mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 05:41:02 +01:00
* CalDAV: improved performance of ctag generation
using only a single and quick DB query, compared to multiple queries plus one for each recurring event
This commit is contained in:
@ -297,61 +297,22 @@ class calendar_bo
* Searches / lists calendar entries, including repeating ones
* Resolve users to add memberships for users and members for groups
* @param array $params array with the following keys
* start date startdate of the search/list, defaults to today
* end date enddate of the search/list, defaults to start + one day
* users int|array integer user-id or array of user-id's to use, defaults to the current user
* cat_id int|array category-id or array of cat-id's (incl. all sub-categories), default 0 = all
* filter string all (not rejected), accepted, unknown, tentative, rejected or hideprivate
* query string pattern so search for, if unset or empty all matching entries are returned (no search)
* Please Note: a search never returns repeating events more then once AND does not honor start+end date !!!
* daywise boolean on True it returns an array with YYYYMMDD strings as keys and an array with events
* (events spanning multiple days are returned each day again (!)) otherwise it returns one array with
* the events (default), not honored in a search ==> always returns an array of events!
* date_format string date-formats: 'ts'=timestamp (default), 'array'=array, or string with format for date
* offset boolean|int false (default) to return all entries or integer offset to return only a limited result
* enum_recuring boolean if true or not set (default) or daywise is set, each recurence of a recuring events is returned,
* otherwise the original recuring event (with the first start- + enddate) is returned
* num_rows int number of entries to return, default or if 0, max_entries from the prefs
* order column-names plus optional DESC|ASC separted by comma
* ignore_acl if set and true no check_perms for a general EGW_ACL_READ grants is performed
* enum_groups boolean if set and true, group-members will be added as participants with status 'G'
* cols string|array columns to select, if set an iterator will be returned
* append string to append to the query, eg. GROUP BY
* cfs array if set, query given custom fields or all for empty array, none are returned, if not set (default)
* @return iterator|array|boolean array of events or array with YYYYMMDD strings / array of events pairs (depending on $daywise param)
* or false if there are no read-grants from _any_ of the requested users or iterator/recordset if cols are given
* @param int|array $_users
* @param boolean $no_enum_groups=true
* @param boolean $ignore_acl=false
* @return array of user-ids
function &search($params)
private function resolve_users($_users, $no_enum_groups=true, $ignore_acl=false)
$params_in = $params;
unset($params['sql_filter']); // dont allow to set it via UI or xmlrpc
// check if any resource wants to hook into
foreach($this->resources as $app => $data)
if (!is_array($_users))
if (isset($data['search_filter']))
$params = ExecMethod($data['search_filter'],$params);
if (!isset($params['users']) || !$params['users'] ||
count($params['users']) == 1 && isset($params['users'][0]) && !$params['users'][0]) // null or '' casted to an array
// for a search use all account you have read grants from
$params['users'] = $params['query'] ? array_keys($this->grants) : $this->user;
if (!is_array($params['users']))
$params['users'] = $params['users'] ? array($params['users']) : array();
$_users = $_users ? array($_users) : array();
// only query calendars of users, we have READ-grants from
$users = array();
foreach($params['users'] as $user)
foreach($_users as $user)
$user = trim($user);
if ($params['ignore_acl'] || $this->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ|EGW_ACL_READ_FOR_PARTICIPANTS|EGW_ACL_FREEBUSY,0,$user))
@ -402,6 +363,62 @@ class calendar_bo
return $users;
* Searches / lists calendar entries, including repeating ones
* @param array $params array with the following keys
* start date startdate of the search/list, defaults to today
* end date enddate of the search/list, defaults to start + one day
* users int|array integer user-id or array of user-id's to use, defaults to the current user
* cat_id int|array category-id or array of cat-id's (incl. all sub-categories), default 0 = all
* filter string all (not rejected), accepted, unknown, tentative, rejected or hideprivate
* query string pattern so search for, if unset or empty all matching entries are returned (no search)
* Please Note: a search never returns repeating events more then once AND does not honor start+end date !!!
* daywise boolean on True it returns an array with YYYYMMDD strings as keys and an array with events
* (events spanning multiple days are returned each day again (!)) otherwise it returns one array with
* the events (default), not honored in a search ==> always returns an array of events!
* date_format string date-formats: 'ts'=timestamp (default), 'array'=array, or string with format for date
* offset boolean|int false (default) to return all entries or integer offset to return only a limited result
* enum_recuring boolean if true or not set (default) or daywise is set, each recurence of a recuring events is returned,
* otherwise the original recuring event (with the first start- + enddate) is returned
* num_rows int number of entries to return, default or if 0, max_entries from the prefs
* order column-names plus optional DESC|ASC separted by comma
* ignore_acl if set and true no check_perms for a general EGW_ACL_READ grants is performed
* enum_groups boolean if set and true, group-members will be added as participants with status 'G'
* cols string|array columns to select, if set an iterator will be returned
* append string to append to the query, eg. GROUP BY
* cfs array if set, query given custom fields or all for empty array, none are returned, if not set (default)
* @param string $sql_filter=null sql to be and'ed into query (fully quoted), default none
* @return iterator|array|boolean array of events or array with YYYYMMDD strings / array of events pairs (depending on $daywise param)
* or false if there are no read-grants from _any_ of the requested users or iterator/recordset if cols are given
function &search($params,$sql_filter=null)
$params_in = $params;
$params['sql_filter'] = $sql_filter; // dont allow to set it via UI or xmlrpc
// check if any resource wants to hook into
foreach($this->resources as $app => $data)
if (isset($data['search_filter']))
$params = ExecMethod($data['search_filter'],$params);
if (!isset($params['users']) || !$params['users'] ||
count($params['users']) == 1 && isset($params['users'][0]) && !$params['users'][0]) // null or '' casted to an array
// for a search use all account you have read grants from
$params['users'] = $params['query'] ? array_keys($this->grants) : $this->user;
// resolve users to add memberships for users and members for groups
$users = $this->resolve_users($params['users'], $params['filter'] == 'no-enum-groups', $params['ignore_acl']);
// replace (by so not understood filter 'no-enum-groups' with 'default' filter
if ($params['filter'] == 'no-enum-groups')
@ -1850,4 +1867,76 @@ class calendar_bo
return !$start['hour'] && !$start['minute'] && $end['hour'] == 23 && $end['minute'] == 59;
* Get the etag for an entry
* @param array|int|string $event array with event or cal_id, or cal_id:recur_date for virtual exceptions
* @param boolean $client_share_uid_excpetions Does client understand exceptions to be included in VCALENDAR component of series master sharing its UID
* @return string|boolean string with etag or false
function get_etag($entry,$client_share_uid_excpetions=true)
if (!is_array($entry))
list($entry,$recur_date) = explode(':',$entry);
if (!$this->check_perms(EGW_ACL_FREEBUSY, $entry, 0, 'server')) return false;
$entry = $this->read($entry, $recur_date, true, 'server');
$etag = $entry['id'].':'.$entry['etag'];
// use new MAX(modification date) of egw_cal_user table (deals with virtual exceptions too)
if (isset($entry['max_user_modified']))
$modified = max($entry['max_user_modified'], $entry['modified']);
$modified = max($this->so->max_user_modified($entry['id']), $entry['modified']);
$etag .= ':' . $modified;
// include exception etags into our own etag, if exceptions are included
if ($client_share_uid_excpetions && !empty($entry['uid']) &&
$entry['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE && $entry['recur_exception'])
$events =& $this->search(array(
//'query' => array('cal_uid' => $entry['uid']),
'query' => array('cal_reference' => $entry['id']),
'filter' => 'owner', // return all possible entries
'daywise' => false,
'enum_recuring' => false,
'date_format' => 'server',
'no_total' => true,
foreach($events as $k => &$recurrence)
if ($recurrence['reference'] && $recurrence['id'] != $entry['id']) // ignore series master
$etag .= ':'.$this->get_etag($recurrence);
//error_log(__METHOD__ . "($entry[id],$client_share_uid_excpetions) entry=".array2string($entry)." --> etag=$etag");
return $etag;
* Query ctag for calendar
* @param int|array $user integer user-id or array of user-id's to use, defaults to the current user
* @param $filter='owner'
* @return string $filter='owner' all (not rejected), accepted, unknown, tentative, rejected or hideprivate
* @todo use MAX(modified) to query everything in one sql query, currently we do one query per event (more then the search)
public function get_ctag($user,$filter='owner')
if ($this->debug > 1) $startime = microtime(true);
// resolve users to add memberships for users and members for groups
$users = $this->resolve_users($user);
$ctag = $this->so->get_ctag($users, $filter == 'owner');
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__. "($user, '$filter') = $ctag = ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$ctag)." took ".(microtime(true)-$startime)." secs");
return $ctag;
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ error_log(__METHOD__."($path,,".array2string($start).") filter=".array2string($f
function put(&$options,$id,$user=null)
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($id, $user)".print_r($options,true));
$return_no_access = true; // as handled by importVCal anyway and allows it to set the status for participants
$oldEvent = $this->_common_get_put_delete('PUT',$options,$id,$return_no_access);
if (!is_null($oldEvent) && !is_array($oldEvent))
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ error_log(__METHOD__."($path,,".array2string($start).") filter=".array2string($f
$charset = strtoupper(substr($value,1,-1));
if (is_array($oldEvent))
@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ error_log(__METHOD__."($path,,".array2string($start).") filter=".array2string($f
function post(&$options,$id,$user=null)
if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($id, $user)".print_r($options,true));
if (preg_match('/^METHOD:(PUBLISH|REQUEST)(\r\n|\r|\n)(.*)^BEGIN:VEVENT/ism', $options['content']))
$handler = $this->_get_handler();
@ -658,14 +658,14 @@ error_log(__METHOD__."($path,,".array2string($start).") filter=".array2string($f
$charset = strtoupper(substr($value,1,-1));
if (($foundEvents = $handler->search($vCalendar, null, false, $charset)))
$eventId = array_shift($foundEvents);
list($eventId) = explode(':', $eventId);
if (!($cal_id = $handler->importVCal($vCalendar, $eventId, null,
false, 0, $this->principalURL, $user, $charset)))
@ -802,38 +802,10 @@ error_log(__METHOD__."($path,,".array2string($start).") filter=".array2string($f
public function getctag($path,$user)
$filter = array(
'users' => $user,
'start' => $this->bo->now - 100*24*3600, // default one month back -30 breaks all sync recurrences
'end' => $this->bo->now + 365*24*3600, // default one year into the future +365
'enum_recuring' => false,
'daywise' => false,
'date_format' => 'server',
'cols' => array('egw_cal.cal_id', 'cal_start', 'cal_modified'),
if ($path == '/calendar/')
$filter['filter'] = 'owner';
$filter['filter'] = 'default'; // not rejected
$ctag = 0;
if (($events =& $this->bo->search($filter)))
foreach ($events as $event)
$modified = max($this->bo->so->max_user_modified($event['cal_id']), $event['cal_modified']);
if ($ctag < $modified) $ctag = $modified;
$ctag = $this->bo->get_ctag($user,$path == '/calendar/' ? 'owner' : 'default'); // default = not rejected
if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__FILE__.'['.__LINE__.'] '.__METHOD__. "($path)[$user] = $ctag");
return 'EGw-'.$ctag.'-wGE';
@ -845,42 +817,8 @@ error_log(__METHOD__."($path,,".array2string($start).") filter=".array2string($f
function get_etag($entry)
if (!is_array($entry))
if (!$this->bo->check_perms(EGW_ACL_FREEBUSY, $entry, 0, 'server')) return false;
$entry = $this->read($entry, null, true, 'server');
$etag = $entry['id'].':'.$entry['etag'];
$etag = $this->bo->get_etag($entry,$this->client_shared_uid_exceptions);
// use new MAX(modification date) of egw_cal_user table (deals with virtual exceptions too)
if (isset($entry['max_user_modified']))
$modified = max($entry['max_user_modified'], $entry['modified']);
$modified = max($this->bo->so->max_user_modified($entry['id']), $entry['modified']);
$etag .= ':' . $modified;
// include exception etags into our own etag, if exceptions are included
if ($this->client_shared_uid_exceptions && !empty($entry['uid']) &&
$entry['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE && $entry['recur_exception'])
$events =& $this->bo->search(array(
'query' => array('cal_uid' => $entry['uid']),
'filter' => 'owner', // return all possible entries
'daywise' => false,
'enum_recuring' => false,
'date_format' => 'server',
foreach($events as $k => &$recurrence)
if ($recurrence['reference'] && $recurrence['id'] != $entry['id']) // ignore series master
$etag .= ':'.substr($this->get_etag($recurrence),4,-4);
//error_log(__METHOD__ . "($entry[id] ($entry[etag]): $entry[title] --> etag=$etag");
return 'EGw-'.$etag.'-wGE';
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
* @author Christian Binder <christian-AT-jaytraxx.de>
* @author Joerg Lehrke <jlehrke@noc.de>
* @copyright (c) 2005-10 by RalfBecker-At-outdoor-training.de
* @copyright (c) 2005-11 by RalfBecker-At-outdoor-training.de
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
@ -259,18 +259,72 @@ class calendar_so
* This includes ALL recurences of an event series
* @param int|array $ids one or multiple cal_id's
* @param booelan $return_maximum=false if true return only the maximum, even for multiple ids
* @return int|array (array of) modification timestamp(s)
function max_user_modified($ids)
function max_user_modified($ids, $return_maximum=false)
foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'cal_id,MAX(cal_user_modified) AS user_etag',array(
'cal_id' => $ids,
),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'GROUP BY cal_id','calendar') as $row)
if (!is_array($ids) || count($ids) == 1) $return_maximum = true;
if ($return_maximum)
$etags[$row['cal_id']] = $this->db->from_timestamp($row['user_etag']);
if (($etags = $this->db->select($this->user_table,'MAX(cal_user_modified)',array(
'cal_id' => $ids,
$etags = $this->db->from_timestamp($etags);
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__.'('.array2string($ids).') = '.array2string($etags)."</p>\n";
return is_array($ids) ? $etags : $etags[$ids];
$etags = array();
foreach($this->db->select($this->user_table,'cal_id,MAX(cal_user_modified) AS user_etag',array(
'cal_id' => $ids,
),__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'GROUP BY cal_id','calendar') as $row)
$etags[$row['cal_id']] = $this->db->from_timestamp($row['user_etag']);
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__.'('.array2string($ids).','.array($return_maximum).') = '.array2string($etags)."</p>\n";
//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($ids).','.array2string($return_maximum).') = '.array2string($etags));
return $etags;
* Get maximum modification time of events for given participants and optional owned by them
* This includes ALL recurences of an event series
* @param int|array $users one or mulitple calendar users
* @param booelan $owner_too=false if true return also events owned by given users
* @return int maximum modification timestamp
function get_ctag($users, $owner_too=false)
$where = array(
'cal_user_type' => 'u',
'cal_user_id' => $users,
if ($owner_too)
// owner can only by users, no groups
foreach($users as $key => $user)
if ($user < 0) unset($users[$key]);
$where = $this->db->expression($this->user_table, '(', $where, ' OR ').
$this->db->expression($this->cal_table, array(
'cal_owner' => $users,
if (($data = $this->db->select($this->user_table,array(
'MAX(cal_user_modified) AS max_user_modified',
'MAX(cal_modified) AS max_modified',
),$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar',0,'JOIN egw_cal ON egw_cal.cal_id=egw_cal_user.cal_id')->fetch()))
$data = max($this->db->from_timestamp($data['max_user_modified']),$data['max_modified']);
return $data;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user