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synced 2025-03-03 09:41:33 +01:00
fix 'new search' translation on ajax lists, should be common and not etemplate domain
This commit is contained in:
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate ca Nombre de la tabla a añadir
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate ca Nombre de la plantilla. Debe estar en el formato aplicación.función[,subplantilla]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate ca necesita ser única en la tabla y no ser palabra reservada SQL. Intente poner un prefijo común de dos caracteres para la aplicación, por ejemplo 'et_'
new search etemplate ca Nueva búsqueda
new search common ca Nueva búsqueda
new table created etemplate ca Se ha creado una tabla nueva
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate ca ¡Existe una versión '%1' más reciente!
nextmatch etemplate ca Siguiente coincidencia
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate cs Název tabulky, která se má přidat
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate cs název eŠablony, měl by být ve tvaru aplikace.funkce.[.podŠablona]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate cs musí být unikátní v rámci tabulky a nesmí být rezervovaným slovem SQL, nejlepší je všechny opatřit společnou dvoupísmennou zkratkou aplikace, např. 'et_'
new search etemplate cs Nové hledání
new search common cs Nové hledání
new table created etemplate cs Nová tabulka vytvořena
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate cs existuje novější verze '%1' !!!
nextmatch etemplate cs Nextmatch (Další shoda)
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate de Name der zuzufügenden Tabelle
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate de Name des eTemplate, in der Form anwendung.funktion[.subTemplate]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate de muss für die Tabelle einmalig sein und darf kein reserviertes Wort in SQL sein, am besten alle Spalten mit einem gemeinsammen Kürzel der Anwendung beginnen: zb. 'et_'
new search etemplate de Neue Suche
new search common de Neue Suche
new table created etemplate de Neue Tabelle erzeugt
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate de Neuere Version '%1' existiert !!!
nextmatch etemplate de Nextmatch
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate en Name of table to add
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate en name of the eTemplate, should be in form application.function[.subTemplate]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate en need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from SQL, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_'
new search etemplate en New search
new search common en New search
new table created etemplate en New table created
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate en newer version '%1' exists !!!
nextmatch etemplate en Nextmatch
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate es-es Nombre de la tabla a añadir
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate es-es Nombre de la plantilla. Debe estar en el formato aplicación.función[.subplantilla]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate es-es Necesita ser única en la tabla y no ser palabra reservada SQL. Intente poner un prefijo común de dos caracteres para la aplicación, por ejemplo 'et_'
new search etemplate es-es Nueva búsqueda
new search common es-es Nueva búsqueda
new table created etemplate es-es Se ha creado una tabla nueva
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate es-es ¡Existe una versión '%1' más reciente!
nextmatch etemplate es-es Control 'Nextmach' (Siguiente coincidencia)
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ month etemplate eu Hilabetea
multicolumn indices etemplate eu Zutabe askotako aurkibidea
name etemplate eu Izena
name of table to add etemplate eu Gehitu behar den taularen izena
new search etemplate eu Bilaketa berria
new search common eu Bilaketa berria
new table created etemplate eu Taula berri bat sortu da
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate eu Bertsio '%1' berriagoa dago!!!
nextmatch etemplate eu Hurrengo parekatzea
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ multicolumn indices etemplate fa نمایه های چند ستونی
name etemplate fa نام
name of other table where column is a key from etemplate fa نام جدول دیگری که کلید ستون از آنجاست
name of table to add etemplate fa نام جدول برای افزودن
new search etemplate fa جستجوی جدید
new search common fa جستجوی جدید
new table created etemplate fa جدول جدید ایجاد شد!
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate fa نسخه جدیدتر '%1' موجود است
nextmatch etemplate fa موردجور شده بعدی
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ name etemplate fi Nimi
name of other table where column is a key from etemplate fi toisen taulukon nimi missä sarake on avain
name of table to add etemplate fi Lisää taulukon nimi
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate fi asiakirja mallin nimi, täytyy olla lomakkeessa sovellus.funktio[.alimalli]
new search etemplate fi Uusi etsintä
new search common fi Uusi etsintä
new table created etemplate fi Uusi taulukon nimi
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate fi uudempi versio %1 havaittu !!!
no column to swap with !!! etemplate fi ei saraketta johon voisi vaihtaa !!!
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate fr Nom de la table à ajouter
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate fr Nom de l'eTemplate, devrait être dans le formulaire application.function[.subTemplate]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate fr Doit être unique dans la table et pas un mot SQL réservé, le mieux est de préfixer tout avec une abréviation sur 2 caractères du nom de l'application, p.e. 'et_'
new search etemplate fr Nouvelle recherche
new search common fr Nouvelle recherche
new table created etemplate fr Nouvelle table créée
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate fr La nouvelle version '%1' existe !!!
nextmatch etemplate fr Occurrence trouvée suivante
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate hr Name of table to add
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate hr name of the eTemplate, should be in form application.function[.subTemplate]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate hr need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from SQL, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_'
new search etemplate hr New search
new search common hr New search
new table created etemplate hr New table created
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate hr newer version '%1' exists !!!
nextmatch etemplate hr Nextmatch
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ minute etemplate hu Perc
minutes etemplate hu Percek
month etemplate hu Hónap
name etemplate hu Név
new search etemplate hu Új keresés
new search common hu Új keresés
not null etemplate hu NOT NULL
nothing etemplate hu semmi
options etemplate hu Opciók
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate it Nome della tabella da aggiungere
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate it name of the eTemplate, should be in form application.function[.subTemplate]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate it need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from SQL, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_'
new search etemplate it Nuova ricerca
new search common it Nuova ricerca
new table created etemplate it Nuova tabella creata
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate it newer version '%1' exists !!!
nextmatch etemplate it Nextmatch
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate iw שם הטבלה להוסיף
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate iw [צריך להיות בצורה יישום.פונקציה[.תת-תבנית ,eTemplate-שם ה
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate iw חייב להיות ייחודי בטבלה, ואסור להשתמש במילות מפתח של <br>
new search etemplate iw חיפוש חדש
new search common iw חיפוש חדש
new table created etemplate iw נוצרה טבלה חדשה
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate iw !קיימת גירסה חדשה יותר
nextmatch etemplate iw ההתאמה הבאה
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ name etemplate lv Vārds
name of other table where column is a key from etemplate lv citas kolonnas, no kurienes ir atslēga, nosaukums
name of table to add etemplate lv Tabulas , kur pievienot, nosaukums
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate lv eVeidnes nosaukumam jābūt application.function formā [.apakšveidne]
new search etemplate lv Jauna meklēšana
new search common lv Jauna meklēšana
new table created etemplate lv Izveidota jauna tabula
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate lv eksistē "%1"jaunāka versija!!!
no file etemplate lv nav datnes
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate nl Naam van de toe te voegen tabel
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate nl naam van de eTemplate, moet voorkomen in de vorm van application,function[,subTemplate)
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate nl moet uniek zijn in de tabel en mag geen gereserveerd woord van SQL zijn, het is verstandig om alles een prefix te geven van een 2 letterige afkorting voor de toepassing, bijvoorbeeld 'et_'
new search etemplate nl Nieuwe zoekopdracht
new search common nl Nieuwe zoekopdracht
new table created etemplate nl Nieuwe tabel gemaakt
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate nl niewere versie '%1' bestaat reeds !!!
nextmatch etemplate nl Volgende overeenkomst
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ minute etemplate no Minutt
month etemplate no Måned
name etemplate no Navn
name of table to add etemplate no Navn på tabell som skal legges til
new search etemplate no Nytt søk
new search common no Nytt søk
new table created etemplate no Ny tabell opprettet
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate no nyere versjon '%1' eksisterer!
nextmatch etemplate no Neste treff
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ name etemplate pl Nazwa
name of other table where column is a key from etemplate pl nazwa innej tabeli, w której kolumna jest kluczem
name of table to add etemplate pl Nazwa tabeli do dodania
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate pl nazwa e-Szablonu powinna być w formie: application.function[.subTemplate]
new search etemplate pl Nowe wyszukiwanie
new search common pl Nowe wyszukiwanie
new table created etemplate pl Utworzono nową tabelę
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate pl nowsza wersja '%1' istnieje!
no filename given or selected via browse... etemplate pl nie podano nazwy pliku i nie wybrano jej
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate pt-br Nome da tabela a adicionar
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate pt-br nome para o eModelo, se estiver na aplicação de formulário. Função[.subTemplate]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate pt-br precisa ser original na tabela e nenhuma palavra que seja reservada do SQL, os melhores prefixos recomendados são os atalhos com dois dígitos seguidos de traço-baixo, ex.: 'et_'
new search etemplate pt-br Nova pesquisa
new search common pt-br Nova pesquisa
new table created etemplate pt-br Nova tabela criada
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate pt-br Existe(m) '%1' versão(ões) mais atual(ais) !!!
nextmatch etemplate pt-br Próximo campo
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate pt Nome da tabela a adicionar
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate pt Nome do modelo Web, deve surgir no formulário application.function[.subTemplate].
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate pt É necessário ser único na tabela e sem palavra reservada do SQL. É melhor definir todos os prefixos com dois digitos para a aplicação. Ex: 'et_'.
new search etemplate pt Nova pesquisa
new search common pt Nova pesquisa
new table created etemplate pt Nova tabela criada
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate pt Existe uma versão mais recente de '%1' !!!
nextmatch etemplate pt Ocorrência seguinte
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ name of other table where column is a key from etemplate sk názov inej tabuľky
name of table to add etemplate sk Názov tabuľky, ktorá sa má pridať
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate sk názov eŠablóny, mal by byť vo forme aplikácia.funkcia[podŠablóna]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate sk musí byť v tabuľke jedinečné a nesmie byť rezervovaným slovom z SQL, najlepšie začať všetky spoločným 2-miestnou skratkou aplikácie, napr. 'et_'
new search etemplate sk Nové hľadanie
new search common sk Nové hľadanie
new table created etemplate sk Nová tabuľka vytvorená
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate sk novšia verzia '%1' existuje!!!
nextmatch etemplate sk Ďalšia zhoda
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate sl Ime tabele za dodati
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate sl Ime ePredloge mora biti v obliki application.function[.subTemplate]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate sl Mora biti enolično in ne sme biti beseda rezervirana za SQL. Najboljše, da vsem dodate predpono aplikacije, dolgo dva znaka, npr.: 'et_'
new search etemplate sl Novo iskanje
new search common sl Novo iskanje
new table created etemplate sl Nova tabela ustvarjena
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate sl Obstaja novejša različica '%1'
nextmatch etemplate sl Naslednji zadetek
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate sv Namnet på tabell
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate sv Namn på eTemplate, ska vara i formatet applikation.funktion[.subTemplate]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate sv måste vara unikt för tabellen och inte ett reserverat SQL ord. Rekomenderas att använda 2 tecken prefix för aplikations namnet, ex. 'et_'
new search etemplate sv Ny sökning
new search common sv Ny sökning
new table created etemplate sv Tabell skapad
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate sv Nyare version '%1' existerar
nextmatch etemplate sv Nästa matchande
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. templa
name of table to add etemplate zh-tw 新增表格的名稱
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate zh-tw 樣板名稱,必須在表單 application.function[.subTemplate] 中
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate zh-tw 在表格中必須是唯一的且不是SQL的保留字,最好加上兩個英文與一個底線當作前置字元來表示應用程式
new search etemplate zh-tw 新的搜尋
new search common zh-tw 新的搜尋
new table created etemplate zh-tw 建立了新的表格
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate zh-tw 更新的版本 '%1'!
nextmatch etemplate zh-tw 下一個
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