Stefan Becker
fixed some typos
2009-09-29 07:54:11 +00:00
Stefan Becker
added paramter to select, if sender gets also an email via contactform
2009-09-28 19:22:45 +00:00
Stefan Becker
added new Tag 6768NELF to avoid emty lines on rtf serial letters
2009-09-23 12:58:58 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
do not search in uid, while doing a 'global' search, as you cant see the field, and you probably dont understand, why you get extra rows
2009-09-23 12:17:26 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
enable search in extra colums, as it was broken since get_class() returns addressbook_sql for Addresses stored in SQL instead of socontacts_sql
2009-09-23 10:47:13 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
added the possibility to show notes in addressbook list.
2009-09-22 15:17:38 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Support iPhone specific TEL type
2009-09-17 20:26:56 +00:00
Ralf Becker
refractored addressbook merge class in an abstract class and an implementation for addressbook
2009-08-26 17:12:43 +00:00
Ralf Becker
docu update
2009-08-26 17:09:44 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Moved device specific supported fields to SyncML API.
2009-08-22 15:57:57 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
allows to limit contact synchronization to specific an addressbook and distribution list (thanks to Zorg)
2009-08-22 14:22:55 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Implemented ability to check for more then one right for get_lists:
@param int $required=EGW_ACL_READ required rights on the addressbook or multiple rights or'ed together,
to return only listss fullfilling all the given rights
2009-08-22 11:55:10 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"Patch from Jean-Charles Passard <jcharles(at)>: allows to use either uid or id to retrieve contacts
2009-08-22 06:28:58 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"Implemented ability to check for more then one right:
@param int $required=EGW_ACL_READ required rights on the addressbook or multiple rights or'ed together,
to return only addressbooks fullfilling all the given rights
2009-08-21 07:12:07 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fix for using GroupDAV with LDAP as addressbook backend"
2009-08-07 07:16:14 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fix for using GroupDAV with LDAP as addressbook backend"
2009-08-07 07:15:37 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"regular expression to fix garbled placeholders in msword xml format"
2009-08-03 12:06:59 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"- added existens check for ZipArchive class (RHEL5 contains zip extension without that class!)
- only fix zip files if php version < 5.3.1 (which claims to fix the issue)
- fix mimetype of msword xml format truncated to 64 chars"
2009-08-03 11:44:45 +00:00
Stefan Becker
changed handling of mimetype for other types
2009-08-02 12:32:39 +00:00
Nigel Vickers
add switch based logging to default file /tmp/log-vcard or if set to ['server']['temp_dir']./log-vcard part II
2009-07-27 07:03:10 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Reorganized the vCard parser to assign to datebase columns with to following priciples
1. Most qualified field matches EMAIL;INTERNET;WORK wins against EMAIL;INTERNET
2. First field wins (if vCard contains same field twice)
2009-07-22 20:31:15 +00:00
Nigel Vickers
Added logging
2009-07-21 11:23:58 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Parser ajustments
2009-07-20 17:41:15 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
if there is an & within org_name, org_unit and such, the add to org will not work, as the GET Parameter gets splitted by &; ADDITIONAL: if there is any export limit set, pass it on to the nextmatch, to be evaluated by the export
2009-07-20 12:11:05 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fixing an n_fn issue, (n_fn was not updated anymore)
2009-07-20 07:47:55 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Keep Field Order
2009-07-19 20:05:06 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Fix Funambol Outlook Client Issues
2009-07-18 23:02:31 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fix for bug: checking \"whole query\" sets number of rows to -1"
2009-07-18 15:17:41 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Support of Funambol Outlook Sync Client
2009-07-18 13:11:43 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Enable FN again
2009-07-16 19:40:02 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fix for invalid category ids, eg. delete categories
2009-07-16 16:05:40 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- merged SyncML-1.2 branch with trunk:
svn merge ^/trunk/addressbook@27378 ^/branches/SyncML-1.2/addressbook .
- re-added to trunk commits, which were somehow not in SyncML-1.2 branch:
svn merge -c 26581 ^/trunk/addressbook
svn merge -c 26582 ^/trunk/addressbook
2009-07-15 19:44:09 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"handling text/rtf as rtf"
2009-07-07 10:12:31 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- moved detection of implemented mime types for merge print to
(static) addressbook_merge::is_implemented($mimetype,$extension)
- documented syntax for custom fields
- some more mime types
2009-07-04 10:50:19 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fix for newest Funambol Outlook client: ignoring VOICE in TEL;VOICE;HOME and TEL;VOICE;WORK"
2009-06-29 19:03:43 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed not working custom fileds in Insert-in-document feature"
2009-06-29 13:27:13 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Fixed display of birthdays from addressbook on home page:
- dont display year, if calendar config forbidds to display of birthyear
- dont display them at all, if they are forbidden in calendar
2009-06-15 13:48:09 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fix for email addressbook popup: going to next page, readds already added email again
--> caused by using old global var in addressbook code, which is now a static var of etemplate object"
2009-06-10 08:55:51 +00:00
Stefan Becker
fixed wrong date format in rtf addressbook template
2009-06-08 19:48:26 +00:00
Ralf Becker
patch fixing many depricated functions (eg. posix regular expressions) and features, which fill up the error_log under php5.3 (and will no longer be available under php6).
Patch is mostly created by script in egroupware/doc/fix_depricated.php in separate commit.
I do NOT advice to apply this patch to a production system (it's commited to trunk!), as the automatic modified regular expressions have a good change to break something ...
2009-06-08 16:21:14 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fix for bug #2106 - Addressbook warning message when deleting LDAP contact"
2009-06-01 19:13:48 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"- fix for bug #2097 : Addressbook bug when filemanager is disabled
- fixed not working export limit"
2009-05-30 07:39:58 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"- opening popup centered
- using static egw::link()"
2009-05-14 17:11:17 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- added filemanager icon to index
- named tabs in edit 'tabs'
2009-05-11 06:47:38 +00:00
Ralf Becker
addressbook maintenance: set full name and file as in contacts of all
2009-05-09 07:58:16 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"- search($criterial,...) was removing critera with numerical key 0
- pending postgres bugfix (got no feedback from list)"
2009-05-09 07:57:25 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- moved get_addressbooks method from ui to bo
- fixed not removed '()' if org-name is empty
2009-05-02 09:37:19 +00:00
Ralf Becker
allow "settings" hook to return the settings, instead of passing it via a global variable (depricated now)
2009-04-29 06:26:04 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
njv: addressbook/groupdav work to improve groupdav compatibility
2009-04-02 12:31:44 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
read_calendar should return an array, as it is expected, and described in the functions description
2009-04-01 10:59:56 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fixing a problem with non numeric contact ids, while retrieving the distributionlist (reported by Benoit LORAND)
2009-03-18 09:31:11 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
making view typesafe, hardening view against sql-injection
2009-03-16 13:08:33 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
improving speed for the retrieval ov the distributionlists
2009-03-12 09:06:10 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"query account_lid (via accounts::id2name) only if it's not already in the data
without that accounts_sql::get_list without limit requires quite a lot more time and memory"
2009-03-02 11:40:28 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed SQL error introduced by r26581:
Column 'account_id' in where clause is ambiguous
--> happens if account-repository is in ldap"
2009-02-27 08:47:10 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"show only active account in the addressbook (only for sql account repository)"
2009-02-26 14:58:55 +00:00
Stefan Becker
"Addressbook is now able to print more than one Adresslables into a page. This is needed to print out Addreslables for a mailing.
New Tags $$label$$ and $$labelplacement$$ added.
Also possible to print out the County name, if it is not your own contry.
I will add a exsample to EGroupware demo page.
This is sponsored by Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen.
2009-02-22 12:24:24 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed error in docu (no real need to backport to 1.6)"
2009-02-16 08:00:40 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fixed bug with the multiple category adding (no category select dialog appeared)
2008-11-28 12:24:02 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed missing argument for $$creaed$$ and $$modified$$ placeholders, reported on the German list"
2008-11-21 09:25:16 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Big SyncML patch from Philip Herbert <pherbert(at)>:
- change the processing of slowsync, to use the content_map instead of
trying to build a new one. This caused duplication issues on the
client if multiple similar records where stored, because only the first
one found in the server-db was matched, These duplicate entries at client
side had no entry at serverside, so deleting the wrong one
on the client (the content with a valid map entry) could cause
unwanted data loss at server side, because it is impossible for the
user to see what is a duplicate, and what is not.
see also:
- reenabled UID from syncml clients, because it was partly used this caused
issues during SlowSync if the content was changed.
- infolog, calendar if a uid is found in the provided data, allway try to
find the corresponding content first using only the UID, instead of
using the content-id taken from content_map.
also fixed:
- a few fixes in ./notes
- creating an entry on the client that can not be imported,
(Example, Nokia E Series Appointment without a Title)
will no longer create an invalid content-map entry
However, at client side this is still counted in the Protocol as
2008-11-16 10:42:29 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"curly brackets are depricated in php6"
2008-11-12 18:05:19 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fix for bug #1805 : SQL error when searching mail addresses from fmail
Integer column etag was search with ILIKE '%@%' which is not allowed in Postgres, as theres no ILIKE operator for Integer"
2008-11-12 17:53:58 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- fixed url recreation for links (use ? for get-params, if no ? in the
- made bo_tracking abstract
- added default return null to bo_tracking::get_config and removed it
from extensions implementing no config
- fixed signature of get_config($name,$data,$old=null)
2008-11-08 10:37:52 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fix for bug #1355 : Addressbook view does not display link if an url didn't start with http:// or www"
2008-11-08 09:09:40 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Reworked GroupDAV and iCal/vCard handler to set 'GroupDAV' as product
manufacturer and the recogniced GroupDAV client as product name.
This way we are able to handle different GroupDAV clients, as we
allready do with different SyncML clients.
Also removed the no longer needed code enabling the use of the real UID,
as SyncML does no longer misuse the UID for it's GUID.
2008-11-03 09:36:20 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Big patch from Philip Herbert (Knauber) modifying the SyncML code to no
longer use GUIDs containing eGW's install_id, as the information is
irrellevant for SyncML and cause doublications of entries if the
install_id changes.
I plan to have a new rc4 Wednesday or Thursday containing these changes.
2008-11-03 07:44:02 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"get_rows should use all (readable) distribution lists, not only the ones the user has edit right for, thanks to Lluis Faja for noticing"
2008-11-02 07:10:40 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed multiple bugs with addressbook types:
- bug #1772 : custom fields for single addressbook types show in all
- removed template warning, if no template was selected
- showing type icon if available
- added "all" to type selection
- removed some weird doublicate code
2008-10-20 19:35:18 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fix for bug #1715 : Create infolog for several addresses fails
This was caused by the (only) clientside code, which could not evaluate
the whole query. It's now done on serverside, thought there's still a
limit of the number of id's transfered in the url.
2008-10-20 09:51:38 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"removed all special handling for SOGo connector, as it is no longer required from version 0.9pre14 on.
Thanks to Ludovic Marcotte from Inverse."
2008-10-16 19:51:29 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fix for bug #1739 : config for CSV export for non-admins is not working.
Reworked it not in the following way:
- numerical limit or total disabling (setting "no"), are only valid for
- addressbook has it's own value, but uses now the global one, if no
addressbook specific limit is set
2008-10-16 11:17:49 +00:00
Ralf Becker
default format for fileas
2008-10-10 11:25:35 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"addressbook part of Regis patch"
2008-10-10 10:55:52 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"removed n_files from search() as it causes doublicates, because the clients (eg. outlook) have different fileas options"
2008-10-10 06:28:58 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed not working delete for contacts in ldap, as reported by Bernhard D Rohrer on the English user list"
2008-10-08 15:28:37 +00:00
Ralf Becker
uiinfolog --> infolog_ui
2008-10-07 13:04:49 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"removed unnecessary include"
2008-10-07 12:24:15 +00:00
Ralf Becker
file_access hook for attachments
2008-10-07 09:05:48 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
addressbook::groupdav: fixing a bug regarding the retrieval of addressbook entrys with groupdav, (occurring when accounts stored in ldap and
addresses in sql, and the entry in question is retrieved via uid (as it is possible to retrieve a contact by bassing on an array as contact_id))
2008-10-06 09:24:42 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"feature request from Frank Becker, make AND the first and theirefore default option in extended search"
2008-10-05 06:16:13 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
addressbook_contactform: handle the submit, if verification math is done wrong.
2008-09-12 11:14:04 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"check for fileuploads and attach the found files"
2008-09-11 14:34:44 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed problem reported on the german list: copied address contains the original uid"
2008-09-11 10:48:13 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"Patch from Phillip Herbert from Knauber to support Nokia e51, e90, 9300 and funambol iphone"
2008-09-03 17:09:17 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
bugfix for missing search/cancel buttons in advanced search dialog
2008-08-26 10:40:20 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed bug reported by Phillip Herbert on the user list: addressbook view >> more phone numbers does NOT show the fax number"
2008-08-25 13:49:32 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed problem reported by Phillip Herbert on the devel-list: Mass move to private addressbook does not work"
2008-08-13 06:18:03 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed not working letter-search filter if DB is postgres, thanks to Larquère Laurent <llarquere(at)>"
2008-08-12 13:06:51 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
Some clients do not use uppercase charaters to name PRIVATE/PUBLIC class.
To be more fault tolerant change line 687 of trunk/addressbook/inc/
this was pointed out by Philip Herbert. Carl Knauber Holding GmbH & Co KG
2008-08-04 08:24:34 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Accept an integer parameter, as specified in function documentation. Used to throw an invalid argument warning.
2008-07-10 20:22:58 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed typo reported by Phillip Herbert <>, causing german umlauts and other non-ascii chars to be handeled wrong for eg. the e90 or kde addressbook"
2008-07-07 07:27:56 +00:00
Stefan Becker
"fixed is not array warning in addressbook display block"
2008-07-03 08:03:23 +00:00
Ralf Becker
suppress unnecessary update of uid (which overwrites an existing uid with the eGW default uid), happend for existing entries, if the uid was not given in the update, also removed etag increment, as so_sql::update does not longer call our save method
2008-07-02 15:28:52 +00:00
Ralf Becker
moved rest of the addressbook group-acl code to addressbook
2008-06-30 16:46:01 +00:00
Ralf Becker
use new hook facility to register for group acl
2008-06-27 10:04:05 +00:00
Stefan Becker
"Patch for negate the seaching in custom fields, starting with \"!\" "
2008-06-18 10:12:11 +00:00
Stefan Becker
"Patch for changing customfields in organisations, whan updating every member in the organisation"
2008-06-12 17:40:19 +00:00
Stefan Becker
"Patch for changing a empty org field, when changing all fields for all members of organisations"
2008-06-12 14:28:25 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using the new url, email, phone widget
2008-06-11 07:17:30 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix regarding the renaming of the calendar classes
2008-06-09 12:32:15 +00:00
Ralf Becker
no extra charset attributes in iCal for GroupDAV/CalDAV
2008-06-07 18:00:29 +00:00
Ralf Becker
new class naming schema
2008-06-07 17:45:33 +00:00
Ralf Becker
include next and last date in csv export and use same fields for nextmatch csv export
2008-06-05 12:04:00 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"upps forget to rename the class itself: fixed bug in csv export (class addressbook_csv not found)"
2008-05-23 05:56:40 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"addressbook.so_ldap --> addressbook.addressbook_ldap"
2008-05-23 05:48:05 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"addressbook.csv_export --> addressbook_csv, thank to Christoph Kaulich for the report"
2008-05-21 07:44:41 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed concatination of rtf files"
2008-05-20 19:23:51 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed 2 problems:
- new entry were not handled correct after the last commits (201 Created and Loaction header)
- cadaver reports entires as not found, because modified and contentlength were not set"
2008-05-20 09:02:16 +00:00
Ralf Becker
enforce a certain strength of uid, as some clients set quite weak ones)
2008-05-20 04:59:26 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed renamed addressbook_vcal, as reported by <kaulich(at)> on the devel list"
2008-05-19 11:51:21 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"dont send accounts via GroupDAV/CardDAV, if user choose in his prefs to hide the accounts"
2008-05-19 08:01:28 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"checking for different cases in the object class, as suggested by Nigel Kukard <nkukard(at)> at the devel list"
2008-05-19 05:34:11 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"- fixed charset for Thunderbird/SOGo connector
- using uid as filename to improve the support of newer SOGo connectors (>= 0.62), which require the server to remember the path they used to store a new contact
--> still not working reliable and causes TB to lock up
--> recommended is still version 0.62 of the SOGo connector "
2008-05-17 13:11:46 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Fixed some problems with the etag handling, causing an SQL error on
merging contacts, as reported by Johannes Gorschlüter from Stylite
2008-05-17 06:44:17 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"added missing uid attribute (for file / all and kde)"
2008-05-10 21:01:53 +00:00
Ralf Becker
renamed addressbook classes to use autoloading, was just a test to get
an idea about the effort - not sure I want to do that with all apps ;-)
2008-05-10 12:02:49 +00:00
Ralf Becker
First version of new CalDav/CardDAV/GroupDAV access for calendar and
addressbook (infolog will follow).
CalDAV is tested so far with lightning 0.8 and Apple's iCal. Please note
that both distinguish between iCalServer and CalDAV!
The URL is currently
2008-05-08 20:31:32 +00:00
Ralf Becker
use a cn given+family name, instead of link title for contacts
2008-05-08 20:19:20 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
enable roles in main addressbook list view
2008-05-07 14:13:34 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Migration LDAP --> SQL
2008-05-07 13:13:23 +00:00
Ralf Becker
bot-safer contact form
2008-05-07 13:12:33 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"- setting ldapLimit to 2000, which is the default of slapd
- returning personal entries as personal (and not private)"
2008-05-07 13:08:58 +00:00
Ralf Becker
optional check etag/optimistic lock on delete too
2008-05-06 19:58:15 +00:00
Ralf Becker
add missing (not used) parameters, creating warnings in error_log
2008-04-26 08:47:26 +00:00
Ralf Becker
small fix for the etag & uid handling of new entries
2008-04-26 08:46:44 +00:00
Ralf Becker
uid and etag (optimistic locking) for addressbook
2008-04-25 19:06:15 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using static methods for the hooks (you need to update addressbook or call Admin >> Register hooks!)
2008-04-25 18:59:00 +00:00
Stefan Becker
Add to create a new Infolog directly from the Addressbook with multiple
Addresses als Links
2008-04-23 08:22:22 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using iso-8859-1 for talking to SoGo Connector (0.61 works) via GroupDAV
2008-04-22 08:55:18 +00:00
Ralf Becker
2008-04-22 06:09:02 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed bug reported by Peter Goerzen and Nathan: deleting a contact from view gives error, even if the contact get's successful delete"
2008-04-22 06:08:01 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Fixed misplaced bracket causing forced default addressbook preference to be re-set to the current user
2008-04-21 16:11:59 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed warning if there's no col-selection yet"
2008-04-18 06:10:31 +00:00
Stefan Becker
"avoid $$fields in RTF Dodument instead of emty values"
2008-04-17 09:17:56 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed GroupDAV "charset prob" (non-ascii did show up wrong in KAddressbook) and handling of jpeg photo
I hope that works well for SyncML too
2008-04-16 16:05:48 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed photo handling as suggested by tolux <5408w1h2dkm3c7r(at)> on the developer list"
2008-04-16 04:37:05 +00:00
Ralf Becker
modified addressbook templates to use new vfs, it uses now templates in sub-dirs of the template dir too
2008-04-15 10:28:45 +00:00
Stefan Becker
Patch to use IF Statements in RTF-Documents Example "$$IF
n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.$$" - search the field "n_prefix", for
"Mr", if found, write Hello Mr., else write Hello Ms.
2008-04-15 08:26:50 +00:00
Stefan Becker
fixed small Bug in the serial letter function
2008-04-11 12:35:58 +00:00
Stefan Becker
Add an new feature to the addressbook. Put your Pagecontent/letter
between two Tag of $$pagerepeat$$. After selecting more than one
contact, you will recive an RTF File with one Contact on each page.
This is a possibility to print serial letters.
2008-04-09 14:59:55 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
another bug: if we dont order by cf's we dont need to extend the customfields by its tablename
2008-04-07 10:02:01 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
forgot the debug, and fixed a bug in advanced search regarding customfields, if you sort by a customfield
2008-04-07 09:47:01 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix for a sql error while searching and sort by customfield
2008-04-07 09:29:19 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"hide delete button for not stored entries, gives an error"
2008-04-04 08:14:30 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"- allow more then one cf filter, gave sql error before
- allow to combine lettersearch with cf filter, gave sql error before"
2008-04-02 08:42:28 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"query and display only selected cfs"
2008-04-02 08:24:52 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed typo causing cf's not to be displayed"
2008-04-02 08:24:27 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"fixed error reported on the german list, happens when contacts are stored in ldap (no distribution lists)"
2008-03-31 05:40:53 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed sql error reported by Uwe Redecker on the German list and got cfs as orga fields working (including multiselections)
2008-03-30 08:53:40 +00:00