mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 21:50:15 +01:00
*** empty log message ***
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,11 +17,12 @@ addressbook preferences addressbook eu Helbidea-luburuko lehenetsiak
addressbook-fieldname addressbook eu Helbide-liburua - eremu izena
addvcard addressbook eu VCard-a gehitu
alt. csv import addressbook eu CVS-ak inportatzeko
are you shure you want to delete this contact? addressbook eu Ziur zaude kontaktu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook eu ziur zaude eremu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
bbs phone addressbook eu BBS telefonoa
birthday common eu Jaiotze data
birthdays common eu Jaiotze datak
blank addressbook eu Utzik
blank addressbook eu Hutsik
business common eu Negozio
business address type addressbook eu Negozio helbide mota
business city addressbook eu Negozio hiria
@ -36,15 +37,19 @@ business zip code addressbook eu Negozio Posta Kodea
car phone addressbook eu Autoko telefonoa
cell phone addressbook eu Telefono mugikorra
charset of file addressbook eu Fitxategiaren Karaktere bilduma
choose an icon for this contact type addressbook eu Ikono bat aukeratu kontaktu mota honetarako
chosse an etemplate for this contact type addressbook eu Plantilla bat aukeratu kontaktu mota honetarako
city common eu Hiria
company common eu Enpresa
company name common eu Enpresaren Izena
configuration common eu Konfigurazioa
contact common eu Kontaktua
contact application admin eu Kontatuaren aplikazioa
contact saved addressbook eu Kontaktua gorde da
contact settings admin eu Kontakturan lehenetsiak
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook eu %1 gatik kopiatua, %2 errenkadatik.
country common eu Herrialdea
create new links addressbook eu Lotura berri bat sortu
csv-fieldname addressbook eu CVS - Eremu izena
csv-filename addressbook eu CVS - Fitxategi izena
custom addressbook eu Egokitua
@ -53,13 +58,18 @@ debug output in browser addressbook eu Hirteera nabigatzailean erakutsi
default filter addressbook eu Iragazki lehenetsia
delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook eu Ezabatu errenkada bakarra id. pasatuaz
department common eu Departamentua
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook eu Ziur zaude kontaktu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
domestic addressbook eu Barnekoa
download addressbook eu Deskargatu
download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser) addressbook eu Exportazio fitxategia deskargatu (egindakoa nabigatzailean erakusten duen aukera indargabetu)
edit custom field addressbook eu Aldatu egokitutako eremua
edit custom fields admin eu Aldatu egokitutako eremuak
edit phonenumbers - addressbook eu Editatu telefono zenbakiak
email & internet addressbook eu Posta elektronikoa & Internet
empty for all addressbook eu hutsik guztientzat
enter the path to the exported file here addressbook eu Sartu hemen exportatutako fitxategiaren bidea
existing links addressbook eu Lehendik dauden loturak
export addressbook eu esportatu
export contacts addressbook eu Kontaktuak exportatu
export file name addressbook eu Exportatu fitxategiaren izena
export from addressbook addressbook eu Exportatu helbide-liburutik
@ -84,6 +94,7 @@ home phone addressbook eu Etxea - Telefonoa
home state addressbook eu Etxea - Estatua
home street addressbook eu Etxea - Kalea
home zip code addressbook eu Etxea - Posta Kutxatila
icon addressbook eu Ikono
import addressbook eu Inportatu
import contacts addressbook eu Inportatu kontaktuak
import csv-file into addressbook addressbook eu Inportatu CVS fitxategia Helbide liburura
@ -103,6 +114,8 @@ ldap root dn for contacts admin eu LDAP dns nagusia kontaktuentzat
ldap root pw for contacts admin eu LDAP pasahitza
ldif addressbook eu LDIF
line 2 addressbook eu 2. Errenkada
links addressbook eu Loturak
list all categories addressbook eu Kategoria guztien zerrenda
load vcard addressbook eu VCard-a kargatu
mark records as private addressbook eu Errenkara pribatu moduan jarri
message phone addressbook eu Mezuen telefonoa
@ -110,9 +123,12 @@ middle name addressbook eu Erdiko izena
mobile addressbook eu Mugikorra
mobile phone addressbook eu Mugikorra
modem phone addressbook eu Modem telefonoa
more ... addressbook eu Gehiago...
multiple vcard addressbook eu VCard anitzak
no vcard addressbook eu Ez VCard-ik
number addressbook eu Zenbakia
number of records to read (%1) addressbook eu Irakurri beharreko errenkaden kopurua (%1)
organisation addressbook eu antolaketa
other number addressbook eu Beste Zebaki bat
other phone addressbook eu Beste telefono bat
pager common eu Bilagailua
@ -124,6 +140,7 @@ postal common eu Posta Kutxatilla
pref addressbook eu lehenetsia
prefix addressbook eu Aurrizkia
public key addressbook eu Giltza publikoa
publish into groups: addressbook eu Taldeetan publikatu:
read a list of entries. addressbook eu Sarrea zerrenda bat irakurri
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook eu Sarrera bakarra irakurri "ID"-a eta "eremu zerrenda" pasatuaz.
record access addressbook eu Erregistrora sarrera
@ -1,65 +1,124 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar sk %1 %2 v %3
%1 records imported calendar sk Naimportovaných %1 záznamov
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar sk naèítalo sa %1 záznamov (zatiaµ neboli naimportované, vra»te sa a ODznaète Test importu)
<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5. calendar sk Test
accepted calendar sk Potvrdené
<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5. calendar sk <b>Upozornenie:</b>Kalendár pou¾íva sviatky príslu¹né k Va¹ej krajine, ktorá je nastavená na %1. Mô¾ete ju zmeni» vo va¹om %2.<br />Sviatky sa %3 automaticky in¹talujú z %4. Mô¾ete to zmeni» v %5.
a non blocking event will not conflict with other events calendar sk neblokujúca udalos» nebude v konflikte s ostatnými udalos»ami
accept or reject an invitation calendar sk Prija» alebo odmietnu» pozvanie
accepted calendar sk Prijaté
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar sk Zmena, ktorá vyvolala upozornenie: Nové, Zru¹ené, Prijaté, Odmítnuté, ...
actions calendar sk Akcie
add alarm calendar sk Pridaj pripomienku
added calendar sk Pridané
after current date calendar sk Po súèasnom dátume
alarm calendar sk Pripomienka
alarm added calendar sk Pripomienka pridaná
alarm deleted calendar sk Pripomienka zmazaná
alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar sk Pripomienka %1 %2 v %2
alarm management calendar sk Pripomienkovaè
alarms calendar sk Pripomienky
all categories calendar sk V¹etky kategórie
all day calendar sk Celý deò
all events calendar sk V¹etky udalosti
all participants calendar sk V¹etci úèastníci
allows to edit the event again calendar sk Povolí znovu upravi» udalos»
apply the changes calendar sk vykona» zmeny
are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar sk Naozaj zmaza» túto krajinu ?
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar sk Naozaj zmaza» tento sviatok ?
back half a month calendar sk naspä» o pol mesiaca
back one month calendar sk naspä» o mesiac
before current date calendar sk Pred súèasným dátumom
before the event calendar sk pred udalos»ou
birthday calendar sk Narozeniny
birthday calendar sk Narodeniny
busy calendar sk zaneprázdnený
by calendar sk s
calendar event calendar sk Udalos» v kalendári
calendar holiday management admin sk Správa sviatkov v kalendári
calendar preferences calendar sk Predvoµby Kalendára
calendar settings admin sk Nastavenia Kalendára
calendar-fieldname calendar sk Kalendár - názov polo¾ky
can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar sk Pripomienky sa nedajú zadáva» do minulosti!!!
canceled calendar sk Zru¹ené
charset of file calendar sk Znaková sada súboru
close the window calendar sk Zavrie» okno
compose a mail to all participants after the event is saved calendar sk napísa» email v¹etkým úèastníkom po ulo¾ení udalosti
copy of: calendar sk Kópia (èoho):
copy this event calendar sk Kopírova» udalos»
countries calendar sk Krajiny
country calendar sk Krajina
create an exception at this recuring event calendar sk Vytvori» výnimku pre túto pravidelnú udalos»
create new links calendar sk Vytvori» nové odkazy
csv calendar sk CSV
csv-fieldname calendar sk Pole v CVS
csv-filename calendar sk CVS súbor
custom fields common sk Pou¾ívateµské polo¾ky
daily calendar sk Denne
days calendar sk dni
days of the week for a weekly repeated event calendar sk Dni v tý¾dni pre tý¾denne sa opakujúce udalosti
days repeated calendar sk dní sa opakuje
dayview calendar sk Náhµad dòa
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar sk predvolená då¾ka udalostí (v minútach)
default calendar filter calendar sk Predvolený filter kalendára
default calendar view calendar sk Predvolený pohµad na kalendár
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar sk Predvolená då¾ka novovytvorených udalostí, v minútach.
default week view calendar sk predvolený tý¾denný pohµad
defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar sk Definuje, koµkým minútam zodpovedá jeden riadok v dennom pohµade.
delete series calendar sk Zmaza» sériu
delete this alarm calendar sk Zmaza» túto pripomienku
delete this event calendar sk Zmaza» túto udalos»
delete this exception calendar sk Zmaza» túto výnimku
delete this series of recuring events calendar sk Zmaza» túto sériu pravidelných udalostí
disinvited calendar sk Zru¹ená pozvánka
display status of events calendar sk Zobrazi» stav udalostí
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar sk Zobrazi» predvolený kalendár na úvodnej stránke (tej, ktorá sa zobrazuje hneï po prihlásení do eGroupWare)?
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar sk ®eláte si tý¾denný pohµad s alebo bez víkendu?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar sk Chcete dostáva» správy upovedomujúce o nových èi zmenených udalostiach? Budete informovaní aj o zmenách ktoré sami urobíte.<br>Upovedomenia mô¾ete obmedzi» aj na urèité typy zmien. Ka¾dý prvok obsahuje zároveò v¹etky predo¹lé upovedomenia. V¹etky zmeny zahàòajú zmeny titulku, opisu, úèastníkov, ale nie odpovede úèastníkov. Ak vlastník udalosti ¾iada akékoµvek správy o zmenách, dostane v¾dy aj odozvy úèastníkov, napríklad prijatia a odmietnutia.
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar sk Chcete dostáva» emailom pravidelný súhrn va¹ich schôdzok?<br>Souhrn sa bude posiela» na va¹u be¾nú adresu ka¾dé ráno, prípadne v pondelok pre tý¾denný súhrn.<br>Posiela sa len vtedy, ak nejaké schôdzky na daný deò alebo tý¾deò plánované.
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar sk Chcete dostáva» emailom pravidelný súhrn va¹ich schôdzok?<br>Súhrn sa bude posiela» na va¹u be¾nú adresu ka¾dé ráno, prípadne v pondelok pre tý¾denný súhrn.<br>Posiela sa len vtedy, ak nejaké schôdzky na daný deò alebo tý¾deò plánované.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin sk Mám automaticky nahráva» súbory sviatkov?
download calendar sk Stiahnu»
download this event as ical calendar sk Stiahnu» túto udalos» ako iCal
duration of the meeting calendar sk Då¾ka trvania stretnutia
edit exception calendar sk Upravi» výnimku
edit series calendar sk Upravi» sériu
edit this event calendar sk Upravi» túto udalos»
edit this series of recuring events calendar sk Upravi» túto sériu pravidelných udalostí
empty for all calendar sk prázdne znamená v¹etko
end calendar sk Koniec
end date/time calendar sk Koncový dátum a èas
enddate calendar sk Koncový dátum
enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar sk Koncový dátum / -èas stretnutia, napr. keï je viacdòové
enddate of the export calendar sk Koncový dátum exportu
ends calendar sk konèí
event details follow calendar sk Podrobnosti o udalosti
error adding the alarm calendar sk Chyba pri pridávaní pripomienky
error: importing the ical calendar sk Chyba: import iCal-u
error: no participants selected !!! calendar sk Chyba: Neboli vybraní úèastníci!!!
error: saving the event !!! calendar sk Chyba: ukladanie udalosti!!!
error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!! calendar sk Chyba: Èas zaèiatku by mal by» PRED èasom konca!!!
event copied - the copy can now be edited calendar sk Udalos» skopírovaná - kópia sa u¾ dá upravova»
event deleted calendar sk Udalos» zmazaná
event details follow calendar sk Podrobnosti o udalosti:
event saved calendar sk Udalos» ulo¾ená
event will occupy the whole day calendar sk Udalos» zaberie celý deò
exception calendar sk Výnimka
exceptions calendar sk Výnimky
existing links calendar sk Existujúce odkazy
export calendar sk Export
extended calendar sk Roz¹írený
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar sk Roz¹írený formát v¾dy obsahuje v¹etky podrobnosti o udalosti. Formát iCal sa dá importova» do niektorých ïal¹ích kalendáønych aplikácií.
fieldseparator calendar sk Oddelovaè polo¾iek
filename calendar sk Názov súboru
filename of the download calendar sk Názov súboru na stiahnutie
find free timeslots where the selected participants are availible for the given timespan calendar sk Nájs» voµné èasové úseky, kde sú v¹etci uvedení úèastníci voµní
firstname of person to notify calendar sk Krstné meno upozoròovanej osoby
for calendar sk pre
format of event updates calendar sk Formát správy o zmenách
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar sk Informácie o zaneprázdnení nie je povolené neprihláseným pou¾ívateµom: po¾ívateµ '%1' je neznámý alebo zadal chybné heslo !!!
forward half a month calendar sk dopredu o polovicu mesiaca
forward one month calendar sk dopredu o mesiac
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar sk Informácie o zaneprázdnení nie sú povolené neprihláseným pou¾ívateµom: po¾ívateµ '%1' je neznámý alebo zadal chybné heslo !!!
freetime search calendar sk Vyhµadanie voµného èasu
fri calendar sk Pi
full description calendar sk Opis
fullname of person to notify calendar sk Celé meno upozoròovanej osoby
general calendar sk Hlavné
global public and group public calendar sk Verejná - globálne i pre skupinu
global public only calendar sk Iba globálne verejná
group planner calendar sk Skupinový plánovaè
@ -70,29 +129,48 @@ holiday calendar sk Sviatky
holiday management calendar sk Správa sviatkov
holidays calendar sk Sviatky
hours calendar sk hodín
how far to search (from startdate) calendar sk ako ïaleko hµada» (od dátumu zaèiatku)
ical calendar sk iCal
ical / rfc2445 calendar sk iCal - rfc2445
ical export calendar sk Export iCal
ical file calendar sk Súbor iCal
ical import calendar sk Import iCal
ical successful imported calendar sk iCal úspe¹ne naimportovaný
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar sk Ak za¹krtnete toto pole a sviatok pripadne na víkend, automaticky se presunie na nasledujúcí pondelok.
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar sk Ak tu nezadáte heslo, informácia sa sprístupní ka¾dému kto pozná URL!!!
ignore conflict calendar sk Ignoruj konflikt
import calendar sk Import
import csv-file calendar sk Importova» CSV súbor
interval calendar sk Interval
intervals in day view calendar sk Èasové rozlí¹enie v dennom pohµade
last calendar sk posledné
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar sk Chybná emailová adresa "%1" pre pou¾ívateµa %2
last calendar sk Posledné
lastname of person to notify calendar sk Priezvisko upozoròovanej osoby
link to view the event calendar sk Odkaz na zobrazenie udalosti
links calendar sk Odkazy
links, attachments calendar sk Odkazy, prílohy
listview calendar sk zobrazenie zoznamu
location calendar sk Umiestnenie
location to autoload from admin sk Umiestnenie zdroja pre automatické nahrávanie
minutes calendar sk minút
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar sk Umiestnenie, èasy zaèiatku a konca,...
mail all participants calendar sk obosla» v¹etkých úèastníkov
make freebusy information available to not loged in persons? calendar sk Sprístupni» informácie o zaneprázdnení v¹etkým, aj neprihláseným osobám?
minutes calendar sk Minút
modified calendar sk Zmenené
mon calendar sk Po
monthly calendar sk Mesaène
monthly (by date) calendar sk Mesaène (podµa dátumu)
monthly (by day) calendar sk Mesaène (podµa dòa)
monthview calendar sk Mesaèný pohµad
new search with the above parameters calendar sk nové vyhµadávanie s uvedenými parametrami
no events found calendar sk ®iadne udalosti sa nena¹li
no filter calendar sk ®iadny Filter
no matches found calendar sk Nena¹li sa ¾iadne záznamy
no response calendar sk ®iadna odozva
non blocking calendar sk neblokujúce
notification messages for added events calendar sk Tvar správy pre nové udalosti
notification messages for canceled events calendar sk Tvar správy pri zru¹ení udalosti
notification messages for disinvited participants calendar sk Tvar správy pre úèastníkov so zru¹ením pozvánky
notification messages for modified events calendar sk Tvar správy pri zmene udalosti
notification messages for your alarms calendar sk Tvar správy pripomienky udalosti
notification messages for your responses calendar sk Tvar správy pre Va¹e odpovede
@ -100,84 +178,125 @@ number of records to read (%1) calendar sk Po
observance rule calendar sk Pravidlo zachovania
occurence calendar sk Výskyt
old startdate calendar sk Starý poèiatoèný dátum
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar sk %1 %2 %3 vaèa po¾iadavka na schôdzku pre %4
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar sk %1 %2 %3 va¹a po¾iadavka na stretnutie pre %4
on all modification, but responses calendar sk pri v¹etkých zmenách okrem odpovedí
on any time change too calendar sk aj pri akejkoµvek zmene èasu
on invitation / cancelation only calendar sk len pri pozvaní/zru¹ení
on participant responses too calendar sk aj pri odpovediach
on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar sk aj pri zmene èasu o viac ne¾ 4 hodiny
open todo's: calendar sk Otvori» Úlohy
one month calendar sk jeden mesiac
one week calendar sk jeden tý¾deò
one year calendar sk jeden rok
only the initial date of that recuring event is checked! calendar sk Kontroluje sa iba úvodný dátum tejto pravidelnej udalosti!
open todo's: calendar sk Otvori» Úlohy:
overlap holiday calendar sk prekry» sviatky
participants calendar sk Úèastníci
participants disinvited from an event calendar sk Pre úèastníkov je pozvánka zru¹ená
participants, resources, ... calendar sk Úèastníci, Zdroje,...
password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar sk Prístupové heslo k informáciám o zaneprázdnení pre neprihlásené osoby
people holiday calendar sk osobná dovolenka
permission denied calendar sk Prístup odopretý
planner by category calendar sk Plánovaè - podµa kategórie
planner by user calendar sk Plánovaè - podµa pou¾ívateµa
please note: you can configure the field assignments after you uploaded the file. calendar sk Upozornenie: a¾ keï nahráte súbor, mô¾ete nastavi» priradenia polí.
preselected group for entering the planner calendar sk Predvybraná skupina pre vstup do plánovaèa
previous calendar sk Predchádzajúca
private and global public calendar sk Súkromé i verejnì prístupné
private and group public calendar sk Prístupné súkromne i pre skupinu
private only calendar sk Iba súkromne
re-edit event calendar sk Znovu uprav
receive email updates calendar sk Dostáva» informácie elektronickou po¹tou?
receive summary of appointments calendar sk Dostáva» súhrn udalostí
recurrence calendar sk Pravidelné opakovanie
recurring event calendar sk Opakujúca se udalos»
rejected calendar sk Odmietnuté
repeat days calendar sk Opakované dni
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar sk opakova» udalos» a¾ dokedy (prázdne znamená bez obmedzenia)
repeat type calendar sk Druh opakovania
repeating event information calendar sk Informácie o opakovaní udalosti
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar sk Interval opakovania, napr. 2 pre opakovanie ka¾dý druhý tý¾deò
repetition calendar sk Opakovanie
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar sk Detaily o opakovaní (alebo niè)
reset calendar sk Vynulova»
resources calendar sk Zdroje
rule calendar sk Pravidlo
sat calendar sk So
saves the changes made calendar sk ulo¾í vykonané zmeny
saves the event ignoring the conflict calendar sk Ulo¾í udalos» ignorujúc konflikt
scheduling conflict calendar sk Konflikt plánovania
select a %1 calendar sk vybra» %1
select a time calendar sk vybra» èas
select resources calendar sk Vybra» zdroje
select who should get the alarm calendar sk Vybra» kto dostane pripomienku
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar sk Rok nastavte iba pre jednorázové a nepravidelné udalosti.
set new events to private calendar sk Nastav nové udalosti ako súkromné
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar sk Majú se odmietnuté pozvánky stále zobrazova» v kalendári?<br>Mô¾ete ich prija» neskôr (napríklad keï sa vyrie¹i konflikt plánovania), ale len ak sú stále zobrazené vo va¹om kalendári!
should new events created as private by default ? calendar sk Majú sa nové udalosti be¾ne vytvára» ako súkromné?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar sk Mô¾u neprihlásené osoby vidie» informácie o Va¹am zaneprázdnení èi voµnom èase? Mô¾ete si nastavi» aj dodatoèné heslo, odli¹né od Va¹eho be¾ného hesla, k ochrane týchto údajov. Tieto údaje sú vo formáte iCal a obsahujú iba èasy va¹ej zaneprázdnenosti, bez zbytoèných podrobností ako napr. názvov udalostí, opisov alebo miest. Odkaz na tieto informácie je %1.
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar sk Má se za jménem u¾ivatele zobrazovat jeho vztah k události (pøijmul, odmítnul, ...)?
show default view on main screen calendar sk Zobraz standartní pohled na hlavní stránce
show invitations you rejected calendar sk Zobraz odmítnuté pozvánky
show list of upcoming events calendar sk Zobraz seznam budoucích událostí
single event calendar sk samostatná událost
start date/time calendar sk Poèáteèní datum a èas
startrecord calendar sk První záznam
submit to repository calendar sk Ulo¾it do databáze
show default view on main screen calendar sk Zobraz predvolený pohµad na hlavnej stránke
show invitations you rejected calendar sk Zobraz odmietnuté pozvánky
show list of upcoming events calendar sk Zobraz zoznam nadchádzajúcich udalostí
show this month calendar sk uká¾ tento mesiac
show this week calendar sk uká¾ tento tý¾deò
single event calendar sk samostatná udalos»
start calendar sk Zaèiatok
start date/time calendar sk Dátum/èas zaèiatku
startdate / -time calendar sk Dátum/èas zaèiatku
startdate and -time of the search calendar sk Dátum/èas zaèiatku hµadania
startdate of the export calendar sk Dátum/èas zaèiatku exportu
startrecord calendar sk Prvý záznam
status changed calendar sk Stav sa zmenil
submit to repository calendar sk Ulo¾i» do databázy
sun calendar sk Ne
tentative calendar sk Pøedbì¾nì
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar sk Otestovat import (importované záznamy se zobrazí <u>jen</u> v prohlí¾eèi)
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar sk Tento den je zobrazen jako první v náhledu týdne èi mìsíce
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar sk Touto hodinou konèí denní pohled. Události po této hodinì se zobrazí za denním pohledem.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar sk Touto hodinou zaèíná denní pohled. Události pøed ní se zobrazí nad denním pohledem.<br>Zároveò se tato hodina pou¾ije jako výchozí pro nové události.
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar sk Tato skupina bude automaticky vybrána pøi vstupu do plánovaèe. V plánovaèi ji mù¾ete mìnit podle libosti.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar sk Tato zpráva se ode¹le pøi zru¹ení èi smazání události
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar sk Tato zpráva je posílána pøi zmìnì èi pøesunutí události
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar sk Tato zpráva se ode¹le v¹em úèastníkùm Va¹í schùzky, kteøí po¾ádali o zprávy o nových událostech<br>Mù¾ete pou¾ít rùzné promìnné, které budou nahrazeny skuteènými údaji o události.<br>První øádka je pøedmìt zprávy
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar sk Tato zpráva se ode¹le pokud pøijmete, pøedbì¾nì pøijmete èi odmítnete událost (schùzku).
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar sk Tato zpráva se ode¹le pokud je nastaveno pøipomenutí nìjaké události. Uveïte v¹echny údaje které mù¾ete potøebovat.
thu calendar sk Èt
title of the event calendar sk Název události
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar sk pøíli¹ mnoho mù¾e pøekroèit èas vymezený pro vykonání
translation calendar sk Pøeklad
tue calendar sk Út
updated calendar sk Aktualizováno
use end date calendar sk Datum konce pou¾ití
tentative calendar sk Predbe¾né
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar sk Otestova» import (importované záznamy sa zobrazia <u>len</u> v prehliadaèi)
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar sk Tento deò sa zobrazuje ako prvý v tý¾dennom èi mesaènom pohµade.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar sk Touto hodinou sa konèí denný pohµad. Udalosti po tejto hodine se zobrazia za denným pohµadem.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar sk Touto hodinou sa zaèína denný pohµad. Udalosti pred touto hodinou se zobrazia pred denným pohµadem.<br>Zároveò sa táto hodina pou¾ije ako východzia pre nové udalosti.
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar sk Táto skupina bude automaticky vybratá pri vstupe do plánovaèa. V plánovaèi ju mô¾ete zmeni» podµa µubovôle.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar sk Táto správa se posiela pri zru¹ení èi zmazaní udalostí.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar sk Táto správa sa posiela pri zmene èi presune udalostí.
this message is sent to disinvited participants. calendar sk Táto správa sa posiela úèastníkom pri zru¹ení pozvánky.
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar sk Táto správa sa posiela v¹etkým úèastníkom Va¹eho stretnutia, ktorí po¾iadali o správy o nových udalostiach<br>Mô¾ete pou¾i» rôzné premenné, ktoré budú nahradené skutoènými údajmi o udalosti.<br>Prvý riadok je predmet správy.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar sk Táto správa se posiela keï prijmete, predbe¾ne prijmete èi odmietnete udalos» (stretnutie).
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar sk Táto správa se posiela keï je nastavená pripomienka nejakej udalosti. Uveïte v¹etky údaje ktoré mô¾ete potrebova».
three month calendar sk tri mesiace
thu calendar sk ©t
til calendar sk do
timeframe calendar sk Èasový úsek
timeframe to search calendar sk Èasový úsek kde hµada»
title of the event calendar sk Názov udalosti
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar sk piveµa mô¾e prekroèi» vá¹ limit èasu spustenia
translation calendar sk Preklad
tue calendar sk Ut
two weeks calendar sk dva tý¾dne
updated calendar sk Aktualizované
use end date calendar sk dátum konca pou¾itia
use the selected time and close the popup calendar sk Pou¾i» zvolený èas a zavrie» okno
view this event calendar sk Zobrazi» túto udalos»
wed calendar sk St
week calendar sk Týden
weekday starts on calendar sk Týden zaèíná dnem
weekly calendar sk Týdnì
weekview calendar sk Náhled týdne
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar sk Jaké události chcete vidìt pøi spu¹tìní kalendáøe?
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar sk Jaký náhled chcete vidìt pøi spu¹tìní kalendáøe?
work day ends on calendar sk Pracovní den zaèíná
work day starts on calendar sk Pracovní den konèí
yearly calendar sk Roènì
yearview calendar sk Náhled roku
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar sk Mù¾ete zadat buï rok nebo výskyt, ale ne obojí !!!
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar sk Mù¾ete zadat buï rok nebo výskyt, ale ne obojí !!!
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar sk Nemáte právo èíst tento záznam
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar sk Máte naplánovanou schùzku na %1
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar sk Musíte nastavit buï den nebo výskyt !!!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar sk Schùzka plánovavaná na %1 byla zru¹ena
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar sk Schùzka plánovaná na %1 byla pøelo¾ena na %2
week calendar sk Tý¾deò
weekday starts on calendar sk Tý¾deò zaèína dòom
weekdays calendar sk Dni v tý¾dni
weekdays to use in search calendar sk Dni v tý¾dni pou¾ité pri hµadaní
weekly calendar sk Tý¾dne
weekview calendar sk Tý¾denný pohµad
weekview with weekend calendar sk Tý¾denný pohµad s víkendom
weekview without weekend calendar sk Tý¾denný pohµad bez víkendu
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar sk Aké udalosti chcete vidie» pri spustení kalendára?
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar sk Aký pohµad chcete vidie» pri spustení kalendára?
whole day calendar sk celý deò
work day ends on calendar sk Pracovný deò zaèína
work day starts on calendar sk Pracovný deò konèí
yearly calendar sk Roène
yearview calendar sk Roèný pohµad
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar sk Mô¾ete zada» buï rok alebo výskyt, ale nie obidvoje !!!
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar sk Mô¾ete zada» buï rok alebo výskyt, ale nie obidvoje !!!
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar sk Nemáte právo èíta» tento záznam!
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar sk Máte naplánované stretnutie na %1
you have been disinvited from the meeting at %1 calendar sk Vae pozvanie na stretnutie o %1 bolo zru¹ené
you need to select an ical file first calendar sk Najprv treba vybra» súbor iCal.
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar sk Musíte nastavi» buï deò alebo výskyt !!!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar sk Stretnutie plánovavané na %1 bolo zru¹ené
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar sk Stretnutie plánované na %1 bolo prelo¾ené na %2
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caption htmlarea-TableOperations eu Epigrafea
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category %1 has been updated ! common eu Kategoria %1 eguneratua izan da
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cell properties htmlarea-TableOperations eu Gelaxkaren propietateak
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char htmlarea-TableOperations eu Karaktere
chec_k link... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Lotura egiaztatu...
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help using editor htmlarea eu Laguntza editorea erabiltzerakoan
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increase indent htmlarea eu Handitu koska
india common eu INDIA
@ -276,11 +285,11 @@ insert a new row after the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Errenkada berri b
insert a new row before the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Errenkada berri bat txertatu momentukoaren gainean
insert cell after htmlarea-TableOperations eu Gelaxka bat txertatu aurretik
insert cell before htmlarea-TableOperations eu Gelaxka bat txertatu ondoren
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insert column before htmlarea-TableOperations eu Zutabe bat txertatu aurretik
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insert column before common eu Zutabe bat txertatu aurretik
insert image htmlarea eu Irudia txertatu
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insert table htmlarea eu Taula txertatu
insert web link htmlarea eu Web lotura bet txertatu
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opens this link in a new window htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Lotura hau leiho berri batean zabaldu
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ordered list common eu Ordenatutako zerrenda
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original word htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Jatorrizko hitza
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postal common eu Postala
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common eu Hornitzailea <a href="http://www.egropware.org">eGroupWare</a> %1 bertsioa
preferences common eu Hobespenak
prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Aurreko hilabetea (menuan mantendu)
prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Aurreko urtea (menuan mantendu)
@ -462,12 +470,12 @@ reject common eu Ukatu
remove selected accounts common eu Aukeratutako kontuak kendu
remove the htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Kendu
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replace htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Ordezkatu
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replace all htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Ordezkatu guztiak
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reunion common eu REUNION
revert htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Itzuli
right htmlarea-TableOperations eu Eskuinean
right common eu Eskuinean
ro_w properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Errenkadaren propietateak
romania common eu RUMANIA
row properties htmlarea-TableOperations eu Errenkadaren propietateak
@ -543,7 +551,7 @@ superscript htmlarea eu Goiindizea
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table properties htmlarea-TableOperations eu Taularen propietateak
table properties common eu Taularen propietateak
taiwan common eu TAIWAN/TAIPEI
tajikistan common eu TAJIKISTAN
text align htmlarea-TableOperations eu Lerrokatu testuarekin
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togo common eu TOGO
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tonga common eu TONGA
top htmlarea-TableOperations eu Goian
top common eu Goian
total common eu Guztia
trinidad and tobago common eu TRINIDAD ETA TOBAGO
tuesday common eu Asteartea
@ -576,7 +584,7 @@ turkmenistan common eu TURKMENISTAN
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underline htmlarea eu Azpimarratu
underline common eu Azpimarratu
undoes your last action htmlarea eu Aurreko ekintza desegin
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welcome common eu Ongo etorri
western sahara common eu MENDEBALDEKO SAHARA
which groups common eu Zein taldeak
width htmlarea-TableOperations eu Zabalera
width common eu Zabalera
wk jscalendar eu wk
work email common eu laneko posta elektronikoa
written by: common eu Nork idatzi:
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