diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ar.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ar.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f608f7f2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ar.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+about common ar حول
+add common ar اضافة
+admin common ar اداره
+administration common ar اداره
+all common ar الجميع
+all fields common ar جميع الحقول
+apply common ar تطبيق
+april common ar نيسان
+cancel common ar إلغاء
+category common ar فئة
+charset common ar utf-8
+close common ar اغلق
+copy common ar نسخ
+create common ar خلق
+date common ar التاريخ
+delete common ar حذف
+edit common ar تحرير
+february common ar شباط
+friday common ar جمعة
+iraq common ar العراق
+jordan common ar الاردن
+march common ar اذار
+palestinian territory, occupied common ar المناطق الفلسطينية المحتلة
+save common ar حفظ
+search common ar بحث
+subject common ar الموضوع
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_bg.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_bg.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe2df4c540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_bg.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common bg Вмъкнати %1 e-mail адреса
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common bg %1 не е изпълним за WEB сървъра!!!
+%1 manual common bg %1 ръководство
+%1 start common bg %1 старт
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common bg %1Изберете друга директория%2
или позволете в %3 запис на WEB сървъра
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common bg %1eGroupWare%2 е многопотребителска, web-базирана система за работа в екип, написана на %3PHP%4.
+(session restored in %1 seconds) common bg (сесията възстановена за %1 секунди)
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar bg (Shift-)Кликнете или провлачете за промяна на стойността
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar bg - Кликнете някой от времевите периоди за да го увеличите
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar bg - Задръжте бутона на мишката или някой от бутоните за по-бърз избор
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar bg - или кликнете и провлачете за по-бърз избор
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar bg - или Shift+клик за намаляване
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar bg - Използвайте бутоните %1, %2 за избор на месец
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar bg - Използвайте бутоните %1, %2 за избор на година
+00 (disable) admin bg 00 (забранен)
+1 day common bg 1 ден
+1 hour common bg 1 час
+1 month common bg 1 месец
+1 week common bg 1 седмица
+13 (ntp) admin bg 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar bg 3 брой символи за ден
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar bg 3 брой символи за месец
+80 (http) admin bg 80 (http)
+about common bg За
+about %1 common bg За %1
+about egroupware common bg За eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar bg За календара
+access common bg Достъп
+access not permitted common bg Достъпът не е позволен
+account has been created common bg Акаунтът е създаден
+account has been deleted common bg Акаунтът е изтрит
+account has been updated common bg Акаунтът е обновен
+account is expired common bg Акаунтът е изтекъл
+accounts common bg Акаунти
+acl common bg Списък за контрол на достъпа
+action common bg Действие
+active common bg Активен
+add common bg Добави
+add %1 category for common bg Добави %1 категория за
+add category common bg Добави категория
+add shortcut common bg Добави пряк път
+add sub common bg Добави подкатегория
+addressbook common bg Адресен указател
+admin common bg Админ
+administration common bg Администрация
+afghanistan common bg Афганистан
+albania common bg Албания
+algeria common bg Алжир
+all common bg Всички
+all fields common bg всички полета
+alphabet common bg а,б,в,г,д,е,ж,з,и,й,к,л,м,н,о,п,р,с,т,у,ф,х,ц,ч,ш,щ,ъ,ь,ю,я
+alternate style-sheet: common bg Алтернативен style-sheet:
+american samoa common bg Американска Самоа
+an error happened common bg Възникнала е грешка
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common bg Браузърът за изображения и ъплоудът се разрешават чрез съществуваща И достъпна за четене от WEB сървъра директория
+andorra common bg Андора
+angola common bg Ангола
+anguilla common bg Ангуила
+antarctica common bg Антарктика
+antigua and barbuda common bg Антигуа и Барбуда
+application common bg Приложение
+apply common bg Приложи
+april common bg Април
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common bg Наистина ли искате да изтриете тези записи?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common bg Наистина ли искате да изтриете този запис?
+argentina common bg Аржентина
+armenia common bg Армения
+aruba common bg Аруба
+august common bg Август
+australia common bg Австралия
+austria common bg Автсрия
+author common bg Автор
+autohide sidebox menu's common bg Автоматично скриване на страничното меню
+autohide sidebox menus common bg Автоматично скриване на страничните менюта
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common bg Автоматично скриване на страничното меню?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common bg Автоматично скриване на страничните менюта?
+autosave default category common bg Автоматично запазване на категория Default
+azerbaijan common bg Азербайджан
+back common bg Назад
+back to user login common bg Назад към входа за потребители
+background color: common bg Цвят за фон:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common bg Директорията за архиви '%1' не достъпна за запис от WEB сървъра
+bad login or password common bg Грешно потребителско име или парола
+bahamas common bg Бахамски острови
+bahrain common bg Бахрейн
+bangladesh common bg Бангладеш
+barbados common bg Барбадос
+bcc common bg Bcc
+belarus common bg Беларус
+belgium common bg Белгия
+belize common bg Белиз
+benin common bg Бенин
+bermuda common bg Бермуда
+bhutan common bg Бутан
+blocked, too many attempts common bg Блокирани сте заради твърде много грешни опити
+bold common bg Удебелен
+bolivia common bg Боливия
+border common bg Граница
+bosnia and herzegovina common bg Босна и Херцеговина
+botswana common bg Ботсвана
+bottom common bg Долна част
+bouvet island common bg Остров Буве
+brazil common bg Бразилия
+british indian ocean territory common bg Британски територии в Индийския океан
+brunei darussalam common bg Бруней Дарусалам
+bulgaria common bg България
+burkina faso common bg Буркина Фасо
+burundi common bg Бурунди
+calendar common bg Календар
+cambodia common bg Камбоджа
+cameroon common bg Камерун
+canada common bg Канада
+cancel common bg Отказ
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common bg Не може да се припокрие %1, понеже е директория
+cant open '%1' for %2 common bg Не може да се отвори '%1' за %2
+cape verde common bg Острови Зелени Нос
+caption common bg Пояснение
+categories common bg Категории
+categories for common bg категории за
+category common bg Категория
+category %1 has been added ! common bg Категорията %1 беше добавена!
+category %1 has been updated ! common bg Категорията %1 беше обновена!
+cayman islands common bg Каймански острови
+cc common bg Cc
+centered common bg центриран
+central african republic common bg Централноафриканска Републикя
+chad common bg Чад
+change common bg Промяна
+charset common bg utf-8
+check installation common bg Проверка на инсталацията
+check now common bg Провери сега
+chile common bg Чили
+china common bg Китай
+choose a background color common bg Изберете цвят за фона
+choose a background color for the icons common bg Изберете цвят за фона на иконите
+choose a background image. common bg Изберете изображение за фона
+choose a background style. common bg Изберете стил за фона
+choose a text color for the icons common bg Изберете цвят на текста за иконите
+choose the category common bg Изберете категорията
+choose the parent category common bg Изберете 'родителска' категория
+christmas island common bg Великденски острови
+clear common bg Изчистване
+clear form common bg Изчистване на формата
+click common bg Кликнете
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common bg Кликнете за възстановяване на сесията Ви в eGroupWare
+click or mouse over to show menus common bg Кликнете или доближете мишката за показване на менюта
+click or mouse over to show menus? common bg Клик или доближaване с мишката за показване на менюта?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common bg Кликнете това изображение на лентата за навигация: %1
+close common bg Затвори
+close sidebox common bg Затвори стр.кутия (sidebox)
+cocos (keeling) islands common bg Кокосови острови (о-ви Кийлинг)
+colombia common bg Колумбия
+common preferences common bg Общи настройки
+comoros common bg Коморски оствори
+company common bg Фирма
+congo common bg Конго
+congo, the democratic republic of the common bg Демократична Република Конго
+contacting server... common bg Свързване със сървъра...
+cook islands common bg Острови Кук
+copy common bg Копиране
+costa rica common bg Коста Рика
+cote d ivoire common bg Бряг на Слоновата Кост
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common bg Неуспех при връзка със сървъра поради таймаут!
+create common bg Създаване
+created by common bg Създадено от
+croatia common bg Хърватска
+cuba common bg Куба
+currency common bg Валута
+current common bg Текущ
+current users common bg Включени потребители
+cyprus common bg Кипър
+czech republic common bg Чешка Република
+database error common bg Грешка в базата данни
+database error! common bg Грешка в базата данни!
+date common bg Дата
+date due common bg Краен срок
+date selection: jscalendar bg Избор на дата:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin bg Порт за Datetime.
Ако използвате порт 13, моля настройте правилата на firewall-а правилно преди изпращане на тази страница.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common bg Декември
+default category common bg Категория по подразбиране
+default height for the windows common bg Височина на прозорците по подразбиране
+default width for the windows common bg Ширина на прозорците по подразбиране
+delete common bg Изтриване
+delete row common bg Изтриване на ред
+denmark common bg Дания
+description common bg Описание
+detail common bg Детайл
+details common bg Детайли
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common bg Да се забрани изпълнението на скрипта за корекция на грешки при показване на прозрачност при PNG изображения в IE 5.5 и по-високи?
+direction left to right common bg Посока от ляво надясно
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common bg Директорията не съществува, не е позволено четенето и от WEB сървъра или не е даден относителният път спрямо document root!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common bg Забрани Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix
+disable slider effects common bg Забрани slider-ефектите
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common bg Да се забранят анимираните slider ефекти при показване или скриване на менютата в страницата? Следва да се използва за потребители на Opera и Konqueror.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common bg Да се забрани изпълнението на скрипта за корекция на грешки при показване на прозрачност при PNG изображения в IE 5.5 и по-високи?
+disabled common bg Забранено
+display %s first jscalendar bg Покажи %s първо
+djibouti common bg Джибути
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common bg Искате ли също така да изтриете и всички подкатегории?
+doctype: common bg Тип документ:
+document properties common bg Свойства на документа
+document title: common bg Заглавие на документа:
+domain common bg Домейн
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common bg Име на домейн за e-mail адреси, напр. "%1"
+domestic common bg Домашен
+dominica common bg Доминика
+dominican republic common bg Доминиканска Република
+done common bg Готово
+drag to move jscalendar bg Провлачете за преместване
+e-mail common bg E-Mail
+east timor common bg Източен Тимур
+ecuador common bg Еквадор
+edit common bg Редактиране
+edit %1 category for common bg Редактиране на %1 категория за
+edit categories common bg Редактиране на категориите
+edit category common bg Редактиране на категория
+egroupware common bg eGroupWare
+egroupware api version common bg версия на eGroupWare API
+egroupware api version %1 common bg eGroupWare: версия на API - %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common bg eGroupWare: влизането блокирано за потребител '%1' от IP-адрес %2
+egypt common bg Египет
+el salvador common bg Ел Салвадор
+email common bg E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common bg e-mail адрес на потребителя, напр. "%1"
+enabled common bg Разрешено
+end date common bg Крайна дата
+end time common bg Краен час
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin bg Въведете URL на eGroupWare.
Пример: http://www.domain.com/egroupware или /egroupware
Да не завършва с "/"!!!
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common bg Записът беше изтрит успешно
+entry not found! common bg Записът не е намерен!
+entry updated sucessfully common bg Записът беше обновен успешно
+equatorial guinea common bg Екваториална Гвинея
+eritrea common bg Еритрея
+error common bg Грешка
+error creating %1 %2 directory common bg Грешка при създаване на директория %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common bg Грешка при изтриване на директория %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common bg Грешка при преименуване на директория %1 %2
+estonia common bg Естония
+ethiopia common bg Етиопия
+everything common bg Всичко
+exact common bg точно
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common bg Грешка при връзка със сървъра или невалиден отговор от него. Опитайте да влезете отново. В случай на проблем се свържете с администратора.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common bg Фолклендски (Малвински) острови
+faroe islands common bg Фаройски острови
+fax number common bg номер на факс
+features of the editor? common bg Допълнителни възможности на редактора?
+february common bg Февруари
+fields common bg Полета
+fiji common bg Острови Фиджи
+files common bg Файлове
+filter common bg Филтър
+finland common bg Финландия
+first name common bg Първо име
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common bg Първо име на потребителя, напр. "%1"
+first page common bg Първа страница
+firstname common bg Първо име
+fixme! common bg ПОПРАВИ МЕ!
+folder already exists. common bg Директорията вече съществува.
+force selectbox common bg Принудително SelectBox
+forever common bg Завинаги
+france common bg Франция
+french guiana common bg Френска Гвиана
+french polynesia common bg Френска Полинезия
+french southern territories common bg Френски Южни Територии
+friday common bg Петък
+ftp common bg FTP
+fullname common bg Пълно име
+fullscreen mode common bg Режим на цял екран
+gabon common bg Габон
+gambia common bg Гамбия
+general menu common bg Основно меню
+georgia common bg Грузия
+german common bg Немски
+germany common bg Германия
+ghana common bg Гана
+gibraltar common bg Гибралтар
+global common bg Глобален
+global public common bg Глобален Public (общ)
+go today jscalendar bg към Днес
+grant access common bg Разрешаване на достъп
+greece common bg Гърция
+greenland common bg Гренландия
+grenada common bg Гренада
+group common bg Група
+group access common bg Достъп на групи
+group has been added common bg Групата беше добавена
+group has been deleted common bg Групата беше изтрита
+group has been updated common bg Групата беше обновена
+group name common bg име на групата
+group public common bg Група Общи (Public)
+groups common bg Групи
+groups with permission for %1 common bg Групи с права за %1
+groups without permission for %1 common bg Групи без права за %1
+guadeloupe common bg Гваделупа
+guam common bg Гуам
+guatemala common bg Гватемала
+guinea common bg Гвинея
+guinea-bissau common bg Гвинея-Бисау
+guyana common bg Гвиана
+haiti common bg Хаити
+heard island and mcdonald islands common bg Острови Хърд и Макдоналд
+height common bg Височина
+help common bg Помощ
+high common bg Висок
+highest common bg Най-висок
+holy see (vatican city state) common bg Ватикана
+home common bg Начало
+home email common bg домашен e-mail
+honduras common bg Хондурас
+hong kong common bg Хонг-Конг
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common bg Колко икони да се покажат в лентата за навигация (горе на страницата)? Останалите икони се показват чрез падащо меню, активирано чрез иконата в крайната дясна част на лентата.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common bg Как да се покаже общото меню на eGroupWare ?
+hungary common bg Унгария
+iceland common bg Исландия
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common bg Не е открит ieSpell. Кликнете OK за пренасочване към страницата за изтеглянето му.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common bg Ако часовникът е разрешен как да се обновява - на всяка секунда или на всяка минута?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common bg Ако има изображения в директорията за фон може да изберете кое да виждате.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common bg Директория за изображенията, относително спрямо document root (използвайте / !), например:
+image url common bg URL на изображението
+india common bg Индия
+indonesia common bg Индонезия
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common bg Вмъкване на всички %1 адреси на %2 контакти в %3
+insert column after common bg Вмъкни колона след
+insert column before common bg Вмъкни колона преди
+insert row after common bg Вмъкни ред след
+insert row before common bg Вмъкни ред преди
+international common bg Международен
+invalid filename common bg Грешно име на файл
+invalid ip address common bg Невалиден IP адрес
+invalid password common bg Грешна парола
+iran, islamic republic of common bg Ислямска Република Иран
+iraq common bg Ирак
+ireland common bg Ейре
+israel common bg Израел
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common bg Изминали са повече от %1 дни, откакто сте променяли паролата си
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common bg Препоръчително е да преминете през "инсталация" (setup), за да обновите таблиците си до текущата версия.
+italic common bg Курсив
+italy common bg Италия
+jamaica common bg Ямайка
+january common bg Януари
+japan common bg Япония
+jordan common bg Йордания
+july common bg Юли
+jun common bg Юни
+june common bg Юни
+justify center common bg Центриране
+justify full common bg Подравняване от край до край
+justify left common bg Ляво изравняване
+justify right common bg Дясно изравняване
+kazakstan common bg Казахстан
+kenya common bg Кения
+keywords common bg Ключови думи
+kiribati common bg Кирибати
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common bg Народно Демократична Република Корея
+korea, republic of common bg Република Корея
+kuwait common bg Кувейт
+kyrgyzstan common bg Киргизстан
+language common bg Език
+lao peoples democratic republic common bg Лаос
+last name common bg Фамилно име
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common bg фамилията на потребителя, например "%1"
+last page common bg Последна страница
+lastname common bg Фамилия
+latvia common bg Латвия
+ldap-mgr common bg LDAP-мениджър
+lebanon common bg Ливан
+left common bg Ляво
+lesotho common bg Лесото
+liberia common bg Либерия
+libyan arab jamahiriya common bg Либийска Арабска Джамахирия
+license common bg Лиценз
+liechtenstein common bg Лихтенщайн
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored common bg Ред %1: '%2'
данните в csv съдържат ##last-check-run## на таблица %3 ==> игнориран
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common bg Ред %1: '%2'
данните в csv не съвпадат с броя на колоните в таблицата %3 ==> игнориран
+list common bg Списък
+list members common bg Списък с членове
+lithuania common bg Литва
+local common bg Локален
+login common bg Влизане (Login)
+loginid common bg Име на потребител
+logout common bg Изход
+lost login id common bg Загубено име на потребител
+lost password common bg Загубена парола
+low common bg Нисък
+lowest common bg Най-ниско
+luxembourg common bg Люксембург
+macau common bg Макао
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common bg Македония
+madagascar common bg Мадагаскар
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common bg пощенски домейн, например "%1"
+main category common bg Основна категория
+main screen common bg Основен екран
+maintainer common bg Поддържа се от
+malawi common bg Малави
+malaysia common bg Малайзия
+maldives common bg Малдивски острови
+mali common bg Мали
+malta common bg Малта
+march common bg Март
+marshall islands common bg Маршалски острови
+martinique common bg Мартиника
+mauritania common bg Мавритания
+mauritius common bg Мавриций
+max number of icons in navbar common bg Максимален брой икони в лентата за управление
+may common bg Май
+mayotte common bg Майот
+medium common bg Средно
+menu common bg Меню
+message common bg Съобщение
+mexico common bg Мексико
+micronesia, federated states of common bg Микронезия
+minute common bg минута
+moldova, republic of common bg Молдовска Република
+monaco common bg Монако
+monday common bg Понеделник
+mongolia common bg Монголия
+montenegro common bg Черна гора
+montserrat common bg Монтсерат
+morocco common bg Мароко
+mozambique common bg Мозамбик
+multiple common bg множество
+myanmar common bg Мианмар
+name common bg Име
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common bg Име на потребителя, например "%1"
+namibia common bg Намибия
+nauru common bg Науру
+nepal common bg Непал
+netherlands common bg Холандия
+netherlands antilles common bg Холандски Антили
+never common bg Никога
+new caledonia common bg Нова Каледония
+new entry added sucessfully common bg Новият запис е добавен успешно
+new main category common bg Нова основна категория
+new value common bg Нова стойност
+new zealand common bg Нова Зеландия
+next common bg Следващ
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar bg Следващ месец (задръжте за списък)
+next page common bg Следваща страница
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar bg Следваща година (задръжте за списък)
+nicaragua common bg Никарагуа
+niger common bg Нигер
+nigeria common bg Нигерия
+niue common bg Ниуе
+no common bg Не
+no entries found, try again ... common bg няма резултати, опитайте отново...
+no history for this record common bg Няма история за този запис
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common bg Не са намерени Savant2 template директории в:
+no subject common bg Няма Относно
+none common bg Няма
+norfolk island common bg Остров Норфолк
+normal common bg Нормален
+northern mariana islands common bg Северни Мариански острови
+norway common bg Норвегия
+not common bg не е
+not a user yet? register now common bg Все още не сте потребител? Регистрирайте се сега
+not assigned common bg не е назначен
+not readable %1 entry of user %2 common bg Не е позволено четене на %1 от потребител %2
+note common bg Бележка
+notes common bg Бележки
+notifications common bg известяване
+notify window common bg Прозорец за известяване
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common bg Съобщете на Вашия Администратор да коригира този проблем
+november common bg Ноември
+october common bg Октомври
+ok common bg OK
+old value common bg Стара стойност
+oman common bg Оман
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common bg На *nix системи напишете: %1
+on mouse over common bg При посочване с мишката
+only private common bg само "лични"
+only yours common bg само Вашите
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common bg Съжалаваме, в момента се извършва профилактика на системата.
+open notify window common bg Отваряне на прозореца за известяване
+open popup window common bg Отваряне на "изскачащ" прозорец
+open sidebox common bg Отваряне на страничната кутия
+ordered list common bg Подреден списък
+original common bg Оригинал
+other common bg Други
+overview common bg Преглед
+owner common bg Собственик
+page common bg Страница
+page was generated in %1 seconds common bg Страницата беше създадена за %1 секунди
+pakistan common bg Пакистан
+palau common bg Палау
+palestinian territory, occupied common bg Окупирани Палестински Територии
+panama common bg Панама
+papua new guinea common bg Папуа Нова Гвинея
+paraguay common bg Парагвай
+parcel common bg Колет
+parent category common bg "Родителска" категория
+password common bg Парола
+password could not be changed common bg Паролата не може да бъде сменена
+password has been updated common bg Паролата беше обновена
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common bg Паролата трябва да съдържа поне %1 малки букви
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common bg Паролата трябва да съдържа поне %1 цифри
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common bg Паролата трябва да съдържа поне %1 специални символа
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common bg Паролата трябва да съдържа поне %1 главни букви
+password must have at least %1 characters common bg Паролата трябва да съдържа поне %1символа
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common bg Пътят до файловете на потребители и групи ТРЯБВА ДА БЪДЕ ИЗВЪН Document Root на WEB сървъра!!!
+permission denied! common bg Нямате право на достъп!
+permissions to the files/users directory common bg Права на файловете / потребителите на директория
+permisson denied! common bg Нямате право на достъп!
+personal common bg Личен
+peru common bg Перу
+philippines common bg Филипини
+phone number common bg телефонен номер
+pitcairn common bg Острови Питкерн
+please %1 by hand common bg Моля %1 ръчно
+please enter a name common bg Моля въведете име!
+please run setup to become current common bg Моля минете през "инсталация", за да обновите
+please select common bg Моля изберете
+please set your global preferences common bg Моля задайте общите си настройки!
+please set your preferences for this application common bg Моля задайте настройките си за това приложение!
+please wait... common bg Моля изчакайте...
+please, check back with us shortly. common bg Моля, опитайте след малко.
+poland common bg Полша
+portugal common bg Португалия
+postal common bg Пощенски
+powered by common bg Работи с
+powered by egroupware version %1 common bg Работи с eGroupWare версия %1
+preferences common bg Настройки
+preferences for the idots template set common bg Настройки за набор шаблони idots
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar bg Предишен месец (задръжте за списък)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar bg Предишна година (задръжте за списък)
+previous page common bg Предишна страница
+primary style-sheet: common bg Основен набор стилове (style-sheet):
+print common bg Печат
+priority common bg Приоритет
+private common bg Личен
+programs common bg Програми
+project common bg Проект
+public common bg общ
+puerto rico common bg Пуерто Рико
+qatar common bg Катар
+read common bg Четене
+read this list of methods. common bg Четене на списъкът с методи.
+reading common bg четене
+register common bg Регистрация
+regular common bg Стандартен
+reject common bg Отхвърляне
+remember me common bg Запомни ме
+remove selected accounts common bg премахване на избраните акаунти
+remove shortcut common bg Премахване на Shortcut-и
+rename common bg Преименуване
+replace common bg Замяна
+replace with common bg Замяна с
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common bg Пълен списък на потребителите на системата. Внимание: списъкът може да бъде много дълъг!
+returns an array of todo items common bg Връща масив с Предстоящи
+returns struct of users application access common bg Връща структура с достъпа на потребителите до приложенията
+reunion common bg Реюнион
+right common bg Дясно
+romania common bg Румъния
+russian federation common bg Руска Федерация
+rwanda common bg Руанда
+saint helena common bg Света Елена
+saint kitts and nevis common bg Сейнт Китс и Невис
+saint lucia common bg Санта Лучия
+saint pierre and miquelon common bg Сейнт Пиер и Микелон
+saint vincent and the grenadines common bg Сейнт Винсент и Гренадини
+samoa common bg Самоа
+san marino common bg Сан Марино
+sao tome and principe common bg Сао Томе и Принсипе
+saturday common bg Събота
+saudi arabia common bg Саудитска Арабия
+save common bg Запис
+search common bg Търсене
+search %1 '%2' common bg Търсене на %1 '%2'
+search accounts common bg Търсене в акаунтите
+search or select accounts common bg търсене или избор на акаунти
+second common bg секунда
+section common bg Секция
+select common bg Изберете
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common bg Избор на всички %1 %2 за %3
+select category common bg Изберете категория
+select date common bg Изберете дата
+select group common bg Изберете група
+select home email address common bg Изберете домашен e-mail адрес
+select multiple accounts common bg изберете няколко акаунта
+select one common bg Моля, изберете
+select the default height for the application windows common bg Изберете височина по подразбиране за прозорците на приложението
+select the default width for the application windows common bg Изберете ширина по подразбиране за прозорците на приложението
+select user common bg Изберете потребител
+select work email address common bg Изберете служебен e-mail адрес
+selection common bg Избор
+send common bg Изпращане
+senegal common bg Сенегал
+september common bg Септември
+serbia common bg Сърбия
+server %1 has been added common bg Сървърът %1 е добавен
+server answered. processing response... common bg Получен отговор от сървъра. Обработка...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common bg Установена връзка със сървъра. Очакваме отговор...
+server name common bg Име на сървър
+session has been killed common bg Сесията е премахната
+setup common bg Настройка
+setup main menu common bg Главно меню за настройка
+seychelles common bg Сейшелски острови
+show all common bg показване на всички
+show all categorys common bg Показване на всички категории
+show as topmenu common bg Показване като горно меню
+show clock? common bg Показване на часовник?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common bg Показване на бутони home и logout в главната лента на приложението?
+show in sidebox common bg Показване в страничната кутия
+show logo's on the desktop. common bg Показване на логото на desktop-a.
+show menu common bg Показване на меню
+show page generation time common bg Показване на времето за създаване на страниците
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common bg Да се показва ли най-отдолу времето за създаване на страниците?
+show page generation time? common bg Да се показва ли времето за генериране на страниците?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common bg Показване на логото на eGroupware и x-desktop на desktop-а.
+showing %1 common bg показване на %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common bg показване на %1 до %2 от %3
+sierra leone common bg Сиера Леоне
+simple common bg Опростен
+singapore common bg Сингапур
+site configuration common bg Конфиргурация на системата
+slovakia common bg Словакия
+slovenia common bg Словения
+solomon islands common bg Соломонови острови
+somalia common bg Сомалия
+sorry, your login has expired login bg Съжаляваме, сесията Ви е изтекла
+south africa common bg Южна Африка
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common bg Южна Джорджия и Южни Сандвичеви острови
+spain common bg Испания
+sri lanka common bg Шри-Ланка
+start date common bg Начална дата
+start time common bg Начален час
+start with common bg започва с
+starting up... common bg Стартиране...
+status common bg Състояние
+stretched common bg разтегнат
+subject common bg Относно
+submit common bg Изпращане
+substitutions and their meanings: common bg Замествания и тяхното значение:
+sudan common bg Судан
+sunday common bg Неделя
+suriname common bg Суринам
+svalbard and jan mayen common bg Шпицберген и Ян Майен
+swaziland common bg Свазиленд
+sweden common bg Швеция
+switzerland common bg Швейцария
+syrian arab republic common bg Сирия
+table properties common bg Свойства на таблицата
+taiwan common bg Тайван/Тайпе
+tajikistan common bg Таджикистан
+tanzania, united republic of common bg Обединена Република Танзания
+text color: common bg Цвят на текста:
+thailand common bg Тайланд
+the api is current common bg API е последна версия
+the api requires an upgrade common bg API има нужда от обновяване
+the following applications require upgrades common bg Следните приложения имат нужда от обновяване
+the mail server returned common bg Пощенският сървър върна следното съобщение
+this application is current common bg Приложението е последна версия
+this application requires an upgrade common bg Приложението има нужда от обновяване
+this name has been used already common bg Това име вече е използвано !
+thursday common bg Четвъртък
+time common bg Време
+time selection: jscalendar bg Избор на време:
+time zone common bg Часови пояс
+time zone offset common bg Отместване на часовия пояс
+title common bg Заглавие
+to common bg До
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common bg За да отстраните тази грешка е необходимо правилно да настроите
+to go back to the msg list, click here common bg За връщане към списъка със съобщения, натиснете тук
+today common bg Днес
+todays date, eg. "%1" common bg днешна дата, напр. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar bg Настройка на първия ден на седмицата
+togo common bg Того
+tokelau common bg Токелау
+tonga common bg Тонга
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common bg Твърде много неуспешни опита за влизане: %1 за потребител '%2', %3 от IP адрес %4
+top common bg Горе
+total common bg общо
+transparant bg for the icons? common bg Прозрачен фон за иконите?
+trinidad and tobago common bg Тринидад и Тобаго
+tuesday common bg Вторник
+tunisia common bg Тунис
+turkey common bg Турция
+turkmenistan common bg Туркменистан
+turks and caicos islands common bg Острови Търкс и Кайкос
+tuvalu common bg Тувалу
+type common bg Тип
+uganda common bg Уганда
+ukraine common bg Украйна
+underline common bg Подчертаване
+united arab emirates common bg Обединени Арабски Емирства
+united kingdom common bg Великобритания
+united states common bg Съединени Американски Щати
+united states minor outlying islands common bg Малки далечни острови на САЩ
+unknown common bg Неизвестен
+update common bg Обновяване
+update the clock per minute or per second common bg Обновяване на часовника на всяка минута или секунда
+upload common bg Качване
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common bg Директорията за Upload не съществува или не е позволен запис за WEB сървъра
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common bg За Upload е необходим достъп за запис от WEB сървъра!
+url common bg WEB адр.
+uruguay common bg Уругвай
+use button to search for common bg Използвайте бутона за търсене на
+use button to search for address common bg Използвайте бутона за търсене на адрес
+use button to search for calendarevent common bg Използвайте бутона за търсене на събитие в календара
+use button to search for project common bg Използвайте бутона за търсене на Проект
+user common bg Потребител
+user accounts common bg потребителски акаунти
+user groups common bg групи
+username common bg Потребителско име
+users common bg потребители
+users choice common bg По избор на потребителя
+uzbekistan common bg Узбекистан
+vanuatu common bg Вануату
+venezuela common bg Венецуела
+version common bg Версия
+viet nam common bg Виетнам
+view common bg Преглед
+virgin islands, british common bg Британски Вирджински острови
+virgin islands, u.s. common bg Американски Вирджински острови
+wallis and futuna common bg Уолис и Футуна
+wednesday common bg Сряда
+welcome common bg Добре дошли
+western sahara common bg Западна Сахара
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common bg С какъв цвят да бъде запълнено празното пространство на desktop-а
+what style would you like the image to have? common bg Какъв стил да бъде назначен на изображението?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common bg Ако отговорите ДА бутоните Home и Logout ще се появят като приложения в горната главна лента на приложенията
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common bg Къде и как да се изобразяват връзките на eGroupWare като настройки, "относно" и Logout.
+which groups common bg Кои групи
+width common bg Ширина
+wk jscalendar bg сед
+work email common bg служебен e-mail
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common bg Желаете ли да се изобразява времето за генериране на страницата в долната част на всеки прозорец?
+writing common bg запис
+written by: common bg Написано от:
+year common bg Година
+yemen common bg Йемен
+yes common bg Да
+you are required to change your password during your first login common bg Трябва да смените паролата си при първото влизане
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common bg Може да определите колко икони и ленти с инструменти да показва Редактора.
+you have been successfully logged out login bg Излизането ви от системата приключи успешно
+you have not entered a title common bg Не сте въвели заглавие
+you have not entered a valid date common bg Не сте въвели валидна дата
+you have not entered a valid time of day common bg Не сте въвели валидно часово време
+you have not entered participants common bg Не сте въвели участници
+you have selected an invalid date common bg Избрали сте невалидна дата!
+you have selected an invalid main category common bg Избрали сте невалидна основна категория!
+you have successfully logged out common bg Излязохте успешно
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common bg Необходимо е да добавите потребителя на WEB сървъра '%1' към групата '%2'
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common bg Необходимо е да сте администратор в eGroupWare за достъп до тези функции!
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common bg Опитахте да отворите приложение на eGroupWare: %1, но нямате права за достъп до него.
+your message could not be sent!
common bg Писмото ви не може да бъде изпратено!
+your message has been sent common bg Писмото ви беше изпратено
+your search returned %1 matchs common bg търсенето ви върна %1 съвпадения
+your search returned 1 match common bg търсенето ви върна 1 съвпадение
+your session could not be verified. login bg Сесията ви не може да бъде проверена.
+your settings have been updated common bg Настройките ви са обновени
+zambia common bg Замбия
+zimbabwe common bg Зимбабве
+zoom common bg Увеличаване/намаляне
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ca.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ca.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..725ea36213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ca.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common ca %1 adreces de correu afegides
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common ca %1 no es pot executar en el servidor web !!!
+%1 manual common ca %1 manual
+%1 start common ca %1 inicia
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common ca %1Tria un altre directori%2
o fes que %3 sigui modificable pel webserver
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common ca %1eGroupWare%2 és una eina de treball en grup, multiusuari i basada en web escrita en %3PHP%4
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar ca (Maj-)+clic o arrosegar per a canviar el valor
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar ca - Premeu en qualsevol part de l'hora per a incrementar-la
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar ca - Mantingueu premut el botó del ratolí en qualsevol dels botons anteriors per a una selecció més ràpida.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar ca - o premeu i arrosegueu per a una selecció més ràpida.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar ca - o Maj+clic per disminuir
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar ca - Useu els botons %1, %2 per a seleccionar el mes
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar ca - Useu els botons %1, %2 per a seleccionar l'any
+00 (disable) admin ca 00 (desactiva)
+1 day common ca 1 Dia
+1 hour common ca 1 Hora
+1 month common ca 1 Mes
+1 week common ca 1 Setmana
+13 (ntp) admin ca 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar ca 3 caràcters per a l'abreviatura del dia
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar ca 3 caràcters per a l'abreviatura del mes
+80 (http) admin ca 80 (http)
+about common ca Sobre
+about %1 common ca Sobre %1
+about egroupware common ca Sobre eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar ca Sobre el calendari
+access common ca Accés
+access not permitted common ca Accés no permès
+account has been created common ca Compte creat
+account has been deleted common ca Compte esborrat
+account has been updated common ca Compte actualitzat
+account is expired common ca Compte caducat
+acl common ca LCA
+action common ca Acció
+active common ca Actiu
+add common ca Afegir
+add %1 category for common ca Afegir %1 categoria per a
+add category common ca Afegir categoria
+add shortcut common ca Afegeix combinació de tecles
+add sub common ca Afegir sub
+addressbook common ca Llibreta d'adreces
+admin common ca Administració
+administration common ca Administració
+afghanistan common ca AFGANISTAN
+albania common ca ALBÀNIA
+algeria common ca ALGÈRIA
+all common ca Tot
+all fields common ca tots els camps
+alphabet common ca a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common ca Fulla d'estils alternativa:
+american samoa common ca SAMOA AMERICANA
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common ca Un directori existent I llegible pel servidor web habilita la imatge del navegador i carrega.
+andorra common ca ANDORRA
+angola common ca ANGOLA
+anguilla common ca ANGUILLA
+antarctica common ca ANTÀRTICA
+antigua and barbuda common ca ANTIGUA I BARBUDA
+application common ca Aplicació
+apply common ca Aplicar
+april common ca Abril
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common ca Esteu segurs d'esborrar aquestes entrades?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common ca Esteu segurs d'esborrar aquesta entrada?
+argentina common ca ARGENTINA
+armenia common ca ARMÈNIA
+aruba common ca ARUBA
+august common ca Agost
+australia common ca AUSTRÀLIA
+austria common ca ÀUSTRIA
+author common ca Autor
+autohide sidebox menu's common ca Autooculta menú del costat
+autohide sidebox menus common ca Ocultar automàticament els menús laterals
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common ca Automàticament amaga el menú del costat?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common ca Ocultar automàticament els menùs laterals?
+autosave default category common ca Desar automàticament la Categoria Predeterminada
+azerbaijan common ca AZERBAIJÀN
+back common ca Enrere
+back to user login common ca Tornar a identificació d'usuari
+background color: common ca Color de fons:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common ca el servidor web no pot escriure el directori de còpia de seguretat '%1'
+bad login or password common ca Nom d'usuari o contrasenya incorrectes
+bahamas common ca BAHAMES
+bahrain common ca BAHREIN
+bangladesh common ca BANGLADESH
+barbados common ca BARBADOS
+bcc common ca CCo
+belarus common ca BIELORÚSSIA
+belgium common ca BÈLGICA
+belize common ca BELIZE
+benin common ca BENIN
+bermuda common ca BERMUDA
+bhutan common ca BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common ca Bloquejat, massa intents
+bold common ca Negreta
+bolivia common ca BOLIVIA
+border common ca Vorera
+bosnia and herzegovina common ca BOSNIA I HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common ca BOTSWANA
+bottom common ca Part inferior
+bouvet island common ca ILLA BOUVET
+brazil common ca BRASIL
+british indian ocean territory common ca TERRITORI OCEÀNIC DE LES INDIES BRITÀNIQUES
+brunei darussalam common ca BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common ca BULGÀRIA
+burkina faso common ca BURKINA FASO
+burundi common ca BURUNDI
+calendar common ca Calendari
+cambodia common ca CAMBODJA
+cameroon common ca CAMERUN
+canada common ca CANADA
+cancel common ca Cancel·lar
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common ca No es pot reemplaçar %1 perquè és un directori
+cant open '%1' for %2 common ca No es pot obrir '%1' per %2
+cape verde common ca CAP VERD
+caption common ca Contingut
+catalonia common ca CATALUNYA
+categories common ca Categories
+categories for common ca categories per
+category common ca Categoria
+category %1 has been added ! common ca Categoria %1 afegida !
+category %1 has been updated ! common ca Categoria %1 actualitzada !
+cayman islands common ca ILLES CAIMAN
+cc common ca Cc
+centered common ca centrat
+central african republic common ca REPÚBLICA CENTREAFRICANA
+chad common ca TXAD
+change common ca Canvi
+charset common ca utf-8
+check installation common ca Comprovar instal·lació
+check now common ca Comprova-ho Ara
+chile common ca XILE
+china common ca XINA
+choose a background color common ca Tria un color de fons
+choose a background color for the icons common ca Tria un color de fons per a les icones
+choose a background image. common ca Tria una imatge de fons
+choose a background style. common ca Tria un estil de fons
+choose a text color for the icons common ca Tria un color de text per a les icones
+choose the category common ca Trieu la categoria
+choose the parent category common ca Trieu la categoria superior
+christmas island common ca ILLA CHRISTMAS
+clear common ca Netejar
+clear form common ca Netejar formulari
+click common ca Premeu
+click or mouse over to show menus common ca Premeu o moveu el ratolí per sobre per veure menús
+click or mouse over to show menus? common ca Prèmer o moure el ratolí per sobre per veure menús?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common ca Premeu aquesta imatge de la barra de navegació: %1
+close common ca Tancar
+close sidebox common ca Tanca menú del costat
+cocos (keeling) islands common ca ILLES COCOS (KEELING)
+colombia common ca COLÒMBIA
+common preferences common ca Preferències comuns
+comoros common ca COMORES
+company common ca Empresa
+congo common ca CONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common ca CONGO, REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÀTICA DEL
+contacting server... common ca Contactant amb servidor...
+cook islands common ca ILLES COOK
+copy common ca Copiar
+costa rica common ca COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common ca COSTA D'IVORI
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common ca No s'ha pogut contactar amb el servidor. Ha expirat el temps de l'operació!
+create common ca Crear
+created by common ca Creat per
+croatia common ca CROÀCIA
+cuba common ca CUBA
+currency common ca Moneda
+current common ca Actual
+current users common ca Usuaris actuals
+cyprus common ca XIPRE
+czech republic common ca REPÚBLICA TXECA
+date common ca Data
+date due common ca Data límit
+date selection: jscalendar ca Selecció de data:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin ca Port de data.
Si useu el port 13, si us plau, configureu acuradament les regles del tallafocs abans d'enviar aquesta plana.
+december common ca Desembre
+default category common ca Categoria predeterminada
+default height for the windows common ca Alçada per defecte de la finestra
+default width for the windows common ca Amplada per defecte de la finestra
+delete common ca Esborrar
+delete row common ca Esborra fila
+denmark common ca DINAMARCA
+description common ca Descripció
+detail common ca Detall
+details common ca Detalls
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common ca Desactivar l'execució del pegat d'IE 5.5 i superiors per mostrar transparències en imatges PNG?
+direction left to right common ca Direcció d'esquerra a dreta
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common ca El directori no existeix, el servidor web no el pot llegir o no pertany a l'arrel del document!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common ca Desactivar el pegat d'IE per veure imatges PNG
+disable slider effects common ca Desactivar efectes lliscants
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common ca Desactivar efectes lliscants animats en mostrar o amagar menús a la plana? Opera i Konqueror probablement ho necessiten.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common ca Deshabilita l'execució d'un bugfixscript per Internet Explorer 5.5 i superior per mostrar les imatges PNG transparents?
+disabled common ca Desactivat
+display %s first jscalendar ca Mostra %s primer
+djibouti common ca DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common ca També voleu esborrar totes les subcategories?
+doctype: common ca TIPUS DE DOCUMENT:
+document properties common ca Propietats del document
+document title: common ca Títol del document:
+domain common ca Domini
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common ca Nom de domini per adreça de correu, ex. "%1"
+domestic common ca Domèstic
+dominica common ca DOMINICA
+dominican republic common ca REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA
+done common ca Fet
+drag to move jscalendar ca Arrosegueu per moure
+e-mail common ca Correu electrònic
+east timor common ca TIMOR EST
+ecuador common ca EQUADOR
+edit common ca Editar
+edit %1 category for common ca Editar %1 categoria per
+edit categories common ca Editar categories
+edit category common ca Editar categoria
+egroupware api version common ca Versió eGroupWare API
+egroupware api version %1 common ca eGroupWare API versió %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common ca eGroupWare: inici de sessió bloquejat per a l'usuari '%1', IP %2
+egypt common ca EGIPTE
+el salvador common ca EL SALVADOR
+email common ca Correu electrònic
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common ca Adreces de correu electrònic del usuari, ex. '%1'
+enabled common ca Activat
+end date common ca Data de finalització
+end time common ca Hora de finalització
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin ca Entreu l'adreça URL d'eGroupWare.
Exemple: http://www.domini.com/egroupware o bé /egroupware
Sense barra final!!
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common ca Entrada esborrada correctament
+entry updated sucessfully common ca Entrada actualitzada correctament
+equatorial guinea common ca GUINEA EQUATORIAL
+eritrea common ca ERITREA
+error common ca Error
+error creating %1 %2 directory common ca Error creant el directori %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common ca Error esborrant el directori %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common ca Error reanomenant el directori %1 %2
+estonia common ca ESTÒNIA
+ethiopia common ca ETIÒPIA
+everything common ca Tot
+exact common ca exacte
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common ca No s'ha pogut contactar amb el Servidor o Resposta Invàlida del Servidor. Torna-ho a provar. Contacta amb l'administrador en cas que falli.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common ca ILLES MALVINES (FALKLAND)
+faroe islands common ca ILLES FEROE
+fax number common ca Fax
+features of the editor? common ca Característiques de l'editor?
+february common ca Febrer
+fields common ca Camps
+fiji common ca FIDJI
+files common ca Arxius
+filter common ca Filtre
+finland common ca FINLÀNDIA
+first name common ca Nom de pila
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common ca Nom de pila de l'usuari, ex "%1"
+first page common ca Primera plana
+firstname common ca Nom de pila
+fixme! common ca ARREGLEU-ME!
+folder already exists. common ca La carpeta ja existeix.
+force selectbox common ca Forçar quadre de selecció
+forever common ca Sempre
+france common ca FRANÇA
+french guiana common ca GUAIANA FRANCESA
+french polynesia common ca POLINÈSIA FRANCESA
+french southern territories common ca TERRITORIS FRANCESSOS DEL SUD
+friday common ca Divendres
+ftp common ca FTP
+fullname common ca Nom complet
+fullscreen mode common ca Mode pantalla completa
+gabon common ca GABÓN
+gambia common ca GÀMBIA
+general menu common ca Menú General
+georgia common ca GEORGIA
+german common ca Alemany
+germany common ca ALEMANYA
+ghana common ca GHANA
+gibraltar common ca GIBRALTAR
+global common ca Global
+global public common ca Public Global
+go today jscalendar ca Anar a avui
+grant access common ca Atorgar accés
+greece common ca GRÈCIA
+greenland common ca GROENLANDIA
+grenada common ca GRANADA
+group common ca Grup
+group access common ca Accés de Grup
+group has been added common ca Grup afegit
+group has been deleted common ca Grup esborrat
+group has been updated common ca Grup actualitzat
+group name common ca nom del grup
+group public common ca Grup Públic
+groups common ca Grups
+groups with permission for %1 common ca Grups amb permís per %1
+groups without permission for %1 common ca Grups sense permís per %1
+guadeloupe common ca GUADALUPE
+guam common ca GUAM
+guatemala common ca GUATEMALA
+guinea common ca GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common ca GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common ca GUYANA
+haiti common ca HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common ca ILLA HEARD I ILLES MCDONALD
+height common ca Alçada
+help common ca Ajuda
+high common ca Alta
+highest common ca La més alta
+holy see (vatican city state) common ca SANTA SEU (ESTAT DE LA CIUTAT DEL VATICÀ)
+home common ca Inici
+home email common ca correu electrònic privat
+honduras common ca HONDURAS
+hong kong common ca HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common ca Quantitat d'icones que es mostren a la barra de navegació (a la part superior de la plana). Les icones addicionals apareixen en una mena de menú emergent, activable clicant a la darrera icona, a la dreta de la barra.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common ca Com mostrar el menú general eGroupWare?
+hungary common ca HUNGRIA
+iceland common ca ISLÀNDIA
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common ca No s'ha detectat ieSpell. Pitja OK per anar a la pàgina de descàrrega.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common ca Si el rellotge està habilitat, vols que s'actualitzi cada segon o cada minut?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common ca Si hi ha algunes imatges a la carpeta de fons, pots triar la que t'agradaria veure.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common ca Directori d'imatge relatiu a l'arrel del document (useu/!), exemple:
+image url common ca Imatge URL
+india common ca INDIA
+indonesia common ca INDONÈSIA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common ca Inseriu totes les adreces %1 del contactes de %2 en %3
+insert column after common ca Insereix columna després
+insert column before common ca Insereix columna abans
+insert row after common ca Insereix fila després
+insert row before common ca Insereix fila abans
+international common ca Internacional
+invalid filename common ca Nom de fitxer invàlid
+invalid ip address common ca Adreça IP no vàlida
+invalid password common ca Contrasenya no vàlida
+iran, islamic republic of common ca IRAN, REPÚBLICA ISLÀMICA D
+iraq common ca IRAQ
+ireland common ca IRLANDA
+israel common ca ISRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common ca Fa més de %1 dies des de que vàreu canviar la contrasenya
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common ca Es recomana que executeu setup per actualitzar les taules a la versió actual.
+italic common ca Cursiva
+italy common ca ITÀLIA
+jamaica common ca JAMAICA
+january common ca Gener
+japan common ca JAPÓ
+jordan common ca JORDÀNIA
+july common ca Juliol
+jun common ca Juny
+june common ca Juny
+justify center common ca Justificar centrat
+justify full common ca Justificat total
+justify left common ca Justificat esquerra
+justify right common ca Justificat dreta
+kazakstan common ca KAZAKSTAN
+kenya common ca KENYA
+keywords common ca Paraules clau
+kiribati common ca KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common ca COREA, REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÀTICA POPULAR DE
+korea, republic of common ca COREA, REPÚBLICA DE
+kuwait common ca KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common ca KIRGIZYSTAN
+language common ca Idioma
+language_direction_rtl common ca rtl_adreça_idioma
+lao peoples democratic republic common ca LAOS, REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÀTICA POPULAR DE
+last name common ca Cognom
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common ca Cognom de l'usuari, ex "%1"
+last page common ca Darrera plana
+lastname common ca Cognom
+latvia common ca LETÒNIA
+ldap-mgr common ca Gestor-LDAP
+lebanon common ca LIBAN
+left common ca Esquerra
+lesotho common ca LESOTHO
+liberia common ca LIBÈRIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common ca LIBIA (LYBIAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA)
+license common ca Llicència
+liechtenstein common ca LIECHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common ca Línia %1: '%2'
les dades csv no coincideixen amb el número de columnes de la taula %3 ==> ignorat
+list common ca Llista
+list members common ca Llista de membres
+lithuania common ca LITUÀNIA
+local common ca Local
+login common ca Entrar
+loginid common ca ID d'usuari
+logout common ca Sortir
+lost login id common ca Dades d'entrada Id perdudes
+lost password common ca Contrasenya perduda
+low common ca Baixa
+lowest common ca La més baixa
+luxembourg common ca LUXEMBURG
+macau common ca MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common ca MACEDÒNIA, ANTIGA REPÚBLICA IUGOSLAVA DE
+madagascar common ca MADAGASCAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common ca domini de correu, ej. "%1"
+main category common ca Categoria Principal
+main screen common ca Pantalla Principal
+maintainer common ca Mantingut per
+malawi common ca MALAWI
+malaysia common ca MALÀSIA
+maldives common ca MALDIVES
+mali common ca MALI
+malta common ca MALTA
+march common ca Març
+marshall islands common ca ILLES MARSHALL
+martinique common ca MARTINICA
+mauritania common ca MAURITÀNIA
+mauritius common ca MAURICI
+max number of icons in navbar common ca Nombre màxim d'icones a la barra de navegació
+may common ca Maig
+mayotte common ca MAYOTTE
+medium common ca Mig
+menu common ca Menú
+message common ca Missatge
+mexico common ca MÈXIC
+micronesia, federated states of common ca MICRONESIA, ESTATS FEDERATS DE
+minute common ca Minut
+moldova, republic of common ca MOLDÀViA, REPÚBLICA DE
+monaco common ca MONACO
+monday common ca Dilluns
+mongolia common ca MONGOLIA
+montenegro common ca MONTENEGRO
+montserrat common ca MONTSERRAT
+morocco common ca MARROC
+mozambique common ca MOÇAMBIC
+multiple common ca múltiple
+myanmar common ca MYANMAR
+name common ca Nom
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common ca Nom de l'usuari, ex. "%1"
+namibia common ca NAMIBIA
+nauru common ca NAURU
+nepal common ca NEPAL
+netherlands common ca HOLANDA
+netherlands antilles common ca ANTILLES HOLANDESES
+never common ca Mai
+new caledonia common ca NOVA CALEDÒNIA
+new entry added sucessfully common ca Nova entrada afegida correctament
+new main category common ca Nova categoria principal
+new value common ca Nou valor
+new zealand common ca NOVA ZELANDA
+next common ca Següent
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar ca Mes següent (mantenir clicat per menú)
+next page common ca Plana següent
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar ca Any següent (mantenir clicat per menú)
+nicaragua common ca NICARAGUA
+niger common ca NIGER
+nigeria common ca NIGERIA
+niue common ca NIUE
+no common ca No
+no entries found, try again ... common ca No s'han trobat entrades, proveu un altre cop...
+no history for this record common ca Sense historial per aquest registre
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common ca No s'han trobat directoris de plantilles Savant2 a:
+no subject common ca Sense assumpte
+none common ca Cap
+norfolk island common ca ILLA NORFOLK
+normal common ca Normal
+northern mariana islands common ca ILLES MARIANES SEPTENTRIONALS
+norway common ca NORUEGA
+not common ca no
+not a user yet? register now common ca No sou usuari encara? Registreu-vos ara
+not assigned common ca sense assignar
+note common ca Nota
+notes common ca Notes
+notify window common ca Finestra de notificació
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common ca Avisa al teu administrador per corregir aquesta situació
+november common ca Novembre
+october common ca Octubre
+ok common ca Acceptar
+old value common ca Valor anterior
+oman common ca OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common ca En sistemes *nix escriviu: %1
+on mouse over common ca En moure el ratolí per sobre
+only private common ca només privat
+only yours common ca només els vostres
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common ca Ups! Ens heu agafat al mig del manteniment del sistema.
+open notify window common ca Obrir finestra de notificació
+open popup window common ca Obrir finestra emergent
+open sidebox common ca Obre el menú del costat
+ordered list common ca Llista ordenada
+original common ca Original
+other common ca Altres
+overview common ca Resum
+owner common ca Propietari
+page common ca Pàgina
+page was generated in %1 seconds common ca Plana generada en %1 segons
+pakistan common ca PAKISTAN
+palau common ca PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common ca TERRITORI PALESTÍ, OCUPAT
+panama common ca PANAMA
+papua new guinea common ca PAPUA NOVA GUINEA
+paraguay common ca PARAGUAY
+parcel common ca Paquet
+parent category common ca Categoria superior
+password common ca Contrasenya
+password could not be changed common ca No s'ha pogut canviar la contrasenya
+password has been updated common ca Contrasenya actualitzada
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common ca La contrasenya ha de tenir com a mínim %1 lletres minúscules
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common ca La contrasenya ha de tenir com a mínim %1 números
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common ca La contrasenya ha de tenir com a mínim %1 caràcters especials
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common ca La contrasenya ha de tenir com a mínim %1 lletres majúscules
+password must have at least %1 characters common ca La contrasenya ha de tenir com a mínim %1 caràcters
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common ca El camí als arxius d'usuari i grups HA D'ESTAR FORA del directori arrel de documents dels servidors web!!
+permissions to the files/users directory common ca permissos als directoris d'arxius/usuaris
+personal common ca Personal
+peru common ca PERU
+philippines common ca FILIPINES
+phone number common ca Número de telèfon
+phpgwapi common ca API eGroupware
+pitcairn common ca PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common ca Si us plau, %1 manualment
+please enter a name common ca Si us plau, introduïu un nom !
+please run setup to become current common ca Si us plau, executeu la instal·lació per posar-vos al dia
+please select common ca Si us plau, Trieu
+please set your global preferences common ca Si us plau, establiu les vostres preferències globals !
+please set your preferences for this application common ca Si us plau, establiu les vostres preferències per aquesta aplicació
+please wait... common ca Si us plau, espereu...
+please, check back with us shortly. common ca Siusplau, verifiqueu amb nosaltres aviat.
+poland common ca POLÒNIA
+portugal common ca PORTUGAL
+postal common ca Postal
+powered by common ca Gestionat per
+powered by egroupware version %1 common ca Gestionat per eGroupWare Versió %1
+preferences common ca Preferències
+preferences for the idots template set common ca Preferències per al joc de plantilles "idot"
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar ca Mes anterior (mantenir clicat per menú)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar ca Any anterior (mantenir clicat per menú)
+previous page common ca Plana anterior
+primary style-sheet: common ca Full d'estils primari:
+print common ca Imprimir
+priority common ca Prioritat
+private common ca Privat
+programs common ca Programes
+project common ca Projecte
+public common ca públic
+puerto rico common ca PUERTO RICO
+qatar common ca QATAR
+read common ca Llegir
+read this list of methods. common ca Llegir aquesta llista de mètodes
+reading common ca llegint
+register common ca Registrar
+regular common ca Regular
+reject common ca Rebutjar
+remember me common ca Recorda'm
+remove selected accounts common ca esborra els comptes seleccionats
+remove shortcut common ca Esborra tecles ràpides
+rename common ca Reanomena
+replace common ca Reemplaça
+replace with common ca Reemplaça per
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common ca Torna una llista completa dels comptes del sistema. Atenció: pot ser molt llarg
+returns an array of todo items common ca Torna una matriu de tasques pendents
+returns struct of users application access common ca Torna una estructura de l'accés dels usuaris a l'aplicació
+reunion common ca REUNION
+right common ca Dreta
+romania common ca ROMANIA
+russian federation common ca FEDERACIÓ RUSSA
+rwanda common ca RUANDA
+saint helena common ca SANTA HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common ca SAINT KITTS I NEVIS
+saint lucia common ca SANTA LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common ca SAINT PIERRE I MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common ca SAINT VINCENT I LES GRANADINES
+samoa common ca SAMOA
+san marino common ca SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common ca SAO TOME I PRINCIPE
+saturday common ca Dissabte
+saudi arabia common ca ARÀBIA SAUDÍ
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common ca Problema de versions de Savant2.
Aquesta versió: %1
Versió Savants: %2
+save common ca Desar
+search common ca Cercar
+search %1 '%2' common ca Cercar %1 '%2'
+search accounts common ca Busca comptes
+search or select accounts common ca busca o selecciona comptes
+second common ca segon
+section common ca Secció
+select common ca Triar
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common ca Triar tots els %1 %2 per %3
+select category common ca Triar categoria
+select date common ca Triar data
+select group common ca Triar grup
+select home email address common ca Triar adreça de correu particular
+select multiple accounts common ca selecciona múltiples comptes
+select one common ca Triar un
+select the default height for the application windows common ca Tria l'alçada per defecte de les finestre de les aplicacions
+select the default width for the application windows common ca Tria l'amplada per defecte de les finestres de les aplicacions
+select user common ca Triar usuari
+select work email address common ca Triar adreça de correu del treball
+selection common ca Selecció
+send common ca Enviar
+senegal common ca SENEGAL
+september common ca Setembre
+serbia common ca Serbia
+server %1 has been added common ca Servidor %1 afegit
+server answered. processing response... common ca El servidor ha contestat. Processant resposta...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common ca Servidor contactat. Esperant resposta...
+server name common ca Nom del servidor
+session has been killed common ca Sessió eliminada
+setup common ca Instal·lació
+setup main menu common ca Menú principal d'instal·lació
+seychelles common ca SEYCHELLES
+show all common ca mostrar tot
+show all categorys common ca Mostrar totes les categories
+show as topmenu common ca Mostra com a menú superior
+show clock? common ca Mostra rellotge?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common ca Mostra els botons d'Inici i Sortir a la barra principal d'aplicacions?
+show in sidebox common ca Mostra a la part lateral
+show logo's on the desktop. common ca Mostra el logo a l'escriptori
+show menu common ca mostrar menu
+show page generation time common ca Mostrar temps de generació de la plana
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common ca Mostrar el temps de generació de la plana a la part inferior?
+show page generation time? common ca Mostra el temps de generació de la pàgina?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common ca Mostra el logo d'eGroupware i x-desktop a l'escriptori.
+show_more_apps common ca mostrar més aplicacions
+showing %1 common ca mostrant %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common ca mostrant %1 - %2 de %3
+sierra leone common ca SIERRA LEONA
+simple common ca Simple
+singapore common ca SINGAPUR
+slovakia common ca ESLOVÀQUIA
+slovenia common ca ESLOVÈNIA
+solomon islands common ca ILLES SALOMÓ
+somalia common ca SOMÀLIA
+sorry, your login has expired login ca La seva sessió ha caducat
+south africa common ca SUDÀFRICA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common ca ILLES GEORGIA I SANDWICH MERIDIONALS
+spain common ca ESPANYA
+sri lanka common ca SRI LANKA
+start date common ca Data d'inici
+start time common ca Hora d'inici
+start with common ca començar amb
+starting up... common ca Iniciant...
+status common ca Estat
+stretched common ca estirat
+subject common ca Assumpte
+submit common ca Enviar
+substitutions and their meanings: common ca Substitucions i els seus significats
+sudan common ca SUDAN
+sunday common ca Diumenge
+suriname common ca SURINAM
+svalbard and jan mayen common ca SVALBARD I JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common ca SWAZILANDIA
+sweden common ca SUÈCIA
+switzerland common ca SUISSA
+syrian arab republic common ca SIRIA, REPÚBLICA ÀRAB DE
+table properties common ca Propietats de la taula
+taiwan common ca TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common ca TAJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common ca TANZANIA, REPÚBLICA UNIDA DE
+text color: common ca Color del text:
+thailand common ca TAILÀNDIA
+the api is current common ca La API esta al dia
+the api requires an upgrade common ca La API necessita actualització
+the following applications require upgrades common ca Les següents aplicacions necessiten actualització
+the mail server returned common ca El servidor de correu ha tornat
+this application is current common ca Aquesta aplicació està al dia
+this application requires an upgrade common ca Aquesta aplicació necessita actualitzar-se
+this name has been used already common ca Aquest nom ja és en ús !
+thursday common ca Dijous
+tiled common ca apilat
+time common ca Hora
+time selection: jscalendar ca Seleccionar hora:
+time zone common ca Zona horària
+time zone offset common ca Diferència de zona horària
+title common ca Títol
+to common ca Per
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common ca Per a corregir aquest error per al futur necessitareu configurar acuradament el
+to go back to the msg list, click here common ca Per tornar a la llista de missatges, premeu aquí
+today common ca Avui
+todays date, eg. "%1" common ca data d'avui, ex. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar ca Canviar el primer dia de la setmana
+togo common ca TOGO
+tokelau common ca TOKELAU
+tonga common ca TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common ca Massa intents erronis d'inici de sessió: %1 per a l'usuari '%2', %3 per la IP %4
+top common ca Su
+total common ca Total
+transparant bg for the icons? common ca Icones amb fons transparent?
+trinidad and tobago common ca TRINIDAD I TOBAGO
+tuesday common ca Dimarts
+tunisia common ca TUNISIA
+turkey common ca TURQUIA
+turkmenistan common ca TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common ca ILLES TURKS I CAICOS
+tuvalu common ca TUVALU
+type common ca Tipus
+uganda common ca UGANDA
+ukraine common ca UCRAÏNA
+underline common ca Subratllat
+united arab emirates common ca EMIRATS ÀRABS UNITS
+united kingdom common ca REGNE UNIT
+united states common ca ESTATS UNITS
+united states minor outlying islands common ca ILLES MENORS OUTLYING DELS ESTATS UNITS
+unknown common ca Desconegut
+update common ca Actualitzar
+update the clock per minute or per second common ca Actualitza el rellotge per minuts o per segons
+upload common ca Carrega
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common ca El directori de càrrega no existeix o no és modificable pel webserver
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common ca La càrrega requereix que el servidor web pugui escriure el directori!
+url common ca URL
+uruguay common ca URUGUAI
+use button to search for common ca useu el Botó per cercar per
+use button to search for address common ca useu el Botó per cercar per adreça
+use button to search for calendarevent common ca useu el Botó per cercar per entrada de calendari
+use button to search for project common ca useu el Botó per cercar per projecte
+user common ca Usuari
+user accounts common ca Comptes d'usuari
+user groups common ca Grups d'usuari
+user openinstance common ca Instància Oberta d'Usuari
+username common ca Nom d'usuari
+users common ca usuaris
+users choice common ca Tria de l'usuari
+uzbekistan common ca UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common ca VANUATU
+venezuela common ca VENEÇUELA
+version common ca Versió
+viet nam common ca VIETNAM
+view common ca Veure
+virgin islands, british common ca ILLES VERGES BRITÀNIQUES
+virgin islands, u.s. common ca ILLES VERGES, U.S.
+wallis and futuna common ca WALLIS i FUTUNA
+wednesday common ca Dimecres
+welcome common ca Benvingut
+western sahara common ca SAHARA OCCIDENTAL
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common ca Quin color haurien de tenir tots els espais en blanc de l'escriptori
+what style would you like the image to have? common ca Quin estil vols que tenguin les imatges?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common ca Si dius que sí, els botons d'Inici i Sortir se presenten com a aplicacions a la barra principal d'aplicacions.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common ca On i com seran mostrats els enllaços de egroupware com preferències, sobre i desconnexió.
+which groups common ca Quins grups
+width common ca Amplada
+wk jscalendar ca st
+work email common ca correu del treball
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common ca T'agradaria veure el temps de generació de la pàgina al peu de cada finestra?
+writing common ca escrivint
+written by: common ca Escrit per:
+year common ca Any
+yemen common ca IEMEN
+yes common ca Sí
+you are required to change your password during your first login common ca Heu de canviar la vostra contrasenya a la vostra primera connexió.
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common ca Podeu personalitzar quantes icones i barres d'eines mostra l'editor.
+you have been successfully logged out login ca Desconnexió correcta
+you have not entered a title common ca No heu entrat un títol
+you have not entered a valid date common ca No heu entrat una data correcta
+you have not entered a valid time of day common ca No heu entrat una hora del dia correcta
+you have not entered participants common ca No heu entrat participants
+you have selected an invalid date common ca Heu triat una data incorrecta !
+you have selected an invalid main category common ca Heu triat una categoria principal incorrecta !
+you have successfully logged out common ca Desconnexió correcta
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common ca Necessiteu afegir l'usuari '%1' del servidor web al grup '%2'.
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common ca Heu triat obrir l'aplicació eGroupWare: 1%, però no teniu permís per accedir a aquesta aplicació.
+your message could not be sent!
common ca El missatge no s'ha pogut enviar!
+your message has been sent common ca Missatge enviat
+your search returned %1 matchs common ca la recerca ha tornat %1 resultats
+your search returned 1 match common ca la recerca ha tornat 1 resultat
+your session could not be verified. login ca La vostra sessió no s'ha pogut verificar.
+your settings have been updated common ca Preferències actualitzades
+zambia common ca ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common ca ZIMBABWE
+zoom common ca Zoom
+site configuration common ca Configuració del Lloc
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_cs.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_cs.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22b7cef28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_cs.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common cs %1 e-mailových adres vloženo
+%1 file common cs soubor %1
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common cs %1 není spustitelný pro webový server
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common cs %1Zvolte jiný adresář%2
nebo nastavte práva na %3 tak, aby do něj mohl zapisovat webový server
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common cs %1eGroupWare%2 je víceuživatelský groupware postavený na webových technologiích napsaný v jazyce %3PHP%4.
+(session restored in %1 seconds) common cs (relace obnovena za %1 sekund)
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar cs Klikněte (se shiftem) nebo uchopte pro změnu hodnoty
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar cs - Kliknutím zvětšíte libovolnou položku časového údaje
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar cs - Podržte tlačítko myši nad kterýmkoli z horních tlačítek pro zrychlení výběru.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar cs - nebo klikněte a přetáhněte pro rychlejší výběr.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar cs - kliknutím se shiftem ji zmenšíte
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar cs - Použijte tlačítka %1, %2 pro výběr měsíce
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar cs - Použijte tlačítka %1, %2 pro výběr roku
+00 (disable) admin cs 00 (zakázat)
+1 day common cs 1 Den
+1 hour common cs 1 Hodina
+1 month common cs 1 Měsíc
+1 week common cs 1 Týden
+13 (ntp) admin cs 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar cs 3 číslice nebo znaky pro zkratku dne
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar cs 3 číslice nebo znaky pro zkratku měsíce
+80 (http) admin cs 80 (http)
+about common cs O
+about %1 common cs O %1
+about egroupware common cs O eGroupWare
+about the calendar jscalendar cs O kalendáři
+access common cs Přístup
+access not permitted common cs Přístup zakázán
+account has been created common cs Účet byl vytvořen
+account has been deleted common cs Účet byl smazán
+account has been updated common cs Účet byl aktualizován
+account is expired common cs Platnost účtu vypršela
+accounts common cs Účty
+acl common cs ACL
+action common cs Akce
+active common cs Aktivní
+add common cs Přidat
+add %1 category for common cs Přidat kategorii %1 pro
+add category common cs Přidat kategorii
+add shortcut common cs Přidat zástupce
+add sub common cs Přidat pod
+addressbook common cs Adresář
+admin common cs Administrátor
+administration common cs Administrace
+afghanistan common cs AFGHÁNISTÁN
+albania common cs ALBÁNIE
+algeria common cs ALŽÍRSKO
+all common cs Vše
+all fields common cs všechna pole
+all languages common cs všechny jazyky
+alphabet common cs a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common cs Alternativní formátovací sada
+american samoa common cs AMERICKÁ SAMOA
+an error happened common cs Došlo k chybě
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common cs Existující adresář pro který má web server práva pro čtení povolí prohlížeč obrázků a upload.
+andorra common cs ANDORA
+angola common cs ANGOLA
+anguilla common cs ANGUILLA
+antarctica common cs ANTARKTIDA
+antigua and barbuda common cs ANTIGUA A BARBUDA
+application common cs Aplikace
+apply common cs Použít
+april common cs Duben
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common cs Určitě chcete smazat tyto záznamy?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common cs Určitě chcete smazat tento záznam?
+argentina common cs AFGENTINA
+armenia common cs ARMÉNIE
+aruba common cs ARUBA
+august common cs Srpen
+australia common cs AUSTRÁLIE
+austria common cs RAKOUSKO
+author common cs Autor
+autohide sidebox menu's common cs Automaticky skrývat menu postranního panelu
+autohide sidebox menus common cs Automaticky skrývat menu postranního panelu
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common cs Automaticky skrývat menu postranního panelu?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common cs Automaticky skrývat menu postranního panelu?
+autosave default category common cs Automatické ukládání výchozí kategorie
+azerbaijan common cs ÁZERBÁJDŹÁN
+back common cs Zpět
+back to user login common cs Zpět na přihlášení uživatele
+background color: common cs Barva na pozadí:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common cs webový server nemá oprávnění pro zápis do adresáře pro zálohy '%1'
+bad login or password common cs Chybné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo
+bahamas common cs BAHAMY
+bahrain common cs BAHRAJN
+bangladesh common cs BANGLADÉŠ
+barbados common cs BARBADOS
+bcc common cs Skrytá kopie
+belarus common cs BĚLORUSKO
+belgium common cs BELGIE
+belize common cs BELIZE
+benin common cs BENIN
+bermuda common cs BERMUNDY
+bhutan common cs BHÚTÁN
+blocked, too many attempts common cs Přístup zablokován, přiliš mnoho pokusů
+bold common cs Tučné
+bolivia common cs BOLÍVIE
+border common cs Okraj
+bosnia and herzegovina common cs BOSNA A HERCEGOVINA
+botswana common cs BOTSWANA
+bottom common cs Dolní okraj
+bouvet island common cs BOUVETŮV OSTROV
+brazil common cs BRAZÍLIE
+british indian ocean territory common cs BRITSKÉ INDICKOOCEÁNSKÉ ÚZEMÍ
+brunei darussalam common cs BRUNEJ DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common cs BULHARSKO
+bulgarian common cs bulharština
+burkina faso common cs HORNÍ VOLTA
+burundi common cs BURUNDI
+calendar common cs Kalendář
+cambodia common cs KAMBODŽA
+cameroon common cs KAMERUN
+canada common cs KANADA
+cancel common cs Storno
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common cs Nemohu přepsat %1 protože je to adresář
+cant open '%1' for %2 common cs Nemohu otevřít '%1' pro %2
+cape verde common cs KAPVERDSKÉ OSTROVY
+caption common cs Záhlaví
+categories common cs Kategorie
+categories for common cs kategorie pro
+category common cs Kategorie
+category %1 has been added ! common cs Kategorie %1 byla přidána!
+category %1 has been updated ! common cs Kategorie %1 byla aktualizována!
+cayman islands common cs KAJMANSKÉ OSTROVY
+cc common cs Kopie
+centered common cs vystředěný
+central african republic common cs STŘEDOAFRICKÁ REPUBLIKA
+chad common cs ČAD
+change common cs Změnit
+charset common cs utf-8
+check installation common cs Kontrola instalace
+check now common cs Zkontroluj
+chile common cs CHILE
+china common cs ČÍNA
+choose a background color common cs Vyberte barvu pozadí
+choose a background color for the icons common cs Vyberte barvu pozadí pro ikony
+choose a background image. common cs Vyberte obrázek na pozadí
+choose a background style. common cs Vyberte styl pozadí
+choose a text color for the icons common cs Vyberte barvu textu pro ikony
+choose the category common cs Vyberte kategorii
+choose the parent category common cs Vyberte nadřazenou kategorii
+christmas island common cs VÁNOČNÍ OSTROV
+clear common cs Vymazat
+clear form common cs Vymazat od
+click common cs Kliknout
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common cs Klikněte sem pro obnovení Vaší eGroupWare relace.
+click or mouse over to show menus common cs Klikněte nebo přejeďte myší pro zobrazení menu
+click or mouse over to show menus? common cs Kliknout nebo přejet myší pro zobrazení menu?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common cs Klikněte na tento obrázek v navigační liště: %1
+close common cs Zavřít
+close sidebox common cs Zavřít postranní panel
+cocos (keeling) islands common cs KOKOSOVÉ OSTROVY
+colombia common cs KOLUMBIE
+common preferences common cs Společné předvolby
+comoros common cs KOMORSKÉ OSTROVY
+company common cs Společnost
+congo common cs KONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common cs DEMOKRATICKÁ REPUBLIKA KONGO
+contacting server... common cs Kontaktuji server...
+cook islands common cs COOKOVY OSTROVY
+copy common cs Kopírovat
+costa rica common cs KOSTARIKA
+cote d ivoire common cs REPUBLIKA POBŘEŹÍ SLONOVINY
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common cs Nemohu kontaktovat server. Časový limit vypršel!
+create common cs Vytvořit
+created by common cs Vytvořil(a)
+croatia common cs CHORVATSKO
+cuba common cs KUBA
+currency common cs Měna
+current common cs Aktuální
+current users common cs Aktuální uživatelé
+cyprus common cs KYPR
+czech republic common cs ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA
+database error common cs Databázová chyba
+database error! common cs Databázová chyba!
+date common cs Datum
+date due common cs Do data
+date selection: jscalendar cs Výběr data:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin cs Port pro datum a čas.
Pokud používáte port 13, nastavte prosím příslušná pravidla na firewallu dříve, než odešlete tuto stránku.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common cs Prosinec
+default category common cs Výchozí kategorie
+default height for the windows common cs Výchozí výška oken
+default width for the windows common cs Výchozí šířka oken
+delete common cs Smazat
+delete row common cs Smazat řádek
+denmark common cs DÁNSKO
+description common cs Popis
+detail common cs Detail
+details common cs Podrobnosti
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common cs Zablokovat spouštění skriptu pro opravu chyby v Internet Exploreru 5.5 a vyšších, který umožňuje zobrazit průhlednost v obrázcích formátu .PNG?
+direction left to right common cs Směr zleva doprava
+directory common cs Adresář
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common cs Adresář neexistuje, web server pro něj nemá práva ke čtení nebo není relativní ke kořenovému adresáři dokumentů.
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common cs Zablokovat zranitelnost Internet Exploreru pro .png obrázky
+disable slider effects common cs Zakázat efekty posuvníku
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common cs Zakázat animované efekty posuvníku při zobrazení nebo skrývání menu na stránce? Uživatelé Opery a Konqueroru patrně budou muset nastavit.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common cs Zablokovat spouštění skriptu pro opravu chyby v Internet Exploreru 5.5 a vyšších, který umožňuje zobrazit průhlednost v obrázcích formátu .PNG?
+disabled common cs Zakázano
+display %s first jscalendar cs Zobrazit nejprve %s
+djibouti common cs DŽIBUTSKO
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common cs Chcete také smazat všechny podkategorie?
+doctype: common cs Typ dokumentu:
+document properties common cs Vlastnosti dokumentu
+document title: common cs Název dokumentu:
+domain common cs Doména
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common cs jméno domény pro e-mailovou adresu, např. "%1"
+domestic common cs Vnitrostátní
+dominica common cs DOMINIKA
+dominican republic common cs DOMINIKÁNSKÁ REPUBLIKA
+done common cs Hotovo
+drag to move jscalendar cs Pro přesun uchopte
+e-mail common cs E-Mail
+east timor common cs VÝCHODNÍ TIMOR
+eastern european common cs Východoevropské
+ecuador common cs EKVÁDOR
+edit common cs Editovat
+edit %1 category for common cs Editovat kategorii %1 pro
+edit categories common cs Editovat kategorie
+edit category common cs Editovat kategorii
+egroupware common cs eGroupWare
+egroupware api version common cs verze eGroupWare API
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common cs eGroupWare: zablokováno přihlášení uživatele '%1', IP %2
+egypt common cs EGYPT
+el salvador common cs EL SALVADOR
+email common cs E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common cs e-mailová adresa uživatele, např. "%1"
+enabled common cs Povoleno
+end date common cs Datum ukončení
+end time common cs Čas ukončení
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin cs Zadejte umístění URL eGroupwaru.
Příklad: http://www.domain.com/egroupware nebo /egroupware
Bez koncového lomítka
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common cs Záznam byl úspěšně smazán
+entry not found! common cs Záznam nebyl nalezen!
+entry updated sucessfully common cs Záznam byl úspěšně zaktualizován
+equatorial guinea common cs ROVNÍKOVÁ GUINEA
+eritrea common cs ERITREA
+error common cs Chyba
+error creating %1 %2 directory common cs Chyba při vytáření adresáře %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common cs Chyba při mazání adresáře %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common cs Chyba při přejmenování adresáře %1 %2
+estonia common cs ESTONSKO
+ethiopia common cs ETIOPIE
+everything common cs Vše
+exact common cs přesný (výraz)
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common cs Nepodařilo se zkontaktovat server nebo jeho odpověď byla chybná. Zkuste se přihlásit znovu a v případě chyby kontaktujte administrátora.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common cs FALKLANDSKÉ OSTROVY
+faroe islands common cs FAERSKÉ OSTROVY
+fax number common cs číslo faxu
+features of the editor? common cs Vlastnosti editoru?
+february common cs Únor
+fields common cs Pole
+fiji common cs FIDŽI
+files common cs Soubory
+filter common cs Filtr
+finland common cs FINSKO
+first name common cs Křestní jméno
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common cs křestní jméno uživatele, např. "%1"
+first page common cs První strana
+firstname common cs Křestní jméno
+fixme! common cs OPRAV MĚ!
+folder already exists. common cs Složka již existuje
+force selectbox common cs Vynutit rozbalovací nabídku
+forever common cs Napořád
+france common cs FRANCIE
+french guiana common cs FRANCOUZSKÁ GUYANA
+french polynesia common cs FRANCOUZSKÁ POLYNÉSIE
+french southern territories common cs FRANCOUZSKÁ JIŽNÍ ÚZEMÍ
+friday common cs Pátek
+ftp common cs FTP
+fullname common cs Celé jméno
+fullscreen mode common cs Zobrazení na celou obrazovku
+gabon common cs GABUN
+gambia common cs GAMBIE
+general menu common cs Hlavní menu
+georgia common cs GEORGIE
+german common cs Německý
+germany common cs NĚMECKO
+ghana common cs GHANA
+gibraltar common cs DŽIBRALTAR
+global common cs Globální
+global public common cs Přístupný všem
+go today jscalendar cs Jdi na dnešek
+grant access common cs Povolit přístup
+greece common cs ŘECKO
+greek common cs řečtina
+greenland common cs GRÓNSKO
+grenada common cs GRENADA
+group common cs Skupina
+group access common cs Skupinový přístup
+group has been added common cs Skupina byla přidána
+group has been deleted common cs Skupina byla smazána
+group has been updated common cs Skupina byla aktualizována
+group name common cs název skupiny
+group public common cs Přístupný skupině
+groups common cs Skupiny
+groups with permission for %1 common cs Skupiny s právy na %1
+groups without permission for %1 common cs Skupiny bez oprávnění na %1
+guadeloupe common cs GUADELOUPE
+guam common cs GUAM
+guatemala common cs GUATEMALA
+guinea common cs GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common cs GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common cs GUYANA
+haiti common cs HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common cs HEARDŮV OSTROV A McDONALDOVY OSTROVY
+height common cs Šířka
+help common cs Nápověda
+high common cs Vysoká
+highest common cs Nejvyšší
+holy see (vatican city state) common cs VATIKÁN
+home common cs Hlavní strana
+home email common cs domácí e-mail
+honduras common cs HONDURAS
+hong kong common cs HONGKONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common cs Kolik ikon se má zobrazovat v navigační liště (v záhlaví stránky). Další ikony se přesunou do roletového menu, které zobrazíte kliknutím na symbol na pravé straně navigační lišty.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common cs Jak zobrazovat hlavní menu eGroupWare?
+hungary common cs MAĎARSKO
+iceland common cs ISLAND
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common cs ieSpell nebyl nalezen. Klikněte na OK pro přesun na stránku ke stažení.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common cs Pokud budou hodiny povoleny, chcete je aktualizovat každou vteřinu nebo každou minutu?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common cs Pokud máte ve složce pozadí nějaké obrázky, můžete si vybrat ten, který se má zobrazovat.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common cs Adresář pro obrázky relativní ke kořenovému adresáři dokumentů (použijte / !), například:
+image url common cs URL obrázku
+india common cs INDIE
+indonesia common cs INDONÉSIE
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common cs Vložit všech %1 adres z %2 kontaktů v %3
+insert column after common cs Vložit sloupec za
+insert column before common cs Vložit sloupec před
+insert row after common cs Vložit řádek za
+insert row before common cs Vložit řádek před
+international common cs Mezinárodní
+invalid filename common cs Neplatné jméno souboru
+invalid ip address common cs Neplatná IP adresa
+invalid password common cs Neplatné heslo
+iran, islamic republic of common cs ÍRÁN
+iraq common cs IRÁK
+ireland common cs IRSKO
+israel common cs IZRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common cs Už je to více jak %1 dní, co jste si naposledy změnil(a) heslo.
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common cs Doporučujeme spustit setup pro převod tabulek na aktuální verzi.
+italic common cs Kurzíva
+italy common cs ITÁLIE
+jamaica common cs JAMAJKA
+january common cs Leden
+japan common cs JAPONSKO
+japanese common cs japonština
+jordan common cs JORDÁNSKO
+july common cs Červenec
+jun common cs Červen
+june common cs Červen
+justify center common cs Zarovnej na střed
+justify full common cs Zarovnej do bloku
+justify left common cs Zarovnej nalevo
+justify right common cs Zarovnej napravo
+kazakstan common cs KAZACHSTÁN
+kenya common cs KEŇA
+keywords common cs Klíčová slova
+kiribati common cs KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common cs KOREA
+korea, republic of common cs KOREA
+korean common cs korejština
+kuwait common cs KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common cs KYRGYZSTÁN
+language common cs Jazyk
+language_direction_rtl common cs směr_jazyka_zprava_doleva
+lao peoples democratic republic common cs LAOS
+last name common cs Příjmení
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common cs příjmení uživatele, např. "%1"
+last page common cs Poslední strana
+lastname common cs Příjmení
+latvia common cs LOTYŠSKO
+ldap-mgr common cs LDAP-Manažer
+lebanon common cs LIBANON
+left common cs Levý
+lesotho common cs LESOTHO
+liberia common cs LIBÉRIE
+libyan arab jamahiriya common cs LIBYE
+license common cs Licence
+liechtenstein common cs LICHTENŠTEJNSKO
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored common cs Řádek %1: '%2'
csv data neobsahují ##last-check-run## tabulky %3 ==> ignorován
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common cs Řádek %1: '%2'
csv data neodpovídají počtu sloupců v tabulce %3 ==> ignorován
+list common cs Seznam
+list members common cs Seznam členů
+lithuania common cs LITVA
+local common cs Lokální
+login common cs Přihlásit
+loginid common cs ID pro přihlášení
+logout common cs Odhlásit
+lost login id common cs Zapomenuté přihlašovací ID
+lost password common cs Zapomenuté heslo
+low common cs Nízká
+lowest common cs Nejnižší
+luxembourg common cs LUCEMBURSKO
+macau common cs MACAO
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common cs MAKEDONIE
+madagascar common cs MADAGASKAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common cs e-mailová doména, např. "%1"
+main category common cs Hlavní kategorie
+main screen common cs Hlavní obrazovka
+maintainer common cs Správce
+malawi common cs MALAWI
+malaysia common cs MALAJSIE
+maldives common cs MALEDIVY
+mali common cs MALI
+malta common cs MALTA
+march common cs Březen
+marshall islands common cs MARSHALLOVY OSTROVY
+martinique common cs MARTINIK
+mauritania common cs MAURITÁNIE
+mauritius common cs MAURICIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common cs Maximální počet ikon v navigační liště
+may common cs Květen
+mayotte common cs MAYOTTE
+medium common cs Střední
+menu common cs Menu
+message common cs Zpráva
+mexico common cs MEXIKO
+micronesia, federated states of common cs MIKRONÉSIE
+minute common cs minuta
+moldova, republic of common cs MOLDAVSKO
+monaco common cs MONAKO
+monday common cs Pondělí
+mongolia common cs MONGOLSKO
+montenegro common cs ČERNÁ HORA
+montserrat common cs MONTSERRAT
+morocco common cs MAROKO
+mozambique common cs MOSAMBIK
+multiple common cs vícenásobný
+myanmar common cs MYANMAR
+name common cs Jméno
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common cs jméno uživatele, např. "%1"
+namibia common cs NAMIBIE
+nauru common cs NAURU
+nepal common cs NEPÁL
+netherlands common cs NIZOZEMSKO
+netherlands antilles common cs NIZOZEMSKÉ ANTILY
+never common cs Nikdy
+new caledonia common cs NOVÁ KALEDONIE
+new entry added sucessfully common cs Nový záznam byl úspěšně přidán
+new main category common cs Nová hlavní kategorie
+new value common cs Nová hodnota
+new zealand common cs NOVÝ ZÉLAND
+next common cs Další
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar cs Další měsíc (podržte pro menu)
+next page common cs Další strana
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar cs Další rok (podržte pro menu)
+nicaragua common cs NIKARAGUA
+niger common cs NIGER
+nigeria common cs NIGÉRIE
+niue common cs NIUE
+no common cs Ne
+no entries found, try again ... common cs žádné záznamy nebyly nalezeny, zkuste znovu...
+no history for this record common cs Žádná historie pro tento záznam
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common cs Nebyly nalezeny šablony adresářů Savant2 v:
+no subject common cs Žádný subjekt
+none common cs Žádné
+norfolk island common cs NORFOLK
+normal common cs Normální
+northern mariana islands common cs SEVERNÍ MARIANY
+norway common cs NORSKO
+not common cs ne
+not a user yet? register now common cs Nemáte dosud uživatelský účet? Zaregistrujte se
+not assigned common cs nepřidělen
+not readable %1 entry of user %2 common cs Nečitelný %1 záznam uživatele %2
+note common cs Poznámka
+notes common cs Poznámky
+notifications common cs upozornění
+notify window common cs Okno s upozorněním
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common cs Uvědomte prosím svého administrátora, aby tuto situaci vyřešil.
+november common cs Listopad
+october common cs Říjen
+ok common cs OK
+old value common cs Stará hodnota
+oman common cs OMÁN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common cs Na systémech typu *nix zadejte prosím: %1
+on mouse over common cs Při pohybu myši přes
+only private common cs jen soukromé
+only yours common cs jen Vaše
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common cs Omlouváme se! Zastihnul(a) jste nás uprostřed údržby systému.
+open notify window common cs Otevřít okno s upozorněním
+open popup window common cs Otevřít překryvné okno
+open sidebox common cs Otevřít postranní panel
+ordered list common cs Setříděný seznam
+original common cs Původní
+other common cs Ostatní
+overview common cs Přehled
+owner common cs Vlastník
+page common cs Strana
+page was generated in %1 seconds common cs Strana vygenerována za %1 sekund
+pakistan common cs PÁKISTÁN
+palau common cs PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common cs PALESTINA
+panama common cs PANAMA
+papua new guinea common cs PAPUA - NOVÁ GUINEA
+paraguay common cs PARAGUAY
+parcel common cs Zásilka
+parent category common cs Nadřazená kategorie
+password common cs Heslo
+password could not be changed common cs Heslo nemohlo být změněno
+password has been updated common cs Heslo bylo zaktualizováno
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common cs Heslo musí obsahovat nejméně %1 malých písmen
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common cs Heslo musí obsahovat nejméně %1 číslic
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common cs Heslo musí obsahovat nejméně %1 speciálních znaků
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common cs Heslo musí obsahovat nejméně %1 velkých písmen
+password must have at least %1 characters common cs Heslo musí mít nejméně %1 znaků
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common cs Cesta k souborům uživatelů a skupin MUSÍ BÝT MIMO kořenový adresář dokumentů webového serveru!!!
+permission denied! common cs Přístup zamítnut!
+permissions to the files/users directory common cs práva k souborům / uživatelským adresářům
+personal common cs Osobní
+peru common cs PERU
+philippines common cs FILIPÍNY
+phone number common cs telefonní číslo
+phpgwapi common cs eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common cs PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common cs Prosím %1 ručně
+please enter a name common cs Zadejte prosím jméno!
+please run setup to become current common cs Spusťte prosím setup pro aktualizaci
+please select common cs Prosím zvolte
+please set your global preferences common cs Upravte prosím své globální předvolby!
+please set your preferences for this application common cs Upravte prosím své předvolby pro tuto aplikaci!
+please wait... common cs Prosím čekejte...
+please, check back with us shortly. common cs Prosíme, navštivte nás až za chvíli.
+poland common cs POLSKO
+portugal common cs PORTUGALSKO
+postal common cs Poštovní
+powered by common cs Založeno na
+powered by egroupware version %1 common cs Založeno na eGroupWare verze %1
+preferences common cs Předvolby
+preferences for the idots template set common cs Předvolby pro šablony idots
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar cs Předchozí měsíc (podržte pro menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar cs Předchozí rok (podržte pro menu)
+previous page common cs Predchozí strana
+primary style-sheet: common cs Primární formátovací sada:
+print common cs Tisknout
+priority common cs Priorita
+private common cs Soukromé
+programs common cs Programy
+project common cs Projekt
+public common cs Veřejné
+puerto rico common cs PORTORIKO
+qatar common cs KATAR
+read common cs Číst
+read this list of methods. common cs Číst tento seznam metod.
+reading common cs čtení
+register common cs Registrovat
+regular common cs Normální
+reject common cs Odmítnout
+remember me common cs Zapamatuj si mě
+remove selected accounts common cs odstranit vybrané účty
+remove shortcut common cs Odstranit zástupce
+rename common cs Přejmenovat
+replace common cs Nahradit
+replace with common cs Nahradit s
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common cs Vrací kompletní seznam účtů v systému. Varování: výpis může být velmi dlouhý.
+returns an array of todo items common cs Vrací pole s položkami úkolů
+returns struct of users application access common cs Vrací strukturu uživatelských přístupů k aplikaci
+reunion common cs RÉUNION
+right common cs Pravý
+romania common cs RUMUNSKO
+russian common cs ruština
+russian federation common cs RUSKO
+rwanda common cs RWANDA
+saint helena common cs SVATÁ HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common cs SVATÝ KRYŠTOF A NEVIS
+saint lucia common cs SVATÁ LUCIE
+saint pierre and miquelon common cs SAINT PIERRE A MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common cs SVATÝ VINCENC A GRENADINY
+samoa common cs SAMOA
+san marino common cs SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common cs SVATÝ TOMÁŠ
+saturday common cs Sobota
+saudi arabia common cs SAÚDSKÁ ARÁBIE
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common cs Verze Savant2 se liší od verze Savant2 wrapperu.
Tato verze: %1
Verze Savantu: %2
+save common cs Uložit
+search common cs Hledat
+search %1 '%2' common cs Hledat %1 '%2'
+search accounts common cs Hledat v účtech
+search or select accounts common cs vyhledat nebo vybrat účty
+second common cs sekunda
+section common cs Sekce
+select common cs Vybrat
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common cs Vybrat vše %1 %2 pro %3
+select category common cs Vybrat kategorii
+select date common cs Vybrat datum
+select group common cs Vybrat skupinu
+select home email address common cs Vybrat domácí e-mailovou adresu
+select multiple accounts common cs vybrat více účtů
+select one common cs Vybrat jeden
+select the default height for the application windows common cs Vyberte výchozí výšku pro okno aplikace
+select the default width for the application windows common cs Vyberte výchozí šířku pro okno aplikace
+select user common cs Vybrat uživatele
+select work email address common cs Vybrat pracovní e-mailovou adresu
+selection common cs Výběr
+send common cs Odeslat
+senegal common cs SENEGAL
+september common cs Září
+serbia common cs SRBSKO
+server %1 has been added common cs Server %1 byl přidán
+server answered. processing response... common cs Server odpověděl. Zpracovávám odpověď...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common cs Server zkontaktován. Čekám na odpověď...
+server name common cs Název serveru
+session has been killed common cs Relace byla ukončena
+setup common cs Setup
+setup main menu common cs Nastavit hlavní menu
+seychelles common cs SEYCHELY
+show all common cs zobrazit vše
+show all categorys common cs Zobrazit všechny kategorie
+show as topmenu common cs Zobrazit jako horní menu
+show clock? common cs Zobrazit hodiny?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common cs Zobrazit odkaz na hlavní stranu a odhlášení v hlavní aplikační liště?
+show in sidebox common cs Zobrazit v postranním panelu
+show logo's on the desktop. common cs Zobrazit logo na pracovní ploše.
+show menu common cs zobrazit menu
+show page generation time common cs Zobrazit časy generování stránek
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common cs Přejete si zobrazit čas generování stránky na jejím zápatí?
+show page generation time? common cs Zobrazit čas generovaní stránky?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common cs Zobrazit logo eGroupWare a x-desktopu na pracovní ploše.
+show_more_apps common cs zobrazit_více_aplikací
+showing %1 common cs zobrazeno %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common cs zobrazeno %1 - %2 z %3
+sierra leone common cs SIERRA LEONE
+simple common cs Jednoduchý
+singapore common cs SINGAPUR
+site configuration common cs Konfigurace webu
+slovakia common cs SLOVENSKO
+slovenia common cs SLOVINSKO
+solomon islands common cs ŠALAMOUNOVY OSTROVY
+somalia common cs SOMÁLSKÁ REPUBLIKA
+sorry, your login has expired login cs Lituji, Váše přihlášení vypršelo
+south africa common cs JIHOAFRICKÁ REPUBLIKA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common cs JIŽNÍ GEORGIE A JIŽNÍ SANDWICHOVY OSTROVY
+spain common cs ŠPANĚLSKO
+sri lanka common cs SRÍ LANKA
+start date common cs Počáteční datum
+start time common cs Počáteční čas
+start with common cs začíná s
+starting up... common cs Startuji...
+status common cs Stav
+stretched common cs roztažený
+subject common cs Předmět
+submit common cs Odeslat
+substitutions and their meanings: common cs Substituce a jejich významy:
+sudan common cs SÚDÁN
+sunday common cs Neděle
+suriname common cs SURINAM
+svalbard and jan mayen common cs SVALBARD A OSTROV JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common cs SVAZIJSKO
+sweden common cs ŠVÉDSKO
+switzerland common cs ŠVÝCARSKO
+syrian arab republic common cs SÝRIE
+table properties common cs Vlastnosti tabulky
+taiwan common cs TCHAJ-WAN
+tajikistan common cs TÁDŽIKISTÁN
+tanzania, united republic of common cs TANZANIE
+text color: common cs Barva textu:
+thailand common cs THAJSKO
+the api is current common cs API je aktuální
+the api requires an upgrade common cs API vyžaduje aktualizaci
+the following applications require upgrades common cs Následující aplikace vyžadují aktualizaci
+the mail server returned common cs Poštovní server odpověděl
+this application is current common cs Tato aplikace je aktuální
+this application requires an upgrade common cs Tato aplikace vyžaduje aktualizaci
+this name has been used already common cs Takové jméno již bylo použito!
+thursday common cs Čtvrtek
+tiled common cs dlaždice
+time common cs Čas
+time selection: jscalendar cs Výběr času:
+time zone common cs Časová zóna
+time zone offset common cs Posun časové zóny
+title common cs Titul(ek) / Název
+to common cs Komu
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common cs Pokud chcete do budoucna zamezit této chybě, musíte správně nastavit
+to go back to the msg list, click here common cs Pro návrat do seznamu zpráv, klikněte sem
+today common cs Dnes
+todays date, eg. "%1" common cs dnešní datum, např. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar cs Přepnout první den v týdnu
+togo common cs TOGO
+tokelau common cs TOKELAU
+tonga common cs TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common cs Příliš mnoho neúspěšných pokusů o přihlášení: %1 pro uživatele '%2', %3 pro IP %4
+top common cs Záhlaví
+total common cs Celkem
+transparant bg for the icons? common cs Transparentní pozadí pro ikony?
+trinidad and tobago common cs TRINIDAD A TOBAGO
+tuesday common cs Úterý
+tunisia common cs TUNISKO
+turkey common cs TURECKO
+turkmenistan common cs TURKMENISTÁN
+turks and caicos islands common cs TURKS A CAICOS
+tuvalu common cs TUVALU
+type common cs Typ
+uganda common cs UGANDA
+ukraine common cs UKRAJINA
+underline common cs Podtrhnout
+united arab emirates common cs SPOJENÉ ARABSKÉ EMIRÁTY
+united kingdom common cs SPOJENÉ KRÁLOVSTVÍ
+united states common cs SPOJENÉ STÁTY
+united states minor outlying islands common cs MENŠÍ ODLEHLÉ OSTROVY USA
+unknown common cs Neznámý
+update common cs Aktualizovat
+update the clock per minute or per second common cs Aktualizovat čas každou minutu nebo sekundu
+upload common cs Uploadovat
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common cs Adresář pro upload neexistuje nebo do něj webový server nemá právo zápisu.
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common cs Upload vyžaduje adresář, na který má web server právo k zápisu!
+url common cs URL
+uruguay common cs URUGUAY
+use button to search for common cs použijte tlačítko k hledání
+use button to search for address common cs použijte tlačítko k hledání adresy
+use button to search for calendarevent common cs použijte tlačitko k hledání události
+use button to search for project common cs použijte tlačítko k hledání projektu
+user common cs Uživatel
+user accounts common cs uživatelské účty
+user groups common cs skupiny uživatelů
+username common cs Uživatelské jméno
+users common cs uživatelé
+users choice common cs Uživatelská volba
+uzbekistan common cs UZBEKISTÁN
+vanuatu common cs VANUATU
+venezuela common cs VENEZUELA
+version common cs Verze
+viet nam common cs VIETNAM
+view common cs Zobrazit
+virgin islands, british common cs BRITSKÉ PANENSKÉ OSTROVY
+virgin islands, u.s. common cs AMERICKÉ PANENSKÉ OSTROVY
+wallis and futuna common cs WALLIS A FUTUNA
+wednesday common cs Středa
+welcome common cs Vítejte
+western european common cs Západoevropské
+western sahara common cs ZÁPADNÍ SAHARA
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common cs Jakou barvu by měla mít všechna prázdná místa na pracovní ploše?
+what style would you like the image to have? common cs Jaký styl mají mít obrázky?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common cs Odpovíte-li ano, potom tlačítka pro hlavní stranu a odhlášení budou přítomna ve vrchní aplikační liště.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common cs Kde a jak budou zobrazeny v eGrouWaru odkazy jako předvolby, o aplikaci nebo odhlášení.
+which groups common cs Které skupiny
+width common cs Šířka
+wk jscalendar cs týd.
+work email common cs pracovní e-mail
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common cs Chcete zobrazit čas generování každého okna na jeho zápatí?
+writing common cs psaní
+written by: common cs Napsal(a):
+year common cs Rok
+yemen common cs JEMEN
+yes common cs Ano
+you are required to change your password during your first login common cs Během svého prvního přihlášení si musíte změnit heslo
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common cs Můžete navolit kolik ikon a nástrojových lišt editor zobrazuje.
+you have been successfully logged out login cs Byl(a) jste úspěšně odhlášen(a)
+you have not entered a title common cs Nevložil(a) jste název
+you have not entered a valid date common cs Nevložil(a) jste platné datum
+you have not entered a valid time of day common cs Nevložil(a) jste platný čas
+you have not entered participants common cs Nevložil(a) jste účastníky
+you have selected an invalid date common cs Vybral(a) jste neplatné datum!
+you have selected an invalid main category common cs Vybral(a) jste neplatnou hlavní kategorii!
+you have successfully logged out common cs Úspěšně jste se odhlásil(a)
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common cs Musíte přidat uživatele webového serveru '%1' do skupiny '%2'.
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common cs Musíte být administrátorem eGroupWaru, abyste měl(a) přístup k této funkci.
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common cs Pokusil(a) jste se otevřít aplikaci eGroupWaru: %1, ale nemáte oprávnění pro přístup k této aplikaci.
+your message could not be sent!
common cs Vaše zpráva nemůže být odeslána!
+your message has been sent common cs Vaše zpráva byla odeslána
+your search returned %1 matchs common cs Vaše hledání vrátilo %1 výsledků
+your search returned 1 match common cs Vaše hledání vrátilo 1 výsledek
+your session could not be verified. login cs Vaše relace nemohla být ověřena.
+your settings have been updated common cs Vaše nastavení byla zaktualizována
+zambia common cs ZAMBIE
+zimbabwe common cs ZIMBABWE
+zoom common cs Lupa
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_da.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_da.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1989e34f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_da.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common da %1 e-mail adresser insat
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common da %1 kan ikke udføres af Web server
+%1 manual common da %1 manual
+%1 start common da %1 start
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common da %1Vælg en anden folder%2
eller gør %3 skrivbar for Web server
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common da %1eGroupWare%2 er et multi-bruger, web-baseret sammenarbejds værktøj skrevet i %3PHP%4.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar da (Shift)Klik eller træk for at ændre værdien
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar da - Klik på hvilken som helst tidsandelerne for at forøge den
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar da - Hold musse knappen på hvilken som helst af de overstående knapper for hurtigere udvælgelse.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar da - eller klik og træk for hurtigere udvælgelse
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar da - eller Shift-klik for at forminske den
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar da - Brug %1, %2 knapperne for at vælge måned
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar da - Brug %1, %2 knapperne for at vælge år
+00 (disable) admin da 00 (deaktiveret)
+13 (ntp) admin da 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar da 3 antal tegn for dag-forkortelse
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar da 3 antal tegn for måneds-forkortelse
+80 (http) admin da 80 (http)
+about common da Om
+about %1 common da Om %1
+about egroupware common da Om eGroupWare
+about the calendar jscalendar da Om kalenderen
+access common da Adgang
+access not permitted common da Ingen adgang
+account has been created common da Kontoen er oprettet
+account has been deleted common da Kontoen er slettet
+account has been updated common da Kontoen er opdateret
+account is expired common da Kontoen er udløbet
+acl common da ACL
+action common da Handling
+active common da Aktiv
+add common da Tilføj
+add %1 category for common da Tilføj kategorien %1 for
+add category common da Tilføj kategori
+add shortcut common da Tilføj forkortelse
+add sub common da Tilføj underkategori
+addressbook common da Adressebog
+admin common da Admin
+administration common da Administration
+afghanistan common da Afghanistan
+albania common da Albanien
+algeria common da Algeriet
+all common da Alle
+all fields common da alle felter
+alphabet common da a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common da Alternativt style-sheet
+american samoa common da Amerikansk Samoa
+andorra common da Andorra
+angola common da Angola
+anguilla common da Anguilla
+antarctica common da Antarktis
+antigua and barbuda common da Antigua og Barbuda
+application common da Applikation
+apply common da Anvend
+april common da April
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common da Vil du virkelige slette disse felter?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common da Vil Du virkelig slette dette felt?
+argentina common da Argentina
+armenia common da Armenien
+aruba common da Aruba
+august common da August
+australia common da Australien
+austria common da Østrig
+author common da Forfatter
+autohide sidebox menus common da Gem automatisk sidemenuen
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common da Skal sidemenuen automatisk gemmes?
+autosave default category common da Autogem Standard Kategori
+azerbaijan common da Azerbaijan
+back common da Tilbage
+back to user login common da Tilbage til bruger login
+background color: common da Baggrunds farve:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common da Web server kan ikke skrive i backup folder '%1'
+bad login or password common da Forkert brugernavn eller password
+bahamas common da Bahamas
+bahrain common da Bahrain
+bangladesh common da Bangladesh
+barbados common da Barbados
+bcc common da BCC
+belarus common da Belarus
+belgium common da Belgien
+belize common da Belize
+benin common da Benin
+bermuda common da Bermuda
+bhutan common da Bhutan
+blocked, too many attempts common da Afvist, for mange forsøg
+bold common da Fed
+bolivia common da Bolivia
+border common da Kant
+bosnia and herzegovina common da Bosnien og Herzegovina
+botswana common da Botswana
+bottom common da Bottom
+bouvet island common da Bouvet Øen
+brazil common da Brazilien
+british indian ocean territory common da Britisk Indiske ocean
+brunei darussalam common da Brunei Darussalam
+bulgaria common da Bulgarien
+burkina faso common da Burkina Faso
+burundi common da Burundi
+calendar common da Kalender
+cambodia common da Cambodia
+cameroon common da Cameroon
+canada common da Canada
+cancel common da Fortryd
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common da Kan ikke erstatte %1, fordi det er en folder
+cant open '%1' for %2 common da Kan ikke åbne '%1' for %2
+cape verde common da Cape Verde
+categories common da Kategorier
+categories for common da kategorier for
+category common da Kategori
+category %1 has been added ! common da Kategorien %1 er blevet tilføjet!
+category %1 has been updated ! common da Kategorien %1 er blevet opdateret!
+cayman islands common da Cayman Øerne
+cc common da CC
+centered common da Centreret
+central african republic common da Centralafrikanske Republik
+chad common da Chad
+change common da Ændre
+charset common da utf-8
+check installation common da Kontroller installation
+check now common da Check nu
+chile common da Chile
+china common da Kina
+choose a background color common da Vælg en baggrundsfarve
+choose a background color for the icons common da Vælg en baggrundsfarve for ikonerne
+choose a background image. common da Vælg et baggrundsbillede.
+choose a background style. common da Vælg en baggrundsstil.
+choose a text color for the icons common da Vælg ikonernes tekstfarve
+choose the category common da Vælg kategorien
+choose the parent category common da Vælg ovenstående kategori
+christmas island common da Juleøen
+clear common da Slet
+clear form common da Slet formular
+click common da Klik
+click or mouse over to show menus common da Klik eller før musen over til sidemenuen
+click or mouse over to show menus? common da Klik eller før musen over til sidemenuen?
+close common da Luk
+cocos (keeling) islands common da Cocos (Keeling) øerne
+colombia common da Columbia
+common preferences common da Fælles præferencer
+comoros common da Comoros
+company common da Firma
+congo common da Congo
+congo, the democratic republic of the common da Congo, Den Demokratiske Republik
+contacting server... common da Kontakter server...
+cook islands common da Cook øerne
+copy common da Kopiér
+costa rica common da Costa Rica
+cote d ivoire common da Elfenbenskysten
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common da Kan ikke kontakte server. Operationen fik time-out!
+create common da Opret
+created by common da Lavet af
+croatia common da Kroatien
+cuba common da Cuba
+currency common da Valutaenhed
+current common da Nuværende
+current users common da Nuværende antal brugere
+cyprus common da Cupern
+czech republic common da Tjekkiet
+date common da Dato
+date due common da Skal være færdig
+date selection: jscalendar da Dato valg:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin da Daytime port.
Hvis port 13 bruges, åben venligst din firewall før denne side gemmes.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common da December
+default category common da Standard Kategori
+default height for the windows common da Standard højde for vinduer
+default width for the windows common da Standard bredde for vinduer
+delete common da Slet
+delete row common da Slet række
+denmark common da Danmark
+description common da Beskrivelse
+detail common da Detalje
+details common da Detaljer
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common da Deaktivere udførelsen af bugfixscripts for Internet Explorer 5.5 og nyere, for visning af gennemsigtige PNG-billeder?
+direction left to right common da Retning venstre til højre
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common da Deaktiver Internet Explorer PNG-image-bugfix?
+disable slider effects common da Deaktiver glide-effekter?
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common da Deaktiver den animerede effekt når sidenmenuen gemmes og vises på siden? Opera og Konqueror brugere vil sandsynligvis vælge ja her.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common da Deaktiver kørsel af fejlfindingsscript for Internet Explorer 5.5 eller nyere for at vise det transparente i PNG billeder?
+disabled common da Slået fra
+display %s first jscalendar da Vis %s først
+djibouti common da Djibouti
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common da Ønsker du at slette alle underkategorierne?
+doctype: common da Dokument type:
+document properties common da Dokument egenskaber
+document title: common da Dokument titel:
+domain common da Domæne
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common da domænenavn til e-mail adresser, f.eks "%1"
+domestic common da Indenrigs
+dominica common da Dominica
+dominican republic common da Dominikanske Republik
+done common da Udført
+drag to move jscalendar da Træk for at flytte
+e-mail common da E-mail
+east timor common da Øst Timor
+ecuador common da Ecuador
+edit common da Redigér
+edit %1 category for common da Redigér kategorien %1 for
+edit categories common da Redigér Kategorier
+edit category common da Redigér kategori
+egroupware api version %1 common da eGroupWare API version %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common da eGroupWare: login blokeret for bruger '%1', IP %2
+egypt common da Egypten
+el salvador common da El Salvador
+email common da E-mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common da email-adresse for brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
+enabled common da Slået til
+end date common da Slutdato
+end time common da Sluttid
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin da Indtast stien for eGroupWare's URL.
Eksempel: http://www.domæne.dk/egroupware eller nbsp; /egroupware
Ingen efterfølgende skråstreg
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common da Emnet er succesrigt slettet
+entry updated sucessfully common da Emnet er succesrigt opdateret
+equatorial guinea common da Equatorial Guinea
+eritrea common da Eritrea
+error common da Fejl
+error creating %1 %2 directory common da Fejl ved oprettelsen af biblioteket %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common da Fejl ved sletningen af biblioteket %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common da Fejl ved omdøbningen af biblioteket %1 %2
+estonia common da Estland
+ethiopia common da Etiopien
+exact common da nøjagtig
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common da Kan ikke kontakte server eller ugyldigt svar fra server. Prøv at logge ind igen. Kontakt administrator i tilfælde af fejl.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common da Falklands Øerne
+faroe islands common da Færøerne
+fax number common da Fax nummer
+february common da Februar
+fields common da Felter
+fiji common da Fiji
+files common da Filer
+filter common da Filter
+finland common da Finland
+first name common da Fornavn
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common da fornavn på brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
+first page common da Første side
+firstname common da Fornavn
+fixme! common da RETMIG!
+force selectbox common da Påtving Valgbox
+france common da Frankrig
+french guiana common da Fransk Guinea
+french polynesia common da Fransk Polynesien
+french southern territories common da Franske Sydlige Territorier
+friday common da Fredag
+ftp common da FTP
+fullname common da Fuldenavn
+gabon common da Gabon
+gambia common da Gambia
+general menu common da Hoved menu
+georgia common da Georgien
+germany common da Tyskland
+ghana common da Ghana
+gibraltar common da Gibraltar
+global common da Global
+global public common da Global adgang
+go today jscalendar da Gå i dag
+grant access common da Giv adgang
+greece common da Grækenland
+greenland common da Grønland
+grenada common da Grenada
+group common da Gruppe
+group access common da Gruppeadgang
+group has been added common da Gruppe er tilføjet
+group has been deleted common da Gruppe er slettet
+group has been updated common da Gruppe er opdateret
+group name common da gruppe navn
+group public common da Adgang til gruppe
+groups common da Grupper
+groups with permission for %1 common da Grupper med rettigheder til %1
+groups without permission for %1 common da Grupper uden rettigheder til %1
+guadeloupe common da Guadeloupe
+guam common da Guam
+guatemala common da Guatemala
+guinea common da Guinea
+guinea-bissau common da Guinea-Bissau
+guyana common da Guyana
+haiti common da Haiti
+heard island and mcdonald islands common da Heard Øen og McDonald øerne
+height common da Højde
+help common da Hjælp
+high common da Høj
+highest common da Højeste
+holy see (vatican city state) common da Vatikanet
+home common da Startside
+home email common da privat e-mail
+honduras common da Honduras
+hong kong common da Hong Kong
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common da Hvor mange ikoner skal der vises i navigations bjælken (øverst på siden). Evt. overskydende ikoner vil være tilgængelig i en slags pulldown menu, ved at trykke på ikonet helt til højre i navigations bjælken.
+hungary common da Ungarn
+iceland common da Island
+image url common da Billedets adresse
+india common da Indien
+indonesia common da Indonesien
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common da Indsæt alle %1 adresserne fra %2 kontakterne i %3
+insert column after common da Indslt kolonne efter
+insert column before common da Indsæt kolonne foran
+insert row after common da Indsæt række efter
+insert row before common da Indsæt række foran
+international common da International
+invalid ip address common da Ugyldig IP
+invalid password common da Ugyldig adgangskode
+iran, islamic republic of common da Iran, Den Islamiske Republik
+iraq common da Irak
+ireland common da Irland
+israel common da Israel
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common da Det er mere end %1 dage siden du sidst ændrede dit password
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common da Det anbefales at du kører setup for at opgradere dine tabeller til den nuværende version.
+italic common da Kursiv
+italy common da Italien
+jamaica common da Jamaica
+january common da Januar
+japan common da Japan
+jordan common da Jordan
+july common da Juli
+june common da Juni
+kazakstan common da Kazakstan
+kenya common da Kenia
+keywords common da Stikord
+kiribati common da Kiribati
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common da Korea, Det Demokratiske Folks Republik
+korea, republic of common da Korea, Republikken
+kuwait common da Kuwait
+kyrgyzstan common da Kyrgystan
+language common da Sprog
+lao peoples democratic republic common da Lao, Folkets Demokratiske Republik
+last name common da Efternavn
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common da efternavn på brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
+last page common da Sidste side
+lastname common da Efternavn
+latvia common da Letland
+lebanon common da Libanon
+left common da Venstre
+lesotho common da Lesotho
+liberia common da Liberia
+libyan arab jamahiriya common da Libyen
+license common da Licens
+liechtenstein common da Liechenstein
+list common da Liste
+lithuania common da Lithuania
+local common da Lokal
+login common da Login
+loginid common da LoginID
+logout common da Log ud
+low common da Lav
+lowest common da Laveste
+luxembourg common da Luxembourg
+macau common da Macau
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common da Makedonien, Tidl. Jugoslaviske Republik
+madagascar common da Madagaskar
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common da post domæne, f.eks. "%1"
+main category common da Hovedkategori
+main screen common da Hovedside
+maintainer common da Vedligeholder
+malawi common da Malawi
+malaysia common da Malaysia
+maldives common da Maldiverne
+mali common da Mali
+malta common da Malta
+march common da Marts
+marshall islands common da Marshall Øerne
+martinique common da Martinique
+mauritania common da Mauritanien
+mauritius common da Mauritius
+max number of icons in navbar common da Maksimal antal ikoner i navigations bjælken.
+may common da Maj
+mayotte common da Mayotte
+medium common da Medium
+menu common da Menu
+message common da Besked
+mexico common da Mexico
+micronesia, federated states of common da Mikronesien, Den Føderale Stat
+moldova, republic of common da Moldova, Republikken
+monaco common da Monaco
+monday common da Mandag
+mongolia common da Mongoliet
+montserrat common da Montserrat
+morocco common da Morokko
+mozambique common da Mozambique
+myanmar common da Myanmar
+name common da Navn
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common da fornavnet på brugeren, f.eks. "%1"
+namibia common da Namibia
+nauru common da Nauru
+nepal common da Nepal
+netherlands common da Holland
+netherlands antilles common da Hollandsk Antilles
+never common da Aldrig
+new caledonia common da Ny Caledonien
+new entry added sucessfully common da Nyt punkt succesrigt tilføjet
+new main category common da Ny hovedkategori
+new value common da Ny Værdi
+new zealand common da New Zealand
+next common da Næste
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar da Næste måned (hold knap nede for menu)
+next page common da Næste side
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar da Næste år (hold knap nede for menu)
+nicaragua common da Nicaragua
+niger common da Niger
+nigeria common da Nigeria
+niue common da Niue
+no common da Nej
+no entries found, try again ... common da ingen resultater fundet, prøv igen....
+no history for this record common da Ingen historie fundet for denne post
+no subject common da Intet Emne
+none common da Ingen
+norfolk island common da Norfolk Øen
+normal common da Normal
+northern mariana islands common da Nordligt Mariana Øerne
+norway common da Norge
+not assigned common da ikke tildelt
+note common da Note
+notes common da Noter
+notify window common da Notificer vindue
+november common da November
+october common da Oktober
+ok common da OK
+old value common da Gammel Værdi
+oman common da Oman
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common da På *nix systemer skriver Du: %1
+on mouse over common da Ved mus over
+only private common da kun private
+only yours common da Kun Din
+open notify window common da Åben Notificer Vindue
+open popup window common da åben popup vindue
+ordered list common da Nummerliste
+original common da Original
+other common da Anden
+overview common da Oversigt
+owner common da Ejer
+page was generated in %1 seconds common da Siden var genereret på %1 sekunder
+pakistan common da Pakistan
+palau common da Palau
+palestinian territory, occupied common da Palestina, Besatte Territorie
+panama common da Panama
+papua new guinea common da Papua Ny Guinea
+paraguay common da Paraguay
+parcel common da Pakke
+parent category common da Ovenstående Kategori
+password common da Adgangskode
+password could not be changed common da Adgangskoden kunne ikke ændres
+password has been updated common da Password er opdateret
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common da Sti til bruger og gruppe filer SKAL VÆRE UDEN FOR webserverens dokument-rod!!!
+pattern for search in addressbook common da Mønster for søg i Adressebog
+pattern for search in calendar common da Mønster for søg i Kalender
+pattern for search in projects common da Mønster for søg i Projekter
+permissions to the files/users directory common da Rettigheder for fil/bruger mappen
+personal common da Personlig
+peru common da Peru
+philippines common da Fillipinerne
+phone number common da Telefonnummer
+pitcairn common da Pitcairn
+please %1 by hand common da Udfør venligst %1 manuelt
+please enter a name common da Indtast venligst et navn!
+please run setup to become current common da Kør venligst setup for at blive opdateret
+please select common da Vælg venligst
+please set your global preferences common da Indstil venligst dine globale indstillinger!
+please set your preferences for this application common da Indtast venligst dine præferencer for denne applikation
+please wait... common da Vent venligst...
+poland common da Polen
+portugal common da Portugal
+postal common da Post
+powered by egroupware version %1 common da Dette site kører på eGroupWare version %1
+preferences common da Præferencer
+preferences for the idots template set common da Præferencer for idots skabelonen
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar da Sidste måned (hold knap nede for menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar da Sidste år (hold knap nede for menu)
+previous page common da Forrige side
+print common da Udskriv
+priority common da Prioritet
+private common da Privat
+project common da Projekt
+public common da offentlig
+puerto rico common da Puerto Rico
+qatar common da Qatar
+read common da Læs
+read this list of methods. common da Læs denne liste over metoder
+reject common da Afvis
+rename common da Omdøb
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common da Returnere en fuld liste over alle brugere på systemet. Advarsel: Den kan være ret stor
+returns an array of todo items common da Returnere et array af opgaver
+returns struct of users application access common da Returnere en struct af brugerapplikations adgang
+reunion common da Reunion
+right common da Højre
+romania common da Romanien
+russian federation common da Rusland
+rwanda common da Rwanda
+saint helena common da Sankt Helena
+saint kitts and nevis common da Sankt Kitts og Nevis
+saint lucia common da Sankt Lucia
+saint pierre and miquelon common da Sankt Pierre og Miquelon
+saint vincent and the grenadines common da Sankt Vincent og Grenadinerne
+samoa common da Samoa
+san marino common da San Marino
+sao tome and principe common da Sao Tome og Principe
+saturday common da Lørdag
+saudi arabia common da Saudi Arabien
+save common da Gem
+search common da Søg
+section common da Sektion
+select common da Vælg
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common da Vælg alle %1 %2 for %3
+select category common da Vælg Kategori
+select date common da Vælg dato
+select group common da Vælg gruppe
+select home email address common da Vælg privat e-mail adresse
+select one common da Vælg en
+select user common da Vælg bruger
+select work email address common da Vælg arbejds e-mail adresse
+send common da Send
+senegal common da Senegal
+september common da September
+server %1 has been added common da Server %1 er tilføjet
+server name common da Servernavn
+session has been killed common da Sessionen er afsluttet
+setup common da Setup
+setup main menu common da Setup Hoved menu
+seychelles common da Seychellerne
+show all common da Vis alt
+show all categorys common da Vis alle kategorier
+show menu common da vis menu
+show page generation time common da Vis side generations tid
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common da Vis side generations tiden i bunden af siden?
+show_more_apps common da vis_flere_applikationer
+showing %1 common da Viser: %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common da Viser: %1 - %2 ud af %3
+sierra leone common da Sierra Leone
+singapore common da Singapore
+slovakia common da Slovakiet
+slovenia common da Slovenien
+solomon islands common da Solomon Øerne
+somalia common da Somalia
+sorry, your login has expired login da Desværre, Din session er udløbet
+south africa common da Syd Afrika
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common da Syd Georgien og De Sydlige Sandwich Øer
+spain common da Spanien
+sri lanka common da Sri Lanka
+start date common da Startdato
+start time common da Starttid
+status common da Status
+subject common da Emne
+submit common da Send
+sudan common da Sudan
+sunday common da Søndag
+suriname common da Suriname
+svalbard and jan mayen common da Svalbard og Jan Mayen
+swaziland common da Swaziland
+sweden common da Sverige
+switzerland common da Schweiz
+syrian arab republic common da Syrien, Den Arabiske Republik
+table properties common da Table properties
+taiwan common da Taiwan/Taipei
+tajikistan common da Tajikistan
+tanzania, united republic of common da Tanzania, Den forenede Republik
+thailand common da Thailand
+the api is current common da APIen er up-to-date
+the api requires an upgrade common da APIen skal opdateres
+the following applications require upgrades common da Følgende applikationer skal opdateres
+the mail server returned common da Postserveren retunerede
+this application is current common da Denne applikation er up-to-date
+this application requires an upgrade common da Denne applikation skal opdateres
+this name has been used already common da Dette navn er allerede i brug!
+thursday common da Torsdag
+time common da Tid
+time selection: jscalendar da Tid valgt:
+time zone common da Tidszone
+time zone offset common da Tidszone forskel
+title common da Titel
+to common da Til
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common da For at rette denne fejl for fremtiden skal Du korrekt opsætte
+to go back to the msg list, click here common da For at gå tilbage til beskedlisten, klik her
+today common da I dag
+todays date, eg. "%1" common da i dags dato, f.eks. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar da Toogle første dag på ugen
+togo common da Togo
+tokelau common da Tokelau
+tonga common da Tonga
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common da For mange fejlede forsøg på at logge ind: %1 fra brugeren '%2', %3 fra IP'en %4
+top common da Top
+total common da Total
+trinidad and tobago common da Trinidad og Tobago
+tuesday common da Tirsdag
+tunisia common da Tunesien
+turkey common da Tyrkiet
+turkmenistan common da Turkmenistan
+turks and caicos islands common da Tyrkiske og Caicos Øerne
+tuvalu common da Tuvalu
+uganda common da Uganda
+ukraine common da Ukraine
+underline common da Understreg
+united arab emirates common da Forenede Arabiske Emirater
+united kingdom common da England
+united states common da USA
+united states minor outlying islands common da USA Mindre omkringliggende øer
+unknown common da Ukendt
+update common da Opdater
+url common da URL
+uruguay common da Uruguay
+use button to search for common da brug knappen for at søge efter
+use button to search for address common da brug knappen for at søge efter adresser
+use button to search for calendarevent common da brug knappen for at søge efter kalender hændelser
+use button to search for project common da brug knappen for at søge efter projekter
+user common da Bruger
+user accounts common da bruger kontoer
+user groups common da bruger grupper
+username common da Brugernavn
+users common da Brugere
+users choice common da Brugerens Valg
+uzbekistan common da Uzbekistan
+vanuatu common da Vanuatu
+venezuela common da Venezuela
+version common da Version
+viet nam common da Viet Nam
+view common da Se
+virgin islands, british common da Jomfru Øer, De Britiske
+virgin islands, u.s. common da Jomfru Øer, De Amerikanske
+wallis and futuna common da Wallis og Futuna
+wednesday common da Onsdag
+welcome common da Velkommen
+western sahara common da Vest Sahara
+which groups common da Hvilke grupper
+width common da Bredde
+wk jscalendar da uge
+work email common da arbejds e-mail
+written by: common da Skrevet af:
+year common da År
+yemen common da Yemen
+yes common da Ja
+you are required to change your password during your first login common da Du skal ændre Dit password ved Din første log ind
+you have been successfully logged out login da Du er nu logget ud
+you have not entered a title common da Du har ikke indtastet en titel
+you have not entered a valid date common da Du har ikke indtastet en gyldig dato
+you have not entered a valid time of day common da Du har ikke indtastet en gyldig tidspunkt
+you have not entered participants common da Du har ikke indtastet deltagere
+you have selected an invalid date common da Du har valgt en ugyldig dato!
+you have selected an invalid main category common da Du har valgt en ugyldig hovedkategori!
+you have successfully logged out common da Du har logget ud
+your message could not be sent!
common da Din besked kunne ikke sendes!
+your message has been sent common da Din besked er afsendt
+your search returned %1 matchs common da Søgningen leverede %1 resultater
+your search returned 1 match common da Søgningen leverede 1 resultat
+your session could not be verified. login da Din session kunne ikke verificeres
+your settings have been updated common da Dine indstillinger er opdateret
+yugoslavia common da Jugoslavien
+zambia common da Zambia
+zimbabwe common da Zimbabwe
+site configuration common da Site konfiguration
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_de.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_de.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d709e1f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_de.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common de %1 E-Mail-Adressen eingefügt
+%1 file common de %1 Datei
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common de %1 ist nicht ausführbar durch den Webserver !!!
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common de %1Anderes Verzeichnis auswählen%2
oder %3 vom Webserver beschreibbar machen
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common de %1EGroupware%2 ist eine, in %3PHP%4 programmierte, webbasierende, mehrbenutzer Groupware Suite.
+(session restored in %1 seconds) common de (Sitzung in %1 Sekunden wiederhergestellt)
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar de (Shift-) Klicken oder drücken um den Wert zu ändern
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar de - Auf Uhrzeit clicken um sie zu erhöhen
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar de - für eine schnelle Auswahl die Maus gedrückt halten auf jedem der obigen Knöpfe
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar de - oder clicken und ziehen für eine schnelle Auswahl
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar de - oder Umschalten-click um sie zu verkleinern
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar de - Benutzen Sie die %1, %2 Buttons um das Monat auszuwählen
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar de - Benutzen Sie die %1, %2 Buttons um das Jahr auszuwählen
+00 (disable) admin de 00 (deaktiviert)
+1 day common de 1 Tag
+1 hour common de 1 Stunde
+1 month common de 1 Monat
+1 week common de 1 Woche
+13 (ntp) admin de 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar de 2
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar de 3
+80 (http) admin de 80 (http)
+about common de Über
+about %1 common de Über %1
+about egroupware common de Über EGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar de Über den Kalender
+access common de Zugriff
+access not permitted common de Zugriff verweigert
+account has been created common de Benutzerkennung wurde angelegt
+account has been deleted common de Benutzerkennung wurde gelöscht
+account has been updated common de Benutzerkennung wurde aktualisiert
+account is expired common de Benutzerkennung ist abgelaufen
+accounts common de Benutzerkonten
+acl common de ACL
+action common de Aktion
+active common de Aktiv
+add common de Hinzufügen
+add %1 category for common de %1 Kategorie hinzufügen für
+add category common de Kategorie hinzufügen
+add shortcut common de Abkürzung hinzufügen
+add sub common de Untergeordnete hinzufügen
+addressbook common de Adressbuch
+admin common de Admin
+administration common de Administration
+afghanistan common de AFGHANISTAN
+albania common de ALBANIEN
+algeria common de ALGERIEN
+all common de alle
+all fields common de alle Felder
+all languages common de Alle Sprachen
+alphabet common de a,ä,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,ö,p,q,r,s,t,u,ü,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common de Alternatives Stylesheet
+american samoa common de AMERICANISCH SAMOA
+an error happened common de Ein Fehler trat auf
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common de Ein existierendes UND vom Webserver lesbares Verzeichnis, schaltet den Bild Browser und Upload ein.
+andorra common de ANDORRA
+angola common de ANGOLA
+anguilla common de ANGUILLA
+antarctica common de ANTARKTIS
+antigua and barbuda common de ANTIGUA UND BARBUDA
+application common de Anwendung
+apply common de Übernehmen
+april common de April
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common de Sind Sie sicher, daß Sie diese Einträge löschen wollen?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common de Sind Sie sicher, daß Sie diesen Eintrag löschen wollen?
+argentina common de ARGENTIEN
+armenia common de ARMENIEN
+aruba common de ARUBA
+august common de August
+australia common de AUSTRALIEN
+austria common de ÖSTERREICH
+author common de Autor
+autohide sidebox menu's common de Linkes Navigationsmenü ausblenden
+autohide sidebox menus common de Linkes Navigationsmenü ausblenden
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common de Automatisch das linkes Navigationsmenü ausblenden
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common de Automatisch das linkes Navigationsmenü ausblenden
+autosave default category common de Standard-Kategorie automatisch speichern
+azerbaijan common de ASERBAIDSCHAN
+back common de Zurück
+back to user login common de Zurück zur Benutzer Anmeldung
+background color: common de Hintergrund Farbe:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common de Backupverzeichnis '%1' ist nicht vom Webserver beschreibbar
+bad login or password common de Falscher Benutzername oder Passwort
+bahamas common de BAHAMAS
+bahrain common de BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common de BANGLADESH
+barbados common de BARBADOS
+bcc common de Blindkopie
+belgium common de BELGIEN
+belize common de BELIZE
+benin common de BENIN
+bermuda common de BERMUDA
+bhutan common de BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common de Gesperrt, zu viele Versuche
+bold common de Fett
+bolivia common de BOLIVIEN
+border common de Rahmen
+bosnia and herzegovina common de BOSNIEN UND HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common de BOTSWANA
+bottom common de Unten
+bouvet island common de BOUVET INSELN
+brazil common de BRASILIEN
+british indian ocean territory common de BRITISCH INDIEN OZEAN TERRITORIUM
+brunei darussalam common de BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common de BULGARIEN
+bulgarian common de Bulgarisch
+burkina faso common de BURKINA FASO
+burundi common de BURUNDI
+calendar common de Kalender
+cambodia common de KAMBODSCHA
+cameroon common de KAMERUN
+canada common de KANADA
+cancel common de Abbrechen
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common de Kann %1 nicht ersetzen, da es ein Verzeichnis ist
+cant open '%1' for %2 common de Kann '%1' nicht zum %2 öffnen
+cape verde common de KAP VERDE
+caption common de Text
+categories common de Kategorien
+categories for common de Kategorien für
+category common de Kategorie
+category %1 has been added ! common de Kategorie %1 wurde hinzugefügt !
+category %1 has been updated ! common de Kategorie %1 wurde überarbeitet !
+cayman islands common de KAIMAN INSELN
+cc common de Kopie
+centered common de zentriert
+central african republic common de ZENTRAL AFRIKANISCHE REPUBLIK
+chad common de TSCHAD
+change common de ändern
+charset common de utf-8
+check installation common de Installation überprüfen
+check now common de jetzt überprüfen
+chile common de CHILE
+china common de CHINA
+choose a background color common de Wählen Sie eine Hintergrundfarbe
+choose a background color for the icons common de Wählen Sie eine Hintergrundfarbe für die Knöpfe
+choose a background image. common de Wählen Sie ein Hintergrundbild.
+choose a background style. common de Wählen Sie einen Hintergrundstil.
+choose a text color for the icons common de Wählen Sie eine Textfarbe für die Knöpfe
+choose the category common de Kategorie auswählen
+choose the parent category common de Wählen der übergeordneten Kategorie
+christmas island common de WEIHNACHTS INSEL
+clear common de Zurücksetzen
+clear form common de Eingaben löschen
+click common de Klicken
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common de Hier klicken um die EGroupware Sitzung wieder auf zu nehmen.
+click or mouse over to show menus common de Klicken oder "mit dem Mauszeiger darüber fahren" um das Menü anzuzeigen.
+click or mouse over to show menus? common de Klicken oder "mit dem Mauszeiger darüber fahren" um das Menü anzuzeigen?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common de Klicken Sie auf dieses Symbol in der Navigation: %1
+close common de Schließen
+close sidebox common de Seitenmenü schließen
+cocos (keeling) islands common de COCOS INSELN
+colombia common de KOLUMBIEN
+common preferences common de Allgemeine Einstellungen
+comoros common de KOMOREN
+company common de Unternehmen
+congo common de KONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common de KONGO, DIE DEMOKRATISCHE REPUBLIK DES
+contacting server... common de Kontaktiere Server...
+cook islands common de COOK INSELN
+copy common de Kopieren
+costa rica common de COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common de COTE D IVOIRE
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common de Konnte Sever nicht kontaktieren. Die Zeit lief ab!
+create common de Erstellen
+created by common de Erstellt von
+croatia common de KROATIEN
+cuba common de KUBA
+currency common de Währung
+current common de derzeit
+current users common de Derzeit angemeldete Benutzer
+cyprus common de ZYPERN
+czech republic common de TSCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK
+database error common de Datenbank Fehler
+database error! common de Datenbank Fehler!
+date common de Datum
+date due common de fällig am
+date selection: jscalendar de Datum auswählen:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin de Datum-Zeit Port.
Wenn sie Port 13 benützen, bitte die Regeln der Firewall entsprechend anpassen bevor sie die Seite speichern.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common de Dezember
+default category common de Standard-Kategorie
+default height for the windows common de Vorgabewert für Höhe des Fensters
+default width for the windows common de Vorgabewert für Breite des Fensters
+delete common de Löschen
+delete row common de Zeile löschen
+denmark common de DÄNEMARK
+description common de Beschreibung
+detail common de Detail
+details common de Details
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common de Ausführen des Bugfix-Scripts für Internet Explorer 5.5 und höher, zum Darstellen von transparenten PNG-Bildern abschalten?
+direction left to right common de Richtung links nach rechts
+directory common de Verzeichnis
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common de Verzeichnis existiert nicht, ist nicht vom Webserver lesbar oder ist nicht relative zur Dokumentroot!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common de Internet Explorer PNG-Bilder-Bugfix abschalten
+disable slider effects common de Schwebeeffekte des Navigationsmenüs abschalten
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common de Die animierten Schwebeeffekte beim Anzeigen oder Verstecken des navigations Menüs in der Seite abschalten? Benutzer von Opera oder Konquerer müssen diese Funktion abschalten.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common de Ausschalten des Fehlerbehebungsskripts für den Internetexplorer 5.5 und höher, um transparente PNG-Bilder anzuzeigen?
+disabled common de Deaktiviert
+display %s first jscalendar de %s zuerst anzeigen
+djibouti common de DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common de Sollen alle Unterkategorien gelöscht werden ?
+doctype: common de DOCTYPE:
+document properties common de Dokument Eigentschaften
+document title: common de Title des Dokuments:
+domain common de Domain
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common de Domainname für E-Mail Adresse, zB. "%1"
+domestic common de Inland
+dominica common de DOMINICA
+dominican republic common de DOMÄNIKANISCHE REPUBLIK
+done common de Fertig
+drag to move jscalendar de Ziehen um zu Bewegen
+e-mail common de E-Mail
+east timor common de OST TIMOR
+eastern european common de Östeuropäische
+ecuador common de EQUADOR
+edit common de Editieren
+edit %1 category for common de %1 Kategorie editieren für
+edit categories common de Kategorien editieren
+edit category common de Kategorie editieren
+egroupware common de EGroupware
+egroupware api version common de EGroupware API Version
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common de EGroupware: Anmelden gesperrt für Benutzer '%1', IP %2
+egypt common de ÄGYPTEN
+el salvador common de EL SALVADOR
+email common de E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common de E-Mail-Adresse des Benutzers, z.B. "%1"
+enabled common de Verfügbar
+end date common de Enddatum
+end time common de Endzeit
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin de Bitte geben Sie die URL ein über welche Ihre EGroupware erreichbar sein wird.
Beispiel: http://www.domain.de/egroupware or /egroupware
KEINEN Slash "/" am ende
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common de Eintrag wurde erfolgreich gelöscht
+entry not found! common de Eintrag nicht gefunden!
+entry updated sucessfully common de Eintrag wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert
+equatorial guinea common de EQUATORIAL GUINEA
+eritrea common de ERITREA
+error common de Fehler
+error creating %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Erstellen des Verzeichnisses %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Löschen des Verzeichnisses %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Umbennenen des Verzeichnisses %1 %2
+estonia common de ESTONIEN
+ethiopia common de ETHIOPIEN
+everything common de Alles
+exact common de exakt
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common de Konnte Server nicht erreichen oder ungültige Antwort vom Server. Versuchen Sie sich nochmals anzumelden. Benachrichtigen Sie Ihren Adminstrator wenn das fehlschlägt.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common de FALKLAND INSELN (MALVINAS)
+faroe islands common de FAROE INSELN
+fax number common de Fax Nummer
+features of the editor? common de Features des Editors?
+february common de Februar
+fields common de Felder
+fiji common de FIJI
+files common de Dateien
+filter common de Filter
+finland common de FINLAND
+first name common de Vorname
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common de Vorname des Benutzers, zB. "%1"
+first page common de Erste Seite
+firstname common de Vorname
+fixme! common de KORREGIER MICH!
+folder already exists. common de Verzeichnis existiert bereits.
+force selectbox common de Auswahlfeld erzwingen
+forever common de Für immer
+france common de FRANKREICH
+french guiana common de FRANZÖSISCH GUIANA
+french polynesia common de FRANZÖSISCH POLYNESIEN
+french southern territories common de FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
+friday common de Freitag
+ftp common de FTP
+fullname common de Vor+Nachname
+fullscreen mode common de Vollbild Modus
+gabon common de GABON
+gambia common de GAMBIA
+general menu common de Hauptmenü
+georgia common de GEORGIEN
+german common de Deutsch
+germany common de DEUTSCHLAND
+ghana common de GHANA
+gibraltar common de GIBRALTAR
+global common de Global
+global public common de Global Public
+go today jscalendar de Heute setzen
+grant access common de Zugriff gewähren
+greece common de GRIECHENLAND
+greek common de Griechisch
+greenland common de GRÖNLAND
+grenada common de GRENADA
+group common de Gruppe
+group access common de Gruppenzugriff
+group has been added common de Gruppe wurde zugefügt
+group has been deleted common de Gruppe wurde gelöscht
+group has been updated common de Gruppe wurde aktualisiert
+group name common de Gruppenname
+group public common de Group Public
+groups common de Gruppen
+groups with permission for %1 common de Gruppen mit Berechtigung für %1
+groups without permission for %1 common de Gruppen ohne Berechtigung für %1
+guadeloupe common de GUADELOUPE
+guam common de GUAM
+guatemala common de GUATEMALA
+guinea common de GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common de GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common de GUYANA
+haiti common de HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common de HEARD UND MCDONALD INSELN
+height common de Höhe
+help common de Hilfe
+high common de Hoch
+highest common de Höchste
+holy see (vatican city state) common de VATICAN
+home common de Home
+home email common de private E-Mail
+honduras common de HONDURAS
+hong kong common de HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common de Wie viele Icons sollen in der Navigation angezeigt werden (die obere Nabigation). Weitere Applikationen werden über ein Auswahlmenü angeboten. Das Auswahlmenü kann über das rechte Icon geöffnet werden
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common de Wie soll das allgemeine EGroupware Menü angezeigt werden
+hungary common de UNGARN
+iceland common de ISLAND
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common de ieSpell nicht gefunden. OK klicken um zur Download Seite zu gehen.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common de Wenn die Uhr eingeschaltet ist, wollen Sie dass sie sekündlich aktualisiert wird?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common de Wenn mehrere Bild im Hintergrund Ordner sind können Sie wählen welches Sie sehen wollen.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common de Bildverzeichnis relative zur Dokumentroot (benutze / !), Beispliel:
+image url common de Bild URL
+india common de INDIEN
+indonesia common de INDONESIEN
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common de Alle %1 Adressen der %2 Kontakte in %3 einfügen
+insert column after common de Spalte danach einfügen
+insert column before common de Spalte davor einfügen
+insert row after common de Zeile danach einfügen
+insert row before common de Zeile davor einfügen
+international common de International
+invalid filename common de Ungültiger Dateiname
+invalid ip address common de Ungültige IP Adresse
+invalid password common de Ungültiges Passwort
+iran, islamic republic of common de IRAN, ISLAMISCHE REPUBLIC
+iraq common de IRAQ
+ireland common de IRELAND
+israel common de ISRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common de Sie haben Ihr Passwort seit mehr als %1 Tagen nicht geändert
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common de Es ist notwendig, mit dem Setup-Programm die Tabellen zu aktualisieren.
+italic common de Kursiv
+italy common de ITALIEN
+jamaica common de JAMAICA
+january common de Januar
+japan common de JAPAN
+japanese common de Japanisch
+jordan common de JORDANIEN
+july common de Juli
+jun common de Jun
+june common de Juni
+justify center common de Ausrichtung mittig
+justify full common de Ausrichtung im Block
+justify left common de Ausrichtung links
+justify right common de Ausrichtung rechts
+kazakstan common de KAZAKSTAN
+kenya common de KENIA
+keywords common de Schlüsselwort
+kiribati common de KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common de KOREA, DEMOKRATISCHE VOLKSREPUBLIK
+korea, republic of common de KOREA, REPUBLIK
+korean common de Koreanisch
+kuwait common de KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common de KYRGYZSTAN
+language common de Sprache
+lao peoples democratic republic common de LAOS, VOLKSREPUBLIK
+last name common de Name
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common de Familienname des Benutzers, zB. "%1"
+last page common de Letzte Seite
+lastname common de Name
+latvia common de LATVIA
+ldap-mgr common de LDAP-Manager
+lebanon common de LIBANON
+left common de Links
+lesotho common de LESOTHO
+liberia common de LYBIEN
+libyan arab jamahiriya common de LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
+license common de Lizenz
+liechtenstein common de LIECHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored common de Zeile %1: '%2'
CSV enthalten ##last-check-run## der Tabelle %3 ==> ignoriert
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common de Zeile %1: '%2'
CSV haben andere Spaltenanzahl als Tabelle %3 ==> ignoriert
+list common de Liste
+list members common de Mitglieder anzeigen
+lithuania common de LITAUEN
+local common de lokal
+login common de Anmelden
+loginid common de Benutzerkennung
+logout common de Abmelden
+lost login id common de Anmeldenamen vergessen
+lost password common de Anmeldepasswort vergessen
+low common de Niedrig
+lowest common de Niedrigst
+luxembourg common de LUXEMBURG
+macau common de MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common de MAZEDONIEN, FRÜHERE JUGOSLAVISCHE REPUBLIK
+madagascar common de MADAGASCAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common de Mail Domain, zB. "%1"
+main category common de Hauptkategorie
+main screen common de Startseite
+maintainer common de Maintainer
+malawi common de MALAWI
+malaysia common de MALAYSIA
+maldives common de MALDIVEN
+mali common de MALI
+malta common de MALTA
+march common de März
+marshall islands common de MARSHALL ISLANDS
+martinique common de MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common de MAURITANIEN
+mauritius common de MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common de Maximale Anzahl der Icons in der Menüleiste
+may common de Mai
+mayotte common de MAYOTTE
+medium common de Mittel
+menu common de Menü
+message common de Nachricht
+mexico common de MEXICO
+micronesia, federated states of common de MICRONESIEN, VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON
+minute common de Minute
+moldova, republic of common de MOLDAVIEN, REPUBLIK
+monaco common de MONACO
+monday common de Montag
+mongolia common de MONGOLEI
+montenegro common de MONTENEGRO
+montserrat common de MONTSERRA
+morocco common de MAROCCO
+mozambique common de MOZAMBIQUE
+multiple common de mehrere
+myanmar common de MYANMAR
+name common de Name
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common de Name des Benutzers, zB. "%1"
+namibia common de NAMIBIEN
+nauru common de NAURU
+nepal common de NEPAL
+netherlands common de NIEDERLANDE
+netherlands antilles common de NIEDERLÄNDISCHE ANTILLEN
+never common de Niemals
+new caledonia common de NEU CALEDONIEN
+new entry added sucessfully common de Neuer Eintrag wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt
+new main category common de neue Hauptkategorie
+new value common de Neuer Wert
+new zealand common de NEUSEELAND
+next common de Nächste
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar de Nächster Monat (halten für Menü)
+next page common de Nächste Seite
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar de Nächstes Jahr (halten für Menü)
+nicaragua common de NICARAGUA
+niger common de NIGER
+nigeria common de NIGERIA
+niue common de NIUE
+no common de Nein
+no entries found, try again ... common de Keine Einträge gefunden, nochmal versuchen ...
+no history for this record common de Keine Historie für diesen Datensatz
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common de Kein Savant2 Vorlagen Verzeichnis gefunden in:
+no subject common de Kein Betreff
+none common de Keine
+norfolk island common de NORFOLK INSELN
+normal common de Normal
+northern mariana islands common de NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
+norway common de NORWEGEN
+not common de nicht
+not a user yet? register now common de Noch kein Benutzer? Registrieren Sie sich jetzt
+not assigned common de nicht zugewiesen
+not readable %1 entry of user %2 common de Nicht lesbarer %1 Eintrag des Benutzers %2
+note common de Notiz
+notes common de Notizen
+notifications common de Benachrichtigungen
+notify window common de Benachrichtigungsfenster
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common de Benachrichtigen Sie Ihren Administration um diese Situation zu lösen
+november common de November
+october common de Oktober
+ok common de OK
+old value common de Alter Wert
+oman common de OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common de Auf *nix systemen bitte %1 eingeben
+on mouse over common de On Maus Over
+only private common de nur private
+only yours common de nur eigene
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common de Hoppla! Sie haben uns in der Mitte einer Systemwartung erwischt.
+open notify window common de Benachrichtigungsfenster öffnen
+open popup window common de Popup Fenster öffnen
+open sidebox common de Seitenmenü öffnen
+ordered list common de Nummerierung
+original common de Original
+other common de Andere
+overview common de Überblick
+owner common de Besitzer
+page common de Seite
+page was generated in %1 seconds common de Seite wurde erstellt in %1 Sekunden
+pakistan common de PAKISTAN
+palau common de PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common de PALESTINENSISCHES TERRITORIUM, BESETZT
+panama common de PANAMA
+papua new guinea common de PAPUA NEU GUINEA
+paraguay common de PARAGUAY
+parcel common de Paket
+parent category common de Übergeordnete Kategorie
+password common de Passwort
+password could not be changed common de Passwort konnte nicht geändert werden
+password has been updated common de Passwort wurde aktualisiert
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common de Das Passwort muss mindestens %1 Kleinbuchstaben enthalten
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common de Das Passwort muss mindestens %1 Nummern enthalten
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common de Das Passwort muss mindestens %1 Sonderzeichen enthalten
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common de Das Passwort muss mindestens %1 Großbuchstaben enthalten
+password must have at least %1 characters common de Das Passwort muss mindestens %1 Zeichen lang sein
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common de Der Pfad für Benutzer oder Gruppen Ordner muss ausserhalb des Webserver Root Verzeichnisses liegen (Webserver Root = /var/www/html; Pfad für Benutzer/Gruppen Ordner /var/www
+permission denied! common de Zugriff verweigert!
+permissions to the files/users directory common de Zugriffsrechte zu den Dateien / Benutzerverzeichnissen
+personal common de persönlich
+peru common de PERU
+philippines common de PHILIPPINEN
+phone number common de Telefonnummer
+phpgwapi common de EGroupware API
+pitcairn common de PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common de Bitte %1 per Hand
+please enter a name common de Bitte geben Sie einen Namen ein !
+please run setup to become current common de Bitte rufen Sie Setup auf um zu aktualisieren
+please select common de Bitte wählen
+please set your global preferences common de Bitte editieren Sie Ihre globalen Einstellungen !
+please set your preferences for this application common de Bitte editieren Sie Ihre Einstellungen für diese Anwendung !
+please wait... common de Bitte warten...
+please, check back with us shortly. common de Bitte schauen Sie bald wieder vorbei.
+poland common de POLEN
+portugal common de PORTUGAL
+postal common de Postadresse
+powered by common de Powered by
+powered by egroupware version %1 common de Powered by EGroupware version %1
+preferences common de Einstellungen
+preferences for the idots template set common de Einstellungen für das Idots Template
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar de Vorheriger Monat (halten für Menü)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar de Vorheriges Jahr (halten für Menü)
+previous page common de Vorherige Seite
+primary style-sheet: common de Haupt-Stylesheet:
+print common de Drucken
+priority common de Priorität
+private common de Privat
+programs common de Programme
+project common de Projekt
+public common de öffentlich
+puerto rico common de PUERTO RICO
+qatar common de QATAR
+read common de Lesen
+read this list of methods. common de Diese Liste der Methoden lesen.
+reading common de lesen
+register common de Registieren
+regular common de Normal
+reject common de Zurückweisen
+remember me common de Mich erinnern
+remove selected accounts common de Ausgewähle Benutzer entfernen
+remove shortcut common de Abkürzung entfernen
+rename common de Umbenennen
+replace common de Ersetzen
+replace with common de Ersetzem durch
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common de Liefert eine vollständige Lister der Benutzerkonten auf diesem System. Warnung: Die Rückgabe kann sehr gross sein
+returns an array of todo items common de Liefert ein array mit ToDo Einträgen
+returns struct of users application access common de Liefert Strucktur mit Benutzerzugriffsrechten auf Anwendungen
+reunion common de REUNION
+right common de Rechts
+romania common de RUMÄNIEN
+russian common de Russisch
+russian federation common de RUSSISCHE FÖDERATION
+rwanda common de RWANDA
+saint helena common de SANKT HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common de SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
+saint lucia common de SANTA LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common de SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common de SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
+samoa common de SAMOA
+san marino common de SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common de SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
+saturday common de Samstag
+saudi arabia common de SAUDI ARABIEN
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common de Savant2 Version unterscheidet sich von Savant2 Wrapper
Diese Version: %1
Savant version: %2
+save common de Speichern
+search common de Suchen
+search %1 '%2' common de Suche %1 '%2'
+search accounts common de Benutzer suchen
+search or select accounts common de Suchen und auswählen von Benutzern
+second common de Sekunden
+section common de Sektion
+select common de Auswählen
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common de Alles auswählen %1 %2 von %3
+select category common de Kategorie auswählen
+select date common de Datum auswählen
+select group common de Gruppe auswählen
+select home email address common de private E-Mail-Adresse auswählen
+select multiple accounts common de mehrere Benutzer auswählen
+select one common de Eine(n) auswählen
+select the default height for the application windows common de Vorgabewert für Höhe des Anwendungsfensters auswählen
+select the default width for the application windows common de Vorgabewert für Breite des Anwendungsfensters auswählen
+select user common de Benutzer auswählen
+select work email address common de geschäftl. E-Mail-Addresse auswählen
+selection common de Auswahl
+send common de Abschicken
+senegal common de SENEGAL
+september common de September
+serbia common de SERBIEN
+server %1 has been added common de Server %1 wurde zugefügt
+server answered. processing response... common de Server antwortet. Bearbeite Antwort...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common de Server kontaktiert. Warte auf Antwort...
+server name common de Server Name
+session has been killed common de Session wurde gelöscht
+setup common de Setup
+setup main menu common de Setup Hauptmenü
+seychelles common de SEYCHELLEN
+show all common de alle anzeigen
+show all categorys common de Alle Kategorien anzeigen
+show as topmenu common de Menü oben anzeigen
+show clock? common de Uhr anzeigen?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common de Zeige Start und Abmelde Knopf in Hauptnavigation Balken?
+show in sidebox common de In Seitenmenü anzeigen
+show logo's on the desktop. common de Logos auf der Arbeitsfläche anzeigen.
+show menu common de Menü anzeigen
+show page generation time common de Zeit zum Erstellen der Seite anzeigen
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common de Zeit zum Erstellen der Seite in der Fußzeile anzeigen
+show page generation time? common de Erstellungszeit der Seite anzeigen?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common de Zeige Logos von EGroupware und x-desktop auf der Arbeitsfläche.
+show_more_apps common de Mehr Applikationen anzeigen
+showing %1 common de %1 Einträge
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common de %1 - %2 von %3 Einträgen
+sierra leone common de SIERRA LEONE
+simple common de Einfach
+singapore common de SINGAPUR
+site configuration common de Konfiguration der Anwendung
+slovakia common de SLOVAKEI
+slovenia common de SLOVENIEN
+solomon islands common de SOLOMON INSELN
+somalia common de SOMALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login de Ihre Anmeldung ist abgelaufen !
+south africa common de SÜDAFRIKA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common de SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
+spain common de SPANIEN
+sri lanka common de SRI LANKA
+start date common de Startdatum
+start time common de Startzeit
+start with common de beginnt mit
+starting up... common de Starte...
+status common de Status
+stretched common de ausgedehnt
+subject common de Betreff
+submit common de Absenden
+substitutions and their meanings: common de Ersetzungen und ihre Bedeutung
+sudan common de SUDAN
+sunday common de Sonntag
+suriname common de SURINAME
+svalbard and jan mayen common de SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common de SWAZILAND
+sweden common de SCHWEDEN
+switzerland common de SCHWEIZ
+syrian arab republic common de SYRIEN, ARABISCHE REPUBLIK
+table properties common de Tabelleneigenschaften
+taiwan common de TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common de TAJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common de TANZANIA, VEREINIGTE REPUBLIK
+text color: common de Textfarbe:
+thailand common de THAILAND
+the api is current common de Die API ist aktuell
+the api requires an upgrade common de Die API benötigt eine Aktualisierung
+the following applications require upgrades common de Die folgenden Anwendungen benötigen eine Aktualisierung
+the mail server returned common de Der E-Mail-Server liefert zurück
+this application is current common de Diese Anwendung ist aktuell
+this application requires an upgrade common de Diese Anwendung benötigt eine Aktualisierung
+this name has been used already common de Dieser Name ist bereits in Benutzung !
+thursday common de Donnerstag
+tiled common de gekachelt
+time common de Zeit
+time selection: jscalendar de Zeitauswahl:
+time zone common de Zeitzone
+time zone offset common de Zeitzonendifferenz
+title common de Titel
+to common de An
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common de Um diesen Fehler in der Zukunft zu verhindern, müssen sie folgendes setzen:
+to go back to the msg list, click here common de Um zur Liste der Meldungen zurück zu gehen, hier anklicken
+today common de Heute
+todays date, eg. "%1" common de heutiges Datum, zB. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar de ersten Tag der Woche wechseln
+togo common de TOGO
+tokelau common de TOKELAU
+tonga common de TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common de Zu viele ungültige Versuche sich anzumelden: %1 für den Benutzer '%2', %3 für die IP %4
+top common de Oben
+total common de Gesamt
+transparant bg for the icons? common de Transparenter Hintergrund für Symbole
+trinidad and tobago common de TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
+tuesday common de Dienstag
+tunisia common de TUNISIEN
+turkey common de TÜRKEI
+turkmenistan common de TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common de TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
+tuvalu common de TUVALU
+type common de Typ
+uganda common de UGANDA
+ukraine common de UKRAINE
+underline common de Unterstrichen
+united arab emirates common de VEREINIGTEN ARABISCHEN EMIRATE
+united kingdom common de GROSSBRITANIEN
+united states common de VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA
+united states minor outlying islands common de UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
+unknown common de Unbekannt
+update common de Aktualisieren
+update the clock per minute or per second common de Uhr minütlich oder sekündlich aktualisieren
+upload common de Hochladen
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common de Das Verzeichnis zum Hochladen existiert nicht oder ist nicht vom Webserver beschreibbar.
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common de Der Upload verlangt, dass das Verzeich vom Webserver beschreibbar ist!
+url common de Webseite
+uruguay common de URUGUAY
+use button to search for common de benutze Knopf zum suchen nach
+use button to search for address common de benutze Knopf zum Suchen nach Adressen
+use button to search for calendarevent common de benutze Knopf zum Suchen nach Terminen
+use button to search for project common de benutze Knopf zum Suchen nach Projekten
+user common de Benutzer
+user accounts common de Benutzerkonten
+user groups common de Benutzergruppen
+username common de Benutzername
+users common de Benutzer
+users choice common de Benutzerauswahl
+uzbekistan common de UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common de VANUATU
+venezuela common de VENEZUELA
+version common de Version
+viet nam common de VIETNAM
+view common de Anzeigen
+virgin islands, british common de VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH
+virgin islands, u.s. common de VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
+wallis and futuna common de WALLIS AND FUTUNA
+wednesday common de Mittwoch
+welcome common de Willkommen
+western european common de Westeuropäisch
+western sahara common de WEST SAHARA
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common de Welche Farbe soll der freie Platz auf der Arbeitsfläche haben
+what style would you like the image to have? common de Welchen Stil soll das Bild haben?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common de Wenn Sie das einschalten werden die Start und Abmelde Symbole als Anwendungen im oberen Anwendungsbalken angezeigt.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common de Wo und wie werden die EGroupware Verknüpfungen wie Einstellungen, Über ..., und Abmelden angezeigt.
+which groups common de Welche Gruppen
+width common de Breite
+wk jscalendar de KW
+work email common de geschäftliche E-Mail
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common de Wollen Sie die Zeit zur Erstellung der Seite am Ende jedes Fensters anzeigen?
+writing common de schreiben
+written by: common de Geschrieben von:
+year common de Jahr
+yemen common de YEMEN
+yes common de Ja
+you are required to change your password during your first login common de Sie müssen Ihr Passwort bei der ersten Anmeldung ändern
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common de Sie können bestimmen wieviele Icons und Toolbars der Editor anzeigt.
+you have been successfully logged out login de Abmelden erfolgreich
+you have not entered a title common de Sie haben keinen Titel eingegeben
+you have not entered a valid date common de Sie haben kein gültiges Datum eingegeben
+you have not entered a valid time of day common de Sie haben keine gültige Uhrzeit eingegeben
+you have not entered participants common de Sie haben keine Teilnehmer eingegeben
+you have selected an invalid date common de Sie haben ein ungültiges Datum gewählt !
+you have selected an invalid main category common de Sie haben eine ungültige Hauptkategorie gewählt !
+you have successfully logged out common de Sie haben sich erfolgreich abgemeldet
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common de Sie müssen den Webserver-User '%1' zur Gruppe '%2' hinzufügen.
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common de Sie müssen ein EGroupware administrator sein, um auf diese Funktion zuzugreifen!
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common de Sie haben versucht auf die EGroupware Anwendung %1 zuzugreifen, aber Sie haben keine Rechte dazu.
+your message could not be sent!
common de Ihre Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden!
+your message has been sent common de Ihre Nachricht wurde versandt
+your search returned %1 matchs common de Ihre Suche ergab %1 Treffer
+your search returned 1 match common de Ihre Suche ergab einen Treffer
+your session could not be verified. login de Ihre Sitzung konnte nicht verifiziert werden.
+your settings have been updated common de Ihre Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert
+zambia common de ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common de ZIMBABWE
+zoom common de Zoomen
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_el.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_el.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b28728cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_el.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common el %1 διευθύνσεις email εισήχθησαν
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common el %1 δεν είναι εκτελέσιμο από τον webserver !!!
+%1 manual common el %1 χειροκίνητα
+%1 start common el %1 έναρξη
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common el %1Επιλέξτε έναν άλλο κατάλογο%2
ή κάντε %3 εγγράψιμο από τον webserver
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common el %1eGroupWare%2 είναι ένα multi-user, web-based groupware suite γραμμένο σε %3PHP%4.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar el (Shift-)Click ή σύρετε για να αλλάξετε τιμή
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar el - Κάντε κλικ σε οποιοδήποτε τμήμα της ώρας για να το αυξήσετε
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar el - Κάντε κλικ και κρατηστε πατημένο το κουμπί του ποντικιού πάνω από οποιοδήποτε από τα παραπάνω κουμπιά για γρηγορότερη επιλογή
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar el - ή κάντε κλικ και σύρετε για γρηγορότερη επιλογή
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar el - ή κάντε shift-click gια να το αυξήσετε
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar el - Χρησιμοποιήστε τα κουμπιά %1, %2 για να επιλέξετε μήνα
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar el - Χρησιμοποιήστε τα κουμπιά %1, %2 για να επιλέξετε χρόνο
+00 (disable) admin el 00 (Απενεργοποίηση)
+13 (ntp) admin el 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar el 3 αριθμός διαγραμμάτων για καθημερινή-συντόμευση
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar el 3 αριθμός διαγραμμάτων για μηνιαία-συντόμευση
+80 (http) admin el 80 (http)
+about common el Πληροφορίες
+about %1 common el Πληροφορίες %1
+about egroupware common el Πληροφορίες για το eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar el Για το ημερολόγιο
+access common el Πρόσβαση
+access not permitted common el Απαγορεύεται η πρόσβαση
+account has been created common el Ο λογαριασμός έχει δημιουργηθεί
+account has been deleted common el Ο λογαριασμός έχει διαγραφεί
+account has been updated common el Ο λογαριασμός έχει ενημερωθεί
+account is expired common el Ο λογαριασμός έχει λήξει
+acl common el ACL
+action common el Ενέργεια
+active common el Ενεργό
+add common el Προσθήκη
+add %1 category for common el Προσθήκη κατηγορίας %1 για
+add category common el Προσθήκη κατηγορίας
+add shortcut common el Προσθήκη Συντόμευσης
+add sub common el Προσθήκη υπo
+addressbook common el Επαφές
+admin common el Διαχειριστής
+administration common el Διαχείριση
+afghanistan common el ΑΦΓΑΝΙΣΤΑΝ
+albania common el ΑΛΒΑΝΙΑ
+algeria common el ΑΛΓΕΡΙΑ
+all common el Ολα
+all fields common el όλα τα πεδία
+alphabet common el α,β,γ,δ,ε,ζ,η,θ,ι,κ,λ,μ,ν,ξ,ο,π,ρ,σ,τ,υ,φ,χ,ψ,ω,
+alternate style-sheet: common el Εναλλακτικό στυλ-φύλλου
+american samoa common el ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΙΚΗ ΣΑΜΟΑ
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common el Ένας υπάρχον ΚΑΙ από τον webserver αναγνώσιμος κατάλογος ενεργοποιεί τον εικονικό browser και τον φορτώνει.
+andorra common el ΑΝΔΟΡΡΑ
+angola common el ΑΝΓΚΟΛΑ
+anguilla common el ΑΝΓΚΟΥΙΛΛΑ
+antarctica common el ΑΝΤΑΡΚΤΙΚΗ
+antigua and barbuda common el ΑΝΤΙΓΚΟΥΑ & ΜΠΑΡΜΠΟΥΝΤΑ
+application common el Εφαρμογή
+apply common el Εφαρμογή
+april common el Απρίλιος
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common el Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτές τις καταχωρίσεις;
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common el Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτή την καταχωώριση;
+argentina common el ΑΡΓΕΝΤΙΝΗ
+armenia common el ΑΡΜΕΝΙΑ
+aruba common el ΑΡΟΥΜΠΑ
+august common el Αύγουστος
+australia common el ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ
+austria common el ΑΥΣΤΡΙΑ
+author common el Συγγραφέας
+autohide sidebox menu's common el Αυτόματη απόκρυψη μενού
+autohide sidebox menus common el Αυτόματη απόκρυψη μενού
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common el Θέλετε αυτόματη απόκρυψη μενού;
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common el Θέλετε αυτόματη απόκρυψη μενού;
+autosave default category common el Αυτόματη αποθήκευση της προεπιλεγμένης κατηγορίας
+azerbaijan common el ΑΖΕΡΜΠΑΪΤΖΑΝ
+back common el Επιστροφή
+back to user login common el Επιστροφή στη σελίδα σύνδεσης
+background color: common el Χρωματισμός φόντου:
+bad login or password common el Λάθος όνομα χρήστη ή κωδικός
+bahamas common el ΜΠΑΧΑΜΕΣ
+bahrain common el ΜΠΑΧΡΕΪΝ
+bangladesh common el ΜΠΑΓΚΛΑΝΤΕΣ
+barbados common el ΜΠΑΡΜΠΑΝΤΟΣ
+bcc common el Κρυφή Κοινοποίηση
+belarus common el ΛΕΥΚΟΡΩΣΙΑ
+belgium common el ΒΕΛΓΙΟ
+belize common el ΜΠΕΛΙΖ
+benin common el ΜΠΕΝΙΝ
+bermuda common el ΒΕΡΜΟΥΔΑ
+bhutan common el ΜΠΟΥΤΑΝ
+blocked, too many attempts common el Μπλοκαρισμένο, πάρα πολλές προσπάθειες
+bold common el Τονισμένα
+bolivia common el ΒΟΛΙΒΙΑ
+border common el Όριο
+bosnia and herzegovina common el ΒΟΣΝΙΑ & ΕΡΖΕΓΟΒΙΝΗ
+botswana common el ΜΠΟΤΣΟΥΑΝΑ
+bottom common el Κάτω τμήμα
+bouvet island common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΜΠΟΥΒΕ
+brazil common el ΒΡΑΖΙΛΙΑ
+british indian ocean territory common el ΒΡΕΤΑΝΙΚΕΣ ΚΤΗΣΕΙΣ ΙΝΔΙΚΟΥ ΩΚΕΑΝΟΥ
+brunei darussalam common el ΜΠΡΟΥΝΕΪ ΝΤΑΡΟΥΣΑΛΑΜ
+bulgaria common el ΒΟΥΛΓΑΡΙΑ
+burkina faso common el ΜΠΟΥΡΚΙΝΑ ΦΑΣΟ
+burundi common el ΜΠΟΥΡΟΥΝΤΙ
+calendar common el Ημερολόγιο
+cambodia common el ΚΑΜΠΟΤΖΗ
+cameroon common el ΚΑΜΕΡΟΥΝ
+canada common el ΚΑΝΑΔΑΣ
+cancel common el Ακύρωση
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common el Δεν γίνεται η αντικατάσταση του %1 επειδή είναι κατάλογος
+cant open '%1' for %2 common el Δεν μπορεί να ανοιχτεί το '%1' για το '%2'
+cape verde common el ΠΡΑΣΙΝΟ ΑΚΡΩΤΗΡΙ
+caption common el Κεφαλαία
+categories common el Κατηγορίες
+categories for common el Κατηγορίες για
+category common el Κατηγορία
+category %1 has been added ! common el Η κατηγορία %1 προστέθηκε
+category %1 has been updated ! common el Η κατηγορία %1 ενημερώθηκε
+cayman islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΚΕΪΜΑΝ
+cc common el Κοινοποίηση
+centered common el κεντραρισμένο
+central african republic common el ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗΣ ΑΦΡΙΚΗΣ
+chad common el ΤΣΑΝΤ
+change common el Αλλαγή
+charset common el utf-8
+check installation common el Ελεγχος εγκατάστασης
+check now common el Έλεγχος τώρα
+chile common el ΧΙΛΗ
+china common el ΚΙΝΑ
+choose a background color common el Επιλέξτε ένα χρώμα φόντου
+choose a background color for the icons common el Επιλέξτε ένα χρώμα φόντου για τις εικόνες
+choose a background image. common el Επιλέξτε μία εικόνα φόντου
+choose a background style. common el Επιλέξτε ένα στυλ φόντου
+choose a text color for the icons common el Επιλέξτε ένα χρώμα κειμένου για τις εικόνες
+choose the category common el Επιλέξτε κατηγορία
+choose the parent category common el Επιλέξτε γονική κατηγορία
+christmas island common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ
+clear common el Εκκαθάριση
+clear form common el Εκκαθάριση Φόρμας
+click common el Κάντε κλικ
+click or mouse over to show menus common el Κάντε κλικ ή τοποθετήστε επάνω το ποντίκι για εμφάνιση των μενού
+click or mouse over to show menus? common el Κλικ ή mouse over για εμφάνιση των μενού;
+close common el Κλείσιμο
+close sidebox common el Κλείσιμο μενού
+cocos (keeling) islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΚΟΚΟΣ (ΚΙΛΙΓΚ)
+colombia common el ΚΟΛΟΜΒΙΑ
+common preferences common el Κοινές προτιμήσεις
+comoros common el ΚΟΜΟΡΑ
+company common el Εταιρεία
+congo common el ΚΟΝΓΚΟ
+congo, the democratic republic of the common el ΚΟΝΓΚΟ, ΟΜΟΣΠΟΝΔΙΑΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ
+contacting server... common el Επικοινωνία με τον Server
+cook islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΚΟΥΚ
+copy common el Αντιγραφή
+costa rica common el ΚΟΣΤΑ ΡΙΚΑ
+cote d ivoire common el ΑΚΤΗ ΕΛΕΦΑΝΤΟΣΤΟΥ
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common el Δεν κατέστει δυνατή η επικοινωνία με τον Server.
+create common el Δημιουργία
+created by common el Δημιουργία από
+croatia common el ΚΡΟΑΤΙΑ
+cuba common el ΚΟΥΒΑ
+currency common el Νόμισμα
+current common el Τρέχων
+current users common el Τρέχοντες Χρήστες
+cyprus common el ΚΥΠΡΟΣ
+czech republic common el ΤΣΕΧΙΑ
+date common el Ημερομηνία
+date due common el Ημερομηνία ολοκλήρωσης
+date selection: jscalendar el Ημερομηνία επιλογής
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin el Datetime port.
Aν χρησιμοποιείται τη θύρα 13, παρακαλώ ορίστε καταλλήλως τους κανόνες του firewall πριν υποβάλετε αυτή τη σελίδα.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common el Δεκέμβριος
+default category common el Προεπιλεγμένη Κατηγορία
+default height for the windows common el Προεπιλεγμένο ύψος για τα παράθυρα
+default width for the windows common el Προεπιλεγμένο πλάτος για τα παράθυρα
+delete common el Διαγραφή
+delete row common el Διαγραφή σειράς
+denmark common el ΔΑΝΙΑ
+description common el Περιγραφή
+detail common el Λεπτομέρεια
+details common el Λεπτομέρειες
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common el Nα απενεργοποιηθεί η εκτέλεση του bugfixscript στον Internet Explorer 5.5 και μεγαλύτερο για να εμφανίζεται η διαφάνεια στις PNG-εικόνες;
+direction left to right common el Κατεύθυνση από αριστερά προς τα δεξιά
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common el Ο κατάλογος δεν υπάρχει, δεν είναι αναγνώσιμος από τον webserver ή δεν είναι σχετικός με την πορεία του εγγράφου!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common el Απενεργοποίηση του Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix
+disable slider effects common el Aπενεργοποίηση των εφέ της μπάρας κύλισης
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common el Να απενεργοποιθούν τα εφέ της μπάρας κύλισης κατά την εμφάνιση ή απόκρυψη των μενού σ' αυτή τη σελίδα; Αυτό πιθανόν χρειάζεται για τους χρήστες των Opera και Konqueror.
+disabled common el Απενεργοποιημένο
+display %s first jscalendar el Προβολή % πρώτα
+djibouti common el ΤΣΙΜΠΟΥΤΙ
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common el Θέλετε να διαγράψετε και όλες τις υποκατηγορίες;
+document properties common el Ιδιότητες εγγράφου
+document title: common el Τίτλος εγγράφου:
+domain common el Τομέας
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common el Όνομα Τομέα για διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου π.χ. "%1"
+domestic common el Εσωτερικός
+dominica common el ΔΟΜΙΝΙΚΗ
+dominican republic common el ΔΟΜΙΝΙΚΑΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ
+done common el Ολοκληρώθηκε
+drag to move jscalendar el Σύρε για μετακίνηση
+e-mail common el E-Mail
+east timor common el ΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΚΟ ΤΙΜΟΡ
+ecuador common el ΙΣΗΜΕΡΙΝΟΣ
+edit common el Επεξεργασία
+edit %1 category for common el Επεξεργασία της κατηγορίας 1% για
+edit categories common el Επεξεργασία Κατηγοριών
+edit category common el Επεξεργασία Κατηγορίας
+egroupware api version %1 common el eGroupWare API έκδοση %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common el eGroupWare: Είσοδος μπλοκαρισμένη για το χρήστη '%1', με ip %2
+egypt common el ΑΙΓΥΠΤΟΣ
+el salvador common el ΕΛ ΣΑΛΒΑΔΟΡ
+email common el Ε-Μail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common el e-mail του χρήστη π.χ. "%1"
+enabled common el Ενεργοποιημένο
+end date common el Ημερομηνία παράδοσης
+end time common el Ώρα παράδοσης
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin el Εισάγετε τη θέση του eGroupWare URL.
Παράδειγμα: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
Χωρίς δεξιά παύλα στο τέλος
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common el Η καταχώρηση διαγράφηκε επιτυχώς
+entry updated sucessfully common el Η καταχώρηση ενημερώθηκε επιτυχώς
+equatorial guinea common el ΙΣΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ ΓΟΥΪΝΕΑ
+eritrea common el ΕΡΥΘΡΑΙΑ
+error common el Σφάλμα
+error creating %1 %2 directory common el Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία του καταλόγου %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common el Σφάλμα κατά τη διαγραφή του καταλόγου %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common el Σφάλμα κατά τη μετονομασία του καταλόγου %1 %2
+estonia common el ΕΣΘΟΝΙΑ
+ethiopia common el ΑΙΘΙΟΠΙΑ
+everything common el Όλα
+exact common el ακριβώς
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common el Αποτυχία Σύνδεσης με τον Server ή Άκυρη Απάντηση από τον Server. Προσπαθήστε να εισέλθετε ξανά. Επικοινωνήστε με τον Admin σε περίπτωση αποτυχίας.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΦΩΚΛΑΝΤ (ΜΑΛΒΙΝΑΣ)
+faroe islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΦΕΡΟΕ
+fax number common el Αριθμός Fax
+features of the editor? common el Χαρακτηριστικά του συντάκτη
+february common el Φεβρουάριος
+fields common el Πεδία
+fiji common el ΦΙΤΖΙ
+files common el Αρχεία
+filter common el Φίλτρο
+finland common el ΦΙΛΑΝΔΙΑ
+first name common el Ονομα
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common el Ονομα χρήστη, π.χ. "%1"
+first page common el Αρχική σελίδα
+firstname common el Ονομα
+fixme! common el Διόρθωσέ με!
+folder already exists. common el Ο φάκελος υπάρχει ήδη
+france common el ΓΑΛΙΑ
+french guiana common el ΓΑΛΛΙΚΗ ΓΟΥΪΑΝΑ
+french polynesia common el ΓΑΛΛΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΥΝΗΣΙΑ
+french southern territories common el ΝΟΤΙΕΣ ΓΑΛΛΙΚΕΣ ΚΤΗΣΕΙΣ
+friday common el Παρασκευή
+ftp common el FTP
+fullname common el Ονοματεπώνυμο
+fullscreen mode common el Πλήρης οθόνη
+gabon common el ΓΚΑΜΠΟΝ
+gambia common el ΓΚΑΜΠΙΑ
+general menu common el Γενικό Μενού
+georgia common el ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑ
+german common el Γερμανικά
+germany common el ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΑ
+ghana common el ΓΚΑΝΑ
+gibraltar common el ΓΙΒΡΑΛΤΑΡ
+global common el Παγκόσμιο
+global public common el Παγκόσμιο Κοινό
+go today jscalendar el Σήμερα
+grant access common el Χορήγηση Πρόσβασης
+greece common el ΕΛΛΑΔΑ
+greenland common el ΓΡΟΙΛΑΝΔΙΑ
+grenada common el ΓΡΑΝΑΔΑ
+group common el Ομάδα
+group access common el Πρόσβαση Ομάδας
+group has been added common el Η ομάδα προστέθηκε
+group has been deleted common el Η ομάδα διαγράφηκε
+group has been updated common el Η ομάδα ανανεώθηκε
+group name common el όνομα ομάδας
+group public common el Δημόσια Ομάδα
+groups common el Ομάδες
+groups with permission for %1 common el Ομάδες με άδεια για %1
+groups without permission for %1 common el Ομάδες χωρίς άδεια για %1
+guadeloupe common el ΓΟΥΑΔΑΛΟΥΠΗ
+guam common el ΓΚΟΥΑΜ
+guatemala common el ΓΚΟΥΑΤΕΜΑΛΑ
+guinea common el ΓΟΥΪΝΕΑ
+guinea-bissau common el ΓΟΥΪΝΕΑ-ΜΠΙΣΩ
+guyana common el ΓΟΥΪΑΝΑ
+haiti common el ΑΪΤΗ
+heard island and mcdonald islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΧΕΡΝΤ & ΜΑΚΝΤΟΝΑΛΝΤ
+height common el Ύψος
+help common el Βοήθεια
+high common el Ψηλά
+highest common el Ψηλότερα
+holy see (vatican city state) common el ΒΑΤΙΚΑΝΟ
+home common el Αρχική Σελίδα
+home email common el Email οικίας
+honduras common el ΟΝΔΟΥΡΑ
+hong kong common el ΧΟΝΓΚ ΚΟΝΓΚ
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common el Πόσες εικόνες θα εμφανίζονται στη μπάρα πλοήγησης (κορυφή της σελίδας). Οι επιπλέον εικόνες μπαίνουν σ' ένα είδος pulldown menu, και ανακτώνται από το εικονίδιο στην τέρμα δεξιά πλευρά του μενού πλοήγησης.
+hungary common el ΟΥΓΓΑΡΙΑ
+iceland common el ΙΣΛΑΝΔΙΑ
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common el ieSpell δεν βρέθηκε.Κλικ στο ΟΚ για να πάτε στη download page
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common el Αν το ρολόι είναι ενεργοποιημένο θα θέλατε να το ενημερώνετε κάθε δευτερόλεπτο ή κάθε λεπτό;
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common el Εάν υπάρχουν μερικές εικόνες στο φάκελο φόντου μπορείτε να επιλέξετε αυτές που θέλετε να δείτε.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common el Κατάλογος εικόνας σχετικός με τη ρίζα εγγράφου (χρήση /!), π.χ.:
+image url common el Εικόνα URL
+india common el ΙΝΔΙΑ
+indonesia common el ΙΝΔΟΝΗΣΙΑ
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common el Εισαγωγή όλων των %1 διευθύνσεων των %2 επαφών στο %3
+insert column after common el Εισαγωγή στήλης μετά
+insert column before common el Εισαγωγή στήλης πριν
+insert row after common el Εισαγωγή σειράς μετά
+insert row before common el Εισαγωγή σειράς πριν
+international common el Διεθνείς
+invalid filename common el Άκυρο όνομα αρχείου
+invalid ip address common el Ακυρη διεύθυνση ΙΡ
+invalid password common el Άκυρος κωδικός
+iran, islamic republic of common el ΙΡΑΝ
+iraq common el ΙΡΑΚ
+ireland common el ΙΡΛΑΝΔΙΑ
+israel common el ΙΣΡΑΗΛ
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common el Πέρασαν πάνω από %1 μέρες από την τελευταία αλλαγή του κωδικού σας
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common el Συνιστάται η εκτέλεση του setup για αναβάθμιση των πινάκων σας στην τρέχουσα έκδοση.
+italic common el Πλάγια
+italy common el ΙΤΑΛΙΑ
+jamaica common el ΤΖΑΜΑΙΚΑ
+january common el Ιανουάριος
+japan common el ΙΑΠΩΝΙΑ
+jordan common el ΙΟΡΔΑΝΙΑ
+july common el Ιούλιος
+jun common el Ιούν
+june common el Ιούνιος
+justify center common el Στοίχιση στο κέντρο
+justify full common el Πλήρης στοίχιση
+justify left common el Στοίχιση αριστερά
+justify right common el Στοίχιση δεξιά
+kazakstan common el ΚΑΖΑΚΣΤΑΝ
+kenya common el ΚΕΝΥΑ
+keywords common el Λέξεις κλειδιά
+kiribati common el ΚΙΡΙΜΠΑΤΙ
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common el ΚΟΡΕΑ, ΒΟΡΕΙΑ
+korea, republic of common el ΚΟΡΕΑ, ΝΟΤΙΑ
+kuwait common el ΚΟΥΒΕΪΤ
+kyrgyzstan common el ΚΥΡΓΥΣΤΑΝ
+language common el Γλώσσα
+language_direction_rtl common el γλώσσα_κατεύθυνση_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common el ΛΑΟΣ
+last name common el Επίθετο
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common el επίθετο του χρήστη, π.χ. "%1"
+last page common el Τελευταία σελίδα
+lastname common el Επίθετο
+latvia common el ΛΕΤΟΝΙΑ
+ldap-mgr common el LDAP-Διαχειριστής
+lebanon common el ΛΙΒΑΝΟΣ
+left common el Αριστερά
+lesotho common el ΛΕΣΟΤΟ
+liberia common el ΛΙΒΕΡΙΑ
+libyan arab jamahiriya common el ΛΙΒΥΚΑ ΑΡΑΒΙΚΑ ΕΜΙΡΑΤΑ
+license common el Αδεια
+liechtenstein common el ΛΙΧΤΕΝΣΤΑΪΝ
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common el Γραμμή 1: '%2'
csv δεδομένα δεν αντιστοιχούν με τη στήλη-αρίθμηση τραπεζιού %3 ==>αγνοήθηκε
+list common el Λίστα
+list members common el Μέλη λίστας
+lithuania common el ΛΙΘΟΥΑΝΙΑ
+local common el Τοπικός
+login common el Είσοδος
+loginid common el Ταυτότητα εισόδου
+logout common el Εξοδος
+low common el Χαμηλό
+lowest common el Ελάχιστο
+luxembourg common el ΛΟΥΞΕΜΒΟΥΡΓΟ
+macau common el ΜΑΚΑΟ
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common el Π.Γ.Δ. ΤΗΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ
+madagascar common el ΜΑΔΑΓΑΣΚΑΡΗ
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common el mail domain, π.χ. "%1"
+main category common el Βασική κατηγορία
+main screen common el Βασική οθόνη
+maintainer common el Συντηρητής
+malawi common el ΜΑΛΑΟΥΪ
+malaysia common el ΜΑΛΑΙΣΙΑ
+maldives common el ΜΑΛΔΙΒΕΣ
+mali common el ΜΑΛΙ
+malta common el ΜΑΛΤΑ
+march common el Μάρτιος
+marshall islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΜΑΡΣΑΛ
+martinique common el ΜΑΡΤΙΝΙΚΑ
+mauritania common el ΜΑΥΡΙΤΑΝΙΑ
+mauritius common el ΜΑΥΡΙΚΙΟΣ
+max number of icons in navbar common el Μέγιστος αριθμός εικονιδίων στη μπάρα πλοήγησης
+may common el Μάϊος
+mayotte common el ΜΑΓΙΟΤΕ
+medium common el Μεσαίο
+menu common el Μενού
+message common el Μήνυμα
+mexico common el ΜΕΞΙΚΟ
+micronesia, federated states of common el ΜΙΚΡΟΝΗΣΙΑ
+minute common el λεπτό
+moldova, republic of common el ΜΟΛΔΑΒΙΑ
+monaco common el ΜΟΝΑΚΟ
+monday common el Δευτέρα
+mongolia common el ΜΟΓΓΟΛΙΑ
+montenegro common el ΜΑΥΡΟΒΟΥΝΙΟ
+montserrat common el ΜΟΝΣΕΡΑ
+morocco common el ΜΑΡΟΚΟ
+mozambique common el ΜΟΝΖΑΒΙΚΗ
+multiple common el πολλαπλό
+myanmar common el ΜΥΑΝΜΑΡ
+name common el Όνομα
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common el Ονομα χρήστη, π.χ. "%1"
+namibia common el ΝΑΜΙΜΠΙΑ
+nauru common el ΝΑΟΥΡΟΥ
+nepal common el ΝΕΠΑΛ
+netherlands common el ΟΛΛΑΝΔΙΑ
+netherlands antilles common el ΟΛΛΑΝΔΙΚΕΣ ΑΝΤΙΛΛΕΣ
+never common el Ποτέ
+new caledonia common el ΝΕΑ ΚΑΛΗΔΟΝΙΑ
+new entry added sucessfully common el Επιτυχής προσθήκη νέας εισαγωγής
+new main category common el Νέα βασική κατηγορία
+new value common el Νέα τιμή
+new zealand common el ΝΕΑ ΖΗΛΑΝΔΙΑ
+next common el Επόμενο
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar el Επόμενος μήνας (κρατήστε για μενού)
+next page common el Επόμενη σελίδα
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar el Επόμενος χρόνος (κρατήστε για μενού)
+nicaragua common el ΝΙΚΑΡΑΓΟΥΑ
+niger common el ΝΙΓΗΡ
+nigeria common el ΝΙΓΗΡΙΑ
+niue common el ΝΙΟΥΕ
+no common el Όχι
+no entries found, try again ... common el δεν βρέθηκαν καταχωρήσεις, ξαναπροσπαθήστε...
+no history for this record common el Δεν υπάρχει ιστορικό γι' αυτή την εγγραφή
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common el Δεν βρέθηκαν ετικέτες καταλόγων Savant2 στο:
+no subject common el Χωρίς θέμα
+none common el Κανένα
+norfolk island common el ΝΗΣΟΣ ΝΟΡΦΟΛΚ
+normal common el Κανονικό
+northern mariana islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΝΟΤΙΑ ΜΑΡΙΑΝΑ
+norway common el ΝΟΡΒΗΓΙΑ
+not assigned common el χωρίς ανάθεση
+note common el Σημείωση
+notes common el Σημειώσεις
+notify window common el Παράθυρο ειδοποίησης
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common el Ενημερώστε τον Διαχειριστή ώστε να διορθωθεί αυτή η Κατάσταση
+november common el Νοέμβριος
+october common el Οκτώβριος
+ok common el ΟΚ
+old value common el Παλιά Τιμή
+oman common el ΟΜΑΝ
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common el Σε *nix συστήματα πληκτρολογίστε: %1
+on mouse over common el Με mouse over
+only private common el μόνο ιδιωτικά
+only yours common el μόνο δικά σας
+open notify window common el Ανοιξε το παράθυρο ειδοποίησης
+open popup window common el Ανοιξε το εκτινασσόμενο παράθυρο
+open sidebox common el Άνοιγμα μενού
+original common el Αρχικός
+other common el Αλλο
+overview common el Επισκόπηση
+owner common el Ιδιοκτήτης
+page common el Σελίδα
+page was generated in %1 seconds common el Η σελίδα δημιουργήθηκε σε %1 δευτερόλεπτα
+pakistan common el ΠΑΚΙΣΤΑΝ
+palau common el ΠΑΛΑΟΥ
+palestinian territory, occupied common el ΠΑΛΑΙΣΤΗΝΙΑΚΗ ΚΑΤΕΧΟΜΕΝΗ ΠΕΡΙΟΧΗ
+panama common el ΠΑΝΑΜΑΣ
+papua new guinea common el ΠΑΠΟΥΑ ΝΕΑ ΓΟΥΪΝΕΑ
+paraguay common el ΠΑΡΑΓΟΥΑΗ
+parcel common el Πακέτο
+parent category common el Γονική Κατηγορία
+password common el Κωδικός
+password could not be changed common el Ο κωδικός δεν μπόρεσε να αλλαχθεί
+password has been updated common el Ο κωδικός ενημερώθηκε
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common el Ο κωδικός πρέπει να περιέχει τουλάχιστον %1 αριθμούς
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common el Ο κωδικός πρέπει να περιέχει τουλάχιστον %1 ειδικούς χαρακτήρες
+password must have at least %1 characters common el Ο κωδικός πρέπει να περιέχει τουλάχιστον %1 χαρακτήρες
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common el Η διαδρομή του χρήστη και των αρχείων ομάδας ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΚΤΟΣ του webserver document-root!!!
+permissions to the files/users directory common el δικαιώματα για τον κατάλογο αρχείων/χρηστών
+personal common el Προσωπικό
+peru common el ΠΕΡΟΥ
+philippines common el ΦΙΛΙΠΠΙΝΕΣ
+phone number common el Αριθμός τηλεφώνου
+phpgwapi common el eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common el ΠΙΤΚΕΡΝ
+please %1 by hand common el Παρακαλώ %1 με το χέρι
+please enter a name common el Παρακαλώ εισάγετε όνομα
+please run setup to become current common el Παρακαλώ τρέξτε το setup για να γίνετε έγκυρος
+please select common el Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε
+please set your global preferences common el Παρακαλώ ορίστε τις παγκόσμιες ρυθμίσεις σας!
+please set your preferences for this application common el Παρακαλώ ορίστε τις ρυθμίσεις σας γι' αυτή την εφαρμογή
+please wait... common el Παρακαλώ περιμένετε
+poland common el ΠΟΛΩΝΙΑ
+portugal common el ΠΟΡΤΟΓΑΛΙΑ
+postal common el Ταχυδρομικός
+powered by egroupware version %1 common el Powered by eGroupWare έκδοση %1
+preferences common el Επιλογές
+preferences for the idots template set common el Επιλογές συνόλων προτύπων για τα idots
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar el Προηγούμενος μήνας (κρατήστε για μενού)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar el Προηγούμενος χρόνος (κρατήστε για μενού)
+previous page common el Προηγούμενη σελίδα
+primary style-sheet: common el Αρχικός τύπος φύλλου
+print common el Εκτύπωση
+priority common el Προτεραιότητα
+private common el Προσωπικό
+programs common el Προγράμματα
+project common el Προβολή
+public common el κοινόχρηστο
+puerto rico common el ΠΟΥΕΡΤΟ ΡΙΚΟ
+qatar common el ΚΑΤΑΡ
+read common el Ανάγνωση
+read this list of methods. common el Ανάγνωση λίστας μεθόδων
+reading common el ανάγνωση
+regular common el Κανονικό
+reject common el Απόρριψη
+remove selected accounts common el Αφαίρεση επιλεγμένων λογαριασμών
+remove shortcut common el Αφαίρεση Συντόμευσης
+rename common el Μετονομασία
+replace common el Αντικατάσταση
+replace with common el Αντικατάσταση με
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common el Επιστρέφει πλήρη λίστα λογαριασμών στο σύστημα. Προειδοποίηση: η λίστα μπορεί να είναι αρκετά μεγάλη
+returns an array of todo items common el Επιστρέφει μια σειρά ανειλημμένες εργασίες
+returns struct of users application access common el Επιστρέφει τη δομή πρόσβασης των εφαρμογών χρήστη
+reunion common el Επανένωση
+right common el Δεξιά
+romania common el ΡΟΥΜΑΝΙΑ
+russian federation common el ΡΩΣΣΙΑ
+rwanda common el ΡΟΥΑΝΤΑ
+saint helena common el ΑΓΙΑ ΕΛΕΝΗ
+saint kitts and nevis common el ΑΓΙΟΙ ΚΙΤΣ & ΝΕΒΙΣ
+saint lucia common el ΑΓΙΑ ΛΟΥΚΙΑ
+saint pierre and miquelon common el ΑΓΙΟΙ ΠΙΕΡ & ΜΙΚΕΛΟΝ
+saint vincent and the grenadines common el ΑΓΙΟΣ ΒΙΝΣΕΝΤ & ΓΡΕΝΑΔΙΝΕΣ
+samoa common el ΣΑΜΟΑ
+san marino common el ΣΑΝ ΜΑΡΙΝΟ
+sao tome and principe common el ΣΑΟ ΤΟΜΕ & ΠΡΙΝΣΙΠΕ
+saturday common el Σάββατο
+saudi arabia common el ΣΑΟΥΔΙΚΗ ΑΡΑΒΙΑ
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common el Savant2 έκδοση διαφέρει από Savant2 περιτύλιγμα.
Αυτή η έκδοση:%1
Έκδοση Savant:%2
+save common el Αποθήκευση
+search common el Αναζήτηση
+search %1 '%2' common el Αναζήτηση %1 '%2'
+search accounts common el Αναζήτηση λογαριασμών
+second common el δευτερόλεπτο
+section common el Τομέας
+select common el Επιλογή
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common el Επιλογή όλων %1 %2 για %3
+select category common el Επιλογή κατηγορίας
+select date common el Επιλογή ημερομηνίας
+select group common el Επιλογή ομάδας
+select home email address common el Επιλογή διεύθυνσης email οικίας
+select multiple accounts common el επιλογή πολλαπλών λογαριασμών
+select one common el Επιλογή ενός
+select the default height for the application windows common el Επιλογή του προεπιλεγμένου ύψους για τα παράθυρα των εφαρμογών
+select the default width for the application windows common el Επιλογή του προεπιλεγμένου πλάτους για τα παράθυρα των εφαρμογών
+select user common el Επιλογή χρήστη
+select work email address common el Επιλογή διεύθυνσης email eργασίας
+selection common el Επιλογή
+send common el Αποστολή
+senegal common el ΣΕΝΕΓΑΛΗ
+september common el Σεπτέμβριος
+serbia common el Σερβία
+server %1 has been added common el Προστέθηκε ο διακομιστής %1
+server answered. processing response... common el Ο Server απάντησε.Επεξεργασία απάντησης
+server contacted. waiting for response... common el Ολοκλήρωση επικοινωνίας με τον Server. Αναμονή για απάντηση
+server name common el Ονομα Διακομιστή
+session has been killed common el H περίοδος εργασίας διεκόπηκε
+setup common el Εγκατάσταση
+setup main menu common el Βασικό μενού εγκατάστασης
+seychelles common el ΣΕΫΧΕΛΛΕΣ
+show all common el εμφάνιση όλων
+show all categorys common el Εμφάνιση όλων των κατηγοριών
+show clock? common el Εμφάνιση ρολογιού;
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common el Εμφάνιση κουμπιού αρχικής σελίδας και εξόδου από το σύστημα στην μπάρα εφαρμογών;
+show logo's on the desktop. common el Εμφάνιση λογότυπου στην επιφάνεια εργασίας
+show menu common el Εμφάνιση του μενού
+show page generation time common el Εμφάνιση χρόνου δημιουργίας σελίδας
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common el Να εμφανισθεί ο χρόνος δημιουργίας της σελίδας στο τέλος της σελίδας;
+show page generation time? common el Εμφάνιση σελίδας δημιουργίας ώρας;
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common el Εμφάνιση των λογότυπων του eGroupware και της "πρώην" επιφάνειας εργασίας στην επιφάνεια εργασίας
+show_more_apps common el show_more_apps
+showing %1 common el εμφάνιση %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common el εμφάνιση %1 - %2 από %3
+sierra leone common el ΣΙΕΡΡΑ ΛΕΟΝΕ
+simple common el Απλό
+singapore common el ΣΙΓΚΑΠΟΥΡΗ
+slovakia common el ΣΛΟΒΑΚΙΑ
+slovenia common el ΣΛΟΒΕΝΙΑ
+solomon islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΣΟΛΟΜΩΝΤΑ
+somalia common el ΣΟΜΑΛΙΑ
+sorry, your login has expired login el Η σύνδεσή σας έχει λήξει
+south africa common el ΝΟΤΙΑ ΑΦΡΙΚΗ
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common el ΝΟΤΙΑ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑ & ΝΟΤΙΑ ΝΗΣΙΑ ΣΑΝΤΟΥΪΤΣ
+spain common el ΙΣΠΑΝΙΑ
+sri lanka common el ΣΡΙ ΛΑΝΚΑ
+start date common el Hμερομηνία έναρξης
+start time common el Ωρα έναρξης
+start with common el έναρξη με
+starting up... common el Εκκίνηση...
+status common el Κατάσταση
+stretched common el εκτεταμένο
+subject common el Θέμα
+submit common el Υποβολή
+substitutions and their meanings: common el Αντικαταστάσεις και οι έννοιές τους:
+sudan common el ΣΟΥΔΑΝ
+sunday common el Κυριακή
+suriname common el ΣΟΥΡΙΝΑΜ
+svalbard and jan mayen common el ΣΒΑΛΜΠΑΡΝΤ & ΓΙΑΝ ΜΕΪΓΕΝ
+swaziland common el ΖΟΥΑΖΙΛΑΝΔΗ
+sweden common el ΣΟΥΗΔΙΑ
+switzerland common el ΕΛΒΕΤΙΑ
+syrian arab republic common el ΣΥΡΙΑ
+table properties common el Ιδιότητες πίνακα
+taiwan common el ΤΑΪΒΑΝ/ΤΑΪΠΕΪ
+tajikistan common el ΤΑΖΙΚΙΣΤΑΝ
+tanzania, united republic of common el ΤΑΝΖΑΝΙΑ
+text color: common el Χρώμα κειμένου:
+thailand common el ΤΑΪΛΑΝΔΗ
+the api is current common el Το ΑΡΙ είναι το τρέχον
+the api requires an upgrade common el Το ΑΡΙ χρειάζεται αναβάθμιση
+the following applications require upgrades common el Οι παρακάτω εφαρμογές χρειάζονται αναβάθμιση
+the mail server returned common el Ο διακομιστής email επέστρεψε
+this application is current common el Η εφαρμογή είναι η τρέχουσα
+this application requires an upgrade common el Η εφαρμογή χρειάζεται αναβάθμιση
+this name has been used already common el Το όνομα ήδη χρησιμοποιείται
+thursday common el Πέμπτη
+time common el Ωρα
+time selection: jscalendar el Επιλογή ώρας:
+time zone common el Χρονική Ζώνη
+time zone offset common el Μετακίνηση χρονικής ζώνης
+title common el Τίτλος
+to common el Προς:
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common el Για να διορθωθεί αυτό το λάθος πρέπει να ορίσετε το
+to go back to the msg list, click here common el Για να επιστρέψετε στη λίστα μηνυμάτων, κάντε κλικ εδώ
+today common el Σήμερα
+todays date, eg. "%1" common el σημερινή ημερομηνία, π.χ. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar el Εναλλαγή πρώτης ημέρας της εβδομάδας
+togo common el ΤΟΓΚΟ
+tokelau common el ΤΟΚΕΛΑΟΥ
+tonga common el ΤΟΝΓΚΑ
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common el Πολλές αποτυχημένες προσπάθειες για είσοδο: %1 από το χρήστη '%2', %3 με ΙΡ %4
+top common el Κορυφή
+total common el Σύνολο
+trinidad and tobago common el ΤΡΙΝΙΤΑΝΤ & ΤΟΜΠΑΚΟ
+tuesday common el Τρίτη
+tunisia common el ΤΥΝΗΣΙΑ
+turkey common el ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ
+turkmenistan common el ΤΟΥΡΚΜΕΝΙΣΤΑΝ
+turks and caicos islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΤΕΚΣ & ΚΑΪΚΟΣ
+tuvalu common el ΤΟΥΒΑΛΟΥ
+type common el Τύπος
+uganda common el ΟΥΓΚΑΝΤΑ
+ukraine common el ΟΥΚΡΑΝΙΑ
+underline common el Υπογράμμιση
+united arab emirates common el ΗΝΩΜΕΝΑ ΑΡΑΒΙΚΑ ΕΜΙΡΑΤΑ
+united kingdom common el ΗΝΩΜΕΝΟ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟ
+united states common el ΗΝΩΜΕΝΕΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΕΣ
+united states minor outlying islands common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΗΝΩΜΕΝΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΩΝ
+unknown common el Αγνωστο
+update common el Ανανέωση
+update the clock per minute or per second common el Ενημέρωση του ρολογιού ανά λεπτό ή ανά δευτερόλεπτο
+upload common el Φόρτωμα
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common el Ο κατάλογος φόρτωσης δεν υπάρχει, ή δεν είναι εγγράψιμος από τον webserver
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common el Η φόρτωση απαιτεί ο κατάλογος να είναι εγγράψιμος από τον webserver
+url common el URL
+uruguay common el ΟΥΡΟΥΓΟΥΑΗ
+use button to search for common el χρησιμοποιήστε το κουμπί για αναζήτηση
+use button to search for address common el χρησιμοποιήστε το κουμπί για αναζήτηση διευθύνσεων
+use button to search for calendarevent common el χρησιμοποιήστε το κουμπί για αναζήτηση γεγονότων ημερολογίου
+use button to search for project common el χρησιμοποιήστε το κουμπί για αναζήτηση προβολής
+user common el Χρήστης
+user accounts common el λογαριασμοί χρηστών
+user groups common el ομάδες χρηστών
+username common el Ονομα χρήστη
+users common el Χρήστες
+users choice common el Επιλογή χρηστών
+uzbekistan common el ΟΥΖΜΠΕΚΙΣΤΑΝ
+vanuatu common el ΒΑΝΟΥΑΤΟΥ
+venezuela common el ΒΕΝΕΖΟΥΕΛΑ
+version common el Έκδοση
+viet nam common el ΒΙΕΤΝΑΜ
+view common el Προβολή
+virgin islands, british common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΒΕΡΤΖΙΝ, ΒΡΕΤΑΝΙΚΑ
+virgin islands, u.s. common el ΝΗΣΟΙ ΒΕΡΤΖΙΝ, Η.Π.Α.
+wallis and futuna common el ΓΟΥΟΛΙΣ & ΦΟΥΤΟΥΝΑ
+wednesday common el Τετάρτη
+welcome common el Καλώς ήρθατε
+western sahara common el ΔΥΤΙΚΗ ΣΑΧΑΡΑ
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common el Τι χρώμα θα έπρεπε όλα τα κενά στην επιφάνεια εργασίας να έχουν
+what style would you like the image to have? common el Τι στυλ θα θέλατε να έχει η εικόνα;
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common el Όταν λέτε ναι τα κουμπιά αρχικής σελίδας και εξόδου από το σύστημα εμφανίζονται ως εφαρμογές στην κύρια μπάρα εργασιών
+which groups common el Ποιές ομάδες
+width common el Πλάτος
+wk jscalendar el εβ.
+work email common el email εργασίας
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common el Θα θέλατε βα εμφανίζεται η σελίδα δημιουργίας της ώρας στο κάτω μέρος κάθε παραθύρου;
+writing common el εγγραφή
+written by: common el Γραμμένο από:
+year common el Έτος
+yemen common el ΥΕΜΕΝΗ
+yes common el Ναι
+you are required to change your password during your first login common el Απαιτείται η αλλαγή του κωδικού σας κατά την πρώτη είσοδο
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common el Μπορείτε να ρυθμίσετε πόσες εικόνες και μπάρες εργαλειών θα δείχνει ο εκδότης.
+you have been successfully logged out login el Επιτυχής έξοδος
+you have not entered a title common el Δεν έχετε εισάγει τίτλο
+you have not entered a valid date common el Δεν έχετε εισάγει έγκυρη ημερομηνία
+you have not entered a valid time of day common el Δεν έχετε εισάγει έγκυρη ώρα της ημέρας
+you have not entered participants common el Δεν έχετε εισάγει συμμετέχοντες
+you have selected an invalid date common el Επιλέξατε άκυρη ημερομηνία!
+you have selected an invalid main category common el Επιλέξατε άκυρη βασική κατηγορία!
+you have successfully logged out common el Επιτυχής έξοδος
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common el Πρέπει να προσθέσετε τον webserver χρήστη '%1' στην ομάδα '%2'.
+your message could not be sent!
common el Το μήνυμά σας δεν μπόρεσε να σταλεί!
+your message has been sent common el To μήνυμά σας εστάλει
+your search returned %1 matchs common el η αναζήτηση επέστρεψε %1 αποτελέσματα
+your search returned 1 match common el η αναζήτηση επέστρεψε 1 αποτέλεσμα
+your session could not be verified. login el Η περίοδος εργασίας δεν μπόρεσε να επαληθευθεί
+your settings have been updated common el Οι ρυθμίσεις σας έχουν ενημερωθεί
+zambia common el ΖΑΜΠΙΑ
+zimbabwe common el ΖΙΜΠΑΜΠΟΥΕ
+zoom common el Εστίαση
+site configuration common el Διαμόρφωση ιστιοσελίδας
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_en.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_en.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6386efda1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_en.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common en %1 email addresses inserted
+%1 file common en %1 file
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common en %1 is not executable by the webserver !!!
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common en %1Choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common en %1eGroupWare%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3PHP%4.
+(session restored in %1 seconds) common en (session restored in %1 seconds)
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar en (Shift-)Click or drag to change value
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar en - Click on any of the time parts to increase it
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar en - Hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar en - or click and drag for faster selection.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar en - or Shift-click to decrease it
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar en - Use the %1, %2 buttons to select month
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar en - Use the %1, %2 buttons to select year
+00 (disable) admin en 00 (disable)
+1 day common en 1 Day
+1 hour common en 1 Hour
+1 month common en 1 Month
+1 week common en 1 Week
+13 (ntp) admin en 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar en 3 number of chars for day-shortcut
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar en 3 number of chars for month-shortcut
+80 (http) admin en 80 (http)
+about common en About
+about %1 common en About %1
+about egroupware common en About eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar en About the calendar
+access common en Access
+access not permitted common en Access not permitted
+account has been created common en Account has been created
+account has been deleted common en Account has been deleted
+account has been updated common en Account has been updated
+account is expired common en Account is expired
+accounts common en Accounts
+acl common en ACL
+action common en Action
+active common en Active
+add common en Add
+add %1 category for common en Add %1 category for
+add category common en Add category
+add shortcut common en Add Shortcut
+add sub common en Add sub
+addressbook common en Addressbook
+admin common en Admin
+administration common en Administration
+afghanistan common en AFGHANISTAN
+albania common en ALBANIA
+algeria common en ALGERIA
+all common en All
+all fields common en all fields
+all languages common en all languages
+alphabet common en a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common en Alternate style-sheet:
+american samoa common en AMERICAN SAMOA
+an error happened common en An error happened
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common en An existing AND by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload.
+andorra common en ANDORRA
+angola common en ANGOLA
+anguilla common en ANGUILLA
+antarctica common en ANTARCTICA
+antigua and barbuda common en ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
+application common en Application
+apply common en Apply
+april common en April
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common en Are you sure you want to delete these entries ?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common en Are you sure you want to delete this entry ?
+argentina common en ARGENTINA
+armenia common en ARMENIA
+aruba common en ARUBA
+august common en August
+australia common en AUSTRALIA
+austria common en AUSTRIA
+author common en Author
+autohide sidebox menu's common en Autohide Sidebox menu's
+autohide sidebox menus common en Autohide Sidebox menus
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common en Automatically hide the Sidebox menu's?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common en Automatically hide the Sidebox menus?
+autosave default category common en Autosave Default Category
+azerbaijan common en AZERBAIJAN
+back common en Back
+back to user login common en Back to user login
+background color: common en Background color:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common en backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver
+bad login or password common en Bad login or password
+bahamas common en BAHAMAS
+bahrain common en BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common en BANGLADESH
+barbados common en BARBADOS
+bcc common en Bcc
+belarus common en BELARUS
+belgium common en BELGIUM
+belize common en BELIZE
+benin common en BENIN
+bermuda common en BERMUDA
+bhutan common en BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common en Blocked, too many attempts
+bold common en Bold
+bolivia common en BOLIVIA
+border common en Border
+bosnia and herzegovina common en BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common en BOTSWANA
+bottom common en Bottom
+bouvet island common en BOUVET ISLAND
+brazil common en BRAZIL
+british indian ocean territory common en BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
+brunei darussalam common en BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common en BULGARIA
+bulgarian common en Bulgarian
+burkina faso common en BURKINA FASO
+burundi common en BURUNDI
+calendar common en Calendar
+cambodia common en CAMBODIA
+cameroon common en CAMEROON
+canada common en CANADA
+cancel common en Cancel
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common en Cannot replace %1 because it is a directory
+cant open '%1' for %2 common en Cant open '%1' for %2
+cape verde common en CAPE VERDE
+caption common en Caption
+categories common en Categories
+categories for common en categories for
+category common en Category
+category %1 has been added ! common en Category %1 has been added !
+category %1 has been updated ! common en Category %1 has been updated !
+cayman islands common en CAYMAN ISLANDS
+cc common en Cc
+centered common en centered
+central african republic common en CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
+chad common en CHAD
+change common en Change
+charset common en utf-8
+check installation common en Check installation
+check now common en Check Now
+chile common en CHILE
+china common en CHINA
+choose a background color common en Choose a background color
+choose a background color for the icons common en Choose a background color for the icons
+choose a background image. common en Choose a background image.
+choose a background style. common en Choose a background style.
+choose a text color for the icons common en Choose a text color for the icons
+choose the category common en Choose the category
+choose the parent category common en Choose the parent category
+christmas island common en CHRISTMAS ISLAND
+clear common en Clear
+clear form common en Clear Form
+click common en Click
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common en Click here to resume your eGroupWare Session.
+click or mouse over to show menus common en Click or Mouse Over to show menus
+click or mouse over to show menus? common en Click or Mouse Over to show menus?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common en Click this image on the navbar: %1
+close common en Close
+close sidebox common en Close sidebox
+cocos (keeling) islands common en COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
+colombia common en COLOMBIA
+common preferences common en Common preferences
+comoros common en COMOROS
+company common en Company
+congo common en CONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common en CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE
+contacting server... common en Contacting Server...
+cook islands common en COOK ISLANDS
+copy common en Copy
+costa rica common en COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common en COTE D IVOIRE
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common en Could not contact server. Operation Timed Out!
+create common en Create
+created by common en Created By
+croatia common en CROATIA
+cuba common en CUBA
+currency common en Currency
+current common en Current
+current users common en Current users
+cyprus common en CYPRUS
+czech republic common en CZECH REPUBLIC
+database error common en Database error
+database error! common en Database error!
+date common en Date
+date due common en Date Due
+date selection: jscalendar en Date selection:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin en Datetime port.
If using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common en December
+default category common en Default Category
+default height for the windows common en Default height for the windows
+default width for the windows common en Default width for the windows
+delete common en Delete
+delete row common en Delete row
+denmark common en DENMARK
+description common en Description
+detail common en Detail
+details common en Details
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common en Diable the execution a bugfixscript for Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in PNG-images?
+direction left to right common en Direction left to right
+directory common en Directory
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common en Directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common en Disable Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix
+disable slider effects common en Disable slider effects
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common en Disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? Opera and Konqueror users will probably must want this.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common en Disable the execution a bugfixscript for Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in PNG-images?
+disabled common en Disabled
+display %s first jscalendar en Display %s first
+djibouti common en DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common en Do you also want to delete all subcategories ?
+doctype: common en DOCTYPE:
+document properties common en Document properties
+document title: common en Document title:
+domain common en Domain
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common en domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1"
+domestic common en Domestic
+dominica common en DOMINICA
+dominican republic common en DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
+done common en Done
+drag to move jscalendar en Drag to move
+e-mail common en E-Mail
+east timor common en EAST TIMOR
+eastern european common en Eastern european
+ecuador common en ECUADOR
+edit common en Edit
+edit %1 category for common en Edit %1 category for
+edit categories common en Edit Categories
+edit category common en Edit category
+egroupware common en eGroupWare
+egroupware api version common en eGroupWare API version
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common en eGroupWare: login blocked for user '%1', IP %2
+egypt common en EGYPT
+el salvador common en EL SALVADOR
+email common en E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common en email-address of the user, eg. "%1"
+enabled common en Enabled
+end date common en End date
+end time common en End time
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin en Enter the location of eGroupWare's URL.
Example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
No trailing slash
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common en Entry has been deleted sucessfully
+entry not found! common en Entry not found!
+entry updated sucessfully common en Entry updated sucessfully
+equatorial guinea common en EQUATORIAL GUINEA
+eritrea common en ERITREA
+error common en Error
+error creating %1 %2 directory common en Error creating %1 %2 directory
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common en Error deleting %1 %2 directory
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common en Error renaming %1 %2 directory
+estonia common en ESTONIA
+ethiopia common en ETHIOPIA
+everything common en Everything
+exact common en exact
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common en Failed to Contact Server or Invalid Response from Server. Try to relogin. Contact Admin in case of faliure.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common en FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
+faroe islands common en FAROE ISLANDS
+fax number common en fax number
+features of the editor? common en Features of the editor?
+february common en February
+fields common en Fields
+fiji common en FIJI
+files common en Files
+filter common en Filter
+finland common en FINLAND
+first name common en First name
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common en first name of the user, eg. "%1"
+first page common en First page
+firstname common en Firstname
+fixme! common en FIXME!
+folder already exists. common en Folder already exists.
+force selectbox common en Force SelectBox
+forever common en Forever
+france common en FRANCE
+french guiana common en FRENCH GUIANA
+french polynesia common en FRENCH POLYNESIA
+french southern territories common en FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
+friday common en Friday
+ftp common en FTP
+fullname common en Fullname
+fullscreen mode common en Fullscreen mode
+gabon common en GABON
+gambia common en GAMBIA
+general menu common en General Menu
+georgia common en GEORGIA
+german common en German
+germany common en GERMANY
+ghana common en GHANA
+gibraltar common en GIBRALTAR
+global common en Global
+global public common en Global Public
+go today jscalendar en Go Today
+grant access common en Grant Access
+greece common en GREECE
+greek common en Greek
+greenland common en GREENLAND
+grenada common en GRENADA
+group common en Group
+group access common en Group Access
+group has been added common en Group has been added
+group has been deleted common en Group has been deleted
+group has been updated common en Group has been updated
+group name common en group name
+group public common en Group Public
+groups common en Groups
+groups with permission for %1 common en Groups with permission for %1
+groups without permission for %1 common en Groups without permission for %1
+guadeloupe common en GUADELOUPE
+guam common en GUAM
+guatemala common en GUATEMALA
+guinea common en GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common en GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common en GUYANA
+haiti common en HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common en HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
+height common en Height
+help common en Help
+high common en High
+highest common en Highest
+holy see (vatican city state) common en HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
+home common en Home
+home email common en home email
+honduras common en HONDURAS
+hong kong common en HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common en How many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). Additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common en How to show the general eGroupWare menu ?
+hungary common en HUNGARY
+iceland common en ICELAND
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common en ieSpell not detected. Click OK to go to download page.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common en If the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common en If there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common en Image directory relative to document root (use / !), example:
+image url common en Image URL
+india common en INDIA
+indonesia common en INDONESIA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common en Insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3
+insert column after common en Insert column after
+insert column before common en Insert column before
+insert row after common en Insert row after
+insert row before common en Insert row before
+international common en International
+invalid filename common en Invalid filename
+invalid ip address common en Invalid IP address
+invalid password common en Invalid password
+iran, islamic republic of common en IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
+iraq common en IRAQ
+ireland common en IRELAND
+israel common en ISRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common en It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common en It is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version.
+italic common en Italic
+italy common en ITALY
+jamaica common en JAMAICA
+january common en January
+japan common en JAPAN
+japanese common en Japanese
+jordan common en JORDAN
+july common en July
+jun common en Jun
+june common en June
+justify center common en Justify Center
+justify full common en Justify Full
+justify left common en Justify Left
+justify right common en Justify Right
+kazakstan common en KAZAKSTAN
+kenya common en KENYA
+keywords common en Keywords
+kiribati common en KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common en KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF
+korea, republic of common en KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
+korean common en Korean
+kuwait common en KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common en KYRGYZSTAN
+language common en Language
+language_direction_rtl common en language_direction_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common en LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
+last name common en Last name
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common en last name of the user, eg. "%1"
+last page common en Last page
+lastname common en Lastname
+latvia common en LATVIA
+ldap-mgr common en LDAP-Manager
+lebanon common en LEBANON
+left common en Left
+lesotho common en LESOTHO
+liberia common en LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common en LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
+license common en License
+liechtenstein common en LIECHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored common en Line %1: '%2'
csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common en Line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored
+list common en List
+list members common en List members
+lithuania common en LITHUANIA
+local common en Local
+login common en Login
+loginid common en LoginID
+logout common en Logout
+lost login id common en Lost Login Id
+lost password common en Lost password
+low common en Low
+lowest common en Lowest
+luxembourg common en LUXEMBOURG
+macau common en MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common en MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF
+madagascar common en MADAGASCAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common en mail domain, eg. "%1"
+main category common en Main category
+main screen common en Main screen
+maintainer common en Maintainer
+malawi common en MALAWI
+malaysia common en MALAYSIA
+maldives common en MALDIVES
+mali common en MALI
+malta common en MALTA
+march common en March
+marshall islands common en MARSHALL ISLANDS
+martinique common en MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common en MAURITANIA
+mauritius common en MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common en Max number of icons in navbar
+may common en May
+mayotte common en MAYOTTE
+medium common en Medium
+menu common en Menu
+message common en Message
+mexico common en MEXICO
+micronesia, federated states of common en MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
+minute common en minute
+moldova, republic of common en MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
+monaco common en MONACO
+monday common en Monday
+mongolia common en MONGOLIA
+montenegro common en MONTENEGRO
+montserrat common en MONTSERRAT
+morocco common en MOROCCO
+mozambique common en MOZAMBIQUE
+multiple common en multiple
+myanmar common en MYANMAR
+name common en Name
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common en name of the user, eg. "%1"
+namibia common en NAMIBIA
+nauru common en NAURU
+nepal common en NEPAL
+netherlands common en NETHERLANDS
+netherlands antilles common en NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
+never common en Never
+new caledonia common en NEW CALEDONIA
+new entry added sucessfully common en New entry added sucessfully
+new main category common en New main category
+new value common en New Value
+new zealand common en NEW ZEALAND
+next common en Next
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar en Next month (hold for menu)
+next page common en Next page
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar en Next year (hold for menu)
+nicaragua common en NICARAGUA
+niger common en NIGER
+nigeria common en NIGERIA
+niue common en NIUE
+no common en No
+no entries found, try again ... common en no entries found, try again ...
+no history for this record common en No history for this record
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common en No Savant2 template directories were found in:
+no subject common en No Subject
+none common en None
+norfolk island common en NORFOLK ISLAND
+normal common en Normal
+northern mariana islands common en NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
+norway common en NORWAY
+not common en not
+not a user yet? register now common en Not a user yet? Register now
+not assigned common en not assigned
+not readable %1 entry of user %2 common en Not readable %1 entry of user %2
+note common en Note
+notes common en Notes
+notifications common en notifications
+notify window common en Notify Window
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common en Notify your Administrator to correct this Situation
+november common en November
+october common en October
+ok common en OK
+old value common en Old Value
+oman common en OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common en On *nix systems please type: %1
+on mouse over common en On Mouse Over
+only private common en only private
+only yours common en only yours
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common en Oops! You caught us in the middle of system maintainance.
+open notify window common en Open notify window
+open popup window common en Open popup window
+open sidebox common en Open sidebox
+ordered list common en Ordered List
+original common en Original
+other common en Other
+overview common en Overview
+owner common en Owner
+page common en Page
+page was generated in %1 seconds common en Page was generated in %1 seconds
+pakistan common en PAKISTAN
+palau common en PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common en PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED
+panama common en PANAMA
+papua new guinea common en PAPUA NEW GUINEA
+paraguay common en PARAGUAY
+parcel common en Parcel
+parent category common en Parent Category
+password common en Password
+password could not be changed common en Password could not be changed
+password has been updated common en Password has been updated
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common en Password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common en Password must contain at least %1 numbers
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common en Password must contain at least %1 special characters
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common en Password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters
+password must have at least %1 characters common en Password must have at least %1 characters
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common en Path to user and group files HAS TO BE OUTSIDE of the webservers document-root!!!
+permission denied! common en Permission denied!
+permissions to the files/users directory common en permissions to the files/users directory
+personal common en Personal
+peru common en PERU
+philippines common en PHILIPPINES
+phone number common en phone number
+phpgwapi common en eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common en PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common en Please %1 by hand
+please enter a name common en Please enter a name !
+please run setup to become current common en Please run setup to become current
+please select common en Please Select
+please set your global preferences common en Please set your global preferences !
+please set your preferences for this application common en Please set your preferences for this application !
+please wait... common en Please Wait...
+please, check back with us shortly. common en Please, check back with us shortly.
+poland common en POLAND
+portugal common en PORTUGAL
+postal common en Postal
+powered by common en Powered by
+powered by egroupware version %1 common en Powered by eGroupWare version %1
+preferences common en Preferences
+preferences for the idots template set common en Preferences for the idots template set
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar en Prev. month (hold for menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar en Prev. year (hold for menu)
+previous page common en Previous page
+primary style-sheet: common en Primary style-sheet:
+print common en Print
+priority common en Priority
+private common en Private
+programs common en Programs
+project common en Project
+public common en public
+puerto rico common en PUERTO RICO
+qatar common en QATAR
+read common en Read
+read this list of methods. common en Read this list of methods.
+reading common en reading
+register common en Register
+regular common en Regular
+reject common en Reject
+remember me common en Remember me
+remove selected accounts common en remove selected accounts
+remove shortcut common en Remove Shortcut
+rename common en Rename
+replace common en Replace
+replace with common en Replace with
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common en Returns a full list of accounts on the system. Warning: This is return can be quite large
+returns an array of todo items common en Returns an array of todo items
+returns struct of users application access common en Returns struct of users application access
+reunion common en REUNION
+right common en Right
+romania common en ROMANIA
+russian common en Russian
+russian federation common en RUSSIAN FEDERATION
+rwanda common en RWANDA
+saint helena common en SAINT HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common en SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
+saint lucia common en SAINT LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common en SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common en SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
+samoa common en SAMOA
+san marino common en SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common en SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
+saturday common en Saturday
+saudi arabia common en SAUDI ARABIA
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common en Savant2 version differs from Savant2 wrapper.
This version: %1
Savants version: %2
+save common en Save
+search common en Search
+search %1 '%2' common en Search %1 '%2'
+search accounts common en Search accounts
+search or select accounts common en search or select accounts
+second common en second
+section common en Section
+select common en Select
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common en Select all %1 %2 for %3
+select category common en Select Category
+select date common en Select date
+select group common en Select group
+select home email address common en Select home email address
+select multiple accounts common en select multiple accounts
+select one common en Select one
+select the default height for the application windows common en Select the default height for the application windows
+select the default width for the application windows common en Select the default width for the application windows
+select user common en Select user
+select work email address common en Select work email address
+selection common en Selection
+send common en Send
+senegal common en SENEGAL
+september common en September
+serbia common en Serbia
+server %1 has been added common en Server %1 has been added
+server answered. processing response... common en Server answered. Processing response...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common en Server Contacted. Waiting for response...
+server name common en Server Name
+session has been killed common en Session has been killed
+setup common en Setup
+setup main menu common en Setup Main Menu
+seychelles common en SEYCHELLES
+show all common en show all
+show all categorys common en Show all categorys
+show as topmenu common en Show as Topmenu
+show clock? common en Show clock?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common en Show home and logout button in main application bar?
+show in sidebox common en Show in sidebox
+show logo's on the desktop. common en Show logo's on the desktop.
+show menu common en show menu
+show page generation time common en Show page generation time
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common en Show page generation time on the bottom of the page?
+show page generation time? common en Show page generation time?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common en Show the logo's of eGroupware and x-desktop on the desktop.
+show_more_apps common en show_more_apps
+showing %1 common en showing %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common en showing %1 - %2 of %3
+sierra leone common en SIERRA LEONE
+simple common en Simple
+singapore common en SINGAPORE
+site configuration common en Site configuration
+slovakia common en SLOVAKIA
+slovenia common en SLOVENIA
+solomon islands common en SOLOMON ISLANDS
+somalia common en SOMALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login en Sorry, your login has expired
+south africa common en SOUTH AFRICA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common en SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
+spain common en SPAIN
+sri lanka common en SRI LANKA
+start date common en Start date
+start time common en Start time
+start with common en start with
+starting up... common en Starting Up...
+status common en Status
+stretched common en stretched
+subject common en Subject
+submit common en Submit
+substitutions and their meanings: common en Substitutions and their meanings:
+sudan common en SUDAN
+sunday common en Sunday
+suriname common en SURINAME
+svalbard and jan mayen common en SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common en SWAZILAND
+sweden common en SWEDEN
+switzerland common en SWITZERLAND
+syrian arab republic common en SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC
+table properties common en Table properties
+taiwan common en TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common en TAJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common en TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF
+text color: common en Text color:
+thailand common en THAILAND
+the api is current common en The API is current
+the api requires an upgrade common en The API requires an upgrade
+the following applications require upgrades common en The following applications require upgrades
+the mail server returned common en The mail server returned
+this application is current common en This application is current
+this application requires an upgrade common en This application requires an upgrade
+this name has been used already common en This name has been used already !
+thursday common en Thursday
+tiled common en tiled
+time common en Time
+time selection: jscalendar en Time selection:
+time zone common en Timezone
+time zone offset common en Time zone offset
+title common en Title
+to common en To
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common en To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the
+to go back to the msg list, click here common en To go back to the msg list, click here
+today common en Today
+todays date, eg. "%1" common en todays date, eg. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar en Toggle first day of week
+togo common en TOGO
+tokelau common en TOKELAU
+tonga common en TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common en Too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the IP %4
+top common en Top
+total common en Total
+transparant bg for the icons? common en Transparant bg for the icons?
+trinidad and tobago common en TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
+tuesday common en Tuesday
+tunisia common en TUNISIA
+turkey common en TURKEY
+turkmenistan common en TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common en TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
+tuvalu common en TUVALU
+type common en Type
+uganda common en UGANDA
+ukraine common en UKRAINE
+underline common en Underline
+united arab emirates common en UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
+united kingdom common en UNITED KINGDOM
+united states common en UNITED STATES
+united states minor outlying islands common en UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
+unknown common en Unknown
+update common en Update
+update the clock per minute or per second common en Update the clock per minute or per second
+upload common en Upload
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common en Upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common en Upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver!
+url common en URL
+uruguay common en URUGUAY
+use button to search for common en use Button to search for
+use button to search for address common en use Button to search for Address
+use button to search for calendarevent common en use Button to search for Calendarevent
+use button to search for project common en use Button to search for Project
+user common en User
+user accounts common en user accounts
+user groups common en user groups
+username common en Username
+users common en users
+users choice common en Users Choice
+uzbekistan common en UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common en VANUATU
+venezuela common en VENEZUELA
+version common en Version
+viet nam common en VIET NAM
+view common en View
+virgin islands, british common en VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH
+virgin islands, u.s. common en VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
+wallis and futuna common en WALLIS AND FUTUNA
+wednesday common en Wednesday
+welcome common en Welcome
+western european common en Western european
+western sahara common en WESTERN SAHARA
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common en What color should all the blank space on the desktop have
+what style would you like the image to have? common en What style would you like the image to have?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common en When you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common en Where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed.
+which groups common en Which groups
+width common en Width
+wk jscalendar en wk
+work email common en work email
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common en Would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window?
+writing common en writing
+written by: common en Written by:
+year common en Year
+yemen common en YEMEN
+yes common en Yes
+you are required to change your password during your first login common en You are required to change your password during your first login
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common en You can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows.
+you have been successfully logged out login en You have been successfully logged out
+you have not entered a title common en You have not entered a title
+you have not entered a valid date common en You have not entered a valid date
+you have not entered a valid time of day common en You have not entered a valid time of day
+you have not entered participants common en You have not entered participants
+you have selected an invalid date common en You have selected an invalid date !
+you have selected an invalid main category common en You have selected an invalid main category !
+you have successfully logged out common en You have successfully logged out
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common en You need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'.
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common en You need to be an eGroupWare administrator to access this functionality!
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common en You've tried to open the eGroupWare application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application.
+your message could not be sent!
common en Your message could not be sent!
+your message has been sent common en Your message has been sent
+your search returned %1 matchs common en your search returned %1 matches
+your search returned 1 match common en your search returned 1 match
+your session could not be verified. login en Your session could not be verified.
+your settings have been updated common en Your settings have been Updated
+zambia common en ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common en ZIMBABWE
+zoom common en Zoom
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_es-es.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_es-es.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a133aec303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_es-es.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common es-es Se han insertado %1 direcciones de correo
+%1 file common es-es fichero %1
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common es-es %1 no tiene permiso de ejecución para el servidor web
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common es-es %1Elegir otro directorio%2
o dar a %3 permiso de escritura para el servidor web
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common es-es %1eGroupWare%2 es una herramienta de trabajo en grupo, multiusuario y basada en web escrita en %3PHP%4
+(session restored in %1 seconds) common es-es (la sesión se ha restaurado en %1 segundos)
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar es-es Pulse mayúsculas o arrastre para cambiar el valor
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar es-es - Pulse en cualquiera de las partes de la hora para incrementarla
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar es-es - Mantenga pulsando el botón del ratón en cualquiera de los botones de arriba para una selección más rápida.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar es-es - o pulse y arrastre para una selección más rápida.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar es-es - o pulse con la tecla mayúsculas para reducirlo
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar es-es - Use los botones %1, %2 para seleccionar el mes
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar es-es - Use los botones %1, %2 para seleccionar el año
+00 (disable) admin es-es 00 (desactivar)
+1 day common es-es 1 día
+1 hour common es-es 1 hora
+1 month common es-es 1 mes
+1 week common es-es 1 semana
+13 (ntp) admin es-es 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar es-es 3 caracteres para la abreviatura del día
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar es-es 3 caracteres para la abreviatura del mes
+80 (http) admin es-es 80 (http)
+about common es-es Acerca de
+about %1 common es-es Acerca de %1
+about egroupware common es-es Acerca de eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar es-es Acerca del calendario
+access common es-es Acceso
+access not permitted common es-es Acceso no permitido
+account has been created common es-es Se ha creado la cuenta
+account has been deleted common es-es La cuenta ha sido borrada
+account has been updated common es-es La cuenta ha sido actualizada
+account is expired common es-es La cuenta ha expirado
+accounts common es-es Cuentas
+acl common es-es LCA
+action common es-es Acción
+active common es-es Activo
+add common es-es Añadir
+add %1 category for common es-es Añadir %1 categoría para
+add category common es-es Añadir categoría
+add shortcut common es-es Añadir acceso directo
+add sub common es-es Añadir sub
+addressbook common es-es Libreta de direcciones
+admin common es-es Administración
+administration common es-es Administración
+afghanistan common es-es AFGHANISTAN
+albania common es-es ALBANIA
+algeria common es-es ARGELIA
+all common es-es Todos
+all fields common es-es todos los campos
+all languages common es-es todos los idiomas
+alphabet common es-es a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,ll,m,n,ñ,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common es-es Hola de estilo alternativa:
+american samoa common es-es AMERICAN SAMOA
+an error happened common es-es Ha ocurrido un error
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common es-es Un directorio existente Y donde el servidor web pueda leer activa el navegar por imágenes, y también subirlas al servidor.
+andorra common es-es ANDORRA
+angola common es-es ANGOLA
+anguilla common es-es ANGUILLA
+antarctica common es-es ANTARCTICA
+antigua and barbuda common es-es ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
+application common es-es Aplicación
+apply common es-es Aplicar
+april common es-es Abril
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common es-es ¿Seguro que desea borrar estas entradas?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common es-es ¿Está seguro de querer borrar esta entrada?
+argentina common es-es ARGENTINA
+armenia common es-es ARMENIA
+aruba common es-es ARUBA
+august common es-es Agosto
+australia common es-es AUSTRALIA
+austria common es-es AUSTRIA
+author common es-es Autor
+autohide sidebox menu's common es-es Ocultar automáticamente el menú lateral
+autohide sidebox menus common es-es Ocultar automáticamente los menús laterales
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common es-es ¿Ocultar automáticamente el menú lateral?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common es-es ¿Ocultar automáticamente los menús laterales?
+autosave default category common es-es Guardar auotmáticamente la categoria predeterminada
+azerbaijan common es-es AZERBAIJAN
+back common es-es Atrás
+back to user login common es-es Volver al inicio de sesión del usuario
+background color: common es-es Color de fondo:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common es-es El directorio de copia de seguridad '%1' no tiene permiso de escritura para el servidor web
+bad login or password common es-es Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrectas
+bahamas common es-es BAHAMAS
+bahrain common es-es BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common es-es BANGLADESH
+barbados common es-es BARBADOS
+bcc common es-es Cco
+belarus common es-es BELARUS
+belgium common es-es BELGICA
+belize common es-es BELIZE
+benin common es-es BENIN
+bermuda common es-es BERMUDAS
+bhutan common es-es BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common es-es Bloqueado, demasiados intentos
+bold common es-es Negrita
+bolivia common es-es BOLIVIA
+border common es-es Borde
+bosnia and herzegovina common es-es BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common es-es BOTSWANA
+bottom common es-es Bottom
+bouvet island common es-es BOUVET ISLAND
+brazil common es-es BRASIL
+british indian ocean territory common es-es BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
+brunei darussalam common es-es BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common es-es BULGARIA
+bulgarian common es-es Búlgaro
+burkina faso common es-es BURKINA FASO
+burundi common es-es BURUNDI
+calendar common es-es Calendario
+cambodia common es-es CAMBODIA
+cameroon common es-es Camerún
+canada common es-es Canadá
+cancel common es-es Cancelar
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common es-es No se puede sustituir %1 porque es un directorio
+cant open '%1' for %2 common es-es No se puede abrir '%1' para '%2'
+cape verde common es-es Cabo Verde
+caption common es-es Título
+categories common es-es Categorías
+categories for common es-es categorías para
+category common es-es Categoría
+category %1 has been added ! common es-es ¡Se ha añadido la categoría %1!
+category %1 has been updated ! common es-es ¡Se ha actualizado la categoría %1!
+cayman islands common es-es Islas Caimán
+cc common es-es CC
+centered common es-es centrado
+central african republic common es-es CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
+chad common es-es CHAD
+change common es-es Cambiar
+charset common es-es utf-8
+check installation common es-es Comprobar la instalación
+check now common es-es Comprobar ahora
+chile common es-es CHILE
+china common es-es CHINA
+choose a background color common es-es Elegir un color de fondo
+choose a background color for the icons common es-es Elegir un color de fondo para los iconos
+choose a background image. common es-es Elegir una image de fondo
+choose a background style. common es-es Elegir un estilo para el fondo
+choose a text color for the icons common es-es Elegir un color del texto para los iconos
+choose the category common es-es Elija la categoría
+choose the parent category common es-es Elija la categoría superior
+christmas island common es-es CHRISTMAS ISLAND
+clear common es-es Limpiar
+clear form common es-es Limpiar formulario
+click common es-es Al pulsar
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common es-es Pulse aquí para continuar su sesión de eGroupWare.
+click or mouse over to show menus common es-es Mostrar los menús al pulsar sobre ellos o al mover el ratón por encima
+click or mouse over to show menus? common es-es ¿Mostrar los menús al pulsar sobre ellos o al mover el ratón por encima?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common es-es Pulse esta imagen en la barra de navegación: %1
+close common es-es Cerrar
+close sidebox common es-es Cerrar caja lateral
+cocos (keeling) islands common es-es COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
+colombia common es-es COLOMBIA
+common preferences common es-es Preferencias comunes
+comoros common es-es COMOROS
+company common es-es Compañía
+congo common es-es CONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common es-es CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE
+contacting server... common es-es Conectando con el servidor...
+cook islands common es-es COOK ISLANDS
+copy common es-es Copiar
+costa rica common es-es COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common es-es COSTA DE MARFIL
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common es-es No se pudo conectar con el servidor. La operación superó el tiempo límite de espera
+create common es-es Crear
+created by common es-es Creado por
+croatia common es-es CROACIA
+cuba common es-es CUBA
+currency common es-es Cambio
+current common es-es Actual
+current users common es-es Usuarios actuales
+cyprus common es-es CHIPRE
+czech republic common es-es REPUBLICA CHECHA
+database error common es-es Error en la base de datos
+database error! common es-es ¡Error en la base de datos!
+date common es-es Fecha
+date due common es-es Fecha límite
+date selection: jscalendar es-es Seleccionar fecha:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin es-es Puerto de fecha.
Si usa el puerto 13, por favor, configure adecuadamente las reglas del cortafuegos antes de enviar esta página.
+december common es-es Diciembre
+default category common es-es Categoría predeterminada
+default height for the windows common es-es Altura predeterminada para las ventanas
+default width for the windows common es-es Ancho predeterminado para las ventanas
+delete common es-es Eliminar
+delete row common es-es Eliminar una fila
+denmark common es-es DINAMARCA
+description common es-es Descripción
+detail common es-es Detalle
+details common es-es Detalles
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common es-es ¿Desactivar la ejecución del script que corrige el bug de IE 5.5 y superiores para mostrar transparencias en imágenes PNG?
+direction left to right common es-es Dirección de izquierda a derecha
+directory common es-es Directorio
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common es-es ¡El directorio no existe, el servidor web no lo puede leer o no es relativo a la raíz de los documentos!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common es-es Desactivar el parche de IE para ver imágenes PNG
+disable slider effects common es-es Desactivar efectos deslizantes
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common es-es ¿Desactivar los efectos deslizantes animados al mostrar u ocultar menús en la página? Los usuarios de Opera y Konqueror probablemente querrán esto.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common es-es ¿Desactivar la ejecución del parche para Internet Explorer 5.5 y superiores para mostrar transparencia en imágenes PNG?
+disabled common es-es Deshabilitado
+display %s first jscalendar es-es Mostrar %s primero
+djibouti common es-es DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common es-es ¿Desea eliminar también todas las subcategorías?
+doctype: common es-es DOCTYPE:
+document properties common es-es Propiedades del documento
+document title: common es-es Título del documento
+domain common es-es Dominio
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common es-es Nombre del dominio para la dirección de correo, ej. "%1"
+domestic common es-es Doméstico
+dominica common es-es DOMINICA
+dominican republic common es-es REPUBLICA DOMINICANA
+done common es-es Hecho
+drag to move jscalendar es-es Arrastre para mover
+e-mail common es-es Correo electrónico
+east timor common es-es EAST TIMOR
+eastern european common es-es Europeo del este
+ecuador common es-es ECUADOR
+edit common es-es Editar
+edit %1 category for common es-es Editar %1 categoría para
+edit categories common es-es Editar categorías
+edit category common es-es Editar categoría
+egroupware common es-es eGroupWare
+egroupware api version common es-es Versión de la API eGroupWare
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common es-es eGroupWare: inicio de sesión bloqueado para el usuario '%1', IP %2
+egypt common es-es EGIPTO
+el salvador common es-es EL SALVADOR
+email common es-es Correo electrónico
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common es-es Dirección de correo electrónico del usuario, ej. '%1'
+enabled common es-es Habilitado
+end date common es-es Fecha de finalización
+end time common es-es Hora de finalización
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin es-es Introduzca la URL de eGroupWare.
Ejemplo: http://www.dominio.com/egroupware o /egroupware
Sin barra al final
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common es-es La entrada ha sido eliminada correctamente
+entry not found! common es-es ¡No se encontró la entrada!
+entry updated sucessfully common es-es La entrada ha sido actualizada correctamente
+equatorial guinea common es-es GUINEA ECUATORIAL
+eritrea common es-es ERITREA
+error common es-es Error
+error creating %1 %2 directory common es-es Error creando el directorio %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common es-es Error eliminando el directorio %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common es-es Error renombrando el directorio %1 %2
+estonia common es-es ESTONIA
+ethiopia common es-es ETIOPIA
+everything common es-es Todo
+exact common es-es exacto
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common es-es No se pudo conectar con el servidor, o se obtuvo una respuesta no válida. Intente volver a iniciar la sesión. Póngase en contacto con el administrador en caso de fallo.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common es-es MALVINAS
+faroe islands common es-es ISLAS FEROE
+fax number common es-es Fax
+features of the editor? common es-es ¿Características del editor?
+february common es-es Febrero
+fields common es-es Campos
+fiji common es-es FIJI
+files common es-es Ficheros:
+filter common es-es Filtro
+finland common es-es FINLANDIA
+first name common es-es Nombre de pila
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common es-es Nombre de pila del usuario, ej "%1"
+first page common es-es Primera página
+firstname common es-es Nombre de pila
+fixme! common es-es ¡Corríjame!
+folder already exists. common es-es La carpeta ya existe
+force selectbox common es-es Forzar cuadro de selección
+forever common es-es Para siempre
+france common es-es FRANCIA
+french guiana common es-es GUAYANA FRANCESA
+french polynesia common es-es FRENCH POLYNESIA
+french southern territories common es-es FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
+friday common es-es Viernes
+ftp common es-es FTP
+fullname common es-es Nombre completo
+fullscreen mode common es-es Modo de pantalla completa
+gabon common es-es GABON
+gambia common es-es GAMBIA
+general menu common es-es Menú general
+georgia common es-es GEORGIA
+german common es-es Alemán
+germany common es-es ALEMANIA
+ghana common es-es GHANA
+gibraltar common es-es GIBRALTAR
+global common es-es Global
+global public common es-es Publico Global
+go today jscalendar es-es Ir hoy
+grant access common es-es Conceder acceso
+greece common es-es GRECIA
+greek common es-es Griego
+greenland common es-es GREENLAND
+grenada common es-es GRANADA
+group common es-es Grupo
+group access common es-es Acceso del grupo
+group has been added common es-es El grupo se ha añadido
+group has been deleted common es-es El grupo se ha borrado
+group has been updated common es-es El grupo ha sido actualizado
+group name common es-es nombre del grupo
+group public common es-es Grupo público
+groups common es-es Grupos
+groups with permission for %1 common es-es Grupos con permiso para %1
+groups without permission for %1 common es-es Grupos sin permiso para %1
+guadeloupe common es-es GUADALUPE
+guam common es-es GUAM
+guatemala common es-es GUATEMALA
+guinea common es-es GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common es-es GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common es-es GUYANA
+haiti common es-es HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common es-es HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
+height common es-es Altura
+help common es-es Ayuda
+high common es-es Alta
+highest common es-es La más alta
+holy see (vatican city state) common es-es HOLY SEE (VATICANO)
+home common es-es Inicio
+home email common es-es correo electrónico particular
+honduras common es-es HONDURAS
+hong kong common es-es HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common es-es Cuántos iconos se muestran en la barra de navegación (en la parte superior de la página). Los iconos adicionales van en una especie de menú desplegable, que se activa pulsando en el icono que hay en el extremo derecho de la barra.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common es-es ¿Cómo mostrar el menú general de eGroupWare?
+hungary common es-es HUNGRÍA
+iceland common es-es ISLANDIA
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common es-es No se detectó ieSpell. Pulse Aceptar para ir a la página de descargas.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common es-es Si el reloj está activado, ¿desea actualizarlo cada segundo o cada minuto?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common es-es Si hay algunas imágenes en la carpeta de fondo, puede elegir la que desea ver.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common es-es Directorio de imágenes relativo a la raíz de los documentos (use / !). Ejemplo:
+image url common es-es URL de la imagen
+india common es-es INDIA
+indonesia common es-es INDONESIA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common es-es Inserte todas las direcciones %1 de los contactos de %2 en %3
+insert column after common es-es Insertar columna after
+insert column before common es-es Insertar una columna before
+insert row after common es-es Insertar una fila despues
+insert row before common es-es Insertar una fila antes
+international common es-es Internacional
+invalid filename common es-es El nombre de fichero no es válido
+invalid ip address common es-es La dirección IP no es válida
+invalid password common es-es La contraseña no es válida
+iran, islamic republic of common es-es IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
+iraq common es-es IRAK
+ireland common es-es IRLANDA
+israel common es-es ISRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common es-es Hace más de %1 días que cambió su contraseña
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common es-es Se recomienda que ejecute la instalación para actualizar las tablas a la versión actual
+italic common es-es Cursiva
+italy common es-es ITALIA
+jamaica common es-es JAMAICA
+january common es-es Enero
+japan common es-es JAPON
+japanese common es-es Japonés
+jordan common es-es JORDANIA
+july common es-es Julio
+jun common es-es Jun
+june common es-es Junio
+justify center common es-es Centrar
+justify full common es-es Justificado
+justify left common es-es Alinear a la izquierda
+justify right common es-es Alinear a la derecha
+kazakstan common es-es KAZAKSTAN
+kenya common es-es KENIA
+keywords common es-es Palabras clave
+kiribati common es-es KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common es-es COREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF
+korea, republic of common es-es COREA, REPUBLICA DE
+korean common es-es Coreano
+kuwait common es-es KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common es-es KYRGYZSTAN
+language common es-es Idioma
+language_direction_rtl common es-es Idioma de derecha a izquierda
+lao peoples democratic republic common es-es LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
+last name common es-es Apellido
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common es-es Apellido del usuario, p.ej. "%1"
+last page common es-es Última página
+lastname common es-es Apellido
+latvia common es-es LATVIA
+ldap-mgr common es-es Administrador LDAP
+lebanon common es-es LIBANO
+left common es-es Izquierda
+lesotho common es-es LESOTHO
+liberia common es-es LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common es-es LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
+license common es-es Licencia
+liechtenstein common es-es LIECHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored common es-es Línea %1: '%2'
los datos csv contienen ##last-check-run## de la tabla %3 ==> ignorado
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common es-es Línea %1: '%2'
los datos csv no coinciden con el número de columnas de la tabla %3 ==> ignorado
+list common es-es Lista
+list members common es-es Lista de miembros
+lithuania common es-es LITUANIA
+local common es-es Local
+login common es-es Entrar
+loginid common es-es ID de usuario
+logout common es-es Salir
+lost login id common es-es Se ha perdido el id de sesion
+lost password common es-es Se ha perdido la contraseña
+low common es-es Baja
+lowest common es-es La más baja
+luxembourg common es-es LUXEMBURGO
+macau common es-es MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common es-es Macedonia
+madagascar common es-es MADAGASCAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common es-es dominio de correo, p.ej. "%1"
+main category common es-es Categoria principal
+main screen common es-es Pantalla principal
+maintainer common es-es Mantenido por
+malawi common es-es MALAWI
+malaysia common es-es MALASIA
+maldives common es-es MALDIVAS
+mali common es-es MALI
+malta common es-es MALTA
+march common es-es Marzo
+marshall islands common es-es MARSHALL ISLANDS
+martinique common es-es MARTINICA
+mauritania common es-es MAURITANIA
+mauritius common es-es MAURICIO
+max number of icons in navbar common es-es Número máximo de iconos en la barra de navegación
+may common es-es Mayo
+mayotte common es-es MAYOTTE
+medium common es-es Medio
+menu common es-es Menú
+message common es-es Mensaje
+mexico common es-es MEXICO
+micronesia, federated states of common es-es MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
+minute common es-es minuto
+moldova, republic of common es-es MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
+monaco common es-es MONACO
+monday common es-es Lunes
+mongolia common es-es MONGOLIA
+montenegro common es-es Montenegro
+montserrat common es-es MONTSERRAT
+morocco common es-es MARRUECOS
+mozambique common es-es MOZAMBIQUE
+multiple common es-es múltiple
+myanmar common es-es MYANMAR
+name common es-es Nombre
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common es-es Nombre del usuario, p.ej. "%1"
+namibia common es-es NAMIBIA
+nauru common es-es NAURU
+nepal common es-es NEPAL
+netherlands common es-es HOLANDA
+netherlands antilles common es-es ANTILLAS HOLANDESAS
+never common es-es Nunca
+new caledonia common es-es NUEVA CALEDONIA
+new entry added sucessfully common es-es La nueva entrada se ha añadido correctamente
+new main category common es-es Nueva categoría principal
+new value common es-es Nuevo valor
+new zealand common es-es NUEVA ZELANDA
+next common es-es Siguiente
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar es-es Mes siguiente (mantener para menú)
+next page common es-es Página siguiente
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar es-es Año siguiente (mantener para menú)
+nicaragua common es-es NICARAGUA
+niger common es-es NIGER
+nigeria common es-es NIGERIA
+niue common es-es NIUE
+no common es-es No
+no entries found, try again ... common es-es No se encontraron entradas, inténtelo de nuevo
+no history for this record common es-es No hay historial para este registro
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common es-es No se encontraron directorios para plantillas Savant2 en:
+no subject common es-es Sin asunto
+none common es-es Ninguno
+norfolk island common es-es NORFOLK ISLAND
+normal common es-es Normal
+northern mariana islands common es-es NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
+norway common es-es NORUEGA
+not common es-es no
+not a user yet? register now common es-es ¿Todavía no es usuario? Regístrese ahora
+not assigned common es-es sin asignar
+not readable %1 entry of user %2 common es-es No se puede leer la entrada %1 del usuario %2
+note common es-es Nota
+notes common es-es Notas
+notifications common es-es notificaciones
+notify window common es-es Ventana de notificación
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common es-es Notifíquelo a su administrador para corregir esta situación
+november common es-es Noviembre
+october common es-es Octubre
+ok common es-es Aceptar
+old value common es-es Valor anterior
+oman common es-es OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common es-es En sistemas *nix, por favor, escriba: %1
+on mouse over common es-es Al mover el ratón por encima
+only private common es-es sólo los privados
+only yours common es-es sólo los suyos
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common es-es ¡Ups! Nos ha pillado en mitad del mantenimiento del sistema
+open notify window common es-es Abrir ventana de notificación
+open popup window common es-es Abrir ventana emergente
+open sidebox common es-es Abrir caja lateral
+ordered list common es-es Lista ordenada
+original common es-es Original
+other common es-es Otros
+overview common es-es Resumen
+owner common es-es Propietario
+page common es-es Página
+page was generated in %1 seconds common es-es La página se generó en %1 segundos
+pakistan common es-es PAKISTAN
+palau common es-es PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common es-es PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED
+panama common es-es PANAMA
+papua new guinea common es-es PAPUA NEW GUINEA
+paraguay common es-es PARAGUAY
+parcel common es-es Paquete
+parent category common es-es Categoría superior
+password common es-es Contraseña
+password could not be changed common es-es No se pudo cambiar la contraseña
+password has been updated common es-es Su contraseña ha sido actualizada
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common es-es La contraseña debe contener al menos %1 letras minúsculas
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common es-es La contraseña debe contener al menos %1 números
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common es-es La contraseña debe contener al menos %1 caracteres especiales
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common es-es La contraseña debe contener al menos %1 letras mayúsculas
+password must have at least %1 characters common es-es La contraseña debe tener al menos %1 caracteres
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common es-es ¡¡La ruta a los ficheros de usuario y grupos DEBE ESTAR FUERA de la raíz de los documentos del servidor web!!
+permission denied! common es-es ¡Permiso denegado!
+permissions to the files/users directory common es-es permisos a los directorios de archivos/usuarios
+personal common es-es Personal
+peru common es-es PERU
+philippines common es-es FILIPINAS
+phone number common es-es Número de teléfono
+phpgwapi common es-es API de eGroupWare
+pitcairn common es-es PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common es-es Por favor %1 manualmente
+please enter a name common es-es Por favor, introduzca un nombre
+please run setup to become current common es-es Por favor ejecute la instalación para actualizar
+please select common es-es Por favor, seleccione
+please set your global preferences common es-es Por favor, ponga sus preferencias globales
+please set your preferences for this application common es-es Por favor, elija sus preferencias para esta aplicación
+please wait... common es-es Por favor, espere...
+please, check back with us shortly. common es-es Por favor, vuelva a comprobar dentro de un rato.
+poland common es-es POLONIA
+portugal common es-es PORTUGAL
+postal common es-es Postal
+powered by common es-es Proporcionado por
+powered by egroupware version %1 common es-es Proporcionado por eGroupWare versión %1
+preferences common es-es Preferencias
+preferences for the idots template set common es-es Preferencias para las plantillas de idots
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar es-es Mes anterior (mantener para menú)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar es-es Año anterior (mantener para menú)
+previous page common es-es Página anterior
+primary style-sheet: common es-es Hoja de estilo principal:
+print common es-es Imprimir
+priority common es-es Prioridad
+private common es-es Privado
+programs common es-es Programas
+project common es-es Proyecto
+public common es-es público
+puerto rico common es-es PUERTO RICO
+qatar common es-es QATAR
+read common es-es Leer
+read this list of methods. common es-es Leer esta lista de métodos
+reading common es-es leyendo
+register common es-es Registrar
+regular common es-es Regular
+reject common es-es Rechazar
+remember me common es-es Recordarme
+remove selected accounts common es-es borrar las cuentas seleccionadas
+remove shortcut common es-es Eliminar acceso directo
+rename common es-es Renombrar
+replace common es-es Sustituir
+replace with common es-es Sustituir por
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common es-es Devuelve una lista completa de las cuentas del sistema. Aviso: puede ser bastante largo
+returns an array of todo items common es-es Devuelve un array de elementos pendientes
+returns struct of users application access common es-es Devuelve la estructura del acceso de los usuarios a la aplicación
+reunion common es-es REUNION
+right common es-es Derecha
+romania common es-es RUMANIA
+russian common es-es Ruso
+russian federation common es-es FEDERACION RUSA
+rwanda common es-es RUANDA
+saint helena common es-es SANTA ELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common es-es SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
+saint lucia common es-es SAINT LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common es-es SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common es-es SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
+samoa common es-es SAMOA
+san marino common es-es SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common es-es SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
+saturday common es-es Sábado
+saudi arabia common es-es ARABIA SAUDI
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common es-es La versión de Savant2 difiere del wrapper Savant2.
Esta versión: %1
Versión de Savant: %2
+save common es-es Grabar
+search common es-es Buscar
+search %1 '%2' common es-es Buscar %1 '%2'
+search accounts common es-es Buscar cuentas
+search or select accounts common es-es buscar o seleccionar cuentas
+second common es-es segundo
+section common es-es Sección
+select common es-es Seleccionar
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common es-es Seleccionar todos los %1 %2 para %3
+select category common es-es Seleccionar categoría
+select date common es-es Seleccionar fecha
+select group common es-es Seleccionar grupo
+select home email address common es-es Seleccionar dirección de correo inicial
+select multiple accounts common es-es seleccionar múltiples cuentas
+select one common es-es Seleccionar uno
+select the default height for the application windows common es-es Seleccione la altura predeterminada para las ventanas de la aplicación
+select the default width for the application windows common es-es Seleccione el ancho predeterminado para las ventanas de la aplicación
+select user common es-es Seleccionar usuario
+select work email address common es-es Seleccionar dirección de correo del trabajo
+selection common es-es Selección
+send common es-es Enviar
+senegal common es-es SENEGAL
+september common es-es Septiembre
+serbia common es-es Serbia
+server %1 has been added common es-es El servidor %1 ha sido añadido
+server answered. processing response... common es-es El servidor ha respondido. Procesando la respuesta...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common es-es Se ha conectado con el servidor. Esperando la respuesta...
+server name common es-es Nombre del servidor
+session has been killed common es-es La sesión ha sido eliminada
+setup common es-es Instalación
+setup main menu common es-es Menú principal de instalación
+seychelles common es-es SEYCHELLES
+show all common es-es mostrar todo
+show all categorys common es-es Mostrar todas las categorías
+show as topmenu common es-es Mostrar como menú superior
+show clock? common es-es ¿Mostrar el reloj?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common es-es ¿Mostrar los botones de inicio y salir en el barra de aplicaciones principal?
+show in sidebox common es-es Mostrar en el menú lateral
+show logo's on the desktop. common es-es Mostrar logo en el escritorio
+show menu common es-es mostrar menú
+show page generation time common es-es Mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common es-es ¿Mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página en la parte inferior de la página?
+show page generation time? common es-es ¿Mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common es-es Mostrar el logo de eGroupware y x-desktop en el escritorio.
+show_more_apps common es-es mostrar más aplicaciones
+showing %1 common es-es mostrando %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common es-es mostrando %1 - %2 de %3
+sierra leone common es-es SIERRA LEONA
+simple common es-es Simple
+singapore common es-es SINGAPUR
+site configuration common es-es Configuración del sitio
+slovakia common es-es ESLOVAQUIA
+slovenia common es-es ESLOVENIA
+solomon islands common es-es SOLOMON ISLANDS
+somalia common es-es SOMALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login es-es Lo siento, su sesión ha expirado
+south africa common es-es SUDAFRICA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common es-es SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
+spain common es-es ESPAÑA
+sri lanka common es-es SRI LANKA
+start date common es-es Fecha de inicio
+start time common es-es Hora de inicio
+start with common es-es empieza por
+starting up... common es-es Iniciando...
+status common es-es Estado
+stretched common es-es ajustado
+subject common es-es Asunto
+submit common es-es Enviar
+substitutions and their meanings: common es-es Sustituciones y sus significados:
+sudan common es-es SUDÁN
+sunday common es-es Domingo
+suriname common es-es SURINAM
+svalbard and jan mayen common es-es SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common es-es SWAZILAND
+sweden common es-es SUECIA
+switzerland common es-es SUIZA
+syrian arab republic common es-es SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC
+table properties common es-es Propiedades de la tabla
+taiwan common es-es TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common es-es TAJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common es-es TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF
+text color: common es-es Color del texto:
+thailand common es-es TAILANDIA
+the api is current common es-es La API esta al dia
+the api requires an upgrade common es-es La API requiere una actualizacion
+the following applications require upgrades common es-es Las siguientes aplicaciones requieren actualizaciones
+the mail server returned common es-es El servidor de correo devolvió
+this application is current common es-es Esta aplicación está actualizada
+this application requires an upgrade common es-es Esta aplicación requiere una actualización
+this name has been used already common es-es ¡Este nombre ya ha sido usado!
+thursday common es-es Jueves
+tiled common es-es mosaico
+time common es-es Hora
+time selection: jscalendar es-es Seleccionar hora:
+time zone common es-es Zona horaria
+time zone offset common es-es Diferencia de zona horaria
+title common es-es Título
+to common es-es Para
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common es-es Para corregir este error para el futuro necesitará configurar adecuadamente el
+to go back to the msg list, click here common es-es Psra volver a la lista de mensajes, pulse aquí
+today common es-es Hoy
+todays date, eg. "%1" common es-es fecha de hoy, p.ej. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar es-es Cambiar el primer día de la semana
+togo common es-es TOGO
+tokelau common es-es TOKELAU
+tonga common es-es TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common es-es Demasiados intentos fallidos de inicio de sesión: %1 para el usuario '%2', %3 para la IP %4
+top common es-es Top
+total common es-es Total
+transparant bg for the icons? common es-es ¿Fondo transparente para los iconos?
+trinidad and tobago common es-es TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
+tuesday common es-es Martes
+tunisia common es-es TUNEZ
+turkey common es-es TURQUIA
+turkmenistan common es-es TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common es-es TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
+tuvalu common es-es TUVALU
+type common es-es Tipo
+uganda common es-es UGANDA
+ukraine common es-es UCRANIA
+underline common es-es Subrayado
+united arab emirates common es-es EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS
+united kingdom common es-es REINO UNIDO
+united states common es-es ESTADOS UNIDOS
+united states minor outlying islands common es-es UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
+unknown common es-es Desconocido
+update common es-es Insertar
+update the clock per minute or per second common es-es Actualizar el reloj por minuto o por segundo
+upload common es-es Subir a un servidor
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common es-es El directorio para subir archivos no existe o no tiene permisos de escritura para el servidor web
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common es-es ¡La subida de ficheros requiere que el servidor web pueda escribir en el directorio!
+url common es-es URL
+uruguay common es-es URUGUAY
+use button to search for common es-es use el botón para buscar
+use button to search for address common es-es use el botón para buscar por dirección
+use button to search for calendarevent common es-es use el botón para buscar por evento de calendario
+use button to search for project common es-es use el botón para buscar por proyecto
+user common es-es Usuario
+user accounts common es-es Cuentas de usuario
+user groups common es-es Grupos de usuario
+username common es-es Nombre de usuario
+users common es-es usuarios
+users choice common es-es A elegir por el usuario
+uzbekistan common es-es UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common es-es VANUATU
+venezuela common es-es VENEZUELA
+version common es-es Versión
+viet nam common es-es VIETNAM
+view common es-es Ver
+virgin islands, british common es-es VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH
+virgin islands, u.s. common es-es VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
+wallis and futuna common es-es WALLIS AND FUTUNA
+wednesday common es-es Miércoles
+welcome common es-es Página principal
+western european common es-es Europeo occidental
+western sahara common es-es SAHARA OCCIDENTAL
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common es-es ¿Qué color debe tener todo el espacio en blanco en el escritorio?
+what style would you like the image to have? common es-es ¿Qué estilo desea que tenga la imagen?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common es-es Si dice que sí, los botones de Inicio y Salir se presentan como aplicaciones en la barra principal de aplicaciones.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common es-es Dónde y cómo mostrar los enlaces de egroupware com las preferencias, acerca de y salir.
+which groups common es-es Qué grupos
+width common es-es Anchura
+wk jscalendar es-es wk
+work email common es-es correo del trabajo
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common es-es ¿Desea mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página en la parte inferior de cada ventana?
+writing common es-es escribiendo
+written by: common es-es Escrito por:
+year common es-es Año
+yemen common es-es YEMEN
+yes common es-es Sí
+you are required to change your password during your first login common es-es Es necesario que cambie la contraseña durante su primer inicio de sesión.
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common es-es Puede personalizar el número de iconos y barras de herramientas que muestra el editor.
+you have been successfully logged out login es-es Usted ha salido correctamente
+you have not entered a title common es-es No ha introducido un título
+you have not entered a valid date common es-es No ha introducido una fecha válida
+you have not entered a valid time of day common es-es No ha introducido una hora del día válida
+you have not entered participants common es-es No ha introducido participantes
+you have selected an invalid date common es-es La fecha seleccionada no es válida
+you have selected an invalid main category common es-es La categoría principal seleccionada no es válida
+you have successfully logged out common es-es Ha terminado la sesión correctamente
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common es-es Necesita añadir el usuario del servidor web '%1' al grupo '%2'.
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common es-es ¡Necesita ser administrador de eGroupWare para acceder a esta funcionalidad!
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common es-es Ha intentado abrir la aplicación de eGroupWare %1, pero no tiene permiso para acceder a esta aplicación.
+your message could not be sent!
common es-es Su mensaje no se pudo enviar
+your message has been sent common es-es Su mensaje ha sido enviado
+your search returned %1 matchs common es-es su búsqueda devolvió %1 resultados
+your search returned 1 match common es-es su búsqueda devolvió 1 resultado
+your session could not be verified. login es-es Su sesión no pudo ser verificada.
+your settings have been updated common es-es Sus preferencias fueron actualizadas
+zambia common es-es ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common es-es ZIMBAWE
+zoom common es-es Escala
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_et.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_et.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3081fe0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_et.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common et %1 email aadress sisestatud
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common et %1 pole veebiserverijaoks käivitatav !!!
+%1 manual common et %1 manual
+%1 start common et %1 start
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common et %1Vali teine kaust%2
või tee %3 veebiserverijaoks kirjutatavaks
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common et %1eGroupWare%2 on multi-kasutaja, veebipõhine grupitöö vahend mis on kirjutatud %3PHP%4.
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar et - Kasuta %1, %2 nuppe kuu valimiseks
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar et - Kasuta %1, %2 nuppe aasta valimiseks
+00 (disable) admin et 00 (keela)
+1 day common et 1 Päev
+1 hour common et 1 Tund
+1 month common et 1 Kuu
+1 week common et 1 Nädal
+13 (ntp) admin et 13 (ntp)
+80 (http) admin et 80 (http)
+about common et Üldiselt
+about %1 common et Üldiselt %1
+about egroupware common et Üldiselt eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar et Üldiselt kalender
+access common et Ligipääs
+access not permitted common et Ligipääs keelatud
+account has been created common et Konto tehtud
+account has been deleted common et Konto kustutatud
+account has been updated common et Konto uuendatud
+account is expired common et Konto on aegunud
+action common et Tegevus
+active common et Aktiivne
+add common et Lisa
+add %1 category for common et Lisa %1 kategooria
+add category common et Lisa Kategooria
+add shortcut common et Lisa Kiirklahv
+add sub common et Lisa alam
+addressbook common et Aadressiraamat
+admin common et Admin
+administration common et Administreerimine
+afghanistan common et AFGANISTAN
+albania common et ALBAANIA
+algeria common et ALŽEERIA
+all common et Kõik
+all fields common et kõik väljad
+alphabet common et a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common et Alternatiivne stiilileht:
+american samoa common et AMEERIKA SAMOA
+andorra common et ANDORRA
+angola common et ANGOLA
+anguilla common et ANGUILLA
+antarctica common et ANTARKTIKA
+antigua and barbuda common et ANTIGUA JA BARBUDA
+application common et Rakendus
+apply common et Uuenda
+april common et Aprill
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common et Oled kindel, et soovid neid kirjeid kustutada ?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common et Oled kindel, et soovid seda kirjet kustutada ?
+argentina common et ARGENTIINA
+armenia common et ARMEENIA
+aruba common et ARUBA
+august common et August
+australia common et AUSTRAALIA
+austria common et AUSTRIA
+author common et Autor
+autosave default category common et Salvesta Automaatlselt Vaikimisi Kategooria
+azerbaijan common et ASERBAIDŽAAN
+back common et Tagasi
+back to user login common et Tagasi kasutaja logimise juurde
+background color: common et Tausta värv:
+bad login or password common et Vale kasutajanimi või parool
+bahamas common et BAHAMA
+bahrain common et BAHREIN
+bangladesh common et BANGLADESH
+barbados common et BARBADOS
+belarus common et VALGEVENE
+belgium common et BELGIA
+belize common et BELIZE
+benin common et BENIN
+bermuda common et BERMUDA
+bhutan common et BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common et Blokeertud, liiga palju katseid
+bold common et Paks kiri
+bolivia common et BOLIiVIA
+border common et Ääris
+bosnia and herzegovina common et BOSNIA JA HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common et BOTSVAANA
+bottom common et Alla
+bouvet island common et BOUVET SAAR
+brazil common et BRASIILIA
+british indian ocean territory common et BRITI INDIA OOKEANI ALA
+brunei darussalam common et BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common et BULGAARIA
+burkina faso common et BURKINA FASO
+burundi common et BURUNDI
+calendar common et Kalender
+cambodia common et KAMBODŽA
+cameroon common et KAMERUN
+canada common et KANADA
+cancel common et Tühista
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common et Ei saa asendada %1 sest see on kaust
+cant open '%1' for %2 common et Ei saa avada '%1' %2 -jaoks
+cape verde common et ROHENEEME SAARED
+caption common et Pealdis
+categories common et Kategooriad
+categories for common et kategooriad
+category common et Kategooria
+category %1 has been added ! common et Kategooria %1 on lisatud !
+category %1 has been updated ! common et Category %1 on uuendatud !
+cayman islands common et KAIMANI SAARED
+cc common et Cc
+centered common et keskjoondatud
+central african republic common et KESK-AAFRIKA VABARIIK
+chad common et TŠAAD
+change common et Muuda
+charset common et utf-8
+check installation common et Kontrolli installeeritust
+check now common et Kontrolli Nüüd
+chile common et TŠIILI
+china common et HIINA
+choose a background color common et Vali taustavärv
+choose a background color for the icons common et Vali ikoonide taustavärv
+choose a background image. common et Vali taustapilt.
+choose a background style. common et Vali taustastiil
+choose a text color for the icons common et Vali teksti värv ikoonidel
+choose the category common et Vali kategooria
+choose the parent category common et Vali ülem kategooria
+christmas island common et Jõulusaar
+clear common et Puhasta
+clear form common et Puhasta vorm
+click common et Vajuta
+close common et Sule
+colombia common et KOLUMBIA
+common preferences common et Üldised eelistused
+comoros common et KOMOORID
+company common et Firma
+congo common et Kongo
+congo, the democratic republic of the common et KONGO DEMOKRAATLIK VABARIIK
+contacting server... common et Ühendan Serveriga...
+cook islands common et COOKI SAARED
+copy common et Kopeeri
+costa rica common et KOSTARIIKA
+cote d ivoire common et COTE D IVOIRE
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common et Ei saa ühendust serveriga. Operatsiooni aeg sai otsa!
+create common et Loo
+created by common et Loodud
+croatia common et HORVAATIA
+cuba common et KUUBA
+currency common et Valuuta
+current common et Käesolev
+current users common et Aktiivseid kasutajaid
+cyprus common et KÜPROS
+czech republic common et TŠEHHOSLOVAKKIA
+date common et Kuupäev
+date due common et Tähtaeg
+date selection: jscalendar et Kuupäeva valik:
+december common et Detsember
+default category common et Vaikimisi Kategooria
+default height for the windows common et Vaikimisi akna kõrgus
+default width for the windows common et Vaikimisi akna laius
+delete common et Kustuta
+delete row common et Kustuta rida
+denmark common et TAANI
+description common et Kirjeldus
+detail common et Detail
+details common et Detailselt
+direction left to right common et Suund vasakult paremale
+disabled common et Väljalülitatud
+display %s first jscalendar et Kuva %s esmalt
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common et Tahad kustutada samuti kõik alamkataloogid ?
+document properties common et Dokumendi omadused
+document title: common et Dokumendi pealkiri:
+domain common et Doomeninimi
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common et doomeninimi mail-aadressijaoks, nagu "%1"
+domestic common et Kodumaine
+dominica common et DOMINICA
+dominican republic common et DOMINIKAANI VABARIIK
+done common et Valmis
+drag to move jscalendar et Lohista liigutamiseks
+e-mail common et E-Mail
+east timor common et IDA TIMOR
+ecuador common et ECUADOR
+edit common et Muuda
+edit %1 category for common et Muuda %1 kategooriat
+edit categories common et Muuda Kategooriaid
+edit category common et Muuda katekooria
+egroupware api version common et eGroupWare API versioon
+egroupware api version %1 common et eGroupWare API versioon %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common et eGroupWare: logimine blokeeritud kasutajale '%1', IP %2
+egypt common et EGIPTUS
+el salvador common et EL SALVADOR
+email common et E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common et kasutaja email-aadress, nagu "%1"
+enabled common et Lubatud
+end date common et Lõpu kuupäev
+end time common et Lõpu aeg
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common et Kirje kustutatud täielikult
+entry updated sucessfully common et Kirje uuendatud täielikult
+equatorial guinea common et EKVATORIAALl-GUINEA
+eritrea common et ERITREA
+error common et Viga
+error creating %1 %2 directory common et Viga kausta %1 %2 tegemisel
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common et Viga kausta %1 %2 kustutamisel
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common et Viga kausta %1 %2 ümber nimetamisel
+estonia common et EESTI
+ethiopia common et ETIOOPIA
+everything common et Kõik
+exact common et täpne
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common et Ühendus serveriga ebaõnnestus või vigane serveri vastus. Proovi uuesti sisse logida. Kui ebaõnnestub kontakteeru Administraatoriga.
+fax number common et faksi number
+features of the editor? common et fax number
+february common et Veebruar
+fields common et Väljad
+files common et Failid
+filter common et Filter
+finland common et Soome
+first name common et Eesnimi
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common et kasutaja eesnimi, nagu "%1"
+first page common et Esimene leht
+firstname common et Eesnimi
+fixme! common et PARANDA MIND!
+folder already exists. common et Kaust juba eksisteerib.
+forever common et Igavesti
+france common et PRANSUSMAA
+friday common et Reede
+ftp common et FTP
+fullname common et Täisnimi
+fullscreen mode common et Täisekraan vaade
+gabon common et GABON
+gambia common et GAMBIA
+georgia common et GEORGIA
+german common et SAKSAMAA
+germany common et SAKSAMAA
+ghana common et GHANA
+gibraltar common et GIBRALTAR
+global common et Globaalne
+global public common et Globaalne Publik
+go today jscalendar et Mine Tänasele
+grant access common et Luba Ligipääs
+greece common et KREEKA
+greenland common et GRÖÖNIMAA
+grenada common et GRANADA
+group common et Grupp
+group access common et Grupi Ligipääs
+group has been added common et Grupp on lisatud
+group has been deleted common et Grupp on kustutatud
+group has been updated common et Grupp on uuendatud
+group name common et grupi nimi
+groups common et Grupid
+haiti common et HAITI
+height common et Kõrgus
+help common et Abi
+high common et Kõrge
+highest common et Kõrgeim
+home common et Kodu
+home email common et kodu email
+honduras common et HONDURAS
+hong kong common et HONG KONG
+hungary common et UNGARI
+iceland common et ISLAND
+india common et INDIA
+indonesia common et INDONEESIA
+insert column after common et Sisesta veerg enne
+insert column before common et Sisesta veerg peale
+insert row after common et Sisesta rida enne
+insert row before common et Sisesta rida peale
+international common et rahvusvaheline
+invalid filename common et Vigane failinimi
+invalid ip address common et Vigane IP aadress
+invalid password common et Vigane parool
+ireland common et IIRIMAA
+italy common et ITAALIA
+january common et Jaanuar
+japan common et JAAPAN
+july common et Juuli
+june common et Juuni
+language common et Keel
+last page common et Viimane leht
+latvia common et LÄTI
+left common et Vasak
+liberia common et LIBEERIA
+license common et Litsents
+list common et Nimekiri
+lithuania common et LEEDU
+local common et Lokaalne
+logout common et Logi välja
+low common et Madal
+lowest common et Madalaim
+main category common et Peamine kategooria
+malta common et MALTA
+march common et Märts
+may common et Mai
+medium common et Keskmine
+menu common et Menüü
+message common et Teade
+minute common et minut
+monaco common et MONACO
+monday common et Esmaspäev
+mongolia common et MONGOOLIA
+multiple common et mitmik
+name common et Nimi
+never common et Mittekunagi
+new value common et Uus Väärtus
+new zealand common et UUS MEREMAA
+next common et Järgmine
+next page common et Järgmine leht
+nicaragua common et NICARAGUA
+niger common et NIGER
+nigeria common et NIGEERIA
+niue common et NIUE
+no common et Ei
+no entries found, try again ... common et kirjeid ei leitud, proovi uuesti
+none common et Pole
+normal common et Normaalne
+norway common et NORRA
+not common et ei
+not a user yet? register now common et Pole vee kasutaja? Registreeru nüüd
+note common et Teavitus
+notes common et Teavitused
+notify window common et Teavituse aken
+november common et November
+october common et Oktoober
+ok common et OK
+old value common et Vana Väärtus
+oman common et OMAAN
+only private common et ainult privaatne
+only yours common et ainult sinu
+open popup window common et Ava hüpikaken
+overview common et Ülevaade
+owner common et Omanik
+page common et Leht
+page was generated in %1 seconds common et Leht genereeriti %1 sekundit
+password common et Parool
+password has been updated common et Parool on uuendatud
+personal common et Personaalne
+phone number common et telefoni number
+please enter a name common et Palun sisesta nimi !
+please select common et Palun Vali
+please set your global preferences common et Palun sisesta oma globaalsed eelistused !
+please wait... common et Palun Oota...
+poland common et POOLA
+portugal common et PORTUGAL
+preferences common et Eelistused
+previous page common et Eelmine leht
+primary style-sheet: common et Primaarne siilileht:
+print common et Prindi
+priority common et Prioriteet
+private common et Privaatne
+programs common et Programmid
+project common et Projekt
+read common et Lugema
+reading common et loen
+regular common et Regulaarne
+reject common et Lükka tagasi
+remove selected accounts common et eemalda märgitud kontod
+rename common et Nimeta ümber
+replace common et Asenda
+reunion common et REUNION
+right common et Parem
+romania common et RUMEENIA
+russian federation common et VENEMAA
+saturday common et Laupäev
+save common et Salvesta
+search common et Otsi
+search %1 '%2' common et Otsi %1 '%2'
+search accounts common et Otsi kontosid
+second common et teine
+section common et Selektsioon
+select common et Vali
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common et Vali kõik %1 %2 for %3
+select category common et Vali Kategooria
+select date common et Vali kuupäev
+select group common et Vali grupp
+select home email address common et Vali kodune email aadress
+select multiple accounts common et Vali mitu kontot
+select one common et Vali üks
+select the default height for the application windows common et Vali vaikimisi rakenduse akna kõrgus
+select the default width for the application windows common et Vali vaikimisi rakenduse akna laius
+select user common et Vali kasutaja
+select work email address common et Vali töö email aadress
+selection common et Valik
+send common et Saada
+senegal common et SENEGAL
+september common et September
+serbia common et Serbia
+server %1 has been added common et Server %1 on lisatud
+server name common et Serveri Nimi
+session has been killed common et Sessioon tapeti
+show all common et näita kõik
+show all categorys common et Näita kõik kategooriad
+show clock? common et Näita kella?
+show menu common et näita menüüd
+show page generation time common et Näita lehe genereerimise aega
+show page generation time? common et Näita lehe genereerimise aega?
+showing %1 common et näitan %1
+simple common et Lihtne
+singapore common et SINGAPUR
+slovakia common et SLOVAKIA
+slovenia common et SLOVEENIA
+somalia common et SOMAALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login et Vabandust, sinu logimine on aegunud
+spain common et HISPAANIA
+start date common et Algus kuupäev
+start time common et Algus aeg
+status common et Staatus
+sudan common et SUDAAN
+sunday common et Pühapäev
+sweden common et ROOTSI
+text color: common et Teksti värv:
+thailand common et TAI
+the following applications require upgrades common et Järgmised rakendused vajavad uuendusi
+this application is current common et See rakendus on kaasaegne
+this application requires an upgrade common et See rakendus vajab uuendust
+this name has been used already common et See nimi on juba kasutusel !
+thursday common et Neljapäev
+tiled common et paanidena
+time common et Aeg
+time selection: jscalendar et Aja valik:
+time zone common et Ajavöönd
+time zone offset common et Ajavööndi nihe
+title common et Pealkiri
+today common et Täna
+togo common et TOGO
+tokelau common et TOKELAU
+tonga common et TONGA
+total common et Kokku
+trinidad and tobago common et TRINIDAD JA TOBAGO
+tuesday common et Teisipäev
+tunisia common et TUNEESIA
+turkey common et TÜRGI
+turkmenistan common et TÜRKMENISTAN
+type common et TÜÜP
+uganda common et UGANDA
+ukraine common et UKRAINA
+underline common et Allajoonitud
+united kingdom common et INGLISMAA
+united states common et AMEERIKA ÜHENDRIIGID
+unknown common et Tundmatu
+update common et Uuenda
+upload common et Lae üles
+uruguay common et URUGUAI
+user common et Kasutaja
+user accounts common et kasutaja kontod
+user groups common et kasutaja grupid
+username common et Kasutajanimi
+users common et kasutajad
+users choice common et Kasutajate Valik
+uzbekistan common et USBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common et VANUATU
+venezuela common et VENETSUEELA
+version common et Versioon
+viet nam common et VIETNAM
+view common et Vaade
+wednesday common et Kolmapäev
+welcome common et Tere tulemast
+western sahara common et LÄÄNE SAHARA
+which groups common et Millised grupid
+width common et Laius
+wk jscalendar et Nd
+work email common et töö email
+writing common et kirjutan
+written by: common et Kirjutatud:
+year common et Aasta
+yemen common et JEEMEN
+yes common et Jah
+you are required to change your password during your first login common et Sa pead muutma oma parooli esmasel sisselogimisel
+you have been successfully logged out login et Oled täielikult välja loginud
+you have not entered a title common et Sa ei sisestanud pealkirja
+you have not entered a valid date common et Sa ei sisestanud kehtivat kuupäeva
+you have not entered a valid time of day common et Sa ei
+you have not entered participants common et Sa ei sisestanud osalejaid
+you have selected an invalid date common et Sisestasid vigase kuupäeva !
+you have selected an invalid main category common et Sisestasid vigase pea kategooria !
+you have successfully logged out common et Oled õnnelikult välja loginud
+your message has been sent common et Sinu kiri on saadetud
+your search returned %1 matchs common et Sinu otsing andis %1 tulemust
+your search returned 1 match common et Sinu otsing andis 1 tulemuse
+your settings have been updated common et Sinu seadistused on Uuendatud
+zambia common et SAMBIA
+zimbabwe common et ZIMBABWE
+zoom common et Suurenda
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_eu.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_eu.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b98490e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_eu.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common eu %1 helbide elektronikoak txertatuak
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common eu %1-ek ez du baimenik web zerbitzaria exekutatzeko!!!
+%1 manual common eu %1 eskuzkoa
+%1 start common eu %1 hasi
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common eu %1eGroupWare%2 web-ean oinarritutako talde lanerako tresna erabiltzaile anitza da
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar eu Sakatu maiuskula edota arrastatu balioa aldatzeko
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar eu - Egin klik edozein zatitan handitzeko
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar eu -Xaguaren botoia sakatua mantendu edozein zatian aukeraketa azkarrerako
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar eu - sakatu edo arrastatu aukeraketa azkarrerako
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar eu - sakatu maiuskularekin batera gutxitzeko
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar eu - %1, %2 botoiak erabili hilabetea aukeratzeko
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar eu - %1, %2 botoiak erabili urtea aukeratzeko
+00 (disable) admin eu 00 (desaktibatu)
+13 (ntp) admin eu 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar eu 3 karaktere egunaren laburduran
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar eu 3 karaktere hilabetearen laburduran
+80 (http) admin eu 80 (http)
+about common eu Honi buruzkoak
+about %1 common eu %1 honi buruzkoak
+about egroupware common eu eGroupwareri buruzkoak
+about the calendar jscalendar eu Egutegiari buruzkoak
+access common eu Sarbide
+access not permitted common eu Sarrera ez onartua
+account has been created common eu Kontu bat sortu da
+account has been deleted common eu Kontua ezabatua izan da
+account has been updated common eu Kontua eguneratua izan da
+account is expired common eu Kontua iraungi egin da
+acl common eu ACL
+action common eu Ekin
+active common eu Aktibatua
+add common eu Gehitu
+add %1 category for common eu %1 kategoria gehitu zertarako
+add category common eu Kategoria gehitu
+add shortcut common eu Gehitu lasterbidea
+add sub common eu Gehitu azpi-
+addressbook common eu Helbide liburua
+admin common eu Admin
+administration common eu Administrazioa
+afghanistan common eu AFGANISTAN
+albania common eu ALBANIA
+algeria common eu ALJERIA
+all common eu Guztiak
+all fields common eu eremu guztiak
+alphabet common eu a,b,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common eu Txadakatu estilo-orria
+american samoa common eu AMERICAN SAMOA
+andorra common eu ANDORRA
+angola common eu ANGOLA
+anguilla common eu ANGUILLA
+antarctica common eu ANTARTIKA
+antigua and barbuda common eu ANTIGUA ETA BARBUDA
+application common eu Aplikazioa
+apply common eu Aplikatu
+april common eu Apirila
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common eu Ziur al zaude sarrera hauek ezbatu nahi dituzula?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common eu Ziur al zaude sarrera hau ezbatu nahi duzula?
+argentina common eu ARGENTINA
+armenia common eu ARMENIA
+aruba common eu ARUBA
+august common eu Abuztua
+australia common eu AUSTRALIA
+austria common eu AUSTRIA
+author common eu Egilea
+autohide sidebox menu's common eu Menuak automatikoki ezkutatu
+autohide sidebox menus common eu Menuak automatikoki ezkutatu
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common eu Menuak automatikoki ezkutatu?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common eu Menuak automatikoki ezkutatu?
+autosave default category common eu Autograbatu kategoria lehenetsia
+azerbaijan common eu AZERBAIJAN
+back common eu Atzera
+back to user login common eu Erabiltzailearen sesioaren hasierara itzuli
+background color: common eu Atzeko planoko kolorea:
+bad login or password common eu Erabiltzaile izena edo pasahitza ez da zuzena
+bahamas common eu BAHAMAS
+bahrain common eu BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common eu BLANGADESH
+barbados common eu BARBADOS
+bcc common eu Bcc
+belarus common eu BELARUS
+belgium common eu BELGIKA
+belize common eu BELIZE
+benin common eu BENIN
+bermuda common eu BERMUDA
+bhutan common eu BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common eu Blokeatuta saiakera gehiegi
+bold common eu Lodia
+bold.gif common eu lodia.gif
+bolivia common eu BOLIBIA
+border common eu Ertza
+bosnia and herzegovina common eu BOSNIA ETA HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common eu BOSTWANA
+bottom common eu Behean
+bouvet island common eu BOUVET ISLAND
+brazil common eu BRASIL
+british indian ocean territory common eu BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
+brunei darussalam common eu BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common eu BULGARIA
+burkina faso common eu BURKINA FASO
+burundi common eu BURUNDI
+calendar common eu Egutegia
+cambodia common eu CAMBODIA
+cameroon common eu CAMEROON
+canada common eu CANADA
+cancel common eu Ezeztatu
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common eu %1 ezin da ordezkatu direktorio bat delako
+cant open '%1' for %2 common eu Ezin da %1 ireki %2rentzako
+cape verde common eu CAPE VERDE
+caption common eu Epigrafea
+categories common eu Kategoriak
+categories for common eu Kategoriak
+category common eu Kategoria
+category %1 has been added ! common eu Kategoria %1 erantsia izan da
+category %1 has been updated ! common eu Kategoria %1 eguneratua izan da
+cayman islands common eu CAIMAN IRLAK
+cc common eu Cc
+centered common eu erdian
+central african republic common eu ERTA AFRIKAKO ERREPUBLIKA
+chad common eu CHAD
+change common eu Aldatu
+charset common eu utf-8
+check installation common eu Instalazioa egiaztu
+check now common eu Egiaztatu orain
+chile common eu CHILE
+china common eu TXINA
+choose a background color common eu Atzeko planoaren kolorea aukeratu
+choose a background color for the icons common eu Aukeratu ikonoen atzeko planorako kolore bat
+choose a background image. common eu Atzeko planoko irudia aukeratu
+choose a background style. common eu Aztzko planoko estiloa aukeratu
+choose a text color for the icons common eu Aukeratu ikonoen testu kolorea
+choose the category common eu Kategoria aukeratu
+choose the parent category common eu Goi kategoria aukeratu
+christmas island common eu CHRISTMAS ISLAND
+clear common eu Garbitu
+clear form common eu Formularioa garbitu
+click common eu Klikatu
+click or mouse over to show menus common eu Klikatu edo mugitu xagua menuetatik
+click or mouse over to show menus? common eu Klikatu edo mugitu xagua menuetatik?
+close common eu Itxi
+cocos (keeling) islands common eu COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
+colombia common eu COLOMBIA
+common preferences common eu Hobespen orokorrak
+comoros common eu COMOROS
+company common eu Elkartea
+congo common eu CONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common eu CONGOKO ERREPUBLIKA DEMOKRATIKOA
+contacting server... common eu Zerbitzariarekin konektatzen...
+cook islands common eu COOK ISLANDS
+copy common eu Kopiatu
+costa rica common eu COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common eu COTE D IVOIRE
+create common eu Sortu
+created by common eu Nork sortua
+croatia common eu CROATIA
+cuba common eu KUBA
+currency common eu Aldaketa
+current common eu Oraingoa
+current users common eu Momentuko erabiltzaileak
+cyprus common eu CYPRUS
+czech republic common eu CZECH REPUBLIC
+date common eu Data
+date due common eu Muga eguna
+date selection: jscalendar eu Aukeratu data:
+december common eu Abendua
+default category common eu Lehenetsitako kategoria
+delete common eu Ezabatu
+delete row common eu Errenkada ezabatu
+denmark common eu Danimarka
+description common eu Deskribapena
+detail common eu Zehaztasuna
+details common eu Zehaztasunak
+direction left to right common eu Helbidea ezkerretik eskubira
+disable slider effects common eu Efektu graduatzaileak desaktibatu
+disabled common eu Desaktibatu
+display %s first jscalendar eu Erakutsi % lehenengo
+djibouti common eu DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common eu Azpikategoria guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzu?
+doctype: common eu DOCTYPE:
+document properties common eu Dokumentuaren propietateak:
+document title: common eu Dokumentuaren izenburua:
+domain common eu Domeinu
+domestic common eu Lokal
+dominica common eu DOMINICA
+dominican republic common eu ERREPUBLICA DOMINIKARRA
+done common eu Egina
+drag to move jscalendar eu Arrastatu mugitzeko
+e-mail common eu Posta elektronikoa
+east timor common eu EAST TIMOR
+ecuador common eu ECUADOR
+edit common eu Editatu
+edit %1 category for common eu Editatu %1 kategoria
+edit categories common eu Editatu kategoriak
+edit category common eu Editatu kategoria
+egroupware api version %1 common eu eGroupware API bertsioa %1
+egypt common eu EGIPTO
+el salvador common eu EL SALVADOR
+email common eu Posta elektronikoa
+enabled common eu Lehenengo orria
+end date common eu Amaiera data
+end time common eu Amaiera ordua
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common eu Sarrera zuzen ezabatu da
+entry updated sucessfully common eu Sarrera zuzen eguneratu da
+equatorial guinea common eu GUINEA ECUATORIAL
+eritrea common eu ERITREA
+error common eu Errorea
+error creating %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa sortzerakoan
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa ezabatzerakoan
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa berizendatzerakoan
+estonia common eu ESTONIA
+ethiopia common eu ETHIOPIA
+exact common eu Zehatz
+falkland islands (malvinas) common eu MALVINAK
+faroe islands common eu FAROE IRLAK
+fax number common eu Fax zenbakia
+february common eu Otsaila
+fields common eu Eremuak
+fiji common eu FIJI
+files common eu Fitxategiak
+filter common eu Iragazkia
+finland common eu FINLANDIA
+first name common eu Izena
+first page common eu Lehenengo orria
+firstname common eu Izena
+fixme! common eu Zuzendu nazazu!
+folder already exists. common eu Karpeta hau existitzen da.
+force selectbox common eu Aukeraketa koadroa indartu
+france common eu FRANTZIA
+french guiana common eu FRANTZIAR GUIANA
+french polynesia common eu FRANTZIAR POLYNESIA
+french southern territories common eu HEGOALDEKO LURRALDE FRANTSESAK
+friday common eu Ostirala
+ftp common eu FTP
+fullname common eu Izen osoa
+gabon common eu GABON
+gambia common eu GAMBIA
+general menu common eu Menu nagusia
+georgia common eu GEORGIA
+german common eu Alemana
+germany common eu ALEMANIA
+ghana common eu GHANA
+gibraltar common eu GIBRALTAR
+global common eu Guztizkoa
+global public common eu Publiko guztia
+go today jscalendar eu Gaur joan
+grant access common eu Sarrera eman
+greece common eu GREZIA
+greenland common eu GROENLANDIA
+grenada common eu GRENADA
+group common eu Taldea
+group access common eu Taldeko sarrera
+group has been added common eu Taldea gehitua izan da
+group has been deleted common eu Taldea ezabatua izan da
+group has been updated common eu Taldea eguneratua izan da
+group name common eu Taldearen izena
+group public common eu Talde publikoa
+groups common eu Taldeak
+groups with permission for %1 common eu Taldeak %1erako baimenarekin
+groups without permission for %1 common eu Taldeak %1erako baimenik gabe
+guadeloupe common eu GUADALUPE
+guam common eu GUAM
+guatemala common eu GUATEMALA
+guinea common eu GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common eu GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common eu GUYANA
+haiti common eu HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common eu HEARD ISLAND ETA MCDONALD ISLANDS
+height common eu Garaiera
+help common eu Laguntza
+high common eu Altua
+highest common eu Altuena
+holy see (vatican city state) common eu HOLY SEE (VATICANO HIRIA)
+home common eu Hasiera
+home email common eu Posta elektroniko pribatua
+honduras common eu HONDURAS
+hong kong common eu HONG KONG
+hungary common eu HUNGARIA
+iceland common eu ISLANDIA
+image url common eu URL irudia
+india common eu INDIA
+indonesia common eu INDONESIA
+insert column after common eu Zutabe bat txertatu aurretik
+insert column before common eu Zutabe bat txertatu aurretik
+insert row after common eu Errenkada bat txertatu aurretik
+insert row before common eu Errenkada bat txertatu ondoren
+international common eu Nazioartekoa
+invalid filename common eu Fitxategi izena baliogabea
+invalid ip address common eu IP helbidea baliogabea
+invalid password common eu Pasahitza baliogabea
+iran, islamic republic of common eu IRANEKO ISLAMIAR ERREPUBLIKA
+iraq common eu IRAQ
+ireland common eu IRLANDA
+israel common eu ISRAEL
+italic common eu Etzana
+italy common eu ITALIA
+jamaica common eu JAMAICA
+january common eu Urtarrila
+japan common eu JAPONIA
+jordan common eu JORDANIA
+july common eu Uztaila
+jun common eu Ekaina
+june common eu Ekaina
+justify center common eu Lerrokatu erdian
+justify full common eu Lerrokatu
+justify left common eu Lerrokatu ezkerrean
+justify right common eu lerrokatu eskuinean
+kazakstan common eu KAZAKSTAN
+kenya common eu KENYA
+keywords common eu Hitz gakoak
+kiribati common eu KIRIBATI
+korea, republic of common eu KOREAKO ERREPUBLIKA
+kuwait common eu KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common eu KYRGYZSTAN
+language common eu Hizkuntza
+lao peoples democratic republic common eu LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
+last name common eu Abizena
+last page common eu Azken orria
+lastname common eu Abizena
+latvia common eu LATVIA
+ldap-mgr common eu LDAP-Administratzailea
+lebanon common eu LIBANO
+left common eu Ezkerrean
+lesotho common eu LESOTHO
+liberia common eu LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common eu LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
+license common eu Lizentzia
+liechtenstein common eu LIECHTENSTEIN
+list common eu Zerrenda
+list members common eu Zerrendako partaideak
+lithuania common eu LITUANIA
+local common eu Lokal
+login common eu Sartu
+loginid common eu Erabiltzaile izena
+logout common eu Irten
+low common eu Baxu
+lowest common eu Baxuena
+luxembourg common eu LUXENBURGO
+macau common eu MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common eu MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF
+madagascar common eu MADAGASCAR
+main category common eu Kategoria nagusia
+main screen common eu Pantaila nagusia
+maintainer common eu Nork mantendu
+malawi common eu MALAWI
+malaysia common eu MALAYSIA
+maldives common eu MALDIVES
+mali common eu MALI
+malta common eu MALTA
+march common eu Martxoa
+marshall islands common eu MARSHALL ISLANDS
+martinique common eu MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common eu MAURITANIA
+mauritius common eu MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common eu Ikono kopuru maximoa barran
+may common eu Maiatza
+mayotte common eu MAYOTTE
+medium common eu Erdia
+menu common eu Menua
+message common eu Mezua
+mexico common eu MEXIKO
+micronesia, federated states of common eu MICRONESIA FEDERATED STATES OF
+moldova, republic of common eu MOLDOVAKO ERREPUBLIKA
+monaco common eu MONACO
+monday common eu Astelehena
+mongolia common eu MONGOLIA
+montserrat common eu MONTSERRAT
+morocco common eu MAROKO
+mozambique common eu MOZAMBIQUE
+multiple common eu anizkoitza
+myanmar common eu NYANMAR
+name common eu Izena
+namibia common eu NAMIBIA
+nauru common eu NAURU
+nepal common eu NEPAL
+netherlands common eu HOLANDA
+netherlands antilles common eu NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
+never common eu Inoiz
+new caledonia common eu CALEDONIA BERRIA
+new entry added sucessfully common eu Sarrera berria egoki txertatu da
+new main category common eu Kategoria nagusi berria
+new value common eu Balio berria
+new zealand common eu ZELANDA BERRIA
+next common eu Hurrengoa
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Hurrengo hilabetea
+next page common eu Hurrengo orrialdea
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Hurrengo urtea
+nicaragua common eu NICARAGUA
+niger common eu NIGER
+nigeria common eu NIGERIA
+niue common eu NIUE
+no common eu Ez
+no entries found, try again ... common eu Ez da sarrerarik aurkitu, saiatu berriro...
+no history for this record common eu Ez dago historiarik erregistro honetarako
+no subject common eu Gaiarik gabe
+none common eu Bat ere ez
+norfolk island common eu NORFOLK IRLAK
+normal common eu Normala
+northern mariana islands common eu NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
+norway common eu NORWAY
+not assigned common eu Esleitu gabe
+note common eu Oharra
+notes common eu Oharrak
+notify window common eu Abisu leihoa
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common eu Zure adaministratzaileari abisatu egoera hau zuzentzeko
+november common eu Azaroa
+october common eu Urria
+ok common eu Onartu
+old value common eu Aurreko balioa
+oman common eu OMAN
+on mouse over common eu Xagua gainetik mugitzerakoan
+only private common eu pribatua soilik
+only yours common eu bakarrik zureak
+open notify window common eu Abisu leihoa zabaldu
+ordered list common eu Ordenatutako zerrenda
+original common eu Jatorrizkoa
+other common eu Besteak
+overview common eu Laburpena
+owner common eu jabea
+page common eu Orrialdea
+page was generated in %1 seconds common eu Orria %1 segundutan sortu da
+pakistan common eu PAKISTAN
+palau common eu PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common eu PALESTINA LURRALDE OKUPATUA
+panama common eu PANAMA
+papua new guinea common eu PAPUA GUINEA BERRIA
+paraguay common eu PARAGUAY
+parcel common eu Paketea
+parent category common eu Goi kategoria
+password common eu Pasahitza
+password could not be changed common eu Pasahitza ezin izan da aldatu
+password has been updated common eu Pasahitza eguneratua izan da
+personal common eu Pertsonala
+peru common eu PERU
+philippines common eu FILIPINAK
+phone number common eu Telefono zenbakia
+phpgwapi common eu eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common eu PITCAIRN
+please enter a name common eu Mesedez izen bat sartu
+please select common eu Mesedez aukeratu
+please wait... common eu Mesedez itxaron
+poland common eu POLONIA
+portugal common eu PORTUGAL
+postal common eu Postala
+preferences common eu Hobespenak
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Aurreko hilabetea (menuan mantendu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Aurreko urtea (menuan mantendu)
+previous page common eu Aurreko orria
+primary style-sheet: common eu Lehenengo estilo orria
+print common eu Inprimatu
+priority common eu Lehentasuna
+private common eu Pribatua
+project common eu Proiektua
+public common eu Publikoa
+puerto rico common eu PUERTO RICO
+qatar common eu QATAR
+read common eu Irakurri
+read this list of methods. common eu Metodo zerrenda hau irakurri
+reject common eu Ukatu
+remove selected accounts common eu Aukeratutako kontuak kendu
+rename common eu Berizendatu
+replace common eu Ordezkatu
+replace with common eu Ordezkatu -kin
+reunion common eu REUNION
+right common eu Eskuinean
+romania common eu RUMANIA
+russian federation common eu ERRUSIAKO FEDERAZIOA
+rwanda common eu RWANDA
+saint helena common eu SANTA HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common eu SAINT KITTS ETA NEVIS
+saint lucia common eu SANTA LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common eu SAINT PIERRE ETA MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common eu SAINT VICENT ETA THE GRENADINES
+samoa common eu SAMOA
+san marino common eu SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common eu SAO TOME ETA PRINCIPE
+saturday common eu Larunbata
+saudi arabia common eu SAUDI ARABIA
+save common eu Gorde
+search common eu Bilatu
+search %1 '%2' common eu Bilatu %1 '%2'
+search or select accounts common eu Bilatu aukeratutako kontuetan
+section common eu Sekzioa
+select common eu Aukeratu
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common eu Guztiak aukeratu %1 %2 %3tik
+select category common eu Aukeratu kategoria
+select date common eu Aukeratu eguna
+select group common eu Aukeratu taldea
+select home email address common eu Aukeratu hasierako helbide elektronikoa
+select one common eu Aukeratu bat
+select user common eu Aukeratu erabiltzailea
+select work email address common eu Aukeratu laneko helbide elektronikoa
+selection common eu Aukeraketa
+send common eu Bidali
+senegal common eu SENEGAL
+september common eu Iraila
+server %1 has been added common eu %1 zerbitzaria gehitua izan da
+server name common eu Zerbitzariaren izena
+session has been killed common eu Saio ezabatua izan da
+setup common eu Instalazioa
+setup main menu common eu Instalaziorako menu nagusia
+seychelles common eu SEYCHELLES
+show all common eu Erakutsi guztia
+show all categorys common eu erakutsi kategoria guztiak
+show menu common eu erakutsi menua
+show page generation time common eu Orriaren sorkuntza denbora erakutsi
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common eu Orriaren sorkuntza denbora orriaren azpian erakutsi?
+show_more_apps common eu Erakutsi aplikazio gehiago
+showing %1 common eu %1 erakutsiz
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common eu %1 %2 %3tik erakutsiz
+sierra leone common eu SIERRA LEONA
+singapore common eu SINGAPORE
+slovakia common eu SLOVAKIA
+slovenia common eu SLOVENIA
+solomon islands common eu SOLOMON ISLANDS
+somalia common eu SOMALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login eu Barkatu zure saioa iraungi egin da
+south africa common eu HEGO AFRIKA
+spain common eu ESPAINIA
+sri lanka common eu SRI LANKA
+start date common eu Hasiera data
+start time common eu Hasiera ordua
+start with common eu zerrekin hasi
+status common eu Egoera
+subject common eu Gaia
+submit common eu Bidali
+substitutions and their meanings: common eu Ordezkapenak eta hauen esanahiak:
+sudan common eu SUDAN
+sunday common eu Igandea
+suriname common eu SURINAME
+sweden common eu SUEZIA
+switzerland common eu SUIZA
+table properties common eu Taularen propietateak
+taiwan common eu TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common eu TAJIKISTAN
+text color: common eu Testuaren kolorea:
+thailand common eu THAILAND
+the api is current common eu APIa eguneratua dago
+the api requires an upgrade common eu APIak eguneratze bat behar du
+this application is current common eu Aplikazio hau eguneratua dago
+this application requires an upgrade common eu Aplikazio honek egunertzea behar du
+this name has been used already common eu Izen hau erabilia dago!
+thursday common eu Osteguna
+time common eu Ordua
+time selection: jscalendar eu Ordua aukeratu:
+time zone common eu Ordu-zona
+time zone offset common eu Ordu-zonako diferentzia
+title common eu Izenburua
+today common eu Gaur
+toggle first day of week jscalendar eu Asteko lehen eguna aldatu
+togo common eu TOGO
+tokelau common eu TOKELAU
+tonga common eu TONGA
+top common eu Goian
+total common eu Guztia
+trinidad and tobago common eu TRINIDAD ETA TOBAGO
+tuesday common eu Asteartea
+tunisia common eu TUNISIA
+turkey common eu TURKIA
+turkmenistan common eu TURKMENISTAN
+tuvalu common eu TUVALU
+uganda common eu UGANDA
+ukraine common eu UKRANIA
+underline common eu Azpimarratu
+united kingdom common eu ERRESUMA BATUA
+united states common eu ESTATU BATUAK
+unknown common eu Ezezaguna
+update common eu Eguneratu
+url common eu URL
+uruguay common eu URUGUAY
+use button to search for common eu erabili botoia bilaketarako
+use button to search for address common eu erabili botoia helbideen bilaketarako
+use button to search for calendarevent common eu erabili botoia egutegiko gertaeren bilaketarako
+use button to search for project common eu erabili botoia proiektuen bilaketarako
+user common eu Erabiltzailea
+user accounts common eu erabiltzaile kontua
+user groups common eu erabiltzaile taldeak
+username common eu erabiltzaile izena
+users common eu erabiltzaileak
+users choice common eu Erabiltzaileak erabakitzeko
+uzbekistan common eu UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common eu VANUATU
+venezuela common eu VENEZUELA
+version common eu Bertsioa
+viet nam common eu VIET NAM
+view common eu Ikusi
+wallis and futuna common eu WALLIS ETA FUTUNA
+wednesday common eu Asteazkena
+welcome common eu Ongo etorri
+western sahara common eu MENDEBALDEKO SAHARA
+which groups common eu Zein taldeak
+width common eu Zabalera
+wk jscalendar eu wk
+work email common eu laneko posta elektronikoa
+written by: common eu Nork idatzi:
+year common eu Urtea
+yemen common eu YEMEN
+yes common eu Bai
+you have been successfully logged out login eu Zuzen irten zara
+you have not entered a title common eu Ez duzu izenbururik sartu
+you have not entered a valid date common eu Ez duzu baliozko data bat sartu
+you have not entered a valid time of day common eu Ez duzu eguneko ordu bat sartu
+you have not entered participants common eu Ez duzu partehartzailerik sartu
+you have selected an invalid date common eu Aukeratutako datak ez du balio!
+you have selected an invalid main category common eu Aukeratutako kategoria nagusiak ez du balio!
+you have successfully logged out common eu Saioa zuzen bukatu duzu
+your message has been sent common eu Zure mezua bidalia izan da
+your search returned %1 matchs common eu Zure bilaketak %1eko emaitza izan du
+your search returned 1 match common eu Zure bilaketak emaitza bai izan du
+your session could not be verified. login eu Zure saioa ezin izan da egiaztatu
+your settings have been updated common eu Zure hobespenak eguneratuak izan dira
+yugoslavia common eu YUGOSLAVIA
+zambia common eu ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common eu ZIMBABWE
+zoom common eu Zoom
+site configuration common eu Lekuaren konfigurazioa
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fa.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fa.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6e6ca8634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fa.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common fa %1 آدرس رایانامه وارد شده
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common fa %1 قابل اجرا توسط وب سرور نمی باشد !!!
+%1 manual common fa راهنمای %1
+%1 start common fa شروع %1
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common fa %1گروه افزار%2 یک محیط کارمشترک مبتنی بر وب و چند کاربره است که در %3PHP%4نوشته شده است.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar fa (تبدیل-) کلیک کنید یا بکشید تا مقدار را تغییر دهید
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar fa روی هر بخشی از زمان کلیک کنید تا زیادش کنید
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar fa برای انتخاب سریعتر دکمه موشواره را روی هر کدام از کلیدهای بالا نگه دارید
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar fa یا برای انتخاب سریعتر کلیک کنید و بکشید
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar fa یا تبدیل-کلیک کنید تا کم شود
+00 (disable) admin fa (غیر فعال) ۰۰
+1 day login fa یک روز
+1 hour login fa یک ساعت
+1 month login fa یک ماه
+about common fa درباره
+about %1 common fa درباره %1
+about egroupware common fa درباره گروه افزار
+about the calendar jscalendar fa درباره تقویم
+access common fa دست یابی
+access not permitted common fa اجازه دستیابی وجود ندارد
+account has been created common fa حساب ايجاد شده است
+account has been deleted common fa حساب حذف شده است
+account has been updated common fa حساب ويرايش شده است
+account is expired common fa حساب منقضی شده است
+acl common fa لیست کنترل دسترسی
+action common fa عمل
+active common fa فعال
+add common fa افزودن
+add %1 category for common fa افزودن %1 دسته برای
+add category common fa افزودن دسته
+add shortcut common fa افزودن میانبر
+add sub common fa افزودن زیرمجموعه
+addressbook common fa اطلاعات اشخاص
+admin common fa مدیر
+administration common fa اداره
+afghanistan common fa افغانستان
+albania common fa آلبانی
+algeria common fa الجزاير
+all common fa همه
+all fields common fa همه فیلدها
+alphabet common fa ا,آ,ب,پ,ت,ث,ج,چ,ح,خ,د,ذ,ر,ز,ژ,س,ش,ص,ض,ط,ظ,ع,غ,ف,ق,ک,گ,ل,م,ن,و,ه,ی
+alternate style-sheet: common fa برگه سبک دیگر:
+andorra common fa آندورا
+angola common fa آنگولا
+application common fa برنامه
+apply common fa اعمال
+april common fa آوريل
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common fa آيا شما مطمئن هستيد که می خواهيد اين وروديها را حذف کنيد
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common fa آيا شما مطمئن هستيد که می خواهيد اين ورودی را حذف کنيد
+argentina common fa آرژانتين
+armenia common fa ارمنستان
+august common fa آگوست
+australia common fa استراليا
+austria common fa اتريش
+author common fa ناشر
+autohide sidebox menu's common fa پنهان سازی خودکار فهرست کناری
+autohide sidebox menus common fa پنهان سازی خودکار فهرست کناری
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common fa فهرست کناری بطور خودکار پنهان شود؟
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common fa فهرست کناری بطور خودکار پنهان شود؟
+autosave default category common fa ذخیره خودکار دسته پیش فرض
+azerbaijan common fa آذربايجان
+back common fa بازگشت
+back to user login common fa بازگشت به ورودی کاربر
+background color: common fa رنگ پس زمینه:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common fa پوشه پشتیبان '%1' بوسیله کارگزار وب قابل نوشتن نیست
+bad login or password common fa نام کاربری یا رمزعبور اشتباه
+bahrain common fa بحرين
+bangladesh common fa بنگلادش
+bcc common fa رونوشت مخفی
+blocked, too many attempts common fa بلاک شده، تلاش زياد
+bold common fa درشت
+border common fa کادر
+bosnia and herzegovina common fa بوسنی و هرز گوين
+bottom common fa پایین
+brazil common fa برزيل
+bulgaria common fa بلغارستان
+calendar common fa تقویم
+cameroon common fa کامرون
+canada common fa کانادا
+cancel common fa بستن
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common fa %1 را نمی توانم جایگزین کنم چون پوشه است
+cant open '%1' for %2 common fa نمیتوانم '%1' را برای %2 باز کنم
+caption common fa عنوان
+categories common fa دسته ها
+categories for common fa دسته ها برای
+category common fa دسته
+category %1 has been added ! common fa دسته 1% اضافه شده است
+category %1 has been updated ! common fa دسته 1% به روز رسانی شده است
+cc common fa رونوشت
+centered common fa وسط
+central african republic common fa جمهوری آفريقای مرکزی
+change common fa تغییر
+charset common fa UTF-8
+check installation common fa بررسی نصب
+check now common fa حالا بررسی شود
+chile common fa شيلی
+china common fa چين
+choose a background color common fa یک رنگ زمینه انتخاب کنید
+choose a background color for the icons common fa یک رنگ زمینه برای نمایه ها انتخاب کنید
+choose a background image. common fa یک تصویر برای زمینه انتخاب کنید
+choose a background style. common fa یک سبک برای زمینه انتخاب کنید
+choose a text color for the icons common fa یک رنگ قلم برای نمایه ها انتخاب کنید
+choose the category common fa دسته را انتخاب کنيد
+choose the parent category common fa دسته والد را انتخاب کنيد
+clear common fa پاک کردن
+clear form common fa پاک کردن فرم
+click common fa کلیک
+click or mouse over to show menus common fa برای نمایش فهرستها کلیک شود یا موشواره روی آن برود
+click or mouse over to show menus? common fa برای نمایش فهرستها کلیک شود یا موشواره روی آن برود؟
+close common fa بستن
+close sidebox common fa بستن جعبه کناری
+colombia common fa کلمبيا
+common preferences common fa تنظیمات عمومی
+company common fa شرکت
+congo common fa کنگو
+congo, the democratic republic of the common fa کنگو، جمهوری دموکراتيک
+contacting server... common fa تماس با کارگزار
+copy common fa نسخه برداری
+costa rica common fa کاستاريکا
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common fa ناتوان از تماس با کارگزار. عملیات خارج از زمان شد
+create common fa ایجاد
+created by common fa ایجاد شده توسط
+cuba common fa کوبا
+currency common fa پول رایج
+current common fa جاری
+current users common fa کاربران جاری
+date common fa تاریخ
+date due common fa تاریخ انجام
+date selection: jscalendar fa انتخاب تاریخ:
+december common fa دسامبر
+default category common fa دسته پيش فرض
+default height for the windows common fa ارتفاع پیش فرض برای پنجره ها
+default width for the windows common fa عرض پیش فرض برای پنجره ها
+delete common fa حذف
+delete row common fa حذف سطر
+denmark common fa دانمارک
+description common fa توصيف
+detail common fa شرح
+details common fa جزئیات
+direction left to right common fa جهت چپ به راست
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common fa غیر فعال کردن png-image-bugfix در برنامه Internet Explorer
+disable slider effects common fa غیر فعال کردن جلوه های فهرست
+disabled common fa غیر فعال شده
+display %s first jscalendar fa نمايش S% ابتدا
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common fa آيا شما همچنين می خواهيد همه زير دسته ها را حذف کنيد
+doctype: common fa نوع سند:
+document properties common fa ویژگی سند
+document title: common fa عنوان سند
+domain common fa دامنه
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common fa نام حوزه برای نشانی نامه الکترونیکی، مثلا:"%1"
+domestic common fa خانگی
+done common fa انجام شد
+drag to move jscalendar fa برای حرکت بکشید
+e-mail common fa رایانامه
+edit common fa ویراستن
+edit %1 category for common fa ويراستن 1% دسته برای
+edit categories common fa ويراستن دسته ها
+edit category common fa ويراستن دسته
+egroupware api version %1 common fa نسخه eGroupWare API معادل %1 است
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common fa ورود برای کاربر '%1' با آدرس شبکه %2 قفل شده
+egypt common fa مصر
+el salvador common fa السالوادر
+email common fa رایانامه
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common fa آدرس رایانامه کاربر، به عنوان مثال1%
+emailadmin common fa مدیر رایانامه
+enabled common fa فعال شده
+end date common fa تاریخ پایان
+end time common fa زمان پایان
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common fa وارده با موفقيت حذف شده است
+entry updated sucessfully common fa وارده با موفقيت به روز رسانی شده است
+error common fa خطا
+error creating %1 %2 directory common fa خطای ايجاد 1% 2% پوشه
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common fa خطای حذف 1% 2% پوشه
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common fa خطای دوباره نامگذاری 1% 2% پوشه
+etemplate common fa فرم ساز
+exact common fa دقیقا
+fax number common fa شماره نمابر
+february common fa فوريه
+fields common fa فیلدها
+fiji common fa فیجی
+files common fa پرونده ها
+filter common fa صافی
+first name common fa نام
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common fa نام کوچک کاربر، به عنوان مثال"1%"
+first page common fa صفحه اول
+firstname common fa نام کوچک
+folder already exists. common fa پوشه وجود دارد
+force selectbox common fa حتما جعبه انتخاب باشد
+forever login fa همیشگی
+france common fa فرانسه
+friday common fa جمعه
+ftp common fa پروتکل انتقال پرونده (FTP)
+fullname common fa نام کامل
+fullscreen mode common fa شیوه تمام صفحه
+general menu common fa فهرست عمومی
+german common fa آلمانی
+germany common fa آلمان
+global common fa عمومی
+global public common fa عمومی
+go today jscalendar fa برو به امروز
+grant access common fa دسترسی دادن
+greece common fa يونان
+group common fa گروه
+group access common fa دستيابی گروه
+group has been added common fa گروه اضافه شده است
+group has been deleted common fa گروه حذف شده است
+group has been updated common fa گروه به روز رسانی شده است
+group name common fa نام گروه
+group public common fa گروه عمومی
+groups common fa گروهها
+groups with permission for %1 common fa گروهها با اجازه برای %1
+groups without permission for %1 common fa گروهها بدون اجازه برای %1
+haiti common fa هائیتی
+height common fa ارتفاع
+help common fa کمک
+high common fa بالا
+highest common fa بالاترین
+home common fa خانه
+home email common fa رایانامه خانه
+honduras common fa هندوراس
+hong kong common fa هنگ کنگ
+iceland common fa ايسلند
+image url common fa نشانی URL تصویر
+india common fa هند
+indonesia common fa اندونزی
+insert tinymce fa درج
+insert 'return false' common fa درج با خطا برگشت
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common fa درج همه %1 نشانی ها از %2 مخاطب در %3
+insert column after common fa درج ستون بعد از
+insert column before common fa درج ستون قبل از
+insert row after common fa درج سطر بعد از
+insert row before common fa درج سطر قبل از
+international common fa بين المللی
+invalid filename common fa نام پرونده نامعتبر
+invalid ip address common fa آدرسIP نا معتبر
+invalid password common fa رمز عبور نامعتبر
+iran, islamic republic of common fa جمهوری اسلامی ایران
+iraq common fa عراق
+ireland common fa ايرلند
+israel common fa اسرائيل
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common fa بیش از %1 روز از تغییر گذرواژه شما میگذرد
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common fa توصیه می شود برنامه برپاسازی را اجرا کنید تا جداولتان به نسخه جاری بهنگام شوند
+italic common fa مورب
+january common fa ژانویه
+july common fa جولای
+jun common fa جون
+june common fa ژوئن
+justify center common fa تنظیم دوطرفه از وسط
+justify full common fa تنظیم دوطرفه کامل
+justify left common fa تنظیم دوطرفه از چپ
+justify right common fa تنظیم دوطرفه از راست
+kazakstan common fa قزاقستان
+kenya common fa کنیا
+keywords common fa کلیدواژه
+korea, republic of common fa جمهوری کره
+kuwait common fa کویت
+language common fa زبان
+last name common fa نام خانوادگی
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common fa نام خانوادگی کاربر مثلا:"%1"
+last page common fa صفحه آخر
+lastname common fa نام خانوادگی
+lebanon common fa لبنان
+left common fa چپ
+license common fa مجوز
+list common fa فهرست
+list members common fa فهرست اعضا
+local common fa محلی
+login common fa ورود
+loginid common fa شناسه کاربری
+logout common fa خروج
+low common fa کم
+lowest common fa کمترین
+luxembourg common fa لوکزامبورگ
+madagascar common fa ماداگاسکار
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common fa حوزه پستی مثلا:"%1"
+main category common fa دسته اصلی
+main screen common fa صفحه اصلی
+maintainer common fa نگهدارنده
+malaysia common fa مالزی
+march common fa مارس
+max number of icons in navbar common fa حداکثر نمایه هایی که در نوار ناوبری نمایش داده می شوند
+may common fa می
+medium common fa میانه
+menu common fa (فهرست)
+message common fa پیغام
+minute common fa دقیقه
+monaco common fa موناکو
+monday common fa دوشنبه
+multiple common fa چندتائی
+myanmar common fa میانمار
+name common fa نام
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common fa نام کاربر مثلا:"%1"
+namibia common fa نامیبیا
+nepal common fa نپال
+never common fa هرگز
+new entry added sucessfully common fa ورودی جدید با موفقیت اضافه شد
+new main category common fa دسته اصلی جدید
+new value common fa مقدار جدید
+new zealand common fa نیوزیلند
+next common fa بعدی
+next page common fa صفحه بعدی
+nicaragua common fa نیکاراگوئه
+niger common fa نیجر
+nigeria common fa نیجریه
+no common fa خیر
+no entries found, try again ... common fa ورودی پیدا نشد، مجددا سعی کنید
+no history for this record common fa برای این رکورد سابقه ای نیست
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common fa پوشه قالب Savant2 پیدا نشد
+no subject common fa بدون عنوان
+none common fa هیچکدام
+normal common fa معمولی
+norway common fa نروژ
+not assigned common fa اختصاص نیافته
+note common fa یادداشت
+notes common fa یادداشتها
+notify window common fa پنجره نکته
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common fa به مدیر سیستم برای رفع این مشکل خبر دهید
+november common fa نوامبر
+october common fa اکتبر
+ok common fa تأیید
+old value common fa مقدار قبلی
+oman common fa عمان
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common fa روی سیستمهای nix* لطفا تایپ کنید: %1
+on mouse over common fa وقتی موشواره رو قرار می گیرد
+only private common fa فقط خصوصی
+only yours common fa فقط برای شما
+open notify window common fa باز کردن پنجره آگاهی
+open popup window common fa باز کردن پنجره جدا
+open sidebox common fa باز کردن جعبه کناری
+ordered list common fa لیست مرتب شده
+original common fa اصلی
+other common fa دیگر
+overview common fa مرور
+owner common fa مالک
+page common fa صفحه
+page was generated in %1 seconds common fa صفحه در %1 ثانیه ایجاد شد
+pakistan common fa پاکستان
+panama common fa پاناما
+parent category common fa دسته والد
+password common fa گذرواژه
+password could not be changed common fa گذرواژه نمی تواند عوض شود
+password has been updated common fa گذرواژه بهنگام شد
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common fa گذرواژه باید حداقل %1 حرف کوچک داشته باشد
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common fa گذرواژه باید حداقل %1 عدد داشته باشد
+password must contain at least %1 special charactars common fa گذرواژه باید حداقل %1 کاراکتر ویژه داشته باشد
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common fa گذرواژه باید حداقل %1 حرف بزرگ داشته باشد
+password must have at least %1 characters common fa گذرواژه باید حداقل %1 کاراکتر داشته باشد
+pattern for search in addressbook common fa الگوی جستجوی دفتر نشانی
+pattern for search in calendar common fa الگوی جستجوی تقویم
+pattern for search in projects common fa الگوی جستجوی پروژه ها
+permissions to the files/users directory common fa مجوزها به پوشه پرونده ها / کاربران
+personal common fa شخصی
+peru common fa پرو
+philippines common fa فیلیپین
+phone number common fa شماره تلفن
+please %1 by hand common fa لطفا %1 را دستی انجام دهید
+please enter a name common fa لطفا یک نام وارد کنید!
+please run setup to become current common fa لطفا برپاسازی را اجرا کنید تا جاری شوید
+please select common fa لطفا انتخاب کنید
+please set your global preferences common fa لطفا تنظیمات عمومی خود را انجام دهید
+please set your preferences for this application common fa لطفا تنظیمات خود را برای این برنامه انجام دهید
+please wait... common fa لطفا صبر کنید...
+pnu common fa اطلاعات پایه
+pnureport common fa گزارشات
+pnutadvin common fa اطلاعات پایه تدوین
+portugal common fa پرتغال
+postal common fa پستی
+powered by egroupware version %1 common fa پشتیبانی: واحد متن باز شرکت داده پردازی ایران - تلفن: ۹۰۹۲۳۰۵۰۵۵
+powered by phpgroupware version %1 common fa پشتیبانی: واحد متن باز شرکت داده پردازی ایران - تلفن: ۹۰۹۲۳۰۵۰۵۵
+preferences common fa تنظیمات
+previous page common fa صفحه قبلی
+primary style-sheet: common fa برگ سبک اولیه:
+print common fa چاپ
+priority common fa اولویت
+private common fa خصوصی
+programs common fa برنامه ها
+project common fa پروژه
+public common fa عمومی
+qatar common fa قطر
+read common fa خواندن
+read this list of methods. common fa این لیست شیوه ها را بخوانید
+reading common fa در حال خواندن
+reject common fa رد کردن
+remember me login fa ورود را حفظ کن
+remove selected accounts common fa حسابهای انتخاب شده را حذف کن
+remove shortcut common fa میانبر را حذف کن
+rename common fa تغییر نام
+replace common fa جابجایی
+replace with common fa جابجایی با
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common fa لیست کامل حسابهای موجود روی سیستم. هشدار این لیست ممکن است بزرگ و طولانی باشد
+returns an array of todo items common fa آرایه ای از موارد انجام کار بر می گرداند
+returns struct of users application access common fa ساختار دسترسی به برنامه ها را بر می گرداند
+right common fa راست
+romania common fa رومانی
+saturday common fa شنبه
+save common fa ذخیره
+search common fa جستجو
+search %1 '%2' common fa جستجوی %1 '%2'
+search or select accounts common fa جستجو یا انتخاب حسابها
+search or select multiple accounts common fa جستجو یا انتخاب چندین حسابها
+second common fa ثانیه
+section common fa بخش
+select common fa انتخاب
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common fa همه %1 %2 ها را برای %3 انتخاب کن
+select category common fa انتخاب دسته
+select date common fa انتخاب تاریخ
+select group common fa انتخاب گروه
+select home email address common fa انتخاب نشانی رایانامه خانه
+select multiple accounts common fa انتخاب چند حساب
+select one common fa یکی را انتخاب کن
+select the default height for the application windows common fa ارتفاع پیش فرض برای پنجره برنامه را انتخاب کنید
+select the default width for the application windows common fa عرض پیش فرض برای پنجره برنامه را انتخاب کنید
+select user common fa انتخاب کاربر
+select work email address common fa انتخاب نشانی نامه الکترونیک کاری
+selection common fa انتخاب
+send common fa ارسال
+senegal common fa سنگال
+september common fa سپتامبر
+server %1 has been added common fa کارگزار %1 اضافه شد
+server answered. processing response... common fa کارگزار پاسخ داد، در حال پردازش پاسخ...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common fa کارگزار متصل شد، منتظر پاسخ ...
+server name common fa نام میزبان
+session has been killed common fa نشست از بین رفت
+setup common fa نصب
+setup main menu common fa فهرست اصلی نصب
+show all common fa همه را نشان بده
+show all categorys common fa نمایش همه دسته ها
+show clock? common fa نمایش ساعت؟
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common fa نمایش دکمه های خروج و خانه در نوار اصلی برنامه؟
+show logo's on the desktop. common fa نمایش لوگو روی رومیزی
+show menu common fa فهرست را نشان بده
+show page generation time common fa زمان تولید صفحه را نشان بده
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common fa نمایش زمان ایجاد صفحه در پایین هر صفحه؟
+show page generation time? common fa نمایش زمان ایجاد صفحه
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common fa نمایش لوگوی گروه افزار و x-desktop روی رومیزی
+showing %1 common fa درحال نشان دادن %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common fa نمایش %1 - %2 از %3
+slovakia common fa اسلوواکی
+somalia common fa سومالی
+sorry, your login has expired login fa متأسفم ورود شما منقضی شد
+spain common fa اسپانیا
+sri lanka common fa سریلانکا
+start date common fa تاریخ شروع
+start time common fa زمان شروع
+start with common fa شروع با
+starting up... common fa در حال شروع
+status common fa وضعیت
+stretched common fa کشیده شده
+subject common fa موضوع
+submit common fa ثبت
+sudan common fa سودان
+sunday common fa یکشنبه
+tajikistan common fa تاجیکستان
+text color: common fa رنگ متن:
+thailand common fa تایلند
+the following applications require upgrades common fa برنامه های زیر بهنگام سازی نیاز دارند
+the mail server returned common fa کارگزار نامه می گوید
+this application requires an upgrade common fa این برنامه بهنگام سازی می خواهد
+this name has been used already common fa این نام قبلا استفاده شده!
+thursday common fa پنجشنبه
+tiled common fa کاشی
+time common fa زمان
+time zone common fa منطقه زمانی
+time zone offset common fa اختلاف منطقه زمانی
+title common fa عنوان
+to common fa به
+today common fa امروز
+todays date, eg. "%1" common fa تاریخ امروز، مثلا:"%1"
+top common fa بالا
+total common fa جمع
+tuesday common fa سه شنبه
+type common fa نوع
+underline common fa زیرخط دار
+united arab emirates common fa امارات متحده عربی
+united kingdom common fa انگلستان
+united states common fa امارات متحده
+unknown common fa ناشناخته
+update common fa به روز
+update the clock per minute or per second common fa ساعت را در دقیقه یا در ثانیه بهنگام کند
+upload common fa ارسال
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common fa پوشه ارسال موجود نیست، یا بوسیله کارگزار وب قابل نوشتن نیست.
+use button to search for common fa از دکمه برای جستجو استفاده کنید
+user common fa کاربر
+user accounts common fa حسابهای کاربری
+user groups common fa گروههای کاربری
+user openinstance common fa فرمهای باز کاربر
+username common fa نام کاربری
+users common fa کاربرها
+users choice common fa پسند کاربرها
+uzbekistan common fa ازبکستان
+venezuela common fa ونزوئلا
+version common fa نسخه
+viet nam common fa ویتنام
+view common fa نما
+wednesday common fa چهارشنبه
+welcome common fa خوش آمدید
+which groups common fa کدام گروهها
+width common fa عرض
+work email common fa نشانی نامه الکترونیکی کاری
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common fa آیا میخواهید که زمان ایجاد صفحه در زیر هر صفحه نوشته شود؟
+writing common fa در حال نوشتن
+written by: common fa نوشته شده توسط:
+year common fa سال
+yemen common fa یمن
+yes common fa بله
+you are required to change your password during your first login common fa از شما خواسته شده در اولین ورود به سیستم، گذرواژه خود را تغییر دهید
+you have been successfully logged out login fa شما با موفقیت از سیستم خارج شدید
+you have not entered a title common fa شما عنوانی وارد نکردید
+you have not entered a valid date common fa شما تاریخ معتبری وارد نکردید
+you have not entered a valid time of day common fa شما ساعت معتبری از روز را وارد نکردید
+you have not entered participants common fa شما همراهان را وارد نکردید
+you have selected an invalid date common fa شما تاریخ نامعتبر انتخاب کردید!
+you have selected an invalid main category common fa شما دسته اصلی نامعتبر انتخاب کردید
+you have successfully logged out common fa شما با موفقیت خارج شدید
+your message could not be sent!
common fa پیامتان نمیتواند ارسال شود.
+your message has been sent common fa پیغام شما ارسال شد
+your search returned %1 matchs common fa جستجوی شما %1 نتیجه داشت
+your search returned 1 match common fa جستجوی شما یک نتیجه داشت
+your session could not be verified. login fa نشست شما نمی تواند بررسی شود
+your settings have been updated common fa تنظیمات شما بهنگام شد
+yugoslavia common fa یوگوسلاوی
+zambia common fa زامبیا
+zimbabwe common fa زیمباوه
+zoom common fa بزرگنمایی
+site configuration common fa پیکربندی سایت
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fi.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fi.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1072cb8689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fi.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common fi %1 sähköpostiosoitetta lisätty
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common fi %1 ei ole www-palvelimen suoritettavissa !!!
+%1 manual common fi %1 ohje
+%1 start common fi %1 aloita
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common fi %1Valitse muu hakemisto%2tai muokkaa %3 oikeudet niin että Web-palvelin voi kirjoittaa siihen (www-data)
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common fi %1eGroupWare%2 on %3PHP%4-kielellä kirjoitettu monen käyttäjän työryhmäohjelmisto.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar fi (Shift-)Napsauta tai vedä muuttaaksesi arvoa
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar fi - Napsauta mitä tahansa ajan osaa muuttaaksesi sitä suuremmaksi
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar fi - Pidä hiiren painiketta painettuna allaolevissa painikkeissa, niin voit valita nopeammin.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar fi - tai vedä ja pudota.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar fi - tai Shift-napsauta muuttaaksesi sitä suuremmaksi
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar fi - Käytä %1, %2 -painikkeita valitaksesi kuukauden
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar fi - Käytä %1, %2 -painikkeita valitaksesi vuoden
+00 (disable) admin fi 00 (ei käytössä)
+13 (ntp) admin fi 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar fi 3, just a number, don't translate -- RalfBecker 2006/03/14
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar fi 3, just a number, don't translate -- RalfBecker 2006/03/14
+80 (http) admin fi 80 (http)
+about common fi Tietoja
+about %1 common fi Tietoja sovelluksesta %1
+about egroupware common fi Tietoja eGroupwaresta
+about the calendar jscalendar fi Tietoja kalenterista
+access common fi Käyttöoikeus
+access not permitted common fi Ei pääsyä
+account has been created common fi Käyttäjätili on luotu
+account has been deleted common fi Käyttäjätili on poistettu
+account has been updated common fi Käyttäjätili on päivitetty
+account is expired common fi Käyttäjätili on vanhentunut
+acl common fi ACL
+action common fi Toimenpide
+active common fi Aktiivinen
+add common fi Lisää
+add %1 category for common fi Lisää %1 luokkaa kohteelle
+add category common fi Lisää luokka
+add shortcut common fi Lisää pikakuvake
+add sub common fi Lisää aliluokka
+addressbook common fi Osoitekirja
+admin common fi Ylläpito
+administration common fi Ylläpito
+afghanistan common fi AFGANISTAN
+albania common fi ALBANIA
+algeria common fi ALGERIA
+all common fi Kaikki
+all fields common fi kaikki kentät
+alphabet common fi a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,å,ä,ö
+alternate style-sheet: common fi Vaihtoehtoinen tyylisivu:
+american samoa common fi AMERIKAN SAMOA
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common fi Olemassa oleva JA palvelimen lukuoikeudet omaava hakemisto sallii kuvien selaamisen ja lataamisen.
+andorra common fi ANDORRA
+angola common fi ANGOLA
+anguilla common fi ANGUILLA
+antarctica common fi ETELÄNAPAMANNER
+antigua and barbuda common fi ANTIGUA JA BARBUDA
+application common fi Sovellus
+apply common fi Käytä
+april common fi Huhtikuu
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common fi Haluatko varmasti poistaa nämä tietueet?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common fi Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän tietueen?
+argentina common fi ARGENTIINA
+armenia common fi ARMENIA
+aruba common fi ARUBA
+august common fi Elokuu
+australia common fi AUSTRALIA
+austria common fi ITÄVALTA
+author common fi Tekijä
+autohide sidebox menu's common fi Piilota sivupalkin valikot automaattisesti
+autohide sidebox menus common fi Piilota sivupalkin valikot automaattisesti
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common fi Piilotetaanko sivupalkin valikot automaattisesti?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common fi Piilota sivupalkin valikot automaattisesti?
+autosave default category common fi Tallenna oletusluokka automaattisesti
+azerbaijan common fi AZERBAIJAN
+back common fi Takaisin
+back to user login common fi Kirjaudu sisään
+background color: common fi Taustaväri:
+bad login or password common fi Tunnus tai salasana ei kelpaa
+bahamas common fi BAHAMA
+bahrain common fi BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common fi BANGLADESH
+barbados common fi BARBADOS
+bcc common fi Piilokopio
+belarus common fi VALKOVENÄJÄ
+belgium common fi BELGIA
+belize common fi BELIZE
+benin common fi BENIN
+bermuda common fi BERMUDA
+bhutan common fi BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common fi Pääsy estetty, liian monta yritystä
+bold common fi Lihavoi
+bolivia common fi BOLIVIA
+border common fi Reuna
+bosnia and herzegovina common fi BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common fi BOTSWANA
+bottom common fi Bottom
+bouvet island common fi BOUVETSAARET
+brazil common fi BRASILIA
+british indian ocean territory common fi BRITTILÄISEN INTIAN VALTAMEREN ALUE
+brunei darussalam common fi BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common fi BULGARIA
+burkina faso common fi BURKINA FASO
+burundi common fi BURUNDI
+calendar common fi Kalenteri
+cambodia common fi KAMPUTSEA
+cameroon common fi KAMERUN
+canada common fi KANADA
+cancel common fi Peruuta
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common fi Ei voida korvata %1 koska se on hakemisto
+cant open '%1' for %2 common fi Ei voida avata '%1' %2
+cape verde common fi CAP VERDE
+caption common fi Otsikko
+categories common fi Kategoriat
+categories for common fi kategoriat kohteelle
+category common fi Kategoria
+category %1 has been added ! common fi Kategoria %1 on lisätty!
+category %1 has been updated ! common fi Kategoria %1 on päivitetty!
+cayman islands common fi CAYMANSAARET
+cc common fi Kopio
+centered common fi keskitetty
+central african republic common fi KESKI-AFRIKAN TASAVALTA
+chad common fi TSAD
+change common fi Muuta
+charset common fi utf-8
+check installation common fi Tarkista asennus
+check now common fi Tarkista nyt
+chile common fi CHILE
+china common fi KIINA
+choose a background color common fi Valitse taustaväri
+choose a background color for the icons common fi Valitse taustaväri ikoneille
+choose a background image. common fi Valitse taustakuva
+choose a background style. common fi Valitse taustan tyyli
+choose a text color for the icons common fi Valitse ikoneiden tekstien väri
+choose the category common fi Valitse kategoria
+choose the parent category common fi Valitse yläkategoria
+christmas island common fi JOULUSAARI
+clear common fi Tyhjennä
+clear form common fi Tyhjennä lomake
+click common fi Napsauta
+click or mouse over to show menus common fi Napsauta tai näytä valikot kun osoitetaan hiirellä
+click or mouse over to show menus? common fi Napsauta tai näytä valikot kun osoitetaan hiirellä?
+close common fi Sulje
+close sidebox common fi Sulje reunavalikko
+cocos (keeling) islands common fi KOOKOSSAARET (KEELING)
+colombia common fi KOLUMBIA
+common preferences common fi Yleiset säädöt
+comoros common fi KOMORIT
+company common fi Yhtiö
+congo common fi KONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common fi KONGON DEMOKRAATTINEN KANSANTASAVALTA
+contacting server... common fi Otetaan yhteyttä palvelimeen...
+cook islands common fi COOKSAARET
+copy common fi kopioi
+costa rica common fi COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common fi NORSUNLUURANNIKKO
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common fi Palvelimeen ei saatu yhteyttä. Pyyntö aikakatkaistiin!
+create common fi Luo
+created by common fi Luonut
+croatia common fi KROATIA
+cuba common fi KUUBA
+currency common fi Valuutta
+current common fi Nykyinen
+current users common fi Nykyiset käyttäjät
+cyprus common fi KYPROS
+czech republic common fi TSEKKI
+date common fi Päivämäärä
+date due common fi Takaraja
+date selection: jscalendar fi Päivämäärän valinta:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin fi Datetime-portti.
Jos käytät porttia 13, määrittele palomuuriasetukset oikein ennen kuin lähetät tämän lomakkeen tiedot.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common fi Joulukuu
+default category common fi Oletuskategoria
+default height for the windows common fi Ikkunan oletuskorkeus
+default width for the windows common fi Ikkunan oletusleveys
+delete common fi Poista
+delete row common fi Poista rivi
+denmark common fi TANSKA
+description common fi Kuvaus
+detail common fi Yksityiskohta
+details common fi Yksityiskohdat
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common fi Ota Internet Explorer 5.5 ja uudempien png-bugin korjausskripti pois käytöstä?
+direction left to right common fi Suunta vasemmalta oikealle
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common fi Hakemistoa ei ole, siihen ei ole lukuoikeuksia tai se ei ole suhteellinen dokumentin juurihakemisto
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common fi Ota Internet Explorerin png-bugin korjausskripti pois käytöstä
+disable slider effects common fi Ota liukuefektit pois käytöstä
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common fi Ota valikoiden näyttämisen ja piilottamisen liukuefekti pois käytöstä? Operan ja Konquerorin käyttäjät haluavat tämän yleensä pois.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common fi Estä korjausskripti joka mahdollistaa PNG kuvien läpinäkyväntausta käytön Internet Explorer 5.5 ja uudemmissa selaimissa?
+disabled common fi Ei käytössä
+display %s first jscalendar fi Näytä %s ensimmäistä
+djibouti common fi DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common fi Haluatko poistaa myös aliluokat?
+doctype: common fi Dokumentin muoto:
+document properties common fi Asiakirjan ominaisuudet
+document title: common fi Asiakirjan nimi:
+domain common fi Toimialue
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common fi sähköpostiosoitteen toimialue, esim. "%1"
+domestic common fi Kotimainen
+dominica common fi DOMINICA
+dominican republic common fi DOMINIKAANINEN TASAVALTA
+done common fi Valmis
+drag to move jscalendar fi Vedä siirtääksesi
+e-mail common fi Sähköposti
+east timor common fi ITÄTIMORI
+ecuador common fi ECUADOR
+edit common fi Muokkaa
+edit %1 category for common fi Muokkaa %1 kategoriaa
+edit categories common fi Muokkaa kategorioita
+edit category common fi Muokkaa kategoriaa
+egroupware api version %1 common fi eGroupWare API versio %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common fi eGroupWare: Käyttäjän '%1' pääsy estetty, IP %2
+egypt common fi EGYPTI
+el salvador common fi EL SALVADOR
+email common fi Sähköposti
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common fi Käyttäjän sähköpostiosoite, esim. "%1"
+enabled common fi Käytössä
+end date common fi Loppumispäivä
+end time common fi Loppumisaika
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin fi Anna eGroupWaren URL.
Esimerkki: http://www.yritys.com/egroupware tai /egroupware
(ei kauttaviivaa loppuun)
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common fi Kohde poistettu
+entry updated sucessfully common fi Kohde päivitetty
+equatorial guinea common fi PÄIVÄNTASAAJAN GUINEA
+eritrea common fi ERITREA
+error common fi Virhe
+error creating %1 %2 directory common fi Virhe luotaessa hakemistoa %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common fi Virhe poistettaessa hakemistoa %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common fi Virhe nimettäessä hakemistoa uudelleen %1 %2
+estonia common fi VIRO
+ethiopia common fi ETIOPIA
+everything common fi Kaikki
+exact common fi täsmällinen
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common fi Yhteys palvelimeen epäonnistui, yritä uudestaan. Ota yhteyttä ylläpitäjään mikäli ongelma toistuu.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common fi FALKLANDSAARET (MALVINAS)
+faroe islands common fi FÄRSAARET
+fax number common fi faksinumero
+features of the editor? common fi Editorin ominaisuudet?
+february common fi Helmikuu
+fields common fi Kentät
+fiji common fi FIDJI
+files common fi Tiedostot
+filter common fi Suodin
+finland common fi SUOMI
+first name common fi Etunimi
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common fi käyttäjän etunimi, esim. "%1"
+first page common fi Ensimmäinen sivu
+firstname common fi Etunimi
+fixme! common fi KORJAA MINUT!
+folder already exists. common fi Kansio on jo olemassa
+force selectbox common fi Näytä valintaluettelo
+france common fi RANSKA
+french guiana common fi RANSKAN GUANA
+french polynesia common fi RANSKAN POLYNEESIA
+french southern territories common fi RANSKAN ETELÄISET SIIRTOMAAT
+friday common fi Perjantai
+ftp common fi FTP
+fullname common fi Koko nimi
+fullscreen mode common fi Kokonäytön asetus
+gabon common fi GABON
+gambia common fi GAMBIA
+general menu common fi Päävalikko
+georgia common fi GEORGIA
+german common fi Saksaksi
+germany common fi SAKSA
+ghana common fi GHANA
+gibraltar common fi GIBRALTAR
+global common fi Yleinen
+global public common fi Yleinen julkinen
+go today jscalendar fi Siirry tähän päivään
+grant access common fi Anna pääsy
+greece common fi KREIKKA
+greenland common fi GRÖNLANTI
+grenada common fi GRENADA
+group common fi Ryhmä
+group access common fi Ryhmän oikeudet
+group has been added common fi Ryhmä on lisätty
+group has been deleted common fi Ryhmä on poistettu
+group has been updated common fi Ryhmä on päivitetty
+group name common fi ryhmän nimi
+group public common fi Ryhmän julkinen
+groups common fi Ryhmät
+groups with permission for %1 common fi Ryhmät, joilla on oikeus %1
+groups without permission for %1 common fi Ryhmät, joilla ei ole oikeutta %1
+guadeloupe common fi GUADALUPE
+guam common fi GUAM
+guatemala common fi GUATEMALA
+guinea common fi GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common fi GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common fi GUYANA
+haiti common fi HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common fi HEARDSAARET JA MCDONALDIN SAARET
+height common fi Korkeus
+help common fi Apua
+high common fi Korkea
+highest common fi Korkein
+holy see (vatican city state) common fi VATIKAANI
+home common fi Koti
+home email common fi kotisähköposti
+honduras common fi HONDURAS
+hong kong common fi HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common fi Kuinka monta kuvaketta näytetään navigaatiopalkissa. Loput kuvakkeet saa näkyviin oikeasta reunasta avautuvasta alasvetovalikosta.
+hungary common fi UNKARI
+iceland common fi ISLANTI
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common fi ieSpell:ä ei havaittu, paina Ok siirtyäksesi lataussivulle
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common fi Jos kello on käytössä, päivitetäänkö se sekunnin vai minuutin välein?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common fi Jos taustakuvahakemistossa on kuvia, voit valita mitä kuvaa haluat käyttää.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common fi Kuvahakemiston suhteellinen dokumentin juurihakemisto (use / !), esimerkiksi:
+image url common fi Kuvan URL
+india common fi INTIA
+indonesia common fi INDONEESIA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common fi Lisää kaikki %1 osoitetta %2 yhteystiedosta kohteeseen %3
+insert column after common fi Lisää sarake jälkeen
+insert column before common fi Lisää sarake edelle
+insert row after common fi Lisää rivi jälkeen
+insert row before common fi Lisää rivi edelle
+international common fi Kansainvälinen
+invalid filename common fi Virheellinen tiedostonnimi
+invalid ip address common fi Virheellinen IP-osoite
+invalid password common fi Virheellinen salasana
+iran, islamic republic of common fi IRANIN ISLAMILAINEN TASAVALTA
+iraq common fi IRAK
+ireland common fi IRLANTI
+israel common fi ISRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common fi Olet vaihtanut salasanasi viimeksi %1 päivää sitten
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common fi On suositeltavaa päivittää tietokannan taulut nykyiseen versioon.
+italic common fi Kursivoi
+italy common fi ITALIA
+jamaica common fi JAMAIKA
+january common fi Tammikuu
+japan common fi JAPANI
+jordan common fi JORDANIA
+july common fi Heinäkuu
+jun common fi Kes
+june common fi Kesäkuu
+justify center common fi Keskitä
+justify full common fi Tasaa molemmat reunat
+justify left common fi Tasaa vasemmalle
+justify right common fi Tasaa oikealle
+kazakstan common fi KAZAKSTAN
+kenya common fi KENIA
+keywords common fi Avainsanat
+kiribati common fi KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common fi KOREAN DEMOKRAATTINEN KANSANTASAVALTA
+korea, republic of common fi KOREAN TASAVALTA
+kuwait common fi KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common fi KIRGISTAN
+language common fi Kieli
+language_direction_rtl common fi language_direction_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common fi LAON DEMOKRAATTINEN KANSANTASAVALTA
+last name common fi Sukunimi
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common fi käyttäjän sukunimi, esim. "%1"
+last page common fi Viimeinen sivu
+lastname common fi Sukunimi
+latvia common fi LATVIA
+ldap-mgr common fi LDAP hallinta
+lebanon common fi LIBANON
+left common fi Vasen
+lesotho common fi LESOTHO
+liberia common fi LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common fi LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
+license common fi Lisenssi
+liechtenstein common fi LICHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common fi Rivi %1: '%2'
csv tiedot eivät täsmää taulukon laskettuihin sarakkeisiin %3 ==> ohita
+list common fi Luettelo
+list members common fi Lista jäsenistä
+lithuania common fi LIETTUIA
+local common fi Paikallinen
+login common fi Kirjaudu
+loginid common fi Sisäänkirjautumistunnus
+logout common fi Poistu
+low common fi Matala
+lowest common fi Matalin
+luxembourg common fi LUXEMBOURG
+macau common fi MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common fi MAKEDONIA, ENTINEN JUGOSLAVIAN TASAVALTA
+madagascar common fi MADAGASCAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common fi sähköpostin toimialue, esim. "%1"
+main category common fi Pääkategoria
+main screen common fi Päänäyttö
+maintainer common fi Ylläpitäjä
+malawi common fi MALAWI
+malaysia common fi MALESIA
+maldives common fi MALEDIIVIT
+mali common fi MALI
+malta common fi MALTA
+march common fi Maaliskuu
+marshall islands common fi MARSHALL-SAARET
+martinique common fi MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common fi MAURITANIA
+mauritius common fi MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common fi Navigaatiopalkin kuvakkeiden maksimimäärä
+may common fi Toukokuu
+mayotte common fi MAYOTTE
+medium common fi Normaali
+menu common fi Valikko
+message common fi Viesti
+mexico common fi MEKSIKO
+micronesia, federated states of common fi MIKRONESIAN LIITTOVALTIO
+minute common fi minuutti
+moldova, republic of common fi MOLDOVAN TASAVALTA
+monaco common fi MONACO
+monday common fi Maanantai
+mongolia common fi MONGOLIA
+montenegro common fi MONTENEGRO
+montserrat common fi MONTSERRAT
+morocco common fi MAROKKO
+mozambique common fi MOSAMBIK
+multiple common fi monella
+myanmar common fi MYANMAR
+name common fi Nimi
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common fi Käyttäjän nimi, esim. "%1"
+namibia common fi NAMIBIA
+nauru common fi NAURU
+nepal common fi NEPAL
+netherlands common fi ALANKOMAAT (HOLLANTI)
+netherlands antilles common fi ALANKOMAIDEN ANTILLIT
+never common fi Ei koskaan
+new caledonia common fi UUSI KALEDONIA
+new entry added sucessfully common fi Uusi tietue lisätty
+new main category common fi Uusi pääluokka
+new value common fi Uusi arvo
+new zealand common fi UUSI SEELANTI
+next common fi Seuraava
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar fi Seuraava kuukausi (odota, niin näet valikon)
+next page common fi Seuraava sivu
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar fi Seuraava vuosi (odota, niin näet valikon)
+nicaragua common fi NICARAGUA
+niger common fi NIGER
+nigeria common fi NIGERIA
+niue common fi NIUE
+no common fi Ei
+no entries found, try again ... common fi ei tietueita, yritä uudelleen ...
+no history for this record common fi Tällä tietueella ei ole historiatietoja
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common fi Savant2 mallipohjan hakemistoa ei löydy:
+no subject common fi Ei aihetta
+none common fi Ei mitään
+norfolk island common fi NORFOLKSAARET
+normal common fi Normaali
+northern mariana islands common fi POHJOISET MARIAANIEN SAARET
+norway common fi NORJA
+not assigned common fi ei osoitettu
+note common fi Muistiinpano
+notes common fi Muistiinpanot
+notify window common fi Huomautusikkuna
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common fi Ilmoita tästä ylläpitäjälle jotta tilanne voidaan korjata
+november common fi Marraskuu
+october common fi Lokakuu
+ok common fi OK
+old value common fi Vanha arvo
+oman common fi OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common fi *nix-järjestelmissä voit kirjoittaa: %1
+on mouse over common fi Hiiri osoittaa
+only private common fi vain yksityiset
+only yours common fi vain omat
+open notify window common fi Avaa huomautusikkuna
+open popup window common fi Avaa ponnahdusikkuna
+open sidebox common fi Avaa reunavalikko
+ordered list common fi Numeroitu lista
+original common fi Alkuperäinen
+other common fi Muu
+overview common fi Yleiskuva
+owner common fi Omistaja
+page common fi Sivu
+page was generated in %1 seconds common fi Sivun luominen kesti %1 sekuntia
+pakistan common fi PAKISTAN
+palau common fi PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common fi PALESTIINA
+panama common fi PANAMA
+papua new guinea common fi PAPUA UUSI GUINEA
+paraguay common fi PARAGUAY
+parcel common fi Parcel
+parent category common fi Yläkategoria
+password common fi Salasana
+password could not be changed common fi Salasanaa ei voitu muuttaa
+password has been updated common fi Salasana on päivitetty
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common fi Salasanassa pitää olla vähintään %1 pientä kirjainta
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common fi Salasanassa pitää olla vähintään %1 numeroa
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common fi Salasanassa pitää olla vähintään %1 erikoismerkkiä
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common fi Salasanassa pitää olla vähintään %1 isoa kirjainta
+password must have at least %1 characters common fi Salasanassa pitää olla vähintään %1 merkkiä
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common fi Käyttäjä- ja ryhmätiedostojen TÄYTYY OLLA www-palvelimen asiakirjajuuren ulkopuolella!!!
+permissions to the files/users directory common fi tiedostojen/käyttäjien hakemiston käyttöoikeudet
+personal common fi Henkilökohtainen
+peru common fi PERU
+philippines common fi FILIPPIINIT
+phone number common fi puhelinnumero
+phpgwapi common fi eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common fi PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common fi Suorita %1 käsin
+please enter a name common fi Anna nimi!
+please run setup to become current common fi Aja asennus nykyiseen
+please select common fi Valitse
+please set your global preferences common fi Määrittele yleiset asetukset!
+please set your preferences for this application common fi Määrittele tämän sovelluksen asetukset!
+please wait... common fi Odota hetki...
+poland common fi PUOLA
+portugal common fi PORTUGALI
+postal common fi Posti
+powered by common fi Kehittänyt
+powered by egroupware version %1 common fi Tämä on eGroupWare versio %1
+preferences common fi Asetukset
+preferences for the idots template set common fi idots-mallipohjan asetukset
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar fi Edellinen kuukausi (odota, niin näet valikon)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar fi Edellinen vuosi (odota, niin näet valikon)
+previous page common fi Edelliselle sivu
+primary style-sheet: common fi Ensisijainen tyylisivu:
+print common fi Tulosta
+priority common fi Tärkeys
+private common fi Yksityinen
+programs common fi Ohjelmat
+project common fi Projekti
+public common fi julkinen
+puerto rico common fi PUERTO RICO
+qatar common fi QATAR
+read common fi Lue
+read this list of methods. common fi Lue metodien luettelo.
+reading common fi luetaan
+regular common fi Tavallinen
+reject common fi Hylkää
+remove selected accounts common fi poista valitut käyttäjätunnukset
+remove shortcut common fi Poista pikakuvake
+rename common fi Nimeä uudelleen
+replace common fi Korvaa
+replace with common fi Korvataan merkkijonolla:
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common fi Palauttaa täyden käyttäjäluettelon järjestelmästä. Varoitus: palautus voi olla aika suuri
+returns an array of todo items common fi Palauttaa tehtävien taulukon
+returns struct of users application access common fi Palauttaa käyttäjien oikeudet sovelluksiin
+reunion common fi REUNION
+right common fi Oikea
+romania common fi ROMANIA
+russian federation common fi VENÄJÄN FEDERAATIO
+rwanda common fi RUANDA
+saint helena common fi SAINT HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common fi SAINT KITTS JA NEVIS
+saint lucia common fi SAINT LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common fi SAINT PIERRE JA MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common fi SAINT VINCENT JA GRENADIINIT
+samoa common fi SAMOA
+san marino common fi SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common fi SAO TOME JA PRINCIPE
+saturday common fi Lauantai
+saudi arabia common fi SAUDI ARABIA
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common fi Savant2 versio eroaa Savant2 wrapperista.
Tämä versio: %1 Savantin versio: %2
+save common fi Tallenna
+search common fi Etsi
+search %1 '%2' common fi Etsi %1 '%2'
+search accounts common fi Etsi käyttäjätilejä
+second common fi toinen
+section common fi Osio
+select common fi Valitse
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common fi Valitse kaikki %1 %2 for %3
+select category common fi Valitse kategoria
+select date common fi Valitse päivämäärä
+select group common fi Valitse ryhmä
+select home email address common fi Valitse kotisähköpostiosoite
+select multiple accounts common fi Valitse useita käyttäjätunnuksia
+select one common fi Valitse yksi
+select the default height for the application windows common fi Valitse sovellusikkunan oletuskorkeus
+select the default width for the application windows common fi Valitse sovellusikkunan oletusleveys
+select user common fi Valitse käyttäjä
+select work email address common fi Valitse työsähköpostiosoite
+selection common fi Valinta
+send common fi Lähetä
+senegal common fi SENEGAL
+september common fi Syyskuu
+serbia common fi Serbia
+server %1 has been added common fi Palvelin %1 on lisätty
+server answered. processing response... common fi Palvelin vastaa, prosessoidaan vastausta...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common fi Yhdistetään palvelimeen, odotetaan vastausta...
+server name common fi Palvelimen nimi
+session has been killed common fi Istunto on poistettu
+setup common fi Asennus
+setup main menu common fi Asennuksen päävalikko
+seychelles common fi SEYCHELLIT
+show all common fi näytä kaikki
+show all categorys common fi Näytä kaikki kategoriat
+show clock? common fi Näytä kello?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common fi Näytä etusivu- ja kirjautumispainike päävalikossa?
+show logo's on the desktop. common fi Näytä logo työpöydällä
+show menu common fi näytä valikko
+show page generation time common fi Näytä sivun tekemiseen kulunut aika
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common fi Näytä sivun tekemiseen kulunut aika sivun alareunassa?
+show page generation time? common fi Näytä kauanko sivua luotiin?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common fi Näytä eGroupWaren ja X-Desktopin logot työpöydällä
+show_more_apps common fi show_more_apps
+showing %1 common fi näytetään %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common fi näytetään %1 - %2 of %3
+sierra leone common fi SIERRA LEONE
+simple common fi Yksinkertainen
+singapore common fi SINGAPORE
+slovakia common fi SLOVAKIA
+slovenia common fi SLOVENIA
+solomon islands common fi SALOMONSAARET
+somalia common fi SOMALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login fi Istuntosi on vanhentunut
+south africa common fi ETELÄAFRIKKA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common fi ETELÄ-GEORGIA JA ETELÄISET SANDWICH-SAARET
+spain common fi ESPANJA
+sri lanka common fi SRI LANKA
+start date common fi Alkupäivä
+start time common fi Alkuaika
+start with common fi alkaa
+starting up... common fi Aloitetaan
+status common fi Tila
+stretched common fi venytetty
+subject common fi Aihe
+submit common fi Lähetä
+substitutions and their meanings: common fi Korvaukset ja niiden merkitykset:
+sudan common fi SUDAN
+sunday common fi Sunnuntai
+suriname common fi SURINAMI
+svalbard and jan mayen common fi SVALBARD JA JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common fi SWAZIMAA
+sweden common fi RUOTSI
+switzerland common fi SVEITSI
+syrian arab republic common fi SYYRIAN ARABITASAVALTA
+table properties common fi Taulukon ominaisuudet
+taiwan common fi TAIWAN / TAIPEI
+tajikistan common fi TAJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common fi TANSANIAN YHDISTYNYT TASAVALTA
+text color: common fi Tekstin väri:
+thailand common fi THAIMAA
+the api is current common fi API on ajan tasalla
+the api requires an upgrade common fi API tarvitsee päivityksen
+the following applications require upgrades common fi Seuraavat sovellukset tarvitsevat päivityksen
+the mail server returned common fi Sähköpostipalvelin palautti
+this application is current common fi Tämä sovellus on ajan tasalla
+this application requires an upgrade common fi Tämä sovellus tarvitsee päivityksen
+this name has been used already common fi Nimi on jo käytössä!
+thursday common fi Torstai
+tiled common fi pinottu
+time common fi Aika
+time selection: jscalendar fi Ajan valinta:
+time zone common fi Aikavyöhyke
+time zone offset common fi Aikaero
+title common fi Otsikko
+to common fi Kenelle
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common fi Korjataksesi tämän virheen jatkossa sinun täytyy määritellä
+to go back to the msg list, click here common fi Siirtyäksesi takaisin viestiluetteloon napsauta tästä
+today common fi Tänään
+todays date, eg. "%1" common fi tämä päivämäärä, esim. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar fi Vaihda viikon alkupäivää
+togo common fi TOGO
+tokelau common fi TOKELAU
+tonga common fi TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common fi Liian monta epäonnistunutta sisäänkirjautumista: %1 käyttäjällä '%2', %3 IP-osoitteesta %4
+top common fi Top
+total common fi Yhteensä
+transparant bg for the icons? common fi Ikoneilla on läpinäkyvä taustaväri?
+trinidad and tobago common fi TRINIDAD JA TOBAGO
+tuesday common fi Tiistai
+tunisia common fi TUNISIA
+turkey common fi TURKKI
+turkmenistan common fi TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common fi TURKS JA CAICOSSAARET
+tuvalu common fi TUVALU
+type common fi Muoto
+uganda common fi UGANDA
+ukraine common fi UKRAINA
+underline common fi Alleviivaa
+united arab emirates common fi YHDISTYNEET ARABIEMIRAATIT
+united kingdom common fi YHDISTYNYT KUNINGASKUNTA
+united states common fi YHDYSVALLAT
+united states minor outlying islands common fi YHDYSVALTOJEN SAARIOSAVALTIOT
+unknown common fi Tuntematon
+update common fi Lisää
+update the clock per minute or per second common fi Päivitetään kello minuutin tai sekunnin välein
+upload common fi Lataa
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common fi Lataus hakemistoa ei löydy tai palvelin ei voi kirjoittaa sinne.
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common fi Lataaminen edellyttää hakemistolta kirjoitusoikeuksia!
+url common fi URL
+uruguay common fi URUGUAY
+use button to search for common fi käytä painiketta etsiäksesi
+use button to search for address common fi käytä painiketta etsiäksesi osoitteita
+use button to search for calendarevent common fi käytä painiketta etsiäksesi kalenteritapahtumaa
+use button to search for project common fi käytä painiketta etsiäksesi projektia
+user common fi Käyttäjä
+user accounts common fi käyttäjätilit
+user groups common fi käyttäjäryhmät
+user openinstance common fi Käyttäjän avoininstanssi
+username common fi Käyttäjänimi
+users common fi käyttäjät
+users choice common fi Käyttäjän valinta
+uzbekistan common fi UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common fi VANUATU
+venezuela common fi VENEZUELA
+version common fi Versio
+viet nam common fi VIETNAM
+view common fi Näytä
+virgin islands, british common fi NEITSYSTSAARET, BRITTILÄISET
+virgin islands, u.s. common fi NEITSYTSAARET, U.S.
+wallis and futuna common fi WALLIS JA FUTUNA
+wednesday common fi Keskiviikko
+welcome common fi Tervetuloa
+western sahara common fi LÄNSISAHARA
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common fi Minkä värisinä kaikki työpöydän tyhjät kohdat näytetään
+what style would you like the image to have? common fi Minkä tyylin haluat kuvaan?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common fi Kun vastaat Kylä, kotisivu- ja uloskirjautumispainike näkyvät yläreunan valikossa, kuten sovellukset.
+which groups common fi mitkä ryhmät
+width common fi Leveys
+wk jscalendar fi vk
+work email common fi työsähköposti
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common fi Näytetään sivun alalaidassa kuinka kauan sivua luotiin?
+writing common fi kirjoitetaan
+written by: common fi Kirjoittanut:
+year common fi Vuosi
+yemen common fi JEMEN
+yes common fi Kyllä
+you are required to change your password during your first login common fi Salasanasi on vaihdettava ensimmäisen sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä.
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common fi Voit määritellä montako ikonia ja työkaluriviä editoria näyttää.
+you have been successfully logged out login fi Olet kirjautunut ulos
+you have not entered a title common fi Et antanut otsikkoa
+you have not entered a valid date common fi Olet määritellyt virheellisen päivämäärän
+you have not entered a valid time of day common fi Olet määritellyt virheellisen kellonajan
+you have not entered participants common fi Et ole määritellyt osallistujia
+you have selected an invalid date common fi Olet valinnut virheellisen päivämäärän!
+you have selected an invalid main category common fi Olet valinnut virheellisen pääluokan!
+you have successfully logged out common fi Olet kirjautunut ulos
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common fi Lisää www-palvelimen käyttäjä '%1' ryhmään '%2'.
+your message could not be sent!
common fi Viestiä ei voitu lähettää!
+your message has been sent common fi Viesti on lähetetty
+your search returned %1 matchs common fi haku palautti %1 osumaa
+your search returned 1 match common fi haku palautti yhden osuman
+your session could not be verified. login fi Istuntoasi ei voitu varmentaa.
+your settings have been updated common fi Asetukset päivitetty
+zambia common fi ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common fi ZIMBABWE
+zoom common fi Zoomaa
+site configuration common fi Palvelun asetukset
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fr.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fr.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af3fb06080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fr.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common fr %1 adresse(s) email a (ont) été insérée(s)
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common fr %1 n'est pas exécutable par le serveur web !!!
+%1 manual common fr %1 manuel
+%1 start common fr % départ
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common fr %1Choisissez un autre répertoire%2
ou faites en sorte que le serveur web puisse écrire dans %3
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common fr %1eGroupWare%2 est un progiciel de collaboration multi-utilisateur basé sur le web et écrit en %3PHP%4.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar fr (Shift-)Cliquer ou glisser pour changer la valeur
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar fr - Cliquer sur les chiffres horaires pour les augmenter
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar fr - Maintenir le bouton de la souris sur n'importe lequel des boutons ci-dessus pour une sélection plus rapide.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar fr - ou cliquer et glisser pour une sélection plus rapide
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar fr - ou Shift-cliquer pour la décrémenter
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar fr - Utiliser les boutons %1, %2 pour sélectionner le mois
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar fr - Utiliser les boutons %1, %2 pour sélectionner l'année
+00 (disable) admin fr 00 (non actif)
+1 day common fr 1 Jour
+1 hour common fr 1 Heure
+1 month common fr 1 Mois
+1 week common fr 1 Semaine
+13 (ntp) admin fr 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar fr 3 nombre de caractères pour le raccourci jour
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar fr 3 nombre de caractères pour le raccourci mois
+80 (http) admin fr 80 (http)
+about common fr A propos de
+about %1 common fr A propos de %1
+about egroupware common fr A propos d'eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar fr A propos du Calendrier
+about this editor common fr A propos de cet éditeur
+access common fr Accès
+access not permitted common fr Accès non permis
+account has been created common fr Le compte a été créé
+account has been deleted common fr Le compte a été supprimé
+account has been updated common fr Le compte a été mis à jour
+account is expired common fr Le compte a expiré
+acl common fr Liste de Contrôle d'Accès
+action common fr Action
+active common fr Actif
+add common fr Ajouter
+add %1 category for common fr Ajouter la catégorie %1 pour
+add category common fr Ajouter catégorie
+add shortcut common fr Ajouter raccourci
+add sub common fr Ajouter enfant
+addressbook common fr Carnet d'adresses
+admin common fr Admin
+administration common fr Administration
+afghanistan common fr AFGHANISTAN
+albania common fr ALBANIE
+algeria common fr ALGERIE
+all common fr Tout
+all fields common fr tous les champs
+alphabet common fr a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common fr Feuille de style alternative:
+american samoa common fr SAMOA AMERICAINES
+andorra common fr ANDORRE
+angola common fr ANGOLA
+anguilla common fr ANGUILLA
+antarctica common fr ANTARCTIQUE
+antigua and barbuda common fr ANTIGUE ET BARBADE
+application common fr Application
+apply common fr Appliquer
+april common fr Avril
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ces entrées ?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette entrée ?
+argentina common fr ARGENTINE
+armenia common fr ARMENIE
+aruba common fr ARUBA
+august common fr Août
+australia common fr AUSTRALIE
+austria common fr AUTRICHE
+author common fr Auteur
+autohide sidebox menu's common fr Cacher automatiquement la barre de menu latérale
+autohide sidebox menus common fr Cacher automatiquement la barre de menu latérale
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common fr Cacher automatiquement la barre de menu latérale ?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common fr Cacher automatiquement la barre de menu latérale ?
+autosave default category common fr Enregistrement automatique dans catégorie par défaut
+azerbaijan common fr AZERBAIDJAN
+back common fr Retour
+back to user login common fr Retour au Login utilisateur
+background color common fr Couleur de fond
+background color: common fr Couleur de fond:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common fr Le serveur web ne peut pas écrire dans le répertoire de sauvegarde '%1'
+bad login or password common fr Mauvais login ou mot de passe
+bahamas common fr BAHAMAS
+bahrain common fr BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common fr BANGLADESH
+barbados common fr BARBADE
+bcc common fr Bcc
+belarus common fr BIELORUSSIE
+belgium common fr BELGIQUE
+belize common fr BELIZE
+benin common fr BENIN
+bermuda common fr BERMUDES
+bhutan common fr BOUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common fr Accès refusé car trop de tentatives infructueuses
+bold common fr Gras
+bold.gif common fr bold_fr.gif
+bolivia common fr BOLIVIE
+border common fr Bordure
+bosnia and herzegovina common fr BOSNIE HERZEGOVINE
+botswana common fr BOTSWANA
+bottom common fr Bas
+bouvet island common fr ILE BOUVET
+brazil common fr BRESIL
+british indian ocean territory common fr TERRITOIRES ANGLAIS DE L'OCEAN INDIEN
+brunei darussalam common fr SULTANAT DE BRUNEI
+bulgaria common fr BULGARIE
+bulleted list common fr Liste à points
+burkina faso common fr BURKINA FASO
+burundi common fr BURUNDI
+calendar common fr Calendrier
+cambodia common fr CAMBODGE
+cameroon common fr CAMEROUN
+canada common fr CANADA
+cancel common fr Annuler
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common fr Impossible de remplacer %1 car est un répertoire
+cant open '%1' for %2 common fr Impossible d'ouvrir '%1' pour %2
+cape verde common fr CAP VERT
+caption common fr Légende
+categories common fr Catégories
+categories for common fr catégories pour
+category common fr Catégorie
+category %1 has been added ! common fr La catégorie %1 a été ajoutée !
+category %1 has been updated ! common fr La catégorie %1 a été mise à jour !
+cayman islands common fr ILES CAIMAN
+cc common fr Cc
+centered common fr centré
+central african republic common fr REPUBLIQUE DE CENTRAFRIQUE
+chad common fr TCHAD
+change common fr Changer
+charset common fr utf-8
+check installation common fr Vérifier l'installation
+check now common fr Vérifier maintenant
+chile common fr CHILI
+china common fr CHINE
+choose a background color common fr Choisissez une couleur de fond
+choose a background color for the icons common fr Choisissez une couleur de fond pour les icônes
+choose a background image. common fr Choisissez une image de fond
+choose a background style. common fr Choisissez un style de fond
+choose a text color for the icons common fr Choisissez une couleur de texte pour les icônes
+choose the category common fr Choisir la catégorie
+choose the parent category common fr Choisir la catégorie parent
+christmas island common fr ILE NOEL
+clear common fr Effacer
+clear form common fr Effacer le formulaire
+click common fr Cliquer
+click or mouse over to show menus common fr Cliquer ou passer la souris dessus pour voir les menus
+click or mouse over to show menus? common fr Cliquer ou passer la souris dessus pour voir les menus?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common fr Cliquez cette image sur la barre de navigation: %1
+close common fr Fermer
+close sidebox common fr Fermer la barre de menu latérale
+cocos (keeling) islands common fr ILES COCOS (KEELING)
+colombia common fr COLOMBIE
+common preferences common fr Préférences communes
+comoros common fr COMORRES
+company common fr Société
+congo common fr CONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common fr CONGO, REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU
+contacting server... common fr Connexion au serveur...
+cook islands common fr ILES COOK
+copy common fr Copier
+copy selection common fr Copier la sélection
+costa rica common fr COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common fr COTE D IVOIRE
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common fr Impossible de connecter au serveur. Le délai d'attente est dépassé!
+create common fr Créer
+created by common fr Créé par
+croatia common fr CROATIE
+cuba common fr CUBA
+currency common fr Devise
+current common fr Courant
+current style common fr Style actuel
+current users common fr Utilisateurs connectés
+cut selection common fr Couper la sélection
+cyprus common fr CHYPRE
+czech republic common fr REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE
+date common fr Date
+date due common fr Date butoire
+date selection: jscalendar fr Sélection de la date :
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin fr Port Datetime.
Si vous utilisez le port 13, adaptez svp les règles de votre pare-feu avant de soumettre cette page.
(Port: 13 / Hôte:
+december common fr Décembre
+decrease indent common fr Réduire l'indentation
+default category common fr Catégorie par défaut
+default height for the windows common fr Hauteur par défaut de la fenêtre
+default width for the windows common fr Largeur par défaut de la fenêtre
+delete common fr Supprimer
+delete row common fr Supprimer ligne
+denmark common fr DANEMARK
+description common fr Description
+detail common fr Détail
+details common fr Détails
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common fr Désactiver l'exécution d'un script correcteur pour Internet Explorer 5.5 et plus récent pour montrer la transparence des images PNG?
+direction left to right common fr Direction de gauche à droite
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common fr Désactiver png-image-bugfix d'Internet Explorer
+disable slider effects common fr Désactiver les effets de glisse
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common fr Désactiver les effets de glisse animés lors de l´affichage ou le masquage des menus de la page? Les utilisateurs d'Opera et Konqueror devraient sûrement en avoir besoin.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common fr Désactiver l'exécution d'un script de déboguage visant à afficher la transparence dans les images PNG sous Internet Explorer 5.5 ou plus?
+disabled common fr Désactivé
+display %s first jscalendar fr Affiche %s en premier
+djibouti common fr DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common fr Voulez vous également supprimer toutes les sous-catégories ?
+doctype: common fr Type de document
+document properties common fr Propriétés du document
+document title: common fr Titre du document:
+domain common fr Domaine
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common fr Nom du domaine pour les adresses email, p.ex. "%1"
+domestic common fr Intérieur
+dominica common fr DOMINIQUE
+dominican republic common fr REPUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE
+done common fr Fait
+drag to move jscalendar fr Glisser pour le déplacer
+e-mail common fr email
+east timor common fr TIMOR EST
+ecuador common fr ECUADOR
+edit common fr Modifier
+edit %1 category for common fr Modifier la catégorie %1 pour
+edit categories common fr Modifier les catégories
+edit category common fr Modifier la catégorie
+egroupware api version %1 common fr eGroupWare version API %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common fr eGroupWare: login bloqué pour l´utilisateur '%1', IP %2
+egypt common fr EGYPTE
+el salvador common fr SALVADOR
+email common fr E-mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common fr Adresse e-mail de l'utilisateur, p.ex. "%1"
+en common fr en
+enabled common fr Activé
+end date common fr Date de fin
+end time common fr Heure de fin
+enlarge editor common fr Agrandir l'Editeur
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin fr Entrer l´URL d´eGroupWare.
Exemple: http://www.domain.com/egroupware ou /egroupware
Pas de slash final
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common fr Entrée supprimée avec succès
+entry updated sucessfully common fr Entrée mise à jour avec succès
+equatorial guinea common fr GUINEE EQUATORIALE
+eritrea common fr ERYTHREE
+error common fr Erreur
+error creating %1 %2 directory common fr Erreur à la création du répertoire %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common fr Erreur à la suppression du répertoire %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common fr Erreur au renommage du répertoire %1 %2
+estonia common fr ESTONIE
+ethiopia common fr ETHIOPIE
+exact common fr exact
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common fr Impossible de contacter le serveur ou réponse invalide de ce dernier. Essayez de vous reconnecter. En cas de panne contactez votre administrateur.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common fr ILES FALKLAND (MALOUINES)
+faroe islands common fr ILES FAROE
+fax number common fr Numéro de fax
+february common fr Février
+fields common fr Champs
+fiji common fr FIDJI
+files common fr Fichiers
+filter common fr Filtrer
+finland common fr FINLANDE
+first name common fr Prénom
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common fr Prénom de l'utilisateur, p.ex. "%1"
+first page common fr Première page
+firstname common fr Prénom
+fixme! common fr CORRIGEZ-MOI!
+folder already exists. common fr Le dossier existe déjà.
+font color common fr Couleur de la Police
+force selectbox common fr Forcer la boîte de sélection
+forever common fr Toujours
+france common fr FRANCE
+french guiana common fr GUYANNE FRANCAISE
+french polynesia common fr POLYNESIE FRANCAISE
+french southern territories common fr TERRITOIRES FRANCAIS DU SUD
+friday common fr Vendredi
+ftp common fr FTP
+fullname common fr Nom complet
+fullscreen mode common fr Mode plein écran
+gabon common fr GABON
+gambia common fr GAMBIE
+general menu common fr Menu Général
+georgia common fr GEORGIE
+german common fr Allemand
+germany common fr ALLEMAGNE
+ghana common fr GHANA
+gibraltar common fr GIBRALTAR
+global common fr Global
+global public common fr Public global
+go today jscalendar fr Aller à aujourd'hui
+grant access common fr Autoriser l'accès
+greece common fr GRECE
+greenland common fr GROENLANDE
+grenada common fr GRENADE
+group common fr Groupe
+group access common fr Accès par groupe
+group has been added common fr Le groupe a été ajouté
+group has been deleted common fr Le groupe a été supprimé
+group has been updated common fr Le groupe a été mis à jour
+group name common fr Nom du groupe
+group public common fr Public par groupe
+groups common fr Groupes
+groups with permission for %1 common fr Groupes avec la permission pour %1
+groups without permission for %1 common fr Groupes sans la permission pour %1
+guadeloupe common fr GUADELOUPE
+guam common fr GUAM
+guatemala common fr GUATEMALA
+guinea common fr GUINEE
+guinea-bissau common fr GUINEE-BISSAU
+guyana common fr GUYANE
+haiti common fr HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common fr ILE HEARD ET ILES MCDONALD
+height common fr Hauteur
+help common fr Aide
+help using editor common fr Aide à l'utilisation de l'éditeur
+high common fr Haut
+highest common fr Plus haut
+holy see (vatican city state) common fr VATICAN
+home common fr Accueil
+home email common fr email privé
+honduras common fr HONDURAS
+hong kong common fr HONG KONG
+horizontal rule common fr Règle Horizontale
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common fr Combien d'icônes devraient être affichées sur la barre de navigation (haut de page). Les icônes suplémentaires seront placées dans une liste que l'on appellera via une icône à droite de la barre de navigation.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common fr Comment afficher le menu général d'eGroupWare ?
+hungary common fr HONGRIE
+iceland common fr ISLANDE
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common fr ieSpell non détecté. Cliquez sur Ok pour aller à la page de téléchargement.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common fr Si l'horloge est activée voulez-vous la mettre à jour toutes les secondes ou toutes les minutes?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common fr S'il y a des images dans le dossier d'arrière-plan vous pouvez choisir celle que vous voulez voir.
+image url common fr URL de l'Image
+increase indent common fr Augmenter le retrait
+india common fr INDE
+indonesia common fr INDONESIE
+insert 'return false' common fr Insérer 'return false'
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common fr Insérer toutes les %1 adresses des %2 contacts de %3
+insert column after common fr Insérer une colonne après
+insert column before common fr Insérer une colonne avant
+insert image common fr Insérer une image
+insert row after common fr Insérer une ligne après
+insert row before common fr Insérer une ligne avant
+insert table common fr Insérer une table
+insert web link common fr Insérer un lien web
+international common fr International
+invalid filename common fr Nom de fichier invalide
+invalid ip address common fr Adresse IP invalide
+invalid password common fr Mot de passe invalide
+iran, islamic republic of common fr IRAN, REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D'
+iraq common fr IRAK
+ireland common fr IRLANDE
+israel common fr ISRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common fr Cela fait plus de %1 jours que vous n'avez pas changé votre mot de passe
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common fr Il vous est recommandé d'exécuter "setup" pour mettre à jour vos tables vers la version actuelle.
+italic common fr Italique
+italic.gif common fr italic.gif
+italy common fr ITALIE
+jamaica common fr JAMAIQUE
+january common fr Janvier
+japan common fr JAPON
+jordan common fr JORDANIE
+july common fr Juillet
+jun common fr Jun
+june common fr Juin
+justify center common fr Centrer
+justify full common fr Justifier
+justify left common fr Aligner à Gauche
+justify right common fr Aligner à Droite
+kazakstan common fr KAZAKSTAN
+kenya common fr KENYA
+keywords common fr Mots-clés
+kiribati common fr KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common fr COREE, REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DES PEUPLES DE
+korea, republic of common fr COREE, REPUBLIQUE DE
+kuwait common fr KOWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common fr KYRGYZSTAN
+language common fr Langue
+language_direction_rtl common fr language_direction_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common fr LAOS, REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DES PEUPLES DU
+last name common fr Nom
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common fr Nom de l'utilisateur, p.ex. "%1"
+last page common fr Dernière page
+lastname common fr Nom
+latvia common fr LATVIA
+ldap-mgr common fr Gestionnaire-LDAP
+lebanon common fr LIBAN
+left common fr Gauche
+lesotho common fr LESOTHO
+liberia common fr LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common fr LIBYE
+license common fr Licence
+liechtenstein common fr LIECHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common fr Ligne %1: '%2'
Les données csv ne correspondent pas au nombre de colonnes de la table %3 ==> ignoré
+list common fr Liste
+list members common fr Liste les membres
+lithuania common fr LITHUANIE
+local common fr Local
+login common fr Login
+loginid common fr LoginID
+logout common fr Déconnexion
+lost login id common fr Identifiant oublié
+lost password common fr Mot de passe oublié
+low common fr Bas
+lowest common fr Plus bas
+luxembourg common fr LUXEMBOURG
+macau common fr MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common fr MACEDONIE, PRECEDEMMENT REPUBLIQUE YOUGOSLAVE DE
+madagascar common fr MADAGASCAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common fr Domaine email, p.ex. "%1"
+main category common fr Catégorie principale
+main screen common fr Ecran principal
+maintainer common fr Mainteneur
+malawi common fr MALAWI
+malaysia common fr MALAYSIE
+maldives common fr MALDIVES
+mali common fr MALI
+malta common fr MALTE
+march common fr Mars
+marshall islands common fr ILES MARSHALL
+martinique common fr MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common fr MAURITANIE
+mauritius common fr ILES MAURICE
+max number of icons in navbar common fr Nombre maximum d'icônes dans la barre de navigation
+may common fr Mai
+mayotte common fr MAYOTTE
+medium common fr Moyen
+menu common fr Menu
+message common fr Message
+mexico common fr MEXIQUE
+micronesia, federated states of common fr MICRONESIA, ETATS FEDERES DE
+minute common fr minute
+moldova, republic of common fr MOLDAVIE, REPUBLIQUE DE
+monaco common fr MONACO
+monday common fr Lundi
+mongolia common fr MONGOLIE
+montserrat common fr MONTSERRAT
+morocco common fr MAROC
+mozambique common fr MOZAMBIQUE
+multiple common fr multiple
+myanmar common fr MYANMAR
+name common fr Nom
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common fr Nom de l'utilisateur, p.ex. "%1"
+namibia common fr NAMIBIE
+nauru common fr NAURU
+nepal common fr NEPAL
+netherlands common fr PAYS-BAS
+netherlands antilles common fr ANTILLES HOLLANDAISES
+never common fr Jamais
+new caledonia common fr NOUVELLE CALEDONIE
+new entry added sucessfully common fr Nouvelle entrée ajoutée avec succès
+new main category common fr Nouvelle catégorie principale
+new value common fr Nouvelle valeur
+new zealand common fr NOUVELLE ZELANDE
+next common fr Suivant
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar fr Mois suivant (maintenir pour menu)
+next page common fr Page suivante
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar fr Année suivante (maintenir pour menu)
+nicaragua common fr NICARAGUA
+niger common fr NIGER
+nigeria common fr NIGERIA
+niue common fr NIUE
+no common fr Non
+no entries found, try again ... common fr Aucune occurence trouvée, essayez encore ...
+no history for this record common fr Pas d'historique pour cet enregistrement
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common fr Pas de dossier modèle Savant2 n'a été trouvé dans:
+no subject common fr Sans objet
+none common fr Aucun
+norfolk island common fr ILE NORFOLK
+normal common fr Normal
+northern mariana islands common fr ILES MARIANA DU NORD
+norway common fr NORVEGE
+not common fr pas
+not a user yet? register now common fr Pas encore identifié? Enregisrez-vous maintenant
+not assigned common fr non assigné
+note common fr Note
+notes common fr Notes
+notify window common fr Fenêtre de notification
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common fr Demandez à votre administrateur de corriger la situation
+november common fr Novembre
+october common fr Octobre
+ok common fr OK
+old value common fr Ancienne valeur
+oman common fr OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common fr Sur les systèmes *nix SVP tapez: %1
+on mouse over common fr Sur le relâchement du clic de la souris
+only private common fr seulement privés
+only yours common fr seulement les vôtres
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common fr Oups! Vous êtes arrivé en pleine maintenance système.
+open notify window common fr Ouvrir une fenêtre de notification
+open popup window common fr Ouvrir une fenêtre de popup
+open sidebox common fr Ouvrir la barre de menu latérale
+ordered list common fr Liste ordonnées (numéros)
+original common fr Original
+other common fr Autre
+overview common fr Vue d'ensemble
+owner common fr Propriétaire
+page common fr Page
+page was generated in %1 seconds common fr La page a été générée en %1 secondes
+pakistan common fr PAKISTAN
+palau common fr PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common fr PALESTINE, TERRITOIRE OCCUPE
+panama common fr PANAMA
+papua new guinea common fr PAPOUASIE NOUVELLE GUINEE
+paraguay common fr PARAGUAY
+parcel common fr Colis
+parent category common fr Catégorie parente
+password common fr Mot de passe
+password could not be changed common fr Le mot de passe n'a pas pu être modifié
+password has been updated common fr Le mot de passe a été mis à jour avec succès
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common fr Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins %1 caractères minuscules
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common fr Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins %1 chiffres
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common fr Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins %1 caractères spéciaux
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common fr Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins %1 caractères majuscules
+password must have at least %1 characters common fr Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins %1 caractères
+paste from clipboard common fr Coller depuis le presse-papiers
+path common fr Chemin
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common fr Le chemin vers les fichiers des utilisateurs et groupes DOIT ETRE EN DEHORS de la racine des documents du serveur web!!!
+pattern for search in addressbook common fr Chaîne à rechercher dans le carnet d'adresses
+pattern for search in calendar common fr Chaîne à rechercher dans le calendrier
+pattern for search in projects common fr Chaîne à rechercher dans les projets
+permissions to the files/users directory common fr Permissions sur le répertoire fichiers/utilisateurs
+personal common fr Personnel
+peru common fr PERU
+philippines common fr PHILIPPINES
+phone number common fr numéro de téléphone
+phpgwapi common fr API eGroupWare
+pitcairn common fr PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common fr Veuillez %1 à la main
+please enter a name common fr Veuillez saisir un nom !
+please run setup to become current common fr Veuillez exécuter le setup pour vous mettre à jour
+please select common fr Veuillez sélectionner
+please set your global preferences common fr Veuillez définir vos préférences globales !
+please set your preferences for this application common fr Veuillez définir vos préférences pour cette application
+please wait... common fr Veuillez patienter...
+please, check back with us shortly. common fr Veuillez revenir bientôt afin de vérifier avec nous.
+poland common fr POLOGNE
+portugal common fr PORTUGAL
+postal common fr Code postal
+powered by common fr Motorisé par
+powered by egroupware version %1 common fr Motorisé par eGroupWare version %1
+powered by phpgroupware version %1 common fr Motorisé par eGroupWare version %1
+preferences common fr Préférences
+preferences for the idots template set common fr Préférences pour l´application du modèle idots
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar fr Mois précédent (maintenir pour le menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar fr Année précédente (maintenir pour le menu)
+previous page common fr Page précédente
+primary style-sheet: common fr Feuille de style primaire:
+print common fr Imprimer
+priority common fr Priorité
+private common fr Privé
+programs common fr Programmes
+project common fr Projet
+public common fr public
+puerto rico common fr PUERTO RICO
+qatar common fr QATAR
+read common fr Lire
+read this list of methods. common fr Lisez cette liste de méthodes.
+reading common fr Lecture
+redoes your last action common fr Refait votre dernière action
+register common fr S'enregistrer
+reject common fr Rejeter
+remember me common fr Se souvenir de moi
+remove selected accounts common fr supprimer les comptes sélectionnés
+remove shortcut common fr Supprimer le raccourci
+rename common fr Renommer
+replace common fr Remplacer
+replace with common fr Remplacer par
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common fr Retourne une liste complète des comptes sur le système. Attention: ceci peut être très long
+returns an array of todo items common fr Retourne une liste d'actions à effectuer
+returns struct of users application access common fr Retourne une structure d'accès aux applications des utilisateurs
+reunion common fr REUNION
+right common fr Droit
+romania common fr ROUMANIE
+russian federation common fr FEDERATION DE RUSSIE
+rwanda common fr RWANDA
+saint helena common fr SAINTE HELENE
+saint kitts and nevis common fr SAINT KITTS ET NEVIS
+saint lucia common fr SAINTE LUCIE
+saint pierre and miquelon common fr SAINT PIERRE ET MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common fr SAINT VINCENT ET LES GRENADINES
+samoa common fr SAMOA
+san marino common fr SAN MARIN
+sao tome and principe common fr SAO TOME ET PRINCIPE
+saturday common fr Samedi
+saudi arabia common fr ARABIE SAOUDITE
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common fr La version de Savant2 n'est pas identique à celle du package Savant2.
+save common fr Enregistrer
+search common fr Rechercher
+search %1 '%2' common fr Rechercher %1 '%2'
+search or select accounts common fr Rechercher ou sélectionner des comptes
+search or select multiple accounts common fr Rechercher ou sélectionner des comptes multiples
+second common fr seconde
+section common fr Section
+select common fr Sélectionner
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common fr Sélectionner tous les %11 %2 pour %3
+select category common fr Sélectionner la catégorie
+select date common fr Sélectionner la date
+select group common fr Sélectionner le groupe
+select home email address common fr Sélectionner l'email privé
+select multiple accounts common fr Sélectionner des comptes multiples
+select one common fr Sélectionner un(e)
+select the default height for the application windows common fr Choisissez la hauteur par défaut de la fenêtre d'application
+select the default width for the application windows common fr Choisissez la largeur par défaut de la fenêtre d'application
+select user common fr Sélectionner l'utilisateur
+select work email address common fr Sélectionner l'email professionnel
+selection common fr Sélection
+send common fr Envoyer
+senegal common fr SENEGAL
+september common fr Septembre
+server %1 has been added common fr Le serveur %1 a été ajouté
+server answered. processing response... common fr Le serveur a répondu. Traitement de la réponse...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common fr Le serveur a été contacté. Attente de la réponse...
+server name common fr Nom du serveur
+session has been killed common fr La session a été interrompue
+setup common fr Setup
+setup main menu common fr Menu principal du Setup
+seychelles common fr SEYCHELLES
+show all common fr Afficher tous les éléments
+show all categorys common fr Afficher toutes les catégories
+show as topmenu common fr Afficher en tant que menu supérieur
+show clock? common fr Afficher l'horloge?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common fr Afficher les boutons Accueil et Déconnexion dans la barre d'application principale?
+show in sidebox common fr Afficher dans la barre de menu latérale
+show logo's on the desktop. common fr Afficher le logo sur le bureau?
+show menu common fr Afficher le menu
+show page generation time common fr Afficher le temps de génération de la page
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common fr Afficher le temps de génération de page au fond de la page?
+show page generation time? common fr Afficher le temps de génération de la page?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common fr Afficher les logos d'eGroupware et x-desktop sur le bureau?
+show_more_apps common fr Voir plus d'applications
+showing %1 common fr Montre %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common fr Montre %1 - %2 de %3
+sierra leone common fr SIERRA LEONE
+singapore common fr SINGAPOUR
+slovakia common fr SLOVAQUIE
+slovenia common fr SLOVENIE
+solomon islands common fr ILES SALOMON
+somalia common fr SOMALIE
+sorry, your login has expired login fr Désolé, votre login a expiré
+south africa common fr AFRIQUE DU SUD
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common fr GEORGIE DU SUD ET LES ILES SANDWICH DU SUD
+spain common fr ESPAGNE
+sri lanka common fr SRI LANKA
+start date common fr Date de début
+start time common fr Heure de début
+start with common fr commence par
+starting up... common fr Démarrage...
+status common fr Etat
+stretched common fr étiré
+strikethrough common fr Barré
+subject common fr Objet
+submit common fr Envoyer
+subscript common fr Indice
+substitutions and their meanings: common fr Substitutions et leurs sens:
+sudan common fr SOUDAN
+sunday common fr Dimanche
+superscript common fr Exposant
+suriname common fr SURINAM
+svalbard and jan mayen common fr SVALBARD ETJAN MAYEN
+swaziland common fr SWAZILAND
+sweden common fr SUEDE
+switzerland common fr SUISSE
+syrian arab republic common fr SYRIE
+table properties common fr Propriétés du tableau
+taiwan common fr TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common fr TAJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common fr TANZANIE, REPUBLIQUE DE
+text color: common fr Couleur du Texte:
+thailand common fr THAILANDE
+the api is current common fr L'API est à jour
+the api requires an upgrade common fr L'API nécessite une mise à jour
+the following applications require upgrades common fr Les applications suivantes nécessitent une mise à jour
+the mail server returned common fr Le serveur email a renvoyé
+this application is current common fr Cette application est à jour
+this application requires an upgrade common fr Cette application nécessite une mise à jour
+this name has been used already common fr Ce nom est déjà utilisé !
+thursday common fr Jeudi
+tiled common fr mosaïque
+time common fr Heure
+time selection: jscalendar fr Sélection du temps:
+time zone common fr Fuseau horaire
+time zone offset common fr Décalage du fuseau horaire
+title common fr Titre
+to common fr Pour
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common fr Pour corriger cette erreur dans le futur vous devrez définir correctement le/la
+to go back to the msg list, click here common fr Pour revenir à la liste des messages, cliquez ici
+today common fr Aujourd'hui
+todays date, eg. "%1" common fr date d'aujourd'hui, p.ex. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar fr Voir le premier jour de la semaine
+toggle html source common fr Basculer en code HTML source
+togo common fr TOGO
+tokelau common fr TOKELAU
+tonga common fr TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common fr Trop de tentatives de connexion infructueuses: %1 pour l'utilisateur '%2', %3 pour l'IP %4
+top common fr Haut
+total common fr Total
+transparant bg for the icons? common fr Fond transparent pour les icônes?
+trinidad and tobago common fr TRINIDAD ET TOBAGO
+tuesday common fr Mardi
+tunisia common fr TUNISIE
+turkey common fr TURQUIE
+turkmenistan common fr TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common fr ILES TURKS ET CAICOS
+tuvalu common fr TUVALU
+type common fr Type
+uganda common fr OUGANDA
+ukraine common fr UKRAINE
+underline common fr Souligné
+underline.gif common fr underline.gif
+undoes your last action common fr Annule votre dernière action
+united arab emirates common fr EMIRATS ARABES UNIS
+united kingdom common fr ROYAUME UNI
+united states common fr ETATS-UNIS
+united states minor outlying islands common fr ILES MINEURES RELIEES AUX ETATS-UNIS
+unknown common fr Inconnu
+update common fr Mettre à jour
+update the clock per minute or per second common fr Mettre à jour l'horloge par minutes ou secondes
+upload common fr Déposer
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common fr Le répertoire de dépôt n'existe pas ou le serveur web ne peut pas y écrire
+url common fr Url
+uruguay common fr URUGUAY
+use button to search for common fr Utilisez le bouton pour rechercher
+use button to search for address common fr Utilisez le bouton pour rechercher une adresse
+use button to search for calendarevent common fr Utilisez le bouton pour rechercher un événement
+use button to search for project common fr Utilisez le bouton pour rechercher un projet
+user common fr Utilisateur
+user accounts common fr Comptes utilisateurs
+user groups common fr Groupes utilisateurs
+user openinstance common fr Instance utilisateur ouverte
+username common fr Nom d'utilisateur
+users common fr Utilisateurs
+users choice common fr Choix d'utilisateurs
+uzbekistan common fr UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common fr VANUATU
+venezuela common fr VENEZUELA
+version common fr version
+viet nam common fr VIETNAM
+view common fr Voir
+virgin islands, british common fr ILES VIERGES ANGLAISES
+virgin islands, u.s. common fr ILES VIERGES AMERICAINES
+wallis and futuna common fr WALLIS ET FUTUNA
+wednesday common fr Mercredi
+welcome common fr Bienvenue
+western sahara common fr SAHARA OUEST
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common fr Quelle couleur l'espace vide du bureau doit-il avoir?
+what style would you like the image to have? common fr Quel style souhaitez-vous pour l'image?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common fr Si vous dites oui, les bouttons Accueil et Déconnexion sont affichés comme des applications dans la barre d'application principale.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common fr Ou et comment seront affichés les liens comme Préférences, A propos de et Déconnexion.
+which groups common fr Quels groupes
+width common fr Largeur
+wk jscalendar fr Sem.
+work email common fr email professionnel
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common fr Voulez-vous voir apparaître le temps de génération en bas de chaque fenêtre?
+writing common fr écriture
+written by: common fr Ecrit par:
+year common fr Année
+yemen common fr YEMEN
+yes common fr Oui
+you are in text mode. use the [<>] button to switch back to wysiwig. common fr Vous êtes en MODE TEXTE. Utilisez le bouton [<>] pour revenir à WYSIWIG.
+you are required to change your password during your first login common fr Il vous est demandé de changer votre mot de passe lors de votre première connexion
+you have been successfully logged out login fr Déconnexion réussie
+you have not entered a title common fr Vous n'avez pas entré de titre
+you have not entered a valid date common fr Vous n'avez pas entré une date valide
+you have not entered a valid time of day common fr Vous n'avez pas entré une heure du jour valide
+you have not entered participants common fr Vous n'avez pas entré de participants
+you have selected an invalid date common fr Vous avez sélectionné une date invalide !
+you have selected an invalid main category common fr Vous avez sélectionné une catégorie principale invalide !
+you have successfully logged out common fr Vous vous êtes correctement déconnecté
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common fr Vous devez ajouter l'utilisateur du serveur web '%1' au groupe '%2'.
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common fr Vous avez tenté d'ouvrir l'application eGroupWare: %1, mais vous n'avez aucune permission d'y accéder.
+your message could not be sent!
common fr Votre message n'a pas pu être envoyé!
+your message has been sent common fr Votre message a été envoyé
+your search returned %1 matchs common fr Votre recherche a retourné %1 résultats
+your search returned 1 match common fr Votre recherche a retourné 1 résultat
+your session could not be verified. login fr Votre session n'a pas pu être vérifiée.
+your settings have been updated common fr Vos préférences ont été mises à jour
+yugoslavia common fr YOUGOSLAVIE
+zambia common fr ZAMBIE
+zimbabwe common fr ZIMBABWE
+zoom common fr Agrandissement
+site configuration common fr Configuration du site
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_he.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_he.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3f396c562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_he.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+cancel common he ביטול
+ok common he אישור
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_hi.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_hi.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22f37f9f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_hi.lang
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+charset common hi utf-8
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_hr.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_hr.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bb001cb4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_hr.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common hr unešeno %1 e-mail adresa
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common hr %1 webserver ne može izvršiti!!!
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common hr %1eGroupWare%2 je višekorisnički, web-bazirani groupware suite pisan u %3PHP%4.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar hr (Shift-)Click or drag to change value
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar hr - Click on any of the time parts to increase it
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar hr - Hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar hr - or click and drag for faster selection.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar hr - or Shift-click to decrease it
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar hr - Use the %1, %2 buttons to select month
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar hr - Use the %1, %2 buttons to select year
+00 (disable) admin hr 00 (disable)
+13 (ntp) admin hr 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar hr 3 number of chars for day-shortcut
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar hr 3 number of chars for month-shortcut
+80 (http) admin hr 80 (http)
+about common hr O
+about %1 common hr O %1
+about the calendar jscalendar hr O Kalendaru
+access common hr Pristup
+access not permitted common hr Pristup nije dozvoljen
+account has been created common hr Račun je kreiran
+account has been deleted common hr Račun je obrisan
+account has been updated common hr Račun je ažuriran
+account is expired common hr Račun je istekao
+acl common hr ACL
+action common hr Akcija
+active common hr Aktivno
+add common hr Dodaj
+add %1 category for common hr Dodaj %1 kategoriju za
+add category common hr Dodaj kategoriju
+add sub common hr Dodaj pod
+addressbook common hr Adresar
+admin common hr Admin
+administration common hr Administracija
+afghanistan common hr AFGHANISTAN
+albania common hr ALBANIA
+algeria common hr ALGERIA
+all common hr Sve
+all fields common hr sva polja
+alphabet common hr a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common hr Alternativni style-sheet:
+american samoa common hr AMERICAN SAMOA
+andorra common hr ANDORRA
+angola common hr ANGOLA
+anguilla common hr ANGUILLA
+antarctica common hr ANTARCTICA
+antigua and barbuda common hr ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
+apply common hr Primjeni
+april common hr Travanj
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ove stavke ?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ove stavku ?
+argentina common hr ARGENTINA
+armenia common hr ARMENIA
+aruba common hr ARUBA
+august common hr Kolovoz
+australia common hr AUSTRALIA
+austria common hr AUSTRIA
+author common hr Autor
+autohide sidebox menus common hr Automatski sakrij izbornike sa strane
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common hr Automatski sakrij izbornike sa strane?
+autosave default category common hr Autosave Default Category
+azerbaijan common hr AZERBAIJAN
+back common hr Povratak
+back to user login common hr Natrag na prijavu korisnika
+background color: common hr Pozadinska boja:
+bad login or password common hr Krivo korisničko ime ili lozinka
+bahamas common hr BAHAMAS
+bahrain common hr BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common hr BANGLADESH
+barbados common hr BARBADOS
+bcc common hr Bcc
+belarus common hr BELARUS
+belgium common hr BELGIUM
+belize common hr BELIZE
+benin common hr BENIN
+bermuda common hr BERMUDA
+bhutan common hr BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common hr Blokirano, previše pokušaja
+bolivia common hr BOLIVIA
+bosnia and herzegovina common hr BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common hr BOTSWANA
+bouvet island common hr BOUVET ISLAND
+brazil common hr BRAZIL
+british indian ocean territory common hr BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
+brunei darussalam common hr BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common hr BULGARIA
+burkina faso common hr BURKINA FASO
+burundi common hr BURUNDI
+calendar common hr Kalendar
+cambodia common hr CAMBODIA
+cameroon common hr CAMEROON
+canada common hr CANADA
+cancel common hr Otkaži
+cape verde common hr CAPE VERDE
+categories common hr Kategorije
+categories for common hr kategorije za
+category common hr Kategorija
+category %1 has been added ! common hr Kategorija %1 je dodana !
+category %1 has been updated ! common hr Kategorija %1 je ažurirana !
+cayman islands common hr CAYMAN ISLANDS
+cc common hr Cc
+central african republic common hr CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
+chad common hr CHAD
+change common hr Promijeni
+charset common hr utf-8
+check installation common hr Provjeri instalaciju
+check now common hr Check Now
+chile common hr CHILE
+china common hr CHINA
+choose the category common hr Odaberi kategoriju
+choose the parent category common hr Odaberi početnu kategoriju
+christmas island common hr CHRISTMAS ISLAND
+clear common hr Clear
+clear form common hr Clear Form
+click common hr Click
+click or mouse over to show menus common hr Click or Mouse Over to show menus
+click or mouse over to show menus? common hr Click or Mouse Over to show menus?
+close common hr Zatvori
+cocos (keeling) islands common hr COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
+colombia common hr COLOMBIA
+comoros common hr COMOROS
+company common hr Tvrtka
+congo common hr CONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common hr CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE
+cook islands common hr COOK ISLANDS
+copy common hr Kopiraj
+costa rica common hr COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common hr COTE D IVOIRE
+create common hr Create
+created by common hr Created By
+croatia common hr CROATIA
+cuba common hr CUBA
+currency common hr Valuta
+current common hr Trenutni
+current users common hr Trenutni korisnici
+cyprus common hr CYPRUS
+czech republic common hr CZECH REPUBLIC
+date common hr Datum
+date due common hr Date Due
+date selection: jscalendar hr Date selection:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin hr Datetime port.
If using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common hr Prosinac
+default category common hr Default Category
+delete common hr Obriši
+denmark common hr DENMARK
+description common hr Opis
+detail common hr Detalj
+details common hr Detalji
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common hr Diable the execution a bugfixscript for Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in PNG-images?
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common hr Disable Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix
+disable slider effects common hr Disable slider effects
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common hr Disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? Opera and Konqueror users will probably must want this.
+disabled common hr Onemogućeno
+display %s first jscalendar hr Prikaži prvo %s
+djibouti common hr DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common hr Do you also want to delete all subcategories ?
+domain common hr Domena
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common hr domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1"
+domestic common hr Domestic
+dominica common hr DOMINICA
+dominican republic common hr DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
+done common hr Done
+drag to move jscalendar hr Drag to move
+e-mail common hr E-Mail
+east timor common hr EAST TIMOR
+ecuador common hr ECUADOR
+edit common hr Uredi
+edit %1 category for common hr Uredi %1 kategoriju za
+edit categories common hr Uredi Kategorije
+edit category common hr Uredi kategoriju
+egroupware api version %1 common hr eGroupWare API verzija %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common hr eGroupWare: login blokiran za korisnika '%1', IP %2
+egypt common hr EGYPT
+el salvador common hr EL SALVADOR
+email common hr E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common hr email-address of the user, eg. "%1"
+enabled common hr Omogućeno
+end date common hr End date
+end time common hr End time
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin hr Enter the location of eGroupWare's URL.
Example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
No trailing slash
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common hr Entry has been deleted sucessfully
+entry updated sucessfully common hr Entry updated sucessfully
+equatorial guinea common hr EQUATORIAL GUINEA
+eritrea common hr ERITREA
+error common hr Greška
+error creating %1 %2 directory common hr Greška pri kreiranju %1 %2 mape
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common hr Greška pri brisanju %1 %2 mape
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common hr Greška pri preimenovanju %1 %2 mape
+estonia common hr ESTONIA
+ethiopia common hr ETHIOPIA
+exact common hr exact
+falkland islands (malvinas) common hr FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
+faroe islands common hr FAROE ISLANDS
+fax number common hr fax number
+february common hr Veljača
+fields common hr Polja
+fiji common hr FIJI
+files common hr Datoteke
+filter common hr Filter
+finland common hr FINLAND
+first name common hr First name
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common hr first name of the user, eg. "%1"
+first page common hr Početna stranica
+firstname common hr Ime
+fixme! common hr FIXME!
+force selectbox common hr Force SelectBox
+france common hr FRANCE
+french guiana common hr FRENCH GUIANA
+french polynesia common hr FRENCH POLYNESIA
+french southern territories common hr FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
+friday common hr Petak
+ftp common hr FTP
+fullname common hr Puno ime
+gabon common hr GABON
+gambia common hr GAMBIA
+general menu common hr General Menu
+georgia common hr GEORGIA
+germany common hr GERMANY
+ghana common hr GHANA
+gibraltar common hr GIBRALTAR
+global common hr Global
+global public common hr Global Public
+go today jscalendar hr Go Today
+grant access common hr Omogući pristup
+greece common hr GREECE
+greenland common hr GREENLAND
+grenada common hr GRENADA
+group common hr Grupa
+group access common hr Grupni pristup
+group has been added common hr Grupa je dodana
+group has been deleted common hr Grupa je obrisana
+group has been updated common hr Grupa je ažurirana
+group name common hr group name
+group public common hr Group Public
+groups common hr Grupe
+groups with permission for %1 common hr Groups with permission for %1
+groups without permission for %1 common hr Groups without permission for %1
+guadeloupe common hr GUADELOUPE
+guam common hr GUAM
+guatemala common hr GUATEMALA
+guinea common hr GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common hr GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common hr GUYANA
+haiti common hr HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common hr HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
+help common hr Help
+high common hr High
+highest common hr Highest
+holy see (vatican city state) common hr HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
+home common hr Početna stranica
+home email common hr home email
+honduras common hr HONDURAS
+hong kong common hr HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common hr How many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). Additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar.
+hungary common hr HUNGARY
+iceland common hr ICELAND
+india common hr INDIA
+indonesia common hr INDONESIA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common hr Insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3
+international common hr International
+invalid ip address common hr Invalid IP address
+invalid password common hr Invalid password
+iran, islamic republic of common hr IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
+iraq common hr IRAQ
+ireland common hr IRELAND
+israel common hr ISRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common hr It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common hr It is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version.
+italic common hr Italic
+italy common hr ITALY
+jamaica common hr JAMAICA
+january common hr January
+japan common hr JAPAN
+jordan common hr JORDAN
+july common hr Srpanj
+jun common hr Svibanj
+june common hr Lipanj
+justify center common hr Justify Center
+justify full common hr Justify Full
+justify left common hr Justify Left
+justify right common hr Justify Right
+kazakstan common hr KAZAKSTAN
+kenya common hr KENYA
+keywords common hr Keywords
+kiribati common hr KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common hr KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF
+korea, republic of common hr KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
+kuwait common hr KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common hr KYRGYZSTAN
+language common hr Language
+lao peoples democratic republic common hr LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
+last name common hr Prezime
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common hr last name of the user, eg. "%1"
+last page common hr Last page
+lastname common hr Lastname
+latvia common hr LATVIA
+lebanon common hr LEBANON
+lesotho preferences hr LESOTHO
+liberia common hr LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common hr LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
+license common hr License
+liechtenstein common hr LIECHTENSTEIN
+list common hr List
+list members common hr List members
+lithuania common hr LITHUANIA
+local common hr Local
+login common hr Prijava
+loginid common hr LoginID
+logout common hr Odjava
+low common hr Low
+lowest common hr Lowest
+luxembourg common hr LUXEMBOURG
+macau common hr MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common hr MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF
+madagascar common hr MADAGASCAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common hr mail domain, eg. "%1"
+main category common hr Main category
+main screen common hr Main screen
+maintainer common hr Maintainer
+malawi common hr MALAWI
+malaysia common hr MALAYSIA
+maldives common hr MALDIVES
+mali common hr MALI
+malta common hr MALTA
+march common hr March
+marshall islands common hr MARSHALL ISLANDS
+martinique common hr MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common hr MAURITANIA
+mauritius common hr MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common hr Max number of icons in navbar
+may common hr May
+mayotte common hr MAYOTTE
+medium common hr Medium
+menu common hr Izbornik
+message common hr Poruka
+mexico common hr MEXICO
+micronesia, federated states of common hr MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
+moldova, republic of common hr MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
+monaco common hr MONACO
+monday common hr Ponedjeljak
+mongolia common hr MONGOLIA
+montserrat common hr MONTSERRAT
+morocco common hr MOROCCO
+mozambique common hr MOZAMBIQUE
+myanmar common hr MYANMAR
+name common hr Naziv
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common hr name of the user, eg. "%1"
+namibia common hr NAMIBIA
+nauru common hr NAURU
+nepal common hr NEPAL
+netherlands common hr NETHERLANDS
+netherlands antilles common hr NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
+never common hr Never
+new caledonia common hr NEW CALEDONIA
+new entry added sucessfully common hr New entry added sucessfully
+new main category common hr New main category
+new value common hr New Value
+new zealand common hr NEW ZEALAND
+next common hr Slijedeći
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar hr Next month (hold for menu)
+next page common hr Next page
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar hr Next year (hold for menu)
+nicaragua common hr NICARAGUA
+niger common hr NIGER
+nigeria common hr NIGERIA
+niue common hr NIUE
+no common hr Ne
+no entries found, try again ... common hr no entries found, try again ...
+no history for this record common hr No history for this record
+no subject common hr No Subject
+none common hr None
+norfolk island common hr NORFOLK ISLAND
+normal common hr Normal
+northern mariana islands common hr NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
+norway common hr NORWAY
+not assigned common hr not assigned
+note common hr Note
+notes common hr Notes
+notify window common hr Notify Window
+november common hr Studeni
+october common hr Listopad
+ok common hr Uredu
+old value common hr Old Value
+oman common hr OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common hr On *nix systems please type: %1
+on mouse over common hr On Mouse Over
+only private common hr only private
+only yours common hr only yours
+open notify window common hr Open notify window
+open popup window common hr Open popup window
+original common hr Original
+other common hr Other
+overview common hr Pregled
+owner common hr Vlasnik
+page common hr Stranica
+page was generated in %1 seconds common hr Page was generated in %1 seconds
+pakistan common hr PAKISTAN
+palau common hr PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common hr PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED
+panama common hr PANAMA
+papua new guinea common hr PAPUA NEW GUINEA
+paraguay common hr PARAGUAY
+parcel common hr Parcel
+parent category common hr Parent Category
+password common hr Password
+password could not be changed common hr Password could not be changed
+password has been updated common hr Password has been updated
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common hr Path to user and group files HAS TO BE OUTSIDE of the webservers document-root!!!
+pattern for search in addressbook common hr Pattern for Search in Addressbook
+pattern for search in calendar common hr Pattern for Search in Calendar
+pattern for search in projects common hr Pattern for Search in Projects
+permissions to the files/users directory common hr permissions to the files/users directory
+personal common hr Personal
+peru common hr PERU
+philippines common hr PHILIPPINES
+phone number common hr phone number
+pitcairn common hr PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common hr Please %1 by hand
+please enter a name common hr Please enter a name !
+please run setup to become current common hr Please run setup to become current
+please select common hr Please Select
+please set your global preferences common hr Please set your global preferences !
+please set your preferences for this application common hr Please set your preferences for this application !
+please wait... common hr Please Wait...
+poland common hr POLAND
+portugal common hr PORTUGAL
+postal common hr Postal
+powered by phpgroupware version %1 common hr Powered by phpGroupWare version %1
+preferences common hr Postavke
+preferences for the idots template set common hr Preferences for the idots template set
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar hr Prev. month (hold for menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar hr Prev. year (hold for menu)
+previous page common hr Previous page
+print common hr Print
+priority common hr Priority
+private common hr Private
+project common hr Project
+public common hr public
+puerto rico common hr PUERTO RICO
+qatar common hr QATAR
+read common hr Read
+read this list of methods. common hr Read this list of methods.
+reject common hr Reject
+remove selected accounts common hr remove selected accounts
+rename common hr Rename
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common hr Returns a full list of accounts on the system. Warning: This is return can be quite large
+returns an array of todo items common hr Returns an array of todo items
+returns struct of users application access common hr Returns struct of users application access
+reunion common hr REUNION
+romania common hr ROMANIA
+russian federation common hr RUSSIAN FEDERATION
+rwanda common hr RWANDA
+saint helena common hr SAINT HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common hr SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
+saint lucia common hr SAINT LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common hr SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common hr SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
+samoa common hr SAMOA
+san marino common hr SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common hr SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
+saturday common hr Subota
+saudi arabia common hr SAUDI ARABIA
+save common hr Snimi
+search common hr Search
+search %1 '%2' common hr Search %1 '%2'
+search or select accounts common hr Search or select accounts
+section common hr Section
+select common hr Select
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common hr Select all %1 %2 for %3
+select category common hr Select Category
+select date common hr Select date
+select group common hr Select group
+select home email address common hr Select home email address
+select one common hr Select one
+select user common hr Select user
+select work email address common hr Select work email address
+selection common hr Selection
+send common hr Send
+senegal common hr SENEGAL
+september common hr September
+server %1 has been added common hr Server %1 has been added
+server name common hr Server Name
+session has been killed common hr Session has been killed
+setup common hr Setup
+setup main menu common hr Setup Main Menu
+seychelles common hr SEYCHELLES
+show all common hr show all
+show all categorys common hr Show all categorys
+show menu common hr show menu
+show page generation time common hr Show page generation time
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common hr Show page generation time on the bottom of the page?
+show_more_apps common hr show_more_apps
+showing %1 common hr showing %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common hr showing %1 - %2 of %3
+sierra leone common hr SIERRA LEONE
+singapore common hr SINGAPORE
+slovakia common hr SLOVAKIA
+slovenia common hr SLOVENIA
+solomon islands common hr SOLOMON ISLANDS
+somalia common hr SOMALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login hr Sorry, your login has expired
+south africa common hr SOUTH AFRICA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common hr SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
+spain common hr SPAIN
+sri lanka common hr SRI LANKA
+start date common hr Start date
+start time common hr Start time
+start with common hr start with
+status common hr Status
+subject common hr Tema
+submit common hr Submit
+substitutions and their meanings: common hr Substitutions and their meanings:
+sudan common hr SUDAN
+sunday common hr Sunday
+suriname common hr SURINAME
+svalbard and jan mayen common hr SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common hr SWAZILAND
+sweden common hr SWEDEN
+switzerland common hr SWITZERLAND
+syrian arab republic common hr SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC
+taiwan common hr TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common hr TAJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common hr TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF
+text color: common hr Text color:
+thailand common hr THAILAND
+the api is current common hr The API is current
+the api requires an upgrade common hr The API requires an upgrade
+the following applications require upgrades common hr The following applications require upgrades
+the mail server returned common hr The mail server returned
+this application is current common hr This application is current
+this application requires an upgrade common hr This application requires an upgrade
+this name has been used already common hr This name has been used already !
+thursday common hr Četvrtak
+time common hr Vrijeme
+time selection: jscalendar hr Odabir vremena:
+time zone common hr Vremenska zona
+time zone offset common hr Time zone offset
+title common hr Naslov
+to common hr To
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common hr To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the
+to go back to the msg list, click here common hr To go back to the msg list, click here
+today common hr Danas
+todays date, eg. "%1" common hr todays date, eg. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar hr Toggle first day of week
+togo common hr TOGO
+tokelau common hr TOKELAU
+tonga common hr TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common hr Too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the IP %4
+total common hr Ukupno
+trinidad and tobago common hr TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
+tuesday common hr Utorak
+tunisia common hr TUNISIA
+turkey common hr TURKEY
+turkmenistan common hr TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common hr TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
+tuvalu common hr TUVALU
+uganda common hr UGANDA
+ukraine common hr UKRAINE
+united arab emirates common hr UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
+united kingdom common hr UNITED KINGDOM
+united states common hr UNITED STATES
+united states minor outlying islands common hr UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
+unknown common hr Unknown
+update common hr Ažuriraj
+url common hr URL
+uruguay common hr URUGUAY
+use button to search for common hr use Button to search for
+use button to search for address common hr use Button to search for Address
+use button to search for calendarevent common hr use Button to search for Calendarevent
+use button to search for project common hr use Button to search for Project
+user common hr Korisnik
+user accounts common hr korisnički računi
+user groups common hr korisničke grupe
+username common hr Korisničko ime
+users common hr korisnici
+users choice common hr Users Choice
+uzbekistan common hr UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common hr VANUATU
+venezuela common hr VENEZUELA
+version common hr Verzija
+viet nam common hr VIETNAM
+view common hr Pogled
+virgin islands, british common hr VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH
+virgin islands, u.s. common hr VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
+wallis and futuna common hr WALLIS AND FUTUNA
+wednesday common hr Srijeda
+welcome common hr Dobrodošli
+western sahara common hr WESTERN SAHARA
+which groups common hr Koje grupe
+wk jscalendar hr wk
+work email common hr E-mail poslovni
+written by: common hr Napisao:
+year common hr Godina
+yemen common hr YEMEN
+yes common hr Da
+you are required to change your password during your first login common hr You are required to change your password during your first login
+you are running a newer version of phpgroupware than your database is setup for common hr You are running a newer version of phpGroupWare than your database is setup for.
+you have been successfully logged out login hr Uspješno ste odjavljeni
+you have not entered a title common hr You have not entered a title
+you have not entered a valid date common hr You have not entered a valid date
+you have not entered a valid time of day common hr You have not entered a valid time of day
+you have not entered participants common hr You have not entered participants
+you have selected an invalid date common hr You have selected an invalid date !
+you have selected an invalid main category common hr You have selected an invalid main category !
+you have successfully logged out common hr Uspješno ste se odjavili
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common hr You need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'.
+your message could not be sent!
common hr Your message could not be sent!
+your message has been sent common hr Vaša poruka je poslana
+your search returned %1 matchs common hr your search returned %1 matches
+your search returned 1 match common hr Vaša pretraga je vratila 1 rezultat
+your session could not be verified. login hr Vašu sesiju nije moguće potvrditi.
+your settings have been updated common hr Vaše postavke su Ažurirane
+yugoslavia common hr JUGOSLAVIJA
+zambia common hr ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common hr ZIMBABWE
+site configuration common hr Site configuration
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_hu.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_hu.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..102f61312a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_hu.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common hu %1 email cím beillesztve
+%1 file common hu % file
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common hu %1 nem futtatható a webszerver által!
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common hu %1Válasszon egy másik könyvtárat%2
vagy tegye írhatóvá a %3 könyvtárat a webszerver számára.
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common hu Az %1eGroupWare%2 egy php nyelven írt webalapú, többfelhasználós csoportmunkát támogató alkalmazáscsomag.
+(session restored in %1 seconds) common hu (munkafázis visszaállítva %1 másodperc alatt)
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar hu (Shift-)Klikk vagy vontatás megváltoztatja az értéket.
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar hu - Az időmezőre kattintás megnöveli az értékét
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar hu - Gyorsabb kijelölés érhető el az egérgomb lenyomva tartásával bármelyik gombon.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar hu - vagy kattintás és vontatás a gyorsabb kiválasztáshoz
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar hu - vagy Shift-kattintással csökkenthető az értéke
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar hu - Az %1, %2 gomb használatosak a hónap kiválasztásához
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar hu - Az %1, %2 gombok használatosak az év kiválasztásához.
+00 (disable) admin hu 00 (tiltva)
+1 day common hu 1 nap
+1 hour common hu 1 óra
+1 month common hu 1 hónap
+1 week common hu 1 hét
+13 (ntp) admin hu 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar hu 3 karakteres nap rövidítés
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar hu 3 karakteres hónap rövidítés
+80 (http) admin hu 80 (http)
+about common hu Névjegy
+about %1 common hu %1 névjegye
+about egroupware common hu eGroupware névjegye
+about the calendar jscalendar hu Naptár névjegye
+access common hu Hozzáférés
+access not permitted common hu Hozzáférés nincs engedélyezve
+account has been created common hu Felhasználói fiók létrehozva
+account has been deleted common hu Felhasználói fiók törölve
+account has been updated common hu Felhasználói fiók módosítva
+account is expired common hu Ez a felhasználói fiók lejárt
+accounts common hu Hozzáférés
+acl common hu ACL
+action common hu Művelet
+active common hu Aktív
+add common hu Hozzáad
+add %1 category for common hu %1 kategória hozzáadása
+add category common hu Kategória hozzáadása
+add shortcut common hu Gyorsbillentyű hozzáadása
+add sub common hu Albejegyzés hozzáadása
+addressbook common hu Címjegyzék
+admin common hu Admin
+administration common hu Adminisztráció
+afghanistan common hu Afganisztán
+albania common hu Albánia
+algeria common hu Algéria
+all common hu Összes
+all fields common hu Összes mező
+all languages common hu minden nyelv
+alphabet common hu a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common hu Stíluslap változtatása
+american samoa common hu Amerikai Szamoa
+an error happened common hu Hiba történt
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common hu Létező és a webszerver által olvasható könyvtár engedélyezi a képfeltöltést és böngészést.
+andorra common hu Andorra
+angola common hu Angola
+anguilla common hu Anguilla
+antarctica common hu Antarktisz
+antigua and barbuda common hu Antigua és Barbuda
+application common hu Alkalmazás
+apply common hu Alkalmaz
+april common hu Április
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common hu Biztosan törölni akarja ezeket a bejegyzéseket?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common hu Biztosan törölni akarja ezt a bejegyzést?
+argentina common hu Argentína
+armenia common hu Örményország
+aruba common hu Aruba
+august common hu Augusztus
+australia common hu Ausztrália
+austria common hu Ausztria
+author common hu Szerző
+autohide sidebox menu's common hu Oldalmenük automatikus elrejtése
+autohide sidebox menus common hu Oldalmenük automatikus elrejtése
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common hu Az oldalmenüket automatikusan elrejtse?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common hu Az oldalmenüket automatikusan elrejtse?
+autosave default category common hu Alapértelmezett kategória automatikus mentése
+azerbaijan common hu Azerbajdzsán
+back common hu Vissza
+back to user login common hu Vissza a felhasználói bejelentkezéshez
+background color: common hu Háttérszín:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common hu backup mappa nem írható a webszerver által
+bad login or password common hu Rossz felhasználó vagy jelszó
+bahamas common hu Bahamák
+bahrain common hu Bahrain
+bangladesh common hu Banglades
+barbados common hu Barbados
+bcc common hu Bcc
+belarus common hu Fehéroroszország
+belgium common hu Belgium
+belize common hu Belize
+benin common hu Benin
+bermuda common hu Bermuda
+bhutan common hu Bhután
+blocked, too many attempts common hu Túl sok próbálkozás, blokkolva!
+bold common hu Félkövér
+bolivia common hu Bolívia
+border common hu Keret
+bosnia and herzegovina common hu Bosznia Hercegovina
+botswana common hu Botswana
+bottom common hu Alul
+bouvet island common hu Bouvet-sziget
+brazil common hu Brazília
+british indian ocean territory common hu Brit Indiai Óceáni Területek
+brunei darussalam common hu Brunei
+bulgaria common hu Bulgária
+bulgarian common hu Bulgár
+burkina faso common hu Burkina Faso
+burundi common hu Burundi
+calendar common hu Naptár
+cambodia common hu Kambodzsa
+cameroon common hu Kamerun
+canada common hu Kanada
+cancel common hu Mégsem
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common hu %1 nem cserélhető, mert könyvtár
+cant open '%1' for %2 common hu '%1' nem nyitható meg %2 számára
+cape verde common hu Zöld-foki Köztársaság
+caption common hu Felirat
+categories common hu Kategóriák
+categories for common hu Kategóriák ...
+category common hu Kategória
+category %1 has been added ! common hu %1 kategória hozzáadva!
+category %1 has been updated ! common hu %1 kategória frissítve!
+cayman islands common hu Kajmán-szigetek
+cc common hu Cc
+centered common hu Középre zárt
+central african republic common hu Közép-Afrikai Köztársaság
+chad common hu Csád
+change common hu Változtat
+charset common hu utf-8
+check installation common hu Telepítés ellenőrzése
+check now common hu Ellenőrzés most
+chile common hu Chile
+china common hu Kína
+choose a background color common hu Háttérszín kiválasztása
+choose a background color for the icons common hu Ikon háttérszínének kiválasztása
+choose a background image. common hu Háttérkép kiválasztása
+choose a background style. common hu Háttér stílus kiválasztása
+choose a text color for the icons common hu Ikon szövegszín kiválasztása
+choose the category common hu Kategória választás
+choose the parent category common hu Szülő kategória választás
+christmas island common hu Karácsony szigetek
+clear common hu Töröl
+clear form common hu Lap törlése
+click common hu Kattintás
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common hu Kattints ide az eGroupWare munkamenet visszaállításához
+click or mouse over to show menus common hu Menük megjelenítése kattintással vagy egérkurzor fölé helyezéssel
+click or mouse over to show menus? common hu Menü megjelenítés kattintással vagy egérkurzor fölé helyezéssel?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common hu Kattints %1 képre a navbar-ban.
+close common hu Bezár
+close sidebox common hu Oldalmenü bezárása
+cocos (keeling) islands common hu Kókusz (Keeling)-szigetek
+colombia common hu Kolumbia
+common preferences common hu Általános beállítások
+comoros common hu Comore-szigetek
+company common hu Társaság
+congo common hu Kongó
+congo, the democratic republic of the common hu Kongó (Kongói Köztársaság)
+contacting server... common hu Csatlakozás szerverhez...
+cook islands common hu Cook-szigetek
+copy common hu Másol
+costa rica common hu Costa Rica
+cote d ivoire common hu Elefántcsontpart
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common hu Szerverhez csatlakozás nem sikerült. Időtúllépés.
+create common hu Létrehoz
+created by common hu Készítette
+croatia common hu Horvátország
+cuba common hu Kuba
+currency common hu Pénznem
+current common hu Aktuális
+current users common hu Aktuális felhasználók
+cyprus common hu Ciprus
+czech republic common hu Cseh Köztársaság
+database error common hu Adatbázis hiba
+database error! common hu Adatbázis hiba!
+date common hu Dátum
+date due common hu Határidő
+date selection: jscalendar hu Dátum kiválasztás:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin hu Időszerver port.
A 13-as port használatához a tűzfalat ki kell nyitni, mielőtt ez az oldal elküldésre kerülne.
+december common hu December
+default category common hu Alapértelmezett kategória
+default height for the windows common hu Alapértelmezett ablak magasság
+default width for the windows common hu Alapértelmezett ablak szélesség
+delete common hu Töröl
+delete row common hu Sor törlése
+denmark common hu Dánia
+description common hu Leírás
+detail common hu Részlet
+details common hu Részletek
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common hu Letiltja az Internet Explorer 5.5+ böngészők esetén a PNG típusú képek átlátszóságának kezelését javító szkript futtatását? (Javaslat: Firefox böngésző használata)
+direction left to right common hu Balról jobbra irány
+directory common hu Mappa
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common hu A könyvtár nem létezik, vagy nem olvasható a webszerverrel vagy a dokumentum gyökérkönyvtárához képest nem helyes a relatív útvonal.
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common hu Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix tiltása
+disable slider effects common hu Csúsztatás tiltása
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common hu Letiltja az oldalon található menük animált be- és kiúsztatását? Opera és Konqueror felhasználók valószínűleg hasznát veszik ennek.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common hu Hibajavító szkript futtatásának letiltása, hogy az Internet Explorer >=5.5 esetén az átlátszó PNG képek helyesen jelenjenek meg?
+disabled common hu Letiltva
+display %s first jscalendar hu Először mutasd ezt %1
+djibouti common hu Dzsibuti
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common hu Az alkategóriákat is törölni szeretné?
+doctype: common hu Doctype:
+document properties common hu Dokumentum jellemzők
+document title: common hu Dokumentum címe:
+domain common hu Tartomány
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common hu Tartománynév az email címhez, pl. "%1"
+domestic common hu Belföldi
+dominica common hu Dominika
+dominican republic common hu Dominikai Köztársaság
+done common hu Kész
+drag to move jscalendar hu Ragadja meg mozgatáshoz
+e-mail common hu E-Mail
+east timor common hu Kelet Timor
+eastern european common hu Kelet-európai
+ecuador common hu Ecuador
+edit common hu Módosít
+edit %1 category for common hu %1 kategória módosítása
+edit categories common hu Kategóriák módosítása
+edit category common hu Kategória módosítása
+egroupware common hu eGroupWare
+egroupware api version common hu eGroupWare API verzió
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common hu eGroupWare: %1 felhasználó bejelentkezése blokkolva az %2 IP címről
+egypt common hu Egyiptom
+el salvador common hu Salvador
+email common hu E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common hu felhasználó email címe, pl. "%1"
+enabled common hu Engedélyezve
+end date common hu Befejezés dátuma
+end time common hu Befejezés ideje
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin hu Kérem adja meg az eGroupWare URL helyét.
Például: http://www.domain.com/eroupware vagy /egroupware
Lezáró / jel nélkül!
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common hu Bejegyzés törölve
+entry not found! common hu Bejegyzés nem létezik!
+entry updated sucessfully common hu Bejegyzés módosítva
+equatorial guinea common hu Egyenlítői Guinea
+eritrea common hu Eritrea
+error common hu Hiba
+error creating %1 %2 directory common hu %1 %2 könyvtár létrehozása során hiba lépett fel
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common hu %1 %2 könyvtár törlése során hiba lépett fel
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common hu %1 %2 könyvtár átnevezése során hiba lépett fel
+estonia common hu Észtország
+ethiopia common hu Etiópia
+everything common hu Minden
+exact common hu pontos
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common hu Szerverhez csatlakozás sikertelen vagy a szerver válasza érvénytelen. Próbáljon újra bejelentkezni. Hiba esetén értesítse az adminisztrátort.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common hu Falkland-szigetek
+faroe islands common hu Faroe-szigetek
+fax number common hu faxszám
+features of the editor? common hu A szerkesztő tulajdonságai?
+february common hu Február
+fields common hu Mezők
+fiji common hu Fidzsi
+files common hu Fájlok
+filter common hu Szűrő
+finland common hu Finnország
+first name common hu Vezetéknév
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common hu A felhasználó vezetéktneve, pl. "%1"
+first page common hu Első oldal
+firstname common hu Vezetéknév
+fixme! common hu JAVÍTS KI!
+folder already exists. common hu A mappa már létezik.
+force selectbox common hu Kényszerített selectbox
+forever common hu Örökre
+france common hu Francaország
+french guiana common hu Francia Guinea
+french polynesia common hu Francia Polinézia
+french southern territories common hu Francia Déli Területek
+friday common hu Péntek
+ftp common hu FTP
+fullname common hu Teljes név
+fullscreen mode common hu Teljes képernyős mód
+gabon common hu Gabon
+gambia common hu Gambia
+general menu common hu Általános menü
+georgia common hu Grúzia
+german common hu Német
+germany common hu Németország
+ghana common hu Ghána
+gibraltar common hu Gibraltár
+global common hu Globális
+global public common hu Publikus
+go today jscalendar hu Ugrás a mai napra
+grant access common hu Hozzáférési jogok adása
+greece common hu Görögország
+greek common hu Görög
+greenland common hu Grönland
+grenada common hu Grenada
+group common hu Csoport
+group access common hu Csoportos hozzáférés
+group has been added common hu Csoport hozzáadva
+group has been deleted common hu Csoport törölve
+group has been updated common hu Csoport módosítva
+group name common hu csoport neve
+group public common hu Csoporton belül publikus
+groups common hu Csoportok
+groups with permission for %1 common hu Csoportok engedéllyel ehhez %1
+groups without permission for %1 common hu Csoportok engedély nélkül ehhez %1
+guadeloupe common hu Guadeloupe
+guam common hu Guam
+guatemala common hu Guatemala
+guinea common hu Guinea
+guinea-bissau common hu Guinea-Bissau
+guyana common hu Guyana
+haiti common hu Haiti
+heard island and mcdonald islands common hu Heard-sziget és McDonald-szigetek
+height common hu Magasság
+help common hu Segítség
+high common hu Sürgős
+highest common hu Legmagasabb
+holy see (vatican city state) common hu Vatikán
+home common hu Kezdőlap
+home email common hu otthoni email
+honduras common hu Honduras
+hong kong common hu Hong Kong
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common hu A felső menüsoron látható ikonok maximális száma. A többi alkalmazás ikonja a menüsor jobb oldalán található ikonra kattintva érhető el.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common hu Hogyan legyen az eGroupWare menü megjelenítve?
+hungary common hu Magyarország
+iceland common hu Izland
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common hu iSpell nem található. Kattintson az OK-ra a letöltéshez.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common hu Ha az óra engedélyezve van, akkor minden másodpercben vagy minden percben frissítse az időt?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common hu Ha több kép található a Hátterek mappában, akkor kiválaszthatja, hogy melyiket szeretné beállítani.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common hu Képkönyvtár relatív útvonala a dokumentum gyökérkönyvtárához képest (használja a / előtagot), például:
+image url common hu Kép URL
+india common hu India
+indonesia common hu Indonézia
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common hu A %2 kapcsolat összes %1 címének beillesztése ide %3
+insert column after common hu Oszlop szúrása utána
+insert column before common hu Oszlop beszúrása elé
+insert row after common hu Sor beszúrása utána
+insert row before common hu Sor beszúrása elé
+international common hu Nemzetközi
+invalid filename common hu Érvénytelen állománynév
+invalid ip address common hu Érvénytelen IP cím
+invalid password common hu Érvénytelen jelszó
+iran, islamic republic of common hu Irán
+iraq common hu Irak
+ireland common hu Írország
+israel common hu Izrael
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common hu Több mint %1 nap telt el az utolsó jelszómódosítás óta
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common hu Erősen javasolt az adatbázis frissítése a legújabb verzióra. Ezt a tartomány konfigurációját ellátó felhasználóként teheti meg.
+italic common hu Dőlt
+italy common hu Olaszország
+jamaica common hu Jamaika
+january common hu Január
+japan common hu Japán
+japanese common hu Japán
+jordan common hu Jordánia
+july common hu Július
+jun common hu Jún
+june common hu Június
+justify center common hu Középre zárt
+justify full common hu Sor kitöltése
+justify left common hu Balra zárt
+justify right common hu Jobbra zárt
+kazakstan common hu Kazahsztán
+kenya common hu Kenya
+keywords common hu Kulcsszavak
+kiribati common hu Kiribati
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common hu Észak Korea
+korea, republic of common hu Dél Korea
+korean common hu Koreai
+kuwait common hu Kuvait
+kyrgyzstan common hu Kirgizisztán
+language common hu Nyelv
+language_direction_rtl common hu language_direction_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common hu Lao Peoples Democratic Rebuplic
+last name common hu Keresztnév
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common hu A felhasználó keresztneve, pl. "%1"
+last page common hu Utolsó oldal
+lastname common hu Keresztnév
+latvia common hu Lettország
+ldap-mgr common hu LDAP kezelő
+lebanon common hu Libanon
+left common hu Balra
+lesotho common hu Lesotho
+liberia common hu Libéria
+libyan arab jamahiriya common hu Líbia
+license common hu Licensz
+liechtenstein common hu Liechtenstein
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored common hu A sor %1: '%2'
csv adat nem tartalmazza ##last-check-run## a tábla %3 ==> figyelmen kívül hagyva/b>
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common hu %1 sor: '%2'
a csv adatok nem egyeznek a(z) %3 táblázat oszlopszámaival ==> kihagyva
+list common hu Lista
+list members common hu Listatagok
+lithuania common hu Litvánia
+local common hu Helyi
+login common hu Belépés
+loginid common hu Belépési azonosító
+logout common hu Kilépés
+lost login id common hu Elfelejtett felhasználónév
+lost password common hu Elfelejtett jelszó
+low common hu Alacsony
+lowest common hu Legalacsonyabb
+luxembourg common hu Luxemburg
+macau common hu Makao
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common hu Macedónia
+madagascar common hu Madagaszkár
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common hu email tartomány, pl. "%1"
+main category common hu Fő kategória
+main screen common hu Főképernyő
+maintainer common hu Karbantartó
+malawi common hu Malawi
+malaysia common hu Malajzia
+maldives common hu Maldív-szigetek
+mali common hu Mali
+malta common hu Málta
+march common hu Március
+marshall islands common hu Marshall-szigetek
+martinique common hu Martinique
+mauritania common hu Mauritania
+mauritius common hu Mauritius
+max number of icons in navbar common hu Ikonok maximális száma a menüsoron
+may common hu Május
+mayotte common hu Mayotte
+medium common hu Közepes
+menu common hu Menü
+message common hu Üzenet
+mexico common hu Mexikó
+micronesia, federated states of common hu Mikronézia
+minute common hu perc
+moldova, republic of common hu Moldova
+monaco common hu Monaco
+monday common hu Hétfő
+mongolia common hu Mongólia
+montenegro common hu Montenegro
+montserrat common hu Montserrat
+morocco common hu Marokkó
+mozambique common hu Mozambik
+multiple common hu többszörös
+myanmar common hu Mianmar (Burma)
+name common hu Név
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common hu Felhasználó neve, pl. "%1"
+namibia common hu Namíbia
+nauru common hu Nauru
+nepal common hu Nepál
+netherlands common hu Hollandia
+netherlands antilles common hu Holland Antillák
+never common hu Soha
+new caledonia common hu Újkaledónia
+new entry added sucessfully common hu Új bejegyzés hozzáadva
+new main category common hu Új főkategória
+new value common hu Új érték
+new zealand common hu Újzéland
+next common hu Következő
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar hu Következő hónap
+next page common hu következő oldal
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar hu Következő év
+nicaragua common hu Nikaragua
+niger common hu Niger
+nigeria common hu Nigéria
+niue common hu Niue
+no common hu Nem
+no entries found, try again ... common hu nem található bejegyzés, próbálja újra
+no history for this record common hu Ehhez a rekordhoz nem tartoznak előzmények
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common hu Nem található Savant2 sablon könyvtár ezen a helyen:
+no subject common hu Nincs tárgy
+none common hu Nincs
+norfolk island common hu Norfolk szigetek
+normal common hu Normál
+northern mariana islands common hu Északi-Mariana-szigetek
+norway common hu Norvégia
+not common hu nem
+not a user yet? register now common hu Nincs hozzáférésed? Regisztrálj!
+not assigned common hu nincs hozzárendelve
+not readable %1 entry of user %2 common hu Nem olvasható bejegyzés %1 %2 felhasználóhoz
+note common hu Megjegyzés
+notes common hu Megjegyzések
+notifications common hu figyelmeztetések
+notify window common hu Értesítő ablak
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common hu Értesítse az adminisztrátort a helyzet megoldásához
+november common hu November
+october common hu Október
+ok common hu OK
+old value common hu Régi érték
+oman common hu Omán
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common hu *nix rendszereken üsse be: %1
+on mouse over common hu Egérkurzor felette
+only private common hu csak privát
+only yours common hu csak sajátot
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common hu Hoppá! A rendszer éppen karbantartás alatt.
+open notify window common hu Értesítő ablak megnyitása
+open popup window common hu Felugró ablak megnyitása
+open sidebox common hu Oldalmenü megnyitása
+ordered list common hu Számozott lista
+original common hu Eredeti
+other common hu Más
+overview common hu Áttekintés
+owner common hu Tulajdonos
+page common hu Oldal
+page was generated in %1 seconds common hu Az oldal %1 másodperc alatt generálódott.
+pakistan common hu Pakisztán
+palau common hu Palau
+palestinian territory, occupied common hu Palesztin Területek (Gázai-övezet)
+panama common hu Panama
+papua new guinea common hu Pápua Új-Guinea
+paraguay common hu Paraguay
+parcel common hu Csomó
+parent category common hu Szülő kategória
+password common hu Jelszó
+password could not be changed common hu Jelszó nem módosítható
+password has been updated common hu Jelszó módosítva
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common hu A jelszónak legalább %1 kisbetűt kell tartalmaznia
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common hu A jelszónak legalább %1 számot kell tartalmaznia
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common hu A jelszónak legalább %1 speciális karaktert kell tartalmaznia
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common hu A jelszónak legalább %1 nagybetűt kell tartalmaznia
+password must have at least %1 characters common hu A jelszónak legalább %1 karakterből kell állnia
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common hu A felhasználói és csoport állományokat tartalmazó könyvtár útvonala KÍVÜL KELL ESSEN a webszerver által használt könyvtáron!!! Pl. a /var/docroot lehet a /var/www/localhost/httpdocs/docroot helyett.
+permission denied! common hu Hozzáférés elutasítva!
+permissions to the files/users directory common hu a files/users könyvtár jogai
+personal common hu Személyes
+peru common hu Peru
+philippines common hu Fülöp-szigetek
+phone number common hu telefonszám
+phpgwapi common hu eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common hu Pitcairn-szigetek
+please %1 by hand common hu Kérem %1 kézzel
+please enter a name common hu Kérem adjon meg egy nevet!
+please run setup to become current common hu Kérem futtassa a setup-ot hogy a változás érvényre jusson.
+please select common hu Kérem válasszon
+please set your global preferences common hu Kérem állítsa be a globális tulajdonságait!
+please set your preferences for this application common hu Kérem állítsa be személyes beállításait ehhez az alkalmazáshoz!
+please wait... common hu Kérem várjon és figyelje a homokórát a szemközti falon...
+please, check back with us shortly. common hu Kérlek nézz vissza kicsit később.
+poland common hu Lengyelország
+portugal common hu Portugália
+postal common hu Postai
+powered by common hu Powered by
+powered by egroupware version %1 common hu Powered by osBusiness v %1
+preferences common hu Tulajdonságok
+preferences for the idots template set common hu Idots sablon beállításai
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar hu Előző hónap
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar hu Előző év
+previous page common hu Előző oldal
+primary style-sheet: common hu Elsődleges stíluslap
+print common hu Nyomtat
+priority common hu Prioritás
+private common hu Privát
+programs common hu Programok
+project common hu Projekt
+public common hu nyilvános
+puerto rico common hu Puerto Rico
+qatar common hu Katar
+read common hu Olvas
+read this list of methods. common hu Eljárás lista olvasása.
+reading common hu olvasás
+register common hu Regiszter
+regular common hu Szabályos
+reject common hu Visszautasít
+remember me common hu Emlékezz rám
+remove selected accounts common hu kiválasztott hozzáférések törlése
+remove shortcut common hu Gyorsbillentyű eltávolítása
+rename common hu Átnevez
+replace common hu Csere
+replace with common hu Csere a következőre:
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common hu A rendszeren található összes felhasználói fiók listája. Figyelem: Ez igazán nagy is lehet.
+returns an array of todo items common hu Tennivalók listáját adja vissza egy tömbben
+returns struct of users application access common hu Felhasználók alkalmazás elérési jogait tartalmazó struktúra visszaadása
+reunion common hu Réunion
+right common hu Jobbra
+romania common hu Románia
+russian common hu Orosz
+russian federation common hu Orosz föderáció
+rwanda common hu Ruanda
+saint helena common hu Szent Ilona
+saint kitts and nevis common hu Saint Kitts és Nevis
+saint lucia common hu Saint Lucia
+saint pierre and miquelon common hu Saint-Pierre és Miquelon
+saint vincent and the grenadines common hu Saint Vincent és Granadin-szigetek
+samoa common hu Szamoa
+san marino common hu San Marino
+sao tome and principe common hu Sao Tomé és Príncipe
+saturday common hu Szombat
+saudi arabia common hu Szaúd Arábia
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common hu A Savant2 verziója és wrappere különbözik.
Ez a verzió: %1
Savant verzió: %2
+save common hu Elment
+search common hu Keres
+search %1 '%2' common hu Keres %1 '%2'
+search accounts common hu Felhasználói hozzáférések keresése
+search or select accounts common hu Fiók keresés vagy kiválasztás
+second common hu másodperc
+section common hu Bekezdés
+select common hu Kiválaszt
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common hu Mindet kiválaszt %1 %2 innen %3
+select category common hu Kategória választás
+select date common hu dátum választás
+select group common hu Csoport választás
+select home email address common hu Otthoni email cím kiválasztása
+select multiple accounts common hu több felhasználói fiók kiválasztása
+select one common hu Egyet választ
+select the default height for the application windows common hu Adja meg az alkalmazás ablakának az alapértelmezett magasságát
+select the default width for the application windows common hu Adja meg az alkalmazás ablakának az alapértelmezett szélességét
+select user common hu Felhasználó kiválasztása
+select work email address common hu Munkahelyi email cím kiválasztása
+selection common hu Kiválasztás
+send common hu Küld
+senegal common hu Szenegál
+september common hu Szeptember
+serbia common hu Szerbia
+server %1 has been added common hu %1 szerver hozzáadva
+server answered. processing response... common hu A szerver válaszának feldolgozása folyamatban...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common hu A szerver csatlakozott, válaszra várakozás...
+server name common hu Szerver név
+session has been killed common hu Aktív bejelentkezés kitiltva
+setup common hu Beállítás
+setup main menu common hu Beállítás főmenü
+seychelles common hu Seychelle-szigetek
+show all common hu mindet megmutat
+show all categorys common hu Összes kategória mutatása
+show as topmenu common hu Megjelenítés felső menüként
+show clock? common hu Óra megjelenítése?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common hu Kezdőképernyő és Kilépés gombok megjelenítése az alkalmazás tálcán?
+show in sidebox common hu Megjelenítés az oldaldobozban
+show logo's on the desktop. common hu Logó megjelenítése az asztalon.
+show menu common hu menü mutatása
+show page generation time common hu Oldal megjelentítési idő mutatása
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common hu Mutassa az oldal generálására fordított időt az oldal alján?
+show page generation time? common hu Oldal generálási idő megjelenítése?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common hu eGroupware és x-desktop logójának megjelenítése az asztalon.
+show_more_apps common hu Több alkalmazás mutatása
+showing %1 common hu %1 listázva
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common hu listázva %1 - %2, össz: %3
+sierra leone common hu Sierra Leone
+simple common hu Egyszerű
+singapore common hu Szingapúr
+site configuration common hu Webhely beállításai
+slovakia common hu Szlovákia
+slovenia common hu Szlovénia
+solomon islands common hu Salamon szigetek
+somalia common hu Szomália
+sorry, your login has expired login hu A hozzáférése lejárt
+south africa common hu Dél Afrika
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common hu Déli-Georgia és Déli-Sandwich-szigetek
+spain common hu Spanyolország
+sri lanka common hu Sri Lanka
+start date common hu Kezdés dátuma
+start time common hu Kezdés időpontja
+start with common hu Kezdés
+starting up... common hu Indítás....
+status common hu Állapot
+stretched common hu nyújtott
+subject common hu Tárgy
+submit common hu Elküld
+substitutions and their meanings: common hu Behelyettesítések és jelentésük
+sudan common hu Szudán
+sunday common hu Vasárnap
+suriname common hu Suriname
+svalbard and jan mayen common hu Svalbard (Spitzbergák) és Jan Mayen-szigetek
+swaziland common hu Szváziföld
+sweden common hu Svédország
+switzerland common hu Svájc
+syrian arab republic common hu Szíria
+table properties common hu Táblázat tulajdonságok
+taiwan common hu Taiwan
+tajikistan common hu Tadzsikisztán
+tanzania, united republic of common hu Tanzánia
+text color: common hu Szöveg szín:
+thailand common hu Thaiföld
+the api is current common hu Az API aktuális, nincs szükség frissítésre
+the api requires an upgrade common hu Az API frissítést igényel !!!
+the following applications require upgrades common hu A következő alkalmazásokat frissíteni kell
+the mail server returned common hu A levelezőszerver visszatért (Jedi attached ;)
+this application is current common hu Az alkalmazás friss
+this application requires an upgrade common hu Az alkalmazás frissítést kíván
+this name has been used already common hu Ez a név már használatban van!
+thursday common hu Csütörtök
+tiled common hu mozaik
+time common hu Idő
+time selection: jscalendar hu Idő kiválasztása:
+time zone common hu Időzóna
+time zone offset common hu Időzóna offszet
+title common hu Cím
+to common hu Címzett
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common hu A hiba kijavításához helyesen kell beállítani a
+to go back to the msg list, click here common hu Az üzenet listához való visszatéréshez kattintson ide
+today common hu Mai nap
+todays date, eg. "%1" common hu mai dátum, pl. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar hu Hét első napjának rögzítése
+togo common hu Togo
+tokelau common hu Tokelau
+tonga common hu Tonga
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common hu Túl sok sikertelen belépési kísérlet: %1 felhasználó '%2', '%3' a következő IP címről: %4
+top common hu Felül
+total common hu összesen
+transparant bg for the icons? common hu Átlátszó ikonhátterek?
+trinidad and tobago common hu Trinidad és Tobago
+tuesday common hu Kedd
+tunisia common hu Tunézia
+turkey common hu Törökország
+turkmenistan common hu Türkmenisztán
+turks and caicos islands common hu Turks és Caicos-szigetek
+tuvalu common hu Tuvalu
+type common hu Típus
+uganda common hu Uganda
+ukraine common hu Ukrajna
+underline common hu Aláhúzott
+united arab emirates common hu Egyesült Arab Emirátus
+united kingdom common hu Egyesült Királyság
+united states common hu Egyesült Államok
+united states minor outlying islands common hu Amerikai Egyesült Államok Külső Szigetei
+unknown common hu Ismeretlen
+update common hu Frissít
+update the clock per minute or per second common hu Óra frissítése másodpercenként vagy percenként
+upload common hu Feltöltés
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common hu A feltöltési könyvtár nem létezik, vagy a webszerver nem rendelkezik írási jogosultsággal
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common hu A feltöltés működéséhez a webszervernek írási jogosultságot kell adni a könyvtárhoz.
+url common hu URL
+uruguay common hu Uruguay
+use button to search for common hu használja a gombot a kereséshez
+use button to search for address common hu használja a gombot címkereséshez
+use button to search for calendarevent common hu használja a gombot naptárbejegyzés kereséshez
+use button to search for project common hu használja a gombot projekt kereséshez
+user common hu Felhasználó
+user accounts common hu felhasználói hozzáférések
+user groups common hu felhasználói csoportok
+username common hu Felhasználó
+users common hu felhasználók
+users choice common hu Felhasználói választás
+uzbekistan common hu Üzbegisztán
+vanuatu common hu Vanuatu
+venezuela common hu Venezuella
+version common hu Verzió
+viet nam common hu Vietnám
+view common hu Megtekint
+virgin islands, british common hu Angol Szűz-szigetek
+virgin islands, u.s. common hu Amerikai Szűz-szigetek
+wallis and futuna common hu Wallis és Futuna
+wednesday common hu Szerda
+welcome common hu Üdvözlet (welcome)
+western european common hu Nyugat-európai
+western sahara common hu Nyugat-Szahara
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common hu Milyen színnel rendelkezzen az összes üres terület az asztalon
+what style would you like the image to have? common hu Milyen stílusú legyen a kép?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common hu Igen választása esetén a Kezdőlap és Kilépés gombok megjelennek a felső alkalmazás tálcán.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common hu Hol és hogyan legyenek az egroupware link szerű tulajdonságok, leírások és kijelentkezés megjelenítve.
+which groups common hu Melyik csoport
+width common hu Szélesség
+wk jscalendar hu hét
+work email common hu munkahelyi email
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common hu Kívánja megjeleníteni az oldal előállítására felhasznált időt minden oldal alján?
+writing common hu írás
+written by: common hu Írta:
+year common hu Év
+yemen common hu Jemen
+yes common hu Igen
+you are required to change your password during your first login common hu Első bejelentkezéskor meg kell változtatnia a jelszavát
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common hu Beállíthatja a szerkesztőben megjelenítendő ikonokat és eszköztárakat.
+you have been successfully logged out login hu Sikeresen kijelentkezett a rendszerből
+you have not entered a title common hu Nem adott meg címet
+you have not entered a valid date common hu Nem adott meg érvényes dátumot
+you have not entered a valid time of day common hu Nem adott meg érvényes időpontot
+you have not entered participants common hu Nem adott meg résztvevőket
+you have selected an invalid date common hu Érvénytelen dátumot választott!
+you have selected an invalid main category common hu Érvénytelen főkategóriát választott!
+you have successfully logged out common hu Sikeresen kijelentkezett a rendszerből
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common hu A webszerver felhasználót '%1' hozzá kell adni a '%2' csoporthoz.
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common hu Ehhez a funkcióhoz eGroupWare adminisztrátor szintű hozzáférés szükésges!
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common hu Megpróbáltad elindítani %1 alkalmazást, de nincs jogosultságod hozzá.
+your message could not be sent!
common hu Az üzenet nem került elküldésre!
+your message has been sent common hu Üzenet elküldve
+your search returned %1 matchs common hu Keresés végeredménye: %1 találat
+your search returned 1 match common hu Keresés végeredménye: 1 találat
+your session could not be verified. login hu A hozzáférése nem ellenőrizhető.
+your settings have been updated common hu A beállításai módosításra kerültek
+zambia common hu Zambia
+zimbabwe common hu Zimbabwe
+zoom common hu Nagyítás
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_it.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_it.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48407a9eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_it.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common it %1 indirizzi e-mail inseriti
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common it %1 non è eseguibile dal webserver !!!
+%1 manual common it Manuale %1
+%1 start common it Inizio %1
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common it %1Scegli un'altra directory%2
o rendi %3 scrivibile dal webserver
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common it %1eGroupWare%2 è una suite di collaborazione multiutente, web-based scritta in %3PHP%4.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar it (Shift-)Click o trascina per cambiare valore
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar it - Clicca su qualunque parte della data per aumentarla
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar it - Tieni premuto il tasto del mouse su uno dei pulsanti soprastanti per una selezione veloce.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar it - o clicca e trascina per una selezione rapida.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar it - o Shift-clicca per diminuirlo
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar it - Usa il bottone %1, %2 per selezionare il mese
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar it - Usa il bottone %1, %2 per selezionare l'anno
+00 (disable) admin it 00 (disabilitato)
+13 (ntp) admin it 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar it 3 numeri di caratteri per la scorciatoia Giorno
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar it 3 numeri di caratteri per la scorciatoia Mese
+80 (http) admin it 80 (http)
+about common it Info
+about %1 common it Info su %1
+about egroupware common it Info su eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar it Informazioni sull'Agenda
+access common it Accesso
+access not permitted common it Accesso non permesso
+account has been created common it Account creato
+account has been deleted common it Account cancellato
+account has been updated common it Account aggiornato
+account is expired common it L'account è scaduto
+acl common it ACL
+action common it Azione
+active common it Attivo
+add common it Aggiungi
+add %1 category for common it Aggiungi %1 categoria per
+add category common it Aggiungi categoria
+add shortcut common it Aggiungi Scorciatoia
+add sub common it Aggiungi Sotto-
+addressbook common it Rubrica
+admin common it Amministra
+administration common it Amministrazione
+afghanistan common it AFGHANISTAN
+albania common it ALBANIA
+algeria common it ALGERIA
+all common it Tutto
+all fields common it tutti i campi
+alphabet common it a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common it Foglio di stile alternativo:
+american samoa common it SAMOA AMERICANA
+andorra common it ANDORRA
+angola common it ANGOLA
+anguilla common it ANGUILLA
+antarctica common it ANTARTIDE
+antigua and barbuda common it ANTIGUA E BARBUDA
+application common it Applicazione
+apply common it Applica
+april common it Aprile
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common it Vuoi davvero cancellare queste voci ?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common it Vuoi davvero cancellare questa voce?
+argentina common it ARGENTINA
+armenia common it ARMENIA
+aruba common it ARUBA
+august common it Agosto
+australia common it AUSTRALIA
+austria common it AUSTRIA
+author common it Autore
+autohide sidebox menu's common it Nascondi automaticamente i menù laterali
+autohide sidebox menus common it Nascondi automaticamente i menù laterali
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common it Nascondere automaticamente i menù laterali?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common it Nascondo automaticamente i menù laterali ?
+autosave default category common it Categoria predefinita per il salvataggio automatico
+azerbaijan common it AZERBAIJAN
+back common it Indietro
+back to user login common it Torna al Login utente
+background color: common it Colore di sfondo:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common it directory di backup '%1' non è scrivibile dal webserver
+bad login or password common it Nome utente o password errati
+bahamas common it BAHAMAS
+bahrain common it BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common it BANGLADESH
+barbados common it BARBADOS
+bcc common it Bcc
+belarus common it BELARUS
+belgium common it BELGIO
+belize common it BELIZE
+benin common it BENIN
+bermuda common it BERMUDA
+bhutan common it BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common it Bloccato, troppi tentativi
+bold common it Grassetto
+bold.gif common it bold.gif
+bolivia common it BOLIVIA
+border common it Bordo
+bosnia and herzegovina common it BOSNIA E HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common it BOTSWANA
+bottom common it Bottom
+bouvet island common it BOUVET ISLAND
+brazil common it BRASILE
+british indian ocean territory common it TERRITORI BRITANNICI OCEANO INDIANO
+brunei darussalam common it BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common it BULGARIA
+burkina faso common it BURKINA FASO
+burundi common it BURUNDI
+calendar common it Agenda
+cambodia common it CAMBOGIA
+cameroon common it CAMEROON
+canada common it CANADA
+cancel common it Cancella
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common it Non è possibile sostituire %1 perché è una directory
+cant open '%1' for %2 common it Non è possibile aprire '%1' per %2
+cape verde common it CAPO VERDE
+caption common it Didascalia
+categories common it Categorie
+categories for common it Categorie per
+category common it Categoria
+category %1 has been added ! common it La categoria %1 è stata aggiunta!
+category %1 has been updated ! common it La categoria %1 è stata aggiornata!
+cayman islands common it ISOLE CAYMAN
+cc common it Cc
+centered common it centrato
+central african republic common it REPUBBLICA CENTRO AFRICANA
+chad common it CHAD
+change common it Cambia
+charset common it utf-8
+check installation common it Controlla installazione
+check now common it Controlla Adesso
+chile common it CILE
+china common it CINA
+choose a background color common it Scegli un colore di sfondo
+choose a background color for the icons common it Scegli un colore di sfondo per le icone
+choose a background image. common it Scegli un'immagine di sfondo
+choose a background style. common it Scegli un stile per lo sfondo
+choose a text color for the icons common it Scegli un colore per il testo delle icone
+choose the category common it Scegli la categoria
+choose the parent category common it Scegli la categoria superiore
+christmas island common it ISOLA DI NATALE
+clear common it Pulisci
+clear form common it Svuota il modulo
+click common it Clicca
+click or mouse over to show menus common it Clicca o passa sopra con il puntatore per mostrare i menù
+click or mouse over to show menus? common it Clicca o passa sopra con il puntatore per mostrare i menù ?
+close common it Chiudi
+close sidebox common it Chiudi riquadro laterale
+cocos (keeling) islands common it ISOLE COCOS (KEELING)
+colombia common it COLOMBIA
+common preferences common it Preferenze generiche
+comoros common it COMORE
+company common it Azienda
+congo common it CONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common it CONGO, REPUBBLICA DEMOCRATICA DEL
+contacting server... common it Sto contattando il Server...
+cook islands common it ISOLE COOK
+copy common it Copia
+costa rica common it COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common it COSTA D'AVORIO
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common it Impossibile contattare il server. Operazione fuori tempo massimo!
+create common it Crea
+created by common it Creato da
+croatia common it CROAZIA
+cuba common it CUBA
+currency common it Valuta
+current common it Attuale
+current users common it Utenti attuali
+cyprus common it CIPRO
+czech republic common it REPUBBLICA CECA
+date common it Data
+date due common it Data richiesta
+date selection: jscalendar it Selezione data:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin it Porta data e ora.
Se utilizzi la porta 13, imposta correttamente il firewall prima di confermare questa pagina.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common it Dicembre
+default category common it Categoria Predefinita
+default height for the windows common it Altezza predefinita per le finestre
+default width for the windows common it Larghezza predefinita per le finestre
+delete common it Elimina
+delete row common it Cancella riga
+denmark common it DANIMARCA
+description common it Descrizione
+detail common it Dettaglio
+details common it Dettagli
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common it Disabilita lo script per sistemare il bug di Internet Explorer 5.5 and superiore nella visualizzazione delle trasparenze nelle immagini PNG?
+direction left to right common it Direzione da sinistra a destra
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common it Disabilita il png-image-bugfix di Internet Explorer
+disable slider effects common it Disabilita l'effetto effects slider
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common it Disabilita gli effetti animati mentre vengono mostrati o nascosti i menù sulla pagina? Gli utenti di Opera e Konqueror probabilmente vorranno così.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common it Disabilitare l'esecuzione di bugfixscript per Internet Explorer 5.5 e superiori per mostrare la trasparenza nelle immagini PNG?
+disabled common it Disabilitato
+display %s first jscalendar it Mostra prima %1
+djibouti common it DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common it Vuoi anche cancellare tutte le sotto-categorie?
+doctype: common it TIPO DOCUMENTO:
+document properties common it Proprietà documento
+document title: common it Titolo documento:
+domain common it Dominio
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common it Nome dominio per l'indirizzo e-mail, es. "%1"
+domestic common it Domestico
+dominica common it DOMINICA
+dominican republic common it REPUBBLICA DOMINICANA
+done common it Finito
+drag to move jscalendar it Trascina per spostare
+e-mail common it E-Mail
+east timor common it TIMOR EST
+ecuador common it EQUADOR
+edit common it Modifica
+edit %1 category for common it Modifica categoria %1 per
+edit categories common it Modifica Categorie
+edit category common it Modifica Categoria
+egroupware api version %1 common it Versione delle API eGroupWare %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common it eGroupWare: login bloccato per l'utente '%1', IP %2
+egypt common it EGITTO
+el salvador common it EL SALVADOR
+email common it E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common it Indirizzo e-mail per l'utente, es. "%1"
+en common it en
+enabled common it Abilitato
+end date common it Data Fine
+end time common it Ora Fine
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin it Inserisci l'URL di eGroupWare.
Esempio: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
Senza la barra finale
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common it La voce è stata cancellata correttamente
+entry updated sucessfully common it La voce è stata aggiornata correttamente
+equatorial guinea common it GUINEA EQUATORIALE
+eritrea common it ERITREA
+error common it Errore
+error creating %1 %2 directory common it Errore durante la creazione della directory %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common it Errore durante l'eliminazione della directory %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common it Errore durante la rinomina della directory %1 %2
+estonia common it ESTONIA
+ethiopia common it ETIOPIA
+exact common it esatta
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common it Connessione al Server fallita o risposta del Server non valida. Prova a ripetere il login. Contatta l'Amministratore in caso di fallimento operazione.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common it ISOLE FALKLAND (MALVINAS)
+faroe islands common it ISOLE FAROE
+fax number common it numero di fax
+february common it Febbraio
+fields common it Campi
+fiji common it FIJI
+files common it File
+filter common it Filtro
+finland common it FINLANDIA
+first name common it Nome
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common it Nome dell'utente, es. "%1"
+first page common it Prima pagina
+firstname common it Nome
+fixme! common it CORREGGIMI !
+folder already exists. common it La cartella esiste già.
+force selectbox common it Forza Casella di Selezione
+france common it FRANCIA
+french guiana common it GUIANA FRANCESE
+french polynesia common it POLINESIA FRANCESE
+french southern territories common it FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
+friday common it Venerdì
+ftp common it FTP
+fullname common it Nome completo
+fullscreen mode common it Modalità schermo intero
+gabon common it GABON
+gambia common it GAMBIA
+general menu common it Menù Generale
+georgia common it GEORGIA
+german common it Tedesco
+germany common it GERMANIA
+ghana common it GHANA
+gibraltar common it GIBILTERRA
+global common it Globale
+global public common it Pubblico Globale
+go today jscalendar it Vai a Oggi
+grant access common it Autorizza Accesso
+greece common it GRECIA
+greenland common it GROENLANDIA
+grenada common it GRENADA
+group common it Gruppo
+group access common it Accesso Gruppo
+group has been added common it Gruppo aggiunto
+group has been deleted common it Gruppo cancellato
+group has been updated common it Gruppo aggiornato
+group name common it nome gruppo
+group public common it Gruppo Pubblico
+groups common it Gruppi
+groups with permission for %1 common it Gruppi con permessi per %1
+groups without permission for %1 common it Gruppi senza permessi per %1
+guadeloupe common it GUADALUPA
+guam common it GUAM
+guatemala common it GUATEMALA
+guinea common it GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common it GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common it GUIANA
+haiti common it HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common it ISOLE HEARD E ISOLE MCDONALD
+height common it Altezza
+help common it Guida
+high common it Alta
+highest common it Più Alta
+holy see (vatican city state) common it SANTA SEDE (STATO DI CITTA' DEL VATICANO)
+home common it Home
+home email common it e-mail abitazione
+honduras common it HONDURAS
+hong kong common it HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common it Quante icone visualizzare nella barra di navigazione (in cima alla pagina). Le icone addizionali vanno in un menù pulldown, richiamabile dall'icona all'estrema destra della barra di navigazione.
+hungary common it UNGHERIA
+iceland common it ISLANDA
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common it ieSpell non trovato. Clicca OK per andare alla pagina di download.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common it Se l'orologio è abilitato, vuoi che si aggiorni ogni secondo oppure ogni minuto?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common it Se ci sono diverse immagini nella cartella sfondi, puoi scegliere quale vuoi vedere.
+image url common it URL immagine
+india common it INDIA
+indonesia common it INDONESIA
+insert 'return false' common it inserisci 'return false'
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common it Inseriti tutti i %1 indirizzi dei %2 contatti in %3
+insert column after common it Inserisci colonna dopo
+insert column before common it Inserisci colonna prima
+insert row after common it Inserisci una riga dopo
+insert row before common it Inserisci una riga prima
+international common it Internazionale
+invalid filename common it Nome file non valido
+invalid ip address common it Indirizzo IP errato
+invalid password common it Password errata
+iran, islamic republic of common it IRAN, REPUBBLICA ISLAMICA DELL
+iraq common it IRAQ
+ireland common it IRLANDA
+israel common it ISRAELE
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common it Sono passati più di %1 giorni da quando hai cambiato la password
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common it E' consigliato eseguire il setup per aggiornare le tabelle alla versione attuale.
+italic common it Corsivo
+italic.gif common it italic.gif
+italy common it ITALIA
+jamaica common it GIAMAICA
+january common it Gennaio
+japan common it GIAPPONE
+jordan common it GIORDANIA
+july common it Luglio
+jun common it Giu
+june common it Giugno
+justify center common it Centrato
+justify full common it Giustificato
+justify left common it Allinea a Sinistra
+justify right common it Allinea a Destra
+kazakstan common it KAZAKISTAN
+kenya common it KENIA
+keywords common it Keywords
+kiribati common it KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common it KOREA, REPUBBLICA POPOLARE
+korea, republic of common it KOREA, REPUBBLICA
+kuwait common it KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common it KYRGYZSTAN
+language common it Lingua
+language_direction_rtl common it language_direction_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common it REPUBBLICA DEMOCRATICA POPOLARE DEL LAOS
+last name common it Cognome
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common it Cognome dell'utente, es. "%1"
+last page common it Ultima pagina
+lastname common it Cognome
+latvia common it LATVIA
+ldap-mgr common it LDAP-Manager
+lebanon common it LIBANO
+left common it Sinistra
+lesotho common it LESOTHO
+liberia common it LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common it LIBIAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
+license common it Licenza
+liechtenstein common it LIECHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common it Linea %1: '%2'
dati csv non corrisponde al numero colonne della tabella %3 ==> ignorato
+list common it Lista
+list members common it Elenco membri
+lithuania common it LITUANIA
+local common it Locale
+login common it Login
+loginid common it LoginID
+logout common it Logout
+low common it Bassa
+lowest common it Più Bassa
+luxembourg common it LUSSEMBURGO
+macau common it MACAO
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common it MACEDONIA, EX REPUBBLICA DI YUGOSLAVIA
+madagascar common it MADAGASCAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common it dominio e-mail, es. "%1"
+main category common it Categoria principale
+main screen common it Schermata principale
+maintainer common it Manutentore
+malawi common it MALAWI
+malaysia common it MALESIA
+maldives common it MALDIVE
+mali common it MALI
+malta common it MALTA
+march common it Marzo
+marshall islands common it ISOLE MARSHALL
+martinique common it MARTINICA
+mauritania common it MAURITANIA
+mauritius common it MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common it Numero massimo di icone della barra di navigazione
+may common it Maggio
+mayotte common it MAYOTTE
+medium common it Medio
+menu common it Menù
+message common it Messaggio
+mexico common it MESSICO
+micronesia, federated states of common it MICRONESIA, STATI FEDERATI DELLA
+minute common it minuto
+moldova, republic of common it MOLDAVIA, REPUBBLICA DELLA
+monaco common it MONACO
+monday common it Lunedì
+mongolia common it MONGOLIA
+montserrat common it MONTSERRAT
+morocco common it MAROCCO
+mozambique common it MOZAMBICO
+multiple common it multiplo
+myanmar common it MYANMAR
+name common it Nome
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common it Nome dell'utente, es. "%1"
+namibia common it NAMIBIA
+nauru common it NAURU
+nepal common it NEPAL
+netherlands common it OLANDA
+netherlands antilles common it ANTILLE OLANDESI
+never common it Mai
+new caledonia common it NUOVA CALEDONIA
+new entry added sucessfully common it Nuova voce aggiunto con successo
+new main category common it Nuova categoria principale
+new value common it Nuovo Valore
+new zealand common it NUOVA ZELANDA
+next common it Successivo
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar it Mese successivo (premi per menù)
+next page common it Pagina successiva
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar it Anno successivo (premi per menù)
+nicaragua common it NICARAGUA
+niger common it NIGER
+nigeria common it NIGERIA
+niue common it NIUE
+no common it No
+no entries found, try again ... common it nessuna voce trovata, prova ancora ...
+no history for this record common it Nessuna history per questo record
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common it Nessuna directory template Savant2 trovata in:
+no subject common it Nessun Oggetto
+none common it Nessuno
+norfolk island common it ISOLE NORFOLK
+normal common it Normale
+northern mariana islands common it ISOLE NORTHERN MARIANA
+norway common it NORVEGIA
+not assigned common it non assegnato
+note common it Nota
+notes common it Note
+notify window common it Finestra di Notifica
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common it Chiedi all'Amministratore di correggere questa Situazione
+november common it Novembre
+october common it Ottobre
+ok common it OK
+old value common it Vecchio Valore
+oman common it OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common it Sui sistemi *nix prego digita: %1
+on mouse over common it Al passaggio del mouse
+only private common it solo privati
+only yours common it solo personali
+open notify window common it Apri finestra di Notifica
+open popup window common it Apri finestra popup
+open sidebox common it Apri riquadro laterale
+ordered list common it Lista ordinata
+original common it Originale
+other common it Altro
+overview common it Panoramica
+owner common it Proprietario
+page common it Pagina
+page was generated in %1 seconds common it La pagina è stata generata in %1 secondi
+pakistan common it PAKISTAN
+palau common it PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common it PALESTINA, TERRITORI OCCUPATI DELLA
+panama common it PANAMA
+papua new guinea common it PAPUA NUOVA GUINEA
+paraguay common it PARAGUAY
+parcel common it Parcella
+parent category common it Categoria superiore
+password common it Password
+password could not be changed common it La password non può essere cambiata
+password has been updated common it La password è stata aggiornata
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common it La Password deve contenere almeno %1 lettere minuscole
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common it La Password deve contenere almeno %1 numeri
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common it La Password deve contenere almeno %1 caratteri speciali
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common it La Password deve contenere almeno %1 lettere maiuscole
+password must have at least %1 characters common it La Password deve avere almeno %1 caratteri
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common it Il percorso per i files degli utenti e dei gruppi DEVE ESSERE ESTERNO alla document-root del webserver!!!
+permissions to the files/users directory common it permessi per la directory dei files/utenti
+personal common it Personale
+peru common it PERU
+philippines common it FILIPPINE
+phone number common it numero telefonico
+phpgwapi common it API eGroupWare
+pitcairn common it PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common it Per favore %1 a mano
+please enter a name common it Per favore inserisci un nome!
+please run setup to become current common it Per favore esegui setup per aggiornare
+please select common it Per favore Seleziona
+please set your global preferences common it Per favore imposta le preferenze globali !
+please set your preferences for this application common it Per favore imposta le tue preferenze per questa applicazione !
+please wait... common it Attendere per Favore...
+poland common it POLONIA
+portugal common it PORTOGALLO
+postal common it Postale
+powered by egroupware version %1 common it Creato con eGroupWare versione %1
+preferences common it Preferenze
+preferences for the idots template set common it Preferenze per il template idots
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar it Mese precedente (premi per menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar it Anno precedente (premi per menu)
+previous page common it Pagina precedente
+primary style-sheet: common it Foglio di stile primario:
+print common it Stampa
+priority common it Priorità
+private common it Privato
+programs common it Programmi
+project common it Progetto
+public common it pubblico
+puerto rico common it PUERTO RICO
+qatar common it QATAR
+read common it Leggi
+read this list of methods. common it Leggi questo elenco di metodi.
+reading common it leggendo
+reject common it Rifiuta
+remove selected accounts common it rimuovi gli account selezionati
+remove shortcut common it Rimuovi scorciatoie
+rename common it Rinomina
+replace common it Sostituisci
+replace with common it Stostituisci con
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common it Restituisce la lista degli account di sistema. Attenzione: La lista può essere molto grande
+returns an array of todo items common it Restituisce un elenco delle cose da fare
+returns struct of users application access common it Restituisce la struttura degli accessi alle applicazioni
+reunion common it REUNION
+right common it Destra
+romania common it ROMANIA
+russian federation common it FEDERAZIONE RUSSA
+rwanda common it RUANDA
+saint helena common it SANT'ELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common it SAINT KITTS E NEVIS
+saint lucia common it SANTA LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common it SAINT PIERRE E MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common it SAINT VINCENT E LE GRENADINES
+samoa common it SAMOA
+san marino common it SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common it SAO TOME E PRINCIPE
+saturday common it Sabato
+saudi arabia common it ARABIA SAUDITA
+save common it Salva
+search common it Cerca
+search %1 '%2' common it Cerca %1 '%2'
+search or select accounts common it Cerca o seleziona account
+search or select multiple accounts common it cerca o seleziona account multipli
+second common it secondo
+section common it Sezione
+select common it Seleziona
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common it Seleziona tutti %1 %2 per %3
+select category common it Selezione categoria
+select date common it Selezione data
+select group common it Selezione gruppo
+select home email address common it Selezione indirizzo e-mail abitazione
+select multiple accounts common it seleziona molteplici account
+select one common it Seleziona uno
+select user common it Selezione utente
+select work email address common it Selezione indirizzio e-mail ufficio
+selection common it Selezione
+send common it Invia
+senegal common it SENEGAL
+september common it Settembre
+server %1 has been added common it Server %1 aggiunto
+server answered. processing response... common it Il Server ha risposto. Elaborazione risposta in corso...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common it Server contattato. Attesa risposta...
+server name common it Nome Server
+session has been killed common it La sessione è stata terminata
+setup common it Setup
+setup main menu common it Menù Principale Setup
+seychelles common it SEYCHELLES
+show all common it visualizza tutto
+show all categorys common it Visualizza tutte le categorie
+show clock? common it Mostrare orologio?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common it Mostrare i pulsanti Home e Logout nella barra applicazioni principale?
+show logo's on the desktop. common it Mostra logo sul desktop
+show menu common it visualizza menu
+show page generation time common it Visualizza il tempo di generazione della pagina
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common it Visualizza il tempo di generazione in fondo alla pagina?
+show page generation time? common it Mostrare tempo generazione pagina?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common it Mostra il logo di eGroupware e di x-desktop sul desktop.
+show_more_apps common it show_more_apps
+showing %1 common it visualizzati %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common it visualizzati da %1 a %2 di %3
+sierra leone common it SIERRA LEONE
+singapore common it SINGAPORE
+slovakia common it SLOVACCHIA
+slovenia common it SLOVENIA
+solomon islands common it ISOLE DI SOLOMONE
+somalia common it SOMALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login it Spiacente, il tuo login è scaduto
+south africa common it SUD AFRICA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common it SUD GEORGIA E LE ISOLE SUD SANDWICH
+spain common it SPAGNA
+sri lanka common it SRI LANKA
+start date common it Data Inizio
+start time common it Ora Inizio
+start with common it Inizia con
+starting up... common it Inizializzazione...
+status common it Status
+stretched common it adattato
+subject common it Oggetto
+submit common it Invia
+substitutions and their meanings: common it Sostituzioni e loro significati:
+sudan common it SUDAN
+sunday common it Domenica
+suriname common it SURINAME
+svalbard and jan mayen common it SVALBARD E JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common it SWAZILAND
+sweden common it SVEZIA
+switzerland common it SVIZZERA
+syrian arab republic common it REPUBBLICA ARABA SIRIANA
+table properties common it Table properties
+taiwan common it TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common it TAJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common it TANZANIA, REPUBBLICA UNITA DELLA
+text color: common it Colore testo
+thailand common it TAILANDIA
+the api is current common it L'API è aggiornata
+the api requires an upgrade common it L'API necessita di un aggiornamento
+the following applications require upgrades common it Le seguenti applicazioni richiedono un aggiornamento
+the mail server returned common it Il mail server ha risposto
+this application is current common it Questa applicazione è aggiornata
+this application requires an upgrade common it Questa applicazione richiede un aggiornamento
+this name has been used already common it Questo nome è già stato usato!
+thursday common it Giovedì
+tiled common it tiled
+time common it Ora
+time selection: jscalendar it Selezione Ora:
+time zone common it Fuso orario
+time zone offset common it Differenza di fuso orario
+title common it Titolo
+to common it A
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common it Per correggere questo errore devi impostare correttamente il
+to go back to the msg list, click here common it Per tornare alla lista dei messaggi, clicca qui
+today common it Oggi
+todays date, eg. "%1" common it Data di oggi, es. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar it Togli il primo giorno della settimana
+togo common it TOGO
+tokelau common it TOKELAU
+tonga common it TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common it Troppi tentativi di login falliti: %1 per l'utente '%2', %3 dall'IP %4
+top common it Top
+total common it Totale
+transparant bg for the icons? common it Sfondo trasparente per le icone?
+trinidad and tobago common it TRINIDAD E TOBAGO
+tuesday common it Martedì
+tunisia common it TUNISIA
+turkey common it TURCHIA
+turkmenistan common it TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common it ISOLE TURKS E CAICOS
+tuvalu common it TUVALU
+type common it Tipo
+uganda common it UGANDA
+ukraine common it UCRAINA
+underline common it Sottolineato
+underline.gif common it underline.gif
+united arab emirates common it EMIRATI ARABI UNITI
+united kingdom common it REGNO UNITO
+united states common it STATI UNITI
+united states minor outlying islands common it UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
+unknown common it Sconosciuto
+update common it Aggiorna
+update the clock per minute or per second common it Aggiorna l'orologio ogni minuto o ogni secondo
+upload common it Carica
+url common it URL
+uruguay common it URUGUAY
+use button to search for common it usa il Pulsante per cercare
+use button to search for address common it usa il Pulsante per cercare l'Indirizzo
+use button to search for calendarevent common it usa il Pulsante per cercare un Evento in Agenda
+use button to search for project common it usa il Pulsante per cercare un Progetto
+user common it Utente
+user accounts common it account utente
+user groups common it gruppi utente
+username common it Username
+users common it Utenti
+users choice common it Scelta Utente
+uzbekistan common it UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common it VANUATU
+venezuela common it VENEZUELA
+version common it Versione
+viet nam common it VIET NAM
+view common it Visualizza
+virgin islands, british common it ISOLE VERGINI, GRAN BRETAGNA
+virgin islands, u.s. common it ISOLE VERGINI, U.S.
+wallis and futuna common it WALLIS E FUTUNA
+wednesday common it Mercoledì
+welcome common it Benvenuto
+western sahara common it SAHARA OCCIDENTALE
+what style would you like the image to have? common it Che stile vuoi che abbia l'immagine?
+which groups common it Quali gruppi
+width common it Larghezza
+wk jscalendar it set
+work email common it e-mail ufficio
+writing common it scrittura
+written by: common it Scritto da:
+year common it Anno
+yemen common it YEMEN
+yes common it Sì
+you are required to change your password during your first login common it E' richiesto che tu cambi la tua password durante il primo Login
+you have been successfully logged out login it L'uscita è stata effettuata correttamente
+you have not entered a title common it Non hai inserito un titolo
+you have not entered a valid date common it Non hai inserito una data valida
+you have not entered a valid time of day common it Non hai inserito un'ora del giorno valida
+you have not entered participants common it Non hai inserito i partecipanti
+you have selected an invalid date common it Hai selezionato una data non valida!
+you have selected an invalid main category common it Hai selezionato una categoria principale non valida!
+you have successfully logged out common it Ti sei disconesso con successo
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common it Devi aggiungere l'utente '%1' del webserver al gruppo '%2'.
+your message could not be sent!
common it Il tuo messaggio non può essere inviato!
+your message has been sent common it Il tuo messaggio è stato inviato
+your search returned %1 matchs common it la tua ricerca ha restituito %1 risultati
+your search returned 1 match common it la tua ricerca ha restituito 1 risultato
+your session could not be verified. login it La sessione non può essere verificata.
+your settings have been updated common it Le tue impostazioni sono state aggiornate
+yugoslavia common it YUGOSLAVIA
+zambia common it ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common it ZIMBABWE
+zoom common it Zoom
+site configuration common it Configurazione per tutto il Sito
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_iw.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_iw.lang
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b8b9ef0861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_iw.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common iw נקלטו %1 כתובות דואר אלקטרוני
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common iw !%1 אינו ניתן להרצה על יד שרת הווב
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common iw %4PHP%3-הנו סוויטת תוכנה קבוצתית, רב-משתמשים, מבוססת ווב, התכובה ב %2 eGroupWare%1
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar iw הקלק או גרור כדי לשנות ערך(-Shift)
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar iw הקלק על חלק כלשהו של השעון כדי לקדם אותו -
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar iw - אחזק את כפתור העכבר על כל אחד מהכפתורים לעיל לבחירה מהירה יותר
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar iw .או הקלק וגרור עבור בחירה מהירה יותר -
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar iw . הקלק כדי להוריד אותו-Shift או -
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar iw השתמש בכפתורי %1, %2 כדי לבחור חודש -
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar iw השתמש בכפתורי %1, %2 כדי לבחור שנה -
+00 (disable) admin iw 00 (בטל)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar iw 3 כמות התווים לקיצור של יום
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar iw 3 כמות התווים לקיצור של חודש
+about common iw אודות
+about %1 common iw אודות %1
+about the calendar jscalendar iw אודות לוח השנה
+access common iw גישה
+access not permitted common iw הגישה אסורה
+account has been created common iw החשבון נוצר
+account has been deleted common iw החשבון הוסר
+account has been updated common iw החשבון עודכן
+account is expired common iw פג תוקפו של החשבון
+acl common iw רשימות גישה
+action common iw פעולה
+active common iw פעיל
+add common iw הוסף
+add %1 category for common iw הוסף קטגוריה %1 עבור
+add category common iw הוסף קטגוריה
+add sub common iw הוסף תת קטגוריה
+addressbook common iw ספר כתובות
+admin common iw מנהל
+administration common iw ניהול
+all common iw הכל
+all fields common iw כל השדות
+alphabet common iw א,ב,ג,ד,ה,ו,ז,ח,ט,י,כ,ל,מ,נ,ס,ע,פ,צ,ק,ר,ש,ת
+alternate style-sheet: common iw :דף סגנון חלופי
+apply common iw בצע
+april common iw אפריל
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common iw ?בטוח שהנך רוצה למחוק רשומות אילו
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common iw ?בטוח שהנך רוצה למחוק רשומה זו
+august common iw אוגוסט
+author common iw הכותב
+autohide sidebox menus common iw הסתרה אוטומטית של תפריטי צד
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common iw ?להסתיר אוטומטית תפריטים בתיבת צד אוטומטית
+autosave default category common iw שמירה אוטומטית של קטגוריה ברירת מחדל
+back common iw חזור
+back to user login common iw חזור אל כניסת משתמש
+background color: common iw :צבע רקע
+bad login or password common iw שם כניסה או סיסמא שגויה
+bcc common iw העתק מוסתר
+blocked, too many attempts common iw חסום, יותר מדי נסיונות
+bold common iw מודגש
+border common iw גבול
+bottom common iw תחתית
+calendar common iw לוח שנה
+cancel common iw בטל
+caption common iw כותרת
+categories common iw קטגוריות
+categories for common iw קטגוריות עבור
+category common iw קטגוריה
+category %1 has been added ! common iw !קטגוריה %1 נוספה
+category %1 has been updated ! common iw !קטגוריה %1 עודכנה
+cc common iw העתק
+change common iw שנה
+charset common iw UTF-8
+check installation common iw בדוק התקנה
+check now common iw בדוק עכשיו
+choose the category common iw בחר את הקטגוריה
+choose the parent category common iw בחר את קטגורית אם
+clear common iw נקה
+clear form common iw נקה טופס
+click common iw הקלק
+click or mouse over to show menus common iw הקלק או העבר את העכבר מעל כדי לראות תפריטים
+click or mouse over to show menus? common iw ?הקלק או העבר את העכבר מעל כדי לראות תפריטים
+close common iw סגור
+company common iw חברה
+copy common iw העתק
+create common iw צור
+created by common iw נוצר על ידי
+currency common iw מטבע
+current common iw נוכחי
+current users common iw משתמשים נוכחיים
+date common iw תאריך
+date due common iw תאריך יעד
+date selection: jscalendar iw :בחירת תאריך
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin iw הפורט של תאריך/שעה
+december common iw דצמבר
+default category common iw קטגוריה ברירת מחדל
+delete common iw מחק
+delete row common iw מחק שורה
+description common iw תיאור
+detail common iw פירוט
+details common iw פרטים
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common iw ?PNG וחדש יותר כדי להציג שקיפות בתמונות Internet Explorer 5.5-לבטל תיקון הבג ב
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common iw internet Explorer-ב PNG של תמונות bug-לבטל את תיקון ה
+disable slider effects common iw בטל אפקט סליידר
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common iw לבטל את אפקט האנימציה של הסליידר?
+disabled common iw מבוטל
+display %s first jscalendar iw הצג %s קודם
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common iw ?האם למחוק גם את כל תתי הקטגוריה
+doctype: common iw :סוג מסמך
+document properties common iw תכונות המסמך
+document title: common iw :כותרת המסמך
+domain common iw דומיין
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common iw שם הדומיין עבור כתובות דואר אלקטרוני, למשל "%1"
+domestic common iw מקומי
+done common iw בוצע
+drag to move jscalendar iw גרור כדי להזיז
+e-mail common iw דואר אלקטרוני
+edit common iw ערוך
+edit %1 category for common iw ערוך קטגוריה %1 עבור
+edit categories common iw ערוך קטגוריות
+edit category common iw ערוך קטגוריה
+egroupware api version %1 common iw גירסא %1 eGroupWare של API
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common iw eGroupWare: הכניסה נחסמה למשתמש '%1', IP %2
+email common iw דואר אלקטרוני
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common iw כתובת דוא"ל של המשתמש, לדוגמא "%1"
+enabled common iw מאופשר
+end date common iw תאריך סיום
+end time common iw שעת סיום
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common iw הרשומה נמחקה בהצלחה
+entry updated sucessfully common iw הרשומה עודכנה בהצלחה
+error common iw שגיאה
+error creating %1 %2 directory common iw שגיאה אירע בעת יצירת סיפריה %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common iw שגיאה אירע בעת מחיקת סיפריה %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common iw שגיאה אירע בעת שינוי שם סיפריה %1 %2
+exact common iw בדיוק
+fax number common iw מספר פקס
+february common iw פברואר
+fields common iw שדות
+files common iw קבצים
+filter common iw מסנן
+first name common iw שם פרטי
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common iw שם פרטי של המשתמש, לדוגמא "%1"
+first page common iw עמוד ראשון
+firstname common iw שם פרטי
+fixme! common iw !תקן אותי
+force selectbox common iw לחייב תיבת בחירה
+friday common iw יום שישי
+fullname common iw שם מלא
+general menu common iw תפריט כללי
+global common iw גלובלי
+global public common iw ציבור גלובלי
+go today jscalendar iw אל היום
+grant access common iw לאפשר כניסה
+group common iw קבוצה
+group access common iw גישת קבוצה
+group has been added common iw הקבוצה נוספה
+group has been deleted common iw הקבוצה נמחקה
+group has been updated common iw הקבוצה עודכנה
+group name common iw שם הקבוצה
+group public common iw קבוצה ציבורית
+groups common iw קבוצות
+groups with permission for %1 common iw קבוצות בעלי הרשאות עבור %1
+groups without permission for %1 common iw קבוצות ללא הרשאות עבור %1
+height common iw גובה
+help common iw עזרה
+high common iw גבוה
+highest common iw הגבוה ביותר
+home common iw בית
+home email common iw דוא"ל בבית
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common iw ?(כמה צלמיות יש להציג בפס הניווט (בראש העמוד
+image url common iw של התמונה URL
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common iw הוסף את כל %1 הכתובות של %2 אנשי הקשר בתוך %3
+insert column after common iw הוסף עמודה אחרי
+insert column before common iw הוסף עמודה לפני
+insert row after common iw הוסף שורה אחרי
+insert row before common iw הוסף שורה לפני
+international common iw בינלאומי
+invalid ip address common iw לא חוקית IP כתובת
+invalid password common iw סיסמא לא חוקית
+israel common iw ישראל
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common iw עברו יותר מ-%1 ימים מאז שינית את סיסמתך
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common iw .מומלץ שתריץ "הגדרה" כדי לשדרג את הטבלאות שלך לגירסא הנוכחית
+italic common iw נטוי
+january common iw ינואר
+july common iw יולי
+jun common iw יוני
+june common iw יוני
+justify center common iw יישור למרכז
+justify full common iw יישור מלא
+justify left common iw יישור שמאלה
+justify right common iw יישור ימינה
+keywords common iw מלות מפתח
+language common iw שפה
+last name common iw שם משפחה
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common iw שם משפחה של המשתמש, לדוגמא "%1"
+last page common iw עמוד אחרון
+lastname common iw שם משפחה
+left common iw שמאל
+license common iw רשיון
+list common iw רשימה
+list members common iw חברים ברשימה
+local common iw מקומי
+login common iw כניסה
+loginid common iw זיהוי כניסה
+logout common iw יציאה
+low common iw נמוך
+lowest common iw הנמוך ביותר
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common iw דומיין של הדואר, לדוגמא "%1"
+main category common iw קטגוריה ראשית
+main screen common iw מסך ראשי
+maintainer common iw מתחזק
+march common iw מרץ
+max number of icons in navbar common iw כמות מירבית של צלמיות בפס ניווט
+may common iw מאי
+medium common iw בינוני
+menu common iw תפריט
+message common iw הודעה
+monday common iw יום שני
+name common iw שם
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common iw שם המשתמש, לדוגמא "%1"
+never common iw לעולם לא
+new entry added sucessfully common iw רשומה חדשה נוספה בהצלחה
+new main category common iw קטגוריה ראשית חדשה
+new value common iw ערך חדש
+next common iw הבאה
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar iw (החודש הבא (החזק לקבלת תפריט
+next page common iw עמוד הבא
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar iw (השנה הבאה (החזק לקבלת תפריט
+no common iw לא
+no entries found, try again ... common iw ...לא נמצאו רשומות, נסה שוב
+no history for this record common iw אין היסטוריה לרשומה זו
+no subject common iw אין נושא
+none common iw ללא
+normal common iw רגיל
+not assigned common iw לא נקבע
+note common iw הערה
+notes common iw הערות
+notify window common iw חלון הודעות
+november common iw נובמבר
+october common iw אוקטובר
+ok common iw בסדר
+old value common iw ערך קודם
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common iw במערכות 'ניקס יש לכתוב: %1
+on mouse over common iw במעבר עכבר
+only private common iw רק פרטיים
+only yours common iw רק את שלך
+open notify window common iw פתח חלון הודעות
+open popup window common iw פתח חלון קופץ
+ordered list common iw רשימה מסודרת
+original common iw מקור
+other common iw אחר
+overview common iw סקירה כללית
+owner common iw הבעלים
+page common iw עמוד
+page was generated in %1 seconds common iw עמוד נוצר ב-%1 שניות
+parcel common iw חבילה
+parent category common iw קטגורית האם
+password common iw סיסמא
+password could not be changed common iw לא הצלחתי לשנות את הסיסמא
+password has been updated common iw הסיסמא עודכן
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common iw !המסלול את קבצי משתמשים וקבותות חייב להיות מחוץ לבסיס של שרת הווב
+pattern for search in addressbook common iw תבנית לחיפוש בספר כתובות
+pattern for search in calendar common iw תבנית לחיפוש בלוח שנה
+pattern for search in projects common iw תבנית לחיפוש בפרויקטים
+permissions to the files/users directory common iw הרשאות לקבצים/סיפריות משתמשים
+personal common iw אישי
+phone number common iw מספר טלפון
+please %1 by hand common iw נא ל%1 ידנית
+please enter a name common iw !נא להקליד שם
+please run setup to become current common iw נא להריץ הגדרה כדי להיות מעודכן
+please select common iw נא לבחור
+please set your global preferences common iw !נא לקבוע את עדיפויות הגלובלית שלך
+please set your preferences for this application common iw !נא לקבוע את העדיפויות שלך ליישום זה
+please wait... common iw ...המתן בבקשה
+postal common iw דואר
+powered by phpgroupware version %1 common iw בגירסא %1 eGroupWare ממונע בעזרת
+preferences common iw העדיפויות
+preferences for the idots template set common iw idots עדיפויות לסט התבניות
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar iw (החודש הקודם (החזק לקבלת תפריט
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar iw (השנה הקודמת (החזק לקבלת תפריט
+previous page common iw עמוד קודם
+primary style-sheet: common iw :דף סגנון ראשי
+print common iw הדפס
+priority common iw עדיפות
+private common iw פרטי
+project common iw פרויקט
+public common iw ציבורי
+read common iw קרא
+read this list of methods. common iw .קרא רשימת מטודות זו
+reject common iw דחה
+remove selected accounts common iw מחק חשבונות מובחרים
+rename common iw שנה שם
+replace common iw החלף
+replace with common iw -החלף ב
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common iw מחזיר רשימה מלאה של חשבונות במערכת. אזהרה: הרשימה עשויה להיות גדולה למדי
+returns an array of todo items common iw מחזיר מערך של פרטי משימות
+returns struct of users application access common iw מחזיר את מבנה הגישה של משתמשים ליישומים
+right common iw ימין
+saturday common iw יום שבת
+save common iw שמור
+search common iw חיפוש
+search %1 '%2' common iw חיפוש %1 '%2'
+search or select accounts common iw חפש או בחר חשבונות
+section common iw חלק
+select common iw בחר
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common iw בחר כל %1 %2 עבור %3
+select category common iw בחר קטגוריה
+select date common iw בחר תאריך
+select group common iw בחר קבוצה
+select home email address common iw בחר כתובת דוא"ל בבית
+select one common iw בחר אחד
+select user common iw בחר משתמש
+select work email address common iw בחר כתובת דוא"ל בעבודה
+selection common iw בחירה
+send common iw שלח
+september common iw ספטמבר
+server %1 has been added common iw השרת %1 נוסף
+server name common iw שם השרת
+session has been killed common iw הרגתי את המושב
+setup common iw הגדרה
+setup main menu common iw הגדרת תפריט ראשי
+show all common iw הצג הכל
+show all categorys common iw הצג כל הקטגוריות
+show menu common iw הצג תפריט
+show page generation time common iw הצג זמן יצירת העמוד
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common iw ?להציג את זמן יצירת העמוד בתחתית העמוד
+show_more_apps common iw הצג_עוד_יישומים
+showing %1 common iw מציג %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common iw מציג %1 - %2 מתוך %3
+sorry, your login has expired login iw מצטער, פג תוקפו של החשבון שלך
+start date common iw תאריך התחלה
+start time common iw שעת התחלה
+start with common iw -התחל ב
+status common iw סטאטוס
+subject common iw נושא
+submit common iw הגש
+substitutions and their meanings: common iw :חלופות ופירושן
+sunday common iw יום ראשון
+table properties common iw תכונות טבלה
+text color: common iw :צבע טקסט
+the api is current common iw מעודכן API-ה
+the api requires an upgrade common iw זקוק לעדכון API-ה
+the following applications require upgrades common iw היישומים הבאים זקוקים לעדכונים
+the mail server returned common iw שרת הדואר החזיר
+this application is current common iw יישום זה מעודכן
+this application requires an upgrade common iw יישום זה זקוק לעדכון
+this name has been used already common iw !שם זה בשימוש כבר
+thursday common iw יום חמישי
+time common iw שעה
+time selection: jscalendar iw :בחירת שעה
+time zone common iw איזור שעון
+time zone offset common iw סתיה של איזור שעון
+title common iw כותרת
+to common iw אל
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common iw -כדי לתקן שגיאה זאת לעתיד, עליך לקבוע נכון את ה
+to go back to the msg list, click here common iw כדי לחזור אל רשימת ההודעות, לחץ כאן
+today common iw היום
+todays date, eg. "%1" common iw תאריך היום, לדוגמא "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar iw מתג את היום הראשון בשבוע
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common iw %4 IP-יותר מידי נסיונות כניסה כושלים : %1 למשתמש %2, %3 לכתובת ה
+top common iw עליון
+total common iw סך הכל
+tuesday common iw יום שלישי
+underline common iw קו תחתי
+unknown common iw לא מוכר
+update common iw עדכן
+use button to search for common iw השתמש בכפתור כדי לחפש
+use button to search for address common iw השתמש בכפתור לחיפוש כתובת
+use button to search for calendarevent common iw השתמש בכפתור לחפש אירוע בלוח שנה
+use button to search for project common iw השתמש בכפתור לחפש פרויקט
+user common iw משתמש
+user accounts common iw חשבונות משתמשים
+user groups common iw קבוצות משתמשים
+username common iw שם משתמש
+users common iw משתמשים
+users choice common iw בחירת המשתמשים
+version common iw גירסא
+view common iw תצוגה
+wednesday common iw יום רביעי
+welcome common iw ברוך בואך
+which groups common iw איזו קבוצות
+width common iw רוחב
+wk jscalendar iw שבוע
+work email common iw דוא"ל בעבודה
+written by: common iw :נכתב על ידי
+year common iw שנה
+yes common iw כן
+you are required to change your password during your first login common iw עליך לשנות את סיסמתך בכניסה הראשונה שלך למערכת
+you have been successfully logged out login iw יצאת מהמערכת בהצלחה
+you have not entered a title common iw לא הקלדת כותרת
+you have not entered a valid date common iw לא הקלדת תאריך חוקי
+you have not entered a valid time of day common iw לא הקלדת שעת יום חוקי
+you have not entered participants common iw לא הכנסת משתתפים
+you have selected an invalid date common iw !בחרת תאריך לא חוקי
+you have selected an invalid main category common iw !בחרת קטגוריה ראשית לא חוקית
+you have successfully logged out common iw יצאת מהמערכת בהצלחה
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common iw .עליך להוסיף את שמ משתמש הווב '%1' לקבוצה '%2'
+your message could not be sent!
common iw .לא הצלחתי לשלוח את ההודעה שלך
+your message has been sent common iw ההודעה שלך נשלחה
+your search returned %1 matchs common iw חיפושך מצא %1 התאמות
+your search returned 1 match common iw החיפוש שלך מצא התאמה אחד
+your session could not be verified. login iw .לא הצלחתי לשחזר את המושב
+your settings have been updated common iw ההגדרות שלך עודכנו
+zambia common iw זמביה
+zoom common iw הגדל
+site configuration common iw הגדרות אתר
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ja.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ja.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..104f90293e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ja.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+ab common ja ab
+accepted common ja 承諾済み
+access common ja アクセス
+access not permitted common ja アクセス権がありません
+access type common ja アクセス権
+account has been created common ja アカウントを作成しました
+account has been deleted common ja アカウントを削除しました
+account has been updated common ja アカウントを更新しました
+account must belong to at least 1 group common ja 所属グループを指定してください。
+account preferences common ja アカウントユーザ設定
+acl common ja 許可設定
+active common ja アクティブ
+add common ja 追加
+add category common ja カテゴリ追加
+add %1 category for common ja %1 カテゴリ追加
+admin common ja 環境設定
+administration common ja 環境設定
+all common ja 全て
+april common ja 4月
+are you sure you want to delete this category ? common ja このカテゴリを削除してもよろしいですか。
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common ja この項目を削除してもよろしいですか。
+august common ja 8月
+autosave default category common ja デフォルトカテゴリを自動保存
+cancel common ja 取消
+categories common ja カテゴリ
+category common ja カテゴリ
+categories for common ja カテゴリ
+category %1 has been added ! common ja カテゴリ %1 を追加しました。
+category %1 has been updated ! common ja カテゴリ %1 を訂正しました。
+cc common ja CC
+change common ja 変更
+charset common ja utf-8
+choose the category common ja カテゴリ選択
+clear common ja クリア
+clear form common ja 再入力
+compose common ja 新規作成
+copy common ja コピー
+create common ja 作成
+created by common ja 作成者
+cron common ja Cron
+currency common ja 通貨
+current users common ja 現在のユーザ
+custom common ja カスタム
+date common ja 日
+december common ja 12月
+default category common ja 既定のカテゴリ
+delete common ja 削除
+description common ja 詳細
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common ja サブカテゴリも同時に削除しますか。
+domestic common ja 国内
+done common ja 終了
+download common ja ダウンロード
+e-mail common ja 電子メール
+edit common ja 訂正
+edit categories common ja カテゴリ訂正
+edit category common ja カテゴリ訂正
+edit %1 category for common ja %1 カテゴリ訂正
+email common ja 電子メール
+end date common ja 終了日
+end time common ja 終了時間
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common ja 削除しました。
+entry updated sucessfully common ja 訂正しました。
+error common ja エラー
+exit common ja 閉じる
+extra common ja 追加
+february common ja 2月
+fields common ja 項目
+files common ja ファイル
+filter common ja 選択
+first name common ja 姓
+firstname common ja 姓
+folders common ja フォルダ
+forward common ja 転送
+friday common ja 金曜日
+from common ja 差出人
+ftp common ja FTP
+full name common ja 名前
+global common ja グローバル
+global public common ja パブリック
+grant access common ja 利用許可設定
+group common ja グループ
+group access common ja グループ
+group has been added common ja グループを追加しました。
+group has been deleted common ja グループを削除しました。
+group has been updated common ja グループを訂正しました。
+group public common ja 所属グループ
+groups common ja グループ
+help common ja ヘルプ
+high common ja 高
+home common ja ホーム
+images common ja Images
+inc common ja Inc
+international common ja 国際
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common ja It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
+january common ja 1月
+july common ja 7月
+june common ja 6月
+large common ja 大
+last name common ja 名
+lastname common ja 名
+last page common ja last page
+login common ja ログイン
+logout common ja ログアウト
+low common ja 低
+main category common ja メインカテゴリ
+main screen common ja メイン画面
+march common ja 3月
+may common ja 5月
+medium common ja 中
+message common ja メッセージ
+mobile phone common ja 携帯電話
+modem phone common ja モデム
+monday common ja 月曜日
+monitor common ja 監視
+name common ja 名前
+new entry added sucessfully common ja 新しい項目を追加しました。
+new main category common ja 新規メインカテゴリ
+next common ja 次
+next page common ja 次ページ
+no common ja いいえ
+none common ja なし
+normal common ja 標準
+notes common ja ノート
+notes preferences common ja ノートユーザ設定
+november common ja 11月
+october common ja 10月
+ok common ja OK
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common ja On *nix systems please type: %1
+only yours common ja 所有者
+original common ja オリジナル
+other common ja その他
+other phone common ja その他番号
+outcharset common ja ISO-2022-JP
+open notify window common ja 通知情報
+owner common ja 所有者
+parent category common ja 親カテゴリ
+password common ja パスワード
+password has been updated common ja パスワードを変更しました。
+permissions to the files/users directory common ja permissions to the files/users directory
+personal common ja 個人
+please set your preferences for this application common ja このアプリケーションのユーザ設定を行って下さい。
+please %1 by hand common ja Please %1 by hand
+please, check your username and password, or contact your admin. common ja ユーザとパスワードをチェックするか、管理者に問い合わせてください。
+powered by egroupware version %1 common ja Powered by eGroupWare version %1
+pref common ja 優先
+prefer common ja 好み
+preferences common ja ユーザ設定
+previous common ja 前
+previous page common ja 前ページ
+print common ja 印刷
+priority common ja 優先順位
+private common ja プライベート
+public common ja 共有
+read common ja 表示
+rename common ja 名前の変更
+reply common ja 返信
+reply all common ja 全員に返信
+replyto common ja リプライ
+saturday common ja 土曜日
+save common ja 保存
+search common ja 検索
+select common ja 選択
+select category common ja カテゴリ選択
+select headline news sites common ja ヘッドラインニュースサイトの選択
+select parent category common ja 親カテゴリ選択
+send common ja 送信
+send updates via email common ja 更新情報を電子メールで受取る
+september common ja 9月
+session has been killed common ja セッションを削除しました。
+show all common ja 全て表示
+showing %1 common ja 表示数 %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common ja 表示数 %1 - %2 of %3
+small common ja 小
+sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common ja Sorry, there was a problem processing your request.
+squirrelmail common ja Squirrelmail
+start date common ja 開始日
+start time common ja 開始時間
+status common ja 状態
+subject common ja 件名
+subject: common ja 件名:
+submit common ja 実行
+sunday common ja 日曜日
+that category name has been used already ! common ja カテゴリ名は既に存在しています。
+the two passwords are not the same common ja 2つのパスワードが等しくありません
+themes common ja Themes
+there was an error trying to connect to your mail server. common ja メールサーバに接続できませんでした。
+there was an error trying to connect to your mail server.
please, check your username and password, or contact your admin. common ja メールサーバに接続できませんでした。
+this folder is empty common ja メッセージはありません。
+thursday common ja 木曜日
+time common ja 時間
+time zone common ja 時差
+time zone offset common ja 時差
+title common ja タイトル
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common ja To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the
+total common ja 合計
+tuesday common ja 火曜日
+updated common ja 更新日時
+users common ja ユーザ
+view common ja 表示
+wednesday common ja 水曜日
+which groups common ja グループ選択
+yes common ja はい
+you are required to change your password during your first login common ja 初回ログイン時にパスワード変更
+you are required to change your password durring your first login common ja 初回ログイン時にパスワード変更
+you have 1 new message! common ja 新着メールが1通あります。
+you have messages! common ja メッセージがあります。
+you have no new messages common ja 新着メールはありません。
+you have %1 new messages! common ja 新着メールが %1 通あります。
+you must enter a password common ja パスワードを入力して下さい。
+your message has been sent common ja メッセージを送信しました。
+your search has returned no matchs ! common ja 見つかりません。
+your search returned 1 match common ja 1件見つかりました。
+your search returned %1 matchs common ja %1 件見つかりました。
+your settings have been updated common ja Your settings have been Updated
+bad login or password common ja パスワードが誤っています
+login login ja ログイン
+password login ja パスワード
+sorry, your login has expired login ja ログイン有効期限が切れました
+use cookies login ja Cookie を使用
+username login ja ユーザ名
+you have been successfully logged out login ja ログアウトしました。
+your session could not be verified. login ja Your session could not be verified.
+site configuration common ja サイト環境設定
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ko.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ko.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d9a33d1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ko.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common ko %1 E-Mail 주소가 삽입되었습니다.
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common ko %1 은 웹서버에 의해 실행될 수 없습니다 !!!
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar ko 쉬프트 클릭 혹은 드래그로 값을 변경하세요
+about common ko 소개
+about %1 common ko %1 에 대하여
+access common ko 액세스
+access not permitted common ko 접근이 거절되었습니다
+account has been created common ko 아이디가 생성되었습니다.
+account has been deleted common ko 아이디가 삭제되었습니다.
+account has been updated common ko 아이디가 변경되었습니다.
+account is expired common ko 아이디가 만료되었습니다.
+add common ko 추가
+add category common ko 카테고리 추가
+add sub common ko 하위 추가
+addressbook common ko 주소록
+admin common ko 관리
+administration common ko 관리
+all fields common ko 모든 필드
+apply common ko 적용
+april common ko 4월
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common ko 이 항목들을 정말로 삭제하시겠습니까?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common ko 현재 항목을 삭제하시겠습니까?
+august common ko 8월
+bad login or password common ko 사용자ID나 패스워드가 틀립니다.
+bold common ko 진하게
+border common ko 테두리
+bottom common ko 하단
+cancel common ko 취소
+categories common ko 분류들
+category common ko 분류
+category %1 has been added ! common ko %1 분류가 추가되었습니다!
+category %1 has been updated ! common ko %1 분류가 갱신되었습니다!
+change common ko 변경
+charset common ko utf-8
+check installation common ko 설치 점검
+check now common ko 지금 점검
+choose a background color common ko 배경색을 선택하세요
+choose a background color for the icons common ko 아이콘의 배경색을 선택하세요
+choose a background image. common ko 배경이미지를 선택하세요
+choose a background style. common ko 배경스타일을 선택하세요
+choose a text color for the icons common ko 아이콘의 글자색을 선택하세요
+choose the category common ko 분류를 선택하세요
+choose the parent category common ko 상위 분류를 선택하세요
+clear common ko 초기화
+clear form common ko 초기화
+close common ko 닫기
+common preferences common ko 공통설정
+company common ko 회사
+copy common ko 복사
+create common ko 작성
+created by common ko 작성자
+current common ko 현재
+current users common ko 현재 사용자
+date common ko 날짜
+date due common ko 만기일
+december common ko 12월
+delete common ko 삭제
+delete row common ko 열 삭제
+description common ko 내용
+detail common ko 상세
+details common ko 상세
+direction left to right common ko 왼쪽에서 오른쪽방향
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common ko 인터넷 익스플로러의 png 이미지 오류수정기능 비활성화
+disable slider effects common ko 슬라이딩 효과 비활성화
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common ko 페이지의 메뉴 표시를 위한 슬라이딩 에니메이션 효과를 비활성화 하시겠습니까? 오페라나 컨쿼러등의 브라우저를 위해서는 비활성화하는것이 좋습니다.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common ko 투명 PNG 이미지를 인터넷 익스플로러 5.5이상에서 보이기 위한 오류수정 스크립트의 실행을 비활성화 하시겠습니까?
+disabled common ko 비활성화됨
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common ko 모든 하위 분류들을 삭제하시겠습니까?
+doctype: common ko 문서형식:
+document properties common ko 문서 속성
+document title: common ko 문서 제목:
+domain common ko 도메인
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common ko 이메일 주소를 위한 도메인 (예 : %1)
+done common ko 완료
+e-mail common ko E-Mail
+edit common ko 수정
+edit categories common ko 분류 수정
+edit category common ko 분류 수정
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common ko eGroupWare: 사용자 %1 및 IP %2에 대한 로그인이 차단되었습니다.
+email common ko E-Mail
+enabled common ko 활성화됨
+end date common ko 종료일
+end time common ko 종료시간
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin ko eGroupWare의 URL 위치를 입력해주세요
예제: http://www.domain.com/egroupware 혹은 /egroupware
마지막에 / (슬래시)를 붙이지 마세요
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common ko 데이터가 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다.
+entry updated sucessfully common ko 데이터가 성공적으로 수정되었습니다.
+error common ko 오류
+error creating %1 %2 directory common ko %1 %2 디렉토리를 생성하는데 오류가 발생했습니다.
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common ko %1 %2 디렉토리를 삭제하는데 오류가 발생했습니다.
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common ko %1 %2 디렉토리를 이름변경하는데 오류가 발생했습니다.
+fax number common ko 팩스번호
+february common ko 2월
+fields common ko 필드들
+files common ko 파일들
+filter common ko 필터
+first name common ko 이름
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common ko 사용자의 이름, 예. "%1"
+first page common ko 첫 페이지
+firstname common ko 이름
+folder already exists. common ko 폴더가 이미 있습니다
+friday common ko 금요일
+ftp common ko FTP
+fullscreen mode common ko 전체화면 모드
+global public common ko 모두에게 공개
+grant access common ko 접근 승인
+group common ko 그룹
+group access common ko 그룹 액세스
+group has been added common ko 그룹이 추가되었습니다.
+group has been deleted common ko 그룹이 삭제되었습니다.
+group has been updated common ko 그룹이 변경되었습니다.
+group name common ko 그룹명
+group public common ko 그룹내 공개
+groups common ko 그룹
+height common ko 높이
+help common ko 도움말
+high common ko 높음
+home common ko 홈으로
+home email common ko 자택 E-mail
+image url common ko 그림 URL
+insert 'return false' common ko return false 문 삽입
+insert column after common ko 뒤에 행 넣기
+insert column before common ko 앞에 행 넣기
+insert row after common ko 뒤에 열 넣기
+insert row before common ko 앞에 열 넣기
+invalid filename common ko 잘못된 파일명
+invalid ip address common ko 잘못된 IP주소
+invalid password common ko 잘못된 비밀번호
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common ko 암호를 변경한지 %1 일이 경과했습니다.
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common ko 셋업 기능을 수행하여 데이터베이스 테이블을 현재 버전으로 업그레이드 하는것을 추천합니다.
+italic common ko 기울임
+january common ko 1월
+july common ko 7월
+jun common ko 6월
+june common ko 6월
+justify center common ko 중앙 자리맞춤
+justify full common ko 전체 자리맞춤
+justify left common ko 왼쪽 자리맞춤
+justify right common ko 오른쪽 자리맞춤
+keywords common ko 키워드
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common ko 북한
+korea, republic of common ko 대한민국
+language common ko 언어
+last name common ko 성
+last page common ko 끝 페이지로
+lastname common ko 성
+left common ko 왼쪽
+list members common ko 멤버 목록
+login common ko 로그인
+loginid common ko 로그인ID
+logout common ko 로그아웃
+low common ko 낮음
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common ko 메일 도메인, 예. "%1"
+main category common ko 기본 분류
+main screen common ko 기본 화면
+maintainer common ko 관리자
+march common ko 3월
+max number of icons in navbar common ko 네비게이션바의 최대 아이콘 갯수
+may common ko 5월
+medium common ko 중간
+message common ko 메세지
+minute common ko 분
+monday common ko 월요일
+name common ko 이름
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common ko 사용자의 이름, 예. "%1"
+new entry added sucessfully common ko 새로운 데이터가 추가되었습니다.
+new main category common ko 새 기본 분류
+new value common ko 새 값
+next common ko 다음
+next page common ko 다음 페이지로
+no common ko 아니오
+no entries found, try again ... common ko 항목을 찾지 못했습니다. 다시 시도해보세요
+no history for this record common ko 이 레코드의 내역(변동기록)이 없습니다.
+no subject common ko 제목없음
+none common ko 없음
+normal common ko 보통
+not assigned common ko 할당되지 않음
+notes common ko 기타
+november common ko 11월
+october common ko 10월
+ok common ko 확인
+old value common ko 이전 값
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common ko 유닉스 기반 시스템의 경우 다음과 같이 입력하세요: %1
+on mouse over common ko 마우스를 올렸을때
+only private common ko 개인적인것만
+only yours common ko 자신의 것만
+open notify window common ko 알림창 열기
+open popup window common ko 팝업창 열기
+open sidebox common ko 사이드박스 열기
+ordered list common ko 번호 매기기
+original common ko 원본
+owner common ko 소유자
+page common ko 페이지
+page was generated in %1 seconds common ko 페이지 생성에 소요된 시간 : %1 초
+parent category common ko 상위 분류
+password common ko 비밀번호
+password could not be changed common ko 비밀번호가 변경되지 않았습니다.
+password has been updated common ko 비밀번호가 변경되었습니다.
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common ko 비밀번호는 적어도 %1 개의 소문자를 포함해야 합니다.
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common ko 비밀번호는 적어도 %1 개의 숫자를 포함해야 합니다.
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common ko 비밀번호는 적어도 %1 개의 특수문자를 포함해야 합니다.
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common ko 비밀번호는 적어도 %1 개의 대문자를 포함해야 합니다.
+password must have at least %1 characters common ko 비밀번호는 적어도 %1 개의 문자를 포함해야 합니다.
+permissions to the files/users directory common ko permissions to the files/users directory
+phone number common ko 전화번호
+please %1 by hand common ko %1을 직접 하시오.
+please enter a name common ko 이름을 입력해주세요!
+please select common ko 선택해주세요
+please set your global preferences common ko 전역 환경설정을 필히 설정해주세요!
+please set your preferences for this application common ko 이 응용프로그램의 환경설정을 설정해주세요
+please wait... common ko 기다려주세요
+powered by egroupware version %1 common ko Powered by eGroupWare version %1
+preferences common ko 환경설정
+previous page common ko 이전 페이지로
+priority common ko 중요도
+private common ko 개인
+public common ko 공개
+reject common ko 거부
+remove selected accounts common ko 선택된 계정 삭제
+rename common ko 이름변경
+replace common ko 치환
+replace with common ko 치환될 글월
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common ko 시스템의 존재하는 계정의 전체목록을 반환합니다. 주의: 데이터가 상당히 클 수 있습니다.
+returns struct of users application access common ko 사용자의 응용프로그램 액세스 구조 반환
+right common ko 오른쪽
+saturday common ko 토요일
+save common ko 저장
+search common ko 검색
+search or select accounts common ko 계정 선택 혹은 검색
+search or select multiple accounts common ko 다중 계정 선택 혹은 검색
+second common ko 초
+select common ko 선택
+select category common ko 분류 선택
+select date common ko 날짜 선택
+select group common ko 그룹 선택
+select home email address common ko 자택 E-Mail address 선택
+select multiple accounts common ko 다중계정 선택
+select the default height for the application windows common ko 이 응용프로그램 창이 사용할 기본 높이를 선택해주세요
+select the default width for the application windows common ko 이 응용프로그램 창이 사용할 기본 길이를 선택해주세요
+select user common ko 사용자 선택
+select work email address common ko 업무 메일주소 선택
+send common ko 보내기
+september common ko 9월
+server %1 has been added common ko %1 서버가 추가되었습니다.
+server answered. processing response... common ko 서버가 회신했습니다. 응답을 처리중입니다.
+server contacted. waiting for response... common ko 서버와 연결되었습니다. 응답을 대기중입니다.
+server name common ko 서버이름
+session has been killed common ko 작업이 종료되었습니다.
+setup common ko 설정
+setup main menu common ko 메인 메뉴 설정
+show all common ko 모두 보기
+show all categorys common ko 모든 분류 보기
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common ko 홈으로와 로그아웃 버튼을 주 응용프로그램 바에 출력하시겠습니까?
+show menu common ko 메뉴 보이기
+show page generation time common ko 페이지 생성시간 보이기
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common ko 페이지 생성 시간을 페이지 하단에 출력하시겠습니까?
+show page generation time? common ko 페이지 생성시간을 출력합니까?
+showing %1 common ko 현재 %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common ko 전체 %3에서 %1 - %2
+sorry, your login has expired login ko 귀하의 사용자ID는 만료되어 더 이상 사용하실수 없습니다.
+status common ko 상태
+subject common ko 제목
+submit common ko 전송
+sunday common ko 일요일
+table properties common ko 테이블 속성
+the api is current common ko 이 API 는 최신버전입니다.
+the api requires an upgrade common ko 이 API 는 업그레이드가 필요합니다.
+the following applications require upgrades common ko 다음의 응용프로그램은 업그레이드가 필요합니다.
+this application is current common ko 이 응용프로그램은 최신입니다.
+this application requires an upgrade common ko 이 응용프로그램은 업그레이드가 필요합니다.
+thursday common ko 목요일
+time common ko 시간
+title common ko 제목
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common ko 이 오류를 수정하기 위해서는 다음 설정을 하여야 합니다 :
+to go back to the msg list, click here common ko 메세지 목록으로 돌아가기 위해서는 여기를 클릭해주세요
+today common ko 오늘
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common ko 실패 로그인 시도 횟수가 너무 많습니다: %1 사용자 '%2', %3 IP %4
+top common ko Top
+total common ko 합계
+tuesday common ko 화요일
+type common ko 형식
+underline common ko 밑줄
+update common ko 갱신
+upload common ko 업로드
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common ko 업로드 디렉토리가 존재하지 않거나, 웹서버의 쓰기권한이 없습니다.
+user common ko 사용자
+user accounts common ko 사용자 계정
+user groups common ko 사용자 그룹
+username common ko 사용자ID
+users common ko 사용자
+view common ko 보기
+wednesday common ko 수요일
+welcome common ko 환영합니다
+which groups common ko 그룹선택
+width common ko 너비
+wk jscalendar ko 주
+work email common ko 업무 E-Mail
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common ko 페이지 생성 시간을 모든 창의 하단에 출력하길 원하십니까?
+written by: common ko 작성:
+yes common ko 예
+you have been successfully logged out login ko 로그아웃 되었습니다.
+you have not entered a title common ko 제목을 입력하지 않았습니다
+you have not entered a valid date common ko 올바른 날짜를 입력하지 않았습니다
+you have not entered participants common ko 참석자를 지정하지 않았습니다
+you have selected an invalid date common ko 올바르지 못한 날자를 선택했습니다!
+you have selected an invalid main category common ko 올바르지 못한 기본 분류를 선택했습니다!
+you have successfully logged out common ko 성공적으로 로그아웃하였습니다
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common ko 당신은 웹서버의 유저로 UID %1, GID %2 에 해당하는 ID를 추가해야합니다.
+your message could not be sent!
common ko 당신의 메시지는 발송 실패되었습니다
+your message has been sent common ko 메시지가 전송되었습니다.
+your search returned %1 matchs common ko %1건의 결과가 검색되었습니다.
+your search returned 1 match common ko 1건의 결과가 검색되었습니다.
+your session could not be verified. login ko 세션이 검증되지 않았습니다
+your settings have been updated common ko 설정이 변경되었습니다.
+zoom common ko 확대
+site configuration common ko 사이트 구성
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_lt.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_lt.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c7a928fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_lt.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common lt įkelta el. pašto adresų: %1
+00 (disable) admin lt 00 (išjungti)
+13 (ntp) admin lt 13 (ntp)
+80 (http) admin lt 80 (http)
+about common lt Apie
+about %1 common lt % - apie
+about egroupware common lt Apie eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar lt Apie kalendorių
+access common lt Prieiga
+access not permitted common lt Prieiga negalima
+addressbook common lt Adresų knyga
+administration common lt Administravimas
+afghanistan common lt AFGANISTANAS
+albania common lt ALBANIJA
+algeria common lt ALŽYRAS
+andorra common lt ANDORA
+angola common lt ANGOLA
+april common lt Balandis
+argentina common lt ARGENTINA
+armenia common lt ARMĖNIJA
+aruba common lt ARUBA
+august common lt Rugpjūtis
+australia common lt AUSTRALIJA
+austria common lt AUSTRIJA
+author common lt Autorius
+back common lt Atgal
+bcc common lt Bcc
+belarus common lt BALTARUSIJA
+belgium common lt BELGIJA
+belize common lt BELIZAS
+bhutan common lt BUTANAS
+blocked, too many attempts common lt Užblokuota, per daug bandymų
+bolivia common lt BOLIVIJA
+border common lt Rėmelis
+brazil common lt BRAZILIJA
+bulgaria common lt BULGARIJA
+calendar common lt Kalendorius
+cambodia common lt KAMBODŽA
+cameroon common lt KAMERŪNAS
+canada common lt KANADA
+category common lt Kategorija
+cc common lt Cc
+chad common lt ČADAS
+charset common lt utf-8
+chile common lt ČILĖ
+china common lt KINIJA
+colombia common lt KOLUMBIJA
+croatia common lt KROATIJA
+cuba common lt KUBA
+currency common lt Valiuta
+cyprus common lt KIPRAS
+czech republic common lt ČEKIJA
+date common lt Data
+date selection: jscalendar lt Datos išrinkimas:
+december common lt Gruodis
+default category common lt Numatyta kategorija
+default height for the windows common lt Numatytas langų aukštis
+default width for the windows common lt Numatytas langų plotis
+delete common lt Trinti
+delete row common lt Trinti eilutę
+denmark common lt DANIJA
+description common lt Apibūdinimas
+djibouti common lt DŽIBUTIS
+e-mail common lt El. paštas
+ecuador common lt EKVADORAS
+edit common lt Redaguoti
+edit categories common lt Redaguoti kategorijas
+edit category common lt Redaguoti kategoriją
+egroupware api version %1 common lt eGroupWare API versija %1
+egypt common lt EGIPTAS
+el salvador common lt SALVADORAS
+email common lt El. paštas
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common lt naudotojo el. pašto adresas, pvz., "%1"
+error common lt Klaida
+estonia common lt ESTIJA
+ethiopia common lt ETIOPIJA
+fax number common lt fakso numeris
+february common lt Vasaris
+files common lt Failai
+filter common lt Filtras
+finland common lt SUOMIJA
+first name common lt Vardas
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common lt Naudotojo vardas, pvz., "%1"
+france common lt PRANCŪZIJA
+friday common lt Penktadienis
+ftp common lt FTP
+gambia common lt GAMBIJA
+germany common lt VOKIETIJA
+ghana common lt GANA
+gibraltar common lt GIBRALTARAS
+greece common lt GRAIKIJA
+greenland common lt GRENLANDIJA
+guatemala common lt GVATEMALA
+hungary common lt VENGRIJA
+iceland common lt ISLANDIJA
+india common lt INDIJA
+indonesia common lt INDONEZIJA
+iran, islamic republic of common lt IRANAS
+iraq common lt IRAKAS
+ireland common lt AIRIJA
+israel common lt IZRAELIS
+italy common lt ITALIJA
+jamaica common lt JAMAIKA
+january common lt Sausis
+japan common lt JAPONIJA
+july common lt Liepa
+june common lt Birželis
+kenya common lt KENIJA
+kiribati common lt KIRIBATIS
+kuwait common lt KUVEITAS
+language common lt Kalba
+lao peoples democratic republic common lt LAOSAS
+last name common lt Pavardė
+lastname common lt Pavardė
+latvia common lt LATVIJA
+liberia common lt LIBERIJA
+lithuania common lt LIETUVA
+luxembourg common lt LIUKSEMBURGAS
+madagascar common lt MADAGASKARAS
+main category common lt Pagrindinė kategorija
+malaysia common lt MALAIZIJA
+mali common lt MALIS
+malta common lt MALTA
+march common lt Kovas
+menu common lt Meniu
+mexico common lt MEKSIKA
+minute common lt minutė
+monaco common lt MONAKAS
+monday common lt Pirmadienis
+mongolia common lt MONGOLIJA
+morocco common lt MAROKAS
+namibia common lt NAMIBIJA
+nepal common lt NEPALAS
+netherlands common lt OLANDIJA
+never common lt Niekada
+new zealand common lt NAUJOJI ZELANDIJA
+next common lt Kitas
+next page common lt Kitas puslapis
+nicaragua common lt NIKARAGVA
+no common lt Ne
+norway common lt NORVEGIJA
+november common lt Lapkritis
+october common lt Spalis
+oman common lt OMANAS
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common lt *nix sistemose prašome rašyti: %1
+only private common lt tik privačius
+pakistan common lt PAKISTANAS
+panama common lt PANAMA
+paraguay common lt PARAGVAJUS
+password common lt Slaptažodis
+peru common lt PERU
+phone number common lt telefono numeris
+phpgwapi common lt eGroupWare API
+poland common lt LENKIJA
+portugal common lt PORTUGALIJA
+postal common lt Pašto kodas
+print common lt Spausdinti
+project common lt Projektas
+qatar common lt KATARAS
+yemen common lt JEMENAS
+yugoslavia common lt JUGOSLAVIJA
+zimbabwe common lt ZIMBABVĖ
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_lv.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_lv.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eafbe48b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_lv.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common lv %1 e-pasta adreses pievienotas
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common lv %1 : Šo webserveris nevar palaist !!!
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common lv %1eGroupWare%2 ir daudzlietotāju, caur tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammu lietojama GrupuWare ,kas programmēta %3PHP%4.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar lv (Shift-) Klikšķini un velc peli, lai mainītu lielumu
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar lv - Klikšķini uz jebkuras laika daļas, lai palielinātu to
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar lv - Turi nospiestu peles pogu uz jebkuras no pogām ātrākai izvēlei
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar lv - vai klikšķini un velc peli ātrākai izvēlei
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar lv - Shift-klikšķini, lai samazinātu to
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar lv - Spied %1, %2 pogas, lai izvēlētos mēnesi
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar lv - Spied %1, %2 pogas, lai izvēlētos gadu
+00 (disable) admin lv 00 (disable)
+13 (ntp) admin lv 3 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar lv 3 simbolu dienas saisinājums
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar lv 3 simbolu mēneša saisinājums
+80 (http) admin lv 80 (http)
+about common lv Par
+about %1 common lv Par %1
+about the calendar jscalendar lv Par kalendāru
+access common lv Piekļuve
+access not permitted common lv Piekļuve aizliegta
+account has been created common lv Konts tika izveidots
+account has been deleted common lv Konts tika dzēsts
+account has been updated common lv Konts tika mainīts
+account is expired common lv Konta termiņš beidzies
+acl common lv ACL
+action common lv Darbība
+active common lv Aktīvs
+add common lv Pievienot
+add %1 category for common lv Pievienot %1 kategoriju priekš
+add category common lv Pievienot kategoriju
+add sub common lv Pievienot apakškategoriju
+addressbook common lv Adrešu grāmata
+admin common lv Administrators
+administration common lv Administrēšana
+afghanistan common lv AFGANISTĀNA
+albania common lv ALBĀNIJA
+algeria common lv ALŽĪRIJA
+all common lv Visi
+all fields common lv visi lauki
+alphabet common lv a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common lv Alternatīvs stila-izklājums:
+american samoa common lv AMERIKĀŅU SAMOA
+andorra common lv ANDORA
+angola common lv ANGOLA
+anguilla common lv ANGILJA
+antarctica common lv ANTARKTĪDA
+antigua and barbuda common lv ANTIGVA UN BARBUDA
+apply common lv Aktualizēt
+april common lv Aprīlis
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common lv Vai esi drošs, ka vēlies dzēst šos ierakstus ?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common lv Vai esi drošs, ka vēlies dzēst šo ierakstu ?
+argentina common lv ARGENTĪNA
+armenia common lv ARMĒNIJA
+aruba common lv ARUBA
+august common lv Augusts
+australia common lv AUSTRĀLIJA
+austria common lv AUSTRIJA
+author common lv Autors
+autohide sidebox menus common lv Slēpt izvēlnes automātiski
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common lv Slēpt izvēlnes automātiski?
+autosave default category common lv Automātiski saglabāt Noklusēto Kategoriju
+azerbaijan common lv AZERBAIDŽĀNA
+back common lv Atpakaļ
+back to user login common lv Atpakaļ uz lietotāju izvēli
+background color: common lv Fona krāsa:
+bad login or password common lv Nezināms lietotājvārds vai nepareiza parole
+bahamas common lv BAHAMU SALAS
+bahrain common lv BAHREINA
+bangladesh common lv BANGLADEŠA
+barbados common lv BARBADOSA
+bcc common lv Bcc
+belarus common lv BALTKRIEVIJA
+belgium common lv BEĻĢIJA
+belize common lv BELIZA
+benin common lv BENINA
+bermuda common lv BERMUDU SALAS
+bhutan common lv BUTĀNA
+blocked, too many attempts common lv Bloķēts, pārāk daudz neveiksmīgu mēģinājumu.
+bolivia common lv BOLĪVIJA
+bosnia and herzegovina common lv BOSNIJA UN HERCOGOVINA
+botswana common lv BOTSVĀNA
+bouvet island common lv BUVĒ SALA
+brazil common lv BRAZĪLIJA
+british indian ocean territory common lv BRITU INDIJAS OKEĀNA TERITORIJA
+brunei darussalam common lv BRUNEJA
+bulgaria common lv BULGĀRIJA
+burkina faso common lv BURKINAFASO
+burundi common lv BURUNDI
+calendar common lv Kalendārs
+cambodia common lv KAMBODŽA
+cameroon common lv KAMERŪNA
+canada common lv KANĀDA
+cancel common lv Atcelt
+cape verde common lv KABOVERDE
+categories common lv Kategorijas
+categories for common lv Kategorijas priekš
+category common lv Kategorija
+category %1 has been added ! common lv Kategorija %1 tika pievienota !
+category %1 has been updated ! common lv Kategorija %1 tika mainīta !
+cayman islands common lv KAIMANU SALAS
+cc common lv Cc
+central african republic common lv CENTRĀLĀFRIKAS REPUBLIKA
+chad common lv ČADA
+change common lv Mainīt
+charset common lv utf-8
+check installation common lv Pārbaudīt installāciju
+check now common lv Pārbaudīt tūlīt
+chile common lv ČĪLE
+china common lv ĶĪNA
+choose the category common lv Izvēlies kategoriju
+choose the parent category common lv Izvēlies tēva kategoriju
+christmas island common lv ZIEMASSVĒTKU SALA
+clear common lv Nodzēst
+clear form common lv Nodzēst formu
+click common lv Klikšķini
+click or mouse over to show menus common lv Klikšķināt vai uzbraukt ar peli virsū, lai redzētu izvēles
+click or mouse over to show menus? common lv Klikšķināt vai uzbraukt ar peli virsū, lai redzētu izvēles?
+close common lv Aizvērt
+cocos (keeling) islands common lv KOKOSU (KĪLINGA) SALAS
+colombia common lv KOLUMBIJA
+comoros common lv KOMORU SALAS
+company common lv Organizācija
+congo common lv KONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common lv KONGO DEMOKRĀTISKĀ REPUBLIKA
+cook islands common lv KUKA SALAS
+copy common lv Kopēt
+costa rica common lv KOSTARIKA
+cote d ivoire common lv KOTDIVUĀRA
+create common lv Izveidot
+created by common lv Pateicoties
+croatia common lv HORVĀTIJA
+cuba common lv KUBA
+currency common lv Valūta
+current common lv Pašreizējais
+current users common lv Pašreizējie lietotāji
+cyprus common lv KIPRA
+czech republic common lv ČEHIJAS REPUBLIKA
+date common lv Datums
+date due common lv Datums paredzēts
+date selection: jscalendar lv Datuma izvēle:
+december common lv Decembris
+default category common lv Noklusētā Kategorija
+delete common lv Dzēst
+denmark common lv DĀNIJA
+description common lv Izklāsts
+detail common lv Detaļa
+details common lv Detaļas
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common lv Izslēgt Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix
+disabled common lv Izslēgts
+display %s first jscalendar lv Rādīt %s pirmo
+djibouti common lv DŽIBUTIJA
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common lv Vai vēlies dzēst arī visas apakškategorijas?
+document properties common lv Dokumenta rekvizīti
+document title: common lv Dokumenta virsraksts:
+domain common lv Domeins
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common lv domeina vārs e-pasta adresēm, piem. "%1"
+dominica common lv DOMINIKA
+dominican republic common lv DOMINIKĀNA
+done common lv Gatavs
+drag to move jscalendar lv Velc lai pārvietotu
+e-mail common lv E-pasts
+east timor common lv AUSTRUMTIMORA
+ecuador common lv EKVADORA
+edit common lv Rediģēt
+edit %1 category for common lv Rediģēt %1 kategoriju par
+edit categories common lv Rediģēt Kategorijas
+edit category common lv Rediģēt kategoriju
+egroupware api version %1 common lv eGroupWare API versija %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common lv eGroupWare: bloķēts lietotājvārds '%1', IP %2
+egypt common lv ĒĢIPTE
+el salvador common lv SALVADORA
+email common lv E-Pasts
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common lv lietotāja e-pasta adrese, piemēram, "%1"
+enabled common lv Aktivizēts
+end date common lv Beigu datums
+end time common lv Beigu laiks
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common lv Ieraksts tika veiksmīgi izdzēsts
+entry updated sucessfully common lv Ieraksts veiksmīgi tika atjaunināts
+equatorial guinea common lv EKVATORIĀLĀ GVINEJA
+eritrea common lv ERITREJA
+error common lv Kļūda
+error creating %1 %2 directory common lv Kļūda veidojot %1 %2 direktoriju
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common lv Kļūda dzēšot %1 %2 direktoriju
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common lv Kļūda pārsaucot %1 %2 direktoriju
+estonia common lv IGAUNIJA
+ethiopia common lv ETIOPIJA
+exact common lv tieši
+falkland islands (malvinas) common lv FOLKLENDA (MELVINU)SALAS
+faroe islands common lv FARĒRU(FĒRU) SALAS
+fax number common lv faksa nummurs
+february common lv Februāris
+fields common lv Lauki
+fiji common lv FIDŽI
+files common lv Faili
+filter common lv Filtrs
+finland common lv SOMIJA
+first name common lv Vārds
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common lv lietotāja vārds, piemēram, "%1"
+first page common lv Pirmā lapa
+firstname common lv Vārds
+fixme! common lv SALABOMANI!
+france common lv FRANCIJA
+french guiana common lv FRANČU GVIĀNA
+french polynesia common lv FRANČU POLINĒZIJA
+french southern territories common lv FRANČU DIENVIDU ANTARKTISKĀS TERITORIJAS
+friday common lv Piektdiena
+ftp common lv FTP
+fullname common lv Pilns vārds
+gabon common lv GABONA
+gambia common lv GAMBIJA
+general menu common lv Galvenā Izvēlne
+georgia common lv GRUZIJA
+germany common lv Vācija
+ghana common lv GANA
+gibraltar common lv GIBRALTĀRS
+global common lv Globāls
+go today jscalendar lv Atvērt šodienu!
+grant access common lv Atļaut Piekļuvi
+greece common lv GRIEĶIJA
+greenland common lv GRENLANDE
+grenada common lv GRENĀDA
+group common lv Grupa
+group access common lv Grupas piekļuves tiesības
+group has been added common lv Grupa tika pievienota
+group has been deleted common lv Gruba tika izdzēsta
+group has been updated common lv Grupa tika atjaunināta
+group name common lv grupas nosaukums
+groups common lv Grupas
+groups with permission for %1 common lv Grupas ar atļauju priekš %1
+groups without permission for %1 common lv Grupas bez atļauju priekš %1
+guadeloupe common lv GVADELUPA
+guam common lv GUAMA
+guatemala common lv GVATEMALA
+guinea common lv GVINEJA
+guinea-bissau common lv GVINEJA-BISAVA
+guyana common lv GAJANA
+haiti common lv HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common lv HĒRDA UN MAKDONALDA SALAS
+help common lv Palīdzība
+high common lv Augsta
+highest common lv Augstākā
+holy see (vatican city state) common lv VATIKĀNS
+home common lv Mājas
+home email common lv e-pasts mājās
+honduras common lv HONDURASA
+hong kong common lv HONKONGA
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common lv Cik daudz ikonas tiek rādītas rīku joslā (lapas augšpusē). Citas ikonas atrodas izvēlnē, kuru var atvērt uzspiežot uz ikonas, kas atrodas rīku joslas labajā malā.
+hungary common lv UNGĀRIJA
+iceland common lv ISLANDE
+india common lv INDIJA
+indonesia common lv INDONĒZIJA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common lv Ievietot visas %1adreses no %2 kontaktiem %3
+international common lv Internacionāls
+invalid ip address common lv Nederīga IP adrese
+invalid password common lv Nederīga parole
+iran, islamic republic of common lv IRĀNA, ISLAMA REPUBLIKA
+iraq common lv IRĀKA
+ireland common lv ĪRIJA
+israel common lv IZRAĒLA
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common lv Ir pagājušas vairāk kā %1 dienas kopš Jūs nomainījāt savu paroli
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common lv Būtu vēlams palaist setup programmu, lai pārveidotu datu bāzi (varbūt tabulas?) atbilstoši jaunākajai versijai.
+italic common lv Slīpraksts
+italy common lv ITĀLIJA
+jamaica common lv JAMAIKA
+january common lv Janvāris
+japan common lv JAPĀNA
+jordan common lv JORDĀNIJA
+july common lv Jūlijs
+jun common lv Jun
+june common lv Jūnijs
+justify center common lv Centra izlīdzināsana
+justify full common lv Pilna izlīdzināšana
+justify left common lv Kreisā izlīdzināšana
+justify right common lv Labējā izlīdzināšana
+kazakstan common lv KAZAHSTANA
+kenya common lv KENIJA
+keywords common lv Atslēgvārdi
+kiribati common lv KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common lv KOREJAS TAUTAS DEMOKRĀTISKĀ REPUBLIKA
+korea, republic of common lv KOREJEAS REPUBLIKA
+kuwait common lv KUVEITA
+kyrgyzstan common lv KIRGĪZIJA
+language common lv Valoda
+lao peoples democratic republic common lv LAOSAS TAUTAS DEMOKRĀTISKĀ REPUBLIKA
+last name common lv Uzvārds
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common lv lietotāja uzvārds, piemēram, "%1"
+last page common lv Pēdeja lapa
+lastname common lv Uzvārds
+latvia common lv LATVIJA
+lebanon common lv LIBĀNA
+lesotho common lv LESOTO
+liberia common lv LIBĒRIJA
+license common lv Licence
+liechtenstein common lv LIHTENŠTEINA
+list common lv Saraksts
+list members common lv Saraksta dalībnieki
+lithuania common lv LIETUVA
+local common lv Vietējais
+login common lv Pieteikties
+loginid common lv Pieteikuma ID
+logout common lv Beigt darbu
+low common lv Zema
+lowest common lv Viszemākais
+luxembourg common lv LUKSEMBURGA
+macau common lv MAKAO
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common lv MAĶEDONIJA
+madagascar common lv MADAGASKARA
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common lv pasta domēns, piemēram, "%1
+main category common lv Galvenā kategorija
+main screen common lv Galvenais logs
+maintainer common lv Uzturētājs
+malawi common lv MALĀVIJA
+malaysia common lv MALAIZIJA
+maldives common lv MALDĪVU SALAS
+mali common lv MALI
+malta common lv MALTA
+march common lv Marts
+marshall islands common lv MĀRŠALA SALAS
+martinique common lv MARTINIKA
+mauritania common lv MAURITĀNIJA
+mauritius common lv MAURĪCIJA
+max number of icons in navbar common lv Maksimālais ikonu skaits rīku joslā
+may common lv Maijs
+mayotte common lv MAJOTA
+medium common lv Vidēja
+menu common lv Izvēlne
+message common lv Ziņa
+mexico common lv MEKSIKA
+micronesia, federated states of common lv MIKRONĒZIJAS FEDERATĪVĀS VALSTIS
+moldova, republic of common lv MOLDOVAS REPUBLIKA
+monaco common lv MONAKO
+monday common lv Pirmdiena
+mongolia common lv MONGOLIJA
+montserrat common lv MONTSERRATA
+morocco common lv MAROKA
+mozambique common lv MOZAMBIKA
+myanmar common lv MJANMA
+name common lv Vārds
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common lv lietotāja vārds, piemēram, "%1
+namibia common lv NAMĪBIJA
+nauru common lv NAURU
+nepal common lv NEPĀLA
+netherlands common lv NĪDERLANDE
+netherlands antilles common lv NĪDERLANEDES ANTIĻAS
+never common lv Nekad
+new caledonia common lv JAUNKALEDONIJA
+new entry added sucessfully common lv Jaunais ieraksts tika veiksmīgi pievienots
+new main category common lv Jauna galvenā kategorija
+new value common lv Jauna Vērtība
+new zealand common lv JAUNZĒLANDE
+next common lv Nākošais
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar lv Nākošais mēnesis (paturi ilgāk, lai būtu menu)
+next page common lv Nākošā lapa
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar lv Nākošais gads (paturi ilgāk, lai būtu menu)
+nicaragua common lv NIKARAGVA
+niger common lv NIGĒRA
+nigeria common lv NIGĒRIJA
+niue common lv NIUE
+no common lv Nē
+no entries found, try again ... common lv neviens ieraksts netika atrasts, mēģiniet vēlreiz ...
+no history for this record common lv nav pieejama šī ieraksta vēsture
+no subject common lv Nav Tēmas
+none common lv Neviens
+norfolk island common lv NORFOLKAS SALA
+normal common lv Normāla
+norway common lv NORVĒĢIJA
+not assigned common lv nav piešķirts
+note common lv Piezīme
+notes common lv Piezimes
+notify window common lv Informācijas Logs
+november common lv Novembris
+october common lv Oktobris
+ok common lv OK
+old value common lv Iepriekšejā Vērtība
+oman common lv OMĀNA
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common lv *nix sistēmās lūdzu rakstīt: %1
+on mouse over common lv Kad uzbrauc ar peli
+only private common lv tikai privātos
+only yours common lv tikai Jūsu
+open notify window common lv Atvērt informācijas logu
+open popup window common lv Atvērt papildus logu
+original common lv Orģināls
+other common lv Citi
+overview common lv Pārskats
+owner common lv Īpašnieks
+page common lv Lapa
+page was generated in %1 seconds common lv Lapa tika ģenerēta %1 sekundes
+pakistan common lv PAKISTĀNA
+palau common lv PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common lv PALESTĪNA
+panama common lv PANAMA
+papua new guinea common lv PAPUA-JAUNGVINEJA
+paraguay common lv PARAGVAJA
+parcel common lv Sūtījums
+parent category common lv Vecāku kategorija
+password common lv Parole
+password could not be changed common lv Parole netika nomainīta
+password has been updated common lv Parole tika atjaunināta
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common lv Ceļam uz lietotāju un grupu failiem JĀBŪT ĀRPUS tīkla servera saknes dokumenta!!!
+pattern for search in addressbook common lv Paraugs meklēšanai adrešu grāmatā
+pattern for search in calendar common lv Paraugs meklēšanai kalendārā
+pattern for search in projects common lv Paraugs meklēšanai projektos
+permissions to the files/users directory common lv atļaujas datņu/lietotāju direktorijai
+personal common lv Personīgs
+peru common lv PERU
+philippines common lv FILIPĪNAS
+phone number common lv telefona nummurs
+pitcairn common lv PITKERNA
+please %1 by hand common lv Lūdzu, %1 ar roku
+please enter a name common lv Lūdzu, ieraksti savu vārdu !
+please select common lv Lūdzu izvēlies
+please set your global preferences common lv Lūdzu ierakstiet galvenos datus par sevi !
+please set your preferences for this application common lv Lūdzu uzstādi savas izvēles šai programmatūrai
+please wait... common lv Lūdzu uzgaidi...
+poland common lv POLIJA
+portugal common lv PORTUGĀLE
+postal common lv Pasta
+powered by phpgroupware version %1 common lv Powered by eGroupWare version %1
+preferences common lv Iestādījumi
+preferences for the idots template set common lv iDots sagatavju iestatījumi
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar lv Iepr. mēnesis (paturi ilgāk, lai būtu menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar lv Iepr. gads (paturi ilgāk, lai būtu menu)
+previous page common lv Iepriekšējā lapa
+primary style-sheet: common lv Primārā stilu lapa:
+print common lv Drukāt
+priority common lv Prioritāte
+private common lv Privātos
+project common lv Projekts
+public common lv publisks
+puerto rico common lv PUERTORIKO
+qatar common lv KATARA
+read common lv Lasīt
+read this list of methods. common lv Izlasiet šo metožu sarakstu.
+reject common lv Noraidīt
+remove selected accounts common lv Likvidēt izvēlētos kontus
+rename common lv Pārsaukt
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common lv Atgriež pilnu sistēmas lietotāju kontu sarakstu. Uzmanību: saraksts var būt samērā liels
+returns an array of todo items common lv Atgriež darāmo lietu sarakstu
+returns struct of users application access common lv Atgriež lietotāju darbināto aplikāciju struktūru
+reunion common lv REINJONA
+romania common lv RUMĀNIJA
+russian federation common lv KRIEVIJAS FEDERĀCIJA
+rwanda common lv RUANDA
+saint helena common lv SVĒTĀS HELĒNAS SALA
+saint kitts and nevis common lv SENTKISA UN NEVISA
+saint lucia common lv SENTLŪSIJIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common lv SENPJĒRA UN MIKELONA
+saint vincent and the grenadines common lv SENTVINSENTA UN GRENADINAS
+samoa common lv SAMOA
+san marino common lv SANMARĪNO
+sao tome and principe common lv SANTOME UN PRINSIPI
+saturday common lv Sestdiena
+saudi arabia common lv SAŪDA ARĀBIJA
+save common lv Saglabāt
+search common lv Meklēt
+search %1 '%2' common lv Meklēt %1 '%2'
+search or select accounts common lv Meklēt vai izvēlēties kontus
+section common lv Nodaļa
+select common lv Iezīmēt
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common lv Iezīmēt visus %1 %2 priekš %3
+select category common lv Izvēlēties Kategoriju
+select date common lv Izvēlēties datumu
+select group common lv Izvēlēties grupu
+select home email address common lv Izvēlēties mājas e-pasta adresi
+select one common lv Izvēlies vienu no
+select user common lv Izvēlies personu
+select work email address common lv Izvēlies e-pasta adresi darbā
+selection common lv Izvēle
+send common lv Sūtīt
+senegal common lv SENEGĀLA
+september common lv Septembris
+server %1 has been added common lv Serveris %1 tika pievienots
+server name common lv Servera vārds
+session has been killed common lv Sesija tika nogalināta ;-)
+setup common lv Iestatīšana
+setup main menu common lv Iestatīšanas galvenā izvēlne
+seychelles common lv SEIŠELU SALAS
+show all common lv rādīt visus
+show all categorys common lv Rādīt visas kategorijas
+show menu common lv rādīt izvēlni
+show page generation time common lv Parādīt lapas ģenerēšanas laiku
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common lv Parādīt lapas ģenerēšanas laiku lapas apakšpusē?
+show_more_apps common lv rādīt_vairāk_aplikācijas
+showing %1 common lv rādu %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common lv rādu %1 - %2 no %3
+sierra leone common lv SJERRALEONE
+singapore common lv SINGAPŪRA
+slovakia common lv SLOVĀKIJA
+slovenia common lv SLOVĒNIJA
+solomon islands common lv ZĀLAMANA SALAS
+somalia common lv SOMĀLIJA
+sorry, your login has expired login lv Atvainojiet, Jūsu lietotājvārda lietošnas laiks ir beidzies
+south africa common lv DIENVIDĀFRIKA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common lv DIENVIDDŽORDŽIJA UN DIENVIDSENDVIČU SALAS
+spain common lv SPĀNIJA
+sri lanka common lv ŠRILANKA
+start date common lv Sākuma datums
+start time common lv Sākuma laiks
+start with common lv sākt ar
+status common lv Stāvoklis
+subject common lv Temats
+submit common lv Saglabāt
+substitutions and their meanings: common lv Substitūcijas un to nozīmes
+sudan common lv SUDĀNA
+sunday common lv Svētdiena
+suriname common lv SURINAMA
+svalbard and jan mayen common lv SVALBĀRA UN JANA MAJENA
+swaziland common lv SVAZILENDA
+sweden common lv ZVIEDRIJA
+switzerland common lv ŠVEICE
+syrian arab republic common lv SĪRIJAS ARĀBU REPUBLIKA
+taiwan common lv TAIVANA/TAIPEJA
+tajikistan common lv TADŽIKISTĀNA
+tanzania, united republic of common lv TANZĀNIJA
+text color: common lv Texta krāsa:
+thailand common lv TAIZEME
+the api is current common lv Pašreizējais API
+the api requires an upgrade common lv API pieprasa jauninājumus
+the following applications require upgrades common lv Sekojoša programmatūra pieprasa jauninajumus
+the mail server returned common lv Pasta serveris atgrieza
+this application is current common lv Pašreizējā aplikācija
+this application requires an upgrade common lv Šai aplikāčijai ir nepieciešāma atjaunošana
+this name has been used already common lv Šis vārds jau ir aizņemts !
+thursday common lv Ceturtdiena
+time common lv Laiks
+time selection: jscalendar lv Laika izvēle
+time zone common lv Laika zona
+time zone offset common lv Laika zonas nobīde
+title common lv Nosaukums
+to common lv Kam
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common lv Lai izlabotu šo kļudu, Jums ir nepieciešms pareizi uzstādit
+to go back to the msg list, click here common lv Lai atgrieztos pie msg saraksta, klikšķini šeit
+today common lv Šodien
+todays date, eg. "%1" common lv šodienas datums, piemēram, "%1"
+togo common lv TOGO
+tokelau common lv TOKELAU
+tonga common lv TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common lv Pārāk dzudz nevieksmīgi pieslēgšanās mēģinājumi: %1 lietotājam '%2', %3 ar IP %4
+total common lv Kopā
+trinidad and tobago common lv TRINIDĀDA UN TOBAGO
+tuesday common lv Otrdiena
+tunisia common lv TUNISIJA
+turkey common lv TURCIJA
+turkmenistan common lv TURKMENISTĀNA
+turks and caicos islands common lv TĒRKSAS UN KAIKOSAS SALAS
+tuvalu common lv TUVALU
+uganda common lv UGANDA
+ukraine common lv UKRAINA
+united arab emirates common lv APVIENOTIE ARĀBU EMIRĀTI
+united kingdom common lv APVIENOTĀ KARALISTE
+united states common lv ASV
+united states minor outlying islands common lv ASV MAZĀS AIZJŪRAS TERITORIJAS
+unknown common lv Nezināms
+update common lv Atjaunināt
+url common lv URL
+uruguay common lv URUGVAJA
+use button to search for common lv izmantot Pogu lai meklētu
+use button to search for address common lv izmantot Pogu lai meklētu Adresi
+use button to search for calendarevent common lv izmantot Pogu lai meklētu Kalendāra ierakstu
+use button to search for project common lv izmantot Pogu lai meklētu Projektu
+user common lv Lietotājs
+user accounts common lv lietotāju konti
+user groups common lv lietotāju grupas
+username common lv Lietotājvārds
+users common lv lietotāji
+users choice common lv Lietotāja Izvēle
+uzbekistan common lv UZBEKIJA
+vanuatu common lv VANUATU
+venezuela common lv VENECUĒLA
+version common lv Versija
+viet nam common lv VJETNAMA
+view common lv Rādīt
+virgin islands, british common lv VIRDŽĪNU SALAS, BRITU
+virgin islands, u.s. common lv VIRDŽĪNU SALAS
+wallis and futuna common lv VOLISA SALAS UN FUTUNA
+wednesday common lv Trešdiena
+welcome common lv Laipni Lūdzam
+western sahara common lv RIETUMSAHĀRA
+which groups common lv Kuras grubas
+wk jscalendar lv ned
+work email common lv darba e-pasts
+written by: common lv Autors:
+year common lv Gads
+yemen common lv JEMENA
+yes common lv Jā
+you are required to change your password during your first login common lv Jums jāsamaina parole pēc pirmās pieteikšanās
+you are running a newer version of phpgroupware than your database is setup for common lv Jūs strādājat ar jaunāku phpGroupWare versiju nekā atbalsta Jūsu datubāze.
+you have been successfully logged out login lv Veiksmīga darba beigšana
+you have not entered a title common lv Jūs aizmirsāt uzrakstīt virsrakstu
+you have not entered a valid date common lv Jūs ievadijāt kļudainu datumu
+you have not entered a valid time of day common lv Jūs ievadījāt kļūdainu pulksteņa laiku
+you have not entered participants common lv Jūs aizmirsāt pievienot dalībniekus
+you have selected an invalid date common lv Jūs izvēlējāties nepareizu datumu !
+you have selected an invalid main category common lv Jūs izvēlējāties nepareizu galveno katekoriju !
+you have successfully logged out common lv Jūs veiksmīgi beidzāt darbu
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common lv Jums ir jāpievieno web servera lietotājs '%1' grupai '%2'.
+your message could not be sent!
common lv Jūsu ziņa netika nosūtita!
+your message has been sent common lv Jūsu ziņa tika nosūtīta
+your search returned %1 matchs common lv atradu %1 ierakstus
+your search returned 1 match common lv atradu 1 ierakstu
+your session could not be verified. login lv Nevarēju Jūs pārbaudīt. Mēģiniet pēc 30sek. vēlreiz.
+your settings have been updated common lv Iestādījumi tika saglabāti
+yugoslavia common lv DIENVIDSLĀVIJA
+zambia common lv ZAMBIJA
+zimbabwe common lv ZIMBABVE
+site configuration common lv Lapas konfigurācija
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_nl.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_nl.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..013e039228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_nl.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common nl %1 emailadres ingevoerd
+%1 file common nl %1 bestand
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common nl %1 kan niet door de webserver uitgevoerd worden !!!
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common nl %1Kies een andere map%2
of maak %3 schrijfbaar voor de webserver
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common nl %1eGroupWare%2 is een multi-user, web-gebaseerde groupware suite, geschreven in %3PHP%4.
+(session restored in %1 seconds) common nl (sessie hersteld in %1 seconden)
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar nl (Shift-)Klik of sleep om waarde te wijzigen
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar nl - Klik op een willekeurig tijdsonderdeel om het te verhogen
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar nl - Hou de muisknop op een van de knoppen hierboven voor een snellere selectie.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar nl - of klik en sleep voor snellere selectie
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar nl - of Shift-klik om het te verlagen
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar nl - Gebruik de %1, %2 knoppen om de maand te kiezen
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar nl - Gebruik de %1, %2 knoppen om het jaar te kiezen
+00 (disable) admin nl 00 (uitschakelen)
+1 day common nl 1 dag
+1 hour common nl 1 uur
+1 month common nl 1 maand
+1 week common nl 1 week
+13 (ntp) admin nl 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar nl 3 letters voor verkorte dagaanduiding
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar nl 3 letters voor verkorte maandaanduiding
+80 (http) admin nl 80 (http)
+about common nl Over
+about %1 common nl Over %1
+about egroupware common nl Over eGroupWare
+about the calendar jscalendar nl Over de agenda
+access common nl Toegang
+access not permitted common nl Toegang geweigerd
+account has been created common nl Account is aangemaakt
+account has been deleted common nl Account is verwijderd
+account has been updated common nl Account is bijgewerkt
+account is expired common nl Account is verlopen
+accounts common nl Accounts
+acl common nl ACL
+action common nl Actie
+active common nl Actief
+add common nl Toevoegen
+add %1 category for common nl %1 Categorie toevoegen voor
+add category common nl Categorie toevoegen
+add shortcut common nl Snelkoppeling toevoegen
+add sub common nl Sub toevoegen
+addressbook common nl Adresboek
+admin common nl Beheer
+administration common nl Beheer
+afghanistan common nl AFGHANISTAN
+albania common nl ALBANIË
+algeria common nl ALGERIJE
+all common nl Alles
+all fields common nl alle velden
+all languages common nl alle talen
+alphabet common nl a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common nl Afwisselende style-sheet:
+american samoa common nl AMERIKAANS SAMOA
+an error happened common nl Een fout trad op
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common nl Een bestaande EN door de webserver leesbare directory maakt het mogelijk om door afbeeldingen te bladeren en te uploaden.
+andorra common nl ANDORRA
+angola common nl ANGOLA
+anguilla common nl ANGUILLA
+antarctica common nl ANTARTICA
+antigua and barbuda common nl ANTIGUA EN BARBUDA
+application common nl Toepassing
+apply common nl Toepassen
+april common nl April
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common nl Weet u zeker dat uw deze records wilt verwijderen?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common nl Weet u zeker dat u dit item wilt verwijderen?
+argentina common nl ARGENTINIË
+armenia common nl ARMENIË
+aruba common nl ARUBA
+august common nl Augustus
+australia common nl AUSTRALIË
+austria common nl OOSTENRIJK
+author common nl Auteur
+autohide sidebox menu's common nl Automatisch menu's in de zijlijn verbergen
+autohide sidebox menus common nl Automatisch menu's in de zijlijn verbergen
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common nl Automatisch de menu's in de zijlijn verbergen?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common nl Automatisch de menu's in de zijlijn verbergen?
+autosave default category common nl Automatisch standaard categorie opslaan
+azerbaijan common nl AZERBEIDSJAN
+back common nl Terug
+back to user login common nl Terug naar gebruikers loginscherm
+background color: common nl Achtergrondkleur:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common nl backupmap '%1' is niet schrijfbaar voor de webserver
+bad login or password common nl Onjuist gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord
+bahamas common nl BAHAMAS
+bahrain common nl BAHREIN
+bangladesh common nl BANGLADESH
+barbados common nl BARBADOS
+bcc common nl Bcc
+belarus common nl WIT-RUSLAND
+belgium common nl BELGIË
+belize common nl BELIZE
+benin common nl BENIN
+bermuda common nl BERMUDA
+bhutan common nl BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common nl Geblokkeerd, te veel pogingen
+bold common nl Vet
+bolivia common nl BOLIVIA
+border common nl Rand
+bosnia and herzegovina common nl BOSNIË-HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common nl BOTSWANA
+bottom common nl Onder
+bouvet island common nl Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek
+brazil common nl BRAZILIË
+british indian ocean territory common nl BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
+brunei darussalam common nl BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common nl BULGARIJE
+bulgarian common nl Bulgaars
+burkina faso common nl BURKINA FASO
+burundi common nl BURUNDI
+calendar common nl Agenda
+cambodia common nl CAMBODJA
+cameroon common nl KAMEROEN
+canada common nl CANADA
+cancel common nl Annuleren
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common nl Kan %1 niet vervangen omdat het een map is
+cant open '%1' for %2 common nl Kan '%1' niet openen voor %2
+cape verde common nl KAAPVERDIË
+caption common nl Opmerking
+categories common nl Categorieën
+categories for common nl categorieën voor
+category common nl Categorie
+category %1 has been added ! common nl Categorie %1 is toegevoegd
+category %1 has been updated ! common nl Categorie %1 is bijgewerkt
+cayman islands common nl KAAIMAN EILANDEN
+cc common nl Cc
+centered common nl gecentreerd
+central african republic common nl CENTRAAL-AFRIKAANSE REPUBLIEK
+chad common nl CHAD
+change common nl Veranderen
+charset common nl utf-8
+check installation common nl Controleer installatie
+check now common nl Nu controleren
+chile common nl CHILI
+china common nl CHINA
+choose a background color common nl Kies een achtergrondkleur
+choose a background color for the icons common nl Kies een achtergrondkleur voor de pictogrammen
+choose a background image. common nl Kies een achtergrondafbeelding.
+choose a background style. common nl Kies een achtergrondstijl.
+choose a text color for the icons common nl KIes een tekstkleur voor de pictogrammen
+choose the category common nl Kies de categorie
+choose the parent category common nl Kies bovenliggende categorie
+christmas island common nl CHRISTMASEILAND
+clear common nl Wissen
+clear form common nl Formulier wissen
+click common nl Klik
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common nl Klik hier om je eGroupWare sessie voort te zetten.
+click or mouse over to show menus common nl Klik or Mouse Over om menus weer te geven
+click or mouse over to show menus? common nl Klik or Mouse Over om menus weer te geven?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common nl Klik deze afbeelding op de navigatiebalk: %1
+close common nl Sluiten
+close sidebox common nl Zijkant box sluiten
+cocos (keeling) islands common nl COCOS (KEELING) EILANDEN
+colombia common nl COLOMBIA
+common preferences common nl Algemene voorkeuren
+comoros common nl COMOROS
+company common nl Bedrijf
+congo, the democratic republic of the common nl DEMOCRATISCHE REPUBLIEK CONGO
+contacting server... common nl Verbinden met server...
+cook islands common nl COOKEILANDEN
+copy common nl Kopiëren
+costa rica common nl COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common nl IVOORKUST
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common nl Kon geen verbinding met server maken. Bewerkingstijd is overschreden!
+create common nl Maken
+created by common nl Gemaakt door
+croatia common nl KROATIË
+cuba common nl CUBA
+currency common nl Munteenheid
+current common nl Huidig
+current users common nl Huidig aantal gebruikers
+cyprus common nl CYPRUS
+czech republic common nl TSJECHIË
+database error common nl Database fout
+database error! common nl Database fout!
+date common nl Datum
+date due common nl Einddatum
+date selection: jscalendar nl Datumselectie
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin nl Datetime poort
Indien poort 13 gebruikt wordt, pas dan s.v.p. de firewall regels eerst aan voordat u deze pagina verzendt.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common nl December
+default category common nl Standaard Categorie
+default height for the windows common nl Standaard hoogte voor de vensters
+default width for the windows common nl Standaard breedte voor de vensters
+delete common nl Verwijderen
+delete row common nl Rij verwijderen
+denmark common nl DENEMARKEN
+description common nl Beschrijving
+detail common nl Detail
+details common nl Details
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common nl Het bugfixscript uitschakelen dat dient om transparante PNG-afbeeldingen juist weer te geven in Internet Explorer 5.5 en hoger?
+direction left to right common nl Richting links naar rechts
+directory common nl Directory
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common nl Directory bestaat niet, kan niet gelezen worden door de webserver of is geen relatief pad ten opzichte van de document root.
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common nl Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix uitschakelen?
+disable slider effects common nl Bewegende schuifeffecten uitschakelen
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common nl Schakel de bewegende schuifeffecten uit wanneer een langzame computer gebruikt of problemen met de uitklapmenus ondervind.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common nl Het uitvoeren van een bugfixscript voor Internet Explore 5.5 en hoger uitschakelen zodat transparantie in PNG-afbeeldingen zichtbaar wordt?
+disabled common nl Uitgeschakeld
+display %s first jscalendar nl %s eerst tonen
+djibouti common nl DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common nl Wilt u ook alle subcategorieën wissen
+doctype: common nl DOCTYPE:
+document properties common nl Documenteigenschappen
+document title: common nl Documenttitel:
+domain common nl Domein
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common nl domeinnaam voor emailadres, bijv. "%1"
+domestic common nl thuis
+dominica common nl DOMINICA
+dominican republic common nl DOMINICAANSE REPUBLIEK
+done common nl Gereed
+drag to move jscalendar nl Sleep om te verplaatsen
+e-mail common nl Email
+east timor common nl OOST TIMOR
+eastern european common nl Oost europees
+ecuador common nl ECUADOR
+edit common nl Bewerken
+edit %1 category for common nl Bewerk %1 categorie voor
+edit categories common nl Categorieën bewerken
+edit category common nl Bewerk categorie
+egroupware common nl eGroupWare
+egroupware api version common nl eGroupWare API versie
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common nl eGroupWare: login geblokkeerd voor gebruiker '%1', IP %2
+egypt common nl EGYPTE
+el salvador common nl EL SALVADOR
+email common nl Email
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common nl emailadres van de gebruiker, bijv. "%1"
+enabled common nl Geactiveerd
+end date common nl Einddatum
+end time common nl Eindtijd
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin nl Vul de lokatie van de eGroupWare URL in.
Voorbeeld: http://www.domeinnaam.nl/egroupware of /egroupware.
Geen afsluitende slash toevoegen
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common nl Item succesvol verwijderd
+entry not found! common nl Item niet gevonden!
+entry updated sucessfully common nl Item succesvol bijgewerkt
+equatorial guinea common nl EQUATORIAAL GUINEA
+eritrea common nl ERITREA
+error common nl Fout
+error creating %1 %2 directory common nl Error tijdens het creëren van %1 %2 directory
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common nl Error tijdens het verwijderen van %1 %2 directory
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common nl Error tijdens het hernoemen van %1 %2 directory
+estonia common nl ESTONIA
+ethiopia common nl ETHIOPIË
+everything common nl Alles
+exact common nl exact
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common nl Verbinden met server is mislukt of een ongeldige reactie is ontvangen. Probeer opnieuw in te loggen. Neem contact op met de beheerder indien het mislukt.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common nl FALKLAND EILANDEN
+faroe islands common nl LAND EILANDEN
+fax number common nl Faxnummer
+features of the editor? common nl Functies van de tekstverwerker?
+february common nl Februari
+fields common nl Velden
+fiji common nl FIJI
+files common nl Bestanden
+filter common nl Filter
+finland common nl FINLAND
+first name common nl Voornaam
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common nl Voornaam van de gebruiker, bijv. "%1"
+first page common nl Eerste pagina
+firstname common nl Voornaam
+fixme! common nl FIXME!
+folder already exists. common nl Map bestaat reeds.
+force selectbox common nl Forceer Selectbox
+forever common nl Voor altijd
+france common nl FRANKRIJK
+french guiana common nl FRANS GUYANA
+french polynesia common nl FRANS POLYNESIË
+french southern territories common nl FRANSE ZUIDELIJKE GEBIEDEN
+friday common nl Vrijdag
+ftp common nl FTP
+fullname common nl Volledige naam
+fullscreen mode common nl Volledig scherm modus
+gabon common nl GABON
+gambia common nl GAMBIA
+general menu common nl Algemeen menu
+georgia common nl HONGARIJ
+german common nl Duits
+germany common nl DUITSLAND
+ghana common nl GHANA
+gibraltar common nl GIBRALTAR
+global common nl Globale
+global public common nl Toegang Openbaar
+go today jscalendar nl Ga naar vandaag
+grant access common nl Geef toegang
+greece common nl GRIEKENLAND
+greek common nl Grieks
+greenland common nl GROENLAND
+grenada common nl GRENADA
+group common nl Groep
+group access common nl Groepstoegang
+group has been added common nl Groep is toegevoegd
+group has been deleted common nl Groep is verwijderd
+group has been updated common nl Groep is bijgewerkt
+group name common nl groepsnaam
+group public common nl Toegang voor groep
+groups common nl Groepen
+groups with permission for %1 common nl Groepen met toegangsrechten voor %1
+groups without permission for %1 common nl Groepen zonder toegangsrechten voor %1
+guadeloupe common nl GUADELOUPE
+guam common nl GUAM
+guatemala common nl GUATEMALA
+guinea common nl GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common nl GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common nl GUYANA
+haiti common nl HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common nl HEARD EILAND EN MCDONALD EILANDEN
+height common nl Hoogte
+help common nl Help
+high common nl Hoog
+highest common nl Hoogste
+holy see (vatican city state) common nl VATICAANSTAD
+home common nl Start
+home email common nl email thuis
+honduras common nl HONDURAS
+hong kong common nl HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common nl Hoe veel programma-iconen moeten worden weergegeven in de navigatiebalk. Extra iconen worden weergegeven in een uitklapmenu.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common nl Hoe moet het algemene eGroupWare menu weergegeven worden?
+hungary common nl HONGARIJË
+iceland common nl IJSLAND
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common nl ieSpell is niet gevonden. Klik OK om naar de download pagina te gaan.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common nl Indien de klok is ingeschakeld, wilt u dan dat deze iedere seconde of iedere minuut wordt geactualiseerd?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common nl Indien er enkele afbeeldingen in de achtergrond map aanwezig zijn, kunt u er een kiezen die u wilt weergeven.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common nl Afbeeldingen directory relatief ten opzichte van de document root (gebruik / !), bijvoorbeeld:
+image url common nl Afbeelding URL
+india common nl INDIA
+indonesia common nl INDONESIË
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common nl Voer alle %1 adressen in van de %2 contacten in %3
+insert column after common nl Kolom invoegen achter
+insert column before common nl Kolom invoegen voor
+insert row after common nl Rij invoegen onder
+insert row before common nl Rij invoegen boven
+international common nl Internationaal
+invalid filename common nl Ongelde bestandsnaam
+invalid ip address common nl Ongeldig IP-adres
+invalid password common nl Ongeldig wachtwoord
+iran, islamic republic of common nl IRAN
+iraq common nl IIRAK
+ireland common nl IERLAND
+israel common nl ISRAËL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common nl Er zijn meer dan %1 dagen verstreken sinds u uw wachtwoord hebt gewijzigd.
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common nl Het is aanbevolen dat u setup uitvoerd om uw tabellen bij te werken naar een actuele versie
+italic common nl Cursief
+italy common nl ITALIË
+jamaica common nl JAMAICA
+january common nl Januari
+japan common nl JAPAN
+japanese common nl Japans
+jordan common nl JORDANIË
+july common nl Juli
+jun common nl Jun
+june common nl Juni
+justify center common nl Centreren
+justify full common nl Uitvullen
+justify left common nl Links uitlijnen
+justify right common nl Rechts uitlijnen
+kazakstan common nl KAZACHSTAN
+kenya common nl KENIA
+keywords common nl Trefwoorden
+kiribati common nl KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common nl NOORD-KOREA
+korea, republic of common nl ZUID-KOREA
+korean common nl Koreaans
+kuwait common nl KOEWEIT
+kyrgyzstan common nl KIRGIZIË
+language common nl Taal
+language_direction_rtl common nl language_direction_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common nl LAOS
+last name common nl Achternaam
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common nl Achternaam van de gebruiker, bijv. "%1"
+last page common nl laaste pagina
+lastname common nl Achternaam
+latvia common nl LETLAND
+ldap-mgr common nl LDAP-beheerder
+lebanon common nl LIBANON
+left common nl Links
+lesotho common nl LESOTHO
+liberia common nl LIBERIE
+libyan arab jamahiriya common nl LIBIË
+license common nl Licentie
+liechtenstein common nl LIECHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored common nl Regel %1: '%2'
csv gegevens bevat ##last-check-run## van tabel %3 ==> overgeslagen
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common nl Regel %1: '%2'
csv gegevens klopt niet met het aantal kolommen van tabel %3 ==> genegeerd
+list common nl Lijst
+list members common nl Lijst van leden
+lithuania common nl LITOUWEN
+local common nl Lokaal
+login common nl Aanmelden
+loginid common nl Loginnaam
+logout common nl Afmelden
+lost login id common nl Vergeten Login ID
+lost password common nl Vergeten wachtwoord
+low common nl Laag
+lowest common nl Laagste
+luxembourg common nl LUXEMBURG
+macau common nl MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common nl MACEDONIË
+madagascar common nl MADAGASKAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common nl emai domein, bijv. "%1"
+main category common nl Hoofdcategorie
+main screen common nl Hoofdscherm
+maintainer common nl Beheerder
+malawi common nl MALAWI
+malaysia common nl MALEISIË
+maldives common nl MALADIEVEN
+mali common nl MALI
+malta common nl MALTA
+march common nl Maart
+marshall islands common nl MARSHALL EILANDEN
+martinique common nl MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common nl MAURITANIË
+mauritius common nl MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common nl Max. aantal iconen in navigatiebalk?
+may common nl Mei
+mayotte common nl MAYOTTE
+medium common nl Gemiddeld
+menu common nl Menu
+message common nl Bericht
+mexico common nl MEXICO
+micronesia, federated states of common nl MICRONESIË
+minute common nl minuut
+moldova, republic of common nl MOLDOVIË
+monaco common nl MONACO
+monday common nl Maandag
+mongolia common nl MONGOLIË
+montenegro common nl MONTENEGRO
+montserrat common nl MONTSERRAT
+morocco common nl MAROKKO
+mozambique common nl MOZAMBIQUE
+multiple common nl meerdere
+myanmar common nl BIRMA (MYANMAR)
+name common nl Naam
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common nl naam van de gebruiker, bijv. "%1"
+namibia common nl NAMIBIË
+nauru common nl NAURU
+nepal common nl NEPAL
+netherlands common nl NEDERLAND
+netherlands antilles common nl DE NEDERLANDSE ANTILLEN
+never common nl Nooit
+new caledonia common nl NIEUW-CALEDONIË
+new entry added sucessfully common nl Nieuw item succesvol toegevoegd
+new main category common nl Nieuwe hoofdcategorie
+new value common nl Nieuwe waarde
+new zealand common nl NIEUW ZEELAND
+next common nl Volgende
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar nl Volgende maand (vasthouden voor menu)
+next page common nl volgende pagina
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar nl Volgend jaar (vasthouden voor menu)
+nicaragua common nl NICARAGUA
+niger common nl NIGER
+nigeria common nl NIGERIA
+niue common nl NIUE
+no common nl Nee
+no entries found, try again ... common nl Geen items gevonden, probeer het nogmaals ...
+no history for this record common nl Geen geschiedenis voor dit item
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common nl Geen Savant2 template mappen gevonden in:
+no subject common nl Geen onderwerp
+none common nl Geen
+norfolk island common nl NORFOLK EILAND
+normal common nl Normaal
+northern mariana islands common nl NOORDELIJKE MARIANA-EILANDEN
+norway common nl NOORWEGEN
+not common nl niet
+not a user yet? register now common nl Nog geen gebruiker? Registreer nu
+not assigned common nl Niet toegewezen
+not readable %1 entry of user %2 common nl Niet leesbaar item %1 van gebruiker %2
+note common nl Notitie
+notes common nl Notities
+notifications common nl meldingen
+notify window common nl Attentievenster
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common nl Waarschuw uw beheerder om deze situatie te laten corrigeren
+november common nl November
+october common nl Oktober
+ok common nl Oké
+old value common nl Oude waarde
+oman common nl OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common nl Op *nix systemen typt u: %1
+on mouse over common nl Bij Mouse Over
+only private common nl alleen privé
+only yours common nl alleen eigen weergeven
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common nl Oeps! Je treft ons aan terwijl wij midden in het systeem onderhoud zitten
+open notify window common nl Attentievenster openen
+open popup window common nl Popupvenster openen
+open sidebox common nl Zijkant box openen
+ordered list common nl Genummerde lijst
+original common nl Origineel
+other common nl Andere
+overview common nl Overzicht
+owner common nl Eigenaar
+page common nl Pagina
+page was generated in %1 seconds common nl Deze pagina werd gegenereerd in %1 seconden.
+pakistan common nl PAKISTAN
+palau common nl PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common nl PALESTIJNSE BEZETTE GEBIEDEN
+panama common nl PANAMA
+papua new guinea common nl PAPUA NIEUW-GUINEA
+paraguay common nl PARAGUAY
+parcel common nl Pakketten
+parent category common nl Bovenliggende categorie
+password common nl Wachtwoord
+password could not be changed common nl Wachtwoord kon niet worden gewijzigd
+password has been updated common nl Wachtwoord is gewijzigd
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common nl Wachtwoord moet minstens %1 kleine letters bevatten
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common nl Wachtwoord moet minstens %1 cijfers bevatten
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common nl Wachtwoord moet minstens %1 bijzondere tekens bevatten
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common nl Wachtwoord moet minstens %1 hoofdletters bevatten
+password must have at least %1 characters common nl Wachtwoord moet minstens %1 tekens bevatten
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common nl Pad naar gebruikers- en groepsbestanden. Dit MOET BUITEN het pad liggen van de documentendirectorie van de webserver !!!
+permission denied! common nl Toestemming geweigerd!
+permissions to the files/users directory common nl privileges aan de bestanden/gebruikers toekennen
+personal common nl Persoonlijk
+peru common nl PERU
+philippines common nl FILIPIJNEN
+phone number common nl telefoonnummer
+phpgwapi common nl eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common nl PITCAIRN (EILAND)
+please %1 by hand common nl Gelieve %1 handmatig uit te voeren
+please enter a name common nl Vul a.u.b. een naam in !
+please run setup to become current common nl Voer a.u.b. de setup uit om een actuele versie te verkrijgen
+please select common nl Selecteer a.u.b.
+please set your global preferences common nl Stel a.u.b. uw persoonlijke voorkeuren in !
+please set your preferences for this application common nl Stel a.u.b. uw voorkeuren in voor deze toepassing !
+please wait... common nl Even geduld a.u.b.
+please, check back with us shortly. common nl Kom svp spoedig bij ons terug.
+poland common nl POLEN
+portugal common nl PORTUGAL
+postal common nl Post
+powered by common nl Ondersteund door
+powered by egroupware version %1 common nl Gebruikt eGroupWare versie %1
+preferences common nl Voorkeuren
+preferences for the idots template set common nl Voorkeuren voor de idots template set
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar nl Vorige maand (vasthouden voor menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar nl Vorig jaar (vasthouden voor menu)
+previous page common nl Vorige pagina
+primary style-sheet: common nl Primaire style-sheet:
+print common nl Afdrukken
+priority common nl Prioriteit
+private common nl Privé
+programs common nl Programma's
+project common nl Project
+public common nl publiek
+puerto rico common nl PUERTO RICO
+qatar common nl QATAR
+read common nl Lezen
+read this list of methods. common nl Lees deze lijst met methodes.
+reading common nl leest
+register common nl Registreer
+regular common nl Regulier
+reject common nl Afwijzen
+remember me common nl Onthoud mij
+remove selected accounts common nl verwijder geselecteerde accounts
+remove shortcut common nl Snelkoppeling verwijderen
+rename common nl Hernoemen
+replace common nl Vervangen
+replace with common nl Vervangen met
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common nl Geeft een volledige lijst met accounts die aanwezig zijn op het systeem. Waarschuwing: Deze lijst kan erg lang zijn.
+returns an array of todo items common nl Geef een serie van todo items
+returns struct of users application access common nl Geeft de toegangsrechten van de gebruikers
+reunion common nl RÉUNION (EILAND)
+right common nl Rechts
+romania common nl ROMANIË
+russian common nl Russisch
+russian federation common nl RUSLAND
+rwanda common nl RWANDA
+saint helena common nl SINT HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common nl SINT KITTS EN NEVIS
+saint lucia common nl SINT LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common nl SINT PIERRE EN MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common nl SINT VINCENT EN DE GRENADINEN
+samoa common nl SAMOA
+san marino common nl SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common nl SAO TOMÉ AND PRINCIPE
+saturday common nl Zaterdag
+saudi arabia common nl SAUDI ARABIË
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common nl Savant2 versie verschilt van Savant2 wrapper.
Deze versie: %1
Savants versie: %2
+save common nl Opslaan
+search common nl Zoeken
+search %1 '%2' common nl Zoek %1 '%2'
+search accounts common nl Zoek accounts
+search or select accounts common nl Zoek of selecteer accounts
+second common nl seconde
+section common nl Sectie
+select common nl Selecteren
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common nl Selecteer alle %1 %2 voor %3
+select category common nl Selecteer Categorie
+select date common nl Selecteer datum
+select group common nl Selecteer groep
+select home email address common nl Selecteer emailadres thuis
+select multiple accounts common nl selecteer meerdere accounts
+select one common nl Selecteer een
+select the default height for the application windows common nl Selecteer de standaard hoogte voor de toepassingsvensters
+select the default width for the application windows common nl Selecteer de standaard breedte voor de toepassingsvensters
+select user common nl Selecteer gebruiker
+select work email address common nl Selecteer emailadres werk
+selection common nl Selectie
+send common nl Verzend
+senegal common nl SENEGAL
+september common nl September
+serbia common nl Servië
+server %1 has been added common nl Server %1 is toegevoegd
+server answered. processing response... common nl Server heeft geantwoord. Reactie wordt verwerkt...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common nl Server verbonden. Wacht op reactie...
+server name common nl Servernaam
+session has been killed common nl Sessie is beëindigd
+setup common nl Setup
+setup main menu common nl Setup hoofdmenu
+seychelles common nl SEYCHELLEN
+show all common nl laat alles zien
+show all categorys common nl Alle categorieën weergegeven
+show as topmenu common nl Toon als Topmenu
+show clock? common nl Klok weergeven?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common nl Home en logout knop weergeven in de toepassingen balk?
+show in sidebox common nl Toon in zijkant blok
+show logo's on the desktop. common nl Logo's op het bureaublad weergeven.
+show menu common nl toon menu
+show page generation time common nl Verlooptijd van de pagina's weergeven?
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common nl Generatietijd van de pagina's weergeven onderaan de pagina?
+show page generation time? common nl Verlooptijd pagina weergeven?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common nl Toont de logo's van eGroupWare en x-desktop op het bureaublad.
+show_more_apps common nl Meer applicaties weergeven
+showing %1 common nl weergegeven: %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common nl weergegeven: %1 - %2 van %3
+sierra leone common nl SIERRA LEONE
+simple common nl Eenvoudig
+singapore common nl SINGAPORE
+site configuration common nl Siteconfiguratie
+slovakia common nl SLOWAKIJË
+slovenia common nl SLOVENIË
+solomon islands common nl SALOMOMEILANDEN
+somalia common nl SOMALIË
+sorry, your login has expired login nl Excuses, uw sessie is verlopen
+south africa common nl ZUID AFRIKA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common nl ZUID-GEORGIA EN DE ZUIDELIJKE SANDWICHEILANDEN
+spain common nl SPANJE
+sri lanka common nl SRI LANKA
+start date common nl Startdatum
+start time common nl Starttijd
+start with common nl starten met
+starting up... common nl Wordt opgestart...
+status common nl Status
+stretched common nl uitgerekt
+subject common nl Onderwerp
+submit common nl Verzenden
+substitutions and their meanings: common nl Vervangingen en hun betekenissen:
+sudan common nl SUDAN
+sunday common nl Zondag
+suriname common nl SURINAME
+svalbard and jan mayen common nl SVALBARD EN JAN MAYEN (EILANDEN)
+swaziland common nl SWAZILAND
+sweden common nl ZWEDEN
+switzerland common nl ZWITSERLAND
+syrian arab republic common nl SYRIË
+table properties common nl Tabel-eigenschappen
+taiwan common nl TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common nl TADZJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common nl TANZANIA
+text color: common nl Tekstkleur:
+thailand common nl THAILAND
+the api is current common nl De API is actueel
+the api requires an upgrade common nl De API vereist een upgrade
+the following applications require upgrades common nl De volgende toepassingen vereisen een upgrade
+the mail server returned common nl De mailserver gaf als reactie
+this application is current common nl Deze toepassing is actueel
+this application requires an upgrade common nl Deze toepassing vereist een upgrade
+this name has been used already common nl Deze naam is reeds in gebruik !
+thursday common nl Donderdag
+tiled common nl als tegels
+time common nl Tijd
+time selection: jscalendar nl Tijdselectie:
+time zone common nl Tijdzone
+time zone offset common nl Tijdzoneverschil
+title common nl Titel
+to common nl Aan
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common nl Om deze fout in de toekomst te voorkomen moet u de juiste
+to go back to the msg list, click here common nl Klik hier om terug te gaan in de berichtenlijst.
+today common nl Vandaag
+todays date, eg. "%1" common nl datum vandaag, bijv. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar nl (de)activeer eerste dag van de week
+togo common nl TOGO
+tokelau common nl TOKELAU
+tonga common nl TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common nl De veel mislukte pogingen om in te loggen: %1 voor de gebruiker '%2', %3 voor het IP %4
+top common nl Boven
+total common nl Totaal
+transparant bg for the icons? common nl Transparante achtergrond voor de pictogrammen?
+trinidad and tobago common nl TRINIDAD EN TOBAGO
+tuesday common nl Dinsdag
+tunisia common nl TUNISIË
+turkey common nl TURKIJË
+turkmenistan common nl TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common nl TURKS EN CAICOSEILANDEN
+tuvalu common nl TUVALU
+type common nl Type
+uganda common nl UGANDA
+ukraine common nl OEKRAÏNE
+underline common nl Onderstrepen
+united arab emirates common nl VERENIGDE ARABISCHE EMIRATEN
+united kingdom common nl VERENIGD KONINKRIJK
+united states common nl VERENIGDE STATES
+united states minor outlying islands common nl VERENIGDE STATES: KLEINE EILANDEN
+unknown common nl Onbekend
+update common nl Bijwerken
+update the clock per minute or per second common nl De klok per minuut of per seconde actualiseren
+upload common nl Upload
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common nl Upload map bestaat niet of is niet schrijfbaar voor de webserver
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common nl Upload vereist dat de directory door de webserver beschreven kan worden!
+url common nl URL
+uruguay common nl URUGUAY
+use button to search for common nl Gebruik knop om te zoeken naar
+use button to search for address common nl gebruik Knop om te zoeken naar Adressen
+use button to search for calendarevent common nl gebruik Knop om te zoeken naar Agenda-afspraken
+use button to search for project common nl gebruik Knop om te zoeken naar Projecten
+user common nl Gebruiker
+user accounts common nl Gebruikersaccounts
+user groups common nl Gebruikersgroepen
+username common nl Gebruikersnaam
+users common nl gebruikers
+users choice common nl Gebruikerskeuze
+uzbekistan common nl OEZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common nl VANUATU
+venezuela common nl VENEZUELA
+version common nl Versie
+viet nam common nl VIETNAM
+view common nl Bekijken
+virgin islands, british common nl BRITSE MAAGDENEILANDEN
+virgin islands, u.s. common nl AMERIKAANSE MAAGDENEILANDEN
+wallis and futuna common nl WALLIS EN FUTUNA
+wednesday common nl Woensdag
+welcome common nl Welkom
+western european common nl West europees
+western sahara common nl WESTELIJK SAHARA
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common nl Welke kleur moet de blanko ruimte op het bureaublad hebben
+what style would you like the image to have? common nl Welke stijl wilt u dat de afbeelding heeft?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common nl Indien u ja antwoord worden de home en loguit knop gepresenteerd als toepassingen in de toepassingenbalk.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common nl Waar en op welke manier moeten de eGroupWare links zoals voorkeuren, informatie en uitloggen getoond worden.
+which groups common nl Welke groepen
+width common nl Breedte
+wk jscalendar nl wk
+work email common nl email werk
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common nl Wilt u de pagina gerereer tijd onderaan iedere pagina laten weergeven?
+writing common nl schrijft
+written by: common nl Geschreven door:
+year common nl Jaar
+yemen common nl JEMEN
+yes common nl Ja
+you are required to change your password during your first login common nl U moet nadat u voor het eerst bent ingelogd uw wachtwoord wijzigen.
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common nl U kunt instellen hoeveel pictogrammen en taakbalken de editor moet tonen.
+you have been successfully logged out login nl U bent succesvol afgemeld
+you have not entered a title common nl U heeft geen titel ingevoerd !
+you have not entered a valid date common nl U heeft geen geldige datum ingevoerd !
+you have not entered a valid time of day common nl U heeft geen geldige tijd van de dag ingevoerd !
+you have not entered participants common nl U heeft geen deelnemers opgegeven !
+you have selected an invalid date common nl U heeft een ongeldige datum geselecteerd !
+you have selected an invalid main category common nl U heeft een ongeldige hoofdcategorie geselecteerd !
+you have successfully logged out common nl U bent succesvol afgemeld
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common nl Je moet de webserver user '%1' aan groep '%2' toevoegen.
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common nl U moet een eGroupWare beheerder zijn om deze functionaliteit te kunnen benaderen!
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common nl U heeft geprobeerd om de eGroupWare toepassing %1 te openen maar u heeft geen toestemming om deze toepassing te gebruiken.
+your message could not be sent!
common nl Uw bericht kon niet worden verzonden!
+your message has been sent common nl Uw bericht is verzonden
+your search returned %1 matchs common nl Uw zoekopdracht leverde %1 items op
+your search returned 1 match common nl Uw zoekopdracht leverde 1 item op
+your session could not be verified. login nl Uw sessie kon niet geverifieerd worden
+your settings have been updated common nl Uw instellingen zijn gewijzigd
+zambia common nl ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common nl ZIMBABWE
+zoom common nl Inzoemen
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_no.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_no.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3001f6014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_no.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common no %1 email adresser lagt til
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common no %1 er ikke eksekverbar på webtjener !!!
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common no %1eGroupWare%2 er en flerbruker, web-basert gruppevare skrevet i %3PHP%4.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar no (Shift-)klikk eller dra for å endre verdi
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar no - Klikk en av tidsdelene for å øke
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar no - Trykk og hold nede musknappen på knappene over for raskere utvalg
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar no - eller kikk og dra for raskere utvalg
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar no - eller Shift-Klikk for å redusere utvalg
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar no - Bruk %1, %2 knappene for å velge måned
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar no - Bruk %1, %2 knappene for å velge år
+00 (disable) admin no 00 (frakoblet)
+13 (ntp) admin no 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar no 3 karakterer for dag
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar no 3 karakterer for måned
+80 (http) admin no 80 (http)
+about common no Om
+about %1 common no Om %1
+about the calendar jscalendar no Om kalenderen
+access common no Tilgang
+access not permitted common no Ingen tilgang
+account has been created common no Brukerkonto har blitt opprettet
+account has been deleted common no Brukerkonto har blitt slettet
+account has been updated common no Brukerkonto har blitt oppdatert
+account is expired common no Brukerkonto har utløpt på dato
+acl common no Tlgangskontroll
+action common no Funksjon
+active common no Aktiv
+add common no Legg til
+add %1 category for common no Legg til %1 kategori for
+add category common no Legg til kategori
+add sub common no Legg til underkategori
+addressbook common no Adresseliste
+admin common no Admin
+administration common no Administrasjon
+afghanistan common no AFGANISTAN
+albania common no ALBANIA
+algeria common no ALGERIE
+all common no Alle
+all fields common no alle felt
+alphabet common no a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,x,z
+alternate style-sheet: common no Alternativt Style Sheet
+american samoa common no SAMOA
+andorra common no ANDORRA
+angola common no ANGOLA
+anguilla common no ANGUILLA
+antarctica common no ANTARKTIS
+antigua and barbuda common no ANTIGUA OG BARBUDA
+apply common no Utfør
+april common no April
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common no Er du sikkert på at du vil slette disse innslagene?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common no Er du sikker du vil slette dette innslaget ?
+argentina common no ARGENTINA
+armenia common no ARMENIA
+aruba common no ARUBA
+august common no August
+australia common no AUSTRALIA
+austria common no ØSTERRIKE
+author common no Forfatter
+autohide sidebox menus common no Gjem side-menyene automatisk
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common no Automatisk gjemme side-menyene?
+autosave default category common no Autolagre standard kategori
+azerbaijan common no AZERBADSJAN
+back common no Tilbake
+back to user login common no Tilbake til brukerpålogging
+background color: common no Bakgrunnsfarge:
+bad login or password common no Ugyldig login eller passord
+bahamas common no BAHAMAS
+bahrain common no BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common no BANGLADESH
+barbados common no BARBADOS
+bcc common no Bcc
+belarus common no HVITERUSSLAND
+belgium common no BELGIA
+belize common no BELIZE
+benin common no BENIN
+bermuda common no BERMUDA
+bhutan common no BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common no Sperret, for mange forsøk
+bold common no Uthevet
+bolivia common no BOLIVIA
+border common no Rammebredde
+bosnia and herzegovina common no BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common no BOTSWANA
+bottom common no Bottom
+bouvet island common no BOUVETØYA
+brazil common no BRASIL
+british indian ocean territory common no BRITISK INDISKE HAVTERRITORIUM
+brunei darussalam common no BRUNEI
+bulgaria common no BULGARIA
+burkina faso common no BURKINA FASO
+burundi common no BURUNDI
+calendar common no Kalender
+cambodia common no KAMBODSJA
+cameroon common no KAMERUN
+canada common no CANADA
+cancel common no Avbryt
+cape verde common no KAPP VERDE
+caption common no Overskrift
+categories common no Kategorier
+categories for common no kategorier for
+category common no Kategori
+category %1 has been added ! common no Kategori %1 ble lagt til!
+category %1 has been updated ! common no Kategori %1 ble oppdatert!
+cayman islands common no CAYMAN-ØYENE
+cc common no Cc
+central african republic common no SENTRALAFRIKANSKE REPUBLIKK
+chad common no CHAD
+change common no Endre
+charset common no utf-8
+check installation common no Sjekk installasjon
+check now common no Sjekk nå
+chile common no CHILE
+china common no KINA
+choose the category common no Velg kategori
+choose the parent category common no Velg overordnet kategori
+christmas island common no CHRISTMAS ISLAND
+clear common no Tøm
+clear form common no Tøm skjema
+click common no Klikk
+click or mouse over to show menus common no Klikk eller hold peker over for å vise menyene
+click or mouse over to show menus? common no Klikk eller hold peker over for å vise menyene?
+close common no Lukk
+cocos (keeling) islands common no COCOS (KEELING) ØYENE
+colombia common no COLOMBIA
+comoros common no COMOROS
+company common no Firma
+congo common no KONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common no KONGO, Den demokratiske republikk
+cook islands common no COOK ØYENE
+copy common no Kopier
+costa rica common no COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common no ELFENBENSKYSTEN
+create common no Opprett
+created by common no Opprettet av
+croatia common no KROATIA
+cuba common no CUBA
+currency common no Myntenhet
+current common no Nåværende
+current users common no Nåværende brukere
+cyprus common no KYPROS
+czech republic common no TSJEKKIA
+date common no Dato
+date due common no Dato Ferdig
+date selection: jscalendar no Dato utvalg
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin no Datetime port.
Hvis port 13 brukes, vennligst påse at brannmur-reglene er riktige før du oppdaterer denne siden.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common no Desember
+default category common no Standard kategori
+delete common no Slett
+delete row common no Fjern rad
+denmark common no DANMARK
+description common no Beskrivelse
+detail common no Detalj
+details common no Detaljer
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common no Koble ut bugscriptfix for Internet Explorer 5.5 og høyere for å vise gjennomsiktige PNG-bilder?
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common no Koble ut Internet Explorer png-bilde bugfix
+disable slider effects common no Slå av skyve-effektene
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common no Slå av de animerte skyver-effektene under visning eller skjuling av menyene på siden? Opera og Konqueror brukere bør sannsynligvis velge dette.
+disabled common no Utkoblet
+display %s first jscalendar no Vis %s først
+djibouti common no DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common no Vil du slette alle underkategoriene?
+doctype: common no Dok.type:
+document properties common no Dokumentegenskaper
+document title: common no Dokumenttittel
+domain common no Domene
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common no domene navn for mail adresser, f.eks:"%1"
+domestic common no Innenlands
+dominica common no DOMINICA
+dominican republic common no DOMINIKANSKE REPUBLIKK
+done common no Ferdig
+drag to move jscalendar no Dra for å flytte
+e-mail common no E-Post
+east timor common no ØST TIMOR
+ecuador common no ECUADOR
+edit common no Endre
+edit %1 category for common no Endre %1 kategori for
+edit categories common no Endre kategorier
+edit category common no Endre kategori
+egroupware api version %1 common no eGroupWare API version %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common no eGroupWare: pålogging blokkert for bruker '%1', IP %2
+egypt common no EGYPT
+el salvador common no EL SALVADOR
+email common no Epost
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common no brukerens epost-adresse, f.eks: "%1"
+enabled common no Påslått
+end date common no Sluttdato
+end time common no Slutt tidspunkt
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin no Skriv inn eGroupWares Internett adresse (URL).
F.eks: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
Ingen avsluttende skråstrek
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common no Innslaget ble slettet
+entry updated sucessfully common no Innslaget ble oppdatert
+equatorial guinea common no EKVATORIAL-GUINEA
+eritrea common no ERITREA
+error common no Feil
+error creating %1 %2 directory common no Feil under opprettelse av %1 %2 mappe
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common no Feil under sletting av %1 %2 mappe
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common no Feil under omdøping av %1 %2 mappe
+estonia common no ESTLAND
+ethiopia common no ETIOPIA
+exact common no eksakt
+falkland islands (malvinas) common no FALKLANDSØYENE
+faroe islands common no FÆRØYENE
+fax number common no Telefaksnummer
+february common no Februar
+fields common no Felter
+fiji common no FIJI
+files common no Filer
+filter common no Filter
+finland common no FINLAND
+first name common no Fornavn
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common no brukerens fornavn, f.eks: "%1"
+first page common no Første side
+firstname common no Fornavn
+fixme! common no FIXMEG!
+force selectbox common no Tvungen utvalgsboks
+france common no FRANKRIKE
+french guiana common no FRANSKE GUYANA
+french polynesia common no FRANSK POLYNESIA
+french southern territories common no FRANSKE SYDTERRITORIUM
+friday common no Fredag
+ftp common no FTP
+fullname common no Fullt navn
+gabon common no GABUN
+gambia common no GAMBIA
+general menu common no Hovedmeny
+georgia common no GEORGIA
+germany common no TYSKLAND
+ghana common no GHANA
+gibraltar common no GIBRALTAR
+global common no Global
+global public common no Global offentlig
+go today jscalendar no Gå i dag
+grant access common no Gi tilgang
+greece common no HELLAS
+greenland common no GRØNLAND
+grenada common no GRANADA
+group common no Gruppe
+group access common no Gruppetilgang
+group has been added common no Gruppen ble lagt til
+group has been deleted common no Gruppen ble slettet
+group has been updated common no Gruppe har blitt oppdatert
+group name common no gruppenavn
+group public common no Gruppe Offentlig
+groups common no Grupper
+groups with permission for %1 common no Grupper med tilgang til %1
+groups without permission for %1 common no Grupper uten tilgang til %1
+guadeloupe common no GUADELOUPE
+guam common no GUAM
+guatemala common no GUATEMALA
+guinea common no GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common no GUINEA BISSAU
+guyana common no GUYANA
+haiti common no HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common no HEARD OG MCDONALD ØYENE
+height common no Høyde
+high common no Høy
+highest common no Høyest
+holy see (vatican city state) common no VATIKANET
+home common no Hjem
+home email common no hjemme epost
+honduras common no HONDURAS
+hong kong common no HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common no Hvor mange ikoner som skal vises på navigasjonslinjen (på toppen av siden). Ekstra ikoner vises i en rullegardinmeny ved å trykke på ikonet lengst til høyre på navigasjonslinjen.
+hungary common no UNGARN
+iceland common no ISLAND
+image url common no Bildets URL
+india common no INDIA
+indonesia common no INONESIA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common no Legg til alle %1 adresser fra %2 kontakter i %3
+insert column after common no Opprett kolonne etter
+insert column before common no Opprett kolonne før
+insert row after common no Opprett rad etter
+insert row before common no Opprett rad før
+international common no Internasjonal
+invalid ip address common no Ugyldig IP adresse
+invalid password common no Ugyldig passord
+iran, islamic republic of common no IRAN
+iraq common no IRAK
+ireland common no IRLAND
+israel common no ISRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common no Det er mer enn %1 dager siden du endret passordet ditt
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common no Det er anbefalt at du kjører setup for å oppgradere til den gjeldende versjonen.
+italic common no Kursiv
+italy common no ITALIA
+jamaica common no JAMAICA
+january common no Januar
+japan common no JAPAN
+jordan common no JORDAN
+july common no Juli
+jun common no Jun
+june common no Juni
+justify center common no Senterjustèr
+justify full common no Fulljustèring
+justify left common no Venstrejustèr
+justify right common no Høyrejustèr
+kazakstan common no KAZAKSTAN
+kenya common no KENYA
+keywords common no Nøkkelord
+kiribati common no KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common no NORD KOREA
+korea, republic of common no SØR KOREA
+kuwait common no QUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common no KYRGYZSTAN
+language common no Språk
+lao peoples democratic republic common no LAO
+last name common no Etternavn
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common no Brukerens etternavn, f.eks: "%1"
+last page common no siste side
+lastname common no Etternavn
+latvia common no LATVIA
+ldap-mgr common no LDAP Betjening
+lebanon common no LIBANON
+left common no Venstre
+lesotho common no LESOTHO
+liberia common no LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common no LIBYA
+license common no Lisens
+liechtenstein common no LIECHTENSTEIN
+list common no Liste
+list members common no Liste medlemmer
+lithuania common no LITAUEN
+local common no Lokal
+login common no Login
+loginid common no LoginID
+logout common no Logg ut
+low common no Lav
+lowest common no Lavest
+luxembourg common no LUXEMBURG
+macau common no MACAO
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common no MAKEDONIA
+madagascar common no MADAGASKAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common no mail domene, f.eks: "%1"
+main category common no Hovedkategori
+main screen common no Forside
+maintainer common no Vedlikeholdsansvarlig
+malawi common no MALAWI
+malaysia common no MALAYSIA
+maldives common no MALDIVENE
+mali common no MALI
+malta common no MALTA
+march common no Mars
+marshall islands common no MARSHALL-ØYENE
+martinique common no MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common no MAURITANIA
+mauritius common no MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common no Maks antall ikoner på navigasjonslinje
+may common no Mai
+mayotte common no MAYOTTE
+medium common no Medium
+menu common no Meny
+message common no Melding
+mexico common no MEXICO
+micronesia, federated states of common no MIKRONESIA
+moldova, republic of common no MOLDOVA
+monaco common no MONACO
+monday common no Mandag
+mongolia common no MONGOLIA
+montserrat common no MONTSERRAT
+morocco common no MAROKKO
+mozambique common no MOSAMBIK
+myanmar common no MYANMAR
+name common no Navn
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common no Brukerens navn, f.eks: "%1"
+namibia common no NAMIBIA
+nauru common no NAURU
+nepal common no NEPAL
+netherlands common no NEDERLAND
+netherlands antilles common no NEDERLANDSKE ANTILLER
+never common no Aldri
+new caledonia common no NY KALEDONIA
+new entry added sucessfully common no Ny innslag ble lagt til
+new main category common no Ny hovedkategori
+new value common no Ny verdi
+new zealand common no NEW ZEALAND
+next common no Neste
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar no Neste måned (hold nede for meny)
+next page common no Neste side
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar no Neste side (hold nede for meny)
+nicaragua common no NICARAGUA
+niger common no NIGER
+nigeria common no NIGERIA
+niue common no NIUE
+no common no Nei
+no entries found, try again ... common no ingen treff prøv igjen ...
+no history for this record common no Ingen historie for denne posten
+no subject common no Ingen Overskrift
+none common no Ingen
+norfolk island common no NORFOLK-ØYA
+normal common no Normal
+northern mariana islands common no NORDRE MARIANA ØYENE
+norway common no NORGE
+not assigned common no ikke tildelt
+note common no Notat
+notes common no Notater
+notify window common no Meldingsvindu
+november common no November
+october common no Oktober
+ok common no OK
+old value common no Gammel verdi
+oman common no OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common no På *nix systemer tast: %1
+on mouse over common no On Mouse Over
+only private common no kun private
+only yours common no kun dine
+open notify window common no Åpne varslingsvindu
+open popup window common no Åpne pop-up vindu
+ordered list common no Nummerliste
+original common no Orginal
+other common no Annet
+overview common no Oversikt
+owner common no Eier
+page common no Side
+page was generated in %1 seconds common no Siden ble generert på %1 sekunder
+pakistan common no PAKISTAN
+palau common no PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common no PALESTINSK OKKUPERT TERRITORIE
+panama common no PANAMA
+papua new guinea common no PAPUA NEW GUINEA
+paraguay common no PARAGUAY
+parcel common no Pakke
+parent category common no Overordnet kategori
+password common no Passord
+password could not be changed common no Passord kunne ikke endres
+password has been updated common no Passord har blitt oppdatert
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common no Sti til bruker- og gruppe-filer. MÅ VÆRE UTENFOR webserverens dokument-rot!!!
+permissions to the files/users directory common no tilgang til filmapper / brukermapper
+personal common no Personlig
+peru common no PERU
+philippines common no FILIPPINENE
+phone number common no Telefonnummer
+pitcairn common no PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common no Vennligst %1 for hånd
+please enter a name common no Vennligst tast inn et navn !
+please run setup to become current common no Vennligst kjør setup for å oppdatere til siste versjon
+please select common no Velg
+please set your global preferences common no Sett dine globale preferanser
+please set your preferences for this application common no Sett dine preferanser for denne applikasjonen
+please wait... common no Vennligst vent...
+poland common no POLEN
+portugal common no PORTUGAL
+postal common no Post
+powered by egroupware version %1 common no Drevet av eGroupWare versjon %1
+preferences common no Preferanser
+preferences for the idots template set common no Innstillinger for idots malen
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar no Forrige måned (hold for meny)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar no Forrige år (hold for meny)
+previous page common no Forrige side
+primary style-sheet: common no Primær style-sheet:
+print common no Skriv ut
+priority common no Prioritet
+private common no Privat
+project common no Prosjekt
+public common no offentlig
+puerto rico common no PUERTO RICO
+qatar common no QATAR
+read common no Les
+read this list of methods. common no Les metode-listen.
+reject common no Avvis
+remove selected accounts common no fjern valgte konti
+rename common no Endre navn
+replace common no Erstatt
+replace with common no Erstatt med
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common no Returner en komplett liste av brukerkontoer på systemet. Advarsel: Denne listen kan bli svært lang
+returns an array of todo items common no Viser en tabell med gjøremål
+returns struct of users application access common no Viser en struktur over brukeres tilgang til applikasjonene
+reunion common no REUNION
+right common no Høyre
+romania common no ROMANIA
+russian federation common no RUSSISKE FØDERASJON
+rwanda common no RUANDA
+saint helena common no SAINT HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common no SAINT KITTS & NEVIS ANGUILLA
+saint lucia common no SAINT HELENA
+saint pierre and miquelon common no SAINT PIERRE OG MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common no SAINT VINCENT AND OG GRENADINENE
+samoa common no SAMOA
+san marino common no SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common no SAINT TOME OG PRINCIPE
+saturday common no Lørdag
+saudi arabia common no SAUDI-ARABIA
+save common no Lagre
+search common no Søk
+search %1 '%2' common no Søk %1 '%2'
+search or select accounts common no Søk eller velg konti
+search or select multiple accounts common no SSøk eller velg flere konti
+section common no Avsnitt
+select common no Velg
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common no Velg alle %1 %2 for %3
+select category common no Velg kategori
+select date common no Velg dato
+select group common no Velg gruppe
+select home email address common no Velg hjemme-epost adresse
+select multiple accounts common no velg flere konti
+select one common no Velg en
+select user common no Velg bruker
+select work email address common no Velg jobb-epost adresse
+selection common no Valg
+send common no Send
+senegal common no SENEGAL
+september common no September
+server %1 has been added common no Tjener %1 ble lagt til
+server name common no Tjenernavn
+session has been killed common no Sesjonen ble avsluttet
+setup common no Oppsett
+setup main menu common no Hovedoppsett meny
+seychelles common no SEYCHELLENE
+show all common no vis alle
+show all categorys common no Vis alle kategorier
+show menu common no vis meny
+show page generation time common no Vis sidegenereringstid
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common no Vise sidegenereringstid på bunn av siden?
+show_more_apps common no vis_flere_applikasjoner
+showing %1 common no viser %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common no viser %1 - %2 of %3
+sierra leone common no SIERRA LEONE
+singapore common no SINGAPORE
+slovakia common no SLOVAKIA
+slovenia common no SLOVENIA
+solomon islands common no SOLOMON ØYENE
+somalia common no SOMALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login no Beklager, din bruker har gått ut på dato
+south africa common no SØR_AFRIKA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common no SØR GEORGIA OG SØR SANDWICH ØYENE
+spain common no SPANIA
+sri lanka common no SRI LANKA
+start date common no Startdato
+start time common no Start tid
+start with common no Start med
+status common no Status
+subject common no Emne
+submit common no Send
+substitutions and their meanings: common no Erstatninger og deres betydninger:
+sudan common no SUDAN
+sunday common no Søndag
+suriname common no SURINAM
+svalbard and jan mayen common no SVALBARD OG JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common no SWAZILAND
+sweden common no SVERIGE
+switzerland common no SVEITS
+syrian arab republic common no SYRIA
+table properties common no Table properties
+taiwan common no TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common no TADJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common no TANZANIA
+text color: common no Tekstfarge:
+thailand common no THAILAND
+the api is current common no API er oppdatert
+the api requires an upgrade common no API trenger oppgradering
+the following applications require upgrades common no De følgende applikasjonene trenger oppgradering
+the mail server returned common no Epost tjener returnerte
+this application is current common no Applikasjonen er oppdatert
+this application requires an upgrade common no Applikasjonen trenger oppgradering
+this name has been used already common no Dette navnet er allerede i bruk !
+thursday common no Torsdag
+time common no Tid
+time selection: jscalendar no Valg av tid:
+time zone common no Tidssone
+time zone offset common no Tidsforskjell
+title common no Tittel
+to common no Til
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common no For å unngå denne feilen i framtiden må du sette
+to go back to the msg list, click here common no For å gå tilbake til meldingslisten, klikk her
+today common no Idag
+todays date, eg. "%1" common no Dagens dato, f.eks: "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar no Velg føste ukedag
+togo common no TOGO
+tokelau common no TOKELAU
+tonga common no TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common no For mange mislykkede påloggings-forsøk: %1 av brukeren '%2', %3 på IP %4
+top common no Top
+total common no Total
+trinidad and tobago common no TRINIDAD OG TOBAGO
+tuesday common no Tirsdag
+tunisia common no TUNIS
+turkey common no TYRKIA
+turkmenistan common no TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common no TURKS OG CAICOS ØYENE
+tuvalu common no TUVALU
+uganda common no UGANDA
+ukraine common no UKRAINA
+underline common no Understreket
+united arab emirates common no FORENEDE ARABISKE EMIRATER
+united kingdom common no STORBRITANIA
+united states common no USA
+united states minor outlying islands common no USA-ØYER
+unknown common no Ukjent
+update common no Opprett
+upload common no Last opp
+url common no URL
+uruguay common no URUGUAY
+use button to search for common no trykk for å søke etter
+use button to search for address common no trykk for å søke etter adresser
+use button to search for calendarevent common no trykk for å søke etter avtaler
+use button to search for project common no trykk for å søke etter prosjekter
+user common no Bruker
+user accounts common no brukerkonto
+user groups common no brukergrupper
+username common no Brukernavn
+users common no brukere
+users choice common no Brukervalg
+uzbekistan common no USBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common no VANUATU
+venezuela common no VENEZUELA
+version common no Versjon
+viet nam common no VIETNAM
+view common no Vis
+virgin islands, british common no JOMFRUØYENE (BR.)
+virgin islands, u.s. common no JOMFRUØYENE (USA)
+wallis and futuna common no WALLIS OG FUTUNA ØYENE
+wednesday common no Onsdag
+welcome common no Velkommen
+western sahara common no VEST-SAHARA
+which groups common no Hvilke grupper
+width common no Bredde
+wk jscalendar no wk
+work email common no arbeids-epost
+written by: common no Skrevet av:
+year common no År
+yemen common no JEMEN
+yes common no Ja
+you are required to change your password during your first login common no Du må endre passord etter din første innlogging
+you have been successfully logged out login no Du har nå logget ut
+you have not entered a title common no Du har ikke tastet inn en tittel
+you have not entered a valid date common no Du har ikke tastet inn en gyldig dato
+you have not entered a valid time of day common no Du har ikke tastet inn et gyldig tidspunkt
+you have not entered participants common no Du har ikke tastet inn deltagere
+you have selected an invalid date common no Du har valgt en ugyldig dato !
+you have selected an invalid main category common no Du har valgt en ugyldig hovedkategori !
+you have successfully logged out common no Du har logget ut
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common no Du må melde brukeren '%1' inn i '%2' gruppen på webtjener.
+your message could not be sent!
common no Meldingen kunne ikke sendes!
+your message has been sent common no Din melding har blitt sent
+your search returned %1 matchs common no ditt søk gav %1 treff
+your search returned 1 match common no ditt søk gav 1 treff
+your session could not be verified. login no Din sesjon kunne ikke bekreftes
+your settings have been updated common no Dine innstillinger har blitt oppdatert
+yugoslavia common no JUGOSLAVIA
+zambia common no ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common no ZIMBABWE
+site configuration common no Konfigurasjon av nettsted
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_pl.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_pl.lang
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ae64e7a8a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_pl.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common pl %1 adresów email dodane
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common pl %1 nie może być wykonany przez webserver !!!
+%1 manual common pl %1 podręcznik
+%1 start common pl %1 start
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common pl %1Wybierz inny katalog%2
lub uczyń %3 dostępny do zapisu dla serwera WWW
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common pl %1eGroupWare%2 jest pakietem oprogramowania do pracy grupowej dla wielu użytkowników, działającym w środowisku internetowym / intranetowym i napisanym w PHP4.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar pl Kilknij z Shift-em aby przenieść lub zmienić wartość
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar pl - Kliknij na dowolny wycinek czasu aby go zwiększyć
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar pl - Zatrzymaj przycisk myszy na którymś z powyższych przycisków, aby szybciej wybrać.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar pl - lub kliknij i przenieś, aby szybciej wybrać.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar pl - lub kliknij z Shift-em aby zmniejszyć
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar pl - Użyj przycisków %1, %2 aby wybrać miesiąc
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar pl - Użyj przycisków %1, %2 aby wybrać rok
+00 (disable) admin pl 00 (wyłączony)
+13 (ntp) admin pl 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar pl 3 ilość znaków dla skrótu dnia
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar pl 3 ilość znaków dla skrótu miesiąca
+80 (http) admin pl 80 (http)
+about common pl O aplikacji
+about %1 common pl O aplikacji %1
+about egroupware common pl O eGroupWare
+about the calendar jscalendar pl O kalendarzu
+access common pl Dostęp
+access not permitted common pl Dostęp zabroniony
+account has been created common pl Konto zostało utworzone
+account has been deleted common pl Konto zostało skasowane
+account has been updated common pl Konto zostało uaktualnione
+account is expired common pl Konto wygasło
+acl common pl ACL
+action common pl Operacja
+active common pl Aktywne
+add common pl Dodaj
+add %1 category for common pl Dodaj kategorię %1 dla
+add category common pl Dodaj kategorię
+add shortcut common pl Dodaj skrót
+add sub common pl Dodaj podrzędne
+addressbook common pl Adresy, kontakty
+admin common pl Administrator
+administration common pl Administracja
+afghanistan common pl AFGANISTAN
+albania common pl ALBANIA
+algeria common pl ALGIERIA
+all common pl Wszystko
+all fields common pl wszystkie pola
+alphabet common pl a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,u,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common pl Alternatywny arkusz stylu
+american samoa common pl SAMOA AMERYKAŃSKIE
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common pl Katalog: istniejący ORAZ możliwy do odczytu przez serwer WWW, pozwala uruchomić przeglądarkę obrazków oraz ładowanie plików na serwer.
+andorra common pl ANDORA
+angola common pl ANGOLA
+anguilla common pl ANGUILLA
+antarctica common pl ANTARKTYKA
+antigua and barbuda common pl ANTIGUA I BARBUDA
+application common pl Aplikacja
+apply common pl Uaktualnij
+april common pl Kwiecień
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common pl Czy na pewno usunąć te wpisy?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common pl Czy na pewno usunąć ten wpis?
+argentina common pl ARGENTYNA
+armenia common pl ARMENIA
+aruba common pl ARUBA
+august common pl Sierpień
+australia common pl AUSTRALIA
+austria common pl AUSTRIA
+author common pl Autor
+autohide sidebox menu's common pl Automatycznie ukrywaj menu boczne
+autohide sidebox menus common pl Automatyczne ukrywanie bocznych menu
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common pl Czy ukrywać automatycznie menu boczne?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common pl Automatycznie ukrywać menu boczne?
+autosave default category common pl Automatyczny zapis domyślnej kategorii
+azerbaijan common pl AZERBEJDŻAN
+back common pl Powrót
+back to user login common pl Wróć do logowania uzytkowników
+background color: common pl Kolor tła
+bad login or password common pl Błędna nazwa użytkownika lub hasło
+bahamas common pl BAHAMY
+bahrain common pl BAHRAJN
+bangladesh common pl BANGLADESZ
+barbados common pl BARBADOS
+bcc common pl Bcc
+belarus common pl BIAŁORUŚ
+belgium common pl BELGIA
+belize common pl BELIZE
+benin common pl BENIN
+bermuda common pl BERMUDY
+bhutan common pl BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common pl Zablokowane, za duzo prób
+bold common pl Pogrubienie
+bolivia common pl BOLIWIA
+border common pl Ramka
+bosnia and herzegovina common pl BOŚNIA I HERCEGOWINA
+botswana common pl BOTSWANA
+bottom common pl do dolu
+bouvet island common pl WYSPA BOUVETA
+brazil common pl BRAZYLIA
+british indian ocean territory common pl BRYTYJSKIE TERYTORIUM OCEANU INDYJSKIEGO
+brunei darussalam common pl BRUNEI
+bulgaria common pl BUŁGARIA
+burkina faso common pl BURKINA FASO
+burundi common pl BURUNDI
+calendar common pl Kalendarz
+cambodia common pl KAMBODŻA
+cameroon common pl KAMERUN
+canada common pl KANADA
+cancel common pl Wyjdź
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common pl Nie moge zamienić %1 gdyż jest to katalog
+cant open '%1' for %2 common pl Nie mogę otworzyć %1 do %2
+caption common pl Nagłówek
+categories common pl Kategorie
+categories for common pl kategorie dla
+category common pl Kategoria
+category %1 has been added ! common pl Kategoria %1 została dodana !
+category %1 has been updated ! common pl Kategoria %1 została uaktualniona !
+cayman islands common pl KAJMANY
+cc common pl Cc
+centered common pl wyśrodkowany
+central african republic common pl REPUBLIKA ŚRODKOWOAFRYKANSKA
+chad common pl CZAD
+change common pl Zmień
+charset common pl utf-8
+check installation common pl Sprawdź instalację
+check now common pl Sprawdź teraz
+chile common pl CHILE
+china common pl CHINY
+choose a background color common pl Wybierz kolor dla tła
+choose a background color for the icons common pl Wybierz kolor dla ikon
+choose a background image. common pl Wybierz obrazek tła
+choose a background style. common pl Wybierz styl tła
+choose a text color for the icons common pl Wybierz kolor tekstu dla ikon
+choose the category common pl Wybierz kategorię
+choose the parent category common pl Wybierz kategorię nadrzędną
+christmas island common pl WYSPA BOŻEGO NARODZENIA
+clear common pl Wyczyść
+clear form common pl Wyczyść formularz
+click common pl Kliknij
+click or mouse over to show menus common pl Kliknij lub najedź myszką, aby wyświetlić menu
+click or mouse over to show menus? common pl Kliknij lub najedź myszką, aby wyświetlić menu?
+close common pl Zamknij
+close sidebox common pl Zamknij boczne okno
+cocos (keeling) islands common pl WYSPY KOKOSOWE
+colombia common pl KOLUMBIA
+common preferences common pl Wspólne ustawienia
+comoros common pl KOMORY
+company common pl Firma
+congo common pl KONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common pl REPUBLIKA DEMOKRATYCZNA KONGA
+contacting server... common pl Trwa łączenie z serwerem...
+cook islands common pl WYSPY COOKA
+copy common pl Kopiuj
+costa rica common pl KOSTARYKA
+cote d ivoire common pl WYBRZEŻE KOŚCI SŁONIOWEJ
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common pl Brak połączenia z serwerem. Czas operacji przekroczony.
+create common pl Utwórz
+created by common pl Utworzone przez
+croatia common pl CHORWACJA
+cuba common pl KUBA
+currency common pl Waluta
+current common pl Bieżący
+current users common pl Bieżący użytkownicy
+cyprus common pl CYPR
+czech republic common pl REPUBLIKA CZESKA
+date common pl Data
+date due common pl Data wymagalności
+date selection: jscalendar pl Wybór daty:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin pl Port datetime.
Jeżeli używasz portu 13, ustaw odpowiednio reguły firewall-a przed zaakceptowaniem tej zmiany.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common pl Grudzień
+default category common pl Kategoria domyślna
+default height for the windows common pl Domyślna wysokość dla okna
+default width for the windows common pl Domyslna szerokość dla okna
+delete common pl Usuń
+delete row common pl Skasuj wiersz
+denmark common pl DANIA
+description common pl Opis
+detail common pl Opis szczegółowy
+details common pl Opis szczegółowy
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common pl Wyłączyć poprawkę do Internet Explorera 5.5 i wyższych aby pokazać przezroczystość ilustracji PNG?
+direction left to right common pl Kierunek od lewej do prawej
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common pl Katalog nie istnieje, serwer WWW nie ma do niego praw odczytu lub nie jest podkatalogiem DOCUMENT_ROOT
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common pl Wyłącz poprawkę Internet Explorera dotyczącą ilustracji png
+disable slider effects common pl Wyłącz efekt płynnego przesuwania
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common pl Wyłączyć efekty płynnego przesuwania podczas pokazywania lub ukrywania menu?? Użytkownicy Opery i Konquerora najprawdopodobniej muszą to zrobić.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common pl Wyłączyć wykonywanie skryptu poprawki dla Internet Explorer 5.5 i wyższych, który odpowiada za pokazywanie przezroczystości w obrazkach PNG?
+disabled common pl Zablokowany
+display %s first jscalendar pl Wyświetl najpierw %s
+djibouti common pl DŻIBUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common pl Czy chcesz również usunąć wszystkie podkategorie?
+doctype: common pl DOCTYPE:
+document properties common pl Ustawienia dokumentu
+document title: common pl Tytuł dokumentu
+domain common pl Domena
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common pl nawza domeny adresu mailowego, np. "%1"
+domestic common pl Domowy
+dominica common pl DOMINIKA
+dominican republic common pl DOMINIKANA
+done common pl Gotowe
+drag to move jscalendar pl Przeciągnij aby przenieść
+e-mail common pl E-mail
+east timor common pl TIMOR WSCHODNI
+ecuador common pl EKWADOR
+edit common pl Edytuj
+edit %1 category for common pl Edytuj kategorię %1 dla
+edit categories common pl Edytuj kategorie
+edit category common pl Edytuj kategorię
+egroupware api version %1 common pl Wersja API eGroupWare: %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common pl eGroupWare: zablokowane logowanie dla użytkownika '%1', IP %2
+egypt common pl EGIPT
+el salvador common pl SALWADOR
+email common pl E-mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common pl email użytkownika, np. "%1"
+enabled common pl Aktywny
+end date common pl Data końcowa
+end time common pl Czas końcowy
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin pl Podaj adres URL pakietu eGroupWare.
Przykład: http://www.twojadomena.pl/egroupware lub /egroupware
Bez końcowego ciacha
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common pl Dane zostały usunięte
+entry updated sucessfully common pl Dane zostały uaktualnione
+equatorial guinea common pl GWINEA RÓWNIKOWA
+eritrea common pl ERYTREA
+error common pl Błąd
+error creating %1 %2 directory common pl Błąt podczas tworzenia katalogu %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common pl Błąd podczas usuwania katalogu %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common pl Błąd podczas zmiany nazwy katalogu %1 %2
+estonia common pl ESTONIA
+ethiopia common pl ETIOPIA
+everything common pl Wszystko
+exact common pl dokładnie
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common pl Nie udało się skontaktować z serwerem lub serwer przesłał nieprawidłową odpowiedź. Spróbuj się zalogować ponownie. Jeżeli to nie pomoże, skontaktuj się z administratorem.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common pl FALKLANDY (MALWINY)
+faroe islands common pl WYSPY FAROE
+fax number common pl numer faxu
+features of the editor? common pl Możliwości edytora?
+february common pl Luty
+fields common pl Pola
+fiji common pl FIDŻI
+files common pl Pliki
+filter common pl Filtr
+finland common pl FINLANDIA
+first name common pl Imię
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common pl imie uzytkownika, np. "%1"
+first page common pl Pierwsza strona
+firstname common pl Imię
+fixme! common pl NAPRAW MNIE!
+folder already exists. common pl Folder o takiej nazwie już istnieje
+force selectbox common pl Wymuś wybór z listy
+france common pl FRANCJA
+french guiana common pl GUJANA FRANCUSKA
+french polynesia common pl POLINEZJA FRANCUSKA
+french southern territories common pl FRANCUSKIE TERYTORIA POŁUDNIOWE
+friday common pl Piątek
+ftp common pl FTP
+fullname common pl Imię i nazwisko
+fullscreen mode common pl Tryb pełnoekranowy
+gabon common pl GABON
+gambia common pl GAMBIA
+general menu common pl Menu główne
+georgia common pl GRUZJA
+german common pl Niemiecki
+germany common pl NIEMCY
+ghana common pl GHANA
+gibraltar common pl GIBRALTAR
+global common pl Globalne
+global public common pl Globalny publiczny
+go today jscalendar pl Idź do Dzisiaj
+grant access common pl Przyznaj dostęp
+greece common pl GRECJA
+greenland common pl GRENLANDIA
+grenada common pl GRENADA
+group common pl Grupa
+group access common pl Dostęp grupy
+group has been added common pl Grupa została dodana
+group has been deleted common pl Grupa została skasowana
+group has been updated common pl Grupa została uaktualniona
+group name common pl nazwa grupy
+group public common pl Grupowy publiczny
+groups common pl Grupy
+groups with permission for %1 common pl Grupy z uprawnieniami do %1
+groups without permission for %1 common pl Grupy bez uprawnień do %1
+guadeloupe common pl GWADELUPA
+guam common pl WYSPY GUAM
+guatemala common pl GWATEMALA
+guinea common pl GWINEA
+guinea-bissau common pl GWINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common pl GUJANA
+haiti common pl HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common pl WYSPY HEARDA I MCDONALDA
+height common pl Wysokość
+help common pl Pomoc
+high common pl Wysoki
+highest common pl Najwyższy
+holy see (vatican city state) common pl PAŃSTWO WATYKAN
+home common pl Powrót na stronę główną
+home email common pl e-mail domowy
+honduras common pl HONDURAS
+hong kong common pl HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common pl Jak dużo ikon ma się pojawiać w pasku nawigacyjnym (nagłówku strony). Pozostałe ikony znajdą się w menu rozwijanym po prawej stronie paska nawigacyjnego.
+hungary common pl WĘGRY
+iceland common pl ISLANDIA
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common pl Nie znaleziono ieSpell. Wybierz OK aby przejść na stronę pobierania.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common pl Jeżeli zegar jest aktywny, czy chcesz odświeżać go co sekundę czy co minutę?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common pl Jeżeli są obrazki w katalogu teł, możesz wybrać ten, który chcesz zobaczyć.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common pl Katalog przechowywania obrazków - względny do DOCUMENT_ROOT (użyj ciacha - / !), przykład:
+image url common pl Adres URL obrazka
+india common pl INDIE
+indonesia common pl INDONEZJA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common pl Wstaw wszystkie 1% adresów z %2 kontaktów do %3
+insert column after common pl Wstaw kolumne po
+insert column before common pl Wstaw kolumne przed
+insert row after common pl Wstaw wiersz po
+insert row before common pl Wstaw wiersz przed
+international common pl Międzynarodowy
+invalid filename common pl Niepoprawna nazwa pliku
+invalid ip address common pl Zły adres IP
+invalid password common pl Złe hasło
+iran, islamic republic of common pl IRAN
+iraq common pl IRAK
+ireland common pl IRLANDIA
+israel common pl IZRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common pl Upłynęło ponad %1 dni od momentu zmiany hasła
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common pl Zaleca się uruchomienie instalatora do uaktualnienia tabel do bieżącej wersji
+italic common pl Kursywa
+italy common pl WŁOCHY
+jamaica common pl JAMAJKA
+january common pl Styczeń
+japan common pl JAPONIA
+jordan common pl JORDANIA
+july common pl Lipiec
+jun common pl Czer
+june common pl Czerwiec
+justify center common pl Wyśrodkuj
+justify full common pl Wyjustuj
+justify left common pl Wyrównaj do lewej
+justify right common pl Wyrównaj do prawej
+kazakstan common pl KAZACHSTAN
+kenya common pl KENIA
+keywords common pl Słowa kluczowe
+kiribati common pl KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common pl KOREAŃSKA REPUBLIA LUDOWO-DEMOKRATYCZNA
+korea, republic of common pl KOREA POŁUDNIOWA
+kuwait common pl KUWEJT
+kyrgyzstan common pl KIRGISTAN
+language common pl Język
+language_direction_rtl common pl kierunek_tekstu_prawy_do_lewego
+lao peoples democratic republic common pl LAOS
+last name common pl Nazwisko
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common pl nazwisko użytkownika, np. "%1"
+last page common pl Ostatnia strona
+lastname common pl Nazwisko
+latvia common pl ŁOTWA
+ldap-mgr common pl Manadżer LDAP
+lebanon common pl LIBAN
+left common pl Do lewej
+lesotho common pl LESOTO
+liberia common pl LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common pl LIBIA
+license common pl Licencja
+liechtenstein common pl LIECHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common pl Linia %1: '%2'
dane CSV mają złą liczbę kolumn dla tabeli %3 ==> ZIGNOROWANO
+list common pl Lista
+list members common pl Członkowie listy
+lithuania common pl LITWA
+local common pl Lokalny
+login common pl Zaloguj się
+loginid common pl Identyfikator (login)
+logout common pl Wylogowanie
+low common pl Niski
+lowest common pl Najniższy
+luxembourg common pl LUKSEMBURG
+macau common pl MAKAO
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common pl MACEDONIA
+madagascar common pl MADAGASKAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common pl domena maila, np. "%1"
+main category common pl Kategoria główna
+main screen common pl Strona główna
+maintainer common pl Prowadzący
+malawi common pl MALAWI
+malaysia common pl MALEZJA
+maldives common pl MALEDIWY
+mali common pl MALI
+malta common pl MALTA
+march common pl Marzec
+marshall islands common pl WYSPY MARSHALLA
+martinique common pl MARTYNIKA
+mauritania common pl MAURETANIA
+mauritius common pl MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common pl Maksymalna ilość ikon w pasku nawigacyjnym
+may common pl Maj
+mayotte common pl MAYOTTE
+medium common pl Średni
+menu common pl Menu
+message common pl Komunikat
+mexico common pl MEKSYK
+micronesia, federated states of common pl MIKRONEZJA
+minute common pl minuta
+moldova, republic of common pl MOŁDAWIA
+monaco common pl MONAKO
+monday common pl Poniedziałek
+mongolia common pl MONGOLIA
+montenegro common pl CZARNOGÓRA
+montserrat common pl MONTSERRAT
+morocco common pl MAROKO
+mozambique common pl MOZAMBIK
+multiple common pl wielokrotny
+myanmar common pl BIRMA
+name common pl Nazwa
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common pl nazwa uzytkownika, np. "%1"
+namibia common pl NAMIBIA
+nauru common pl NAURU
+nepal common pl NEPAL
+netherlands common pl HOLANDIA
+netherlands antilles common pl ANTYLE HOLENDERSKIE
+never common pl Nigdy
+new caledonia common pl NOWA KALEDONIA
+new entry added sucessfully common pl Nowy wpis został dodany
+new main category common pl Nowa kategoria główna
+new value common pl Nowa wartość
+new zealand common pl NOWA ZELANDIA
+next common pl Następny
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar pl Następny miesiąc (zatrzymaj aby pokazać menu)
+next page common pl Następna strona
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar pl Następny rok (zatrzymaj aby pokazać menu)
+nicaragua common pl NIKARAGUA
+niger common pl NIGER
+nigeria common pl NIGERIA
+niue common pl NIUE
+no common pl Nie
+no entries found, try again ... common pl nie znaleziono wpisów, spróbuj jeszcze raz...
+no history for this record common pl Brak historii dla tego zapisu
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common pl Nie znaleziono katalogów wzorca Savant2 w:
+no subject common pl Bez tematu
+none common pl Żaden
+norfolk island common pl WYSPA NORFOLK
+normal common pl Normalny
+northern mariana islands common pl PÓŁNOCNE WYSPY MARIANA
+norway common pl NORWEGIA
+not assigned common pl nie przypisany
+note common pl Uwaga
+notes common pl Uwagi
+notify window common pl Okno powiadamiania
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common pl Powiadom Twojego Administratora, aby mógł poprawić ten problem
+november common pl Listopad
+october common pl Październik
+ok common pl OK
+old value common pl Poprzednia wartość
+oman common pl OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common pl W systemach Unixowych wpisz: %1
+on mouse over common pl Dla On Mouse Over
+only private common pl tylko prywatne
+only yours common pl tylko twoje
+open notify window common pl Otwórz okno powiadamiania
+open popup window common pl Otwórz okno typu popup
+open sidebox common pl Otworz boczny kontener
+ordered list common pl Lista numerowana
+original common pl Oryginalny
+other common pl Inne
+overview common pl Przegląd
+owner common pl Właściciel
+page common pl Strona
+page was generated in %1 seconds common pl Strona wygenerowana w %1 sekundy
+pakistan common pl PAKISTAN
+palau common pl PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common pl PALESTYNA
+panama common pl PANAMA
+papua new guinea common pl PAPUA NOWA GWINEA
+paraguay common pl PARAGWAJ
+parcel common pl Paczka
+parent category common pl Kategoria nadrzędna
+password common pl Hasło
+password could not be changed common pl Hasło nie może być zmienione
+password has been updated common pl Hasło zostało zaktualizowane
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common pl Hasło musi zawierać przynajmniej %1 małych liter
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common pl Hasło musi zawierać przynajmniej %1 cyfr
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common pl Hasło musi zawierać przynajmniej %1 znaków specjalnych
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common pl Hasło musi zawierać przynajmniej %1 WIELKICH liter
+password must have at least %1 characters common pl Hasło musi składać się z przynajmniej %1 znaków
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common pl Ścieżka do plików użytkowników i grup MUSI BYĆ POZA rootem dokumentów serwera!!!
+permissions to the files/users directory common pl uprawnienia do katalogu plików/użytkowników
+personal common pl Osobisty
+peru common pl PERU
+philippines common pl FILIPINY
+phone number common pl numer telefonu
+phpgwapi common pl eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common pl PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common pl Proszę %1 ręcznie
+please enter a name common pl Proszę podać nazwę
+please run setup to become current common pl Proszę uruchom instalację (/setup) w celu uaktualnienia
+please select common pl Proszę wybrać
+please set your global preferences common pl Proszę wprowadzić swoje globalne preferencje !
+please set your preferences for this application common pl Proszę wprowadzić ustawienia dla tej aplikacji
+please wait... common pl Proszę czekac...
+poland common pl POLSKA
+portugal common pl PORTUGALIA
+postal common pl Pocztowy
+powered by common pl Działa w oparciu o
+powered by egroupware version %1 common pl Działa w oparciu eGroupWare wersja %1
+preferences common pl Ustawienia
+preferences for the idots template set common pl Preferencje dla template-u idots
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar pl Poprz. miesiąc (zatrzymaj aby pokazać menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar pl Poprz. rok (zatrzymaj aby pokazać menu)
+previous page common pl Poprzednia strona
+primary style-sheet: common pl Podstawowy arkusz stylu:
+print common pl Drukuj
+priority common pl Priorytet
+private common pl Prywatny
+programs common pl Programy
+project common pl Projekt
+public common pl Publiczny
+puerto rico common pl PORTORYKO
+qatar common pl KATAR
+read common pl Czytaj
+read this list of methods. common pl Odczytaj listę metod.
+reading common pl odczytywanie
+reject common pl Odrzuć
+remove selected accounts common pl usuń wybrane konta
+remove shortcut common pl Usuń skrót
+rename common pl Zmień nazwę
+replace common pl Zastąp
+replace with common pl Zastąp
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common pl Pokazuje pełną listę kont w systemie. Uwaga: Lista może być długa
+returns an array of todo items common pl Pokazuje tablicę Zadań
+returns struct of users application access common pl Returns struct of users application access
+reunion common pl REUNION
+right common pl Do prawej
+romania common pl RUMUNIA
+russian federation common pl ROSJA
+rwanda common pl RWANDA
+saint helena common pl WYSPY ŚW. HELENY
+saint kitts and nevis common pl SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
+saint lucia common pl SAINT LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common pl SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common pl SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
+samoa common pl SAMOA
+san marino common pl SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common pl SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
+saturday common pl Sobota
+saudi arabia common pl ARABIA SAUDYJSKA
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common pl Wersja Savant2 różni się od wersji wrappera.
Twoja wersja: %1
Wersja Savant2: %2
+save common pl Zachowaj
+search common pl Szukaj
+search %1 '%2' common pl Wyszukaj %1 '%2'
+search accounts common pl Wyszukaj konta
+second common pl sekunda
+section common pl Sekcja
+select common pl Wybierz
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common pl Wybierz wszystkie %1 %2 dla %3
+select category common pl Wybierz kategorię
+select date common pl Wybierz datę
+select group common pl Wybierz grupę
+select home email address common pl Wybierz prywatny adres e-meil
+select multiple accounts common pl wybierz wiele kont
+select one common pl Wybierz jeden
+select the default height for the application windows common pl Wybierz domyślną wysokość okien aplikacji
+select the default width for the application windows common pl Wybierz domyślną szerokość okien aplikacji
+select user common pl Wybierz użytkownika
+select work email address common pl Wybierz służbowy adres e-meil
+selection common pl Wybór
+send common pl Wyślij
+senegal common pl SENEGAL
+september common pl Wrzesień
+server %1 has been added common pl Serwer %1 został dodany
+server answered. processing response... common pl Otrzymano odpowiedź serwera. Przetwarzanie...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common pl Nawiązako kontakt z serweraem. Oczekiwanie...
+server name common pl Nazwa serwera
+session has been killed common pl Sesja została zamknięta
+setup common pl Setup
+setup main menu common pl Menu główne setupu
+seychelles common pl SESZELE
+show all common pl Pokaż wszystko
+show all categorys common pl Pokaż wszystkie kategorie
+show clock? common pl Pokazywać zegar?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common pl Czy pokazywać przyciski "Strona domowa" oraz "Wylogowanie" w głównym pasku aplikacji?
+show logo's on the desktop. common pl Czy pokazywać logo na biurku?
+show menu common pl pokaż menu
+show page generation time common pl Wyświetl czas generowania strony
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common pl Wyświetlać czas generowania strony w jej stopce?
+show page generation time? common pl Czy pokazywać czas generowania strony?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common pl Pokazuj logo eGroupware oraz x-desktop na pulpicie.
+show_more_apps common pl show_more_apps
+showing %1 common pl Wyświetlono %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common pl Wyświetlanie %1 - %2 z %3
+sierra leone common pl SIERRA LEONE
+singapore common pl SINGAPUR
+slovakia common pl SŁOWACJA
+slovenia common pl SŁOWENIA
+solomon islands common pl WYSPY SALOMONA
+somalia common pl SOMALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login pl Twoje konto wygasło
+south africa common pl REPUBLIKA POŁUDNIOWEJ AFRYKI
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common pl POŁUDNIOWA GEORGIA I POŁUDNIOWE WYSPY SANDWICH
+spain common pl HISZPANIA
+sri lanka common pl SRI LANKA
+start date common pl Data początkowa
+start time common pl Czas początkowy
+start with common pl rozpocznij od
+starting up... common pl Uruchamianie...
+status common pl Status
+stretched common pl ściśnięty
+subject common pl Temat
+submit common pl Wprowadź
+substitutions and their meanings: common pl Podstawienia i ich znaczenia:
+sudan common pl SUDAN
+sunday common pl Niedziela
+suriname common pl SURINAM
+svalbard and jan mayen common pl SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common pl SUAZILAND
+sweden common pl SZWECJA
+switzerland common pl SZWARCARIA
+syrian arab republic common pl SYRIA
+table properties common pl Właściwości tabeli
+taiwan common pl TAJWAN
+tajikistan common pl TADŻYKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common pl TANZANIA
+text color: common pl Kolor tekstu:
+thailand common pl TAJLANDIA
+the api is current common pl API jest aktualne
+the api requires an upgrade common pl API wymaga aktualizacji
+the following applications require upgrades common pl Następujące aplikacje wymagają upgrade'u
+the mail server returned common pl Serwer pocztowy zwrócił
+this application is current common pl Wersja aplikacji jest aktualna
+this application requires an upgrade common pl Aplikacja wymaga aktualizacji
+this name has been used already common pl Ta nazwa została już użyta
+thursday common pl Czwartek
+time common pl Czas
+time selection: jscalendar pl Wybór czasu:
+time zone common pl Strefa czasowa
+time zone offset common pl Przesunięcie strefy czasowej
+title common pl Tytuł
+to common pl Do
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common pl Aby usunąć ten błąd na przyszłość, będziesz musiał ustawić poprawnie
+to go back to the msg list, click here common pl Aby wrócić do listy wiadomości, kliknij tutaj
+today common pl Dzisiaj
+todays date, eg. "%1" common pl dzisiajsza data, np. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar pl Zmień pierwszy dzień tygodnia
+togo common pl TOGO
+tokelau common pl TOKELAU
+tonga common pl TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common pl Zbyt dużo prób nieudanego logowania (%1) dla użytkownika '%2', %3 z adresu IP %4
+top common pl do góry
+total common pl Ogółem
+transparant bg for the icons? common pl Przezroczyste tło dla ikon?
+trinidad and tobago common pl TRINIDAD I TOBAGO
+tuesday common pl Wtorek
+tunisia common pl TUNEZJA
+turkey common pl TURCJA
+turkmenistan common pl TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common pl TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
+tuvalu common pl TUVALU
+type common pl Typ
+uganda common pl UGANDA
+ukraine common pl UKRAINA
+underline common pl Podkreślenie
+united arab emirates common pl ZJEDNOCZONE EMIRATY ARABSKIE
+united kingdom common pl WIELKA BRYTANIA
+united states common pl STANY ZJEDNOCZONE
+united states minor outlying islands common pl UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
+unknown common pl Nieznany
+update common pl Aktualizuj
+update the clock per minute or per second common pl Uaktualniać zegar co minutę czy co sekundę?
+upload common pl Załaduj
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common pl Katalog ładowania plików nie istnieje lub serwer WWW nie ma do niego praw zapisu.
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common pl Ładowanie plików wymaga, aby katalog mógł być zapisywany przez serwer WWW
+url common pl Adres URL
+uruguay common pl URUGWAJ
+use button to search for common pl użyj przycisku aby szukać
+use button to search for address common pl użyj przycisku aby szukać adresu
+use button to search for calendarevent common pl użyj przycisku aby szukać zdarzenia w kalendarzu
+use button to search for project common pl użyj przycisku aby szukać Projektu
+user common pl Użytkownik
+user accounts common pl konta użytkowników
+user groups common pl grupy użytkowników
+username common pl Nazwa użytkownika
+users common pl Użytkownicy
+users choice common pl Wybierają użytkownicy
+uzbekistan common pl UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common pl VANUATU
+venezuela common pl WENEZUELA
+version common pl Wersja
+viet nam common pl WIETNAM
+view common pl Przeglądaj
+virgin islands, british common pl BRYTYJSKIE WYSPY DZIEWICZE
+virgin islands, u.s. common pl AMERYKAŃSKIE WYSPY DZIEWICZE
+wallis and futuna common pl WALLIS AND FUTUNA
+wednesday common pl Środa
+welcome common pl Strona główna
+western sahara common pl SAHARA ZACHODNIA
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common pl Jaki powinien być kolor wszelkich wolnych przestrzeni w obszarze roboczym?
+what style would you like the image to have? common pl W jakim stylu powinnien być obrazek?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common pl Jeżeli wybierzesz "TAK", "Powrót na stronę domową" oraz "Wylogowanie" będą pokazywane jako przyciski aplikacji na głównym pasku aplikacji.
+which groups common pl Które grupy
+width common pl Szerokosc
+wk jscalendar pl tydz
+work email common pl email służbowy
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common pl Czy chcesz aby wyświetlany był czas generowania każdej strony na dole okna?
+writing common pl zapisywanie
+written by: common pl Napisany przez:
+year common pl Rok
+yemen common pl JEMEN
+yes common pl Tak
+you are required to change your password during your first login common pl Po pierwszym zalogowaniu się musisz zmienić swoje hasło
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common pl Możesz spersonalizować liczbę ikon i pasków narzędzi pokazywanych przez edytor.
+you have been successfully logged out login pl Zostałeś pomyślnie wylogowany
+you have not entered a title common pl Nie wprowadziłeś tytułu
+you have not entered a valid date common pl Nie wprowadziłeś właściwej daty
+you have not entered a valid time of day common pl Nie wprowadziłeś właściwego czasu dnia
+you have not entered participants common pl Nie wprowadziłeś uczestników
+you have selected an invalid date common pl Wybrałeś nieprawidłową datę
+you have selected an invalid main category common pl Wybrałeś niewłaściwą kategorię główną
+you have successfully logged out common pl Wylogowałes/aś się pomyślnie
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common pl Musisz dodać użytkownika '%1' do grupy '%2'.
+your message could not be sent!
common pl Twoja wiadomość nie została wysłana!
+your message has been sent common pl Wiadomość została wysłana
+your search returned %1 matchs common pl wyszukiwanie zwróciło %1 trafień
+your search returned 1 match common pl wyszukiwanie zwróciło 1 trafienie
+your session could not be verified. login pl Nie można zweryfikować sesji.
+your settings have been updated common pl Twoje ustawienia zostały uaktualnione
+zambia common pl ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common pl ZIMBABWE
+zoom common pl Powiększenie
+site configuration common pl Konfiguracja serwisu
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_pt-br.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_pt-br.lang
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b496ed16e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_pt-br.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common pt-br %1 endereço(s) de email(s) inseridos
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common pt-br %1 não é executável pelo servidor web !!!
+%1 manual common pt-br manual de %1
+%1 start common pt-br %1 iniciar
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common pt-br %1Escolha outro diretório%2
ou dê ao servidor web permissão de escrita em %3
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common pt-br %1eGroupWare%2 é um software de colaboração multi-usuário escrito em %3PHP%4.
+(session restored in %1 seconds) common pt-br (sessão restaurada em %1 segundos)
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar pt-br (Shift-) Clique ou arraste para alterar o valor
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar pt-br - Clique sobre as horas para alterá-las
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar pt-br - Segure mouse clicado e use o comando seta acima para avançar mais rápido
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar pt-br - ou clique e araste para uma seleção rápida.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar pt-br - ou shift-clique para diminuir
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar pt-br - Use os botões %1, %2 para selecionar o mês
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar pt-br - Use os botões %1, %2 para selecionar o ano
+00 (disable) admin pt-br 00 (desabilitado)
+1 day common pt-br 1 Dia
+1 hour common pt-br 1 Hora
+1 month common pt-br 1 Mês
+1 week common pt-br 1 Semana
+13 (ntp) admin pt-br 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar pt-br 3 números para atalho-dia
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar pt-br 3 números para atalho-mês
+80 (http) admin pt-br 80 (http)
+about common pt-br Sobre
+about %1 common pt-br Sobre %1
+about egroupware common pt-br Sobre eGroupWare
+about the calendar jscalendar pt-br Sobre a Agenda
+access common pt-br Acesso
+access not permitted common pt-br Acesso não permitido
+account has been created common pt-br A conta foi criada
+account has been deleted common pt-br A conta foi removida
+account has been updated common pt-br A conta foi atualizada
+account is expired common pt-br A conta está expirada
+accounts common pt-br Contas
+acl common pt-br ACL
+action common pt-br Ação
+active common pt-br Ativo
+add common pt-br Adicionar
+add %1 category for common pt-br Adicionar categoria %1 para
+add category common pt-br Adicionar categoria
+add shortcut common pt-br Adicionar tecla de atalho
+add sub common pt-br Adicionar sub-tarefa
+addressbook common pt-br Contatos
+admin common pt-br Administrador
+administration common pt-br Administração
+afghanistan common pt-br AFEGANISTÃO
+albania common pt-br ALBANIA
+algeria common pt-br ALGERIA
+all common pt-br Todos
+all fields common pt-br todos os campos
+alphabet common pt-br a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common pt-br Estilo de folha alternativo
+american samoa common pt-br SAMOA AMERICANA
+an error happened common pt-br Um erro ocorreu
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common pt-br Um diretório existente e que o servidor web tenha direito de leitura habilita a navegação e upload de imagem.
+andorra common pt-br ANDORRA
+angola common pt-br ANGOLA
+anguilla common pt-br ANGUILLA
+antarctica common pt-br ANTARTICA
+antigua and barbuda common pt-br ANTIGUA E BARBUDA
+application common pt-br Aplicativo
+apply common pt-br Aplicar
+april common pt-br Abril
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common pt-br Deseja remover estes registros?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common pt-br Deseja remover este registro?
+argentina common pt-br ARGENTINA
+armenia common pt-br ARMENIA
+aruba common pt-br ARUBA
+august common pt-br Agosto
+australia common pt-br AUSTRALIA
+austria common pt-br AUSTRIA
+author common pt-br Autor
+autohide sidebox menu's common pt-br Auto ocultar caixa de menus laterais
+autohide sidebox menus common pt-br Auto ocultar caixa de menus laterais
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common pt-br Ocultar automaticamente a caixa de menus laterais
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common pt-br Auto ocultar caixa de menus laterais ?
+autosave default category common pt-br Salvar automaticamente categoria padrão
+azerbaijan common pt-br AZERBAIJÃO
+back common pt-br Voltar
+back to user login common pt-br Voltar a tela de login
+background color: common pt-br Cor de fundo:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common pt-br O servidor web não pode escrever no diretório de backup '%1'
+bad login or password common pt-br Login ou senha incorretos
+bahamas common pt-br BAHAMAS
+bahrain common pt-br BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common pt-br BANGLADESH
+barbados common pt-br BARBADOS
+bcc common pt-br Cópia Oculta
+belarus common pt-br BIELO RÚSSIA
+belgium common pt-br BÉLGICA
+belize common pt-br BELIZE
+benin common pt-br BENIN
+bermuda common pt-br BERMUDA
+bhutan common pt-br BUTÃO
+blocked, too many attempts common pt-br Bloqueado, por excesso de tentativas!
+bold common pt-br Negrito
+bolivia common pt-br BOLÍVIA
+border common pt-br Borda
+bosnia and herzegovina common pt-br BOSNIA E HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common pt-br BOTSWANA
+bottom common pt-br Fundo
+bouvet island common pt-br ILHA BOUVET
+brazil common pt-br BRASIL
+british indian ocean territory common pt-br TERRITÓRIO INGLÊS INDIANO
+brunei darussalam common pt-br BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common pt-br BULGÁRIA
+burkina faso common pt-br BURKINA FASO
+burundi common pt-br BURUNDI
+calendar common pt-br Agenda
+cambodia common pt-br CAMBODIA
+cameroon common pt-br CAMARÕES
+canada common pt-br CANADÁ
+cancel common pt-br Cancelar
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common pt-br Não se pode trocar %1 porque ele é um diretório
+cant open '%1' for %2 common pt-br Não se pode abrir '%1' para '%2'
+cape verde common pt-br CABO VERDE
+caption common pt-br Rótulo
+categories common pt-br Categorias
+categories for common pt-br categorias para
+category common pt-br Categoria
+category %1 has been added ! common pt-br Categoria %1 foi adicionada !
+category %1 has been updated ! common pt-br Categoria %1 foi atualizada !
+cayman islands common pt-br ILHAS CAYMAN
+cc common pt-br Com Cópia
+centered common pt-br Centralizado
+central african republic common pt-br REPÚBLICA CENTRO AFRICANA
+chad common pt-br CHADE
+change common pt-br Alterar
+charset common pt-br utf-8
+check installation common pt-br Verificar Instalação
+check now common pt-br Checar agora
+chile common pt-br CHILE
+china common pt-br CHINA
+choose a background color common pt-br Escolha uma cor de fundo
+choose a background color for the icons common pt-br Escolha uma cor de fundo para os ícones
+choose a background image. common pt-br Escolha uma imagem de fundo
+choose a background style. common pt-br Escolha um estilo de fundo
+choose a text color for the icons common pt-br Escolha uma cor de texto para os ícones
+choose the category common pt-br Escolha a categoria
+choose the parent category common pt-br Escolha a categoria pai
+christmas island common pt-br CHRISTMAS ISLAND
+clear common pt-br Limpar
+clear form common pt-br Limpar Formulário
+click common pt-br Clique
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common pt-br Clique aqui para restaurar sua sessão eGroupWare
+click or mouse over to show menus common pt-br Clique ou passe o mouse sobre os menús
+click or mouse over to show menus? common pt-br Clicar ou passar o mouse sobre os menús?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common pt-br Clique nesta imagem na barra de navegação: %1
+close common pt-br Fechar
+close sidebox common pt-br Fechar caixa lateral
+cocos (keeling) islands common pt-br COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
+colombia common pt-br COLÔMBIA
+common preferences common pt-br Preferências comuns
+comoros common pt-br COMOROS
+company common pt-br Empresa
+congo common pt-br CONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common pt-br REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÁTICA DO CONGO
+contacting server... common pt-br Contactando servidor...
+cook islands common pt-br ILHAS COOK
+copy common pt-br Copiar
+costa rica common pt-br COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common pt-br COTE D IVOIRE
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common pt-br Tentativa de contactar servidor falhou. Tempo limite de operação estourou.
+create common pt-br Criar
+created by common pt-br Criado por
+croatia common pt-br CROÁCIA
+cuba common pt-br CUBA
+currency common pt-br Moeda
+current common pt-br Atualizado
+current users common pt-br Usuários ativos
+cyprus common pt-br CHIPRE
+czech republic common pt-br REPÚBLICA CHECA
+database error common pt-br Erro de banco de dados
+database error! common pt-br Erro de banco de dados!
+date common pt-br Data
+date due common pt-br Até data
+date selection: jscalendar pt-br Seleção da data:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin pt-br Porta da Data e hora.
Quando usar a porta 13, por favor configure os filtros do firewall antes de submeter as alterações.
(Porta: 13 / Host:
+december common pt-br Dezembro
+default category common pt-br Categoria padrão
+default height for the windows common pt-br Altura padrão para as janelas
+default width for the windows common pt-br Largura padrão para as janelas
+delete common pt-br Remover
+delete row common pt-br Remover linha
+denmark common pt-br DINAMARCA
+description common pt-br Descrição
+detail common pt-br Detalhe
+details common pt-br Detalhes
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common pt-br Desativar a execução dos recursos de exibição de transparências de imagens PNG, para o Explorer 5.5 ou superior?
+direction left to right common pt-br Direção: esquerda para direita
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common pt-br Diretório não existe, não pode ser lido pelo servidor web ou não é relativo à pasta raiz!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common pt-br Desativar recursos para imagem-png no Internet Explorer
+disable slider effects common pt-br Desativar efeitos de transição de slide
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common pt-br Desativar os efeitos de animação ao ocultar os menús da página? Os usuários dos navegadores Ópera ou Konqueror serão beneficiados com esta configuração.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common pt-br Desabilitar a execução de um script de correção para o Internet Explorer 5.5 ou superior, para permitir exibição de transparência em imagens PNG?
+disabled common pt-br Desabilitado
+display %s first jscalendar pt-br Exibir %s primeiros
+djibouti common pt-br DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common pt-br Deseja remover também todas subcategorias ?
+doctype: common pt-br TIPO DOCUMENTO:
+document properties common pt-br Propriedades do documento
+document title: common pt-br Título do documento
+domain common pt-br Domínio
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common pt-br Nome do domínio para endereços de e-mail, ex. "%1"
+domestic common pt-br Doméstico
+dominica common pt-br DOMINICA
+dominican republic common pt-br REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA
+done common pt-br Pronto
+drag to move jscalendar pt-br Arraste para mover
+e-mail common pt-br E-mail
+east timor common pt-br TIMOR LESTE
+ecuador common pt-br EQUADOR
+edit common pt-br Editar
+edit %1 category for common pt-br Editar para categoria %1
+edit categories common pt-br Editar categorias
+edit category common pt-br Editar categoria
+egroupware common pt-br eGroupWare
+egroupware api version common pt-br Versão da API eGroupWare
+egroupware api version %1 common pt-br API version %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common pt-br Extranet: login bloqueado para o usuário '%1', endereço IP %2
+egypt common pt-br EGITO
+el salvador common pt-br EL SALVADOR
+email common pt-br E-mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common pt-br Endereço de e-mail do usuário, ex. "%1"
+enabled common pt-br Habilitado
+end date common pt-br Data do término
+end time common pt-br Hora do término
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin pt-br Informe a localização da Extranet em um URL .
Exemplo: http://www.seudomínio.com.br/extranet ou /extranet
Não finalize com uma BARRA
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common pt-br Registro removido com sucesso
+entry not found! common pt-br Registro não localizado!
+entry updated sucessfully common pt-br Entrada atualizada com sucesso
+equatorial guinea common pt-br GUINÉ EQUATORIAL
+eritrea common pt-br ERITREA
+error common pt-br Erro
+error creating %1 %2 directory common pt-br Erro criando diretório %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common pt-br Erro removendo diretório %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common pt-br Erro renomeando diretório %1 %2
+estonia common pt-br ESTONIA
+ethiopia common pt-br ETIÓPIA
+everything common pt-br Tudo
+exact common pt-br exato(a)
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common pt-br Contato com o servidor falhou ou resposta inválida do servidor. Tente relogar. Contacte o administrador em caso de falha novamente.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common pt-br ILHAS FALKLAND (MALVINAS)
+faroe islands common pt-br ILHAS FAROE
+fax number common pt-br Número do FAX
+features of the editor? common pt-br Funcionalidades do editor ?
+february common pt-br Fevereiro
+fields common pt-br Campos
+fiji common pt-br FIJI
+files common pt-br Arquivos
+filter common pt-br Filtro
+finland common pt-br FINLÂNDIA
+first name common pt-br Primeiro Nome
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt-br Primeiro nome do usuário, ex. "%1"
+first page common pt-br Página Inicial
+firstname common pt-br Primeiro Nome
+fixme! common pt-br ATUALIZE-ME!
+folder already exists. common pt-br Pasta já existe.
+force selectbox common pt-br Forçar caixa de seleção
+forever common pt-br Para sempre
+france common pt-br FRANÇA
+french guiana common pt-br GUIANA FRANCESA
+french polynesia common pt-br FRANÇA POLYNÉSIA
+french southern territories common pt-br FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
+friday common pt-br Sexta
+ftp common pt-br FTP
+fullname common pt-br Nome completo
+fullscreen mode common pt-br Modo tela cheia
+gabon common pt-br GABÃO
+gambia common pt-br GAMBIA
+general menu common pt-br Menu Geral
+georgia common pt-br GEORGIA
+german common pt-br Alemão
+germany common pt-br ALEMANHA
+ghana common pt-br GANA
+gibraltar common pt-br GIBRALTAR
+global common pt-br Global
+global public common pt-br Público a todos
+go today jscalendar pt-br Ir para Hoje
+grant access common pt-br Permitir acesso
+greece common pt-br GRÉCIA
+greenland common pt-br GREENLAND
+grenada common pt-br GRANADA
+group common pt-br Grupo
+group access common pt-br Acesso ao Grupo
+group has been added common pt-br Grupo adicionado
+group has been deleted common pt-br Grupo removido
+group has been updated common pt-br Grupo atualizado
+group name common pt-br Nome do Grupo
+group public common pt-br Grupo público
+groups common pt-br Grupos
+groups with permission for %1 common pt-br Grupos permitidos para %1
+groups without permission for %1 common pt-br Grupos não permitidos para %1
+guadeloupe common pt-br GUADALUPE
+guam common pt-br GUAM
+guatemala common pt-br GUATEMALA
+guinea common pt-br GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common pt-br GUINÉ BISSAU
+guyana common pt-br GUYANA
+haiti common pt-br HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common pt-br HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
+height common pt-br Altura
+help common pt-br Ajuda
+high common pt-br Alto
+highest common pt-br Mais alto
+holy see (vatican city state) common pt-br VATICANO
+home common pt-br Página Inicial
+home email common pt-br E-mail residencial
+honduras common pt-br HONDURAS
+hong kong common pt-br HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common pt-br Quantos ícones devem ser mostrados na barra de navegação (ao topo da página). Ícones adicionais serão colocados em um recurso adicional em forma de menú suspenso à direita da barra de navegação.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common pt-br Como exibir o menu geral do eGroupWare ?
+hungary common pt-br HUNGRIA
+iceland common pt-br ISLÂNDIA
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common pt-br ieSpell não detectado. Clique Ok para ir para a página de download.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common pt-br Se o relógio estiver habilitado, você gostaria de atualizá-lo a cada segundo ou minuto ?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common pt-br Se existirem algumas imagens na pasta de fundo, você poderá escolher uma que gostaria de ver.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common pt-br Diretório de imagem relativo à pasta raiz (use / !), por exemplo:
+image url common pt-br URL da imagem
+india common pt-br INDIA
+indonesia common pt-br INDONESIA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common pt-br Inserir todos %1 endereços para %2 contatos em %3
+insert column after common pt-br Inserir coluna depois
+insert column before common pt-br Inserir coluna antes
+insert row after common pt-br Inserir linha depois
+insert row before common pt-br Inserir linha antes
+international common pt-br Internacional
+invalid filename common pt-br Nome de arquivo inválido
+invalid ip address common pt-br Endereço IP inválido
+invalid password common pt-br Senha inválida
+iran, islamic republic of common pt-br IRÃ
+iraq common pt-br IRAQUE
+ireland common pt-br IRLANDA
+israel common pt-br ISRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common pt-br Já passaram mais de %1 dias desde que você mudou sua senha
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common pt-br É recomendado que seja executada a Configuração para atualizar as tabelas para a versão atual.
+italic common pt-br Itálico
+italy common pt-br ITÁLIA
+jamaica common pt-br JAMAICA
+january common pt-br Janeiro
+japan common pt-br JAPÃO
+jordan common pt-br JORDÂNIA
+july common pt-br Julho
+jun common pt-br Jun
+june common pt-br Junho
+justify center common pt-br Centralizar
+justify full common pt-br Justificar
+justify left common pt-br Alinhar a esquerda
+justify right common pt-br Alinha à direita
+kazakstan common pt-br KAZAQUISTÃO
+kenya common pt-br QUÊNIA
+keywords common pt-br Palavras
+kiribati common pt-br KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common pt-br CORÉIA DO NORTE
+korea, republic of common pt-br CORÉIA DO SUL
+kuwait common pt-br KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common pt-br QUIRGUISTÃO
+language common pt-br Idioma
+language_direction_rtl common pt-br Direção rtl do idioma
+lao peoples democratic republic common pt-br LAOS
+last name common pt-br Último nome
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt-br Último nome do usuário, ex. "%1"
+last page common pt-br Última página
+lastname common pt-br Último nome
+latvia common pt-br LETÔNIA
+ldap-mgr common pt-br Gerenciador LDAP
+lebanon common pt-br LÍBANO
+left common pt-br Esquerda
+lesotho common pt-br LESOTO
+liberia common pt-br LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common pt-br LÍBIA
+license common pt-br Licença
+liechtenstein common pt-br LIECHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common pt-br Linha %1: '%2'
dados csv não combinam com a quantidade de coluna da tabela %3 ==> ignorada
+list common pt-br Lista
+list members common pt-br Listar membros
+lithuania common pt-br LITUÂNIA
+local common pt-br Local
+login common pt-br Conectar
+loginid common pt-br ID Login
+logout common pt-br Desconectar
+lost login id common pt-br Login perdido
+lost password common pt-br Senha perdida
+low common pt-br Baixo
+lowest common pt-br Mais baixo
+luxembourg common pt-br LUXEMBOURG
+macau common pt-br MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common pt-br MACEDONIA
+madagascar common pt-br MADAGASCAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common pt-br Domínio do e-mail, ex. "%1"
+main category common pt-br Cetegoria principal
+main screen common pt-br Tela principal
+maintainer common pt-br Administrador
+malawi common pt-br MALAWI
+malaysia common pt-br MALÁSIA
+maldives common pt-br MALDIVAS
+mali common pt-br MALI
+malta common pt-br MALTA
+march common pt-br Março
+marshall islands common pt-br ILHAS MARSHALL
+martinique common pt-br MARTINICA
+mauritania common pt-br MAURITANIA
+mauritius common pt-br MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common pt-br Número máximo de íciones na barra de navegação
+may common pt-br Maio
+mayotte common pt-br MAYOTTE
+medium common pt-br Média
+menu common pt-br Menú
+message common pt-br Mensagem
+mexico common pt-br MÉXICO
+micronesia, federated states of common pt-br MICRONESIA
+minute common pt-br minuto
+moldova, republic of common pt-br MOLDÁVIA
+monaco common pt-br MÔNACO
+monday common pt-br Segunda
+mongolia common pt-br MONGÓLIA
+montenegro common pt-br MONTENEGRO
+montserrat common pt-br MONTSERRAT
+morocco common pt-br MARROCOS
+mozambique common pt-br MOÇAMBIQUE
+multiple common pt-br múltiplo
+myanmar common pt-br MYANMAR
+name common pt-br Nome
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt-br Nome do usuário, ex. "%1"
+namibia common pt-br NAMIBIA
+nauru common pt-br NAURU
+nepal common pt-br NEPAL
+netherlands common pt-br HOLANDA
+netherlands antilles common pt-br ANTILHAS HOLANDESAS
+never common pt-br Nunca
+new caledonia common pt-br NOVA CALEDONIA
+new entry added sucessfully common pt-br Entrada adicionada com sucesso
+new main category common pt-br Nova categoria principal
+new value common pt-br Novo Valor
+new zealand common pt-br NOVA ZELÂNDIA
+next common pt-br Próximo
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar pt-br Próximo Mês
+next page common pt-br Próxima página
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar pt-br Próximo Ano
+nicaragua common pt-br NICARAGUA
+niger common pt-br NIGER
+nigeria common pt-br NIGERIA
+niue common pt-br NIUE
+no common pt-br Não
+no entries found, try again ... common pt-br Nenhum registro encontrado, tente novamente...
+no history for this record common pt-br Nenhum histórico para este registro
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common pt-br Nenhum diretório de modelo Savant2 encontrado em:
+no subject common pt-br Sem assunto
+none common pt-br Nenhum
+norfolk island common pt-br ILHAS NORFOLK
+normal common pt-br Normal
+northern mariana islands common pt-br NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
+norway common pt-br NORUEGA
+not common pt-br não
+not a user yet? register now common pt-br Ainda não é um usuário? Registre-se agora
+not assigned common pt-br Não atribuído
+not readable %1 entry of user %2 common pt-br Registro %1 do usuário %2 não pode ser lido
+note common pt-br Nota
+notes common pt-br Notas
+notifications common pt-br notificações
+notify window common pt-br Janela de notificação
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common pt-br Notificar seu administrador para corrigir esta situação
+november common pt-br Novembro
+october common pt-br Outubro
+ok common pt-br OK
+old value common pt-br Valor antigo
+oman common pt-br OMÃ
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common pt-br Sobre sistemas *nix tipo: %1
+on mouse over common pt-br Passar o mouse
+only private common pt-br Apenas particular
+only yours common pt-br somente as suas
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common pt-br Ôpa! Você nos pegou no meio de uma manutenção do sistema.
+open notify window common pt-br Abrir janela de notificação
+open popup window common pt-br Abrir janela
+open sidebox common pt-br Abrir caixa lateral
+ordered list common pt-br Lista Classificada
+original common pt-br Original
+other common pt-br Outro
+overview common pt-br Visão geral
+owner common pt-br Dono
+page common pt-br Página
+page was generated in %1 seconds common pt-br Página gerada em %1 segundos
+pakistan common pt-br PAQUISTÃO
+palau common pt-br PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common pt-br PALESTINA
+panama common pt-br PANAMÁ
+papua new guinea common pt-br PAPUA NOVA GUINÉ
+paraguay common pt-br PARAGUAI
+parcel common pt-br Parcela
+parent category common pt-br Categoria pai
+password common pt-br Senha
+password could not be changed common pt-br Senha não pode ser alterada
+password has been updated common pt-br Senha foi alterada
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common pt-br Senha deve ter ao menos %1 caractere(s) minúsculo(s)
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common pt-br Senha deve ter ao menos %1 número(s)
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common pt-br Senha deve ter ao menos %1 caractere(s) especial(is)
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common pt-br Senha deve ter ao menos %1 caractere(s) maiúsculo(s)
+password must have at least %1 characters common pt-br Senha deve ter ao menos %1 caractere(s)
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common pt-br O caminho para usuários e grupos deve ser FORA do servidor da extranet.!!!
+permission denied! common pt-br Permissão negada!
+permissions to the files/users directory common pt-br Permissões do diretório para os arquivos/usuários
+permisson denied! common pt-br Permissão negada!
+personal common pt-br Pessoal
+peru common pt-br PERU
+philippines common pt-br FILIPINAS
+phone number common pt-br Número de Telefone
+phpgwapi common pt-br API eGroupWare
+pitcairn common pt-br PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common pt-br %1 pela mão
+please enter a name common pt-br Por favor, digite um nome !
+please run setup to become current common pt-br Por favor execute a configuração para atualizar o sistema
+please select common pt-br Por favor selecione
+please set your global preferences common pt-br Por favor configure suas preferências gerais
+please set your preferences for this application common pt-br Configure suas preferências para este aplicativo
+please wait... common pt-br Aguarde...
+please, check back with us shortly. common pt-br Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.
+poland common pt-br POLÔNIA
+portugal common pt-br PORTUGAL
+postal common pt-br CEP
+powered by common pt-br Desenvolvido por
+powered by egroupware version %1 common pt-br Atualizado pela eGW-BR sobre a plataforma eGW versão %1
+preferences common pt-br Preferências
+preferences for the idots template set common pt-br Preferências para o modelo de layout Idots
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar pt-br Mês anterior
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar pt-br Ano anterior
+previous page common pt-br Página anterior
+primary style-sheet: common pt-br Estilho de folha primário:
+print common pt-br Imprimir
+priority common pt-br Prioridade
+private common pt-br Particular
+programs common pt-br Programas
+project common pt-br Projeto
+public common pt-br público
+puerto rico common pt-br PORTO RICO
+qatar common pt-br QATAR
+read common pt-br Leitura
+read this list of methods. common pt-br Leia a lista de métodos.
+reading common pt-br Lendo
+register common pt-br Registrar
+regular common pt-br Normal
+reject common pt-br Rejeitar
+remember me common pt-br Lembre-me
+remove selected accounts common pt-br apagar contas selecionadas
+remove shortcut common pt-br Remover tecla de atalho
+rename common pt-br Renomear
+replace common pt-br Substituir
+replace with common pt-br Substituir por
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common pt-br Retorna a lista complesta de usuários no sistema. Atenção: Isto pode causar lentidão dependendo da quantidade de registros.
+returns an array of todo items common pt-br Retorna uma lista dos itens de Tarefas
+returns struct of users application access common pt-br Retorna a estrutura de usuários e aplicativos para acesso
+reunion common pt-br REUNION
+right common pt-br Direita
+romania common pt-br ROMÊNIA
+russian federation common pt-br RÚSSIA
+rwanda common pt-br RUANDA
+saint helena common pt-br SANTA HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common pt-br SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
+saint lucia common pt-br SANTA LÚCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common pt-br SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common pt-br SÃO VICENTE E GRANADA
+samoa common pt-br SAMOA
+san marino common pt-br SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common pt-br SÃO TOME AND PRINCIPE
+saturday common pt-br Sábado
+saudi arabia common pt-br ARÁBIA SAUDITA
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common pt-br Versão do Savant2 difere do validador Savant2.
Esta versão: %1
Versão do Savant: %2
+save common pt-br Salvar
+search common pt-br Procura
+search %1 '%2' common pt-br Procura %1 '%2'
+search accounts common pt-br Procurar contas
+search or select accounts common pt-br procurar ou selecionar contas
+second common pt-br segundo
+section common pt-br Seção
+select common pt-br Selecionar
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common pt-br Selecionar todos %1 %2 para %3
+select category common pt-br Selecionar categoria
+select date common pt-br Selecionar data
+select group common pt-br Selecionar grupo
+select home email address common pt-br Selecionar endereço de e-mail residencial
+select multiple accounts common pt-br Selecionar múltimas contas
+select one common pt-br Selecionar um
+select the default height for the application windows common pt-br Selecione a altura padrão para a janela do aplicativo
+select the default width for the application windows common pt-br Selecione a largura padrão para a janela do aplicativo
+select user common pt-br Selecionar usuário
+select work email address common pt-br Selecionar endereço de e-mail comercial
+selection common pt-br Seleção
+send common pt-br Enviar
+senegal common pt-br SENEGAL
+september common pt-br Setembro
+serbia common pt-br SÉRVIA
+server %1 has been added common pt-br Servidor %1 foi incluído
+server answered. processing response... common pt-br Servidor respondeu. Processando resposta...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common pt-br Servidor contactado. Aguardando resposta...
+server name common pt-br Nome do Servidor
+session has been killed common pt-br Sessão foi terminada
+setup common pt-br Configurar
+setup main menu common pt-br Menu principal de configurações
+seychelles common pt-br SEYCHELLES
+show all common pt-br Exibir tudo
+show all categorys common pt-br Mostrar todas as Categorias
+show as topmenu common pt-br Exibir como menu superior
+show clock? common pt-br Exibir relógio
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common pt-br Exibir Página Inicial e Desconectar na barra de aplicativos principais?
+show in sidebox common pt-br Exibir como caixa lateral
+show logo's on the desktop. common pt-br Exibir logotipo na tela.
+show menu common pt-br Mostrar menu
+show page generation time common pt-br Mostrar tempo de criação da página
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common pt-br O tempo de criação da página deve ser mostrado no rodapé?
+show page generation time? common pt-br Exibir tempo de geração da página?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common pt-br Exibir o logotipo do eGroupWare and X-Desktop na tela.
+show_more_apps common pt-br Mostrar mais aplicativos
+showing %1 common pt-br Exibindo %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common pt-br Exibindo %1 - %2 de %3
+sierra leone common pt-br SERRA LEOA
+simple common pt-br Simples
+singapore common pt-br SINGAPURA
+site configuration common pt-br Configuração do servidor
+slovakia common pt-br ESLOVÁQUIA
+slovenia common pt-br ESLOVÊNIA
+solomon islands common pt-br ILHAS SOLOMON
+somalia common pt-br SOMALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login pt-br Desculpe, sua conta expirou
+south africa common pt-br ÁFRICA DO SUL
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common pt-br SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
+spain common pt-br ESPANHA
+sri lanka common pt-br SRI LANKA
+start date common pt-br Data de início
+start time common pt-br Hora de início
+start with common pt-br iniciar com
+starting up... common pt-br Iniciando...
+status common pt-br Status
+stretched common pt-br esticado
+subject common pt-br Assunto
+submit common pt-br Enviar
+substitutions and their meanings: common pt-br Substituições e seus efeitos:
+sudan common pt-br SUDÃO
+sunday common pt-br Domingo
+suriname common pt-br SURINAME
+svalbard and jan mayen common pt-br SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common pt-br SUAZILÂNDIA
+sweden common pt-br SUÉCIA
+switzerland common pt-br SUÍÇA
+syrian arab republic common pt-br SÍRIA
+table properties common pt-br Propriedades da tabela
+taiwan common pt-br TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common pt-br TAJIQUISTÃO
+tanzania, united republic of common pt-br TANZÂNIA
+text color: common pt-br Cor do texto:
+thailand common pt-br TAILÂNDIA
+the api is current common pt-br A API está atualizada
+the api requires an upgrade common pt-br A API requer atualização
+the following applications require upgrades common pt-br As seguintes aplicações requerem atualização
+the mail server returned common pt-br O servidor de email retornou
+this application is current common pt-br A aplicação está atualizada
+this application requires an upgrade common pt-br Esta aplicação requer atualização
+this name has been used already common pt-br Este nome já está em uso !
+thursday common pt-br Quinta
+tiled common pt-br mosaico
+time common pt-br Hora
+time selection: jscalendar pt-br Seleção da hora:
+time zone common pt-br Fuso horário
+time zone offset common pt-br Faixa de fuso horário
+title common pt-br Título
+to common pt-br Para
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common pt-br Para corrigir este erro no futuro você deve ajustar as propriedades
+to go back to the msg list, click here common pt-br Para voltar para a lista de mensagens, clique aqui
+today common pt-br Hoje
+todays date, eg. "%1" common pt-br Data de hoje, ex. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar pt-br Utilizar como primeiro dia da semana
+togo common pt-br TOGO
+tokelau common pt-br TOKELAU
+tonga common pt-br TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common pt-br Houve tentativas em excesso de login para o usuário:: %1 para o cliente '%2', %3 a partir do endereço IP %4
+top common pt-br Topo
+total common pt-br Total
+transparant bg for the icons? common pt-br Cor de fundo transparente para os ícones?
+trinidad and tobago common pt-br TRINIDAD E TOBAGO
+tuesday common pt-br Terça
+tunisia common pt-br TUNISIA
+turkey common pt-br TURQUIA
+turkmenistan common pt-br TURCOMENISTÃO
+turks and caicos islands common pt-br ILHAS TURKS E CAICOS
+tuvalu common pt-br TUVALU
+type common pt-br Tipo
+uganda common pt-br UGANDA
+ukraine common pt-br UCRÂNIA
+underline common pt-br Sublinhado
+united arab emirates common pt-br EMIRADOS ÁRABES UNIDOS
+united kingdom common pt-br INGLATERRA
+united states common pt-br ESTADOS UNIDOS
+united states minor outlying islands common pt-br ILHAS MENORES EEUU
+unknown common pt-br Desconhecido
+update common pt-br Atualizar
+update the clock per minute or per second common pt-br Atualizar o relógio por minuto ou por segundo.
+upload common pt-br Carregar
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common pt-br Diretório de carregamento não existe ou o servidor web não tem direito de escrita nele.
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common pt-br Upload requer que o servidor web tenha poderes de gravação no diretório!
+url common pt-br URL
+uruguay common pt-br URUGUAI
+use button to search for common pt-br Utilize o botão para buscar por
+use button to search for address common pt-br Utilize o botão para procurar por endereços
+use button to search for calendarevent common pt-br Utilize o botão para procurar por eventos na agenda
+use button to search for project common pt-br Utilize o botão para procurar por projetos
+user common pt-br Usuário
+user accounts common pt-br Contas do usuário
+user groups common pt-br Grupos do usuário
+user openinstance common pt-br Instância do usuário aberta
+username common pt-br Nome do usuário
+users common pt-br Usuários
+users choice common pt-br À escolha dos usuários
+uzbekistan common pt-br UZBEQUIISTÃO
+vanuatu common pt-br VANUATU
+venezuela common pt-br VENEZUELA
+version common pt-br Versão
+viet nam common pt-br VIETNÃ
+view common pt-br Exibir
+virgin islands, british common pt-br ILHAS VIRGENS (ING)
+virgin islands, u.s. common pt-br ILHAS VIRGENS (EUA)
+wallis and futuna common pt-br WALLIS E FUTUNA
+wednesday common pt-br Quarta
+welcome common pt-br Bem Vindo
+western sahara common pt-br WESTERN SAHARA
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common pt-br Que cor todo espaço em branco deve ter na tela?
+what style would you like the image to have? common pt-br Que estilo você quer que a imagem tenha?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common pt-br Quando você escolhe sim, os botões Página Inicial e Desconectar são exibidos como aplicativos na barra de aplicativos principais.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common pt-br Onde e como os links como Preferências, Sobre e Desconectar serão exibidos.
+which groups common pt-br Qual grupo
+width common pt-br Largura
+wk jscalendar pt-br wk
+work email common pt-br Endereço de e-mail comercial
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common pt-br Você gostaria de exibir o tempo de geração da página no rodapé de cada janela?
+writing common pt-br gravando
+written by: common pt-br Escrito por:
+year common pt-br Ano
+yemen common pt-br YEMEN
+yes common pt-br Sim
+you are required to change your password during your first login common pt-br Você foi solicitado a alterar a sua senha na primeira sessão.
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common pt-br Você pode personalizar quantos ícones e barras de tarefas o editor exibe.
+you have been successfully logged out login pt-br Você foi desconectado com sucesso
+you have not entered a title common pt-br Você não informou um título
+you have not entered a valid date common pt-br Você não informou uma data válida
+you have not entered a valid time of day common pt-br Você não informou um horário para o dia
+you have not entered participants common pt-br Você não informou os participantes
+you have selected an invalid date common pt-br Você selecionou uma data inválida !
+you have selected an invalid main category common pt-br Você selecionou uma categoria principal inválida !
+you have successfully logged out common pt-br Você encerrou a sessão corretamente.
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common pt-br Você precisa adicionar o usuário webserver '%1' ao grupo '%2'.
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common pt-br Você precisa ser um administrador do eGroupWare para acessar esta funcionalidade!
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common pt-br Você tentou abrir a aplicação: %1, mas você não possui permissão para acessá-la.
+your message could not be sent!
common pt-br Não foi possível enviar sua mensagem!
+your message has been sent common pt-br Sua mensagem foi enviada.
+your search returned %1 matchs common pt-br Sua pesquisa retornou %1 ocorrências
+your search returned 1 match common pt-br Sua pesquisa retornou 1 ocorrência
+your session could not be verified. login pt-br Sua sessão não pôde ser verificada
+your settings have been updated common pt-br Suas preferências foram atualizadas
+zambia common pt-br ZÂMBIA
+zimbabwe common pt-br ZIMBABUE
+zoom common pt-br Zoom
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_pt.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_pt.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dbe007be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_pt.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common pt %1 endereço(s) de correio electrónico inserido(s)
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common pt %1 não é executável pelo servidor Web !!!
+%1 manual common pt %1 manual
+%1 start common pt %1 início
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common pt %1Escolha outra directoria%2
ou torne %3 editável pelo servidor Web
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common pt O %1eGroupWare%2 é uma ferramenta Web groupware criada em %3PHP%4, para ser utilizada por vários utilizadores em simultâneo.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar pt Clique no Shift ou arraste para alterar o valor
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar pt - Clique em qualquer área de tempo para a aumentar
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar pt - Mantenha o botão do rato pressionado num dos seguintes botões para uma selecção mais rápida.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar pt - ou clique e arraste para uma selecção mais rápida.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar pt - ou prima Shift para diminuí-lo
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar pt - Utilize os botões %1, %2 para seleccionar o mês
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar pt - Utilize os botões %1, %2 para seleccionar o ano
+00 (disable) admin pt 00 (desactivado)
+13 (ntp) admin pt 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar pt 3 caracteres para abreviatura do dia
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar pt 3 caracteres para abreviatura do mês
+80 (http) admin pt 80 (http)
+\n tidying up the html source, please wait... htmlarea-HtmlTidy pt \n A limpar a fonte HTML, por favor, aguarde...
+_delete row htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Eliminar Linha (_D)
+_image properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Propriedades da _Imagem...
+_modify link... htmlarea-ContextMenu pt _Modificar Ligação...
+_remove link... htmlarea-ContextMenu pt _Eliminar Ligação...
+_table properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Propriedades da _Tabela...
+about common pt Sobre
+about %1 common pt Sobre a aplicação %1
+about egroupware common pt Sobre o eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar pt Sobre o calendário
+about this editor htmlarea pt Sobre este editor
+access common pt Acesso
+access not permitted common pt Acesso negado
+account has been created common pt A conta foi criada
+account has been deleted common pt A conta foi eliminada
+account has been updated common pt A conta foi actualizada
+account is expired common pt A conta encontra-se expirada
+acl common pt ACL
+action common pt Acção
+active common pt Activo
+add common pt Adicionar
+add %1 category for common pt Adicionar categoria %1 para
+add category common pt Adicionar categorias
+add shortcut common pt Adicionar atalho
+add sub common pt Adicionar sub-tarefa
+addressbook common pt Livro de endereços
+admin common pt Administrador
+administration common pt Administração
+afghanistan common pt Afeganistão
+albania common pt Albânia
+algeria common pt Algéria
+align htmlarea-TableOperations pt Alinhar
+all common pt Tudo
+all fields common pt Todos os campos
+all four sides htmlarea-TableOperations pt Todos os quatro lados
+alphabet common pt a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common pt Folha de estilo alternativa
+american samoa common pt Samoa Americana
+andorra common pt Andorra
+angola common pt Angola
+anguilla common pt Anguila
+antarctica common pt Antárctida
+antigua and barbuda common pt Antígua e Barduda
+application common pt Aplicação
+apply common pt Aplicar
+april common pt Abril
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common pt Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar estes registos ?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common pt Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar este registo ?
+argentina common pt Argentina
+armenia common pt Arménia
+aruba common pt Aruba
+august common pt Agosto
+australia common pt Austrália
+austria common pt Áustria
+author common pt Autor
+autohide sidebox menu's common pt Esconder automaticamente menus da caixa lateral
+autohide sidebox menus common pt Esconder automaticamente menus da caixa lateral
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common pt Esconder automaticamente os menus da caixa lateral?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common pt Esconder automaticamente os menus da caixa lateral?
+autosave default category common pt Guardar automaticamente categoria por omissão
+azerbaijan common pt Azerbaijão
+back common pt Voltar
+back to user login common pt Voltar ao acesso do utilizador
+background htmlarea-TableOperations pt Fundo
+background color htmlarea pt Cor de Fundo
+background color: common pt Cor de fundo
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common pt O servidor Web não tem permissões de escrita na cópia de segurança a directoria '%1'
+bad login or password common pt Nome de utilizador ou senha incorrectos
+bahamas common pt Bahamas
+bahrain common pt Bahrein
+bangladesh common pt Bangladesh
+barbados common pt Barbados
+baseline htmlarea-TableOperations pt Linha de base
+bcc common pt Bcc
+belarus common pt Bielorrússia
+belgium common pt Bélgica
+belize common pt Belize
+benin common pt Benim
+bermuda common pt Bermudas
+bhutan common pt Butão
+blocked, too many attempts common pt Bloqueado: demasiadas tentativas
+bold common pt Negrito
+bold.gif common pt negrito.gif
+bolivia common pt Bolívia
+border common pt Contorno
+borders htmlarea-TableOperations pt Contornos
+bosnia and herzegovina common pt Bósnia-Herzegovina
+botswana common pt Botsuana
+bottom common pt Fundo
+bouvet island common pt Ilha Bouvet
+brazil common pt Brasil
+british indian ocean territory common pt Território Britânico do Oceano Índico
+brunei darussalam common pt Brunei
+bulgaria common pt Bulgária
+bulleted list htmlarea pt Lista com marcações
+burkina faso common pt Burkina Faso
+burundi common pt Burundi
+c_ell properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Propriedades de C_élulas...
+calendar common pt Calendário
+cambodia common pt Camboja
+cameroon common pt Camarões
+canada common pt Canadá
+cancel common pt Cancelar
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common pt Não é possível substituir %1 porque é uma directoria
+cant open '%1' for %2 common pt Não é possível abrir '%1' para %2
+cape verde common pt Cabo Verde
+caption common pt Subtítulo
+categories common pt Categorias
+categories for common pt categorias para
+category common pt Categoria
+category %1 has been added ! common pt Categoria %1 foi adicionada !
+category %1 has been updated ! common pt Categoria %1 foi actualizada !
+cayman islands common pt Ilhas Caimão
+cc common pt Cc
+cell properties htmlarea-TableOperations pt Propriedades das células
+centered common pt centrado
+central african republic common pt República Centro-Africana
+chad common pt Chade
+change common pt Alterar
+char htmlarea-TableOperations pt Char
+charset common pt utf-8
+chec_k link... htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Verificar Ligação... (_k)
+check installation common pt Verificar instalação
+check now common pt Verificar agora
+chile common pt Chile
+china common pt China
+choose a background color common pt Escolha uma cor de fundo
+choose a background color for the icons common pt Escolha uma cor de fundo para os ícones
+choose a background image. common pt Escolha uma imagem de fundo.
+choose a background style. common pt Escolha um estilo de fundo.
+choose a text color for the icons common pt Escolha uma cor de texto para os ícones
+choose list style type (for ordered lists) htmlarea-ListType pt Escolha o tipo de estilo de lista (para listas ordenadas)
+choose the category common pt Escolha a categoria
+choose the parent category common pt Escolha a categoria principal
+christmas island common pt Ilha Natal
+clear common pt Cancelar
+clear form common pt Limpar Formulário
+click common pt Clicar
+click or mouse over to show menus common pt Clicar ou passar com o rato por cima para exibir menus
+click or mouse over to show menus? common pt Clicar ou passar com o rato por cima para exibir menus?
+close common pt Fechar
+close sidebox common pt Fechar caixa lateral
+cocos (keeling) islands common pt Ilhas Cocos (Keeling)
+collapsed borders htmlarea-TableOperations pt Contornos sobrepostos
+colombia common pt Colômbia
+color htmlarea-TableOperations pt Cor
+common preferences common pt Preferências gerais
+comoros common pt Comores
+company common pt Empresa
+congo common pt Congo
+congo, the democratic republic of the common pt Congo, República Democrática do
+contacting server... common pt A ligar ao servidor...
+cook islands common pt Ilhas Cook
+copy common pt Copiar
+copy selection htmlarea pt Copiar selecção
+costa rica common pt Costa Rica
+cote d ivoire common pt Costa do Marfim
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common pt Não foi possível ligar ao servidor. Sessão expirou!
+create common pt Criar
+create a link htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Criar uma ligação
+created by common pt Criado por
+croatia common pt Croácia
+cuba common pt Cuba
+currency common pt Moeda
+current common pt Actual
+current style htmlarea pt Estilo actual
+current url is htmlarea-ContextMenu pt A URL actual é
+current users common pt Utilizadores actuais
+cut htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Cortar
+cut selection htmlarea pt Cortar selecção
+cyprus common pt Chipre
+czech republic common pt República Checa
+date common pt Data
+date due common pt Até
+date selection: jscalendar pt Selecção de data:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin pt Porto Datetime.
Se utilizar o porto 13, por favor configure as regras da firewall apropriadamente antes de enviar esta página.
(Porto: 13 / Servidor:
+de_lete column htmlarea-ContextMenu pt E_liminar Coluna
+december common pt Dezembro
+decimal numbers htmlarea-ListType pt Números decimais
+decrease indent htmlarea pt Diminuir avanço
+default category common pt Categoria por omissão
+default height for the windows common pt Altura das janelas por omissão
+default width for the windows common pt Largura das janelas por omissão
+delete common pt Eliminar
+delete cell htmlarea-TableOperations pt Eliminar célula
+delete column htmlarea-TableOperations pt Eliminar coluna
+delete row common pt Eliminar linha
+delete the current column htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Eliminar coluna actual
+delete the current row htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Eliminar linha actual
+denmark common pt Dinamarca
+description common pt Descrição
+detail common pt Detalhe
+details common pt Detalhes
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common pt Desactivar a execução de um script de correcção de falhas do Internet Explorer 5.5 ou superior para exibir as transparências nas imagens .png?
+dictionary htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Dicionário
+direction left to right common pt Da esquerda para a direita
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common pt Desactivar o corrector de falhas de imagens .png do Internet Explorer
+disable slider effects common pt Desactivar efeitos de deslizamento
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common pt Desactivar os efeitos de deslizamento animado ao exibir ou esconder os menus na página? Os utilizadores de Opera e Konqueror deverão achar esta opção útil.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common pt Desactivar a execução de um script de correcção de falhas do Internet Explorer 5.5 ou superior para exibir as transparências nas imagens .png?
+disabled common pt Desactivado
+display %s first jscalendar pt Exibir %s primeiro
+djibouti common pt Jibuti
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common pt Deseja eliminar também todas subcategorias ?
+doctype: common pt Tipo de documento:
+document properties common pt Propriedades do documento
+document title: common pt Título do documento
+domain common pt Domínio
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common pt nome de domínio para endereço de correio electrónico. Ex: "%1"
+domestic common pt Doméstico
+dominica common pt Dominica
+dominican republic common pt República Dominicana
+done common pt Concluído
+drag to move jscalendar pt Arrastar para mover
+e-mail common pt Correio Electrónico
+east timor common pt Timor Leste
+ecuador common pt Equador
+edit common pt Editar
+edit %1 category for common pt Editar categoria %1 para
+edit categories common pt Editar categorias
+edit category common pt Editar categorias
+egroupware api version %1 common pt versão %1 de eGroupWare API
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common pt eGroupWare: entrada bloqueada para o utilizador '%1', IP %2
+egypt common pt Egipto
+el salvador common pt Salvador
+element... htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Elemento...
+email common pt Correio Electrónico
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common pt endereço de correio electrónico para o utilizador. Ex: "%1"
+en common pt en
+enabled common pt Activado
+end date common pt Data de fim
+end time common pt Hora de fim
+enlarge editor htmlarea pt Aumentar editor
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin pt Insira a localização da URL do eGroupWare.
Exemplo: http://www.domain.com/egroupware ou /egroupware
Sem a barra final
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common pt O registo foi eliminado com sucesso
+entry updated sucessfully common pt O registo foi actualizado com sucesso
+equatorial guinea common pt Guiné Equatorial
+eritrea common pt Eritreia
+error common pt Erro
+error creating %1 %2 directory common pt Erro ao criar a directoria %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common pt Erro ao eliminar a directoria %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common pt Erro ao renomear a directoria %1 %2
+estonia common pt Estónia
+ethiopia common pt Etiópia
+exact common pt Exacto
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common pt Falha ao contactar o servidor ou resposta inválida do servidor. Tente aceder novamente. Contacte o administrador em caso de falha.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common pt Ilhas Malvinas (Falkland)
+faroe islands common pt Ilhas Faroe
+fax number common pt número de fax
+february common pt Fevereiro
+fg color htmlarea-TableOperations pt Cor FG
+fields common pt Campos
+fiji common pt Fiji
+files common pt Ficheiros
+filter common pt Filtro
+finished list of mispelled words htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Lista de palavras escritas incorrectamente concluída.
+finland common pt Finlândia
+first name common pt Nome
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt primeiro nome do utilizador. Ex:"%1"
+first page common pt Primeira página
+firstname common pt Primeiro nome
+fixme! common pt Corrija-me!
+float htmlarea-TableOperations pt Flutuar
+folder already exists. common pt Pasta já existente.
+font color htmlarea pt Cor da Fonte
+force selectbox common pt Forçar caixa de selecção
+frames htmlarea-TableOperations pt Frames
+france common pt França
+french guiana common pt Guiana Francesa
+french polynesia common pt Polinésia Francesa
+french southern territories common pt Territórios Austrais e Antárticos Franceses
+friday common pt Sexta
+ftp common pt FTP
+fullname common pt Nome completo
+fullscreen mode common pt Modo ecrã inteiro
+gabon common pt Gabão
+gambia common pt Gâmbia
+general menu common pt Menu geral
+georgia common pt Geórgia
+german common pt Alemã(o)
+germany common pt Alemanha
+ghana common pt Gana
+gibraltar common pt Gibraltar
+global common pt Geral
+global public common pt Acesso público
+go today jscalendar pt Ir para hoje
+grant access common pt Permitir acesso
+greece common pt Grécia
+greenland common pt Gronelândia
+grenada common pt Granada
+group common pt Grupo
+group access common pt Acesso ao Grupo
+group has been added common pt O grupo foi adicionado
+group has been deleted common pt O grupo foi eliminado
+group has been updated common pt O grupo foi actualizado
+group name common pt Nome do grupo
+group public common pt Grupo público
+groups common pt Grupos
+groups with permission for %1 common pt Grupos com permissão para %1
+groups without permission for %1 common pt Grupos sem permissão para %1
+guadeloupe common pt Guadalupe
+guam common pt Guam
+guatemala common pt Guatemala
+guinea common pt Guiné
+guinea-bissau common pt Guiné-Bissau
+guyana common pt Guiana
+haiti common pt Haiti
+heard island and mcdonald islands common pt Ilha Heard e Ilhas McDonald
+height common pt Altura
+help common pt Ajuda
+help using editor htmlarea pt Ajuda na utilização do editor
+high common pt Alta
+highest common pt Mais alta
+holy see (vatican city state) common pt Santa Sé (Cidade do Estado do Vaticano)
+home common pt Página inicial
+home email common pt endereço de correio electrónico principal
+honduras common pt Honduras
+hong kong common pt Hong Kong
+horizontal rule htmlarea pt Regra Horizontal
+how did you get here? (please report!) htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Como chegou até aqui? (Por favor, responda!)
+how many columns would you like to merge? htmlarea-TableOperations pt Quantas colunas deseja unir?
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common pt Quantos ícones devem ser exibidos na barra de navegação (topo da página). Os ícones adicionais irão para um outro menu. Para aceder a este menu basta clicar no ícone mais à direita da barra de navegação.
+how many rows would you like to merge? htmlarea-TableOperations pt Quantas linhas deseja unir?
+html tidy htmlarea-HtmlTidy pt HTML Tidy
+htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last cell in row. htmlarea-TableOperations pt A área HTML recusa-se a eliminar a última célula da linha.
+htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last column in table. htmlarea-TableOperations pt A área HTML recusa-se a eliminar a última coluna da tabela.
+htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last row in table. htmlarea-TableOperations pt A área HTML recusa-se a eliminar a última linha da tabela.
+hungary common pt Hungria
+i will open it in a new page. htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Irei abri-la numa nova página
+i_nsert row before htmlarea-ContextMenu pt I_nserir Linha Antes
+iceland common pt Islândia
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common pt O ieSpell não foi detectado. Clique em OK para ir para a página de transferências.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common pt Se o relógio estiver activo, deseja actualizá-lo ao segundo ou ao minuto?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common pt Se existirem imagens na pasta de fundo, pode escolher a que gosta mais.
+ignore htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Ignorar
+ignore all htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Ignorar todas
+image url common pt URL da imagem
+in_sert row after htmlarea-ContextMenu pt In_serir Linha Depois
+increase indent htmlarea pt Aumentar avanço
+india common pt Índia
+indonesia common pt Indonésia
+insert 'return false' common pt Inserir 'return false'
+insert _column before htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Inserir _Coluna Antes
+insert a new column after the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Inserir uma nova coluna depois da actual
+insert a new column before the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Inserir uma nova coluna antes da actual
+insert a new row after the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Inserir uma nova linha depois da actual
+insert a new row before the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Inserir uma nova linha antes da actual
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common pt Inserir todos os endereços %1 dos contactos %2 no/a %3
+insert c_olumn after htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Inserir C_oluna Depois
+insert cell after htmlarea-TableOperations pt Inserir célula depois
+insert cell before htmlarea-TableOperations pt Inserir célula antes
+insert column after common pt Inserir coluna depois
+insert column before common pt Inserir coluna antes
+insert image htmlarea pt Inserir Imagem
+insert row after common pt Inserir linha depois
+insert row before common pt Inserir linha antes
+insert table htmlarea pt Inserir Tabela
+insert web link htmlarea pt Inserir Ligação Web
+international common pt Internacional
+invalid filename common pt Nome de ficheiro inválido
+invalid ip address common pt Endereço IP inválido
+invalid password common pt Senha inválida
+iran, islamic republic of common pt Irão, República Islâmica do
+iraq common pt Iraque
+ireland common pt Irlanda
+israel common pt Israel
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common pt Passaram %1 dias desde a última alteração da sua senha
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common pt É recomendado que seja executada a Configuração para atualizar as tabelas para a versão atual.
+italic common pt Itálico
+italic.gif common pt italico.gif
+italy common pt Itália
+jamaica common pt Jamaica
+january common pt Janeiro
+japan common pt Japão
+jordan common pt Jordânia
+july common pt Julho
+jun common pt Jun
+june common pt Junho
+justify htmlarea-TableOperations pt Justificar
+justify center common pt Alinhar ao Centro
+justify full common pt Justificar
+justify left common pt Alinhar à Esquerda
+justify right common pt Alinhar à Direita
+kazakstan common pt Cazaquistão
+kenya common pt Quénia
+keywords common pt Palavras-chave
+kiribati common pt Kiribati
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common pt Coreia, República Popular Democrática da
+korea, republic of common pt Coreia, República da
+kuwait common pt Kuwait
+kyrgyzstan common pt Quirguistão
+language common pt Idioma
+language_direction_rtl common pt Direcção do idioma da direita para a esquerda
+lao peoples democratic republic common pt Laos, República Popular Democrática de
+last name common pt Apelido
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt apelido do utilizador. Ex: "%1"
+last page common pt Última página
+lastname common pt Apelido
+latvia common pt Letónia
+layout htmlarea-TableOperations pt Apresentação
+ldap-mgr common pt Gestor LDAP
+lebanon common pt Líbano
+left common pt Esquerda
+lesotho common pt Lesoto
+liberia common pt Libéria
+libyan arab jamahiriya common pt Líbia
+license common pt Licença
+liechtenstein common pt Liechtenstein
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common pt Linha %1:'%2'
dados csv não coincidem com o número de colunas da tabela %3 ==> ignorado
+link points to: htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Ligar pontos a:
+list common pt Listar
+list members common pt Listar membros
+lithuania common pt Lituânia
+local common pt Local
+login common pt Entrar
+loginid common pt ID de ligação
+logout common pt Sair
+low common pt Baixa
+lower greek letters htmlarea-ListType pt Letras gregas minúsculas
+lower latin letters htmlarea-ListType pt Letras latinas minúsculas
+lower roman numbers htmlarea-ListType pt Números romanos minúsculos
+lowest common pt Mais baixo
+luxembourg common pt Luxemburgo
+macau common pt Macau
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common pt Macedónia, Antiga República Jugoslava da
+madagascar common pt Madagáscar
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common pt domínio de correio electrónico. Ex: "%1"
+main category common pt Cetegoria principal
+main screen common pt Ecrã principal
+maintainer common pt Administrador
+make lin_k... htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Criar ligação... (_k)
+malawi common pt Malawi
+malaysia common pt Malásia
+maldives common pt Maldivas
+mali common pt Mali
+malta common pt Malta
+march common pt Março
+margin htmlarea-TableOperations pt Margem
+marshall islands common pt Ilhas Marshall
+martinique common pt Martinica
+mauritania common pt Mauritânia
+mauritius common pt Maurícias
+max number of icons in navbar common pt Número máximo de ícones na barra de navegação
+may common pt Maio
+mayotte common pt Mayotte
+medium common pt Média
+menu common pt Menu
+merge cells htmlarea-TableOperations pt Unir células
+message common pt Mensagem
+mexico common pt México
+micronesia, federated states of common pt Micronésia, Estados Federados da
+middle htmlarea-TableOperations pt Centro
+minute common pt minuto
+modify url htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Modificar URL
+moldova, republic of common pt Moldávia, República da
+monaco common pt Mónaco
+monday common pt Segunda
+mongolia common pt Mongólia
+montserrat common pt Montserrate
+morocco common pt Marrocos
+mozambique common pt Moçambique
+multiple common pt vários/as
+myanmar common pt Mianmar
+name common pt Nome
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common pt nome do utilizador, ex."%1"
+namibia common pt Namíbia
+nauru common pt Nauru
+nepal common pt Nepal
+netherlands common pt Holanda
+netherlands antilles common pt Antilhas Holandesas
+never common pt Nunca
+new caledonia common pt Nova Caledónia
+new entry added sucessfully common pt Registo adicionado com sucesso
+new main category common pt Nova categoria principal
+new value common pt Novo Valor
+new zealand common pt Nova Zelândia
+next common pt Seguinte
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar pt Mês seguinte (manter pressionado para ver menu)
+next page common pt Página seguinte
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar pt Ano seguinte (manter pressionado para ver menu)
+nicaragua common pt Nicarágua
+niger common pt Níger
+nigeria common pt Nigéria
+niue common pt Niue
+no common pt Não
+no entries found, try again ... common pt nenhum resgisto encontrado, tente novamente...
+no history for this record common pt Nenhum histórico para este registro
+no mispelled words found with the selected dictionary. htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Nenhum erro ortográfico encontrado de acordo com o dicionário seleccionado.
+no rules htmlarea-TableOperations pt Nenhuma regra
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common pt Nenhuma directoria do modelo Savant2 foi encontrada em:
+no sides htmlarea-TableOperations pt Nenhum lado
+no subject common pt Sem assunto
+none common pt Nenhum(a)
+norfolk island common pt Ilha Norfolk
+normal common pt Normal
+northern mariana islands common pt Ilhas Marianas do Norte
+norway common pt Noruega
+not assigned common pt não assinado/a
+note common pt Nota
+notes common pt Notas
+notify window common pt Janela de Aviso
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common pt Avisar o seu administrador para corrigir esta situação
+november common pt Novembro
+october common pt Outubro
+ok common pt OK
+old value common pt Antigo Valor
+oman common pt Omã
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common pt Em sistemas *nix, por favor escreva: %1
+on mouse over common pt Ao passar com o rato por cima
+only private common pt Apenas privado
+only yours common pt Apenas as suas
+open notify window common pt Abrir janela de aviso
+open popup window common pt Abrir janela popup
+open sidebox common pt Abrir caixa lateral
+opens this link in a new window htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Abre esta ligação numa nova janela
+ordered list common pt Lista ordenada
+original common pt Original
+original word htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Palavra original
+other common pt Outro
+overview common pt Visão geral
+owner common pt Dono
+padding htmlarea-TableOperations pt Preenchimento
+page common pt Página
+page was generated in %1 seconds common pt A página foi gerada em %1 segundos
+pakistan common pt Paquistão
+palau common pt Palau
+palestinian territory, occupied common pt Território Palestiniano, Ocupado
+panama common pt Panamá
+papua new guinea common pt Papua Nova Guiné
+paraguay common pt Paraguai
+parcel common pt Parcela
+parent category common pt Categoria principal
+password common pt Senha
+password could not be changed common pt Não foi possível alterar a senha
+password has been updated common pt A senha foi alterada
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common pt A senha tem de conter pelo menos %1 letras minúsculas
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common pt A senha tem de conter pelo menos %1 algarismos
+password must contain at least %1 special charactars common pt A senha tem de conter pelo menos %1 caracteres especiais
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common pt A senha tem de conter pelo menos %1 letras maiúsculas
+password must have at least %1 characters common pt A senha tem de conter pelo menos %1 caracteres
+paste htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Colar
+paste from clipboard htmlarea pt Colar da área de transferência
+path htmlarea pt Caminho
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common pt Caminho para ficheiros de utilizador ou de grupo tem de ser externo à raiz-documento dos servidores Web
+pattern for search in addressbook common pt Padrão para pesquisar no livro de endereços
+pattern for search in calendar common pt Padrão para pesquisar no calendário
+pattern for search in projects common pt Padrão para pesquisar nos projectos
+percent htmlarea-TableOperations pt por cento
+permissions to the files/users directory common pt permissões para as directorias de ficheiros/utilizadores
+personal common pt Pessoal
+peru common pt Peru
+philippines common pt Filipinas
+phone number common pt número de telefone
+phpgwapi common pt API eGroupWare
+pitcairn common pt Ilha Pitcairn
+pixels htmlarea-TableOperations pt píxeis
+please %1 by hand common pt Por favor, %1 manualmente
+please click into some cell htmlarea-TableOperations pt Por favor, clique numa célula
+please confirm that you want to open this link htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Por favor, confirme que deseja abrir esta ligação
+please confirm that you want to remove this element: htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Por favor, confirma que deseja eliminar este elemento:
+please confirm that you want to unlink this element. htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Por favor, confirme que deseja remover a ligação deste elemento.
+please enter a name common pt Por favor, insira um nome !
+please run setup to become current common pt Por favor, execute a configuração para actualizar o sistema
+please select common pt Por favor, seleccione
+please set your global preferences common pt Por favor, defina as suas preferências gerais
+please set your preferences for this application common pt Configure suas preferências para esta aplicação !
+please wait. calling spell checker. htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Por favor, aguarde. A carregar o verificador ortográfico.
+please wait... common pt Por favor, aguarde...
+please wait: changing dictionary to htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Por favor, aguarde: a alterar dicionário para
+pliz weit ;-) htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Por favor, aguarde
+poland common pt Polónia
+portugal common pt Portugal
+postal common pt Código Postal
+powered by egroupware version %1 common pt Desenvolvido por eGroupWare versão %1
+powered by phpgroupware version %1 common pt Desenvolvido por phpGroupWare versão %1
+preferences common pt Preferências
+preferences for the idots template set common pt Preferências para o modelo Idots
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar pt Mês anterior (manter pressionado para ver menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar pt Ano anterior (manter pressionado para ver menu)
+previous page common pt Página anterior
+primary style-sheet: common pt Folha de estilo primária
+print common pt Imprimir
+priority common pt Prioridade
+private common pt Privado
+programs common pt Programas
+project common pt Projecto
+public common pt Público
+puerto rico common pt Porto Rico
+qatar common pt Qatar
+re-check htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Verificar novamente
+read common pt Ler
+read this list of methods. common pt Lê esta lista de métodos.
+reading common pt a ler
+redoes your last action htmlarea pt Refaz a sua última acção
+register common pt Registar
+reject common pt Rejeitar
+remove selected accounts common pt Eliminar contas seleccionadas
+remove shortcut common pt Eliminar Atalho
+remove the htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Eliminar o/a
+remove this node from the document htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Remover este nó do documento
+rename common pt Renomear
+replace common pt Substituir
+replace all htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Substituir tudo
+replace with common pt Substituir por
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common pt Fornece a lista completa de contas no sistema. Aviso: Esta lista pode ser muito grande.
+returns an array of todo items common pt Fornece a lista de tarefas a fazer
+returns struct of users application access common pt Fornece a estrutura de acesso dos utilizadores às aplicações
+reunion common pt Reunião
+revert htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Reverter
+right common pt Direita
+ro_w properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Propriedades da Linha... (_w)
+romania common pt Roménia
+row properties htmlarea-TableOperations pt Propriedades da Linha
+rules htmlarea-TableOperations pt Regras
+rules will appear between all rows and columns htmlarea-TableOperations pt As regras surgem entre todas as linhas e colunas
+rules will appear between columns only htmlarea-TableOperations pt As regras surgem apenas entre as colunas
+rules will appear between rows only htmlarea-TableOperations pt As regras surgem apenas entre as linhas
+russian federation common pt Federação Russa
+rwanda common pt Ruanda
+saint helena common pt Santa Helena
+saint kitts and nevis common pt São Cristóvão e Neves
+saint lucia common pt Santa Lúcia
+saint pierre and miquelon common pt São Pedro e Miquelão
+saint vincent and the grenadines common pt São Vicente e Granadinas
+samoa common pt Samoa
+san marino common pt San Marino
+sao tome and principe common pt São Tomé e Príncipe
+saturday common pt Sábado
+saudi arabia common pt Arábia Saudita
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common pt A versão Savant2 é diferente da Savant2 wrapper.
Esta versão: %1
Versão Savant2:%2
+save common pt Guardar
+search common pt Pesquisar
+search %1 '%2' common pt Pesquisar %1 '%2'
+search or select accounts common pt Pesquisar ou seleccionar contas
+search or select multiple accounts common pt Pesquisar ou seleccionar várias contas
+second common pt segundo
+section common pt Secção
+select common pt Seleccionar
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common pt Seleccionar todos %1 %2 para %3
+select category common pt Seleccionar Categoria
+select date common pt Seleccionar data
+select group common pt Seleccionar grupo
+select home email address common pt Seleccionar endereço de correio electrónico pessoal
+select multiple accounts common pt seleccionar várias contas
+select one common pt Seleccione um
+select the default height for the application windows common pt Seleccione a altura por omissão das janelas de aplicações
+select the default width for the application windows common pt Seleccione a largura por omissão das janelas de aplicações
+select user common pt Seleccionar utilizador
+select work email address common pt Seleccionar endereço de correio electrónico do trabalho
+selection common pt Selecção
+send common pt Enviar
+senegal common pt Senegal
+september common pt Setembro
+server %1 has been added common pt O servidor %1 foi adicionado
+server answered. processing response... common pt O servidor respondeu. A processar resposta...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common pt O servidor foi contactado. A aguardar resposta...
+server name common pt Nome do Servidor
+session has been killed common pt Sessão foi terminada
+setup common pt Configurar
+setup main menu common pt Configurar Menu Principal
+seychelles common pt Seicheles
+show all common pt Exibir tudo
+show all categorys common pt Exibir todas as categorias
+show clock? common pt Exibir relógio?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common pt Deseja exibir os botões "página inicial" e "sair" na barra da aplicação principal?
+show logo's on the desktop. common pt Exibir logótipo no ambiente de trabalho.
+show menu common pt exibir menu
+show page generation time common pt Exibir tempo de geração da página
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common pt Exibir tempo de geração da página no final da página?
+show page generation time? common pt Exibir tempo de geração da página?
+show the image properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Exibir a caixa de diálogo das propriedades de imagem
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common pt Exibir o logótipo da eGroupware e da x-desktop no ambiente de trabalho.
+show the table cell properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Exibir a caixa de diálogo das Propriedades de Células da Tabela
+show the table properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Exibir a caixa de diálogo das Propriedades da Tabela
+show the table row properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Exibir a caixa de diálogo das Propriedades de Linhas da Tabela
+show_more_apps common pt Exibir mais aplicações
+showing %1 common pt A exibir %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common pt A exibir %1 - %2 de %3
+sierra leone common pt Serra Leoa
+singapore common pt Singapura
+slovakia common pt Eslováquia
+slovenia common pt Eslovénia
+solomon islands common pt Ilhas Salomão
+somalia common pt Somália
+sorry, your login has expired login pt Desculpe, sua conta expirou
+south africa common pt África do Sul
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common pt Ilhas Geórgia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul
+spacing htmlarea-TableOperations pt Espaçamento
+spacing and padding htmlarea-TableOperations pt Espaçamento e preenchimento
+spain common pt Espanha
+spell check complete, didn't find any mispelled words. closing now... htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Verificação ortográfica concluída. Não foram encontrados erros. A fechar...
+spell-check htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Verificação ortográfica
+split cell htmlarea-TableOperations pt Dividir célula
+split column htmlarea-TableOperations pt Dividir coluna
+split row htmlarea-TableOperations pt Dividir linha
+sri lanka common pt Sri Lanka
+start date common pt Data de início
+start time common pt Hora de início
+start with common pt Iniciar com
+starting up... common pt A iniciar...
+status common pt Estado
+stretched common pt Esticado
+strikethrough htmlarea pt Riscado
+style [css] htmlarea-TableOperations pt Estilo [CSS]
+subject common pt Assunto
+submit common pt Enviar
+subscript htmlarea pt Subscrito
+substitutions and their meanings: common pt Legenda:
+sudan common pt Sudão
+suggestions htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Sugestões
+summary htmlarea-TableOperations pt Resumo
+sunday common pt Domingo
+superscript htmlarea pt Super escrito
+suriname common pt Suriname
+svalbard and jan mayen common pt Svalbard e Jan Mayen
+swaziland common pt Suazilândia
+sweden common pt Suécia
+switzerland common pt Suíça
+syrian arab republic common pt Síria, República Árabe
+table properties common pt Propriedades da tabela
+taiwan common pt Taiwan (Formosa)/Taipé
+tajikistan common pt Tajiquistão
+tanzania, united republic of common pt Tanzânia, República Unida da
+text align htmlarea-TableOperations pt Alinhar texto
+text color: common pt Cor do texto:
+thailand common pt Tailândia
+the api is current common pt A API está actualizada
+the api requires an upgrade common pt A API requer actualização
+the bottom side only htmlarea-TableOperations pt Apenas o lado inferior
+the following applications require upgrades common pt As seguintes aplicações requerem actualização
+the left-hand side only htmlarea-TableOperations pt Apenas o lado esquerdo
+the mail server returned common pt O servidor de correio electrónico retornou
+the right and left sides only htmlarea-TableOperations pt Apenas os lados esquerdo e direito
+the right-hand side only htmlarea-TableOperations pt Apenas o lado direito
+the top and bottom sides only htmlarea-TableOperations pt Apenas os lados superior e inferior
+the top side only htmlarea-TableOperations pt Apenas o lado superior
+this application is current common pt A aplicação encontra-se actualizada
+this application requires an upgrade common pt Esta aplicação requer actualização
+this name has been used already common pt Este nome já está a ser utilizado !
+this will drop changes and quit spell checker. please confirm. htmlarea-SpellChecker pt Esta acção irá cancelar as alterações e abandonar o verificador ortográfico. Por favor, confirme.
+thursday common pt Quinta
+tiled common pt Mosaico
+time common pt Hora
+time selection: jscalendar pt Selecção da hora:
+time zone common pt Fuso horário
+time zone offset common pt Faixa de fuso horário
+title common pt Título
+to common pt Para
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common pt Para corrigir este erro futuramente, irá precisar de definir correctamente o
+to go back to the msg list, click here common pt Para voltar para a lista de mensagens, clique aqui
+today common pt Hoje
+todays date, eg. "%1" common pt data de hoje, ex: "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar pt Alterar o primeiro dia da semana
+toggle html source htmlarea pt Alterar a fonte HTML
+togo common pt Togo
+tokelau common pt Toquelau
+tonga common pt Tonga
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common pt Demasiadas tentativas de acesso sem sucesso: %1 para o utilizador '%2', %3 para o IP %4
+top common pt Topo
+total common pt Total
+transparant bg for the icons? common pt Fundo transparente para os ícones?
+trinidad and tobago common pt Trindade e Tobago
+tuesday common pt Terça
+tunisia common pt Tunísia
+turkey common pt Turquia
+turkmenistan common pt Turquemenistão
+turks and caicos islands common pt Ilhas Turcas e Caicos
+tuvalu common pt Tuvalu
+type common pt Tipo
+uganda common pt Uganda
+ukraine common pt Ucrânia
+underline common pt Sublinhado
+underline.gif common pt sublinhado.gif
+undoes your last action htmlarea pt Anula a última acção
+united arab emirates common pt Emiratos Árabes Unidos
+united kingdom common pt Reino Unido
+united states common pt Estados Unidos da Américo
+united states minor outlying islands common pt Ilhas Menores Distantes dos Estados Unidos
+unknown common pt Desconhecido
+unlink the current element htmlarea-ContextMenu pt Remover ligaçao do elemento actual
+unset color htmlarea-TableOperations pt Desconfigurar cor
+update common pt Actualizar
+update the clock per minute or per second common pt Actualizar o relógio ao minuto ou ao segundo
+upload common pt Enviar
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common pt A directoria de envio não existe, ou não é editável pelo servidor Web
+upload image htmlarea-UploadImage pt Enviar Imagem
+upper latin letters htmlarea-ListType pt Letras latinas maiúsculas
+upper roman numbers htmlarea-ListType pt Números romanos maiúsculos
+url common pt URL
+uruguay common pt Uruguai
+use button to search for common pt utilizar Botão para pesquisar por
+use button to search for address common pt utilizar Botão para pesquisar por Endereço
+use button to search for calendarevent common pt utilizar Botão para pesquisar por Evento do Calendário
+use button to search for project common pt utilizar Botão para pesquisar por Projecto
+user common pt Utilizador
+user accounts common pt Contas do utilizador
+user groups common pt Grupos do utilizador
+user openinstance common pt Instância livre do utilizador
+username common pt Nome de utilizador
+users common pt Utilizadores
+users choice common pt À escolha dos usuários
+uzbekistan common pt Usbequistão
+vanuatu common pt Vanuatu
+venezuela common pt Venezuela
+version common pt Versão
+vertical align htmlarea-TableOperations pt Alinhar verticalmente
+viet nam common pt Vietname
+view common pt Ver
+virgin islands, british common pt Ilhas Virgens Britânicas
+virgin islands, u.s. common pt Ilhas Virgens Americanas
+wallis and futuna common pt Ilhas Wallis e Futuna
+wednesday common pt Quarta
+welcome common pt Bem-vindo
+western sahara common pt Saara Ocidental
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common pt Que cor deve preencher todos os espaços em branco do ambiente de trabalho?
+what style would you like the image to have? common pt Que estilo deseja que a imagem tenha?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common pt Se disser que sim, os botões "página inicial" e "sair" serão apresentados como aplicações na barra de aplicações.
+which groups common pt Que grupo(s)
+width common pt Largura
+wk jscalendar pt Semana
+work email common pt endereço de correio electrónico do trabalho
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common pt Deseja apresentar o tempo de geração da página no final de cada janela?
+writing common pt a escrever
+written by: common pt Escrito por:
+year common pt Ano
+yemen common pt Iémen
+yes common pt Sim
+you are in text mode. use the [<>] button to switch back to wysiwig. htmlarea pt Está em Modo de Texto. Utilize o botão [<>] para voltar ao modo WYSIWIG.
+you are required to change your password during your first login common pt É necessário alterar a sua senha no seu primeiro acesso
+you have been successfully logged out login pt Saiu com sucesso
+you have not entered a title common pt Não inseriu um título
+you have not entered a valid date common pt Não inseriu uma data válida
+you have not entered a valid time of day common pt Não inseriu uma hora do dia válida
+you have not entered participants common pt Não inseriu participantes
+you have selected an invalid date common pt Seleccionou uma data inválida !
+you have selected an invalid main category common pt Seleccionou uma categoria principal inválida !
+you have successfully logged out common pt Saiu com sucesso
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common pt É necessário adicionar o utilizador '%1' do servidor Web ao grupo '%2'
+your message could not be sent!
common pt Não foi possível enviar sua mensagem!
+your message has been sent common pt A sua mensagem foi enviada
+your search returned %1 matchs common pt A sua pesquisa resultou em %1 ocorrências
+your search returned 1 match common pt A sua pesquisa resultou em 1 ocorrência
+your session could not be verified. login pt A sua sessão expirou
+your settings have been updated common pt As suas preferências foram actualizadas
+yugoslavia common pt Jugoslávia
+zambia common pt Zâmbia
+zimbabwe common pt Zimbabwe
+zoom common pt Zoom
+site configuration common pt Configuração do servidor
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ro.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ro.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56c0fa527b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ro.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+charset common ro utf-8
+cancel common ro Renunţă
+ok common ro Acceptă
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ru.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ru.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96f6d6cb57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ru.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common ru Вставлен адрес e-mail: %1
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common ru %1 не может быть запущен Веб-сервером!!!
+%1 manual common ru %1 руководство
+%1 start common ru %1 запуск
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common ru %1Выберите другой каталог%2
или дайте веб-серверу права на запись в %3
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common ru %1eGroupWare%2 - многопользовательская, web-ориентированная среда коллективной работы, написанная на %3PHP%4.
+(session restored in %1 seconds) common ru (сессия восстановлена за %1 секунд)
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar ru (Shift-)Клик или перетащите для изменения значения
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar ru - Кликните на любой части времени для увеличения
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar ru - Удерживайте клавишу мыши на любой из иконок вверху для более быстрого выбора.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar ru - или шелкните и перетащите для быстрого выбора.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar ru - или Shift-клик для уменьшения
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar ru - Используйте кнопки %1, %2 для выбора месяца
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar ru - Используйте кнопки %1, %2 для выбора года
+00 (disable) admin ru 00 (выкл)
+1 day common ru 1 День
+1 hour common ru 1 Час
+1 month common ru 1 Месяц
+1 week common ru 1 Неделя
+13 (ntp) admin ru 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar ru 3 первых буквы сокращения дня недели
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar ru 3 буквы сокращения месяца
+80 (http) admin ru 80 (http)
+about common ru О программе
+about %1 common ru О %1
+about egroupware common ru Об eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar ru О Календаре
+access common ru Доступ
+access not permitted common ru Доступ не разрешен
+account has been created common ru Учетная запись создана
+account has been deleted common ru Учетная запись удалена
+account has been updated common ru Учетная запись обновлена
+account is expired common ru Учетная запись просрочена
+accounts common ru Учетные записи
+acl common ru ACL
+action common ru Действие
+active common ru Активно
+add common ru Добавить
+add %1 category for common ru Добавить %1 категорию для
+add category common ru Добавить категорию
+add shortcut common ru Добавить Сокращение
+add sub common ru Добавить подпункт
+addressbook common ru Адресная книга
+admin common ru Администрирование
+administration common ru Администрирование
+afghanistan common ru Афганистан
+albania common ru Албания
+algeria common ru Алжир
+all common ru Все
+all fields common ru все поля
+alphabet common ru а,б,в,г,д,е,ж,з,и,й,к,л,м,н,о,п,р,с,т,у,ф,х,ц,ч,ш,щ,ъ,ы,ь,э,ю,я
+alternate style-sheet: common ru Альтернативная таблица стилей:
+american samoa common ru Американское Самоа
+an error happened common ru Произошла ошибка
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common ru Существующий И читаемый веб-сервером каталог разрешает просмотр картинок и выгрузку
+andorra common ru Андорра
+angola common ru Ангола
+anguilla common ru Ангилья
+antarctica common ru Антарктида
+antigua and barbuda common ru Антигуа и Барбуда
+application common ru Приложение
+apply common ru Применить
+april common ru Апрель
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common ru Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эти записи ?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common ru Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту запись ?
+argentina common ru Аргентина
+armenia common ru Армения
+aruba common ru Аруба
+august common ru Август
+australia common ru Австралия
+austria common ru АвстрияА
+author common ru Автор
+autohide sidebox menu's common ru Автоматически скрывать боковые меню
+autohide sidebox menus common ru Автоматически скрывать боковые меню
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common ru Автоматически скрывать боковые меню?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common ru Автоматически скрывать боковые меню ?
+autosave default category common ru Автоматически сохранять категорию по умолчанию
+azerbaijan common ru Азербайджан
+back common ru Назад
+back to user login common ru Назад на Вход пользователя
+background color: common ru Цвет фона:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common ru веб-сервер не может записывать в папку резервного копирования '%1'
+bad login or password common ru Неправильные Имя или Пароль
+bahamas common ru Багамские о-ва
+bahrain common ru Бахрейн
+bangladesh common ru Бангладеш
+barbados common ru Барбадос
+bcc common ru Скрытая копия (Bcc)
+belarus common ru Беларусь
+belgium common ru Бельгия
+belize common ru Белиз
+benin common ru Бенин
+bermuda common ru Бермудские острова
+bhutan common ru Бутан
+blocked, too many attempts common ru Заблокировано, слишком много попыток
+bold common ru Полужирный
+bolivia common ru Боливия
+border common ru Граница
+bosnia and herzegovina common ru Босния и Герцеговина
+botswana common ru Ботсвана
+bottom common ru Низ
+bouvet island common ru О-в Бувет
+brazil common ru Бразилия
+british indian ocean territory common ru Британские территории бассейна Индийского океана
+brunei darussalam common ru Бруней
+bulgaria common ru Болгария
+burkina faso common ru Буркина-Фассо
+burundi common ru Бурунди
+calendar common ru Календарь
+cambodia common ru Камбоджа
+cameroon common ru Камерун
+canada common ru Канада
+cancel common ru Отмена
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common ru Не могу заменить %1, потому что это папка
+cant open '%1' for %2 common ru Не могу открыть '%1' для %2
+cape verde common ru Кабо-Верде
+caption common ru Заголовок
+categories common ru Категории
+categories for common ru категории для
+category common ru Категория
+category %1 has been added ! common ru Добавлена категория %1!
+category %1 has been updated ! common ru Категория %1 обновлена!
+cayman islands common ru Каймановы острова
+cc common ru Копия (Cc)
+centered common ru по центру
+central african republic common ru Центральноафриканская Республика
+chad common ru Чад
+change common ru Изменить
+charset common ru utf-8
+check installation common ru Проверить установку
+check now common ru Проверить сейчас
+chile common ru Чили
+china common ru Китай
+choose a background color common ru Выбрать цвет фона
+choose a background color for the icons common ru Выбрать цвет фона для пиктограмм
+choose a background image. common ru Выбрать фоновое изображение.
+choose a background style. common ru Выбрать стиль фона.
+choose a text color for the icons common ru Выбрать цвет текста для пиктограмм
+choose the category common ru Выберите категорию
+choose the parent category common ru Выберите родительскую категорию
+christmas island common ru О-в Рождества
+clear common ru Очистить
+clear form common ru Очистить Форму
+click common ru Щелкнуть
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common ru Щелкните здесь для восстановления вашей сессии в eGroupWare
+click or mouse over to show menus common ru Кликните, или наведите мышь для показа меню
+click or mouse over to show menus? common ru Кликнуть или навести мышь для показа меню?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common ru Щелкните это изображение на панели навигации: %1
+close common ru Закрыть
+close sidebox common ru Закрыть боковую панель
+cocos (keeling) islands common ru Кокосовые О-ва
+colombia common ru Колумбия
+common preferences common ru Общие настройки
+comoros common ru Коморские О-ва
+company common ru Организация
+congo common ru Конго
+congo, the democratic republic of the common ru Демократическая р-ка Конго
+contacting server... common ru Соединение с Сервером...
+cook islands common ru О-ва Кука
+copy common ru Копировать
+costa rica common ru Коста-Рика
+cote d ivoire common ru Кот'д'Ивуар
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common ru Невозможно соединиться с сервером. Прервано по таймауту!
+create common ru Создать
+created by common ru Создано
+croatia common ru Хорватия
+cuba common ru Куба
+currency common ru Валюта
+current common ru Текущий
+current users common ru Текущие пользователи
+cyprus common ru Кипр
+czech republic common ru Чехия
+database error common ru Ошибка Базы Данных
+database error! common ru Ошибка Базы Данных!
+date common ru Дата
+date due common ru Дата до
+date selection: jscalendar ru Выбор даты:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin ru Порт протокола точного времени (ntp).
Если используется порт 13, пожалуйста установите правила брандмауэра перед сохраниением данных этой страницы.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common ru Декабрь
+default category common ru Категория по умолчанию
+default height for the windows common ru Высота окна по умолчанию
+default width for the windows common ru Ширина окна по умолчанию
+delete common ru Удалить
+delete row common ru Удалить строку
+denmark common ru Дания
+description common ru Описание
+detail common ru Подробность
+details common ru Подробности
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common ru Отключить обработку ошибок для Internet Explorer версии 5.5 и выше для показа прозрачности в PNG-картинках?
+direction left to right common ru Направление слева направо
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common ru Каталог не сущестует, не читаем веб-сервером или указан не относительно корня документов!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common ru Отключить обработку ошибок изображений png для Internet Explorer
+disable slider effects common ru Отключить эффекты выползания
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common ru Отключить эффекты анимации выпадающих меню на странице? Пользователи Opera и Konqueror возможно захотят это сделать.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common ru Отключить обработку ошибок для Internet Explorer версии 5.5 и выше для показа прозрачности в PNG-картинках?
+disabled common ru Отключено
+display %s first jscalendar ru Вначале отображать %s
+djibouti common ru Джибути
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common ru Хотите удалить также и все подкатегории?
+doctype: common ru Тип документа:
+document properties common ru Свойства документа
+document title: common ru Заголовок документа:
+domain common ru Домен
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common ru Доменное имя для почтового адреса, напр. "%1"
+domestic common ru Домашний
+dominica common ru Доминика
+dominican republic common ru Доминиканская республика
+done common ru Готово
+drag to move jscalendar ru Перетащите
+e-mail common ru E-mail
+east timor common ru Восточный Тимор
+ecuador common ru Эквадор
+edit common ru Редактировать
+edit %1 category for common ru Редактировать %1 категорию для
+edit categories common ru Редактировать Категории
+edit category common ru Редактировать категорию
+egroupware common ru eGroupWare
+egroupware api version common ru Версия API eGroupWare
+egroupware api version %1 common ru eGroupWare API версии %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common ru eGroupWare: вход для пользователя '%1', IP %2 заблокирован
+egypt common ru Египет
+el salvador common ru Сальвадор
+email common ru E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common ru Почтовый адрес для пользователя, напр. "%1"
+enabled common ru Включено
+end date common ru Дата окончания
+end time common ru Время окончания
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin ru Введите адрес Вашего сервера eGroupWare.
Например: http://www.domain.com/egroupware или /egroupware
Без слэша на конце
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common ru Запись успешно удалена
+entry not found! common ru Запись не найдена!
+entry updated sucessfully common ru Запись успешно обновлена
+equatorial guinea common ru Экваториальная Гвинея
+eritrea common ru Эритрея
+error common ru Ошибка
+error creating %1 %2 directory common ru Ошибка создания папки %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common ru Ошибка удаления папки %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common ru Ошибка переименования папки %1 %2
+estonia common ru Эстония
+ethiopia common ru Эфиопия
+everything common ru Все
+exact common ru точно
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common ru Нет связи с сервером или неправильный ответ сервера. Попробуйте повторить вход. В случае неудачи свяжитесь с вашим системным администратором.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common ru Фолклендские (Мальдивские) О-ва
+faroe islands common ru Фарерские О-ва
+fax number common ru номер факса
+features of the editor? common ru Особенности редактора?
+february common ru Февраль
+fields common ru Поля
+fiji common ru Фиджи
+files common ru Файлы
+filter common ru Фильтр
+finland common ru Финляндия
+first name common ru Имя
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common ru Имя пользователя, напр. "%1"
+first page common ru Первая страница
+firstname common ru Имя
+fixme! common ru Исправить!
+folder already exists. common ru Каталог уже существует.
+force selectbox common ru Принудительно Список выбора
+forever common ru Навсегда
+france common ru Франция
+french guiana common ru Французская Гвиана
+french polynesia common ru Французская Полинезия
+french southern territories common ru Французские южные территории
+friday common ru Пятница
+ftp common ru FTP
+fullname common ru Полное имя
+fullscreen mode common ru Полноэкранный режим
+gabon common ru Габон
+gambia common ru Гамбия
+general menu common ru Общее Меню
+georgia common ru Грузия
+german common ru Немецкий
+germany common ru Германия
+ghana common ru Гана
+gibraltar common ru Гибралтар
+global common ru Общие
+global public common ru Общедоступный
+go today jscalendar ru Перейти на сегодня
+grant access common ru Предоставить Доступ
+greece common ru Греция
+greenland common ru Гренландия
+grenada common ru Гренада
+group common ru Группа
+group access common ru Доступ группы
+group has been added common ru Группа добавлена
+group has been deleted common ru Группа удалена
+group has been updated common ru Группа обновлена
+group name common ru имя группы
+group public common ru Общая Группа
+groups common ru Группы
+groups with permission for %1 common ru Группы с разрешением для %1
+groups without permission for %1 common ru Группы без разрешения для %1
+guadeloupe common ru Гваделупа
+guam common ru Гуам
+guatemala common ru Гватемала
+guinea common ru Гвинея
+guinea-bissau common ru Гвинея-Биссау
+guyana common ru Гайана
+haiti common ru Гаити
+heard island and mcdonald islands common ru О-ва Херд и Макдональд
+height common ru Высота
+help common ru Помощь
+high common ru Высокий
+highest common ru Наивысший
+holy see (vatican city state) common ru Ватикан
+home common ru Домой
+home email common ru домашняя почта
+honduras common ru Гондурас
+hong kong common ru Гонконг
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common ru Сколько пиктограмм будет показываться на верхней панели. Дополнительные пиктограммы будут объединены в выпадающее меню, вызываемое пиктограммой в правом углу панели навигации.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common ru Как показывать главное меню eGroupWare?
+hungary common ru Венгрия
+iceland common ru Исландия
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common ru Словарь ieSpell не найден. Нажмите ОК для перехода на страницу загрузки.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common ru Если выбраны часы, хотели бы Вы обновлять их показания ежесекундно или ежеминутно?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common ru Если в папке имеются изображения, Вы можете выбрать нужное для просмотра.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common ru Папка изображений относительно корня документов (используйте / !), пример:
+image url common ru Ссылка на изображение
+india common ru Индия
+indonesia common ru Индонезия
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common ru Вставить все адреса %1 контактов %2 в %3
+insert column after common ru Вставить столбец после
+insert column before common ru Вставить столбец перед
+insert row after common ru Вставить строку после
+insert row before common ru Вставить строку перед
+international common ru Международный
+invalid filename common ru Неправильное имя файла
+invalid ip address common ru Неправильный IP-адрес
+invalid password common ru Неправильный пароль
+iran, islamic republic of common ru Иран
+iraq common ru Ирак
+ireland common ru Ирландия
+israel common ru Израиль
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common ru Прошло более %1 дней с тех пор, как Вы изменили пароль
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common ru Рекомендуется запустить установку для обновления таблиц до текущей версии.
+italic common ru Курсив
+italy common ru Италия
+jamaica common ru Ямайка
+january common ru Январь
+japan common ru Япония
+jordan common ru Иордания
+july common ru Июль
+jun common ru Июнь
+june common ru Июнь
+justify center common ru Выровнять по центру
+justify full common ru Выровнять по ширине
+justify left common ru Выровнять по левому краю
+justify right common ru Выровнять по правому краю
+kazakstan common ru Казахстан
+kenya common ru Кения
+keywords common ru Ключевые слова
+kiribati common ru Кирибати
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common ru КНДР
+korea, republic of common ru Республика Корея
+kuwait common ru Кувейт
+kyrgyzstan common ru Кыргызстан
+language common ru Язык
+language_direction_rtl common ru language_direction_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common ru Лаос
+last name common ru Фамилия
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common ru Фамилия пользователя, напр. "%1"
+last page common ru Последняя страница
+lastname common ru Фамилия
+latvia common ru Латвия
+ldap-mgr common ru Менеджер LDAP
+lebanon common ru Ливан
+left common ru Левый
+lesotho common ru Лесото
+liberia common ru Либерия
+libyan arab jamahiriya common ru Ливия
+license common ru Лицензия
+liechtenstein common ru Лихтенштейн
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common ru Строка %1: '%2'
данных CSV не соответствует количеству столбцов таблицы %3 ==> игнорируется
+list common ru Список
+list members common ru Список участников
+lithuania common ru Литва
+local common ru Локальный
+login common ru Вход
+loginid common ru LoginID
+logout common ru Выход
+lost login id common ru Идентификатор (ID) утерянного имени входа
+lost password common ru Утерянный пароль
+low common ru Нижний
+lowest common ru Низший
+luxembourg common ru Люксембург
+macau common ru Макао
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common ru Македония
+madagascar common ru Мадагаскар
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common ru почтовый домен, напр. "%1"
+main category common ru Основная категория
+main screen common ru Главный экран
+maintainer common ru Ответственный
+malawi common ru Малави
+malaysia common ru Малазия
+maldives common ru Мальдивские о-ва
+mali common ru Мали
+malta common ru Мальта
+march common ru Март
+marshall islands common ru Маршалловы о-ва
+martinique common ru Мартиника
+mauritania common ru Мавритания
+mauritius common ru Маврикий
+max number of icons in navbar common ru Макс. количество пиктограмм в панели навигации
+may common ru Май
+mayotte common ru О-в Мейот
+medium common ru Средний
+menu common ru Меню
+message common ru Сообщение
+mexico common ru Мексика
+micronesia, federated states of common ru Микронезия
+minute common ru минута
+moldova, republic of common ru Республика Молдова
+monaco common ru Монако
+monday common ru Понедельник
+mongolia common ru Монголия
+montenegro common ru Черногория
+montserrat common ru Монтсеррат
+morocco common ru Марокко
+mozambique common ru Мозамбик
+multiple common ru умножьте
+myanmar common ru Мьянма
+name common ru Имя
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common ru имя пользователя, напр. "%1"
+namibia common ru Намибия
+nauru common ru Науру
+nepal common ru Непал
+netherlands common ru Нидерланды
+netherlands antilles common ru Нидерландские Антильские острова
+never common ru Никогда
+new caledonia common ru Новая Каледония
+new entry added sucessfully common ru Новая запись успешно добавлена
+new main category common ru Новая основная категория
+new value common ru Новое Значение
+new zealand common ru Новая Зеландия
+next common ru Следующий
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar ru Следующий месяц (удерживается для меню)
+next page common ru Следующая страница
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar ru Следующий год (удерживается для меню)
+nicaragua common ru Никарагуа
+niger common ru Нигер
+nigeria common ru Нигерия
+niue common ru Ниуэ
+no common ru Нет
+no entries found, try again ... common ru записей не найдено, попробуйте еще ...
+no history for this record common ru Нет истории для этой записи
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common ru Каталог с шаблонами Savant2 не найден в:
+no subject common ru Нет темы
+none common ru Ничего
+norfolk island common ru О-в Норфолк
+normal common ru Нормальный
+northern mariana islands common ru Северные Марианские острова
+norway common ru Норвегия
+not common ru не
+not a user yet? register now common ru Еще не пользователь? Зарегистрируйтесь сейчас
+not assigned common ru не назначено
+not readable %1 entry of user %2 common ru Запись %1 не может быть прочитана пользователем %2
+note common ru Заметка
+notes common ru Заметки
+notifications common ru уведомления
+notify window common ru Окно извещения
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common ru Свяжитесь с Вашеим системным администратором для исправления этой ситуации.
+november common ru Ноябрь
+october common ru Октябрь
+ok common ru OK
+old value common ru Старое значение
+oman common ru Оман
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common ru В xNIX-системах пожалуйста наберите: %1
+on mouse over common ru При наведенном курсоре
+only private common ru только личные
+only yours common ru только Ваши
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common ru Опс! Вы застукали нас прямо во время обслуживания системы.
+open notify window common ru Открыть окно извещения
+open popup window common ru Открыть всплывающее окно
+open sidebox common ru Открыть боковое меню
+ordered list common ru Нумерованный список
+original common ru Оригинал
+other common ru Другие
+overview common ru Просмотр
+owner common ru Владелец
+page common ru Страница
+page was generated in %1 seconds common ru Страница создана за %1 сек.
+pakistan common ru Пакистан
+palau common ru Палау
+palestinian territory, occupied common ru Палестина
+panama common ru Панама
+papua new guinea common ru Папуа и Новая Гвинея
+paraguay common ru Парагвай
+parcel common ru Партия (пачка?)
+parent category common ru Родительская категория
+password common ru Пароль
+password could not be changed common ru Пароль нельзя изменить
+password has been updated common ru Пароль обновлен
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common ru Пароль должен содержать не менее %1 строчных букв
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common ru Пароль должен содержать не менее %1 цифр
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common ru Пароль должен содержать минимум %1 спецсимволов
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common ru Пароль должен содержать не менее %1 прописных букв
+password must have at least %1 characters common ru Пароль должен содержать не менее %1 символов
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common ru Путь к файлам пользователя и группы ДОЛЖЕН НАХОДИТЬСЯ ВНЕ главного каталога Веб-сервера (document-root)!!!
+permission denied! common ru Доступ запрещен!
+permissions to the files/users directory common ru разрешения для папки файлов/пользователей
+permisson denied! common ru Доступ запрещен!
+personal common ru Личные
+peru common ru Перу
+philippines common ru Филиппины
+phone number common ru номер телефона
+phpgwapi common ru eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common ru О-в Питкэрн
+please %1 by hand common ru Пожалуйста %1 вручную
+please enter a name common ru Пожалуйста введите имя !
+please run setup to become current common ru Пожалуйста, запустите обновление.
+please select common ru Пожалуйста Выберите
+please set your global preferences common ru Пожалуйста, установите Ваши общие настройки!
+please set your preferences for this application common ru Пожалуйста установите Ваши настройки для этого приложения !
+please wait... common ru Пожалуйста подождите...
+please, check back with us shortly. common ru Пожалуйста, заходите еще поскорее.
+poland common ru Польша
+portugal common ru Португалия
+postal common ru Почтовый
+powered by common ru Под управлением
+powered by egroupware version %1 common ru Под управлением eGroupWare версии %1
+preferences common ru Настройки
+preferences for the idots template set common ru Настройки для набора тем idots
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar ru Предыдущий месяц
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar ru Предыдущий год
+previous page common ru Предыдущая страница
+primary style-sheet: common ru Основная таблица стилей:
+print common ru Печать
+priority common ru Приоритет
+private common ru Личные
+programs common ru Програмы
+project common ru Проект
+public common ru общий
+puerto rico common ru Пуэрто-Рико
+qatar common ru Катар
+read common ru Читать
+read this list of methods. common ru Читать этот список методов
+reading common ru чтение
+register common ru Зарегистрировать
+regular common ru Периодический
+reject common ru Отклонить
+remember me common ru Запомнить меня
+remove selected accounts common ru Удалить выбранные учетные записи
+remove shortcut common ru Удалить Сокращение
+rename common ru Переименовать
+replace common ru Замена
+replace with common ru Заменить на
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common ru Показать список учетных записей пользователей в системе. ВНИМАНИЕ: Список может быть весьма большим.
+returns an array of todo items common ru Возвращает массив Заданий
+returns struct of users application access common ru Возвращает структуру доступа пользователей к приложениям
+reunion common ru О-в Реунион
+right common ru Правый
+romania common ru Румыния
+russian federation common ru Российская Федерация
+rwanda common ru Руанда
+saint helena common ru Остров Святой Елены
+saint kitts and nevis common ru Сент-Китс и Невис
+saint lucia common ru Сент-Люси
+saint pierre and miquelon common ru Сен-Пьер и Микелон
+saint vincent and the grenadines common ru Сент-Винсент и Гренадины
+samoa common ru Самоа
+san marino common ru Сан-Марино
+sao tome and principe common ru Сан-Томе и Принсипи
+saturday common ru Суббота
+saudi arabia common ru Саудовская Аравия
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common ru Версия Savant2 отличается от Savant2 обертки.
Эта версия: %1
Версия Savant: %2
+save common ru Сохранить
+search common ru Поиск
+search %1 '%2' common ru Поиск %1 '%2'
+search accounts common ru Поиск учетных зписей (аккаунтов)
+search or select accounts common ru поиск или выбор учетных записей
+second common ru секунд(второй?)
+section common ru Секция
+select common ru Выбрать
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common ru Выберите все %1 %2 для %3
+select category common ru Выберите Категорию
+select date common ru Выберите дату
+select group common ru Выберите группу
+select home email address common ru Выберите домашний адрес электронной почты
+select multiple accounts common ru выберите множество учетных записей
+select one common ru Выберите один
+select the default height for the application windows common ru Выберите высоту по умолчанию для окон приложений
+select the default width for the application windows common ru Выберите ширину по умолчанию для окон приложений
+select user common ru Выберите пользователя
+select work email address common ru Выберите рабочий адрес электронной почты
+selection common ru Выбор
+send common ru Отправить
+senegal common ru Сенегал
+september common ru Сентябрь
+serbia common ru Сербия
+server %1 has been added common ru Добавлен Сервер %1
+server answered. processing response... common ru Получен ответ Сервера. Обработка ответа...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common ru Контакт с Сервером. Ожидание ответа...
+server name common ru Имя Сервера
+session has been killed common ru Сессия уничтожена
+setup common ru Установка
+setup main menu common ru Главное меню установки
+seychelles common ru Сейшельские о-ва
+show all common ru показать все
+show all categorys common ru Показать все категории
+show as topmenu common ru Показать меню наверху
+show clock? common ru Показать часы?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common ru Показывать кнопки "Домой" и "Выход" на главной панели приложений?
+show in sidebox common ru Показать сбоку
+show logo's on the desktop. common ru Показать логотипы на рабочем столе.
+show menu common ru показать меню
+show page generation time common ru Показать время генерации страницы
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common ru Показать время генерации страницы внизу страницы?
+show page generation time? common ru Отображать время генерации страницы?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common ru Показать логотипы eGroupware и Х-desktop на рабочем столе.
+show_more_apps common ru показать_больше_приложений
+showing %1 common ru показ %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common ru показ %1 - %2 из %3
+sierra leone common ru Сьерра Леоне
+simple common ru Простой
+singapore common ru Сингапур
+site configuration common ru Конфигурирование сайта
+slovakia common ru Словакия
+slovenia common ru Словения
+solomon islands common ru Соломоновы о-ва
+somalia common ru Сомали
+sorry, your login has expired login ru Извините, Ваше допуск просрочен
+south africa common ru Южная Африка
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common ru Южные Сандвичевы острова (Гавайи)
+spain common ru Испания
+sri lanka common ru Шри-Ланка
+start date common ru Дата начала
+start time common ru Время начала
+start with common ru запуск с помощью
+starting up... common ru Запуск...
+status common ru Статус
+stretched common ru растянутый
+subject common ru Тема
+submit common ru Послать
+substitutions and their meanings: common ru Подстановки и их значения
+sudan common ru Судан
+sunday common ru Воскресенье
+suriname common ru Суринам
+svalbard and jan mayen common ru Сволборд и Ян Майен
+swaziland common ru Свазиленд
+sweden common ru Швеция
+switzerland common ru Швейцария
+syrian arab republic common ru Сирия
+table properties common ru Свойства таблицы
+taiwan common ru Тайвань
+tajikistan common ru Таджикистан
+tanzania, united republic of common ru Танзания
+text color: common ru Цвет текста:
+thailand common ru Таиланд
+the api is current common ru Обновление API не требуется
+the api requires an upgrade common ru API требует обновления
+the following applications require upgrades common ru Следующие приложения требуют обновления
+the mail server returned common ru Почтовый сервер возвращен
+this application is current common ru Обновление не требуется
+this application requires an upgrade common ru Приложение требует обновления
+this name has been used already common ru Это имя уже используется !
+thursday common ru Четверг
+tiled common ru мозаика
+time common ru Время
+time selection: jscalendar ru Выбор времени :
+time zone common ru Временная зона
+time zone offset common ru Смещение временной зоны
+title common ru Заголовок
+to common ru Кому
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common ru Для устранения этой ошибки в будущем, Вам необходимо правильно установить
+to go back to the msg list, click here common ru Для возврата к списку сообщений, нажмите здесь
+today common ru Сегодня
+todays date, eg. "%1" common ru Сегодняшняя дата, напр. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar ru Изменить первый день недели
+togo common ru Того
+tokelau common ru Токелау
+tonga common ru Тонга
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common ru Слишком много попыток входа: %1 для пользователя '%2', %3 с IP адреса %4
+top common ru Верх
+total common ru Всего
+transparant bg for the icons? common ru Использовать прозрачный фон для пиктограмм?
+trinidad and tobago common ru Тринидад и Тобаго
+tuesday common ru Вторник
+tunisia common ru Тунис
+turkey common ru Турция
+turkmenistan common ru Туркменистан
+turks and caicos islands common ru Острова Теркс и Каикос
+tuvalu common ru о-ва Тувалу
+type common ru Тип
+uganda common ru Уганда
+ukraine common ru Украина
+underline common ru Подчеркивание
+united arab emirates common ru ОАЭ
+united kingdom common ru Англия
+united states common ru США
+united states minor outlying islands common ru Удаленные острова под юрисдикцией США
+unknown common ru Неизвестный
+update common ru Изменить
+update the clock per minute or per second common ru Обновлять показания часов ежеминутно или ежесекундно
+upload common ru Выгрузить
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common ru Каталог выгрузки не существует, или Веб-сервер не имеет достаточных полномочий для записи
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common ru Выгрузка требует, чтобы веб-сервер имел права на запись для каталога!
+url common ru Ссылка (URL)
+uruguay common ru Уругвай
+use button to search for common ru используйте Кнопку для поиска
+use button to search for address common ru используйте Кнопку для поиска Адреса
+use button to search for calendarevent common ru используйте Кнопку для поиска События в Календаре
+use button to search for project common ru используйте Кнопку для поиска Проекта
+user common ru Пользователь
+user accounts common ru учетные записи пользователей
+user groups common ru группы пользователей
+user openinstance common ru Экземпляр, открытый пользователем
+username common ru Имя
+users common ru пользователи
+users choice common ru Выбор Пользователя
+uzbekistan common ru Узбекистан
+vanuatu common ru Ванату
+venezuela common ru Венесуэлла
+version common ru Версия
+viet nam common ru Вьетнам
+view common ru Просмотреть
+virgin islands, british common ru Виргинские острова (Британская территория)
+virgin islands, u.s. common ru Виргинские острова (территория США)
+wallis and futuna common ru О-ва Уоллис и Футуна
+wednesday common ru Среда
+welcome common ru Добро пожаловать
+western sahara common ru Западная Сахара
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common ru Какого цвета должны быть все пустые места рабочего стола
+what style would you like the image to have? common ru Выберите стиль отображения
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common ru Если Вы ответите "да", кнопки "Домой" и "Выход" будут представлены в виде иконок на верхней панели.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common ru Где и как eGroupWare будет показывать такие ссылки как Настройки, О Нас и Выход.
+which groups common ru Какие группы
+width common ru Ширина
+wk jscalendar ru нед.
+work email common ru рабочий e-mail
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common ru Отображать время генерации страницы в нижней части окна?
+writing common ru запись
+written by: common ru Записано:
+year common ru Год
+yemen common ru Йемен
+yes common ru Да
+you are required to change your password during your first login common ru Вам необходимо изменить свой пароль при первом входе в систему
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common ru Вы можете указать как много пиктограмм и панелей инструментов показывает редактор.
+you have been successfully logged out login ru Вы успешно вышли
+you have not entered a title common ru Вы не ввели заголовок
+you have not entered a valid date common ru Вы не ввели правильную дату
+you have not entered a valid time of day common ru Вы не ввели правильное время
+you have not entered participants common ru Вы не ввели участников
+you have selected an invalid date common ru Вы выбрали неправильную дату !
+you have selected an invalid main category common ru Вы выбрали неправильную основную категорию !
+you have successfully logged out common ru Вы успешно вышли
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common ru Вам необходимо добавить пользователя Веб-сервера '%1' в группу '%2'.
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common ru Для доступа к этим функциям вы должны быть администратором eGroupWare!
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common ru Вы попытались открыть приложение eGroupWar: %1, но у вас нет прав на доступ к нему.
+your message could not be sent!
common ru Ваше сообщение не может быть отправлено !
+your message has been sent common ru Ваше сообщение отправлено
+your search returned %1 matchs common ru ваш поиск вернул %1 совпадений
+your search returned 1 match common ru ваш поиск вернул 1 совпадение
+your session could not be verified. login ru Ваш сеанс не может быть удостоверен.
+your settings have been updated common ru Ваши установки обновлены
+zambia common ru Замбия
+zimbabwe common ru Зимбабве
+zoom common ru Масштаб
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_rw.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_rw.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4cdb49677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_rw.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+firstname common rw Izina Ribanza
+lastname common rw Izina ry'Umuryango
+no admin rw Oya
+password common rw Urufunguzo
+yes admin rw Yego
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sk.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sk.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ffd436969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sk.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common sk %1 E-mailových adries bolo vložených
+%1 file common sk %1 súbor
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common sk %1 sa na webserveri nedá spustiť!!!
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common sk %1Vyberte iný adresár%2
alebo nastavte pre webserver právo zápisu do %3
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common sk %1eGroupWare%2 je viacpoužívateľský, webovo orientovaný grupvérový balík napísaný v %3PHP%4.
+(session restored in %1 seconds) common sk (relácia obnovená za %1 sekúnd)
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar sk Ak chcete zmeniť hodnotu, použite (Shift-)klik alebo potiahnutie
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar sk - Ak kliknite na ktorúkoľvek časť času, zvýši sa
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar sk - Ak chcete rýchlejší výber, podržte myšítko na ktoromkoľvek z horeuvedených tlačidiel.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar sk - alebo ak chcete rýchlejší výber, kliknite a potiahnite
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar sk - alebo ak chcete znížiť, Shift-kliknite
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar sk - Ak chcete vybrať mesiac, použite %1, %2 tlačítka
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar sk - Ak chcete vybrať rok, použite %1, %2 tlačítka
+00 (disable) admin sk 00 (vypnúť)
+1 day common sk 1 deň
+1 hour common sk 1 hodina
+1 month common sk 1 mesiac
+1 week common sk 1 týždeň
+13 (ntp) admin sk 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar sk 3 počet znakov skratky dňa
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar sk 3 počet znakov skratky mesiaca
+80 (http) admin sk 80 (http)
+about common sk O aplikácii
+about %1 common sk O aplikácii %1
+about egroupware common sk Info o balíku eGroupWare
+about the calendar jscalendar sk O aplikácii Kalendár
+access common sk Prístup
+access not permitted common sk Prístup bol odmietnutý
+account has been created common sk Používateľský účet bol vytvorený
+account has been deleted common sk Používateľský účet bol odstránený
+account has been updated common sk Používateľský účet bol aktualizovaný
+account is expired common sk Platnosť používateľského účtu vypršala
+accounts common sk Účty
+acl common sk ACL práva
+action common sk Akcia
+active common sk Aktívne
+add common sk Pridať
+add %1 category for common sk Pridať %1 kategóriu pre
+add category common sk Pridať kategóriu
+add shortcut common sk Pridať skratku
+add sub common sk Pridať podkategóriu
+addressbook common sk Adresár
+admin common sk Správca
+administration common sk Správa
+afghanistan common sk AFGANISTAN
+albania common sk ALBÁNSKO
+algeria common sk ALŽÍRSKO
+all common sk Všetko
+all fields common sk všetky polia
+all languages common sk všetky jazyky
+alphabet common sk a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+american samoa common sk AMERICKÁ SAMOA
+an error happened common sk Nastala nejaká chyba
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common sk Adresár, ktorý existuje a je čitateľný webserverom, umožňuje prehliadanie a odovzdávanie obrázkov.
+andorra common sk ANDORA
+angola common sk ANGOLA
+anguilla common sk ANGUILLA
+antarctica common sk ANTARKTÍDA
+antigua and barbuda common sk ANTIQUA BARBUDA
+application common sk Aplikácia
+apply common sk Použiť
+april common sk Apríl
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common sk Ste si istí, chcete zmazať tieto záznamy?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common sk Ste si istí, chcete zmazať tento záznam?
+argentina common sk ARGENTÍNA
+armenia common sk ARMÉNSKO
+aruba common sk ARUBA
+august common sk August
+australia common sk AUSTRÁLIA
+austria common sk RAKÚSKO
+author common sk Autor
+autohide sidebox menu's common sk Automaticky skrývať ponuku bočného panelu
+autohide sidebox menus common sk Automaticky skrývať ponuku bočného panelu
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common sk Automaticky skrývať ponuku bočného panelu?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common sk Automaticky skrývať ponuku bočného panelu?
+autosave default category common sk Automaticky ukladať štandardnú kategóriu
+azerbaijan common sk AZERBAJDŽÁN
+back common sk Naspäť
+back to user login common sk Naspäť na prihlásenie používateľa
+background color: common sk Farba pozadia:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common sk Webserver nemá oprávnenia k zápisu do zálohovacieho adresára '%1'
+bad login or password common sk Chybné meno alebo heslo
+bahamas common sk BAHAMY
+bahrain common sk BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common sk BANGLADÉŠ
+barbados common sk BARBADOS
+bcc common sk Skrytá kópia
+belarus common sk BIELORUSKO
+belgium common sk BELGICKO
+belize common sk BELIZE
+benin common sk BENIN
+bermuda common sk BERMUDY
+bhutan common sk BHUTÁN
+blocked, too many attempts common sk Zablokované, príliš veľa pokusov
+bold common sk Tučné
+bolivia common sk BOLÍVIA
+border common sk Okraj
+bosnia and herzegovina common sk BOSNA A HERCEGOVINA
+botswana common sk BOTSWANA
+bottom common sk Spodný okraj
+bouvet island common sk BOUVETOV OSTROV
+brazil common sk BRAZÍLIA
+british indian ocean territory common sk BRITSKÉ INDICKOOCEÁNSKE TERITÓRIUM
+brunei darussalam common sk BRUNEJ DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common sk BULHARSKO
+bulgarian common sk bulharsky
+burkina faso common sk BOURKINA FASSO
+burundi common sk BURUNDI
+calendar common sk Kalendár
+cambodia common sk KAMBODŽA
+cameroon common sk KAMERUN
+canada common sk KANADA
+cancel common sk Zrušiť
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common sk Nemôžem prepísať %1 pretože je to adresár
+cant open '%1' for %2 common sk Nemôžem otvoriť '%1' pre %2
+cape verde common sk KAPVERDY
+caption common sk Titulok
+categories common sk Kategórie
+categories for common sk kategórie pre
+category common sk Kategória
+category %1 has been added ! common sk Kategória %1 bola pridaná!
+category %1 has been updated ! common sk Kategória %1 bola aktualizovaná!
+cayman islands common sk KAJMANSKÉ OSTROVY
+cc common sk Kópia
+centered common sk na stred
+central african republic common sk STREDOAFRICKÁ REPUBLIKA
+chad common sk ČAD
+change common sk Zmeniť
+charset common sk utf-8
+check installation common sk Skontroluj inštaláciu
+check now common sk Skontroluj - Teraz
+chile common sk CHILE
+china common sk ČÍNA
+choose a background color common sk Vyberte farbu pozadia
+choose a background color for the icons common sk Vyberte farbu pozadia ikoniek
+choose a background image. common sk Vyberte obrázok pozadia.
+choose a background style. common sk Vyberte štýl pozadia.
+choose a text color for the icons common sk Vyberte farbu textu pre ikonky
+choose the category common sk Vyberte kategóriu
+choose the parent category common sk Vyberte rodičovskú kategóriu
+christmas island common sk VIANOČNÉ OSTROVY
+clear common sk Vyčistiť
+clear form common sk Vyčistiť formulár
+click common sk Klik
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common sk Ak chcete obnoviť vašu reláciu eGroupWare, kliknite sem.
+click or mouse over to show menus common sk Ak chcete zobraziť ponuku, kliknite alebo ukážte myšou
+click or mouse over to show menus? common sk Ak chcete zobraziť ponuku, kliknete alebo ukážete myšou
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common sk Kliknite na tento obrázok v navigačnom paneli: %1
+close common sk Zavrieť
+close sidebox common sk Zavrieť Sidebox
+cocos (keeling) islands common sk KOKOSOVÉ OSTROVY
+colombia common sk KOLUMBIA
+common preferences common sk Bežné predvoľby
+comoros common sk KOMORY
+company common sk Spoločnosť
+congo common sk KONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common sk KONGO, DEMOKRATICKÁ REPUBLIKA
+contacting server... common sk Pripájam sa na Server...
+cook islands common sk COOKOVE OSTROVY
+copy common sk Kopírovať
+costa rica common sk KOSTARIKA
+cote d ivoire common sk POBREŽIE SLONOVINY
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common sk Nedá sa pripojiť na server. Čas operácie vypršal!
+create common sk Vytvoriť
+created by common sk Vytvoril
+croatia common sk CHORVÁTSKO
+cuba common sk KUBA
+currency common sk Mena
+current common sk Aktuálne
+current users common sk Súčasní používatelia
+cyprus common sk CYPRUS
+czech republic common sk ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA
+database error common sk Chyba databázy
+database error! common sk Chyba databázy!
+date common sk Dátum
+date due common sk Termín do
+date selection: jscalendar sk Výber dátumu:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin sk Port pre dátum/čas.
Ak používate port 13, prosím nastavte korektne filtrovacie pravidlá na firewall-e ešte predtým, než potvrdíte túto stránku.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common sk December
+default category common sk Štandardná kategória
+default height for the windows common sk Predvolená výška okien
+default width for the windows common sk Predvolená šírka okien
+delete common sk Odstrániť
+delete row common sk Odstrániť Riadok
+denmark common sk DÁNSKO
+description common sk Popis
+detail common sk Podrobnosti
+details common sk Podrobnosti
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sk Vypnúť spúšťanie opravného skriptu pre IE5.5 a vyšší, ktorý napráva zobrazovanie priesvitnosti v obrázkoch PNG?
+direction left to right common sk Tok zľava doprava
+directory common sk Priečinok
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common sk Adresár neexistuje, nie je čitateľný webserverom, alebo nesúvisí s koreňovým adresárom dokumentov!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common sk Vypnúť opravu chyby pre obrázky PNG v Internet Explorer-i
+disable slider effects common sk Vypnúť efekty posuvníka
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common sk Vypnúť animované efekty posuvníka, keď sa zobrazujú alebo skrývajú ponuky na stránke? Používatelia Opery a Konquerer-a to pravdepodobne musia zvoliť.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sk Vypnúť opravný skript pre Internet Explorer 5.5 a novšie pre zobrazenie priesvitnosti v obrázkoch PNG?
+disabled common sk Neaktívny
+display %s first jscalendar sk Zobraziť %s najskôr
+djibouti common sk DŽIBUTSKO
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common sk Chcete odstrániť aj všetky podkategórie?
+document properties common sk Vlastnosti dokumentu
+document title: common sk Nadpis dokumentu
+domain common sk Doména
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sk názov domény pre mailovú adresu, napr. "%1"
+domestic common sk Domáce
+dominica common sk DOMINIKA
+dominican republic common sk DOMINIKÁNSKA REPUBLIKA
+done common sk Hotovo
+drag to move jscalendar sk Potiahni pre presun
+e-mail common sk E-Mail
+east timor common sk VÝCHODNÝ TIMOR
+eastern european common sk Východoeurópske
+ecuador common sk EKVÁDOR
+edit common sk Upraviť
+edit %1 category for common sk Uprav %1 kategóriu pre
+edit categories common sk Upraviť kategórie
+edit category common sk Upraviť kategóriu
+egroupware common sk eGwoupWare
+egroupware api version common sk eGroupWare API verzia
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common sk eGroupWare: prihlasovanie zablokované pre používateľa '%1', IP %2
+egypt common sk EGYPT
+el salvador common sk SALVADOR
+email common sk E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sk E-mailová adresa používateľa, napr. "%1"
+enabled common sk Aktívny
+end date common sk Dátum ukončenia
+end time common sk Čas ukončenia
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin sk Zadajte umiestnenie URL pre eGroupware.
Príklad: http://www.domain.com/egroupware alebo /egroupware
Bez ukončovacieho lomítka
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common sk Položka bola úspešne odstránená
+entry not found! common sk Položka sa nenašla!
+entry updated sucessfully common sk Položka bola úspešne upravená
+equatorial guinea common sk ROVNÍKOVÁ GUINEA
+eritrea common sk ERITREA
+error common sk Chyba
+error creating %1 %2 directory common sk Chyba počas vytvárania adresára %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common sk Chyba počas odstraňovania adresára %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common sk Chyba počas premenúvania adresára %1 %2
+estonia common sk ESTÓNSKO
+ethiopia common sk ETIÓPIA
+everything common sk Všetko
+exact common sk presne
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common sk Nepodarilo sa pripojiť na server, alebo je odpoveď servera neplatná. Skúste sa znovu prihlásiť. Ak sa nepodarí, kontaktujte správcu systému.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common sk FALKLANDY
+faroe islands common sk FAERSKÉ OSTROVY
+fax number common sk číslo faxu
+features of the editor? common sk Možnosti editora?
+february common sk Február
+fields common sk Polia
+fiji common sk FIDŽI
+files common sk Súbory
+filter common sk Filter
+finland common sk FÍNSKO
+first name common sk Krstné meno
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common sk krstné meno používateľa, napr. "%1"
+first page common sk Prvá strana
+firstname common sk Krstné meno
+fixme! common sk OPRAV MA!
+folder already exists. common sk Priečinok už existuje.
+force selectbox common sk Otvor výberovú ponuku
+forever common sk Navždy
+france common sk FRANCÚZSKO
+french guiana common sk FRANCÚZSKA GUAYANA
+french polynesia common sk FRANCÚZSKA POLYNÉZIA
+french southern territories common sk FRANCÚZSKE JUŽNÉ ÚZEMIA
+friday common sk Piatok
+ftp common sk FTP
+fullname common sk Plné meno
+fullscreen mode common sk Celoobrazovkový režim
+gabon common sk GABUN
+gambia common sk GAMBIA
+general menu common sk Základná ponuka
+georgia common sk GRUZÍNSKO
+german common sk Nemecké
+germany common sk NEMECKO
+ghana common sk GHANA
+gibraltar common sk GIBRALTAR
+global common sk Globálne
+global public common sk Verejný pre všetkých
+go today jscalendar sk Choď dnes
+grant access common sk Povoliť prístup
+greece common sk GRÉCKO
+greek common sk grécky
+greenland common sk GRÓNSKO
+grenada common sk GRENADA
+group common sk Skupina
+group access common sk Skupinový prístup
+group has been added common sk Skupina bola pridaná
+group has been deleted common sk Skupina bola odstránená
+group has been updated common sk Skupina bola aktualizovaná
+group name common sk názov skupiny
+group public common sk Verejný pre skupiny
+groups common sk Skupiny
+groups with permission for %1 common sk Skupiny, kde máte prístup ku %1
+groups without permission for %1 common sk Skupiny, kde nemáte prístup ku %1
+guadeloupe common sk GUADELOUPE
+guam common sk GUAM
+guatemala common sk GUATEMALA
+guinea common sk GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common sk GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common sk GUAYANA
+haiti common sk HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common sk HEARDOVE MCDONALDOVE OSTROVY
+height common sk Výška
+help common sk Pomocník
+high common sk Vysoká
+highest common sk Najvyššia
+holy see (vatican city state) common sk VATIKÁN (MESTSKÝ ŠTÁT)
+home common sk Domov
+home email common sk domáci E-mail
+honduras common sk HONDURAS
+hong kong common sk HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common sk Koľko ikoniek sa má zobraziť v navigačnom paneli (vrch stránky). Ostatné ikony budú umiestnené do rozbaľovacej ponuky, ktorá bude dostupná na celkom pravom okraji navigačného panelu.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common sk Ako sa má zobrazovať základná ponuka eGroupWare?
+hungary common sk MAĎARSKO
+iceland common sk ISLAND
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common sk ieSpell sa nenašiel. Kliknutím na OK sa presuniete na stránku, odkiaľ ho môžete stiahnuť.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common sk Ak sú hodiny zapnuté, chcete aby sa aktualizovali každú sekundu, alebo stačí každú minútu?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common sk Ak sú v priečinku pre pozadia nejaké obrázky, môžete si vybrať, ktorý chcete.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common sk Adresár obrázkov vzťahujúci sa na koreňový adresár dokumentov (použite / !), príklad:
+image url common sk URL adresa obrázka
+india common sk INDIA
+indonesia common sk INDONÉZIA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common sk Vložiť všetkých %1 adries z %2 kontaktov in %3
+insert column after common sk Vložiť Stĺpec za
+insert column before common sk Vložiť Stĺpec Pred
+insert row after common sk Vložiť Riadok Za
+insert row before common sk Vložiť Riadok Pred
+international common sk Mezinárodný
+invalid filename common sk Chybný názov súboru
+invalid ip address common sk Chybná IP adresa
+invalid password common sk Chybné heslo
+iran, islamic republic of common sk IRÁN, ISLAMSKÁ REPUBLIKA
+iraq common sk IRAK
+ireland common sk ÍRSKO
+israel common sk IZRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common sk Vaše heslo bolo zmenené pred vyše %1 dňami
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common sk Odporúčam spustiť setup pre aktualizáciu databázových tabuliek na súčasnú verziu.
+italic common sk Kurzíva
+italy common sk TALIANSKO
+jamaica common sk JAMAJKA
+january common sk Január
+japan common sk JAPONSKO
+japanese common sk japonsky
+jordan common sk JORDÁNSKO
+july common sk Júl
+jun common sk Jún
+june common sk Jún
+justify center common sk Zarovnať na Stred
+justify full common sk Zarovnať do Bloku
+justify left common sk Zarovnať vĽavo
+justify right common sk Zarovnať vpRavo
+kazakstan common sk KAZACHSTAN
+kenya common sk KEŇA
+keywords common sk Kľúčové slová
+kiribati common sk KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common sk KÓREJSKÁ ĽUDOVODEMOKRATICKÁ REPUBLIKA
+korea, republic of common sk KÓREJSKÁ REPUBLIKA
+korean common sk kórejsky
+kuwait common sk KUVAJT
+kyrgyzstan common sk KIRGIZSKO
+language common sk Jazyk
+language_direction_rtl common sk orientácia_jazyka_sprava_doľava
+lao peoples democratic republic common sk LAOS
+last name common sk Priezvisko
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common sk priezvisko používateľa, napr. "%1"
+last page common sk posledná stránka
+lastname common sk Priezvisko
+latvia common sk LOTYŠSKO
+ldap-mgr common sk Správca LDAP
+lebanon common sk LIBANON
+left common sk Vľavo
+lesotho common sk LESOTHO
+liberia common sk LIBÉRIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common sk LÍBIA
+license common sk Licencia
+liechtenstein common sk LICHTENŠTAJNSKO
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common sk Riadok %1: '%2'
csv dáta nesúhlasia s počtom stĺpcov tabuľky %3 ==> ignorované
+list common sk Zoznam
+list members common sk Zoznam členov
+lithuania common sk LITVA
+local common sk Lokálny
+login common sk Prihlásiť
+loginid common sk Prihlasovacie ID
+logout common sk Odhlásenie
+lost login id common sk Stratené ID prihlásenia
+lost password common sk Stratené heslo
+low common sk Nízka
+lowest common sk Najnižšia
+luxembourg common sk LUXEMBURSKO
+macau common sk MACAO
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common sk MACEDÓNSKO
+madagascar common sk MADAGASKAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common sk mailová doména, napr. "%1"
+main category common sk Hlavná kategória
+main screen common sk Hlavná stránka
+maintainer common sk Správca-údržbár
+malawi common sk MALAWI
+malaysia common sk MALAJZIA
+maldives common sk MALEDIVY
+mali common sk MALI
+malta common sk MALTA
+march common sk Marec
+marshall islands common sk MARSHALLOVE OSTROVY
+martinique common sk MARTINIK
+mauritania common sk MAURETÁNIA
+mauritius common sk MAURÍCIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common sk Maximálny počet ikoniek v navigačnom paneli
+may common sk Máj
+mayotte common sk MAYOTTE
+medium common sk Stredná
+menu common sk Ponuka
+message common sk Správa
+mexico common sk MEXIKO
+micronesia, federated states of common sk MIKRÓNÉZIA
+minute common sk Minúta
+moldova, republic of common sk MOLDAVSKÁ REPUBLIKA
+monaco common sk MONAKO
+monday common sk Pondelok
+mongolia common sk MONGOLSKO
+montenegro common sk ČIERNA HORA
+montserrat common sk MONSERRAT
+morocco common sk MAROKO
+mozambique common sk MOZAMBIK
+multiple common sk viacero
+myanmar common sk MYANMAR
+name common sk Meno
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common sk meno používateľa, napr. "%1"
+namibia common sk NAMÍBIA
+nauru common sk NAURU
+nepal common sk NEPÁL
+netherlands common sk HOLANDSKO
+netherlands antilles common sk HOLANDSKÉ ANTILY
+never common sk Nikdy
+new caledonia common sk NOVÁ KALEDÓNIA
+new entry added sucessfully common sk Nový záznam bol úspešne pridaný
+new main category common sk Nová hlavná kategória
+new value common sk Nová hodnota
+new zealand common sk NOVÝ ZÉLAND
+next common sk Ďalší
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar sk Ďalší mesiac (podržaním zobrazíte ponuku)
+next page common sk Ďalšia stránka
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar sk Ďalší rok (podržaním zobrazíte ponuku)
+nicaragua common sk NIKARAGUA
+niger common sk NIGER
+nigeria common sk NIGÉRIA
+niue common sk NIUE
+no common sk Nie
+no entries found, try again ... common sk nič som nenašiel, skúste znovu...
+no history for this record common sk Žiadna história pre tento záznam
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common sk Žiadne adresáre šablóny Savant2 sa nenašli v:
+no subject common sk Nebol uvedený Predmet
+none common sk Žiadne
+norfolk island common sk NORFOLK
+normal common sk Normálna
+northern mariana islands common sk SEVERNÉ MARIÁNSKE OSTROVY
+norway common sk NÓRSKO
+not common sk nie
+not a user yet? register now common sk Ešte nie ste používateľom? Zaregistrujte sa
+not assigned common sk nepriradené
+not readable %1 entry of user %2 common sk Nečitateľná položka %1 používateľa %2
+note common sk Poznámka
+notes common sk Poznámky
+notifications common sk Upozornenia
+notify window common sk Upozorňujúce okno
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common sk Upozornite svojho správcu, aby napravil vzniknutú situáciu
+november common sk November
+october common sk Október
+ok common sk OK
+old value common sk Stará hodnota
+oman common sk OMÁN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common sk Na *NIX systémoch prosím napíšte: %1
+on mouse over common sk Pri namierení myši
+only private common sk iba súkromné
+only yours common sk iba vaše
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common sk Ajajaj! Zastihli ste nás práve počas údržby systému.
+open notify window common sk Otvor pripomínacie okno
+open popup window common sk Otvor vyskakovacie okno
+open sidebox common sk Otvor bočnú ponuku
+ordered list common sk Zoradený zoznam
+original common sk Originál
+other common sk Iné
+overview common sk Prehľad
+owner common sk Vlastník
+page common sk Stránka
+page was generated in %1 seconds common sk Stránka bola vygenerovaná za %1 sekúnd
+pakistan common sk PAKISTAN
+palau common sk PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common sk PALESTÍNSKE ÚZEMIE, OKUPOVANÉ
+panama common sk PANAMA
+papua new guinea common sk PAPUA NOVÁ GUINEA
+paraguay common sk PARAGUAY
+parcel common sk Parcela
+parent category common sk Rodičovská kategória
+password common sk Heslo
+password could not be changed common sk Heslo sa nedalo zmeniť
+password has been updated common sk Heslo bolo zmenené
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common sk Heslo musí obsahovať aspoň %1 malých písmen
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common sk Heslo musí obsahovať aspoň %1 číslic
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common sk Heslo musí obsahovať aspoň %1 špeciálnych znakov
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common sk Heslo musí obsahovať aspoň %1 veľkých písmen
+password must have at least %1 characters common sk Heslo musí mať dĺžku aspoň %1 znakov
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common sk Cesta k súborom používateľa a skupiny MUSÍ BYŤ MIMO document-root webservera!!!
+permission denied! common sk Prístup bol odopretý!
+permissions to the files/users directory common sk oprávnenia k adresáru pre súbory / používateľov
+personal common sk Osobný
+peru common sk PERU
+philippines common sk FILIPÍNY
+phone number common sk telefónne číslo
+phpgwapi common sk eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common sk PITCAIRNOVE OSTROVY
+please %1 by hand common sk Prosím %1 ručne
+please enter a name common sk Prosím zadajte meno!
+please run setup to become current common sk Prosím spusťte setup pre aktualizáciu
+please select common sk Prosím vyberte
+please set your global preferences common sk Prosím upravte vaše globálne predvoľby!
+please set your preferences for this application common sk Prosím upravte vaše predvoľby pre túto aplikáciu!
+please wait... common sk Prosím čakajte...
+please, check back with us shortly. common sk Prosím, ozvite sa čoskoro.
+poland common sk POĽSKO
+portugal common sk PORTUGALSKO
+postal common sk Poštové
+powered by common sk Používame
+powered by egroupware version %1 common sk Používame eGroupWare vo verzii %1
+preferences common sk Predvoľby
+preferences for the idots template set common sk Predvoľby pre idots šablónu boli nastavené
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar sk Predch. mesiac (podržaním zobrazíte ponuku)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar sk Predch. rok (podržaním zobrazíte ponuku)
+previous page common sk Predchádzajúca stránka
+print common sk Tlač
+priority common sk Priorita
+private common sk Súkromné
+programs common sk Programy
+project common sk Projekt
+public common sk Verejné
+puerto rico common sk PORTORIKO
+qatar common sk KATAR
+read common sk Čítať
+read this list of methods. common sk Čítaj tento zoznam metód.
+reading common sk Načítavam
+register common sk Registrácia
+regular common sk Regulárne
+reject common sk Odmietnuť
+remember me common sk Zapamätaj si ma
+remove selected accounts common sk Odstrániť vybrané účty
+remove shortcut common sk Odstrániť skratku
+rename common sk Premenovať
+replace common sk Nahradiť
+replace with common sk Zameniť za
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common sk Vráti úplný zoznam účtov v systéme. Upozornenie: môže byť pomerne rozsiahly
+returns an array of todo items common sk Vracia pole úloh
+returns struct of users application access common sk Vracia štruktúru používateľského prístupu k aplikáciám
+reunion common sk RÉUNION
+right common sk Vpravo
+romania common sk RUMUNSKO
+russian common sk rusky
+russian federation common sk RUSKÁ FEDERÁCIA
+rwanda common sk RWANDA
+saint helena common sk SVÄTÁ HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common sk SVÄTÝ KITTS A NEVIS
+saint lucia common sk SVÄTÁ LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common sk SAINT PIERRE A MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common sk SVÄTÝ VINCENC A GRENADINY
+samoa common sk ZÁPADNÁ SAMOA
+san marino common sk SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common sk SVÄTÝ TOMÁŠ A PRINCOV OSTROV
+saturday common sk Sobota
+saudi arabia common sk SAUDSKÁ ARÁBIA
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common sk Verzia Savant2 sa líši od wrappera Savant2.
Táto verzia: %1
Verzia Savant: %2
+save common sk Uložiť
+search common sk Hľadať
+search %1 '%2' common sk Hľadaj %1 '%2'
+search accounts common sk Hľadať v účtoch
+search or select accounts common sk hľadať alebo vyberať medzi účtami
+second common sk sekunda
+section common sk Sekcia
+select common sk Výber
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common sk Vyberte všetky %1 %2 pre %3
+select category common sk Vyberte kategóriu
+select date common sk Vyberte dátum
+select group common sk Vyberte skupinu
+select home email address common sk Vyberte domácu E-mailovú adresu
+select multiple accounts common sk Vyberte viacero účtov
+select one common sk Vyberte
+select the default height for the application windows common sk Vyberte predvolenú výšku okien aplikácií
+select the default width for the application windows common sk Vyberte predvolenú šírku okien aplikácií
+select user common sk Vyberte používateľa
+select work email address common sk Vyberte pracovnú E-mailovú adresu
+selection common sk Výber
+send common sk Odoslať
+senegal common sk SENEGAL
+september common sk September
+serbia common sk Srbsko
+server %1 has been added common sk Server %1 bol pridaný
+server answered. processing response... common sk Server odpovedal. Spracúvam odpoveď...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common sk Pripájam sa na server. Čakám na odpoveď...
+server name common sk Meno servera
+session has been killed common sk Relácia bola ukončená
+setup common sk Inštalácia
+setup main menu common sk Hlavná inštalačná ponuka
+seychelles common sk SEYCHELLY
+show all common sk Ukázať všetko
+show all categorys common sk Ukázať všetky kategórie
+show as topmenu common sk Zobraziť ako Vrchnú ponuku
+show clock? common sk Ukázať hodinky?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common sk Ukázať tlačítko Domovskej stránky a tlačítko Odhlásenia v hlavnom paneli aplikácií?
+show in sidebox common sk Zobraziť ako bočnú ponuku
+show logo's on the desktop. common sk Na desktope zobrazovať logá.
+show menu common sk ukázať ponuku
+show page generation time common sk Ukázať čas generovania stránky
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common sk Ukázať čas generovania stránky na jej spodku?
+show page generation time? common sk Ukázať čas generovania stránky?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common sk Zobrazovať na desktope logá eGroupWare a x-desktopu.
+show_more_apps common sk ukázať viacero aplikácií
+showing %1 common sk zobrazujem %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common sk zobrazujem %1 - %2 z %3
+sierra leone common sk SIERRA LEONE
+simple common sk Jednoduché
+singapore common sk SINGAPUR
+site configuration common sk Nastavenia stránky
+slovakia common sk SLOVENSKO
+slovenia common sk SLOVINSKO
+solomon islands common sk ŠALAMÚNOVE OSTROVY
+somalia common sk SOMÁLSKO
+sorry, your login has expired login sk Prepáčte, platnost vášho prihlásenia už vypršala
+south africa common sk JUŽNÁ AFRIKA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common sk JUŽNÁ GEORGIA A JUŽNÉ SANDWICHOVE OSTROVY
+spain common sk ŠPANIELSKO
+sri lanka common sk SRÍ LANKA
+start date common sk Dátum začatia
+start time common sk Čas začatia
+start with common sk začať s
+starting up... common sk Štartujem...
+status common sk Stav
+stretched common sk natiahnuté
+subject common sk Predmet
+submit common sk Potvrdiť
+substitutions and their meanings: common sk Substitúcie a ich významy:
+sudan common sk SUDÁN
+sunday common sk Nedeľa
+suriname common sk SURINAM
+swaziland common sk SVAZIJSKO
+sweden common sk ŠVÉDSKO
+switzerland common sk ŠVAJČIARSKO
+syrian arab republic common sk SÝRIA
+table properties common sk Nastavenia tabuľky
+taiwan common sk TCHAJ-WAN
+tajikistan common sk TADŽIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common sk TANZÁNIA
+text color: common sk Farba písma:
+thailand common sk THAJSKO
+the api is current common sk API je aktuálne
+the api requires an upgrade common sk API potrebuje aktualizáciu
+the following applications require upgrades common sk Nasledujúce aplikácie vyžadujú aktualizáciu
+the mail server returned common sk Poštový server vrátil
+this application is current common sk Táto aplikácia je aktuálna
+this application requires an upgrade common sk Táto aplikácia vyžaduje aktualizáciu
+this name has been used already common sk Toto meno sa už používa!
+thursday common sk Štvrtok
+tiled common sk dlaždice
+time common sk Čas
+time selection: jscalendar sk Výber času
+time zone common sk Časová zóna
+time zone offset common sk Rozdiel časovej zóny
+title common sk Titulok
+to common sk Komu
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common sk = Aby sa chyba neobjavovala v budúcnosti, musíte správne nastaviť
+to go back to the msg list, click here common sk Naspäť na zoznam správ
+today common sk Dnes
+todays date, eg. "%1" common sk dnešný dátum, napr. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar sk Určiť prvý deň týždňa
+togo common sk TOGO
+tokelau common sk TOKELAU
+tonga common sk TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common sk Príliš veľa neúspešných pokusov o prihlásenie: %1 na používateľa '%2', %3 na IP %4
+top common sk Vrch
+total common sk celkovo
+transparant bg for the icons? common sk Priesvitné pozadie ikon?
+trinidad and tobago common sk TRINIDAD A TOBAGO
+tuesday common sk Utorok
+tunisia common sk TUNIS
+turkey common sk TURECKO
+turkmenistan common sk TURKMÉNSKO
+turks and caicos islands common sk TURKS A CAICOS
+tuvalu common sk TUVALU
+type common sk Typ
+uganda common sk UGANDA
+ukraine common sk UKRAJINA
+underline common sk Podčiarknuť
+united arab emirates common sk SPOJENÉ ARABSKÉ EMIRÁTY
+united kingdom common sk SPOJENÉ KRÁĽOVSTVO
+united states common sk USA
+united states minor outlying islands common sk MENŠIE ODĽAHLÉ OSTROVY USA
+unknown common sk Neznámy
+update common sk Aktualizácia
+update the clock per minute or per second common sk Obnovovať hodinky po sekundách alebo po minútach
+upload common sk Odoslať
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common sk Adresár pre odoslanie buď neexistuje, alebo doň webserver nemôže zapisovať.
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common sk Odoslanie vyžaduje, aby bol adresár zapisovateľný webserverom!
+url common sk URL adresa
+uruguay common sk URUGUAY
+use button to search for common sk stlač Tlačidlo pre vyhľadanie
+use button to search for address common sk stlač Tlačidlo pre vyhľadanie adresy
+use button to search for calendarevent common sk stlač Tlačidlo pre vyhľadanie záznamu v Kalendári
+use button to search for project common sk stlač Tlačidlo pre vyhľadanie projektu
+user common sk Používateľ
+user accounts common sk používateľské účty
+user groups common sk používateľské skupiny
+username common sk Používateľské meno
+users common sk používatelia
+users choice common sk Používateľská Voľba
+uzbekistan common sk UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common sk VANUATU
+venezuela common sk VENEZUELA
+version common sk Verzia
+viet nam common sk VIETNAM
+view common sk Zobraziť
+virgin islands, british common sk PANENSKÉ OSTROVY, BRITSKÉ
+virgin islands, u.s. common sk PANENSKÉ OSTROVY, AMERICKÉ
+wallis and futuna common sk WALLISOVE OSTROVY
+wednesday common sk Streda
+welcome common sk Vitajte
+western european common sk Západoeurópske
+western sahara common sk ZÁPADNÁ SAHARA
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common sk Akú farbu má mať všetok prázdny priestor na desktope
+what style would you like the image to have? common sk Aký štýl má mať obrázok?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common sk Keď odpoviete áno, tlačítka Domov a Odhlásenie sa zobrazia ako aplikácie v hlavnom paneli aplikácií.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common sk Kde a ako sa budú zobrazovať odkazy eGroupware, ako sú Nastavenia, O aplikácii a Odhlásiť.
+which groups common sk Ktoré skupiny
+width common sk Šírka
+wk jscalendar sk Týž
+work email common sk pracovný E-mail
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common sk Chcete, aby sa naspodku stránky zobrazoval čas jej generovania?
+writing common sk zapisuje sa
+written by: common sk Zapísal:
+year common sk Rok
+yemen common sk JEMEN
+yes common sk Áno
+you are required to change your password during your first login common sk Počas svojho prvého prihlásenia budete musieť zmeniť svoje heslo
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common sk Môžete si nastaviť, koľko ikoniek a nástrojových panelov má editor zobrazovať.
+you have been successfully logged out login sk Boli ste úspešne odhlásení.
+you have not entered a title common sk Nezadali ste názov
+you have not entered a valid date common sk Nezadali ste správny dátum
+you have not entered a valid time of day common sk Nezadali ste správny čas
+you have not entered participants common sk Nezadali ste spolupracovníkov
+you have selected an invalid date common sk Vybrali ste chybný dátum!
+you have selected an invalid main category common sk Vybrali ste chybnú hlavnú kategóriu!
+you have successfully logged out common sk Boli ste úspešne odhlásení.
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common sk Je potrebné, aby ste priradili webserverového používateľa '%1' do skupiny '%2'.
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common sk Iba správca eGroupWare má prístup k tejto funkcionalite!
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common sk Pokúsili ste sa otvoriť aplikáciu eGroupWare: %1, ale nemáte na to oprávnenia.
+your message could not be sent!
common sk Vašu správu sa nepodarilo odoslať!
+your message has been sent common sk Vaša správa bola odoslaná
+your search returned %1 matchs common sk našiel som %1 záznamov
+your search returned 1 match common sk našiel som 1 záznam
+your session could not be verified. login sk Vašu reláciu sa nepodarilo overiť.
+your settings have been updated common sk Vaše nastavenia boli upravené
+zambia common sk ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common sk ZIMBABWE
+zoom common sk Lupa
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sl.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sl.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7d67211db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sl.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common sl Vnesenih %1 E-naslovov
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common sl Spletni strežnik ne more zagnati %1!
+%1 manual common sl Priročnik %1
+%1 start common sl Zaženi %1
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common sl %1Izberite drugo mapo%2
ali nastavite, da bo %3 zapisljiva za spletni strežnik
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common sl %1eGroupWare%2 je večuporabniški, spletno osnovani paket za skupinsko delo, napisan v %3PHP%4-ju.
+(session restored in %1 seconds) common sl (seja je bila vzpostavljena v % sekundah)
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar sl (Shift)-klik ali povleci-in-spusti za spremembo vrednosti.
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar sl - Kliknite na katerikoli del časa za njegovo povečanje.
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar sl - Držite miškin gumb na kateremkoli od zgornjih gumbov za hitrejši izbor.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar sl - ali kliknite in povlecite za hitrejši izbor.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar sl - ali kliknite s Shift za njegovo zmanjšanje
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar sl - Uporabite gumba %1, %2 za izbiro meseca
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar sl - Uporabite gumba %1, %2 za izbiro leta
+00 (disable) admin sl 00 (izklopi)
+1 day common sl 1 dan
+1 hour common sl 1 ura
+1 month common sl 1 mesec
+1 week common sl 1 teden
+13 (ntp) admin sl 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar sl 3 - število znakov za okrajšavo dneva
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar sl 3 - število znakov za okrajšavo meseca
+80 (http) admin sl 80 (http)
+about common sl Vizitka
+about %1 common sl Vizitka aplikacije %1
+about egroupware common sl O programu eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar sl O Koledarju
+access common sl Dostop
+access not permitted common sl Zavrnjen dostop
+account has been created common sl Uporabniški račun je bil ustvarjen
+account has been deleted common sl Uporabniški račun je bil izbrisan
+account has been updated common sl Uporabniški račun je bil posodobljen
+account is expired common sl Uporabniški račun je potekel
+accounts common sl Računi
+acl common sl ACL
+action common sl Dejanje
+active common sl Aktiven
+add common sl Dodaj
+add %1 category for common sl Dodaj kategorijo %1 za
+add category common sl Dodaj kategorijo
+add shortcut common sl Dodaj bližnjico
+add sub common sl Dodaj pod
+addressbook common sl Adresar
+admin common sl Oskrbnik
+administration common sl Administracija
+afghanistan common sl AFGANISTAN
+albania common sl ALBANIJA
+algeria common sl ALŽIRIJA
+all common sl Vse
+all fields common sl vsa polja
+alphabet common sl a,b,c,č,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,š,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,ž
+alternate style-sheet: common sl Nadomestna (CSS) predloga
+american samoa common sl AMERIŠKA SAMOA
+an error happened common sl Pojavila se je napaka
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common sl Obstoječa IN s strani spletnega strežnika berljiva mapa omogoča brskanje in nalaganje slik.
+andorra common sl ANDORA
+angola common sl ANGOLA
+anguilla common sl ANGVILA
+antarctica common sl ANTARKTIKA
+antigua and barbuda common sl ANTIGVA IN BARBUDA
+application common sl Aplikacija
+apply common sl Uporabi
+april common sl April
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common sl Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati te vnose?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common sl Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta vnos?
+argentina common sl ARGENTINA
+armenia common sl ARMENIJA
+aruba common sl ARUBA
+august common sl Avgust
+australia common sl AVSTRALIJA
+austria common sl AVSTRIJA
+author common sl Avtor
+autohide sidebox menu's common sl Samodejno skrij stranske menije
+autohide sidebox menus common sl Samodejno skrivanje stranskih menijev
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common sl Samodejno skrijem stranske menije?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common sl Samodejno skrijem stranske menije?
+autosave default category common sl Samodejno shrani privzeto kategorijo
+azerbaijan common sl AZARBEJDŽAN
+back common sl Nazaj
+back to user login common sl Nazaj na prijavno okno
+background color: common sl Barva ozadja:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common sl Spletni strežnik ne more pisati v arhivsko mapo '%1'
+bad login or password common sl Napačno uporabniško ime in/ali geslo
+bahamas common sl BAHAMI
+bahrain common sl BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common sl BANGLADEŠ
+barbados common sl BARBADOS
+bcc common sl BCC
+belarus common sl BELORUSIJA
+belgium common sl BELGIJA
+belize common sl BELIZE
+benin common sl BENIN
+bermuda common sl BERMUDI
+bhutan common sl BUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common sl Zaklenjeno: preveč poskusov.
+bold common sl Krepko
+bolivia common sl BOLIVIJA
+border common sl Rob
+bosnia and herzegovina common sl BOSNA IN HERCEGOVINA
+botswana common sl BOCVANA
+bottom common sl Dno
+bouvet island common sl OTOČJE BOUVET
+brazil common sl BRAZILIJA
+british indian ocean territory common sl BRITANSKO INDIJSKO OTOČJE
+brunei darussalam common sl BRUNEJ
+bulgaria common sl BOLGARIJA
+burkina faso common sl BURKINA FASO
+burundi common sl BURUNDI
+calendar common sl Koledar
+cambodia common sl KAMBODŽA
+cameroon common sl KAMERUN
+canada common sl KANADA
+cancel common sl Prekliči
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common sl Ne morem nadomestiti %1, ker je mapa.
+cant open '%1' for %2 common sl Ne morem odpreti '%1' za '%2'
+cape verde common sl KAPVERDSKO OTOČJE
+caption common sl Zajem
+categories common sl Kategorije
+categories for common sl Kategorije za
+category common sl Kategorija
+category %1 has been added ! common sl Dodana je bila kategorija %1!
+category %1 has been updated ! common sl Osvežena je bila kategorija %1!
+cayman islands common sl KAJMANSKI OTOKI
+cc common sl CC
+centered common sl Na sredini
+central african republic common sl SREDNJEAFRIŠKA REPUBLIKA
+chad common sl ČAD
+change common sl Spremeni
+charset common sl UTF-8
+check installation common sl Preveri namestitev
+check now common sl Preveri sedaj
+chile common sl ČILE
+china common sl KITAJSKA
+choose a background color common sl Izberite barvo ozadja
+choose a background color for the icons common sl Izberite barvo ozadja za ikone
+choose a background image. common sl Izberite sliko za ozadje.
+choose a background style. common sl Izberite slog ozadja.
+choose a text color for the icons common sl Izberite barvo besedila za ikoneozadja
+choose the category common sl Izberi kategorijo
+choose the parent category common sl Izberi nadrejeno kategorijo
+christmas island common sl BOŽIČNI OTOK
+clear common sl Izprazni
+clear form common sl Izprazni formo
+click common sl Klikni
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common sl Kliknite tukaj za vrnitev seje eGroupWare
+click or mouse over to show menus common sl Klik ali prehod z mišjo za prikaz menijev
+click or mouse over to show menus? common sl Klik ali prehod z mišjo za prikaz menijev?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common sl Kliknite sliko v navbar: %1
+close common sl Zapri
+close sidebox common sl Zapri stranski meni
+cocos (keeling) islands common sl KOKOSOVI (KEELINGOVI) OTOKI
+colombia common sl KOLUMBIJA
+common preferences common sl Skupne nastavitve
+comoros common sl KOMORI
+company common sl Podjetje
+congo common sl KONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common sl KONGO, DEMOKRATIČNA REPUBLIKA
+contacting server... common sl Vzpostavljanje povezave ...
+cook islands common sl COOKOVI OTOKI
+copy common sl Kopiraj
+costa rica common sl KOSTARIKA
+cote d ivoire common sl SLONOKOŠČENA OBALA
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common sl Nisem mogel vzpostaviti povezave s strežnikom. Časovna omejitev se je iztekla!
+create common sl Ustvari
+created by common sl Ustvaril
+croatia common sl HRVAŠKA
+cuba common sl KUBA
+currency common sl Valuta
+current common sl Trenutno
+current users common sl Trenutni uporabniki
+cyprus common sl CIPER
+czech republic common sl ČEŠKA REPUBLIKA
+database error common sl Napaka zbirke podatkov
+database error! common sl Napaka zbirke podatkov!
+date common sl Datum
+date due common sl Rok
+date selection: jscalendar sl Izbor datuma
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin sl Vrata za datum in čas. Če uporabljate vrata 13, nastavite ustrezne parametre požarnega zidu preden potrdite to stran.
(Vrata: 13/ Strežnik:
+december common sl December
+default category common sl Privzeta kategorija
+default height for the windows common sl Privzeta višina oken
+default width for the windows common sl Privzeta širina oken
+delete common sl Izbriši
+delete row common sl Izbriši vrstico
+denmark common sl DANSKA
+description common sl Opis
+detail common sl Podrobnost
+details common sl Podrobnosti
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sl Onemogoči izvajanje skripte, ki popravi hrošča pri prikazu transparentnih PNG slik v Microsoft Internet Explorerju 5.5 in višjih?
+direction left to right common sl Smer levo proti desni
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common sl Mapa ne obstaja, ni berljiva s strani spletnega strežnika ali ni podana relativno na koren dokumentov (document root)!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common sl Onemogoči popravek PNG hrošča v IE?
+disable slider effects common sl Onemogoči učinek drsnika
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common sl Onemogoči animirane učinke drsnika ob prikazu menija ob strani? Uporabniki Opere in Konquererja bodo verjetno hoteli to možnost.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sl Onemogočim izvajanje bugfixscript za Internet Explorer različica 5.5 in višja za prikaz prosojnosti v slikah PNG?
+disabled common sl Onemogočeno
+display %s first jscalendar sl Pokaži najprej %1
+djibouti common sl DŽIBUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common sl Ali želite izbrisati tudi podkategorije?
+doctype: common sl DOCTYPE:
+document properties common sl Lastnosti dokumenta
+document title: common sl Naziv dokumenta
+domain common sl Domena
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sl Ime domene za E-naslov, npr. "%1"
+domestic common sl Domač
+dominica common sl DOMINIKA
+dominican republic common sl DOMINIKANSKA REPUBLIKA
+done common sl Končano
+drag to move jscalendar sl Povleci za premik
+e-mail common sl E-pošta
+east timor common sl VZHODNI TIMOR
+ecuador common sl EKVADOR
+edit common sl Popravi
+edit %1 category for common sl Popravi kategorijo %1 za
+edit categories common sl Popravi kategorije
+edit category common sl Popravi kategorijo
+egroupware common sl eGroupWare
+egroupware api version common sl Različica API eGroupWare
+egroupware api version %1 common sl eGroupWare API različica %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common sl eGroupWare: prijava uporabnika '%1' na IPju '%2' onemogočena.
+egypt common sl EGIPT
+el salvador common sl SALVADOR
+email common sl E-pošta
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sl E-naslov uporabnika, npr. "%1"
+enabled common sl Omogočeno
+end date common sl Končni datum
+end time common sl Končni čas
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin sl Vnesite URL eGroupWare. Primer: http://www.domain.com/egroupware ali /egroupware
Brez zaključne poševnice!
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common sl Vnos je bil uspešno izbrisan
+entry not found! common sl Ne najdem vnosa!
+entry updated sucessfully common sl Vnos je bil uspešno osvežen
+equatorial guinea common sl EKVATORIALNA GVINEJA
+eritrea common sl ERITREJA
+error common sl Napaka
+error creating %1 %2 directory common sl Napaka pri ustvarjanju %1 %2 mape
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common sl Napaka pri brisanju %1 %2 mape
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common sl Napaka ob preimenovanju %1 %2 mape
+estonia common sl ESTONIJA
+ethiopia common sl ETIOPIJA
+everything common sl Vse
+exact common sl Natančno
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common sl Povezava s strežnikom ni uspela oz. strežnik je javil napačen odgovor. Poskusite se ponovno prijaviti. Če vam ne uspe, kontaktirajte skrbnika.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common sl FALKLANDSKO OTOČJE
+faroe islands common sl FERSKO OTOČJE
+fax number common sl Faks
+features of the editor? common sl Zmožnosti urejevalnika?
+february common sl Februar
+fields common sl Polja
+fiji common sl FIDŽI
+files common sl Datoteke
+filter common sl Filter
+finland common sl FINSKA
+first name common sl Ime
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common sl Ime uporabnika, npr. "%1"
+first page common sl Prva stran
+firstname common sl Ime
+fixme! common sl POPRAVI ME!
+folder already exists. common sl Mapa že obstaja.
+force selectbox common sl Vsili izbirna polja
+forever common sl Za vedno
+france common sl FRANCIJA
+french guiana common sl FRANCOSKA GVAJANA
+french polynesia common sl FRANCOSKA POLINEZIJA
+french southern territories common sl FRANCOSKI JUŽNI TERITORIJ
+friday common sl Petek
+ftp common sl FTP
+fullname common sl Polno ime
+fullscreen mode common sl Celozaslonski način
+gabon common sl GABON
+gambia common sl GAMBIJA
+general menu common sl Splošni meni
+georgia common sl GRUZIJA
+german common sl Nemški
+germany common sl NEMČIJA
+ghana common sl GANA
+gibraltar common sl GIBRALTAR
+global common sl Globalno
+global public common sl Splošna javnost
+go today jscalendar sl Pojdi na današnji dan
+grant access common sl Dovoli dostop
+greece common sl GRČIJA
+greenland common sl GRENLANDIJA
+grenada common sl GRENADA
+group common sl Skupina
+group access common sl Dostop skupine
+group has been added common sl Skupina je bila dodana
+group has been deleted common sl Skupina je bila izbrisana
+group has been updated common sl Skupina je bila posodobljena
+group name common sl Ime skupine
+group public common sl Skupina 'javnost'
+groups common sl Skupine
+groups with permission for %1 common sl Skupine z dovoljenjem za
+groups without permission for %1 common sl Skupine brez dovoljenja za
+guadeloupe common sl GUADALUPE
+guam common sl GUAM
+guatemala common sl GVATEMALA
+guinea common sl GVINEJA
+guinea-bissau common sl GVINEJA-BISAO
+guyana common sl GVAJANA
+haiti common sl HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common sl OTOK HEARD IN MCDONALDOVI OTOKI
+height common sl Višina
+help common sl Pomoč
+high common sl Visoko
+highest common sl Najvišje
+holy see (vatican city state) common sl SVETI SEDEŽ (MESTNA DRŽAVA VATIKAN)
+home common sl Domov
+home email common sl Domači E-naslov
+honduras common sl HONDURAS
+hong kong common sl HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common sl Koliko ikon naj se pokaže na orodni vrstici na vrhu strani? Preostale ikone gredo v dodaten meni, ki ga je moč priklicati s pomočjo ikone na desni strani orodne vrstice.
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common sl Kako naj bo prikazan splošni meni eGroupWare?
+hungary common sl MADŽARSKA
+iceland common sl ISLANDIJA
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common sl ieSpell ni bil zaznan. Kliknite V redu za obisk spletne strani za prenos.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common sl Če je ura omogočena, bi jo radi posodobili vsako sekundo ali vsako minutu?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common sl Če so v mapi kakšne slike, lahko izberete tisto, ki jo želite videti.
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common sl Mapa slik, relativno na koren dokumentov (document root, uporabite /!). Primer:
+image url common sl URL podobe
+india common sl INDIJA
+indonesia common sl INDONEZIJA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common sl Vstavi vseh %1 naslovov iz %2 kontaktov v %3
+insert column after common sl Vstavi stolpec za izbranim
+insert column before common sl Vstavi stolpec pred izbranim
+insert row after common sl Vstavi vrstico za izbranim
+insert row before common sl Vstavi vrstico pred izbrano
+international common sl Mednarodni
+invalid filename common sl Napačno ime datotke
+invalid ip address common sl Napačna IP številka
+invalid password common sl Napačno geslo
+iran, islamic republic of common sl IRAN, ISLAMSKA REPUBLIKA
+iraq common sl IRAK
+ireland common sl IRSKA
+israel common sl IZRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common sl Od zadnje menjave gesla je preteklo že več kot %1 dni.
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common sl Priporočamo, da poženete namestitev za nadgradnjo tabel na najnovejšo različico.
+italic common sl Ležeče
+italy common sl ITALIJA
+jamaica common sl JAMAJKA
+january common sl Januar
+japan common sl JAPONSKA
+jordan common sl JORDANIJA
+july common sl Julij
+jun common sl Jun
+june common sl Junij
+justify center common sl Poravnaj po sredini
+justify full common sl Poravnaj obojestransko
+justify left common sl Poravnaj levo
+justify right common sl Poravnaj desno
+kazakstan common sl KAZAHSTAN
+kenya common sl KENIJA
+keywords common sl Ključne besede
+kiribati common sl KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common sl KOREJA, DEMOKRATIČNA REPUBLIKA
+korea, republic of common sl KOREJA, REPUBLIKA
+kuwait common sl KUVAJT
+kyrgyzstan common sl KIRGIZISTAN
+language common sl Jezik
+language_direction_rtl common sl language_direction_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common sl LAOS
+last name common sl Priimek
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common sl Priimek uporabnika, npr. "%1"
+last page common sl Zadnja stran
+lastname common sl Priimek
+latvia common sl LATVIJA
+ldap-mgr common sl Upravitelj LDAP-a
+lebanon common sl LIBANON
+left common sl Levo
+lesotho common sl LESOTO
+liberia common sl LIBERIJA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common sl LIBIJA
+license common sl Licenca
+liechtenstein common sl LICHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common sl Vrstica %1: '%2'
CSV podatki se ne ujemajo s številom stolpcev v tabeli %3==>zavrnjen
+list common sl Seznam
+list members common sl Seznam članov
+lithuania common sl LITVA
+local common sl Lokalno
+login common sl Prijava
+loginid common sl Uporabniško ime
+logout common sl Odjava
+lost login id common sl Pozabljeno uporabniško ime
+lost password common sl Pozabljeno geslo
+low common sl Nizko
+lowest common sl Najnižje
+luxembourg common sl LUKSEMBURG
+macau common sl MACAO
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common sl MAKEDONIJA
+madagascar common sl MADAGASKAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common sl E-poštna domena, npr. "%1"
+main category common sl Glavna kategorija
+main screen common sl Glavni zaslon
+maintainer common sl Vzdrževalec
+malawi common sl MALAVI
+malaysia common sl MALEZIJA
+maldives common sl MALDIVI
+mali common sl MALI
+malta common sl MALTA
+march common sl Marec
+marshall islands common sl MARSHALLOVO OTOČJE
+martinique common sl MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common sl MAVRETANIJA
+mauritius common sl MAVRICIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common sl Največje število ikon v orodni vrstici
+may common sl Maj
+mayotte common sl MAYOTTE
+medium common sl Srednje
+menu common sl Meni
+message common sl Sporočilo
+mexico common sl MEHIKA
+micronesia, federated states of common sl MIKRONEZIJA
+minute common sl minuta
+moldova, republic of common sl MOLDAVIJA
+monaco common sl MONAKO
+monday common sl Ponedeljek
+mongolia common sl MONGOLIJA
+montenegro common sl ČRNA GORA
+montserrat common sl MONSERRAT
+morocco common sl MAROKO
+mozambique common sl MOZAMBIK
+multiple common sl Mnogokraten
+myanmar common sl MJANMAR
+name common sl Ime
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common sl Ime uporabnika, npr. "%1"
+namibia common sl NAMIBIJA
+nauru common sl NAURU
+nepal common sl NEPAL
+netherlands common sl NIZOZEMSKA
+netherlands antilles common sl NIZOZEMSKI ANTILI
+never common sl Nikoli
+new caledonia common sl NOVA KALEDONIJA
+new entry added sucessfully common sl Nov vnos je uspešno dodan.
+new main category common sl Nova glavna kategorija
+new value common sl Nova vrednost
+new zealand common sl NOVA ZELANDIJA
+next common sl Naslednji
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar sl Naslednji mesec (drži tipko za meni)
+next page common sl Naslednja stran
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar sl Naslednje leto (drži tipko za meni)
+nicaragua common sl NIKARAGVA
+niger common sl NIGER
+nigeria common sl NIGERIJA
+niue common sl NIUE
+no common sl Ne
+no entries found, try again ... common sl Ne najdem vnosov. Poskusite ponovno...
+no history for this record common sl Ni zgodovine za ta zapis.
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common sl Mape s predlogo Savant2 ni bilo mogoče najti v:
+no subject common sl Brez zadeve
+none common sl Noben
+norfolk island common sl OTOK NORFOLK
+normal common sl Običajno
+northern mariana islands common sl SEVERNI MARIANSKI OTOKI
+norway common sl NORVEŠKA
+not common sl Ne
+not a user yet? register now common sl Še niste uporabnik? Registrirajte se.
+not assigned common sl Ni dodeljeno
+not readable %1 entry of user %2 common sl Zapisa %1 od uporabnika %2 ni mogoče prebrati
+note common sl Opomba
+notes common sl Opombe
+notifications common sl Obvestila
+notify window common sl Okno za opozorila
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common sl Obvestite administratorja, da odpravi problem
+november common sl November
+october common sl Oktober
+ok common sl V redu
+old value common sl Stara vrednost
+oman common sl OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common sl Na *nix sistemih vnesite: %1
+on mouse over common sl Ob prehodu z miško
+only private common sl Samo zasebno
+only yours common sl Samo vaše
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common sl Smo sredi vzdrževanja sistema.
+open notify window common sl Odpri okno z opozorilom
+open popup window common sl Odpri pojavno okno
+open sidebox common sl Odpri stranski meni
+ordered list common sl Urejen seznam
+original common sl Izvirnik
+other common sl Ostalo
+overview common sl Pregled
+owner common sl Lastnik
+page common sl Stran
+page was generated in %1 seconds common sl Stran je bila izdelana v %1 sekundah
+pakistan common sl PAKISTAN
+palau common sl PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common sl PALESTINSKI TERITORIJ, OKUPIRAN
+panama common sl PANAMA
+papua new guinea common sl PAPUA NOVA GVINEJA
+paraguay common sl PARAGVAJ
+parcel common sl Paket
+parent category common sl Nadrejena kategorija
+password common sl Geslo
+password could not be changed common sl Gesla ni mogoče zamenjati.
+password has been updated common sl Geslo je bilo zamenjano.
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common sl Geslo mora vsebovati najmanj %1 majhnih črk
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common sl Geslo mora vsebovati najmanj %1številk
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common sl Geslo mora vsebovati najmanj %1 številk
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common sl Geslo mora vsebovati najmanj %1 velikih črk
+password must have at least %1 characters common sl Geslo mora imeti najmanj %1 znakov
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common sl Pot do uporabniških in skupinskih datotek NE SME BITI podrejena korenski mapi spletišča.
+permission denied! common sl Dostop zavrnjen!
+permissions to the files/users directory common sl Dovoljenja do mape datotek/uporabnikov
+permisson denied! common sl Dostop zavrnjen!
+personal common sl Zasebno
+peru common sl PERU
+philippines common sl FILIPINI
+phone number common sl Telefonska številka
+phpgwapi common sl eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common sl PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common sl Prosim, ročno %1
+please enter a name common sl Vnesite ime!
+please run setup to become current common sl Poženite namestitev za posodobitev!
+please select common sl Izberite
+please set your global preferences common sl Vnesite splošne nastavitve.
+please set your preferences for this application common sl Vnesite nastavitve za to aplikacijo!
+please wait... common sl Prosimo, počakajte...
+please, check back with us shortly. common sl Vrnite se pozneje.
+poland common sl POLJSKA
+portugal common sl PORTUGALSKA
+postal common sl Poštno
+powered by common sl Teče na
+powered by egroupware version %1 common sl Teče na eGroupware različica %1
+preferences common sl Nastavitve
+preferences for the idots template set common sl Nastavitve predloge idots
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar sl Prejšnji mesec (držite tipko za meni)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar sl Prejšnje leto (držite tipko za meni)
+previous page common sl Prejšnja stran
+primary style-sheet: common sl Glavna CSS predloga
+print common sl Natisni
+priority common sl Prioriteta
+private common sl Zasebno
+programs common sl Programi
+project common sl Projekt
+public common sl Javno
+puerto rico common sl PORTORIKO
+qatar common sl KATAR
+read common sl Preberi
+read this list of methods. common sl Preberi ta seznam postopkov
+reading common sl Branje
+register common sl Registriraj
+regular common sl Občasno
+reject common sl Zavrni
+remember me common sl Zapomni se me
+remove selected accounts common sl Odstrani izbrane račune
+remove shortcut common sl Odstrani bližnjico
+rename common sl Preimenuj
+replace common sl Zamenjaj
+replace with common sl Zamenjaj z
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common sl Vrne poln seznam uporabnikov sistema. Pozor: seznam je lahko precej dolg.
+returns an array of todo items common sl Vrne niz opravil
+returns struct of users application access common sl Vrne strukturo dostopanja uporabnikov do programa
+reunion common sl REUNION
+right common sl Desno
+romania common sl ROMUNIJA
+russian federation common sl RUSKA FEDERACIJA
+rwanda common sl RUANDA
+saint helena common sl SVETA HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common sl SVETA KRIŠTOF IN NEVIS
+saint lucia common sl SVETA LUCIJA
+saint pierre and miquelon common sl SVETA PIERRE IN MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common sl SVETI VINCENT IN GRENADINE
+samoa common sl SAMOA
+san marino common sl SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common sl SAO TOME IN PRINCIPE
+saturday common sl Sobota
+saudi arabia common sl SAVDSKA ARABIJA
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common sl Različica Savant2 se razlikuje od ovojnice Savant2.
Ta različica: %1
Različica Savant: %2
+save common sl Shrani
+search common sl Išči
+search %1 '%2' common sl Išči %1 '%2'
+search accounts common sl Išči po računih
+search or select accounts common sl Išči ali izberi uporabniške račune
+second common sl Sekunda
+section common sl Odsek
+select common sl Izberi
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common sl Izberi vse %1 %2 za %3
+select category common sl Izberi kategorijo
+select date common sl Izberi datum
+select group common sl Izberi skupino
+select home email address common sl Izberi domači E-naslov
+select multiple accounts common sl Izberi več računov hkrati
+select one common sl Izberi
+select the default height for the application windows common sl Izberite privzeto višino okna aplikacij
+select the default width for the application windows common sl Izberite privzeto širino okna aplikacij
+select user common sl Izberi uporabnika
+select work email address common sl Izberi službeni E-naslov
+selection common sl Izbor
+send common sl Pošlji
+senegal common sl SENEGAL
+september common sl September
+serbia common sl Srbija
+server %1 has been added common sl Dodan je bil strežnik %1.
+server answered. processing response... common sl Strežnik je odgovoril. Obdelujem odgovor ...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common sl Povezava s strežnikom je bila vzpostavljena. Čakam na odgovor ...
+server name common sl Ime strežnika
+session has been killed common sl Seja je bila prekinjena.
+setup common sl Namestitev
+setup main menu common sl Glavni meni namestitve
+seychelles common sl SEJEŠELI
+show all common sl Prikaži vse
+show all categorys common sl Prikaži vse kategorije
+show as topmenu common sl Prikaži kot meni na vrhu
+show clock? common sl Prikažem uro?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common sl Prikažem gumba Domov in Odjavi v glavni vrstici aplikacije?
+show in sidebox common sl Prikaži v stranskem okviru
+show logo's on the desktop. common sl Prikaži logotip na namizju.
+show menu common sl Prikaži meni
+show page generation time common sl Prikaži čas generiranja strani
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common sl Pokažem čas generiranja strani na dnu?
+show page generation time? common sl Prikažem čas ustvarjanja strani?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common sl Prikaži logotipa eGroupware in x-desktop na namizju.
+show_more_apps common sl Prikaži več aplikacij
+showing %1 common sl Prikazanih %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common sl Prikazani %1 - %2 od %3
+sierra leone common sl SIERRA LEONE
+simple common sl Preprosto
+singapore common sl SINGAPUR
+slovakia common sl SLOVAŠKA
+slovenia common sl SLOVENIJA
+solomon islands common sl SOLOMONOVO OTOČJE
+somalia common sl SOMALIJA
+sorry, your login has expired login sl Oprostite, vaša prijava je potekla
+south africa common sl JUŽNOAFRIŠKA REPUBLIKA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common sl JUŽNA GEORGIJA IN JUŽNO OTOČJE SANDWICH
+spain common sl ŠPANIJA
+sri lanka common sl ŠRI LANKA
+start date common sl Začetni datum
+start time common sl Začetni čas
+start with common sl Začni z
+starting up... common sl Zaganjam ...
+status common sl Status
+stretched common sl Raztegnjeno
+subject common sl Zadeva
+submit common sl Pošlji
+substitutions and their meanings: common sl Nadomestila in njihov pomen
+sudan common sl SUDAN
+sunday common sl Nedelja
+suriname common sl SURINAM
+svalbard and jan mayen common sl SVALBARD IN JAN MAJEN
+swaziland common sl SVAZILAND
+sweden common sl ŠVEDSKA
+switzerland common sl ŠVICA
+syrian arab republic common sl SIRIJA
+table properties common sl Lastnosti tabele
+taiwan common sl TAJVAN
+tajikistan common sl TADŽIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common sl TANZANIJA
+text color: common sl Barva besedila:
+thailand common sl TAJSKA
+the api is current common sl API je najnovejši
+the api requires an upgrade common sl API je potrebno nadgraditi
+the following applications require upgrades common sl Naslednje aplikacije je potrebno nadgraditi
+the mail server returned common sl Poštni strežnik je vrnil
+this application is current common sl Aplikacija je najnovejša
+this application requires an upgrade common sl Aplikacijo je potrebno nadgraditi
+this name has been used already common sl To ime je že uporabljeno!
+thursday common sl Četrtek
+tiled common sl Razpostavljeno
+time common sl Čas
+time selection: jscalendar sl Izbor časa:
+time zone common sl Časovni pas
+time zone offset common sl Odmik časovnega pasu
+title common sl Naziv
+to common sl Prejemnik
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common sl Za odpravo ponavljanja te napake bo potrebno pravilno nastaviti
+to go back to the msg list, click here common sl Da pridete nazaj na seznam sporočil, kliknite tu.
+today common sl Danes
+todays date, eg. "%1" common sl Današnji datum, npr. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar sl Zamenjajte prvi dan v tednu
+togo common sl TOGO
+tokelau common sl TOKELAU
+tonga common sl TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common sl Preveč neuspešnih poskusov prijave: %1 za uporabnika %2, %3 za IP %4.
+top common sl Vrh
+total common sl Skupaj
+transparant bg for the icons? common sl Prosojno ozadnje ikon?
+trinidad and tobago common sl TRINIDAD IN TOBAGO
+tuesday common sl Torek
+tunisia common sl TUNIZIJA
+turkey common sl TURČIJA
+turkmenistan common sl TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common sl TURKS IN CAICOS
+tuvalu common sl TUVALU
+type common sl Vrsta
+uganda common sl UGANDA
+ukraine common sl UKRAJINA
+underline common sl Podčrtano
+united arab emirates common sl ZDRUŽENI ARABSKI EMIRATI
+united kingdom common sl VELIKA BRITANIJA
+united states common sl ZDRUŽENE DRŽAVE
+united states minor outlying islands common sl CELINSKE ZDRUŽENE DRŽAVE
+unknown common sl Neznano
+update common sl Obnovi
+update the clock per minute or per second common sl Posodobi uro vsako minuto ali vsako sekundo
+upload common sl Naloži
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common sl Mapa za prenos ne obstaja ali pa ni zapisljiva s strani spletnega strežnika
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common sl Prenos zahteva, da je mapa zapisljiva s streni spletnega strežnika!
+url common sl URL
+uruguay common sl URUGVAJ
+use button to search for common sl Uporabi gumb za iskanje
+use button to search for address common sl Uporabi gumb za iskanje naslova
+use button to search for calendarevent common sl Uporabi gumb za iskanje dogodka v koledarju
+use button to search for project common sl Uporabi gumb za iskanje projekta
+user common sl Uporabnik
+user accounts common sl Uporabniški račun
+user groups common sl Uporabniška skupina
+username common sl Uporabniško ime
+users common sl Uporabniki
+users choice common sl Uporabnikov izbor
+uzbekistan common sl UZBEKISATAN
+vanuatu common sl VANUATU
+venezuela common sl VENEZUELA
+version common sl Različica
+viet nam common sl VIETNAM
+view common sl Pregled
+virgin islands, british common sl DEVIŠKI OTOKI (BRITANSKI)
+virgin islands, u.s. common sl DEVIŠKI OTOKI (ZDA)
+wallis and futuna common sl WALLIS IN FUTUNA
+wednesday common sl Sreda
+welcome common sl Dobrodošli
+western sahara common sl ZAHODNA SAHARA
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common sl Kakšne barve naj bo prazen prostor na namizju?
+what style would you like the image to have? common sl Kakšen slog želite za sliko?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common sl Če odgovorite z Da, bosta gumba Domov in Odjavi v orodni vrstici aplikacij.
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common sl Kje in kako naj egroupware prikaže povezave za nastavitve in odjavo.
+which groups common sl Katere skupine
+width common sl Širina
+wk jscalendar sl ted
+work email common sl Službeni E-naslov
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common sl Želite na dnu vsakega okna prikazati čas ustvarjanja strani?
+writing common sl Pisanje
+written by: common sl Napisal:
+year common sl Leto
+yemen common sl JEMEN
+yes common sl Da
+you are required to change your password during your first login common sl Ob prvi prijavi morate zamenjati geslo!
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common sl Prilagodite lahko koliko ikon in orodnih vrstic naj prikaže urejevalnik.
+you have been successfully logged out login sl Bili ste uspešno odjavljeni.
+you have not entered a title common sl Niste vnesli naziva
+you have not entered a valid date common sl Niste vnesli veljavnega datuma
+you have not entered a valid time of day common sl Niste vnesli veljavni čas
+you have not entered participants common sl Niste vnesli udeležencev
+you have selected an invalid date common sl Izbrali ste napačen datum
+you have selected an invalid main category common sl Izbrali ste napačno glavno kategorijo
+you have successfully logged out common sl Bili ste uspešno odjavljeni
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common sl Uporabnika '%1' je potrebno dodati skupini '%2'.
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common sl Za dostop do te funkcionalnosti morate biti administrator!
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common sl Poskusili ste odpreti aplikacijo %1 ampak nimate pravice dostopa.
+your message could not be sent!
common sl Vaše sporočilo NI bilo poslano!
+your message has been sent common sl Vaše sporočilo je bilo poslano
+your search returned %1 matchs common sl Najdenih %1 zadetkov
+your search returned 1 match common sl Najden 1 zadetek
+your session could not be verified. login sl Vaša seja ne more biti preverjena.
+your settings have been updated common sl Vaše nastavitve so bile posodobljene
+zambia common sl ZAMBIJA
+zimbabwe common sl ZIMBABVE
+zoom common sl Zoom
+site configuration common sl Nastavitve strežnika
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sv.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sv.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec91aa5131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sv.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common sv %1 e-postadresser tillagda
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common sv %1 är inte exekverbar av webbservern!
+%1 manual common sv %1 manual
+%1 start common sv %1 start
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common sv %1Välj en annan katalog%2
eller gör %3 skrivbar för webbservern
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common sv %1eGroupWare%2 är en webbaserad grupp-programvara skriven i %3PHP%4.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar sv (Shift)-klicka eller dra för att ändra värde
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar sv - Klicka på någon av tids intervallerna för att utöka
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar sv - Håll musknappen över någon av knapparna ovan för snabbare val
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar sv - eller klicka och dra för snabbare val
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar sv - eller Shift-klicka för att minska
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar sv - Använd %1, %2 knappar för att välja månad
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar sv - Använd %1, %2 knappar för att välja år
+00 (disable) admin sv 00 (inaktivera)
+13 (ntp) admin sv 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar sv 3 tecken för dag genväg
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar sv 3 tecken för månad genväg
+80 (http) admin sv 80 (http)
+about common sv Om
+about %1 common sv Om %1
+about egroupware common sv Om eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar sv Om Kalendern
+access common sv Åtkomst
+access not permitted common sv Åtkomst nekad
+account has been created common sv Kontot skapat
+account has been deleted common sv Kontot raderat
+account has been updated common sv Kontot uppdaterat
+account is expired common sv Kontot har förfallit
+acl common sv ACL
+action common sv Åtgärd
+active common sv Aktiv
+add common sv Lägg till
+add %1 category for common sv Lägg till %1 kategori för
+add category common sv Lägg till kategori
+add shortcut common sv Lägg till genväg
+add sub common sv Lägg till under
+addressbook common sv Adressbok
+admin common sv Admin
+administration common sv Administration
+afghanistan common sv AFGHANISTAN
+albania common sv ALBANIEN
+algeria common sv ALGERIET
+all common sv Alla
+all fields common sv Alla fält
+alphabet common sv a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,å,ä,ö
+alternate style-sheet: common sv Alternerande style-sheet:
+american samoa common sv AMERIKANSKA SAMOA
+andorra common sv ANDORRA
+angola common sv ANGOLA
+anguilla common sv ANGUILLA
+antarctica common sv ANTARKTIS
+antigua and barbuda common sv ANTIGUA OCH BARBUDA
+application common sv Applikation
+apply common sv Utför
+april common sv April
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common sv Vill du verkligen radera dessa poster?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common sv Vill du verkligen radera denna post?
+argentina common sv ARGENTINA
+armenia common sv ARMENIEN
+aruba common sv ARUBA
+august common sv Augusti
+australia common sv AUSTRALIEN
+austria common sv ÖSTERIKE
+author common sv Författare
+autohide sidebox menu's common sv Autogöm Länkboxen
+autohide sidebox menus common sv Autogöm Länkboxen
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common sv Göm automatiskt Länkboxens menyer?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common sv Göm automatiskt Länkboxens menyer?
+autosave default category common sv Autospara standard kategori
+azerbaijan common sv AZERBAIJAN
+back common sv Tillbaks
+back to user login common sv Tillbaks till inloggningen
+background color: common sv Bakgrundsfärg:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common sv Backup katalogen %1 är inte skrivbar av webbservern
+bad login or password common sv Ogiltigt användarnamn eller lösenord
+bahamas common sv BAHAMAS
+bahrain common sv BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common sv BANGLADESH
+barbados common sv BARBADOS
+bcc common sv Bcc
+belarus common sv VITRYSSLAND
+belgium common sv BELGIEN
+belize common sv BELIZE
+benin common sv BENIN
+bermuda common sv BERMUDA
+bhutan common sv BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common sv Spärrad pga för många försök
+bold common sv Fet
+bolivia common sv BOLIVIEN
+border common sv Rambredd
+bosnia and herzegovina common sv BOSNIEN OCH HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common sv BOTSWANA
+bottom common sv Nederst
+bouvet island common sv BOUVET ISLAND
+brazil common sv BRASILIEN
+british indian ocean territory common sv BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
+brunei darussalam common sv BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common sv BULGARIEN
+burkina faso common sv BURKINA FASO
+burundi common sv BURUNDI
+calendar common sv Kalender
+cambodia common sv CAMBODJA
+cameroon common sv CAMERUN
+canada common sv KANADA
+cancel common sv Avbryt
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common sv Kan inte ersätta %1 eftersom det är en katalog
+cant open '%1' for %2 common sv Kan inte öppna '%1' åt %2
+cape verde common sv KAP VERDE
+caption common sv Överskrift
+categories common sv Kategorier
+categories for common sv Kategorier för
+category common sv Kategori
+category %1 has been added ! common sv Kategori %1 tillagd
+category %1 has been updated ! common sv Kategori %1 uppdaterad
+cayman islands common sv CAYMANÖARNA
+cc common sv Cc
+centered common sv Centrerat
+central african republic common sv CENTRAL AFRIKANSKA REPUBLIKEN
+chad common sv TCHAD
+change common sv Ändra
+charset common sv utf-8
+check installation common sv Kontrollera installationen
+check now common sv Kontrollera nu
+chile common sv CHILE
+china common sv KINA
+choose a background color common sv Välj bakgrundsfärg
+choose a background color for the icons common sv Välj bakgrundsfärg för ikonen
+choose a background image. common sv Välj bakgrundsbild
+choose a background style. common sv Välj bakgrundsstil
+choose a text color for the icons common sv Välj text till ikonen
+choose the category common sv Välj kategori
+choose the parent category common sv Välj huvudkategori
+christmas island common sv JULÖN
+clear common sv Rensa
+clear form common sv Rensa formulär
+click common sv Klicka
+click or mouse over to show menus common sv Klicka eller håll musen över för att se menyer
+click or mouse over to show menus? common sv Klicka eller håll musen över för att se menyer
+close common sv Stäng
+close sidebox common sv Stäng Länkbox
+cocos (keeling) islands common sv KOKOSÖARNA
+colombia common sv COLOMBIA
+common preferences common sv Allmäna inställningar
+comoros common sv KOMORERNA
+company common sv Företag
+congo common sv KONGO, REPUBLIKEN
+congo, the democratic republic of the common sv KONGO, DEMOKRATISKA REPUBLIKEN
+contacting server... common sv Kontaktar server ...
+cook islands common sv COOKÖARNA
+copy common sv Kopiera
+costa rica common sv COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common sv ELFENBENSKUSTEN
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common sv Kunde inte kontakta server.
+create common sv Skapa
+created by common sv Skapad av
+croatia common sv KROATIEN
+cuba common sv KUBA
+currency common sv Valuta
+current common sv Aktuell
+current users common sv Aktuella användare
+cyprus common sv CYPERN
+czech republic common sv TJEKISKA REPUBLIKEN
+date common sv Datum
+date due common sv Förfallodatum
+date selection: jscalendar sv Datum val:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin sv Datumtid port.
Om port 13, uppdatera brandväggen rätt innan du skickar med denna sida.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common sv December
+default category common sv Standard kategori
+default height for the windows common sv Standard hjöd för fönstret
+default width for the windows common sv Standard bredd för fönstret
+delete common sv Radera
+delete row common sv Radera rad
+denmark common sv DANMARK
+description common sv Beskrivning
+detail common sv Detalj
+details common sv Detaljer
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sv Inaktivera exekveringen av bugfix skript för IExplorer 5.5 och högre för att visa transparanta png-bilder?
+direction left to right common sv Riktning från vänster till höger
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common sv Inaktivera Internet Explorer png-bild-bugfix
+disable slider effects common sv Inaktivera animerade effekter
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common sv Inaktivera animerade effekter vid visning eller vid täckta menyer på sidan? Opera och Konqueror användare väljer troligen detta.
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sv Inaktivera exekveringen av bugfix skript för IExplorer 5.5 och högre för att visa transparanta png-bilder?
+disabled common sv Inaktiverad
+display %s first jscalendar sv Visa % första
+djibouti common sv DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common sv Vill du även radera alla underkategorier
+doctype: common sv Dokumenttyp:
+document properties common sv Dokument alternativ
+document title: common sv Dokument rubrik
+domain common sv Domän
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common sv E-postadressens domän, ex. "%1"
+domestic common sv Inrikes
+dominica common sv DOMINICA
+dominican republic common sv DOMINIKANSKA REPUBLIKEN
+done common sv Färdig
+drag to move jscalendar sv Dra för att flytta
+e-mail common sv E-post
+east timor common sv ÖSTRA TIMOR
+ecuador common sv ECUADOR
+edit common sv Ändra
+edit %1 category for common sv Ändra %1 kategori för
+edit categories common sv Ändra kategorier
+edit category common sv Ändra kategori
+egroupware api version %1 common sv eGroupWare API version %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common sv eGroupWare: inloggning spärrad för '%1', IP %2
+egypt common sv EGYPTEN
+el salvador common sv EL SALVADOR
+email common sv E-post
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common sv Användarens e-postadress, ex. "%1"
+en common sv en
+enabled common sv Aktiverad
+end date common sv Slutdatum
+end time common sv Sluttid
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin sv Ange sökväg till eGroupWare's URL.
Example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware eller /egroupware
Utan efterföljande snedstreck
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common sv Post raderad
+entry updated sucessfully common sv Post uppdaterad
+equatorial guinea common sv EKVATORIALGUINEA
+eritrea common sv ERITREA
+error common sv Fel
+error creating %1 %2 directory common sv Fel vid skapande av %1 %2 katalog
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common sv Fel vid radering av %1 %2 katalog
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common sv Fel vid namnbyte på %1 %2 katalog
+estonia common sv ESTLAND
+ethiopia common sv ETIOPIEN
+exact common sv Exakt
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common sv Kunde inte kontakta server eller felaktigt svar. Försökt att uppdatera igen eller kontakta administratör om felet kvarstår.
+falkland islands (malvinas) common sv FALKLANDSÖARNA
+faroe islands common sv FÄRÖARNA
+fax number common sv Faxnummer
+february common sv Februari
+fields common sv Fält
+fiji common sv FIJI
+files common sv Filer
+filter common sv Filter
+finland common sv FINLAND
+first name common sv Förnamn
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common sv Användarens förnamn, ex. "%1"
+first page common sv Första sidan
+firstname common sv Förnamn
+fixme! common sv FIXAMIG!!!!
+folder already exists. common sv Katalogen finns redan
+force selectbox common sv Tvinga Valruta
+france common sv FRANKRIKE
+french guiana common sv FRANSKA GUYANA
+french polynesia common sv FRANSKA POLYNESIEN
+french southern territories common sv FRANSKA SÖDRA TERRITORIERNA
+friday common sv Fredag
+ftp common sv FTP
+fullname common sv Fullständigt namn
+fullscreen mode common sv Helskärm
+gabon common sv GABON
+gambia common sv GAMBIA
+general menu common sv Allmän meny
+georgia common sv GEORGIEN
+german common sv Tysk
+germany common sv TYSKLAND
+ghana common sv GHANA
+gibraltar common sv GIBRALTAR
+global common sv Global
+global public common sv Globalt publik
+go today jscalendar sv Gå Idag
+grant access common sv Reglera åtkomst
+greece common sv GREKLAND
+greenland common sv GRÖNLAND
+grenada common sv GRENADA
+group common sv Grupp
+group access common sv Gruppåtkomst
+group has been added common sv Grupp tillagd
+group has been deleted common sv Grupp raderad
+group has been updated common sv Grupp uppdaterad
+group name common sv Gruppnamn
+group public common sv Grupp publik
+groups common sv Grupper
+groups with permission for %1 common sv Grupper med åtkomst till %1
+groups without permission for %1 common sv Grupper utan åtkomst till %1
+guadeloupe common sv GUADELOUPE
+guam common sv GUAM
+guatemala common sv GUATEMALA
+guinea common sv GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common sv GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common sv GUYANA
+haiti common sv HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common sv HEARD- OCH MCDONALDSÖARNA
+height common sv Höjd
+help common sv Hjälp
+high common sv Hög
+highest common sv Högsta
+holy see (vatican city state) common sv VATIKANEN
+home common sv Hem
+home email common sv Hem e-post
+honduras common sv HONDURAS
+hong kong common sv HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common sv Hur många ikoner ska visas i Navigeringslisten (överst på sidan). Ikoner utöver dessa visas i Länkboxen som hämtas via ikonen längst till höger.
+hungary common sv UNGERN
+iceland common sv ISLAND
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common sv ieSpell hittades inte. Klicka OK för att gå till nerladdnings sidan.
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common sv Vill du att klockan uppdateras varje sekund eller minut om den aktiveras?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common sv Om det finns bilder i bakgrundskatalogen, kan du välja den du vill se.
+image url common sv Bild URL
+india common sv INDIEN
+indonesia common sv INDONESIEN
+insert 'return false' common sv Infoga 'return false'
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common sv Infoga alla %1 adresser för %2 kontakterna i %3
+insert column after common sv Infoga kolumn efter
+insert column before common sv Infoga kolumn före
+insert row after common sv Infoga rad efter
+insert row before common sv Infoga rad före
+international common sv Internationell
+invalid filename common sv Ogiltigt filnamn
+invalid ip address common sv Ogiltig IP adress
+invalid password common sv Ogiltigt lösenord
+iran, islamic republic of common sv IRAN
+iraq common sv IRAK
+ireland common sv IRLAND
+israel common sv ISRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common sv Det är mer än %1 dagar sedan du ändrade ditt lösenord
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common sv Det rekomenderas att du kör installationen för att uppgradera dina tabeller till aktuell version.
+italic common sv Kursiv
+italic.gif common sv italic.gif
+italy common sv ITALIEN
+jamaica common sv JAMAICA
+january common sv Januari
+japan common sv JAPAN
+jordan common sv JORDANIEN
+july common sv Juli
+jun common sv Jun
+june common sv Juni
+justify center common sv Centerera
+justify full common sv Marginaljustera
+justify left common sv Vänsterjustera
+justify right common sv Högerjustera
+kazakstan common sv KAZAKSTAN
+kenya common sv KENYA
+keywords common sv Nyckelord
+kiribati common sv KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common sv KOREA, NORD
+korea, republic of common sv KOREA, SYD
+kuwait common sv KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common sv KIRGIZISTAN
+language common sv Språk
+language_direction_rtl common sv language_direction_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common sv LAOS
+last name common sv Efternamn
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common sv Användarens efternamn, ex. "%1"
+last page common sv Sista sidan
+lastname common sv Efternamn
+latvia common sv LETTLAND
+ldap-mgr common sv LDAP hanterare
+lebanon common sv LIBANON
+left common sv Vänster
+lesotho common sv LESOTHO
+liberia common sv LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common sv LIBYEN
+license common sv Licens
+liechtenstein common sv LIECHTENSTEIN
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common sv Rad %1: '%2'
CSV data motsvarar inte antalet kolumner i tabellen %3 ==> ignoreras
+list common sv Lista
+list members common sv Lista medlemmar
+lithuania common sv LITAUEN
+local common sv Lokal
+login common sv Inloggning
+loginid common sv Inloggnings ID
+logout common sv Logga ut
+low common sv Låg
+lowest common sv Lägsta
+luxembourg common sv LUXEMBOURG
+macau common sv MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common sv MAKEDONIEN
+madagascar common sv MADAGASKAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common sv E-postdomän, ex. "%1"
+main category common sv Huvudkategori
+main screen common sv Startsidan
+maintainer common sv Underhåll
+malawi common sv MALAWI
+malaysia common sv MALAYSIA
+maldives common sv MALDIVERNA
+mali common sv MALI
+malta common sv MALTA
+march common sv Mars
+marshall islands common sv MARSHALLÖARNA
+martinique common sv MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common sv MAURITANIA
+mauritius common sv MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common sv Max antal ikoner i navigeringslisten
+may common sv Maj
+mayotte common sv MAYOTTE
+medium common sv Medium
+menu common sv Meny
+message common sv Meddelande
+mexico common sv MEXICO
+micronesia, federated states of common sv MIKRONESIEN
+minute common sv Minut
+moldova, republic of common sv MOLDOVIEN
+monaco common sv MONACO
+monday common sv Måndag
+mongolia common sv MONGOLIEN
+montserrat common sv MONTSERRAT
+morocco common sv MAROCKO
+mozambique common sv MOZAMBIQUE
+multiple common sv Flera
+myanmar common sv MYANMAR
+name common sv Namn
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common sv Användarens förnamn, ex. "%1"
+namibia common sv NAMIBIA
+nauru common sv NAURU
+nepal common sv NEPAL
+netherlands common sv NEDERLÄNDERNA
+netherlands antilles common sv NEDERLÄNDSKA ANTILLERNA
+never common sv Aldrig
+new caledonia common sv NYA KALEDONIEN
+new entry added sucessfully common sv Ny post tillagd
+new main category common sv Ny huvudkategori
+new value common sv Nytt värde
+new zealand common sv NYA ZEELAND
+next common sv Nästa
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar sv Nästa månad (håll för meny)
+next page common sv Nästa sida
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar sv Nästa år (håll för meny)
+nicaragua common sv NICARAGUA
+niger common sv NIGER
+nigeria common sv NIGERIA
+niue common sv NIUE
+no common sv Nej
+no entries found, try again ... common sv Inga poster hittades, försök igen ...
+no history for this record common sv Ingen historik för posten
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common sv Ingen Savant2 mall katalog hittades i:
+no subject common sv Inget ämne
+none common sv Ingen
+norfolk island common sv NORFOLKÖN
+normal common sv Normal
+northern mariana islands common sv NORDMARIANERNA
+norway common sv NORGE
+not assigned common sv Inte tilldelad
+note common sv Anteckning
+notes common sv Anteckningar
+notify window common sv Meddelande fönster
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common sv Meddela administratör om problemet.
+november common sv November
+october common sv Oktober
+ok common sv Ok
+old value common sv Gammalt värde
+oman common sv OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common sv På *nix system skriv: %1
+on mouse over common sv När pekaren förs över
+only private common sv Endast privata
+only yours common sv Endast dina
+open notify window common sv Öppna meddelande fönster
+open popup window common sv Öppna popup fönster
+open sidebox common sv Öppna Länkboxen
+ordered list common sv Numrerad lista
+original common sv Orginal
+other common sv Övriga
+overview common sv Översikt
+owner common sv Ägare
+page common sv Sida
+page was generated in %1 seconds common sv Sidan genererades på %1 sekunder
+pakistan common sv PAKISTAN
+palau common sv PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common sv PALESTINA
+panama common sv PANAMA
+papua new guinea common sv PAPUA NYA GUINEA
+paraguay common sv PARAGUAY
+parcel common sv Paket
+parent category common sv Huvudkategori
+password common sv Lösenord
+password could not be changed common sv Lösenordet kunde inte ändras
+password has been updated common sv Lösenordet uppdaterat
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common sv Lösenordet måste innehålla åtminstone %1 små bokstäver
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common sv Lösenordet måste innehålla åtminstone %1 siffror
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common sv Lösenordet måste innehålla åtminstone %1 special tecken
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common sv Lösenordet måste innehålla åtminstone %1 stora bokstäver
+password must have at least %1 characters common sv Lösenordet måste innehålla åtminstone %1 tecken
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common sv Sökvägen till användar- och gruppfiler måste vara utanför webbserverns dokument root!
+pattern for search in addressbook common sv Sökmönster i Adressboken
+pattern for search in calendar common sv Sökmönster i Kalendern
+pattern for search in projects common sv Sökmönster i Projekt
+permissions to the files/users directory common sv Rättigheter på filer/användar bibliotek
+personal common sv Personligt
+peru common sv PERU
+philippines common sv FILIPINERNA
+phone number common sv Telefonnummer
+phpgwapi common sv eGroupWare API
+pitcairn common sv PITCAIRNÖARNA
+please %1 by hand common sv Var god och %1 för hand
+please enter a name common sv Ange ett namn
+please run setup to become current common sv Kör installationen för att uppdatera
+please select common sv Välj
+please set your global preferences common sv Gör dina globala inställningar
+please set your preferences for this application common sv Gör dina inställningar för applikationen
+please wait... common sv Var god vänta ...
+poland common sv POLEN
+portugal common sv PORTUGAL
+postal common sv Post adress
+powered by egroupware version %1 common sv Powered by eGroupWare version %1
+powered by phpgroupware version %1 common sv Powered by eGroupWare version %1
+preferences common sv Alternativ
+preferences for the idots template set common sv Idots mall alternativ
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar sv Föreg. månad (håll för meny)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar sv Föreg. år (håll för meny)
+previous page common sv Föregående sida
+primary style-sheet: common sv Primär Style sheet
+print common sv Skriv ut
+priority common sv Prioritet
+private common sv Privat
+programs common sv Program
+project common sv Projekt
+public common sv Publik
+puerto rico common sv PUERTO RICO
+qatar common sv QUATAR
+read common sv Läs
+read this list of methods. common sv Läs lista på metoder
+reading common sv Läser
+reject common sv Avvisa
+remove selected accounts common sv Radera valda konton
+remove shortcut common sv Radera genväg
+rename common sv Byt namn
+replace common sv Ersätt
+replace with common sv Ersätt med
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common sv Returnerar en fullständig lista på konton. Varning: Den kan vara tämligen stor
+returns an array of todo items common sv Returnera en lista på Uppgifter
+returns struct of users application access common sv Returnerar struktur på användares applikationsanvändning
+reunion common sv REUNION
+right common sv Höger
+romania common sv RUMÄNIEN
+russian federation common sv RYSKA FEDERATIONEN
+rwanda common sv RWANDA
+saint helena common sv SAINT HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common sv SAINT KITTS OCH NEVIS
+saint lucia common sv SAINT LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common sv SAINT PIERRE OCH MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common sv SAINT VINCENT OCH GRENADINERNA
+samoa common sv SAMOA
+san marino common sv SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common sv SAO TOME OCH PRINCIPE
+saturday common sv Lördag
+saudi arabia common sv SAUDI ARABIEN
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common sv Savant2 version skiljer sig mot Savant2 wrapper.
Denna version: %1
Savants version: %2
+save common sv Spara
+search common sv Sök
+search %1 '%2' common sv Sök %1 '%2'
+search or select accounts common sv Sök eller välj konton
+search or select multiple accounts common sv Sök eller välj flera konton
+second common sv Sekund
+section common sv Avsnitt
+select common sv Välj
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common sv Välj alla %1 %2 för %3
+select category common sv Välj kategori
+select date common sv Välj datum
+select group common sv Välj grupp
+select home email address common sv Välj hem e-postadress
+select multiple accounts common sv Välj flera konton
+select one common sv Välj en
+select the default height for the application windows common sv Välj standard höjd för applikationsfönstret
+select the default width for the application windows common sv Välj standard bredd för applikationsfönstret
+select user common sv Välj användare
+select work email address common sv Välj Företagets e-postadres
+selection common sv Val
+send common sv Skicka
+senegal common sv SENEGAL
+september common sv September
+server %1 has been added common sv Server %1 tillagd
+server answered. processing response... common sv Servern svarade. Behandlar svaret ...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common sv Servern kontaktad. Väntar på svar ...
+server name common sv Server namn
+session has been killed common sv Sessionen avslutad
+setup common sv Installation
+setup main menu common sv Installations Meny
+seychelles common sv SEYCHELLERNA
+show all common sv Visa alla
+show all categorys common sv Visa alla kategorier
+show clock? common sv Visa klockan?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common sv Visa Hem- och utloggnings knappen i navigeringslisten?
+show logo's on the desktop. common sv Visa logotyp på skrivbordet
+show menu common sv Visa meny
+show page generation time common sv Visa sidans genereringstid
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common sv Visa sidans genererings tid längst ner på sidan?
+show page generation time? common sv Visa sidans genereringstid?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common sv Visa eGroupware och x-desktop logotypen på skrivbordet
+show_more_apps common sv Visa fler applikationer
+showing %1 common sv Visar %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common sv Visar %1 - %2 av %3
+sierra leone common sv SIERRA LEONE
+singapore common sv SINGAPORE
+slovakia common sv SLOVAKIEN
+slovenia common sv SLOVENIEN
+solomon islands common sv SALOMONÖARNA
+somalia common sv SOMALIEN
+sorry, your login has expired login sv Beklagar, din inloggning har förfallit
+south africa common sv SYD AFRIKA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common sv SYDGEORGIEN OCH SYDSANDWICHÖARNA
+spain common sv SPANIEN
+sri lanka common sv SRI LANKA
+start date common sv Startdatum
+start time common sv Starttid
+start with common sv Börja med
+starting up... common sv Startar ...
+status common sv Status
+stretched common sv Utsträckt
+subject common sv Ämne
+submit common sv Utför
+substitutions and their meanings: common sv Substitutioner och dess mening:
+sudan common sv SUDAN
+sunday common sv Söndag
+suriname common sv SURINAME
+svalbard and jan mayen common sv SVALBARD OCH JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common sv SWAZILAND
+sweden common sv SVERIGE
+switzerland common sv SCHWEIZ
+syrian arab republic common sv SYRIEN
+table properties common sv Tabell egenskaper
+taiwan common sv TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common sv TAJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common sv TANZANIA
+text color: common sv Textfärg
+thailand common sv THAILAND
+the api is current common sv API är senast tillgängliga
+the api requires an upgrade common sv API behöver uppgradering
+the following applications require upgrades common sv Följande applikationer behöver uppgraderas
+the mail server returned common sv E-postservern returnerade
+this application is current common sv Applikationen är senast tillgängliga
+this application requires an upgrade common sv Applikationen behöver uppgraderas
+this name has been used already common sv Namnet är redan upptaget
+thursday common sv Torsdag
+tiled common sv Vinklad
+time common sv Tid
+time selection: jscalendar sv Tidsintervall:
+time zone common sv Tidzon
+time zone offset common sv Tidsförskjutning
+title common sv Rubrik
+to common sv Till
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common sv För att undvika problemet framöver måste du sätta
+to go back to the msg list, click here common sv Klicka här för att komma tillbaks till meddelandelistan
+today common sv Idag
+todays date, eg. "%1" common sv Dagens datum, ex. "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar sv Visa veckans första dag
+togo common sv TOGO
+tokelau common sv TOKELAUÖARNA
+tonga common sv TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common sv För många misslyckade inloggnings försök: %1 för användare '%2', %3 med IP %4
+top common sv Överst
+total common sv Summa
+transparant bg for the icons? common sv Transparent bakgrund för ikoner?
+trinidad and tobago common sv TRINIDAD OCH TOBAGO
+tuesday common sv Tisdag
+tunisia common sv TUNISIEN
+turkey common sv TURKIET
+turkmenistan common sv TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common sv TURKS- OCH CAICOSÖARNA
+tuvalu common sv TUVALU
+type common sv Typ
+uganda common sv UGANDA
+ukraine common sv UKRAINA
+underline common sv Understruken
+underline.gif common sv underline.gif
+united arab emirates common sv FÖRENTA ARAB EMIRATEN
+united kingdom common sv STORBRITANIEN
+united states common sv U.S.A
+united states minor outlying islands common sv FÖRENTA STATERNAS MINDRE ÖAR I OCEANIEN OCH VÄSTINDIEN
+unknown common sv Okänd
+update common sv Uppdatera
+update the clock per minute or per second common sv Uppdatera klockan per minut eller sekund
+upload common sv Ladda upp
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common sv Uppladdningskatalogen finns inte eller är inte skrivbar av webbservern
+url common sv URL
+uruguay common sv URUGUAI
+use button to search for common sv Använd knappen för att söka
+use button to search for address common sv Använd knappen för att söka adresser
+use button to search for calendarevent common sv Använd knappen för att söka kalender händelser
+use button to search for project common sv Använd knappen för att söka projekt
+user common sv Användare
+user accounts common sv Användarkonto
+user groups common sv Användargrupp
+username common sv Användarnamn
+users common sv Användare
+users choice common sv Användarnas val
+uzbekistan common sv UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common sv VANUATU
+venezuela common sv VENEZUELA
+version common sv Version
+viet nam common sv VIETNAM
+view common sv Visa
+virgin islands, british common sv JUNGFRUÖARNA, BRITTISKA
+virgin islands, u.s. common sv JUNGFRUÖARNA, U.S.A
+wallis and futuna common sv WALLIS OCH FUTUNA
+wednesday common sv Onsdag
+welcome common sv Välkommen
+western sahara common sv VÄSTRA SAHARA
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common sv Vilken färg ska alla blanka utrymmen på skrivbordet ha
+what style would you like the image to have? common sv Vilken stil vill du att bilden ska ha?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common sv Om du svara ja kommer Hem- och utloggningsknappen att visas i navigeringslisten.
+which groups common sv Vilka grupper
+width common sv Bredd
+wk jscalendar sv v.
+work email common sv Arbete e-post
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common sv Vill du visa sidans genereringstid nederst på varje sida?
+writing common sv Skriver
+written by: common sv Skriven av:
+year common sv År
+yemen common sv YEMEN
+yes common sv Ja
+you are required to change your password during your first login common sv Du måste byta lösenord vid första inloggningen
+you have been successfully logged out login sv Du är utloggad
+you have not entered a title common sv Rubriken saknas
+you have not entered a valid date common sv Ogiltigt datum
+you have not entered a valid time of day common sv Ogiltig tid
+you have not entered participants common sv Deltagare saknas
+you have selected an invalid date common sv Ogiltigt datum
+you have selected an invalid main category common sv Ogiltig huvudkategori
+you have successfully logged out common sv Du är utloggad
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common sv Du behöver lägga till webbserver användare '%1' till gruppen '%2'.
+your message could not be sent!
common sv Meddelandet inte skickat
+your message has been sent common sv Meddelandet skickat
+your search returned %1 matchs common sv Sökning gav %1 träffar
+your search returned 1 match common sv Sökning gav 1 träff
+your session could not be verified. login sv Din session kunde inte verifieras
+your settings have been updated common sv Inställningarna uppdaterade
+yugoslavia common sv YOGOSLAVIEN
+zambia common sv ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common sv ZIMBABWE
+zoom common sv Zooma
+site configuration common sv Sajt alternativ
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_th.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_th.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c419c7aa2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_th.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common th áŨӹǹ %1
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common th %1eGroupware%2 繫Ϳҹ纷Ѻ㹺ѷ ¹ %3PHP%4
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar th
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar th
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar th
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar th
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar th
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar th %1 Ѻ %2 ͡
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar th %1 Ѻ %2 ͡
+00 (disable) admin th 00 Դ
+13 (ntp) admin th 13 (ntp)
+80 (http) admin th 80 (http)
+about common th ͧ
+about %1 common th ͧ %1
+about the calendar jscalendar th ͧԷԹ
+access common th
+access not permitted common th
+account has been created common th ҧѭ
+account has been deleted common th źѭ
+account has been updated common th 䢺ѭ
+account is expired common th ѭ
+acl common th
+action common th áз
+active common th
+add common th
+add %1 category for common th %1 Ѻ
+add category common th
+add sub common th
+addressbook common th شͧҧõԴ
+admin common th
+administration common th ú
+afghanistan common th ѿҹʶҹ
+albania common th
+algeria common th Ũ
+all common th
+alphabet common th
+american samoa common th ЫǢͧѰ
+andorra common th
+angola common th
+anguilla common th
+antarctica common th dzš
+antigua and barbuda common th
+apply common th ռ
+april common th ¹
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common th ҡźҹ
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common th ҡź
+argentina common th ਹԹ
+armenia common th
+aruba common th
+august common th ԧҤ
+australia common th
+austria common th
+author common th ¹
+autohide sidebox menus common th ٢ҧ纵ѵѵ
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common th ٢ҧ纵ѵѵ
+autosave default category common th
+azerbaijan common th
+back common th Ѻ
+back to user login common th Ѻ件֧˹
+bad login or password common th ʼҹ͢١
+bahamas common th
+bahrain common th
+bangladesh common th
+barbados common th
+bcc common th
+belarus common th
+belgium common th
+belize common th
+benin common th
+bermuda common th
+bhutan common th
+blocked, too many attempts common th
+bolivia common th
+bosnia and herzegovina common th
+botswana common th
+bouvet island common th
+brazil common th
+british indian ocean territory common th
+brunei darussalam common th
+bulgaria common th
+burkina faso common th
+burundi common th
+calendar common th ԷԹ
+cambodia common th
+cameroon common th
+canada common th
+cancel common th ¡ԡ
+cape verde common th
+categories common th
+categories for common th ͧ
+category common th
+category %1 has been added ! common th %1
+category %1 has been updated ! common th 䢻 %1
+cayman islands common th
+cc common th
+central african republic common th
+chad common th
+change common th ¹
+charset common th UTF-8
+check installation common th ǨõԵ
+chile common th
+china common th
+choose the category common th ͡
+choose the parent category common th ͡
+christmas island common th
+clear common th źҧ
+clear form common th źẺҧ
+click common th ԡ
+click or mouse over to show menus common th
+click or mouse over to show menus? common th
+close common th Դ
+cocos (keeling) islands common th
+colombia common th
+comoros common th
+company common th ѷ
+congo common th
+congo, the democratic republic of the common th
+cook islands common th
+copy common th
+costa rica common th
+cote d ivoire common th
+create common th ҧ
+created by common th ҧ
+croatia common th
+cuba common th
+currency common th Թ
+current common th Ѩغѹ
+current users common th Ѩغѹ
+cyprus common th
+czech republic common th
+date common th ѹ
+date due common th ѹ˹
+date selection: jscalendar th
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin th
+december common th ѹҤ
+default category common th
+delete common th ź
+denmark common th
+description common th Ժ
+detail common th ´
+details common th ´
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common th
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common th
+disable slider effects common th
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common th
+disabled common th
+display monday first jscalendar th ѹѹѹ
+display sunday first jscalendar th ѹѹҷԵ
+djibouti common th
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common th
+domain common th
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common th
+domestic common th
+dominica common th
+dominican republic common th
+done common th
+drag to move jscalendar th
+e-mail common th
+east timor common th
+ecuador common th
+edit common th
+edit %1 category for common th %1 Ѻ
+edit categories common th 䢻
+edit category common th 䢻
+egroupware api version %1 common th
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common th
+egypt common th
+el salvador common th
+email common th
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common th
+enabled common th
+end date common th ѹ
+end time common th ҷ
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin th
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common th ź
+entry updated sucessfully common th 䢢
+equatorial guinea common th
+eritrea common th
+error common th ԴҴ
+error creating %1 %2 directory common th
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common th
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common th
+estonia common th
+ethiopia common th
+falkland islands (malvinas) common th
+faroe islands common th
+fax number common th ῡ
+february common th Ҿѹ
+fields common th
+fiji common th
+files common th
+filter common th
+finland common th
+first name common th
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common th
+first page common th ˹á
+firstname common th
+fixme! common th Դ
+force selectbox common th
+france common th
+french guiana common th
+french polynesia common th
+french southern territories common th
+friday common th ѹء
+ftp common th
+fullname common th ʡ
+gabon common th
+gambia common th
+general menu common th ٷ
+georgia common th
+germany common th
+ghana common th
+gibraltar common th
+global common th
+global public common th
+go today jscalendar th ѹ
+grant access common th
+greece common th
+greenland common th
+grenada common th
+group common th
+group access common th
+group has been added common th
+group has been deleted common th ź
+group has been updated common th
+group name common th ͡
+group public common th
+groups common th
+groups with permission for %1 common th
+groups without permission for %1 common th
+guadeloupe common th
+guam common th
+guatemala common th
+guinea common th
+guinea-bissau common th
+guyana common th
+haiti common th
+heard island and mcdonald islands common th
+help common th
+high common th ٧
+highest common th ٧ش
+holy see (vatican city state) common th
+home common th
+home email common th źҹ
+honduras common th
+hong kong common th
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common th
+hungary common th
+iceland common th
+india common th Թ
+indonesia common th Թⴹ
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common th
+international common th ҹҪҵ
+invalid ip address common th
+invalid password common th ʼҹ١
+iran, islamic republic of common th
+iraq common th
+ireland common th
+israel common th
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common th
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common th
+italic common th §
+italy common th
+jamaica common th
+january common th Ҥ
+japan common th
+jordan common th
+july common th áҤ
+june common th Զع¹
+kazakstan common th
+kenya common th
+keywords common th
+kiribati common th
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common th
+korea, republic of common th
+kuwait common th
+kyrgyzstan common th
+language common th
+lao peoples democratic republic common th
+last name common th ʡ
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common th
+last page common th ˹ش
+lastname common th ʡ
+latvia common th
+lebanon common th
+lesotho common th
+liberia common th
+libyan arab jamahiriya common th
+license common th
+liechtenstein common th
+list common th ¡
+lithuania common th
+local common th
+login common th к
+loginid common th
+logout common th ͡ҡк
+low common th
+lowest common th ش
+luxembourg common th
+macau common th
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common th
+madagascar common th
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common th
+main category common th
+main screen common th
+maintainer common th
+malawi common th
+malaysia common th
+maldives common th
+mali common th
+malta common th
+manual common th
+march common th չҤ
+marshall islands common th
+martinique common th
+mauritania common th
+mauritius common th
+max number of icons in navbar common th
+may common th Ҥ
+mayotte common th
+medium common th ҧ
+menu common th
+message common th ͤ
+mexico common th
+micronesia, federated states of common th
+moldova, republic of common th
+monaco common th
+monday common th ѹѹ
+mongolia common th
+montserrat common th
+morocco common th
+mozambique common th
+myanmar common th
+name common th
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common th
+namibia common th
+nauru common th
+nepal common th
+netherlands common th
+netherlands antilles common th
+never common th ѹ
+new caledonia common th
+new entry added sucessfully common th
+new main category common th
+new value common th
+new zealand common th
+next common th
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar th
+next page common th
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar th
+nicaragua common th
+niger common th
+nigeria common th
+niue common th
+no common th
+no entries found, try again ... common th
+no history for this record common th
+no subject common th
+none common th
+norfolk island common th
+normal common th
+northern mariana islands common th
+norway common th
+not assigned common th
+note common th
+notes common th
+notify window common th
+november common th
+october common th Ҥ
+ok common th ŧ
+old value common th
+oman common th
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common th
+on mouse over common th
+only private common th
+only yours common th
+open notify window common th
+open popup window common th
+original common th
+other common th
+overview common th
+owner common th Ңͧ
+page was generated in %1 seconds common th
+pakistan common th
+palau common th
+palestinian territory, occupied common th
+panama common th
+papua new guinea common th
+paraguay common th
+parcel common th ͧɳ
+parent category common th
+password common th ʼҹ
+password could not be changed common th ¹ʼҹ
+password has been updated common th ʼҹ
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common th
+pattern for search in addressbook common th
+pattern for search in calendar common th
+pattern for search in projects common th
+permissions to the files/users directory common th
+personal common th ǹ
+peru common th
+philippines common th
+phone number common th
+pitcairn common th
+please %1 by hand common th
+please enter a name common th
+please run setup to become current common th
+please select common th
+please set your global preferences common th
+please set your preferences for this application common th
+please wait... common th ѡ
+poland common th
+portugal common th
+postal common th ҧɳ
+powered by egroupware version %1 common th
+preferences common th ҹ
+preferences for the idots template set common th
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar th
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar th
+previous page common th
+print common th 깵
+priority common th
+private common th ǹ
+project common th
+public common th
+puerto rico common th
+qatar common th
+read common th ҹ
+read this list of methods. common th
+reject common th
+rename common th 駪
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common th
+returns an array of todo items common th
+returns struct of users application access common th
+reunion common th
+romania common th
+russian federation common th
+rwanda common th
+saint helena common th
+saint kitts and nevis common th
+saint lucia common th
+saint pierre and miquelon common th
+saint vincent and the grenadines common th
+samoa common th
+san marino common th
+sao tome and principe common th
+saturday common th ѹ
+saudi arabia common th
+save common th
+search common th
+section common th
+select common th ͡
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common th
+select category common th ͡
+select date common th ͡ѹ
+select group common th ͡
+select home email address common th
+select one common th ͡
+select user common th ͡
+select work email address common th
+send common th
+senegal common th
+september common th ѹ¹
+server %1 has been added common th
+server name common th Ϳ
+session has been killed common th
+setup common th õԵ 駤
+setup main menu common th
+seychelles common th
+show all common th ʴ
+show all categorys common th ʴء
+show menu common th ʴ
+show page generation time common th
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common th
+show_more_apps common th
+showing %1 common th
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common th
+sierra leone common th
+singapore common th
+slovakia common th
+slovenia common th
+solomon islands common th
+somalia common th
+sorry, your login has expired login th
+south africa common th
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common th
+spain common th
+sri lanka common th
+start date common th ѹ
+start time common th
+status common th
+subject common th Ǣ
+submit common th
+substitutions and their meanings: common th
+sudan common th
+sunday common th ѹҷԵ
+suriname common th
+svalbard and jan mayen common th
+swaziland common th
+sweden common th
+switzerland common th
+syrian arab republic common th
+taiwan common th
+tajikistan common th
+tanzania, united republic of common th
+thailand common th
+the api is current common th
+the api requires an upgrade common th
+the following applications require upgrades common th
+the mail server returned common th
+this application is current common th
+this application requires an upgrade common th
+this name has been used already common th
+thursday common th ѹ
+time common th
+time selection: jscalendar th
+time zone common th ࢵҢͧš
+time zone offset common th ࢵҢͧšҧѺͧÿ
+title common th Ǣ
+to common th ֧
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common th
+to go back to the msg list, click here common th
+to go back to the msg list, click here common th
+to go back to the msg list, click here common th
+to go back to the msg list, click here common th
+to go back to the msg list, click here common th
+to go back to the msg list, click here common th
+to go back to the msg list, click here common th
+today common th ѹ
+todays date, eg. "%1" common th ѹѹ "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar th
+togo common th
+tokelau common th
+tonga common th
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common th
+total common th
+trinidad and tobago common th
+tuesday common th ѹѧ
+tunisia common th
+turkey common th
+turkmenistan common th
+turks and caicos islands common th
+tuvalu common th
+uganda common th
+ukraine common th
+united arab emirates common th
+united kingdom common th
+united states common th
+united states minor outlying islands common th
+unknown common th
+update common th
+url common th
+uruguay common th
+use button to search for common th
+use button to search for address common th
+use button to search for calendarevent common th
+use button to search for project common th
+user common th
+user accounts common th ѭռ
+user groups common th
+username common th ͼ
+users common th
+users choice common th ͡
+uzbekistan common th
+vanuatu common th
+venezuela common th
+version common th
+viet nam common th
+view common th
+virgin islands, british common th
+virgin islands, u.s. common th
+wallis and futuna common th
+wednesday common th ѹظ
+welcome common th ԹյѺ
+western sahara common th
+which groups common th ˹ҧ
+wk jscalendar th ҹ
+work email common th źѷ
+written by: common th ¹
+year common th
+yemen common th
+yes common th
+you are required to change your password during your first login common th
+you are running a newer version of egroupware than your database is setup for common th
+you have been successfully logged out login th
+you have not entered a title common th
+you have not entered a valid date common th
+you have not entered a valid time of day common th
+you have not entered participants common th
+you have selected an invalid date common th
+you have selected an invalid main category common th
+you have successfully logged out common th
+your message could not be sent!
common th
+your message has been sent common th
+your search returned %1 matchs common th
+your search returned 1 match common th
+your session could not be verified. login th
+your settings have been updated common th
+yugoslavia common th
+zambia common th
+zimbabwe common th
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_tr.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_tr.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9551775cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_tr.lang
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+site configuration common tr Site Ayarlar
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_uk.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_uk.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbb21528a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_uk.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common uk Додано %1 email адрес
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common uk %1eGroupWare%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3PHP%4.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value common uk (Shift-) Клацніть або перетягніть для зміни значення
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it common uk - Клацніть мишкою на будь якій частині часу для його збільшення
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. common uk - Для швидшого вибору утримуйте клавішу миші на будь якій кнопці, що вище.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. common uk - або клацніть мишкою та перетягніть для швидшого вибору.
+- or shift-click to decrease it common uk - або клацніть мишкою з утримування Shift для зменшення
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month common uk - Використайте клавіші миші %1, %2 для вибору місяця
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year common uk - Використайте клавіші миші %1, %2 для вибору року
+00 (disable) admin uk 00 (disable)
+13 (ntp) admin uk 13 (ntp)
+80 (http) admin uk 80 (http)
+about common uk Щодо
+about %1 common uk Щодо "%1"
+access common uk Доступ
+access not permitted common uk Доступ не дозволено
+account has been created common uk Рахунок створено
+account has been deleted common uk Рахунок видалено
+account has been updated common uk Рахунок змінено
+account is expired common uk Термін дії рахунку вичерпано
+acl common uk ACL
+action common uk Дія
+active common uk Активний
+add common uk Добавити
+add %1 category for common uk Додати категорію %1 для
+add category common uk Додати категорію
+add sub common uk Додати підкатегорію
+addressbook common uk Адресна книга
+admin common uk Адміністрування
+administration common uk Адміністрація
+afghanistan common uk АФГАНІСТАН
+albania common uk АЛБАНІЯ
+algeria common uk АЛЖИР
+all common uk Все
+american samoa common uk
+andorra common uk АНДОРРА
+angola common uk АНГОЛА
+anguilla common uk
+antarctica common uk
+antigua and barbuda common uk
+apply common uk Застосувати
+april common uk Квітень
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common uk Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити ці записи?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common uk Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цей запис?
+argentina common uk АРГЕНТИНА
+armenia common uk ВІРМЕНІЯ
+aruba common uk
+august common uk Серпень
+australia common uk АВСТРАЛІЯ
+austria common uk АВСТРІЯ
+author common uk Автор
+autohide sidebox menu's common uk Приховувати бокове меню
+automacally hide the sidebox menu's? common uk Приховувати автоматично бокове меню?
+autosave default category common uk Автоматично зберегти категорію по замовченню
+azerbaijan common uk АЗЕРБАЙДЖАН
+back common uk Повернутись
+back to user login common uk Повернутись до входу в систему
+bad login or password common uk Неправильне ім'я або пароль
+bahamas common uk
+bahrain common uk БАХРЕЙН
+bangladesh common uk БАНГЛАДЕШ
+barbados common uk БАРБАДОС
+bcc common uk Bcc
+belarus common uk
+belgium common uk БЕЛЬГІЯ
+belize common uk
+benin common uk
+bermuda common uk БЕРМУДА
+bhutan common uk
+blocked, too many attempts common uk Заблоковано, надто багато спроб
+bolivia common uk БОЛІВІЯ
+bosnia and herzegovina common uk
+botswana common uk БОТСВАНА
+bouvet island common uk
+brazil common uk БРАЗИЛІЯ
+british indian ocean territory common uk
+brunei darussalam common uk
+bulgaria common uk БОЛГАРІЯ
+burkina faso common uk
+burundi common uk БУРУНДІ
+calendar common uk Календар
+cambodia common uk
+cameroon common uk КАМЕРУН
+canada common uk КАНАДА
+cancel common uk Скасувати
+cape verde common uk
+categories common uk Категорії
+categories for common uk Категорії для
+category common uk Категорія
+category %1 has been added ! common uk Категорія (%1) добавлена !
+category %1 has been updated ! common uk Категорія (%1) змінена !
+cayman islands common uk
+cc common uk Cc
+central african republic common uk
+chad common uk ЧАД
+change common uk Змінити
+charset common uk utf-8
+check installation common uk Перевірити інсталяцію
+chile common uk Чілі
+china common uk Китай
+choose the category common uk Виберіть категорію
+choose the parent category common uk Виберіть вищестоячу категорію
+christmas island common uk
+clear common uk Очистити
+clear form common uk Очистити форму
+click common uk Натискати
+click or mouse over to show menu's common uk Натискати або наводити мишкою для показу меню
+click or mouse over to show menu's? common uk Натискати або наводити мишкою для показу меню?
+close common uk Закрити
+cocos (keeling) islands common uk
+colombia common uk КОЛУМБІЯ
+comoros common uk
+company common uk Компанія
+congo common uk КОНГО
+congo, the democratic republic of the common uk
+cook islands common uk
+copy common uk Копія
+costa rica common uk
+cote d ivoire common uk
+create common uk Створити
+created by common uk Створено
+croatia common uk ХОРВАТІЯ
+cuba common uk КУБА
+currency common uk Валюта
+current common uk Поточний
+current users common uk Поточні (діючі) користувачі
+cyprus common uk КІПР
+czech republic common uk ЧЕСЬКА РЕСПУБЛІКА
+date common uk Число
+date due common uk Очікуване число
+date selection: common uk Вибір Дати:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin uk Datetime port.
If using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common uk Грудень
+default category common uk Категорія по замовчуванню
+delete common uk Видалити
+denmark common uk ДАНІЯ
+description common uk Опис
+detail common uk Деталі
+details common uk Деталі
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common uk Відмінити виконання скрипту виправлення помилки для Internet Explorer >= 5.5 для показу прозоросты в PNG-картинках?
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common uk Відмінити виправлення помилки PNG в Internet Explorer
+disable slider effects common uk Відмінити анімаційні ефекти
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menu's in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common uk Відмінити анімаційні ефекти при показі або сховуванні меню на цій сторінці? Користувачі Opera або Konqueror можливо повинні це зробити.
+disabled common uk Вимкнено
+display monday first common uk Показувати спочатку понеділок
+display sunday first common uk Показувати спочатку суботу
+djibouti common uk
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common uk Чи хочете ви також видалити вся підкатегорії?
+domain common uk Domain
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common uk Domain ім'я для email адреси. Наприклад "%1"
+domestic common uk
+dominica common uk ДОМІНІКА
+dominican republic common uk
+done common uk Зроблено
+drag to move common uk Перетягніть для перенесення
+e-mail common uk E-Mail
+east timor common uk
+ecuador common uk ЕКВАДОР
+edit common uk Редагувати
+edit %1 category for common uk Редагувати категорію %1 для
+edit categories common uk Редагувати категорії
+edit category common uk Редагувати категорію
+egroupware api version %1 common uk eGroupWare API version %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common uk eGroupWare: вхід заборонено для '%1', IP %2
+egypt common uk ЄГИПЕТ
+el salvador common uk
+email common uk E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common uk email адреса користувача, наприклад "%1".
+enabled common uk Ввімкнено
+end date common uk Кінцева дата
+end time common uk Кінцевий час
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common uk Запис видалено успішно
+entry updated sucessfully common uk Запис змінено успішно
+equatorial guinea common uk
+eritrea common uk
+error common uk Помилка
+error creating %1 %2 directory common uk Помилка створення %1 %2 каталогу
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common uk Помилка видалення %1 %2 каталогу
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common uk Помилка переіменування %1 %2 каталогу
+estonia common uk ЕСТОНІЯ
+ethiopia common uk ЕФІОПІЯ
+falkland islands (malvinas) common uk
+faroe islands common uk
+fax number common uk номер факсу
+february common uk Лютий
+fields common uk Поля
+fiji common uk
+files common uk Файли
+filter common uk Фільтр
+finland common uk ФІНЛЯНДІЯ
+first name common uk Ім'я
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common uk Ім'я користувача, наприклад "%1"
+first page common uk Перша сторінка
+firstname common uk Ім'я
+fixme! common uk FIXME!
+force selectbox common uk Форсувати SelectBox
+france common uk ФРАНЦІЯ
+french guiana common uk
+french polynesia common uk
+french southern territories common uk
+friday common uk П'ятниця
+ftp common uk FTP
+fullname common uk Повне ім'я
+gabon common uk ГАБОН
+gambia common uk ГАМБІЯ
+general menu common uk Загальне меню
+georgia common uk ГРУЗІЯ
+germany common uk ГЕРМАНІЯ
+ghana common uk ГАНА
+gibraltar common uk
+global common uk
+global public common uk
+go today common uk Перейти на сьогодні
+grant access common uk Надати доступ
+greece common uk ГРЕЦІЯ
+greenland common uk ГРЕНЛАНДІЯ
+grenada common uk
+group common uk Група
+group access common uk Груповий доступ
+group has been added common uk Група добавлена
+group has been deleted common uk Група видалена
+group has been updated common uk Група змінена
+group name common uk Ім'я групи
+group public common uk Публічне в групі
+groups common uk Групи
+groups with permission for %1 common uk Групи з дозволом на %1
+groups without permission for %1 common uk Групи без дозволу на %1
+guadeloupe common uk
+guam common uk
+guatemala common uk ГВАТЕМАЛА
+guinea common uk ГІНЕЯ
+guinea-bissau common uk
+guyana common uk ГАЙАНА
+haiti common uk ГАЇТІ
+heard island and mcdonald islands common uk
+help common uk Довідка
+high common uk Високий
+highest common uk Найвищий
+holy see (vatican city state) common uk
+home common uk Додому
+home email common uk домашній email
+honduras common uk ГОНДУРАС
+hong kong common uk
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common uk Скільки ікон показувати в навігаційній панелі. Додаткові ікони будуть в випадаючому меню в правій частині панелі.
+hungary common uk УГОРЩИНА
+iceland common uk
+india common uk
+indonesia common uk
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common uk Вставити всі %1 адресів %2 контактів в %3
+international common uk Міжнародний
+invalid ip address common uk Невірна IP адреса
+invalid password common uk Невірний пароль
+iran, islamic republic of common uk
+iraq common uk ІРАК
+ireland common uk ІРЛАНДІЯ
+israel common uk ІЗРАЇЛЬ
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common uk Пройшло більше %1 днів з часу зміни паролю
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common uk It is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version.
+italy common uk ІТАЛІЯ
+jamaica common uk ЯМАЙКА
+january common uk Січень
+japan common uk ЯПОНІЯ
+jordan common uk
+july common uk Липень
+june common uk Червень
+kazakstan common uk
+kenya common uk КЕНІЯ
+keywords common uk Ключові слова
+kiribati common uk
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common uk
+korea, republic of common uk
+kuwait common uk КУВЕЙТ
+kyrgyzstan common uk
+language common uk Мова
+lao peoples democratic republic common uk
+last name common uk Прізвище
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common uk Прізвище користувача, тобто "%1"
+last page common uk Остання сторінка
+lastname common uk Прізвище
+latvia common uk ЛАТВІЯ
+lebanon common uk ЛІВАН
+lesotho common uk ЛЕСОТО
+liberia common uk ЛІБЕРІЯ
+libyan arab jamahiriya common uk
+license common uk Ліцензія
+liechtenstein common uk ЛІХТЕНШТЕЙН
+list common uk Перелік
+lithuania common uk ЛИТВА
+local common uk Локальний
+login common uk Login
+loginid common uk LoginID
+logout common uk Вийти
+low common uk Низький
+lowest common uk Найнижчий
+luxembourg common uk ЛЮКСЕМБУРГ
+macau common uk
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common uk
+madagascar common uk
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common uk mail domain, наприклад, "%1"
+main category common uk Базова категорія
+main screen common uk Основний екран
+maintainer common uk Супроводжує
+malawi common uk
+malaysia common uk МАЛАЙЗІЯ
+maldives common uk
+mali common uk
+malta common uk МАЛЬТА
+march common uk Березень
+marshall islands common uk
+martinique common uk
+mauritania common uk МАВРІТАНІЯ
+mauritius common uk МАВРІКІЙ
+max number of icons in navbar common uk Максимальна кількість іконок в навігаційній панелі
+may common uk Травень
+mayotte common uk
+medium common uk Середній
+menu common uk Меню
+message common uk Повідомлення
+mexico common uk МЕКСІКА
+micronesia, federated states of common uk
+moldova, republic of common uk
+monaco common uk
+monday common uk Понеділок
+mongolia common uk МОНГОЛІЯ
+montserrat common uk
+morocco common uk МАРОККО
+mozambique common uk МОЗАМБІК
+myanmar common uk
+name common uk Ім'я
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common uk Ім'я користувача, тобто "%1"
+namibia common uk НАМІБІЯ
+nauru common uk
+nepal common uk НЕПАЛ
+netherlands common uk
+netherlands antilles common uk
+never common uk Ніколи
+new caledonia common uk
+new entry added sucessfully common uk Новий запис додано успішно
+new main category common uk Нова основна категорія
+new value common uk Нове значення
+new zealand common uk
+next common uk Наступний
+next month (hold for menu) common uk Наступний місяць (для меню)
+next page common uk Наступна сторінка
+next year (hold for menu) common uk Наступний рік (для меню)
+nicaragua common uk НІКАРАГУА
+niger common uk НІГЕР
+nigeria common uk НІГЕРІЯ
+niue common uk
+no common uk Ні
+no entries found, try again ... common uk Записів не знайдено, спробуйте ще...
+no history for this record common uk Немає історії для цього запису
+no subject common uk Немає теми
+none common uk Немає
+norfolk island common uk
+normal common uk Нормальний
+northern mariana islands common uk
+norway common uk НОРВЕГІЯ
+not assigned common uk Не назначено
+note common uk Нотатка
+notes common uk Нотатки
+notify window common uk Вікно повідомлень
+november common uk Листопад
+october common uk Жовтень
+ok common uk OK
+old value common uk Старе значення
+oman common uk ОМАН
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common uk
+on mouse over common uk При наведенні мишки
+only private common uk тільки особисте
+only yours common uk тільки Ваше
+open notify window common uk Відкрити вікно повідомлень
+open popup window common uk Відкрити вспливаюче вікно
+original common uk Оригінальне
+other common uk Інше
+overview common uk Перегляд
+owner common uk Власник
+page was generated in %1 seconds common uk Сторінка згенерована за %1 секунд
+pakistan common uk ПАКИСТАН
+palau common uk
+palestinian territory, occupied common uk
+panama common uk ПАНАМА
+papua new guinea common uk
+paraguay common uk ПАРАГВАЙ
+parcel common uk
+parent category common uk Вищестояча Категорія
+password common uk Пароль
+password could not be changed common uk Пароль не може бути змінено
+password has been updated common uk Пароль змінено
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common uk Шлях до файлів користувачів та груп МАЄ БУТИ ЗОВНІШНІМ відносно корню документів веб-сервера!!!
+pattern for search in addressbook common uk Зразок пошуку в Адресній книзі
+pattern for search in calendar common uk Зразок пошуку в Календарі
+pattern for search in projects common uk Зразок пошуку в Проектах
+permissions to the files/users directory common uk дозволи до файлів/каталогів користувачів
+personal common uk Особисте
+peru common uk ПЕРУ
+philippines common uk ФІЛІППІНИ
+phone number common uk Номер телефону
+pitcairn common uk
+please %1 by hand common uk
+please enter a name common uk Будь ласка введіть ім'я
+please run setup to become current common uk Будь ласка запустіть setup для оновлення версії
+please select common uk Будь ласка виберіть
+please set your global preferences common uk Будь ласка встановіть глобальні параметри !
+please set your preferences for this application common uk Будь ласка встановіть параметри приложення !
+please wait... common uk Будь ласка, зачекайте...
+poland common uk ПОЛЬЩА
+portugal common uk ПОРТУГАЛІЯ
+postal common uk Поштовий
+powered by egroupware version %1 common uk Powered by eGroupWare version %1
+preferences common uk Параметри
+prev. month (hold for menu) common uk Попередній місяць (для меню)
+prev. year (hold for menu) common uk Попередній рік (для меню)
+previous page common uk Попередня сторінка
+print common uk Друкувати
+priority common uk Пріоритет
+private common uk Особисте
+project common uk Проект
+public common uk публічне
+puerto rico common uk
+qatar common uk
+read common uk Читати
+read this list of methods. common uk Прочитати цей перелік методів.
+reject common uk Відмовити
+rename common uk Перейменувати
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common uk Повертає повний перелік рахунків в системі. Це може бути дуже великим.
+returns an array of todo items common uk Повертає масив завдань.
+returns struct of users application access common uk Повертає структуру доступу користувачів до приложень
+reunion common uk
+romania common uk РУМУНІЯ
+russian federation common uk РОСІЙСЬКА ФЕДЕРАЦІЯ
+rwanda common uk РУАНДА
+saint helena common uk
+saint kitts and nevis common uk
+saint lucia common uk
+saint pierre and miquelon common uk
+saint vincent and the grenadines common uk
+samoa common uk САМОА
+san marino common uk САН-МАРІНО
+sao tome and principe common uk
+saturday common uk Субота
+saudi arabia common uk САУДІВСЬКА АРАВІЯ
+save common uk Зберегти
+search common uk Шукати
+section common uk Розділ
+select common uk Вибрати
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common uk Вибрати всі %1 %2 для %3
+select category common uk Виберіть категорію
+select date common uk Виберіть дату
+select group common uk Виберіть групу
+select home email address common uk Виберіть домашню email адресу
+select one common uk Виберіть одне
+select user common uk Виберіть користувача
+select work email address common uk Виберіть робочу email адресу
+send common uk Відіслати
+senegal common uk Сенегал
+september common uk Вересень
+server %1 has been added common uk Сервер %1 добавлено
+server name common uk Ім'я серверу
+session has been killed common uk Сессія вбита
+setup common uk Setup
+setup main menu common uk Головне меню Setup
+seychelles common uk СЕЙШЕЛИ
+show all common uk показати все
+show all categorys common uk Показати всі категорії
+show page generation time common uk Показувати час генерації сторінки
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common uk Показувати час генерації сторінки в низу сторінки?
+show_more_apps common uk Показати більше приложень
+showing %1 common uk видно %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common uk видно %1 - %2 з %3
+sierra leone common uk С'ЄРРА ЛІОНЕ
+singapore common uk СІНГАПУР
+slovakia common uk СЛОВАКІЯ
+slovenia common uk СЛОВЕНІЯ
+solomon islands common uk
+somalia common uk СОМАЛІ
+sorry, your login has expired login uk Вибачте, Ваше право входу вичерпано
+south africa common uk
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common uk
+spain common uk ІСПАНІЯ
+sri lanka common uk ШРІ ЛАНКА
+start date common uk Дата початку
+start time common uk Час початку
+status common uk Статус
+subject common uk Тема
+submit common uk Передати
+substitutions and their meanings: common uk Підстановки та їх зміст:
+sudan common uk СУДАН
+sunday common uk Неділя
+suriname common uk СУРІНАМ
+svalbard and jan mayen common uk
+swaziland common uk СВАЗІЛЕНД
+sweden common uk ШВЕЦІЯ
+switzerland common uk ШВЕЙЦАРІЯ
+syrian arab republic common uk
+taiwan common uk ТАЙВАНЬ
+tajikistan common uk ТАДЖИКИСТАН
+tanzania, united republic of common uk
+thailand common uk ТАЇЛАНД
+the api is current common uk API поточне
+the api requires an upgrade common uk API потрібно поновити
+the following applications require upgrades common uk Наступні приложення потребують поновлення
+the mail server returned common uk Поштовий сервер повернув
+this application is current common uk Приложення поточне
+this application requires an upgrade common uk Це приложення потребує поновлення
+this name has been used already common uk Таке ім'я вже використовується !
+thursday common uk Четвер
+time common uk Час
+time selection: common uk Вибір часу:
+time zone common uk Часовий пояс
+time zone offset common uk Зміщення часового поясу
+title common uk Назва
+to common uk To
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common uk Для виправлення цієї помилки в майбутньому необхідно вірно встановити
+to go back to the msg list, click here common uk Для повернення до переліку повідомлень натисніть тут
+today common uk Сьогодні
+todays date, eg. "%1" common uk Сьогоднішнє число, наприклад "%1"
+toggle first day of week common uk Змінити перший день тиждня
+togo common uk ТОГО
+tokelau common uk
+tonga common uk
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common uk Надто багато неуспішних спроб входу: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the IP %4
+total common uk Всього
+trinidad and tobago common uk ТРІНІДАД І ТОБАГО
+tuesday common uk Середа
+tunisia common uk ТУНІС
+turkey common uk ТУРЦІЯ
+turkmenistan common uk ТУРКМЕНІСТАН
+turks and caicos islands common uk
+tuvalu common uk
+uganda common uk УГАНДА
+ukraine common uk УКРАЇНА
+united arab emirates common uk
+united kingdom common uk
+united states common uk США
+united states minor outlying islands common uk
+unknown common uk Невідомо
+update common uk Поновити
+url common uk URL
+uruguay common uk УРУГВАЙ
+use button to search for common uk Використовуйте Кнопку для пошуку в
+use button to search for address common uk Використовуйте Кнопку для пошуку в Адресах
+use button to search for calendarevent common uk Використовуйте Кнопку для пошуку в подіях Календарю
+use button to search for project common uk Використовуйте Кнопку для пошуку в Проектах
+user common uk Користувач
+user accounts common uk Рахунки користувачів
+user groups common uk Групи користувачів
+username common uk Ім'я
+users common uk користувачі
+users choice common uk Вибір користувачів
+uzbekistan common uk УЗБЕКИСТАН
+vanuatu common uk
+venezuela common uk ВЕНЕСУЕЛА
+version common uk Версія
+viet nam common uk В'ЄТНАМ
+view common uk Перегляд
+virgin islands, british common uk
+virgin islands, u.s. common uk
+wallis and futuna common uk
+wednesday common uk Середа
+welcome common uk Вітаємо
+western sahara common uk
+which groups common uk Котрі групи
+wk common uk
+work email common uk робочий email
+written by: common uk Написано:
+year common uk Рік
+yemen common uk ЙЄМЕН
+yes common uk Так
+you are required to change your password during your first login common uk Необхідно змінити Ваш пароль на протязі Вашого першого входу.
+you have been successfully logged out login uk Ви вийшли успішно
+you have not entered a title common uk Ви не ввели назву
+you have not entered a valid date common uk Ви не ввели вірну дату
+you have not entered a valid time of day common uk Ви не ввели вірний час дня
+you have not entered participants common uk Ви не ввели учасників
+you have selected an invalid date common uk Ви вибрали невірну дату !
+you have selected an invalid main category common uk Ви вибрали невірну основну категорію !
+you have successfully logged out common uk Ви успішно вийшли
+your message could not be sent!
common uk Ваше повідомлення не може бути відіслано!
+your message has been sent common uk Ваше повідомлення відіслано
+your search returned %1 matchs common uk Знайдено %1 відповідностей
+your search returned 1 match common uk Знайдено одну відповідность
+your session could not be verified. login uk Неможливо перевірити Ваш вхід
+your settings have been updated common uk Параметри поновлено
+yugoslavia common uk ЮГОСЛАВІЯ
+zambia common uk ЗАМБІЯ
+zimbabwe common uk ЗІМБАБВЕ
+site configuration common uk Конфігурація сайту
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_vi.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_vi.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae57eea66f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_vi.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common vi Có %1 địa chỉ email được thêm vào
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common vi %1 không thể thực thi bởi máy chủ web !!!
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common vi %1eGroupWare%2 là bộ phần mềm nhóm dạng Web hỗ trợ đa người dùng viết bằng %3PHP%4.
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar vi (Shift-)Click hoặc kéo và rê chuột để thay đổi giá trị
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar vi - Click vào bất kỳ phần thời gian nào để tăng nó
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar vi - Giữ phím trái chuột trên bất kỳ nút ấn nào phía trên để lựa chọn nhanh hơn.
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar vi - hoặc click và kéo - rê chuột để lựa chọn nhanh hơn.
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar vi - hoặc Shift-Click chuột để giảm nó
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar vi - Dùng các nút ấn %1, %2 để chọn tháng
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar vi - Dùng các nút ấn %1, %2 để chọn năm
+00 (disable) admin vi 00 (tắt)
+13 (ntp) admin vi 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar vi 3 ký tự để viết tắt ngày
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar vi 3 ký tự để viết tắt tháng
+80 (http) admin vi 80 (http)
+about common vi Giới thiệu
+about %1 common vi Giới thiệu %1
+about the calendar jscalendar vi Giới thiệu về Lịch
+access common vi Truy cập
+access not permitted common vi Truy cập không được phép
+account has been created common vi Tài khoản đã được tạo
+account has been deleted common vi Tài khoản đã bị xóa
+account has been updated common vi Tài khoản đã được cập nhật
+account is expired common vi Tài khoản hết hạn
+acl common vi Danh sách phân quyền truy cập
+action common vi Hành động
+active common vi Tích cực
+add common vi Thêm mới
+add %1 category for common vi Thêm mới %1 nhóm cho
+add category common vi Thêm mới nhóm
+add sub common vi Thêm nhóm con
+addressbook common vi Sổ địa chỉ
+admin common vi Người quản trị
+administration common vi Quản trị hệ thống
+afghanistan common vi AFGHANISTAN
+albania common vi ALBANIA
+algeria common vi ALGERIA
+all common vi Tất cả
+all fields common vi tất cả các trường
+alphabet common vi a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common vi Style-sheet thay thế:
+american samoa common vi AMERICAN SAMOA
+andorra common vi ANDORRA
+angola common vi ANGOLA
+anguilla common vi ANGUILLA
+antarctica common vi ANTARCTICA
+antigua and barbuda common vi ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
+apply common vi Áp dụng
+april common vi Tháng Tư
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common vi Bạn có chắc chắn rằng mình muốn xóa các mục này không ?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common vi Bạn có chắc chắn rằng mình muốn xóa mục này không ?
+argentina common vi ARGENTINA
+armenia common vi ARMENIA
+aruba common vi ARUBA
+august common vi Tháng Tám
+australia common vi AUSTRALIA
+austria common vi AUSTRIA
+author common vi Tác giả
+autohide sidebox menus common vi Tự động tắt menu bên phải
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common vi Tự động tắt menu bên phải
+autosave default category common vi Tự động lưu nhóm mặc định
+azerbaijan common vi AZERBAIJAN
+back common vi Quay trở lại
+back to user login common vi Quay về trang đăng nhập
+background color: common vi Màu nền:
+bad login or password common vi Sai tên đăng nhập hoặc mật khẩu
+bahamas common vi BAHAMAS
+bahrain common vi BAHRAIN
+bangladesh common vi BANGLADESH
+barbados common vi BARBADOS
+bcc common vi Gửi kín
+belarus common vi BELARUS
+belgium common vi BELGIUM
+belize common vi BELIZE
+benin common vi BENIN
+bermuda common vi BERMUDA
+bhutan common vi BHUTAN
+blocked, too many attempts common vi Bị khóa, đăng nhập sai quá nhiều lần
+bolivia common vi BOLIVIA
+bosnia and herzegovina common vi BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common vi BOTSWANA
+bouvet island common vi BOUVET ISLAND
+brazil common vi BRAZIL
+british indian ocean territory common vi BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
+brunei darussalam common vi BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common vi BULGARIA
+burkina faso common vi BURKINA FASO
+burundi common vi BURUNDI
+calendar common vi Lịch
+cambodia common vi CAMBODIA
+cameroon common vi CAMEROON
+canada common vi CANADA
+cancel common vi Hủy bỏ
+cape verde common vi CAPE VERDE
+categories common vi Các nhóm
+categories for common vi Phân nhóm cho
+category common vi Nhóm
+category %1 has been added ! common vi Nhóm %1 đã được thêm mới !
+category %1 has been updated ! common vi Nhóm %1 đã được cập nhật !
+cayman islands common vi CAYMAN ISLANDS
+cc common vi Đồng kính gửi
+central african republic common vi CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
+chad common vi CHAD
+change common vi Thay đổi
+charset common vi utf-8
+check installation common vi Kiểm tra cài đặt
+check now common vi Kiểm tra ngay
+chile common vi CHILE
+china common vi CHINA
+choose the category common vi Chọn nhóm
+choose the parent category common vi Chọn nhóm cha
+christmas island common vi CHRISTMAS ISLAND
+clear common vi Xóa
+clear form common vi Xóa biểu mẫu
+click common vi Click
+click or mouse over to show menus common vi Click hoặc kéo chuột qua để hiển thị menu
+click or mouse over to show menus? common vi Click hoặc kéo chuột qua để hiển thị menu ?
+close common vi Đóng
+cocos (keeling) islands common vi COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
+colombia common vi COLOMBIA
+comoros common vi COMOROS
+company common vi Công ty
+congo common vi CONGO
+congo, the democratic republic of the common vi CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE
+cook islands common vi COOK ISLANDS
+copy common vi Sao chép
+costa rica common vi COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common vi COTE D IVOIRE
+create common vi Tạo
+created by common vi Tạo bởi
+croatia common vi CROATIA
+cuba common vi CUBA
+currency common vi Loại tiền
+current common vi Hiện hành
+current users common vi Các người sử dụng hiện hành
+cyprus common vi CYPRUS
+czech republic common vi CZECH REPUBLIC
+date common vi Ngày
+date due common vi Ngày đến hạn
+date selection: jscalendar vi Lựa chọn ngày:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin vi Cổng Datetime.
Nếu dùng cổng 13, vui lòng thiết lập các chế độ tường lửa trước khi gửi trang này.
(Cổng: 13 / Địa chỉ cổng:
+december common vi Tháng Mười Hai
+default category common vi Nhóm mặc định
+delete common vi Xóa
+denmark common vi DENMARK
+description common vi Diễn giải
+detail common vi Chi tiết
+details common vi Các khoản chi tiết
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common vi Tắt việc thực thi các đoạn script sửa lỗi của trình duyệt Internet Explorer 5.5 và các phiên bản cao hơn để hiển thị được các ảnh dạng PNG ?
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common vi Tắt chức năng sửa lỗi ảnh png của Internet Explorer
+disable slider effects common vi Tắt hiệu ứng trượt
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common vi Tắt hiệu ứng trượt động khi hiển thị hoặc tắt các menu trong trang? Các người sử dụng trình duyệt Opera và Konqueror hầu như cần làm như vầy.
+disabled common vi Đã tắt
+display %s first jscalendar vi Hiển thị %s đầu tiên
+djibouti common vi DJIBOUTI
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common vi Bạn cũng muốn xóa luôn các nhóm con phải không ?
+doctype: common vi DOCTYPE:
+document properties common vi Thuộc tính document
+document title: common vi Tiêu đề document:
+domain common vi Domain
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common vi tên domain dùng cho địa chỉ email, ví dụ: "%1"
+domestic common vi Vùng
+dominica common vi DOMINICA
+dominican republic common vi DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
+done common vi Đã xong
+drag to move jscalendar vi Kéo và rê chuột để di chuyển
+e-mail common vi E-Mail
+east timor common vi EAST TIMOR
+ecuador common vi ECUADOR
+edit common vi Hiệu chỉnh
+edit %1 category for common vi Hiệu chỉnh %1 nhóm cho
+edit categories common vi Hiệu chỉnh các nhóm
+edit category common vi Hiệu chỉnh nhóm
+egroupware api version %1 common vi eGroupWare API phiên bản %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common vi eGroupWare: đăng nhập bị khóa đối với người sử dụng '%1', có địa chỉ IP %2
+egypt common vi EGYPT
+el salvador common vi EL SALVADOR
+email common vi E-Mail
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common vi địa chỉ email của người sử dụng, ví dụ: "%1"
+enabled common vi Được bật
+end date common vi Ngày kết thúc
+end time common vi Giờ kết thúc
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin vi Nhập vào URL của eGroupWare.
Ví dụ: http://www.domain.com/egroupware hoặc /egroupware
Không có dấu slash ở phía sau
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common vi Đã xóa xong mục được chọn
+entry updated sucessfully common vi Cập nhật xong mục được chọn
+equatorial guinea common vi EQUATORIAL GUINEA
+eritrea common vi ERITREA
+error common vi Lỗi
+error creating %1 %2 directory common vi Lỗi tạo %1 %2 thư mục
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common vi Lỗi xóa %1 %2 thư mục
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common vi Lỗi đổi tên %1 %2 thư mục
+estonia common vi ESTONIA
+ethiopia common vi ETHIOPIA
+exact common vi chính xác
+falkland islands (malvinas) common vi FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
+faroe islands common vi FAROE ISLANDS
+fax number common vi số fax
+february common vi Tháng Hai
+fields common vi Các trường
+fiji common vi FIJI
+files common vi Các tập tin
+filter common vi Bộ lọc
+finland common vi FINLAND
+first name common vi Tên
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common vi tên của người sử dụng, ví dụ: "%1"
+first page common vi Trang đầu tiên
+firstname common vi Tên
+fixme! common vi Sửa tôi!
+force selectbox common vi Ô chọn bắt buộc
+france common vi FRANCE
+french guiana common vi FRENCH GUIANA
+french polynesia common vi FRENCH POLYNESIA
+french southern territories common vi FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
+friday common vi Thứ sáu
+ftp common vi FTP
+fullname common vi Tên đầy đủ
+gabon common vi GABON
+gambia common vi GAMBIA
+general menu common vi Menu chung
+georgia common vi GEORGIA
+germany common vi GERMANY
+ghana common vi GHANA
+gibraltar common vi GIBRALTAR
+global common vi Chung
+global public common vi Môi trường chung
+go today jscalendar vi Vào mục Hôm nay
+grant access common vi Phân quyền truy cập
+greece common vi GREECE
+greenland common vi GREENLAND
+grenada common vi GRENADA
+group common vi Nhóm
+group access common vi Truy cập Nhóm
+group has been added common vi Nhóm đã được thêm vào
+group has been deleted common vi Nhóm đã bị xóa
+group has been updated common vi Nhóm đã được cập nhật
+group name common vi tên nhóm
+group public common vi Môi trường Nhóm
+groups common vi Các nhóm
+groups with permission for %1 common vi Các nhóm có quyền là %1
+groups without permission for %1 common vi Các nhóm không có quyền là %1
+guadeloupe common vi GUADELOUPE
+guam common vi GUAM
+guatemala common vi GUATEMALA
+guinea common vi GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common vi GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common vi GUYANA
+haiti common vi HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common vi HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
+help common vi Trợ giúp
+high common vi Cao
+highest common vi Cao nhất
+holy see (vatican city state) common vi HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
+home common vi Trang chủ
+home email common vi email riêng
+honduras common vi HONDURAS
+hong kong common vi HONG KONG
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common vi Nên có bao nhiêu biểu tượng hiển thị ở menu ngang (đầu trang). Các biểu tượng nằm sau không đủ chỗ hiển thị trên menu ngang sẽ được dồn xuống menu dọc nằm bên phải. Menu này có thể được kích hoạt bằng biểu tượng nằm ở cạnh phải của menu ngang.
+hungary common vi HUNGARY
+iceland common vi ICELAND
+india common vi INDIA
+indonesia common vi INDONESIA
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common vi Chèn tất cả %1 các địa chỉ của %2 các thông tin liên hệ trong %3
+international common vi Quốc tế
+invalid ip address common vi Địa chỉ IP không hợp lệ
+invalid password common vi Mật khẩu không hợp lệ
+iran, islamic republic of common vi IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
+iraq common vi IRAQ
+ireland common vi IRELAND
+israel common vi ISRAEL
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common vi Đã hơn %1 ngày từ khi bạn đổi mật khẩu của bạn
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common vi Bạn nên chạy setup để nâng cấp các bảng của bạn lên phiên bản hiện hành.
+italic common vi Nghiêng
+italy common vi ITALY
+jamaica common vi JAMAICA
+january common vi Tháng Giêng
+japan common vi JAPAN
+jordan common vi JORDAN
+july common vi Tháng Bảy
+jun common vi Tháng Sáu
+june common vi Tháng Sáu
+justify center common vi Canh giữa đều
+justify full common vi Canh đều toàn bộ
+justify left common vi Canh trái đều
+justify right common vi Canh phải đều
+kazakstan common vi KAZAKSTAN
+kenya common vi KENYA
+keywords common vi Các từ khóa
+kiribati common vi KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common vi KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF
+korea, republic of common vi KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
+kuwait common vi KUWAIT
+kyrgyzstan common vi KYRGYZSTAN
+language common vi Ngôn ngữ
+lao peoples democratic republic common vi LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
+last name common vi Họ
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common vi họ của người sử dụng,ví dụ: "%1"
+last page common vi Trang cuối
+lastname common vi Họ
+latvia common vi LATVIA
+lebanon common vi LEBANON
+lesotho common vi LESOTHO
+liberia common vi LIBERIA
+libyan arab jamahiriya common vi LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
+license common vi Cấp phép
+liechtenstein common vi LIECHTENSTEIN
+list common vi Danh sách
+list members common vi Liệt kê các thành viên
+lithuania common vi LITHUANIA
+local common vi Cục bộ
+login common vi Đăng nhập
+loginid common vi Tên đăng nhập
+logout common vi Thoát
+low common vi Thấp
+lowest common vi Thấp nhất
+luxembourg common vi LUXEMBOURG
+macau common vi MACAU
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common vi MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF
+madagascar common vi MADAGASCAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common vi mail domain, eg. "%1"
+main category common vi Nhóm chính
+main screen common vi Màn hình chính
+maintainer common vi Người duy trì
+malawi common vi MALAWI
+malaysia common vi MALAYSIA
+maldives common vi MALDIVES
+mali common vi MALI
+malta common vi MALTA
+march common vi Tháng Ba
+marshall islands common vi MARSHALL ISLANDS
+martinique common vi MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common vi MAURITANIA
+mauritius common vi MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common vi Số lượng nhiều nhất các biểu tượng trên menu ngang
+may common vi Tháng Năm
+mayotte common vi MAYOTTE
+medium common vi Trung bình
+menu common vi Menu
+message common vi Tin nhắn
+mexico common vi MEXICO
+micronesia, federated states of common vi MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
+moldova, republic of common vi MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
+monaco common vi MONACO
+monday common vi Thứ Hai
+mongolia common vi MONGOLIA
+montserrat common vi MONTSERRAT
+morocco common vi MOROCCO
+mozambique common vi MOZAMBIQUE
+myanmar common vi MYANMAR
+name common vi Tên
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common vi tên của người sử dụng, ví dụ: "%1"
+namibia common vi NAMIBIA
+nauru common vi NAURU
+nepal common vi NEPAL
+netherlands common vi NETHERLANDS
+netherlands antilles common vi NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
+never common vi Không bao giờ
+new caledonia common vi NEW CALEDONIA
+new entry added sucessfully common vi Mục mới đã được thêm vào
+new main category common vi Nhóm chính mới
+new value common vi Giá trị mới
+new zealand common vi NEW ZEALAND
+next common vi Kế tiếp
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar vi Tháng kế tiếp (đưa ra menu)
+next page common vi Trang kế tiếp
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar vi Năm kế tiếp (đưa ra menu)
+nicaragua common vi NICARAGUA
+niger common vi NIGER
+nigeria common vi NIGERIA
+niue common vi NIUE
+no common vi Không
+no entries found, try again ... common vi không có mục nào được tìm thấy, thử lại lần nữa ...
+no history for this record common vi Không có nhật ký của mẩu tin này
+no subject common vi Không có chủ đề
+none common vi Không
+norfolk island common vi NORFOLK ISLAND
+normal common vi Bình thường
+northern mariana islands common vi NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
+norway common vi NORWAY
+not assigned common vi chưa gán
+note common vi Ghi chú
+notes common vi Các ghi chú
+notify window common vi Cửa sổ thông báo
+november common vi Tháng Mười Một
+october common vi Tháng Mười
+ok common vi OK
+old value common vi Giá trị cũ
+oman common vi OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common vi Trên các hệ thống *nix vui lòng gõ vào: %1
+on mouse over common vi Khi rê chuột qua
+only private common vi chỉ dành cho cá nhân
+only yours common vi chỉ dành cho bạn
+open notify window common vi Mở cửa sổ thông báo
+open popup window common vi Mở cửa sổ pop-up
+original common vi Nguyên gốc
+other common vi Khác
+overview common vi Khái quát
+owner common vi Người chủ trì
+page common vi Trang
+page was generated in %1 seconds common vi Trang được sinh ra mất %1 giây
+pakistan common vi PAKISTAN
+palau common vi PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common vi PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED
+panama common vi PANAMA
+papua new guinea common vi PAPUA NEW GUINEA
+paraguay common vi PARAGUAY
+parcel common vi Bưu kiện
+parent category common vi Nhóm cha
+password common vi Mật khẩu
+password could not be changed common vi Mật khẩu không thể thay đổi
+password has been updated common vi Mật khẩu đã được cập nhật
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common vi Đường dẫn đến các tập tin người sử dụng và nhóm PHẢI NẰM NGOÀI thư mục gốc của máy chủ Web.
+pattern for search in addressbook common vi Mẫu dùng cho Tìm kiến trong Sổ địa chỉ
+pattern for search in calendar common vi Mẫu dùng cho Tìm kiếm trong Lịch
+pattern for search in projects common vi Mẫu dùng cho Tìm kiếm trong Quản lý Dự án
+permissions to the files/users directory common vi các quyền truy cập đến các tập tin/ thư mục của người sử dụng
+personal common vi Cá nhân
+peru common vi PERU
+philippines common vi PHILIPPINES
+phone number common vi số điện thoại
+pitcairn common vi PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common vi Vui lòng %1 bằng tay
+please enter a name common vi Vui lòng điền tên !
+please run setup to become current common vi Vui lòng chạy setup để trở thành hiện hành
+please select common vi Vui lòng chọn
+please set your global preferences common vi Vui lòng thiết lập các tùy chọn chung của bạn !
+please set your preferences for this application common vi Vui lòng thiết lập các tùy chọn của bạn cho ứng dụng này !
+please wait... common vi Vui lòng đợi trong chốc lát ...
+poland common vi POLAND
+portugal common vi PORTUGAL
+postal common vi Đường bưu điện
+powered by phpgroupware version %1 common vi Powered by eGroupWare version %1
+preferences common vi Các tùy chọn
+preferences for the idots template set common vi Các tùy chọn cho bộ idots template
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar vi Tháng trước (đưa ra menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar vi Năm trước (đưa ra menu)
+previous page common vi Trang trước
+primary style-sheet: common vi Style-sheet chính:
+print common vi In
+priority common vi Ưu tiên
+private common vi Cá nhân
+project common vi Dự án
+public common vi chung
+puerto rico common vi PUERTO RICO
+qatar common vi QATAR
+read common vi Đọc
+read this list of methods. common vi Liệt kê các phương thức
+reject common vi Từ chối
+remove selected accounts common vi xóa các tài khoản đã chọn
+rename common vi Đổi tên
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common vi Trả về một danh sách đầy đủ các tài khoản trong hệ thống. Cảnh báo: Kết quả trả về có thể rất lớn
+returns an array of todo items common vi Trả về một mảng các công việc cần làm
+returns struct of users application access common vi Trả về kết cấu truy cập ứng dụng của người sử dụng
+reunion common vi LIÊN KẾT LẠI
+romania common vi ROMANIA
+russian federation common vi RUSSIAN FEDERATION
+rwanda common vi RWANDA
+saint helena common vi SAINT HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common vi SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
+saint lucia common vi SAINT LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common vi SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common vi SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
+samoa common vi SAMOA
+san marino common vi SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common vi SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
+saturday common vi Thứ Bảy
+saudi arabia common vi SAUDI ARABIA
+save common vi Lưu
+search common vi Tìm kiếm
+search %1 '%2' common vi Tìm kiếm %1 '%2'
+search or select accounts common vi Tìm kiếm hoặc chọn các tài khoản
+section common vi Phân vùng
+select common vi Chọn
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common vi Chọn tất cả %1 %2 cho %3
+select category common vi Chọn Nhóm
+select date common vi Chọn ngày
+select group common vi Chọn nhóm
+select home email address common vi Chọn địa chỉ email riêng
+select one common vi Chọn một
+select user common vi Chọn người sử dụng
+select work email address common vi Chọn địa chỉ email tại Cơ quan
+selection common vi Sự lựa chọn
+send common vi Gửi
+senegal common vi SENEGAL
+september common vi Tháng Chín
+server %1 has been added common vi Máy chủ %1 đã được thêm vào
+server name common vi Tên máy chủ
+session has been killed common vi Phiên làm việc (session) đã bị hủy
+setup common vi Cài đặt
+setup main menu common vi Menu chính của cài đặt
+seychelles common vi SEYCHELLES
+show all common vi hiện tất cả
+show all categorys common vi Hiện tất cả các nhóm
+show menu common vi hiện menu
+show page generation time common vi Hiện thời gian sinh trang
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common vi Hiện thời gian sinh trang ở cuối trang
+show_more_apps common vi hiện_thêm_các ứng dụng
+showing %1 common vi đang hiện %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common vi đang hiện %1 - %2 of %3
+sierra leone common vi SIERRA LEONE
+singapore common vi SINGAPORE
+slovakia common vi SLOVAKIA
+slovenia common vi SLOVENIA
+solomon islands common vi SOLOMON ISLANDS
+somalia common vi SOMALIA
+sorry, your login has expired login vi Rất tiếc, tên đăng nhập của bạn đã hết hạn
+south africa common vi SOUTH AFRICA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common vi SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
+spain common vi SPAIN
+sri lanka common vi SRI LANKA
+start date common vi Ngày bắt đầu
+start time common vi Giờ bắt đầu
+start with common vi bắt đầu bằng
+status common vi Trạng thái
+subject common vi Chủ đề
+submit common vi Gửi lên
+substitutions and their meanings: common vi Các thay thế và ý nghĩa của chúng:
+sudan common vi SUDAN
+sunday common vi Chủ nhật
+suriname common vi SURINAME
+svalbard and jan mayen common vi SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common vi SWAZILAND
+sweden common vi SWEDEN
+switzerland common vi SWITZERLAND
+syrian arab republic common vi SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC
+taiwan common vi TAIWAN/TAIPEI
+tajikistan common vi TAJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common vi TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF
+text color: common vi Màu chữ văn bản:
+thailand common vi THAILAND
+the api is current common vi Phiên bản API hiện hành
+the api requires an upgrade common vi API cần nâng cấp
+the following applications require upgrades common vi Các ứng dụng sau cần được nâng cấp
+the mail server returned common vi Máy chủ Mail trả về
+this application is current common vi Phiên bản ứng dụng hiện hành
+this application requires an upgrade common vi Ứng dụng này cần được nâng cấp
+this name has been used already common vi Tên này đã được sử dụng !
+thursday common vi Thứ Năm
+time common vi Giờ
+time selection: jscalendar vi Chọn giờ
+time zone common vi Múi giờ
+time zone offset common vi Độ lệch múi giờ
+title common vi Tiêu đề
+to common vi Đến
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common vi Để khắc phục lỗi này cho về sau bạn sẽ cần phải thiết lập đúng
+to go back to the msg list, click here common vi Để quay lại danh sách tin nhắn, click vào đây
+today common vi Hôm nay
+todays date, eg. "%1" common vi ngày hôm nay, ví dụ: "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar vi Chuyển qua ngày đầu tuần
+togo common vi TOGO
+tokelau common vi TOKELAU
+tonga common vi TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common vi Quá nhiều lần đăng nhập không thành công: %1 của người sử dụng '%2', %3 của địa chỉ IP %4
+total common vi Tổng cộng
+trinidad and tobago common vi TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
+tuesday common vi Thứ Ba
+tunisia common vi TUNISIA
+turkey common vi TURKEY
+turkmenistan common vi TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common vi TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
+tuvalu common vi TUVALU
+uganda common vi UGANDA
+ukraine common vi UKRAINE
+united arab emirates common vi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
+united kingdom common vi UNITED KINGDOM
+united states common vi UNITED STATES
+united states minor outlying islands common vi UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
+unknown common vi Chưa biết
+update common vi Cập nhật
+url common vi URL
+uruguay common vi URUGUAY
+use button to search for common vi dùng nút ấn để tìm kiếm
+use button to search for address common vi dùng nút ấn để tìm kiếm địa chỉ
+use button to search for calendarevent common vi dùng nút ấn để tìm kiếm sự kiện trên Lịch
+use button to search for project common vi dùng nút ấn để tìm kiếm dự án
+user common vi Người sử dụng
+user accounts common vi các tài khoản người sử dụng
+user groups common vi các nhóm người sử dụng
+username common vi Tên người sử dụng
+users common vi người sử dụng
+users choice common vi Sự lựa chọn của người sử dụng
+uzbekistan common vi UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common vi VANUATU
+venezuela common vi VENEZUELA
+version common vi Phiên bản
+viet nam common vi VIET NAM
+view common vi Xem
+virgin islands, british common vi VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH
+virgin islands, u.s. common vi VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
+wallis and futuna common vi WALLIS AND FUTUNA
+wednesday common vi Thứ Tư
+welcome common vi Chào mừng
+western sahara common vi WESTERN SAHARA
+which groups common vi Các nhóm nào
+wk jscalendar vi wk
+work email common vi email tại Cơ quan
+written by: common vi Được viết bởi
+year common vi Năm
+yemen common vi YEMEN
+yes common vi Vâng
+you are required to change your password during your first login common vi Bạn cần thay đổi mật khẩu của bạn trong lần đăng nhập đầu tiên
+you are running a newer version of phpgroupware than your database is setup for common vi Bạn đang sử dụng phiên bản phpGroupware mới hơn cái mà cơ sở dữ liệu bạn đã cài đặt cần.
+you have been successfully logged out login vi Bạn đã được thoát ra ngoài hệ thống thành công
+you have not entered a title common vi Bạn chưa điền tiêu đề
+you have not entered a valid date common vi Bạn điền sai ngày
+you have not entered a valid time of day common vi Bạn điền sai giờ trong ngày
+you have not entered participants common vi Bạn chưa điền các thành viên
+you have selected an invalid date common vi Bạn đã chọn một ngày không hợp lệ !
+you have selected an invalid main category common vi Bạn đã chọn nhóm chính không hợp lệ !
+you have successfully logged out common vi Bạn đã thoát ra ngoài hệ thống
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common vi Bạn cần thêm tên đăng nhập máy chủ Web '%1' vào trong nhóm '%2'.
+your message could not be sent!
common vi Tin nhắn của bạn không thể được gửi đi!
+your message has been sent common vi Tin nhắn của bạn đã được gửi đi
+your search returned %1 matchs common vi tác vụ tìm kiếm của bạn tìm thấy %1 kết quả
+your search returned 1 match common vi tác vụ tìm kiếm của bạn tìm thấy 1 kết quả
+your session could not be verified. login vi Phiên làm việc của bạn không thể xác minh được
+your settings have been updated common vi Các thiết lập của bạn đã được cập nhật
+yugoslavia common vi YUGOSLAVIA
+zambia common vi ZAMBIA
+zimbabwe common vi ZIMBABWE
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_zh-tw.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_zh-tw.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5f4688695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_zh-tw.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common zh-tw 已匯入 %1 筆電子郵件位址
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common zh-tw 網頁伺服器無法執行 %1 !
+%1 manual common zh-tw %1 手冊
+%1 start common zh-tw %1 開始
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common zh-tw %1選擇一個其他資料夾%2
或是讓網頁伺服器可以寫入 %3 。
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common zh-tw %1eGroupWare%2 是多使用者、網頁為基礎的群組軟體,以 %3PHP%4 設計。
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar zh-tw (Shift 鍵加)點選或拖拉滑鼠游標來改變數值
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar zh-tw - 點選任意時間區來增加它
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar zh-tw - 按住滑鼠來快速選取上面的按鈕
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar zh-tw - 或是用滑鼠拖拉來快速點選
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar zh-tw - 或是用Shift加滑鼠鍵來增加
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar zh-tw - 使用按鈕 %1,%2來選擇月份
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar zh-tw - 使用按鈕 %1,%2來選擇年
+00 (disable) admin zh-tw 00 (關閉)
+13 (ntp) admin zh-tw 13 (ntp)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar zh-tw -1
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar zh-tw 2
+80 (http) admin zh-tw 80 (http)
+about common zh-tw 關於
+about %1 common zh-tw 關於 %1
+about egroupware common zh-tw 關於 eGroupware
+about the calendar jscalendar zh-tw 關於行事曆
+access common zh-tw 存取權限
+access not permitted common zh-tw 存取遭拒
+account has been created common zh-tw 帳號已經建立
+account has been deleted common zh-tw 帳號已經刪除
+account has been updated common zh-tw 帳號已經更新
+account is expired common zh-tw 帳號已經到期
+acl common zh-tw 控管權限
+action common zh-tw 動作
+active common zh-tw 啟用
+add common zh-tw 新增
+add %1 category for common zh-tw 新增 %1 子分類給
+add category common zh-tw 新增分類
+add shortcut common zh-tw 新增快速鍵
+add sub common zh-tw 新增子分類
+addressbook common zh-tw 通訊錄
+admin common zh-tw 系統管理
+administration common zh-tw 系統管理
+afghanistan common zh-tw 阿富汗
+albania common zh-tw 阿爾巴尼亞
+algeria common zh-tw 阿爾吉利亞
+all common zh-tw 所有
+all fields common zh-tw 所有欄位
+alphabet common zh-tw a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common zh-tw 替換的樣式表:
+american samoa common zh-tw AMERICAN SAMOA
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common zh-tw 一個已經存在而且網頁伺服器可以讀取的資料夾可以啟用圖片瀏覽器以及上傳功能。
+andorra common zh-tw 安道爾
+angola common zh-tw 安哥拉
+anguilla common zh-tw 安圭拉
+antarctica common zh-tw 南極洲
+antigua and barbuda common zh-tw ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
+application common zh-tw 應用程式
+apply common zh-tw 確認
+april common zh-tw 四月
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common zh-tw 您確定要刪除這些資料?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common zh-tw 您確定要刪除此筆資料?
+argentina common zh-tw 阿根廷
+armenia common zh-tw 阿美尼亞
+aruba common zh-tw 阿盧巴
+august common zh-tw 八月
+australia common zh-tw 澳洲
+austria common zh-tw 奧地利
+author common zh-tw 作者
+autohide sidebox menu's common zh-tw 自動隱藏其他選單項目
+autohide sidebox menus common zh-tw 自動隱藏其他選單項目
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common zh-tw 自動隱藏其他選單項目?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common zh-tw 自動隱藏其他選單項目?
+autosave default category common zh-tw 自動儲存預設分類目錄
+azerbaijan common zh-tw 亞賽拜然
+back common zh-tw 上一頁
+back to user login common zh-tw 回到首頁
+background color: common zh-tw 背景顏色:
+bad login or password common zh-tw 錯誤的使用者代碼或密碼
+bahamas common zh-tw 巴哈馬
+bahrain common zh-tw 巴林
+bangladesh common zh-tw 孟加拉
+barbados common zh-tw 巴貝多
+bcc common zh-tw 密件副本
+belarus common zh-tw BELARUS
+belgium common zh-tw 比利時
+belize common zh-tw 貝里斯
+benin common zh-tw 貝南
+bermuda common zh-tw 百慕達
+bhutan common zh-tw 不丹
+blocked, too many attempts common zh-tw 被鎖定了,嘗試太多次
+bold common zh-tw 粗體
+bolivia common zh-tw 玻利維亞
+border common zh-tw 框線
+bosnia and herzegovina common zh-tw BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
+botswana common zh-tw 波紮那
+bottom common zh-tw 底部
+bouvet island common zh-tw BOUVET ISLAND
+brazil common zh-tw 巴西
+british indian ocean territory common zh-tw BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
+brunei darussalam common zh-tw BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
+bulgaria common zh-tw 保加利亞
+burkina faso common zh-tw BURKINA FASO
+burundi common zh-tw BURUNDI
+calendar common zh-tw 行事曆
+cambodia common zh-tw 高棉
+cameroon common zh-tw CAMEROON
+canada common zh-tw 加拿大
+cancel common zh-tw 取消
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common zh-tw 無法取代 %1 ,因為它是資料夾
+cant open '%1' for %2 common zh-tw 無法在 %2 開啟 '%1'
+cape verde common zh-tw CAPE VERDE
+caption common zh-tw 標題
+categories common zh-tw 分類
+categories for common zh-tw 類別
+category common zh-tw 類別
+category %1 has been added ! common zh-tw 已新增分類 %1 !
+category %1 has been updated ! common zh-tw 已更新分類 %1 !
+cayman islands common zh-tw CAYMAN ISLANDS
+cc common zh-tw 副本
+centered common zh-tw 置中
+central african republic common zh-tw CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
+chad common zh-tw 查德
+change common zh-tw 更換
+charset common zh-tw utf-8
+check installation common zh-tw 檢查系統安裝狀態
+check now common zh-tw 立刻檢查
+chile common zh-tw 智利
+china common zh-tw 中國大陸
+choose a background color common zh-tw 選擇背景顏色
+choose a background color for the icons common zh-tw 選擇圖示的背景顏色
+choose a background image. common zh-tw 選擇背景圖片
+choose a background style. common zh-tw 選擇背景風格
+choose a text color for the icons common zh-tw 選擇圖示的文字顏色
+choose the category common zh-tw 選擇分類
+choose the parent category common zh-tw 選擇上一層分類
+christmas island common zh-tw CHRISTMAS ISLAND
+clear common zh-tw 清除
+clear form common zh-tw 清除表單
+click common zh-tw 點選
+click or mouse over to show menus common zh-tw 點選或是移動滑鼠來顯示選單
+click or mouse over to show menus? common zh-tw 點選或是移動滑鼠來顯示選單?
+close common zh-tw 關閉
+close sidebox common zh-tw 關閉其他選單
+cocos (keeling) islands common zh-tw COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
+colombia common zh-tw 哥倫比亞
+common preferences common zh-tw 一般設定
+comoros common zh-tw COMOROS
+company common zh-tw 公司
+congo common zh-tw 剛果
+congo, the democratic republic of the common zh-tw CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE
+contacting server... common zh-tw 與伺服器連線中...
+cook islands common zh-tw COOK ISLANDS
+copy common zh-tw 複製
+costa rica common zh-tw COSTA RICA
+cote d ivoire common zh-tw COTE D IVOIRE
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common zh-tw 無法連線伺服器,連線逾時!
+create common zh-tw 建立
+created by common zh-tw 建立者
+croatia common zh-tw 克羅地亞
+cuba common zh-tw 古巴
+currency common zh-tw 貨幣
+current common zh-tw 現在
+current users common zh-tw 線上使用者
+cyprus common zh-tw 賽普勒斯
+czech republic common zh-tw 捷克共和國
+date common zh-tw 日期
+date due common zh-tw 到期日期
+date selection: jscalendar zh-tw 選擇日期:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin zh-tw 時間服務埠。
(Port: 13 / Host:
+december common zh-tw 十二月
+default category common zh-tw 預設分類
+default height for the windows common zh-tw 預設視窗高度
+default width for the windows common zh-tw 預設視窗寬度
+delete common zh-tw 移除
+delete row common zh-tw 刪除列
+denmark common zh-tw 丹麥
+description common zh-tw 說明
+detail common zh-tw 詳細
+details common zh-tw 詳細
+diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common zh-tw 在PNG圖檔中停用IE 5.5或更新版本的修正來顯示透明效果
+direction left to right common zh-tw 方向由左至右
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common zh-tw 資料夾不存在、網頁伺服器無法讀取或是路徑並非相對於網頁根目錄!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common zh-tw 停用 IE png-image-bugfix
+disable slider effects common zh-tw 停用切換效果
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common zh-tw 在顯示或是隱藏選單的時候停用動態切換效果?Opera 與 Konqueror 的使用者可能必須這麼做。
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common zh-tw 停用為 IE 5.5 或更新版本設計的修正程式?這個程式的用意在讓 PNG 格式圖片能夠顯示透明效果。
+disabled common zh-tw 停用
+display %s first jscalendar zh-tw 先顯示 %s
+djibouti common zh-tw 吉布地
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common zh-tw 您確定要刪除所有的子分類?
+doctype: common zh-tw 文件類型:
+document properties common zh-tw 文件屬性
+document title: common zh-tw 文件標題:
+domain common zh-tw 網址
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common zh-tw 電子郵件信箱的網址, 例如: "%1"
+domestic common zh-tw 國內的
+dominica common zh-tw 多明尼加
+dominican republic common zh-tw 多明尼加共和國
+done common zh-tw 完成
+drag to move jscalendar zh-tw 拖曳移動
+e-mail common zh-tw 電子郵件
+east timor common zh-tw EAST TIMOR
+ecuador common zh-tw 厄瓜多爾
+edit common zh-tw 編輯
+edit %1 category for common zh-tw 編輯分類 %1 給
+edit categories common zh-tw 編輯分類
+edit category common zh-tw 編輯分類
+egroupware api version %1 common zh-tw eGroupWare API 版本 %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common zh-tw eGroupWare: 使用者鎖定 '%1', IP %2
+egypt common zh-tw 埃及
+el salvador common zh-tw EL SALVADOR
+email common zh-tw 電子郵件
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common zh-tw 使用者的電子郵件, 例: "%1"
+enabled common zh-tw 啟用
+end date common zh-tw 結束日期
+end time common zh-tw 結束時間
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin zh-tw 輸入eGroupWare的網址
例如:http://www.domain.com/egroupware 或 /egroupware
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common zh-tw 資料已成功移除
+entry updated sucessfully common zh-tw 資料已成功更新
+equatorial guinea common zh-tw EQUATORIAL GUINEA
+eritrea common zh-tw 厄立特里亞
+error common zh-tw 錯誤
+error creating %1 %2 directory common zh-tw 無法建立目錄 %1 %2
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common zh-tw 無法移除目錄 %1 %2
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common zh-tw 無法更名目錄 %1 %2
+estonia common zh-tw 愛沙尼亞
+ethiopia common zh-tw 衣索比亞
+everything common zh-tw 全部
+exact common zh-tw 解開
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common zh-tw 無法連線伺服器或是伺服器回應訊息有誤,請重試或是聯繫管理員。
+falkland islands (malvinas) common zh-tw FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
+faroe islands common zh-tw FAROE ISLANDS
+fax number common zh-tw 傳真號碼
+features of the editor? common zh-tw 編輯器的功能?
+february common zh-tw 二月
+fields common zh-tw 欄位
+fiji common zh-tw 裴濟
+files common zh-tw 檔案
+filter common zh-tw 篩選
+finland common zh-tw 芬蘭
+first name common zh-tw 名
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common zh-tw 使用者的名, 例如: "%1"
+first page common zh-tw 第一頁
+firstname common zh-tw 名
+fixme! common zh-tw 修正!
+folder already exists. common zh-tw 資料夾已經存在
+force selectbox common zh-tw 強制使用選取方塊
+france common zh-tw 法國
+french guiana common zh-tw 法國奎亞那
+french polynesia common zh-tw 法國玻里尼西亞
+french southern territories common zh-tw FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
+friday common zh-tw 星期五
+ftp common zh-tw FTP
+fullname common zh-tw 全名
+fullscreen mode common zh-tw 全螢幕模式
+gabon common zh-tw 加彭
+gambia common zh-tw 甘比亞
+general menu common zh-tw 一般選單
+georgia common zh-tw 喬治亞
+german common zh-tw 德國
+germany common zh-tw 德國
+ghana common zh-tw 迦納
+gibraltar common zh-tw GIBRALTAR
+global common zh-tw 全域
+global public common zh-tw 全域共用
+go today jscalendar zh-tw 回到今天
+grant access common zh-tw 存取權限開放
+greece common zh-tw 希臘
+greenland common zh-tw 格陵蘭
+grenada common zh-tw 格瑞那達
+group common zh-tw 群組
+group access common zh-tw 群組存取
+group has been added common zh-tw 群組已經新增
+group has been deleted common zh-tw 群組已經刪除
+group has been updated common zh-tw 群組已經更新
+group name common zh-tw 群組名稱
+group public common zh-tw 群組共用
+groups common zh-tw 群組
+groups with permission for %1 common zh-tw 群組具有 %1 的權限
+groups without permission for %1 common zh-tw 群組不具有 %1 的權限
+guadeloupe common zh-tw 哥德洛普
+guam common zh-tw 關島
+guatemala common zh-tw GUATEMALA
+guinea common zh-tw GUINEA
+guinea-bissau common zh-tw GUINEA-BISSAU
+guyana common zh-tw GUYANA
+haiti common zh-tw HAITI
+heard island and mcdonald islands common zh-tw HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
+height common zh-tw 高度
+help common zh-tw 協助
+high common zh-tw 高
+highest common zh-tw 最高
+holy see (vatican city state) common zh-tw HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
+home common zh-tw 首頁
+home email common zh-tw 家用信箱
+honduras common zh-tw HONDURAS
+hong kong common zh-tw 香港
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common zh-tw 在導覽列要顯示多少圖示(每頁的最上方),多出的圖示會顯示在另外一個導覽列最右方的下拉式選單
+hungary common zh-tw 匈牙利
+iceland common zh-tw 冰島
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common zh-tw 找不到 ieSpell ,點選是來前往下載頁面。
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common zh-tw 如果使用時鐘,更新的頻率是每秒還是每分?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common zh-tw 如果背景資料夾中有一些圖片,您可以選擇希望使用的一個。
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common zh-tw 相對於文件根目錄的圖片資料夾(使用 / !),例如:
+image url common zh-tw 圖片網址
+india common zh-tw 印度
+indonesia common zh-tw 印尼
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common zh-tw 在 %3 插入 %1 的 %2 筆聯絡人位址
+insert column after common zh-tw 欄位插在後面
+insert column before common zh-tw 欄位插在前面
+insert row after common zh-tw 列插在後面
+insert row before common zh-tw 列插在前面
+international common zh-tw 國際
+invalid filename common zh-tw 錯誤的檔案名稱
+invalid ip address common zh-tw 錯誤的IP位址
+invalid password common zh-tw 錯誤的密碼
+iran, islamic republic of common zh-tw IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
+iraq common zh-tw 伊拉克
+ireland common zh-tw 愛爾蘭
+israel common zh-tw 以色列
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common zh-tw 距離您上次更改密碼已經 %1 天了
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common zh-tw 建議您執行設定程式將資料表升級至目前的版本。
+italic common zh-tw 斜體
+italy common zh-tw 義大利
+jamaica common zh-tw 牙買加
+january common zh-tw 一月
+japan common zh-tw 日本
+jordan common zh-tw 約旦
+july common zh-tw 七月
+jun common zh-tw 六月
+june common zh-tw 六月
+justify center common zh-tw 置中
+justify full common zh-tw 全螢幕
+justify left common zh-tw 靠左
+justify right common zh-tw 靠右
+kazakstan common zh-tw 哈薩克
+kenya common zh-tw 肯亞
+keywords common zh-tw 關鍵字
+kiribati common zh-tw KIRIBATI
+korea, democratic peoples republic of common zh-tw 北韓
+korea, republic of common zh-tw 南韓
+kuwait common zh-tw 科威特
+kyrgyzstan common zh-tw KYRGYZSTAN
+language common zh-tw 語言
+language_direction_rtl common zh-tw language_direction_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common zh-tw LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
+last name common zh-tw 姓
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common zh-tw 使用者的姓,例: "%1"
+last page common zh-tw 最後一頁
+lastname common zh-tw 姓
+latvia common zh-tw 拉托維亞
+ldap-mgr common zh-tw LDAP管理員
+lebanon common zh-tw 黎巴嫩
+left common zh-tw 左
+lesotho common zh-tw 賴索托
+liberia common zh-tw 賴比瑞亞
+libyan arab jamahiriya common zh-tw LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
+license common zh-tw 版權
+liechtenstein common zh-tw 列支敦士敦
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common zh-tw 第 %1 行:'%2'
csv 資料欄位數量與資料表 %3 不同 ==> 略過
+list common zh-tw 列表
+list members common zh-tw 列出會員
+lithuania common zh-tw LITHUANIA
+local common zh-tw 本地
+login common zh-tw 登入
+loginid common zh-tw 登入帳號
+logout common zh-tw 登出
+low common zh-tw 低
+lowest common zh-tw 最低
+luxembourg common zh-tw LUXEMBOURG
+macau common zh-tw 澳門
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common zh-tw MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF
+madagascar common zh-tw MADAGASCAR
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common zh-tw 郵件網址, 例: "%1"
+main category common zh-tw 主要分類
+main screen common zh-tw 主畫面
+maintainer common zh-tw 維護者
+malawi common zh-tw MALAWI
+malaysia common zh-tw MALAYSIA
+maldives common zh-tw MALDIVES
+mali common zh-tw MALI
+malta common zh-tw MALTA
+march common zh-tw 三月
+marshall islands common zh-tw MARSHALL ISLANDS
+martinique common zh-tw MARTINIQUE
+mauritania common zh-tw MAURITANIA
+mauritius common zh-tw MAURITIUS
+max number of icons in navbar common zh-tw 導覽列最多顯示圖示數量
+may common zh-tw 五月
+mayotte common zh-tw MAYOTTE
+medium common zh-tw 中等
+menu common zh-tw 選單
+message common zh-tw 訊息
+mexico common zh-tw 墨西哥
+micronesia, federated states of common zh-tw MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
+minute common zh-tw 分
+moldova, republic of common zh-tw MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
+monaco common zh-tw MONACO
+monday common zh-tw 星期一
+mongolia common zh-tw MONGOLIA
+montenegro common zh-tw MONTENEGRO
+montserrat common zh-tw MONTSERRAT
+morocco common zh-tw MOROCCO
+mozambique common zh-tw MOZAMBIQUE
+multiple common zh-tw 多選
+myanmar common zh-tw MYANMAR
+name common zh-tw 名稱
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common zh-tw 使用者名稱,例: "%1"
+namibia common zh-tw NAMIBIA
+nauru common zh-tw NAURU
+nepal common zh-tw NEPAL
+netherlands common zh-tw NETHERLANDS
+netherlands antilles common zh-tw NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
+never common zh-tw 從未
+new caledonia common zh-tw NEW CALEDONIA
+new entry added sucessfully common zh-tw 成功新增資料
+new main category common zh-tw 新的主要分類
+new value common zh-tw 新數值
+new zealand common zh-tw 紐西蘭
+next common zh-tw 下一個
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar zh-tw 下一個月(按住滑鼠鍵)
+next page common zh-tw 下一頁
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar zh-tw 下一年(按住滑鼠鍵)
+nicaragua common zh-tw NICARAGUA
+niger common zh-tw NIGER
+nigeria common zh-tw NIGERIA
+niue common zh-tw NIUE
+no common zh-tw 否
+no entries found, try again ... common zh-tw 找不到任何資料,請重試
+no history for this record common zh-tw 這筆紀錄沒有歷史資料
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common zh-tw 沒有找到 Savant2 樣板資料夾:
+no subject common zh-tw 無主題
+none common zh-tw 無
+norfolk island common zh-tw NORFOLK ISLAND
+normal common zh-tw 正常
+northern mariana islands common zh-tw NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
+norway common zh-tw NORWAY
+not assigned common zh-tw 未分配
+note common zh-tw 備註
+notes common zh-tw 備忘
+notify window common zh-tw 提示視窗
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common zh-tw 提醒您的管理者來修正這個情況
+november common zh-tw 十一月
+october common zh-tw 十月
+ok common zh-tw 確定
+old value common zh-tw 原始值
+oman common zh-tw OMAN
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common zh-tw 在*nix系統請輸入:%1
+on mouse over common zh-tw 當滑鼠移過
+only private common zh-tw 只有私人的
+only yours common zh-tw 屬於您的資料
+open notify window common zh-tw 開啟警示視窗
+open popup window common zh-tw 開啟彈出式視窗
+open sidebox common zh-tw 開啟其他選單
+ordered list common zh-tw 已排序清單
+original common zh-tw 原本的
+other common zh-tw 其它
+overview common zh-tw 總覽
+owner common zh-tw 擁有者
+page common zh-tw 頁
+page was generated in %1 seconds common zh-tw 網頁花費 %1 秒產生
+pakistan common zh-tw PAKISTAN
+palau common zh-tw PALAU
+palestinian territory, occupied common zh-tw PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED
+panama common zh-tw PANAMA
+papua new guinea common zh-tw PAPUA NEW GUINEA
+paraguay common zh-tw PARAGUAY
+parcel common zh-tw 塊
+parent category common zh-tw 上一層分類
+password common zh-tw 密碼
+password could not be changed common zh-tw 無法修改密碼
+password has been updated common zh-tw 已成功更新密碼
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common zh-tw 密碼必須包含至少 %1 個小寫英文字母
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common zh-tw 密碼必須包含至少 %1 個數字
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common zh-tw 密碼必須包含至少 %1 個特殊字元
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common zh-tw 密碼必須包含至少 %1 個大寫英文字母
+password must have at least %1 characters common zh-tw 密碼必須包含至少 %1 個字元
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common zh-tw 使用者與群組的檔案路徑必須要在網站伺服器的網頁跟目錄之外!
+permissions to the files/users directory common zh-tw 檔案/使用者資料夾的權限
+personal common zh-tw 個人
+peru common zh-tw 祕魯
+philippines common zh-tw 菲律賓
+phone number common zh-tw 電話
+phpgwapi common zh-tw eGroupWare 核心
+pitcairn common zh-tw PITCAIRN
+please %1 by hand common zh-tw 請手動 %1
+please enter a name common zh-tw 請輸入名稱!
+please run setup to become current common zh-tw 請執行設定程式以到目前的
+please select common zh-tw 請選擇
+please set your global preferences common zh-tw 請設定您的全域設定
+please set your preferences for this application common zh-tw 請設定這個應用程式的個人喜好設定
+please wait... common zh-tw 請等待...
+poland common zh-tw 波瀾
+portugal common zh-tw PORTUGAL
+postal common zh-tw 郵遞區號
+powered by common zh-tw 系統提供
+powered by egroupware version %1 common zh-tw 系統為 eGroupWare 版本 %1
+preferences common zh-tw 喜好設定
+preferences for the idots template set common zh-tw idots樣板的設定
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar zh-tw 上一個月(按住滑鼠鍵)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar zh-tw 上一年(按住滑鼠鍵)
+previous page common zh-tw 上一頁
+primary style-sheet: common zh-tw 主要樣式表:
+print common zh-tw 列印
+priority common zh-tw 優先權
+private common zh-tw 私人
+programs common zh-tw 程式
+project common zh-tw 專案
+public common zh-tw 共用
+puerto rico common zh-tw PUERTO RICO
+qatar common zh-tw QATAR
+read common zh-tw 讀取
+read this list of methods. common zh-tw 讀取這個方法的列表
+reading common zh-tw 閱讀中
+regular common zh-tw 規則
+reject common zh-tw 拒絕
+remove selected accounts common zh-tw 移除選取的帳號
+remove shortcut common zh-tw 移除快速鍵
+rename common zh-tw 更名
+replace common zh-tw 取代
+replace with common zh-tw 取代於
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common zh-tw 傳回系統的完整帳號清單。注意:傳回的資料量可能非常多
+returns an array of todo items common zh-tw 傳回待辦事項所有項目成為陣列
+returns struct of users application access common zh-tw 傳回使用者應用程式存取架構
+reunion common zh-tw REUNION
+right common zh-tw 右
+romania common zh-tw ROMANIA
+russian federation common zh-tw RUSSIAN FEDERATION
+rwanda common zh-tw RWANDA
+saint helena common zh-tw SAINT HELENA
+saint kitts and nevis common zh-tw SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
+saint lucia common zh-tw SAINT LUCIA
+saint pierre and miquelon common zh-tw SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
+saint vincent and the grenadines common zh-tw SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
+samoa common zh-tw SAMOA
+san marino common zh-tw SAN MARINO
+sao tome and principe common zh-tw SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
+saturday common zh-tw 星期六
+saudi arabia common zh-tw SAUDI ARABIA
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common zh-tw Savant2 與解析器版本不同
Savants 版本: %2
+save common zh-tw 儲存
+search common zh-tw 搜尋
+search %1 '%2' common zh-tw 搜尋 %1 '%2'
+search accounts common zh-tw 搜尋帳號
+second common zh-tw 秒
+section common zh-tw 選擇
+select common zh-tw 選擇
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common zh-tw 選擇 %3 的所有 %1 %2
+select category common zh-tw 選擇分類
+select date common zh-tw 選擇日期
+select group common zh-tw 選擇群組
+select home email address common zh-tw 選擇家用信箱
+select multiple accounts common zh-tw 選擇多個帳號
+select one common zh-tw 選擇一個
+select the default height for the application windows common zh-tw 選擇應用程式視窗的預設高度
+select the default width for the application windows common zh-tw 選擇應用程式視窗的預設寬度
+select user common zh-tw 選擇使用者
+select work email address common zh-tw 選擇工作用信箱
+selection common zh-tw 選擇
+send common zh-tw 送出
+senegal common zh-tw SENEGAL
+september common zh-tw 九月
+serbia common zh-tw 瑟比雅
+server %1 has been added common zh-tw 伺服器 %1 已經完成新增
+server answered. processing response... common zh-tw 伺服器回應了,處理回應中...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common zh-tw 伺服器連上了,等待回應中...
+server name common zh-tw 伺服器名稱
+session has been killed common zh-tw 連線已被中斷
+setup common zh-tw 安裝
+setup main menu common zh-tw 安裝主要選單
+seychelles common zh-tw SEYCHELLES
+show all common zh-tw 顯示全部
+show all categorys common zh-tw 顯示全部類別
+show clock? common zh-tw 顯示時鐘?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common zh-tw 在選單顯示首頁與登出按鈕?
+show logo's on the desktop. common zh-tw 在桌面顯示圖示。
+show menu common zh-tw 顯示選單
+show page generation time common zh-tw 顯示網頁產生時間
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common zh-tw 將網頁產生時間顯示在頁尾?
+show page generation time? common zh-tw 顯示頁面產生時間?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common zh-tw 在桌面顯示 eGroupware 與 x-desktop 的 logo
+show_more_apps common zh-tw show_more_apps
+showing %1 common zh-tw 顯示 %1
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common zh-tw 顯示 %1 - %2 之 %3
+sierra leone common zh-tw SIERRA LEONE
+simple common zh-tw 簡單
+singapore common zh-tw 新加坡
+slovakia common zh-tw 斯洛伐克
+slovenia common zh-tw 斯洛法尼亞
+solomon islands common zh-tw SOLOMON ISLANDS
+somalia common zh-tw 索馬利亞
+sorry, your login has expired login zh-tw 抱歉,您的帳號已經過期
+south africa common zh-tw SOUTH AFRICA
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common zh-tw SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
+spain common zh-tw 西班牙
+sri lanka common zh-tw SRI LANKA
+start date common zh-tw 開始日期
+start time common zh-tw 開始時間
+start with common zh-tw 開始於
+starting up... common zh-tw 開始中...
+status common zh-tw 狀態
+stretched common zh-tw 樹狀
+subject common zh-tw 主題
+submit common zh-tw 送出
+substitutions and their meanings: common zh-tw 替代項目與他們的意義:
+sudan common zh-tw 蘇丹
+sunday common zh-tw 星期日
+suriname common zh-tw SURINAME
+svalbard and jan mayen common zh-tw SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
+swaziland common zh-tw SWAZILAND
+sweden common zh-tw 瑞典
+switzerland common zh-tw SWITZERLAND
+syrian arab republic common zh-tw SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC
+table properties common zh-tw 表格屬性
+taiwan common zh-tw 台灣/台北
+tajikistan common zh-tw TAJIKISTAN
+tanzania, united republic of common zh-tw TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF
+text color: common zh-tw 文字顏色:
+thailand common zh-tw 泰國
+the api is current common zh-tw 應用程式介面是最新的
+the api requires an upgrade common zh-tw 應用程式介面需要升級
+the following applications require upgrades common zh-tw 下列應用程式需要升級
+the mail server returned common zh-tw 郵件伺服器傳回
+this application is current common zh-tw 這個應用程式是最新的
+this application requires an upgrade common zh-tw 這個應用程式需要升級
+this name has been used already common zh-tw 這個名字已被使用!
+thursday common zh-tw 星期四
+tiled common zh-tw 展開
+time common zh-tw 時間
+time selection: jscalendar zh-tw 選取的時間:
+time zone common zh-tw 時區
+time zone offset common zh-tw 時區時差
+title common zh-tw 標題(職稱)
+to common zh-tw 到
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common zh-tw 為了在未來修正這個錯誤,您必須正確的設定
+to go back to the msg list, click here common zh-tw 點選這裡回到訊息清單
+today common zh-tw 今天
+todays date, eg. "%1" common zh-tw 今天日期, 例: "%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar zh-tw 每星期的第一天
+togo common zh-tw TOGO
+tokelau common zh-tw TOKELAU
+tonga common zh-tw TONGA
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common zh-tw 太多錯誤的登入:%1 使用者 '%2', %3 IP %4
+top common zh-tw 頂部
+total common zh-tw 總計
+transparant bg for the icons? common zh-tw 圖示背景透明?
+trinidad and tobago common zh-tw TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
+tuesday common zh-tw 星期二
+tunisia common zh-tw TUNISIA
+turkey common zh-tw TURKEY
+turkmenistan common zh-tw TURKMENISTAN
+turks and caicos islands common zh-tw TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
+tuvalu common zh-tw TUVALU
+type common zh-tw 類型
+uganda common zh-tw UGANDA
+ukraine common zh-tw UKRAINE
+underline common zh-tw 底線
+united arab emirates common zh-tw UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
+united kingdom common zh-tw UNITED KINGDOM
+united states common zh-tw UNITED STATES
+united states minor outlying islands common zh-tw UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
+unknown common zh-tw 未知
+update common zh-tw 更新
+update the clock per minute or per second common zh-tw 更新時鐘頻率為每秒或是每分
+upload common zh-tw 上傳
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common zh-tw 上傳資料夾不存在,或是網頁伺服器無法寫入
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common zh-tw 上傳功能需要網頁伺服器能夠寫入這個資料夾!
+url common zh-tw 網址
+uruguay common zh-tw URUGUAY
+use button to search for common zh-tw 使用按鈕搜尋
+use button to search for address common zh-tw 使用按鈕搜尋通訊錄
+use button to search for calendarevent common zh-tw 使用按鈕搜尋行事曆事件
+use button to search for project common zh-tw 使用按鈕搜尋專案
+user common zh-tw 使用者
+user accounts common zh-tw 使用者帳號
+user groups common zh-tw 使用者群組
+user openinstance common zh-tw 使用者開放實例
+username common zh-tw 使用者名稱
+users common zh-tw 使用者
+users choice common zh-tw 使用者選擇
+uzbekistan common zh-tw UZBEKISTAN
+vanuatu common zh-tw VANUATU
+venezuela common zh-tw VENEZUELA
+version common zh-tw 版本
+viet nam common zh-tw 越南
+view common zh-tw 檢視
+virgin islands, british common zh-tw 英屬威京群島
+virgin islands, u.s. common zh-tw 美屬威京群島
+wallis and futuna common zh-tw WALLIS AND FUTUNA
+wednesday common zh-tw 星期三
+welcome common zh-tw 歡迎光臨
+western sahara common zh-tw WESTERN SAHARA
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common zh-tw 桌面空白區域使用的顏色
+what style would you like the image to have? common zh-tw 圖片使用的風格為何?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common zh-tw 當您選擇是,首頁與登出圖示會顯示在選單中。
+which groups common zh-tw 哪個群組
+width common zh-tw 寬度
+wk jscalendar zh-tw 週
+work email common zh-tw 工作信箱
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common zh-tw 您是否要在每個視窗的最下方顯示產生時間?
+writing common zh-tw 寫入中
+written by: common zh-tw 作者:
+year common zh-tw 年
+yemen common zh-tw 葉門
+yes common zh-tw 是
+you are required to change your password during your first login common zh-tw 您必須在第一次登入時修改您的密碼
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common zh-tw 您可以自訂編輯器要顯示的圖示與工具列。
+you have been successfully logged out login zh-tw 您已經成功登出。
+you have not entered a title common zh-tw 您尚未輸入標題
+you have not entered a valid date common zh-tw 您尚未輸入正確的日期
+you have not entered a valid time of day common zh-tw 您尚未輸入正確的時間
+you have not entered participants common zh-tw 您尚未輸入關係者
+you have selected an invalid date common zh-tw 您選擇了不合法的日期!
+you have selected an invalid main category common zh-tw 您選擇了錯誤的分類!
+you have successfully logged out common zh-tw 您已經成功登出了
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common zh-tw 您必須將網站伺服器使用者 '%1' 新增到群組 '%2'
+your message could not be sent!
common zh-tw 您的訊息無法送出!
+your message has been sent common zh-tw 您的訊息已經送出
+your search returned %1 matchs common zh-tw 搜尋到 %1 筆資料
+your search returned 1 match common zh-tw 搜尋到 1 筆資料
+your session could not be verified. login zh-tw 您的連線不合法。
+your settings have been updated common zh-tw 您的設定已經更新。
+zambia common zh-tw 尚比亞
+zimbabwe common zh-tw 辛巴威
+zoom common zh-tw 放大
+site configuration common zh-tw 網站設定
diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_zh.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_zh.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd92098fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_zh.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+%1 email addresses inserted common zh 已插入%1个电子邮件地址
+%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common zh Web 服务器无法执行%1!
+%1 manual common zh %1用户指南
+%1 start common zh %1开始
+%1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common zh %1选择另一个目录%2
或使得 Web 服务器可以写入%3
+%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common zh %1eGroupWare%2 是一个多用户、基于 Web 的以 %3PHP%4 为基础开发的工作组套件。
+(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar zh (Shift+)点击或拖放修改其值
+- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar zh - 点击任何时间部分以增加它
+- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar zh - 在任何一个按钮上保持按住鼠标键以加快选取。
+- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar zh - 或点击拖放快速选择。
+- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar zh - 或 Shift+点击减少
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar zh - 使用 %1 、%2 按钮选择月份
+- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar zh - 使用 %1 、%2 按钮选择年份
+00 (disable) admin zh 00 (禁用)
+1 day common zh 1 天
+1 hour common zh 1 小时
+1 month common zh 1 个月
+1 week common zh 1 星期
+13 (ntp) admin zh 13 (NTP)
+3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar zh 日期的简写
+3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar zh 月份的简写
+80 (http) admin zh 80 (http)
+about common zh 关于
+about %1 common zh 关于%1
+about egroupware common zh 关于 eGroupWare
+about the calendar jscalendar zh 关于该日历
+access common zh 访问
+access not permitted common zh 禁止访问
+account has been created common zh 账户创建成功
+account has been deleted common zh 账户已删除
+account has been updated common zh 账户已更新
+account is expired common zh 帐户已过有效期
+acl common zh ACL
+action common zh 操作
+active common zh 活动的
+add common zh 添加
+add %1 category for common zh 添加类别为
+add category common zh 添加类别
+add shortcut common zh 添加快捷键
+add sub common zh 添加子类别
+addressbook common zh 通讯簿
+admin common zh 系统管理
+administration common zh 系统管理
+afghanistan common zh 阿富汗
+albania common zh 阿尔巴尼亚
+algeria common zh 阿尔及利亚
+all common zh 全部
+all fields common zh 所有字段
+alphabet common zh a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
+alternate style-sheet: common zh 替代的样式表:
+american samoa common zh 东萨摩亚
+an error happened common zh 发生了错误
+an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common zh 现有的和 Web 服务器可读取的目录可启用图片浏览与上传。
+andorra common zh 安道尔共和国
+angola common zh 安哥拉
+anguilla common zh 安圭拉岛
+antarctica common zh 南极洲
+antigua and barbuda common zh 安提瓜和巴布达·
+application common zh 应用程序
+apply common zh 应用
+april common zh 四月
+are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common zh 确定要删除这些条目吗?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common zh 确定要删除该条目吗?
+argentina common zh 阿根廷
+armenia common zh 亚美尼亚
+aruba common zh 阿鲁巴岛
+august common zh 八月
+australia common zh 澳大利亚
+austria common zh 奥地利
+author common zh 作者
+autohide sidebox menu's common zh 自动隐藏侧栏菜单
+autohide sidebox menus common zh 自动隐藏侧边栏菜单
+automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common zh 是否自动隐藏侧栏菜单?
+automatically hide the sidebox menus? common zh 是否自动隐藏侧栏菜单?
+autosave default category common zh 自动保存为默认类别
+azerbaijan common zh 阿塞拜疆
+back common zh 返回
+back to user login common zh 返回登陆界面
+background color: common zh 背景颜色:
+backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common zh 备份目录'%1'对于 Web 服务器不可写
+bad login or password common zh 登录名或密码错误
+bahamas common zh 巴哈马群岛
+bahrain common zh 巴林群岛
+bangladesh common zh 孟加拉国
+barbados common zh 巴巴多斯岛
+bcc common zh 暗送
+belarus common zh 白俄罗斯
+belgium common zh 比利时
+belize common zh 伯利兹城
+benin common zh 贝宁湾
+bermuda common zh 百慕大群岛
+bhutan common zh 不丹
+blocked, too many attempts common zh 尝试次数过多,已封禁
+bold common zh 粗体
+bolivia common zh 玻利维亚
+border common zh 边框
+bosnia and herzegovina common zh 波黑
+botswana common zh 博茨瓦纳
+bottom common zh 底部
+bouvet island common zh 布维岛
+brazil common zh 巴西
+british indian ocean territory common zh 英属印度洋地区
+brunei darussalam common zh 文莱
+bulgaria common zh 保加利亚
+burkina faso common zh 布基纳法索
+burundi common zh 布隆迪
+calendar common zh 日历
+cambodia common zh 柬埔寨
+cameroon common zh 喀麦隆
+canada common zh 加拿大
+cancel common zh 取消
+cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common zh 不能替换%1,因为它是目录
+cant open '%1' for %2 common zh 无法在%2打开'%1'
+cape verde common zh 佛得角
+caption common zh 标题
+categories common zh 类别
+categories for common zh 编辑类别. 当前用户
+category common zh 类别
+category %1 has been added ! common zh 类别%1已添加!
+category %1 has been updated ! common zh 类别%1已更新!
+cayman islands common zh 开曼群岛
+cc common zh 抄送
+centered common zh 居中
+central african republic common zh 中非共和国
+chad common zh 乍得湖
+change common zh 更改
+charset common zh utf-8
+check installation common zh 检查安装
+check now common zh 立即检查
+chile common zh 智利
+china common zh 中国
+choose a background color common zh 选择背景颜色
+choose a background color for the icons common zh 选择图标背景颜色
+choose a background image. common zh 选择背景图片。
+choose a background style. common zh 选择背景风格。
+choose a text color for the icons common zh 选择图标文字颜色
+choose the category common zh 选择类别
+choose the parent category common zh 选择父类别
+christmas island common zh 圣诞岛
+clear common zh 清除
+clear form common zh 清除表单
+click common zh 点击
+click here to resume your egroupware session. common zh 点击这里恢复您的 eGroupWare 会话。
+click or mouse over to show menus common zh 点击或鼠标经过时显示菜单栏
+click or mouse over to show menus? common zh 点击或鼠标经过时显示菜单栏?
+click this image on the navbar: %1 common zh 在导航条:%1上点击该图片
+close common zh 关闭
+close sidebox common zh 关闭侧边栏
+cocos (keeling) islands common zh 科科斯(基灵)群岛
+colombia common zh 哥伦比亚
+common preferences common zh 通用参数选择
+comoros common zh 科摩罗
+company common zh 公司
+congo common zh 刚果
+congo, the democratic republic of the common zh 刚果民主共和国
+contacting server... common zh 正在联系服务器...
+cook islands common zh 库克群岛
+copy common zh 复制
+costa rica common zh 哥斯达黎加
+cote d ivoire common zh 科特迪瓦
+could not contact server. operation timed out! common zh 无法连接服务器,操作超时!
+create common zh 创建
+created by common zh 创建者
+croatia common zh 克罗地亚
+cuba common zh 古巴
+currency common zh 货币
+current common zh 当前
+current users common zh 当前用户
+cyprus common zh 塞浦路斯
+czech republic common zh 捷克斯洛伐克共和国
+database error common zh 数据库错误
+database error! common zh 数据库错误!
+date common zh 日期
+date due common zh 到期日
+date selection: jscalendar zh 日期选择:
+datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin zh 日期时间端口。
+december common zh 十二月
+default category common zh 默认显示类别
+default height for the windows common zh 默认窗口高度
+default width for the windows common zh 默认窗口宽度
+delete common zh 删除
+delete row common zh 删除行
+denmark common zh 丹麦
+description common zh 描述
+detail common zh 详细信息
+details common zh 详细信息
+dhtml date/time selector jscalendar zh DHTML 日期/时间选择器
+direction left to right common zh 由左到右
+directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common zh 目录不存在、对于Web服务器不可读或不是相对的文档根目录!
+disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common zh 禁用 Internet Explorer 浏览器的 PNG 图片修正脚本
+disable slider effects common zh 禁用滑动效果
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common zh 是否禁用显示或隐藏菜单的滑动效果?建议 Opera 和 Konqueror 的用户选择禁用。
+disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common zh 在页面显示或隐藏菜单时禁用动画效果?Opera 和 Konqueror 用户也许必须这样做。
+disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common zh 禁用为使 Internet Explorer 5.5 或更高版本能够显示透明的 PNG 图片的修复脚本?
+disabled common zh 已禁用
+display %s first jscalendar zh 首先显示%s
+distributed under gnu lgpl. see http://gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html for details. jscalendar zh 在 GNU LGPL. 条款下分发,详见 http://gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html。
+djibouti common zh 吉布提
+do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common zh 确定也要删除所有的子类别吗?
+doctype: common zh 文件类型:
+document properties common zh 文件属性
+document title: common zh 文件标题:
+domain common zh 域
+domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common zh 邮件地址的域名,例如:"%1"
+domestic common zh 国内
+dominica common zh 多米尼加
+dominican republic common zh 多米尼加共和国
+done common zh 完成
+drag to move jscalendar zh 拖动
+e-mail common zh 电子邮件
+east timor common zh 东帝汶
+ecuador common zh 厄瓜多尔
+edit common zh 编辑
+edit %1 category for common zh 编辑类别%1为
+edit categories common zh 类别编辑
+edit category common zh 类别编辑
+egroupware api version common zh eGroupWare API 版本
+egroupware api version %1 common zh eGroupWare API 版本 %1
+egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common zh eGroupWare:用户'%1',IP地址%2已被禁止登录
+egypt common zh 埃及
+el salvador common zh 萨尔瓦多
+email common zh 电子邮件
+email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common zh 用户的电子邮件地址,例如:"%1"
+emailadmin common zh 邮箱管理
+enabled common zh 已启用
+end date common zh 终止日期
+end time common zh 终止时间
+enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash admin zh 输入eGroupWare 网址。
例如:http://www.domain.com/egroupware 或 /egroupware
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common zh 条目已删除
+entry not found! common zh 条目没找到!
+entry updated sucessfully common zh 条目已更新
+equatorial guinea common zh 赤道几内亚
+eritrea common zh 厄立特里亚
+error common zh 错误
+error creating %1 %2 directory common zh 创建目录%1 %2时出错
+error deleting %1 %2 directory common zh 删除目录%1 %2时出错
+error renaming %1 %2 directory common zh 重命名目录%1 %2时出错
+estonia common zh 爱沙尼亚
+ethiopia common zh 埃塞俄比亚
+everything common zh 全部
+exact common zh 准确的
+failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common zh 未能连接服务器或由于服务器的错误回应。请重试或联系管理员。
+falkland islands (malvinas) common zh 福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯)
+faroe islands common zh 法罗群岛
+fax number common zh 传真号码
+features of the editor? common zh 编辑器界面特征?
+february common zh 二月
+fields common zh 字段
+fiji common zh 斐济
+files common zh 文件
+filter common zh 筛选
+finland common zh 芬兰
+first name common zh 名
+first name of the user, eg. "%1" common zh 用户的‘名’,例如:"%1"
+first page common zh 第一页
+firstname common zh 名
+fixme! common zh FIXME!
+folder already exists. common zh 文件夹已存在。
+for latest version visit: http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl jscalendar zh 了解最新版本请访问:http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl
+force selectbox common zh 必选框
+forever common zh 始终
+france common zh 法国
+french guiana common zh 法属圭亚那地区
+french polynesia common zh 法属玻利尼西亚
+french southern territories common zh 法国南部地区
+friday common zh 星期五
+ftp common zh FTP
+fullname common zh 全称
+fullscreen mode common zh 全屏模式
+gabon common zh 加蓬
+gambia common zh 冈比亚
+general menu common zh 常规菜单
+georgia common zh 乔治亚州
+german common zh 德国
+germany common zh 德国
+ghana common zh 加纳
+gibraltar common zh 直布罗陀
+global common zh 全局
+global public common zh 全局公有的
+go today jscalendar zh 转到今天
+grant access common zh 授权访问
+greece common zh 希腊
+greenland common zh 格陵兰
+grenada common zh 格林纳达
+group common zh 组
+group access common zh 组访问
+group has been added common zh 组已添加
+group has been deleted common zh 组已删除
+group has been updated common zh 组已更新
+group name common zh 组名
+group public common zh 组公有的
+groups common zh 组
+groups with permission for %1 common zh 具有%1权限的组
+groups without permission for %1 common zh 不具有%1权限的组
+guadeloupe common zh 瓜德罗普岛
+guam common zh 关岛
+guatemala common zh 危地马拉
+guinea common zh 几内亚
+guinea-bissau common zh 几内亚比绍首都
+guyana common zh 圭亚那
+haiti common zh 海地
+heard island and mcdonald islands common zh 赫德与麦克唐纳群岛
+height common zh 高度
+help common zh 显示提示信息
+high common zh 高
+highest common zh 最高
+holy see (vatican city state) common zh 罗马教廷(梵蒂冈)
+home common zh 首页
+home email common zh 家庭 EMail
+honduras common zh 洪都拉斯
+hong kong common zh 香港
+how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common zh 将在导航栏(页面顶部)显示多少个图标。其它图标会放入一个下拉菜单中,通过点击导航栏最右侧的下拉图标可显示下拉菜单及其中的这些图标。
+how to show the general egroupware menu ? common zh 如何显示通用 eGroupWare 菜单
+hungary common zh 匈牙利
+iceland common zh 冰岛
+iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common zh ieSpell 未找到,点击确认前往下载页面。
+if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common zh 如果使用时钟,每秒还是每分钟更新?
+if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common zh 如果背景文件夹中有一些图片的话,您可以选择其中的一个您希望的。
+image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common zh 相对文档根目录的图片目录(使用:/),例如:
+image url common zh 图片网址
+india common zh 印度
+indonesia common zh 印度尼西亚
+insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common zh 将%2个联系人的全部%1个地址插入%3
+insert column after common zh 在之后插入栏
+insert column before common zh 在之前插入栏
+insert row after common zh 在之后插入行
+insert row before common zh 在之前插入行
+international common zh 国际
+invalid filename common zh 文件名不正确
+invalid ip address common zh IP地址无效
+invalid password common zh 密码无效
+iran, islamic republic of common zh 伊朗
+iraq common zh 伊拉克
+ireland common zh 爱尔兰
+israel common zh 以色列
+it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common zh 您的密码已经%1天没有更改了
+it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common zh 建议您运行安装程序来升级您的数据表至当前版本。
+italic common zh 斜体
+italy common zh 意大利
+jamaica common zh 牙买加
+january common zh 一月
+japan common zh 日本
+jordan common zh 约旦
+july common zh 七月
+jun common zh 六月
+june common zh 六月
+justify center common zh 居中
+justify full common zh 两端对齐
+justify left common zh 左对齐
+justify right common zh 右对齐
+kazakstan common zh 哈萨克斯坦
+kenya common zh 肯尼亚
+keywords common zh 关键词
+kiribati common zh 基里巴斯
+korea democratic peoples republic of common zh 朝鲜
+korea republic of common zh 韩国
+kuwait common zh 科威特
+kyrgyzstan common zh 吉尔吉斯坦
+language common zh 语言
+language_direction_rtl common zh language_direction_rtl
+lao peoples democratic republic common zh 老挝
+last name common zh 姓
+last name of the user, eg. "%1" common zh 用户的‘姓’,例如:"%1"
+last page common zh 最后一页
+lastname common zh 姓
+latvia common zh 拉脱维亚
+ldap-mgr common zh LDAP-管理
+lebanon common zh 黎巴嫩
+left common zh 左
+lesotho common zh 莱索托
+liberia common zh 利比里亚
+libyan arab jamahiriya common zh 利比亚
+license common zh 许可证
+liechtenstein common zh 列支敦士登
+line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common zh 第%1行:'%2'
csv 数据与数据表%3栏数不匹配 ==> 忽略
+list common zh 列表
+list members common zh 会员列表
+lithuania common zh 立陶宛
+local common zh 本地
+login common zh 登录
+loginid common zh 登录名
+logout common zh 注销
+lost login id common zh 忘记登录帐户
+lost password common zh 忘记密码
+low common zh 低
+lowest common zh 最低
+luxembourg common zh 卢森堡
+macau common zh 澳门
+macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common zh 马其顿王国
+madagascar common zh 马达加斯加岛
+mail domain, eg. "%1" common zh 邮件域,例如:"%1"
+main category common zh 主分类
+maintainer common zh 维护人员
+malawi common zh 马拉维
+malaysia common zh 马来西亚
+maldives common zh 马尔代夫
+mali common zh 马里
+malta common zh 马耳他
+march common zh 三月
+marshall islands common zh 马歇尔群岛
+martinique common zh 马提尼克岛
+mauritania common zh 毛里塔尼亚
+mauritius common zh 毛里求斯
+max number of icons in navbar common zh 导航栏中图标的最大数目
+may common zh 五月
+mayotte common zh 马约特岛
+medium common zh 中间
+menu common zh 菜单
+message common zh 消息
+mexico common zh 墨西哥
+micronesia, federated states of common zh 密克罗尼西亚联邦
+minute common zh 分
+moldova, republic of common zh 摩尔多瓦共和国
+monaco common zh 摩纳哥
+monday common zh 星期一
+mongolia common zh 蒙古
+montenegro common zh 蒙地纳哥
+montserrat common zh 蒙特塞拉特岛
+morocco common zh 摩洛哥
+mozambique common zh 莫桑比克·
+multiple common zh 多重
+myanmar common zh 缅甸
+name common zh 名称
+name of the user, eg. "%1" common zh 用户名,例如:"%1"
+namibia common zh 纳米比亚
+nauru common zh 瑙鲁岛
+nepal common zh 尼泊尔
+netherlands common zh 荷兰
+netherlands antilles common zh 荷兰属安的列斯群岛
+never common zh 从不
+new caledonia common zh 新克里多尼亚
+new entry added sucessfully common zh 新条目添加成功
+new main category common zh 新建主类别
+new value common zh 新值
+new zealand common zh 新西兰
+next common zh 下一个
+next month (hold for menu) jscalendar zh 下个月(保持按住菜单)
+next page common zh 下一页
+next year (hold for menu) jscalendar zh 明年(保持按住菜单)
+nicaragua common zh 尼加拉瓜
+niger common zh 尼日尔
+nigeria common zh 尼日利亚
+niue common zh 纽埃岛
+no common zh 否
+no entries found, try again ... common zh 条目找不到,请重试...
+no history for this record common zh 该记录无历史记录
+no savant2 template directories were found in: common zh 没没有找到 Savant2 模版目录:
+no subject common zh 无主题
+none common zh 无
+norfolk island common zh 诺福克岛
+normal common zh 普通
+northern mariana islands common zh 北马里亚纳群岛
+norway common zh 挪威
+not common zh 不
+not a user yet? register now common zh 还不是用户?现在注册
+not assigned common zh 未指定
+note common zh 备注
+notes common zh 附注
+notifications common zh 通知
+notify window common zh 通知窗口
+notify your administrator to correct this situation common zh 请通知管理员修复此情况
+november common zh 十一月
+october common zh 十月
+ok common zh 确定
+old value common zh 旧值
+oman common zh 阿曼
+on *nix systems please type: %1 common zh 在 *UNIX类系统上,请输入: %1
+on mouse over common zh 鼠标移至上面时
+only private common zh 仅私有
+only yours common zh 只有您
+oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common zh Oops! 您在系统维护中间捉住了我们。
+open notify window common zh 打开提示窗口
+open popup window common zh 打开弹出式窗口·
+open sidebox common zh 打开侧边栏
+ordered list common zh 排序列表
+original common zh 原来的
+other common zh 其它
+overview common zh 概览
+owner common zh 所有者
+page common zh 页
+page was generated in %1 seconds common zh 本页面生成耗时:%1秒
+pakistan common zh 巴基斯坦
+palau common zh 帕劳
+palestinian territory, occupied common zh 巴勒斯坦
+panama common zh 巴拿马
+papua new guinea common zh 巴布亚新几内亚
+paraguay common zh 巴拉圭
+parcel common zh 打包
+parent category common zh 父类别
+password common zh 密码
+password could not be changed common zh 无法更改密码
+password has been updated common zh 密码已更新
+password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common zh 密码必须包含至少 %1 个小写英文字母
+password must contain at least %1 numbers common zh 密码必须包含至少 %1 个数字
+password must contain at least %1 special characters common zh 密码必须包含至少 %1 个特殊字符
+password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common zh 密码必须包含至少 %1 个大写英文字母
+password must have at least %1 characters common zh 密码必须包含至少 %1 个字符
+path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common zh 用户和群组的文件路径必须在服务器根目录以外!
+permission denied! common zh 没有权限!
+permissions to the files/users directory common zh 文件/用户目录
+permisson denied! common zh 没有权限!
+personal common zh 个人
+peru common zh 秘鲁
+philippines common zh 菲律宾
+phone number common zh 电话号码
+phpgwapi common zh [eGW-API]系统核心
+pitcairn common zh 皮特凯恩
+please %1 by hand common zh 请手动%1
+please enter a name common zh 请输入名称!
+please run setup to become current common zh 请运行安装程序以成为当前
+please select common zh 请选择
+please set your global preferences common zh 请设置您的全局参数!
+please set your preferences for this application common zh 请为该应用程序设置用户参数!
+please wait... common zh 请稍候...
+please, check back with us shortly. common zh 对不起,稍后回来与我们检查。
+poland common zh 波兰
+portugal common zh 葡萄牙
+postal common zh 邮政
+powered by common zh Powered by
+powered by egroupware version %1 common zh Powered by eGroupWare 版本%1
+preferences common zh 参数选择
+preferences for the idots template set common zh Idots 模板的参数选择
+prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar zh 上个月(hold for menu)
+prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar zh 去年(hold for menu)
+previous page common zh 前一页
+primary style-sheet: common zh 主要样式表:
+print common zh 打印
+priority common zh 优先级
+private common zh 私有条目
+programs common zh 程序
+project common zh 项目
+public common zh 所有已授权者皆可访问
+puerto rico common zh 波多黎各
+qatar common zh 卡塔尔
+read common zh 读取
+read this list of methods. common zh 读取方法列表。
+reading common zh 读取中
+register common zh 注册
+regular common zh 常规
+reject common zh 拒绝
+remember me common zh 记住我
+remove selected accounts common zh 删除选取的账号
+remove shortcut common zh 移除快捷键
+rename common zh 重命名
+replace common zh 替换
+replace with common zh 替换与
+returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common zh 返回系统所有帐户的列表,注意:该列表可能很长
+returns an array of todo items common zh 返回一排待处理列表
+returns struct of users application access common zh 返回用户访问应用程序的结构
+reunion common zh 留尼旺
+right common zh 右
+romania common zh 罗马尼亚
+russian federation common zh 俄罗斯联邦
+rwanda common zh 卢旺达
+saint helena common zh 圣赫勒拿岛
+saint kitts and nevis common zh 圣基茨和尼维斯
+saint lucia common zh 圣卢西亚岛
+saint pierre and miquelon common zh 圣皮埃尔和密克隆
+saint vincent and the grenadines common zh 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
+samoa common zh 西萨摩亚
+san marino common zh 圣马力诺
+sao tome and principe common zh 圣多美和普林西比
+saturday common zh 星期六
+saudi arabia common zh 沙特阿拉伯
+savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common zh Savant2 版本不同于 Savant2 wrapper。
Savants 版本:%2
+save common zh 保存
+search common zh 搜索
+search %1 '%2' common zh 搜索%1 '%2'
+search accounts common zh 搜索账户
+search or select accounts common zh 搜索或选择帐户
+second common zh 秒
+section common zh 部分
+select common zh 选择
+select all %1 %2 for %3 common zh 为%3选择全部l%1%2
+select category common zh 选择分类
+select date common zh 选择日期
+select group common zh 选择组
+select home email address common zh 选择家庭邮件地址
+select multiple accounts common zh 选择多个账户
+select one common zh 选择一个
+select the default height for the application windows common zh 选择默认应用程序窗口高度
+select the default width for the application windows common zh 选择默认应用程序窗口宽度
+select user common zh 选择用户
+select work email address common zh 选择工作邮件地址
+selection common zh 选择
+send common zh 发送
+senegal common zh 塞内加尔
+september common zh 九月
+serbia common zh 瑟比雅
+server %1 has been added common zh 服务器%1已添加
+server answered. processing response... common zh 服务器已回应,正在处理中...
+server contacted. waiting for response... common zh 服务器已连接,等待回应...
+server name common zh 服务器名
+session has been killed common zh 会话已中止
+setup common zh 安装程序
+setup main menu common zh 安装主菜单
+seychelles common zh 塞舌尔
+show all common zh 全部显示
+show all categorys common zh 显示所有类别
+show as topmenu common zh 显示顶部菜单
+show clock? common zh 显示时钟?
+show home and logout button in main application bar? common zh 是否在应用程序导航栏显示主页和注销按钮?
+show in sidebox common zh 显示侧边栏
+show logo's on the desktop. common zh 在桌面显示标示。
+show menu common zh 显示菜单
+show page generation time common zh 显示页面的生成耗时
+show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common zh 是否在页面底部显示该页面生成所耗时间?
+show page generation time? common zh 显示页面的生成耗时?
+show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common zh 在桌面显示 eGroupware 和 x-desktop 的 logo。
+show_more_apps common zh show_more_apps
+showing %1 common zh 共有%1项
+showing %1 - %2 of %3 common zh 显示%3的%1 - %2
+sierra leone common zh 塞拉利昂
+simple common zh 精简
+singapore common zh 新加坡
+slovakia common zh 斯洛伐克
+slovenia common zh 斯洛文尼亚
+solomon islands common zh 所罗门群岛
+somalia common zh 索马里
+sorry, your login has expired login zh 抱歉,您本次登录已终止
+south africa common zh 南非
+south georgia and the south sandwich islands common zh 南乔治亚和南桑德韦奇群岛
+spain common zh 西班牙
+sri lanka common zh 斯里兰卡
+start date common zh 起始日期
+start time common zh 起始时间
+start with common zh 起始于
+starting up... common zh 正在启动...
+status common zh 状态
+stretched common zh 拉伸
+subject common zh 主题
+submit common zh 提交
+substitutions and their meanings: common zh 替代及其含义:
+sudan common zh 苏丹
+sunday common zh 星期日
+suriname common zh 苏里南
+svalbard and jan mayen common zh 斯瓦尔巴特和扬马延
+swaziland common zh 斯威士兰
+sweden common zh 瑞典
+switzerland common zh 瑞士
+syrian arab republic common zh 叙利亚阿拉伯共和国
+table properties common zh 表属性
+taiwan common zh 台湾省/中国台北
+tajikistan common zh 塔吉克斯坦
+tanzania, united republic of common zh 坦桑尼亚联合共和国
+text color: common zh 文字颜色:
+thailand common zh 泰国
+the api is current common zh 当前的应用编程接口(API)
+the api requires an upgrade common zh 应用编程接口(API)需要升级
+the following applications require upgrades common zh 以下应用程序需要升级
+the mail server returned common zh 退回邮件
+this application is current common zh 该应用程序当前在用
+this application requires an upgrade common zh 该应用程序需要升级
+this name has been used already common zh 该名称已被使用!
+thursday common zh 星期四
+tiled common zh 平铺
+time common zh 时间
+time selection: jscalendar zh 时间选择:
+time zone common zh 时区
+time zone offset common zh 时差
+title common zh 标题
+to common zh 到
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common zh 为今后更正该错误,您需要适当地设置
+to go back to the msg list, click here common zh 点击此处返回邮件列表
+today common zh 今天
+todays date, eg. "%1" common zh 当前日期,例如:"%1"
+toggle first day of week jscalendar zh 更改一周起始日
+togo common zh 多哥
+tokelau common zh 托克劳群岛
+tonga common zh 汤加
+too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common zh 登录失败次数过多:用户"%2" %1次,IP地址"%4" %3次
+top common zh 顶部
+total common zh 总计
+transparant bg for the icons? common zh 图标背景透明
+trinidad and tobago common zh 特立尼达和多巴哥
+tuesday common zh 星期二
+tunisia common zh 突尼斯
+turkey common zh 土耳其
+turkmenistan common zh 土库曼斯坦
+turks and caicos islands common zh 特克斯和凯科斯群岛
+tuvalu common zh 图瓦卢
+type common zh 类型
+uganda common zh 乌干达
+ukraine common zh 乌克兰
+underline common zh 下划线
+united arab emirates common zh 阿拉伯联合酋长国
+united kingdom common zh 英国
+united states common zh 美国
+united states minor outlying islands common zh 美属群岛
+unknown common zh 未知
+update common zh 更新
+update the clock per minute or per second common zh 按每秒或每分钟更新时钟
+upload common zh 上传
+upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common zh 上传目录不存在,或不可写
+upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common zh 上传目录必须为可写!
+url common zh 网址
+uruguay common zh 乌拉圭
+use button to search for common zh 使用按钮查找
+use button to search for address common zh 使用按钮查找地址
+use button to search for calendarevent common zh 使用按钮查找日记
+use button to search for project common zh 使用按钮查找项目
+user common zh 用户
+user accounts common zh 用户帐户
+user groups common zh 用户组
+user openinstance common zh 用户开放实例
+username common zh 用户名
+users common zh 用户
+users choice common zh 用户的选择
+uzbekistan common zh 乌兹别克斯坦
+vanuatu common zh 瓦努阿图
+venezuela common zh 委内瑞拉
+version common zh 版本
+viet nam common zh 越南
+view common zh 查看
+virgin islands, british common zh 英属维京群岛
+virgin islands, u.s. common zh 美属维京群岛
+wallis and futuna common zh 瓦利斯和富图纳群岛
+wednesday common zh 星期三
+welcome common zh 欢迎
+western sahara common zh 西撒哈拉
+what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common zh 桌面空白区域的颜色
+what style would you like the image to have? common zh 您喜欢什么样的图片风格?
+when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common zh 如果选择“是”,“首页”和“注销”图标将显示在应用程序工具条中。
+where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common zh 将在什么位置和如何以喜欢偏好显示 eGroupWare、关于及注销的链接。
+which groups common zh 哪一个组
+width common zh 宽度
+wk jscalendar zh 星期
+work email common zh 工作 EMail 地址
+would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common zh 您是否要在每个窗口下边显示生成时间?
+writing common zh 写入
+written by: common zh 作者:
+year common zh 年
+yemen common zh 也门
+yes common zh 是
+you are required to change your password during your first login common zh 首次登录,您必须更改密码
+you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common zh 您可以通过选项来定制编辑器显示多少个图标与工具栏。
+you have been successfully logged out login zh 注销成功
+you have not entered a title common zh 必须输入标题
+you have not entered a valid date common zh 输入的日期无效
+you have not entered a valid time of day common zh 输入的时间无效
+you have not entered participants common zh 必须输入参与者
+you have selected an invalid date common zh 选定的日期无效!
+you have selected an invalid main category common zh 选定的主类别无效!
+you have successfully logged out common zh 注销成功
+you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common zh 您必须将Web服务器的用户'%1'添加到用户组'%2'。
+you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common zh 您必须具备eGroupWare管理员身份才能访问此功能!
+you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common zh 你试图打开eGroupWare应用程序:%1,但您没有访问该应用程序的权限。
+your message could not be sent!
common zh 您的邮件无法发送!
+your message has been sent common zh 您的邮件已发送
+your search returned %1 matchs common zh 您的搜索返回%1个匹配结果
+your search returned 1 match common zh 您的搜索返回1个匹配结果
+your session could not be verified. login zh 本次会话无法校验。
+your settings have been updated common zh 您的设置已更新
+yugoslavia common zh 南斯拉夫
+zambia common zh 赞比亚
+zimbabwe common zh 津巴布韦
+zoom common zh 缩放
+site configuration common zh 站点配置