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synced 2024-12-27 00:58:56 +01:00
remove phrase "link" from calendar as it has higher precedence then etemplate translation used eg. for button to create a link
This commit is contained in:
@ -180,7 +180,6 @@ last calendar bg последен
last changed calendar bg Последна промяна
lastname of person to notify calendar bg Фамилия на лицето за известяване
length of the time interval calendar bg Продължителност на времеинтервала
link calendar bg Връзка
link to view the event calendar bg Връзка за преглед на събитието
links calendar bg Връзки
links, attachments calendar bg Връзки, прикачени файлове
@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ last calendar ca darrer
last changed calendar ca Darrer canvi
lastname of person to notify calendar ca Cognom de la persona a la que notificar
length of the time interval calendar ca Llargada de l'interval de temps
link calendar ca Enlace
link to view the event calendar ca Enllaç per veure l'acció
links calendar ca Enllaços
links, attachments calendar ca Enllaços, Adjunts
@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ last calendar cs Poslední
last changed calendar cs Naposledy změněno
lastname of person to notify calendar cs Příjmení osoby, která má být upozorněna
length of the time interval calendar cs Délka časového intervalu
link calendar cs Odkaz na událost
link to view the event calendar cs Odkaz pro zobrazení události
links calendar cs Odkazy
links, attachments calendar cs Odkazy, přílohy
@ -165,7 +165,6 @@ last calendar da sidste
last changed calendar da Sidst ændret
lastname of person to notify calendar da Efternavn på person der skal påmindes
length of the time interval calendar da Tidsintervallets længde
link calendar da Link
link to view the event calendar da Link til visning af hændelsen
links calendar da links
links, attachments calendar da Linkls, vedhæftelser
@ -295,7 +295,6 @@ last changed calendar de letzte Änderung
lastname of person to notify calendar de Nachname der zu benachrichtigenden Person
length of the time interval calendar de Länge des Zeitintervalls
limit number of description lines in list view (default 5, 0 for no limit) calendar de Anzahl Zeilen der Beschreibung in der Listenansicht (voreingestellt 5, 0 für alle)
link calendar de Termin-URL
link to view the event calendar de Verweis (Weblink) um den Termin anzuzeigen
links calendar de Verknüpfungen
links and attached files calendar de Verknüpfungen zu anderen Datensätzen und angefügten Dateien
@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ last calendar el τελευταίο
last changed calendar el Τελευταία αλλαγή
lastname of person to notify calendar el Επίθετο του ατόμου για ειδοποίηση
length of the time interval calendar el Διάρκεια του χρονικού διαστήματος
link calendar el Σύνδεσμος
link to view the event calendar el Σύνδεσμος για παρακολούθηση του γεγονότος
links calendar el Σύνδεσμοι
links, attachments calendar el Σύνδεσμοι, Επισυνάψεις
@ -295,7 +295,6 @@ last changed calendar en Last changed
lastname of person to notify calendar en Last name of a person to notify
length of the time interval calendar en Length of the time interval
limit number of description lines in list view (default 5, 0 for no limit) calendar en Limit number of description lines in list view. Default is 5, 0 for no limit.
link calendar en Link to event
link to view the event calendar en Link to view the event
links calendar en Links
links and attached files calendar en Links and attached files
@ -256,7 +256,6 @@ last changed calendar es-es Último cambio
lastname of person to notify calendar es-es Apellido de la persona a la que notificar
length of the time interval calendar es-es Longitud del intervalo de tiempo
limit number of description lines in list view (default 5, 0 for no limit) calendar es-es Limitar el número de líneas de la descripción en la vista de la lista (predeterminado: 5; 0 para ilimitadas)
link calendar es-es Enlace
link to view the event calendar es-es Vínculo para ver el evento
links calendar es-es Enlaces
links, attachments calendar es-es Enlaces, adjuntos
@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar et Vigane e-mail "%1" kasutajale
last calendar et Viimane
last changed calendar et Viimati vahetatud
lastname of person to notify calendar et Perekonnanimi persoonist kellele teatatakse
link calendar et Link
links calendar et Lingid
links, attachments calendar et Lingid, Manused
listview calendar et Nimekirjavaade
@ -161,7 +161,6 @@ last calendar eu azkena
last changed calendar eu Azken aldaketa
lastname of person to notify calendar eu Abisua eman behar zaion pertsonaren abizena
length of the time interval calendar eu Denbora tartearen luzera
link calendar eu Lotura
link to view the event calendar eu Lotura gertakaria ikusteko
links calendar eu Loturak
links, attachments calendar eu Loturak, eranskinak
@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ last calendar fa آخرین
last changed calendar fa آخرین تغییرات
lastname of person to notify calendar fa نام خانوادگی شخص برای یادآوری
length of the time interval calendar fa طول بازه زمانی
link calendar fa پیوند شود
link to view the event calendar fa پیوند برای دیدن رویداد
links calendar fa پیوندها
links, attachments calendar fa پیوندها، پیوستها
@ -278,7 +278,6 @@ last changed calendar fi Viimeksi muutettu
lastname of person to notify calendar fi Huomautettavan henkilön sukunimi
length of the time interval calendar fi Aikajakson pituus
limit number of description lines in list view (default 5, 0 for no limit) calendar fi Rajoita Kuvauskentän näkyvien rivien määrää (oletus=5, ei rajoitusta=0)
link calendar fi Linkki tapahtumaan
link to view the event calendar fi Tapahtuman linkki
links calendar fi Linkit
links and attached files calendar fi Linkit ja liitetyt tiedostot
@ -288,7 +288,6 @@ last changed calendar fr Dernière modification
lastname of person to notify calendar fr Nom de famille de la personne à prévenir
length of the time interval calendar fr Longueur de l'intervalle de temps
limit number of description lines in list view (default 5, 0 for no limit) calendar fr Limiter le nombre de lignes de description dans la vue liste. La valeur par défaut est 5. Mettre 0 pour aucune limite.
link calendar fr Lien
link to view the event calendar fr Lien pour voir l'événement
links calendar fr Liens
links and attached files calendar fr Liens et fichiers attachés
@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ interval calendar hr Interval
last calendar hr poslijednji
last changed calendar hr Zadnja promjena
lastname of person to notify calendar hr Prezime osobe za obavijestiti
link calendar hr Link
link to view the event calendar hr Link to view the event
links calendar hr Links
location calendar hr Lokacija
@ -197,7 +197,6 @@ last calendar hu utolsó
last changed calendar hu Utolsó változás
lastname of person to notify calendar hu A személy keresztneve
length of the time interval calendar hu Az időtartam hossza
link calendar hu Hivatkozás
link to view the event calendar hu Hivatkozás az esemény megtekintéséhez
links calendar hu Hivatkozások
links, attachments calendar hu Hivatkozások, mellékletek
@ -167,7 +167,6 @@ invitations calendar id Undangan
invite calendar id Undang
last calendar id Akhir
last changed calendar id Pengubahan terakhir
link calendar id Tautan
link to view the event calendar id Tautan untuk melihat kegiatan
links calendar id Tautan
links, attachments calendar id Tautan, Lampiran
@ -294,7 +294,6 @@ last changed calendar it Ultima modifica
lastname of person to notify calendar it Cognome della persona da avvisare
length of the time interval calendar it Lunghezza dell'intervallo di tempo
limit number of description lines in list view (default 5, 0 for no limit) calendar it Limita il numero delle righe di descrizione nella vista ad elenco (predefinito 5, 0 per nessun limite).
link calendar it Collegamento ad evento
link to view the event calendar it Collegamento per visualizzare l'evento
links calendar it Collegamenti
links and attached files calendar it Collegamenti e file allegati
@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ interval calendar iw אינטרול
last calendar iw אחרון
last changed calendar iw שונה לאחרונה
lastname of person to notify calendar iw שם משפחה של נמען ההודעה
link calendar iw קישור
link to view the event calendar iw קישור לתצוגת האירוע
links calendar iw קישורים
location calendar iw מיקום
@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ interval calendar ko 간격
last calendar ko 마지막
last changed calendar ko 마지막 변경
lastname of person to notify calendar ko 알림 메세징 할 사람의 성
link calendar ko 링크
link to view the event calendar ko 이벤트 보기로 링크
links calendar ko 링크
links, attachments calendar ko 링크, 첨부
@ -200,7 +200,6 @@ invite calendar lo ເຊີນຊວນ
last calendar lo ສຸດທ້າຍ
lastname of person to notify calendar lo ນາມສະກຸນຂອງຜູ້ທີ່ຈະແຈ້ງ
length of the time interval calendar lo ຊ່ວງເວລາພັກ
link calendar lo ເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ໄປທີ່ເຫດການ
link to view the event calendar lo ເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ເພື່ອເບິ່ງເຫດການ
links calendar lo ເຊື່ອມຕໍ່
links, attachments calendar lo ເຊື່ອມຕໍ່, ສິ່ງທີ່ຄັດຕິດ
@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ interval calendar lv Intervāls
last calendar lv pēdējais
last changed calendar lv Pēdējo reizi mainīts
lastname of person to notify calendar lv Personas, kurai jāpaziņō, uzvārds
link calendar lv Saite
link to view the event calendar lv Saistīt, lai parādītu notikumu
links calendar lv Saites
location calendar lv Novietojums
@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ last calendar nl laatste
last changed calendar nl Laatst gewijzigd
lastname of person to notify calendar nl Achternaam van persoon om te op de hoogte te brengen
length of the time interval calendar nl Lengte van het tijdsinterval
link calendar nl Link
link to view the event calendar nl Link om het evenement te bekijken
links calendar nl Links
links, attachments calendar nl Links, bijlagen
@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar no Feil e-mailadresse "%1" for b
last calendar no siste
last changed calendar no Sist endret
lastname of person to notify calendar no Etternavn til person som skal varsles
link calendar no Lenke
link to view the event calendar no Lenke til hendelse
links calendar no Lenker
links, attachments calendar no Lenker, tillegg
@ -225,7 +225,6 @@ last calendar pl ostatni
last changed calendar pl Ostatnia zmiana
lastname of person to notify calendar pl Nazwisko osoby, którą należy powiadomić
length of the time interval calendar pl Długość odcinka czasu
link calendar pl Link do zdarzenia
link to view the event calendar pl Link do zdarzenia
links calendar pl Odnośniki
links, attachments calendar pl Odnośniki, Załączniki
@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ last calendar pt-br Último
last changed calendar pt-br Última alteração
lastname of person to notify calendar pt-br Sobrenome da pessoa a ser notificada
length of the time interval calendar pt-br Duração do tempo de intervalo
link calendar pt-br Link
link to view the event calendar pt-br Link para visualizar o evento
links calendar pt-br Links
links, attachments calendar pt-br Links, Anexos
@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ last calendar pt Último
last changed calendar pt Última alteração
lastname of person to notify calendar pt Apelido da pessoa a avisar
length of the time interval calendar pt Duração do intervalo
link calendar pt Ligação
link to view the event calendar pt Ligação para visualizar o evento
links calendar pt Ligações
links, attachments calendar pt Ligações, Anexos
@ -290,7 +290,6 @@ last changed calendar ru Последние изменения
lastname of person to notify calendar ru Фамилия человека для оповещения
length of the time interval calendar ru Длительность интервала времени
limit number of description lines in list view (default 5, 0 for no limit) calendar ru Ограчение числа строк в списке обзоров (по умолчанию 5, 0 без ограничения)
link calendar ru Ссылка на событие
link to view the event calendar ru Ссылка для просмотра события
links calendar ru Ссылки
links and attached files calendar ru Ссылки и прикреплённые файлы
@ -284,7 +284,6 @@ last changed calendar sk Naposledy zmenené
lastname of person to notify calendar sk Priezvisko upozorňovanej osoby
length of the time interval calendar sk Dĺžka časového intervalu
limit number of description lines in list view (default 5, 0 for no limit) calendar sk Obmedziť počet riadkov popisu v zobrazení zoznamu (predvolené 5, 0 znamená bez obmedzenia)
link calendar sk Odkaz na udalosť
link to view the event calendar sk Odkaz na zobrazenie udalosti
links calendar sk Odkazy
links and attached files calendar sk Odkazy a priložené súbory
@ -228,7 +228,6 @@ last calendar sl Zadnji
last changed calendar sl Zadnjič spremenjeno
lastname of person to notify calendar sl Priimek osebe, ki jo obveščamo
length of the time interval calendar sl Dolžina časovnega intervala
link calendar sl Poveži na dogodek
link to view the event calendar sl Povezava na ogled dogodka
links calendar sl Povezave
links, attachments calendar sl Povezave, priponke
@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ last calendar sv Senaste
last changed calendar sv Senaste ändring
lastname of person to notify calendar sv Efternamn på person att meddela
length of the time interval calendar sv Tidsintervall längd
link calendar sv Länk
link to view the event calendar sv Länk till händelse
links calendar sv Länkar
links, attachments calendar sv Länkar, bilagor
@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ import csv-file common tr CSV Dosyas
interval calendar tr Ara
last calendar tr son
lastname of person to notify calendar tr Uyarýlacak kiþinin soyadý
link calendar tr Link
link to view the event calendar tr Etkinliði görüntülemek için link
location calendar tr Konum
location to autoload from admin tr Otomatik yükleme yapýlacak konum
@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ interval calendar uk Інтервал
last calendar uk Останній
last changed calendar uk Востаннє змінено
lastname of person to notify calendar uk Прізвище людини для повідомлення
link calendar uk Посилання
links calendar uk Посилання
location calendar uk Місце
location to autoload from admin uk Місце, з якого автоматично загрузити.
@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ import csv-file common vi Nhập tập tin CSV
interval calendar vi Định thời
last calendar vi cuối
lastname of person to notify calendar vi Họ của người được nhận thông báo
link calendar vi Liên kết
link to view the event calendar vi Liên kết để xem sự kiện
location calendar vi Vị trí
location to autoload from admin vi Tự động tải từ vị trí
@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ last calendar zh-tw 最後
last changed calendar zh-tw 最後修改
lastname of person to notify calendar zh-tw 要提醒的人名(姓)
length of the time interval calendar zh-tw 時間間隔的長度
link calendar zh-tw 連結
link to view the event calendar zh-tw 事件連結
links calendar zh-tw 連結
links, attachments calendar zh-tw 連結、附加檔案
@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ last calendar zh 最后的
last changed calendar zh 最近修改记录
lastname of person to notify calendar zh 被通知人的 姓
length of the time interval calendar zh 间隔时间长度
link calendar zh 链接
link to view the event calendar zh 链接查看事件
links calendar zh 链接
links, attachments calendar zh 链接、附件
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