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synced 2025-03-09 12:43:00 +01:00
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@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ allow user to set 'remember me' token admin de Erlaube Benutzer ein "An mich eri
allow users to change forwards admin de Anwender dürfen Weiterleitung bearbeiten
allow users to create identities for aliases admin de Anwender dürfen Identitäten für Aliase anlegen
allowed for get requests, default in modern browsers, if attribute is not set admin de erlaubt für GET Requests, Vorgabe in modernen Browsern, wenn das Attribute nicht gesetzt ist
allowed just as second factor admin de ausschließlich als zweiter Faktor
allowed just as second factor admin de Ausschließlich als zweiter Faktor
alternate email address admin de Zusätzliche E-Mail-Adressen
and logged in admin de und eingeloggt
anonymous user admin de Anonymer Benutzer
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ configuration saved. admin de Die Konfiguration wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.
connection dropped by imap server. admin de Verbindung von IMAP-Server beendet.
connection is not secure! everyone can read eg. your credentials. admin de Die Verbindung ist NICHT sicher! Jeder kann zB. Ihr Passwort lesen.
continue admin de Weiter
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin de Cookie Domain (Vorgabe 'leer' bedeutet den kompletten Domainnamen, für SiteMgr erlaubt zB. ".domain.com" das gleiche Cookie für egw.domain.com und www.domain.com zu verwenden)
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin de Cookie Domain<br>(Vorgabe 'leer' bedeutet den kompletten Domainnamen, für SiteMgr erlaubt z.B. ".domain.com" das gleiche Cookie für egw.domain.com und www.domain.com zu verwenden)
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin de Cookie Pfad (erlaubt mehrere EGw-Sitzungen mit unterschiedlichen Verzeichnissen, hat Probleme mit SiteMgr!)
could not append message: admin de Diese Mail lässt sich nicht anzeigen
could not complete request. reason given: %s admin de Konnte Anfrage nicht beenden. Grund: %s
@ -330,17 +330,17 @@ deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin de Al
deny all users access to preferences ? admin de Allen Benutzer Zugriff auf die Einstellungen verbieten?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin de Die Beschreibung darf nicht länger als 255 Zeichen sein!
destination account #%1 does exist and is not renamed itself! can not merge accounts, it will violate unique contains. delete with transfer of data instead. admin de Zielkonto #%1 besteht und wurde nicht umbenannt. Konten wurden nicht zusammengeführt, da die eindeutige Kennzeichnung gestört würde. Alternativ sollten Sie löschen mit übertragen des Inhalts anwählen.
determines the order the fields are displayed admin de bestimmt die Reihenfolge der angezeigten Felder
direct login without password or second factor admin de direkter Login ohne Passwort oder als zweiter Faktor
determines the order the fields are displayed admin de Bestimmt die Reihenfolge der angezeigten Felder
direct login without password or second factor admin de Direkter Login ohne Passwort oder als zweiter Faktor
disable admin de abschalten
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin de Automatisches Vervollständigen der Logindaten abschalten
disable all admin de Alle Video-Anleitungen deaktivieren
disable minifying of javascript and css files admin de Komprimierung von Javascript und CSS Dateien deaktivieren
disable pgp encryption (mailvelope) admin de PGP-Verschlüsselung deaktivieren (Mailvelope)
disable wysiwyg-editor admin de WYSIWYG Editor (formatierter Text) abschalten
disabled admin de Ausgeschaltet
disabled admin de Deaktiviert
disabled (not recomended) admin de Abgeschaltet (nicht empfohlen)
disabled, do not show on login page admin de Ausgeschaltet, wird auf der Anmelde-Seite nicht angezeigt
disabled, do not show on login page admin de Deaktiviert, wird auf der Anmelde-Seite nicht angezeigt
display admin de Anzeigen
displayed length of input field (set rows=1 to limit length) admin de angezeigte Länge des Eingabefelds (setze Zeilen=1 um die Eingabe zu beschränken)
displaying html messages is disabled admin de Das Anzeigen von HTML Nachrichten ist deaktiviert
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ enter the site username for peer servers admin de Site-Benutzername für Peer-Se
enter the title for your site admin de Titel der EGroupware-Installation
enter the title of your logo admin de Titel Ihres Logos
enter the url where your logo should link to admin de URL mit der das Logo verlinkt werden soll
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin de Geben Sie den VFS-Pfad an, in dem noch mehr Bilder oder Symbole abgelegt und von EGroupware-Applikationen verwendet werden können. Der Pfad muss mit einem "/" beginnen und von allen Benutzern lesbar sein
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin de Geben Sie den VFS-Pfad an, in dem noch mehr Bilder oder Symbole abgelegt und von EGroupware-Applikationen verwendet werden können.<br> Pfad muss mit einem "/" beginnen und von allen Benutzern lesbar sein.
enter your default ftp server admin de Standard-FTP-Server
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin de Standard E-Mail-Domain (Von: benutzer@domain)
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin de Standard E-Mail-Domain (Von: benutzer@domain)
@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ search accounts admin de Benutzerkonten durchsuchen
search categories admin de Kategorien durchsuchen
search groups admin de Gruppen durchsuchen
search peer servers admin de Serververbund durchsuchen
secret deleted, two factor authentication disabled. admin de Geheimnis gelöscht, 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung ausgeschaltet.
secret deleted, two factor authentication disabled. admin de Geheimnis gelöscht, 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung deaktiviert.
secure connection admin de Sichere Verbindung
security admin de Sicherheit
select accounts for which the custom field should be visible admin de Benutzer auswählen, für die dieses benutzerdefinierte Feld sichtbar sein soll.
@ -841,8 +841,8 @@ should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin de Sollen
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin de Soll die Anmeldeseite eine Sprachauswahl beinhalten?
show 'powered by' logo on admin de Zeige "powered by" Logo
show access log admin de Zugangsprotokoll anzeigen
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin de als optional anzeigen, aber erforderlich wenn der Benutzer sie eingerichtet hat
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin de als benötigt anzeigen, aber nur benötigt, wenn Benutzer sie eingerichtet hat
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin de Als optional anzeigen, aber erforderlich wenn der Benutzer sie eingerichtet hat
show as required, but only once user has it setup admin de Als benötigt anzeigen, aber nur benötigt, wenn Benutzer sie eingerichtet hat
show current action admin de aktuelle Aktion anzeigen
show error log admin de Fehlerprotokoll anzeigen
show members admin de Mitglieder dieser Gruppe anzeigen
@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ start admin de Start
start testjob! admin de Testjob starten!
starts with admin de startet mit
stationery admin de Briefpapier
strictly required, user can not login without admin de unbedingt benötigt, Benutzer können sich ohne nicht mehr anmelden
strictly required, user can not login without admin de Unbedingt benötigt, Benutzer können sich ohne nicht mehr anmelden
submit changes admin de Änderungen speichern
submit displayed information? admin de Angezeigte Informationen übertragen?
submit statistic information admin de Statistische Informationen übertragen
@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ successful connected to %1 server%2. admin de Erfolgreich zu %1 Server verbunden
successfull, but no refresh-token received! admin de Erfolgreiche, aber keine Refresh-Token erhalten!
switch back to standard identity to save account. admin de Kehren Sie zur Standard-Identität zurück um das Konto zu speichern.
switch back to standard identity to save other account data. admin de Kehren Sie zur Standard-Identität zurück um andere Kontendaten zu speichern.
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin de schalten Sie es aus, wenn Benutzer immer wieder zufällig rausgeworfen werden
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin de Schalten Sie es aus, wenn Benutzer immer wieder zufällig rausgeworfen werden
template selection admin de Auswahl der Benutzeroberfläche
templates admin de Templates
text entry admin de Texteingabe
@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ alignleft common de Linksbündig ausrichten
alignment of label and input-field in table-cell common de Ausrichtung der Beschriftung und des Eingabefeldes in der Tabellenzelle
alignment of the v/hbox containing table-cell common de Ausrichtung der die V/HBox enthaltenden Tabellenzelle
alignright common de Rechtsbündig ausrichten
all common de alle
all common de Alle
all addressbooks groupdav de Alle Adressbücher
all categories common de Alle Kategorien
all days common de alle Tage
all fields common de alle Felder
all in one groupdav de Gemeinsam in einem
all languages common de Alle Sprachen
all operations save the template! common de alle Operation speichern das Template!
all operations save the template! common de Alle Operation speichern das Template!
all users common de Alle Benutzer
allow editing the %1 common de Erlaube das Bearbeiten von %1
allowed file type: %1 common de Erlaubter Dateityp: %1
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ application has no etemplates (no file %1) to restore! common de Anwendung hat k
application name needed to restore etemplates! common de Anwendungsname wir benötigt zum wiederherstellen der eTemplates!
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common de Name der Anwendung benötigt um eine Sprachdatei oder eTemplate-Distibutionsdate zu schreiben !!!
applications common de Anwendungen
applies the changes made common de übernimmt die Änderungen
applies the changes made common de Übernimmt die Änderungen
applies the changes to the given version of the template common de übernimmt die Änderungen in die angegebene Version des Templates
apply common de Übernehmen
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown entries common de Befehl auf die gesamte Abfrage anwenden, NICHT nur auf die angezeigten Einträge
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ are you sure, you would like to delete the backup key? common de Sind Sie sicher
argentina common de ARGENTINIEN
armenia common de ARMENIEN
aruba common de ARUBA
as default common de als Vorgabe
as default common de Als Vorgabe
attach common de Anhängen
attach file common de Datei anhängen
attachment common de Anhang
@ -258,16 +258,16 @@ center common de Zentriert
centered common de zentriert
central african republic common de ZENTRAL AFRIKANISCHE REPUBLIK
chad common de TSCHAD
change common de ändern
change common de Ändern
change owner common de Eigentümer ändern
changed common de Geändert
charset common de UTF-8
check all common de Alle auswählen
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common de Sie können auch auf EMPTY prüfen in If-Abfragen. Beispiel {{IF url~EMPTY~~Webseite: }}{{IF url~EMPTY~~url}} - fügt Webseite & URL ein, falls das Feld url nicht leer ist.
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) common de abhaken wenn der Inhalt nur angezeigt aber nicht geändert werden soll (der Inhalt wird dann nicht zurückgesendet!)
check if field has to be filled by user common de abhaken wenn das Eingabefeld vom Benutzer zwingend ausgefüllt werden muss
check if field has to be filled by user common de Abhaken wenn das Eingabefeld vom Benutzer zwingend ausgefüllt werden muss
check installation common de Installation überprüfen
check now common de jetzt überprüfen
check now common de Jetzt überprüfen
checkbox common de Checkbox
chile common de CHILE
china common de CHINA
@ -289,17 +289,17 @@ clear common de Zurücksetzen
clear form common de Eingaben löschen
clear window common de Fenster löschen
click common de Klicken
click here to attach the file common de hier klicken um die Datei anzuhängen
click here to create the link common de hier klicken um die Verknüpfung anzulegen
click here to attach the file common de Hier klicken um die Datei anzuhängen
click here to create the link common de Hier klicken um die Verknüpfung anzulegen
click here to resume your egroupware session. common de Hier klicken um die EGroupware Sitzung wieder aufzunehmen.
click here to start the search common de hier klicken um die Suche zu starten
click here to upload the file common de hier klicken um die Datei hochzuladen
click here to start the search common de Hier klicken um die Suche zu starten
click here to upload the file common de Hier klicken um die Datei hochzuladen
click or mouse over to show menus common de Klicken oder "mit dem Mauszeiger darüber fahren" um das Menü anzuzeigen.
click or mouse over to show menus? common de Klicken oder "mit dem Mauszeiger darüber fahren" um das Menü anzuzeigen?
click this image on the navbar: %1 common de Klicken Sie auf dieses Symbol in der Navigation: %1
click to open colorpicker common de Farbauswahl
click to order after that criteria common de anklicken um nach diesem Kriterium zu sortieren
clickable path common de anklickbarer Pfad
click to order after that criteria common de Anklicken um nach diesem Kriterium zu sortieren
clickable path common de Anklickbarer Pfad
clients not explicitly stating a limit get limited to these many days. a too high limit may cause problems with some clients. groupdav de Geräte die kein explicites Limit setzen, verwenden die angegebene Anzahl Tage. Ein zu hohes Limit kann bei einigen Geräte zu Problemen führen.
close common de Schließen
close sidebox common de Seitenmenü schließen
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ database error common de Datenbank Fehler
database error! common de Datenbank Fehler!
date common de Datum
date + time common de Datum + Zeit
date due common de fällig am
date due common de Fällig am
date+time common de Datum+Zeit
datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host: admin de Datum-Zeit Port.<br>Wenn Sie Port 13 benutzen, passen Sie bitte die Regeln der Firewall an bevor Sie die Seite speichern.<br>(Port: 13 / Host:
day common de Tag
@ -526,6 +526,7 @@ error create parent directory %1! common de Fehler beim Anlegen des Elternordner
error creating %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Erstellen des Ordners %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Löschen des Ordners %1 %2
error deleting %1! common de Fehler beim Löschen von %1!
error enabling push common de Fehler beim Aktivieren von Push.
error renaming %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Umbenennen des Ordners %1 %2
error uploading file! filemanager de Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei!
error: template not found !!! common de Fehler: eTemplate nicht gefunden !!!
@ -747,7 +748,7 @@ install egroupware as mail-handler? common de EGroupware als Mail-Handler instal
integer common de Ganzzahl
international common de International
introduction common de Einführung
invalid 2-factor authentication code common de Ungültiger 2-Faktor Authentifizierungscode
invalid 2-factor authentication code common de Ungültiger 2-Faktor-Authentifizierungscode
invalid email common de Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse
invalid filename common de Ungültiger Dateiname
invalid ip address common de Ungültige IP-Adresse
@ -1402,7 +1403,7 @@ textarea common de Mehrzeiliges Textfeld
th common de Do
thailand common de THAILAND
the backup key has been deleted. common de Der Backup Schlüssel wurde gelöscht.
the browser popup blocker is on. please click on ok button to see the pop-up.\n\nif you would like to not see this message for the next time, allow your browser pop-up blocker to open popups from %1 common de Ihr Browser hat das Öffnen eines Pop-up-Dialogs blockiert. Bitte klicken Sie OK, um das Pop-up angezeigt zu bekommen.\n\nWenn Sie die Meldung nicht nochmals erhalten wollen, erlauben Sie bitte in den Einstellungen vom Browser für %1 das Öffnen von Pop-ups.
the browser popup blocker is on. please click on ok button to see the pop-up.\n\nif you would like to not see this message for the next time, allow your browser pop-up blocker to open popups from %1 common de Ihr Browser hat das Öffnen eines Pop-up-Dialogs blockiert.Pop-up-Dialogs.<br>Bitte klicken Sie OK, um das Pop-up angezeigt zu bekommen. Wenn Sie die Meldung nicht nochmals erhalten wollen, erlauben Sie bitte in den Einstellungen vom Browser für %1 das Öffnen von Pop-ups.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). preferences de Das Dokument kann Platzhalter wie {{%3}} enthalten, die mit den Daten ersetzt werden (%1komplette Liste der Platzhalter%2).
the following applications require upgrades common de Die folgenden Anwendungen benötigen eine Aktualisierung
the following document-types are supported: preferences de Im Moment werden die folgenden Dokumenttypen unterstützt:
@ -526,6 +526,7 @@ error create parent directory %1! common en Error creating parent folder %1!
error creating %1 %2 directory common en Error creating %1 %2 folder!
error deleting %1 %2 directory common en Error deleting %1 %2 folder!
error deleting %1! common en Error deleting %1!
error enabling push common en Error enabling push
error renaming %1 %2 directory common en Error renaming %1 %2 folder!
error uploading file! filemanager en Error uploading file!
error: template not found !!! common en Error: Template not found!
@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ edit series calendar bg Редактиране на серия
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar bg Редактиране на статуса или алармите за този конкретен ден
edit this event calendar bg Редактиране на това събитие
edit this series of recurring events calendar bg Редактиране на тази серия повтарящи се събития
email address migration calendar bg Миграция на имейл адреси
empty = no alarm calendar bg Празно = няма "Аларма"
empty for all calendar bg Празно за всички
end calendar bg Край
@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar bg Крайн
enddate of the export calendar bg Крайна дата за експорта
ends calendar bg Приключва
error adding the alarm calendar bg Грешка при добавяне на аларма
error notifying %1 calendar bg Грешка при уведомяването за %1
error saving the event! calendar bg Грешка при запазването на събитието!
error: can't delete original series! calendar bg Грешка: Не може да се изтрие оригинална серия!
error: duration of event longer then recurrence interval! calendar bg Грешка: Продължителност на събитието по-голяма от интервала на повторение!
@ -403,8 +405,11 @@ notification messages for uninvited participants calendar bg Известява
notification messages for your alarms calendar bg Известяване за Вашите аларми
notification messages for your responses calendar bg Известие за Ваши отговори на покана
notification settings calendar bg Настройки на известията
notify calendar bg Уведомяване
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar bg Уведомяване на всички външни лица (които не са потребители) за това събитие
notify non-egroupware users about event updates calendar bg Известяване на non-EGroupware потребители за актуализации на събитията
number of records to read (%1) calendar bg Брой записи, които да бъдат прочетени (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar bg Брой на ресурсите, които трябва да се резервират
number of weeks to show calendar bg Брой седмици, които да бъдат показани
observance rule calendar bg Правило за съблюдаване
occurence calendar bg Период на повторение
@ -447,6 +452,7 @@ prevent deleting of entries admin bg Предотвратяване на изт
previous calendar bg Предишно
private and global public calendar bg Лична и глобална публика
private and group public calendar bg Лична и глобална публика
private event calendar bg Частно събитие
private only calendar bg Само личните
quantity calendar bg Количество
quick add calendar bg Бързо добавяне
@ -464,6 +470,7 @@ recurring event calendar bg Повтарящо се събитие
regular edit calendar bg Редовна редакция
reject calendar bg Отхвърляне
rejected calendar bg Отказано
removes the event from my calendar calendar bg Премахва събитието от моя календар
repeat days calendar bg Дни на повторение
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar bg дата на край на повторението на събитието (не въведена = безкрайно повторение)
repeat type calendar bg Тип на повторение
@ -473,6 +480,7 @@ repetition calendar bg Повторение
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar bg Детайли на повторение (или непопълнено)
replacements for inserting events into documents calendar bg Замени за вмъкване на събития в документи
reply to meeting request calendar bg Отговор на покана за среща
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar bg Отговорът "%1" НЕ е участник в събитието! Продължете само ако искате да добавите нов участник.
report calendar bg Отчет
requested calendar bg Заявена
requested date %1 outside allowed range of %2 days: recurring events obmitted! calendar bg Заявена дата % 1 извън допустимия диапазон от % 2 дни: повтарящи се събития са пропуснати!
@ -504,6 +512,8 @@ select who should get the alarm calendar bg Изберете кой да бъд
selected range calendar bg Изберете обхват
selected users/groups calendar bg Избрани потребители / групи
send meetingrequest to all participants after the event is saved calendar bg Изпращане на покана за среща до всички участници, след запазването на събитието.
send notifications calendar bg Изпращане на известия
send notifications to users right now calendar bg Изпратете известия на участниците точно сега
series deleted calendar bg Серията е изтрита
set new events to private calendar bg Маркира новите събития като "Лични"
setting lock time calender admin bg Настройка на данни на Календара, за време за заключване, които не позволяват да се отключи до определено време (по подразбиране 1 сек.).
@ -514,11 +524,13 @@ should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar calendar bg Да по
should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar (only if offset = 0) calendar bg Да показва ли номерата на седмиците отгоре на Календара (само ако изместването е = 0 (offset = 0))
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar bg При работа с План да се показва ли празен ред за потребители или категории без ангажименти?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar bg В скоби, след името на поканения за дадено събитие, ще се изписва неговия отговор (Приема, Отказва,...).
show %1 from %2 calendar bg Покажи %1 от %2
show a calendar title calendar bg Показване на заглавие на Календара
show all events, as if they were private calendar bg Показване на всички събития, като "Лични"
show all status incl. rejected events calendar bg Показване на всички (вкл. отказалите се)
show all status, but rejected calendar bg Показване на всички, освен на отказалите се
show all status, but unknown calendar bg Показване на всички, освен на непознатите
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar bg Показвайте като целодневни неблокиращи събития, както и чрез преминаване с мишката върху датата.
show birthdays as events calendar bg Показване като събития
show birthdays from addressbook admin bg Показване на рождените дни от Адресния указател
show empty rows in planner calendar bg Показва празни редове в Плана
@ -535,6 +547,7 @@ show this month calendar bg Покажи този месец
show this week calendar bg Покажи тази седмица
show year and age calendar bg Покажи година и възраст
single event calendar bg Еднократно събитие
single participant calendar bg Единичен участник
sort by calendar bg Сортиране по
specify where url of the day links to calendar bg Посочете къде да се свърже URL на деня
start calendar bg Начало
@ -545,6 +558,7 @@ startdate / -time calendar bg Нач.дата / -час
startdate and -time of the search calendar bg Начална дата и час за търсенето
startdate of the export calendar bg Начална дата за експорт
startrecord calendar bg Начален запис
status calendar bg Статус
status already applied calendar bg Статусът е приложен
status changed calendar bg Статусът е променен
status for all future scheduled days changed calendar bg Статусът за планираното разписание е променено.
@ -556,10 +570,15 @@ sun calendar bg Нед
tag to mark positions for address labels calendar bg Отбележи като маркирани позиции за адр. етикети
tentative calendar bg С колебание
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar bg Тестов импорт (показва импортируемите записи <u>само</u> в прозореца).
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar bg Приложенията на Apple iCal използват този цвят за показване на събитията от този календар.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar bg Документът може да съдържа заместител като {{%1}}, който да бъде заменен с данните.
the exceptions are deleted together with the series. calendar bg Изключенията се изтриват заедно със серията.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar bg Външният организатор е променил събитието!
the following document-types are supported: calendar bg Поддържа следните типове документи:
the original series will be terminated today and a new series be created. calendar bg Оригиналната серия ще бъде прекратена днес и ще бъде създадена нова.
the resource you selected is already overbooked: calendar bg Избраният от вас ресурс вече е зает:
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar bg Изпращачът "%1" НЕ е външният организатор "%2", действайте внимателно!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar bg Изпращачът "%1" НЕ е участникът, който отговаря на "%2", действайте внимателно!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar bg Този ден ще е първи в седмичния и в месечния вид на календара.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar bg Определя края на работното време в Дневен вид на календара. Ангажиментите след този час се изобразяват отдолу.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar bg Определя началото на работното време в Дневен вид на календара. Ангажиментите преди този час се изобразяват отгоре.<br>Този час се ползва и за начален час по подразбиране за новите събития.
@ -599,6 +618,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar bg твърде мног
to-firstname calendar bg Собствено име
to-fullname calendar bg Пълно име (собствено, бащино, фамилно)
to-lastname calendar bg Фамилно име
toggle weekend calendar bg Превключване на уикенда
tomorrow calendar bg Утре
translation calendar bg Превод
tue calendar bg Вто
@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ edit series calendar cs Editovat řadu pravidelného opakování
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar cs Editovat stav nebo alarmy pro tento konkrétní den
edit this event calendar cs Editovat tuto událost
edit this series of recurring events calendar cs Editovat tuto řadu pravidelných opakování
email address migration calendar cs Migrace e-mailové adresy
empty = no alarm calendar cs prázdné = bez připomínky
empty for all calendar cs prázdné znamená vše
empty target calendar before importing calendar cs Prázdný cílový kalendář před importem
@ -454,6 +455,7 @@ prevent deleting of entries admin cs Nedovolit smazat události
previous calendar cs Předchozí
private and global public calendar cs soukromé a veřejně přístupné
private and group public calendar cs soukromé a přístupné pro skupinu
private event calendar cs Soukromá událost
private only calendar cs Jen soukromé
quantity calendar cs Množství
range fields calendar cs Rozsah polí
@ -470,6 +472,7 @@ recurrences and conflict check calendar cs Pravidelné opakování a kontrola ko
recurring event calendar cs Pravidelně se opakující událost
reject calendar cs Odmítnout
rejected calendar cs Odmítnuto
removes the event from my calendar calendar cs Odstraní událost z mého kalendáře
repeat days calendar cs Opakovat ve dnech
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar cs opakovat událost až do data (nevyplněno znamená bez omezení)
repeat type calendar cs Typ opakování
@ -479,6 +482,7 @@ repetition calendar cs Opakování
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar cs Detaily opakování (nebo ponechte prázdné)
replacements for inserting events into documents calendar cs Zástupci pro vkládání informací o událostech do dokumentů
reply to meeting request calendar cs Odpovědět na požadavek schůzky
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar cs Odpověď "%1" NENÍ účastníkem události! Pokračujte pouze v případě, že chcete přidat jako nového účastníka.
report calendar cs Zpráva
requested calendar cs účast nutná
requested date %1 outside allowed range of %2 days: recurring events obmitted! calendar cs Požadované datum %1 je mimo povolený rozsah %2 dnů: opakování události není možné!
@ -573,9 +577,12 @@ test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar cs Testova
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar cs Aplikace Apple iCal používá tuto barvu pro zobrazení událostí z tohoto kalendáře.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). calendar cs Dokument může obsahovat zástupce jako např. {{%3}}, které budou nahrazeny za skutečné informace (%1 celý seznam názvů zástupců %2)
the exceptions are deleted together with the series. calendar cs Výjimky jsou smazány spolu s pravidelným opakováním.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar cs Externí organizátor změnil událost!
the following document-types are supported: calendar cs Jsou podporovány následující typy dokumentů:
the original series will be terminated today and a new series be created. calendar cs Původní pravidelné opakování bude k dnešnímu dni přerušeno a bude vytvořeno nové pravidelné opakování.
the resource you selected is already overbooked: calendar cs Vybraný zdroj je již příliš obsazen.
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar cs Odesílatel "%1" NENÍ externí organizátor "%2", postupujte opatrně!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar cs Odesílatel "%1" NENÍ účastník, který odpovídá "%2", postupujte opatrně!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar cs Tento den se zobrazí jako první v týdenním nebo měsíčním pohledu.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar cs Tento čas ukončí Váš denní pohled. Následující události se zobrazí pod Vaším denním pohledem.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar cs Tímto časem začne Váš denní pohled. Předcházející události se zobrazí nad Vaším denním pohledem.<br>Tento čas je také brán jako výchozí počáteční čas pro nové události.
@ -615,6 +622,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar cs příliš mnoho můž
to-firstname calendar cs Na křestní jméno
to-fullname calendar cs Na celé jméno
to-lastname calendar cs Na příjmení
toggle weekend calendar cs Přepnout víkend
tomorrow calendar cs Zítra
translation calendar cs Překlad
tue calendar cs Út
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar da %1 %2 i %3
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar da %1 begivenhed(er) %2, %3 mislykkedes på grund af utilstrækkelige rettigheder!
%1 hours calendar da %1 timer
%1 records imported calendar da %1 posteringer importeret
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar da %1 posteringer læst (ikke importeret endnu, du skal gå tilbage og fravælge Test Import)
@ -10,8 +11,10 @@ access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar da Adgang nægtet til %1's kale
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar da Handlingen der forårsagede påmindelsen: Tilføjet, Annulleret, Accepteret, Forkastet, ...
actions calendar da Handlinger
add alarm calendar da Tilføj alarm
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar da Tilføj aftaler via forkortet dialog eller komplet redigeringsvindue
add new event calendar da Tilføj ny aftale
added calendar da Tilføjet
added by synchronization calendar da Tilføjet ved synkronisering
after current date calendar da Efter aktuel dato
alarm calendar da Alarm
alarm added calendar da Alarm tilføjet
@ -23,8 +26,11 @@ all categories calendar da Alle kategorier
all day calendar da Hele dagen
all events calendar da Alle aftaler
all participants calendar da Alle deltagere
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar da Tillad bookinganmodninger fra alle brugere, når du opretter begivenheder?
allows to edit the event again calendar da Tillader at redigere aftalen igen
always calendar da Altid
always use full edit dialog calendar da Brug altid den fulde redigeringsdialog
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar da Brug altid den fulde redigeringsdialog, ikke denne lille dialogboks.
apply the changes calendar da Acceptér ændringerne
attention calendar da Opmærksomhed
back half a month calendar da halv måned baglæns
@ -90,6 +96,7 @@ edit exception calendar da Rediger undtagelse
edit series calendar da Rediger rækker
edit this event calendar da Rediger denne aftale
edit this series of recurring events calendar da Rediger denne række af gentagne aftaler
email address migration calendar da Migrering af e-mailadresser
empty for all calendar da tøm for alle
end calendar da Slut
end date/time calendar da Slut Dato/Tid
@ -98,6 +105,7 @@ enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar da Slutdato /
enddate of the export calendar da Slutdato for eksporten
ends calendar da slutter
error adding the alarm calendar da Fejl ved tilføjelse af alarm
error notifying %1 calendar da Fejl ved underretning af %1
error: importing the ical calendar da Fejl: I at importere iCal'en
error: no participants selected !!! calendar da Fejl: Ingen deltagere valgt !!!
error: saving the event !!! calendar da Fejl: ved gem af aftale !!!
@ -208,7 +216,10 @@ notification messages for modified events calendar da Påmindelses besked for æ
notification messages for uninvited participants calendar da Påmindelses besked for ikke-inviterede deltagere
notification messages for your alarms calendar da Påmindelses besked for dine alarmer
notification messages for your responses calendar da Påmindelses besked for dine besvarelser
notify calendar da Giv besked
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar da Giv alle eksterne (ikke-brugere) besked om denne begivenhed
number of records to read (%1) calendar da Antal posteringer at læse (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar da Antal ressourcer, der skal bookes
observance rule calendar da Iagtag Regel
occurence calendar da Hændelse
old startdate calendar da Gammel startdato
@ -234,9 +245,10 @@ planner by category calendar da Planlægger sorteret efter kategori
planner by user calendar da Planlægger sorteret efter bruger
please note: you can configure the field assignments after you uploaded the file. calendar da Bemærk: Du kan ændre feltets assigments EFTER du har uploaded filen.
preselected group for entering the planner calendar da Forud valgte gruppe valgt i planlæggeren
previous calendar da tidligere
private and global public calendar da privat og globalt offentlig
private and group public calendar da privat og gruppe offentlig
previous calendar da Tidligere
private and global public calendar da Privat og globalt offentlig
private and group public calendar da Privat og gruppe offentlig
private event calendar da Privat begivenhed
private only calendar da Kun private
re-edit event calendar da Redigér igen
receive email updates calendar da Modtag e-mail opdateringer
@ -245,6 +257,7 @@ recordings calendar da Optagelser
recurrence calendar da Gentagelse
recurring event calendar da Tilbagevendende hændelse
rejected calendar da Forkastet
removes the event from my calendar calendar da Fjerner begivenheden fra min kalender
repeat days calendar da Gentag antal dage
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar da Gentag aftale indtil hvilken dato (tom betyder : uendeligt)
repeat type calendar da Gentagelsestype
@ -252,6 +265,7 @@ repeating event information calendar da Information for gentaget aftale
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar da Gentagelses interval, f.eks. 2 for hver anden uge
repetition calendar da Gentagelse
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar da Gentagelse detaljer (eller tom)
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar da Besvarelsen "%1" er IKKE en deltager i begivenheden! Fortsæt kun, hvis du vil tilføje en ny deltager.
report calendar da Rapport
reset calendar da Nulstil
resources calendar da Ressourcer
@ -264,13 +278,18 @@ select a %1 calendar da vælg en %1
select a time calendar da vælg et tidspunkt
select resources calendar da Vælg ressourcer
select who should get the alarm calendar da Vælg hvem der skal have sat alarm
send notifications calendar da Send notifikationer
send notifications to users right now calendar da Send notifikationer til deltagere lige nu
set new events to private calendar da Marker nye aftaler som private
should new events created as private by default ? calendar da Skal nye aftaler markeres private som standard?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar da Skal status for deltagere (accepteret, forkastet...) vises i parentes efter hver deltagers navn?
show %1 from %2 calendar da Vis %1 fra %2
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar da Vis som ikke-blokerende begivenheder hele dagen samt via mouseover på datoen.
show list of upcoming events calendar da vis liste over kommende aftaler
show this month calendar da vis denne måned
show this week calendar da vis denne uge
single event calendar da enkelt aftale
single participant calendar da Enkelt deltager
sort by calendar da Sorter efter
start calendar da Start
start date/time calendar da Start dato/tid
@ -279,11 +298,17 @@ startdate / -time calendar da Startdato / tid
startdate and -time of the search calendar da Søgningens startdato og tid
startdate of the export calendar da Startdato for exporten
startrecord calendar da Startpostering
status calendar da Status
status changed calendar da Status ændret
submit to repository calendar da Indsend til EGroupware.org
sun calendar da Søn
tentative calendar da Prøve
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar da Test inportering (vis importerbare date <u>kun</u> i browseren)
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar da Apple iCal Apps bruger denne farve til at vise begivenheder fra denne kalender.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar da Dokumentet kan indeholde pladsholdere som {{%1}}, der skal erstattes med data.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar da Den eksterne arrangør har ændret begivenheden!
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar da Afsenderen "%1" er IKKE den eksterne arrangør "%2", fortsæt med forsigtighed!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar da Afsenderen "%1" er IKKE deltageren, der svarer "%2", fortsæt med forsigtighed!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar da Denne dag bliver vist som den første dag i uge eller måned visning.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar da Dette definerer dagens slutning i dags visning. Aftaler efter dette tidspunkt vil blive vist under alle andre aftaler.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar da Dette definerer starten på dagen i dags visning. Aftaler før denne tid vil blive vist over alle andre aftaler.
@ -301,14 +326,15 @@ til calendar da til
timeframe calendar da Tidsramme
timeframe to search calendar da Tidsramme for søgning
title of the event calendar da Titlen på handlingen
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar da for mange vil måske overstige din eksekvere tids begrænsning
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar da For mange vil måske overstige din eksekvere tids begrænsning
toggle weekend calendar da Skift weekend
translation calendar da Oversættelse
tue calendar da Tir
two weeks calendar da to uger
two weeks calendar da To uger
uninvited calendar da Uinviteret
updated calendar da Opdateret
use end date calendar da brug slutdato
use the selected time and close the popup calendar da brug den valgte tid og luk pop-up
use end date calendar da Brug slutdato
use the selected time and close the popup calendar da Brug den valgte tid og luk pop-up
utilities calendar da Hjælpeprogrammer
view this event calendar da Vis denne hændelse
views with fixed time intervals calendar da Views med faste tidsintervaller
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar de %1 %2 im %3
%1 days calendar de %1 Tage
%1 event(s) %2 calendar de %1 Termin(e) %2
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar de %1 Termin(e) %2, %3 wegen fehlender Rechte !!!
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar de %1 Termin(e) %2, %3 wegen fehlender Rechte!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar de %1 Termine in der iCal Datei, nur der erste wurde importiert und angezeigt!
%1 hours calendar de %1 Stunden
%1 minutes calendar de %1 Minuten
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar de Alarm für %1 am %2 in %3
alarm management calendar de Alarm Management
alarms calendar de Alarme
all categories calendar de Alle Kategorien
all day calendar de ganztägig
all day calendar de Ganztägig
all events calendar de Alle Termine
all exceptions are converted into single events. calendar de Alle Ausnahmen wurden zu Einzelterminen konvertiert.
all future calendar de Alle zukünftigen
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar el Ενέργειες
actions... calendar el Ενέργειες...
add alarm calendar el Προσθέστε Ειδοποίηση
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar el Προσθήκη ραντεβού μέσω συντομευμένου διαλόγου ή πλήρους παραθύρου επεξεργασίας
add new alarm calendar el Προσθήκη νέας ειδοποίησης
add new event calendar el Προσθήκη νέου ραντεβού
added calendar el Προστέθηκε
@ -39,8 +40,11 @@ all day calendar el Όλη μέρα
all events calendar el Όλα τα γεγονότα
all future calendar el Όλα τα μελλοντικά
all participants calendar el Όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar el Να επιτρέπονται αιτήματα κράτησης από οποιονδήποτε χρήστη κατά τη δημιουργία εκδηλώσεων;
allows to edit the event again calendar el Επιτρέπει την εκ νέου επεξεργασία του γεγονότος
always calendar el Πάντα
always use full edit dialog calendar el Χρησιμοποιείτε πάντα τον πλήρη διάλογο επεξεργασίας
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar el Χρησιμοποιείτε πάντα τον πλήρη διάλογο επεξεργασίας, όχι αυτόν τον μικρό διάλογο
apply the changes calendar el εφαρμόστε τις αλλαγές
appointment settings calendar el Ρυθμίσεις συναντήσεων
at start of the event calendar el ως αρχή του γεγονότος
@ -126,6 +130,7 @@ edit series calendar el Επεξεργασία σειράς
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar el Επεξεργασία κατάστασης ή ειδοποιήσεων για αυτή τη συγκεκριμένη ημέρα
edit this event calendar el Επεξεργασία του γεγονότος
edit this series of recurring events calendar el Επεξεργασία σειράς επαναλαμβανόμενων γεγονότων
email address migration calendar el Μετανάστευση διεύθυνσης ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου
empty = no alarm calendar el κενό = χωρίς ειδοποίηση
empty for all calendar el Κενό για όλα
empty target calendar before importing calendar el Άδειασμα ημερολογίου προορισμού πριν από την εισαγωγή
@ -136,6 +141,7 @@ enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar el Ημερο
enddate of the export calendar el Ημερομηνία λήξης για την εξαγωγή
ends calendar el Λήγει
error adding the alarm calendar el Σφάλμα στην προσθήκη ειδοποίησης.
error notifying %1 calendar el Σφάλμα ειδοποίησης %1
error saving the event! calendar el Σφάλμα κατά αποθήκευση της ημερολογιακής καταχώ!
error: can't delete original series! calendar el Σφάλμα: Δεν μπορεί να διαγραφεί η αρχική σειρά!
error: importing the ical calendar el Σφάλμα: στην εισαγωγή του iCal
@ -284,8 +290,11 @@ notification messages for uninvited participants calendar el Μήνυμα Ειδ
notification messages for your alarms calendar el Μήνυμα Ειδοποίησης για τις ειδοποιήσεις σας
notification messages for your responses calendar el Μήνυμα Ειδοποίησης για τις απαντήσεις σας
notification settings calendar el Ρυθμίσεις ειδοποιήσεων
notify calendar el Ειδοποίηση
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar el Ειδοποίηση όλων των εξωτερικών (μη χρηστών) για αυτό το συμβάν
notify externals calendar el Ειδοποίηση εξωτερικών επαφών
number of records to read (%1) calendar el Αριθμός εγγραφών για να διαβαστούν (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar el Αριθμός πόρων προς κράτηση
number of weeks to show calendar el Αριθμός εβδομάδων που θα εμφανίζονται
observance rule calendar el Κανόνας Επιτήρησης
occurence calendar el Συμβάν
@ -321,6 +330,7 @@ prevent deleting of entries admin el Αποτροπή διαγραφής κατ
previous calendar el προηγούμενο
private and global public calendar el Ιδιαίτερα και Γενικών Public
private and group public calendar el Ιδιαίτερα και Ομάδα Public
private event calendar el Ιδιωτική εκδήλωση
private only calendar el Ιδιαίτερο Μόνο
quantity calendar el Ποσότητα
quick add calendar el Γρήγορη προσθήκη
@ -339,6 +349,7 @@ recurring event calendar el Επαναλαμβανόμενο γεγονός
regular edit calendar el Κανονικό γεγονός
reject calendar el Απόρριψη
rejected calendar el Απορρίφθηκε
removes the event from my calendar calendar el Διαγράφει την εκδήλωση από το ημερολόγιό μου
repeat days calendar el Επανάληψη ημερών
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar el Επανάλαβε το γεγονός μέχρι ποια ημερομηνία (κενό σημαίνει χωρίς περιορισμό)
repeat type calendar el Τύπος επανάληψης
@ -346,6 +357,7 @@ repeating event information calendar el Πληροφορίες Επαναλαμ
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar el Επανάληψη διαλείμματος, π.χ. 2 για να επαναλαμβάνει κάθε δεύτερη εβδομάδα
repetition calendar el Επανάληψη
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar el Λεπτομέρειες επανάληψης (ή κενό)
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar el Ο απαντών "%1" ΔΕΝ συμμετέχει στην εκδήλωση! Συνεχίστε μόνο αν θέλετε να προσθέσετε ως νέο συμμετέχοντα.
report calendar el Αναφορά
requested calendar el Ζητήθηκε
reset calendar el Επανακαθορισμός
@ -366,11 +378,15 @@ select resources calendar el Επιλέξτε πόρους
select who should get the alarm calendar el Επιλέξτε ποιος θα έπρεπε να πάρει την ειδοποίηση
selected range calendar el Επιλεγμένο διάστημα
selected users/groups calendar el Επιλεγμέν(οι/ες) χρήστες/ομάδες
send notifications calendar el Αποστολή ειδοποιήσεων
send notifications to users right now calendar el Αποστολή ειδοποιήσεων στους συμμετέχοντες αυτή τη στιγμή
series deleted calendar el Διαγράφηκε σειρά γεγονότων
set new events to private calendar el Καθορίστε νέα γεγονότα για ιδιωτικοποίηση
should new events created as private by default ? calendar el Θα έπρεπε τα νέα γεγονότα προκαθορισμένα να δημιουργούνται ως ιδιαίτερα;
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar el Θα έπρεπε η κατάσταση του γεγονότος-συμμετεχόντων (αποδέχομαι, απορρίπτω,...)να εμφανίζεται σε παρένθεση δίπλα από το όνομα του κάθε συμμετέχοντος;
show %1 from %2 calendar el Εμφάνιση του %1 από το %2
show a calendar title calendar el Τίτλος ημερολογίου
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar el Εμφάνιση ως μη μπλοκαρισμένα γεγονότα όλη την ημέρα καθώς και μέσω mouseover της ημερομηνίας.
show birthdays as events calendar el Εμφάνιση ώς γεγονότα
show list of upcoming events calendar el Παρουσιάστε τη λίστα των επερχόμενων γεγονότων
show only the date, not the year admin el Εμφάνιση μόνο της ημερομηνίας, όχι του έτους
@ -378,6 +394,7 @@ show this month calendar el Παρουσιάστε αυτό το μήνα
show this week calendar el Παρουσιάστε αυτήν την εβδομάδα
show year and age calendar el Εμφάνιση έτους και ηλικίας
single event calendar el μοναδικό γεγονός
single participant calendar el Μεμονωμένος συμμετέχων
sort by calendar el Ταξινόμηση κατά
start calendar el Έναρξη
start date/time calendar el Ημερομηνία/Ώρα έναρξης
@ -386,13 +403,19 @@ startdate / -time calendar el ημερομηνία/ -ώρα έναρξης
startdate and -time of the search calendar el ημερομηνία έναρξης και ώρα της αναζήτησης
startdate of the export calendar el Αρχική ημερομηνία της εξαγωγής
startrecord calendar el Έναρξη εγγραφής
status calendar el Κατάστασηv
status already applied calendar el Η κατάσταση έχει ήδη εφαρμοστεί
status changed calendar el Η κατάσταση άλλαξε
submit to repository calendar el Υποβολή στην αποθήκη
sun calendar el Κυρ
tentative calendar el Με επιφύλαξη
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar el Τεστ Εισαγωγής (παρουσιάστε εισαγώγιμα αρχεία <u>μόνο</u> στον browser
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar el Οι εφαρμογές iCal της Apple χρησιμοποιούν αυτό το χρώμα για την εμφάνιση συμβάντων από αυτό το ημερολόγιο.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar el Το έγγραφο μπορεί να περιέχει τίτλο θέσης όπως {{%1}}, που θα αντικατασταθεί με τα δεδομένα.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar el Ο εξωτερικός διοργανωτής άλλαξε την εκδήλωση!
the following document-types are supported: calendar el Οι ακόλουθοι τύποι αρχείων υποστηρίζονται
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar el Ο αποστολέας "%1" ΔΕΝ είναι ο εξωτερικός διοργανωτής "%2", προχωρήστε με προσοχή!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar el Ο αποστολέας "%1" ΔΕΝ είναι ο συμμετέχων που απαντά "%2", προχωρήστε με προσοχή!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar el Αυτή η μέρα παρουσιάζεται ως η πρώτη μέρα της εβδομαδιαίας ή της μηνιαίας εμφάνισης
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar el Αυτό καθορίζει το τέλος της ημερήσιας προβολής. Γεγονότα μετά από αυτή την ώρα, παρουσιάζονται κάτω από την ημερήσια προβολή.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar el Αυτό καθορίζει την αρχή της ημερήσιας προβολής. Γεγονότα πριν από αυτή την ώρα, παρουσιάζονται πάνω από την ημερήσια προβολή.<br>Αυτή η ώρα χρησιμοποιείται επίσης και ως προκαθορισμένη ώρα έναρξης για νέα γεγονότα.
@ -417,6 +440,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar el Πάρα πολλοί
to-firstname calendar el Στο μικρό όνομα
to-fullname calendar el Στο πλήρες όνομα
to-lastname calendar el Στο επίθετο
toggle weekend calendar el Εναλλαγή Σαββατοκύριακου
tomorrow calendar el Άυριο
translation calendar el Μετάφραση
tue calendar el Τρί
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ category acl only restrict adding a category to an event or changing status of a
category automatically added to new events calendar es-es Categoría agregada automáticamente a nuevos eventos
category report calendar es-es Informe de categoría
chair calendar es-es Silla
change domain of participants in caldav requests calendar es-es Cambiar el dominio de los participantes en las solicitudes CalDAV
change history calendar es-es Cambiar historial
change your status calendar es-es Cambiar su estado
changed event-data applied calendar es-es Datos de eventos modificados aplicados
@ -147,6 +148,8 @@ days calendar es-es Días
days of the week for a weekly repeated event calendar es-es Días de la semana para un evento de repetición semanal
days repeated calendar es-es Días repetidos
dayview calendar es-es Vista diaria
default alarm added for yourself or all participants calendar es-es La alarma se inserta automáticamente para las nuevas citas.<br>Para usted mismo o para todos los participantes.
default alarm for calendar es-es Alarma por defecto para
default alarm for regular events calendar es-es Alarma por defecto para eventos regulares
default alarm for whole-day events calendar es-es Alarma por defecto para eventos de todo el día
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar es-es Duración de la cita por defecto en minutos
@ -178,6 +181,7 @@ displays this calendar view on the home page (page you get when you enter egroup
distribution list calendar es-es Lista de distribución
do not import conflicting events calendar es-es No importar eventos conflictivos
do not include events of group members calendar es-es No incluir los eventos de los miembros del grupo
do not notify externals (non-users) about this event calendar es-es NO notificar a externos (no usuarios) sobre este evento
do you really want to change the start of this series? if you do, the original series will be terminated as of %1 and a new series for the future reflecting your changes will be created. calendar es-es ¿Realmente desea cambiar el principio de la serie? Si lo hace, la serie original terminará %1 y se creará otra serie nueva para el futuro reflejando los cambios.
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar es-es ¿Desea una vista de la semana con o sin fin de semana?
do you want non-egroupware participants of events you created to be automatically notified about new or changed appointments? calendar es-es ¿Desea que los participantes que no son de EGroupware de los eventos que creó sean notificados automáticamente sobre citas nuevas o modificadas?
@ -199,6 +203,7 @@ edit series calendar es-es Editar series
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar es-es Editar el estado de las alarmas para este día en particular
edit this event calendar es-es Editar este evento
edit this series of recurring events calendar es-es Editar esta serie de eventos recurrentes
email address migration calendar es-es Migración de direcciones de correo electrónico
empty = no alarm calendar es-es vacío = sin alarma
empty for all calendar es-es Vacío para todos
empty target calendar before importing calendar es-es Vaciar calendario de destino antes de importar
@ -410,9 +415,12 @@ notification messages for uninvited participants calendar es-es Mensajes de noti
notification messages for your alarms calendar es-es Mensajes de notificación para sus alarmas
notification messages for your responses calendar es-es Mensajes de notificación para sus respuestas
notification settings calendar es-es Configuración de notificaciones
notify calendar es-es Notificar a
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar es-es Notificar a todos los externos (no usuarios) sobre este evento
notify externals calendar es-es Notificar a los externos
notify non-egroupware users about event updates calendar es-es Notificar a los usuarios que no son de EGroupware sobre actualizaciones de eventos
number of records to read (%1) calendar es-es Número de registros a leer (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar es-es Número de recursos a reservar
number of weeks to show calendar es-es Número de semanas a mostrar
observance rule calendar es-es Regla de observación
occurence calendar es-es Ocurrencia
@ -458,6 +466,7 @@ prevent deleting of entries admin es-es Prevenir el borrado de entradas
previous calendar es-es Anterior
private and global public calendar es-es Privado y público global
private and group public calendar es-es Privado y público global
private event calendar es-es Evento privado
private only calendar es-es Privado solamente
quantity calendar es-es Cantidad
quick add calendar es-es Añadir rápido
@ -476,6 +485,7 @@ recurring event calendar es-es evento recurrente
regular edit calendar es-es Edición regular
reject calendar es-es Rechazar
rejected calendar es-es Rechazado
removes the event from my calendar calendar es-es Eliminar el evento de mi calendario
repeat days calendar es-es Días de repetición
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar es-es repetir el evento hasta qué fecha (en blanco significa sin límite)
repeat type calendar es-es Tipo repetición
@ -485,6 +495,7 @@ repetition calendar es-es Repetición
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar es-es Detalles de la repetición (o vacío)
replacements for inserting events into documents calendar es-es Reemplazos para insertar eventos en documentos
reply to meeting request calendar es-es Responder a solicitud de reunión
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar es-es Respondiendo "%1" ¡NO es un participante del evento! Continúa sólo si quieres añadirlo como nuevo participante.
report calendar es-es Informe
requested calendar es-es Requerido
requested date %1 outside allowed range of %2 days: recurring events obmitted! calendar es-es Fecha solicitada %1 fuera del rango permitido de %2 días: ¡eventos recurrentes omitidos!
@ -518,6 +529,8 @@ select who should get the alarm calendar es-es Seleccionar quién debe obtener l
selected range calendar es-es Rango seleccionado
selected users/groups calendar es-es Usuarios/grupos seleccionados
send meetingrequest to all participants after the event is saved calendar es-es Enviar solicitud de reunión a todos los participantes después de guardar el evento
send notifications calendar es-es Enviar notificaciones
send notifications to users right now calendar es-es Enviar notificaciones a los participantes ahora mismo
series deleted calendar es-es Serie borrada
set new events to private calendar es-es Poner los eventos nuevos como privados
setting lock time calender admin es-es Estableciendo el tiempo de bloqueo para el calendario (predeterminado: 1 segundo)
@ -529,6 +542,7 @@ should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar calendar es-es Deben
should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar (only if offset = 0) calendar es-es Deben mostrarse el número de semanas encima del calendario (sólo si offset = 0)
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar es-es ¿Debe mostrarse en el planificador una fila vacía para los usuarios o categorías sin ninguna cita?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar es-es ¿Mostrar el estado de cada evento (aceptar, rechazar, etc) entre corchetes detrás del nombre de cada participante?
show %1 from %2 calendar es-es Mostrar %1 de %2
show a calendar title calendar es-es Mostrar un título para el calendario
show all events, as if they were private calendar es-es Mostrar todos los eventos, como si fueran privados
show all status incl. rejected events calendar es-es Mostrar todos los estados, incluyendo los eventos rechazados
@ -552,6 +566,7 @@ show this month calendar es-es Mostrar este mes
show this week calendar es-es Mostrar esta semana
show year and age calendar es-es Mostrar año y edad
single event calendar es-es Evento simple
single participant calendar es-es Participante individual
sort by calendar es-es Ordenar por
specify where url of the day links to calendar es-es Especificar la URL del día
start calendar es-es Inicio
@ -562,6 +577,7 @@ startdate / -time calendar es-es Fecha de incio / -hora
startdate and -time of the search calendar es-es Fecha de inicio y -hora de la búsqueda
startdate of the export calendar es-es Fecha de inicio de la exportación
startrecord calendar es-es Registro inicial
status calendar es-es Estado
status already applied calendar es-es Estado ya aplicado
status changed calendar es-es Estado modificado
status for all future scheduled days changed calendar es-es El estado para las planificaciones futuras se ha modificado
@ -572,11 +588,16 @@ sun calendar es-es Dom
tag to mark positions for address labels calendar es-es Etiqueta para marcar las posiciones para las etiquetas de direcciones
tentative calendar es-es Provisional
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar es-es Probar Importar (mostrar <u>solamente</u> registros importables en el navegador)
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar es-es Las aplicaciones iCal de Apple utilizan este color para mostrar los eventos de este calendario.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar es-es El documento puede contener marcadores de posición como {{%1}}, que se sustituirán por los datos.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). calendar es-es El documento puede contener un marcador como {{%3}}, para sustituirlo con los datos (%1lista completa de nombres de marcadores%2).
the exceptions are deleted together with the series. calendar es-es Las excepciones se borran junto con las series.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar es-es El organizador externo ha cambiado el evento.
the following document-types are supported: calendar es-es Los siguientes tipos de documentos están soportados:
the original series will be terminated today and a new series be created. calendar es-es La serie original terminará hoy y se creará una serie nueva.
the resource you selected is already overbooked: calendar es-es El recurso que ha seleccionado ya está reservado:
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar es-es El remitente "%1" NO es el organizador externo "%2", ¡tenga cuidado!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar es-es El remitente "%1" NO es el participante que responde a "%2", ¡tenga cuidado!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar es-es Este día se mostrará como el primer día en las vistas de semana o de mes.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar es-es Esto define el final de la vista del día. Los eventos posteriores a esta hora se muestran debajo de la vista del día.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar es-es Esto define el inicio de la vista del día. Los eventos anteriores a esta hora se muestran encima de la vista del día.<br>Esta hora se usa también como hora predeterminada para nuevos eventos.
@ -616,6 +637,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar es-es Muchos podrían ex
to-firstname calendar es-es Para nombre
to-fullname calendar es-es Para nombre completo
to-lastname calendar es-es Para apellido
toggle weekend calendar es-es Alternar fin de semana
tomorrow calendar es-es Mañana
translation calendar es-es Traducción
tue calendar es-es Mar
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar et %1 sündmus(ed) %2, %3 ebaõnnestus ebapiisavate õiguste tõttu!
accept calendar et kinnita
accepted calendar et Kinnitatud
actions calendar et Tegevused
actions... calendar et Tegevused...
add alarm calendar et Lisa alarm
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar et Kohtumiste lisamine lühendatud dialoogiakna või täieliku redigeerimisakna kaudu
add new event calendar et Lisa uus kohtumine
add timesheet entry calendar et Lisa Timesheet kirje
added calendar et Lisatud
added by synchronization calendar et Lisatud sünkroniseerimise teel
after %1 calendar et Pärast %1
after current date calendar et Pärast käesolevat kuupäeva
alarm calendar et Alarm
@ -14,12 +17,15 @@ alarm deleted calendar et Alarm kustutatud
alarm management calendar et Alarmide manageerimine
alarms calendar et Alarmid
all categories calendar et Kõik kategooriad
all day calendar et terve päev
all day calendar et Terve päev
all events calendar et Kõik sündmused
all future calendar et Kõik tulevikus
all participants calendar et Kõik osalejad
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar et Lubage sündmuste loomisel broneerimistaotlusi igalt kasutajalt?
allows to edit the event again calendar et Luba muuta sündmust uuesti
always calendar et alati
always calendar et Alati
always use full edit dialog calendar et Kasutage alati täielikku redigeerimisdialoogi
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar et Kasutage alati täielikku redigeerimisdialoogi, mitte seda väikest dialoogiakent
apply the changes calendar et rakenda uuendused
attention calendar et Tähelepanu
back half a month calendar et pool kuud tagasi
@ -75,12 +81,14 @@ duration calendar et Kestvus
edit exception calendar et Muuda erandit
edit series calendar et Muuda seerijat
edit this event calendar et Muuda seda sündmust
email address migration calendar et E-posti aadressi migratsioon
empty for all calendar et tühi kõigijaoks
end calendar et Lõpp
end date/time calendar et Lõpu Kuupäev/ Aeg
enddate calendar et Lõpukuupäev
ends calendar et lõppes
error adding the alarm calendar et Viga alarmi lisamisel
error notifying %1 calendar et Viga, mis teavitab %1
error: saving the event !!! calendar et Viga: sündmuse salvestamisel !!!
error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!! calendar et Viga: Startimisaeg peab olema enne
event deleted calendar et Sündmus kustutatud
@ -156,6 +164,9 @@ no filter calendar et Filtrita
no matches found calendar et sobivaid ei leitud
no response calendar et Pole vastust
non blocking calendar et mitte blokeerida
notify calendar et Teavita
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar et Teavitage kõiki väliseid (mittekasutajad) sellest sündmusest.
number of resources to be booked calendar et Broneeritavate ressursside arv
old startdate calendar et Vana Algusaeg
one month calendar et üks kuu
one week calendar et üks kuu
@ -165,6 +176,7 @@ output unit calendar et Väljundi ühik
participants calendar et Osalejad
permission denied calendar et Ligipääs keelatud
previous calendar et eelmine
private event calendar et Privaatne sündmus
private only calendar et Privaatne Ainult
quantity calendar et Kogus
re-edit event calendar et Muuda uuesti sündmust
@ -172,12 +184,14 @@ recordings calendar et Salvestused
recurrence calendar et Kordumised
recurring event calendar et Korduv sündmus
rejected calendar et Tagasilükatud
removes the event from my calendar calendar et Eemaldab sündmuse minu kalendrist
repeat days calendar et Korda päevadel
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar et korda sündmust kuni kuupäevani (tühi tähendab lõpmatuseni)
repeat type calendar et Kordamise tüüp
repeating event information calendar et Kordan Sündmuse informatsiooni
repetition calendar et Kordus
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar et Kordusdetailid (või tühi)
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar et Vastus "%1" EI OLE ürituse osaleja! Jätkake ainult siis, kui soovite lisada uue osalejana.
report calendar et Aruanne
reset calendar et Tühista
resources calendar et Resursid
@ -188,25 +202,37 @@ select a time calendar et vali aeg
select resources calendar et Vali resursid
select who should get the alarm calendar et Vali keda alarmeeritakse
selected range calendar et Vali vahemik
send notifications calendar et Saatke teateid
send notifications to users right now calendar et Saatke osalejatele kohe teateid
should new events created as private by default ? calendar et Kas uued sündmused tehakse privaatsed vaikimisi ?
show %1 from %2 calendar et Näita %1 alates %2
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar et Näita kogu päeva mitteblokeerivate sündmuste kujul, samuti kuupäeva hiirega üleval hoidmise kaudu.
show empty rows in planner calendar et Näita tühju ridu Planeerijas
show list of upcoming events calendar et näita nimekirja tulevastest sündmustest
show this month calendar et näita seda kuud
show this week calendar et näita seda nädalat
single event calendar et üksik sündmus
show this month calendar et Näita seda kuud
show this week calendar et Näita seda nädalat
single event calendar et Üksik sündmus
single participant calendar et Üksik osaleja
sort by calendar et Sorteerimine
start calendar et Start
start date/time calendar et Start Kuupäev/ Aeg
startdate calendar et Algus kuupäev
startdate / -time calendar et Startkuupäev / -aeg
status calendar et Staatus
status changed calendar et Staatus muudetud
sun calendar et Püh
tentative calendar et Ebakindel
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar et Apple iCal Apps kasutab seda värvi selle kalendri sündmuste kuvamiseks.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar et Dokument võib sisaldada paigutussätteid nagu {{%1}}, mis asendatakse andmetega.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar et Väline korraldaja muutis sündmust!
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar et Saatja "%1" EI ole väline korraldaja "%2", tegutsege ettevaatlikult!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar et Saatja "%1" EI ole osaleja, kes vastab "%2", olge ettevaatlik!
three month calendar et kolm kuud
thu calendar et Nel
timeframe calendar et Ajavahemik
timeframe to search calendar et Ajavahemik otsingus
title of the event calendar et Sündmuse pealkiri
toggle weekend calendar et Vahetage nädalavahetus
translation calendar et Tõlkimine
tue calendar et Tei
two weeks calendar et kaks nädalat
@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar fi Toiminnot
actions... calendar fi Toiminnot
add alarm calendar fi Lisää hälytys
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar fi Lisää tapaamisia lyhennetyn valintaikkunan tai koko muokkausikkunan kautta.
add current view as favorite calendar fi Lisää näkymä suosikkeihin
add new event calendar fi Lisää uusi tapaaminen
add timesheet entry calendar fi Lisää ajanhallinnan merkintä
added calendar fi Lisätty
added by synchronization calendar fi Lisätty synkronoinnin avulla
after calendar fi Jälkeen
after %1 calendar fi %1 jälkeen
after current date calendar fi Nykyisen päivän jälkeen
@ -41,9 +43,12 @@ all exceptions are converted into single events. calendar fi Kaikki poikkeukset
all future calendar fi Kaikki tulevat
all incl. rejected calendar fi Kaikki, myös torjutut
all participants calendar fi Kaikki osallistujat
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar fi Salli varauspyynnöt miltä tahansa käyttäjältä tapahtumia luotaessa?
allow users to prevent change notifications ('do not notify') calendar fi Salli käyttäjien käyttää "Älä lähetä huomautusviestiä" -toimintoa
allows to edit the event again calendar fi Salli tapahtuman muokkaaminen uudelleen
always calendar fi Aina
always use full edit dialog calendar fi Käytä aina täydellistä muokkausikkunaa
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar fi Käytä aina koko muokkausikkunaa, älä tätä pientä ikkunaa.
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown events calendar fi Suorita toiminto koko kyselylle, ei vain niille jotka näkyvät listalla.
apply the changes calendar fi Lisää muutokset
attention calendar fi Huomio
@ -157,6 +162,7 @@ edit series calendar fi Muokkaa sarjaa
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar fi Muokkaa kyseisen päivän tilaa tai hälytystä
edit this event calendar fi Muokkaa tätä tapahtumaa
edit this series of recurring events calendar fi Muokkaa tätä toistuvien tapahtumien sarjaa
email address migration calendar fi Sähköpostiosoitteen muuttaminen
empty for all calendar fi Tyhjä kaikille
end calendar fi Päättyy
end date/time calendar fi Päättymispäivä / -aika
@ -165,6 +171,7 @@ enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar fi Tapahtuman
enddate of the export calendar fi Viennin päättymispäivä
ends calendar fi Päättyy
error adding the alarm calendar fi Virhe hälytystä lisättäessä
error notifying %1 calendar fi Virheilmoitus %1
error: can't delete original series! calendar fi Virhe: Alkuperäistä tapahtumasarjaa ei voitu poistaa!
error: duration of event longer then recurrence interval! calendar fi Virhe: Tapahtuman kesto on suurempi kuin intervalli!
error: importing the ical calendar fi Virhe tuotaessa iCal-tiedostoa
@ -336,8 +343,11 @@ notification messages for modified events calendar fi Muokattujen tapahtumien hu
notification messages for uninvited participants calendar fi Huomautusviestit osallistujille, joiden kutsu peruttu
notification messages for your alarms calendar fi Hälytystesi huomautusviestit
notification messages for your responses calendar fi Vastaustesi huomautusviestit
notify calendar fi Ilmoita
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar fi Ilmoita kaikille ulkopuolisille (muille kuin käyttäjille) tästä tapahtumasta.
notify non-egroupware users about event updates calendar fi Huomauta ulkopuolisia käyttäjiä merkintöjen muutoksista
number of records to read (%1) calendar fi Luettavien tietueiden määrä (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar fi Varattavien resurssien määrä
number of weeks to show calendar fi Näytettävien viikkojen määrä
observance rule calendar fi Ohjeen noudattaminen
occurence calendar fi Tapahtuma
@ -374,6 +384,7 @@ prevent deleting of entries admin fi Estä tapahtumien poisto
previous calendar fi Edellinen
private and global public calendar fi Yksityinen ja yleinen julkinen
private and group public calendar fi Yksityinen ja ryhmän julkinen
private event calendar fi Yksityinen tapahtuma
private only calendar fi Vain yksityinen
quantity calendar fi Määrä
re-edit event calendar fi Muokkaa tapahtumaa uudelleen
@ -387,6 +398,7 @@ recurrence calendar fi Toistuvuus
recurring event calendar fi Toistuva tapahtuma
reject calendar fi Hylkää
rejected calendar fi Hylätyt
removes the event from my calendar calendar fi Poistaa tapahtuman kalenteristani
repeat days calendar fi Toistopäivät
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar fi Toista tapahtumaa tähän päivään asti (tyhjä tarkoittaa loputtomasti).
repeat type calendar fi Toistuvuus
@ -395,6 +407,7 @@ repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar fi Toiston tiheys
repetition calendar fi Toisto
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar fi Toiston yksityiskohdat (tai tyhjä)
replacements for inserting events into documents calendar fi Sijaismerkinnät asiakirjoihin
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar fi Vastaaja "%1" EI ole tapahtuman osallistuja! Jatka vain, jos haluat lisätä uuden osallistujan.
report calendar fi Raportti
requested calendar fi Vaaditut
requested meeting is in the past! calendar fi Tapahtuma on menneisyydessä!
@ -426,6 +439,8 @@ select whether you want the participant stati reset to unknown, if an event is s
select who should get the alarm calendar fi Valitse kuka saa hälytyksen
selected range calendar fi Valittu aikaväli
send meetingrequest to all participants after the event is saved calendar fi Lähetä kutsu kaikille osallistujille tallentamisen jälkeen
send notifications calendar fi Ilmoitusten lähettäminen
send notifications to users right now calendar fi Lähetä ilmoitukset osallistujille juuri nyt
series deleted calendar fi Sarja poistettu
set new events to private calendar fi Määrittele uudet tapahtumat yksityisiksi
setting lock time calender admin fi Aseta Data lock -aika kalenteriin (oletus 1 sek.)
@ -436,11 +451,13 @@ should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar calendar fi Näytetä
should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar (only if offset = 0) calendar fi Näytetäänkö viikon lukumäärä kalenterin yläpuolella? (vain jos offset = 0)
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar fi Näytetäänkö suunnittelunäkymässä tyhjät rivit käyttäjillä tai kategorioilla, joilla ei ole tapahtumia?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar fi Näytetäänkö osallistujien tila (hyväksytty, hylätty, ...) osallistujan nimen jälkeen?
show %1 from %2 calendar fi Näytä %1 alkaen %2
show a calendar title calendar fi Näytä kalenterin otsikko
show all events, as if they were private calendar fi Näytä kaikki tapahtumat yksityisinä
show all status incl. rejected events calendar fi Näytä kaikki tilat, myös torjututtujen tapahtumien
show all status, but rejected calendar fi Näytä kaikki tilat, paitsi torjuttujen
show also events just owned by selected user calendar fi Näytä vain valitun käyttäjän tapahtumat
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar fi Näytä koko päivän ei-blokkaavina tapahtumina sekä päivämäärän hiiren avulla.
show birthdays from addressbook admin fi Näytä syntymäpäivät osoitekirjasta
show empty rows in planner calendar fi Näytä tyhjät rivit suunnitelunäkymässä
show events that have been deleted calendar fi Näytä poistetut tapahtumat
@ -455,6 +472,7 @@ show only the date, not the year admin fi Näytä ainoastaan päiväys, ei vuott
show this month calendar fi Näytä tämä kuukausi
show this week calendar fi Näytä tämä viikko
single event calendar fi Yksittäinen tapahtuma
single participant calendar fi Yksittäinen osallistuja
sort by calendar fi Lajittelu
specify where url of the day links to calendar fi Määrittele mihin päivämäärän URL linkittää
start calendar fi Aloita
@ -465,6 +483,7 @@ startdate / -time calendar fi Aloituspäivä/-aika
startdate and -time of the search calendar fi Haun aloituspäivä ja -aika
startdate of the export calendar fi Viennin alkamispäivä
startrecord calendar fi Aloitustietue
status calendar fi Tila
status changed calendar fi Tila muuttunut
status for all future scheduled days changed calendar fi Kaikkien tulevien (scheduled) päivien tapahtumien tila on muuttunut!
status for this particular day changed calendar fi Valitun päivän tila muuttettu
@ -475,11 +494,15 @@ tag to mark positions for address labels calendar fi Käytä tägiä osoitetarro
tentative calendar fi Alustavat
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar fi Testi Tuonti (näytä tuotavat taulut <u>vain</u> selaimessa)
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar fi Applen iCal App käyttää väriä näyttääkseen tämän kalenterin tapahtumat
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar fi Asiakirjassa voi olla sijoitussanoja, kuten {{%1}}, jotka korvataan tiedoilla.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). calendar fi Tiedosto voi sisältää merkintöjä kuten {{%3}}, mihin syötetään haluttu tieto. %1Lista mahdollisista merkinnöistä%2
the exceptions are deleted together with the series. calendar fi Poikkeukset on poistettu yhdessä tapahtumasarjan kanssa
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar fi Ulkopuolinen järjestäjä muutti tapahtumaa!
the following document-types are supported: calendar fi Seuraavat tiedostotyypit ovat tuettuja:
the original series will be terminated today and a new series be created. calendar fi Alkuperäinen tapahtumasarja päättyy tähän päivään ja uusi sarja luodaan.
the resource you selected is already overbooked: calendar fi Valitsemasi resurssi on jo varattu
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar fi Lähettäjä "%1" EI ole ulkoinen järjestäjä "%2", toimi varoen!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar fi Lähettäjä "%1" EI ole osallistuja, joka vastaa "%2", ole varovainen!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar fi Valitsemasi päivä näytetään viikon tai kuukausinäkymän ensimmäisenä päivänä
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar fi Määrittele päivänäkymän päättymisaika. Tämän ajan jälkeiset tapahtumat näytetään päivänäkymän alaosassa.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar fi Määrittelee päivänäkymän aloitusaika. Tapahtumat ennen tätä aikaa näytetään päivänäkymän yläosassa.<br>Määrittelemääsi aloitusaikaa käytetään myös uusien tapahtumien oletusaloitusaikana.
@ -515,6 +538,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar fi Liian moni saattaa yl
to-firstname calendar fi Etunimeen
to-fullname calendar fi Sukunimeen
to-lastname calendar fi Koko nimeen
toggle weekend calendar fi Vaihda viikonloppu
tomorrow calendar fi Huommenna
translation calendar fi Käännös
tue calendar fi Ti
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ category acl only restrict adding a category to an event or changing status of a
category automatically added to new events calendar fr Catégorie ajoutée automatiquement aux nouveaux événements
category report calendar fr Rapport de catégorie
chair calendar fr Organisateur
change domain of participants in caldav requests calendar fr Modifier le domaine des participants aux demandes CalDAV
change history calendar fr Historique des changements
change your status calendar fr Changer votre statut
changed event-data applied calendar fr Données d'événement modifiées appliquées
@ -147,6 +148,8 @@ days calendar fr jours
days of the week for a weekly repeated event calendar fr Jours de la semaine pour une répétition hebdomadaire
days repeated calendar fr Jours répétés
dayview calendar fr Vue journalière
default alarm added for yourself or all participants calendar fr L'alarme est automatiquement insérée pour les nouveaux rendez-vous.<br>Pour vous-même ou pour tous les participants.
default alarm for calendar fr Alarme par défaut pour
default alarm for regular events calendar fr Alarme par défaut pour les événements récurrents
default alarm for whole-day events calendar fr Alarme par défaut pour les événements prenant une journée entière
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar fr Durée du rendez-vous par défaut (en minutes)
@ -198,6 +201,7 @@ edit series calendar fr Modifier des occurrences
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar fr Modifier les statuts ou alarmes de ce jour en particulier
edit this event calendar fr Modifier cet événement
edit this series of recurring events calendar fr Modifier cette série d'événements récurrents
email address migration calendar fr Migration des adresses électroniques
empty = no alarm calendar fr vide = aucune alarme
empty for all calendar fr Vide pour tous
empty target calendar before importing calendar fr Vider le calendrier cible avant l'import
@ -208,6 +212,7 @@ enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar fr Date/heure
enddate of the export calendar fr Date de la fin de l'exportation
ends calendar fr finit
error adding the alarm calendar fr Erreur lors de l'ajout de l'alarme
error notifying %1 calendar fr Erreur de notification de %1
error saving the event! calendar fr Erreur à l'enregistrement de cet événement !
error: can't delete original series! calendar fr Erreur : impossible de supprimer la série d'origine !
error: duration of event longer then recurrence interval! calendar fr Erreur : la durée de l'événement dépasse celle de l'intervalle de récurrence !
@ -407,9 +412,12 @@ notification messages for uninvited participants calendar fr Messages de notific
notification messages for your alarms calendar fr Messages de notification pour vos alarmes
notification messages for your responses calendar fr Messages de notification pour vos réponses
notification settings calendar fr Paramètres de notification
notify calendar fr Notifier
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar fr Notifier cet événement à tous les externes (non-utilisateurs)
notify externals calendar fr Notifier les externes
notify non-egroupware users about event updates calendar fr Notifier les non-utilisateurs d'EGroupware des mises à jour des événements
number of records to read (%1) calendar fr Nombre d'enregistrements à lire (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar fr Nombre de ressources à réserver
number of weeks to show calendar fr Nombre de semaines à afficher
observance rule calendar fr Règle d'observation
occurence calendar fr Occurence
@ -455,6 +463,7 @@ prevent deleting of entries admin fr Empêcher la suppression d'entrées
previous calendar fr Précédent
private and global public calendar fr Public privé et global
private and group public calendar fr Public privé et groupe
private event calendar fr Événement privé
private only calendar fr Privé seulement
quantity calendar fr Quantité
quick add calendar fr Ajout rapide
@ -473,6 +482,7 @@ recurring event calendar fr Evénement récurrent
regular edit calendar fr Modification classique
reject calendar fr Rejeter
rejected calendar fr Rejeté
removes the event from my calendar calendar fr Supprime l'événement de mon calendrier
repeat days calendar fr Jours répétés
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar fr répéter l'événement jusqu'à quelle date (vide pour illimité)
repeat type calendar fr Type de répétition
@ -482,6 +492,7 @@ repetition calendar fr Répétition
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar fr Détails de répétition (ou vide)
replacements for inserting events into documents calendar fr Remplacement pour insérer des événements dans des documents
reply to meeting request calendar fr Répondre à une demande de rendez-vous
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar fr Le répondant "%1" n'est PAS un participant à l'événement ! Ne continuez que si vous souhaitez ajouter un nouveau participant.
report calendar fr Rapport
requested calendar fr Requis
requested date %1 outside allowed range of %2 days: recurring events obmitted! calendar fr Date demandée %1 en dehors de la plage autorisée de %2 jours : événements récurrents omis !
@ -515,6 +526,8 @@ select who should get the alarm calendar fr Sélectionner qui doit recevoir l'al
selected range calendar fr Etendue sélectionnée
selected users/groups calendar fr Utilisateurs/groupes sélectionnés
send meetingrequest to all participants after the event is saved calendar fr Envoyer des demandes de rendez-vous à tous les participants après que l'événement soit sauvegardé.
send notifications calendar fr Envoyer des notifications
send notifications to users right now calendar fr Envoyer des notifications aux participants en ce moment même
series deleted calendar fr La série a été supprimée.
set new events to private calendar fr Régler les nouveaux événements comme privés
setting lock time calender admin fr Mettre un temps de verrou sur le calendrier (par défaut 1 sec.)
@ -525,12 +538,14 @@ should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar calendar fr Le numér
should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar (only if offset = 0) calendar fr Le numéro de la semaine doit-il être affichée en haut du calendrier (seulement si offset = 0)
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar fr Est-ce que planificateur doit afficher une ligne vide pour les utilisateurs ou catégories sans aucun rendez-vous.
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar fr Le statut de chaque participant à l'événement (accepté, rejeté, ...) doit-il être montré entre crochets après le nom de chaque participant ?
show %1 from %2 calendar fr Afficher %1 à partir de %2
show a calendar title calendar fr Afficher un titre de calendrier
show all events, as if they were private calendar fr Afficher tous les événements comme s'ils étaient privés
show all status incl. rejected events calendar fr Afficher tous les statuts y compris les événements rejetés
show all status, but rejected calendar fr Afficher tous les statuts, sauf les rejetés.
show all status, but unknown calendar fr Afficher tous les statuts, sauf les "pas de réponse"
show also events just owned by selected user calendar fr Afficher aussi les événements dont l'utilisateur est seulement propriétaire
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar fr S'affiche comme un événement non bloquant toute la journée ainsi qu'au passage de la souris sur la date.
show birthdays as events calendar fr Afficher comme événements
show birthdays from addressbook admin fr Afficher tous les anniversaires du carnet d'adresses
show empty rows in planner calendar fr Afficher les lignes vides dans le planificateur
@ -547,6 +562,7 @@ show this month calendar fr afficher ce mois
show this week calendar fr afficher cette semaine
show year and age calendar fr Afficher l'année et l'âge
single event calendar fr événement unique
single participant calendar fr Un seul participant
sort by calendar fr Trier par
specify where url of the day links to calendar fr Spécifier où pointe l'url du jour
start calendar fr Début
@ -570,11 +586,15 @@ tag to mark positions for address labels calendar fr Balise pour marquer les pos
tentative calendar fr Tentative
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar fr Tester l'importation (montrer <u>seulement</u> les enregistrements importables dans le navigateur)
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar fr Les applications iCal d'Apple utilisent cette couleur pour afficher les événements de ce calendrier.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar fr Le document peut contenir des espaces réservés comme {{%1}}, qui seront remplacés par les données.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). calendar fr Le document peut contenir des signets comme {{%3}}, à remplacer avec les données (%1 listes des noms de signets %2).
the exceptions are deleted together with the series. calendar fr Les exceptions sont supprimées avec la série.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar fr L'organisateur externe a modifié l'événement !
the following document-types are supported: calendar fr Les types de documents suivant sont autorisés :
the original series will be terminated today and a new series be created. calendar fr La série d'origine sera terminée aujourd'hui et une nouvelle série sera créée.
the resource you selected is already overbooked: calendar fr La ressource sélectionnée est déjà over-bookée :
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar fr L'expéditeur "%1" n'est PAS l'organisateur externe "%2", procédez avec prudence !
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar fr L'expéditeur "%1" n'est PAS le participant qui répond "%2", soyez prudent !
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar fr Ce jour est affiché comme le premier jour de la vue hebdomadaire ou mensuelle.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar fr Ceci définit la fin de votre vue journalière. Les événements après cette heure sont montrés dans la vue journalière.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar fr Ceci définit le début de votre vue journalière. Les événements avant cette heure sont affichés au-dessus de la vue journalière.<br>Cette heure est aussi utilisée comme l'heure de début par défaut pour les nouveaux événements.
@ -614,6 +634,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar fr trop pourrait excéde
to-firstname calendar fr Au prénom
to-fullname calendar fr Au nom complet
to-lastname calendar fr Au nom de famille
toggle weekend calendar fr Basculer vers le week-end
tomorrow calendar fr Demain
translation calendar fr Traduction
tue calendar fr Ma
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar hu %1 %2 a %3-ban
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar hu %1 esemény(ek) %2, %3 nem sikerült, mert a jogok nem elegendőek!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar hu %1 esemény az iCal fájlban, csak az elsőt importálja és jeleníti meg!
%1 hours calendar hu %1 órák
%1 records imported calendar hu %1 bejegyzés importálva
@ -14,9 +15,12 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar hu Műveletek
actions... calendar hu Műveletek...
add alarm calendar hu Riasztás hozzáadása
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar hu Időpontok hozzáadása rövidített párbeszédpanelen vagy teljes szerkesztőablakon keresztül
add new event calendar hu Új találkozó hozzáadása
add timesheet entry calendar hu Regiszter bejegyzés hozzáadása
added calendar hu Hozzáadva
added by synchronization calendar hu Hozzáadás szinkronizálással
after calendar hu A után
after %1 calendar hu %1 után
after current date calendar hu Mai dátum után
alarm calendar hu Riasztás
@ -31,8 +35,11 @@ all events calendar hu Összes esemény
all future calendar hu Összes jövőbeli
all incl. rejected calendar hu Összes, elutasítottakkal együtt
all participants calendar hu Összes résztvevő
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar hu Események létrehozásakor bármely felhasználó foglalási kéréseinek engedélyezése?
allows to edit the event again calendar hu Esemény újra szerkesztésének engedélyezése
always calendar hu állandóan
always calendar hu Mindig
always use full edit dialog calendar hu Mindig a teljes szerkesztési párbeszédpanel használata
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar hu Mindig a teljes szerkesztési párbeszédpanelt használja, nem ezt a kis párbeszédpanelt.
apply the changes calendar hu Változások elfogadása
attention calendar hu Figyelem
back half a month calendar hu fél hónapot vissza
@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar id Tindakan
actions... calendar id Tindakan...
add alarm calendar id Tambah alarm
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar id Menambahkan janji temu melalui dialog yang dipersingkat atau jendela edit lengkap
add new event calendar id Tambahkan janji temu baru
add timesheet entry calendar id Tamba entri lembarwaktu
added calendar id Ditambahkan
added by synchronization calendar id Ditambahkan dengan sinkronisasi
after calendar id after
after %1 calendar id Setelah %1
after current date calendar id Setelah tanggal sekarang
@ -34,7 +36,10 @@ all events calendar id Semua kegiatan
all future calendar id Mendatang
all incl. rejected calendar id Semua termasuk yang ditolak
all participants calendar id Semua peserta
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar id Izinkan permintaan pemesanan dari pengguna mana pun saat membuat acara?
always calendar id selalu
always use full edit dialog calendar id Selalu gunakan dialog edit lengkap
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar id Selalu gunakan dialog edit lengkap, bukan dialog kecil ini
apply the changes calendar id Terapkan perubahan
attention calendar id Perhatian
back half a month calendar id mundur setengah bulan
@ -109,12 +114,14 @@ edit series calendar id Edit runtun
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar id Edit status atau alarm untuk hari tersebut
edit this event calendar id Edit kegiatan ini
edit this series of recurring events calendar id Edit runtun kegiatan yang berulang ini
email address migration calendar id Migrasi alamat email
empty for all calendar id Kosongkan semua
end calendar id Akhir
end date/time calendar id Tanggal/Jam berakhir
enddate calendar id Tanggal berakhir
enddate of the export calendar id Tanggal akhir untuk ekspor
ends calendar id selesai
error notifying %1 calendar id Kesalahan memberitahukan %1
event deleted calendar id Kegiatan dihapus
event details follow calendar id Berikut adalah detil Kegiatan
event saved calendar id Kegiatan disimpan
@ -209,7 +216,10 @@ no response calendar id Tiada tanggapan
non blocking calendar id non blocking
not calendar id not
not rejected calendar id Tidak ditolak
notify calendar id Memberitahukan
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar id Memberitahukan semua pihak luar (bukan pengguna) tentang peristiwa ini
number of records to read (%1) calendar id Jumlah rekord yang dibaca (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar id Jumlah sumber daya yang akan dipesan
observance rule calendar id Aturan Observance
occurence calendar id Occurence
old startdate calendar id Tanggal memulai yang lama
@ -231,6 +241,7 @@ permission denied calendar id Ijin Ditolak
planner by category calendar id Planner menurut kategori
planner by user calendar id Planner menurut pengguna
previous calendar id sebelumnya
private event calendar id Acara pribadi
private only calendar id Hanya Privat
quantity calendar id Quantity
re-edit event calendar id Edit-ulang Kegiatan
@ -238,10 +249,12 @@ recordings calendar id Rekaman
recurrence calendar id Berulang
recurring event calendar id Kegiatan berulang
rejected calendar id Ditolak
removes the event from my calendar calendar id Menghapus acara dari kalender saya
repeat days calendar id Hari-hari pengulangan
repeat type calendar id Tipe pengulangan
repeating event information calendar id Informasi Kegiatan Berulang
repetition calendar id Pengulangan
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar id Membalas "%1" BUKAN peserta acara! Lanjutkan saja jika Anda ingin menambahkan sebagai peserta baru.
report calendar id Laporan
requested calendar id Permintaan
reset calendar id Reset
@ -259,11 +272,16 @@ select multiple contacts for a further action calendar id Pilih beberapa kontak
select resources calendar id Pilih sumber daya
select who should get the alarm calendar id Pilih siapa saja yang akan menerima alarm
selected range calendar id Jangkah terpilih
send notifications calendar id Mengirim pemberitahuan
send notifications to users right now calendar id Kirim notifikasi ke peserta sekarang juga
set new events to private calendar id Tetapkan kegiatan baru sebagai privat
show %1 from %2 calendar id Tampilkan %1 dari %2
show a calendar title calendar id Tampilkan judul kalender
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar id Tampilkan sebagai acara sepanjang hari yang tidak diblokir serta melalui mouseover pada tanggal.
show this month calendar id Tampilkan bulan ini
show this week calendar id Tampilkan minggu ini
single event calendar id Kegiatan tunggal
single participant calendar id Peserta tunggal
sort by calendar id Urutkan berdasarkan
start calendar id Mulai
start date/time calendar id Tanggal/Waktu memulai
@ -272,11 +290,17 @@ startdate / -time calendar id Tanggal / -waktu mulai
startdate and -time of the search calendar id Tanggal dan -waktu untuk memulai pencarian
startdate of the export calendar id Tanggal awal untuk ekspor
startrecord calendar id Awal Rekaman
status calendar id Status
status changed calendar id Status berubah
sun calendar id Min
tentative calendar id Tentative
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar id Tes Impor (tampilkan rekaman yang dapat diimpor <em>hanya</em> dalam browser)
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar id Aplikasi Apple iCal menggunakan warna ini untuk menampilkan acara dari kalender ini.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar id Dokumen dapat berisi placeholder seperti {{%1}}, untuk diganti dengan data.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar id Penyelenggara eksternal mengubah acara!
the resource you selected is already overbooked: calendar id Sumber daya yang anda pilih sudah dipesan:
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar id Pengirim "%1" BUKAN penyelenggara luar "%2", lanjutkan dengan hati-hati!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar id Pengirim "%1" BUKAN peserta yang membalas "%2", lanjutkan dengan hati-hati!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar id Hari tersebut akan ditampilkan sebagai hari pertama pada tampilann mingguan atau bulanan
this entry is currently opened by %1! calendar id Entri ini sedang dibuka oleh %1!
three month calendar id Tiga bulan
@ -286,6 +310,7 @@ timeframe calendar id Kerangka waktu
timeframe to search calendar id Kerangka waktu untuk pencarian
timezone calendar id Zona waktu
title of the event calendar id Judul kegiatan
toggle weekend calendar id Ganti akhir pekan
tomorrow calendar id Esok
translation calendar id Terjemahan
tue calendar id Sel
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ category acl only restrict adding a category to an event or changing status of a
category automatically added to new events calendar it Categoria automaticamente assegnata a nuovi eventi
category report calendar it Categoria Rapporto
chair calendar it Presiede
change domain of participants in caldav requests calendar it Modifica del dominio dei partecipanti nelle richieste CalDAV
change history calendar it Cambia storico
change your status calendar it Cambia stato
changed event-data applied calendar it Dati evento modificati applicati
@ -147,6 +148,8 @@ days calendar it giorni
days of the week for a weekly repeated event calendar it Giorni della settimana per un evento con ricorrenza settimanale
days repeated calendar it giorni ripetuti
dayview calendar it Vista Giornaliera
default alarm added for yourself or all participants calendar it L'allarme viene inserito automaticamente per i nuovi appuntamenti.<br>Per sé o per tutti i partecipanti.
default alarm for calendar it Allarme predefinito per
default alarm for regular events calendar it Allarme predefinito per eventi regolari
default alarm for whole-day events calendar it Allarme predefinito per eventi di un giorno intero
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar it lunghezza predefinita degli appuntamenti (in minuti)
@ -200,6 +203,7 @@ edit series calendar it Modifica Serie
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar it Modifica lo stato degli allarmi per questo giorno in particolare
edit this event calendar it Modifica questo evento
edit this series of recurring events calendar it Modifica questa serie di eventi ricorrenti
email address migration calendar it Migrazione dell'indirizzo e-mail
empty = no alarm calendar it vuoto = nessun allarme
empty for all calendar it vuoto per tutti
empty target calendar before importing calendar it Svuotare il calendario di destinazione prima di importare
@ -491,6 +495,7 @@ repetition calendar it Ripetizione
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar it Dettagli Ripetizione (o vuoto)
replacements for inserting events into documents calendar it Sostituzion per l'inserimento in documenti
reply to meeting request calendar it Risposta a richiesta di riunione
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar it La risposta "%1" NON è un partecipante all'evento! Continuare solo se si desidera aggiungere un nuovo partecipante.
report calendar it Rapporto
requested calendar it Richiesto
requested date %1 outside allowed range of %2 days: recurring events obmitted! calendar it La data richiesta %1 è al di fuori dell'intervallo di %2 giorni: eventi ricorrenti omessi!
@ -588,9 +593,12 @@ the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calenda
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar it Questo documento può contenere un segnaposto come {{%1}}, da rimpiazzare con i dati.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). calendar it Il documento può contenere variabili metasintattiche come {{%3}}, da rimpiazzare con i dati (%1elenco completo delle variabili metasintattiche%2)
the exceptions are deleted together with the series. calendar it Le eccezioni sono eliminate insieme alla serie
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar it L'organizzatore esterno ha cambiato l'evento!
the following document-types are supported: calendar it I seguenti tipi di documenti sono supportati:
the original series will be terminated today and a new series be created. calendar it La serie originale terminerà oggi e una nuova serie verrà creata
the resource you selected is already overbooked: calendar it La risorsa selezionata è già in overbooking
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar it Il mittente "%1" NON è l'organizzatore esterno "%2", procedere con cautela!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar it Il mittente "%1" NON è il partecipante che risponde a "%2", procedere con cautela!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar it Questo giorno è visualizzato come primo giorno nella vista settimanale o in quella mensile.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar it Questo definisce la fine della tua vista giornaliera. Eventi dopo quest'ora sono mostrati dopo la vista giornaliera.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar it Questo definisce l'inizio della tua vista giornaliera. Eventi prima di quest'ora sono visualizzati prima della vista giornaliera.<br>Quest'ora è utilizzata anche come ora d'inizio dei nuovi eventi.
@ -630,6 +638,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar it troppi potrebbero sup
to-firstname calendar it A Nome
to-fullname calendar it A nome completo
to-lastname calendar it A Cognome
toggle weekend calendar it Cambia il fine settimana
tomorrow calendar it Domani
translation calendar it Traduzione
tue calendar it Mar
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar ja アクション
actions... calendar ja アクション...
add alarm calendar ja アラームを追加
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar ja 短縮ダイアログまたは完全な編集ウィンドウで予定を追加
add current view as favorite calendar ja 現在の表示をお気に入りに追加
add new alarm calendar ja 新規アラームを追加
add new event calendar ja 新規予約の追加
@ -51,9 +52,12 @@ all exceptions are converted into single events. calendar ja 全例外を1個の
all future calendar ja 未来方向の全て
all incl. rejected calendar ja 全参加者(参加辞退者を含む)
all participants calendar ja 全参加者
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar ja イベント作成時にどのユーザーからの予約リクエストも許可しますか?
allow users to prevent change notifications ('do not notify') calendar ja ユーザに「通知無し」Allow users to prevent change notifications 'Do not notify'
allows to edit the event again calendar ja イベントの再編集を許可
always calendar ja 常に
always use full edit dialog calendar ja 常に完全な編集ダイアログを使用
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar ja この小さなダイアログではなく、常に完全な編集ダイアログを使用してください。
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown events calendar ja クエリ全体にアクションを適用(非表示分の項目にも適用)
apply the changes calendar ja 変更を保存
appointment settings calendar ja イベント設定
@ -186,6 +190,7 @@ edit series calendar ja 繰返しイベントを編集
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar ja ステータス/アラームを編集
edit this event calendar ja このイベントを編集
edit this series of recurring events calendar ja 繰返しイベントを編集
email address migration calendar ja 電子メール・アドレスの移行
empty = no alarm calendar ja 空欄 = アラーム無し
empty for all calendar ja 空欄に設定すると全て
end calendar ja 終了日時
@ -195,6 +200,7 @@ enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar ja ミーテ
enddate of the export calendar ja エクスポート終了日
ends calendar ja 終了
error adding the alarm calendar ja アラーム追加エラー
error notifying %1 calendar ja 通知エラー %1
error saving the event! calendar ja イベント保存エラー
error: can't delete original series! calendar ja エラー: 元の繰返しイベントを削除できません。
error: duration of event longer then recurrence interval! calendar ja エラー: イベントの長さが、繰返し周期を超過しています。
@ -390,8 +396,11 @@ notification messages for uninvited participants calendar ja 参加依頼を取
notification messages for your alarms calendar ja アラームの通知メッセージ
notification messages for your responses calendar ja 回答の通知メッセージ
notification settings calendar ja 通知設定
notify calendar ja 通知する
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar ja このイベントをすべての外部 (ユーザ以外) に通知します。
notify non-egroupware users about event updates calendar ja 非EGroupwareユーザに対してイベントの更新を通知
number of records to read (%1) calendar ja 読み込むレコード数(%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar ja 予約するリソースの数
number of weeks to show calendar ja 表示週数
observance rule calendar ja 遵守ルール
occurence calendar ja 事象
@ -435,6 +444,7 @@ prevent deleting of entries admin ja 項目の削除を禁止
previous calendar ja 前
private and global public calendar ja プライベートとパブリック
private and group public calendar ja プライベートとグループ・パブリック
private event calendar ja 非公開イベント
private only calendar ja プライベートのみ
quantity calendar ja 数量
range fields calendar ja 範囲項目
@ -451,6 +461,7 @@ recurrences and conflict check calendar ja 繰返し予約衝突検出
recurring event calendar ja 繰返しイベント
reject calendar ja 不参加回答
rejected calendar ja 不参加回答済み
removes the event from my calendar calendar ja カレンダーからイベントを削除します
repeat days calendar ja 繰返し日数
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar ja いつまで繰り返すかを指定します。空欄を指定すると無期限に繰り返します。
repeat type calendar ja 繰返しタイプ
@ -460,6 +471,7 @@ repetition calendar ja 繰返し
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar ja 繰返し条件詳細
replacements for inserting events into documents calendar ja ドキュメントにイベントを挿入する際の置換
reply to meeting request calendar ja ミーティング参加要請に回答
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar ja 返信"%1 "はイベントの参加者ではありません!新しい参加者として追加したい場合のみ続けてください。
report calendar ja レポート
requested calendar ja 参加要請
requested date %1 outside allowed range of %2 days: recurring events obmitted! calendar ja 指定された日付 %1 は設定可能な範囲(%2日間)を逸脱しています。繰返しイベントは破棄されました。
@ -493,6 +505,8 @@ select who should get the alarm calendar ja アラーム送信先を選択
selected range calendar ja 選択された期間
selected users/groups calendar ja 選択されたユーザ/グループ
send meetingrequest to all participants after the event is saved calendar ja イベントを保存して全参加者に参加要請を送信
send notifications calendar ja 通知を送る
send notifications to users right now calendar ja 今すぐ参加者に通知を送信する
series deleted calendar ja 削除されました
set new events to private calendar ja 新規イベントをプライベートに設定
setting lock time calender admin ja カレンダー・データのロック時間(既定値: 1 秒)
@ -504,6 +518,7 @@ should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar calendar ja カレン
should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar (only if offset = 0) calendar ja カレンダー上部に週番号を表示するか否かを指定します(offset = 0 の場合のみ)。
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar ja 予定表で、予定が何もない行を表示するか否かを指定します。
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar ja 参加者の状態(受諾, 辞退, ...)を参加者名の隣に表示するか否かを指定します。
show %1 from %2 calendar ja 2から%1を表示する
show a calendar title calendar ja カレンダー・タイトルを表示
show all events, as if they were private calendar ja 全イベントをプライベート・イベントとして表示
show all status incl. rejected events calendar ja 全ての回答状態を表示(参加辞退済みイベントを含む)
@ -527,6 +542,7 @@ show this month calendar ja 今月を表示
show this week calendar ja 今週を表示
show year and age calendar ja 生年と年齢を表示
single event calendar ja イベント
single participant calendar ja 単一の参加者
sort by calendar ja 並べ替え
specify where url of the day links to calendar ja 指定された日がリンクする URL を指定してください。
start calendar ja 開始日時
@ -537,6 +553,7 @@ startdate / -time calendar ja 開始日時
startdate and -time of the search calendar ja 検索開始日時
startdate of the export calendar ja エクスポート開始日時
startrecord calendar ja 開始項目
status calendar ja ステータス
status already applied calendar ja 状態は適用済み。
status changed calendar ja 状態変更日時
status for all future scheduled days changed calendar ja 未来方向の予定の状態が変更されました。
@ -551,9 +568,12 @@ test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar ja イン
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar ja Apple iCal アプリは、カレンダーにイベントを表示する際にこの色を使用します。
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar ja ドキュメントにはプレース・ホルダー(例: {{%1}})を埋め込むことができ、ドキュメント保存時に実データで置換されます。
the exceptions are deleted together with the series. calendar ja 繰返しイベントおよび例外を削除しました。
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar ja 外部主催者がイベントを変更しました!
the following document-types are supported: calendar ja 下記のドキュメント・タイプがサポートされます:
the original series will be terminated today and a new series be created. calendar ja 元の繰返しイベントは本日終了し、新規繰返しイベントが作成されます。
the resource you selected is already overbooked: calendar ja 指定されたリソースは既に重複予約されています:
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar ja 送信者 "%1" は外部オーガナイザ "%2" ではありません!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar ja 送信者 "%1" は "%2" に返信している参加者ではありません!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar ja 週表示/月表示で、先頭に表示される曜日を指定します。
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar ja 日表示の終了時刻を設定します。この時刻より後のイベントは日表示の下側に表示されます。
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar ja 日表示の開始時刻を設定します。この時刻より前のイベントは日表示の上側に表示されます。<br>この時刻は、新規イベントの既定開始時刻としても用いられます。
@ -593,6 +613,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar ja 数量が多過ぎる
to-firstname calendar ja 名前を使用
to-fullname calendar ja 氏名を使用
to-lastname calendar ja 苗字を使用
toggle weekend calendar ja 週末を切り替える
tomorrow calendar ja 明日
translation calendar ja 翻訳
tue calendar ja 火
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar ko %3에 %1 %2
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar ko 권한이 부족하여 %1 이벤트(들) %2, %3에 실패했습니다!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar ko iCal 파일에 있는 %1 이벤트 중 첫 번째 이벤트만 가져와서 표시했습니다!
%1 hours calendar ko %1 시간
%1 records imported calendar ko %1개의 레코드를 가져왔습니다.
@ -11,9 +12,11 @@ access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar ko %1 일정의 접근이 금
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar ko 알림 메세지를 발생하는 행동: 추가됨,취소됨,승락됨,거부됨, ...
actions calendar ko 액션
add alarm calendar ko 알람 추가
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar ko 단축 대화 상자 또는 전체 편집 창을 통해 약속을 추가합니다.
add new event calendar ko 새 예약 추가
add timesheet entry calendar ko 타임시트 엔트리에 추가
added calendar ko 추가됨
added by synchronization calendar ko 동기화에 의해 추가됨
after current date calendar ko 오늘이후
alarm calendar ko 알람
alarm added calendar ko 알람 추가됨
@ -25,8 +28,11 @@ all categories calendar ko 모든 카테고리
all day calendar ko 하루종일
all events calendar ko 모든 이벤트
all participants calendar ko 모든 참석자
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar ko 이벤트를 만들 때 모든 사용자의 예약 요청을 허용하시겠습니까?
allows to edit the event again calendar ko 이벤트 재수정 허용
always calendar ko 언제나
always use full edit dialog calendar ko 항상 전체 편집 대화 상자 사용
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar ko 항상 이 작은 대화 상자가 아닌 전체 편집 대화 상자를 사용하세요.
apply the changes calendar ko 변경사항 적용
attention calendar ko 주의
before current date calendar ko 오늘 이전에
@ -83,12 +89,14 @@ edit exception calendar ko 예외 편집
edit series calendar ko 연속 편집
edit this event calendar ko 이 이벤트 편집
edit this series of recurring events calendar ko 이 연속된 반복 이벤트 편집
email address migration calendar ko 이메일 주소 마이그레이션
empty for all calendar ko 모두 비우기
end calendar ko 종료
end date/time calendar ko 끝나는 날짜/시간
enddate calendar ko 종료일
ends calendar ko 종료
error adding the alarm calendar ko 알람 추가중 오류발생
error notifying %1 calendar ko %1을(를) 알리는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.
error: importing the ical calendar ko 오류: ical 불러오기 오류
error: no participants selected !!! calendar ko 오류: 참석자가 선택되지 않았습니다.
error: saving the event !!! calendar ko 오류: 이벤트 저장
@ -168,7 +176,10 @@ notification messages for canceled events calendar ko 취소된 이벤트에 알
notification messages for modified events calendar ko 변경된 이벤트에 알림 메세지
notification messages for your alarms calendar ko 알람에 알림 메세지
notification messages for your responses calendar ko 응답에 알림 메세지
notify calendar ko 알림
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar ko 모든 외부인(비사용자)에게 이 이벤트에 대해 알립니다.
number of records to read (%1) calendar ko 읽을 레코드수 (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar ko 예약할 리소스 수
observance rule calendar ko 준수할 규칙
occurence calendar ko 일정(Occurence)
old startdate calendar ko 이전 시작날짜
@ -196,6 +207,7 @@ preselected group for entering the planner calendar ko 플레너에 입력할
previous calendar ko 이전
private and global public calendar ko 사생활 과 전역공용
private and group public calendar ko 사생활 과 전역공용
private event calendar ko 비공개 이벤트
private only calendar ko 사생활만
re-edit event calendar ko 이벤트 다시편집
receive email updates calendar ko 갱신된 내용은 이메일로 받기
@ -204,6 +216,7 @@ recordings calendar ko 기록
recurrence calendar ko 반복
recurring event calendar ko 반복 이벤트
rejected calendar ko 거부됨
removes the event from my calendar calendar ko 내 캘린더에서 이벤트를 제거합니다.
repeat days calendar ko 반복일수
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar ko 언제까지 이벤트를 반복할까요? (공백은 무한)
repeat type calendar ko 반복방법
@ -211,6 +224,7 @@ repeating event information calendar ko 반복 이벤트 정보
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar ko 반복 주기 (2는 매 2번째주를 의미함)
repetition calendar ko 반복
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar ko 반복 세부 (이거나 공란)
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar ko "%1"은 이벤트 참가자가 아닙니다! 새 참가자로 추가하려는 경우에만 계속 진행하세요.
report calendar ko 보고서
reset calendar ko 리셋
resources calendar ko 리소스
@ -222,24 +236,35 @@ scheduling conflict calendar ko 일정 겹침
select a %1 calendar ko %1 선택
select a time calendar ko 시간선택
select resources calendar ko 리소스 선택
send notifications calendar ko 알림 보내기
send notifications to users right now calendar ko 지금 참가자에게 알림 보내기
set new events to private calendar ko 새 개인 이벤트 설정
should new events created as private by default ? calendar ko 새로 생성되는 이벤트는 개인 - 기본 으로 하시겠습니까?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar ko 이벤트-참가자의 상황이 각 참가자이름 이후에 괄호로 표시하시겠습니까? ( 승락, 거부, 등)
show %1 from %2 calendar ko %2에서 %1 표시
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar ko 하루 종일 차단되지 않는 이벤트로 표시하거나 날짜를 마우스오버하여 표시할 수 있습니다.
show list of upcoming events calendar ko 예정된 이벤트 목록 보기
show this month calendar ko 이번달보기
show this week calendar ko 이번주보기
single event calendar ko 단독 이벤트
single participant calendar ko 단일 참가자
sort by calendar ko 정렬 기준
start calendar ko 시작
start date/time calendar ko 시작 날짜/시간
startdate calendar ko 시작일
startdate / -time calendar ko 시작 날짜/-시간
startrecord calendar ko 시작레코드
status calendar ko 상태
status changed calendar ko 상태 변경됨
submit to repository calendar ko 저장소로 보내기(서브밋)
sun calendar ko 일요일
tentative calendar ko 시험적인
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar ko 가져오기시험 ( 브라우저에 가져올수 있는 레코드 <u> 만 </u> 봅니다 )
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar ko Apple iCal 앱에서는 이 색상을 사용하여 이 캘린더의 이벤트를 표시합니다.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar ko 문서에 데이터로 대체할 {{%1}}과 같은 자리 표시자를 포함할 수 있습니다.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar ko 외부 주최자가 이벤트를 변경했습니다!
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar ko 보낸 사람 "%1"이(가) 외부 주최자 "%2"이(가) 아니므로 주의해서 진행하세요!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar ko 보낸 사람 "%1"이(가) "%2"에 응답하는 참가자가 아니므로 주의해서 계속 진행하세요!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar ko 이날은 월단위 보기 나 주단위 보기에 첫째날로 보여집니다.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar ko 이 정의는 하루 보기에 가장 끝입니다. 이 시간 이후에 이벤트는 하루보기 아래에 나타납니다.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar ko 이 정의는 하루 보기에 가장 처음입니다. 이 시간 이전에 이벤트는 하루보기 위에 나타납니다.<br>이 시간은 새로 발생하는 이벤트의 기본 하루 시작 시간으로 사용됩니다.
@ -254,6 +279,7 @@ three month calendar ko 분기
thu calendar ko 목요일
title of the event calendar ko 이벤트 제목
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar ko 너무 많을 경우 최대실행시간(execution-time-limit)를 초과하게 됩니다
toggle weekend calendar ko 주말 전환
translation calendar ko 번역
tue calendar ko 화요일
two weeks calendar ko 보름
@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar lt %1 įvykis (-iai) %2, %3 nepavyko dėl nepakankamų teisių!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar lt iCal faile yra %1 įvykis, importuotas ir rodomas tik pirmasis!
(%1 events in %2 seconds) calendar lt (%1 įvykis per %2 sekundes)
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar lt Įtraukti susitikimus per sutrumpintą dialogo langą arba visą redagavimo langą
add new event calendar lt Pridėti naują paskyrimą
added by synchronization calendar lt Pridėta sinchronizuojant
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar lt Kuriant įvykius leisti užsakymų užklausas iš bet kurio naudotojo?
always use full edit dialog calendar lt Visada naudokite visą redagavimo dialogo langą
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar lt Visada naudokite visą redagavimo langą, o ne šį mažą langą
attention calendar lt Dėmesio
category report calendar lt Kategorija Ataskaita
changed event-data applied calendar lt Taikomi pakeisti įvykio duomenys
date range calendar lt Datų intervalas
email address migration calendar lt El. pašto adreso perkėlimas
error notifying %1 calendar lt Klaida pranešant %1
exclude weekend calendar lt Neįtraukti savaitgalio
how many days to be removed in the future (default 365) calendar lt Kiek dienų bus pašalinta ateityje (numatytoji 365)
how many days to be removed in the past (default 100) calendar lt Kiek dienų turi būti pašalinta praeityje (numatytoji reikšmė 100)
@ -21,8 +29,26 @@ minimum number of users for showing week view as consolidated. calendar lt Maži
move to calendar lt Perkelti į
multiple participants calendar lt Keli dalyviai
never notify externals (non-users) about events i create calendar lt Niekada nepranešti išoriniams asmenims (ne naudotojams) apie mano sukurtus įvykius
notify calendar lt Pranešti
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar lt Pranešti visiems išoriniams asmenims (ne naudotojams) apie šį įvykį
number of resources to be booked calendar lt Užsakomų išteklių skaičius
output unit calendar lt Išvesties vienetas
private event calendar lt Privatus renginys
recordings calendar lt Įrašai
removes the event from my calendar calendar lt Pašalina įvykį iš mano kalendoriaus
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar lt Atsakymas "%1" NĖRA renginio dalyvis! Tęskite tik tuo atveju, jei norite įtraukti kaip naują dalyvį.
report calendar lt Ataskaita
send notifications calendar lt Siųsti pranešimus
send notifications to users right now calendar lt Siųsti pranešimus dalyviams dabar
show %1 from %2 calendar lt Rodyti %1 iš %2
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar lt Rodyti kaip visos dienos neblokuojamus įvykius, taip pat per datos žymėjimą pelės žymekliu.
single participant calendar lt Vienas dalyvis
sort by calendar lt Rūšiuoti pagal
status calendar lt Būsena
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar lt Šią spalvą "Apple iCal" programos naudoja šio kalendoriaus įvykiams rodyti.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar lt Dokumente gali būti tokios pakaitinės žymos kaip {{%1}}, kurios bus pakeistos duomenimis.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar lt Išorinis organizatorius pakeitė įvykį!
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar lt Siuntėjas "%1" NĖRA išorinis organizatorius "%2", elkitės atsargiai!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar lt Siuntėjas "%1" NĖRA atsakantis dalyvis "%2", elkitės atsargiai!
toggle weekend calendar lt Perjungti savaitgalį
utilities calendar lt Komunalinės paslaugos
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar lv %1 %2 iekš %3
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar lv %1 notikums(-i) %2, %3 neizdevās nepietiekamu tiesību dēļ!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar lv %1 notikums iCal failā, importēts un parādīts tikai pirmais!
%1 hours calendar lv %1 stundas
%1 records imported calendar lv %1 ieraksti importēti
@ -9,15 +10,20 @@ accepted calendar lv Akceptēts
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar lv Darbība, kas izsauca paziņojumu: Pievienots, Atcelts, Akceptēts, Noraidīts
actions calendar lv Darbības
add alarm calendar lv PIevienot trauksmi
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar lv Pievienojiet tikšanās, izmantojot saīsināto dialogu vai pilnu rediģēšanas logu
add new event calendar lv Pievienot jaunu tikšanos
added calendar lv PIevienots
added by synchronization calendar lv Pievienots ar sinhronizāciju
alarm calendar lv Trauksme
alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar lv Trauksme %1pie%2 %3
alarm management calendar lv Trauksmes vadība
alarms calendar lv Trauksmes
all categories calendar lv visas kategorijas
all day calendar lv VIsu dienu
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar lv Atļaut rezervācijas pieprasījumus no jebkura lietotāja, veidojot notikumus?
always calendar lv Vienmēr
always use full edit dialog calendar lv Vienmēr izmantojiet pilnu rediģēšanas dialogu
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar lv Vienmēr izmantojiet pilnu rediģēšanas logu, nevis šo mazo logu.
apply the changes calendar lv Lietot izmaiņas
attention calendar lv Uzmanību
before the event calendar lv pirms šī notikuma
@ -55,10 +61,12 @@ display status of events calendar lv Parādīt notikumu statusu
download calendar lv Lejupielādēt
duration calendar lv Izpildes laiks
edit series calendar lv Rediģēt sērijas
email address migration calendar lv E-pasta adrešu migrācija
empty for all calendar lv iztukšot visiem
end date/time calendar lv Beigu datums/laiks
enddate calendar lv beigu datums
enddate calendar lv Beigu datums
ends calendar lv beidzas
error notifying %1 calendar lv Kļūda, paziņojot %1
exceptions calendar lv Izņēmumi
exclude weekend calendar lv Izslēgt nedēļas nogali
existing links calendar lv Eksistējošas saites
@ -124,7 +132,10 @@ notification messages for canceled events calendar lv Paziņojuma vēstules par
notification messages for modified events calendar lv Paziņojuma vēstules par pārveidotajiem notikumiem
notification messages for your alarms calendar lv Paziņojuma vēstules par trauksmēm
notification messages for your responses calendar lv Paziņojuma vēstules par tavām atbildēm
notify calendar lv Paziņot
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar lv Paziņot visiem ārējiem lietotājiem (kas nav lietotāji) par šo notikumu
number of records to read (%1) calendar lv Lasāmo ierakstu skaits(%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar lv Rezervējamo resursu skaits
observance rule calendar lv Ievērošanas kārtula
occurence calendar lv Notikums
old startdate calendar lv Vecais standarts
@ -146,6 +157,7 @@ preselected group for entering the planner calendar lv Iepriekšizvēlētā grup
previous calendar lv Iepriekšējā
private and global public calendar lv Privāts un Vispārēji publisks
private and group public calendar lv Privāts un Grupu publisks
private event calendar lv Privāts notikums
private only calendar lv Tikai privāts
quantity calendar lv Daudzums
re-edit event calendar lv pārrediģēt notikumu
@ -154,10 +166,12 @@ receive summary of appointments calendar lv Saņemt kopsavilkumu par norunāto t
recordings calendar lv Ieraksti
recurring event calendar lv nepārtraukts notikums
rejected calendar lv Noraidīts
removes the event from my calendar calendar lv Noņem notikumu no mana kalendāra
repeat type calendar lv Atkārtot tipu
repeating event information calendar lv Atkārtojamā notikuma informācija
repetition calendar lv Atkārtojums
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar lv Atkārtojuma rekvizīti
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar lv Atbildot "%1" NAV pasākuma dalībnieks! Turpiniet tikai tad, ja vēlaties pievienot kā jaunu dalībnieku.
report calendar lv Pārskats
reset calendar lv Atiestate
resources calendar lv resursi
@ -166,16 +180,27 @@ rule calendar lv Kārtula
sat calendar lv Sestdiena
scheduling conflict calendar lv Pretrunas plānošana
select resources calendar lv Iezīmē resursus
send notifications calendar lv Nosūtīt paziņojumus
send notifications to users right now calendar lv Nosūtīt paziņojumus dalībniekiem tieši tagad
show %1 from %2 calendar lv Rādīt %1 no %2
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar lv Rādīt kā visas dienas nebloķējošus notikumus, kā arī ar peles kursoru uz datuma.
show list of upcoming events calendar lv Rādīt gaidāmo notikumu sarakstu
single event calendar lv atsevišķs notikums
single event calendar lv Atsevišķs notikums
single participant calendar lv Viens dalībnieks
sort by calendar lv Atlasīt pēc
start date/time calendar lv Sākums datums/laiks
startdate calendar lv Sākumdatums
startrecord calendar lv Sākumieraksts
status calendar lv Statuss
submit to repository calendar lv Iesniegt repozitorijā
sun calendar lv Svētdiena
tentative calendar lv Iepriekšējs
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar lv Pārbaudīt importēšanu (parādīt importējamus ierakstus <u> tikai </u> pārlūkprogrammā)
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar lv Apple iCal lietotnes izmanto šo krāsu, lai parādītu notikumus no šī kalendāra.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar lv Dokumentā var ietvert aizvietotāju, piemēram, {{%1}}, kas tiks aizstāts ar datiem.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar lv Ārējais organizators mainīja notikumu!
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar lv Sūtītājs "%1" NAV ārējais organizators "%2", rīkojieties piesardzīgi!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar lv Sūtītājs "%1" NAV dalībnieks, kas atbild "%2", rīkojieties piesardzīgi!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar lv Mēneša skatā šī diena ir parādīta kā pirmā nedēļas vai mēneša diena
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar lv Tas definē tavas dienas skata beigas. Notikumi pēc šī laika tiek parādīti zem dienas skata
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar lv Šī ir grupa, kas iepriekšizvēlēta, kad tu ieej plānotājā. Tu to vari mainīt plānotājā kad vien vēlies
@ -188,6 +213,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar lv pārāk daudz, var p
to-firstname calendar lv Kam-Vārds
to-fullname calendar lv Kam- Pilnais vārds
to-lastname calendar lv Kam- Uzvārds
toggle weekend calendar lv Pārslēgt nedēļas nogali
translation calendar lv Tulkojums
tue calendar lv Otrdiena
two weeks calendar lv divas nedēļas
@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar nl Acties
actions... calendar nl Acties...
add alarm calendar nl Alarm toevoegen
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar nl Afspraken toevoegen via verkort dialoogvenster of volledig bewerkingsvenster
add new event calendar nl Nieuwe afspraak toevoegen
add timesheet entry calendar nl Urenregistratie toevoegen
added calendar nl Toegevoegd
after calendar nl na
added by synchronization calendar nl Toegevoegd door synchronisatie
after calendar nl Na
after %1 calendar nl Na %1
after current date calendar nl Na de huidige datum
alarm calendar nl Herinnering
@ -37,9 +39,12 @@ all day calendar nl Hele dag
all events calendar nl Alle gebeurtenissen
all future calendar nl Alle toekomstige
all participants calendar nl Alle deelnemers
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar nl Boekingsaanvragen van elke gebruiker toestaan bij het maken van evenementen?
allows to edit the event again calendar nl Staat toe om de gebeurtenis opnieuw te wijzigen
always calendar nl altijd
apply the changes calendar nl wijzigingen doorvoeren
always calendar nl Altijd
always use full edit dialog calendar nl Gebruik altijd het volledige bewerkingsvenster
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar nl Gebruik altijd het volledige bewerkingsvenster, niet dit kleine venster
apply the changes calendar nl Wijzigingen doorvoeren
attention calendar nl Attentie
back half a month calendar nl halve maand terug
back one month calendar nl één maand terug
@ -123,6 +128,7 @@ edit exception calendar nl Uitzondering bewerken
edit series calendar nl Alles bewerken
edit this event calendar nl Deze gebeurtenis bewerken
edit this series of recurring events calendar nl De hele reeks herhalende gebeurtenissen bewerken
email address migration calendar nl Migratie e-mailadres
empty for all calendar nl leeg voor alle
end calendar nl Eind
end date/time calendar nl Einddatum/-tijd
@ -131,6 +137,7 @@ enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar nl Einddatum
enddate of the export calendar nl Einddatum van de export
ends calendar nl eindigt
error adding the alarm calendar nl Fout bij instellen van de herinnering
error notifying %1 calendar nl Foutmelding %1
error: importing the ical calendar nl Fout: importing van de iCal
error: no participants selected !!! calendar nl Fout: geen deelnemers geselecteerd !!!
error: resources reservation in private events is not allowed!!! calendar nl Fout: hulpmiddelen reserveren is niet toegestaan in privë gebeurtenissen !!!
@ -268,7 +275,10 @@ notification messages for modified events calendar nl Notificatieberichten voor
notification messages for uninvited participants calendar nl Notificatieberichten voor deelnemers waarvan de uitnodiging is ingetrokken
notification messages for your alarms calendar nl Notificatieberichten voor uw alarms
notification messages for your responses calendar nl Notificatieberichten voor uw reacties
notify calendar nl Waarschuw
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar nl Informeer alle externen (niet-gebruikers) over deze gebeurtenis
number of records to read (%1) calendar nl Aantal records om te lezen (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar nl Aantal te boeken middelen
observance rule calendar nl Regel in acht neming
occurence calendar nl Gebeurtenis
old startdate calendar nl Oude begindatum
@ -295,9 +305,10 @@ planner by category calendar nl Planner per categorie
planner by user calendar nl Planner per gebruiker
please note: you can configure the field assignments after you uploaded the file. calendar nl Let op: U kunt het veld toewijzingen instellen NADAT u het bestand het geupload
preselected group for entering the planner calendar nl Voorgeselecteerde groep bij het openen van de planner
previous calendar nl vorige
previous calendar nl Vorige
private and global public calendar nl Privé en globaal publiek
private and group public calendar nl Privé en groep publiek
private event calendar nl Besloten evenement
private only calendar nl Alleen privé
quantity calendar nl Hoeveelheid
re-edit event calendar nl Afspraak opnieuw bewerken
@ -308,6 +319,7 @@ recovered calendar nl Teruggezet
recurrence calendar nl Herhalingen
recurring event calendar nl terugkerende afspraak
rejected calendar nl Afgewezen
removes the event from my calendar calendar nl Verwijdert het evenement uit mijn agenda
repeat days calendar nl Dagen herhalen
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar nl tot welke datum de gebeurtenis herhalen (leeg betekent onbeperkt)
repeat type calendar nl Herhalingstype
@ -315,6 +327,7 @@ repeating event information calendar nl Afspraak herhalings informatie
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar nl herhalingsinterval, bijvoorbeeld 2 herhaalt iedere tweede week
repetition calendar nl Herhalingspatroon
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar nl Details herhaling (of leeg laten)
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar nl Antwoord "%1" is GEEN deelnemer van het evenement! Ga alleen verder als je een nieuwe deelnemer wilt toevoegen.
report calendar nl Rapport
reset calendar nl Herstel
resources calendar nl Hulpmiddelen
@ -332,18 +345,23 @@ select multiple contacts for a further action calendar nl Kies meerdere contacte
select resources calendar nl Selecteer hulpmiddelen
select who should get the alarm calendar nl Selecteer wie de herinnering moet ontvangen
selected range calendar nl Gekozen range
send notifications calendar nl Meldingen verzenden
send notifications to users right now calendar nl Stuur nu meldingen naar deelnemers
set new events to private calendar nl Zet nieuwe afspraken op privé
setting lock time calender admin nl Stel een gegevenslock tijd in voor de agenda (standaard 1 seconde)
should new events created as private by default ? calendar nl Moeten nieuwe afspraken standaard als privé worden aangemaakt?
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar nl Moet de planner een lege regel weergeven voor gebruikers of categorieën zonder enige afspraak.
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar nl Moet de status van de afspraak-deelnemers (accepteren, afwijzen, ...) worden weergegeven tussen haakjes achter elke de namen van de deelnemers?
show %1 from %2 calendar nl Toon %1 van %2
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar nl Tonen als niet-blokkerende evenementen gedurende de hele dag en via mouseover van de datum.
show birthdays from addressbook admin nl Toon verjaardagen vanuit het adresboek
show empty rows in planner calendar nl Toon lege regels in de planner
show list of upcoming events calendar nl Lijst weergeven van toekomstige afspraken
show only the date, not the year admin nl Toon alleen de datum, niet het jaar
show this month calendar nl toon deze maand
show this week calendar nl toon deze week
single event calendar nl enkele afspraak
single event calendar nl Enkele afspraak
single participant calendar nl Enkele deelnemer
sort by calendar nl Sorteren op
start calendar nl Begin
start date/time calendar nl Begindatum/ -tijd
@ -352,15 +370,21 @@ startdate / -time calendar nl Begindatum / -tijd
startdate and -time of the search calendar nl Begindatum en -tijd van de zoekopdracht
startdate of the export calendar nl Begindatum van de export
startrecord calendar nl Startregel
status calendar nl Status
status changed calendar nl Status gewijzigd
submit to repository calendar nl Naar repository inzenden
sun calendar nl Zon
tag to mark positions for address labels calendar nl Tag voor markering tbv adreslabels
tentative calendar nl op proef
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar nl Test import (te impoteren records alleen in uw browser weergeven)
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar nl De Apple iCal Apps gebruiken deze kleur om gebeurtenissen uit deze agenda weer te geven.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar nl Het document kan plaatshouders bevatten zoals {{%1}}, die worden vervangen door de gegevens.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). calendar nl Het document kan een tijdelijke aanduiding als {{%3}} hebben, maar kan vervangen worden met data (%1 volledige lijst van tijdelijke aanduidingen %2)
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar nl De externe organisator heeft de gebeurtenis gewijzigd!
the following document-types are supported: calendar nl De volgende document types worden ondersteund :
the resource you selected is already overbooked: calendar nl De bron die u selecteerde is reeds over bezet:
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar nl De afzender "%1" is NIET de externe organisator "%2", wees voorzichtig!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar nl De afzender "%1" is NIET de deelnemer die "%2" antwoordt, wees voorzichtig!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar nl Deze dag wordt weergegeven als de eerste dag in de week- and maandweergave.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar nl Dit definieert het einde van uw dagweergave. Afspraken die na deze tijd plaatsvinden worden onderaan de dagweergave weergegeven.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar nl Dit definieert het begin van uw dagweergave. Afspraken die voor deze tijd plaatsvinden worden boven de dagweergave weergegeven.<br />Deze tijd wordt ook gebruikt als standaard begintijd voor nieuwe afspraken.
@ -383,6 +407,7 @@ timezone calendar nl Tijdszone
title of the event calendar nl Titel van afspraak
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files calendar nl Namen van alle invoer gelinked aan huidig record, behalve de bijgesloten bestanden
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar nl te veel kan mogelijk uw uitvoertijd van dit programme overschrijden
toggle weekend calendar nl Toggle weekeinde
translation calendar nl Vertaling
tue calendar nl Din
two weeks calendar nl twee weken
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar no %1 %2 i %3
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar no %1 hendelse(r) %2, %3 mislyktes på grunn av utilstrekkelige rettigheter!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar no %1 hendelser i iCal-filen, bare den første importeres og vises!
%1 hours calendar no %1 timer
%1 records imported calendar no %1 oppføringer importert
@ -12,9 +13,11 @@ access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar no Ikke tilgang til %1 kalender
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar no Handling som utløste denne meldingen: Lagt til, Kansellert, Akseptert, Avslått, ...
actions calendar no Aksjoner
add alarm calendar no Legg til alarm
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar no Legg til avtaler via forkortet dialogboks eller fullstendig redigeringsvindu
add new event calendar no Legg til ny avtale
add timesheet entry calendar no Legg til forekomst i timeregistrering
added calendar no Lagt til
added by synchronization calendar no Lagt til ved synkronisering
after current date calendar no Etter inneværende dato
alarm calendar no Alarm
alarm added calendar no Alarm lagt til
@ -26,8 +29,11 @@ all categories calendar no Alle kategorier
all day calendar no Hele Dagen
all events calendar no Alle hendelser
all participants calendar no Alle deltagere
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar no Tillate bestillingsforespørsler fra alle brukere når du oppretter hendelser?
allows to edit the event again calendar no Tillate endring av alarmen
always calendar no Alltid
always use full edit dialog calendar no Bruk alltid hele redigeringsdialogen
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar no Bruk alltid hele redigeringsdialogen, ikke denne lille dialogen.
apply the changes calendar no Oppdater endringene
attention calendar no Oppmerksomhet
back half a month calendar no Tilbake en halv mnd.
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar pl %1 %2 w %3
%1 days calendar pl %1 dni
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar pl %1 zdarzenie(a) %2, %3 nie powiodło się z powodu niewystarczających uprawnień!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar pl %1 zdarzeń w pliku iCal, tylko pierwsze zaimportowane i wyświetlone!
%1 hours calendar pl %1 godziny
%1 minutes calendar pl %1 minut
@ -19,12 +20,14 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar pl Operacje
actions... calendar pl Działania...
add alarm calendar pl Dodaj alarm
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar pl Dodawanie spotkań za pomocą skróconego okna dialogowego lub pełnego okna edycji
add new alarm calendar pl Dodaj nowy alarm
add new event calendar pl Dodawanie nowego spotkania
add new participants or resource calendar pl Dodaj nowych uczestników lub zasoby
add timesheet entry calendar pl Dodaj wpis czasu pracy
added calendar pl Dodano
after calendar pl po
added by synchronization calendar pl Dodano przez synchronizację
after calendar pl Po
after %1 calendar pl Po %1
after current date calendar pl Po bieżącej dacie
alarm calendar pl Alarm
@ -39,10 +42,13 @@ all events calendar pl Wszystkie terminy
all future calendar pl Wszystkie przyszłe
all incl. rejected calendar pl Wszystkie załączone odrzucono
all participants calendar pl Wszyscy uczestnicy
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar pl Zezwalać na prośby o rezerwację od dowolnego użytkownika podczas tworzenia wydarzeń?
allows to edit the event again calendar pl Pozwala edytować termin ponownie
always calendar pl zawsze
always calendar pl Zawsze
always use full edit dialog calendar pl Zawsze używaj pełnego okna edycji
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar pl Zawsze używaj pełnego okna dialogowego edycji, a nie tego małego okna dialogowego.
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown events calendar pl Zastosuj akcję na całym zapytaniu, nie tylko na wyświetlonych zdarzeniach
apply the changes calendar pl zastosuj zmiany
apply the changes calendar pl Zastosuj zmiany
as an alternative you can %1download a mysql dump%2 and import it manually into egw_cal_timezones table. calendar pl Jako alternatywę, możesz %1pobrać zrzut MySQL%2 i importować go ręcznie do tabeli egw_cal_timezones
attention calendar pl Uwaga
back half a month calendar pl wstecz o pół miesiąca
@ -136,6 +142,7 @@ edit series calendar pl Edytuj serię
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar pl Edytuj status lub alarmy dla tego konkretnego dnia
edit this event calendar pl Edytuj termin
edit this series of recurring events calendar pl Edytuj serię terminów powtarzanych
email address migration calendar pl Migracja adresów e-mail
empty for all calendar pl pusty dla wszystkich
end calendar pl Zakończenie
end date/time calendar pl Data/godzina zakończenia
@ -144,6 +151,7 @@ enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar pl Data i cza
enddate of the export calendar pl Data końcowa dla eksportu
ends calendar pl kończy się
error adding the alarm calendar pl Błąd przy dodawaniu alarmu
error notifying %1 calendar pl Błąd powiadamiania %1
error: importing the ical calendar pl Błąd przy importowaniu iCal
error: no participants selected !!! calendar pl Błąd: nie wybrano uczestników
error: resources reservation in private events is not allowed!!! calendar pl Błąd: rezerwacja zasobów w prywatnych zdarzeniach zabroniona !!!
@ -283,7 +291,10 @@ notification messages for modified events calendar pl Powiadomienia dla terminó
notification messages for uninvited participants calendar pl Powiadomienia dla uczestników, którym anulowano zaproszenie
notification messages for your alarms calendar pl Powiadomienia dla Twoich alarmów
notification messages for your responses calendar pl Powiadomienia dla Twoich odpowiedzi
notify calendar pl Powiadomienie
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar pl Powiadom wszystkich zewnętrznych użytkowników o tym wydarzeniu.
number of records to read (%1) calendar pl Liczba rekordów do wczytania (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar pl Liczba zasobów do zarezerwowania
number of weeks to show calendar pl Ile tygodni pokazać
observance rule calendar pl Przestrzeganie zasad
occurence calendar pl Wystąpienie
@ -318,6 +329,7 @@ preselected group for entering the planner calendar pl Grupa domyślna przy uruc
previous calendar pl poprzedni
private and global public calendar pl Prywatne i Globalne Publiczne
private and group public calendar pl Prywatne i grupowo publiczne
private event calendar pl Wydarzenie prywatne
private only calendar pl Tylko prywatne
quantity calendar pl Liczba (sztuk)
re-edit event calendar pl Edytuj zdarzenie
@ -329,6 +341,7 @@ recovered calendar pl odzyskany
recurrence calendar pl Powtarzanie
recurring event calendar pl Termin powtarzany
rejected calendar pl Odrzucone
removes the event from my calendar calendar pl Usuwa wydarzenie z mojego kalendarza
repeat days calendar pl Dni powtórzenia
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar pl powtarzaj termin aż do wskazanej daty (pusta oznacza nieskończoność)
repeat type calendar pl Typ powtórek
@ -336,6 +349,7 @@ repeating event information calendar pl Informacja o powtórkach
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar pl okres powtarzania, np. 2 oznacza co drugi tydzień
repetition calendar pl Powtarzanie
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar pl Szczegóły powtórzenia (lub puste)
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar pl Odpowiadający "%1" NIE jest uczestnikiem wydarzenia! Kontynuuj tylko, jeśli chcesz dodać nowego uczestnika.
report calendar pl Raport
requested calendar pl Żądany
require an acl grant to invite other users and groups admin pl Wymagaj zezwolenia ACL aby zaprosić innych użytkowników i grupy
@ -360,6 +374,8 @@ select multiple contacts for a further action calendar pl Wybierz wiele kontakt
select resources calendar pl Wybierz zasoby
select who should get the alarm calendar pl Wybierz odbiorców alarmu
selected range calendar pl Wybrany zakres
send notifications calendar pl Wyślij powiadomienia
send notifications to users right now calendar pl Wyślij powiadomienia do uczestników w tej chwili
series deleted calendar pl Seria usunięta
set new events to private calendar pl Oznaczaj nowe terminy jako prywatne
setting lock time calender admin pl Ustawienie blokady czasu dla kalendarza (domyslnie 1 sekunda)
@ -370,11 +386,13 @@ should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar calendar pl Czy wyśw
should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar (only if offset = 0) calendar pl Czy wyświetlać liczbę tygodni na górze kalendarza (tylko jeśli offset = 0)
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar pl Czy widok planowania grupowego powinien zawierać puste wiersze dla użytkowników lub kategorii bez jakichkolwiek terminów?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar pl Czy pokazywać w nawiasach status (zaakceptowane, odrzucone...) uczestników zdarzenia obok ich nazwiska?
show %1 from %2 calendar pl Pokaż %1 od %2
show a calendar title calendar pl Pokaż tytuł kalendarza
show all events, as if they were private calendar pl Pokaż wszystkie zdarzenia tak jakby były pyrwatne
show all status incl. rejected events calendar pl Pokaż wszystkie statusy, łącznie z odrzuconymi
show all status, but rejected calendar pl Pokaż wszystkie statusy oprócz odrzuconych
show also events just owned by selected user calendar pl Pokaż też zdarzenia będące własnością wybranego użytkownika
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar pl Pokazuj jako całodniowe wydarzenia bez blokowania, a także poprzez najechanie myszą na datę.
show birthdays from addressbook admin pl Pokazuj urodziny z książki adresowej
show empty rows in planner calendar pl Pokazuj puste wiersze w widoku planowania grupowego
show list of upcoming events calendar pl Pokaż listę nadchodzących zdarzeń
@ -388,6 +406,7 @@ show only the date, not the year admin pl Pokaż tylko datę, bez roku
show this month calendar pl Pokaż ten miesiąc
show this week calendar pl Pokaż ten tydzień
single event calendar pl pojedyncze zdarzenie
single participant calendar pl Pojedynczy uczestnik
sort by calendar pl Sortuj według
specify where url of the day links to calendar pl Gdzie ma prowadzić URL dnia
start calendar pl Rozpoczęcie
@ -397,6 +416,7 @@ startdate / -time calendar pl Data/czas rozpoczęcia
startdate and -time of the search calendar pl Data/czas rozpoczęcia przy wyszukwaniu
startdate of the export calendar pl Data początkowa dla eksportu
startrecord calendar pl Pierwszy wpis
status calendar pl Status
status changed calendar pl Status został zmieniony
status for all future scheduled days changed calendar pl Status zaplanowanych dni się zmienił
status for this particular day changed calendar pl Status tego dnia zmienił się
@ -406,7 +426,12 @@ sun calendar pl Nie
tag to mark positions for address labels calendar pl Zaznacz, aby oznaczyć pozycję dla etykiet adresu
tentative calendar pl Niezobowiązujący
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar pl Import testowy (tylko pokazuje importowane rekordy, nie importuje ich)
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar pl Aplikacje Apple iCal używają tego koloru do wyświetlania wydarzeń z tego kalendarza.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar pl Dokument może zawierać symbol zastępczy, taki jak {{%1}}, który zostanie zastąpiony danymi.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar pl Zewnętrzny organizator zmienił wydarzenie!
the resource you selected is already overbooked: calendar pl Zasób który wybrałeś jest już zarezerwowany:
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar pl Nadawca "%1" NIE jest zewnętrznym organizatorem "%2", zachowaj ostrożność!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar pl Nadawca "%1" NIE jest uczestnikiem odpowiadającym "%2", zachowaj ostrożność!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar pl Ten dzień jest wyświetlany jako pierwszy w widoku dziennym lub tygodniowym.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar pl Wartość wskazuje końcową godzinę widoku dziennego. Terminy zdefiniowane po tej godzinie są pokazywane poniżej widoku dziennego.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar pl Wartość wskazuje początkową godzinę widoku dziennego. Terminy zdefiniowane przed tą godziną są pokazywane powyżej widoku dziennego.<br /> Jest to również godzina używana jako domyślny czas rozpoczęcia nowego terminu.
@ -438,6 +463,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar pl zbyt wiele może spow
to-firstname calendar pl Do imienia
to-fullname calendar pl Do pełnej nazwy
to-lastname calendar pl Do nazwiska
toggle weekend calendar pl Przełącz tydzień
tomorrow calendar pl Jutro
translation calendar pl Tłumaczenie
tue calendar pl Wto
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar pt-br %1 %2 em %3
%1 days calendar pt-br %1 dias
%1 event(s) %2 calendar pt-br %1 evento (s) 2%
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar pt-br %1 evento(s) %2, %3 falhou devido a direitos insuficientes!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar pt-br %1 eventos no arquivo iCal, apenas o primeiro foi importado e exibido!
%1 hours calendar pt-br %1 horas
%1 minutes calendar pt-br %1 minutos
@ -22,12 +23,14 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar pt-br Ações
actions... calendar pt-br Ações...
add alarm calendar pt-br Adicionar aviso
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar pt-br Adicionar compromissos por meio de uma caixa de diálogo reduzida ou de uma janela de edição completa
add current view as favorite calendar pt-br Adicionar visão atual como favorita
add new alarm calendar pt-br Adicionar novo alarme
add new event calendar pt-br Adicionar novo compromisso
add new participants or resource calendar pt-br Adicionar novos participantes ou recurso
add timesheet entry calendar pt-br Adicionar registro à planilha de tempo
added calendar pt-br Adicionado
added by synchronization calendar pt-br Adicionado por sincronização
after calendar pt-br após
after %1 calendar pt-br Após %1
after current date calendar pt-br Após data atual
@ -45,8 +48,11 @@ all exceptions are converted into single events. calendar pt-br Todas as exceç
all future calendar pt-br Todos futuros
all incl. rejected calendar pt-br Todos incl. rejeitado
all participants calendar pt-br Todos os participantes
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar pt-br Permitir solicitações de agendamento de qualquer usuário ao criar eventos?
allows to edit the event again calendar pt-br Permite editar o evento novamente
always calendar pt-br sempre
always use full edit dialog calendar pt-br Sempre usar a caixa de diálogo de edição completa
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar pt-br Sempre use a caixa de diálogo de edição completa, não essa pequena caixa de diálogo
apply the changes calendar pt-br aplicar as alterações
attention calendar pt-br Atendimento
automatically purge old events after admin pt-br Purgar automaticamente eventos antigos depois
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar pt %1 %2 em %3
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar pt %1 evento(s) %2, %3 falhou devido a direitos insuficientes!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar pt %1 eventos no ficheiro iCal, apenas o primeiro foi importado e apresentado!
%1 hours calendar pt %1 horas
%1 records imported calendar pt %1 registos importados
@ -13,9 +14,11 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar pt Acções
actions... calendar pt Ações ...
add alarm calendar pt Adicionar aviso
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar pt Adicionar marcações através de uma caixa de diálogo abreviada ou de uma janela de edição completa
add new event calendar pt Adicionar novo compromisso
add timesheet entry calendar pt Adicionar registo da folha de tempo
added calendar pt Adicionado
added by synchronization calendar pt Adicionadas por sincronização
after current date calendar pt Após data actual
alarm calendar pt Aviso
alarm added calendar pt Aviso adicionado
@ -27,8 +30,11 @@ all categories calendar pt Todas as categorias
all day calendar pt Todo o dia
all events calendar pt Todos os eventos
all participants calendar pt Todos os participantes
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar pt Permitir pedidos de marcação de qualquer utilizador ao criar eventos?
allows to edit the event again calendar pt Permite editar o evento
always calendar pt Sempre
always use full edit dialog calendar pt Utilizar sempre a caixa de diálogo de edição completa
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar pt Utilizar sempre a caixa de diálogo de edição completa, não esta pequena caixa de diálogo
apply the changes calendar pt Aplicar alterações
attention calendar pt Atenção
back half a month calendar pt Recuar meio mês
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar ro %1 eveniment(e) %2, %3 a eșuat din cauza drepturilor insuficiente!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar ro %1 evenimente în fișierul iCal, doar primul a fost importat și afișat!
(%1 events in %2 seconds) calendar ro (%1 evenimente în %2 secunde)
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar ro Adăugați programări prin intermediul unei ferestre de dialog scurtate sau al unei ferestre de editare completă
add new event calendar ro Adăugați o nouă programare
added by synchronization calendar ro Adăugat prin sincronizare
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar ro Permiteți cererile de rezervare de la orice utilizator la crearea de evenimente?
always use full edit dialog calendar ro Utilizați întotdeauna fereastra de editare completă
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar ro Utilizați întotdeauna fereastra de editare completă, nu această fereastră de dialog redusă
attention calendar ro În atenția
category report calendar ro Raport de categorie
changed event-data applied calendar ro S-a aplicat modificarea datelor de eveniment
@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ edit series calendar sk Upraviť sériu
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar sk Upraviť stav alebo pripomienky pre tento konkrétny deň
edit this event calendar sk Upraviť túto udalosť
edit this series of recurring events calendar sk Upraviť túto sériu pravidelných udalostí
email address migration calendar sk Migrácia e-mailovej adresy
empty = no alarm calendar sk prázdne = bez pripomienky
empty for all calendar sk prázdne znamená všetko
empty target calendar before importing calendar sk Pred importom vyprázdniť cieľový kalendár
@ -588,6 +589,7 @@ tag to mark positions for address labels calendar sk Značka pre vyznačenie poz
tentative calendar sk Predbežne prijaté
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar sk Otestovať import (importované záznamy sa zobrazia <u>len</u> v prehliadači)
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar sk Aplikácie Apple iCal používajú túto farbu na zobrazenie udalostí z tohto kalendára
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar sk Dokument môže obsahovať zástupné znaky ako {{%1}}, ktoré sa nahradia údajmi.
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). calendar sk Dokument môže obsahovať premennú, napr. {{%3}} ktorá sa nahradí údajmi (%1úplný zoznam názvov premenných%2).
the exceptions are deleted together with the series. calendar sk Výnimky boli odstránené spolu so sériou.
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar sk Externý organizér zmenil udalosť!
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar sl %1 %2 v %3
%1 days calendar sl %1 dni
%1 event(s) %2 calendar sl %1 dogodki %2
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar sl %1 dogodek(-i) %2, %3 ni uspel zaradi nezadostnih pravic!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar sl %1 dogodkov %2, %3 ni uspelo zaradi nezadostnih pravic!
%1 hours calendar sl %1 ur
%1 minutes calendar sl %1 minut
@ -25,12 +26,14 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar sl Dejanja
actions... calendar sl Dejanja ...
add alarm calendar sl Dodaj opomnik
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar sl Dodajanje sestankov prek skrajšanega pogovornega okna ali celotnega okna za urejanje
add current view as favorite calendar sl Dodaj trenutni pogled med priljubljene
add new alarm calendar sl Dodaj nov alarm
add new event calendar sl Dodajanje novega sestanka
add new participants or resource calendar sl Dodajanje novih udeležencev ali virov
add timesheet entry calendar sl Dodaj vnos timeheet
added calendar sl Dodano
added by synchronization calendar sl Dodano s sinhronizacijo
after calendar sl Po
after %1 calendar sl Po %1
after current date calendar sl Za trenutnim datumom
@ -49,9 +52,12 @@ all exceptions are converted into single events. calendar sl Vse izjeme se pretv
all future calendar sl Vsi v prihodnosti
all incl. rejected calendar sl Vse, vlkj. zavrnjene
all participants calendar sl Vsi udeleženci
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar sl Pri ustvarjanju dogodkov dovoliti zahteve za rezervacijo od katerega koli uporabnika?
allow users to prevent change notifications ('do not notify') calendar sl Uporabnikom dovolite, da preprečijo obvestila o spremembah »Ne obvesti«
allows to edit the event again calendar sl Dovoli ponovno urejanje dogodka
always calendar sl Vedno
always use full edit dialog calendar sl Vedno uporabite celotno pogovorno okno za urejanje
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar sl Vedno uporabite celotno pogovorno okno za urejanje in ne tega majhnega pogovornega okna
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown events calendar sl Uporabite dejanje za celotno poizvedbo, NE samo prikazani dogodki.
apply the changes calendar sl Uveljavi spremembe
appointment settings calendar sl Nastavitve imenovanja
@ -178,6 +184,7 @@ edit exception calendar sl Uredi izjemo
edit series calendar sl Uredi serije
edit status or alarms for this particular day calendar sl Urejanje stanja ali alarmov za ta dan
edit this event calendar sl Uredi ta dogodek
email address migration calendar sl Migracija e-poštnega naslova
empty = no alarm calendar sl prazno = brez alarma
empty for all calendar sl izprazni za vse
end calendar sl Konec
@ -187,6 +194,7 @@ enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar sl Končni da
enddate of the export calendar sl Končni datum izvoza
ends calendar sl Konča
error adding the alarm calendar sl Napaka pri dodajanju alarma
error notifying %1 calendar sl Napaka pri obveščanju %1
error saving the event! calendar sl Napaka pri shranjevanju dogodka!
error: can't delete original series! calendar sl Napaka: Izvirne serije ni mogoče izbrisati!
error: duration of event longer then recurrence interval! calendar sl Napaka: trajanje dogodka je daljši od intervala ponovitve!
@ -374,8 +382,11 @@ notification messages for modified events calendar sl Sporočilo ob spremenjenih
notification messages for your alarms calendar sl Sporočilo ob vaših opomnikih
notification messages for your responses calendar sl Sporočilo ob vaših odgovorih
notification settings calendar sl Nastavitve obvestil
notify calendar sl Obvesti
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar sl Obvesti vse zunanje osebe (ki niso uporabniki) o tem dogodku
notify non-egroupware users about event updates calendar sl Obveščajte uporabnike, ki niso člani skupine, o posodobitvah dogodkov
number of records to read (%1) calendar sl Število zapisov za branje (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar sl Število virov, ki jih je treba rezervirati
number of weeks to show calendar sl Število tednov za prikaz
observance rule calendar sl Pravilo opazovanja
occurence calendar sl Dogodek
@ -417,6 +428,7 @@ prevent deleting of entries admin sl Preprečite brisanje vnosov
previous calendar sl Prejšnji
private and global public calendar sl Zasebno in ostali
private and group public calendar sl Zasebno in skupina
private event calendar sl Zasebni dogodek
private only calendar sl Samo zasebno
quantity calendar sl Količina
range fields calendar sl Razpon polja
@ -433,6 +445,7 @@ recurrences and conflict check calendar sl Ponovitve in preverjanje konfliktov
recurring event calendar sl Ponavljajoči dogodek
reject calendar sl Zavrni
rejected calendar sl Zavrnjeno
removes the event from my calendar calendar sl Odstrani dogodek iz mojega koledarja
repeat days calendar sl Ponavljajoči dnevi
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar sl Oo katerega datuma naj se dogodek ponavlja (prazno pomeni brez omejitve)
repeat type calendar sl Ponovi tip
@ -442,6 +455,7 @@ repetition calendar sl Ponovitev
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar sl Podrobnosti ponovitev (ali prazno)
replacements for inserting events into documents calendar sl Zamenjava za vstavljanje dogodkov v dokumente
reply to meeting request calendar sl Odgovor na zahtevo za sestanek
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar sl Odgovor "%1" NI udeleženec dogodka! Nadaljujte samo, če želite dodati novega udeleženca.
report calendar sl Poročilo
requested calendar sl Zahtevano
requested date %1 outside allowed range of %2 days: recurring events obmitted! calendar sl Zahtevani datum %1 zunaj dovoljenega obsega %2 dni: ponavljajoči se dogodki so dovoljeni!
@ -474,6 +488,8 @@ select who should get the alarm calendar sl Izberite, kdo naj dodi sporočilo al
selected range calendar sl Izbrani obseg
selected users/groups calendar sl Izbrani uporabniki / skupine
send meetingrequest to all participants after the event is saved calendar sl Pošljite sporočilo za vse udeležence, ko se dogodek shrani
send notifications calendar sl Pošljite obvestila
send notifications to users right now calendar sl Pošljite obvestila udeležencem zdaj
series deleted calendar sl Serija je izbrisana
set new events to private calendar sl Novi dogodki naj bodo označeni kot zasebni
setting lock time calender admin sl Nastavitev časa Datalock za koledar (privzeto je 1 sekunda)
@ -484,6 +500,7 @@ should the grid be shown in the calendar calendar sl Če je mreža prikazana v k
should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar calendar sl Če je na vrhu koledarja prikazano število tednov
should the number of weeks be shown on top of the calendar (only if offset = 0) calendar sl Če je na vrhu koledarja prikazano število tednov (samo, če je offset = 0)
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar sl Naj načrtovalec prikaže prazno vrstico za uporabnike ali kategorije brez dogodkov?
show %1 from %2 calendar sl Prikaži %1 iz %2
show a calendar title calendar sl Prikaži naslov koledarja
show all events, as if they were private calendar sl Pokaži vse dogodke, kot če bi bili zasebni
show all status incl. rejected events calendar sl Prikaži vse stanje vklj. Zavrnjeni dogodki
@ -507,6 +524,7 @@ show this month calendar sl Prikaži ta mesec
show this week calendar sl Prikaži ta teden
show year and age calendar sl Prikaži leto in starost
single event calendar sl Pposamezen dogodek
single participant calendar sl Posamezen udeleženec
sort by calendar sl Razvrsti po
specify where url of the day links to calendar sl Določite, kje je URL dnevnika
start calendar sl Začetek
@ -574,6 +592,7 @@ to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar sl Preveč lahko presež
to-firstname calendar sl Na ime
to-fullname calendar sl Na ime in priiimek
to-lastname calendar sl Na priimek
toggle weekend calendar sl Preklopi vikend
tomorrow calendar sl Jutri
translation calendar sl Prevod
tue calendar sl Tor
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar sv %1 %2 i %3
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar sv %1 händelse(r) %2, %3 misslyckades på grund av otillräckliga rättigheter!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar sv %1 händelser i iCal-fil, endast den första importeras och visas!
%1 hours calendar sv %1 timmar
%1 participants removed because of missing invite grants calendar sv %1 deltagare har tagits bort pga avsaknad av bjudningsrätt
@ -15,9 +16,11 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar sv Åtgärder
actions... calendar sv Åtgärder
add alarm calendar sv Skapa larm
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar sv Lägg till möten via förkortad dialogruta eller komplett redigeringsfönster
add new event calendar sv Lägg till nytt möte
add timesheet entry calendar sv Lägg till tidredovisnings post
added calendar sv Skapad
added by synchronization calendar sv Läggs till genom synkronisering
after %1 calendar sv Efter %1
after current date calendar sv Efter dagens datum
alarm calendar sv Larm
@ -32,8 +35,11 @@ all events calendar sv Alla händelser
all future calendar sv Alla framtida
all incl. rejected calendar sv Alla, även avböjda
all participants calendar sv Alla deltagare
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar sv Tillåt bokningsförfrågningar från alla användare när du skapar evenemang?
allows to edit the event again calendar sv Tillåter fler ändringar av händelsen
always calendar sv Alltid
always use full edit dialog calendar sv Använd alltid hela redigeringsdialogen
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar sv Använd alltid hela redigeringsdialogen, inte den här lilla dialogen
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown events calendar sv Använd aktionen på hela frågan, inte bara visade händelser
apply the changes calendar sv Spara ändringar
attention calendar sv Uppmärksamhet
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar tr %3 içindeki %1 %2
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar tr %1 etkinlik(ler) %2, %3 yetersiz haklar nedeniyle başarısız oldu!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar tr iCal dosyasında %1 etkinlik, yalnızca ilki içe aktarıldı ve görüntülendi!
%1 records imported calendar tr %1 kayıt ithal edildi
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar tr %1 kayıt okundu (henüz ithal edilmedi, geri dönüp 'İthal Etmeyi Test Et' seçeneğindeki seçimi kaldırabilirsiniz.)
@ -8,14 +9,19 @@ accepted calendar tr Kabul Edildi
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar tr Uyarıya sebep olan eylem: Eklendi, İptal Edildi, Onaylandı, Reddedildi,...
actions calendar tr Eylemler
add alarm calendar tr Alarm Ekle
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar tr Kısaltılmış iletişim kutusu veya tam düzenleme penceresi aracılığıyla randevu ekleyin
add new event calendar tr Yeni randevu ekle
added calendar tr Eklendi
added by synchronization calendar tr Senkronizasyon tarafından eklendi
alarm calendar tr Alarm
alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar tr %1 (%2'de %3 içinde) için Alarm
alarm management calendar tr Alarm Yönetimi
alarms calendar tr Alarmlar
all day calendar tr Tüm Gün
always calendar tr her zaman
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar tr Etkinlik oluştururken herhangi bir kullanıcıdan gelen rezervasyon taleplerine izin verin?
always calendar tr Her zaman
always use full edit dialog calendar tr Her zaman tam düzenleme iletişim kutusunu kullanın
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar tr Her zaman tam düzenleme iletişim kutusunu kullanın, bu küçük iletişim kutusunu değil
attention calendar tr Dikkat
before the event calendar tr etkinlikten önce
birthday calendar tr Do?um Tarihi
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar uk Подія(и) %1, %2, %3 не відбулася через недостатні права!
%1 events in ical file, only first one imported and displayed! calendar uk %1 подій у файлі iCal, імпортовано та показано лише першу!
%1 hours calendar uk %1 годин
%1 records imported calendar uk %1 записів імпортовано
@ -8,14 +9,19 @@ accepted calendar uk Прийнято
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar uk Дії, що призводять то сповіщення: Добавлено, Відмінено, Прийнято, Відхилено...
actions calendar uk Дії
add alarm calendar uk Добавити попередження
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar uk Додавання зустрічей через скорочений діалог або повне вікно редагування
add new event calendar uk Додати нову зустріч
added calendar uk Добавлено
added by synchronization calendar uk Додано шляхом синхронізації
alarm calendar uk Попередження
alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar uk Попередження для %1 о %2 в %3
alarm management calendar uk Керування попередженнями
alarms calendar uk Попередження
all day calendar uk На повний день
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar uk Дозволити запити на бронювання від будь-якого користувача при створенні подій?
always calendar uk Завжди
always use full edit dialog calendar uk Завжди використовувати повне вікно редагування
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar uk Завжди використовувати повне діалогове вікно редагування, а не це маленьке діалогове вікно
attention calendar uk До уваги
before the event calendar uk перед подією
birthday calendar uk День народження
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar zh 在%3的%1%2
%1 event(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights !!! calendar zh %1 事件 %2, %3 因权限不足而失败!
%1 hours calendar zh %1小时
%1 records imported calendar zh 已导入%1个记录
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar zh 已读取%1个记录 (尚未导入, 您可以返回并取消导入测试)
@ -12,9 +13,11 @@ action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar
actions calendar zh 操作
actions... calendar zh 操作...
add alarm calendar zh 添加闹铃
add appointments via shortened dialog or complete edit window calendar zh 通过缩短的对话框或完整的编辑窗口添加约会
add new event calendar zh 添加新预约
add timesheet entry calendar zh 添加时间表条目
added calendar zh 添加
added by synchronization calendar zh 通过同步添加
after %1 calendar zh 在%1以后
after current date calendar zh 在当前日期之后
alarm calendar zh 闹铃
@ -28,8 +31,11 @@ all day calendar zh 所有日期
all events calendar zh 所有事件
all future calendar zh 所有未来
all participants calendar zh 所有参与者
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? calendar zh 创建活动时是否允许来自任何用户的预订请求?
allows to edit the event again calendar zh 允许再次编辑事件
always calendar zh 永远
always use full edit dialog calendar zh 始终使用完整的编辑对话框
always use the full edit dialog, not this little dialog calendar zh 始终使用完整的编辑对话框,而不是这个小对话框
apply the changes calendar zh 应用修改
attention calendar zh 注意事项
back half a month calendar zh 上半个月
@ -101,6 +107,7 @@ edit exception calendar zh 编辑例外
edit series calendar zh 编辑系列
edit this event calendar zh 编辑这一事件
edit this series of recurring events calendar zh 编辑这个系列循环日历
email address migration calendar zh 电子邮件地址迁移
empty for all calendar zh 全部清空
end calendar zh 终止
end date/time calendar zh 终止日期/时间
@ -109,6 +116,7 @@ enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar zh 终止日
enddate of the export calendar zh 导出终止日期
ends calendar zh 终止日期
error adding the alarm calendar zh 新闹铃错误
error notifying %1 calendar zh 通知 %1 出错
error: importing the ical calendar zh 错误:导入 iCal
error: no participants selected !!! calendar zh 错误:没有选择参与者!
error: saving the event !!! calendar zh 错误: 保存事件时!
@ -227,7 +235,10 @@ notification messages for modified events calendar zh 修改事件的通知消
notification messages for uninvited participants calendar zh 拒绝参与的通知消息
notification messages for your alarms calendar zh 您的闹铃的通知消息
notification messages for your responses calendar zh 您的回复的通知消息
notify calendar zh 通知
notify all externals (non-users) about this event calendar zh 将此事件通知所有外部人员(非用户
number of records to read (%1) calendar zh 读取的记录数 (%1)
number of resources to be booked calendar zh 要预订的资源数量
observance rule calendar zh 遵循规则
occurence calendar zh 期间
old startdate calendar zh 旧的开始日期
@ -257,6 +268,7 @@ preselected group for entering the planner calendar zh 为计划预先选定参
previous calendar zh 上一个
private and global public calendar zh 私有和全局公用
private and group public calendar zh 私有和群组公用
private event calendar zh 私人活动
private only calendar zh 仅私有
quantity calendar zh 数量
re-edit event calendar zh 重新编辑事件
@ -266,6 +278,7 @@ recordings calendar zh 记录
recurrence calendar zh 重复
recurring event calendar zh 重复事件
rejected calendar zh 拒绝
removes the event from my calendar calendar zh 从我的日历中删除活动
repeat days calendar zh 重复天数
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar zh 重复事件终止日期(空白表示无限)
repeat type calendar zh 重复类型
@ -273,6 +286,7 @@ repeating event information calendar zh 重复事件信息
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar zh 重复间隔,例如:2代表每隔两周重复一次
repetition calendar zh 重复
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar zh 重复细节 (或空白)
replying "%1" is not a participant of the event! only continue if you want to add as new participant. calendar zh 回复"%1 "不是该活动的参与者!如果您想添加新的参与者,请继续。
report calendar zh 报告
requested calendar zh 请求
reset calendar zh 重置
@ -289,11 +303,15 @@ select multiple contacts for a further action calendar zh 为下一步操作选
select resources calendar zh 选择资源
select who should get the alarm calendar zh 选择应通知者
selected range calendar zh 选择的范围
send notifications calendar zh 发送通知
send notifications to users right now calendar zh 立即向参与者发送通知
set new events to private calendar zh 设置新事件为私有
setting lock time calender admin zh 设定日历的数据锁定时间为(默认为1秒)
should new events created as private by default ? calendar zh 默认新增的事件为私有?
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar zh 计划应该为没有任何约会的用户或类别显示一个空白行。
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar zh 事件参与者的状态(接受,拒绝...)应该显示在每个参与者名字后面的方括号里吗?
show %1 from %2 calendar zh 从 %2 显示 %1
show birthdays as all day non-blocking events as well as via mouseover of the date. calendar zh 显示为全天无阻塞活动,也可通过鼠标移动日期显示。
show birthdays from addressbook admin zh 从通讯录显示生日
show empty rows in planner calendar zh 在计划中显示空白行
show list of upcoming events calendar zh 显示即将到来的事件列表
@ -301,6 +319,7 @@ show only the date, not the year admin zh 只显示日期,不显示年份
show this month calendar zh 显示这个月
show this week calendar zh 显示这一周
single event calendar zh 单一事件
single participant calendar zh 单个参与者
sort by calendar zh 排序方式
start calendar zh 开始
start date/time calendar zh 开始日期/时间
@ -309,11 +328,17 @@ startdate / -time calendar zh 开始日期 / -时间
startdate and -time of the search calendar zh 搜索的开始日期和 -时间
startdate of the export calendar zh 导出的开始日期
startrecord calendar zh 开始记录
status calendar zh 状态
status changed calendar zh 状态被改变
submit to repository calendar zh 提交到知识库
sun calendar zh 日
tentative calendar zh 暂定的
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar zh 测试导入(<u>只有</u>在浏览器中显示可以导入的纪录)
the apple ical apps use this color to display events from this calendar. calendar zh Apple iCal 应用程序使用这种颜色来显示该日历中的事件。
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. calendar zh 文件可以包含占位符,如 {{%1}},并用数据替换。
the extern organizer changed the event! calendar zh 外部组织者更改了事件!
the sender "%1" is not the extern organizer "%2", proceed with caution! calendar zh 发件人"%1 "不是外部组织者"%2",请谨慎操作!
the sender "%1" is not the participant replying "%2", proceed with caution! calendar zh 发件人"%1 "不是回复"%2 "的参与者,请谨慎操作!
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar zh 这一天在周视图或是月视图中显示为第一天。
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar zh 这定义了您的日视图的结束。在这个时间之后的事件,显示在日视图的下面。
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar zh 这定义了您的日视图的开始,在这个时间之前的事件,显示在日视图的上面。<br>这个时间同样也作为新建事件的默认开始时间。
@ -334,6 +359,7 @@ timeframe to search calendar zh 搜索的时段
timezone calendar zh 时区
title of the event calendar zh 事件标题
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar zh 对许多也许超出了您的执行时间极限
toggle weekend calendar zh 切换周末
translation calendar zh 翻译
tue calendar zh 二
two weeks calendar zh 两周
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ default action on double-click filemanager de Aktion beim Doppelklick einer Date
default behavior is no. the link will not be shown, but you are still able to navigate to this location, or configure this paricular location as startfolder or folderlink. filemanager de Vorgabe ist NEIN. Der Verweis wird nicht angezeigt, Sie können aber immer zu diesem Ordner navigieren, Sie können aber den Ordner als Startordner oder als Ordnerverweis konfigurieren.
default document to insert entries filemanager de Standarddokument zum Einfügen von Daten
defines how to handle double click action on a document file. images are always opened in the expose-view and emails with email application. all other mime-types are handled by the browser itself. filemanager de Legt fest, wie Dokumente behandelt werden beim Doppelklick auf die Datei. Bilder werden immer in der Exposé-Ansicht geöffnet und E-Mails mit der E-Mail-Anwendung. Alle anderen MIME-Typen werden vom Browser selbst behandelt.
defines how to open a merge print document filemanager de Was soll mit Dokumenten nach dem Füllen passieren?<br> Mit verfügbarem Collabora Online können diese Dokumente direkt im Browser mit Collabora Online geöffnet (und weiter verarbeitet) werde.<br><br> <b>Ohne Collabora Online</b> wird ein gefülltest Dokument zum <u>Herunterladen</u> angeboten. Siehe auch:<br> <a href="https://www.egroupware.org/online-office">Collabora Online Office in EGroupware</a>
defines how to open a merge print document filemanager de Was soll mit Dokumenten nach dem Füllen passieren?<br> Mit verfügbarem Collabora Online können diese Dokumente direkt im Browser mit Collabora Online geöffnet (und weiter verarbeitet) werde.<br><br> <b>Ohne Collabora Online</b> wird ein gefülltest Dokument zum Herunterladen angeboten. Siehe auch:<br> <a href="https://www.egroupware.org/online-office" target="_blank">Collabora Online Office in EGroupware</a>
delete all older versions and deleted files older then %s days filemanager de Lösche alle alten Versionen und gelöschte Dateien älter als %s Tage
delete these files or directories? filemanager de Diese Dateien oder Ordner löschen?
delete these shares? filemanager de Diese Freigaben löschen?
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was n
push notifications mail de Push Benachrichtigungen
quicksearch mail de Schnellsuche
quicksearch (with cc) mail de Schnellsuche (+ Kopie)
quota limit warning in megabyte (recommended value is 30 mb). mail de Quota-Limit-Warnung in MegaByte (empfohlener Wert ist 30 MB).
quota limit warning in megabyte (recommended value is 30 mb). mail de Quota-Limit-Warnung in Megabyte (empfohlener Wert ist 30 MB).
quota not provided by server mail de Quota wird vom Mailserver nicht unterstützt
quota: %1 mail de Quota: %1
read mail de gelesen
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ report as spam mail de Als Spam kennzeichnen
report this email content as ham (not spam) - spam solutions like spamtitan will learn mail de Markiert die Nachricht als "gute E-Mail" (kein Spam) - Spam-Lösungen wie SpamTitan lernen entsprechend
report this email content as spam - spam solutions like spamtitan will learn mail de Markiert die Nachricht als Spam - Spam-Lösungen wie SpamTitan lernen entsprechend
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. mail de Die benötigte PEAR Klasse Mail/mimeDecode.php konnte nicht gefunden werden.
required to disable if you use dovecot with private seen flags on shared or user folder! mail de Muss ausgeschaltet werden, wenn Sie Dovecot mit privaten Gelesen Flags auf geteilten oder freigegebenen Ordnern benutzern!
required to disable if you use dovecot with private seen flags on shared or user folder! mail de Muss ausgeschaltet werden, wenn Sie Dovecot mit privaten Gelesen Flags auf geteilten oder freigegebenen Ordnern benutzen!
resend after how many days? mail de Nach wie vielen Tagen erneut senden?
respond to mail sent to: mail de Benachrichtigung für
restrict acl management admin de ACL-Verwaltung beschränken
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ rights mail de Zugriffsrechte
row order style mail de Spaltenanordnung
rule priority position mail de Priorität der Filterregel
rule with priority mail de Regel mit Priorität
rules mail de Filter Regeln
rules mail de Filter-Regeln
s/mime encryption failed because no certificate has been found for sender address: %1 mail de Die S/MIME-Verschlüsselung ist fehlgeschlagen, weil kein Zertifikat für die Absenderadresse gefunden wurde: %1
save all mail de Alle speichern
save all attachments to filemanager mail de Alle Anhänge im Dateimanager speichern
@ -583,8 +583,8 @@ shows a temporary visible notification including from address, subject and a sni
sieve mail de Sieve
sieve connection status mail de Sieve Verbindungsstatus
sieve not activated mail de Sieve nicht aktiviert
sieve script name mail de Stellen Sie den Sieve Skript Namen ein.
sieve server mail de Sieve Server
sieve script name mail de Stellen Sie den Sieve-Skript-Namen ein.
sieve server mail de Sieve-Server
sieve_edit_instructions mail de (*) Platzhalter (*,?) können verwendet werden. Wenn Sie * oder ? selbst finden wollen, dann müssen Sie diesen Zeichen je einen Backslash (\) voranstellen. Wenn Sie "reguläre Ausdrücke verwenden" aktivieren, dann müssen Sie jedoch gültige reguläre Ausdrücke angeben. Zur Verwendung von Ausrufezeichen (!), das NICHT als "NICHT" interprtiert werden soll, muss ein regulärer Ausdruck verwendet werden und ein Backslash - also "\!".
sign your message with smime certificate mail de Signieren Sie Ihre Nachricht mit einem S/MIME-Zertifikat
signature mail de Signatur
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ smime encrypted message mail de S/MIME-verschlüsselte Nachricht
smime signed message mail de S/MIME-signierte Nachricht
smtp mail de Postausgangs-Server
sneak preview in list mail de Mit Kurzvorschau
some clients fail to detect correct charset, if flowed lines are enabled. mail de Einige Mailprogramme haben Probleme den Zeichensatz zu erkennen, wenn variabler Zeilenumbruch verwendet wird.
some clients fail to detect correct charset, if flowed lines are enabled. mail de Einige Mail-Programme haben Probleme den Zeichensatz zu erkennen, wenn variabler Zeilenumbruch verwendet wird.
sort order mail de Sortierreihenfolge
source mail de Quelltext
sources mail de HTML-Quellcode
@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ vacation messages with start and end date require an admin account to be set! ma
vacation notice mail de Abwesenheitsnotiz
vacation notice is active mail de Abwesenheitsnotiz ist aktiv
vacation notice is not saved yet! (but we filled in some defaults to cover some of the above errors. please correct and check your settings and save again.) mail de Die Abwesenheitsnotiz ist noch nicht gespeichert! (Wir haben einige Standardwerte gesetzt, um einige der oben gemeldeten Probleme zu beheben. Bitte prüfen/korrigieren Sie Ihre Einstellungen und speichern diese erneut ab.)
vacation notice sucessfully updated. mail de Abwesenheitsnotiz erfolgreich aktualisiert.
vacation notice sucessfully updated. mail de Abwesenheitsnotiz erfolgreich aktualisiert
vacation notice update failed mail de Aktualisierung der Abwesenheitsnotiz fehlgeschlagen
vacation start-date must be before the end-date! mail de Startdatum der Abwesenheitsnotiz muss VOR dem Enddatum liegen!
vacation update failed mail de Aktualisierung der Abwesenheitsnotiz fehlgeschlagen
@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ yes, show all debug information available for the user mail de Ja, zeige alle de
yes, show basic info only mail de Ja, nur Basis Informationen anzeigen
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail de Sie können eine E-Mail entweder als InfoLog-, ODER als Ticket-Eintrag speichern, nicht beides gleichzeitig.
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag mail de Sie können auswählen, welche Informationen auf dem E-Mail-Tag angezeigt werden sollen. Die zusätzliche Anzeige der E-Mail-Adresse ermöglicht die Absenderadresse zu überprüfen.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail de Sie können $$start$$ für das obige Start- und $$end$$ für das Enddatum verwenden.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail de Sie können $$start$$ für das obige Start- und $$end$$ für das End-Datum verwenden.
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail de Sie können dieses Zertifikat in Ihren Kontakt speichern, wenn Sie dieser Signatur trauen.
you need to enter your s/mime passphrase to send this message. mail de Sie müssen Ihr S/MIME-Passwort eingeben um diese Nachricht zu senden.
you need to install mailvelope plugin available for chrome and firefox from %1. mail de Sie müssen das Mailvelope Plugin für Chrome oder Firefox von %1 installieren.
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ emailadmin: profilemanagement mail en eMailAdmin: Profilemanagement
emails in blacklisted domains are marked as spam mail en Emails in blacklisted domains are marked as spam
emails in whitelisted domains are not marked as spam mail en Emails in whitelisted domains are not marked as spam
empty junk mail en Empty junk folder
empty trash mail en empty trash
empty trash mail en Empty trash
empty trash and junk mail en Empty trash and junk
enable mail en Enable
enabled mail en Enabled
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was n
push notifications mail en Push notifications
quicksearch mail en Quicksearch
quicksearch (with cc) mail en Quicksearch (+Copy)
quota limit warning in megabyte (recommended value is 30 mb). mail en Quota limit warning in MegaByte (recommended value is 30 MB).
quota limit warning in megabyte (recommended value is 30 mb). mail en Quota limit warning in megabyte (recommended value is 30 MB).
quota not provided by server mail en Quota not provided by server
quota: %1 mail en Quota: %1
read mail en read
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