diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_de.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_de.lang index f623a9c4bf..5c20ff89bb 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_de.lang +++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_de.lang @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ oman common de OMAN on *nix systems please type: %1 common de Auf *nix Systemen bitte %1 eingeben on mouse over common de On Maus Over only private common de nur private -only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likly not be suppored! groupdav de Wird nur von einigen vollständigen Clients (z.B. von Apple) unterstützt. Wenn Sie eine URL eingeben müssen, wird es vermutlich nicht unterstützt! +only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav de Wird nur von einigen vollständigen Clients (z.B. von Apple) unterstützt. Wenn Sie eine URL eingeben müssen, wird es vermutlich nicht unterstützt! only yours common de nur eigene oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common de Hoppla! Sie haben uns in der Mitte einer Systemwartung erwischt. open common de Öffnen diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_en.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_en.lang index 31cd9debaf..5f7b91d2d7 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_en.lang +++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_en.lang @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ oman common en OMAN on *nix systems please type: %1 common en On *nix systems please type: %1 on mouse over common en On mouse over only private common en Only private -only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likly not be suppored! groupdav en Only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from Apple). If you have to enter a URL, it will most likly not be suppored! +only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav en Only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from Apple). If you have to enter a URL, it will most likely not be supported! only yours common en Only yours oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common en Oops! You caught us in the middle of system maintenance. open common en Open diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fi.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fi.lang index 955a63e18f..bf34e656df 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fi.lang +++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fi.lang @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ oman common fi OMAN on *nix systems please type: %1 common fi *nix-järjestelmissä voit kirjoittaa: %1 on mouse over common fi Hiirellä osoittamalla only private common fi Vain yksityiset -only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likly not be suppored! groupdav fi Toiminto tuettu vain muutamissa laitteissa. Jos URL täytyy syöttää, toiminto todennäköisesti ei ole tuettu. +only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav fi Toiminto tuettu vain muutamissa laitteissa. Jos URL täytyy syöttää, toiminto todennäköisesti ei ole tuettu. only yours common fi Vain omat oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common fi Hups... Huoltokatko meneillään! open common fi Avaa diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fr.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fr.lang index dd8cefa426..66397b3df3 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fr.lang +++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_fr.lang @@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ oman common fr OMAN on *nix systems please type: %1 common fr Sur les systèmes *nix SVP tapez: %1 on mouse over common fr Sur le relâchement du clic de la souris only private common fr seulement privés -only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likly not be suppored! groupdav fr Seulement supporté par les clients pleinement respectueux de la norme (ie. d'Apple). Si vous devez entrer une URL, cela ne sera probablement pas supporté. +only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav fr Seulement supporté par les clients pleinement respectueux de la norme (ie. d'Apple). Si vous devez entrer une URL, cela ne sera probablement pas supporté. only yours common fr Seulement les vôtres oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common fr Oups ! Vous êtes arrivé en pleine maintenance système. open common fr Ouvrir diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_it.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_it.lang index 6ed3a4928f..975fe697f0 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_it.lang +++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_it.lang @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ oman common it OMAN on *nix systems please type: %1 common it Sui sistemi *nix prego digita: %1 on mouse over common it Al passaggio del mouse only private common it solo privati -only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likly not be suppored! groupdav it Supportato solo da alcuni client conformi (p.es. Apple). Se devi inserire un URL, con ogni probabilità non sarà supportato! +only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav it Supportato solo da alcuni client conformi (p.es. Apple). Se devi inserire un URL, con ogni probabilità non sarà supportato! only yours common it solo personali oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common it Ops! Ci avete presi mentre stiamo facendo lavori di manutenzione! open common it Apri diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ru.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ru.lang index 72c9d14791..17016248c7 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ru.lang +++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_ru.lang @@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ oman common ru Оман on *nix systems please type: %1 common ru В *NIX-системах пожалуйста наберите: %1 on mouse over common ru При наведенном курсоре only private common ru только личные -only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likly not be suppored! groupdav ru полностью поддерживается только несколько совместимых клиентов(например от Apple).если вы введёте адрес,то скорей всего не поддерживается! +only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav ru полностью поддерживается только несколько совместимых клиентов(например от Apple).если вы введёте адрес,то скорей всего не поддерживается! only yours common ru только Ваши oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common ru Опс! Вы застукали нас прямо во время обслуживания системы. open common ru Открыть diff --git a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sk.lang b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sk.lang index f281b8a419..a8f47abdb1 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sk.lang +++ b/phpgwapi/lang/egw_sk.lang @@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ oman common sk OMÁN on *nix systems please type: %1 common sk Na *NIX systémoch prosím napíšte: %1 on mouse over common sk Pri namierení myši only private common sk iba súkromné -only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likly not be suppored! groupdav sk Podporované iba niektorými plne kompatibilnými klientmi (napr. od Apple). Ak musíte zadať URL, pravdepodobne to nebude podporované! +only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav sk Podporované iba niektorými plne kompatibilnými klientmi (napr. od Apple). Ak musíte zadať URL, pravdepodobne to nebude podporované! only yours common sk iba vaše oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common sk Ajajaj! Zastihli ste nás práve počas údržby systému. open common sk Otvoriť