diff --git a/admin/setup/phpgw_zh.lang b/admin/setup/phpgw_zh.lang
index 3a2c80464f..690468ebf0 100644
--- a/admin/setup/phpgw_zh.lang
+++ b/admin/setup/phpgw_zh.lang
@@ -1,359 +1,360 @@
-%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin en %1 - %2 of %3 user accounts
-%1 not found or not executable !!! admin en 无法找到%1或无法执行 !!!
-(stored password will not be shown here) admin en (此处不显示保存过的密码)
-(to install new applications use
setup [manage applications] !!!) admin en (请使用
安装程序来安装新的应用程序 [Manage Applications] !!!)
-accesslog and bruteforce defense admin en 访问日志和字典攻击防御
-account active admin en 启用帐户
-account has been created common en 帐户创建成功
-account has been deleted common en 帐户已被删除
-account has been updated common en 帐户已经更新
-account list admin en 帐户列表
-account permissions admin en 帐户权限
-account preferences admin en 帐户个性化配置
-acl manager admin en ACL管理器
-acl rights admin en ACL权限
-action admin en 操作
-add a category admin en 添加类别
-add a group admin en 添加组
-add a new account. admin en 添加新帐户
-add a subcategory admin en 添加子类别
-add a user admin en 添加用户
-add account admin en 添加帐户
-add application admin en 添加应用程序
-add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin en 向该组添加自创建用户 (留空则使用默认设置.)
-add global category admin en 添加全局类别
-add global category for %1 admin en 为%1添加全局类别
-add group admin en 添加组
-add new account admin en 添加新帐户
-add new application admin en 添加新的应用程序
-add peer server admin en 添加对等服务器
-add sub-category admin en 添加子类别
-admin email admin en email管理
-admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin en 管理被通告封禁的email地址 (以逗号分隔),留空则不发送通告
-admin name admin en 名称管理
-administration admin en 系统管理
-admins admin en 系统管理
-after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin en 几次登录失败后,账户被封锁(默认值3)?
-after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? admin en 几次登录失败后,IP地址被封锁 ?
-all records and account information will be lost! admin en 所有的记录和账户信息都将丢失!
-all users admin en 所有用户
-allow anonymous access to this app admin en 允许匿名用户访问此应用程序
-anonymous user admin en 匿名用户
-anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin en 匿名用户(列举会话时不显示)
-appearance admin en 外观
-application admin en 应用程序
-application name admin en 应用程序名称
-application title admin en 应用程序标题
-applications admin en 应用程序
-applications list admin en 应用程序列表
-apply admin en 应用
-are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin en 确定要删除应用程序%1吗?
-are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin en 确定要删除该账户吗?
-are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin en 确定要删除该应用程序吗?
-are you sure you want to delete this category ? common en 确定要删除该类别吗?
-are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin en 确定要删除该全局类别吗?
-are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin en 确定要删除该组吗?
-are you sure you want to delete this server? admin en 确定要删除该服务器吗?
-are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin en 确定要中止该会话吗?
-async services last executed admin en 异步服务最近已执行过
-asynchronous timed services admin en 异步定时服务
-asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin en 异步服务尚未安装或其他错误(错误号:%1) !!!
-attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin en 在FTP中尝试使用正确的mimetype来替代默认的application/otect-stream
-authentication / accounts admin en 身份验证 / 账户
-auto create account records for authenticated users admin en 自动为通过身份验证的帐户创建记录
-back to the list admin en 返回列表
-bi-dir passthrough admin en bi-dir passthrough
-bi-directional admin en bi-directional
-bottom admin en 底部
-calculate next run admin en 计划下次运行
-can change password admin en 允许修改密码
-cancel testjob! admin en 取消测试任务!
-categories list admin en 类别列表
-category %1 has been saved ! admin en 类别%1已保存!
-category list admin en 类别列表
-change acl rights admin en change ACL Rights
-change config settings admin en 修改配置
-change main screen message admin en 修改主页面信息
-check ip address of all sessions admin en 检查所有会话的IP地址
-check items to %1 to %2 for %3 admin en Check items to %1 to %2 for %3
-country selection admin en 选择地区
-create group admin en 创建组
-crontab only (recomended) admin en crontab only (recomended)
-data admin en 数据
-day admin en 星期
-day of week
(0-6, 0=sun) admin en 星期
(0-6, 0=星期天)
-default admin en 默认值
-default file system space per user admin en 每个用户的默认文件系统空间
-default file system space per user/group ? admin en 每个用户/组的默认文件系统空间?
-deinstall crontab admin en 卸载 crontab
-delete account admin en 删除账户
-delete all records admin en 删除所有记录
-delete application admin en 删除应用程序
-delete category admin en 删除类别
-delete group admin en 删除组
-delete peer server admin en 删除对等服务器
-delete the category admin en 删除该类别
-delete the group admin en 删除该组
-delete this category admin en 删除这个类别
-delete this group admin en 删除这个组
-delete this user admin en 删除这个用户
-deny access to access log admin en 禁止对访问日志的访问
-deny access to application registery admin en 禁止访问应用程序注册项
-deny access to applications admin en 禁止访问应用程序
-deny access to asynchronous timed services admin en 禁止访问异步定时服务
-deny access to current sessions admin en 禁止访问当前会话
-deny access to error log admin en 禁止访问错误日志
-deny access to global categories admin en 禁止访问全局类别
-deny access to groups admin en 禁止访问组
-deny access to mainscreen message admin en 禁止访问主页面信息
-deny access to peer servers admin en 禁止访问对等进程
-deny access to phpinfo admin en 禁止访问PHP信息
-deny access to site configuration admin en 禁止访问站点配置
-deny access to user accounts admin en 禁止访问用户账户
-deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin en Deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ?
-description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin en 说明的长度不能超过255个字符!
-disable "auto completion" of the login form admin en 禁用登录框中的自动完成功能
-disabled (not recomended) admin en 禁用(不推荐)
-display admin en 显示
-do not delete the category and return back to the list admin en 请勿删除该类别,返回列表
-do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin en 确定也要删除所有的全局子类别吗?
-do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin en 确定要删除所有的全局子类别吗?
-do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin en 确定要把所有的全局子类别向下移动一级吗?
-edit account admin en 编辑账户
-edit application admin en 编辑应用程序
-edit global category admin en 编辑全局类别
-edit global category for %1 admin en 编辑全局类别%1
-edit group admin en 编辑组
-edit login screen message admin en 编辑登录页面信息
-edit main screen message admin en 编辑主页面信息
-edit peer server admin en 编辑对等服务器
-edit table format admin en 编辑表单格式
-edit this category admin en 编辑该类别
-edit this group admin en 编辑该组
-edit this user admin en 编辑该用户
-edit user admin en 编辑用户
-edit user account admin en 编辑用户账户
-enable debug-messages admin en 显示调试信息
-enabled - hidden from navbar admin en 在导航栏中隐藏
-enter a description for the category admin en 输入类别说明
-enter some random text for app_session
encryption (requires mcrypt) admin en 请随机输入一些文本,用于
-enter the background color for the login page admin en 请输入登录页面的背景颜色
-enter the background color for the site title admin en 请输入站点名称的背景颜色
-enter the file name of your logo admin en 请输入徽标文件的名称
-enter the full path for temporary files.
examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin en 请输入临时文件的完整路径。
例如: /tmp, C:\TEMP
-enter the full path for users and group files.
examples: /files, e:\files admin en 请输入用户和组的完整路径。
例如: /files, E:\FILES
-enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin en 请输入服务器所在主机的名称
-enter the location of phpgroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware or /phpgroupware
no trailing slash admin en 请输入phpGroupWare的网址。
例如: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware 或者 /phpgroupware
-enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin en 请输入要查找的字符串。要显示所有条目,此处留空并点击提交按钮
-enter the site password for peer servers admin en 请输入对等服务器站点的密码
-enter the site username for peer servers admin en 请输入对等服务器站点的用户名
-enter the title for your site admin en 请输入站点标题
-enter the title of your logo admin en 请输入徽标名称
-enter the url where your logo should link to admin en 请输入徽标所链接的网址
-enter your default ftp server admin en 请输入默认的FTP服务器
-enter your http proxy server admin en 请输入HTTP代理服务器
-enter your http proxy server port admin en 请输入HTTP代理服务器的端口号
-error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin en 取消定时器时出错,可能并没有设置定时器!!!
-error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin en 设置定时器时出错,语法不正确或定时器正在运行!!!
-error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin en 错误: 无法找到%1或其他原因!!!
-expires admin en 过期
-fallback (after each pageview) admin en 在每个页面请求后返回
-file space admin en 文件空间
-file space must be an integer admin en 文件空间必须为整数
-find and register all application hooks admin en 查找并注册所有应用程序Hooks
-for the times above admin en for the times above
-for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin en for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute)
-force selectbox admin en Force Selectbox
-global categories admin en 全局类别
-group ? admin en 组?
-group has been added common en 组添加成功
-group has been deleted common en 组已被删除
-group has been updated common en 组已经更新
-group list admin en 组列表
-group manager admin en 组管理
-group name admin en 组名称
-hide php information admin en 隐藏php信息
-home directory admin en 主目录
-host information admin en 主机信息
(0-23) admin en 小时
-how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin en 访问日志中的条目保留多久后删除(默认值90天)?
-how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? admin en 账户和IP地址的封禁时间(默认值30分钟)
-idle admin en 发呆
-if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin en If no ACL records for user or any group the user is a member of
-if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin en 如果使用LDAP,是否需要管理主目录和登录shell的属性?
-inbound admin en 入站
-install crontab admin en 安装crontab
-installed applications common en 已安装的应用程序
-installed crontab admin en 已安装的crontab
-interface admin en 接口
-ip admin en IP地址
-jobs admin en 任务
-kill admin en 中止
-kill session admin en 中止会话
-last %1 logins admin en 最近%1次登录
-last %1 logins for %2 admin en Last %1 logins for %2
-last login admin en 最近一次登录
-last login from admin en 最近一次登录来自
-last time read admin en 最近一次读取时间
-ldap accounts context admin en LDAP账户上下文关系
-ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin en LDAP默认主目录的前缀(例如 /home 是 /home/username的前缀)
-ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin en LDAP默认Shell (例如 /bin/bash)
-ldap encryption type admin en LDAP加密类型
-ldap groups context admin en LDAP组上下文关系
-ldap host admin en LDAP主机名
-ldap root password admin en LDAP系统管理员密码
-ldap rootdn admin en LDAP rootdn
-leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin en 不更改类别,返回列表
-leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin en 不更改组,返回列表
-list config settings admin en 列出配置
-list current sessions admin en 列举当前会话
-list of current users admin en 列举当前用户
-login history admin en 登录历史记录
-login message admin en 登录信息
-login screen admin en 登录页面
-login shell admin en 登录shell
-login time admin en 登录时间
-loginid admin en 登录ID
-main screen message admin en 主页面信息
-manager admin en Manager
-maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin en 账户id数最大值 (例如 65535或1000000)
-maximum entries in click path history admin en 点击路径历史记录中的最大项目数
-message has been updated admin en 信息已经更新
-method admin en 方法
-minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin en 账户id数最小值 (例如 500或100)
-minute admin en 分钟
-mode admin en 模式
-month admin en 月
-new group name admin en 新建组的名称
-new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin en 新密码 [留空则仍使用旧密码]
-next run admin en 下次运行
-no algorithms available admin en 无可用算法
-no jobs in the database !!! admin en 数据库中没有任务!!!
-no login history exists for this user admin en 该用户没有登录历史记录
-no matches found admin en 没有找到匹配的结果
-no modes available admin en 无可用模式
-no permission to add groups admin en 无权添加组
-no permission to add users admin en 无权添加用户
-no permission to create groups admin en 无权创建组
-note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin en 注意:仅当使用curl支持编译php时,SSL加密有效
-outbound admin en 出站
-passthrough admin en 通过
-path information admin en 路径信息
-peer server list admin en 对等服务器列表
-peer servers admin en 对等服务器
-percent of users that logged out admin en 已注销用户的百分比例
-percent this user has logged out admin en Percent this user has logged out
-permissions admin en 权限
-permissions this group has admin en 该组权限
-phpinfo admin en PHP信息
-please enter a name admin en 请输入名称
-please enter a name for that server ! admin en 请输入那台服务器的名称!
-please run setup to become current admin en Please run setup to become current
-please select admin en 请选择
-preferences admin en 个性化配置
-re-enter password admin en 重新输入密码
-read this list of methods. admin en 读取该方法列表.
-register application hooks admin en 注册应用程序Hooks
-remove all users from this group admin en 删除该组所有用户
-remove all users from this group ? admin en 删除该组所有用户?
-return to admin mainscreen admin en 返回系统管理主页面
-return to view account admin en 返回至查看账户
-run asynchronous services admin en 运行异步服务
-save the category admin en 保存类别
-save the category and return back to the list admin en 保存类别并返回列表
-search accounts admin en 查找账户
-search categories admin en 查找类别
-search groups admin en 查找组
-search peer servers admin en 查找对等服务器
-security admin en 安全
-select group managers admin en 指定组管理器
-select permissions this group will have admin en 指定该组权限
-select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin en 指定父类别。若当前为主类别,则应指定无类别。
-select users for inclusion admin en 选择要包括的用户
-select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin en 指定用于存取文件系统信息的位置
-select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin en 指定用于存取用户账户的位置
-select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin en 指定该应用程序在导航栏上的位置,从低(左)到高(右)
-selectbox admin en 选择框
-server %1 has been updated admin en 服务器%1已经更新
-server list admin en 服务器列表
-server password admin en 服务器密码
-server type(mode) admin en 服务器类型(模式)
-server url admin en 服务器网址
-server username admin en 服务器用户名
-set preference values. admin en 设置个性化配置值
-show 'powered by' logo on admin en 显示设计者徽标于
-show access log admin en 显示访问日志
-show current action admin en 显示当前操作
-show error log admin en 显示错误日志
-show phpinfo() admin en 显示phpinfo()
-show session ip address admin en 显示会话IP地址
-site admin en 站点
-site configuration admin en 站点设置
-soap admin en SOAP
-sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin en 抱歉,该组名已被占用.
-sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin en 抱歉,以上用户也是%1组的成员
-sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin en 抱歉,以下用户也是%1组的成员
-sort the entries admin en 按序排列条目
-ssl admin en SSL
-standard admin en 标准
-start testjob! admin en 启动测试任务!
-submit changes admin en 提交修改
-submit the search string admin en 提交查找字符串
-template selection admin en 模版选择
-text entry admin en 文本条目
-that application name already exists. admin en 应用程序名称已存在.
-that application order must be a number. admin en 应用程序的次序必须为数字.
-that loginid has already been taken admin en 该loginid已被占用
-that name has been used already admin en 该名称已被占用
-that server name has been used already ! admin en 该服务器名称已被占用!
-the api is current admin en The API is current
-the api requires an upgrade admin en API需要升级
-the login and password can not be the same admin en 登录名不能与密码一样
-the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin en loginid长度不能大于8个字符
-the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin en 测试任务将在每次启动时向您发送email.
-the two passwords are not the same admin en 两次输入的密码不同
-the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin en 以下用户也是%1组的成员
-they must be removed before you can continue admin en 继续之前必须删除它们
-this application is current admin en This application is current
-this application requires an upgrade admin en 该应用程序需要升级
-this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin en 应用程序正以该类别作为父类别使用
-timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin en 应用程序会话数据超时时限,单位:秒(默认值86400秒,即一天)
-timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin en 会话超时时限,单位:秒(默认值14400秒,即4小时)
-times admin en 次数
-top admin en 顶部
-total records admin en 记录总数
-trust level admin en 信任级别
-trust relationship admin en 信任关系
-under windows you can only use the fallback mode at the moment. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin en 在Windows系统下,当前只能使用后退模式。这意味着只在每个pageview之后检查任务!!!
-use cookies to pass sessionid admin en 使用cookie传递会话ID
-use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin en 使用纯HTML适应代码(目前仍未完全可用)
-use theme admin en 使用主题
-user accounts admin en 用户帐户
-user data admin en 用户数据
-user groups admin en 用户组
-userdata admin en 用户数据
-users choice admin en 用户的选择
-view access log admin en 查看访问日志
-view account admin en 查看帐户
-view category admin en 查看类别
-view error log admin en 查看错误日志
-view sessions admin en 查看会话
-view this user admin en 查看该用户
-view user account admin en 查看用户帐户
-who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin en 需要把被删除用户的所有记录转移给谁?
-would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? admin en 需要phpGroupWare缓存phpgw信息数组吗?
-would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version
when admins login ? admin en 管理员登录时,是否检查phpGroupWare的新版本?
-would you like phpgroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin en 管理员登录时,是否检查应用程序的新版本?
-would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin en 登录时是否自动加载新的语言文件?
-would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin en 是否显示每个应用程序的升级状况?
-xml-rpc admin en XML-RPC
-you have entered an invalid expiration date admin en 输入的截止日期无效
-you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin en 必须至少为此帐户添加一个权限或组
-you must enter a group name. admin en 必须输入组名.
-you must enter a lastname admin en 必须输入姓
-you must enter a loginid admin en 必须输入登录ID
-you must enter an application name and title. admin en 必须为应用程序指定名称和标题.
-you must enter an application name. admin en 必须为应用程序指定名称.
-you must enter an application title. admin en 必须为应用程序指定标题.
-you must select a file type admin en 必须选择文件类型
-you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin en 在删除该类别前,必须删除它的所有子类别!
+%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin zh %3个user accounts中的%1—%2
+%1 not found or not executable !!! admin zh %1找不到或无法执行!!!
+(stored password will not be shown here) admin zh (此处不显示保存过的密码)
+(to install new applications use
setup [manage applications] !!!) admin zh (请使用
安装程序来安装新的应用程序 [Manage Applications] !!!)
+accesslog and bruteforce defense admin zh 访问日志和字典攻击防御
+account active admin zh 启用帐户
+account has been created common zh 帐户已创建
+account has been deleted common zh 帐户已删除
+account has been updated common zh 帐户已更新
+account list admin zh 帐户列表
+account permissions admin zh 帐户权限
+account preferences admin zh 帐户个性化配置
+acl manager admin zh ACL管理器
+acl rights admin zh ACL权限
+action admin zh 操作
+add a category admin zh 添加类别
+add a group admin zh 添加组
+add a new account. admin zh 添加新帐户
+add a subcategory admin zh 添加子类别
+add a user admin zh 添加用户
+add account admin zh 添加帐户
+add application admin zh 添加应用程序
+add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin zh 向该组添加自创建用户 (留空则使用默认设置.)
+add global category admin zh 添加全局类别
+add global category for %1 admin zh 为%1添加全局类别
+add group admin zh 添加组
+add new account admin zh 添加新帐户
+add new application admin zh 添加新的应用程序
+add peer server admin zh 添加对等服务器
+add sub-category admin zh 添加子类别
+admin email admin zh Email管理
+admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin zh 向这些Email地址发送通告封禁 (以逗号分隔),留空则不发送通告
+admin name admin zh 名称管理
+administration admin zh 系统管理
+admins admin zh 系统管理
+after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin zh 几次登录失败后,封禁账户(默认值3)?
+after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? admin zh 几次登录失败后,封禁IP地址?
+all records and account information will be lost! admin zh 所有的记录和账户信息都将丢失!
+all users admin zh 所有用户
+allow anonymous access to this app admin zh 允许匿名用户访问此应用程序
+anonymous user admin zh 匿名用户
+anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin zh 匿名用户(列举会话时不显示)
+appearance admin zh 外观
+application admin zh 应用程序
+application name admin zh 应用程序名称
+application title admin zh 应用程序标题
+applications admin zh 应用程序
+applications list admin zh 应用程序列表
+apply admin zh 应用
+are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin zh 确定要删除应用程序%1吗?
+are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin zh 确定要删除该账户吗?
+are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin zh 确定要删除该应用程序吗?
+are you sure you want to delete this category ? common zh 确定要删除该类别吗?
+are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin zh 确定要删除该全局类别吗?
+are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin zh 确定要删除该组吗?
+are you sure you want to delete this server? admin zh 确定要删除该服务器吗?
+are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin zh 确定要中止该会话吗?
+async services last executed admin zh 异步服务最近已执行过
+asynchronous timed services admin zh 异步定时服务
+asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin zh 异步服务尚未安装或其他错误(错误号:%1) !!!
+attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin zh 在FTP中尝试使用正确的mimetype来替代默认的application/otect-stream
+authentication / accounts admin zh 身份验证/账户
+auto create account records for authenticated users admin zh 自动为已通过身份验证的用户创建帐户记录
+back to the list admin zh 返回列表
+bi-dir passthrough admin zh bi-dir passthrough
+bi-directional admin zh bi-directional
+bottom admin zh 底部
+calculate next run admin zh 计划下次运行
+can change password admin zh 允许更改密码
+cancel testjob! admin zh 取消测试任务!
+categories list admin zh 类别列表
+category %1 has been saved ! admin zh 类别%1已保存!
+category list admin zh 类别列表
+change acl rights admin zh 更改ACL权限
+change config settings admin zh 更改配置
+change main screen message admin zh 更改主页面信息
+check ip address of all sessions admin zh 检查所有会话的IP地址
+check items to %1 to %2 for %3 admin zh Check items to %1 to %2 for %3
+country selection admin zh 选择国家/地区
+create group admin zh 创建组
+crontab only (recomended) admin zh crontab only (recomended)
+data admin zh 数据
+day admin zh 星期
+day of week
(0-6, 0=sun) admin zh 星期
(0-6, 0=星期日)
+default admin zh 默认值
+default file system space per user admin zh 每个用户的默认文件系统空间
+default file system space per user/group ? admin zh 每个用户/组的默认文件系统空间?
+deinstall crontab admin zh 卸载 crontab
+delete account admin zh 删除账户
+delete all records admin zh 删除所有记录
+delete application admin zh 删除应用程序
+delete category admin zh 删除类别
+delete group admin zh 删除组
+delete peer server admin zh 删除对等服务器
+delete the category admin zh 删除该类别
+delete the group admin zh 删除该组
+delete this category admin zh 删除这个类别
+delete this group admin zh 删除这个组
+delete this user admin zh 删除这个用户
+deny access to access log admin zh 禁止对访问日志的访问
+deny access to application registery admin zh 禁止访问应用程序注册项
+deny access to applications admin zh 禁止访问应用程序
+deny access to asynchronous timed services admin zh 禁止访问异步定时服务
+deny access to current sessions admin zh 禁止访问当前会话
+deny access to error log admin zh 禁止访问错误日志
+deny access to global categories admin zh 禁止访问全局类别
+deny access to groups admin zh 禁止访问组
+deny access to mainscreen message admin zh 禁止访问主页面信息
+deny access to peer servers admin zh 禁止访问对等进程
+deny access to phpinfo admin zh 禁止访问PHP信息
+deny access to site configuration admin zh 禁止访问站点配置
+deny access to user accounts admin zh 禁止访问用户账户
+deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin zh 禁止用户访问他人账户?
+description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin zh 说明的长度不能超过255个字符!
+disable "auto completion" of the login form admin zh 禁用登录框中的自动完成功能
+disabled (not recomended) admin zh 禁用(不推荐)
+display admin zh 显示
+do not delete the category and return back to the list admin zh 请勿删除该类别,返回列表
+do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin zh 确定也要删除所有的全局子类别吗?
+do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin zh 确定要删除所有的全局子类别吗?
+do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin zh 确定要把所有的全局子类别向下移动一级吗?
+edit account admin zh 编辑账户
+edit application admin zh 编辑应用程序
+edit global category admin zh 编辑全局类别
+edit global category for %1 admin zh 编辑全局类别%1为
+edit group admin zh 编辑组
+edit login screen message admin zh 编辑登录页面信息
+edit main screen message admin zh 编辑主页面信息
+edit peer server admin zh 编辑对等服务器
+edit table format admin zh 编辑表单格式
+edit this category admin zh 编辑该类别
+edit this group admin zh 编辑该组
+edit this user admin zh 编辑该用户
+edit user admin zh 编辑用户
+edit user account admin zh 编辑用户账户
+enable debug-messages admin zh 显示调试信息
+enabled - hidden from navbar admin zh 在工具中隐藏
+enter a description for the category admin zh 输入类别说明
+enter some random text for app_session
encryption (requires mcrypt) admin zh 请随机输入一些文本,用于
+enter the background color for the login page admin zh 登录页面的背景颜色
+enter the background color for the site title admin zh 站点名称的背景颜色
+enter the file name of your logo admin zh 徽标文件的名称
+enter the full path for temporary files.
examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin zh 请输入临时文件的完整路径。
例如: /tmp, C:\TEMP
+enter the full path for users and group files.
examples: /files, e:\files admin zh 请输入用户和组的完整路径。
例如: /files, E:\FILES
+enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin zh 请输入服务器所在主机的名称
+enter the location of phpgroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware or /phpgroupware
no trailing slash admin zh 请输入phpGroupWare的网址。
例如: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware 或者 /phpgroupware
+enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin zh 请输入要查找的字符串。要显示所有条目,此处留空并点击提交按钮
+enter the site password for peer servers admin zh 请输入对等服务器站点的密码
+enter the site username for peer servers admin zh 请输入对等服务器站点的用户名
+enter the title for your site admin zh 站点标题
+enter the title of your logo admin zh 徽标名称
+enter the url where your logo should link to admin zh 徽标所链接的网址
+enter your default ftp server admin zh 请输入默认的FTP服务器
+enter your http proxy server admin zh 请输入HTTP代理服务器
+enter your http proxy server port admin zh 请输入HTTP代理服务器的端口号
+error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin zh 取消定时器时出错,可能并没有设置定时器!!!
+error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin zh 设置定时器时出错,语法不正确或定时器正在运行!!!
+error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin zh 错误: 无法找到%1或其他原因!!!
+expires admin zh 账户有效期限
+fallback (after each pageview) admin zh 在每个页面请求后返回
+file space admin zh 文件空间
+file space must be an integer admin zh 文件空间必须为整数
+find and register all application hooks admin zh 查找并注册所有应用程序Hooks
+for the times above admin zh for the times above
+for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin zh for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute)
+force selectbox admin zh Force Selectbox
+global categories admin zh 全局类别
+group ? admin zh 组?
+group has been added common zh 组已添加
+group has been deleted common zh 组已删除
+group has been updated common zh 组已更新
+group list admin zh 组列表
+group manager admin zh 组管理
+group name admin zh 组名称
+hide php information admin zh 隐藏php信息
+home directory admin zh 主目录
+host information admin zh 主机信息
(0-23) admin zh 小时
+how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin zh 访问日志中的条目保留多久后删除(默认值90天)?
+how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? admin zh 账户和IP地址的封禁时间(默认值30分钟)
+idle admin zh 发呆
+if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin zh If no ACL records for user or any group the user is a member of
+if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin zh 如果使用LDAP,是否需要管理主目录和登录shell的属性?
+inbound admin zh 入站
+install crontab admin zh 安装crontab
+installed applications common zh 已安装的应用程序
+installed crontab admin zh 已安装的crontab
+interface admin zh 接口
+ip admin zh IP地址
+jobs admin zh 任务
+kill admin zh 中止
+kill session admin zh 中止会话
+last %1 logins admin zh 最近%1次登录
+last %1 logins for %2 admin zh Last %1 logins for %2
+last login admin zh 最近一次登录
+last login from admin zh 最近一次登录来自
+last time read admin zh 最近一次读取时间
+ldap accounts context admin zh LDAP账户上下文关系
+ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin zh LDAP默认主目录的前缀(例如 /home 是 /home/username的前缀)
+ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin zh LDAP默认Shell (例如 /bin/bash)
+ldap encryption type admin zh LDAP加密类型
+ldap groups context admin zh LDAP组上下文关系
+ldap host admin zh LDAP主机名
+ldap root password admin zh LDAP系统管理员密码
+ldap rootdn admin zh LDAP rootdn
+leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin zh 不更改类别,返回列表
+leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin zh 不更改组,返回列表
+list config settings admin zh 列出配置
+list current sessions admin zh 列举当前会话
+list of current users admin zh 列举当前用户
+login history admin zh 登录历史记录
+login message admin zh 登录信息
+login screen admin zh 登录页面
+login shell admin zh 登录shell
+login time admin zh 登录时间
+loginid admin zh 登录名
+main screen message admin zh 主页面信息
+manager admin zh Manager
+maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin zh 账户id数最大值 (例如 65535或1000000)
+maximum entries in click path history admin zh 点击路径历史记录中的最大条目数
+message has been updated admin zh 信息已更新
+method admin zh 方法
+minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin zh 账户id数最小值 (例如 500或100)
+minute admin zh 分钟
+mode admin zh 模式
+month admin zh 月
+new group name admin zh 新建组的名称
+new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin zh 新密码 [留空则仍使用旧密码]
+next run admin zh 下次运行
+no algorithms available admin zh 无可用算法
+no jobs in the database !!! admin zh 数据库中没有任务!!!
+no login history exists for this user admin zh 该用户没有登录历史记录
+no matches found admin zh 没有找到匹配的结果
+no modes available admin zh 无可用模式
+no permission to add groups admin zh 无权添加组
+no permission to add users admin zh 无权添加用户
+no permission to create groups admin zh 无权创建组
+note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin zh 注意:仅当使用curl支持编译php时,SSL加密有效
+outbound admin zh 出站
+passthrough admin zh 通过
+path information admin zh 路径信息
+peer server list admin zh 对等服务器列表
+peer servers admin zh 对等服务器
+percent of users that logged out admin zh 已注销用户的百分比例
+percent this user has logged out admin zh Percent this user has logged out
+permissions admin zh 权限
+permissions this group has admin zh 该组权限
+phpinfo admin zh PHP信息
+please enter a name admin zh 请输入名称
+please enter a name for that server ! admin zh 请输入那台服务器的名称!
+please run setup to become current admin zh 请运行安装程序以成为当前
+please select admin zh 请选择
+preferences admin zh 个性化配置
+re-enter password admin zh 重新输入密码
+read this list of methods. admin zh 读取方法列表.
+register application hooks admin zh 注册应用程序Hooks
+remove all users from this group admin zh 删除该组所有用户
+remove all users from this group ? admin zh 删除该组所有用户?
+return to admin mainscreen admin zh 返回系统管理主页面
+return to view account admin zh 返回至查看账户
+run asynchronous services admin zh 运行异步服务
+save the category admin zh 保存类别
+save the category and return back to the list admin zh 保存类别并返回列表
+search accounts admin zh 查找账户
+search categories admin zh 查找类别
+search groups admin zh 查找组
+search peer servers admin zh 查找对等服务器
+security admin zh 安全
+select group managers admin zh 指定组管理器
+select permissions this group will have admin zh 指定该组权限
+select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin zh 指定父类别。若当前为主类别,则应指定无类别。
+select users for inclusion admin zh 选择要包括的用户
+select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin zh 指定用于存取文件系统信息的位置
+select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin zh 指定用于存取用户账户的位置
+select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin zh 指定该应用程序在工具栏上的位置,从低(左)到高(右)
+selectbox admin zh 选择框
+server %1 has been updated admin zh 服务器%1已经更新
+server list admin zh 服务器列表
+server password admin zh 服务器密码
+server type(mode) admin zh 服务器类型(模式)
+server url admin zh 服务器网址
+server username admin zh 服务器用户名
+set preference values. admin zh 设置个性化配置值
+show 'powered by' logo on admin zh 在何处显示设计者徽标:
+show access log admin zh 显示访问日志
+show current action admin zh 显示当前操作
+show error log admin zh 显示错误日志
+show phpinfo() admin zh 显示phpinfo()
+show session ip address admin zh 显示会话IP地址
+site admin zh 站点
+site configuration admin zh 站点设置
+soap admin zh SOAP
+sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin zh 抱歉,该组名已被占用.
+sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin zh 抱歉,以上用户也是%1组的成员
+sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin zh 抱歉,以下用户也是%1组的成员
+sort the entries admin zh 按序排列条目
+ssl admin zh SSL
+standard admin zh 标准
+start testjob! admin zh 启动测试任务!
+submit changes admin zh 提交更改
+submit the search string admin zh 提交查找字符串
+template selection admin zh 模版选择
+text entry admin zh 文本条目
+that application name already exists. admin zh 应用程序名称已存在.
+that application order must be a number. admin zh 应用程序的次序必须为数字.
+that loginid has already been taken admin zh 该登录名已被占用
+that name has been used already admin zh 该名称已被占用
+that server name has been used already ! admin zh 该服务器名称已被占用!
+the api is current admin zh API当前在用
+the api requires an upgrade admin zh API需要升级
+the login and password can not be the same admin zh 登录名不能与密码一样
+the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin zh loginid长度不能大于8个字符
+the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin zh 测试任务将在每次启动时向您发送Email.
+the two passwords are not the same admin zh 两次输入的密码不同
+the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin zh 以下用户也是%1组的成员
+they must be removed before you can continue admin zh 继续之前必须删除它们
+this application is current admin zh 该应用程序当前在用
+this application requires an upgrade admin zh 该应用程序需要升级
+this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin zh 应用程序正以该类别作为父类别使用
+timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin zh 应用程序会话数据超时时限,单位:秒(默认值86400秒,即1天)
+timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin zh 会话超时时限,单位:秒(默认值14400秒,即4小时)
+times admin zh 次数
+top admin zh 顶部
+total records admin zh 记录总数
+trust level admin zh 信任级别
+trust relationship admin zh 信任关系
+under windows you can only use the fallback mode at the moment. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin zh 在Windows系统下,当前只能使用后退模式。这意味着只在每个pageview之后检查任务!!!
+use cookies to pass sessionid admin zh 使用cookie传递会话标识
+use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin zh 使用纯HTML兼容代码(目前仍未完全可用)
+use theme admin zh 使用主题
+user accounts admin zh 用户帐户
+user data admin zh 用户数据
+user groups admin zh 用户组
+userdata admin zh 用户数据
+users choice admin zh 用户的选择
+view access log admin zh 查看访问日志
+view account admin zh 查看帐户
+view category admin zh 查看类别
+view error log admin zh 查看错误日志
+view sessions admin zh 查看会话
+view this user admin zh 查看该用户
+view user account admin zh 查看用户帐户
+who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin zh 需要把被删除用户的所有记录转移给谁?
+would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? admin zh 需要phpGroupWare缓存phpgw信息数组吗?
+would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version
when admins login ? admin zh 管理员登录时,是否检查phpGroupWare的新版本?
+would you like phpgroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin zh 管理员登录时,是否检查应用程序的新版本?
+would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin zh 登录时,是否自动加载新的语言文件?
+would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin zh 是否显示每个应用程序的升级情况?
+xml-rpc admin zh XML-RPC
+you have entered an invalid expiration date admin zh 输入的有效期限无效
+you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin zh 必须至少为此帐户添加一个权限或组
+you must enter a group name. admin zh 必须输入组名.
+you must enter a lastname admin zh 必须输入姓
+you must enter a loginid admin zh 必须输入登录ID
+you must enter an application name and title. admin zh 必须为应用程序指定名称和标题.
+you must enter an application name. admin zh 必须为应用程序指定名称.
+you must enter an application title. admin zh 必须为应用程序指定标题.
+you must select a file type admin zh 必须选择文件类型
+you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin zh 在删除该类别前,必须删除它的所有子类别!
+primary Group admin zh 首选组
diff --git a/calendar/setup/phpgw_zh.lang b/calendar/setup/phpgw_zh.lang
index dfa538d13f..67c9bf9288 100644
--- a/calendar/setup/phpgw_zh.lang
+++ b/calendar/setup/phpgw_zh.lang
@@ -1,119 +1,314 @@
-1 match found calendar zh 共有 1 个符合要求的条目
-(i/v)cal calendar zh (i/v)日历
+%1 %2 in %3 calendar zh %1 %2 in %3
+%1 matches found calendar zh 找到%1个符合条件的记录
+1 match found calendar zh 找到1个符合条件的记录
+%1 records imported calendar zh 已导入%1个记录
+%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar zh 已读取%1个记录(尚未导入, 您可以返回并取消导入测试)
+(for weekly) calendar zh (每周)
+(i/v)cal calendar zh (i/v)日程表
a calendar zh 一
accept calendar zh 接受
accepted calendar zh 已接受
-add alarm calendar zh 新增警告
-alarm management calendar zh 警告管理
+action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar zh 执行下列操作将发出通知:添加,取消,接受,拒绝...
+add a single entry by passing the fields. calendar zh 通过传递字段来添加一个条目
+add alarm calendar zh 添加提醒
+add contact calendar zh 添加联系人
+added calendar zh 已添加
+address book calendar zh 通讯录
+alarm calendar zh 提醒
+alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar zh Alarm for %1 at %2 in %3
+alarm management calendar zh 提醒管理
+alarm-management calendar zh 提醒管理
+alarms calendar zh 提醒
all day calendar zh 所有日期
-are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar zh 您确定要移除这个条目吗?
-are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar zh 您确定要移除这个纪录吗?\n\n所有使用者的这一纪录都将被移除。
-are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar zh 您确定要移除这个假日吗?
-brief description calendar zh 简短叙述
-calendar common zh 日历
-calendar preferences common zh 日历喜好设定
-calendar - [iv]cal importer calendar zh Calendar - [iv]Cal 导入
-calendar - add calendar zh 日历 - 新增
-calendar - edit calendar zh 日历 - 编辑
-calendar holiday management admin zh 日历 - 假日管理
-daily calendar zh 每天
-daily matrix view calendar zh 每天矩形浏览
-days repeated calendar zh 日重覆
-default calendar filter calendar zh 默认日历过滤器
-default calendar view calendar zh 默认日历浏览
-display mini calendars when printing calendar zh 打印时显示小日历
-display status of events calendar zh 显示事件的状态
+are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar zh 确定要删除该地区吗?
+are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar zh 确定要删除该节日吗?
+are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete these alarms? calendar zh 确定要删除这些提醒吗?
+are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar zh 确定要删除该事项吗?
+are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar zh 确定要删除该条目吗?\n\n所有用户的该条目都将被删除。
+are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this single occurence ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar zh 确定要删除该事项吗?所有用户的该事项都将被删除。
+before the event calendar zh 在事项前
+brief description calendar zh 简要说明
+business calendar zh 商务
+calendar common zh 日程表
+calendar - [iv]cal importer calendar zh Calendar - [iv]Cal导入
+calendar - add calendar zh 日程表—添加
+calendar - edit calendar zh 日程表—编辑
+calendar event calendar zh 日程表事项
+calendar holiday management admin zh 日程表—节日管理
+calendar preferences common zh 日程表个性化配置
+calendar settings admin zh 日程表配置
+calendar-fieldname calendar zh 日程表—字段名
+canceled calendar zh 已取消
+change all events for $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner']. calendar zh $params['old_owner']安排的全部事项,更改为由$params['new_owner']安排。
+change status calendar zh 更改状态
+click %1here%2 to return to the calendar. calendar zh 点击%1此处%2返回日程表。
+configuration calendar zh 配置
+countries calendar zh 国家
+country calendar zh 国家/地区
+csv-fieldname calendar zh CSV-字段名
+csv-filename calendar zh CSV-文件名
+custom fields calendar zh 自定义字段
+custom fields and sorting common zh 自定义字段和排序方式
+daily calendar zh 日程
+daily matrix view calendar zh 日程安排
+days calendar zh 天
+days repeated calendar zh 重复日
+dayview calendar zh 每日安排
+default appointment length (in minutes) calendar zh 默认安排时间(单位:分钟)
+default calendar filter calendar zh 默认日程表筛选
+default calendar view calendar zh 默认日程表查看
+default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar zh 新建事项的默认安排时间,单位:分钟。
+defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar zh 定义每日安排中每行的分钟数
+delete a single entry by passing the id. calendar zh 通过传递代号来删除一个条目
+delete an entire users calendar. calendar zh 删除所有用户的日程表
+delete selected contacts calendar zh 删除选定的联系人
+delete series calendar zh 连续删除
+delete single calendar zh 单独删除
+deleted calendar zh 已删除
+description calendar zh 说明
+disable calendar zh 禁用
+disabled calendar zh 已禁用
+display interval in day view calendar zh 显示每日安排的间隔
+display mini calendars when printing calendar zh 打印时显示简明日程表
+display status of events calendar zh 显示事项状态
+displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter phpgroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar zh 是否在起始页面(即登录后的页面,可点击“主页”按钮跳转至该页)显示每日安排?
+do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.
you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar zh 新建或更改预约时是否需要通知您? 您只能收到自己所作更改的通知。
+do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?
the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.
it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar zh 您希望定期收到有关预约统计的EMail吗?
+do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin zh 是否自动加载节日文件?
+download calendar zh 下载
duration calendar zh 期间
-edit series calendar zh 编辑全系列约会
-edit single calendar zh 编辑单一约会
-end date/time calendar zh 结束日期/时间
-ends calendar zh 结束日期
+edit series calendar zh 连续编辑
+edit single calendar zh 单独编辑
+email notification calendar zh Email通知
+email notification for %1 calendar zh %1的Email通知
+enable calendar zh 启用
+enabled calendar zh 已启用
+end date/time calendar zh 终止日期/时刻
+enddate calendar zh 终止日期
+ends calendar zh 终止
+enter output filename: ( .vcs appended ) calendar zh 输出文件名(扩展名.vcs):
+event details follow calendar zh 事项细节随后
+exceptions calendar zh 例外
export calendar zh 导出
-(for weekly) calendar zh (每周)
+export a list of entries in ical format. calendar zh 使用iCal格式导出条目列表
+extended calendar zh 扩展
+extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar zh 由于扩展更新包含完整的事项细节,iCal可被一些外部日程表程序导入。
+external participants calendar zh 外部参与者
+failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!! calendar zh 向'%1'发送消息失败 #%2,主题:'%3',发件人:'%4'。
+fieldseparator calendar zh 字段分隔符
+firstname of person to notify calendar zh 被通知者的名字
+format of event updates calendar zh 事项格式更新
fr calendar zh 五
-free/busy calendar zh 有空/忙录
+free/busy calendar zh 空闲/繁忙
frequency calendar zh 频率
fri calendar zh 五
-full description calendar zh 完整叙述
-generate printer-friendly version calendar zh 产生便于打印版本
-global public and group public calendar zh 全部公用与组共用
-global public only calendar zh 仅全部公用
-go! calendar zh 开始!
-grant calendar access common zh 允许日历访问
-group public only calendar zh 仅组共用
-ignore conflict calendar zh 忽略冲突
+full description calendar zh 完整说明
+fullname of person to notify calendar zh 被通知者的全名
+generate printer-friendly version calendar zh 生成便于打印的版本
+global categories calendar zh 全局类别
+global public and group public calendar zh 全局公有与组公有
+global public only calendar zh 仅全局公有
+go! calendar zh 开始
+grant calendar access common zh 授权日程表访问
+group planner calendar zh 组计划表
+group public only calendar zh 仅组公有
+here is your requested alarm. calendar zh 提醒
+high priority calendar zh 高优先级
+holiday calendar zh 节日
+holiday management calendar zh 节日管理
+holiday-management calendar zh 节日管理
+holidays calendar zh 节日
+hours calendar zh 小时
i participate calendar zh 我要参与
-load [iv]cal calendar zh 载入 [iv]日历
+ical / rfc2445 calendar zh iCal/RFC2445标准
+if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar zh 周末指定的节日将在下周一生效。
+ignore conflict calendar zh 忽略冲突
+import calendar zh 导入
+import csv-file into calendar calendar zh 从CSV导入
+interval calendar zh 间隔
+intervals in day view calendar zh 每日安排间隔
+intervals per day in planner view calendar zh 日程规划中的每日间隔
+invalid entry id. calendar zh 条目代号无效
+last calendar zh 最后
+lastname of person to notify calendar zh 被通知者姓氏
+length shown
(emtpy for full length) calendar zh 显示的长度
(<= 255) calendar zh 长度
+load [iv]cal calendar zh 载入[iv]日程表
location calendar zh 位置
+location to autoload from admin zh 自动加载的位置
+matrixview calendar zh 日程安排
minutes calendar zh 分钟
mo calendar zh 一
+modified calendar zh 已变动
+modify list of external participants calendar zh 更改外部参与者列表
mon calendar zh 一
month calendar zh 月
+monthly calendar zh 每月
monthly (by date) calendar zh 每月(以日期计)
monthly (by day) calendar zh 每月(以天数计)
-monthly calendar zh 每月
-new entry calendar zh 新增条目
-no matches found. calendar zh 没有找到符合的条目
-no repsonse calendar zh 没有回应
-no response calendar zh 没有回应
-participant calendar zh 与会者
-participants calendar zh 与会者
+monthview calendar zh 每月安排
+new entry calendar zh 新建事项
+new name must not exist and not be empty!!! calendar zh 新建的名字必须存在,且不可为空!
+no matches found. calendar zh 没有找到符合的记录
+no response calendar zh 无回应
+notification messages for added events calendar zh 已添加事项的通知邮件
+notification messages for canceled events calendar zh 已取消事项的通知邮件
+notification messages for modified events calendar zh 已变动事项的通知邮件
+notification messages for your alarms calendar zh 提醒的通知邮件
+notification messages for your responses calendar zh 回应的通知邮件
+number of intervals per day in planner view calendar zh 日程规划中的每日间隔数
+number of months calendar zh 月份数
+number of records to read (<=200) calendar zh 待读取记录数(不大于200)
+observance rule calendar zh 惯例
+occurence calendar zh 发生
+old startdate calendar zh 旧起始日期
+olddate calendar zh 旧日期
+on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar zh On %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4
+on all changes calendar zh 任何更改发生时
+on all modification, but responses calendar zh 除回应外,任何变动发生时
+on any time change too calendar zh 任何更改发生时
+on invitation / cancelation only calendar zh 仅当邀请/取消发生时
+on participant responses too calendar zh on participant responses too
+on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar zh on time change of more than 4 hours too
+open todo's: calendar zh open ToDo's:
+order calendar zh 顺序
+overlap holiday calendar zh 同一天的节日
+participant calendar zh 参与者
+participants calendar zh 参与者
participates calendar zh 参与
+people holiday calendar zh people holiday
+permission denied calendar zh 无权访问
+planner calendar zh 计划表
+planner by category calendar zh 类别计划表
+planner by user calendar zh 用户计划表
+please confirm,accept,reject or examine changes in the corresponding entry in your calendar calendar zh 请确认、接受、拒绝或检查您日程表中相应条目的更改
+preselected group for entering the planner calendar zh Preselected group for entering the planner
+print calendars in black & white calendar zh 以黑白方式打印日程表
+print the mini calendars calendar zh 打印简明日程表
printer friendly calendar zh 便于打印
-private and global public calendar zh 私人及全体公用
-private and group public calendar zh 私人及组公用
-private only calendar zh 仅私人
-re-edit event calendar zh 重新编辑事件
-refresh calendar zh 更新
+privat calendar zh 私有
+private and global public calendar zh 私有及全局公有
+private and group public calendar zh 私有及组公有
+private only calendar zh 仅私有
+re-edit event calendar zh 重新编辑事项
+read a list of entries. calendar zh 读取条目列表.
+read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. calendar zh 通过传递代号和字段列表来读取一个条目
+read this list of methods. calendar zh 读取方法列表
+receive email updates calendar zh 接收EMail更新
+receive extra information in event mails calendar zh 接收事项EMail中的特别信息
+receive summary of appointments calendar zh 接收预约统计
+recurring event calendar zh 循环事项
+refresh calendar zh 刷新
+reinstate calendar zh 复原
reject calendar zh 拒绝
rejected calendar zh 已拒绝
repeat day calendar zh 重复日期
-repeat end date calendar zh 重复结束日期
-repeating event information calendar zh 重复约会信息
-repeat type calendar zh 重覆类型
+repeat end date calendar zh 重复终止日期
+repeat type calendar zh 重复类型
+repeating event information calendar zh 重复事项信息
repetition calendar zh 重复
+repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar zh 重复细节(或留空)
+reset calendar zh 复位
+rule calendar zh 规则
sa calendar zh 六
sat calendar zh 六
-scheduling conflict calendar zh 约会冲突
+scheduling conflict calendar zh 日程安排冲突
search results calendar zh 搜索结果
-send/Receive updates via email calendar zh 透过电子邮件传送/接收最新消息
-send updates via email common zh 透过电子邮件发送最新消息
-show day view on main screen calendar zh 在首页显示当日日程安排
-show high priority events on main screen calendar zh 在首页显示高优先权的约会
-sorry, the owner has just deleted this event calendar zh 很抱歉,此约会的所有者刚删除了此约会
-start date/time calendar zh 开始日期/时间
+selected contacts (%1) calendar zh 已选择联系人(%1个)
+send updates via email common zh 通过电子邮件发送更新
+send/receive updates via email calendar zh 通过电子邮件发送/接收更新
+set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar zh Set a Year only for one-time / non-regular holidays.
+set new events to private calendar zh 新建事项设为私有
+should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?
you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar zh 是否在日程表中已拒绝的邀请?
+should new events created as private by default ? calendar zh 新建事项是否默认设为私有?
+should the mini calendars by printed / displayed in the printer friendly views ? calendar zh 是否以便于打印的形式打印/显示简明日程表?
+should the printer friendly view be in black & white or in color (as in normal view)? calendar zh 以黑白或彩色的方式查看便于打印的版本?
+should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar zh 在事项参与者的名字后,是否以括号显示该参与者的情况(接受、拒绝...)?
+show day view on main screen calendar zh 在主页面显示每日安排
+show default view on main screen calendar zh 在主页面显示默认视图
+show high priority events on main screen calendar zh 在首页显示优先的事项
+show invitations you rejected calendar zh 显示已拒绝的邀请
+single event calendar zh 单一事项
+sorry, the owner has just deleted this event calendar zh 抱歉,该事项已被安排者取消
+sorry, this event does not exist calendar zh 抱歉,该事项不存在
+sorry, this event does not have exceptions defined calendar zh 抱歉,该事项尚未定义例外
+sort by calendar zh 排序方式
+specifies the the number of intervals shown in the planner view. calendar zh 在计划表视图中显示的间隔数
+start date/time calendar zh 起始日期/时刻
+start- and enddates calendar zh 起始和终止日期
+startdate calendar zh 起始日期
+startrecord calendar zh 起始记录
su calendar zh 日
+submit to repository calendar zh 提交至存储室
sun calendar zh 日
tentative calendar zh 暂定
+test import (show importable records only in browser) calendar zh 导入测试(仅在浏览器中显示可导入记录)
+text calendar zh 文字
th calendar zh 四
-the following conflicts with the suggested time: