mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 12:29:25 +01:00
Fix datetime didn't handle '0' as empty / blank
This commit is contained in:
@ -144,7 +144,13 @@ export function parseTime(timeString)
export function parseDateTime(dateTimeString)
// First try the server format
// First try some common invalid values
if(dateTimeString === "" || dateTimeString === "0" || dateTimeString === 0)
return undefined;
// Next try server format
if(typeof dateTimeString === "string" && dateTimeString.substr(-1) === "Z" || !isNaN(dateTimeString))
if(!isNaN(dateTimeString) && parseInt(dateTimeString) == dateTimeString)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* Test file for Etemplate webComponent Date
import {assert, fixture} from '@open-wc/testing';
import {assert, elementUpdated, fixture} from '@open-wc/testing';
import {Et2Date} from "../Et2Date";
import {html} from "lit-element";
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
@ -47,19 +47,33 @@ describe("Date widget", () =>
assert.equal(element.querySelector("[slot='label']").textContent, "Label set");
it('Readonly does not return a value', () =>
it('Readonly does not return a value', async() =>
element.readOnly = true;
let test_time_string = '2008-09-22T12:00:00.000Z';
// Use a Promise to wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
return Promise.resolve().then(() =>
// Read-only widget returns null
assert.equal(element.getValue(), null);
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(element);
// Read-only widget returns null
assert.equal(element.getValue(), null);
it('No value shows no value', () =>
assert.equal(element.querySelector("input").textContent, "");
assert.equal(element.get_value(), null);
it("'0' shows no value", async() =>
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(element);
assert.equal(element.querySelector("input").value, "");
assert.equal(element.get_value(), null);
const tz_list = [
@ -78,16 +92,14 @@ describe("Date widget", () =>
let test_time_string = '2008-09-22T12:00:00.000Z';
let test_time = new Date(test_time_string);
it('Can accept a value', () =>
it('Can accept a value', async() =>
// Use a Promise to wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
return Promise.resolve().then(() =>
// Widget gives time as a string so we can send to server, but zeros the time
assert.equal(element.getValue().substr(0, 11), test_time_string.substr(0, 11));
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(element);
// Widget gives time as a string so we can send to server, but zeros the time
assert.equal(element.getValue().substr(0, 11), test_time_string.substr(0, 11));
/* Doesn't work yet
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
* Test file for Etemplate webComponent Date
import {assert, elementUpdated, fixture, oneEvent} from '@open-wc/testing';
import {html} from "lit-element";
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import {Et2DateTime} from "../Et2DateTime";
describe("DateTime widget", () =>
// Reference to component under test
let element : Et2DateTime;
// Setup run before each test
beforeEach(async() =>
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
// @ts-ignore
element = await fixture<Et2DateTime>(html`
<et2-datetime label="I'm a date-time"></et2-datetime>
// Stub egw()
sinon.stub(element, "egw").returns({
tooltipUnbind: () => {},
// Image always give check mark. Use data URL to avoid having to serve an actual image
image: i => ""
// Stub global egw for preference
// @ts-ignore
window.egw = {
preference: () => 'Y-m-d'
// Make sure it works
it('is defined', () =>
assert.instanceOf(element, Et2DateTime);
it('has a label', () =>
element.set_label("Label set");
assert.equal(element.querySelector("[slot='label']").textContent, "Label set");
it('Readonly does not return a value', async() =>
element.readOnly = true;
let test_time_string = '2008-09-22T12:00:00.000Z';
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(<Element><unknown>element);
// Read-only widget returns null
assert.equal(element.getValue(), null);
it('No value shows no value', () =>
assert.equal(element.querySelector("input").textContent, "");
assert.equal(element.get_value(), null);
it("'0' shows no value", async() =>
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(element);
assert.equal(element.querySelector("input").value, "");
assert.equal(element.get_value(), null);
const tz_list = [
{name: "America/Edmonton", offset: -600},
{name: "UTC", offset: 0},
{name: "Australia/Adelaide", offset: 630}
for(let tz of tz_list)
describe("Timezone: " + tz.name, () =>
// TODO: Figure out how to mock timezone...
// Stub timezone offset to return a different value
let tz_offset_stub = sinon.stub(Date.prototype, "getTimezoneOffset").returns(
let test_time_string = '2008-09-22T12:00:00.000Z';
let test_time = new Date(test_time_string);
it('Can accept a value', async() =>
// wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
await elementUpdated(element);
// Widget gives time as a string so we can send to server, but zeros the time
assert.equal(element.getValue().substr(0, 11), test_time_string.substr(0, 11));
/* Doesn't work yet
it("Can be modified", () =>
element.getInputNode().value = "2008-09-22";
let event = new Event("change");
// Use a Promise to wait for asychronous changes to the DOM
return Promise.resolve().then(() =>
assert.equal(element.getValue(), "2008-09-22T00:00:00.000Z");
// Put timezone offset back
@ -54,6 +54,21 @@ describe("Date parsing", () =>
assert.equal(parsed.toJSON(), test_date.toJSON());
it("Handles '0'", () =>
let test_string = '0';
let test_date = undefined;
window.egw = {
preference: () => 'Y.d.m'
let parsed = parser(test_string);
assert.equal(parsed, test_date);
@ -82,7 +97,9 @@ describe("Time parsing", () =>
// Not valid, should be undefined
"invalid": undefined,
"23:45 pm": undefined
"23:45 pm": undefined,
"0": undefined,
"": undefined
for(let test_string of Object.keys(test_data))
@ -111,7 +128,9 @@ describe("Time parsing", () =>
// Not valid, should be undefined
"invalid": undefined,
"23:45 pm": undefined
"23:45 pm": undefined,
"0": undefined,
"": undefined
for(let test_string of Object.keys(test_data))
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
* It uses "web-test-runner" to run the tests, which are written using
* Mocha (https://mochajs.org/) & Chai Assertion Library (https://www.chaijs.com/api/assert/)
* Playwright (https://playwright.dev/docs/intro) runs the tests in actual browsers.
* Trouble getting tests to run? Try manually compiling TypeScript (source & tests), that seems to help.
import fs from 'fs';
Reference in New Issue
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