If an entry which is opened by another user, gets saved by another user before the former commits its changes, the former user is notified at the
time saving the event and asked to reload the event and reedit. A link to reedit is provided.
Additionally there is a feature to inform a user that a given entry is opened by another user within a configurable timespan.
This feature was developed by Stefan Becker
- contacts as participants
- new participants view
- no more explicit view mode, event opens editable, if one has enough rights
--> if one is using trunk on a productive system, better wait 'til this had some testing
- Selectbox with groupmembers (only)
- No user-selection at all
These two options limit the visibility of other users. There for they should be forced and apply NOT to administrators.
- groups can now be selected as participants again
- groups need to have calendar run-rights, to be selectable in the calendar (as it was in 1.0)
- groups will NOT be enumerated as users anymore
--> new or removed members are taken into account as participants
- error messages: if no participant selected or startdate behind enddate (no more automatic swapping)
- pushing the version to 1.2
- if an endtime leads to a duration biger the the difference between day-start and -end, the day-end from the user prefs are ignored, else it would never find a free time
- using one selectbox for the duration with an extra item 'use enddate', to be more intuitive about duration or enddate is used
- selecting a fitting search-frame for new searches, not just one week
- for existing events, the own event is now excluded from the busy-time
- a warning is given, if the freetime search is called for a recuring event: Only the initial date of that recuring event is checked!