diff --git a/doc/HOWTO.html b/doc/HOWTO.html index 8b6d2c44dc..245b9eec50 100644 --- a/doc/HOWTO.html +++ b/doc/HOWTO.html @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Windows is supported, but there is no documentation for it currently.
  • MySQL 3.22.25 or PostgreSQL 7.0.x
  • Courier-IMAP 0.33+ and/or qmail 1.03 for POP3 access
  • -

    We have reports of it working on Windows NT and OS/2, and using Oracle as the database. +

    We have reports of phpGroupWare working on Windows NT and OS/2, and using Oracle as the database.

    2.3 Obtaining phpGroupWare

    While we are still in the Beta phase of phpGroupWare, you may @@ -73,7 +73,14 @@ have the most recent development copy of phpGroupWare in no time.

    After you have met the system requirements, unpack the tarball in the html directory of your webserver. (eg, /home/httpd/html) -

    2.5 Configure phpGroupWare


    2.5 Create a database and user for phpGroupWare

    + +

    You must create a database for phpGroupWare to use, +and we strongly recommend adding a user that only +has permission to this new database for phpGroupWare's +exclusive use (for security). +

    Note the host the database engine is on, user, password and database name, you will need them soon. +

    2.6 Configure phpGroupWare

    Copy the header.inc.php.sample file to header.inc.php and edit the file, following the @@ -134,7 +141,7 @@ files that come with the new application first, as most require you to create additional tables in the database, and add additional translation data to the lang table (typically a file called lang.sql)

    You install the new application within the phpGroupWare install tree by -copying the application directory into the phpGroupWare install location, +placing the application directory under the root phpGroupWare directory, and enabling the application through the Administration page.

    For example, this is the process to install the Headlines application (see diff --git a/doc/HOWTO.sgml b/doc/HOWTO.sgml index 83101b10a9..a033c13506 100644 --- a/doc/HOWTO.sgml +++ b/doc/HOWTO.sgml @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Courier-IMAP 0.33+ and/or qmail 1.03 for POP3 access - We have reports of it working on Windows NT and OS/2, and using Oracle as the database. + We have reports of phpGroupWare working on Windows NT and OS/2, and using Oracle as the database.

    Obtaining phpGroupWare

    @@ -83,6 +83,14 @@ have the most recent development copy of phpGroupWare in no time. After you have met the system requirements, unpack the tarball in the html directory of your webserver. (eg, /home/httpd/html)

    +Create a database and user for phpGroupWare +

    + You must create a database for phpGroupWare to use, + and we strongly recommend adding a user that only + has permission to this new database for phpGroupWare's + exclusive use (for security). + + Note the host the database engine is on, user, password and database name, you will need them soon. Configure phpGroupWare

    Copy the header.inc.php.sample file to @@ -156,7 +164,7 @@ to create additional tables in the database, and add additional translation data to the lang table (typically a file called lang.sql) You install the new application within the phpGroupWare install tree by -copying the application directory into the phpGroupWare install location, +placing the application directory under the root phpGroupWare directory, and enabling the application through the Administration page. For example, this is the process to install the diff --git a/doc/HOWTO.txt b/doc/HOWTO.txt index f75a7e4965..1d87c957eb 100644 --- a/doc/HOWTO.txt +++ b/doc/HOWTO.txt @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ 2.3.1 Released Versions 2.3.2 Developer's version from CVS 2.4 Installing on Tested Systems - 2.5 Configure phpGroupWare + 2.5 Create a database and user for phpGroupWare + 2.6 Configure phpGroupWare 3. Testing the install @@ -63,7 +64,6 @@ integrated features such as email, calendar, todo list, address book, file manager, headline news, and a trouble ticket system. - You should use it if: You would like a powerful groupware system that can be access from @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ +o Courier-IMAP 0.33+ and/or qmail 1.03 for POP3 access - We have reports of it working on Windows NT and OS/2, and using Oracle - as the database. + We have reports of phpGroupWare working on Windows NT and OS/2, and + using Oracle as the database. 22..33.. OObbttaaiinniinngg pphhppGGrroouuppWWaarree @@ -126,10 +126,20 @@ After you have met the system requirements, unpack the tarball in the html directory of your webserver. (eg, /home/httpd/html) - 22..55.. CCoonnffiigguurree pphhppGGrroouuppWWaarree + 22..55.. CCrreeaattee aa ddaattaabbaassee aanndd uusseerr ffoorr pphhppGGrroouuppWWaarree + + You must create a database for phpGroupWare to use, and we strongly + recommend adding a user that only has permission to this new database + for phpGroupWare's exclusive use (for security). + + Note the host the database engine is on, user, password and database + name, you will need them soon. + + 22..66.. CCoonnffiigguurree pphhppGGrroouuppWWaarree Copy the header.inc.php.sample file to header.inc.php and edit the file, following the directions in the comments. + Then point your browser to phpgroupware/setup/ which will create (or upgrade) the database tables. You wil be asked to login, using the password set in header.inc.php. Setup will attempt to determine what @@ -185,6 +195,7 @@ directory for any stale uploads and delete them. But, once again, it becomes a performance issue. + 33.. TTeessttiinngg tthhee iinnssttaallll If your config is setup properly you can now login. Point your @@ -193,9 +204,6 @@ At this point it would be a good idea to create a new user with administrative privileges and delete the old one. - - - 44.. IInnssttaalllliinngg aaddddiittiioonnaall aapppplliiccaattiioonnss Once you have the core phpGroupWare install up and running, you may @@ -207,8 +215,8 @@ (typically a file called lang.sql) You install the new application within the phpGroupWare install tree - by copying the application directory into the phpGroupWare install - location, and enabling the application through the Administration + by placing the application directory under the root phpGroupWare + directory, and enabling the application through the Administration page. For example, this is the process to install the Headlines application @@ -317,6 +325,9 @@ IMAP if you expect to have more than a few hundred messages in your mailbox. + + + 55..33.. WWhheenn II lloogg iinn II sseeee tthhee ddiirreeccttoorryy lliissttiinngg iinnsstteeaadd ooff aa wweebb ppaaggee If you are using Apache, this often means you need to add .php to the @@ -328,6 +339,8 @@ DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 index.html index.htm index.cgi ______________________________________________________________________ + + 55..44.. II ggeett ggaarrbbaaggee tthhaatt llooookkss lliikkee ccooddee wwhheenn II ggoo ttoo tthhee pphhppGGrroouuppWWaarree UURRLL @@ -380,6 +393,7 @@ v1.0 (July 6, 2000) + +o Built proper SGML version. +o Included the FAQ. @@ -393,7 +407,6 @@ +o Added Trouble-shooting section - +o Added description of application installation +o Changes for the new setup program @@ -433,19 +446,6 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - -