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synced 2025-03-09 12:43:00 +01:00
setup translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%1 '%2' does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or contains no egroupware installation! setup de %1 '%2' existiert NICHT, ist nicht vom Webserver lesbar oder enthält keine eGroupWare Installation!
%1 already exists in ldap. setup de %1 existiert bereits im LDAP
%1 created in ldap. setup de %1 im LDAP erstellt.
%1 already exists in %2. setup de %1 existiert bereits in %2.
%1 created in %2. setup de %1 in %2 angelegt.
%1 does not exist !!! setup de %1 existiert nicht!!!
%1 is %2%3 !!! setup de %1 ist %2%3!!!
%1, %2 or %3 the configuration file. setup de %1, %2 oder %3 der Konfigurationsdatei.
@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
13 (ntp) setup de 13 (ntp)
80 (http) setup de 80 (http)
<b>charset to use</b> (use utf-8 if you plan to use languages with different charsets): setup de <b>Zeichensatz</b> (benutzen sie utf-8 wenn sie planen Sprachen mit verschiedenen Zeichensätzen zu verwenden)
<b>this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts</b><br />the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup de <b>Dies wird 1 Admin- und 3 Demo-Benutzerkonten anlegen.</b><br />Die Benutzernamen/Passwörter sind: demo/guest, demo2/guest und demo3/guest.
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup de [Header-Passwort],[Header-Benutzer],[neues-Passwort],[neuer-Benutzer]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup de Zugriff verweigert: Falsche Benutzername oder Passwort für die Headerverwaltung !!!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup de Zugriff verweigert: Falsche Benutzername oder Passwort für Konfiguration der Domain '%1(%2)' !!!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup de Benutzer speichern{sql(Vorgabe) | ldap},[Authentifizierung{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql Verschlüsselung{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[überprüfe Passworte{ (Vorgabe) | True}],[erlaube Cookie Authtentifizierung{ (Vorgabe) | True}]
accounts existing setup de Benutzerkonten existieren
actions setup de Aktionen
activate safe password check setup de Aktiviere die "sichere Passwort" Überprüfung
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of uninstalling al
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' setup de Soll versucht werden den korrekten MIME-typ für FTP zu verwenden statt dem Vorgabewert "application/octet-stream"
authentication / accounts setup de Authentifizierung / Benutzerkonten
auto create account records for authenticated users setup de Benutzerkonten für authentifizierte Benutzer automatisch anlegen
auto login anonymous user setup de Automatisches einloggen des anonymen Benutzers (anonymous/anonymous)
auto-created user accounts expire setup de Automatisch angelegte Benutzerkonten laufen ab in
available version setup de Verfügbare Version
back to the previous screen setup de Zurück zur vorhergehenden Seite
@ -149,8 +148,7 @@ created setup de erzeugt
created header.inc.php! setup de header.inc.php erzeugt!
creates an admin user: domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,username,password,[first name],[last name],[email] setup de anlegen eines Administrator Benutzers: Domain(default),[Konfigurationsbenutzer(admin)],Passwort,Benutzername,Passwort,[Vorname],[Nachname],[Email Adresse]
creating tables setup de Erstelle Tabellen
creation of %1 failed !!! setup de Erstellen von %1 fehlgeschlagen!!!
creation of %1 in ldap failed !!! setup de Erstellen von %1 im LDAP fehlgeschlagen!!!
creation of %1 in %2 failed !!! setup de Anlegen von %1 in %2 fehlgeschlagen !!!
current configuration: setup de Aktuelle Konfiguration:
current system-charset setup de Aktueller Systemzeichensatz
current system-charset is %1. setup de Aktueller Systemzeichensatz ist %1.
@ -214,7 +212,6 @@ egroupware domain/instance %1(%2): setup de eGroupWare Domain/Instanz %1(%2):
egroupware is already installed! setup de eGroupWare ist bereits installiert!
egroupware sources in '%1' are not complete, file '%2' missing !!! setup de eGroupWare Quellen in '%1' sind nicht komplett, Datei '%2' fehlt !!!
enable for extra debug-messages setup de ankreuzen für zusätzliche Diagnosemeldungen
enable ldap version 3 setup de LDAP Version 3 verwenden
enable mcrypt setup de MCrypt einschalten
enter some random text for app session encryption setup de Zufallstext zur Verschlüsselung der Anwendungssitzung
enter some random text for app_session <br />encryption (requires mcrypt) setup de Zufallstext zur Verschlüsselung der Anwendungssitzung<br />(benötigt mcrypt)
@ -235,9 +232,7 @@ enter your http proxy server port setup de Port des HTTP-Proxy-Servers
enter your http proxy server username setup de Benutzername des HTTP-Proxy-Servers
error in admin-creation !!! setup de Fehler beim Anlegen des Admin-Kontos !!!
error in group-creation !!! setup de Fehler beim Anlegen der Gruppen !!!
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup de eGroupWare Benutzerkonten von SQL nach LDAP exportieren
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup de Export ist abgeschlossen! Sie müssen die Benutzerpasswörter manuell setzen.
export sql users to ldap setup de SQL-Benutzer in LDAP exportieren
export has been completed! setup de Export ist abgeschlossen!
failed writing configuration file header.inc.php, check the permissions !!! setup de Fehler beim Schreiben der Konfigurationsdatei header.inc.php, bitte überprüfen Sie die Zugriffsrechte !!!
false setup de Falsch
file setup de DATEI
@ -245,12 +240,13 @@ file type, size, version, etc. setup de Dateityp, Gr
file uploads are switched off: you can not use any of the filemanagers, nor can you attach files in several applications! setup de Dateiuploads sind ausgeschaltet. Sie können keinen der Dateimanager verwenden, noch können Sie in verschiedenen Anwendungen Dateien anhängen!
filename setup de Dateiname
filesystem setup de Dateisystem
for a new install, select import. to convert existing sql accounts to ldap, select export setup de Für eine Neuinstallation, wählen Sie importieren. Um existierende SQL-Accounts zu LDAP zu konvertieren, wählen Sie exportieren.
force selectbox setup de Auswahl erzwingen
found existing configuration file. loading settings from the file... setup de Existierende Konfigurationsdatei gefunden. Lade Einstellungen von der Datei ...
give admin access to all installed apps setup de Admin Zugang zu allen installierten Anwendungen geben
go back setup de Zurück gehen
go to setup de Gehen zu
grant access setup de Zugriff gewähren
group memberships will be migrated too. setup de Gruppenmitgliedschaften werden auch migriert.
has a version mismatch setup de hat eine falsche Versionsanpassung
header admin login setup de Login Headerverwaltung
header password setup de Passwort Headerverwaltung
@ -279,9 +275,7 @@ if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup de Wenn Sie keine
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup de Wenn Sie das zum ersten Mal ausführen, vergessen Sie nicht manuell die %1 !!!
if you use only languages of the same charset (eg. western european ones) you dont need to set a system-charset! setup de Wenn Sie nur Sprachen des gleichen Zeichensatzes (zB. westeuropäische) benützen, brauchen Sie keinen Systemzeichensatz zu setzten!
image type selection order setup de Auswahlreihenfolge der Bilddateitypen
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup de Benutzerkonton von LDAP in die eGroupWare Kontentabelle importieren (für eine neue Installation mit SQL Konten)
import has been completed! setup de Import ist beendet!
import ldap users/groups setup de LDAP-Benutzer/-Gruppen importieren
importing old settings into the new format.... setup de Importiere alte Einstellung in das neue Format ...
include root setup de Include-Root
include_path need to contain "." - the current directory setup de include_path muss "." - das aktuelle Verzeichnis - enthalten
@ -304,20 +298,15 @@ is in the webservers docroot setup de ist im Dokumentenverzeichnis (Documentroot
is not writeable by the webserver setup de ist nicht vom Webserver schreibbar
it needs upgrading to version %1! use --update-header <password>[,<user>] to do so (--usage gives more options). setup de Benötigt eine Aktualisierung auf Version %1! Benutzen Sie --update-header Passwort[,Benutzer] dafür (--usage gibt weitere Optionen)
languages updated. setup de Sprachen aktualisiert.
ldap account import/export setup de LDAP-Benutzerkonten importieren/exportieren
ldap accounts configuration setup de LDAP-Benutzerkonten Konfiguration
ldap accounts context setup de LDAP-Kontext für Benutzerkonten
ldap config setup de LDAP-Konfiguration
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) setup de LDAP-Vorgabewert für Benutzerverzeichnisse (z.B. /home für /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) setup de LDAP-Vorgabewert für Kommandointerpreter (shell) (z.B. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type setup de LDAP-Verschlüsselungstyp
ldap export setup de LDAP-Export
ldap export users setup de LDAP-Benutzer exportieren
ldap groups context setup de LDAP-Kontext für Gruppe
ldap host setup de LDAP-Host
ldap import setup de LDAP-Import
ldap import users setup de LDAP-Benutzer importieren
ldap modify setup de LDAP Ändern
ldap root password setup de LDAP-Root-Passwort
ldap rootdn setup de LDAP rootdn
ldap search filter for accounts, default: "(uid=%user)", %domain=egw-domain setup de LDAP Suchfilter für Benutzerkonten, Vorgabe "(uid=%user)", %domain=eGW Domain
@ -346,12 +335,12 @@ mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup de MCrypt-Modus (Vorgabe CBC)
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup de MCrypt-Einstellungen (benötigt die mcrypt Erweiterung von PHP)
mcrypt version setup de MCrypt-Version
memory_limit is set to less than 16m: some applications of egroupware need more than the recommend 8m, expect occasional failures setup de memory_limit (maximale Speicher für ein Skript) ist auf weniger als 16M gesetzt: einige eGroupWare Anwendungen benötigen mehr als die empfohlenen 8M. Sie müssen mit gelegentlichen Fehlern rechnen.
migration between egroupware account repositories setup de Migration zwischen versch. Orten zur Speicherung von eGroupWare Benutzern
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup de Minimum für Benutzer-ID (z.B. 500 oder 100)
minute setup de Minute
missing or uncomplete mailserver configuration setup de Fehlende oder nicht komplette Mailserver Konfiguration
modifications have been completed! setup de Änderung ist abgeschlossen!
modify setup de Ändern
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup de Bestehende LDAP-Benutzerkonten für die Benutzung durch eGroupWare anpassen (für eine neue Installation mit LDAP-Konten)
month setup de Monat
multi-language support setup setup de Mehr-Sprachen Unterstützung einrichten
name of database setup de Name der Datenbank
@ -459,7 +448,7 @@ select to download file setup de Ausw
select where you want to store/retrieve file contents setup de Wählen Sie aus wo Sie Dateiinhalte speichern/lesen wollen
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information setup de Wo wollen Sie Datei Informationen ablegen/lesen
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts setup de Wo wollen Sie die Benutzerkonten speichern
select which group(s) will be exported (group membership will be maintained) setup de Wählen Sie die zu exportierende(n) Gruppe(n) (Gruppenmitgliedschaft wird erhalten)
select which group(s) will be exported setup de Wählen Sie die zu exportierende(n) Gruppe(n)
select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained) setup de Wählen Sie die zu importierende(n) Gruppe(n) (Gruppenmitgliedschaft wird erhalten)
select which group(s) will be modified (group membership will be maintained) setup de Wählen Sie welche Gruppe(n) verändert werden sollen (Gruppenmitgliedschaft wird erhalten)
select which languages you would like to use setup de Wählen Sie die Sprachen, die Sie benutzen möchten
@ -479,7 +468,6 @@ set this to "old" for versions < 2.4, otherwise the exact mcrypt version you
setting the system-charset to utf-8 (unicode) allows the coexistens of data from languages of different charsets. setup de Den Systemzeichensatz auf UTF-8 (unicode) zu setzten, erlaubt die Koexistenz von Daten in Sprachen mit verschiedenen Zeichensätzen.
settings setup de Einstellungen
setup setup de Einrichtung
setup demo accounts in ldap setup de Demo-Benutzer in LDAP einrichten
setup main menu setup de Setup-Hauptmenü
setup the database setup de Datenbank einzurichten
setup/config admin login setup de Setup-/Konfigurationsadmin-Login
@ -522,6 +510,7 @@ the mbstring.func_overload = 7 is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or oth
the session extension is needed to use php sessions (db-sessions work without). setup de Die session Erweiterung (php extension) ist notwendig für PHP Sessions (Datenbank Sessions arbeiten ohne diese).
the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup de Die Tabellen Definition war korrekt und die Tabellen wurden installiert
the tables setup de die Tabellen
the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup de Die Benutzernamen/Passworte sind: demo/guest, demo2/guest und demo3/guest
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br /> setup de Es gab ein Problem eine Verbindung zu Ihrem LDAP-Server herzustellen.<br />
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br />please check your ldap server configuration setup de Es gab ein Problem eine Verbindung zu Ihrem LDAP-Server herzustellen.<br />Bitte überprüfen Sie die Konfiguration Ihres LDAP-Servers.
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup de Muss außerhalb des Wurzelverzeichnisses (document root) des Webservers sein!!!
@ -529,11 +518,9 @@ this might take a while, please wait ... setup de Dieser Test braucht einige Zei
this program lets you backup your database, schedule a backup or restore it. setup de Mit diesem Programm können Sie Ihre Datenbank sichern, eine regelmäßige Datensicherung planen oder sie zurücksichern.
this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup de Dieses Programm wird Ihre Datenbank in einen neuen Systemzeichensatz konvertieren.
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup de Dieses Programm wird Ihnen bei der Aktualisierung oder Installation verschiedender Sprachen für eGroupWare behilflich sein
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup de Dieser Abschnitt wird Ihnen beim Exportieren von Benutzern/Gruppen aus eGroupWare's Account-Tabellen in Ihren LDAP-Baum behilflich sein
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup de Dieser Abschnitt wird Ihnen beim Importieren von Benutzern/Gruppen aus Ihrem LDAP-Baum in eGroupWare's Account-Tabellen behilflich sein
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with egroupware setup de Dieser Abschnitt wird Ihnen helfen Ihre LDAP-Benutzer für eGroupWare vorzubereiten.
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br />note: the default has been randomly generated. setup de Das sollte ungefähr 30 Zeichen lang sein<br />Hinweis: Die Vorgabe wurde zufällig erzeugt.
this stage is completed<br /> setup de Dieser Schritt ist abgeschlossen<br />
this will create a first user in egroupware or reset password and admin rights of an exiting user setup de Anlegen eines ersten eGroupWare Benutzers oder rücksetzen von Passwort und Adminrechten eines existierenden Benutzers.
to a version it does not know about setup de auf eine Version von der nichts bekannt ist
to allow password authentification add the following line to your pg_hba.conf (above all others) and restart postgres: setup de um Passwort Authentifizierung zu verwenden, folgende Zeile (vor allen anderen) in ihre pg_hba.conf einfügen UND postgres neu starten
to change the charset: back up your database, deinstall all applications and re-install the backup with "convert backup to charset selected" checked. setup de Zum Ändern des Zeichensatzes: Datenbank sichern, alle Anwendungen deinstallieren und die Datensicherung mit "Konvertiere zum ausgewählten Zeichensatz" abgehakt wieder installieren.
@ -570,6 +557,7 @@ user account prefix setup de Pr
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) setup de Benutzer für SMTP-Authentifizierung (leer lassen wenn keine notwendig ist)
usernames are casesensitive setup de Benutzername mit Unterscheidung zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung
users choice setup de Benutzerauswahl
usually more annoying.<br />admins can use admin >> manage accounts or groups to give access to further apps. setup de Normalerweise mehr ärgerlich als nützlich<br />
utf-8 (unicode) setup de utf-8 (Unicode)
validation errors setup de Fehler bei der Prüfung der Eingaben
version setup de Version
@ -596,7 +584,6 @@ yes, with lowercase usernames setup de Ja, mit kleingeschriebenen Benutzernamen
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br />these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br /> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br />and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup de Es sieht so aus, als ob Sie eine vor-beta Version von eGroupWare benutzen.<br />Diese Versionen werden nicht länger unterstützt, und es gibt keinen Aktualisierungs-Pfad für Sie im Einrichtung-Programm.<br />Sie möchten vieleicht erst auf
you appear to be running an old version of php <br />it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br />older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br /><br />please upgrade to at least version %1 setup de Es sieht so aus als ob Sie eine alte PHP-Version benutzen<br />Es ist notwendig auf eine neue Version zu aktualisieren.<br />Ältere PHP-Versionen könnten eGroupWare (wenn überhaupt) nicht korrekt ausführen. <br /><br />Biite aktualisieren Sie mindestens auf Version %1
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup de Es sieht so aus als benutzen Sie Version %1 von eGroupWare
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup de Sie scheinen php in einer Version vor 4.1.0 zu verwenden. eGroupWare benötigt nun Version 4.1.0 oder höher.
you appear to have %1 support. setup de Sie scheinen %1 Unterstützung zu haben.
you appear to have php session support. enabling php sessions. setup de Sie scheinen PHP Session Unterstützung zu haben. PHP Sessions eingeschaltet.
you appear to have xml support enabled setup de Sie scheinen XML Unterstützung zu haben.
@ -616,9 +603,9 @@ you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup de Sie
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup de Sie müssen eine Domain zu ihrer header.inc.php hinzufügen.
you need to configure egroupware: setup de Sie müssen eGroupWare konfigurieren:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup de Sie müssen die obigen Fehler beheben, bevor die Konfigurationsdatei header.inc.php gespeichert werden kann!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup de Sie müssen die hier vorgenommenen Einstellungen zuerst speichern!
you need to select your current charset! setup de Sie müssen Ihren aktuellen Zeichensatz auswählen!
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup de Sie sollten entweder de- und neuinstallieren, oder manuelle Reparaturen versuchen
you will need to load the proper schema into your ldap server - see phpgwapi/doc/ldap/readme setup de Sie müssen das notwendige phpgwAccounts Schema auf Ihrem LDAP Server installieren - siehe <a href="../phpgwapi/doc/ldap/README" target="_blank">phpgwapi/doc/ldap/README</a>.
you're using an old configuration file format... setup de Sie verwenden ein altes Format der Konfigurationsdatei ...
you're using an old header.inc.php version... setup de Sie verwenden eine alte header.inc.php Version ...
your applications are current setup de Ihre Anwendungen sind aktuell
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%1 '%2' does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or contains no egroupware installation! setup en %1 '%2' does NOT exist, is not readable by the webserver or contains no eGroupWare installation!
%1 already exists in ldap. setup en %1 already exists in LDAP.
%1 created in ldap. setup en %1 created in LDAP.
%1 already exists in %2. setup en %1 already exists in %2.
%1 created in %2. setup en %1 created in %2.
%1 does not exist !!! setup en %1 does not exist !!!
%1 is %2%3 !!! setup en %1 is %2%3 !!!
%1, %2 or %3 the configuration file. setup en %1, %2 or %3 the configuration file.
@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
13 (ntp) setup en 13 (ntp)
80 (http) setup en 80 (http)
<b>charset to use</b> (use utf-8 if you plan to use languages with different charsets): setup en <b>charset to use</b> (use utf-8 if you plan to use languages with different charsets):
<b>this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts</b><br />the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup en <b>This will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts</b><br />The username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup en [header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup en Access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup en Access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup en account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|True}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|True}]
accounts existing setup en Accounts existing
actions setup en Actions
activate safe password check setup en Activate safe password check
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of uninstalling al
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' setup en Attempt to use correct mimetype for FTP instead of default 'application/octet-stream'
authentication / accounts setup en Authentication / Accounts
auto create account records for authenticated users setup en Auto create account records for authenticated users
auto login anonymous user setup en Auto login anonymous user
auto-created user accounts expire setup en Auto-created user accounts expire
available version setup en Available Version
back to the previous screen setup en Back to the previous screen
@ -149,8 +148,7 @@ created setup en created
created header.inc.php! setup en Created header.inc.php!
creates an admin user: domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,username,password,[first name],[last name],[email] setup en creates an admin user: domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,username,password,[first name],[last name],[email]
creating tables setup en Creating Tables
creation of %1 failed !!! setup en Creation of %1 failed !!!
creation of %1 in ldap failed !!! setup en Creation of %1 in LDAP failed !!!
creation of %1 in %2 failed !!! setup en Creation of %1 in %2 failed !!!
current configuration: setup en Current configuration:
current system-charset setup en Current system-charset
current system-charset is %1. setup en Current system-charset is %1.
@ -214,7 +212,6 @@ egroupware domain/instance %1(%2): setup en eGroupWare domain/instance %1(%2):
egroupware is already installed! setup en eGroupWare is already installed!
egroupware sources in '%1' are not complete, file '%2' missing !!! setup en eGroupWare sources in '%1' are not complete, file '%2' missing !!!
enable for extra debug-messages setup en enable for extra debug-messages
enable ldap version 3 setup en Enable LDAP Version 3
enable mcrypt setup en Enable MCrypt
enter some random text for app session encryption setup en Enter some random text for app session encryption
enter some random text for app_session <br />encryption (requires mcrypt) setup en Enter some random text for app_session <br />encryption (requires mcrypt)
@ -233,9 +230,7 @@ enter your http proxy server port setup en Enter your HTTP proxy server port
enter your http proxy server username setup en Enter your HTTP proxy server username
error in admin-creation !!! setup en Error in admin-creation !!!
error in group-creation !!! setup en Error in group-creation !!!
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup en Export eGroupWare accounts from SQL to LDAP
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup en Export has been completed! You will need to set the user passwords manually.
export sql users to ldap setup en Export SQL users to LDAP
export has been completed! setup en Export has been completed!
failed writing configuration file header.inc.php, check the permissions !!! setup en Failed writing configuration file header.inc.php, check the permissions !!!
false setup en False
file setup en FILE
@ -243,12 +238,13 @@ file type, size, version, etc. setup en file type, size, version, etc.
file uploads are switched off: you can not use any of the filemanagers, nor can you attach files in several applications! setup en File uploads are switched off: You can NOT use any of the filemanagers, nor can you attach files in several applications!
filename setup en filename
filesystem setup en Filesystem
for a new install, select import. to convert existing sql accounts to ldap, select export setup en For a new install, select import. To convert existing SQL accounts to LDAP, select export
force selectbox setup en Force Selectbox
found existing configuration file. loading settings from the file... setup en Found existing configuration file. Loading settings from the file...
give admin access to all installed apps setup en Give admin access to all installed apps
go back setup en Go back
go to setup en Go to
grant access setup en Grant Access
group memberships will be migrated too. setup en Group memberships will be migrated too.
has a version mismatch setup en has a version mismatch
header admin login setup en Header Admin Login
header password setup en Header Password
@ -277,9 +273,7 @@ if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup en If you did not
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup en If you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!!
if you use only languages of the same charset (eg. western european ones) you dont need to set a system-charset! setup en If you use only languages of the same charset (eg. western european ones) you dont need to set a system-charset!
image type selection order setup en Image type selection order
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup en Import accounts from LDAP to the eGroupWare accounts table (for a new install using SQL accounts)
import has been completed! setup en Import has been completed!
import ldap users/groups setup en Import LDAP users/groups
importing old settings into the new format.... setup en Importing old settings into the new format....
include root setup en Include root
include_path need to contain "." - the current directory setup en include_path need to contain "." - the current directory
@ -302,20 +296,15 @@ is in the webservers docroot setup en is in the webservers docroot
is not writeable by the webserver setup en is not writeable by the webserver
it needs upgrading to version %1! use --update-header <password>[,<user>] to do so (--usage gives more options). setup en It needs upgrading to version %1! Use --update-header <password>[,<user>] to do so (--usage gives more options).
languages updated. setup en Languages updated.
ldap account import/export setup en LDAP account import/export
ldap accounts configuration setup en LDAP Accounts Configuration
ldap accounts context setup en LDAP accounts context
ldap config setup en LDAP Config
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) setup en LDAP Default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) setup en LDAP Default shell (e.g. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type setup en LDAP encryption type
ldap export setup en LDAP Export
ldap export users setup en LDAP export users
ldap groups context setup en LDAP groups context
ldap host setup en LDAP host
ldap import setup en LDAP Import
ldap import users setup en LDAP import users
ldap modify setup en LDAP Modify
ldap root password setup en LDAP root password
ldap rootdn setup en LDAP rootdn
ldap search filter for accounts, default: "(uid=%user)", %domain=egw-domain setup en LDAP search filter for accounts, default: "(uid=%user)", %domain=eGW-domain
@ -344,12 +333,12 @@ mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup en Mcrypt mode (default CBC)
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup en Mcrypt Settings (requires mcrypt PHP extension)
mcrypt version setup en MCrypt version
memory_limit is set to less than 16m: some applications of egroupware need more than the recommend 8m, expect occasional failures setup en memory_limit is set to less than 16M: some applications of eGroupWare need more than the recommend 8M, expect occasional failures
migration between egroupware account repositories setup en Migration between eGroupWare account repositories
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup en Minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.)
minute setup en minute
missing or uncomplete mailserver configuration setup en Missing or uncomplete mailserver configuration
modifications have been completed! setup en Modifications have been completed!
modify setup en Modify
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup en Modify an existing LDAP account store for use with eGroupWare (for a new install using LDAP accounts)
month setup en month
multi-language support setup setup en Multi-Language support setup
name of database setup en Name of database
@ -457,7 +446,7 @@ select to download file setup en Select to download file
select where you want to store/retrieve file contents setup en Select where you want to store/retrieve file contents
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information setup en Select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts setup en Select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts
select which group(s) will be exported (group membership will be maintained) setup en Select which group(s) will be exported (group membership will be maintained)
select which group(s) will be exported setup en Select which group(s) will be exported
select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained) setup en Select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained)
select which group(s) will be modified (group membership will be maintained) setup en Select which group(s) will be modified (group membership will be maintained)
select which languages you would like to use setup en Select which languages you would like to use
@ -477,7 +466,6 @@ set this to "old" for versions < 2.4, otherwise the exact mcrypt version you
setting the system-charset to utf-8 (unicode) allows the coexistens of data from languages of different charsets. setup en Setting the system-charset to UTF-8 (unicode) allows the coexistens of data from languages of different charsets.
settings setup en Settings
setup setup en Setup
setup demo accounts in ldap setup en Setup demo accounts in LDAP
setup main menu setup en Setup Main Menu
setup the database setup en Setup the database
setup/config admin login setup en Setup/Config Admin Login
@ -520,6 +508,7 @@ the mbstring.func_overload = 7 is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or oth
the session extension is needed to use php sessions (db-sessions work without). setup en The session extension is needed to use php sessions (db-sessions work without).
the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup en The table definition was correct, and the tables were installed
the tables setup en the tables
the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup en The username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br /> setup en There was a problem trying to connect to your LDAP server. <br />
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br />please check your ldap server configuration setup en There was a problem trying to connect to your LDAP server. <br />please check your LDAP server configuration
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup en This has to be outside the webservers document-root!!!
@ -527,11 +516,9 @@ this might take a while, please wait ... setup en This might take a while, pleas
this program lets you backup your database, schedule a backup or restore it. setup en This program lets you backup your database, schedule a backup or restore it.
this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup en This program will convert your database to a new system-charset.
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup en This program will help you upgrade or install different languages for eGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup en This section will help you export users and groups from eGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup en This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into eGroupWare's account tables
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with egroupware setup en This section will help you setup your LDAP accounts for use with eGroupWare
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br />note: the default has been randomly generated. setup en This should be around 30 bytes in length.<br />Note: The default has been randomly generated.
this stage is completed<br /> setup en This stage is completed<br />
this will create a first user in egroupware or reset password and admin rights of an exiting user setup en This will create a first user in eGroupWare or reset password and admin rights of an exiting user
to a version it does not know about setup en to a version it does not know about
to allow password authentification add the following line to your pg_hba.conf (above all others) and restart postgres: setup en to allow password authentification add the following line to your pg_hba.conf (above all others) AND restart postgres:
to change the charset: back up your database, deinstall all applications and re-install the backup with "convert backup to charset selected" checked. setup en To change the charset: back up your database, deinstall all applications and re-install the backup with "convert backup to charset selected" checked.
@ -568,6 +555,7 @@ user account prefix setup en User account prefix
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) setup en User for SMTP-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required)
usernames are casesensitive setup en Usernames are casesensitive
users choice setup en Users Choice
usually more annoying.<br />admins can use admin >> manage accounts or groups to give access to further apps. setup en Usually more annoying.<br />Admins can use Admin >> Manage accounts or groups to give access to further apps.
utf-8 (unicode) setup en utf-8 (Unicode)
validation errors setup en Validation errors
version setup en version
@ -594,7 +582,6 @@ yes, with lowercase usernames setup en Yes, with lowercase usernames
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br />these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br /> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br />and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup en You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br />These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br /> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br />and then upgrade from there with the current version.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br />it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br />older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br /><br />please upgrade to at least version %1 setup en You appear to be running an old version of PHP <br />It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br />Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br /><br />Please upgrade to at least version %1
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup en You appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup en You appear to be using PHP earlier than 4.1.0. eGroupWare now requires 4.1.0 or later
you appear to have %1 support. setup en You appear to have %1 support.
you appear to have php session support. enabling php sessions. setup en You appear to have PHP session support. Enabling PHP sessions.
you appear to have xml support enabled setup en You appear to have XML support enabled
@ -614,9 +601,9 @@ you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup en You
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup en You need to add some domains to your header.inc.php.
you need to configure egroupware: setup en You need to configure eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup en You need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup en You need to save the settings you made here first!
you need to select your current charset! setup en You need to select your current charset!
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup en You should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs
you will need to load the proper schema into your ldap server - see phpgwapi/doc/ldap/readme setup en You will need to load the proper schema into your ldap server - see phpgwapi/doc/ldap/README
you're using an old configuration file format... setup en You're using an old configuration file format...
you're using an old header.inc.php version... setup en You're using an old header.inc.php version...
your applications are current setup en Your applications are current
Reference in New Issue
Block a user