replace tabs in mobile template with details widgets

This commit is contained in:
ralf 2022-11-04 15:38:07 +01:00
parent e2d278e497
commit 91bff934b2

View File

@ -349,6 +349,35 @@ function send_template()
return "<et2-date$matches[1] $matches[2]></et2-date$matches[1]>"; return "<et2-date$matches[1] $matches[2]></et2-date$matches[1]>";
}, $str); }, $str);
if ($template === 'mobile')
// replace tabs in mobile template with details widgets
$str = preg_replace_callback('#^(\s+)<et2-tabbox\s*([^>]*)>\n\s*<tabs>\n(.*)\n\s*</tabs>\n\s*<tabpanels>\n(.*)\n\s*</tabpanels>\n\s*</et2-tabbox>#ms',
static function($matches)
$indent = $matches[1];
$tabbox_attrs = parseAttrs($matches[2]);
unset($tabbox_attrs['align_tabs'], $tabbox_attrs['id']);
if (preg_match_all('#<tab\s(.*)/>#', $matches[3], $tabs) !==
preg_match_all('#<template\s(.*)/>#', $matches[4], $panels))
throw Exception("Error parsing tabbox for mobile template into details");
$details = [];
foreach($tabs[1] as $n => $tab)
$tab_attrs = parseAttrs($tab);
$tab_attrs['id'] = $tab_attrs['id'] ?? $tabbox_attrs['id'].$n;
$tab_attrs['summary'] = $tab_attrs['label'];
$tab_attrs['title'] = $tab_attrs['statustext'];
unset($tab_attrs['label'], $tab_attrs['statustext']);
$tab_attrs += $tabbox_attrs;
$details[] = $indent.'<et2-details '.stringAttrs($tab_attrs).'>'."\n\t$indent".$panels[0][$n]."\n$indent</et2-details>";
return implode("\n", $details);
}, $str);
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ above widgets get transformed independent of legacy="true" set in overlay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ above widgets get transformed independent of legacy="true" set in overlay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// eTemplate marked as legacy --> replace only some widgets (eg. requiring jQueryUI) with web-components // eTemplate marked as legacy --> replace only some widgets (eg. requiring jQueryUI) with web-components