mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 23:19:04 +01:00
* Calendar: speed improvments for huge calendar databases
by using time-range views instead of whole calendar and dates table Also got old, much simpler non-union code working again, but union is still slightly quicker for huge databases (not at all for small ones!)
This commit is contained in:
@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ class calendar_boupdate extends calendar_bo
$quantity[$uid] = $q;
//$start = microtime(true);
$overlapping_events =& $this->search(array(
'start' => $event['start'],
'end' => $event['end'],
@ -259,8 +260,9 @@ class calendar_boupdate extends calendar_bo
'query' => array(
'cal_non_blocking' => 0,
'use_so_events' => true,// use new calendar_so::events instead of ::search
'no_integration' => true, // do NOT use integration of other apps
//error_log(__METHOD__."() conflict check took ".number_format(microtime(true)-$start, 3).'s');
if ($this->debug > 2 || $this->debug == 'update')
$this->debug_message('calendar_boupdate::update() checking for potential overlapping events for users %1 from %2 to %3',false,$users,$event['start'],$event['end']);
@ -136,20 +136,54 @@ class calendar_so
* @param int $start
* @param int $end
* @param array $where =null
* @param array $_where =null
* @param boolean $deleted =false
* @return string
protected function sql_range_view($start, $end, array $where=null, $deleted=false)
protected function cal_range_view($start, $end, array $_where=null, $deleted=false)
$sql = "SELECT * ".
"FROM $this->cal_table ".
"WHERE range_start<".(int)$end.
" AND (range_end IS NULL OR range_end>".(int)$start.")";
if (!$start) // using view without start-date is slower!
return $this->cal_table; // no need / use for a view
if ($where) $sql .= " AND ".$this->db->expression($this->table, $where);
$where = array();
if (isset($deleted)) $where[] = "cal_deleted IS ".($deleted ? '' : 'NOT').' NULL';
if ($end) $where[] = "range_start<".(int)$end;
if ($start) $where[] = "(range_end IS NULL OR range_end>".(int)$start.")";
if ($_where) $where = array_merge($where, $_where);
if (isset($deleted)) $sql .= " AND cal_deleted IS ".($deleted ? '' : 'NOT').' NULL';
$sql = "(SELECT * FROM $this->cal_table WHERE ".$this->db->expression($this->cal_table, $where).") $this->cal_table";
return $sql;
* Return sql to fetch all dates in a given timerange, to be used instead of full dates table in further sql queries
* @param int $start
* @param int $end
* @param array $_where =null
* @param boolean $deleted =false
* @return string
protected function dates_range_view($start, $end, array $_where=null, $deleted=false)
if (!$start || !$end) // using view without start- AND end-date is slower!
return $this->dates_table; // no need / use for a view
$where = array();
if (isset($deleted)) $where['recur_exception'] = $deleted;
if ($end) $where[] = "cal_start<".(int)$end;
if ($start) $where[] = "cal_end>".(int)$start;
if ($_where) $where = array_merge($where, $_where);
// egw_db::union uses egw_db::select which check if join contains "WHERE"
// to support old join syntax like ", other_table WHERE ...",
// therefore we have to use eg. "WHERe" instead!
$sql = "(SELECT * FROM $this->dates_table WHERe ".$this->db->expression($this->dates_table, $where).") $this->dates_table";
return $sql;
@ -182,45 +216,71 @@ class calendar_so
* @param int $remove_rejected_by_user =null add join to remove entry, if given user has rejected it
* @return array of events
function &events($start,$end,$users,$cat_id=0,$filter='default',$offset=False,$num_rows=0,array $params=array(),$remove_rejected_by_user=null)
function &events($start,$end,$users,$cat_id=0,$filter='all',$offset=False,$num_rows=0,array $params=array(),$remove_rejected_by_user=null)
error_log(__METHOD__.'('.($start ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$start) : '').','.($end ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$end) : '').','.array2string($users).','.array2string($cat_id).",'$filter',".array2string($offset).",$num_rows,".array2string($params).') '.function_backtrace());
$start_time = microtime(true);
// not everything is supported by now
if ($filter != 'default' || !$start || !$end || is_string($params['query']) || //isset($remove_rejected_by_user) ||
if (!$start || !$end || is_string($params['query']) ||
//in_array($filter,array('owner','deleted')) ||
throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed("Unsupported value for parameters!");
$where = is_array($params['query']) ? $params['query'] : array();
if ($cat_id) $where[] = $this->cat_filter($cat_id);
$egw_cal = $this->cal_range_view($start, $end, $where, $filter == 'everything' ? null : $filter != 'deleted');
$status_filter = $this->status_filter($filter, $params['enum_recuring']);
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$this->cal_table}_repeats.*,$this->cal_table.*,\n".
" CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_start ELSE cal_start END AS cal_start,\n".
" CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_end ELSE cal_end END AS cal_end\n".
// using time-limited range view, instead of complete table, give a big performance plus
"FROM $egw_cal\n".
"JOIN egw_cal_user ON egw_cal_user.cal_id=egw_cal.cal_id\n".
// need to left join dates, as egw_cal_user.recur_date is null for non-recuring event
"LEFT JOIN egw_cal_dates ON egw_cal_user.cal_id=egw_cal_dates.cal_id AND egw_cal_dates.cal_start=egw_cal_user.cal_recur_date\n".
"LEFT JOIN egw_cal_repeats ON egw_cal_user.cal_id=egw_cal_repeats.cal_id\n".
"WHERE ".($status_filter ? $this->db->expression($this->table, $status_filter, " AND \n") : '').
" CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_start ELSE cal_start END<".(int)$end." AND\n".
" CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_end ELSE cal_end END>".(int)$start;
if ($users)
// fix $users to also prefix system users and groups (with 'u')
if (!is_array($users)) $users = $users ? (array)$users : array();
foreach($users as &$uid)
if (is_numeric($uid)) $uid = 'u'.$uid;
$egw_cal = $this->sql_range_view($start, $end, $where, $filter != 'deleted');
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$this->cal_table}_repeats.*,$this->cal_table.*,\n".
" CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_start ELSE cal_start END AS cal_start,\n".
" CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_end ELSE cal_end END AS cal_end\n".
// using time-limited range view, instead of complete table, give a big performance plus
"FROM ($egw_cal) egw_cal\n".
"JOIN egw_cal_user ON egw_cal_user.cal_id=egw_cal.cal_id\n".
// need to left join dates, as egw_cal_user.recur_date is null for non-recuring event
"LEFT JOIN egw_cal_dates ON egw_cal_user.cal_id=egw_cal_dates.cal_id AND egw_cal_dates.cal_start=egw_cal_user.cal_recur_date\n".
"LEFT JOIN egw_cal_repeats ON egw_cal_user.cal_id=egw_cal_repeats.cal_id\n".
"WHERE cal_status NOT IN ('X','R','E')\n". // "default" filter for enum_recuring
" AND CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_start ELSE cal_start END<".(int)$end."\n".
" AND CASE WHEN recur_type IS NULL THEN egw_cal.range_end ELSE cal_end END>".(int)$start."\n";
if ($users)
$sql .= " AND CONCAT(cal_user_type,cal_user_id) IN (".implode(',', array_map(array($this->db, 'quote'), $users)).")";
$sql .= " AND\n CONCAT(cal_user_type,cal_user_id) IN (".implode(',', array_map(array($this->db, 'quote'), $users)).")";
//error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string(func_get_args()).") $sql");
return $this->get_events($this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__, $offset, $num_rows));
if ($remove_rejected_by_user && !in_array($filter, array('everything', 'deleted')))
$sql .= " AND\n (cal_user_type!='u' OR cal_user_id!=".(int)$remove_rejected_by_user." OR cal_status!='R')";
if (!empty($params['sql_filter']) && is_string($params['sql_filter']))
$sql .= " AND\n ".$params['sql_filter'];
if ($params['order']) // only order if requested
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z_ ,c]+$/i',$params['order'])) $params['order'] = 'cal_start'; // gard against SQL injection
$sql .= "\nORDER BY ".$params['order'];
if ($offset === false) // return all rows --> egw_db::query wants offset=0, num_rows=-1
$offset = 0;
$num_rows = -1;
$events =& $this->get_events($this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__, $offset, $num_rows));
error_log(__METHOD__."(...) $sql --> ".number_format(microtime(true)-$start_time, 3));
return $events;
@ -537,6 +597,67 @@ class calendar_so
return $sql;
* Return filters to filter by given status
* @param string $filter "default", "all", ...
* @param boolean $enum_recuring are recuring events enumerated or not
* @param array $where =array() array to add filters too
* @return array
protected function status_filter($filter, $enum_recuring=true, array $where=array())
if($filter != 'deleted' && $filter != 'everything')
$where[] = 'cal_deleted IS NULL';
case 'everything': // no filter at all
case 'showonlypublic':
$where['cal_public'] = 1;
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('R','X','E')";
case 'deleted':
$where[] = 'cal_deleted IS NOT NULL';
case 'unknown':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='U'";
case 'not-unknown':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('U','X','E')";
case 'accepted':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='A'";
case 'tentative':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='T'";
case 'rejected':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='R'";
case 'delegated':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='D'";
case 'all':
case 'owner':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('X','E')";
if ($enum_recuring) // regular UI
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('R','X','E')";
else // CalDAV / eSync / iCal need to include 'E' = exceptions
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('R','X')";
return $where;
* Searches / lists calendar entries, including repeating ones
@ -562,20 +683,23 @@ class calendar_so
* @param boolean $params['enum_recuring'] =true enumerate recuring events
* @param boolean $params['use_so_events'] =false, true return result of new $this->events()
* @param int $remove_rejected_by_user =null add join to remove entry, if given user has rejected it
* @return array of events
* @return Iterator|array of events
function &search($start,$end,$users,$cat_id=0,$filter='all',$offset=False,$num_rows=0,array $params=array(),$remove_rejected_by_user=null)
//error_log(__METHOD__.'('.($start ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$start) : '').','.($end ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$end) : '').','.array2string($users).','.array2string($cat_id).",'$filter',".array2string($offset).",$num_rows,".array2string($params).') '.function_backtrace());
/* not using new events method currently, as it not yet fully working and
using time-range views in old code gives simmilar improvments
// uncomment to use new events method for supported parameters
//$params['use_so_events'] = $params['use_so_events'] || $start && $end && $filter=='default' && $params['enum_recuring']!==false;
//if (!isset($params['use_so_events'])) $params['use_so_events'] = $params['use_so_events'] || $start && $end && !in_array($filter, array('owner', 'deleted')) && $params['enum_recuring']!==false;
// use new events method only if explicit requested
if ($params['use_so_events'])
return call_user_func_array(array($this,'events'), func_get_args());
if (isset($params['cols']))
$cols = $params['cols'];
@ -659,7 +783,7 @@ class calendar_so
),' AND '.$this->user_table.'.',array(
'cal_user_id' => $ids,
if ($type == 'u' && ($filter == 'owner'))
if ($type == 'u' && $filter == 'owner')
$cal_table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar',$this->cal_table);
$to_or[] = $this->db->expression($cal_table_def,array('cal_owner' => $ids));
@ -669,54 +793,7 @@ class calendar_so
// this is only used, when we cannot use UNIONS
if (!$useUnionQuery) $where[] = '('.implode(' OR ',$to_or).')';
if($filter != 'deleted' && $filter != 'everything')
$where[] = 'cal_deleted IS NULL';
case 'everything': // no filter at all
case 'showonlypublic':
$where['cal_public'] = 1;
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('R','X','E')";
case 'deleted':
$where[] = 'cal_deleted IS NOT NULL';
case 'unknown':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='U'";
case 'not-unknown':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('U','X','E')";
case 'accepted':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='A'";
case 'tentative':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='T'";
case 'rejected':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='R'";
case 'delegated':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status='D'";
case 'all':
case 'owner':
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('X','E')";
if ($params['enum_recuring']) // regular UI
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('R','X','E')";
else // CalDAV / eSync / iCal need to include 'E' = exceptions
$where[] = "$this->user_table.cal_status NOT IN ('R','X')";
$where = $this->status_filter($filter, $params['enum_recuring'], $where);
if ($cat_id)
@ -762,6 +839,20 @@ class calendar_so
if ($filter == 'owner') $or_required[] = 'cal_owner='.(int)$remove_rejected_by_user;
$where[] = '('.implode(' OR ',$or_required).')';
// using a time-range and deleted attribute limited view instead of full table
$cal_table = $this->cal_range_view($start, $end, null, $filter == 'everything' ? null : $filter != 'deleted');
$cal_table_def = $this->db->get_table_definitions('calendar', $this->cal_table);
$join = "JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id ".
"LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id ".
// dates table join only needed to enum recuring events, we use a time-range limited view here too
if ($params['enum_recuring'])
$join = "JOIN ".$this->dates_range_view($start, $end, null, $filter == 'everything' ? null : $filter == 'deleted').
" ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id ".$join;
//$starttime = microtime(true);
if ($useUnionQuery)
@ -769,18 +860,16 @@ class calendar_so
if (!isset($params['cols'])) $cols .= ',NULL AS participants,NULL AS icons';
// changed the original OR in the query into a union, to speed up the query execution under MySQL 5
// with time-range views benefit is now at best slim for huge tables or none at all!
$select = array(
'table' => $this->cal_table,
'join' => "JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id $rejected_by_user_join",
'table' => $cal_table,
'join' => $join,
'cols' => $cols,
'where' => $where,
'app' => 'calendar',
'append'=> $params['append'],
'table_def' => $cal_table_def,
if ($params['enum_recuring']) // dates table join only needed to enum recuring events
$select['join'] = "JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id ".$select['join'];
$selects = array();
// we check if there are parts to use for the construction of our UNION query,
// as replace the OR by construction of a suitable UNION for performance reasons
@ -836,40 +925,57 @@ class calendar_so
array('range_start AS cal_start','range_end AS cal_end'), $selects[$key]['cols']);
if (!isset($params['cols'])) self::get_union_selects($selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$params['query'],$params['users']);
if (!isset($params['cols']) && !$params['no_integration']) self::get_union_selects($selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$params['query'],$params['users']);
$this->total = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__)->NumRows();
// restore original cols / selects
$selects = $save_selects; unset($save_selects);
if (!isset($params['cols'])) self::get_union_selects($selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$params['query'],$params['users']);
if (!isset($params['cols']) && !$params['no_integration']) self::get_union_selects($selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$params['query'],$params['users']);
$rs = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__,$params['order'],$offset,$num_rows);
else // MsSQL oder MySQL 3.23
$where[] = "(recur_type IS NULL AND $this->user_table.cal_recur_date=0)";// OR $this->user_table.cal_recur_date=cal_start)";
$where[] = "(recur_type IS NULL AND $this->user_table.cal_recur_date=0 OR $this->user_table.cal_recur_date=cal_start)";
if (is_numeric($offset)) // get the total too
$selects = array(array(
'table' => $cal_table,
'join' => $join,
'cols' => $cols,
'where' => $where,
'app' => 'calendar',
'append'=> $params['append'],
'table_def' => $cal_table_def,
if (is_numeric($offset) && !$params['no_total']) // get the total too
$save_selects = $selects;
// we only select cal_table.cal_id (and not cal_table.*) to be able to use DISTINCT (eg. MsSQL does not allow it for text-columns)
$this->total = $this->db->select($this->cal_table,"DISTINCT ".$cols,//$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.cal_id,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date",
// dates table join only needed to enum recuring events
($params['enum_recuring'] ? "JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id " : '').
"JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id $rejected_by_user_join LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id")->NumRows();
$selects[0]['cols'] = "$this->cal_table.cal_id,cal_start";
if (!isset($params['cols']) && !$params['no_integration'] && $this->db->capabilities['union'])
$rs = $this->db->select($this->cal_table,($this->db->capabilities['distinct_on_text'] ? 'DISTINCT ' : '').$cols,
$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,$offset,$params['append'].' ORDER BY '.$params['order'],'calendar',$num_rows,
"JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id $rejected_by_user_join LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id");
$this->total = $this->db->union($selects, __LINE__, __FILE__)->NumRows();
$selects = $save_selects;
//error_log(__METHOD__."() useUnionQuery=$useUnionQuery --> query took ".(microtime(true)-$starttime));
if (!isset($params['cols']) && !$params['no_integration'] && $this->db->capabilities['union'])
$rs = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__,$params['order'],$offset,$num_rows);
//error_log(__METHOD__."() useUnionQuery=$useUnionQuery --> query took ".(microtime(true)-$starttime).'s '.$rs->sql);
if (isset($params['cols']))
return $rs; // if colums are specified we return the recordset / iterator
// Todo: return $this->get_events($rs);
$events = $ids = $recur_dates = $recur_ids = array();
foreach($rs as $row)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @package calendar
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
* @copyright (c) 2004-9 by RalfBecker-At-outdoor-training.de
* @copyright (c) 2004-15 by RalfBecker-At-outdoor-training.de
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ class calendar_ui
* @var string $view menuaction of the selected view
var $view_menuaction;
* @var boolean test checkbox checked
var $test;
* @var int $first first day of the shown view
@ -302,6 +306,7 @@ class calendar_ui
'planner_days'=> 0, // full month
'view' => ($this->bo->cal_prefs['defaultcalendar']?$this->bo->cal_prefs['defaultcalendar']:'day'), // use pref, if exists else use the dayview
'listview_days'=> '', // no range
'test' => 'false',
) as $state => $default)
if (isset($set_states[$state]))
@ -747,12 +752,6 @@ class calendar_ui
$file[++$n] = array('text' => $jscalendar,'no_lang' => True,'link' => False,'icon' => False);
// set a baseurl for selectboxes, if we are not running inside calendar (eg. prefs or admin)
if (substr($_GET['menuaction'],0,9) != 'calendar.')
$baseurl = egw::link('/index.php',array('menuaction'=>'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index'),false);
// Category Selection
$cat_id = explode(',',$this->cat_id);
@ -828,6 +827,8 @@ class calendar_ui
$filter_options .= '<option value="deleted"'.($this->filter == 'deleted' ? ' selected="selected"' : '').' title="'.lang('Show events that have been deleted').'">'.lang('Deleted').'</options>'."\n";
$file[] = $this->_select_box('Filter','filter',$filter_options,'86%');
// enable this to get checkbox setting $this->test eg. usable to trigger different code in calendar_so
//$file[count($file)-1]['text'] .= html::checkbox('test', $this->test==='true', 'true', 'id="calendar_test"');
// Merge print
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['document_dir'])
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @package calendar
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
* @copyright (c) 2004-13 by RalfBecker-At-outdoor-training.de
* @copyright (c) 2004-15 by RalfBecker-At-outdoor-training.de
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ class calendar_uiviews extends calendar_ui
function __construct($set_states=null)
parent::__construct(false,$set_states); // call the parent's constructor
$this->extraRowsOriginal = $this->extraRows; //save original extraRows value
@ -171,6 +170,7 @@ class calendar_uiviews extends calendar_ui
'users' => explode(',',$this->owner),
'filter' => $this->filter,
'daywise' => True,
'use_so_events' => $this->test === 'true',
$this->holidays = $this->bo->read_holidays($this->year);
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@
// diverse change handlers appending a name=value to url
var val = $j(this).val();
var val = this.name == 'test' ? this.checked.toString() : $j(this).val();
if ($j.isArray(val)) val = val.join(',');
var url = current_view_url+(current_view_url.search.length ? '&' : '?')+this.name+'='+val;
if (url.match('&ajax=true')) url = url.replace('&ajax=true', '')+'&ajax=true';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user