diff --git a/debian/etc/apache.conf b/debian/etc/apache.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index eec8667bb2..0000000000
--- a/debian/etc/apache.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Alias /phpgroupware /usr/share/phpgroupware
- Options +FollowSymLinks
- AllowOverride None
- order allow,deny
- allow from all
- DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
- php3_magic_quotes_gpc On
- php3_track_vars On
- php3_include_path .:/etc/phpgroupware
- php_flag magic_quotes_gpc On
- php_flag track_vars On
- php_flag session.save_path /var/tmp/phpgroupware
- php_value include_path .:/etc/phpgroupware
diff --git a/debian/phpgroupware.conffiles b/debian/phpgroupware.conffiles
deleted file mode 100644
index 971b816a58..0000000000
--- a/debian/phpgroupware.conffiles
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/phpgroupware.config b/debian/phpgroupware.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 448d0bf916..0000000000
--- a/debian/phpgroupware.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
-db_version 2.0
-if [ -n "$2" ] ; then
- if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" le "0.9.14-0.RC1.1" ; then
- # Reset the passwords.
- db_reset "phpgroupware/header/password" || true
- db_reset "phpgroupware/configuration/password" || true
- db_reset "phpgroupware/db/user/password" || true
- db_reset "phpgroupware/header/password/confirm" || true
- db_reset "phpgroupware/configuration/password/confirm" || true
- db_reset "phpgroupware/db/user/password/confirm" || true
- # Set all of them as seen.
- db_fset "phpgroupware/header/password" "seen" "true" || true
- db_fset "phpgroupware/configuration/password" "seen" "true" || true
- db_fset "phpgroupware/db/user/password" "seen" "true" || true
- db_fset "phpgroupware/header/password/confirm" "seen" "true" || true
- db_fset "phpgroupware/configuration/password/confirm" "seen" "true" || true
- db_fset "phpgroupware/db/user/password/confirm" "seen" "true" || true
- fi
-if [ "$1" = "reconfigure" ] ; then
- # Rotate old configuration
- config="/etc/phpgroupware/header.inc.php"
- for i in $(seq 8 -1 0) ; do
- if [ -f ${config}.$i ]
- then mv ${config}.$i ${config}.$(($i +1))
- fi
- done
- mv ${config} ${config}.0
-db_capb backup
-while ! $finished ; do
- skip="false"
- forward=1
- backward=1
- password=""
- confirm=""
- case $step in
- 0) # Prompt user for notes.
- db_beginblock
- db_subst "phpgroupware/configuration/note" "site" `hostname -f`
- db_input low "phpgroupware/configuration/note" || true
- db_input high "phpgroupware/installation/note_0_9_13_14RC1" || true
- db_endblock
- backward=0
- ;;
- 1) # Ask for web server type.
- db_input medium "phpgroupware/webserver" || true
- ;;
- 2) # Prompt user for ``Header Admin'' password.
- db_fset "phpgroupware/header/password/mismatch" "seen" "flase" || true
- db_beginblock
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/header/password" || true
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/header/password/confirm" || true
- db_endblock
- ;;
- 3) # Check if passwords match.
- db_get "phpgroupware/header/password"
- password="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/header/password/confirm"
- confirm="$RET"
- if [ "$password" != "$confirm" ] ; then
- # Reset the template used.
- db_reset "phpgroupware/header/password" || true
- db_fset "phpgroupware/header/password" "seen" "false" || true
- db_reset "phpgroupware/header/password/confirm" || true
- db_fset "phpgroupware/header/password/confirm" "seen" "false" || true
- # Promt the user.
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/header/password/mismatch" || true
- # Do one step back anyway.
- forward=-1
- else
- # Do not prompt, go to the next step.
- skip="true"
- fi
- ;;
- 4) # Prompt for ``Setup/Config Admin'' password.
- db_fset "phpgroupware/configuration/password/mismatch" "seen" "false" || true
- db_beginblock
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/configuration/password" || true
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/configuration/password/confirm" || true
- db_endblock
- # Skip previous step
- backward=2
- ;;
- 5) # Check if passwords match.
- db_get "phpgroupware/configuration/password"
- password="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/configuration/password/confirm"
- confirm="$RET"
- if [ "$password" != "$confirm" ] ; then
- # Reset the template used.
- db_reset "phpgroupware/configuration/password" || true
- db_fset "phpgroupware/configuration/password" "seen" "false" || true
- db_reset "phpgroupware/configuration/password/confirm" || true
- db_fset "phpgroupware/configuration/password/confirm" "seen" "false" || true
- # Promt the user.
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/configuration/password/mismatch" || true
- # Do one step back anyway.
- forward=-1
- else
- # Do not prompt, go to the next step.
- skip="true"
- fi
- ;;
- 6) # Ask wich type of DB phpGroupWare should use.
- db_beginblock
- # The note is not critical, but i want user to understand the
- # installation process.
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/db" || true
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/db/type" || true
- db_endblock
- # Skip previous step.
- backward=2
- ;;
- 7) # Check for the DBMS type user wish to use.
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/type"
- dbtype="$RET"
- if [ $dbtype != "PostgresQL" -a $dbtype != "MySql" ] ; then
- # DB is neither PostgresQL nor MySql
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/db/setup/abort" || true
- # If user wish to go ahead anyway, skip the DB setup.
- onsuccess='db_set "phpgroupware/db/setup/skip" "true" || true ; finished="true"'
- fi
- ;;
- 8) # Ask on wich host the DBMS is installed.
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/db/host" || true
- # Skip previous step.
- backward=2
- ;;
- 9) # Check for the DBMS hostname (most for PostgresQL).
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/host" || true
- dbhost="$RET"
- # If DBMS is PostgresQL...
- if [ ${dbtype} = "PostgresQL" ] ; then
- # ... And is on localhost.
- if [ "${dbhost}" = "localhost" ] ; then
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/pgsql-allowip.sh
- if [ "$status" = "error" ] ; then
- # Some error occurred, so skip configuration.
- db_subst "phpgroupware/postgres/error" "error" "$error" || true
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/postgres/error" || true
- onsuccess='db_set "phpgroupware/db/setup/skip" "true" || true ; finished="true"'
- fi
- else
- # PostgresQL is on remote host, so...
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/postgres/remote" || true
- # If user wish to go ahead anyway
- onsuccess='db_set "phpgroupware/db/setup/skip" "true" || true ; finished="true"'
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- 10) # Get the database administrator name and password.
- db_beginblock
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/db/admin/name" || true
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/db/admin/password" || true
- db_endblock
- # Skip previous step.
- backward=2
- ;;
- 11) # Ask for DB name.
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/db/name" || true
- ;;
- 12) # Get the DBMS account username
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/db/user/name" || true
- ;;
- 13) # Get the DBMS account password
- db_fset "phpgroupware/db/user/password/mismatch" "seen" "false" || true
- db_beginblock
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/db/user/password" || true
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/db/user/password/confirm" || true
- db_endblock
- ;;
- 14) # Check if passwords match.
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/user/password"
- password="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/user/password/confirm"
- confirm="$RET"
- if [ "$password" != "$confirm" ] ; then
- # Reset the template used
- db_reset "phpgroupware/db/user/password" || true
- db_fset "phpgroupware/db/user/password" "seen" "false" || true
- db_reset "phpgroupware/db/user/password/confirm" || true
- db_fset "phpgroupware/db/user/password/confirm" "seen" "false" || true
- # Promt the user
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/header/password/mismatch" || true
- # Do one step back anyway.
- forward=-1
- else
- # Do not prompt, go to the next step.
- skip="true"
- fi
- ;;
- 15) # Ask for deleting all the database on package purge.
- db_input medium "phpgroupware/postrm" || true
- onsuccess='finished="true"'
- # Skip previous step
- backward=2
- ;;
- *)
- skip="true"
- message="Unknown step #$tep."
- if [ $step -lt 0 ] ; then
- step=-1
- elif [ $step -gt 11 ] ; then
- finished="true"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- if $skip ; then
- next=$(($step + 1))
- eval $onsuccess
- onsuccess=''
- else
- db_title "phpGroupWare" || true
- if db_go ; then
- next=$(($step + $forward))
- eval $onsuccess
- onsuccess=''
- else
- next=$(($step - $backward))
- onsuccess=''
- fi
- fi
- if $debug ; then
- db_subst "phpgroupware/debug" "debug" "$message" || true
- db_title "D: Step #$step"
- db_input critical "phpgroupware/debug" || true
- db_go
- db_fset "phpgroupware/debug" "seen" "false" || true
- fi
- step=$next
-exit 0
diff --git a/debian/phpgroupware.dirs b/debian/phpgroupware.dirs
deleted file mode 100644
index 200be990f9..0000000000
--- a/debian/phpgroupware.dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/phpgroupware.links b/debian/phpgroupware.links
deleted file mode 100644
index 131eb51746..0000000000
--- a/debian/phpgroupware.links
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-etc/phpgroupware/header.inc.php usr/share/phpgroupware/header.inc.php
-var/lib/phpgroupware/files usr/share/phpgroupware/files
diff --git a/debian/phpgroupware.postinst b/debian/phpgroupware.postinst
deleted file mode 100755
index 5101799018..0000000000
--- a/debian/phpgroupware.postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# postinst script for phpgroupware
-# see: dh_installdeb(1)
-set -e
-# summary of how this script can be called:
-# * `configure'
-# * `abort-upgrade'
-# * `abort-remove' `in-favour'
-# * `abort-deconfigure' `in-favour'
-# `removing'
-# for details, see /usr/share/doc/packaging-manual/
-. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
-db_version 2.0
-case "$1" in
- configure)
- # Update from old package.
- old="/var/www/phpgroupware/files"
- new="/var/lib/phpgroupware/files"
- if [ -d ${old} ] ; then
- for dir in users groups ; do
- rm -f ${old}/${dir}/dont_delete_me
- if [ -n "$(ls ${old}/${dir})" ] ; then
- mv -f ${old}/${dir}/* ${new}${dir}
- fi
- done
- fi
- rm -rf ${old}
- config="/etc/phpgroupware/header.inc.php"
- touch $config
- if [ ! -s $config ] ; then
- template="/usr/share/phpgroupware/header.inc.php.template"
- # Get the web server type.
- db_get "phpgroupware/webserver"
- webserver="$RET"
- case $webserver in
- Apache) webservers="apache" ;;
- Apache-SSL) webservers="apache-ssl" ;;
- Both) webservers="apache apache-ssl" ;;
- *) webservers="" ;;
- esac
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/php.get
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/apache-run.get
- # Set up web server.
- for server in $webservers ; do
- trustuser=$wwwuser
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/exim-trust.sh
- test "$status" = "trust" && restart="exim $restart"
- includefile="/etc/phpgroupware/apache.conf"
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/apache-include_all.sh
- test "$status" = "uncomment" -o "$status" = "include" && restart="$server $restart"
- for index in index.php index.php3; do
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/apache-index_all.sh
- test "$status" = "added" && restart="$server $restart"
- done
- done
- # Setup the database.
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/setup/skip"
- if [ "$RET" = "false" ] ; then
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/host"
- dbserver="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/name"
- dbname="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/admin/name"
- dbadmin="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/admin/password"
- dbadmpass="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/user/name"
- dbuser="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/user/password"
- dbpass="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/type"
- case "$RET" in
- PostgresQL) dbtype="pgsql" ;;
- MySql) dbtype="mysql" ;;
- mSQL) dbtype="mysql" ;;
- ODBC_compliant) dbtype="odbc" ;;
- Sybase) dbtype="sybase" ;;
- MSsql) dbtype="mssql" ;;
- Oracle) dbtype="oracle" ;;
- esac
- # User may have choosen to continue anyway
- # with the configuration, so:
- if [ "$dbtype" = "pgsql" -o "$dbtype" = "mysql" ] ; then
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/${dbtype}-createuser.sh
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/${dbtype}-createdb.sh
- fi
- fi
- # Get configuration passwords.
- db_get "phpgroupware/header/password"
- header_password="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/configuration/password"
- config_password="$RET"
- # Build phpgroupware header manager configuration file.
- perl -e "
- \$header_password = '$header_password' ;
- \$config_password = '$config_password' ;
- \$dbserver = '$dbserver' ;
- \$dbname = '$dbname' ;
- \$dbtype = '$dbtype' ;
- \$dbuser = '$dbuser' ;
- \$dbpass = '$dbpass' ;
- while (<>) {
- s#{SERVER_ROOT}#/usr/share/phpgroupware/# ;
- s#{INCLUDE_ROOT}#/usr/share/phpgroupware/# ;
- s/{ENABLE_MCRYPT}/false/ ;
- s/{MCRYPT_VERSION}/none/ ;
- s/{MCRYPT_IV}/none/ ;
- s/{HEADER_ADMIN_PASSWORD}/\$header_password/ ;
- s/{CONFIG_PASS}/\$config_password/ ;
- s/{DB_HOST}/\$dbserver/ ;
- s/{DB_NAME}/\$dbname/ ;
- s/{DB_TYPE}/\$dbtype/ ;
- s/{DB_USER}/\$dbuser/ ;
- s/{DB_PASS}/\$dbpass/ ;
- s/{DOMAIN_SELECTBOX}/false/ ;
- s/{DB_PERSISTENT}/false/ ;
- s/{SESSIONS_TYPE}/db/ ;
- print ;
- }
- " < $template > $config
- # Reset all the passwords
- db_reset "phpgroupware/header/password"
- db_reset "phpgroupware/configuration/password"
- db_reset "phpgroupware/db/user/password"
- chown www-data.www-data /var/lib/phpgroupware/files
- chmod -R ug+rw /var/lib/phpgroupware/files
- chmod -R o+w /var/lib/phpgroupware/files
- servers="exim apache-ssl apache mysql postresql"
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/restart.sh
- chown www-data.www-data $config
- chmod 600 $config
- fi
- ;;
- abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
- exit 0
- ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/debian/phpgroupware.postrm b/debian/phpgroupware.postrm
deleted file mode 100755
index aca9014708..0000000000
--- a/debian/phpgroupware.postrm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# postrm script for phpgroupware
-# see: dh_installdeb(1)
-set -e
-# summary of how this script can be called:
-# * `remove'
-# * `purge'
-# * `upgrade'
-# * `failed-upgrade'
-# * `abort-install'
-# * `abort-install'
-# * `abort-upgrade'
-# * `disappear' overwrit>r>
-# for details, see /usr/share/doc/packaging-manual/
-. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
-db_version 2.0
-db_get "phpgroupware/webserver" || true
-# Allows us to loop and substitute in one pass
-case $webserver in
- Apache) webservers="apache" ;;
- Apache-SSL) webservers="apache-ssl" ;;
- Both) webservers="apache apache-ssl" ;;
- *) webservers="" ;;
-case "$1" in
- purge)
- db_get "phpgroupware/postrm"
- if [ "$RET" = "true" ] ; then
- # Get database configuration
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/user/name"
- dbuser="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/user/password"
- dbpass="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/host"
- dbserver="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/name"
- dbname="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/admin/name"
- dbadmin="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/admin/password"
- dbadmpass="$RET"
- db_get "phpgroupware/db/type"
- case "$RET" in
- PostgresQL) dbtype="pgsql" ;;
- MySql) dbtype="mysql" ;;
- mSQL) dbtype="mysql" ;;
- ODBC_compliant) dbtype="odbc" ;;
- Sybase) dbtype="sybase" ;;
- MSsql) dbtype="mssql" ;;
- Oracle) dbtype="oracle" ;;
- esac
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/${dbtype}-dropuser.sh
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/${dbtype}-dropdb.sh
- rm -rf /var/lib/phpgroupware/
- fi
- rm -rf /etc/phpgroupware
- for server in $webservers ; do
- conffile="/etc/$server/httpd.conf"
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/apache-uninclude.sh
- if [ "$status" = "purge" ] ;
- then restart="$restart $server"
- fi
- done
- servers="exim apache-ssl apache mysql postresql"
- . /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/restart.sh
- for dir in /usr/share/phpgroupware-core /var/www/phpgroupware ; do
- if [ -d ${dir} ] ; then rm -rf ${dir} ; fi
- done
- ;;
- remove)
- for dir in /usr/share/phpgroupware-core /var/www/phpgroupware ; do
- if [ -d ${dir} ] ; then rm -rf ${dir} ; fi
- done
- ;;
- upgrade)
- for dir in /usr/share/phpgroupware-core /var/www/phpgroupware ; do
- if [ -d ${dir} ] ; then rm -rf ${dir} ; fi
- done
- ;;
- failed-upgrade|abort-install|abort-upgrade|disappear)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "postrm called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
- exit 0
- ;;
-# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
-# generated by other debhelper scripts.
-exit 0
diff --git a/debian/phpgroupware.templates b/debian/phpgroupware.templates
deleted file mode 100644
index 0900485bf7..0000000000
--- a/debian/phpgroupware.templates
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-Template: phpgroupware/configuration/note
-Type: note
-Description: Package configuration note.
- phpGroupWare can be and should be configured entirely via web, so, in the
- following configuration steps, I'm going to prompt you for the passwords that
- phpGroupWare uses for web configuration and some default values for the
- application startup. Then you should point your browser to the phpGroupWare
- setup, for example:
- .
- http://${site}/phpgroupware/setup
- .
- continue the configuration, fill the database and let phpGroupWare be aware of
- the installed modules.
-Template: phpgroupware/installation/note_0_9_13_14RC1
-Type: note
-Description: Installation Note.
- You can find new Upgrade/Install issues in
- /usr/share/doc/phpgroupware/README.Debian. Please, read it.
-Template: phpgroupware/header/password
-Type: password
-Description: Please, insert phpGroupWare 'Header Admin' password:
- 'Header Admin', is the section in which the phpGroupWare administrator can
- define the information which will let the application to 'start' (i.e. DBMS
- settings, directories location etc.)
-Template: phpgroupware/header/password/confirm
-Type: password
-Description: Please, retype the phpGroupWare 'Header Admin' password:
- Please, insert the 'Header Admin' password again. If the password you are
- going to retype mismatch the previous inserted one, I'll ask you to insert
- them again.
-Template: phpgroupware/header/password/mismatch
-Type: text
-Description: Passwords mismatch.
- The 'Header Admin' passwords you inserted mismatch. Please, try again.
-Template: phpgroupware/configuration/password
-Type: password
-Description: Please, insert the phpGroupWare 'Setup/Config Admin' password:
- The 'Setup/Config Admin' is the section in which the phpGroupWare
- administrator access the following facilities:
- .
- (1) Simple Application Management
- (2) Configuration (general)
- (3) Language Management
- (4) Advanced Application Management
-Template: phpgroupware/configuration/password/confirm
-Type: password
-Description: Please, retype the phpGroupWare 'Setup/Config Admin' password:
- Please insert the 'Setup/Config Admin' password again. If the password you
- are going to retype mismatch the previous inserted one, I'll ask you to
- insert them again.
-Template: phpgroupware/configuration/password/mismatch
-Type: text
-Description: Passwords mismatch.
- The configuration passwords you inserted mismatch. Please, try again.
-Template: phpgroupware/webserver
-Type: select
-Choices: Apache, Apache-ssl, Both, None
-Description: Which Web Server are you running?
- phpGroupWare supports any web server that php3/php4 does, but this
- configuration process only supports Apache and Apache-SSL. Feel free to submit
- any hint or patch that would help me in the setup of other Web Servers to
- phpgroupware@packages.qa.debian.org or wwwconfig-common@packages.qa.debian.org
-Template: phpgroupware/db
-Type: text
-Description: phpGroupWare DB setup NOTE.
- Now you should specify the DBMS settings. You must provide the host name on
- which the DBMS server is installed, the type (i.e. PostgresQL, MySql,
- mSQL etc.), the DB name, the DBMS administrator user-name, etc.
-Template: phpgroupware/db/host
-Type: string
-Default: localhost
-Description: Please, insert phpGroupWare DB host name:
- This should be the host-name or IP address that phpGroupWare will use to access
- the DB.
-Template: phpgroupware/db/type
-Type: select
-Choices: PostgresQL, MySql, mSQL, Sybase, Oracle, MicrosoftSQL, ODBC Compliant , none
-Description: Please, select phpGroupWare DB type:
- This is the name (and so the type) of The DBMS you will use.
- .
- NOTE: Debian only support PostgresQL and MySql for automatic system
- configuration. Other DBMS are either no more, not yet supported or proprietary one.
-Template: phpgroupware/db/name
-Type: string
-Default: phpgroupware
-Description: Please, insert phpGroupWare DB name:
- This is the name of the DB that phpGroupWare will use.
-Template: phpgroupware/db/user/name
-Type: string
-Default: phpgroupware
-Description: Please, insert the DBMS user-name to access the DB:
- This is the user-name that phpGroupWare will use to access the DB.
-Template: phpgroupware/db/user/password
-Type: password
-Description: Please, insert the password to access the DB:
- This is the password that phpGroupWare will use, along with user-name you
- provided, to access the DB.
-Template: phpgroupware/db/user/password/confirm
-Type: password
-Description: Please, retype the password to access the DB:
- Please insert the DB access password again. If the password you are going to
- retype mismatch the previous inserted one, I'll ask you to insert them again.
-Template: phpgroupware/db/user/password/mismatch
-Type: text
-Description: Passwords mismatch.
- The DB access passwords you inserted mismatch. Please, try again.
-Template: phpgroupware/db/admin/name
-Type: string
-Description: Please, insert the DBMS administrator user-name:
- This user-name will be used to access the DBMS to create (if needed):
- .
- (1) The DB
- (2) The new DBMS account that phpGroupWare will use to access the DB
- .
- It should be 'postgres' for PostgresQL or 'root' for MySql.
-Template: phpgroupware/db/admin/password
-Type: password
-Description: Please, insert the DBMS administrator password (if any):
- This is the password that will be used along with the DBMS administrator
- user-name.
- .
- NOTE: This password will not be asked twice, since it's not a new password.
-Template: phpgroupware/db/setup/skip
-Type: boolean
-Default: false
-Description: DB setup skipped.
- DB setup will be skipped.
-Template: phpgroupware/db/setup/abort
-Type: note
-Description: Abort DB setup.
- The DBMS type you selected is not supported; you should manually
- create and drop the DB and the DBMS account that phpGroupWare need.
- In any case I'll setup the configuration file
- (/etc/phpgroupware/header.inc.php).
-Template: phpgroupware/postgres/error
-Type: note
-Description: Abort DB setup.
- Sorry, but I'm unable to set up the PostgresQL configuration file to use it
- at localhost. Error message say:
- .
- ${error}
- .
- You should manually check the configuration of your PostgresQL. You can try
- to confgure phpGroupWare again later using the dpkg-reconfigure(1) command.
-Template: phpgroupware/postgres/remote
-Type: note
-Description: Abort DB setup.
- Your PostgresQL server is not on localhost, so, by now, you need to create the
- DBMS account and the DB by yourself.
-Template: phpgroupware/configuration/overwrite
-Type: boolean
-Default: false
-Description: Overwrite 'Header Admin' configuration?
- With the informations you are going to provide, I can setup the 'Header
- Admin' file (/etc/phpgroupware/header.inc.php). This may not be the most
- tuned setup, but phpGroupWare will work with the average system. If you say
- 'yes', I'll *ALWAYS* overwrite this file on any upgrade of this package. You
- can safely answer 'yes' by now, and disable this option later with the
- dpkg-reconfigure(1) commad.
-Template: phpgroupware/postrm
-Type: boolean
-Default: true
-Description: Delete *ALL*?
- Datas subjected to this question are the DBMS account, the DB and the
- phpGroupWare users ang group files. Do I have to delete *ALL* datas whenever
- the the phpgroupware package will be completely removed from the system?
-Template: phpgroupware/debug
-Type: text
-Description: DEBUG.
- ${debug}