initial import of my importexport work,

export is quite clean at the moment, but import needs lots of work, 

all the stuff is not really for production yet, but i import it now, so that the guy from metaways can also work on it.
most pending tasks:
- implement conversions based on regular expressions
- implement options of plugin
- rework import part (mostly ui)
This commit is contained in:
Cornelius Weiß 2006-11-10 15:30:01 +00:00
parent fcc21fec4c
commit b7d62c7b09
30 changed files with 3220 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Importexport is a framework for egroupware to handle imports and exports.
The idea behind importexport is to have a common userinterface in all apps regarding
import and export stuff AND to have common backends whitch handle the stuff.
Importexport can nothing without the plugins of the applications.
Attending importeport framework with you application is pretty easy.
You just need to have your plugins in files which start with
class.import_<type> or
== definitions ==
The bases of all imports and exports is the '''definition'''.
A definition defines all nessesary parameters to perform the desired action.
Moreover definitions can be stored and thus the same import / export can be redone
by loading the definition. Definitions are also reachable by the importexport
'''command line interface'''.
== export ==
Starting an export is as easy as just putting a button in your app with:
If parameter "have_selection" if true, export askes (javascript) opener.get_selection();to retreave
a list of identifiers of selected records.
NOTE: javascript function get_selection() is the only function which is not part of an interface yet.
==Discussion of interfaces==
To make live easy there are several general plugins which can be found

importexport/importexport_cli.php Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
#!/usr/bin/php -q
* eGroupWare - importexport
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
$path_to_egroupware = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..');
$usage = "usage:
--definition <name of definition>
--file <name of file>
--user <eGW username>
--password <password for user>
--domain <domain name> \n";
if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli')
die('This script only runs form command line');
// Include PEAR::Console_Getopt
require_once 'Console/Getopt.php';
// Define exit codes for errors
// Reading the incoming arguments - same as $argv
$args = Console_Getopt::readPHPArgv();
// Make sure we got them (for non CLI binaries)
if (PEAR::isError($args)) {
fwrite(STDERR,"importexport_cli: ".$args->getMessage()."\n".$usage);
// Short options
$short_opts = 'f:d:';
// Long options
$long_opts = array(
// Convert the arguments to options - check for the first argument
if ( realpath($_SERVER['argv'][0]) == __FILE__ ) {
$options = Console_Getopt::getOpt($args,$short_opts,$long_opts);
} else {
$options = Console_Getopt::getOpt2($args,$short_opts,$long_opts);
// Check the options are valid
if (PEAR::isError($options)) {
fwrite(STDERR,"importexport_cli: ".$options->getMessage()."\n".$usage."\n");
$domain = 'default';
foreach ($options[0] as $option)
switch ($option[0])
case '--file' :
$file = $option[1];
case '--definition' :
$definition = $option[1];
case '--domain' :
$domain = $option[1];
case '--user' :
$user = $option[1];
case '--password' :
$password = $option[1];
default :
fwrite (STDERR,$usage."\n");
// check file
if (!$user || !$password)
fwrite(STDERR,'importexport_cli: You have to supply a username / password'."\n".$usage);
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags'] = array(
'disable_Template_class' => True,
'noheader' => True,
'nonavbar' => True,
'currentapp' => 'importexport',
'autocreate_session_callback' => 'import_export_access',
'login' => $user,
'passwd' => $password,
'noapi' => True,
if (!is_readable($path_to_egroupware.'/'))
fwrite(STDERR,"importexport.php: Could not find '$path_to_egroupware/', exiting !!!\n");
// check domain
$db_type = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$domain]['db_type'];
if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$domain]) || empty($db_type))
fwrite(STDERR,"importexport_cli: ". $domain. ' is not a valid domain name'."\n");
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['sessions_type'] = 'db'; // no php4-sessions availible for cgi
// check file
if (!is_readable($file))
fwrite(STDERR,"importexport_cli: ". $file. ' is not readable'."\n");
try {
$definition = new definition($definition);
catch (Exception $e) {
fwrite(STDERR,"importexport_cli: ". $e->getMessage(). "\n");
$po = new $definition->plugin;
$type = $definition->type;
$po->$type($definition,array('file' => $file));
function import_export_access(&$account)
$account['login'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['login'];
$account['passwd'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['passwd'];
$account['passwd_type'] = 'text';
return true;

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
* eGroupWare - importexport
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/');
/** bo to define {im|ex}ports
* @todo make this class an egw_record_pool!
class bodefinitions {
const _appname = 'importexport';
const _defintion_talbe = 'egw_importexport_definitions';
* holds so_sql
* @var so_sql
private $so_sql;
private $definitions;
public function __construct($_query=false)
$this->so_sql = new so_sql(self::_appname, self::_defintion_talbe );
if ($_query) {
$definitions = $this->so_sql->search($_query, true);
foreach ((array)$definitions as $definition) {
$this->definitions[] = $definition['definition_id'];
public function get_definitions() {
return $this->definitions;
* reads a definition from database
* @param mixed &$definition
* @return bool success or not
public function read(&$definition)
if(is_int($definition)) $definition = array('definition_id' => $definition);
elseif(is_string($definition)) $definition = array('name' => $definition);
if(!$definition = $this->so_sql->read($definition)) return false;
$definition += (array)unserialize($definition['plugin_options']);
return true;
public function save($content)
$plugin = $content['plugin'];
if (!$plugin) return false;
$definition = array_intersect_key($content,array_flip($this->so_sql->db_cols));
if(is_object($this->plugin) && $this->plugin->plugin_info['plugin'] == $plugin)
$plugin_options = array_intersect_key($content,array_flip($this->plugin->plugin_options));
// we come eg. from definition import
$file = EGW_SERVER_ROOT . SEP . $definition['application'] . SEP . 'inc' . SEP . 'importexport'. SEP . 'class.'.$definition['plugin'].'.inc.php';
if (is_file($file))
$obj = new $plugin;
$plugin_options = array_intersect_key($content,array_flip($obj->plugin_options));
foreach ($this->so_sql->db_cols as $col) unset($content[$col]);
$plugin_options = $content;
$definition['plugin_options'] = serialize($plugin_options);
$this->so_sql->data = $definition;
return $this->so_sql->save();
public function delete($keys)
$this->so_sql->delete(array('definition_id' => $keys));
* checkes if user if permitted to access given definition
* @param array $_definition
* @return bool
static public function is_permitted($_definition) {
$allowed_user = explode(',',$_definition['allowed_users']);
$this_user_id = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['userid'];
$this_membership = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->membership($this_user_id);
$this_membership[] = array('account_id' => $this_user_id);
//echo $this_user_id;
//echo ' '.$this_membership;
foreach ((array)$this_membership as $account)
$this_membership_array[] = $account['account_id'];
$alluser = array_intersect($allowed_user,$this_membership_array);
return in_array($this_user_id,$alluser) ? true : false;
* searches and registers plugins from all apps
* @deprecated see import_export_helperfunctions::get_plugins
* @return array $info info about existing plugins
static public function plugins()
if (!key_exists('apps',$GLOBALS['egw_info'])) return false;
foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']) as $appname)
$dir = EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . "/$appname/inc";
if(!$d = @opendir($dir)) continue;
while (false !== ($file = readdir($d)))
//echo $file."\n";
$pnparts = explode('.',$file);
if(!is_file($file = "$dir/$file") || substr($pnparts[1],0,7) != 'wizzard' || $pnparts[count($pnparts)-1] != 'php') continue;
$plugin_classname = $pnparts[1];
if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->$plugin_classname))
$GLOBALS['egw']->$plugin_classname = new $plugin_classname;
$info[$appname][$GLOBALS['egw']->$plugin_classname->plugin_info['plugin']] = $GLOBALS['egw']->$plugin_classname->plugin_info;
return $info;
* exports definitions
* @param array $keys to export
public function export($keys)
$export_data = array('metainfo' => array(
'type' => 'importexport definitions',
'charset' => 'bal',
'entries' => count($keys),
foreach ($keys as $definition_id)
$definition = array('definition_id' => $definition_id);
$export_data[$definition['name']] = $definition;
/* This is no fun as import -> export cycle in xmltools results in different datas :-(
$xml =& CreateObject('etemplate.xmltool','root');
$xml->import_var('importexport.definitions', $export_data);
$xml_data = $xml->export_xml();
we export serialised arrays in the meantime
return serialize($export_data);
public function import($import_file)
if (!is_file($import_file['tmp_name'])) return false;
$f = fopen($import_file['tmp_name'],'r');
$data = fread($f,100000);
if (($data = unserialize($data)) === false) return false;
$metainfo = $data['metainfo'];
foreach ($data as $name => $definition)
//if (($ext = $this->search(array('name' => $name),'definition_id')) !== false)
// error_log(print_r($ext,true));
// $definition['definition_id'] = $ext[0]['definition_id'];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
* eGroupWare importexport
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/');
* class definition
* definitions are ojects with all nessesary information to do
* complete import or export. All options needed for an explicit {Im|Ex}port
* are in one assiozative array which is complely managed by {Im|Ex}port plugins
* @todo testing
class definition implements iface_egw_record {
const _appname = 'importexport';
const _defintion_talbe = 'egw_importexport_definitions';
private $attributes = array(
'definition_id' => 'string',
'name' => 'string',
'application' => 'string',
'plugin' => 'string',
'type' => 'string',
'allowed_users' => 'array',
'options' => 'array',
'owner' => 'int',
* holds so_sql object
* @var so_sql
private $so_sql;
* internal representation of definition
* @var unknown_type
private $definition = array();
* holds current user
* @var int
private $user;
* is current user an admin?
* @var bool
private $is_admin;
* constructor
* reads record from backend if identifier is given.
* @param string $_identifier
public function __construct( $_identifier='' ) {
$this->so_sql = new so_sql(self::_appname ,self::_defintion_talbe);
$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['user_id'];
$this->is_admin = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'] ? true : false;
// compability to string identifiers
if (is_string($_identifier) && strlen($_identifier) > 3) $_identifier = $this->name2identifier($_identifier);
if ((int)$_identifier != 0) {
$this->so_sql->read(array('definition_id' => $_identifier));
if (empty($this->so_sql->data)) {
throw new Exception('Error: No such definition with identifier :"'.$_identifier.'"!');
if (!(in_array($this->user,$this->get_allowed_users()) || $this->get_owner() == $this->user || $this->is_admin)) {
throw new Exception('Error: User "'.$this->user.'" is not permitted to get definition with identifier "'.$_identifier.'"!');
$this->definition = $this->so_sql->data;
$this->definition = $this->so_sql->data;
* compability function for string identifiers e.g. used by cli
* @param string $_name
* @return int
private function name2identifier($_name) {
$identifiers = $this->so_sql->search(array('name' => $_name),true);
if (isset($identifiers[1])) {
throw new Exception('Error: Definition: "'.$_name. '" is not unique! Can\'t convert to identifier');
return $identifiers[0]['definition_id'];
public function __get($_attribute_name) {
if (!array_key_exists($_attribute_name,$this->attributes)) {
throw new Exception('Error: "'. $_attribute_name. '" is not an attribute defintion');
switch ($_attribute_name) {
case 'allowed_users' :
return $this->get_allowed_users();
case 'options' :
return $this->get_options();
default :
return $this->definition[$_attribute_name];
public function __set($_attribute_name,$_data) {
if (!array_key_exists($_attribute_name,$this->attributes)) {
throw new Exception('Error: "'. $_attribute_name. '" is not an attribute defintion');
switch ($_attribute_name) {
case 'allowed_users' :
return $this->set_allowed_users($_data);
case 'options' :
return $this->set_options($_data);
default :
$this->definition[$_attribute_name] = $_data;
* gets users who are allowd to use this definition
* @return array
private function get_allowed_users() {
return explode(',',$this->definition['allowed_users']);
* sets allowed users
* @param array $_allowed_users
private function set_allowed_users($_allowed_users) {
$this->definition['allowed_users'] = implode(',',(array)$_allowed_users);
* gets options
* @return array
private function get_options() {
// oh compat funct to be removed!
if(array_key_exists('plugin_options',$this->definition)) {
$this->definition['options'] = $this->definition['plugin_options'];
return unserialize($this->definition['options']);
* sets options
* @param array $options
private function set_options(array $_options) {
$this->definition['options'] = serialize($_options);
* converts this object to array.
* @abstract We need such a function cause PHP5
* dosn't allow objects do define it's own casts :-(
* once PHP can deal with object casts we will change to them!
* @return array complete record as associative array
public function get_record_array() {
$definition = $this->definition;
$definition['allowed_users'] = $this->get_allowed_users();
$definition['options'] = $this->get_options();
return $definition;
* gets title of record
*@return string tiltle
public function get_title() {
return $this->definition['name'];
* sets complete record from associative array
* @return void
public function set_record(array $_record) {
$this->definition = $_record;
* gets identifier of this record
* @return string identifier of this record
public function get_identifier() {
return $this->definition['definition_id'];
* saves record into backend
* @return string identifier
public function save ( $_dst_identifier ) {
if ($owner = $this->get_owner() && $owner != $this->user && !$this->is_admin) {
throw ('Error: User '. $this->user. ' is not allowed to save this definition!');
if ($this->so_sql->save($_dst_identifier)) {
throw('Error: so_sql was not able to save definition: '.$this->get_identifier());
return $this->definition['definition_id'];
* copys current record to record identified by $_dst_identifier
* @param string $_dst_identifier
* @return string dst_identifier
public function copy ( $_dst_identifier ) {
$dst_object = clone $this;
try {
$dst_identifier = $dst_object->save($_dst_identifier);
catch(exception $Exception) {
throw $Exception;
unset ($dst_object);
return $dst_identifier;
* moves current record to record identified by $_dst_identifier
* $this will become moved record
* @param string $_dst_identifier
* @return string dst_identifier
public function move ( $_dst_identifier ) {
if ($this->user != $this->get_owner() && !$this->is_admin) {
throw('Error: User '. $this->user. 'does not have permissions to move definition '.$this->get_identifier());
$old_object = clone $this;
try {
$dst_identifier = $this->save($_dst_identifier);
catch(exception $Exception) {
throw $Exception;
return $dst_identifier;
* delets current record from backend
* @return void
public function delete () {
if($this->user != $this->get_owner() && !$this->is_admin) {
throw('Error: User '. $this->user. 'does not have permissions to delete definition '.$this->get_identifier());
if(!$this->so_sql->delete()) {
throw('Error: so_sql was not able to delete definition: '.$this->get_identifier());
* destructor
public function __destruct() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
* eGroupWare importexport
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
* class export_csv
* This an record exporter.
* An record is e.g. a single address or or single event.
* No mater where the records come from, at the end export_entry
* stores it into the stream
class export_csv implements iface_export_record
/** Aggregations: */
/** Compositions: */
* array with field mapping in form egw_field_name => exported_field_name
* @var array
protected $mapping = array();
* array with conversions to be done in form: egw_field_name => conversion_string
* @var array
protected $conversion = array();
* array holding the current record
* @access protected
protected $record = array();
* holds (charset) translation object
* @var object
protected $translation;
* charset of csv file
* @var string
protected $csv_charset;
* holds number of exported records
* @var unknown_type
protected $num_of_records = 0;
* stream resource of csv file
* @var resource
protected $handle;
* csv specific options
* @var array
protected $csv_options = array(
'delimiter' => ';',
'enclosure' => '"',
* constructor
* @param object _handle resource where records are exported to.
* @param string _charset charset the records are exported to.
* @param array _options options for specific backends
* @return bool
* @access public
public function __construct( $_handle, $_charset, array $_options=array() ) {
$this->translation &= $GLOBALS['egw']->translation;
$this->handle = $_handle;
$this->csv_charset = $_charset;
if (!empty($_options)) {
$this->csv_options = array_merge($this->csv_options,$_options);
* sets field mapping
* @param array $_mapping egw_field_name => csv_field_name
public function set_mapping( array $_mapping) {
if ($this->num_of_records > 0) {
throw new Exception('Error: Field mapping can\'t be set during ongoing export!');
foreach ($_mapping as $egw_filed => $csv_field) {
$this->mapping[$egw_filed] = $this->translation->convert($csv_field, $this->csv_charset);
* Sets conversion.
* See import_export_helper_functions::conversion.
* @param array $_conversion
public function set_conversion( array $_conversion) {
$this->conversion = $_conversion;
* exports a record into resource of handle
* @param iface_egw_record record
* @return bool
* @access public
public function export_record( iface_egw_record $_record ) {
$record_data = $_record->get_record_array();
if (empty($this->mapping)) {
$this->mapping = array_combine(array_keys($record_data),array_keys($record_data));
if ($this->num_of_records == 0 && $this->csv_options['begin_with_fieldnames'] && !empty($this->mapping)) {
// do conversions
if ($this->conversion[$egw_field]) {
$record_data[$egw_field] = import_export_helper_functions::conversion($record_data,$this->conversion);
// do fieldmapping
foreach ($this->mapping as $egw_field => $csv_field) {
$this->record[$csv_field] = $record_data[$egw_field];
$this->record = array();
* Retruns total number of exported records.
* @return int
* @access public
public function get_num_of_records() {
return $this->num_of_records;
* destructor
* @return
* @access public
public function __destruct() {
* The php build in fputcsv function is buggy, so we need an own one :-(
* @param resource $filePointer
* @param array $dataArray
* @param char $delimiter
* @param char $enclosure
protected function fputcsv($filePointer, $dataArray, $delimiter, $enclosure){
$string = "";
$writeDelimiter = false;
foreach($dataArray as $dataElement) {
if($writeDelimiter) $string .= $delimiter;
$string .= $enclosure . $dataElement . $enclosure;
$writeDelimiter = true;
$string .= "\n";
fwrite($filePointer, $string);
} // end export_csv_record

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
* eGroupWare
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
* class iface_egw_record
* This a the abstract interface of an egw record.
* A record is e.g. a single address or or single event.
* The idea behind is that we can have metaoperation over differnt apps by
* having a common interface.
* A record is identified by a identifier. As we are a Webapp and want to
* deal with the objects in the browser, identifier should be a string!
* @todo lots! of discussion with other developers
* @todo move to api once developers accepted it!
* @todo functions for capabilities of object
* @todo caching. e.g. only read name of object
interface iface_egw_record
* constructor
* reads record from backend if identifier is given.
* @param string $_identifier
public function __construct( $_identifier );
* magic method to set attributes of record
* @param string $_attribute_name
public function __get($_attribute_name);
* magig method to set attributes of record
* @param string $_attribute_name
* @param data $data
public function __set($_attribute_name, $data);
* converts this object to array.
* @abstract We need such a function cause PHP5
* dosn't allow objects do define it's own casts :-(
* once PHP can deal with object casts we will change to them!
* @return array complete record as associative array
public function get_record_array();
* gets title of record
*@return string tiltle
public function get_title();
* sets complete record from associative array
* @return void
public function set_record(array $_record);
* gets identifier of this record
* @return string identifier of this record
public function get_identifier();
* saves record into backend
* @return string identifier
public function save ( $_dst_identifier );
* copys current record to record identified by $_dst_identifier
* @param string $_dst_identifier
* @return string dst_identifier
public function copy ( $_dst_identifier );
* moves current record to record identified by $_dst_identifier
* $this will become moved record
* @param string $_dst_identifier
* @return string dst_identifier
public function move ( $_dst_identifier );
* delets current record from backend
* @return void
public function delete ();
* destructor
public function __destruct();
} // end of iface_egw_record

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
* eGroupWare
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
//require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/');
* class iface_export_plugin
* This a the abstract interface for an export plugin of importexport
* You need to implement this class in
* EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT/appname/inc/class.export_<type>.inc.php
* to attend the importexport framwork with your export.
* NOTE: This is an easy interface, cause plugins live in theire own
* space. Means that they are respnsible for generationg a defintion AND
* working on that definition.
* So this interface just garanties the interaction with userinterfaces. It
* has nothing to do with datatypes.
* JS:
* required function in opener:
* // returns array of identifiers
* // NOTE: identifiers need to b
* get_selection();
* get_selector(); //returns array
interface iface_export_plugin {
* exports entries according to given definition object.
* @param definition $_definition
public static function export($_stream, $_charset, definition $_definition);
* returns translated name of plugin
* @return string name
public static function get_name();
* returns translated (user) description of plugin
* @return string descriprion
public static function get_description();
* retruns file suffix for exported file (e.g. csv)
* @return string suffix
public static function get_filesuffix();
* return etemplate components for options.
* @abstract We can't deal with etemplate objects here, as an uietemplate
* objects itself are scipt orientated and not "dialog objects"
* @return array (
* name => string,
* content => array,
* sel_options => array,
* preserv => array,
* )
public static function get_options_etpl();
* returns etemplate name for slectors of this plugin
* @return string etemplate name
public static function get_selectors_etpl();
} // end of iface_export_plugin

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
* eGroupWare
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
* class iface_export_record
* This a the abstract interface for an record exporter.
* An record is e.g. a single address or or single event.
* No mater where the records come from, at the end export_entry
* stores it into the stream
* NOTE: we don't give records the type "egw_reocrd". Thats becuase
* PHP5 dosn't allow objects do define it's own casts :-(
* NOTE: You are not forced to implement this interface to attend importexport
* framework. However if you plugin implements this interface it might also be
* usable for other tasks.
interface iface_export_record
/** Aggregations: */
/** Compositions: */
* constructor
* @param object _handle resource where records are exported to.
* @param string _charset charset the records are exported to.
* @param array _options options for specific backends
* @return bool
* @access public
public function __construct( $_handle, $_charset, array $_options );
* exports a record into resource of handle
* @param object of interface egw_record _record
* @return bool
* @access public
public function export_record( iface_egw_record $_record );
* Retruns total number of exported records.
* @return int
* @access public
public function get_num_of_records( );
* destructor
* @return
* @access public
public function __destruct( );
} // end of iface_export_record

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* eGroupWare
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
* class iface_import_record
* This a the abstract interface for an record importer.
* An record is e.g. a single address or or single event.
* No mater where the records come from, at the end the get_entry method comes out
interface iface_import_record
/** Aggregations: */
/** Compositions: */
* Opens resource, returns false if something fails
* @param string _resource resource containing data. Differs according to the implementations
* @param array _options options for the resource
* @return bool
* @access public
public function __construct( $_resource, $_options );
* cleanup
* @return
* @access public
public function __destruct( );
* Returns array with the record found at position and updates the position
* @param string _position may be: {first|last|next|previous|somenumber}
* @return bool
* @access public
public function get_record( $_position = 'next' );
* Retruns total number of records for the open resource.
* @return int
* @access public
public function get_num_of_records( );
* Returns pointer of current position
* @return int
* @access public
public function get_current_position( );
} // end of iface_import_record

View File

@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
* eGroupWare - importexport
* General Comma Serperated Values (CSV) record importer (abstract class)
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
* class import_csv
* This a an abstract implementation of interface iface_import_record
* An record is e.g. a single address or or single event.
* No mater where the records come from, at the end the get_record method comes out
* @todo whipe out the bool returns and use exeptions instead!!!
* @todo do we realy need the stepping? otherwise we also could deal with stream resources.
* The advantage of resources is, that we don't need to struggle whth stream options!
* @todo just checked out iterators, but not shure if we can use it.
* they iterate over public functions and not over datastructures :-(
class import_csv implements iface_import_record { //, Iterator {
const csv_max_linelength = 8000;
/** Aggregations: */
/** Compositions: */
* @static import_export_helper_functions
/*** Attributes: ***/
* array holding the current record
* @access protected
protected $record = array();
* current position counter
* @access protected
protected $current_position = 0;
* holds total number of records
* @access private
* @var int
protected $num_of_records = 0;
* array with field mapping in form column number => new_field_name
* @access protected
protected $mapping = array();
* array with conversions to be done in form: new_field_name => conversion_string
* @access protected
protected $conversion = array();
* csv resource
* @access private
private $resource;
* holds the string of the resource
* needed e.g. to reopen resource
* @var string
* @access private
private $csv_resourcename = '';
* fieldseperator for csv file
* @access private
* @var char
private $csv_fieldsep;
* charset of csv file
* @var string
* @access privat
private $csv_charset;
* Opens resource, returns false if something fails
* @param string _resource resource containing data. May be each valid php-stream
* @param array _options options for the resource array with keys: charset and fieldsep
* @return bool
* @access public
public function __construct( $_resource, $_options = array() ) {
$this->csv_resourcename = $_resource;
$this->csv_fieldsep = $_options['fieldsep'];
$this->csv_charset = $_options['charset'];
//return $this->open_resource();
} // end of member function __construct
* cleanup
* @return
* @access public
public function __destruct( ) {
} // end of member function __destruct
* Returns array with the record found at position and updates the position
* @param mixed _position may be: {current|first|last|next|previous|somenumber}
* @return array
* @access public
public function get_record( $_position = 'next' ) {
$this->get_raw_record( $_position );
return $this->record;
} // end of member function get_record
* updates $this->record
* @param mixed $_position
* @return bool
private function get_raw_record( $_position = 'next' ) {
switch ($_position) {
case 'current' :
if ($this->current_position == 0) {
return false;
case 'first' :
if (!$this->current_position == 0) {
case 'next' :
$csv_data = fgetcsv( $this->resource, self::csv_max_linelength, $this->csv_fieldsep);
if (!is_array($csv_data)) {
return false;
$this->record = $csv_data;
//$this->record = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($csv_data, $this->csv_charset);
case 'previous' :
if ($this->current_position < 2) {
return false;
$final_position = --$this->current_position;
while ($this->current_position !== $final_position) {
case 'last' :
while ($this->get_raw_record()) {}
default: //somenumber
if (!is_int($_position)) return false;
if ($_position == $this->current_position) {
elseif ($_position < $this->current_position) {
while ($this->current_position !== $_position) {
return true;
} // end of member function get_raw_record
* Retruns total number of records for the open resource.
* @return int
* @access public
public function get_num_of_records( ) {
if ($this->num_of_records > 0) {
return $this->num_of_records;
$current_position = $this->current_position;
while ($this->get_raw_record()) {}
$this->num_of_records = $this->current_position;
return $this->num_of_records;
} // end of member function get_num_of_records
* Returns pointer of current position
* @return int
* @access public
public function get_current_position( ) {
return $this->current_position;
} // end of member function get_current_position
* does fieldmapping according to $this->mapping
* @return
* @access protected
protected function do_fieldmapping( ) {
foreach ($this->mapping as $cvs_idx => $new_idx) {
$record = $this->record;
$this->record = array();
$this->record[$new_idx] = $record[$cvs_idx];
return true;
} // end of member function do_fieldmapping
* does conversions according to $this->conversion
* @return bool
* @access protected
protected function do_conversions( ) {
if ( $record = import_export_helper_functions::conversion( $this->record, $this->conversion )) {
$this->record = $record;
return true;
else return false;
} // end of member function do_conversions
* opens the csv resource (php-stream)
* @param string _resource resource containing data. May be each valid php-stream
* @param array _options options for the resource array with keys: charset and fieldsep
* @return
* @access private
private function open_resource() {
if ( !is_readable ( $this->csv_resourcename )) {
error_log('error: file '. $this->csv_resourcename .' is not readable by webserver '.__FILE__.__LINE__);
return false;
$this->resource = fopen ($this->csv_resourcename, 'rb');
if (!is_resource($this->resource)) {
// some error handling
return false;
$this->current_position = 0;
return true;
} // end of member function open_resource
* closes the csv resource (php-stream)
* @return bool
* @access private
private function close_resource() {
return fclose( $this->resource );
} // end of member function close_resource
} // end of import_csv

View File

@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
* eGroupWare
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
* class import_export_helper_functions (only static methods)
* use import_export_helper_functions::method
class import_export_helper_functions
/** Aggregations: */
/** Compositions: */
/*** Attributes: ***/
* nothing to construct here, only static functions!
* @return bool false
public function __construct() {
return false;
* converts accound_lid to account_id
* @param string _account_lid comma seperated list
* @return string comma seperated list
* @static
* @access public
public static function account_lid2id( $_account_lids ) {
$account_lids = explode( ',', $_account_lids );
foreach ( $account_lids as $account_lid ) {
if ( $account_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id( $account_lid )) {
$account_ids[] = $account_id;
return implode( ',', $account_ids );
} // end of member function account_lid2id
* converts account_ids to account_lids
* @param int _account_ids comma seperated list
* @return string comma seperated list
* @static
* @access public
public static function account_id2lid( $_account_id ) {
$account_ids = explode( ',', $_account_id );
foreach ( $account_ids as $account_id ) {
if ( $account_lid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name( $account_id )) {
$account_lids[] = $account_lid;
return implode( ',', $account_lids );
} // end of member function account_id2lid
* converts cat_id to a cat_name
* @param int _cat_ids comma seperated list
* @return mixed string cat_name
* @static
* @access public
public static function cat_id2name( $_cat_ids ) {
if ( !is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->categories) ) {
$GLOBALS['egw']->categories =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories');
$cat_ids = explode( ',', $_cat_id );
foreach ( $cat_ids as $cat_id ) {
$cat_names[] = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->id2name( (int)$cat_id );
return implode(',',$cat_names);
} // end of member function category_id2name
* converts cat_name to a cat_id.
* If a cat isn't found, it will be created.
* @param string _cat_names comma seperated list.
* @return mixed int / string (comma seperated cat id's)
* @static
* @access public
public static function cat_name2id( $_cat_names, $_create = true ) {
if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->categories)) {
$GLOBALS['egw']->categories =& CreateObject( 'phpgwapi.categories' );
$cat_names = explode( ',', $_cat_names );
foreach ( $cat_names as $cat_name ) {
if ( $cat_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->name2id( addslashes( $cat_name ))) { }
elseif ($_create) $cat_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->add( array( 'name' => $cat_name,'descr' => $cat_name ));
else continue;
$cat_ids[] = $cat_id;
return implode( ',', $cat_ids );
} // end of member function category_name2id
* conversion
* Conversions enable you to change / adapt the content of each _record field for your needs.
* General syntax is: pattern1 |> replacement1 || ... || patternN |> replacementN
* If the pattern-part of a pair is ommited it will match everything ('^.*$'), which
* is only usefull for the last pair, as they are worked from left to right.
* Example: 1|>private||public
* This will translate a '1' in the _record field to 'privat' and everything else to 'public'.
* In addintion to the fields assign by the pattern of the reg.exp.
* you can use all other _record fields, with the syntax |[FIELDNAME].
* Example:
* .+|>|[Company]: |[NFamily], |[NGiven]|||[NFamily], |[NGiven]
* It is used on the _record field 'Company' and constructs a something like
* Company: FamilyName, GivenName or FamilyName, GivenName if 'Company' is empty.
* Moreover the helper function of this class can be used using the '@' operator.
* @cat_name2id(Cat1,...,CatN) returns a (','-separated) list with the cat_id's. If a
* category isn't found, it will be automaticaly added.
* Patterns as well as the replacement can be regular expressions (the replacement is done
* via ereg_replace).
* If, after all replacements, the value starts with an '@' the whole
* value is eval()'ed, so you may use all php, phpgw plus your own functions. This is quiet
* powerfull, but circumvents all ACL. Therefor this feature is only availible to
* Adminstrators.
* Example using regular expressions and '@'-eval():
* ||0?([0-9]+)[ .:-]+0?([0-9]*)[ .:-]+0?([0-9]*)[ .:-]+0?([0-9]*)[ .:-]+0?([0-9]*)[ .:-]+0?([0-9]*).*|>@mktime(|#4,|#5,|#6,|#2,|#3,|#1)
* It will read a date of the form '2001-05-20 08:00:00.00000000000000000' (and many more,
* see the regular expr.). The [ .:-]-separated fields are read and assigned in different
* order to @mktime(). Please note to use |# insted of a backslash (I couldn't get backslash
* through all the involved templates and forms.) plus the field-number of the pattern.
* @param array _record reference with record to do the conversion with
* @param array _conversion array with conversion description
* @return bool
* @static
* @access public
public static function conversion( $_record, $_conversion ) {
$PSep = '||'; // Pattern-Separator, separats the pattern-replacement-pairs in conversion
$ASep = '|>'; // Assignment-Separator, separats pattern and replacesment
$VPre = '|#'; // Value-Prefix, is expanded to \ for ereg_replace
$CPre = '|['; $CPreReg = '\|\['; // |{_record-fieldname} is expanded to the value of the _record-field
$CPos = ']'; $CPosReg = '\]'; // if used together with @ (replacement is eval-ed) value gets autom. quoted
foreach ( $_record as $record_idx => $record_value ) {
$pat_reps = explode($PSep,stripslashes($_conversion[$record_idx]));
$replaces = ''; $rvalues = '';
if($pat_reps[0] != '')
foreach($pat_reps as $k => $pat_rep)
list($pattern,$replace) = explode($ASep,$pat_rep,2);
if($replace == '')
$replace = $pattern; $pattern = '^.*$';
$rvalues[$pattern] = $replace; // replace two with only one, added by the form
$replaces .= ($replaces != '' ? $PSep : '') . $pattern . $ASep . $replace;
//$_conversion[$record_idx] = $rvalues;
$conv_record = $rvalues;
//unset($_conversion[$record_idx] );
//$conv_record = $_conversion[$record_idx];
while(list($pattern,$replace) = each($conv_record))
if(ereg((string) $pattern,$val))
$val = ereg_replace((string) $pattern,str_replace($VPre,'\\',$replace),(string) $val);
$reg = $CPreReg.'([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)'.$CPosReg;
{ // expand all _record fields
$val = str_replace($CPre . $vars[1] . $CPos, $val[0] == '@' ? "'"
. addslashes($fields[array_search($vars[1], array_keys($_record))])
. "'" : $fields[array_search($vars[1], array_keys($_record))], $val);
if($val[0] == '@')
if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])
error_log(__FILE__.__LINE__. lang('@-eval() is only availible to admins!!!'));
// removing the $ to close security hole of showing vars, which contain eg. passwords
$val = substr(str_replace('$','',$val),1).';';
$val = 'return '. (substr($val,0,6) == 'cat_id' ? '$this->'.$val : $val);
// echo "<p>eval('$val')=";
$val = eval($val);
// echo "'$val'</p>";
if($pattern[0] != '@' || $val)
$values[$record_idx] = $val;
return $values;
} // end of member function conversion
* returns a list of importexport plugins
* @param string $_tpye {import | export | all}
* @param string $_appname {<appname> | all}
* @return array(<appname> => array( <type> => array(<plugin> => <title>)))
public static function get_plugins($_appname, $_type){
$appnames = $_appname == 'all' ? array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']) : (array)$_appname;
$types = $_types == 'all' ? array('import','export') : (array)$_type;
$plugins = array();
foreach ($appnames as $appname) {
$appdir = EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. "/$appname/inc";
if(!is_dir($appdir)) continue;
$d = dir($appdir);
// step through each file in appdir
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
list( ,$classname, ,$extension) = explode('.',$entry);
$file = $appdir. '/'. $entry;
foreach ($types as $type) {
if(!is_file($file) || substr($classname,0,7) != $type.'_' || $extension != 'php') continue;
try {
$plugin_object = @new $classname;
catch (Exception $exception) {
if (is_a($plugin_object,'iface_'.$type.'_plugin')) {
$plugins[$appname][$type][$classname] = $plugin_object->get_name();
unset ($plugin_object);
return $plugins;
* returns list of apps which have plugins of given type.
* @param string $_type
* @return array $num => $appname
public static function get_apps($_type) {
return array_keys(self::get_plugins('all',$_type));
} // end of import_export_helper_functions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
* eGroupWare - importexport
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
if (!defined('IMPORTEXPORT_APP'))
class importexport_admin_prefs_sidebox_hooks
var $config = array();
function importexport_admin_prefs_sidebox_hooks()
$config =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.config',IMPORTEXPORT_APP);
$this->config =& $config->config_data;
function all_hooks($args)
$location = is_array($args) ? $args['location'] : $args;
if ($location == 'sidebox_menu')
$file = array(
'Import definitions' => $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=importexport.uidefinitions.import_definition'),
display_sidebox($appname,$GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$appname]['title'].' '.lang('Menu'),$file);
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['preferences'] && $location != 'admin')
$file = array(
// 'Preferences' => $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=preferences.uisettings.index&appname='.$appname),
// 'Grant Access' => $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=preferences.uiaclprefs.index&acl_app='.$appname),
// 'Edit Categories' => $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=preferences.uicategories.index&cats_app=' . $appname . '&cats_level=True&global_cats=True')
if ($location == 'preferences')
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'] && $location != 'preferences')
$file = Array(
'Define {im|ex}ports' => $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php',array(
'menuaction' => 'importexport.uidefinitions.index',
if ($location == 'admin')
* populates $GLOBALS['settings'] for the preferences
function settings()
return true; // otherwise prefs say it cant find the file ;-)
* Check if reasonable default preferences are set and set them if not
* It sets a flag in the app-session-data to be called only once per session
function check_set_default_prefs()
if ($GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('default_prefs_set',IMPORTEXPORT_APP))
$default_prefs =& $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->default[IMPORTEXPORT_APP];
$defaults = array(
foreach($defaults as $var => $default)
if (!isset($default_prefs[$var]) || $default_prefs[$var] === '')
$need_save = True;
if ($need_save)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
* eGroupWare - importexport
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
if (!defined('IMPORTEXPORT_APP'))
* Userinterface to define {im|ex}ports
* @package importexport
class uidefinitions
const _debug = true;
public $public_functions = array(
'edit' => true,
'index' => true,
'wizzard' => true,
'import_definition' => true,
* holds all available plugins
* @var array
var $plugins;
* holds user chosen plugin after step20
* @var object
var $plugin;
* xajax response object
* @var object
var $response = true;
function uidefinitions()
// we cant deal with notice and warnings, as we are on ajax!
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING);
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = IMPORTEXPORT_APP;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['include_xajax'] = true;
$GLOBALS['egw']->js =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.javascript');
$this->etpl =& new etemplate();
$this->clock = $GLOBALS['egw']->html->image(IMPORTEXPORT_APP,'clock');
$this->steps = array(
'wizzard_step10' => lang('Choose an application'),
'wizzard_step20' => lang('Choose a plugin'),
'wizzard_step80' => lang('Which useres are allowed for this definition'),
'wizzard_step90' => lang('Choose a name for this definition'),
'wizzard_finish' => '',
//register plugins (depricated)
$this->plugins = bodefinitions::plugins();
* List defined {im|ex}ports
* @param array $content=null
function index($content = null,$msg='')
$bodefinitions = new bodefinitions(array('name' => '*'));
if (is_array($content))
if (isset($content['delete']))
elseif(($button = array_search('pressed',$content)) !== false)
$selected = array_keys($content['selected'],1);
if(count($selected) < 1 || !is_array($selected)) exit();
switch ($button)
case 'delete_selected' :
case 'export_selected' :
$mime_type = ($GLOBALS['egw']->html->user_agent == 'msie' || $GLOBALS['egw']->html->user_agent == 'opera') ?
'application/octetstream' : 'application/octet-stream';
$name = 'importexport.definition';
header('Content-Type: ' . $mime_type);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$name.'"');
echo $bodefinitions->export($selected);
$etpl =& new etemplate(IMPORTEXPORT_APP.'.definition_index');
// we need an offset because of autocontinued rows in etemplate ...
$definitions = array('row0');
foreach ($bodefinitions->get_definitions() as $identifier) {
$definition = new definition($identifier);
$definitions[] = $definition->get_record_array();
$content = $definitions;
return $etpl->exec(IMPORTEXPORT_APP.'.uidefinitions.index',$content,array(),$readonlys,$preserv);
function edit()
if(!$_definition = $_GET['definition'])
//close window
$definition = array('name' => $_definition);
$bodefinitions = new bodefinitions();
$definition['edit'] = true;
function wizzard($content = null, $msg='')
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .=
"<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>
function xajax_eT_wrapper_init() {
window.moveTo(screen.availWidth/2 - window.outerWidth/2,
screen.availHeight/2 - window.outerHeight/2);
$this->wizzard_content_template =& $this->etpl->children[0]['data'][1]['A'][2][1]['name'];
if(is_array($content) &&! $content['edit'])
if(self::_debug) error_log('importexport.wizzard->$content '. print_r($content,true));
// fetch plugin object
if($content['plugin'] && $content['application'])
// we need to deal with the wizzard object if exists
if (file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/'. $content['application'].'/inc/class.wizzard_'. $content['plugin'].'.inc.php'))
$wizzard_plugin = 'wizzard_'.$content['plugin'];
$wizzard_plugin = $content['plugin'];
$this->plugin = is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->$wizzard_plugin) ? $GLOBALS['egw']->$wizzard_plugin : new $wizzard_plugin;
if(!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->uidefinitions)) $GLOBALS['egw']->uidefinitions =& $this;
// deal with buttons even if we are not on ajax
if(isset($content['button']) && array_search('pressed',$content['button']) === false && count($content['button']) == 1)
$button = array_keys($content['button']);
$content['button'] = array($button[0] => 'pressed');
// post process submitted step
$next_step = $this->plugin->$content['step']($content);
$next_step = $this->$content['step']($content);
// pre precess next step
$sel_options = $readonlys = $preserv = array();
$this->wizzard_content_template = $this->plugin->$next_step($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv);
$this->wizzard_content_template = $this->$next_step($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv);
$html = $this->etpl->exec(IMPORTEXPORT_APP.'.uidefinitions.wizzard',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv,1);
// initial content
$sel_options = $readonlys = $preserv = array();
unset ($content['edit']);
$this->wizzard_content_template = $this->wizzard_step10($content, $sel_options, $readonlys, $preserv);
$html = $this->etpl->exec(IMPORTEXPORT_APP.'.uidefinitions.wizzard',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv,1);
$this->response =& new xajaxResponse();
if ($content['closewindow'])
// If Browser can't close window we display a "close" buuton and
// need to disable normal buttons
$this->response->addAssign('exec[button][previous]','style.display', 'none');
$this->response->addAssign('exec[button][next]','style.display', 'none');
$this->response->addAssign('exec[button][finish]','style.display', 'none');
$this->response->addAssign('exec[button][cancel]','style.display', 'none');
$this->response->addAssign('contentbox', 'innerHTML', $html);
if (is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->js) && $GLOBALS['egw']->js->body['onLoad'])
$this->response->addAssign('picturebox', 'style.display', 'none');
return $this->response->getXML();
$GLOBALS['egw']->js->set_onload("document.getElementById('picturebox').style.display = 'none';");
echo '<div id="divMain">'."\n";
echo '<div><h3>{Im|Ex}port Wizzard</h3></div>';
// adding a manual icon to every popup
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['manual'])
$manual =& new etemplate('etemplate.popup.manual');
echo $manual->exec(IMPORTEXPORT_APP.'.uidefinitions.wizzard',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv,1);
echo '<div id="contentbox">';
echo $html;
echo '</div></div>'."\n";
echo '<style type="text/css">#picturebox { position: absolute; right: 27px; top: 24px; }</style>'."\n";
echo '<div id="picturebox">'. $this->clock. '</div>';
* gets name of next step
* @param string $curr_step
* @param int $step_width
* @return string containing function name of next step
function get_step ($curr_step, $step_width)
/*if($content['plugin'] && $content['application']&& !is_object($this->plugin))
$plugin_definition = $this->plugins[$content['application']][$content['plugin']]['definition'];
if($plugin_definition) $this->plugin =& new $plugin_definition;
$steps = array_merge($this->steps,$this->plugin->steps);
$steps = array_flip($steps); asort($steps); $steps = array_flip($steps);
$steps = $this->steps;
$step_keys = array_keys($steps);
$nn = array_search($curr_step,$step_keys)+(int)$step_width;
return (key_exists($nn,$step_keys)) ? $step_keys[$nn] : false;
function wizzard_step10(&$content, &$sel_options, &$readonlys, &$preserv)
if(self::_debug) error_log('addressbook.importexport.addressbook_csv_import::wizzard_step10->$content '.print_r($content,true));
// return from step10
if ($content['step'] == 'wizzard_step10')
switch (array_search('pressed', $content['button']))
case 'next':
return $this->get_step($content['step'],1);
case 'finish':
return 'wizzard_finish';
default :
return $this->wizzard_step10($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv);
// init step10
$content['msg'] = $this->steps['wizzard_step10'];
foreach ($this->plugins as $appname => $options) $sel_options['application'][$appname] = lang($appname);
$content['step'] = 'wizzard_step10';
$preserv = $content;
unset ($preserv['button']);
return 'importexport.wizzard_chooseapp';
// get plugin
function wizzard_step20(&$content, &$sel_options, &$readonlys, &$preserv)
if(self::_debug) error_log('addressbook.importexport.addressbook_csv_import::wizzard_step20->$content '.print_r($content,true));
// return from step20
if ($content['step'] == 'wizzard_step20')
switch (array_search('pressed', $content['button']))
case 'next':
$content['type'] = $this->plugin->plugin_info['type'];
return $this->get_step($content['step'],1);
case 'previous' :
unset ($content['plugin']);
return $this->get_step($content['step'],-1);
case 'finish':
return 'wizzard_finish';
default :
return $this->wizzard_step20($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv);
// init step20
$content['msg'] = $this->steps['wizzard_step20'];
foreach ($this->plugins[$content['application']] as $plugin => $info) $sel_options['plugin'][$plugin] = $info['name'];
$content['step'] = 'wizzard_step20';
$preserv = $content;
unset ($preserv['button']);
return 'importexport.wizzard_chooseplugin';
// allowed users
function wizzard_step80(&$content, &$sel_options, &$readonlys, &$preserv)
if(self::_debug) error_log('importexport.uidefinitions::wizzard_step80->$content '.print_r($content,true));
// return from step80
if ($content['step'] == 'wizzard_step80')
$content['allowed_users'] = implode(',',$content['allowed_users']);
switch (array_search('pressed', $content['button']))
case 'next':
return $this->get_step($content['step'],1);
case 'previous' :
return $this->get_step($content['step'],-1);
case 'finish':
return 'wizzard_finish';
default :
return $this->wizzard_step80($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv);
// init step80
$content['msg'] = $this->steps['wizzard_step80'];
$content['step'] = 'wizzard_step80';
$preserv = $content;
unset ($preserv['button']);
return 'importexport.wizzard_chooseallowedusers';
// name
function wizzard_step90(&$content, &$sel_options, &$readonlys, &$preserv)
if(self::_debug) error_log('importexport.uidefinitions::wizzard_step90->$content '.print_r($content,true));
// return from step90
if ($content['step'] == 'wizzard_step90')
// workaround for some ugly bug related to readonlys;
switch (array_search('pressed', $content['button']))
case 'previous' :
return $this->get_step($content['step'],-1);
case 'finish':
return 'wizzard_finish';
default :
return $this->wizzard_step90($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv);
// init step90
$content['msg'] = $this->steps['wizzard_step90'];
$content['step'] = 'wizzard_step90';
$preserv = $content;
unset ($preserv['button']);
return 'importexport.wizzard_choosename';
function wizzard_finish(&$content)
if(self::_debug) error_log('importexport.uidefinitions::wizzard_finish->$content '.print_r($content,true));
$bodefinitions = new bodefinitions();
// This message is displayed if browser cant close window
$content['msg'] = lang('ImportExport wizard finished successfully!');
$content['closewindow'] = true;
return 'importexport.wizzard_close';
function import_definition($content='')
$bodefinitions = new bodefinitions();
if (is_array($content))
// TODO make redirect here!
return $this->index();
$etpl =& new etemplate(IMPORTEXPORT_APP.'.import_definition');
return $etpl->exec(IMPORTEXPORT_APP.'.uidefinitions.import_definition',$content,array(),$readonlys,$preserv);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
* eGroupWare
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @copyright Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/etemplate/inc/');
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/');
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/');
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/');
* userinterface for exports
class uiexport {
const _appname = 'importexport';
public $public_functions = array(
'export_dialog' => true,
'download' => true,
private $js;
private $user;
* holds all export plugins from all apps
* @var array
private $export_plugins;
public function __construct() {
$this->js = $GLOBALS['egw']->js = is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->js) ? $GLOBALS['egw']->js : CreateObject('phpgwapi.javascript');
$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['user_id'];
$this->export_plugins = import_export_helper_functions::get_plugins('all','export');
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['include_xajax'] = true;
public function export_dialog($_content=array()) {
$tabs = 'general_tab|selection_tab|options_tab|templates_tab';
$content = array();
$sel_options = array();
$readonlys = array();
$preserv = array();
if(empty($_content)) {
$et = new etemplate(self::_appname. '.export_dialog');
$_appname = $_GET['appname'];
$_plugin = $_GET['plugin'];
$_selection = $_GET['selection'];
// if appname is given and valid, list available plugins (if no plugin is given)
if (!empty($_appname) && $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('run',1,$_appname)) {
$content['appname'] = $_appname;
$preserv['appname'] = $_appname;
$readonlys['appname'] = true;
(array)$plugins = $this->export_plugins[$_appname]['export'];
if(isset($plugins[$_plugin])) {
$content['plugin'] = $_plugin;
$selected_plugin = $_plugin;
else {
$plugins_classnames = array_keys($plugins);
$selected_plugin = $plugins_classnames[0];
$sel_options['plugin'] = $plugins;
if (!empty($selected_plugin)) {
$plugin_object = new $selected_plugin;
$content['plugin_description'] = $plugin_object->get_description();
// fill options tab
// TODO: do we need all options templates online?
// NO, we can manipulate the session array of template id on xajax request
// however, there might be other solutions... we solve this in 1.3
$content['plugin_options_html'] = $plugin_object->get_options_etpl();
// fill selection tab
if ($_selection) {
$readonlys[$tabs]['selection_tab'] = true;
$content['selection'] = $_selection;
$preserv['selection'] = $_selection;
else {
// ToDo: I need to think abaout it...
// are selectors abstracted in the iface_egw_record_entity ?
// if so, we might not want to have html here ?
$content['plugin_selectors_html'] = $plugin_object->get_selectors_html();
unset ($plugin_object);
// if no appname is supplied, list apps which can export
else {
(array)$apps = import_export_helper_functions::get_apps('export');
$sel_options['appname'] = array('' => lang('Select one')) + array_combine($apps,$apps);
$content['plugin_selectors_html'] = $content['plugin_options_html'] =
lang('You need to select an app and format first!');
if (!$_selection) {
// fill templates_tab
$sel_options['templates'] = array();
$definitions = new bodefinitions(array(
'type' => 'export',
'application' => isset($content['appname']) ? $content['appname'] : '%'
foreach ((array)$definitions->get_definitions() as $identifier) {
$definition = new definition($identifier);
if ($title = $definition->get_title()) {
$sel_options['templates'][$title] = $title;
if (empty($sel_options['templates'])) {
$readonlys[$tabs]['templates_tab'] = true;
// disable preview box
//xajax_eT_wrapper submit
//error_log(__LINE__.__FILE__.'$_content: '.print_r($_content,true));
$response =& new xajaxResponse();
$definition = new definition();
$definition->definition_id = $_content['definition_id'] ? $_content['definition_id'] : '';
$definition->name = $_content['name'] ? $_content['name'] : '';
$definition->application = $_content['appname'];
$definition->plugin = $_content['plugin'];
$definition->type = 'export';
$definition->allowed_users = $_content['allowed_users'] ? $_content['allowed_users'] : $this->user;
$definition->owner = $_content['owner'] ? $_content['owner'] : $this->user;
//$definition->options = parse(...)
$definition->options = array(
'selection' => $_content['selection'],
$tmpfname = tempnam('/tmp','export');
$file = fopen($tmpfname, "w+");
if (! $charset = $definition->options['charset']) {
$charset = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset();
$plugin_object = new $_content['plugin'];
$plugin_object->export($file, $charset, $definition);
if($_content['export'] == 'pressed') {
$response->addScript("opener.location.href='". $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php',''. $tmpfname.'&_appname='. $definition->application). "&_suffix=". $plugin_object->get_filesuffix(). "';");
$response->addScript('window.setTimeout("window.close();", 100);');
return $response->getXML();
elseif($_content['preview'] == 'pressed') {
fseek($file, 0);
$item_count = 1;
$preview = '';
$search = array('[\016]','[\017]',
$replace = $preview = '';
while(!feof($file) && $item_count < 10) {
$preview .= preg_replace($search,$replace,fgets($file,1024));
return $response->getXML();
//nothing else expected!
throw new Exception('Error: unexpected submit in export_dialog!');
return $et->exec(self::_appname. '.uiexport.export_dialog',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv,2);
public function ajax_get_plugins($_appname) {
$response = new xajaxResponse();
if (!$_appname) {
return $response->getXML();
(array)$plugins = import_export_helper_functions::get_plugins($_appname,'export');
$sel_options['plugin'] = '';
foreach ($plugins[$_appname]['export'] as $plugin => $plugin_name) {
if (!$selected_plugin) $selected_plugin = $plugin;
$sel_options['plugin'] .= '<option value="'. $plugin. '" >'. $plugin_name. '</option>';
return $response->getXML();
public function ajax_get_plugin_description($_plugin,$_response=false) {
$response = $_response ? $_response : new xajaxResponse();
if (!$_plugin) return $response->getXML();
$plugin_object = new $_plugin;
if (is_a($plugin_object, 'iface_export_plugin')) {
$description = $plugin_object->get_description();
unset ($plugin_object);
return $_response ? '' : $response->getXML();
public function ajax_get_plugin_options($_plugin,$_response=false) {
$response = $_response ? $_response : new xajaxResponse();
if (!$_plugin) return $response->getXML();
$plugin_object = new $_plugin;
if (is_a($plugin_object, 'iface_export_plugin')) {
$options = $plugin_object->get_options_etpl();
unset ($plugin_object);
return $_response ? '' : $response->getXML();
* downloads file to client and deletes it.
* @param sting $_tmpfname
* @todo we need a suffix atibute in plugins e.g. .csv
public function download($_tmpfname = '') {
$tmpfname = $_tmpfname ? $_tmpfname : $_GET['_filename'];
if (!is_readable($tmpfname)) die();
$appname = $_GET['_appname'];
$nicefname = 'egw_export_'.$appname.'-'.date('y-m-d');
header('Content-type: application/text');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$nicefname.'.'.$_GET['_suffix'].'"');
$file = fopen($tmpfname,'r');
echo fgets($file,1024);
public function ajax_get_plugin_selectors() {
public function ajax_get_template($_name) {
} // end class uiexport

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* eGroupWare - importexport
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
$definition_table = 'egw_importexport_definitions';
// Add two rooms to give user an idea of what resources is...
$plugin_options = serialize(array(
'fieldsep' => ',',
'charset' => 'ISO-8859-1',
'addressbook' => 'n',
'owner' => 5,
'field_mapping' => array(
0 => '#kundennummer',
1 => 'n_given',
2 => 'n_family',
3 => 'adr_one_street',
4 => 'adr_one_countryname',
5 => 'adr_one_postalcode',
6 => 'adr_one_locality',
7 => 'tel_work',
8 => '',
9 => '',
10 => '',
11 => '',
'field_tanslation' => array(),
'has_header_line' => false,
'max' => false,
'conditions' => array(
0 => array(
'type' => 0, // exists
'string' => '#kundennummer',
'true' => array(
'action' => 1, // update
'last' => true,
'false' => array(
'action' => 2, // insert
'last' => true,
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO {$definition_table } (name,application,plugin,type,allowed_users,plugin_options) VALUES ( 'oelheld','addressbook','addressbook_csv_import','import','5','$plugin_options')");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* eGroupWare - eTemplates for Application importexport
* generated by soetemplate::dump4setup() 2006-11-10 16:25
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @subpackage setup
* @version $Id: 22413 2006-09-12 07:32:34Z ralfbecker $
$templ_data[] = array('name' => 'importexport.definition_index','template' => '','lang' => '','group' => '0','version' => '0.0.1','data' => 'a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"type";s:4:"grid";s:4:"data";a:3:{i:0;a:1:{s:2:"h1";s:6:",!@msg";}i:1;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:4:{s:4:"span";s:13:"all,redItalic";s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:3:"msg";s:4:"type";s:5:"label";}}i:2;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"grid";s:4:"data";a:3:{i:0;a:2:{s:2:"c1";s:2:"th";s:2:"c2";s:7:"row,top";}i:1;a:6:{s:1:"A";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:5:"label";s:4:"Type";s:4:"span";s:11:",lr_padding";}s:1:"B";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:5:"label";s:4:"Name";s:4:"span";s:11:",lr_padding";}s:1:"C";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:5:"label";s:11:"Application";s:4:"span";s:11:",lr_padding";}s:1:"D";a:4:{s:5:"align";s:6:"center";s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:5:"label";s:13:"Allowed users";s:4:"span";s:11:",lr_padding";}s:1:"E";a:5:{s:5:"label";s:3:"Add";s:5:"align";s:6:"center";s:4:"type";s:6:"button";s:4:"span";s:11:",lr_padding";s:7:"onclick";s:213:"\'/index.php\',\'menuaction=importexport.uidefinitions.wizzard\'),\'\',\'dependent=yes,width=400,height=400,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=yes\'); return false; return false;";}s:1:"F";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"hbox";s:4:"size";s:1:"2";i:1;a:6:{s:5:"label";s:6:"Delete";s:4:"name";s:15:"delete_selected";s:4:"type";s:6:"button";s:4:"help";s:31:"delete ALL selected definitions";s:4:"size";s:6:"delete";s:7:"onclick";s:65:"return confirm(\'Do you really want to DELETE this definitions?\');";}i:2;a:5:{s:5:"label";s:6:"Export";s:4:"name";s:15:"export_selected";s:4:"type";s:6:"button";s:4:"help";s:31:"export ALL selected definitions";s:4:"size";s:10:"fileexport";}}}i:2;a:6:{s:1:"A";a:4:{s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"type";s:5:"image";s:4:"span";s:11:",lr_padding";s:4:"name";s:12:"${row}[type]";}s:1:"B";a:4:{s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:12:"${row}[name]";s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:4:"span";s:11:",lr_padding";}s:1:"C";a:4:{s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:19:"${row}[application]";s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:4:"span";s:11:",lr_padding";}s:1:"D";a:6:{s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"type";s:14:"select-account";s:4:"span";s:11:",lr_padding";s:8:"readonly";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:21:"${row}[allowed_users]";s:4:"size";s:1:"5";}s:1:"E";a:5:{s:5:"align";s:6:"center";s:4:"type";s:4:"hbox";s:4:"size";s:1:"2";i:1;a:4:{s:5:"label";s:4:"Edit";s:4:"type";s:6:"button";s:4:"size";s:4:"edit";s:7:"onclick";s:237:"\'/index.php\',\'menuaction=importexport.uidefinitions.edit&definition=$row_cont[name]\'),\'\',\'dependent=yes,width=400,height=400,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=yes\'); return false; return false;";}i:2;a:6:{s:5:"label";s:6:"Delete";s:7:"onclick";s:41:"return confirm(\'Delete this definition\');";s:4:"name";s:32:"delete[$row_cont[definition_id]]";s:4:"type";s:6:"button";s:4:"size";s:6:"delete";s:4:"help";s:21:"Delete this eTemplate";}}s:1:"F";a:4:{s:5:"align";s:6:"center";s:4:"name";s:34:"selected[$row_cont[definition_id]]";s:4:"type";s:8:"checkbox";s:4:"help";s:34:"select this eTemplate to delete it";}}}s:4:"cols";i:6;s:4:"rows";i:2;}}}s:4:"cols";i:1;s:4:"rows";i:2;s:4:"size";s:4:"100%";}}','size' => '100%','style' => '.redItalic { color:red; font-style:italic;} td.lr_padding { padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; }','modified' => '1145972373',);
$templ_data[] = array('name' => 'importexport.export_dialog','template' => '','lang' => '','group' => '0','version' => '','data' => 'a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:4:"type";s:4:"grid";s:4:"data";a:7:{i:0;a:0:{}i:1;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:4:"name";s:3:"msg";}}i:2;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:3:"tab";s:5:"label";s:35:"General|Selection|Options|Templates";s:4:"name";s:51:"general_tab|selection_tab|options_tab|templates_tab";}}i:3;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:8:"checkbox";s:5:"label";s:16:"Save as template";s:4:"name";s:16:"save_as_template";}}i:4;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:4:"hbox";s:4:"size";s:1:"2";s:4:"span";s:3:"all";i:1;a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"hbox";s:4:"size";s:1:"2";i:1;a:4:{s:4:"type";s:6:"button";s:5:"label";s:6:"Export";s:4:"name";s:6:"export";s:7:"onclick";s:36:"xajax_eT_wrapper(this);return false;";}i:2;a:4:{s:4:"type";s:6:"button";s:5:"label";s:7:"Preview";s:4:"name";s:7:"preview";s:7:"onclick";s:36:"xajax_eT_wrapper(this);return false;";}}i:2;a:5:{s:4:"type";s:6:"button";s:5:"label";s:6:"Cancel";s:5:"align";s:5:"right";s:4:"name";s:6:"cancel";s:7:"onclick";s:29:"window.close(); return false;";}}}i:5;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:6:{s:4:"type";s:3:"box";s:4:"size";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:11:"preview-box";s:6:"needed";s:1:"1";i:1;a:1:{s:4:"type";s:5:"label";}s:4:"span";s:12:",preview-box";}}i:6;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:7:{s:4:"type";s:3:"box";s:4:"size";s:1:"1";s:4:"span";s:20:",preview-box-buttons";s:4:"name";s:19:"preview-box-buttons";i:1;a:4:{s:4:"type";s:6:"button";s:5:"label";s:2:"OK";s:5:"align";s:6:"center";s:7:"onclick";s:230:"document.getElementById(\'divPoweredBy\').style.display=\'block\'; document.getElementById(form::name(\'preview-box\')).style.display=\'none\'; document.getElementById(form::name(\'preview-box-buttons\')).style.display=\'none\'; return false;";}s:6:"needed";s:1:"1";s:5:"align";s:6:"center";}}}s:4:"rows";i:6;s:4:"cols";i:1;s:4:"size";s:4:"100%";s:7:"options";a:1:{i:0;s:4:"100%";}}}','size' => '100%','style' => '.preview-box {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 400px;
height: 360px;
overflow: scroll;
background-color: white;
z-index: 999;
display: none;
.preview-box-buttons {
position: absolute;
top: 365px;
left: 0px;
width: 400px;
height: 20px;
z-index: 999;
display: none;
}','modified' => '1158220473',);
$templ_data[] = array('name' => 'importexport.export_dialog.general_tab','template' => '','lang' => '','group' => '0','version' => '','data' => 'a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:4:"type";s:4:"grid";s:4:"data";a:2:{i:0;a:1:{s:2:"c1";s:4:",top";}i:1;a:2:{s:1:"A";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:5:"image";s:4:"name";s:6:"export";}s:1:"B";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:8:"template";s:4:"name";s:46:"importexport.export_dialog.general_tab_content";}}}s:4:"rows";i:1;s:4:"cols";i:2;s:4:"size";s:6:",200px";s:7:"options";a:1:{i:1;s:5:"200px";}}}','size' => ',200px','style' => '','modified' => '1158223670',);
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$templ_data[] = array('name' => 'importexport.wizzard_chooseallowedusers','template' => '','lang' => '','group' => '0','version' => '0.0.1','data' => 'a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"grid";s:4:"data";a:3:{i:0;a:0:{}i:1;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:3:"msg";}}i:2;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:14:"select-account";s:4:"name";s:13:"allowed_users";s:4:"size";s:8:"5,groups";}}}s:4:"rows";i:2;s:4:"cols";i:1;}}','size' => '','style' => '','modified' => '1146312041',);
$templ_data[] = array('name' => 'importexport.wizzard_chooseapp','template' => '','lang' => '','group' => '0','version' => '0.0.1','data' => 'a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"grid";s:4:"data";a:3:{i:0;a:0:{}i:1;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:3:"msg";}}i:2;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:6:"select";s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:11:"application";}}}s:4:"rows";i:2;s:4:"cols";i:1;}}','size' => '','style' => '','modified' => '1145976439',);
$templ_data[] = array('name' => 'importexport.wizzard_choosename','template' => '','lang' => '','group' => '0','version' => '0.0.1','data' => 'a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"grid";s:4:"data";a:3:{i:0;a:0:{}i:1;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:3:"msg";}}i:2;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:4:"name";s:4:"name";}}}s:4:"rows";i:2;s:4:"cols";i:1;}}','size' => '','style' => '','modified' => '1146317310',);
$templ_data[] = array('name' => 'importexport.wizzard_chooseplugin','template' => '','lang' => '','group' => '0','version' => '0.0.1','data' => 'a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"grid";s:4:"data";a:3:{i:0;a:0:{}i:1;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:3:"msg";}}i:2;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:6:"select";s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:6:"plugin";}}}s:4:"rows";i:2;s:4:"cols";i:1;}}','size' => '','style' => '','modified' => '1145976573',);
$templ_data[] = array('name' => 'importexport.wizzard_close','template' => '','lang' => '','group' => '0','version' => '0.0.1','data' => 'a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"grid";s:4:"data";a:2:{i:0;a:0:{}i:1;a:1:{s:1:"A";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:5:"label";s:7:"no_lang";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:3:"msg";}}}s:4:"rows";i:1;s:4:"cols";i:1;}}','size' => '','style' => '','modified' => '1146648383',);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
choose a name for this definition importexport de Wählen sie einen Namen für diese Definition.
choose a plugin importexport de Wählen sie ein Plugin.
choose an application importexport de Wählen sei eine Anwendung.
finish importexport de Fertig
next importexport de Weiter
previous importexport de Zurück
which useres are allowed for this definition importexport de Welche Benutzer dürden diese Definition verwenden?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
allowed users importexport en Allowed users
choose a name for this definition importexport en Choose a name for this definition
choose a plugin importexport en Choose a plugin
choose an application importexport en Choose an application
finish importexport en finish
next importexport en next
previous importexport en previous
which useres are allowed for this definition importexport en Which useres are allowed for this definition

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* importexport
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @version $Id: $
$setup_info['importexport']['name'] = 'importexport';
$setup_info['importexport']['version'] = '0.002';
$setup_info['importexport']['app_order'] = 2;
$setup_info['importexport']['enable'] = 2;
$setup_info['importexport']['tables'] = array('egw_importexport_definitions');
$setup_info['importexport']['author'] =
$setup_info['importexport']['maintainer'] = array(
'name' => 'Cornelius Weiss',
'email' => ''
$setup_info['importexport']['license'] = 'GPL';
$setup_info['importexport']['description'] =
$setup_info['importexport']['note'] =
/* The hooks this app includes, needed for hooks registration */
//$setup_info['importexport']['hooks']['preferences'] = 'importexport'.'.admin_prefs_sidebox_hooks.all_hooks';
//$setup_info['importexport']['hooks']['settings'] = 'importexport'.'.admin_prefs_sidebox_hooks.settings';
$setup_info['importexport']['hooks']['admin'] = 'importexport'.'.importexport_admin_prefs_sidebox_hooks.all_hooks';
$setup_info['importexport']['hooks']['sidebox_menu'] = 'importexport'.'.importexport_admin_prefs_sidebox_hooks.all_hooks';
//$setup_info['importexport']['hooks']['search_link'] = 'importexport'.'.bomyterra.search_link';
/* Dependencies for this app to work */
$setup_info['importexport']['depends'][] = array(
'appname' => 'phpgwapi',
'versions' => Array('1.2','1.3')
$setup_info['importexport']['depends'][] = array(
'appname' => 'etemplate',
'versions' => Array('1.2','1.3')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* eGroupWare - Setup *
* *
* Created by eTemplates DB-Tools written by *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id:,v 1.33 2005/12/19 04:27:19 ralfbecker Exp $ */
$phpgw_baseline = array(
'egw_importexport_definitions' => array(
'fd' => array(
'definition_id' => array('type' => 'auto'),
'name' => array('type' => 'varchar','precision' => '255'),
'application' => array('type' => 'varchar','precision' => '50'),
'plugin' => array('type' => 'varchar','precision' => '100'),
'type' => array('type' => 'varchar','precision' => '20'),
'allowed_users' => array('type' => 'varchar','precision' => '255'),
'plugin_options' => array('type' => 'longtext'),
'owner' => array('type' => 'int','precision' => '20')
'pk' => array('definition_id'),
'fk' => array(),
'ix' => array('name'),
'uc' => array('name')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
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View File

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