mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 09:41:33 +01:00
pending translations from our translation server
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
%1 added addressbook id %1 ditambahkan
%1 contact(s) %2 addressbook id %1 kontak %2
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of %4 !!! addressbook id %1 kontak %2, %3 gagal karena %4 !!!
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! addressbook id %1 kontak %2, %3 gagal karena kurang kewenangan !!!
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of %4 !!! addressbook id %1 kontak %2, %3 gagal karena %4!
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! addressbook id %1 kontak %2, %3 gagal karena kurang kewenangan!
%1 contacts updated (%2 errors). addressbook id %1 kontak dikinikan (%2 kesalahan).
%1 fields in %2 other organisation member(s) changed addressbook id %1 field dalam %2 anggota organisasi lain diubah
%1 fields in %2 other organisation member(s) changed addressbook id %1 field dalam %2 anggota organisasi lain diubah.
%1 key(s) added to public keyserver "%2". addressbook id %1 kunci ditambahkan ke server kunci publik "%2".
%1 not implemented for %2! addressbook id %1 tidak di-implementasikan untuk %2!
%1 public keys added. addressbook id %1 kunci publik ditambahkan.
%1 records imported addressbook id %1 rekaman diimpor
%1 records imported addressbook id %1 rekaman diimpor.
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook id %1 rekaman dibaca (belum diimpor, anda dapat %2kembali%3 dan kosongkan Tes impor)
%1 shared this contact on %2 with %3 %4 addressbook id %1 membagikan kontak ini pada %2 dengan %3 %4
%1 starts with '%2' addressbook id %1 diawali dengan '%2'
%s please calculate the result addressbook id %s silakan hitung hasilnya
(e.g. 1969) addressbook id (mis. 1969)
(empty = use global limit, no = no export at all) admin id (empty = gunakan pembatasan global, no = tidak ada ekspor sama sekali)
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook id @-eval() hanya tersedia untuk admin!!!
@ -21,19 +23,26 @@ add a contact to this organisation addressbook id Tambah kontak untuk organisasi
add a new contact addressbook id Tambah kontak baru
add a new infolog addressbook id Tambah InfoLog baru
add a new list addressbook id Tambah daftar baru
add appointment addressbook id Tambahkan janji temu
add business email of whole distribution list? addressbook id Menambahkan email bisnis dari seluruh daftar distribusi?
add custom field addressbook id Menambahkan bidang khusus
add customfield to links of addressbook, which displays in other applications. the default value is none customfield. addressbook id Menambahkan bidang khusus ke tautan buku alamat, yang ditampilkan di aplikasi lain. Nilai defaultnya adalah tidak ada kolom khusus.
add emails of whole distribution list? addressbook id Menambahkan email dari seluruh daftar distribusi?
add or delete categories addressbook id Tambah atau hapus Kategori
add to bcc addressbook id Tambahkan ke Salinan Tunanetra
add to cc addressbook id Tambahkan ke Salinan
add to distribution list addressbook id Tambahkan ke daftar distribusi
add to distribution list: addressbook id Masukkan ke daftar distribusi:
add to to addressbook id Tambahkan ke Kepada
added addressbook id ditambahkan
added addressbook id Ditambahkan
added by synchronisation addressbook id Penambahan karena sinkronisasi
added to distribution list addressbook id Ditambahkan ke daftar distribusi
additional information about using ldap as contact repository admin id Informasi tambahan tentang penggunaan LDAP sebagai repositori kontak
address book common id Buku Alamat
address book - vcard in addressbook id Buku Alamat - vCard in
address book - view addressbook id Buku Alamat - lihat
address line 2 addressbook id Alamat Baris 2
address line 2 (private) addressbook id Baris alamat 2 (pribadi)
address type addressbook id Tipe Alamat
addressbook common id Buku Alamat
addressbook csv export addressbook id Ekspor CSV Buku Alamat
@ -43,16 +52,20 @@ addressbook menu addressbook id Menu Buku Alamat
addressbook preferences addressbook id Kesukaan Buku Alamat
addressbook the contact should be saved to addressbook id Kontak Buku Alamat disimpan ke
addressbook the contact should be shown addressbook id Kontak Buku Alamat ditampilkan
addressbook vcard export addressbook id Ekspor buku alamat vCard
addressbook vcard import addressbook id Impor vCard buku alamat
addressbook-fieldname addressbook id Nama field Buku Alamat
addvcard addressbook id Tambah vCard
advanced search addressbook id Pencarian Canggih
all addressbooks addressbook id Semua buku alamat
all contacts addressbook id Semua kontak
all in one field addressbook id Semua dalam satu bidang
all types addressbook id Semua jenis
allow addressbook id Izinkan
allow for contacts only addressbook id Izinkan untuk kontak saja
always addressbook id selalu
always addressbook id Selalu
are you shure you want to delete this contact? addressbook id Anda yakin mau menghapus kontak ini?
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook id Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus bidang ini?
assistent addressbook id Asisten
assistent phone addressbook id Telepon Asisten
audio call addressbook id Panggilan Audio
@ -74,21 +87,21 @@ calendar fields: addressbook id Field Kalender:
calendar integration addressbook id Integrasi kalender
calendar uri addressbook id URI Kalender
car phone addressbook id Telepon Kendaraan
categorie addressbook id kategori
categorie addressbook id Kategori
categorie added addressbook id Kategori ditambahkan
categorie delete addressbook id Kategori dihapus
categories, notes, ... addressbook id Kategori, Catatan, ...
category tree admin id Pohon Kategori
cell phone addressbook id Telepon Seluler
change addressbook when updating addressbook id Mengubah buku alamat saat memperbarui
change all organisation members addressbook id ubah semua anggota organisasi
change all organisation members addressbook id Ubah semua anggota organisasi
charset for the csv export addressbook id Charset untuk ekspor CSV
charset of file addressbook id Charset of file
check all addressbook id Contreng semua
choose pre-defined map source or use custom url (use %r = street, %t = city, %c = country, %z = zipcode) admin id Pilih sumber peta yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya atau gunakan URL khusus (gunakan %r = jalan, %t = kota, %c = negara, %z = kode pos)
city common id Kota
company common id Lembaga
company name addressbook id nama lembaga
company name addressbook id Nama lembaga
configuration common id Konfigurasi
contact common id Kontak
contact application admin id Aplikasi Kontak
@ -101,8 +114,8 @@ contact repository admin id Tempat Kontak
contact saved addressbook id Kontak disimpan
contact settings admin id Pengaturan Kontak
contactform addressbook id Formulir kontak
contacts common id kontak
contains addressbook id mengandung
contacts common id Kontak
contains addressbook id Mengandung
copied addressbook id disalin
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook id Disalin oleh %1, dari rekaman #%2.
country common id Negara
@ -114,19 +127,19 @@ csv-fieldname addressbook id Nama field-CSV
csv-filename addressbook id Nama berkas CSV
custom addressbook id Custom
custom fields addressbook id Custom fields
default addressbook id bawaan
default addressbook id Bawaan
default action on double-click addressbook id Tindakan default saat klik dua kali
default address format addressbook id Format alamat bawaan
default addressbook for adding contacts addressbook id Buku alamat bawaan untuk penambahan kontak
default file as format addressbook id Format <em>file as</em> bawaan
default file as format addressbook id File bawaan sebagai format
default filter addressbook id Saringan Bawaan
default geolocation source address addressbook id Alamat sumber GeoLokasi default
delete selected distribution list! addressbook id Hapus daftar distribusi terpilih!
delete this contact addressbook id Hapus kontak ini
deleted addressbook id terhapus
deleted addressbook id Terhapus
deletes the photo addressbook id Hapus foto
department common id Departemen
departments addressbook id departemen
departments addressbook id Departemen
disable addressbook id Nonaktifkan
disable last/next event column addressbook id Nonaktifkan kolom Acara Terakhir/Berikutnya
display contact addressbook id Tampilkan Kontak
@ -136,28 +149,29 @@ distribution lists addressbook id Daftar Distribusi
distribution lists as groups addressbook id Daftar distribusi sebagai grup
distribution lists, ... addressbook id Daftar Distribusi, ...
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook id Anda sungguh ingin menghapus kontak ini?
doesn't matter addressbook id tidak penting
doesn't matter addressbook id Tidak penting
domestic addressbook id Domestik
don't hide empty columns addressbook id Jangan sembunyikan kolom kosong
download addressbook id Unduh
download this contact as vcard file addressbook id unduh kontak sebagai vCard
download this contact as vcard file addressbook id Unduh kontak sebagai vCard
duplicate threshold addressbook id Ambang batas duplikat
duplicate warning addressbook id Peringatan duplikat
duplicates addressbook id Duplikat
duration addressbook id Durasi
edit custom fields admin id edit custom fields
edit custom fields admin id Mengedit bidang khusus
edit phonenumbers - addressbook id Edit Nomor telepon -
email & internet addressbook id Email & Internet
email addresses (comma separated) to send the contact data addressbook id Alamat Email (dipisahkan koma) untuk mengirim data-data kontak
empty admin id Kosong
empty addressbook before importing addressbook id Menghapus entri Buku Alamat Tidak ada dalam daftar CSV
empty for all addressbook id kosongkan untuk semuanya
empty for all addressbook id Kosongkan untuk semuanya
end addressbook id Akhir
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. addressbook id Contoh {{IF n_awalan~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - cari di kolom "n_awalan", untuk "Mr", jika ditemukan, tulis Hello Mr, jika tidak, tulis Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller preferences id Contoh {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix judul n_keluarga}} - Contoh Bapak Dr. James Miller
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role addressbook id Contoh {{NELF role}} - jika peran bidang tidak kosong, Anda akan mendapatkan baris baru dengan nilai peran bidang
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field addressbook id Contoh {{nenvlf role}} - jika peran bidang tidak kosong, tetapkan LF tanpa nilai bidang apa pun
existing links addressbook id Tautan yang ada
exists addressbook id Ada
export as csv addressbook id Ekspor sebagai CSV
export as vcard addressbook id Ekspor sebagai vCard
export contacts addressbook id Ekspor Kontak
@ -167,7 +181,8 @@ export file name addressbook id Nama berkas ekspor
export from addressbook addressbook id Ekspor dari Buku Alamat
export selection addressbook id Ekspor pilihan
exported addressbook id diekspor
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook id Mengekspor kontak dari buku alamat ke dalam file CSV. CSV berarti 'Nilai yang Dipisahkan dengan Koma'. Pada tab opsi, Anda juga dapat memilih pemisah lainnya.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. addressbook id Mengekspor kontak dari buku alamat ke dalam file CSV.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook id Mengekspor kontak dari buku alamat ke dalam file CSV. CSV berarti 'Nilai yang Dipisahkan dengan Koma'. Pada tab opsi, Anda juga dapat memilih pemisah lainnya.
extra addressbook id Tambahan
extra private addressbook id Privat tambahan
favorite phone addressbook id Telepon favorit
@ -186,6 +201,7 @@ freebusy uri addressbook id URI Senggang/sibuk
full name addressbook id Nama Lengkap
general admin id Umum
general fields: addressbook id Field Umum:
general settings addressbook id Pengaturan umum
geo addressbook id GEO
geolocation addressbook id Lokasi Geografis
geolocation integration admin id Integrasi GeoLokasi
@ -202,14 +218,14 @@ home address addressbook id Alamat Rumah
home address, birthday, ... addressbook id Alamat Rumah, HUT, ...
home city addressbook id Kota Rumah
home country addressbook id Negara Rumah
home email addressbook id EMail Rumah
home email addressbook id Email Rumah
home phone addressbook id Telepon Rumah
home state addressbook id Provinsi Rumah
home street addressbook id Jalan Rumah
home zip code addressbook id Kodepos Rumah
how many fields must match for the record to be considered a duplicate. addressbook id Berapa banyak bidang yang harus cocok agar catatan dianggap duplikat.
icon addressbook id Ikon
ignore first line addressbook id abaikan baris pertama
ignore first line addressbook id Abaikan baris pertama
import addressbook id Impor
import contacts addressbook id Impor Kontak
import csv-file into addressbook addressbook id Impor berkas-CSV ke Buku Alamat
@ -220,7 +236,7 @@ import from outlook addressbook id Impor dari Outlook
import multiple vcard addressbook id Impor beberapa vCard
import next set addressbook id Impor kelompok berikutnya
importer's personal addressbook id Pribadi pengimpor
imports contacts into your addressbook from a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook id Mengimpor kontak ke dalam buku alamat dari File CSV. CSV berarti 'Nilai yang Dipisahkan dengan Koma'. Pada tab opsi, Anda juga dapat memilih pemisah lainnya.
imports contacts into your addressbook from a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook id Mengimpor kontak ke dalam buku alamat dari File CSV. Pada tab opsi, Anda juga dapat memilih pemisah lainnya.
imports contacts into your addressbook from a vcard file. addressbook id Mengimpor kontak ke dalam Buku Alamat Anda dari File vCard.
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook id Tinggal %1 hari (%2) adalah HUT %3.
infolog addressbook id Kontak InfoLog
@ -250,7 +266,7 @@ manage mapping addressbook id Mengelola pemetaan
mark records as private addressbook id Tandai rekaman sebagai privat
merge duplicates addressbook id Gabungkan duplikat
merge into first or account, deletes all other! addressbook id Gabungkan ke dalam akun pertama atau akun, hapus semua yang lain!
merged addressbook id digabung
merged addressbook id Digabung
message after submitting the form addressbook id Pesan setelah mengirimkan formulir
middle name addressbook id Nama Tengah
migration finished addressbook id Migrasi selesai
@ -258,7 +274,7 @@ migration to ldap admin id Migrasi ke LDAP
mobile addressbook id Bergerak
mobile phone addressbook id Telepon Bergerak
modem phone addressbook id Telepon Modem
more ... addressbook id Selebihnya...
more ... addressbook id Selebihnya ...
move to addressbook addressbook id Pindah ke buku alamat
moved addressbook id dipindahkan
multiple vcard addressbook id Beberapa VCard
@ -273,8 +289,8 @@ no vcard addressbook id Tiada vCard
not shared addressbook id tidak dibagikan
number addressbook id Nomor
number of records to read (%1) addressbook id Jumlah rekord yang dibaca (%1)
open %1 crm view addressbook id Buka% 1 tampilan CRM
open email addresses in external mail program addressbook id Buka alamat EMail dalam program surat eksternal
open %1 crm view addressbook id Buka %1 tampilan CRM
open email addresses in external mail program addressbook id Buka alamat Email dalam program surat eksternal
open infolog crm view preferences id Buka tampilan CRM InfoLog dari kontak
open tracking system crm view preferences id Buka tampilan CRM Sistem Pelacakan
options for type admin id Opsi Tipe
@ -288,7 +304,7 @@ own sorting addressbook id Pengurutan pribadi
pager common id Pager
parcel addressbook id Parsel
participants addressbook id Peserta
permission denied !!! addressbook id Ijin ditolak !!!
permission denied !!! addressbook id Ijin ditolak!
permissiong denied! ask your administrator to allow regular uses to update their public keys. addressbook id Izin ditolak! Mintalah administrator Anda untuk mengizinkan penggunaan reguler untuk memperbarui kunci publik mereka.
pgp key addressbook id Kunci PGP
phone number common id Nomor Telepon
@ -296,15 +312,15 @@ phone numbers common id Nomor Telepon
photo addressbook id Foto
please select only one category addressbook id Mohon hanya memilih satu kategori
postal common id Pos
pref addressbook id kesukaan
pref addressbook id Kesukaan
preferred email address to use in distribution lists addressbook id Alamat email yang disukai untuk digunakan pada daftar distribusi
preferred phone addressbook id telepon kesukaan
preferred phone addressbook id Telepon kesukaan
preferred type of email address to add for distribution lists addressbook id Tipe alamat email yang disukai untuk ditambahkan pada daftar distribusi
prefix addressbook id Sebutan/Gelar
private address addressbook id Alamat pribadi
public key addressbook id Kunci Publik
public sharing url addressbook id URL berbagi publik
read only addressbook id hanya baca
read only addressbook id Hanya baca
record access addressbook id Akses Rekaman
record owner addressbook id Pemilik Rekaman
region addressbook id Kawasan
@ -324,11 +340,13 @@ select a source address to be used in geolocation routing system addressbook id
select a view addressbook id Pilih tampilan
select addressbook type addressbook id Pilih tipe buku alamat
select all addressbook id Pilih semua
select an action or addressbook to move to addressbook id Pilih tindakan atau buku alamat yang akan dipindahkan
select an action or addressbook to move to... addressbook id Pilih tindakan atau buku alamat yang akan dipindahkan ...
select an opened dialog addressbook id Pilih dialog yang terbuka
select migration type admin id Pilih tipe migrasi
select multiple contacts for a further action addressbook id Pilih beberapa kontak untuk tindakan selanjutnya
selected contacts addressbook id Kontak terpilih
send fax via email by replacing fax number with an email address addressbook id Mengirim faks melalui email dengan mengganti nomor faks dengan alamat email
send fax via email by replacing fax number with an email address addressbook id Mengirim faks melalui email dengan mengganti nomor faks dengan alamat Email
send succeeded to %1 common id Berhasil mengirim ke %1
seperator addressbook id Pemisah
share into addressbook addressbook id Bagikan ke buku alamat
@ -351,11 +369,11 @@ subject for email addressbook id Subyek email
suffix addressbook id Akhiran/Gelar
tel home addressbook id Tel rumah
telephony integration admin id Keterpaduan telepon
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook id Tes Impor (tampilkan rekaman yang dapat diimpor <em>hanya</em> dalam browser)
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook id Tes Impor (tampilkan rekaman yang dapat diimpor <u>hanya</u> dalam browser)
thank you for contacting us. addressbook id Terimakasih telah menghubungi kami.
that field name has been used already ! addressbook id Nama field tersebut telah digunakan!
the zip extension is needed, to insert contact data in openoffice or msoffice documents. addressbook id Ekstensi zip diperlukan untuk memasukkan data kontak dalam dokumen LibreOffice atau MS Office.
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook id Ada kesalahan dalam menyimpan data anda :-(
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook id KESALAHAN menyimpan data!
timezone addressbook id Zonawaktu
title addressbook id Judul pekerjaan
today is %1's birthday! common id Hari ini adalah HUT %1!
@ -380,9 +398,9 @@ view linked infolog entries addressbook id Lihat entri InfoLog terkait
weekday addressbook id Hari kerja
when viewing a contact, show linked entries from the selected application addressbook id Saat melihat kontak, tampilkan entri tertaut dari aplikasi yang dipilih
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (/home/unverricht) addressbook id Ketika Anda menggabungkan entri ke dalam dokumen, entri-entri tersebut akan disimpan di sini. Jika tidak ada direktori yang disediakan, mereka akan disimpan di direktori rumah Anda (/home/...)
whole query addressbook id seluruh query
whole query addressbook id Seluruh query
work phone addressbook id Telepon Kerja
wrong - try again ... addressbook id Keliru - coba lagi...
wrong - try again ... addressbook id Keliru - coba lagi ...
yes, only admins can purge deleted items admin id Ya, hanya admin yang dapat menghapus item yang dihapus
yes, users can purge their deleted items admin id Ya, pengguna dapat menghapus item yang dihapus
you are not allowed to share into the addressbook of %1 addressbook id Anda tidak diizinkan untuk berbagi ke buku alamat %1
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%1 added addressbook zh %1已添加
%1 contact(s) %2 addressbook zh %1个联系人%2
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of %4 !!! addressbook zh %1 联系人 %2, %3 因 %4 而失败!!!
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of %4 !!! addressbook zh %1 联系人 %2, %3 因 %4 而失败!
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! addressbook zh %1个联系人%2, %3个错误,因没有足够权限!
%1 contacts updated (%2 errors). addressbook zh %1 联系人已更新(%2 错误)。
%1 fields in %2 other organisation member(s) changed addressbook zh 在%2的其他组织成员中有%1个字段被更改
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ calendar integration addressbook zh 日历集成
calendar uri addressbook zh 日历网址
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin zh 可以通过 安装 >> 配置进行更改
car phone addressbook zh 车载电话
categories, notes, ... addressbook zh 分类、备注...
categories, notes, ... addressbook zh 类别、注释、...
category tree admin zh 分类树
cell phone addressbook zh 移动电话
change addressbook when updating addressbook zh 更新时更改地址簿
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ import contacts addressbook zh 导入联系人
import csv-file into addressbook addressbook zh 从 CSV 文件导入
import file addressbook zh 导入文件
import from addressbook zh 导入自
import from ldif, csv, or vcard addressbook zh 从 Ldif、CSV 或 vCard 导入通讯簿
import from ldif, csv, or vcard addressbook zh 从 LDIF、CSV 或 vCard 导入通讯簿
import from outlook addressbook zh 从 Outlook 导入
import multiple vcard addressbook zh 导入多重 vCard
import next set addressbook zh 导入下一个集合
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ other number addressbook zh 其他号码
other phone addressbook zh 其他电话
own sorting addressbook zh 自定排序
pager common zh 寻呼机
parcel addressbook zh Parcel
parcel addressbook zh 包裹
participants addressbook zh 参与者
permission denied !!! addressbook zh 没有权限!
permissiong denied! ask your administrator to allow regular uses to update their public keys. addressbook zh 拒绝允许!请要求管理员允许普通用户更新其公钥。
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ that field name has been used already ! addressbook zh 该字段名已被使用
the anonymous user has probably no add rights for this addressbook. addressbook zh 匿名用户也许没有为该通讯簿的添加权限。
the anonymous user needs add rights for it! addressbook zh 匿名用户需要为它增加权限!
the zip extension is needed, to insert contact data in openoffice or msoffice documents. addressbook zh 需要使用 zip 扩展名,以便在 LibreOffice 或 MS Office 文档中插入联系人数据。
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook zh 保存您的数据时发生一个错误:-(
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook zh 保存数据错误!
this module displays a contactform, that stores direct into the addressbook. addressbook zh 该模块显示一个联系人表单,其储存直接输入通讯簿中。
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook zh 这个人的名字不在通讯簿中。
this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook zh 这个人的姓不在通讯簿中。
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ account %1 %2 admin cs Účet %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin cs Účet '%1' byl smazán.
account '%1' not found !!! admin cs Účet '%1' nebyl nalezen!
account active admin cs Účet aktivní
account has been created common cs Účet byl vytvořen
account has been deleted common cs Účet byl smazán
account has been updated common cs Účet byl aktualizován
account has been created common cs Účet byl vytvořen.
account has been deleted common cs Účet byl smazán.
account has been updated common cs Účet byl aktualizován.
account list admin cs Seznam účtů
account permissions admin cs Práva účtu
account preferences admin cs Předvolby účtu
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ add a subcategory admin cs Přidat podkategorii
add a user admin cs Přidat uživatele
add account admin cs Přidat účet
add application admin cs Přidat aplikaci
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin cs Přidat automaticky vytvořené uživatele do této skupiny (ponecháte-li prázdné, použije se 'Výchozí')
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin cs Přidat automaticky vytvořené uživatele do této skupiny (ponecháte-li prázdné, použije se 'Výchozí').
add global category admin cs Přidat globální kategorii
add global category for %1 admin cs Přidat globální kategorii pro %1
add group admin cs Přidat skupinu
@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ all categories admin cs Všechny kategorie
all records and account information will be lost! admin cs Všechny záznamy a informace o účtu budou ztraceny!
all users admin cs Všichni uživatelé
allow anonymous access to this app admin cs Povolit anonymní přístup k této aplikaci
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin cs Povolit vzdálenou administraci z následujících instalačních ID (oddělených čárkami)
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin cs Povolit vzdálenou administraci z následujících instalačních ID (oddělených čárkami).
alternate email address admin cs Alternativní e-mailová adresa
anonymous user admin cs Anonymní uživatel
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin cs Anonymní uživatel (nezobrazuje se v seznamu relací)
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin cs Anonymní uživatel (nezobrazuje se v seznamu relací).
anonymous user does not exist! admin cs Anonymní uživatel NEexistuje!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin cs Anonymní uživatel NEMÁ oprávnění ke spuštění aplikace!
any application admin cs Kterákoli aplikace
@ -115,23 +115,23 @@ applications run rights updated. admin cs Oprávnění pro běh aplikace byla za
applies the changes admin cs Použije změny
apply the changes admin cs Použít změny
archive: zip or tar admin cs Archiv: ZIP nebo tar
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat aplikaci %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat aplikaci %1?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat tento účet?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat tuto aplikaci?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common cs Určitě chcete smazat tuto kategorii?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat tuto globální kategorii ?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat tuto globální kategorii?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat tuto skupinu?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin cs Určitě chcete smazat tento server?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin cs Určitě chcete ukončit tuto relaci?
async services last executed admin cs Asynchronní služby naposledy spuštěny
asynchronous timed services admin cs Asynchornně časované služby
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin cs Asynchronní služby nebyly dosud nainstalovány nebo jiná chyba (%1)!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin cs Pokuste se použít správný MIME typ pro FTP místo výchozího 'application/octet-stream'
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin cs Pokuste se použít správný MIME typ pro FTP místo výchozího 'application/octet-stream'.
attribute accountstatus explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> z QMAIL schématu.
attribute mail explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i>-mail-</i></b> z QMAIL schématu a nikdy by nemělo být prázdné. Je také interním e-mailovým polem EGroupware.
attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i>-mailAlternateAddress-</i></b> z QMAIL schématu a může být použito jako virtuální mapování nebo aliasy.
attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i>-mailForwardingAddress-</i></b> z QMAIL schématu a pokud je nastavené, nesmí být prázdné.
authentication / accounts admin cs Autentikace / Účty
authentication / accounts admin cs Autentikace | Účty
auto create account records for authenticated users admin cs Automaticky vytvořit záznamy pro autentikované uživatele
back to admin/grouplist admin cs Zpět na Administrátor/Skupiny uživatelů
back to admin/userlist admin cs Zpět na Administrátor/Uživatelské účty
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ change acl rights admin cs Změnit ACL práva
change config settings admin cs Změnít konfigurační nastavení
change login screen message admin cs Změnit zprávu na hlavní obrazovce
change password for %1 admin cs Změnit heslo pro %1
check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin cs Zkontrolovat ACL zda neobsahují záznamy již zrušených účtů
check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin cs Zkontrolovat ACL zda neobsahují záznamy již zrušených účtů.
check ip address of all sessions admin cs Kontrolovat IP adresy všech relací
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin cs Zkontrolovat položky k <b>%1</b> do %2 pro %3
checking push (green for success or red for failure) admin cs Zkontrolujte PUSH (zelená = OK, červená - není OK)
@ -187,6 +187,12 @@ custom 1 admin cs Vlastní 1
custom 2 admin cs Vlastní 2
custom 3 admin cs Vlastní 3
custom fields admin cs Uživatelsky definované položky
custom translation admin cs Vlastní překlady
customfield '%1' added admin cs Přidáno vlastní pole '%1'.
customfield '%1' deleted admin cs Vlastní pole '%1' odstraněno.
customfield '%1' modified admin cs Vlastní pole "%1" upraveno.
customfield deleted admin cs Vlastní pole odstraněno.
customfield saved. admin cs Vlastní pole uloženo.
cyrus imap server admin cs Cyrus IMAP Server
cyrus imap server administration admin cs Administrace Cyrus IMAP serveru
data admin cs Data
@ -229,8 +235,8 @@ deny access to peer servers admin cs Zablokovat přístup k peer serverům
deny access to phpinfo admin cs Zablokovat přístup k phpinfo
deny access to site configuration admin cs Zablokovat přístup k nastavení webu
deny access to user accounts admin cs Zablokovat přístup k uživatelským účtům
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin cs Zablokovat všem uživatelům právo přidělit přístup k vlastním záznamům jiným uživatelům ?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin cs Popis nesmí překročit délku 255 znaků !
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin cs Zablokovat všem uživatelům právo přidělit přístup k vlastním záznamům jiným uživatelům
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin cs Popis nesmí překročit délku 255 znaků!
determines the order the fields are displayed admin cs Určuje pořadí zobrazování položek
disable admin cs Zakázat
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin cs Zakázat funkci "automatického dokončení" na přihlašovacím formuláři
@ -240,11 +246,11 @@ display admin cs Zobrazit
displaying html messages is disabled admin cs Zobrazování HTML zpráv je zakázáno
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin cs NEmazat kategorii a vrátit se zpět na seznam
do not validate certificate admin cs Neověřovat certifikát
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs Chcete také smazat všechny globální kategorie ?
do you really want to delete this profile admin cs Opravdu chcete smazat tento profil
do you really want to reset the filter for the profile listing admin cs Opravdu chcete vyresetovat filtr pro seznam profilů
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs Chcete také smazat všechny globální kategorie?
do you really want to delete this profile admin cs Opravdu chcete smazat tento profil?
do you really want to reset the filter for the profile listing admin cs Opravdu chcete vyresetovat filtr pro seznam profilů?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs Chcete smazat všechny globální podkategorie?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin cs Chcete přesunout všechny globální podkategorie o jednu úroveň níže ?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin cs Chcete přesunout všechny globální podkategorie o jednu úroveň níže?
document root (default) admin cs Kořenový adresář dokumentů (výchozí)
domainname admin cs Doménové jméno
down admin cs Dolů
@ -274,11 +280,11 @@ emailadmin: group assigned profile common cs Administrátor pošty: profil přid
emailadmin: user assigned profile common cs Administrátor pošty: profil přidělený uživateli
enable admin cs Povolit
enable cyrus imap server administration admin cs Povolit administraci Cyrus IMAP serveru
enable debug-messages admin cs Povolit debugovací zprávy
enable debug-messages admin cs Povolit debugovací zprávy.
enable sieve admin cs Povolit Sieve
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin cs Povolit kontrolu pravopisu v richtext editoru?
enable the soap service admin cs Povolit službu SOAP
enable the xmlrpc service admin cs Povolit službu XML-RPC
enable the soap service admin cs Povolit službu SOAP.
enable the xmlrpc service admin cs Povolit službu XML-RPC.
enabled - hidden from navbar admin cs Povoleno - Skryto z navigační lišty
enabled - popup window admin cs Povoleno - Překryvné okno
encrypted connection admin cs Šifrované připojení
@ -307,23 +313,23 @@ enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin cs Zadejte doménové jméno
enter your smtp server port admin cs Zadejte port Vašeho SMTP serveru
entry saved admin cs Záznam uložen
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin cs Chyba při ukočení časovače, patrně není žádný nastaven!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin cs Chyba při změně hesla pro 1% !
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin cs Chyba při změně hesla pro 1%!
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin cs Chyba spojení na IMAP server. %s : %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin cs Chyba spojení na IMAP server: [%s] %s.
error deleting log entry! admin cs Chyba při mazání záznamu v logu!
error saving admin cs Chyba při ukládání
error saving admin cs Chyba při ukládání!
error saving account! admin cs Chyba při ukládání účtu!
error saving the command! admin cs Chyba při ukládání příkazu!
error saving the entry!!! admin cs Chyba při ukládání záznamu!!!
error saving the entry!!! admin cs Chyba při ukládání záznamu!
error saving to db: admin cs Chyba při ukládání do databáze:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin cs Chyba při nastavení časovače, špatná syntaxe nebo už jeden časovač běží!
error! no appname found admin cs Chyba! Název aplikace nenalezen
error! no appname found admin cs Chyba: Název aplikace nenalezen!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin cs Chyba: %1 nenalezen nebo jiná chyba!
event details follow admin cs Následují detaily události
expires admin cs Vyprší
explanation of ldapman admin cs Tento modul byl zatím testován pro Postfix,LDAP,Courier-IMAP a potřebuje schémata CORE a QMAIL (OID7914). Více informací k používání a konfiguraci tohoto systému naleznete v souboru README.ldapman ve podsložce doc složky admin.
failed to change password. admin cs Nepodařilo se změnit heslo.
fallback (after each pageview) admin cs Náhradní režim (po každém zobrazení stránky)
fallback (after each pageview) admin cs Náhradní režim (po každém zobrazení stránky).
false admin cs Ne
field '%1' already exists !!! admin cs Položka '%1' již existuje!
file space admin cs Prostor pro soubory
@ -331,7 +337,7 @@ file space must be an integer admin cs Prostor pro soubory musí být celé čí
filtered by account admin cs Filtrováno podle účtu
filtered by group admin cs Filtrováno podle skupiny
for the times above admin cs Pro výše uvedené časy
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin cs Pro níže uvedené časy (prázdné hodnoty se berou jako '*', vše prázdné = každou minutu)
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin cs Pro níže uvedené časy (prázdné hodnoty se berou jako '*', vše prázdné = každou minutu).
force selectbox admin cs Vynuit rozbalovací nabídku
forward also to admin cs Přeposlat také na
forward email's to admin cs Přeposílat e-maily na
@ -345,9 +351,9 @@ go directly to admin menu, returning here the next time you click on administrat
governmental: incl. state or municipal authorities or services admin cs Vládní: včetně státních nebo obecních úřadů a služeb
grant admin cs Povolit
group ? admin cs Skupina?
group has been added common cs Skupina byla přidána
group has been deleted common cs Skupina byla smazána
group has been updated common cs Skupina byla aktualizována
group has been added common cs Skupina byla přidána.
group has been deleted common cs Skupina byla smazána.
group has been updated common cs Skupina byla aktualizována.
group list admin cs Seznam skupin
group manager admin cs Správce skupin
group name admin cs Název skupiny
@ -357,11 +363,11 @@ home directory admin cs Domovský adresář
home screen message admin cs Zpráva na hlavní obrazovce
host information admin cs Informace o serveru (host)
hour<br>(0-23) admin cs Hodina<br>(0-23)
how big should thumbnails for linked images be (maximum in pixels) ? admin cs Jaká by měla být maximální velikost náhledů k odkazovaným obrázkům (v pixelech)?
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin cs Kolik dní mají záznamy zůstat v přístupovém protokolu, než budou smazány (výchozí 90) ?
how big should thumbnails for linked images be (maximum in pixels) ? admin cs Jaká by měla být maximální velikost náhledů k odkazovaným obrázkům (v pixelech)
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin cs Kolik dní mají záznamy zůstat v přístupovém protokolu, než budou smazány (výchozí 90)
how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no export) admin cs Kolik položek smí uživatelé bez práv administrátora exportovat (prázdné = bez omezení, ne = žádný export)
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin cs Kolik minut mají být účet nebo IP blokovány (výchozí 30) ?
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin cs Jak mají být sestaveny e-mailové adresy pro nové uživatele?
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin cs Kolik minut mají být účet nebo IP blokovány (výchozí 30)
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin cs Jak mají být sestaveny e-mailové adresy pro nové uživatele
icon admin cs Ikona
idle admin cs Nečinný
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin cs Pokud pro uživatele nebo žádnou ze skupin které je členem neexistují ACL záznamy
@ -392,7 +398,7 @@ installed crontab admin cs Nainstalovaný crontab
instance admin cs Instance
interface admin cs Rozhranní
international use admin cs Mezinárodní využití
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin cs Neplatný argument '%1' !
invalid argument '%1' !!! admin cs Neplatný argument '%1'!
invalid formated date "%1"! admin cs Neplatný formát datumu "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin cs Neplatné vzdálené ID nebo název "%1"!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin cs Neplatná hodnota "%1", použijte ano nebo ne!
@ -423,9 +429,9 @@ ldap server admin password admin cs Heslo administrátora LDAP serveru
ldap server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa LDAP serveru
ldap settings admin cs LDAP nastavení
leave empty for no quota admin cs Ponechte prázdné, nechcete-li kvótu
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin cs Nechte prázdné, pokud chcete použít OAuth, pokud je podporován.
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin cs Ponechat kategorii bez změny a vrátit se zpět na seznam
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin cs Ponechat skupinu bez změny a vrátit se zpět na seznam
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin cs Nechte prázdné, pokud chcete použít OAuth, pokud je podporován
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin cs Ponechat kategorii bez změny a vrátit se zpět na seznam.
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin cs Ponechat skupinu bez změny a vrátit se zpět na seznam.
leave without saveing the entry admin cs Ukončit bez uložení záznamu
leaves without saveing admin cs Ukončí bez ukládání
length<br>rows admin cs Délka<br>Řádky
@ -464,24 +470,24 @@ name of organisation admin cs Název organizace
name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin cs Název instace EGroupware, např. default
new group name admin cs Název nové skupiny
new name admin cs Nový název
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin cs Nové heslo [ Ponechte prázdné, nechcete-li měnit ]
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin cs Nové heslo (Ponechte prázdné, nechcete-li měnit)
next run admin cs Další spuštění
no algorithms available admin cs Nejsou k dispozici žádné algoritmy!
no alternate email address admin cs Bez alternativní e-mailové adresy
no encryption admin cs Bez šifrování
no forwarding email address admin cs Bez e-mailové adresy pro přeposílání
no jobs in the database !!! admin cs Žádné úlohy v databázi!!!
no login history exists for this user admin cs Pro tohoto uživatele neexistuje historie přihlášení
no matches found admin cs Nenalezeny žádné záznamy
no jobs in the database !!! admin cs Žádné úlohy v databázi!
no login history exists for this user admin cs Pro tohoto uživatele neexistuje historie přihlášení!
no matches found admin cs Nenalezeny žádné záznamy!
no message returned. admin cs Žádná zpráva se nevrátila.
no modes available admin cs žádné režimy nejsou k dispozici
no permission to add groups admin cs Nemáte oprávnění přidávat skupiny
no permission to add users admin cs Nemáte oprávnění přidávat uživatele
no permission to create groups admin cs Nemáte oprávnění vytvářet skupiny
no modes available admin cs Žádné režimy nejsou k dispozici!
no permission to add groups admin cs Nemáte oprávnění přidávat skupiny!
no permission to add users admin cs Nemáte oprávnění přidávat uživatele!
no permission to create groups admin cs Nemáte oprávnění vytvářet skupiny!
no plain text part found admin cs Nebyla nalezena část ve formě prostého textu
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin cs Nebyla nalezena žádná podporovaná metoda IMAP autentikace.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin cs Neziskové: kluby, asociace, ...
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin cs Upozornění: SSL je k dispozici jen v případě, že je PHP zkompilováno s podporou curl
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin cs Upozornění: SSL je k dispozici jen v případě, že je PHP zkompilováno s podporou curl.
number of active users admin cs Počet aktivních uživatelů
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin cs Počet řádků ve víceřádkovém vstupním poli nebo ve výběrovém okně
number of sessions / egroupware logins in the last 30 days admin cs Počet relací / Přihlášení do EGroupware během posledních 30 dní
@ -509,7 +515,6 @@ path information admin cs Informace o cestě
peer server list admin cs Seznam peer serverů
peer servers admin cs Peer servery
percent of users that logged out admin cs Procento odhlášených uživatelů
percent this user has logged out admin cs Procento odhlášení tohoto uživatele
permission denied admin cs Přístup zamítnut
permission denied !!! admin cs Přístup zamítnut!
permission denied!!! admin cs Přístup zamítnut!
@ -548,8 +553,6 @@ remote administration instances admin cs Instance vzdálené administrace
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin cs Vzdálená administrace musí být povolena na vzdálené instanci pod položkou Administrátor > Konfigurace webu!
remote instance saved admin cs Vzdálená instance uložena
remove admin cs Odstranit
remove all users from this group admin cs Odstranit všechny uživatele z této skupiny
remove all users from this group ? admin cs Odstranit všechny uživatele z této skupiny?
requested admin cs Požadovaný
requires 'openid / oauth2 server' app. admin cs Vyžaduje aplikaci "OpenID / OAuth2 Server".
reset filter admin cs Vyresetovat filtr
@ -558,27 +561,27 @@ route all mails to admin cs Směrovat všechny zprávy na
rows admin cs Ŕádky
rpm or debian package admin cs Balíček RPM nebo deb
run asynchronous services admin cs Spustit asynchronní služby
save the category admin cs Uložit katergorii
save the category and return back to the list admin cs Uložit kategorii a vrátit se zpět na seznam
saves the changes made and leaves admin cs Uloží provedené změny a ukončí
saves this entry admin cs Uloží tento záznam
save the category admin cs Uložit katergorii.
save the category and return back to the list admin cs Uložit kategorii a vrátit se zpět na seznam.
saves the changes made and leaves admin cs Uloží provedené změny a ukončí.
saves this entry admin cs Uloží tento záznam.
scheduled admin cs Naplánováno
search accounts admin cs Prohledat účty
search categories admin cs Prohledat kategorie
search groups admin cs Prohledat skupiny
search peer servers admin cs Prohledat peer servery
security admin cs Zabezpečení
select accounts for which the custom field should be visible admin cs Vybrat účty, pro které má být uživatelsky definované pole viditelné
select accounts for which the custom field should be visible admin cs Vybrat účty, pro které má být uživatelsky definované pole viditelné.
select group managers admin cs Vybrat skupinové správce
select permissions this group will have admin cs Vybrat oprávnění pro tuto skupinu
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin cs Vyberte rodičovskou kategorii. Pokud se jedná o hlavní kategorii, zvolte NO CATEGORY
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin cs Vyberte rodičovskou kategorii. Pokud se jedná o hlavní kategorii, zvolte NO CATEGORY.
select type of imap server admin cs Vyberte typ IMAP serveru
select type of imap/pop3 server admin cs Vyberte typ IMAP/POP3 serveru
select type of smtp server admin cs Vyberte typ SMTP serveru
select users for inclusion admin cs Vyberte uživatele k zařazení
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin cs Vyberte kam/odkud chcete ukládat/načítat informace o souborovém systému
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin cs Vyberte kam/odkud chcete ukládat/načítat informace o uživatelských účtech
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin cs Vyberte umístění této aplikace v navigační liště, od nejnižšího(vlevo) k nejvyššímu (vpravo)
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin cs Vyberte kam/odkud chcete ukládat/načítat informace o souborovém systému.
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin cs Vyberte kam/odkud chcete ukládat/načítat informace o uživatelských účtech.
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin cs Vyberte umístění této aplikace v navigační liště, od nejnižšího(vlevo) k nejvyššímu (vpravo).
selectbox admin cs Rozbalovací nabídka
send using this email-address admin cs Odeslat s touto e-mailovou adresou
server %1 has been updated admin cs Server %1 byl zaktualizován
@ -590,7 +593,7 @@ server url admin cs URL serveru
server username admin cs Uživatelské jméno serveru
sessions last 30 days admin cs Relací za posledních 30 dní
set preference values. admin cs Nastavit preferované hodnoty.
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin cs Mají výjimky obsahovat i trasování (včetně argumentů funkcí)
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin cs Mají výjimky obsahovat i trasování (včetně argumentů funkcí).
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin cs Má přihlašovací stránka zobrazovat rozbalovací nabídku s výběrem jazyka (užitečné pro demo stránky)?
show 'powered by' logo on admin cs Zobrazovat logo 'Powered by' na
show access log admin cs Zobrazit přístupový protokol
@ -613,8 +616,8 @@ smtp-server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa SMTP serve
smtp-server port admin cs Port SMTP serveru
soap admin cs SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin cs Lituji, takové jméno skupiny už bylo použito.
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Lituji, výše uvedení uživatelé jsou stále členy skupiny %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Lituji, následující uživatelé jsou stále členy skupiny %1
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Lituji, výše uvedení uživatelé jsou stále členy skupiny %1.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Lituji, následující uživatelé jsou stále členy skupiny %1.
sort the entries admin cs Třídit záznamy
source account #%1 does not exist! admin cs Zdrojový účet #%1 NEexistuje!
ssl admin cs SSL
@ -642,27 +645,27 @@ templates admin cs Šablony
text entry admin cs Textový záznam
that application name already exists. admin cs Takové jméno aplikace již existuje.
that application order must be a number. admin cs Pořadí aplikace musí být číslo.
that loginid has already been taken admin cs Takové přihlašovací id už bylo použito
that name has been used already admin cs Takový název už byl použit
that loginid has already been taken admin cs Takové přihlašovací id už bylo použito.
that name has been used already admin cs Takový název už byl použit.
that server name has been used already ! admin cs Takový název serveru už byl použit!
the api is current admin cs API je aktuální
the api requires an upgrade admin cs API vyžaduje aktualizaci
the cumulated and anonymised data will be publically available: admin cs Souhrnné anonymní údaje budou veřejně k dispozici na:
the groups must include the primary group admin cs Skupiny musí obsahovat i primární skupinu
the groups must include the primary group admin cs Skupiny musí obsahovat i primární skupinu.
the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. please contact your system administrator. admin cs Vypadá to, že IMAP server nepodporuje vybranou autentikační metodu. Zkontaktujte prosím Vašeho systémového administrátora.
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin cs Instalační ID instance je možné najít pod Administrátor > Konfigurace webu
the login and password can not be the same admin cs Přihlašovací jméno a heslo se nesmí shodovat
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin cs Přihlašovací id nesmí být delší než osm znaků
the login and password can not be the same admin cs Přihlašovací jméno a heslo se nesmí shodovat.
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin cs Přihlašovací id nesmí být delší než osm znaků.
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin cs Mimeparser nemůže zpracovat tuto zprávu.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin cs Název používaný interně (<= 20 znaků), je změna způsobí nedostupnost stávajících dat
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin cs Název používaný interně (<= 20 znaků), je změna způsobí nedostupnost stávajících dat.
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin cs Testovací úloha Vám pošle e-mail při každém spuštění.
the text displayed to the user admin cs Text zobrazený uživateli
the two passwords are not the same admin cs Zadaná hesla se neshodují
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin cs Níže uvedení uživatelé jsou stále členy skupiny %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin cs Skupina s tímto jménem již existuje. Uživatelé a skupiny nemohou mít stejná id.
they must be removed before you can continue admin cs Musí být odstraněni, aby jste mohl(a) pokračovat
this application is current admin cs Tato aplikace je aktuální
this application requires an upgrade admin cs Tato aplikace vyžaduje aktualizaci
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin cs Skupina s tímto jménem již existuje. Uživatelé a skupiny nemohou mít stejná ID.
they must be removed before you can continue admin cs Musí být odstraněni, aby jste mohl(a) pokračovat.
this application is current admin cs Tato aplikace je aktuální.
this application requires an upgrade admin cs Tato aplikace vyžaduje aktualizaci.
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin cs Tuto kategorii v současné době používají aplikace jako rodičovskou.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin cs Toto PHP nemá zkompilovanou podporu IMAP.
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin cs Časový limit vypršení dat aplikační relace v sekundách (výchozí hodnota je 86400 = 1 den)
@ -693,18 +696,18 @@ under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallb
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na příkaz AUTHENTICATE.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na Digest-MD5 odpověď.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na příkaz LOGIN.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin cs Neznámý účet: %1 !
unknown command %1! admin cs Neznámý příkaz %1 !
unknown account: %1 !!! admin cs Neznámý účet: %1!
unknown command %1! admin cs Neznámý příkaz %1!
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin cs Neznámá IMAP odpověď server. Odpověděl: %s
unknown option %1 admin cs Neznámá volba %1
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin cs Nepodporovaná akce '%1' !
unknown option %1 admin cs Neznámá volba %1!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin cs Nepodporovaná akce '%1'!
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin cs Nelze uložit kategorii s aktuálním nastavením. Zkontrolujte nekonzistenci:
up admin cs Nahoru
update current email address: admin cs Aktualizovat současnou e-mailovou adresu:
updated admin cs Aktualizováno
updated admin cs aktualizováno
url of the egroupware installation, eg. http://domain.com/egroupware admin cs URL instalace EGroupware, např. https://egw.domain.com/egroupware
usage admin cs Využití
use cookies to pass sessionid admin cs Požívat cookies pro předání id relace
use cookies to pass sessionid admin cs Požívat cookies pro předání ID relace
use default admin cs Použít výchozí
use ldap defaults admin cs Použít výchozí hodnoty LDAP
use predefined username and password defined below admin cs Použít předdefinované uživatelské jméno a heslo uvedené níže
@ -716,7 +719,7 @@ use tls encryption admin cs Použít TLS šifrování
user accounts admin cs Uživatelské účty
user can edit forwarding address admin cs Uživatel smí editovat adresu pro přeposílání
user data common cs Uživatelská data
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin cs Uživatel pro SMTP autentikaci (ponechte prázdné, není-li autentikace vyžadována)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin cs Uživatel pro SMTP autentikaci (ponechte prázdné, není-li autentikace vyžadována).
user groups admin cs Skupiny uživatelů
user-agent admin cs User-Agent
userdata admin cs Uživatelská data
@ -745,25 +748,25 @@ who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin c
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin cs Ukládání informačního pole EGroupware do mezipaměti.
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin cs Kontrola aktualizací verzí při přihlášení administrátorů.
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin cs Kontrola aktualizací aplikací při přihlášení administrátorů.
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin cs Chcete (během přihlášení) automaticky nahrávat nové jazykové soubory?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin cs Chcete ukazovat stav aktualizace každé z aplikací
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin cs Špatný typ účtu: %1 NENÍ %2 !
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin cs Chcete (během přihlášení) automaticky nahrávat nové jazykové soubory.
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin cs Chcete ukazovat stav aktualizace každé z aplikací.
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin cs Špatný typ účtu: %1 NENÍ %2!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin cs Špatný účet administrátora nebo heslo!
xml-rpc admin cs XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin cs Zadal(a) jste neplatné datum expirace
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin cs Zadal(a) jste neplatné datum expirace!
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin cs Nenastavil(a) jste uživateli žádnou emailovou adresu!
you have received a new message on the admin cs Přišla Vám nová zpráva na
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin cs Musíte zadat název pro vytvoření nové položky!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin cs Musíte zadat název pro vytvoření nového typu!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin cs Musíte zadat nejméně jedno oprávnění nebo skupinu k tomuto účtu
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin cs Musíte zadat nejméně jedno oprávnění nebo skupinu k tomuto účtu!
you must enter a group name. admin cs Musíte zadat jméno skupiny.
you must enter a lastname admin cs Musíte zadat příjmení
you must enter a loginid admin cs Musíte zadat přihlašovací id
you must enter a lastname admin cs Musíte zadat příjmení.
you must enter a loginid admin cs Musíte zadat přihlašovací ID
you must enter an application name and title. admin cs Musíte zadat název aplikace a titulek.
you must enter an application name. admin cs Musíte zadat název aplikace.
you must enter an application title. admin cs Musíte zadat titulek aplikace.
you must select a file type admin cs Musíte vybrat typ souboru
you must select at least one group member. admin cs Musíte vybrat alespoň jednoho člena skupiny
you must select a file type admin cs Musíte vybrat typ souboru.
you must select at least one group member. admin cs Musíte vybrat alespoň jednoho člena skupiny.
you need to enter install id and password! admin cs Musíte zadat instalační ID a heslo!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin cs Než smažete tuto kategorii, musíte smazat všechny podkategorie!
your last submission was less then %1 days ago! admin cs Naposledy jste odeslal(a) údaje před méně jak %1 dnem/dny.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%1 mail credentials deleted admin de %1 Mail Zugangsdaten gelöscht
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin de %1 nicht gefunden oder nicht ausführbar!
%1 phrases saved. admin de %1 Phrasen gespeichert.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin de %1 Rechte für %2 und Anwendung(en) %3
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin de %1 Rechte für %2 und Anwendung(en) %3.
%1 run rights for applications admin de Ausführungsrechte für Anwendungen von %1
%1 sessions killed admin de %1 Sitzungen beendet
%1 successful admin de %1 erfolgreich
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ custom egroupware bold web font as woff2 file admin de Eigener EGroupware Bold W
custom egroupware web font as woff2 file admin de Eigener EGroupware Web-Font als woff2 Datei
custom fields admin de Benutzerdefinierte Felder
custom fields tab admin de Benutzerdefinierte Felder Tab
custom translation admin de Eigene Übersetzung
custom translation admin de Eigene Übersetzungen
customfield '%1' added admin de Benutzerdefiniertes Feld '%1' hinzugefügt
customfield '%1' deleted admin de Benutzerdefiniertes Feld '%1' gelöscht
customfield '%1' modified admin de Benutzerdefiniertes Feld '%1' aktulisiert
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ enter the site username for peer servers admin de Site-Benutzername für Peer-Se
enter the title for your site admin de Titel der EGroupware-Installation
enter the title of your logo admin de Titel Ihres Logos
enter the url where your logo should link to admin de URL mit der das Logo verlinkt werden soll
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin de Geben Sie den VFS-Pfad an, in dem noch mehr Bilder oder Symbole abgelegt und von EGroupware-Applikationen verwendet werden können.<br> Der Pfad muss mit einem "/" beginnen und von allen Benutzern lesbar sein.
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin de Geben Sie den VFS-Pfad an, in dem noch mehr Bilder oder Symbole abgelegt und von EGroupware-Applikationen verwendet werden können.\nDer Pfad muss mit einem "/" beginnen und von allen Benutzern lesbar sein
enter your default ftp server admin de Standard-FTP-Server
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin de Standard E-Mail-Domain (Von: benutzer@domain)
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin de Standard E-Mail-Domain (Von: benutzer@domain)
@ -733,7 +733,6 @@ path information admin de Pfad-Information
peer server list admin de Liste der Server im Verbund
peer servers admin de Server-Verbund
percent of users that logged out admin de Prozent der Benutzer, die sich korrekt abgemeldet haben
percent this user has logged out admin de Prozentsatz, wie oft sich dieser Benutzer abgemeldet hat
periodic admin de Periodisch
permission denied admin de Zugriff verweigert
permission denied !!! admin de Zugriff verweigert!
@ -783,8 +782,6 @@ remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin >
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin de Die Remote Administration muss von der Remote-Instanz (unter Admin -> Konfiguration der Anwendung) freigegeben werden.
remote instance saved admin de Remote Instanz gespeichert
remove admin de Entfernen
remove all users from this group admin de Entferne alle Benutzer aus dieser Gruppe.
remove all users from this group ? admin de Entferne alle Benutzer aus dieser Gruppe?
removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. are you sure? users in these groups may no longer have access: admin de Sind Sie sicher? Den Zugriff für Gruppen zu nehmen kann zu Problemen mit den Daten dieser Kategorie führen. Benutzer dieser Gruppen haben möglicherweise keinen Zugriff mehr:
renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! admin de Das Umbenennen des Benutzers 'anonymous' verhindert die Dateifreigabe und Collabora Online Office!
requested admin de Angefordert
@ -976,7 +973,7 @@ unsupported action '%1' !!! admin de Nicht unterstützte Aktion '%1'!
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin de Kategorie kann mit den aktuellen Einstellungen nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte überprüfen sie die Einstellungen auf Ungereimtheiten.
up admin de Hoch
update current email address: admin de Aktualisiere aktuelle E-Mail-Adresse
updated admin de Aktualisiert
updated admin de aktualisiert
upload your background image or enter the url admin de Laden Sie ein Hintergrundbild hoch oder geben Sie eine entsprechende URL ein
upload your certificate .p12/.pfx file admin de Zertifikat hochladen (.p12/.pfx-Datei)
upload your favicon or enter the url admin de Laden Sie ein Favicon hoch oder geben Sie eine URL dafür ein
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%1 mail credentials deleted admin en %1 mail credentials deleted
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin en %1 not found or not executable!
%1 phrases saved. admin en %1 phrases saved.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin en %1 rights for %2 and application(s) %3 .
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin en %1 rights for %2 and application(s) %3.
%1 run rights for applications admin en %1 run rights for applications
%1 sessions killed admin en %1 sessions killed.
%1 successful admin en %1 successful
@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ applications this group can use admin en Applications this group can use
applies the changes admin en Applies the changes
apply changes admin en Apply changes
apply the changes admin en Apply the changes
archive: zip or tar admin en Archive: zip or tar
archive: zip or tar admin en Archive: ZIP or tar
are you sure you want to %1 mail for selected accounts? admin en Are you sure you want to %1 mail for selected accounts?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete the application %1?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete this account?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin en Are you sure you want to delete this application?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common en Are you sure you want to delete this category?
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ custom egroupware bold web font as woff2 file admin en Custom EGroupware Bold we
custom egroupware web font as woff2 file admin en Custom EGroupware web font as woff2 file
custom fields admin en Custom fields
custom fields tab admin en custom fields tab
custom translation admin en Custom translation
custom translation admin en Custom translations
customfield '%1' added admin en Customfield '%1' added
customfield '%1' deleted admin en Customfield '%1' deleted
customfield '%1' modified admin en Customfield '%1' modified
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ enter the site username for peer servers admin en Enter the site username for pe
enter the title for your site admin en Enter the title for site
enter the title of your logo admin en Enter the title of logo
enter the url where your logo should link to admin en Enter the URL where the logo should link to
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin en Enter the VFS path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed and found by EGroupware's applications.<br>The path MUST start with / and be readable by all users
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin en Enter the VFS path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed and found by EGroupware's applications.\nThe path MUST start with / and be readable by all users
enter your default ftp server admin en Enter your default FTP server
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin en Enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain)
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin en Enter your default mail domain from: user@domain
@ -733,7 +733,6 @@ path information admin en Path information
peer server list admin en Peer server list
peer servers admin en Peer servers
percent of users that logged out admin en Percent of users that logged out
percent this user has logged out admin en Percent this user has logged out
periodic admin en Periodic
permission denied admin en Permission denied
permission denied !!! admin en Permission denied!
@ -783,8 +782,6 @@ remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin >
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin en Remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under Admin > Site configuration!
remote instance saved admin en Remote instance saved.
remove admin en Remove
remove all users from this group admin en Remove all users from this group
remove all users from this group ? admin en Remove all users from this group?
removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. are you sure? users in these groups may no longer have access: admin en Removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. Are you sure? Users in these groups may no longer have access:
renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! admin en Renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and Collabora Online Office!
requested admin en Requested
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ two weeks admin en Two weeks
type '%1' already exists !!! admin en Type '%1' already exists!
type of customfield admin en Type of custom field
type of field admin en Type of field
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin en Under windows you need to install the async service %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. Fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page view!
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin en Under MS Windows you need to install the async service %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. Fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page view!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin en Unexpected response from server to AUTHENTICATE command.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin en Unexpected response from server to Digest-MD5 response.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin en Unexpected response from server to LOGIN command.
@ -976,7 +973,7 @@ unsupported action '%1' !!! admin en Unsupported action '%1'!
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin en Unable to save category with current settings. Check for inconsistency:
up admin en Up
update current email address: admin en Update current email address:
updated admin en Updated
updated admin en updated
upload your background image or enter the url admin en Upload your background image or enter the URL
upload your certificate .p12/.pfx file admin en Upload your certificate .p12/.pfx file
upload your favicon or enter the url admin en Upload your favicon or enter the URL
@ -16,19 +16,19 @@
%1 is no command! admin es-es ¡%1 no es un comando!
%1 log entries deleted. admin es-es Se han borrado %1 entradas del log.
%1 mail credentials deleted admin es-es %1 credenciales de correo borradas
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin es-es No se encontró %1 o no es un ejecutable
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin es-es No se encontró %1 o no es un ejecutable!
%1 phrases saved. admin es-es Se han guardado %1 frases.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin es-es Derechos de %1 para %2 y aplicaciones %3
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin es-es Derechos de %1 para %2 y aplicaciones %3.
%1 run rights for applications admin es-es Derecho de ejecución %1 para aplicaciones
%1 sessions killed admin es-es Se han matado %1 sesiones
%1 successful admin es-es %1 con éxito
%1 token %2. admin es-es %1 token %2.
%1 user %2 admin es-es %1 usuario %2
(de)activate mail accounts admin es-es (des)activar cuentas de correo
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin es-es (por defecto, No, desactivar si no se usa)
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin es-es Por defecto, No, desactivar si no se usa
(imapclass must support this feature by querying the corresponding config value and pass it as defaultquota to the imapserver) admin es-es (imapclass debe admitir esta característica al consultar el valor de configuración correspondiente y pasarlo como cuota predeterminada al imapserver)
(no subject) admin es-es (Sin asunto)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin es-es (las claves guardadas no se mostrarán aquí)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin es-es Las claves guardadas no se mostrarán aquí
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin es-es (Para instalar nuevas aplicaciones, utilice <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Instalación</a> [Administrar Aplicaciones])
- type admin es-es - tipo
1 year admin es-es 1 año
@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ account '%1' deleted. admin es-es Se ha borrado la cuenta '%1'.
account '%1' not found !!! admin es-es ¡No se encontró la cuenta '%1'!
account active admin es-es Cuenta activa
account deleted. admin es-es Cuenta suprimida.
account has been created common es-es La cuenta ha sido creada
account has been deleted common es-es La cuenta ha sido borrada
account has been updated common es-es La cuenta ha sido actualizada
account has been created common es-es La cuenta ha sido creada.
account has been deleted common es-es La cuenta ha sido borrada.
account has been updated common es-es La cuenta ha sido actualizada.
account id admin es-es ID de la cuenta
account list admin es-es Lista de cuentas
account not found! common es-es ¡Cuenta no encontrada!
@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ actions admin es-es Acciones
activate admin es-es Activar
activate wysiwyg-editor admin es-es Activar editor WYSIWYG
activated admin es-es activado
activated again admin es-es activado de nuevo
activated again admin es-es ctivado de nuevo
active mail accounts admin es-es Cuentas de correo activas
active templates admin es-es Plantillas activas
active this token again admin es-es Activar esta ficha de nuevo
add a category admin es-es Añadir una categoría
add a group admin es-es Añadir un grupo
add a new account. admin es-es Añadir una nueva cuenta.
add a new account. admin es-es Añadir una nueva cuenta
add a new remote instance admin es-es Añadir una instancia remota nueva
add a subcategory admin es-es Añadir una subcategoría
add a user admin es-es Añadir un usuario
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ apply changes admin es-es Aplicar cambios
apply the changes admin es-es Aplicar los cambios
archive: zip or tar admin es-es Archivar: ZIP o tar
are you sure you want to %1 mail for selected accounts? admin es-es ¿Está seguro de que desea %1 correo para las cuentas seleccionadas?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin es-es ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar la aplicación %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin es-es ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar la aplicación %1?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin es-es ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar esta cuenta?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin es-es ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar esta aplicación?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common es-es ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar esta categoría?
@ -166,12 +166,12 @@ asynchronous timed services admin es-es Servicios asíncronos programados
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin es-es Los servicios asíncronos todavía no están instalados, u otro error (%1)
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin es-es Intentar usar el tipo MIME correcto para FTP en vez de 'application/octet-stream'
attribute accountstatus explained admin es-es Esto maneja el atributo <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> del esquema de QMAIL.
attribute mail explained admin es-es Esto maneja el atributo <b><i>-mail-</i></b> del esquema de QMAIL y no debe estar vacío. También es el campo para correo electrónico interno de eGW.
attribute mail explained admin es-es Esto maneja el atributo <b><i>-mail-</i></b> del esquema de QMAIL y no debe estar vacío. También es el campo para correo electrónico interno de EGw.
attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin es-es Esto maneja el atributo <b><i>-mailAlternateAddress-</i></b> del esquema de QMAIL y puede manejarse como mapas virtuales o alias.
attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin es-es Esto maneja el atributo <b><i>-mailForwardingAddress-</i></b> del esquema de QMAIL y no debe estar vacío si está asignado.
attributes admin es-es Atributos Atributos
authentication admin es-es Autenticación
authentication / accounts admin es-es Identificación / Cuentas
authentication / accounts admin es-es Identificación | Cuentas
auto create account records for authenticated users admin es-es Crear cuentas automáticamente para usuarios identificados
automatically transfer entries owned by the user: admin es-es Transfiere automáticamente las entradas propiedad del usuario:
available placeholders admin es-es Marcadores disponibles
@ -239,10 +239,10 @@ commercial: all sorts of companies admin es-es Comercial: todo tipo de empresas
config password or md5 hash from the header.inc.php admin es-es Configurar contraseña o hash md5 de header.inc.php
configuration admin es-es Configuración
configuration saved. admin es-es Configuración guardada.
connection dropped by imap server. admin es-es El servidor IMAP ha interrumpido la conexión
connection is not secure! everyone can read eg. your credentials. admin es-es ¡La conexión NO es segura! e.g. Todos pueden leer sus credenciales
connection dropped by imap server. admin es-es El servidor IMAP ha interrumpido la conexión.
connection is not secure! everyone can read eg. your credentials. admin es-es ¡La conexión NO es segura! e.g. Todos pueden leer sus credenciales.
continue admin es-es Continuar
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin es-es Dominio de la cookie (vacío significa usar el nombre del dominio completo, para el Administrador de sitios web, p. ej. "dominio.com" permite usar la misma cookie para egw.dominio.com y www.dominio.com)
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin es-es Dominio de la cookie (vacío significa usar el nombre del dominio completo, para el Administrador de sitios web, p. ej. "dominio.com" permite usar la misma cookie para egw.dominio.com y egw.dominio.com)
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin es-es Ruta de la cookie (permite múltiples sesiones de egw con distintos directorios, pero ¡tiene problemas con el Administrador de sitios web!)
could not append message: admin es-es No se pudo agregar el mensaje:
could not complete request. reason given: %s admin es-es No se pudo completar la solicitud. Motivo: %s
@ -263,13 +263,13 @@ creates a new field admin es-es Crea un campo nuevo
crontab only (recomended) admin es-es Sólo mediante crontab (recomendado)
current certificate admin es-es Current certificate
current default admin es-es predeterminado actual
current hash admin es-es Hash actual
current hash admin es-es Hash actual:
currently: admin es-es Actualmente:
custom 1 admin es-es Custom 1
custom 2 admin es-es Custom 2
custom 3 admin es-es Custom 3
custom fields admin es-es Campos personalizados
custom translation admin es-es Traducción personalizada
custom translation admin es-es Traducción personalizadas
customfield '%1' added admin es-es Se agregó el campo personalizado '%1'
customfield '%1' deleted admin es-es Se suprimió el campo personalizado '%1'
customfield '%1' modified admin es-es Se modificó el campo personalizado '%1'
@ -440,23 +440,23 @@ error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin es-es Error al conectar con el s
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin es-es Error al conectar con el servidor IMAP: [%s] %s.
error deleting entry! admin es-es ¡Error al suprimir la entrada!
error deleting log entry! admin es-es ¡Error al borrar la entrada del log!
error revoking token! admin es-es Error al revocar el token
error saving admin es-es Error al guardar
error revoking token! admin es-es ¡Error al revocar el token!
error saving admin es-es ¡Error al guardar!
error saving account! admin es-es ¡Error al guardar la cuenta!
error saving the command! admin es-es ¡Error al guardar el comando!
error saving the entry!!! admin es-es Error guardando el elemento!
error saving the entry!!! admin es-es ¡Error guardando el elemento!
error saving to db: admin es-es Error al guardar a la base de datos:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin es-es Error al configurar el temporizador. La sintaxis es incorrecta o puede que haya uno que ya se esté ejecutándo.
error storing token! admin es-es Error al almacenar el token
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin es-es ¡Error al configurar el temporizador. La sintaxis es incorrecta o puede que haya uno que ya se esté ejecutándo!
error storing token! admin es-es ¡Error al almacenar el token!
error! no appname found admin es-es ¡Error! No se encontró el nombre de la aplicación
error, no username! admin es-es Error, ¡no hay nombre de usuario!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin es-es Error: no se encontró %1 u otro error
error, no username! admin es-es ¡Error, no hay nombre de usuario!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin es-es ¡Error: no se encontró %1 u otro error!
event details follow admin es-es A continuación, los detalles del evento
exists admin es-es Existe
expired admin es-es Expirado
expires admin es-es Expira
explanation of ldapman admin es-es Este módulo ha sido probado en POSTFIX, LDAP, Courier-IMAP y necesita los esquemas CORE y QMAIL (OID7914). Más detalles sobre el uso y configuración de este sistema puede encontrarse en el fichero README.ldapman en el directorio doc de ADMIN.
export certificate as p12 admin es-es exportar certificado como p12
export certificate as p12 admin es-es Exportar certificado como p12
exports groups into a csv file. admin es-es Exporta los grupos a un archivo CSV.
exports permission settings into a csv file. admin es-es Exporta la configuración de permisos a un archivo CSV.
exports users into a csv file. admin es-es Exporta los usuarios en un fichero CSV.
@ -464,8 +464,8 @@ failed admin es-es Error en
failed to change password for account "%1"! admin es-es ¡Fallo al cambiar la contraseña para la cuenta "%1"!
failed to change password. admin es-es Falló al cambiar la contraseña.
failed to delete account! admin es-es ¡Falló al eliminar la cuenta!
failed to mount backup directory! admin es-es Fallo el montar el directorio de backup
failed to save user! admin es-es Fallo al guardar el usuario
failed to mount backup directory! admin es-es ¡Fallo el montar el directorio de backup!
failed to save user! admin es-es ¡Fallo al guardar el usuario!
failed to upload %1 admin es-es Falló al cargar %1
fallback (after each pageview) admin es-es Retardo (después de ver cada página)
false admin es-es Falso
@ -507,9 +507,9 @@ group ? admin es-es ¿Grupo?
group csv export admin es-es Exportar grupo a CSV
group csv import admin es-es Importar grupo CSV
group excepted from above export limit (admins are always excepted) admin es-es Grupo exceptuado del límite de exportación anterior (los admins siempre se exceptúan)
group has been added common es-es El grupo ha sido añadido
group has been deleted common es-es El grupo ha sido eliminado
group has been updated common es-es El grupo ha sido actualizado
group has been added common es-es El grupo ha sido añadido.
group has been deleted common es-es El grupo ha sido eliminado.
group has been updated common es-es El grupo ha sido actualizado.
group list admin es-es Lista de grupos
group manager admin es-es Administrador de grupos
group name admin es-es Nombre del grupo
@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ ldap server hostname or ip address admin es-es Nombre del servidor LDAP o direcc
ldap settings admin es-es Configuración LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin es-es Dejar en blanco para no poner cuota
leave empty to use oauth, if supported admin es-es Deje vacío para usar OAuth, si es compatible
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin es-es dejar la categoría intacta y volver a la lista
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin es-es Dejar la categoría intacta y volver a la lista
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin es-es Dejar el grupo intacto y volver a la lista
leave unchanged admin es-es Dejar sin cambios
leave without saveing the entry admin es-es Salir sin guardar la entrada
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ login shell admin es-es Shell de inicio de sesión
login time admin es-es Hora de inicio de sesión
login-id admin es-es Identificación de ingreso
login-status admin es-es Estado de la sesión
loginid admin es-es LoginID
loginid admin es-es Login ID
logintime admin es-es Hora de inicio de sesión
logoutime admin es-es Hora de fin de sesión
lowercase email addresses admin es-es Direcciones de correo-e en minúsculas
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ no plain text part found admin es-es No se encontró ninguna parte con texto sen
no profile defined for user %1 admin es-es No se ha definido un perfil para el usuario %1
no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off. admin es-es No se detectó soporte de Sieve, arregle la configuración manualmente o déjelo apagado.
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin es-es No se pudo encontrar ningún método soportado de identificación IMAP.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin es-es Sin ánimo de lucro: clubs, asociaciones...
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin es-es Sin ánimo de lucro: clubs, asociaciones ...
not enabled admin es-es No disponible
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin es-es Nota: SSL está disponible sólo si PHP está compilado con soporte Curl
notification mail admin es-es Correo de notificación
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ passphrase admin es-es Frase de contraseña
passthrough admin es-es Pasage
password for smtp-authentication admin es-es Contraseña para identificación SMTP
password to unlock encrypted p12 admin es-es Contraseña para desbloquear p12 encriptado
password updated admin es-es Se ha actualizado la contraseña
password updated admin es-es Se ha actualizado la contraseña.
passwords admin es-es Contraseñas
passwords and/or attributes of %1 accounts changed admin es-es Las contraseñas y atributos de %1 cuentas se han cambiado
passwords require a minimum number of characters admin es-es Las contraseñas requieren un número mínimo de caracteres
@ -727,7 +727,6 @@ path information admin es-es Información de ruta
peer server list admin es-es Lista de servidores 'peer'
peer servers admin es-es Servidores 'peer'
percent of users that logged out admin es-es Porcentaje de usuarios que cerraron la sesión
percent this user has logged out admin es-es Porcentaje que este usuario ha cerrado la sesión
periodic admin es-es Periódico
permission denied admin es-es Permiso denegado
permission denied !!! admin es-es ¡Permiso denegado!
@ -741,7 +740,7 @@ phrase admin es-es Frase
phrase deleted admin es-es Se ha borrado la frase
please check email. it gets automatically deleted if email integration is used. admin es-es Por favor revise su correo-e. Se elimina automáticamente si se utiliza la integración de correo-e.
please enter a name admin es-es Por favor introduzca un nombre
please enter a name for that server ! admin es-es Por favor, introduzca un nombre para ese sevidor
please enter a name for that server ! admin es-es ¡Por favor, introduzca un nombre para ese sevidor!
please manually deal with entries owned by the user: admin es-es Maneje manualmente las entradas propiedad del usuario:
please run setup to become current admin es-es Por favor ejecute setup para estar al día
please select admin es-es Por favor, seleccione
@ -767,7 +766,7 @@ qmaildotmode admin es-es Modo de punto de qmail
quota settings admin es-es Configuración de las cuotas
quota size in mbyte admin es-es Tamaño de la cuota en MBytes
re-enter password admin es-es Confirmar contraseña
read this list of methods. admin es-es Leer esta lista de métodos
read this list of methods. admin es-es Leer esta lista de métodos.
register application hooks admin es-es Registrar "hooks" de la aplicación
reject passwords containing part of username or full name (3 or more characters long) admin es-es Rechazar las contraseñas que contengan parte del nombre o el nombre completo (con 3 o más caracteres de longitud)
relay access checked admin es-es Acceso de retransmisión comprobado
@ -775,10 +774,8 @@ remark admin es-es Observación
remote administration instances admin es-es Instancias de administración remota
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin es-es ¡La administración remota debe habilitarse en la instancia remota en Admin> Configuración del sitio!
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin es-es ¡La administración remota necesita estar activada en la instancia remota en Administración > Configuración del sitio!
remote instance saved admin es-es Se ha guardado la instancia remota
remote instance saved admin es-es Se ha guardado la instancia remota.
remove admin es-es Borrar
remove all users from this group admin es-es Borrar todos los usuarios de este grupo
remove all users from this group ? admin es-es ¿Borrar todos los usuarios de este grupo?
removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. are you sure? users in these groups may no longer have access: admin es-es Eliminar el acceso a grupos puede causar problemas para los datos en esta categoría. ¿Está seguro? Los usuarios de estos grupos puede que ya no tengan acceso:
renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! admin es-es ¡Cambiar el nombre del usuario 'anónimo' interrumpirá el intercambio de archivos y la oficina en línea de Collabora Online Office!
requested admin es-es Requerido
@ -792,12 +789,12 @@ revoked admin es-es Revocado
rights admin es-es Derechos
route all mails to admin es-es Dirigir todos los correos a
rows admin es-es Filas
rpm or debian package admin es-es Paquete RPM o Deb
rpm or debian package admin es-es Paquete RPM o deb
run admin es-es ejecutar
run asynchronous services admin es-es Ejecutar servicios asíncronos
run rights for applications admin es-es Derechos de ejecución para aplicaciones
samesite cookie attribute (send cookie if browser addressbar show a different domain) admin es-es Atributo de cookie SameSite (enviar cookie si la barra de direcciones del navegador muestra un dominio diferente)
save as default admin es-es guardar por defecto
save as default admin es-es Guardar por defecto
save changes admin es-es Grabar cambios
save of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 admin es-es Error al guardar el mensaje %1. No se pudo guardar el mensaje en la carpeta 2 debido a: %3
save the category admin es-es Guardar la categoría
@ -813,22 +810,22 @@ search peer servers admin es-es Buscar servidores 'peer'
secret deleted, two factor authentication disabled. admin es-es Secreto eliminado, autenticación de dos factores desactivada.
secure connection admin es-es Conexión segura
security admin es-es Seguridad
select accounts for which the custom field should be visible admin es-es Seleccionar las cuentas para las que el campo personalizado debe estar visible
select accounts for which the custom field should be visible admin es-es Seleccionar las cuentas para las que el campo personalizado debe estar visible.
select group managers admin es-es Seleccionar administradores de grupo
select language to define language based message. language 'english' is default page for all languages therefore for setting a general message across all languages you only need to set the 'english' page. admin es-es Seleccione el idioma para definir el mensaje basado en el idioma. El idioma 'inglés' es la página predeterminada para todos los idiomas, por lo tanto, para configurar un mensaje general en todos los idiomas solo necesita configurar la página 'inglés'.
select multiple admin es-es Seleccionar múltiples
select owner admin es-es Seleccionar propietario
select permissions this group will have admin es-es Seleccione los permisos que tendrá este grupo
select the applications you want the token to be limited to, or leave the default of all applications. admin es-es Seleccione las aplicaciones a las que desea limitar el token, o deje el valor predeterminado de todas las aplicaciones.
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin es-es Seleccione la categoría superior. Si ésta es una categoría principal seleccione SIN CATEGORIA
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin es-es Seleccione la categoría superior. Si ésta es una categoría principal seleccione SIN CATEGORIA.
select type of imap server admin es-es Seleccione el tipo de servidor IMAP
select type of imap/pop3 server admin es-es Seleccione el tipo de servidor IMAP/POP3
select type of smtp server admin es-es Seleccione el tipo de servidor SMTP
select users admin es-es Seleccionar usuarios
select users for inclusion admin es-es Seleccionar usuarios para inclusión
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin es-es Seleccione dónde desea almacenar la informacion del sistema de archivos
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin es-es Seleccione dónde desea almacenar la información de las cuentas de usuario
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin es-es Seleccione el lugar que desea que la aplicación ocupe en la barra, de abajo (izquierda) a arriba (derecha)
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin es-es Seleccione dónde desea almacenar la informacion del sistema de archivos.
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin es-es Seleccione dónde desea almacenar la información de las cuentas de usuario.
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin es-es Seleccione el lugar que desea que la aplicación ocupe en la barra, de abajo (izquierda) a arriba (derecha).
selectbox admin es-es Cuadro de selección
send using this email-address admin es-es Enviar usando esta dirección de correo electrónico
server %1 has been updated admin es-es El servidor %1 ha sido actualizado
@ -841,7 +838,7 @@ server username admin es-es Usuario del servidor
sessions admin es-es Sesiones
sessions last 30 days admin es-es Sesiones en los últimos 30 días
set a random password admin es-es Establecer una contraseña aleatoria.
set preference values. admin es-es Establecer valores para las preferencias
set preference values. admin es-es Establecer valores para las preferencias.
settings admin es-es Configuraciones
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin es-es Las excepciones deben contener una traza (incluyendo argumentos de funciones)
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin es-es ¿Debe incluir la página de inicio de sesión un cuadro de selección de idioma (útil para sitios de demostración)?
@ -869,8 +866,8 @@ smtp-server hostname or ip address admin es-es Nombre del servidor SMTP o direcc
smtp-server port admin es-es Puerto del servidor SMTP
soap admin es-es SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin es-es Este nombre de grupo ya está en uso.
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin es-es Lo siento, los usuarios de encima todavía son miembros del grupo %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin es-es Los siguientes usuarios todavía son miembros del grupo %1
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin es-es Lo siento, los usuarios de encima todavía son miembros del grupo %1.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin es-es Los siguientes usuarios todavía son miembros del grupo %1.
sort the entries admin es-es Ordenar las entradas
source account #%1 does not exist! admin es-es ¡La cuenta de origen nº %1 NO existe!
ssl admin es-es SSL
@ -880,7 +877,7 @@ standard imap server admin es-es Servidor IMAP estándar
standard pop3 server admin es-es Servidor POP3 estándar
standard smtp-server admin es-es Servidor SMTP estándar
start admin es-es Inicio
start testjob! admin es-es Iniciar el trabajo de prueba
start testjob! admin es-es ¡Iniciar el trabajo de prueba!
starts with admin es-es Comienza con
stationery admin es-es Material preimpreso
strictly required, user can not login without admin es-es Estrictamente requerido, el usuario no puede iniciar sesión sin esto
@ -902,8 +899,8 @@ templates admin es-es Plantillas
text entry admin es-es Entrada de texto
that application name already exists. admin es-es Ese nombre de aplicación ya existe.
that application order must be a number. admin es-es El orden de la aplicación debe ser un número.
that loginid has already been taken admin es-es Ese nombre de usuario ya está siendo utilizado
that name has been used already admin es-es Ese nombre ya ha sido usado
that loginid has already been taken admin es-es Ese nombre de usuario ya está siendo utilizado.
that name has been used already admin es-es Ese nombre ya ha sido usado.
that server name has been used already ! admin es-es ¡Ese nombre de servidor ya ha sido usado!
the api is current admin es-es La API está al día
the api requires an upgrade admin es-es La API requiere ser actualizada
@ -912,22 +909,22 @@ the groups must include the primary group admin es-es Los grupos deben incluir e
the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. please contact your system administrator. admin es-es El servidor IMAP no parece soportar el método de identificación seleccionado. Por favor, póngase en contacto el administrador de su sistema.
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin es-es El ID de instalación de una instancia se encuentra en Admin > Configuración del sitio
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin es-es El ID de instalación de una instancia se puede encontrar en Administración -> Configuración del sitio
the login and password can not be the same admin es-es El usuario y la contraseña NO pueden ser iguales
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin es-es El nombre de usuario no puede superar 8 caracteres
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin es-es El intérprete mime no puede interpretar este mensaje
the login and password can not be the same admin es-es El usuario y la contraseña NO pueden ser iguales.
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin es-es El nombre de usuario no puede superar 8 caracteres.
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin es-es El intérprete mime no puede interpretar este mensaje.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin es-es El nombre utilizado internamente (<= 20 caracteres), cambiarlo hace que los datos existentes no estén disponibles.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin es-es el nombre usado internamente (<= 20 caracteres). Si se cambia, los datos ya no están disponibles.
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin es-es El trabajo de prueba le envía un correo cada vez que se ejecuta
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin es-es El trabajo de prueba le envía un correo cada vez que se ejecuta.
the text displayed to the user admin es-es El texto mostrado al usuario
the two passwords are not the same admin es-es Las dos contraseñas no son iguales
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin es-es Los usuarios siguientes todavía son miembros del grupo %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin es-es Ya hay un grupo con este nombre. El ID de usuario no puede tener el mismo nombre que el id de un grupo.
they must be removed before you can continue admin es-es Deben ser eliminados para poder continuar
this application is current admin es-es Esta aplicación está al día
this application requires an upgrade admin es-es Esta aplicación necesita ser actualizada
they must be removed before you can continue admin es-es Deben ser eliminados para poder continuar.
this application is current admin es-es Esta aplicación está al día.
this application requires an upgrade admin es-es Esta aplicación necesita ser actualizada.
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin es-es Esta categoría está siendo usada por aplicaciones como categoría padre.
this controls exports and merging. admin es-es Esto controla las impresiones de exportar y mezclar.
this is a mail account for all users! admin es-es Esta es una cuenta de correo para TODOS los usuarios.
this is a mail account for all users! admin es-es ¡Esta es una cuenta de correo para TODOS los usuarios!
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin es-es Esta NO es una cuenta de correo personal!<br>La cuenta será eliminada para TODOS los usuarios!<br>¿Estás realmente seguro de que quieres hacer eso?
this key used in the html code your site serves to users. admin es-es Esta clave se utiliza en el código HTML que su sitio sirve a los usuarios.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin es-es ¡Esta instalación de PHP no tiene soporte IMAP!
@ -938,12 +935,12 @@ times admin es-es Horas
to allow us to track the growth of your individual installation use this submit id, otherwise delete it: admin es-es Para permitirnos seguir el crecimiento de su instalación individual use este ID de envío. Si no, bórrelo:
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. admin es-es Para usar una conexión TLS, debe ejecutar una versión de PHP 5.1.0 o superior.
token created. admin es-es Ficha creada.
token not found! admin es-es Ficha no encontrada.
token not found! admin es-es ¡Ficha no encontrada!
token revoked. admin es-es Ficha revocada.
token saved. admin es-es Ficha guardada.
top admin es-es Superior
total of %1 accounts deleted. admin es-es Total de %1 cuentas suprimidas.
total of %1 id's changed. admin es-es Se han cambiado en total %1 IDs
total of %1 id's changed. admin es-es Se han cambiado en total %1 IDs.
total records admin es-es Total de registros
translation admin es-es Traducción
true admin es-es Verdadero
@ -956,19 +953,19 @@ two weeks admin es-es Dos semanas
type '%1' already exists !!! admin es-es ¡El tipo '%1' ya existe!
type of customfield admin es-es Tipo de campo personalizado
type of field admin es-es Tipo de campo
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin es-es En windows, se necesita instalar asyncservice %1manualmente%2 o usar el modo de fallos. El modo de fallos sólo comprueba los trabajos después de ver cada página. ¡Cuidado!
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin es-es En MS Windows, se necesita instalar asyncservice %1manualmente%2 o usar el modo de fallos. El modo de fallos sólo comprueba los trabajos después de ver cada página. ¡Cuidado!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin es-es Respuesta inesperada del servidor al comando AUTHENTICATE.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin es-es Respuesta inesperada del servidor a la respuesta Digest-MD5.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin es-es Respuesta inesperada del servidor al comando LOGIN.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin es-es ¡La cuenta es desconocida: %1!
unknown command %1! admin es-es Comando desconocido: %1
unknown command %1! admin es-es ¡Comando desconocido: %1!
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin es-es Respuesta IMAP desconocida del servidor. El servidor respondió: %s
unknown option %1 admin es-es Opción desconocida: %1
unknown option %1 admin es-es ¡Opción desconocida: %1!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin es-es ¡La acción '%1' no está soportada!
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin es-es No se pudo guardar la categoría con la configuración actual. Compruebe la inconsistencia:
up admin es-es Arriba
update current email address: admin es-es Actualizar la dirección de correo actual:
updated admin es-es Actualizado
updated admin es-es actualizado
upload your background image or enter the url admin es-es Subir la imagen de fondo o ingresar el URL
upload your certificate .p12/.pfx file admin es-es Cargue su archivo de certificado .p12/.pfx
upload your favicon or enter the url admin es-es Subir el favicon o ingresar la URL
@ -983,7 +980,7 @@ use default admin es-es Usar predeterminado
use ldap defaults admin es-es Usar las opciones predeterminadas para LDAP
use predefined username and password defined below admin es-es Usar el usuario predefinido y las contraseñas definidas debajo
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin es-es Usar codigo HTML puro (todavía no funciona completamente)
use save or apply to store the received oauth token! admin es-es Utilice guardar o aplicar para almacenar el token OAuth recibido.
use save or apply to store the received oauth token! admin es-es ¡Utilice guardar o aplicar para almacenar el token OAuth recibido!
use secure cookies (transmitted only via https) admin es-es Usar cookies seguras (se transmiten sólo via HTTPS)
use smtp auth admin es-es Usar identificación SMTP
use theme admin es-es Usar tema
@ -996,7 +993,7 @@ user choice admin es-es Elección del usuario
user csv export admin es-es Exportación CSV de usuarios
user csv import admin es-es Importación CSV de usuarios
user data common es-es Datos del usuario
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin es-es Usuario para identificación SMTP (dejar en blanco si no se necesita)
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin es-es Usuario para identificación SMTP (dejar en blanco si no se necesita).
user groups admin es-es Grupos de usuarios
user-agent admin es-es User-Agent
userdata admin es-es Datos del usuario
@ -1014,7 +1011,7 @@ using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin es-es Usando datos de Mozill
using fallback via regular json requests admin es-es Usando fallback vía peticiones JSON regulares
using imap:%1, smtp:%2, oauth:%3: admin es-es Usando IMAP:%1, SMTP:%2, OAUTH:%3:
using native swoole push admin es-es Usando Swoole Push nativo
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin es-es Los mensajes de vacaciones con fecha de inicio y fin requieren una cuenta de administrador.
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin es-es ¡Los mensajes de vacaciones con fecha de inicio y fin requieren una cuenta de administrador!
vacation notice admin es-es Aviso de vacaciones
valid for admin es-es Válido para
value for column %1 is not unique! admin es-es ¡El valor para la columna %1 no es única!
@ -1028,7 +1025,7 @@ view this user admin es-es Ver este usuario
view user account admin es-es Ver cuenta de usuario
virtual mail manager admin es-es Gestor de correo virtual
warn users about the need to change their password? the number set here should be lower than the value used to enforce the change of passwords every x days. only effective when enforcing of password change is enabled. (empty for no,number for number of days before they must change) admin es-es Establecer el número de días para informar a los usuarios por adelantado sobre el próximo cambio forzado de contraseña. Vacío = sin información
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin es-es Solicitamos los datos para mejorar nuestro perfil en la prensa y para obtener una mejor comprensión del usuario base de EGroupware y sus necesidades
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin es-es Solicitamos los datos para mejorar nuestro perfil en la prensa y para obtener una mejor comprensión del usuario base de EGroupware y sus necesidades.
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin es-es Esperamos que comprenda la importancia de esta estadística voluntaria y no denegarla a la ligera.
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin es-es ¿A quién desea transferirle todos los registros del usuario eliminado?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin es-es ¿A quién desea transferir los registros del usuario eliminado?
@ -1049,25 +1046,25 @@ yes, use webspellchecker admin es-es Sí, usar WebSpellChecker en linea
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin es-es ¡NO puede usar --dry-run junto con --skip-checks!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin es-es ¡Sólo puede cambiar el hash si establece una contraseña aleatoria o está usando contraseñas en texto claro!
you can use wizard to fix account settings or delete account. admin es-es Puede utilizar el asistente para corregir la configuración de la cuenta o eliminarla.
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin es-es Ha introducido una fecha de expiración que no es válida
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin es-es ¡Ha introducido una fecha de expiración que no es válida!
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin es-es ¡No se ha establecido todavía una dirección de correo para su usuario!
you have received a new message on the admin es-es Ha recibido un mensaje nuevo en la
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin es-es Tiene que introducir un nombre para crear un nuevo campo
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin es-es ¡Tiene que introducir un nombre para crear un nuevo campo!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin es-es ¡Tiene que introducir un nombre para crear un tipo nuevo!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin es-es Debe añadir al menos 1 permiso o grupo para esta cuenta
you must enter a group name. admin es-es Debe introducir un nombre de grupo
you must enter a lastname admin es-es Debe introducir un apellido
you must enter a loginid admin es-es Debe introducir un nombre de usuario
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin es-es ¡Debe añadir al menos 1 permiso o grupo para esta cuenta!
you must enter a group name. admin es-es Debe introducir un nombre de grupo.
you must enter a lastname admin es-es Debe introducir un apellido.
you must enter a loginid admin es-es Debe introducir un nombre de usuario.
you must enter an application name and title. admin es-es Debe introducir nombre y título para la aplicación.
you must enter an application name. admin es-es Debe introducir un nombre de aplicación
you must enter an application title. admin es-es Debe introducir un título para la aplicación
you must select a file type admin es-es Debe seleccionar un tipo de archivo
you must enter an application name. admin es-es Debe introducir un nombre de aplicación.
you must enter an application title. admin es-es Debe introducir un título para la aplicación.
you must select a file type admin es-es Debe seleccionar un tipo de archivo.
you must select at least one group member. admin es-es Debe seleccionar al menos un miembro del grupo.
you need to enter install id and password! admin es-es ¡Necesita introducir el ID de instalación o la contraseña!
you need to select as least one action! admin es-es ¡Necesita seleccionar al menos una acción!
you need to select some users first! admin es-es ¡Necesita seleccionar antes algunos usuarios!
you need to specify a forwarding address, when checking "%1"! admin es-es ¡Debe especificar una dirección de reenvío, al marcar "%1"!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin es-es Deberá eliminar las subcategorías antes de poder borrar esta categoría
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin es-es ¡Deberá eliminar las subcategorías antes de poder borrar esta categoría!
your last submission was less then %1 days ago! admin es-es ¡Su último envío fue hace menos de %1 días!
your message to %1 was displayed. admin es-es Su mensaje a %1 fue mostrado.
your name admin es-es Su nombre
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ custom 1 admin fr Personnalisé 1
custom 2 admin fr Personnalisé 2
custom 3 admin fr Personnalisé 3
custom fields admin fr Champs personnalisés
custom translation admin fr Traduction personnalisée
custom translation admin fr Traduction personnalisées
customfield '%1' added admin fr Champ personnalisé '%1' ajouté
customfield '%1' deleted admin fr Champ personnalisé '%1' supprimé
customfield '%1' modified admin fr Champ personnalisé '%1' modifié
@ -727,7 +727,6 @@ path information admin fr Information sur le chemin
peer server list admin fr Liste des serveurs (peer servers)
peer servers admin fr Serveurs pairs
percent of users that logged out admin fr Pourcentage des utilisateurs qui se sont déconnectés
percent this user has logged out admin fr Pourcentage de déconnexion de cet utilisateur
periodic admin fr Périodique
permission denied admin fr Permission refusée
permission denied !!! admin fr Permission refusée !
@ -777,8 +776,6 @@ remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin >
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin fr Administration à distance doit être activé dans l'instance à distance sous Admin > Configuration du site !
remote instance saved admin fr Instance distante enregistrée.
remove admin fr Supprimer
remove all users from this group admin fr Retirer tous les utilisateurs de ce groupe
remove all users from this group ? admin fr Retirer tous les utilisateurs de ce groupe ?
removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. are you sure? users in these groups may no longer have access: admin fr Enlever l'accès des groupes peut causer des problèmes pour les données dans cette catégorie. Etes-vous certain? Les utilisateurs dans ces groupes pourraient ne plus avoir accès :
renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! admin fr Renommer l'utilisateur "anonymous" va casser le partage et Collabora Online Office !
requested admin fr Requis
@ -968,7 +965,7 @@ unsupported action '%1' !!! admin fr Action '%1' non supportée !
unwilling to save category with current settings. check for inconsistency: admin fr Impossible d'enregistrer la catégorie avec les paramètres actuels. Vérifier pour les inconsistances:
up admin fr Haut
update current email address: admin fr Mettre à jour l'adresse email actuelle :
updated admin fr Mis à jour
updated admin fr mis à jour
upload your background image or enter the url admin fr Uploader le fonds d'écran ou entrer l'URL
upload your certificate .p12/.pfx file admin fr Uploader votre certificat .p12/.pfx
upload your favicon or enter the url admin fr Uploader votre icone ou entrer l'URL
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%1 mail credentials deleted admin id %1 kredensial email dihapus
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin id %1 tidak ditemukan atau tidak dapat dieksekusi!
%1 phrases saved. admin id %1 frasa disimpan.
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin id %1 hak untuk %2 dan aplikasi %3 .
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin id %1 hak untuk %2 dan aplikasi %3.
%1 run rights for applications admin id %1 menjalankan hak untuk aplikasi
%1 sessions killed admin id %1 sesi dimatikan.
%1 successful admin id %1 berhasil
@ -37,16 +37,22 @@
2-factor-authentication for interactive login admin id Autentikasi 2-Faktor untuk login interaktif
3 month admin id 3 bulan
6 month admin id 6 bulan
access by admin id Akses oleh
access control admin id Kontrol akses
access to %1 data by others admin id Akses ke %1 data oleh orang lain
access token revoked. admin id Token Akses dicabut.
account admin id Akun
account "%1" has no plaintext password! admin id Akun "%1" TIDAK memiliki kata sandi teks!
account %1 %2 admin id Akoun %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin id Akoun '%1' dihapus.
account '%1' not found !!! admin id Akoun '%1' tidak ditemukan !!!
account '%1' not found !!! admin id Akoun '%1' tidak ditemukan!
account active admin id Akoun aktif
account has been created common id Akoun telah dibuat
account has been deleted common id Akoun telah dihapus
account has been updated common id Akoun telah dikinikan
account deleted. admin id Akun dihapus.
account has been created common id Akoun telah dibuat.
account has been deleted common id Akoun telah dihapus.
account has been updated common id Akoun telah dikinikan.
account list admin id Daftar Akoun
account not found! common id Akun tidak ditemukan!
account permissions admin id Ijin-ijin Akoun
account preferences admin id Kesukaan Akoun
acl added. admin id ACL ditambakan.
@ -77,17 +83,17 @@ add sub-category admin id Tambah sub-kategori
admin dn admin id Admin DN
admin email admin id Email Admin
admin name admin id Nama Admin
admin password admin id Password Admin
admin password admin id Kata sandi admin
admin username admin id Nama Admin
administration admin id Administrasi
admins admin id Admins
advanced options admin id Opsi Canggih
aliases admin id Alias
all applications admin id All applications
all applications admin id Semua aplikasi
all categories admin id Semua kategori
all users admin id Semua pengguna
alternate email address admin id Alamat email pengganti
anonymous user admin id Anonymous user
anonymous user admin id Pengguna Anonymous
any application admin id Semua aplikasi
any group admin id Semua kelompok
any user admin id Semua pengguna
@ -118,18 +124,18 @@ category %1 has been saved ! admin id Kategori %1 telah disimpan!
category deleted. admin id Kategori dihapus.
category list admin id Daftar Kategori
category saved. admin id Kategori disimpan.
change account_id admin id Ubah account_ID
change account_id admin id Ubah ID akun
change acl rights admin id Ubah Hak-hak ACL
change config settings admin id Ubah seting konfigurasi
change login screen message admin id Ubah pesan pada layar utama
children admin id Children
children admin id Anak
click to select a color admin id Klik untuk memilih warna
color admin id Warna
continue admin id Lanjutkan
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. admin id Could not open secure connection to the IMAP server. %s : %s.
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. admin id Tidak dapat membuka koneksi aman ke server IMAP. %s : %s.
country admin id Negara
country selection admin id Pemilihan Negara
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin id CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD5 requires the Auth_SASL package to be installed.
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin id CRAM-MD5 atau DIGEST-MD5 memerlukan paket Auth_SASL untuk diinstal.
create group admin id Bikin Kelompok
created admin id Dibuat
created with id #%1 admin id Dibuat dengan ID #%1
@ -252,8 +258,8 @@ ip admin id IP
jobs admin id Jobs
kill admin id Kill
kill session admin id Kill session
last %1 logins admin id Last %1 logins
last %1 logins for %2 admin id Last %1 logins for %2
last %1 logins admin id Login %1 terakhir
last %1 logins for %2 admin id Login %1 terakhir untuk %2
last login admin id Login terakhir
last login from admin id Login terakhir dari
last submission: admin id Pengiriman terakhir:
@ -271,21 +277,21 @@ ldap settings admin id Pengaturan LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin id Kosongkan bila tanpa kuota
leave without saveing the entry admin id Tinggalkan tanpa menyimpan entri
leaves without saveing admin id Tinggalkan tanpa menyimpan
length<br>rows admin id Length<br>Rows
length<br>rows admin id Panjang<br>Baris
limit to members of admin id Terbatas untuk anggota dari
list config settings admin id Daftar pengaturan konfigurasi
list current sessions admin id Daftar sesi sekarang
list of current users admin id Daftar pengguna sekarang
logged out admin id Logged out
logged out admin id Keluar
login history admin id Riwayat Login
login message admin id Login message
login screen admin id Login screen
login shell admin id Login shell
login time admin id Login Time
login-status admin id Login-Status
loginid admin id LoginID
logintime admin id Logintime
logoutime admin id Logoutime
loginid admin id Login ID
logintime admin id Waktu masuk
logoutime admin id Waktu keluar
mail settings admin id Pengaturan Mail
main email-address admin id Alamat eMail Utama
manage mapping admin id Mengelola pemetaan
@ -300,12 +306,12 @@ more secure admin id Lebih aman
name of organisation admin id Nama Organisasi
new group name admin id Nama kelompok baru
new name admin id Nama baru
next run admin id Next run
no algorithms available admin id No algorithms available
next run admin id Jalankan berikutnya
no algorithms available admin id Tidak ada algoritma yang tersedia!
no alternate email address admin id Tanpa alamat email pengganti
no encryption admin id Tanpa enkripsi
no matches found admin id No matches found
no modes available admin id No modes available
no matches found admin id Tidak ditemukan kecocokan!
no modes available admin id Tidak ada mode yang tersedia!
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin id Jumlah baris untuk bidang input multi-baris atau baris dari kotak multi-pilihan
oauth authentiction admin id Otentikasi OAuth
offer to installing egroupware as mail-handler admin id Menawarkan untuk menginstal EGroupware sebagai penangan email
@ -320,7 +326,7 @@ other security configuration admin id Konfigurasi keamanan lainnya
outbound admin id Outbound
own categories admin id Kategori sendiri
own install id admin id ID penginstalan sendiri
own install id: admin id Own install ID:
own install id: admin id Memiliki ID penginstalan sendiri:
passthrough admin id Passthrough
password for smtp-authentication admin id Password for SMTP-authentication
password updated admin id Password updated
@ -364,7 +370,7 @@ select group managers admin id Pilih Manajer Kelompok
select type of imap server admin id Pilih tipe Server IMAP
select type of imap/pop3 server admin id Pilih tipe Server IMAP/POP3
select type of smtp server admin id Pilih tipe Server SMTP
selectbox admin id Selectbox
selectbox admin id Pilih kotak
send using this email-address admin id Kirim menggunakan alamat eMail ini
server list admin id Server List
server password admin id Server Password
@ -395,7 +401,7 @@ standard imap server admin id Server IMAP Standar
standard pop3 server admin id Server POP3 Standar
standard smtp-server admin id Server SMTP Standar
start admin id Mulai
start testjob! admin id Start TestJob!
start testjob! admin id Mulai pekerjaan tes!
starts with admin id Diawali dengan
stationery admin id Stationery
submit changes admin id Submit Changes
@ -408,7 +414,7 @@ success admin id Sukses
template selection admin id Pemilihan Templat
templates admin id Templat
text entry admin id Text Entry
the api is current admin id The API is current
the api is current admin id API saat ini
the two passwords are not the same admin id Kedua password tidak sama
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin id Pengguna berikut ini masih menjadi anggota kelompok %1
times admin id Times
@ -422,9 +428,9 @@ two days admin id Dua hari
two hours admin id Dua jam
two months admin id Dua bulan
two weeks admin id Dua minggu
type of customfield admin id Type of customfield
unexpected response from server to login command. admin id Unexpected response from server to LOGIN command.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin id Akoun takdikenal: %1 !
type of customfield admin id Jenis bidang khusus
unexpected response from server to login command. admin id Respons yang tidak diharapkan dari server terhadap perintah LOGIN.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin id Akoun takdikenal: %1!
unknown command %1! admin id Perintah %1 tak dikenal!
unknown option %1 admin id Opsi %1 tak dikenal
up admin id Naik
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%1 mail credentials deleted admin it %1 credenziali di posta eliminate
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin it %1 non trovato o non eseguibile!
%1 phrases saved. admin it %1 frasi salvate
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin it %1 diritti per %2 e applicazioni %3 .
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin it %1 diritti per %2 e applicazioni %3.
%1 run rights for applications admin it %1 diritti di esecuzione per applicazioni
%1 sessions killed admin it %1 sessioni terminate.
%1 successful admin it %1 successo
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ apply changes admin it Applica modifiche
apply the changes admin it Applica le modifiche
archive: zip or tar admin it Archivia: ZIP o tar
are you sure you want to %1 mail for selected accounts? admin it Sei sicuro di voler %1 mail per gli account selezionati?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare l'applicazione %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare l'applicazione %1?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin it Vuoi davvero eliminare questo account?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin it Vuoi davvero eliminare questa applicazione?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common it Vuoi davvero eliminare questa categoria?
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ custom 1 admin it Personale 1
custom 2 admin it Personale 2
custom 3 admin it Personale 3
custom fields admin it Campi Personalizzati
custom translation admin it Traduzione personalizzata
custom translation admin it Traduzioni personalizzate
customfield '%1' added admin it Personalizzato '%1' aggiunto
customfield '%1' deleted admin it Personalizzato '%1' rimosso
customfield '%1' modified admin it Personalizzato '%1' modificato
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ deactivated admin it Disattivato
debug admin it Correggi errori
default admin it Predefinito
default file system space per user admin it Spazio sul filesystem predefinito per l'utente
default file system space per user/group ? admin it Spazio sul filesystem predefinito per utente/gruppo ?
default file system space per user/group ? admin it Spazio sul filesystem predefinito per utente/gruppo?
default of currently admin it predefinito attuale
deinstall crontab admin it Rimuovi crontab
delete account admin it Elimina account
@ -522,17 +522,17 @@ host information admin it Informazioni host
hostname or ip admin it Nome del computer o indirizzo IP
hour<br>(0-23) admin it Ore<br>(0-23)
how big should thumbnails for linked images be (maximum in pixels) ? admin it Dimensione massima in pixel delle miniature per le immagini collegate
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin it Quanti giorni le voci rimangono nel log di accesso prima che vengano cancellate (predefinito 90) ?
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin it Quanti giorni le voci rimangono nel log di accesso prima che vengano cancellate (predefinito 90)?
how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no export) admin it Quante voci possono esportare gli utenti semplici. Vuoto = nessun limite, no = nessuna esportazione consentita
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin it Quanti minuti un account o un IP rimarrà bloccato (predefinito 30) ?
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin it Come deve essere strutturata la mail per i nuovi utenti ?
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin it Quanti minuti un account o un IP rimarrà bloccato (predefinito 30)?
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin it Come deve essere strutturata la mail per i nuovi utenti?
how username get constructed admin it Come viene costruito il nome utente
html/plaintext admin it HTML/testo
icon admin it Icona
identity admin it Identità
identity deleted admin it Identità cancellata
identity saved. admin it identità salvata
idle admin it inattivo
identity saved. admin it Identità salvata
idle admin it Inattivo
if different from email address admin it se diverso dall'indirizzo email
if disabled existing tokens immediatly stop working. admin it Se disattivato i token attivi smetteranno di funzionare immediatamente.
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin it Se non ci sono record nell'ACL per l'utente o qualche gruppo, l'utente è un membro di
@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin it Nome della istanza EGroupw
new group name admin it Nome nuovo gruppo
new name admin it Nuovo nome
new password admin it Nuova password
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin it Nuova password [ Lascia in bianco per non cambiarla ]
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin it Nuova password (Lascia in bianco per non cambiarla)
next run admin it Prossima esecuzione
no algorithms available admin it Nessun algoritmo disponibile
no alternate email address admin it Nessun indirizzo email alternativo
@ -727,7 +727,6 @@ path information admin it Informazioni sul Path
peer server list admin it Lista Peer server
peer servers admin it Peer servers
percent of users that logged out admin it Percentuale di utenti che sono usciti dal sistema in maniera corretta
percent this user has logged out admin it Percentuale di logout di quest'utente
periodic admin it Periodico
permission denied admin it Permesso negato
permission denied !!! admin it Permesso negato!
@ -777,8 +776,6 @@ remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin >
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin it L'amministrazione remota deve essere abilitata nella istanza remota sotto Admin > Configurazione per tutto il sito!
remote instance saved admin it Istanza remota salvata
remove admin it Rimuovi
remove all users from this group admin it Rimuovi tutti gli utenti da questo gruppo
remove all users from this group ? admin it Rimuovi tutti gli utenti da questo gruppo?
removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. are you sure? users in these groups may no longer have access: admin it La rimozione dell'accesso ai gruppi può provocare problemi per i dati di questa categoria. Sei sicuro di volerlo fare? Gli utenti di questi gruppi potrebbero non avere più l'accesso:
renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! admin it Rinominare l'utente "anonimo" (anonymous) renderà inutilizzabile la condivisione di file e Collabora Online Office!
requested admin it Richiesto
@ -801,8 +798,8 @@ save as default admin it salva come predefinito
save changes admin it Salva modifiche
save of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 admin it Salvataggio del messaggio %1 fallito. Non è possibile salvare messaggi nella cartella %2 in quanto %3
save the category admin it Salva la categoria
save the category and return back to the list admin it Salva la categoria e ritorna alla lista
saves the changes made and leaves admin it Salva le modifiche fatte ed esce
save the category and return back to the list admin it Salva la categoria e ritorna alla lista.
saves the changes made and leaves admin it Salva le modifiche fatte ed esce.
saves this entry admin it Salva questa voce.
saving of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist. admin it Salvataggio del messaggio %1 fallito. La cartella di destinazione %2 non esiste.
scheduled admin it Programmato
@ -843,8 +840,8 @@ sessions last 30 days admin it Sessioni negli ultimi 30 giorni
set a random password admin it Imposta una password casuale
set preference values. admin it Imposta i valori delle preferenze
settings admin it Impostazioni
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin it Le eccezioni dovrebbero contenere tracce, inclusi gli argomenti delle funzioni
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin it Includere nella pagina di login un elenco a discesa per selezionare la lingua (utile per i siti-demo) ?
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin it Le eccezioni dovrebbero contenere tracce, inclusi gli argomenti delle funzioni.
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin it Includere nella pagina di login un elenco a discesa per selezionare la lingua (utile per i siti-demo)?
show 'powered by' logo on admin it Visualizza il logo 'Powered by'
show access log admin it Visualizza i log di accesso
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin it Mostra come facoltativa, ma è necessaria una volta che l'utente l'ha configurata.
@ -953,14 +950,14 @@ two days admin it Due giorni
two hours admin it Due ore
two months admin it Due mesi
two weeks admin it Due settimane
type '%1' already exists !!! admin it Il tipo '%1' esiste già !
type '%1' already exists !!! admin it Il tipo '%1' esiste già!
type of customfield admin it Tipo di campo personalizzato
type of field admin it Tipo di campo
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin it Sotto windows devi installare lo schedulatore %1manualmente%2 o usare la modalità fallback. Fallback significa che i lavori vengono controllati solo dopo ogni vista pagina!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin it Risposta inaspettata dal server al comando AUTHENTICATE
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin it Risposta inaspettata dal server alla risposta Digest-MD5
unexpected response from server to login command. admin it Risposta inaspettata dal server al comando LOGIN
unknown account: %1 !!! admin it Account ignoto: %1 !
unknown account: %1 !!! admin it Account ignoto: %1!
unknown command %1! admin it Comando %1 ignoto!
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin it Riposta non riconosciuta dal server IMAP %s
unknown option %1 admin it Opzione %1 ignota!
@ -1033,11 +1030,11 @@ we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin it A chi vuoi trasferire TUTTI i dati di questo utente?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin it A chi si desidera trasferire i record dell'utente cancellato?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin it Vuoi che EGroupware utilizzi la cache per l'array EGroupware info?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin it Vuoi che EGroupware controlli se c'è una nuova versione<br>quando un amministratore effettua il login ?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin it Vuoi che EGroupware controlli se ci sono nuove versioni delle applicazioni<br>quando un amministratore effettua il login ?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin it Vuoi caricare automaticamente i nuovi file di traduzione (al momento del login) ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin it Vuoi che EGroupware controlli se c'è una nuova versione<br>quando un amministratore effettua il login?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin it Vuoi che EGroupware controlli se ci sono nuove versioni delle applicazioni<br>quando un amministratore effettua il login?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin it Vuoi caricare automaticamente i nuovi file di traduzione (al momento del login)?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin it Vuoi che venga mostrato lo stato di aggiornamento di ogni applicazione?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin it Tipo di account errato: %1 non è %2 !
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin it Tipo di account errato: %1 non è %2!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin it Account amministrativo o password errati
wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! admin it Credenziali sbagliate per accedere al file header.inc.php!
xml-rpc admin it XML-RPC
@ -1054,14 +1051,14 @@ you have no email address for your user set !!! admin it Non hai inserito un ind
you have received a new message on the admin it Hai ricevuto un nuovo messaggio sul
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin it Devi inserire un nome, per creare un nuovo campo!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin it Devi inserire un nome, per creare un nuovo tipo!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin it Devi aggiungere almeno 1 permesso o gruppo a questo account
you must enter a group name. admin it Devi inserire un nome di gruppo
you must enter a lastname admin it Devi inserire un cognome
you must enter a loginid admin it Devi inserire un ID di login
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin it Devi aggiungere almeno 1 permesso o gruppo a questo account!
you must enter a group name. admin it Devi inserire un nome di gruppo.
you must enter a lastname admin it Devi inserire un cognome.
you must enter a loginid admin it Devi inserire un ID di login.
you must enter an application name and title. admin it Devi inserire un nome e un titolo per l'applicazione.
you must enter an application name. admin it Devi inserire un nome per l'applicazione
you must enter an application title. admin it Devi inserire un titolo per l'applicazione
you must select a file type admin it Devi selezionare un tipo di file
you must enter an application name. admin it Devi inserire un nome per l'applicazione.
you must enter an application title. admin it Devi inserire un titolo per l'applicazione.
you must select a file type admin it Devi selezionare un tipo di file.
you must select at least one group member. admin it Devi selezionare almeno un membro del gruppo.
you need to enter install id and password! admin it Devi inserire sia l'ID di installazione che la password!
you need to select as least one action! admin it Devi selezionare almeno una azione!
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
%1 attachments mail cs %1 příloh
%1 is not writable by you! mail cs Pro %1 nemáte oprávnění k zápisu!
%1 mails selected mail cs %1 e-mailů vybráno
%1 requires sieve extension %2, maybe try %1 or higher number of days. mail cs %1 vyžaduje rozšíření Sieve %2, možná zkuste %1 nebo vyšší počet dní.
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail cs (*) Pamatujte, že přeposlání na více adres nemusí fungovat správně, pokud počet adres přesáhne stanovený limit. Většina poštovních serverů má tento limit stanoven na 4 - požádejte správce svého poštovního serveru o další informace.
(leave empty for no quota) mail cs (ponechte prázdné, pokud nechcete omezovat velikost)
(no subject) mail cs (žádný předmět)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
%1 has been removed from whiltelisted email addresses mail es-es %1 se ha eliminado de las direcciones de correo-e en la lista blanca
%1 is not writable by you! mail es-es ¡NO tiene permiso de escritura en %1!
%1 mails selected mail es-es %1 correos seleccionados
%1 requires sieve extension %2, maybe try %1 or higher number of days. mail es-es %1 requiere la extensión Sieve %2, pruebe con %1 o con un número mayor de días.
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail es-es (*) Por favor considere, reenviar a varias direcciones no funcionará si el número de direcciones excede el límite. Para la mayoría de los servidores de correo, el límite es 4 por defecto; póngase en contacto con el administrador del servidor de correo para obtener más información.
(leave empty for no quota) mail es-es (Dejar vacío para sin cuota)
(no subject) mail es-es (sin asunto)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
%1 has been removed from whiltelisted email addresses mail fr %1 retiré de la la liste blanche
%1 is not writable by you! mail fr %1 n'est pas accessible en écriture !
%1 mails selected mail fr %1 mails sélectionnés
%1 requires sieve extension %2, maybe try %1 or higher number of days. mail fr %1 nécessite l'extension Sieve %2, essayez peut-être %1 ou un nombre de jours plus élevé.
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail fr (*) Veuillez considérer que le fait d'envoyer à plusieurs destinataires peut ne pas fonctionner selon la limite définie par le serveur. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur pour plus d'informations.
(leave empty for no quota) mail fr (laisser vide pour ne ne pas mettre de quota)
(no subject) mail fr Pas de sujet
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
%1 has been removed from whiltelisted email addresses mail it %1 è stato rimosso dalla whitelist della posta elettronica
%1 is not writable by you! mail it %1 non è scrivibile da te!
%1 mails selected mail it %1 messaggi selezionati
%1 requires sieve extension %2, maybe try %1 or higher number of days. mail it %1 richiede l'estensione %2 di Sieve, provare %1 o un numero di giorni superiore.
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail it (*) Per favore considerare che l'inoltro a indirizzi multipli non funzionerà se il limite di indirizzi venisse superato. Per la maggior parte dei server di posta il limite predefinito è di 4. Per favore contattare l'amministratore del proprio server di posta per delucidazioni.
(leave empty for no quota) mail it (Lasciare vuoto per non assegnare una quota)
(no subject) mail it (nessun oggetto)
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
%1 attachments mail pt-br %1 anexos
%1 is not writable by you! mail pt-br % 1 não é gravável por você!
%1 mails selected mail pt-br % 1 e-mails selecionados
%1 requires sieve extension %2, maybe try %1 or higher number of days. mail pt-br %1 requer a extensão Sieve %2, talvez seja necessário tentar %1 ou um número maior de dias.
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail pt-br (*) Leve em consideração que o encaminhamento para vários endereços não funcionará se o número de endereços exceder o limite. Na maioria dos servidores de e-mail, o limite é 4 por padrão. Entre em contato com o administrador do servidor de e-mail para obter mais informações.
(leave empty for no quota) mail pt-br (Deixe em branco para nenhuma quota)
(no subject) mail pt-br (sem assunto)
(not connected) mail pt-br (não conectado)
(select mails by clicking on the line, like a checkbox) mail pt-br (selecione os e-mails clicando na linha, como uma caixa de seleção)
(with checkbox enforced) mail pt-br (com caixa reforçado)
account editable by user mail pt-br conta editável pelo usuário
acl rights retrieve failed, seems there are no rights set! mail pt-br A recuperação de direitos de ACL falhou, parece que não há direitos definidos!
@ -18,6 +21,7 @@ add folder mail pt-br Adicionar pasta
add raw message, ignore mail attachments mail pt-br Converter correio em item, adicionar mensagem bruta (ignorar anexos de correio)
add this certificate into contact mail pt-br Adicionar este certificado ao contato
add to addressbook mail pt-br Adicionar aos Contatos
add your domain as "%1" in options to list of email providers and enable api. mail pt-br Adicione seu domínio como "%1" nas opções da lista de provedores de e-mail e ative a API.
adding %1 to blacklisted email addresses failed because of %2 mail pt-br Adicionar arquivos como %1
adding %1 to whiltelisted email addresses failed because of %2 mail pt-br A adição de %1 aos endereços de e-mail da lista negra falhou devido a %2
after reply, visible during compose mail pt-br Após a resposta, visível durante a composição
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
%1 attachments mail pt %1 anexos
%1 is not writable by you! mail pt %1 não é gravável por você!
%1 mails selected mail pt %1 e-mails selecionados
%1 requires sieve extension %2, maybe try %1 or higher number of days. mail pt %1 requer a extensão Sieve %2, talvez seja necessário tentar %1 ou um número de dias superior.
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail pt (*) Tenha em atenção que o reencaminhamento para vários endereços não funcionará se o número de endereços exceder o limite. Na maioria dos servidores de correio eletrónico, o limite é 4 por predefinição. Contacte o administrador do seu servidor de correio eletrónico para obter mais informações.
(leave empty for no quota) mail pt (Deixe em branco para nenhuma quota)
(no subject) mail pt (sem assunto)
(not connected) mail pt (Não conectado)
(select mails by clicking on the line, like a checkbox) mail pt (selecionar os e-mails clicando na linha, como uma caixa de verificação)
(with checkbox enforced) mail pt (Com caixa reforçado)
account editable by user mail pt onta editável pelo usuário
acl rights retrieve failed, seems there are no rights set! mail pt A recuperação de direitos ACL falhou, parece que não existem direitos definidos!
@ -24,12 +27,17 @@ after reply, visible during compose mail pt Após resposta, visível durante a c
aliases+forwards mail pt Pseudónimos+Avanços
all adresses: mail pt Todos os Endereços:
all available info admin pt odas as informações disponíveis
all messages in the folder will be lost mail pt Todas as mensagens da pasta serão perdidas
all messages in the folder will be lost mail pt <br>Todas as mensagens da pasta serão perdidas
all my email addresses mail pt todos os meus endereços de correio eletrónico
all of mail pt todos de
allow mail pt Permitir
allow external images mail pt Permitir imagens externas
allow external images from listed domains mail pt Permitir imagens externas de domínios listados
allow images from external sources in html emails mail pt Permitir imagens de fontes externas em HTML e-mails
allow images from listed domains in html emails mail pt Permitir imagens de domínios listados em e-mails HTML.
allow users to create further identities mail pt permitir aos usuários criar novas identidades
allways a new window mail pt Sempre numa nova janela
always allow external sources from %1 mail pt Permitir sempre fontes externas a partir de %1
always respond / auto-responder mail pt Responder sempre / resposta automática
always show html emails mail pt Exibir sempre mensagens HTML
always show notifiction mail pt Mostrar sempre notificação
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ code is invalid preferences de Der Code ist ungültig
color preferences de Farbe
country preferences de Land
current password preferences de Aktuelles Passwort
custom login box color, defaults to above color darkened preferences de Benutzerdefinierte Farbe der Anmeldemaske, Vorgabe obige Farbe abgedunkelt
custom login box color, defaults to above color darkened preferences de Benutzerdefinierte Farbe der Anmelde-Seite, Vorgabe obige Farbe abgedunkelt
custom sidebar menu active color, defaults to above color darkened preferences de Benutzerdefinierte Farbe des Seitenmenü, Vorgabe obige Farbe abgedunkelt
dark mode theme preferences de Dark Mode-Thema
dark moono theme preferences de Dunkles Moono-Thema
Reference in New Issue
Block a user