Temporary removal to recover history from rev 28587

This commit is contained in:
Oscar Manuel Gómez Senovilla 2009-12-02 19:54:43 +00:00
parent 647b4474b0
commit 806f8ae334
16 changed files with 0 additions and 320 deletions

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
all possible notification backends notifications cs všechny dostupné backendy pro upozornění
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications cs Vyberte si posloupnost upozornění. Budete upozorňování na základě backendů zahrnutých v posloupnosti.<br />Poznámka: Pokud je posloupnost upozornění označena jako "zakázaná", znamená to, že Váš Administrátor nepovoluje jeden či více backendů zahrnutých v posloupnosti a tak budete upozorňování jen e-mailem.
common chains notifications cs Společné posloupnosti
disabled chains notifications cs Zakázané posloupnosti
do not notify me at all notifications cs vůbec mě neupozorňuj
e-mail only notifications cs jen e-mail
egroupware has notifications for you notifications cs eGroupWare má pro Vás upozornění
egroupware-popup and e-mail notifications cs Překryvná okna v eGroupWaru a e-mail
egroupware-popup and windows-popup notifications cs Překryvná okna v eGroupWaru a překryvná okna ve Windows
egroupware-popup backend admin cs Backend Překryvná okna v eGroupWaru
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications cs Nejprve překryvná okna v eGroupWaru, pokud se nezdaří, upozorni mě e-mailem
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by sms notifications cs Nejprve překryvná okna v eGroupWaru, pokud se nezdaří, upozorni mě SMS zprávou
egroupware-popup only notifications cs Jen překryvná okna v eGroupWaru
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications cs Intenzita sdělení pro Překryvná okna v eGroupWaru
enable egroupware-popup backend admin cs Povolit backend Překryvná okna v eGroupWaru
enable sms backend admin cs Povolit SMS backend
enable windows-popup backend admin cs Povolit backend Překryvná okna ve Windows
enabled chains notifications cs Povolené posloupnosti
folder notifications cs Složka
from notifications cs Od
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled!<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications cs Jak důrazně se mají překryvná okna eGroupWaru chovat, když je uživateli zasláno upozornění:<br />nízká: jen zobrazit zvoneček v horním menu - horní menu musí být povoleno!<br />střední: na popředí zobrazit okno s upozorněním<br />vysoká: na popředí zobrazit okno s upozorněním a nechat prohlížeč, ať na sebe nějak upozorní
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications cs Pokud je nastaveno, vložené odkazy jsou speciálně renderovány pro externí klienty
linked entries: notifications cs Odkazované záznamy:
maximum sms messages per notification admin cs Maximální počet SMS zpráv na jedno upozornění
message from notifications cs Zpráva od
minutes notifications cs minut
notification common cs Upozornění
notify me by notifications cs Upozorni mě pomocí
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications cs Optimalizovat e-maily pro externí poštovní klienty
poll interval notifications cs Interval dotazování (poll)
preferences for notification notifications cs Předvolby pro upozornění
received notifications cs Přijato
sms backend admin cs SMS backend
sms only notifications cs Jen SMS
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification-chain has been disabled by the administrator. please choose another notification-chain in your preferences! notifications cs Toto upozornění od eGroupWaru Vám bylo zasláno e-mailem, protože Vámi zvolená posloupnost upozornění byla zakázána administrátorem. Vyberte si prosím v předvolbách jinou posloupnost upozornění.
windows-popup and e-mail notifications cs Překryvná okna ve Windows a e-mail
windows-popup backend admin cs Backend Překryvná okna ve Windows
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications cs Nejprve překryvná okna ve Windows, pokud se nezdaří, upozorni mě e-mailem
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by sms notifications cs Nejprve překryvná okna ve Windows, pokud se nezdaří, upozorni mě SMS zprávou
windows-popup only notifications cs Jen překryvná okna ve Windows
you've got new mail notifications cs Přišel Vám nový e-mail

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
all possible notification backends notifications de alle verfügbaren Benachrichtigungs-Backends
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications de Wählen Sie eine Benachrichtigungskette. Sie werden über die Backends benachrichtigt, die in der Kette enthalten sind.<br />Bitte beachten: Wenn eine Benachrichtigungskette als "deaktiviert" markiert ist, erlaubt Ihr Administrator ein oder mehrere Backends nicht, die in der Kette enthalten sind und die Anwendung "Benachrichtigungen" weicht dann auf die Methode "E-Mail" aus während Sie benachrichtigt werden.
common chains notifications de Einfache Ketten
disabled chains notifications de Deaktivierte Ketten
do not notify me at all notifications de benachrichtige mich niemals
e-mail only notifications de nur E-Mail
egroupware has notifications for you notifications de eGroupWare hat Benachrichtigungen für Sie
egroupware-popup and e-mail notifications de eGroupWare-Popup und E-Mail
egroupware-popup and windows-popup notifications de eGroupWare-Popup und Windows-Popup
egroupware-popup backend admin de eGroupWare-Popup Backend
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications de zuerst eGroupWare-Popup, wenn das misslingt benachrichtige mich per E-Mail
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by sms notifications de zuerst eGroupware-Popup, wenn das misslingt benachrichtige mich per SMS
egroupware-popup only notifications de nur eGroupWare-Popup
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications de eGroupWare-Popup Mitteilungspriorität
enable egroupware-popup backend admin de eGroupWare-Popup Backend aktivieren
enable sms backend admin de SMS Backend aktivieren
enable windows-popup backend admin de Windows-Popup Backend aktivieren
enabled chains notifications de Aktivierte Ketten
folder notifications de Ordner
from notifications de Von
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled!<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications de Wie hoch soll das eGroupWare-Popup die Priorität setzen wenn eine Benachrichtigung an den Benutzer geschickt wird:<br />Niedrig: es wird nur die Benachrichtigungsglocke im Topmenü angezeigt - das Topmenü muss hierfür eingeschaltet sein!<br />Mittel: Holt das Benachrichtigungsfenster in den Vordergrund<br />Hoch: Holt das Benachrichtigungsfenster in den Vordergrund und lässt den Browser etwas tun um sich bemerkbar zu machen
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications de Eingebettete Links werden besonders behandelt für externe Clients wenn diese Option gesetzt ist
linked entries: notifications de Verknüpfte Einträge:
maximum sms messages per notification admin de Maximale Anzahl an SMS Nachrichten pro Benachrichtigung
message from notifications de Nachricht von
minutes notifications de Minuten
notification common de Benachrichtigung
notify me by notifications de Benachrichtige mich per
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications de Optimiere E-Mails für externe Mailclients
poll interval notifications de Abfrageintervall
preferences for notification notifications de Benachrichtigungs-Einstellungen
received notifications de Erhalten
sms backend admin de SMS Backend
sms only notifications de nur SMS
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification-chain has been disabled by the administrator. please choose another notification-chain in your preferences! notifications de Diese eGroupWare-Benachrichtigung wurde Ihnen per Mail zugesandt weil Ihre gewählte Benachrichtigungskette vom Administrator deaktiviert wurde. Bitte wählen Sie eine andere Benachrichtigungskette in Ihren Einstellungen!
windows-popup and e-mail notifications de Windows-Popup und E-Mail
windows-popup backend admin de Windows-Popup Backend
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications de zuerst Windows-Popup, wenn das misslingt benachrichtige mich per E-Mail
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by sms notifications de zuerst Windows-Popup, wenn das misslingt benachrichtige mich per SMS
windows-popup only notifications de nur Windows-Popup
you've got new mail notifications de Sie haben neue E-Mails

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
all possible notification backends notifications en all possible notification backends
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications en Choose a notification-chain. You will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />Note: If a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your Administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "E-Mail" while notifying you.
common chains notifications en Common chains
disabled chains notifications en Disabled chains
do not notify me at all notifications en do not notify me at all
e-mail only notifications en E-Mail only
egroupware has notifications for you notifications en eGroupWare has notifications for you
egroupware-popup and e-mail notifications en eGroupWare-Popup and E-Mail
egroupware-popup and windows-popup notifications en eGroupWare-Popup and Windows-Popup
egroupware-popup backend admin en eGroupWare-Popup backend
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications en eGroupWare-Popup first, if that fails notify me by E-Mail
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by sms notifications en eGroupware-Popup first, if that fails notify me by SMS
egroupware-popup only notifications en eGroupWare-Popup only
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications en eGroupware-Popup verbosity
enable egroupware-popup backend admin en Enable eGroupWare-Popup backend
enable sms backend admin en Enable SMS backend
enable windows-popup backend admin en Enable Windows-Popup backend
enabled chains notifications en Enabled chains
folder notifications en Folder
from notifications en From
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled!<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications en How verbose should the eGroupware-Popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled!<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications en If set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients
linked entries: notifications en Linked entries:
maximum sms messages per notification admin en Maximum SMS messages per notification
message from notifications en Message from
minutes notifications en minutes
notification common en Notification
notify me by notifications en Notify me by
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications en Optimize E-Mails for external mail client
poll interval notifications en Poll interval
preferences for notification notifications en Preferences for notification
received notifications en Received
sms backend admin en SMS backend
sms only notifications en SMS only
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification-chain has been disabled by the administrator. please choose another notification-chain in your preferences! notifications en This eGroupWare notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification-chain has been disabled by the administrator. Please choose another notification-chain in your preferences!
windows-popup and e-mail notifications en Windows-Popup and E-Mail
windows-popup backend admin en Windows-Popup backend
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications en Windows-Popup first, if that fails notify me by E-Mail
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by sms notifications en Windows-Popup first, if that fails notify me by SMS
windows-popup only notifications en Windows-Popup only
you've got new mail notifications en You've got new mail

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
all possible notification backends notifications es-es todos los posibles backends de notificación
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications es-es Elija una cadena de notificación. Se le notiificará por los métodos incluidos en la cadena.<br />Nota: Si una cadena de notificación está marcada como "desactivada", su Administrador no permite una o más de los métodos incluidos en la cadena y la notificación falla volviendo a "Correo electrónico" mientras le notifica.
common chains notifications es-es Cadenas comunes
disabled chains notifications es-es Cadenas desactivadas
do not notify me at all notifications es-es no notificarme en ningún caso
e-mail only notifications es-es Sólo correo electrónico
egroupware has notifications for you notifications es-es eGroupWare tiene notificaciones para usted
egroupware-popup and e-mail notifications es-es Ventana emergente de eGroupWare y correo electrónico
egroupware-popup and windows-popup notifications es-es Ventanas emergentes de eGroupWare y Windows
egroupware-popup backend admin es-es Método ventana emergente de eGroupWare
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications es-es Primero, ventana emergente de eGroupWare, y si falla, notificarme por correo electrónico
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by sms notifications es-es Primero, ventana emergente de eGroupWare, y si falla, notificarme por SMS
egroupware-popup only notifications es-es Sólo ventana emergente de eGroupWare
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications es-es Verbosidad de la ventana emergente de eGroupWare
enable egroupware-popup backend admin es-es Activar el método de ventanas emergentes de eGroupWare
enable sms backend admin es-es Activar el método SMS
enable windows-popup backend admin es-es Activar el método ventanas emergentes de Windows
enabled chains notifications es-es Cadenas activadas
folder notifications es-es Carpeta
from notifications es-es De
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled!<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications es-es Cuánta cantidad de información debe enviar la ventana emergente de eGroupWare al usuario:<br />baja: sólo mostrar la campana de notificación en el menú superior (para lo cual hay que activar el menú superior)<br />media: traer la ventana de notificación al frente<br />alta: traer la ventana de notificación al frente y permitir al navegador hacer algo para anunciarse.
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications es-es Si está activado, los enlaces embebidos se visualizan de una forma especial para los clientes externos
linked entries: notifications es-es Entradas vinculadas:
maximum sms messages per notification admin es-es Número máximo de mensajes SMS por notificación
message from notifications es-es Mensaje desde
minutes notifications es-es minutos
notification common es-es Notificaciones
notify me by notifications es-es Notificar por mí
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications es-es Optimizar correos electrónicos para cliente de correos externo
poll interval notifications es-es Intervalo de muestreo
preferences for notification notifications es-es Preferencias para la notificación
received notifications es-es Recibido
sms backend admin es-es Método SMS
sms only notifications es-es Sólo SMS
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification-chain has been disabled by the administrator. please choose another notification-chain in your preferences! notifications es-es Esta notificación de eGroupWare le ha sido enviada por correo electrónico porque su cadena de notificaciones elegida ha sido desactivada por el administrador. ¡Por favor, elija otra cadena de notificación en sus preferencias!
windows-popup and e-mail notifications es-es Ventana emergente de Windows y correo electrónico
windows-popup backend admin es-es Método ventana emergente de Windows
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications es-es Primero, ventana emergente de Windows, y si falla, notificarme por correo electrónico.
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by sms notifications es-es Primero, ventana emergente de Windows, y si falla, notificarme por SMS.
windows-popup only notifications es-es Sólo ventana emergente de Windows
you've got new mail notifications es-es Tiene correo nuevo

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications et Ära teavita mind eGroupWares hüpikakendega
notification common et Teavitus
preferences for notification notifications et Teavituse eelistused

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications fi Älä käytä popup-huomautuksia eGroupWaressa.
notification common fi Huomautus
preferences for notification notifications fi Huomautuksen asetukset

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications fr Ne pas me notifier via popups dans eGroupWare
notification common fr Notification
preferences for notification notifications fr Préférences de notification

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications it Non notificarmi via popup in eGroupWare
notification common it Notifica
preferences for notification notifications it Preferenze per Notifica

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications nl Kies een notificatie-lijst. U wordt geinformeerd over de backends die in de lijst voorkomen.<br />Let op: Indien een notificatie-lijst is gemarkeerd als "uitgeschakeld", dan heeft uw beheerder ingesteld dat een of meer van de backends niet in de lijst mogen voorkomen. Notificatie valt dan terug op "E-mail" tijdens het aanmaken van de melding naar u.
common chains notifications nl Gebruikelijke lijsten
disabled chains notifications nl Uitgeschakelde lijsten
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications nl Waarschuw mij niet via popups in eGroupWare
egroupware has notifications for you notifications nl eGroupWare heeft meldingen voor u.
egroupware-popup backend admin nl eGroupWare popup backend
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications nl eGroupWare popup zichtbaarheid
enable egroupware-popup backend admin nl eGroupWare popup backend inschakelen
enable sms backend admin nl SMS backend inschakelen
enable windows-popup backend admin nl Windows popup backend inschakelen
enabled chains notifications nl Ingeschakelde lijsten
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled !<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications nl Hoe uitgebreid moet de eGroupWare-Popup zijn wanneer een melding aan de gebruiker wordt gegeven:<br />laag: toon alleen de meldingbel in het bovenste menu - het bovenste menu moet dan ingeschakeld zijn!<br />middel: haal het meldingvenster naar voren<br />hoog: haal het meldingvenster naar voren en laat de browser iets doen om het aan te kondigen
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications nl Indien ingesteld, embedded links worden op een speciale manier samengesteld voor externe clients
linked entries: notifications nl Gekoppelde items:
maximum sms messages per notification admin nl Maximaal aantal SMS berichten per melding
message from notifications nl Bericht van
notification common nl Melding
notify me by notifications nl Meld mij via
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications nl Optimaliseer E-mails voor externe mail client
preferences for notification notifications nl Voorkeuren voor meldingen
sms backend admin nl SMS backend
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your notifications nl Deze eGroupWare melding is naar u gezonden via email omdat uw
windows-popup backend admin nl Windows-Popup backend

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications pl Nie powiadamiaj mnie przez okienka wyskakujące w eGroupWare
notification common pl Powiadomienie
preferences for notification notifications pl Preferencje dla powiadomienia

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications pt-br Escolha uma série de notificação. Você será notificado pelos métodos incluídos na série. <br />Nota: Se uma série de notificação estiver marcada como "desabilitada", seu administrador não permitiu um ou mais métodos incluídos naquela série e as notificações usarão o método "E-Mail".
common chains notifications pt-br Séries comuns
disabled chains notifications pt-br Séries desabilitadas
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications pt-br Não me notificar por popups no eGroupWare
egroupware has notifications for you notifications pt-br O eGroupWare possui notificações para você
egroupware-popup backend admin pt-br Método eGroupWare-Popup
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications pt-br Nível de detalhe do eGroupWare-Popup
enable egroupware-popup backend admin pt-br Habilitar método eGroupWare-Popup
enable sms backend admin pt-br Habilitar método SMS
enable windows-popup backend admin pt-br Habilitar método Windows-Popup
enabled chains notifications pt-br Séries habilitadas
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled !<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications pt-br Qual o nível de detalhe do método eGroupWare-Popup deve possuir se uma notificação for enviada ao usuário: <br/>baixo: exibir apenas o sino de notificação no menu superior - o menu superior deverá estar habilitado!<br/>médio: trazer a janela de notificação para frente<br/>alto: trazer a janela de notificação para frente e deixar o navegador fazer algo para anunciá-la.
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications pt-br Se definido, links embutidos serão exibidos de forma especial para clientes externos
linked entries: notifications pt-br Registros linkados:
maximum sms messages per notification admin pt-br Máximo de mensagens SMS por notificação
message from notifications pt-br Mensagem de
notification common pt-br Notificação
notify me by notifications pt-br Notificar-me por
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications pt-br Optmizar e-mails para clientes externos
preferences for notification notifications pt-br Preferências para notificação
sms backend admin pt-br Método SMS
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your notifications pt-br Esta notificação eGroupWare foi enviada a você por e-mail em razão de
windows-popup backend admin pt-br Método Windows-Popup

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications ru Выберите цепочку извещений. Вы можете быть извещены через обработчики встроенные в цепочки.<br/>Примечание: Если цепочка извещений отмечена как "отключено", значит ваш Администратор не разрешает использование одного или более обработчиков сообщений встроенных в цепочку и извещения для вас будут приходить на эл. почту.
common chains notifications ru Общие цепочки
disabled chains notifications ru Отключенные цепочки
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications ru Не извещать меня всплывающими окнами в eGroupware
egroupware has notifications for you notifications ru в eGroupWare для вас есть сообщения
egroupware-popup backend admin ru Обработчик всплавающих окон eGroupware
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications ru Многословие всплавающих окон eGroupware
enable egroupware-popup backend admin ru Включить
enable sms backend admin ru Включить обработчик СМС
enable windows-popup backend admin ru Включить обработчик всплывающих окон
enabled chains notifications ru Включить цепочки
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled !<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications ru Насколько многословно должны себя вести всплавающие окна eGroupware если уведомление выслано пользователю:<br />низкий: только показать звонок уведомления в верхнем меню - верхнее меню должно быть разрешено !<br />средний: показать окно уведомления поверх<br />высокий: показать окно уведомления поверх и разрешить браузеру выполнить что-то для объявления себя.
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications ru Если установлено, внутренние ссылки преобразуются для использования внешними клиентами
linked entries: notifications ru Связанные записи:
maximum sms messages per notification admin ru Максимальное количество СМСок на сообщение
message from notifications ru Сообщение от
notification common ru Извещения
notify me by notifications ru Уведомлять меня через
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications ru Оптимизировать эл. письма для внешних почтовых клиентов
preferences for notification notifications ru Настройки Извещений
sms backend admin ru Обработка СМС
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your notifications ru Это извещение от eGroupWare было вам послано по почте так-как ваш
windows-popup backend admin ru Обработка всплывающих окон

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
all possible notification backends notifications sk Všetky dostupné mechanizmy pre pripomienky
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications sk Vyberte si pripomienkovací reťazec. Budete upozornení cez mechanizmy, ktoré sú zahrnuté v tomto reťazci.<br />Upozornenie: Ak je pripomienkovací reťazec označený ako "zakázaný", váš správca nepovolil jeden alebo viacero mechanizmov v reťazci a pripomienky sa prepnú do režimu "E-Mail".
common chains notifications sk Časté reťazce
disabled chains notifications sk Zakázané reťazce
do not notify me at all notifications sk Vôbec ma neupozorňujte
e-mail only notifications sk Len E-mailom
egroupware has notifications for you notifications sk eGroupWare má pre vás pripomienky
egroupware-popup and e-mail notifications sk Vyskakovacie okno eGroupWare a E-mail
egroupware-popup and windows-popup notifications sk Vyskakovacie okno eGroupWare a Windows
egroupware-popup backend admin sk eGroupWare vyskakovací mechanizmus
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications sk Najprv vyskakovacie okno eGroupWare, ak sa nepodarí, použiť E-mail
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by sms notifications sk Najprv vyskakovacie okno eGroupWare, ak sa nepodarí, použiť SMS
egroupware-popup only notifications sk Iba vyskakovacie okno eGroupWare
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications sk Podrobnosť vyskakovacieho mechanizmu
enable egroupware-popup backend admin sk Povoliť vyskakovací mechanizmus eGroupWare
enable sms backend admin sk Povoliť SMS mechanizmus
enable windows-popup backend admin sk Povoliť Windows vyskakovací mechanizmus
enabled chains notifications sk Povolené reťazce
folder notifications sk Priečinok
from notifications sk Od
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled!<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications sk Nakoľko podrobné má byť Vyskakovacie okno eGroupWare, keď sa používateľovi posiela pripomienka:<br />málo: len zobraziť zvonček v hornej ponuke - horná ponuka musí byť zapnutá! <br />stredne: presunúť okno pripomienok dopredu<br />veľmi: presunúť okno pripomienok dopredu a použiť funkcie prehliadača, aby na seba upozornil.
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications sk Ak je nastavené, pripojené odkazy sa vykreslia špeciálne pre vonkajších klientov
linked entries: notifications sk Pripojené záznamy:
maximum sms messages per notification admin sk Maximálny počet SMS pre jednu pripomienku
message from notifications sk Správa od
minutes notifications sk minút
notification common sk Pripomienka
notify me by notifications sk Pripomenúť mi pomocou
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications sk Optimizovať E-Maily pre vonkajších poštových klientov
poll interval notifications sk Interval delenia
preferences for notification notifications sk Predvoľby pre Pripomienky
received notifications sk Doručené
sms backend admin sk Mechanizmus SMS
sms only notifications sk Iba SMS
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification-chain has been disabled by the administrator. please choose another notification-chain in your preferences! notifications sk Táto pripomienka eGroupWare vám bola odoslané E-mailom, pretože vaša nastavená upozorňovacia postupnosť bola zablokovaná správcom. Prosím, vyberte si inú postupnosť vo svojich predvoľbách!
windows-popup and e-mail notifications sk Vyskakovacie okno Windows a E-mail
windows-popup backend admin sk Windows vyskakovací mechanizmus
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications sk Najprv vyskakovacie okno Windows, ak sa nepodarí, použiť E-mail
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by sms notifications sk Najprv vyskakovacie okno Windows, ak sa nepodarí, použiť SMS
windows-popup only notifications sk Iba vyskakovacie okno Windows
you've got new mail notifications sk Máte novú správu

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications sl Ne obveščaj me s pojavnimi okni v eGroupWare
notification common sl Obvestila
preferences for notification notifications sl Lastnosti za obvestila

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications zh-tw 不要透過彈出式視窗提醒我
notification common zh-tw 提醒
preferences for notification notifications zh-tw 提醒的設定

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
all possible notification extensions notifications zh 一切可能延期的通知
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the chosen extensions. notifications zh 选择通知链。您将被通知超过选择的扩展。
do not notify me at all notifications zh 什么都不要通知我
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications zh 不要在系统中通过弹出窗口通知我
e-mail only notifications zh 仅邮件
egroupware has notifications for you notifications zh 系统已通知您
egroupware-popup and e-mail notifications zh 系统弹出窗口与邮件
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications zh 首先是系统弹出窗口,如果失败则以邮件通知我
egroupware-popup only notifications zh 只用系统弹出窗口
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications zh 系统弹出窗口冗长
egroupware-poupup and windows-popup notifications zh 系统弹出窗口和 Windows 弹出窗口
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled !<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications zh 系统弹出窗口应该如何表现冗长的内容,如果一个通知发送到用户:<br />低:正好在顶部菜单显示通知闹铃-必须启用顶部菜单!<br />中:在前面弹出通知窗口<br />高:在前面弹出通知窗口并让浏览器做它自己的某些别的事
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications zh 如果设置,指定的外部客户能购获得嵌入链接
linked entries: notifications zh 链接的条目:
message from notifications zh 发件人
notification common zh 通知管理
notification backends</b> (preferences for enabling/disabling will follow soon) admin zh 通知系统后端</b> (启用功能参数选择/随后必须立即禁用)
notifications common zh 通知管理
notify me by notifications zh 通知我
notifywindow common zh 通知窗口
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications zh 为外在邮件客户优化电子邮件
preferences for notification notifications zh 通知管理参数选择
windows-popup and e-mail notifications zh Windows 弹出窗和邮件
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications zh 首先是系统弹出窗口,如果失败则以邮件通知我
windows-popup only notifications zh 仅 Windows 弹出窗