mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 18:31:26 +01:00
add "composer install" to checkout, to include dependencies in archives created, also fixed all IDE warnings
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,18 +32,23 @@ $config = array(
'aliasdir' => 'egroupware', // directory created by the alias
'extra' => array('$stylitebase/$svnbranch/stylite', '$stylitebase/$svnbranch/esyncpro'),//, '$stylitebase/$svnbranch/groups'), //,'svn+ssh://stylite@svn.stylite.de/stylite/trunk/eventmgr'),
'types' => array('tar.bz2','tar.gz','zip'),
'svn' => '/usr/bin/svn',
'rsync' => 'rsync --progress -e ssh --exclude "*-stylite-*" --exclude "*-esyncpro-*"',
'clamscan' => '/usr/bin/clamscan',
'freshclam' => '/usr/bin/freshclam',
'gpg' => '/usr/bin/gpg',
// diverse binaries we need
'svn' => trim(`which svn`),
'tar' => trim(`which tar`),
'mv' => trim(`which mv`),
'zip' => trim(`which zip`),
'clamscan' => trim(`which clamscan`),
'freshclam' => trim(`which freshclam`),
'gpg' => trim(`which gpg`),
'editor' => trim(`which vi`),
'rsync' => trim(`which rsync`).' --progress -e ssh --exclude "*-stylite-*" --exclude "*-esyncpro-*"',
'composer' => ($composer=trim(`which composer.phar`)) ? $composer.' install --optimize-autoloader' : '',
'packager' => 'build@stylite.de',
'obs' => './obs',
'obs_package_alias' => '', // name used in obs package, if different from packagename
'changelog' => false, // eg. '* 1. Zeile\n* 2. Zeile' for debian.changes
'changelog_packager' => 'Ralf Becker <rb@stylite.de>',
'editsvnchangelog' => '* ',
'editor' => '/usr/bin/vi',
'svntag' => 'tags/$version.$packaging',
'release' => 'ralfbecker,egroupware@frs.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/e/eg/egroupware/eGroupware-$version/eGroupware-$version.$packaging/',
'copychangelog' => '$sourcedir/README', //'ralfbecker,egroupware@frs.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/e/eg/egroupware/README',
@ -93,7 +98,7 @@ while(($arg = array_shift($argv)))
case 'release':
case 'copychangelog':
$config[$name] = $value;
if ($value) array_unshift($config['run'],$name);
case 'editsvnchangelog':
@ -141,37 +146,44 @@ function do_release()
global $config,$verbose;
$target = $config['release'];
if (strpos($target,'$') !== false) // allow to use config vars like $svnbranch in module
$translate = array();
foreach($config as $name => $value)
$translate['$'.$name] = $value;
$target = strtr($target,$translate);
$target = config_translate('release'); // allow to use config vars like $svnbranch in module
$cmd = $config['rsync'].' '.$config['sourcedir'].'/*'.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'].'* '.$target;
if ($verbose) echo $cmd."\n";
* Fetch a config value allowing to use config vars like $svnbranch in it
* @param string $name
* @param string $value =null value to use, default $config[$name]
function config_translate($name, $value=null)
global $config;
if (!isset($value)) $value = $config[$name];
if (is_string($value) && strpos($value, '$') !== false)
$translate = array();
foreach($config as $n => $val)
if (is_string($val)) $translate['$'.$n] = $val;
$value = strtr($value, $translate);
return $value;
* Copy changelog by rsync'ing it to a distribution / download directory
function do_copychangelog()
global $config,$verbose;
global $config;
$changelog = __DIR__.'/debian.changes';
$target = $config['copychangelog'];
if (strpos($target,'$') !== false) // allow to use config vars like $svnbranch in module
$translate = array();
foreach($config as $name => $value) $translate['$'.$name] = $value;
$target = strtr($target,$translate);
$cmd = $config['rsync'].' '.$changelog.' '.$target;
$cmd = $config['rsync'].' '.$changelog.' '.config_translate('copychangelog');
@ -180,7 +192,7 @@ function do_copychangelog()
function do_editsvnchangelog()
global $config,$svn,$verbose;
global $config,$svn;
echo "Querying changelog from SVN\n";
if (!isset($config['modules']))
@ -189,7 +201,7 @@ function do_editsvnchangelog()
// query changelog per repo
$changelog = '';
foreach($config['modules'] as $repo => $modules)
foreach($config['modules'] as /*$repo =>*/ $modules)
$branch_url = '';
$revision = null;
@ -235,14 +247,14 @@ function do_editsvnchangelog()
* Read changelog for given branch from (last) tag or given revision from svn
* @param string $branch_url='svn+ssh://svn@svn.stylite.de/egroupware/branches/Stylite-EPL-10.1'
* @param string $log_pattern=null a preg regular expression or start of line a log message must match, to be returned
* @param string $branch_url ='svn+ssh://svn@svn.stylite.de/egroupware/branches/Stylite-EPL-10.1'
* @param string $log_pattern =null a preg regular expression or start of line a log message must match, to be returned
* if regular perl regular expression given only first expression in brackets \\1 is used,
* for a start of line match, only the first line is used, otherwise whole message is used
* @param string $revision=null from which to HEAD the log should be retrieved, default search revision of latest tag in ^/tags
* @param string $prefix='* ' prefix, which if not presend should be added to all log messages
* @param string $revision =null from which to HEAD the log should be retrieved, default search revision of latest tag in ^/tags
* @param string $prefix ='* ' prefix, which if not presend should be added to all log messages
function get_changelog_from_svn($branch_url,$log_pattern=null,&$revision,$prefix='* ')
function get_changelog_from_svn($branch_url, $log_pattern=null, &$revision=null, $prefix='* ')
//echo __FUNCTION__."('$branch_url','$log_pattern','$revision','$prefix')\n";
global $config,$verbose,$svn;
@ -253,6 +265,7 @@ function get_changelog_from_svn($branch_url,$log_pattern=null,&$revision,$prefix
if (empty($branch)) $branch = $config['version'];
$tags_url .= '/tags';
$matches = null;
$revision = get_last_svn_tag($tags_url,$pattern,$matches);
$tag = $matches[1];
@ -309,7 +322,7 @@ function get_changelog_from_svn($branch_url,$log_pattern=null,&$revision,$prefix
function get_last_svn_tag($tags_url,$pattern,&$matches=null)
global $config,$verbose,$svn;
global $verbose,$svn;
$cmd = $svn.' log --xml --limit 40 '.escapeshellarg($tags_url);
if (($v = $verbose))
@ -339,7 +352,7 @@ function get_last_svn_tag($tags_url,$pattern,&$matches=null)
* Copy archive files to obs checkout and commit them
* @param boolean $only_update_changelog=false true update debian.changes, but nothing else, nor commit it
* @param boolean $only_update_changelog =false true update debian.changes, but nothing else, nor commit it
function do_obs($only_update_changelog=false)
@ -362,6 +375,7 @@ function do_obs($only_update_changelog=false)
$matches = null;
if (preg_match('/\/('.preg_quote($config['packagename']).'[a-z-]*)-'.preg_quote($config['version']).'\.[0-9.]+[0-9](\.tar\.(gz|bz2))$/',$path,$matches) &&
@ -430,7 +444,7 @@ function do_obs($only_update_changelog=false)
function parse_current_changelog()
global $config,$verbose;
global $config;
$changelog = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/debian.changes');
$lines = explode("\n", $changelog, 100);
@ -459,10 +473,10 @@ function parse_current_changelog()
function update_changelog($content)
global $config,$verbose;
global $config;
list($new_header) = explode("\n",$content);
$new_header = preg_replace('/\('.preg_quote($config['version']).'\.[0-9.]+[0-9](.*)\)/','('.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'].'\\1)',$new_header);
list($header) = explode("\n", $content);
$new_header = preg_replace('/\('.preg_quote($config['version']).'\.[0-9.]+[0-9](.*)\)/','('.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'].'\\1)', $header);
if (substr($config['changelog'],0,2) != ' ') $config['changelog'] = ' '.implode("\n ",explode("\n",$config['changelog']));
$content = $new_header."\n\n".$config['changelog'].
"\n\n -- ".$config['changelog_packager'].' '.date('r')."\n\n".$content;
@ -475,7 +489,7 @@ function update_changelog($content)
function do_sign()
global $config,$verbose;
global $config;
if (substr($config['sourcedir'],0,2) == '~/') // sha1_file cant deal with '~/rpm'
@ -506,7 +520,7 @@ function do_sign()
function do_create()
global $config,$verbose;
global $config;
if (!file_exists($config['sourcedir'])) mkdir($config['sourcedir'],0755,true);
if (substr($config['sourcedir'],0,2) == '~/') // sha1_file cant deal with '~/rpm'
@ -536,12 +550,12 @@ function do_create()
case 'tar.bz2':
case 'tar.gz':
$cmd = '/bin/tar --owner=root --group=root -c'.$tar_type.'f '.$file.' '.$exclude_extra.' egroupware';
$cmd = $config['tar'].' --owner=root --group=root -c'.$tar_type.'f '.$file.' '.$exclude_extra.' egroupware';
case 'zip':
$cmd = '/bin/mv egroupware/'.implode(' egroupware/',$config['extra']).' . ;';
$cmd .= '/usr/bin/zip -q -r -9 '.$file.' egroupware ;';
$cmd .= '/bin/mv '.implode(' ',$config['extra']).' egroupware';
$cmd = $config['mv'].' egroupware/'.implode(' egroupware/',$config['extra']).' . ;';
$cmd .= $config['zip'].' -q -r -9 '.$file.' egroupware ;';
$cmd .= $config['mv'].' '.implode(' ',$config['extra']).' egroupware';
@ -554,10 +568,10 @@ function do_create()
case 'tar.bz2':
case 'tar.gz':
$cmd = '/bin/tar --owner=root --group=root -c'.$tar_type.'f '.$file.' egroupware/'.$module;
$cmd = $config['tar'].' --owner=root --group=root -c'.$tar_type.'f '.$file.' egroupware/'.$module;
case 'zip':
$cmd = '/usr/bin/zip -q -r -9 '.$file.' egroupware/'.$module;
$cmd = $config['zip'].' -q -r -9 '.$file.' egroupware/'.$module;
@ -586,6 +600,7 @@ function do_virusscan()
echo "Updating virus signatures\n";
$cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo '.$config['freshclam'];
if (!$verbose && function_exists('posix_getuid') && posix_getuid()) echo $cmd."\n";
$output = null;
run_cmd($cmd,$output,1); // 1 = ignore already up to date database
echo "Starting virusscan\n";
@ -606,24 +621,16 @@ function do_copy()
$cmd = '/usr/bin/rsync -r --delete --exclude .svn '.$config['svndir'].'/'.$config['aliasdir'].' '.$config['egw_buildroot'];
if (($cmd = $config['patchCmd']) && $cmd[0] != '#')
if (($cmd = config_translate('patchCmd')) && $cmd[0] != '#')
if (strpos($cmd,'$') !== false) // allow to use config vars like $svnbranch in module
$translate = array();
foreach($config as $name => $value) $translate['$'.$name] = $value;
$cmd = strtr($cmd,$translate);
echo "Running $cmd\n";
// fix permissions
echo "Fixing permissions\n";
$cmd = '/bin/chmod -R a-x,u=rwX,g=rX,o=rX .';
$cmd = '/bin/chmod +x */*cli.php phpgwapi/cron/*.php svn-helper.php doc/rpm-build/*.php';
run_cmd('/bin/chmod -R a-x,u=rwX,g=rX,o=rX .');
run_cmd('/bin/chmod +x */*cli.php phpgwapi/cron/*.php svn-helper.php doc/rpm-build/*.php');
@ -633,7 +640,7 @@ function do_copy()
function do_checkout()
global $config,$svn,$verbose;
global $config,$svn;
echo "Starting svn checkout/update\n";
if (!file_exists($config['svndir']))
@ -653,12 +660,8 @@ function do_checkout()
if (strpos($config['svntag'],'$') !== false) // in case svntag command did not run, translate tag name
$translate = array();
foreach($config as $name => $value) $translate['$'.$name] = $value;
$config['svntag'] = strtr($config['svntag'],$translate);
$config['svntag'] = config_translate('svntag'); // in case svntag command did not run, translate tag name
if (file_exists($config['aliasdir']))
system('/bin/rm -rf .svn '.$config['aliasdir']); // --> remove the whole checkout, as we dont implement switching tags
@ -685,47 +688,50 @@ function do_checkout()
// regular branch update, without tag
$svnbranch = $config['svnbase'].'/'.$config['svnbranch'];
if (file_exists($config['aliasdir']))
// check if correct branch
$cmd = 'LANG=C '.$svn.' info';
foreach($output as $line)
$svnbranch = $config['svnbase'].'/'.$config['svnbranch'];
if (file_exists($config['aliasdir']))
if ($ret || substr($line,0,5) == 'URL: ')
// check if correct branch
$cmd = 'LANG=C '.$svn.' info';
$output = $ret = null;
foreach($output as $line)
$url = substr($line,5);
if ($ret || substr($url,0,strlen($svnbranch)) != $svnbranch) // wrong branch (or no svn dir)
if ($ret || substr($line,0,5) == 'URL: ')
echo "Checkout is of wrong branch --> deleting it\n";
system('/bin/rm -rf .svn '.$config['aliasdir']); // --> remove the whole checkout
$url = substr($line,5);
if ($ret || substr($url,0,strlen($svnbranch)) != $svnbranch) // wrong branch (or no svn dir)
echo "Checkout is of wrong branch --> deleting it\n";
system('/bin/rm -rf .svn '.$config['aliasdir']); // --> remove the whole checkout
$url = $svnbranch.'/'.$config['svnalias'];
$cmd = $svn.' co '.$url.' .';
foreach($config['extra'] as $module)
if (strpos($module,'$') !== false) // allow to use config vars like $svnbranch in module
$translate = array();
foreach($config as $name => $value) $translate['$'.$name] = $value;
$module = strtr($module,$translate);
$url = strpos($module,'://') === false ? $svnbranch.'/' : '';
$url .= $module;
$cmd = $svn.' co '.$url;
$url = $svnbranch.'/'.$config['svnalias'];
$cmd = $svn.' co '.$url.' .';
foreach($config['extra'] as $module)
$module = config_translate(null, $module); // allow to use config vars like $svnbranch in module
$url = strpos($module,'://') === false ? $svnbranch.'/' : '';
$url .= $module;
$cmd = $svn.' co '.$url;
// do composer install to fetch dependencies
if ($config['composer'])
@ -738,14 +744,12 @@ function get_modules_per_repro()
global $config,$svn,$verbose;
$translate = array();
foreach($config as $name => $value) $translate['$'.$name] = $value;
// process alias/externals
$svnbranch = $config['svnbase'].'/'.$config['svnbranch'];
$url = $svnbranch.'/'.$config['svnalias'];
$cmd = $svn.' propget svn:externals --strict '.$url;
if ($verbose) echo $cmd."\n";
$output = $ret = null;
$config['modules'] = array();
foreach($output as $line)
@ -753,6 +757,7 @@ function get_modules_per_repro()
$line = trim($line);
if (empty($line) || $line[0] == '#') continue;
list($path,$url) = preg_split('/[ \t\r\n]+/',$line);
$matches = null;
if (!preg_match('/([a-z+]+:\/\/[a-z@.]+\/[a-z]+)\/(branches|tags|trunk)/',$url,$matches)) die("Invalid SVN URL: $url\n");
$repo = $matches[1];
if ($repo == 'http://svn.egroupware.org/egroupware') $repo = 'svn+ssh://svn@dev.egroupware.org/egroupware';
@ -761,10 +766,7 @@ function get_modules_per_repro()
// process extra modules
foreach($config['extra'] as $module)
if (strpos($module,'$') !== false) // allow to use config vars like $svnbranch in module
$module = strtr($module,$translate);
$module = config_translate(null, $module); // allow to use config vars like $svnbranch in module
$url = strpos($module,'://') === false ? $svnbranch.'/' : '';
$url .= $module;
if (strpos($module,'://') !== false) $module = basename($module);
@ -781,15 +783,12 @@ function get_modules_per_repro()
function do_svntag()
global $config,$svn,$verbose;
global $config,$svn;
$translate = array();
foreach($config as $name => $value) $translate['$'.$name] = $value;
if (empty($config['svntag'])) return; // otherwise we copy everything in svn root!
$config['svntag'] = config_translate('svntag'); // allow to use config vars like $version in tag
if (strpos($config['svntag'],'$') !== false) // allow to use config vars like $version in tag
$config['svntag'] = strtr($config['svntag'],$translate);
echo "Creating SVN tag $config[svntag]\n";
if (!isset($config['modules']))
@ -808,7 +807,7 @@ function do_svntag()
* @param string $cmd
* @param array &$output=null $output of command, only if !$verbose !!!
* @param int|array $no_bailout=null exit code(s) to NOT bail out
* @param int|array $no_bailout =null exit code(s) to NOT bail out
* @return int exit code of $cmd
function run_cmd($cmd,array &$output=null,$no_bailout=null)
@ -818,6 +817,7 @@ function run_cmd($cmd,array &$output=null,$no_bailout=null)
if ($verbose)
echo $cmd."\n";
$ret = null;
@ -833,10 +833,37 @@ function run_cmd($cmd,array &$output=null,$no_bailout=null)
return $ret;
* Format array or other types as (one-line) string, eg. for error_log statements
* @param mixed $var variable to dump
* @return string
function array2string($var)
switch (($type = gettype($var)))
case 'boolean':
return $var ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
case 'string':
return "'$var'";
case 'integer':
case 'double':
case 'resource':
return $var;
case 'NULL':
return 'NULL';
case 'object':
case 'array':
return str_replace(array("\n",' '/*,'Array'*/),'',print_r($var,true));
return 'UNKNOWN TYPE!';
* Give usage information and an optional error-message, before stoping program execution with exit-code 90 or 0
* @param string $error=null optional error-message
* @param string $error =null optional error-message
function usage($error=null)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user