From d7b1179eaee0bde00867de618632559704e09552 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralf Becker '.lang("You have no email address for your user set !!!")." '.htmlspecialchars(lang("You have no email address for your user set !!!"))." '.lang("Error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!!")." '.htmlspecialchars(lang("Error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!!"))." '.lang("Error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!!")." '.htmlspecialchars(lang("Error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!!"))." '.lang('Error: %1 not found or other error !!!',$async->crontab)." '.htmlspecialchars(lang('Error: %1 not found or other error !!!',$async->crontab))." '.lang('Async services last executed').': '.$lr_date.' ('.$last_run['run_by'].") '. htmlspecialchars(lang('Async services last executed')).': '.
+ $lr_date.' ('.htmlspecialchars($last_run['run_by']).") '.lang('Run Asynchronous services').''.
+ echo ' '.htmlspecialchars(lang('Run Asynchronous services')).''.
' \n";
if (is_array($installed) && isset($installed['cronline']))
- echo ' \n";
+ echo ' \n";
echo " '.lang('Under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. Fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!!','','')." '.htmlspecialchars(lang('Under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. Fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!!','',''))." '.lang('Installed crontab').": \n";
+ echo ' '.htmlspecialchars(lang('Installed crontab')).": \n";
if (is_array($installed) && isset($installed['cronline']))
@@ -136,34 +137,34 @@ class admin_asyncservice
elseif ($installed === 0)
- echo ''.lang('%1 not found or not executable !!!',$async->crontab)."
+ echo '
if (isset($_POST['asyncservice']) && $_POST['asyncservice'] != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['asyncservice'])
@@ -107,28 +108,28 @@ class admin_asyncservice
$async_use[''] = lang('fallback (after each pageview)');
$async_use['off'] = lang('disabled (not recomended)');
- echo '
\n". - lang("for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute)")."
\n"; + echo '\n". + htmlspecialchars(lang("for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute)"))."
\n"; } echo "$ulabel | \n"; + echo " | $ulabel | \n"; } echo " | ||||||||
\n"; - echo ' | '."\n"; + echo ' '."\n"; echo '\n". - lang('Enable debug-messages')." | \n
asyncservice::next_run(";print_r($times);echo")=".($next === False ? 'False':"'$next'=".Api\DateTime::server2user($next,''))."
\n"; + echo "asyncservice::next_run(". htmlspecialchars(json_encode($times, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)).")=".($next === False ? 'False':"$next=".Api\DateTime::server2user($next,''))."
\n"; } - echo '\n"; - echo '\n"; + echo '
\n"; + echo '\n"; echo lang('for the times above')."
\n"; echo ''.lang('The TestJob sends you a mail everytime it is called.')."
\n"; @@ -173,11 +174,17 @@ class admin_asyncservice echo "Id | ".lang('Next run').' | '.lang('Times').' | '.lang('Method').' | '.lang('Data')." | ".lang('LoginID')." |
$job[id] | ".Api\DateTime::server2user($job['next'],'')." | "; - print_r($job['times']); - echo " | $job[method] | "; - print_r($job['data']); - echo " | ".$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($job[account_id])." |
$job[id] | ".Api\DateTime::server2user($job['next'],'')." | \n"; + echo "".htmlspecialchars(json_encode($job['times'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES))." | \n"; + echo "".htmlspecialchars(str_replace('EGroupware\\', '', $job['method']))." | \n= 64) + { + echo ' title="'.htmlspecialchars(json_encode($job['data'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)).'"'; + $data = substr($data, 0, 60).'...'; + } + echo ">". htmlspecialchars($data)." | \n"; + echo "".htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($job['account_id']))." |