egw_cache::get_provider(Instance) no provider found (error instanciating provider egw_cache_files: egw_cache_files::__construct() server/temp_dir
--> made egw_cache::get_config_value public, so egw_cache_files can use it and for regular egw sessions read install_id and temp_dir together with system_charset, before calling config::read()
- sending EGroupware configuration (non-sensible stuff) to browser and make it available via egw.config(_name, _app="phpgwapi")
- sending link-registry in the same file
- used javascript file uses etag to ensure there's no need to load it on each request
- unfortunatly Netdrive uses no User-Agent header, so we can only detect it on the absense of one
- we use now rawurlencode with replacing / and : afterwards, instead of the minimal version, which is the default
- arrays in $GLOBALS[egw_info][server] are now automatically serialized and unserialized
- new static method to check if user is export-limit excepted
--> saves to query it on each request (for non-phpgwapi, which was already cached in the session)
- setting preferences on server via egw.set_preference(_app, _name, _value)
- enable calling of active framework / template class via using egw_framework instead of not known used framework class of user, eg. "home.egw_framework.ajax_func.template" instead of "home.idots_framework.ajax_func.template"
- defines a syntax to describe how the widget is build out of existing widgets
--> reimplemented contact-widget using that aproach on serverside for old etemplate
--> sending the modifications via etemplate_widget::setElementAttribute() to the client fails, because client does not support changing the widget type
--> need to be implemented on the client
- sending evtl. necessary no_lang attribute via modifications to client
- deprecated template->(get|set|disable)_cell(_attribute) in favor of new etemplate_widget::(get|set|disable)Element(Attribute)
--> options via sel_options are currenlty not working on clientside
- fixed tab widget to use id instead of label
- added attribute names for describtion (label) in xul_io, to export them as single attributes not comma-sep. as options
- added translate: true to description/label title
--> xet-files need to be dumped new, to get the tab-ids
--> seems like describtion value is translated unconditional, it should only be translated if no_lang attribute is not set or false, while label attribute is always translated (Andreas?)