update dutch translations

This commit is contained in:
Pim Snel 2004-04-20 13:39:21 +00:00
parent ab0d4c5989
commit 6c80ad8431

View File

@ -1,277 +1,177 @@
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' etemplate nl
%1 etemplates deleted etemplate nl
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' etemplate nl
%1 etemplates found etemplate nl
%1 matches on search criteria etemplate nl
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' etemplate nl
%s disabled etemplate nl
%s needed etemplate nl
%s notranslation etemplate nl
%s onchange etemplate nl
%s readonly etemplate nl
a pattern to be searched for etemplate nl
add a new column (after the existing ones) etemplate nl
add a new multi-column index etemplate nl
add column etemplate nl
add index etemplate nl
add table etemplate nl
align etemplate nl
alignment of label and input-field in table-cell etemplate nl
alignment of the v/hbox containing table-cell etemplate nl
am etemplate nl
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) etemplate nl
application etemplate nl
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! etemplate nl
attach etemplate nl
attach file etemplate nl
blurtext etemplate nl
border etemplate nl
border-line-thickness for the table-tag etemplate nl
can not have special sql-value null etemplate nl
cancel etemplate nl
category etemplate nl
cellpadding for the table-tag etemplate nl
cells etemplate nl
cellspacing for the table-tag etemplate nl
center etemplate nl
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) etemplate nl
check if field has to be filled by user etemplate nl
checkbox etemplate nl
class etemplate nl
class, valign etemplate nl
click here to attach the file etemplate nl
click here to create the link etemplate nl
click here to start the search etemplate nl
click here to upload the file etemplate nl
columnname etemplate nl
comment etemplate nl
create a new table for the application etemplate nl
creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) etemplate nl
css class for the table-tag etemplate nl
css-class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = nextmatch header, 'nmr' = alternating nm row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' nm rows etemplate nl
css-styles etemplate nl
date+time etemplate nl
datum etemplate nl
day etemplate nl
db ensures that every row has a unique value in that column etemplate nl
db-specific index options (comma-sep.), eg. mysql(fulltext) or mysql(100) for the indexed length of a col etemplate nl
db-tools etemplate nl
deck etemplate nl
default etemplate nl
delete etemplate nl
delete a single entry by passing the id. etemplate nl
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry etemplate nl
delete column etemplate nl
delete index etemplate nl
delete this etemplate etemplate nl
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) etemplate nl
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone etemplate nl
deletes the etemplate spez. above etemplate nl
deletes this column etemplate nl
deletes this index etemplate nl
discard changes etemplate nl
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) etemplate nl
displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus etemplate nl
do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? etemplate nl
drop a table - this can not be undone etemplate nl
drop table etemplate nl
dump4setup etemplate nl
edit etemplate nl
edit the etemplate spez. above etemplate nl
editable templates - db-tools etemplate nl
editable templates - delete template etemplate nl
editable templates - editor etemplate nl
editable templates - search etemplate nl
editable templates - show template etemplate nl
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) etemplate nl
enable javascript onchange submit etemplate nl
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default etemplate nl
enter a search pattern etemplate nl
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it etemplate nl
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file etemplate nl
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) etemplate nl
entry saved etemplate nl
error: template not found !!! etemplate nl
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! etemplate nl
error: while saveing !!! etemplate nl
error: writeing !!! etemplate nl
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! etemplate nl
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application \'%3\' and languages \'%4\' etemplate nl %1 (%2 nieuwe) berichten geschreven voor applicatie '%3' en talen '%4'
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application \\\'%3\\\' and languages \\\'%4\\\' etemplate nl %1 (%2 nieuwe) berichten geschreven voor applicatie '%3' en talen '%4'
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application \\\\\\\'%3\\\\\\\' and languages \\\\\\\'%4\\\\\\\' etemplate nl %1 (%2 nieuwe) berichten geschreven voor applicatie '%3' en talen '%4'
%1 etemplates deleted etemplate nl %1 eTemplates verwijderd
%1 etemplates for application \'%2\' dumped to \'%3\' etemplate nl %1 eTemplates voor applicatie '%2' gedumpt naar '%3'
%1 etemplates for application \\\'%2\\\' dumped to \\\'%3\\\' etemplate nl %1 eTemplates voor applicatie '%2' gedumpt naar '%3'
%1 etemplates for application \\\\\\\'%2\\\\\\\' dumped to \\\\\\\'%3\\\\\\\' etemplate nl %1 eTemplates voor applicatie '%2' gedumpt naar '%3'
%1 etemplates found etemplate nl %1 eTemplates gevonden
%1 matches on search criteria etemplate nl %1 komt overeen met zoekcriteria
%1 new etemplates imported for application \'%2\' etemplate nl %1 nieuwe eTemplates geïmporteerd voor applicatie '%2'
%1 new etemplates imported for application \\\'%2\\\' etemplate nl %1 nieuwe eTemplates geïmporteerd voor applicatie '%2'
%1 new etemplates imported for application \\\\\\\'%2\\\\\\\' etemplate nl %1 nieuwe eTemplates geïmporteerd voor applicatie '%2'
%s disabled etemplate nl %s uitgeschakeld
%s needed etemplate nl %s nodig
%s notranslation etemplate nl %s GeenVertaling
%s onchange etemplate nl %s bijWijzigen
%s readonly etemplate nl %s alleen lezen
add a new column (after the existing ones) etemplate nl Voeg een nieuwe kolom toe (achter de bestaande kolommen)
add a new multi-column index etemplate nl Een nieuwe multi-column index toevoegen
add column etemplate nl Kolom toevoegen
add index etemplate nl Index toevoegen
add table etemplate nl Tabel toevoegen
align etemplate nl Uitlijnen
am etemplate nl am
application etemplate nl Applicatie
attach etemplate nl Bijsluiten
attach file etemplate nl Bestand bijsluiten
border etemplate nl Rand
border-line-thickness for the table-tag etemplate nl Randlijndikte voor de table-tag
cancel etemplate nl Annuleren
category etemplate nl Categorie
cells etemplate nl Cellen
center etemplate nl Centreren
check if field has to be filled by user etemplate nl vink aan als dit veld door de gebruiker moet worden ingevuld
click here to attach the file etemplate nl klik hier om een bestand bij te sluiten
click here to create the link etemplate nl klik hier om een link te maken
click here to start the search etemplate nl klik hier om een zoekactie te starten
click here to upload the file etemplate nl klik hier om een bestand te uploaden
columnname etemplate nl Kolomnaam
comment etemplate nl Commentaar
create a new table for the application etemplate nl Maak een nieuwe tabel voor de applicatie
date+time etemplate nl Datum+Tijd
datum etemplate nl Datum
day etemplate nl Dag
db ensures that every row has a unique value in that column etemplate nl Database zorgt ervoor dat elk record een unieke waarde heeft in deze kolom
db-tools etemplate nl DB-Tools
default etemplate nl Standaard
delete etemplate nl Verwijderen
delete column etemplate nl Kolom verwijderen
delete index etemplate nl Index verwijderen
delete this etemplate etemplate nl deze eTemplate verwijderen
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) etemplate nl complete kolom verwijderen (dit kan NIET ongedaan gemaakt worden!!!)
deletes this column etemplate nl Verwijderd deze kolom
deletes this index etemplate nl Verwijderd deze index
discard changes etemplate nl ondankt wijzigingen
documentation etemplate nl Documentatie
drop a table - this can not be undone etemplate nl Tabel verwijderen - dit kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden
drop table etemplate nl Tabel verwijderen
edit etemplate nl Wijzigen
enter a search pattern etemplate nl Geef een zoekpatroon
entry saved etemplate nl Record opgelagen
error: template not found !!! etemplate nl Fout: Template niet gevonden !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into \'%1\' !!! etemplate nl Fout: webserver heeft geen toestemming om de schrijven in '%1' !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into \\\'%1\\\' !!! etemplate nl Fout: webserver heeft geen toestemming om de schrijven in '%1' !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into \\\\\\\'%1\\\\\\\' !!! etemplate nl Fout: webserver heeft geen toestemming om de schrijven in '%1' !!!
error: while saveing !!! etemplate nl Fou: tijdens opslaan !!!
error: writeing !!! etemplate nl Fout tijdens schrijven !!!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! etemplate nl Fout bij het schrijven (geen schrijfrechten voor de webserver) !!!
etemplate common nl eTemplate
etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database etemplate nl
etemplate '%1' written to '%2' etemplate nl
etemplate editor etemplate nl
exchange this row with the one above etemplate nl
exchange this two columns etemplate nl
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file etemplate nl
export xml etemplate nl
extensions loaded: etemplate nl
etemplate \'%1\' imported, use save to put it in the database etemplate nl eTemplate '%1' geïmporteerd, gebruik Opslaan om het in de database te zetten.
etemplate \'%1\' written to \'%2\' etemplate nl eTemplate '%1' geschreven naar '%2'
etemplate \\\'%1\\\' imported, use save to put it in the database etemplate nl eTemplate '%1' geïmporteerd, gebruik Opslaan om het in de database te zetten.
etemplate \\\'%1\\\' written to \\\'%2\\\' etemplate nl eTemplate '%1' geschreven naar '%2'
etemplate \\\\\\\'%1\\\\\\\' imported, use save to put it in the database etemplate nl eTemplate '%1' geïmporteerd, gebruik Opslaan om het in de database te zetten.
etemplate \\\\\\\'%1\\\\\\\' written to \\\\\\\'%2\\\\\\\' etemplate nl eTemplate '%1' geschreven naar '%2'
etemplate editor etemplate nl eTemplate Editor
etemplate referenz etemplate nl eTemplate Referentie
etemplate tutorial etemplate nl eTemplate Tutorial
export xml etemplate nl Exporteer XML
field must not be empty !!! etemplate nl Veld mag niet leeg zijn !!!
file etemplate nl Bestand
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! etemplate nl
file writen etemplate nl
fileupload etemplate nl
file writen etemplate nl Bestand weggeschreven
first etemplate nl Eerste
floating point etemplate nl
foreign key etemplate nl
go to the first entry etemplate nl
go to the last entry etemplate nl
go to the next page of entries etemplate nl
go to the previous page of entries etemplate nl
hbox etemplate nl
height etemplate nl Hoogte
height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty etemplate nl
height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div etemplate nl
height, disabled etemplate nl
height, disabled etemplate nl Hoogte, uitgeschakeld
help etemplate nl Help
horizontal rule etemplate nl
horizontal rule etemplate nl Horizontale lijn
hour etemplate nl Uur
html etemplate nl HTML
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell etemplate nl
image etemplate nl Afbeelding
import etemplate nl Importeren
import an etemplate from a xml-file etemplate nl
import table-definitions from existing db-table etemplate nl
import xml etemplate nl
index/name of returned content (name of the template, link / method for image) etemplate nl
indexed etemplate nl
indexoptions etemplate nl
insert new column behind this one etemplate nl
insert new column in front of all etemplate nl
insert new row after this one etemplate nl
insert new row in front of first line etemplate nl
integer etemplate nl
key etemplate nl
label etemplate nl
label:[bold][italic] text:[len][,max] numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] t.area:[rows][,cols] radiob.:value h.rule:[width] templ.:[indexincontent] select:[multiselect] date:[values: eg. 'y-m-d'] etemplate nl
lang etemplate nl
language-short (eg. 'en' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads your pref. languages or the default, us 'default' to read the default template '') etemplate nl
last etemplate nl
left etemplate nl
length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 etemplate nl
link etemplate nl
linklist etemplate nl
linkstring etemplate nl
linkto etemplate nl
load this template into the editor etemplate nl
minute etemplate nl
import xml etemplate nl Importeer XML
last etemplate nl Laatste
left etemplate nl Links
link etemplate nl Link
linklist etemplate nl Linklijst
linkstring etemplate nl LinkString
linkto etemplate nl LinkNaar
load this template into the editor etemplate nl laad deze tempate in de editor
minute etemplate nl Minuur
month etemplate nl Maand
multicolumn indices etemplate nl
multicolumn indices etemplate nl Multi-column Indices
name etemplate nl Naam
name of other table where column is a key from etemplate nl
name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') etemplate nl
name of table to add etemplate nl
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate nl
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate nl
name of table to add etemplate nl Naam van de toe te voegen tabel
new search etemplate nl Nieuwe zoekopdracht
new table created etemplate nl
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate nl
nextmatch etemplate nl
no file etemplate nl
no filename given or selected via browse... etemplate nl
not null etemplate nl
nothing found - try again !!! etemplate nl
nothing matched search criteria !!! etemplate nl
number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, css-class name (for the td tag) etemplate nl
number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing etemplate nl
of etemplate nl
only an other version found !!! etemplate nl
optional note about the link etemplate nl
options etemplate nl
overflow etemplate nl
padding etemplate nl
please enter table-name first !!! etemplate nl
pm etemplate nl
precision etemplate nl
primary key etemplate nl
primary key for the table, gets automaticaly indexed etemplate nl
radiobutton etemplate nl
read etemplate nl
read a list of entries. etemplate nl
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. etemplate nl
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) etemplate nl
remove row (can not be undone!!!) etemplate nl
remove this link (not the entry itself) etemplate nl
returns savely, without deleting etemplate nl
right etemplate nl
save etemplate nl
save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas etemplate nl
saves changes to tables_current.inc.php etemplate nl
scale etemplate nl
scale for float etemplate nl
search etemplate nl
select a category etemplate nl
select a primary contact, to show in the list etemplate nl
select access etemplate nl
select account etemplate nl
select an app first !!! etemplate nl
select an app to search in etemplate nl
select an application etemplate nl
select an application, (*) = uninstalled etemplate nl
select an entry to link with etemplate nl
select an table of the application etemplate nl
select application etemplate nl
select category etemplate nl
select country etemplate nl
select day etemplate nl
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) etemplate nl
select month etemplate nl
select number etemplate nl
select one ... etemplate nl
select percentage etemplate nl
select priority etemplate nl
select state etemplate nl
select the indexed columns in their desired order etemplate nl
select this etemplate to delete it etemplate nl
select year etemplate nl
selectbox etemplate nl
sets today as date etemplate nl
show etemplate nl
show (no save) etemplate nl
show values etemplate nl
showing etemplate nl
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing etemplate nl
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before etemplate nl
spacing etemplate nl
span, class etemplate nl
stack etemplate nl
start a new search, cancel this link etemplate nl
start new search for the above pattern etemplate nl
submitbutton etemplate nl
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! etemplate nl
tablename etemplate nl
tabs etemplate nl
template etemplate nl
template deleted etemplate nl
template saved etemplate nl
new table created etemplate nl Nieuwe tabel gemaakt
newer version \'%1\' exists !!! etemplate nl niewere versie '%1' bestaat reeds !!!
newer version \\\'%1\\\' exists !!! etemplate nl niewere versie '%1' bestaat reeds !!!
no file etemplate nl geen bestand
no filename given or selected via browse... etemplate nl geen bestandsnaam ingevoerd of geselecteerd met Bladeren ...
not null etemplate nl NIET NULL
nothing found - try again !!! etemplate nl Niets gevonden - probeer opnieuw !!!
nothing matched search criteria !!! etemplate nl Niets kwam overeen met de zoekcriteria !!!
of etemplate nl van
options etemplate nl Opties
pm etemplate nl pm
precision etemplate nl Precisie
read etemplate nl Lezen
remove row (can not be undone!!!) etemplate nl Rij verwijderen (kan NIET ongedaan gemaakt worden)
right etemplate nl Rechts
save etemplate nl Opslaan
search etemplate nl Zoeken
select a category etemplate nl Selecteer een categorie
select an app first !!! etemplate nl Eerst een applicatie selecteren
select an app to search in etemplate nl Selecteer een applicatie om in te zoeken
select an application etemplate nl Selecteer een applicatie
select an application, (*) = uninstalled etemplate nl Selecteer een applicatie, (*) = niet geïnstaleerd
select application etemplate nl Selecteer applicatie
select category etemplate nl Selecteer categorie
select country etemplate nl Selecteer land
select day etemplate nl Selecteer dag
select month etemplate nl Selecteer maand
select number etemplate nl Selecteer nummer
select one ... etemplate nl Selecteer één ...
select percentage etemplate nl Selecteer percentage
select priority etemplate nl Selecteer prioriteit
select state etemplate nl Selecteer staat of provincie
select this etemplate to delete it etemplate nl Select deze eTemplate om hem te verwijderen
select which values to show etemplate nl Selecteer welke waarden uw wilt laten zien
select year etemplate nl Selecteer jaar
sets today as date etemplate nl Zet vandaag als datum
show etemplate nl Weergeven
show (no save) etemplate nl Weergeven (niet opslaan)
show values etemplate nl Waarden weergeven
showing etemplate nl geeft weer
submitbutton etemplate nl Verzendknop
tabs etemplate nl Tabs
template etemplate nl Template
template deleted etemplate nl Template verwijderd
template saved etemplate nl Template opgeslagen
text etemplate nl Tekst
textarea etemplate nl Textarea
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) etemplate nl
time etemplate nl
to start the db-tools etemplate nl
to start the etemplate editor etemplate nl
to start the search etemplate nl
today etemplate nl
type etemplate nl
type of the column etemplate nl
type of the field (select label if field should be empty) etemplate nl
unique etemplate nl
unlink etemplate nl
update a single entry by passing the fields. etemplate nl
update from version '%s' to etemplate nl
upload etemplate nl
time etemplate nl Tijd
to start the db-tools etemplate nl om de DB-tools te starten
to start the etemplate editor etemplate nl om de eTemplate editor te starten
to start the search etemplate nl om de zoekactie te starten
today etemplate nl Vandaag
type etemplate nl Type
type of the column etemplate nl Kolomtype
unique etemplate nl Uniek
upload etemplate nl Upload
value etemplate nl Waarde
value has to be at least \'%1\' !!! etemplate nl Waarde moet op z'n minst '%1' zijn !!!
value has to be at least \\\'%1\\\' !!! etemplate nl Waarde moet op z'n minst '%1' zijn !!!
value has to be at least \\\\\\\'%1\\\\\\\' !!! etemplate nl Waarde moet op z'n minst '%1' zijn !!!
value has to be at maximum \'%1\' !!! etemplate nl Waarde kan op hoogstens '%1' zijn !!!
value has to be at maximum \\\'%1\\\' !!! etemplate nl Waarde kan op hoogstens '%1' zijn !!!
value has to be at maximum \\\\\\\'%1\\\\\\\' !!! etemplate nl Waarde kan op hoogstens '%1' zijn !!!
vbox etemplate nl VBox
version etemplate nl Versie
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) etemplate nl
view this linked entry in its application etemplate nl
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) etemplate nl
width etemplate nl Breedte
width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty etemplate nl
width of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div etemplate nl
width, disabled etemplate nl
write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php etemplate nl
write langfile etemplate nl
width, disabled etemplate nl Breedte, uitgeschakeld
write langfile etemplate nl Taalbestand wegschrijven
write tables etemplate nl Schrijf tabellen
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app etemplate nl
xml-file to import etemplate nl
xslt template etemplate nl
xml-file to import etemplate nl XML-bestand om te importeren
xslt template etemplate nl XSLT Template
year etemplate nl Jaar