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synced 2025-03-07 11:41:58 +01:00
pending translations from our translation server
This commit is contained in:
@ -166,7 +166,13 @@ translation admin bg Превод
two weeks admin bg две седмици
two weeks admin bg две седмици
updated admin bg Актуализиран
updated admin bg Актуализиран
use the following options:\nnovfsselect=1\nmime=application/pdf or /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2m admin bg Използвайте следните опции:\nnoVfsSelect=1\nmime=application/pdf или /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2M
use the following options:\nnovfsselect=1\nmime=application/pdf or /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2m admin bg Използвайте следните опции:\nnoVfsSelect=1\nmime=application/pdf или /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2M
user choice admin bg Избор на потребител
user csv export admin bg Експортиране на потребители в CSV
user csv import admin bg Импорт на CSV от потребителя
user hidden from non-admins. admin bg Потребителят е скрит за неадминистратори
user-agent admin bg User-Agent
user-agent admin bg User-Agent
using fallback via regular json requests admin bg Използване на резервен вариант чрез обикновени JSON заявки
using fallback via regular json requests admin bg Използване на резервен вариант чрез обикновени JSON заявки
using native swoole push admin bg Използване на native Swoole Push
using native swoole push admin bg Използване на native Swoole Push
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin bg На кого искате да прехвърлите записите, притежавани от изтрития потребител?
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin bg можете да зададете първоначална стойност, която се увеличава всеки път, когато се генерира нов сериен файл
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin bg можете да зададете първоначална стойност, която се увеличава всеки път, когато се генерира нов сериен файл
you need to select some users first! admin bg Първо трябва да изберете някои потребители!
@ -719,10 +719,13 @@ use tls authentication admin cs Použít TLS autentikaci
use tls encryption admin cs Použít TLS šifrování
use tls encryption admin cs Použít TLS šifrování
user accounts admin cs Uživatelské účty
user accounts admin cs Uživatelské účty
user can edit forwarding address admin cs Uživatel smí editovat adresu pro přeposílání
user can edit forwarding address admin cs Uživatel smí editovat adresu pro přeposílání
user choice admin cs Volba uživatele
user csv export admin cs Export uživatele do CSV
user csv import admin cs Import CSV uživatele
user data common cs Uživatelská data
user data common cs Uživatelská data
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin cs Uživatel pro SMTP autentikaci (ponechte prázdné, není-li autentikace vyžadována).
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin cs Uživatel pro SMTP autentikaci (ponechte prázdné, není-li autentikace vyžadována).
user groups admin cs Skupiny uživatelů
user groups admin cs Skupiny uživatelů
user hidden vom non-admins. admin cs Uživatel skrytý pro uživatele, kteří nejsou administrátory
user hidden from non-admins. admin cs Uživatel skrytý pro neadminy
user-agent admin cs User-Agent
user-agent admin cs User-Agent
userdata admin cs Uživatelská data
userdata admin cs Uživatelská data
username (standard) admin cs Uživatelské jméno (standardní)
username (standard) admin cs Uživatelské jméno (standardní)
@ -730,8 +733,6 @@ username/password defined by admin admin cs Uživatelské jméno/Heslo definovan
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin cs uživatelskéjméno@doména (Virtuální správce pošty)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin cs uživatelskéjméno@doména (Virtuální správce pošty)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat vlastní poštovní účty
users can define their own emailaccounts admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat vlastní poštovní účty
users can define their own identities admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat své vlastní identity
users can define their own identities admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat své vlastní identity
users can define their own signatures admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat své vlastní podpisy
users can utilize these stationery templates admin cs Uživatelé mohou využívat tyto šablony dopisů
users choice admin cs Uživatelská volba
users choice admin cs Uživatelská volba
using fallback via regular json requests admin cs Používání zpětné vazby prostřednictvím běžných požadavků JSON
using fallback via regular json requests admin cs Používání zpětné vazby prostřednictvím běžných požadavků JSON
using native swoole push admin cs Použití nativního Swoole Push
using native swoole push admin cs Použití nativního Swoole Push
@ -747,6 +748,7 @@ virtual mail manager admin cs Virtuální správce pošty
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin cs Tyto údaje poptáváme jen pro statistické účely, abychom získali obecný přehled o používání EGroupware ve světě.
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin cs Tyto údaje poptáváme jen pro statistické účely, abychom získali obecný přehled o používání EGroupware ve světě.
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin cs Neuchováváme žádné údaje o Vaší identitě.
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin cs Neuchováváme žádné údaje o Vaší identitě.
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin cs Komu chcete přesunout VŠECHNY záznamy vlastněné smazaným uživatelem?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin cs Komu chcete přesunout VŠECHNY záznamy vlastněné smazaným uživatelem?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin cs Na koho chcete přenést záznamy vlastněné smazaným uživatelem?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin cs Špatný typ účtu: %1 NENÍ %2!
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin cs Špatný typ účtu: %1 NENÍ %2!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin cs Špatný účet administrátora nebo heslo!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin cs Špatný účet administrátora nebo heslo!
xml-rpc admin cs XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin cs XML-RPC
@ -764,6 +766,7 @@ you must enter an application name. admin cs Musíte zadat název aplikace.
you must enter an application title. admin cs Musíte zadat titulek aplikace.
you must enter an application title. admin cs Musíte zadat titulek aplikace.
you must select at least one group member. admin cs Musíte vybrat alespoň jednoho člena skupiny.
you must select at least one group member. admin cs Musíte vybrat alespoň jednoho člena skupiny.
you need to enter install id and password! admin cs Musíte zadat instalační ID a heslo!
you need to enter install id and password! admin cs Musíte zadat instalační ID a heslo!
you need to select some users first! admin cs Nejprve je třeba vybrat některé uživatele!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin cs Než smažete tuto kategorii, musíte smazat všechny podkategorie!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin cs Než smažete tuto kategorii, musíte smazat všechny podkategorie!
your last submission was less then %1 days ago! admin cs Naposledy jste odeslal(a) údaje před méně jak %1 dnem/dny.
your last submission was less then %1 days ago! admin cs Naposledy jste odeslal(a) údaje před méně jak %1 dnem/dny.
your name admin cs Vaše jméno
your name admin cs Vaše jméno
@ -487,9 +487,12 @@ use theme admin da Brug tema
use tls authentication admin da Brug TLS autorisation
use tls authentication admin da Brug TLS autorisation
use tls encryption admin da Brug TLS kryptering
use tls encryption admin da Brug TLS kryptering
user accounts admin da Bruger kontoer
user accounts admin da Bruger kontoer
user choice admin da Valg af bruger
user csv export admin da CSV-eksport af brugere
user csv import admin da CSV-import af bruger
user data common da Bruger data
user data common da Bruger data
user groups admin da Bruger grupper
user groups admin da Bruger grupper
user hidden vom non-admins. admin da Bruger skjult for ikke-admins
user hidden from non-admins. admin da Bruger skjult for ikke-admins
user-agent admin da User-Agent
user-agent admin da User-Agent
userdata admin da Brugerdata
userdata admin da Brugerdata
users can define their own emailaccounts admin da Brugere kan selv definere deres egne e-mail kontoer
users can define their own emailaccounts admin da Brugere kan selv definere deres egne e-mail kontoer
@ -503,6 +506,7 @@ view this user admin da Vis denne bruger
view user account admin da Vis bruger konto
view user account admin da Vis bruger konto
virtual mail manager admin da Virtuel post håndtering
virtual mail manager admin da Virtuel post håndtering
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin da Hvem vil du overføre ALLE posteringer ejet af den slettede bruger til?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin da Hvem vil du overføre ALLE posteringer ejet af den slettede bruger til?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin da Hvem vil du gerne overføre poster, der ejes af den slettede bruger, til?
xml-rpc admin da XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin da XML-RPC
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin da du kan indstille en startværdi, som øges, hver gang der genereres en ny serie
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin da du kan indstille en startværdi, som øges, hver gang der genereres en ny serie
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin da Du har indtastet en ugyldig udløbsdato!
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin da Du har indtastet en ugyldig udløbsdato!
@ -512,5 +516,6 @@ you must enter a lastname admin da Du skal indtaste et efternavn.
you must enter a loginid admin da Du skal indtaste et loginID.
you must enter a loginid admin da Du skal indtaste et loginID.
you must enter an application name. admin da Du skal indtaste et applikations navn.
you must enter an application name. admin da Du skal indtaste et applikations navn.
you must enter an application title. admin da Du skal indtaste en applikations titel.
you must enter an application title. admin da Du skal indtaste en applikations titel.
you need to select some users first! admin da Du skal vælge nogle brugere først!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin da Du blive nød til at fjerne underkategorierne for du kan slette denne kategori!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin da Du blive nød til at fjerne underkategorierne for du kan slette denne kategori!
your session could not be verified. admin da Din session kunne ikke verificeres
your session could not be verified. admin da Din session kunne ikke verificeres
@ -885,7 +885,6 @@ this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin
this controls exports and merging. admin de Steuert den Export und den Merge Print von Dokumenten/E-Mails.
this controls exports and merging. admin de Steuert den Export und den Merge Print von Dokumenten/E-Mails.
this is a mail account for all users! admin de Das ist ein Mail-Konto für ALLE Benutzer!
this is a mail account for all users! admin de Das ist ein Mail-Konto für ALLE Benutzer!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin de Das ist KEIN persönliches Mail-Konto!<br>Das Konto wird für ALLE Benutzer gelöscht!<br>Sind Sie wirklich sicher, dass Sie das wollen?
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin de Das ist KEIN persönliches Mail-Konto!<br>Das Konto wird für ALLE Benutzer gelöscht!<br>Sind Sie wirklich sicher, dass Sie das wollen?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin de Dieser Schlüssel steht im HTML Code den Ihre Website ausliefert.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin de Dieses PHP hat keine IMAP Unterstützung!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin de Dieses PHP hat keine IMAP Unterstützung!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin de Zeit nach der Anwendungsdaten der Sitzung gelöscht werden in Sekunden (Vorgabe 86400 = 1 Tag)
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin de Zeit nach der Anwendungsdaten der Sitzung gelöscht werden in Sekunden (Vorgabe 86400 = 1 Tag)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin de Zeit nach der Sitzungen verfallen (Vorgabe 14400 = 4 Stunden)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin de Zeit nach der Sitzungen verfallen (Vorgabe 14400 = 4 Stunden)
@ -950,7 +949,7 @@ user csv import admin de CSV-Import von Benutzern
user data common de Benutzerdaten
user data common de Benutzerdaten
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin de Benutzer für SMTP-Authentifizierung (leer lassen falls keine Authentifizierung nötig).
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin de Benutzer für SMTP-Authentifizierung (leer lassen falls keine Authentifizierung nötig).
user groups admin de Benutzergruppen
user groups admin de Benutzergruppen
user hidden from non-admins. admin de Benutzer verborgen von nicht Administratoren.
user hidden from non-admins. admin de Benutzer versteckt für Nicht-Administratoren
user-agent admin de Browser
user-agent admin de Browser
userdata admin de Benutzerkonto
userdata admin de Benutzerkonto
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin de UserId@domain z.B. u1234@domain
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin de UserId@domain z.B. u1234@domain
@ -991,8 +990,6 @@ wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! admin de Falsche Zugangsdat
xml-rpc admin de XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin de XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin de Ja, aber keine automatische Rechtschreibüberprüfung
yes, but no scayt admin de Ja, aber keine automatische Rechtschreibüberprüfung
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin de Ja, benutze nur die im Browser eingebaute Rechtschreibhilfe
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin de Ja, benutze nur die im Browser eingebaute Rechtschreibhilfe
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin de Ja, die Daten darunter nur für Alarme und Benachrichtigungen verwenden, ansonsten die Daten des aktiven Benutzers
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin de Ja, benutze Daten des aktuellen Benutzers oder wenn angegeben die Daten darunter
yes, use webspellchecker admin de Ja, benutze nur den WebSpellChecker (online)
yes, use webspellchecker admin de Ja, benutze nur den WebSpellChecker (online)
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin de Die Verwendung von --dry-run und --skip-checks zusammen ist nicht möglich!
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin de Die Verwendung von --dry-run und --skip-checks zusammen ist nicht möglich!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin de Sie können die Passwort-Verschlüsselung nur ändern, wenn sie ein zufälliges Passwort setzen oder bisher Passworte im Klartext gespeichert haben!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin de Sie können die Passwort-Verschlüsselung nur ändern, wenn sie ein zufälliges Passwort setzen oder bisher Passworte im Klartext gespeichert haben!
@ -512,10 +512,13 @@ use smtp auth admin el Χρήση SMTP αυθ
use the following options:\nnovfsselect=1\nmime=application/pdf or /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2m admin el Χρησιμοποιήστε τις ακόλουθες επιλογές:\nnoVfsSelect=1\nmime=application/pdf ή /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2M
use the following options:\nnovfsselect=1\nmime=application/pdf or /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2m admin el Χρησιμοποιήστε τις ακόλουθες επιλογές:\nnoVfsSelect=1\nmime=application/pdf ή /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2M
use theme admin el Χρησιμοποίηση θέματος
use theme admin el Χρησιμοποίηση θέματος
user accounts admin el Λογαριασμοί χρήστη
user accounts admin el Λογαριασμοί χρήστη
user choice admin el Επιλογή χρήστη
user csv export admin el Εξαγωγή CSV χρηστών
user csv import admin el Εισαγωγή CSV χρήστη
user data common el Δεδομένα χρήστη
user data common el Δεδομένα χρήστη
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin el Χρήστης για την SMTP-πιστοποίηση (να μείνει κενό αν δεν χρειάζεται πιστοποίηση)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin el Χρήστης για την SMTP-πιστοποίηση (να μείνει κενό αν δεν χρειάζεται πιστοποίηση)
user groups admin el Ομάδες χρήστη
user groups admin el Ομάδες χρήστη
user hidden vom non-admins. admin el Χρήστης κρυμμένος από μη διαχειριστές
user hidden from non-admins. admin el Χρήστης κρυμμένος για μη διαχειριστές
user-agent admin el User-Agent
user-agent admin el User-Agent
userdata admin el δεδομένα χρήστη
userdata admin el δεδομένα χρήστη
users can define their own emailaccounts admin el Οι χρήστες μπορούν να ορίσουν τους δικούς τους email λογαριασμούς
users can define their own emailaccounts admin el Οι χρήστες μπορούν να ορίσουν τους δικούς τους email λογαριασμούς
@ -528,6 +531,7 @@ view sessions admin el Εμφάνιση περιόδων
view this user admin el εμφάνιση αυτού του χρήστη
view this user admin el εμφάνιση αυτού του χρήστη
view user account admin el Εμφάνιση λογαριασμού χρήστη
view user account admin el Εμφάνιση λογαριασμού χρήστη
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin el Ποιός θα θέλατε να μεταφέρει ΟΛΕΣ της εγγραφές που ανήκουν στον χρήστη που διαγραφηκε;
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin el Ποιός θα θέλατε να μεταφέρει ΟΛΕΣ της εγγραφές που ανήκουν στον χρήστη που διαγραφηκε;
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin el Σε ποιον θα θέλατε να μεταφέρετε τις εγγραφές που ανήκουν στον διαγραμμένο χρήστη;
xml-rpc admin el XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin el XML-RPC
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin el μπορείτε να ορίσετε μια αρχική τιμή, η οποία αυξάνεται κάθε φορά που δημιουργείται μια νέα σειριακή έκδοση
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin el μπορείτε να ορίσετε μια αρχική τιμή, η οποία αυξάνεται κάθε φορά που δημιουργείται μια νέα σειριακή έκδοση
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin el Εχετε εισάγει μια λάθοςημερομηνία λήξης!
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin el Εχετε εισάγει μια λάθοςημερομηνία λήξης!
@ -540,5 +544,6 @@ you must enter a loginid admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε ένα ID
you must enter an application name. admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε ένα όνομα εφαρμογής.
you must enter an application name. admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε ένα όνομα εφαρμογής.
you must enter an application title. admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε έναν τίτλο εφαρμογής.
you must enter an application title. admin el Πρέπει να εισάγετε έναν τίτλο εφαρμογής.
you must select at least one group member. admin el Πρέπει να επιλέξετε τουλάχιστον ένα μέλος ομάδας.
you must select at least one group member. admin el Πρέπει να επιλέξετε τουλάχιστον ένα μέλος ομάδας.
you need to select some users first! admin el Πρέπει πρώτα να επιλέξετε ορισμένους χρήστες!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin el Θα πρέπει να διαγραφούν οι υποκατηγορίες πριν διαγράψετε αυτή την κατηγορία!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin el Θα πρέπει να διαγραφούν οι υποκατηγορίες πριν διαγράψετε αυτή την κατηγορία!
your session could not be verified. admin el Η περίοδος εργασίας δεν μπόρεσε να επαληθευθεί.
your session could not be verified. admin el Η περίοδος εργασίας δεν μπόρεσε να επαληθευθεί.
@ -885,7 +885,6 @@ this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin
this controls exports and merging. admin en This controls exports and merge prints.
this controls exports and merging. admin en This controls exports and merge prints.
this is a mail account for all users! admin en This is a mail account for ALL users!
this is a mail account for all users! admin en This is a mail account for ALL users!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin en This is NOT a personal mail account!<br>Account will be deleted for ALL users!<br>Are you really sure you want to do that?
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin en This is NOT a personal mail account!<br>Account will be deleted for ALL users!<br>Are you really sure you want to do that?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin en This key used in the HTML code your site serves to users.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin en This PHP has no IMAP support compiled in!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin en This PHP has no IMAP support compiled in!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin en Timeout for application session data in seconds. Default 86400 = 1 day
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin en Timeout for application session data in seconds. Default 86400 = 1 day
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin en Timeout for sessions in seconds. Default 14400 = 4 hours
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin en Timeout for sessions in seconds. Default 14400 = 4 hours
@ -950,7 +949,7 @@ user csv import admin en User CSV import
user data common en User data
user data common en User data
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin en User for SMTP authentication. Leave it empty if no authentication is required.
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin en User for SMTP authentication. Leave it empty if no authentication is required.
user groups admin en User groups
user groups admin en User groups
user hidden from non-admins. admin en User hidden from non-admins.
user hidden from non-admins. admin en User hidden for non-admins
user-agent admin en User-Agent
user-agent admin en User-Agent
userdata admin en User data
userdata admin en User data
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin en UserId@domain eg. u1234@domain
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin en UserId@domain eg. u1234@domain
@ -991,8 +990,6 @@ wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! admin en Wrong credentials
xml-rpc admin en XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin en XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin en Yes, but no Spell Check As You Type (online)
yes, but no scayt admin en Yes, but no Spell Check As You Type (online)
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin en Yes, use browser based spell checking engine
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin en Yes, use browser based spell checking engine
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin en Yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin en Yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below
yes, use webspellchecker admin en Yes, use online WebSpellChecker
yes, use webspellchecker admin en Yes, use online WebSpellChecker
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin en You can NOT use --dry-run together with --skip-checks!
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin en You can NOT use --dry-run together with --skip-checks!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin en You can change the hash only, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin en You can change the hash only, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords!
@ -885,7 +885,6 @@ this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin
this controls exports and merging. admin es-es Esto controla las impresiones de exportar y mezclar.
this controls exports and merging. admin es-es Esto controla las impresiones de exportar y mezclar.
this is a mail account for all users! admin es-es ¡Esta es una cuenta de correo para TODOS los usuarios!
this is a mail account for all users! admin es-es ¡Esta es una cuenta de correo para TODOS los usuarios!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin es-es Esta NO es una cuenta de correo personal!<br>La cuenta será eliminada para TODOS los usuarios!<br>¿Estás realmente seguro de que quieres hacer eso?
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin es-es Esta NO es una cuenta de correo personal!<br>La cuenta será eliminada para TODOS los usuarios!<br>¿Estás realmente seguro de que quieres hacer eso?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin es-es Esta clave se utiliza en el código HTML que su sitio sirve a los usuarios.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin es-es ¡Esta instalación de PHP no tiene soporte IMAP!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin es-es ¡Esta instalación de PHP no tiene soporte IMAP!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin es-es Tiempo límite para los datos de la sesión de la aplicación en segundos (por defecto 86400 = 1 día)
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin es-es Tiempo límite para los datos de la sesión de la aplicación en segundos (por defecto 86400 = 1 día)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin es-es Tiempo límite para las sesiones en segundos (por defecto 14400 = 4 horas)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin es-es Tiempo límite para las sesiones en segundos (por defecto 14400 = 4 horas)
@ -950,7 +949,7 @@ user csv import admin es-es Importación CSV de usuarios
user data common es-es Datos del usuario
user data common es-es Datos del usuario
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin es-es Usuario para identificación SMTP (dejar en blanco si no se necesita).
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin es-es Usuario para identificación SMTP (dejar en blanco si no se necesita).
user groups admin es-es Grupos de usuarios
user groups admin es-es Grupos de usuarios
user hidden vom non-admins. admin es-es Usuario oculto a los no administradores
user hidden from non-admins. admin es-es Usuario oculto para no administradores
user-agent admin es-es User-Agent
user-agent admin es-es User-Agent
userdata admin es-es Datos del usuario
userdata admin es-es Datos del usuario
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin es-es UserId@dominio ej. u1234@dominio
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin es-es UserId@dominio ej. u1234@dominio
@ -960,8 +959,6 @@ username/password defined by admin admin es-es Usuario/contraseña definida por
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin es-es usuario@dominio (Gestor de correo virtual)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin es-es usuario@dominio (Gestor de correo virtual)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin es-es Los usuarios pueden definir sus propias cuentas de correo
users can define their own emailaccounts admin es-es Los usuarios pueden definir sus propias cuentas de correo
users can define their own identities admin es-es Los usuarios pueden definir sus propias identidades
users can define their own identities admin es-es Los usuarios pueden definir sus propias identidades
users can define their own signatures admin es-es Los usuarios pueden definir sus propias firmas
users can utilize these stationery templates admin es-es Los usuarios pueden utilizar estas plantillas preimpresas
users choice admin es-es A elegir por el usuario
users choice admin es-es A elegir por el usuario
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin es-es Usando datos de Mozilla ISPDB para el proveedor %1
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin es-es Usando datos de Mozilla ISPDB para el proveedor %1
using fallback via regular json requests admin es-es Usando fallback vía peticiones JSON regulares
using fallback via regular json requests admin es-es Usando fallback vía peticiones JSON regulares
@ -991,8 +988,6 @@ wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! admin es-es ¡Credenciales
xml-rpc admin es-es XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin es-es XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin es-es Sí, pero no se comprueba la ortografía mientras se escribe (en línea)
yes, but no scayt admin es-es Sí, pero no se comprueba la ortografía mientras se escribe (en línea)
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin es-es Sí, usar el corrector ortográfico del navegador
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin es-es Sí, usar el corrector ortográfico del navegador
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin es-es Sí, utilice las credenciales siguientes sólo para alarmas y notificaciones, de lo contrario utilice las credenciales del usuario actual
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin es-es Sí, utilice las credenciales del usuario actual o, si se le han facilitado, las credenciales siguientes
yes, use webspellchecker admin es-es Sí, usar WebSpellChecker en linea
yes, use webspellchecker admin es-es Sí, usar WebSpellChecker en linea
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin es-es ¡NO puede usar --dry-run junto con --skip-checks!
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin es-es ¡NO puede usar --dry-run junto con --skip-checks!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin es-es ¡Sólo puede cambiar el hash si establece una contraseña aleatoria o está usando contraseñas en texto claro!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin es-es ¡Sólo puede cambiar el hash si establece una contraseña aleatoria o está usando contraseñas en texto claro!
@ -312,9 +312,12 @@ use default admin et Kasuta vaikimisi
use the following options:\nnovfsselect=1\nmime=application/pdf or /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2m admin et kasutage järgmisi valikuid:\nnoVfsSelect=1\nmime=application/pdf või /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2M
use the following options:\nnovfsselect=1\nmime=application/pdf or /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2m admin et kasutage järgmisi valikuid:\nnoVfsSelect=1\nmime=application/pdf või /^image\//i\naccept=pdf,docx\nmax_upload_size=2M
use theme admin et Kasuta nahka
use theme admin et Kasuta nahka
user accounts admin et Kasutaja kontod
user accounts admin et Kasutaja kontod
user choice admin et Kasutaja valik
user csv export admin et Kasutaja CSV eksport
user csv import admin et Kasutaja CSV import
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin et Kasutajanimi SMTP-autentimiseks (jäta see tühjaks kui pole nõutav).
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin et Kasutajanimi SMTP-autentimiseks (jäta see tühjaks kui pole nõutav).
user groups admin et Kasutajate grupid
user groups admin et Kasutajate grupid
user hidden vom non-admins. admin et Kasutaja on peidetud mitteadminite eest
user hidden from non-admins. admin et Kasutaja peidetud mitte-adminide jaoks
user-agent admin et User-Agent
user-agent admin et User-Agent
users choice admin et Kasutajate Valik
users choice admin et Kasutajate Valik
view access log admin et Vaata sisselogimise logi
view access log admin et Vaata sisselogimise logi
@ -324,6 +327,7 @@ view error log admin et Vaata vigade logi
view sessions admin et Vaata aktiivseid sessioone
view sessions admin et Vaata aktiivseid sessioone
view this user admin et Vaata seda kasutajat
view this user admin et Vaata seda kasutajat
view user account admin et Vaata kasutaja kontot
view user account admin et Vaata kasutaja kontot
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin et Kellele soovite kustutatud kasutajale kuuluvaid kirjeid üle kanda?
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin et saab määrata algväärtuse, mida suurendatakse iga kord, kui luuakse uus seeriaviis
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin et saab määrata algväärtuse, mida suurendatakse iga kord, kui luuakse uus seeriaviis
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin et Pead sisestama mime uuele väljale!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin et Pead sisestama mime uuele väljale!
you must enter a group name. admin et Pead sisestama grupi nime.
you must enter a group name. admin et Pead sisestama grupi nime.
@ -332,4 +336,5 @@ you must enter a loginid admin et Pead sisestama sisselogimise nime.
you must enter an application name. admin et Pead sisestama rakenduse nime.
you must enter an application name. admin et Pead sisestama rakenduse nime.
you must enter an application title. admin et Pead sisesestama rakenduse pealkirja.
you must enter an application title. admin et Pead sisesestama rakenduse pealkirja.
you must select at least one group member. admin et Pead valima vähemalt ühe grupiliikme.
you must select at least one group member. admin et Pead valima vähemalt ühe grupiliikme.
you need to select some users first! admin et Te peate kõigepealt valima mõned kasutajad!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin et Pead eemaldama kõigepealt alamkategoorjad kustutamaks seda kategooriat!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin et Pead eemaldama kõigepealt alamkategoorjad kustutamaks seda kategooriat!
@ -712,12 +712,13 @@ use tls encryption admin fi Käytä TLS -salausta
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin fi Käytä käyttäjän sähköpostiosoitetta
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin fi Käytä käyttäjän sähköpostiosoitetta
user accounts admin fi Käyttäjätilit
user accounts admin fi Käyttäjätilit
user can edit forwarding address admin fi Käyttäjä voi muokata välitys osoitetta
user can edit forwarding address admin fi Käyttäjä voi muokata välitys osoitetta
user choice admin fi Käyttäjän valinta
user csv export admin fi Käyttäjätilien CSV vienti
user csv export admin fi Käyttäjätilien CSV vienti
user csv import admin fi Käyttäjätilien CsV tuonti
user csv import admin fi Käyttäjätilien CsV tuonti
user data common fi Käyttäjän tiedot
user data common fi Käyttäjän tiedot
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin fi SMTP -käyttäjätunnus (tyhjä, jos ei käytetä)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin fi SMTP -käyttäjätunnus (tyhjä, jos ei käytetä)
user groups admin fi Käyttäjäryhmät
user groups admin fi Käyttäjäryhmät
user hidden vom non-admins. admin fi Käyttäjä piilotettu muilta kuin järjestelmänvalvojilta
user hidden from non-admins. admin fi Käyttäjä piilotettu muille kuin ylläpitäjille
user-agent admin fi User-Agent
user-agent admin fi User-Agent
userdata admin fi Käyttäjän tiedot
userdata admin fi Käyttäjän tiedot
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin fi käyttäjätunnus@verkkotunnus
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin fi käyttäjätunnus@verkkotunnus
@ -726,8 +727,6 @@ username/password defined by admin admin fi Ylläpidon määrittelemä käyttäj
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin fi käyttäjätunnus@verkkotunnus (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin fi käyttäjätunnus@verkkotunnus (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin fi Käyttäjät voivat määritellä omia sähköpostitilejä
users can define their own emailaccounts admin fi Käyttäjät voivat määritellä omia sähköpostitilejä
users can define their own identities admin fi Käyttäjät voivat määritellä omia identiteettejä
users can define their own identities admin fi Käyttäjät voivat määritellä omia identiteettejä
users can define their own signatures admin fi Käyttäjät voivat määritellä omia allekirjoituksia
users can utilize these stationery templates admin fi Käyttäjät voivat määritellä omia sähköpostin taustakuvamallipohjia
users choice admin fi Käyttäjä valitsee
users choice admin fi Käyttäjä valitsee
value for column %1 is not unique! admin fi Sarakkeen arvo %1 ei ole ainutlaatuinen!
value for column %1 is not unique! admin fi Sarakkeen arvo %1 ei ole ainutlaatuinen!
vfs directory "%1" not found! admin fi VFS tiedostoa "%1" ei löytynyt!
vfs directory "%1" not found! admin fi VFS tiedostoa "%1" ei löytynyt!
@ -743,11 +742,10 @@ warn users about the need to change their password? the number set here should b
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin fi Tietoja käytetään ainoastaan tilastolliseen tarkoitukseen.
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin fi Tietoja käytetään ainoastaan tilastolliseen tarkoitukseen.
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin fi Mitään identiteetin paljastavaa tietoa ei tallenneta.
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin fi Mitään identiteetin paljastavaa tietoa ei tallenneta.
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin fi Kenelle siirretään KAIKKI poistetun käyttäjän tietueet?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin fi Kenelle siirretään KAIKKI poistetun käyttäjän tietueet?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin fi Kenelle haluat siirtää poistetun käyttäjän omistamat tietueet?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin fi Virheellinen tilityyppi: %1 ei ole %2!
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin fi Virheellinen tilityyppi: %1 ei ole %2!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin fi Virheellinen Admin-tunnus tai salasana!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin fi Virheellinen Admin-tunnus tai salasana!
xml-rpc admin fi XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin fi XML-RPC
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin fi Kyllä, Käytä annettua salasanaa vain hälytyksiin ja huomautusviesteihin, muulloin käyttäjän tunnuksia
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin fi Kyllä, käyttäjän tunnukset, tai mahdolliset allaolevat tunnukset
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin fi voit asettaa alkuarvon, jota kasvatetaan aina kun uusi sarja luodaan
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin fi voit asettaa alkuarvon, jota kasvatetaan aina kun uusi sarja luodaan
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin fi Virheellinen vanhenemispäivä!
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin fi Virheellinen vanhenemispäivä!
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin fi Sähköpostiosoitetta ei ole määritelty käyttäjälle!
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin fi Sähköpostiosoitetta ei ole määritelty käyttäjälle!
@ -885,7 +885,6 @@ this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin
this controls exports and merging. admin fr Ceci contrôle les exports et les fusion d'impressions.
this controls exports and merging. admin fr Ceci contrôle les exports et les fusion d'impressions.
this is a mail account for all users! admin fr Ceci est un compte mail pour TOUS les utilisateurs !
this is a mail account for all users! admin fr Ceci est un compte mail pour TOUS les utilisateurs !
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin fr Ce n'est PAS un compte de messagerie personnel!<br>Le compte sera supprimé pour TOUS les utilisateurs!<br>Vous êtes vraiment sûr de vouloir faire ça ?
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin fr Ce n'est PAS un compte de messagerie personnel!<br>Le compte sera supprimé pour TOUS les utilisateurs!<br>Vous êtes vraiment sûr de vouloir faire ça ?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin fr Cette clé est utilisée dans le code HTML que votre site sert aux utilisateurs.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin fr Ce PHP n'est pas compilé avec le support de l'IMAP !
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin fr Ce PHP n'est pas compilé avec le support de l'IMAP !
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin fr Expiration pour les données session de l'application en secondes (par défaut 86400 = 1 jour)
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin fr Expiration pour les données session de l'application en secondes (par défaut 86400 = 1 jour)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin fr Expiration pour les sessions en secondes (par défaut 14400 = 4 heures)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin fr Expiration pour les sessions en secondes (par défaut 14400 = 4 heures)
@ -950,7 +949,7 @@ user csv import admin fr Import des utilisateurs en CSV
user data common fr Données utilisateurs
user data common fr Données utilisateurs
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin fr Utilisateur pour l'authentification SMTP (laisser vide si pas requis).
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin fr Utilisateur pour l'authentification SMTP (laisser vide si pas requis).
user groups admin fr Groupes utilisateurs
user groups admin fr Groupes utilisateurs
user hidden vom non-admins. admin fr Utilisateur caché aux non-administrateurs
user hidden from non-admins. admin fr Utilisateur caché pour les non-administrateurs
user-agent admin fr User-Agent
user-agent admin fr User-Agent
userdata admin fr Données utilisateur
userdata admin fr Données utilisateur
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin fr UserId@domain ie. u1234@domain
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin fr UserId@domain ie. u1234@domain
@ -960,8 +959,6 @@ username/password defined by admin admin fr Login / mot de passe définis par l'
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin fr utilisateur@domaine (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin fr utilisateur@domaine (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin fr Les utilisateurs peuvent définir leurs propres comptes de messagerie
users can define their own emailaccounts admin fr Les utilisateurs peuvent définir leurs propres comptes de messagerie
users can define their own identities admin fr Les utilisateurs peuvent définir leurs propres identités
users can define their own identities admin fr Les utilisateurs peuvent définir leurs propres identités
users can define their own signatures admin fr les utilisateurs peuvent définir leurs propres signatures
users can utilize these stationery templates admin fr Les utilisateurs peuvent utiliser ces modèles de papiers
users choice admin fr Choix de l'utilisateur
users choice admin fr Choix de l'utilisateur
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin fr Utilisation des données de Mozilla ISPDB pour le fournisseur %1
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin fr Utilisation des données de Mozilla ISPDB pour le fournisseur %1
using fallback via regular json requests admin fr Utilisation d'une solution de repli via des requêtes JSON normales
using fallback via regular json requests admin fr Utilisation d'une solution de repli via des requêtes JSON normales
@ -991,8 +988,6 @@ wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! admin fr Mauvais login ou m
xml-rpc admin fr XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin fr XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin fr Oui, mais pas de correction automatique au cours de la frappe (en ligne)
yes, but no scayt admin fr Oui, mais pas de correction automatique au cours de la frappe (en ligne)
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin fr Oui, utiliser le moteur de correction orthographique du navigateur
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin fr Oui, utiliser le moteur de correction orthographique du navigateur
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin fr Oui, utiliser les infos ci-dessous seulement pour les alarmes et les notifications, autrement utiliser les informations du compte utilisateur actif
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin fr Oui, utiliser les informations du compte utilisateur actif ou bien de ces informations ci-dessous si elles sont renseignées
yes, use webspellchecker admin fr Oui, utiliser le moteur de correcteur orthographique en ligne
yes, use webspellchecker admin fr Oui, utiliser le moteur de correcteur orthographique en ligne
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin fr Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser à la fois --dry-run et --skip-checks !
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin fr Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser à la fois --dry-run et --skip-checks !
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin fr Vous pouvez changer le type de cryptage seulement, si vous définissez un mot de passe aléatoire ou si vous utilisez actuellement des mots de passe texte en clair !
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin fr Vous pouvez changer le type de cryptage seulement, si vous définissez un mot de passe aléatoire ou si vous utilisez actuellement des mots de passe texte en clair !
@ -633,12 +633,13 @@ use tls authentication admin hu TLS hitelesítés használata
use tls encryption admin hu TLS kódolás használata
use tls encryption admin hu TLS kódolás használata
user accounts admin hu Felhasználói hozzáférések
user accounts admin hu Felhasználói hozzáférések
user can edit forwarding address admin hu Felhasználó szerkesztheti a továbbításkor a címeket
user can edit forwarding address admin hu Felhasználó szerkesztheti a továbbításkor a címeket
user choice admin hu Felhasználó választása
user csv export admin hu Felhasználói CSV export
user csv export admin hu Felhasználói CSV export
user csv import admin hu Felhasználói CSV import
user csv import admin hu Felhasználói CSV import
user data common hu Felhasználó adatai
user data common hu Felhasználó adatai
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin hu Felhasználó az SMTP hitelesítéshez (hagyja üresen, ha nem szükséges hitelesíteni).
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin hu Felhasználó az SMTP hitelesítéshez (hagyja üresen, ha nem szükséges hitelesíteni).
user groups admin hu Felhasználói csoportok
user groups admin hu Felhasználói csoportok
user hidden vom non-admins. admin hu Nem adminisztrátorok számára rejtett felhasználó
user hidden from non-admins. admin hu Felhasználó elrejtve a nem adminok számára
user-agent admin hu User-Agent
user-agent admin hu User-Agent
userdata admin hu Felhasználó adatai
userdata admin hu Felhasználó adatai
username (standard) admin hu Felhasználó név (standard)
username (standard) admin hu Felhasználó név (standard)
@ -646,8 +647,6 @@ username/password defined by admin admin hu Az adminisztrátok által meghatáro
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin hu felhasználónév@tartománynév (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin hu felhasználónév@tartománynév (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin hu A felhasználók saját maguk állíthatják be az email postafiókjaikat
users can define their own emailaccounts admin hu A felhasználók saját maguk állíthatják be az email postafiókjaikat
users can define their own identities admin hu A felhasználók beállíthatják a saját azonosítójukat
users can define their own identities admin hu A felhasználók beállíthatják a saját azonosítójukat
users can define their own signatures admin hu A felhasználók beállíthatják a saját aláírásukat
users can utilize these stationery templates admin hu A felhasználók alkalmazhatják az irodaszer mintákat
users choice admin hu Felhasználói választás
users choice admin hu Felhasználói választás
view access log admin hu Elérési napló megtekintése
view access log admin hu Elérési napló megtekintése
view account admin hu Azonosító megtekintése
view account admin hu Azonosító megtekintése
@ -658,6 +657,7 @@ view this user admin hu Felhasználó megtekintése
view user account admin hu Felhasználói hozzáférés megjelenítése
view user account admin hu Felhasználói hozzáférés megjelenítése
virtual mail manager admin hu Virtuális MAIL ManaGeR
virtual mail manager admin hu Virtuális MAIL ManaGeR
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin hu Melyik felhasználónak másoljam át az Összes bejegyzést, ami a törölt felhasználóhoz tartozott?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin hu Melyik felhasználónak másoljam át az Összes bejegyzést, ami a törölt felhasználóhoz tartozott?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin hu Kinek szeretné átadni a törölt felhasználó tulajdonában lévő rekordokat?
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin hu Érvénytelen adminisztrátor felhasználó vagy jelszó!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin hu Érvénytelen adminisztrátor felhasználó vagy jelszó!
xml-rpc admin hu XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin hu XML-RPC
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin hu beállíthat egy kezdeti értéket, amely minden egyes alkalommal növekszik, amikor egy új sorozatot generálnak
you can set an initial value, which gets incremented every time a new serial get generated admin hu beállíthat egy kezdeti értéket, amely minden egyes alkalommal növekszik, amikor egy új sorozatot generálnak
@ -672,6 +672,7 @@ you must enter a loginid admin hu Meg kell adnia egy bejelentkezési azonosító
you must enter an application name. admin hu Meg kell adnia egy alkalmazás nevét.
you must enter an application name. admin hu Meg kell adnia egy alkalmazás nevét.
you must enter an application title. admin hu Meg kell adnia egy alkalmazás címet.
you must enter an application title. admin hu Meg kell adnia egy alkalmazás címet.
you must select at least one group member. admin hu Legalább egy csoport tagot ki kell jelölnie.
you must select at least one group member. admin hu Legalább egy csoport tagot ki kell jelölnie.
you need to select some users first! admin hu Először ki kell választania néhány felhasználót!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin hu Mielőtt ezt a kategóriát törölné, el kell távolítania az összes alkategóriáját!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin hu Mielőtt ezt a kategóriát törölné, el kell távolítania az összes alkategóriáját!
your name admin hu Az ön neve
your name admin hu Az ön neve
your session could not be verified. admin hu Az ön munkamenete nem ellenőrizhető.
your session could not be verified. admin hu Az ön munkamenete nem ellenőrizhető.
@ -437,9 +437,12 @@ upload your certificate .p12/.pfx file admin id Unggah file .p12/.pfx sertifikat
use default admin id Gunakan bawaan
use default admin id Gunakan bawaan
use theme admin id Gunakan tema
use theme admin id Gunakan tema
user accounts admin id Akoun pengguna
user accounts admin id Akoun pengguna
user choice admin id Pilihan pengguna
user csv export admin id Ekspor CSV pengguna
user csv import admin id Impor CSV pengguna
user data common id Data Pengguna
user data common id Data Pengguna
user groups admin id Kelompok Pengguna
user groups admin id Kelompok Pengguna
user hidden vom non-admins. admin id Pengguna yang disembunyikan dari non-admin
user hidden from non-admins. admin id Pengguna yang disembunyikan untuk non-admin
user-agent admin id User-Agent
user-agent admin id User-Agent
userdata admin id Data pengguna
userdata admin id Data pengguna
username (standard) admin id Namapengguna (standar)
username (standard) admin id Namapengguna (standar)
@ -454,6 +457,8 @@ view sessions admin id Lihat sesi
view this user admin id lihat pengguna ini
view this user admin id lihat pengguna ini
view user account admin id Lihat akoun pengguna
view user account admin id Lihat akoun pengguna
virtual mail manager admin id Virtual MAIL ManaGeR
virtual mail manager admin id Virtual MAIL ManaGeR
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin id Kepada siapa Anda ingin mentransfer catatan yang dimiliki oleh pengguna yang dihapus?
xml-rpc admin id XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin id XML-RPC
you need to select some users first! admin id Anda perlu memilih beberapa pengguna terlebih dahulu!
your name admin id Nama Anda
your name admin id Nama Anda
your session could not be verified. admin id Sesi anda tidak dapat diperiksa.
your session could not be verified. admin id Sesi anda tidak dapat diperiksa.
@ -885,7 +885,6 @@ this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin
this controls exports and merging. admin it Questo controlla le esportazioni e le stampe unione.
this controls exports and merging. admin it Questo controlla le esportazioni e le stampe unione.
this is a mail account for all users! admin it Questo è un account di posta per TUTTI gli utenti!
this is a mail account for all users! admin it Questo è un account di posta per TUTTI gli utenti!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin it Questo non è un account personale di email!<br>L'account verrà cancellato per TUTTI gli utenti!<br>Confermi?
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin it Questo non è un account personale di email!<br>L'account verrà cancellato per TUTTI gli utenti!<br>Confermi?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin it Questa chiave viene utilizzata nel codice HTML che il sito serve agli utenti.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin it PHP non è stato compilato con supporto IMAP!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin it PHP non è stato compilato con supporto IMAP!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin it Timeout per i dati della sessione di un'applicazione in secondi (predefinito 86400 = 1 giorno)
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin it Timeout per i dati della sessione di un'applicazione in secondi (predefinito 86400 = 1 giorno)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin it Timeout per la sessione in secondi (predefinito 14400 = 4 ore)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin it Timeout per la sessione in secondi (predefinito 14400 = 4 ore)
@ -950,7 +949,7 @@ user csv import admin it Importazione CSV utente
user data common it Dati utente
user data common it Dati utente
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin it User per autenticazione SMTP (lascia vuoto se non è richiesta autenticazione)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin it User per autenticazione SMTP (lascia vuoto se non è richiesta autenticazione)
user groups admin it Gruppi utenti
user groups admin it Gruppi utenti
user hidden vom non-admins. admin it Utente nascosto ai non amministratori
user hidden from non-admins. admin it Utente nascosto per i non amministratori
user-agent admin it User-Agent
user-agent admin it User-Agent
userdata admin it Dati utente
userdata admin it Dati utente
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin it UserId@dominio p.es. u1234@dominio
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin it UserId@dominio p.es. u1234@dominio
@ -960,8 +959,6 @@ username/password defined by admin admin it Nome utente / password definiti dall
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin it nomeutente@nome dominio (ManaGeR MAIL Virtuale)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin it nomeutente@nome dominio (ManaGeR MAIL Virtuale)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin it Gli utenti possono definire i propri account email
users can define their own emailaccounts admin it Gli utenti possono definire i propri account email
users can define their own identities admin it Gli utenti possono definire le loro identità personali
users can define their own identities admin it Gli utenti possono definire le loro identità personali
users can define their own signatures admin it Gli utenti possono definire le loro firme personali
users can utilize these stationery templates admin it Gli utenti possono utilizzare questi modelli
users choice admin it Scelta dell'utente
users choice admin it Scelta dell'utente
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin it Utilizzo dei dati da Mozilla ISPDB per il provider %1
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin it Utilizzo dei dati da Mozilla ISPDB per il provider %1
using fallback via regular json requests admin it Utilizzo del fallback tramite normali richieste JSON
using fallback via regular json requests admin it Utilizzo del fallback tramite normali richieste JSON
@ -991,8 +988,6 @@ wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! admin it Credenziali sbagli
xml-rpc admin it XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin it XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin it Sì, ma senza controllo ortografico mentre si scrive
yes, but no scayt admin it Sì, ma senza controllo ortografico mentre si scrive
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin it Sì, usa il motore di controllo ortografico del browser
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin it Sì, usa il motore di controllo ortografico del browser
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin it Sì, utilizza le credenziali sottostanti solo per allarmi e notifiche, altrimenti usa le credenziali dell'utente attuale
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin it Sì, utilizza le credenziali dell'utente attuale oppure, se date, e credenziali qui sotto
yes, use webspellchecker admin it Sì usa il WebSpellChecker
yes, use webspellchecker admin it Sì usa il WebSpellChecker
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin it Non è possibile usare --dry-run insieme a --skip-checks!
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin it Non è possibile usare --dry-run insieme a --skip-checks!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin it Puoi cambiare solo l'hash, se impostassi una pasword casuale o se usassi attualmente password di testo semplice!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin it Puoi cambiare solo l'hash, se impostassi una pasword casuale o se usassi attualmente password di testo semplice!
@ -776,7 +776,6 @@ this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin
this controls exports and merging. admin ja この設定は、エクスポートとマージ印刷に影響します。
this controls exports and merging. admin ja この設定は、エクスポートとマージ印刷に影響します。
this is a mail account for all users! admin ja これは全ユーザのメール・アカウントです!
this is a mail account for all users! admin ja これは全ユーザのメール・アカウントです!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin ja This is NOT a personal mail account!\n\nAccount will be deleted for ALL users!\n\nAre you really sure you want to do that?
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin ja This is NOT a personal mail account!\n\nAccount will be deleted for ALL users!\n\nAre you really sure you want to do that?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin ja HTMLコードに埋め込むサイト・キー。
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin ja This PHP has no IMAP support compiled in!!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin ja This PHP has no IMAP support compiled in!!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin ja Timeout for application session data in seconds. Default 86400 = 1 day
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin ja Timeout for application session data in seconds. Default 86400 = 1 day
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin ja Timeout for sessions in seconds. Default 14400 = 4 hours
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin ja Timeout for sessions in seconds. Default 14400 = 4 hours
@ -833,7 +832,7 @@ user csv import admin ja ユーザ CSV インポート
user data common ja ユーザ・データ
user data common ja ユーザ・データ
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin ja SMTP 認証を使用します。認証が不要の場合は空欄のままにしてください。
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin ja SMTP 認証を使用します。認証が不要の場合は空欄のままにしてください。
user groups admin ja ユーザ・グループ
user groups admin ja ユーザ・グループ
user hidden vom non-admins. admin ja 管理者以外には表示されないユーザー
user hidden from non-admins. admin ja 管理者以外は非表示
user-agent admin ja User-Agent
user-agent admin ja User-Agent
userdata admin ja ユーザ・データ
userdata admin ja ユーザ・データ
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin ja UserId@domain 例: u1234@domain
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin ja UserId@domain 例: u1234@domain
@ -843,8 +842,6 @@ username/password defined by admin admin ja Username / Password defined by admin
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin ja username@domainname (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin ja username@domainname (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin ja Users can define their own email accounts
users can define their own emailaccounts admin ja Users can define their own email accounts
users can define their own identities admin ja Users can define their own identities
users can define their own identities admin ja Users can define their own identities
users can define their own signatures admin ja Users can define their own signatures
users can utilize these stationery templates admin ja Users can utilize these stationery templates
users choice admin ja ユーザ選択
users choice admin ja ユーザ選択
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin ja Using data from Mozilla ISPDB for provider %1
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin ja Using data from Mozilla ISPDB for provider %1
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin ja Vacation messages with start and end date require an admin account to be set!
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin ja Vacation messages with start and end date require an admin account to be set!
@ -863,13 +860,12 @@ warn users about the need to change their password? the number set here should b
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin ja 送信される情報は、全世界でのEGroupwareの利用概観を得るためにのみ使用されます。
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin ja 送信される情報は、全世界でのEGroupwareの利用概観を得るためにのみ使用されます。
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin ja 個人・団体を特定し得るデータについては一切保存しません。
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin ja 個人・団体を特定し得るデータについては一切保存しません。
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin ja 削除ユーザの全レコードを転送するユーザを選択してください。
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin ja 削除ユーザの全レコードを転送するユーザを選択してください。
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin ja 削除されたユーザーのレコードを誰に転送しますか?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin ja アカウント・タイプが不正です: %1 は %2 ではありません!
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin ja アカウント・タイプが不正です: %1 は %2 ではありません!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin ja 管理者アカウントまたはパスワードが不正です!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin ja 管理者アカウントまたはパスワードが不正です!
xml-rpc admin ja XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin ja XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin ja Yes, but no Spell Check As You Type (online)
yes, but no scayt admin ja Yes, but no Spell Check As You Type (online)
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin ja Yes, use browser based spell checking engine
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin ja Yes, use browser based spell checking engine
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin ja Yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin ja Yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below
yes, use webspellchecker admin ja Yes, use online WebSpellChecker
yes, use webspellchecker admin ja Yes, use online WebSpellChecker
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin ja You can NOT use --dry-run together with --skip-checks!
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin ja You can NOT use --dry-run together with --skip-checks!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin ja You can change the hash only, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin ja You can change the hash only, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords!
@ -838,7 +838,6 @@ this application requires an upgrade admin km កម្មវិធីនេះ
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin km ប្រភេទនេះកំពុងត្រូវបានប្រើប្រាស់ដោយកម្មវិធីជាប្រភេទមេ។
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin km ប្រភេទនេះកំពុងត្រូវបានប្រើប្រាស់ដោយកម្មវិធីជាប្រភេទមេ។
this controls exports and merging. admin km វាគ្រប់គ្រងការនាំចេញ និងការបោះពុម្ពបញ្ចូលគ្នា។
this controls exports and merging. admin km វាគ្រប់គ្រងការនាំចេញ និងការបោះពុម្ពបញ្ចូលគ្នា។
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin km នេះមិនមែនជាគណនីអ៊ីមែលផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនទេ!\n\nគណនីនឹងត្រូវបានលុបសម្រាប់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ទាំងអស់!\n\nតើអ្នកពិតជាចង់ធ្វើវាមែនទេ?
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin km នេះមិនមែនជាគណនីអ៊ីមែលផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនទេ!\n\nគណនីនឹងត្រូវបានលុបសម្រាប់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ទាំងអស់!\n\nតើអ្នកពិតជាចង់ធ្វើវាមែនទេ?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin km គន្លឹះនេះប្រើក្នុងកូដ HTML គេហទំព័ររបស់អ្នកបម្រើដល់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់។
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin km PHP នេះមិនមានការគាំទ្រ IMAP ដែលត្រូវបានចងក្រងនៅក្នុង !!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin km PHP នេះមិនមានការគាំទ្រ IMAP ដែលត្រូវបានចងក្រងនៅក្នុង !!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin km អស់ពេលសម្រាប់ទិន្នន័យសម័យកម្មវិធីគិតជាវិនាទី។ លំនាំដើម 86400 = 1 ថ្ងៃ។
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin km អស់ពេលសម្រាប់ទិន្នន័យសម័យកម្មវិធីគិតជាវិនាទី។ លំនាំដើម 86400 = 1 ថ្ងៃ។
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin km អស់ពេលសម្រាប់វគ្គគិតជាវិនាទី។ លំនាំដើម 14400 = 4 ម៉ោង។
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin km អស់ពេលសម្រាប់វគ្គគិតជាវិនាទី។ លំនាំដើម 14400 = 4 ម៉ោង។
@ -907,8 +906,6 @@ username/password defined by admin admin km ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រ
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin km username@domainname (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin km username@domainname (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin km អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់អាចកំណត់គណនីអ៊ីមែលផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់ពួកគេ។
users can define their own emailaccounts admin km អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់អាចកំណត់គណនីអ៊ីមែលផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់ពួកគេ។
users can define their own identities admin km អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់អាចកំណត់អត្តសញ្ញាណផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់ពួកគេ។
users can define their own identities admin km អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់អាចកំណត់អត្តសញ្ញាណផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់ពួកគេ។
users can define their own signatures admin km អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់អាចកំណត់ហត្ថលេខាផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់ពួកគេ។
users can utilize these stationery templates admin km អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់អាចប្រើប្រាស់គំរូសម្ភារៈការិយាល័យទាំងនេះ
users choice admin km ការជ្រើសរើសអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់
users choice admin km ការជ្រើសរើសអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin km ការប្រើប្រាស់ទិន្នន័យពី Mozilla ISPDB សម្រាប់អ្នកផ្តល់សេវា%1
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin km ការប្រើប្រាស់ទិន្នន័យពី Mozilla ISPDB សម្រាប់អ្នកផ្តល់សេវា%1
using imap:%1, smtp:%2, oauth:%3: admin km ការប្រើប្រាស់ IMAP:%1, SMTP:%2, OAUTH:%3៖
using imap:%1, smtp:%2, oauth:%3: admin km ការប្រើប្រាស់ IMAP:%1, SMTP:%2, OAUTH:%3៖
@ -935,8 +932,6 @@ wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! admin km លិខិតស
xml-rpc admin km XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin km XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin km បាទ/ចាស ប៉ុន្តែមិនមានការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធដូចដែលអ្នកវាយបញ្ចូលទេ (តាមអ៊ីនធឺណិត)
yes, but no scayt admin km បាទ/ចាស ប៉ុន្តែមិនមានការពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធដូចដែលអ្នកវាយបញ្ចូលទេ (តាមអ៊ីនធឺណិត)
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin km បាទ/ចាស ប្រើម៉ាស៊ីនពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធផ្អែកលើកម្មវិធីរុករក
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin km បាទ/ចាស ប្រើម៉ាស៊ីនពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធផ្អែកលើកម្មវិធីរុករក
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin km បាទ/ចាស ប្រើព័ត៌មានសម្គាល់ខាងក្រោមសម្រាប់តែម៉ោងរោទិ៍ និងការជូនដំណឹងប៉ុណ្ណោះ បើមិនដូច្នេះទេ ប្រើព័ត៌មានសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់បច្ចុប្បន្ន
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin km បាទ/ចាស ប្រើព័ត៌មានសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់បច្ចុប្បន្ន ឬប្រសិនបើផ្តល់លិខិតសម្គាល់ខាងក្រោម
yes, use webspellchecker admin km បាទ/ចាស ប្រើ WebSpellChecker តាមអ៊ីនធឺណិត
yes, use webspellchecker admin km បាទ/ចាស ប្រើ WebSpellChecker តាមអ៊ីនធឺណិត
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin km អ្នកមិនអាចប្រើ --dry-run រួមគ្នាជាមួយ --skip-checks!
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin km អ្នកមិនអាចប្រើ --dry-run រួមគ្នាជាមួយ --skip-checks!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin km អ្នកអាចផ្លាស់ប្តូរលេខសម្ងាត់បានតែប្រសិនបើអ្នកកំណត់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ចៃដន្យ ឬបច្ចុប្បន្នប្រើពាក្យសម្ងាត់អត្ថបទធម្មតា!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin km អ្នកអាចផ្លាស់ប្តូរលេខសម្ងាត់បានតែប្រសិនបើអ្នកកំណត់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ចៃដន្យ ឬបច្ចុប្បន្នប្រើពាក្យសម្ងាត់អត្ថបទធម្មតា!
@ -404,10 +404,13 @@ use default admin ko 기본 사용
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin ko 순수 HTML 호환 코드 사용 (아직 완전하지 않습니다)
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin ko 순수 HTML 호환 코드 사용 (아직 완전하지 않습니다)
use theme admin ko 테마 사용
use theme admin ko 테마 사용
user accounts admin ko 사용자 계정
user accounts admin ko 사용자 계정
user choice admin ko 사용자 선택
user csv export admin ko 사용자 CSV 내보내기
user csv import admin ko 사용자 CSV 가져오기
user data common ko 사용자 데이터
user data common ko 사용자 데이터
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin ko 사용자 SMTP-인증 (인증이 필요없을경우 비워둡니다)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin ko 사용자 SMTP-인증 (인증이 필요없을경우 비워둡니다)
user groups admin ko 사용자 그룹
user groups admin ko 사용자 그룹
user hidden vom non-admins. admin ko 관리자가 아닌 사용자에게 숨겨진 사용자
user hidden from non-admins. admin ko 관리자가 아닌 사용자를 위한 사용자 숨김
user-agent admin ko User-Agent
user-agent admin ko User-Agent
userdata admin ko 사용자데이터
userdata admin ko 사용자데이터
users choice admin ko 사용자 선택
users choice admin ko 사용자 선택
@ -419,6 +422,7 @@ view sessions admin ko 세션 보기
view this user admin ko 이 사용자를보기
view this user admin ko 이 사용자를보기
view user account admin ko 사용자 계정 보기
view user account admin ko 사용자 계정 보기
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin ko 누구에게 삭제된 사용자 소유의 모든 레코드를 전송 하시겠습니까?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin ko 누구에게 삭제된 사용자 소유의 모든 레코드를 전송 하시겠습니까?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin ko 삭제된 사용자가 소유한 기록을 누구에게 이전하시겠습니까?
xml-rpc admin ko XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin ko XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin ko 부적절한 만료 날짜를 입력하셨습니다
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin ko 부적절한 만료 날짜를 입력하셨습니다
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin ko 이 계정에 최소한 하나의 권한이나 그룹을 추가하셔야 합니다
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin ko 이 계정에 최소한 하나의 권한이나 그룹을 추가하셔야 합니다
@ -427,5 +431,6 @@ you must enter a lastname admin ko 이름을 입력해야 합니다
you must enter a loginid admin ko 접속ID를 입력해야 합니다
you must enter a loginid admin ko 접속ID를 입력해야 합니다
you must enter an application name. admin ko 응용프로그램 이름을 입력해야 합니다
you must enter an application name. admin ko 응용프로그램 이름을 입력해야 합니다
you must enter an application title. admin ko 응용프로그램 제목을 입력해야 합니다
you must enter an application title. admin ko 응용프로그램 제목을 입력해야 합니다
you need to select some users first! admin ko 먼저 몇 명의 사용자를 선택해야 합니다!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin ko 이 카테고리를 삭제하기 전에 하위카테고리를 삭제해야 합니다!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin ko 이 카테고리를 삭제하기 전에 하위카테고리를 삭제해야 합니다!
your session could not be verified. admin ko 세션이 검증되지 않았습니다
your session could not be verified. admin ko 세션이 검증되지 않았습니다
@ -79,5 +79,12 @@ show groups in container based on admin lt Rodyti grupes konteineryje pagal
smtp only: to create only an smtp account admin lt Sukurti tik SMTP paskyrą be IMAP
smtp only: to create only an smtp account admin lt Sukurti tik SMTP paskyrą be IMAP
total records admin lt Iš viso įrašų
total records admin lt Iš viso įrašų
upload your certificate .p12/.pfx file admin lt Įkelkite savo sertifikato .p12/.pfx failą
upload your certificate .p12/.pfx file admin lt Įkelkite savo sertifikato .p12/.pfx failą
user hidden vom non-admins. admin lt Vartotojas paslėptas nuo neadministratorių
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin lt Naudotojo CSV importas
user choice admin lt Vartotojo pasirinkimas
user csv export admin lt Naudotojo CSV eksportas
user csv import admin lt Naudotojo CSV importas
user hidden from non-admins. admin lt Vartotojas paslėptas ne administratoriams
user-agent admin lt User-Agent
user-agent admin lt User-Agent
users choice admin lt Vartotojo pasirinkimas
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin lt Kam norėtumėte perkelti pašalintam naudotojui priklausančius įrašus?
you need to select some users first! admin lt Pirmiausia turite pasirinkti kai kuriuos naudotojus!
@ -468,10 +468,13 @@ use theme admin lv Lieto tēmu
use tls authentication admin lv Lieto TLS autentifikāciju
use tls authentication admin lv Lieto TLS autentifikāciju
use tls encryption admin lv Lieto TLS šifrēšanu
use tls encryption admin lv Lieto TLS šifrēšanu
user accounts admin lv Lietotāja konti
user accounts admin lv Lietotāja konti
user choice admin lv Lietotāja izvēle
user csv export admin lv Lietotāja CSV eksports
user csv import admin lv Lietotāja CSV imports
user data common lv Lietotāja Dati
user data common lv Lietotāja Dati
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin lv Lietotājs SMTP- autentifikācijai (atstāt tukšu, ja nepieprasa autentifikāciju)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin lv Lietotājs SMTP- autentifikācijai (atstāt tukšu, ja nepieprasa autentifikāciju)
user groups admin lv Lietotāju grupas
user groups admin lv Lietotāju grupas
user hidden vom non-admins. admin lv Lietotājs, kas nav administrators, ir paslēpts
user hidden from non-admins. admin lv Lietotājs, kas nav administrators, ir paslēpts
user-agent admin lv User-Agent
user-agent admin lv User-Agent
userdata admin lv Lietotāja dati
userdata admin lv Lietotāja dati
users can define their own emailaccounts admin lv LIetotāji paši var definēt savus e-pasta kontus
users can define their own emailaccounts admin lv LIetotāji paši var definēt savus e-pasta kontus
@ -485,6 +488,7 @@ view this user admin lv Parādīt šo lietotāju
view user account admin lv Parādīt lietotāja kontu
view user account admin lv Parādīt lietotāja kontu
virtual mail manager admin lv VIrtuālais MAIL ManaGeR
virtual mail manager admin lv VIrtuālais MAIL ManaGeR
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin lv Kam tu vēlies pārsūtīt izdzēstā lietotāja AAL ierakstus?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin lv Kam tu vēlies pārsūtīt izdzēstā lietotāja AAL ierakstus?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin lv Kam vēlaties nodot ierakstus, kas pieder dzēstajam lietotājam?
xml-rpc admin lv XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin lv XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin lv Tu esi ievadījis nederīgu izbeigšanās (expiration) datumu
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin lv Tu esi ievadījis nederīgu izbeigšanās (expiration) datumu
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin lv Tev jāpievieno vismaz 1 atļauja vai grupa šim kontam
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin lv Tev jāpievieno vismaz 1 atļauja vai grupa šim kontam
@ -493,6 +497,7 @@ you must enter a lastname admin lv Jums jāievada uzvārds
you must enter a loginid admin lv Jums jāievada pietekuma ID
you must enter a loginid admin lv Jums jāievada pietekuma ID
you must enter an application name. admin lv Jums jāievada aplikācijas nosaukums
you must enter an application name. admin lv Jums jāievada aplikācijas nosaukums
you must enter an application title. admin lv Jums jāievada aplikācijas virsraksts
you must enter an application title. admin lv Jums jāievada aplikācijas virsraksts
you need to select some users first! admin lv Vispirms ir jāizvēlas daži lietotāji!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin lv Tev vajadzēs izdzēst apakšgrpu pirms tu varēsi izdzēst šo kategoriju!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin lv Tev vajadzēs izdzēst apakšgrpu pirms tu varēsi izdzēst šo kategoriju!
your name admin lv Tavs vārds
your name admin lv Tavs vārds
your session could not be verified. admin lv Nevarēju Jūs pārbaudīt. Mēģiniet pēc 30sek. vēlreiz.
your session could not be verified. admin lv Nevarēju Jūs pārbaudīt. Mēģiniet pēc 30sek. vēlreiz.
@ -622,10 +622,13 @@ use tls authentication admin nl Gebruik TLS authenticatie
use tls encryption admin nl Gebruik TLS-encryptie
use tls encryption admin nl Gebruik TLS-encryptie
user accounts admin nl Gebruikersaccounts
user accounts admin nl Gebruikersaccounts
user can edit forwarding address admin nl Gebruiker kan het doorstuuradres aanpassen
user can edit forwarding address admin nl Gebruiker kan het doorstuuradres aanpassen
user choice admin nl Gebruiker keuze
user csv export admin nl CSV gebruiker exporteren
user csv import admin nl Gebruiker CSV importeren
user data common nl Gebruikersgegevens
user data common nl Gebruikersgegevens
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin nl Gebruikersnaam voor SMTP-authenticatie (leeglaten indien geen auth vereist is)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin nl Gebruikersnaam voor SMTP-authenticatie (leeglaten indien geen auth vereist is)
user groups admin nl Gebruikersgroepen
user groups admin nl Gebruikersgroepen
user hidden vom non-admins. admin nl Gebruiker verborgen voor niet-admins
user hidden from non-admins. admin nl Gebruiker verborgen voor niet-admins
user-agent admin nl User-Agent
user-agent admin nl User-Agent
userdata admin nl Gebruikersgegevens
userdata admin nl Gebruikersgegevens
username (standard) admin nl Gebruikersnaam (standaard)
username (standard) admin nl Gebruikersnaam (standaard)
@ -633,7 +636,6 @@ username/password defined by admin admin nl Gebruikersnaam/Wachtwoord ingesteld
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin nl gebruikersnaam@domeinnaam (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin nl gebruikersnaam@domeinnaam (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin nl Gebruikers kunnen hun eigen emailaccounts definiëren
users can define their own emailaccounts admin nl Gebruikers kunnen hun eigen emailaccounts definiëren
users can define their own identities admin nl Gebruikers kunnen hun eigen identiteit instellen
users can define their own identities admin nl Gebruikers kunnen hun eigen identiteit instellen
users can define their own signatures admin nl Gebruikers kunnen hun eigen ondertekening instellen
users choice admin nl Gebruikerskeuze
users choice admin nl Gebruikerskeuze
value for column %1 is not unique! admin nl Waarde in kolom %1 is niet uniek!
value for column %1 is not unique! admin nl Waarde in kolom %1 is niet uniek!
view access log admin nl Toegangslog bekijken
view access log admin nl Toegangslog bekijken
@ -645,6 +647,7 @@ view this user admin nl Deze gebruiker weergeven
view user account admin nl Gebruikersaccount weergeven
view user account admin nl Gebruikersaccount weergeven
virtual mail manager admin nl Virtual MAIL ManaGeR
virtual mail manager admin nl Virtual MAIL ManaGeR
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin nl Wie wilt u ALLE records in eigendom van de verwijderde gebruiker laten verplaatsen?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin nl Wie wilt u ALLE records in eigendom van de verwijderde gebruiker laten verplaatsen?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin nl Aan wie wil je de records van de verwijderde gebruiker overdragen?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin nl Verkeerde account type: %1 is GEEN %2 !
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin nl Verkeerde account type: %1 is GEEN %2 !
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin nl Verkeerde beheerders account of -wachtwoord!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin nl Verkeerde beheerders account of -wachtwoord!
xml-rpc admin nl XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin nl XML-RPC
@ -660,6 +663,7 @@ you must enter an application name. admin nl U moet een toepassingsnaam invoeren
you must enter an application title. admin nl U moet een toepassingstitel invoeren.
you must enter an application title. admin nl U moet een toepassingstitel invoeren.
you must select at least one group member. admin nl U moet tenminse één groepslid selecteen.
you must select at least one group member. admin nl U moet tenminse één groepslid selecteen.
you need to enter install id and password! admin nl U moet het installatie ID EN wachtwoord invoeren!
you need to enter install id and password! admin nl U moet het installatie ID EN wachtwoord invoeren!
you need to select some users first! admin nl Je moet eerst een aantal gebruikers selecteren!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin nl U moet eerst de subcategorieën verwijderen voordat u deze bovenliggende categorie kunt verwijderen!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin nl U moet eerst de subcategorieën verwijderen voordat u deze bovenliggende categorie kunt verwijderen!
your name admin nl Uw naam
your name admin nl Uw naam
your session could not be verified. admin nl Uw sessie kon niet geverifieerd worden
your session could not be verified. admin nl Uw sessie kon niet geverifieerd worden
@ -472,10 +472,13 @@ use theme admin no Bruk tema
use tls authentication admin no Bruk TLS autentisering
use tls authentication admin no Bruk TLS autentisering
use tls encryption admin no Bruk TLS kryptering
use tls encryption admin no Bruk TLS kryptering
user accounts admin no Brukerkontoer
user accounts admin no Brukerkontoer
user choice admin no Valg av bruker
user csv export admin no CSV-eksport av bruker
user csv import admin no CSV-import av bruker
user data common no Brukerdata
user data common no Brukerdata
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin no Brukes for SMTP autentisering (la det stå tomt dersom aut. ikke er nødvendig)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin no Brukes for SMTP autentisering (la det stå tomt dersom aut. ikke er nødvendig)
user groups admin no Brukergrupper
user groups admin no Brukergrupper
user hidden vom non-admins. admin no Bruker skjult for ikke-admins
user hidden from non-admins. admin no Bruker skjult for ikke-admins
user-agent admin no User-Agent
user-agent admin no User-Agent
userdata admin no Brukerdata
userdata admin no Brukerdata
users can define their own emailaccounts admin no Brukere kan definere egne e-post kontoer
users can define their own emailaccounts admin no Brukere kan definere egne e-post kontoer
@ -489,6 +492,7 @@ view this user admin no Vis denne bruker
view user account admin no Vis brukerkonto
view user account admin no Vis brukerkonto
virtual mail manager admin no Virtuell Mail Manager
virtual mail manager admin no Virtuell Mail Manager
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin no Til hvem ønsker du å overføre alle poster tilhørende den slettede bruker?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin no Til hvem ønsker du å overføre alle poster tilhørende den slettede bruker?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin no Hvem ønsker du å overføre poster som eies av den slettede brukeren til?
xml-rpc admin no XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin no XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin no Du har registrert en ugyldig utløpsdato?
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin no Du har registrert en ugyldig utløpsdato?
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin no Du må legge til minst 1 tillatelse eller gruppe for denne kontoen.
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin no Du må legge til minst 1 tillatelse eller gruppe for denne kontoen.
@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ you must enter a lastname admin no Du må registrere et etternavn
you must enter a loginid admin no Du må registrere et påloggingsident
you must enter a loginid admin no Du må registrere et påloggingsident
you must enter an application name. admin no Du må registrere et programnavn
you must enter an application name. admin no Du må registrere et programnavn
you must enter an application title. admin no Du må registrere et programtittel
you must enter an application title. admin no Du må registrere et programtittel
you need to select some users first! admin no Du må velge noen brukere først!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin no Du må først fjerne underkategorier før du kan slette denne kategorien!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin no Du må først fjerne underkategorier før du kan slette denne kategorien!
your name admin no Ditt navn
your name admin no Ditt navn
your session could not be verified. admin no Din sesjon kunne ikke bekreftes
your session could not be verified. admin no Din sesjon kunne ikke bekreftes
@ -664,10 +664,13 @@ use tls encryption admin pl Skorzystaj z szyfrowania TLS
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin pl Użyj adresu użytkownika (taki jak widoczny w opcjach konta)
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin pl Użyj adresu użytkownika (taki jak widoczny w opcjach konta)
user accounts admin pl Konta użytkowników
user accounts admin pl Konta użytkowników
user can edit forwarding address admin pl Użytkownik może zmieniać adres przekazywania
user can edit forwarding address admin pl Użytkownik może zmieniać adres przekazywania
user choice admin pl Wybór użytkownika
user csv export admin pl Eksport CSV użytkownika
user csv import admin pl Import CSV użytkownika
user data common pl Dane użytkownika
user data common pl Dane użytkownika
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin pl Użytkownik dla logowania SMTP (pozostaw puste jeśli nie jest wymagane)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin pl Użytkownik dla logowania SMTP (pozostaw puste jeśli nie jest wymagane)
user groups admin pl Grupy użytkownikw
user groups admin pl Grupy użytkownikw
user hidden vom non-admins. admin pl Użytkownik ukryty przed użytkownikami niebędącymi administratorami
user hidden from non-admins. admin pl Użytkownik ukryty dla osób niebędących administratorami
user-agent admin pl User-Agent
user-agent admin pl User-Agent
userdata admin pl Dane użytkownika
userdata admin pl Dane użytkownika
username (standard) admin pl Login (standardowo)
username (standard) admin pl Login (standardowo)
@ -675,8 +678,6 @@ username/password defined by admin admin pl Nazwa uzytkownika/Hasło określone
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin pl login@domena (wirtualny zarządca kont)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin pl login@domena (wirtualny zarządca kont)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin pl Użytkownicy mogą definiować swoje własne konta poczty elektronicznej
users can define their own emailaccounts admin pl Użytkownicy mogą definiować swoje własne konta poczty elektronicznej
users can define their own identities admin pl Użytkownicy mogą definiować swoje własne tożsamości
users can define their own identities admin pl Użytkownicy mogą definiować swoje własne tożsamości
users can define their own signatures admin pl Użytkownicy mogą definiować swoje własne podpisy
users can utilize these stationery templates admin pl Użytkownicy mogą użyć tych szablonów stacjonarnych
users choice admin pl Wybór użytkownika
users choice admin pl Wybór użytkownika
value for column %1 is not unique! admin pl Wartość dla kolumny %1 nie jest unikatowa!
value for column %1 is not unique! admin pl Wartość dla kolumny %1 nie jest unikatowa!
view access log admin pl Wyświetl dziennik dostępu
view access log admin pl Wyświetl dziennik dostępu
@ -690,6 +691,7 @@ virtual mail manager admin pl Wirtualny Serwer Pocztowy - zarządca
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin pl Prosimy o te dane, aby poprawić nasz profil w prasie oraz lepiej zrozumieć bazę użytkowników egroupware i jej potrzeby.
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin pl Prosimy o te dane, aby poprawić nasz profil w prasie oraz lepiej zrozumieć bazę użytkowników egroupware i jej potrzeby.
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin pl Mamy nadzieję, że rozumiesz potrzebę wprowadzenia tej dobrowolnej statystyki i nie wyłączysz jej jeśli nie musisz.
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin pl Mamy nadzieję, że rozumiesz potrzebę wprowadzenia tej dobrowolnej statystyki i nie wyłączysz jej jeśli nie musisz.
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin pl Kto powinien przejąć wszystkie rekordy usuwanego użytkownika?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin pl Kto powinien przejąć wszystkie rekordy usuwanego użytkownika?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin pl Do kogo chcesz przenieść rekordy należące do usuniętego użytkownika?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin pl Zły typ konta: %1 to nie %2 !
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin pl Zły typ konta: %1 to nie %2 !
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin pl Niepoprawne konto administratora lub hasło!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin pl Niepoprawne konto administratora lub hasło!
xml-rpc admin pl XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin pl XML-RPC
@ -706,6 +708,7 @@ you must enter an application name. admin pl Musisz podać nazwę aplikacji
you must enter an application title. admin pl Musisz podać tytuł aplikacji
you must enter an application title. admin pl Musisz podać tytuł aplikacji
you must select at least one group member. admin pl Musisz wybrać przynajmniej jednego członka grupy.
you must select at least one group member. admin pl Musisz wybrać przynajmniej jednego członka grupy.
you need to enter install id and password! admin pl Musisz podać ID instalacji i hasło!
you need to enter install id and password! admin pl Musisz podać ID instalacji i hasło!
you need to select some users first! admin pl Musisz najpierw wybrać niektórych użytkowników!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pl Należy usunąć kategorie podrzędne przed skasowaniem tej kategorii!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pl Należy usunąć kategorie podrzędne przed skasowaniem tej kategorii!
your last submission was less then %1 days ago! admin pl Swój ostatni wpis przesłałeś mniej niż %1 dni temu!
your last submission was less then %1 days ago! admin pl Swój ostatni wpis przesłałeś mniej niż %1 dni temu!
your name admin pl Twoje Imę
your name admin pl Twoje Imę
@ -667,10 +667,13 @@ use tls encryption admin pt-br Usar encriptação TLS
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin pt-br Use usuários endereço de e-mail, conforme definido na conta do usuário
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin pt-br Use usuários endereço de e-mail, conforme definido na conta do usuário
user accounts admin pt-br Contas de usuários
user accounts admin pt-br Contas de usuários
user can edit forwarding address admin pt-br Usuário pode editar endereço de encaminhamento
user can edit forwarding address admin pt-br Usuário pode editar endereço de encaminhamento
user choice admin pt-br Escolha do usuário
user csv export admin pt-br Exportação de CSV de usuário
user csv import admin pt-br Importação de CSV de usuário
user data common pt-br Dados de usuários
user data common pt-br Dados de usuários
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin pt-br Usuário para autenticação SMTP (deixe em branco se não requer autenticação)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin pt-br Usuário para autenticação SMTP (deixe em branco se não requer autenticação)
user groups admin pt-br Grupos de usuários
user groups admin pt-br Grupos de usuários
user hidden vom non-admins. admin pt-br Usuário oculto para não administradores
user hidden from non-admins. admin pt-br Usuário oculto para não administradores
user-agent admin pt-br User-Agent
user-agent admin pt-br User-Agent
userdata admin pt-br Dados de usuário
userdata admin pt-br Dados de usuário
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin pt-br Domínio @ UserID por exemplo. u1234 @ domínio
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin pt-br Domínio @ UserID por exemplo. u1234 @ domínio
@ -693,6 +696,7 @@ view this user admin pt-br Exibir este usuário
view user account admin pt-br Exibir conta de usuário
view user account admin pt-br Exibir conta de usuário
virtual mail manager admin pt-br Virtual MAIL ManaGeR
virtual mail manager admin pt-br Virtual MAIL ManaGeR
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin pt-br Para quem você deseja transferir todas as entradas do usuário removido?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin pt-br Para quem você deseja transferir todas as entradas do usuário removido?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin pt-br Para quem você gostaria de transferir os registros pertencentes ao usuário excluído?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin pt-br Tipo de conta errado: %1 NÃO é %2!
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin pt-br Tipo de conta errado: %1 NÃO é %2!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin pt-br Conta de administração ou -senha errada!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin pt-br Conta de administração ou -senha errada!
xml-rpc admin pt-br XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin pt-br XML-RPC
@ -709,6 +713,7 @@ you must enter an application name. admin pt-br Você deve digitar um nome para
you must enter an application title. admin pt-br Você deve digitar um título para a aplicação.
you must enter an application title. admin pt-br Você deve digitar um título para a aplicação.
you must select at least one group member. admin pt-br Você deve selecionar ao menos um membro.
you must select at least one group member. admin pt-br Você deve selecionar ao menos um membro.
you need to enter install id and password! admin pt-br Você deve informar um ID de instalação E senha!
you need to enter install id and password! admin pt-br Você deve informar um ID de instalação E senha!
you need to select some users first! admin pt-br Você precisa selecionar alguns usuários primeiro!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pt-br Você deverá remover as subcategorias antes de remover esta categoria!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pt-br Você deverá remover as subcategorias antes de remover esta categoria!
your name admin pt-br Seu nome
your name admin pt-br Seu nome
your session could not be verified. admin pt-br Sua sessão não pôde ser verificada.
your session could not be verified. admin pt-br Sua sessão não pôde ser verificada.
@ -524,10 +524,13 @@ use tls authentication admin pt Utilizar autenticação TLS
use tls encryption admin pt Utilizar cifra TLS
use tls encryption admin pt Utilizar cifra TLS
user accounts admin pt Contas de utilizadores
user accounts admin pt Contas de utilizadores
user can edit forwarding address admin pt O utilizador pode editar endereços reencaminhados
user can edit forwarding address admin pt O utilizador pode editar endereços reencaminhados
user choice admin pt Escolha do utilizador
user csv export admin pt Exportação CSV do utilizador
user csv import admin pt Importação de CSV de utilizador
user data common pt Dados de utilizadores
user data common pt Dados de utilizadores
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin pt Utilizador para autenticação SMTP (deixar vazio se a autenticação não for necessária)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin pt Utilizador para autenticação SMTP (deixar vazio se a autenticação não for necessária)
user groups admin pt Grupos de utilizadores
user groups admin pt Grupos de utilizadores
user hidden vom non-admins. admin pt Utilizador oculto para não-administradores
user hidden from non-admins. admin pt Utilizador oculto para não-administradores
user-agent admin pt User-Agent
user-agent admin pt User-Agent
userdata admin pt Dados de utilizadores
userdata admin pt Dados de utilizadores
username (standard) admin pt Nome de utilizador (por omissão)
username (standard) admin pt Nome de utilizador (por omissão)
@ -543,6 +546,7 @@ view this user admin pt Ver este utilizador
view user account admin pt Ver conta do utilizador
view user account admin pt Ver conta do utilizador
virtual mail manager admin pt Gestor virtual de correio electrónico
virtual mail manager admin pt Gestor virtual de correio electrónico
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin pt Para quem deseja transferir TODOS os registos do utilizador eliminado ?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin pt Para quem deseja transferir TODOS os registos do utilizador eliminado ?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin pt Para quem gostaria de transferir os registos pertencentes ao utilizador eliminado?
xml-rpc admin pt XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin pt XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin pt Inseriu uma data de expiração inválida
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin pt Inseriu uma data de expiração inválida
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin pt É necessário inserir um nome para criar um novo campo!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin pt É necessário inserir um nome para criar um novo campo!
@ -553,6 +557,7 @@ you must enter a lastname admin pt É necessário inserir um apelido
you must enter a loginid admin pt É necessário inserir um ID de acesso
you must enter a loginid admin pt É necessário inserir um ID de acesso
you must enter an application name. admin pt É necessário atribuir um nome à aplicação.
you must enter an application name. admin pt É necessário atribuir um nome à aplicação.
you must enter an application title. admin pt É necessário atribuir um título à aplicação.
you must enter an application title. admin pt É necessário atribuir um título à aplicação.
you need to select some users first! admin pt Primeiro, é necessário selecionar alguns utilizadores!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pt É necessário remover as subcategorias para poder eliminar esta categoria !
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pt É necessário remover as subcategorias para poder eliminar esta categoria !
your name admin pt O seu nome
your name admin pt O seu nome
your session could not be verified. admin pt A sua sessão expirou
your session could not be verified. admin pt A sua sessão expirou
@ -80,6 +80,11 @@ soap admin ro SOAP
ssl admin ro SSL
ssl admin ro SSL
total records admin ro Total înregistrări
total records admin ro Total înregistrări
upload your certificate .p12/.pfx file admin ro Încărcați fișierul .p12/.pfx al certificatului dvs
upload your certificate .p12/.pfx file admin ro Încărcați fișierul .p12/.pfx al certificatului dvs
user hidden vom non-admins. admin ro Utilizator ascuns de persoanele care nu sunt administratori
user choice admin ro Alegerea utilizatorului
user csv export admin ro Export CSV utilizator
user csv import admin ro Import CSV utilizator
user hidden from non-admins. admin ro Utilizator ascuns pentru non-admins
user-agent admin ro User-Agent
user-agent admin ro User-Agent
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin ro Cui doriți să transferați înregistrările deținute de utilizatorul șters?
xml-rpc admin ro XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin ro XML-RPC
you need to select some users first! admin ro Mai întâi trebuie să selectați câțiva utilizatori!
@ -729,12 +729,13 @@ use tls encryption admin ru Использовать шифрование TLS
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin ru Используйте адреса эл.почты пользователя, как указано в настройках аккаунта пользователя.
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin ru Используйте адреса эл.почты пользователя, как указано в настройках аккаунта пользователя.
user accounts admin ru Учётные записи пользователей
user accounts admin ru Учётные записи пользователей
user can edit forwarding address admin ru Ползователь может редактировать адрес пересылки.
user can edit forwarding address admin ru Ползователь может редактировать адрес пересылки.
user choice admin ru Выбор пользователя
user csv export admin ru Экспорт пользователей в CSV
user csv export admin ru Экспорт пользователей в CSV
user csv import admin ru Импорт пользователей из CSV
user csv import admin ru Импорт пользователей из CSV
user data common ru Данные пользователя
user data common ru Данные пользователя
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin ru Пользователь для SMTP-идентификации (оставьте пустым, если идентификация не нужна)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin ru Пользователь для SMTP-идентификации (оставьте пустым, если идентификация не нужна)
user groups admin ru Группы пользователя
user groups admin ru Группы пользователя
user hidden vom non-admins. admin ru Пользователь скрыт от неадминистраторов
user hidden from non-admins. admin ru Пользователь скрыт для неадминистраторов
user-agent admin ru User-Agent
user-agent admin ru User-Agent
userdata admin ru Данные пользователя
userdata admin ru Данные пользователя
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin ru UserId@domain например u1234@domain
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin ru UserId@domain например u1234@domain
@ -743,8 +744,6 @@ username/password defined by admin admin ru Имя пользователя/Па
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin ru username@domainname (Менеджер Виртуальной почты)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin ru username@domainname (Менеджер Виртуальной почты)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin ru Пользователь может назначать свои собственные учетные записи эл. почты.
users can define their own emailaccounts admin ru Пользователь может назначать свои собственные учетные записи эл. почты.
users can define their own identities admin ru Пользователи могут устанавливать свои собственные данные идентификации
users can define their own identities admin ru Пользователи могут устанавливать свои собственные данные идентификации
users can define their own signatures admin ru Пользователи могут устанавливать свои собственные подписи
users can utilize these stationery templates admin ru Пользователи могут использовать эти бланки шаблонов
users choice admin ru Выбор пользователя
users choice admin ru Выбор пользователя
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin ru Сообщения автоответчика с датами начала и окончания требуют установленной учетной записи администратора!
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin ru Сообщения автоответчика с датами начала и окончания требуют установленной учетной записи администратора!
value for column %1 is not unique! admin ru Значение колонки %1 не уникально!
value for column %1 is not unique! admin ru Значение колонки %1 не уникально!
@ -761,13 +760,12 @@ warn users about the need to change their password? the number set here should b
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin ru Информация запрашивается только для изучения распространённости EGroupware в мире
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin ru Информация запрашивается только для изучения распространённости EGroupware в мире
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin ru Мы не храним никаких персональных данных
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin ru Мы не храним никаких персональных данных
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin ru Кому передать ВСЕ записи, владельцем которых был удалённый пользователь?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin ru Кому передать ВСЕ записи, владельцем которых был удалённый пользователь?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin ru Кому вы хотите передать записи, принадлежащие удаленному пользователю?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin ru Неверный тип учётной записи: %1 НЕ %2!
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin ru Неверный тип учётной записи: %1 НЕ %2!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin ru Неверная учетная запись администратора или пароль!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin ru Неверная учетная запись администратора или пароль!
xml-rpc admin ru XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin ru XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin ru Да, но не проверять правописание в режиме on-line
yes, but no scayt admin ru Да, но не проверять правописание в режиме on-line
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin ru Да, но использовать проверку правописания браузером
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin ru Да, но использовать проверку правописания браузером
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin ru Да, использовать учётные данные, указанные ниже только для предупреждений и напоминаний, в остальных случаях использовать учётные данные текущего пользователя.
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin ru Да, использовать учётные данные текущего пользователя, или если указаны учётные данные ниже.
yes, use webspellchecker admin ru Да, использовать интерактивный WebSpellChecker
yes, use webspellchecker admin ru Да, использовать интерактивный WebSpellChecker
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin ru Хэш можно сменить, если установлен случайный пароль или используются текстовые (plaintext) пароли!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin ru Хэш можно сменить, если установлен случайный пароль или используются текстовые (plaintext) пароли!
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin ru Вы ввели неправильную дату окончания
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin ru Вы ввели неправильную дату окончания
@ -875,7 +875,6 @@ this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin
this controls exports and merging. admin sk Týmto sa riadia exporty a hromadné tlače.
this controls exports and merging. admin sk Týmto sa riadia exporty a hromadné tlače.
this is a mail account for all users! admin sk Toto je poštové konto pre VŠETKÝCH používateľov!
this is a mail account for all users! admin sk Toto je poštové konto pre VŠETKÝCH používateľov!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin sk Toto NIE je osobný poštový účet!\n\nÚčet bude ostránený pre VŠETKÝCH používateľov!\n\nSte si istí že to chcete urobiť?
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin sk Toto NIE je osobný poštový účet!\n\nÚčet bude ostránený pre VŠETKÝCH používateľov!\n\nSte si istí že to chcete urobiť?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin sk Tento kľúč sa používa v HTML kóde, ktorý vaša stránka poskytuje používateľom.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin sk Toto PHP nemá zakompilovanú podporu pre IMAP!
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin sk Toto PHP nemá zakompilovanú podporu pre IMAP!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin sk Čas vypršania údajov o relácii aplikácie, v sekundách (predvolené: 86400 = 1 deň)
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin sk Čas vypršania údajov o relácii aplikácie, v sekundách (predvolené: 86400 = 1 deň)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin sk Čas vypršania údajov o relácii, v sekundách (predvolené: 14400 = 4 hodiny)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin sk Čas vypršania údajov o relácii, v sekundách (predvolené: 14400 = 4 hodiny)
@ -940,7 +939,7 @@ user csv import admin sk CSV import používateľov
user data common sk Používateľské údaje
user data common sk Používateľské údaje
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin sk Používateľ pre SMTP overovanie (ak netreba, ponechajte prázdne).
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin sk Používateľ pre SMTP overovanie (ak netreba, ponechajte prázdne).
user groups admin sk Používateľské skupiny
user groups admin sk Používateľské skupiny
user hidden vom non-admins. admin sk Používateľ skrytý pre používateľov, ktorí nie sú administrátormi
user hidden from non-admins. admin sk Používateľ skrytý pre neadministrátorov
user-agent admin sk User-Agent
user-agent admin sk User-Agent
userdata admin sk Používateľské údaje
userdata admin sk Používateľské údaje
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin sk PoužívateľskéID@doména napr. u1234@domain
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin sk PoužívateľskéID@doména napr. u1234@domain
@ -981,8 +980,6 @@ wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! admin sk Nesprávne poveren
xml-rpc admin sk XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin sk XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin sk Áno, ale bez kontroly pravopisu pri písaní (online)
yes, but no scayt admin sk Áno, ale bez kontroly pravopisu pri písaní (online)
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin sk Áno, používať kontrolu pravopisu v prehliadači
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin sk Áno, používať kontrolu pravopisu v prehliadači
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin sk Áno, použiť nižšieuvedené prístupové údaje iba pre upozornenia, ináč použiť prístupové údaje aktuálneho používateľa
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin sk Áno, použiť prístupové údaje aktuálneho používateľa, alebo prístupové údaje uvedené nižšie ak sú vyplnené
yes, use webspellchecker admin sk Áno, použiť kontrolu pravopisu WebSpellChecker pri písaní (online)
yes, use webspellchecker admin sk Áno, použiť kontrolu pravopisu WebSpellChecker pri písaní (online)
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin sk NEmôžete použiť --dry-run zároveň s funkciou --skip-checks!
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin sk NEmôžete použiť --dry-run zároveň s funkciou --skip-checks!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin sk Ak nastavíte náhodné heslo alebo používateplaintextové heslá , môžete zmeniť len heš!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin sk Ak nastavíte náhodné heslo alebo používateplaintextové heslá , môžete zmeniť len heš!
@ -822,12 +822,13 @@ use tls encryption admin sl Uporabi TLS enkripcijo
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin sl Uporabite e-poštni naslov uporabnikov, kot je določeno v uporabniškem računu
use users email-address (as seen in useraccount) admin sl Uporabite e-poštni naslov uporabnikov, kot je določeno v uporabniškem računu
user accounts admin sl Uporabniški računi
user accounts admin sl Uporabniški računi
user can edit forwarding address admin sl Uporabnik lahko določa posredovalni naslov
user can edit forwarding address admin sl Uporabnik lahko določa posredovalni naslov
user choice admin sl Izbira uporabnika
user csv export admin sl Uporabniški CSV izvoz
user csv export admin sl Uporabniški CSV izvoz
user csv import admin sl Uvoz uporabnika CSV
user csv import admin sl Uvoz uporabnika CSV
user data common sl Podatki o uporabniku
user data common sl Podatki o uporabniku
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin sl Uporabniško ime za avtentikacijo SMTP (pustite prazno, če ni zahtevana)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin sl Uporabniško ime za avtentikacijo SMTP (pustite prazno, če ni zahtevana)
user groups admin sl Uporabniške skupine
user groups admin sl Uporabniške skupine
user hidden vom non-admins. admin sl Uporabnik skrit za uporabnike, ki niso upravljavci
user hidden from non-admins. admin sl Uporabnik skrit za neadministratorje
user-agent admin sl User-Agent
user-agent admin sl User-Agent
userdata admin sl Podatki o uporabniku
userdata admin sl Podatki o uporabniku
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin sl UserId@domain eg. u1234@domain
userid@domain eg. u1234@domain admin sl UserId@domain eg. u1234@domain
@ -857,13 +858,12 @@ warn users about the need to change their password? the number set here should b
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin sl Informacije se zahtevajo le, da dobite pregled o uporabi EGroupware po vsem svetu.
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin sl Informacije se zahtevajo le, da dobite pregled o uporabi EGroupware po vsem svetu.
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin sl Ne shranjujemo podatkov o vaši identiteti.
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin sl Ne shranjujemo podatkov o vaši identiteti.
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin sl Komu se dodelijo <b>vsi</b> zapisi v lasti izbrisanega uporabnika?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin sl Komu se dodelijo <b>vsi</b> zapisi v lasti izbrisanega uporabnika?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin sl Na koga želite prenesti zapise, ki so v lasti izbrisanega uporabnika?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin sl Napačna vrsta računa: %1 je NO %2!
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin sl Napačna vrsta računa: %1 je NO %2!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin sl Napačen skrbniški račun ali geslo!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin sl Napačen skrbniški račun ali geslo!
xml-rpc admin sl XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin sl XML-RPC
yes, but no scayt admin sl Da, vendar brez preverjanja črkovanja med vnašanjem (na spletu)
yes, but no scayt admin sl Da, vendar brez preverjanja črkovanja med vnašanjem (na spletu)
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin sl Da, uporabite iskalnik za preverjanje črkovanja na podlagi brskalnika
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin sl Da, uporabite iskalnik za preverjanje črkovanja na podlagi brskalnika
yes, use credentials below only for alarms and notifications, otherwise use credentials of current user admin sl Da, uporabite spodnje poverilnice samo za alarme in obvestila, sicer uporabite poverilnice trenutnega uporabnika
yes, use credentials of current user or if given credentials below admin sl Da, uporabite poverilnice trenutnega uporabnika ali podate spodnje poverilnice
yes, use webspellchecker admin sl Da, uporabite spletno točko
yes, use webspellchecker admin sl Da, uporabite spletno točko
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin sl Ne morete uporabljati --dry-run together with --skip-checks!
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin sl Ne morete uporabljati --dry-run together with --skip-checks!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin sl Samo labelo lahko spremenite, če nastavite naključno geslo ali trenutno uporabljate gesla z navadnim besedilom!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin sl Samo labelo lahko spremenite, če nastavite naključno geslo ali trenutno uporabljate gesla z navadnim besedilom!
@ -527,10 +527,13 @@ use theme admin sv Använd tema
use tls authentication admin sv Använd TLS autentisering
use tls authentication admin sv Använd TLS autentisering
use tls encryption admin sv Använd TLS kryptering
use tls encryption admin sv Använd TLS kryptering
user accounts admin sv Användarkonton
user accounts admin sv Användarkonton
user choice admin sv Выбор пользователя
user csv export admin sv Экспорт CSV данных пользователя
user csv import admin sv Импорт CSV пользователя
user data common sv Användardata
user data common sv Användardata
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin sv Användare för SMTP autentisering (lämna tomt om autentisering ej krävs)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin sv Användare för SMTP autentisering (lämna tomt om autentisering ej krävs)
user groups admin sv Användargrupper
user groups admin sv Användargrupper
user hidden vom non-admins. admin sv Användaren är dold för andra än administratörer
user hidden from non-admins. admin sv Пользователь скрыт для неадминистраторов
user-agent admin sv User-Agent
user-agent admin sv User-Agent
userdata admin sv Användaradata
userdata admin sv Användaradata
users can define their own emailaccounts admin sv Användare kan definiera egna epost konton?
users can define their own emailaccounts admin sv Användare kan definiera egna epost konton?
@ -544,6 +547,7 @@ view this user admin sv Visa användaren
view user account admin sv Visa användarkontot
view user account admin sv Visa användarkontot
virtual mail manager admin sv Virtuell E-post administration
virtual mail manager admin sv Virtuell E-post administration
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin sv Till vem vill du föra över SAMTLIGA poster som ägs av den raderade användaren?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin sv Till vem vill du föra över SAMTLIGA poster som ägs av den raderade användaren?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin sv Кому вы хотите передать записи, принадлежащие удаленному пользователю?
xml-rpc admin sv XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin sv XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin sv Du har angivit ett ogiltigt förfallodatum
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin sv Du har angivit ett ogiltigt förfallodatum
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin sv Du måste ange ett namn för att skapa nytt fält!
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin sv Du måste ange ett namn för att skapa nytt fält!
@ -554,5 +558,6 @@ you must enter a lastname admin sv Du måste ange ett efternamn
you must enter a loginid admin sv Du måste ange ett inloggnings ID
you must enter a loginid admin sv Du måste ange ett inloggnings ID
you must enter an application name. admin sv Du måste ange ett namn för applikationen
you must enter an application name. admin sv Du måste ange ett namn för applikationen
you must enter an application title. admin sv Du måste ange en titel för applikationen
you must enter an application title. admin sv Du måste ange en titel för applikationen
you need to select some users first! admin sv Сначала вам нужно выбрать некоторых пользователей!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin sv Du måste ta bort underkategorierna innan du kan ta bort denna kategori
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin sv Du måste ta bort underkategorierna innan du kan ta bort denna kategori
your session could not be verified. admin sv Din session kunde inte verifieras
your session could not be verified. admin sv Din session kunde inte verifieras
@ -416,10 +416,13 @@ use cookies to pass sessionid admin tr Oturum id'sini taşımak için çerez kul
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin tr Saf HTML uyumlu kod kullan (henüz tam olarak çalışmamaktadır)
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin tr Saf HTML uyumlu kod kullan (henüz tam olarak çalışmamaktadır)
use theme admin tr Kullanılacak şablon
use theme admin tr Kullanılacak şablon
user accounts admin tr Kullanıcı hesapları
user accounts admin tr Kullanıcı hesapları
user choice admin tr Kullanıcı seçimi
user csv export admin tr Kullanıcı CSV dışa aktarımı
user csv import admin tr Kullanıcı CSV içe aktarma
user data common tr Kullanıcı verileri
user data common tr Kullanıcı verileri
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin tr SMTP doğrulaması için kullanılacak kullanıcı (Doğrulama gerekmiyorsa boş bırakınız)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin tr SMTP doğrulaması için kullanılacak kullanıcı (Doğrulama gerekmiyorsa boş bırakınız)
user groups admin tr Kullanıcı grupları
user groups admin tr Kullanıcı grupları
user hidden vom non-admins. admin tr Kullanıcı yönetici olmayanlardan gizlendi
user hidden from non-admins. admin tr Kullanıcı yönetici olmayanlar için gizli
user-agent admin tr User-Agent
user-agent admin tr User-Agent
userdata admin tr Kullanıcı verileri
userdata admin tr Kullanıcı verileri
users choice admin tr Kullanıcı Seçimleri
users choice admin tr Kullanıcı Seçimleri
@ -431,6 +434,7 @@ view sessions admin tr Oturumları görüntüle
view this user admin tr Bu kullanıcıyı görüntüle
view this user admin tr Bu kullanıcıyı görüntüle
view user account admin tr Kullanıcı hesabını görüntüle
view user account admin tr Kullanıcı hesabını görüntüle
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin tr Silinen kullanıcıya ait kayıtları kime taşımak istesiniz?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin tr Silinen kullanıcıya ait kayıtları kime taşımak istesiniz?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin tr Silinen kullanıcıya ait kayıtları kime aktarmak istersiniz?
xml-rpc admin tr XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin tr XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin tr Geçersiz bir zaman aşım tarihi girdiniz
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin tr Geçersiz bir zaman aşım tarihi girdiniz
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin tr Bu hesaba en az 1 izin ya da grup tanımlaması yapmalısınız
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin tr Bu hesaba en az 1 izin ya da grup tanımlaması yapmalısınız
@ -439,4 +443,5 @@ you must enter a lastname admin tr Bir soyadı girmelisiniz
you must enter a loginid admin tr Bir kullanıcı adı girmelisiniz
you must enter a loginid admin tr Bir kullanıcı adı girmelisiniz
you must enter an application name. admin tr Bir uygulama adı girmelisiniz
you must enter an application name. admin tr Bir uygulama adı girmelisiniz
you must enter an application title. admin tr Bir uygulama başlığı girmelisiniz
you must enter an application title. admin tr Bir uygulama başlığı girmelisiniz
you need to select some users first! admin tr Önce bazı kullanıcıları seçmeniz gerekiyor!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin tr Bir kategoriyi silmeden önce o kategoriye ait tüm alt kategorileri kaldırmalısınız !
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin tr Bir kategoriyi silmeden önce o kategoriye ait tüm alt kategorileri kaldırmalısınız !
@ -388,9 +388,12 @@ use default admin uk По замовченню
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin uk Використовувати чистий HTML код (ще не повністю працює)
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin uk Використовувати чистий HTML код (ще не повністю працює)
use theme admin uk Використовувати тему
use theme admin uk Використовувати тему
user accounts admin uk Рахунки користувачів
user accounts admin uk Рахунки користувачів
user choice admin uk Вибір користувача
user csv export admin uk Експорт CSV користувача
user csv import admin uk Імпорт CSV користувача
user data common uk Дані користувача
user data common uk Дані користувача
user groups admin uk Групи користувачів
user groups admin uk Групи користувачів
user hidden vom non-admins. admin uk Користувач, прихований від не-адміністраторів
user hidden from non-admins. admin uk Користувач прихований для неадміністраторів
user-agent admin uk User-Agent
user-agent admin uk User-Agent
userdata admin uk Дані користувача
userdata admin uk Дані користувача
users choice admin uk Вибір користувача
users choice admin uk Вибір користувача
@ -402,6 +405,7 @@ view sessions admin uk Перегляд сесій
view this user admin uk переглянути цього користувача
view this user admin uk переглянути цього користувача
view user account admin uk Перегляд рахунку користувача
view user account admin uk Перегляд рахунку користувача
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin uk Кому передати ВСІ записи користувача, що видаляється ?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin uk Кому передати ВСІ записи користувача, що видаляється ?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin uk Кому ви хочете передати записи, що належать видаленому користувачеві?
xml-rpc admin uk XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin uk XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin uk Ви ввели невірну дату припинення
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin uk Ви ввели невірну дату припинення
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin uk Необхідно надати рахунку хоча б один дозвіл чи групу.
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin uk Необхідно надати рахунку хоча б один дозвіл чи групу.
@ -410,5 +414,6 @@ you must enter a lastname admin uk Необхідно ввести прізви
you must enter a loginid admin uk Необхідно ввести ідентифікатор входу
you must enter a loginid admin uk Необхідно ввести ідентифікатор входу
you must enter an application name. admin uk Необхідно ввести назву приложення
you must enter an application name. admin uk Необхідно ввести назву приложення
you must enter an application title. admin uk Необхідно ввести найменування приложення
you must enter an application title. admin uk Необхідно ввести найменування приложення
you need to select some users first! admin uk Спочатку потрібно вибрати кількох користувачів!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin uk Необхідно видалити підкатегорії перед тим, як Ви зможете видалити цю категорію!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin uk Необхідно видалити підкатегорії перед тим, як Ви зможете видалити цю категорію!
your session could not be verified. admin uk Неможливо перевірити Ваш вхід
your session could not be verified. admin uk Неможливо перевірити Ваш вхід
@ -588,15 +588,17 @@ use tls authentication admin zh 使用TLS 认证
use tls encryption admin zh 使用TLS 加密
use tls encryption admin zh 使用TLS 加密
user accounts admin zh 用户帐户
user accounts admin zh 用户帐户
user can edit forwarding address admin zh 用户可以编辑转发地址
user can edit forwarding address admin zh 用户可以编辑转发地址
user choice admin zh 用户选择
user csv export admin zh 用户 CSV 导出
user csv import admin zh 用户 CSV 导入
user data common zh 用户数据
user data common zh 用户数据
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin zh SMTP 用户认证 (如果不需要则保持为空)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin zh SMTP 用户认证 (如果不需要则保持为空)
user groups admin zh 用户组
user groups admin zh 用户组
user hidden vom non-admins. admin zh 对非管理员用户隐藏
user hidden from non-admins. admin zh 非管理员隐藏用户
userdata admin zh 用户数据
userdata admin zh 用户数据
username (standard) admin zh 用户名(标准)
username (standard) admin zh 用户名(标准)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin zh 用户名@域 (虚拟邮箱管理)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin zh 用户名@域 (虚拟邮箱管理)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin zh 用户可以自定义邮箱账户
users can define their own emailaccounts admin zh 用户可以自定义邮箱账户
users can define their own signatures admin zh 用户可以定义他们自己的签名
users choice admin zh 用户选择
users choice admin zh 用户选择
value for column %1 is not unique! admin zh 栏%1的值不是唯一的!
value for column %1 is not unique! admin zh 栏%1的值不是唯一的!
view access log admin zh 查看访问日志
view access log admin zh 查看访问日志
@ -608,6 +610,7 @@ view this user admin zh 查看该用户
view user account admin zh 查看用户帐户
view user account admin zh 查看用户帐户
virtual mail manager admin zh 虚拟邮箱管理
virtual mail manager admin zh 虚拟邮箱管理
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin zh 需要把被删除用户的所有记录转移给谁?
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin zh 需要把被删除用户的所有记录转移给谁?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin zh 您想将已删除用户的记录转给谁?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin zh 错误的帐户类型:%1没有%2!
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin zh 错误的帐户类型:%1没有%2!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin zh 错误的管理员账户或密码!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin zh 错误的管理员账户或密码!
xml-rpc admin zh XML-RPC
xml-rpc admin zh XML-RPC
@ -622,6 +625,7 @@ you must enter an application name. admin zh 必须为应用程序指定名称
you must enter an application title. admin zh 必须为应用程序指定标题。
you must enter an application title. admin zh 必须为应用程序指定标题。
you must select at least one group member. admin zh 您必须至少选择一个组成员。
you must select at least one group member. admin zh 您必须至少选择一个组成员。
you need to enter install id and password! admin zh 您需要输入安装 ID 和密码!
you need to enter install id and password! admin zh 您需要输入安装 ID 和密码!
you need to select some users first! admin zh 您需要先选择一些用户!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin zh 在删除该类别前,必须删除它的所有子类别!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin zh 在删除该类别前,必须删除它的所有子类别!
your name admin zh 您的名字
your name admin zh 您的名字
your session could not be verified. admin zh 本次会话无法校验。
your session could not be verified. admin zh 本次会话无法校验。
@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ doctype: common bg Тип документ:
document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences bg Документът '%1' не съществува или нямате право на достъп до него!
document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences bg Документът '%1' не съществува или нямате право на достъп до него!
document properties common bg Свойства на документа
document properties common bg Свойства на документа
document title: common bg Заглавие на документа:
document title: common bg Заглавие на документа:
documents common bg Документи
doesn't matter common bg без значение
doesn't matter common bg без значение
domain common bg Домейн
domain common bg Домейн
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common bg Име на домейн за e-mail адреси, напр. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common bg Име на домейн за e-mail адреси, напр. "%1"
@ -281,6 +282,7 @@ egypt common bg Египет
el salvador common bg Ел Салвадор
el salvador common bg Ел Салвадор
email common bg E-Mail
email common bg E-Mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common bg e-mail адрес на потребителя, напр. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common bg e-mail адрес на потребителя, напр. "%1"
emails common bg Електронни писма
enabled common bg Разрешено
enabled common bg Разрешено
end date common bg Крайна дата
end date common bg Крайна дата
end time common bg Краен час
end time common bg Краен час
@ -395,6 +397,7 @@ if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you wou
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common bg Ако използвате "2-факторно удостоверяване", моля, въведете кода тук.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common bg Ако използвате "2-факторно удостоверяване", моля, въведете кода тук.
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common bg Директория за изображенията, относително спрямо document root (използвайте / !), например:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common bg Директория за изображенията, относително спрямо document root (използвайте / !), например:
image url common bg URL на изображението
image url common bg URL на изображението
images common bg Изображения
import common bg Импорт
import common bg Импорт
include access to any linked files (links tab) common bg Включете достъп до всички свързани файлове (раздел Връзки)
include access to any linked files (links tab) common bg Включете достъп до всички свързани файлове (раздел Връзки)
india common bg Индия
india common bg Индия
@ -774,6 +777,7 @@ sorry, your login has expired login bg Съжаляваме, сесията Ви
south africa common bg Южна Африка
south africa common bg Южна Африка
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common bg Южна Джорджия и Южни Сандвичеви острови
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common bg Южна Джорджия и Южни Сандвичеви острови
spain common bg Испания
spain common bg Испания
spreadsheets common bg Електронни таблици
sri lanka common bg Шри-Ланка
sri lanka common bg Шри-Ланка
start a new search, cancel this link common bg Започва ново търсене, отказва тази връзка
start a new search, cancel this link common bg Започва ново търсене, отказва тази връзка
start date common bg Начална дата
start date common bg Начална дата
@ -865,6 +869,7 @@ uzbekistan common bg Узбекистан
vanuatu common bg Вануату
vanuatu common bg Вануату
venezuela common bg Венецуела
venezuela common bg Венецуела
version common bg Версия
version common bg Версия
videos common bg Видеоклипове
viet nam common bg Виетнам
viet nam common bg Виетнам
view common bg Преглед
view common bg Преглед
view this linked entry in its application common bg показва свързания запис в съотв. приложение
view this linked entry in its application common bg показва свързания запис в съотв. приложение
@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences cs Dokument
document properties common cs Vlastnosti dokumentu
document properties common cs Vlastnosti dokumentu
document title: common cs Název dokumentu:
document title: common cs Název dokumentu:
documentation common cs Dokumentace
documentation common cs Dokumentace
documents common cs Dokumenty
doesn't matter common cs Nezáleží na tom
doesn't matter common cs Nezáleží na tom
domain common cs Doména
domain common cs Doména
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common cs Jméno domény pro e-mailovou adresu, např. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common cs Jméno domény pro e-mailovou adresu, např. "%1"
@ -478,6 +479,7 @@ el salvador common cs EL SALVADOR
element role title common cs Základní název funkce
element role title common cs Základní název funkce
email common cs E-mail
email common cs E-mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common cs E-mailová adresa uživatele, např. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common cs E-mailová adresa uživatele, např. "%1"
emails common cs E-maily
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common cs Vložené CSS styly, např. '.red { background: red; }' (všimněte si tečky před názvem třídy) nebo '@import url(...)' (názvy tříd jsou všeobecné pro celou stránku!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common cs Vložené CSS styly, např. '.red { background: red; }' (všimněte si tečky před názvem třídy) nebo '@import url(...)' (názvy tříd jsou všeobecné pro celou stránku!)
empty file common cs Prázdný soubor
empty file common cs Prázdný soubor
enable javascript onchange submit common cs Povolit odesílání onchange v JavaScript
enable javascript onchange submit common cs Povolit odesílání onchange v JavaScript
@ -682,6 +684,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common cs Poku
image common cs Obrázek
image common cs Obrázek
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common cs Adresář pro obrázky relativní ke kořenovému adresáři dokumentů (použijte / !), například:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common cs Adresář pro obrázky relativní ke kořenovému adresáři dokumentů (použijte / !), například:
image url common cs URL obrázku
image url common cs URL obrázku
images common cs Obrázky
import common cs Importovat
import common cs Importovat
import an etemplate from a xml-file common cs Importovat eTemplate z XML souboru
import an etemplate from a xml-file common cs Importovat eTemplate z XML souboru
import table-definitions from existing db-table common cs Importovat definice tabulky ze stavající databázové tabulky
import table-definitions from existing db-table common cs Importovat definice tabulky ze stavající databázové tabulky
@ -1302,6 +1305,7 @@ spain common cs ŠPANĚLSKO
span common cs Roztažení
span common cs Roztažení
span, class common cs Roztažení, Třída
span, class common cs Roztažení, Třída
special characters common cs zvláštní znaky
special characters common cs zvláštní znaky
spreadsheets common cs Tabulky
sri lanka common cs SRÍ LANKA
sri lanka common cs SRÍ LANKA
stack common cs Zásobník
stack common cs Zásobník
start a new search, cancel this link common cs Začít nové hledání, zrušit tento odkaz
start a new search, cancel this link common cs Začít nové hledání, zrušit tento odkaz
@ -1458,6 +1462,7 @@ version common cs Verze
vertical alignment of row common cs Svislé zarovnání řádku
vertical alignment of row common cs Svislé zarovnání řádku
vfs upload directory common cs Nahrání složky na VFS
vfs upload directory common cs Nahrání složky na VFS
video tutorials common cs Videonávody
video tutorials common cs Videonávody
videos common cs Videa
viet nam common cs VIETNAM
viet nam common cs VIETNAM
view common cs Zobrazit
view common cs Zobrazit
view linked %1 entries common cs Zobrazit %1 propojený(ch) záznam(ů)
view linked %1 entries common cs Zobrazit %1 propojený(ch) záznam(ů)
@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences da Dokument
document properties common da Dokument egenskaber
document properties common da Dokument egenskaber
document title: common da Dokument titel:
document title: common da Dokument titel:
documentation common da Dokumentation
documentation common da Dokumentation
documents common da Dokumenter
doesn't matter common da Det gør ikke noget
doesn't matter common da Det gør ikke noget
domain common da Domæne
domain common da Domæne
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common da Domænenavn til e-mail adresser, f.eks "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common da Domænenavn til e-mail adresser, f.eks "%1"
@ -308,6 +309,7 @@ egypt common da Egypten
el salvador common da El Salvador
el salvador common da El Salvador
email common da E-mail
email common da E-mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common da E-mail-adresse for brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common da E-mail-adresse for brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
emails common da E-mails
enable logging groupdav da Aktivér logning
enable logging groupdav da Aktivér logning
enabled common da Slået til
enabled common da Slået til
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav da Muliggør logning af CalDAV/CardDAV-trafik for at diagnosticere problemer med enheder.
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav da Muliggør logning af CalDAV/CardDAV-trafik for at diagnosticere problemer med enheder.
@ -420,6 +422,7 @@ iceland common da Island
id common da ID
id common da ID
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common da Hvis du bruger "2-Factor-Authentication", skal du indtaste koden her.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common da Hvis du bruger "2-Factor-Authentication", skal du indtaste koden her.
image url common da Billedets adresse
image url common da Billedets adresse
images common da Billeder
import common da Importer
import common da Importer
include access to any linked files (links tab) common da Medtag adgang til eventuelle linkede filer (fanen Links)
include access to any linked files (links tab) common da Medtag adgang til eventuelle linkede filer (fanen Links)
india common da Indien
india common da Indien
@ -793,6 +796,7 @@ sorry, your login has expired login da Desværre, Din session er udløbet.
south africa common da Syd Afrika
south africa common da Syd Afrika
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common da Syd Georgien og De Sydlige Sandwich Øer
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common da Syd Georgien og De Sydlige Sandwich Øer
spain common da Spanien
spain common da Spanien
spreadsheets common da Regneark
sri lanka common da Sri Lanka
sri lanka common da Sri Lanka
start a new search, cancel this link common da Start en ny søgning, annullere dette link
start a new search, cancel this link common da Start en ny søgning, annullere dette link
start date common da Startdato
start date common da Startdato
@ -876,6 +880,7 @@ uzbekistan common da Uzbekistan
vanuatu common da Vanuatu
vanuatu common da Vanuatu
venezuela common da Venezuela
venezuela common da Venezuela
version common da Version
version common da Version
videos common da Videoer
viet nam common da Viet Nam
viet nam common da Viet Nam
view common da Se
view common da Se
view this linked entry in its application common da Se det linkede emne i dets program
view this linked entry in its application common da Se det linkede emne i dets program
@ -203,7 +203,6 @@ blurtext common de blurText
bold common de Fett
bold common de Fett
bolivia common de BOLIVIEN
bolivia common de BOLIVIEN
border common de Rand
border common de Rand
border-line-thickness for the table-tag common de Randbreite (border) für die Tabelle
bosnia and herzegovina common de BOSNIEN UND HERZEGOVINA
bosnia and herzegovina common de BOSNIEN UND HERZEGOVINA
botswana common de BOTSWANA
botswana common de BOTSWANA
bottom common de Unten
bottom common de Unten
@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common el Θέλετε να δι
document properties common el Ιδιότητες εγγράφου
document properties common el Ιδιότητες εγγράφου
document title: common el Τίτλος εγγράφου:
document title: common el Τίτλος εγγράφου:
documentation common el Τεκμηρίωση
documentation common el Τεκμηρίωση
documents common el Έγγραφα
doesn't matter common el δεν έχει σημασία
doesn't matter common el δεν έχει σημασία
domain common el Τομέας
domain common el Τομέας
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common el Όνομα Τομέα για διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου π.χ. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common el Όνομα Τομέα για διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου π.χ. "%1"
@ -307,6 +308,7 @@ egypt common el ΑΙΓΥΠΤΟΣ
el salvador common el ΕΛ ΣΑΛΒΑΔΟΡ
el salvador common el ΕΛ ΣΑΛΒΑΔΟΡ
email common el Ε-Μail
email common el Ε-Μail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common el E-mail του χρήστη π.χ. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common el E-mail του χρήστη π.χ. "%1"
emails common el Emails
enabled common el Ενεργοποιημένο
enabled common el Ενεργοποιημένο
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav el Ενεργοποιεί την καταγραφή της κίνησης CalDAV/CardDAV για τη διάγνωση προβλημάτων με συσκευές.
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav el Ενεργοποιεί την καταγραφή της κίνησης CalDAV/CardDAV για τη διάγνωση προβλημάτων με συσκευές.
end date common el Ημερομηνία παράδοσης
end date common el Ημερομηνία παράδοσης
@ -430,6 +432,7 @@ if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you wou
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common el Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε "2-Factor-Authentication", παρακαλούμε εισάγετε τον κωδικό εδώ.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common el Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε "2-Factor-Authentication", παρακαλούμε εισάγετε τον κωδικό εδώ.
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common el Κατάλογος εικόνας σχετικός με τη ρίζα εγγράφου (χρήση /!), π.χ.:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common el Κατάλογος εικόνας σχετικός με τη ρίζα εγγράφου (χρήση /!), π.χ.:
image url common el Εικόνα URL
image url common el Εικόνα URL
images common el Εικόνες
import common el Εισαγωγή
import common el Εισαγωγή
import xml common el Εισαγωγή XML
import xml common el Εισαγωγή XML
include access to any linked files (links tab) common el Συμπεριλάβετε την πρόσβαση σε όλα τα συνδεδεμένα αρχεία (καρτέλα Σύνδεσμοι)
include access to any linked files (links tab) common el Συμπεριλάβετε την πρόσβαση σε όλα τα συνδεδεμένα αρχεία (καρτέλα Σύνδεσμοι)
@ -845,6 +848,7 @@ sorry, your login has expired login el Η σύνδεσή σας έχει λήξ
south africa common el ΝΟΤΙΑ ΑΦΡΙΚΗ
south africa common el ΝΟΤΙΑ ΑΦΡΙΚΗ
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common el ΝΟΤΙΑ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑ & ΝΟΤΙΑ ΝΗΣΙΑ ΣΑΝΤΟΥΪΤΣ
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common el ΝΟΤΙΑ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑ & ΝΟΤΙΑ ΝΗΣΙΑ ΣΑΝΤΟΥΪΤΣ
spain common el ΙΣΠΑΝΙΑ
spain common el ΙΣΠΑΝΙΑ
spreadsheets common el Υπολογιστικά φύλλα
sri lanka common el ΣΡΙ ΛΑΝΚΑ
sri lanka common el ΣΡΙ ΛΑΝΚΑ
start a new search, cancel this link common el έναρξη νέας αναζήτησης, ακύρωση αυτού του συνδέσμου
start a new search, cancel this link common el έναρξη νέας αναζήτησης, ακύρωση αυτού του συνδέσμου
start date common el Hμερομηνία έναρξης
start date common el Hμερομηνία έναρξης
@ -945,6 +949,7 @@ uzbekistan common el ΟΥΖΜΠΕΚΙΣΤΑΝ
vanuatu common el ΒΑΝΟΥΑΤΟΥ
vanuatu common el ΒΑΝΟΥΑΤΟΥ
venezuela common el ΒΕΝΕΖΟΥΕΛΑ
venezuela common el ΒΕΝΕΖΟΥΕΛΑ
version common el Έκδοση
version common el Έκδοση
videos common el Βίντεο
viet nam common el ΒΙΕΤΝΑΜ
viet nam common el ΒΙΕΤΝΑΜ
view common el Προβολή
view common el Προβολή
view this linked entry in its application common el εμφάνιση αυτής της συνδεδεμένης καταχώρησης στην αίτησή της
view this linked entry in its application common el εμφάνιση αυτής της συνδεδεμένης καταχώρησης στην αίτησή της
@ -203,7 +203,6 @@ blurtext common en blurText
bold common en Bold
bold common en Bold
bolivia common en BOLIVIA
bolivia common en BOLIVIA
border common en Border
border common en Border
border-line-thickness for the table-tag common en Border line thickness for the table tag
bosnia and herzegovina common en BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
bosnia and herzegovina common en BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
botswana common en BOTSWANA
botswana common en BOTSWANA
bottom common en Bottom
bottom common en Bottom
@ -437,6 +437,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences es-es ¡El
document properties common es-es Propiedades del documento
document properties common es-es Propiedades del documento
document title: common es-es Título del documento:
document title: common es-es Título del documento:
documentation common es-es Documentación
documentation common es-es Documentación
documents common es-es Documentos
doesn't matter common es-es No importa
doesn't matter common es-es No importa
domain common es-es Dominio
domain common es-es Dominio
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common es-es Nombre del dominio para la dirección de correo, ej. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common es-es Nombre del dominio para la dirección de correo, ej. "%1"
@ -484,6 +485,7 @@ el salvador common es-es EL SALVADOR
element role title common es-es Título del rol del elemento
element role title common es-es Título del rol del elemento
email common es-es Correo electrónico
email common es-es Correo electrónico
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common es-es Dirección de correo electrónico del usuario, ej. '%1'
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common es-es Dirección de correo electrónico del usuario, ej. '%1'
emails common es-es Correo electrónico
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common es-es Estilos incrustados CSS, por ej. '.red { background: red; }' (ver el '.' delante del nombre de la clase) o '@import url(...)' (los nombres de las clases son globales para toda la página)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common es-es Estilos incrustados CSS, por ej. '.red { background: red; }' (ver el '.' delante del nombre de la clase) o '@import url(...)' (los nombres de las clases son globales para toda la página)
empty file common es-es Archivo vacío
empty file common es-es Archivo vacío
enable javascript onchange submit common es-es Activar enviar JavaScript onchange
enable javascript onchange submit common es-es Activar enviar JavaScript onchange
@ -692,6 +694,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common es-es S
image common es-es Imagen
image common es-es Imagen
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common es-es Directorio de imágenes relativo a la raíz de los documentos (use / !). Ejemplo:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common es-es Directorio de imágenes relativo a la raíz de los documentos (use / !). Ejemplo:
image url common es-es URL de la imagen
image url common es-es URL de la imagen
images common es-es Imágenes
import common es-es Importar
import common es-es Importar
import an etemplate from a xml-file common es-es Importar una eTemplate desde un archivo XML
import an etemplate from a xml-file common es-es Importar una eTemplate desde un archivo XML
import table-definitions from existing db-table common es-es Importar definiciones de tabla de una tabla de una base de datos existente
import table-definitions from existing db-table common es-es Importar definiciones de tabla de una tabla de una base de datos existente
@ -998,6 +1001,7 @@ open common es-es Abrir
open existing contact common es-es Abrir contacto existente
open existing contact common es-es Abrir contacto existente
open notify window common es-es Abrir ventana de notificación
open notify window common es-es Abrir ventana de notificación
open popup window common es-es Abrir ventana emergente
open popup window common es-es Abrir ventana emergente
open the online help. common es-es Abrir la ayuda en línea
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common es-es El inicio de sesión OpenIDConnect se ha realizado correctamente, pero el usuario '%1' NO existe en EGroupware, ¡Y la creación automática de usuarios está desactivada!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common es-es El inicio de sesión OpenIDConnect se ha realizado correctamente, pero el usuario '%1' NO existe en EGroupware, ¡Y la creación automática de usuarios está desactivada!
operator common es-es Operador
operator common es-es Operador
optional note about the link common es-es Nota opcional sobre el enlace
optional note about the link common es-es Nota opcional sobre el enlace
@ -1323,6 +1327,7 @@ spain common es-es ESPAÑA
span common es-es Span
span common es-es Span
span, class common es-es span, clase
span, class common es-es span, clase
special characters common es-es Caracteres especiales
special characters common es-es Caracteres especiales
spreadsheets common es-es Hojas de cálculo
sri lanka common es-es SRI LANKA
sri lanka common es-es SRI LANKA
stack common es-es Pila
stack common es-es Pila
start a new search, cancel this link common es-es Comienzar una nueva búsqueda, cancelar este enlace
start a new search, cancel this link common es-es Comienzar una nueva búsqueda, cancelar este enlace
@ -1481,6 +1486,7 @@ version common es-es Versión
vertical alignment of row common es-es Alineación vertical de la fila
vertical alignment of row common es-es Alineación vertical de la fila
vfs upload directory common es-es Directorio de subida de archivos VFS
vfs upload directory common es-es Directorio de subida de archivos VFS
video tutorials common es-es Tutoriales en video
video tutorials common es-es Tutoriales en video
videos common es-es Vídeos
viet nam common es-es VIETNAM
viet nam common es-es VIETNAM
view common es-es Ver
view common es-es Ver
view linked %1 entries common es-es Ver entradas vinculadas de %1
view linked %1 entries common es-es Ver entradas vinculadas de %1
@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? common et Kas soovid salve
document properties common et Dokumendi omadused
document properties common et Dokumendi omadused
document title: common et Dokumendi pealkiri:
document title: common et Dokumendi pealkiri:
documentation common et Dokumentatsioon
documentation common et Dokumentatsioon
documents common et Dokumendid
doesn't matter common et Pole tähtis
doesn't matter common et Pole tähtis
domain common et Doomeninimi
domain common et Doomeninimi
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common et Doomeninimi mail-aadressijaoks, nagu "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common et Doomeninimi mail-aadressijaoks, nagu "%1"
@ -281,6 +282,7 @@ egypt common et EGIPTUS
el salvador common et EL SALVADOR
el salvador common et EL SALVADOR
email common et E-Mail
email common et E-Mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common et Kasutaja email-aadress, nagu "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common et Kasutaja email-aadress, nagu "%1"
emails common et E-kirjad
enabled common et Lubatud
enabled common et Lubatud
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav et Võimaldab CalDAV/CardDAV-liikluse logimist, et diagnoosida probleeme seadmetega.
enables logging of caldav/carddav traffic to diagnose problems with devices. groupdav et Võimaldab CalDAV/CardDAV-liikluse logimist, et diagnoosida probleeme seadmetega.
end date common et Lõpu kuupäev
end date common et Lõpu kuupäev
@ -381,6 +383,7 @@ id common et ID
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common et Kui kasutate "2-faktorilist autentimist", sisestage kood siia.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common et Kui kasutate "2-faktorilist autentimist", sisestage kood siia.
image common et Pilt
image common et Pilt
image url common et Pildi URL
image url common et Pildi URL
images common et Pildid
import common et Import
import common et Import
import xml common et Impordi XML
import xml common et Impordi XML
include access to any linked files (links tab) common et Lisage juurdepääs lingitud failidele (vahekaart "Lingid").
include access to any linked files (links tab) common et Lisage juurdepääs lingitud failidele (vahekaart "Lingid").
@ -504,6 +507,7 @@ only yours common et Ainult sinu
open common et Avatud
open common et Avatud
open existing contact common et Avage olemasolev kontakt
open existing contact common et Avage olemasolev kontakt
open popup window common et Ava hüpikaken
open popup window common et Ava hüpikaken
open the online help. common et Avage veebipõhine abi
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common et OpenIDConnecti sisselogimine õnnestus, kuid kasutaja '%1' EI OLE EGroupware'is olemas JA automaatne kasutaja loomine on keelatud!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common et OpenIDConnecti sisselogimine õnnestus, kuid kasutaja '%1' EI OLE EGroupware'is olemas JA automaatne kasutaja loomine on keelatud!
operator common et Operaator
operator common et Operaator
optional note about the link common et Valikuline märkus lingi jaoks
optional note about the link common et Valikuline märkus lingi jaoks
@ -644,6 +648,7 @@ sorry, your login has expired login et Vabandust, sinu logimine on aegunud.
spain common et HISPAANIA
spain common et HISPAANIA
span common et Span
span common et Span
span, class common et Span, Class
span, class common et Span, Class
spreadsheets common et Tabelid
start date common et Algus kuupäev
start date common et Algus kuupäev
start time common et Algus aeg
start time common et Algus aeg
status common et Staatus
status common et Staatus
@ -709,6 +714,7 @@ vanuatu common et VANUATU
vbox common et VBox
vbox common et VBox
venezuela common et VENETSUEELA
venezuela common et VENETSUEELA
version common et Versioon
version common et Versioon
videos common et Videod
viet nam common et VIETNAM
viet nam common et VIETNAM
view common et Vaade
view common et Vaade
wednesday common et Kolmapäev
wednesday common et Kolmapäev
@ -427,6 +427,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences fi Tiedosto
document properties common fi Asiakirjan ominaisuudet
document properties common fi Asiakirjan ominaisuudet
document title: common fi Asiakirjan nimi:
document title: common fi Asiakirjan nimi:
documentation common fi Dokumentointi
documentation common fi Dokumentointi
documents common fi Asiakirjat
doesn't matter common fi Ei väliä
doesn't matter common fi Ei väliä
domain common fi Domain
domain common fi Domain
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common fi Sähköpostiosoitteen domain, esim. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common fi Sähköpostiosoitteen domain, esim. "%1"
@ -473,6 +474,7 @@ egypt common fi EGYPTI
el salvador common fi EL SALVADOR
el salvador common fi EL SALVADOR
email common fi Sähköposti
email common fi Sähköposti
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common fi Käyttäjän sähköpostiosoite, esim. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common fi Käyttäjän sähköpostiosoite, esim. "%1"
emails common fi Sähköpostit
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common fi Upotetut CSS tyylit, esim. .red { background: red; }' (huomaa '.' ennen luokan nimeä) tai '@import url(...)' (luokan nimi on globaali koko sivulla!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common fi Upotetut CSS tyylit, esim. .red { background: red; }' (huomaa '.' ennen luokan nimeä) tai '@import url(...)' (luokan nimi on globaali koko sivulla!)
empty file common fi Tyhjä tiedosto
empty file common fi Tyhjä tiedosto
enable javascript onchange submit common fi Salli JavaScript onchange lähetys
enable javascript onchange submit common fi Salli JavaScript onchange lähetys
@ -673,6 +675,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common fi Jos
image common fi Kuva
image common fi Kuva
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common fi Kuvahakemiston suhteellinen dokumentin juurihakemisto (käytä / !), esimerkiksi:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common fi Kuvahakemiston suhteellinen dokumentin juurihakemisto (käytä / !), esimerkiksi:
image url common fi Kuvan URL
image url common fi Kuvan URL
images common fi Kuvat
import common fi Tuonti
import common fi Tuonti
import an etemplate from a xml-file common fi Tuo eTemplate XML-tiedostosta
import an etemplate from a xml-file common fi Tuo eTemplate XML-tiedostosta
import table-definitions from existing db-table common fi Tuo taulumääritykset valmiista tietokannasta
import table-definitions from existing db-table common fi Tuo taulumääritykset valmiista tietokannasta
@ -955,6 +958,7 @@ open common fi Avaa
open existing contact common fi Avaa olemassa oleva yhteyshenkilö
open existing contact common fi Avaa olemassa oleva yhteyshenkilö
open notify window common fi Avaa huomautusikkuna
open notify window common fi Avaa huomautusikkuna
open popup window common fi Avaa ponnahdusikkuna
open popup window common fi Avaa ponnahdusikkuna
open the online help. common fi Avaa online-ohje
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common fi OpenIDConnect-kirjautuminen onnistui, mutta käyttäjää '%1' EI ole olemassa EGroupwaressa, JA automaattinen käyttäjän luominen on poistettu käytöstä!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common fi OpenIDConnect-kirjautuminen onnistui, mutta käyttäjää '%1' EI ole olemassa EGroupwaressa, JA automaattinen käyttäjän luominen on poistettu käytöstä!
operator common fi Operaattori
operator common fi Operaattori
optional note about the link common fi Linkin kuvaus (vapaaehtoinen)
optional note about the link common fi Linkin kuvaus (vapaaehtoinen)
@ -1251,6 +1255,7 @@ spacing common fi Spacing
spain common fi ESPANJA
spain common fi ESPANJA
span common fi Span
span common fi Span
span, class common fi Span, Class
span, class common fi Span, Class
spreadsheets common fi Taulukot
sri lanka common fi SRI LANKA
sri lanka common fi SRI LANKA
stack common fi Pino
stack common fi Pino
start a new search, cancel this link common fi Aloita uusi haku, peruuta tämä yhteys
start a new search, cancel this link common fi Aloita uusi haku, peruuta tämä yhteys
@ -1390,6 +1395,7 @@ venezuela common fi VENEZUELA
version common fi Versio
version common fi Versio
vertical alignment of row common fi Rivin pystysuuntainen tasaus
vertical alignment of row common fi Rivin pystysuuntainen tasaus
vfs upload directory common fi VFS kansio
vfs upload directory common fi VFS kansio
videos common fi Videot
viet nam common fi VIETNAM
viet nam common fi VIETNAM
view common fi Näytä
view common fi Näytä
view this etemplate common fi Näytä eTemplate
view this etemplate common fi Näytä eTemplate
@ -437,6 +437,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences fr Le docum
document properties common fr Propriétés du document
document properties common fr Propriétés du document
document title: common fr Titre du document:
document title: common fr Titre du document:
documentation common fr Documentation
documentation common fr Documentation
documents common fr Documents
doesn't matter common fr Pas d'importance
doesn't matter common fr Pas d'importance
domain common fr Domaine
domain common fr Domaine
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common fr Nom du domaine pour les adresses email, p.ex. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common fr Nom du domaine pour les adresses email, p.ex. "%1"
@ -484,6 +485,7 @@ el salvador common fr SALVADOR
element role title common fr Titre du rôle
element role title common fr Titre du rôle
email common fr Email
email common fr Email
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common fr Adresse e-mail de l'utilisateur, p.ex. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common fr Adresse e-mail de l'utilisateur, p.ex. "%1"
emails common fr Courriels
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common fr Styles CSS incorporés, p.e. '.rouge { fond: rouge; }' (notez le '.' avant le nom de la classe) ou '@import url(...)' (les noms de classe sont globaux pour la page entière!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common fr Styles CSS incorporés, p.e. '.rouge { fond: rouge; }' (notez le '.' avant le nom de la classe) ou '@import url(...)' (les noms de classe sont globaux pour la page entière!)
empty file common fr Fichier vide
empty file common fr Fichier vide
enable javascript onchange submit common fr Activer la soumission sur changement en JavaScript
enable javascript onchange submit common fr Activer la soumission sur changement en JavaScript
@ -692,6 +694,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common fr Si v
image common fr Image
image common fr Image
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common fr Répertoire image relative à la racine des documents (utiliser / !), par exemple :
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common fr Répertoire image relative à la racine des documents (utiliser / !), par exemple :
image url common fr URL de l'Image
image url common fr URL de l'Image
images common fr Images
import common fr Importer
import common fr Importer
import an etemplate from a xml-file common fr Import an eTemplate from a XML-file
import an etemplate from a xml-file common fr Import an eTemplate from a XML-file
import table-definitions from existing db-table common fr Importer les définitions de table depuis la table de base de données existante
import table-definitions from existing db-table common fr Importer les définitions de table depuis la table de base de données existante
@ -1322,6 +1325,7 @@ spain common fr ESPAGNE
span common fr Envergure
span common fr Envergure
span, class common fr Envergure, Classe
span, class common fr Envergure, Classe
special characters common fr caractères spéciaux
special characters common fr caractères spéciaux
spreadsheets common fr Feuilles de calcul
sri lanka common fr SRI LANKA
sri lanka common fr SRI LANKA
stack common fr Pile
stack common fr Pile
start a new search, cancel this link common fr Démarre une nouvelle recherche, annule ce lien
start a new search, cancel this link common fr Démarre une nouvelle recherche, annule ce lien
@ -1480,6 +1484,7 @@ version common fr Version
vertical alignment of row common fr Alignement vertical de la ligne
vertical alignment of row common fr Alignement vertical de la ligne
vfs upload directory common fr Dossier d'upload VFS
vfs upload directory common fr Dossier d'upload VFS
video tutorials common fr Tutoriels vidéos
video tutorials common fr Tutoriels vidéos
videos common fr Vidéos
viet nam common fr VIETNAM
viet nam common fr VIETNAM
view common fr Voir
view common fr Voir
view linked %1 entries common fr Voir les %1 entrées liées
view linked %1 entries common fr Voir les %1 entrées liées
@ -280,6 +280,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences hu A(z) '%1
document properties common hu Dokumentum jellemzők
document properties common hu Dokumentum jellemzők
document title: common hu Dokumentum címe:
document title: common hu Dokumentum címe:
documentation common hu Dokumentáció
documentation common hu Dokumentáció
documents common hu Dokumentumok
doesn't matter common hu Nem számít
doesn't matter common hu Nem számít
domain common hu Tartomány
domain common hu Tartomány
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common hu Tartománynév az email címhez, pl. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common hu Tartománynév az email címhez, pl. "%1"
@ -306,6 +307,7 @@ egypt common hu Egyiptom
el salvador common hu Salvador
el salvador common hu Salvador
email common hu E-Mail
email common hu E-Mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common hu Felhasználó email címe, pl. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common hu Felhasználó email címe, pl. "%1"
emails common hu E-mailek
enabled common hu Engedélyezve
enabled common hu Engedélyezve
end date common hu Befejezés dátuma
end date common hu Befejezés dátuma
end time common hu Befejezés ideje
end time common hu Befejezés ideje
@ -434,6 +436,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common hu Ha "
image common hu Kép
image common hu Kép
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common hu Képkönyvtár relatív útvonala a dokumentum gyökérkönyvtárához képest (használja a / előtagot), például:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common hu Képkönyvtár relatív útvonala a dokumentum gyökérkönyvtárához képest (használja a / előtagot), például:
image url common hu Kép URL
image url common hu Kép URL
images common hu Képek
import common hu Import
import common hu Import
include access to any linked files (links tab) common hu Adja meg a linkelt fájlokhoz való hozzáférést (Linkek lap)
include access to any linked files (links tab) common hu Adja meg a linkelt fájlokhoz való hozzáférést (Linkek lap)
india common hu India
india common hu India
@ -641,6 +644,7 @@ open common hu Megnyit
open existing contact common hu Meglévő kapcsolat megnyitása
open existing contact common hu Meglévő kapcsolat megnyitása
open notify window common hu Értesítő ablak megnyitása
open notify window common hu Értesítő ablak megnyitása
open popup window common hu Felugró ablak megnyitása
open popup window common hu Felugró ablak megnyitása
open the online help. common hu Az online súgó megnyitása
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common hu Az OpenIDConnect bejelentkezés sikeres, de a '%1' felhasználó NEM létezik az EGroupware-ben, ÉS az automatikus felhasználó létrehozása le van tiltva!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common hu Az OpenIDConnect bejelentkezés sikeres, de a '%1' felhasználó NEM létezik az EGroupware-ben, ÉS az automatikus felhasználó létrehozása le van tiltva!
options common hu Opciók
options common hu Opciók
or common hu vagy
or common hu vagy
@ -827,6 +831,7 @@ south africa common hu Dél Afrika
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common hu Déli-Georgia és Déli-Sandwich-szigetek
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common hu Déli-Georgia és Déli-Sandwich-szigetek
spacing common hu Betűköz
spacing common hu Betűköz
spain common hu Spanyolország
spain common hu Spanyolország
spreadsheets common hu Táblázatok
sri lanka common hu Sri Lanka
sri lanka common hu Sri Lanka
start a new search, cancel this link common hu Új keresés indítása, a link törlése
start a new search, cancel this link common hu Új keresés indítása, a link törlése
start date common hu Kezdés dátuma
start date common hu Kezdés dátuma
@ -913,6 +918,7 @@ uzbekistan common hu Üzbegisztán
vanuatu common hu Vanuatu
vanuatu common hu Vanuatu
venezuela common hu Venezuella
venezuela common hu Venezuella
version common hu Verzió
version common hu Verzió
videos common hu Videók
viet nam common hu Vietnám
viet nam common hu Vietnám
view common hu Megtekint
view common hu Megtekint
view this linked entry in its application common hu Hivatkozott bejegyzés megtekintése a hozzá tartozó alkalmazással
view this linked entry in its application common hu Hivatkozott bejegyzés megtekintése a hozzá tartozó alkalmazással
@ -331,6 +331,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences id Dokumen
document properties common id Properti Dokumen
document properties common id Properti Dokumen
document title: common id Judul Dokumen:
document title: common id Judul Dokumen:
documentation common id Dokumentasi
documentation common id Dokumentasi
documents common id Dokumen
doesn't matter common id Tidak penting
doesn't matter common id Tidak penting
domain common id Domain
domain common id Domain
domestic common id Domestik
domestic common id Domestik
@ -357,6 +358,7 @@ egroupware version common id Versi EGroupware
egypt common id MESIR
egypt common id MESIR
el salvador common id EL SALVADOR
el salvador common id EL SALVADOR
email common id E-Mail
email common id E-Mail
emails common id Email
enabled common id Enabled
enabled common id Enabled
end date common id Tanggal berakhir
end date common id Tanggal berakhir
end time common id Waktu berakhir
end time common id Waktu berakhir
@ -493,6 +495,7 @@ id common id ID
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common id Jika Anda menggunakan "Autentikasi 2 Faktor", masukkan kode di sini.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common id Jika Anda menggunakan "Autentikasi 2 Faktor", masukkan kode di sini.
image common id Image
image common id Image
image url common id Image URL
image url common id Image URL
images common id Gambar
import common id Impor
import common id Impor
import xml common id Impor XML
import xml common id Impor XML
include access to any linked files (links tab) common id Menyertakan akses ke file yang ditautkan (tab Tautan)
include access to any linked files (links tab) common id Menyertakan akses ke file yang ditautkan (tab Tautan)
@ -723,6 +726,7 @@ open common id Open
open existing contact common id Buka kontak yang ada
open existing contact common id Buka kontak yang ada
open notify window common id Buka jendela pemberitahuan
open notify window common id Buka jendela pemberitahuan
open popup window common id Buka jendela popup
open popup window common id Buka jendela popup
open the online help. common id Buka bantuan online
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common id Login OpenIDConnect berhasil, namun pengguna '%1' TIDAK ada di EGroupware, DAN pembuatan pengguna otomatis dinonaktifkan!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common id Login OpenIDConnect berhasil, namun pengguna '%1' TIDAK ada di EGroupware, DAN pembuatan pengguna otomatis dinonaktifkan!
operator common id Operator
operator common id Operator
optional note about the link common id Catatan opsional untuk tautan
optional note about the link common id Catatan opsional untuk tautan
@ -921,6 +925,7 @@ spacing common id Spacing
spain common id SPANYOL
spain common id SPANYOL
span common id Span
span common id Span
span, class common id Span, Class
span, class common id Span, Class
spreadsheets common id Spreadsheet
sri lanka common id SRI LANKA
sri lanka common id SRI LANKA
stack common id Stack
stack common id Stack
start a new search, cancel this link common id Memulai pencarian baru, batalkan tautan ini
start a new search, cancel this link common id Memulai pencarian baru, batalkan tautan ini
@ -1011,6 +1016,7 @@ vbox common id VBox
venezuela common id VENEZUELA
venezuela common id VENEZUELA
version common id Versi
version common id Versi
video tutorials common id Tutorial Video
video tutorials common id Tutorial Video
videos common id Video
viet nam common id VIETNAM
viet nam common id VIETNAM
view common id View
view common id View
view this etemplate common id Lihat eTemplat ini
view this etemplate common id Lihat eTemplat ini
@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences it Il docum
document properties common it Proprietà documento
document properties common it Proprietà documento
document title: common it Titolo documento:
document title: common it Titolo documento:
documentation common it Documentazione
documentation common it Documentazione
documents common it Documenti
doesn't matter common it Non importa
doesn't matter common it Non importa
domain common it Dominio
domain common it Dominio
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common it Nome dominio per l'indirizzo e-mail, es. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common it Nome dominio per l'indirizzo e-mail, es. "%1"
@ -478,6 +479,7 @@ el salvador common it EL SALVADOR
element role title common it Titolo ruolo elemento
element role title common it Titolo ruolo elemento
email common it E-Mail
email common it E-Mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common it Indirizzo e-mail per l'utente, es. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common it Indirizzo e-mail per l'utente, es. "%1"
emails common it Email
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common it Embeded CSS styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common it Embeded CSS styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
empty file common it File vuoto
empty file common it File vuoto
enable javascript onchange submit common it Abilita JavaScript onchange submit
enable javascript onchange submit common it Abilita JavaScript onchange submit
@ -1307,6 +1309,7 @@ spain common it SPAGNA
span common it Span
span common it Span
span, class common it Classe, Span
span, class common it Classe, Span
special characters common it caratteri speciali
special characters common it caratteri speciali
spreadsheets common it Fogli di calcolo
sri lanka common it SRI LANKA
sri lanka common it SRI LANKA
stack common it Stack
stack common it Stack
start a new search, cancel this link common it Inizia una nuova ricerca, annulla questo link
start a new search, cancel this link common it Inizia una nuova ricerca, annulla questo link
@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences ja Document
document properties common ja ドキュメント・プロパティ
document properties common ja ドキュメント・プロパティ
document title: common ja ドキュメント・タイトル:
document title: common ja ドキュメント・タイトル:
documentation common ja ドキュメント
documentation common ja ドキュメント
documents common ja ドキュメント
doesn't matter common ja Doesn't matter
doesn't matter common ja Doesn't matter
domain common ja ドメイン
domain common ja ドメイン
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common ja メール・アドレスのドメイン名(例 "%1")
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common ja メール・アドレスのドメイン名(例 "%1")
@ -475,6 +476,7 @@ el salvador common ja エルサルバドル
element role title common ja Element role title
element role title common ja Element role title
email common ja 電子メール
email common ja 電子メール
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common ja ユーザの電子メール・アドレス(例: "%1")
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common ja ユーザの電子メール・アドレス(例: "%1")
emails common ja 電子メール
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common ja Embedded CSS styles, e.g. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common ja Embedded CSS styles, e.g. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
empty file common ja 空のファイル
empty file common ja 空のファイル
enable javascript onchange submit common ja JavaScript onchange サブミットを有効化
enable javascript onchange submit common ja JavaScript onchange サブミットを有効化
@ -679,6 +681,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common ja 2要
image common ja 画像
image common ja 画像
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common ja Image directory relative to document root (use / !), example:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common ja Image directory relative to document root (use / !), example:
image url common ja 画像 URL
image url common ja 画像 URL
images common ja 画像
import common ja インポート
import common ja インポート
import an etemplate from a xml-file common ja eTemplate を XML ファイルからインポート
import an etemplate from a xml-file common ja eTemplate を XML ファイルからインポート
import table-definitions from existing db-table common ja Import table definitions from existing DB table
import table-definitions from existing db-table common ja Import table definitions from existing DB table
@ -975,6 +978,7 @@ open common ja 開く
open existing contact common ja 既存のコンタクトを開く
open existing contact common ja 既存のコンタクトを開く
open notify window common ja 通知ウィンドウを開く
open notify window common ja 通知ウィンドウを開く
open popup window common ja ポップアップ・ウィンドウを開く
open popup window common ja ポップアップ・ウィンドウを開く
open the online help. common ja オンラインヘルプを開く
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common ja OpenIDConnect ログインは成功しましたが、ユーザ '%1' が EGroupware に存在せず、ユーザの自動作成が無効になっています!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common ja OpenIDConnect ログインは成功しましたが、ユーザ '%1' が EGroupware に存在せず、ユーザの自動作成が無効になっています!
operator common ja Operator
operator common ja Operator
optional note about the link common ja Optional note for Link
optional note about the link common ja Optional note for Link
@ -1283,6 +1287,7 @@ spain common ja スペイン
span common ja スパン
span common ja スパン
span, class common ja スパン, クラス
span, class common ja スパン, クラス
special characters common ja 特殊文字
special characters common ja 特殊文字
spreadsheets common ja スプレッドシート
sri lanka common ja スリランカ
sri lanka common ja スリランカ
stack common ja Stack
stack common ja Stack
start a new search, cancel this link common ja 新規検索(このリンクをキャンセル)
start a new search, cancel this link common ja 新規検索(このリンクをキャンセル)
@ -1434,6 +1439,7 @@ version common ja バージョン
vertical alignment of row common ja Vertical alignment of row
vertical alignment of row common ja Vertical alignment of row
vfs upload directory common ja VFS アップロード・ディレクトリ
vfs upload directory common ja VFS アップロード・ディレクトリ
video tutorials common ja ビデオ・チュートリアル
video tutorials common ja ビデオ・チュートリアル
videos common ja ビデオ
viet nam common ja ベトナム
viet nam common ja ベトナム
view common ja 表示
view common ja 表示
view linked %1 entries common ja %1 個のリンク項目を表示
view linked %1 entries common ja %1 個のリンク項目を表示
@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common ko 모든 하위 분류들
doctype: common ko 문서형식:
doctype: common ko 문서형식:
document properties common ko 문서 속성
document properties common ko 문서 속성
document title: common ko 문서 제목:
document title: common ko 문서 제목:
documents common ko 문서
domain common ko 도메인
domain common ko 도메인
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common ko 이메일 주소를 위한 도메인 (예 : %1)
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common ko 이메일 주소를 위한 도메인 (예 : %1)
domestic common ko 기숙사
domestic common ko 기숙사
@ -148,6 +149,7 @@ edit categories common ko 분류 수정
edit category common ko 분류 수정
edit category common ko 분류 수정
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common ko EGroupware: 사용자 %1 및 IP %2에 대한 로그인이 차단되었습니다.
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common ko EGroupware: 사용자 %1 및 IP %2에 대한 로그인이 차단되었습니다.
email common ko E-Mail
email common ko E-Mail
emails common ko 이메일
enabled common ko 활성화됨
enabled common ko 활성화됨
end date common ko 종료일
end date common ko 종료일
end time common ko 종료시간
end time common ko 종료시간
@ -208,6 +210,7 @@ hours common ko 시간
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common ko 최상위 페이지의 네비게이션 바에서 몇개의 아이콘이 보이길 원하나요. 여분의 아이콘은 가장 네비게이션바의 가장 오른쪽 아이콘의 풀다운 메뉴안으로 들어갑니다.
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common ko 최상위 페이지의 네비게이션 바에서 몇개의 아이콘이 보이길 원하나요. 여분의 아이콘은 가장 네비게이션바의 가장 오른쪽 아이콘의 풀다운 메뉴안으로 들어갑니다.
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common ko 첨부 파일을 제외한 현재 레코드에 연결된 모든 항목에 대한 HTML 링크입니다.
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common ko 첨부 파일을 제외한 현재 레코드에 연결된 모든 항목에 대한 HTML 링크입니다.
image url common ko 그림 URL
image url common ko 그림 URL
images common ko 이미지
import common ko 가져오기
import common ko 가져오기
insert column after common ko 뒤에 행 넣기
insert column after common ko 뒤에 행 넣기
insert column before common ko 앞에 행 넣기
insert column before common ko 앞에 행 넣기
@ -320,6 +323,7 @@ open common ko 개설
open existing contact common ko 기존 연락처 열기
open existing contact common ko 기존 연락처 열기
open notify window common ko 알림창 열기
open notify window common ko 알림창 열기
open popup window common ko 팝업창 열기
open popup window common ko 팝업창 열기
open the online help. common ko 온라인 도움말 열기
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common ko OpenIDConnect 로그인에 성공했지만 사용자 '%1'이(가) EGroupware에 존재하지 않으며 자동 사용자 생성이 비활성화되었습니다!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common ko OpenIDConnect 로그인에 성공했지만 사용자 '%1'이(가) EGroupware에 존재하지 않으며 자동 사용자 생성이 비활성화되었습니다!
operator common ko 운영자
operator common ko 운영자
optional note about the link common ko 링크에 대한 선택적 참고 사항
optional note about the link common ko 링크에 대한 선택적 참고 사항
@ -431,6 +435,7 @@ show_more_apps common ko 더 많은 응용프로그램 보기
sign up common ko 가입하기
sign up common ko 가입하기
site configuration common ko 앱 구성
site configuration common ko 앱 구성
sorry, your login has expired login ko 귀하의 사용자ID는 만료되어 더 이상 사용하실수 없습니다.
sorry, your login has expired login ko 귀하의 사용자ID는 만료되어 더 이상 사용하실수 없습니다.
spreadsheets common ko 스프레드시트
start a new search, cancel this link common ko 이 링크를 취소하고 새로 검색
start a new search, cancel this link common ko 이 링크를 취소하고 새로 검색
status common ko 상태
status common ko 상태
subject common ko 제목
subject common ko 제목
@ -463,6 +468,7 @@ username common ko 사용자ID
users common ko 사용자
users common ko 사용자
users choice common ko 사용자 선택
users choice common ko 사용자 선택
version common ko 버전
version common ko 버전
videos common ko 동영상
view common ko 보기
view common ko 보기
wednesday common ko 수요일
wednesday common ko 수요일
welcome common ko 환영합니다
welcome common ko 환영합니다
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ denmark common lt DANIJA
description common lt Apibūdinimas
description common lt Apibūdinimas
directory for storing merged documents preferences lt Aplankas sujungtiems dokumentams saugoti
directory for storing merged documents preferences lt Aplankas sujungtiems dokumentams saugoti
djibouti common lt DŽIBUTIS
djibouti common lt DŽIBUTIS
documents common lt Dokumentai
don't ask again! common lt Nepaklauskite dar kartą!
don't ask again! common lt Nepaklauskite dar kartą!
e-mail common lt El. paštas
e-mail common lt El. paštas
ecuador common lt EKVADORAS
ecuador common lt EKVADORAS
@ -141,6 +142,7 @@ egypt common lt EGIPTAS
el salvador common lt SALVADORAS
el salvador common lt SALVADORAS
email common lt El. paštas
email common lt El. paštas
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common lt Naudotojo el. pašto adresas, pvz., "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common lt Naudotojo el. pašto adresas, pvz., "%1"
emails common lt Elektroniniai laiškai
error common lt Klaida
error common lt Klaida
estonia common lt ESTIJA
estonia common lt ESTIJA
ethiopia common lt ETIOPIJA
ethiopia common lt ETIOPIJA
@ -184,6 +186,7 @@ html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files
hungary common lt VENGRIJA
hungary common lt VENGRIJA
iceland common lt ISLANDIJA
iceland common lt ISLANDIJA
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common lt Jei naudojate "2 veiksnių autentifikavimą", čia įveskite kodą.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common lt Jei naudojate "2 veiksnių autentifikavimą", čia įveskite kodą.
images common lt Vaizdai
include access to any linked files (links tab) common lt Įtraukite prieigą prie bet kokių susietų failų (skirtukas Nuorodos)
include access to any linked files (links tab) common lt Įtraukite prieigą prie bet kokių susietų failų (skirtukas Nuorodos)
india common lt INDIJA
india common lt INDIJA
indonesia common lt INDONEZIJA
indonesia common lt INDONEZIJA
@ -275,6 +278,7 @@ on *nix systems please type: %1 common lt *nix sistemose prašome rašyti: %1
only private common lt Tik privačius
only private common lt Tik privačius
open common lt Atviras
open common lt Atviras
open existing contact common lt Atidaryti esamą kontaktą
open existing contact common lt Atidaryti esamą kontaktą
open the online help. common lt Atidarykite internetinę pagalbą
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common lt Prisijungimas prie „OpenIDConnect“ pavyko, bet naudotojas „%1“ NĖRA „EGroupware“ sistemoje, o automatinis naudotojo kūrimas yra išjungtas!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common lt Prisijungimas prie „OpenIDConnect“ pavyko, bet naudotojas „%1“ NĖRA „EGroupware“ sistemoje, o automatinis naudotojo kūrimas yra išjungtas!
ownership common lt Nuosavybė
ownership common lt Nuosavybė
pakistan common lt PAKISTANAS
pakistan common lt PAKISTANAS
@ -312,9 +316,11 @@ show password common lt Rodyti slaptažodį
show/hide common lt Rodyti/paslėpti šoninę juostą
show/hide common lt Rodyti/paslėpti šoninę juostą
sign up common lt Užsiregistruoti
sign up common lt Užsiregistruoti
site configuration common lt Programos konfigūracija
site configuration common lt Programos konfigūracija
spreadsheets common lt Skaičiuoklės
to disable: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disables if content of data is empty common lt To disable: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disables if content of data is empty
to disable: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disables if content of data is empty common lt To disable: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disables if content of data is empty
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common lt Too many rows selected.<br>Select all, or less than %1 rows
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common lt Too many rows selected.<br>Select all, or less than %1 rows
total: %1 successful: %2 failed: %3 skipped: %4 common lt Total: %1 Successful: %2 Failed: %3 Skipped: %4
total: %1 successful: %2 failed: %3 skipped: %4 common lt Total: %1 Successful: %2 Failed: %3 Skipped: %4
videos common lt Vaizdo įrašai
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences lt Sujungus įrašus į dokumentus, jie bus saugomi čia. Jei aplankas nenurodytas, jie bus saugomi jūsų namų kataloge (%1)
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences lt Sujungus įrašus į dokumentus, jie bus saugomi čia. Jei aplankas nenurodytas, jie bus saugomi jūsų namų kataloge (%1)
yemen common lt JEMENAS
yemen common lt JEMENAS
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common lt Jūsų paskyra buvo atnaujinta naujais jūsų tapatybės paslaugų teikėjo duomenimis.
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common lt Jūsų paskyra buvo atnaujinta naujais jūsų tapatybės paslaugų teikėjo duomenimis.
@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? common lv Vai vēlies sagl
document properties common lv Dokumenta rekvizīti
document properties common lv Dokumenta rekvizīti
document title: common lv Dokumenta virsraksts:
document title: common lv Dokumenta virsraksts:
documentation common lv Dokumentācija
documentation common lv Dokumentācija
documents common lv Dokumenti
domain common lv Domeins
domain common lv Domeins
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common lv Domeina vārs e-pasta adresēm, piem. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common lv Domeina vārs e-pasta adresēm, piem. "%1"
domestic common lv Kopmītne
domestic common lv Kopmītne
@ -326,6 +327,7 @@ egypt common lv ĒĢIPTE
el salvador common lv SALVADORA
el salvador common lv SALVADORA
email common lv E-Pasts
email common lv E-Pasts
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common lv Lietotāja e-pasta adrese, piemēram, "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common lv Lietotāja e-pasta adrese, piemēram, "%1"
emails common lv E-pasti
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common lv Iegultie CSS stili, piem.'.red { background: red; }' (atzīmē '.' pirms klases nosaukuma) or '@import url(...)' (klases nosaukums ir vispārējs visai lapai!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common lv Iegultie CSS stili, piem.'.red { background: red; }' (atzīmē '.' pirms klases nosaukuma) or '@import url(...)' (klases nosaukums ir vispārējs visai lapai!)
enable javascript onchange submit common lv Aktivizē JavaScript uz Izmaiņu apstiprināšanas
enable javascript onchange submit common lv Aktivizē JavaScript uz Izmaiņu apstiprināšanas
enabled common lv Aktivizēts
enabled common lv Aktivizēts
@ -476,6 +478,7 @@ if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common lv Ja izmantojat "2 faktoru autentifikāciju", lūdzu, ievadiet kodu šeit.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common lv Ja izmantojat "2 faktoru autentifikāciju", lūdzu, ievadiet kodu šeit.
image common lv Attēls
image common lv Attēls
image url common lv Attēla URL
image url common lv Attēla URL
images common lv Attēli
import common lv Importēt
import common lv Importēt
import an etemplate from a xml-file common lv importēt eveidni no XML datnes
import an etemplate from a xml-file common lv importēt eveidni no XML datnes
import table-definitions from existing db-table common lv Importēt tabulas nosacījumus no eksistējošas DB tabulas
import table-definitions from existing db-table common lv Importēt tabulas nosacījumus no eksistējošas DB tabulas
@ -707,6 +710,7 @@ open common lv Atvērt
open existing contact common lv Atvērt esošo kontaktu
open existing contact common lv Atvērt esošo kontaktu
open notify window common lv Atvērt informācijas logu
open notify window common lv Atvērt informācijas logu
open popup window common lv Atvērt papildus logu
open popup window common lv Atvērt papildus logu
open the online help. common lv Atveriet tiešsaistes palīdzību
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common lv OpenIDConnect pieteikšanās ir veiksmīga, bet lietotājs '%1' EGroupware neeksistē, UN automātiskā lietotāju izveide ir atspējota!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common lv OpenIDConnect pieteikšanās ir veiksmīga, bet lietotājs '%1' EGroupware neeksistē, UN automātiskā lietotāju izveide ir atspējota!
operator common lv Operators
operator common lv Operators
optional note about the link common lv Atzīme par saiti pēc izvēles
optional note about the link common lv Atzīme par saiti pēc izvēles
@ -918,6 +922,7 @@ south africa common lv DIENVIDĀFRIKA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common lv DIENVIDDŽORDŽIJA UN DIENVIDSENDVIČU SALAS
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common lv DIENVIDDŽORDŽIJA UN DIENVIDSENDVIČU SALAS
spacing common lv Atstarpe
spacing common lv Atstarpe
spain common lv SPĀNIJA
spain common lv SPĀNIJA
spreadsheets common lv Izklājlapas
sri lanka common lv ŠRILANKA
sri lanka common lv ŠRILANKA
stack common lv Steks
stack common lv Steks
start a new search, cancel this link common lv Sākt jaunu meklēšanu, atcelt šo saiti
start a new search, cancel this link common lv Sākt jaunu meklēšanu, atcelt šo saiti
@ -1025,6 +1030,7 @@ vanuatu common lv VANUATU
vbox common lv VBox
vbox common lv VBox
venezuela common lv VENECUĒLA
venezuela common lv VENECUĒLA
version common lv Versija
version common lv Versija
videos common lv Videoklipi
viet nam common lv VJETNAMA
viet nam common lv VJETNAMA
view common lv Rādīt
view common lv Rādīt
view this linked entry in its application common lv Rādīt šo saistīto ierakstu tā aplikācijā
view this linked entry in its application common lv Rādīt šo saistīto ierakstu tā aplikācijā
@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences nl Document
document properties common nl Documenteigenschappen
document properties common nl Documenteigenschappen
document title: common nl Documenttitel:
document title: common nl Documenttitel:
documentation common nl Documentatie
documentation common nl Documentatie
documents common nl Documenten
doesn't matter common nl Maakt niets uit
doesn't matter common nl Maakt niets uit
domain common nl Domein
domain common nl Domein
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common nl domeinnaam voor emailadres, bijv. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common nl domeinnaam voor emailadres, bijv. "%1"
@ -477,6 +478,7 @@ egypt common nl EGYPTE
el salvador common nl EL SALVADOR
el salvador common nl EL SALVADOR
email common nl Email
email common nl Email
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common nl Emailadres van de gebruiker, bijv. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common nl Emailadres van de gebruiker, bijv. "%1"
emails common nl E-mails
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common nl Ingebedde CSS stijlen, bijvoorbeeld '.red { background: red; }' (let op de '.' voor de klassenaam) of '@import url(...)' (klassenamen zijn globaal voor de hele pagina!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common nl Ingebedde CSS stijlen, bijvoorbeeld '.red { background: red; }' (let op de '.' voor de klassenaam) of '@import url(...)' (klassenamen zijn globaal voor de hele pagina!)
empty file common nl Leeg bestand
empty file common nl Leeg bestand
enable javascript onchange submit common nl JavaScript onchange submit inschakelen
enable javascript onchange submit common nl JavaScript onchange submit inschakelen
@ -674,6 +676,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common nl Als
image common nl Afbeelding
image common nl Afbeelding
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common nl Afbeeldingen directory relatief ten opzichte van de document root (gebruik / !), bijvoorbeeld:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common nl Afbeeldingen directory relatief ten opzichte van de document root (gebruik / !), bijvoorbeeld:
image url common nl Afbeelding URL
image url common nl Afbeelding URL
images common nl Afbeeldingen
import common nl Importeren
import common nl Importeren
import an etemplate from a xml-file common nl Importeer een eTemplate vanuit een XML-bestand
import an etemplate from a xml-file common nl Importeer een eTemplate vanuit een XML-bestand
import table-definitions from existing db-table common nl Importeer tabeldefinities vanuit een bestaande DB tabel
import table-definitions from existing db-table common nl Importeer tabeldefinities vanuit een bestaande DB tabel
@ -966,6 +969,7 @@ open common nl Open
open existing contact common nl Bestaand contact openen
open existing contact common nl Bestaand contact openen
open notify window common nl Attentievenster openen
open notify window common nl Attentievenster openen
open popup window common nl Popupvenster openen
open popup window common nl Popupvenster openen
open the online help. common nl Open de online help
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common nl OpenIDConnect login succesvol, maar gebruiker '%1' bestaat NIET in EGroupware, EN automatisch gebruiker aanmaken is uitgeschakeld!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common nl OpenIDConnect login succesvol, maar gebruiker '%1' bestaat NIET in EGroupware, EN automatisch gebruiker aanmaken is uitgeschakeld!
operator common nl Operator
operator common nl Operator
optional note about the link common nl Optionele opmerking over de link
optional note about the link common nl Optionele opmerking over de link
@ -1276,6 +1280,7 @@ spain common nl SPANJE
span common nl Span
span common nl Span
span, class common nl Span, Class
span, class common nl Span, Class
special characters common nl speciale karakters
special characters common nl speciale karakters
spreadsheets common nl Rekenbladen
sri lanka common nl SRI LANKA
sri lanka common nl SRI LANKA
stack common nl Stapel
stack common nl Stapel
start a new search, cancel this link common nl Start een nieuwe zoekopdracht, annuleer deze link
start a new search, cancel this link common nl Start een nieuwe zoekopdracht, annuleer deze link
@ -1426,6 +1431,7 @@ venezuela common nl VENEZUELA
version common nl Versie
version common nl Versie
vertical alignment of row common nl Vertikale uitlijning van de rij
vertical alignment of row common nl Vertikale uitlijning van de rij
vfs upload directory common nl VFS map voor upload
vfs upload directory common nl VFS map voor upload
videos common nl Video's
viet nam common nl VIETNAM
viet nam common nl VIETNAM
view common nl Bekijken
view common nl Bekijken
view linked %1 entries common nl Bekijk gekoppelde %1 items
view linked %1 entries common nl Bekijk gekoppelde %1 items
@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ doctype: common no Dok.type:
document properties common no Dokumentegenskaper
document properties common no Dokumentegenskaper
document title: common no Dokumenttittel:
document title: common no Dokumenttittel:
documentation common no Dokumentasjon
documentation common no Dokumentasjon
documents common no Dokumenter
doesn't matter common no Spiller ingen rolle
doesn't matter common no Spiller ingen rolle
domain common no Domene
domain common no Domene
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common no Domene navn for mail adresser, f.eks:"%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common no Domene navn for mail adresser, f.eks:"%1"
@ -344,6 +345,7 @@ egypt common no EGYPT
el salvador common no EL SALVADOR
el salvador common no EL SALVADOR
email common no Epost
email common no Epost
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common no Brukerens epost-adresse, f.eks: "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common no Brukerens epost-adresse, f.eks: "%1"
emails common no E-poster
enabled common no Påslått
enabled common no Påslått
end date common no Sluttdato
end date common no Sluttdato
end time common no Slutt tidspunkt
end time common no Slutt tidspunkt
@ -491,6 +493,7 @@ id common no ID
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common no Hvis du bruker "2-faktor-autentisering", vennligst skriv inn koden her.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common no Hvis du bruker "2-faktor-autentisering", vennligst skriv inn koden her.
image common no Bilde
image common no Bilde
image url common no Bildets URL
image url common no Bildets URL
images common no Bilder
import common no Importer
import common no Importer
import an etemplate from a xml-file common no Importer en eTemplate fra en XML-fil
import an etemplate from a xml-file common no Importer en eTemplate fra en XML-fil
import table-definitions from existing db-table common no Importer en tabelldefinisjon fra en eksisterende tabell
import table-definitions from existing db-table common no Importer en tabelldefinisjon fra en eksisterende tabell
@ -706,6 +709,7 @@ open common no Åpne
open existing contact common no Åpne eksisterende kontakt
open existing contact common no Åpne eksisterende kontakt
open notify window common no Åpne varslingsvindu
open notify window common no Åpne varslingsvindu
open popup window common no Åpne pop-up vindu
open popup window common no Åpne pop-up vindu
open the online help. common no Åpne den elektroniske hjelpen
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common no OpenIDConnect-pålogging vellykket, men brukeren '%1' finnes IKKE i EGroupware, OG automatisk brukeroppretting er deaktivert!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common no OpenIDConnect-pålogging vellykket, men brukeren '%1' finnes IKKE i EGroupware, OG automatisk brukeroppretting er deaktivert!
optional note about the link common no Valgri kommentar om denne lenken
optional note about the link common no Valgri kommentar om denne lenken
options common no Alternativer
options common no Alternativer
@ -905,6 +909,7 @@ sorry, your login has expired login no Beklager, din bruker har gått ut på dat
south africa common no SØR_AFRIKA
south africa common no SØR_AFRIKA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common no SØR GEORGIA OG SØR SANDWICH ØYENE
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common no SØR GEORGIA OG SØR SANDWICH ØYENE
spain common no SPANIA
spain common no SPANIA
spreadsheets common no Regneark
sri lanka common no SRI LANKA
sri lanka common no SRI LANKA
start a new search, cancel this link common no Start nytt søk, annuller denne lenken
start a new search, cancel this link common no Start nytt søk, annuller denne lenken
start date common no Startdato
start date common no Startdato
@ -1000,6 +1005,7 @@ vanuatu common no VANUATU
vbox common no vBox
vbox common no vBox
venezuela common no VENEZUELA
venezuela common no VENEZUELA
version common no Versjon
version common no Versjon
videos common no Videoer
viet nam common no VIETNAM
viet nam common no VIETNAM
view common no Vis
view common no Vis
view this etemplate common no Vis denne eTemplate
view this etemplate common no Vis denne eTemplate
@ -429,6 +429,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences pl Dokument
document properties common pl Ustawienia dokumentu
document properties common pl Ustawienia dokumentu
document title: common pl Tytuł dokumentu:
document title: common pl Tytuł dokumentu:
documentation common pl Dokumentacja
documentation common pl Dokumentacja
documents common pl Dokumenty
doesn't matter common pl Bez znaczenia
doesn't matter common pl Bez znaczenia
domain common pl Domena
domain common pl Domena
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common pl Nawza domeny adresu mailowego, np. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common pl Nawza domeny adresu mailowego, np. "%1"
@ -475,6 +476,7 @@ egypt common pl EGIPT
el salvador common pl SALWADOR
el salvador common pl SALWADOR
email common pl E-mail
email common pl E-mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common pl email użytkownika, np. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common pl email użytkownika, np. "%1"
emails common pl E-maile
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common pl Osadzone style CSS, np. ".red { background: red; }" (zwróć uwagę na "." przed nazwą klasy) lub "@import url(...)" (nazwy klas są globalne dla całej strony!).
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common pl Osadzone style CSS, np. ".red { background: red; }" (zwróć uwagę na "." przed nazwą klasy) lub "@import url(...)" (nazwy klas są globalne dla całej strony!).
empty file common pl Pusty plik
empty file common pl Pusty plik
enable javascript onchange submit common pl Aktywuj przesłanie formularza poprzez JavaScript na onchange
enable javascript onchange submit common pl Aktywuj przesłanie formularza poprzez JavaScript na onchange
@ -672,6 +674,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common pl Jeś
image common pl Obrazek
image common pl Obrazek
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common pl Katalog przechowywania obrazków - względny do DOCUMENT_ROOT (użyj ciacha - / !), przykład:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common pl Katalog przechowywania obrazków - względny do DOCUMENT_ROOT (użyj ciacha - / !), przykład:
image url common pl Adres URL obrazka
image url common pl Adres URL obrazka
images common pl Obrazy
import common pl Importuj
import common pl Importuj
import an etemplate from a xml-file common pl Importuj e-Szablon z pliku XML
import an etemplate from a xml-file common pl Importuj e-Szablon z pliku XML
import table-definitions from existing db-table common pl Importuj definicję tabel z istniejących tabel bazy danych
import table-definitions from existing db-table common pl Importuj definicję tabel z istniejących tabel bazy danych
@ -946,6 +949,7 @@ open common pl Otwórz
open existing contact common pl Otwarty istniejący kontakt
open existing contact common pl Otwarty istniejący kontakt
open notify window common pl Otwórz okno powiadamiania
open notify window common pl Otwórz okno powiadamiania
open popup window common pl Otwórz okno typu popup
open popup window common pl Otwórz okno typu popup
open the online help. common pl Otwórz pomoc online
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common pl Logowanie OpenIDConnect powiodło się, ale użytkownik '%1' NIE istnieje w EGroupware, a automatyczne tworzenie użytkowników jest wyłączone!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common pl Logowanie OpenIDConnect powiodło się, ale użytkownik '%1' NIE istnieje w EGroupware, a automatyczne tworzenie użytkowników jest wyłączone!
operator common pl Operator
operator common pl Operator
optional note about the link common pl Opcjonalna notatka związana z odnośnikiem
optional note about the link common pl Opcjonalna notatka związana z odnośnikiem
@ -1213,6 +1217,7 @@ spacing common pl Rozdzielenie
spain common pl HISZPANIA
spain common pl HISZPANIA
span common pl Span
span common pl Span
span, class common pl Span, Class
span, class common pl Span, Class
spreadsheets common pl Arkusze kalkulacyjne
sri lanka common pl SRI LANKA
sri lanka common pl SRI LANKA
stack common pl Stos
stack common pl Stos
start a new search, cancel this link common pl Zacznij nowe wyszukiwanie, anuluj ten link
start a new search, cancel this link common pl Zacznij nowe wyszukiwanie, anuluj ten link
@ -1348,6 +1353,7 @@ vbox common pl VBox
venezuela common pl WENEZUELA
venezuela common pl WENEZUELA
version common pl Wersja
version common pl Wersja
vertical alignment of row common pl Pionowe porządkowanie wiersza
vertical alignment of row common pl Pionowe porządkowanie wiersza
videos common pl Filmy
viet nam common pl WIETNAM
viet nam common pl WIETNAM
view common pl Przeglądaj
view common pl Przeglądaj
view linked %1 entries common pl %1: zobacz powiązane wpisy
view linked %1 entries common pl %1: zobacz powiązane wpisy
@ -427,6 +427,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences pt-br Docum
document properties common pt-br Propriedades do documento
document properties common pt-br Propriedades do documento
document title: common pt-br Título do documento:
document title: common pt-br Título do documento:
documentation common pt-br Documentação
documentation common pt-br Documentação
documents common pt-br Documentos
doesn't matter common pt-br Não importa
doesn't matter common pt-br Não importa
domain common pt-br Domínio
domain common pt-br Domínio
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common pt-br Nome do domínio para endereços de e-mail, ex. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common pt-br Nome do domínio para endereços de e-mail, ex. "%1"
@ -469,6 +470,7 @@ el salvador common pt-br EL SALVADOR
element role title common pt-br Título papel de elemento
element role title common pt-br Título papel de elemento
email common pt-br E-mail
email common pt-br E-mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common pt-br Endereço de e-mail do usuário, ex. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common pt-br Endereço de e-mail do usuário, ex. "%1"
emails common pt-br E-mails
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common pt-br Encaixado estivo CSS, ex. '.red { background: red; }' (note o '.' antes do nome-da-classe) ou '@import url(...)' (nomes de classe são globais para a página inteira!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common pt-br Encaixado estivo CSS, ex. '.red { background: red; }' (note o '.' antes do nome-da-classe) ou '@import url(...)' (nomes de classe são globais para a página inteira!)
empty file common pt-br Arquivo vazio
empty file common pt-br Arquivo vazio
enable javascript onchange submit common pt-br Ativar JavaScript sobre as alterações submetidas
enable javascript onchange submit common pt-br Ativar JavaScript sobre as alterações submetidas
@ -661,6 +663,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common pt-br S
image common pt-br Imagem
image common pt-br Imagem
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common pt-br Diretório de imagem relativo à pasta raiz (use / !), por exemplo:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common pt-br Diretório de imagem relativo à pasta raiz (use / !), por exemplo:
image url common pt-br URL da imagem
image url common pt-br URL da imagem
images common pt-br Imagens
import common pt-br Importar
import common pt-br Importar
import an etemplate from a xml-file common pt-br Importar um eModelo a partir de um arquivo XML
import an etemplate from a xml-file common pt-br Importar um eModelo a partir de um arquivo XML
import table-definitions from existing db-table common pt-br Importar definições de tabela a partir de uma base de tabelas existente
import table-definitions from existing db-table common pt-br Importar definições de tabela a partir de uma base de tabelas existente
@ -956,6 +959,7 @@ open common pt-br Abrir
open existing contact common pt-br Abrir contato existente
open existing contact common pt-br Abrir contato existente
open notify window common pt-br Abrir janela de notificação
open notify window common pt-br Abrir janela de notificação
open popup window common pt-br Abrir janela
open popup window common pt-br Abrir janela
open the online help. common pt-br Abra a ajuda on-line
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common pt-br O login do OpenIDConnect foi bem-sucedido, mas o usuário '%1' NÃO existe no EGroupware, e a criação automática de usuários está desativada!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common pt-br O login do OpenIDConnect foi bem-sucedido, mas o usuário '%1' NÃO existe no EGroupware, e a criação automática de usuários está desativada!
operator common pt-br Operador
operator common pt-br Operador
optional note about the link common pt-br Nota opcional para o link
optional note about the link common pt-br Nota opcional para o link
@ -1260,6 +1264,7 @@ spain common pt-br ESPANHA
span common pt-br Span
span common pt-br Span
span, class common pt-br Span, Class
span, class common pt-br Span, Class
special characters common pt-br caracteres especiais
special characters common pt-br caracteres especiais
spreadsheets common pt-br Planilhas eletrônicas
sri lanka common pt-br SRI LANKA
sri lanka common pt-br SRI LANKA
stack common pt-br Pilha
stack common pt-br Pilha
start a new search, cancel this link common pt-br Iniciar uma nova pesquisa, cancelar este link
start a new search, cancel this link common pt-br Iniciar uma nova pesquisa, cancelar este link
@ -1402,6 +1407,7 @@ version common pt-br Versão
vertical alignment of row common pt-br Alinhamento vertical da linha
vertical alignment of row common pt-br Alinhamento vertical da linha
vfs upload directory common pt-br Letras maiúsculas
vfs upload directory common pt-br Letras maiúsculas
video tutorials common pt-br Tutoriais em vídeo
video tutorials common pt-br Tutoriais em vídeo
videos common pt-br Vídeos
viet nam common pt-br VIETNÃ
viet nam common pt-br VIETNÃ
view common pt-br Exibir
view common pt-br Exibir
view linked %1 entries common pt-br Exibir entradas %1 vinculadas
view linked %1 entries common pt-br Exibir entradas %1 vinculadas
@ -373,6 +373,7 @@ doctype: common pt Tipo de documento:
document properties common pt Propriedades do documento
document properties common pt Propriedades do documento
document title: common pt Título do documento
document title: common pt Título do documento
documentation common pt Documentação
documentation common pt Documentação
documents common pt Documentos
doesn't matter common pt Não interessa
doesn't matter common pt Não interessa
domain common pt Domínio
domain common pt Domínio
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common pt Nome de domínio para endereço de correio electrónico. Ex: "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common pt Nome de domínio para endereço de correio electrónico. Ex: "%1"
@ -407,6 +408,7 @@ el salvador common pt Salvador
element role title common pt Título papel de elemento
element role title common pt Título papel de elemento
email common pt Correio Electrónico
email common pt Correio Electrónico
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common pt Endereço de correio electrónico para o utilizador. Ex: "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common pt Endereço de correio electrónico para o utilizador. Ex: "%1"
emails common pt E-mails
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common pt Estilos de CSS embebidos. Ex: '.red { background: red; }' (repare no'.' antes do nome de classe) ou '@import url(...)' (nomes de classe são gerais para toda a página!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common pt Estilos de CSS embebidos. Ex: '.red { background: red; }' (repare no'.' antes do nome de classe) ou '@import url(...)' (nomes de classe são gerais para toda a página!)
enable javascript onchange submit common pt Activar a submissão de JavaScript onchange
enable javascript onchange submit common pt Activar a submissão de JavaScript onchange
enabled common pt Activado
enabled common pt Activado
@ -581,6 +583,7 @@ if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you wou
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common pt Se utilizar a "Autenticação de 2 factores", introduza o código aqui.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common pt Se utilizar a "Autenticação de 2 factores", introduza o código aqui.
image common pt Imagem
image common pt Imagem
image url common pt URL da imagem
image url common pt URL da imagem
images common pt Imagens
import common pt Importar
import common pt Importar
import an etemplate from a xml-file common pt Importar um modelo Web de um ficheiro XML
import an etemplate from a xml-file common pt Importar um modelo Web de um ficheiro XML
import table-definitions from existing db-table common pt Importar definições da tabela de uma tabela de base de dados existente
import table-definitions from existing db-table common pt Importar definições da tabela de uma tabela de base de dados existente
@ -1102,6 +1105,7 @@ spacing common pt Espaçamento
spain common pt Espanha
spain common pt Espanha
span common pt Extensão
span common pt Extensão
span, class common pt Extensão, Classe
span, class common pt Extensão, Classe
spreadsheets common pt Folhas de cálculo
sri lanka common pt Sri Lanka
sri lanka common pt Sri Lanka
stack common pt Empilhar
stack common pt Empilhar
start a new search, cancel this link common pt Iniciar uma nova pesquisa. Cancelar esta ligação
start a new search, cancel this link common pt Iniciar uma nova pesquisa. Cancelar esta ligação
@ -1230,6 +1234,7 @@ vbox common pt Caixa vertical
venezuela common pt Venezuela
venezuela common pt Venezuela
version common pt Versão
version common pt Versão
vertical alignment of row common pt Alinhamento vertical da linha
vertical alignment of row common pt Alinhamento vertical da linha
videos common pt Vídeos
viet nam common pt Vietname
viet nam common pt Vietname
view common pt Ver
view common pt Ver
view this etemplate common pt Ver este modelo Web
view this etemplate common pt Ver este modelo Web
@ -69,8 +69,10 @@ dark mode common ro Mod întunecat
date + time common ro Data + Ora
date + time common ro Data + Ora
date+time common ro Data+Ora
date+time common ro Data+Ora
directory for storing merged documents preferences ro Folder pentru stocarea documentelor fuzionate
directory for storing merged documents preferences ro Folder pentru stocarea documentelor fuzionate
documents common ro Documente
don't ask again! common ro Nu întrebați din nou!
don't ask again! common ro Nu întrebați din nou!
egroupware common ro EGroupware
egroupware common ro EGroupware
emails common ro Email-uri
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences ro Exemplu {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Bună ziua domnule ~Bună ziua doamnă}} - caută în câmpul "n_prefix", pentru "Mr", dacă se găsește, scrie Hello Mr., altfel scrie Hello Ms.
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences ro Exemplu {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Bună ziua domnule ~Bună ziua doamnă}} - caută în câmpul "n_prefix", pentru "Mr", dacă se găsește, scrie Hello Mr., altfel scrie Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences ro Exemplu {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Oferă un prefix de literă fără spații duble, dacă titlul este gol, de exemplu
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences ro Exemplu {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Oferă un prefix de literă fără spații duble, dacă titlul este gol, de exemplu
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common ro Exemplu {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Oferă un prefix de literă fără spații duble, dacă titlul este gol, de exemplu
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common ro Exemplu {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Oferă un prefix de literă fără spații duble, dacă titlul este gol, de exemplu
@ -92,6 +94,7 @@ how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav ro Câte zile de sincron
how many rows to print common ro Câte rânduri să se tipărească
how many rows to print common ro Câte rânduri să se tipărească
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common ro Legături HTML către orice intrări legate de înregistrarea curentă, cu excepția fișierelor atașate
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common ro Legături HTML către orice intrări legate de înregistrarea curentă, cu excepția fișierelor atașate
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common ro Dacă utilizați "Autentificare cu 2 factori", introduceți codul aici.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common ro Dacă utilizați "Autentificare cu 2 factori", introduceți codul aici.
images common ro Imagini
include access to any linked files (links tab) common ro Includeți accesul la orice fișier legat (fila Links)
include access to any linked files (links tab) common ro Includeți accesul la orice fișier legat (fila Links)
infolog types to sync common ro Tipuri de InfoLog de sincronizat
infolog types to sync common ro Tipuri de InfoLog de sincronizat
insert placeholder common ro Inserir espaço reservado
insert placeholder common ro Inserir espaço reservado
@ -126,6 +129,7 @@ no filters common ro Fără filtre
ok common ro Acceptă
ok common ro Acceptă
open common ro Deschideți
open common ro Deschideți
open existing contact common ro Deschidere contact existent
open existing contact common ro Deschidere contact existent
open the online help. common ro Deschideți ajutorul online
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common ro Logare OpenIDConnect reușită, dar utilizatorul „%1” NU există în EGroupware, iar crearea automată de utilizatori este dezactivată!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common ro Logare OpenIDConnect reușită, dar utilizatorul „%1” NU există în EGroupware, iar crearea automată de utilizatori este dezactivată!
ownership common ro Proprietate
ownership common ro Proprietate
permission denied! common ro Permisiune refuzată!
permission denied! common ro Permisiune refuzată!
@ -152,6 +156,8 @@ show password common ro Afișare parolă
show/hide common ro Afișați / ascundeți bara laterală
show/hide common ro Afișați / ascundeți bara laterală
sign up common ro Înregistrare
sign up common ro Înregistrare
site configuration common ro Configurația aplicației
site configuration common ro Configurația aplicației
spreadsheets common ro Foi de calcul
videos common ro Videoclipuri
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences ro Atunci când îmbinați intrările în documente, acestea vor fi stocate aici. Dacă nu este furnizat niciun dosar, acestea vor fi stocate în directorul dvs. personal (%1)
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences ro Atunci când îmbinați intrările în documente, acestea vor fi stocate aici. Dacă nu este furnizat niciun dosar, acestea vor fi stocate în directorul dvs. personal (%1)
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common ro Contul dvs. a fost actualizat cu date noi de la furnizorul dvs. de identitate.
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common ro Contul dvs. a fost actualizat cu date noi de la furnizorul dvs. de identitate.
your browser is not up-to-date (javascript es6 compatible), you may experience some of the features not working. common ro Browserul dvs. nu este actualizat (compatibil cu JavaScript ES6), este posibil ca unele dintre caracteristici să nu funcționeze.
your browser is not up-to-date (javascript es6 compatible), you may experience some of the features not working. common ro Browserul dvs. nu este actualizat (compatibil cu JavaScript ES6), este posibil ca unele dintre caracteristici să nu funcționeze.
@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences ru Доку
document properties common ru Свойства документа
document properties common ru Свойства документа
document title: common ru Заголовок документа:
document title: common ru Заголовок документа:
documentation common ru Документация
documentation common ru Документация
documents common ru Документы
doesn't matter common ru не важно
doesn't matter common ru не важно
domain common ru Домен
domain common ru Домен
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common ru Доменное имя для почтового адреса, напр. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common ru Доменное имя для почтового адреса, напр. "%1"
@ -453,6 +454,7 @@ el salvador common ru Сальвадор
element role title common ru Название роли элемента
element role title common ru Название роли элемента
email common ru Эл.почта
email common ru Эл.почта
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common ru Почтовый адрес для пользователя, напр. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common ru Почтовый адрес для пользователя, напр. "%1"
emails common ru Электронные письма
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common ru встроенные стили css, yапр. '.red { background: red; }' (отметьте знак '.' gеред именем класса) или '@import url(...)' (имя класса глобально для всей страницы!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common ru встроенные стили css, yапр. '.red { background: red; }' (отметьте знак '.' gеред именем класса) или '@import url(...)' (имя класса глобально для всей страницы!)
empty file common ru Пустой файл
empty file common ru Пустой файл
enable javascript onchange submit common ru разрешить подчинение JavaScript onchange
enable javascript onchange submit common ru разрешить подчинение JavaScript onchange
@ -641,6 +643,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common ru Ес
image common ru Картинка
image common ru Картинка
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common ru Папка изображений относительно корня документов (используйте / !), пример:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common ru Папка изображений относительно корня документов (используйте / !), пример:
image url common ru Ссылка на изображение
image url common ru Ссылка на изображение
images common ru Изображения
import common ru Импортировать
import common ru Импортировать
import an etemplate from a xml-file common ru импорт е-Шаблона из xml-файла
import an etemplate from a xml-file common ru импорт е-Шаблона из xml-файла
import table-definitions from existing db-table common ru Импорт определений таблицы из существующей таблицы БД
import table-definitions from existing db-table common ru Импорт определений таблицы из существующей таблицы БД
@ -1197,6 +1200,7 @@ spacing common ru Интервал
spain common ru Испания
spain common ru Испания
span common ru Span
span common ru Span
span, class common ru Span, Class
span, class common ru Span, Class
spreadsheets common ru Электронные таблицы
sri lanka common ru Шри-Ланка
sri lanka common ru Шри-Ланка
stack common ru Стек
stack common ru Стек
start a new search, cancel this link common ru Запуск нового поиска, отказ от этой ссылки
start a new search, cancel this link common ru Запуск нового поиска, отказ от этой ссылки
@ -1329,6 +1333,7 @@ venezuela common ru Венесуэлла
version common ru Версия
version common ru Версия
vertical alignment of row common ru вертикальное выравнивание строки
vertical alignment of row common ru вертикальное выравнивание строки
vfs upload directory common ru VFS каталог выгрузки
vfs upload directory common ru VFS каталог выгрузки
videos common ru Видео
viet nam common ru Вьетнам
viet nam common ru Вьетнам
view common ru Просмотреть(вид)
view common ru Просмотреть(вид)
view this etemplate common ru посмотреть этот е-Шаблон
view this etemplate common ru посмотреть этот е-Шаблон
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences sk Dokument
document properties common sk Vlastnosti dokumentu
document properties common sk Vlastnosti dokumentu
document title: common sk Nadpis dokumentu
document title: common sk Nadpis dokumentu
documentation common sk Dokumentácia
documentation common sk Dokumentácia
documents common sk Dokumenty
doesn't matter common sk Nezáleží
doesn't matter common sk Nezáleží
domain common sk Doména
domain common sk Doména
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sk Názov domény pre mailovú adresu, napr. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sk Názov domény pre mailovú adresu, napr. "%1"
@ -483,6 +484,7 @@ el salvador common sk SALVADOR
element role title common sk Názov úlohy v prvku
element role title common sk Názov úlohy v prvku
email common sk E-Mail
email common sk E-Mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sk E-mailová adresa používateľa, napr. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sk E-mailová adresa používateľa, napr. "%1"
emails common sk E-maily
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common sk Embedded CSS styles, e.g. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common sk Embedded CSS styles, e.g. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
empty file common sk Prázdny súbor
empty file common sk Prázdny súbor
enable javascript onchange submit common sk Zapnúť odosielanie JavaScript onchange
enable javascript onchange submit common sk Zapnúť odosielanie JavaScript onchange
@ -691,6 +693,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common sk Ak p
image common sk Obrázok
image common sk Obrázok
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common sk Adresár obrázkov vzťahujúci sa na koreňový adresár dokumentov (použite / !), príklad:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common sk Adresár obrázkov vzťahujúci sa na koreňový adresár dokumentov (použite / !), príklad:
image url common sk URL adresa obrázka
image url common sk URL adresa obrázka
images common sk Obrázky
import common sk Import
import common sk Import
import an etemplate from a xml-file common sk Importovať eTemplate zo súboru XML
import an etemplate from a xml-file common sk Importovať eTemplate zo súboru XML
import table-definitions from existing db-table common sk Importovať definície tabuľky z existujúcej db-tabuľky
import table-definitions from existing db-table common sk Importovať definície tabuľky z existujúcej db-tabuľky
@ -996,6 +999,7 @@ open common sk Otvoriť
open existing contact common sk Otvoriť existujúci kontakt
open existing contact common sk Otvoriť existujúci kontakt
open notify window common sk Otvor pripomínacie okno
open notify window common sk Otvor pripomínacie okno
open popup window common sk Otvor vyskakovacie okno
open popup window common sk Otvor vyskakovacie okno
open the online help. common sk Otvorenie online nápovedy
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common sk Prihlásenie do OpenIDConnect bolo úspešné, ale používateľ '%1' v EGroupware NEexistuje a automatické vytváranie používateľov je vypnuté!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common sk Prihlásenie do OpenIDConnect bolo úspešné, ale používateľ '%1' v EGroupware NEexistuje a automatické vytváranie používateľov je vypnuté!
operator common sk Operátor
operator common sk Operátor
optional note about the link common sk Voliteľná poznámka o Odkaze
optional note about the link common sk Voliteľná poznámka o Odkaze
@ -1317,6 +1321,7 @@ spain common sk ŠPANIELSKO
span common sk Span
span common sk Span
span, class common sk Span, Class
span, class common sk Span, Class
special characters common sk špeciálne znaky
special characters common sk špeciálne znaky
spreadsheets common sk Tabuľky
sri lanka common sk SRÍ LANKA
sri lanka common sk SRÍ LANKA
stack common sk Zásobník
stack common sk Zásobník
start a new search, cancel this link common sk Začať nové hľadanie, zrušiť tento odkaz
start a new search, cancel this link common sk Začať nové hľadanie, zrušiť tento odkaz
@ -1475,6 +1480,7 @@ version common sk Verzia
vertical alignment of row common sk Zvislé zarovnanie riadku
vertical alignment of row common sk Zvislé zarovnanie riadku
vfs upload directory common sk VFS adresár pre odovzdanie
vfs upload directory common sk VFS adresár pre odovzdanie
video tutorials common sk Videonávody
video tutorials common sk Videonávody
videos common sk Videá
viet nam common sk VIETNAM
viet nam common sk VIETNAM
view common sk Zobraziť
view common sk Zobraziť
view linked %1 entries common sk Zobraziť odkazovaných %1 položiek
view linked %1 entries common sk Zobraziť odkazovaných %1 položiek
@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences sl Dokument
document properties common sl Lastnosti dokumenta
document properties common sl Lastnosti dokumenta
document title: common sl Naziv dokumenta
document title: common sl Naziv dokumenta
documentation common sl Dokumentacija
documentation common sl Dokumentacija
documents common sl Dokumenti
doesn't matter common sl Ni pomembno
doesn't matter common sl Ni pomembno
domain common sl Domena
domain common sl Domena
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sl Ime domene za E-naslov, npr. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sl Ime domene za E-naslov, npr. "%1"
@ -478,6 +479,7 @@ el salvador common sl SALVADOR
element role title common sl Naslov vloge elementa
element role title common sl Naslov vloge elementa
email common sl E-pošta
email common sl E-pošta
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sl E-naslov uporabnika, npr. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sl E-naslov uporabnika, npr. "%1"
emails common sl Elektronska sporočila
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common sl Vključeni slogi CSS, npr. '.red { background: red; }' (pazite na '.' pred imenom razreda) ali '@import url(...)' (imena razredov so globalna za celo stran!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common sl Vključeni slogi CSS, npr. '.red { background: red; }' (pazite na '.' pred imenom razreda) ali '@import url(...)' (imena razredov so globalna za celo stran!)
empty file common sl Prazna datoteka
empty file common sl Prazna datoteka
enable javascript onchange submit common sl Omogoči JavaScript onchange
enable javascript onchange submit common sl Omogoči JavaScript onchange
@ -682,6 +684,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common sl Če
image common sl Slika
image common sl Slika
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common sl Mapa slik, relativno na koren dokumentov (document root, uporabite /!). Primer:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common sl Mapa slik, relativno na koren dokumentov (document root, uporabite /!). Primer:
image url common sl URL podobe
image url common sl URL podobe
images common sl Slike
import common sl Uvoz
import common sl Uvoz
import an etemplate from a xml-file common sl Uvozi eTemplate iz datoteke XML
import an etemplate from a xml-file common sl Uvozi eTemplate iz datoteke XML
import table-definitions from existing db-table common sl Uvozi definicije tabele iz obstoječe tabele podatkovne baze
import table-definitions from existing db-table common sl Uvozi definicije tabele iz obstoječe tabele podatkovne baze
@ -982,6 +985,7 @@ open common sl Odpri
open existing contact common sl Odprite obstoječi stik
open existing contact common sl Odprite obstoječi stik
open notify window common sl Odpri okno z opozorilom
open notify window common sl Odpri okno z opozorilom
open popup window common sl Odpri pojavno okno
open popup window common sl Odpri pojavno okno
open the online help. common sl Odprite spletno pomoč
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common sl Prijava v OpenIDConnect je bila uspešna, vendar uporabnik '%1' NE obstaja v programu EGroupware in samodejno ustvarjanje uporabnikov je onemogočeno!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common sl Prijava v OpenIDConnect je bila uspešna, vendar uporabnik '%1' NE obstaja v programu EGroupware in samodejno ustvarjanje uporabnikov je onemogočeno!
operator common sl Operator
operator common sl Operator
optional note about the link common sl Morebitne opombe o povezavi
optional note about the link common sl Morebitne opombe o povezavi
@ -1300,6 +1304,7 @@ spain common sl ŠPANIJA
span common sl Span
span common sl Span
span, class common sl Span, Class
span, class common sl Span, Class
special characters common sl posebne znake
special characters common sl posebne znake
spreadsheets common sl Preglednice
sri lanka common sl ŠRI LANKA
sri lanka common sl ŠRI LANKA
stack common sl Sklad
stack common sl Sklad
start a new search, cancel this link common sl Začne novo iskanje, prekliče to povezavo
start a new search, cancel this link common sl Začne novo iskanje, prekliče to povezavo
@ -1457,6 +1462,7 @@ version common sl Različica
vertical alignment of row common sl Navpična porvnava vrstice
vertical alignment of row common sl Navpična porvnava vrstice
vfs upload directory common sl Imenik nalaganja VFS
vfs upload directory common sl Imenik nalaganja VFS
video tutorials common sl Video vadnice
video tutorials common sl Video vadnice
videos common sl Videoposnetki
viet nam common sl VIETNAM
viet nam common sl VIETNAM
view common sl Pregled
view common sl Pregled
view linked %1 entries common sl Oglejte si povezane vnose %1
view linked %1 entries common sl Oglejte si povezane vnose %1
@ -367,6 +367,7 @@ doctype: common sv Dokumenttyp:
document properties common sv Dokument alternativ
document properties common sv Dokument alternativ
document title: common sv Dokument rubrik:
document title: common sv Dokument rubrik:
documentation common sv Dokumentation
documentation common sv Dokumentation
documents common sv Dokument
doesn't matter common sv Inte av betydelse
doesn't matter common sv Inte av betydelse
domain common sv Domän
domain common sv Domän
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sv E-postadressens domän, ex. "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sv E-postadressens domän, ex. "%1"
@ -403,6 +404,7 @@ egypt common sv EGYPTEN
el salvador common sv EL SALVADOR
el salvador common sv EL SALVADOR
email common sv E-post
email common sv E-post
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sv Användarens e-postadress, ex. "%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sv Användarens e-postadress, ex. "%1"
emails common sv E-postmeddelanden
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common sv Inbäddade CSS stilar, ex. '.red { background: red; }' (notera '.' före class namnet) eller '@import url(...)' (class namn är globala för hela sidan!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common sv Inbäddade CSS stilar, ex. '.red { background: red; }' (notera '.' före class namnet) eller '@import url(...)' (class namn är globala för hela sidan!)
enable javascript onchange submit common sv Aktivera JavaScript onchange submit
enable javascript onchange submit common sv Aktivera JavaScript onchange submit
enabled common sv Aktiverad
enabled common sv Aktiverad
@ -568,6 +570,7 @@ if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you wou
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common sv Om du använder "2-faktorsautentisering" ska du ange koden här.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common sv Om du använder "2-faktorsautentisering" ska du ange koden här.
image common sv Bild
image common sv Bild
image url common sv Bild URL
image url common sv Bild URL
images common sv Bilder
import common sv Import
import common sv Import
import an etemplate from a xml-file common sv Importera eTemplate från XML fil
import an etemplate from a xml-file common sv Importera eTemplate från XML fil
import table-definitions from existing db-table common sv Importera tabell definitioner från existerande databas tabell
import table-definitions from existing db-table common sv Importera tabell definitioner från existerande databas tabell
@ -833,6 +836,7 @@ open common sv Öppen
open existing contact common sv Öppna befintlig kontakt
open existing contact common sv Öppna befintlig kontakt
open notify window common sv Öppna meddelande fönster
open notify window common sv Öppna meddelande fönster
open popup window common sv Öppna popup fönster
open popup window common sv Öppna popup fönster
open the online help. common sv Öppna onlinehjälpen
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common sv OpenIDConnect-inloggningen lyckades, men användaren '%1' finns INTE i EGroupware, OCH automatiskt skapande av användare är inaktiverat!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common sv OpenIDConnect-inloggningen lyckades, men användaren '%1' finns INTE i EGroupware, OCH automatiskt skapande av användare är inaktiverat!
operator common sv Operator
operator common sv Operator
optional note about the link common sv Frivillig anteckning om länken
optional note about the link common sv Frivillig anteckning om länken
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ spacing common sv Utfyllnad
spain common sv SPANIEN
spain common sv SPANIEN
span common sv Span
span common sv Span
span, class common sv Span, Class
span, class common sv Span, Class
spreadsheets common sv Kalkylblad
sri lanka common sv SRI LANKA
sri lanka common sv SRI LANKA
stack common sv Stack
stack common sv Stack
start a new search, cancel this link common sv Gör ny sökning och avbryt denna länk
start a new search, cancel this link common sv Gör ny sökning och avbryt denna länk
@ -1208,6 +1213,7 @@ venezuela common sv VENEZUELA
version common sv Version
version common sv Version
vertical alignment of row common sv Vertikal justering av rad
vertical alignment of row common sv Vertikal justering av rad
video tutorials common sv Handledning för video
video tutorials common sv Handledning för video
videos common sv Videor
viet nam common sv VIETNAM
viet nam common sv VIETNAM
view common sv Visa
view common sv Visa
view this etemplate common sv Visa eTemplate
view this etemplate common sv Visa eTemplate
@ -91,11 +91,13 @@ delete category common tr Kategori sil
description common tr Açýklama
description common tr Açýklama
directory for storing merged documents preferences tr Birleştirilmiş belgeleri saklamak için klasör
directory for storing merged documents preferences tr Birleştirilmiş belgeleri saklamak için klasör
disabled common tr Engellendi
disabled common tr Engellendi
documents common tr Belgeler
domestic common tr Ev
domestic common tr Ev
don't ask again! common tr Tekrar sorma!
don't ask again! common tr Tekrar sorma!
done common tr Tamam
done common tr Tamam
download common tr İndir
download common tr İndir
edit common tr Düzenle
edit common tr Düzenle
emails common tr E-postalar
enabled common tr Etkin
enabled common tr Etkin
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin tr EGroupware URL'sini giriniz.<br>Örnek: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware yada /egroupware<br><b>Sonda bölü iþareti kullanmayýnýz.</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin tr EGroupware URL'sini giriniz.<br>Örnek: https://egw.domain.com/egroupware yada /egroupware<br><b>Sonda bölü iþareti kullanmayýnýz.</b>
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences tr Örnek {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - "n_prefix" alanında "Mr" için arama yapın, bulunursa Merhaba Mr. yazın, aksi takdirde Merhaba Ms. yazın.
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences tr Örnek {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - "n_prefix" alanında "Mr" için arama yapın, bulunursa Merhaba Mr. yazın, aksi takdirde Merhaba Ms. yazın.
@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav tr Geçmişte kaç gün
how many rows to print common tr Kaç satır yazdırılacağı
how many rows to print common tr Kaç satır yazdırılacağı
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common tr Ekli dosyalar hariç olmak üzere, geçerli kayda bağlı tüm girişlere HTML bağlantıları
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common tr Ekli dosyalar hariç olmak üzere, geçerli kayda bağlı tüm girişlere HTML bağlantıları
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common tr 2 Faktörlü Kimlik Doğrulama kullanıyorsanız, lütfen kodu buraya girin.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common tr 2 Faktörlü Kimlik Doğrulama kullanıyorsanız, lütfen kodu buraya girin.
images common tr Görüntüler
include access to any linked files (links tab) common tr Bağlantılı dosyalara erişimi dahil edin (Bağlantılar sekmesi)
include access to any linked files (links tab) common tr Bağlantılı dosyalara erişimi dahil edin (Bağlantılar sekmesi)
infolog types to sync common tr Senkronize edilecek InfoLog türleri
infolog types to sync common tr Senkronize edilecek InfoLog türleri
insert placeholder common tr Yer tutucu ekle
insert placeholder common tr Yer tutucu ekle
@ -168,6 +171,7 @@ no filters common tr Filtre yok
ok common tr Tamam
ok common tr Tamam
open common tr Açık
open common tr Açık
open existing contact common tr Mevcut kontağı aç
open existing contact common tr Mevcut kontağı aç
open the online help. common tr Çevrimiçi yardımı açın
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common tr OpenIDConnect girişi başarılı, ancak '%1' kullanıcısı EGroupware'de mevcut DEĞİL VE otomatik kullanıcı oluşturma devre dışı!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common tr OpenIDConnect girişi başarılı, ancak '%1' kullanıcısı EGroupware'de mevcut DEĞİL VE otomatik kullanıcı oluşturma devre dışı!
or common tr ya da
or common tr ya da
original common tr Orjinal
original common tr Orjinal
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@ select all common tr Tümünü seçin
show password common tr Şifreyi göster
show password common tr Şifreyi göster
sign up common tr Kaydolun
sign up common tr Kaydolun
site configuration common tr Konfigürasyon
site configuration common tr Konfigürasyon
spreadsheets common tr Elektronik Tablolar
submit common tr Gönder
submit common tr Gönder
title common tr Baþlýk
title common tr Baþlýk
today common tr Bugün
today common tr Bugün
@ -217,6 +222,7 @@ user accounts common tr Kullanýcý hesaplarý
user groups common tr Kullanýcý gruplarý
user groups common tr Kullanýcý gruplarý
users choice common tr Kullanýcý Seçimleri
users choice common tr Kullanýcý Seçimleri
version common tr Sürüm
version common tr Sürüm
videos common tr Videolar
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences tr Girdileri belgelerle birleştirdiğinizde, burada saklanacaktır. Herhangi bir klasör belirtilmemişse, bunlar ev dizininizde (%1) saklanacaktır
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences tr Girdileri belgelerle birleştirdiğinizde, burada saklanacaktır. Herhangi bir klasör belirtilmemişse, bunlar ev dizininizde (%1) saklanacaktır
you have not entered a title common tr Bir baþlýk girmediniz.
you have not entered a title common tr Bir baþlýk girmediniz.
you have not entered a valid date common tr Geçerli bir tarih girmediniz.
you have not entered a valid date common tr Geçerli bir tarih girmediniz.
@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ details common uk Деталі
directory for storing merged documents preferences uk Папка для зберігання об'єднаних документів
directory for storing merged documents preferences uk Папка для зберігання об'єднаних документів
disabled common uk Вимкнено
disabled common uk Вимкнено
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common uk Чи хочете ви також видалити вся підкатегорії?
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common uk Чи хочете ви також видалити вся підкатегорії?
documents common uk Документи
domain common uk Domain
domain common uk Domain
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common uk Domain ім'я для email адреси. Наприклад "%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common uk Domain ім'я для email адреси. Наприклад "%1"
domestic common uk Місцевий
domestic common uk Місцевий
@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common uk Заблоковано
egypt common uk ЄГИПЕТ
egypt common uk ЄГИПЕТ
email common uk E-Mail
email common uk E-Mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common uk email адреса користувача, наприклад "%1".
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common uk email адреса користувача, наприклад "%1".
emails common uk Електронні листи
enabled common uk Ввімкнено
enabled common uk Ввімкнено
end date common uk Кінцева дата
end date common uk Кінцева дата
end time common uk Кінцевий час
end time common uk Кінцевий час
@ -289,6 +291,7 @@ hungary common uk УГОРЩИНА
id common uk Id
id common uk Id
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common uk Якщо ви використовуєте "2-факторну автентифікацію", будь ласка, введіть код тут.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common uk Якщо ви використовуєте "2-факторну автентифікацію", будь ласка, введіть код тут.
image url common uk URL зображення
image url common uk URL зображення
images common uk Зображення
import common uk Імпорт
import common uk Імпорт
include access to any linked files (links tab) common uk Включити доступ до будь-яких пов'язаних файлів (вкладка "Посилання")
include access to any linked files (links tab) common uk Включити доступ до будь-яких пов'язаних файлів (вкладка "Посилання")
infolog types to sync common uk Типи інфологів для синхронізації
infolog types to sync common uk Типи інфологів для синхронізації
@ -425,6 +428,7 @@ open common uk відкрито
open existing contact common uk Відкрити існуючий контакт
open existing contact common uk Відкрити існуючий контакт
open notify window common uk Відкрити вікно повідомлень
open notify window common uk Відкрити вікно повідомлень
open popup window common uk Відкрити вспливаюче вікно
open popup window common uk Відкрити вспливаюче вікно
open the online help. common uk Відкрити онлайн-довідку
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common uk Вхід до OpenIDConnect виконано успішно, але користувача '%1' НЕ ІСНУЄ в EGroupware, а автоматичне створення користувачів вимкнено!
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common uk Вхід до OpenIDConnect виконано успішно, але користувача '%1' НЕ ІСНУЄ в EGroupware, а автоматичне створення користувачів вимкнено!
original common uk Оригінальне
original common uk Оригінальне
other common uk Інше
other common uk Інше
@ -543,6 +547,7 @@ slovenia common uk СЛОВЕНІЯ
somalia common uk СОМАЛІ
somalia common uk СОМАЛІ
sorry, your login has expired login uk Вибачте, Ваше право входу вичерпано.
sorry, your login has expired login uk Вибачте, Ваше право входу вичерпано.
spain common uk ІСПАНІЯ
spain common uk ІСПАНІЯ
spreadsheets common uk Електронні таблиці
sri lanka common uk ШРІ ЛАНКА
sri lanka common uk ШРІ ЛАНКА
start a new search, cancel this link common uk Розпочати новий пошук, покинути це посилання
start a new search, cancel this link common uk Розпочати новий пошук, покинути це посилання
start date common uk Дата початку
start date common uk Дата початку
@ -606,6 +611,7 @@ users choice common uk Вибір користувачів
uzbekistan common uk УЗБЕКИСТАН
uzbekistan common uk УЗБЕКИСТАН
venezuela common uk ВЕНЕСУЕЛА
venezuela common uk ВЕНЕСУЕЛА
version common uk Версія
version common uk Версія
videos common uk Відео
viet nam common uk В'ЄТНАМ
viet nam common uk В'ЄТНАМ
view common uk Перегляд
view common uk Перегляд
view this linked entry in its application common uk переглянути посилання в відповідному приложенні
view this linked entry in its application common uk переглянути посилання в відповідному приложенні
@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ blurtext common zh 模煳文字
bold common zh 粗体
bold common zh 粗体
bolivia common zh 玻利维亚
bolivia common zh 玻利维亚
border common zh 边框
border common zh 边框
border-line-thickness for the table-tag common zh 表格标签使用的框线宽度
bosnia and herzegovina common zh 波黑
bosnia and herzegovina common zh 波黑
botswana common zh 博茨瓦纳
botswana common zh 博茨瓦纳
bottom common zh 底部
bottom common zh 底部
@ -357,6 +356,7 @@ document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences zh 文件'%
document properties common zh 文件属性
document properties common zh 文件属性
document title: common zh 文件标题:
document title: common zh 文件标题:
documentation common zh 文档
documentation common zh 文档
documents common zh 文件
doesn't matter common zh 没关系
doesn't matter common zh 没关系
domain common zh 域
domain common zh 域
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common zh 邮件地址的域名,例如:"%1"
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common zh 邮件地址的域名,例如:"%1"
@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ egypt common zh 埃及
el salvador common zh 萨尔瓦多
el salvador common zh 萨尔瓦多
email common zh 电子邮件
email common zh 电子邮件
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common zh 用户的电子邮件地址,例如:"%1"
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common zh 用户的电子邮件地址,例如:"%1"
emails common zh 电子邮件
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common zh CSS嵌入式样式表,例如'.red { background: red;}' (注意'.'在类名称之前)或是 '@import url(...)' (类名称可以在全局网页使用!)
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) common zh CSS嵌入式样式表,例如'.red { background: red;}' (注意'.'在类名称之前)或是 '@import url(...)' (类名称可以在全局网页使用!)
enable javascript onchange submit common zh 启用 JavaScript 改动时提交功能
enable javascript onchange submit common zh 启用 JavaScript 改动时提交功能
enabled common zh 已启用
enabled common zh 已启用
@ -554,6 +555,7 @@ if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common zh 如
image common zh 图片
image common zh 图片
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common zh 相对文档根目录的图片目录(使用:/),例如:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common zh 相对文档根目录的图片目录(使用:/),例如:
image url common zh 图片网址
image url common zh 图片网址
images common zh 图片
import common zh 导入
import common zh 导入
import an etemplate from a xml-file common zh 从XML文件导入一个模板
import an etemplate from a xml-file common zh 从XML文件导入一个模板
import table-definitions from existing db-table common zh 从已有的数据表导入表定义文件
import table-definitions from existing db-table common zh 从已有的数据表导入表定义文件
@ -1062,6 +1064,7 @@ spacing common zh 间隔
spain common zh 西班牙
spain common zh 西班牙
span common zh Span
span common zh Span
span, class common zh Span, Class
span, class common zh Span, Class
spreadsheets common zh 电子表格
sri lanka common zh 斯里兰卡
sri lanka common zh 斯里兰卡
stack common zh Stack
stack common zh Stack
start a new search, cancel this link common zh 取消此链接,开始新的搜索
start a new search, cancel this link common zh 取消此链接,开始新的搜索
@ -1184,6 +1187,7 @@ vbox common zh VBox
venezuela common zh 委内瑞拉
venezuela common zh 委内瑞拉
version common zh 版本
version common zh 版本
vertical alignment of row common zh 行的垂直对齐
vertical alignment of row common zh 行的垂直对齐
videos common zh 视频
viet nam common zh 越南
viet nam common zh 越南
view common zh 查看
view common zh 查看
view this etemplate common zh 查看这个模板
view this etemplate common zh 查看这个模板
@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ ical export calendar cs Exportovat iCal
ical file calendar cs iCal soubor
ical file calendar cs iCal soubor
ical import calendar cs Importovat iCal
ical import calendar cs Importovat iCal
ical successful imported calendar cs iCal úspěšně naimportován
ical successful imported calendar cs iCal úspěšně naimportován
if resource is unavailable calendar cs Pokud je zdroj nedostupný
if start day differs calendar cs Pokud je počáteční datum odlišné
if start day differs calendar cs Pokud je počáteční datum odlišné
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar cs Pokud zde nenastavíte heslo, bude informace dostupná každému, kdo zná adresu (URL)!
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar cs Pokud zde nenastavíte heslo, bude informace dostupná každému, kdo zná adresu (URL)!
if you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available calendar cs Pokud zvolíte rozsah (měsíc, týden a pod.) místo jednotlivých záznamů, budou tyto zvláštní pole k dispozici.
if you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available calendar cs Pokud zvolíte rozsah (měsíc, týden a pod.) místo jednotlivých záznamů, budou tyto zvláštní pole k dispozici.
@ -509,6 +510,7 @@ require an acl grant to invite other users and groups admin cs Vyžadovat ACL op
required information (start, end, title, ...) missing! calendar cs Chybí požadované údaje (začátek, konev, ...)!
required information (start, end, title, ...) missing! calendar cs Chybí požadované údaje (začátek, konev, ...)!
reset calendar cs Vynulovat
reset calendar cs Vynulovat
reset participant stati on event shifts calendar cs Při posunu události obnovit status účastníků
reset participant stati on event shifts calendar cs Při posunu události obnovit status účastníků
reset resource status on event shifts calendar cs Obnovení stavu prostředku při posunu události
resources calendar cs Zdroje
resources calendar cs Zdroje
resources except conflicting ones calendar cs Zdroje kromě konfliktních
resources except conflicting ones calendar cs Zdroje kromě konfliktních
resources with conflict detection calendar cs Zdroje s detekcí konfliktu
resources with conflict detection calendar cs Zdroje s detekcí konfliktu
@ -527,7 +529,8 @@ select a color for this calendar calendar cs Vyberte barvu kalendáře
select a time calendar cs Vybrat čas
select a time calendar cs Vybrat čas
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar cs Vybrat více kontaktů pro další akci
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar cs Vybrat více kontaktů pro další akci
select resources calendar cs Vybrat zdroje
select resources calendar cs Vybrat zdroje
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar cs Pokud je událost posunuta na později, má být status účastníků obnoven?
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar cs Vyberte, zda chcete, aby byl stav prostředku resetován na neznámý, pokud dojde k posunu události. U externích zdrojů vždy resetujeme stav účastníka na neznámý.
select whether you want the resource status reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar cs Vyberte, zda chcete, aby byl stav prostředku resetován na neznámý, pokud dojde k posunu události.
select who should get the alarm calendar cs Vybrat kdo dostane připomínku
select who should get the alarm calendar cs Vybrat kdo dostane připomínku
selected range calendar cs Vybraný rozsah
selected range calendar cs Vybraný rozsah
selected users/groups calendar cs Vybraní uživatelé/skupiny
selected users/groups calendar cs Vybraní uživatelé/skupiny
@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ select a color for this calendar calendar de Wählen Sie eine Farbe für diesen
select a time calendar de Eine Zeit auswählen
select a time calendar de Eine Zeit auswählen
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar de Mehrere Adressen für weiteren Befehl auswählen
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar de Mehrere Adressen für weiteren Befehl auswählen
select resources calendar de Ressourcen auswählen
select resources calendar de Ressourcen auswählen
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar de Wählen Sie aus, in welchem Fall der Teilnehmerstatus von Teilnehmern zurückgesetzt werden soll, wenn ein Termin verschoben wird. Der Teilnehmerstatus von Externen wird immer zurückgesetzt!
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar de Wählen Sie aus, in welchem Fall der Teilnehmerstatus von Teilnehmern zurückgesetzt werden soll, wenn ein Termin verschoben wird. Der Teilnehmerstatus von Externen wird immer zurückgesetzt.
select whether you want the resource status reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar de Soll der Status einer Ressource auf "keine Antwort" zurückgesetzt werden, wenn ein Termin verschoben wird?
select whether you want the resource status reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar de Soll der Status einer Ressource auf "Keine Antwort" zurückgesetzt werden, wenn ein Termin verschoben wird?
select who should get the alarm calendar de Auswählen wer den Alarm erhalten soll
select who should get the alarm calendar de Auswählen wer den Alarm erhalten soll
selected range calendar de Ausgewählter Zeitraum
selected range calendar de Ausgewählter Zeitraum
selected users/groups calendar de Ausgewählte Benutzer/Gruppen
selected users/groups calendar de Ausgewählte Benutzer/Gruppen
@ -509,8 +509,8 @@ requested meeting is in the past! calendar en Requested meeting is in the past!
require an acl grant to invite other users and groups admin en Require an ACL grant to invite other users and groups
require an acl grant to invite other users and groups admin en Require an ACL grant to invite other users and groups
required information (start, end, title, ...) missing! calendar en Required information (start, end, title, ...) missing!
required information (start, end, title, ...) missing! calendar en Required information (start, end, title, ...) missing!
reset calendar en Reset
reset calendar en Reset
reset resource status on event shifts calendar en Reset resource status on event shifts
reset participant stati on event shifts calendar en Reset participant status on event shifts
reset participant stati on event shifts calendar en Reset participant status on event shifts
reset resource status on event shifts calendar en Reset resource status when moving events
resources calendar en Resources
resources calendar en Resources
resources except conflicting ones calendar en Resources except conflicting ones
resources except conflicting ones calendar en Resources except conflicting ones
resources with conflict detection calendar en Resources with conflict detection
resources with conflict detection calendar en Resources with conflict detection
@ -529,8 +529,8 @@ select a color for this calendar calendar en Select a color for calendar
select a time calendar en Select a time
select a time calendar en Select a time
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar en Select multiple contacts for a further action
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar en Select multiple contacts for a further action
select resources calendar en Select resources
select resources calendar en Select resources
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar en Select whether you want the participant status reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. For externals we always reset participant status to unknown.
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar en Select whether you want the resource status reset to "No response", if an event is moving. For externals we always reset participant status to "No response".
select whether you want the resource status reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar en Select whether you want the resource status reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on.
select whether you want the resource status reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar en Select whether you want the resource status reset to "No response", if an event is moving later on.
select who should get the alarm calendar en Select who should get the alarm
select who should get the alarm calendar en Select who should get the alarm
selected range calendar en Selected range
selected range calendar en Selected range
selected users/groups calendar en Selected users/groups
selected users/groups calendar en Selected users/groups
@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ ical export calendar es-es Exportar iCal
ical file calendar es-es fichero iCal
ical file calendar es-es fichero iCal
ical import calendar es-es Importar iCal
ical import calendar es-es Importar iCal
ical successful imported calendar es-es El fichero iCal se importó correctamente
ical successful imported calendar es-es El fichero iCal se importó correctamente
if resource is unavailable calendar es-es Si el recurso no está disponible
if start day differs calendar es-es Si el día de inicio difiere
if start day differs calendar es-es Si el día de inicio difiere
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar es-es ¡Si no pone aquí una contraseña, la información está disponible para todos los que conozcan la URL!
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar es-es ¡Si no pone aquí una contraseña, la información está disponible para todos los que conozcan la URL!
if you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available calendar es-es Si selecciona un rango (mes, semana, etc.) en lugar de una lista de entradas, estos campos adicionales están disponibles.
if you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available calendar es-es Si selecciona un rango (mes, semana, etc.) en lugar de una lista de entradas, estos campos adicionales están disponibles.
@ -509,6 +510,7 @@ require an acl grant to invite other users and groups admin es-es Requerir el pe
required information (start, end, title, ...) missing! calendar es-es ¡Falta la información requerida (inicio, final, título, ...)!
required information (start, end, title, ...) missing! calendar es-es ¡Falta la información requerida (inicio, final, título, ...)!
reset calendar es-es Restablecer
reset calendar es-es Restablecer
reset participant stati on event shifts calendar es-es Restablecer el estado del participante en cambios de evento
reset participant stati on event shifts calendar es-es Restablecer el estado del participante en cambios de evento
reset resource status on event shifts calendar es-es Restablecer el estado del recurso en los turnos de eventos
resources calendar es-es Recursos
resources calendar es-es Recursos
resources except conflicting ones calendar es-es Recursos excepto los que tienen conflicto
resources except conflicting ones calendar es-es Recursos excepto los que tienen conflicto
resources with conflict detection calendar es-es Recursos con detección de conflicto
resources with conflict detection calendar es-es Recursos con detección de conflicto
@ -527,7 +529,8 @@ select a color for this calendar calendar es-es Seleccionar un color para el cal
select a time calendar es-es seleccionar una hora
select a time calendar es-es seleccionar una hora
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar es-es Seleccionar múltiples contactos para una acción posterior
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar es-es Seleccionar múltiples contactos para una acción posterior
select resources calendar es-es Seleccionar recursos
select resources calendar es-es Seleccionar recursos
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar es-es Seleccione si desea restablecer el estado del participante a desconocido, si un evento cambia más tarde.
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar es-es Seleccione si desea que el estado del recurso se restablezca a desconocido, si un evento se desplaza. En el caso de los externos, el estado del participante siempre se restablece a desconocido.
select whether you want the resource status reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar es-es Seleccione si desea que el estado del recurso se restablezca a desconocido, si se desplaza un evento.
select who should get the alarm calendar es-es Seleccionar quién debe obtener la alarma
select who should get the alarm calendar es-es Seleccionar quién debe obtener la alarma
selected range calendar es-es Rango seleccionado
selected range calendar es-es Rango seleccionado
selected users/groups calendar es-es Usuarios/grupos seleccionados
selected users/groups calendar es-es Usuarios/grupos seleccionados
@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ ical export calendar fr Exportation iCal
ical file calendar fr Fichier iCal
ical file calendar fr Fichier iCal
ical import calendar fr Importation iCal
ical import calendar fr Importation iCal
ical successful imported calendar fr Importation iCal réussie
ical successful imported calendar fr Importation iCal réussie
if resource is unavailable calendar fr Si la ressource n'est pas disponible
if start day differs calendar fr Si le jour de début diffère
if start day differs calendar fr Si le jour de début diffère
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar fr Si vous ne définissez pas de mot de passe ici, l'information est disponibles pour chaque personne connaissant l'URL!
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar fr Si vous ne définissez pas de mot de passe ici, l'information est disponibles pour chaque personne connaissant l'URL!
if you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available calendar fr Si vous choisissez une étendue (mois, semaine, etc) au lieu d'une liste d'éléments, ces champs supplémentaires sont disponibles.
if you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available calendar fr Si vous choisissez une étendue (mois, semaine, etc) au lieu d'une liste d'éléments, ces champs supplémentaires sont disponibles.
@ -509,6 +510,7 @@ require an acl grant to invite other users and groups admin fr Nécessite un ACL
required information (start, end, title, ...) missing! calendar fr Il manque des informations nécessaires : début, fin, titre ... !
required information (start, end, title, ...) missing! calendar fr Il manque des informations nécessaires : début, fin, titre ... !
reset calendar fr Réinitialiser
reset calendar fr Réinitialiser
reset participant stati on event shifts calendar fr Réinitialiser les statuts des participants au déplacement des rendez-vous
reset participant stati on event shifts calendar fr Réinitialiser les statuts des participants au déplacement des rendez-vous
reset resource status on event shifts calendar fr Réinitialiser le statut de la ressource en cas de déplacement d'un événement
resources calendar fr Ressources
resources calendar fr Ressources
resources except conflicting ones calendar fr Ressources à l'exception de celles en conflit
resources except conflicting ones calendar fr Ressources à l'exception de celles en conflit
resources with conflict detection calendar fr Ressources avec détection de conflits
resources with conflict detection calendar fr Ressources avec détection de conflits
@ -528,6 +530,7 @@ select a time calendar fr Sélectionnez une heure
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar fr Sélectionner plusieurs contacts pour une même action
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar fr Sélectionner plusieurs contacts pour une même action
select resources calendar fr Sélectionner les ressources
select resources calendar fr Sélectionner les ressources
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar fr Sélectionner si vous souhaitez le statut du participant remis à "Pas de réponse", si un événement est déplacé plus tard
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar fr Sélectionner si vous souhaitez le statut du participant remis à "Pas de réponse", si un événement est déplacé plus tard
select whether you want the resource status reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar fr Indiquez si vous souhaitez que le statut de la ressource soit réinitialisé à inconnu en cas de déplacement d'un événement. Pour les externes, nous réinitialisons toujours le statut du participant à inconnu.
select who should get the alarm calendar fr Sélectionner qui doit recevoir l'alarme
select who should get the alarm calendar fr Sélectionner qui doit recevoir l'alarme
selected range calendar fr Etendue sélectionnée
selected range calendar fr Etendue sélectionnée
selected users/groups calendar fr Utilisateurs/groupes sélectionnés
selected users/groups calendar fr Utilisateurs/groupes sélectionnés
@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ ical export calendar it Esportazione iCal
ical file calendar it file iCal
ical file calendar it file iCal
ical import calendar it Importazione iCal
ical import calendar it Importazione iCal
ical successful imported calendar it iCal importato con successo
ical successful imported calendar it iCal importato con successo
if resource is unavailable calendar it Se la risorsa non è disponibile
if start day differs calendar it Se la data di avvio differisce
if start day differs calendar it Se la data di avvio differisce
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar it Se non stabilisci una password qui, l'informazione sarà disponibile a chiunque conosca l'URL!!!
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar it Se non stabilisci una password qui, l'informazione sarà disponibile a chiunque conosca l'URL!!!
if you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available calendar it Se selezioni un intervallo (mese, settimana, ecc.) al posto di un elenco di voci, questi campi extra sono disponibili.
if you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available calendar it Se selezioni un intervallo (mese, settimana, ecc.) al posto di un elenco di voci, questi campi extra sono disponibili.
@ -509,6 +510,7 @@ require an acl grant to invite other users and groups admin it Richiedi ACL per
required information (start, end, title, ...) missing! calendar it Mancano le informazioni obbligatorie (inizio, fine, titolo, ...)!!
required information (start, end, title, ...) missing! calendar it Mancano le informazioni obbligatorie (inizio, fine, titolo, ...)!!
reset calendar it Reimposta
reset calendar it Reimposta
reset participant stati on event shifts calendar it Reimposta lo stato dei partecipanti in caso di spostamento eventi
reset participant stati on event shifts calendar it Reimposta lo stato dei partecipanti in caso di spostamento eventi
reset resource status on event shifts calendar it Azzeramento dello stato della risorsa in caso di spostamento dell'evento
resources calendar it Risorse
resources calendar it Risorse
resources except conflicting ones calendar it Risorse eccetto quelle in conflitto
resources except conflicting ones calendar it Risorse eccetto quelle in conflitto
resources with conflict detection calendar it Risorse con rilevamento di conflitti
resources with conflict detection calendar it Risorse con rilevamento di conflitti
@ -528,6 +530,7 @@ select a time calendar it Seleziona un'orario
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar it Seleziona contatti multipli per azioni ulteriori
select multiple contacts for a further action calendar it Seleziona contatti multipli per azioni ulteriori
select resources calendar it Seleziona risorse
select resources calendar it Seleziona risorse
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar it Seleziona se vuoi reimpostare lo stato dei partecipanti a "sconosciuto", se un appuntamento viene spostato a più tardi
select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar it Seleziona se vuoi reimpostare lo stato dei partecipanti a "sconosciuto", se un appuntamento viene spostato a più tardi
select whether you want the resource status reset to unknown, if an event is shifted later on. calendar it Selezionare se si desidera che lo stato della risorsa venga ripristinato a sconosciuto, se un evento viene spostato. Per gli esterni, lo stato dei partecipanti viene sempre riportato a sconosciuto.
select who should get the alarm calendar it Seleziona chi dovrà avere la sveglia
select who should get the alarm calendar it Seleziona chi dovrà avere la sveglia
selected range calendar it Intervallo di selezione
selected range calendar it Intervallo di selezione
selected users/groups calendar it Utenti/Gruppi selezionati
selected users/groups calendar it Utenti/Gruppi selezionati
@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ connection status mail bg Статус на връзката
contact label mail bg Етикет за контакт
contact label mail bg Етикет за контакт
contains mail bg съдържа
contains mail bg съдържа
contains(*) mail bg Съдържа(*)
contains(*) mail bg Съдържа(*)
continue mail bg Продължи
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail bg конвертирайте Поща/Mail в елемент и прикачете своите прикачени файлове към този елемент (стандартно)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail bg конвертирайте Поща/Mail в елемент и прикачете своите прикачени файлове към този елемент (стандартно)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail bg конвертирайте Поща/Mail в елемент, прикачете неговите прикачени файлове и добавете необработено съобщение (message/rfc822 (.eml)) като прикачен файл
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail bg конвертирайте Поща/Mail в елемент, прикачете неговите прикачени файлове и добавете необработено съобщение (message/rfc822 (.eml)) като прикачен файл
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail bg конвертиране само Поща/Mail в елемент (игнорирайте възможни прикачени файлове)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail bg конвертиране само Поща/Mail в елемент (игнорирайте възможни прикачени файлове)
@ -322,6 +323,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail bg Работа
job mail bg Работа
junk mail bg Нежелани
junk mail bg Нежелани
junk folder mail bg Папка с нежелани файлове
junk folder mail bg Папка с нежелани файлове
keep a copy mail bg Запазване на копие
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail bg запазване на копие от съобщението във Входящи
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail bg запазване на копие от съобщението във Входящи
kilobytes mail bg килобайта
kilobytes mail bg килобайта
later mail bg По-късно
later mail bg По-късно
@ -508,6 +510,7 @@ to do mail bg За да направите
toggled on actions mail bg Превключване на действията
toggled on actions mail bg Превключване на действията
trash mail bg Кошче
trash mail bg Кошче
trash folder mail bg Папка за отпадъци
trash folder mail bg Папка за отпадъци
unconditional mail bg Винаги
unflagged mail bg немаркирано
unflagged mail bg немаркирано
unread mail bg Непрочетено
unread mail bg Непрочетено
vacation notice mail bg ваканционна бележка
vacation notice mail bg ваканционна бележка
@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ connection status mail cs Stav připojení
contact label mail cs Štítek kontaktu
contact label mail cs Štítek kontaktu
contains mail cs obsahuje
contains mail cs obsahuje
contains(*) mail cs Obsahuje (*)
contains(*) mail cs Obsahuje (*)
continue mail cs Pokračovat
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail cs Změnit e-mail na záznam a přílohy v e-mailu přiložit k tomuto záznamu (standardně)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail cs Změnit e-mail na záznam a přílohy v e-mailu přiložit k tomuto záznamu (standardně)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail cs Změnit e-mail na záznam a k záznamu přiložit původní e-mail jalo e-mailovou zprávu (message/rfc822 (.eml))
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail cs Změnit e-mail na záznam a k záznamu přiložit původní e-mail jalo e-mailovou zprávu (message/rfc822 (.eml))
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail cs Pouze změnit e-mail na záznam a případné přílohy v něm ignorovat
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail cs Pouze změnit e-mail na záznam a případné přílohy v něm ignorovat
@ -313,6 +314,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail cs Obchodní
job mail cs Obchodní
junk mail cs Nevyžádané
junk mail cs Nevyžádané
junk folder mail cs Složka nevyžádané pošty
junk folder mail cs Složka nevyžádané pošty
keep a copy mail cs Ponechte si kopii
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail cs Zachovat kopii zprávy ve vaší schránce
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail cs Zachovat kopii zprávy ve vaší schránce
kilobytes mail cs kilobytů
kilobytes mail cs kilobytů
later mail cs Později
later mail cs Později
@ -635,6 +637,7 @@ trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will se
trying to recover from session data mail cs Pokouším se obnovit data
trying to recover from session data mail cs Pokouším se obnovit data
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail cs Nezobrazovat vodorovnou čáru mezi podpisem a textem zprávy (což neodpovídá RFC).<br>Pokud používáte šablony, tato volba bude aplikována pouze na textovou část zprávy.
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail cs Nezobrazovat vodorovnou čáru mezi podpisem a textem zprávy (což neodpovídá RFC).<br>Pokud používáte šablony, tato volba bude aplikována pouze na textovou část zprávy.
unable to fetch vacation! mail cs Není možné získat automatickou odpověď
unable to fetch vacation! mail cs Není možné získat automatickou odpověď
unconditional mail cs Vždy
undelete mail cs Obnovit
undelete mail cs Obnovit
unflagged mail cs Bez příznaku
unflagged mail cs Bez příznaku
unread mail cs nepřečtené
unread mail cs nepřečtené
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected fiel
connect to profile %1 mail da Opret forbindelse til profil %1
connect to profile %1 mail da Opret forbindelse til profil %1
contact label mail da Kontakt-label
contact label mail da Kontakt-label
contains mail da indeholder
contains mail da indeholder
continue mail da Fortsæt
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail da Konverter e-mail til element og vedhæft vedhæftede filer til dette element (standard)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail da Konverter e-mail til element og vedhæft vedhæftede filer til dette element (standard)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail da Konverter e-mail til element, vedhæft dets vedhæftede filer og tilføj rå besked (.eml) som vedhæftet fil
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail da Konverter e-mail til element, vedhæft dets vedhæftede filer og tilføj rå besked (.eml) som vedhæftet fil
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail da Konverter kun e-mail til emne (ignorér eventuelle vedhæftede filer)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail da Konverter kun e-mail til emne (ignorér eventuelle vedhæftede filer)
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ do you really want to delete this rule mail da Vil du virkelig slette denne rege
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail da Ønsker du virkelig at skifte flag %1 for ALLE beskeder i den aktuelle visning?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail da Ønsker du virkelig at skifte flag %1 for ALLE beskeder i den aktuelle visning?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail da Ønsker du virkelig at skifte etiketten %1 for ALLE beskeder i den aktuelle visning?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail da Ønsker du virkelig at skifte etiketten %1 for ALLE beskeder i den aktuelle visning?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail da Ønsker du at blive bedt om at bekræfte, før du vedhæfter udvalgte beskeder til en ny e-mail?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail da Ønsker du at blive bedt om at bekræfte, før du vedhæfter udvalgte beskeder til en ny e-mail?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail da Ønsker du at blive bedt om at bekræfte, før du flytter udvalgte beskeder til en anden mappe?
does not contain mail da indeholder ikke
does not contain mail da indeholder ikke
does not match mail da passer ikke sammen
does not match mail da passer ikke sammen
does not match regexp mail da passer ikke til regexp
does not match regexp mail da passer ikke til regexp
@ -153,6 +155,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail da Virksomhed
job mail da Virksomhed
junk mail da Junk
junk mail da Junk
junk folder mail da Junk-mappe
junk folder mail da Junk-mappe
keep a copy mail da Behold en kopi
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail da Opbevar en kopi af beskeden i din indbakke
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail da Opbevar en kopi af beskeden i din indbakke
kilobytes mail da Kilobyte
kilobytes mail da Kilobyte
later mail da Senere
later mail da Senere
@ -308,6 +311,7 @@ to do mail da Sådan gør du
toggled on actions mail da Aktiveret på handlinger
toggled on actions mail da Aktiveret på handlinger
trash mail da Papirkurv
trash mail da Papirkurv
trash folder mail da Papirkurv-mappe
trash folder mail da Papirkurv-mappe
unconditional mail da Altid
unflagged mail da Flag ikke sat
unflagged mail da Flag ikke sat
unread mail da ulæst
unread mail da ulæst
when deleting messages mail da Når meddelser slettes
when deleting messages mail da Når meddelser slettes
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ connection status mail el Κατάσταση σύνδεσης
contact label mail el Ετικέτα επικοινωνίας
contact label mail el Ετικέτα επικοινωνίας
contains mail el περιέχει
contains mail el περιέχει
contains(*) mail el Περιέχει(*)
contains(*) mail el Περιέχει(*)
continue mail el Συνέχεια
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail el Μετατροπή του μηνύματος ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου σε στοιχείο και επισύναψη των συνημμένων του σε αυτό το στοιχείο (στάνταρ)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail el Μετατροπή του μηνύματος ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου σε στοιχείο και επισύναψη των συνημμένων του σε αυτό το στοιχείο (στάνταρ)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail el Μετατροπή email σε στοιχείο, επισύναψη των συνημμένων του και προσθήκη ακατέργαστου μηνύματος (.eml) ως συνημμένο
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail el Μετατροπή email σε στοιχείο, επισύναψη των συνημμένων του και προσθήκη ακατέργαστου μηνύματος (.eml) ως συνημμένο
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail el Μετατροπή μόνο του email σε στοιχείο (αγνοήστε τα πιθανά συνημμένα)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail el Μετατροπή μόνο του email σε στοιχείο (αγνοήστε τα πιθανά συνημμένα)
@ -312,6 +313,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail el Εργασία
job mail el Εργασία
junk mail el Junk
junk mail el Junk
junk folder mail el Φάκελος Junk
junk folder mail el Φάκελος Junk
keep a copy mail el Διατήρηση αντιγράφου
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail el κρατήστε ένα αντίγραφο του μηνύματος στα εισερχόμενα
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail el κρατήστε ένα αντίγραφο του μηνύματος στα εισερχόμενα
kilobytes mail el kilobytes
kilobytes mail el kilobytes
later mail el Αργότερα
later mail el Αργότερα
@ -594,6 +596,7 @@ to do mail el Για να κάνετε
toggled on actions mail el Εναλλαγή σε ενέργειες
toggled on actions mail el Εναλλαγή σε ενέργειες
trash mail el Κάδος αχρήστων
trash mail el Κάδος αχρήστων
trash folder mail el Φάκελος κάδου αχρήστων
trash folder mail el Φάκελος κάδου αχρήστων
unconditional mail el Πάντα
undelete mail el Επαναφορά
undelete mail el Επαναφορά
unflagged mail el Αφαιρέθηκε η σήμανση
unflagged mail el Αφαιρέθηκε η σήμανση
unread mail el μη διαβασμένο
unread mail el μη διαβασμένο
@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ connection status mail es-es Estado de la conexión
contact label mail es-es Etiqueta de contacto
contact label mail es-es Etiqueta de contacto
contains mail es-es contiene
contains mail es-es contiene
contains(*) mail es-es Contiene(*)
contains(*) mail es-es Contiene(*)
continue mail es-es Continuar
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail es-es Convertir el correo a elemento y adjuntar sus adjuntos a este elemento (estándar)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail es-es Convertir el correo a elemento y adjuntar sus adjuntos a este elemento (estándar)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail es-es Convertir el correo a elemento, adjuntar sus archivos adjuntos y agregar mensaje en bruto (message/rfc822 (.eml) ) como archivo adjunto
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail es-es Convertir el correo a elemento, adjuntar sus archivos adjuntos y agregar mensaje en bruto (message/rfc822 (.eml) ) como archivo adjunto
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail es-es Convertir sólo el correo a elemento (ignorar los archivos adjuntos posibles)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail es-es Convertir sólo el correo a elemento (ignorar los archivos adjuntos posibles)
@ -322,6 +323,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail es-es Trabajo
job mail es-es Trabajo
junk mail es-es Basura
junk mail es-es Basura
junk folder mail es-es Carpeta de correo basura
junk folder mail es-es Carpeta de correo basura
keep a copy mail es-es Conserve una copia
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail es-es Guardar una copia del mensaje en la bandeja de entrada
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail es-es Guardar una copia del mensaje en la bandeja de entrada
kilobytes mail es-es kilobytes
kilobytes mail es-es kilobytes
later mail es-es Más tarde
later mail es-es Más tarde
@ -648,6 +650,7 @@ trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will se
trying to recover from session data mail es-es Intentar recuperar los datos de la sesión
trying to recover from session data mail es-es Intentar recuperar los datos de la sesión
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail es-es Desactivar la línea horizontal entre la firma y el mensaje compuesto (esto no está de acuerdo con RFC).<br>Si utiliza plantillas, esta opción sólo se aplica a la parte de texto del mensaje.
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail es-es Desactivar la línea horizontal entre la firma y el mensaje compuesto (esto no está de acuerdo con RFC).<br>Si utiliza plantillas, esta opción sólo se aplica a la parte de texto del mensaje.
unable to fetch vacation! mail es-es ¡No se pueden recuperar las vacaciones!
unable to fetch vacation! mail es-es ¡No se pueden recuperar las vacaciones!
unconditional mail es-es Siempre
undelete mail es-es Deshacer
undelete mail es-es Deshacer
unflagged mail es-es Sin marcar
unflagged mail es-es Sin marcar
unread mail es-es No leído
unread mail es-es No leído
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ checking admin credentials failed mail et Administraatori volituste kontrollimin
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail et Konfigureeritud väärtused määratakse automaatselt koostamise dialoogis kinnipeetavale väljale, kui koostate uue e-kirja.
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail et Konfigureeritud väärtused määratakse automaatselt koostamise dialoogis kinnipeetavale väljale, kui koostate uue e-kirja.
contact label mail et Kontakt silt
contact label mail et Kontakt silt
contains mail et sisaldab
contains mail et sisaldab
continue mail et Jätka
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail et E-posti muutmine elemendiks ja selle manuste lisamine sellele elemendile (standard)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail et E-posti muutmine elemendiks ja selle manuste lisamine sellele elemendile (standard)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail et Teisenda e-kiri elemendiks, lisa selle manuseid ja lisa manusena toorsõnum (.eml)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail et Teisenda e-kiri elemendiks, lisa selle manuseid ja lisa manusena toorsõnum (.eml)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail et Konverteerida ainult e-kiri elemendiks (ignoreerida võimalikke manuseid)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail et Konverteerida ainult e-kiri elemendiks (ignoreerida võimalikke manuseid)
@ -74,12 +75,13 @@ discard mail et unusta
discard message mail et unusta kirjad
discard message mail et unusta kirjad
display of html emails mail et Näita HTML emaile
display of html emails mail et Näita HTML emaile
display only when no plain text is available mail et Näita ainult kui plain tekst pole saadaval
display only when no plain text is available mail et Näita ainult kui plain tekst pole saadaval
displaying html messages is disabled mail et html kirjade näitamine on välja lülitatud
displaying html messages is disabled mail et HTML kirjade näitamine on välja lülitatud
do you really want to delete folder %1 ? mail et Kas te tõesti tahate kustutada kausta %1?
do you really want to delete folder %1 ? mail et Kas te tõesti tahate kustutada kausta %1?
do you really want to delete this rule mail et Kas te tõesti soovite seda reeglit KUSTUTA?
do you really want to delete this rule mail et Kas te tõesti soovite seda reeglit KUSTUTA?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail et Kas te tõesti tahate lülitada lipukese %1 kõigi praeguses vaates olevate sõnumite jaoks?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail et Kas te tõesti tahate lülitada lipukese %1 kõigi praeguses vaates olevate sõnumite jaoks?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail et Kas te tõesti tahate lülitada märgistuse %1 kõigi sõnumite jaoks praeguses vaates?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail et Kas te tõesti tahate lülitada märgistuse %1 kõigi sõnumite jaoks praeguses vaates?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail et Kas soovite, et enne valitud sõnumite lisamist uuele e-kirjale küsitaks kinnitust?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail et Kas soovite, et enne valitud sõnumite lisamist uuele e-kirjale küsitaks kinnitust?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail et Kas soovite, et enne valitud sõnumite teisaldamist teise kausta küsitakse kinnitust?
does not contain mail et ei sisalda
does not contain mail et ei sisalda
don't use sent mail et Ära kasuta Sent
don't use sent mail et Ära kasuta Sent
don't use trash mail et Ära kasuta Trash
don't use trash mail et Ära kasuta Trash
@ -136,6 +138,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail et Töö
job mail et Töö
junk mail et Junk
junk mail et Junk
junk folder mail et Junkkaust
junk folder mail et Junkkaust
keep a copy mail et Säilitada koopia
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail et Hoidke sõnumi koopia oma postkastis
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail et Hoidke sõnumi koopia oma postkastis
kilobytes mail et kilobaidid
kilobytes mail et kilobaidid
later mail et Hiljem
later mail et Hiljem
@ -278,6 +281,7 @@ to do mail et Teha
toggled on actions mail et Tegevuste sisselülitamine
toggled on actions mail et Tegevuste sisselülitamine
trash mail et Prügikasti
trash mail et Prügikasti
trash folder mail et Prügikasti kaust
trash folder mail et Prügikasti kaust
unconditional mail et Alati
unread mail et lugematta
unread mail et lugematta
write mail et Kirjuta
write mail et Kirjuta
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail et Saate valida, millist teavet kuvatakse e-posti sildil.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail et Saate valida, millist teavet kuvatakse e-posti sildil.
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ condition mail fi Ehdot
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail fi Määritetyt arvot asetetaan automaattisesti laatimisvalintaikkunassa arvostetulle kentälle, kun laadit uutta sähköpostia.
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail fi Määritetyt arvot asetetaan automaattisesti laatimisvalintaikkunassa arvostetulle kentälle, kun laadit uutta sähköpostia.
contact label mail fi Yhteystieto etiketti
contact label mail fi Yhteystieto etiketti
contains mail fi Sisältää
contains mail fi Sisältää
continue mail fi Jatka
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail fi Muunna sähköposti kohteeksi ja liitä sen liitteet tähän kohteeseen (vakio)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail fi Muunna sähköposti kohteeksi ja liitä sen liitteet tähän kohteeseen (vakio)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail fi Muunna sähköpostiviesti kohteeksi, liitä sen liitteet ja lisää raakaviesti (.eml) liitetiedostoksi
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail fi Muunna sähköpostiviesti kohteeksi, liitä sen liitteet ja lisää raakaviesti (.eml) liitetiedostoksi
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail fi Muunna vain sähköposti kohteeksi (jätä mahdolliset liitteet huomiotta)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail fi Muunna vain sähköposti kohteeksi (jätä mahdolliset liitteet huomiotta)
@ -178,6 +179,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail fi Työ
job mail fi Työ
junk mail fi Roskaposti
junk mail fi Roskaposti
junk folder mail fi Roskapostikansio
junk folder mail fi Roskapostikansio
keep a copy mail fi Säilytä kopio
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail fi Pidä kopio viestistä Inboxissa
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail fi Pidä kopio viestistä Inboxissa
kilobytes mail fi Kilotavu(a)
kilobytes mail fi Kilotavu(a)
later mail fi Jälkeen
later mail fi Jälkeen
@ -363,6 +365,7 @@ to do mail fi Toimi näin
toggled on actions mail fi Kytketty päälle toiminnot
toggled on actions mail fi Kytketty päälle toiminnot
trash mail fi Roskakori
trash mail fi Roskakori
trash folder mail fi Roskakori-kansio
trash folder mail fi Roskakori-kansio
unconditional mail fi Aina
unflagged mail fi Tunnukseton
unflagged mail fi Tunnukseton
unread mail fi Lukematon
unread mail fi Lukematon
vacation notice mail fi Lomavastaaja
vacation notice mail fi Lomavastaaja
@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ connection status mail fr Statut de la connexion
contact label mail fr Etiquette de contact
contact label mail fr Etiquette de contact
contains mail fr contient
contains mail fr contient
contains(*) mail fr Contient(*)
contains(*) mail fr Contient(*)
continue mail fr Continuer
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail fr Convertir le message en item et y attacher ses pièces jointes
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail fr Convertir le message en item et y attacher ses pièces jointes
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail fr Convertir le mesasge en item, attacher ses pièces jointes et ajouter le message brut (message/rfc822 (.eml)) en tant que pièce jointe
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail fr Convertir le mesasge en item, attacher ses pièces jointes et ajouter le message brut (message/rfc822 (.eml)) en tant que pièce jointe
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail fr ne convertir que le message en élément (ignorer les éventuelles pièces jointes)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail fr ne convertir que le message en élément (ignorer les éventuelles pièces jointes)
@ -322,6 +323,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail fr Travail
job mail fr Travail
junk mail fr Indésirables
junk mail fr Indésirables
junk folder mail fr Dossier des indésirables
junk folder mail fr Dossier des indésirables
keep a copy mail fr Garder une copie
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail fr Garder une copie du message dans votre boite de réception
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail fr Garder une copie du message dans votre boite de réception
kilobytes mail fr kilo-octets
kilobytes mail fr kilo-octets
later mail fr Plus tard
later mail fr Plus tard
@ -648,6 +650,7 @@ trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will se
trying to recover from session data mail fr Essai de récupération des données de session
trying to recover from session data mail fr Essai de récupération des données de session
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail fr Désactiver la ligne horizontale entre la signature et le message composé (ce n'est pas conforme à la RFC).<br>Si vous utilisez des modèles, cette option ne s'applique qu'à la partie texte du message.
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail fr Désactiver la ligne horizontale entre la signature et le message composé (ce n'est pas conforme à la RFC).<br>Si vous utilisez des modèles, cette option ne s'applique qu'à la partie texte du message.
unable to fetch vacation! mail fr Impossible de rechercher le message d'absense !
unable to fetch vacation! mail fr Impossible de rechercher le message d'absense !
unconditional mail fr Toujours
undelete mail fr Restaurer
undelete mail fr Restaurer
unflagged mail fr Non-marqué
unflagged mail fr Non-marqué
unread mail fr Non-lu
unread mail fr Non-lu
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ condition mail hu Feltétel
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail hu A beállított értékek automatikusan beállítódnak a kompozíció párbeszédpanelen az adott mezőhöz, amikor új e-mailt állít össze.
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail hu A beállított értékek automatikusan beállítódnak a kompozíció párbeszédpanelen az adott mezőhöz, amikor új e-mailt állít össze.
contact label mail hu Kapcsolat címke
contact label mail hu Kapcsolat címke
contains mail hu tartalmaz
contains mail hu tartalmaz
continue mail hu Folytassa
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail hu E-mail elemmé alakítása és a mellékletek csatolása ehhez az elemhez (standard)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail hu E-mail elemmé alakítása és a mellékletek csatolása ehhez az elemhez (standard)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail hu E-mail átalakítása elemmé, csatolmányainak csatolása és nyers üzenet (.eml) csatolmányként történő hozzáadása
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail hu E-mail átalakítása elemmé, csatolmányainak csatolása és nyers üzenet (.eml) csatolmányként történő hozzáadása
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail hu Csak az e-mailt alakítja át elemmé (figyelmen kívül hagyva az esetleges mellékleteket)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail hu Csak az e-mailt alakítja át elemmé (figyelmen kívül hagyva az esetleges mellékleteket)
@ -172,6 +173,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail hu Munka
job mail hu Munka
junk mail hu Szemét
junk mail hu Szemét
junk folder mail hu Szemét mappa
junk folder mail hu Szemét mappa
keep a copy mail hu Megtartani egy másolatot
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail hu Másolat megőrzése a Bejövő postafiókban
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail hu Másolat megőrzése a Bejövő postafiókban
kilobytes mail hu kilobájt
kilobytes mail hu kilobájt
later mail hu Később
later mail hu Később
@ -352,6 +354,7 @@ to do mail hu Tenni
toggled on actions mail hu Bekapcsolt műveletek
toggled on actions mail hu Bekapcsolt műveletek
trash mail hu Szemét
trash mail hu Szemét
trash folder mail hu Szemét mappa
trash folder mail hu Szemét mappa
unconditional mail hu Mindig
unflagged mail hu Jelöletlen
unflagged mail hu Jelöletlen
unread mail hu Olvasatlan
unread mail hu Olvasatlan
vacation notice mail hu Szabadság értesítés
vacation notice mail hu Szabadság értesítés
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ condition mail id kondisi
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail id Nilai yang dikonfigurasi akan diatur secara otomatis pada dialog penulisan untuk bidang yang dihormati saat membuat email baru.
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail id Nilai yang dikonfigurasi akan diatur secara otomatis pada dialog penulisan untuk bidang yang dihormati saat membuat email baru.
contact label mail id Label kontak
contact label mail id Label kontak
contains mail id mengandung
contains mail id mengandung
continue mail id Lanjutkan
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail id Mengonversi email menjadi item dan melampirkan lampirannya ke item ini (standar)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail id Mengonversi email menjadi item dan melampirkan lampirannya ke item ini (standar)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail id Mengonversi email menjadi item, melampirkan lampirannya dan menambahkan pesan mentah (.eml) sebagai lampiran
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail id Mengonversi email menjadi item, melampirkan lampirannya dan menambahkan pesan mentah (.eml) sebagai lampiran
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail id Hanya mengonversi email ke item (abaikan kemungkinan lampiran)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail id Hanya mengonversi email ke item (abaikan kemungkinan lampiran)
@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ discard message mail id buang pesan
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail id Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin mengganti bendera %1 untuk SEMUA pesan di tampilan saat ini?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail id Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin mengganti bendera %1 untuk SEMUA pesan di tampilan saat ini?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail id Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin mengganti label %1 untuk SEMUA pesan di tampilan saat ini?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail id Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin mengganti label %1 untuk SEMUA pesan di tampilan saat ini?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail id Apakah Anda ingin dimintai konfirmasi sebelum melampirkan pesan yang dipilih ke email baru?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail id Apakah Anda ingin dimintai konfirmasi sebelum melampirkan pesan yang dipilih ke email baru?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail id Apakah Anda ingin dimintai konfirmasi sebelum memindahkan pesan yang dipilih ke folder lain?
draft folder mail id Folder Konsep
draft folder mail id Folder Konsep
drafts mail id Draf
drafts mail id Draf
edit account mail id Edit akoun
edit account mail id Edit akoun
@ -142,6 +144,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail id Bekerja
job mail id Bekerja
junk mail id Sampah
junk mail id Sampah
junk folder mail id Folder sampah
junk folder mail id Folder sampah
keep a copy mail id Menyimpan salinan
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail id Menyimpan salinan pesan di kotak masuk Anda
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail id Menyimpan salinan pesan di kotak masuk Anda
kilobytes mail id kilobyte
kilobytes mail id kilobyte
later mail id Later
later mail id Later
@ -306,6 +309,7 @@ to do mail id Melakukan
toggled on actions mail id Mengaktifkan tindakan
toggled on actions mail id Mengaktifkan tindakan
trash mail id Trash
trash mail id Trash
trash folder mail id Trash Folder
trash folder mail id Trash Folder
unconditional mail id Selalu
unflagged mail id Tak ditandai
unflagged mail id Tak ditandai
unread mail id Tak dibaca
unread mail id Tak dibaca
vacation notice mail id Pemberitahuan liburan
vacation notice mail id Pemberitahuan liburan
@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ connection status mail it Stato della connessione
contact label mail it Etichetta di contatto
contact label mail it Etichetta di contatto
contains mail it contiene
contains mail it contiene
contains(*) mail it Contiene(*)
contains(*) mail it Contiene(*)
continue mail it Continua
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail it Converti il messaggio email in elemento e allega i suoi allegati a questo elemento (standard)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail it Converti il messaggio email in elemento e allega i suoi allegati a questo elemento (standard)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail it Converti il messaggio email in elemento e allega i suoi allegati e aggiungi un messaggio "raw" (messaggio/rfc822 (.eml)) come allegato
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail it Converti il messaggio email in elemento e allega i suoi allegati e aggiungi un messaggio "raw" (messaggio/rfc822 (.eml)) come allegato
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail it Converti solo Mail a elemento (ignora gli allegati)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail it Converti solo Mail a elemento (ignora gli allegati)
@ -322,6 +323,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail it Compito
job mail it Compito
junk mail it Spazzatura
junk mail it Spazzatura
junk folder mail it Cartella mail spazzatura
junk folder mail it Cartella mail spazzatura
keep a copy mail it Conserva una copia
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail it Mantieni una copia del messaggio nella posta in arrivo
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail it Mantieni una copia del messaggio nella posta in arrivo
kilobytes mail it kilobyte
kilobytes mail it kilobyte
later mail it Più tardi
later mail it Più tardi
@ -648,6 +650,7 @@ trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will se
trying to recover from session data mail it Prova di recupero dai dati di sessione
trying to recover from session data mail it Prova di recupero dai dati di sessione
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail it Rimuovi la linea orizzontale fra firma e messaggio in composizione (in discaccordo con RFC). <br> Se usi i template, questa opzione verrà applicata solo sulla parte testuale del messaggio.
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail it Rimuovi la linea orizzontale fra firma e messaggio in composizione (in discaccordo con RFC). <br> Se usi i template, questa opzione verrà applicata solo sulla parte testuale del messaggio.
unable to fetch vacation! mail it Impossibile trovare l'autorisponditore delle ferie!
unable to fetch vacation! mail it Impossibile trovare l'autorisponditore delle ferie!
unconditional mail it Sempre
undelete mail it Annulla eliminazione
undelete mail it Annulla eliminazione
unflagged mail it Senza flag
unflagged mail it Senza flag
unread mail it da leggere
unread mail it da leggere
@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ connection status mail ja 接続状態
contact label mail ja 連絡先ラベル
contact label mail ja 連絡先ラベル
contains mail ja 含む
contains mail ja 含む
contains(*) mail ja 含む(*)
contains(*) mail ja 含む(*)
continue mail ja 続ける
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail ja メール本文と添付ファイルを保存(標準)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail ja メール本文と添付ファイルを保存(標準)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail ja メール本文、添付ファイル、およびRFC822 (.eml)形式のメール・ソースを保存
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail ja メール本文、添付ファイル、およびRFC822 (.eml)形式のメール・ソースを保存
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail ja メール本文を保存(添付ファイルを無視)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail ja メール本文を保存(添付ファイルを無視)
@ -322,6 +323,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail ja 作業
job mail ja 作業
junk mail ja ジャンク
junk mail ja ジャンク
junk folder mail ja ジャンク・フォルダ
junk folder mail ja ジャンク・フォルダ
keep a copy mail ja コピーを残す
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail ja インボックスのメッセージのコピーを保持
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail ja インボックスのメッセージのコピーを保持
kilobytes mail ja kB
kilobytes mail ja kB
later mail ja 後で
later mail ja 後で
@ -648,6 +650,7 @@ trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will se
trying to recover from session data mail ja セッション・データから復旧を試行中
trying to recover from session data mail ja セッション・データから復旧を試行中
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail ja 署名と本文の間の線を非表示にします(RFC非推奨)。<br>テンプレートを使用する場合、この設定は本文だけに適用されます。
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail ja 署名と本文の間の線を非表示にします(RFC非推奨)。<br>テンプレートを使用する場合、この設定は本文だけに適用されます。
unable to fetch vacation! mail ja 不在案内を取得できません!
unable to fetch vacation! mail ja 不在案内を取得できません!
unconditional mail ja 常に
undelete mail ja 消去を取り消す
undelete mail ja 消去を取り消す
unflagged mail ja フラグを外す
unflagged mail ja フラグを外す
unread mail ja 未読
unread mail ja 未読
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ check to save as infolog on send mail ko 전송 후 인포로그로 만들려면
check to save as tracker entry on send mail ko 전송 후 티켓으로 만들려면 확인 버튼 선택
check to save as tracker entry on send mail ko 전송 후 티켓으로 만들려면 확인 버튼 선택
checking admin credentials failed mail ko 관리자 자격 증명 확인에 실패했습니다.
checking admin credentials failed mail ko 관리자 자격 증명 확인에 실패했습니다.
contact label mail ko 연락처 레이블
contact label mail ko 연락처 레이블
continue mail ko 계속
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail ko 이메일을 항목으로 변환하고 첨부 파일을 이 항목에 첨부하기(표준)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail ko 이메일을 항목으로 변환하고 첨부 파일을 이 항목에 첨부하기(표준)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail ko 이메일을 항목으로 변환하고 첨부 파일을 첨부하며 원시 메시지(.eml)를 첨부 파일로 추가합니다.
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail ko 이메일을 항목으로 변환하고 첨부 파일을 첨부하며 원시 메시지(.eml)를 첨부 파일로 추가합니다.
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail ko 이메일만 항목으로 변환(가능한 첨부 파일 무시)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail ko 이메일만 항목으로 변환(가능한 첨부 파일 무시)
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ deleted mail ko 삭제됨
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail ko 현재 보기의 모든 메시지에 대해 %1 플래그를 전환하시겠습니까?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail ko 현재 보기의 모든 메시지에 대해 %1 플래그를 전환하시겠습니까?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail ko 현재 보기의 모든 메시지에 대해 %1 레이블을 전환하시겠습니까?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail ko 현재 보기의 모든 메시지에 대해 %1 레이블을 전환하시겠습니까?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail ko 선택한 메시지를 새 전자 메일에 첨부하기 전에 확인 메시지를 표시하시겠습니까?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail ko 선택한 메시지를 새 전자 메일에 첨부하기 전에 확인 메시지를 표시하시겠습니까?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail ko 선택한 메시지를 다른 폴더로 옮기기 전에 확인 메시지를 표시하시겠습니까?
edit account mail ko 계정 편집
edit account mail ko 계정 편집
email address mail ko 이메일 주소
email address mail ko 이메일 주소
emailaddress admin ko 이메일 주소
emailaddress admin ko 이메일 주소
@ -92,6 +94,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail ko 작업
job mail ko 작업
junk mail ko 정크
junk mail ko 정크
junk folder mail ko 정크 폴더
junk folder mail ko 정크 폴더
keep a copy mail ko 사본 보관
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail ko 받은 편지함에 메시지 사본을 보관합니다
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail ko 받은 편지함에 메시지 사본을 보관합니다
kilobytes mail ko 킬로바이트
kilobytes mail ko 킬로바이트
later mail ko 나중에
later mail ko 나중에
@ -200,6 +203,7 @@ to do mail ko 할 일
toggled on actions mail ko 동작 토글
toggled on actions mail ko 동작 토글
trash mail ko 휴지통
trash mail ko 휴지통
trash folder mail ko 휴지통 폴더
trash folder mail ko 휴지통 폴더
unconditional mail ko 항상
write mail ko 쓰기
write mail ko 쓰기
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail ko 이메일 태그에 표시할 정보를 선택할 수 있습니다.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail ko 이메일 태그에 표시할 정보를 선택할 수 있습니다.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail ko 위의 시작 날짜는 $$start$$로, 종료 날짜는 $$end$$로 사용할 수 있습니다.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail ko 위의 시작 날짜는 $$start$$로, 종료 날짜는 $$end$$로 사용할 수 있습니다.
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ check to save as tracker entry on send mail lt Pažymėkite mygtuką, jei norite
checking admin credentials failed mail lt Nepavyko patikrinti administratoriaus įgaliojimų
checking admin credentials failed mail lt Nepavyko patikrinti administratoriaus įgaliojimų
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail lt Nustatytos reikšmės bus automatiškai nustatytos komponavimo dialogo lange gerbiamam laukui, kai kuriamas naujas el. laiškas.
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail lt Nustatytos reikšmės bus automatiškai nustatytos komponavimo dialogo lange gerbiamam laukui, kai kuriamas naujas el. laiškas.
contact label mail lt Kontaktų etiketė
contact label mail lt Kontaktų etiketė
continue mail lt Tęsti
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail lt Konvertuoti el. laišką į elementą ir pridėti jo priedus prie šio elemento (standartinis)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail lt Konvertuoti el. laišką į elementą ir pridėti jo priedus prie šio elemento (standartinis)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail lt Konvertuoti el. laišką į elementą, pridėti jo priedus ir pridėti neapdorotą pranešimą (.eml) kaip priedą
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail lt Konvertuoti el. laišką į elementą, pridėti jo priedus ir pridėti neapdorotą pranešimą (.eml) kaip priedą
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail lt Konvertuoti tik el. laišką į elementą (ignoruoti galimus priedus)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail lt Konvertuoti tik el. laišką į elementą (ignoruoti galimus priedus)
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ disable caching of flags mail lt Išjungti vėliavų spartinimą
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail lt Ar tikrai norite perjungti žymę %1 VISIEMS dabartiniame rodinyje esantiems laiškams?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail lt Ar tikrai norite perjungti žymę %1 VISIEMS dabartiniame rodinyje esantiems laiškams?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail lt Ar tikrai norite perjungti žymę %1 VISIEMS dabartiniame rodinyje esantiems pranešimams?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail lt Ar tikrai norite perjungti žymę %1 VISIEMS dabartiniame rodinyje esantiems pranešimams?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail lt Ar norite, kad prieš prisegant pasirinktus pranešimus prie naujo el. pašto būtų prašoma patvirtinimo?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail lt Ar norite, kad prieš prisegant pasirinktus pranešimus prie naujo el. pašto būtų prašoma patvirtinimo?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail lt Ar norite, kad prieš perkeliant pasirinktus laiškus į kitą aplanką būtų prašoma patvirtinimo?
email address mail lt El. pašto adresas
email address mail lt El. pašto adresas
emailaddress admin lt El. pašto adresas
emailaddress admin lt El. pašto adresas
emailadmin: profilemanagement mail lt eMailAdmin: Profilio valdymas
emailadmin: profilemanagement mail lt eMailAdmin: Profilio valdymas
@ -101,6 +103,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail lt Darbas
job mail lt Darbas
junk mail lt Šiukšlių
junk mail lt Šiukšlių
junk folder mail lt Šiukšlių aplankas
junk folder mail lt Šiukšlių aplankas
keep a copy mail lt Pasilikti kopiją
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail lt Laikykite žinutės kopiją gautųjų laiškų dėžutėje
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail lt Laikykite žinutės kopiją gautųjų laiškų dėžutėje
kilobytes mail lt kilobaitai
kilobytes mail lt kilobaitai
later mail lt Vėliau
later mail lt Vėliau
@ -235,6 +238,7 @@ to do mail lt Atlikti
toggled on actions mail lt Perjungti veiksmus
toggled on actions mail lt Perjungti veiksmus
trash mail lt Šiukšliadėžė
trash mail lt Šiukšliadėžė
trash folder mail lt Aplankas šiukšliadėžė
trash folder mail lt Aplankas šiukšliadėžė
unconditional mail lt Visada
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail lt Galite pasirinkti, kokia informacija bus rodoma el. pašto žymoje.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail lt Galite pasirinkti, kokia informacija bus rodoma el. pašto žymoje.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail lt Pirmiau nurodytai pradžios datai galite naudoti $$start$$, o pabaigos datai - $$end$$.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail lt Pirmiau nurodytai pradžios datai galite naudoti $$start$$, o pabaigos datai - $$end$$.
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail lt Šį sertifikatą galite įtraukti į savo kontaktą, jei pasitikite šiuo parašu.
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail lt Šį sertifikatą galite įtraukti į savo kontaktą, jei pasitikite šiuo parašu.
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ compress folder mail lv Kompresēt mapi
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail lv Konfigurētās vērtības tiks automātiski iestatītas sastādīšanas dialoglodziņā respektējamajam laukam, sastādot jaunu e-pastu.
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail lv Konfigurētās vērtības tiks automātiski iestatītas sastādīšanas dialoglodziņā respektējamajam laukam, sastādot jaunu e-pastu.
contact label mail lv Kontakta etiķete
contact label mail lv Kontakta etiķete
contains mail lv satur
contains mail lv satur
continue mail lv Turpināt
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail lv Konvertēt e-pastu uz elementu un pievienot tā pielikumus šim elementam (standarta)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail lv Konvertēt e-pastu uz elementu un pievienot tā pielikumus šim elementam (standarta)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail lv Konvertēt e-pastu vienībā, pievienot tā pielikumus un pievienot neapstrādātu ziņojumu (.eml) kā pielikumu
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail lv Konvertēt e-pastu vienībā, pievienot tā pielikumus un pievienot neapstrādātu ziņojumu (.eml) kā pielikumu
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail lv Konvertēt tikai e-pastu vienumam (neņemot vērā iespējamos pielikumus).
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail lv Konvertēt tikai e-pastu vienumam (neņemot vērā iespējamos pielikumus).
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ display only when no plain text is available mail lv Parādīt tikai tad, kad pi
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail lv Vai tiešām vēlaties pārslēgt %1 karodziņu VISIEM pašreizējā skatā esošajiem ziņojumiem?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail lv Vai tiešām vēlaties pārslēgt %1 karodziņu VISIEM pašreizējā skatā esošajiem ziņojumiem?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail lv Vai jūs patiešām vēlaties pārslēgt atzīmi %1 VISIEM ziņojumiem pašreizējā skatā?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail lv Vai jūs patiešām vēlaties pārslēgt atzīmi %1 VISIEM ziņojumiem pašreizējā skatā?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail lv Vai vēlaties, lai pirms atlasīto ziņojumu pievienošanas jaunam e-pastam tiktu pieprasīts apstiprinājums?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail lv Vai vēlaties, lai pirms atlasīto ziņojumu pievienošanas jaunam e-pastam tiktu pieprasīts apstiprinājums?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail lv Vai vēlaties, lai pirms atlasīto ziņojumu pārvietošanas uz citu mapi jums tiek prasīts apstiprinājums?
does not contain mail lv nesatur
does not contain mail lv nesatur
does not match mail lv neatbilst
does not match mail lv neatbilst
don't use sent mail lv Nelieto nosūtīts
don't use sent mail lv Nelieto nosūtīts
@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail lv Darbs
job mail lv Darbs
junk mail lv Junk
junk mail lv Junk
junk folder mail lv Surogātpasta mape
junk folder mail lv Surogātpasta mape
keep a copy mail lv Saglabāt kopiju
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail lv saglabājiet ziņojuma kopiju savā iesūtnē
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail lv saglabājiet ziņojuma kopiju savā iesūtnē
kilobytes mail lv kb
kilobytes mail lv kb
later mail lv Vēlāk
later mail lv Vēlāk
@ -279,6 +282,7 @@ to do mail lv Darīt
toggled on actions mail lv Pārslēgt uz darbībām
toggled on actions mail lv Pārslēgt uz darbībām
trash mail lv Izmest atkritumus
trash mail lv Izmest atkritumus
trash folder mail lv Atkritumu mape
trash folder mail lv Atkritumu mape
unconditional mail lv Vienmēr
unread mail lv Nelasīts
unread mail lv Nelasīts
vacation notice mail lv Norāde par atrašanos atvaļinājumā
vacation notice mail lv Norāde par atrašanos atvaļinājumā
when deleting messages mail lv Kad dzēš vēstules
when deleting messages mail lv Kad dzēš vēstules
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ connection status mail nl Status van de verbinding
contact label mail nl Label contact
contact label mail nl Label contact
contains mail nl bevat
contains mail nl bevat
contains(*) mail nl Bevat (*)
contains(*) mail nl Bevat (*)
continue mail nl Doorgaan
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail nl Converteer Bericht naar bestand en voeg de bijlagen aan dit bestand toe (Standaard)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail nl Converteer Bericht naar bestand en voeg de bijlagen aan dit bestand toe (Standaard)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail nl Converteer bericht naar bestand, voeg de bijlagen toe en voeg dit bericht (.eml) toe als bijlage
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail nl Converteer bericht naar bestand, voeg de bijlagen toe en voeg dit bericht (.eml) toe als bijlage
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail nl Converteer alleen Bericht naar een item (laat mogelijke bijlagen buiten beschouwing)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail nl Converteer alleen Bericht naar een item (laat mogelijke bijlagen buiten beschouwing)
@ -302,6 +303,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail nl Taak
job mail nl Taak
junk mail nl Junk
junk mail nl Junk
junk folder mail nl Junk map
junk folder mail nl Junk map
keep a copy mail nl Een kopie bewaren
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail nl Bewaar een kopie van het bericht in uw inbox
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail nl Bewaar een kopie van het bericht in uw inbox
kilobytes mail nl kilobytes
kilobytes mail nl kilobytes
later mail nl Later
later mail nl Later
@ -594,6 +596,7 @@ trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will se
trying to recover from session data mail nl Probeer vanaf sessie data te herstellen.
trying to recover from session data mail nl Probeer vanaf sessie data te herstellen.
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail nl Zet de horizontale liniaal uit tussen de handtekening en het geschreven bericht (Dit is niet volgens RFC).<br>Als u sjablonen gebruikt, is deze optie alleen van toepassing op het gedeelte van de tekst van het bericht.
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail nl Zet de horizontale liniaal uit tussen de handtekening en het geschreven bericht (Dit is niet volgens RFC).<br>Als u sjablonen gebruikt, is deze optie alleen van toepassing op het gedeelte van de tekst van het bericht.
unable to fetch vacation! mail nl Niet mogelijk afwezigheidsbericht te tonen!
unable to fetch vacation! mail nl Niet mogelijk afwezigheidsbericht te tonen!
unconditional mail nl Altijd
undelete mail nl Verwijderen ongedaan maken
undelete mail nl Verwijderen ongedaan maken
unflagged mail nl Niet gemarkeerd
unflagged mail nl Niet gemarkeerd
unread mail nl ongelezen
unread mail nl ongelezen
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ compose mail no Ny melding
compress folder mail no Komprimer mappe
compress folder mail no Komprimer mappe
contact label mail no Kontaktetikett
contact label mail no Kontaktetikett
contains mail no inneholder
contains mail no inneholder
continue mail no Fortsett
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail no Konverter e-post til element og legg ved vedleggene til dette elementet (standard)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail no Konverter e-post til element og legg ved vedleggene til dette elementet (standard)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail no Konverter e-post til element, legg ved vedleggene og legg til råmelding (.eml) som vedlegg
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail no Konverter e-post til element, legg ved vedleggene og legg til råmelding (.eml) som vedlegg
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail no Konverter kun e-post til sak (ignorer eventuelle vedlegg)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail no Konverter kun e-post til sak (ignorer eventuelle vedlegg)
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ display only when no plain text is available mail no Vis bare når ingen normal
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail no Vil du virkelig veksle mellom flagget %1 for ALLE meldinger i gjeldende visning?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail no Vil du virkelig veksle mellom flagget %1 for ALLE meldinger i gjeldende visning?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail no Vil du virkelig veksle mellom etiketten %1 for ALLE meldinger i gjeldende visning?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail no Vil du virkelig veksle mellom etiketten %1 for ALLE meldinger i gjeldende visning?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail no Vil du bli bedt om bekreftelse før du legger ved valgte meldinger i en ny e-post?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail no Vil du bli bedt om bekreftelse før du legger ved valgte meldinger i en ny e-post?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail no Ønsker du å bli bedt om bekreftelse før du flytter valgte meldinger til en annen mappe?
does not contain mail no inneholder ikke
does not contain mail no inneholder ikke
does not match mail no stemmer ikke
does not match mail no stemmer ikke
does not match regexp mail no stemmer ikke med regexp
does not match regexp mail no stemmer ikke med regexp
@ -128,6 +130,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail no Arbeid
job mail no Arbeid
junk mail no Søppelpost
junk mail no Søppelpost
junk folder mail no søppelpost mappe
junk folder mail no søppelpost mappe
keep a copy mail no Behold en kopi
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail no behold en kopi av meldingen i din innboks
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail no behold en kopi av meldingen i din innboks
kilobytes mail no kilobytes
kilobytes mail no kilobytes
later mail no Senere
later mail no Senere
@ -251,6 +254,7 @@ toggled on actions mail no Vekslet på handlinger
trash mail no Papirkurv
trash mail no Papirkurv
trash folder mail no Søppelmappe
trash folder mail no Søppelmappe
trust servers seen / unseen info mail no Papirkurv-mappe
trust servers seen / unseen info mail no Papirkurv-mappe
unconditional mail no Alltid
unflagged mail no Avflagget
unflagged mail no Avflagget
unread mail no Ulest
unread mail no Ulest
vacation notice mail no Ferie melding
vacation notice mail no Ferie melding
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ condition mail pl Warunek
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail pl Skonfigurowane wartości zostaną ustawione automatycznie w oknie dialogowym kompilacji dla wybranego pola podczas tworzenia nowej wiadomości e-mail.
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail pl Skonfigurowane wartości zostaną ustawione automatycznie w oknie dialogowym kompilacji dla wybranego pola podczas tworzenia nowej wiadomości e-mail.
contact label mail pl Etykieta kontaktu
contact label mail pl Etykieta kontaktu
contains mail pl zawiera
contains mail pl zawiera
continue mail pl Fortsett
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail pl Konwertowanie wiadomości e-mail na element i dołączanie załączników do tego elementu (standard)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail pl Konwertowanie wiadomości e-mail na element i dołączanie załączników do tego elementu (standard)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail pl Konwersja wiadomości e-mail do elementu, dołączenie załączników i dodanie nieprzetworzonej wiadomości (.eml) jako załącznika
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail pl Konwersja wiadomości e-mail do elementu, dołączenie załączników i dodanie nieprzetworzonej wiadomości (.eml) jako załącznika
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail pl Konwertowanie tylko wiadomości e-mail do elementu (ignorowanie ewentualnych załączników)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail pl Konwertowanie tylko wiadomości e-mail do elementu (ignorowanie ewentualnych załączników)
@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail pl Służbowy
job mail pl Służbowy
junk mail pl Śmieci
junk mail pl Śmieci
junk folder mail pl Folder śmieci
junk folder mail pl Folder śmieci
keep a copy mail pl Behold en kopi
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail pl Zachowaj kopię wiadomości w folderze ODEBRANE
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail pl Zachowaj kopię wiadomości w folderze ODEBRANE
kilobytes mail pl kilobajtów
kilobytes mail pl kilobajtów
later mail pl Później
later mail pl Później
@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ to do mail pl Aby wykonać
toggled on actions mail pl Włączone akcje
toggled on actions mail pl Włączone akcje
trash mail pl Kosz
trash mail pl Kosz
trash folder mail pl Folder Kosza
trash folder mail pl Folder Kosza
unconditional mail pl Alltid
unflagged mail pl Nie oflagowano
unflagged mail pl Nie oflagowano
unread mail pl nieprzeczytane
unread mail pl nieprzeczytane
vacation notice mail pl Powiadomienie urlopowe
vacation notice mail pl Powiadomienie urlopowe
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ connection status mail pt-br Status da conexão
contact label mail pt-br Etiqueta de contato
contact label mail pt-br Etiqueta de contato
contains mail pt-br contém
contains mail pt-br contém
contains(*) mail pt-br Contém (*)
contains(*) mail pt-br Contém (*)
continue mail pt-br Continuar
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail pt-br Converter e-mail em item e anexar seus anexos a esse item (padrão)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail pt-br Converter e-mail em item e anexar seus anexos a esse item (padrão)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail pt-br Converter e-mail em item, anexar seus anexos e adicionar mensagem bruta (.eml) como anexo
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail pt-br Converter e-mail em item, anexar seus anexos e adicionar mensagem bruta (.eml) como anexo
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail pt-br Converter somente o e-mail em item (ignorar possíveis anexos)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail pt-br Converter somente o e-mail em item (ignorar possíveis anexos)
@ -249,6 +250,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail pt-br Trabalho
job mail pt-br Trabalho
junk mail pt-br Lixo
junk mail pt-br Lixo
junk folder mail pt-br Pasta de lixo
junk folder mail pt-br Pasta de lixo
keep a copy mail pt-br Manter uma cópia
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail pt-br Manter uma cópia da mensagem em sua caixa de entrada
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail pt-br Manter uma cópia da mensagem em sua caixa de entrada
kilobytes mail pt-br Kbytes
kilobytes mail pt-br Kbytes
later mail pt-br Depois
later mail pt-br Depois
@ -439,6 +441,7 @@ to do mail pt-br Como fazer
toggled on actions mail pt-br Ativado em ações
toggled on actions mail pt-br Ativado em ações
trash mail pt-br Lixeira
trash mail pt-br Lixeira
trash folder mail pt-br Pasta Lixeira
trash folder mail pt-br Pasta Lixeira
unconditional mail pt-br Sempre
unflagged mail pt-br Uessinalizado
unflagged mail pt-br Uessinalizado
unread mail pt-br Não lido
unread mail pt-br Não lido
vacation notice mail pt-br Notícia de ausência
vacation notice mail pt-br Notícia de ausência
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ connection status mail pt Status da conexão
contact label mail pt Etiqueta de contacto
contact label mail pt Etiqueta de contacto
contains mail pt Contém
contains mail pt Contém
contains(*) mail pt Contém (*)
contains(*) mail pt Contém (*)
continue mail pt Continuar
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail pt Converter o correio eletrónico num item e anexar os seus anexos a este item (padrão)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail pt Converter o correio eletrónico num item e anexar os seus anexos a este item (padrão)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail pt Converter o correio eletrónico em item, anexar os seus anexos e adicionar a mensagem em bruto (.eml) como anexo
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail pt Converter o correio eletrónico em item, anexar os seus anexos e adicionar a mensagem em bruto (.eml) como anexo
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail pt Converter apenas o correio eletrónico para o item (ignorar possíveis anexos)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail pt Converter apenas o correio eletrónico para o item (ignorar possíveis anexos)
@ -137,6 +138,7 @@ do you really want to remove all rights from this account? mail pt Pretende mesm
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail pt Pretende realmente alternar a bandeira %1 para TODAS as mensagens na vista atual?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail pt Pretende realmente alternar a bandeira %1 para TODAS as mensagens na vista atual?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail pt Pretende realmente alternar a etiqueta %1 para TODAS as mensagens na vista atual?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail pt Pretende realmente alternar a etiqueta %1 para TODAS as mensagens na vista atual?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail pt Pretende que lhe seja pedida uma confirmação antes de anexar as mensagens seleccionadas a uma nova mensagem de correio eletrónico?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail pt Pretende que lhe seja pedida uma confirmação antes de anexar as mensagens seleccionadas a uma nova mensagem de correio eletrónico?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail pt Pretende que lhe seja pedida uma confirmação antes de mover as mensagens selecionadas para outra pasta?
does not contain mail pt não contém
does not contain mail pt não contém
does not exist on imap server. mail pt não existe no servidor IMAP.
does not exist on imap server. mail pt não existe no servidor IMAP.
does not match mail pt não coincide
does not match mail pt não coincide
@ -276,6 +278,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail pt Trabalho
job mail pt Trabalho
junk mail pt Lixo
junk mail pt Lixo
junk folder mail pt Pasta de Lixo
junk folder mail pt Pasta de Lixo
keep a copy mail pt Manter uma cópia
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail pt Mantenha uma cópia da mensagem em sua caixa de entrada
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail pt Mantenha uma cópia da mensagem em sua caixa de entrada
kilobytes mail pt kilobytes
kilobytes mail pt kilobytes
later mail pt Lais tarde
later mail pt Lais tarde
@ -551,6 +554,7 @@ trash folder mail pt Pasta Lixo
trust servers seen / unseen info mail pt Servidores de confiança VISTO / info UNSEEN
trust servers seen / unseen info mail pt Servidores de confiança VISTO / info UNSEEN
trying to recover from session data mail pt Tentando recuperar de dados da sessão
trying to recover from session data mail pt Tentando recuperar de dados da sessão
unable to fetch vacation! mail pt Não foi possível buscar férias!
unable to fetch vacation! mail pt Não foi possível buscar férias!
unconditional mail pt Sempre
undelete mail pt Undelete
undelete mail pt Undelete
unflagged mail pt Unflagged
unflagged mail pt Unflagged
unread mail pt Não lida
unread mail pt Não lida
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ check to save as tracker entry on send mail ro Buton de selectare pentru a crea
checking admin credentials failed mail ro Verificarea acreditărilor de administrator a eșuat
checking admin credentials failed mail ro Verificarea acreditărilor de administrator a eșuat
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail ro Valorile configurate vor fi setate automat în dialogul de compunere pentru câmpul respectat atunci când se compune un nou e-mail.
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail ro Valorile configurate vor fi setate automat în dialogul de compunere pentru câmpul respectat atunci când se compune un nou e-mail.
contact label mail ro Etichetă de contact
contact label mail ro Etichetă de contact
continue mail ro Continuare
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail ro Conversia e-mailului în element și atașarea atașamentelor la acest element (standard)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail ro Conversia e-mailului în element și atașarea atașamentelor la acest element (standard)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail ro Conversia e-mailului în element, atașarea atașamentelor acestuia și adăugarea mesajului brut (.eml) ca atașament
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail ro Conversia e-mailului în element, atașarea atașamentelor acestuia și adăugarea mesajului brut (.eml) ca atașament
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail ro Convertește numai e-mailul în element (ignoră eventualele atașamente)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail ro Convertește numai e-mailul în element (ignoră eventualele atașamente)
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ disable caching of flags mail ro Dezactivarea memorării în cache a stegulețel
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail ro Chiar doriți să activați indicatorul %1 pentru TOATE mesajele din vizualizarea curentă?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail ro Chiar doriți să activați indicatorul %1 pentru TOATE mesajele din vizualizarea curentă?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail ro Chiar doriți să comutați eticheta %1 pentru TOATE mesajele din vizualizarea curentă?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail ro Chiar doriți să comutați eticheta %1 pentru TOATE mesajele din vizualizarea curentă?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail ro Doriți să vi se ceară confirmarea înainte de a atașa mesajele selectate la un nou e-mail?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail ro Doriți să vi se ceară confirmarea înainte de a atașa mesajele selectate la un nou e-mail?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail ro Doriți să vi se ceară confirmare înainte de a muta mesajele selectate într-un alt dosar?
email address mail ro Adresa de e-mail
email address mail ro Adresa de e-mail
emailaddress admin ro Adresa de e-mail
emailaddress admin ro Adresa de e-mail
emailadmin: profilemanagement mail ro eMailAdmin: Managementul profilurilor
emailadmin: profilemanagement mail ro eMailAdmin: Managementul profilurilor
@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail ro Lucru
job mail ro Lucru
junk mail ro Junk
junk mail ro Junk
junk folder mail ro Dosarul Junk
junk folder mail ro Dosarul Junk
keep a copy mail ro Păstrați o copie
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail ro Păstrați o copie a mesajului în căsuța de primire
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail ro Păstrați o copie a mesajului în căsuța de primire
kilobytes mail ro kilobiți
kilobytes mail ro kilobiți
later mail ro Mai târziu
later mail ro Mai târziu
@ -244,6 +247,7 @@ to do mail ro Pentru a face
toggled on actions mail ro Toggled on actions
toggled on actions mail ro Toggled on actions
trash mail ro Coș de gunoi
trash mail ro Coș de gunoi
trash folder mail ro Dosar coș de gunoi
trash folder mail ro Dosar coș de gunoi
unconditional mail ro Întotdeauna
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail ro Puteți selecta ce informații să fie afișate pe eticheta de e-mail.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail ro Puteți selecta ce informații să fie afișate pe eticheta de e-mail.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail ro Puteți folosi $$start$$ pentru data de început de mai sus și $$end$$$ pentru data de sfârșit.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail ro Puteți folosi $$start$$ pentru data de început de mai sus și $$end$$$ pentru data de sfârșit.
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail ro Puteți adăuga acest certificat în contactul dumneavoastră, dacă aveți încredere în această semnătură.
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail ro Puteți adăuga acest certificat în contactul dumneavoastră, dacă aveți încredere în această semnătură.
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ confirm move to folder mail ru Подтвердить перемещение в
connection status mail ru Статус соединения
connection status mail ru Статус соединения
contact label mail ru Метка контакта
contact label mail ru Метка контакта
contains mail ru Содержит
contains mail ru Содержит
continue mail ru Продолжить
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail ru Конвертировать сообщение как отдельное сообщение и прикрепить к этой части (стандартное)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail ru Конвертировать сообщение как отдельное сообщение и прикрепить к этой части (стандартное)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail ru конвертировать сообщение как отдельное сообщение,прикрепить и добавить raw message (.eml) как вложение
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail ru конвертировать сообщение как отдельное сообщение,прикрепить и добавить raw message (.eml) как вложение
copy to mail ru Копировать в
copy to mail ru Копировать в
@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail ru Работа
job mail ru Работа
junk mail ru Спам
junk mail ru Спам
junk folder mail ru Папка нежелательной почты
junk folder mail ru Папка нежелательной почты
keep a copy mail ru Сохранить копию
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail ru Хранить копию сообщений в вашей папке Входящие (inbox)
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail ru Хранить копию сообщений в вашей папке Входящие (inbox)
kilobytes mail ru Килобайт
kilobytes mail ru Килобайт
later mail ru Отложить
later mail ru Отложить
@ -421,6 +423,7 @@ trust servers seen / unseen info mail ru Доверять информации
trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will search for the unseen messages and count them ourselves mail ru Доверять информации серверов SEEN/UNSEEN при восстановлении состояния каталога. При выборе "Нет", происходит независимая инициализация поиска UNSEEN-сообщений и их анализ на предмет доверия соответствующим серверам.
trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will search for the unseen messages and count them ourselves mail ru Доверять информации серверов SEEN/UNSEEN при восстановлении состояния каталога. При выборе "Нет", происходит независимая инициализация поиска UNSEEN-сообщений и их анализ на предмет доверия соответствующим серверам.
trying to recover from session data mail ru Попытаться восстановить данные сессии
trying to recover from session data mail ru Попытаться восстановить данные сессии
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail ru Отключить вставку горизонтальной черты между текстом сообщения и подписью (не относится к RFC).<br>Если используются шаблоны, данная опция применяется только к создаваемой пользователем текстовой части сообщения.
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail ru Отключить вставку горизонтальной черты между текстом сообщения и подписью (не относится к RFC).<br>Если используются шаблоны, данная опция применяется только к создаваемой пользователем текстовой части сообщения.
unconditional mail ru Всегда
undelete mail ru Отменить удаление
undelete mail ru Отменить удаление
unflagged mail ru Не отмечено флажком
unflagged mail ru Не отмечено флажком
unread mail ru Не прочитано
unread mail ru Не прочитано
@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ connection status mail sk Stav pripojenia
contact label mail sk Štítok kontaktu
contact label mail sk Štítok kontaktu
contains mail sk obsahuje
contains mail sk obsahuje
contains(*) mail sk Obsahuje(*)
contains(*) mail sk Obsahuje(*)
continue mail sk Pokračovať
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail sk Konvertovať e-mail na položku, vrátane jeho príloh (štandard)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail sk Konvertovať e-mail na položku, vrátane jeho príloh (štandard)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail sk Konvertovať e-mail na položku, vrátane jeho príloh, a pripojiť aj zdrojový kód správy (.eml)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail sk Konvertovať e-mail na položku, vrátane jeho príloh, a pripojiť aj zdrojový kód správy (.eml)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail sk Konvertovať iba e-mail na položku (ignorovať prípadné prílohy)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail sk Konvertovať iba e-mail na položku (ignorovať prípadné prílohy)
@ -322,6 +323,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail sk Práca
job mail sk Práca
junk mail sk Spam
junk mail sk Spam
junk folder mail sk Priečinok Spam
junk folder mail sk Priečinok Spam
keep a copy mail sk Ponechať si kópiu
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail sk Ponechať kópiu správy v priečinku Doručenej pošty
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail sk Ponechať kópiu správy v priečinku Doručenej pošty
kilobytes mail sk kilobajtov
kilobytes mail sk kilobajtov
later mail sk Neskôr
later mail sk Neskôr
@ -648,6 +650,7 @@ trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will se
trying to recover from session data mail sk Pokušam sa obnoviť z údajov relácie
trying to recover from session data mail sk Pokušam sa obnoviť z údajov relácie
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail sk Vypnúť vodorovnú čiaru medzi podpisom a napísanou správou (toto nie je v súlade s RFC).<br>Ak používate šablóny, táto možnosť sa uplatní len na textovú časť správy.
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail sk Vypnúť vodorovnú čiaru medzi podpisom a napísanou správou (toto nie je v súlade s RFC).<br>Ak používate šablóny, táto možnosť sa uplatní len na textovú časť správy.
unable to fetch vacation! mail sk Nepodarilo sa zistiť údaje o neprítomnosti!
unable to fetch vacation! mail sk Nepodarilo sa zistiť údaje o neprítomnosti!
unconditional mail sk Vždy
undelete mail sk Obnoviť odstránené
undelete mail sk Obnoviť odstránené
unflagged mail sk Neoznačkovaná
unflagged mail sk Neoznačkovaná
unread mail sk neprečítané
unread mail sk neprečítané
@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ connection status mail sl Stanje povezave
contact label mail sl Oznaka za stike
contact label mail sl Oznaka za stike
contains mail sl Vsebuje
contains mail sl Vsebuje
contains(*) mail sl Vsebuje (*)
contains(*) mail sl Vsebuje (*)
continue mail sl Nadaljuj
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail sl Pretvorite pošto v element in priložite njene priloge temu elementu (standardni)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail sl Pretvorite pošto v element in priložite njene priloge temu elementu (standardni)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail sl Pretvorite Mail v postavko, priložite njene priloge in dodajte surovo sporočilo (.eml) kot prilogo
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail sl Pretvorite Mail v postavko, priložite njene priloge in dodajte surovo sporočilo (.eml) kot prilogo
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail sl Pretvorite samo pošto v postavko (prezrite morebitne priloge)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail sl Pretvorite samo pošto v postavko (prezrite morebitne priloge)
@ -322,6 +323,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail sl Delo
job mail sl Delo
junk mail sl Smeti
junk mail sl Smeti
junk folder mail sl Neželena mapa
junk folder mail sl Neželena mapa
keep a copy mail sl Ohrani kopijo
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail sl Obdrži kopijo sporočila v mapi Prejeto
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail sl Obdrži kopijo sporočila v mapi Prejeto
kilobytes mail sl Kilobajtov
kilobytes mail sl Kilobajtov
later mail sl Pozneje
later mail sl Pozneje
@ -648,6 +650,7 @@ trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will se
trying to recover from session data mail sl Poskus obnovitve iz podatkov o seji
trying to recover from session data mail sl Poskus obnovitve iz podatkov o seji
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail sl Izklopite vodoravno črto med podpisom in sestavljenim sporočilom (to ni v skladu z RFC).<br>Če uporabljate predloge, se ta možnost uporablja samo za besedilni del sporočila.
turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to rfc).<br>if you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message. mail sl Izklopite vodoravno črto med podpisom in sestavljenim sporočilom (to ni v skladu z RFC).<br>Če uporabljate predloge, se ta možnost uporablja samo za besedilni del sporočila.
unable to fetch vacation! mail sl Ni mogoče pridobiti počitnic!
unable to fetch vacation! mail sl Ni mogoče pridobiti počitnic!
unconditional mail sl Vedno
undelete mail sl Obnovi
undelete mail sl Obnovi
unflagged mail sl Brez zastavice
unflagged mail sl Brez zastavice
unread mail sl Neprebrano
unread mail sl Neprebrano
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected fiel
connect to profile %1 mail sv Anslut till profil %1
connect to profile %1 mail sv Anslut till profil %1
contact label mail sv Etikett för kontakt
contact label mail sv Etikett för kontakt
contains mail sv Innehåller
contains mail sv Innehåller
continue mail sv Fortsätt
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail sv Konvertera e-post till objekt och bifoga dess bilagor till detta objekt (standard)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail sv Konvertera e-post till objekt och bifoga dess bilagor till detta objekt (standard)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail sv Konvertera e-post till objekt, bifoga dess bilagor och lägg till råmeddelande (.eml) som bilaga
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail sv Konvertera e-post till objekt, bifoga dess bilagor och lägg till råmeddelande (.eml) som bilaga
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail sv Konvertera endast e-post till objekt (ignorera eventuella bilagor)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail sv Konvertera endast e-post till objekt (ignorera eventuella bilagor)
@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ do you really want to remove all labels from all messages in the current folder?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail sv Vill du verkligen växla flaggan %1 för ALLA meddelanden i den aktuella vyn?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail sv Vill du verkligen växla flaggan %1 för ALLA meddelanden i den aktuella vyn?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail sv Vill du verkligen växla etiketten %1 för ALLA meddelanden i den aktuella vyn?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail sv Vill du verkligen växla etiketten %1 för ALLA meddelanden i den aktuella vyn?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail sv Vill du bli ombedd att bekräfta innan du bifogar valda meddelanden till ett nytt e-postmeddelande?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail sv Vill du bli ombedd att bekräfta innan du bifogar valda meddelanden till ett nytt e-postmeddelande?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail sv Vill du bli ombedd att bekräfta innan du flyttar markerade meddelanden till en annan mapp?
does not contain mail sv Innehåller inte
does not contain mail sv Innehåller inte
does not match mail sv Matchar inte
does not match mail sv Matchar inte
does not match regexp mail sv Matchar inte regexp
does not match regexp mail sv Matchar inte regexp
@ -177,6 +179,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail sv Arbete
job mail sv Arbete
junk mail sv Skräppost
junk mail sv Skräppost
junk folder mail sv Mapp för skräppost
junk folder mail sv Mapp för skräppost
keep a copy mail sv Behåll en kopia
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail sv Spara en kopia av brev i din Inkorg
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail sv Spara en kopia av brev i din Inkorg
kilobytes mail sv Kb
kilobytes mail sv Kb
later mail sv Senare
later mail sv Senare
@ -362,6 +365,7 @@ to do mail sv Att göra
toggled on actions mail sv Kopplad till åtgärder
toggled on actions mail sv Kopplad till åtgärder
trash mail sv Papperskorg
trash mail sv Papperskorg
trash folder mail sv Borttaget
trash folder mail sv Borttaget
unconditional mail sv Alltid
unflagged mail sv Oflaggad
unflagged mail sv Oflaggad
unread mail sv Oläst
unread mail sv Oläst
vacation notice mail sv Frånvaro meddelande
vacation notice mail sv Frånvaro meddelande
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ check to save as tracker entry on send mail tr Gönderdikten sonra bilet olarak
checking admin credentials failed mail tr Yönetici kimlik bilgilerinin denetlenmesi başarısız oldu
checking admin credentials failed mail tr Yönetici kimlik bilgilerinin denetlenmesi başarısız oldu
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail tr Yapılandırılan değerler, yeni bir e-posta oluşturulurken saygı duyulan alan için oluşturma iletişim kutusunda otomatik olarak ayarlanacaktır.
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail tr Yapılandırılan değerler, yeni bir e-posta oluşturulurken saygı duyulan alan için oluşturma iletişim kutusunda otomatik olarak ayarlanacaktır.
contact label mail tr İletişim etiketi
contact label mail tr İletişim etiketi
continue mail tr Devam et
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail tr E-postayı öğeye dönüştürme ve eklerini bu öğeye ekleme (standart)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail tr E-postayı öğeye dönüştürme ve eklerini bu öğeye ekleme (standart)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail tr E-postayı öğeye dönüştürün, eklerini ekleyin ve ham mesajı (.eml) ek olarak ekleyin
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail tr E-postayı öğeye dönüştürün, eklerini ekleyin ve ham mesajı (.eml) ek olarak ekleyin
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail tr Yalnızca e-postayı öğeye dönüştürün (olası ekleri göz ardı edin)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail tr Yalnızca e-postayı öğeye dönüştürün (olası ekleri göz ardı edin)
@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ disable caching of flags mail tr Bayrakların önbelleğe alınmasını devre d
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail tr Geçerli görünümdeki TÜM iletiler için %1 etiketini gerçekten değiştirmek istiyor musunuz?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail tr Geçerli görünümdeki TÜM iletiler için %1 etiketini gerçekten değiştirmek istiyor musunuz?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail tr Geçerli görünümdeki TÜM iletiler için %1 etiketini gerçekten değiştirmek istiyor musunuz?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail tr Geçerli görünümdeki TÜM iletiler için %1 etiketini gerçekten değiştirmek istiyor musunuz?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail tr Seçilen iletileri yeni e-postaya eklemeden önce sizden onay istenmesini istiyor musunuz?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail tr Seçilen iletileri yeni e-postaya eklemeden önce sizden onay istenmesini istiyor musunuz?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail tr Seçili mesajları başka bir klasöre taşımadan önce sizden onay istenmesini istiyor musunuz?
edit account mail tr Hesap düzenle
edit account mail tr Hesap düzenle
email address mail tr E-posta adresi
email address mail tr E-posta adresi
emailaddress admin tr E-posta adresi
emailaddress admin tr E-posta adresi
@ -109,6 +111,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail tr İş
job mail tr İş
junk mail tr Hurda
junk mail tr Hurda
junk folder mail tr Önemsiz klasör
junk folder mail tr Önemsiz klasör
keep a copy mail tr Bir kopyasını saklayın
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail tr Mesajın bir kopyasını gelen kutunuzda saklayın
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail tr Mesajın bir kopyasını gelen kutunuzda saklayın
kilobytes mail tr kilobayt
kilobytes mail tr kilobayt
later mail tr Daha sonra
later mail tr Daha sonra
@ -265,6 +268,7 @@ to do mail tr Yapmak için
toggled on actions mail tr Eylemler üzerinde geçiş yapıldı
toggled on actions mail tr Eylemler üzerinde geçiş yapıldı
trash mail tr Çöp
trash mail tr Çöp
trash folder mail tr Çöp klasörü
trash folder mail tr Çöp klasörü
unconditional mail tr Her zaman
unsubscribe folder mail tr Klasör aboneliğini iptal et
unsubscribe folder mail tr Klasör aboneliğini iptal et
write mail tr Yaz
write mail tr Yaz
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail tr Yukarıdaki başlangıç tarihi için $$start$$ ve bitiş tarihi için $$end$$ kullanabilirsiniz.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail tr Yukarıdaki başlangıç tarihi için $$start$$ ve bitiş tarihi için $$end$$ kullanabilirsiniz.
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ check to save as tracker entry on send mail uk Поставити галочку
checking admin credentials failed mail uk Не вдалося перевірити облікові дані адміністратора
checking admin credentials failed mail uk Не вдалося перевірити облікові дані адміністратора
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail uk Налаштовані значення будуть автоматично встановлені в діалоговому вікні створення листа для відповідного поля при створенні нового листа.
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail uk Налаштовані значення будуть автоматично встановлені в діалоговому вікні створення листа для відповідного поля при створенні нового листа.
contact label mail uk Мітка контакту
contact label mail uk Мітка контакту
continue mail uk Продовжити
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail uk Конвертувати лист в імейл і прикріпити його вкладення до цього імейлу (стандартно)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail uk Конвертувати лист в імейл і прикріпити його вкладення до цього імейлу (стандартно)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail uk Конвертувати імейл в імейл, прикріпити його вкладення та додати сире повідомлення (.eml) як вкладення
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail uk Конвертувати імейл в імейл, прикріпити його вкладення та додати сире повідомлення (.eml) як вкладення
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail uk Конвертувати тільки імейл в елемент (ігнорувати можливі вкладення)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail uk Конвертувати тільки імейл в елемент (ігнорувати можливі вкладення)
@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ disable caching of flags mail uk Вимкнути кешування прапо
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail uk Ви дійсно хочете ввімкнути прапорець %1 для ВСІХ повідомлень у поточному поданні?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail uk Ви дійсно хочете ввімкнути прапорець %1 для ВСІХ повідомлень у поточному поданні?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail uk Ви дійсно хочете ввімкнути мітку %1 для ВСІХ повідомлень у поточному поданні?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail uk Ви дійсно хочете ввімкнути мітку %1 для ВСІХ повідомлень у поточному поданні?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail uk Ви хочете, щоб вас запитували про підтвердження, перш ніж прикріплювати вибрані повідомлення до нового листа?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail uk Ви хочете, щоб вас запитували про підтвердження, перш ніж прикріплювати вибрані повідомлення до нового листа?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail uk Ви хочете, щоб я запитував підтвердження перед переміщенням вибраних повідомлень до іншої папки?
edit account mail uk Редагувати рахунок
edit account mail uk Редагувати рахунок
email address mail uk Адреса електронної пошти
email address mail uk Адреса електронної пошти
emailaddress admin uk Адреса електронної пошти
emailaddress admin uk Адреса електронної пошти
@ -111,6 +113,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail uk Робота
job mail uk Робота
junk mail uk Видалення
junk mail uk Видалення
junk folder mail uk Тека " Видалення
junk folder mail uk Тека " Видалення
keep a copy mail uk Зберегти копію
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail uk зберігати копію повідомлення у папці "Вхідні
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail uk зберігати копію повідомлення у папці "Вхідні
kilobytes mail uk кілобайт
kilobytes mail uk кілобайт
later mail uk Пізніше
later mail uk Пізніше
@ -250,6 +253,7 @@ to do mail uk Щоб зробити
toggled on actions mail uk Увімкнені дії
toggled on actions mail uk Увімкнені дії
trash mail uk Смітник
trash mail uk Смітник
trash folder mail uk папка сміття
trash folder mail uk папка сміття
unconditional mail uk Завжди
write mail uk Записати
write mail uk Записати
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail uk Ви можете вибрати, яка інформація буде відображатися в тезі листа.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail uk Ви можете вибрати, яка інформація буде відображатися в тезі листа.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail uk Ви можете використовувати $$start$$ для вказаної вище дати початку і $$end$$ для дати завершення.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail uk Ви можете використовувати $$start$$ для вказаної вище дати початку і $$end$$ для дати завершення.
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ condition mail zh 条件
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail zh 在撰写新邮件时,配置的值将在撰写对话框中自动设置,用于尊重的领域。
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail zh 在撰写新邮件时,配置的值将在撰写对话框中自动设置,用于尊重的领域。
contact label mail zh 联系标签
contact label mail zh 联系标签
contains mail zh 包含
contains mail zh 包含
continue mail zh 继续
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail zh 将电子邮件转换为项目并将其附件附加到此项目(标准)
convert mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard) mail zh 将电子邮件转换为项目并将其附件附加到此项目(标准)
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail zh 将电子邮件转换为项目,附加其附件,并将原始邮件(.eml)添加为附件
convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment mail zh 将电子邮件转换为项目,附加其附件,并将原始邮件(.eml)添加为附件
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail zh 仅将电子邮件转换为项目(忽略可能的附件)
convert only mail to item (ignore possible attachments) mail zh 仅将电子邮件转换为项目(忽略可能的附件)
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ displaying html messages is disabled mail zh 显示HTML邮件被禁用
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail zh 您真的想在当前视图中为所有邮件切换标记 %1 吗?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail zh 您真的想在当前视图中为所有邮件切换标记 %1 吗?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail zh 您真的想在当前视图中为所有邮件切换标签 %1 吗?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail zh 您真的想在当前视图中为所有邮件切换标签 %1 吗?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail zh 您是否希望在将选定邮件附加到新邮件之前要求确认?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail zh 您是否希望在将选定邮件附加到新邮件之前要求确认?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail zh 在将选定的邮件移动到另一个文件夹之前,您是否希望要求确认?
does not contain mail zh 不包含
does not contain mail zh 不包含
does not match mail zh 不符合
does not match mail zh 不符合
does not match regexp mail zh 不符合条件
does not match regexp mail zh 不符合条件
@ -151,6 +153,7 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail zh 工作
job mail zh 工作
junk mail zh 垃圾邮件
junk mail zh 垃圾邮件
junk folder mail zh 垃圾邮件文件夹
junk folder mail zh 垃圾邮件文件夹
keep a copy mail zh 保留副本
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail zh 在收件箱保留一个邮件副本
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail zh 在收件箱保留一个邮件副本
kilobytes mail zh kb
kilobytes mail zh kb
later mail zh 晚一点
later mail zh 晚一点
@ -314,6 +317,7 @@ to do mail zh 操作
toggled on actions mail zh 切换操作
toggled on actions mail zh 切换操作
trash mail zh 回收
trash mail zh 回收
trash folder mail zh 回收站
trash folder mail zh 回收站
unconditional mail zh 总是
unflagged mail zh 已清除标记
unflagged mail zh 已清除标记
unread mail zh 未读
unread mail zh 未读
vacation notice mail zh 假期通知
vacation notice mail zh 假期通知
Reference in New Issue
Block a user