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synced 2025-03-05 18:52:51 +01:00
lang updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
%1 added addressbook es-es %1 añadidos
%1 contact(s) %2 addressbook es-es %1 contactos %2
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! addressbook es-es %1 contactos %2, %3 fallaron debido a privilegios insuficientes.
%1 fields in %2 other organisation member(s) changed addressbook es-es %1 campos en %2 miembros de otra organización cambiados
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
account repository admin es-es Repositorio de cuentas
accounts addressbook es-es Cuentas
actions addressbook es-es Acciones
add %1 addressbook es-es Añadir %1
add a contact to this organisation addressbook es-es Añadir un contacto a esta organización
add a new contact addressbook es-es Añadir un contacto nuevo
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook es-es Añadir una entrada simple pasando los campos
@ -66,6 +68,7 @@ company name addressbook es-es Nombre de la empresa
configuration common es-es Configuración
contact common es-es Contacto
contact application admin es-es Aplicación del contacto
contact copied addressbook es-es Se ha copiado el contacto
contact deleted addressbook es-es Se ha borrado el contacto
contact id addressbook es-es ID del contacto
contact repository admin es-es Repositorio de contactos
@ -74,6 +77,7 @@ contact settings admin es-es Configuraci
contacts and account contact-data to ldap admin es-es Contactos y datos del contacto y la cuenta en LDAP
contacts to ldap admin es-es Contactos en LDAP
contacts to ldap, account contact-data to sql admin es-es Contactos en LDAP, datos del contacto y la cuenta en SQL
contains addressbook es-es contiene
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook es-es Copiado por %1, del registro %2
copy a contact and edit the copy addressbook es-es Copiar un contacto y editar la copia
country common es-es País
@ -119,6 +123,7 @@ export as vcard addressbook es-es Exportar como tarjeta de visita
export contacts addressbook es-es Exportar contactos
export file name addressbook es-es Nombre del fichero a exportar
export from addressbook addressbook es-es Exportar de la libreta de direcciones
export selection addressbook es-es Exportar la selección
exported addressbook es-es exportada
extra addressbook es-es Extra
failed to change %1 organisation member(s) (insufficent rights) !!! addressbook es-es Fallo al cambiar %1 miembros de la organización ¡No tiene privilegios suficientes!
@ -169,6 +174,7 @@ ldap host for contacts admin es-es Servidor LDAP para contactos
ldap settings for contacts admin es-es Configuración LDAP para contactos
ldif addressbook es-es LDIF
line 2 addressbook es-es Línea 2
link title for contacts show addressbook es-es Título del enlace para mostrar contactos
links addressbook es-es Enlaces
list all categories addressbook es-es Lista de todas las categorías
list all customfields addressbook es-es Lista de todos los campos personalizados
@ -231,9 +237,11 @@ select phone number as prefered way of contact addressbook es-es Seleccionar el
select the type of conversion addressbook es-es Seleccione el tipo de conversión
select the type of conversion: addressbook es-es Seleccione el tipo de conversión:
select where you want to store / retrieve contacts admin es-es Seleccione dónde desea almacenar o recuperar contactos
selected contacts addressbook es-es Contactos seleccionados
show addressbook es-es Mostrar
show a column for %1 addressbook es-es Mostrar una columna para %1
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook es-es Mostrar recordatorios de cumpleaños en la pantalla principal
show infolog entries for this organisation addressbook es-es Mostrar las entradas del Registro de notas y tareas para esta organización
show the contacts of this organisation addressbook es-es Mostrar los contactos de esta organización
size of popup (wxh, eg.400x300, if a popup should be used) admin es-es Tamaño de la ventana (ancho x alto, p.ej. 400x300, si se usa una ventana emergente)
start admin es-es Empezar
@ -263,8 +271,10 @@ used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook es-es utilizado p
vcard common es-es Tarjeta de visita
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook es-es Las tarjetas de visita requieren el primer nombre.
vcards require a last name entry. addressbook es-es Las tarjetas de visita requieren el apellido.
view linked infolog entries addressbook es-es Ver las entradas del Registro que estén vinculadas
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin es-es ¡Atención! ¡LDAP es valido sólo si no está usando contactos para almacenar las cuentas!
warning: all contacts found will be deleted! addressbook es-es ATENCIÓN: ¡Se borrarán todos los contactos encontrados!
what should links to the addressbook display in other applications. empty values will be left out. you need to log in anew, if you change this setting! addressbook es-es Qué deben mostrar los enlaces a la libreta de direcciones en otras aplicaciones. Los valores vacíos se ignorarán. Es necesario volver a iniciar la sesión si se cambia esta opción.
when should the contacts list display that colum. "only if there is content" hides the column, unless there is some content in the view. addressbook es-es Cuándo debe la lista de contactos mostrar esa columna. "Sólo si hay contenido" oculta la columna, a menos que haya algún contenido en la vista.
which addressbook should be selected when adding a contact and you have no add rights to the current addressbook. addressbook es-es Qué libreta de direcciones debe seleccionarse al añadir un contacto Y cuando no haya permiso de añadir en la libreta de direcciones actual.
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook es-es Juego de caracteres a usar para exportar a CSV. El predeterminado del sistema es el juego de caracteres de esta instalación de eGroupWare.
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
%1 added addressbook sk %1 pridané
%1 contact(s) %2 addressbook sk %1 kontakt(ov) %2
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! addressbook sk %1 kontakt(ov) %2, %3 sa nepodarilov z dôvodu nedostatoèných práv !!!
%1 fields in %2 other organisation member(s) changed addressbook sk %1 polo¾iek u %2 èlenov iných organizácií sa zmenilo
@ -9,6 +10,7 @@
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook sk Iba správci mô¾u pou¾i» @-eval() !!!
accounts addressbook sk Úèty
actions addressbook sk Akcie
add %1 addressbook sk Prida» %1
add a contact to this organisation addressbook sk Prida» kontakt k tejto organizácii
add a new contact addressbook sk Prida» nový kontakt
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook sk Pridaj záznam zadaním polo¾iek.
@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ addressbook-fieldname addressbook sk Pole adres
addvcard addressbook sk Pridaj vizitku VCard
advanced search addressbook sk Roz¹írené hµadanie
all contacts addressbook sk V¹etky kontakty
allow users to maintain their own account-data admin sk Povoli» pou¾ívateµom, aby spravovali údaje svojich vlastných pou¾ívateµských úètov
alt. csv import addressbook sk Alternatívny import z CSV
always addressbook sk V¾dy
apply changes to all members, whose fields have the same previous content addressbook sk Vykona» zmeny u v¹etkých èlenov, ktorých polo¾ky majú ten istý uvedený obsah
@ -63,20 +66,27 @@ company name addressbook sk Firma
configuration common sk Nastavenia
contact common sk Kontakt
contact application admin sk Kontakty
contact copied addressbook sk Kontakt skopírovaný
contact deleted addressbook sk Kontakty vymazané
contact id addressbook sk ID kontaktu
contact saved addressbook sk Kontakt bol ulo¾ený
contact settings admin sk Nastavenia kontaktov
contacts and account contact-data to ldap admin sk kontakty a kontaktné údaje úètu do LDAP
contacts to ldap admin sk kontakty do LDAP
contacts to ldap, account contact-data to sql admin sk kontakty do LDAP, kontaktné údaje úètu do SQL
contains addressbook sk obsahuje
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook sk Skopíroval %1 od záznamu è.%2
copy a contact and edit the copy addressbook sk Kopírova» kontakt a upravi» kópiu
country common sk Krajina
create new links addressbook sk Vytvori» nové odkazy
created addressbook sk Vytvorené
credit addressbook sk Kredit
csv-fieldname addressbook sk Pole v CSV
csv-filename addressbook sk CSV súbor
custom addressbook sk Vlastné
custom fields addressbook sk Vlastné polo¾ky
debug output in browser addressbook sk Ladiaci výstup v prehliadaèi
default addressbook for adding contacts addressbook sk Predvolený adresár pre pridávanie kontaktov
default filter addressbook sk ©tandardný filter
delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook sk Zma¾ záznam zadaním id.
delete this contact addressbook sk Zmaza» tento kontakt
@ -110,6 +120,7 @@ export as vcard addressbook sk Exportova
export contacts addressbook sk Export kontaktov
export file name addressbook sk Názov súboru exportu
export from addressbook addressbook sk Export z Adresára
export selection addressbook sk Exportova» výber
exported addressbook sk Exportované
extra addressbook sk Extra
failed to change %1 organisation member(s) (insufficent rights) !!! addressbook sk nepodarilo sa vykona» zmeny u %1 èlenov organizácie -nedostatoèné práva !!!
@ -119,6 +130,7 @@ field %1 has been added ! addressbook sk Polo
field %1 has been updated ! addressbook sk Polo¾ka %1 bola aktualizovaná
field name addressbook sk Názov polo¾ky
fields for the csv export addressbook sk Polo¾ky pre CSV export
fields the user is allowed to edit himself admin sk Polo¾ky, ktoré smie pou¾ívateµ upravova»
fields to show in address list addressbook sk Viditeµné polo¾ky v zozname
fieldseparator addressbook sk Oddeµovaè polí
for read only ldap admin sk pre LDAP iba na èítanie
@ -159,6 +171,7 @@ ldap host for contacts admin sk LDAP hostite
ldap settings for contacts admin sk Nastavenia LDAP pre kontakty
ldif addressbook sk LDIF
line 2 addressbook sk Riadok 2
link title for contacts show addressbook sk Názov odkazu pre zobrazenie kontaktov
links addressbook sk Odkazy
list all categories addressbook sk Zoznam v¹etkých kategórií
list all customfields addressbook sk Zobrazi» v¹etky pou¾ívateµské polo¾ky
@ -189,6 +202,7 @@ other phone addressbook sk In
own sorting addressbook sk Vlastné triedenie
pager common sk Pager
parcel addressbook sk Parcela
permission denied !!! addressbook sk Prístup odopretý !!!
phone number common sk Telefónne èíslo
phone numbers common sk Telefónne èísla
photo addressbook sk Fotografia
@ -220,9 +234,11 @@ select phone number as prefered way of contact addressbook sk vybra
select the type of conversion addressbook sk Vyberte typ prevodu
select the type of conversion: addressbook sk Vyberte typ prevodu:
select where you want to store / retrieve contacts admin sk Vyberte, kde chcete uklada» / získava» kontakty
selected contacts addressbook sk vybrané kontakty
show addressbook sk Ukáza»
show a column for %1 addressbook sk Zobrazi» ståpec pre %1
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook sk Pripomína» narodeniny na hlavnej stránke
show infolog entries for this organisation addressbook sk Zobrazi» polo¾ky Záznamníka pre túto organizáciu
show the contacts of this organisation addressbook sk Zobrazi» kontakty v tejto organizácii
size of popup (wxh, eg.400x300, if a popup should be used) admin sk Veµkos» vyskakovacieho okna (DxV, napr. 400x300, ak sa má pou¾íva» vyskakovacie okno)
startrecord addressbook sk Prvý záznam
@ -241,6 +257,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit addressbook sk Pr
today is %1's birthday! common sk Dnes má narodeniny %1!
tomorrow is %1's birthday. common sk Zajtra má narodeniny %1.
translation addressbook sk Preklad
type addressbook sk Typ
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook sk Zmeni» jednotlivý záznam zadaním polo¾iek.
upload or delete the photo addressbook sk Nahra» alebo vymaza» túto fotku
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 for the number) admin sk URL na vytvorenie odkazu na telefónne èísla (pou¾ite %1 pre èíslo)
@ -250,9 +267,12 @@ used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook sk Pou
vcard common sk Vizitka VCard
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook sk Vizitky potrebujú zadané krstné meno.
vcards require a last name entry. addressbook sk Vizitky potøebujú zadané priezvisko.
view linked infolog entries addressbook sk Zobrazi» pripojené polo¾ky Záznamníka
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin sk VAROVANIE!! LDAP sa dá pou¾i» jedine ak NEPOU®ÍVATE kontakty na uchovanie pou¾ívateµských úètov!
warning: all contacts found will be deleted! addressbook sk POZOR: V¹etky kontakty budú zmazané!
what should links to the addressbook display in other applications. empty values will be left out. you need to log in anew, if you change this setting! addressbook sk Èo sa má v iných aplikáciách zobrazi» na mieste odkazu na adresár. Prázdne hodnoty sa vynechajú. Ak zmeníte toto nastavenie, musíte sa znovu prihlási»!
when should the contacts list display that colum. "only if there is content" hides the column, unless there is some content in the view. addressbook sk Kedy má zoznam kontaktov zobrazova» tento ståpec. "Iba ak je tam nejaký obsah" skryje ståpec v prípade, ak v zobrazení nie je nejaký obsah.
which addressbook should be selected when adding a contact and you have no add rights to the current addressbook. addressbook sk Ktorý adresár sa má pou¾i» keï pridávate nový kontakt A nemáte právo prida» ho do aktuálneho adresára.
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook sk Ktorú znakovú sadu pou¾íva» pri exporte do CSV. Predvolená je tá, ktorá je pou¾ívaná ako znaková sada v tejto in¹talácii eGroupWare.
which fields should be exported. all means every field stored in the addressbook incl. the custom fields. the business or home address only contains name, company and the selected address. addressbook sk Ktoré polo¾ky sa majú exportova». "V¹etky" znamená ka¾dé pole ulo¾ené v Adresári, vrátane pou¾ívateµských polo¾iek. Pracovná alebo domáca adresa obsahuje iba meno, firmu a vybrané adresy.
whole query addressbook sk Celý dopyt
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ cellpadding for the table-tag etemplate sk Odstup okraja bunky od jej obsahu pre
cells etemplate sk Bunky
cellspacing for the table-tag etemplate sk Rozostup medzi bunkami pre tag tabuµky
center etemplate sk Stred
changed etemplate sk Zmenené
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) etemplate sk Za¹krtnite, ak obsah má by» iba zobrazovaný ale nie menený (obsah sa potom neposiela naspä»!)
check if field has to be filled by user etemplate sk Za¹krtnite ak pole musí by» vyplnené pou¾ívateµom
checkbox etemplate sk Za¹krtávacie políèko
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ comment etemplate sk Koment
confirm etemplate sk Potvrdi»
confirmation message or custom javascript (returning true or false) etemplate sk Potvrdzovacia správa alebo pou¾ívateµský javascript (vracia true alebo false - pravda/nepravda)
confirmation necesary or custom java-script etemplate sk potvrdenie nevyhnutné, alebo pou¾ívateµský javascript
contact fields etemplate sk Kontaktné polo¾ky
contains etemplate sk Obsahuje
create a new table for the application etemplate sk Vytvori» novú tabuµku pre aplikáciu
creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) etemplate sk vytvorí anglický ('en') jazykový súbor z oznaèenia a pomocných textov (pre aplikáciu uvedenú v Názve)
@ -163,6 +165,7 @@ height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@da
height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div etemplate sk Vý¹ka tabuµky v % alebo pixeloch pre table-tag a (voliteµne) div
height, disabled etemplate sk Vý¹ka, Vypnuté
help etemplate sk Pomocník
history log etemplate sk Záznam histórie
horizontal rule etemplate sk Vodorovné pravítko
hour etemplate sk Hodina
hours etemplate sk hodín
@ -272,6 +275,8 @@ select category etemplate sk Vyberte kateg
select country etemplate sk Vyberte krajinu
select day etemplate sk Vyberte deò
select day of week etemplate sk vyberte deò v tý¾dni
select entry etemplate sk Vyberte záznam
select hour etemplate sk Vyberte hodinu
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) etemplate sk vyberte, ak sa obsah polo¾ky nemá preklada» (menovky sa prekladajú v¾dy)
select month etemplate sk Vyberte mesiac
select number etemplate sk Vyberte èíslo
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ category infolog es-es Categor
change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog es-es Cambiar el estado de una entrada, p. ej. cerrarlo
charset of file infolog es-es Juego de caracteres del fichero
check to set startday infolog es-es marcar para establecer fecha de inicio
check to specify custom contact infolog es-es Marcar para especificar un contacto personalizado
click here to create the link infolog es-es pulsar para crear un enlace
click here to start the search infolog es-es pulsar para comenzar la búsqueda
close infolog es-es Cerrar
@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ project settings: price, times infolog es-es Configuraci
re: infolog es-es Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog es-es Leer un registro pasando su id.
read rights (default) infolog es-es derecho de lectura (predeterminado)
reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192.168.1. infolog es-es expresión regular para IPs locales<br>ej. ^192\.168\.1\.
reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192.168.1. infolog es-es expresión regular para IPs locales <br>ej. ^192\.168\.1\.
reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\. infolog es-es expresión regular para IPs locales <br>ej. ^192\.168\.1\.
remark infolog es-es Comentario
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog es-es Eliminar este enlace (no la entrada en sí)
@ -280,6 +281,7 @@ typ infolog es-es Tipo
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog es-es ¡El tipo '%1' ya existe!
type infolog es-es Tipo
type ... infolog es-es Tipo...
type of customfield infolog es-es Tipo de campo personalizado
type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog es-es Tipo de entrada para el Registro: Nota, llamada de teléfono o tarea pendiente
unlink infolog es-es Desvincular
upcoming infolog es-es próxima
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- subprojects from infolog fr - Sous-projets de
0% infolog fr 0%
10% infolog fr 10%
100% infolog fr 100%
20% infolog fr 20%
30% infolog fr 30%
40% infolog fr 40%
@ -25,21 +26,21 @@ add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog fr Ajouter un(e) nouvelle
add a new todo infolog fr Ajouter un nouveau A-faire
add file infolog fr Ajouter un fichier
add sub infolog fr Ajouter sous
add timesheet entry infolog fr Ajouter une entrée feuille de temps
add: infolog fr Ajouter:
all infolog fr Tous
all links and attachments infolog fr Tous les liens et attachements
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog fr permet de changer le statut d´une entrée, cad. spécifier un A-Faire si c´est fini (les valeurs dépendent du type d´entrée).
applies the changes infolog fr applique les changements
apply the changes infolog fr Appliquer les changements
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette entrée ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry infolog fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette entrée ?
attach a file infolog fr Attacher un fichier
attach file infolog fr Attacher un fichier
back to main list infolog fr Retour à la liste principale
back to projectlist infolog fr Retour vers la liste des projets
billed infolog fr Facturé
both infolog fr Les deux
call infolog fr Appel
cancel infolog fr Annuler
cancelled infolog fr annulé
categories infolog fr Catégories
category infolog fr Catégorie
change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog fr Change le statut d´une entrée, cad la ferme
@ -49,13 +50,16 @@ click here to create the link infolog fr Cliquer ici pour cr
click here to start the search infolog fr Cliquer ici pour démarrer la recherche
close infolog fr Fermer
comment infolog fr Commentaire
completed infolog fr terminé
configuration infolog fr Configuration
confirm infolog fr Confirmer
contact infolog fr Contact
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them. infolog fr copier vos changements vers le presse-papier. %1recharger l'entrée%2 et les fusionner
create new links infolog fr Créer de nouveaux liens
creates a new field infolog fr crée un nouveau champ
creates a new status with the given values infolog fr crée un nouveau statut avec la valeur spécifiée
creates a new typ with the given name infolog fr créée un nouveau type avec le nom spécifié
creation infolog fr Création
csv-fieldname infolog fr CSV-Nomdechamp
csv-filename infolog fr CSV-Nomdefichier
csv-import common fr CSV-Importer
@ -67,6 +71,8 @@ custom fields, typ and status common fr Champs personnalis
custom regarding infolog fr Personnalisé concernant
custom status for typ infolog fr Status personnalisés pour le type
customfields infolog fr Champs personnalisés
date completed infolog fr Date de cloture
date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or billed) infolog fr Date de cloture (laisser vide pour que ce soit rempli automatiquement si le statut est Fait ou Rempli)
datecreated infolog fr Date de création
dates, status, access infolog fr Dates, Statut, Accès
days infolog fr Jours
@ -74,24 +80,25 @@ default filter for infolog infolog fr Filtre par d
default status for a new log entry infolog fr statut par défaut pour une nouvelle entrée de log
delegation infolog fr Délégation
delete infolog fr Effacer
delete all subs (if not subs will be subs of this enties parent or have no parent) infolog fr Efface tous les sous (Sinon les sous vont être ceux de l´entrée parente ou n´auront pas de parent)
delete one record by passing its id. infolog fr Effacer un enregistrement en passant son id.
delete the entry infolog fr effacer l´entrée
delete this entry infolog fr effacer cette entrée
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog fr Détruire cette entrée et toutes les sous-entrées listées
deletes the selected typ infolog fr efface le type sélectionné
deletes this field infolog fr efface ce champ
deletes this status infolog fr efface ce statut
description infolog fr Description
description can not exceed 8000 characters in length infolog fr La description ne peut pas dépasser 8000 caractères de long
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog fr détermine l´ordre d´affichage des champs
disables a status without deleting it infolog fr désactive un statut sans l´effacer
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog fr Voulez-vous une confirmation du responsable sur: accepter, finir la tâche ou les deux
don't show infolog infolog fr Ne pas monter InfoLog
done infolog fr Fait
download infolog fr Télécharger
duration infolog fr Durée
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog fr chaque valeur est une ligne telle que <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog fr Modifier
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog fr Modifier ou créer des catégories pour IngoLog
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog fr éditer les droits (édition complète des droits pouvant rendre quelqu'un d'autre responsable!)
edit status infolog fr Editer Statut
edit the entry infolog fr Modifier l'entrée
edit this entry infolog fr Modifier cette entrée
@ -103,12 +110,15 @@ enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog f
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog fr Entrez une description textuelle de l'entrée de Log
enter the query pattern infolog fr Entrez le champ de requête
entry and all files infolog fr Entrée et tous les fichiers
error: saving the entry infolog fr Error lors de la sauvegarde de l'entrée
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog fr Erreur: cette entrée a été mise à jour depuis que vous l'avez ouvert pour édition
existing links infolog fr Liens existants
fax infolog fr Fax
fieldseparator infolog fr Séparateur de champ
finish infolog fr Terminer
for which types should this field be used infolog fr pour quels types ce champ devrait être utilisé
from infolog fr De
general infolog fr Général
high infolog fr Haut
id infolog fr Id
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog fr Si non renseigné, la ligne contenant la recherche et les filtres est cachée lorsqu'il y a plus d'entrées que le "Nombre max d'occurences correspondantes par page" (défini dans les préférences).
@ -122,6 +132,9 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog fr InfoLog - Importer fichier CSV
infolog - new infolog fr InfoLog - Nouveau
infolog - new subproject infolog fr InfoLog - Nouveau sous-projet
infolog - subprojects from infolog fr InfoLog - Sous-projets de
infolog entry deleted infolog fr Infolog entrée détruite
infolog entry saved infolog fr Infolog entrée sauvegardée
infolog filter for the main screen infolog fr Infolog filtre pour l'écran principal
infolog list infolog fr Liste infoLog
infolog preferences common fr Préférences InfoLog
infolog-fieldname infolog fr Info Log-Nomdechamp
@ -129,6 +142,7 @@ invalid filename infolog fr Nom de fichier invalide
label<br>helptext infolog fr Label<br>Texte d´aide
last changed infolog fr Dernier modifié
last modified infolog fr Dernière modification
leave it empty infolog fr laisser vide
leave without saveing the entry infolog fr quitter sans enregistrer l'entrée
leaves without saveing infolog fr quitter sans enregistrer
length<br>rows infolog fr Longueur<br>Lignes
@ -140,11 +154,6 @@ list no subs/childs infolog fr Ne pas lister les Sous/Enfants
longer textual description infolog fr Description textuelle plus longue
low infolog fr Bas
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog fr taille max de l´entrée [, taille du champ d´entrée (optionnel)]
max number of entries to display on the main screen infolog fr Nombre max d´entrées à afficher sur l´écran principal
my infolog fr Mes entrées
my open infolog fr Mes entrées ouvertes
my overdue infolog fr Mes entrées en retard
my upcoming infolog fr Mes entrées à venir
name must not be empty !!! infolog fr Le nom ne peut pas être vide !!!
name of new type to create infolog fr nom du nouveau type à créer
never hide search and filters infolog fr Ne jamais cacher la recherche et les filtres
@ -152,6 +161,7 @@ new name infolog fr nouveau nom
new search infolog fr Nouvelle recherche
no - cancel infolog fr Non - Abandonner
no describtion, links or attachments infolog fr Pas de description, de liens ou d'attachements
no details infolog fr pas de détails
no entries found, try again ... infolog fr Aucune occurrence trouvée, essayez à nouveau ...
no filter infolog fr Aucun filtre
no links or attachments infolog fr Aucun lien ou attachement
@ -159,14 +169,15 @@ none infolog fr Aucun
normal infolog fr Normal
not infolog fr pas
not assigned infolog fr Pas attribué
not-started infolog fr non démarré
note infolog fr Note
number of records to read (%1) infolog fr Nombre d'enregistrements à lire (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog fr nombre de lignes pour un champ d´entrées multilignes ou pour une boîte de sélection multiple
offer infolog fr Offrir
ongoing infolog fr Entrant
only for details infolog fr Seulement pour les détails
only the attachments infolog fr Seulement les attachements
only the links infolog fr Seulement les liens
only up to this number of entries are displayed on the main screen. infolog fr Pas plus que ce nombre d´entrées sont affichées sur l´écran principal.
open infolog fr Ouvrir
optional note to the link infolog fr Note optionnelle vers le lien
order infolog fr Tri
@ -182,18 +193,22 @@ pattern for search in projects infolog fr Cha
phone infolog fr Appel téléphonique
phone/email infolog fr Téléphone/EMail
phonecall infolog fr Appel téléphonique
planned infolog fr planifié
planned time infolog fr Temps prévu
price infolog fr Prix
priority infolog fr Priorité
private infolog fr Privé
project infolog fr Projet
re: infolog fr Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog fr Lire un enregistrement en passant son id.
read rights (default) infolog fr droits de lecture (défaut)
reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\. infolog fr Expr. reg. pour les IPs locales<br>p.e. ^192\.168\.1\.
remark infolog fr Remarque
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog fr Enlever ce lien (pas l'entrée elle-même)
responsible infolog fr Responsable
responsible user, priority, times infolog fr Utilisateur responsable, priorité, temps
responsible open infolog fr responsable ouvertur
returns a list / search for records. infolog fr Retourne une liste / Recherche d´enregistrements.
rights for the responsible infolog fr Droits pour le responsable
save infolog fr Enregistrer
saves the changes made and leaves infolog fr enregistre les modifications faites et quitte
saves this entry infolog fr Enregistre cette entrée
@ -201,28 +216,26 @@ search infolog fr Rechercher
search for: infolog fr Rechercher:
select infolog fr Choisir
select a category for this entry infolog fr Choisissez une catégorie pour cette entrée
select a price infolog fr Sélectionnez un prix
select a priority for this task infolog fr Choisissez une priorité pour cette tâche
select a project infolog fr Sélectionnez un projet
select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog fr Choisissez un utilisateur responsable: une personne qui veut déléguer cette tâche
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog fr sélectionnez un type dont la valeur est à éditer ou effacez-le
select an app to search in infolog fr Choisissez une app dans laquelle rechercher
select an entry to link with infolog fr Choisissez une entrée vers laquelle lier
select to filter by owner infolog fr Filtrer par propriétaire
select to filter by responsible infolog fr Filtrer par responsable
sets the status of this entry to done infolog fr Affecte l'état "Fait" à cette entrée
should infolog display your open entries - not finised tasks, phonecalls or notes - on the main screen. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog fr Est-ce qu'InfoLog doit afficher vos entrées ouvertes (tâches, appels téléphoniques et notes non terminés) sur la page principale. Fonctionne uniquement si vous n'avez pas sélectionné une application par défaut pour la page principale dans vos préférences.
should infolog display your open entries - not finished tasks, phonecalls or notes - on the main screen. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog fr Est-ce que InfoLog doit afficher vos entrées ouvertes - tâches non terminées, appels ou notes - sur la page principale. Fonctionne uniquement si vous n'avez pas sélectionné une application par défaut pour la page principale (dans vos préférences).
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog fr Est-ce que InfoLog doit afficher les sous-tâches, -appels ou -notes dans la vue normale ou pas. Vous pouvez toujours voir les sous- via leurs parents.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when u enter infolog). infolog fr Est-ce que InfoLog doit afficher les liens vers les autres applications et/ou les attachements de fichier dans la liste InfoLog (vue normale quand vous entrez dans Infolog).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog fr Est-ce que Infolog doit utiliser les noms complets (surnom et nom de famille) ou juste les noms de connexion.
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog fr Cette entrée ne doit-elle être visible que par vous et les personnes à qui vous avez donné l'accès privé par l'ACL
show full usernames infolog fr Montrer les noms complets d'utilisateurs
show in the infolog list infolog fr Montrer dans la liste Infolog
show list of upcoming entries infolog fr Affiche la liste des prochaines entrées
show open entries: tasks/calls/notes on main screen infolog fr Montrer les entrées ouvertes: Tâches/Appels/Notes sur l'écran principal
show last modified infolog fr Montrer les derniers modifiés
small view infolog fr vue réduite
start a new search, cancel this link infolog fr Démarre une nouvelle recherche, annule ce lien
startdate infolog fr Date de départ
startdate enddate infolog fr Date de départ date de fin
startdate for new entries infolog fr date de début pour les nouvelles entrées
startrecord infolog fr Enregistrement de départ
status infolog fr Statut
status ... infolog fr Statut ...
@ -238,6 +251,7 @@ til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog fr jusqu'
times infolog fr Temps
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog fr trop peut excéder votre temps limite d´exécution.
today infolog fr Aujourd'hui
todays date infolog fr date du jour
todo infolog fr A-faire
translation infolog fr Traduction
typ infolog fr Type
@ -249,8 +263,6 @@ unlink infolog fr D
upcoming infolog fr Arrivant
urgency infolog fr Priorité
urgent infolog fr Urgent
use button to search for address infolog fr Utiliser le bouton pour chercher une adresse
use button to search for project infolog fr Utiliser le bouton pour chercher un projet
used time infolog fr Temps utilisé
valid path on clientside<br>eg. \\server\share or e:\ infolog fr Chemin valide côté client<br>p.e. \\Partage\Serveur ou e:\
values for selectbox infolog fr Valeues des boîtes de sélection
@ -264,6 +276,7 @@ when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the
will-call infolog fr Va appeler
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog fr Ecrire (ajout ou mise à jour) un enregistrement en passant ces champs.
yes - delete infolog fr Oui - Effacer
yes - delete including sub-entries infolog fr Oui - Effacer y compris les sous-entrées
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog fr Vous ne pouvez pas effacer un des types de stock !!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog fr Vous avez entré une date de fin invalide
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog fr Vous avez entré une date de début invalide
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ description infolog pt-br Descri
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog pt-br determine a ordem em que os campos aparecerão
disables a status without deleting it infolog pt-br desabilitar o status após a remoção
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog pt-br você quer uma confirmação do responsável quanto à: aceitação, encerramento ou ambos
do you want to see custome infolog types in the calendar? infolog pt-br Você deseja exibir tipos de tarefas personalizadas na Agenda de Eventos ?
don't show infolog infolog pt-br Não exibir Tarefas
done infolog pt-br Encerrado
download infolog pt-br Baixar
@ -241,6 +242,7 @@ should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you ca
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog pt-br Links para outros aplicativos ou anexos deverão ser exibidos na lista de Tarefas (quando você abrir Tarefas em modo normal de visualização).
should infolog show up on the main screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog pt-br O aplicativo Tarefas deverá ser exibido na Página Inicial ? Com qual filtro? Funciona somente se você não selecionou um aplicativo para sua Página Inicial (em suas preferências).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog pt-br O aplicativo Tarefas deve usar o nome completo (nome e sobrenome) ou apenas o login de acesso.
should the calendar show custom types too infolog pt-br A Agenda de Eventos deverá exibir tipos personalizados também ?
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog pt-br A lista do aplicativo Tarefas deverá exibir um identificador número único, que poderá ser usado, por exemplo, como identificador de Ticket.
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog pt-br A lista do aplicativo Tarefas deverá exibir a coluna "Última alteração".
should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog pt-br A lista do aplicativo Tarefas deverá exibir a percentagem já realizada somente para o status ou dois ícones separados.
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ category infolog sk Kateg
change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog sk Zmeni» stav záznamu, napr. uzavrie» ho
charset of file infolog sk Znaková sada súboru
check to set startday infolog sk Oznaète pre zadanie poèiatoèného dátumu
check to specify custom contact infolog sk Oznaète pre ¹pecifikovanie pou¾ívateµského kontaktu
click here to create the link infolog sk Sem kliknite pre vytvorenie Odkazu
click here to start the search infolog sk Sem kliknite pre spustenie vyhµadávania
close infolog sk Zavrie»
@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ description infolog sk Opis
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog sk Urèuje poradie v akom sa polo¾ky zobrazujú
disables a status without deleting it infolog sk Zablokuje stav bez toho, aby sa zmazal
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog sk vy¾adujete potvrdenie zodpovedného k: prijatiu, ukonèeniu úlohy alebo oboje
do you want to see custome infolog types in the calendar? infolog sk ®eláte si zobrazova» vlastné typy Záznamníka v Kalendári?
don't show infolog infolog sk NEzobrazova» Záznamník
done infolog sk Hotovo
download infolog sk Stiahnu»
@ -208,6 +210,7 @@ project settings: price, times infolog sk Nastavenia Projektu: cena,
re: infolog sk Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog sk Naèítaj jednotlivý záznam zadaním id.
read rights (default) infolog sk Právo na èítanie (predvolené)
reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192.168.1. infolog sk reg. výraz pre lokálne IP adresy<br>napr. ^192\.168\.1\.
reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\. infolog sk reg. výraz pre lokálne IP adresy<br>napr. ^192\.168\.1\.
remark infolog sk Poznámka
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog sk Odstráni» tento odkaz (nie záznam samotný)
@ -239,6 +242,7 @@ should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you ca
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog sk Má Záznamník zobrazova» v zozname odkazy na iné aplikácie a/alebo súbory v prílohe (v normálnom pohµade, keï otvoríte Záznamník)?
should infolog show up on the main screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog sk Zobrazova» Záznamník na hlavnej stránke? Ak áno, s akým filtrom? Funguje len ak ste u¾ nevybrali konkrétnu aplikáciu pre hlavnú stránku (vo va¹ich nastaveniach).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog sk Má Záznamník pou¾íva» plné mená (meno, priezvisko) alebo iba pou¾ívateµské mená?
should the calendar show custom types too infolog sk Chcete, aby sa v kalendári zobrazovali aj vlastné typy
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog sk Má sa v zozname Záznamníka zobrazova» jedineèné èíselné ID, ktoré mô¾e by» pou¾ité napr. ako ID problému?
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog sk Zobrazova» v zozname Záznamníka aj ståpec "naposledy upravené"?
should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog sk Zobrazova» v zozname Záznamníka percentuálny stav vybavenia len pre stav "prebiehajúci", alebo ako dve samostatné ikony?
@ -279,6 +283,7 @@ typ infolog sk Typ
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog sk Typ '%1' u¾ existuje !!!
type infolog sk Typ
type ... infolog sk Typ ...
type of customfield infolog sk Typ pou¾ívateµskej polo¾ky
type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog sk Typ záznamu: Poznámka, Telefonát alebo Úloha
unlink infolog sk Zru¹ odkaz
upcoming infolog sk Blí¾iace sa
@ -286,6 +291,8 @@ urgency infolog sk S
urgent infolog sk Súrne
used time infolog sk Pou¾itý èas
valid path on clientside<br>eg. \\server\share or e:\ infolog sk platná cesta na strane klienta<br>napr. \\Server\Share alebo e:\
valid path on clientside<br>eg. \servershare or e: infolog sk platná cesta na strane klienta<br>napr. \\Server\Share alebo e:\
valid path on clientside<br>eg. servershare or e: infolog sk platná cesta na strane klienta<br>napr. \\Server\Share alebo e:\
values for selectbox infolog sk Hodnoty pre výberové menu
view all subs of this entry infolog sk Zobrazi» v¹etky podradené záznamy
view other subs infolog sk Zobrazi» ostatné Podradené záznamy
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ category infolog zh-tw 類別
change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog zh-tw 修改資料狀態,例如:關閉
charset of file infolog zh-tw 檔案字元編碼
check to set startday infolog zh-tw 設定開始日期
check to specify custom contact infolog zh-tw 勾選這個項目來指定自訂聯絡人
click here to create the link infolog zh-tw 點選這裡來建立連結
click here to start the search infolog zh-tw 點選這裡來開始搜尋
close infolog zh-tw 關閉
@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ description infolog zh-tw 描述
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog zh-tw 決定顯示的順序與欄位
disables a status without deleting it infolog zh-tw 停用一個狀態而不是刪除
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog zh-tw 您希望做再次的確認在:同意,工作完成或是兩者都要
do you want to see custome infolog types in the calendar? infolog zh-tw 您是否希望在行事曆中檢視記事本的類型?
don't show infolog infolog zh-tw 不要顯示記事本
done infolog zh-tw 完成
download infolog zh-tw 下載
@ -240,6 +242,7 @@ should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you ca
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog zh-tw 記事本是否要顯示與其他應用程式的連結與/或附加檔案(通常會在進入記事本時看到)。
should infolog show up on the main screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog zh-tw 首頁要依據指定的規則顯示記事本嗎?如果您沒有設定預設的應用程式(偏好中)就會顯示。
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog zh-tw 記事本使用全名或是登入名稱?
should the calendar show custom types too infolog zh-tw 行事曆是否也要顯示自訂類型
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog zh-tw 記事清單是否要顯示唯一的編號,其他功能可能會需要,例如傳票編號。
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog zh-tw 記事本清單要顯示異動日期欄位嗎?
should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog zh-tw 記事清單是否只要顯示進行中狀態完成的比率或是兩個獨立的圖示。
@ -280,6 +283,7 @@ typ infolog zh-tw 格式
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog zh-tw '%1' 格式已經存在!
type infolog zh-tw 格式
type ... infolog zh-tw 格式 ...
type of customfield infolog zh-tw 自訂欄位類型
type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog zh-tw 紀錄簿的格式:記事、聯絡清單或是待辦事項
unlink infolog zh-tw 刪除
upcoming infolog zh-tw 即將到來
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications en Don't notify me via popups in eGroupWare
notification notifications en Notification
notification common en Notification
preferences for notification notifications en Preferences for notification
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications es-es No notificarme usando ventanas emergentes en eGroupWare
notification notifications es-es Notificaciones
notification common es-es Notificaciones
preferences for notification notifications es-es Preferencias para la notificación
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ select a price timesheet es-es Seleccionar un precio
select a project timesheet es-es Seleccionar un proyecto
start timesheet es-es Inicio
starttime timesheet es-es Hora de inicio
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet es-es ¡La hora de comienzo tiene que ser antes que la hora de fin!
sum %1: timesheet es-es Suma %1:
this month timesheet es-es Este mes
this week timesheet es-es Esta semana
@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
2 years ago timesheet sk 2 roky spä»
3 years ago timesheet sk 3 roky spä»
actions timesheet sk Akcie
all projects timesheet sk V¹etky projekty
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin sk Obidvoje: povoli» pou¾ívanie Projektovníka a voµné názvy projektov
create new links timesheet sk Vytvori» nové odkazy
creating new entry timesheet sk vytvára sa nový záznam
delete this entry timesheet sk zmaza» tento záznam
edit this entry timesheet sk Uprav tento záznam
empty if identical to duration timesheet sk prázdne ak sa zhoduje då¾ka trvania
@ -12,6 +15,7 @@ entry saved timesheet sk Z
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet sk Chyba pri mazaní záznamu !!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet sk Chyba pri ukladaní záznamu !!!
existing links timesheet sk Existujúce odkazy
full: use only projectmanager admin sk Plné: opu¾i» iba Projektovník
general timesheet sk Hlavné
last modified timesheet sk Naposledy upravené
last month timesheet sk Posledný mesiac
@ -20,8 +24,12 @@ last year timesheet sk Posledn
leave it empty for a full week timesheet sk Ponechajte prázdne ak chcete plný tý¾deò
links timesheet sk Odkazy
no details timesheet sk ¾iadne podrobnosti
no project timesheet sk ®iadny projekt
none: use only free project-names admin sk ®iadne: pou¾i» iba voµné názvy projektov
or endtime timesheet sk alebo Èas skonèenia
permission denied!!! timesheet sk Prístup bol odopretý !!!
price timesheet sk Cena
projectmanager integration admin sk integrácia s Projektovníkom
quantity timesheet sk Mno¾stvo
save & new timesheet sk Ulo¾i» & Nové
saves the changes made timesheet sk Ulo¾í vykonané zmeny
@ -29,6 +37,8 @@ saves this entry and add a new one timesheet sk Ulo
select a price timesheet sk Vyberte cenu
select a project timesheet sk Vyberte projekt
start timesheet sk Zaèiatok
starttime timesheet sk Èas zaèiatku
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet sk Èas zaèiatku musí by» skôr ne¾ èas konca !!!
sum %1: timesheet sk Súèet %1:
this month timesheet sk Tento mesiac
this week timesheet sk Tento tý¾deò
Reference in New Issue
Block a user