Klaus Leithoff
PrintView (from compose) Make sure draftfolder settings from user-defined-account is checked (and applied if existing) before checking for draftfolder settings in felamimail preferences
2010-05-20 11:40:03 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
feature: preview allows now to open an attached messages download window, wich displays the subject of the message in preview and its attachments
2010-02-02 15:35:45 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
Backport of Rev28983: improve the parsing / cleaning of html messages
2010-02-01 15:35:53 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
better control of subject length and preview Header region, adding addressbook add action to preview
2010-01-25 17:17:17 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
rather big commit to implement the message preview (3PaneView); You must update felamimail, as the version numer is increased and new hooks are introduced
2009-12-11 13:15:17 +00:00 |
Ralf Becker
Created Stylite-EPL-9.2 branch
2009-12-08 08:39:43 +00:00 |