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synced 2025-03-11 21:50:15 +01:00
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@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ business zip code addressbook de PLZ geschäftlich
calendar fields: addressbook de Kalender Felder:
calendar integration addressbook de Kalender Integration
calendar uri addressbook de Kalender URI
call addressbook de Videokonferenz
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin de Kann über Setup >> Konfiguration geändert werden
can't create dn %1 addressbook de dn %1 kann nicht erstellt werden
car phone addressbook de Autotelefon
@ -432,6 +433,7 @@ replacements for inserting contacts into documents addressbook de Platzhalter f
required fields * addressbook de unbedingt auszufüllende Felder *
role addressbook de Beruf
room addressbook de Raum
schedule a call addressbook de Videokonferenz planen
search letter addressbook de Suche nach Buchstaben
select a portrait format jpeg photo. it will be resized to 60 pixel width. addressbook de Wählen Sie ein hochformatiges jpeg Foto. Es wird 60 Pixel breit skaliert.
select a source address to be used in geolocation routing system addressbook de Legen Sie fest, wie der Startpunkt für die Routenplanung gesetzt wird.
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ business zip code addressbook en Business postal code
calendar fields: addressbook en Calendar fields:
calendar integration addressbook en Calendar integration
calendar uri addressbook en Calendar URI
call addressbook en Call
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin en Can be changed via Setup >> Configuration
can't create dn %1 addressbook en Can't create dn %1
car phone addressbook en Car phone
@ -432,6 +433,7 @@ replacements for inserting contacts into documents addressbook en Replacements f
required fields * addressbook en Required fields *
role addressbook en Occupation
room addressbook en Room
schedule a call addressbook en Schedule a call
search letter addressbook en Search letter
select a portrait format jpeg photo. it will be resized to 60 pixel width. addressbook en Select a portrait format jpeg photo. It will be re-sized to 60 pixel width.
select a source address to be used in geolocation routing system addressbook en Select a source address to be used in GeoLocation routing system
@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ notification messages for uninvited participants calendar de Benachrichtigungste
notification messages for your alarms calendar de Benachrichtigungstext für Ihre Alarme
notification messages for your responses calendar de Benachrichtigungstext für Ihre Antworten
notification settings calendar de Benachrichtigungseinstellungen
notify externals calendar de Externe Teilnehmer benachrichtigen
notify non-egroupware users about event updates calendar de Teilnehmer außerhalb EGroupware über Terminänderungen benachrichtigen?
number of records to read (%1) calendar de Anzahl der zu lesenden Datensätze (%1)
number of weeks to show calendar de Anzahl Wochen anzuzeigen
@ -626,6 +627,7 @@ user selectable css file for the calendar setup calendar de Benutzer können aus
users + groups: inviting both always requires an invite grant admin de Benutzer + Gruppen: Einladungen beider brauchen eine Freigabe
using already existing event on server. calendar de Benutze bereits existierenden Termin auf dem Server
utilities calendar de Zubehör
videoconference calendar de Videokonferenz
view exception calendar de Ausnahme anzeigen
view series calendar de Terminserie anzeigen
view settings calendar de Einträge anzeigen
@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ notification messages for uninvited participants calendar en Notification messag
notification messages for your alarms calendar en Notification messages for your alarms
notification messages for your responses calendar en Notification messages for your responses
notification settings calendar en Notification settings
notify externals calendar en Notify externals
notify non-egroupware users about event updates calendar en Notify non-EGroupware users about event updates
number of records to read (%1) calendar en Number of records to read (%1)
number of weeks to show calendar en Number of weeks to show
@ -626,6 +627,7 @@ user selectable css file for the calendar setup calendar en User selectable CSS
users + groups: inviting both always requires an invite grant admin en Users + groups: inviting both always requires an invite grant
using already existing event on server. calendar en Using already existing event on server.
utilities calendar en Utilities
videoconference calendar en Videoconference
view exception calendar en View exception
view series calendar en View series
view settings calendar en View settings
@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ user color indicator filemanager de Benutzer-Farbe
users and groups filemanager de Benutzer und Gruppen
versioning filemanager de Versionierung
vfs mounts and versioning common de VFS einhängen und versionieren
view link filemanager de Zeige Link
webdav link copied into clipboard filemanager de WebDAV-Link in die Zwischenablage kopiert
who should be allowed to finally delete deleted files or old versions of a file: filemanager de Wer soll gelöschte Dateien oder ältere Versionen endgültig löschen dürfen:
writable share link filemanager de Beschreibbare Freigabe-Link
@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ user color indicator filemanager en User color indicator
users and groups filemanager en Users and groups
versioning filemanager en Versioning
vfs mounts and versioning common en VFS mounts and versioning
view link filemanager en View link
webdav link copied into clipboard filemanager en WebDAV link copied into clipboard
who should be allowed to finally delete deleted files or old versions of a file: filemanager en Who should be allowed to finally delete deleted files or old versions of a file:
writable share link filemanager en Writable Share link
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ acl deleted. filemanager es-es Se ha borrado la ACL
actions filemanager es-es Acciones
add to clipboard filemanager es-es Añadir al portapapeles
administrators filemanager es-es Administradores
all files filemanager es-es Todos los ficheros
all files filemanager es-es Todos los archivos
all subdirectories filemanager es-es Todos los subdirectorios
all types filemanager es-es Todos los tipos
allow a maximum of the above configured folderlinks to be configured in settings admin es-es permitir un máximo de los enlaces configurados arriba para configurarse en las preferencias
and all it's childeren filemanager es-es y todos los subdirectorios
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ check all filemanager es-es Comprobar todo
check virtual filesystem common es-es Comprobar el sistema de ficheros virtual
clear search filemanager es-es Limpiar búsqueda
clipboard is empty! filemanager es-es ¡El portapapeles está vacío!
collab editor settings filemanager es-es Configuración del editor de collab
comment filemanager es-es Comentario
configuration changed. filemanager es-es Se ha modificdo la configuración.
confirm final delete filemanager es-es Confirmar eliminación final
@ -75,13 +77,20 @@ current directory filemanager es-es Directorio actual
custom fields filemanager es-es Campos personalizados
cut filemanager es-es cortar
cut to clipboard filemanager es-es Cortar al portapapeles
default action on double-click filemanager es-es Acción predeterminada al hacer doble clic
default behavior is no. the link will not be shown, but you are still able to navigate to this location, or configure this paricular location as startfolder or folderlink. filemanager es-es El comportamiento predeterminado es NO. El enlace no se mostrará, pero se podrá examinar la ubicación, o configurar esta ubicación en particular como carpeta de inicio o enlace.
default document to insert entries filemanager es-es Documento predeterminado para insertar entradas
delete these files or directories? filemanager es-es ¿Borrar estos ficheros o directorios?
delete this file or directory filemanager es-es Borrar este fichero o directorio
deleted %1 filemanager es-es Se ha borrado %1
defines how to handle double click action on a document file. images are always opened in the expose-view and emails with email application. all other mime-types are handled by the browser itself. filemanager es-es Define cómo manejar la acción de doble clic en un archivo de documento. Las imágenes siempre se abren en la vista de exposición y los correos-e con la aplicación de correo-e. Todos los demás tipos MIME son manejados por el navegador mismo.
defines how to open a merge print document filemanager es-es Define cómo abrir un documento de impresión combinado
delete all older versions and deleted files older then %s days filemanager es-es Suprime todas las versiones anteriores y archivos borrados hace más de %s días
delete these files or directories? filemanager es-es ¿Suprimir estos archivos o directorios?
delete these shares? filemanager es-es ¿Suprimir estas comparticiones?
delete this extended acl? filemanager es-es ¿Suprimir esta ACL extendida?
delete this file or directory filemanager es-es Suprimir este archivo o directorio
deleted %1 filemanager es-es Se ha suprimido %1
directories sorted in filemanager es-es Directorios ordenados en
directory filemanager es-es Directorio
directory "%1" not found! filemanager es-es ¡Directorio "%1" NO encontrado!
directory %1 already exists filemanager es-es El directorio %1 ya existe
directory %1 does not exist filemanager es-es El directorio %1 no existe
directory not found or no permission to access it! filemanager es-es No se encontró el directorio, o no tiene permiso para acceder a él
@ -95,14 +104,17 @@ do you want more information about epl subscription? common es-es ¿Desea más i
do you want to overwrite existing file %1 in directory %2? filemanager es-es ¿Desea sobreescribir el fichero existente %1 en el directorio %2?
do you want to overwrite the existing file %1? filemanager es-es ¿Desea sobreescribir el fichero existente %1?
download filemanager es-es Descargar
download documents filemanager es-es descargar documentos
edit comments filemanager es-es Editar comentarios
edit settings filemanager es-es Editar configuración
edit share filemanager es-es Editar compartición
enable filemanager es-es Activar
enable versioning for given mountpoint filemanager es-es Habilitar el control de versiones para un punto de montaje dado
enter setup user and password filemanager es-es Introducir usuario de configuración y contraseña
enter setup user and password to get root rights filemanager es-es Introduzca usuario de configuración y contraseña para obtener permisos de administrador
enter the complete vfs path to specify a fast access link to a folder filemanager es-es Introduzca la ruta VFS completa para especificar un acceso rápido a una carpeta
enter the complete vfs path to specify your desired start folder. filemanager es-es Introduzca la ruta VFS completa para especificar la carpeta de inicio deseada.
enter your file name filemanager es-es Introduzca su nombre de archivo
error adding the acl! filemanager es-es ¡Error al añadir la ACL!
error creating symlink to target %1! filemanager es-es ¡Error al crear el enlace simbólico al destino %1!
error deleting the acl entry! filemanager es-es ¡Error al borrar la entrada de la ACL!
@ -115,6 +127,8 @@ example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", fo
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller filemanager es-es Ejemplo {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family}} - Ejemplo: Mr Dr. James Miller
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role filemanager es-es Ejemplo {{NELF role}} - si el rol del campo no está vacío, obtendrá una línea nueva con el valor del rol del campo
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field filemanager es-es Ejemplo {{nenvlf role}} - si el rol del campo no está vacío, establece un salto de línea (LF) sin ningún valor del campo
excludes selected mime types filemanager es-es Excluye tipos MIME seleccionados
excludes selected mime types from being opened by editor filemanager es-es Excluye los tipos MIME seleccionados de ser abiertos por el editor
executable filemanager es-es Ejecutable
expires filemanager es-es Expira
export definition to use for nextmatch export filemanager es-es Exportar la definición a usar para exportar nextmatch
@ -127,6 +141,7 @@ file common es-es Archivo
file %1 already exists filemanager es-es El fichero %1 ya existe
file %1 could not be created. filemanager es-es No se pudo crear el fichero %1
file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filemanager es-es El fichero %1 puede ser demasiado grande. Póngase en contacto con su administrador para más información.
file a file is only available with an epl subscription. filemanager es-es Archiva-a-archivo solo está disponible con una suscripción EPL.
file deleted. filemanager es-es Se ha borrado el fichero
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager es-es Los nombres de fichero no pueden contener !%1"
file or directory not found! filemanager es-es ¡No se ha encontrado el fichero o directorio!
@ -136,9 +151,13 @@ filemanager configuration admin es-es configuración del administrador de archiv
filemanager fields: filemanager es-es Campos del administrador de archivos:
filename must not be empty! filemanager es-es ¡El nombre del fichero no debe estar vacío!
files common es-es Archivos
files from links filemanager es-es Archivos de enlaces
files from subdirectories filemanager es-es Ficheros de subdirectorios
files in this directory filemanager es-es Ficheros en este directorio
filesystem check reported no problems. filemanager es-es La comprobación del sistema de archivos no ha encontrado problemas
finally delete filemanager es-es Fnalmente suprimido
finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given directory.\n\nthis can not be undone! filemanager es-es Finalmente suprime todas las versiones anteriores y los archivos borrados en el directorio dado.\n\n¡Esto NO se puede deshacer!
finally delete this version filemanager es-es Finalmente suprime esta versión
fix reported problems filemanager es-es Corregir los problemas encontrados
folder up filemanager es-es Subir un directorio
for files linked to an application entry (inside /apps/appname/id/) the placeholders for that application are also available. see the specific application for a list of available placeholders. filemanager es-es Para los ficheros vinculados a una entrada de aplicación (dentro de /apps/appname/id/) los marcadores para esa aplicación también están disponibles. Vea la aplicación específica para una lista de marcadores disponibles.
@ -159,17 +178,22 @@ inherited filemanager es-es heredado
last accessed filemanager es-es Último accedido
link filemanager es-es Enlace
link %1: %2 filemanager es-es Enlace %1: %2
link into folder filemanager es-es Enlazar a carpeta
link target filemanager es-es Vincular destino
link target %1 not found! filemanager es-es ¡No se ha encontrado el enlace de destino %1!
list view filemanager es-es Vista de lista
location filemanager es-es Ubicación
log out as superuser filemanager es-es Cerrar sesión como superusuario
mail files filemanager es-es Enviar ficheros por correo
mail files filemanager es-es Enviar archivos por correo
mail paste filemanager es-es Pegar correo
max folderlinks admin es-es Número máximo de enlaces a carpetas
merge print open handler filemanager es-es Controlador abierto de impresión combinada
mime type filemanager es-es Tipo MIME
modified filemanager es-es Modificado
modified between filemanager es-es Modificado entre
modify all subdirectories and their content filemanager es-es Modificar todos los subdirectorios y su contenido
mount filemanager es-es Montar
mount /etemplates to allow customizing of etemplates filemanager es-es Monta /etemplates para permitir la personalización de eTemplates
mountpoints filemanager es-es Puntos de montaje
move filemanager es-es Mover
move into folder filemanager es-es Mover dentro de la carpeta
@ -182,9 +206,14 @@ no files in this directory. filemanager es-es No hay ficheros en este directorio
no preview available filemanager es-es No hay vista previa disponible
no version history for this file/directory filemanager es-es No hay historial para este fichero/directorio
noone filemanager es-es Nadie
older versions or deleted files filemanager es-es Versiones anteriores o archivos borrados
only owner can rename or delete the content filemanager es-es Sólo el propietario puede renombrar o borrar el contenido
open filemanager es-es Abrir
open documents with collabora, if permissions are given filemanager es-es abrir documentos con Collabora, si se otorgan permisos
open odt documents with collabeditor filemanager es-es abrir documentos odt con CollabEditor
operation filemanager es-es Operación
paste link filemanager es-es Pegar enlace
path %1 not found or not a directory! filemanager es-es ¡Ruta %1 no encontrada o no es un directorio!
percentage filemanager es-es Porcentaje
permission denied! filemanager es-es ¡Permiso denegado!
permissions filemanager es-es Permisos
@ -198,6 +227,7 @@ properties saved. filemanager es-es Se han guardado las propiedades.
quick jump to filemanager es-es Salto rápido a
read & write access filemanager es-es Derechos de lectura y escritura
read access only filemanager es-es Sólo derecho de lectura
readonly share link filemanager es-es Enlace de compartir en solo lectura
reload filemanager es-es recargar
rename of %1 to %2 failed! filemanager es-es ¡Fallo al renombrar %1 a %2!
rename, change permissions or ownership filemanager es-es Renombrar, cambiar los permisos o propietario
@ -222,6 +252,8 @@ select action... filemanager es-es Seleccionar acción...
select file to upload in current directory filemanager es-es Seleccionar el fichero a subir al directorio actual
select file(s) from vfs common es-es Seleccionar ficheros desde VFS
setting for document merge saved. filemanager es-es Se ha guardado la configuración para mezclar documentos.
share files filemanager es-es Compartir archivos
share link copied into clipboard filemanager es-es Compartir enlace copiado al portapapeles
shared files filemanager es-es Archivos compartidos
shared with filemanager es-es Compartido con
show filemanager es-es Mostrar
@ -234,6 +266,7 @@ show link "your home directory*" in side box menu?* filemanager es-es ¿Mostrar
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager es-es ¿Mostrar enlace al directorio base del administrador de archivos (/) en el menú lateral?
size filemanager es-es Tamaño
some functionalities require superuser permissions, please login here as filemanager superuser - allowed users are defined in setup. filemanager es-es Algunas funcionalidades requieren permisos de superusuario, inicie sesión aquí como superusuario administrador de archivos - los usuarios permitidos se definen en la configuración.
sqlfs statistics filemanager es-es Estadísticas sqlFS
start search filemanager es-es comenzar la búsqueda
startfolder filemanager es-es Carpeta de inicio
successful mounted %1 on %2. filemanager es-es %1 montado correctamente en %2
@ -247,6 +280,7 @@ the following document-types are supported: filemanager es-es Los siguientes tip
the requested path %1 is not available. filemanager es-es La ruta solicitada %1 no está disponible.
there's already a directory with that name! filemanager es-es ¡Ya existe un directorio con ese nombre!
there's already a file with that name! filemanager es-es ¡Ya existe un fichero con ese nombre!
tile view filemanager es-es Vista de teja
to overwrite the existing file store again. filemanager es-es Para sobreescribir el fichero existente, vuelva a guardar.
total files filemanager es-es Total ficheros
under directory filemanager es-es bajo el directorio
@ -258,11 +292,18 @@ upload fields filemanager es-es Subir campos
upload files filemanager es-es Subir ficheros
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. filemanager es-es Use esta estiqueta para etiquetas de direcciones. Ponga el contenido que desee repetir entre dos etiquetas.
used space filemanager es-es Espacio utilizado
user color indicator filemanager es-es Indicador de color del usuario
users and groups filemanager es-es Usuarios y grupos
versioning filemanager es-es Versionado
vfs mounts and versioning common es-es Montajes y versiones de VFS
webdav link copied into clipboard filemanager es-es Enlace WebDAV copiado en el portapapeles
who should be allowed to finally delete deleted files or old versions of a file: filemanager es-es A quién se le debe permitir suprimir definitivamente los archivos eliminados o las versiones antiguas de un archivo:
writable share link filemanager es-es Enlace de compratir escribible
wrong username or password! filemanager es-es ¡El usuario o contraseña son incorrectos!
you are not allowed to finally delete older versions and deleted files! filemanager es-es ¡NO le está permitido suprimir definitivamente versiones anteriores y archivos borrados!
you are not allowed to upload a script! filemanager es-es ¡NO tiene permiso para subir un script!
you can only grant additional rights, you can not take rights away! filemanager es-es ¡Sólo se pueden conceder permisos adicionales, NO recortar permisos!
you can use regular upload [+] button to upload files. filemanager es-es Puede usar el botón de carga regular [+] para cargar archivos.
you do not have access to %1 filemanager es-es No tiene acceso a %1
you need to become root, to enable or disable versioning on a directory! filemanager es-es ¡Debes convertirte en raiz para habilitar o deshabilitar el control de versiones en un directorio!
you need to select an owner! filemanager es-es ¡Necesita seleccionar un propietario!
@ -1,7 +1,24 @@
a quick note home bg Бърза бележка
birthday reminders home bg Напомняния за рожден ден
color home bg Цвят
configure home bg Конфигуриране
displays home home bg Показва начална страница
egroupware home bg EGroupware
entry home bg Вписване / Вход
favorite home bg Любим(и)
home home bg Начална страница (Home)
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. home bg Рожденият ден на %3 е след %1 дни (%2).
remove home bg премахване
list of entries home bg Списък на записите
remove home bg Премахване
remove default %1 home bg Премахване по подразбиране на %1
removed default home bg Премахнат(а) по подразбиране
set as default home bg По подразбиране
set default home bg Задаване по подразбиране
show a list of entries home bg Показване на списък с записи
show all the entries using a favorite home bg Показване на всички записи, като използвате "любими"
show one entry home bg Показване на един запис
single entry home bg Единичен запис
there is a new version of egroupware available home bg Налична е нова версия на EGroupware
today is %1's birthday! home bg Днес е рожденият ден на %1!
tomorrow is %1's birthday. home bg Утре е рожденият ден на %1!
yes, for the next three days home bg Да, за следващите три дни
@ -1,20 +1,152 @@
%1 definition(s) %2 importexport bg %1 дефиниция(и) %2
%1 definition(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! importexport bg %1 дефиниция(и) %2, %3 се провали поради недостатъчни права !!!
%1 definitions %2 importexport bg %1 определения %2
%1 is not a known user or group importexport bg %1 е неизвестен потребител или група
%1 is not readable importexport bg %1 не се чете.
%1 is not writable importexport bg %1 не може да се записва.
%1 records processed importexport bg %1 обработени записи.
%s all users importexport bg %s всички потребители
%s just me importexport bg %s само мен
(* for all) importexport bg (* за всички)
(0-23) importexport bg (0-23)
(0-6, 0=sun) importexport bg (0-6, 0=Sun)
*contact id cannot be changed by import importexport bg * ID за контакт не може да бъде променен чрез импортиране
add a new definition importexport bg Добавете ново определение
add an additional condition importexport bg Добавете допълнително условие
admin disabled exporting importexport bg Експортирането на администратор е деактивирано
all encodings importexport bg Всички кодировки
all users importexport bg Всички потребители
allowed users importexport bg Допуснати (разрешени) потребители
automatically created by importexport importexport bg Създаден(и) автоматично от Импорт | Експорт
basic csv import importexport bg Основен CSV импорт
change allowed users importexport bg Промяна на разрешените потребители
change owner when updating importexport bg Промяна на собственика при актуализиране
changed importexport bg Променен(и)
changed allowed_users importexport bg Променени разрешени потребители
changed owner importexport bg Променен собственик
charset of file importexport bg Символен набор на файла
check all importexport bg Маркира всички
choose a name for this definition importexport bg Изберете име за това определение
choose a plugin importexport bg Изберете плъгин
choose an application importexport bg Изберете приложение
choose fields to export importexport bg Изберете полета за експортиране
choose seperator and charset importexport bg Избор на разделител и символен набор
condition importexport bg условие
copied importexport bg копиран(и)
column mismatch. expected %1 columns, your file has %2. importexport bg Несъответствие при колоните. Очакват се %1 колони, файлът ви има %2.
column mismatch: %1 should be %2, not %3 importexport bg Несъответствие при колоните: %1 трябва да бъде %2, а не %3
condition importexport bg Условие
copied importexport bg Копиран(и)
create a <a href="%1">new definition</a> for this file importexport bg Създайте <a href="%1"> нова дефиниция </a> за този файл
create a matching export definition based on this import definition importexport bg Създайте съвпадение на определение за експорт, въз основа на това определение за импортиране
create export importexport bg Създайте експорт
created importexport bg Създаден
deleted importexport bg изтрит
export importexport bg експорт
exported importexport bg експортиран(и)
finish importexport bg край
csv field importexport bg CSV поле
database values importexport bg Стойности на базата данни
day of week importexport bg Ден от седмицата
define imports|exports common bg Определяне на Импорт | Експорт
definition importexport bg Дефиниция
delete all selected definitions importexport bg Изтриване на ВСИЧКИ избрани дефиниции
delete files after import importexport bg Изтриване на файловете след импортирането
deleted importexport bg Изтрит(и).
delimiter importexport bg Разделител
duplicate name, please choose another. importexport bg Дублирано име, моля изберете друго.
edit conditions importexport bg Редактиране на условията
edit definition <a href="%1">%2</a> to match your file importexport bg Редактирайте дефиницията <a href="%1">%2</a>, за да съответства на вашия файл
edit your file to match the definition: importexport bg Редактирайте файла си, за да съответства на определението:
errors importexport bg Грешки
execute importexport bg Изпълни
expert options importexport bg Експертни опции
export importexport bg Експорт
export all selected definitions importexport bg Експортира ВСИЧКИ избрани дефиниции
export data as importexport bg Експорт на данни като:
export definition to use for nextmatch export preferences bg Определение за експорт, което да се използва за nextmatch експорт
export spreadsheet importexport bg Експортиране на електронна таблица (Spreadsheet)
exported importexport bg Експортиран(и)
extra %1 importexport bg Допълнителни %1
extra charsets for import / export importexport bg Допълнителнен символен набор за внос / износ
extra encodings importexport bg Допълнителни кодировки
false importexport bg Грешен
field labels importexport bg Етикети на полета
field names importexport bg Имена на полета
fieldseperator importexport bg Разделител на полета
filters importexport bg Филтри
finish importexport bg Край
from definition importexport bg от дефиницията
from file importexport bg от файла
general preferences bg Общи
general fields: preferences bg Общи полета:
header lines to skip importexport bg Линии на хедър-а (заглавка), които да пропуснете
how to merge with existing data? for each record, all conditions are evaluated from top to bottom, or stop. for blind insert, leave blank. importexport bg Как да обединим съществуващите данни? За всеки запис, всички условия се оценяват отгоре надолу или спират.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export preferences bg Ако посочите дефиниция за експортиране, тя ще се използва, когато експортирате.
import importexport bg Импорт
import aborted importexport bg Импортирането прекъсна
import data is importexport bg Данните за импортиране са
import definition importexport bg Определение за Импорт
import definitions common bg Определения за Импорт
import definitions (attension: existing definitions with equal names will be overwritten!!!) importexport bg Определения за Импорт. Внимание: Съществуващите определения с еднакви имена ще бъдат презаписани!
imported importexport bg импортиран
importexport common bg Импорт | Експорт (Внос / Износ)
imports information from a csv file. this is only a base class, and doesn't do anything on its own. importexport bg Импортира информация от CSV файл. Това е само базов клас и не прави нищо самостоятелно.
include header importexport bg Включете хедър-а (заглавката)
just me importexport bg Само мен
last run importexport bg Последно изпълнение
load sample file importexport bg Зареждане на примерен файл
lock expired on previous run importexport bg Заключването изтече при предишно изпълнение
manage mapping importexport bg Управление на съответствията
preview importexport bg преглед
next importexport bg Следващ
next run importexport bg Следващо изпълнение
no custom field "%1" for %2. importexport bg Няма персонализирано поле "%1" за %2.
no matches importexport bg Няма съвпадения
no matching records importexport bg Няма съвпадащи записи
no notifications importexport bg Няма известия
no records selected importexport bg Няма избрани записи!
none found importexport bg Няма намерен(и)
old fixed definition preferences bg Стара фиксирана дефиниция
please select file to import importexport bg Моля, изберете файл, който да импортирате
plugin importexport bg Плъгин
preview importexport bg Преглед
preview not supported by %1 importexport bg Визуализацията не се поддържа от %1
previous importexport bg Предишно
problems during import: importexport bg Проблеми по време на импортиране:
save as definition importexport bg Запазване като определение
schedule common bg Програма (График)
schedule import / export common bg Програма Импорт | Експорт
schedule import | export importexport bg Програма Импорт | Експорт
schedule not found importexport bg Програмата не е намерена.
schedule times are server time! currently %s. importexport bg Времената на графика са време за сървър! В момента %s.
select definition importexport bg Изберете дефиниция
select groups importexport bg Изберете групи
select owner importexport bg Изберете собственик (автор)
select plugin importexport bg Изберете плъгин
select... importexport bg Изберете ...
set import values importexport bg Задайте стойности за импортиране
skipped importexport bg Пропуснат(и)
some nice text importexport bg Някакъв хубав текст
some records may not have been imported importexport bg Някои записи може да не са импортирани.
stop importexport bg Стоп
target importexport bg Цел
target examples: vfs://default/home/user/export.csv or http://server.net/prices.csv importexport bg Примерни цели: vfs://default/home/user/export.csv или http://server.net/prices.csv
target field importexport bg Целево поле
test only importexport bg Само тест
too many matches importexport bg твърде много съвпадения
translation importexport bg Превод
true importexport bg Вярно
try importexport bg Опит
unable to delete importexport bg Не може да бъде изтрит
unable to link to %1 "%2" importexport bg Не може да се свърже с %1 "%2"
unable to schedule importexport bg Не може да се планира.
update categories importexport bg Актуализиране на категории
update default-definitions importexport bg Актуализиране на дефинициите по подразбиране
use default importexport bg Използване на стойност по подразбиране
use definition filter importexport bg Използване на филтър за дефиниция
use field from csv if possible importexport bg Ако е възможно използвайте CSV поле
use search results common bg Използване на резултати от търсенето
user preference importexport bg Предпочитания на потребителя
user template folder importexport bg Папка с потребителски шаблон
users allowed to create their own definitions importexport bg Позволява на потребителите да създават свои собствени определения
users allowed to share their own definitions importexport bg Позволява на потребителите да споделят свои собствени определения
warnings importexport bg Предупреждения
what should be done with unknown values? importexport bg Какво трябва да се направи с неизвестни стойности?
which useres are allowed for this definition importexport bg Кои потребители могат да използват това определение
which users are allowed to use this definition importexport bg Кои потребители могат да използват това определение
you may want to <a href="%1" target="_new">backup</a> first. importexport bg Първо може да искате да <a href="%1" target="_new">backup</a>
you need to select an app and format first! importexport bg Първо трябва да изберете приложение и формат!
@ -238,8 +238,7 @@ forward messages to: mail bg Препращане на съобщения към
forward messages: mail bg Препращащи съобщения:
forward to mail bg препрати до
forward to address (*): mail bg Препрати до адрес (*):
forwarding of this message failed because the content of this message seems to be encrypted and can not be decrypted properly. if you still wish to forward content of this encrypted message, you may try to use forward as attachment instead. mail bg Предаването на това съобщение не бе успешно, изглежда че съдържанието на това съобщение е криптирано и не може да бъде дешифрирано правилно.
Ако все пак искате да препратите съдържание на това криптирано съобщение, можете да опитате като прикачен файл.
forwarding of this message failed because the content of this message seems to be encrypted and can not be decrypted properly. if you still wish to forward content of this encrypted message, you may try to use forward as attachment instead. mail bg Предаването на това съобщение не бе успешно, изглежда че съдържанието на това съобщение е криптирано и не може да бъде дешифрирано правилно.
forwards mail bg Препраща
from mail bg От
from(a->z) mail bg Подател (A->Z)
@ -283,6 +282,10 @@ imap mail bg IMAP
imap - incoming mail mail bg IMAP - входяща поща
imap administration mail bg IMAP администрация
imap server mail bg IMAP сървър
imap timeout mail bg Време за изчакване на IMAP
import message mail bg съобщение за импортиране
import of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 mail bg Импортирането на съобщение %1 не бе успешно. Не можа да се запише съобщение в папка %2 поради: %3
import of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist. mail bg Импортирането на съобщение% 1 не бе успешно. Дестинация папка% 2 не съществува.
inbox mail bg Входящи
junk mail bg Нежелани
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail bg запазване на копие от съобщението във Входящи
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
%1 has been removed from whiltelisted email addresses mail de %1 wurde als E-Mailadresse von der Whiteliste entfernt
%1 is not writable by you! mail de %1 ist nicht beschreibbar für Sie
%1 mails selected mail de %1 E-Mail(s) ausgewählt
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail de (*) Achtung: Weiterleitung an mehr als 4 E-Mail-Adressen, funktioniert bei den meisten Mailservern nicht. Daher ist das als Limit zur Eingabe festgelegt. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren sie Ihren Administrator.
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail de (*) Achtung: Eine Weiterleitung an mehr als 4 E-Mail-Adressen funktioniert bei den einigen Mailservern nicht. Daher ist das als Limit zur Eingabe festgelegt. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren sie bitte Ihren Administrator.
(*) wildcards (*,?) may be used. if you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). if you check "use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions. mail de (*) Platzhalter (*,?) können verwendet werden. Wenn Sie * oder ? selbst finden wollen, dann müssen Sie diesen Zeichen je einen Backslash (\) voranstellen. Wenn Sie "reguläre Ausdrücke verwenden" aktivieren, dann müssen Sie jedoch gültige reguläre Ausdrücke angeben.
(*) wildcards (*,?) may be used. if you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). if you check "use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions. in order to escape of exclamation mark (!) at the begining not being used as "not", use regex and backslash (\) (e.g. \!) mail de (*) Platzhalter (*,?) können verwendet werden. Wenn Sie * oder ? selbst finden wollen, dann müssen Sie diesen Zeichen je einen Backslash (\) voranstellen. Wenn Sie "reguläre Ausdrücke verwenden" aktivieren, dann müssen Sie jedoch gültige reguläre Ausdrücke angeben. Zur Verwendung von Ausrufezeichen (!), das NICHT als "NICHT" interprtiert werden soll, muss ein regulärer Ausdruck verwendet werden und ein Backslash - also "\!".
(leave empty for no quota) mail de (Leer lassen, um einen die Begrenzung zu deaktivieren)
@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ date(newest first) mail de Datum (neue zuerst)
date(oldest first) mail de Datum (alte zuerst)
deactive mail de Deaktiviert
default sorting order mail de Wählen Sie die Standard-Sortierreihenfolge aus.
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail de Standardwert für die Erinnerung an die S/MIME-Passphrase in Minuten
default your name and email common de z.B. Ihr Name und Ihre E-Mail-Adresse
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common de Definiert, was im Kopf des E-Mail-Postfach angezeigt werden soll.
delete folder mail de Ordner löschen
@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ if shown, which folders should appear on the home page mail de Welche E-Mail Ord
if subject contains:(*) mail de wenn Betreff enthält:(*)
if to contains:(*) mail de wenn An enthält:(*)
if you want to see a preview of a mail by single clicking onto the subject, enable this. mail de Wenn Sie die Vorschau einer E-Mail durch einfaches Anklicken sehen wollen, wählen Sie diese Option aus.
if you would like to select multiple folders in one action, you can hold ctrl key then select a folder as start range and another folder within a same level as end range, all folders in between will be selected or unselected based on their current status. mail de Wenn Sie mehrere Ordner einer Ebene selektieren wollen in einer Aktion, können sie mit der STR-Taste gedrückt den ersten und letzten Ordner auswählen. Dann werden alle Ordner dazwischen selektiert oder de-selektiert.
if you would like to select multiple folders in one action, you can hold ctrl key then select a folder as start range and another folder within a same level as end range, all folders in between will be selected or unselected based on their current status. mail de Wenn Sie mehrere Ordner einer Ebene selektieren wollen in einer Aktion, können sie mit der Strg-Taste gedrückt den ersten und letzten Ordner auswählen. Dann werden alle Ordner dazwischen selektiert oder de-selektiert.
imap mail de Posteingang-Server
imap - incoming mail mail de IMAP-Posteingang-Server
imap administration mail de Administrator IMAP-Server
@ -420,6 +421,7 @@ processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail de Das Ver
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously) admin de Vorschlagstext für eine Abwesenheitsnotiz (wenn noch kein eigener Benachrichtigungstext vorhanden ist)
quicksearch mail de Schnellsuche
quicksearch (with cc) mail de Schnellsuche (+ Kopie)
quota limit warning in megabyte (recommended value is 30 mb). mail de Quota-Limit-Warnung in MegaByte (empfohlener Wert ist 30 MB).
quota not provided by server mail de Quota wird vom Mailserver nicht unterstützt
quota: %1 mail de Quota: %1
read mail de gelesen
@ -569,7 +571,7 @@ subject(z->a) mail de Betreff (Z->A)
subscribe folder mail de Abonnieren
subscribe folder ... mail de Ordner abonnieren ...
subscribe to folder %1 mail de Ordner %1 abonieren
subscription folders mail de Ordner Abonnieren
subscription folders mail de Ordner abonnieren
subscription successfully saved. mail de Das Abonnieren der Ordner wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.
successfully connected mail de erfolgreich verbunden
switch off encryption? mail de Verschlüsselung ausschalten?
@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ date(newest first) mail en date(newest first)
date(oldest first) mail en date(oldest first)
deactive mail en Deactive
default sorting order mail en Default sorting order
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail en Default value for remembering S/MIME passphrase in minutes
default your name and email common en default your name and email
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common en Defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header
delete folder mail en Delete Folder
@ -420,6 +421,7 @@ processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail en Process
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously) admin en provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously)
quicksearch mail en quicksearch
quicksearch (with cc) mail en quicksearch (incl.CC)
quota limit warning in megabyte (recommended value is 30 mb). mail en Quota limit warning in MegaByte (recommended value is 30 MB).
quota not provided by server mail en Quota not provided by server
quota: %1 mail en Quota: %1
read mail en read
@ -380,6 +380,7 @@ prevent managing notifications mail es-es Impedir la gestión de notificaciones
prevent managing vacation notice mail es-es Impedir la gestión de aviso de vacaciones
preview pane mail es-es Panel de vista previa
primary profile mail es-es Perfil principal
printing mail es-es imprimiendo
printview mail es-es vista de impresión
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. mail es-es Error al procesar el archivo %1. No se cumplieron las restricciones básicas.
quicksearch mail es-es Búsqueda rápida
@ -388,6 +389,8 @@ quota not provided by server mail es-es Cuota no proporcionada por el servidor
quota: %1 mail es-es Cuota: %1
read mail es-es leer
readable mail es-es ilegible
real name mail es-es Nombre real
real name email mail es-es Nombre real [Correo-e]
reason! mail es-es ¡razón!
receive notification mail es-es Recibir notificación
recursively mail es-es Recursivamente
@ -434,9 +437,11 @@ save as draft and print mail es-es Grabar como borrador e imprimir
save as infolog mail es-es Grabar como registro de notas y tareas
save as ticket mail es-es Grabar como gestión (ticket)
save as tracker on send mail es-es Grabar como seguimiento al enviar
save email mail es-es Grabar correo-e
save message to disk mail es-es Grabar mensaje en el disco
save of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 mail es-es Error al guardar el mensaje %1. No se pudo guardar el mensaje en la carpeta %2 debido a: %3
save to disk mail es-es Grabar en el disco
save to filemanager mail es-es Grabar en el Administrador de archivos
save: mail es-es Grabar:
saves subscription changes mail es-es Grabar cambios de suscripción
saves this acl mail es-es Grabar esta lista de control de acceso
@ -91,7 +91,9 @@ extra sent folders mail ru Дополнительные каталоги отп
file into mail ru В файл
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 mail ru Файл отвергнут, no %2. Is:%1
filemanager mail ru ФайлМенеджер
flagged mail ru Отмечено флажком
flag / unflag mail ru Отметить/Cнять отметку
flag or unflag a mail mail ru Отметить/Cнять отметку сообщения
flagged mail ru Отмечено
folder mail ru Папка
folder settings mail ru Установки папки
force html mail ru Выводить как html
@ -136,7 +138,9 @@ less than mail ru Меньше чем
mail common ru Почта
mail settings mail ru Установки почты
mail source mail ru Источник почты
mark as deleted mail ru Отметить как стертое
mark all as read mail ru Пометить всё как прочитанное
mark all messages in folder as read mail ru Пометить всю папку как прочитанное
mark as deleted mail ru Пометить как удалённое
matches mail ru Совпадения
matches regexp mail ru Совпадает с регулярным выражением
message body mail ru Текст сообщения
@ -208,6 +212,7 @@ required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. mail ru Необходимы
restrict acl management admin ru Ограничение управления правами ACL
row order style mail ru Порядок сортировки строк
save all mail ru Сохранить всё
save as calendar mail ru Сохранить как событие Календаря
save as draft mail ru Сохранить как черновик
save as infolog mail ru Сохранить в ИнфоЖурнале
save as ticket mail ru Сохранить как запись Трекера
@ -219,10 +224,11 @@ saving of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist. mail ru Со
saving of message %1 succeeded. check folder %2. mail ru Сохранение сообщения %1 прошло успешно. Проверьте папку %2.
select all mail ru Выбрать все
select an existing entry in order to append mail content to it mail ru Выберите существующую запись для добавления в неё содержимого письма
select an item to read mail ru Выберите сообщение для просмотра
selected mail ru Выбранный
send message and move to send folder (if configured) mail ru Отправить сообщение и переместить в папку Отправленные
sender mail ru Отправитель
sent mail ru Отправлено
sent mail ru Отправленные
sent folder mail ru Отправленные
should new messages show up on the home page mail ru отображать новые сообщения на домашней странице
show all folders mail ru Отображать все каталоги
Reference in New Issue
Block a user