Temporary removal to recover history from rev 28598

This commit is contained in:
Oscar Manuel Gómez Senovilla 2009-12-02 20:18:56 +00:00
parent 7ef905e50a
commit feacf14d20
23 changed files with 0 additions and 1376 deletions

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet bg преди 2 месеца
2 years ago timesheet bg преди 2 години
3 years ago timesheet bg преди 3 години
actions timesheet bg Действия
all projects timesheet bg Всички проекти
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin bg Позволява използване на имена на проекти, както от Проект-мениджъра, така и собствени
by timesheet bg от
create new links timesheet bg Създаване на нови връзки
creating new entry timesheet bg създаване на нов запис
delete this entry timesheet bg изтриване на записа
edit this entry timesheet bg Редактиране на записа
empty if identical to duration timesheet bg празно, ако съвпада с продължителността
end timesheet bg Край
entry deleted timesheet bg Записът е изтрит
entry saved timesheet bg Записът е запазен
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet bg Грешка при изтриване!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet bg Грешка при запис!!!
existing links timesheet bg Съществуващи връзки
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet bg Експорт в OpenOffice електронна таблица
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet bg Експортира записите от Графика Ви в CSV-файл (стойности, разделени със запетая). Може да изберете друг разделител чрез таб Опции.
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet bg Експортира записите от Графика Ви в CSV-файл (стойности, разделени със запетая). Може да изберете друг разделител чрез таб Опции.
field must not be empty !!! timesheet bg Полето трябва да бъде попълнено !!!
full: use only projectmanager admin bg Пълна: използва само имена от Проект-мениджъра
general timesheet bg Общи
last modified timesheet bg Последно измемение
last month timesheet bg Миналия месец
last week timesheet bg Миналата седмица
last year timesheet bg Миналата година
leave it empty for a full week timesheet bg Непопълнено - цяла седмица
links timesheet bg Връзки
no details timesheet bg без детайли
no project timesheet bg Няма проект
none: use only free project-names admin bg Никаква: използва само собствени имена на проекти
or endtime timesheet bg или краен срок
permission denied!!! timesheet bg Достъпът отказан!!!
price timesheet bg Цена
projectmanager integration admin bg Интеграция с Проект-мениджъра
quantity timesheet bg Количество
save & new timesheet bg Запазване и Нов
saves the changes made timesheet bg Запазва извършените промени
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet bg Запазва записа и добавя нов
select a price timesheet bg Изберете цена
select a project timesheet bg Изберете проект
start timesheet bg Начало
starttime timesheet bg Начален час
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet bg Началният час трябва да бъде преди крайния !!!
sum %1: timesheet bg Сума %1:
this month timesheet bg Този месец
this week timesheet bg Тази седмица
this year timesheet bg Тази година
timesheet common bg График
timesheet csv export timesheet bg График: експорт в CSV
timesheet openoffice export timesheet bg График: експорт в OpenOffice
unitprice timesheet bg Цена на артикул
view this entry timesheet bg Преглед на записа
week timesheet bg Седмица
yesterday timesheet bg Вчера
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet bg Вашата база данни НЕ Е актуална (%1 вм. %2)! Моля, стартирайте %3setup%4 за да я актуализирате.

View File

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
%1 timesheets(s) %2 timesheet cs %1 pracovní výkaz(y) %2
%1 timesheets(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! timesheet cs %1 pracovní výkaz(y) %2, %3 selhalo z důvodu nedostatečných oprávnění !!!
--> enter new name timesheet cs --> zadejte nový název
2 month ago timesheet cs Před 2 měsíci
2 years ago timesheet cs Před 2 roky
3 years ago timesheet cs Před 3 roky
actions timesheet cs Akce
all projects timesheet cs Všechny projekty
all status timesheet cs Libovolný stav
and its members timesheet cs a jeho členy
applies the changes timesheet cs použije změny
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown timesheets!!! timesheet cs Aplikovat akci na celý dotaz, ne jen na zobrazené pracovní výkazy!!!
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin cs Obojí: povolit použití Správce projektů i libovolných názvů projektů
by timesheet cs od
changed status timesheet cs změněný stav
check all timesheet cs Označit vše
comment by %1 at %2: timesheet cs Komentář od %1 v %2:
create new links timesheet cs Vytvořit nové odkazy
creates a new field timesheet cs vytvoří novou položku
creating new entry timesheet cs vytvářím nový záznam
custom fields timesheet cs Uživatelsky definované položky
delete this entry timesheet cs Smazat tento záznam
delete this status timesheet cs Smazat tento stav
delete timesheet timesheet cs Smazat pracovní výkaz
deleted timesheet cs smazané
deletes this field timesheet cs smaže tuto položku
determines the order the fields are displayed timesheet cs určuje pořadí, v jakém jsou položky zobrazeny
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] timesheet cs každá hodnota je řádek ve tvaru <id>[=<popis>]
edit status timesheet cs Editovat stav
edit this entry timesheet cs Editovat tento záznam
empty if identical to duration timesheet cs prázdné pokud se shoduje s délkou trvání
end timesheet cs Konec
entry deleted timesheet cs Záznam smazán
entry saved timesheet cs Záznam uložen
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet cs Chyba při mazání záznamu!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet cs Chyba při ukládání záznamu!!!
existing links timesheet cs Stávající odkazy
export timesheet cs Exportovat
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet cs Exportovat do formátu tabulky OpenOffice
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet cs Exportuje záznamy z Vašeho Pracovního výkazu do CSV souboru. CSV znamená 'hodnoty oddělené čárkou'. Nicméně v záložce voleb si můžete vybrat jiné oddělovače.
field must not be empty !!! timesheet cs Položka nesmí být prázdná !!!
full: use only projectmanager admin cs Plné: použít jen Správce projektů
general timesheet cs Obecné
global categories timesheet cs Globální kategorie
history timesheet cs Historie
id timesheet cs ID
last modified timesheet cs Naposledy změněno
last month timesheet cs Minulý měsíc
last week timesheet cs Minulý týden
last year timesheet cs Minulý rok
leave it empty for a full week timesheet cs Ponechte prázdné pro celý týden
leaves without saveing timesheet cs ukoční bez uložení
length<br>rows timesheet cs Délka<br>Řádky
links timesheet cs Odkazy
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] timesheet cs maximální délka vstupu [, délka vstupního pole (volitelná)]
modify the status of the timesheet timesheet cs Změnit stav pracovního výkazu
new ticket submitted by %1 at %2 timesheet cs Nové ohlášení podal(a) %1 v %2
new timesheet submitted by %1 at %2 timesheet cs Nový pracovní výkaz podal(a) %1 v %2
no details timesheet cs Bez detailů
no project timesheet cs Žádný projekt
no status timesheet cs Žádný stav
none: use only free project-names admin cs Žádný: používat jen libovolné názvy projektů
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box timesheet cs počet řádek u víceřádkového vstupního pole nebo rozbalovací nabídky
only admin timesheet cs Jen administrátor
only admin can edit this status timesheet cs tento stav smí editovat jen administrátor
or endtime timesheet cs nebo Koncový čas
order timesheet cs Pořadí
parent timesheet cs Nadřazený
permission denied!!! timesheet cs Přístup zamítnut!!!
price timesheet cs Cena
projectmanager integration admin cs Integrace se Správcem projektů
quantity timesheet cs Množství
save & new timesheet cs Uložit a Nový
saves the changes made timesheet cs Uloží provedené změny
saves the changes made and leaves timesheet cs před ukončením uloží provedené změny
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet cs Uloží aktuální záznam a přidá nový
select a price timesheet cs Vybrat cenu
select a project timesheet cs Vybrat projekt
select a status of the timesheet timesheet cs vybrat stav pracovního výkazu
select action timesheet cs Vybrat akci
select infolog timesheet cs vybrat Infolog
select multiple timeshhets for a further action timesheet cs Vybrat více pracovních výkazů pro další akci
select the predefined status, whan creating a new timesheet timesheet cs Vybrat předdefinovaný stav pro nově vytvářené pracovní výkazy
show a quantity sum (eg. to sum up negative overtime) admin cs Zobrazit součet množství (např. pro sečtení záporného přesčasu)
start timesheet cs Začátek
starttime timesheet cs Počáteční čas
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet cs Počáteční čas musí předcházet času ukončení !!!
status deleted. timesheet cs Stav byl smazán
status of created timesheets timesheet cs Stav vytvářených pracovních výkazů
status updated. timesheet cs Stav byl aktualizován.
sum %1: timesheet cs Součet %1:
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible timesheet cs interně používaný název (<= 20 znaků), jeho změna vede k nedostupnosti stávajících dat
the text displayed to the user timesheet cs text zobrazený uživateli
this month timesheet cs Tento měsíc
this week timesheet cs Tento týden
this year timesheet cs Tento rok
ticket modified by %1 at %2 timesheet cs Ohlášení změnil(a) %1 v %2
timesheet common cs Pracovní výkaz
timesheet csv export timesheet cs Export pracovního výkazu do CSV
timesheet modified by %1 at %2 timesheet cs Pracovní výkaz změnil(a) %1 v %2
timesheet openoffice export timesheet cs Export pracovního výkazu do OpenOffice
timesheet status-%1 '%2' added. timesheet cs Pracovní výkaz stav-%1 '%2' byl přidán.
timesheet-%1 '%2' updated. timesheet cs Pracovní výkaz-%1 '%2' byl zaktualizován.
timesheet-%1 deleted. timesheet cs Pracovní výkaz-%1 byl smazán.
tracker timesheet cs Sledovací systém
unitprice timesheet cs Jednotková cena
values for selectbox timesheet cs Hodnoty pro rozbalovací nabídku
view this entry timesheet cs Zobrazit tento záznam
week timesheet cs Týden
whole query timesheet cs celý dotaz
yesterday timesheet cs Včera
you need to select some timesheets first timesheet cs Musíte nejprve vybrat nějaké pracovní výkazy.
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet cs Vaše databáze NENÍ aktuální (%1 vs. %2), spusťte prosím %3setup%4 a zaktualizujte Vaší databázi.

View File

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
%1 timesheets(s) %2 timesheet de %1 Stundenzettel %2
%1 timesheets(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! timesheet de %1 Stundenzettel %2, %3 wurde nicht durchgeführt wegen ungenügenden Rechten !!!
--> enter new name timesheet de -> neuer Name eingeben
2 month ago timesheet de Vor 2 Monaten
2 years ago timesheet de Vor 2 Jahren
3 years ago timesheet de Vor 3 Jahren
actions timesheet de Aktionen
all projects timesheet de Alle Projekte
all status timesheet de Alle Status
and its members timesheet de und die Mitglieder
applies the changes timesheet de Änderungen durchführen
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown timesheets!!! timesheet de Wendet den Befehl auf die gesamte Abfrage an, NICHT nur die angezeigten Stundenzettel!!
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin de Beides: verwende Projektmanager und freie Projektnamen
by timesheet de von
changed status timesheet de Status geändert
check all timesheet de Alle selektieren
comment by %1 at %2: timesheet de Übertragen von %1 am %2
create new links timesheet de Neue Verknüpfung erstellen
creates a new field timesheet de neues Feld anlegen
creating new entry timesheet de neuen Eintrag anlegen
custom fields timesheet de Benutzerdefinierte Felder
delete this entry timesheet de Diesen Eintrag löschen
delete this status timesheet de Diesen Status löschen
delete timesheet timesheet de Stundenzettel löschen
deleted timesheet de gelöscht
deletes this field timesheet de Dies Feld löschen
determines the order the fields are displayed timesheet de verändert die Reihenfolge der angezeigten Felder
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] timesheet de jeder Wert ist eine Zeile in dem Format <id>[=|label>]
edit status timesheet de Status bearbeiten
edit this entry timesheet de diesen Eintrag bearbeiten
empty if identical to duration timesheet de leer lassen wenn gleich Dauer
end timesheet de Ende
entry deleted timesheet de Eintrag gelöscht
entry saved timesheet de Eintrag gespeichert
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet de Fehler beim Löschen des Eintrags!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet de Fehler beim Speichern des Eintrags!!!
existing links timesheet de Bestehende Verknüpfungen
export timesheet de Exportieren
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet de zu Open Office exortieren
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet de Exportiert die Einträge des Stundenzettels in eine CSV Datei. CSV bedeutet, Komma getrennte Werte. In dem options Tab können Sie andere Trennzeichen festlegen.
field must not be empty !!! timesheet de Dieses Feld darf nicht leer sein!!!
full: use only projectmanager admin de Komplett: verwende nur Projektmanager
general timesheet de Allgemein
global categories timesheet de Globale Kategorien
history timesheet de Historie
id timesheet de ID
last modified timesheet de Zuletzt geändert
last month timesheet de Letzten Monat
last week timesheet de Letzte Woche
last year timesheet de Letztes Jahr
leave it empty for a full week timesheet de Leer lassen für eine volle Woche
leaves without saveing timesheet de beenden ohne speichern
length<br>rows timesheet de Länge<br>Reihe
links timesheet de Verknüpfungen
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] timesheet de maximale Länge der Eingabe[,Länge des Eingabefeldes (optional)]
modify the status of the timesheet timesheet de Status des Stundenzettels verändern
new ticket submitted by %1 at %2 timesheet de Neues Ticket erstellt von %1 am %2
new timesheet submitted by %1 at %2 timesheet de Neuer Stundenzettel von %1 am %2
no details timesheet de Keine Details
no project timesheet de Kein Projekt
no status timesheet de Kein Status
none: use only free project-names admin de Keine: verwende nur freie Projektnamen
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box timesheet de Anzahl von Reihen für ein Mehrzeiliges Textfeld oder einer Mehrfachauswahlbox
only admin timesheet de nur Admin
only admin can edit this status timesheet de nur Admins dürfen diesen Status bearbeiten
or endtime timesheet de oder Endzeit
order timesheet de Reihenfolge
parent timesheet de Übergeordnet
permission denied!!! timesheet de Zugriff verweigert!!!
price timesheet de Preis
projectmanager integration admin de Integration des Projektmanagers
quantity timesheet de Menge
save & new timesheet de Speichern & Neu
saves the changes made timesheet de Speichert die Änderungen
saves the changes made and leaves timesheet de Änderungen speidern und beenden
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet de Speichert diesen Eintrag und fügt einen neuen hinzu
select a price timesheet de Preis auswählen
select a project timesheet de Projekt auswählen
select a status of the timesheet timesheet de einen status auswählen
select action timesheet de Bitte eine Aktion auswählen
select infolog timesheet de Infolog auswählen
select multiple timeshhets for a further action timesheet de Wählen Sie mehrere Stundenzettel für einen weitere Aktion aus
select the predefined status, whan creating a new timesheet timesheet de Wählen Sie einen Status als Vorgabe für neu zu erstellende Stundenzettel aus
show a quantity sum (eg. to sum up negative overtime) admin de Zeige eine Mengensumme (z.B. um negative Überstunden zu summieren)
start timesheet de Start
starttime timesheet de Startzeit
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet de Startzeit muss vor der Endzeit liegen !!!
status deleted. timesheet de Status gelöscht
status of created timesheets timesheet de Status für neue Stundenzettel
status updated. timesheet de Status geändert
sum %1: timesheet de Summe %1:
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible timesheet de Dieser Name wird nur intern benutzt (<= 20 Zeichen), Änderungen führen dazu, das bestehende Daten nicht mehr angezeigt werden können.
the text displayed to the user timesheet de der Text wird dem Benutzer angezeigt
this month timesheet de Diesen Monat
this week timesheet de Diese Woche
this year timesheet de Dieses Jahr
ticket modified by %1 at %2 timesheet de Ticket geändert von %1 am %2
timesheet common de Stundenzettel
timesheet csv export timesheet de Export des Stundenzettels als CSV
timesheet modified by %1 at %2 timesheet de Stundenzettel verändert von %1 am %2
timesheet openoffice export timesheet de Export des Stundenzettels als Open Office
timesheet status-%1 '%2' added. timesheet de Stundenzettel Status %1 '%2' hinzugefügt.
timesheet-%1 '%2' updated. timesheet de Stundenzettel Status %1 '%2' geändert
timesheet-%1 deleted. timesheet de Stundenzettel %1 gelöscht
tracker timesheet de Verfolgungssystem
unitprice timesheet de Preis pro Einheit
values for selectbox timesheet de Werte der Auswahlbox
view this entry timesheet de Diesen Eintrag anzeigen
week timesheet de Woche
whole query timesheet de gesamte Abfrage
yesterday timesheet de Gestern
you need to select some timesheets first timesheet de Sie müssen zuerst Datensätze auswählen
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet de Ihre Datenbank ist NICHT aktuell (%1 statt %2), bitte rufen sie %3setup%4 auf um die Datenbank zu aktualisieren.

View File

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
%1 timesheets(s) %2 timesheet en %1 timesheets(s) %2
%1 timesheets(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! timesheet en %1 timesheets(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!!
--> enter new name timesheet en --> enter new name
2 month ago timesheet en 2 month ago
2 years ago timesheet en 2 years ago
3 years ago timesheet en 3 years ago
actions timesheet en Actions
all projects timesheet en All projects
all status timesheet en All status
and its members timesheet en and its members
applies the changes timesheet en applies the changes
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown timesheets!!! timesheet en Apply the action on the whole query, NOT only the shown timesheets!!!
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin en Both: allow to use ProjectManager and free project-names
by timesheet en by
changed status timesheet en changed status
check all timesheet en Check all
comment by %1 at %2: timesheet en Comment by %1 at %2:
create new links timesheet en Create new links
creates a new field timesheet en creates a new field
creating new entry timesheet en creating new entry
custom fields timesheet en Custom fields
delete this entry timesheet en Delete this entry
delete this status timesheet en Delete this status
delete timesheet timesheet en Delete Timesheet
deleted timesheet en deleted
deletes this field timesheet en deletes this field
determines the order the fields are displayed timesheet en determines the order the fields are displayed
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] timesheet en each value is a line like <id>[=<label>]
edit status timesheet en Edit status
edit this entry timesheet en Edit this entry
empty if identical to duration timesheet en empty if identical to duration
end timesheet en End
entry deleted timesheet en Entry deleted
entry saved timesheet en Entry saved
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet en Error deleting the entry!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet en Error saving the entry!!!
existing links timesheet en Existing links
export timesheet en Export
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet en Export to OpenOffice Spreadsheet
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet en Exports entries from your Timesheet into a CSV File. CSV means 'Comma Seperated Values'. However in the options Tab you can also choose other seperators.
field must not be empty !!! timesheet en Field must not be empty !!!
full: use only projectmanager admin en Full: use only ProjectManager
general timesheet en General
global categories timesheet en Global Categories
history timesheet en History
id timesheet en ID
last modified timesheet en Last modified
last month timesheet en Last month
last week timesheet en Last week
last year timesheet en Last year
leave it empty for a full week timesheet en Leave it empty for a full week
leaves without saveing timesheet en leaves without saveing
length<br>rows timesheet en Length<br>Rows
links timesheet en Links
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] timesheet en max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)]
modify the status of the timesheet timesheet en Modify the Status of the Timesheet
new ticket submitted by %1 at %2 timesheet en New ticket submitted by %1 at %2
new timesheet submitted by %1 at %2 timesheet en New timesheet submitted by %1 at %2
no details timesheet en no details
no project timesheet en No project
no status timesheet en No status
none: use only free project-names admin en None: use only free project-names
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box timesheet en number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box
only admin timesheet en Only Admin
only admin can edit this status timesheet en only Admin can edit this status
or endtime timesheet en or Endtime
order timesheet en Order
parent timesheet en Parent
permission denied!!! timesheet en Permission denied!!!
price timesheet en Price
projectmanager integration admin en ProjectManager integration
quantity timesheet en Quantity
save & new timesheet en Save & New
saves the changes made timesheet en Saves the changes made
saves the changes made and leaves timesheet en saves the changes made and leaves
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet en Saves this entry and add a new one
select a price timesheet en Select a price
select a project timesheet en Select a project
select a status of the timesheet timesheet en select a status of the timesheet
select action timesheet en Select action
select infolog timesheet en select Infolog
select multiple timeshhets for a further action timesheet en Select multiple timeshhets for a further action
select the predefined status, whan creating a new timesheet timesheet en Select the predefined status, whan creating a new timesheet
show a quantity sum (eg. to sum up negative overtime) admin en Show a quantity sum (eg. to sum up negative overtime)
start timesheet en Start
starttime timesheet en Starttime
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet en Starttime has to be before endtime !!!
status deleted. timesheet en Status deleted.
status of created timesheets timesheet en Status of created timesheets
status updated. timesheet en Status updated.
sum %1: timesheet en Sum %1:
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible timesheet en the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible
the text displayed to the user timesheet en the text displayed to the user
this month timesheet en This month
this week timesheet en This week
this year timesheet en This year
ticket modified by %1 at %2 timesheet en Ticket modified by %1 at %2
timesheet common en TimeSheet
timesheet csv export timesheet en Timesheet CSV export
timesheet modified by %1 at %2 timesheet en Timesheet modified by %1 at %2
timesheet openoffice export timesheet en Timesheet OpenOffice export
timesheet status-%1 '%2' added. timesheet en Timesheet Status-%1 '%2' added.
timesheet-%1 '%2' updated. timesheet en Timesheet-%1 '%2' updated.
timesheet-%1 deleted. timesheet en Timesheet-%1 deleted.
tracker timesheet en Tracker
unitprice timesheet en Unitprice
values for selectbox timesheet en Values for selectbox
view this entry timesheet en View this entry
week timesheet en Week
whole query timesheet en whole query
yesterday timesheet en Yesterday
you need to select some timesheets first timesheet en You need to select some timesheets first
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet en Your database is NOT up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database.

View File

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
%1 timesheets(s) %2 timesheet es-es %1 hojas de tiempo %2
%1 timesheets(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! timesheet es-es %1 hojas de tiempo %2, !!%2 fallaron por falta de permisos!!
--> enter new name timesheet es-es --> introduzca un nombre nuevo
2 month ago timesheet es-es Hace 2 meses
2 years ago timesheet es-es Hace 2 años
3 years ago timesheet es-es Hace 3 años
actions timesheet es-es Acciones
all projects timesheet es-es Todos los proyectos
all status timesheet es-es Todos los estados
and its members timesheet es-es y sus miembros
applies the changes timesheet es-es aplica los cambios
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown timesheets!!! timesheet es-es ¡Aplicar la acción a toda la consulta, NO sólo a las hojas de tiempo mostradas!
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin es-es Ambos: permitir usar nombres de proyectos del Administrador de proyectos y libres
by timesheet es-es por
changed status timesheet es-es estado cambiado
check all timesheet es-es Marcar todo
comment by %1 at %2: timesheet es-es Comentario por %1 a las %2:
create new links timesheet es-es Crear enlaces nuevos
creates a new field timesheet es-es crea un campo nuevo
creating new entry timesheet es-es creando nueva entrada
custom fields timesheet es-es Campos personalizados
delete this entry timesheet es-es Borrar esta entrada
delete this status timesheet es-es Borrar este estado
delete timesheet timesheet es-es Borrar hoja de tiempo
deleted timesheet es-es borrado
deletes this field timesheet es-es borra este campo
determines the order the fields are displayed timesheet es-es determina el orden en que se muestran los campos
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] timesheet es-es cada valor es una línea como <id>[=<etiqueta>]
edit status timesheet es-es Editar estado
edit this entry timesheet es-es Editar esta entrada
empty if identical to duration timesheet es-es Vacío si es idéntico a la duración
end timesheet es-es Fin
entry deleted timesheet es-es Se ha borrado la entrada
entry saved timesheet es-es Se ha guardado la entrada
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet es-es Error al borrar la entrada
error saving the entry!!! timesheet es-es ¡Se ha producido un error al guardar la entrada!
existing links timesheet es-es Enlaces existentes
export timesheet es-es Exportar
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet es-es Exportar a hoja de cálculo de OpenOffice
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet es-es Exporta entradas desde la hoja de tiempos en un fichero CSV (valores separados por comas). Sin embargo, también se pueden elegir otros separadores en la pestaña de opciones.
field must not be empty !!! timesheet es-es ¡El campo no debe estar vacío!
full: use only projectmanager admin es-es Completo: usar sólo el Administrador de proyectos
general timesheet es-es General
global categories timesheet es-es Categorías globales
history timesheet es-es Historial
id timesheet es-es ID
last modified timesheet es-es Ultima modificación
last month timesheet es-es Último mes
last week timesheet es-es Última semana
last year timesheet es-es Último año
leave it empty for a full week timesheet es-es Dejar en blanco durante una semana completa
leaves without saveing timesheet es-es sale sin guardar
length<br>rows timesheet es-es Longitud<br>Filas
links timesheet es-es Enlaces
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] timesheet es-es longitud máxima de la entrada [, longitud del campo de entrada (opcional)]
modify the status of the timesheet timesheet es-es Modificar el estado de la hoja de tiempos
new ticket submitted by %1 at %2 timesheet es-es Nuevo ticket enviado por %1 a las %2
new timesheet submitted by %1 at %2 timesheet es-es Nueva hoja de tiempos emitida por %1 a las %2
no details timesheet es-es Sin detalles
no project timesheet es-es Sin proyecto
no status timesheet es-es Sin estado
none: use only free project-names admin es-es Ninguno: usar sólo nombres de proyecto libres
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box timesheet es-es número de fila para un campo de entrada multilínea or línea de un campo de selección múltiple
only admin timesheet es-es Sólo el administrador
only admin can edit this status timesheet es-es sólo el administador puede editar el estado
or endtime timesheet es-es u hora de finalización
order timesheet es-es Orden
parent timesheet es-es Padre
permission denied!!! timesheet es-es ¡Se ha denegado el permiso!
price timesheet es-es Precio
projectmanager integration admin es-es Integración con el Administrador de proyectos
quantity timesheet es-es Cantidad
save & new timesheet es-es Guardar y crear
saves the changes made timesheet es-es Guardar los cambios realizados
saves the changes made and leaves timesheet es-es guarda los cambios realizados y sale
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet es-es Guarda esta entrada y añade una nueva
select a price timesheet es-es Seleccionar un precio
select a project timesheet es-es Seleccionar un proyecto
select a status of the timesheet timesheet es-es seleccionar un estado de una hoja de tiempo
select action timesheet es-es Seleccionar acción
select infolog timesheet es-es seleccionar elemento de tareas
select multiple timeshhets for a further action timesheet es-es Seleccionar múltiples hojas de tiempo para una acción posterior
select the predefined status, whan creating a new timesheet timesheet es-es Seleccionar el estado predefinido cuando se cree una hoja de tiempos nueva
show a quantity sum (eg. to sum up negative overtime) admin es-es Mostrar una suma de cantidades (p. ej. sumar tiempo extra negativo)
start timesheet es-es Inicio
starttime timesheet es-es Hora de inicio
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet es-es ¡La hora de comienzo tiene que ser antes que la hora de fin!
status deleted. timesheet es-es Se ha borrado el estado.
status of created timesheets timesheet es-es Estado de las hojas de tiempo creadas
status updated. timesheet es-es Se ha actualizado el estado.
sum %1: timesheet es-es Suma %1:
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible timesheet es-es el nombre utilizado internamente (<= 20 caracteres), si se cambia, impide acceder a los datos
the text displayed to the user timesheet es-es el texto mostrado al usuario
this month timesheet es-es Este mes
this week timesheet es-es Esta semana
this year timesheet es-es Este año
ticket modified by %1 at %2 timesheet es-es Ticket modificado por %1 a las %2
timesheet common es-es Hoja de presencia
timesheet csv export timesheet es-es Exportar a CSV la hoja de presencia
timesheet modified by %1 at %2 timesheet es-es Hoja de tiempos modificada por %1 a las %2
timesheet openoffice export timesheet es-es Exportar a OpenOffice la hoja de presencia
timesheet status-%1 '%2' added. timesheet es-es Estado de la hoja de tiempo-%1 '%2' añadido.
timesheet-%1 '%2' updated. timesheet es-es Hoja de tiempo-%1 '%2' actualizado.
timesheet-%1 deleted. timesheet es-es Hoja de tiempo-%1 '%2' borrado.
tracker timesheet es-es Elemento de seguimiento
unitprice timesheet es-es Precio por unidad
values for selectbox timesheet es-es Valores para la lista de selección.
view this entry timesheet es-es Ver esta entrada
week timesheet es-es Semana
whole query timesheet es-es la consulta completa
yesterday timesheet es-es Ayer
you need to select some timesheets first timesheet es-es Antes necesita seleccionar algunas hojas de tiempo
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet es-es La base de datos NO está actualizada (%1 vs %2). Por favor, ejecute %3setup%4 para actualizar la base de datos.

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
all projects timesheet et Kõik projektid
create new links timesheet et Tee uued lingid
general timesheet et Üldine
last modified timesheet et Viimati muudetud
last month timesheet et Viimane kuu
last week timesheet et Viimane nädal
last year timesheet et Viimane aasta
links timesheet et Lingid
no details timesheet et mitte detailselt
or endtime timesheet et või Lõpuaeg
permission denied!!! timesheet et Ligipääs keelatud !!!
price timesheet et Hind
quantity timesheet et Kogus
save & new timesheet et Salvesta & Uus
select a price timesheet et Vali hind
select a project timesheet et Vali Projekt
start timesheet et Start
starttime timesheet et Startimise aeg
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet et Startimise aeg on pärast lõpetamise aega !!!
week timesheet et Nädal
yesterday timesheet et Eile

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet eu Orain dela 2 hilabete
2 years ago timesheet eu Orain dela 2 urte
3 years ago timesheet eu Orain dela 3 urte
actions timesheet eu Ekintzak
by timesheet eu norengatik
create new links timesheet eu Lotura berriak sortu
delete this entry timesheet eu Sarrera hau ezabatu
edit this entry timesheet eu Sarrera hau editatu
empty if identical to duration timesheet eu Hutsik iraupenaren berdina bada
entry deleted timesheet eu Sarrera hau ezabatu da
entry saved timesheet eu Sarrera gorde da
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet eu Errorea sarrera ezabatzerakoan
error saving the entry!!! timesheet eu Errorea sarrera gordetzerakoan
existing links timesheet eu Existitzen diren loturak
general timesheet eu Orokorra
last modified timesheet eu Azken aldaketa
last month timesheet eu Azken hilabetea
last week timesheet eu Azken astea
last year timesheet eu Azken urtea
links timesheet eu Loturak
no details timesheet eu detailerik gabe
permission denied!!! timesheet eu Baimena ukatuta!
price timesheet eu Prezioa
quantity timesheet eu Kantitatea
save & new timesheet eu Gorde eta sortu
saves the changes made timesheet eu Egindako aldaketak gorde
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet eu Sarrera hau gorde eta berri bat gehitu
select a price timesheet eu Aukeratu prezio bat
select a project timesheet eu Aukeratu proiektu bat
this month timesheet eu Hilabete honetan
this week timesheet eu Aste honetan
this year timesheet eu Urte honetan
timesheet common eu Ordu sarrera
unitprice timesheet eu Prezioa unitateko
view this entry timesheet eu Sarrera hau ikusi
yesterday timesheet eu Atzo

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
'1%' has an invalid format !!! timesheet fa '1%' دارای قالب صحیح نیست !!!
2 month ago timesheet fa دو ماه قبل
2 years ago timesheet fa دو سال قبل
3 years ago timesheet fa سه سال قبل
a pattern to be searched for timesheet fa الگوئی که می خواهید جستجو شود
actions timesheet fa فعالیتها
am timesheet fa صبح
applies the changes made timesheet fa تغییرات ذخیره شده را اعمال می کند
attach timesheet fa پیوست
attach file timesheet fa پیوست پرونده
by timesheet fa بوسیله
click here to attach the file timesheet fa برای پیوست پرونده اینجا کلیک کنید
click here to start the search timesheet fa برای شروع جستجو اینجا کلیک کنید
click to order after that criteria timesheet fa برای مرتب شدن بر اساس شرط، کلیک کنید
closes the window without saving the changes timesheet fa پنجره را بدون ذخیره تغییرات می بندد
comment timesheet fa شرح
create new links timesheet fa ایجاد پیوندهای جدید
custom timesheet fa بازه سفارشی...
delete this entry timesheet fa حذف این ورودی
duration timesheet fa مدت
edit this entry timesheet fa ویراستن این ورودی
empty if identical to duration timesheet fa خالی بگذارید اگر به مدت بستگی دارد
end timesheet fa اتمام
enter a search pattern timesheet fa یک الگوی جستجو وارد کنید
entry deleted timesheet fa ورودی حذف شد
entry saved timesheet fa ورودی ذخیره شد
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet fa خطای حذف ورودی!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet fa خطای ذخیره ورودی!!!
existing links timesheet fa پیوندهای موجود
field must not be empty !!! timesheet fa فیلد نباید خالی باشد !!!
first timesheet fa اولین
general timesheet fa عمومی
go to the first entry timesheet fa رفتن به صفحه اول ورودیها
go to the last entry timesheet fa رفتن به صفحه آخر ورودیها
go to the next page of entries timesheet fa رفتن به صفحه بعدی ورودیها
go to the previous page of entries timesheet fa رفتن به صفحه قبلی ورودیها
hour timesheet fa ساعت
hours timesheet fa ساعت
how many entries should the list show timesheet fa تعداد مواردی که باید لیست نمایش دهد
last timesheet fa آخرین
last modified timesheet fa آخرین تغییرات
last month timesheet fa ماه گذشته
last week timesheet fa هفته گذشته
last year timesheet fa سال گذشته
leave it empty for a full week timesheet fa برای یک هفته کامل خالی بگذارید
link timesheet fa پیوند
links timesheet fa پیوندها
minutes timesheet fa دقیقه
new search timesheet fa جستجوی جدید
no details timesheet fa بدون جزئیات
of timesheet fa از
optional note about the link timesheet fa یادداشت دلخواه برای پیوند
permission denied!!! timesheet fa دسترسی ممنوع!!!
pm timesheet fa عصر
price timesheet fa قیمت
quantity timesheet fa کمیت
remove this link (not the entry itself) timesheet fa برداشتن پیوند (نه خود ورودی)
save & new timesheet fa ذخیره و جدید
saves the changes made timesheet fa ذخیره کردن تغییرات ایجاد شده
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet fa ذخیره کردن این ورودی و اضافه کردن جدید
select a category timesheet fa یک دسته را انتخاب کنید
select a price timesheet fa قیمت را انتخاب کنید
select a project timesheet fa پروژه را انتخاب کنید
select an app to search in timesheet fa کاربرد را برای جستجو در آن انتخاب کنید
select which values to show timesheet fa انتخاب کنید کدام مقدارها باید نمایش داده شوند
showing timesheet fa نمایش
start timesheet fa شروع
sum %1: timesheet fa جمع %1:
this month timesheet fa این ماه
this week timesheet fa این هفته
this year timesheet fa امسال
timesheet common fa گزارش کار
to start the search timesheet fa شروع جستجو
unitprice timesheet fa واحد قیمت
view this entry timesheet fa دیدن این ورودی
view this linked entry in its application timesheet fa دیدن ورودی پیوند شده در کاربرد خودش
week timesheet fa هفته
yesterday timesheet fa دیروز

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet fi 2 kuukautta sitten
2 years ago timesheet fi 2 vuotta sitten
3 years ago timesheet fi 3 vuotta sitten
actions timesheet fi Toiminnot
all projects timesheet fi Kaikki projektit
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin fi Molemmat: salli projektinhallinnan ja vapaiden projektinimien käyttö
create new links timesheet fi Luo uusi linkki
creating new entry timesheet fi Luo uusi merkintä
delete this entry timesheet fi poista tämä merkintä
edit this entry timesheet fi Muokkaa tätä merkintää
empty if identical to duration timesheet fi poista jos kesto on yhtä pitkä
end timesheet fi Päätös
entry deleted timesheet fi Merkintä poistettu
entry saved timesheet fi Merkintä tallennettu
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet fi Virhe poistettaessa merkintää !!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet fi Virhe tallentaessa merkintää !!!
existing links timesheet fi Olemassa olevat linkit
full: use only projectmanager admin fi Täydet: käytä vain projektinhallintaa
general timesheet fi Yleinen
last modified timesheet fi Viimeksi muokattu
last month timesheet fi Viime kuussa
last week timesheet fi Viime viikolla
last year timesheet fi Viime vuonna
leave it empty for a full week timesheet fi Jätä tyhjä koko viikon ajalta
links timesheet fi Linkit
no details timesheet fi Ei lisätietoja
no project timesheet fi Ei projektia
none: use only free project-names admin fi Ei mitään: käytä vain vapaita projektinimiä
or endtime timesheet fi ei päättymishetkeä
permission denied!!! timesheet fi Pääsy estetty!!!
price timesheet fi Hinta
projectmanager integration admin fi Projektinhallinnan integrointi
quantity timesheet fi Määrä
save & new timesheet fi Tallenna ja tee uusi
saves the changes made timesheet fi Tallenna tehdyt muutokset
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet fi Tallenna tämä merkintä ja lisää uusi
select a price timesheet fi Valitse hinta
select a project timesheet fi Valitse projekti
start timesheet fi Alku
starttime timesheet fi Aloittamisaika
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet fi Aloittamisajan pitää olla ennen päättymiaikaa
sum %1: timesheet fi Summa %1:
this month timesheet fi Tässä kuussa
this week timesheet fi Tällä viikolla
this year timesheet fi Tänä vuonna
timesheet common fi Ajanseuranta
unitprice timesheet fi Yksikköhinta
view this entry timesheet fi Näytä tämä merkintä
week timesheet fi Viikko
yesterday timesheet fi Eilen
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet fi Tietokantasi EI ole ajan tasalla %1 vs. %2), suorita %3setup%4 päivittääksesi tietokantasi.

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet fr Il y a 2 mois
2 years ago timesheet fr Il y a 2 ans
3 years ago timesheet fr Il y a 3 ans
actions timesheet fr Actions
all projects timesheet fr Tous les projets
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin fr Les deux: permettre l'utilisation du Gestionnaire de projets et l'utilisation de noms de projets libres
by timesheet fr par
create new links timesheet fr Créer de nouveaux liens
creating new entry timesheet fr nouvelle entrée en création
delete this entry timesheet fr Supprimer cette entrée
edit this entry timesheet fr Modifier cette entrée
empty if identical to duration timesheet fr vide si identique à la durée
end timesheet fr Fin
entry deleted timesheet fr Entrée supprimée
entry saved timesheet fr Entrée enregistrée
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet fr Erreur lors de la suppression de l'entrée !!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet fr Erreur lors de l'enregistrement de l'entrée !!!
existing links timesheet fr Liens existants
full: use only projectmanager admin fr Complet: utiliser seulement le Gestionnaire de projets
general timesheet fr Général
last modified timesheet fr Dernière modification
last month timesheet fr Le mois dernier
last week timesheet fr La semaine dernière
last year timesheet fr L'année dernière
leave it empty for a full week timesheet fr Laisser vide pour une semaine pleine
links timesheet fr Liens
no details timesheet fr pas de détails
no project timesheet fr Pas de projet
none: use only free project-names admin fr Aucun: utiliser seulement des noms de projets libres
or endtime timesheet fr ou Date de fin
permission denied!!! timesheet fr Autorisation refusée!!!
price timesheet fr Prix
projectmanager integration admin fr Intégration au Gestionnaire de projets
quantity timesheet fr Quantité
save & new timesheet fr Enregistrer & Nouveau
saves the changes made timesheet fr Enregistrer les modifications
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet fr Enregistrer cette entrée et en ajouter une nouvelle
select a price timesheet fr Choisissez un prix
select a project timesheet fr Choisissez un projet
start timesheet fr Début
starttime timesheet fr Heure de début
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet fr L'heure de début doit être avant l'heure de fin !!!
sum %1: timesheet fr Somme %1:
this month timesheet fr Ce mois
this week timesheet fr Cette semaine
this year timesheet fr Cette année
timesheet common fr Feuille de temps
unitprice timesheet fr Prix à l'unité
view this entry timesheet fr Voir cette entrée
week timesheet fr Semaine
yesterday timesheet fr Hier
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet fr Votre base de données n'est PAS à jour (%1 contre %2), veuillez exécuter %3setup%4 pour mettre à jour votre base de données.

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet hu 2 hónappal korábban
2 years ago timesheet hu 2 évvel korábban
3 years ago timesheet hu 3 évvel korábban
actions timesheet hu Műveletek
all projects timesheet hu Összes projekt
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin hu Mindkettő: lehetővé teszi a ProjectManager és a szabad projekt nevek használatát
by timesheet hu by
create new links timesheet hu Új hivatkozás létrehozása
creating new entry timesheet hu új bejegyzés létrehozása
custom fields timesheet hu Egyedi mezõk
delete this entry timesheet hu Bejegyzés törlése
edit this entry timesheet hu Bejegyzés szerkesztése
empty if identical to duration timesheet hu üres, ha azonos az időtartammal
end timesheet hu Befejezés
entry deleted timesheet hu Bejegyzés törölve
entry saved timesheet hu Bejegyzés elmentve
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet hu Bejegyzés törlése közben hiba lépett fel!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet hu Bejegyzés mentése közben hiba lépett fel!!!
existing links timesheet hu Meglévő hivatkozások
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet hu Exportálás OpenOffice Táblázatkezelő formátumban
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet hu Regiszter bejegyzések exportálása CSV fájlba. CSV jelentése 'Comma Separated Values'. Az opcióknál megadható más elválasztó karakter is, nem csak a vessző.
field must not be empty !!! timesheet hu A mezőt ki kell tölteni!!!
full: use only projectmanager admin hu Teljes: csak a ProjectManager használata
general timesheet hu Általános
last modified timesheet hu Utolsó módosítás
last month timesheet hu Korábbi hónap
last week timesheet hu Korábbi hét
last year timesheet hu Korábbi év
leave it empty for a full week timesheet hu Teljes héthez hagyja üresen
links timesheet hu Hivatkozások
name must not be empty !!! timesheet hu A név nem lehet üres!!!
no details timesheet hu nincsenek részletek
no project timesheet hu Nincs projekt
none: use only free project-names admin hu Egy sem: csak szabad projekt nevek használata
or endtime timesheet hu vagy Befejezési idő
permission denied!!! timesheet hu Hozzáférés megtagadva!!!
price timesheet hu Ár
projectmanager integration admin hu ProjectManager integráció
quantity timesheet hu Mennyiség
save & new timesheet hu Elment és Új
saves the changes made timesheet hu Változások elmentése
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet hu Bejegyzés elmentése és új hozzáadása
select a price timesheet hu Ár kiválasztása
select a project timesheet hu Projekt kiválasztása
show a quantity sum (eg. to sum up negative overtime) admin hu Jelenítse meg a mennyiségi összesítést (pl. hogy összesítse a negatív túlmunkát is)
start timesheet hu Kezdés
starttime timesheet hu Kezdési idő
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet hu A kezdési időnek a befejezés előtt kell lennie!
sum %1: timesheet hu Összesen %1:
this month timesheet hu Folyó hónap
this week timesheet hu Folyó hét
this year timesheet hu Folyó év
timesheet common hu Regiszter
timesheet csv export timesheet hu Regiszter CSV export
timesheet openoffice export timesheet hu Regiszter OpenOffice export
unitprice timesheet hu Egységár
view this entry timesheet hu Bejegyzés megtekintése
week timesheet hu hét
yesterday timesheet hu Tegnap
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet hu Az adatbázis nem friss (%1 <-> %2), kérjük %3frissítse%4 az adatbázist.

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet it 2 mesi fa
2 years ago timesheet it 2 anni fa
3 years ago timesheet it 3 anni fa
actions timesheet it Azioni
all projects timesheet it Tutti i progetti
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin it Entrambi: permetti di usare Gestione Progetti e nomi-progetto liberi
by timesheet it di
create new links timesheet it Crea nuovi collegamenti
creating new entry timesheet it creazione di una nuova voce
delete this entry timesheet it Cancella questa voce
edit this entry timesheet it Modifica questa voce
empty if identical to duration timesheet it vuoto se identico a durata
end timesheet it Fine
entry deleted timesheet it Voce eliminata
entry saved timesheet it Voce salvata
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet it Errore durante cancellazione voce!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet it Errore durante salvataggio voce!!!
existing links timesheet it Collegamenti esistenti
full: use only projectmanager admin it Pieno: usa solo Gestione Progetti
general timesheet it Generale
last modified timesheet it Ultima modifica
last month timesheet it Mese scorso
last week timesheet it Settimana scorsa
last year timesheet it L'anno scorso
leave it empty for a full week timesheet it Lascia vuoto per una settimana completa
links timesheet it Collegamenti
no details timesheet it no dettagli
no project timesheet it Nessun progetto
none: use only free project-names admin it Nessuno: usa solo nomi-progetto liberi
or endtime timesheet it o OraFine
permission denied!!! timesheet it Permesso negato!!!
price timesheet it Prezzo
projectmanager integration admin it Integrazione Gestione Progetti
quantity timesheet it Quantità
save & new timesheet it Salva & Nuovo
saves the changes made timesheet it Salva le modifiche fatte
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet it Salva questa voce e ne aggiunge una nuova
select a price timesheet it Seleziona un prezzo
select a project timesheet it Seleziona un progetto
start timesheet it Inizio
starttime timesheet it OraInizio
sum %1: timesheet it Somma %1:
this month timesheet it Questo mese
this week timesheet it Questa settimana
this year timesheet it Questo anno
timesheet common it Foglio Ore
unitprice timesheet it Prezzo unitario
view this entry timesheet it Vedi questa voce
week timesheet it Settimana
yesterday timesheet it Ieri
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet it Il tuo database NON è aggiornato (%1 contro %2), prego esegui %3setup%4 per aggiornare il database.

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet nl 2 maanden geleden
2 years ago timesheet nl 2 jaar geleden
3 years ago timesheet nl 3 jaar geleden
actions timesheet nl Acties
all projects timesheet nl Alle projecten
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin nl Beiden: accepteer het gebruik van ProjectManager en zelfgekozen projectnamen
by timesheet nl door
create new links timesheet nl Creëer nieuwe links
creating new entry timesheet nl een nieuw item aanmaken
delete this entry timesheet nl Verwijder dit item
edit this entry timesheet nl Wijzig dit item
empty if identical to duration timesheet nl leeg indien gelijk aan duur
end timesheet nl Einde
entry deleted timesheet nl Item verwijderd
entry saved timesheet nl Item opgeslagen
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet nl Fout bij verwijderen van het item !!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet nl Fout bij opslaan van het item !!!
existing links timesheet nl Bestaande links
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet nl Export naar OpenOffice rekenblad
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet nl Exporteert records uit uw urenregistratie naar een CSV bestand. CSV betekent 'Komma gescheiden waarden'. Maar in het opties tabblad kunt u ook andere scheidingstekens kiezen.
field must not be empty !!! timesheet nl Veld mag niet leeg zijn !!!
full: use only projectmanager admin nl Volledig: alleen de ProjectManager gebruiken
general timesheet nl Algemeen
last modified timesheet nl Laatst gewijzigd
last month timesheet nl Vorige maand
last week timesheet nl Vorige week
last year timesheet nl Vorig jaar
leave it empty for a full week timesheet nl Laat het leeg voor een volle week
links timesheet nl Links
no details timesheet nl geen details
no project timesheet nl Geen project
none: use only free project-names admin nl Geen: gebruik uitsluitend zelfgekozen projectnamen
or endtime timesheet nl of eindtijd
permission denied!!! timesheet nl Toegang geweigerd!!!
price timesheet nl Tarief
projectmanager integration admin nl ProjectManager integratie
quantity timesheet nl Hoeveelheid
save & new timesheet nl Opslaan & Nieuw
saves the changes made timesheet nl Bewaar de gemaakte wijzigingen
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet nl Bewaar dit item en maak een nieuwe
select a price timesheet nl Selecteer een tarief
select a project timesheet nl Selecteer een project
show a quantity sum (eg. to sum up negative overtime) admin nl Toont een optelling van hoeveelheid (bijvoorbeeld om negatieve overtijd op te tellen)
start timesheet nl Start
starttime timesheet nl Aanvangstijd
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet nl Aanvangstijd moet voor de eindtijd liggen !!!
sum %1: timesheet nl Sommeer %1:
this month timesheet nl Deze maand
this week timesheet nl Deze week
this year timesheet nl Dit jaar
timesheet common nl Urenregistratie
timesheet csv export timesheet nl Urenregistratie CSV export
timesheet openoffice export timesheet nl Urenregistratie OpenOffice export
unitprice timesheet nl Eenheidstarief
view this entry timesheet nl Dit item weergeven
week timesheet nl Week
yesterday timesheet nl Gisteren
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet nl Uw database is niet up to date (%1 vs. %2), draai s.v.p. %3setup%4 om uw database bij te werken.

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet no 2 måneder siden
2 years ago timesheet no 2 år siden
3 years ago timesheet no 3 år siden
actions timesheet no Handlinger
by timesheet no av
create new links timesheet no Opprett nye lenker
delete this entry timesheet no Slett denne forekomsten
edit this entry timesheet no Endre denne forekonsten
empty if identical to duration timesheet no blankt dersom det samme som varighet
entry deleted timesheet no Forekomst slettet
entry saved timesheet no Forekomst lagret
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet no Feil ved sletting av forekomst!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet no Feil ved lagring av forekomst!
existing links timesheet no Eksisterende lenker
general timesheet no Generell
last modified timesheet no Sist endret
last month timesheet no Siste måned
last week timesheet no Siste uke
last year timesheet no Siste år
leave it empty for a full week timesheet no La stå tom for en full uke
links timesheet no Lenker
no details timesheet no Ingen detaljer
permission denied!!! timesheet no Adgang nektes!
price timesheet no Pris
quantity timesheet no Antall
save & new timesheet no Lagre og ny
saves the changes made timesheet no Lagre endringene
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet no Lagre denne forekomsten og opprette en ny
select a price timesheet no Velg en pris
select a project timesheet no Velg et prosjekt
this month timesheet no Denne måneden
this week timesheet no Denne uken
this year timesheet no Dette året
timesheet common no Timeregistrering
unitprice timesheet no Enhetspris
view this entry timesheet no Vis denne forekomsten
yesterday timesheet no I går
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet no Din databse er ikke oppdatert (%1 vs. %2), kjør %3setup%4 for å oppgradere databasen.

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet pl 2 miesiące temu
2 years ago timesheet pl 2 lata temu
3 years ago timesheet pl 2 lata temu
actions timesheet pl Działania
all projects timesheet pl Wszystkie projekty
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin pl Częściowa: zezwalaj na używanie Menadżera Projektów jak również dowolnych nazw projektów
by timesheet pl przez
create new links timesheet pl Utwórz nowe odsyłacze
creating new entry timesheet pl Tworzenie nowego wpisu
delete this entry timesheet pl Usuń ten wpis
edit this entry timesheet pl Edytuj ten wpis
empty if identical to duration timesheet pl pusty jesli identyczny jak czas trwania
end timesheet pl Koniec
entry deleted timesheet pl Wpis usunięty
entry saved timesheet pl Wpis zachowany
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet pl Błąd przy usuwaniu wpisu !!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet pl Błąd przy zachowywaniu wpisu !!!
existing links timesheet pl Istniejące odsyłacze
full: use only projectmanager admin pl Pełna: zezwalaj tylko na nazwy z Menadżera Projektów
general timesheet pl Ogólnie
last modified timesheet pl Ostatnio zmodyfikowany
last month timesheet pl Ostatni miesiąc
last week timesheet pl Ostatni tydzień
last year timesheet pl Ostatni rok
leave it empty for a full week timesheet pl Pozostaw pusty na cały tydzień
links timesheet pl Odsyłacze
no details timesheet pl bez szczegółów
no project timesheet pl Żaden projekt
none: use only free project-names admin pl Żadna: używaj nazw niezależnych od Menadżera Projektów
or endtime timesheet pl lub czas zakończenia
permission denied!!! timesheet pl Dostęp zabroniony !!!
price timesheet pl Cena
projectmanager integration admin pl Integracja z Menadżerem projektów
quantity timesheet pl Ilość
save & new timesheet pl Zapisz & Nowy
saves the changes made timesheet pl Zapisz poczynione zmiany
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet pl Zachowaj ten wpis i dodaj nowy
select a price timesheet pl Wybierz ceną
select a project timesheet pl Wybierz projekt
start timesheet pl Początek
starttime timesheet pl Czas rozpoczęcia
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet pl Czas rozpoczęcia musi być wcześniejszy niż czas zakończenia!
sum %1: timesheet pl Suma %1:
this month timesheet pl Bieżący miesiąc
this week timesheet pl Bieżący tydzień
this year timesheet pl Bieżący rok
timesheet common pl Czas Pracy
unitprice timesheet pl Cena jednostkowa
view this entry timesheet pl Pokaż ten wpis
week timesheet pl Tydzień
yesterday timesheet pl Wczoraj
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet pl Twoja baza danych jest NIEAKTUALNA (%1 vs. %2), proszę uruchom %3setup%4 by zaktualizować Twoją bazę.

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet pt-br 2 meses atrás
2 years ago timesheet pt-br 2 anos atrás
3 years ago timesheet pt-br 3 anos atrás
actions timesheet pt-br Ações
all projects timesheet pt-br Todos projetos
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin pt-br Ambos: permitir usar Gerenciador de Projetos e nomes de projetos livres
by timesheet pt-br por
create new links timesheet pt-br Criar novos links
creating new entry timesheet pt-br criando novo registro
delete this entry timesheet pt-br Remover este registro
edit this entry timesheet pt-br Editar este registro
empty if identical to duration timesheet pt-br vazio se idêntico à duração
end timesheet pt-br Fim
entry deleted timesheet pt-br Registro removido
entry saved timesheet pt-br Registro salvo
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet pt-br Erro removendo o registro!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet pt-br Erro salvando o registro!!
existing links timesheet pt-br Links existentes
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet pt-br Exportar como Planilha do OpenOffice
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet pt-br Exporta registros de sua Planilha de Tempo em um arquivo CSV. CSV significa 'Valores Separados por Vírgula'. Entretando, na aba Opções você pode escolher outros separadores.
field must not be empty !!! timesheet pt-br Campo não pode estar vazio !!!
full: use only projectmanager admin pt-br Completo: usar apenas Gerenciador de Projetos
general timesheet pt-br Geral
last modified timesheet pt-br Modificado por último
last month timesheet pt-br Último mês
last week timesheet pt-br Última semana
last year timesheet pt-br Último ano
leave it empty for a full week timesheet pt-br Deixar vazio para uma semana inteira
links timesheet pt-br Links
no details timesheet pt-br Sem detalhes
no project timesheet pt-br Nenhum projeto
none: use only free project-names admin pt-br Nenhum: usar apenas nomes de projetos livres
or endtime timesheet pt-br or horário final
permission denied!!! timesheet pt-br Permissão negada !!
price timesheet pt-br Preço
projectmanager integration admin pt-br Integração com Gerenciador de Projetos
quantity timesheet pt-br Quantidade
save & new timesheet pt-br Salvar e Novo
saves the changes made timesheet pt-br Salvar as alterações feitas
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet pt-br Salvar este registro e adicionar um novo
select a price timesheet pt-br Selecionar um preço
select a project timesheet pt-br Selecionar um projeto
show a quantity sum (eg. to sum up negative overtime) admin pt-br Exibir uma soma de quantidade (exemplo: para somar tempo extra negativo)
start timesheet pt-br Início
starttime timesheet pt-br Horário inicial
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet pt-br Horário inicial deve ser anterior ao horário final !!!
sum %1: timesheet pt-br Soma %1:
this month timesheet pt-br Este mês
this week timesheet pt-br Esta semana
this year timesheet pt-br Este ano
timesheet common pt-br Planilha de Tempo
timesheet csv export timesheet pt-br Exportar Planilha - CSV
timesheet openoffice export timesheet pt-br Exportar Planilha OpenOffice
unitprice timesheet pt-br Unidade de preço
view this entry timesheet pt-br Exibir este registro
week timesheet pt-br Semana
yesterday timesheet pt-br Ontem
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet pt-br Sua base de dados NÃO está atualizada (%1 x %2). Por favor execute %3setup%4 para atualizá-la.

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet pt Há 2 meses atrás
2 years ago timesheet pt Há 2 anos atrás
3 years ago timesheet pt Há 3 anos atrás
actions timesheet pt Acções
by timesheet pt por
create new links timesheet pt Criar novas ligações
delete this entry timesheet pt Eliminar este registo
edit this entry timesheet pt Editar este registo
empty if identical to duration timesheet pt vazio se for igual à duração
end timesheet pt Fim
entry deleted timesheet pt Registo eliminado
entry saved timesheet pt Registo guardado
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet pt Erro ao eliminar o registo!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet pt Erro ao guardar o registo!!!
existing links timesheet pt Ligações existentes
general timesheet pt Geral
last modified timesheet pt Última modificação
last month timesheet pt Último mês
last week timesheet pt Última semana
last year timesheet pt Último ano
leave it empty for a full week timesheet pt Deixar vário para uma semana interira
links timesheet pt Ligações
no details timesheet pt Sem detalhes
permission denied!!! timesheet pt Permissão negada!!!
price timesheet pt Preço
quantity timesheet pt Quantidade
save & new timesheet pt Guardar e criar novo
saves the changes made timesheet pt Guarda as alterações efectuadas
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet pt Guarda este registo e adiciona um novo
select a price timesheet pt Seleccione um preço
select a project timesheet pt Seleccione um projecto
start timesheet pt Início
sum %1: timesheet pt Sum %1:
this month timesheet pt Este mês
this week timesheet pt Esta semana
this year timesheet pt Este ano
timesheet common pt Folha de tempo
unitprice timesheet pt Preço por unidade
view this entry timesheet pt Ver este registo
week timesheet pt Semana
yesterday timesheet pt Ontem
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet pt A sua base de dados NÃO está actualizada (%1 vs. %2). Por favor, execute a %3configuração%4 para actualizar a sua base de dados.

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet ru 2 месяца назад
2 years ago timesheet ru 2 года назад
3 years ago timesheet ru 3 года назад
actions timesheet ru Действия
all projects timesheet ru Все проекты
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin ru Оба: позволяет использовать Управление проектами и свободные названия проектов
by timesheet ru к
create new links timesheet ru Создать новые ссылки
creating new entry timesheet ru создание новой записи
delete this entry timesheet ru Удалить эту запись
edit this entry timesheet ru Редактировать эту запись
empty if identical to duration timesheet ru пусто, если идентично длительности
end timesheet ru Конец
entry deleted timesheet ru Запись удалена
entry saved timesheet ru Запись сохранена
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet ru Ошибка при удалении записи!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet ru Ошибка при сохранении записи!!!
existing links timesheet ru Существующие ссылки
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet ru Экспорт в электронную таблицу OpenOffice
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet ru Экспортирует записи в файл CSV. CSV означает 'Значения, Разделенные Запятыми'. Однако, в закладке опции вы можете также выбрать другие разделители.
field must not be empty !!! timesheet ru Поле не должно быть пустым !!!
full: use only projectmanager admin ru Полный: использовать только Управление проектами
general timesheet ru Общий
last modified timesheet ru Последнее изменение
last month timesheet ru Прошлый месяц
last week timesheet ru Прошлая неделя
last year timesheet ru Прошлый год
leave it empty for a full week timesheet ru Оставьте незаполненным для всей недели
links timesheet ru Ссылки
no details timesheet ru нет подробностей
no project timesheet ru Нет проекта
none: use only free project-names admin ru Пусто: использовать только свободные названия проектов
or endtime timesheet ru или Время окончания
permission denied!!! timesheet ru Доступ запрещен!!!
price timesheet ru Цена
projectmanager integration admin ru Интеграция Управления проектами
quantity timesheet ru Количество
save & new timesheet ru Сохранить и добавить новый
saves the changes made timesheet ru Сохраняет внесенные изменения
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet ru Сохраняет эту запись и добавляет новую
select a price timesheet ru Выбрать цену
select a project timesheet ru Выбрать проект
show a quantity sum (eg. to sum up negative overtime) admin ru Показывать суммарное количество (напр. для суммирования перерасходов времени)
start timesheet ru Старт
starttime timesheet ru Время начала
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet ru Время начала должно быть перед временем окончания !!!
sum %1: timesheet ru Сумма %1:
this month timesheet ru Этот месяц
this week timesheet ru Эта неделя
this year timesheet ru Этот год
timesheet common ru Табель учета времени
timesheet csv export timesheet ru Экспорт Табеля в CVS
timesheet openoffice export timesheet ru Экспорт Табеля в OpenOffice
unitprice timesheet ru Цена за единицу
view this entry timesheet ru Показать эту запись
week timesheet ru Неделя
yesterday timesheet ru Вчера
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet ru Ваша база данных устарела (%1 вместо %2), пожалуйста, запустите %3Установку%4 чтобы обновить вашу базу данных.

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet sk 2 mesiace späť
2 years ago timesheet sk 2 roky späť
3 years ago timesheet sk 3 roky späť
actions timesheet sk Akcie
all projects timesheet sk Všetky projekty
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin sk Obidvoje: povoliť používanie Projektovníka a voľné názvy projektov
by timesheet sk (kým)
create new links timesheet sk Vytvoriť nové odkazy
creating new entry timesheet sk vytvára sa nová položka
delete this entry timesheet sk odstrániť túto položku
edit this entry timesheet sk Upraviť túto položku
empty if identical to duration timesheet sk prázdne, ak sa zhoduje dĺžka trvania
end timesheet sk Koniec
entry deleted timesheet sk Položka bola odstránená
entry saved timesheet sk Položka bola uložená
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet sk Chyba pri odstraňovaní položky!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet sk Chyba pri ukladaní položky!!!
existing links timesheet sk Existujúce odkazy
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet sk Exportovať do zošita OpenOffice
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. sk en
field must not be empty !!! timesheet sk Pole nesmie byť prázdne!!!
full: use only projectmanager admin sk Plné: použiť iba Projektovník
general timesheet sk Hlavné
last modified timesheet sk Naposledy upravené
last month timesheet sk Posledný mesiac
last week timesheet sk Posledný týždeň
last year timesheet sk Posledný rok
leave it empty for a full week timesheet sk Ponechajte prázdne ak chcete plný týždeň
links timesheet sk Odkazy
no details timesheet sk žiadne podrobnosti
no project timesheet sk Žiadny projekt
none: use only free project-names admin sk Žiadne: použiť iba voľné názvy projektov
or endtime timesheet sk alebo Čas skončenia
permission denied!!! timesheet sk Prístup bol odmietnutý !!!
price timesheet sk Cena
projectmanager integration admin sk integrácia s Projektovníkom
quantity timesheet sk Množstvo
save & new timesheet sk Uložiť & Nové
saves the changes made timesheet sk Uloží vykonané zmeny
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet sk Uloží túto položku a pridá novú
select a price timesheet sk Vyberte cenu
select a project timesheet sk Vyberte projekt
show a quantity sum (eg. to sum up negative overtime) admin sk Zobraziť kvantitatívnu sumu (napríklad na spočítanie negatívneho meškania)
start timesheet sk Začiatok
starttime timesheet sk Čas začiatku
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet sk Čas začiatku musí byť skôr než čas konca !!!
sum %1: timesheet sk Súčet %1:
this month timesheet sk Tento mesiac
this week timesheet sk Tento týždeň
this year timesheet sk Tento rok
timesheet common sk Harmonogram
timesheet csv export timesheet sk Harmonogram - export do CSV
timesheet openoffice export timesheet sk Harmonogram - export do OpenOffice
unitprice timesheet sk Jednotková cena
view this entry timesheet sk Zobraziť položku
week timesheet sk Týždeň
yesterday timesheet sk Včera
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet sk Vaša databáza NIE je aktuálna (%1 oproti %2), prosím spustite %3setup%4 kvôli aktualizácii vašej databázy.

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet sv 3 månader tidigare
2 years ago timesheet sv 2 år tidigare
3 years ago timesheet sv 3 år tidigare
actions timesheet sv Åtgärder
by timesheet sv av
create new links timesheet sv Skapa ny länk
delete this entry timesheet sv Radera posten
edit this entry timesheet sv Ändra post
empty if identical to duration timesheet sv Tom om identisk med varaktighet
entry deleted timesheet sv Posten raderad
entry saved timesheet sv Posten sparad
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet sv Fel uppstod vid radering av posten!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet sv Fel uppstod vid sparandet av posten!
existing links timesheet sv Nuvarande länkar
general timesheet sv Allmänt
last modified timesheet sv Senast ändrad
last month timesheet sv Förra månaden
last week timesheet sv Förra veckan
last year timesheet sv Förra året
links timesheet sv Länkar
no details timesheet sv Inga detaljer
permission denied!!! timesheet sv Åtkomst nekad!
price timesheet sv Pris
quantity timesheet sv Antal
save & new timesheet sv Spara och skapa ny
saves the changes made timesheet sv Spara ändringar
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet sv Spara och skapa ny
this month timesheet sv Denna månad
this week timesheet sv Denna vecka
this year timesheet sv Detta år
timesheet common sv Tidhantering
unitprice timesheet sv Pris per antal
view this entry timesheet sv Visa posten
yesterday timesheet sv Igår
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet sv Ditt data är inte uppdaterat (%1 mot %2), var god och kör %3installationen%4 och uppdatera databasen.

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet zh-tw 兩個月前
2 years ago timesheet zh-tw 兩年前
3 years ago timesheet zh-tw 三年前
actions timesheet zh-tw 操作
all projects timesheet zh-tw 所有專案
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin zh-tw 兩者:允許使用 ProjectManager 與自訂專案名稱
by timesheet zh-tw 由
create new links timesheet zh-tw 建立新連結
creating new entry timesheet zh-tw 建立新資料
delete this entry timesheet zh-tw 刪除這筆資料
edit this entry timesheet zh-tw 編輯這筆資料
empty if identical to duration timesheet zh-tw 如果期間相同就保持空白
end timesheet zh-tw 結束
entry deleted timesheet zh-tw 資料刪除了
entry saved timesheet zh-tw 資料儲存了
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet zh-tw 資料刪除時發生錯誤!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet zh-tw 資料儲存時發生錯誤!
existing links timesheet zh-tw 已經存在的連結
full: use only projectmanager admin zh-tw 完整: 只使用 ProjectManager
general timesheet zh-tw 一般
last modified timesheet zh-tw 最後更新
last month timesheet zh-tw 上個月
last week timesheet zh-tw 上星期
last year timesheet zh-tw 去年
leave it empty for a full week timesheet zh-tw 空白表示整個星期
links timesheet zh-tw 連結
no details timesheet zh-tw 沒有細節
no project timesheet zh-tw 沒有專案
none: use only free project-names admin zh-tw 無: 只使用自訂專案名稱
or endtime timesheet zh-tw 或結束時間
permission denied!!! timesheet zh-tw 沒有權限!
price timesheet zh-tw 價格
projectmanager integration admin zh-tw ProjectManager 整合
quantity timesheet zh-tw 數量
save & new timesheet zh-tw 儲存&新增
saves the changes made timesheet zh-tw 儲存異動
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet zh-tw 儲存這筆資料後新增另一個
select a price timesheet zh-tw 選擇價格
select a project timesheet zh-tw 選擇專案
start timesheet zh-tw 開始
starttime timesheet zh-tw 開始時間
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet zh-tw 開始時間必須在結束時間前!
sum %1: timesheet zh-tw %1 小計:
this month timesheet zh-tw 這個月
this week timesheet zh-tw 這星期
this year timesheet zh-tw 今年
timesheet common zh-tw 時間表
unitprice timesheet zh-tw 單位價格
view this entry timesheet zh-tw 檢視這筆資料
week timesheet zh-tw 週
yesterday timesheet zh-tw 昨天
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet zh-tw 您的資料庫不是最新版本(%1 vs. %2請執行 %3安裝程式%4來更新您的資料庫。

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
2 month ago timesheet zh 两月前
2 years ago timesheet zh 两年前
3 years ago timesheet zh 三年前
actions timesheet zh 操作
all projects timesheet zh 所有项目
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin zh 两者:使用项目管理和自选项目名称
by timesheet zh 由
create new links timesheet zh 创建新链接
creating new entry timesheet zh 创建新条目
custom fields timesheet zh 自定义字段
delete this entry timesheet zh 删除此条目
edit this entry timesheet zh 编辑此条目
empty if identical to duration timesheet zh 如果同期侧留空
end timesheet zh 结束
entry deleted timesheet zh 条目已删除
entry saved timesheet zh 条目已保存
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet zh 删除条目错误!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet zh 保存条目错误!
existing links timesheet zh 现有链接
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet zh 导出到 OpenOffice 电子表格
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet zh 从您的Timesheet导出词条到CSV文件。CSV采用'逗号分隔'方法。然而在选项标签您仍能够选择其它分隔符。
field must not be empty !!! timesheet zh 字段不得为空!
full: use only projectmanager admin zh 完全:只使用项目管理
general timesheet zh 普通
global categories timesheet zh 全局分类
last modified timesheet zh 最近修改
last month timesheet zh 上个月
last week timesheet zh 上星期
last year timesheet zh 去年
leave it empty for a full week timesheet zh 留空表示整个星期
length<br>rows timesheet zh 字段长度<br>字段行数
links timesheet zh 链接
name must not be empty !!! timesheet zh 名称不能为空!
no details timesheet zh 无细节
no project timesheet zh 无项目
none: use only free project-names admin zh 决不:只使用自选项目名称
or endtime timesheet zh 结束时间
order timesheet zh 排序
permission denied!!! timesheet zh 没有权限!
price timesheet zh 价格
projectmanager integration admin zh 项目管理集成
quantity timesheet zh 数量
save & new timesheet zh 保存并新建
saves the changes made timesheet zh 保存所做更改
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet zh 保存此条目并新添另一个
select a price timesheet zh 选择一个价格
select a project timesheet zh 选择一个项目
show a quantity sum (eg. to sum up negative overtime) admin zh 显示数量合计(如:合计超时加班的费用)
site configuration timesheet zh 站点配置
start timesheet zh 开始
starttime timesheet zh 开始时间
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet zh 开始时间必须在结束时间之前!
sum %1: timesheet zh 合计%1
this month timesheet zh 这个月
this week timesheet zh 这星期
this year timesheet zh 今年
timesheet common zh 时间表
timesheet csv export timesheet zh 时间表 CSV 格式导出
timesheet openoffice export timesheet zh 时间表 OpenOffice 格式导出
unitprice timesheet zh 单价
values for selectbox timesheet zh 选单数值数据
view this entry timesheet zh 查看该条目
week timesheet zh 星期
yesterday timesheet zh 昨天
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet zh 您的数据库没有更新到日期(%1 vs. %2),请运行%3setup%4更新您的数据库。