diff --git a/felamimail/inc/class.uicompose.inc.php b/felamimail/inc/class.uicompose.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..810400145b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/felamimail/inc/class.uicompose.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+ 'True',
+ 'reply' => 'True',
+ 'replyAll' => 'True',
+ 'forward' => 'True',
+ 'action' => 'True'
+ );
+ function uicompose()
+ {
+ $this->displayCharset = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->charset();
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['composeid']) && !isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['composeid']))
+ {
+ // create new compose session
+ $this->bocompose = CreateObject('felamimail.bocompose','',$this->displayCharset);
+ $this->composeID = $this->bocompose->getComposeID();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // reuse existing compose session
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['composeid']))
+ $this->composeID = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['composeid'];
+ else
+ $this->composeID = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['composeid'];
+ $this->bocompose = CreateObject('felamimail.bocompose',$this->composeID,$this->displayCharset);
+ }
+ $this->t = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',PHPGW_APP_TPL);
+ $this->bofelamimail = CreateObject('felamimail.bofelamimail',$this->displayCharset);
+ $this->mailPreferences = ExecMethod('felamimail.bopreferences.getPreferences');
+ $this->t->set_unknowns('remove');
+ $this->rowColor[0] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg01"];
+ $this->rowColor[1] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg02"];
+ }
+ function unhtmlentities ($string)
+ {
+ $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES);
+ $trans_tbl = array_flip ($trans_tbl);
+ return strtr ($string, $trans_tbl);
+ }
+ function action()
+ {
+ $formData['to'] = $this->bocompose->stripSlashes($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['to']);
+ $formData['cc'] = $this->bocompose->stripSlashes($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['cc']);
+ $formData['bcc'] = $this->bocompose->stripSlashes($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['bcc']);
+ $formData['reply_to'] = $this->bocompose->stripSlashes($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['reply_to']);
+ $formData['subject'] = $this->bocompose->stripSlashes($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['subject']);
+ $formData['body'] = $this->bocompose->stripSlashes($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['body']);
+ $formData['priority'] = $this->bocompose->stripSlashes($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['priority']);
+ $formData['signature'] = $this->bocompose->stripSlashes($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['signature']);
+ $formData['mailbox'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['mailbox'];
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['send']))
+ {
+ $action="send";
+ }
+ elseif (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['addfile']))
+ {
+ $action="addfile";
+ }
+ elseif (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['removefile']))
+ {
+ $action="removefile";
+ }
+ switch ($action)
+ {
+ case "addfile":
+ $formData['name'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_FILES']['attachfile']['name'];
+ $formData['type'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_FILES']['attachfile']['type'];
+ $formData['file'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_FILES']['attachfile']['tmp_name'];
+ $formData['size'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_FILES']['attachfile']['size'];
+ $this->bocompose->addAttachment($formData);
+ $this->compose();
+ break;
+ case "removefile":
+ $formData['removeAttachments'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['attachment'];
+ $this->bocompose->removeAttachment($formData);
+ $this->compose();
+ break;
+ case "send":
+ if(!$this->bocompose->send($formData))
+ {
+ $this->compose();
+ return;
+ }
+ #$linkData = array
+ #(
+ # 'mailbox' => $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['mailbox'],
+ # 'startMessage' => '1'
+ #);
+ #$link = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/felamimail/index.php',$linkData);
+ #$GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect($link);
+ #$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit();
+ if($this->mailPreferences['messageNewWindow'])
+ {
+ print "";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ExecMethod('felamimail.uifelamimail.viewMainScreen');
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function compose($_focusElement="to")
+ {
+ // read the data from session
+ // all values are empty for a new compose window
+ $sessionData = $this->bocompose->getSessionData();
+ $preferences = ExecMethod('felamimail.bopreferences.getPreferences');
+ #_debug_array($preferences);
+ // is the to address set already?
+ if (!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['send_to']))
+ {
+ $sessionData['to'] = base64_decode($_GET['send_to']);
+ }
+ $this->display_app_header();
+ $this->t->set_file(array("composeForm" => "composeForm.tpl"));
+ $this->t->set_block('composeForm','header','header');
+ $this->t->set_block('composeForm','body_input');
+ $this->t->set_block('composeForm','attachment','attachment');
+ $this->t->set_block('composeForm','attachment_row','attachment_row');
+ $this->t->set_block('composeForm','attachment_row_bold');
+ $this->translate();
+ $this->t->set_var("link_addressbook",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/felamimail/addressbook.php'));
+ $this->t->set_var("focusElement",$_focusElement);
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.viewMainScreen'
+ );
+ if($this->mailPreferences['messageNewWindow'])
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("link_message_list","javascript:window.close();");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("link_message_list",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/felamimail/index.php',$linkData));
+ }
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.action',
+ 'composeid' => $this->composeID
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var("link_action",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->set_var('folder_name',$this->bofelamimail->sessionData['mailbox']);
+ // check for some error messages from last posting attempt
+ if($errorInfo = $this->bocompose->getErrorInfo())
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('errorInfo',"$errorInfo");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('errorInfo',' ');
+ }
+ // header
+ $displayFrom = @htmlentities($preferences['emailAddress'][0][name].' <'.$preferences['emailAddress'][0][address].'>',ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset);
+ $this->t->set_var("from",$displayFrom);
+ $this->t->set_var("to",@htmlentities($sessionData['to'],ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ $this->t->set_var("cc",@htmlentities($sessionData['cc'],ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ $this->t->set_var("bcc",@htmlentities($sessionData['bcc'],ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ $this->t->set_var("reply_to",@htmlentities($sessionData['reply_to'],ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ $this->t->set_var("subject",@htmlentities($sessionData['subject'],ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ $this->t->set_var('addressbookImage',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('phpgwapi/templates/phpgw_website','users'));
+ $this->t->pparse("out","header");
+ // body
+ $this->t->set_var("body",$sessionData['body']);
+ $this->t->set_var("signature",$sessionData['signature']);
+ $this->t->pparse("out","body_input");
+ // attachments
+ if (is_array($sessionData['attachments']) && count($sessionData['attachments']) > 0)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('row_color',$this->rowColor[0]);
+ $this->t->set_var('name',lang('name'));
+ $this->t->set_var('type',lang('type'));
+ $this->t->set_var('size',lang('size'));
+ $this->t->parse('attachment_rows','attachment_row_bold',True);
+ while (list($key,$value) = each($sessionData['attachments']))
+ {
+ #print "$key : $value
+ $this->t->set_var('row_color',$this->rowColor[($key+1)%2]);
+ $this->t->set_var('name',$value['name']);
+ $this->t->set_var('type',$value['type']);
+ $this->t->set_var('size',$value['size']);
+ $this->t->set_var('attachment_number',$key);
+ $this->t->parse('attachment_rows','attachment_row',True);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('attachment_rows','');
+ }
+ $this->t->pparse("out","attachment");
+ }
+ function display_app_header()
+ {
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header();
+ if(!$this->mailPreferences['messageNewWindow'])
+ echo parse_navbar();
+ }
+ function forward()
+ {
+ $replyID = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['reply_id'];
+ $partID = $_GET['part_id'];
+ if (!empty($replyID))
+ {
+ // this fill the session data with the values from the original email
+ $this->bocompose->getForwardData($replyID, $partID,
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['mailbox']);
+ }
+ $this->compose();
+ }
+ function reply()
+ {
+ $replyID = $_GET['reply_id'];
+ $partID = $_GET['part_id'];
+ if (!empty($replyID))
+ {
+ // this fill the session data with the values from the original email
+ $this->bocompose->getReplyData('single', $replyID, $partID);
+ }
+ $this->compose(@htmlentities('body'));
+ }
+ function replyAll()
+ {
+ $replyID = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['reply_id'];
+ $partID = $_GET['part_id'];
+ if (!empty($replyID))
+ {
+ // this fill the session data with the values from the original email
+ $this->bocompose->getReplyData('all', $replyID, $partID);
+ }
+ $this->compose('body');
+ }
+ function translate()
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_message_list",lang('Message List'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_to",lang('to'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_cc",lang('cc'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_bcc",lang('bcc'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_from",lang('from'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_reply_to",lang('reply to'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_subject",lang('subject'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_addressbook",lang('addressbook'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_search",lang('search'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_send",lang('send'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_back_to_folder",lang('back to folder'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_attachments",lang('attachments'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_add",lang('add'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_remove",lang('remove'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_priority",lang('priority'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_normal",lang('normal'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_high",lang('high'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_low",lang('low'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_signature",lang('signature'));
+ $this->t->set_var("th_bg",$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["th_bg"]);
+ $this->t->set_var("bg01",$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg01"]);
+ $this->t->set_var("bg02",$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg02"]);
+ $this->t->set_var("bg03",$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg03"]);
+ }
diff --git a/felamimail/inc/class.uidisplay.inc.php b/felamimail/inc/class.uidisplay.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c31ffd11d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/felamimail/inc/class.uidisplay.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+ *
+ * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
+ * did not receive this file, see http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lgpl.html.
+ *
+ */
+ /* $Id$ */
+ class uidisplay
+ {
+ var $public_functions = array
+ (
+ 'display' => 'True',
+ 'showHeader' => 'True',
+ 'getAttachment' => 'True'
+ );
+ function uidisplay()
+ {
+ $this->t = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',PHPGW_APP_TPL);
+ $this->displayCharset = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->charset();
+ $this->bofelamimail = CreateObject('felamimail.bofelamimail',$this->displayCharset);
+ $this->bofilter = CreateObject('felamimail.bofilter');
+ $this->bopreferences = CreateObject('felamimail.bopreferences');
+ $this->kses = CreateObject('phpgwapi.kses');
+ $this->botranslation = CreateObject('phpgwapi.translation');
+ $this->mailPreferences = $this->bopreferences->getPreferences();
+ $this->bofelamimail->openConnection();
+ $this->mailbox = $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['mailbox'];
+ $this->sort = $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['sort'];
+ $this->uid = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['uid'];
+ if(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['part']) &&
+ is_numeric($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['part']))
+ {
+ $this->partID = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['part'];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->partID = 0;
+ }
+ $this->bocaching = CreateObject('felamimail.bocaching',
+ $this->mailPreferences['imapServerAddress'],
+ $this->mailPreferences['username'],
+ $this->mailbox);
+ $this->rowColor[0] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg01"];
+ $this->rowColor[1] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg02"];
+ if($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['showHeader'] == "false")
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['showHeader'] = 'False';
+ $this->bofelamimail->saveSessionData();
+ }
+ }
+ function createLinks($_data)
+ {
+ }
+ function highlightQuotes($text, $level = 5)
+ {
+ // Use a global var since the class is called statically.
+ $GLOBALS['_tmp_maxQuoteChars'] = 0;
+ // Tack a newline onto the beginning of the string so that we
+ // correctly highlight when the first character in the string
+ // is a quote character.
+ $text = "\n$text";
+ preg_replace_callback("/^\s*((>\s?)+)/m", array(&$this, '_countQuoteChars'), $text);
+ // Go through each level of quote block and put the
+ // appropriate style around it. Important to work downwards so
+ // blocks with fewer quote chars aren't matched until their
+ // turn.
+ for ($i = $GLOBALS['_tmp_maxQuoteChars']; $i > 0; $i--)
+ {
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ // Finds a quote block across multiple newlines.
+ "/(\n)( *(>\s?)\{$i}(?! ?>).*?)(\n|$)(?! *(> ?)\{$i})/s",
+ '\1\2\4',$text);
+ }
+ /* Unset the global variable. */
+ unset($GLOBALS['_tmp_maxQuoteChars']);
+ /* Remove the leading newline we added above. */
+ return substr($text, 1);
+ }
+ function _countQuoteChars($matches)
+ {
+ $num = count(preg_split('/>\s?/', $matches[1])) - 1;
+ if ($num > $GLOBALS['_tmp_maxQuoteChars'])
+ {
+ $GLOBALS['_tmp_maxQuoteChars'] = $num;
+ }
+ }
+ function display()
+ {
+ $partID = $_GET['part'];
+ $transformdate = CreateObject('felamimail.transformdate');
+ $htmlFilter = CreateObject('felamimail.htmlfilter');
+ $headers = $this->bofelamimail->getMessageHeader($this->uid, $partID);
+ $rawheaders = $this->bofelamimail->getMessageRawHeader($this->uid, $partID);
+ $bodyParts = $this->bofelamimail->getMessageBody($this->uid,'',$partID);
+ $attachments = $this->bofelamimail->getMessageAttachments($this->uid,$partID);
+ $filterList = $this->bofilter->getFilterList();
+ $activeFilter = $this->bofilter->getActiveFilter();
+ $filter = $filterList[$activeFilter];
+ $nextMessage = $this->bocaching->getNextMessage($this->uid, $this->sort, $filter);
+ $webserverURL = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'];
+ #print "
+ // add line breaks to $rawheaders
+ $newRawHeaders = explode("\n",$rawheaders);
+ reset($newRawHeaders);
+ // find the Organization header
+ // the header can also span multiple rows
+ while(is_array($newRawHeaders) && list($key,$value) = each($newRawHeaders))
+ {
+ #print $value."
+ if(preg_match("/Organization: (.*)/",$value,$matches))
+ {
+ $organization = $this->bofelamimail->decode_header(chop($matches[1]));
+ #$organization = chop($matches[1]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!empty($organization) && preg_match("/^\s+(.*)/",$value,$matches))
+ {
+ $organization .= $this->bofelamimail->decode_header(chop($matches[1]));
+ break;
+ }
+ elseif(!empty($organization))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // reset $rawheaders
+ $rawheaders = "";
+ // create it new, with good line breaks
+ reset($newRawHeaders);
+ while(list($key,$value) = @each($newRawHeaders))
+ {
+ $rawheaders .= wordwrap($value,90,"\n ");
+ }
+ $this->bofelamimail->closeConnection();
+ if(!isset($_GET['printable']))
+ {
+ $this->display_app_header();
+ $this->t->set_file(array("displayMsg" => "view_message.tpl"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_file(array("displayMsg" => "view_message_printable.tpl"));
+ $this->t->set_var('charset',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->charset());
+ }
+ $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','message_main');
+ $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','message_header');
+ $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','message_raw_header');
+ $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','message_navbar');
+ $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','message_onbehalfof');
+ $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','message_cc');
+ $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','message_attachement_row');
+ $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','previous_message_block');
+ $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','next_message_block');
+ $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','message_org');
+ $this->t->egroupware_hack = False;
+ $this->translate();
+// if(!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['printable']))
+// {
+ // navbar
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.viewMainScreen'
+ );
+ if($this->mailPreferences['messageNewWindow'])
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("link_message_list","javascript:window.close();");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("link_message_list",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/felamimail/index.php',$linkData));
+ }
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var("link_compose",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->set_var('folder_name',$this->bofelamimail->sessionData['mailbox']);
+ // return link to main message
+ if($partID != '')
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display',
+ 'showHeader' => 'false',
+ 'uid' => $this->uid
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('link_mainmessage',''.lang('mainmessage').'');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('link_mainmessage','');
+ }
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.reply',
+ 'reply_id' => $this->uid,
+ );
+ if($partID != '')
+ $linkData['part_id'] = $partID;
+ $this->t->set_var("link_reply",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.replyAll',
+ 'reply_id' => $this->uid,
+ );
+ if($partID != '')
+ $linkData['part_id'] = $partID;
+ $this->t->set_var("link_reply_all",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.forward',
+ 'reply_id' => $this->uid
+ );
+ if($partID != '')
+ $linkData['part_id'] = $partID;
+ $this->t->set_var("link_forward",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.deleteMessage',
+ 'message' => $this->uid
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var("link_delete",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.showHeader',
+ 'uid' => $this->uid
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var("link_header",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display',
+ 'printable' => 1,
+ 'uid' => $this->uid
+ );
+ if($partID != '')
+ $linkData['part'] = $partID;
+ $this->t->set_var("link_printable",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ if($nextMessage['previous'])
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display',
+ 'showHeader' => 'false',
+ 'uid' => $nextMessage['previous']
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('previous_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->parse('previous_message','previous_message_block',True);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('previous_message',lang('previous message'));
+ }
+ if($nextMessage['next'])
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display',
+ 'showHeader' => 'false',
+ 'uid' => $nextMessage['next']
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('next_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->parse('next_message','next_message_block',True);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('next_message',lang('next message'));
+ }
+ $langArray = array
+ (
+ 'lang_messagelist' => lang('Message List'),
+ 'lang_compose' => lang('Compose'),
+ 'lang_delete' => lang('Delete'),
+ 'lang_forward' => lang('Forward'),
+ 'lang_reply' => lang('Reply'),
+ 'lang_reply_all' => lang('Reply All'),
+ 'lang_back_to_folder' => lang('back to folder'),
+ 'print_navbar' => '',
+ 'app_image_path' => PHPGW_IMAGES
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var($langArray);
+ $this->t->parse('navbar','message_navbar',True);
+/* }
+ else
+ {
+ $langArray = array
+ (
+ 'lang_print_this_page' => lang('print this page'),
+ 'lang_close_this_page' => lang('close this page'),
+ 'lang_printable' => '',
+ 'lang_reply' => lang('Reply'),
+ 'lang_reply_all' => lang('Reply All'),
+ 'lang_back_to_folder' => lang('back to folder'),
+ 'navbar' => '',
+ 'app_image_path' => PHPGW_IMAGES
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var($langArray);
+ $this->t->parse('print_navbar','message_navbar_print',True);
+ }*/
+ // header
+ // sent by a mailinglist??
+ // parse the from header
+ if($headers->senderaddress != $headers->fromaddress)
+ {
+ $senderAddress = $this->emailAddressToHTML($headers->senderaddress);
+ $fromAddress = $this->emailAddressToHTML($headers->fromaddress);
+ $this->t->set_var("from_data",$senderAddress);
+ # " ".lang('on behalf of')." ".
+ # $fromAddress);
+ $this->t->set_var("onbehalfof_data",$fromAddress);
+ $this->t->parse('on_behalf_of_part','message_onbehalfof',True);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $fromAddress = $this->emailAddressToHTML($headers->fromaddress);
+ $this->t->set_var("from_data", $fromAddress);
+ $this->t->set_var('on_behalf_of_part','');
+ }
+ // parse the to header
+ $toAddress = $this->emailAddressToHTML($headers->toaddress);
+ $this->t->set_var("to_data",$toAddress);
+ // parse the cc header
+ if($headers->ccaddress)
+ {
+ $ccAddress = $this->emailAddressToHTML($headers->ccaddress);
+ $this->t->set_var("cc_data",$ccAddress);
+ $this->t->parse('cc_data_part','message_cc',True);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("cc_data_part",'');
+ }
+ // parse the cc header
+ if(!empty($organization))
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("organization_data",$organization);
+ $this->t->parse('org_part','message_org',True);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("org_part",'');
+ }
+ if (isset($headers->date))
+ {
+ $headers->date = ereg_replace(' ', ' ', $headers->date);
+ $tmpdate = explode(' ', trim($headers->date));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tmpdate = $date = array("","","","","","");
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var("date_data",
+ @htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($transformdate->getTimeStamp($tmpdate)),
+ ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ $this->t->set_var("subject_data",
+ @htmlspecialchars($this->bofelamimail->decode_header($headers->subject),
+ ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ //if(isset($organization)) exit;
+ $this->t->parse("header","message_header",True);
+ $this->t->set_var("rawheader",@htmlentities($rawheaders,ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ #$this->kses->AddProtocol("http");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "p",array(
+ 'align' => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 10)
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("tbody");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("tt");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("br");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("b");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("i");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("strike");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("center");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "font",array(
+ "color" => array('maxlen' => 10)
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "hr",array(
+ "class" => array('maxlen' => 20)
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("div");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("ul");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "ol",array(
+ "type" => array('maxlen' => 20)
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("li");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("h1");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("h2");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "style",array(
+ "type" => array('maxlen' => 20)
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML("select");
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "option",array(
+ "value" => array('maxlen' => 45),
+ "selected" => array()
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "a", array(
+ "href" => array('maxlen' => 145, 'minlen' => 10),
+ "name" => array('minlen' => 2),
+ 'target' => array('maxlen' => 10)
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "pre", array(
+ "wrap" => array('maxlen' => 10)
+ )
+ );
+ // Allows 'td' tag with colspan|rowspan|class|style|width|nowrap attributes,
+ // colspan has minval of 2 and maxval of 5
+ // rowspan has minval of 3 and maxval of 6
+ // class has minlen of 1 char and maxlen of 10 chars
+ // style has minlen of 10 chars and maxlen of 100 chars
+ // width has maxval of 100
+ // nowrap is valueless
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "table",array(
+ "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20),
+ "border" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 10),
+ "cellpadding" => array("minlen" => 0, 'maxlen' => 10),
+ "cellspacing" => array("minlen" => 0, 'maxlen' => 10),
+ "width" => array("maxlen" => 5),
+ "style" => array('minlen' => 10, 'maxlen' => 100),
+ "bgcolor" => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ "align" => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ "valign" => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ "bordercolor" => array('maxlen' => 10)
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "tr",array(
+ "colspan" => array('minval' => 2, 'maxval' => 5),
+ "rowspan" => array('minval' => 3, 'maxval' => 6),
+ "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20),
+ "width" => array("maxlen" => 5),
+ "style" => array('minlen' => 10, 'maxlen' => 100),
+ "align" => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ 'bgcolor' => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ "valign" => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ "nowrap" => array('valueless' => 'y')
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "td",array(
+ "colspan" => array('minval' => 2, 'maxval' => 5),
+ "rowspan" => array('minval' => 3, 'maxval' => 6),
+ "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20),
+ "width" => array("maxlen" => 5),
+ "style" => array('minlen' => 10, 'maxlen' => 100),
+ "align" => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ 'bgcolor' => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ "valign" => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ "nowrap" => array('valueless' => 'y')
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "th",array(
+ "colspan" => array('minval' => 2, 'maxval' => 5),
+ "rowspan" => array('minval' => 3, 'maxval' => 6),
+ "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20),
+ "width" => array("maxlen" => 5),
+ "style" => array('minlen' => 10, 'maxlen' => 100),
+ "align" => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ "valign" => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ "nowrap" => array('valueless' => 'y')
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "span",array(
+ "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20)
+ )
+ );
+ $this->kses->AddHTML(
+ "blockquote",array(
+ "class" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 20),
+ "style" => array("minlen" => 1),
+ "cite" => array('maxlen' => 30),
+ "type" => array('maxlen' => 10),
+ "dir" => array("minlen" => 1, 'maxlen' => 10)
+ )
+ );
+ for($i=0; $ibotranslation->convert($bodyParts[$i]['body'],
+ strtolower($bodyParts[$i]['charSet']));
+ if($bodyParts[$i]['mimeType'] == 'text/plain')
+ {
+ $newBody = $bodyParts[$i]['body'];
+ $newBody = @htmlentities($bodyParts[$i]['body'],ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset);
+ $newBody = $this->bofelamimail->wordwrap($newBody,90,"\n");
+ // search http[s] links and make them as links available again
+ // to understand what's going on here, have a look at
+ // http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php
+ // create links for websites
+ $newBody = preg_replace("/((http(s?):\/\/)|(www\.))([\w,\-,\/,\?,\=,\.,&,!\n,!>,\%,@,\*,#,:,~,\+]+)/ie",
+ "'displayCharset\").'\" target=\"_blank\">$2$4$5'", $newBody);
+ // create links for ftp sites
+ $newBody = preg_replace("/((ftp:\/\/)|(ftp\.))([\w\.,-.,\/.,\?.,\=.,&]+)/i",
+ "$1$3$4", $newBody);
+ // create links for email addresses
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose'
+ );
+ $link = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
+ $newBody = preg_replace("/(?<=\s{1}|<)(([\w\.,-.,_.,0-9.]+)(@)([\w\.,-.,_.,0-9.]+))/ie",
+ "'$0'", $newBody);
+ $newBody = $this->highlightQuotes($newBody);
+ $newBody = "".$newBody."
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $newBody = $bodyParts[$i]['body'];
+ $newBody = $this->highlightQuotes($newBody);
+ $newBody = $this->kses->Parse($newBody);
+ // create links for websites
+ #$newBody = preg_replace("/(?)((http(s?):\/\/)|(www\.))([\w,\-,\/,\?,\=,\.,&,!\n,\%,@,\*,#,:,~,\+]+)/ie",
+ # "'displayCharset\").'\" target=\"_blank\">$2$4$5'", $newBody);
+ $newBody = preg_replace("/(?|\/|\")((http(s?):\/\/)|(www\.))([\w,\-,\/,\?,\=,\.,&,!\n,\%,@,\*,#,:,~,\+]+)/ie",
+ "'displayCharset\").'\" target=\"_blank\">$2$4$5'", $newBody);
+ // create links for websites
+ $newBody = preg_replace("/href=(\"|\')((http(s?):\/\/)|(www\.))([\w,\-,\/,\?,\=,\.,&,!\n,\%,@,\(,\),\*,#,:,~,\+]+)(\"|\')/ie",
+ "'href=\"$webserverURL/redirect.php?go='.@htmlentities(urlencode('http$4://$5$6'),ENT_QUOTES,\"$this->displayCharset\").'\" target=\"_blank\"'", $newBody);
+ // create links for ftp sites
+ $newBody = preg_replace("/href=(\"|\')((ftp:\/\/)|(ftp\.))([\w\.,-.,\/.,\?.,\=.,&]+)(\"|\')/i",
+ "href=\"ftp://$4$5\" target=\"_blank\"", $newBody);
+ // create links for email addresses
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose'
+ );
+ $link = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
+ $newBody = preg_replace("/href=(\"|\')mailto:([\w,\-,\/,\?,\=,\.,&,!\n,\%,@,\*,#,:,~,\+]+)(\"|\')/ie",
+ "'href=\"$link&send_to='.base64_encode('$2').'\"'", $newBody);
+ #print "".htmlentities($newBody)."
+ $link = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
+ #$newBody = preg_replace("/(?$0'", $newBody);
+ }
+ $body .= $newBody;
+ #print "
+ }
+ // create links for windows shares
+ // \\\\\\\\ == '\\' in real life!! :)
+ $body = preg_replace("/(\\\\\\\\)([\w,\\\\,-]+)/i",
+ "$1$2", $body);
+ $this->t->set_var("body",$body);
+ $this->t->set_var("signature",$sessionData['signature']);
+ // attachments
+ if(is_array($attachments))
+ $this->t->set_var('attachment_count',count($attachments));
+ else
+ $this->t->set_var('attachment_count','0');
+ if (is_array($attachments) && count($attachments) > 0)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('row_color',$this->rowColor[0]);
+ $this->t->set_var('name',lang('name'));
+ $this->t->set_var('type',lang('type'));
+ $this->t->set_var('size',lang('size'));
+ #$this->t->parse('attachment_rows','attachment_row_bold',True);
+ foreach ($attachments as $key => $value)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('row_color',$this->rowColor[($key+1)%2]);
+ $this->t->set_var('filename',@htmlentities($this->bofelamimail->decode_header($value['name']),ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ $this->t->set_var('mimetype',$value['mimeType']);
+ $this->t->set_var('size',$value['size']);
+ $this->t->set_var('attachment_number',$key);
+ switch($value['mimeType'])
+ {
+ case 'message/rfc822':
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display',
+ 'uid' => $this->uid,
+ 'part' => $value['partID']
+ );
+ $target = '';
+ break;
+ case 'image/jpeg':
+ case 'image/png':
+ case 'image/gif':
+ case 'application/pdf':
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment',
+ 'uid' => $this->uid,
+ 'part' => $value['partID']
+ );
+ $target = '_blank';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment',
+ 'uid' => $this->uid,
+ 'part' => $value['partID']
+ );
+ $target = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var("link_view",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->set_var("target",$target);
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment',
+ 'mode' => 'save',
+ 'uid' => $this->uid,
+ 'part' => $value['partID']
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var("link_save",$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->parse('attachment_rows','message_attachement_row',True);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('attachment_rows','');
+ }
+ #$this->t->pparse("out","message_attachment_rows");
+ // print it out
+ $this->t->pparse("out","message_main");
+ }
+ function display_app_header()
+ {
+ if(!@is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->js))
+ {
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js = CreateObject('phpgwapi.javascript');
+ }
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file('tabs','tabs');
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file('jscode','view_message','felamimail');
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->set_onload('javascript:initAll();');
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header();
+ if(!$this->mailPreferences['messageNewWindow'])
+ {
+ echo parse_navbar();
+ }
+ }
+ function emailAddressToHTML($_emailAddress)
+ {
+ // create some nice formated HTML for senderaddress
+ if($_emailAddress == 'undisclosed-recipients: ;')
+ return $_emailAddress;
+ $addressData = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist
+ ($this->bofelamimail->decode_header($_emailAddress),'');
+ if(is_array($addressData))
+ {
+ $senderAddress = '';
+ while(list($key,$val)=each($addressData))
+ {
+ if(!empty($senderAddress)) $senderAddress .= ", ";
+ if(!empty($val->personal))
+ {
+ $tempSenderAddress = $val->mailbox."@".$val->host;
+ $newSenderAddress = imap_rfc822_write_address($val->mailbox,
+ $val->host,
+ $val->personal);
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose',
+ 'send_to' => base64_encode($newSenderAddress)
+ );
+ $link = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
+ $senderAddress .= sprintf('%s',
+ $link,
+ @htmlentities($newSenderAddress,ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset),
+ @htmlentities($val->personal,ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'addressbook.uiaddressbook.add_email',
+ 'add_email' => $tempSenderAddress,
+ 'name' => $val->personal,
+ 'referer' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']
+ );
+ $urlAddToAddressbook = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
+ $image = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail','sm_envelope');
+ $senderAddress .= sprintf('
+ $urlAddToAddressbook,
+ $image,
+ lang('add to addressbook'),
+ lang('add to addressbook'));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tempSenderAddress = $val->mailbox."@".$val->host;
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose',
+ 'send_to' => base64_encode($tempSenderAddress)
+ );
+ $link = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
+ $senderAddress .= sprintf('%s',
+ $link,@htmlentities($tempSenderAddress,ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'addressbook.uiaddressbook.add_email',
+ 'add_email' => $tempSenderAddress,
+ 'referer' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']
+ );
+ $urlAddToAddressbook = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
+ $image = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail','sm_envelope');
+ $senderAddress .= sprintf('
+ $urlAddToAddressbook,
+ $image,
+ lang('add to addressbook'),
+ lang('add to addressbook'));
+ }
+ }
+ return $senderAddress;
+ }
+ // if something goes wrong, just return the original address
+ return $_emailAddress;
+ }
+ function getAttachment()
+ {
+ $part = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['part'];
+ $attachment = $this->bofelamimail->getAttachment($this->uid,$part);
+ $this->bofelamimail->closeConnection();
+ header ("Content-Type: ".$attachment['type']."; name=\"".$attachment['filename']."\"");
+ if($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['mode'] == "save")
+ {
+ // ask for download
+ header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$attachment['filename']."\"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // display it
+ header ("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"".$attachment['filename']."\"");
+ }
+ header("Expires: 0");
+ // the next headers are for IE and SSL
+ header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
+ header("Pragma: public");
+ echo $attachment['attachment'];
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit();
+ exit;
+ }
+ function showHeader()
+ {
+ if($this->bofelamimail->sessionData['showHeader'] == 'True')
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['showHeader'] = 'False';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['showHeader'] = 'True';
+ }
+ $this->bofelamimail->saveSessionData();
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ function translate()
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_message_list",lang('Message List'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_to",lang('to'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_cc",lang('cc'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_bcc",lang('bcc'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_from",lang('from'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_reply_to",lang('reply to'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_subject",lang('subject'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_addressbook",lang('addressbook'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_search",lang('search'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_send",lang('send'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_back_to_folder",lang('back to folder'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_attachments",lang('attachments'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_add",lang('add'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_remove",lang('remove'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_priority",lang('priority'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_normal",lang('normal'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_high",lang('high'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_low",lang('low'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_signature",lang('signature'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_compose",lang('compose'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_date",lang('date'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_view",lang('view'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_organization",lang('organization'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_save",lang('save'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_printable",lang('print it'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_reply",lang('reply'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_reply_all",lang('reply all'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_forward",lang('forward'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_delete",lang('delete'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_previous_message",lang('previous message'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_next_message",lang('next message'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_organisation",lang('organisation'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_on_behalf_of",lang('on behalf of'));
+ $this->t->set_var("th_bg",$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["th_bg"]);
+ $this->t->set_var("bg01",$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg01"]);
+ $this->t->set_var("bg02",$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg02"]);
+ $this->t->set_var("bg03",$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg03"]);
+ }
diff --git a/felamimail/inc/class.uifelamimail.inc.php b/felamimail/inc/class.uifelamimail.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b92932c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/felamimail/inc/class.uifelamimail.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@
+ True,
+ 'changeFilter' => True,
+ 'changeFolder' => True,
+ 'changeSorting' => True,
+ 'compressFolder' => True,
+ 'deleteMessage' => True,
+ 'handleButtons' => True,
+ 'hookAdmin' => True,
+ 'toggleFilter' => True,
+ 'viewMainScreen' => True
+ );
+ var $mailbox; // the current folder in use
+ var $startMessage; // the first message to show
+ var $sort; // how to sort the messages
+ var $moveNeeded; // do we need to move some messages?
+ function uifelamimail()
+ {
+ if(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_unread_x"]))
+ $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_unread"] = "true";
+ if(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_read_x"]))
+ $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_read"] = "true";
+ if(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_unflagged_x"]))
+ $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_unflagged"] = "true";
+ if(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_flagged_x"]))
+ $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_flagged"] = "true";
+ if(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_deleted_x"]))
+ $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_deleted"] = "true";
+ $this->displayCharset = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->charset();
+ $this->bofelamimail = CreateObject('felamimail.bofelamimail',$this->displayCharset);
+ $this->bofilter = CreateObject('felamimail.bofilter');
+ $this->bopreferences = CreateObject('felamimail.bopreferences');
+ $this->preferences = $this->bopreferences->getPreferences();
+ $this->botranslation = CreateObject('phpgwapi.translation');
+ if(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mailbox"]) &&
+ $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["menuaction"] == "felamimail.uifelamimail.handleButtons" &&
+ empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_unread"]) &&
+ empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_read"]) &&
+ empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_unflagged"]) &&
+ empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_flagged"]) &&
+ empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_deleted"]))
+ {
+ if ($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["folderAction"] == "changeFolder")
+ {
+ // change folder
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['mailbox'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mailbox"];
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['startMessage']= 1;
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['sort'] = $this->preferences['sortOrder'];
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['activeFilter']= -1;
+ }
+ elseif($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["folderAction"] == "moveMessage")
+ {
+ //print "move messages
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['mailbox'] = urldecode($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["oldMailbox"]);
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['startMessage']= 1;
+ if (is_array($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["msg"]))
+ {
+ // we need to initialize the classes first
+ $this->moveNeeded = "1";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mailbox"]) &&
+ $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["menuaction"] == "felamimail.uifelamimail.handleButtons" &&
+ !empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_deleted"]))
+ {
+ // delete messages
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['startMessage']= 1;
+ }
+ elseif($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["menuaction"] == "felamimail.uifelamimail.deleteMessage")
+ {
+ // delete 1 message from the mail reading window
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['startMessage']= 1;
+ }
+ elseif(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["filter"]) || isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["filter"]))
+ {
+ // new search filter defined, lets start with message 1
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['startMessage']= 1;
+ }
+ // navigate for and back
+ if(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["startMessage"]))
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['startMessage'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["startMessage"];
+ }
+ $this->bofelamimail->saveSessionData();
+ $this->mailbox = $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['mailbox'];
+ $this->startMessage = $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['startMessage'];
+ $this->sort = $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['sort'];
+ #$this->filter = $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['activeFilter'];
+ #$this->cats = CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories');
+ #$this->nextmatchs = CreateObject('phpgwapi.nextmatchs');
+ $this->t = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',PHPGW_APP_TPL);
+ #$this->grants[$this->account] = PHPGW_ACL_READ + PHPGW_ACL_ADD + PHPGW_ACL_EDIT + PHPGW_ACL_DELETE;
+ // this need to fixed
+ // this does not belong to here
+ if($_GET['menuaction'] != 'felamimail.uifelamimail.hookAdmin' &&
+ $_GET['menuaction'] != 'felamimail.uifelamimail.changeFolder')
+ {
+ $this->connectionStatus = $this->bofelamimail->openConnection();
+ }
+ $this->rowColor[0] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["row_on"];
+ $this->rowColor[1] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["row_off"];
+ $this->dataRowColor[0] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg01"];
+ $this->dataRowColor[1] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg02"];
+ }
+ function addVcard()
+ {
+ $messageID = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['messageID'];
+ $partID = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['partID'];
+ $attachment = $this->bofelamimail->getAttachment($messageID,$partID);
+ $tmpfname = tempnam ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['temp_dir'], "phpgw_");
+ $fp = fopen($tmpfname, "w");
+ fwrite($fp, $attachment['attachment']);
+ fclose($fp);
+ $vcard = CreateObject('phpgwapi.vcard');
+ $entry = $vcard->in_file($tmpfname);
+ $entry['owner'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
+ $entry['access'] = 'private';
+ $entry['tid'] = 'n';
+ #_debug_array($entry);
+ #print "
+ print quoted_printable_decode($entry['fn'])."
+ #$boaddressbook = CreateObject('addressbook.boaddressbook');
+ #$soaddressbook = CreateObject('addressbook.soaddressbook');
+ #$soaddressbook->add_entry($entry);
+ #$ab_id = $boaddressbook->get_lastid();
+ unlink($tmpfname);
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit();
+ }
+ function changeFilter()
+ {
+ if(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["filter"]))
+ {
+ $data['quickSearch'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["quickSearch"];
+ $data['filter'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["filter"];
+ $this->bofilter->updateFilter($data);
+ }
+ elseif(isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["filter"]))
+ {
+ $data['filter'] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["filter"];
+ $this->bofilter->updateFilter($data);
+ }
+ $this->viewMainScreen();
+ }
+ function changeFolder()
+ {
+ // change folder
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['mailbox'] = urldecode($_GET["mailbox"]);
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['startMessage']= 1;
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['sort'] = $this->preferences['sortOrder'];
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['activeFilter']= -1;
+ $this->bofelamimail->saveSessionData();
+ $this->mailbox = $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['mailbox'];
+ $this->startMessage = $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['startMessage'];
+ $this->sort = $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['sort'];
+ $this->connectionStatus = $this->bofelamimail->openConnection();
+ $this->viewMainScreen();
+ }
+ function changeSorting()
+ {
+ // change sorting
+ if(isset($_GET["sort"]))
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['sort'] = $_GET["sort"];
+ $this->sort = $_GET["sort"];
+ $this->bofelamimail->saveSessionData();
+ }
+ $this->viewMainScreen();
+ }
+ function compressFolder()
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->compressFolder();
+ $this->viewMainScreen();
+ }
+ function deleteMessage()
+ {
+ $preferences = ExecMethod('felamimail.bopreferences.getPreferences');
+ $message[] = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["message"];
+ $this->bofelamimail->deleteMessages($message);
+ // set the url to open when refreshing
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.viewMainScreen'
+ );
+ $refreshURL = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
+ if($preferences['messageNewWindow'])
+ {
+ print "";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->viewMainScreen();
+ }
+ }
+ function display_app_header()
+ {
+ if(!@is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->js))
+ {
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js = CreateObject('phpgwapi.javascript');
+ }
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file('foldertree','foldertree');
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header();
+ echo parse_navbar();
+ }
+ function handleButtons()
+ {
+ if($this->moveNeeded == "1")
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->moveMessages($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mailbox"],
+ }
+ elseif(!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_deleted"]) &&
+ is_array($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["msg"]))
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->deleteMessages($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["msg"]);
+ }
+ elseif(!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_unread"]) &&
+ is_array($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["msg"]))
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->flagMessages("unread",$GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["msg"]);
+ }
+ elseif(!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_read"]) &&
+ is_array($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["msg"]))
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->flagMessages("read",$GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["msg"]);
+ }
+ elseif(!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_unflagged"]) &&
+ is_array($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["msg"]))
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->flagMessages("unflagged",$GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["msg"]);
+ }
+ elseif(!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["mark_flagged"]) &&
+ is_array($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["msg"]))
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->flagMessages("flagged",$GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']["msg"]);
+ }
+ $this->viewMainScreen();
+ }
+ function hookAdmin()
+ {
+ if(!$GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->check('run',1,'admin'))
+ {
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header();
+ echo parse_navbar();
+ echo lang('access not permitted');
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message('F-Abort, Unauthorized access to felamimail.uifelamimail.hookAdmin');
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit();
+ }
+ if(!empty($_POST['profileID']) && is_int(intval($_POST['profileID'])))
+ {
+ $profileID = intval($_POST['profileID']);
+ $this->bofelamimail->setEMailProfile($profileID);
+ }
+ $boemailadmin = CreateObject('emailadmin.bo');
+ $profileList = $boemailadmin->getProfileList();
+ $profileID = $this->bofelamimail->getEMailProfile();
+ $this->display_app_header();
+ $this->t->set_file(array("body" => "selectprofile.tpl"));
+ $this->t->set_block('body','main');
+ $this->t->set_block('body','select_option');
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_select_email_profile',lang('select emailprofile'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_site_configuration',lang('site configuration'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_save',lang('save'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_back',lang('back'));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.hookAdmin'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('action_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.ui.listProfiles'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('emailadmin_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->set_var('back_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/admin/index.php'));
+ if(isset($profileList) && is_array($profileList))
+ {
+ foreach($profileList as $key => $value)
+ {
+ #print "$key => $value
+ #_debug_array($value);
+ $this->t->set_var('profileID',$value['profileID']);
+ $this->t->set_var('description',$value['description']);
+ if(is_int($profileID) && $profileID == $value['profileID'])
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('selected','selected');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('selected','');
+ }
+ $this->t->parse('select_options','select_option',True);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->t->parse("out","main");
+ print $this->t->get('out','main');
+ }
+ function viewMainScreen()
+ {
+ #printf ("this->uifelamimail->viewMainScreen() start: %s
+ $bopreferences = CreateObject('felamimail.bopreferences');
+ $preferences = $bopreferences->getPreferences();
+ $bofilter = CreateObject('felamimail.bofilter');
+ $mailPreferences = $bopreferences->getPreferences();
+ $urlMailbox = urlencode($this->mailbox);
+ $maxMessages = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["maxmatchs"];
+ $this->display_app_header();
+ $this->t->set_file(array("body" => 'mainscreen.tpl'));
+ $this->t->set_block('body','main');
+ $this->t->set_block('body','status_row_tpl');
+ $this->t->set_block('body','header_row');
+ $this->t->set_block('body','error_message');
+ $this->t->set_block('body','quota_block');
+ $this->t->set_block('body','subject_same_window');
+ $this->t->set_block('body','subject_new_window');
+ $this->translate();
+ $this->t->set_var('oldMailbox',$urlMailbox);
+ $this->t->set_var('image_path',PHPGW_IMAGES);
+ #printf ("this->uifelamimail->viewMainScreen() Line 272: %s
+ // ui for the quotas
+ if($quota = $this->bofelamimail->getQuotaRoot())
+ {
+ if($quota['limit'] == 0)
+ {
+ $quotaPercent=100;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $quotaPercent=round(($quota['usage']*100)/$quota['limit']);
+ }
+ $quotaLimit=$this->show_readable_size($quota['limit']*1024);
+ $quotaUsage=$this->show_readable_size($quota['usage']*1024);
+ $this->t->set_var('leftWidth',$quotaPercent);
+ if($quotaPercent > 90)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('quotaBG','red');
+ }
+ elseif($quotaPercent > 80)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('quotaBG','yellow');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('quotaBG','#66ff66');
+ }
+ if($quotaPercent > 50)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('quotaUsage_right',' ');
+ $this->t->set_var('quotaUsage_left',$quotaUsage .'/'.$quotaLimit);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('quotaUsage_left',' ');
+ $this->t->set_var('quotaUsage_right',$quotaUsage .'/'.$quotaLimit);
+ }
+ $this->t->parse('quota_display','quota_block',True);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('quota_display',' ');
+ }
+ // set the images
+ $listOfImages = array(
+ 'read_small',
+ 'unread_small',
+ 'unread_flagged_small',
+ 'read_flagged_small',
+ 'trash',
+ 'sm_envelope',
+ 'write_mail',
+ 'manage_filter',
+ 'msg_icon_sm',
+ 'mail_find',
+ 'new'
+ );
+ foreach ($listOfImages as $image)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var($image,$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail',$image));
+ }
+ // refresh settings
+ $refreshTime = $preferences['refreshTime'];
+ if($refreshTime > 0)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('refreshTime',sprintf("aktiv = window.setTimeout( \"refresh()\", %s );",$refreshTime*60*1000));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('refreshTime','');
+ }
+ // set the url to open when refreshing
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.viewMainScreen'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('refresh_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ // define the sort defaults
+ $dateSort = '0';
+ $dateCSS = 'text_small';
+ $fromSort = '3';
+ $fromCSS = 'text_small';
+ $subjectSort = '5';
+ $subjectCSS = 'text_small';
+ $sizeSort = '6';
+ $sizeCSS = 'text_small';
+ // and no overwrite the defaults
+ switch($this->sort)
+ {
+ // sort by date newest first
+ case '0':
+ $dateSort = '1';
+ $dateCSS = 'text_small_bold';
+ break;
+ // sort by date oldest first
+ case '1':
+ $dateSort = '0';
+ $dateCSS = 'text_small_bold';
+ break;
+ // sort by from z->a
+ case '2':
+ $fromSort = '3';
+ $fromCSS = 'text_small_bold';
+ break;
+ // sort by from a->z
+ case '3':
+ $fromSort = '2';
+ $fromCSS = 'text_small_bold';
+ break;
+ // sort by subject z->a
+ case '4':
+ $subjectSort = '5';
+ $subjectCSS = 'text_small_bold';
+ break;
+ // sort by subject a->z
+ case '5':
+ $subjectSort = '4';
+ $subjectCSS = 'text_small_bold';
+ break;
+ // sort by size z->a
+ case '6':
+ $sizeSort = '7';
+ $sizeCSS = 'text_small_bold';
+ break;
+ // sort by subject a->z
+ case '7':
+ $sizeSort = '6';
+ $sizeCSS = 'text_small_bold';
+ break;
+ }
+ // sort by date
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.changeSorting',
+ 'startMessage' => 1,
+ 'sort' => $dateSort
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_sort_date',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->set_var('css_class_date',$dateCSS);
+ // sort by from
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.changeSorting',
+ 'startMessage' => 1,
+ 'sort' => $fromSort
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_sort_from',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->set_var('css_class_from',$fromCSS);
+ // sort by subject
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.changeSorting',
+ 'startMessage' => 1,
+ 'sort' => $subjectSort
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_sort_subject',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->set_var('css_class_subject',$subjectCSS);
+ // sort by size
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.changeSorting',
+ 'startMessage' => 1,
+ 'sort' => $sizeSort
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_sort_size',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->set_var('css_class_size',$sizeCSS);
+ // create the filter ui
+ $filterList = $bofilter->getFilterList();
+ $activeFilter = $bofilter->getActiveFilter();
+ // -1 == no filter selected
+ if($activeFilter == -1)
+ $filterUI .= "";
+ else
+ $filterUI .= "";
+ while(list($key,$value) = @each($filterList))
+ {
+ $selected="";
+ if($activeFilter == $key) $selected="selected";
+ $filterUI .= "";
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('filter_options',$filterUI);
+ // 0 == quicksearch
+ if($activeFilter == '0')
+ $this->t->set_var('quicksearch',$filterList[0]['subject']);
+ if($this->connectionStatus != 'True')
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('message',$this->connectionStatus);
+ $this->t->parse('header_rows','error_message',True);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $folders = $this->bofelamimail->getFolderList('true');
+ $headers = $this->bofelamimail->getHeaders($this->startMessage, $maxMessages, $this->sort);
+ $headerCount = count($headers['header']);
+ if ($mailPreferences['sent_folder'] == $this->mailbox)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_from',lang("to"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_from',lang("from"));
+ }
+ $msg_icon_sm = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail','msg_icon_sm');
+ for($i=0; $i<$headerCount; $i++)
+ {
+ // create the listing of subjects
+ $maxSubjectLength = 60;
+ $maxAddressLength = 20;
+ $maxSubjectLengthBold = 50;
+ $maxAddressLengthBold = 14;
+ $flags = "";
+ if(!empty($headers['header'][$i]['recent'])) $flags .= "R";
+ if(!empty($headers['header'][$i]['flagged'])) $flags .= "F";
+ if(!empty($headers['header'][$i]['answered'])) $flags .= "A";
+ if(!empty($headers['header'][$i]['deleted'])) $flags .= "D";
+ if(!empty($headers['header'][$i]['seen'])) $flags .= "S";
+ switch($flags)
+ {
+ case "":
+ $this->t->set_var('imageName','unread_small.png');
+ $this->t->set_var('row_text',lang('new'));
+ $maxAddressLength = $maxAddressLengthBold;
+ $maxSubjectLength = $maxSubjectLengthBold;
+ break;
+ case "D":
+ case "DS":
+ case "ADS":
+ $this->t->set_var('imageName','unread_small.png');
+ $this->t->set_var('row_text',lang('deleted'));
+ break;
+ case "F":
+ $this->t->set_var('imageName','unread_flagged_small.png');
+ $this->t->set_var('row_text',lang('new'));
+ $maxAddressLength = $maxAddressLengthBold;
+ break;
+ case "FS":
+ $this->t->set_var('imageName','read_flagged_small.png');
+ $this->t->set_var('row_text',lang('replied'));
+ break;
+ case "FAS":
+ $this->t->set_var('imageName','read_answered_flagged_small.png');
+ $this->t->set_var('row_text',lang('replied'));
+ break;
+ case "S":
+ case "RS":
+ $this->t->set_var('imageName','read_small.png');
+ $this->t->set_var('row_text',lang('read'));
+ break;
+ case "R":
+ $this->t->set_var('imageName','recent_small.gif');
+ $this->t->set_var('row_text','*'.lang('recent').'*');
+ $maxAddressLength = $maxAddressLengthBold;
+ break;
+ case "RAS":
+ case "AS":
+ $this->t->set_var('imageName','read_answered_small.png');
+ $this->t->set_var('row_text',lang('replied'));
+ #$maxAddressLength = $maxAddressLengthBold;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $this->t->set_var('row_text',$flags);
+ break;
+ }
+ #_debug_array($GLOBALS[phpgw_info]);
+ if (!empty($headers['header'][$i]['subject']))
+ {
+ // make the subject shorter if it is to long
+ $fullSubject = $headers['header'][$i]['subject'];
+ #if(strlen($headers['header'][$i]['subject']) > $maxSubjectLength)
+ #{
+ # $headers['header'][$i]['subject'] = substr($headers['header'][$i]['subject'],0,$maxSubjectLength)."...";
+ #}
+ $headers['header'][$i]['subject'] = @htmlspecialchars($headers['header'][$i]['subject'],ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset);
+ if($headers['header'][$i]['attachments'] == "true")
+ {
+ $image = '
+//modified NDEE 29-12-03 for
+//separate attachment icon
+ //$headers['header'][$i]['subject'] = "$image ".$headers['header'][$i]['subject'];
+ $headers['header'][$i]['attachment'] = $image;
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('header_subject', $headers['header'][$i]['subject']);
+// added
+ $this->t->set_var('attachments', $headers['header'][$i]['attachment']);
+ $this->t->set_var('full_subject',@htmlspecialchars($fullSubject,ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('header_subject',@htmlentities("(".lang('no subject').")",ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ }
+ if ($mailPreferences['sent_folder'] == $this->mailbox)
+ {
+ if (!empty($headers['header'][$i]['to_name']))
+ {
+ $sender_name = $headers['header'][$i]['to_name'];
+ $full_address =
+ $headers['header'][$i]['to_name'].
+ " <".
+ $headers['header'][$i]['to_address'].
+ ">";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sender_name = $headers['header'][$i]['to_address'];
+ $full_address = $headers['header'][$i]['to_address'];
+ }
+ #$this->t->set_var('lang_from',lang("to"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!empty($headers['header'][$i]['sender_name']))
+ {
+ $sender_name = $headers['header'][$i]['sender_name'];
+ $full_address = @htmlentities(
+ $headers['header'][$i]['sender_name'].
+ " <".
+ $headers['header'][$i]['sender_address'].
+ ">",ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sender_name = $headers['header'][$i]['sender_address'];
+ $full_address = $headers['header'][$i]['sender_address'];
+ }
+ #$this->t->set_var('lang_from',lang("from"));
+ }
+ #if(strlen($sender_name) > $maxAddressLength)
+ #{
+ # $sender_name = substr($sender_name,0,$maxAddressLength)."...";
+ #}
+ $this->t->set_var('sender_name',@htmlentities($sender_name,
+ ENT_QUOTES,$this->displayCharset));
+ $this->t->set_var('full_address',$full_address);
+ if($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["select_all"] == "select_all")
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('row_selected',"checked");
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('message_counter',$i);
+ $this->t->set_var('message_uid',$headers['header'][$i]['uid']);
+// HINT: date style should be set according to preferences!
+ $this->t->set_var('date',$headers['header'][$i]['date']);
+ $this->t->set_var('size',$this->show_readable_size($headers['header'][$i]['size']));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display',
+ 'showHeader' => 'false',
+ 'uid' => $headers['header'][$i]['uid']
+ );
+ if($preferences['messageNewWindow'])
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('url_read_message',"javascript:displayMessage('".$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData)."');");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('url_read_message',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ }
+ if(!empty($headers['header'][$i]['sender_name']))
+ {
+ list($mailbox, $host) = explode('@',$headers['header'][$i]['sender_address']);
+ $senderAddress = imap_rfc822_write_address($mailbox,
+ $host,
+ $headers['header'][$i]['sender_name']);
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose',
+ 'send_to' => base64_encode($senderAddress)
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose',
+ 'send_to' => base64_encode($headers['header'][$i]['sender_address'])
+ );
+ }
+ if($preferences['messageNewWindow'])
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('url_compose',"javascript:displayMessage('".$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData)."');");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('url_compose',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ }
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'addressbook.uiaddressbook.add_email',
+ 'add_email' => urlencode($headers['header'][$i]['sender_address']),
+ 'name' => urlencode($headers['header'][$i]['sender_name']),
+ 'referer' => urlencode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_add_to_addressbook',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->set_var('msg_icon_sm',$msg_icon_sm);
+ $this->t->set_var('phpgw_images',PHPGW_IMAGES);
+ $this->t->set_var('row_css_class','header_row_'.$flags);
+ $this->t->parse('header_rows','header_row',True);
+ }
+ $firstMessage = $headers['info']['first'];
+ $lastMessage = $headers['info']['last'];
+ $totalMessage = $headers['info']['total'];
+ $langTotal = lang("total");
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('maxMessages',$i);
+ if($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["select_all"] == "select_all")
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('checkedCounter',$i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('checkedCounter','0');
+ }
+ // set the select all/nothing link
+ if($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']["select_all"] == "select_all")
+ {
+ // link to unselect all messages
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.viewMainScreen'
+ );
+ $selectLink = sprintf("%s",
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData),
+ lang("Unselect All"));
+ $this->t->set_var('change_folder_checked','');
+ $this->t->set_var('move_message_checked','checked');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // link to select all messages
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'select_all' => 'select_all',
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.viewMainScreen'
+ );
+ $selectLink = sprintf("%s",
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData),
+ lang("Select all"));
+ $this->t->set_var('change_folder_checked','checked');
+ $this->t->set_var('move_message_checked','');
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('select_all_link',$selectLink);
+ // create the links for the delete options
+ // "delete all" in the trash folder
+ // "compress folder" in normal folders
+ if ($mailPreferences['trash_folder'] == $this->mailbox &&
+ $mailPreferences['deleteOptions'] == "move_to_trash")
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.compressFolder'
+ );
+ $trashLink = sprintf("%s",
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData),
+ lang("delete all"));
+ $this->t->set_var('trash_link',$trashLink);
+ }
+ elseif($mailPreferences['deleteOptions'] == "mark_as_deleted")
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.compressFolder'
+ );
+ $trashLink = sprintf("%s",
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData),
+ lang("compress folder"));
+ $this->t->set_var('trash_link',$trashLink);
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('message',lang("Viewing messages")." $firstMessage - $lastMessage ($totalMessage $langTotal)");
+ if($firstMessage > 1)
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.viewMainScreen',
+ 'startMessage' => $this->startMessage - $maxMessages
+ );
+ $link = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
+ $this->t->set_var('link_previous',"".lang("previous")."");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('link_previous',lang("previous"));
+ }
+ if($totalMessage > $lastMessage)
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.viewMainScreen',
+ 'startMessage' => $this->startMessage + $maxMessages
+ );
+ $link = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData);
+ $this->t->set_var('link_next',"".lang("next")."");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('link_next',lang("next"));
+ }
+ $this->t->parse('status_row','status_row_tpl',True);
+ @reset($folders);
+// Start of the new folder tree system
+// 29-12-2003 NDEE
+// ToDo
+// check how many mails in folder
+// different style of parsing folders into file
+// open to active folder on reload
+ $folderImageDir = substr($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('phpgwapi','foldertree_line.gif'),0,-19);
+ // careful! "d = new..." MUST be on a new line!!!
+ $folder_tree_new = "";
+ $this->t->set_var('current_mailbox',$current_mailbox);
+ $this->t->set_var('folder_tree',$folder_tree_new);
+ $this->t->set_var('foldertree_image_path',PHPGW_IMAGES_DIR.'/foldertree/');
+// Finish of the new folder tree system
+ $this->t->set_var('options_folder',$options_folder);
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose'
+ );
+ if($preferences['messageNewWindow'])
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('url_compose_empty',"javascript:displayMessage('".$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData)."');");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('url_compose_empty',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ }
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifilter.mainScreen'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_filter',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.handleButtons'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_change_folder',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.changeFilter'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_search_settings',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_mark_messages_as',lang('mark messages as'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_delete',lang('delete'));
+ $this->t->parse("out","main");
+ print $this->t->get('out','main');
+ if($this->connectionStatus == 'True')
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->closeConnection();
+ }
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_footer();
+ }
+function array_merge_replace( $array, $newValues ) {
+ foreach ( $newValues as $key => $value ) {
+ if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
+ if ( !isset( $array[ $key ] ) ) {
+ $array[ $key ] = array();
+ }
+ $array[ $key ] = $this->array_merge_replace( $array[ $key ], $value );
+ } else {
+ if ( isset( $array[ $key ] ) && is_array( $array[ $key ] ) ) {
+ $array[ $key ][ 0 ] = $value;
+ } else {
+ if ( isset( $array ) && !is_array( $array ) ) {
+ $temp = $array;
+ $array = array();
+ $array[0] = $temp;
+ }
+ $array[ $key ] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $array;
+ /* Returns a string showing the size of the message/attachment */
+ function show_readable_size($bytes, $_mode='short')
+ {
+ $bytes /= 1024;
+ $type = 'k';
+ if ($bytes / 1024 > 1)
+ {
+ $bytes /= 1024;
+ $type = 'M';
+ }
+ if ($bytes < 10)
+ {
+ $bytes *= 10;
+ settype($bytes, 'integer');
+ $bytes /= 10;
+ }
+ else
+ settype($bytes, 'integer');
+ return $bytes . ' ' . $type ;
+ }
+ function toggleFilter()
+ {
+ $this->bofelamimail->toggleFilter();
+ $this->viewMainScreen();
+ }
+ function translate()
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('th_bg',$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["th_bg"]);
+ $this->t->set_var('bg_01',$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg01"]);
+ $this->t->set_var('bg_02',$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg02"]);
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_compose',lang('compose'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_edit_filter',lang('edit filter'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_move_selected_to',lang('move selected to'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_doit',lang('do it!'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_change_folder',lang('change folder'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_move_message',lang('move messages'));
+ $this->t->set_var('desc_read',lang("mark selected as read"));
+ $this->t->set_var('desc_unread',lang("mark selected as unread"));
+ $this->t->set_var('desc_important',lang("mark selected as flagged"));
+ $this->t->set_var('desc_unimportant',lang("mark selected as unflagged"));
+ $this->t->set_var('desc_deleted',lang("delete selected"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_date',lang("date"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_size',lang("size"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_quicksearch',lang("Quicksearch"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_replied',lang("replied"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_read',lang("read"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_unread',lang("unread"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_deleted',lang("deleted"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_recent',lang("recent"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_flagged',lang("flagged"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_unflagged',lang("unflagged"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_subject',lang("subject"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_add_to_addressbook',lang("add to addressbook"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_no_filter',lang("no filter"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_connection_failed',lang("The connection to the IMAP Server failed!!"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_select_target_folder',lang("Simply click the target-folder"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_open_all',lang("open all"));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_close_all',lang("close all"));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/felamimail/inc/class.uisieve.inc.php b/felamimail/inc/class.uisieve.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53a4fbf38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/felamimail/inc/class.uisieve.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1177 @@
+ True,
+ 'addScript' => True,
+ 'deactivateScript' => True,
+ 'decreaseFilter' => True,
+ 'deleteScript' => True,
+ 'editRule' => True,
+ 'editScript' => True,
+ 'increaseFilter' => True,
+ 'listScripts' => True,
+ 'updateRules' => True,
+ 'updateVacation' => True,
+ 'saveVacation' => True
+ );
+ function uisieve()
+ {
+ $this->displayCharset = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->charset();
+ $this->t = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',PHPGW_APP_TPL);
+ $this->bopreferences = CreateObject('felamimail.bopreferences');
+ $this->mailPreferences = $this->bopreferences->getPreferences();
+ #$this->bopreferences = CreateObject('felamimail.bopreferences');
+ #$this->mailPreferences = $this->bopreferences->getPreferences();
+ $config = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','felamimail');
+ $config->read_repository();
+ $this->felamimailConfig = $config->config_data;
+ unset($config);
+ $this->restoreSessionData();
+ $sieveHost = $this->mailPreferences["imapSieveServer"];
+ $sievePort = $this->mailPreferences["imapSievePort"];
+ $username = $this->mailPreferences['username'];
+ $password = $this->mailPreferences['key'];
+ $this->sieve = CreateObject('felamimail.SieveSession',$sieveHost, $sievePort, $username, $password);
+ if(!$this->sieve->start())
+ {
+ print "bad thing!!
+ }
+ $this->rowColor[0] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg01"];
+ $this->rowColor[1] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg02"];
+ }
+ function addScript()
+ {
+ if($scriptName = get_var('newScriptName',Array('POST')))
+ {
+ $script = CreateObject('felamimail.Script',$scriptName);
+ $script->updateScript($this->sieve);
+ }
+ $this->listScripts();
+ }
+ function activateScript()
+ {
+ $scriptName = get_var('scriptname',array('GET'));
+ if(!empty($scriptName))
+ {
+ if($this->sieve->activatescript($scriptName))
+ {
+ #print "Successfully changed active script!
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #print "Unable to change active script!
+ /* we could display the full output here */
+ }
+ }
+ $this->listScripts();
+ }
+ function buildRule($rule)
+ {
+ $andor = " AND ";
+ $started = 0;
+ if ($rule['anyof']) $andor = " OR ";
+ $complete = lang('IF').' ';
+ if ($rule['unconditional']) $complete = "[Unconditional] ";
+ if ($rule['from'])
+ {
+ $match = $this->setMatchType($rule['from'],$rule['regexp']);
+ $complete .= "'From:' " . $match . " '" . $rule['from'] . "'";
+ $started = 1;
+ }
+ if ($rule['to'])
+ {
+ if ($started) $complete .= $andor;
+ $match = $this->setMatchType($rule['to'],$rule['regexp']);
+ $complete .= "'To:' " . $match . " '" . $rule['to'] . "'";
+ $started = 1;
+ }
+ if ($rule['subject'])
+ {
+ if ($started) $complete .= $andor;
+ $match = $this->setMatchType($rule['subject'],$rule['regexp']);
+ $complete .= "'Subject:' " . $match . " '" . $rule['subject'] . "'";
+ $started = 1;
+ }
+ if ($rule['field'] && $rule['field_val'])
+ {
+ if ($started) $complete .= $andor;
+ $match = $this->setMatchType($rule['field_val'],$rule['regexp']);
+ $complete .= "'" . $rule['field'] . "' " . $match . " '" . $rule['field_val'] . "'";
+ $started = 1;
+ }
+ if ($rule['size'])
+ {
+ $xthan = " less than '";
+ if ($rule['gthan']) $xthan = " greater than '";
+ if ($started) $complete .= $andor;
+ $complete .= "message " . $xthan . $rule['size'] . "KB'";
+ $started = 1;
+ }
+ if (!$rule['unconditional']) $complete .= ' '.lang('THEN').' ';
+ if (preg_match("/folder/i",$rule['action']))
+ $complete .= lang('file into')." '" . $rule['action_arg'] . "';";
+ if (preg_match("/reject/i",$rule['action']))
+ $complete .= "reject '" . $rule['action_arg'] . "';";
+ if (preg_match("/address/i",$rule['action']))
+ $complete .= "forward to '" . $rule['action_arg'] . "';";
+ if (preg_match("/discard/i",$rule['action']))
+ $complete .= "discard;";
+ if ($rule['continue']) $complete .= " [Continue]";
+ if ($rule['keep']) $complete .= " [Keep a copy]";
+ return $complete;
+ }
+ function buildVacationString($_vacation)
+ {
+# global $script;
+# $vacation = $script->vacation;
+ $vacation_str = '';
+ if (!is_array($_vacation))
+ {
+ return @htmlspecialchars($vacation_str);
+ }
+ $vacation_str .= lang('Respond');
+ if (is_array($_vacation['addresses']) && $_vacation['addresses'][0])
+ {
+ $vacation_str .= ' ' . lang('to mail sent to') . ' ';
+ $first = true;
+ foreach ($_vacation['addresses'] as $addr)
+ {
+ if (!$first) $vacation_str .= ', ';
+ $vacation_str .= $addr;
+ $first = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($_vacation['days']))
+ {
+ $vacation_str .= ' ' . lang("every %1 days",$_vacation['days']);
+ }
+ $vacation_str .= ' ' . lang('with message "%1"',$_vacation['text']);
+ return @htmlspecialchars($vacation_str);
+ }
+ function checkRule($_vacation)
+ {
+ $this->errorStack = array();
+ if (!$_vacation['text'])
+ {
+ $this->errorStack['text'] = lang('Please supply the message to send with auto-responses'.'! ');
+ }
+ if (!$_vacation['days'])
+ {
+ $this->errorStack['days'] = lang('Please select the number of days to wait between responses'.'!');
+ }
+ if(is_array($_vacation['addresses']))
+ {
+ $regexp="/^[a-z0-9]+([_\\.-][a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([\.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+\\.[a-z]{2,}$/i";
+ foreach ($_vacation['addresses'] as $addr)
+ {
+ if (!preg_match($regexp,$addr))
+ {
+ $this->errorStack['addresses'] = lang('One address is not valid'.'!');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->errorStack['addresses'] = lang('Please select a address'.'!');
+ }
+ if(count($this->errorStack) == 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function deactivateScript()
+ {
+ $scriptName = get_var('scriptname',array('GET'));
+ if(!empty($scriptName))
+ {
+ #if($this->sieve->activatescript($scriptName))
+ #{
+ # #print "Successfully changed active script!
+ #}
+ #else
+ #{
+ # #print "Unable to change active script!
+ # /* we could display the full output here */
+ #}
+ }
+ $this->listScripts();
+ }
+ function decreaseFilter()
+ {
+ $ruleID = get_var('ruleID',array('GET'));
+ if ($this->rules[$ruleID] && $this->rules[$ruleID+1])
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->rules[$ruleID+1];
+ $this->rules[$ruleID+1] = $this->rules[$ruleID];
+ $this->rules[$ruleID] = $tmp;
+ }
+ $this->updateScript();
+ $this->saveSessionData();
+ $this->editScript();
+ }
+ function deleteScript()
+ {
+ $scriptName = get_var('scriptname',array('GET'));
+ if(!empty($scriptName))
+ {
+ if($this->sieve->deletescript($scriptName))
+ {
+ # alles ok!
+ }
+ }
+ $this->listScripts();
+ }
+ function display_app_header()
+ {
+ if(!@is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->js))
+ {
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js = CreateObject('phpgwapi.javascript');
+ }
+ if(preg_match('/^(vacation|filter)$/',get_var('editmode',array('GET'))))
+ $editMode = get_var('editmode',array('GET'));
+ else
+ $editMode = 'filter';
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file('tabs','tabs');
+# switch($_GET['menuaction'])
+# {
+# case 'felamimail.uisieve.editScript':
+# case 'felamimail.uisieve.editRule':
+# case 'felamimail.uisieve.updateRules':
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file('jscode','editProfile','felamimail');
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->set_onload("javascript:initAll('$editMode');");
+# break;
+# }
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header();
+ echo parse_navbar();
+ }
+ function displayRule($_scriptName, $_ruleID, $_ruleData)
+ {
+ // display the header
+ $this->display_app_header();
+ // initialize the template
+ $this->t->set_file(array("filterForm" => "sieveEditForm.tpl"));
+ $this->t->set_block('filterForm','main');
+ $this->t->set_block('filterForm','folder');
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editRule',
+ 'scriptname' => $_scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('action_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editScript',
+ 'scriptname' => $_scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_back',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ if(is_array($_ruleData))
+ {
+ if($_ruleData['continue'])
+ $this->t->set_var('continue_checked','checked');
+ if($_ruleData['keep'])
+ $this->t->set_var('keep_checked','checked');
+ if($_ruleData['regexp'])
+ $this->t->set_var('regexp_checked','checked');
+ $this->t->set_var('anyof_selected'.intval($_ruleData['anyof']),'selected');
+ $this->t->set_var('value_from',$_ruleData['from']);
+ $this->t->set_var('value_to',$_ruleData['to']);
+ $this->t->set_var('value_subject',$_ruleData['subject']);
+ $this->t->set_var('gthan_selected'.intval($_ruleData['gthan']),'selected');
+ $this->t->set_var('value_size',$_ruleData['size']);
+ $this->t->set_var('value_field',$_ruleData['field']);
+ $this->t->set_var('value_field_val',$_ruleData['field_val']);
+ $this->t->set_var('checked_action_'.$_ruleData['action'],'checked');
+ $this->t->set_var('value_'.$_ruleData['action'],$_ruleData['action_arg']);
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('value_ruleID',$_ruleID);
+ $bofelamimail = CreateObject('felamimail.bofelamimail',$this->displayCharset);
+ $connectionStatus = $bofelamimail->openConnection();
+ $folders = $bofelamimail->getFolderList(false);
+ #if($connectionStatus == 'True')
+ #{
+ # $this->bofelamimail->closeConnection();
+ #}
+ #_debug_array($folders);
+ foreach($folders as $folderName => $folderDisplayName)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('folderName',$folderName);
+ $this->t->set_var('folderDisplayName',$folderDisplayName);
+ $this->t->parse("folder_rows", 'folder', true);
+ }
+ // translate most of the parts
+ $this->translate();
+ $this->t->pfp("out","main");
+ }
+ function editRule()
+ {
+ $scriptName = get_var('scriptname',array('GET'));
+ $ruleType = get_var('ruletype',array('GET'));
+ if(isset($_POST[anyof]))
+ {
+ if(get_var('priority',array('POST')) != 'unset')
+ {
+ $newRule[prioritiy] = get_var('priority',array('POST'));
+ }
+ $ruleID = get_var('ruleID',array('POST'));
+ if($ruleID == 'unset')
+ $ruleID = count($this->rules);
+ $newRule[prioritiy] = $ruleID*2+1;
+ $newRule[status] = 'ENABLED';
+ $newRule[from] = get_var('from',array('POST'));
+ $newRule[to] = get_var('to',array('POST'));
+ $newRule[subject] = get_var('subject',array('POST'));
+ //$newRule[flg] = get_var('???',array('POST'));
+ $newRule[field] = get_var('field',array('POST'));
+ $newRule[field_val] = get_var('field_val',array('POST'));
+ $newRule[size] = intval(get_var('size',array('POST')));
+ $newRule['continue'] = get_var('continue',array('POST'));
+ $newRule[gthan] = intval(get_var('gthan',array('POST')));
+ $newRule[anyof] = intval(get_var('anyof',array('POST')));
+ $newRule[keep] = get_var('keep',array('POST'));
+ $newRule[regexp] = get_var('regexp',array('POST'));
+ $newRule[unconditional] = '0'; // what's this???
+ switch(get_var('action',array('POST')))
+ {
+ case 'reject':
+ $newRule[action] = 'reject';
+ $newRule[action_arg] = get_var('reject',array('POST'));
+ break;
+ case 'folder':
+ $newRule[action] = 'folder';
+ $newRule[action_arg] = get_var('folder',array('POST'));
+ break;
+ case 'address':
+ $newRule[action] = 'address';
+ $newRule[action_arg] = get_var('address',array('POST'));
+ break;
+ case 'discard':
+ $newRule[action] = 'discard';
+ break;
+ }
+ if($newRule[action])
+ {
+ $this->rules[$ruleID] = $newRule;
+ $this->updateScript();
+ $this->saveSessionData();
+ }
+ $this->editScript();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(isset($_GET['ruleID']))
+ {
+ $ruleID = get_var('ruleID',Array('GET'));
+ $ruleData = $this->rules[$ruleID];
+ $this->displayRule($scriptName, $ruleID, $ruleData);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->displayRule($scriptName, 'unset', false);
+ }
+ $this->sieve->close();
+ }
+ }
+ function editScript()
+ {
+ $scriptName = get_var('scriptname',array('GET'));
+ if(empty($scriptName))
+ {
+ $this->sieve->listscripts();
+ if(!empty($this->sieve->activescript))
+ {
+ $scriptName = $this->sieve->activescript;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->listScripts();
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit();
+ }
+ }
+ $uiwidgets = CreateObject('felamimail.uiwidgets',PHPGW_APP_TPL);
+ $script = CreateObject('felamimail.Script',$scriptName);
+ $boemailadmin = CreateObject('emailadmin.bo');
+ if($this->sieve->getscript($scriptName))
+ {
+ $this->scriptToEdit = $scriptName;
+ if (!$script->retrieveRules($this->sieve))
+ {
+ print "can't receive script
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->rules = $script->rules;
+ $this->vacation = $script->vacation;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #print "Unable to change active script!
+ /* we could display the full output here */
+ $this->listScripts();
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit();
+ }
+ $this->saveSessionData();
+ // display the header
+ $this->display_app_header();
+ // initialize the template
+ $this->t->set_file(array("filterForm" => "sieveForm.tpl"));
+ $this->t->set_block('filterForm','header');
+ $this->t->set_block('filterForm','filterrow');
+ // translate most of the parts
+ $this->translate();
+ if(!empty($this->scriptToEdit))
+ {
+ $listOfImages = array(
+ 'up',
+ 'down'
+ );
+ foreach ($listOfImages as $image)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('url_'.$image,$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail',$image));
+ }
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editRule',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName,
+ 'ruletype' => 'filter'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_add_rule',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editRule',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName,
+ 'ruletype' => 'vacation'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_add_vacation_rule',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ foreach ($this->rules as $ruleID => $rule)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('filter_status',lang($rule[status]));
+ if($rule[status] == 'ENABLED')
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('ruleCSS','sieveRowActive');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('ruleCSS','sieveRowInActive');
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('filter_text',$this->buildRule($rule));
+ $this->t->set_var('ruleID',$ruleID);
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editRule',
+ 'ruleID' => $ruleID,
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_edit_rule',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.increaseFilter',
+ 'ruleID' => $ruleID,
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_increase',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.decreaseFilter',
+ 'ruleID' => $ruleID,
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_decrease',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.updateRules',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('action_rulelist',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->parse('filterrows','filterrow',true);
+ }
+ // vacation settings
+ // vacation status
+ if($this->vacation[status] == 'on')
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('ruleCSS','sieveRowActive');
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_vacation_status',lang('enabled'));
+ $this->t->set_var('css_enabled','sieveRowInActive');
+ $this->t->set_var('css_disabled','sieveRowActive');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('ruleCSS','sieveRowInActive');
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_vacation_status',lang('disabled'));
+ $this->t->set_var('css_enabled','sieveRowActive');
+ $this->t->set_var('css_disabled','sieveRowInActive');
+ }
+ // vacation text
+ $this->t->set_var('vacation_text',$this->vacation['text']);
+ //vacation days
+ $this->t->set_var('selected_'.$this->vacation['days'],'selected="selected"');
+ // vacation addresses
+ if(is_array($this->vacation['addresses']))
+ {
+ foreach($this->vacation['addresses'] as $address)
+ {
+ $selectedAddresses[$address] = $address;
+ }
+ asort($selectedAddresses);
+ }
+ // all local addresses
+ if($emailAddresses = $boemailadmin->getAccountEmailAddress($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['userid'], $this->felamimailConfig['profileID']))
+ {
+ foreach($emailAddresses as $addressData)
+ {
+ $predefinedAddresses[$addressData['address']] = $addressData['address'];
+ }
+ asort($predefinedAddresses);
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('multiSelectBox',$uiwidgets->multiSelectBox(
+ $selectedAddresses,
+ $predefinedAddresses,
+ 'vacationAddresses',
+ '400px'
+ )
+ );
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.updateVacation',
+ 'editmode' => 'vacation',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('vacation_action_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ }
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.saveScript'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('formAction',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.mainScreen'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('link_newScript',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.listScripts',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_back',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->pfp("out","header");
+ $this->sieve->close();
+ }
+ function increaseFilter()
+ {
+ $ruleID = get_var('ruleID',array('GET'));
+ if ($this->rules[$ruleID] && $this->rules[$ruleID-1])
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->rules[$ruleID-1];
+ $this->rules[$ruleID-1] = $this->rules[$ruleID];
+ $this->rules[$ruleID] = $tmp;
+ }
+ $this->updateScript();
+ $this->saveSessionData();
+ $this->editScript();
+ }
+ function listScripts()
+ {
+ $this->display_app_header();
+ $this->t->set_file(array("filterForm" => "sieveScriptList.tpl"));
+ $this->t->set_block('filterForm','header');
+ $this->t->set_block('filterForm','scriptrow');
+ // translate most of the parts
+ $this->translate();
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.addScript'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('action_add_script',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ if($this->sieve->listscripts())
+ {
+ foreach($this->sieve->scriptlist as $scriptID => $scriptName)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("scriptnumber",$scriptID);
+ $this->t->set_var("scriptname",$scriptName);
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.deleteScript',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('link_deleteScript',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editScript',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('link_editScript',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ if($this->sieve->activescript == $scriptName)
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.deactivateScript',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_activate',lang('deactivate script'));
+ $this->t->set_var('ruleCSS','sieveRowActive');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.activateScript',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_activate',lang('activate script'));
+ $this->t->set_var('ruleCSS','sieveRowInActive');
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('link_activateScript',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->parse('scriptrows','scriptrow',true);
+ }
+ }
+ #else
+ #{
+ # $this->t->set_var("scriptrows",'');
+ #}
+ $this->t->pfp("out","header");
+ $this->sieve->close();
+ }
+/* function mainScreen()
+ {
+ // display the header
+ $this->display_app_header();
+ // initialize the template
+ $this->t->set_file(array("filterForm" => "sieveForm.tpl"));
+ $this->t->set_block('filterForm','header');
+ $this->t->set_block('filterForm','scriptrow');
+ $this->t->set_block('filterForm','filterrow');
+ // translate most of the parts
+ $this->translate();
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.addScript'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('action_add_script',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ if($this->sieve->listscripts())
+ {
+ foreach($this->sieve->scriptlist as $scriptID => $scriptName)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("scriptnumber",$scriptID);
+ $this->t->set_var("scriptname",$scriptName);
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.deleteScript',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('link_deleteScript',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editScript',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('link_editScript',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ if($this->sieve->activescript == $scriptName)
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.deactivateScript',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_activate',lang('deactivate script'));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.activateScript',
+ 'scriptname' => $scriptName
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_activate',lang('activate script'));
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('link_activateScript',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->parse('scriptrows','scriptrow',true);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("scriptrows",'');
+ }
+ if(!empty($this->scriptToEdit))
+ {
+ #$this->t->set_var("editScriptName",$this->scriptToEdit);
+ #$this->t->set_var("scriptContent",$this->scriptContent);
+ $listOfImages = array(
+ 'up',
+ 'down'
+ );
+ foreach ($listOfImages as $image)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('url_'.$image,$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('felamimail',$image));
+ }
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editRule'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_add_rule',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ foreach ($this->rules as $ruleID => $rule)
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('filter_status',lang($rule[status]));
+ if($rule[status] == 'ENABLED')
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('ruleCSS','sieveRowActive');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var('ruleCSS','sieveRowInActive');
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('filter_text',$this->buildRule($rule));
+ $this->t->set_var('ruleID',$ruleID);
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editRule',
+ 'ruleID' => $ruleID
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_edit_rule',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.increaseFilter',
+ 'ruleID' => $ruleID
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_increase',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.decreaseFilter',
+ 'ruleID' => $ruleID
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('url_decrease',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.updateRules'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('action_rulelist',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->parse('filterrows','filterrow',true);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("editScriptName",'');
+ $this->t->set_var("scriptContent",'');
+ }
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.saveScript'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('formAction',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $linkData = array
+ (
+ 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.mainScreen'
+ );
+ $this->t->set_var('link_newScript',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',$linkData));
+ $this->t->pfp("out","header");
+ $this->sieve->close();
+ }
+ function restoreSessionData()
+ {
+ $sessionData = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('sieve_session_data');
+ $this->rules = $sessionData['sieve_rules'];
+ $this->scriptToEdit = $sessionData['sieve_scriptToEdit'];
+ }
+ function setMatchType (&$matchstr, $regex = false)
+ {
+ $match = lang('contains');
+ if (preg_match("/\s*!/", $matchstr))
+ $match = lang('does not contain');
+ if (preg_match("/\*|\?/", $matchstr))
+ {
+ $match = lang('matches');
+ if (preg_match("/\s*!/", $matchstr))
+ $match = lang('does not match');
+ }
+ if ($regex)
+ {
+ $match = lang('matches regexp');
+ if (preg_match("/\s*!/", $matchstr))
+ $match = lang('does not match regexp');
+ }
+ $matchstr = preg_replace("/^\s*!/","",$matchstr);
+ return $match;
+ }
+ function saveVacation()
+ {
+ }
+ function saveScript()
+ {
+ $scriptName = $_POST['scriptName'];
+ $scriptContent = $_POST['scriptContent'];
+ if(isset($scriptName) and isset($scriptContent))
+ {
+ if($this->sieve->sieve_sendscript($scriptName, stripslashes($scriptContent)))
+ {
+ #print "Successfully loaded script onto server. (Remember to set it active!)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+/* print "Unable to load script to server. See server response below:
+ if(is_array($sieve->error_raw))
+ foreach($sieve->error_raw as $error_raw)
+ print $error_raw."
+ else
+ print $sieve->error_raw."
+ print "
+ $textarea=stripslashes($script);
+ $textname=$scriptname;
+ $titleline="Try editing the script again! Create new script";*/
+ }
+ }
+ $this->mainScreen();
+ }
+ function saveSessionData()
+ {
+ $sessionData['sieve_rules'] = $this->rules;
+ $sessionData['sieve_scriptToEdit'] = $this->scriptToEdit;
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('sieve_session_data','',$sessionData);
+ }
+ function translate()
+ {
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_message_list",lang('Message List'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_from",lang('from'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_to",lang('to'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_save",lang('save'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_edit",lang('edit'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_delete",lang('delete'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_enable",lang('enable'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_rule",lang('rule'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_disable",lang('disable'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_subject",lang('subject'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_filter_active",lang('filter active'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_filter_name",lang('filter name'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_new_filter",lang('new filter'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_no_filter",lang('no filter'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_add_rule",lang('add rule'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_add_script",lang('add script'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_back",lang('back'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_days",lang('days'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_save_changes",lang('save changes'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_edit_rule",lang('edit rule'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_edit_vacation_settings",lang('edit vacation settings'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_every",lang('every'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_respond_to_mail_sent_to',lang('respond to mail sent to'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_filter_rules',lang('filter rules'));
+ $this->t->set_var('lang_vacation_notice',lang('vacation notice'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_with_message",lang('with message'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_script_name",lang('script name'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_script_status",lang('script status'));
+ $this->t->set_var("lang_delete_script",lang('delete script'));
+ $this->t->set_var("bg01",$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg01"]);
+ $this->t->set_var("bg02",$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg02"]);
+ $this->t->set_var("bg03",$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg03"]);
+ }
+ function updateRules()
+ {
+ $action = get_var('rulelist_action',array('POST'));
+ $ruleIDs = get_var('ruleID',array('POST'));
+ $scriptName = get_var('scriptname',array('GET'));
+ switch($action)
+ {
+ case 'enable':
+ if(is_array($ruleIDs))
+ {
+ foreach($ruleIDs as $ruleID)
+ {
+ $this->rules[$ruleID][status] = 'ENABLED';
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'disable':
+ if(is_array($ruleIDs))
+ {
+ foreach($ruleIDs as $ruleID)
+ {
+ $this->rules[$ruleID][status] = 'DISABLED';
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'delete':
+ if(is_array($ruleIDs))
+ {
+ foreach($ruleIDs as $ruleID)
+ {
+ unset($this->rules[$ruleID]);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->rules = array_values($this->rules);
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->updateScript();
+ $this->saveSessionData();
+ $this->editScript();
+ }
+ function updateScript()
+ {
+ $scriptName = $this->scriptToEdit;
+ $script = CreateObject('felamimail.Script',$this->scriptToEdit);
+ if(!empty($scriptName))
+ {
+ if($this->sieve->getscript($scriptName))
+ {
+ // fetch the rules to the internal structure inside
+ // the $script object
+ if (!$script->retrieveRules($this->sieve))
+ {
+ #print "can't receive script
+ $this->editScript();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #print "Unable to change active script!
+ /* we could display the full output here */
+ $this->listScripts();
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit();
+ }
+ }
+ $script->rules = $this->rules;
+ if (!$script->updateScript($this->sieve))
+ {
+ print "update failed
+ print $script->errstr."
+ }
+ }
+ function updateVacation()
+ {
+ #phpinfo();exit;
+ $scriptName = get_var('scriptname',array('GET'));
+ $script = CreateObject('felamimail.Script',$scriptName);
+ if(!empty($scriptName))
+ {
+ if($this->sieve->getscript($scriptName))
+ {
+ // fetch the rules to the internal structure inside
+ // the $script object
+ if (!$script->retrieveRules($this->sieve))
+ {
+ #print "can't receive script
+ $this->editScript();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #print "Unable to change active script!
+ /* we could display the full output here */
+ $this->listScripts();
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit();
+ }
+ }
+ switch(get_var('vacationRule_action',array('POST')))
+ {
+ case 'enable':
+ case 'save':
+ $vacation['text'] = get_var('vacation_text',array('POST'));
+ $vacation['days'] = get_var('days',array('POST'));
+ $vacation['addresses'] = get_var('vacationAddresses',array('POST'));
+ $vacation['status'] = 'on';
+ if($this->checkRule($vacation))
+ {
+ $script->vacation = $vacation;
+ if (!$script->updateScript($this->sieve))
+ {
+ print "update failed
+ print $script->errstr."
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'disable':
+ $vacation['text'] = get_var('vacation_text',array('POST'));
+ $vacation['days'] = get_var('days',array('POST'));
+ $vacation['addresses'] = get_var('vacationAddresses',array('POST'));
+ $vacation['status'] = 'off';
+ $script->vacation = $vacation;
+ if($this->checkRule($vacation))
+ {
+ if (!$script->updateScript($this->sieve))
+ {
+ print "update failed
+ print $script->errstr."
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'delete':
+ $script->vacation = array();
+ if (!$script->updateScript($this->sieve))
+ {
+ print "update failed
+ print $script->errstr."
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ print "unhandeld vacationRule_action:". get_var('vacationRule_action',array('POST')) ."
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->editScript();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/felamimail/inc/class.uiwidgets.inc.php b/felamimail/inc/class.uiwidgets.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c68ff2ff98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/felamimail/inc/class.uiwidgets.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+template = $template;
+ $this->template->set_file(array("body" => 'uiwidgets.tpl'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * create multiselectbox
+ *
+ * this function will create a multiselect box. Hard to describe! :)
+ *
+ * @param _selectedValues Array of values for already selected values(the left selectbox)
+ * @param _predefinedValues Array of values for predefined values(the right selectbox)
+ * @param _valueName name for the variable containing the selected values
+ * @param _boxWidth the width of the multiselectbox( example: 100px, 100%)
+ *
+ * @returns the html code, to be added into the template
+ */
+ function multiSelectBox($_selectedValues, $_predefinedValues, $_valueName, $_boxWidth="100%")
+ {
+ $this->template->set_block('body','multiSelectBox');
+ if(is_array($_selectedValues))
+ {
+ foreach($_selectedValues as $key => $value)
+ {
+ $options .= "";
+ }
+ $this->template->set_var('multiSelectBox_selected_options',$options);
+ }
+ $options = '';
+ if(is_array($_predefinedValues))
+ {
+ foreach($_predefinedValues as $key => $value)
+ {
+ if($key != $_selectedValues["$key"])
+ $options .= "";
+ }
+ $this->template->set_var('multiSelectBox_predefinded_options',$options);
+ }
+ $this->template->set_var('multiSelectBox_valueName', $_valueName);
+ $this->template->set_var('multiSelectBox_boxWidth', $_boxWidth);
+ return $this->template->fp('out','multiSelectBox');
+ }
+ function tableView($_headValues, $_tableWidth="100%")
+ {
+ $this->template->set_block('body','tableView');
+ $this->template->set_block('body','tableViewHead');
+ if(is_array($_headValues))
+ {
+ foreach($_headValues as $head)
+ {
+ $this->template->set_var('tableHeadContent',$head);
+ $this->template->parse('tableView_Head','tableViewHead',True);
+ }
+ }
+ if(is_array($this->tableViewRows))
+ {
+ foreach($this->tableViewRows as $tableRow)
+ {
+ $rowData .= "";
+ foreach($tableRow as $tableData)
+ {
+ switch($tableData['type'])
+ {
+ default:
+ $rowData .= ''.$tableData['text'].' | ';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $rowData .= "
+ }
+ }
+ $this->template->set_var('tableView_width', $_tableWidth);
+ $this->template->set_var('tableView_Rows', $rowData);
+ return $this->template->fp('out','tableView');
+ }
+ function tableViewAddRow()
+ {
+ $this->tableViewRows[] = array();
+ end($this->tableViewRows);
+ return key($this->tableViewRows);
+ }
+ function tableViewAddTextCell($_rowID,$_text)
+ {
+ $this->tableViewRows[$_rowID][]= array
+ (
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'text' => $_text
+ );
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file