Importiert Informationen aus einer CSV Datei. Dies ist nur eine Basis Klasse.
importexport wizard finished successfully! importexport de Der Import/Export-Assistent wurde erfolgreich beendet
imports information from a csv file. this is only a base class, and doesn't do anything on its own. importexport de Importiert Informationen aus einer CSV-Datei. Dies ist nur eine Basisklasse, die keine eigenen Funktionen hat.
include header importexport de Kopfzeile inklusive
just me importexport de Nur von mir zu verwenden
last run importexport de Letzter Import-Lauf
@ -129,12 +129,12 @@ skipped importexport de Überspringen
some nice text importexport de Ein schöner Text
some records may not have been imported importexport de Einige Datensätze konnten nicht importiert werden
stop importexport de Stopp
stylite template folder importexport de Stylite Template Editor
stylite template folder importexport de EPL Template Editor
target importexport de Ziel
target examples: vfs://default/home/user/export.csv or http://server.net/prices.csv importexport de Beispiel für Importpfade: vfs://default/home/user/export.csv oder http://server.net/prices.csv
target field importexport de Zielfeld (EGroupware)
test only importexport de Nur Test
too many matches importexport de zu viele Übereinstimmungen
too many matches importexport de Zu viele Übereinstimmungen
translation importexport de Nachbearbeitung
true importexport de Wahr
try importexport de Testen
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ addressbook vcard import importexport en Addressbook vCard import
admin disabled exporting importexport en Admin disabled exporting
all custom fields importexport en All custom fields
all encodings importexport en All encodings
all users importexport en all users
all users importexport en All users
allowed users importexport en Allowed users
automatically created by importexport importexport en Automatically created by Import|Export
automatically created by importexport importexport en Automatically created by import | export
basic csv import importexport en Basic CSV import
change allowed users importexport en Change allowed users
change owner when updating importexport en Change owner when updating
@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ copied importexport en Copied.
create a <a href="%1">new definition</a> for this file importexport en Create a <a href="%1">new definition</a> for this file
create a matching export definition based on this import definition importexport en Create a matching export definition based on this import definition
create export importexport en Create export
created importexport en created
created importexport en Created
csv field importexport en CSV field
database values importexport en Database values
day of week importexport en Day of week
define imports|exports common en Define Imports|Exports
define imports|exports common en Define imports | exports
definition importexport en Definition
definition filter importexport en Definition filter
delete all selected definitions importexport en Delete ALL selected definitions
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ export definition to use for nextmatch export preferences en Export definition t
export spreadsheet importexport en Export Spreadsheet
exported importexport en Exported.
extra %1 importexport en Extra %1
extra charsets for import / export importexport en Extra charsets for import / export
extra charsets for import / export importexport en Extra charsets for import | export
extra encodings importexport en Extra encodings
false importexport en False
field labels importexport en Field labels
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ import data is importexport en Import data is
import definition importexport en Import definition
import definitions common en Import definitions
import definitions (attension: existing definitions with equal names will be overwritten!!!) importexport en Import definitions. Attention: Existing definitions with equal names will be overwritten!
imported importexport en imported
imported importexport en Imported
importexport common en Import | Export
importexport wizard finished successfully! importexport en Import|Export wizard finished successfully!
imports information from a csv file. this is only a base class, and doesn't do anything on its own. importexport en Imports information from a CSV file. This is only a base class, and doesn't do anything on its own.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ manage mapping importexport en Manage mapping
next importexport en Next
next run importexport en Next run
no custom field "%1" for %2. importexport en No custom field "%1" for %2.
no matches importexport en no matches
no matches importexport en No matches
no matching records importexport en No matching records
no notifications importexport en No notifications
no records selected importexport en No records selected!
@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ skipped importexport en Skipped
some nice text importexport en Some nice text
some records may not have been imported importexport en Some records may not have been imported.
stop importexport en Stop
stylite template folder importexport en Stylite template folder
stylite template folder importexport en EPL template folder
target importexport en Target
target examples: vfs://default/home/user/export.csv or http://server.net/prices.csv importexport en Target examples: vfs://default/home/user/export.csv or http://server.net/prices.csv
target field importexport en Target field
test only importexport en Test only
too many matches importexport en too many matches
translation importexport en custom modifocation
too many matches importexport en Too many matches
translation importexport en Custom modifocation
true importexport en True
try importexport en Try
unable to delete importexport en Unable to delete
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ load sample file importexport es-es Cargar un fichero de ejemplo
manage mapping importexport es-es Gestionar mapeo
next importexport es-es Siguiente
next run importexport es-es Siguiente ejecución
no matches importexport es-es no hay coincidencias
no matches importexport es-es No hay coincidencias
no matching records importexport es-es No hay registros coincidentes
no notifications importexport es-es No hay notificaciones
no records selected importexport es-es No se seleccionaron registros
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ schedule not found importexport es-es No se encontró la planificación
select definition importexport es-es Seleccionar definición
select plugin importexport es-es Seleccionar plugin
some nice text importexport es-es Algún texto agradable
too many matches importexport es-es demasiadas coincidencias
translation importexport es-es modificación personalizada
too many matches importexport es-es Demasiadas coincidencias
translation importexport es-es Modificación personalizada
true importexport es-es Verdadero
unable to delete importexport es-es No se pudo suprimir
unable to schedule importexport es-es No se pudo planificar
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ admin disabled exporting importexport fr L'administrateur a désactivé les expo
all custom fields importexport fr Tous les champs personnalisés
all encodings importexport fr Tous les encodages
all users importexport fr Tous les utilisateurs
all... importexport fr Tout...
allowed users importexport fr Utilisateurs autorisés
automatically created by importexport importexport fr Automatiquement créé par l' Import | Export
basic csv import importexport fr Import CSV simple
@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ duplicate name, please choose another. importexport fr Nom en double, veuillez e
edit conditions importexport fr Modifier les conditions
edit definition <a href="%1">%2</a> to match your file importexport fr Modifier la définition <a href="%1">%2</a> pour la faire correspondre à votre fichier
edit your file to match the definition: importexport fr Modifier votre fichier pour répondre à la définition :
encoding mismatch. expected %1 file, you uploaded %2.<br />\n importexport fr Différence d'encodage. %1 Fichier attendu, mais %2 uploadé.<br />\n
errors importexport fr Erreurs
execute importexport fr Exécuter
expert options importexport fr Options expert
@ -90,7 +88,7 @@ import data is importexport fr L'import des données est
import definition importexport fr Définition d'import
import definitions common fr Définitions d'import
import definitions (attension: existing definitions with equal names will be overwritten!!!) importexport fr Importer des définitions. Attention : les définitions avec les mêmes nom seront écrasées !
imported importexport fr importé
imported importexport fr Importé
importexport common fr Import | Export
importexport wizard finished successfully! importexport fr L'assistant Import|Export s'est terminé avec succès !
imports information from a csv file. this is only a base class, and doesn't do anything on its own. importexport fr Importer les informations depuis un fichier CSV. Il s'agit seulement d'une fonction de base, et ne fait rien toute seule.
@ -100,10 +98,10 @@ last run importexport fr Dernière exécution
load sample file importexport fr Charger un fichier exemple
lock expired on previous run importexport fr Verrou expiré lors de la précédente exécution
manage mapping importexport fr Gestion des correspondances
next importexport fr prochain
next importexport fr Prochain
next run importexport fr Prochaine exécution
no custom field "%1" for %2. importexport fr Pas de champ personnalisé "%1" pour %2
no matches importexport fr pas de résutlat
no matches importexport fr Pas de résutlat
no matching records importexport fr Aucun enregistrement correspondant
no notifications importexport fr Aucune notification
no records selected importexport fr Aucun enregistrement sélectionné !
@ -113,12 +111,10 @@ please select file to import importexport fr Veuillez sélectionner un fichier
plugin importexport fr Plugin
preview importexport fr Aperçu
preview not supported by %1 importexport fr Prévisualisation non supporté par %1
previous importexport fr précédent
previous importexport fr Précédent
problems during import: importexport fr Problèmes pendant l'import :
results importexport fr Résultats
row_cont[index] importexport fr row_cont[index]
save as definition importexport fr Sauvegarder comme une définition
schedule common fr planification
schedule common fr Planification
schedule import / export common fr Planifier l'import | export
schedule import | export importexport fr Planifier import | export
schedule not found importexport fr Planification non trouvée.
@ -138,17 +134,15 @@ target importexport fr Cible
target examples: vfs://default/home/user/export.csv or http://server.net/prices.csv importexport fr Exemples de cible : vfs://default/home/user/export.csv ou http://server.net/prices.csv
target field importexport fr Champ cible
test only importexport fr Test seulement
too many matches importexport fr trop de résultats
too many matches importexport fr Trop de résultats
translation importexport fr Traduction
true importexport fr Vrai
try importexport fr Essayer
unable to delete importexport fr incapable de supprimer
unable to delete importexport fr Incapable de supprimer
unable to link to %1 "%2" importexport fr Incapable de lier %1 "%2"
unable to link to %3 by custom field "%1": "%4". %2 matches. importexport fr Incapable de lier %3 par son champ personnalisé %1 : "%4". %2 correspondent.
unable to schedule importexport fr Incapable d'établir la planification
update categories importexport fr Mettre à jour les catégories
update default-definitions importexport fr Mettre à jour les définitions par défaut
use all importexport fr Tout utiliser
use default importexport fr Utiliser le défaut
use definition filter importexport fr Utiliser les filtres de définition
use field from csv if possible importexport fr Utiliser le champ du CSV si possible
@ -5,11 +5,14 @@
%1 is not readable importexport it %1 non è leggibile
%1 is not writable importexport it %1 non è scrivibile
%1 records processed importexport it %1 voci processate
%s just me importexport it % Solo io
%s all users importexport it %s tutti gli utenti
%s just me importexport it %s Solo io
(* for all) importexport it (* per tutti)
(0-23) importexport it (0-23)
(0-6, 0=sun) importexport it (0-6, 0=Domenica)
*contact id cannot be changed by import importexport it * L'ID contatto non può essere modificato dall'importazione
add a new definition importexport it Aggiungere una nuova definizione
add an additional condition importexport it Aggiungere una condizione supplementare
addressbook csv import importexport it Importazione da CSV rubrica
addressbook vcard import importexport it Importazione da vCard rubrica
admin disabled exporting importexport it L'amministratore ha disabilitato l'esportazione
@ -19,6 +22,8 @@ all users importexport it Tutti gli utenti
allowed users importexport it Utenti consentiti
automatically created by importexport importexport it Automaticamente creto da Importa|Esporta
basic csv import importexport it Importazione base CSV
change allowed users importexport it Modificare gli utenti consentiti
change owner when updating importexport it Cambiare il proprietario durante l'aggiornamento
changed importexport it Modificato
changed allowed_users importexport it Gli utenti consentiti sono stati modificati
changed owner importexport it Proprietario modificato
@ -42,6 +47,7 @@ database values importexport it Valori del database
day of week importexport it Giorni della settimana
define imports|exports common it Definisci Importazioni | Esportazioni
definition importexport it Definizione
definition filter importexport it Filtro definizione
delete all selected definitions importexport it Rimuovi TUTTE le definizioni selezionate
delete files after import importexport it Elimina dopo l'importazione
deleted importexport it Eliminato
@ -136,7 +142,9 @@ unable to delete importexport it Impossibile eliminare
unable to link to %1 "%2" importexport it Impossibile collegare %1 a "%2"
unable to schedule importexport it Impossibile pianificare.
update categories importexport it Aggiorna categorie
update default-definitions importexport it Aggiornare le definizioni predefinite
use default importexport it Usa il predefinito
use definition filter importexport it Utilizzare il filtro delle definizioni
use field from csv if possible importexport it Usa campo da CSV se possibile
use search results common it Usa i risultati della ricerca
user preference importexport it Preferenza utente
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog bg Жела
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog bg Известията да бъдат във вид на HTML или текстови съобщения?
don't show infolog infolog bg НЕ показвай Дневника
done infolog bg приключен
download infolog bg Изтегляне
download infolog bg Запазване на файла
download url for links infolog bg URL адрес за изтегляне на връзки
due %1 infolog bg Задължение %1
due date infolog bg Дата на падежа
@ -314,7 +314,8 @@ only show them if there is a filter infolog bg Показвайте ги сам
only show them while searching infolog bg Показвайте ги само при търсене
only the attachments infolog bg само приложенията
only the links infolog bg само връзките
open(status) infolog bg отвори
open and upcoming infolog bg Отваряне и предстоящи
open(status) infolog bg Отвори
optional note to the link infolog bg бележка към връзката
order infolog bg Ред
organization infolog bg организация
@ -322,10 +323,13 @@ other configurations infolog bg Други конфигурации
overdue infolog bg просрочен
own infolog bg собствен
own open infolog bg отворен от собственика
own open and upcoming infolog bg Собствени отворени и предстоящи
own overdue infolog bg просрочен от собственика
own upcoming infolog bg предстоящ за собственика
owner does not have edit rights infolog bg Собственикът няма права за редактиране
owner, responsible infolog bg Собственик, Отговорник
parent infolog bg Родителски
parent infolog infolog bg Родителски InfoLog
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog bg Участници за насрочване на среща
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog bg път от страна на (web-)сървъра<br>напр. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog bg Пътят до файловете на потребителите и групите ТРЯБВА ДА БЪДЕ ИЗВЪН document-root на WEB сървъра!!!
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ pattern for search in projects infolog bg Модел за търсене в пр
percent completed infolog bg Степен на изпълнение
performance optimization for huge infolog tables admin bg Оптимизиране на производителността за огромни таблици на InfoLog
permission denied infolog bg Достъпът отказан
permissions error - %1 could not %2 infolog bg Грешка в разрешенията - %1 не може да %2
phone infolog bg Телефонен разговор
phone/email infolog bg Телефон/E-Mail
phonecall infolog bg Телефонен разговор
@ -343,12 +348,17 @@ prefix for sub-entries (default: re:) infolog bg Префикс за подвъ
price infolog bg Цена
pricelist infolog bg Ценова листа
primary link infolog bg основна връзка
print this infolog infolog bg Отпечатване на този информационен дневник
printing... infolog bg Отпечатване...
priority infolog bg Приоритет
private infolog bg Личен
project infolog bg Проект
project id infolog bg Идентификатор на проекта
project name infolog bg Име на проекта
project settings: price, times infolog bg Параметри на проекта: цена, срокове
projectmanager infolog bg Ръководител на проект
re-planned infolog bg Повторно планиране
re-planned time infolog bg Повторно планирано време
re: infolog bg Отг:
read one record by passing its id. infolog bg Прочита един запис чрез предаване на ИД №
read rights (default) infolog bg право за четене (по подразбиране)
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog cs Přidat novou pod-úlo
add a new todo infolog cs Přidat nový úkol
add file infolog cs Přidat soubor
add or delete links infolog cs Přidat nebo smazat propojení
add sub infolog cs přidat podpoložku
add sub infolog cs Přidat podpoložku
add timesheet entry infolog cs Přidat pracovní výkaz
add: infolog cs Přidat:
added infolog cs Přidáno
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ delegated overdue infolog cs Delegované po termínu
delegated upcomming infolog cs Delegované nadcházející
delegation infolog cs Pověření
delete infolog cs Smazat
delete one record by passing its id. infolog cs Smazat jeden záznam zadáním jeho id.
delete one record by passing its id. infolog cs Smazat jeden záznam zadáním jeho ID.
delete selected entries? infolog cs Smazat vybrané záznamy?
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog cs Smazat tento záznam a všechny zobrazené podpoložky
deleted infolog cs Smazané
@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ do you want a notification, if items you are responsible for are due? infolog cs
do you want a notification, if items you created get updated? infolog cs Chcete dostávat upozornění při aktualizaci položek, které jste vytvořil(a)?
do you want a notification, if items you delegated are about to start? infolog cs Chcete dostávat upozornění na počáteční termín položek, které jste delegoval(a)?
do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog cs Chcete dostávat upozornění na konečný termín položek, které jste delegoval(a)?
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog cs Chcete dostávat upozornění jako html e-maily nebo jako prostý text?
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog cs Chcete dostávat upozornění jako HTML e-maily nebo jako prostý text?
don't show infolog infolog cs NEzobrazovat InfoLog
done infolog cs Hotovo
download infolog cs Stáhnout
download infolog cs Uložit soubor
download url for links infolog cs Stáhnout URL propojení
due %1 infolog cs Do %1
due date infolog cs Datum splatnosti
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ exports in ical format. infolog cs Export událostí do formátu iCal
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog cs Export událostí do formátu CSV
favorites infolog cs Oblíbené
fax infolog cs Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog cs Položka nesmí být prázdná!!!
field must not be empty !!! infolog cs Položka nesmí být prázdná!
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog cs Pole, která se při kopírování úkolu nemají kopírovat:
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog cs Pole, která se při vytváření podúkolu nemají kopírovat:
fieldseparator infolog cs Oddělovač položek
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ manage mapping infolog cs Spravovat mapování
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog cs Maximální délka vstupu (volitelné)
modifier infolog cs Změnil
modifierer infolog cs Změnil
name must not be empty !!! infolog cs Název nemůže být prázdný !!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog cs Název nemůže být prázdný!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog cs Jméno aktuálního uživatele, všechny ostatní položky kontaktu jsou také platné
name of new type to create infolog cs Název nově vytvářeného typu
never hide search and filters infolog cs Nikdy neskrývat hledání a filtry
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ parent infolog cs Nadřazený
parent infolog infolog cs Nadřazený InfoLog
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog cs Účastníci pro plánování schůzky
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog cs Cesta (umístění) na WWW serveru<br>např. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog cs Cesta k souborům uživatelů a skupin MUSÍ BÝT MIMO kořenovou složku dokumentů WWW serveru!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog cs Cesta k souborům uživatelů a skupin MUSÍ BÝT MIMO kořenovou složku dokumentů WWW serveru!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog cs Vzor pro vyhledávání v adresáři
pattern for search in projects infolog cs Vzor pro vyhledávání v projektech
percent completed infolog cs Procent dokončeno
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ projectmanager infolog cs Správce projektů
re-planned infolog cs Přeplánováno
re-planned time infolog cs Přeplánovaný čas
re: infolog cs Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog cs Načíst jeden záznam zadáním jeho id.
read one record by passing its id. infolog cs Načíst jeden záznam zadáním jeho ID.
read rights (default) infolog cs Práva ke čtení (výchozí)
receive notifications about due entries you are responsible for infolog cs Přijímat upozornění na záznamy po termínu, za které jste odpovědný/á
receive notifications about due entries you delegated infolog cs Přijímat upozornění na záznamy po termínu, které jste delegoval(a)
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ search infolog cs Hledat
search for: infolog cs Hledat (co):
second parameter for preg_replace infolog cs Druhý parametr funkce preg_replace
select infolog cs Vybrat
select a category for this entry infolog cs vybrat kategorii pro tento záznam
select a category for this entry infolog cs Vybrat kategorii pro tento záznam
select a price infolog cs Vybrat cenu
select a priority for this task infolog cs Vybrat prioritu pro tento úkol
select a project infolog cs Vybrat projekt
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ today infolog cs Dnes
todays date infolog cs Dnešní datum
todo infolog cs Úkol
typ infolog cs Typ
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog cs Typ '%1' už existuje !!!
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog cs Typ '%1' už existuje!
type infolog cs Typ
type ... infolog cs Typ ...
type of customfield infolog cs Typ uživatelsky definované položky
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog da Få beske
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog da Modtag notifikationer som HTML-e-mails eller almindelig tekst.
don't show infolog infolog da Vis IKKE InfoLog
done infolog da Udført
download infolog da Download
download infolog da Gem fil
download url for links infolog da Download URL til links
due %1 infolog da Forfald %1
due date infolog da Forfaldsdato
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ duration infolog da Varighed
e-mail: infolog da E-mail:
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog da Hver værdi er en linie som <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog da Redigér
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog da Redigér eller opretter katogorier i Infolog
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog da Redigér eller opretter katogorier i InfoLog
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog da Redigeringsrettigheder. Fuld redigeringsret inkl. at gøre en anden ansvarlig!
edit status infolog da Redigér status
edit the entry infolog da Redigér indstasningen
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ enddate infolog da Slut dato
enddate can not be before startdate infolog da Slut dato kan ikke være før start dato
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog da indtast egen kontakt, efterlad tom hvis den linkede kontakt skal bruges
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog da indtast egen telefon/e-mail, efterlad tom hvis den linkede skal bruges
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog da Skriv en tekst-beskrivelse af log-indtastningen
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog da Skriv en tekst-beskrivelse af InfoLog-indtastningen
enter the query pattern infolog da Indtast forspørgelses mønster
entry and all files infolog da Indtastning og alle filer
error: importing the ical infolog da Fejl: I at importere iCal'en
@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two
for which types should this field be used infolog da Til hvilken type skal dette felt bruges til
from infolog da Fra
full list of placeholder names infolog da Komplet liste over navne på pladsholdere
general fields: infolog da Generelle felter:
general settings infolog da Generelle indstillinger
global categories infolog da Globale Kategorier
group owner for infolog da Gruppeejer for
@ -256,12 +257,16 @@ load custom fields in index, if filtered by selected types (eg. to display them
location infolog da Sted
longer textual description infolog da Længere tekstet beskrivelse
low infolog da Lav
manage mapping infolog da Administrer kortlægning
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog da Maks længde af inputtet [længde af input feltet (valg frit)]
modifier infolog da Modifikator
modifierer infolog da Modifikator
name must not be empty !!! infolog da Navn må ikke være tomt!!!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog da Navn på aktuel bruger, alle andre kontaktfelter er også gyldige
name of new type to create infolog da Navn på den nye type der skal oprettes
never hide search and filters infolog da Gem aldrig 'Søg' og ' Filtre'
new %1 infolog da Ny %1
new %1 created by %2 at %3 infolog da Ny %1 oprettet af %2 kl. %3
new name infolog da Nyt navn
new search infolog da Ny søgning
no - cancel infolog da No - Annullere
@ -271,16 +276,21 @@ no details infolog da Ingen detaljer
no entries found, try again ... infolog da ingen resultater fundet, prøv igen....
no filter infolog da Ingen filter
no links or attachments infolog da Ingen links eller vedhæftet filer
no project infolog da Intet projekt
nonactive infolog da Ikke aktiv
none infolog da Ingen
normal infolog da Normal
not infolog da Ikke
not assigned infolog da Ikke tildelt
not-started infolog da Ikke påbegyndt
note infolog da Note
notification settings infolog da Indstillinger for meddelelser
number of records to read (%1) infolog da Antal posteringer at læse (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog da Antal af rækker for et multi-linie felt eller linier i en multi-select box
offer infolog da Tilbyde
old fixed definition infolog da Gammel fast definition
one day after infolog da En dag efter
one day in advance infolog da En dag i forvejen
ongoing infolog da I gang
only show them if there is a filter infolog da Vis dem kun, hvis der er et filter
only show them while searching infolog da Vis dem kun under søgning
@ -336,6 +346,7 @@ responsible overdue infolog da Ansvarlig forfalden
responsible upcoming infolog da Ansvarlig kommende
returns a list / search for records. infolog da Viser en liste / Søger efter posteringer
rows infolog da Rækker
same day infolog da Samme dag
save infolog da Gem
saves the changes made and leaves infolog da Gem ændringerne og afslut
saves this entry infolog da Gem denne postering
@ -354,6 +365,7 @@ select an action infolog da Vælg en handling
select an action... infolog da Vælg en handling...
select an app to search in infolog da Vælg en appilkation at søge i
select an entry to link with infolog da Vælg en opgave at linke med
select multiple contacts for a further action infolog da Vælg flere kontakter til en yderligere handling
select new category infolog da Vælg ny kategori
select to filter by owner infolog da Filtrer ved ejer
select to filter by responsible infolog da Filtrer ved ansvarlig
@ -368,6 +380,7 @@ sets the status of this entry to done infolog da Sætter status for denne post t
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog da Skal InfoLog vise underkategorier, -telefon beskeder eller -noter i det normale vindue eller ikke. Du kan altid vise underkategorierne via deres forældre.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog da Skal InfoLog vise links til andre programmer og/eller til vedhæftelser i InfoLog listen (Standard view når du er i InfoLog).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog da Skal InfoLog vise fulde navne (efternavne og familienavn) eller kun brugernavne.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog da Skal InfoLog-listen vise et unikt numerisk ID, som f.eks. kan bruges som billet-ID?
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog da Skal denne opgave kun være tilgængelig for dig og andre du har givet privat adgang til via ACL.
show a column for used and planned times in the list. infolog da Vis en kolonne for brugt og planlagt tid i listen
show a x if content equals this compare value, otherwise show nothing infolog da Vis et X, hvis indholdet er lig med denne sammenligningsværdi, ellers vises intet
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ abort without deleting infolog de Abbruch ohne zu Löschen
accept infolog de Bei Annahme
action infolog de Befehle
actions... infolog de Befehle...
actual date and time infolog de aktuelles Datum und Uhrzeit
actual date and time infolog de Aktuelles Datum und Uhrzeit
add infolog de Hinzufügen
add / remove link infolog de Hinzufügen / Entfernen von Verknüpfungen
add a file infolog de Datei anhängen
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ add timesheet entry infolog de Stundenzettel Eintrag hinzufügen
add: infolog de Hinzufügen:
added infolog de Hinzugefügt
addressbook placeholders available infolog de Adressbuch-Platzhalter verfügbar
all infolog de alle
all infolog de Alle
all links and attachments infolog de alle Verknüpfungen und Anhänge
all other %1 fields are valid infolog de Alle anderen %1 Felder sind gültig
all projects infolog de Alle Projekte
@ -57,24 +57,24 @@ allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (v
alternatives infolog de Alternativen
always show them infolog de Immer anzeigen
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog de Mail-Applikation erwartet aber %1 erhalten
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog de Wendet den Befehl auf die gesamte Abfrage an, NICHT nur auf die angezeigten Datensätze !!
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog de Wendet den Befehl auf die gesamte Abfrage an, NICHT nur auf die angezeigten Datensätze!
apply the changes infolog de Übernimmt die Änderungen
archive infolog de archiviert
archive infolog de Archiviert
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog de Wollen Sie wirklich den InfoLog schliessen?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog de Wollen Sie diesen InfoLog wirklich löschen?
attach a file infolog de Datei anhängen
attach file infolog de Datei anhängen
attachments infolog de angehangene Dateien
attachments infolog de Dateianhänge
attention: no contact with address %1 found. infolog de Achtung: Kein Kontakt mit der Adresse %1 gefunden!
automatically check 'do not notify' for these types infolog de Option "Nicht benachrichtigen" für diese Typen automatisch setzen.
back to main list infolog de Zurück zur Gesamtliste
billed infolog de abgerechnet
billed infolog de Abgerechnet
both infolog de Annahme+erledigt
call infolog de anrufen
call infolog de Anrufen
can be used to show further infolog types in the calendar or limit it to show eg. only tasks. infolog de Kann dazu benutzt werden um weitere InfoLog-Typen im Kalender anzuzeigen oder zu begrenzen dass z.B. nur noch Aufgaben angezeigt werden.
can not return an exact number of rows and therefore hides the count. admin de Kann keine exakte Anzahl Zeilen liefern und verbirgt deswegen den Zähler.
cancel infolog de Abbruch
cancelled infolog de abgesagt
cancelled infolog de Abgesagt.
categories infolog de Kategorien
category infolog de Kategorie
change infolog de Ändern
@ -89,18 +89,18 @@ changed category to %1 infolog de Kategorie geändert zu %1
changed completion to %1% infolog de Erledigt geändert zu %1%
changed status to %1 infolog de Status geändert zu %1
changed type infolog de Typ geändert
check to set startday infolog de ankreuzen um Startdatum zu setzen
check to set startday infolog de Ankreuzen um Startdatum zu setzen
check to specify custom contact infolog de Ankreuzen um einen eigenen Kontakt anzugeben
choose owner of imported data infolog de Wählen Sie den Eigentümer der Importierten Daten
click here to create the link infolog de hier klicken um die Verknüpfung zu erzeugen
click here to start the search infolog de hier klicken um die Suche zu starten
click here to start the search infolog de Hier klicken um die Suche zu starten
close infolog de Schließen
close all infolog de Alle schließen
close this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog de Diesen Eintrag und alle Untereinträge schliessen
closed infolog de geschlossen
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog de Spalte (:) Liste von Feldnamen, die für eine Summierung verwendet werden können
closed infolog de Geschlossen.
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog de Spalte (:) getrennte Liste von Feldnamen, die für eine Summierung verwendet werden können
comment infolog de Kommentar
compare infolog de vergleichen
compare infolog de Vergleichen
completed infolog de Erledigt
configuration infolog de Konfiguration
confirm infolog de Bestätigung
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ csv-filename infolog de CSV-Dateiname
csv-import common de CSV-Import
current user infolog de Aktueller Benutzer
custom infolog de Benutzerdefiniert
custom contact-address, leave empty to use information from most recent link infolog de benutzerdefinierte Kontaktadresse, leer lassen um die Daten der Verknüpfung zu verwenden
custom contact-information, leave emtpy to use information from most recent link infolog de benutzerdefinierte Kontaktinformationen, leer lassen um die Daten der Verknüpfung zu verwenden
custom contact-address, leave empty to use information from most recent link infolog de Benutzerdefinierte Kontaktadresse, leer lassen um die Daten der Verknüpfung zu verwenden
custom contact-information, leave emtpy to use information from most recent link infolog de Benutzerdefinierte Kontaktinformationen, leer lassen um die Daten der Verknüpfung zu verwenden
custom fields infolog de Benutzerdefinierte Felder
custom fields, type and status common de Benutzerdefinierte Felder, Typen und Status
custom from infolog de Benutzerdefinierter Kontakt
@ -140,24 +140,24 @@ default category for new infolog entries infolog de Vorgabe Kategorie für neue
default document to insert entries infolog de Standarddokument zum Einfügen von Infologs
default filter for infolog infolog de Standard-Filter für InfoLog
default status for a new log entry infolog de Vorgabe für den Status eines neuen Eintrags
delegated infolog de delegiert
delegated open infolog de delegiert offen
delegated open and upcoming infolog de delegiert offene und zukünftige
delegated overdue infolog de delegiert überfällig
delegated upcomming infolog de delegiert zukünftig
delegated infolog de Delegiert
delegated open infolog de Delegiert offen
delegated open and upcoming infolog de Delegiert offene und zukünftige
delegated overdue infolog de Delegiert überfällig
delegated upcomming infolog de Delegiert zukünftig
delegation infolog de Delegation
delete infolog de Löschen
delete one record by passing its id. infolog de Einen Datensatz spezifiziert durch seine ID löschen.
delete selected entries? infolog de Sollen die ausgewählten Datensätze gelöscht werden?
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog de Diesen Eintrag und all aufgelisteten Untereinträge löschen
deleted infolog de gelöscht
deleted infolog de Gelöscht
deletes the selected typ infolog de Löscht den ausgewählten Typ
deletes this field infolog de Löscht dieses Feld
deletes this status infolog de Löscht diesen Status
description infolog de Beschreibung
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog de legt die Reihenfolge fest in der die Felder angezeigt werden
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog de Legt die Reihenfolge fest in der die Felder angezeigt werden
directory with documents to insert entries infolog de Ordner mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen von InfoLogs
disables a status without deleting it infolog de deaktiviert einen Status ohne ihn zu löschen
disables a status without deleting it infolog de Deaktiviert einen Status ohne ihn zu löschen
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog de Wollen Sie eine Bestätigung des Verantwortlichen bei: Annahme, Beendigung der Aufgabe oder bei beidem
do you want a notification if items owned by groups you are part of get updated ? infolog de Wollen Sie eine Benachrichtigung erhalten, wenn Einträge einer Benutzergruppe aktualisiert werden, deren Sie angehören?
do you want a notification, if items get assigned to you or assigned items get updated? infolog de Wollen Sie eine Benachrichtigung, wenn Einträge Ihnen zugewiesen werden oder zugewiesene Einträge geändert werden?
@ -169,28 +169,28 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog de Wollen Si
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog de Wollen Sie die Benachrichtigungen als HTML-Mail oder als Text-Mail empfangen?
don't show infolog infolog de InfoLog NICHT anzeigen
done infolog de geschlossen
download infolog de Datei laden
download infolog de Datei speichern
download url for links infolog de Download Link für Verknüpfungen
due %1 infolog de %1 fällig
due date infolog de Fällig am
duration infolog de Dauer
e-mail: infolog de E-Mail
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog de jeder Wert ist eine Zeile im Format id=[angezeigter Wert]
e-mail: infolog de E-Mail:
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog de Jeder Wert ist eine Zeile im Format <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog de Bearbeiten
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog de Kategorien für InfoLog bearbeiten oder neu anlegen
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog de Bearbeitungsrechte (komplettes Bearbeiten einschl. jemand anderen dafür verantwortlich machen!)
edit status infolog de Status ändern
edit the entry infolog de Eintrag bearbeiten
edit this entry infolog de diesen Eintrag bearbeiten
empty for all infolog de leer für alle
edit this entry infolog de Diesen Eintrag bearbeiten
empty for all infolog de Leer für alle
encrypt description infolog de Beschreibung verschlüsseln
end infolog de Ende
enddate infolog de Fällig am
enddate can not be before startdate infolog de Das Fälligkeitsdatum kann nicht vor dem Startdatum liegen
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog de benutzerdefinierter Kontakt, leer lassen um die Daten der Verknüpfung zu verwenden
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog de benutzerdefinierte Telefonnummer/E-Mail-Adresse, leer lassen um die Daten der Verknüpfung zu verwenden
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog de geben Sie eine textliche Beschreibung des Eintrags ein
enter the query pattern infolog de geben Sie ein Suchmuster ein
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog de Benutzerdefinierter Kontakt, leer lassen um die Daten der Verknüpfung zu verwenden
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog de Benutzerdefinierte Telefonnummer/E-Mail-Adresse, leer lassen um die Daten der Verknüpfung zu verwenden
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog de Geben Sie eine textliche Beschreibung des Eintrags ein
enter the query pattern infolog de Geben Sie ein Suchmuster ein
entry and all files infolog de Eintrag und alle Dateien
error: importing the ical infolog de Fehler beim Import der iCal
error: no mail (mailbox / uid) given! infolog de Fehler: keine Mail (Mailbox / UID) angegeben!
@ -203,27 +203,27 @@ example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value
execute a further action for this entry infolog de Eine weitere Aktion für diesen Eintrag ausführen
existing links infolog de Bestehende Verknüpfungen
exists infolog de Besteht
export definition to use for nextmatch export infolog de Exportdefinition für Listenexport
export definition to use for nextmatch export infolog de Export-Definition für Listenexport
exports in ical format. infolog de Export im iCal Format
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog de Exportiert InfoLog-Einträge in eine CSV Datei
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog de Exportiert InfoLog-Einträge in eine CSV-Datei
favorites infolog de Favoriten
fax infolog de Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog de Feld darf nicht leer sein !!!
field must not be empty !!! infolog de Feld darf nicht leer sein!
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog de Felder die ausgeschlossen werden beim Kopieren eines InfoLogs:
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog de Felder die ausgeschlossen werden beim Erstellen eines Untereintrags:
fieldseparator infolog de Feldbegrenzer
finish infolog de wenn erledigt
finish infolog de Wenn erledigt
first argument for preg_replace infolog de Ersten Argument für pre_replace
for infolog type %1, %2 is required infolog de Für den InfoLog Typ %1,%2 wird benötigt.
for infolog type %1, %2 is required infolog de Für den InfoLog Typ %1, %2 wird benötigt.
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog de Für Serienbriefe benutzen Sie folgenden Platzhalter. Fügen die den Inhalt zwischen diese beiden Platzhalter ein.
for which types should this field be used infolog de für welche Typen soll dieses Feld benutzt werden
for which types should this field be used infolog de Für welche Typen soll dieses Feld benutzt werden
from infolog de Von
full list of placeholder names infolog de Komplette Liste der Platzhalter
general fields: infolog de Allgemeine Felder:
general settings infolog de Allgemeine Einstellungen:
global categories infolog de Globale Kategorien
group owner for infolog de Gruppeneigentümer für
high infolog de hoch
high infolog de Hoch
history infolog de Historie
history logging infolog de Protokollierung der Historie
history logging and deleting of items infolog de Protokollierung der Historie und löschen von Einträgen
@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document ic
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export infolog de Wählen Sie eine Export-Definition für den Export
import next set infolog de Nächsten Satz importieren
importance infolog de Wichtigkeit
imports entries into the infolog from a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. infolog de Importiert Einträge in das Infolog Modul aus einer CSV Datei (Komma getrennte Werte).
imports todos into infolog from an ical file. infolog de Import von Aufgaben (TODOs) aus einer iCal Datei in das Infolog Modul
imports entries into the infolog from a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. infolog de Importiert Einträge in das InfoLog-Modul aus einer CSV-Datei.
imports todos into infolog from an ical file. infolog de Import von Aufgaben (TODOs) aus einer iCal-Datei in das Infolog-Modul
info log common de InfoLog
infolog common de InfoLog
infolog - delete infolog de InfoLog - Löschen
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog de InfoLog - Import CSV-Datei
infolog - new infolog de InfoLog - Anlegen
infolog - new subproject infolog de InfoLog - Anlegen Teilprojekt
infolog - subprojects from infolog de InfoLog - Teilprojekte von
infolog csv export infolog de InfoLog CSV Export
infolog csv import infolog de InfoLog CSV Import
infolog csv export infolog de InfoLog CSV-Export
infolog csv import infolog de InfoLog CSV-Import
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog de InfoLog verschlüsseln benötigt eine EPL-Version
infolog entry deleted infolog de InfoLog Eintrag gelöscht
infolog entry saved infolog de InfoLog Eintrag gespeichert
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ infolog ical import infolog de InfoLog <- iCal Import
infolog id infolog de InfoLog ID
infolog list infolog de InfoLog Liste
infolog preferences common de InfoLog Einstellungen
infolog-fieldname infolog de InfoLog-Feldname
infolog-fieldname infolog de InfoLog Feldname
insert infolog de Einfügen
insert in document infolog de In ein Dokument einfügen
insert timestamp into description field infolog de Zeitstempel in das Beschreibungs-Feld einfügen
@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ label<br>helptext infolog de Beschriftung<br>Hilfetext
last changed infolog de Letzte Änderung
last modified infolog de Zuletzt geändert
leave blank to get the used time calculated by timesheet entries infolog de Leer lassen um die Zeit nach den Stundenzetteln zu bekommen
leave it empty infolog de leer lassen
leave it empty for a full week infolog de leer lassen, für eine gesamte Woche
leave it empty infolog de Leer lassen
leave it empty for a full week infolog de Leer lassen, für eine gesamte Woche
leave without saveing the entry infolog de Abbruch ohne den Eintrag zu speichern
leaves without saveing infolog de Abbruch ohne speichern
length infolog de Länge
@ -286,48 +286,48 @@ links infolog de Verknüpfungen
links and attached files infolog de Verknüpfungen und Dateianhänge
links of this entry infolog de Verknüpfungen dieses Eintrags
links to specified application. example: {{links/infolog}} infolog de Verknüpfungen zu bestimmten Anwendungen. Beispiel: {{links/infolog}}
links wrapped in an href tag with download link infolog de Verknüpfungen in einem Anker Tag (HREF) mit einem Download Link
links wrapped in an href tag with download link infolog de Verknüpfungen in einem Anker Tag (HREF) mit einem Download-Link
list all categories infolog de Alle Kategorien anzeigen
list of files linked to the current record infolog de Liste der Dateien die mit dem aktuellen Datensatz verknüpft sind
load custom fields in index, if filtered by selected types (eg. to display them in a type-specific index template) infolog de Benutzerdefinierte Felder in Liste laden, wenn nach einem der folgenden InfoLog-Typen gefiltert wird (z. B. für ein type-spezifisches Listen-Template)
location infolog de Ort
longer textual description infolog de längere textliche Beschreibung
low infolog de niedrig
longer textual description infolog de Längere textliche Beschreibung
low infolog de Niedrig
manage mapping infolog de Feld-Zuweisung bearbeiten
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog de max. Länge der Eingabe [, Länge des Eingabefeldes (optional)]
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog de Max. Länge der Eingabe [, Länge des Eingabefeldes (optional)]
modifier infolog de Geändert von
modifierer infolog de Geändert von
name must not be empty !!! infolog de Name darf nicht leer sein !!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog de Name darf nicht leer sein!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog de Name des aktiven Benutzers, all anderen Kontakt Felder sind weiterhin gültig
name of new type to create infolog de Name des neu anzulegenden Typs
never hide search and filters infolog de Suche und Filter niemals ausblenden
new %1 infolog de Neue %1
new %1 created by %2 at %3 infolog de Neue %1 wurde von %2 am %3 angelegt
new name infolog de neuer Name
new name infolog de Neuer Name
new search infolog de Neue Suche
no - cancel infolog de Nein - Abbruch
no custom field "%1" for %2. infolog de Kein Benutzerdefiniertes Feld "%1" für %2.
no custom field "%1" for %2. infolog de Kein benutzerdefiniertes Feld "%1" für %2.
no describtion, links or attachments infolog de Keine Beschreibung, Verknüpfungen oder Anhänge
no details infolog de Keine Details
no entries found, try again ... infolog de Kein Einträge gefunden, nochmal versuchen ...
no filter infolog de kein Filter
no links or attachments infolog de keine Verknüpfungen oder Anhänge
no entries found, try again ... infolog de Kein Einträge gefunden, noch einmal versuchen ...
no filter infolog de Kein Filter
no links or attachments infolog de Keine Verknüpfungen oder Anhänge
no project infolog de Kein Projekt
nonactive infolog de nicht aktiv
none infolog de keine
normal infolog de normal
not infolog de nicht
not assigned infolog de nicht zugewiesen
not-started infolog de nicht gestartet
nonactive infolog de Nicht aktiv
none infolog de Keine
normal infolog de Normal
not infolog de Nicht
not assigned infolog de Nicht zugewiesen
not-started infolog de Nicht gestartet
note infolog de Notiz
notification settings infolog de Einstellungen der Benachrichtigungen
number of records to read (%1) infolog de Anzahl Datensätze lesen (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog de Anzahl Zeilen für ein mehrzeiliges Eingabefeld oder eines mehrfachen Auswahlfeldes
offer infolog de Angebot
old fixed definition infolog de Ältere Definition, deren Werte nicht angepasst werden können.
one day after infolog de am nächsten Tag
one day in advance infolog de am Vortag
ongoing infolog de in Arbeit
one day after infolog de Am nächsten Tag
one day in advance infolog de Am Vortag
ongoing infolog de In Arbeit
only for details infolog de Nur bei Details
only if i get assigned or removed infolog de Nur wenn ich zugewiesen oder entfernt werde
only show them if there is a filter infolog de Nur anzeigen wenn gefiltert wird
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ only the attachments infolog de Nur die Anhänge
only the links infolog de Nur die Verknüpfungen
open and upcoming infolog de Zukünftige und offene
open(status) infolog de Offen
optional note to the link infolog de zusätzliche Notiz zur Verknüpfung
optional note to the link infolog de Zusätzliche Notiz zur Verknüpfung
order infolog de Reihenfolge
organization infolog de Organisation
other configurations infolog de Weitere Konfigurationen
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ parent infolog de Elterneintrag
parent infolog infolog de Übergeordneter InfoLog
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog de Teilnehmer für Termin planen
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog de Pfad auf (Web-)Server<br>z.B. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog de Pfad zu Benutzer- und Gruppen-Dateien MUSS AUSSERHALB des Wurzelverzeichnisses des Webservers (document-root) liegen!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog de Pfad zu Benutzer- und Gruppen-Dateien MUSS AUSSERHALB des Wurzelverzeichnisses des Webservers (document-root) liegen!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog de Muster für Suche im Adressbuch
pattern for search in projects infolog de Muster für Suche in Projekten
percent completed infolog de Prozent erledigt
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ receive notifications about items of type owned by groups you are part of infolo
receive notifications about own items infolog de Benachrichtigungen über eigene Einträge
receive notifications about starting entries you are responsible for infolog de Benachrichtigungen über zu startende Einträge für die Sie verantwortlich sind
receive notifications about starting entries you delegated infolog de Benachrichtigungen über zu startende Einträge die Sie delegiert haben
receive notifications as html-mails infolog de Benachrichtigungen als HTML-Mails empfangen
receive notifications as html-mails infolog de Benachrichtigungen als HTML-E-Mails empfangen
regular expression infolog de Reguläre Ausdrücke
remark infolog de Bemerkung
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog de Diese Verknüpfung lösen (nicht den Eintrag selbst)
@ -397,19 +397,19 @@ removed infolog de Entfernt
removed category infolog de Kategorie erfolgreich entfernt
replacement infolog de Platzhalter
replacements for inserting entries into documents infolog de Platzhalter für das Einfügen in Dokumente
respect timesheet run and read permissions for time totals infolog de Respektieren Sie die Ausführungs- und Leseberechtigungen für Zeittabellen
responsible infolog de verantwortlich
responsible open infolog de verantwortlich offen
responsible open and upcoming infolog de verantwortlich offene und zukünftige
responsible overdue infolog de verantwortlich überfällig
responsible upcoming infolog de verantwortlich zukünftig
respect timesheet run and read permissions for time totals infolog de Respektieren Sie die Ausführungs- und Leseberechtigungen für Zeit-Tabellen
responsible infolog de Verantwortlich
responsible open infolog de Verantwortlich offen
responsible open and upcoming infolog de Verantwortlich offene und zukünftige
responsible overdue infolog de Verantwortlich überfällig
responsible upcoming infolog de Verantwortlich zukünftig
responsible user, priority infolog de Verantwortlicher, Priorität
returns a list / search for records. infolog de Liefert eine Liste von / sucht nach Datensätzen
rights for the responsible infolog de Rechte für den Verantwortlichen
rows infolog de Zeilen
same day infolog de gleichen Tag
same day infolog de Gleichen Tag
save infolog de Speichern
saves the changes made and leaves infolog de speichert die Änderungen und beendet
saves the changes made and leaves infolog de Speichert die Änderungen und beendet
saves this entry infolog de Diesen Eintrag speichern
schedule appointment infolog de Termin planen
search infolog de Suchen
@ -421,11 +421,11 @@ select a price infolog de Preis auswählen
select a priority for this task infolog de Eine Priorität für diesen Eintrag auswählen
select a project infolog de Projekt auswählen
select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog de Verantwortlichen auswählen: Person(en), der Sie diese Aufgabe delegieren wollen
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog de einen Type auswählen um seine Statuswerte zu ändern oder ihn zu löschen
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog de Einen Type auswählen um seine Statuswerte zu ändern oder ihn zu löschen
select an action infolog de Befehl oder Aktion auswählen
select an action... infolog de Befehl oder Aktion auswählen...
select an app to search in infolog de eine Anwendung zum Durchsuchen auswählen
select an entry to link with infolog de einen Eintrag zum Verknüpfen auswählen
select an app to search in infolog de Eine Anwendung zum Durchsuchen auswählen
select an entry to link with infolog de Einen Eintrag zum Verknüpfen auswählen
select multiple contacts for a further action infolog de Wählen Sie mehrere Kontakte für eine weitere Aktion aus
select new category infolog de Wählen Sie eine Kategorie
select to filter by owner infolog de Besitzer zum Filtern auswählen
@ -439,15 +439,15 @@ set status to done for all entries infolog de Status für alle Einträge auf erl
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog de Setzt den Status dieses Eintrags und seiner Untereinträge auf erledigt
sets the status of this entry to done infolog de Setzt den Status für diesen InfoLog auf erledigt
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog de Soll InfoLog Untereinträge in der normalen Ansicht anzeigen oder nicht. Sie können die Untereinträge immer über deren Haupteintrag anzeigen.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog de Soll InfoLog die Verknüpfungen zu anderen Anwendungen und/oder die Datei-Anhänge in der InfoLog Liste (normale Ansicht wenn InfoLog aufgerufen wird) anzeigen.
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog de Soll InfoLog auf der Startseite angezeigt werden und mit welchem Filter. Funktioniert nur, wenn Sie keine (einzelne) Anwendung für die Startseite ausgewählt haben (in Ihren Einstellungen).
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog de Soll InfoLog die Verknüpfungen zu anderen Anwendungen und/oder die Datei-Anhänge in der InfoLog-Liste (normale Ansicht wenn InfoLog aufgerufen wird) anzeigen.
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog de Soll InfoLog auf der Startseite angezeigt werden und mit welchem Filter. Funktioniert nur, wenn Sie keine (einzelne) Anwendung (in Ihren Einstellungen) für die Startseite ausgewählt haben.
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog de Soll InfoLog den vollen Namen (Vor- und Familienname) oder nur die Benutzerkennung verwenden.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog de Soll die InfoLog Liste eine eindeutige Nummer anzeigen, die z.B. als Ticketnummer verwendet werden kann.
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog de Soll die InfoLog Liste die Spalte "Zuletzt geändert" anzeigen.
should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog de Soll die InfoLog Liste Prozent erledigt nur für den Status "in Arbeit" anzeigen oder zwei separate Icons.
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog de Soll dieser Eintrag nur sichtbar sein für Sie und Personen, denen Sie privaten Zugriff über die Zugriffsberechtigungen erlaubt haben
show a column for used and planned times in the list. infolog de Zeige eine Spalte für benutzte und geplante Zeiten in der List.
show a x if content equals this compare value, otherwise show nothing infolog de zeigt ein X an, wenn der Inhalt mit dem Vergleichswert übereinstimmt, ansonsten erfolgt keine Anzeige.
show a x if content equals this compare value, otherwise show nothing infolog de Zeigt ein X an, wenn der Inhalt mit dem Vergleichswert übereinstimmt, ansonsten erfolgt keine Anzeige.
show full usernames infolog de Kompletten Benutzernamen anzeigen
show in the infolog list infolog de In der InfoLog Liste anzeigen
show last modified infolog de Zuletzt geändert anzeigen
@ -455,19 +455,19 @@ show status and percent done separate infolog de Status und Prozent erledigt sep
show sub-entries infolog de Untereinträge anzeigen
show ticket id infolog de Ticketnummer anzeigen
show times infolog de Zeiten anzeigen
small view infolog de schmale Ansicht
small view infolog de Schmale Ansicht
start infolog de Start
start a new search, cancel this link infolog de eine neue Suche starten, diese Verknüpfung abbrechen
start a new search, cancel this link infolog de Eine neue Suche starten, diese Verknüpfung abbrechen
startdate infolog de Startdatum
startdate enddate infolog de Startdatum Fälligkeitsdatum
startdate for new entries infolog de Startdatum für neue Einträge
startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog de Startdatum muss vor dem Fälligkeitsdatum liegen!!!
starting %1 infolog de %1 startet
startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog de Startdatum muss vor dem Fälligkeitsdatum liegen!
starting %1 infolog de Starte %1
startrecord infolog de Startdatensatz
status infolog de Status
status ... infolog de Status ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog de Status, Prozent und Datum erledigt sind immer erlaubt.
sub infolog de Unter-<br />einträge
sub infolog de Unter-<br>einträge
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog de Untereinträge gehören dann zum übergeordneten Eintrag oder werden Haupteinträge wenn es keinen übergeordneten gibt.
sub-entries will not be closed infolog de Untereinträge werden nicht geschlossen
sub-entry infolog de Untereintrag
@ -482,24 +482,24 @@ the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data.
the following document-types are supported: infolog de Folgende Dateitypen werden unterstützt:
the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog de Der Name wird intern benutzt (<= 10 Zeichen). Wenn er geändert wird, werden existierende Daten unzugänglich
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog de Der Name wird intern benutzt (<= 20 Zeichen). Wenn er geändert wird, werden existierende Daten unzugänglich
the text displayed to the user infolog de der Text der dem Benutzer angezeigt wird
the text displayed to the user infolog de Der Text, der dem Benutzer angezeigt wird
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog de Das ist der Filter, den InfoLog benutzt wenn es das erste mal aufgerufen wird. Filter beschränken die aktuelle Anzeige. Es gibt Filter um nur beendete, offene oder zukünftige Einträge von Ihnen oder allen Benutzern anzuzeigen.
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog de Bis wann soll das InfoLog erledigt sein?
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog de Bis wann soll der InfoLog erledigt sein?
times infolog de Zeiten
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files infolog de Liste aller Einträge die mit dem aktuellen Datensatz verknüpft sind, mit Ausnahme von Dateianhängen.
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog de zu viel können Ihre Laufzeitbeschränkung überschreiten
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog de Zu viel können Ihre Laufzeitbeschränkung überschreiten
to what should the startdate of new entries be set. infolog de Auf was soll das Startdatum von neuen Einträgen gesetzt werden.
today infolog de Heute
todays date infolog de heutiges Datum
todays date infolog de Heutiges Datum
todo infolog de Aufgabe
typ infolog de Typ
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog de Typ '%1' existiert bereits !!!
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog de Typ '%1' existiert bereits!
type infolog de Typ
type ... infolog de Typ ...
type of customfield infolog de Typ des benutzerdefinierten Feldes
type of field infolog de Typ des Feldes
type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog de Typ des InfoLog-Eintrages
unable to link to %3 by custom field "%1": "%4". %2 matches. infolog de Verknüpfung zu %3 eines Benutzerdefinierten Feldes "%1": "%4" nicht möglich. %2 würde passen
unable to link to %3 by custom field "%1": "%4". %2 matches. infolog de Verknüpfung zu %3 eines Benutzerdefinierten Feldes "%1": "%4" nicht möglich. %2 würde passen
unknown type: %1 infolog de Unbekannter Typ %1
unlink infolog de Verknüpfung lösen
unlinked from %1 infolog de Verknüpfung entfernt von %1
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ urgency infolog de Priorität
urgent infolog de Dringend
use all infolog de Alle Einträge
use custom notification message infolog de Benutze benutzerdefinierte Nachrichten
use field from csv if possible infolog de Verwendet die Felder vom CSV, wenn möglich
use field from csv if possible infolog de Verwendet die Felder aus CSV-Datei, wenn möglich
use search results infolog de Verwendet die Suchergebnisse
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. infolog de Benutzern Sie diesen Platzhalter für Adressetiketten. Fügen Sie den Inhalt, den Sie wiederholen möchten zwischen zwei Platzhalter ein.
used time infolog de Benötigte Zeit
@ -530,16 +530,16 @@ will-call infolog de Ruft zurück
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog de Schreiben (zufügen oder aktualisieren) eines Datensatzes durch Angabe seiner Felder.
yes - close infolog de Ja - schließen
yes - close including sub-entries infolog de Ja - schließen inklusive Untereinträge
yes - delete infolog de Ja - Löschen
yes - delete including sub-entries infolog de Ja - Löschen einschließlich Untereinträge
yes - delete infolog de Ja - löschen
yes - delete including sub-entries infolog de Ja - löschen einschließlich Untereinträge
yes, noone can purge deleted items infolog de Ja, niemand darf gelöschte Einträge bereinigen
yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog de Ja, nur Administratoren dürfen gelöschte Einträge bereinigen
yes, with larger fontsize infolog de Ja, mit einer größeren Schrift
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog de Ja, jeder darf gelöschte Einträge bereinigen
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog de Sie können eine Kategorie festlegen die vorausgewählt wird, wenn Sie neue InfoLog Einträge anlegen.
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog de Sie können keinen der Standardtypen löschen!!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog de Sie haben ein ungültiges Fälligkeitsdatum eingegeben
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog de Sie haben ein ungültiges Startdatum eingegeben
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog de Sie können keinen der Standardtypen löschen!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog de Sie haben ein ungültiges Fälligkeits-Datum eingegeben
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog de Sie haben ein ungültiges Start-Datum eingegeben
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! infolog de Sie müssen einen Namen angeben, um einen neuen Typ anzulegen!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog de Sie müssen einen Titel oder eine Beschreibung eingeben
you need to select an entry for linking. infolog de Sie müssen einen Datensatz auswählen, um eine Verknüpfung zu erstellen.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%1 deleted infolog el %1 διαγράφηκαν
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog el %1 διαγράφηκαν από %2 στις %3
%1 entries %2 infolog el %1 καταχωρήσεις %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog el %1 καταχωρήσεις %2, %3 απέτυχαν λόγω ανεπαρκών δικαιωμάτων !!!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog el %1 καταχωρήσεις %2, %3 απέτυχαν λόγω ανεπαρκών δικαιωμάτων!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog el %1 καταχωρήσεις %2, %3 απέτυχαν.
%1 modified infolog el %1 επεξεργάστηκαν
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog el %1 επεξεργάστηκαν από %2 στις %3
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ action infolog el Ενέργεια
actions... infolog el Ενέργειες...
actual date and time infolog el πραγματική ημερομηνία και ώρα
add infolog el Προσθήκη
add / remove link infolog el Προσθήκη/αφαίρεση συνδέσμου
add a file infolog el Προσθήκη αρχείου
add a new entry infolog el Προσθήκη νέας καταχώρησης
add a new note infolog el Προσθήκη νέας σημείωσης
@ -41,17 +42,22 @@ add a new phonecall infolog el Προσθήκη νέας τηλεφωνικής
add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog el Προσθήκη νεόυ υπο-καθήκοντος,-σημείωσης,-κλήσης σε αυτή την καταχώρηση
add a new todo infolog el Προσθήκη νέας εκκρεμότητας
add file infolog el Προσθήκη αρχείου
add or delete links infolog el Προσθήκη ή διαγραφή συνδέσμων
add sub infolog el προσθήκη υπό
add timesheet entry infolog el Προσθήκη καταχώρησης φύλλου εργασίας
add: infolog el Προσθήκη:
added infolog el Προστέθηκε
addressbook placeholders available infolog el Διαθέσιμα εικονίδια στο βιβλίο διευθύνσεων
all infolog el Όλα
all links and attachments infolog el όλοι οι σύνδεσμοι και οι επισυνάψεις
all other %1 fields are valid infolog el Όλα τα άλλα πεδία %1 είναι έγκυρα
all projects infolog el Όλα τα έργα
allow to save entries with due date in the past infolog el Επιτρέψτε την αποθήκευση καταχωρήσεων με ημερομηνία λήξης στο παρελθόν
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog el επιτρέπει τον καθορισμό της κατάστασης μιας καταχώρησης,π.χ. καθορισμός μιας εκκρεμότητας σε ολοκληρωμένη εάν τελείωσε (αξίες εξαρτώνται από τον τύπο της καταχώρησης)
alternatives infolog el Εναλλακτικές λύσεις
always show them infolog el Να τις εμφανίζει πάντα
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog el Αναμενόμενο μήνυμα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου της αίτησης, το οποίο όμως έλαβε: %1
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog el Εφαρμόστε την ενέργεια σε ολόκληρο το ερώτημα, ΟΧΙ μόνο στις εμφανιζόμενες καταχωρήσεις!
apply the changes infolog el Εφαρμογή των αλλαγών
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog el Είστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτή την καταχώρηση;
attach a file infolog el Επισύναψη αρχείου
@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ delegated overdue infolog el εξουσιοδοτημένα καθυστερημ
delegated upcomming infolog el εξουσιοδοτημένα επερχόμενα
delegation infolog el Εξουσιοδότηση
delete infolog el Διαγραφή
delete one record by passing its id. infolog el Διαγραφή μιας εγγραφής διαβαίνοντας απο το id της.
delete one record by passing its id. infolog el Διαγραφή μιας εγγραφής διαβαίνοντας απο το ID της.
delete selected entries? infolog el Διαγραφή επιλεγμένων καταχωρήσεων;
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog el Διαγραφή αυτής της καταχώρησης και όλων των υπο-καταχωρήσεων στη λίστα
deleted infolog el διαγράφηκαν
@ -144,7 +150,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog el Επιθ
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog el Επιθυμείτε να λαμβάνετε ειδοποιήσεις ως html-mails ή απλό κείμενο;
don't show infolog infolog el ΜΗΝ εμφανίζετε το InfoLog
done infolog el ολοκληρώθηκε
download infolog el Λήψη
download infolog el Αποθήκευση αρχείου
download url for links infolog el Λήψη URL για συνδέσμους
due %1 infolog el Λόγω %1
due date infolog el Ημερομηνία λήξης
@ -183,7 +189,7 @@ exports in ical format. infolog el Εξαγωγές σε μορφή iCal.
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog el Εξάγει τις καταχωρήσεις του InfoLog σε αρχείο CSV.
favorites infolog el Αγαπημένα
fax infolog el Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog el Το πεδίο δεν πρέπει να μείνει κενό !!!
field must not be empty !!! infolog el Το πεδίο δεν πρέπει να μείνει κενό!
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog el Πεδία που πρέπει να εξαιρεθούν κατά την αντιγραφή ενός InfoLog:
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog el Πεδία που πρέπει να αποκλείονται κατά τη δημιουργία μιας υποεγγραφής:
fieldseparator infolog el Διαχωριστής πεδίων
@ -236,6 +242,8 @@ insert infolog el Εισαγωγή
insert in document infolog el Εισαγωγή στο έγγραφο
insert timestamp into description field infolog el Εισαγωγή χρονοσφραγίδας στο πεδίο περιγραφής
invalid filename infolog el Άκυρο όνομα αρχείου
invalid owner id: %1. might be a bad field translation. used %2 instead. infolog el Μη έγκυρο αναγνωριστικό ιδιοκτήτη: %1. Χρησιμοποιήθηκε %2.
invalid status for entry type %1. infolog el Μη έγκυρη κατάσταση για τον τύπο καταχώρησης %1.
label<br>helptext infolog el Ετικέτα<br>Κείμενο βοήθειας
last changed infolog el Τελευταία αλλαγή
last modified infolog el Τελευταία προσαρμογή
@ -261,10 +269,12 @@ load custom fields in index, if filtered by selected types (eg. to display them
location infolog el Τοποθεσία
longer textual description infolog el εκτενέστερη περιγραφή κειμένου
low infolog el χαμηλή
manage mapping infolog el Διαχείριση αντιστοίχισης
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog el μέγιστο μήκος εισροής [μήκος πεδίου εισροών (κατ'επιλογή)]
modifier infolog el Τροποποιητής
modifierer infolog el Τροποποιητής
name must not be empty !!! infolog el Το όνομα δεν πρέπει να μένει κενό
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog el Όνομα του τρέχοντος χρήστη, όλα τα άλλα πεδία επαφής είναι επίσης έγκυρα
name of new type to create infolog el όνομα νέου τύπου προς δημιουργία
never hide search and filters infolog el Να μην αποκρύπτεται ποτέ η αναζήτηση και τα φίλτρα
new %1 infolog el Νέο %1
@ -299,6 +309,7 @@ only show them if there is a filter infolog el Να τις εμφανίζει μ
only show them while searching infolog el Να εμφανίζονται μόνο κατά την αναζήτηση
only the attachments infolog el μόνο οι επισυνάψεις
only the links infolog el μόνο οι σύνδεσμοι
open and upcoming infolog el Ανοιχτό και επερχόμενο
open(status) infolog el ανοικτά
optional note to the link infolog el προαιρετική σημείωση στο σύνδεσμο
order infolog el Παραγγελία
@ -312,12 +323,13 @@ own upcoming infolog el δικά μου επερχόμενα
owner, responsible infolog el Ιδιοκτήτης, υπεύθυνος
parent infolog el Μητρική
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog el Συμμετέχοντες για τον προγραμματισμό ενός ραντεβού
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog el Το μονοπάτι προς τα αρχεία του χρήστη και των ομάδων ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΚΤΟΣ της πορείας των εγγράφων των webservers!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog el Το μονοπάτι προς τα αρχεία του χρήστη και των ομάδων ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΚΤΟΣ της πορείας των εγγράφων των webservers!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog el Μοτίβο για αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο διευθύνσεων
pattern for search in projects infolog el Μοτίβο για αναζήτηση σε έργα
percent completed infolog el ποσοστό που έχει ολοκληρωθεί
performance optimization for huge infolog tables admin el Βελτιστοποίηση επιδόσεων για τεράστιους πίνακες InfoLog
permission denied infolog el Άδεια απορρίπτεται
permissions error - %1 could not %2 infolog el Σφάλμα δικαιωμάτων - %1 δεν μπόρεσε να %2
phone infolog el Κλήση τηλεφώνου
phone/email infolog el Τηλέφωνο/Email
phonecall infolog el Κλήση τηλεφώνου
@ -401,7 +413,7 @@ should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you ca
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog el Θα έπρεπε το InfoLog να εμφανίζει τους συνδέσμους με άλλες εφαρμογές και/ή τις προσκολλήσεις αρχείου στην InfoLog λίστα (κανονική εμφάνιση όταν εισέρχεστε στο InfoLog).
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog el Θα έπρεπε το InfoLog να εμφανίζεται στη βασική οθόνη και με ποιο φίλτρο.Λειτουργεί μόνο αν δεν επιλέξατε μία εφαρμογή για την βασική οθόνη (στις προτιμήσεις σας).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog el Θα έπρεπε το InfoLog να χρησιμοποιεί ολόκληρα ονόματα (επώνυμα και οικογενειακά ονόματα) ή μόνο τα ονόματα εισόδου.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog el Θα έπρεπε η InfoLog λίστα να εμφανίζει ένα μοναδικό νούμερο Id, το οποίο να μπορεί να χρησιμοποιείται π.χ. ως Id εισιτηρίου.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog el Θα έπρεπε η InfoLog λίστα να εμφανίζει ένα μοναδικό νούμερο Id, το οποίο να μπορεί να χρησιμοποιείται π.χ. ως ID εισιτηρίου.
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog el Θα έπρεπε η InfoLog λίστα να εμφανίζει τη στήλη "τελευταία τροποποίηση".
should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog el Θα έπρεπε η InfoLog λίστα να εμφανίζει το ποσοστό ολοκλήρωσης μόνο για την κατάσταση τρέχων ή δύο ξεχωριστά εικονίδια.
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog el θέλετε αυτή η καταχώρηση να είναι ορατή σε εσάς και στα άτομα που δίνεται προσωπική άδεια μέσω του ACL
@ -438,6 +450,7 @@ tasks of infolog el Εργασίες της
template infolog el Πρότυπο
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog el Έλεγχος Εισαγωγής (εμφάνιση εισαγώγιμων εγγραφών <u>only</> στο browser)
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. infolog el Το έγγραφο μπορεί να περιέχει τίτλο θέσης όπως {{%1}}, ο οποίος θα αντικατασταθεί με τα δεδομένα.
the following document-types are supported: infolog el Υποστηρίζονται οι ακόλουθοι τύποι εγγράφων:
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog el το όνομα χρησιμοποιείται εσωτερικά (<=20 χαρακτ), ενδεχόμενη αλλαγή του προκαλεί μη διαθεσιμότητα των δεδομένων
the text displayed to the user infolog el το κείμενο εμφανίζεται στο χρήστη
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog el Αυτές είναι οι χρήσεις του InfoLog φίλτρου όταν εισέρχεστε στην εφαρμογή.Τα φίλτρα περιορίζουν τις καταχωρήσεις να εμφανίζονται στην πραγματική παρουσίαση.Υπάρχουν φίλτρα που παρουσιάζουν μόνο τα ολοκληρωμένα, τα τρέχοντα ή τις δικές σας μελλοντικές καταχωρήσεις ή και όλων των χρηστών.
@ -489,7 +502,7 @@ yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog el Ναι, μόνο ο διαχ
yes, with larger fontsize infolog el Ναι, με μεγαλύτερο μέγεθος φόντου
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog el Ναι, με τον καθαρισμό των διαγραμένων αντικειμένων να είναι δυνατός
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog el Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε μια κατηγορία που θα προεπιλέγεται, όταν δημιουργείτε μια νέα καταχώρηση InfoLog.
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog el Δεν μπορείτε να διαγράψετε έναν από τους προκαθορισμένους τύπους !!!
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog el Δεν μπορείτε να διαγράψετε έναν από τους προκαθορισμένους τύπους!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog el Έχετε πληκτρολογήσει μια άκυρη ημερομηνία οφειλής
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog el Έχετε πληκτρολογήσει μια άκυρη ημερομηνία έναρξης
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! infolog el Πρέπει να εισαγάγετε ένα όνομα, για να δημιουργήσετε έναν νέο τύπο!
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ application mail expected but got: %1 infolog en Application email expected but
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog en Apply the action on the whole query, NOT only the shown entries!
apply the changes infolog en Apply the changes
archive infolog en Archive
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog en Are you sure you want to close this entry ?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog en Are you sure you want to delete this entry ?
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog en Are you sure you want to close this entry?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog en Are you sure you want to delete this entry?
attach a file infolog en Attach a file
attach file infolog en Attach file
attachments infolog en Attachments
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ close infolog en Close
close all infolog en Close all
close this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog en Close this entry and all listed sub entries
closed infolog en Closed.
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog en colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog en Colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up
comment infolog en Comment
compare infolog en Compare
completed infolog en Completed
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog en Get notif
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog en Receive notifications as HTML emails or plain text.
don't show infolog infolog en DON'T show InfoLog
done infolog en Done
download infolog en Download
download infolog en Save file
download url for links infolog en Download URL for links
due %1 infolog en Due %1
due date infolog en Due date
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ invalid status for entry type %1. infolog en Invalid status for entry type %1.
label<br>helptext infolog en Label<br>Helptext
last changed infolog en Last changed
last modified infolog en Last modified
leave blank to get the used time calculated by timesheet entries infolog en Leave blank to get the used time calculated by time sheet entries
leave blank to get the used time calculated by timesheet entries infolog en Leave blank to get the used time calculated by Time Sheet entries
leave it empty infolog en Leave it empty
leave it empty for a full week infolog en Leave it empty for a full week
leave without saveing the entry infolog en Leave without saving the entry
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ receive notifications about starting entries you delegated infolog en Receive no
receive notifications as html-mails infolog en Receive notifications as HTML emails.
regular expression infolog en Regular expression
remark infolog en Remark
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog en Remove this link -not the entry itself.
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog en Remove this link, not the entry itself.
removed infolog en Removed.
removed category infolog en removed category
replacement infolog en Replacement
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you ca
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog en Should InfoLog show the links to other applications and/or the file attachments in the InfoLog list view.
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog en Should InfoLog show up on the Home page and with which filter. Works only if you didn't select an application for the Home page in common preferences.
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog en Should InfoLog use full names or just the login names.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog en Should the InfoLog list show a unique numerical Id, which can be used e.g. as ticket Id.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog en Should the InfoLog list show a unique numerical ID, which can be used e.g. as ticket ID.
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog en Should the InfoLog list show the column "last modified".
should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog en Should the InfoLog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons.
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog en Should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant private access via the ACL
@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ customfields infolog es-es Campos personalizados
data exchange settings infolog es-es Opciones para intercambio de datos
date completed infolog es-es Fecha completada
date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or billed) infolog es-es Fecha completada (dejar en blanco para tenerlo automático si el estado es hecho o facturado)
datecreated infolog es-es fecha de creación
datecreated infolog es-es Fecha de creación
dates, status, access infolog es-es Fechas, estado, acceso
days infolog es-es Días
default category for new infolog entries infolog es-es Categoría predeterminada para nuevas entradas del Registro
default category for new infolog entries infolog es-es Categoría predeterminada para nuevas entradas del registro
default document to insert entries infolog es-es Documento predeterminado para insertar entradas
default filter for infolog infolog es-es Filtro predeterminado para el Registro
default status for a new log entry infolog es-es Estado predeterminado para una entrada nueva en el registro
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog es-es ¿Dese
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog es-es ¿Desea recibir las notifaciones como correo en HTML o texto sencillo?
don't show infolog infolog es-es NO mostrar el Registro de notas y tareas
done infolog es-es Hecho
download infolog es-es Descargar
download infolog es-es Guardar fichero
download url for links infolog es-es Descargar URL para enlaces
due %1 infolog es-es Vencido %1
due date infolog es-es Fecha de vencimiento
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ duration infolog es-es Duración
e-mail: infolog es-es Dirección de correo:
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog es-es Cada valor es una línea como <id>[=<etiqueta>]
edit infolog es-es Editar
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog es-es Editar o crear categorías para el Registro
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog es-es Editar o crear categorías para el registro
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog es-es Derechos de edición (editar todos los derechos, incluyendo hacer a alguien responsable)
edit status infolog es-es Editar estado
edit the entry infolog es-es Editar la entrada
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ finish infolog es-es Finalizar
first argument for preg_replace infolog es-es Primer argumento para preg_replace
for infolog type %1, %2 is required infolog es-es Para el tipo de InfoLog %1, se requiere %2
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog es-es Para carta de serie use esta etiqueta. Ponga el contenido que quiera repetir entre dos etiquetas.
for which types should this field be used infolog es-es para qué tipos se usa este campo
for which types should this field be used infolog es-es Para qué tipos se usa este campo
from infolog es-es De
full list of placeholder names infolog es-es Lista completa de nombres de marcadores de posición
general fields: infolog es-es Campos generales:
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ id# infolog es-es ID nº
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog es-es Si un tipo tiene un propietario para el grupo, todas las entradas de ese tipo pertenecerán al grupo y NO al usuario que las creó.
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog es-es Si no hay valor inicial, la línea con los filtros de búsqueda y filtros está oculta para menos entradas que "máx. por página" (como se definió en las preferencias comunes).
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog es-es Si especifica aquí una carpeta (ruta VFS completa), %1 muestra una acción para cada documento. Esa acción permite descargar el documento especificado con los datos insertados.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog es-es Si especifica un directorio aquí (la ruta vgs completa), %1 muestra un icono extra de documento para cada entrada. Ese icono permite descargar el documento especificado con los datos insertados.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog es-es Si especifica un directorio aquí (la ruta VFS completa), %1 muestra un icono extra de documento para cada entrada. Ese icono permite descargar el documento especificado con los datos insertados.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export infolog es-es Si especifica una definición de exportación, se usará al exportar
import next set infolog es-es Importar juego siguiente
importance infolog es-es Importancia
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ parent infolog es-es Superior
parent infolog infolog es-es Elemento padre de la tarea
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog es-es Participantes para programar una cita
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog es-es Ruta en el servidor ej. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog es-es Ruta a los ficheros de usuario y grupos. ¡¡DEBE ESTAR FUERA de la estructura del servidor web!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog es-es Ruta a los ficheros de usuario y grupos. ¡DEBE ESTAR FUERA de la estructura del servidor web!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog es-es Expresión a buscar en la Libreta de direcciones
pattern for search in projects infolog es-es Expresión a buscar en Proyectos
percent completed infolog es-es Porcentaje completado
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ projectmanager infolog es-es Administrador de proyectos
re-planned infolog es-es Replanificado
re-planned time infolog es-es Tiempo Replanificado
re: infolog es-es Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog es-es Leer un registro pasando su id.
read one record by passing its id. infolog es-es Leer un registro pasando su ID.
read rights (default) infolog es-es Derecho de lectura (predeterminado)
receive notifications about due entries you are responsible for infolog es-es Recibir notificaciones acerca de las entradas vencidas de las que es responsable
receive notifications about due entries you delegated infolog es-es Recibir notificaciones acerca de las entradas vencidas delegadas por usted
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ receive notifications about items of type owned by groups you are part of infolo
receive notifications about own items infolog es-es Recibir notificaciones acerca de los elementos propios
receive notifications about starting entries you are responsible for infolog es-es Recibir notificaciones acerca de las entradas que comienzan de las que usted es responsable
receive notifications about starting entries you delegated infolog es-es Recibir notificaciones acerca de las entradas que comienzan que usted ha delegado
receive notifications as html-mails infolog es-es Recibir notificaciones como correo html
receive notifications as html-mails infolog es-es Recibir notificaciones como correo HTML
regular expression infolog es-es Expresión regular
remark infolog es-es Comentario
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog es-es Eliminar este enlace (no la entrada en sí)
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog es-es Sí, sólo los administra
yes, with larger fontsize infolog es-es Sí, con un tamaño de letra más grande
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog es-es Sí, con la posibilidad de purgar los elementos borrados
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog es-es Puede elegir una categoría para estar preseleccionada cuando cree una nueva entrada del Registro
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog es-es ¡¡No puede borrar uno de los tipos almacenados!!
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog es-es ¡No puede borrar uno de los tipos almacenados!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog es-es Ha introducido una fecha de finalización que no es válida
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog es-es Ha introducido una fecha de inicio que no es válida
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! infolog es-es Debe introducir un nombre para crear un nuevo tipo.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%1 deleted infolog et %1 kustutatud
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog et %1 kustutatud %2 poolt %3
%1 entries %2 infolog et %1 kirjed %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog et %1 kirjed %2, %3 ebaõnnestusid ebapiisavate õiguste tõttu !!!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog et %1 kirjed %2, %3 ebaõnnestusid ebapiisavate õiguste tõttu!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog et %1 kirjed %2, %3 ebaõnnestusid.
%1 modified infolog et %1 muudetud
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog et %1 modifitseeritud %2 poolt %3
@ -34,11 +34,15 @@ action infolog et Tegevus
actions... infolog et Tegevused...
actual date and time infolog et Käesolev kuupäev ja kellaaeg
add infolog et Lisa
add / remove link infolog et Lisa / eemalda link
add a file infolog et Faili lisamine
add a new entry infolog et Lisa uus Kirje
add a new note infolog et Lisa uus Märkus
add a new phonecall infolog et Lisa uus Telefonikõne
add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog et Lisa uus alamkanne sellele kirjele
add a new todo infolog et Lisa uus ToDo
add file infolog et Lisa fail
add or delete links infolog et Linkide lisamine või kustutamine
add sub infolog et Lisa alam
add timesheet entry infolog et Lisa Timesheet kirje
add: infolog et Lisa:
@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ allow to save entries with due date in the past infolog et Luba salvestada kirje
always show them infolog et Näita neid alati
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog et Taotluse e-kiri oodatud, kuid sai: %1
apply the changes infolog et Rakenda muudatused
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog et Kas soovid tõesti seda kirjet kustutada ?
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog et Kas olete kindel, et soovite selle kirje sulgeda?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog et Kas soovid tõesti seda kirjet kustutada?
attach a file infolog et Kaasa fail
attach file infolog et Kaasa fail
automatically check 'do not notify' for these types infolog et Kontrollida automaatselt "Ära teavita" nende tüüpide puhul
@ -124,7 +129,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog et Saate tea
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog et Saate teateid HTML-e-kirjana või tavalise tekstina.
don't show infolog infolog et ÄRA näita InfoLog
done infolog et Valmis
download infolog et Laadige alla
download infolog et Salvesta faili
download url for links infolog et EI näita InfoLogi
due %1 infolog et Kohustuslik %1
due date infolog et Tähtaeg
@ -218,6 +223,7 @@ invalid status for entry type %1. infolog et Kande tüübi %1 jaoks vale staatus
label<br>helptext infolog et Silt<br>Abitekst
last changed infolog et Viimati vahetatud
last modified infolog et Viimati muudetud
leave blank to get the used time calculated by timesheet entries infolog et Jäta tühjaks, et saada kasutatud aeg arvutatud ajalehe kirjete järgi
leave it empty infolog et Jäta see tühjaks
leave it empty for a full week infolog et Jäta tühjaks terve nädala jaoks
leave without saveing the entry infolog et Jäta kanne salvestamata
@ -240,7 +246,7 @@ location infolog et Asukoht
low infolog et Madal
modifier infolog et Modifikaator
modifierer infolog et Modifikaator
name must not be empty !!! infolog et Nimi eo tohi olla tühi !!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog et Nimi eo tohi olla tühi!
new %1 infolog et Uus %1
new name infolog et Uus nimi
new search infolog et Uus otsing
@ -342,7 +348,7 @@ tag to mark positions for address labels infolog et Silt aadressimärkide posits
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. infolog et Dokument võib sisaldada paigutussätteid nagu {{%1}}, mis asendatakse andmetega.
today infolog et Täna
typ infolog et Tüüp
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog et Tüüp '%1' eksisteerib juba !!!
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog et Tüüp '%1' eksisteerib juba!
type infolog et Tüüp
type ... infolog et Tüüp ...
type of field infolog et Põllu tüüp
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog fi Haluatko
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog fi Haluatko muistutusviestiesi olevan HTML vai pelkkänä tekstinä?
don't show infolog infolog fi Älä näytä tehtäviä
done infolog fi Valmis
download infolog fi Lataa
download infolog fi Tallenna tiedosto
download url for links infolog fi Linkkien URL
due %1 infolog fi Erääntyy %1
due date infolog fi Eräpäivä
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ manage mapping infolog fi Hallitse mappingiä
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog fi Kentän tekstin maksimipituus [, kentän maksimi pituus(vaihtoehtoinen)]
modifier infolog fi Muokkaaja
modifierer infolog fi Muokkaaja
name must not be empty !!! infolog fi Nimikenttä ei saa olla tyhjä !!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog fi Nimikenttä ei saa olla tyhjä!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog fi Käyttäjän nimi, muut kentät ovat myös voimassa
name of new type to create infolog fi Luotavan tyypin nimi
never hide search and filters infolog fi Hakua ja suodattimia ei piiloiteta koskaan
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ parent infolog fi Päämerkintä
parent infolog infolog fi Päämerkintä
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog fi Osallistujat ajanvarauksen suunnitteluun
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog fi Polku (web-)palvelimella<br>esim. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog fi Polku käyttäjän ja ryhmän tiedostoihin pitää olla palvelimen tiedostojuuren ULKOPUOLELLA!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog fi Polku käyttäjän ja ryhmän tiedostoihin pitää olla palvelimen tiedostojuuren ULKOPUOLELLA!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog fi Osoitekirjan hakukuvio
pattern for search in projects infolog fi Kuvio hakua varten projekteissa
percent completed infolog fi Prosenttia valmistunut
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog fi Kyllä, ainoastaan ylläpit
yes, with larger fontsize infolog fi Kyllä, Isompi fonttikoko
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog fi Kyllä, Poistettujen merkintöjen lopullinen poistaminen on mahdollista
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog fi Minkä kategorian pitäisi olla oletuksena, kun luot uutta Tehtävienhallinnan merkintää?
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog fi Et voi poistaa mitään tyyppien ryhmästä !!!
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog fi Et voi poistaa mitään tyyppien ryhmästä!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog fi Virheellinen erääntymispäivä
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog fi Virheellinen alkamispäivä
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! infolog fi Du skal indtaste et navn for at oprette en ny type!
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%1 deleted infolog fr %1 supprimé(s).
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog fr %1 supprimé(s) par %2 à %3
%1 entries %2 infolog fr %1 entrées %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog fr %1 entrées %2, %3 ont échoués par manque de droits suffisants !!!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog fr %1 entrées %2, %3 ont échoués par manque de droits suffisants !
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog fr %1 entrées %2, %3 en échec.
%1 modified infolog fr %1 modifié(s)
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog fr %1 modifié(s) par %2 à %3
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ abort without deleting infolog fr Annuler sans supprimer
accept infolog fr Accepte
action infolog fr Action
actions... infolog fr Actions...
actual date and time infolog fr date et heure actuelles
actual date and time infolog fr Date et heure actuelles
add infolog fr Ajouter
add / remove link infolog fr Ajouter / Enlever le lien
add a file infolog fr Ajouter un fichier
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ all links and attachments infolog fr Tous les liens et attachements
all other %1 fields are valid infolog fr Tous les autres %1 champs sont valides
all projects infolog fr Tous les projets
allow to save entries with due date in the past infolog fr Permettre l'enregistrement avec des échéances passées
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog fr permet de changer le statut d´une entrée, c'est-à-dire de spécifier une tâche à faire si elle est terminée (les valeurs dépendent du type d´entrée).
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog fr Permet de changer le statut d´une entrée, c'est-à-dire de spécifier une tâche à faire si elle est terminée (les valeurs dépendent du type d´entrée).
alternatives infolog fr Alternatives
always show them infolog fr Toujours afficher
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog fr Module email attendu mais %1
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ days infolog fr Jours
default category for new infolog entries infolog fr Catégorie par défaut pour les entrées d'InfoLog
default document to insert entries infolog fr Document par défaut pour insérer les entrées.
default filter for infolog infolog fr Filtre par défaut pour l'iInfoLog
default status for a new log entry infolog fr Statut par défaut pour un nouvel Infolog
default status for a new log entry infolog fr Statut par défaut pour un nouvel InfoLog
delegated infolog fr Délégué
delegated open infolog fr Délégué ouvert
delegated open and upcoming infolog fr Délégué ouvert et à venir
@ -147,17 +147,17 @@ delegated overdue infolog fr Délégué en retard
delegated upcomming infolog fr Délégué à venir
delegation infolog fr Délégation
delete infolog fr Supprimer
delete one record by passing its id. infolog fr Effacer un enregistrement en passant son id.
delete one record by passing its id. infolog fr Effacer un enregistrement en passant son ID.
delete selected entries? infolog fr Supprimer les entrées sélectionnées?
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog fr Détruire cette entrée et toutes les sous-entrées listées
deleted infolog fr Supprimé
deletes the selected typ infolog fr supprime le type sélectionné
deletes this field infolog fr supprime ce champ
deletes this status infolog fr supprime ce statut
deletes the selected typ infolog fr Supprime le type sélectionné
deletes this field infolog fr Supprime ce champ
deletes this status infolog fr Supprime ce statut
description infolog fr Description
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog fr détermine l´ordre d´affichage des champs
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog fr Détermine l´ordre d´affichage des champs
directory with documents to insert entries infolog fr Répertoire avec les documents pour insérer les entrées
disables a status without deleting it infolog fr désactive un statut sans le supprimer
disables a status without deleting it infolog fr Désactive un statut sans le supprimer
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog fr Voulez-vous une confirmation du responsable sur: accepter, finir la tâche, ou les deux
do you want a notification if items owned by groups you are part of get updated ? infolog fr Souhaitez-vous une notification à la mise à jour d'éléments détenus par des groupes dont vous êtes membre ?
do you want a notification, if items get assigned to you or assigned items get updated? infolog fr Être notifié si des entrées vous sont assignées ou si des entrées qui vous en été assignées sont mises à jour
@ -169,20 +169,20 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog fr Être not
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog fr Recevoir les notifications en mail HTML ou texte simple.
don't show infolog infolog fr NE PAS afficher InfoLog
done infolog fr Fait
download infolog fr Télécharger
download infolog fr Enregistrer le fichier
download url for links infolog fr URL de téléchargement pour les liens
due %1 infolog fr Dû %
due %1 infolog fr Dû %1
due date infolog fr Echéance
duration infolog fr Durée
e-mail: infolog fr Email :
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog fr chaque valeur est une ligne telle que <id>[=<label>]
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog fr Chaque valeur est une ligne telle que <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog fr Modifier
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog fr Modifier ou créer des catégories pour InfoLog
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog fr modifier les droits (édition complète des droits, pouvant rendre quelqu'un d'autre responsable!)
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog fr Modifier les droits (édition complète des droits, pouvant rendre quelqu'un d'autre responsable!)
edit status infolog fr Modifier les statuts
edit the entry infolog fr Modifier l'entrée
edit this entry infolog fr Modifier cette entrée
empty for all infolog fr vide pour tous
empty for all infolog fr Vide pour tous
encrypt description infolog fr Chiffrer la description
end infolog fr Fin
enddate infolog fr Date de fin
@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog fr Entrez une description t
enter the query pattern infolog fr Entrez le champ de requête
entry and all files infolog fr Entrée et tous les fichiers
error: importing the ical infolog fr Erreur : lors de l'importation de l'iCal
error: no mail (mailbox / uid) given! infolog fr Erreur : pas d'email indiqué (mailbox / uid) !
error: no mail (mailbox / uid) given! infolog fr Erreur : pas d'email indiqué (mailbox / UID) !
error: saving the entry infolog fr Erreur: lors de l'enregistrement de l'entrée
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog fr Erreur: cette entrée a été mise à jour pendant que vous l'aviez ouverte pour la modifier!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog fr Erreur: cette entrée a été mise à jour pendant que vous l'aviez ouverte pour la modifier !
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. infolog fr Exemple {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Bonjour Mr.~Bonjour Ms.}} - recherche "Mr" dans le champ "n_prefix", si trouvé, écrire Hello Mr., sinon écrire Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller infolog fr Exemple {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefixe titre n_famille}} - Exemple : M. Dr. James Miller
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role infolog fr Exemple {{NELF rôle}} - si le champ role n'est pas vide, vous obtiendrez une nouvelle ligne avec la valeur du champ role
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ finish infolog fr Terminer
first argument for preg_replace infolog fr Premier argument pour preg_replace
for infolog type %1, %2 is required infolog fr Pour un InfoLog de type %1, %2 est requis
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog fr Pour les lettres en série utiliser cette balise. Placer le contenu que vous voulez répéter entre deux balises.
for which types should this field be used infolog fr pour quels types ce champ devrait être utilisé
for which types should this field be used infolog fr Pour quels types ce champ devrait être utilisé
from infolog fr De
full list of placeholder names infolog fr Liste complète de mots clé
general fields: infolog fr Champs généraux :
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ how wide should the description area be. this value is numeric and interpreted a
html link to the current record infolog fr Lien HTML vers l'enregistrement courant
id infolog fr ID
id# infolog fr ID#
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog fr Si un type a un propriétaire de groupe, toutes les entrées de ce type appartiendront à ce groupe, et NON à l'utilisateur qui l'a créé!
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog fr Si un type a un propriétaire de groupe, toutes les entrées de ce type appartiendront à ce groupe, et NON à l'utilisateur qui l'a créé !
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog fr Si non renseigné, la ligne contenant la recherche et les filtres est cachée lorsqu'il y a plus d'entrées que le "Nombre max d'occurences correspondantes par page" (défini dans les préférences).
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog fr Si vous spécifiez un répertoire (chemin VFS complet), %1 affiche une action pour chaque document. Cette action autorise le téléchargement du document spécifié avec les données insérées.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog fr Si vous spécifiez un répertoire (chemin VFS complet), %1 affiche une icône de document supplémentaire pour chaque entrée. Cette icône autorise le téléchargement du document spécifié avec les données insérée
@ -249,15 +249,15 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog fr InfoLog - Importer fichier CSV
infolog - new infolog fr InfoLog - Nouveau
infolog - new subproject infolog fr InfoLog - Nouveau sous-projet
infolog - subprojects from infolog fr InfoLog - Sous-projets de
infolog csv export infolog fr Infolog exportation CSV
infolog csv import infolog fr Infolog importation CSV
infolog csv export infolog fr InfoLog exportation CSV
infolog csv import infolog fr InfoLog importation CSV
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog fr Le chiffrement nécessite un abonnement EPL
infolog entry deleted infolog fr InfoLog entrée supprimée
infolog entry saved infolog fr InfoLog entrée enregistrée
infolog fields: infolog fr Champs d'InfoLog:
infolog filter for the home screen infolog fr InfoLog filtre pour l'écran principal
infolog ical export infolog fr Export InfoLog en iCal
infolog ical import infolog fr Import InfoLog en InfoLog
infolog ical import infolog fr Importation d'InfoLog iCal
infolog id infolog fr InfoLog ID
infolog list infolog fr Liste InfoLog
infolog preferences common fr Préférences InfoLog
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ label<br>helptext infolog fr Label<br>Texte d´aide
last changed infolog fr Dernière modification
last modified infolog fr Dernière modification
leave blank to get the used time calculated by timesheet entries infolog fr Laisser blanc pour que le temps utilisé soit calculé par les entrées dans les feuilles de temps
leave it empty infolog fr laisser vide
leave it empty infolog fr Laisser vide
leave it empty for a full week infolog fr Laisser vide pour une semaine complète
leave without saveing the entry infolog fr Quitter sans enregistrer l'entrée
leaves without saveing infolog fr Quitte sans enregistrer
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ manage mapping infolog fr Gestion des correspondances
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog fr taille max de l´entrée [, taille du champ d´entrée (optionnel)]
modifier infolog fr Editeur
modifierer infolog fr Editeur
name must not be empty !!! infolog fr Le nom ne peut pas être vide !!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog fr Le nom ne peut pas être vide !
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog fr Nom de l'utilisateur courant, tous les autres champs de contacts sont valides aussi
name of new type to create infolog fr Nom du nouveau type à créer
never hide search and filters infolog fr Ne jamais cacher la recherche et les filtres
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ no project infolog fr Pas de projet
nonactive infolog fr Non actif
none infolog fr Aucun
normal infolog fr Normal
not infolog fr pas
not infolog fr Pas
not assigned infolog fr Pas attribué
not-started infolog fr Non démarré
note infolog fr Note
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ only the attachments infolog fr Seulement les attachements
only the links infolog fr Seulement les liens
open and upcoming infolog fr Ouvert et à venir
open(status) infolog fr Ouvrir
optional note to the link infolog fr note optionnelle vers le lien
optional note to the link infolog fr Note optionnelle vers le lien
order infolog fr Tri
organization infolog fr Organisation
other configurations infolog fr Autres configurations
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ parent infolog fr Parent
parent infolog infolog fr Parent de l'InfoLog
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog fr Participants pour programmer une réunion
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog fr Chemin côté (web)server<br>p.ex. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog fr Le chemin vers les fichiers utilisateurs et groupes DOIT FIGURER EN DEHORS du répertoire racine des serveurs Web!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog fr Le chemin vers les fichiers utilisateurs et groupes DOIT FIGURER EN DEHORS du répertoire racine des serveurs Web !
pattern for search in addressbook infolog fr Chaîne de caractères à rechercher dans le carnet d'adresses
pattern for search in projects infolog fr Chaîne de caractères à rechercher dans les projets
percent completed infolog fr Pourcentage complété
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ permissions error - %1 could not %2 infolog fr Error de permission - %1 ne peut
phone infolog fr Appel téléphonique
phone/email infolog fr Téléphone/EMail
phonecall infolog fr Appel téléphonique
planned infolog fr planifié
planned infolog fr Planifié
planned time infolog fr Temps prévu
prefix for sub-entries (default: re:) infolog fr Préfixe pour les sous-entrées (défaut: Re:)
price infolog fr Prix
@ -380,8 +380,8 @@ projectmanager infolog fr Gestionnaire de projets
re-planned infolog fr Re-planifié
re-planned time infolog fr Temps re-planifié
re: infolog fr Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog fr Lire un enregistrement en passant son id.
read rights (default) infolog fr droits de lecture (défaut)
read one record by passing its id. infolog fr Lire un enregistrement en passant son ID.
read rights (default) infolog fr Droits de lecture (défaut)
receive notifications about due entries you are responsible for infolog fr Recevoir les notifications pour les entrées dont vous êtes responsables.
receive notifications about due entries you delegated infolog fr Recevoir les notifications pour les entrées que vous avez déléguées.
receive notifications about items assigned to you infolog fr Recevoir les notifications pour les éléments qui vous ont été assignés
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ rights for the responsible infolog fr Droits pour le responsable
rows infolog fr Lignes
same day infolog fr Même jour
save infolog fr Enregistrer
saves the changes made and leaves infolog fr enregistre les modifications et quitte
saves the changes made and leaves infolog fr Enregistre les modifications et quitte
saves this entry infolog fr Enregistre cette entrée
schedule appointment infolog fr Programmer une réunion
search infolog fr Rechercher
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ select a price infolog fr Sélectionnez un prix
select a priority for this task infolog fr Choisissez une priorité pour cette tâche
select a project infolog fr Sélectionnez un projet
select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog fr Choisissez un utilisateur responsable: une personne à qui déléguer cette tâche
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog fr sélectionnez un type dont la valeur est à éditer ou effacez-le
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog fr Sélectionnez un type dont la valeur est à éditer ou effacez-le
select an action infolog fr Sélectionner une action
select an action... infolog fr Sélectionner une action...
select an app to search in infolog fr Choisissez une App dans laquelle rechercher
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you ca
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog fr InfoLog doit-il afficher les liens vers d'autres applications et/ou les attachements de fichiers dans la liste InfoLog (vue normale quand vous entrez dans InfoLog)
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog fr InfoLog doit-il s'afficher sur l'écran principal et avec quel filtre. Ne fonctionne que si vous n'avez pas sélectionné une application pour l'écran principal (dans vos préférences)
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog fr InfoLog doit-il utiliser les noms complets (surnom et nom de famille) ou juste les noms de connexion.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog fr InfoLog doit-il afficher un Id numérique unique qui peut être utilisé p.ex. comme Id de ticket.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog fr InfoLog doit-il afficher un Id numérique unique qui peut être utilisé p.ex. comme ID de ticket.
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog fr La liste InfoLog doit-elle afficher la colonne "dernière modification".
should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog fr La liste InfoLog doit-elle afficher le pourcentage de réalisation seulement pour le statut en cours ou deux icônes séparées.
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog fr Cette entrée ne doit-elle être visible que par vous et les personnes à qui vous avez donné l'accès privé via ACL
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ start a new search, cancel this link infolog fr Démarre une nouvelle recherche,
startdate infolog fr Date de départ
startdate enddate infolog fr Date de départ, date de fin
startdate for new entries infolog fr Date de début pour les nouvelles entrées
startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog fr La date de début doit être avant la date de fin !!!
startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog fr La date de début doit être avant la date de fin !
starting %1 infolog fr Début le %1
startrecord infolog fr Enregistrement de départ
status infolog fr Statut
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog fr Voir le parent de cett
view this linked entry in its application infolog fr Voir cette entrée liée dans son application
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog fr Quand la tâche ou l'appel téléphonique devrait être démarré, il s'affiche depuis cette date dans le filtre ouvert ou propre ouvert (page de démarrage)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog fr Quels champs supplémentaires le responsable devrait être autorisé à modifier sans avoir à modifier les droits d'édition ?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get infolog fr Quels ACLS implicites le responsable doit-il avoir
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get infolog fr Quels ACL implicites le responsable doit-il avoir
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog fr Quels participants devraient être présélectionnés lors de la programmation d'une réunion.
which types should the calendar show infolog fr Quels types afficher dans le calendrier
which types should the calendar show like events? infolog fr Quels types afficher dans le calendrier en tant qu'événement
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%1 deleted infolog hu %1 törölve
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog hu %1 törölve %2 által, ekkor: %3
%1 entries %2 infolog hu %1 bejegyzések %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog hu %1 bejegyzések %2, %3 sikertelenek nem megfelelő jogok miatt !!!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog hu %1 bejegyzések %2, %3 sikertelenek nem megfelelő jogok miatt!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog hu %1 bejegyzés %2, %3 sikertelen.
%1 modified infolog hu %1 módosítva
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog hu %1 módosítva %2 által, ekkor: %3
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ action infolog hu Művelet
actions... infolog hu Műveletek...
actual date and time infolog hu Aktuális dátum és idő
add infolog hu Hozzáad
add / remove link infolog hu Link hozzáadása / eltávolítása
add a file infolog hu Állomány hozzáadása
add a new entry infolog hu Új bejegyzés hozzáadása
add a new note infolog hu Új megjegyzés hozzáadása
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ add a new phonecall infolog hu Új telefonhívás hozzáadása
add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog hu Új alfeladat, -jegyzet, -hívás hozzáadása a bejegyzéshez
add a new todo infolog hu Új tennivaló hozzáadása
add file infolog hu Állomány hozzáadása
add or delete links infolog hu Linkek hozzáadása vagy törlése
add sub infolog hu Albejegyzés hozzáadása
add timesheet entry infolog hu Regiszter bejegyzés hozzáadása
add: infolog hu Hozzáadás:
@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (v
alternatives infolog hu Alternatívák
always show them infolog hu Mindig megjeleníti őket
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog hu Alkalmazási e-mail várt, de megkapta: %1
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog hu Alkalmazza a műveletet a teljes lekérdezésre, NEM csak a megjelenített bejegyzésekre!
apply the changes infolog hu Változások végrehajtása
archive infolog hu Archív
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog hu Valóban le akarod zárni ezt a bejegyzést?
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ change infolog hu Változás
change history infolog hu Történet módosítása
change responsible infolog hu Változás felelős
change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog hu Bejegyzés státusza megváltozott, pl. lezárták
changed category to %1 infolog hu A kategória %1-re változott
check to set startday infolog hu Kezdőnap beállításhoz ikszelje be
check to specify custom contact infolog hu Kapcsolja be az egyéni kapcsolat megadásához
choose owner of imported data infolog hu Válassza ki az importált adatok tulajdonosát
@ -115,6 +119,7 @@ custom from infolog hu Egyedi innen
custom regarding infolog hu Egyedi vonatkozás
custom status for typ infolog hu Típus egyedi státusza
customfields infolog hu Egyedi mezők
data exchange settings infolog hu Adatcsere beállítások
date completed infolog hu Teljesítés dátuma
date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or billed) infolog hu Teljesítés dátuma (ha üresen hagyja, akkor készrejelentés vagy számlázás esetén az a dátum kerül beállításra)
datecreated infolog hu Létrehozás dátuma
@ -122,7 +127,7 @@ dates, status, access infolog hu Dátumok, Státusz, Elérés
days infolog hu Napok
default category for new infolog entries infolog hu Alapértelmezett kategória új Infolog bejegyzéshez
default document to insert entries infolog hu Alapértelmezett dokumentum a bejegyzések beillesztéséhez
default filter for infolog infolog hu Infolog alapértelmezett szűrője
default filter for infolog infolog hu InfoLog alapértelmezett szűrője
default status for a new log entry infolog hu Alapértelmezett státusz egy új napló bejegyzésnek
delegated infolog hu Delegált
delegated open infolog hu Delegált nyitott
@ -151,9 +156,9 @@ do you want a notification, if items you created get updated? infolog hu Kér é
do you want a notification, if items you delegated are about to start? infolog hu Kér értesítést, ha egy megbízásos feladatot rövidesen el kell kezdenie?
do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog hu Kér értesítést, ha egy megbízásos feladatának határideje rövidesen elérkezik?
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog hu Az értesítést html vagy normál szöveges formában kéri?
don't show infolog infolog hu Infolog bejegyzés elrejtése
don't show infolog infolog hu InfoLog bejegyzés elrejtése
done infolog hu Kész
download infolog hu Letölt
download infolog hu Fájl mentése
download url for links infolog hu Linkek letöltési URL címe
due %1 infolog hu Esedékes %1
due date infolog hu Esedékes dátum
@ -192,7 +197,7 @@ exports in ical format. infolog hu iCal formátumban történő exportálás.
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog hu Az InfoLog bejegyzéseket CSV fájlba exportálja.
favorites infolog hu Kedvencek
fax infolog hu Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog hu A mezőt ki kell tölteni!!!
field must not be empty !!! infolog hu A mezőt ki kell tölteni!
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog hu Az InfoLog másolásakor kizárandó mezők:
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog hu Albejegyzés létrehozásakor kizárandó mezők:
fieldseparator infolog hu Mező elválasztó
@ -238,6 +243,7 @@ infolog csv import infolog hu InfoLog CSV import
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog hu Az InfoLog titkosításához EPL előfizetés szükséges
infolog entry deleted infolog hu InfoLog bejegyzés törölve
infolog entry saved infolog hu InfoLog bejegyzés elmentve
infolog fields: infolog hu InfoLog mezők:
infolog filter for the home screen infolog hu InfoLog szűrő a fő képernyőn
infolog ical export infolog hu InfoLog iCal exportálása
infolog ical import infolog hu InfoLog iCal importálás
@ -270,10 +276,11 @@ load custom fields in index, if filtered by selected types (eg. to display them
location infolog hu Hely
longer textual description infolog hu Hosszabb szöveges leírás
low infolog hu Alacsony
manage mapping infolog hu Mapping kezelése
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog hu Beviteli mező maximális mérete (opcionális)
modifier infolog hu Módosította
modifierer infolog hu Módosította
name must not be empty !!! infolog hu Név nem lehet üres!!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog hu Név nem lehet üres!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog hu Az aktuális felhasználó neve, az összes többi kapcsolattartási mező is érvényes.
name of new type to create infolog hu A létrehozandó új típus neve
never hide search and filters infolog hu Soha ne rejtse el a keresést és szűrést
@ -310,16 +317,19 @@ only show them if there is a filter infolog hu Csak akkor jeleníti meg őket, h
only show them while searching infolog hu Csak keresés közben jeleníti meg őket
only the attachments infolog hu Csupán a mellékletek
only the links infolog hu Csupán a hivatkozások
open and upcoming infolog hu Megnyitás és közelgő
open(status) infolog hu Nyitott
optional note to the link infolog hu Tetszőleges megjegyzés a hivatkozáshoz
order infolog hu Rendezés
organization infolog hu Szervezet
other configurations infolog hu Egyéb beállítások
overdue infolog hu lejárt
overdue infolog hu Lejárt
own infolog hu Saját
own open infolog hu saját nyitott
own open infolog hu Saját nyitott
own open and upcoming infolog hu Saját nyitott és közelgő
own overdue infolog hu Saját lejárt
own upcoming infolog hu Saját közelgő
owner does not have edit rights infolog hu A tulajdonos nem rendelkezik szerkesztési jogokkal
owner, responsible infolog hu Tulajdonos, felelős
parent infolog hu Szülő
parent infolog infolog hu Szülő Infolog bejegyzés
@ -479,6 +489,7 @@ unlinked from %1 infolog hu Nem kapcsolódik %1-hez
upcoming infolog hu Közelgő
urgency infolog hu Sürgősség
urgent infolog hu Sürgős
use all infolog hu Használja az összeset
use custom notification message infolog hu Egyéni értesítési üzenet használata
used time infolog hu Felhasznált idő
values for selectbox infolog hu Éktékek a kiválasztódoboznak
@ -506,7 +517,7 @@ yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog hu Igen, csak az adminisztráto
yes, with larger fontsize infolog hu Igen, nagyobb karaktermérettel
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog hu Igen, az összes törölt elem eltávolítható
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog hu Választhatsz alapértelmezett kategóriát új InfoLog bejegyzések létrehozásához.
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog hu Gyári típust nem lehet törölni !!!
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog hu Gyári típust nem lehet törölni!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog hu Helytelen befejezési dátum
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog hu Helytelen kezdési dátum
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! infolog hu Új típus létrehozásához nevet kell megadni!
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ default document to insert entries infolog id Dokumen default untuk memasukkan e
default filter for infolog infolog id Saringan bawaan untuk InfoLog
default status for a new log entry infolog id Status bawaan untuk entri baru InfoLog
delegated infolog id Didelegasikan
delegated open infolog id Delegated open
delegated open infolog id Didelegasikan terbuka
delegated open and upcoming infolog id Didelegasikan terbuka dan mendatang
delegated overdue infolog id Didelegasikan terlambat
delegated upcomming infolog id Didelegasikan akan datang
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog id Dapatkan
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog id Menerima pemberitahuan sebagai email HTML atau teks biasa.
don't show infolog infolog id JANGAN tampilkan InfoLog
done infolog id Selesai
download infolog id Unduh
download infolog id Menyimpan file
download url for links infolog id Unduh URL untuk tautan
due %1 infolog id Jatuh Tempo %1
due date infolog id Tanggal jatuh tempo
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ pattern for search in addressbook infolog id Pola untuk pencarian di buku alamat
pattern for search in projects infolog id Pola untuk pencarian dalam proyek
percent completed infolog id Persentasi rampung
performance optimization for huge infolog tables admin id Optimalisasi kinerja untuk tabel InfoLog yang besar
permission denied infolog id Ijin Ditolak
permission denied infolog id Izin ditolak!
permissions error - %1 could not %2 infolog id Kesalahan izin - %1 tidak bisa %2
phone infolog id Panggilan Telepon
phone/email infolog id Telepon/Email
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ all links and attachments infolog it tutti i link links e gli allegati
all other %1 fields are valid infolog it Tutti gli altri %1 campi sono validi
all projects infolog it Tutti i progetti
allow to save entries with due date in the past infolog it Permetti di salvare voci con scadenza nel passato
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog it pemette di impostare lo stato di una voce, es. impostare completato un ToDo finito (i valori dipendono dal tipo di voce)
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog it Pemette di impostare lo stato di una voce, es. impostare completato un ToDo finito (i valori dipendono dal tipo di voce)
alternatives infolog it Alternative
always show them infolog it Mostra sempre
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog it Si aspettava l'applicazione mail ma invece si ha: %1
@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog it Ap
apply the changes infolog it Applica le modifiche
archive infolog it Archivio
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog it Sei sicuro di voler chiudere questa voce?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questa voce ?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questa voce?
attach a file infolog it Allega un file
attach file infolog it Allega file
attachments infolog it Allegati
attention: no contact with address %1 found. infolog it Attenzione: non è stato trovato nessun contatto con indirizzo %1
automatically check 'do not notify' for these types infolog it Seleziona automaticamente la casella "Non avvisare" per queste tipologie di scheda attività
back to main list infolog it Torna all'elenco principale
billed infolog it fatturato
both infolog it entrambi
call infolog it chiamata
billed infolog it Fatturato
both infolog it Entrambi
call infolog it Chiamata
can be used to show further infolog types in the calendar or limit it to show eg. only tasks. infolog it Può essere usato per mostrare ulteriori tipi di schede Attività nel calendario, oppure essere limitato alla visualizzazione di p.es. solo task
can not return an exact number of rows and therefore hides the count. admin it Non può restituire un numero esatto di righe e quindi nasconde il conteggio
cancel infolog it Annulla
@ -92,18 +92,18 @@ changed type infolog it Tipo modificato
check to set startday infolog it seleziona per impostare la data d'inizio
check to specify custom contact infolog it Spunta per specificare contatto personalizzato
choose owner of imported data infolog it Modifica proprietario dei dati importati
click here to create the link infolog it clicca qui per creare il collegamento
click here to start the search infolog it clicca qui per iniziare la ricerca
click here to create the link infolog it Clicca qui per creare il collegamento
click here to start the search infolog it Clicca qui per iniziare la ricerca
close infolog it Chiudi
close all infolog it chiudi tutto
close all infolog it Chiudi tutto
close this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog it Chiudi questa voce e tutte le sottovoci elencate
closed infolog it Chiuso
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog it elenco con campi separati con due punti (:) da usare quando il valore è vuoto o da sommare
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog it Elenco con campi separati con due punti (:) da usare quando il valore è vuoto o da sommare
comment infolog it Commento
compare infolog it Confronta
completed infolog it Avanzamento
configuration infolog it Configurazione
confirm infolog it conferma
confirm infolog it Conferma
contact infolog it Collegamento primario
contact cf infolog it Contatto CF
contact fields infolog it Campi contatto
@ -113,20 +113,20 @@ copy of: infolog it Copia di:
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them. infolog it Copia le tue modifiche negli appunti, %1ricarica la voce%2 e fondile.
create new links infolog it Crea nuovi links
created infolog it Creato
creates a new field infolog it crea un nuovo campo
creates a new status with the given values infolog it crea un nuovo stato col valore inserito
creates a new typ with the given name infolog it crea un nuovo tipo col valore inserito
creates a new field infolog it Crea un nuovo campo
creates a new status with the given values infolog it Crea un nuovo stato col valore inserito
creates a new typ with the given name infolog it Crea un nuovo tipo col valore inserito
creation infolog it Creazione
csv-fieldname infolog it CSV Nome Campo
csv-filename infolog it CSV Nome File
csv-import common it CSV Importa
csv-fieldname infolog it CSV nome campo
csv-filename infolog it CSV nome file
csv-import common it CSV importa
current user infolog it Utente attuale
custom infolog it Personalizzato
custom contact-address, leave empty to use information from most recent link infolog it Indirizzo personalizzato, lascia vuoto per usare le informazioni dal link più recente
custom contact-information, leave emtpy to use information from most recent link infolog it Informazione personalizzata del contatto, lascia vuoto per usare le informazioni dal link più recente
custom fields infolog it Campi Personalizzati
custom fields, type and status common it Campi personalizzati, tipo e stato
custom from infolog it Campo Da personalizzato
custom from infolog it Campo da personalizzato
custom regarding infolog it Considerazione personale
custom status for typ infolog it Stato personalizzato per il tipo
customfields infolog it Customfields
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ description infolog it Descrizione
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog it Determina l'ordine di visualizzazone dei campi
directory with documents to insert entries infolog it Cartella con documenti per l'inserimento
disables a status without deleting it infolog it Disabilita lo stato senza cancellarlo
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog it vuoi una conferma dal responsabile su: accettazione, completamento dei ToDo o entrambe
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog it Vuoi una conferma dal responsabile su: accettazione, completamento dei ToDo o entrambe
do you want a notification if items owned by groups you are part of get updated ? infolog it Vuoi una notifica quando elementi di cui sono proprietari i tuoi gruppi di appartenenza vengono modificati?
do you want a notification, if items get assigned to you or assigned items get updated? infolog it Inviare notifica quando ti vengono assegnate delle schede o quando vengono aggiornate.
do you want a notification, if items you are responsible for are about to start? infolog it Inviare notifica quando attività per le quali sei responsabile stanno per avviarsi.
@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are about to start? infolog i
do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog it Inviare notifica quando attività per le quali hai la delega sono in scadenza.
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog it Ricevi le notifiche come HTML o testo
don't show infolog infolog it NON mostrare Attività
done infolog it eseguita
download infolog it Download
done infolog it Eseguita
download infolog it Salvare il file
download url for links infolog it URL di scaricamento per i collegamenti
due %1 infolog it In scadenza %1
due date infolog it Data di scadenza
@ -177,18 +177,18 @@ duration infolog it Durata
e-mail: infolog it Email
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog it ogni valore è una linea tipo <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog it Modifica
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog it Modifica o crea una categoria di IngoLog
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog it diritti di modifica (diritti di modifica completi incluso rendere qualcun'altro responsabile!)
edit status infolog it Modifica lo Stato
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog it Modifica o crea una categoria di InfoLog
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog it Diritti di modifica (diritti di modifica completi incluso rendere qualcun'altro responsabile!)
edit status infolog it Modifica lo stato
edit the entry infolog it Modifica una voce
edit this entry infolog it Modifica questa voce
empty for all infolog it vuoto per tutti
empty for all infolog it Vuoto per tutti
encrypt description infolog it Cifrare la descrizione
end infolog it Fine
enddate infolog it Data Fine
enddate infolog it Data fine
enddate can not be before startdate infolog it La data finale non può precedere la data iniziale
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog it inserisci un contatto personalizzato, lascia vuoto se vuoi usare la voce linkata
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog it inserisci un numero di telefono/email personalizzato, lascia vuoto se vuoi usare la voce linkata
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog it Inserisci un contatto personalizzato, lascia vuoto se vuoi usare la voce linkata
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog it Inserisci un numero di telefono/email personalizzato, lascia vuoto se vuoi usare la voce linkata
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog it Inserisci una descrizione testuale per il log della voce
enter the query pattern infolog it Inserisci la stringa di ricerca
entry and all files infolog it Inserimenti e tutti i files
@ -208,15 +208,15 @@ exports in ical format. infolog it Esporta in formato iCal
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog it Esporta le schede Attività in un file CSV
favorites infolog it Preferiti
fax infolog it Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog it Il campo non può essere vuoto !!!
field must not be empty !!! infolog it Il campo non può essere vuoto!
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog it Campi da escludere quando si copia in Attività:
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog it Campi da escludere quando si crea una sottovoce:
fieldseparator infolog it Separatore campi
finish infolog it termina
finish infolog it Termina
first argument for preg_replace infolog it Primo argomento per preg_replace
for infolog type %1, %2 is required infolog it Per schede attività di tipo %1, %2 è richiesto
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog it Per una lettera seriale, utilizzare questo tag. Immettere il contenuto che si vuole ripetere tra due tag.
for which types should this field be used infolog it per quali tipo devi usare questo campo
for which types should this field be used infolog it Per quali tipo devi usare questo campo
from infolog it Da
full list of placeholder names infolog it Lista completa dei nomi dei segnaposto
general fields: infolog it Campi generici
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ how many description lines should be directly visible. further lines are availab
how wide should the description area be. this value is numeric and interpreted as em; 60 works reasonably well. infolog it Quanto deve essere larga l'area di descrizione. Valore numerico p.es. 60
html link to the current record infolog it Collegamento ipertestuale al record attuale
id infolog it ID
id# infolog it ID #
id# infolog it ID#
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog it Se un tipo di schede ha come proprietario un gruppo, tutte le voci di quel tipo saranno di quel gruppo e NON dell'utente che le ha create!
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog it Se non impostato, la linea con ricerca e filtri viene nascosta per meno voci di "massime occorrenze per pagina" (come definito nelle tue preferenze comuni).
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog it Se qui viene specificata una directory (un percorso completo VFS), %1 visualizza una azione per ogni documento. Questa azione consente di scaricare lo specifico documento
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ infolog entry saved infolog it Voce Attività salvata
infolog fields: infolog it Campi Attività
infolog filter for the home screen infolog it Filtro Attività per la schermata principale
infolog ical export infolog it Esportazione iCal Attività
infolog ical import infolog it importazione iCal Attività
infolog ical import infolog it Importazione iCal Attività
infolog id infolog it ID Attività
infolog list infolog it Elenco Attività
infolog preferences common it Preferenze Attività
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ last modified infolog it Ultima modifica
leave blank to get the used time calculated by timesheet entries infolog it Lascia vuoto per ottenere il tempo calcolato dalle voci di foglio ore
leave it empty infolog it lascia vuoto
leave it empty for a full week infolog it Lascia vuoto per una settimana completa
leave without saveing the entry infolog it uscire senza salvare la voce
leaves without saveing infolog it uscire senza salvare
leave without saveing the entry infolog it Uscire senza salvare la voce
leaves without saveing infolog it Uscire senza salvare
length infolog it Lunghezza
limit list to last n month, if ordering by last-modified and not searching. admin it Limita l'elenco all'ultimo N mese, se ordini in base all'ultima modifica e non stai cercando.
limit number of description lines (default 5, 0 for no limit) infolog it Limita il numero di righe di descrizione. Predefinito = 5, 0 = nessun limite
@ -291,38 +291,38 @@ list all categories infolog it Elenca tutte le categorie
list of files linked to the current record infolog it Elenco file collegato alla voce corrente
load custom fields in index, if filtered by selected types (eg. to display them in a type-specific index template) infolog it Carica campi personalizzati nell'indice, se filtrato in base a tipi selezionati (p.es. per mostrarli in un modello specifico per tipi)
location infolog it Localizzazione
longer textual description infolog it descrizione testuale più lunga
longer textual description infolog it Descrizione testuale più lunga
low infolog it Bassa
manage mapping infolog it Gestisci la mappatura
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog it massima lunghezza di inserimento [, lunghezza dal campo di inserimento (opzionale)]
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog it Massima lunghezza di inserimento [, lunghezza dal campo di inserimento (opzionale)]
modifier infolog it Modificatore
modifierer infolog it Modificatore
name must not be empty !!! infolog it Il nome deve essere vuoto !!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog it Il nome deve essere vuoto!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog it Nome dell'utente corrente, tutti gli altri campi di contatto sono validi pure.
name of new type to create infolog it nome del tipo da creare
name of new type to create infolog it Nome del tipo da creare
never hide search and filters infolog it Non nascondere mai ricerca e filtri
new %1 infolog it Nuovo %1
new %1 created by %2 at %3 infolog it Nuovo %1 creato da %2 at %3
new name infolog it nuovo nome
new name infolog it Nuovo nome
new search infolog it Nuova ricerca
no - cancel infolog it No - Annulla
no custom field "%1" for %2. infolog it Nessun campo personalizzato "%1" per %2.
no describtion, links or attachments infolog it nessuna descrizione, collegamenti o allegati
no details infolog it no dettagli
no entries found, try again ... infolog it nessun risulato, prova ancora...
no describtion, links or attachments infolog it Nessuna descrizione, collegamenti o allegati
no details infolog it No dettagli
no entries found, try again ... infolog it Nessun risulato, prova ancora...
no filter infolog it Nessun Filtro
no links or attachments infolog it nessun link o allegato
no links or attachments infolog it Nessun link o allegato
no project infolog it Nessun progetto
nonactive infolog it non attivo
nonactive infolog it Non attivo
none infolog it Nessuna
normal infolog it Normale
not infolog it non
not assigned infolog it non assegnata
not-started infolog it non iniziata
not infolog it Non
not assigned infolog it Non assegnata
not-started infolog it Non iniziata
note infolog it Nota
notification settings infolog it Impostazioni di notifica
number of records to read (%1) infolog it Numero di record da leggere (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog it numeri di righe per la casella di inserimento multilinea o linee per una select-box multipla
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog it Numeri di righe per la casella di inserimento multilinea o linee per una select-box multipla
offer infolog it Offerta
old fixed definition infolog it Vecchia definizione fissa
one day after infolog it Un giorno dopo
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ only the attachments infolog it Solo gli allegati
only the links infolog it Solo i collegamenti
open and upcoming infolog it Aperte prossime
open(status) infolog it Aperte
optional note to the link infolog it Note opzionali per il Link
optional note to the link infolog it Note opzionali per il link
order infolog it Ordine
organization infolog it Organizzazione
other configurations infolog it Altre configurazioni
@ -352,9 +352,9 @@ parent infolog it Superiore
parent infolog infolog it Scheda attività padre
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog it Partecipanti per programmare un appuntamento
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog it percorso lato (web)server<br>es. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog it Il path ai file utente e gruppo DEVE ESSERE ESTERNO alla directory principale del webserver!!!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog it stringa da ricercare nella rubrica
pattern for search in projects infolog it stringa da ricercare nei progetti
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog it Il path ai file utente e gruppo DEVE ESSERE ESTERNO alla directory principale del webserver!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog it Stringa da ricercare nella rubrica
pattern for search in projects infolog it Stringa da ricercare nei progetti
percent completed infolog it Percentuale completamento
performance optimization for huge infolog tables admin it Ottimizza performance per tabelle Attività grandi
permission denied infolog it Permesso negato
@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ permissions error - %1 could not %2 infolog it Errore di permessi - %1 non può
phone infolog it Chiamata Telefonica
phone/email infolog it Telefono/Email
phonecall infolog it Chiamata Telefonica
planned infolog it pianificato
planned time infolog it tempo pianificato
planned infolog it Pianificato
planned time infolog it Tempo pianificato
prefix for sub-entries (default: re:) infolog it Prefisso per sottovoci (default: Re:)
price infolog it Prezzo
pricelist infolog it Listino
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ re-planned infolog it Rimodificato
re-planned time infolog it Tempo ripianificato
re: infolog it Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog it Leggi un record fornendo la sua ID
read rights (default) infolog it diritti di lettura (default)
read rights (default) infolog it Diritti di lettura (default)
receive notifications about due entries you are responsible for infolog it Ricevi notifiche per le voci in scadenza delle quali sei responsabile
receive notifications about due entries you delegated infolog it Ricevi notifiche per le voci in scadenza che hai delegato
receive notifications about items assigned to you infolog it Ricevi notifiche per le voci a te assegnate
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ rights for the responsible infolog it Diritti del responsabile
rows infolog it Righe
same day infolog it Stesso giorno
save infolog it Salva
saves the changes made and leaves infolog it salva i cambiamenti ed esci
saves the changes made and leaves infolog it Salva i cambiamenti ed esci
saves this entry infolog it Salva questa voce
schedule appointment infolog it Programma appuntamento
search infolog it Cerca
@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ select a category for this entry infolog it seleziona una ricerca per questa voc
select a price infolog it Seleziona un prezzo
select a priority for this task infolog it seleziona una priorità per questo ToDo
select a project infolog it Seleziona un progetto
select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog it seleziona un utente responsabile: una persona a cui vuoi delegare questa attività
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog it seleziona un tipo per modificare il suo stato o cancellarlo
select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog it Seleziona un utente responsabile: una persona a cui vuoi delegare questa attività
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog it Seleziona un tipo per modificare il suo stato o cancellarlo
select an action infolog it Seleziona una azione
select an action... infolog it Seleziona una azione
select an app to search in infolog it Seleziona un'applicazione un cui cercare
@ -442,10 +442,10 @@ should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you ca
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog it Attività deve mostrare i link ad altre apllicazioni e/o gli allegati nell'elenco Attività (vista normale quando entri in Attività).
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog it Attività deve apparire nella schermata principale e con quale filtro. Funziona solo se non hai selezionato un'applicazione per la schermata principale (nelle tue preferenze).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog it Attività deve usare i nomi completi (nome e cognome) o solo il nome utente.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog it L'elenco Attività deve mostrare un ID numerico univoco, che può essere usato ad esempio come Id ticket.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog it L'elenco Attività deve mostrare un ID numerico univoco, che può essere usato ad esempio come ID ticket.
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog it L'elenco Attività deve mostrare la colonna "ultima modifica".
should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog it L'elenco Attività deve mostrare la percentuale di completamento solo per lo stato IN CORSO o due icone separate.
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog it questa voce deve essere visibile solo alle persone a cui garantisci accesso privato attraverso la ACL
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog it Questa voce deve essere visibile solo alle persone a cui garantisci accesso privato attraverso la ACL
show a column for used and planned times in the list. infolog it Mostra una colonna per i tempi effettivi e pianificati nell'elenco.
show a x if content equals this compare value, otherwise show nothing infolog it Mostra una X se il contenuto equivale questo valore di confronto, altrimenti non mostrare nulla
show full usernames infolog it Mostra nomi utente completi
@ -455,9 +455,9 @@ show status and percent done separate infolog it Mostra status e percentuale com
show sub-entries infolog it Mostra sottovoci
show ticket id infolog it Mostra ID ticket
show times infolog it Mostra tempi
small view infolog it vista ridotta
small view infolog it Vista ridotta
start infolog it Inizio
start a new search, cancel this link infolog it inizia una nuova ricerca, annulla questo link
start a new search, cancel this link infolog it Inizia una nuova ricerca, annulla questo link
startdate infolog it Data Inizio
startdate enddate infolog it Data Inizio Data Fine
startdate for new entries infolog it Data iniziale per nuove voci
@ -480,20 +480,20 @@ template infolog it Template
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog it Test importazione (mostra <u>solo</u> record importabili nel browser)
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. infolog it Il documento puà contenere dei segnaposto come {{%1}}, che saranno sostituiti con i dati
the following document-types are supported: infolog it I seguenti tipi di documento sono supportati
the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog it il nome usato internamente (<= 10 caratteri), cambiandolo rende i dati esistenti indisponibili
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog it il nome usato internamente (<= 20 caratteri), cambiandolo rende i dati esistenti indisponibili
the text displayed to the user infolog it il testo mostrato all'utente
the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog it Il nome usato internamente (<= 10 caratteri), cambiandolo rende i dati esistenti indisponibili
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog it Il nome usato internamente (<= 20 caratteri), cambiandolo rende i dati esistenti indisponibili
the text displayed to the user infolog it Il testo mostrato all'utente
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog it Questo è il filtro che Attività applica quando entri nell'applicazione. I filtri limitano le voci visualizzate nella vista attuale. Ci sono filtri per visualizzare solo le voci completate, ancora aperte o future sia tue che degli altri utenti.
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog it Quando dovrebbe essere completata l'attività
times infolog it Tempi
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files infolog it Titoli di qualsiasi voce collegata a quella attuale, allegati esclusi
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog it troppi potrebbero superare il tuo limite di tempo di esecuzione
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog it Troppi potrebbero superare il tuo limite di tempo di esecuzione
to what should the startdate of new entries be set. infolog it A quando deve essere impostata la data inizio delle nuove voci.
today infolog it Oggi
todays date infolog it Data odierna
todo infolog it ToDo
typ infolog it Tipo
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog it Il tipo '%1' esiste già !!!
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog it Il tipo '%1' esiste già!
type infolog it Tipo
type ... infolog it Tipo ...
type of customfield infolog it Tipo di campo personalizzato
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog it Sì, solo gli amministratori
yes, with larger fontsize infolog it Si, di dimensioni più grandi
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog it Sì, con la possibilità di eliminare definitivamente
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog it Puoi selezionare una categoria da preselezionare quando inserisci un scheda attività
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog it Non puoi cancellare uno dei tipi predefiniti !!!
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog it Non puoi cancellare uno dei tipi predefiniti!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog it E' stata inserita una data di fine non valida
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog it E' stata inserita una data di inizio non valida
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! infolog it Deve essere inserito un nome per creare un nuovo tipo!
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%1 deleted infolog ja %1 を削除しました。
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog ja %2 は %1 を %3 に削除しました。
%1 entries %2 infolog ja %1 個の項目を %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog ja %1 個の項目を %2, %3 個は権限不足のため失敗。!!!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog ja %1 個の項目を %2, %3 個は権限不足のため失敗。!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog ja %1 個の項目を %2, %3 個は失敗。
%1 modified infolog ja %1 を変更しました。
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog ja %1 は %3 で %2 によって変更されました。
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (v
alternatives infolog ja 代替
always show them infolog ja 常に表示
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog ja 不正な %1 を受信しました。アプリケーション・メールが必要です。
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog ja クエリ全体にアクションを適用(非表示分の項目にも適用)!!!
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog ja クエリ全体にアクションを適用(非表示分の項目にも適用)!
apply the changes infolog ja 変更を適用
archive infolog ja アーカイブ
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog ja この項目を閉じてよろしいですか?
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog ja あなた
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog ja 通知を HTML メールで受信するかプレーン・テキストで受信しますか?
don't show infolog infolog ja インフォログを表示しない
done infolog ja 完了
download infolog ja ダウンロード
download infolog ja ファイルの保存
download url for links infolog ja ダウンロード URL
due %1 infolog ja 期限 %1
due date infolog ja 期限
@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog ja CSV ファイルにインフ
favorites infolog ja お気に入り
fax infolog ja FAX
field must not be empty !!! infolog ja 項目を空欄にする個とはできません!
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog ja Fields to exclude when copying an infolog:
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog ja Fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry:
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog ja インフォログをコピーする際に除外するフィールド:
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog ja サブエントリーを作成する際に除外するフィールド:
fieldseparator infolog ja 項目の区切り
finish infolog ja 終了
first argument for preg_replace infolog ja preg_replace の第1パラメータ
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ notification settings infolog ja 通知設定
number of records to read (%1) infolog ja 読み込むレコード数 (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog ja 複数行項目の行数、または複数セレクトボックスの行数
offer infolog ja 委託の提示
old fixed definition infolog ja Old fixed definition
old fixed definition infolog ja 古い固定定義
one day after infolog ja 1日後
one day in advance infolog ja 1日前
ongoing infolog ja 進行中
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ sub-entry infolog ja サブ項目
subject infolog ja 件名
sum infolog ja 合計
tag to mark positions for address labels infolog ja アドレスラベルで、位置を記録するためのタグ
task infolog ja ToDo
task infolog ja やること
tasks of infolog ja タスク:
template infolog ja テンプレート
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog ja インポートの予行演習。インポート可能なレコードをブラウザに<u>表示するだけ</u>。
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavaili
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog ja 内部識別名(20文字以下)。これを変更すると既存データが利用できなくなります。
the text displayed to the user infolog ja ユーザに表示されるテキスト
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog ja アプリケーション起動時の既定のフィルター。フィルターによって、表示する項目数を制限できます。
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog ja ToDo、または電話発呼が終了すべき日時
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog ja InfoLogをいつ終了するか
times infolog ja 時間
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files infolog ja このレコードにリンクする項目のタイトル(添付ファイルを除く)
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog ja 数量が多過ぎるため、実行時間の制限値を越える恐れがあります。
@ -71,9 +71,12 @@ data exchange settings infolog ko 데이터 교환 설정
date completed infolog ko 완료일
date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or billed) infolog ko 완료된 날짜입니다. 상태가 완료 또는 청구된 경우 자동으로 설정되도록 비워 두세요.
datecreated infolog ko 개설일
dates, status, access infolog ko 날짜, 상태, 액세스
days infolog ko 일동안
default category for new infolog entries infolog ko 새 정보 로그 항목의 기본 카테고리
default document to insert entries infolog ko 항목을 삽입할 기본 문서
default filter for infolog infolog ko InfoLog의 기본 필터
default status for a new log entry infolog ko 새 InfoLog 항목의 기본 상태
delegated infolog ko 위임됨
delegated open infolog ko 위임된 공개
delegated open and upcoming infolog ko 위임된 공개 및 예정
@ -81,6 +84,7 @@ delegated overdue infolog ko 위임 기한 초과
delegated upcomming infolog ko 위임 예정
delegation infolog ko 위임
delete infolog ko 삭제
delete one record by passing its id. infolog ko ID를 전달하여 하나의 레코드를 삭제합니다.
delete selected entries? infolog ko 선택한 항목을 삭제하시겠습니까?
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog ko 하위 엔트리를 포함 삭제
deleted infolog ko 삭제됨
@ -88,7 +92,9 @@ deletes the selected typ infolog ko 선택된 형식 삭제
deletes this field infolog ko 이 필드 삭제
deletes this status infolog ko 이 상태 삭제
description infolog ko 내용
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog ko 필드가 표시되는 순서를 결정합니다.
directory with documents to insert entries infolog ko 항목을 삽입할 문서가 있는 폴더
disables a status without deleting it infolog ko 상태를 삭제하지 않고 비활성화합니다.
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog ko 작업 수락, 완료 또는 둘 다에 대한 책임자 확인을 원하시나요?
do you want a notification if items owned by groups you are part of get updated ? infolog ko 내가 속한 그룹이 소유한 항목이 업데이트될 때 알림을 받으시겠습니까?
do you want a notification, if items get assigned to you or assigned items get updated? infolog ko 나에게 항목이 할당되거나 할당된 항목이 업데이트되면 알림을 받습니다.
@ -100,12 +106,13 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog ko 위임한
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog ko HTML 이메일 또는 일반 텍스트로 통지를 받습니다.
don't show infolog infolog ko 인포로그 보이지 않기
done infolog ko 완료
download infolog ko 다운로드
download infolog ko 파일 저장
download url for links infolog ko 링크 다운로드 URL
due %1 infolog ko 마감일 %1
due date infolog ko 마감일
duration infolog ko 기간
e-mail: infolog ko 이메일:
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog ko <id>[=<label>]라벨>]과 같은 줄입니다.
edit infolog ko 수정
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog ko 인포로그전용 카테고리 편집/수정
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog ko 편집 권한 (특정인 혹은 응답자를 포함한 수정의 모든권한)
@ -113,9 +120,13 @@ edit status infolog ko 상태 수정
edit the entry infolog ko 엔트리 수정
edit this entry infolog ko 이 엔트리 수정
empty for all infolog ko 모두 비우기
encrypt description infolog ko 설명 암호화
end infolog ko 종료
enddate infolog ko 만기일
enddate can not be before startdate infolog ko 만기일은 시작일보다 앞설수 없습니다.
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog ko 사용자 지정 연락처를 입력하고, 링크된 항목을 사용해야 하는 경우 비워둡니다.
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog ko 사용자 지정 전화/이메일을 입력하고, 링크된 항목을 사용해야 하는 경우 비워둡니다.
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog ko 인포로그 항목의 텍스트 설명을 입력합니다.
enter the query pattern infolog ko 질의 패턴 입력
entry and all files infolog ko 항목 및 모든 파일
error: importing the ical infolog ko 오류: ical 불러오기 오류
@ -163,7 +174,7 @@ if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "ma
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog ko 여기에 폴더(전체 VFS 경로)를 지정하면 %1은 각 문서에 대한 작업을 표시합니다. 이 작업을 통해 데이터가 삽입된 지정된 문서를 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog ko 여기에 문서(전체 VFS 경로)를 지정하면 %1은(는) 각 항목에 대해 추가 문서 아이콘을 표시합니다. 이 아이콘을 사용하면 데이터가 삽입된 지정한 문서를 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export infolog ko 내보내기 정의를 지정하면 내보낼 때 이 정의가 사용됩니다.
import next set infolog ko ** 다음 집합(set)에서 가져오기
import next set infolog ko 다음 집합(set)에서 가져오기
importance infolog ko 가져오기
imports entries into the infolog from a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. infolog ko CSV 파일에서 InfoLog로 항목을 가져옵니다. CSV는 '쉼표로 구분된 값'을 의미합니다. 옵션 탭에서 다른 구분 기호를 선택할 수도 있습니다.
imports todos into infolog from an ical file. infolog ko iCal 파일에서 InfoLog로 할 일 가져오기.
@ -217,12 +228,18 @@ list all categories infolog ko 모든 카테고리 목록
list of files linked to the current record infolog ko 현재 레코드에 링크된 파일 목록
load custom fields in index, if filtered by selected types (eg. to display them in a type-specific index template) infolog ko 선택한 유형으로 필터링된 경우 인덱스에 사용자 정의 필드 로드(예: 유형별 인덱스 템플릿에 표시하기 위해)
location infolog ko 장소
longer textual description infolog ko 더 긴 텍스트 설명
low infolog ko 낮음
manage mapping infolog ko 매핑 관리
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog ko 입력의 최대 길이 [, 입력 필드의 길이(선택 사항)].
modifier infolog ko 수정자
modifierer infolog ko 수정자
name must not be empty !!! infolog ko 이름을 입력하세요
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog ko 현재 사용자의 이름, 다른 모든 연락처 필드도 유효합니다.
name of new type to create infolog ko 새 형식을 만들기 위한 명칭
never hide search and filters infolog ko 검색 및 필터 숨기지 않음
new %1 infolog ko 새 %1
new %1 created by %2 at %3 infolog ko %2에서 %3에 새 %1을(를) 만들었습니다.
new name infolog ko 새 이름
new search infolog ko 새 검색
no - cancel infolog ko 아니오 - 취소
@ -254,7 +271,7 @@ own overdue infolog ko 소유 만기초과
own upcoming infolog ko 소유 예정
owner, responsible infolog ko 소유자, 책임자
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog ko 약속 예약을 위한 참가자
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog ko 사용자와 그룹파일의 경로는 반드시 웹서버 DocumentRoot 설정 외부에 있어야 합니다!!!
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog ko 사용자와 그룹파일의 경로는 반드시 웹서버 DocumentRoot 설정 외부에 있어야 합니다!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog ko 주소록에서 검색 패턴
pattern for search in projects infolog ko 프로젝트에서 검색 패턴
percent completed infolog ko 퍼센트 완료
@ -290,6 +307,7 @@ responsible open and upcoming infolog ko 책임감 있는 공개 및 예정
responsible overdue infolog ko 응답자 만기초과
responsible upcoming infolog ko 응답자 예정
responsible user, priority infolog ko 응답대상,중요도
returns a list / search for records. infolog ko 레코드 목록/검색을 반환합니다.
rights for the responsible infolog ko 응답자에 대한 권한
rows infolog ko 줄
same day infolog ko 같은 날
@ -306,6 +324,7 @@ select a price infolog ko 가격을 선택하세요
select a priority for this task infolog ko 이 엔트리의 중요도를 선택하세요
select a project infolog ko 프로젝트를 선택하세요
select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog ko 응답자를 선택하세요 (이업무를 위임할 사람)
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog ko 유형을 선택하여 상태 값을 편집하거나 삭제합니다.
select an action infolog ko 작업 선택
select an action... infolog ko 작업 선택...
select new category infolog ko 새 카테고리 선택
@ -339,6 +358,7 @@ status infolog ko 상태
status ... infolog ko 상태 ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog ko 상태, 백분율 및 완료 날짜는 항상 허용됩니다.
sub infolog ko 하위
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog ko 상위 항목이 없는 경우 하위 항목은 상위 또는 상위 항목의 하위 항목이 됩니다.
sub-entries will not be closed infolog ko 하위 항목은 닫히지 않습니다.
sub-entry infolog ko 하위 항목
subject infolog ko 제목
@ -346,6 +366,7 @@ sum infolog ko 합계
tag to mark positions for address labels infolog ko 주소 라벨의 위치를 표시하는 태그
task infolog ko 할일
tasks of infolog ko 작업
template infolog ko 템플릿
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog ko 가져오기 테스트 (가져올수 있는 레코드 <u>오직</u> 브라우저에서만 보여줍니다)
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. infolog ko 문서에 데이터로 대체할 {{%1}}과 같은 자리 표시자를 포함할 수 있습니다.
times infolog ko 시간
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
%1 days in advance infolog lt %1 dienų į priekį
%1 deleted infolog lt %1 ištrintas.
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog lt %1 ištrintas %2 %3
%1 entries %2 infolog lt %1 įrašai %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog lt %1 įrašai %2, %3 nepavyko dėl nepakankamų teisių!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog lt %1 įrašai %2, %3 nepavyko.
(and children) deleted infolog lt (ir vaikai) ištrinti.
addressbook placeholders available infolog lt Galimos adresų knygelės vietos žymos
@ -19,7 +24,7 @@ customfields infolog lt Pasirinktiniai laukai
data exchange settings infolog lt Keitimosi duomenimis nustatymai
date completed infolog lt Įvykdymo data
date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or billed) infolog lt Įvykdymo data. Palikite tuščią, jei norite, kad ji būtų nustatyta automatiškai, jei būsena yra baigta arba išrašyta sąskaita.
default category for new infolog entries infolog lt Numatytoji naujų "InfoLog" įrašų kategorija
default category for new infolog entries infolog lt Numatytoji naujų InfoLog įrašų kategorija
default document to insert entries infolog lt Numatytasis dokumentas įrašams įterpti
delegated infolog lt Deleguota
delegated open infolog lt Deleguota atidaryti
@ -39,6 +44,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are about to start? infolog l
do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog lt Gaukite pranešimą, jei jūsų deleguoti įrašai turi būti pradėti.
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog lt Gaukite pranešimus kaip HTML el. laiškus arba paprastą tekstą.
don't show infolog infolog lt NERODYTI informacijos žurnalo
done infolog lt Išsaugoti failą
download infolog lt Atsisiųsti
download url for links infolog lt Atsisiųsti nuorodų URL
due %1 infolog lt Dėl %1
@ -134,7 +140,7 @@ pattern for search in addressbook infolog lt Paieškos adresų knygoje šablonas
pattern for search in projects infolog lt Paieškos projektuose šablonas
performance optimization for huge infolog tables admin lt Didžiulių InfoLog lentelių našumo optimizavimas
permissions error - %1 could not %2 infolog lt Leidimų klaida - %1 negalėjo %2
prefix for sub-entries (default: re:) infolog lt subįrašų priešdėlis (numatytoji reikšmė: Re:)
prefix for sub-entries (default: re:) infolog lt Subįrašų priešdėlis (numatytoji reikšmė: Re:)
print this infolog infolog lt Spausdinti šį informacinį žurnalą
printing... infolog lt Spausdinti...
project id infolog lt Projekto ID
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
%1 days in advance infolog lv %1 dienas iepriekš
%1 deleted infolog lv %1 dzēsts.
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog lv %1 dzēsts %2 pie %3
%1 entries %2 infolog lv %1 entries %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog lv %1 ieraksti %2, %3 neizdevās nepietiekamu tiesību dēļ!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog lv %1 ieraksti %2, %3 neizdevās.
%1 records imported infolog lv %1 ieraksti importēti
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) infolog lv %1 ieraksti izlasīti (vēl nav importēti, tu vari iet %2atpakaļ%3 un noņnemt atzīmi Test Import)
@ -6,6 +11,7 @@
- subprojects from infolog lv Apakšprojekti no
0% infolog lv 0%
10% infolog lv 10%
100% infolog lv 100%
20% infolog lv 20%
30% infolog lv 30%
40% infolog lv 40%
@ -101,6 +107,7 @@ delegated overdue infolog lv Deleģēts kavēts
delegated upcomming infolog lv Deleģēts gaidāmais
delegation infolog lv Deliģēšana
delete infolog lv Dzēst
delete one record by passing its id. infolog lv Dzēst vienu ierakstu, nododot tā ID.
delete selected entries? infolog lv Dzēst atlasītos ierakstus?
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog lv Dzēst šo ierakstu un visus uzskaitītos apakšierakstus
deleted infolog lv Izdzēsts
@ -122,7 +129,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog lv Saņemiet
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog lv Saņemiet paziņojumus kā HTML e-pasta ziņojumus vai vienkāršu tekstu.
don't show infolog infolog lv NEPIEDĀVĀT InfoLog
done infolog lv Izdarīts
download infolog lv Lejupielādēt
download infolog lv Saglabāt failu
download url for links infolog lv Lejupielādējiet URL saites
due %1 infolog lv Pienākums %1
due date infolog lv Termiņš
@ -130,16 +137,18 @@ duration infolog lv Izpildes laiks
e-mail: infolog lv E-pasts:
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog lv Katra vēr'tiba ir līniija kā <id>[=<iezīme>]
edit infolog lv Rediģēt
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog lv Rediģēt vai izveidot kategorijas <i>IngoLog</i>
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog lv Rediģēt vai izveidot kategorijas InfoLog
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog lv Rediģēšanas tiesības. Pilnīgas rediģēšanas tiesības, t. sk. uzdot kādam citam uzņemties atbildību!
edit status infolog lv Rediģēt statusu
edit the entry infolog lv Rediģēt ierakstu
edit this entry infolog lv Rediģēt šo ierakstu
empty for all infolog lv Iztukšot visu
encrypt description infolog lv Šifrēt aprakstu
enddate infolog lv Beigu datums
enddate can not be before startdate infolog lv Beigu datums nevar būt pirms sākuma datuma
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog lv ievadi klienta kontaktu, atstāj tukšu, ja saistīto ierakstu vajadzētu lietot
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog lv ievadi klienta telefonu/e-pastu, atstāj tukšu, ja saistīto ierakstu vajadzētu lietot
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog lv ievadi teksta aprakstu pieteikuma ierakstam
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog lv Ievadi klienta kontaktu, atstāj tukšu, ja saistīto ierakstu vajadzētu lietot
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog lv Ievadi klienta telefonu/e-pastu, atstāj tukšu, ja saistīto ierakstu vajadzētu lietot
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog lv Ievadi teksta aprakstu pieteikuma ierakstam
enter the query pattern infolog lv Ievadi pieprasījuma paraugu
entry and all files infolog lv Ieraksti un visas datnes
error: no mail (mailbox / uid) given! infolog lv Kļūda: nav norādīts e-pasts (Pastkastīte / UID)!
@ -166,6 +175,8 @@ for infolog type %1, %2 is required infolog lv InfoLog tipam %1 ir nepieciešams
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog lv Sērijas burtam izmantojiet šo birku. Saturu, ko vēlaties atkārtot, ievietojiet starp divām tagiem.
for which types should this field be used infolog lv Kuriem tipiem lauks būtu jālieto
from infolog lv No
full list of placeholder names infolog lv Pilns vietvārdu saraksts
general fields: infolog lv Vispārīgie lauki:
general settings infolog lv Vispārīgie iestatījumi
global categories infolog lv Globālās kategorijas
group owner for infolog lv Grupas īpašnieks
@ -239,6 +250,7 @@ load custom fields in index, if filtered by selected types (eg. to display them
location infolog lv Novietojums
longer textual description infolog lv Garāksts teksta apraksts
low infolog lv Zems
manage mapping infolog lv Pārvaldīt kartēšanu
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog lv ievades datu maksimālais garums[, ievades lauka garums (pēc izvēles)]
modifier infolog lv Modifikators
modifierer infolog lv Modifikators
@ -256,9 +268,10 @@ none infolog lv Neviens
normal infolog lv Normāls
not infolog lv Ne
not assigned infolog lv Nav noteikts
not-started infolog lv Nav uzsākta
note infolog lv Piezīme
notification settings infolog lv Paziņojumu iestatījumi
number of records to read (%1) infolog lv Lasāmo ierakstu skaits(%1)
number of records to read (%1) infolog lv Lasāmo ierakstu skaits (%1)
offer infolog lv Piedāvā
old fixed definition infolog lv Vecā fiksētā definīcija
one day after infolog lv Viena diena pēc
@ -268,6 +281,7 @@ only show them if there is a filter infolog lv Rādīt tos tikai tad, ja ir filt
only show them while searching infolog lv Rādīt tos tikai meklēšanas laikā
only the attachments infolog lv Tikai pielikumi
only the links infolog lv Tikai saites
open and upcoming infolog lv Atvērt un gaidāms
open(status) infolog lv Atvērt
optional note to the link infolog lv Izvēles piezīme saitei
order infolog lv Kārtība
@ -297,6 +311,7 @@ re-planned infolog lv Pārplānots
re-planned time infolog lv Pārplānotais laiks
re: infolog lv Re:
receive notifications about items of type owned by groups you are part of infolog lv Saņemt paziņojumus par tipa vienībām, kas pieder grupām, kurās esat daļa no grupas
receive notifications as html-mails infolog lv Paziņojumu saņemšana HTML e-pasta vēstuļu veidā.
regular expression infolog lv Regulārā izteiksme
remark infolog lv Piezīme
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog lv Pārvieto šo saiti(pašu ierakstu nē)
@ -306,8 +321,10 @@ replacement infolog lv Aizstāšana
replacements for inserting entries into documents infolog lv Aizstājēji ierakstu ievietošanai dokumentos
respect timesheet run and read permissions for time totals infolog lv Ievērot darba laika uzskaites izpildes un lasīšanas atļaujas attiecībā uz laika kopsummām
responsible infolog lv Atbildīgs
responsible open infolog lv Atbildīgs atvērts
responsible open and upcoming infolog lv Atbildīgs atvērts un gaidāms
responsible overdue infolog lv Atbildīgs par nokavēto
responsible upcoming infolog lv Atbildīgs gaidāmais
returns a list / search for records. infolog lv Atgriež sarakstu/ meklē ierakstus
rows infolog lv Rindas
same day infolog lv Tā pati diena
@ -390,7 +407,7 @@ upcoming infolog lv Lenākošs
urgency infolog lv Nepieciešamība
urgent infolog lv Nepieciešams
use custom notification message infolog lv Izmantot pielāgotu paziņojuma ziņojumu
values for selectbox infolog lv Vērtības<i>selectboxam</i>
values for selectbox infolog lv Izvēles lodziņa vērtības
view all subs of this entry infolog lv Rādīt apakškategoriju šim ierakstam
view other subs infolog lv Rādīt citas apakškategorijas
view parent infolog lv Rādīt vecākus
@ -27,20 +27,22 @@
80% infolog nl 80%
90% infolog nl 90%
<b>file-attachments via symlinks</b> instead of uploads and retrieval via file:/path for direct lan-clients infolog nl <b>bestandsbijlagen via symbolische links</b> in plaats van uploads en ontvangen via file:/pad voor directe LAN-clients
a short subject for the entry infolog nl een kort onderwerp voor een nieuw infolog
a short subject for the entry infolog nl een kort onderwerp voor een nieuw InfoLog
abort without deleting infolog nl Afbreken zonder te verwijderen
accept infolog nl Accepteren
action infolog nl Actie
actions... infolog nl Acties...
actual date and time infolog nl werkelijke datum en tijd
add infolog nl Toevoegen
add / remove link infolog nl Link toevoegen / verwijderen
add a file infolog nl Een bestand toevoegen
add a new entry infolog nl Een nieuw infolog toevoegen
add a new entry infolog nl Een nieuw InfoLog toevoegen
add a new note infolog nl Een nieuwe notitie toevoegen
add a new phonecall infolog nl Een nieuw telefoongesprek toevoegen
add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog nl Een nieuwe subtaak, subnotitie, subtelefoongesprek aan dit infolog toevoegen
add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog nl Een nieuwe subtaak, subnotitie, subtelefoongesprek aan dit InfoLog toevoegen
add a new todo infolog nl Een nieuwe taak toevoegen
add file infolog nl Bestand toevoegen
add or delete links infolog nl Links toevoegen of verwijderen
add sub infolog nl Sub toevoegen
add timesheet entry infolog nl Urenregistratie toevoegen
add: infolog nl Toevoegen:
@ -51,21 +53,24 @@ all links and attachments infolog nl Alle links en bijlagen
all other %1 fields are valid infolog nl Alle andere %1 velden zijn geldig
all projects infolog nl Alle projecten
allow to save entries with due date in the past infolog nl Toestaan om items op te slaan met vervaldatum in het verleden
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog nl Toestaan de status van een infolog te wijzigen, bijv. een taak op status klaar zetten (waarden zijn onafhankelijk van infolog-type)
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog nl Toestaan de status van een InfoLog te wijzigen, bijv. een taak op status klaar zetten (waarden zijn onafhankelijk van InfoLog-type)
alternatives infolog nl Alternatieven
always show them infolog nl Altijd tonen
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog nl Sollicitatie-e-mail verwacht maar gekregen: %1
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog nl Pas de actie toe op de hele query, NIET alleen op de getoonde items!
apply the changes infolog nl De wijzigingen doorvoeren
archive infolog nl Archief
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog nl Weet u zeker dat deze infolog wilt verwijderen
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog nl Weet je zeker dat je deze invoer wilt sluiten?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog nl Weet u zeker dat deze InfoLog wilt verwijderen
attach a file infolog nl Een bestand toevoegen
attach file infolog nl Een bestand toevoegen
attachments infolog nl Bijlagen
attention: no contact with address %1 found. infolog nl Attentie: Geen contact met adres %1 gevonden.
automatically check 'do not notify' for these types infolog nl Automatisch 'Niet notificeren' aanvinken voor deze types
back to main list infolog nl Terug naar hoofdlijst
billed infolog nl gefactureerd
both infolog nl beiden
call infolog nl bellen
billed infolog nl Gefactureerd
both infolog nl Beiden
call infolog nl Bellen
can be used to show further infolog types in the calendar or limit it to show eg. only tasks. infolog nl Kan gebruikt worden om meer InfoLog types in de kalender te tonen of de weergave te beperken door bijvoorbeeld alleen maar taken te tonen.
can not return an exact number of rows and therefore hides the count. admin nl Kan geen exact aantal rijen retourneren en verbergt daarom de telling.
cancel infolog nl Annuleren
@ -79,10 +84,10 @@ change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog nl Wijzig de status van een
check to set startday infolog nl Markeer om startdag aan te geven
check to specify custom contact infolog nl Markeer om aangepaste contact aan te geven
choose owner of imported data infolog nl Kies de eigenaar van de geimporteerde gegevens
click here to create the link infolog nl klik hier om een link aan te maken
click here to start the search infolog nl klik hier om te starten met zoeken
click here to create the link infolog nl Klik hier om een link aan te maken
click here to start the search infolog nl Klik hier om te starten met zoeken
close infolog nl Sluiten
close all infolog nl alles sluiten
close all infolog nl Alles sluiten
closed infolog nl Gesloten
comment infolog nl Opmerking
completed infolog nl Voltooid
@ -116,13 +121,13 @@ customfields infolog nl Aanpaste velden
data exchange settings infolog nl Data exchange instellingen
date completed infolog nl Datum voltooid
date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or billed) infolog nl Datum voltooid (leeg laten als je het automatisch wilt laten vullen indien de status op gedaan of gefactureerd wordt gezet)
datecreated infolog nl datum aangemaakt
datecreated infolog nl Datum aangemaakt
dates, status, access infolog nl Data, Status, Toegang
days infolog nl Dagen
default category for new infolog entries infolog nl Standaard categorie voor nieuwe InfoLog invoer
default document to insert entries infolog nl Standaard dokument voor het invoegen van gegevens
default filter for infolog infolog nl Standaard filter voor InfoLog
default status for a new log entry infolog nl Standaard status voor een nieuwe infolog
default status for a new log entry infolog nl Standaard status voor een nieuwe InfoLog
delegated infolog nl Gedelegeerd
delegated open infolog nl Gedelegeerd openstaand
delegated open and upcoming infolog nl Gedelegeerd open en binnenkort
@ -132,7 +137,7 @@ delegation infolog nl Delegatie
delete infolog nl Verwijderen
delete one record by passing its id. infolog nl Verwijder één record door het id mee te geven.
delete selected entries? infolog nl Geselecteerde items verwijderen?
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog nl Deze infolog en alle getoonde onderliggende infologs verwijderen
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog nl Deze InfoLog en alle getoonde onderliggende InfoLogs verwijderen
deleted infolog nl Verwijderd
deletes the selected typ infolog nl Verwijderd het geselecteerde type
deletes this field infolog nl Verwijderd dit veld
@ -152,19 +157,19 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog nl Wilt u ee
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog nl Wilt u notificaties ontvangen als html-emails of als platte tekst?
don't show infolog infolog nl InfoLog NIET weergeven
done infolog nl Gereed
download infolog nl Downloaden
download infolog nl Bestand opslaan
download url for links infolog nl Download URL voor links
due %1 infolog nl Vervallen %1
due date infolog nl Vervaldatum
duration infolog nl Duur
e-mail: infolog nl E-mail:
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog nl elke waarde is een regel zoals <id>[=<label>]
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog nl Elke waarde is een regel zoals <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog nl Wijzigen
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog nl Categorieën voor InfoLog aanmaken of wijzigen
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog nl bewerk rechten (volledige rechten voor bewerking, inclusief anderen hiervoor verantwoordelijk maken!)
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog nl Bewerk rechten (volledige rechten voor bewerking, inclusief anderen hiervoor verantwoordelijk maken!)
edit status infolog nl Wijzig status
edit the entry infolog nl Wijzig de infolog
edit this entry infolog nl Wijzig dit infolog
edit the entry infolog nl Wijzig de InfoLog
edit this entry infolog nl Wijzig dit InfoLog
empty for all infolog nl Leeg voor alle
encrypt description infolog nl Beschrijving coderen
end infolog nl Einde
@ -172,13 +177,13 @@ enddate infolog nl Einddatum
enddate can not be before startdate infolog nl Einddatum kan vroeger zijn dan begindatum
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog nl Voer een nieuw contact in, laat dit leeg als u de gelinkte wilt gebruiken
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog nl Voer een aangepaste telefoon/email in, laat dit leeg als u de gelinkte wilt gebruiken
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog nl Voer een textuele beschrijving in van de infolog
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog nl Voer een textuele beschrijving in van de InfoLog
enter the query pattern infolog nl Geef een zoek patroon
entry and all files infolog nl Infolog en alle bestanden
error: importing the ical infolog nl Fout: importing van de iCal
error: no mail (mailbox / uid) given! infolog nl Fout: geen mail (Mailbox / UID) gegeven!
error: saving the entry infolog nl Fout: bij opslaan van de infolog
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog nl Fout: de infolog is gewijzigd sinds dat u het opende voor bewerking!
error: saving the entry infolog nl Fout: bij opslaan van de InfoLog
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog nl Fout: de InfoLog is gewijzigd sinds dat u het opende voor bewerking!
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. infolog nl Example {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "Mr", if found, write Hello Mr., else write Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller infolog nl Example {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family}} - Example: Mr Dr. James Miller
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role infolog nl Example {{NELF role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role
@ -191,7 +196,7 @@ exports in ical format. infolog nl Exporteert in iCal formaat.
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog nl Exporteert InfoLog-items naar een CSV-bestand.
favorites infolog nl Favorieten
fax infolog nl Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog nl Veld mag niet leeg zijn !!!
field must not be empty !!! infolog nl Veld mag niet leeg zijn!
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog nl Uit te sluiten velden bij het kopiëren van een InfoLog:
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog nl Velden om uit te sluiten bij het maken van een subentry:
fieldseparator infolog nl Veldonderbreker
@ -218,7 +223,7 @@ id# infolog nl ID#
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog nl Indien een type een groepseigenaar heeft wordt alle invoer van dat type eigendom van de betreffende groep en NIET de gebruiker die ze heeft aangemaakt!
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog nl Indien niet ingesteld wordt de regel met zoeken en filters verborgen in het geval van minder entries dan "maximum aantal matches per pagina" (zoals bepaald in uw algemene voorkeuren).
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog nl Als je hier een map (volledig VFS-pad) opgeeft, geeft %1 een actie weer voor elk document. Met die actie kan het opgegeven document met de ingevoegde gegevens worden gedownload.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog nl Als u hier een specifieke map (volledig VFS pad) definieert, %1 dan wordt er een actie getoond voor elk document, Het icoon staat dan toe dat het document wordt gedownload met de data toegevoegd.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog nl Als u hier een specifieke map (volledig VFS-pad) definieert, %1 dan wordt er een actie getoond voor elk document, Het icoon staat dan toe dat het document wordt gedownload met de data toegevoegd.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export infolog nl Als u een export definitie kiest, zal deze worden gebruikt bij de export
import next set infolog nl Volgende set imporeten
importance infolog nl Belangrijk
@ -257,7 +262,7 @@ last modified infolog nl Laatst gewijzigd
leave blank to get the used time calculated by timesheet entries infolog nl Laat het leeg om de gebruikte tijd uit de urenregistratie te verkrijgen
leave it empty infolog nl Leeg laten
leave it empty for a full week infolog nl Laat het leeg voor een volle week
leave without saveing the entry infolog nl weggaan zonder op te slaan
leave without saveing the entry infolog nl Weggaan zonder op te slaan
leaves without saveing infolog nl Weggaan zonder op te slaan
length infolog nl Lengte
limit list to last n month, if ordering by last-modified and not searching. admin nl Beperk lijst tot laatste N maanden, indien gerangschikt op laatst gewijzigd en niet gezocht.
@ -267,20 +272,20 @@ link infolog nl Link
linked to %1 infolog nl Gelinkt aan %1
links infolog nl Links
links and attached files infolog nl Link naar bijgesloten bestand
links of this entry infolog nl Links van deze infolog
links of this entry infolog nl Links van deze InfoLog
links to specified application. example: {{links/infolog}} infolog nl Verwijst naar een specifieke applicatie. Voorbeeld: {{links/infolog}}
links wrapped in an href tag with download link infolog nl Koppelingen verpakt in een HREF-tag met downloadlink
list all categories infolog nl Toon alle categorieën
list of files linked to the current record infolog nl Lijs van bestanden gelinkt aan huidig record
load custom fields in index, if filtered by selected types (eg. to display them in a type-specific index template) infolog nl Laad aangepaste velden in index, indien gefilterd op geselecteerde types (bv. om ze weer te geven in een typespecifiek indexsjabloon)
location infolog nl Locatie
longer textual description infolog nl langere tekstuele beschrijving
low infolog nl laag
longer textual description infolog nl Langere tekstuele beschrijving
low infolog nl Laag
manage mapping infolog nl Beheer de mappings
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog nl maximale lengte van de invoer [lengte van het invoerveld (optioneel)]
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog nl Maximale lengte van de invoer [lengte van het invoerveld (optioneel)]
modifier infolog nl Gewijzigd door
modifierer infolog nl Gewijzigd door
name must not be empty !!! infolog nl Naam mag niet leeg zijn !!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog nl Naam mag niet leeg zijn!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog nl Naam van de huidige gebruiker, alle andere contactvelden zijn ook geldig
name of new type to create infolog nl Naam van het nieuw te creëren type
never hide search and filters infolog nl Zoeken en filters niet verbergen
@ -317,6 +322,7 @@ only show them if there is a filter infolog nl Alleen tonen als er een filter is
only show them while searching infolog nl Alleen tonen tijdens zoeken
only the attachments infolog nl Alleen de bijlagen
only the links infolog nl Alleen de links
open and upcoming infolog nl Openen en aankomen
open(status) infolog nl Open
optional note to the link infolog nl Optionele notitie bij de link
order infolog nl Order
@ -325,18 +331,22 @@ other configurations infolog nl Andere configuraties
overdue infolog nl Te laat
own infolog nl Eigen
own open infolog nl Eigen - openstaande
own open and upcoming infolog nl Eigen openen en aankomen
own overdue infolog nl Eigen - te laat
own upcoming infolog nl Eigen - toekomstige
owner does not have edit rights infolog nl Eigenaar heeft geen bewerkingsrechten
owner, responsible infolog nl Eigenaar, Verantwoordelijke
parent infolog nl Ouder
parent infolog infolog nl Ouder InfoLog
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog nl Deelnemers voor het plannen van een afspraak
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog nl Pad aan de serverkant <br/> bijv. /var/samba/Share
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog nl Pad aan de serverkant <br> bijv. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog nl Pad naar gebruiker- en groepsbestanden MOETEN BUITEN de documentendirectory zijn van de webserver's
pattern for search in addressbook infolog nl Patroon voor zoeken in adresboek
pattern for search in projects infolog nl Patroon voor zoeken in projecten
percent completed infolog nl Percentage voltooid
performance optimization for huge infolog tables admin nl Prestatieoptimalisatie voor grote InfoLog tabellen
permission denied infolog nl Toestemming geweigerd
permissions error - %1 could not %2 infolog nl Fout met machtigingen - %1 kon niet %2
phone infolog nl Telefoongesprek
phone/email infolog nl Telefoon/Email
phonecall infolog nl Telefoongesprek
@ -359,7 +369,7 @@ re-planned infolog nl Hergepland
re-planned time infolog nl Hergeplande tijd
re: infolog nl Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog nl Lees één record door het id mee te geven.
read rights (default) infolog nl leesrechten (standaard)
read rights (default) infolog nl Leesrechten (standaard)
receive notifications about due entries you are responsible for infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over vervallende items waarvoor u verantwoordelijk bent
receive notifications about due entries you delegated infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over vervallende items waaraan u bent toegewezen
receive notifications about items assigned to you infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over items die aan u zijn toegewezen
@ -367,7 +377,7 @@ receive notifications about items of type owned by groups you are part of infolo
receive notifications about own items infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over uw eigen items
receive notifications about starting entries you are responsible for infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over startende items waarvoor u verantwoordelijk bent
receive notifications about starting entries you delegated infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over startende items die aan u zijn toegewezen
receive notifications as html-mails infolog nl Ontvang notificaties als html-emails
receive notifications as html-mails infolog nl Ontvang notificaties als HTML-emails
regular expression infolog nl Reguliere uitdrukking
remark infolog nl Aandachtspunt
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog nl Verwijder deze link (niet het record zeld)
@ -388,13 +398,13 @@ rows infolog nl Rijen
same day infolog nl Dezelfde dag
save infolog nl Opslaan
saves the changes made and leaves infolog nl Slaat wijzigingen op en verlaat het scherm
saves this entry infolog nl Slaat deze infolog op
saves this entry infolog nl Slaat deze InfoLog op
schedule appointment infolog nl Afspraak plannen
search infolog nl Zoeken
search for: infolog nl Zoeken naar:
second parameter for preg_replace infolog nl Tweede parameter voor preg_replace
select infolog nl Selecteren
select a category for this entry infolog nl Selecteer een categorie voor deze infolog
select a category for this entry infolog nl Selecteer een categorie voor deze InfoLog
select a price infolog nl Selecteer een prijs
select a priority for this task infolog nl Selecteer een prioriteit voor deze taak
select a project infolog nl Selecteer een project
@ -403,7 +413,7 @@ select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog nl Selecteer een ty
select an action infolog nl Selecteer een actie
select an action... infolog nl Selecteer een actie...
select an app to search in infolog nl Selecteer een applicatie om in te zoeken
select an entry to link with infolog nl Selecteer een infolog om mee te linken
select an entry to link with infolog nl Selecteer een InfoLog om mee te linken
select multiple contacts for a further action infolog nl Kies meerdere contacten voor verdere actie
select new category infolog nl Selecteer een nieuwe categorie
select to filter by owner infolog nl Selecteer om te filteren op eigenaar
@ -416,18 +426,18 @@ set status to done infolog nl Status instellen op gereed
set status to done for all entries infolog nl Status van alle items instellen op gereed
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog nl Zet de status van dit item en de onderliggende op gedaan
sets the status of this entry to done infolog nl Stelt de status van dit item in op gereed
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog nl Moet InfoLog subtaken, -telefoongesprekken of -notities standaard weergeven, ja of nee. U kunt altijd sub's weergeven via de bovenliggende infolog ?
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog nl Moet InfoLog subtaken, -telefoongesprekken of -notities standaard weergeven, ja of nee. U kunt altijd sub's weergeven via de bovenliggende InfoLog?
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog nl Moet InfoLog de links naar andere toepassingen en/of bestanden in de InfoLog lijst (normale weergave als u InfoLog start).
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog nl Moet InfoLog op de voorpagina getoond worden en met welk filter. Werkt alleen indien u geen toepassing voor de voorpagina heeft gekozen (in uw voorkeuren).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog nl Moet InfoLog volledige namen (voor- en achternaam) gebruiken of alleen gebruikersnamen?
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog nl Moet de InfoLog lijst een uniek nummer tonen dat bijvoorbeeld als ticket ID gebruik kan worden?
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog nl Moet de InfoLog lijst de kolom "laatst gewijzigd" tonen?
should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog nl Moet de InfoLog lijst uitsluitend het percentage voltooid tonen bij status in behandeling of moet het twee separate ikonen tonen.
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog nl Moet deze infolog alleen zochtbaar zijn voor u en de personen die toegang hebben tot uw persoonlijke informatie d.m.v. het ingestelde toegangsbeheer
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog nl Moet deze InfoLog alleen zochtbaar zijn voor u en de personen die toegang hebben tot uw persoonlijke informatie d.m.v. het ingestelde toegangsbeheer
show a column for used and planned times in the list. infolog nl Toont een kolom voor gebruikte en geplande tijden in de lijst.
show a x if content equals this compare value, otherwise show nothing infolog nl Toon een X als de inhoud gelijk is aan deze vergelijkingswaarde, anders niets tonen
show full usernames infolog nl Volledige gebruikersnamen weergeven
show in the infolog list infolog nl In de InfoLoglijst weergeven
show in the infolog list infolog nl In de InfoLog lijst weergeven
show last modified infolog nl Laatst gewijzigd weergeven
show status and percent done separate infolog nl Status en percentage voltooid separaat weergeven
show sub-entries infolog nl Sub-items tonen
@ -446,7 +456,7 @@ status infolog nl Status
status ... infolog nl Status ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog nl Status, percentage en datum voltooid zijn altijd toegestaan.
sub infolog nl Onderliggende
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog nl Sub infologs worden subs van de bovenliggende of hoofd infologs als er geen boven liggende infolog is
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog nl Sub InfoLogs worden subs van de bovenliggende of hoofd InfoLogs als er geen boven liggende InfoLog is
sub-entries will not be closed infolog nl Sub-items worden niet gesloten
sub-entry infolog nl Sub-item
subject infolog nl Onderwerp
@ -461,7 +471,7 @@ the following document-types are supported: infolog nl De volgende document type
the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog nl De naam die intern gebruikt wordt (<= 10 tekens), als je dit wijzigt worden de huidige gegevens onbereikbaar
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog nl De naam die intern gebruikt wordt (<= 20 tekens), als je dit wijzigt worden de huidige gegevens onbereikbaar
the text displayed to the user infolog nl De tekst die wordt weergegeven aan de gebruiker
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog nl Dit is het filter dat InfoLog standaard gebruikt wanneer u InfoLog opent. Filters geven een selectie weer van het totale aantal infologs. Er zijn filters voor AFGEWERKTE, OPENSTAANDE of TOEKOMSTIGE infologs voor U of ALLE gebruikers.
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog nl Dit is het filter dat InfoLog standaard gebruikt wanneer u InfoLog opent. Filters geven een selectie weer van het totale aantal InfoLogs. Er zijn filters voor AFGEWERKTE, OPENSTAANDE of TOEKOMSTIGE InfoLogs voor U of ALLE gebruikers.
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog nl Wanneer moet de taak of het telefoongesprek afgehandeld zijn?
times infolog nl Tijden
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files infolog nl Namen van alle invoer gelinked aan huidig record, behalve de bijgesloten bestanden
@ -471,7 +481,7 @@ today infolog nl Vandaag
todays date infolog nl Datum van vandaag
todo infolog nl Taak
typ infolog nl Type
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog nl Type '%1' bestaat al !!!
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog nl Type '%1' bestaat al!
type infolog nl Type
type ... infolog nl Type ...
type of customfield infolog nl Type van aangepaste veld
@ -484,16 +494,19 @@ unlinked from %1 infolog nl Niet gekoppeld aan %1
upcoming infolog nl Aankomende
urgency infolog nl Prioriteit
urgent infolog nl Dringend
use all infolog nl Alle gebruiken
use custom notification message infolog nl Gebruik aangepast bericht
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. infolog nl Gebruik deze tag voor adres labels.Plaats de inhoud welke je wilt herhalen tussen twee tags.
use field from csv if possible infolog nl Gebruik veld uit CSV indien mogelijk
use search results infolog nl Gebruik zoekresultaten
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. infolog nl Gebruik deze tag voor adres labels. Plaats de inhoud welke je wilt herhalen tussen twee tags.
used time infolog nl Gebruikte tijd
values for selectbox infolog nl Waarden voor selectbox
view all subs of this entry infolog nl Alle sub's van deze infolog weergeven
view all subs of this entry infolog nl Alle sub's van deze InfoLog weergeven
view other subs infolog nl Overige sub's weergeven
view parent infolog nl Bovenliggende weergeven
view parent with children infolog nl Bekijk ouder met kinderen
view subs infolog nl Sub's weergeven
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog nl Van deze infolog de bovenliggende en alle bijbehorende zijn sub's weergeven
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog nl Van deze InfoLog de bovenliggende en alle bijbehorende zijn sub's weergeven
view this linked entry in its application infolog nl Gelinkt record in bijbehorende applicatie bekijken
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog nl Wanneer moet de Taak of het Telefoongesprek worden gestart? If zal vanaf die datum worden weergeven in het filter OPEN of EIGEN OPENSTAANDE
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog nl Welke additionele velden moet de verantwoordelijke kunnen bewerken zonder daarvoor speciale bewerk rechten te moeten krijgen?
@ -506,7 +519,7 @@ write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog nl Schrijf (toevoe
yes - close infolog nl Ja - Sluiten
yes - close including sub-entries infolog nl Ja - Sluiten inclusief subitems
yes - delete infolog nl Ja - Verwijderen
yes - delete including sub-entries infolog nl Ja - Verwijderen inclusief de onderliggende infologs
yes - delete including sub-entries infolog nl Ja - Verwijderen inclusief de onderliggende InfoLogs
yes, noone can purge deleted items infolog nl Ja, niemand kan gewiste items definitief verwijderen
yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog nl Ja, alleen beheerders kunnen gewiste items definitief verwijderen
yes, with larger fontsize infolog nl Ja, met groter lettertype
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%1 deleted infolog no %1 slettet.
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog no %1 slettet av %2 kl. %3
%1 entries %2 infolog no %1 oppføringer %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog no %1 oppføringer %2, %3 mislyktes på grunn av utilstrekkelige rettigheter !!!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog no %1 oppføringer %2, %3 mislyktes på grunn av utilstrekkelige rettigheter!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog no %1 oppføringer %2, %3 mislyktes.
%1 modified infolog no %1 endret
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog no %1 endret av %2 kl. %3
@ -31,8 +31,10 @@ a short subject for the entry infolog no En kort emnebeskrivelse for innslaget
abort without deleting infolog no Avslutt uten å slette
accept infolog no Aksepter
action infolog no Funksjon
actions... infolog no Handlinger...
actual date and time infolog no Aktuell dato og tid
add infolog no Legg til
add / remove link infolog no Legg til/fjern lenke
add a file infolog no Legg til fil
add a new entry infolog no Legg til ny oppføring
add a new note infolog no Legg til ny notat
@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ add a new phonecall infolog no Legg til nytt telefon-oppkall
add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog no Legg til under-oppgave - notat eller -oppkall
add a new todo infolog no Legg til nytt gjøremål
add file infolog no Vedlegg fil
add or delete links infolog no Legg til eller slett lenker
add sub infolog no Legg til under
add timesheet entry infolog no Legg til forekomst i timeregistrering
add: infolog no Legg til:
@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ always show them infolog no Vis dem alltid
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog no Forventet, men mottatt søknads-e-post: %1
apply the changes infolog no Lagre endringene
archive infolog no Arkiver
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog no Er du sikker på at du vil lukke denne oppføringen?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog no Er du sikker på at du vil slette dette innslaget?
attach a file infolog no Vedlegg en fil
attach file infolog no Vedlegg fil
@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ click here to create the link infolog no Klikk her for å lage lenke
click here to start the search infolog no Klikk her for å starte søket
close infolog no Lukk
close all infolog no Lukk alle
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog no kolon (:)-separert liste over feltnavn som skal brukes hvis verdien er tom eller for å summere opp
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog no Kolon (:)-separert liste over feltnavn som skal brukes hvis verdien er tom eller for å summere opp
comment infolog no Kommentar
completed infolog no Utført
configuration infolog no Konfigurasjon
@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ delegated overdue infolog no Delegert forfalt
delegated upcomming infolog no Delegert kommende
delegation infolog no Delegering
delete infolog no Slett
delete one record by passing its id. infolog no Slett en rekke etter ID
delete one record by passing its id. infolog no Slett en rekke etter ID.
delete selected entries? infolog no Slette valgte oppføringer?
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog no Slette dette forekomsten og alle listede underforekomster
deleted infolog no Slettet
@ -144,7 +148,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog no Bli varsl
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog no Motta varsler som HTML-e-post eller ren tekst.
don't show infolog infolog no IKKE vis InfoLog
done infolog no Ferdig
download infolog no Nedlasting
download infolog no Lagre fil
download url for links infolog no Last ned URL for lenker
due %1 infolog no Forfall %1
due date infolog no Forfallsdato
@ -158,6 +162,7 @@ edit status infolog no Endre status
edit the entry infolog no Endre dette innslaget
edit this entry infolog no Endre dette innslaget
empty for all infolog no Tømme alle
encrypt description infolog no Krypter beskrivelse
end infolog no Slutt
enddate infolog no Sluttdato
enddate can not be before startdate infolog no Sluttdato kan ikke være før startdato
@ -230,6 +235,7 @@ infolog entry deleted infolog no InfoLog forekomst slettet
infolog entry saved infolog no InfoLog forekomst lagret
infolog ical export infolog no InfoLog iCal-eksport
infolog ical import infolog no InfoLog iCal-import
infolog id infolog no InfoLog ID
infolog list infolog no InfoLog liste
infolog preferences common no InfoLog preferanser
infolog-fieldname infolog no InfoLog Feltnavn
@ -271,6 +277,7 @@ no details infolog no Ingen detaljer
no entries found, try again ... infolog no Ingen innslag funnet, prøv igjen ...
no filter infolog no Ufiltrert
no links or attachments infolog no Ingen lenker eller vedlegg
no project infolog no Ikke noe prosjekt
nonactive infolog no Ikke aktiv
none infolog no Ingen
normal infolog no Normal
@ -283,11 +290,16 @@ number of records to read (%1) infolog no Antall rekker som skal leses (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog no Antall rekker i multi-linje felter eller linjer i multi-valg bokser
offer infolog no Tilbud
old fixed definition infolog no Gammel fast definisjon
one day after infolog no En dag etter
one day in advance infolog no En dag i forveien
ongoing infolog no Pågående
only for details infolog no Bare for detaljer
only if i get assigned or removed infolog no Bare hvis jeg blir tildelt eller fjernet
only show them if there is a filter infolog no Vis dem bare hvis det finnes et filter
only show them while searching infolog no Vis dem bare under søk
only the attachments infolog no Kun vedlegg
only the links infolog no Kun lenker
open and upcoming infolog no Åpne og kommende
open(status) infolog no Åpen
optional note to the link infolog no Valgfri notat om Lenken
order infolog no Ordre
@ -296,10 +308,13 @@ other configurations infolog no Andre konfigurasjoner
overdue infolog no Forfalt
own infolog no Egen
own open infolog no Egen åpen
own open and upcoming infolog no Egen åpen og kommende
own overdue infolog no Egen forfalt
own upcoming infolog no Egen kommende
owner does not have edit rights infolog no Eier har ikke redigeringsrettigheter
owner, responsible infolog no Eier, ansvarlig
parent infolog no Overordnet
parent infolog infolog no Overordnet InfoLog
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog no Deltakere for planlegging av en avtale
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog no Sti på (web-)tjener<br>f.eks /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog no Sti til bruker og gruppefiler. MÅ VÆRE UTENFOR web tjenerens dokument-rot!!!
@ -365,6 +380,7 @@ select an action infolog no Velg en handling
select an action... infolog no Velg en handling...
select an app to search in infolog no Velg applikasjon det skal søkes i
select an entry to link with infolog no Velg innslag som skal lenkes med
select multiple contacts for a further action infolog no Velg flere kontakter for videre handling
select new category infolog no Velg ny kategori
select to filter by owner infolog no Velg å filtrere for eier
select to filter by responsible infolog no Velg å filtrere for ansvarlig
@ -413,12 +429,14 @@ tasks of infolog no Oppgaver av
template infolog no Mal
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog no Test Import (vis importerbare rekker, <u>kun</u> i webleser)
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. infolog no Dokumentet kan inneholde plassholdere som {{%1}}, som erstattes med dataene.
the following document-types are supported: infolog no Følgende dokumenttyper støttes:
the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog no Navnet benyttet intertnt(<= 10 kar.), endring gjør eksisterende data utilgjengelige.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog no Navnet benyttet intertnt(<= 20 kar.), endring gjør eksisterende data utilgjengelige.
the text displayed to the user infolog no Teksten som vises til bruker
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog no Dette er filteret InfoLog bruker når du starter applikasjonen. Et filter begrenser antall innslag som vises på skjermen. Det finnes filter som viser kun lukkede, åpne eller fremtidige innslag for deg selv eller alle brukere.
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog no Innen hvilket tidspunkt skal gjøremål eller telefonoppkall være avsluttet
times infolog no Ant. ganger
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files infolog no Titler på alle oppføringer som er knyttet til den aktuelle posten, unntatt vedlagte filer.
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog no For mange kan overgå din uførelse-tids-begrensning
to what should the startdate of new entries be set. infolog no Hva skal startdato for nye forekomster settes lik
today infolog no Idag
@ -428,6 +446,7 @@ typ infolog no Type
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog no Typen '%1' eksisterer allerede!
type infolog no Type
type ... infolog no Type ...
type of customfield infolog no Type egendefinert felt
type of field infolog no Type felt
type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog no Type oppføring i InfoLog
unable to link to %3 by custom field "%1": "%4". %2 matches. infolog no Kan ikke lenke til %3 via det egendefinerte feltet "%1": "%4". %2 samsvarer.
@ -437,6 +456,7 @@ unlinked from %1 infolog no Ikke lenket fra %1
upcoming infolog no Nært forestående
urgency infolog no Nødvendighet
urgent infolog no Haster
use all infolog no Bruk alle
use custom notification message infolog no Bruk egendefinert varslingsmelding
used time infolog no Brukt tid
values for selectbox infolog no Verdier for valgboksene
@ -447,8 +467,10 @@ view parent with children infolog no Vis forelder med barn
view subs infolog no Vis Subs
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog no Vis hovedsak for dette innslaget og alle subs
view this linked entry in its application infolog no Vis lenken i den egens applikasjon
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog no Når gjøremål eller telefonoppkall startes vil dette vises fra den datoen blablabla
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog no Når gjøremål eller telefonoppkall startes vil dette vises fra den datoen
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog no Hvilke tilleggsfelt skal den ansvarlige kunne redigere uten å ha redigeringsrettigheter?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get infolog no Hvilke implisitte ACL-rettigheter skal den ansvarlige få?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog no Hvilke deltakere som skal forhåndsvelges når du planlegger en avtale.
which types should the calendar show infolog no Hvilke typer skal kalenderen vise
which types should the calendar show like events? infolog no Hvilke deltakere skal forhåndsvelges når du planlegger en avtale?
will-call infolog no Vil ringe
@ -461,7 +483,8 @@ yes, noone can purge deleted items infolog no Ja, ingen kan slette slettede post
yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog no Ja, bare administratorer kan slette slettede poster
yes, with larger fontsize infolog no Ja, med større skriftstørrelse
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog no Ja, med mulighet for rensing av slettede poster
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog no Du kan ikke slette en av lagertypene !!!
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog no Du kan velge en kategori som skal forhåndsvelges når du oppretter en ny InfoLog-oppføring.
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog no Du kan ikke slette en av lagertypene!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog no Du har skrevet inn en ugyldig sluttdato
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog no Du har skrevet inn en ugyldig startdato
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! infolog no Du må oppgi et navn for å opprette en ny type!
@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
%1 days in advance infolog pl %1 dni wcześniej
%1 deleted infolog pl %1 usunięty.
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog pl %1 usunięty przez %2 w %3
%1 entries %2 infolog pl %1 wpisy %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog pl %1 wpisy %2, %3 nie powiodło się z powodu niewystarczających uprawnień !!!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog pl %1 wpisy %2, %3 nie powiodło się z powodu niewystarczających uprawnień!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog pl %1 wpisy %2, %3 nie powiodły się.
%1 modified infolog pl %1 zmodyfikowany
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog pl %1 zmodyfikowany przez %2 w %3
%1 records imported infolog pl Zaimportowano %1 rekordów
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) infolog pl %1 rekordów wczytano (jeszcze nie zaimportowano, możesz %2wrócić%3 i odznaczyć Test Import)
%1 you are responsible for is due at %2 infolog pl %1, za który jesteś odpowiedzialny, jest wymagalny w %2
%1 you are responsible for is starting at %2 infolog pl %1, za który jesteś odpowiedzialny, zaczyna się od %2
%1 you delegated is due at %2 infolog pl %1, który delegowałeś, jest wymagalny w %2
%1 you delegated is starting at %2 infolog pl %1, który delegowałeś, zaczyna się od %2
(and children) deleted infolog pl (i dzieci) usunięte.
(no subject) infolog pl (bez tematu)
- subprojects from infolog pl - Projekty podrzędne od
@ -22,8 +31,10 @@ a short subject for the entry infolog pl Krótki temat tego wpisu
abort without deleting infolog pl Anuluj bez kasowania
accept infolog pl Akceptuj
action infolog pl Czynność
actions... infolog pl Działania...
actual date and time infolog pl Aktualna data i czas
add infolog pl Dodaj
add / remove link infolog pl Dodaj / usuń link
add a file infolog pl Dodaj plik
add a new entry infolog pl Dodaj nowy wpis
add a new note infolog pl Dodaj nową Notatkę
@ -31,6 +42,7 @@ add a new phonecall infolog pl Dodaj nowa Rozmowę telefoniczną
add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog pl Dodaj nowe zadanie podrzędne, notatkę podrz. lub rozmowę do tego wpisu
add a new todo infolog pl Dodaj nowe Do Zrobienia
add file infolog pl Dodaj plik
add or delete links infolog pl Dodawanie lub usuwanie linków
add sub infolog pl Dodaj podrz
add timesheet entry infolog pl Dodaj wpis czasu pracy
add: infolog pl Dodaj:
@ -118,7 +130,7 @@ delegated overdue infolog pl Delegowany zaległy
delegated upcomming infolog pl Delegowane nadchodzące
delegation infolog pl Delegacja
delete infolog pl Kasuj
delete one record by passing its id. infolog pl Skasuj jeden rekord przekazując jego id.
delete one record by passing its id. infolog pl Skasuj jeden rekord przekazując jego ID.
delete selected entries? infolog pl Usunąć wybrane wpisy?
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog pl Skasuj ten wpis oraz wszystkie podane podwpisy
deleted infolog pl Skasowany
@ -140,7 +152,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog pl Otrzymuj
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog pl Otrzymuj powiadomienia w postaci wiadomości e-mail w formacie HTML lub zwykłego tekstu.
don't show infolog infolog pl NIE pokazuj InfoLog
done infolog pl Wykonano
download infolog pl Pobierz
download infolog pl Zapisz plik
download url for links infolog pl Adres URL pobierania dla linków
due %1 infolog pl Termin %1
due date infolog pl Termin płatności
@ -191,10 +203,13 @@ for which types should this field be used infolog pl Dla jakich typów to pole b
from infolog pl Od
full list of placeholder names infolog pl Pełna lista nazw zastępczych
general fields: infolog pl Pola ogólne:
general settings infolog pl Ustawienia ogólne
global categories infolog pl Kategorie globalne
group owner for infolog pl Właściciel grupowy dla
high infolog pl Wysoki
history infolog pl Historia
history logging infolog pl Rejestrowanie historii
history logging and deleting of items infolog pl Rejestrowanie historii i usuwanie elementów
how many description lines should be directly visible. further lines are available via a scrollbar. infolog pl Ile wierszy opisu powinno być bezpośrednio widocznych. Dalsze wiersze są dostępne za pomocą paska przewijania.
how wide should the description area be. this value is numeric and interpreted as em; 60 works reasonably well. infolog pl Jak szeroki powinien być obszar opisu. Ta wartość jest numeryczna, np. 60.
html link to the current record infolog pl Łącze HTML do bieżącego rekordu
@ -256,11 +271,12 @@ manage mapping infolog pl Zarządzaj mapowaniem
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog pl Maksymalna długość wprowadzanego tekstu [, długość pola (opcjonalnie)]
modifier infolog pl Modyfikator
modifierer infolog pl Modyfikator
name must not be empty !!! infolog pl Nazwa nie może być pusta!!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog pl Nazwa nie może być pusta!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog pl Nazwa aktualnego użytkownika, wszystkie pozostałe pola kontaktu są prawidłowe
name of new type to create infolog pl Nazwa nowego tworzonego typu
never hide search and filters infolog pl Nigdy nie ukrywaj pól wyszukiwania i filtrów
new %1 infolog pl Nowy %1
new %1 created by %2 at %3 infolog pl Nowy %1 utworzony przez %2 w %3
new name infolog pl Nowa nazwa
new search infolog pl Nowe wyszukiwanie
no - cancel infolog pl Nie - Anuluj
@ -283,12 +299,16 @@ number of records to read (%1) infolog pl Liczba rekordów do wczytania (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog pl Ilość wierszy dla pól składających się z wielu linijek lub zespołu boksów wielokrotnego wyboru
offer infolog pl Oferta
old fixed definition infolog pl Stara stała definicja
one day after infolog pl Jeden dzień po
one day in advance infolog pl Jeden dzień wcześniej
ongoing infolog pl W toku
only for details infolog pl Tylko dla szczegółów
only if i get assigned or removed infolog pl Tylko jeśli zostanę przydzielony lub usunięty
only show them if there is a filter infolog pl Wyświetlanie ich tylko wtedy, gdy istnieje filtr
only show them while searching infolog pl Wyświetlaj je tylko podczas wyszukiwania
only the attachments infolog pl Tylko załączniki
only the links infolog pl Tylko linki
open and upcoming infolog pl Otwarte i nadchodzące
open(status) infolog pl Otwarte
optional note to the link infolog pl Opcjonalna notatka do linku
order infolog pl Kolejność
@ -297,8 +317,10 @@ other configurations infolog pl Inne konfiguracje
overdue infolog pl Zaległe
own infolog pl Stworzone przez Ciebie - wszystkie
own open infolog pl Stworzone przez Ciebie - otwarte
own open and upcoming infolog pl Własne otwarte i nadchodzące
own overdue infolog pl Stworzone przez Ciebie - zaległe
own upcoming infolog pl Stworzone przez Ciebie - nadchodzące
owner does not have edit rights infolog pl Właściciel nie ma praw do edycji
owner, responsible infolog pl Właściciel, Odpowiedzialny
parent infolog pl Nadrzędny
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog pl Uczestnicy planujący spotkanie
@ -331,7 +353,7 @@ projectmanager infolog pl Menedżer Projektów
re-planned infolog pl Re-planowany
re-planned time infolog pl Ponownie zaplanowany czas
re: infolog pl Odp:
read one record by passing its id. infolog pl Odczytaj jeden rekord przekazując jego id.
read one record by passing its id. infolog pl Odczytaj jeden rekord przekazując jego ID.
read rights (default) infolog pl Prawda odczytu (domyślne)
receive notifications about items of type owned by groups you are part of infolog pl Otrzymywanie powiadomień o elementach typu należących do grup, do których należysz
regular expression infolog pl Wyrażenie regularne
@ -437,7 +459,7 @@ today infolog pl Dzisiaj
todays date infolog pl Dzisiejsza data
todo infolog pl Do zrobienia
typ infolog pl Typ
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog pl Typ %1 już istnieje !!!
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog pl Typ %1 już istnieje!
type infolog pl Typ
type ... infolog pl Typ ..
type of customfield infolog pl Typ pola dodatkowego
@ -450,7 +472,10 @@ unlinked from %1 infolog pl Brak powiązania z %1
upcoming infolog pl Nadchodzące
urgency infolog pl Pilność
urgent infolog pl Pilne
use all infolog pl Użyj wszystkich
use custom notification message infolog pl Użyj niestandardowego komunikatu powiadomienia
use field from csv if possible infolog pl Użyj pola z CSV, jeśli to możliwe
use search results infolog pl Użyj wyników wyszukiwania
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. infolog pl Użyj tego znacznika dla etykiet adresu. Wstaw zawartość którą chcesz powtórzyć pomiędzy dwa znaczniki.
used time infolog pl Wykorzystany czas
values for selectbox infolog pl Wartości selectboxa
@ -477,7 +502,8 @@ yes, noone can purge deleted items infolog pl Tak, nikt nie może usuwać usuni
yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog pl Tak, tylko administratorzy mogą usuwać usunięte elementy
yes, with larger fontsize infolog pl Tak, z większą czcionką
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog pl Tak, z możliwością usuwania usuniętych elementów
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog pl Nie możesz usunąć jesdnego z typów!!!
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog pl Możesz wybrać kategorię, która ma być wstępnie wybrana podczas tworzenia nowego wpisu InfoLog.
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog pl Nie możesz usunąć jesdnego z typów!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog pl Podałeś niepoprawną datę zakończenia
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog pl Podałeś niepoprawną datę rozpoczęcia
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! infolog pl Musisz wprowadzić nazwę, aby utworzyć nowy typ!
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%1 deleted infolog pt-br %1 removido
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog pt-br %1 removido por %2 em %3
%1 entries %2 infolog pt-br %1 entradas %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog pt-br %1 entradas %2, %3 falharam devido a direitos insuficientes !!!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog pt-br %1 entradas %2, %3 falharam devido a direitos insuficientes!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog pt-br %1 entradas %2, %3 falharam.
%1 modified infolog pt-br %1 modificado
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog pt-br %1 modificado por %2 em %3
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ action infolog pt-br Ação
actions... infolog pt-br Ações...
actual date and time infolog pt-br Data e Hora atuais
add infolog pt-br Adicionar
add / remove link infolog pt-br Adicionar / remover link
add a file infolog pt-br Adicionar um arquivo
add a new entry infolog pt-br Adicionar um novo registro
add a new note infolog pt-br Adicionar uma nota
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ add a new phonecall infolog pt-br Adicionar uma nova ligação
add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog pt-br Adicionar um sub-tarefa, -nota, -ligação para este registro
add a new todo infolog pt-br Adicionar um Apontamento
add file infolog pt-br Adicionar um arquivo
add or delete links infolog pt-br Adicionar ou excluir links
add sub infolog pt-br Adicionar uma Sub
add timesheet entry infolog pt-br Adicionar registro à planilha de tempo
add: infolog pt-br Adicionar:
@ -52,10 +54,13 @@ all other %1 fields are valid infolog pt-br Todos os outros campos %1 são váli
all projects infolog pt-br Todos projetos
allow to save entries with due date in the past infolog pt-br Permitir salvar entradas com data de vencimento no passado
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog pt-br Permite configurar o status de um registro. Ex. marque um Apontamento com o Status finalizado quando esta estiver terminada. (Os valores dependem do tipo de registro)
alternatives infolog pt-br Alternativas
always show them infolog pt-br Sempre mostrá-los
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog pt-br E-mail do aplicativo esperado, mas recebido: %1
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog pt-br Aplique a ação em toda a consulta, NÃO apenas nas entradas mostradas!
apply the changes infolog pt-br Aplicar as alterações
archive infolog pt-br Arquivar
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog pt-br Tem certeza de que deseja fechar esta entrada?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog pt-br Você tem certeza que deseja apagar este registro?
attach a file infolog pt-br Anexar um arquivo
attach file infolog pt-br Anexar arquivo
@ -74,7 +79,10 @@ categories infolog pt-br Categorias
category infolog pt-br Categoria
change infolog pt-br Alterar
change category infolog pt-br Alterar categoria
change completed infolog pt-br Modificação concluída.
change completion infolog pt-br Conclusão da modificação
change history infolog pt-br Mudar a história
change owner when updating infolog pt-br Alterar proprietário ao atualizar
change responsible infolog pt-br Mudança responsável
change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog pt-br Alterar o status de um registro (ex. fechado)
check to set startday infolog pt-br Selecione para determinar a data de início
@ -84,6 +92,7 @@ click here to create the link infolog pt-br Clique aqui para inserir um hyperlin
click here to start the search infolog pt-br Clique aqui para iniciar uma pesquisa
close infolog pt-br Fechar
close all infolog pt-br Fechar todos
close this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog pt-br Fechar essa entrada e todas as subentradas listadas
closed infolog pt-br Fechado
comment infolog pt-br Comentário
completed infolog pt-br Completada
@ -131,7 +140,7 @@ delegated overdue infolog pt-br Designado e prazo excedido
delegated upcomming infolog pt-br Designado e prazo excedendo
delegation infolog pt-br Atribuição
delete infolog pt-br Apagar
delete one record by passing its id. infolog pt-br Apagar um registro contornando seu id.
delete one record by passing its id. infolog pt-br Apagar um registro contornando seu ID.
delete selected entries? infolog pt-br Excluir entradas selecionadas?
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog pt-br Apagar este registro e todos os sub-registros listados
deleted infolog pt-br Removido
@ -142,7 +151,7 @@ description infolog pt-br Descrição
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog pt-br Determine a ordem em que os campos aparecerão
directory with documents to insert entries infolog pt-br Diretório com documentos para inserir entradas
disables a status without deleting it infolog pt-br Desabilitar o status após a remoção
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog pt-br você quer uma confirmação do responsável quanto à: aceitação, encerramento ou ambos
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog pt-br Você quer uma confirmação do responsável quanto à: aceitação, encerramento ou ambos
do you want a notification if items owned by groups you are part of get updated ? infolog pt-br Deseja receber uma notificação se os itens pertencentes a grupos dos quais você faz parte forem atualizados?
do you want a notification, if items get assigned to you or assigned items get updated? infolog pt-br Você quer receber uma notificação, caso itens forem designados a você ou caso itens designados a você forem atualizados?
do you want a notification, if items you are responsible for are about to start? infolog pt-br Você quer receber uma notificação, caso algum item esteja prestes a iniciar e você seja o responsável?
@ -153,7 +162,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog pt-br Você
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog pt-br Você quer receber notificações em HTML ou texto puro?
don't show infolog infolog pt-br Não exibir Tarefas
done infolog pt-br Encerrado
download infolog pt-br Baixar
download infolog pt-br Salvar arquivo
download url for links infolog pt-br URL de download para links
due %1 infolog pt-br Vencimento %1
due date infolog pt-br Data de vencimento
@ -187,12 +196,12 @@ example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value
execute a further action for this entry infolog pt-br Executar uma outra ação para este registro
existing links infolog pt-br Links existentes
exists infolog pt-br Existe
export definition to use for nextmatch export infolog pt-br Definição Exportar para usar para exportação NextMatch
export definition to use for nextmatch export infolog pt-br Definição Exportar para usar para exportação nextmatch
exports in ical format. infolog pt-br Exporta no formato iCal.
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog pt-br Exporta entradas do InfoLog em um arquivo CSV.
favorites infolog pt-br Favoritos
fax infolog pt-br Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog pt-br O campo não pode estar vazio!!!
field must not be empty !!! infolog pt-br O campo não pode estar vazio!
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog pt-br Campos a serem excluídos ao copiar um InfoLog:
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog pt-br Campos a serem excluídos ao criar uma subentrada:
fieldseparator infolog pt-br Separador de Campos
@ -272,13 +281,13 @@ manage mapping infolog pt-br Gerenciar mapeamento
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog pt-br Tamanho máximo para inclusão [, tamanho para o campo (opcional)]
modifier infolog pt-br Modifier
modifierer infolog pt-br Modificador
name must not be empty !!! infolog pt-br O campo nome não pode estar vazio!!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog pt-br O campo nome não pode estar vazio!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog pt-br Nome do usuário atual, todos outros campos são válidos também
name of new type to create infolog pt-br Nome para o novo tipo
never hide search and filters infolog pt-br Nunca ocultar Pesquisa e Filtros
new %1 infolog pt-br Novo %1
new %1 created by %2 at %3 infolog pt-br Novo %1 criado por %2 em %3
new name infolog pt-br novo nome
new name infolog pt-br Novo nome
new search infolog pt-br Nova pesquisa
no - cancel infolog pt-br Não - Cancelar
no custom field "%1" for %2. infolog pt-br Nenhum campo personalizado "%1" para %2.
@ -309,6 +318,7 @@ only show them if there is a filter infolog pt-br Mostrar apenas se houver um fi
only show them while searching infolog pt-br Mostrar apenas durante a pesquisa
only the attachments infolog pt-br Apenas arquivos anexos
only the links infolog pt-br Apenas links
open and upcoming infolog pt-br Aberto e futuro
open(status) infolog pt-br Abrir
optional note to the link infolog pt-br Nota opcional para o Link
order infolog pt-br Ordem
@ -317,10 +327,13 @@ other configurations infolog pt-br Outras configurações
overdue infolog pt-br Atrasado
own infolog pt-br Suas tarefas
own open infolog pt-br Suas tarefas abertas
own open and upcoming infolog pt-br Próprios abertos e futuros
own overdue infolog pt-br Suas tarefas em Atraso
own upcoming infolog pt-br Suas tarefas futuras
owner does not have edit rights infolog pt-br O proprietário não tem direitos de edição
owner, responsible infolog pt-br Proprietário, Responsável
parent infolog pt-br Pai
parent infolog infolog pt-br Registro de informações dos pais
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog pt-br Participantes para agendamento de um compromisso
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog pt-br Caminho (web-)serverside<br>ex. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog pt-br O diretório para os arquivos de usuário ou grupo DEVE ESTAR FORA da raiz de documentos do servidor web!!!
@ -345,12 +358,13 @@ priority infolog pt-br Prioridade
private infolog pt-br Particular
project infolog pt-br Projeto
project id infolog pt-br ID de Projeto
project name infolog pt-br Nome do projeto
project settings: price, times infolog pt-br Configurações do projeto: preço, tempo
projectmanager infolog pt-br Gerenciador de Projetos
re-planned infolog pt-br Re-planejado
re-planned time infolog pt-br Tempo re-planejado
re: infolog pt-br Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog pt-br Ler um registro contornando seu id.
read one record by passing its id. infolog pt-br Ler um registro contornando seu ID.
read rights (default) infolog pt-br Permissões de leitura (padrão)
receive notifications about due entries you are responsible for infolog pt-br Receber notificações sobre registros com prazos excedidos, cujo responsável seja você.
receive notifications about due entries you delegated infolog pt-br Receber notificações sobre registros com prazos excedidos que você tenha designado
@ -463,7 +477,7 @@ today infolog pt-br Para Hoje
todays date infolog pt-br Data de hoje
todo infolog pt-br Pendências
typ infolog pt-br Tipo
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog pt-br O tipo '%1' já existe!!!
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog pt-br O tipo '%1' já existe!
type infolog pt-br Tipo
type ... infolog pt-br Tipo ...
type of customfield infolog pt-br Tipo de campo personalizado
@ -476,8 +490,11 @@ unlinked from %1 infolog pt-br Desvinculado de %1
upcoming infolog pt-br Futuras
urgency infolog pt-br Urgência
urgent infolog pt-br Urgente
use all infolog pt-br Usar tudo
use custom notification message infolog pt-br Usar mensagem de notificação personalizada
use field from csv if possible infolog pt-br Use o campo de CSV, se possível
use search results infolog pt-br Usar resultados de pesquisa
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. infolog pt-br Use essa tag para etiquetas de endereço. Coloque o conteúdo que você deseja repetir entre duas tags.
used time infolog pt-br Horas utilizadas
values for selectbox infolog pt-br Valores para a caixa de seleção
view all subs of this entry infolog pt-br Ver todas as subs para este registro
@ -504,7 +521,7 @@ yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog pt-br Sim, somente administrado
yes, with larger fontsize infolog pt-br Sim, com fontes grandes
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog pt-br Sim, com possibilidade de limpeza de registros removidos
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog pt-br Você pode selecionar uma categoria para ser pré-selecionada, quando você criar um novo registro.
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog pt-br Você não pode apagar um destes tipos!!!
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog pt-br Você não pode apagar um destes tipos!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog pt-br Você informou uma data final inválida
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog pt-br Você informou uma data inícial inválida
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! infolog pt-br É necessário inserir um nome para criar um novo tipo!
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%1 deleted infolog pt %1 excluído.
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog pt %1 %2 deletado por em %3
%1 entries %2 infolog pt %1 %2 entradas
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog pt %1 entradas %2, %3 falharam devido a direitos insuficientes !!!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog pt %1 entradas %2, %3 falharam devido a direitos insuficientes!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog pt %1 %2 entradas, 3% falharam.
%1 modified infolog pt %1 modificado
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog pt %1 %2 modificado por a 3%
@ -53,14 +53,15 @@ all links and attachments infolog pt Todas as ligações e anexos
all other %1 fields are valid infolog pt Todos os outros campos %1 são válidos
all projects infolog pt Todos os projetos
allow to save entries with due date in the past infolog pt Permitir guardar registos com data de vencimento no passado
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog pt permite definir o estado de um registo, por exemplo: definir uma tarefa a executar quando acabar (valores dependentes do tipo de registo)
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog pt Permite definir o estado de um registo, por exemplo: definir uma tarefa a executar quando acabar (valores dependentes do tipo de registo)
alternatives infolog pt Alternativas
always show them infolog pt Mostrá-las sempre
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog pt Correio Aplicação esperava, mas tenho: 1%
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog pt Aplicar a ação a toda a consulta, NÃO apenas às entradas apresentadas!
apply the changes infolog pt Aplicar alterações
archive infolog pt Arquivo
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog pt Você tem certeza que deseja fechar esta entrada?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog pt Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar este registo ?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog pt Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar este registo?
attach a file infolog pt Anexar um ficheiro
attach file infolog pt Anexar ficheiro
attachments infolog pt Anexos
@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ back to main list infolog pt Voltar à lista principal
billed infolog pt Facturado
both infolog pt Ambos
call infolog pt A telefonar
can be used to show further infolog types in the calendar or limit it to show eg. only tasks. infolog pt Pode ser utilizado para mostrar outros tipos de InfoLog no calendário ou limitá-lo a mostrar, por exemplo, apenas tarefas.
can not return an exact number of rows and therefore hides the count. admin pt Não pode devolver um número exato de linhas, pelo que oculta a contagem.
cancel infolog pt Cancelar
cancelled infolog pt Cancelado
@ -91,12 +93,12 @@ check to set startday infolog pt Marcar para configurar dia de início
check to specify custom contact infolog pt Verifique para especificar contato personalizado
choose owner of imported data infolog pt Escolha proprietário de dados importada
click here to create the link infolog pt Clique aqui para criar a Ligação
click here to start the search infolog pt clique aqui para iniciar a pesquisa
click here to start the search infolog pt Clique aqui para iniciar a pesquisa
close infolog pt Fechar
close all infolog pt Fechar tudo
close this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog pt Feche esta entrada e todos os sub entradas listadas
closed infolog pt Fechado.
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog pt lista separada por dois pontos (:) de nomes de campos a utilizar se o valor estiver vazio ou para somar
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog pt Lista separada por dois pontos (:) de nomes de campos a utilizar se o valor estiver vazio ou para somar
comment infolog pt Comentário
compare infolog pt Comparar
completed infolog pt Concluído
@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or bil
datecreated infolog pt Data de criação
dates, status, access infolog pt Datas, Estado, Acesso
days infolog pt Dias
default category for new infolog entries infolog pt Categoria padrão para novas entradas Infolog
default category for new infolog entries infolog pt Categoria padrão para novas entradas InfoLog
default document to insert entries infolog pt Documento padrão para inserir entradas
default filter for infolog infolog pt Filtro do acesso à informação por omissão
default status for a new log entry infolog pt Estado de um novo registo de acesso por omissão
@ -167,13 +169,13 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog pt Ser notif
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog pt Receber notificações como mensagens de correio eletrónico HTML ou texto simples.
don't show infolog infolog pt NÃO exibir acesso à informação
done infolog pt Concluído
download infolog pt Transferir
download infolog pt Guardar ficheiro
download url for links infolog pt Baixe url para links
due %1 infolog pt Devido 1%
due date infolog pt Data de vencimento
duration infolog pt Duração
e-mail: infolog pt Email:
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog pt Cada valor é uma linha como <id>[=<etiqueta>]
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog pt Cada valor é uma linha como <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog pt Editar
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog pt Editar ou criar ctegorias para o acesso à informação
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog pt Direitos de edição. Direitos de edição totais, incluindo a responsabilização de outra pessoa!
@ -201,13 +203,13 @@ example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value
execute a further action for this entry infolog pt Executar uma ação adicional para esta entrada
existing links infolog pt Ligações existentes
exists infolog pt Existe
export definition to use for nextmatch export infolog pt Definição Exportar para usar para exportação NextMatch
export definition to use for nextmatch export infolog pt Definição Exportar para usar para exportação nextmatch
exports in ical format. infolog pt Exportações em formato iCal.
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog pt Exportações Infolog entradas para um arquivo CSV.
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog pt Exportações InfoLog entradas para um arquivo CSV.
favorites infolog pt Favoritos
fax infolog pt Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog pt O campo não pode estar vazio !!!
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog pt Os campos a serem excluídos ao copiar um infolog:
field must not be empty !!! infolog pt O campo não pode estar vazio!
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog pt Os campos a serem excluídos ao copiar um InfoLog:
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog pt Campos para excluir a criação de uma sub-entrada:
fieldseparator infolog pt Separador de campos
finish infolog pt Fim
@ -223,8 +225,8 @@ global categories infolog pt Categorias gerais
group owner for infolog pt Proprietário do grupo para
high infolog pt Alta
history infolog pt Histórico
history logging infolog pt Logging História
history logging and deleting of items infolog pt Logging História e exclusão de itens
history logging infolog pt Logging história
history logging and deleting of items infolog pt Logging história e exclusão de itens
how many description lines should be directly visible. further lines are available via a scrollbar. infolog pt Quantas linhas de descrição devem ser diretamente visíveis. Estão disponíveis mais linhas através de uma barra de deslocação.
how wide should the description area be. this value is numeric and interpreted as em; 60 works reasonably well. infolog pt Qual deve ser a largura da área de descrição. Este valor é numérico, por exemplo, 60.
html link to the current record infolog pt Link HTML para o registro atual
@ -264,14 +266,18 @@ insert infolog pt Inserir
insert in document infolog pt Insira no documento
insert timestamp into description field infolog pt Inserir carimbo da hora no campo de descrição
invalid filename infolog pt Nome de ficheiro inválido
invalid owner id: %1. might be a bad field translation. used %2 instead. infolog pt ID do proprietário inválido: %1. Utilizado em vez de %2.
invalid status for entry type %1. infolog pt Estado inválido para o tipo de entrada %1.
label<br>helptext infolog pt Etiqueta<br>Texto de ajuda
last changed infolog pt Última alteração
last modified infolog pt Última modificação
leave blank to get the used time calculated by timesheet entries infolog pt Deixar em branco para obter o tempo utilizado calculado pelas entradas da folha de horas de trabalho
leave it empty infolog pt Deixar vazio
leave it empty for a full week infolog pt Deixar vário para uma semana interira
leave without saveing the entry infolog pt Continua sem guardar o registo
leaves without saveing infolog pt Continua sem guardar
length infolog pt Duração
limit list to last n month, if ordering by last-modified and not searching. admin pt Limitar a lista aos últimos N meses, se a ordenação for feita pela última modificação e não for efectuada uma pesquisa.
limit number of description lines (default 5, 0 for no limit) infolog pt Limite do número de linhas de descrição. Predefinição = 5, 0 = sem limite.
limit width of description column ((effective only if lines limit is set), 0 for no limit) infolog pt Limitar a largura da coluna de descrição. Só é efetivo se o limite de linhas estiver definido. 0 = sem limite.
link infolog pt Ligação
@ -291,7 +297,7 @@ manage mapping infolog pt Gerenciar mapeamento
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog pt Comprimento máximo do campo [, comprimento do campo (opcional)]
modifier infolog pt Modifier
modifierer infolog pt Modifier
name must not be empty !!! infolog pt O campo do nome não pode estar vazio !!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog pt O campo do nome não pode estar vazio!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog pt Nome do utilizador atual, todos os outros campos de contacto também são válidos
name of new type to create infolog pt Nome do novo tipo a criar
never hide search and filters infolog pt Nunca esconder a pesquisa e filtros
@ -343,7 +349,7 @@ own upcoming infolog pt Minhas -- a chegar
owner does not have edit rights infolog pt Proprietário não tem direitos de edição
owner, responsible infolog pt Proprietário, Responsável
parent infolog pt Principal
parent infolog infolog pt Infolog Pais
parent infolog infolog pt InfoLog Pais
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog pt Participantes para agendar uma consulta
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog pt Caminho no lado do servidor (Web)<br>ex: /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog pt O caminho para os ficheiros do utilizador ou grupo tem de ser externo ao root de documentos de servidores Web.
@ -376,9 +382,13 @@ re-planned time infolog pt Tempo re-planejado
re: infolog pt Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog pt Ler um registo ao passar a sua ID
read rights (default) infolog pt Direitos de leitura (por omissão)
receive notifications about due entries you are responsible for infolog pt Receber notificações sobre os lançamentos vencidos pelos quais é responsável
receive notifications about due entries you delegated infolog pt Receber notificações sobre as entradas a vencer que delegou
receive notifications about items assigned to you infolog pt Receba notificações sobre os itens atribuídos a você
receive notifications about items of type owned by groups you are part of infolog pt Receber notificações sobre itens do tipo pertencente a grupos de que faz parte
receive notifications about own items infolog pt Receber notificações sobre próprios itens
receive notifications about starting entries you are responsible for infolog pt Receber notificações sobre entradas iniciais pelas quais é responsável
receive notifications about starting entries you delegated infolog pt Receber notificações sobre o início de entradas que delegou
receive notifications as html-mails infolog pt Receber notificações de mensagens em HTML.
regular expression infolog pt Expressão regular
remark infolog pt Remarcar
@ -393,13 +403,13 @@ responsible open infolog pt Responsável -- abertas
responsible open and upcoming infolog pt Responsável aberta e próxima
responsible overdue infolog pt Responsável -- atrasadas
responsible upcoming infolog pt Responsável -- a chegar
responsible user, priority infolog pt utilizador responsável, prioridade
responsible user, priority infolog pt Utilizador responsável, prioridade
returns a list / search for records. infolog pt Volta à lista / pesquisa por registos.
rights for the responsible infolog pt Direitos do responsável
rows infolog pt Linhas
same day infolog pt Mesmo dia
save infolog pt Guardar
saves the changes made and leaves infolog pt guarda as alterações e deixa
saves the changes made and leaves infolog pt Guarda as alterações e deixa
saves this entry infolog pt Guarda este registo
schedule appointment infolog pt Horário nomeação
search infolog pt Pesquisar
@ -410,7 +420,7 @@ select a category for this entry infolog pt Seleccionar uma categoria para este
select a price infolog pt Seleccione um preço
select a priority for this task infolog pt Seleccionar uma prioridade para esta tarefa
select a project infolog pt Seleccionar um projecto
select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog pt seleccionar um utilizador responsável: uma pessoa a quem deseja delegar esta tarefa
select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog pt Seleccionar um utilizador responsável: uma pessoa a quem deseja delegar esta tarefa
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog pt Seleccionar um tipo para editar os seus valores de estado ou para o eliminar
select an action infolog pt Selecione uma ação
select an action... infolog pt Selecione uma ação ...
@ -483,7 +493,7 @@ today infolog pt Hoje
todays date infolog pt Data de hoje
todo infolog pt Tarefas
typ infolog pt Tipo
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog pt Tipo '%1' já existe !!!
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog pt Tipo '%1' já existe!
type infolog pt Tipo
type ... infolog pt Tipo ...
type of customfield infolog pt Tipo de campo personalizado
@ -527,7 +537,7 @@ yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog pt Sim, só os administradores
yes, with larger fontsize infolog pt Sim, com maior tamanho da fonte
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog pt Sim, com o expurgo de itens excluídos possíveis
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog pt Pode escolher uma categoria a ser pré-selecionada, quando cria uma nova entrada no InfoLog.
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog pt Não pode eliminar um dos tipos de armazenamento !!!
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog pt Não pode eliminar um dos tipos de armazenamento!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog pt Inseriu uma data de fim inválida
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog pt Inseriu uma data de início inválida
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! infolog pt É necessário introduzir um nome para criar um novo tipo!
@ -1,7 +1,29 @@
%1 days in advance infolog ro %1 zile în avans
%1 deleted infolog ro %1 șters.
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog ro %1 șters de %2 la %3
%1 entries %2 infolog ro %1 intrări %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog ro %1 intrări %2, %3 au eșuat din cauza drepturilor insuficiente !!!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog ro %1 intrări %1 %2, %3 au eșuat.
%1 modified infolog ro %1 modificat
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog ro %1 modificat de %2 la %3
%1 records imported infolog ro %1 înregistrări importate.
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) infolog ro %1 înregistrări citite. Nu a fost încă importat, puteți merge %2înapoi%3 și debifați Test import.
%1 you are responsible for is due at %2 infolog ro %1 de care sunteți responsabil este scadent la %2
%1 you are responsible for is starting at %2 infolog ro %1 de care sunteți responsabil începe la %2
%1 you delegated is due at %2 infolog ro %1 pe care l-ați delegat este scadent la %2
%1 you delegated is starting at %2 infolog ro %1 pe care l-ați delegat este scadent la %2
(and children) deleted infolog ro (și copii) șterse.
0% infolog ro 0%
10% infolog ro 10%
100% infolog ro 100%
20% infolog ro 20%
30% infolog ro 30%
40% infolog ro 40%
50% infolog ro 50%
60% infolog ro 60%
70% infolog ro 70%
80% infolog ro 80%
90% infolog ro 90%
addressbook placeholders available infolog ro Carnet de adrese disponibile
all other %1 fields are valid infolog ro Toate celelalte câmpuri %1 sunt valide
allow to save entries with due date in the past infolog ro Permiteți salvarea intrărilor cu data scadentă în trecut
@ -12,7 +34,7 @@ can not return an exact number of rows and therefore hides the count. admin ro N
change infolog ro Modificare
change responsible infolog ro Schimbare responsabilă
check to set startday infolog ro Verificați pentru a seta ziua de început
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog ro listă de nume de câmpuri separate prin două puncte (:) care trebuie utilizate dacă valoarea este goală sau pentru a însuma
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog ro Listă de nume de câmpuri separate prin două puncte (:) care trebuie utilizate dacă valoarea este goală sau pentru a însuma
contact cf infolog ro Contact CF
convert to a ticket infolog ro Conversia într-un bilet
created infolog ro Creat
@ -42,7 +64,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are about to start? infolog r
do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog ro Primiți notificări dacă intrările pe care le-ați delegat sunt scadente.
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog ro Primiți notificări sub formă de e-mailuri HTML sau text simplu.
don't show infolog infolog ro NU afișați InfoLog
download infolog ro Descărcați
download infolog ro Salvați fișierul
download url for links infolog ro URL de descărcare pentru linkuri
due %1 infolog ro Due %1
due date infolog ro Data scadentă
@ -56,6 +78,7 @@ example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james m
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role infolog ro Exemplu {{NELF rol}} - dacă câmpul role nu este gol, se va obține o nouă linie cu valoarea câmpului role
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field infolog ro Exemplu {{nenvlf role}} - dacă câmpul rol nu este gol, se va seta un LF fără nicio valoare a câmpului
execute a further action for this entry infolog ro Executați o acțiune suplimentară pentru această intrare
existing links infolog ro Legături existente
exists infolog ro Există
export definition to use for nextmatch export infolog ro Definiția de export care trebuie utilizată pentru exportul nextmatch
exports in ical format. infolog ro Exportă în format iCal.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%1 deleted infolog ru %1 удален
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog ru %1 удален %2 в %3
%1 entries %2 infolog ru %1 записей %2
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog ru %1 записей %2, %3 не выполнено из-за недостаточности прав !!!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! infolog ru %1 записей %2, %3 не выполнено из-за недостаточности прав!
%1 entries %2, %3 failed. infolog ru %1 записей %2, %3 не выполнено
%1 modified infolog ru %1 изменен
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog ru %1 изменен %2 в %3
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ application mail expected but got: %1 infolog ru Ожидалось письмо
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog ru Применить действие ко всему запросу, НЕ ТОЛЬКО к показываемым записям !!!
apply the changes infolog ru Применить изменения
archive infolog ru Архивировать
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog ru Уверены, что хотите закрыть эту запись ?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog ru Уверены, что хотите удалить эту запись ?
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog ru Уверены, что хотите закрыть эту запись?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog ru Уверены, что хотите удалить эту запись?
attach a file infolog ru Прикрепить файл
attach file infolog ru Прикрепить файл
attachments infolog ru Приложения
@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ custom contact-address, leave empty to use information from most recent link inf
custom contact-information, leave emtpy to use information from most recent link infolog ru Пользовательская информация для контакта, оставьте незаполненным для использования информации из наиболее свежей ссылки
custom fields infolog ru Пользовательские Поля
custom fields, type and status common ru Пользовательские поля, тип и состояние
custom from infolog ru Пользовательский из (?)
custom regarding infolog ru Пользовательский относительно (?)
custom from infolog ru Пользовательский из
custom regarding infolog ru Пользовательский относительно
custom status for typ infolog ru Пользовательское состояние для типа
customfields infolog ru Пользовательские поля
data exchange settings infolog ru Установки обмена данных
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog ru Вы же
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog ru Вы желаете получать напоминания в виде HTML или обычного текста?
don't show infolog infolog ru НЕ показывать ИнфоЖурнал
done infolog ru Выполнено
download infolog ru Загрузить
download infolog ru Сохранить файл
download url for links infolog ru Загрузить URL ссылок
due %1 infolog ru Выполнено %1
due date infolog ru Дата выполнения
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ exports in ical format. infolog ru Экспорт в формате iCal.
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog ru Экспорт записей ИнфоЖурнала в файл CSV.
favorites infolog ru Избранное
fax infolog ru Факс
field must not be empty !!! infolog ru Поле должно быть заполнено !!!
field must not be empty !!! infolog ru Поле должно быть заполнено!
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog ru Поля для исключения при копировании записей ИнфоЖурнала:
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog ru Поля для исключения при создании дочерних записей:
fieldseparator infolog ru Разделитель полей
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ how many description lines should be directly visible. further lines are availab
how wide should the description area be. this value is numeric and interpreted as em; 60 works reasonably well. infolog ru Какова должна быть ширина области описания. Цифровая величина, например, 60.
html link to the current record infolog ru HTML-ссылка на запись
id infolog ru ID идентификатор
id# infolog ru ID # идентификатор
id# infolog ru ID# идентификатор
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog ru Если тип имеет группу-владельца, все записи этого типа будут иметь владельцем данную группу, а НЕ пользователя, который их создал!
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog ru Если не установлено, строка с поиском и фильтрами скрыта для количества записей меньшего, чем "макс. совпадений на страницу" (как определено в ваших общих настройках)
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog ru Если указан каталог с полным путем, %1 показывает действие для каждого документа. Это действие позволяет загрузить указанный документ со вставленными данными.
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ manage mapping infolog ru Управление отображениями
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog ru максимальная длина ввода [, длина поля ввода (необязательно)]
modifier infolog ru Кто изменил
modifierer infolog ru Кто изменил
name must not be empty !!! infolog ru Имя не должно быть пустым !!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog ru Имя не должно быть пустым!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog ru Имя текущего пользователя, все остальные поля контакта также верны
name of new type to create infolog ru имя вновь создаваемого типа
never hide search and filters infolog ru никогда не скрывать поиск и фильтры
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ today infolog ru Сегодня
todays date infolog ru сегодняшняя дата
todo infolog ru Задание
typ infolog ru Тип
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog ru Тип '%1' уже существует !!!
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog ru Тип '%1' уже существует!
type infolog ru Тип
type ... infolog ru Тип ...
type of customfield infolog ru Тип пользовательского поля
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ view parent with children infolog ru Просмотр родителя с дет
view subs infolog ru Смотреть дочерние записи
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog ru Показать родительскую запись данной записи и всех подзаписей
view this linked entry in its application infolog ru Показать данную запись в ее приложении
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog ru когда Задание или Телефонный Звонок должны начаться, они показываются с этой даты при открытии фильтра или просто открытии (стартовая страница) (?..)
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog ru когда Задание или Телефонный Звонок должны начаться, они показываются с этой даты при открытии фильтра или просто открытии (стартовая страница)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog ru Какие дополнительные поля должен мочь редактировать ответственный, не имея прав на редактирование?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get infolog ru Какие неявные права ACL должен получить ответственный
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog ru Какие участники должны быть предварительно выбраны для расписания встречи.
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ all links and attachments infolog sk Všetky odkazy a prílohy
all other %1 fields are valid infolog sk Všetky ostatné %1 polia sú platné
all projects infolog sk Všetky projekty
allow to save entries with due date in the past infolog sk Umožniť vytváranie záznamov ktorých termín splnenia je v minulosti
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog sk umožňuje nastaviť stav záznamu, napr. nastaviť Úlohu ktorá sa má vykonať po ukončení (hodnoty závisia na type záznamu)
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog sk Umožňuje nastaviť stav záznamu, napr. nastaviť Úlohu ktorá sa má vykonať po ukončení (hodnoty závisia na type záznamu)
alternatives infolog sk Alternatívy
always show them infolog sk Vždy ich ukázať
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog sk Očakával som e-mail aplikácie no dostal som: %1
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ delegated open infolog sk Delegované - otvorené
delegated open and upcoming infolog sk Delegované - otvorené a blížiace sa
delegated overdue infolog sk Delegované - meškajúce
delegated upcomming infolog sk Delegované - blížiace sa
delegation infolog sk Delegovať
delegation infolog sk Delegovanie
delete infolog sk Odstrániť
delete one record by passing its id. infolog sk Odstrániť konkrétny záznam podľa zadaného ID.
delete selected entries? infolog sk Odstrániť vybrané položky?
@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog sk Chcete do
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog sk E-mailové pripomienky chcete dostávať ako HTML, alebo ako čistý text?
don't show infolog infolog sk NEzobrazovať Záznamník
done infolog sk Hotovo
download infolog sk Stiahnuť
download infolog sk Uložiť súbor
download url for links infolog sk Stiahnuť URL pre odkazy
due %1 infolog sk Termín %1
due date infolog sk Termín splnenia
duration infolog sk Trvanie
e-mail: infolog sk E-mail:
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog sk každá hodnota je riadok v tvare <id>[=<label>]
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog sk Každá hodnota je riadok v tvare <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog sk Upraviť
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog sk Upraviť alebo vytvoriť kategórie pre Záznamník
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog sk Plné práva úprav (vrátane nastavenia niekoho iného za zodpovednú osobu!)
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ end infolog sk Koniec
enddate infolog sk Termín splnenia
enddate can not be before startdate infolog sk Termín splnenia nemôže byť pred dátumom začatia
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog sk Zadajte používateľsky definovaný kontakt, alebo ponechajte prázdne ak sa má použiť záznam pripojený odkazom
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog sk zadajte používateľsky definovaný telefón/E-mail, alebo ponechajte prázdne ak sa má použiť záznam pripojený odkazom
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog sk Zadajte používateľsky definovaný telefón/E-mail, alebo ponechajte prázdne ak sa má použiť záznam pripojený odkazom
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog sk Zadajte text popisujúci tento záznam
enter the query pattern infolog sk Zadajte výraz pre vyhľadávanie
entry and all files infolog sk Záznam a všetky súbory
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ invalid filename infolog sk Chybný názov súboru
invalid owner id: %1. might be a bad field translation. used %2 instead. infolog sk Chybné ID používateľa: %1. Použil som radšej %2.
invalid status for entry type %1. infolog sk Chybný stav pre položku typu %1.
label<br>helptext infolog sk Označenie<br>Pomocný text
last changed infolog sk Naposledy zmenené
last changed infolog sk Posledná zmena
last modified infolog sk Naposledy upravil
leave blank to get the used time calculated by timesheet entries infolog sk Ak chcete, aby bol čas spočítaný na základe záznamov Harmonogramu, tak ponechajte prázdne.
leave it empty infolog sk Ponechať prázdne
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ projectmanager infolog sk Projektovník
re-planned infolog sk Pre-plánované
re-planned time infolog sk Pre-plánovaný čas
re: infolog sk Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog sk Načítaj jednotlivý záznam zadaním id.
read one record by passing its id. infolog sk Načítaj jednotlivý záznam zadaním ID.
read rights (default) infolog sk Právo na čítanie (predvolené)
receive notifications about due entries you are responsible for infolog sk Dostávať pripomienky o záznamoch, ktorým nastáva termín splnenia a ste za ne zodpovední
receive notifications about due entries you delegated infolog sk Dostávať pripomienky o záznamoch, ktoré ste delegovali
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ today infolog sk Dnes
todays date infolog sk Dnešný dátum
todo infolog sk Úloha
typ infolog sk Typ
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog sk Typ '%1' už existuje !!!
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog sk Typ '%1' už existuje!
type infolog sk Typ
type ... infolog sk Typ ...
type of customfield infolog sk Typ používateľského poľa
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ view parent with children infolog sk Zobraziť rodčovské s potomkami
view subs infolog sk Zobraziť podradené záznamy
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog sk Zobraziť rodičovský záznam a všetky jeho podradené
view this linked entry in its application infolog sk Zobraziť tento odkaz v jeho aplikácii
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog sk keď má byť začatá Úloha alebo Telefonát, ukáže sa akoby od tohto dátumu vo filtri "otvorené" alebo "moje otvorené" (úvodná stránka)
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog sk Keď má byť začatá Úloha alebo Telefonát, ukáže sa akoby od tohto dátumu vo filtri "otvorené" alebo "moje otvorené" (úvodná stránka)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog sk Ktoré prídavné položky majú byť zodpovednej osobe prístupné pre úpravy, a to aj bez pridelených práv na úpravy?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get infolog sk Ktoré implicitné ACL prístupové oprávnenia má obdržať zodpovedná osoba
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog sk Ktorí účastníci majú byť predvybratí pri plánovaní pozvania.
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog sk Áno, iba správcovia môžu
yes, with larger fontsize infolog sk Áno, s väčším písmom
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog sk Áno, s možnosťou vyčistenia odstránených položiek
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog sk Môžete si vybrať, ktorá kategória bude predvybraná, keď budete vytvárať nový záznam Záznamníka.
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog sk Nemôžete odstrániť východiskový typ!!
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog sk Nemôžete odstrániť východiskový typ!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog sk Zadali ste chybný termín ukončenia
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog sk Zadali ste chybný dátum začatia
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! infolog sk Ak chcete vytvoriť typ, musíte zadať nejaké meno!
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (v
alternatives infolog sl Alternativa
always show them infolog sl Vedno jih pokažite
application mail expected but got: %1 infolog sl Pričakovana prijava je bila priąeta: %1
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog sl Uporabite dejanje za celotno poizvedbo, NE samo prikazane vnose !!!
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries!!! infolog sl Uporabite dejanje za celotno poizvedbo, NE samo prikazane vnose!
apply the changes infolog sl Uveljavi spremembe
archive infolog sl Arhiv
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog sl Ali ste prepričani, da želite zapreti ta vnos?
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ close infolog sl Zapri
close all infolog sl Zapri vse
close this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog sl Zaprite ta vnos in vse podmape, naštete na seznamu
closed infolog sl Zaprto
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog sl dvopičje (:) ločeni seznam imen polj za uporabo, če je vrednost prazna ali se sumi
colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up infolog sl Dvopičje (:) ločeni seznam imen polj za uporabo, če je vrednost prazna ali se sumi
comment infolog sl Opomba
compare infolog sl Primerjaj
completed infolog sl Končano
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ deletes the selected typ infolog sl Izbriše izbrani tip
deletes this field infolog sl Izbriše to polje
deletes this status infolog sl Izbriše ta status
description infolog sl Opis
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog sl ugotovi vrstni red polj, ki so prikazana
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog sl Ugotovi vrstni red polj, ki so prikazana
directory with documents to insert entries infolog sl Mapa z dokumenti za vstavljanje
disables a status without deleting it infolog sl Onemogoči status brez brisanja
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog sl Ali želite potrdilo odgovornosti za: sprejemanje, končanje naloge ali oboje?
@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog sl Želite p
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog sl Želite prejemati obvestila v obliki HTML ali kot navadno besedilo?
don't show infolog infolog sl Ne prikaži InfoDnevnika
done infolog sl Končano
download infolog sl Prenos
download infolog sl Shranite datoteko
download url for links infolog sl Prenesi url za povezave
due %1 infolog sl Zaradi %1
due date infolog sl Datum zapadlosti
duration infolog sl Trajanje
e-mail: infolog sl E-naslov:
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog sl vsaka vrednost je vrstice kot <šifra>[=<oznaka>]
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog sl Vsaka vrednost je vrstice kot <šifra>[=<oznaka>]
edit infolog sl Uredi
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog sl Uredi ali ustvari kategorije za InfoDnevnik
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog sl Uredi pravice (vse pravice, vključno z vnosom namestnika!)
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ manage mapping infolog sl Upravljaj mapiranje
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog sl Največja dolžina vhoda [dolžina vhodnega polja (neobvezno)]
modifier infolog sl Modifikator
modifierer infolog sl Modifikator
name must not be empty !!! infolog sl Ime ne sme biti prazno!!!
name must not be empty !!! infolog sl Ime ne sme biti prazno!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog sl Ime trenutnega uporabnika, veljavna so tudi vsa druga polja stika
name of new type to create infolog sl Ime novega tipa, ki ga ustvarjate
never hide search and filters infolog sl Nikoli skriti iskanja in filtrov
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ start a new search, cancel this link infolog sl Zaženi novo iskanje, prekini to
startdate infolog sl Začetni datum
startdate enddate infolog sl Začetni datum Končni datum
startdate for new entries infolog sl Začetni datum za nove vnose
startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog sl Začetni datum mora biti pred končnim datumom !!!
startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog sl Začetni datum mora biti pred končnim datumom!
starting %1 infolog sl Začetek %1
startrecord infolog sl Začetni zapis
status infolog sl Status
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ status ... infolog sl Status ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sl Status, odstotek in datum opravljenega so vedno dovoljeni.
sub infolog sl Podrejeni
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog sl Podrejeni vnosi postanejo podrejeni staršu ali glavnemu vnosu, če ni starša
sub-entries will not be closed infolog sl podrejeni vnosi ne bodo zaprti
sub-entries will not be closed infolog sl Podrejeni vnosi ne bodo zaprti
sub-entry infolog sl Podrejeni vnos
subject infolog sl Predmet
sum infolog sl Vsota
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data.
the following document-types are supported: infolog sl Podprte so naslednje vrste dokumentov:
the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog sl Ime, ki se uporablja interno (manj kot 10 znakov). Sprememba tega bo povzročila, da obstoječ podatek ne bo na voljo.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog sl Ime, ki se uporablja interno (manj kot 20 znakov). Sprememba tega bo povzročila, da obstoječ podatek ne bo na voljo.
the text displayed to the user infolog sl besedilo, ki se prikaže uporabniku
the text displayed to the user infolog sl Besedilo, ki se prikaže uporabniku
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog sl To je filter, ki ga InfoDnevnik uporablja, ko vstopite v aplikacijo. Filter omejuje število prikazanih zapisov v trenutnem pogledu. Obstajajo filtri, ki prikazujejo samo dokončane, še odprte ali zapise v prihodnosti, vaše ali tuje zapise.
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog sl Do kdaj naj bo opravilo ali telefonski klic opravljen
times infolog sl Časi
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