+ setup_demo gives errors under postgres
+ setup_demo can save special chars in the admin name
- renamed setup_demo into admin_account, as setting up demo accounts is the least used function of it
- fixed warning db::delete missing params, if delete_all was checked
- added "working" explenation how to create a db, user und the necesary rights under postgres
- manageheader: renamed Domain --> Database instance (eGW Domain)
- manageheader: added further explenation of the host-field for Postgres and ODBC/MaxDB
- the backup is independent of the used DB and can eg. be used to port an install to an other DB type
- autom. backup before upgrades of the DB structure
- installing backups instead an installation from scratch
- own backup screen in setup and admin to:
+ shedule repeating backups
+ up- and download of backups
+ creating and restoring backups