mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 05:58:51 +01:00
moving egw_openWindowCentered() to egw(window).openPopup()
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
var fw_base = Class.extend({
* Framework base class constructor sets up basic initialization
* @param {type} _sidemenuId
@ -39,19 +39,16 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
this.applications = new Object();
this.activeApp = null;
//Register the resize handler
//Register the global alert handler
window.egw_alertHandler = this.alertHandler;
//Register the key press handler
//Override the old egw_openWindowCentered2
window.egw_openWindowCentered2 = this.egw_openWindowCentered2;
//Override the app_window function
window.egw_appWindow = this.egw_appWindow;
@ -61,7 +58,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
// Override the egw_getAppName function
window.egw_getAppName = this.egw_getAppName;
* Load applications
* @param {object} apps an object list of all applications
@ -146,7 +143,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
return restore;
* Navigate to the tab of an application (opening the tab if not yet open)
@ -202,7 +199,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
* Callback to calculate height of browser iframe or div
@ -215,7 +212,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
var height = $j(this.sidemenuDiv).height()-this.tabsUi.appHeaderContainer.outerHeight();
return height;
* Sets the sidebox data of an application
* @param {object} _app the application whose sidebox content should be set.
@ -326,7 +323,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
// reliable init sidebox, as app.js might initialise earlier
if (typeof app[_app.appName] == 'object')
@ -351,7 +348,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
notifyTabChange: function()
@ -407,7 +404,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
categoryAnimationCallback: function()
@ -429,9 +426,9 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
return result;
* @param {app object} _app
* @param {int} _pos
* Checks whether the application already owns a tab and creates one if it doesn't exist
@ -451,11 +448,11 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
//Set the tab closeable if there's more than one tab
this.tabsUi.setCloseable(this.tabsUi.tabs.length > 1);
* applicationClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks on
* an application in the sidebox menu.
@ -477,7 +474,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
//Set the active application in the framework
* tabCloseClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks
* on the close button of every tab.
@ -519,7 +516,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
//As a new tab might remove a row from the tab header, we have to resize all tab content browsers
* @param {string} _url
* Tries to obtain the application from a menuaction
@ -546,7 +543,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
return null;
* Goes through all applications and returns the application with the specified name.
* @param {string} _name the name of the application which should be returned.
@ -561,7 +558,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
return null;
* Sets the website title of an application
* @param {object} _app the application whose title should be set.
@ -588,10 +585,10 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
* Handles alert message
* @param {type} _message
* @param {type} _details
@ -606,7 +603,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
* Call online manual
@ -631,9 +628,9 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
}), 'manual', true);
* @param {type} _link
* @param {type} _app
* @param {type} _useIframe
@ -683,7 +680,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
window.location = _url;
* Sets the active framework application to the application specified by _app
@ -701,7 +698,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
this.activeApp = _app;
//Open the sidemenuUi that belongs to the app, if no sidemenu is attached
//to the app, close the sidemenuUi
if (_app.sidemenuEntry)
@ -729,28 +726,21 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
* Opens popup window at the center
* @param {type} _url popup url
* @param {type} _windowName name of popup window
* @param {type} _width width of window
* @param {type} _height height of window
* @param {type} _status
* @param {type} _app application which popup belongs to it
* @param {type} _returnID
* @returns {window} returns window
* Open a (centered) popup window with given size and url
* @param {string} _url
* @param {number} _width
* @param {number} _height
* @param {string} _windowName or "_blank"
* @param {string|boolean} _app app-name for framework to set correct opener or false for current app
* @param {boolean} _returnID true: return window, false: return undefined
* @param {type} _status "yes" or "no" to display status bar of popup
* @returns {DOMWindow|undefined}
egw_openWindowCentered2: function(_url, _windowName, _width, _height, _status, _app, _returnID)
openPopup: function(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, _returnID, _status)
if (typeof _returnID == 'undefined') _returnID = false;
var windowWidth = egw_getWindowOuterWidth();
var windowHeight = egw_getWindowOuterHeight();
var positionLeft = (windowWidth/2)-(_width/2)+egw_getWindowLeft();
var positionTop = (windowHeight/2)-(_height/2)+egw_getWindowTop();
//Determine the window the popup should be opened in - normally this is the iframe of the currently active application
var parentWindow = window;
var navigate = false;
@ -771,27 +761,16 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
if (appEntry != null && appEntry.browser.iframe != null)
parentWindow = appEntry.browser.iframe.contentWindow;
var windowID = parentWindow.open(_url, _windowName, "width=" + _width + ",height=" + _height +
",screenX=" + positionLeft + ",left=" + positionLeft + ",screenY=" + positionTop + ",top=" + positionTop +
var windowID = egw(parentWindow).openPopup(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, true, _status, true);
// inject framework and egw object, because opener might not yet be loaded and therefore has no egw object!
windowID.egw = window.egw;
windowID.framework = framework;
windowID.framework = this;
if (navigate)
window.setTimeout("framework.applicationTabNavigate(framework.activeApp, framework.activeApp.indexUrl);", 500);
if (_returnID === false)
// return nothing
return windowID;
if (_returnID !== false) return windowID;
@ -841,7 +820,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
* Gets application name
* @returns {string} returns application name
@ -849,7 +828,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
return framework.activeApp.appName;
* Display an error or regular message
@ -878,7 +857,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
}, 5000);
* Change timezone and refresh current app
* @param _tz
@ -894,9 +873,9 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
* Refresh application title
* Refresh application title
refreshAppTitle: function()
@ -916,7 +895,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
resizeHandler: function()
@ -929,7 +908,7 @@ var fw_base = Class.extend({
* Refresh given application _targetapp display of entry _app _id, incl. outputting _msg
* @param {string} _msg message (already translated) to show, eg. 'Entry deleted'
@ -280,14 +280,7 @@ egw.extend('open', egw.MODULE_WND_LOCAL, function(_egw, _wnd)
var w_h = _popup.split('x');
if (w_h[1] == 'availHeight') w_h[1] = this.availHeight();
if (_wnd.framework && (egwIsMobile() || egw.preference('theme') == 'mobile'))
var popup_window = _wnd.framework.egw_openWindowCentered2(url, _target || '_blank', w_h[0], w_h[1], false, _target_app, true, _wnd);
var popup_window = _wnd.egw_openWindowCentered2(url, _target || '_blank', w_h[0], w_h[1], false, _target_app, true);
var popup_window = this.openPopup(url, w_h[0], w_h[1], _target || '_blank', _target_app, true);
// Remember which windows are open
egw().storeWindow(_target_app, popup_window);
@ -310,6 +303,51 @@ egw.extend('open', egw.MODULE_WND_LOCAL, function(_egw, _wnd)
* Open a (centered) popup window with given size and url
* @param {string} _url
* @param {number} _width
* @param {number} _height
* @param {string} _windowName or "_blank"
* @param {string|boolean} _app app-name for framework to set correct opener or false for current app
* @param {boolean} _returnID true: return window, false: return undefined
* @param {string} _status "yes" or "no" to display status bar of popup
* @param {boolean} _skip_framework
* @returns {DOMWindow|undefined}
openPopup: function(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, _returnID, _status, _skip_framework)
// Log for debugging purposes
egw.debug("navigation", "openPopup(%s, %s, %s, %o, %s, %s)",_url,_windowName,_width,_height,_status,_app);
// if we have a framework and we use mobile template --> let framework deal with opening popups
if (!_skip_framework && _wnd.framework)
return _wnd.framework.openPopup(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, _returnID, _status, _wnd);
if (typeof(_app) == 'undefined') _app = false;
if (typeof(_returnID) == 'undefined') _returnID = false;
var $wnd = jQuery(_wnd.top);
var positionLeft = ($wnd.outerWidth()/2)-(_width/2)+_wnd.screenX;
var positionTop = ($wnd.outerHeight()/2)-(_height/2)+_wnd.screenY;
// IE fails, if name contains eg. a dash (-)
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i)) _windowName = !_windowName ? '_blank' : _windowName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/,'');
var windowID = _wnd.open(_url, _windowName || '_blank', "width=" + _width + ",height=" + _height +
",screenX=" + positionLeft + ",left=" + positionLeft + ",screenY=" + positionTop + ",top=" + positionTop +
// inject egw object
windowID.egw = _wnd.egw;
// returning something, replaces whole window in FF, if used in link as "javascript:egw_openWindowCentered2()"
if (_returnID !== false) return windowID;
* Get available height of screen
@ -373,40 +373,27 @@ function egw_set_checkbox_multiselect_enabled(_id, _enabled)
// works only correctly in Mozilla/FF and Konqueror
* Open a (centered) popup window with given size and url
* @param {string} _url
* @param {string} _windowName or "_blank"
* @param {number} _width
* @param {number} _height
* @param {type} _status "yes" or "no" to display status bar of popup
* @param {string|boolean} _app app-name for framework to set correct opener or false for current app
* @param {boolean} _returnID true: return window, false: return undefined
* @returns {DOMWindow|undefined}
* @deprecated use egw.openPopup(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, _returnID, _status)
function egw_openWindowCentered2(_url, _windowName, _width, _height, _status, _app, _returnID)
// Log for debugging purposes
egw.debug("navigation", "egw_openWindowCentered2(%s, %s, %s, %o, %s, %s)",_url,_windowName,_width,_height,_status,_app);
if (typeof(_app) == 'undefined') _app = false;
if (typeof(_returnID) == 'undefined') _returnID = false;
windowWidth = egw_getWindowOuterWidth();
windowHeight = egw_getWindowOuterHeight();
positionLeft = (windowWidth/2)-(_width/2)+egw_getWindowLeft();
positionTop = (windowHeight/2)-(_height/2)+egw_getWindowTop();
if (is_ie) _windowName = !_windowName ? '_blank' : _windowName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/,''); // IE fails, if name contains eg. a dash (-)
windowID = window.open(_url, _windowName || '_blank', "width=" + _width + ",height=" + _height +
",screenX=" + positionLeft + ",left=" + positionLeft + ",screenY=" + positionTop + ",top=" + positionTop +
// inject egw object
windowID.egw = window.egw;
// returning something, replaces whole window in FF, if used in link as "javascript:egw_openWindowCentered2()"
if (_returnID === false)
// return nothing
return windowID;
return egw(window).openPopup(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, _returnID, _status);
* @deprecated use egw.openPopup(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, _returnID, _status)
function egw_openWindowCentered(_url, _windowName, _width, _height)
return egw_openWindowCentered2(_url, _windowName, _width, _height, 'no', false, true);
Reference in New Issue
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