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synced 2025-02-21 12:51:21 +01:00
"New recurance rule iterator:
- Implemented two new monthly rrules: last day of month and last weekday (eg. workday) of month - The constructor accepts times only as DateTime (or decendents like egw_date) to work timezone-correct. - The timezone of the event is determined by timezone of the startime, other times get converted to that timezone. - There's a static factory method calendar_rrule::event2rrule(array $event,$usertime=true), which converts an event read by calendar_bo::read() or calendar_bo::search() to a rrule iterator. - The rrule iterator object can be casted to string, to get a human readable describtion of the rrule. - There's an interactive test-form, if the class get's called directly: http://localhost/egroupware/calendar/inc/class.calendar_rrule.inc.php --> next step will be to use the rrule iterator in calendar_bo::insert_all_repetions() to calculate the recurences"
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@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
* eGroupWare - Calendar recurance rules
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @package calendar
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
* @copyright (c) 2009 by RalfBecker-At-outdoor-training.de
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
* Recurance rule iterator
* The constructor accepts times only as DateTime (or decendents like egw_date) to work timezone-correct.
* The timezone of the event is determined by timezone of the startime, other times get converted to that timezone.
* There's a static factory method calendar_rrule::event2rrule(array $event,$usertime=true), which converts an
* event read by calendar_bo::read() or calendar_bo::search() to a rrule iterator.
* The rrule iterator object can be casted to string, to get a human readable describtion of the rrule.
* There's an interactive test-form, if the class get's called directly: http://localhost/egroupware/calendar/inc/class.calendar_rrule.inc.php
* @todo Integrate iCal import and export, so all recurence code resides just in this class
* @todo Implement COUNT, can be stored in enddate assuming counts are far smaller then timestamps (eg. < 1000 is a count)
* @todo Implement WKST (week start day), currently WKST=SU is used (this is not stored in current DB schema, it's a user preference)
class calendar_rrule implements Iterator
* No recurrence
const NONE = 0;
* Daily recurrence
const DAILY = 1;
* Weekly recurrance on day(s) specified by bitfield in $data
const WEEKLY = 2;
* Monthly recurrance iCal: monthly_bymonthday
const MONTHLY_MDAY = 3;
* Monthly recurrance iCal: BYDAY (by weekday, eg. 1st Friday of month)
const MONTHLY_WDAY = 4;
* Yearly recurrance
const YEARLY = 5;
* Translate recure types to labels
* @var array
static public $types = Array(
self::NONE => 'None',
self::DAILY => 'Daily',
self::WEEKLY => 'Weekly',
self::MONTHLY_WDAY => 'Monthly (by day)',
self::MONTHLY_MDAY => 'Monthly (by date)',
self::YEARLY => 'Yearly'
* @var int
public $type = self::NONE;
* Interval
* @var int
public $interval = 1;
* Number for monthly byday: 1, ..., 5, -1=last weekday of month
* EGroupware Calendar does NOT explicitly store it, it's only implicitly defined by series start date
* @var int
protected $monthly_byday_num;
* Number for monthly bymonthday: 1, ..., 31, -1=last day of month
* EGroupware Calendar does NOT explicitly store it, it's only implicitly defined by series start date
* @var int
protected $monthly_bymonthday;
* Enddate of recurring event or null, if not ending
* @var DateTime
public $enddate;
* Enddate of recurring event, as Ymd integer (eg. 20091111)
* @var int
public $enddate_ymd;
const SUNDAY = 1;
const MONDAY = 2;
const TUESDAY = 4;
const WEDNESDAY = 8;
const THURSDAY = 16;
const FRIDAY = 32;
const SATURDAY = 64;
const WORKDAYS = 62; // Mo, ..., Fr
const ALLDAYS = 127;
* Translate weekday bitmasks to labels
* @var array
static public $days = array(
self::MONDAY => 'Monday',
self::TUESDAY => 'Tuesday',
self::WEDNESDAY => 'Wednesday',
self::THURSDAY => 'Thursday',
self::FRIDAY => 'Friday',
self::SATURDAY => 'Saturday',
self::SUNDAY => 'Sunday',
* Bitmask of valid weekdays for weekly repeating events: self::SUNDAY|...|self::SATURDAY
* @var integer
public $weekdays;
* Array of exception dates
* @var array
public $exceptions;
* Starttime of series
* @var DateTime
public $time;
* Current "position" / time
* @var DateTime
public $current;
* Constructor
* The constructor accepts on DateTime (or decendents like egw_date) for all times, to work timezone-correct.
* The timezone of the event is determined by timezone of $time, other times get converted to that timezone.
* @param DateTime $time start of event in it's own timezone
* @param int $type self::NONE, self::DAILY, ..., self::YEARLY
* @param int $interval=1 1, 2, ...
* @param DateTime $enddate=null enddate or null for no enddate (in which case we user '+5 year' on $time)
* @param int $weekdays=0 self::SUNDAY=1|self::MONDAY=2|...|self::SATURDAY=64
* @param array $exceptions=null DateTime objects with exceptions
public function __construct(DateTime $time,$type,$interval=1,DateTime $enddate=null,$weekdays=0,array $exceptions=null)
$this->time = $time;
if (!in_array($type,array(self::NONE, self::DAILY, self::WEEKLY, self::MONTHLY_MDAY, self::MONTHLY_WDAY, self::YEARLY)))
throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter(__METHOD__."($time,$type,$interval,$enddate,$data,...) type $type is NOT valid!");
$this->type = $type;
// determine only implicit defined rules for RRULE=MONTHLY,BYDAY={-1, 1, ..., 5}{MO,..,SU}
if ($type == self::MONTHLY_WDAY)
// check for last week of month
if (($day = $this->time->format('d')) >= 21 && $day > self::daysInMonth($this->time)-7)
$this->monthly_byday_num = -1;
$this->monthly_byday_num = 1 + floor(($this->time->format('d')-1) / 7);
elseif($type == self::MONTHLY_MDAY)
$this->monthly_bymonthday = (int)$this->time->format('d');
// check for last day of month
if ($this->monthly_bymonthday >= 28)
$test = clone $this->time;
$test->modify('1 day');
if ($test->format('m') != $this->time->format('m'))
$this->monthly_bymonthday = -1;
if (!is_numeric($interval) || $interval < 1)
throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter(__METHOD__."($time,$type,$interval,$enddate,$data,...) interval $interval is NOT valid!");
$this->interval = (int)$interval;
$this->enddate = $enddate;
// no recurrence --> current date is enddate
if ($type == self::NONE)
$enddate = clone $this->time;
// set a maximum of 5 years if no enddate given
elseif (is_null($enddate))
$enddate = clone $this->time;
$enddate->modify('5 year');
// convert enddate to timezone of time, if necessary
$this->enddate_ymd = (int)$enddate->format('Ymd');
// if no valid weekdays are given for weekly repeating, we use just the current weekday
if (!($this->weekdays = (int)$weekdays) && ($type == self::WEEKLY || $type == self::MONTHLY_WDAY))
$this->weekdays = self::getWeekday($this->time);
if ($exceptions)
foreach($exceptions as $exception)
$this->exceptions[] = $exception->format('Ymd');
* Get number of days in month of given date
* @param DateTime $time
* @return int
private static function daysInMonth(DateTime $time)
list($year,$month) = explode('-',$time->format('Y-m'));
$last_day = new egw_time();
return (int)$last_day->format('d');
* Return the current element
* @return DateTime
public function current()
return clone $this->current;
* Return the key of the current element, we use a Ymd integer as key
* @return int
public function key()
return (int)$this->current->format('Ymd');
* Move forward to next recurence, not caring for exceptions
public function next_no_exception()
case self::NONE: // need to add at least one day, to end "series", as enddate == current date
case self::DAILY:
$this->current->modify($this->interval.' day');
case self::WEEKLY:
// advance to next valid weekday
// interval in weekly means event runs on valid days eg. each 2. week
// --> on saturday we have to additionally advance interval-1 weeks
if ($this->interval > 1 && self::getWeekday($this->current) == self::SATURDAY)
$this->current->modify(($this->interval-1).' week');
$this->current->modify('1 day');
//echo __METHOD__.'() '.$this->current->format('l').', '.$this->current.": $this->weekdays & ".self::getWeekday($this->current)."<br />\n";
while(!($this->weekdays & self::getWeekday($this->current)));
case self::MONTHLY_WDAY: // iCal: BYDAY={1, ..., 5, -1}{MO..SO}
// advance to start of next month
list($year,$month) = explode('-',$this->current->format('Y-m'));
$month += $this->interval+($this->monthly_byday_num < 0 ? 1 : 0);
$this->current->setDate($year,$month,$this->monthly_byday_num < 0 ? 0 : 1);
//echo __METHOD__."() $this->monthly_byday_num".substr(self::$days[$this->monthly_byday_wday],0,2).": setDate($year,$month,1): ".$this->current->format('l').', '.$this->current."<br />\n";
// now advance to n-th week
if ($this->monthly_byday_num > 1)
$this->current->modify(($this->monthly_byday_num-1).' week');
//echo __METHOD__."() $this->monthly_byday_num".substr(self::$days[$this->monthly_byday_wday],0,2).': modify('.($this->monthly_byday_num-1).' week): '.$this->current->format('l').', '.$this->current."<br />\n";
// advance to given weekday
while(!($this->weekdays & self::getWeekday($this->current)))
$this->current->modify(($this->monthly_byday_num < 0 ? -1 : 1).' day');
//echo __METHOD__."() $this->monthly_byday_num".substr(self::$days[$this->monthly_byday_wday],0,2).': modify(1 day): '.$this->current->format('l').', '.$this->current."<br />\n";
case self::MONTHLY_MDAY: // iCal: monthly_bymonthday={1, ..., 31, -1}
list($year,$month) = explode('-',$this->current->format('Y-m'));
$day = $this->monthly_bymonthday+($this->monthly_bymonthday < 0 ? 1 : 0);
$month += $this->interval+($this->monthly_bymonthday < 0 ? 1 : 0);
//echo __METHOD__."() setDate($year,$month,$day): ".$this->current->format('l').', '.$this->current."<br />\n";
case self::YEARLY:
$this->current->modify($this->interval.' year');
throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed(__METHOD__."() invalid type #$this->type !");
* Move forward to next recurence, taking into account exceptions
public function next()
while($this->exceptions && in_array($this->current->format('Ymd'),$this->exceptions));
* Get weekday of $time as self::SUNDAY=1, ..., self::SATURDAY=64 integer mask
* @param DateTime $time
* @return int self::SUNDAY=1, ..., self::SATURDAY=64
static protected function getWeekday(DateTime $time)
//echo __METHOD__.'('.$time->format('l').' '.$time.') 1 << '.$time->format('w').' = '.(1 << (int)$time->format('w'))."<br />\n";
return 1 << (int)$time->format('w');
* Rewind the Iterator to the first element (called at beginning of foreach loop)
public function rewind()
$this->current = clone $this->time;
* Checks if current position is valid
* @return boolean
public function valid ()
return $this->current->format('Ymd') <= $this->enddate_ymd;
* Return string represenation of RRule
* @return string
function __toString( )
$str = '';
// Repeated Events
if($this->type != self::NONE)
list($str) = explode(' (',lang(self::$types[$this->type])); // remove (by day/date) from Monthly
$str_extra = array();
if ($this->enddate)
if ($this->enddate->getTimezone() != egw_time::$user_timezone) $this->enddate->setTimezone(egw_time::$user_timezone);
$str_extra[] = lang('ends').': '.lang($this->enddate->format('l')).', '.$this->enddate->format(egw_time::$user_dateformat);
switch ($this->type)
case self::MONTHLY_MDAY:
$str_extra[] = ($this->monthly_bymonthday == -1 ? lang('last') : $this->monthly_bymonthday.'.').' '.lang('day');
case self::WEEKLY:
case self::MONTHLY_WDAY:
$repeat_days = array();
if ($this->weekdays == self::ALLDAYS)
$repeat_days[] = $this->type == self::WEEKLY ? lang('all') : lang('day');
elseif($this->weekdays == self::WORKDAYS)
$repeat_days[] = $this->type == self::WEEKLY ? lang('workdays') : lang('workday');
foreach (self::$days as $mask => $label)
if ($this->weekdays & $mask)
$repeat_days[] = lang($label);
if($this->type == self::WEEKLY && count($repeat_days))
$str_extra[] = lang('days repeated').': '.implode(', ',$repeat_days);
elseif($this->type == self::MONTHLY_WDAY)
$str_extra[] = ($this->monthly_byday_num == -1 ? lang('last') : $this->monthly_byday_num.'.').' '.implode(', ',$repeat_days);
if($this->interval > 1)
$str_extra[] = lang('Interval').': '.$this->interval;
$str .= ' ('.implode(', ',$str_extra).')';
return $str;
* Get instance for a given event array
* @param array $event
* @param boolean $usertime=true true: event timestamps are usertime (default for calendar_bo::(read|search), false: servertime
* @return calendar_rrule
public static function event2rrule(array $event,$usertime=true)
$timestamp_tz = $usertime ? egw_time::$user_timezone : egw_time::$server_timezone;
$time = is_a($event['start'],'DateTime') ? $event['start'] : new egw_time($event['start'],$timestamp_tz);
$time->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($event['tzid']));
if ($event['enddate'])
$enddate = is_a($event['enddate'],'DateTime') ? $event['enddate'] : new egw_time($event['enddate'],$timestamp_tz);
foreach($event['recur_exception'] as $exception)
$exceptions[] = is_a($exception,'DateTime') ? $exception : new egw_time($exception,$timestamp_tz);
return new calendar_rrule($time,$event['recur_type'],$event['recur_interval'],$enddate,$event['recur_data'],$exceptions);
* Get recurrence data (keys 'recur_*') to merge into an event
* @return array
public function rrule2event()
return array(
'recur_type' => $this->type,
'recur_interval' => $this->interval,
'recur_enddate' => $this->enddate ? $this->enddate->format('ts') : null,
'recur_data' => $this->weekdays,
'recur_exception' => $this->exceptions,
if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == __FILE__) // some tests
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
function lang($str) { return $str; }
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz'] = $_REQUEST['user-tz'] ? $_REQUEST['user-tz'] : 'Europe/Berlin';
if (!isset($_REQUEST['time']))
$now = new egw_time('now',new DateTimeZone($_REQUEST['tz'] = 'UTC'));
$_REQUEST['time'] = $now->format();
$_REQUEST['type'] = calendar_rrule::WEEKLY;
$_REQUEST['interval'] = 2;
$now->modify('2 month');
$_REQUEST['enddate'] = $now->format('Y-m-d');
$_REQUEST['user-tz'] = 'Europe/Berlin';
echo "<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>Test calendar_rrule class</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<form method='GET'>\n";
echo "<p>Date+Time: ".html::input('time',$_REQUEST['time']).
echo "<p>Type: ".html::select('type',$_REQUEST['type'],calendar_rrule::$types)."\n".
"Interval: ".html::input('interval',$_REQUEST['interval'])."</p>\n";
echo "<table><tr><td>\n";
echo "Weekdays:<br />".html::checkbox_multiselect('weekdays',$_REQUEST['weekdays'],calendar_rrule::$days,false,'','7',false,'height: 150px;')."\n";
echo "</td><td>\n";
echo "<p>Exceptions:<br />".html::textarea('exceptions',$_REQUEST['exceptions'],'style="height: 150px;"')."\n";
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "<p>Enddate: ".html::input('enddate',$_REQUEST['enddate'])."</p>\n";
echo "<p>Display recurances in ".html::select('user-tz',$_REQUEST['user-tz'],egw_time::getTimezones())."</p>\n";
echo "<p>".html::submit_button('calc','Calculate')."</p>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
$tz = new DateTimeZone($_REQUEST['tz']);
$time = new egw_time($_REQUEST['time'],$tz);
if ($_REQUEST['enddate']) $enddate = new egw_time($_REQUEST['enddate'],$tz);
$weekdays = 0; foreach((array)$_REQUEST['weekdays'] as $mask) $weekdays |= $mask;
if ($_REQUEST['exceptions']) foreach(preg_split("/[,\r\n]+ ?/",$_REQUEST['exceptions']) as $exception) $exceptions[] = new egw_time($exception);
$rrule = new calendar_rrule($time,$_REQUEST['type'],$_REQUEST['interval'],$enddate,$weekdays,$exceptions);
echo "<h3>".$time->format('l').', '.$time.' ('.$tz->getName().') '.$rrule."</h3>\n";
foreach($rrule as $rtime)
echo ++$n.': '.$rtime->format('l').', '.$rtime."<br />\n";
echo "</body>\n</html>\n";
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