diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/CSS/css.js b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/CSS/css.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..365270f8b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/CSS/css.js
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// Simple CSS (className) plugin for the editor
+// Sponsored by http://www.miro.com.au
+// Implementation by Mihai Bazon, http://dynarch.com/mishoo.
+// (c) dynarch.com 2003
+// Distributed under the same terms as HTMLArea itself.
+// This notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).
+// $Id$
+function CSS(editor, params) {
+ this.editor = editor;
+ var cfg = editor.config;
+ var toolbar = cfg.toolbar;
+ var self = this;
+ var i18n = CSS.I18N;
+ var plugin_config = params[0];
+ var combos = plugin_config.combos;
+ var first = true;
+ for (var i = combos.length; --i >= 0;) {
+ var combo = combos[i];
+ var id = "CSS-class" + i;
+ var css_class = {
+ id : id,
+ options : combo.options,
+ action : function(editor) { self.onSelect(editor, this, combo.context, combo.updatecontextclass); },
+ refresh : function(editor) { self.updateValue(editor, this); },
+ context : combo.context
+ };
+ cfg.registerDropdown(css_class);
+ // prepend to the toolbar
+ toolbar[1].splice(0, 0, first ? "separator" : "space");
+ toolbar[1].splice(0, 0, id);
+ if (combo.label)
+ toolbar[1].splice(0, 0, "T[" + combo.label + "]");
+ first = false;
+ }
+CSS._pluginInfo = {
+ name : "CSS",
+ version : "1.0",
+ developer : "Mihai Bazon",
+ developer_url : "http://dynarch.com/mishoo/",
+ c_owner : "Mihai Bazon",
+ sponsor : "Miro International",
+ sponsor_url : "http://www.miro.com.au",
+ license : "htmlArea"
+CSS.prototype.onSelect = function(editor, obj, context, updatecontextclass) {
+ var tbobj = editor._toolbarObjects[obj.id];
+ var index = tbobj.element.selectedIndex;
+ var className = tbobj.element.value;
+ // retrieve parent element of the selection
+ var parent = editor.getParentElement();
+ var surround = true;
+ var is_span = (parent && parent.tagName.toLowerCase() == "span");
+ var update_parent = (context && updatecontextclass && parent && parent.tagName.toLowerCase() == context);
+ if (update_parent) {
+ parent.className = className;
+ editor.updateToolbar();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (is_span && index == 0 && !/\S/.test(parent.style.cssText)) {
+ while (parent.firstChild) {
+ parent.parentNode.insertBefore(parent.firstChild, parent);
+ }
+ parent.parentNode.removeChild(parent);
+ editor.updateToolbar();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (is_span) {
+ // maybe we could simply change the class of the parent node?
+ if (parent.childNodes.length == 1) {
+ parent.className = className;
+ surround = false;
+ // in this case we should handle the toolbar updation
+ // ourselves.
+ editor.updateToolbar();
+ }
+ }
+ // Other possibilities could be checked but require a lot of code. We
+ // can't afford to do that now.
+ if (surround) {
+ // shit happens ;-) most of the time. this method works, but
+ // it's dangerous when selection spans multiple block-level
+ // elements.
+ editor.surroundHTML("", "");
+ }
+CSS.prototype.updateValue = function(editor, obj) {
+ var select = editor._toolbarObjects[obj.id].element;
+ var parent = editor.getParentElement();
+ if (typeof parent.className != "undefined" && /\S/.test(parent.className)) {
+ var options = select.options;
+ var value = parent.className;
+ for (var i = options.length; --i >= 0;) {
+ var option = options[i];
+ if (value == option.value) {
+ select.selectedIndex = i;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ select.selectedIndex = 0;
diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/ContextMenu/menu.css b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/ContextMenu/menu.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70626b5045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/ContextMenu/menu.css
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* styles for the ContextMenu /HTMLArea */
+/* The ContextMenu plugin is (c) dynarch.com 2003. */
+/* Distributed under the same terms as HTMLArea itself */
+div.htmlarea-context-menu {
+ position: absolute;
+ border: 1px solid #aca899;
+ padding: 2px;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ cursor: default;
+ z-index: 1000;
+div.htmlarea-context-menu table {
+ font: 11px tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+div.htmlarea-context-menu tr.item td.icon img {
+ width: 18px;
+ height: 18px;
+div.htmlarea-context-menu tr.item td.icon {
+ padding: 0px 3px;
+ height: 18px;
+ background-color: #cdf;
+div.htmlarea-context-menu tr.item td.label {
+ padding: 1px 10px 1px 3px;
+div.htmlarea-context-menu tr.separator td {
+ padding: 2px 0px;
+div.htmlarea-context-menu tr.separator td div {
+ border-top: 1px solid #aca899;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative;
+div.htmlarea-context-menu tr.separator td.icon {
+ background-color: #cdf;
+div.htmlarea-context-menu tr.separator td.icon div {
+/* margin-left: 3px; */
+ border-color: #fff;
+div.htmlarea-context-menu tr.separator td.label div {
+ margin-right: 3px;
+div.htmlarea-context-menu tr.item.hover {
+ background-color: #316ac5;
+ color: #fff;
+div.htmlarea-context-menu tr.item.hover td.icon {
+ background-color: #619af5;
diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/img/makefile.xml b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/img/makefile.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b25815dd29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/img/makefile.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/cz.js b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/cz.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d407dae007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/cz.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "cz", ENCODING: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-2
+// Author: Jiri Löw,
+// (at least a valid email address)
+// (if this is not possible, please include a comment
+// that states what encoding is necessary.)
+TableOperations.I18N = {
+ "Align": "Zarovnání",
+ "All four sides": "Všechny čtyři strany",
+ "Background": "Pozadí",
+ "Baseline": "Základní linka",
+ "Border": "Obrys",
+ "Borders": "Obrysy",
+ "Bottom": "Dolů",
+ "CSS Style": "Kaskádové styly (CSS)",
+ "Caption": "Titulek",
+ "Cell Properties": "Vlastnosti buňky",
+ "Center": "Na střed",
+ "Char": "Znak",
+ "Collapsed borders": "Stlačené okraje",
+ "Color": "Barva",
+ "Description": "Popis",
+ "FG Color": "Barva popředí",
+ "Float": "Obtékání",
+ "Frames": "Rámečky",
+ "Height": "Výška",
+ "How many columns would you like to merge?": "Kolik sloupců si přejete spojit?",
+ "How many rows would you like to merge?": "Kolik řádků si přejete spojit?",
+ "Image URL": "Adresa obrázku",
+ "Justify": "Do stran",
+ "Layout": "Rozložení",
+ "Left": "Vlevo",
+ "Margin": "Okraj",
+ "Middle": "Na střed",
+ "No rules": "Žádné čáry",
+ "No sides": "Žádné strany",
+ "None": "Žádné",
+ "Padding": "Odsazování",
+ "Please click into some cell": "Prosím klikněte do některé buňky",
+ "Right": "Vpravo",
+ "Row Properties": "Vlastnosti řádku",
+ "Rules will appear between all rows and columns": "Čáry mezi všemi řádky i sloupci",
+ "Rules will appear between columns only": "Čáry pouze mezi sloupci",
+ "Rules will appear between rows only": "Čáry pouze mezi řádky",
+ "Rules": "Čáry",
+ "Spacing and padding": "Mezery a odsazování",
+ "Spacing": "Mezery",
+ "Summary": "Shrnutí",
+ "TO-cell-delete": "Smazat buňku",
+ "TO-cell-insert-after": "Vložit buňku za",
+ "TO-cell-insert-before": "Vložit buňku před",
+ "TO-cell-merge": "Spojit buňky",
+ "TO-cell-prop": "Vlastnosti buňky",
+ "TO-cell-split": "Rozdělit buňku",
+ "TO-col-delete": "Smazat sloupec",
+ "TO-col-insert-after": "Vložit sloupec za",
+ "TO-col-insert-before": "Vložit sloupec před",
+ "TO-col-split": "Rozdělit sloupec",
+ "TO-row-delete": "Smazat řádek",
+ "TO-row-insert-above": "Smazat řádek nad",
+ "TO-row-insert-under": "Smazat řádek pod",
+ "TO-row-prop": "Vlastnosti řádku",
+ "TO-row-split": "Rozdělit řádek",
+ "TO-table-prop": "Vlastnosti tabulky",
+ "Table Properties": "Vlastnosti tabulky",
+ "Text align": "Zarovnání textu",
+ "The bottom side only": "Pouze spodní strana",
+ "The left-hand side only": "Pouze levá strana",
+ "The right and left sides only": "Pouze levá a pravá strana",
+ "The right-hand side only": "Pouze pravá strana",
+ "The top and bottom sides only": "Pouze horní a dolní strana",
+ "The top side only": "Pouze horní strana",
+ "Top": "Nahoru",
+ "Unset color": "Zrušit barvu",
+ "Vertical align": "Svislé zarovnání",
+ "Width": "Šířka",
+ "not-del-last-cell": "HTMLArea zbaběle odmítá smazat poslední buňku v řádku.",
+ "not-del-last-col": "HTMLArea zbaběle odmítá smazat poslední sloupec v tabulce.",
+ "not-del-last-row": "HTMLArea zbaběle odmítá smazat poslední řádek v tabulce.",
+ "percent": "procent",
+ "pixels": "pixelů"
diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/da.js b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/da.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08a6f1b117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/da.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "da", ENCODING: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-1
+// Author: Steen Sønderup,
+// (at least a valid email address)
+// (if this is not possible, please include a comment
+// that states what encoding is necessary.)
+TableOperations.I18N = {
+ "Align": "Placer",
+ "All four sides": "Alle fire sider",
+ "Background": "Baggrund",
+ "Baseline": "Bundlinie",
+ "Border": "Kant",
+ "Borders": "Kanter",
+ "Bottom": "Bund",
+ "CSS Style": "Stil [CSS]",
+ "Caption": "Titel",
+ "Cell Properties": "Celle egenskaber",
+ "Center": "Centrer",
+ "Char": "Plads",
+ "Collapsed borders": "Sammensmelt rammer",
+ "Color": "Farve",
+ "Description": "Beskrivelse",
+ "FG Color": "Font farve",
+ "Float": "Justering",
+ "Frames": "Udvendig",
+ "Height": "Højde",
+ "How many columns would you like to merge?": "Hvor mange kollonner vil du samle?",
+ "How many rows would you like to merge?": "Hvor mange rækker vil du samle?",
+ "Image URL": "Billede URL",
+ "Justify": "Lige margener",
+ "Layout": "Opsætning",
+ "Left": "Venstre",
+ "Margin": "Margen",
+ "Middle": "Centrer",
+ "No rules": "Ingen rammer",
+ "No sides": "Ingen sider",
+ "None": "Ingen",
+ "Padding": "Margen",
+ "Please click into some cell": "Klik på en celle",
+ "Right": "Højre",
+ "Row Properties": "Række egenskaber",
+ "Rules will appear between all rows and columns": "Rammer mellem rækker og kolonner",
+ "Rules will appear between columns only": "Kun rammer mellem kolonner",
+ "Rules will appear between rows only": "Kun rammer mellem rækker",
+ "Rules": "Invendig",
+ "Spacing and padding": "Afstand og margen",
+ "Spacing": "Afstand",
+ "Summary": "Beskrivelse",
+ "TO-cell-delete": "Slet celle",
+ "TO-cell-insert-after": "Indsæt celle efter",
+ "TO-cell-insert-before": "Indsæt celle før",
+ "TO-cell-merge": "Sammensæt celler",
+ "TO-cell-prop": "Celle egenskaber",
+ "TO-cell-split": "Opdel celle",
+ "TO-col-delete": "Slet kollonne",
+ "TO-col-insert-after": "Indsæt kolonne efter",
+ "TO-col-insert-before": "Indsæt kolonne før",
+ "TO-col-split": "Opdel kolonne",
+ "TO-row-delete": "Slet række",
+ "TO-row-insert-above": "Indsæt række før",
+ "TO-row-insert-under": "Indsæt række efter",
+ "TO-row-prop": "Række egenskaber",
+ "TO-row-split": "Opdel række",
+ "TO-table-prop": "Tabel egenskaber",
+ "Table Properties": "Tabel egenskaber",
+ "Text align": "Tekst",
+ "The bottom side only": "Kun i bunden",
+ "The left-hand side only": "Kun i højre side",
+ "The right and left sides only": "Kun i siderne",
+ "The right-hand side only": "Kun i venstre side",
+ "The top and bottom sides only": "Kun i top og bund",
+ "The top side only": "Kun i toppen",
+ "Top": "Top",
+ "Unset color": "Farve ikke valgt",
+ "Vertical align": "Vertikal placering",
+ "Width": "Bredde",
+ "not-del-last-cell": "Du kan ikke slette den sidste celle i en række.",
+ "not-del-last-col": "Du kan ikke slette den sidste kolonne i en tabel.",
+ "not-del-last-row": "Du kan ikke slette den sidste række i en tabel.",
+ "percent": "procent",
+ "pixels": "pixel"
diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/de.js b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1128cff6fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "de", ENCODING: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-1
+// Author: broxx,
+TableOperations.I18N = {
+ "Align": "Ausrichten",
+ "All four sides": "Alle 4 Seiten",
+ "Background": "Hintergrund",
+ "Baseline": "Basislinie",
+ "Border": "Rand",
+ "Borders": "Raender",
+ "Bottom": "Unten",
+ "CSS Style": "Style [CSS]",
+ "Caption": "Ueberschrift",
+ "Cell Properties": "Zellen",
+ "Center": "Zentrieren",
+ "Char": "Zeichen",
+ "Collapsed borders": "Collapsed borders",
+ "Color": "Farbe",
+ "Description": "Beschreibung",
+ "FG Color": "FG Farbe",
+ "Float": "Ausrichtung",
+ "Frames": "Rahmen",
+ "Height": "Hoehe",
+ "How many columns would you like to merge?": "Wieviele Spalten willst du verbinden?",
+ "How many rows would you like to merge?": "Wieviele Zeilen willst du verbinden?",
+ "Image URL": "Bild URL",
+ "Justify": "Justieren",
+ "Layout": "Layout",
+ "Left": "Links",
+ "Margin": "Rand",
+ "Middle": "Mitte",
+ "No rules": "Keine Balken",
+ "No sides": "Keine Seiten",
+ "None": "Keine",
+ "Padding": "Auffuellung",
+ "Please click into some cell": "Waehle eine Zelle",
+ "Right": "Rechts",
+ "Row Properties": "Reihen",
+ "Rules will appear between all rows and columns": "Balken zwischen Reihen und Spalten",
+ "Rules will appear between columns only": "Balken zwischen Spalten",
+ "Rules will appear between rows only": "Balken zwischen Reihen",
+ "Rules": "Balken",
+ "Spacing and padding": "Abstaende",
+ "Spacing": "Abstand",
+ "Summary": "Zusammenfassung",
+ "TO-cell-delete": "Zelle loeschen",
+ "TO-cell-insert-after": "Zelle einfuegen nach",
+ "TO-cell-insert-before": "Zelle einfuegen bevor",
+ "TO-cell-merge": "Zellen zusammenfuegen",
+ "TO-cell-prop": "Zelleinstellungen",
+ "TO-cell-split": "Zellen aufteilen",
+ "TO-col-delete": "Spalte loeschen",
+ "TO-col-insert-after": "Spalte einfuegen nach",
+ "TO-col-insert-before": "Spalte einfuegen bevor",
+ "TO-col-split": "Spalte aufteilen",
+ "TO-row-delete": "Reihe loeschen",
+ "TO-row-insert-above": "Reihe einfuegen vor",
+ "TO-row-insert-under": "Reihe einfuegen nach",
+ "TO-row-prop": "Reiheneinstellungen",
+ "TO-row-split": "Reihen aufteilen",
+ "TO-table-prop": "Tabelle",
+ "Table Properties": "Tabelle",
+ "Text align": "Ausrichtung",
+ "The bottom side only": "Nur untere Seite",
+ "The left-hand side only": "Nur linke Seite",
+ "The right and left sides only": "Nur linke und rechte Seite",
+ "The right-hand side only": "Nur rechte Seite",
+ "The top and bottom sides only": "Nur obere und untere Seite",
+ "The top side only": "Nur obere Seite",
+ "Top": "Oben",
+ "Unset color": "Farbe",
+ "Vertical align": "Ausrichtung",
+ "Width": "Breite",
+ "not-del-last-cell": "Letzte Zelle in dieser Reihe!",
+ "not-del-last-col": "Letzte Spalte in dieser Tabelle!",
+ "not-del-last-row": "Letzte Reihe in dieser Tabelle",
+ "percent": "%",
+ "pixels": "pixels"
diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/el.js b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8563c9002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "el", ENCODING: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-7
+// Author: Dimitris Glezos
+TableOperations.I18N = {
+ "Align": "Στοίχηση",
+ "All four sides": "Και οι 4 πλευρές",
+ "Background": "Φόντο",
+ "Baseline": "Baseline",
+ "Border": "Περίγραμμα",
+ "Borders": "Περιγράμματα",
+ "Bottom": "Κάτω μέρος",
+ "CSS Style": "Στυλ [CSS]",
+ "Caption": "Λεζάντα",
+ "Cell Properties": "Ιδιότητες Κελιού",
+ "Center": "Κέντρο",
+ "Char": "Χαρακτήρας",
+ "Collapsed borders": "Συμπτυγμένα περιγράμματα",
+ "Color": "Χρώμα",
+ "Description": "Περιγραφή",
+ "FG Color": "Χρώμα αντικειμένων",
+ "Float": "Float",
+ "Frames": "Frames",
+ "Height": "Ύψος",
+ "How many columns would you like to merge?": "Πόσες στήλες θέλετε να ενώσετε;",
+ "How many rows would you like to merge?": "Πόσες γραμμές θέλετε να ενώσετε;",
+ "Image URL": "URL εικόνας",
+ "Justify": "Πλήρης στοίχηση",
+ "Layout": "Διάταξη",
+ "Left": "Αριστερά",
+ "Margin": "Περιθώριο",
+ "Middle": "Κέντρο",
+ "No rules": "Χωρίς Γραμμές",
+ "No sides": "No sides",
+ "None": "Τίποτα",
+ "Padding": "Εσοχή",
+ "Please click into some cell": "Κάντε κλικ μέσα σε κάποιο κελί",
+ "Right": "Δεξιά",
+ "Row Properties": "Ιδιότητες Γραμμής",
+ "Rules will appear between all rows and columns": "Γραμμές θα εμφανίζονται μεταξύ όλων των γραμμών και στηλών",
+ "Rules will appear between columns only": "Γραμμές θα εμφανίζονται μόνο μεταξύ στηλών",
+ "Rules will appear between rows only": "Γραμμές θα εμφανίζονται μόνο μεταξύ γραμμών",
+ "Rules": "Γραμμές",
+ "Spacing and padding": "Αποστάσεις και εσοχές",
+ "Spacing": "Αποστάσεις",
+ "Summary": "Σύνοψη",
+ "TO-cell-delete": "Διαγραφή κελιού",
+ "TO-cell-insert-after": "Εισαγωγή κελιού μετά",
+ "TO-cell-insert-before": "Εισαγωγή κελιού πριν",
+ "TO-cell-merge": "Συγχώνευση κελιών",
+ "TO-cell-prop": "Ιδιότητες κελιού",
+ "TO-cell-split": "Διαίρεση κελιού",
+ "TO-col-delete": "Διαγραφή στήλης",
+ "TO-col-insert-after": "Εισαγωγή στήλης μετά",
+ "TO-col-insert-before": "Εισαγωγή στήλης πριν",
+ "TO-col-split": "Διαίρεση στήλης",
+ "TO-row-delete": "Διαγραφή γραμμής",
+ "TO-row-insert-above": "Εισαγωγή γραμμής μετά",
+ "TO-row-insert-under": "Εισαγωγή γραμμής πριν",
+ "TO-row-prop": "Ιδιότητες γραμμής",
+ "TO-row-split": "Διαίρεση γραμμής",
+ "TO-table-prop": "Ιδιότητες πίνακα",
+ "Table Properties": "Ιδιότητες πίνακα",
+ "Text align": "Στοίχηση κειμένου",
+ "The bottom side only": "Η κάτω πλευρά μόνο",
+ "The left-hand side only": "Η αριστερή πλευρά μόνο",
+ "The right and left sides only": "Οι δεξιές και αριστερές πλευρές μόνο",
+ "The right-hand side only": "Η δεξιά πλευρά μόνο",
+ "The top and bottom sides only": "Οι πάνω και κάτω πλευρές μόνο",
+ "The top side only": "Η πάνω πλευρά μόνο",
+ "Top": "Πάνω",
+ "Unset color": "Αναίρεση χρώματος",
+ "Vertical align": "Κατακόρυφη στοίχηση",
+ "Width": "Πλάτος",
+ "not-del-last-cell": "Δεν μπορεί να διαγραφεί το τελευταίο κελί σε μια γραμμή.",
+ "not-del-last-col": "Δεν μπορεί να διαγραφεί η τελευταία στήλη σε ένα πίνακα.",
+ "not-del-last-row": "Δεν μπορεί να διαγραφεί η τελευταία γραμμή σε ένα πίνακα.",
+ "percent": "τοις εκατόν",
+ "pixels": "pixels"
diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/hu.js b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/hu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..828aec1523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/hu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "hu", ENCODING: UTF-8
+// Author: Miklós Somogyi,
+// (at least a valid email address)
+// (if this is not possible, please include a comment
+// that states what encoding is necessary.)
+HTMLArea.I18N = {
+ // the following should be the filename without .js extension
+ // it will be used for automatically load plugin language.
+ lang: "hu",
+ tooltips: {
+ bold: "Félkövér",
+ italic: "Dőlt",
+ underline: "Aláhúzott",
+ strikethrough: "Áthúzott",
+ subscript: "Alsó index",
+ superscript: "Felső index",
+ justifyleft: "Balra zárt",
+ justifycenter: "Középre zárt",
+ justifyright: "Jobbra zárt",
+ justifyfull: "Sorkizárt",
+ orderedlist: "Számozott lista",
+ unorderedlist: "Számozatlan lista",
+ outdent: "Behúzás csökkentése",
+ indent: "Behúzás növelése",
+ forecolor: "Karakterszín",
+ hilitecolor: "Háttérszín",
+ horizontalrule: "Elválasztó vonal",
+ createlink: "Hiperhivatkozás beszúrása",
+ insertimage: "Kép beszúrása",
+ inserttable: "Táblázat beszúrása",
+ htmlmode: "HTML forrás be/ki",
+ popupeditor: "Szerkesztő külön ablakban",
+ about: "Névjegy",
+ showhelp: "Súgó",
+ textindicator: "Aktuális stílus",
+ undo: "Visszavonás",
+ redo: "Újra végrehajtás",
+ cut: "Kivágás",
+ copy: "Másolás",
+ paste: "Beillesztés"
+ },
+ buttons: {
+ "ok": "Rendben",
+ "cancel": "Mégsem"
+ },
+ msg: {
+ "Path": "Hierarchia",
+ "TEXT_MODE": "Forrás mód. Visszaváltás [<>] gomb"
+ }
diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/it.js b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/it.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ccbdc94dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/it.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "it", ENCODING: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-1
+// Author: Fabio Rotondo
+TableOperations.I18N = {
+ "Align": "Allinea",
+ "All four sides": "Tutti e quattro i lati",
+ "Background": "Sfondo",
+ "Baseline": "Allineamento",
+ "Border": "Bordo",
+ "Borders": "Bordi",
+ "Bottom": "Basso",
+ "CSS Style": "Stile [CSS]",
+ "Caption": "Titolo",
+ "Cell Properties": "Proprietà della Cella",
+ "Center": "Centra",
+ "Char": "Carattere",
+ "Collapsed borders": "Bordi chiusi",
+ "Color": "Colore",
+ "Description": "Descrizione",
+ "FG Color": "Colore Principale",
+ "Float": "Fluttuante",
+ "Frames": "Frames",
+ "Height": "Altezza",
+ "How many columns would you like to merge?": "Quante colonne vuoi unire?",
+ "How many rows would you like to merge?": "Quante righe vuoi unire?",
+ "Image URL": "URL dell'Immagine",
+ "Justify": "Justifica",
+ "Layout": "Layout",
+ "Left": "Sinistra",
+ "Margin": "Margine",
+ "Middle": "Centrale",
+ "No rules": "Nessun righello",
+ "No sides": "Nessun lato",
+ "None": "Nulla",
+ "Padding": "Padding",
+ "Please click into some cell": "Per favore, clicca in una cella",
+ "Right": "Destra",
+ "Row Properties": "Proprietà della Riga",
+ "Rules will appear between all rows and columns": "Le linee appariranno tra tutte le righe e colonne",
+ "Rules will appear between columns only": "Le linee appariranno solo tra le colonne",
+ "Rules will appear between rows only": "Le linee appariranno solo tra le righe",
+ "Rules": "Linee",
+ "Spacing and padding": "Spaziatura e Padding",
+ "Spacing": "Spaziatura",
+ "Summary": "Sommario",
+ "TO-cell-delete": "Cancella cella",
+ "TO-cell-insert-after": "Inserisci cella dopo",
+ "TO-cell-insert-before": "Inserisci cella prima",
+ "TO-cell-merge": "Unisci celle",
+ "TO-cell-prop": "Proprietà della cella",
+ "TO-cell-split": "Dividi cella",
+ "TO-col-delete": "Cancella colonna",
+ "TO-col-insert-after": "Inserisci colonna dopo",
+ "TO-col-insert-before": "Inserisci colonna prima",
+ "TO-col-split": "Dividi colonna",
+ "TO-row-delete": "Cancella riga",
+ "TO-row-insert-above": "Inserisci riga prima",
+ "TO-row-insert-under": "Inserisci riga dopo",
+ "TO-row-prop": "Proprietà della riga",
+ "TO-row-split": "Dividi riga",
+ "TO-table-prop": "Proprietà della Tabella",
+ "Table Properties": "Proprietà della Tabella",
+ "Text align": "Allineamento del Testo",
+ "The bottom side only": "Solo la parte inferiore",
+ "The left-hand side only": "Solo la parte sinistra",
+ "The right and left sides only": "Solo destra e sinistra",
+ "The right-hand side only": "Solo la parte destra",
+ "The top and bottom sides only": "Solo sopra e sotto",
+ "The top side only": "Solo la parte sopra",
+ "Top": "Alto",
+ "Unset color": "Rimuovi colore",
+ "Vertical align": "Allineamento verticale",
+ "Width": "Larghezza",
+ "not-del-last-cell": "HTMLArea si rifiuta codardamente di cancellare l'ultima cella nella riga.",
+ "not-del-last-col": "HTMLArea si rifiuta codardamente di cancellare l'ultima colonna nella tabella.",
+ "not-del-last-row": "HTMLArea si rifiuta codardamente di cancellare l'ultima riga nella tabella.",
+ "percent": "percento",
+ "pixels": "pixels"
diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/makefile.xml b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/makefile.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eed81b0a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/makefile.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/nl.js b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/nl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce9eb305c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/nl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "nl", ENCODING: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-1
+// Author: Michel Weegeerink (info@mmc-shop.nl), http://mmc-shop.nl
+// (at least a valid email address)
+// (if this is not possible, please include a comment
+// that states what encoding is necessary.)
+TableOperations.I18N = {
+ "Align": "Uitlijning",
+ "All four sides": "Alle 4 zijden",
+ "Background": "Achtergrond",
+ "Baseline": "Basis",
+ "Border": "Rand",
+ "Borders": "Randen",
+ "Bottom": "Onder",
+ "CSS Style": "CSS Style",
+ "Caption": "Opmerking",
+ "Cell Properties": "Celeigenschappen",
+ "Center": "Centreren",
+ "Char": "Karakter",
+ "Collapsed borders": "Geen randen",
+ "Color": "Kleur",
+ "Description": "Omschrijving",
+ "FG Color": "Voorgrond",
+ "Float": "Zwevend",
+ "Frames": "Frames",
+ "Height": "Hoogte",
+ "How many columns would you like to merge?": "Hoeveel kolommen wilt u samenvoegen?",
+ "How many rows would you like to merge?": "Hoeveel rijen wilt u samenvoegen?",
+ "Image URL": "Afbeelding URL",
+ "Justify": "Uitvullen",
+ "Layout": "Opmaak",
+ "Left": "Links",
+ "Margin": "Marge",
+ "Middle": "Midden",
+ "No rules": "Geen regels",
+ "No sides": "Geen zijlijnen",
+ "None": "Geen",
+ "Padding": "Celmarge",
+ "Please click into some cell": "Klik in een cel a.u.b.",
+ "Right": "Rechts",
+ "Row Properties": "Rijeigenschappen",
+ "Rules will appear between all rows and columns": "Regels verschijnen tussen alle rijen en kolommen",
+ "Rules will appear between columns only": "Regels verschijnen enkel tussen de kolommen",
+ "Rules will appear between rows only": "Regels verschijnen enkel tussen de rijen",
+ "Rules": "Regels",
+ "Spacing and padding": "Celmarge en afstand tussen cellen",
+ "Spacing": "marge",
+ "Summary": "Overzicht",
+ "TO-cell-delete": "Cel verwijderen",
+ "TO-cell-insert-after": "Voeg cel toe achter",
+ "TO-cell-insert-before": "Voeg cel toe voor",
+ "TO-cell-merge": "Cellen samenvoegen",
+ "TO-cell-prop": "Celeigenschappen",
+ "TO-cell-split": "Cel splitsen",
+ "TO-col-delete": "Kolom verwijderen",
+ "TO-col-insert-after": "Kolom invoegen achter",
+ "TO-col-insert-before": "Kolom invoegen voor",
+ "TO-col-split": "Kolom splitsen",
+ "TO-row-delete": "Rij verwijderen",
+ "TO-row-insert-above": "Rij invoegen boven",
+ "TO-row-insert-under": "Rij invoegen onder",
+ "TO-row-prop": "Rij eigenschappen",
+ "TO-row-split": "Rij splitsen",
+ "TO-table-prop": "Tabel eigenschappen",
+ "Table Properties": "Tabel eigenschappen",
+ "Text align": "Text uitlijning",
+ "The bottom side only": "Enkel aan de onderkant",
+ "The left-hand side only": "Enkel aan de linkerkant",
+ "The right and left sides only": "Enkel aan de linker en rechterkant",
+ "The right-hand side only": "Enkel aan de rechterkant",
+ "The top and bottom sides only": "Enkel aan de bovenen onderkant",
+ "The top side only": "Enkel aan de bovenkant",
+ "Top": "Boven",
+ "Unset color": "Wis kleur",
+ "Vertical align": "Vertikale uitlijning",
+ "Width": "Breedte",
+ "not-del-last-cell": "HTMLArea kan de laatste cel in deze tabel niet verwijderen.",
+ "not-del-last-col": "HTMLArea kan de laatste kolom in deze tabel niet verwijderen.",
+ "not-del-last-row": "HTMLArea kan de laatste rij in deze tabel niet verwijderen.",
+ "percent": "procent",
+ "pixels": "pixels"
diff --git a/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/no.js b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/no.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a29e9034eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/no.js
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "en", ENCODING: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-1
+// Author: Mihai Bazon,
+// translated into Norwegia: ses@online.no 11.11.03
+// (at least a valid email address)
+// (if this is not possible, please include a comment
+// that states what encoding is necessary.)
+TableOperations.I18N = {
+ "Align": "Juster",
+ "All four sides": "Alle fire sider",
+ "Background": "Bakgrund",
+ "Baseline": "Grunnlinje",
+ "Border": "Kantlinje",
+ "Borders": "Kantlinjer",
+ "Bottom": "Bunn",
+ "CSS Style": "Stil [CSS]",
+ "Caption": "Overskrift",
+ "Cell Properties": "Celleegenskaper",
+ "Center": "Sentrer",
+ "Char": "Tegn",
+ "Collapsed borders": "Fjern kantlinjer",
+ "Color": "Farge",
+ "Description": "Beskrivelse",
+ "FG Color": "FG farge",
+ "Float": "Flytende",
+ "Frames": "rammer",
+ "Height": "Hyde",
+ "How many columns would you like to merge?": "Hvor mange kolonner vil du sl sammen?",
+ "How many rows would you like to merge?": "Hvor mange rader vil du sl sammen?",
+ "Image URL": "Bildets URL",
+ "Justify": "Juster",
+ "Layout": "Layout",
+ "Left": "Venstre",
+ "Margin": "Marg",
+ "Middle": "Midten",
+ "No rules": "Ingen linjal",
+ "No sides": "Ingen sider",
+ "None": "Ingen",
+ "Padding": "Luft",
+ "Please click into some cell": "Klikk i en eller annen celle",
+ "Right": "Hyre",
+ "Row Properties": "Egenskaper for rad",
+ "Rules will appear between all rows and columns": "Linjer vil synes mellom alle rader og kolonner",
+ "Rules will appear between columns only": "Linjer vil synes kun mellom kolonner",
+ "Rules will appear between rows only": "Linjer vil synes kun mellom rader",
+ "Rules": "Linjer",
+ "Spacing and padding": "Luft",
+ "Spacing": "Luft",
+ "Summary": "Sammendrag",
+ "TO-cell-delete": "Slett celle",
+ "TO-cell-insert-after": "Sett inn celle etter",
+ "TO-cell-insert-before": "Sett inn celle foran",
+ "TO-cell-merge": "Sl sammen celler",
+ "TO-cell-prop": "Egenskaper for celle",
+ "TO-cell-split": "Del celle",
+ "TO-col-delete": "Slett kolonne",
+ "TO-col-insert-after": "Skyt inn kolonne etter",
+ "TO-col-insert-before": "Skyt inn kolonne fr",
+ "TO-col-split": "Del kolonne",
+ "TO-row-delete": "Slett rad",
+ "TO-row-insert-above": "Skyt inn rad foran",
+ "TO-row-insert-under": "Skyt inn rad etter",
+ "TO-row-prop": "Egenskaper for rad",
+ "TO-row-split": "Del rad",
+ "TO-table-prop": "Tabellegenskaper",
+ "Table Properties": "Tabellegenskaper",
+ "Text align": "Juster tekst",
+ "The bottom side only": "Bunnen kun",
+ "The left-hand side only": "Venstresiden kun",
+ "The right and left sides only": "Hyre- og venstresiden kun",
+ "The right-hand side only": "Hyresiden kun",
+ "The top and bottom sides only": "The top and bottom sides only",
+ "The top side only": "Overkanten kun",
+ "Top": "Overkant",
+ "Unset color": "Ikke-bestemt farge",
+ "Vertical align": "Vertikal justering",
+ "Width": "Bredde",
+ "not-del-last-cell": "HTMLArea nekter slette siste cellen i tabellen.",
+ "not-del-last-col": "HTMLArea nekter slette siste kolonnen i tabellen.",
+ "not-del-last-row": "HTMLArea nekter slette siste raden i tabellen.",
+ "percent": "prosent",
+ "pixels": "billedpunkter"