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synced 2025-03-19 01:58:28 +01:00
New doc for using admin/config.php. This should probably go somewhere else...
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Binary file not shown.
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\layout Title
phpGroupWare admin/config.php
\layout Abstract
A brief introduction to writing hooks and templates for any application
to use this admin interface, by
\layout Abstract
Miles Lott <milosch@phpgroupware.org> Dec 22, 2001.
\layout Section
\layout Subsection
config.tpl (required)
\layout Standard
In your application/templates/default directory, create a new template file
named 'config.tpl'.
This will be included by config.php and used to draw the page.
This template should include a POST method form.
The following template tags may be used:
\layout Enumerate
{action_url} - A phpgw->link to config.php will be inserted.
\layout Enumerate
{title} - This will be parsed to display 'Site Configuration'.
\layout Enumerate
{th_bg},{th_text},{row_on},{row_off} - Replaced with the current theme colors.
\layout Standard
and the following special types:
\layout Enumerate
{lang_XXX} - Filled with lang('XXX').
\layout Enumerate
{value_XXX} - Filled with the current value of config item 'XXX'.
\layout Enumerate
{selected_XXX} - set to '', or ' selected' if an option value is current.
\layout Enumerate
{hook_XXX} - Calls a function named XXX (will be discussed later).
\layout Standard
Following is an example from the addressbook application:
\layout Code
<form method="POST" action="{action_url}">
\layout Code
<table border="0" align="center">
\layout Code
<tr bgcolor="{th_bg}">
\layout Code
<td colspan="2"><font color="{th_text}"> <b>{title}</b></font></td>
\layout Code
</tr> <tr bgcolor="{th_err}">
\layout Code
<td colspan="2"> <b>{error}</b></font></td>
\layout Code
\layout Code
<!-- END header -->
\layout Code
<!-- BEGIN body -->
\layout Code
<tr bgcolor="{row_on}">
\layout Code
<td colspan="2"> </td>
\layout Code
\layout Code
<tr bgcolor="{row_off}">
\layout Code
<td colspan="2"> <b>{lang_Addressbook}/{lang_Contact_Settings}</b></font>
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Code
<tr bgcolor="{row_on}">
\layout Code
\layout Code
<td><input name="newsettings[contact_application]" value="{value_contact_appli
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Standard
Note the fieldname, newsettings[contact_application].
This array name must be used for the form values.
Next, note the value setting for this form element, {value_contact_application}.
This indicates that we want the current value of the config setting, 'contact_a
pplication', to be set and displayed on the form.
Lastly, look at the template element, {lang_Contact_application}.
Here, the value from the lang db table will be inserted if available.
\layout Standard
Let's take a look at part of the preferences/default/config.tpl:
\layout Code
<tr bgcolor="{row_on}">
\layout Code
<td>{lang_Country_Selection} ({lang_Text_Entry}/{lang_SelectBox}):</td>
\layout Code
\layout Code
<select name="newsettings[countrylist]">
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Standard
Here, we are adding a new element, {hook_country_set}.
This brings up the next file we will need to parse this value...
\layout Subsection
hook_config.inc.php (optional)
\layout Standard
At each invocation of config.php, a call to the common class function hook_single
() is made.
It attempts to include a file, hook_config.inc.php as a set of code for config.php
to use.
In the case of the preferences example above, using hook_country_set, here
is the corresponding function in preferences/inc/hook_config.inc.php:
\layout Code
function country_set($config)
\layout Code
\layout Code
$country = array( 'user_choice' => 'Users Choice', 'force_select' =>
'Force Selectbox' );
\layout Code
while (list ($key, $value) = each ($country))
\layout Code
\layout Code
if ($config['countrylist'] == $key)
\layout Code
\layout Code
$selected = ' selected';
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Code
$selected = '';
\layout Code
\layout Code
$descr = lang($value);
\layout Code
$out .= '<option value="' .
$key .
'"' .
$selected .
'>' .
$descr .
'</option>' .
\layout Code
\layout Code
return $out;
\layout Code
\layout Standard
Note again the template value we used earlier, {hook_country_set}.
This causes config.php to look for a function named country_set().
Since we included the file with this function via the hook_single() call,
this function is executed.
It's return is a string, and the function prints nothing itself.
\layout Subsection
hook_config_validate.inc.php (optional)
\layout Standard
Once the admin clicks the submit button to post the form, we can optionally
validate their input using one or many different functions.
This is done by first making another call to hook_single() in the API common
This time, the name config_validate is used, so common tries to include
\layout Standard
If this file exists, it sets a var to tell config.php it was found.
Following then are functions named after each config we want to validate.
The following example is for addressbook:
\layout Code
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['found_validation_hook'] = True;
\layout Code
\layout Code
/* Check a specific setting.
Name must match the setting.
\layout Code
function ldap_contact_context($value='')
\layout Code
\layout Code
if($value == $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_context'])
\layout Code
\layout Code
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact context for ldap must be
different from the context used for accounts';
\layout Code
\layout Code
elseif($value == $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_group_context'])
\layout Code
\layout Code
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact context for ldap must be
different from the context used for groups';
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Code
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = '';
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Standard
Here we created a function to check the entered value for the config item,
We want to make sure the admin did not set this value to one which would
conflict with another config item, used for accounts or groups in phpGroupWare.
\layout Standard
config.php calls this function, sending it the POSTed value.
config.php continues, adding all other config items from the POSTed values.
\layout Standard
The variable $GLOBALS['config_error'] is parsed through lang(), then appended
to the local variable, $error.
If this has any value after the POSTed variables are checked, the form
then has its {error} tag filled with this result.
The form is displayed again, with the error.
If $error has no value, config.php redirects to admin/index.php.
\layout Standard
However, there is one more function that may be included in hook_config_validate.
\layout Code
/* Check all settings to validate input.
Name must be 'final_validation' */
\layout Code
function final_validation($value='')
\layout Code
\layout Code
if($value['contact_repository'] == 'ldap' && !$value['ldap_contact_dn'])
\layout Code
\layout Code
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact dn must be set';
\layout Code
\layout Code
elseif($value['contact_repository'] == 'ldap' && !$value['ldap_contact_c
\layout Code
\layout Code
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact context must be set';
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Code
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = '';
\layout Code
\layout Code
\layout Standard
config.php checks for the existence of the function 'final_validation()'.
This function can be used to check all form values at once.
It gets sent the entire $newsettings array POSTed from the form.
As with the other functions in this file, final_validation() should set
$GLOBALS['config_error'] if there is a problem.
Normal file
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Binary file not shown.
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('force_select')f(=>)j('Force)f(Se-)396 870 y(lectbox')g(\);)576
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(ecuted.)c(It')-5 b(s)21 b(return)e(is)i(a)f(string,)g(and)g(the)g
(function)e(prints)i(nothing)f(itself.)-2 3201 y Fc(1.3.)34
b(hook_con\002g_v)n(alidate)r(.inc.php)39 b(\(optional\))396
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g(input)f(using)396 3477 y(one)h(or)g(man)o(y)f(dif)n(ferent)f
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('.)396 3842 y(If)g(this)h(\002le)g(e)o(xists,)f(it)h(sets)g(a)g(v)n
(wing)h(then)g(are)h(functions)f(named)g(after)396 3950
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y Fb($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['fou)o(nd_val)o(idatio)o(n_hook)o
('])39 b(=)45 b(True;)576 4227 y(/*)f(Check)g(a)h(specific)e(setting.)h
(Name)g(must)g(match)g(the)g(setting.)g(*/)576 4324 y(function)f
(ldap_contact_context\($value=\224\))576 4421 y({)755
4518 y(if\($value)g(==)i($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap)o
(_conte)o(xt']\))755 4616 y({)934 4713 y($GLOBALS['config_error'])c(=)k
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773 y({)934 870 y($GLOBALS['config_error'])d(=)k('Contact)e(context)h
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g(used)g(for)g(groups';)755 1065 y(})755 1162 y(else)755
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(con\002g)g(item,)g(ldap_contact_conte)o(xt.)c(W)-7 b(e)21
b(w)o(ant)396 1946 y(to)g(mak)o(e)e(sure)h(the)h(admin)e(did)h(not)g
(with)g(another)f(con\002g)g(item,)h(used)396 2054 y(for)g(accounts)f
(or)h(groups)f(in)h(phpGroupW)-7 b(are.)396 2204 y(con\002g.php)18
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b(v)n(alues.)396 2461 y(The)f(v)n(ariable)f($GLOB)m
(ALS['con\002g_error'])c(is)21 b(parsed)f(through)e(lang\(\),)h(then)g
(appended)f(to)j(the)f(local)g(v)n(ariable,)396 2569
y($error)-5 b(.)19 b(If)h(this)h(has)f(an)o(y)g(v)n(alue)f(after)h(the)
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(then)h(has)g(its)h({error})e(tag)396 2677 y(\002lled)i(with)f(this)h
b(.)20 b(If)g($error)e(has)j(no)e(v)n(alue,)h(con\002g.php)396
2785 y(redirects)g(to)g(admin/inde)o(x.php.)396 2934
576 3114 y Fb(/*)44 b(Check)g(all)g(settings)g(to)g(validate)g(input.)g
(Name)g(must)g(be)h('final_validation')c(*/)576 3212
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(!$value['ldap_contact_dn']\))755 3503 y({)934 3600 y
3697 y(})755 3794 y(elseif\($value['contact_repository'])39
b(==)44 b('ldap')g(&&)h(!$value['ldap_contact_context']\))755
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(must)g(be)h(set';)755 4086 y(})755 4183 y(else)755 4280
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See http://www.lyx.org/ for more information -->
phpGroupWare admin/config.php
A brief introduction to writing hooks and templates for any application to use this admin interface, by
Miles Lott <milosch@phpgroupware.org> Dec 22, 2001.
config.tpl (required)
In your application/templates/default directory, create a new template file named 'config.tpl'. This will be included by config.php and used to draw the page. This template should include a POST method form. The following template tags may be used:
{action_url} - A phpgw->link to config.php will be inserted.
{title} - This will be parsed to display 'Site Configuration'.
{th_bg},{th_text},{row_on},{row_off} - Replaced with the current theme colors.
and the following special types:
{lang_XXX} - Filled with lang('XXX').
{value_XXX} - Filled with the current value of config item 'XXX'.
{selected_XXX} - set to '', or ' selected' if an option value is current.
{hook_XXX} - Calls a function named XXX (will be discussed later).
Following is an example from the addressbook application:
<![ CDATA [<form method="POST" action="{action_url}">
]]><![ CDATA [<table border="0" align="center">
]]><![ CDATA [ <tr bgcolor="{th_bg}">
]]><![ CDATA [ <td colspan="2"><font color="{th_text}"> <b>{title}</b></font></td>
]]><![ CDATA [ </tr> <tr bgcolor="{th_err}">
]]><![ CDATA [ <td colspan="2"> <b>{error}</b></font></td>
]]><![ CDATA [ </tr>
]]><![ CDATA [<!-- END header -->
]]><![ CDATA [<!-- BEGIN body -->
]]><![ CDATA [ <tr bgcolor="{row_on}">
]]><![ CDATA [ <td colspan="2"> </td>
]]><![ CDATA [ </tr>
]]><![ CDATA [ <tr bgcolor="{row_off}">
]]><![ CDATA [ <td colspan="2"> <b>{lang_Addressbook}/{lang_Contact_Settings}</b></font>
]]><![ CDATA [</td>
]]><![ CDATA [ </tr>
]]><![ CDATA [ <tr bgcolor="{row_on}">
]]><![ CDATA [ <td>{lang_Contact_application}:</td>
]]><![ CDATA [ <td><input name="newsettings[contact_application]" value="{value_contact_application}"></td>
]]><![ CDATA [ </tr>
]]><![ CDATA [...
]]> </programlisting>
Note the fieldname, newsettings[contact_application]. This array name must be used for the form values. Next, note the value setting for this form element, {value_contact_application}. This indicates that we want the current value of the config setting, 'contact_application', to be set and displayed on the form. Lastly, look at the template element, {lang_Contact_application}. Here, the value from the lang db table will be inserted if available.
Let's take a look at part of the preferences/default/config.tpl:
<![ CDATA [ <tr bgcolor="{row_on}">
]]><![ CDATA [ <td>{lang_Country_Selection} ({lang_Text_Entry}/{lang_SelectBox}):</td>
]]><![ CDATA [ <td>
]]><![ CDATA [ <select name="newsettings[countrylist]">
]]><![ CDATA [{hook_country_set}
]]><![ CDATA [ </select>
]]><![ CDATA [ </td>
]]><![ CDATA [ </tr>
]]> </programlisting>
Here, we are adding a new element, {hook_country_set}. This brings up the next file we will need to parse this value...
hook_config.inc.php (optional)
At each invocation of config.php, a call to the common class function hook_single() is made. It attempts to include a file, hook_config.inc.php as a set of code for config.php to use. In the case of the preferences example above, using hook_country_set, here is the corresponding function in preferences/inc/hook_config.inc.php:
<![ CDATA [function country_set($config)
]]><![ CDATA [{
]]><![ CDATA [ $country = array( 'user_choice' => 'Users Choice', 'force_select' => 'Force Selectbox' );
]]><![ CDATA [ while (list ($key, $value) = each ($country))
]]><![ CDATA [ {
]]><![ CDATA [ if ($config['countrylist'] == $key)
]]><![ CDATA [ {
]]><![ CDATA [ $selected = ' selected';
]]><![ CDATA [ }
]]><![ CDATA [ else
]]><![ CDATA [ {
]]><![ CDATA [ $selected = '';
]]><![ CDATA [ }
]]><![ CDATA [ $descr = lang($value);
]]><![ CDATA [ $out .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . $descr . '</option>' . "\n";
]]><![ CDATA [ }
]]><![ CDATA [ return $out;
]]><![ CDATA [}
]]> </programlisting>
Note again the template value we used earlier, {hook_country_set}. This causes config.php to look for a function named country_set(). Since we included the file with this function via the hook_single() call, this function is executed. It's return is a string, and the function prints nothing itself.
hook_config_validate.inc.php (optional)
Once the admin clicks the submit button to post the form, we can optionally validate their input using one or many different functions. This is done by first making another call to hook_single() in the API common class. This time, the name config_validate is used, so common tries to include 'application/inc/hook_config_validate.inc.php'.
If this file exists, it sets a var to tell config.php it was found. Following then are functions named after each config we want to validate. The following example is for addressbook:
<![ CDATA [ $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['found_validation_hook'] = True;
]]><![ CDATA [
]]><![ CDATA [ /* Check a specific setting. Name must match the setting. */
]]><![ CDATA [ function ldap_contact_context($value='')
]]><![ CDATA [ {
]]><![ CDATA [ if($value == $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_context'])
]]><![ CDATA [ {
]]><![ CDATA [ $GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact context for ldap must be different from the context used for accounts';
]]><![ CDATA [ }
]]><![ CDATA [ elseif($value == $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_group_context'])
]]><![ CDATA [ {
]]><![ CDATA [ $GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact context for ldap must be different from the context used for groups';
]]><![ CDATA [ }
]]><![ CDATA [ else
]]><![ CDATA [ {
]]><![ CDATA [ $GLOBALS['config_error'] = '';
]]><![ CDATA [ }
]]><![ CDATA [ }
]]> </programlisting>
Here we created a function to check the entered value for the config item, ldap_contact_context. We want to make sure the admin did not set this value to one which would conflict with another config item, used for accounts or groups in phpGroupWare.
config.php calls this function, sending it the POSTed value. config.php continues, adding all other config items from the POSTed values.
The variable $GLOBALS['config_error'] is parsed through lang(), then appended to the local variable, $error. If this has any value after the POSTed variables are checked, the form then has its {error} tag filled with this result. The form is displayed again, with the error. If $error has no value, config.php redirects to admin/index.php.
However, there is one more function that may be included in hook_config_validate.inc.php:
<![ CDATA [ /* Check all settings to validate input. Name must be 'final_validation' */
]]><![ CDATA [ function final_validation($value='')
]]><![ CDATA [ {
]]><![ CDATA [ if($value['contact_repository'] == 'ldap' && !$value['ldap_contact_dn'])
]]><![ CDATA [ {
]]><![ CDATA [ $GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact dn must be set';
]]><![ CDATA [ }
]]><![ CDATA [ elseif($value['contact_repository'] == 'ldap' && !$value['ldap_contact_context'])
]]><![ CDATA [ {
]]><![ CDATA [ $GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact context must be set';
]]><![ CDATA [ }
]]><![ CDATA [ else
]]><![ CDATA [ {
]]><![ CDATA [ $GLOBALS['config_error'] = '';
]]><![ CDATA [ }
]]><![ CDATA [ }
]]> </programlisting>
config.php checks for the existence of the function 'final_validation()'. This function can be used to check all form values at once. It gets sent the entire $newsettings array POSTed from the form. As with the other functions in this file, final_validation() should set $GLOBALS['config_error'] if there is a problem.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
phpGroupWare admin/config.php
A brief introduction to writing hooks and templates for any
application to use this admin interface, by
Miles Lott <milosch@phpgroupware.org> Dec 22, 2001.
1 Files
1.1 config.tpl (required)
In your application/templates/default directory, create a
new template file named 'config.tpl'. This will be included
by config.php and used to draw the page. This template should
include a POST method form. The following template tags
may be used:
1. {action_url} - A phpgw->link to config.php will be inserted.
2. {title} - This will be parsed to display 'Site Configuration'.
3. {th_bg},{th_text},{row_on},{row_off} - Replaced with the
current theme colors.
and the following special types:
1. {lang_XXX} - Filled with lang('XXX').
2. {value_XXX} - Filled with the current value of config item
3. {selected_XXX} - set to '', or ' selected' if an option
value is current.
4. {hook_XXX} - Calls a function named XXX (will be discussed
Following is an example from the addressbook application:
<form method="POST" action="{action_url}">
<table border="0" align="center">
<tr bgcolor="{th_bg}">
<td colspan="2"><font color="{th_text}"> <b>{title}</b></font></td>
</tr> <tr bgcolor="{th_err}">
<td colspan="2"> <b>{error}</b></font></td>
<!-- END header -->
<!-- BEGIN body -->
<tr bgcolor="{row_on}">
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<tr bgcolor="{row_off}">
<td colspan="2"> <b>{lang_Addressbook}/{lang_Contact_Settings}</b></font>
<tr bgcolor="{row_on}">
<td><input name="newsettings[contact_application]" value="{value_contact_application}"></td>
Note the fieldname, newsettings[contact_application]. This
array name must be used for the form values. Next, note
the value setting for this form element, {value_contact_application}.
This indicates that we want the current value of the config
setting, 'contact_application', to be set and displayed
on the form. Lastly, look at the template element, {lang_Contact_application}.
Here, the value from the lang db table will be inserted
if available.
Let's take a look at part of the preferences/default/config.tpl:
<tr bgcolor="{row_on}">
<td>{lang_Country_Selection} ({lang_Text_Entry}/{lang_SelectBox}):</td>
<select name="newsettings[countrylist]">
Here, we are adding a new element, {hook_country_set}. This
brings up the next file we will need to parse this value...
1.2 hook_config.inc.php (optional)
At each invocation of config.php, a call to the common class
function hook_single() is made. It attempts to include a
file, hook_config.inc.php as a set of code for config.php
to use. In the case of the preferences example above, using
hook_country_set, here is the corresponding function in
function country_set($config)
$country = array( 'user_choice' => 'Users Choice', 'force_select'
=> 'Force Selectbox' );
while (list ($key, $value) = each ($country))
if ($config['countrylist'] == $key)
$selected = ' selected';
$selected = '';
$descr = lang($value);
$out .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected
. '>' . $descr . '</option>' . "\n";
return $out;
Note again the template value we used earlier, {hook_country_set}.
This causes config.php to look for a function named country_set().
Since we included the file with this function via the hook_single()
call, this function is executed. It's return is a string,
and the function prints nothing itself.
1.3 hook_config_validate.inc.php (optional)
Once the admin clicks the submit button to post the form,
we can optionally validate their input using one or many
different functions. This is done by first making another
call to hook_single() in the API common class. This time,
the name config_validate is used, so common tries to include
If this file exists, it sets a var to tell config.php it
was found. Following then are functions named after each
config we want to validate. The following example is for
= True;
/* Check a specific setting. Name must match the setting.
function ldap_contact_context($value='')
if($value == $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_context'])
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact context for
ldap must be different from the context used for accounts';
elseif($value == $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_group_context'])
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact context for
ldap must be different from the context used for groups';
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = '';
Here we created a function to check the entered value for
the config item, ldap_contact_context. We want to make sure
the admin did not set this value to one which would conflict
with another config item, used for accounts or groups in
config.php calls this function, sending it the POSTed value.
config.php continues, adding all other config items from
the POSTed values.
The variable $GLOBALS['config_error'] is parsed through lang(),
then appended to the local variable, $error. If this has
any value after the POSTed variables are checked, the form
then has its {error} tag filled with this result. The form
is displayed again, with the error. If $error has no value,
config.php redirects to admin/index.php.
However, there is one more function that may be included
in hook_config_validate.inc.php:
/* Check all settings to validate input. Name must be
'final_validation' */
function final_validation($value='')
if($value['contact_repository'] == 'ldap' && !$value['ldap_contact_dn'])
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact dn must be
elseif($value['contact_repository'] == 'ldap' &&
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = 'Contact context must
be set';
$GLOBALS['config_error'] = '';
config.php checks for the existence of the function 'final_validation()'.
This function can be used to check all form values at once.
It gets sent the entire $newsettings array POSTed from the
form. As with the other functions in this file, final_validation()
should set $GLOBALS['config_error'] if there is a problem.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user