mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 19:52:19 +01:00
* Mail/inline image:Fix inline image handling for reply/forward mail
This commit is contained in:
@ -5919,9 +5919,10 @@ class emailadmin_imapbase
* @param egw_mailer $_mailObject instance of the egw_mailer/phpmailer Object to be used
* @param string $_html2parse the html to parse and to be altered, if conditions meet
* @param $mail_bo mail bo object
* @return void
static function processURL2InlineImages($_mailObject, &$_html2parse)
static function processURL2InlineImages($_mailObject, &$_html2parse, $mail_bo)
$imageC = 0;
@ -5957,8 +5958,32 @@ class emailadmin_imapbase
$basedir = 'vfs://default';
$needTempFile = false;
// If it is an inline image url, we need to fetch the actuall attachment
// content and later on to be able to store its content as temp file
if (strpos($myUrl, '/index.php?menuaction=mail.mail_ui.displayImage') !== false)
$URI_params = array();
// Strips the url and store it into a temp for further procss
$tmp_url = html_entity_decode($myUrl);
parse_str(parse_url($tmp_url, PHP_URL_QUERY),$URI_params);
if ($URI_params['mailbox'] && $URI_params['uid'] && $URI_params['cid'])
$attachment = $mail_bo->getAttachmentByCID($URI_params['uid'], base64_decode($URI_params['cid']),base64_decode($URI_params['partID']),true);
if ($attachment)
$data = $attachment->getContents();
$mimeType = $attachment->getType();
$filename = $attachment->getDispositionParameter('filename');
if ( strlen($basedir) > 1 && substr($basedir,-1) != '/' && $myUrl[0]!='/') { $basedir .= '/'; }
if ($needTempFile) $data = file_get_contents($basedir.urldecode($myUrl));
if ($needTempFile && !$attachment) $data = file_get_contents($basedir.urldecode($myUrl));
if (substr($url,0,strlen('data:'))=='data:')
@ -1625,6 +1625,7 @@ class mail_compose
#error_log( "GetDraftData (HTML) CharSet:".mb_detect_encoding($bodyParts[$i]['body'] . 'a' , strtoupper($bodyParts[$i]['charSet']).','.strtoupper($this->displayCharset).',UTF-8, ISO-8859-1'));
$this->sessionData['body'] .= ($i>0?"<br>":""). $bodyParts[$i]['body'] ;
$this->sessionData['body'] = mail_ui::resolve_inline_images($this->sessionData['body'], $_folder, $_uid, $_partID);
} else {
$this->sessionData['mimeType'] = 'plain';
@ -1638,15 +1639,21 @@ class mail_compose
#error_log( "GetDraftData (Plain) CharSet".mb_detect_encoding($bodyParts[$i]['body'] . 'a' , strtoupper($bodyParts[$i]['charSet']).','.strtoupper($this->displayCharset).',UTF-8, ISO-8859-1'));
$this->sessionData['body'] .= ($i>0?"\r\n":""). $bodyParts[$i]['body'] ;
$this->sessionData['body'] = mail_ui::resolve_inline_images($this->sessionData['body'], $_folder, $_uid, $_partID,'plain');
if(($attachments = $mail_bo->getMessageAttachments($_uid,$_partID))) {
foreach($attachments as $attachment) {
$this->addMessageAttachment($_uid, $attachment['partID'],
$cid = $attachment['cid'];
preg_match("/[cid:{$cid}]/", $bodyParts['0']['body'], $match);
if (!$match || !$attachment['cid'])
$this->addMessageAttachment($_uid, $attachment['partID'],
@ -1706,11 +1713,14 @@ class mail_compose
if(($attachments = $mail_bo->getMessageAttachments($_uid,$_partID))) {
foreach($attachments as $attachment) {
$this->addMessageAttachment($_uid, $attachment['partID'],
if (!($attachment['cid'] && preg_match("/image\//",$attachment['mimeType'])))
$this->addMessageAttachment($_uid, $attachment['partID'],
@ -2081,6 +2091,7 @@ class mail_compose
$this->sessionData['body'] .= '</blockquote><br>';
$this->sessionData['body'] = mail_ui::resolve_inline_images($this->sessionData['body'], $_folder, $_uid, $_partID, 'html');
} else {
//$this->sessionData['body'] = @htmlspecialchars(lang("on")." ".$headers['DATE']." ".$mail_bo->decode_header($fromAddress), ENT_QUOTES) . " ".lang("wrote").":\r\n";
// take care the way the ReplyHeader is created here, is used later on in uicompose::compose, in case you force replys to be HTML (prefs)
@ -2100,7 +2111,7 @@ class mail_compose
if ($bodyParts[$i]['charSet']===false) $bodyParts[$i]['charSet'] = mail_bo::detect_encoding($bodyParts[$i]['body']);
$newBody = translation::convert($bodyParts[$i]['body'], $bodyParts[$i]['charSet']);
#error_log( "GetReplyData (Plain) CharSet:".mb_detect_encoding($bodyParts[$i]['body'] . 'a' , strtoupper($bodyParts[$i]['charSet']).','.strtoupper($this->displayCharset).',UTF-8, ISO-8859-1'));
$newBody = mail_ui::resolve_inline_images($newBody, $_folder, $_uid, $_partID, 'plain');
$this->sessionData['body'] .= "\r\n";
// create body new, with good line breaks and indention
foreach(explode("\n",$newBody) as $value) {
@ -2284,7 +2295,7 @@ class mail_compose
$_mailObject->setBody($this->convertHTMLToText($body, true, true));
// convert URL Images to inline images - if possible
if (!$_autosaving) mail_bo::processURL2InlineImages($_mailObject, $body);
if (!$_autosaving) mail_bo::processURL2InlineImages($_mailObject, $body, $mail_bo);
if (strpos($body,"<!-- HTMLSIGBEGIN -->")!==false)
$body = str_replace(array('<!-- HTMLSIGBEGIN -->','<!-- HTMLSIGEND -->'),'',$body);
@ -3004,7 +3004,7 @@ class mail_ui
// create links for inline images
if ($modifyURI)
$newBody = preg_replace_callback("/\[cid:(.*)\]/iU",array($this,'image_callback_plain'),$newBody);
$newBody = self::resolve_inline_images($newBody, $this->mailbox, $this->uid, $this->partID, 'plain');
//TODO:$newBody = $this->highlightQuotes($newBody);
@ -3055,9 +3055,7 @@ class mail_ui
// create links for inline images
if ($modifyURI)
$newBody = preg_replace_callback("/src=(\"|\')cid:(.*)(\"|\')/iU",array($this,'image_callback'),$newBody);
$newBody = preg_replace_callback("/url\(cid:(.*)\);/iU",array($this,'image_callback_url'),$newBody);
$newBody = preg_replace_callback("/background=(\"|\')cid:(.*)(\"|\')/iU",array($this,'image_callback_background'),$newBody);
$newBody = self::resolve_inline_images ($newBody, $this->mailbox, $this->uid, $this->partID);
// email addresses / mailto links get now activated on client-side
@ -3073,162 +3071,147 @@ class mail_ui
return $body;
* preg_replace callback to replace image cid url's
* Resolve inline images from CID to proper url
* @param array $matches matches from preg_replace("/src=(\"|\')cid:(.*)(\"|\')/iU",...)
* @return string src attribute to replace
* @param string $_body message content
* @param string $_mailbox mail folder
* @param string $_uid uid
* @param string $_partID part id
* @param string $_messageType = 'html', message type is either html or plain
* @return string message body including all CID images replaced
function image_callback($matches)
public static function resolve_inline_images ($_body,$_mailbox, $_uid, $_partID, $_messageType = 'html')
static $cache = array(); // some caching, if mails containing the same image multiple times
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_ui.displayImage',
'uid' => $this->uid,
'mailbox' => base64_encode($this->mailbox),
// as src:cid contains some kind of url, it is likely to be urlencoded
'cid' => base64_encode(trim(urldecode($matches[2]))),
'partID' => $this->partID,
$imageURL = egw::link('/index.php', $linkData);
// to test without data uris, comment the if close incl. it's body
if (html::$user_agent != 'msie' || html::$ua_version >= 8)
if ($_messageType === 'plain')
if (!isset($cache[$imageURL]))
$attachment = $this->mail_bo->getAttachmentByCID($this->uid, trim(urldecode($matches[2])), $this->partID);
// only use data uri for "smaller" images, as otherwise the first display of the mail takes to long
if (($attachment instanceof Horde_Mime_Part) && $attachment->getBytes() < 8192) // msie=8 allows max 32k data uris
$this->mail_bo->fetchPartContents($this->uid, $attachment);
$cache[$imageURL] = 'data:'.$attachment->getType().';base64,'.base64_encode($attachment->getContents());
$cache[$imageURL] = $imageURL;
$imageURL = $cache[$imageURL];
return self::resolve_inline_image_byType($_body, $_mailbox, $_uid, $_partID, 'plain');
foreach(array('src','url','background') as $type)
$_body = self::resolve_inline_image_byType($_body, $_mailbox, $_uid, $_partID, $type);
return $_body;
return 'src="'.$imageURL.'"';
* preg_replace callback to replace image cid url's
* Replace CID with proper type of content understandable by browser
* @param array $matches matches from preg_replace("/src=(\"|\')cid:(.*)(\"|\')/iU",...)
* @return string src attribute to replace
* @param type $_body content of message
* @param type $_mailbox mail box
* @param type $_uid uid
* @param type $_partID part id
* @param type $_type = 'src' type of inline image that needs to be resolved and replaced
* - types: {plain|src|url|background}
* @return string returns body content including all CID replacements
function image_callback_plain($matches)
public static function resolve_inline_image_byType ($_body,$_mailbox, $_uid, $_partID, $_type ='src')
static $cache = array(); // some caching, if mails containing the same image multiple times
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_ui.displayImage',
'uid' => $this->uid,
'mailbox' => base64_encode($this->mailbox),
'cid' => base64_encode($matches[1]),
'partID' => $this->partID,
$imageURL = egw::link('/index.php', $linkData);
// to test without data uris, comment the if close incl. it's body
if (html::$user_agent != 'msie' || html::$ua_version >= 8)
* Callback for preg_replace_callback function
* returns matched CID replacement string based on given type
* @param array $matches
* @param string $_mailbox
* @param string $_uid
* @param string $_partID
* @param string $_type
* @return string|boolean returns the replace
$replace_callback = function ($matches) use ($_mailbox,$_uid, $_partID, $_type)
if (!isset($cache[$imageURL]))
if (!$_type) return false;
$CID = '';
// Build up matches according to selected type
switch ($_type)
$attachment = $this->mail_bo->getAttachmentByCID($this->uid, $matches[1], $this->partID);
case "plain":
$CID = $matches[1];
case "src":
// as src:cid contains some kind of url, it is likely to be urlencoded
$CID = urldecode($matches[2]);
case "url":
$CID = $matches[1];
case "background":
$CID = $matches[2];
// only use data uri for "smaller" images, as otherwise the first display of the mail takes to long
if (($attachment instanceof Horde_Mime_Part) && bytes($attachment->getBytes()) < 8192) // msie=8 allows max 32k data uris
static $cache = array(); // some caching, if mails containing the same image multiple times
if (is_array($matches) && $CID)
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_ui.displayImage',
'uid' => $_uid,
'mailbox' => base64_encode($_mailbox),
'cid' => base64_encode($CID),
'partID' => $_partID,
$imageURL = egw::link('/index.php', $linkData);
// to test without data uris, comment the if close incl. it's body
if (html::$user_agent != 'msie' || html::$ua_version >= 8)
$this->mail_bo->fetchPartContents($this->uid, $attachment);
$cache[$imageURL] = 'data:'.$attachment->getType().';base64,'.base64_encode($attachment->getContents());
if (!isset($cache[$imageURL]))
if ($_type !="background")
$bo = emailadmin_imapbase::getInstance(false, self::$icServerID);
$attachment = $bo->getAttachmentByCID($_uid, $CID, $_partID);
// only use data uri for "smaller" images, as otherwise the first display of the mail takes to long
if (($attachment instanceof Horde_Mime_Part) && $attachment->getBytes() < 8192) // msie=8 allows max 32k data uris
$bo->fetchPartContents($_uid, $attachment);
$cache[$imageURL] = 'data:'.$attachment->getType().';base64,'.base64_encode($attachment->getContents());
$cache[$imageURL] = $imageURL;
$cache[$imageURL] = $imageURL;
$imageURL = $cache[$imageURL];
// Decides the final result of replacement according to the type
switch ($_type)
$cache[$imageURL] = $imageURL;
case "plain":
return '<img src="'.$imageURL.'" />';
case "src":
return 'src="'.$imageURL.'"';
case "url":
return 'url('.$imageURL.');';
case "background":
return 'background="'.$imageURL.'"';
$imageURL = $cache[$imageURL];
return '<img src="'.$imageURL.'" />';
* preg_replace callback to replace image cid url's
* @param array $matches matches from preg_replace("/src=(\"|\')cid:(.*)(\"|\')/iU",...)
* @return string src attribute to replace
function image_callback_url($matches)
static $cache = array(); // some caching, if mails containing the same image multiple times
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_ui.displayImage',
'uid' => $this->uid,
'mailbox' => base64_encode($this->mailbox),
'cid' => base64_encode($matches[1]),
'partID' => $this->partID,
$imageURL = egw::link('/index.php', $linkData);
// to test without data uris, comment the if close incl. it's body
if (html::$user_agent != 'msie' || html::$ua_version >= 8)
return false;
// return new body content base on chosen type
if (!isset($cache[$imageURL]))
$attachment = $this->mail_bo->getAttachmentByCID($this->uid, $matches[1], $this->partID);
// only use data uri for "smaller" images, as otherwise the first display of the mail takes to long
if (($attachment instanceof Horde_Mime_Part) && $attachment->getBytes() < 8192) // msie=8 allows max 32k data uris
$this->mail_bo->fetchPartContents($this->uid, $attachment);
$cache[$imageURL] = 'data:'.$attachment->getType().';base64,'.base64_encode($attachment->getContents());
$cache[$imageURL] = $imageURL;
$imageURL = $cache[$imageURL];
return preg_replace_callback("/\[cid:(.*)\]/iU",$replace_callback,$_body);
case "src":
return preg_replace_callback("/src=(\"|\')cid:(.*)(\"|\')/iU",$replace_callback,$_body);
case "url":
return preg_replace_callback("/url\(cid:(.*)\);/iU",$replace_callback,$_body);
case "background":
return preg_replace_callback("/background=(\"|\')cid:(.*)(\"|\')/iU",$replace_callback,$_body);
return 'url('.$imageURL.');';
* preg_replace callback to replace image cid url's
* @param array $matches matches from preg_replace("/src=(\"|\')cid:(.*)(\"|\')/iU",...)
* @return string src attribute to replace
function image_callback_background($matches)
static $cache = array(); // some caching, if mails containing the same image multiple times
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_ui.displayImage',
'uid' => $this->uid,
'mailbox' => base64_encode($this->mailbox),
'cid' => base64_encode($matches[2]),
'partID' => $this->partID,
$imageURL = egw::link('/index.php', $linkData);
// to test without data uris, comment the if close incl. it's body
if (html::$user_agent != 'msie' || html::$ua_version >= 8)
if (!isset($cache[$imageURL]))
$cache[$imageURL] = $imageURL;
$imageURL = $cache[$imageURL];
return 'background="'.$imageURL.'"';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user