Klaus Leithoff
try to work around the php5.3.7+8 is_a bug/feature, approach with instanceof only
2011-11-11 08:34:48 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* email: apply timeout for connections for the waiting for data (while no response is comming in) as well
2011-09-29 10:22:30 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* GroupDAV/KDE: access with old (KDE < 4.7) GroupDAV resource is working again (client did not find any folder, because it requies full URL not just pathes in PROPFIND response)
2011-09-28 15:34:34 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* egw-pear: improve connection handling regarding the validation of connectionsvia expected responses
2011-09-21 09:24:18 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* WebDAV: fix for Netdrive to work correct with non-ascii chars like German umlauts
- unfortunatly Netdrive uses no User-Agent header, so we can only detect it on the absense of one
- we use now rawurlencode with replacing / and : afterwards, instead of the minimal version, which is the default
2011-08-27 10:53:55 +00:00
Ralf Becker
no find for depth="0" when copying a collection
2011-07-31 09:59:17 +00:00
Ralf Becker
updating own HTTP_WebDAV_Server to upstream version 1.0.0RC6: http://pear.php.net/package/HTTP_WebDAV_Server/download/1.0.0RC6
2011-07-31 09:57:20 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
support dparameters (structure part 8) for images while parsing the message body structure
2011-07-21 14:56:45 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
add authPLAIN Method
2011-06-15 15:32:36 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
handle PEAR error while cmdExamine: May be not connected.
2011-05-27 12:55:13 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
set default search list param to ALL, as an empty param causes the IMAP SORT to state that you issued a bad command (missing parameter)
2011-05-03 10:02:34 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* WebDAV download: switching zlib.output_compression off for everything but text files
- double compression of zip files makes problems eg. with lighttpd
- makes anyway little sense with other content like (already compressed) pictures
2011-04-05 12:59:54 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* fixed handling of + char in VFS filenames (using egw_vfs::decodePath() instead of urldecode())
2011-03-03 15:45:02 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
make sure keywords of parameters/dparameters are stripped of leading and trailing whitespase, as this meets the expectation later on. Otherwise keys in the parameters/dparameters structure may not be found/identified
2010-09-28 07:42:55 +00:00
Ralf Becker
added support for PHP running as (F)CGI (uses ORIG_PATH_INFO instead of PATH_INFO)
2010-09-27 07:56:02 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* iPhone and Mac Addressbook support aka Apple CalDAV/CardDAV autodetection
Addressbook does NOT allow to specify the URL, unlike iCal which allows it after autodetection fails.
This, some XML specifics set now for Apple addressbook user-agents and etags for addressbook collection itself
allow now to use EGroupware with iPhone or Mac addressbook. The later was working before, if you edited the URL
into a decompiled plist file, but failed now because of a new REPORT it tries on the principal, to find out shared
addessbooks, which we not yet support, but failed to tell in the correct way (501 Not Implemented).
Addressbook sync now the personal addressbook, because that is what we tell it as addressbook-home-set.
We should add some configuration so user can choose what addressbook to set as addressbook-home-set, or to set
the "all" addressbook (/addressbook). For the later we could add some prefs like SyncML to specify filters or
eg. a distribution list.
2010-09-25 09:14:28 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* updating API version to 1.9.001 and app version to 1.8
2010-09-05 17:57:47 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed fatal error: Cannot use object of type PEAR_Error as array, happening eg. if no or wrong credentials
2010-08-18 10:03:46 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
only try to fetch the bodystructure if there is a parsed response
2010-07-08 13:51:38 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
quitening message regarding BestUserMethod not supported byServer (enabled if you switch on debug)
2010-07-08 09:53:54 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Fix CalDAV issues
2010-06-29 09:21:41 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Fix CalDAV group attendee issue; various GroupDAV improvements
2010-06-27 22:17:23 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
check if the selected Method (if one is selected by function parameter) of Authentication is valid (suppoted by the Server), if not try BestMethod supported by server
2010-06-18 09:27:35 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Creating branches/Stylite-EPL-10.1
2010-06-09 18:36:13 +00:00